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By-law No. 2023-095
THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 2023-095 BEING A BY-LAW TO ESTABLISH AND REQUIRE THE PAYMENT OF RATES AND FEES WHEREAS Section 391 of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, as amended, provides for a municipality to pass by-laws imposing fees or charges on any persons for services or activities provided or done by or on behalf of it, for costs payable by it for services or activities provided or done by or on behalf of any other municipality or local board, and for the use of its property including property under its control; AND WHEREAS Section 69 of the Planning Act R.S.O. 1990, c. P. 13 as amended provides that a municipality may establish a tariff of fees for the processing of applications made in respect of planning matters; AND WHEREAS Section 7 of the Building Code Act, 1992, S.O. 1992, as amended authorizes a municipal Council to pass by-laws concerning the issuance of permits and related matters; AND WHEREAS the Council of The Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham has adopted a 2023-2026 Community Strategic Plan; AND WHEREAS a primary initiative contained within the 2023-2026 Community Strategic Plan is to "Investigate options for moving services to full cost recovery"; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM ENACTS A BY-LAW AS FOLLOWS: 9, THAT "Schedule A" hereto, which forms part of this by-law, sets out the rates and fees of the Municipality of Bayham for the activities and services enumerated therein; 2. THAT the rates and fees established in this by-law shall be due and payable in full; 3. THAT the rates for Full Cost Recovery items and the rates associated with a current rate from an external organization, such as the MTO or OPSS, will be established by incorporating either the staff, capital and overhead rate(s) required to provide the service, or the applicable billable rate or invoice amount provided to the Municipality for the service(s) rendered; 4_ THAT the Fee component of any item requiring both a Fee and Deposit shall be non-refundable upon provision of the service requested; 5. THAT the Deposit component of any item requiring both a Fee and Deposit shall be funded prior to the provision of the service requested and may not be returned in full if costs of service surpass what is covered by the Fee; 6, THAT the fees contained in this by-law shall be adjusted annually in accordance with the October Ontario Consumer Price Index (CPI) or Building Construction Price Index (BCPI), as deemed appropriate, without having to formally amend the by-law; 7. THAT any discrepancies or applicability of this by-law be determined by the Treasurer or designate; 8. THAT any other rates and fees adopted elsewhere and not contained herein remain applicable; 9. THAT this by-law take effect on January 1, 2024; 10. AND THAT By-law No. 2019-025 and all amendments be repealed as of January 1, 2024. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 21St DAY OF DECEMBER 2023. MAYOR CLERK CATEGORY ITEM I FH Admin - Photocopying _ per page - black & white 8.5xl1 or 15 per page - black & white 11x17 per page - coloured 8.5xl 1 or 15 $0.75 $1.00 $2.00 per page - coloured 11x17 $2.50 fax $1.00 er a e - GIS ma s & laps 8.5x11 _ $7.00 per page - GIS maps & plans 11x17 $11.00 _ $25.00 cim!y of zoning by-law _ copy of official plan $35.00 _ Admin - Culture and Tourism Councils & Historic Highlights + 5% HST 53.64 Ba ham Memories & Milestones + 5% HST $12.00 Municipal Key Fobs $2.00 Discover Ba ham Mugs $5.00 Admin - Lottery Lottery Licence 3 % of cash value of all prizes ($10 minimum feel _ $5.00 Admin -Freedom of Information FOI Application F©I Additional Charges $7.50/15 min of leach and review of documents, photocopying $0.20/ a e Admin - Miscellaneous Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario Municipal Information Form $25.00 Pre aration Re istration or Dischar e of A reemenUlnterest Fee $500.00 Ontario Power Authority Fee in Taniff Support Resolution $400.00 Blue Box HST $10.00 County Ma $3.00 Municipal Pins First 15 pins free, each additional $1.00 maximum 25 pins unless special approval) Commissioning of Affidavits $20.00 senior pension forms exem Certification of Documents $20.00 Livestock Valuer $150.00 Refreshment Vehicle Licence $500.00 Kennel Licence first time $250.00 Kennel Licence renewal $200.00 Animal Rescue Facility (First time $150.00 Animal Rescue Facili renewal $100.00 $2.00 Garbage Tags By-law Gnforcement By-law Exemption Request $50.00 Noise Exemption _ 55GOG Cost Recovery + $100.00 Per Hour Remedial Action Fee Zoning Enforcement Compliance Date Extension Application Fee $100 Per Month Requested Lot Maintenance Extension Fee $30.00 $100.00 $100.00 $500.00 _ Lot Maintenance Final Notice Fee By-law Enforcement Order Property Standards Appeal treesrxy. _ Tax Certificate $75.00 Zoning Certificate 13uildinij Work Order $75.00 $75.00 Drainage Work Order $75.00 By-law/Fire Services Order $75.00 NSF Payment Fee $35.00 _ Tax Sale Registration Process i Full Cost Recovery + $100.00 Planning Services Offical Plan Amendment Application $2492.00 plus $1000 deposit Zoning By-law Amendment Application $2492.00 plus $1000 deposit Temporary Use Zoning By-law $1,000 plas $1,000 deposit Tenkporajy Use Zoning By-law Renewal $500 plus $1,000 deposit $500.00 plus $1,000 de osit Zoning Amendment to Remove Holdiryp Minor Variance Application $1074.00 plus $1000 deposit Site Plan Application/Agreement $1409.00 plus $1000 deposit Site Plan Agreement - properties with accumulative commercialTindustriallinstitutional building area of 150 rn2 or less $250.00 plus $250.00 deposit Site Plan Agreement Amendment $500 plus $500 deposit Development A reement $1,000 plus $1,000 deposit plan of Subdivision Application $2606.00 plus $6000 deposit Defense of Local Planning Appeal Tribunal 3, ' 000-00 deposit - full cost to applicant Planning Report $1000.00 Consent Application Clearance letter $100.00 Planning Si na e - Install and Remove $150.00 Third Party Review Fee 50.00+actual cost Mandatory Preconsult $811.00 plus $300 deposit Zoning By-law - Section 4.12 Temporary Use Fee $10,000.00 Security Deposit $1000.00 Development Agreement Water/Wastewater Change of Occupancy • New Account Charge $50.00 Add to Tax Roll $50.00 Late Pa ment Char e 5% Sewer Connection Permit $280.00 Sewer Connection Ins ection $180.00 Water Connection Permit $280.00 Water Connection Inspection $180.00 Ontario OneCall Relocate/Remark +HST $200.00 Water Meter- Residential (including dual checkvalve, inspection, meter tad and ball valve $790.45 Water Meter Register $475.00 Water Meter Register for Pit Application $534.00 Dual Check Valve $48-95 Water Meter Bottom Plate with Gasket $25.00 Water Meter Non -Residential Dual Check Valve Non -Residential Full Cost Recovery Full Cost Recove Water Meter Test Full Cost Recoverkr Water Shut off/on Water meter pit with radio antenna lid and associated couplers/adaptors $110 + current OPSS pickup truck rate $1,855.00 Public Works Road Access Permit MVC Res onse Other Emergencies Response 13180.00 Current MTO Rate Current MTO Rate Nuisance Calls Debris on Road Current MTO Rate Public Works- Civic Addressing Application Blade, Post, Installation Replacement Blade Only $435.00 $75.00 Replacement Post 0 $30.00 Public Works -Over Dimensional Load Permit Single Use $200.00 Annual _ $500.00 MVC Response Fire Services Current MTO rate for pumper, rescue & tanker Other Response Current MTO Rate a _ Burn Permit $50.00 per calendar year Cost Recovery - Foam Full Cost Recover Fire Report - Post Fire $100.00 Fire Inspection - Real Estate - Minimum 2 hours $75.00/1hr Fire Safety Plan Review $100.00 Illecial or unauthorized fire Lincluding arson FuH Cost Recoverr Hazardous Materials Clean-up (as per Environmental Protection Act, RSO 1990 Full Cost Recovery Fire Response Fees (Indemnification Technology Municipal Act) Current MTO Rate Fireworks - review application and ins ectio 75.00/hr Marine Museum & Lighthouse Entrance Fees Under 12 years Free Adults 13+ Adults {13+j $3.00 per person one site $5.00 per person for both Marine Museum & Li hthouse Forkilry $8.00 perfamil one site Family $12.00 per family for both Marine Museum & Lighthouse Museum Admission - School Groups $4-00 per Student Museum Admission - Adult Groups 10 or more $4.00 per person both sites Facility Rentals FEE HST TOTAL Straffordville Community Centre - Main Hall Mon • Thurs & Sunday Rental $300.00 $39.00 $339.00 Fri & Sat Rental $400.00 $52.00 $452.00 Damage Deposit $350.00 $45.50 $395,50 Meetings up to 3 Hours $150.00 $19.50 $169.50 Additional hours $30,00 $3.30 $33.30/hour Funerals $75.00 $9.75 $84.75 Straffordville Community Centre - Trackless Lounge Meetin s up to 3 Hours $75.00 $9.75 $84.75 Additional hours Rental $30.00 $3.30 $33.30/hour Straffordville Pavillion $60.00 $7.80 $67.80 Ball Diamonds Rental - League $15.00 $1.95 $16.95 Rental -Casual $25.00 $3.25 $28.25 Addkional Costs Additional Cleaning/other services Cost Recovery WA Cost Recovery Key Fee (refundable after function $100.00 N/A $100.00 . Faihn,q to vacate by 2:00 a.m. $50/half hour h $50/half hour Deposit non-refundable 50 % of rental fee Building Fees Agricultural Permit Fees Fee Adder Units Farm Buildings - new - up to 10,000 sq ft $150.00 $0.43 sq ft Farm Buildings - new - over 10,000 sq ft $4,450.00 $0.37 sq ft Farm Buildings - addition - up to 10,000 sq ft $150.00 $0.43 sq ft Farm Buildings - addition - over 10,000 sq ft _ $4,450.00 $0.37 sq ft Farm Buildings - renovations $150.00 $10.45 $OOOcv Manure Tanks $150.00 $10.45 $OOOcv Grain Bins $150.00 $10.45 $OOOcv Silos $150.00 $10.45 $OOOcv Bunker Silos $150.00 $10.45 $OOOcv Kilns $200.00 Flat Rate Corn Cribs $200.00 Flat Rate Grain Dryers $150.00 $10.45 $OOOcv Industrial, Commercial & Institutional ICJ Permit Fees _Fee $150.00 Adder Units I C I Buildings - new - up to 10,000 sq ft $0.92 s ft I C I Buildings - new - over 10,000 sq ft $9,350.00 $150.00 $0.92 $0.92 sq ft ,,q ft I C I Buildings - addition - up to 10,000 sq ft C 1 Buildings - addition - over 10,000 sq ft $9,350.00 $0.92 sq ft I C I Buildings - renovations $150.00 $10.45 $OOOcv Fee Adder Units Residential Permit Fees Residential Dwellings - new- up to 1,500 sq ft $1,500.00 $0.00 Sq ft Residential Dwellings - new - over 1,500 sq ft $1,500.00 $0.92 $0.50 sq ft Accessory Buildings - up to 300 sq ft $300.00 $300.00 Flat Rate sq ft Accessory Buildings - over 300 sq ft Garage - attached to new home $0.44 sq ft Garages, carports, etc - up to 300 sq ft $150.00 Flat Rate Garages, carports, etc - over 300 sq ft $300.00 $0.50 sq ft Renovations $150.00 $10.45 $OOOcv Decks, ramps & wood stoves $294.00 Flat Rate Lot Grading Plan Deposit $1 000.00 refundable Occupancy Permit within 2 ears $0.00 Occupancy Permit after 2 ears $294.00 Flat Rate Septic Permit Fees Fee Adder Units Class 1 - small $620.00 Flat Rate Class 2-3 - small $620.00 Flat Rate Class 4-5 - small $620.00 Flat Rate Class 1 - large $1,350.00 $1,350.00 Flat Rate Flat Rate Class 2-3 - large Class 4-5 - large $1,350.00 Flat Rate Leaching Beds $500.00 Flat Rate Absorption Trench $500.00 Flat Rate Filter Beds $500.00 Flat Rate $492.00 Flat Rate -Repairs Lot Assessments $100.00 Flat Rate $150.00 $10.00 fixture -Plumbing Swimming Pool $294.00 Flat Rate Miscellaneous Permit Fees Fee $186.00 Adder Units Flat Rate Change of Use Other'lns ections (as deemed by CSO) $186.00 $186.00 Flat Rate Flat Rate Signs Mobile Homes - as second dwelling on farm $186.00 $10.00 $000cv Modular Homes Temporary Mobile Homes (approved by Council'i $186.00 $0.60 sq ft $186.00 $100.00 renewal Temporary Mobile Homes under construction) $186.00 Flat Rate Existing buildings moved to a new site $186.00 $0.50 sq ft Additions to moved structures at move $0.00 $0.50 sq ft Additions to moved structures (after move) $186.00 $0.50 sq ft Permit Transfer $186.00 Flat Rate Tents - temporary/special occasion $186.00 Flat Rate Solar Panel - roof mounted _ Demolition Permit $200.00 Flat Rate $186.00 $300.00 $5,000.00 I Flat Rate Buildinq Permit Annual Maintenance Fee Municipal Property Damage Deposit