HomeMy WebLinkAboutPort Burwell By-Laws 1977 Port Burwell - By rd Laws oca J0,5, By-Laws # 300- 329 1977 1979 - fl - O \ 0 THE MUNICIPALITY OF VILLAGE OF PORT BURWELL Meeting January 10 ,1977. . Moved By .... That leave be granted to introduce By-law lax Seconded By -. . ----. #300: being a By—Law which will rescind By—Law #297, which was an addendum to By—Law #48. and that Bylaw presented herewith be read a first time. By-law read a i ?X time Oftl'/ Moved By ..."""`�-.. 'a .�'i. L.-• be read a That By-law now read a first time /�.f. second time forthwith. Seconded By By-law read a --.-.....0 "" ..— time //2.41 /li., Moved By .__N le That By-law now read a second time be read a third time forthwith. Seconded B�----1C..-/--- -���-'�--+r--`.. By-law read a __34_-ti . 41;" By �' ! t --'--'—'- thirdtime do pass, That By-law now read a pa , be engrossed by the Clerk, and signed and Seconded By- `/ . , , j i sealed by the Reeve. 61,,,„,-,4/ 1 le i / . 6 , , ! ��L'� BY — LAW # 297 WHEREAS, the newly elected Council of the Village of Port Burwell deems it necessary to rescind By—Law #297, which was an addendum to By—Law #48 on the regulating of the keeping of animals, under Section 354 Subsection 1, Paragraph 1, of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1974, to prohibit the keeping of reptiles. NOW THEREFORE, be it enacted that By—Law #297 prohibiting the keeping of reptiles within the Village of Port Burwell, is now rescinded. : 41 CORPORATION OF THE VILLAGE OF PORT BURWELL BY — LAW No. 301 WHEREAS the Corporation of the Village of Port Burwell has completed construction of an 1800 feet breakwall under the Shore Protection Works Program, AND WHEREAS it is mandatory that the Village apply for a water lot lease with the Dept. of Transport Canada, AND WHEREAS said lease documents have presently been final— ized, signed and sealed by the Corporation, AND WHEREAS the $100 lease fee has been remitted to the Dept. of Transport, Prescott, Ontario, on June 14, 1976, NOW THEREFORE, this By—Law is hereby duly passed authorizing execution of same, duly signed and sealed by the Reeve and Clerk. PASSED IN OPEN COUNCIL this ,;13 day of to r C i, A.D. 1977 . 4161/417/4t/ REEVE Clerk—Treasurer ii• ii ......11 ..N... ; THE MUNICIPALITY OF VILLAGE OF PORT BURWELL Meeting 2/t.i.1.,C1 ,k2. . ,19.7 7 Moved By C-€.Z.-e t....ez..--- 7,/ge/....7—t-t4.2..- mr3 0 /. That leave be granted to introduce By-law to Seconded Br-2-77.--e yi2 --e_22-17C-1='-- 0_ authorize the signing and sealing of the Water Lot Lease upon which the breakwall was erected. 46. and that Bylaw presented herewith be read a first time. By-law read a L,Q.1 time ,e, g41) ,,,),„, Moved By-- ..--C -4-V-4*-'CZ fe4- That By-law now read a first time be read a second time forthwith. Seconded By _...::- 1- '44Ig- la __e4- 1:?-•-:-______......_. , / By- w read a 12..22. time 4 gi 4 , ,, Moved By j That By-law now read a second time be read a third time forthwith. Secomded By —._.-...CZTILdeif.=7.4i..Z1............. Bf-law read a 3.14 dm. 60A4:141 giipd ,,,,A,,,_ Moved By je:t....4-•' 44-5.,,,-,... .eeda-- ....-- That By-law now read a third time do pass, be engrossed by the Clerk, and signed and Seconded By .:_::-. .-- -...CC.—..(.7.-- .....d..e....=et--e • , peeled by the Reeve. (4A4/tL - ,g/ tv 1' ii ierJ2/1&_ - --ii -i-v. • - ,-7,-9,,r- 7- ..,- .7 7,, • ' . • - _tri., •-.,?". . , • .2-- , - -. s•h.,. - ' -', --,;fp 7' '', '?"'',"/,' -\- •..t- '4-.4 4 :=4.-A4 -, :7 ilit 2-' • -,,-->• - • ,. ' -.... .-.74(•Pir :.7.7 t.-.4.-..-tris:7.4 --L. ' 1'7-t-'•4$4.:1 447-11-,,,..4, - ..,, #1‘-. .-, '. - ,. #.4 -.;- ....---..= - ' --•-z*4;- ii. , - , . , 4 . ., ...., - .,,...g..., ,.. .,- ...:14-,i•- .::-.. . .4, -: . ..;...."*.'' -14.44113-,41, - -- -...__ 7:4---------- -'•-----. . '-"'"..., _-_:':'''' -4t7-:-:Z.. -:-7.-:-.-,---..'-_,- . -s_.-_'.-_,.''''., -....--,---,:-11•07 ..:',4....1-or,_-1..r_ -- --.- - --*, L.....,4k-f-4-0--4-.5 . • -. "4-, . - 4 6•• ' ..--,*".[.•i'it..• V ,P -' I t.,... 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' '. •."t' ,::,r..••_.r...'` -•r-, ..•• ,. • :-.4i .. ,+"•`-..41--`. - ' Port Burwell,-,Ont.,;,,,:v . 4',...•.':::,;::: -,;.• ' --Ii.,•.: - -.4.....--' t4'.-,.4.-',04., ' Public Work Affected ' ' •••••i•• • -j\i„,..--iv ' rjer.„..-4Ar,:...,i,.T. ,...., ,,../..,..*...% . .y.i.i1,--...?, -- --.!.4. - • ,-,- ,--• "-. ,e,,,.. '-1-1- -., . 13.6 acres,4morekcor,51eS74ofirldIndn-iid land c.... Lands or Rights Demised - covered by the waters of Lake-_ErieibeinonLLotsit5,iigP, .ir,vt9 _alncl.?10,'..;•..fict'• ' , , „ -- par t.st f'.Lo'Cs' 12', •4,S 711 -andW15,TpartiroftsloPio ....... . .„. George St. , part of Lot%,11 Ccin-I.,:.el. andv,incl,F4"riPart.fo. .-, 7 1€.,v-tA S t ,_,,,‘ias,.tp.er,...; "-Reg. Plans •12 -and 197, Village of,To rt*II,B urvilr,10 •-., 1 to4b-eu.s.„edxa s T-14.•,-.17: '•,;-,.., •,, ' r ' .37 site " for the Lesseebreakwater. ...4...,-.0...,, „..,.-- '' , "•,,,, 3",.,4•;.....„....,joir.11- - .. 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Rental: Payable ,..C.,.... . , '-", ..........3"•-'.1" .7" 4 Departmental ReferenceI • Trie Nu 9602-1490' Vol. 11-rf • ... -- , -.e..;• .... ..- --. 1.- ,, _ ALA. - .a........---- - ---,-, •••*6-.•-- 4.•• .- c• • i ME MORANDP:I''..',":--t* .g. ,. .... • •,..- r'itke,,&,*- ' -"r 2'' ' •--'-':•414-;4'e-.4. • ''tT"' .c ,‘".';tr.ik.-e3--ir-VN:.7--1-.;P7.4"-....14.-.'i.2..t...•-:V,.•.,"."e,2...3,•.•/'.-- )•-1 f-"-.--- ••.-1-,''.e'.•'",1•,-$••/.,.4 _-.t.•i.•.•k••,•i•rt-'•-i•-.'..':•.r.. •.,'1;-.'2.%...:.,t'•:•4.''t1';•1'',.,7••.•.....:.'........t-.''-• .•.tr'.''"'-•.,.•.•.,.4':.'sVd•..4.-.t"i..,;„a"'.''..,.li•.-tc,l,0.44i'• Pk,.4...„,•,,•.-.;A.,.4.i.--",1.I.,.-•A '-•.-';•.?-••,07`-•"1-''4-...,:--.T41k,.0,,4.4.1•.‘'•i,',• . 04 ki ,i4e4 , . N ; -01 • "‘'.'-.'-P••'',-p,I.''••f•-m,,-;•-.*....'7 _:.-,',-"Tt-..^"-3' •: '. . O., .'''••••r1.- '''•,• e ' • . t• :41,A•-•• •.:..' , 3-.2. . . -- .3-rr.-.43•:•• '4:-•'-'4%,,..* V;•. -,41.-3 i' 'fIllr'' ::%.-1 ek..A.' ''' .::*4.. :,;"-• 1-:;....... .. 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' e....).. .,..;;.. `.• fig/ TO HAVE and TO HOLD the said land -;� unto the Lessee,from and after the first day of July , • one thousand nine hundred and Seventy-mix, for a term or period of a... f five (3) years and thea telly to be complete and faded, . 1 : p renewable as hereinafter provided. , YIELDING and PAYING therefor, invariably in advance, on the first 1 day of July in each year, during the currency of this Lease, unto the Lessor, 1-• 1 through the Honourable the Receiver General of Canada for the time being,the yearly rent i or sum ofotos sourooto Nr pp N . . - . - . (S 100.00). of lawful ° `` money of Canada, the first payment of which rent, being for the year commencing on • - the tiist day of July. , - 19,76 having been made at or • immediately before the delivery of these Presents,the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged. i It is agreed that the word"Lessor"when used herein shall mean the Sovereign and shall include the Successors and Assigns of the Sovereign; the word "Leasee" or other words relative thereto, or of like import, shall mean and include, irrespective of gender or num- y ber, the party or parties of the second part as above designated or described, and their i or any of their executors, administrators, successors or assigns; the word "Minister" shall mean the person bolding the position,or acting in the capacity, of the Minister of Trans- port, for the time being, and shall include the person holding the position, or acting in the capacity, of the Deputy Minister of Transport, for the time being; the words Dire'..far,shall mean the Chief, Harbours and ' Ports Y!--+Tfor the time being, of the Department of Transport of Canada, or such person duly appointed to act in that behalf. And further agreed by and between the said parties hereto that these Prevents are {' made and executed upon and subject to the covenants, provisoes,conditions and reservations ' hereinafter set forth and contained,and that the same and every of them,representing and expressing the exact intention of the parties, are to be strictly observed, performed and complied with namely:— ` • 1.That the Lessee will pay all rental herein reserved at the time and in the manner in these Presents set forth, without any abatement or deduction whatever. • i .y l 2. That the Lessee will pay or cause to be paid all rates,taxes and aaseasments,of what- soever description,that may at any time during the existence of these Presents be lawfully • imposed, or become due and payable, upon, or in respect of the sold land +sig • ; , - , ,f or any part thereof. 3. That the Leasee shall in all respects abide by and comply with all lawful rules,rypdg- tio.,s and by-laws of municipalities and other governing bodies, in any manner affecting the mid Land. . . .. 4. That the Lessee shall not make any assignment of these Presents, nor any transfer or sub-lease of any of the lands, rights or privileges demised or leased hereunder, without • i/ obtaining the consent in writing of the Minister to such assignment, transfer or sub-lease. -e, \n1 V \ ... *I •j: ro •.--.:-•r- 04-0011 -•r-04-0011 f ..:q .11 n • 1 ..., . ' • . - ts. II ....,, • 3 • . .. . ,..q 3. That the ieseors„lem.sertemte or aetee. Shealy at ,,, ,- • all times and for all purpeees, ,have.full anCiPoolootoso to ' any and every part of the.seld lanai - ; 'II . • 44 That the said land shall.be used as a sits for the Lessee's breakwater (hereinafter.referred to as "the said .. iter') and the said,breakwater shall be used for erosion t • . ., : control purposes only, an .shall.be used for no other purpose -t or purposes whatever. . . . . , . . . 114, ,.'.4 7. That the Lesese,shall mot have any claim or demand 1 against the Lessor for detriment, damage, injury or loss of any nature whatsoever or howsoever caused to the said land or to any person or property,.including any buildings, structures, erections, equipment,' boats...materials, supplies, artioles, effects or things Wag' time:ereeted, brought, placed, made • or being upon the said-lande .unless such damage or injury is due to the negligees* of any.efficer.or servant of Ear Majesty . the Queen in right of. Canada while acting within the scope of his duties.or employment, _ . - !.. .. • . , S. That the Lessee.shall fulfil in' all respects the - .. requirements of Part X of the Wavigahle.Watemee•Protection Act, Chapter M-13 of the Reviled statutes of Canada, 1370, and • ..1 it is an express condition.of this Lease that no •Lsork" within • i the meaning of said Part X .shall be undertaken or constxuated •6 ..1 on the said land by the Lessee or.shall be suffered or allowed , ' CI • .,1 by the Lessee to be constructed thereon until as regards such ' work the provisions of said Part X shall have been fully cc.- plied with. . . ' P. That the Lessee.shall not oometmeet'Amt.ameekemy- • ' i ' buildings or other structureCom.the.SaiClaedVithout obtain.. ing the &movel of the bialetor, .Sl.nt.shewing the'dosign , . and nature of construction.of sudb.b idle or'structures and '. their proposed locatices, and.all.suelb.building. or strictures shall be constructed and themmatermaintained by aniVat the oost . and expense of the Lessee.to,the satisfaction of the Director. ,. , . . 10. That the Leases,shall note .during,the OMMO007 Of. this Lease, do, suffer or.permit to be done any act or thing ':.-It that may impair, damage or.lajure the said land, and shall, - 4 at the'Lessee's own cost and expense, well and sufficiently repair, maintain and keep inimod and tubstantial •repair the j said lend and all fixtures and things theretobelonging, or which at any time during the said tern_shall'he erected or made ., • by the Lessor or the pessee, All to tamveltisfaction of thn • )'-inister. . . . . U. That any inprovements made to the said lead by the Lessee at any, time diking the.ourreney of thie4segas, to maks the said land.suitable for, the purposes rogo0000cin'Claaee Eo. 6 hereof, shall.be at.the.rts4 oestOMMOIrmise of the Lossee ,spd"to the satistaotion:of:the*ILWOok ._. . . 12. , , That List any time or tAimeivdmximElOmie of this Lease say damage $oth. said land or any part thereof.from:am, canes whet0009.1jAr reason of or on account of thesperatioul,of the LeassealPtarleetion taken A or things done or maintained.by_virtne thereof, thiaisadrin every 1 ) such case, the Lessee shall, Liessediately upon native thereof from the' , . -:( •'.,'''.• • i.,- .. ... . . ,,,,...:./ - ' • • • "OW •• . .. . . . . . . . , • -,- • .. . .. • • • -• . ,,. .-• , -:;'- -••••-.. .w.r.-.-:, .-- `•'' .•:- t 's?'"'"'•,,,- '-"... .._.,:4,:,,*.•crp•44-' '' 1,44404,,. - 44e1A4.0p4p, „, 7 ,. . . Direat.or, given either verbally_or in writing, repair,_rebuild • and rectors the sans to the.entire:satisfairtion'of. ths Dirsator, . . • • .. or the Director nay, at his...option,,repair.sueh dmiagCor injury . ,..i,,,...2 ... • in which case the Lesseeshall,upon`.4,emmind forthwith repay and ,., • -reimburse the Lessor for all,oasts and expenses,eanneoted there... ". . . with or incidental thereto.,_._ ._ . . . . , . , . ,4e. •T'f.., .4. 13. That it is hariby,declared. and,this.hease is accepted , .11.- t• by the Lessee upon the express.condition, that.theloseee shall ',..4 zf have no recourse against the.Lessor,should the.Lessores_title to ..:!i.. '„, ',. the said land be found to,be„defective, ,or shsuld.these.Presents .. T, prove ineffectual by ressoa,of.any_defect.in.m20 title. 14. That this Lesse_is granted.strictly subject to the .-...: i -• right of Der majesty the.Moen,in right,of„Canaan,and/or the ••'-" ' ,•' Minister of Transport for-Csnada,to..grant.leases.or.liosnoes , . • ,..'. as the case nay beip .at any_tims„during.theantranoy of this . 1 , Lease, covering the right.and.privilege,or pernissionAo con.. ' *treat, lay, maintain and.operate.watermains.•sewers gas pipe. ,.., -i lines, oil pipelines. underground,transmisslion antteiephone '.,•' cables, overhead t,ransaiiision.and.tel,ephone.lines, .on, under, ,. . . . .,' ., i . :• over, and across the said land.without.interference. Iron•the ,..,7.. . Si... and the Lessee shall.not,,at any tine, during the cum. rency of this Lease, do anything..ox.cause or perch anything . . :.:• ! to be done which will in.any.way.interfere with the rights and 'Iti 5 . • ',. privileges or pernissioncthereby.granted. , • . - ,,, i 15. (1) That if, at the_expiration of the tern br.these Presents r• created, the Lessee sb&13.:Qesire.a renewali,of these Presents , :1 : • ,.. for a further term of five.:,(5) years, or aipi..lesses team, the , • !" Lessee shall at least sixtridays.before sub'expirstioni,;:„. : give notice in writing.olt4moh_desire.to the Lessor and if it shall thenappear that all:.rent-or.othes•sues.or_charges.'toe or ... , . . . • . . payable by virtue of these,Presents,have.been fully. peisk,and ;.. that the.Xmases his-an:1044-LesoseIls•;pert.:obispred ant performed .-. . all the covenants, provispeei,..eseditions,andLressrVatiOns::.in • -......•,::,..i , ,‘,'• these Presents oontainst,,the,Lessocsballgrentto tha•Zessee ' ..47t;','.''.'ts••1 !...• a renewal or extension:of..thisloase.fer.at.Sexther,tem not • -f. t i exceeding five (5) Yeexe,feo•mal.h0.44pulated bylithe;Lesses • •:, . in such notice, and in like...manner,.aCthe.empiratienof,. such 41. :. 4.0ond tern for a: third tern...of.five (5).-.yeairseA.arift4Viike'... '',..4.. nannar, at the.expiration.,of.sach.,thirditer5400.La'folurth•teim of five (5) years, subject.to.the.:covesents.40074.06a, conditions ,•_4; and reservations herein..centained,:exespt . hisweVerg.that the, . ..... . ...,. . rental to be paid during .eaoh.•seah r. ,slpsrLo4 :ueder• those. Presents may be fixed.anddeteartined..by.the4ItiniateL at:the. •. • . ..41, 1 time of each such•renewal"„at.any:ilteetor•ox othor-nto-than. . . . -. •harein reserved and.that:suath.last.mentioned 1:11MOW4:Um*" • 4 -., ,,,• , . ...„oti : shall not contain a clause,for.ftrther..or..othsx.rensielt and ....,--!, ,...• the.Leases hereby ert&c.a a &agx.sa.Ihut CaurVIreTieed . .. '2.', •,4 •-, rental 'shall be paid effeatiVe.as:of AU., ..,olr:.*Ctsimi •- •'''::::`,.. •; of eash renewal of this lassas.nnd.thai..any.•Ximfm4,.,paptent''nede .,i-X?, i after the expiration of -theAern_bt.theel.:MF00001,, 100001AMIox •-•4'; • - ..--.... .. . • after the expiration.ot anyAresews3..tonrooli4eakiii',Inewas other .• •• ,'. . than the •revised:anomnV". fixetant:detannineClimasealg.:101.f this •-••.- . as the (Natal payab/e.,..duringAraoklienewakkteriCahall:be ' i -, --0 - : ' -1. e„,:, :.. . •• .. , ::- • . . ., . - .. • , -,... •.,. ....r ' • , .. i . •.' • -•':1•1 .'.. -. ... . ' ./..!: .f.- ! • , ! • . ,- - • . ,• .: - ..•tt • . . . .. • . . . • .- : • . ::,S q'-`4 '''-. • . . . ' •• . -kir , . 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And no n000Ptanao of rent ,antbe qu *t ,• bib • or default, other-than''�!psyaest:of._rent, .mor asp'a�onioais}q, excusing or overlooking.by„ths,Laaser-as previous 000asioaa of breaches or default; -sjnilar.to,t hat for:Mbioh.re-entry is made shall be taken to operatives a waiver ofthis.osndtti n nor in any way to defeator.affect_the rights et the Lessor hereunder. XX =Tune 1D0, the parties,hereto have executed these Presents the dry cad_year-lust above vsitt _ '. 112420n, iisii- s An 11 IV r,by.. .) • . . • • `' _ . . the Lessor: in the presenes.•of,.. - ) . ) •• , = -:, , S. / asap, HEW=- D alo .by. , .) . / Iii the Leases in the presence.of+•• , ') _ . �.� a �_ JJ``.� � r) . a • age et X,. y* • .6� rJ ./ �t ', ,S -C2e,7,�z - ) Rnatareil tom! l/ 7C-70-J.-4‘144...4.4.4_,._40� • • •1 - '. '1 1) • ' �., ` ' . , .• Y . 5. 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