HomeMy WebLinkAboutBy-law No. 2004-112 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 2004-112 A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM AND MONERIS SOLUTIONS CORP. FOR DEBIT MACHINE SERVICES WHEREAS Section 8 of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c. 25 as amended provides a municipality with the powers of a natural person. AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham has accepted the debit card services offered by Moneris Solutions Corp. NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the Mayor and Clerk be and are hereby authorized to execute the Merchant Card Acceptance Form attached hereto as Schedule"A" and forming part of this by-law,between the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham and Moneris Solutions Corp. 2. THAT this by-law shall come into full force and effect upon final passing. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 16th DAY OF DECEMBER 2004. Ai 1 Ute/ MA iCLERK 08/15/2022 :. 16:01.. 18663938044 MONERIS SOLUTIONS PAGE 02 SccLule A k, 2.11_,0,,,D moo.Ila Moneris Card Acceptance Form Information we airs from M �u i on you,the merchant: (Please complete&sign the attached application) - Officer Code:CP Date 11-15-04 Method of Selling(percentage of total sales for each) Business Information Type P.tcentage Coy • Mi Ci.( C —1-14E Mail Order/Telephone Older I-1tni ICI PlyC.1J/ r,c 241\11-1411/4-4 - Direct Sang - 1QD Operating or trade meets: _ uu P _1-'! roc-240\M AO a-Coweneree Site adhes s� q 'PLAK/ 'f?Ol 121 Web site is for Advertising;stooges only(Le.you erg not tenting credit card re=nters via your Internet site or via arm City Prone Postal code - Description of products or service;sold ar KArr-a2bYiu r ai KIM NO TAS S - vtCE" FEE74 Telephone* Fax Al (AT1 L f.Yl E .4- (57C ) ,- Sap/ * I°.1 , Chargeback Past @Same es above ❑vie regular n nal d rears current ownership ❑Facie( ) - 154 Years Months Open Date i S'12.) I Faint. Legal Type of Business - , Web Address PRI); I`"uf i c'poi 1 `Y Head 41tic*Mailing -- 1'Biting Addres .r, Equipment Oeivey Type of Business Location c rho g3qq PL4Ne ?cAa3 STQA c‘2t u OV /.ICkT IVO - Information about owners,partners,officers or directors Person signing the contract: Other owner,partner,officer or director Name. Nannie: nn(l64 -dIcr d , . Home add Home Mew QQ4 1 WA-6, ''"� en* Province Postal code Oily: Province Postai code I ii 1 r 514 n` Ay irrleir- CAI tV574(3'- _ Hi teVc1lephone: Borne telephone: -api-1-5— (57q} 3 c.),5 Position: Social i steanc e* Position: Social inference* ne h3 of birth: ' Paroadege cameral* Date of birth: Patentsge warship: Have you ever riled for bantomicr 0 Yes❑No Have you ever tired for benlPtp°cy? ❑Yes Q No Martens Card Acceptance Form(10A11II0O4)-v3 Page 1 of 3 08/15/2022 16:;01 . 1.8663538044 MONERIS SOLUTIONS PAGE 03 Moneris Card Acceptance Form Mon rI The Monads services you are applying for. ❑ MasterCard Co Equipment Rental [ffierchant Na _ Officer coda:CP ❑ VISA O Wireless ® Debit Terminal Installation Delivery of transaction records No rge telephone.�rhd�tallation You MI use the following method b delver your transaction recede bus: ❑On.alte Installetion gee applicable-asdudirra 8101 anr,lreoal CI Draft capture 0 Paper based 0 Site Inspection Fee — $ in Draft capture!brought 0 e=lectronic Customer --- 34 Party processed' Access(ECA) Wireless Adivabion or eSELECTplus Setup Foe Fae Egianalion Amount INC downtime floor fiuhit Visa downtime Moor limit $ $ $ POS Transadian Fewfjlicahle) MasterCard $ 0. Noo-ratimdahle Adminb*ation Fee VISA Amount $ $ 50.00 i American&press $ 0. Debit $ 0. 10 POS Switch Fee Anmax>t oglarCarid Plans $ .Wl-----------11: Diners 1 EnRoute bnpdnler rental Fee par*stir r(wcudrlg saes)$ _' Drscawer $ . Regular-annual rental CI i Private law $ 0. Quantiequehrthorizetion 0 Pornble-purchase ElPlate ty °'' $ O. Starlit kit 1 ❑Oecicrtic Mommehis Gilt Card 1:1 MIe El Viso El combined ❑Paper ►+ FeeAd�aonal Sgh up Feu(per location) EQUIPIIENT RENTAL (all sees exclude applicable tom) 4 g d:Mond Loc5dorrs Veneris Terminal ToW Card qui Quantity terming! R Toni Card Fee $ 1 01-Counter 400 $$30.00 Rosh order Fee pt t p lel $ $ Merchant Direct Pirhpad Fess tS applicable) Monthly Fee(per location) $ Quantity +H rertl ie per Number of Locations $ Monedy Deposit Fee - Type Yordhly Fre(per location) . $ Acootmt Secvlce Package $$3.00 Mnnaria Care Srxmarianes Prom fin iiil78odl.hf 01/15/2022 56::01 18663938944 .. :MONERIS, SOLUTIONS PAGE 04 Moneris Card Acceptance Form p ,,,,,��y R roll v ii s Y Credit card Account ' r, — _ + C:Q 003 1 eig3 Merchant Nana% Officer Code:CP Transit Number I ;on Cods] Amount tl sthar .—. . 4"--0 BartleRe*Bank M elerCard Fees lAsa Fees . "OR(Merchant Disown(Rate) MDR(Aiterdhanrt Discount Rate) [j • r. I. ::.=: speak►) r Grp deposits g{, Grose deposits —7' � .� 'Mirrirttum Monthly MDR g Debit Card Deposit Account cif;is A _ _ Jv(Ve�iBedby Visa One.Time Fee) ®� 003 v>3 Transit Number J Institution Code I Account Number _Other Credit Card Fees O Bent of Montreal Royal Barks Rending Fee Chargeback Fee tip $5.O0 s 10.00 ▪Other Oon enoa Fee(applied to certain MasterCard Char Cs) $80100 Agreements &Signatures ane that-persona financial nd You agree and adtrloe+iedge thatnrelapse 1lnaeMt-info i hon our etre tes, strategic partners, `l4A creel agencies, other financial - from references pidedIf vis provide debit card services maw point of sale*mina to You,you r°A W • that peiSon; wiii be bound by and will Follow the Terms and Conditions of the Matteis . neon's Debit Card Convenience Fee Services and Terminal Agreement between Infamatlon .. •- ..‘, ,-. service providers, credit and debit you and us; r'� card antlers,credit and debit card is diit agencies end • if we provide VISA andla MasterCard serums to you,you etre be bound by f� oonrwa ed ss; and vii follow the Terms and Conditions of Mr McInnis VISA Mad"' o to pevestlpate potentially fraudulent or questionable activities Agreement ander your Monens MasterCard Merchant Agaement. You also regarding merchant account(s)or the use of ow services; acknowledge that wen though the Terms and Conditions we the awns for both agreements,you we entering Into a separate agreement for each cad 0 for repordng Papoes under credit or debit card association rules or tYPe; regulations and to credit and debit card issuers,financial institutions • We will provide the applicable agreements to you. Please ensure you read er other credit or debit card related entitles; the Terns and Conditions of the agaenments when you receive them es your o to offer related products and services treat might be beneficial;and acceptance of these Tamps and Conditions viii agar the rest time fleet you use or services_ If yaw*not receive any of the Tarns end Conditions, ° h' course en actual or potential sale, reorganization, please corded ow Merchant Customer Service Centre at 1468419- consolidation.merger or amalgamation of our buslnees; 7450 to request a copy; • in addition we may also colect,use and disclose personal Mrfarmatlon • each officer of your business who has sighed fila agrsemenl hes the when required or pmt by raw authority lc dao so; ,1 ,;, •,. Date(nri'�Ylvlvy) • unless promptlyadvise us otherwise by doling our Aiterthant Cusfatner . ..,` . : i, r Service Cents, you acknowledge that the irdonnation Contained 1n this . 4 . I Moravia CardAooeplance Fane is mus and correct; �d d� /a -/6— 9 • if you we part of a knifed Tine Promotional O8w and have soy fees vieirrmd,, -i—. and any of he appecahle weenie*are terminated prior to the es ity of lb F atm, you will be respreside for any previously valved fees and M Other principal or the business tate(n ddlyyyy) applicable fees for the reroaider of the arm; • d we provide a gin card service to you,you agree b follow the Mo ads Gat % -: 0?„/15/2022..:,...1.6!:01•:• -.1E3663939044 ,, : 140NEIRIS. SOLUTIONS Moneris Card Acceptance Form N fi r ' s Credit Card , ,. ..• Account , .;;.•.- u 0510eD 003 i dl i cI 3 Haim, Maw CP Merdiant Transit Number I , .. i on Code Account Number lt—E1 Bank of •P.*---' Rio__ y4l Baltic 1iltslerCard Fees Visa Few FJIDR(Merchant Discount Rata) MDR(Merchant Discount Rate) 0 •4: }. . _ specify) — 9ti maws deposits % Grasse deposits Debit Card Deposit Accowiti!f appUaabie) f+rliferBitfrrt Monthly MDR • $ No r-ries or e•Thne Feel $ J� ti01 l3 Transit Number Inditutton Code Account Number _per Credit Card Feel ^'' Barak of MontrealMoai RoyalBank Handling Fee Chargebadc Fee CIOthers'�AO s'IOAO Compiia'hce Fee(spored to certain Meetereard aharg l s) $$0.00 Agreements &Signattulres .. .. _ . . :_ = . You agree and adinoviledpe thatrelated .—_. . ....r.,1 Mendel our eluates, strategic partnem, �,k1Aam*aeagencies, other Mendel .Ni.. . references • i se provide debit card services alditol point of sate tomb*b you,you ;_ ee .. all be bound by and eat Fallow be Terns and Conditions of the Maeteris _,. . - , - - - _. •^ ss . , _ . Debit Card Convenience Fee Services and Terminal AGeement believe Information . t -- . 4. . service providers, credit and debit you and us; 110 card i cues,credit and debit card .._>•:.,•-• It agencies end I if vie provide VISA ardor MesfaCard savicee b you,you et be bound by , end wit wow the Terms and ConeRions or you Monads VISA Merchant o to Inve shoats potentially fraudulent or questionable act nurse Agreement a ndfar you-laoneais AtastaCad Merchant Agreement We also regarding merchant account(s)or the usa of our services; acknowledge that ellen though the Terns end Conditions we the same for bothagreemenb you we enter lg Into a sepwala agement For each card 0 for reporting purposes under credo or debit card association niers or We; regulations and to awn and debit card Issuers,financial institutions W:wit Weida the apptcebte ageemerts to you. Please ensure you read or other crawl or debit acrd related entities; the Tensa and Conditions of the agreements ripen you receive limm es your c to offer related products and services that might be benefciak end acceptance of these Tants end Condttans we occur the fast tnae baht you use ow ten/ices. of yayu do not receive sly of the Terms and Conditions, o in the course of an educe or potential sola, reorganization, please contact our INenthent Customer Service Centre et 14166.319- D0^aO�'debOb mover or amalgamation of our Dustless; 7450 to request a copy • to addition we may also collect,use and disclose personal information • crash officer of your business who has sired this ligament has the what required or pied by law. aul herity b do so; , Data(rmVdd►yyyy) • udess you ponce/adutse us Mortise by Coling our Merdhernt Customer , Service Centre, you acknoe$edlge that the kuforma`on =Wined in this A I. a .4w. f Monuis Cadlhooepteuce Fain is arae and mist iliketVMMIN.111. /a — /6- O y • if you ere pert of a rutted yens F orrhofiontl Offer and have why Fees weivad, ��� and any of the eppficable agreements we terminated prior to the ex*of is 1 `L..3�,si•. • term, you ad be ky any paevivusy y alved ban end M otherprincpel of the businnu Data(traddlyyyy) applicable fees For the ruiwlider of the terra; '6' , + • if we provide a gift card service bye you to foliar be Moonie fit ,'• , .= •lit "! ' . ../.7 /6-a• y Card Tame and(:ondrians. Pleaemirs P181190 ere that you have read Uses Wes ' ■,. i ar U and conditions es your acme of the Monads !fit Card Tams and Canddlorts v.*occur the first Erne you use or gtt card service: inlaneris authorized signature• Date • each person whose Kali is on this Monet s Card Acceptance Form authorizes us to use hinder personal information to respond to wry / #- _ / app lion nor our saviors and b provide err services as well as in the i l%.- .._ /• r‹.-04. Wowing ways: •• . . oe ourselves arrd Royal Bank of Canada and Dank ef Montreal Whole+ipp+icadle -• Mune ala Card Accshhhuse,Fnnw rinlail7Cndt4% -r1.,i...-3 _ .. p 6<•i.2 r-�p 1 c1 c,r 09/19/2822 13:36 18663938844 MORRIS SOLUTIONS PAGE 02 Moneris Card Acceptance Form MMoneTis Credit CardAccount ctM° 1Mt1 Transit Number Institution Coda Account Number 0 Bak of Montreal ` ❑ Bank Maderterd Fees Visa Fees MDR pAandmant Discard Rate) MDR pAerchant Discount ate) alts °t her pease spay) - % Moss deposits % Gross depDebit Card Account Minimum Mat*MDR $ 05102 003 1011923 VBN(Vinfadby-Yes One-Time Fee) $ Transit Number I Institutors Cods I Aaaourt Number Other Credit Card Fees - D Bank of Montreal! El Royal Bank — ling Foe Chargeback Fee I=1 Other ) La 5.00 $10A0 _ Compliance Fee(a tied to cam,IAaste c) $80.00 Agreements &Signatures .. . - :.. : You agree and acknowledge*sat related - -:. ,., .-i. from our affiliates, stlstegic partners, cue!* agencies, other - . ,. . . •- . from references • If we provide debit card so-vices stator point of sae laminas a s to you,you veli be bound by and ail blow the Terms and Catalans of the Motais o to facillate the provision of our services by sharing that person's Debit Card, Convenience Fee Savi*es and Terminal Agreement baboon information argil our hard party service providers, credit and debt you and ua: card*RIM,credit and debt card associations,credit agencies and ■ if we provide VISA MON MasterCard services to you,you all be band by senmFar parties Connected to credit or debt card servioee; and will fallow the Terms and Conddors of your Monads VISA Ghat o to Investigate potentially fraudulent or questionable activities Agreement ardor you-Malaria MasterCard Merchant Agreement. You also regarding merchant act—Gunge)or the use of our services; acknoa4edge that even though the Terms and Cowdflons are tie same for under credit or debt card association rules or both moments,you ate entering fhb a separate agreement for each cid 7 for reporting!aro mas iegtraeons and to credit and debit card issuers,financial inattudons ' or other creditor debt card related entities, • we wAl provide the applicable agreemerds to you- Please erasure you read the Tams and Conditions of the ageenterra sten you receive them OS yaw o to offer related products and services that might be beneficial;end acceptance of these Terms end Concitlaa will*car dna fast irte that you G in the course or an acral or poterdiai sale, reorganization, use rear services. H you do not receive smml►of the Terms and conditions, consolidation,merger or amalgamation of our business; please comet our Merchant Customer Service Centre at 1465-310- 7450 .165-3147450 to request a copy; • in addition we may arse collect,use and disclose personal Inforrnafbn • each officer of your business who has stored this agreement has the when required or permitted by taw authority to db sot . 7t,714:9776,1s_ Dale(rarladhn'�')• you p oly►ad Ise us ogmendse by earwig oar intendantC tomer Serviceenvioe Cre. frau adcnaratedpe that Mea 14amab t contained n this n_ - e/_ ,,_..,.00.5- mamas card Acceptance Form is true or deals:4 1 Print : /-.inn iC. • if you aro pert of a incited tens Promotional Offer and have any teas imbed, 1 and any of the amicable ageements are imitated prior to the expiry of its tee: tom, you WM be responsible for any prslousty waived fees and all Other p ino el of the business Date applicable tees fa the remainder of the term; ■ if we provide a gift card service to you,you agree to follow Vie Moneris Gift -f- ,...401_,.... , les _ Card Terms and Conditions. I leass ensure that you love read these tonins Wird Name:L'r C i4 Q/ - /Q- e9S and con3bane as year aeamptance of ire Monists Gift Cord Teams and 77tte•. C h Conditions why occur the list time you use bur gift card service: lllanetia auttior¢ed signature' We • each person whose Intonation is on this Moneris Card Acceptance Fam 9A) �/� sub.-J.3 us b toe iusltwr persons! irican ban to nsepond b any •pT applrnrion for our savloes and to grounds ow servkes as wet as in the • or ornsetwea and Royal sank of Caned.and Bankif Mantr.er ways:forboing wears applicorre 1, t_Yi�xF1� !ALLARD, Ct.ERK of 6aylnatns o` 1.,,. r _ •7.1 et the Municipally Mnnni ii Card AccPMarrram t nnrh 11711019ttOL1 a certified true•ccp - w