HomeMy WebLinkAboutPort Burwell By-Laws 1907 PORT BURWELL VILLAGE BY-LAWS 1907 Numbers 17 — 19 1 c9) gidiar 42,0 . / y -- amu. 1/2effez4, `111 A---& ,11.c �.- di a- 61rfriita . U . _ed-f , d-ele_p_ t74a 0-19 3 s%�LC - 1„.. gy,• z/r_ 4?:x , ,..9.eri-LL (4, frvt_fizAa_e,ve_. / -07 /w- (' �.,4, z LeL (• S -,.•., ,..., ,,,-.:., , • . .., :' -,,,-; fi:,,,;..,•••,',.',: " : , ''..i.,::"%.:' ,!, - • ,i. ' .ti,l6'r l'''''.;',i ..i.., , . ,. ,;•','l'.' ,'S,, •-• '' '- ' ''':.--.. "';',,".' '''',.,,,',,'.,';•- , ° •'„ . '. ., . ' • o'- , , - . • - . ., .‘ ';''. '..‘: .'C' '- . , ,;•,14,1:,;i14.. :,,, ,'-',' • .,:2. . .." :4,-"O;ski` ''• .tr,,":7 - . "V, ' '. ' ' - • ''i...,.,,„,',,,.,•);''''.;;;''"Tii-Zr .',^-',:',•,.%-.:',1. ',:j,' • ' ' ;_t,.., . •1;\'44",. --''' .'., • ' ' , ' t" ,... - . ..0e'•*, ': -.: '-- ' ':- ' . ,, ..... ., ... — : ' •API.;•" :-.,-," ' . .,' 1 " ) : . . ' • 8 -z-t,.:-.....i.`4.1,c;„.'-...t;,-.,..,. •,,,,,-.,-_-- - .,.,.....,-., ,.-,-: - ,c.,,,.,- .-,, ,.. -,-•--.. --, .., -,-;:.-:,• , . .- - , • , .„. ,,,, -tg,-.4...' -;•" ,..:!...,i .., '- , . .:•-- - - • . ' i"',,.'-..• ';',- '4%,,..,h,,,.•'. • • - •-•.:'- ' .- -, ' - -';'' '`• ' -:' . ::47:41-,.;tz,"1.1 r , -a', ',.."'.• ' - . '-...4, . ' ,, ,_ *. , ;-.4:_•t,-4:1:::+.,,,,*(..,-s• ' ', ..,.t . .-- -4,..:-.' ' N: .,N_.'' 4.--,`. ,..;';4', ii-,t",-,,'-''' ,,,,J -' .,. . '. '..'„. , ,. '' ‘r.- ...' , • N-;„, •., , . A -Th; A '•-'4 1:.:''1 . ). By-law No. 0 of the Board of Police Trustees of the Police Village of Port Burwell to authorize the laying of a concrete or sompositio# stone sidewalk upon the frontage tax system upon parts of the east and west sides of Robinson Street in the said Police Village of Port Burwell. WHEREAS certain property holders of the said Police Village of Port Burwell are desirous of having a cement or com- position stone sidewalk constructed along certain portiofls of the east and west sides of Robinson Street as set out in their petition. AND W or [ LS it it expedient that ohe half of the cost of said work should be borne by the Board of Police Trustees of the Police Village of Port Burwell and one half by the real pso- perty owners to be benefited thereby by special assessment upon their property so benefited according to the frontage thereof. AND WHZRRAS a petition has been received signed by at lease two-thirds in number of the real property owners to be benefited thereby such owners representing at least one half in value of such real property for the construction of the work hereinafter specified in pursuance of said petition. AND WHEREAS it is expedient to grant the prayer of the said petition. { BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED BY THE BOARD OF POLICE TRUSTEES OF THE POLICE VILLAGE OF PORT BJRWELL, as follows;- F 1. That a composition stone walk shall be constructed on the east side of Robinson Street commencing at the south west cor- ner of Lot number Sixteen on the east side of Robinson Street and continuing to the north west angle of lot number twenty on the east side of RobinsoniStreet of the width of eight feet with a crossing across Wellington Street of the width of six feet, and 1 from the south west angle of lot number twenty-one on the leak east side of Robinson Street to the north west angle of lot numbs*/ twenty-two on the east side of Robinson Street of the yiidth ofqi1. r feet, and from the south west angle of lot number twenty-three on the east side of Robinson Street to the north west angle of said Lot number twenty-three of the width of eight feet, and from the south east angle of lit number seventeen on the west side of Robinson Street to the north east angle of lot number twenty-two on the west side of Robinson Street of the width of eight feet, together with a crossing across Wellington Street of six feet in width and a crossing across Robinson Street along the northerly limit of Wellington Street of the width of six feet and another crossing across Wellington Street at such point be- tween Wel S r et and Pitt Street as may seem most suitable. 2. The said idewalk and all work in connection therewith shall be done under the direct supervision of this Board of Police Trustees. 3. That upon the completion of the said work the said Board of Police Trustees shall report in writing to their Secretarythe total cost thereof, U £ J C4, ' a;Z:;1:7- 4. That it shall be the duty of the said Board of Police Trustees and they are hereby authorized and required before the completion of the said work to ascertain and determine what real property is benefited by its construction an0 the proportions in which the assessment for the cost of the same is to be made for the various lots and portions of lots fronting or abutting on the said Street between the said limits and the number of lineal feet according to the frontage thereof and to make a written re- port pf the samet same together with the names of the owners, tenants and occupiers arir' the number of lintel feet in each lot and portion of lot assessable for such work. 5. That CO half the cost of constructing the said work shall be assessed upon the real property fronting or abutting on the said Street between the limits aforesaid by a special rate according to the number of linkl feet of the frontage theteof including the cost of any temporary loans that may be obtained for the said work and mere one half the cost of construction Rik I 1 1 shall be borne by the Board of Police Trustees out of the general funds of the Police Village. 6. That the Chairman and Secretary of the said Board may and they are hereby authorized and empowered to obtain from a Chartered Bank any temporary loan that may be necessary for the completion of the said work and that such loan shall be repaid out of the proceeds of the debentures to be issued for the cost of the said work. 7. That the Chairman and Secretary of the said Board are hereby authorized to sign any contract for the construction of the said work when such contract is made and settled to the satis- faction of the said Board of Police Trustees. Read a third time and passed this *�'`�7 /-� day t/f of A. D. 190 . ---7..--72:7?-211C&-6-1' �72:7?-211C��,�`. !_fes.`" Secretary of Police Trustees, Chairman of Police Trustees. sh �., ♦•rEf `t,1::'''/'. ear,. /' i sr" .. d. . . ^F t4;4..C A + -:','1 '',' 4-1'13-‘,x,: 4rc'4 • 1 `.- " c i• rT , i. ,`,;':1,41-7 < ,Iz w k -';: xt • S b► iN;`,,,71 ".� "� z t '-,4:-.,-, _ .4-14,,,4--.i'•yj al. - '` SR.. �• 0 n 'K TIF "t�L�fS Y s ry M i !•J!,. ellINIIIIIIIIIMIII ,. r i tp 1 .,!.,,, . .r.:..... , • . 4.,•,...,,,.,?1,,,,-.. yoigt•'44'''''''' S'''':. - ' ' ' . '- '.. - *-' '' ..-\ .;-. ..'.3.-. - 11111:3*:'. ' . ---- ' 1 T 111000004.1,4m-mo- „„. tz1 ch 0 f\t • -a- WI e 1?) W . o . ic.:.. CTSI—j$3) P---3" • s CD \ 1.......3 i 0 C.,.. 1.-43 ci. 5 Oi isD) N ' 11 c-i- o F-+) XN , • , -. ,, /*--• • ..- .. • , , _ .„. 1 ' k.. ' \ . ..,.,1 . .. . .. ,''‘:'''-•*, -*, - , . '•;,::.*.y,,c:.,: .t ; ' 'IN-::::;11111-iiiiiiiiiiii* ' , - Q. ,Yd„,,,,/„6 /11,,y,J Iti- 1-1-1 1,0,..0 /i, ^ /Z. - t " ,a-__-.1c„, di. ) I /2, ' • ,-c_ / r - /13-,- -,---/-t-1-- - 1 IL.,/,--,-, //e.,7-‘,_ - ,, — a:,...,-,--7 - he i E., , _?-t:/:-/ 4.--;;;;-4 ,,, za:-. ;..----ei.:___- ,-.2-2-1.-, P 72,01-, / 6 1. t--- - , ,74. 4 ' 2 ,, ._ kms � 7 � �/2- ,� • � l n la- ig 2 912 „ 3 79 • - e 2-hy(r_,--a €. ., ,, .. .., / , 3 4 „ / -2O 9 G • 12 , 3 • (o ,. �- �o 2 / 9-2-2 � y10 • /17 . Ste, 41-4-- S 7 • 3 7 ti S i5 • Y-a.-.-._____ - .a / ‘ s k - 74, /i, 0 , 4, ._ 2 2 G G , P• L, to �t• r y .. Bylaw Number of the Board of Police Trustees of the Pilice Village of tort Burwell to confirm the bylaw authorizing the laying of concrete or composition stone sidewalks on the frontage tax system on the Hast and West sides of Robinson Street in the said Village of Port Burwell, and to confirm the proceedings taken thereunder. MRUS Bylaw Number- f f the Board of Police Trustees of the Police Village of Port Burwell authorized the lay- ing of concrete or composition stone sidewalks upon parts of the Best and ;gest sides of Robinson Streit in the said Village of Port Burwell as set o,l t in said bylaw, AND WH1RF,A9 by said BylaT it was enacted that one half. of the cost of said work should be borne by the Board of Police - Trustees of the Police Village of ?ort Burwell and one h alf by the real property owners to be benefitted thereby, by/such assessment on their property so benefftted according to the frontage thereof, AND WHi rAS the said concret.:e or composition stone side- walk has been duly laid pursuant to the said Byalw, AND `A(.13B"AS the real property owners affected tlreby were duly notified of the cost of said i work and their proposed assessment thereunder and the Court of Revision was duly held the- reon and no appeals were received by the said ( curt of Revision and said assessments were confirmed, AND i"H'rnXAS it is expedient to confirm and reaffirm the said RyiamrNumher of the said Board of Police Trustees and to confirm and affirm all proceedings taken thereunde BS IT THWTOEX FNACTED by the Board of Police Trustees %f the Police Village of ort Burwell, as follows: That Bylaw Number44-:,4,7-241 the said Police Village of Port Burwell be and the s:. me is hereby confirmed and a].lproceeding: taken thereunder to date including the laying of the said composi- tion sidewalk es provided therein a the assessments made under 1 and in i rsuance of the said Bylaw and the proceedings of Court of Revision held therein, he and the same ire hereby confirmed , in every respect. Bead a third time and passed this Sial- day of 4-'1g07, -VY,)<A7- 3ecty of th9 Foliee Trustees. a ch7(47+i . . t ''"*.k."-f:' .' .,,e 11.:::,ef,,,,,IE • '- -' '''..'-.• :1*....-• 2-'1,,';.1. ' . ,B law Lmiher Zff � �h Yi : . ry ; _s r'it`es a M'I` •-S•t..,•�•+,,. ll;.. of the Police Trustees of - - '• -rk� the Police Village ofr .� J e �y,ii1 �yar r'�����5•i a�%iGsL h - ,-,,;) ..-.....,......,,,,.,, ,.ii-*--,4-..i...,t,,,*".,..!.'')$:-- . .;::''''., :'",-'Alib ''-*-V0:7. '",,,.., ,Y4)4...F',,, A Burwell. . 1,7. ,...„. , ,,, ...--.••-.,-„,..-„-..„....,,, ,.. ,,„‘,..,, 7, +� " s. 4 -•• _Ly -�,ry :, . :r L - ,,,..,::•- i +_, j*„�..i"d't; ,y ,•,y+,••t J•.:^"�.. ,,i`4,a.�•►i«'llir•y� i G'4,.<•.rt-♦."k• ;4,-,- --'Sa f•• -j.. i. '.4,1.4.,;.,-'.4,..,., ', ...7:`....74)PrI-Vi.s...,,i` Vit,',1, _' ..� - • � )-45,, �Ia • a 'vE : ty4 ✓ ' 'ak a Ytr � i",`Y r *y',a`r A�,- •YY�1 ^ 1' k,-.•••••,-..!. < dam .. 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