HomeMy WebLinkAboutPort Burwell By-Laws 1967Port Burwell B y� Laws By -Laws # 176- 212 1965 1967 16 THE MUNICIPALITY OF VILLAGE OF PORT BURWELL iT 204 Meeting ................... ,19.67... Moved By - That leave be granted to introduce By-law to Seconded By .� - ------------------- Whereas the Council of the Vill.are of Port Burwell deems it necessAry to borrow up to the s= of Twenty Thousand Dollars 020,000.00) to meet current expenditures until taxes are collected. and that By-law presented here ith be read a first time. By-law read a ... _..... - ................time f Moved By .� Z. t ----------------------- Seconded By ��.e�...................... -------------- - - .j By-law read a ..T1 -*.."-"=-=_ .time Moved By ---------------------- Seconded -•------ ---------Seconded By `------------ By44 trod a �____time That By-law now read a first time be read a second time forthwith. That By-law now read a second time be read a third time forthwith. Moved By x__ -- -- That By-law now read a third time do pass, • be engrossed by the Clerk, and signed and Seconded By. sealed by the Reeve. 0 S THE MUNICIPALITY OF VILLAGE OF PORT BURWELL Meeting.. ............... Jan... 9.,......... „' --- 0 5 ...... 19. b 7 Moved By �i..._.-_---------------------- That leave be granted to introduce By-law to Seoonded By ------ ... :..................... appoint Verne Hambly as By -Law Enforcement Offic,T`'pPr Inspector) and ileed Inspector at a salary of Twenty -Five (,1`25.90) and that Bylaw presented herewith be read a first time. By-law read a--•- ----------- time Moved By —��f' LtZ:e:l. __---..�-• - Se=mded By ?� �LA&�'n�...__._..._. By-law read a ..J - ..t_•bme Moved By' _7-64 -z - Seconded Seconded By L_ - - - - By-law read a - time Moved By . .... Se=Mded That By-law now read a first time be read a second time forthwith. That Bylaw now read a second time be read a third time forthwith. That By-law now read a third time do pass, be engrossed by the Clerk, and signed and sealed by the Reeve. Q 6 S THE MUNICIPALITY 0,!7 VILLAGE OF PORT BURWELL Moved By ..... Meeting Jan.....31.,. y 206 ...... ,19 ... 67. That leave be granted to introduce By-law to Rescind By-law ,f 142 and appoint :'r. !4orlpy '.,'ol e of the Port Buniell Volunteer Fire Department. and that Bylaw presented herewith be read a first time. i By-law read a :........time Moved By '�- ==� / Seconded By ------ By-law ---- By-law read a ,,.r -cam./.. -.time Secon,da4� 3` re Chis - That By-law now read a first time be read a second time forthwith. That By-law now read a second time be read a third time forthwith. That By-law now read a third time do pass, be engrossed by the Clerk, and signed and sealed by the Reeve. THE MUNICIPALITY OF VILLAGE OF PORT BURWELL Meeting . Jan....31. .... ..... ,19_ 7.. hk 207 Moved Bq ._......... That leave be granted to introduce By-law to Seconded By Regulate the use of land and the erection and use of buildings and structures, WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Village of Port Burwell ha^ agreed upon the necessity of an Official Plan and a general zoning By-law for the Village. and that Bylaw presented herewith be read a first time. By-law read a . T. �' :' _._ _ ._-_time Moved By .................... -. That By-law now read a first time be read a second time forthwith. Seconded By ------- ; �__t� ,.z:.__.,.. ------ By-law read a Moved By ..._• '%� --•- _ _.._._. _._ That By-law now read a second time be read a third time forthwith. Seconded B By-law read a Moved That By-law now read a third time do pass, be engrossed by the Clerk, and signed and Seconded By _ . .. _ ... "aled by the Reeve. / THE CORPORATION OF THE, VILLAGE OF PORT BURW15LL BY-LAW No. 207 A BY-LAW TO REGULATE THE: USE OF LrCiD X-411) THE ERECTION AiiD U3E OF BUILDIUGS Ai1J STRUCTURES WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Village of Port Burwell has agreed upon the necessity of an Official Plan and a general zoning By-law for the Village. AND .vHEREAS Council deems it desirable to apply interim control of land use in the Village until a general or comprehensive zoning By-law is adopted and passed. NOW, TEEREFORE, T.Hh COU21CIL of the Corporation of the Village of Port Burwell enacts as follows: 1. TITLE OF BY-LAW This By- aw may be cited as the I:.T.,RIii ZOi:itiG BY-LAIl of the Village of Port Burwell. 2. CONFOMIT': REE UIR.11&4T ;.o and,building or structure shall be used and no building or structure shall be erected for any purpose except as set out in this By-law and in conformity with all the applicable provisions of this By-law. TH'is By-law shall apply to all lands located within the corporate limits of the Village of Port Burwell. 3. PaJALTIES 391* ry person who contravenes any of the provisions of this By-law is guilty of an offence and liable on summary convietion to a fine of not more than j300. exclusive of costs; 3.2. Every such fine shall be recoverable under the Summary Convictions Act, all the provisions of which apply, except that any imprisonment shall be as provided in The Municipal itet; 3.3. Where a person, guilty of an offence under this By-law has been directed to remedy any violation and is in default of doing any matter or thing required, such matter or thing shall be done at his expense; 3.4. Where a person has refused or neglected to reimburse the Corporation for the cost of such work, thing or riatter done, the same may be recovered by the Corpor- ation in like manner as municipal taxes. 4. EFFECTIVE DATE No part of this By-law shall come into force without the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board but upon such approval this By-law shall take effect on the day of the passing thereof. 5. The use made of any land and of any existing building or other structure shall not he changed and the use that may be made of any land and of any existing building or other structure shall be the use any land and any existing building or other structure is used for at the date of the passing of this By-law. 6. 7. 8. -2- :.XCLPT as provided for in sections 7 and 8 of this By-law; (a) New buildings and other structures shall not be erected, and Nthe area of any parcel of land, and the location of any existing building or other, structure on any parcel of land in regard to distances from any other building or other structure on the same parcel of land or in regard to distances from any boundary line of the same parcel of land, and (d) the height, length and width of any existing building or structure, shall remain as they lawfully exist on the date of the passing of this By-law. - — Notwithstanding the provisions of section 6 of this By-law: (a) existing one -family dwellings may be enlarged or altered, and (b) a private -car -garage accessory to a one -family dwelling may be erected on a parcel of land on which the respect- ive dwelling is located or an existing private -car - garage may be altered or enlarged, and (c) a one -family dwelling may be erected on a parcel of land if, (i) the parcel of land on which a one -family dwelling is to be erected is a lot located within an approved and registered Plan of Subdivision, or (ii) the parcel of land on which a one -family dwelling; is to be erected is specifically zoned for single-family use by a Restricted Area (Zoning) By-law, (d) notwithstanding; subsections 7 (a) (b) and (c) above, lots No. 21-52 on Addison Street, Registered Plan No. 12 and 40; and lots 25, 30, 33, 35, and 46 Chatham street west side, Registered Plan No. 12 & 40 may be used for the purposes of summer cottages, and front yard, side yard and rear yard requirements of section 8 shall apply and the number of parking apaces, the height of buildings and the lot coverage shall be as set out in section 8. The minimum lot area minimum lot frontage and the minimum lot depth shall be as they exist on the day of the passing of this By-law,, MINII,UM jTAIJDARDS FOR 0;;E-FAI'IILY DWELLINGS . I imam Lot Area: 15,W square feet Minimum Lot Frontage: 100 feet' Minimum Lot Depth 132 feet Minimum Front Yards: 35 feet on lots fronting upon a King's Highway or a County Road; (b) 20 feet in residential subdivisions: Minimum Side Yards: 10 feet on each side of an 1 building or structure: I- Minimum Rear Yard: 35 feet; �%��'' he . 3 0. -3- Parking 3- Parking Spaces A minimum of 1 parking space shall be provided for each one - family dwelling, and such parking area to have a minimum area of 10 feet by 2 0 feet with unobstruct- ed access from a public road; Height No dwelling shall exceed a maximum height of 2 storeys; No accessory building shall exceed a height of 12 feet; Coverage_ No dwelling and accessory building shall cover more than 30% of the total lot area; _ 9. In the event of conflict between this and any other By-law of the Corporation of the Village of Port Burwell this By-law shall prevail. READ A FIRST XID SECOND TILSL THIS 31st DAY OF J�JIUARY, 1967 READ A THIRD TIME All:) FINALLY PASSED T:IIS 31st DAY OF JANUARY, 1%7 John W. Sutherland Reev# CM Helen Wolfe Clerk • UT IOPT OW THA V TO�ESP;KAT-�M USE OF LAND 6-7—(Y+ it 7 BURWELL BY-LKW # 207 D 'btG CF BUILDIV.&-7-ND STRUCTURES WHEREAS the Council of the poration of the Village of Port Burwell has agreed up e necessity of an Official Plan and a general zoning aw for the Village. AND ViEERE�Council deems it desirable to apply interim ccntrol of land use in the Village until a general or comprehensive zoning By-law is.adopted and passed. NOW, THr;REFORE, THF.. COUNCIL of the Corporation of the Village of Port Burwell ena cts as follows: 1. TITLE OF BY-LAW This By-law may be cited as the INTERI14 ZOif I??�, BY-LAW of the Village of Port Burwell. 2. CONFOR:-IITY IiEr,UIRF.i Cri1T No 1 anT, bui Ing or structure shall be used and no building 9o structure s hall be erected for any purpose except as set o t in this By-law and in conformity with all the applicable provisions of this By-law. This By-law shall apply to all lands located wit�iin the corporate limits of the Village of Port Burwell. 3. PENALTIES very person who contravenes an; of the provisions of this 3y -law is guilty of an offence and liable on summary conviction to a fine cf not more than $300. exclusive of costs: 3.2. Every such fine shall be recoverable under the Summary Convictions Act, all the provisions of which apply, except that any i^inrisonment shall be as provided in The 1.',unicipal act; 3.3• Where a person, guilty of an offence under this By-law has been directed to remedy any violation and is in default of doing any matter or thing required, such natter or thing shall be done at his expense; 3.4. ;•!here a person has refused or neglected to reimburse the Corporation for the cost of such work, thing or matter done, the same may be recovered by the Corpor- ation in like manner as municipal taxes. 4. EFFECTIVE DATE No part of this By-law shall come into force without the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board but upon such approval this By-law shall take effect on the day of the passing thereof. 5. The use made of any land and of any existing building or other sttucture shall not be changed and the use that may be made of any land and of any existing building or other structure shall be the use any land and any existing building or other structure is used for at the date of the passing of this By-law. -2- 6. -XCEPT as provided for in :sections 7 and 8 of thiG By-law; (a) New abuildings and other structures shall not be erected, and (b) the area of any parcel of land, and (c) the location of any existing building; or other structure on any parcel of land in regard to distances from any other building or other structure on the same parcel of land or in regard to distances from any boundary line of the same parcel of land, and (d) the height, length and width of any existing building or structure, shall remain .as they lawfully exist on the date of the passing of this By-law. 7. Notwithstanding the provisions of section 6 of this By-law; (a) existing one -family dwellings may be enlarged or altered, and (b) a private-car-garare accessory to a one -family dwelling may be erected on a parcel of lard on which the respect- ive dwelling is located or an existing private -car - garage may be altered or enlarged, and (c) a one -family dwelling may be erected on a parcel of land if, (i) the parcel of land on which a one -family dwelling is to be erected is a lot located within an approved and registered Plan of Subdivision, or (ii) the parcel of land on which a one -family dwelling is to be erected is specifically zoned for single-family use by a Restricted Area (Zoning) By-law, (d) notwithstanding subsections 7 (a) (b) and (c) above, lots No. 21-52 on Addison Street, Registered plan No. 12 and 40; and lots 25, 30, 33, 35, 2nd 46 Chatham Street '.'lest Side, Registered Plan No. 12 & 40 & x may be used for the purposes of summer cottages, and front yard, side yard and rear yard requirements of section $ shall apply and the number of parking spaces, the height of buildings and the let coverage shall be as set out in section 8. The minimum lot area minimum lot frontage and t:e minimum lot depth shall be as they exist on the day of the passing of this By-law, provided the following zoning standards set out in section 8 of this By -lav: can be met. 8. MINIMUM STA14DARDS FOH ONE -FAMILY DWELLINGS .1. Minimum Lot Area: 15,CO square feet Minimum Lot Frontage: 100 feet Minimum Lot Depth 134 feet Minimum Front Yards: 35 feet on lots fronting upon a King's highway or a County Road (b) c0 feet in residential subdivisions: Minimum Side Yards: 10 feet on each side of any building or structure: Minimum Rear Yard: 35 feet: X and lots 1,2,3,5,6,7,8, Elizabeth d/S P%,,i.stered plan No. 30. 0 i -3- Parking 3- Parking Spaces A minimum of 1 parking space shall be provided for each one - family dwelling and such parking area to have a minimum area cf i 10 feet by 20 feet with unobstructed 0 i -3- Parking 3- Parking Spaces A minimum of 1 parking space shall be provided for each one - family dwelling and such parking area to have a minimum area cf 10 feet by 20 feet with unobstructed access from a public road; Height No dwelling shall exceed a maximum height of 2 storeys; No accessory building shall exceed a height of 12 feet; Coverage Ido dwelling-, and accessory building shall cover more than 30% of the total lot area; 9. In the e�rpnt of conflict between this and any other By-law of the Corporation of the Village of Port Burwell this By -la,..: shall prevail. READ � FIRST AND SECMD TI?E, THIS 31st DAY OF JANUARY, 1967 HEAD A THIRD TIt•'!E AND FEIALLY PASSED THIS 31st DAY OF JANUARY 1967. John Sutherland Reeve Pelen dolfe Clerk i THE MUNICIPALITY OF VILLAGE OF PORT BURWELL # 208 Meeting ._ .... .._Feb,19. t).7. Moved B - ----- - ------- ------------- Seconded ---- - Seconded BY . _ ------------ ... . That leave be granted to introduce By-law to Estimate the expenditu es of the Vi17.a;-e- on tl!:r• roads ani s;,rn�ts under its jurisdiction during the year 1967 as `'ol.lovis Maintenance 1 7500.00 and that By law presented herewith be /read a first time. By-law read a :L:'....' Moved 001, Seconded By -_----- By-law read a Moved By Seconded By time That By-law now read a first time be read a second time forthwith. That By-law now read a second time be read a third time forthwith. Moved By ,e .' - .../ .- ---- ------ --- ------- � That By-law now read a third time do peas, be engrossed by the Clerk, and signed and Seconded sealed by the Reeve. J n THE MUNICIPALITY OF VILLAGE OF PORT BURWELL Meeting . ::,Ej Moved By 209 7 o� That leave be granted to introduce By-law to Seconded By Levy the rates and to es for the year 19671 and to Drovide for the collection thereof with a mill rate as follows: Public Residential 74.13 --Public Commercial 83.49--3gparate Residential 72.93 --Separate Commercial 82.05. The first instalment be due July 20, and the second on Nov. 20, 1967. Tax penalties to be on first instRlment July 21 1%, Aug. 1 2%9 Sept. 1 3%9 Oct 1 4%. Nov. 1 5%, Nov. 20 %; 4nd on the second instalment paid on or after Nov 21 1% --Discounts on second instalment to be July 20 2j%, Aug. 20 �, Sept. 20 1j'/,j' Oct. 20 if. 2/3 of 1% charged per month on all arrears. and that By-law presented herewith be read a first time. By-law read a ..... fs-r.�n-b...... ......... .time Z92 - Moved By _ __ _� �..._---•.---._._. &=nded By By-law read a . 2cmd loved By Seoonded By __.__. _ _.-----._....... By-law read a third ird time Moved 67tzc 1el- Seconded By ...._�/�c7�.zAr._......-. That By-law now read a first time be read a second time forthwith. That By-law now read a second time be read a third time forthwith. That By-law now read a third time do pass, be engrossed by the Clerk, and signed and sealed by the Reeve. �i % /� l 0 THE MUNICIPALITY OF VILLAGE OF PORT BURWELL Moved By ... ----C Seconded By . ... 6 7-G7 # 210 Meeting ..July ... .I.Q..... _ ,19.6.7... That leave be granted to introduce By-law to Estimate the expenditures of the Village on the roads and streets on a Supplementary to By-law 4 208 as follows: Ida in t en anc e $10000 Construction 500. and that Bylaw presented herewith be read a first time. By-law read a .......... Moved By ...... ----------------- Seconded By .__---- ----- - By-law read a ...._.......second -------- Moved By Seconded By - ------ By-law --- By-law read a .�IAX.d r time That By-law now read a first time be read a second time forthwith. That By-law now read a second time be read a third time forthwith. Moved By ..___ ......... That By-law now read a third time do pass, `�j ,1 be engrossed by the Clerk, and signed and Seconded By 7.A _. ___ sealed by the Reeve. r" may, ---'C• K • LAM ■o. ui at the ttotaipai Council of Ube rillade of roar turweli. JWJXO a by -Law to suttwrise the Rehm and Clark to sKscuta an urwnaat wi A Qraes &ULVIMSG. *Mt.hu" 9eaLium 3 of The Albulanae Services Lot 1966• provides that Wm Ocu aU of a molalpality nay pass by -haws for entering Sate art agreement witb say lieeasel ambulmae opsmUwl AND WWJULA-i the CosmaLl of Uwf Corporation oS the Village of tort buhrwall is desirehw that ao arXes hent by shade with Oray"s Aa6ulaisoe, T Onuarioo NOW TiiOi WOW tbo Council of the Corporntiao of Obs Village of fort Ourwell etnaents as follows$ 1. The Rowe and Clerk aro hereby authorised and directed to amouts an Adresrent between Oruyts Ambulmse and Un TlUgp of ►ort lame$$ dated the 11th dap of . 3gptmd e$rp 107a and to affix the Ccurporste deal thereto on behalf of the Corporation of the Village of Pon tel. MW a firag seeowd and third tbm and finally passed this llw day of sepwelbW A.Dev 1967. L'v : Tali Autt. -K I +YT made this 11th day of "pteabors 1967. Cr TW; FIRST PAN will 9�or the Tones of � y ords oatrY"d on business vMw the fits nates and style of ftmes AAbulaases hmMft noer called the aP►Taa. (V TM 38COND_ PART SLA:; the Patties hereto desire to not down vw terse of an arrmgeweat between th+A for the pravUdan of an arsbulmoo swvU a for the purpose of eonveyisg thu slop and Inured to hospital or sober plass. and In partloulat as such son os eve be for the bonatit of the people of the Village of tori surwelll AND WH+,JtiiAS The Asbulance 5arvicom Asts 1060 authorises ouenicipalitAss to pass By -Law for entering Into an agrommt with any lloensed a"bulanoe operator or other municipality for a period of cot lees thea two years and not snore tbos fire years to ssintain and operate an ambulanoe soMes In the awiolpalitys Including the payaent of an noncom" subsidy for mach purpose v may be agreed upaal AND W.aiBAS it is in the public Interest to enter into an Agreseeat for tine provision of an ambulanoe aervioe by the Operator for the people of the Village upon the teras horelnafte! MO fbrU6 • ar T MEI ATU" in oca si demi tat of the wuoual terms covenants and agreebents herein rade and coatainede the Parties herroo agree as foilowel 1. Failure of ahs Operator to comply with Prminolal Lsgislatiea and Regulations SWem1ag Anbulmes Serviae shall result IS terai:nation of this Agreewot taraediately upon the Village being nabs severs of its wirlwut any written notice being given spa heroinatter sectioned* 20 This Agreement shall be 3n force for the ter• at Five years from the lea day of Julys 1967• and empArIn6 tb+ 31st day of Dosedw 19710 provided thabt on - (a) .laver Pavey say teral"Se is upon classy don't 9oli00 in Wising to abs coker (b) The operssor tido provide ".ninon== 9=19100 An a9ee1dw0 with As said An and its reguLtionso an a slsur how, daily basis rsven days a ve=in (a) the said sarvies shall consist of one or ,rots now veMeles owetruoted and intended for use as enbulausees eash =quipped In asoordenos wish the rro.iaslal Regu2"Iaasp and sash sensed by tyre properly qwAU91ed persons as In WN sola asNiationsa and AMR cue whi=le is &betas twos the Villa" a stand-by vsbiele, W"wlf equipped end staffed shall be provided during tusk parted or periods. ). The operrstor shall yroride and maintain insurenes by an Insurer duly euthoriaed to issue such Uum aAce wl% In she hrowinee of Qawho as required by Regulasluns under the Awbulacse Services Ass 1966• 1. The Operator ahall ftftbwlsk 1941p with the Clark of the Villa" of Pon burwoU eertitied oopies of the Insurance polity or pelieiss and •y mewls tbwmwfg and shall ast •real or allow any wrap peliey or poliolse to lapse ,haring the serve of this agreement or any extension or renewal thereof• !!N Opwuuw ftmbw owmants and agrees to Indownify and saw Un Tillage hamlets from and against any and +till al&Uw# aeoiarws deal 0 and 000ts arlains In any Benner wbats ower out of or In sawastics with the said aubuianoes or aubulanoe envies* So The Operator shall be ensi=led to o2*M patients or per=ms Mks Use his servies9 at WN fallowiO4 vaunt $W*00 per trip for fire% slagle patient eaff"t pine Jo# #10.00 o r eseb additytaaal strsseher patient sarried an ahs y!0 ter sa ft sdAltiacal aft -w patiws tarried an abs tris wdP ■U far ludigaas patients* -)• For each pat:iont who** point of origin is within Ww dosigaated areae and who In Barri" boyand the bomdarios Of the de/ioiatcd 81 0 a regular charge of .xi1 par gauss Me Ways shall be allowei :or the actual mileage travolled beyond UW decio and area to the pQidt of &Wtinseia&. For the purposes of this Agreweat the boundarl" of the dessowted area *hall be dewed to be the bosudaries of the Till"* of Pon bur"" 6. The Operator gees that AS "W':M/As by ani ob*ertre all laws rules and reaulationat DomInians ProvinaW, MurACIPal ar etherAso applsesUe to the operatlan of rehiola an any read Or highway and gonwuUy applseaUs to the *aid service and operation co&ta44ated by TUS Ags,cdme&ta and oo►ensnt>S th" he tidll at all tine "Ut.asa sig vehicles* owipse&s Md men powr ordwl7• neat, elven and in first CIAO* order 4A repair. 7. Me printing or aat►er►zsiRg nateirial Shall be affixed Or painted an any amrulanoe except for a slot shw ng the nes and address end telepkme &Umber of the of w of the name under wbiab he carries on his ambulance serving• S. The Operator shall permit ate YU140 or its agents W in*pecs at all reasona4le Umm during the o renoy of this Agrommss the oaadition and appearance of •ehialos 4Dd the aevoam xiatlam tberWas the sppeara4ce of 4rivwa and astendents and to eotamsne s&y driver or attenda&t Idt.h respect to the required % aUrI4&tLanS &mdse ahs Anbulanoe Serrriees Ass. 96 In conaideratloss thereof the Village shall subsidise the opamtor during tile taw of tbi& Agrosmeat by Paling to tbS operator an aorwal subelayp an the bass& of *500 Mr cVIes for the avoldi'ality as its Population Is established La she Rmleipal nireotwy based oat the previous yeartS Population tures as printed is the said directoryt 10. ThiS Agrswdat *hall be bladiag span end shall bewefit the rospecti•o heirs. eatseu WRO &dNInIstrstorS@ w.eoeesors end &"Lots of tho lareies to it. DI VM � iiH. RX0F the tarty of the Tlm Para l as herswte atflued it• sorporate owl atteetad to by the bmwW of its proper slSmUg oftleera in W at Mirth• fnd the Party of the aeemd Part Sias No to affixed hie hmd and seal. SKIM U, 3"UM AND IiRi.Irit.M � 1n the preswM alt j TO ""WZN W TM TULA= or Pam its bt Rom i 6i�►�i ....�M •lam. • A P_..P._ R 0-YED THIS AGi•JWhWT made this 11th day of Septemb IW* .................................... K. BSTWZ)M, Depuly tknis;er Ontario Dspartment of Hoakh DF THL FZRST PAD! -AMD• HARVX1Ut of the Town of Tillsonburgs In the County OK UKrordp carrying on business under the firm nue and style of Orayts Ambulances hereinafter called the OPBRATORs Of THb SECOND PART WHSMAS the Parties hereto desire to set down the terms of an arrangement between thea for the provision of an ambulance service for the purpose of conveying the sick and inured to hospital or other places and In particular as such service may be for the benefit of the people of the tillage of Port Burwells AND WHEMAS The Ambulance Services Asts 1966p authorises municipalities to pass By -Laws for entering Into an agreement with any licensed ambulance operator or other municipality for a period of not less than two years and not more than five years to maintain and operate an ambulance service in the munioipalitys including the payment of an annual subsidy for such purpose as may be agreed upoms AND WHMAS it is in the public Interest to enter Into an Agreement for the provision of an ambulance service by the operator for the people of the Village upon the terms hereinafter set forth. NOW T MAYOU in consideration of the mutual termss covenants and agreements herein made and contain eds the Parties hereto agree as follewss 1. Failure of the Operator to comply with Trovincial Legislation and Regulations gaveraing Ambulance Service shall result in termination of this Agreement Immediately upon the Tillage being made aware of its without any written notice being given as hereinafter mentioned. 2. This Agreement shall be in force for the term of Five years from the lot day of Julys 1967, and expiring the 31" day of December 197le provided thats -2- (a) either party may terminate it upon ninety dayst notice In writing to the other (b) The Operator will provide ambulance service in accordance with the said Act and its regulations, an a twenty-four hour daily basis seven days a week (c) the said service shall consist of one or more motor vehicles constructed and intended for use as ambulancest each equipped in accordance with the Provincial Regulations# and each manned by two properly qualified persons as in the said Regulations, and when me vehicle is absent fres the Village a stand-by vehicles properly equipped and staffed shall be provided during such period or periods. 3• The operator shall provide and maintain insurance by an insurer duly authorised to issue such insurance within the Province of Ontario as required by Regulations under the Ambulance Services Act 1966. 4. The Operator shall forthwith lodge with the Clerk of the Tillage of Port Burwell certified copies of the insurance policy or policies and any renewals thereofq and shall not cancel or allow any gush policy or policies to lapse during the term of this agreement or my extension or renewal thereof. The Operator further covenants and agrees to indemnify and save the Village harmless from and against any and all claims, actions, damages and costs arising in any manner whatsoever out of or In connection with the said ambulances or ambulance service. i• The Operator shall be entitled to charge patients or persons who use his services at the following stoat $10.00 per trip for first single patient carr6ods, plus .SO per mile one way. $10.00 for each additional stretcher patient carried an the we trip. 7.50 for each additional sit-ap patient carried on the same trip Nil for indigent patients. -j. For each patient whose point of origin is within the designated area, and who is earried beyond the boundaries of the designated area, a regular charge of .So0 per milep one rayr shall be allowed for the actual mileage travelled beyond the designated area to the point of destination. For the purposes of this Agreement the boundaries of the designated area shall be doemed to be the boundaries of the Pillage of Port Burwell. 6. The Operator agrees that he will abide by and obset�vo all laws$ rules and regulations# Dominions Previasial, Municipal or otherwise applicable to the operation of vehicles on any read or highway and generally applicable to the said service and operation contemplated by This Agreement, and covenants that he will at all time maintain his vehiclesp equipment and man power orderly# nests clean and in first class order ep<d repair. 7. No printing or advertising material shall be affixed or painted on any ambulance except for a sign showing the name and address and telephone number of the ower of the now under which he carries an his ambulance service. S. The Operator shall permit the Pillage or its agents to inspect at all reasonable tunes during the currency of this Agroement, the condition and appearance of vehicles and the accommodation thereof# the appearance of drivers and attendants and to examine any driver or attendant with respect to the required qualifications under the Ambulance Services Act. 9• In consideration{ thereof the Tillage shall subsidise the operator during the tern of this Agreement by paying to the Operator an annual subsidyp on the basis of .SO 1 per capita for the municipality as its population is established in the Municipal Directory based on the previous yearts population figures as printed In the said directoryt 10. This Agreement shall be binding upon and shall benefit the respective heirsp executorep adainistratorep successors and assigns of the Parties to it. •3• For sash patient whose point of origin is within the designated areas and who is carried beyond the boundaries of the deaip►ated areas a regular charge of .500 per mile@ one way@ shall be allowed for the actual %Usage travelled beyond the designated area to the point of destinaticm. For the purposes of this Agreement the boundaries of the designated area shall be dewed to be the boundaries of the Tillage of tort Burwell. 6. The OperatorL agrees that he will abide by and observe all laws@ rules and regulations@ Dominion@ Previaeial@ Municipal or otherwise applicable to the operation of vehicles ca coy read or highway and generally applicable to the said service and operation contemplated by This AgroemeAt@ and covenants that he will at all times maintain his vehicles@ oquipment and man power orderly• neato clean and in first claws order #nd repair* 7. No printing or advertising material shall be affixed or painted an any ambulance except for a sUpn showing the name and address and telephone number of the ower of the now under which he earries an his ambulance service. 8. The Operator shall permit the Village or its agents to inspect at all reasemable times during the currency of this Agreement@ the condition and appearance of vehicles and the accommodation thereof@ the appearance of drivers and attendants and to examine any driver or attendant with respect to the required qualifications under the Ambulance Services Act. '. In consideraticnl thereof the Tillage shall subsidise the Operator during the term of this Agreement by paying to the Operator an annual subsidy@ an the basis of 500 per capita for the municipality as its population is established in the Municipal Directory based an the previous year's population figures as printed in the said diroctoryt 10. This Agreement shall be binding upon and shall benefit the respective house executors@ adninistratore@ successors and assigns of the Parties to it. _b40 IN MTtN t.W WHLRNOY the Party of the First Part has hereunto affixed its corporate seal attested to by the hands of its proper sipping officers in that bshalfe Ond the Party of the Second Part has heremits affixed his hand and seal. SICMzDg UALBD AND DBLI1S U JA the presence oft F] THR CORPOAATIM OF THE PILI ACK or POIT HURML ayt G.'O 0 000 0 0*0000 leave CI;e;rk Narvey Arthur rW BY - LAM 10, 211 Of the Muicipal Council of the Tillage of Port Burwell, BRD10 a By -Law to authorise the Reeve and Clerk to execute an aRroment with Gray's ambulance. WHEREAS Section 3 of The Ambulance Services Act 1966, provides that the Council of a municipality may pass by-laws for entering into an agreement with my licensed ambulance operatorl ADD WHWUU3 the Council of the Corporation of the -Tillage of Port—Burwell is desirous that an agreement be made with Orayts Ambulance$ Tillsonburg. Ontario. NOW THLUF091i the Council of the Corporation of the Tillage of Port Burwell enacts as followaS to The Reeve and Clerk are hereby authorised and directed to exesute an Agreement between arayts Ambulance and the Tillage of Port Bexwell dated the 11th day of Septembers 1967# and to affix the Corporate Seal thereto an behalf of the Corporation of the Tillage of Port Burwell RRAD a firstp second and third time and finally passed this 11th day of September A.D.p 1967. I 1 L BY - LAW N0, 211 Of the Mmicipal Council of the Village of Port Burwell. BEING a By -Law to authorize the Reeve and Clerk to execute an agreement with Gray's ambulance. WH1=,AS Section 3 of The Ambulance Services Act 1966, provides that the Council of a municipality may pass by-laws for entering into an agreement with any licensed ambulance operator; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Village of Port Burwell is desirous that an agreement be made with Gray's Ambulance, Tillsonburg, Ontario. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Village of Port Bunnell enacts as follows: 1. The Reeve and Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute an Agreement between Gray's Ambulance and the Village of Port Bunwell dated the 11th day of September, 1967, and to affix the Corporate Seal thereto on behalf of the Corporation of the Village of Port Burwell. READ a first, second and third time and finally passed this 11th day of September A.D., 1967. • �c.C�e.cJ--� Reeve C1 THIS AGRZZr',VT made this 11th day of September, 1967. BET "WEEN : THE CORPORATION OF THE VILLAGE OF PORT BUR�IELL hereinafter called the VILLAGE. OF THE FIRST PART - Aid D - HARV.&Y ARTHUR GRAY of the Town of Tillsonburg, in the County o ford, carrying on business under the firm name ani style of Grayts Ambulance, hereinafter called the OPERATOR, OF THE SECOND PART WHEREAS the Parties hereto desire to set down the terms of an arrangement between them for the provision of an ambulance service for the purpose of conveying the sick and injured to hospital or other place, and in particular as such service may be for the benefit of the people of the Village of Port Burwell: AND lltiLit3AS The Ambulance Services Act, 1966, authorizes municipalities to pass By -Laws for entering into an agreement with any licensed ambulance operator or other municipality for a period of not less than two years and not more than five years to maintain and operate an ambulance service in the municipality, including the payment of an annual subsidy for such purpose as may be agreed upon: AND WHEREAS it is in the public interest to enter into an Agreement for the provision of an ambulance service by the Operator for the people of the Village upon the terms hereinafter set forth. NOW THEREFORE in consideration of the mutual terms, covenants and agreements herein made and contained, the Parties hereto agree as follows: 1. Failure of the Operator to comply with Provincial Legislation and Regulations governing Ambulance Service shall result in termination of this Agreement immediately upon the Village being rade aware of it, without any written notice being given as hereinafter mentioned. 2. This Agreement shall be in force for the term of Five years from the 1st day of July, 1967, and expiring the 31st day of December 1971, provided that: z - (a) either party may ter -urinate it upon ninety days' notice in writing to the other (b) The Operator will provide ambulance service in accordance with the said Act and its regulations, on a twenty-four hour daily basis seven days a week (c) the said service shall consist of one or more motor vehicles constructed and intended for use as ambulances, each equipped in accordance with the Provincial Regulations, and each manned by two properly qualified persons as in the said Regulations, and when.. one vehicle is absent from the Village a stand-by vehicle, properly equipped and staffed shall be provided during such period or periods. 3. The operator shall provide and maintain insurance by an insurer duly authorized to issue such insurance within the Province of Ontario as required by Regulations under the Ambulance Services Act 1966. 4. The Operator shall forthwith lodge with the Clerk of the Village of Port Burwell certified copies of the insurance policy cr policies and any renewals thereof, and shall not cancel or allow any such policy or policies to lapse during the term of this agreement or any extension or renewal thereof. The Operator further covenants and agrees to indemnify and save the Village harmless from and against any and all claims, actions, damages and costs arising in any manner whatsoever out of or in connection with the said ambulances or ambulance service. 5. The Operator shall be entitled to charge patients or persons who use his services at the following rates: $10.00 per trip for first single patient carried,, plus .500 per mile one way. J 10.00 for each additional stretcher patient carried on the same trip. 7.50 for each additional sit-up patient carried on the same trip Nil for indigent patients. -3 - For each patient whose point of origin is within the designated area, and who is carried beyond the bowidaries of the designated area, a regular charge of .50¢ per dile, one way, shall be allowed for the actual mileage travelled beyond the designated area to the point of destination. For t. -,e purposes of this Agreement the boundaries of the designated area shall}be deemed to be the boundaries of the Village of Port Burwell. 6. The Operator agrees that he will abide by and observe all laws, rules and regulations, Dominion, Provincial, Municipal or otherwise applicable to the operation of vehicles on any road or highway and generally applicable to the said service and operation contemplated by This Agreement, and covenants that lie will at all times maintain his vehicles, equipment and man power orderly, neat,p clean and in first class order qnd repair. 7. No printing or advertising material shall be affixed or painted on any ambulance except for a sign showing the name and address and telephone number of the owner of the name under which he carries on his ambulance service. 8. The Operator shall permit the Village or its agents to inspect at all reasonable times during the currency of this Agreement, the condition and appearance of vehicles and the accorcunodation thereof, the appearance of drivers and attendants and to examine any driver or attendant with respect to the required qualifications under the Ambulance Services Act. 9. In consideration; thereof the Village shall subsidize the Operator during tae term of this Agreement by paying to the Operator an annual subsidy, on the basis of .500 per capita for the municipality as its population is established in the tiunicipal Directory based on the previous year's population figures as printed in the said directory: 10. This Agreement shall be binding upon and shall benefit the respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns of the Parties to it. • 1 IN WITN,SS WHLMEOF the Party of the First Part has hereunto affixed its corporate seal attested to by the hands of its proper signing officers in that behalf, and the Party of the Second Part has hereunto affixed his hand ar-i seal. SIGH F.D, SEALED AND DELIVERED ) in the presence of: ) THE CORPORATICN OF THEE VILLAGE: OF PORT BURWELL � ) By: Reeve ) v •.....•.••...... • ••• •..... Clerk arveyArthur G as MA THE MUNICIPALITY OF VILLAGE OF PORT BURWELL Moved W Seconded e� ll Meeting �1 That leave be granted to introduce By-law to authorize the Reeve and Clerk to execute an a1 reement with Grays's ambulance, as per attached agreement& and that Bylaw presented herewith be read a first time. By-law read a Moved By -- -..-. Seconded - By-law read a Moved By Seconded By . By-law read time That By-law now read a first time be read a second time forthwith. r That By-law now read a second time be read a third time forthwith. Moved By - _ __ That By-law now read a third time do pass, . C__ - be engrossed by the Clerk, and signed and SecondeA Bj/ �.fLJ scaled by the Reeve. THE MUNICIPALITY OF VILLAGE OF PORT BURWELL Nov. 9 Meeting ............. Moved By ._.._- ' /94 14 d1:r.. Seconded By. _. 6-7—ac? .12 That leave be granted to introduce By-law to Make an amendment to By-law # 14 and # 134 to purchase Fire Pumper from the Department of Public Works for the sum of Twenty -Nine Hundred and Five Dollars as follows: and that By-law presented herewith be read a first time. By-law read a ../ :t = ------------- time 1 Moved B7 ----G •--- _.. �_. S"Mded BY _LsC� r .Grt�.0 By-law road a � �� lima ale -Ij Seconded By By4aw rand a r tlma 7 Proceeds of bonds 2345.30 Interest fron bonds 304.22 Village of Pt. Burwell 255.48 That By-law now read a first time be read a second time forthwith. That By-law now read a second time be read a third time forthwith. Moved By --" That By-law now read a third time do pass, be engrossed by the Clerk, and signed and Seconded By . / sealed by the Reeve.