HomeMy WebLinkAboutBayham By-Laws 1987BAYHAM TOWNSHIP B y -Laws Numbers 2333— 2383 1987 C� 16Ct�.ry o�.QQ. act= Ons -llllu..0e �s �' tl�. `Y�,v• ��'�1 U G.- VLA �.�fY> �LR_R�C.7 OJ- A—Dt 1 . CQ(1 p r AvTZ-rc9rc�s� -0- C�6 cn ou-\ C,ao o73(n`t� ��l.f�•�r� o�Q� C3.��=+s1d�u� 0��_�.t�C� }�' ,rvaastt�s� OaN c`�31fl-12�.��.'�O�'��.�.r� cwt act�-cca_� a�lo0 C`�., as�9 `�'•o�' �' o�.s� `.�.Q. _ S71 (S2( (S2 1 I 1671 � ce%s.S? P _cam 9AC\ck--Q� c��,,r� PX- �-CCN- PEI- 3 Ocr � C-1 -C s� � C�.�ch9 �� Q.C..,Qxz .J� *, 0-�,1-� �.��v U ocif c-xQ-Q ac-k� cck-p. CTr---) I _--- aa� 2 -Q� ®R j o� I Y�lcx.,.-+�s�,z-�.�c.e_ cjc f,c�.Q .; " If (:OIZ I'ORAT I ON OF T111-; TOWN."M 1 1) O1. BAY11AM IIY-1,AW No. 2333 RAIN(; a IIY-I.,-IW tc) cmif i rm all ;1ct i OIls cif t hr (:()lll)c• i 1 O I- t }lc, TOWNS111 1' OF BAY11AM n t t hc, mc•c►t 11)1'%(s) 1101(l January 8, 1987 RE 1'I' ENACTED RY 'I'l1E COUN(: I I , OI' THE CORPORATION OF '1'111; TOWNSFi I I' OF BAYNAM pursuant to the prc�v i s i ()ns of The Mun i c i p;l I Act that all actions by the sa i ci (:()llllc i 1 by by-laws and res(l utions passed at the regu l.a r mer t- i rlp lle l ci January8 , 198 ;end sl�c►c i ;i 1 meetin�(s) held_____ he ai-id the s,�me ;lre herehy incl co 111 i rrnc,cl as if all such proceedings were c,xlirc►ss l y in this By -1,;1w. Read ;l First, SccOnd r ;,ncl Third Ti mc_, ;end Final 1 v this 8th. c1,1y of January, 1987 Reeve O CI cork CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY - LAW NO. 2334 BEING A BY-LAW TO AMEND SCHEDULE "A" of By-law No. 1926, as amended, regulating water rates from the Elgin Area Water System. WHEREAS By-law No. 1926 is a By-law to regulate the supplying of water and rates for water from the Elgin Area Water System Project AND WHEREAS Schedule "A" of By-law No. 1926 has been amended by By-law Nos. 1978, 2062, 2110, 2157, 2188, 2243 and 2294. AND WHEREAS it is now necessary to further amend By-law No. 1926 to adjust the rates charged for the supply of water. NOW THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM: THAT Schedule "A" of By-law No. 2294 is hereby repealed THAT the following be designated Schedule "A" of By-law NO. 1926 and be effective from January 1, 1987. SCHEDULE "A" RATES FOR WATER SOLD FOR DOMESTIC AND COMMERCIAL PURPOSES '. Each consumer shall pay for every metered service a minimum bill of $30.00 every 13 week period and shall be allowed to use 6000 gallons of water during the period without further charge. Water used during the period in excess of 6000 gallons will be billed at the rate of $4.50 per 1000 gallons. 2. A late payment penalty of 5% will be charged. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 15th. DAY OF JANUARY, 1987. �1 n CLERK • • THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 2335 (AS AMENDED) A BY-LAW TO SET OUT A POLICY FOR STANDARDS OF MAINTENANCE AND OCCUPANCY FOR ALL PROPERTY IN THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM THE COUNCIL of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham, pursuant to the provisions of The Planning Act and amendments thereto ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. INTERPRETATION 1.1 SHORT TITLE This By-law may be cited ,as the "Standards of Maintenance and Occupancy By-law" 1.2 APPLICATION The provisions of this By-law shall apply to all lands and dwellings within the boundaries of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham as now or hereafter legally constituted. 1.3 SCOPE No lands shall be used and no buildings or structures shall be used or occupied within the Township of Bayham except in conformity with the provisions of this By-law. 1.4 ADMINISTRATION This By-law shall be administered by the Property Standards Officer or other such persons as the Property Standards Committee of the Township of Bayham designates. 1.5 APPLICATIONS OF OTHER BY-LAWS Nothing in this By-law shall serve to relieve any person from the obligation to comply with the requirements of the Restricted Area (Zoning) By-law, or any other By-law of the Municipality in force from time to time, or the obligation to obtain any license, permit, authority, or approval required under any by-law of the Municipality. 1.6 VALIDITY Should any section, clause, or provision of this By-law be held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, the validity of the remainder of the By-law shall not be affected. 1.7 EFFECTIVE DATE This By-law shall come into full force and effect immediately upon its final passing. 2. IN THIS BY-LAW 2.2.1 "Accessory Building" means a building or structure the use of which is normally incidental, subordinate and exclusively devoted to the use of the main structure and is located on the same lot therewith. 2.2.2 "Building" means any structure used or intended for supporting or sheltering any use or occupancy. 2.2.3 "Council" means the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham. 2.2.4 "Committee" means the Property Standards Committee established under this By-law. 2.2.5 "Dwelling" means a building or structure or part of a building or structure occupied or capable of being occupied in whole or in part for the purposes of human habitation and includes the land and premises appurtenant thereto and all outbuildings, fences or erections thereon or therein. 2.2.6 "Dwelling Unit" means one or more rooms connected together as a separate unit in the same structure and constituting and independent housekeeping unit for residential occupancy by humans for living and sleeping purposes. 2.2.7 "Occupant" means any person or persons over the age of eighteen years in possession of the property. 2.2.8 "Occupancy" shall mean to reside in as owner or tenant on a permanent or temporary basis. 2.2.9 "Officer" means a property standards officer who has been assigned the responsibility of administering and enforcing this by-law. 2.2.10 "Owner" includes the person for the time beigg managing or receiving the rent of the land or premises in connection with which the word is used whether on his own account or as agent or trustee of any other person or who would so receive the rent is such land and premises were let, and shall also include a lessee or occupant of the property who, under the terms of the lease, is required to repair and maintain the property in accordance with the standards for the maintenance and occupancy of property. 2.2. 11 "Property" means a building or structure or part of a building or structure, and includes the lands and premises appurtenant thereto and all mobile homes, mobile buildings, mobile structures, out -buildings, fences and erections thereon whether hereto or hereafter erected, and includes vacant property. 2.2.12 "Repair" includes the provision of such facilities and the making of additions or alterations or the taking of such action as may be required so that the property shall conform to the standards established by this by-law. 2.2.13 "Rubbish", shall mean any waste material, debris, refuse, litter, worthless material or trash. 2.2.14 "Shall", shall always be construed as mandatory. 2.2.15 "Structure", shall mean any material, object or work erected as a unit or constructed or put together of connected or dependent parts or elements whether located under, on, or above the surface of the ground. 2.2.16 "Yard", shall mean the land or property around and appurtenant to the whole or any part of a structure, building, or dwelling and used or intended to be used, or capable of being used, in connection with the structure, or dwelling. 3. MAINTENANCE OF BUILDINGS, DWELLINGS, STRUCTURES AND YARD 3.1 Every part of a building shall be maintained in a structurally sound condition so as to be capable of sustaining safely, its own weight and any other weight that may be put on it through normal use. 3.2 Foundation walls of a building shall be maintained in a sound condition and if not, must be made so by grouting any masonry cracks, waterproofing the walls, joists, beams or other exposed wood members and by installing adequate subsoil drains at footing levels. 3.3 Exterior walls of a building shall be maintained structurally sound, weather proof, present a good external appearance, and more particularly damaged or decayed sheeting or other exterior cladding shall be replaced or repaired. 3.4 A roof shall be maintained in a weather proof condition and more particularly damaged, decayed or missing roof materials shall be repaired or replaced. 3.5 Exterior doors and windows shall be maintained in good working condition and more particularly: 1) Fitted properly to prevent the entrance of rain and snow. 2) Maintenance shall include renewing rotted or damaged exterior doors, windows, frames, casing, sills, etc. 3.6 Inside and outside stairs, stairwells, balconies, landings, hallways and common areas and porches shall be maintained in a safe and clean condition properly treated and more particularly: 1) Any excessively worn, broken, warped or loose boards or parts thereof, torn loose or lost tiles, shall be maintained, replaced or repaired in a good workmanlike manner. 2) Handrails shall be installed and maintained sound, solid and intact around any open stair, stairwell, balcony, landing or porch. 3.7 Floors shall be maintained in a structurally safe and sound condition. 3.8 Ceiling and interior walls shall be maintained in a structurally safe and sound condition. 4. STANDARDS OF FITNESS FOR OCCUPANCY 4.1 Every chimney, smoke pipe, vent or flue serving a heating appliance, or system, shall be maintained in a safe and usable condition, and more particularly: 1) Any chimney, vent or flue that passes through any floor, wall, ceiling or roof, shall be constructed or materials that have been approved by the National Research Council of Canada or Canadian Standards Association. 2) Clearance between masonry chimneys and combustible framing shall be at least 54.8 millimetres for interior chimneys and 12.7 millimetres for exterior chimneys; or as set out in the Ontario Building Code. 3) Prefabricated chimneys, vents or flues, shall have the minimum clearance specified by the manufacturer. 4) Any defective chimney shall be replaced or repaired. 4.2 Every habitable area of rented or leased dwelling shall be provided with a heating system capable of maintaining with safety, a room temperature or 20 degrees celsius in all habitable rooms, when the temperature outside the building is 0 degrees celsius and more particularly each dwelling unit shall comply with the following requirements: 4.2.1 Any part of any furnace, stove, heater, or heating appliance that is defective or unsafe shall be replaced or repaired. 4.2.2. Any defective or loose pipe connecting a heating device to a chimney shall be replaced or repaired. 4.2.3 Any pipe connecting a heating device to a chimney which passes through a wall constructed of combustible material shall be separated from such material by a thimble manufactured for this purpose or by a metal or concrete thimble that provides a minimum space separation of 101.6 millimetres between the pipe and the wall. 4.2.4 Subject to the provisions of 4.2.1 where any leased or rented dwelling or living accommodation is normally heated by or at the expense of the landlord rather than at the expense of the tenant or lessee, such dwelling or accommodation shall during the months of September to May inclusive of the following year be maintained at a temperature of 21 degrees Celsius (70F) 1.5 meters above the floor, in such dwelling or accommodation except from eleven o'clock in the afternoon of each day until seven o'clock in the forenoon of the following day when the temperature shall not be less that 18 Celsius (65F) 1.5 meters above such floor. 4.2.5 The provisions of Section 4.2.4 of this By-law shall apply to all parts of dwelling except the following: the laundry, pantry, lobby, stairway, closet, basement, attic, recreation room or other space for service and maintenance of the dwelling. 4.3 No dwelling unit shall be occupied or allowed to be occupied unless the following minimum sanitary facilities are provided: 4.3.1 A water closet, wash -basin and a sink, which shall be connected to a private disposal system, approved by the Medical Officer of Health of the Elgin -St. Thomas Health Unit or a Director appointed for Part VII, Environmental Protection Act 1980. R.S.O. 1980 C 141 as amended from time to time or such other facilities as may be approved by the said Medical Officer of Health and/or Director. 4.3.2. No dwelling unit shall be occupied or allowed to be occupied unless provided with a supply of potable water from a source approved by the Medical Officer of Health of the Elgin -St. Thomas Health Unit. 4.4 A dwelling shall be kept free of rodents, vermin, birds, (other than those kept as pets in wire cages) and insects at all times and methods used for exterminating rodents, bird or insects shall be in accordance with the provisions of The Pesticides Act, Statutes of Ontario, Chapter 74, and Ontario Regulation 445/67, as amended. 4.5 The maximum number of occupants in a dwelling shall not exceed one person per 9.3 square metres of habitable room floor area. Any child under two years of age shall not be counted when computing the number of occupants. 4.6 Every dwelling unit shall have two safe, continuous, unobstructed and direct passages from the inside thereof, to the outside, to street or grade level. 4.7 Existing wiring and electrical equipment shall be in good, serviceable and safe condition, as required by Ontario Hydro. 4.8 All lands and lots and yards around and used in connection with residential or commercial or industrial or agricultural uses, including fences and accessory buildings, shall be maintained in a clean and reasonable state of repair to prevent hazards of fire, 4.8.1 Any rubbish or debris, such as paper, cardboard, wood, lumber bricks, blocks, glass, bottles, machinery, unusable motor vehicles or implements or parts thereof, (unless necessary in the operation of a lawfully existing business on private property) shall be removed or stored out of sight in a safe and sanitary manner or container. Small amounts of firewood or lumber, if neatly piled in a rear yard, shall not be considered as rubbish or debris. 4.8.2 Any part of a yard that is low lying or has been excavated so that it accumulates water, shall be drained, filled and graded so that water drains to storm sewer or ditch. Swimming pools, ornamental pools and agricultural ponds shall not be included in this requirement. 5. ADMIMSTRATION AND ENFORCEMENT 5.1 This by-law shall apply to all property within the Township of Bayham, and occupancy of all properties which do not conform to the provisions of this by-law is prohibited; and if upon proper notice the property is not brought the standards of this by-law the site may be cleared of all buildings, structures, debris or refuse and left in a graded and levelled condition. 5.2 Property Standards Committee 5.2.1 (amended by By-law 2544) The Council of the Township of Bayham shall be and is hereby established as a Property Standards Committee in and for the said Township of Bayham, and a majority of the members shall constitute a quorum. 5.2.2 The Committee shall designate a Chairman thereof. 5.2.3 The Chairman, or in his absence, any member of the Committee may administer oaths. 5.2.4 The members of the Committee shall be paid such compensation as the Council may provide. 5.3 The Council shall appoint an Officer to enforce the provisions of the by-law. 5.3.1 Such Officer shall keep records or any action taken pursuant to this by-law and shall provide Council with a report when so requested. 5.3.2 The Officer, or any person acting upon his instructions, may at all reasonable times, and upon the productions of proper identification, enter and inspect any property. 5.3.3 If, after inspections, the Officer is satisfied that, in some respect, the property does not conform to the standards prescribed in the By-law he shall serve or cause to be served to the owner of the property and all persons shown by the records or the Registry Office, the Land Titles Office and Sheriffs Office to have any interest therein a notice containing particulars of the non -conformity and may, at the same time, provide all occupants with a copy of such notice. 5.3.4 After affording any person served with a notice provided for by section 5.3.3 an opportunity to appear before the officer and to make representations in connection therewith, the Officer may make and serve or cause to be served upon, or send by prepaid registered mail to such person a order containing - (a) the municipal address or the legal description of such property (b) reasonable particulars of the repairs to be effected or a statement that the site is to be cleared of all buildings, structures, debris or refuse and left in a graded and levelled condition and the period in which there must be a compliance with the terms and conditions of the order and notice that, if such repair or clearance is not so done within the time specified in the order, the municipality may carry out the repair or clearance at the expense of the owner; and (c) the final date for giving notice of appeal from the order. 5.3.5 A notice or an order under section 5.3.3 or 5.3.4 when sent by registered mail shall be sent to the last known address of the person to whom it is sent. If the Officer is unable to effect service under section 5.3.3 or 5.3.4, he shall place a placard containing the terms of the notice or order in a conspicuous place on the property, and the placing of the placard shall be deemed to be sufficient service of the notice or order on the owner or other persons. 5.3.6 A placard placed under section 5.3.5 shall not be removed except under authority of the property standards officer. 5.3.7 An order under section 5.3.4 may be registered in the proper Registry or Land Titles Office and, upon such registration, any person acquiring any interest in the land subsequent to the registration of the order shall be deemed to have been served with the order on the date on which the order was served under section 5.3.4 and owner of the property shall repair and maintain the property to the satisfaction of the Officer in accordance with the particulars of the repairs set forth in the Order. 5.3.8 When the requirements of the order have been satisfied, the Clerk of the municipality shall forthwith register in the proper registry or land titles office, a certificate that such requirements have been satisfied, which shall operate as a discharge of such order. 5.3.9 When the owner or occupant upon whom an order has been served in accordance with this section is not satisfied with the terms or conditions of the order, he may appeal to the Committee by sending notice of appeal by registered mail to the secretary of the Committee within fourteen days after service of the order, and, in the event that no appeal is taken, the order shall be deemed to have been confirmed. 5.3.10 Where an appeal has been taken, the Committee shall hear the appeal and shall have all the powers and functions of the officer and may confirm the order to demolish or repair or may modify or quash it or may extend the time for complying with the order provided that, in the opinion of the Committee, the general intent and purpose of the by-law and of the official plan or policy statement are maintained. 5.3.11 If the owner of property fails to demolish the property or repair in accordance with a notice as confirmed or modified, the Corporation in addition to all other remedies: 1) Shall have the right to demolish or repair the property accordingly and for this purpose with its servants and agents from time to time, enter in and upon the property. 2) Shall not be liable to compensate such owner, occupant or any other person having an interest in the property, by reason of anything done by or on behalf of the Corporation under the provisions of the Subsection. 3) Such matter or thing may be done by the Corporation at the expense of such person and the Corporation may recover the expense incurred in doing it by action, or the same may be recovered in like manner as municipal taxes. 5.3.12 Following the inspections of a property, the officer may, or on the request of the owner, shall issue to the owner a certificate of compliance, if in this opinion, the property is in compliance with the standards. When such inspection is at the request of the owner, the fee shall be $25.00. • 5.3.13 The Township of Bayham or any owner or occupants or person affected by a decision under section 5.3. 10 may appeal to a Judge of the County of Elgin, in which the property is located, by so notifying the Clerk of the Court in writing and by applying for an appointment within fourteen days after the sending of a copy of the decision, and The Judge, shall in writing, appoint a day, time and place for the Hearing of the appeal, and in his appointment may direct that it shall be served upon such persons and in such manner as he shall prescribe. The Judge on such appeal has the same powers and functions as the Committee. 5.4 Any person who contravenes any provision of this by-law, or fails to comply with a written order issued by an officer appointed under this by-law , shall be guilty of an offence and upon conviction shall be liable to a fine of not more than $500.00 (Five Hundred Dollars) for each day that he is in contravention of an order that is final and binding. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 15th DAY OF JANUARY, 1987. D. Vane Chute REEVE K Jack A. Petrie CLERK • THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY - LAW NUMBER 2335 A By-law to set out a policy for standards of maintenance and occupancy for all property in the Township of Bayham THE COUNCIL of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham, pursuant to the provisions of The Planning Act and amendments thereto ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. INTERPRETATION 1.1 SHORT TITLE This By-law may be cited as the "Standards of Maintenance and Occupancy By-law". 1.2 APPLICATION The provisions of this By-law shall apply to all lands and dwellings within the boundaries of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham as now or hereafter legally constituted. 1.3 SCOPE No lands shall be used and no buildings or structures shall be used or occupied within the Township of Bayham except in conformity with the provisions of this By-law. 1.4 ADMINISTRATION This By-law shall be administered by the Property Standards Officer or other such persons as the Property Standards Committee of the Township of Bayham designates. 1.5 APPLICATION OF OTHER BY-LAWS Nothing in this By-law shall serve to relieve any person from the obligation to comply with the requirements of the Restricted Area (Zoning) By-law, or any other By-law of the Municipality in force from time to time, or the obligation to obtain any license, permit, authority, or approval required under any by-law of the Municipality. 1.6 VALIDITY Should any section, clause, or provision of this By-law be held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, the validity of the remainder of the By-law shall not be affected. 1.7 EFFECTIVE DATE This By-law shall come into full force and effect immediately upon its final passing. 2. IN THIS BY-LAW 2.2.1 "Accessory Building" means a building or structure the use of which is normally incidential, subordinate and exclusively devoted to the use of the main structure and is located on the same lot therewith. 2.2.2 "BUILDING" means any structure used or intended for supporting or sheltering any use or occupancy. 2.2.3 "Council" means the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham. ................continued......,..... N - 2 - 2.2.4 "Committee" means the Property Standards Committee established under this By-law. 2.2.5 "Dwelling" means a building or structure or part of a building or structure occupied or capable of being occupied in whole or in part for the purposes of human habitation and includes the land and premises appurtenant thereto and all outbuildings, fences or erections theron or therein. 2.2.6 "Dwelling Unit" means one or more rooms connected together as a separate unit in the same structure and constituting an independent housekeeping unit for residential occupancy by humans for living and sleeping purposes. 2.2.7 "Occupant" eighteen means any person or persons over the age of years in possession of the property. 2.2.8 "Occupancy of shall mean to reside in as owner or tenant on a permanent or temporary basis. 2.2.9 "Officer" means a property standards officer who has been assigned the responsibility of administering and enforcing this by-law. 2.2.10 "Owner" includes the person for the time being managing or receiving the rent of the land or premises in connection with which the word is used whether on his own account oras agent or trustee of any other person or who would so receive the rent if such land and premises were let, and shall also include a lessee or occupant of the property who, under the terms of a lease, is required to repair and maintain the property in accordance with the standards for the maintenance and occupancy of property. 2.2.11 "Property" means a building or structure or part of a building or structure, and includes the lands and premises appurtenant thereto and all mobile homes, moble buildings, mobile structures, out -buildings, fences and erections thereon whether heretofore or hereafter erected, and includes vacant property. 2.2.12 "REPAIR" includes the provision of such facilities and the making of additions or alterations or the taking of such action as may be required so that the property shall conform to the standards established by this by-law. 2.2.13 "RUBBISH", shall mean any waste material, debris, refuse, litter, worthless material or trash. 2.2.14 "SHALL" , shall always be construed as mandatory. 2.2.15 "STRUCTURE", shall mean any material, object or work erected as a unit or constructed or put together of connected or dependent parts or elements whether Located under, on, or above the surface of the ground. 2.2.16 "YARD", shall mean the land or property around and appurtenant to the whole or any part of a structure, building, or dwelling and used or intended to be used, or capable of being used, in connection with the structure, or dwelling. 3. MAINTENANCE OF BUILDINGS, DWELLINGS, STRUCTURES AND YARD" 3.1 Every part of a building shall be maintained in a structurally sound condition so as to be capable of sustaining safely, its own weight and any other weight that may be put on it through normal use. ...............continued........ - 3 - 3.2 Foundation walls of a building shall be maintained in a sound condition and if not, must be made so by grouting any masonry cracks, waterproofing the walls, joists, beams or other exposed wood members and by installing adequate subsoil drains at footing levels. 3.3 Exterior walls of a building shall be maintained structurally sound, weather proof, present a good external appearance, and more particularly damaged or decayed sheeting or other exterior cladding shall be replaced or repaired. 3.4 A roof shall be maintained in a weather proof condition and more particularly damaged, decayed or missing roofing materials shall be repaired or replaced. 3.5 Exterior doors and windows shall be maintained in good working condition and more particularly: 1) Fitted properly to prevent the entrance of rain and snow. 2) Maintenance shall include renewing rotted or damaged exterior doors, window, frames, casing, sills, etc. 3.6 Inside and outside stairs, stairwells, balconies, landings, hallways and common areas and porches shall be maintained in a safe and clean condition properly treated and more particularly: 1) Any excessively worn, broken, warped or loose boards or parts thereof, torn loose or lost tiles, shall be maintained, replaced or repaired in a good workmanlike manner. 2) Handrails shall be installed and maintained sound, solid and intact around any open stair, stairwell, balcony, landing or porch. 3.7 Floors shall be maintained in a structurally safe and sound condition. 3.8 Ceiling and interior walls shall be maintained in a structurally safe and sound condition. 4. STANDARDS OF FITNESS FOR OCCUPANCY 4.1 Every chimney, smoke pipe, vent or flue serving a heating appliance, or system, shall be maintained in a safe and usable condition, and more particularly: 1) Any chimney, vent or flue that passes through any floor, wall, ceiling or roof, shall be constructed of materials that have been approved by the National Research Council of Canada or Canadian Standards Association. 2) Clearance between masonry chimneys and combustible framing shall be at least'50.8 millimeters for interior chimneys and 12.7 millimeters for exterior chimneys; or as set out in the Ontario Building Code. 3) Prefabicated chimneys, vents or flues, shall have the minimum clearance specified by the manufacturer. 4) Any defective chimney shall be replaced or repaired. 4.2 Every habitable area of rented or leased dwelling shall be provided with a heating system capable of maintaining with safety, a room temperature of 20 degrees celcius in all habitable rooms, when the temperature outside the building is 0 degrees celcius and more particularly each dwelling unit shall comply with the following requirements: 4.2.1 Any part of any furnace, stove, heater, or heating appliance that is defective or unsafe shall be replaced or repaired. 4.2.2 Any defective or loose pipe connecting a heating device to a chimney shall be replaced or repaired. .............continued.................... t. 4 91 4.2.3 Any pipe connecting a heating device to a chimney which passes through a wall constructed of combustible material shall be separated from such material by a thimble manufactured for this purpose or by a metal or concrete thimble that provides a minimum space separation of 101.6 millimeters between the pipe and the wall. 4.2.4 Subject to the provisions of 4.2.1 where any leased or rented dwelling or living accommodation is normally heated by or at the expense of the landlord rather than at the expense of the tenant or lessee, such dwelling or accommodation shall during the months of September to May inclusive of the following year be maintained at a temperature of 21 degrees Celius (70F) 1.5 meters above the floor, in such dwelling or accommodation except from eleven o'clock in the afternoon of each day until seven o'clock in the forenoon of the following day when the temperature shall not be less than 18 Celcius (65F) 1.5meters above such floor. 4.2.5 The provisions of Section 4.2.4 of this By-law shall apply to all parts of dwelling except the following: the laundry, pantry lobby, stairway, closet, basement, attic, recreation room or other space for service and maintenance of the dwelling. 4.3 No dwelling unit shall be occupied or allowed to be occupied unless the following minimum sanitary facilities are provided: 4.3.1 A water closet, wash -basin and a sink, which shall be connected to a private disposal system, approved by the Medical Officer of Health of the Elgin -St. Thomas Health Unit or a Director appointed for Part V11, Enviromnental Protection Act 1980. R.S.O 1980 C 141 as amended from time to time or such other facilities as may be approved by the said Medical Officer of Health and/or Director. 4.3.2 No dwelling unit shall be occupied or allowed to be occupied unless provided with a supply of potable water from a source approved by the Medical Officer of Health of the Elgin -St. Thomas Health Unit. 4.4 A dwelling shall be kept free of rodents, vermin, birds,(other than those kept as pets in wire cages) and insects at all times and methods used for exterminating rodents, birds or insects shall be in accordance with the provisions of The Pesticides Act, Statutes of Ontario, Chapter 74, and Ontario Regulation 445/67, as amended. 4.5 The maximum number of occupants in a dwelling shall not exceed one person per 9.3 square metres of habitable room floor area. Any child under two years of sge shall not be counted when computing the number of occupants. 4.6 Every dwelling unit shall have two safe, continuous, unobstructed and direct passages from the inside thereof, to the outside, to street or grade level. 4.7 Existing wiring and electrical equipment shall be in good, serviceable and safe condition, as required by Ontario Hydro. 4.8 All lands and lots and yards around and used in connection with residential or commercial or industrial or agricultrual uses, including fences and accessory buildings, shall be maintained in a clean and reasonable state of repair to prevent hazards of fire, health or accident and particularly: 4.8.1 Any rubbish or debris, such as paper, cardboard, wood, lumber bricks, blocks, glass, bottles, machinery, unusable motor veicles or implements or parts thereof, (unless necessary in the operation of a lawfully existing business on private property) shall be removed or stored out of sight in a safe and sanitary manner or container. Small amounts of firewood or lumber, if neatly piled in a rear yard, shall not be considered as rubbish or debris. RXRXAXXdCXXXXXXKXIRXXXY XOtXKIK,KKXXKXXN#XXI(XKgXKXXIKXKXMKKXXK XXi(XXgd ..................CONTINUED.............. MMM 4.8.2 Any part of a yard that is low lying or has been excavated so that it accumulates water, shall be drained, filled and graded so that water drains to storm sewer or ditch. Swimming pools, ornamental pools and agricultural ponds shall not be included in this requirement. 5. ADMINISTRATION AND ENFORECMENT 5.1 This by-law shall apply to all property within the Township of Bayham, and occupancy of all properties which do not conform to the provisions of this by-law is prohibited; and if upon proper notice the property is not brought to the standards of this by-law the site may be cleared of all buildings, structures, debris or refuse and left in a graded and levelled condition. 5.2 Property Standards Committee 5.2.1 There shall be and is hereby established a Property Standards Committee of five ratepayers of the Corporation, one of whom shall at least be 60 years of age, who shall hold office for three years; provided that in making the first appointments to the Committee the Council shall stipulate that one member shall hold office for three years, two shall hold office for two years, and two shall hold office for one year, and the Council will in each year forthwith fill the vacancy(s) as they occur for three year terms, and a majority of the members shall constitute a quorm; provided however members of Council and employees of the municipality or a local board thereof, are not eligible to be a member of the Committee, but a teacher employed by the Board of Education or School Board, is not deemed to be an employee for the purpose of this section. . 5.2.2 The Committee shall designate a Chairman thereof. 5.2.3 The Chairman, or in his absence, any member of the Committee may administer oaths. 5.2.4 The members of the Committee shall be paid such compensation as the Council may provide. 5.3 The Council shall appoint an Officer to enforce the provisions of the by-law 5.3.1 Such Officer shall keep records of any action taken pursuant to this by-law and shall provide Council with a report when so requested,. 5.3.2 The Officer, or any person acting upon his instructions, may at all reasonable times, and upon the production of proper indentification, enter and inspect any property. 5.3.3 If. after inspection, the Officer is satisfied that, in some respect, the property does not conform to the standards prescribed in the By-law he shall serve or cause to be served by personal service upon, or send by prepaid registered mail to the owner of the property and all persons shown by the records of the Registry Office, the Land Titles Office and Sheriff's Office to have any interest therein a notice containing particulars of the non -conformity and may, at the same time, provide all occupants with a copy of such notice. 5.3.4 After affording any person served with a notice provided for by section 5.3.3 an opportunity to appear before the officer and to make representations in connection therewith, the Officer may make and serve or cause to be served upon, or send by prepaid registered mail to such person an order containing - (a) the municipal address or the legal description of such property (b) reasonable particulars of the repairs to be effected ..............continued................ N. - 6 - or a statement that the site is to be cleared of all buildings, structures, debris or refuse and left in a graded and levelled condition and the period in which there must be a compliance with the terms and conditions of the order and notice that, if such repair or clearance is not so done within the time specified in the order, the municipality may carry out the repair or clearance at the expense of the owner; and (c) the final date for giving notice of appeal from the order. 5.3.5 A notice or an order under section 5.3.3 or 5.3.4 when sent by registered mail shall be sent to the last known address of the person to whom it is sent. If the Officer is unable to effect service under section 5.3.3 or 5.3.4, he shall place a placard containing the terms of the notice or order in a conspicuous place on the property, and the placing of the placard shall be deemed to be sufficient service of the notice or order on the owner or other persons. 5.3.6 A placard placed under section 5.3.5 shall not be removed except under authority of the property standards officer. 5.3.7 An order under section,5.3.4 may be registered in the proper Registry or Land Titles Office and, upon such registration, any person acquiring any interest in the land subsequent to the registration of the order shall be deemed to have been served with the order on the date on which the order was served under section 5.3.4 and owner of the property shall repair and maintain the property to the satisfaction of the Officer in accordance with the particulars of the repairs set forth in the Order. 5.3.8 When the requirements of the order have been satisfied, the Clerk of the municipality shall forthwith register in the proper registry or land titles office, a certificate that such requirements have been satisfied, which shall operate as a discharge of such order. 5.3.9 When the owner or occupant upon whom an order has been served in accordance with this section is not satisfied with the terms or conditions of the order, he may appeal to the Committee by sending notice of appeal by registered mail to the secretary of the Committee within fourteen days after service of the order, and, in the event that no appeal is taken, the order shall be deemed to have been confirmed. 5.3.10 Where an appeal has been taken, the Committee shall hear the appeal and shall have all the powers and functions of the officer and may confirm the order to demolish or repair or may modify or quash it or may extend the time for complying with the order provided that, in the opinion of the Committee, the general intent and purpose of the by-law and of the official plan or policy statement are maintained. 5.3.11 If the owner of property fails to demolish the property or repair in accordance with a notice as confirmed or modified, the Corporation in addition to all other remedies: 1) Shall have the right to demolish or repair the property accordingly and for this purpose with its servants and agents from time to time, enter in and upon the property. 2) Shall not be liable to compensate such owner, occupant or any other person having an interest in the property, by reason of anything done by or on behalf of the Corporation under the provisions of the Subsection. 3) Such matter or thing may be done by the Corporation at the expense of such person and the Corporation may recover the expense incurred in doing it by action, or the same may be recovered in like manner as municipal taxes. 5.3.12 Following the inspection of a property, the officer may, or on the request of the owner, shall issue to the owner a .................continued................. i 7 certificate of compliance, if in his opinion, the property is in compliance with the standards. When such inspection is at the request of the owner, the fee shall be $25..00 5.3.13 The Township of Bayham or any owner or occupant or person affected by a decision under section 5.3.10 may appeal to a Judge of the County of Elgin, in which the property is located, by so notifying the Clerk of the Court in writing and by applying for an appointment within fourteen days after the sending of a copy of the decision, and The Judge, shall in writing, appoint a day, time and place for the Hearing of the appeal, and in his appointment may direct that it shall be served upon such persons and in such manner as he shall prescribe. The Judge on such appeal has the same powers and functions as the Committee. 5.4 Any person who contravenes any provision of this by --law, or fails to comply with a written order issued by an officer appointed under this by-law, shall be guilty of an offence and upon conviction shall be liable to a fine of not more than $500.00 (Five Hundred Dollars) for each day that he is in contravention of an order that is final and binding. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 15th DAY OF JANUARY , 1987. REEVE � !w CLERK CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 2544 BEING a bylaw to amend By-law NO. 2335, a Bylaw setting out standards of maintenance and occupancy of property in the Township of Bayham. WHEREAS section 5.2.1. of Bylaw NO. 2335 sets out the method of appointing members to the Property Standards Committee for the Township of Bayham. AND WHEREAS it is now deemed necessary to amend section 5.2.1. of the said Bylaw No. 2335. THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAHYAM 1) The Section 5.2.1. of Bylaw No. 2335 be amended to read: - The Council of the Township of Bayham shall be and is hereby established as a Property Standards Committee in and for the said Township of Bayham, and a majority of the members shall consitute s quorum. r READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 3rd DAY OF MAY, 1990. REEVE CLERK r CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-I.AW NO. 2545 BEING a by-law to appoint an officer to enforce the provisions of the standards of maintance and occupancy in the Township of Bayham. WHEREAS the Planning Act 1983, Section 31, provides for the appointment of such officers as may be necessary for enforcement of the By-law. AND WHEREAS it is now necessary to appoint an officer, to enforce the provisions of the'standards of maintenance and occupancy as set out in Township of Bayham Bylaw No. 2335. THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM 1) That William Underhill be and is hereby appointed Property Standards Officer in and for the Township of Bayham to enforce the provisions the standarQ.. of maintenance and occupancy as set out in Township of Bayham Bylaw No. 2335. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 3rd DAY OF MAY, 1990. REEVE lc___. )""W x f -- CLERK ev THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY - LAW NUMBER 2335 A By-law to set out a policy for standards of maintenance and occupancy for all property in the Township of Bayham THE COUNCIL of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham, pursuant to the provisions of The Planning Act and amendments thereto ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. INTERPRETATION 1.1 SHORT TITLE This By-law may be cited as the "Standards of Maintenance and Occupancy By-law". 1.2 APPLICATION The provisions of this By-law shall apply to all lands and dwellings within the boundaries of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham as now or hereafter legally constituted. 1.3 SCOPE No lands shall be used and no tuildings or structures shall be used or occupied within the Township of Bayham except in conformity with the provisions of this By-law. 1.4 ADMINISTRATION This By-law shall be administered by the Property Standards Officer or other such persons as the Property Standards Committee of the Township of Bayham designates. 1.5 APPLICATION OF OTHER BY-LAWS Nothing in this By-law shall serve to relieve any person from the obligation to comply with the requirements of the Restricted Area (Zoning) By-law, or any other By-law of the Municipality in force from time to time, or the obligation to obtain any license, permit, authority, or approval required under any by-law of the Municipality. 1.6 VALIDITY Should any section, clause, or provision of this By-law be held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, the validity of the remainder of the By-law shall not be affected. 1.7 EFFECTIVE DATE This By-law shall come into full force and effect immediately upon its final passing. 2. IN THIS BY-LAW 2.2.1 "Accessory Building" means a building or structure the use of which is normally incidential, subordinate and exclusively devoted to the use of the main structure and is located on the same lot therewith. 2.2.2 "BUILDING" means any structure used or intended for supporting or sheltering any use or occupancy. 2.2.3 "Council" means the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham. ................continued............ . - 2 - 2.2.4 "Committee" means the Property Standards Committee established under this By-law. 2.2.5 "Dwelling" means a building or structure or part of a building or structure occupied or capable of being occupied in whole or in part for the purposes of human habitation and includes the land and premises appurtenant thereto and all outbuildings, fences or erections theron or therein. 2.2.6 "Dwelling Unit" means one or more rooms connected together as a separate unit in the same structure and constituting an independent housekeeping unit for residential occupancy by humans for living and sleeping purposes. 2.2.7 "Occupant" means any person or persons over the age of eighteen years in possession of the property. 2.2.8 "Occupancy "shall mean to reside in as owner or tenant on a permanent or temporary basis. 2.2.9 "Officer" means a property standards officer who has been assigned the responsibility of administering and enforcing this by-law. 2.2.10 "Owner" includes the person for the time being managing or receiving- the rent of the land or premises in connection wi th' ,which the word is used whether on his own account -oras agent or trustee of any other person or who would so receive the rent if such land and premises were let, and shall also include a lessee or occupant of the property who, under the terms of a lease, is required to repair and maintain the property in accordance with the standards for the maintenance and occupancy of property. 2.2.11 "Property" means a building or structure or part of a building or structure, and includes the lands and premises appurtenant thereto and all mobile homes, mobile buildings, mobile structures, out -buildings, fences and erections thereon whether heretofore or hereafter erected, and includes vacant property. 2.2.12 "REPAIR" includes the provision of such facilities and the making of additions or alterations or the taking of such action as may be required so that the property shall conform to the standards established by this by-law. 2.2.13 "RUBBISH", shall mean any waste material, debris, refuse, litter, worthless material or trash. 2.2.14 "SHALL" , shall always be construed as mandatory. 2.2.15 "STRUCTURE", shall, mean any material, object or work erected as a unit or constructed or put together of connected or dependent parts or elements whether Located under, on, or above the surface of the.ground. 2.2.16 "YARD", shall mean the land or property around and appurtenant to the whole or any part of a structure, building, or dwelling and used or intended to be used, or capable of � being used, in connection with the structure, or dwelling. 3. MAINTENANCE OF BUILDINGS, DWELLINGS, STRUCTURES AND YARD" 3.1 Every part of a building shall be maintained in a structurally sound condition so as to be capable of sustaining safely, its own weight and any other weight that may be put on it through normal use. ...............continued........ 0 3.2 Foundation walls of a building shall be maintained in a sound condition and if not, must be made so by grouting any masonry cracks, waterproofing the walls, joists, beams or other exposed wood members and by installing adequate subsoil drains at footing levels. 3.3 Exterior walls of a building shall be maintained structurally sound, weather proof, present a good external appearance, and more particularly damaged or decayed sheeting or other exterior cladding shall be replaced or repaired. 3.4 A rjof shall be maintained in a weather proof condition and more particularly damaged, decayed or missing roofing materials shall be repaired or replaced. 3.5 Exterior doors and windows shall be maintained in good working condition and more particularly: 1) Fitted properly to prevent the entrance of rain and snow. 2) Maintenance shall include renewing rotted or damaged exterior doors, window, frames, casing, sills, etc. 3.6 Inside and outside stairs, stairwells, balconies, landings, hallways and common areas and porches shall be maintained in a safe and clean condition properly treated and more particularly: 1) Any excessively worn, broken, warped or loose boards or parts thereof, torn loose or lost tiles, shall be maintained, replaced or repaired in a good workmanlike manner. 2) Handrails shall be installed and maintained sound, solid and intact around any open stair, stairwell, balcony, landing or porch. 3.7 Floors shall be maintained ire a structurally safe and sound condition. 3.8 Ceiling and interior walls shall be maintained in a structurally safe and sound condition. 4. STANDARDS OF FITNESS FOR OCCUPANCY 4.1 Every chimney, smoke pipe, vent or flue serving a heating appliance, or system, shall be maintained in a safe and usable condition, and more particularly: 1) Any chimney, vent or flue that passes through any floor, wall, ceiling or roof, shall be constructed of materials that have been approved by the National Research Council of Canada or Canadian Standards Association. 2) Clearance between masonry chimneys and combustible framing shall be at least*50.8 millimeters for interior chimneys and 12.7 millimeters for exterior chimneys; or as set out in the Ontario Building Code. 3) Prefabicated chimneys, vents or flues, shall have the minimum clearance specified by the manufacturer. 4) Any defective chimney shall be replaced or repaired. 4.2 Every habitable area of rented or leased dwelling shall be provided with a heating system capable of maintaining with safety, a room temperature of 20 degrees celcius in all habitable rooms, when the temperature outside the building is 0 degrees celcius and more particularly each dwelling unit shall comply with the following requirements: 4.2.1 Ar; part of any furnace, stove, heater, or heating appliance that is defective or unsafe shall be replaced or repaired. 4.2.2 Any defective or loose pipe connecting a heating device to a chimney shall be replaced or repaired. .............continued.................... 4 - 4 - 4.2.3 Any pipe connecting a heating device to a chimney which passes through a wall constructed of combustible material shall be separated from such material by a thimble manufactured for this purpose or by a metal or concrete thimble that provides a minimum space separation of 101.6 millimeters between the pipe and the wall. 4.2.4 Subject to the provisions of 4.2.1 where any leased or rented dwelling or living accommodation is normally heated by or at the expense of the landlord rather than at the expense of the tenant or lessee, such dwelling or accommodation shall during the months of September. to May inclusive of the following year be maintained at a temperature of 21 degrees Celius (70F) 1.5 meters above the floor, in such dwelling or accommodation except from eleven o'clock in the afternoon of each day until seven o'clock in the forenoon of the following day when the temperature shall not be less than 18 Celcius (65F) 1.5meters above such floor. 4.2.5 The provisions of Section 4.2.4 of this By-law shall apply to all parts of dwelling except the following: the laundry, pantry lobby, stairway, closet, basement, attic, recreation room or other space for service and maintenance of the dwelling. 4.3 No dwelling unit shall be occupied or allowed to be occupied unless the following minimum sanitary facilities are provided: 4.3.1 A water closet, wash -basin and a sink, which shall be connected to a private disposal system, approved by the Medical Officer of Health of the Elgin -St. Thomas Health Unit or a Director appointed for Part V11, Enviromnental Protection Act 1980. R.S.O 1980 C 141 as amended from time to time or such other facilities as may be approved by the said Medical Officer of Health and/or Director. 4.3.2 No dwelling unit shall be occupied or allowed to be occupied unless provided with a supply of potable water from a source approved by the Medical Officer of Health of the Elgin -St. Thomas Health Unit. 4.4 A dwelling shall be kept free of rodents, vermin, birds,(other than those kept as pets in wire cages) and insects at all times and methods used for exterminating rodents,• birds or insects shall be in accordance with the provisions of The Pesticides Act, Statutes of Ontario, Chapter 74, and Ontario Regulation 445/67, as amended. 4.5 The maximum number of occupants in a dwelling shall not exceed one person per 9.3 square metres of habitable room floor area. Any child under two years of sge shall not be counted when computing the number of occupants. 4.6 Every dwelling unit shall have two safe, continuous, unobstructed and direct passages from the inside thereof, to the outside, to street or grade level. 4.7 Existing wiring and electrical equipment shall be in good, serviceable and safe condition, as required by Ontario Hydro. 4.8 All lands and lots and yards around and used in connection with residential or commercial or industrial or agricultrual uses, including fences and accessory buildings, shall be maintained in a clean and reasonable state of repair to prevent hazards of fire, health or accident and particularly: 4.8.1 Any rubbish or debris, such as paper, cardboard, wood, lumber bricks, blocks, glass, bottles, machinery, unusable motor veicles or implements or parts thereof, (unless necessary in the operation of a lawfully existing business on private property) shall be removed or stored out of sight in a safe and sanitary manner or container. Small amounts of firewood or lumber, if neatly piled in a rear yard, shall not be considered as rubbish or debris. 4xaxxxXaxxXgxxKXNRXXX)(KxdXKt(KKXXKXXOEI(XxyxxgxoiRXIKKKXNKxt(XKXdKXKKKI ..................CONTINUED.............. 3 - 5 - 4.8.2 Any part of a yard that is low lying or has been excavated so that it accumulates water, shall be drained, filled and graded so that water drains to storm sewer or ditch. Swimming pools, ornamental pools and agricultural ponds shall not be included'in this requirement. 5. ADMINISTRATION AND ENFORECMENT 5.1 This by-law shall apply to all property within the Township of Bayham, and occupancy of all properties which do not conform to the provisions of this by-law is prohibited; and if upon proper notice the property is not brought to the standards of this by-law the site may be cleared of all buildings, structures, debris or refuse and left in a graded and levelled condition. 5.2 Property Standards Committee 5.2.1 There shall be and is hereby established a Property Standards Committee of five ratepayers of the Corporation, one of whom shall at least be 60 years of age, who shall hold office for three years; provided that in making the first appointments to the Committee the Council shall stipulate that one member shall hold office for throe years, two shall hold office for two years, and two shall hold office for one year, and the Council will in each year forthwith fill the vacancy(s) as they occur for three year terms, and a majority of the members shall constitute a quorm; provided however members of Council and employees of the municipality or a local board thereof, are not eligible to be a member of the Committee, but a teacher employed by the Board of Education or School Board, is not deemed to be an employee for' -the purpose of this section. 5.2.2 The Committee shall designate a Chairman thereof. 5.2.3 The Chairman, or in his absence, any member of the Committee may administer oaths. 5.2.4 The members of the Committee shall be paid such compensation as the Council may provide. 5.3 The Council shall appoint an Officer to enforce the provisions of the by-law 5.3.1 Such Officer shall keep records of any action taken pursuant to this by-law and shall provide Council with a report when so requested. 5.3.2 The Officer, or any person acting upon his instructions, may at all reasonable times, and upon the production of proper indentification, enter and inspect any property. 5.3.3 If. after inspection, the Officer is satisfied that, in some respect, the property does not conform to the standards prescribed in the By-law he shall serve or cause to be served by personal service upon, or send by prepaid registered mail to the owner of the property and all persons shown by the records of the Registry Office, the Land Titles Office and Sheriff's Office to have any interest therein a notice containing particulars of the non -conformity and may, at the same time, provide all occupants with a copy of such notice. 5.3.4 After affording any person served with a notice provided for by section 5.3.3 an opportunity to appear before the officer and to make representations in connection therewith, the Officer may make and serve or cause to be served upon, or send by prepaid registered mail to such person an order containing - (a) the municipal address or the legal description of such property (b) reasonable particulars of the repairs to be effected *.*...........continued . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 N_ or a statement that the site is to be cleared of all buildings, structures, debris or refuse and left in a graded and levelled condition and the period in which there must be a compliance with the terms and conditions of the order and notice that, if such repair or clearance is not so done within the time specified in the order, the municipality may carry out the repair or clearance at the expense of the owner; and (c) the final date for giving notice of appeal from the order. 5.3.5 A notice or an order under section 5.3.3 or 5.3.4 when sent by registered mail shall be sent to the last known address of the person to whom it is sent. If the Officer is unable to effect service under section 5.3.3 or 5.3.4, he shall place a placard containing the terms of the notice or order in a conspicuous place on the property, and the placing of the placard shall be deemed to be sufficient service of the notice or order on the owner or other persons. 5.3.6 A placard placed under section 5.3.5 shall not be removed except under authority of the property standards officer. 5.3.7 An order under section 5.3.4 may be registered in the proper Registry or Land Titles Office and, upon such registration, any person acquiring any interest in the land subsequent to the registration of the order shall be deemed to have been served with the order on the date on which the order was served under section 5.3.4 and owner of the property shall repair and maintain the property to the satisfaction of the Officer in accordance with the particulars of the repairs set forth in the Order. 5.3.8 When the requirements of the order have been satisfied, the Clerk of the municipality shall forthwith register in the proper registry or land titles office, a certificate that such requirements have been satisfied, which shall operate as a discharge of such order. 5.3.9 When the owner or occupant upon whom an order has been served in accordance with this section is not satisfied with the terms or conditions of the order, he may appeal to the Committee by sending notice of appeal by registered mail to the secretary of the Committee within fourteen days after service of the order, and, in the event that no appeal is taken, the order shall be deemed to have been confirmed. 5.3.10 Where an appeal has been taken, the Committee shall hear the appeal and shall have all the powers and functions of the officer and may confirm the order to demolish or repair or may modify or quash it or may extend the time for complying with the order provided that, in the opinion of the Committee, the general intent and purpose of the by-law and of the official plan or policy statement are maintained. 5.3.11 If the owner of property fails to demolish the property or repair in accordance with a notice as confirmed or modified, the Corporation in addition to all other remedies: 1) Shall have the right to demolish or repair the property accordingly and for this purpose with its servants and :1gents from time to time, enter in and upon the property. 2) Shall not be liable to compensate such owner, occupant or any other person having an interest in the property, by reason of anything done by or on behalf of the Corporation under the provisions of the Subsection. 3) Such matter or thing may be done by the Corporation at the expense of such person and the Corporation may recover the expense incurred in doing it by action, or the same may be recovered in like manner as municipal taxes. 5.3.12 Following the inspection of a property, the officer may, or on the request of the owner, shall issue to the owner a .,.* .............continued................. - 7 - certificate of compliance, if in his opinion, the property is in compliance with the standards. When such inspection is at the request of the owner, the fee shall be $25.00 5.3.13 The Township of Bayham or any owner or occupant or person affected by a decision under section 5.3.10 may appeal to a Judge of the County of Elgin, in which the property is located, by so notifying the Clerk of the Court in writing and by applying for an appointment within.fourteen days after the sending of a copy of the decision, and The Judge, shall in writing, appoint a day, time and place for the Hearing of the appeal, and in his appointment may direct that it shall be served upon such persons and in such manner as he shall prescribe. The Judge on such appeal has the same powers and functions as the Committee. 5.4 Any person who contravenes any provision of this by-law, or fails to comply with a written order issued by an officer appointed under this by-law, shall be guilty of an offence and upon conviction shall be liable to a fine of not more than $500.00 (Five Hundred Dollars) for each day that he is in contravention of an order that is final and binding. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 15th DAY OF JANUARY , 1987. REEVE CLERK CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW No. 2336 BEING a By -Law to confirm all, actions of the Council. of the TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM at the meeting(s) held January 15, 1987 BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM pursuant to the provisions of The Municipal Act that all actions by the said Council_ by by-laws and resolutions passed at the regular meeting held January 15, 19a7and special meeting(s) held ---- be and the same are hereby approved and confirmed as if all such proceedings were expressly embodied in this By -Data. f Read a First, Second and Third Time and Finally Passed this 15th.day of January , 1987 Clerk Form 100 Ont. -T2 ........................ CORPQ&AT.I.ON... OF. ... THE -TOWNSHIP ...OF....BAYHAM....................... BY-LAW No..... alar=111b) to authorize the borrowing of $ 1 , 8 7 5 , 000 . Whereas the Council of theCorporation of the Township of Bayham, (hereinafter called the "Municipality") deems - it necessary to borrow the sum of $ 1,875,000. to meet, until the taxes are collected, the current expenditures of the Municipality for the year; Korn.—Refer And Whereas the total amount of the estimated revenues of the to the estimates for the current Municipality as set forth in the estimates adopted for the year 19 86 , is year if adopted; j P Y P Y if not. to those of last year. 2 3 678 3 418 . (Delete this And Whereas the total of amounts heretofore borrowed for the purposes paragraph if not applicable.) mentioned in subsection (1) of Section 332 of The Municipal Act which have not been repaid is S 50 , 000. Therefore the Council of the Township of Bayham hereby enacts as follows: 1. The Head and the Treasurer are hereby authorized on behalf of the Municipality to borrow from time to time by way of promissory note from CANADIAN IMPERIAL BANK OF COMMERCE a sum or sums not exceeding in the aggregate $1 , 8 7 5 , 0 00 . to meet until the taxes are collected the current expenditures of the Municipality for the year, including the amounts required for the purposes mentioned in subsection (1) of Section 332 of the Municipal Act, and to give on behalf of the Municipality to the Bank a promissory note or notes sealed with the Corporate Seal and signed by the Head and Treasurer for the moneys so borrowed, with interest at such rate as may be agreed upon from time to time with the Bank. 2. All sums borrowed pursuant to the authority of this by-law, as well as all other sums borrowed in this year and in previous years from the said Bank for any or all of the purposes mentioned in the said Section 332, shall, with interest thereon, be a charge upon the whole of the revenues of the Municipality for the current year and for all preceding years as and when such revenues are received. 3. The Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to apply in payment of all sums borrowed as aforesaid, together with interest thereon, all of the moneys hereafter collected or received either on account or realized in respect of taxes levied for the current year and preceding years or from any other source which may lawfully be applied for such purpose. Passed this Fi f th day of February 1987 .................................... .� THE HEAD OF THE MUNICIPALITY SEAL L n ................ ... ......... .......................... CLERK I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By-law No. of the of in the Province of Ontario, duly passed at a meeting of the Council of the said Municipality duly held, and that the said By-law is in full force and effect. Dated This As Witness the Seal of the of SEAL day of 19 .... ............................... ......................................................... I....................... C1=1C THE Council of the accordance with the enacts as follows: r BY-LAW NO. 2338 Corporation of the Township of Bayham, in provisions of the Planning Act, hereby 1. THAT Amendment No. 7 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham consisting of the attached text and map schedule is hereby adopted. 2. THAT the Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to make application to the Minister of Municipal Affairs for approval of the aforementioned Amendment No. 7 to the Official,Plan of the Township of Bayham. 3. THAT no part of this By -Law shall come into force and take effect until approved by the Minister of Municipal Affairs. READ a FIRST' time this 5th day of February, 19137. REVD a SECOND time tills 5th day of February, 1907. FEV CLERK REAP) a T11 I RD time and FINALLY PASSED 1987. i this o�w clay of df j CLERK CERTIFIED that the above is a true copy of By -Law No. 2338 as enacted and passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham. PURPOSE The purpose of this Amendment is to designation on a parcel of property "Rural Residential" in the Official Bayham. LOCATION The area affected by mately 1.1 hectares Concession 9, on the hamlet of Eden. change the land use from "Hazard Lands" Plan of the Township Amendment is comprised acres) and is situated i side of Highway No. 19, AMENDMENT f approxi - Lot 24, north of t The subject lands are situated in an aesthetic setting which is comprised of significant stands of mature trees and which is bounded on the west by a gully associated with a tributary of the Big Otter Creek. An existing non-farm residence is situated on the northern portion of the subject lands, while the southern portion is presently vacant and proposed for use as two rural residential building lots. Pursuant to the process of sverance and conveyance of the central portion of the subject ands, it is anticipated that three separate rural residential Ises will be created as shown on Schedule 'B' to this amendment.Existing land uses in the area are characterized by a series of rural residential dwellings along Highway 19 to the north and south of the subject lands, including a trailer home park to the south. There are no livestock operations within 1000 metres of the subject lands. The Canada Land Inventory of Soil Capability for Agriculture classifies the subject lands as Class 5, and there is no indication of specialty crop soil in the immediate area. In addition to the above, the small size and irregular shape of the subject lands, coupled with the existing tree cover and non-farm development both on and adjacent to the subject lands indicate that they have no potential for agricultural use, nor do they exhibit the potential to restrict existing or future agricultural uses in the local area. -2 - The generalized Hazard Lands designation which applies to the subject property has not been mapped in sufficient detail to exclude the viable building areas on the easternmost portion of the site. Upon close examination of the subject lands however, it has been determined that sufficient area exists to the east of the creek and gully system to create three rural residential lots which can comply with the setback requirements from watercourses as prescribed in the Township Zoning By-law. Due to the circumstances discussed above, the subject lands have been determined to meet the relevant criteria for designa- tion as a rural residential area. This Official Plan Amendment is intended to be adopted together with an implementing Zoning By-law Amendment which will recog- nize the existing and proposed rural residential uses of the subject lands. 4. DETAILS OF THE AMENDMENT i) Schedule "A" Future Land Use of the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham, is hereby amended by changing from "Hazard Lands" to "Rural Residential", those lands outlined in heavy solid lines on the attached Schedule "A", which schedule shall constitute part of this Amendment. The lands subject to this Amendment and designated "Rural Residential", may be used, developed and zoned in accordance with the policies of Section 4.2.3 of the Official Plan, Rural Residential policies, as amended. SCHEDULE A OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM FUTURE LAND USE AMENDMENT NO.? 'j Area changed from "Hazard Land to "Rural Residential" Agriculture Highway Commercial Hazard Lands L Conservation Lands Hamlets (COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT AREAS) t � Mineral Resource Areas ww<D..w Provincial Highways 33 Arterial Roads (County Roads) 2000 4000 Metres 0 50001_0000 15000 Feet . • • ' TOWNSH I P OF BAYHAM AMENDMENT NO, 7 SCHEDULE "B" 775'� 750,� LOT 24 CON. IX FARM LAND WOODED AREA FARM I LAND TRAILER PARK t e / tA. Q �� Lands designated "Rural R Existing Rural Residential Use Residential" as per Amendment No. 7 NOTE:This map is for clarification purposes only "3 3F AMENDMENT NUMBER 7 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM SUBJECT: ROTHENBERG RURAL RESIDENTIAL LOT 24 CONCESSION 9 The following text and soap schedule constitute Amendment Number 7 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. 0 OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAN THE attached teat and map schedule constituting Amendment No. 7 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham was prepared upon the recommendation of the Township of Bayham Planning Advisory Committee after evaluation of public input pursuant to the provisions of the Planning Act. THIS Amendment was adopted by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham by By -Law No. 2338, in accordance with Section 17 of the Planning Act, on the �W day of a,,p.�,i,Q 1987. UU CLERK BY-LAW NO. 2338 THE Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham, in accordance with the provisions of the Planning Act, hereby enacts as follows: 1. THAT Amendment No. 7 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham consisting of the attached text and map schedule is hereby adopted. 2. THAT the Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to make application to the Minister of Municipal Affairs for approval of the aforementioned Abendment No. 7 to the Official.Plan of the Township of Bayham. 3. THAT no part of this By -Law shall come into force and take effect until approved by the Minister of Municipal Affairs. READ a FIRs'P time this 5th day of February, 1987. READ a SECOND time this 5th day of February, 1987. ./WW wle&m Mof EEERK READ a TURD RD t ime and FINALLY PASSED this 'W' clay of 1987. CLERK CERTIFIED that the above is a true copy of By -Law No. 2338 as enacted and passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham. CLERIC L 1. PURPOSE -1- The purpose of this Amendment is to change the land use designation on a parcel of property from "Hazard Lands" to "Rural Residential" in the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. 2. LOCATION The area affected by this Amendment is comprised of approxi- mately 1.1 hectares (2.8 acres) and is situated in Lot 24, Concession 9, on the west side of Highway No. 19, north of the hamlet of Eden. 3. BASIS OF THE AMENDMENT The subject lands are situated in an aesthetic setting which is comprised of significant stands of mature trees and which is bounded on the west by a gully associated with a tributary of the Big Otter Creek. An existing non-farm residence is situated on the northern portion of the subject lands, while the southern portion is presently vacant and proposed for use as two rural residential building lots. Pursuant to the process of s verance and conveyance of the central portion of the subject ands, it is anticipated that three separate rural residential Ises will be created as shown on Schedule 'B' to this amendment.Existing land uses in the area are characterized by a series of rural residential dwellings along Highway 19 to the north and south of the subject lands, including a trailer home park to the south. There are no livestock operations within 1000 metres of the subject lands. The Canada Land Inventory of Soil Capability for Agriculture classifies the subject lands as Class 5, and there is no indication of specialty crop soil in the immediate area. In addition to the above, the small size and irregular shape of the subject lands, coupled with the existing tree cover and non-farm development both on and adjacent to the subject lands indicate that they have no potential for agricultural use, nor do they exhibit the potential to restrict existing or future agricultural uses in the local area. 1\ -2- The generalized Hazard Lands designation which applies to the subject property has not been mapped in sufficient detail to exclude the viable building areas on the easternmost portion of the site. Upon close examination of the subject lands however, it has been determined that sufficient area exists to the east of the creek and gully system to create three rural residential lots which can comply with the setback requirements from watercourses as prescribed in the Township Zoning By-law. Due to the circumstances discussed above, the subject lands have been determined to meet the relevant criteria for designa- tion as a rural residential area. x This Official Plan Amendment is intended to be adopted together with an implementing Zoning By-law Amendment which will recog- nize the existing and proposed rural residential uses of the subject lands. 4. DETAILS OF THE AMENDMENT i} Schedule "A" Future Land Use of the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham, is hereby amended by changing from "Hazard Lands" to "Rural Residential", those lands outlined in heavy solid lines on the attached Schedule "A", which schedule shall constitute part of this Amendment. The lands subject to this Amendment and designated "Rural Residential", may be used, developed and zoned in accordance with the policies of Section 4.2.3 of the Official Plan, Rural Residential policies, as amended. SCHEDULE A OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM FUTURE LAND USE AMENDMENT N0.7 • 7 Area changed from "Hazard Land to "Rural Residential" Agriculture Highway Commercial Hazard Lands 1 Conservation Lands Hamlets (COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT AREAS) Mineral Resource Areas _.,(D.... Provincial Highways 33 Arterial Roads (County Roads) 0 2000 4000 Metres 0 5000 10000 15000 Feet 0 ' TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAA 77s'`_ 750' _� POND 750. 7,r5' WOODED AREA AMENDMENT N0,7 0 LOT 24 CON. IX vnnM LnHo FARM I LAND TRAILER PARK Lands designated "Rural Residential" as per Amendment No. 7 NOTE:This map is for clarification nurnoses only SCHEDULE "B" R Existing Rural Residential Use AMENDMENT NUMBER 7 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM SUBJECT: ROTHENBERG RURAL RESIDENTIAL LOT 24 CONCESSION 9 The following text and asap schedule constitute Amendment Number 7 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM THE attached teat and map schedule*constituting Amendment No. 7 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham was prepared upon the recommendation of the Township of Bayham Planning Advisory Committee after evaluation of public input pursuant to the provisions of the Planning Act. THIS Amendment was adopted by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham by By -Law No. 2338, in accordance with Section 17 of the Planning Act, on the j*.4 day of uri 1987. v C__ A REEVE CLERK BY-LAW NO. 2338 THE Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham, in accordance with the provisions of the Planning Act, hereby enacts as follows: 1. THAT Amendment No. 7 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham consisting of the attached text and map schedule is hereby adopted. 2. THAT the Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to make application to the Minister of Municipal Affairs for approval of the aforementioned Amendment No. 7 to the Official.Plan of the Township of Bayham. 3. THAT no part of this By -Law shall come into force and take effect until approved by the Minister of Municipal Affairs. REVD a FIRS'C time this 5th day of February, 1987. REVD a SECOND time this 5th day of February, 1987. REVD a THIRD time and FINALLY PASSED this OA4� day of 1987. CLERK CERTIFIED that the above is a true copy of By -Law No. 2338 as enacted and passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham. CLERK -1- 1. PURPOSE The purpose of this Amendment is to change the land use designation on a parcel of property from "Hazard Lands" to "Rural Residential" in the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham . 2. LOCATION The area affected by this Amendment is comprised of approxi- mately 1.1 hectares (2.8 acres) and is situated in Lot 24, Concession 9, on the west side of Highway No. 19, north of the hamlet of Eden. 3. BASIS OF THE AMENDMENT 4 The subject lands are situated in an aesthetic setting which is comprised of significant stands of mature trees and which is bounded on the west by a gully associated with a tributary of the Big Otter Creek. An existing non-farm residence is situated on the northern portion of the subject lands, while the southern portion is presently vacant and proposed for use as two rural residential building lots. Pursuant to the process of s verance and conveyance of the central portion of the subject ands, it is anticipated that three separate rural residential Ises will be created as shown on Schedule 'B' to this amendment.Existing land uses in the area are characterized by a series of rural residential dwellings along Highway 19 to the north and south of the subject lands, including a trailer home park to the south. There are no livestock operations within 1000 metres of the subject lands. The Canada Land Inventory of Soil Capability fo►: Agriculture classifies the subject lands as Class 5, and there is no indication of specialty crop soil in the immediate area. In addition to the above, the small size and irregular shape of the subject lands, coupled with the existing tree cover and non-farm development both on and adjacent to the subject lands indicate that they have no potential for agricultural use, nor do they exhibit the potential to restrict existing or future agricultural uses in the local area. • -2- The generalized Hazard Lands designation which applies to the subject property has not been mapped in sufficient detail to exclude the viable building areas on the easternmost portion of the site. Upon close examination of the subject lands however, it has been determined that sufficient area exists to the east of the creek and gully system to create three rural residential lots which can comply with the setback requirements from watercourses as prescribed in the Township Zoning By-law. Due to the circumstances discussed above, the subject lands have been determined to meet the relevant criteria for designa- tion as a rural residential area. This Official Plan Amendment is intended to be adopted together with an implementing Zoning By-law Amendment which will recog- nize the existing and proposed rural residential uses of the subject lands. 4. DETAILS OF THE AMENDMENT i) Schedule "A" Future Land Use of the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham, is hereby amended by changing from "Hazard Lands" to "Rural Residential", those lands outlined in heavy solid lines on the attached Schedule "A", which schedule shall constitute part of this Amendment. The lands subject to this Amendment and designated "Rural Residential", may be used, developed and zoned in accordance with the policies of Section 4.2.3 of the Official Plan, Rural Residential policies, as amended. SCHEDULE A OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM FUTURE LAND USE AMENDMENT N0.7 ]:]"Hazard Area changed from Land to "Rural Residential" Agriculture Highway Commercial Hazard Lands -7! T,;. Conservation Lands • • Hamlets (COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT AREAS) >i Mineral Resource Areas ...,(D... Provincial Highways 33 Arterial Roads (County Roads) 0 2000 4000 Metres 0 5000 10000 15000 Feet 6 • • • TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAA rso'_1\ WOODED AREA AMENDMENT N0,7 LOT 24 FARM LAND FARM I LAND TRAILER PARK Lands designated "Rural Residential" as per Amendment No. 7 NOTE:This map is for clarification purposes only CON. IX SCHEDULE "B" R Existing Rural Residential Use 0 0 ORIGINAL 0 24 ' OP AMENDMENT NUMBER 7 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM SUBJECT: ROTHENBERG RURAL RESIDENTIAL LOT 24 CONCESSION 9 The following text and map schedule constitute Amendment Number 7 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. Amendment Number 7 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham This amendment to the Cfficitl Plan for the Township of Bayham, which has been adopted by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham, is hereby approved pursuant to Section 17 of the Planning Act as Amendment Number 7 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. Date: { L. J. Fincham Director Plans Administration Branch Central and Southwest 'W f • OFFICIAL PLAN Cel �wdi TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM • 6 THE attached teat and map schedule constituting Amendment No. 7 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham was prepared upon the recommendation of the Township of Bayham Planning Advisory Committee after evaluation of public input pursuant to the provisions of the Planning Act. THIS Amendment was adopted by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham by By -Law No. 2338, in accordance with Section 17 of the Planning Act, on the.,UV day of 1987. .V CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW No. 2340 BEING a By -Law to confirm all actions of the Council of the 'TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM at the mecting(s) held February 5, 1987 BE IT ENACI'LI) BY THE, COUNCIL OI- THE CORPORATION OF TM.: TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM pursuant to the provisions of The Municipal Act that a 1. I actions by the said Council by by-laws and resolutions passed at the regular meat i ng field Feb. 5, 1987 , and spec i a 1 meeting (s) he 1 d ____ be and the same are hereby approved and confirmed pis if all such proceedings were expressly vinhod i ed in this By -Law. . Read a First, Second and Thi rd Time and Finally Passed this 5th. day of February , 19 87 Reeve Clerk k. BY-LAW NO. 2341 THE Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham, in accordance with the provisions of the Planning Act, hereby enacts as follows: 1. THAT Amendment No. 8 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham consisting of the.ettached text and map schedule is hereby adopted. 2. THAT the Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to make application to the Minister of Municipal Affairs for approval of the aforementioned Amendment No. 8 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. 3. THAT no part of this By -Law shall come into force and take effect until approved by the Minister of Municipal Affairs-, ENACTED AND PASSED this 19th day of February, 1987. CLERK CERTIFIED that the above is a true copy of By -Law No. enacted and passed by the Council of the Corporation Township of Bayham. «_ J 2341 as of the -1- 1. PURPOSE The purpose of this Amendment is to change the land use designation on a parcel of property from "Agriculture" to "Rural Residential" in the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. 2. LOCATION The area affected by this Amendment is comprised of approxi- mately 1.1 hectares (2.79 acres) and is situated in Lot 18, Concession 10, on the south side of Highway No. 3, in the Town- ship of Bayham. 3. BASIS OF THE AMENDMENT The subject lands are comprised of a*remnant agricultural parcel which is physically separated from the main farm parcel by a wooded gully and ravine system. As such, the subject lands appear to form a separated building lot with an existing vehicular access from Highway No. 3. The Canada Land Inventory for Agriculture classifies the subject lands as combined Class 1 & 3, however, in consider- ation of the size and the physically isolated nature of the property, the subject lands exhibit no capability for agricul- tural use or consolidation and are vacant. Surrounding land uses reflect the fragmentation of property holdings along both sides of the Provincial Highway. Existing non-farm uses of a predominantly rural residential and rural commercial nature are situated within 200 metres to the east and west of the subject lands on both sides of the highway. The nearest building with capability for intensive livestock use is situated on the opposite side of the highway approxi- mately 65 metres to the south west of the nearest part of the subject lands. As such, the Minimum Distance Separation formula of the Agricultural Code of Practice was applied to the subject lands, relative to the existing barn, in order to determine if a building lot for rural residential use could be created in conformity with the Food Land Guidelines and the Township's Official Plan. Application of the MDS formula, based on the barn's capability to hold 100 feeder hogs at one time, resulted in an appropriate setback distance of 123 metres (402.6 feet) for the placement of a rural residential dwelling on the proposed lot (Schedule 'B'). This setback results in a required sideyard of 61 metres on the westerly side of the subject lands, leaving ample room for an appropriately sized building lot on the north-easterly portion of the subject lands. -z - Due to the circumstances discussed above, the subject lands have been determined to meet the relevant criteria for designa- tion as a rural residential area. This Official Plan Amendment is intended to be adopted together with an implementing Zoning By-law Amendment which will regu- late the proposed rural residential use of the subject lands. 4. DETAILS OF THE AMENDMENT i) Schedule "A" Future Land Use of the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham, is hereby amended by changing from "Agriculture" to "Rural Residential", those lands outlined in heavy solid lines on the attached Schedule "A", which schedule shall constitute part of this Amendment. The lands subject to this Amendment and designated "Rural Residential", may be used, developed and zoned in accordance with the policies of Section 4.2.3 of the Official Plan, Rural Residential policies, as amended. a n I SCHEDULE A OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM FUTURE LAND USE AMENDMENT N0.8 8 Area changed from "Agriculture" to "Rural Residential" Agriculture Highway Commercial MI Hazard Lands Conservation Lands Hamlets (COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT AREA =` ~` Mineral Resource Areas ...(D. Provincial Highways 33 Arterial Roads (County Roads) 0 - 2000 4000 Metres 0 5000 10000 15000 Feet TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM AMENDMENT NO. 8 SCHEDULE "B" PART OF LOT 18,CON. X R A Lot 18 Con. XI A�►�. Lot 19 A Con. XI OS Lot 18 R%C R Con. X A now'd 1-71 EXISTING p Lot 19 LIVESTOCK BARN R 13 WOODED AREA Con' X Iva� WESTERLY LIMIT Of SIDE YARD A NOTE: Prescribed M.D.S. Formula Distance From Existing Livestock Barn Equals 123m. A AGRICULTURE R RESIDENTIAL UNIT C COMMERCIAL OS OPEN SPACE (PICNIC AREA) 0 100 200 Metres t , 0 400 800 Feet SCHEDULE 'A' NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING • — Town of Tillsonburg Special Awards omm — Town of Tillsonburg Non -Profit Housing Corporation in- Please submit your letter by Friday, January 23rd, 1987 in- dicating interest to: gESEIAERE'S MARK your K.E. Holland Hwy. 3, Courtland 842-4821 • Clerk -Administrator - 20o Broadway, 2nd Floor BEEF SIDES $1.5 Tillsonburg, Ontario BEEF HINDS $1.9 NAIG 5A7 CAYNA POP "3 tare no return Wle 4 flaws 1.9 ., Planning Act, 1983 All Beef Custom Cut NOTICE OF A PUBLIC MEETING Wrapped & Frozen Open 1 Days AWeek' . To Be Held By S BAYHAM TOWNSHIP COUNCIL Respecting a Proposed During the 1987418 fiscal Zoning By -Law Amendment vices will be tenderecl at the TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the — transplanting s g Township of Bayham will hold a public meeting for the pur- — rmglar houl rig pose of informing the public in respect of a proposed official -- peat spreading plan and zoning by-law amendment, in accordance with The — mainte Planning. Act. The zoning by-law to be considered is as lanitorial — ire road discing follows:— lawn and ground . 'I APPLICATION — nursery stock tra BRIAN GRAYDON - lot 18, Concession 10,1 to rezoneportion A document fee of $10.00 . .a of the land from Al to Rural Residential (RR). tender/contract documents. The above application is made to satisfy a condition of the Invitations to Tender and/or. f ' Elgin County Land Division Committee.* from: The Public Meeting will be held in the Council Chambers at the A. Wynia, R. T Township of Boyhom Office, Straffordville, commencing at Provincial 8:00 P.M. on Thursday, February 19, 1987. Any inquiries prior to that date may be directed to the St. Willi Township Clerk (866-5521). , • N J.A. Petrie Telephon Township Clerk Winist Box 160 Straffordville, Ontario t Natura Resourc NOJ IYO Ontario 0 • • SCHEDULE 'B' MINUTES OF PUBLIC MEETING iwveu uy: V. unuLe ana seconaeo DY: ,.i. Nezezon What the quotation of Eeley Chevrolet, Oldsmobile Ltd., for the purchase .That a 1987 Chevrolet RIO Fleetside Long Box pick-up truck in the amount • of $12,645.99 be accepted..... Carried Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: G.ANelles That this Council request Canada Post Corporation give consideration to the non -closure of rural post offices located in the Hamlets of Eden and Straffordville..... Carried 87 Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: J. Nezezon And resolved that By-law Z 1.49-87 being a by-law to amend By-law No. 2040 (re. Graydon) be now read a first time.... Carried Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: G. Nelles And resolved that By-law Z 149-87 be now read a second time....Carried Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: V. Chute And resolved that By-law Z 149-87 be now read a third time and finally passed...... Carried 1 Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: J. Nezezon And resolved that By-law No. 2341 being a by-law to adopt amendment No. 8 to the Official Plan for the Township of Bayham be now read a first time...... Carried Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: G. Nelles And resolved that By-law No. 2341 be now read a second time....Carried Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: V. Chute And resolved that By-law No. 2341 be now read a third time and finally passed..... Carried Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: V. Chute And resolved that By-law No. 2342 being a by-law to confirm all actions of the Council of the Township of Bayham at the meeting held February 19, 1987, be now read a first time..... Carried Moved by:G. Nelles and Seconded by: J. Nezezon And resolved that By-law No. 2342 be now read a second time.....carried Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: G. Nelles And resolved that By-law No. 2342 be now read a third time and finally passed..... Carried Moved by: J. Nezezon That this Council now Reeve and Seconded by: G. adjournto meet again ......Carried Public Meeting re. Brian Graydon Nelles on March 5d,11987, at 10: a.m. Clerk Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment: In accordance with notice given, the Reeve declares the public meeting to hear comments on the above applicatio open. There is no one in attendance to offer any comments. The Reeve declares the public meeting closed. Reeve i Clerk zT4// AMENDMENT NUMBER 8 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM SUBJECT: GRAYDON RURAL RESIDENTIAL LOT 18 CONCESSION 18 0 The following text and map schedule constitute Amendment Number 8 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. 10 OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM THE attached text and map schedp a constituting Amendment No. 8 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham was prepared upon the recommendation of the Township of Bayham Planning Advisory Committee after evaluation of public input pursuant to the provisions of the Planning Act. THIS Amendment was adopted by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham by By -Law No. 2341, in accordance with Section 17 of the Planning Act, on the 19th day of February, 1987. CLERK I. OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAN THE attached text and map schedule constituting Amendment No. 8 to the Official Plan of the Township bf Bayham was prepared upon the recommendation of the Township of Bayham Planning Advisory Committee after evaluation of public input pursuant to the provisions of the Planning Act. THIS Amendment was adopted by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham by By -Law No. 2341, in accordance with Section 17 of the Planning Act, on the 19th day of February, 1987. 7 E CLERK BY-LAW NO. 2341 THE Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham, in accordance with the provisions of the Planning Act, hereby enacts as follows: 1. THAT Amendment No. 8 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham consisting of the attached text and map schedule is hereby adopted. 2. THAT the Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to make application to the Minister of Municipal Affairs for approval of the aforementioned Amendment No. 8 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. 3. THAT no part of this By -Law shall come into force and take effect until approved by the Minister of Municipal Affairs. ENACTED AND PASSED this 19th day of February, 1987. CERTIFIED that the above is a true copy of By -Law No. 2341 as enacted and passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham. CLERK -1- 1. PURPOSE The purpose of this Amendment is to change the land use designation on a parcel of property from "Agriculture" to "Rural Residential" in the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. 2. LOCATION The area affected by this Amendment is comprised of approxi- mately 1.1 hectares (2.79 acres) and is situated in Lot 18, Concession 10, on the south side of Highway No. 3, in the Town- ship of Bayham. 3. BASIS OF THE AMENDMENT The subject lands are comprised of a remnant agricultural parcel which is physically separated from the main farm parcel by a wooded gully and ravine system. As such, the subject lands appear to form a separated building lot with an existing vehicular access from Highway No. 3. The Canada Land Inventory for Agriculture classifies the subject lands as combined Class 1 & 3, however, in consider- ation of the size and the physically isolated nature of the property, the subject lands exhibit no capability for agricul- tural use or consolidation and are vacant. Surrounding land uses reflect the fragmentation of property holdings along both sides of the Provincial Highway. Existing non-farm uses of a predominantly rural residential and rural commercial nature are situated within 200 metres to the east and west of the subject lands on both sides of the highway. The nearest building with capability for intensive livestock use is situated on the opposite side of the highway approxi- mately 65 metres to the south west of the nearest part of the subject lands. As such, the Minimum Distance Separation formula of the Agricultural Code of Practice was applied to the subject lands, relative to the existing barn, in order to determine if a building lot for rural residential use could be created in conformity with the Food Land Guidelines and the Township's Official Plan. Application of the MDS formula, based on the barn's capability to hold 100 feeder hogs at one time, resulted in an appropriate setback distance of 123 metres (402.6 feet) for the placement of a rural residential dwelling on the proposed lot (Schedule 'B'). This setback results in a required sideyard of 61 metres on the westerly side of the subject lands, leaving ample room for an appropriately sized building lot on the north-easterly portion of the subject lands. -2 - Due to the circumstances discussed above, the subject lands have been determined to meet the relevant criteria for designa- tion as a rural residential area. This Official Plan Amendment is intended to be adopted together with an implementing Zoning By-law Amendment which will regu- late the proposed rural residential use of the subject lands. 4. DETAILS OF THE AMENDMENT i) Schedule "A" Future Land Use of the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham, is hereby amended by changing from "Agriculture" to "Rural Residential", those lands outlined in heavy solid lines on the attached Schedule "A", which schedule6shall constitute part of this Amendment. The lands subject to this Amendment and designated "Rural Residential", may be used, developed and zoned in accordance with the policies of Section 4.2.3 of the Official Plan, Rural Residential policies, as amended. a n SCHEDULE A OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM FUTURE LAND USE AMENDMENT N0.8 $ Area changed from "Agriculture" to "Rural Residential" Agriculture Highway Commercial Hazard Lands Conservation Lands • Hamlets (COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT AREAS Mineral Resource Areas 3, Provincial Highways a3 Arterial Roads (County Roads) 0 2000 4000 Metres 0 5000 10000 15000 Feet a • • n • TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM PART OF LOT 18, CON, X AMENDMENT NO, 8 is SCHEDULE "B" R A Lot 18 ,) Con. XI O• A .� A Lot 19 Con. XI OS Lot 18 R/C R Con. X A A R I EXISTING R Lot 19 LIVESTOCK BARN R WOODED AREA fin. X � WESTERLY LIMIT Of SIDE YARD A NOTE: Prescribed M.D.S. Formula Distance From Existing Livestock Barn Equals 123m. A AGRICULTURE R RESIDENTIAL UNIT C COMMERCIAL OS OPEN SPACE (PICNIC AREA) D SCHEDULE 'A' NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING 0 10 • -- Town of Tillsonburg Special AwardsCo- - Town of Tillsonburg Non -Profit Housing Corporation Please submit your letter by Friday, January 23rd, 1987 in- dicating your interest to: K.E. Holland • Clerk -Administrator 200 Broadway, 2nd Floor Tillsonburg, Ontario N4G 5A7 Planning Act, 1983 NOTICE OF A PUBLIC MEETING To Be Held By , � BAYHAM TOWNSHIP COUNCIL Respecting a Proposed Zoning By -Law Amendment TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Boyhom will hold o public meeting for the pur- pose of informing the public in respect of a proposed official plan and zoning by-law amendment, in accordance with The Planning Act. The zoning by-law to be considered Is as follows: APPLICATION BRIAN GRAYDON - Lot 18, Concession 10,` to rezone a portion of the land from Al to Rural Residential (RR). The above application is made to satisfy a condition of the Elgin County Land Division Committee. The Public Meeting will be held in the Council Chambers of the Township of Boyhom Office, Stroffordville, ' commencing at 8:00 P.M. on Thursday, February 19, 1987. Any inquiries prior to that dote may be directed to the Township Clerk (866-5521). J.A. Petrie Township Clerk Box 160 Stroffordville, Ontario NOJ 1 YO BESELAERE'S MARK Hwy. 3, Courtland 8424821 BEEF SIDES $1.5' BEEF HINDS $1.9' CAYNA POP _ litre no return btks�. » 4 4 floors Ali Beef Custom Cut's Wrapped b Frozen Open 1 Days A ftek' During the 1987-88 fiscal ye .vices will be tendered at the — transplanting see poliar cutting pry — bag hauling — peat spreading — janitorial mainter — fire rood discing — lawn and ground — nursery stock trai A document fee of $10.00 tender/contract documents. Invitations to Tender and/or f from: A. Wynia, R. TI Provincial St. Will F ' Telephon Mini st Natural Ontario Resourc f ; • C1 SCHEDULE 'B' MINUTES OF PUBLIC MEETING Moved DY; V. Unuce ana secon-acCl by: J. Nezezon That the quotation of Eel ey Chevrolet, Oldsmobil Ltd., for the purchase of a 1987 Chevrolet Fleetside Long Box pick truck in the amount of $12,645.99 be acc ted.....Carried Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: G. Nelles That this Council request Canada Post Corporation give consideration to the non -closure of rural. post offices located in the Hamlets of Eden and Straffordvill.e..... Carried 87 Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: J. Nezezon And resolved that By-law Z 149-87 being a by-law to amend By-law No. 2040 (re. Graydon) be now read a first time.... Carried Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: G. Nelles And resolved that By-law Z 149-87 be now read a second time.... Carried Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: V. Chute And resolved that By-law Z 149-87 be now read a third time and finally passed...... Carried 1 Moved by: G. Nelles and Seconded by: J. Nezezon And resolved that By-law No. 2341 being a by-law to adopt amendment No. 8 to the Official Plan for the Township of Bayham be now read a first time...... Carried Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: G. Nelles And resolved that By-law No. 2341 be now read a second time.... Carried Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: V. Chute And resolved that By-law No. 2341 be now read a third time and finally passed..... Carried Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: V. Chute And resolved that By-law No. 2342 being a by-law to confirm all actions of the Council of the Township of Bayham at the meeting held February 19, 1987, be now read a first time..... Carried Moved by:G. Nelles and Seconded by: J. Nezezon And resolved that By-law No. 2342 be now read a second time..... carried Moved by: V. Chute and Seconded by: G. Nelles And resolved that By-law No. 2342 be now read a third time and finally passed..... Carried Moved by: J. Nezezon and Seconded by: G. Nelles That this Council now adjournto meet again on March 5th, 1987, at 10: a.m. ......Carried Reeve C1. erk Public Meeting re. Brian Graydon Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment: In accordance with notice given, the Reeve declares the public meeting to hear comments on the above applicatio open. There is no one in attendance to offer any comments. The Reeve declares the public meeting closed. Reeve Clerk + 0 0 ORIGINAL 10 3?x' OP 015uo ' 'r08 1. AMENDMENT NUMBER 8 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM SUBJECT: GRAYDON RURAL RESIDENTIAL LOT 18 CONCESSION 10 The following text and map schedule constitute Amendment Number 8 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. 1 f C7 Amendment Number 8 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham • This amendment to the Official Plan for the Township of Bayham, which has been adopted by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham, is hereby approved pursuant to Section 17 of the Planning Act as Amendment Number -8 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. L. J. Fincham Director Plans Administration Branch Central and Southwest 10 r OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM C THE attached tent and map schedule cgnstituting Amendment No. 8 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham was prepared upon the recommendation of the Township of Bayham Planning Advisory Committee after evaluation of public input pursuant to the provisions of the Planning Act. THIS Amendment was adopted by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham by By -Law No. 2341, in accordance with Section 17 of the Planning Act, on the 19th day of February, 1987. . / A / K CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY- LAW No. 2 342 BEING a By -Law to confirm all actions of the Council of the TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM at the meeting(s) held February 19, 1987 BE IT CNAC .'M BY THE. COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM pursuant to the provisions of The Municipal Act that all actions by the said Council by by-laws and resolutions passed at the regular mecctirij; held February 19, 1,98aid special. meetings) held --- be and the same are hereby approved and confirmed as if a] 1. such proceedings were expressly embodied in this By -Law. Read a First, Second and Third Time and Finally Passed this 19th day of February, 19 87 a Reeve 0 11 Clerk 9 CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW No. 2343 BEING a By -Law to confirm all actions of the Council of the TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM at the meetings) held March 5, 1987 BE 11' ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE' TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM Pursuant to the provisions of The Municipal Act that all actions by the said COUT)Ci1 by by-laws and resolution~ passed at the regular meat ii)s; hold March 5, 1987 , <arncl speci;il meeting (s) lie 1 d ------- be and the same are hereby approved and confirmed as if a11, such proceedings were express1v embodied in this By -Law. Read a First, Second and Third Time and Finally Passed this 5th.day of March , 19 87 Reeve 11 0 Ort CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY - LAW NO. 2344 Being a By -Law to prohibit and regulate the sale and setting off or firing of fireworks, and to Repeal By -Law No.1256 WHEREAS the Council of a Municipal Corporation may pass a by-law to prohibit and regulate, inter alia, the sale and setting off or firing of fireworks within its corporate limits; AND WHEREAS it has been deemed advisable to pass such a by-law for the safety of children and adults of the Township of Bayham. NOW THEREFORE THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN- SHIP OF BAYHAM HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. INTERPRETATION:"FIREWORKS" shall mean and include any combust - able or explosive composition, or any substance or any combination of substances, or article prepared for the purpose of producing a visible or audible effect by combustion, explosion, deflagration or detonation, and shall include blank cartridges, toy pistols, toy cannons or toy guns in which explosives are used, the type of balloons which require fire underneath to propel same, firecrackers, torpedoes, sky -rockets, Roman candles, pin wheels, sparklers and any fireworks containing explosives or flammable compound, or any tablets or other devices containing anyr explosive substance, except that the term fireworks shall not include paper caps contain- ing not in excess of an average of twenty-five hundredths of a grain of explosive content per cap and toy pistols, toy guns and other devices for use of such caps, these of which shall be permitted at all times. "PERSON" shall be deemed to mean and include persons, firms and corporations. 2. THAT no person shall'display, offer for sale, or sell fireworks within the corporate limits of the Township of Bayham except seven days prior to the holiday known as Victoria Day, or Victoria Day holiday, and two days immediately following Victoria Day holiday; and seven days prior to the holiday known as Dominion Day, July lst., on Dominion Day holiday July 1st., and two days immediately following Dominion Day holiday, July 1st., in each year. 3. THAT NO PERSON SHALL SELL FIREWORKS TO ANY PERSON UNDER THE AGE OF EIGHTEEN (18) YEARS. 4. NOTWITHSTANDING the foregoing provisions of this by-law, the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham may grant a permit for supervised public displays of fireworks by the Mun- icipality, Associations, Amusement Parks and other organizations or groups of individuals. ri J - 2 - 5. APPLICATION for such permits shall be made in writting to the Clerk of the Township of Bayham at least twenty-one days in advance of the day of such display. 6. ANY fireworks that remain unfired after such display has been concluded, and for which a permit has been granted, shall immediately be disposed of in a safe manner having regard to the particular type of fireworks remaining. 7. ANY person or persons who shall be guilty of any infraction or breach of this By -Law shall, upon conviction thereof, be liable to a fine of not more than $2,000.00, exclusive of costs. (Ch. 3021, Sec. 321). 8. BY-LAW NO. 1256 is hereby repealed. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 19th. DAY OF March, 1987. I f �-X'wq _ - APPENDIX A APPLICATION TO PURCHASE CLASS 7:2:2 FIRUNTORKS IN Nai,,iy of Applicant .................. ........................Age...... (pri 1) t) County Address. ............,.......District ........... (St. & no.; tt-/p. , lot & conc.; or range & section) Province ........' ........................'Postal code ...... Territory........... (city, tot -in or village & R.R. no. ) Having successfully completes] a fireworks safety course con- ducted by: . . . . . . i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (name of Agency) (date) and/or having previously supervised or assisted at fireworks displays or similar activities under the auspices of .......................... (name of organization, years and . loca;10. ;n s) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I hereby make application to purchase Class 7:2:2 fireworks on behalf of • myself0 or........... ...... ..................i.................... (name of sponsoring organization) Address.............................................................. Date and Time of Day of Display ...................................... Exact Location of Display ............................................ I certify that I have read, understand and will be guided by the principles and safety rules of the Manual of Display fireworks and by the specific instructions of the manufacturer governing a particular firework. Date..........................Signature.............................. PERMISSION OF LOCAL AUTHORITY This application has been reviewed and the applicant has per- mission to hold this fireworks display. Signature .............:............. Name (print) ........................ Appointment'......... ..........:..... I1,lunicipality ...................:.... ra;w Sir: Resources Canada Minerals FZessources Canada Min6raux ?larch h, 1973 Your Ple Yotre Rifirmer Our File Notre Riferrret Revised regulations under the Canada Explosives Act now require that in municipalities where high hazard fireworks for recreation (display fireworlks) are allowed, the display rmst be fired under the supervision of a "Fireworks Super- visor". Courses to qualify Fireworks Supervisors gill be conducted across Canada by agencies authorized by Resources Canada. Graduates of these* courses will receive a certificate of attendance, which will be registered iAth the Explosives Division. In addition, the Chief Inspector of Explosives will exercise discretionary powers in accepting expertise and. experience of 'candidates, who through employment or location cannot attend a qualifying course. Control of this requirement will be exercised by the Chief Inspector of Explosives• through a licensing agreement with manufacturers and distributors of Msplay fireworks. This agreement requires that an application to purchase forst (sample enclosed) will accompany each order for display fireworks. If an applicant has successfully cc.,pleted an authorized course, the order may b4 immediately processed. If tha applicant has not completed - an authorized course, but has previous experience, the Supplier must submit the application to the nearest ln3paCtor of Explosives before the supplier can ship tha order. If the applicant ha3 neither a qualifying course or equivalent experience, the supplier will be prohibited from .filling the. order. In Ontario, the Ontario Safety League is conducting courses throughout the province and information concerning dates and locations are being enclosed with this letter. I apt sure you. will agree that our mutual aim is to pro ri do naxinur.� protection for spectators attending fireworks displays. The introduction of these - regulations in support of existing r-ranicipal legislation should accomplish this goal. EXPLOSIVES DIVISION 555 BOOTH ST.. OTTAWA. CANAOA K1A OE4 Yours truly, rel E.J. Fraser Chief Inspector DIVISION DES EXPIOSIFS US$. RUE. BOOTH OTTAWA CANADA K1A OE4 of Explosives i I& . �.v- :•: QUXIMPLY NEWS Stl;cvssor to Sir lienry Vnrtin Smith CFO HOLLAND NEW UK CHIEF INSPECTOR Britain's nc�✓ Chiof Inspector of Fire Ss eic a is to be CFO Kenneth L. Ilo'f:ind. CBE, OStJ ivllFireE., blest rtir!inq fire Brigade. His appointment r;a3 confirmed by the Home Office on June 5 and he took up his new duties on Sept mbar 1. Mr. Holland succeeds Sir Henry Marlin Smith, CBE, who has retired after 24 years in office. •-r-T r�uw I Mr. Holland was born into i •: ; `:;;y,;►�,. the Fire Service w. in Dudley, Wor- e cestershire, where both his •� father and grand- :. father started r , their brigade r� careers which each embraced .A some- 36 years. cro Holland It was In 1937 that he started his career at Rad- cliffe, Lancashire. He saw subsequent sar✓ice with the Bury and Oldham brigades baiore, during the NFS, being for a time seconded to the American forces and spending a period as ' Instructor at the NFS College. At the end of the war he was selec:eo for attendance on the first FPO's courss ever to be held and, on qualification, organized and con- trolled an FP Department covering the northern part of Lancashire, West- morland and Cumberland under the NFS. ' With the return of brigade to local nuthorRy control he was appointed DO with Suffolk and Ipswich and in 1952 was appointed Third Officer with Worcester City and County. In 1953 he returned to Lancashire as Third 0►ficer, Senior Staff Officer, and two years later was promoted to DCFO. Awards for Services in 1959 fair. Holland was awarded the 1;13F. and in 1971 he was made a CBE. In 1950 he was appointed CFO of Bristol Fire Brigade and In 1964 he was el?cted ns a Serving Officer of the Ordor of St. John of Jerusalem. Fie t00% his present appointment as CFU of Yiest Riding in January, 19057. Mr. Holland has served on several commit^as and boards at national and req;onal levels P.nd been closely Pasociated with the work of the Fire Service Staff College, both a; a lacturer and, until la3t year, as an Assessor for the selection of candi- dates for special courses. He Also served for many years as en assessor for the Central Ex=aminations Board, for a time as chairman of the board's statutory examination panels, and be- came closely concerned with the viork of the British Standards institution and thq Fire Research Station. Mr. Holland was president of the iFE in 1969-70 and in that of lica visited a number of brigades on the North American continent, as well as throughout Europe. - Fite Magazine FIRECRACKER SALES BANNED TO GENERAL PUBLIC The Honourable Donald S. Macdon- ald, Minister of Energy, Mines and Resources, announced in Ottawa on September 27, 1972, an immediate ban of the sale of firecrackers to the general public. The banning of firecrackers and a tightening up of the controls, distri- bution and sale of fireworks are aimed at countering an annual toll of Injuries and fatalities. Firecrackers in future will be made available only to persons licensed to use display fireworks under new con- ditions that will be implemented in the next few months through changes in the Explosives Regulations of the Canada Explosives Act which is administered by Mr. Macdonald's De- partment of Energy, Mines and Re- sources. Fireworks distributors will be authorized to sell display fireworks only to persons holding a permit of competency issued by the Depart- ment. The Department will set regulations for the setting off of such fireworks at displays, introduce train- ing courses, and examine and qualify applicants • for competency certifi- cates. Display fireworks generally are the larger and more powerful and sophis- ticated type normally used in displays at public gatherings. The new changes also will restrict the sale of less hazardous types, such as sparklers and roman candles, to those 18 years of age and over. "When dealing with fireworks avail- able to the general public, items like roman candles and sparklers, for example, we will continue to test every type sold in Canada to ensure that they comply with our safety re- quirements", Mr. Macdonald stated. Mr. Macdonald said his Department had been studying the matter for several rnotiths, and had taken note of the msny representations received urging such action from many muni- cipal and public bodies and from Individuals. He noted that a number of focal governments had Imposed various regulations, but these had not been totally effective because they were not universal. Anyone with supplies of, Chinese firecrackers on hand Is urged to return them to the supplier. PJFPA Tentative "Hindard FIRE PROTECTION ON THE HIGHWAY The new "Tentative Standard on Fire Protection for Limited Access Highways, 'runnels, Bridge3 and Fle- vated Structures" (NFPA No. 602-T) Is now available in a 12 page pamphlet from the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA). Adopted tentatively at the; 1972 NFPA Annual Maetinrg, this text is in- tended mainly for guidance of per- sons responsible for construction, operation and maintenance, and fire protection of the designated facilities. Fire safety of users of these road- ways, etc., is covered as well es pro- tection of the physical facilities, in- cluding buildings and structures exposed to the hazards of the oper- ational zones. NFPA No. 502-T has been devel- oped by the NFPA Committee on Motor Vehicle avid Flighv/ay Fire Pro- tection. The standard is subject to major revision before being submitted ' for official NFPA adoption. Copies of the 1972 edition of the "Tentative Standard on Fire Protec- tion for limited Access High-. ays, "On the other hand, display fire- ! Tunnels, Bridges and Elevated Struc- works can be extremely dangerous, tures" (NFPA) No. 5024 (12 pages, We have always Insisted on contr��ls, SI) are available from the NFP,'% but we no:v feel that additional re- ; Publications Service Dnpartment, C-0 strictions are required", added the r' Satterym;arch Street, Boston, Massa - Minister. chusetts, 02110. il DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY, MINES AND RESOURCES OTTAWA, CANADA For Imcrediate Release ALL FIREWORKS NOT BANNED OTTAIIA--All types of fireworks have not been banned according to a - • statement issued here today by the federal Department of Energy, Mines and Resources. Clarifying new regulations introduced last September, the Department emphasizes that only those fireworks deemed to be highly hazardous have been banned for sale to the general public. "Firecrackers", defined as those fireworks whose sole purpose is to create noise, have been banned for sale to the general public., This classifi- cation is comprised of all noise -making firecrackers, including ladyfingers. "Display fireworks", including rockets, bombardos, barrages and bomb- shells continue to be restricted. Responsible organizations and individuals may obtain fireworks of this type provided they have the necessary local authorization and that they file a guarantee with their supplier that the dis- play will be supervised by -a competent person! • "Family fireworks" have not been banned. They will still be available for purchase at retail by any person 18 years of age and over. Fireworks of this kind, also known as "shop goods", include roman candles, sparklers and pinwheels. Anyone involved in the sale or use of family fireworks, however, should note that even though these fireworks have not been -banned by.the federal government, their sale and use may be restricted by provincial or municipal law. • - 30, F_-br-uary 27, 1973 • � .. �.�� �; . ;�•.: .'1.!.�!!s�*�- •mss• �� t�•.:r.+w...w.�•r>.� ctty ,, }rM+s.*r..�sc-r►�.w _. ... _ f �t�• �"►yp'_ .. • �• � •� �t �•. ► I� �: •f •� ::`.i.+w. t:.:�:.. 'ted; L.'.. �'�. .�' .�w..},'J•• ��...•.•`. ... •.I��,r.•„ . .•,titi• ••1. .. . .. •.l'.�� .� La a DACE 4 QUARTERLY NEWS CANADA EXPLOSIVES ACT REVISED FIREWORKS REGULATIONS SORI73-154 By E. J. FRASER. Chief Inspector of Explosives, Departn+ent o1 Enerpy. tains and Resources. Olfaw• Effective Mar J1_28,1973. revised regu- lations under the anad'a Explosives Act, made by Order In Council P.C. 1973 -- 573, introduce a new classifica- tion system for fireworks and tighten control over their sale to the public. With the sole exception of caps for toy guns, fireworks may not be sold to a person who is or appears to be under the agg of eighteen years. Although direct responsibility for the administration and enforcement of these regulations rests with the Explo- sives Division of the Canada Depart- ment of Energy, Mines and Resources and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, "any peace officer may without warrant arrest any person whom he finds committing or whom he has reasonable grounds to suspect of having committed an offence against this Act. R.S., c. 102 s. 24; 1953-54, c. 14, s. 11." in addition, the Explosives Act itself does not relieve any person of the obligation to comply with the require - merits of any provincial law or regula- tion, or any municipal by-law lawfully enacted, with regard to the storage, handling, sale or other dealing with fire- works. Class 7.2.1 — Low -hazard Fireworks for Recreation Thi3 class was' formerly designated of goods" and is often called "family fireworks". It includes small fountains, volclnoes, Roman Candles, pin wheels, sparklers, Christmas crackers and caps, for toy guns. Fireworks of this class may be sold without a federal licence if the quantity stored for sale does not exceed 750 pounds gross weight and storage Is in a suitable area in a warehouse or other building separated from flammable goods. The main risk is from fire starting els3where. They are not liable to ex- plode violently, rather they function individually and may spread the fire and certainly will contribute dense smoke. Quantities in excess of 750 pounds, such as might be handled by jobbers in season, may be stored without a licence for periods of less than one month provided the storage location and con- ditions are approved by the Chief Inspector of Explosives. Such approval would normally be granted in consulta- tion with local fire prevention authori- ti,ts. Wholesalers in the business year- round would normally require a federal licence. When displayed for sale; tots on display must not exceed 50 pounds and must be In a package, glass case or other suitable receptacle away from r 0 flammable goods and not exposed to the sun or direct heat. Fireworks of this class may be sold to an adult for his own use and enjoy- ment; he bears the responsibility for their safe use. He is Permitted to keep up to 20 pounds on his premises pro- vided reasonable precautions against accidents are taken. Class 7.2.2 — High -hazard Fireworks for Recreation This class is also known as "display fireworks" and are the type used at public gatherings and includes rockets, shells, bombshells, tourbillions, bom- bardos, barrages, large wheels, bou- kuets, fountains, batteries, candles and mines. Also Included in this class are firecrackers, the small fireworks with entwined fuses used solely as noise- makers. Fireworks of this class may NOT be sold in any quantity without a federal licence. This licence will detail the con- struction of the magazine and pertinent storage and handling conditions. For each public display, the fireworks may only be sold to a person who has: 1. Completed an approved fireworks supervisor course or, for this year only, if a person cannot attend an appproved course and he has sufli- cient knowledge , gained through practical experience in the handling and use of display fireworks, ob- tained approval of the Chief Inspec- tor of Explosives; and 2. Complied with local requirements and obtained the permission sof the local authority having jurisdiction; and 3. Certified that he has read, under- stands and will be guided by the principles and safety rules of the Manual of Display Fireworks (pre- pared and distributed by Explosives Division) and by the specific instruc- tions of the manufacturer governing a particular firework. The conditions of storage and trans- portation applicable to a fireworks supervisor are given in the aforemen- tioned Manual. Very large fireworks displays are normally set up and fired by an agent or employee of the manufacturer, who In this case provides the expert per- sonnel and assumes full responsibility for the safety at the display. in Ontario, the Ontario Safety League has conducted approved courses in Toronto, Ottawa, 'Sault Ste. Marie, Hamilton, Cambridge and London and is now evaluating the need for Additional courses in repeat or new locations. Class 7.2.3 -- Model Rocket Engines (Toy Propellant devices) These small model rocket engines contain 125 grams or less of propellant classed as an explosive. The total im- pulse developed must not exceed 80 Newton -seconds. They were the subject of an article entitled "Model Rocket Engines" in the issue of the Quarterly News for the Fourth Quarter 1972. Other than assigning them a class of their own, the revised regulations have not changed the validity of that article. Class 7.2.4 -- Low -hazard Fireworks having a Practical Use This class contains such fireworks as highway flares, fusees and other small distress signals normally carried In automobiles, trucks, aircraft, boats or by hunters, hikers and climbers. The conditions of sale and storage are the same as for Class 7.2.1 fireworks. Class 7.2.5 — High -hazard Fireworks having a Practical Use This class contains such fireworks as large distress signals, sound, pyro- technics and smoke signals, r-ailway track signals, distress and line -throwing rockets, salutes, theatrical effects and wildlife control devices. Fireworks of this class may NOT be sold in any quantity without a federal licence. This licence will detail the construction of the magazine and per- tinent storage and handling conditions. Sales of this class of fireworks are ... restricted to persons engaged In the occupation for which the fireworks have been designed and authorized. Quantities not exceeding 50 pounds gross weight of this class may be kept In a suitable secure and locked con- tainer in a sheltered location. For a maximum 250 pounds, storage must be in a warehouse or similar building de- tached from any dwelling and situated at a safe distance (about 50 feet) from public pl9ces or thoroughfares and kept locked. The interior must be kept clean and dry, and free from flammable sub- stances or articles likely to cause fires. Naked flame or smoking In or near the container or building must not be per- mitted. Storage in excess of 250 pounds must be either in a licensed magazine or in such other place as may be ap- proved by the Chief Inspector of Explosives. Such approval would nor- mally be granted in consultation with local fire prevention authorities. It Is hoped to incorporate the -se revised regulations in the forthcoming edition of the National Fire Code of� Canada. fo CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 97-20 A BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW NO. 2344 BEING A BY-LAW TO PROHIBIT AND REGULATE THE SALE AND SETTING OFF OR FIRING OF FIREWORKS. WHEREAS pursuant to Section 37 of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. Chapter M.45, as amended, the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham enacted and passed By-law No. 2344 on March 19, 1987 to prohibit and regulate the sale and setting off or firing of fireworks. Further, By-law 2344 repealed By-law No. 1256; AND WHEREAS Council now deems it necessary to amend By-law No. 2344 to permit the sale of fireworks on Victoria Day. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT Paragraph 2 of By-law 2344 be deleted in its entirety and the following substituted therefor: "2. THAT no person shall display, offer for sale, or sell fireworks within the corporate limits of the Township of Bayham except seven days prior to the holiday known as Victoria Day, on Victoria Uay holiday and two days immediately following Victoria Day holiday in each year; and seven days prior to the holiday known as Canada Day, July 10, on Canada Day holiday, July 1" and two days immediately following Canada Day holiday, July I" in each year. 2. THAT in all other respects By-law No. 2344 be and is hereby confirmed. 3. THAT this By-law shall take effect upon the date of its enactment. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 1" day of May, 1"7. READ A THIRD grTMW AND FINALLY PASSE)1 #tile 1" Aaw ^f Maw 10431 On' va Vdo .,!Arm � ' CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY - LAW OF Na 2345 BEING A By-law to amend By-law 1279 establishing rules and regulations with respect to the Calton Cemetery. WHEREAS Section one of By-law No. 1279 set out the number of members on the Calton Cemetery Board at three (3). AND WHEREAS it is now considered necessary to increase the number of members on the aforesaid Board to five (5). THEREFORE be it Enacted by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham That Section one of By-law NO. 1279 be amended to read: 1. The care and management of the said cemetery shall be in the hands of a commission, hereafter known as "The Calton Cemetery Commission" composed of five members, two members shall be appointed each year and each third year one member shall be appointed by the Council of the Township of Bayham and shall hold office for a term of three years. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 19th DAY OF MARCH, 1987. IVA CLERK By -Law I: o . 12 7 9 . Township of Bayham. A by-law to establish rules and regulations with respect to the Calton Cemetery. BE IT ENACTED BY THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE TOi+"IISHIP OF BAYIUK mS FOLLOWS; - 1. The care and management of the said cemetery shall be in the hands of a commission, hereafter known as "The Calton Cemetery Commission", composed of three members, one of whom shkll be appointed each year for by the Council of the Township of Bayham and shall hold office for a term of three years, (the first Commission to be composed of a three- year term for one member, a two-year term for one member and a one-year term for one member.) 2. The municipality shall receive from the lot ownvre any sum of money for permanent investment, the annual interest of which is to be expended upon their lots or on general improvement if so requested. 3. Upon payment to the municipality (through the Treasurer if so desired) by a lot -owner of the sum of One Hundred Dollar, Seventy -Five Dollars or Fifty Dollars, depending on the size of the plot, which sum shall be placed to the credit of the Cemetery Trust Fund, the Municipality will undertake the care of the lot in perpetuity. 4. All other lot -owners shall, on or before the first day of April in each year, pay to the Calton Cemetery Commission of this Municipality the sum of three dollars towards the general care and upkeep of the cemetery or, in the case of default where the plot -owner is a land -owner in the said municipality, the same may be char ed to his property as taxes, or, in the case of default in payment of said tax for a period of ten years, the commission shall have power to remove any bodies Interred therein to any part of the cemetery that may be assigned for that purpose together with any markers or gravestones thereon and resell the said lot. b. The price of the lots may be fixed from time to time by the said Calton Cemetery Commission, but shall not be less than Ten Dollars for a double lot, Six Dollars for a single lot, and Three Dollars for a half -lot. 6. From and after the passing of the by-law a special account shall be kept by the Township Treasurer to be called "the Calton Cemetery Trust Fund". This fund shall include all *coney paid to the Township Treasurer by the commission for investment. No part of the money received into this fund except the interest deisived therefrom, shall be expended for any purpose whatsoever, but the same shall hereafter be held by the Township in trust to be invested and kept invested from time to time in such securitpes as may be authorized for the investi;ent of sinking funds and that have been approved by the Cemetery Commission. The interest arising from the said fund shall be paid annually by a resolution of the Council after the amount has been certified by the Treasurer to the Cemetery Commission to be expended by it in the care and management of the cemetery. 7. The Cemetery commission shall keep a register containing a record of all transactions in respect of the sale, transfer and ownership of lots and also an account with each individual lot -owner with respect to the annual fee or tax. 8. The following rules and regulations with respect to the cemetery are hereby adopted: (1) Persons desiring to purchase lots will call on the caretaker, who will assist in making a selection and, when settlement is made, an interment will be permitted. (2) Lots free from all encumbrances are conveyed by deed securing the purchaser and his heirs a title in fee simple but for the purpose of sepulchre only, subject to the rules and regulations that are now in force or may be adopted thereafter. (3) No deed will be issued until a lot is fully paid for, and if inter- ment is permitted1before such time, the Cemetery Commission retains the right to refuse future interment or any improvements until any balance due on such lot is fully paid, and in case of persistent default, to remove any body already interred to any part of the cemetery that may be assigned for this purpose. (4) A deed from the Cemetery Commission and its record on the books kept under the direction of the Cemetery Commission is the only evid- ence of title of the proprietor recognized by the Municipality, there- fore, sale or transfer of the lots by the owner shall not be valid without the consent of the Cemetery Commission and its approval end- orsed by the conveyance. The record of a properly made sale or transfer will be made by the Cemetery Commission upon payment of two dollars, which shall be paid to the Cemetery Commission. (5) The subdivision of a lot or the subdivision of the ownership of a lot is not allowed, the joint purchase of a lot is not recommended, but. when it occurs, the Cemetery Commission, if it deems it expedient, will permit a transfer duly executed by either owner to the other but to no other person. (6) General care does not provide for care of monuments, grave markers, or any other decorative planting which may be placed on lots, but does include grass -cutting and reasonable care ofshrubbery. Lot -owners may have work consistent with the rules and regulations, done by arrange- ment with the Cemetery Commission which will furnish the lowest possible estimate to properly execute the work. (7) No person other than the caretakerand lot -owner or members or serv- ants of their families shall be permitted to perform any work on any lot and such work shall be confined to the working hours of the day and under the supervision of the caretaker. (8) Improvements within the cemetery before as well as after interments are made will be under the control of the Cemetery Commission. hereafter no plots shall be enclosed with a fence or hedge and shall not be raised above the level of surrounding lots. All foot -markers must be sunk to the level of the surfave of the earth. (9) No trees or shrubs shall be planted on lots or graves nor shall any trees or shrubs be out down, removed, or trimmed without the permission of the Cemetery Commission. Such work can be done only under the direct- ion of the caretaker. (10) Lot -owners who plant out flowers and then fail to have them proper- ly watered and trimmed and kept free from weeds are hereby notified that the caretaker has the right to remove neglected plants from beds, graves, vases or urns. (11) The caretaker must not undertake with any lot -owner to give any special care to any lot in the cemetery. (12) Lot -owners shall keep in good repair any structures or objects which may be placed on the lot, failing which the same may be removed. (13) konuments must be placed as near the centre of the lot as possible unless permission is given by the Cemetery Commission to place them otherwise. (14) The Cemetery Commission has the right to prevent or remove any structure or object which they deer injurious to the general good app- earance of the cemetery. (15) Funerals while within the grounds will be under the control of the caretaker. (16) No burials shall be allowed in any lot against which there shall appear charges due and unpaid. (17) All graves must be prepared by the caretaker. Any lot -owner desir- ing a grave opened shall apply to the Cemetery Commission, and pay for such work in accordance with the prevailling fee. (18) All foundations shall be built by or under the supervision of the caretaker at the expense of the lot -owner. Reasonable notice must be given and payment at the time of giving order. Foundations shall be built six feet deep and of the same size as the bottom base or foot of masonry above ground (until one foot from top of ground and then extend- ed four inches each side) and will be made level two inches below the surface of the ground where it is lowest. The Cemetery Commission reserv- es the right to require larger and deeper foundations if in their opin- ion it is required. (19) No person shall be permitted to enter the cemetery except through the gates, which are to be closed at dark. (20) Lot -owners, their families and visitors will be admitted daily and are requested to a bserve all rules adopted for the regulations of visit- ors. (21) Children unattended by persons who will be responsible for their conduct will not be admitted. (22) Bicycle riding will not be permitted except on the road for vehi&lee in the cemetery. (23) No rapid driving or riding,or driving or riding on lawns, will be permitted. - 3 - (24) All persons are strictly prohibited from plucking any plants, whether wild or cultivated, breaking any trees or shrubs, marring any stone -work, orf in any way defacing anything in the cemetery. (25) The caretaker shall furnish a statement of all extra work other than general care of lots to the Cemetery Commission, who shall enter the same on their books for collection. (26) Plot -owners are advised that no money should be paid to the care- taker for any purpose whatsoever. REij,D a third time and finally passed this 1953. Reeve. day of 6 CORPORA'T'ION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW No. 2346 0 BEING a By -Law to confirm all actions of the Council of the TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM at the meeting(s) held March 19 and March 16, 1987 BE IT ENACTED BY THE: COUNC:I1, OF 'THE CORPORATION OF THE 'TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM pursuant to the provisions of The Municipal Act that all actions by the said Cminc• i I by by-laws and resol.uL Ions passed at the regular meet i iig he I d March 19, 198,7 and spec i a 1 meeting(s) held March 16, 1987 be and the same are hereby ;approved and confirmed as if all such proceedings were express 1 vn embodied in this By -Law. Read a First, Second and Thi rd 'I'i.me and Finally Passed this 19thday of March , 19 87 Clerk 0 . BY-LAW NO. 2347 OF THE CORPORATTON OF TILE TOWNSHTP OF BAYHAM Being a by -taw to permit the encroachment of a portion of a brick and frame residence over .lohn :street, in the Village of Richmond, and to fix a fee for such privilege. WHEREAS paragraph 101 of Section 210 of the Municipal Act, R.S.O., 1980, Chapter 302 provides Council with the power to pass By -Laws for: i. Allowing any person owninq or occupying any building that by inadvertence has been partially erected upon any highway to maintain and use such erection and for fixing such annual fee or charge as council. considers reasonable for such owner or occupant to hay for such privilege. WHEREAS an Agreement, in the form annexed hereto and marked as Schedule "A" of the within By -Law has been provided to the Township by Ross Scott Carroll and Shirley Alice Carroll. NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham hereby enacts as follows: 1. An existing encroachment by a brick and frame residence over John Street, specifically being a 1.7 foot chimney encroachment, a 4.3 foot*frame entrance -way encroachment and a wooden deck encroachment all as shown on a Building Location Survey prepared by Brian Vaughan, Ontario Land Surveyor, and dated March 20th, 1987, a copy of which is annexed hereto, is hereby allowed to be maintained and used for so long as the said building remains in its present location, in accordance with the terms of the above recited Agreement; and, for this privilege the sum of Twenty five -------------------------- Dollars is hereby fixed to be a one-time charge to be paid to The Corporation of the Township of Bayham by the owner, 2. The Reeve and the Clerk be and they are hereby authorized to execute and deliver up the Agreement in the form annexed as Schedule "A" to this 13y-t.aw. Read a First and Second Time thci$ 2nd, day of April, 1987. Reeve Clerk Read a Third time and finally passed this 2nd. day Of April, 1987. Clerk CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 9458 BEING A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE REEVE AND CLERK TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT TO PERMIT THE ENCROACHMENT OF A FRAME ENTRANCE -WAY OVER THE RIGHT -O WAY BE'T'WEEN IAT 1 AND LOT 2, PLAN 22 IN THE HAMLET OF RICHMOND AND TO ASSIGN A FEE -FOR SUCH PRIVILEGE WHEREAS Section 210(107) of the Municipal Act, R.S.O., Chapter M.45 provides councils with the power to pass by-laws for allowing any person owning or occupying any building or other erection that by inadvertence has been partially or partially erected upon any highway to maintain and use such erection thereon and for fixing such fee or charge as council considers reasonable for such owner or occupant to pay for such privilege; AND WHEREAS the owner of said lands is desirous of constructing a winterized deck that will encroach over the Right-of-way between Lot 1 and Lot2, Plan 22; AND WHEREAS in the opinion of the council the encroachment of the fence and the previous encroachments should be recognized in one by-law. AND WHEREAS an Agreement, in the form annexed hereto and marked as Schedule "A" has been prepared by the Township. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT an existing encroachment a chimney, a frame entrance -way, a wooden deck and a fence, as shown on a Surveyor's Sketch prepared by Brian Vaughan, Ontario Land Surveyor, and dated March 20, 1987, a copy of which is annexed hereto, over John Street in the hamlet of Richmond is hereby allowed to be maintained and used for so long as the said encroachments remain in their present location, in accordance with the terms of the aforesaid Schedule "A"; and, for the sum of one dollar ($1.00) is hereby fixed to be a one-time charge to be paid to the Corporation of the Township of Bayham by the Owner. 2. THAT the Reeve and Clerk be and they are hereby authorized to execute the attached agreement and marked as Schedule "A" on behalf of the Corporation and to affix the Corporate Seal. 3. THAT By-law No. 2347 is hereby repealed. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 20th day of OCTOBER, 1994 READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 20th day of OCTOBER, 1994. .0 _. THIS AGREEMENT made in duplicate this twenty-fourth day of March, 1987. B E T W E E N: - and - THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM, hereinafter called the MUNICIPALITY OF THE FIRST PART ROSS SCOTT CARROLL and ALICE SHIRLEY CARROLL both of the Township of Bayham, in the County of Elgin, hereinafter called the OWNER OF THE SECOND PART WHEREAS the Owner is the registered owner of land and premises in the Township of Bayham, in the County of Elgin, being more particularly described in Schedule "A" attached hereto. AND WHEREAS a residence is situate on the said lands and premises, the most northeasterly wall of which residence and certain improvements or additions thereto encroach on the road allowance for John Street as shown on the Building Location Survey prepared by Brian Vaughan, Ontario Land Surveyor, and dated March 20th, 1987, a copy of which is attached as Schedule "B" hereto; AND WHEREAS the Owner has requested the Municipality to enact a By -Law allowing the use and maintenance of the said encroachments for so long as the building remains in its present location; I i AND WHEREAS the Municipality is of the .i opinion that such a By -Law would not be in the public interest unless certain undertakings as hereinafter set i out are given by the Owner; NOW THEREFORE THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSETH � that in consideration of the premises and the sum ofi ONE DOLLAR ($1.00) of lawful money of Canada now paid by the Municipality to the Owner, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, the Owner covenants and agrees with the Municipality to do and perform, at his own expense, the following matters and things: �i 1. The Owner, his heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, as owners and occupiers from 1�time to time of the said lands described in Schedule "A" attached hereto, will at all times indemnify and , i save harmless the Municipality of and from all loss, {I costs and damages which the Municipality may suffer, be at or be put to for or by any reason of or on account f of the existence of the said encroachment or the use or maintenance of the said encroachment or anything done or purported to be done pursuant to this Agreement or a By -Law respecting the said encroachment, or either of them, or anything which may arise by reason of the use and maintenance of said encroachment, this Agreement, or any By -Law, or any act or neglect in carrying out �I anything to be done pursuant to the said By -Law, this Agreement or by reason of the existence, use, maintenance �# .t or repair or lack of repair of the said encroachment. I 2. In the event of the destruction or demolition of the most northeasterly wall and the improvements or additions thereto or any of them, the Owner agrees not to restore the same in the location shown on the Building Location Survey attached but to effect any reconstruction in accordance with the Restricted Area or Zoning By -Law then in force in the said Municipality. 3. The Owner agrees that he shall not further extend any of the encroachments over John Street beyond that shown on the annexed Building Location Survey. 4. This agreement shall be binding upon the Owner, his heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, as owners and occupiers from time to time of the lands and premises described in Schedule "A" attached hereto and the covenants herein contained shall be deemed to run with the said lands and premises and bind the owners and occupiers thereof from time to time. 5. Where the context permits, words importing the singular number include the plural and vice versa; words importing the masculine gender include the feminine and neuter genders. IN WITNESS WHEREOF The Corporation of the Township of Bayham has hereunto affixed its corporate seal duly attested by the signatures of its proper signing officers the 2nd. day of April , 1987, and the parties of the second part have hereunto set their hands and seals the day of -13 &4c 1987. i !SIGNED, SEALM AND DELIVERED THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ,in the presence of: ) Per: l Ross Scott Carroll SCHEDULE "A" In the Village of Richmond, in the County of Elgin, and being the North Easterly Eighty (80.') feet of W. Lang's Block according to Registered Plan 22 for the Village t of Richmond SAVE AND EXCEPT that portion thereof being 1� PART 1 according to Reference Plan 11R-3026, i i� f i i i i i s� ii i 1 (14) Municipal Address of Property (15) Document Prepared by: Newsutne and (tlllx.,rt . ofovince Document General Form LFl:t:l.'T (11/92) rw_ Ontario Form 4 -- Land Registration Reform Act (1) Registry ® Land Titles ❑ (2) Page 1 of 6 pages Registration Fee (3) PropertyBlock Property ldens) Additional. See Schedule EJ (4) Nature of Document W Encroachment Agreement LL } (5) Consideration J o Dollars $ N i 1 W (8) Description 0 In the hamlet of Richmond, in the Township of LL Bayham, in the County of Elgin, and being the North Easterly Eighty (80.') feet of W. Lang's Cr Block according to Registered Plan 22 for the hamlet of Richmond SAVE AND EXCEPT that portion thereof being PART 1 according to Reference Plan New Property Identifiers 11R-3026 Additional: Additional: See EJ Executions (7) This (a) Redescription (b) Schedule for: AddlWnal: See Document New Easement ❑ Contain Plan/Sketch F] Description F]Parties Additional ❑Other Schedule (8) This Document provides as follows: SEE SCHEDULE ATTACHED Continued on Schedule ❑ (9) This Document relates to Instrument number(*) 143939 (10) Party(ies) (Set out Status or Interest) Name(s) Signature(s) Date of Signature Y M D ..... Jahn . Richard. Barker .................. .................................. i ..... ; .... . r ..... Audrey. Ann . Barker ......................................................:..... ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . r , •r r r � r � . . . _. . i I I , (11) Address for Service (12) Party(les) (Set out Status or Interest) Name(s) Signature(s) Date of Signature Y M D Corporation of the Township Donald W. MacLeod, Clerk _ Of Bayham { D . Vane . Chute , Reeve ........ ..... _ .. . . ..................................... I....... ................................. . .....t.. .. r (13) Address for Service P.O. Box 160 Straffordville, Ontario NOJ lYO (14) Municipal Address of Property (15) Document Prepared by: Fees and Tax Township of Bayham z W Registration Fee P.O. Box 160 Straffordville, Ontario W NOJ 1YO LL 0 cc Total (14) Municipal Address of Property (15) Document Prepared by: New-mmie nail (tlllKrrl OL tee Document General Finns LF13:13 (11/92) 0 Ontario, Form 4 --Land Registration Reform Act Z (1) Registry ® Land Titles ❑ (2) Page 1 of 6 pages (3) Property Block Property Identtfier(s) Additional See Schedule El (4) Nature of Document Straffordville, Ontario Encroachment Agreement > (5) Con ration J Z 0 Dollars S N i 1 W D ( Description (Y LL U 0 In the hamlet of Richmond, in the Township of o Bayham, in the County of Elgin, and being the cr North Easterly Eighty (80.') feet of W. Lang's Block according to Registered Plan 22 for the hamlet of Richmond SAVE AND EXCEPT that portion thereof being PART 1 according to Reference Plan New Property Identifiers 11R-3026Additional: See S&*dute ❑ Executions (T) This (a) Redescrlption (b) Schedule for: Additional: See Ull Document New Easement 1 ❑ Contains: Plan/Sketch ❑ 1 Description [:]Parties Additional ElOther u Schedule (8) This Document provides as follows: SEE SCHEDULE ATTACHED Continued on Schedule ❑ (9) This Document relates to Instrument number(s) 143939 (10) Party les) (Set out Status or Interest) Name(s) Signature(s) Date of Signature Y M D ..... John . Richard. Ranker .................. .................................. ..... .. . . Audrey. Ann. Barker .................... ..........................'........ ' ........ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . i . . . , (11) Address for Service (12) Party(les) (Set out Status or Interest) Name(s) Signature(s) DY to of Signature Corporation of the Township Donald W. MacLeod, Clerk i t Of Bayham ' ............................................1..� D. Vane Chute, Reeve l ............................................. .................................. ....... (13) oaStvice P.O. Box 160 Straffordville, Ontario NOJ 1YO (14) Municipal Address of Property (15) Document Prepared by: r Fees and Tax Registration Fee Z Township of Bayham 0 P.O. Box 160 Straffordville, Ontario L NOJ 1YO LL LL 0 ! (Y LL U Total CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY—LAW .AW No . 2 348 BEING a By -Law to confirm a 1 1 actions of the Council of the TOWNSHIP OF BAYHANI at the meeting(s) held April 2, 1987 Ii F. I'I' ENACTEI) 13Y THE; COUNC I I, OF THE CORPORATION OF TIII;, TOWNSHIP OF 13AYHAM pursuant to the provisions of The Municipal Act that all actions by the said Council by by-laws and resolutions passed at the regular, meet i ll); held April 2, 19875 and speci�ll. meeting(s) held ------- be and the same are hereby ;Ipproved and confirmed as if all proceedings were expressly rrnbcxlied in this By-l.aw. Read a First, Second and TIli rd Time and Finally Passed this 2nd. day of April , 19 87 4 Reeve r �- Clerk BY-LAW NO. 2349 THE Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham, in accordance with the provisions of the Planning Act, hereby enacts as follows: 1. THAT Amendment No. 9 to the Official Plan of the Town- ship of Bayham consisting of the attached text and map schedule is hereby adopted. 2. THAT the Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to make application to the Ministermof Municipal Affairs for approval of the aforementioned Amendment No. 9 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. 3. THAT no part of this By -Law shall come into force and take effect until approved by the Minister of Municipal Affairs. ENACTED AND PASSED this 16th day of April, 1987. WN W�WTZW. W�-TWOROYA W CLERK CERTIFIED that the above is a true copy of By -Law No. 2349 as enacted and passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham. CLERK 0 1. PURPOSE The purpose of this Amendment is to change the land use designation on a parcel of land from "Agriculture" to "Rural Residential" in the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. 2. LOCATION The area affected by this Amendment is comprised of approximately 0.8 hectares (2.0 acres) and is situated in part of Lot 20 (128) S.T.R. on the south side of County Road No. 38 in the Township of Bayham. 3. BASIS OF THE AMENDMENT The subject lands are located in a predominantly built-up area just east of the hamlet of Straffordville. The lands are presently vacant after having served as a township works yard for a number of years. Existing land uses in the area consist of agriculture (tobacco) and rural residential development with existing non-farm residences located on the east and west boundaries of the property. There are no livestock operations within 300 metres of the subject lands. The Canada Land Inventory of Soil Capacity for Agriculture classifies the subject lands as Class 4. There are no. specialty crop soils identified on the property and the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food identifies the subject lands as "Built -Up" on its Agricultural Land Use System map for the Township of Bayham. These circumstances combined with the absence of livestock farms and the pattern of existing development in the area indicate that the subject lands meet the relevant criteria for designation as a rural residential area. This Official Plan Amendment is intended to be adopted together with an implementing Zoning By -Law Amendment which will recognize the proposed non-farm use of the subject lands pursuant to the process of severance and conveyance. 4. DETAILS OF THE AMENDMENT i} Schedule "A" Future Land Use of the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham, is hereby amended by changing from "Agriculture" to "Rural Residential", those lands outlined in heavy solid lines on the attached Schedule "A", which schedule shall constitute part of this Amendment. The lands subject to this Amendment and designated "Rural Residential", may be used, developed and zoned in accordance with the policies of Section 4.2.3 of the Official Plan, Rural Residential policies, as amended. i C SCHEDULE A OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM FUTURE LAND USE AMENDMENT N4.9 • 9 Area changed from "Agriculture" to "Rural M� Agriculture Highway Commercial Hazard Lands Conservation Lands Hamlets (COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT AREAS) Mineral Resource Areas ,.(D... Provincial Highways 33 Arterial Roads (County Roads) '.7 0 2000 4000 Metres 0 5000 _10000 15000 Feet i I TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM AMENDMENT N0,9 SCHEDULE "9` Lands designated "Rural Residential" as per Amendment No. 9. R RESIDENTIAL UNIT NOTE:This map is for clarification purposes only 0 100 200 ratres 0 400 800 feet • OMGIN/1L w w fy� �3 '{ y F AMENDMENT NUMBER 9 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM SUBJECT: TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM WORKS YARD The following text and map schedule constitute Amendment Number 9 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham Amendment Number 9 to the Official Plan of the Tovnship of Bayha■ This amendment to the Official Plan for the Township of Bayham, which has been adopted by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham, is hereby approved pursuant to Section 17 of the Planning Act as Amendment Number 9 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. i Date: 9F7 L. J. Fincham Director Plans Administration Branch Central and Southwest OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM THE attached text and map schedule constituting Amendment No. 9 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham was prepared upon the recommendation of the Township of Bayham Planning Advisory Committee after evaluation of public input pursuant to the provisions of the Planning Act. THIS Amendment was adopted by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham by By -Law No. 2349, in accordance with Section 17 of the Planning Act, on the 16th day of April, 1987. Mwe"� _ iMI' BY-LAW NO. 2349 THE Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham, in accordance with the provisions of the Planning Act, hereby enacts as follows: 1. THAT Amendment No. 9 to the Official Plan of the Town- ship of Bayham consisting of the attached text and map schedule is hereby adopted. 2. THAT the Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to make application to the Minister of Municipal Affairs for approval of the aforementioned Amendment No. 9 to the Official Plan of the Townshilp of Bayham. 3. THAT no part of this By -Law shall come into force and take effect until approved by the Minister of Municipal Affairs. ENACTED AND PASSED this 16th day of April, 1987. CLERK CERTIFIED that the above is a true copy of By -Law No. 2349 as enacted and passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham. CLERK - 1 - 1. PURPOSE The purpose of this Amendment is to change the land use designation on a parcel of land from "Agriculture" to "Rural Residential" in the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. 2. LOCATION The area affected by this Amendment is comprised of approximately 0.8 hectares (2.0 acres) and is situated in part of Lot 20 (128) S.T.R. on the south side of County Road No. 38 in the Township of Bayham. 3. BASIS OF THE AMENDMENT The subject lands are located in a predcminantly built-up area just east of the hamlet of Straffordville. The lands are presently vacant after having served as a township works yard for a number of years. Existing land uses in the area consist of agriculture (tobacco) and rural residential development with existing non-farm residences located on the east and west boundaries of the property. There are no livestock operations within 300 metres of the subject lands. The Canada Land Inventory of Soil Capacity for Agriculture classifies the subject lands as Class 4. There are no specialty crop soils identified on the property and the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food identifies the subject lands as "Built -Up" on its Agricultural Land Use System map for the Township of Bayham. These circumstances combined with the absence of livestock farms and the pattern of existing development in the area indicate that the subject lands meet the relevant criteria for designation as a rural residential area. This Official Plan Amendment is intended to be adopted together with an implementing Zoning By -Law Amendment which will recognize the proposed non-farm use of the subject lands pursuant to the process of severance and conveyance. - 2 - 4. DETAILS OF THE AMENDMENT i) Schedule "A" Future Land Use of the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham, is hereby amended by changing from "Agriculture" to "Rural Residential", those lands outlined in heavy solid lines on the attached Schedule "A", which schedule shall constitute part of this Amendment. The lands subject to this Amendment and designated "Rural Residential", may be used, developed and zoned in accordance with the policies of Section 4.2.3 of the Official Plan, Rural Residential policies, as amended. I SCHEDULE A OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAY HAM FUTURE LAND USE AMENDMENT NO.9 9 Area changed from "Agriculture" to "Rural Agriculture Highway Commercial Hazard Lands .'� -, Conservation Lands Hamlets (COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT AREAS) Mineral Resource Areas mmm&nn Provincial Highways 33 Arterial Roads (County Roads) 2000 4000 Metres 5000 10000 15000 Feet 11 a TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM AMENDMENT NO A SCHEDULE "B" Ir Lands designated "Rural Residential" as per Amendment No. 9. R RESIDENTIAL UNIT o ioo 200 Ketns NOTE : This map is for clarification purposes only 0 400 Boo Feet AMENDMENT NUMBER 9 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM J SUBJECT: TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM WORKS YARD The following text and map schedule constitute Amendment Number 9 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham 00 It 4 OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM THE attached text and map schedule constituting Amendment No. 9 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham was prepared upon the recommendation of the Township of Bayham Planning Advisory Committee after evaluation of public input pursuant to the provisions of the Planning Act. THIS Amendment was adopted by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham by By -Law No. 2349, in accordance with Section 17 of the Planning Act, on the 16th day of April, 1987. CLERK CORPORATION 01' THE TOWNS111 i' OF BAYHAM BY-LAW No. 2350 BEING a By -Law to confirm all actions of the Council of the TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM at the mecting(s) held April 16, 1987 BE IT ENACTED BY TH1'. COUNC 1 L OF THE. CORPORATION 01' 'TM." TOWNSHI P OF BAY11AM pursuant to the provisions of The Municipal. Act that all actions by the said Couiic i.1. by by-laws and resol.uL ions passed aL Lhe regular meet int; held April 16, 1987 and special. mec t i ng (s) 1101.d ------ be and the same are hereby approved and confirmed as if a 1.l. such proceedings were expressly embodied in this By -Law. Read a First, Second and Thi rel Time and Finally Passed this 16th.day of April 9 19 87 Clerk t CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM By -Law No. 2351 Being a By -Law to establish a penalty charge for non-payment of current taxes and to provide for interest to be added to tax arrears WHEREAS under the provisions of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1980, a municipality may impose penalties on overdue taxes in 1987; AND WHEREAS a municipality may impose interest charges on tax arrears; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham Enacts as follows: 1) THAT overdue taxes are those taxes that are levied in 1987 and are not paid on or before the day payment is due; 2) THAT tax arrears are taxes that are due and unpaid after December 31st. of the year in which they were levied; 3) THAT the penalty charge to be added to overdue taxes and the interest charge to be added to tax arrears shall be fifteen per cent (15%) per.annurp; 4) THAT the percentage charge as a penalty for non-payment of current taxes shall be imposed on the first day of default and on the first day of each calendar month thereafter in which default continues, but not after December 31, 1987; 5) THAT the Corporation shall give notice of the penalty rate to be imposed under Sections 3 and 4 of this by-law in accordance with Subsection 6 of Section 386 of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1980, Chapter 302; 6) THAT the Treasurer shall add to the amount of all tax arrears due and unpaid, interest as specified in Section 3 of this By-law at the rate of one and one quarter per cent (1k%) per month for each month or fraction thereof from the day this by-law takes effect; 7) THIS by-law shall take effect March 1, 1987. READ a First, Second and Third Time and Finally PASSED this 7th. day of May, 1987. 10 - I 0 i Vr_A_P4 0 01 Noe 4-- - - - mc - I Clerk NO 0 CORPORATION OF THE TOWNS111 P OF BAYHAM BY-LAW No. 2352 BEING a By -Law to confirm all. actions of the Council of the TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM at the meeting(s) held May 7, 1987 I BE IT ENACTED BY THE. t:OUNC 1 1, OF THE CORPORATION OF Tlll.. 'I'OWNSH I P OF BAYHAM pursuant to the provi.sions of The Municipal Act that all actions by the said Cowie i. 1. by by-laws and r. esolut ions Passed at the regul.,ir meet: i ng held May 7, 1987 , and spec ki 1. meeting(s) held ----- be and the same are hereby ripproved and confirmed as LE a 1.1. such proceedings were expressly embodied in this By -Law. Read a First, Second Vinci '1'h i rcl 'Time and Finally Passed this 7th. day of May , 19 87 I • , Clerk I i BY-LAW NO. 2353 THE Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham, in accordance with the provisions of the Planning Act, hereby enacts as follows: 1. THAT Amendment No. 10 to the Official Plan of the Town- ship of Bayham consisting of the attached text is hereby adopted. 2. THAT the Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to make application to the Minister of Municipal Affairs for approval of the aforemention0d Amendment No. 10 to the ' Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. 3. THAT no part of this By -Law shall come into force and take effect until approved by the Minister of Municipal Affairs. ENACTED AND PASSED this 2lst. day of May , 1987. ----------- ----- ------------ REEVE CLERK CERTIFIED that the above is a true copy of BY -Law No. 2353 as enacted and passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham. ------------ CLERK • 1. PURPOSE -1- The purpose of this Amendment is to expand the Official Plan policies regarding the extraction of aggregate material. 2. LOCATION This amendment applies to the entire Township of Bayham. 3. BASIS OF THE AMENDMENT The policies in Section 4.2.6 of the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham state that, with the exception of temporary wayside pits, all pit and quarry operations to be located in areas not designated as "Mineral Resource Industries" on Schedule "A" to the Plan will require an amendment to the Plan. As a result, the practice of removing or levelling hills containing sand or other aggregate material in order to create more viable agricultural land has been discouraged. The purpose of this amendment therefore, is to expand the policies of Section 4.2.6 to enable the improvement of the Township's agricultural land resources, while still complying with the spirit and intent of the Official Plan policies pertaining to Mineral Resource Industries. 4. DETAILS OF THE AMENDMENT The Official Plan of the Township of Bayham, as amended, is hereby further amended by adding the following subsection to Section 4.2.6 as follows: Notwithstanding Section of this Plan, Official Plan and Zoning By-law amendmen'Ls will not be required for the removal or levelling of hills containing aggregate material for the purpose of increasing or improving lands for agricultural uses provided that no excavation takes place below the average grade of land surrounding the hill. Such removal sites are to be used on a temporary basis only and are subject to a licence administered under the Pits and Quarries Control Act." Mini=stry of - WMunicipal Affairs Ontario thist6re WAsnudionat res. of SfseRer la Ilse Fionselcsa des Affaires (N, municipales In? Annie kdonsWonM. du Wgement dee Bane-aW July 20, 1987 Mr. J. trie erk Township o Bayham Straffordville, Ontario NOJ 1V0 Dear Mr. Petrie: Re: Approval of Amendment No. 10 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham File: 34 -OP -0158-010 On July 16, 1987 this Official Pian document was approved. Please see the certificate page. The Original and Duplicate Originals have the approval endorsed thereon. One Duplicate Original has been retained for the Ministry's records. The Original, any remaining Duplicate Originals, and the working copies are enclosed. You should prepare three certified true copies of the document, as approved. Under Section 20(1) of the Planning Act, S.O. 1983, two certified copies are to be lodged with the Ministry and one in your office. Yours truly, 144kl IAZW George Soares Area Planner Plans Administration Branch Central and Southwest Enclosure MNR OMAF MTC MOE County ti. f ORIGINAL. �4�;pp 0W-Iolo158 AMENDMENT NUMBER 10 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM I J SUBJECT: MINERAL RESOURCE (AGGREGATE) REMOVAL FROM AGRICULTURAL LANDS The following text constitutes Amendment Number 10 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham • Amendment Number 10 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham This amendment to the Official ,Plan for the Township of Bayham, which has been adopted by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham, is hereby approved pursuant to Section 17 of the Planning Act as Amendment Number 10 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. Date: L. J. Fincham Director Plans Administration Branch Central and Southwest • OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM THE attached text constituting Amendment No. 10 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham was prepared upon the recommen- dation of the Township of Bayham Planning Advisory Committee after evaluation of public input,eursuant to the provisions of ' the Planning Act. THIS Amendment was adopted by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham by By -Law No. 2353 , in accordance with Section 17 of the Planning Act, on the 21st.day of May 1987. p� REEV CLERK BY-LAW NO. 2353 THE Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham, in accordance with the provisions of the Planning Act, hereby enacts as follows: 1. THAT Amendment No. 10 to the Official Plan of the Town- ship of Bayham consisting of the attached text is hereby adopted. 2. THAT the Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to make application to the Minister of Municipal Affairs for approval of the aforementioned Amendment No. 10 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. 3. THAT no part of this By -Law shall come into force and take effect until approved by the Minister of Municipal Affairs. ENACTED AND PASSED this 21st• day of May , 1987. ---------------------------- ---------------------------- REEVE ---------------------------- REEVE CLERK CERTIFIED that the above is a true copy of By -Law No. 2353 as enacted and passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham. --------------------------- CLERK 1. PURPOSE The purpose of this Amendment is to expand the Official Plan policies regarding the extraction of aggregate material. 2. LOCATION x4 This amendment applies to the entire Township of Bayham. 3. BASIS OF THE AMENDMENT The policies in Section 4.2.6 of the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham state that, with the exception of temporary wayside pits, all pit and quarry operations to be located in areas not designated as "Mineral Resource Industries" on Schedule "A" to the Plan will require an amendment to the Plan. As a result, the practice of,,removing or levelling hills containing sand or other aggregate material in order to create more viable agricultural land has been discouraged. The purpose of this amendment therefore, is to expand the policies of Section 4.2.6 to enable the improvement of the Township's agricultural land resources, while still complying with the spirit and intent of the Official Plan policies pertaining to Mineral Resource Industries. 4. DETAILS OF THE AMENDMENT The Official Plan of the Township of Bayham, as amended, is hereby further amended by adding the following subsection to Section 4.2.6 as follows: " Notwithstanding Section of this Plan, Official Plan and Zoning By-law amendments will not be required for the removal or levelling of hills containing aggregate material for the purpose of increasing or improving lands for agricultural uses provided that no excavation takes place below the average grade of land surrounding the hill. Such removal sites are to be used on a temporary basis only and are subject to a licence administered under the Pits and Quarries Control Act." (5) Ontario Ministry of Municipal Affairs June 19, 1987 Mr. G.C. Leverton Clerk County of Elgin 450 Sunset Drive St. Thomas, Ontario N5R 5V1 Dear Mr. Leverton: 777 Bay street Toronto, Ontario M5G 2E5 RIE��UM.0 Re: Amendment No. 10 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham File: 34 -OP -0158-010 JUN 221987 COUNTY OF ELGIN CLERK -TREASURER'S OFFICE This Official Plan Amendment is referred for comment within the framework of your mandate. Please advise whether it will affect any of your present or future plans. Your comments should reach us by July 9, 1987. If all comments are received prior to that date, or that date has arrived and we have not received a request from you for further time to consider this application, we will proceed to finalize the document. Unless we have already made previous arrangements for your office to retain a copy of this submission, all working copies must be returned with your reply. Thank you for your co-operation. Yours truly .0� 4000v /0140 George Soares Area Planner Plans Administration Branch Central and Southwest CIRCNTCA.OP Letter 1, , O Filed Referred to ••........... 0 y T�,�oy� WORKING COPY 34�;pp 0158"010 Aft sw AMENDMENT NUMBER 10 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM SUBJECT: MINERAL RESOURCE (AGGREGATE) REMOVAL FROM AGRICULTURAL LANDS The following text constitutes Amendment Number 10 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham t OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM THE attached text constituting Amendment No. 10 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham was prepared upon the recommen- dation of the Township of Bayham Planning Advisory Committee after evaluation of public input pursuant to the provisions of the Planning Act. '► THIS Amendment was adopted by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham by By -Law No. 2353 , in accordance with Section 17 of the Planning Act, on the 21st.day of May 1987. ---------------------------- REEVE e -------------------------- CLERI 11 InMinistry of if Municipal Affairs Ontario Ministere des Affaires municipales July 20, 1987 Mr. J.A. Petrie Clerk Township of Bayham Straffordville, Ontario NOJ 1V0 Dear Mr. Petrie: N»an&bonM Yew a ShOst for IM Homy* A^) tM� Anrtls interny"OnMe o kM?*nwn1 des sans•ab Re: Approval of Amendment No. 10 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham File: 34 -OP -0158-010 On July 16, 1987 this Official Plan document was approved. Please see the certificate page. The Original and Duplicate Originals have the approval endorsed thereon. One Duplicate Original has been retained for the Ministry's records. The Original, any remaining Duplicate Originals, and the working copies are enclosed. You should prepare three certified true copies of the document, as approved. Under Section 20(1) of the Planning Act, S.O. 1983, two certified copies are to be lodged with the Ministry and one in your office. Yours truly, /Z11W 14W.,41 George Soares Area Planner Plans Administration Branch Central and Southwest Enclosure c.c. MNR OMAF MTC MOE County Letter # ....... . Y Filed Q Referred to Copy To .............. 00 Amendment Number 10 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham This amendment to the Official Plan for the Township of Bayham, which has been adopted by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham, is hereby approved pursuant to Section 17 of the Planning Act as Amendment Number 10 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. Date2 L: L. J. Fincham Director Plans Administration Branch Central and Southwest BY-LAW NO. 2354 THE Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham, in accordance with the provisions of the Planning Act, hereby enacts as follows: 1. THAT Amendment No. 11 to the Official Plan of the Town- ship of Bayham consisting of the attached text and map schedule is hereby adopted. 2. THAT the Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to make application to the Minister of Municipal Affairs for approval of the aforementioned Amendment No. 11 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. 3. THAT no part of this By -Law shall come into force and take effect until approved by the Minister of Municipal Affairs. ENACTED AND PASSED this 21st day of May, 1987. 40 REEVE- CLERK CERTIFIED that the above is a true copy of By -Law No. 2354 as enacted and passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham. CLERK - 1 - 1. PURPOSE The purpose of this Amendment is to change the land use designation on a parcel of property from "Agriculture" to "Rural Residential" in the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. 2. LOCATION The area affected by this Amendment is comprised of approxi- mately 1.3 hectares (3.3 acres) and is situated in part of Lot 22, Concession VIII, south of Ridge Road in the Township of Bayham. 3. BASIS OF THE AMENDMENT The subject lands are situated inan aesthetic setting which is comprised of a mature stand of trees along the rear of the property and a large woodlot facing the site from the north side of Ridge Road. The property is presently vacant and is associated with a larger 46 hectare farm holding located to the west. There are four existing rural residential dwellings located to the east of the subject lands. Pursuant to the process of severance and conveyance of the eastern portion (subject property) of the farm holding it is anticipated that four separate rural residential building lots will be created as shown on Schedule 'B' to this amendment. The Canada Land Inventory of Soil Capability for Agriculture classifies the subject lands as Class 4 and 6 combined. There is no specialty crop soil on the property. In addition to the above, the relatively small size of the subject lands coupled with the existing tree cover indicate that the subject lands have limited potential for agricultural use. Due to the circumstances discussed above, the subject lands have been determined to meet the relevant criteria for desig- nation as a rural residential area. This Official Plan Amendment is intended to be adopted together with an implementing Zoning By -Law Amendment which will recognize the proposed rural residential use of the subject lands. - 2 - 4. DETAILS OF THE AMENDMENT i) Schedule "A" Future Land Use of the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham, is hereby amended by changing from "Agriculture" to "Rural Residential", those lands outlined in heavy solid lines on the attached Schedule "A", which schedule shall constitute part of this Amendment. The lands subject to this Amendment and designated "Rural Residential", may be used, developed and zoned in accordance with the policies of Section 4.2.3 of the Official Plan, Rural Residential policies, as amended. SCHEDULE A OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM FUTURE LAND USE AMENDMENT NO.11 i, Area changed from "Agriculture" to "Rural Residential" Agriculture Highway Commercial rr: Hazard Lands Conservation Lands Hamlets (COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT AREAS) Mineral Resource Areas _.,(D... Provincial Highways 33 Arterial Roads (County Roads) 0 2000 4000 Metres 0 5000 10000 15000 Feet yr TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM PART OF LOT ZZ,CON, VIII .... Lot 23 ,�.,..r••• a ' R Existing Rural Residence Lands designated "Rural Residential" as per Amendment No 11 NOTE:This map is for clarification purposes only SCHEDULE "B" 0 100 200 Metres 0 400 800 Feet AMENDMENT NUMBER 11 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM SUBJECT: COWAN RURAL RESIDENTIAL LOT 22 CONCESSION 8 The following text and map schedule constitute Amendment Number 11 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM THE attached text and map schedule constituting Amendment No. 11 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham was prepared upon the recommendation of the Township of Bayham Planning Advisory Committee after evaluation of public input pursuant to the provisions of the Planning Act. THIS Amendment was adopted by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham by By -Law No. 2354, in accordance with Section 17 of the Planning Act, on the 21st day of May, 1987. CLERK BY-LAW NO. 2354 THE Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham, in accordance with the provisions of the Planning Act, hereby enacts as follows: 1. THAT Amendment No. 11 to the Official Plan of the Town- ship of Bayham consisting of the attached text and map schedule is hereby adopted. 2. THAT the Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to make application to the Minister of Municipal Affairs for approval of the aforementioned Amendment No. 11 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. 3. THAT no part of this By -Law shall come into force and take effect until approved by the Minister of Municipal Affairs. ENACTED AND PASSED this 21st day of May, 1987. Iva 0. PP. -W. SO � VD00: 1.035 CERTIFIED that the above is a true copy of By -Law No. 2354 as enacted and passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham. CLERK 1. PURPOSE The purpose of this Amendment is to change the land use designation on a parcel of property from "Agriculture" to "Rural Residential" in the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. 2. LOCATION The area affected by this Amendment is comprised of approxi- mately 1.3 hectares (3.3 acres) and is situated in part of Lot 22, Concession VIII, south of Ridge Road in the Township of Bayham. 3. BASIS OF THE AMENDMENT The subject lands are situated in an a4sthetic setting which is comprised of a mature stand of trees along the rear of the property and a large woodlot facing the site from the north side of Ridge Road. The property is presently vacant and is associated with a larger 46 hectare farm holding located to the west. There are four existing rural residential dwellings located to the east of the subject lands. Pursuant to the process of severance and conveyance of the eastern portion (subject property) of the farm holding it is anticipated that four separate rural residential building lots will be created as shown on Schedule 'B' to this amendment. The Canada Land Inventory of Soil Capability for Agriculture classifies the subject lands as Class 4 and 6 combined. There is no specialty crop soil on the property. In addition to the above, the relatively small size of the subject lands coupled with the existing tree cover indicate that the subject lands have limited potential for agricultural use. Due to the circumstances discussed above, the subject lands have been determined to meet the relevant criteria for desig- nation as a rural residential area. This Official Plan Amendment is intended to be adopted together with an implementing Zoning By -Law Amendment which will recognize the proposed rural residential use of the subject lands. - 2 - 4. DETAILS OF THE AMENDMENT i) Schedule "A" Future Land Use of the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham, is hereby amended by changing from "Agriculture" to "Rural Residential", those lands outlined in heavy solid lines on the attached Schedule "A", which schedule shall constitute.part of this Amendment. The lands subject to this Amendment and designated "Rural Residential", may be used, developed and zoned in accordance with the policies of Section 4.2.3 of the Official Plan, Rural Residential policies, as amended. • SCHEDULE A OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM FUTURE LAND USE AMENDMENT 140.11 • Ell Area changed from "Agriculture" to "Rural Residential" Agriculture Highway Commercial Hazard Lands Conservation Lands Hamlets (COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT AREAS) Mineral Resource Areas ..<D.._ Provincial Highways 33 Arterial Roads (County Roads) 0 2000 4000 Metres 0 5000 10000 15000 Feet t. • 1-1 TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM PART OF LOT 22, CON , VIII Z, SCHEDULE "B" R Existing Rural Residence Lands designated "Rural ::. Residential" as per Amendment No.11 0 100 200 Metres 0 400 800 Feet NOTE:This map is for clarification purposes only Ministry of Municipal Affairs Ontario April 8, 1988 Mr. J. A Petrie Clerk -Treasurer Township of Bayham Straffordville, Ontario NOJ 1YO r Subject: Official Plan Amendment No. 11 Township of Bayham Ministry File: 34 -OP -0158 -011 -------------------------------------------------- Dear Mr. Petrie: As the above mentioned Official Plan Amendment was not approved by the Ontario Mionicipal Board (Board Order dated March 3rd, 1988), we are closing our file and returning herewith the Original and two Duplicate Originals and the remaining working copies of proposed Amendment number 11 to Council's official plan. Yours truly, John Waller Senior Planner Plans Administration Branch Central and Southwest c.c. G.C. Leverton, Elgin County Clerk Jim Clifford, OMAF Dr. M.R. Warren, Elgin -St. Thomas Health Unit John Longworth, MOE A. Zembal, MTC J. Oliver, Long Point Region Conservation Authority Encl. 777 Bay street Toronto, Ontario M5G 2E5 • • r 0 34ffi`,OP`:--31580011 R AMENDMENT NUMBER 11 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM SUBJECT: COWAN RURAL RESIDENTIAL LOT 22 CONCESSION 8 The following text and map schedule constitute Amendment Number 11 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham ORIGINAL. .W I • Ontario Ontario Municipal Board Commission des affaires municipales de I'Ontario IN THE MATTER OF Section 17(11) of the Planning Act, 1983 AND IN THE MATTER OF a referral to this Board by the Honourable John Eakins, Minister of Municipal Affairs, on a request by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham for consideration of Amendment #11 to the Official Plan for the Township of Bayham BEFORE: P. G. WILKES Member - and - G. I. THOMSON Member THIS MATTER having come on for public hearing, its decision until this day; Thursday, the 3rd day of March, 1988 6 THE BOARD ORDERS that Official Plan Amendment No. is hereby not approved. 4 SECRETARY 0 870107 and the Board having reserved 11 to the Township of Bayham ENTERED 0. B. No.....Q..B?`.�­­­**­ RooNo............[ ................... ,. , 1988 CSL SEC UM1', ONT. MU%KAPAL pMp 0 OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM THE attached text and map schedule constituting Amendment No. 11 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham was prepared upon the recommendation of the Township of Bayham Planning Advisory Committee after evaluation of public input pursuant to the provisions of the Planning Act. THIS Amendment was adopted by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham by By -Law No. 2354, in accordance with Section 17 of the Planning Act, on the 21st day of May, 1987. T Ministry of Municipal Affairs Ontario August 5, 1987 Mr. J.A. Petrie, Clerk Township of Bayham Box 160 Straffordville, Ontario NOJ 1YO 777 Bay Str"t Toronto, Ontario M5G 2E5 AUG 13 10 Ipr COUtiT1' OF ELGIN mpg-7RFAS�E Subject: Proposed Amendment No. 11 to the Official Plan for Bayham Township Our File: 34 -OP -0158-011 Dear Mr. Petrie: Our review and circulation of this official plan amendment is now complete. The Ministry of Agriculture and Food has advised that they have appealed Severance Applications E41/87 and E42/87 which are subject to this official plan amendment. As a result of their objections to the severance applications they have also recommended that the Minister of Municipal Affairs defer the amendment until such time as a decision has been reached with respect to the severance applications. The Ministry of the Environment has also advised that they object to the amendment as it not an infilling situation and because of an existing livestock operation in the immediate area. In view of the recommendations from the Ministry of Agriculture and Food and the Ministry of the Environment, we are not in a position to recommend this amendment for approval at this time. Should Council wish to request that this amendment be referred to the Ontario Municipal Board we would recommend that the referral be granted and that the Ontario Municipal Board be asked to schedule a concurrent hearing on these related matters if possible. Letter # ....... . Filed Referred to .............. .............. Copy To .............. .............. • May we please have Council's response in the form of a Resolution to this letter. Yourb, trul Sarah racer Manager Plans Administration Branch Central and Southwest C.C. County Clerk V Diane Horner, Foodland P&eservation Branch John Longworth, MOE J.E. Taylor, Elgin -St. Thomas H.U. K. Ainsworth, MTC J. Oliver, Conservation Authority I* Ministry of Municipal Affairs Ontario June 19, 1987 G.C. Leverton Clerk County of Elgin 450 Sunset Drive St. Thomas, Ontario N5R 5V1 Dear Mr. Leverton: Re: Amendment No. 11 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham File: 34 -OP -0158-0114 777 Bay street Toronto, Ontario M5G 2E5 R ED This Official Plan Amendment is referred for comment within the framework of your mandate. Please advise whether it will affect any of your present or future plans. JUN 22 1987 1 iW. "*T_;;,}2 Your comments should reach us by July 9, 1987. If all comments are received prior to that date, or that date has arrived and we have not received a request from you for further time to consider this application, we will proceed to finalize the document. Unless we have already made previous arrangements for your office to retain a copy of this submission, all working copies must be returned with your reply. Thank you for your co-operation. Yours truly .00 �.ttue George Soares Area Planner Plans Administration Branch Central and Southwest CIRCNTCA.OP 0 Letter # , Filed O Referred to .............. • , , . . , , . , , , , , Copy To .............. .............. • WORKING COPY �ffoPP'o15s0o 11 AMENDMENT NUMBER 11 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM SUBJECT: COWAN RURAL RESIDENTIAL LOT 22 CONCESSION 8 The following text and map schedule constitute Amendment Number 11 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham OFFICIAL PLAN 56191"260 TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM THE attached text and map schedule constituting Amendment No. 11 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham was prepared upon the recommendation of the Township of Bayham Planning Advisory Committee after evaluation bf public input pursuant to the provisions of the Planning Act. THIS Amendment was adopted by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham by By -Law No. 2354, in accordance with Section 17 of the Planning Act, on the 21st day of May, 1987. REEVE CLERK BY-LAW NO. 2354 THE Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham, in accordance with the provisions of the Planning Act, hereby enacts as follows: 1. THAT Amendment No. 11 to the Official Plan of the Town- ship of Bayham consisting of the attached text and map schedule is hereby adopted. 2. THAT the Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to make application to the Minister of Municipaol Affairs for approval of the aforementioned Amendment No. 11 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. 3. THAT no part of this By -Law shall come into force and take effect until approved by the Minister of Municipal Affairs. REEVE ENACTED AND PASSED this 21st day of May, 1987. CLERK CERTIFIED that the above is a true copy of By -Law No. 2354 as enacted and passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham. CLERK - 1 - 1. PURPOSE The purpose of this Amendment is to change the land use designation on a parcel of property from "Agriculture" to "Rural Residential" in the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. 2. LOCATION The area affected by this Amendment is comprised of approxi- mately 1.3 hectares (3.3 acres) and is situated in part of Lot 22, Concession VIII, south of Ridge Road in the Township of Bayham. 3. BASIS OF THE AMENDMENT The subject lands are situated J n an aesthetic setting which is comprised of a mature stand of trees along the rear of the property and a large woodlot facing the site from the north side of Ridge Road. The property is presently vacant and is associated with a larger 46 hectare farm holding located to the west. There are four existing rural residential dwellings located to the east of the subject lands. Pursuant to the process of severance and conveyance of the eastern portion (subject property) of the farm holding it is anticipated that four separate rural residential building lots will be created as shown on Schedule 'B' to this amendment. The Canada Land Inventory of Soil Capability for Agriculture classifies the subject lands as Class 4 and 6 combined. There is no specialty crop soil on the property. In addition to the above, the relatively small size of the subject lands coupled with the existing tree cover indicate that the subject lands have limited potential for agricultural use. Due to the circumstances discussed above, the subject lands have been determined to meet the relevant criteria for desig- nation as a rural residential area. This Official Plan Amendment is intended to be adopted together with an implementing Zoning By -Law Amendment which will recognize the proposed rural residential use of the subject lands. - 2 - 4. DETAILS OF THE AMENDMENT i) Schedule "A" Future Land Use of the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham, is hereby amended by changing from "Agriculture" to "Rural Residential", those lands outlined in heavy solid lines on the attached Schedule "A", which schedule shall constitute part of this Amendment. The lands subject to this Amendment and designated "Rural Residential", may be used, developed and zoned in accordance with the policies of Section 4.2.3 of the Official Plan, Rural Residential policies, as amended. 0 SCHEDULE A OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM FUTURE LAND USE AMENDMENT NO.11 Area changed from "Agriculture" to "Rural Residential" Agriculture Highway Commercial Hazard Lands Conservation Lands Hamlets (COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT AREAS) Mineral Resource Areas ---(D... Provincial Highways 33 Arterial Roads (County Roads) D 2000 4000 Metres 5000 10000 15000 Feet TOWNSHIP PART OF OF BAYHAM OT 22,CON1 VIII SCHEDULE "B" R Existing Rural Residence 6 Lands designated "Rural Residential" as per Amendment No.11 NOTE:This map is for clarification purposes only 0 100 200 Metres 0 400 800 Feet Ministry of — Municipal � 777 Bay Street c- Toronto, Ontario Affairs (t M5G 2E5 Ontario COUNTY OF ELGIN April 8, 1988 - OFFICE Mr. J. A Petrie Clerk -Treasurer Township of Bayham Straffordville, Ontario NOJ 1YO Subject: Official Plan Amendment No. 11 Township of Bayham Ministry File: 34 -OP -0158-011 Dear Mr. Petrie: As the above mentioned Official Plan Amendment was not approved by the Ontario Municipal Board (Board Order dated March 3rd, 1988), we6are closing our file and returning herewith the Original and two Duplicate Originals and the remaining working copies of proposed Amendment number 11 to Council's official plan. Yours truly, John Waller Senior Planner Plans Administration Branch Central and Southwest C.C. G.C. Leverton, Elgin County Clerk.. -", Jim Clifford, OMAF Dr. M.R. Warren, Elgin -St. Thomas Health Unit John Longworth, A. Zembal, MTC J. Oliver, Long Authority Im Point Region Conservation 1 Encl. 0 BEFORE; P. G. WILKES Member - and - G. I. THOMSON Member Ontario 0 870107 Ontario Municipal Board Commission des affaires municipales de I'Ontario IN THE MATTER OF Section 17(11) of the Planning Act, 1983 AND IN THE MATTER OF a referral to this Board by the Honourable John Eakins, Minister of Municipal Affairs, on a request by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham for consideration of Amendment #11 to the Official Plan for the Township of Bayham THIS MATTER having come on for public hearing, its decision until this day; THE BOARD ORDERS that Official Plan Amendment No. is hereby not approved. SECRETARY Thursday, the 3rd day of March, 1988 and the Board having reserved 11 to the Township of Bayham ENTERED 0. S. No..... P.. 87 I .............. FolioNo ............ 1 ..................... r.^`;r J»88 CORI'ORATION OF THE TOWNS111 P OF BAYHAM KY -LAW No. 2355 BEING a By -Law to confirm a l 1. actions of the Council of the TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM at the meetings) held May 21, 1987 f3f; IT ENAC'Cl;l) BY'I'HI: COUNCIL 01' T}�}; CORPORATION OF '1'11t: `TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM pursuant to the provi s ions of The Municipal. Act that all actions by the said Council by by-laws and resolutions passed at the regular meel.ing held May 21, 1987, and speckil, met l i_ ng (s) he l .cl ------ . be and the same are hereby ri pproved and confirmed as if a 1. 1. such proceedings were expressly c•mbod i ed in this BY -Law. Read a First, Second and Third Time and Finally Passed this 21st.day of May , 19 87 Reeve r 4 CORPORATION of THE TOWNSHIP OF BAY11AM BY-LAW No. BEING a fay -Law to confirm ;1 1 1 ilctions of the Council. of the TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM at the meeting(s) held BE IT ENACTI.,U BY THF. COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF T111, TOWNSHI 1' OF BAYHAM pursuant to "le Prc)vi sions of The Municipal Act that all actions by the said Gouncl). by bylaws and resolutions passed at the regular mect 1» f, hold meetini;(s) hcl.d 4-1, 1y11/. and spec i �j 1. be and the same are hereby ;11)1)1-()ved and confirmed as if a1.1 such proceedings were expr.esslY rrnb()clied in this Iiy-Law. D Read a First, Second and Thi rd 'Time and Finally Passed this )14 day of 198 0 f Clerk ~ r_ CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 2357 BEING a by-law to adopt the assessment on which the taxes shall be levied for the year 1987, to levy the taxes for the year 1987 and to provide for the collection thereof. WHEREAS by action of the Province of Ontario, provision was made for the taking of the assessment of the Municipality by the Regional Assessment Commissioner, as the assessment on which the rate of taxation for the year 1987 should be levied. AND WHEREAS it is necessary and expedient to levy on the whole rateable property according to the last revised assessment roll of the said Township the sum of $2,055,819. for the general purpose of the said Township for the current year, for the payment of the County rate for the current year and for the purposes of defraying part of the expenses of Public, Separate and High School education and other purposes: THEREFOR THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS. 1. THAT the assessment contained in the assessment roll of the Township of F;ayham as made pursuant to Province of Ontario Regulations, be and the same is hereby adopted and confirmed as the assessment of which the rate of taxation for the year 1987 shall be levied. 2. THAT the said assessment roll be and the same is hereby adopted and confirmed as the last revised assessment roll for the said Township. • 3. THAT, for the purpose of providing the sum of $859,404. for the general purposes of the Corporation, including the amount required for County purposes and other purposes for the current year, a rate of 135.087 mills on the dollar be and the same is hereby levied. for the year 1987 upon the whole of the said assessment of the Township according to the last revised assessment roll, except that on assessment of $6,749,169. a reduction of 15% shall be made. 4. THAT in addition, for the purpose of providing the sum of $1,196,415. for Public, Separate and High School education purposes for the current year the following mill rates be and the same are hereby levied for the year 1987 upon the respective portions of the.said assessment of the School Supporters of the said Township according to the last revised assessment roll, as indicated hereunder: - RESIDENTIAL MILL COMMERC'AL MILL TOTAL SCHOOL AREA ASSESSMENT RATE ASSESSMENT RATE LEVY Elgin Cty.Elementary $5,850,922. 88.011 $5863946. 103.543 $5755719. Elgin R.C.S.S Elem. 8985247. 89.290 38,114. 105.050 84,208. Elgin Cty.Secondary 5,850,922. 72.719 586,946. 85.552 475,687. Elgin R.C.S.S Sec. 8983247. 64.470 38,114. 75.850 603801. CONTINUED ................ • w • By-law No. 2357 -2- 5. THAT in addition, for street lighting purposes, the fcllowing sums be and are hereby levied upon the respective assessments in each of the following street lighting areas: - LIGHTING RESIDENTIAL MILL COMMERCIAL MILL TOTAL AREA ASSESSMENT RATE ASSESSMENT RATE LEVY CORINTF $ 523515. 9.779 $ 73515. 11.505 $ 600. EDEN 1583871. 17.282 129515. 20.331 35000. RICHMOND 113,560. 32.972 53046. 38.790 3,940. STRAFFORDVILLE 479,828. 14.413 181,875. 16.957 10,000. TALBOT 555042. 26.689 31.399 1,469. 6. The Clerk shall prepare and deliver the Collector's Roll to the Tax Collector on or before the 1st. day of August, 1987. 7. All taxes and other special rates shall be paid in the office of the Tax Collector or Treasurer of the Township of Bayham. 8. Taxes shall become due and payoble one: -half on or before August 31, 1987 and one-half on or before November 30, 1987. Penalties for non-payment when due and discounts for prepayments of taxes shall be as provided for in Tcwnship of Bayham B,, -Laws, (penalties at the rate of one and one quarter per cent per month commencing the first day of default of payment, and discounts the rate of one-half per cent per month for each month for which pre -payment is made), subject a1:.o to the provisions of By-law Na�. 1697. 9. The Collector shall have the privilege of mailing the tax notices to the several taxpayers of the Township at their last known address. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 18th. DAY OF JUNE, 1987. REEVE CLERK 0 CORPORATION 01' THE TOWNS111 P OI' BAYIIAM BY-LAW No. 2358 131�ING a By -Law to confirm .r 1 1 actions of the Count: i 1 Of the TOWNSHIP OF BAYIIAM at the mecting(s) held June 18, 1987 R1; I'I' 1 NAC'1 ED BY '1'111: CUt1N(' 1 1, 01' '1'Hh CORPORATION OF '1'1IF. 'I'OWNSHI P OF BAYIIAM pur srrmnt Lo the provisions of 'I'hc Municipal. Act that all act ions by the s-7 i d Caline i 1 by by-laws and resol ut ions passed at the repi1ar meeting held June 18, 1987, ;Ind speci,r1 meeting(.-;) he 1 c) ----- be and the same are hereby approved and confirmed as if a 1.1. such proceedings were cxl)ressl y c inbodi ed in this BY -Law. D Read a first, Second and Thi rd Time and Finally Passed this 18th day of June 1 -1 9 87 5 I Clerk CORPORATION OF THE TOWNS11 I P OF BAY11AM BY- I .AW No . =4 Y BEING a By -Law to confirm ;i I I actions of the Council of the TOWNSHIP 01' BAYIIAM at the mecting(s) held BE IT ENACTED BY 'I'HI: COUNC I I, OF THE. CORPORATION 01' '1'111-: TOWNSHI V OF BAY11AM pursuant to Lhc, provisions si.ons of The Manic i lm l Act that all actions by the said Comici1 by by-laws and resoluLions passed ;iL the rc ul ar meet hi),it' he 1 d nci spcc i .i 1 meeting(s) he l.ol - ---- he and Lhe s.rime are hereby ;i pproved and confirmed as if ]I 1 such proceedings were expr. ess l y (,mbo d i ed in this liy-lmw. Read a First, Second and Third Time and Finally Passed LlAs LS41� day of 9 19 X/ Reeve C1 erk i 7-9 CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 2360 To close and stop up and sell the original road allowance between Lots 20 and 21 in Concession 8, Township of Ba ham . WHEREAS it is deemed expedient in the interest of the Municipal Corporation of Township of Bayham, hereinafter called the Corporation, that the original >>nopened road allowance set out and described in Schedule "A" as set out below be closed and stopped up; and the land sold to the adjoining land owners, AND WHEREAS notice of this By-law has been published, once a week for four successive weeks in the Tillsonburg News, a Newspaper published tr:-weekly in the Town of Tillsonburg; AND WHEREAS notice of this has been posted up for at least one month, in six of the most public places in the immediate neigh- bourhood of the said unopened road allowance; AND WHEREAS the Council for the s4id Corporation has heart', in person or by his counsel, solicitor or agent, all persons claiming that their land will be prejud-'cially affected by this By-law and who applied to be heard. NOW THEREFORE, THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. That upon and after the passing of this By-law all that portion of the allowance for the road set out and described in Schedule "A" attached hereto, be and the same is hereby closed and stopped up. 2. All that part of the said unopened road allowance herein before described and stopped up shall be sold to the adjoining owner or owners of any of them. 3. The Reeve and Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham are hereby authorized to sign or execute such deeds or other documents as may be necessary to effect conveyance of that part of the said unopened road allowance herein before described and which has been stopped up and closed. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 16th DAY OF JULY, 1987. i CLERK ti SCHEDULE 'A' to BY-LAW N0. 2360 Part of the road allowance between Lots 20 & 21 in Concession 8, Township of Bayham, and set out as Parts 2, 4 and 8 on Plan 11 R 3115. Province Document General k1W..; Onttlrio Form 4 — Land Registration Reform Act, 1984 NUMBER 285519 (t) Registry Land Tftles ❑ (2) Page 1 of 3 pages (XRTIFICATE OF REGISTRATION (3) stock Property Additional: I See Schedule ❑ t4j JUL? P 2 ; 5; (4) Nature of Document ELGIN�,,-- Township of Bayham Road Closing By-law NO 11 8 E i J (s) Consideration p _ NIL Dollars $ W D (6) Description 0 Bylaw No. 2360 LL W' o To close and stop up and sell part of a: U. the original road allowance between Lo::s 20 & 21 in Concession 8, Township New Property Identifiers o f Bayham 5.�.� A Pie. 3 . Additional: , Scehedufe ❑ U. 0 Executions (7) This (a) Redescription (b) Schedule for: Additional: See ❑ Document New Easement Additional Contains: Plan/Sketch ❑ = Description Parties ❑ Other is , (8) This Document provldes as follows: See Bylaw attached Continued on Schedule ❑ cument relates to instrument number(*) les) (Set out Status or Interest) rN s) Signature(s) Date of Signature rporation o f the .................... .,. Y M D ......—��-......... ... .. .. .. . . Township of Bayham J. A. Petrie, Clerk 11987 7 2 .................................. ..... ...... ............................................. , (11) Address for Service (12) Party(les) (Set out Status or Interest) Name(s) ............................................ ............................................. ............................................. Signature(s) Date of Signature Y M Q ..................................... .. ... .................................. ..... .. t.. ................................. ..... ...... (18) Address for Service (14) Municipal Address o1 Property (15) Document Prepared by: r Fees and Tax Registration Fee n? Township of Bayham z Box 160 Straffordville, Ontario NOJ lYO U. 0 cc LL o Total �/(9 Newsome and Gilbect, limited APrit, 19U Rnrm t F1111 (1/85) 0 Do ceivmei)l Gworal IMr0111Ai►1 1`1011f•r I It n rrfIf/11S l,fff,nt " Illifir" flit' Critititial Code in til'it- n ' '1 '• ' r.'tl(?RTeht 1!! 1111; d­'11-1fif 11 1 11.- 11. •1-11111t•lit rt11t"11.1 hr trlli,'l4'(1•,I rip deposilefi ill Illy+ 1•t'y' 'f 1 .110 11(,41ir• ly (40' n Ill 1" Iv•tt /.•,sj:1'.r,..i fit .1. t r.•;ti{..1 /loo A.•,miwnf 1S list. i,1 .1 . ,r. ..! fit,- I nllft ill,mrf11,• tlfftr(' INsit ucitomq uvn c( ipi.Fitlf111 (1) n-orpo,11y:1 :►till IIIM; M.111: •' b, !h- nlififolltint" I •, i (�) 1•,.,1...; 1111,, 1,11^1 rt•i1t11�r`t r.l (•'i r (li ri(1[atfrt{vl►1, it 1, ltf,o.,.,. tl,ir; (r1ri/t .. FOn nrF ICE 0917 ONLY (3) lsf,tf.^ilY Irl.•f)flllni(a•) It itlr•Ill,rj,•,1 1 11a^,'f1aV(• I` "'ll :1• t•'t, t t,y IN,1.x11,111r(li•.1, ( Iffi.•r, 1115Ait A n1ai)if111„I1 . A 1 , ,I 11"j- If If, 11,1.11fff-.*'tI111 111;^fIociffIP„If 1•'4:fltfsinflint%I•,.'•,1')',It ft 1`,111-1 two 11ntrall'tiilrsrk(11n'A(ffilllflf•'llC:nr4 (+r.rI11Ii,"tJnX %%il11 :111 ' ;111•I atlrs, I, ':,:ilrllltlt• ,II rrrnnininq itir•rllifr• ,! t if , i-„ utw!n1 i^ it) No -I f inlirnnI r rIfrf f, 11 (4) Ir,flitr' M Decllmis-I nit-, it•,, ! ' 1-• ,rripIinn (n n (1f,pn i1 11ti• Ia.tf. Notirn fel LrR^r Crlfhtrurtion 1_ir_rl nor 1 (5j) r1-}I•:1f14•(f11t!111 rto-, (e,ri, l 1,.,;111 „1 it nfly it) tvifit '• r,tfl^. tr..1 1111mber!1. (6) Do -r•111,1'-(1 --• 11^(1111 ."All pnit-1 roti,1 trrtlon (1_nrrl 1 i'I, t, r, itt, Int or urlil on plan cit runts :�ssioti fol (r` fl I blit 1'1, 1 t-Vf,l 13. Y(rlk Conf1•q►tillilinl i'laf► iso ^t; no fart Lot 6. (;ftry r• s"ll r+ 11W.111dr 11no t11ro lowfirhil), municipality Or If i tit(•iw% nn,i h(11Itiln (if"'Criplinn i•: requited. nlalk .'x" in box i(f!) ni)o nfl•1e11 cf:hfi(it11t1 villi ilttl rte! rail•tion F(lrcontlomittilrrr►I,rollrrtl , riller n tMetenrr if, III- t nful 11-ftirfty Office In whit 11 1111, l•hIt i, rr(aielered A dr,:r•tiplirttl is not nncror;nni • if 111" ,!f ,:umnnt 1% If) 1.1, 1 (11"11-1:11 rrtii;tllfi(`rl "fth' If dr-Irtilnntll rl;601- -tri r•vialifig ltl(thorly. hlllrr "Itrnpeity vivi"i•111* I,r"i ret IIIA till,+ •I1••'•f•lit•InIf1 111110 f 1.1111111Y •ft„-$,IIt•4•rf is to he rem -01,11 it, ''I v ills At adinirlinq 11,11,ntly, eflte,r "Concoli'lati.,rt' it i, I,- th(i lith Iln�r(il.tir,ri" 1r►t.i ,111'1• I► Srll+''ftolf` ,• illi tiM Etxistill(i (f1,", t;(.f''+tl tiI ttiP. i1(lifiii0rig itrelp-ity nrld its fr:O wt, 1` " Plu'venty Iffr'n!itil'1 rbillif-f, it, Ilf n(!infi 11n,1f'i section 77 ilf floc 11, cii'•hy Act. parrel anti ­rfion for ,_and Till('^. (,irlf,r•Iti, -) n1ld ihp 1•f•M•{tenrl tlrt;roiplir„• ('if the f r,tr•••titfntPd hrorlifloy (7) ill'% tinrtm►rnf C -c -1 -Inc -- ! • ,1,I t•islinr br/x (a) tit (lis) voi11t lit ' x.. ne rer1U1►e,f1 (11) 1'till •f! A,1 frtiltt"`- complete! dom,mellt /iv 111 ail'trilitin I's a er, •,In,1 (f(,rettrtr•t1 If, p ienrp) .1r n 111:111•'1"1•'' fit i,1 :•'Ilett* Ad( ilio(►al ^p lcr i" 4•,rlliirP(1, mnik 111!1' Cfit•linti-f (,it 11e,fttltft' hvi 1•:111, an" Y' And 1111:1••11 a ;r:hrrhrlr_ tan t r i „1,r► . l•wr oil •1-,i mitlr► :•Ilr.lr Acta must h•, 1-1 Al 1(•110-(! •lit 111ia 1, •r 1-1 nS n I)( .11I1e+; or h) ^t old in their P llifrly Ill file, rl-ven provided it ^•11111('11 111 :-10 it lint, by cotilirunfinit on n schedi 11, (9) fl•(z flnr(ff11^111 iO-II•'•f in In^lim -tot numbers? --- 11 1111! 11,,f -ii Ment fel-Veg Io 1t-viow imam enf4, eltfrr Ifin irinlr11tnent itt/1111,r,t(,:1 Ahd etn(I/o►/�,r1! tyf,r•I^) !•,vf` (10) I•ntr)t e'll) - It/r 'It 1, 11liflov,u, f ill, -1 iin1111% (11 IN ilii+: 4L..if11 11^,t 111-1-1, lira, in rtlpilll^., 1flII(`4Yrd by ihf,ill^t 1-1141 •fl It':1^,1 01/11 ill I!" (.Ill, 117111", :'111ril. 1 . Irihlf`. x'111••: -101 (s.'lfty!1(1 71 '•,`1`',1:,1,' fill" If A Cnflle`t7111ftf1, 1•!111,1 (1111;1'' uillllr it, r ,11.1(',1': f •• ' ,.111111 Illft (12) ^1 1111^ rV ilifelf"A off +• 11 11111',' If o tis•• florlmlttnl (r fl pliti1,14ff, ll,pfirnnl. ir•fileirtn1 illvisen. 14-'1 rinim.-Iftl, rfi• ) 11 Pv.t I^. softly nil , I. Ill,. , 111 ft i,fw Irl .lily if ilv "'{ .. rllllrfll 11119 111^ 1`lf--t • •1 i1 41^fvrtirirt or Ovirflit iq wrid (•,t iinititnl (,r'ir"t le ',t I • 1. 1 nit(` (If It,^ f"11 , yj►1,� ct'iff,111, ;•1.• r„frilfli►1u , ,mpliincovrilh flit' I o,1, 1.' i nw 11CIryrIf1 Ara 1-111"•1 1,1- rrtl►•end by tf11- I/ 't^f"t'•, •• .'I'ltar ("I V"s. loft ^f,"tl,'-; •,( 1(` "11H'It14,1 (•1 i lift ret13011 i,t'Iftyl i i irlyr a•t•rrylnt, ('111 nitt.',unrinl 71 ;I /,•I'.•, (•it 11'" rts()pnffy 11, t)/r!!'((r.t rflrnCrtlr( ►•'.- tit'%lir h^^r► fXCtfl'iC'il h� t1-" ae, 1 ,1,r; rf•f)I1Cf1 n^. (sUt11t.1f1nfirl•';•I h•Nno` (t;) tis, f t ,( fly i!: 11!11 ,t ,rlftyh•tl til„lr'r ^o•• is 111 '11 ,.1 plot i •iit111y I.aW 11.1/1tun 'Af ! ',+t.l 11,01rn Is 11.1 In^!lltltlr'111 ft, -'Citlnlinq r1i'llshr-V lif-f- fly n4 clot 1-i 11,11"s`t11 11 f'nlsl^ >• I•i•'11 bron 1--t- t,"Ii':frltittj nivi 1111; tin( 11-•itl rnrlvellrff (f•) IL4y • (•,)11' f' i,^^. Irlanr�1-rl :1!1 1.1)1.1" 11,1',,'1 F•'ltt ill ••! fllf, i vitilr i nw 11i'1''fill Art by :i '''.iteration A(ftf'r•fI (,111P ( ') I Ili^ ft nirtzit-lirm is no ill rtti:'rff t 1 f:nftll ntr!f,r II.,:1r- t lonrl 41 fir tf,- 1 -161% 1 11Y 110, Ill- Art Ir •••1, A ns 111slillfltrtit 11•, it•? I (If)) whie-ll irr r1,11 t'•••,tl 41,hyfN1 (1!) A G,,,trl 1, •t I'1-,: hr•r11 IN:1,in if 11-1';1/;l (I1,, I...•I`^tiv ;1 ;1 I. '10111ni11Al flr)fll" fr'O1'1. t :1^ IIISi111/11 (`f 11 lift Irfrrtl nf,) \y111•-111111^ 1, 1 lot • •l foyer 11141 I,I•Ifl to-iIr, fit e,'1,'tl I•'''.' \•r11rt i- •1 n ,1•(111 f`ri4fltl nitfl :1 (,•,•, f• t,.,• it tMlttheff It r,i1'1• ,• iS ifellltllvitsltl_ 1To.lft ` . iI1 1' , • 1111) s111f1 -111 4o 11 :1 ^f`l1(`•114- If 11 1•'. (,'fit• i, .oil ..r r•nft tit flit, (1'tr tltt•i ,,, ,t,1,- vtoliclr pr'f!^`. wiv the loiiv, rr,t ill- rY1n1^ of Illr (;f',I' -firm, 1f, ,•;thio 11n. -mint i1ors, Cnl flirt `r' • F 11 f1S file flnlnr of 111r` 1,•,1,:nll noithori7uff I," r 0,t 4.f) i , !riff of i" ,rfv)t•`1IIAr1, it It's, t "trt,lall"11 Ivl- f•,1) ll^.f'r1 a rr,nl. 711.1 1 '", linvr atilhf}tily I" I,;,l(i (hs, rnflHlr-:1111-,1 11 1 f1 •' •1,11f,nf (r_+.g. If' ru.) IS aft.,10 •,. f t4, lIt'ti fol(ll til`• i lift 4 !11141 SI I1 fit'* 1141. ,1,11f'llt AIIti 1 1( f Ifo t It• t h• it t, , p,. t ( fl 1 , r e t,^ • « 11tMj by r/fl (• 1' 11 '1111r►I,lf or ,....111 fit) 1'•'!1'111 rot I•• .. fit flit, I"I 11 r-Micitnt 1.1 -1!1-n1 1- .• i I,t, id-fitillf-f '1R ,',1, 11 A -14--p let! r`r'tt,lf.r ,'111,1 1•111 i►1C111(lili•l 1. ,• t 11 11�) (14) ►•"'ol'th�l f1(it1(rfw . f I•frhe,111' i ,tjf`r 11111 ri11111t,'i(•.st ;rt l•• •,i lierlf-Ply(. !ami SI,: follr,v,''-1rftf`l I1►It,tl,rt toff; - t . 41 "A" at; it, "1,l •) ,11••1.1 n'I,i•' /"til iN tot 1'1f'1 ,diff% PIC ). 111,11 1,, lit'! 1111tf►it:ilslltly. It4t:1;11 rlvtr if prftrfttly (1,' Ill •Ili 1. 111,11t, 111:111 1M ,a/.� ►tr►eltr/p;,l 1,1(1!" /•1-11,1 111 It I11•i,F", Ifil(lfimili,,.l /•1 r, r •) (liven W)l nllf,cl Ill" Vali•flt`• flit if11S 11,,1)1• /rot (15) ft•1't•,t1l/(`Ill 1`t4.t'wlfi(1 i v . rttl . It - Ir 71fNi rtr1f11L, ill, 1' I (v 11x1 C(YIr n ill � UJ iL 2ILL I e•(�t�k..M�llt'COi,r^ti irnril (•(� Crlrtitie(i M U) `,1D Alr-.Iiat to"I _ f illost".1 11111,1;. ,,. (... Township of Bayham }'Ills -illi f Ark iv( , Box 160 Straffordville, Ontario ROBERT G. MOORE. B. Sc.. P. ENG. Engineer and Road Superintendent June 19, 1987 Reeve and Council Township of Bayham c/o J. A. Petrie, Clerk -Treasurer Straffordville, Ontario NOJ I YO Gentlemen: 450 SUNSET DRIVE ST. THOMAS, ONTARIO N5R 5V1 TELEPHONE (519) 631-5880 We wish to advise that the County of Elgin Road Committee at a meeting on June 17th passed the following resolution in response to your letter dated June 16th. "Moved by: W. A. Martyn Seconded by: D. Perovich That we have no objection to the Township of Bayham closing a portion of road allowance in Lots 20 and 21, Concession VIII, Township of Bayham and shown as Parts #2, #4 and #8 on Reference Plan 11R-3155. RGM:kab C.C. Mr. G. C. Leverton Clerk -Treasurer County of Elgin Carried." Yours truly, R. G. MOOR , Sc., P. Eng. ENGINEER AND ROAD SUPERINTENDENT r Township of Bayham Phone 619-866-6521 J. A. PETRIE, A.M.C.T., C.M.C. Clerk and Treasurer The Warden & Members, County of Elgin Council, 450 Sunset Drive, St. Thomas, Ontario. Gentlemen: STRAFFORDVILLE, ONTARIO NOJ 1 YO June 16, 1987 Please be advised that the Council of the Township of Bayham proposes to enact a By-law to stop up, close and sell part of the road allowance between Lots 20 and 21 in Concession 8, and particularly described as Parts 2, 4 and 8 on Plan 11R3155. Accordingly, the consent of County Council under Section 298 (6) (a) of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1980 is now requested. Yours truly, J. A. Petrie, Clerk. JAP/vp y u CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 2360 To close and stop up and sell the original road allowance between Lots 20 and 21 in Concession 8, Township of Ba -.;ham. WHEREAS it is deemed expedient in the interest of the Municipal Corporation of Township of Bayham, hereinafter called the Corporation, that the original >>nopened road allowance set out and described in Schedule "A" as set out below be closed and stopped up; and the land sold to the adjoining land owners, AND WHEREAS notice of this By-law has been published, once a week for four successive weeks in the Tillsonburg News, a Newspaper published tr--weekly in the Town of Tillsonburg; AND WHEREAS notice of this has been posted up for at least one month, in six of the most public places in the immediate neigh- bourhood of the said unopened road allowance; AND WHEREAS the Council for the said Corporation has heard in person or by his counsel, solicitor or agent, all persons claiming that their land will be prejud-'cially affected by this By-law and who applied to be heard. NOW THEREFORE, THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. That upon and after the passing of this By-law all that portion of the allowance for the road set out and described in Schedule "A" attached hereto, be and the same is hereby closed and stopped up. 2. All that part of the said unopened road allowance herein before described and stopped up shall be sold to the adjoining owner car owners oir any of them. 3. The Reeve and Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham are hereby authorized to sign or execute such deeds or other documents as may be necessary to effect conveyance of that part of the said unopened road allowance herein before described and which has been stopped up and closed. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 16th DAY OF JULY, 1987. A. PURiP, Clerk o Of the T by SP'l of REEVE YH!�:.;, Qc h@� RK Certs 1 Ot � '�Crgt ra,nr'1' Of is ;.s true r-;; pcued by me :1• of 1h_ :oid CRPORATION on lY 19, k % i SCHEDULE 'A' to BY-LAW N0. 2360 Part of the road allowance between Lots 20 & 21 in Concession 8, Township of Bayham, and set out as Parts 2, 4 and 8 on Plan 11. R 3115. `4 Pr°"t"" (15) Document Prepared by: Document General w o11le1to 0 Farm 6 — Lend R atlon Reform Ac >6 �r � 1 (1) Reglstry ® Lind TttMs ❑ T(2) Page 1 0l 3 pages 0 (3) Property Block Property Box 160 Identtller(s) Additkx*: SSee chhedule ❑ (4) Nature of Document Township of Bayham Road Closing By-law >- (5) Consideration J p NIL Dollars i W D (6) Description 0 Bylaw No. 2360 U. U. To close and stop up and sell part of ac U. the original road allowance between Lots 20 & 21 in Concession 8, Township New Property Identifiers of Bayham Y Additbnat: Schhedule ❑ Executlons (7) This (a) Redescription ? (b) Schedule for: Additional: Sea Document New Easement Additional Contains: Plan/Sketch Description ❑ Parties ❑ Other ❑ 8 (e) This Document provides as follows: See Bylaw attached Continued on Schedule ❑ relalse to Instrument numbers) les) (Set out Status or Interest) rThcument (e) Signature(s) Date of Signature rporation of the ....................................... Y M D L-�-- - 1Q7 ........... ..................... ..... .. .. Township of Bayham ............................................. ............................................. J. A. Petrie, Clerk X1987 7 2 ...........................:...... ..... .. .. ................................. ..... ...... (11) Address for Service (12) Party(Ws) (Set out Status or Interest) Name(s) ' Signature(s) DSate of Signature ............................................. ............................................. ............................................. ........................................ .. ........................................ ...... ................................. ..... ...... t (13) Address for Service (16) Municipal Address of Property (15) Document Prepared by: }' Fees and Tax Registration Fee Township of Bayham 0 Box 160 Straffordville, Ontario 0 NOJ 1YO LL 0 cc gu Total Newsome and Gilbert. Limited Aprli. HIS Fnrm IF I I'll (!/s5) �. DocA lmi'W Gciieval iMroillnrtt ►into 1. If i4 1 tt`1 I71tt t1i1(!n' f` ill l(irlf illi• f "I linill Cti(i(! to 111'11.•• n !•ll'•1 •;i'llrtnntll it lllfi (I, If,! 111't'rlf 11 '1 1, 11 +rlpllrtfl ^h'f'tl'1 hr rrtli^t+•►t 'I lit deportilefl ill tlr• 1•0 '1 -1 let rtr(1;clly t fltif p III 1ff11r•tt fr•,ti:1' t+ I r,l -1, 1 •••;t1r•! tilt 1.•-toment is Ills. I, -i , ,•• • f 111x• I nito lir,rtl^1ty OfW( iNStltl!C1iONS, Will CW111PI.FThlll (1) Flr•glahyaim►i 111M•i 1L1alk ' * . ill Iltn ;111proptialt` i•'•- (2) I tth•t I'li^) 11•11111'r,1 ill 1v1 v - (if do ctifilellf ills 111.111'•! fitir; follil (3) l'►'•I'^Ivy wr•rllrllnr(r•) if frlf•liwit,f1 -I Ilii -Olive Ir -t1 :1•'^i'!11'' I I'y ills I.aflrt r1r(lit:tr f ! 110:rt, hir-n t A miixiltll,'►l -1 f .,'t 11^1n If 11,. 11"'1 n1(fti t^•1 it%- 00-: tttlt•11111f1,11 Itnn "tore thn11 f';r/ If1^tit 11' t^ nvlltlt two Ilott! mid nintk (lm"Arlditit11lal Sr•(! `_ 1" 4ule" hr/% %0!11 nr► ' ilrl'l ;1ttl1' 11 "•f;Ilf•tftllp t+;•h fr+ mining ill- rltilir r(' 1 If ';, rtl"tent Ili in I- n r;nrt(•rill "mi!:rtnfIn i. n10tr/ (1 if (4) ftreltot 1 (`l Doct111/rf/l Erlini (ttif`I flu,rriplion (n q hM". I!• fly Iaw• Notirf? (jl I.,P1a -. f ;r1 inifltrtion L ic" nlr• ► (5) r`r t1• f't• (tll!►tl F(t/nf L;Il/lrlt/lr.tn!, ,•+ it )fly ill t':11h '• "Ill' l•.•l 1111lt1l,f fC (6) 1)rtft.filttlf•tl I'l^flill •'.ith f im H n•t•I Rr�cfinn (Lnffl l itl• r• /rt. tilt r!r tlldl on l/llln 0t cettr'.nssion IM (" tl 1,In►1 t'1, 1 "vel 13.• York r:nnrl,anin{vitt i•lmo No ^!i r,1 1`a►I Lot $. Cfatrpr-t,,,l ('I lf►tlitldn. nktl th,r Inwrinhill. nitlnicipalily elf.. 11 n i11111ml and 1111,111►1t, (tr^rtipliflft is Invii1p(1, ninif: "x" in box 70+1 att•I vll- ell t,chrxftllp wilii tlilldt,r.tilHjon Forcfltlrltlmitti,sit,I-rop"wti". (Miter n inIromice In !Ile+ I mid 11f•tliMlty Office in whi(.h 1lw 1.1'++► is tegisterr(1. A dr-wripliori is not necmn-1ty 11 11-4 rtt,+•11m►±nl is it) t.•1, a fleflr•rnl ►f`rii Matirn +trh• if dnr:umnnl (il,i(1r1•- "it t eIrting rl►f porly, inter 11mollerty viviri-lr* 1.i .; In flip fills lit•• .•iit•Iirlli'. 11 the itr•1llrrly off`-t;ljt"'f1 ig 10 lift C1t11^.rWI ltt-•I v•ilh tett mijoiliff"T plttltftlty. rtilnl "GOfmflti,lntit+fl' 1+• ;'It! Im!illi* ttr •t ti1.1irt/1' ifff1 1,il."'ll Srolf•'ltltn •• Rif the existi11t1 04-4 00;'11► Ili the a,fjrlitliftq 11 111t•rly find IN idnrNitirah t/r t' l'rnllntly 1/1••t►litirt Ntmil•r•t. tit "• hnntlitto 11,1•fr.i "•Clion 77 of the ti• i;•-Ity Act. Ifawnl will •lnctinn for l_antt stud 1hP t,l.,l,ornrl 4enrlipti(111 Vir flip r „11-•••lirlalf►rt prt►pelll; (7) lith il„r:11111r'lil Cflttt••1114t — Vi lik rilltnr hr►x (a) (!1 Ill) with All ' Y" n•3 1`001 1011 (S) 111141 "--1trivet, t faf►1•I,1 *. rx irfIl,1w!t • . Complete don nt by, 1,1 11!mr flitiq nt% ptr t •0n!j tlrlr't►itlr!11 (^ Ci IQFj!tC) A^ A Slhtatrrl.• Of 1.1 ille—tlin(1 it :I ill �i ., prfwtt!rrt ••t11p1l+nddiiioml ft111r r1 j : f+ttluirp f. moll tf/f�'°(`fel/tinitrfl rn Sc1jefi►Ilo" 110+ 14:11!1 an "x" and No,IiF i nun, i�tw:f ti1,r1,11lnff- < f►r�r ACiS must tl,! :1) attached In Mill 1•.1111 ns :1 hf t,llr.; Or Ii) fitjt ('7111 in their P1lfifnly in flip F n ..e provided if Sliffirivill :fn(i it riot, by millimulli.,lt rift a Schedui(! (9) 11.111 1)r•ttfftl^nl tf.l'1^tf in Int'111►m-til number(s) --- It 1111• tt+1t'liment rfll•1int'• lit lltflvinti itir-li efts. ttr►Int Irl" i►1Rtr11►11Ont 111►tttt!('r(^•) ►1vtf1 rin(In11r•t11 tyltn(a) 1•^tF`. . (10) ftmlyf it•v) • Felt wills, 11 i'ntnt11►r•, cell -r nnmen elf r Itlin,% %•.itlt I ►^1 nane llml, in ctlrilals, followed by Ilin til -t nrld of ina-0 ofin 1Rr I— 1 ti" 11'1111n dittM„' l•• -,•'It•ln, 0,1118.1 r1n(11 salty "it ;1 ^•, 11'1f:•t+ titin If a corlxltalinti, rliilt,r "Alit- tin111p fit r .yllilflt+: i', • t,flfln If►n (1?) . r•,1„ t.r iffr/f•^i f/1 --If If marl': ic1 thf• (fortlnleftl (t• n 1/1:0•+1fll, 11,111irnill, !t•flinlrtn•f firif)nt, [Intl clailtt:nit• 1•1! 1 11 f1f••It1 In fully r.r► 1 i• 11f'. tMf/ 11!l- it►, (tiy 1f Ihr•'•1,(•.r tlmitlt has, 111^ rlt••' 1 •+1 it trtr'trrtirig ref r.hatultl(l Inn(t, for fn111tn1 itr`mo,te, -1t t'..r• / one of th^ lt•fl+.,(j(ttl t lrltnfllr'If' frr1-i►tllrlu • ,)tl►pljancr4vAIh ihn (mail:' I aw I'll Cl)rift Art "Ittct (+n anlntn,(i by th(! t/t11t^It!►ra •,• fa :xt(ltlr (111”Fn11!1^iPgl,'f1•;it! '•Ilfv'1nt'llit,l IT)llit, rtrlr flrlf',lni"111,11flt•t•Iffwi.mysr►f111^,p (1)1itlttism t1olo«i,,'tl^(1 Of II• 11rgwrfy fI t►1+lint/('ti'rll,l,grtli i!••': 1w,, t li- n t rxc,tLv;(" fly fil- 1,10'1 itly -perm nS ollt unnt6t11r1•0 1f 110111^ ('1) I tu, 1•t'l1`••ily is 1101 .( ••4)011100 1/1NIrn ;1• 111 Ill 41 ,.I !lit, t arnily Law itpfrlim Acl rftitf tti-me Is till ilt,0111111oitt cit ,lgnnling pn.lrhrf t►rt•f�•Ity (la 0111 ,•I lfrir•,f`11ti11 Unfit" t• I't-41 1111^ Iu'•,i' 1'•l1irfored RIO 111 q riot f1i1tl11 Cnocellyd (f') My !L`fll1^•r`'insj, (plavire(f Ml lirjl•tr im-!n►f1111t Ill tilt• t ,)roily I iw 11-f• •trot A0 Ill, a "` pmation ngrr( lit viii (1 I hi a ttnn^.ftt•tit+tl is antivni=r(1 by criml Otttpr m, fr•, tion d1 of lot- i ft,t:N I my Ilt`I11't•1 A,('f it 1•'ft - -A ng inshtimmit for, fdt: '•1 tUL) wliit.h Ivin fl,!1 b1 lt1'ilny(!d. (ll) A (..11(1 r, .I r lin^.holm! ltfatln it�l••a�itl!l ih^ i'•' 1.^ity .l t 11' 1111111/g11AI hf1tlN' ft+iii I• + f ;1" tristrumott) ilo (tri"Aft no ) Which ha•! 11'10 IN t''1 "inynd i lit• 1.1.111 tl t!r. r1f 1`1••11 f` ` t.' V'!ll(t j^ •1 r1 ,t'rfl) p0mc 1 Pt►tl n I•f,t, f..t.,r I•', refflllrr,ff If tltl•1! 1• It: Ir,'alfllrimil• mark • 1r•° in I 1' i(It) nfirt ►11 •, 11 '! ^t'ilf`•11lit• 11 tl'f•; i(1/fit i' •ill '•r f1nit 111 tiff' (}'t! 111►,. ell ti .• iti(1lltq 1•:^ht••; tilt► -1 hlita•11tr1lflr lnlflt I tit r•tll'"•tl,• 1,'11111,$, III•` f111►titl of Ilio wol. • 11ioll. lit -:-1 ► ll ,,•n1uRt he Snf toll 'I :•t It sir; the "noir of llln pvmon mitttt)ri;-ml ht tint, . t "11iltr)f tfM , 11 111' 1 111" !,tit 11,;ilia -111t fvr atltr ity 1 rd tlp •1rI •1,11n r)t (e.g !r• 1 :!) i". 111 r7 (t•t•t i•• 1'•'•: Intffl, ill'• i tttl R imint 0um Ill,, 11,1" tl iwtil anff Illi; fflfl,l fltrl•'t 1' 1 t:ifl/�nfi 11V `'r1^ t li,athf tit tt1 rte► f-0-11-111(oft•, •I flip f,• flj snl(Citnr f•1 9(1"111 (tnt't 1111 Ifhllllifltwl '►R Pop It (1t) _ A A-14-* 10•1 rr.f.'1f. f. t 110(•( 1•111 n•i.tlr.• t 111rltltlill'r I. -I.0 (11) (111) 4r•.•,t• Ir• tl /1(1.1(..1 • . r !'rerrov I •tint 11111 111111,1•"'1' ,! . 1 I•' '•1 f9f►)f•t'10y. !italn :1', fttllt%w . ";IffMI r1f►f1l1>(•1 t11r.. t.. if "A" %1i r11 "" • 1 r!t.•rt /Pitt•• +•,Iil i, (lr• I'll., •11111(!, PiC ). 1111'1 1--, 1111,11k;ll►VIlly. (ttlti/,►I ( r,fln 11 rlrr.ittl/ty ff+ 111 ,If► it r 111(111• tI) n fill" 111,Irtit'41tt11 afiti, • ', rnl!"1 1.1) it I WIT—. Inlomi'lr.,•► 11.1 /,•f!`tl doe, N0.1 nfl(4-.1 Ilia Yalit111y r)f ihii tlf'C,If1•, /!1 (15) /1,►rl►t•1MIt 1•'r••t`«rve l y rift, # to • in am wififl•..- il1'•bt fitlrl lalstat Cr)dt+ [ 1 lh'• fl••• !{'1,(Jfll h'iC 1••'f•tt ,J, VJ W Z f�ntrl�l'•t^fltlirtf;M�rt+t1 aU) QD is. o Fon OFFICE u ;E ONLY Township of Bayham �trllilifld�lNOIfiti�+d lit'O 1!'1111 t, tout Box 160 rillll>'I=;„ S�(t�rja�f�f/ordville, Ontario LV (• C-3 CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 2360 To close and stop up and sell the original road allowance between Lots 20 and 21 in Concession 8, Township of Ba ham. WHEREAS it is deemed expedient in the interest of the Municipal Corporation of Township of Bayham, hereinafter called the Corporation, that the original >>nopened road allowance set out and described in Schedule "A" as set out below be closed and stopped up; and the land sold to the adjoining land owners, AND WHEREAS notice of this By-law has been published, once a week for four successive weeks in the Tillsonburg News, a Newspaper published tr_-weekly in the Town of Tillsonburg; AND WHEREAS notice of this has been posted up for at least one month, in six of the most public places in the immediate neigh- bourhood of the said unopened road allowance; AND WHEREAS the Council for the maid Corporation has heard in person or by his counsel, solicitor or agent, all persons claimiTig that their land will be prejud;cially affected by this By-law and who applied to be heard. NOW THEREFORE, THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. That upon and after the passing of this By-law all that portion of the allowance for the road set out and described in Schedule "A" attached hereto, be and the same is hereby closed and stopped up. 2. All that part of the said unopened road allowance herein before described and stopped up shall be sold to the adjoining owner or owners o1r any of them. 3. The Reeve and Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham are hereby authorized to sign or execute such deeds or other documents as may be necessary to effect conveyance of that part of the said unopened road allowance herein before described and which has been stopped up and closed. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 16th DAY OF JULY, 1987. 7_A_�0�w_ �_ J. A, MW Cr1c of ft 01 ** T "W SHIP of SAYHA , ., ! r;r REEVE �y CLERK 80miyJ)At t4 foroffi ft is a #;V ,f X10 �' L�/l =0,004 • _� SCHEDULE 'A' to BY-LAW N0. 2360 Part of the road allowance between Lots 20 & 21 in Concession 8, Township of Bayham, and set out as Parts 2, 4 and 8 on Plan 11 R 3115. CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM PUBLIC MEETING TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Municipal Corporation of the Township of Boyhom proposes to enact By-laws to stop UP, close and sell that part of the original allowance for road set out and described as follows: Part of the road allowance between lots 20 and 21 in Conces- sion 8, Township of Boyhom, and more particularly described as Parts 2, 4 and 8 on Plan 11 R3115. This Plan may be seen at the Municipal Office, Strafforciville. The proposed By-laws will come before the said Council for consideration at its regular meeting at the Municipal Office, in. the Village of Straffordville on the 16th day of Aly, at the hour of 8:00 P.M. and at that time, the Council will hear in person or by his counsel, solicitor or agent, any person who claims that his land will be prejudicially affected and who applies to be Milord. DATED: June 16, 1987 J.A.PETRIE, Clerk of The Corporation OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM Auctioneer Glen Murray 537-2115 Delivery available CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM PUBLIC MEETING TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Municipal Corporation of the Township of Bayham proposes to enact By-laws to stop up, close and sell that part of the original allowance for road set out and described as follows: Part of the road allowance between lots 20 and 21 in Conces- sion 8, Township of Bayham, and more particularly described as Parts 2, 4 and 8 on Plan I 1 R3115. This Plan may be seen at the Municipal Office, Straffordville. The proposed By -tows will come before the said Council for consideration at its regular meeting at the Municipal Office, in. the Village of Straffordville on the 16th day of J61y, at the hour of 8:00 P.M. and at that time, the Council will hear in person or by his counsel, solicitor or agent, any person who claims that his land will be prejudicially affected and who applies to be heard. DATED: June 16, 1987 J.A. PETRIE, Clurk of The Corporation OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM TO CREDITORS In the Estate of MARY ELISIBETH THURSTON, late of the Town of Tillsonburg, in the County of Oxford, deceased, who died on or about the 26th day of March, 1987. Creditors and others having claims against the above estate are required to send full par- ticulars of such claims to the undersigned on or before the 10th day of July, 1987 after which date the estate's assets will be distributed having regard only to claims that have been received. Dated at Tillsonburg, Ontario, this 10th day of June, 1987. MORRIS, HOLMES AND JENKINS 19 Ridout Street East Tillsonburg, Ontario N4G 2C6 Solicitors for the Executors ed with the undersigned on before July 3, 1987; thereaft the estate will be distribute having regard only to clair then received. Dated June 3, 1987. GIBSON, LINTON, TOTH 8 CAMPBELL 36 Broadway Tillsonburg, Ontario N4G 3P1 Solicitors for the Executrix NOTICE TO CREDITORS All claims against the Esta of MARJORIE BOWLBY, late the Town of Tillsonburg, in t County of Oxford, formerly the Township of Norwich, in th County of Oxford, Wido Deceased, who died May 2 1987, must be filed with th undersigned on or before July 1987; thereafter the estate wi be distributed having regard o ly to claims then received. Dated June 4, 1987.6 GIBSON, LINTON, TOTH 8 CAMPBELL 36 Broadway Tillsonburg, Ontario N4G 3P1 Solicitors for the Executors NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of JOHN ROBER PATTINSON, late of the Town Tillsonburg, in the County of O ford, Retired Manager, decea ed. Creditors and others hovin claims against the above estat are required to send full pa titulars of such claims to the, undersigned before the 17th dal of July 1987, after which dots the estate's assets will b4 distributed having regard on) to the claims that have thea been received. GROOM 8 SZORENYI, Barristers 8 Solicitors, P.O. Box 176, Tillsonburg, Ont., N4G 4H5 Solicitors for the Executrix. :. si11;W A&... Big Results!CLAS b claims against the uE,uve estate. new glans front oak gun cabinet; vanities, bedroom suite; odd are required to send full par - chairs; Viscount organ and a large quantity of dishes. titulars of such claims to the Tools: two wheel garden trailer; push lawn mower; plus many farm undersigned before the 17th day r-mjt%� 400ls and a barrel wood stove. of July 1987, after which date ' lunch available, cash day of sale. the estate's assets will be For more information call: distributed having regard only * Jerry Vande Goor 519-863-5376 Sales Manager to the claims that have then Harry Jansen 519-863-6820 Auctioneer _ g, been received. OUTSTANDING AUCTION GROOM 8 SZORENYI, Barristers 8 Solicitors, This Sunday, June 23,1:30 p.m. P.O. Box 176, Bonds Corners Auction Ltd., Woodstock, two miles east of Tillsonburg, Ont., Woodstock on Innerkip Rd., and No. 2 Highway across from Bland- N4G 4H5 ford Square Mall. Solicitors for Interesting auction of antiques, fine furniture, collectibles from the Executors. local residences and selected additions including: Fancy nine piece mission walnut dining suite, circa 1925; nine piece mahogany dining suite, apt. size; eight piece walnut dining suite, circa 1930; fine Knectel dropleaf dining table with two leaves and six ladderback NOTICE chairs (walnut finish); traditional dinette table and four chairs; four piece traditional bedroom suite (oak finish); walnut dresser and TO CREDITORS mirror; mahogany chest on chest of drawers; mahogany corner In the Estate of TRESSA RYAN, china cabinet; Andrew Malcolm cherry French Provincial china late of the Township of Norfolk, cabinet; oak double bed; oak' washstand with towel bar; large flat in the Regional Municipality of to wall kitchen cupboard; mahogany china cabinet; double door Haldimand-Norfolk, Housewife, bookcase (walnut finish); walnut single bed; walnut wing -mirror deceased. vanity and chair; walnut cabinet for bar; stereo, etc; walnut console Creditors and others having table; set of four Victorian parlor chairs, circa 1890; walnut china claims against the above estate cabinet; old blanket box; small pine doll cradle; cedar chest; pair are required to send full par - Queen Anne wing chairs (need upholstery); traditional sofa and titulars of such claims to the chair; traditional highback loveseat; fine French Provincial occas- undersigned before the 17th day sional chair; three piece sectional sofa; rattan settee, two chairs of July 1987, after which date and occassional table; mahogany server; Boston style maple the estate's assets will be rocker; oak umbrella stand; early settee; small oak rolltop desk distributed having regard only (reproduction); several occassional chairs; pair French Provincial to the claims that have then fruitwood lamp tables; Chippendale coffee table; walnut lamp table been received. with carved pedestal; eight legged lamp table; walnut Duncan GROOM & SZORENYI, Phyfe testable; pair leather top lamp tables; jardinere table; wall Barristers 8 Solicitors, mirrors; outstanding hand made 9x12 wool rug; oval braided rug; several Axminister style runners; numerous odd furnishings; Kawai P.O.Box 1 double keyboard organ and bench; RCA 26" color TV; Admiral por burg, OOnnt., Tillsonburg, table color TV; 8000 BTU air conditioner. N4G 4H Collectables: - Several fine older prints; watercolor signed A.W. f Solicitors for Singer; collectors butterflies mounted on tray; Blackforest mantel the Executrix. clock; gingerbread clock; jardineres; china; crystal; lamps; brass items and decorator items of interest. Plan to attend, interesting auction. Terms: cash, cheque, Visa, Mastercard. Viewing 12 o'clock till sale time. NOTICE Auctioneer Glen Murray 537-2115 Delivery available CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM PUBLIC MEETING TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Municipal Corporation of the Township of Bayham proposes to enact By-laws to stop up, close and sell that part of the original allowance for road set out and described as follows: Part of the road allowance between lots 20 and 21 in Conces- sion 8, Township of Bayham, and more particularly described as Parts 2, 4 and 8 on Plan I 1 R3115. This Plan may be seen at the Municipal Office, Straffordville. The proposed By -tows will come before the said Council for consideration at its regular meeting at the Municipal Office, in. the Village of Straffordville on the 16th day of J61y, at the hour of 8:00 P.M. and at that time, the Council will hear in person or by his counsel, solicitor or agent, any person who claims that his land will be prejudicially affected and who applies to be heard. DATED: June 16, 1987 J.A. PETRIE, Clurk of The Corporation OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM TO CREDITORS In the Estate of MARY ELISIBETH THURSTON, late of the Town of Tillsonburg, in the County of Oxford, deceased, who died on or about the 26th day of March, 1987. Creditors and others having claims against the above estate are required to send full par- ticulars of such claims to the undersigned on or before the 10th day of July, 1987 after which date the estate's assets will be distributed having regard only to claims that have been received. Dated at Tillsonburg, Ontario, this 10th day of June, 1987. MORRIS, HOLMES AND JENKINS 19 Ridout Street East Tillsonburg, Ontario N4G 2C6 Solicitors for the Executors ed with the undersigned on before July 3, 1987; thereaft the estate will be distribute having regard only to clair then received. Dated June 3, 1987. GIBSON, LINTON, TOTH 8 CAMPBELL 36 Broadway Tillsonburg, Ontario N4G 3P1 Solicitors for the Executrix NOTICE TO CREDITORS All claims against the Esta of MARJORIE BOWLBY, late the Town of Tillsonburg, in t County of Oxford, formerly the Township of Norwich, in th County of Oxford, Wido Deceased, who died May 2 1987, must be filed with th undersigned on or before July 1987; thereafter the estate wi be distributed having regard o ly to claims then received. Dated June 4, 1987.6 GIBSON, LINTON, TOTH 8 CAMPBELL 36 Broadway Tillsonburg, Ontario N4G 3P1 Solicitors for the Executors NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of JOHN ROBER PATTINSON, late of the Town Tillsonburg, in the County of O ford, Retired Manager, decea ed. Creditors and others hovin claims against the above estat are required to send full pa titulars of such claims to the, undersigned before the 17th dal of July 1987, after which dots the estate's assets will b4 distributed having regard on) to the claims that have thea been received. GROOM 8 SZORENYI, Barristers 8 Solicitors, P.O. Box 176, Tillsonburg, Ont., N4G 4H5 Solicitors for the Executrix. :. si11;W A&... Big Results!CLAS b CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM PUBLIC MEETING %/ TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Municipal Corporation of the Township of Bayhom proposes to enact By-laws to stop up, close and sell that part of the original allowance for rood set out and described as follows: Part of the road allowance between Lots 20 and 21 in Conces- sion 8, Township of Boyham, and more particularly described as Parts 2, 4 and 8. on Plan i 1 8.311 S. This Plan may be seen at the Municipal Office, Straffordville. The proposed By-laws will come before the said Council for consideration at its regular meeting at the Municipal Office, in the Village of Strafforciviile on the 16th day of Aly, at the hour of 8:00 P.M. and at that time, the Council will hear in person or by his counsel, solicitor or agent, any person who claims that his land will be prejudicially affected and who applies to be heard. DATED: June 16, 1987 J.A. PETRIE, Clerk of The Corporation OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM PUBLIC MEETING TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Municipal Corporation of the Township of Bayham proposes to enact By-laws to stop up, close and sell that part of the original allowance for road set out and described as follows: ort of the road allowance between Lots 20 and 21 in Conces- sion B, Township af. 8ayhom,and more particularly described as Ports 7,-< and 8 on Plan I I R3115. This Plan may be seen at the Municipal Office, Straffordville. The proposed Sy-laws will come before the said Council for consideration at its regular meeting at the Municipa' Office, in the Village of Strafforciville on the 16th day of JGIy; at the hour of 8:00 P.M. and at that time, the Council will hear in person or by his counsel, solicitor or agent, any person who claims that his land will be prejudicially affected and who applies to be heard. DATED: June 16,.1987 J.A.PETRIE, Clerk of The Corporation - OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM COIL1'OIZATION OF 'I'I}E TOWNSHIP OF BAYIIAM y-I.AW No. 2"361 I E'ING a I3y-Law to conf i. rm a I 1 actions of the COLInCi I of the TOWNSHI I' OF BAYIIAM at the rrrecting(s) held Jul 13 and Y 16, 1987 BE 11' ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OI, 'l'HI; CORPORA'T'ION OF THE TOWNSHIP 0 P BAYIIAM ptirsuant tri thc� 1)r•()visions of The Municipal Act that a I. 1. apt ions by the sa i cl (:nrrrtr i I by by-laws and rr.sol trt icons Missed at the rcl;u 1 a r rncr.,t i rif; he i d July 163 1987 zIrtc) special meetinl'(s) hci.d July 13, 1987 he and the same arc hereby a1,proved and confirmed as if all such hroceedi.ni;s were ex tressl Y c, 1 � rnbc�cl i td in this liy-Law. Read a first, Second and I'bi rc} Time and Finally Passed this 16th day of July , 19 87 Reeve Cl erk • CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 2362 A BY-LAW to authorize the Reeve and Clerk to execute an agreement with Joseph Leslie Mag,.7ar to provide for the extrac- tion of gravel and provide for payment thereof at Lot 3 in Concession 8. WHEREAS Joseph Leslie Magyar is the owner of part of Lot - 3 in Concession 8. AND WHEREAS there exists a deposit of gravel on the afore- said Lot 3 in Concession 8. AND WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Bayham is desirous of purchasing the said gravel. AND WHEREAS it is now deemed expedient that the Corpor- ation of the Township of Bayham enter into an agreement with the aforesaid Joseph Leslie Magyar to provide for the terms and conditions and payment for the extraction of gravel from the aforesaid Lot 3 in Concession 8. THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM: 1. THAT the Reeve and Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham be authorize4 to execute an agreement with Joseph,Leslie Magyar to provide for the terms and conditions and payment for the extraction of gravel on the lands of the said Joseph Leslie Magyar at Lot 3 in Concession 8, Bayham. 2. THAT the said agreement be attached to and form Schedule 'A' to this By --law. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 5th. DAY OF August, 1987. CLERK f A G R E E M E N T made this sixth,day of August, 1987. B E T W E E N: Joseph Leslie Magyar, of the Township of Bayham, in the County of Elgin, Farmer, hereinafter called Magyar, OF THE FIRST PART, - and - The Corporation of the Township of Bayham, hereinafter called the Township, OF THE SECOND PART. WHEREAS Magyar's farm in Lot 3, Concession 8 of the Township of Bayham, in the County of Elgin contains a gravel deposit and it has been agreed that the Township will purchase the gravel according to the terms and conditions herinafter set forth. NOW THEREFORE this agreement witnesseth that for valuable consideration the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. Magyar agrees to sell to the Township all available gravel on his farm lands, being part of the said lot 3, Con- cession 8 of the Township of Bayham, at the price of One Dollar ($1.00) per cubic yard. 2. The Township agrees to purchase all available gravel from Magyar on his said lands at Lot 3, Concession 8. 3. The Township will maintain a driveway from the concession road southerly to the pit area, using gravel from the pit, without cost to Magyar and will leave the driveway in good condition at the conclusion of this agreement. 4. The Township will strip the top soil away from the gravel deposit before removing same and after the gravel is removed will rehabilitate the lands in accordance with the Pits and Quarries Control Act, R.S.O. 1980, Ch. 378 with a minimum of two (2) feet of cover over the hardpan. S. The Township will keep careful records of the amount of gravel removed and will advise Magyar monthly; Magyar will then forward monthly invoices to the Township for the amount of gravel removed. 6. The Township will obtain all necessary permits for the removal of the gravel. 7. This agreement shall expire July 31, 1990. THIS AGREEMENT shall enure to the benefit of and be binding upon the executors, administrators and assigns or successors and assigns of the parties hereto. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have hereunder set their hands and seals. SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED in the presence of 1' 1 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM Clerk CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 2362 A BY-LAW to authorize the Reeve and Clerk to execute an agreement with Joseph Leslie Mag,rar to provide for the extrac- tion of gravel and provide for payment thereof a� Lot 3 in Concession 8. WHEREAS Joseph Leslie Magyar is the owner of part of Lot 3 in Concession 8. AND WHEREAS there exists a deposit of gravel on the afore- said Lot 3 in Concession 8. AND WHEREAS the Council of the Township of Bayham is desirous of purchasing the said gravel. AND WHEREAS it is now deemed expedient that the Corpor- ation of the Township of Bayham enter into an agreement with the aforesaid Joseph Leslie Magyar to provide for the terms' and conditions and payment for the extraction of gravel from the aforesaid Lot 3 in Concession 8. THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM: 1. THAT the Reeve and Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham be authorized to execute an agreement with Joseph.Leslie Magyar to provide for the terms and conditions and payment for the extraction of gravel on the lands of the said Joseph Leslie Magyar at Lot 3 in Concession 8, Bayham. 2. THAT the said agreement be attached to and form Schedule 'A' to this By-law. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 5th. DAY OF August, 1987. CLERK r A G R E E M E N T made this sixth.day of August, 1987. B E T W E E N: Joseph Leslie Magyar, of the Township of Bayham, in the County of Elgin, Farmer, hereinafter called Magyar, OF THE FIRST PART, - and - The Corporation of the Township of Bayham, hereinafter called the Township, OF THE SECOND PART. WHEREAS Magyar's farm in Lot 3, Concession 8 of the Township of Bayham, in the County of Elgin contains a gravel deposit and it has been agreed that the Township will purchase the gravel according to the terms and conditions herinafter set forth. NOW THEREFORE this agreement witnesseth that for valuable consideration the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. Magyar agrees to sell to the Township all available gravel on his farm lands, being part of the said lot 3, Con- cession 8 of the Township of Bayham, at the price of One - Dollar ($1.00) per cubic yard. 2. f rom 3. road cost the The Township agrees to purchase all available gravel Magyar on his said lands at Lot 3, Concession 8. The Township will maintain a driveway southerly to the pit area, using gravel to Magyar and will leave the driveway in conclusion of this agreement. from the concession from the pit, without good condition at 4. The Township will strip the top soil away from the gravel deposit before removing same and after the gravel is removed will rehabilitate the lands in accordance" with the Pits and Quarries Control Act, R.S.O. 1980, Ch. 378 with a minimum of two (2) feet of cover over the hardpan. S. The Township will keep careful records of the amount of gravel removed and will advise Magyar monthly; Magyar will then forward monthly invoices to the Township for the amount of gravel removed. 6. The Township will obtain all necessary permits for the removal of the gravel. 7. This agreement shall expire July 31, 1990. THIS AGREEMENT shall enure to the benefit of and be binding upon the executors, administrators and assigns or successors and assigns of the parties hereto. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have hereunder set their hands and seals. SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED in the presence of L. AIL V</L%L VL\l111V1\ VL OF BAYHAM Reeve Clerk OWNSHIP . . • A G R E E M E N T made this sixth.day of August, 1987. B E T W E E N: Joseph Leslie Magyar, of the Township of Bayham, in the County of Elgin, Farmer, hereinafter called Magyar, OF THE FIRST PART, - and - The Corporation of the Township of Bayham, hereinafter called the Township, OF THE SECOND PART. WHEREAS Magyar's farm in Lot 3, Concession 8 of the Township of Bayham, in the County of Elgin contains a gravel deposit and it has been agreed that the Township will purchase the gravel according to the terms and conditions herinafter set forth. NOW THEREFORE this agreement witnesseth that for valuable consideration the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. Magyar agrees to sell to the Township all available gravel on his farm lands, being part of the said lot 3, Con- cession 8 of the Township of Bayham, at the price of One Dollar ($1.00) per cubic yard. 2. The Township agrees to purchase all available gravel from Magyar on his said lands at Lot 3, Concession 8. 3. The Township will maintain a driveway from the concession road southerly to the pit area, using gravel from the pit, without cost to Magyar and will leave the driveway in good condition at the conclusion of this agreement. 4. The Township will strip the top soil away from the gravel deposit before removing same and after the gravel is removed will rehabilitate the lands in accordance with the Pits and Quarries Control Act, R.S.O. 1980, Ch. 378 with a minimum of two (2) feet of cover over the hardpan. 5. The Township will keep careful records of the amount of gravel removed and will advise Magyar monthly; Magyar will then forward monthly invoices to the Township for the amount of gravel removed. b. The Township will obtain all necessary permits for the removal of the gravel. 7. This agreement shall expire July 31, 1990. THIS AGREEMENT shall enure to the benefit of and be binding upon the executors, administrators and assigns or successors and assigns of the parties hereto. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have hereunder set their hands and seals. SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED in the presence f ' HE CORPORATION OF NE 110WNSHIP OF BAYHAM Reeve Clerk r . 0 CORPORATION O1' THE TOWNSHIP 01' BAYIIAM BY-LAW No. 2363 BEING a 13y -Law to confirm all actions of the Council of the TOWNSHIP O1' BAYIIAM at the meeting(s) held August 6, 1987 w BE,, 1'T ENACTED BY TIIE* COUNCIL 01' TNL CORPORA,r10N OI' THE' TOWNSHIP OF BAYIIAM purstiant to the provisions of The Municipal. Act that all. act ions by the said Comic i l by by-laws and resol ut inns passed at the regular meet. i ng he 1 d August 6, 1987, and spec i i l mecting(s) held ----- he and the same are hereby approved and confirmed as 11 all such proceed i. ngs were ' exhr. es s 1 v embodied in this liy-Law. D Reed a first, Second and Third Time and Finally Pa.,;sed this 6th. day of August , 19 87 U i 0 Clerk 'I* n C01WORAT I ON Of THE' 'I'OWNSH I P Of BAYIIAM BY-LAW No. I BANG a By -Law to cont i. rm all actions of Lhe COLITICLI I oC the TOWNSHIP Of BAYIIAM at the rnecting(s) held,-4119� , /717 BE IT 1 NAC'1'l-:I) BY THE, COUNCIL O1- THE, CORPORA'T'ION OF THE, TOWNSHIP OF BAYIIAM pursuant to L11V 111-()v i s ions of The Munic i lea 1 Act that all actions by the said Cminc i 1 by by-laws and resol uL ions passed at L he regular meet i ii); lie I /9871 and sl)cc i .1 I mee L i ng (s) ire I.d be and Lhc same arc hereby ripproved and confirmed as i f a I such proceedings we rc express I v crnhod i ec1 in this BY -Law. Read a First, Second and Thi rel Time and finally Passed Lhis �b d day of 1997, i Reeve u Clerk CORPORATION OF THE TOWNS111 P 01' BAYIIAM BY-LAW No. 2365 0 ISL1NG a lay -Law to cont i.rm i I i actions of the Cotli)c: i I of Lhe TOWNSHIP OF BAYIIAM at the meeting(s) held September 3, 1987 BEI IT ENAC'1'1;U BY THE COLINC I I, 01' TIII: CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYIIAM pursuant Lcthe I)rc)visi.ons of 1'hc Municipal Act that a1.1. acL ions by Lhe sr) i ci i I by ley -laws and resol uL ions passed at the 1-e9u111r fi)c'C'i i IT' heldSeptember 3,/87 .rnd speci.)I mee L i ng (s) lie I.d ------ be and Lhe same are hereby ;ipproved and confirmed as j[ 111 such proceedings were expressly cmbod i cid in this liy-1,.)w. Read a First, Second and Third Time and Finally 11,-issecl this 3rd. clay of September, 1987 ::��6 Kceve Clerk COIL NMAT I ON 01' THE TOWNSIIII' OF BAYIIAM BY-LAW No. 2366 BEING a By -Law to confirm all actions of the Council of the TOWNSHIP 01' BAY11AM at the inee t i ng (s) held September 17, 1987. BE# IT ENAC'T'ED BY THE' COUNCIL OF 'rliE CORPORA'T'ION OF 'I'llE# TOWNSHIP Of BAYHAM pursuant to Lliv pT-()visi.ons of The Municipal Act that all actions by the said Coimcii by by-laws and resolutions passed at the regular meal. i ng hold Sept. 17, 1987 and special Mee t i ng ( s ) he 1.01 ------- he and the same are hereby approved and confirmed as i f all such proceedings were expressly vmbod i ed in this liy-Law. Read a first, Second and Third Time and finally Passed this 17th.day of September, 19 87 0 0 CI erlc 0 CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW N0@ 2367 A BY-LAW TO PROVIDE FOR A DRAINAGE WORKS IN THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM IN THE COUNTY OF ELGIN$ WHEREAS•the requisite number of owners have petitioned the Council of the 'Township of . Bayhom in the County of Elgin in accordance with the provisions of the Drainage Act,_____ requesting that the following lands and roads be drained by a drainage works: Parts of Lots 23 & 24, Concession 8 & 9 in the Village of Eden. AND WHEREAS the Council of the Township of gayhem in the County of Elgin has procured a report made by Spriet Associates and the report is attached hereto and forms part of this by-law. r 0 -2_ AND'WHgRLAS the estimated total cost of constructing the drainage works is $ 13,700. AND WHEREAS $13,700. is the amount to be contributed by the municipality for construction of the drainage works. AND WHEREAS the Council is of the opinion that the drainage of the area is desirable. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM PURSUANT TO THE DRAINAGE ACT. ENACTS AS FOLLOWS; I.. The report datedSeptember 18/87 and attached hereto is hereby adopted and the dra mage works as therein indicated and met fcrth is hereby authorized and shall be completed in accordance therewith. 2.(I)The Corporation of the 'township of Hayham may borrow on the credit of the Corporation the amount of $13,700., being the amount necessary for construction of the drainage works. .(2)The Corporation may issue debentures for the amount borrowed less the total amount of, (a) grants received under section 85 of the Act; (b) commuted payments made in respect of lands and roads assessed within the municipality; (c) moneys paid under subsection 61 (3) of the Act; and (d) moneys assessed in and payable by another munic- ipality, and such debentures shall be made payable within five years from the date of the debenture and shall bear interest at a rate not hither than the rate charged by The Ontario Municipal improvement Corporation on the date of gale of such debenture. 3. A special equal Annual rate sufficient to redeem the principal and interest on the debentures shall be levied upon the lands and roads as set forth in the Schedule to he collected in the same manner and nt the same time as other taxes are collected in each year for five years after the passing of this by-law. 3 -3- SCHEDULE OF ASSESSMENTS • • Concession parcel of lend or pert Whereof Assessment Total Amount Aoll No. Assessed BRANCH "A" J. & P. Vecsi 8': Pt. 23 6-077 $570.00 K. Hayward 8 Pt. 23 6-077-10 490.00 J. Moore 8 Pt. 23 6-077-15 490.00 W. Baldwin 8 Pt. 24 6-068 640.00 J. McDonald 8 Pt. 24 6=084 130.00 D.DeCloet 9 Pt, 23 & 24 6-118 31400.00 J. McDonald 9 Pt. 24 6-197 1,700.00 J. Small 9 Pt. 24 6-198 360.00 R. Roose 9 Pt. 24 6-199 180.00 C. P. -R. Right-of-way 500.00 Total Assessment on Lands $8,510.00 Township of Bayham First Street $3,290.00 Special Assessment against the Canadian Pacific Railway for their portion of the increased cost of installint a steel pipe under their tract, $1,900.00 Total Assessment on EDEN DRAIN 1987 $13,700.00 I � , H w W 7: ,4J cn .�d 0 in P r -i WW U)r_44J ¢" c� N Qo w C "(7, O 41 E r-+ co .a o .o W co N ¢ >ww •,.4 o pa o b0 a.H 4) •r4 U W44O U cA H 1.1 G H to 3 co 2 EH4J _4.. Fbr pa the anaunt of $3 290. being the amo�t�nt assessed mu the lands and roads bei inng to or controlled the mnici 1i a special rate sufficient to the ommt assessed plus e usinterest thereon shall be levied upon the whole rateable Pr rty in the 'Ibwnshi of Bayham in each year for five years alter the passi of his by-law to be collected in the same manner and at the same time a4 other taxes are collected. S. All aasesements of *100. or lees are payable in the first year in which the assessment is igmsed. 6. 'Ihis-by-law camel into force on the passing thereof and may be cited as First Reading October 1, 198 7 Second Re!lding October 1, 198 7 Provisionally adopted this 1st , day of October ,1987 t O.A.Petrie,Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham, Do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true Copy of By-law Nn..236 provisionally pdaRe -'by- the Council of the said Corporation on the 1st.day ofOctober, 198 7 Read a third Time and Finally Passed this tic( 01 REEVE . t Es"", f day of L 198 % CLERK NOTICE OF SITTING OF COURT OF REVISION Notice is hereby given that a Court of Revision will be held at the municipal office, Straffordville, Ontario on the 5th. day of November 1987 at2:00 o'clock in the after noon to hear any owner of land, or, where roads in the local municipality are assessed, any ratepayer, who complains that his or any other land or road has been assessed too high or too low or that any land or road that should have been assessed has not been asseAsed, or that due consideration has not been given or allowance made as to type of use of land, who personally, or by his agent has given notice in writing to the clerk of the municipality that he considers himself aggrieved for any or all such causes. J.A.Petrie Clerk of the Municipality If no notice.of intention to make application to quash a by-law is served upon the clerk of the municipality within ten days after the passing of the by-law or, where a notice of intention has been given, if an appli- cation to quash is not made to the referee within three months after the passing of the by -low, the by-law, or so much thereof as is not the sub- ject of or is not quashed upon any such application is valid and binding according to its terms, so far as it prescribes or directs anything with- in the proper competence of the councils The Drainage Act, 1975. A C01WORAT I ON OF THE mWNSI1111 OI' BAYIIAM BY-LAW No. 2365 BEING a By -Law to confirm al 1 actions of the Council of. the TOWNSHIP OI' BAYIIAM at the ineeting(s) held October 1, 1987 BE IT ENACTEM BY THE COUNC I I. 01" TNI; CORPORATION O(' THE. TOWNSHIP OF BAYIIAM pursuant to the provisions of The Municipal Act that all act ions by the said t:minc i 1 by by-laws and resolut i( -)ns Passed at Clic i-egular meet iiig field October 1, 19$7sind speci.il mce l i ng (s) 110k] --- be and the same are hereby .ippi-oved and confirmed as if a 1 1 such proccedi.ngs were expressl v embodied in this By-l,.iw. Read a first, Second and Tlii rd Time and Finally Passed this 1st. clay of: October , 19 87 Reeve 0 CI erk t. r CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY - LAW NO. 2369 A By-law to provide for the maintenance of the Adler, Arn, Benner, Carnes, Casier, Chalk, Coomber, Corinth, Coyle, Crossett, Csinos, Freeman-Storp, Garnham, Hampton, Jacko, Ketchabaw No. 2, Laemers, Magyar-Dielman, Mitts, Nevill, No. 1, Pearson, Peidl, Phillips, Pollick, C. E. Smith, Snaith, and Winter Municipal Drains and to raise the sum of $10,221.09 to pay therefor. WHEREAS the above mentioned drains were contructed under the provisions of the Drainage Act, and according to the several by-laws of the municipality, providing for such construction, and according to the various reports of the Township Engineers made thereon. AND WHEREAS it is provided by the said reports, by-laws and Drainage Act that the municipality of the Township of Bayham, shall maintain the said Drainage works, at the expense of thelands and roads in the said Township in any way assessed for the construction thereof, in the portion according to such assessment, until such assessments or portions thereof, be varied. AND WHEREAS in compliance with such duty, the Munic1pality has from time to time, carried out certain minor- repairs on the said drains. AND WHEREAS it is desirable to make a pro rata assessment and levy pursuant to the said Drainage Act, upon the lands and roads assessed for the construction of the aforesaid drains so as to provide for and raise the cost of the said repairs and expenses incidental thereto which amount in all to $10,221.09 to the lands and roads assessed, and the amount of the assessments upon which the assessments and proportions hereby made are fixed, appear upon attached Schedule of Assessments, which said Schedule is a part of this by-law. 6 AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to levy the amounts in 1987. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham enacts as follows: 1. That for the purpose of paying the said repairs and expenses incidental thereto or for repaying into the General Funds of the Municipality the amount or cost thereof the sum of $5,717.54 the amount charged against the lands of the drainage works, and now assessable for Maintenance, the following total special rates and amounts as set out in the Schedule of Assessments attactied hereto and form:ing a part of the By-law, shall over and above all other rates be assessed and lev;ed and collected in the same manner and atthe same tame as other taxes are levied and collected '-- upon and from the undermentioned lots or parts of lots as specified in the attached schedule of assessments in the present year, 1987. 2. That for the purpose of paying the sum of $1,552,87 the amount charged against said roads of the Municipality, arid $240.96 the amount charged against other Municipalities, the Province of Ontario, and other Boards and Corporations for the aforesaid purpose, accounts shall be levied against the roads of the Municipality and against the other Municipalities, the Province of Ontario, and other Boards and Corporations to pay the aforesaid amounts. 3. That the sum of $2,709.72 be charged to the Treasurer of Ontario under the Drain Maintenance Grants Prog-elam for repairs to drains serving agricultural lands. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 15th DAY OF OCTOBER, 1987. fir► r Ar _ CLERK Schedule "A" to By-law No. 2369 TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM MUNICIPAL DRAIN REPAIRS ROLL # REPAIRS GRANT ADLER DRAIN REPAIR 3-037 3-032 3-031 3-035 3-029 2-159 2-147 Elgin Road 45 TOTAL ADLER DRAIN REPAIR ARN DRAIN REPAIR 4-014 3-145 TOTAL A_RN DRAIN REPAIR BENNER DRAIN REPAIR 2-093 2-097 2-098 2-101 2-103 2-181 2-185 Bayham Roads TOTAL BENNER DRAIN REPAIR CARNES DRAIN REPAIR 3-149 3-150 3-111 3-122 TOTAL CARNES DRAIN REPAIRS CASIER DRAIN REPAIRS 2-147 2-159 2-160 TOTAL CASIER DRAIN REPAIRS 9.53 10.87 .47 .31 15.79 8.00 40.73 85.70 23.05 108.75 .19 43.29 43.48 1;'.74 79.96 5.60 1.65 .34 9.83 6.59 121.71 23.67 145.38 43.28 34.05 35.09 219.82 .5.5L . L4 .08 120.46 1.30 121.84 3.18 3.63 5.27 2.67 13.58 28.33 28.33 .07 14.44 14.51 5.92 26.66 1.87 3.28 2.20 39.93 39.93 14.44 11.35 11.70 73.28 110.77 .03 40.16 .44 40.63 NET 6.35 7.24 .47 .31 10.52 5.33 27.15 57.37 23.05 80.42 .12 28.85 28.97 11.82 53.30 3.73 1.65 .34 6.55 4.39 81.78 23.67 105.45 28.84 22.70 23.39 146.54 221.47 .05 80.30 .86 81.21 ....................CONTINUED................... m - 2 - Schedule "A" to By-law No. 2369 TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM nnT T a CHALK DRAIN REPAIRS • Bayham Roads TOTAL CHALK DRAIN REPAIRS COOMBER DRAIN REPAIRS MUNICIPAL DRAIN REPAIRS REPAIRS 39.96 22.82 2.14 64.92 16.08 81.00 GRANT 13.32 7.61 .72 21.65 21.65 NET 26.64 15.21 1.42 43.27 16.08 59.35 5-125 76.11 25.37 50.74 5-127 76.11 25.37 50.74 5-129 30.44 10.15 20.29 TOTAL COOMBER DRAIN REPAIRS 182.66 60.89 121.77 CORINTH DRAIN REPAIRS -055 465.58 155.20 310.38 5-050 112.60 37.54 75.06 5-048 21.71 7.24 14.47 5-109 22.80 7.60 15.20 5-110-01 23.34 7.78 15.56 5-110 • 2.72 .91 1.81 648.75 216.27 432.48 Bayham Roads TOTAL CORINTH DRAIN REPAIRS COYLE DRAIN REPAIRS 3-131 3-130 Bayham Roads Norfolk - Agr lands TOTAL COYLE DRIAN REPAIRS CROSSETT DRAIN REPAIRS -117 5-124 County Road 48 Bayham Roads TOTAL CROSSETT DRAIN REPAIRS 651.43 77.56 155.69 233.25 21.85 86.19 341.29 216.27 25.86 51.90 77.76 28.73 106.49 2.68 435.16 51.78 103.79 155.49 21.85 57.46 234.80 36.04 24.03 60.07 19.52 12.01 91.60 ....................CONTINUED.................I - 3 - Schedule "A" to By-law No. 2369 TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM MUNICIPAL DRAIN REPAIRS 0 ROLL # REPAIRS GRANT NET CSINOS DRAIN REPAIRS 2-082 867.00 289.00 578.00 2-172 72.25 24.09 48.16 939.25 313.09 626.16 Bayham Roads 290.44 290.44 TOTAL CSINOS DRAIN REPAIRS 1229.69 313.09 916.60 FREEMAN-STORP DRAIN REPAIRS - 1.74 .58 1.16 5-135 7.14 2.38 4.76 5-134 13.32 4.44 8.88 5-133 6.27 2.09 4.18 5-131 11.19 3.73 7.46 39.66 13.22 26.44 Bayham Roads 2.50 2.50 TOTAL FREEMAN-STORP DRAIN REPAIRS 42.16 13.22 28.94 GARNHAM DRAIN REPAIRS 4-131 42.50 4-129 215.40 257.40 County Road 38 7.33 Bayham Roads 36.61 TOTAL GARNHikM DRAIN REPAIRS 301.84 HAMPTON DRAIN REPAIRS 3-095 146.13 48.71 97.42 3-096 152.53 50.85 101.68 3-137 234.70 78.24 156.46 3-138 256.99 85.67 171.32 3-139 78.11 26.04 52.07 868.46 289.51 578.95 Bayham Roads 149.70 149.70 TOTAL HAMPTON DRAIN REPAIRS 1018.16 289.51 728.65 JACKO DRAIN REPAIRS 2-194 433.05 144.35 288.•70 433.05 144.35 288.70 Bayham Roads 391.60 391.60 TOTAL JACKO DRAIN REPAIRS 824.65 144.35 630.30 .........CONTINUED ............... - 4 - Schedule "A" to By-law No. 2369 TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM MUNICIPAL DRAIN REPAIRS ROLL # REPAIRS KETCHABAW INTO. 2 DRAIN REPAIRS 6-037 578.51 6-042 76.41 6-042 552.30 6-008-05 80.78 1288.00 Bayham Roads 436.60 TOTAL KETCHABAW NO. 2 DRAIN REPAIRS 1724.60 LAEMERS DRAIN REPAIRS 3-153 3-1 54 Bayham Roads MAGYAR-DIELEMAN DRAIN REPAIRS 5-011 Bayham Roads TOTAL MAGYAR-DIELEMAN DRAIN REPAIRS MITTS DRAIN REPAIRS 3-045 3-046 3-098 3-1G0 3-099 3-101 3-102 3-103 3-105 3-141 Bayham Roads TOTLL MITTS D1:AIN REPAIRS 6.40 50.99 57.39 22.53 79.92 77.15 77.15 77.14 154.29 10.21 5.23 2.68 8.22 .88 1.31 1.00 3.49 .44 5.73 39.19 47.21 GRANT 192.84 24.47 184.11 26.93 428.35 [28.35 2.14 17.00 19.14 19.14 25.72 25.72 25.72 3.41 .90 2.74 1.91 8.96 NET 385.67 51.94 368.19 53.85 859.65 436.60 1296.25 4.26 33.99 38.25 22.53 60.78 51.43 51.43 77.14 128.57 6.80 5.23 1.78 5.48 .88 1.31 1.00 3.49 .44 3.82 30.23 8.02 38.25 ......................CONTINUED.............. - 5 - Schedule "A" to By-law NO. 2369 TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM MUNICIPAL DRAIN REPAIRS ROLL # REPAIRS GRANT NEVILL DRAIN REPAIRS NET 1-055 685.04 228.35 456.69 1-059 608.92 202.98 405.94 1-061 228.34 76.12 152.22 TOTAL NEVILL DRAIN REPAIRS 1522.30 507.45 1014.85 NO. 1 DRAIN REPAIRS 4-014 2.71 .91 1.80 4-028 25.47 8.49 16.98 4-053 20.17 6.73 13.44 4-030 6.49 2.17 4.32 4-050 52.84 17.62 35.22 4-061 36.07 12.03 24.04 4-063 37.53 12.51 25.02 4-064 A,.93 1.65 3.28 4-107 17.58 5.86 11.72 4-110 24.39 8.13 16.26 4-115 13.31 4.44 8.87 4-116 3.28 1.10 2.18 244.77 81.64 163.13 Elgin Road 38 4.87 4.87 Bayham Roads 19.03 19.03 TOTAL NO. DRAIN REPAIRS 268.67 81.64 187.03 PEARSON DRAIN REPAIRS 5-012 14.58 4.86 9.72 5-020 3.67 1.23 2.44 7-077 21.78 7.26 14.52 7-078 2.25 .75 1.50 Bayham Reads 42.28 14.10 28.18 Bayham Roads 6.85 3.44 6.85 49.13 14.10 35.03 PEIDL DRAIN REPAIRS 3-154 1.28 .43 .85 3-157 7.86 2.62 5.24 3-121 1.15 .39 .76 10.29 3.44 6.85 Bayham Reads 4.35 4.35 TOTAL PEIDL DRAIN REPAIRS 14.64 3.44 11.20 .............CONTINUED................. r Schedule "A" to By-law No. 2369 TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM MUNICIPAL DRAIN REPAIRS ROLL # REPAIRS GRANT NET PHILLIPS DRAIN REPAIRS 5-1L2 5-125 County Road 46 TOTAL PHILLIPS DRAIN REPAIRS POLLICK DRAIN REPAIRS 2-188 2-187 2-187-01 2-186 2-186-01 3-082 3-083 3-080 County Road 45 TOTAL POLLICK DRAIN REPAIRS C. E. SMITH DRAIN REPAIRS T 124 5-125 Bayham Roads TOTAL C. E. SMITH DRAIN REPAIRS SMITH DRAIN REPAIRS 5-161 5-159 5-160 5-149 5-141 5-136 5-132 C. N. Railway TOTAL SMITH DRAIN REPAIRS 54.31 21.73 92.82 168.86 5,14 174.00 202.02 11.57 11.57 7.15 11.57 68.11 30.07 2.74 344.80 121.87 466.67 6 7.08 .62 .63 36.86 12.86 31.49 24.03 113.57 1.22 114.79 18.11 36.20 7.25 14.48 30.94 61.88 56.30 112.56 5.14 56.30 117.70 67.34 134.68 3.86 7.71 3.86 7.71 2.39 4.76 3.86 7.71 22.71 45.40 10.03 20.04 .92 1.82 114.97 229.83 121.87 114.97 351.70 X4.59 6.48 21.07 15.13 36.20 2.36 4.72 .�1 .41 .21 .42 12.29 24.57 4.29 8.57 10.50 20.99 8.01 16.02 37.87 75.70 1.22 37.87 76.92 ..................CONTINUED................... Schedule "A" to By-law No. 2369 TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM MUNICIPAL DRAIN REPAIRS WINTER DRAIN REPAIRS 1-O80 1-073 7.41 2.58 2.47 4.94 1-127 24.81 .86 8.27 1.72 1-126 1.62 16.54 .54 1.08 36.42 12.14 24.28 Bayham Roads 7 _ Schedule "A" to By-law No. 2369 TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM MUNICIPAL DRAIN REPAIRS WINTER DRAIN REPAIRS 1-O80 1-073 7.41 2.58 2.47 4.94 1-127 24.81 .86 8.27 1.72 1-126 1.62 16.54 .54 1.08 36.42 12.14 24.28 Bayham Roads 16.08 16.08 TOTAL WINTER DRAIN REPAIRS 52.50 12.14 40.36 a Ai C01 I DRAT I ON OF THE 'roWNSH I P 01' BAYllAM BY-LAW No. 2370 BEING a By -I,, -,w to confirm of I Fictions of the Council of the TOWNSHIP OF BAYIIAM at the r►►eeting(s) held October 15, 1987 I BE IT ENACTEID BY 'I'lll�. (:Ot1N(: I I, OI- 'I'Hl; CORPORATION OF Till', TOWNSHIP UI I3AYHAM pursuant to t.hc• p► cavi s i ons of The Municipal Act that a l.1 act ions by the said by by-laws and resol ut ions pissed aL the regu1 �►r meat i ►if; he 1 d October 15, 19$7;ind special mei t i ng (s) hc' I.cl --- be and the same are hereby ;ipprove(l and confirmed as if ;)If such proceedings were express 1 y c'rnbmcl i cid in this liy-I,,1w. Read a First, Second incl Th i r -d Time and Finally Passed th i s 15th -day of October , 1987 Reeve [A CI erk i BY-LAW NO. 2371 THE Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham, in accordance with the provisions of the Planning Act, hereby enacts as follows: 1. THAT Amendment No. 12 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham consisting of the attached text and map schedule is hereby adopted. 2. THAT the Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to make application to the Minister of Municipal Affairs for approval of the aforementioned Amendment No. 12 to the Official Plan of the Township or Bayham. 3. THAT no part of this By -Law shall come into force and take effect until approved by the Minister of Municipal Affairs. ENACTED AND PASSED this 5th day of November, 1987. i VIA �j ..► CLERK CERTIFIED that the above is a true copy of By -Law No. 2371 as enacted and passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham. CLERK - 1 - 1. PURPOSE The purpose of this Amendment is to change the land use desig- nation on a parcel of property from "Agriculture" to "Rural Residential" in the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. 2. LOCATION The area affected by this Amendment is comprised of approxi- mately 3.3 hectares (8.1 acres) and is situated in part of Lot 15, Concession 10, just north of Highway No. 3 and fronting on Side Road No. 16 in the Township of BayhAm. 3. BASIS OF THE AMENDMENT The lands were recently the subje,t of an amendment to the Zoning By-law which recognized a change in land use and a subsequent boundary adjustment. The subject lands were originally part of a larger holding which was comprised of an industrial use and two residential dwellings. The zoning amendment recognized the industrial use and a residence on one lot and a residence on the lands which are the subject of this amendment. It is upon this second lot (subject lands) that the owner intends to execute another severance in order to create a rural residential building lot. The new lot would be comprised of 1.13 hectares (2.8 acres) while the retained lot would contain approximately 2.2 hectares (5.3 acres) and would continue to be occupied by the existing residence. Existing land uses in the vicinity are characterized by a large number of non-farm rural residential uses situated along High- way No. 3 and a greater concentration along Side Road No. 16. A large woodlot is located to the west of the property with agricultural (cash crop) uses comprising the remaining adjacent land uses. The nearest livestock operation is located approxi- mately 300 metres to the east of the subject lands. The Canada Land Inventory of Soil Capability for Agriculture classifies the subject lands as (combined) Class 1 and 3. There are several factors, however, which indicate that the subject lands have limited utility for agriculture. Among these factors are the relatively small size of the property, the large number of non-farm developments in the area, and the confined location of the subject lands relative to existing agricultural uses in the immediate area. As such, the subject lands have limited capability for agricultural use yet do not exhibit the potential to restrict existing or future agricul- tural uses in the area. Due to these circumstances, the absence of livestock farms and the existing pattern of develop- ment in the area, the subject lands meet the relevant criteria for designation as a rural residential area. - 2 - This Official Plan Amendment is intended to be adopted together with an implementing Zoning By-law Amendment which will recognize the existing and proposed non-farm uses of the subject lands. 4. DETAILS OF THE AMENDMENT i) Schedule "A" Future Land Use of the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham, is hereby amended by changing from "Agriculture" to "Rural Residential", those lands outlined in heavy solid lines on the attached Schedule "A", which schedule shall constitute part of this Amendment. The lands subject to this Amendment and designated "Rural Residential", may be used, developed and zoned in accordance with the policies of Section 4.2.3 of the Official Plan, Rural Residential policies, as amended. SCHEDULE A OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF QAYHAM FUTURE LAND USE AMENDMENT NC.12 DArea changed from "Agriculture" to "Rural Residential" Agriculture Highway Commercial Hazard Lands 373 Conservation Lands Hamlets (COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT AREAS) Mineral Resource Areas .,..(D._ P4*ovincial Highways 33 Arterial Roads (County Roads) 0 2000 4000 Metres 0 5000 10000 15000 Feet t_ 1, TOW14SH I P OF BAYHAM AMENDMEifT 140.12 SCHEDULE "B" U RESIDENTIAL UNIT E WOODLOT ■ POTENTIAL LIVESTOCK OPERATION % INDUSTRIAL USE LANDS DESIGNATED "RURALRESIDENTIAL" AS PER AMENDMENT NO, 1 NOTE: This Map is for clarification purposes only. 0 100 200 Metres 0 400 800 Feet s AMENDMENT NUMBER 12 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM SUBJECT: STUBBS RURAL RESIDENTIAL LOT 15 CONCESSION 10 The following text and map schedule constitute Amendment Number 12 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham OFFICIAL PLAN a OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM THE attached text and map schedule constituting Amendment No. 12 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham was prepared upon the recommendation of the Township of Bayt,am Planning Advisory Committee after evaluation of public input pursuant to the provisions of the Planning Act. THIS Amendment was adopted by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham by By -Law No. 2371, in accordance with Section 17 of the Planning Act, on the 5th day of November 1987. CLERK • BY-LAW NO. 2371 THE Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham, in accordance with the provisions of the Planning Act, hereby enacts as follows: ' 1. THAT Amendment No. 12 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham consisting of the attached text and map schedule is hereby adopted. 4 2. THAT the Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to make application to the Minister of Municipal Affairs for approval of the aforementioned Amendment No. 12 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. 3. THAT no part of this By -Law shall come into force and take effect until approved by the Minister of Municipal Affairs. ENACTED AND PASSED this 5th day of November, 1987. CERTIFIED that the above is a true copy of By -Law No. 2371 as enacted and passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham. r 1 r 1. PURPOSE The purpose of this Amendment is to change the land use desig- nation on a parcel of property from "Agriculture" to "Rural Residential" in the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. 2. LOCATION The area affected by this Amendment is comprised of approxi- mately 3.3 hectares (8.1 acres) and is situated in part of Lot 15, Concession 10, just north of Highway No. 3 and fronting on Side Road No. 16 in the Township of BayhAm. 3. BASIS OF THE AMENDMENT The lands were recently the subject of an Amendment to the Zoning By-law which recognized a change in land use and a subsequent boundary adjustment. The subject lands were originally part of a larger holding which was comprised of an industrial use and two residential dwellings. The zoning amendment recognized the industrial use and a residence on one lot and a residence on the lands which are the subject of this amendment. It is upon this second lot (subject lands) that the owner intends to execute another severance in order to create a rural residential building lot. The new lot would be comprised of 1.13 hectares (2.8 acres) while the retained lot would contain approximately 2.2 hectares (5.3 acres) and would continue to be occupied by the existing residence. Existing land uses in the vicinity are characterized by a large number of non-farm rural residential uses situated along High- way No. 3 and a greater concentration along Side Road No. 16. A large woodlot is located to the west of the property with agricultural (cash crop) uses comprising the remaining adjacent land uses. The nearest livestock operation is located approxi- mately 300 metres to the east of the subject lands. The Canada Land Inventory of Soil Capability for Agriculture classifies the subject lands as (combined) Class 1 and 3. There are several factors, however, which indicate that the subject lands have limited utility for agriculture. Among these factors are the relatively small size of the property, the large number of non-farm developments in the area, and the confined location of the subject lands relative to existing agricultural uses in the immediate area. As such, the subject lands have limited capability for agricultural use yet do not exhibit the potential to restrict existing or future agricul- tural uses in the area. Due to these circumstances, the absence of livestock farms and the existing pattern of develop- ment in the area, the subject lands meet the relevant criteria for designation as a rural residential area. . a - 2 - This Official Plan Amendment is intended to be adopted together with an implementing Zoning By-law Amendment which will recognize the existing and proposed non-farm uses of the subject lands. 4. DETAILS OF THE AMENDMENT i) Schedule "A" Future Land Use of the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham, is hereby amended by changing from "Agriculture" to "Rural Residential", those lands outlined in heavy solid lines on the attached Schedule "A", which schedule shall constitute part of this Amendment. The lands subject to this Amendment and designated "Rural Residential", may be used, developed and zoned in accordance with the policies cif Section 4.2.3 of the Official Plan, Rural Residential policies, as amended. • SCHEDULE A OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF 6AYHAM FUTURE LAND USE AMENDMENT NQ.12 • 12 Area changed from "Agriculture" to "Rural Residential" Agriculture Highway Commercial Hazard Lands �'• Conservation Lands Hamlets (COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT AREAS) Mineral Resource Areas ...(D..., Provincial Highways 33 Arterial Roads (County Roads) 0 2000 _ 4000 Metres 0 5000 10000 15000 Feet v • • 0 0 TOWiJSHIP OF BAYHAM AMENDMEdT 140 , l2 SCHEDULE "B" KtbIDLNTIAL UNIT WOODLOT ■ POTENTIAL LIVESTOCK OPERATION o INDUSTRIAL USE LANDS DESIGNATED "RURA RESIDENTIAL" AS PER AMENDMENT NO, l� NOTE: This Map is for clarification purposes only. 0 100 200 Metres 0 400 800 Feet Ontario 1603(07/65) Ministry of Municipal Affairs February 25, 1988 Mr. J.A. Petrie Clerk Township of Bayham Box 160 Straffordville, Ontario NOJ 1 YO Dear Mr. Petrie: Re: Approval of Amendment No. 12 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham File: 34 -OP -0158`012 On February 22, 1988 this Official Plan document was approved. Please see the certificate page. The Original and Duplicate Originals have the approval endorsed thereon. One Duplicate Original has been retained for the Ministry's records. The Original, any remaining Duplicate Originals, and the working copies are enclosed. You should prepare three certified true copies of the document, as approved. Under Section 20(1) of the Planning Act, S.O. 1983, two certified copies are to be lodged with the Ministry and one in your office. Yours truly, zoovzmw George Soares Area Planner Plans Administration Branch Central and Southwest Enclosure Coco MAF MOE Health Unit County Engineer MTC OCA 777 Bay street Toronto, Ontario M5G 2E5 t' 34 0P j156 D AMENDMENT NUMBER 12 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM • SUBJECT: STUBBS RURAL RESIDENTIAL LOT 15 CONCESSION 10 The following text and map schedule constitute Amendment Number 12 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham Amendment Number 12 r to the Official Plan of the ?ovnship of Bayhan This amendment to the Official Plan for the Township of Bayham, which has been adopted by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham, is hereby approved pursuant to Section 17 of the Planning Act as Amendment Number 12 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. Date: L. J. Fincham Director Plans Administration Branch Central and Southvest OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM THE attached text and map schedule constituting Amendment No. 12 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham was prepared upon the recommendation of the Township of Bayham Planning Advisory Committee after evaluation of public input pursuant to the provisions of the Planning Act. THIS Amendment was adopted by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham by By -Law No. 2371, in accordance with Section 17 of the Planning Act, on the 5th day of November 1987. CLERK . f. CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 2373 Being a by-law to authorize the Reeve and Clerk to execute an abreement with Daniel DeCloet, as representative of DeCloet Bayham Limited, for the issuance of a building permit. Whereas the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham passed Bylaw Z154-87 rezoning certain lands of Daniel DeCloet being part of Lot 23, Concession 9, to permit an industrial use. And Whereas there were certain object -ions filed with the Clerk of the Township to the aforesaid Bylaw. And Whereas those objectors have agreed that the aforesaid objections will be withdrawn upon the undertaking of Mr. DeCloet to perform certain dudes as in the form of an Agreement. Therefore Be It Enacted By the Council of the Corporation of the Townsbip of Bayham A 1) That the Reeve and Clerk be and are hereby authorized to execute an Agreement with Daniel DeCloet as representative of DeCloet Bayham Limited whereby the said Daniel DeCloet agrees to perform certain duties for the issuance of a building permit. 2) That the said Agreement be attached to and be Schedule 'A' to this Bylaw. * READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 5th DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1987. MOM AGREEMENT made this 5th day of November, 1987 BETWEEN DANIEL DECLOET, as representative of DeCloet Bayham Limited, of the Township of Bayham, in the County of Elgin, Manufacturer, hereinafter called DeCloet Of The First Part AND THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM, hereinafter called the Tcwnship Of The Second Part WHEREAS: DeCloet has made application for a zone change at Lot 22, Concession 9, of the Township of Bayham, being partially within the boundries of Plan 113, for the Village of Eden AND WHEREAS the Council of the Township passed By -.law Z154-87 on the 6th day of August, 1987 AND WHEREAS there have been certain obJections lodged with the Clerk of the Township within the period allowed for appeals in the aforesaid bylaw AND WHEREAS those aforesaid objectors have agreed to ilithdraw, in writing, those objections upon certain conditions NOW THEREFORE THIS AGREEMENT witnesseth that for valuable consideration the Parties hereto agree as follows: 1) DeCloet agrees that the main entrance to the area to be utilized in manufacturing be relocated to a point located North of the De Cloet residence. Alternatively, should approval of the Ministry of Transportation & Communications not be received for the relocation, the main entrance be relocated southerly to County of Elgin Road 44; the relocation to he effected by May 1, 1988, and that entrance signs be placed advising patrons of the entrance lucation. 2) DeCloet agrees that the present entrance gate be reduced to a 16 foot opening should garbage or noise problems arise; and that should noise be a problem which can be corrected, the opening of the gates will be restricted to use when necessary; and the said gates shall remain closed daily after 21:00 hours and at all times during weekends and sti:tutory holidays. 3) DeC let agrees that a dust layer shall be a plied as necessary to keep dust to a minimum. 4) DeCloet agrees that all materials, supplies and manufactured products will be kept behind the fence erected on the said property. 5) DeCloet agrees that should garbage or debris frori.. the manufacturing operation prove a nuisance, a skirting or other protective measure will be place beneath the aforesaid fence to alleviate this problem. 6) DeCloet agrees that only the property located westerly from the aforesaid fence will be utilized for the manufacturing operation. 7) DeCloet agrees that a building will be erected for use in his manufacturing operation, and that all operations well be carried out in thesaid building; provided however, should outside work be required this will be carried out in the area westerly from the said building so as noise and any other form of pollution will be kept to a minimum that discomfort not be inflicted upon neibouring lands and residences. ......continued........... - 2 - 8) The Township agrees that upon the execution of this Agreement, and the withdrav��•1 of objections, ir_ writing, by the objectors and necessary approvals as required being received from senior levels of government a building permit for the erection of the building to be utilized in the aforesaid manufacturing operation will be issued. This Agreement shall enure to the benefit and be binding upon the executors, administrators and assigns or successors and assigns of the Parties hereto. In Witness Whereof the Parties hereto have hereunder set their hands and seals. j� DANIEL DECLOF�,T_-� as representative of DeClo!�t Bayham Limited xtt;vt; CORPORATION 01. 'FIIL TOWNSII I P OF BAYIIAM BY-LAW No. 2374 0 BEING a 13y -L Iw to confirm al 1 actions of the COLITIC i 1 of. Lhc TOWNSHIP OF BAYIIANI at the inecting(s) held November S, 1987 RI; I'I' ENACTED BY 'THE COUN(: I I, OF 'Pili; CORPORA'T'ION OF '1'111-: TOWNSHIP OF BAYIIAM pursuant to t:h(, l)r()vi s i ons of The Municipal Act Lh;jt a 1. 1 act ions by the said (:c)e>>>c• i I by by-laws and resol L1L icons P,Issed at Lhe regular mert illg 11014 Nov. 5/87 and speci.i1 he and the same are hereby ;'Pl >-o)ved and confirmed as if a 1. i such hr. oceed i. n9s were expr. ess 1 y c'1111)()cl i ed in this 13y-1,;Iw. Read a First, Second -]ncl Third 'Time and Finally 1'assecl this 5th -day ofNovember , 19 87 Reeve CI erk 3 0 .. VP THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM By -Law No.2375 Being a By -Law to authorize the establishment of a Committee of Adjustment and to outline the powers and duties of that Committee WHEREAS Section 43 of the Planning Act, Chapter 1, Statutes of Ontario. 1983,authorizes the establishment of a Committee of Adjustment for the Municipality: AND WHEREAS the Township of Bayham has passed a By -Law under Section 34 of the said Act, or a predecessor of such section. thereby meeting requirements of the said Section 43; AND WHEREAS the said Section 43 provides that the members of the Committee shall be paid such compensation as the Council may provide; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. Pursuant to Section of Ontario, 1983, a established for the of Adjustment , upo land, building or s is passed under Sec predecessor of such in writing by the o authorize such mino By -Law, in respect or the use thereof, the aDDrooriate dev 43 of the Planning Act, Chapter 1, Committee of Adjustment is hereby Township of Bayham. The Committee i theapplication of the owner of any :ructure affected by any By -Law that :ion 34 or 37, of the said Act, or a sections, or any person authorized Ener, may despite any other Act, variance from the provisions of the )f the land, building or structure as in its opinion is desirable for !looment or use of the land. buildine or structure, provided that in th* opinion of the Committee, the general intent andpurpose of the By -Law and of the Official Plan are maintained. 2. In addition to its powers under Subsection 1, the Committee, upon any such application, (a) where any land, building or structure, on the day the By -Law was passed, was lawfully used for a purpose prohibited by the By -Law, may permit, (i) the enlargement or extension of the building or structure, provided that the use that was made of the building or structure on the day the By -Law was passed, or a use permitted under sub-claus (ii) continued until the date of the application to the Committee, but no permission may be given to enlarge or extend the building or structure beyond the limits of the land owned and used in connection therewith on the day the By -Law was passed, or (ii)the use of such land, building or structure for a purpose that, in the opinion of the Committee, is similar to the purpose for which it was used on the day the By -Law was passed or is more compatable with the uses permitted by the By-Law,than the purpose for which it was used on the day the By -Law was passed, provided that the use for a purpose prohibited by the By -Law or another use for a purpose previously permitted by the Committee;c9Mf1DU9d until�:xhe date of the appli- cation to the.Committee; or (b) where the uses of land, buildings or structures permitted in the By -Law are defined in general terms, may permit the use of any land, building oe structure for any purpose that, in the opinion of the Committee, conforms with the uses permitted in the By -Law. 3. The Committee shall consist of five (5) members of Council appointed annually. 4. The said Committee shall hold meetings as required. 5. At any meetings of the said Committee, a quorum shall consist of 3 members. 6. The said Committee shall elect a Chairman annually from among its members. The Township Clerk or his designate from the municipal office shall act as Secretary to the Committee. When the Chairman is absent through illness or otherwise, the Committee may appoint another member to actas.Acting Chairman. 7. The members and the secretary shall be paid such remuneration per meeting attended as set by resolution of Council. 8. The said Committee shall comply with the requirements of the Planning Act and such rules of procedures as are prescribed. 9. This By -Law shall come into effect on passing. READ A FIRST SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 19th. DAY OF November, 1987. - Z - CLERK n Qp N THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM By -Law No. 2376 Being a By -Law to Authorize a Charge for an application for an Official Plan Amendment and for an application for a Rezoning or Minor Varian.:e to the Restricted Land Use By -Law for the Corporation of the Township of Bayham WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to charge for amendments to and for minor relief from the Restricted Land Use By -Law and for amendments to the Official Plan and to meet expenses related to the application and subsequent approval by-law; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham hereby enacts as follows: 1. That an application for a minor variance to the Restricted Land Use By -Law shall be a flat fee payment of ($150.00) one hundred and fifty dollars. 2. That an application for an amendment to the Restricted Land Use By -Law shall be accompanied by a payment of ($400.00) four hundered. (a)The applicant shall assume responsibility for any addition- al costs related to the said application and subsequent approval By -Law. (b)Agreement for payment of said additional costs shall be a condition of the signed application. 3. That an application for an Official Plan amendment shall be accompanied by a payment of ($300.00) three hundred dollars. (a)The applicant shall assume responsibility for any additional costs related to the said application and subsequent approval By -Law. (b)Agreement for payment of said additional costs shall be a condition of the signed application. 4. That By -Law No. 2376 come into force and effect immediately upon its passing. READ A FIRST AND SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 19th. DAY OF November, 1987. C / w" // i ice. . W. A a CLERK Y CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 2521 BEING a by-law to amend By-law No. 2376 authorizing a charge for Official Plan and Zoning Amendments WHEREAS By-law No. 2376 as Passed by the Council of the Township of Bayham on November 19, 1987, set our charge for Official Plan and Zoning Amendments AND WHEREAS it is now deemed necessary to amend this charge THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM; - 1) That Section 2 of By-law No. 2376 be amended to read: 2. to That an application for an amendment to the Restricted Land Use By-law shall be accompanied by a payment of Five Hundred dollars ($500.00) (a) The applicant shall assume responisbility for any additional costs related to the said application and subsequent approval By-laws. (b) Agreement for payment of said additional costs shall be a condition of the signed application." 2) That Section 3 of By -Law No 2376 be amended to read: 3. "That an application for an Official Plan amendment shall be `accompanied by a payment of Five, hundred dollars. ($500.00) (a) The applicant shall assume responsibility for any additional costs related to the said application and subsequent approval By -Law. (b) Agreement for payment of said additional costs shall be a condition of the signed application." 4. That By -Law No. 2521 come into force and effect on January 1, 1990. READ A FIRST AND SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 21st DAY OF DECEMBER, 1989. CLERK R CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BYLAW NO. 2377 BEING a Bylaw to authorize the Reeve and Clerk to execute a Quit Claim Deed at. Lot No. 1, Concession 8, Bayham. WHEREAS the Township of Bayham is the owner of Lands at Lot 1, Concession 8, Bayham, being Part 2 on Registered Plan No. 11R2799; said lands being the Wesleyan Methodist Cemetery known locally as the Firby Cemetery. AND WHEREAS the description in Instrument No. 1277 registered in the Registry Office for the Division of Elgin is somewhat vague. AND WHEREAS a survey has been undertaken and Registered Plan NO. 11R2799 deposited in the Registry Office for the Division of Elgin on Novemeber 12, 1985. AND WHEREAS a Quit Claim Deed has been requested to establish that the Corporation of the Township of Bayham has no interest in Part 1 of the aforesaid Plan. THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM: 1) That the Reeve and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute a Quit Claim Deed in favour of Henry Froese and Betty Froese releasing any claim or interest in the lands and premises described as Part 1 on Plan 11R2799 since it was never intended that the Corporation • of the Township of Bayham have any claim on the aforementioned lands and Premises. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 19th DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1987. CLERK Provinceif Transfer/Deed of Land Form 1 — Land ReQlstratlon Reform Act, 1964 (1) Registry [Xi Land Titles Ll 1(2) Page 1 of 3 pages (3) Property Block Property Identifier(s) Additional: See ❑Schedule (4) Consideration tr $2.00---------------------00/100 Dollars $ 2.00 J Z (5) Description This is a' Property Property O 0 Division ❑ Consolidation ❑ V) Z) v In the Township of Baytiam, in the County of Elgin and LL Province of Ontario and being composed of Part of Lot 1 New Property Identifiers in the 8th Concession of the Township of Bayham, Additional: designated as PART 1 as shown on Reference Plan Number Sc�„b ❑ 11R-2799, deposited in the Registry Office for the Executlons Registry Division of the County of Elgin. Additional: See ❑ Schedule ���� (6) This (a) Redescription ; (b) Schedule for: (7) �nMPfidtate Transferred Document New Easement Additional Contains Plan/Sketch ❑ Description ❑ Parties ❑ Other [] Quit Claim Deed (8) Transferors) The ttansferor hereby transfers the land to the transferee a�bMl'?{�ia�(}f�YiK+I�Xt�4i(chY1{�rf>3C,iCiXfX ............................................................................... ............ Date of Signature . . . . .). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... ...... Signature(s... .. .. ...... . Y M D THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM,,�J� �yc. Reeve -.198.E ,12. 01 . ............................................ c.._... , .......Clerk .:1987..;12. ;01 . .............................................................................. ....., ;... (9) Spouse(s) of Transferor(s) 1 hereby consent to this transaction Date of Signature Name(s) Signature(s) Y M D ............................................................................... ........... (10) Transferor(s) Address for Service Box 160, Straffordville, Ontario NOJ lYO (11) Transferee(s) Date of Birth Y M O .FROESE1 Henry................................................................:.1962; 07;.03 FROESEl Betty ........................................................ 1960; 03 07 s as Joint Tenants t ............................................................................. .....�...1.. (12) Transferee(s) Address , for Service R. R. #4 Aylmer, Ontario N511 2R3 (13) Transferors) The transferor verifies that to the best of the transferor's knowledge and belief, this transfer does not contravene section 49 of the Planning Act, 1983. 1 Date of Signature Date of Signature Y M O , Y M O Signature. . . .. . . . . . .. .. Signature ............................ :.. Solicitor for Transferor(s)1 have explained the effect of section 49 of the Planning Act. 1983 to the transferor and I have made inquiries of the transferor --r to determine that this transfer does not contravene that section and based on the information supplied by the transferor, to the best of my knowledge Z and belief, this transfer does not contravene that section. I am an Ontario solicitor in good standing. Date of Signature I -- O Name and , Y , M O a Address of O Solicitor Signature ........................................ I _ (14) Solicitor for Transferee(s) I have investigated the title to this land and to abutting land where relevant and I am satisfied that the title records Q a reveal no contravention as set out in subclause 49 (21a) (c) (ii) of the Planning Act, 1983 and that to the best of my knowledge and belief this �' transfer does not contravene section 49 of the Planning Act 1983. 1 act independently of the solicitor for the transferors) and I am an Ontario E solicitor in good standing. a %06 - Name and Date of Signature In Address of Y M o Q Yf Solicitor -6 Signature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . (15) Assessment Roll Number ; Cty. ; Mun ; Map Sub Par, } Fees and Tax or Property 34 01 000 005:. 00700 Z Registration Fee (16) Municipal Address of Property (17) Document Prepared by. O Land Transfer Tax R . R . #4 BROWN & BROWN w aAnni3TLns a SOLICITORS V Aylmer, Ontario TS OROCK ST. EAST tL - N5H 2R3 711-1..''ioNaURG, ONTARIO 0 "40 4H3 w III Total Newsome and Gilbert, Limited April, Iga5 Form LF1327 (1/85) P`°v'"`° or Schedule Form 11— Land Rsofteft Reform Act, 1984 p"e 2 Addllonal Property/ Identifier(s) and/or Other Informstion k�/'b` "ccitals WHEREAS the description in Instrument Number 1277 registered in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of Elgin might be construed as vague, therefore, this Quit Claim Deed is given to release and quit claim any interest in the lands and premises described as PART 1 Plan 11R-2799 since it was never intended that the Transferor have any claim on the aforementioned lands and premises. AND WHEREAS the Township of Bayham has taken ownership by virtue of the abandonment of the cemetery registered in the name of the Wesleyan Methodist Church known locally as the Firby cemetery, under the Cemeteries Act of Ontario. AND WHEREAS the Township of Bayham has maintained the cemetery for many years under the Cemeteries Act and has maintained the landscaping and cemetery stones as the Municipality deemed responsible under the Act. Newsome and Gilbert, Limited Form LF1335 (1/85) April, 1985 S "-"#HEDULE I MART I LOT I CONCESSION INSTRUMENT I AREA 1 1 1 8 JA 255509 1.84 Ac. 2 I 8 1277 0.80 Ac. . !- J J 1 •1 � L a1• M W i .ORNER / 0 4 6 8 29, v �+� 1 40( n E wit: IV eo' DEF N 27Y;7 "� ?-y W" .7w - )o" d9jq '`` /9 �k o W o 3a�q� P A R T c?'? Y ;v W 1030.66. h' � tiSv9 I N S T 25551 g 3a�4o CD in "' "' N' o h' -' "w 194 7 z2 ' 1' MEAS. 1 h 62* 50. 213.19•= OEE\ ♦ D A7, /.3'k/ 7 2 3.7N' N X3016' � N 86. 16• 45" W / k /• 304 E 2 7' W 8 3' 42 41CA O 2 1 9 16' MEAS l 9 1 S (0 0 3 62� � P 3 I oo• a DEEa � 2 . 4ProfWesleya+t.. a W in Q kad'il Churle' a� WW 'lj PART 2 wW 0 m W W 'NST 1277 #, ��Izz og ��2►0 n i<< A �c - rA6uC o ia'0g �P� ,✓ ✓ �. 01 r 238 2+ MEAS ` •'• \ .oancK r ` QrM 06• 05• 53. w 2`�LUlrl dad 0 vo ? ! S! W A. PLAN IS NOT A . I THE MEANING OF THE PLANNING ACT. 1- W , .•t r W V 0 z i I 0 W I REQUIRE THIS PLAN TO BE I DEPOSITED UNDER THE REGISTRY t ACT. DATE: NOVEMBER 8.1985 BRIAN VAUGHAN own _....� PLAN I I R- z 79-9 RECEIVED AND DEPO` -D D AT E : A1,0 I/- i-� . /9 8S", LAND REGIST . '\R FOR THE REGISTRY DIVISION OF ELGIN ,CAUTION; THIS PLAN IS NOT A . I THE MEANING OF THE PLANNING ACT. 1- W , .•t r W V 0 z i I 0 W I REQUIRE THIS PLAN TO BE I DEPOSITED UNDER THE REGISTRY t ACT. DATE: NOVEMBER 8.1985 BRIAN VAUGHAN own _....� PLAN I I R- z 79-9 RECEIVED AND DEPO` -D D AT E : A1,0 I/- i-� . /9 8S", LAND REGIST . '\R FOR THE REGISTRY DIVISION OF ELGIN ,CAUTION; THIS PLAN IS NOT A PLAN OF SUBDIVISION '---rHim THE MEANING OF THE PLANNING ACT. (v PLAN OF SURVEY PART OF LOT I � CONCESSION 8 TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM i COUNTY OF ELGIN Nd it 1 7 Al -1 Me 1& 5 at & MA �6 do i� lin S D 14 kh A cd i n yAh, pk v. q /'l efts Jn ( . Par -t- l svt-s lbe a 74 9 dots q aw.p� caucr fk&.. la A Js i ;PL. /As t..2'VS'S'v 9 -- JiL ctL/ JZs ndd:4io»a,/ /0A.d s 6v s7( •�- S S E . Al / -/At. latels 11A t / were. d is c r; hmd &L A di. 2 3 /.J * RAA; IC Da l,IS Lanes ,,s. Inti -t. 2.5'"5-549 ctr%L ccu,rd hy: R0,6 ER T dAA/ w YN`S 8 EiQc�N 1.Ile . .1DAivvC t/Art/tcn/c/S/3rRQNE . 8 E FILE 8 'S - 2 51 A BRIAN VAUGHAN ONTARIO LAND SURVEYOR 1985 SCALE 1 " . 100' yam. j ♦ �,d,. , .� t, l i r4 0 T E S BEARINGS ARE ASTRONOMIC AND ARE REFERRED TO TV- nSAR. OF N 00 40' 40" E FOR THE WESTERLY LIMIT OF PART 1. SHOWN ON REFERENCE PLAN 11 R- 2 783 , AS SHOWN HEREON ALL HANGING LINES SHOWN ON THIS PLAN HAVE SEEN DENOTES FOUND Cl S1.8. DENOTES 1"ai" ■ �' LONG 1404 SURVEY BAR C) R 1,9 DENOTES 5/0" DIA a 2' LONG IRON SURVEY BAR. Q 1. 9 DENOTES 5/6" a S/G"a !' LONG IRON SURVEY OAR M C. M. DENOTES CONCRETE MONUMENT, MINISTR" 01< TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS FOU40 j WIT. DENOTES WITNESS. SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I. THIS SURVEY AND PLAN ARE CORRECT AND IN AC'"?R©ANCE WITH THE SURVEYS ACT AND THE REGISTRY A17' Ati0 THE REGULATIONS MADE THEREUNDER. 2. THE SURVEY WAS COMPLETED ON THE 8th DAY NOVEMBER, 1985. ST. THOMAS, ONT., BRIAN V►UGHAP4 NOV. 8 1985. ONTARIO LAND `►+''"'= CUR I'ORAT 1 ON 01' 'I'HiI TOWNS11I P OF BAYIIAM BY-I,AW No. 2378 13l:ING a 13y-I,Zlw to conf 1. rm a 1 1 actions of the COMIC i 1 of Lhe TOWNSHIP OF BAYIIAM at the Iliecting(s) held November 19, 1987 ap Rl; IT ENACTED BY THE.. COUNCIL OF 'Pili; CORPORA'T'ION OF THE' TOWNSHIP OF BAY11AM pursuant to the prcwi s ions of The Municipal Act that all Actions by the said counci I by by-laws and resoluLions Pissed aL the regul ;,lr meet i ng 1101d Nov. 19, 1987 , and special mec l i 11�; (s) Ilc he and the same are ;II,I,rOved and confirmed as if zJ 1. 1 such hroceedi.ngs were expr.essl v (,n)b()cli cid in this BY -Law. Read a First, Second Third 'Time and Finally Passed this 19th day of November , 19 87 CI erk BY-LAW NO. :�Z 3 7 %- THE Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham, in accordance with the provisions of the Planning Act, hereby enacts as follows: 1. THAT Amendment No. 13 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham consisting of the attached text and map schedule is hereby adopted. 2. THAT the Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to make application to the Minister of Municipal Affairs for approval of the aforementioned Amendment No. 13 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. 3. THAT no part of this By -Law shall come into force and take effect until approved by the Minister of Municipal Affairs. ENACTED AND PASSED this 3rd day of December, 1987. 'REVE 01CLERK CERTIFIED that the above is a true copy of By -Law No. 2379 as enacted and passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham. 0 0 0 - 1 - 1. PURPOSE The purpose of this Amendment is to change the land use desig- nation on a parcel of property from "Agriculture" to "Rural Residential" in the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. 2. LOCATION The area affected by this Amendment is comprised of approxi- mately .27 hectares (.68 acres) and is situated in Part of Lot 18, Concession 8, fronting on the 7th Concession Road in the Township of Bayham. 3. BASIS OF THE AMENDMENT The subject lands are situated in an aesthetic setting which is comprised of significant stands of mature trees. An existing residence is located on the subject lands which are presently associated with a 40 hectare mixed use farm. It is the intent of this Amendment to permit the establishment of a non-farm rural residential lot (with the existing dwelling) on the subject lands subsequent to the process of severance and conveyance. The retained portion of the lands will continue under agricultural production. Existing land uses in the vicinity are predominantly agricultural in nature and also include a number of woodlots associated with tributary steams also located in the area. The Canada Land Inventory of Soil Capability for Agriculture classifies the subject lands as combined Class 4 and 6. There is no specialty crop soil on the property. In addition to the aforementioned factors, the subject lands were identified as "land with potential for non-farm development" in the Back- ground Study to the Township of Bayham Official Plan. Due to the circumstances discussed above, the subject lands have been determined to meet the relevant criteria for designation as a rural residential area. This Official Plan Amendment is intended to be adopted together with an implementing Zoning By-law Amendment which will recognize the existing and proposed non-farm uses of the subject lands. - 2 - 4. DETAILS OF THE AMENDMENT i) Schedule "A" Future Land Use of the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham, is hereby amended by changing from "Agriculture" to "Rural Residential", those lands outlined in heavy solid lines on the attached Schedule "A", which schedule shall constitute part of this Amendment. The lands subject to this Amendment and designated "Rural Residential", may be used, developed and zoned in accordance with the policies of Section 4.2.3 of the Official Plan, Rural Residential policies, as amended. SCHEDULE A OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM FUTURE LAND USE AMENDMENT NO.13 • 13 Area changed from "Agriculture" to "Rural Residential" Agriculture Highway Commercial Hazard Lands Conservation Lands Hamlets (COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT AREAS) Mineral Resource Areas ...(D_ Provincial Highways 33 Arterial Roads (County Roads) 0 2000 4000 Metres 0 5000 10000 15000 Feet v. • • TOWNS f I j p OF BAYHAM AMENDMENT 110, 13 C SCHEDULE "B" a` INDUSTRIAL - ► I 0 POND M RESIDENTIAL UNIT GO WOODLOT TOBACCO KILNS LANDS DESIGNATED " " AS PER AMENDMENT NO "RURAL RESIDENTIAL NOTE: This Map is for clarification purposes 01)ly. 0 y 260m 600m SCSIs: 1:10.000 Ministry of Municipal Affairs Ontario February 10, 1988 Mr. J.A. Petrie C1 erk Township of Bayham Strafford, Ontario NOJ 1 YO Dear Mr. Petrie: Re: Approval of Amendment No. 13 to the Official Plan of the Township of Payham File: 34 -OP -01 SS -o l 3 On February 8, 1988 this Official Plan document was approved. Please see the certificate page. The Original and Duplicate Originals have the approval endorsed thereon. One Duplicate Original has been retained for the Ministry's records. The Original, any remaining Duplicate Originals, and the working copies are enclosed. You should prepare three certified true copies of the document, as approved. Under Section 20 0) of the Planning Act, S.O. 1983, two certified copies are to be lodged with the Ministry and one in Your - office. YnLtr�, trt-tl y, V lfte& George Soares Area Planner Plans Administration Branch Central and Southwest Enclosure c. c. MAF Health Unit MOE County Engineer MTC OCA n 777 Bay street Toronto, Ontario M5G 2E5 14 0 oRIGINAt 34'0P 58■013 AMENDMENT NUMBER 13 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM 6 SUBJECT: DEPLANCRE RURAL RESIDENTIAL LOT 15 CONCESSION 10 The following text and map schedule constitute Amendment Number 13 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham Amendment Number 13 to the Official Plan of the Tovnsblp of Eayhan 4' This amendment to the Official Plan for the Township of Bayham, which has been adopted by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham, is hereby approved pursuant to Section 17 of the Planning Act as Amendment Number 13 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. L. J. Fincham Director Plans Administration Branch Central and Southvest AMENDMENT NUMBER 13 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM SUBJECT: DEPLANCKE RURAL RESIDENTIAL LOT 15 CONCESSION 10 The following text and map schedule constitute Amendment Number 13 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham 0 OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM THE attached text and map schedule constituting Amendment No. 13 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham was prepared upon the recommendation of the Township of Bayham Planning Advisory Committee after evaluation of public input pursuant to the provisions of the Planning Act. THIS Amendment was adopted by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham by By -Law No. 2379, in accordance with Section 17 of the Planning Act, on the 3rd day of December 1987. CLERK BY-LAW NO. THE Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham, in accordance with the provisions of the Planning Act, hereby enacts as follows: 1. THAT Amendment No. 13 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham consisting of the attac►hhed text and map schedule is hereby adopted. 2. THAT the Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to make application to the Minister of Municipal Affairs for approval of the aforementioned Amendment No. 13 to the Official Plan of the Township of Rayham. 3. THAT no part of this By -Law shall come into force and take effect until approved by the Minister of Municipal Affairs. ENACTED AND PASSED this 3rd day of December, 1987. CLERK CERTIFIED that the above is a true copy of By -Law No. 2379 as enacted and passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham. CLERK - 1 - 1. PURPOSE The purpose of this Amendment is to change the land use desig- nation on a parcel of property from "Agriculture" to "Rural Residential" in the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. 2. LOCATION The area affected by this Amendment is comprised of approxi- mately .27 hectares (.68 acres) and is situated in Part of Lot 18, Concession 8, fronting on the 7th Concession Road in the Township of Bayham. 3.. BASIS OF THE AMENDMENT The subject lands are situated in an aesthetic setting which is comprised of significant stands of mature trees. An existing residence is located on the subject lands which are presently associated with a 40 hectare mixed use farm. It is the intent of this Amendment to permit the establishment of a non-farm rural residential lot (with the existing dwelling) on the subject lands subsequent to the process of severance and conveyance. The retained portion of the lands will continue under agricultural production. Existing land uses in the agricultural in nature and associated with tributary vicinity are predominantly also include a number of woodlots steams also located in the area. The Canada Land Inventory of Soil Capability for Agriculture classifies the subject lands as combined Class 4 and 6. There is no specialty crop soil on the property. In addition to the aforementioned factors, the subject lands were identified as "land with potential for non-farm development" in the Back- ground Study to the Township of Bayham Official Plan. Due to the circumstances discussed above, the subject lands have been determined to meet the relevant criteria for designation as a rural residential area. This Official Plan Amendment is intended to be adopted together with an implementing Zoning By-law Amendment which will recognize the existing and proposed non-farm uses of the subject lands. - 2 - 4. DETAILS OF THE AMENDMENT i) Schedule "A" Future Land Use of the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham, is hereby amended by changing from "Agriculture" to "Rural Residential", those lands outlined in heavy solid lines on the attached Schedule "A", which schedule shall constitute part of this Amendment. The lands subject to this Amendment and designated "Rural Residential", may be used, developed and zoned in accordance with the policies of Section 4.2.3 of the Official Plan, Rural Residential policies, as amended. 61 SCHEDULE A OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM FUTURE LAND USE AMENDMENT N4.13 13 Area changed from "Agriculture" to "Rural Residential" Agriculture Hazard Lands .� 'y Conservation Lands Hamlets (COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT AREAS) Mineral Resource Areas .,(D. Provincial Highways 33 Arterial Roads (County Roads) 0 2000 4000 Metres 0 5000 10000 15000 Feet R TOW14SHIP OF BAYHAM AMENDMENT J0,13 SCHEDULE "B" INDUSTRIAL POND RESIDENTIAL UNIT GO WOODLOT • TOBACCO KILNS EZ3LANDS DESIGNATED "RURAL RESIDENTIAL" AS PER AMENDMENT N0,13 IDENTIAL NOTE: This Map is for clarification purposes only. 0 260m 500m scale: 1:10000 • • OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM THE attached text and map schedule constituting Amendment No. 13 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham was prepared upon the recommendation of the Township of Bayham Planning Advisory Committee after evaluation of public input pursuant to the provisions of the Planning Act. THIS Amendment was adopted by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham by By -Law No. 2379, in accordance with Section 17 of the Planning Act, on the 3rd day of December 1987. MM WE% F / Mir - — M CLERK CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY --LAW NO. 2380 BEING a By-law to amend By-law No. 2369 providing for the main- tenance of certain Municipal Drains. WHEREAS By-law No. 2369 as passed by the Council of the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayhar; on the 15th. day of October, 1987, provided for the maintenance of the Ketchabaw No. 2 Drain and for raising tre sum of $1,724.60 to pay therefor. AND WHEREAS it has been subsequently ascertained that the incorrect assessment schedule was used to levy the maintenance costs for the said Ketchabaw No. 2 Drain. THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM: 1. THAT portion of SchE-dule 'A' to By-law Vo. 2369 providing for the levy OJEthe Ketchabaw No. 2 Drain ro pairs be repealed. 2. THAT schedule 'A' to this By-law be and is hereby the schedule to levy the sum of $1,724.60 to pay the costs of the Ketchabaw No . 2 Drain repair:: . READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME ikND FINALLY PASSED THIS 3rd. DA`i OF December, 1987. Clerk SCHEDULE "A' TO BY-LAW NO.2380 Roll# Repairs .;rant Net 6-008=05 $541.45 $313.82 $627.63 6-009 41.83 13.95 27.88 6-012 118.41 39.47 78.94 6-013 94.60 31.54 63.06 6-015 46.34 15.45 30.89 6-036 63.07 21.03 42.04 6-037 157.02 52.34 104.68 6-062 31.54 10.52 21.02 6-040 10.30 3.44 6.86 $1,504.56 Bayham Road-; 220.04 $1,724.60 t 501.56 1003.00 220.04 501.56 1,223.04 Previously Levied (net) Adiustment $ 53.85 $573.78 27.88 78.94 63.06 30.89 42.04 385.67 -280.99 420.13 -399.11 859.65 143.35 436.60 -216.56 1,296.25 -73.21 CORPORATION OF T1IE TOWNSI111) OI' BAYIIAM BY-LAW No. 2 381 BEING ,-i By -Law to conf i.rm .i I I ic:Lions of L110 CUull(: i I of the TOWNSHIP OF BAYIIAM at the ineeting(s) held December 3, 1987. Redd a first, Second and Thi vd Time and Finally Passed this 3rd. BE IT ENACTEA) BY THEA COUNC 11, 01' THE CORPORATION OI' 'I'M.: TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM pursuant to the provisions of The Municipal Act th;lt all actions by the said Gounc i I by by-1<-lws and resolutions passed at the regular mec,t i ng ho I d December 3/87 , and Special meeting (s) he ki ----- he and the same are hereby ,ipproved and confirmed as i[ a 1. 1 such pr. oceed i ngs were expressly embodied fn this By -Law. Redd a first, Second and Thi vd Time and Finally Passed this 3rd. (lay of December , 1987 r Reeve Clerk CORPORA'1'1ON OF •I'11L TOWN.SI i 1 P 01' BAY11AM BY-1,AW No. 2383 M BEING a By -Law to conf i. rrn a I 1 actions of Lhe Count: i ! cif the TOWNSF111' 01' BAY11AM at the rneeting(s) held December 17, 1987 BE. I'r rNAcTKI) BY THE, COUNCIL Ui' 'I'11E CORPORATION M' '1'111. 'I.0WNs111 P Uf' liAti'11A(`1 pursuant tclhe al. I act ions by the sl,rc,viBions of 'I'hc MunieiP�rl Act that a i c1 (:c�t►rrc• i 1 by by-laws and resp uL ioriti Passed �r L L he r-egu l ;r r meet i rrf; hold Dec. 17, 1 8+7 ;rncl special ------___-- he and the same arc hcrcl'y ;lPPl-oved and confirmed ;Is i C � 1 1 such Proceed i.ngs were exPres s 1 y c•mhc�cl i cid in this 1iy-L„rw. Read a first, Second and Thi rci Time and Finally Passed this - 17th -day of'December , 19 87 Reeve - CI erk r