HomeMy WebLinkAboutPort Burwell By-Laws 1956 Port Burwell BY ro Laws 11.1.P"""NN op By-Laws # 67- 93 1956 1958 Form 100-51 Ontario C I BY-LAW No.67 3p=tatu to authorize the borrowing of$5,000.00 Whereas the Council of the Village of Port Burwell 110 (hereinafter called the "Municipality") deems it necessary to borrow the sum • of $5,000.00 to meet, until the taxes are collected, the current expenditures of the Municipality for the year; Ntrt:.—Rdr And Whereas the total amount of the estimated revenues of the Munici- to t estimates li as set forth in the estimates adopted for theyear 19 I�t�t� Pa h' P 55 , not including n« revenues derivable or derived from the sale of assets, borrowings or issues of °<""'°"' debentures or from a surplus, including arrears of taxes and proceeds from the sale of assets, is$2g000.00 (Dvydet.this .... . ._. ... ,.... ... , .. . , ._. . ,_ ... . ..•. ,._. .__..... . . .. ... .1• 1 . .. % )...11•114 . ar=s04•i not actarittaimatwitthantabtbaisk Therefore the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby enacts as follows: • 1. The Head and the Treasurer are hereby authorized on behalf of the Municipality to borrow from time to time by way of promissory note from THE CANADIAN BANE OF COMMERCE a sum or sums not exceeding in the aggregate $ 5,op0.00 to meet until the taxes are collected the current expenditures of the Municipality for the year,including the amounts required for the purposes mentioned in subsection (1) of Section 341 of the Municipal Act, and to give on behalf of the Municipality to the Bank a promissory note or notes sealed with the Corporate Seal and signed by the Head and Treasurer for the moneys so borrowed, with interest,which may be paid in advance or otherwise,at a rate not exceeding 5 per centum per annum. 2. Ali sums borrowed pursuant to the authority of this by-law,as well as all other sums borrowed in this year and in previous years from the said Bank for any or all of the purposes mentioned in the said Section 341, shall, with interest thereon, be a charge upon the whole of the revenues of the Municipality for the current year and for all preceding years as and when such revenues are received. 3. The Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to apply in payment of all sums borrowed as aforesaid, together with interest thereon, all of the moneys hereafter collected or received either on account or realized in respect of taxes levied for the current year and preceding years or from any other source which may lawfully be applied for such purpose. Passed this Fifth day of Kroh 19 56. TH OF THE MUNICIPAL"'tr►' 'C� 4 CLERK We hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By-law No. 67 of the villa/. of Part gorw.1l in the Province of Ontario, duly passed at a meeting of the Council of the said Municipality duly held, and that the said By-law is in full force and effect. 1110 Dated This 34th day of March 1956. As Witness the Seal of the Village of Port Barwell. • (LI THE H THE MUNICIPALITY • SEAL CLERK 5( - !'S' BY-LAR NO. 68 as OORi'ORAW OF TEs' VILLAGE' OF PORT BURWt'L NT. Being a By-law to levy.the rates & taxes for the year 1956 and to provide for the collection thereof. Whereas the Council of the said Village provided for the making of the assessment of the Municipality prior to the 30th. of September 1955 as the assessment in which the rate of taxation for the year 1956 should be levied. And whereas the assessment value of the rateable property as finally revised in the Corporation of the Village of Port Burwell amounts to $388,909.00. And whereas the assessment Roll containing the assessment as made aforesaid was r ised, a,prrected a d passed by the Court of Revision of the Village of Port Burwe on ..41.4?'...:P :.... 1955. And whereas there was no appeals from the Court of Revision or that all appeals from the Court of Revision have been heard and d.cided. And whereas it is expedient to adopt the said assessment as the assessment on which the rate of taxation f-r the year 1956 shall be levied. And whereas it is expedient to levy on the whole rateable property ace rding to the last 1C revised assessment roll of the said Village the Sum of $..., 9 4 y., ,•..£or the general purpose of the said Village for the current year, for the payment of the County to for the current year, and for the purpose of defraying part of the expense of Public High sohoel education and other purposes. re the Council of the Corporation of the Village of Port Aurwell enacts as fol4ows; the assessment contained in the assessment roll of the Village of Port Burwell o Sept. 30th. 1955 and as revised, corrected and passed by the Court of Revision .ty Judge, be, and the same is hereby adopted and confirmed, as the 1st revised 't roll for the Village on which the rate of taxation for the year 1956 shall • of providing the sum of $.47•.. for the general purpose ncluding the amount required for the County purpose and other purposes a rate of 75 mills on the dollar, for public school supporters)) r, 's on the dollar,be, and the same is hereby levied for the yea?. 1956 ..11 'd assessment of the said Village according to the last revis e ea 'e up as follows: `\ ch is ma' urposes the sum of $..41.(241,4i'.. is required therefore is School on the dollar is levied. mill' 1ho4l Debenture purposes the sum of $..(..1 111 a onbur g High • .,L ::z P mills on the dollar is levied. /•• herefore the rate ofd 1 Mai ` ranee purposes the sum of •r the Tilleonbvrg High Sohc1 4;74, Willa pn the dollar is levied. luired, therefore the rate of••' purposeR. the sus sit ) For the Public School De entur� lls u� •�- A I .��3StpR is required forty the rate of is mir ed tnes J R) For County purposes ibe s% of of....�4�• •••.mills on the dollar ie levied. �� is required, therefore the rate (F) For general purposes tie sum ofi $1 ....Ace" of....r?vZ:�••••mille on the dollar ie levied• therefore the rate of (G) For Separate School 22.6 mills on the dollar is lepurposes the sum of $334.64 is r"quired,vied on Separate School supporters. . 4. Thee Cl shall prepare and deliver to the Collector,the Collectors Roll,on or before the first day of June 1956. 5. All taxes or other special rates shall be paid into the office of the Collector or Treasurer of the Village of Port Burwell, or into the branch of the Canadian Bank of Commerce at Port Burwell Ont. • 6. Taxes shall become • payable one-half on or before July 19th. 1956 and one-half on or , before December 19th. 1956. 7. Penalties for non-payment when due and discounts for payment of taxes shall be as follows; r ( CONTINUFD NtXT PAT'. ) a • BY•L11 x0. 88 CONTINUED First instalment when paid on or On second instalment only when paid on Mama after or before July 20th Penalty July 2:'th. Disoount 2 August 20th " 1% August 20th. " 2% September 20th " l% September 20th. " le October 20th. " 2% October 20th. e1% November 20th. "dIP 2+}A November 20th. " December 40th. " Jx Second instalammment when paid on or after December 20th. Penalty In addition beginning January 1st. 1957 one-half of one per cent per month - will be charged on all unpaid taxes. 8. The Collector shall have the priv-lege of mailing the tax notices to several tax payers if he so desires. 9. After fourteen days notice, the Collector, or his Bailiff may seize any goods for unpaid taxes. i 10. Read a first, seoond, third time and finally passed in open Council this 23rd day of March 1956. Reeve Clerk. • --1 a - VIIM- BY-lAW N0. 68 C0NTi w i) First instalment when paid on or On second instalment only when paid on lug after or before July 20th Penalty July 20th. Discount 2 % August 20th e1% August 20th. e2% September 20th " le September 20th. " 11% 410 October 20th. " 2% October 20th. e1% November 20th. " 24 November 20th. " December 20th. " 3% Second instalsmunent when paid on or atter December 20th. Penalty i% �I In addition beginning January lst. 1957 one-half of one ver cent per month will be charged on all unpaid taxes. 8. The Collector shall have the privelege of -wiling the tax notices to several tax payers if he so desires. 9. After fourteen days notice, the Collector, or his Bailiff may seine any goods for unpaid taxes. 10. Read a first, second, third time and finally passed in open Council this 23rd • day of March 1956. (::::::24 Vr e.• .Reeve s-'ir'- _ . .Clerk. f • 411 411 IT-LAW NO. 7 VILLAGE OF PORT BURWELL s(o o • THE MUNICIPALITY OF THE VILLAGE OF PORT BURWELL BY-LAW NO. 1111/ A BY-LAW TO REGULATE THE USE OF LAND ANI) THE CHARACTER, • LOCATION AND USE OF BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES. The Council of the Municipality of the Village of Port Burwell enacts as follows:- Section 1. 1-1 The provisions of this By-Law shall apply to all lands described in exhibit "A" attached hereto as part of this By-Law. 1-2 No per on or corporation shall hereafter erect, alter, • reconstruct, or maintain any building or structure or locate or carry on any industry, business, trade, or calling in whole or in part, on any of the lands in- cluded in this By-Law except in conformity with this By-Law. 1-3 No person and/or corporation shall hereafter use any land or erect or use any building or structure except for res- idential purposes on the lands described in Exhibit "A". 1-4 Nothing in this By-Law shall prevent the use of any land as:- a churches (b schools (c community centres (d) accessory buildings incidental to any of the above • uses. 1-5 Nothing in this By-Law shall operate to relieve any person of the obligation to obtain any license, permission, per- mit authority, or approval required by this or any other By-Law. Section 2. ENFORCEMENTS. LEGAL PROCEDURE. PENALTIES 2-1 Any person firm or corporation convicted of a breach of the provisions of this By-Law shall forfeit and pay at the 4110 discretion of the convicting magistrate, a penalty not ex- ceeding $50.00 for each offense, exclusive of costs. Such 411 penalty to be recoverable under the Summary Convictions Act. 2-2 The imposition of a penalty under sub-section 1 shall not operate as a bar to any other remedy or proceeding under this By-Law. 2.3 In addition to any other remedy provided and any pen- alty imposed under the next preceding section, any con- travention of this By-Law may be restrained, and any re- quirement of it may be enforced by action at the instance of the Corporation, or of a ratepayer. • Section 3. 3-1 This By-Law shall be administered by the Village Build- ing Inspector or the person or persons performing, from time to time, the Duties for that official. 3-2 No building permit shall be issued by the building in- spector where the proposed building or structure would contravene any of the provisions of this By-Law. This By-La read a first and second time on the .AS day of ,<` _ - , 1956. By-Law read a third time and finally nassed this day of , 1956. Reeve, Village of Port Burwell • C , _ Clerk, Village of Port Burwell ab • E iLLBIT "A" FOR THE PURPOSES OF THIS BY-LAW THE FOLLO'.rING ARE THE LANDS AF, ECTED:- Lots No.'s 1 to 12 inclusive, North Erieus Street, according to registered Plan No. 98 for the Village of Port Burwell, Lots No.'s 13 to 25 inclusive, south i;ater Street, according11111 • to registered Plan No. 9$ for the Village of Port Burwell, Gore Lot not numbered, west of Otter Street, corner of Erieus Street, according to registered Plan No. 9$ for the Village of Port Burwell, Lots No.'s 1 to 10 inclusive, north-west Erieus Street, accord- ing to registered Plan No. 1for the Village of Port .Burwell, Unsubdivided part of Lot No. 12, in the 1st Concession of the Township of Bayham, lying within the limits of the Village of Port Burwell, Unnumbered Block south of the Railway and n .rth of Erieus Street, ana east of Otter Street, according to registered Plan No. 12 for the Village of Port urwell, • Unnumbered Kock south-east of Erieus Street and at the north end of Milton Street, according to registered Plan No. 12 for the Village of Port urwell, Lot No. 40 south-east Erieus Street (and north of the east half of Lot No. 39) according to registered Plan No. 12 for the Vill- age of Port Burwell, Lots No.'s 38 to 40 inclusive, east Shakespeare Street, accord- ing to registered Plan No. 12 for the Village of Port Burwell, �✓ tallo.'s 36 and 37, west Shakespeare Street and two irregular te north 6 andt"of Lot No. 37, west side of Shakespeare Street, according to registered Plan No. 12 for the Village of Port Burwell, Lots No.'s 35 and 36, east Strachan Street and two irregular Lots north of Lot No. 36 east side of Strachan Street, accord* ing to registered Plan No. 12 for the Village of Port Burwell, Lots No.'s 34 to 37 inclusive, west Strachan Street, according • to registered Plan No. 12 for the Village of Port Burwell, Lots No.'s 31 to 35 inclusive, east Erieus Street according to registered Plan No. 12 for the Village of Port Burwell, Lots No.'s 29 to 32 inclusive, west Erieus Street according to registered Plan No. 12 for the Village of Port Burwell, Lots No.'s 26 and 27 east side Robinson Street, according to registered Plan No. 12 for the Village of Port Burwell, Lots No.'s 28 and 29 south-easterly side Union Street, accord- ing to registered Plan No. 12 for the Village of Port Burwell. illThis is exhib t "A" referred to in Action 1-1 7fl; Ps.lBT. Law No. 7 Passed this , �.� -' day of , 1956. Z2 C �irra.,f�.l Reeve Village o Port Burwell Clerk, Village of Port Burwell • . I . THE- MUNICIPALITY OF Meeting 119 51 yLl.../ vl." 7 Moved By —...2,., — .. Iriel- . I That leave be granted to introduce By-law to Seconded By .---- /12..4-A-5:'-'6-1 -Ieek-ces-4-7 1.0*-e-etie.;.--;.„ ...-ell.A1-4/ eittfri/ C2.. .-----Z411 and that Bylaw presented herewith be read a first time. By-law read aii-- time tie--4L/ ID Moved By That By-law now read a first time be read a second lime forthwith. - w read a __ .. Moved By --.621-4'‘ ' 40---02-e--h • That By-law now read a second time be read Seconded By ..... .z. ..____.."- .. _. _ '..(-•A",'''_ ___:-/____"/.. a third time forthwith. By-law read a ......ar-e- time III Moved By ..___ ___Zi-1--4-'(-41"ni That By-law now read a third time do pass, be engrossed by the Clerk, and signedand Seconded By 0.--'‘.11.. ±_e•'171,..._ _ sealed by the Reeve. _...kr.,. �Co- orb BY - LAW # 75 BRING A BY-LAW to provide for the. holding-_of..th..,. Municipal 411111 elections in the Municipality of the Village of Port • Burwell for the year 195E A.D. and for the appointing of • Returning Offloer as well as Poll Clerk and Polling Place in the Village of Port Burwell Ont. Be it therefore erected by the Council of the Municipality of the Village of Pcrt Burwell in regular session assembled: THAT. providing more persons qualify for elections to office than are required to fill the various offices an election be held on Monday December 3rd. 1956, as according to Village By-law # 15 and in accordance with the provisions of the Municipal Flections Act. THAT, the election for the Village shall be held at the COMMUNITY HALL in the Village of Port Burwell on the • said December 3rd being the first monday in December and the Polls shall be open form 10 AM to 7 PM and that; A M. R. J. HYNrS shall be Returning Officer, and that Poll Clerk, shall be Mrs. Cora Meyer. - Read a first, s'oond, third, time and finally passed this second day of November 1956. ..�. eeve:�-�ti4ttirHrr:r.iClerk. 111/ 1\ Form 10038 Ontario 5 Q Village of Port Harwell BY-LAW No 74 jp=tatu to authorize the borrowing of$5,000.00 4Whereas the Council of the Village of Port Burwell (hereinafter called the "Municipality") deems it necessary to borrow the sum of $ 5,x.00 to meet, until the taxes are collected, the current expenditures of the Municipality for the year; Non.—Refer And Whereas the total amount of the estimated revenue of the Munici- to for`he esticurrrre`o pality as set forth in the estimates adopted for the year 19 556, not including Year If if pted; not.toot .. revenues derivable or derived from arrears of taxes, borrowings and issues of of last year. debentures, is $ 29, And Whereas the total amount heretofore authorized to be borrowed this year for the purposes mentioned in subsection (1) of section 339 of The t .vd1�eelvf noMunicipal Act is $20,402• , of which the Municipality has already borrowed a total of $ 5,000.00 Therefore the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby • enacts as follows: 1. The Head and the Treasurer are hereby authorized on behalf of the Municipality to borrow from time to time by way of promissory note from THE CANADIAN BANE 015.1 COMMERCE a sum or sums not exceeding in the aggregate $ 5,000• to meet until the taxes are collected the current expenditures of the Municipality for the year,including the amounts required for the purposes mentioned in subsection (1) of section 339 of the Municipal Act, and to give on behalf of the Municipality to the Bank a promissory note or notes sealed with the Corporate Seal and signed by the Head and Treasurer for the moneys so borrowed, with interest,which may be paid in advance or otherwise,at a rate not exceeding 5i per centum per annum. 2. All sums borrowed pursuant to the authority of this by-law,as well as all other sums borrowed in this year and in previous years from the said Bank for any or all of the purposes mentioned in the said section 339, shall, with interest thereon, be a charge upon the whole of the revenues of the Municipality for the current year and for all preceding yeah as and when such revenues are received. 3. The Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to apply in payment of all sums borrowed as aforesaid, together with interest thereon, all of the moneys hereafter collected or received either on account or realized in respect of taxes levied for the current year and preceding years or from any other source which may lawfully be applied for such purpose. Passed this seventh day of December 19 56 • THE HEAD OF THE MUNICIPALITY 1 SEAL CLERK We hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By-Law No. 76 of the Village of Port Burwell in the Province of Ontario, duly passed at a meeting of the Council of the said Municipality duly held, and that the said By-Law is in full force and effect. 1111111 Dated This Seventh day of December 19 56 As Witness the Seal of • the of THE HEA• 0 HE MUNICIPALITY If sae SEAL I CLERK l,. THE MUNICIPALITY OF • Meeting...M.€c)....9' ,19J . Moved By Aztle....44.-- ---- - - That leave be granted to introduce Bylaw o Seconded By - -—- - 4, war13-4r1,Vae, fer)A6Ade -171114-134.71-1. 1 • and that By-law presented herewith be read a first time. By-law read a _ 9::`:"~"7---1. —time Moved By _,Z- t./...7-1.-1"/ That By-law now read a first time be read a second time forthwith. Seconded ------------_--_-- -law read _----_ 4" a e.""" time Moved By _ __.____-----__--_ ._-__.___ /` / That By-law now read a second time be read a third time forthwith. By-law read a _. -----. time • Moved By - - - - - -- That By-law now read a third time do pass, / ./� be engrossed by the Clerk, and signed and Seconded Bye . % I _____ sealed by the Reeve.