HomeMy WebLinkAboutBayham By-Laws 1963BAYHAM TOWNSHIP By -Laws Numbers 1466-1485 1963 BYLAWS [1448-1485] FILE # 41 File #41 Date Subject Bylaw # 1448 8 Jan 62 Authorize the borrowing of $ 200,000.00. 1449 8 Jan 62 Appoint certain officers in Bayham, for 1962. 1450 8 Jan 62 Appoint Fence -viewers and Pound -keepers. 1451 5 Feb 62 Provide for 1962 road expenditures. 1452 2 Apr 62 Adopt the assessement on which the taxes shall be leveid. 1453 9 Apr 62 Provide for 1962 road expenditures. 1454 9 Apr 62 Appoint an Assessor in Bayham for 1962. 1459 1 Oct 62 Authorizing the borrowing of 40,000.00 dollars. 1461 1 Oct 62 Authorize an agreement with the Village of Vienna for a public road running across lots 15,16 and 17. 1462 19 Oct 62 Authorize constriction of a conbi.ned Township office and Fire hall. 1466 7 Jan 63 Authorize the borrowing of $ 200,000.00. 1467 7 Jan 63 Appoint cterain officers in Bayham for 1963. 1468 7 Jan 63 Appoint Fence -viewers and Pound -keepers. 1469 7 Jan 63 Provide grant to the Elgin County Fed. of Agr. 1470 4 Mar 63 Provide for the road expenditures for 1963. 1471 1 Apr 63 Adopt assessment on which taxes shall be levied. 1472 1 Apr 63 Appoint a Dog Cathcher and Poundkeeper. 1473 1 Apr 63 Provide additional fire protection for Bayham. 1475 6 May 63 Authorize an .agreement between Bayham and Dereham respecting fire protection. 1477 8 Jul 63 Close and sell Lots 2,3,4,5,6, and 9. 1478 3 Jun 63 Provide for the road expenditures for 1963. 1479 8 Jul 63 Provide for the road expenditures for 1963. 1480 6 Aug 63 Provide for borrowing the aggregate of separate sums. 1481 6 Aug 63 Extension of time for return of the assessment roll made in 1963 for 1964 taxes. BAYHAM BYLAW•BOO•D. :YLAWS [1448-148 FILE # 41 cont. File #41 Date Subject Bylaw # 1482 3 Sept 63. Authorizdng extension of time for returning of assessment roll 1483 7 Oct 63 Provide for the holding of Munc. elections. 1485 3 Dec 63 Provide for the road expenditures for 1963. Dorm 100-0.! ontario ......................................................................................................................... BY-LAW No...-]!'N./ o...- l] !'. / ......... 2 P=jtjVJ to authorize the borrowing, of S 209 ; , 000 , tic Whereas the Council of the ' `' "a , ' ' =' a'' Inc,1.M (hereinafter called the "Municipality") deems it necessary to borrow the suns of 1,110 • '"' to meet, until the taxes are collected, the current expenditures of the Municipality for the year; NOM—Refer And Whereas the total amount of the estimated revenues of the Munici- to the estimates f _ for the current pality as set forth in the estimates adopted for the year 1.1, not including if adopted: f not, to those revenues derivable or derived from the sale of assets, borrowitigs or issues of of last Year. debentures or from a surplus, inclttditig arrears of taxes and proceeds from the sale of assets, is 0, , 2F; (Delete thio paralp n ph if not applicable.)��/.(■!iL* ■1 `L, -�`11,y (? . 4 .. i 1t` jj�I/,[ 1 �� ][��)(`AI �i"y`y I ii./IF_M+lf�. `. 1. • Y`.t'Y. ri. 1 ,•rSY `t.:,:. 1...1 Li 11 ai. 1� .� .. �l .. lAi .ata .1 a i 1. 'A' i 17i'fY 1i"l.Y t1 't• ri.. tet" _ � .�i.. li Atli\.t�lr�3► Therefore the Council of the iloin ishi of 'Da v h a n,, hereby enacts as follou-s: 1. The Head and the Treasurer are hereby authorized on behalf of the Municipality to borrow from time to time by way of promissory note from CANADIAN ADIAN IMPERIAL BAN, K O (V.m Ei�ci, a sum or sums not exceeding in the aggregate $?'`?0, 0.0C). 00 to meet until the taxes are collected the current expenditures of the Municipality for the year, including the amounts required for the purposes mentioned in subsection (1) of Section�329'of the Municipal Act, and to give on behalf of the Municipality to the Bank a promissory note or notes sealed with the Corporate Seal and signed by the Head and Treasurer for the moneys so borrowed, with interest, which may be paid in advance or otherwise, at a rate not exceeding 5 73 per centum per annum. 2. Ali sums borrowed pursuant to the authority of this by-law, as well as all other sums borrowed in this year and in previous years from the said hank for any or all of the purposes mentioned in the said Section 329, shall, with interest thereon, be a charge upon the whole of the revenues of the Municipality for the current year and for all preceding years as and when such rever.'ues are received. • 3. The -Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to apply in payment of all sums borrowed as aforesaid, together with interest thereon, all of the moneys hereafter collected or received either on account or realized in respect of -taxes levied for the current year and preceding years or from any other_ source which may lawfully be applied for such purpose. Passed this day of v mart, 19 03 ,C..... X-�~ �.,:.� i�.4 . .............. J TFIE it OF THEKUNICIPALFTY I ^ SEAL .,....{. ,....� .......G!.: .`. ....��..... } .. ............. .: —" CLERK I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By-law No. of the of in the Province of Ontario, duly passed at a meeting of the Council of the said Municipality duly held, and that the said By-law is in full force and effect. Dated This As Witness the Seal of the of SEAL t l day of 19 ....................................................................... I....... CLERK r4- TOWNSHIP OF BAYHA.M. By -Law No. 1467. Beim a by-law to appoint certain officers in and for tre Municina? ity of the Township of Bayham for the year 1963- BE 9 3. SSE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the municipal council of the Towne: ip of Bayham in regular session assembled; - 1. That and �,r. r shall be r. Valuators of livestock and Poultry killed by dogs at $1.00 ;ger hour and .20¢ per mile one way fpr car. 2. That shall be School attendance Officcr at a salary of $25.00 and .20d per mile one way for car. 3. That Robert C. Jackson shall be Weed Inspector at $1.00 per hour plus .20¢ per mile one way for car. 4. That J. D. Vallee shall. be Relief Officer at a salary of 5. That Donald .M. Gibson shall. he Township Solicitor. b. That of $25.00. 7. That :. shall be Building Inspector at a salary shall be Inspector under The Trench Excavators Act. at 11..00 per hour and .200. per mile one wa for car. 8. That palter Nelson and ,Donald Chute shall be drain insr)ectors for the rorth h,al.." and south half of the Toim.shir resnect,4vely at oer hour and .2' �. ;ger rile one for car. READ a .first, second and third time and finally passed this 715r, day o1 a �?,�ri�? �r 196 30 'Al � eeve. x I 1;�r-Lav 'No. 14t-,8 . being. a by-law to ars"oint ,'ence--�riewerc anti round-kceners in and for the Tov!nsiFin of Payhan, .foryAar lection 77, pub--s^coon 8 of the ';'uni-cipal 19'60v provides that these appointments be made; ' , i Lr'U:1 ,`�;;:; tD by t, i-aunicipal Uorncil of the -=,=oration of the Tovinship of Payham, in regula-t- Session assembled, that tile, X%following tbe ani' :ire hereb,,r -jnpointeA. to act ac tie follouTin� officers for the vear l')6' r ewe r LIo;�(? lierrnn) .2, Vienna .:;larence .Tenereaul , � ,1, ?n-rersoll `tobert. ka CJackson, i�.1, Jt, Ir f. Alva 3rinn, .6, :'illsonbur7 lonZo iia7ell, 'J'orinth il1ard 1,Icallister, 3trsff. Earl Travis, '_orint;.1 Donald Emerson, 1&,02, Vienna A,1_0, d Chute, A.1, Vienna 'oi)nri .-Keeners ,:ario Dratti , III. . 2 , Vienna. iorace Har;ue , it.1, 'Araff. I ville i�obert Jackson Don Ievill, '-lienna Ed. Lar niers, it.1, Pt *'Burwell Howard Tait, Straff. . Hobert Veitch, 11.1, Lden a'o�r Grekan, t.l, '.,orinth !..ax Underhill) :i*l,Pt.Burwell -jerald isson (dols only) _ay roper, :.1, V �nj�a Clarence .:ilmine, �.1, LcIen : L., .J a first, second and third time anCi finally passed this -day of January, 1c)63, 7th. 0 By Law No, Township of Bayham. Being a by-law to provide for a grant to the Elgin County Federation of Agriculture. WHEREAS paragraph 5 (a) of Section 394 of the 11unicipal Act, 1960, provides that township councils may pass by --laws for making this grant; AND WHER-EAS it is considered necessary and expedient that this grant be made; THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED BY THE MIUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE TOVMSHIP OF BAY11AM AS FOLLOWS:- 1. OLLOWS:- 1. That a grant of n 'red anf .. be and is hereby made to the Elgin County Branch of the Ontario Federation of :agriculture. 2. That the Township Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to ,issue cheque for same forthwith. READ a -First; Second and Third time and :finally passed this '77 4-1- day of .`- :au a r`, eeve. 196 3 . erx. m f t r!1 I ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS Pjlr. J.D. Vallee, C ler , Township of Bayham, STRAFFOR,DViLLE, Ontario. 1. D. Toronto, Ontario. I' -lay 9th, 1963e Dear Sir: Re: 1963 Road Expenditure By-law Number 1.70 Amount $ 70 , 500 . The Honourable C. S. MacNaughton, Minister of Highways, has authorized the approval of the above cited by-law to a limit of $ 20,000. $' 50,500. $ 70,500. for Construction, for Maintenance, and Total Please be advised that expenditures in excess of either the construction or maintenance limits will not be eligible for sub- sidy unless covered by a supplementary by-law approved by the Minister. Supplementary by-laws must be in the hands of the District Engineer not later than July 31, 1963. This approval is given subject to the approval of each individual work of road and bridge construction, each contract for maintenance and the purchase of each unit of equipment. The District Engineer must be advised and his consent obtained before such works or purchases are advertised or tenders called or any commitment made by the township with respect Ao them. In the event that any portion .of the cost of the proposed work or purchase is' to, be raised in a subsequent year or financed by the issue of debentures, the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board must be obtained before the work or purchase is authorized or any commitment made with respect thereto. One copy of the by-law as approved is returned herewith. et Encl. BY -Law No. ..-Ly..r.v day of ...... .....M.ARCK.. Yot s vary truly, J. P. Howard, .Municipal Engineer. passed by the Council of the said Corporation on the-4-cn._.. ........, 19 634o. r VED � 1 0. ==: A A. Township Uerk A • Farm MR -lb 61-4090 BY-LAW NO. 14.70 A ICY-I.AW TO PROVIDE FOR THE 19 .63 EXPENDITURES ON ROADS IN THE COUNTY TOWNSHIP OF BAXHA VI IN THE OF ELGIN. DISTRICT NN"HEREAS The I-Iighway Improvement Act requires that the total expendi- ture on roads be provided for annually by by-law and that the by-law be submitted to the -Minister of Highways for approval. THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the said Township enacts as follows: (1) The suns of $..7.0, 5.0.0...0.0__.. is hereby estimated as the expenditure upon the construction and maintenance of the roads and bridges under its jurisdiction "Iniir�t, the year 19.. 63 as follows Construction 1.OAD5 .$ 22000. BRIDGES & CULVERTS .6,9oo. NEW IIACHINER- .... 9,55 2 . SUPERINTENDENCE & \ OVERHEAD . _ _...... _ .. .$ _1.1548 • :Maintenance 38,340. 6 , 000. y' nil Total 12,900. 9,55211e..-... _ 6 1160. ' 71708, TOTALS x;..2.0.1*00.0. 'k'� 50,500. \ s.70)50'0*_ ....... (2) The said monies shall be expended under the supervision of the dulti appointed township road superintendent and on work performed in ae.ordancle with The Highway Improvement Act. ( 00) The clerk shall transmit duplicate copies of this by -lav,* to the district Alice of the .Municipal Roads Branch, Department of. Highways, not Inter than :March 31st of the said year. (4) The approval of the Ontario 1ltinicil,al Board shall be obtained before any expenditure is authorized or work commen-ed which will, be financed by the issue of d6be' ntures or monies raised in a• subsequent year. 1'assecl at STRAFr'ORDVIL't is ..... 4th clay of MARCH A.D. 196.3 (SEAL) Reeve d_....D •_ ..Vallee_ . .. _ .. __ _ Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of B,AXH YI..... do hereby certify that the foregoing is a trice c l)vhof By-La,w No. ..11+74 passed by the Council of the said Corporation on the . (lay of._MARCH 19 63.,.. .t{ xjsj P! w • Township Clerk. _11C I- 77 :��' L__j t FORA! MR ....18 ; 61.4089 TOWNSHIP OF.._.._ .... . / A - RE': BY-LAW N o . ROAD PROGRAMME FOR THE YEAR 19 1131 5RIDGES AND CULVERTS — TYPE AND LOCATION SUB—TOTAL, r� Lr.. ShB 'i J,rAL (C) NEW MACHINERY AND MACHINE SHEDS (ITEMIZE) (D) SWPERINTENDENCE AND OVERHEAD (SEE FOOTNOTE) ! y^ TOTALS FOR CONSTRUCTION ? MAINTENANCE (As POADS -- EXTRAORDINARY RESURFACING (PAVEMENT) RESURFACING ( GRAVEL OR STONE SURFACE TREATMENT I.I I L E S _. MILES MILES ,h ROADS —ORDINARY P,:,VEMENT PATCHING. CRACK FILLING. SWEEPING STO�JE OR GRAVEL PATCHING. DRAGGING, BLADING DUST LAYING — CALCIUM. SALT. OIL PRIME DITCHES, TILE DRAINS, CATCH BASINS. CURBS. GUTTERS, DRAINAGE ASSESSMENTS WEED SPRAYING. CUTTING. BRUSHING. FENCE BONUS GUIDERAIL. SIGNS, ZONE MARKING WINTER CONTROL — SNOW FENCE. PLOWING. SANDING. SALTING (B i BRIDGES AND CULVERTS MAJOR REPAIRS ( DESCRIBE MINOR REPAIRS (Co SUPERINTENDENCE AND OVERHEAD (SEE FOOTNOTE) TOTALS FOR MAINTENANCE . GRAND TOTAL Date Township Road Superintendent If insufficient room attach additional sheets giving the data in the form indicated NOTE erintendencc and Overhead may be distributed between Construction and Maintenance in the proportion that total of items I,a and Iib, bear to tctat of items 2(a) and 2(b), 0 By -Law No. 1471 TOWNSHIP OF BAYHA14 Being; a by-law to adopt the assessment on which the taxes shall be levied for the year 1963, to levy taxes for the year 1963 and to provide for the collection thereof. `'WHEREAS by By -Law No. 1067 and amendments thereto, the Council of the Township of Bayham provided for the making,of the assessment of the municipality prior to the lst. day of Sept. 1962, as the assessment on which the rate of taxation for the year 1963 should be levied; AND �`'HEREAS the assessment roll containing the assessment made as aforesaid was revised, corrected and passed by the Court of Revision of the said Township on the lst. day of October, 1963; AND WHEREAS no ap,_)eals were heard by the County Judge; AND WHEREAS it is expedient to adopt the said assessment as the assessment on which the rate of taxation for the year 1963 shall be levied; AND ;,HEREAS,it is necessary and expedient to levy on the whole rateable property accordin<; t,o the last- revised assessment roll of the said Township the sum of 4298,245.00 for the general purposes of the said Township for the current year, for the vavment of the County rate for the current year, and for the purpose of defraying part of the expenses of Public, Separate and High School education, and other purposes; THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THL CORPORATIjN OF THE TOWNS111P CF BAYH :Ii EN:tiCTS AS FOLLOWS:- 1. OLLOWS:- 1. That the assessment contained in the assessment roll of the Township Oil. Bayham as made pursuant to Bir -Lav: No. lOb7 and amendments of the said Township, and as revised, corrected and passed by the Court of Revision, be and. the sa:ae is hereby adopted and confirmed as the assess- ment on which the rate of taxation for the year 1963 shall be levied. 2. That the said assessment roll be and the same is hereby adopted and confirmed as the last revised assessment roll for the said Tovrnship. 3. That, for the purpose o-' providing the sum of X117,885-00 for the genQral purposes of the Corporation, including the amount .required for Couty purposes and other purposes for the current year, a rate of 40.841 mills in the dollar be and the same is hereby levied for the year 1963 upon the whole of the said assessment of the said Township accord- ing to tY e last revised assessment roll, except that on an assessment of 3,07?,32>.00 a reduction of .�12, 536.40 beins? 4.0$1 mills, shall be made owing to the per capita grant fro: -.n the Provincial tovernment for taxat- ion relief for farm and residential properties, as shown in the. -following summar,T : - Total General rate --------------- 20,354 Counter rate ---------------------- 20*487 Total 40.841 Less reduction ------------------- 4..081 4. That, in addition, for the purpose of providing the sure of 1176, 006.90 for Public, Separate and High School Education purposes for the current year, the followin; mill rates be and the same are hereby levied for the year 1963 upon the respective portions of the said assessment of the Schocl supoorters of the said Township accordin, to the last revised assessment roll, as indicated hereunder;- a 2 School Section Residential rill Commercial P.lill Total or Area _ Assessment_ Rate _ Assessments Rate _ Levy S.S.No. 1 98,450. 30.154 935. 33.504 $2,999.98 ri it t► 4 $1, 950. 30.660 1, 508. 34.067 2,563.96 " 11 It 6 108,700. 32.039 2,$39. 35.599 3, 583.71 ►► ►t ►► 16 351,625. 23.006 14,751. 25.562 8,46c.•55 ri ►► tt 23 1779200. 24.155 8,37$. 26.839 41505.13 Bayham TSA 115832800. 25.752 84,704. 28,613 43,209.66 Vienna TSA 190,250. 20.933 6,185. 23.259 41314.76 Pt.Burwell TSA 1.911200. 25.430 605. 2$1256 41$79.31 TOTAL PUB.SCH. '*217921175. 1199905• 74,523.06 RCSS Vienna 245,650. 32.107 1,200. 35.675 71929.89 nr►,t►► Houghton 61500. 25.752 NIL NIL 167.39 """T' MT alahide 91$50. 32.114 NIL NIL 316.32 ►► t""' Till ' burg. 1$,150. 23.777 NIL NIL 431.55 TOTAL SEP.SCH. E#EoD.1i*So T.D.H.S. 2$0,150, 928,680. 2 43,6 45. TOTAL SEC. SCH. X3,072,325. 29.023 28.830 1,200. 231074. 32.248 9$,031• 32.033 121,105, 8,845.15 27,697.17 64,941.52 92,638.69 5. That in addition, for stret:t lightinrr purposes, the following sums be and are hereby levied upon the respective assessrrAents in each of the following street lighting areas -.- V on Assessment 229,000. of 229,000. - $712.65 -- 3.112 Mills, Richmond n it it 29,775. - 215.51 __ 7.238 n Eden tr It ►► 71,1750 - 364.99 -- 5.128 " Corinth n r►, tr 24x400. - 222.72 -- 9.128 r: 1,515.V7 6. The Clerk shall prepare and deliver the Colle'ctor's Roll tothe Tax Collector on or before the 15th. day of May 1963. 7. All taxes or other special rates shall be paid into the office of the Tax Collector or Treasurer of the Township of Bayham or into the Branches of the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce at Straffordville, Vienna, Port Burwell or Til.lsonburg. 8. Taxes shall become due and payable one-half on or before July 20th. 1963 and one-half on or before December O.Oth., 1963. Penalties for non- payment when due and discounts for pre -payment of taxes shall be as provided for in By -Law No. 1393 and amendments thereto of the said Township of Bayham. 9. The Collector shall have the privilege of mailing the tax notices to the several taxpayers of the Township at their last known address. 10. After fourteen days notice, the Collector or his Bailiff may seize any itoods and chattels for unpaid taxes. READ a first, second and third time and finally passed this 1st. day of April 1963. Reeve. G3 erk. I By -Law No. 1-472 TQ"�' dITSHIP 4F BAY U,11 Mint a by-law to ap :Dint a Doi; Catcher and Poundkeeper for Dogs in and for the Township of Bayham. WH"' EAS it is deemed necessary and expedient that such appointment be made: THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED by the 114unicipal Council of the Township of Bayham as follows: - 1. That James S. Davison be and is hereb-r appointed Dog Catcher and Poundkeeper for Dogs in and for the Township of Bayham during the pleasure of the Council of the Township of Bayham. 2. That, the fees for such services shall be mutually agreed upon by the Co:?nci 1 of the Township of Bayham and the said James S. Davison, and the Reeve and Clerk a re hereby authorized to sign such agreement on behalf of the Township of Bayham. 3. This by-law shall come into force and effect ilk on and after1st, 1463. Ila; :BEAD a first, second and third time and finally passed this 1st. day of April 1063. Leeve. ..C 1 erk.-. 0 f By -Law No. TOWNSh I P OF BAYH.AM Being a by-law to provide additional fire protection for Bayham, Townshipts portions of Union School Sections No. lb Bayham and 24 Malahide and Union School Section No. 23, Bayham, 10 i�iiddleton and 14 Dereham Townships. WHEREAS approximately 75% of the resident rate -payers of the above areas have petitioned the Bayham Tcwnship Council to provide additional fire protection for the said areas by entering into an agreement i9ith the Township of Dereham to provide this service: AND WHEREAS the said ratepayers in requesting this service, have agreed that the costs of same be charged against the proper- ties lying within the aforesaid benefitting areas., the said costs to be levied and collected by a mill rate on all Taxable assessment within the said areas and to be included in and collected in the same manner and at the same time as municipal taxes are levied and collected. AND WHEREAS the authority for passing by-laws by Township Councils respecting the above matter is set forth in Section 394, paragraph 3 of The the Act, R.S.O. 1960. THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED by the Municipal Council of The Township of Bayham as follows:- 1. ollows:- 1. That the following areas be defined as special fire protection areas in the Township of Bayham (a) That portion of Union School Section No. 16 Bayham and 24 Malahide (Corinth) situate and being i:l the Township of Bayham. (b) That portion of Union School Section No. 23, Bayham, 10 Middleton and 14 Dereham (North Bayham) situate and being in the Township of Bayham. 2. That this Council enter into an agreement with the Council of the Township of Dereham on such terns as are mutually - satisfactory to both ,parties, for fire protection services for the aforesaid defined areas by the Fire Department operated by the said Township of Dereham and that the Reeve and Clerk are hereby.authorized to sign said agreement and to affix the Corporate Seal, 3. That the costs for providing the above service be a charge against the benefitting defined areas and the same be levied and collected in the same manner and at the same time as municipal taxes are levied and collected, by a mill rate levied on all taxable assessments within the said defined Areas. 4. This by-law shall become effective on and after entering into an agreement with the Council of the Township of Dereham and the levy f cost sh11 commence in the year 1964 and continue for each year wring Ehterm of this agreement and each yearts levy shall be in the amount of costs of services incurred for the preceeding year. ! T READ a first, second and third time and finally passed this day of /73 f / )-,- 19630 REEVE By -Law bio. 1473 TOit > 1 P ()F B Y F f 0-S Hein; a by-law to provide additional fire protection for Bayharn Township's portions of Union School Sections oto. 16 Bayham and 24 Malahide and Union School Section No. 23, Bayham, 10 s'iddleton and 14 Dereham Toxns1,Jps. WHEREAS approximately 75' of the resident rate -payers of the above areas have petitioned the Bayham Township Council to provide additional fire protection for the said areas by entering- into an agreement with the Township of F.)ereha�>i to provide this service: AND WHER. A;; the said ratepayers in requesting this service, have agreed haat *,he cosh of same be Char 'ed against the proper- ties lying; within the aforesaid benefittin,; areas, the said costs to be levied and collected by a mill rate on all Taxable assessment within the said areas and to be included in and collected 141 the same manner and at the same time as :municipal taxes are levied and collected. AND the authority for passi by-laws by Town.,hip Councils r- sY►ecting the above matter is set forth iY; Section 3949 paragraph 3 of the iunicipai Act, R.S.J. 1960. 'rHEREFGRE Bril IT ,NA$CTED by the Municipal Council of The Township of Bayham as follows: - 1. That the followinf- areas be defined as special fi�,e protection areas in the S'ownsh.. p of Bayham (a) P hat portio -z of Union School Section No. 16 Ba_,jha n and 24 Malahide (Corinth) situate and beirit, i the rowrishi d} of 'wham. (b) That portion of Union School Section No. 23, Bayham, 10 Middleton and 14 Dereham (North Bayham) situate and being in the Township of Bayham. 2. That this Council enter into an agreement with the Council of the .Township of Dereham on such terns- as are mutually satisfactory to both parties, for'fire -protectionn services for the aforesaid- defined foresaid,define? areas b, the Fire Department operated by the said Township of Dereham and that the Reeve and Clerk are here -by authorized -to sign said a, -ret went and to of `ix the Corporate Seal. 3. That the costs for providing the above service be a charge against he benefitting, defined areas and the same be levied and collected in the safae mariner and at the same time as municipal taxes are levied and collected, by a mill rate levied on all taxable assessments within the said defined Areas. 4. Thin by-law shall becoMe effective on and after entering in Lo an a neem. ant with the Council of t1v,e Township of Dereha: , and the levy t sh ll co,. e!ice in the year 1964 and continue for each year R&F88�he term of this a rre(:j.qent and each Hearts levy shall be in the amount of costs of services incurred for the preceedi n j year. READ a first, second and third time and finally pas.•ed this lst . day of April 19630 (Signed) C. D. Phillips EVL (Signed) J. D. Vallee U May 8th • 1963. .r. F. E. Harris, Clerk of Dereham Twp., R•R.1, Mount. Elgin, - Ont. Dear Sir; - I am enclosing four copies of fire protection agreement with map attached, duly signed and sealed. Two copies have a certified copy of our approiAgg by-law attached. When these are completed by your Township I would appreciate receiving one of the copies with all by-laws Ir attached and the other one copy of agreement and map. Trusting these are in order, I remain Yours very truly :.+i mod# tjo fled Ja W Jalivvred in the j I j J Clerk of Bayham Twp, • ze ve*:k • • • • i i • i • Reeves ',CQWnaktIp of i�araham i.le�rk, `1'c►t�safp art.i� J` to VQI.. _T atm of WVhRA wn ohi p of i ayhat, GIW* This agree=<sr nt m6aue U, duplicate thus saga♦ clay of c,:iay, or,e thousand nine hun. red wid a:ixLy-ttavea 1:. � ragas The iwxiiciptl �;urxXoralk ion of til: Tows=®itil; o.A-Uerukma hiarelvoXtor ca1.3,ed The Mrtj of the First PhA i.1.V `k� a .otunicipul (;orp.-i4timi of the Tuwn%;hip of k+rVnam hereinafter called t, rho 11:,rty of the u ;orad Part trie p -"y of tris suctnid :art has r+ q; ,eAw-i �.ne arty of tine first pxjrt to provide fire p.-ouucuiore Ior a ;iortlon of i'..® area, The part;V' off.' Lhe first ixwt h,�i euy at;reus to r.rov.ide fire Vrutvc:,ion for t l -re fol.iiovdiij,; jx)rtivr►es of the iowrr ehi.. of �;��h�, nsmdljs (a) 'ihat portiu n of rintiLm Ocnool ,,ectian i<o. 16, a•a;Pram as d 24 Y40.a,hide (k;QrIrMh) .situawe ari',A' uuine in the Township of Lz.Jham (b) That: portion of Union chool Lection 14o. 230 bd, t-,ira, 10 '.Z.tulutcn and 14 Deroham (North tom), aitwAt a and being in the 'xutal ship the above port.iioms Lvir% better det►crittsd on a neap wi-tich is attached and becomla ;kat of this agreetaint. The party of this -,wconad part hererty agrees to p4 a. hoIAng fere of tine hurcdre i ikn.l-LeXs ltd oUU ) per :i .Aar in lieu of depreciation on eciuip.- :.V:rlt ifs. -s 6wwunty-sive Liol.3 urs ( * ?5•UO ) per call, fur Lne first hour or p" t..,ereoi wid k'.LfV dol irs ( 4 50♦UQ ) p-.,ir hour for each hour thv.i-*,dteri Ti" to be t "ken f rm fOhe tiuw the r' .re 'Iruck L avem the kire iUh..I . wo it it ratcl"Ita• This ei:gx ea;e: t aa, tos for -,L .aterd ut finy time Ly either party• auat.38 to be ai fact.lve fsa i'A�4` I, 1%)6.3• :t aned,e :1,®d wit Jelivvrod in the 1 h'A* MIt J o of J 0 46 -� ROOVe, I'owzluhip of Wreh am Clerk, toga_-akap or c:er�heas xu36 ire! io fnatcii of racy hat wn nhip or , ham, ci. wrk I Areas of attached agreement outlined in red. f This agreewent nw-de in duplicate this 6th. daffy of may, one thousand nine hundred and sixty-three: B" 176 t i The Municipal Corporation of the Towrishi,) of Dere-ham hL:reinafter called The Party of the First Part pwi U Tt!e ktunicipal. Corpration of the Township of bayham hereinafter called The P=arty of the `Second Part the party of the second part has requested ;.he party of the first .art to provide fire protection for a portion of its area, XCAN T ' 4'Fij.ci; THIS AQu�. I-ic: "T '61-111 �i;TH, The party of the first part hareby agrees to provide fire protection for the follov.dsig portions of the Township of bka rham., namely: (a) That portion of Union School 6ection No. 1.6, oayha3m and 24 Ealahide (Corinth) situa'Le and ging in the Township of bayham (b) That portion of Union school erection No. 23, BVham, 10 Middleton and 14 Dercham (North bayham), situate and being in the To'miship of La.;,ham. m. The above portions tieing better described on .a map which is attached and. becomea part of this agreeuuuont. Tho party of the second path hereby agrees to ,pay a holm ig fee of One Hundred Doliars ( S 100.00 ) per year in lieu of depreciation on equip-► jLent plus Seventy-five Dollars ( # 75.00 ) per call for the first hour or part thereof and Fifty dollars 50.00 ) pisr hour for each hour thereafter. Time to be taken from 1::he time the Fire Truck leaves the Fire Hall until it ret urns , This agree ftei it :nay be ter _dl Rated at any tiwe by either party. .hags to be ef.iective froiL May 1, 1963. Signed, Se,.led wid Delivered in the ) presence of }`) F- �l I lie `r, _'t er. heave, Township of Dereham Clerk, Township of Lkareham heave Town of bay an • • • �» rte• . • • i r • • ship of bayha my Clerk . u 4 Areas of attached agreement outlined in rccl., HY-LA�j INS:. 1475 A By/Law of the Township of Bayhan in VF the County of Elgin to authorize an agreement between the Towner; p of Bayharu and the Townsh. p of Derehan respecting fire protection. *IiLREA3 the Townah�p of Barham and the Township of Dereham have entered into an agreement to provide Fire proLectirn and it is neces.;ary to ratify and confirm the said agree=want. THEREFORE the .unicipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayhan enacts as follows: That the agreement between the Township of Bayham and the :�aunicipal Corporation of the Township of Dereham dated the sixth day of May, Une Thousand Nine Hundred and Sixty-three, a true copy of which agreement is hereto attached and forms part of this By -Law, be and the same is hereby ratified and confirmed. AS ED in open Council this 6th day of i4ay, 1963. Read a first time Read a second time Read a tI ird time Finally passed si.yned and sealed: (Signed) C. D. Phillips. Reeve (Signed) J. D. Vallee. Certified to be a true and correct Clerk copy of Township of Bayham Fay -Law No. 1475. r IA._ erk of Bayamotivnship. -LAW M. * 1956 A by..yev of t he T awn ar f t, of Deraham in the County of u:�urd to ,U*, t)rize an &L rcu;u,urjt boLween the Township of Derjham aridt:.e Tour~► e:14. of ham re apd ct fire pz•otection. 6;-,. the 'i"omishi j- of Wi rdiuwz awk the iuwIf4a)-iP Of bayhea have uri tared it:to an u ,rent to pru Ade Fires p rutuctlun and it ie neG- @us-ry to ra-t �t j, and the isa.Ld eagraeumit. Ikia> iLi'WL6 the Murticipul Council of the Crurporactior; of the Township Of Dern IM c*8j►e,,,S a$ folLowsf Thut the W iia t between 61le rowa,.hip of Dort j.aft and trt; J U14q.-Aj Corporeatiun of L he ' t�y�c� :�of 1>4y1jam dated the emit day of CAVO Unca ThOuswW LIMS iiurar i SzM Lit'-Lhreoi titre uoPy cif Which r�c:eWtjt is hereto uttac;hed and mart of tr"b w,y•, awt Ix., ba1.VbX rt..4,CA.f.d a ,4 00 j jjj.AW• in 0;*n LoLT,cil this day of lih , , 1963. head a firat time: Read a s co ,d L"-. Nay R i'l the Lqk .fa io Certifiled to he a tr�:e and correct cop,, of 'Tcwrs.-Ap of: DereP,a.m By-bliw No. 4 105� -� Z Cff- e C?_erk of Towrns!- jp of Der -Ina -M 0 i i f 0 i ■ Tj .--. sa,7 BY-L:t 5 A By/Law of the `:i'ownshio of Bayhaza in the County of Elgin to authorize, a". arnreer�ent between t;�za Tocros * n of Bayharn and the To,•msh-- p of 7ereham respectina, fire protection. rHLj C'11S the Tovrnshi» of Ba,, -ham and the 'Townshin of Dereharr. have entered into an a rreement tc provide Fire protec Linn and it is necessary to ratifv and confirm the said a7reement. ' iEREFORE the ..1unici.pal Council 1 of the Corporation of the Township of. Layham enacts as follows: That tie between the Townshin of Bayham and the trunici ?al orcoration of the Township of Dereham dated the sixth day of �,iay, , One Thousand Nine Hundred and Sixty-three, a true copy of whichagreement iS hereto attached and forms part -of th-i s By -Law, be end the same is hereby ratified and - con f irraed. n? confirraed. '0ASISED in open Council this 6th day of iviay, 1063. ,lead a first ti-nie Herad a second time 'Head a V-ir i time 7inally passed si,-ned and sealed.: � n 7 � /� • /I , � lI 'ti J Clerk r n Etiy dt n By -Law No. /'�L% % ` O� dSHiP OF B1"'SHL-! 3eing a by-law to stop up, close and sell, portions of unused roadway on Lots 2,3,E+, 5,6 & 9, Conc. 4, in the Tovmship of Bayham, 4HE EAS by virtue of Section 459 (1) (c) of the Municipal Act, Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1960, Chapter 249 this Corporation is empowered to stop up part of a highway within the Township. AND WHEREAS it, is deE;med exper?ient to stop un, close and sell the portions of the unused road above mentioned. AND WHEREAS the requirements of Section 442 (1) of the 41unicipal Act dealing with the publication of Notices of the proposed By -Law have been duly complied with and no person whose lands might be affected thereby has a,-)nlied to be heard or raised any objection in resoect thereof. NOW THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED as a By -Law of the Township of Bayham: 1. That the portions of unused road allowance across Lots 2 , ,1a,, 5 , 6 9, Conc. . 4 as set forth in parcels "A" � ttBtr s tt - � "Dtt � as surveyed by John Gray O.L.S.,dated 30th. May, 195$, and revised Oct. 3rd., 1960 and atta shed hereto and also in accordance with Plans File: L- LB .and L- 620 hereto attached, be and the same are hereby stop ed up and closed. 2That the above portions of above road stopped up and Hosed may be conveyed toone or more of the ad joininfn land owners as the Council may direct, a nd that the Reeve and Clerk be and they are hereby authorized to execute all necessary conveyances for the purpose. 3 his the Council of thiis Seal Read o - da. y of Seal by-law shall. take efy ect as soon as aporoval by the County -of Elgin. a first and second time and provisionally passed day of �"LI/L'rE1963. �• (lam /,r • '�/,,,. ti. 'Reeve. i r' J J' • 1 Read a third time and finally passed this - .Tv,' �• 1963. Reeve. { Cler < *ca � FR?i HS < >�k � r ��sr• ut L y #..ss'£,"��,�5" ' � ��Ajc z��'+r�� $ Z 'TT?a.?: / l '.�`.'?'Q t�¢ s..�'.. ��a. X.�, n , .h.F <°: c : „7.`;, i, N<.,Y.:::� i �i x<,7<•: ./.t' . '�z� L%' .3..; a, c� 2ias ) ss X. �.«•, <. s.<,.,xa <Z".h �,'§±,.ts r�.. x:. .�.. �'�.r.<. �`�,<�yr.., .. s:f1. ��. -j:,`� .1<. �.� .� ��,'.�o",F n?^ �ri�{(sL�7.i1??�s 5r iy,7(��a�Rfi�:�F"s�;�,`a/".�{<w'b'��/?���t�cs�`<f'S'kY�j.r��.K,•f�����a';f.F�'f.ac3`'��i�i 6�ssi�tr>�i'Zt����.-.< .1r. J. D. Thomson, Clerk of Elgin County, Court House, St. Thomas, Ont. eat Dear Sir; - !,gay 13th. 1963. 4' y� `�< : ��:. �?a-. � � ya,4�'t.:v '��?�` ti�3a�i:+� t• �s 9 : <:xs�' . ,��i'�a s r� a. It appears I neglected to request the County of Elgin to pass a confirming by-law in respect to our By -Law No. 1431, as I have no copy of a confirming by-law. it would be appreciated if you would have the County Council give consideration to a confirming by-law in respect to ours No. 1431 which provides for the closing of unused portions of theCalton to Froggett#s Corners road reconstructed under the Development Road plan. A certified copy of our By -Law No. 1431 is enclosed. Thanking you, I remain Yours very truly Clerk of Bayham Twp. L t, dead third ieci f�.� nasred this !�i ,:� 1000. ARCH I BALD, GRAY & MCKAY ONTARIO LAND SURVEYORS POSTAL ADDRESS P.O. BOX 612 - LONDON, ONTARIO S. W. ARCHIBALD, P.ENG.. O.L.S. J. GRAY, O.L.S. J.D.Vallee,Esq., Clam, Township of Bayham, Straffordville,Ontarioe Dear Sirs 696 KiPP•s LANE TELEPHONES: GE 2-3363; GE 2-3514 3rd Octohler,1960, Filet BA -2 Res Development Road, Calton to Criffins Corners, By-law to CIOSS portions of the travelled road Enclosed herewith are three whiteprints of plans and three copies of descriptions for parcels "Amp "B". "C" and "D" which were referred to as 1, 2, 3 and 4 in your letter of 26th July,1960. I had thought in the first instance that the dealings with the portion of road across Antons Arimas would he subject to regulations of the Land Titles office,but now after further in- vestigation I realize that the Land Titles portion of the lot,al.though adjacent to the travelled road did not at any time include the travelled road. Therefore it will not be necessary to prepare a separate By -lax for depositing in the Land Titles Office. I trust that the enclosed plans and des--. crlptiong^ are sufficient for closing these portions of the travelled road by 3 -law. Yours very truly, John Gray,O.L.S. ' L Pers _ ..�----- D.F.Fleming,M.A.9 office Manager JG/DFF f f e dat of Seal lead n t ni rel t,',)e and f-1.na1.1-,.r na gyred this 1 `> 60. =.3e_ve. f' ;Zee 7 -1 -Law `-In. a HeJ_rr c'� bl,,-latw' to ston U.,?, Close a'1C Y) sell , nr ,_ons of i.'.nUSed roaCti�rav on C?t',S 2,3,I.��Jf, g, (done. 1,-, in tl'n �mv-nsrin of 'R ayham. by virti'e oil `}ection. 1,J')9 (1) (c) r)f the un _ci, al ct�, -?evi sed tn.t,,.tes of Ontario, 1950 •ganter 21.,,� t l . s is e'rnowered to stnn im 7") -,)rt of 11 r viair L1 _t,lhin the To,;rnsY, n. _ ► ,i ''115 �.t 1S �eerf�ec E'xnedJ ent to stop un, close and sell the nort-i ons n- old roars above rentJ_nned. -J',�: EAS fi.he rPcj� iretn >,,t> of �ect,i nn l 72 ,-1. n . :,'�e -i.cinal :=pct dealing -i- h:',e niibl_ _ _on off' lotices of the, nronosed Rlr-Law have been duly co•�--)lied with an(,!, no person whose 1,ands ii,-nt, -)e al"fect�,ed therenv _as ,r�J..zet_ ,o :)e heard or raised anti obect�'_r)n in res )ect thereof. ,r,-, r� n .!'....5� S, I� 1 11. !','`!_.L 1,f) 'a-, ,� +�1'—�JaW Off' fi�1Q � own ;h?.?7 n f -Ral,h am nat the -port:; ons of unnser rn-iri allowance across :!lots 31 1�15 7 6- Q, Cone. 1,. tis set °orth in parcels A" � it R:? � "V" as StzrVeVed bzT John Cray t.f.Tj0%D , dated. 30th. -az', 1(?5�a, and revised Oct. Mrd. , 1Q)0, ����. 2�.tatc.ied he incl also �n accordance :11t.h .:'Ian 7i -le: L- ;�'` L e �� a. f,tatc ked , be and t, -e sa-me are herehir stunned .,.n anf3. closed. ?. That the above port:i.ons of above road stonned un an(i closed maybe c!-nve-17-ed. to one or more of the ad;and owners as t;�e Council mar direct , end t�iat he -?e::;ve an(� �-�ler�: be and tl�e�' are rereb-t `:i.it orized to execute all necessary conve­nces for the nurnose. hi s (I a17, of ,Seal a first P.m', <-econd ti.rne =ori ­rr)vi s- orally x ,C3 j d al,r of d - 10,600 Zeeve.. _Pad a tn;rd t -,i -le mid final) -r passed this 19, 0 ('le n 4 ) f -e_ LN3 A A -i I y ::j EL AL �Cb :.r d 011 p I 3845 ♦ ti J tit d 1. 3 116 007-1 it tic) LIC.) s t" c ail 01 p Kam cm jA ww'i way Vzo Cal.7m.. v 1 V! 11"A 1101, RJur Van WTV YIN z v Z -Nu Onah'101). ry.11311s: 1:1. an Wvnv;01.0 n al, Un -Owl• s C! SA A 1 nt it Ov T 11 L h Nor f& 41 rJ a by - 0 U portio,?.- of unu s ed 4x in moi. p of fA ayhaLa. 'y 459 f 0- or 2,g jar t ez; t of p r k, llway vilthin (4 C, ✓ to c 1c, d S, 2. 1 i, L. u p �01 the road <­J-,0vG IS cf C Act tib' al J n, 4,i t I )jj_c4__jtj0lj of f t, 1 0 r 0 C-, cd Elly -Law ve been 6 jLly % r, D Con',n))ALed with a ,J n o p a% rs on w' rl flose Jr.Onil�-5c-d thor by flaMS ly ofJ.:-k1Sa P-3y—Livir c)f tho, the abovc P"rtions of.. abov.,.,.. road A cloced 0, Y C., - ", C I up .�,nd UC, ICC, .4 C, 1,101,e of the 441 adjc'�All-- Land mmimers her to c.". c Ul f-� ive Clork be -cid th nccc�;:-_ary.y 34 ^fgt "-.s Cocae. Dy 0 u t. L r'Ll y of (1r, -V ( .1 ') f A ar of %1 0 v 10 cl Y P a s -S �[­i d 63� d 1,10 T third tinci Litl(i ficla-,tly pL,5!- T ,j 111 y (71 f -'T t T 0 vr�- t iY•l fil of 0) f IT n 0 n4 7r;_ .1, �15; .4 1, CG:lc. t C� �_ 3 r? "I C, � ,ts+Ti�..i��`•�z:L#(�� 4t t:Zm� iTL-y�sldt�)ro� d P i d d t c 0. 0 in 2 J U d L," 2 ac c. or th I C I' il�� �4, t,'j -A -nd 0 J P F c ti 7 1. clo:;ccl. the abovc P"rtions of.. abov.,.,.. road A cloced 0, Y C., - ", C I up .�,nd UC, ICC, .4 C, 1,101,e of the 441 adjc'�All-- Land mmimers her to c.". c Ul f-� ive Clork be -cid th nccc�;:-_ary.y 34 ^fgt "-.s Cocae. Dy 0 u t. L r'Ll y of (1r, -V ( .1 ') f A ar of %1 0 v 10 cl Y P a s -S �[­i d 63� d 1,10 T third tinci Litl(i ficla-,tly pL,5!- T ,j 111 y (71 f -'T t T 0 vr�- t iY•l fil of 0) f IT n 0 n4 7r;_ .1, t , t 10 t ti Mw L ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF MGNWAYS Downsview, Ontario. Juni T -1 i i r . t� . _ ee , ..� �.�� _ -.: �. ��' :'� t,.: �_ i� .i � -1.r is , �.,' p �� " i ' �. � .' • Dear Sir: he: Supplementary toad Expenditure By-law No 1i S) Amount 00.) Please be advised that the above cited by-law has received consideration as a charge against the allotment for Special Capital Projects in the Department's estimates for the current fiscal year. The Honourable C. S. MacNaughton, Nlinisttir of Highways, has approved of the proposed expenditure, for subsidy purposes, to a limit of for Construction, SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. That the expenditure(s) shall be made only for the purposes set out in tide by -claw and supporting pro- gramlre and' shall not be diverted, either in whole or in part, to any other purpose without the prior consent in writing, of the. Municipal Fngine"pr. 2. That the individual works of road and bridge con- struction and the purchase of each unit of equip- ment and the award of contracts for same shall be subject to the approval of an engineer of the Municipal Roads Division. 3. That the District Municipal Engineer shall be informed and his consent obtained before tenders are called for the proposed work or purchase and before any commitment is made by the Munici.p,�lity. ,N. II. In the event that any portion of the cost of the proposed work or purchase is to be raised in a subsequent year or financed by the issue of debentures, the approval of the Ontario 141unicipal Board must be obtained before the work or purchaso is authorized or any commitment made with resr,ect thereto. A copy of the by-1,-iw as _approved is returned herewith. Yours very truly, I/ J. i'. Howard, :C elunic ipll Enr, inter, Encl. Ovnr-i t.i oris Franch . 0 Form OB -MR -16 (formerly MR -16) 62-3789 A BY-LAW TO PROVIDE FOR THE 19 63 TOWNSHIP OF BAY HAS IN THE No. 1478 EXPENDITURES ON ROADS IN TFC COUNTY OF ELI IN _Df wriffff �t°III:liI ,1ti The Highway Inlprovelliell t .let . I-vq lir•es that the total exi)(m(liture on roads he provided for tlrllmally by lav -law anti that the hY-1a-,v he stllmlifif<d to the Vinister of IlighAvays for approval. r THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation or the said Totvllship enacts as follows: (1) The sum of $.... 1.5..,.3,00.WOO ..... .. is hereby estilirlte{l a�, the expellditllre ilpoll the constriletion and Tylailrteliance of the roads- anc] brill res under its jurisdi('tion during the Vf"11, 19_63 ...... as follows: Construction Maintenance Total ROADS .......... 10, 000 0 00 _ 4.10 , 000 .. 00 11RIDGE-,' & CIA'A'ERTS .. _ 3 9675.0 ;... l' NEM MACHINERY $ 1*325x.+00. $ nil .SI'l'I RlNTENDI �TCE S MERHEAD 'I't.1'C �1 I:S �;..1' � O'�3rr 0 0 00 r s;... ... ._........... _ . (2) The said monies shall be exi)ended to«'lrship road superintendent all(] on worl� Improvement Act. 39675*0-0 1,3.25.00 ull(ler the stlpervision of the duly al)l)ointed per•r"or•nied in accordance with 'I'Ilc Ilirliway (:3) The clerk. shall t ransrllit duplicate c(q)hs of t ll i-. by-laNv to tilt' district ofl'i(•e of the •lltulicilltrt Roads I3rauch. Department (if IlirIlli-ays, 00ario I.ot later than March .31st of the said year. (4) The approval of the Ontario ` ani c1-illal lbard Al<lll be obtained before any ex- penditure is authorized or work commenced «'hivll mill he financed by the iss e of deberl- tures or monies raised in a subge(rtient year. I'a�sed at Straffordvi4p 3rd. (SEAL) Clerk (1,1y of June eve :1.1). 196 . - 1. J D. Vallee Cleft: of the Corporation of the ToNviiship or 58y 3IT1 do hereby certify that the fore,ginn Is a trek copx• of I;y-Law N, 1478 passed by the Council of the said Corporation on the 3rd•_ (]ply of* June 1 o 63 . Township Clerk 0 FORM 09 -MR -19 (FORMERLY MR -18) A2-9799 TOWNSHIP OF_- �. ' _'...._�_- __RE: BY-LAW No. ROAD PROGRAMME FOR THE YEAR 19 1. CONSTRUCTION (A) ROADS LOCATION (BY LOT AND CONCESSION) NATURE OF WORK MILES ESTIMATED COST 2. MAINTENANCE (A) ROADS — EXTRAORDINARY RESURFACING (PAVEMENT) MILES ....._____..__.. .� RESURFACING (GRAVEL OR STONE) MILES, SURFACE TREATMENT MILES .....____ ..-._..-..._.__.._.__` ROADS — ORDINARY , PAVEMENT PATCHING. CRACK FILLING, SWEEPING STONE OR GRAVEL PATCHING, DRAGGING. BLADING DUST LAYING — CALCIUM, SALT, OIL. PRIME DITCHES, TILE DRAINS, CATCH BASINS, CURBS. GUTTERS, DRAINAGE ASSESSMENTS WEED SPRAYING. CUTTING, BRUSHING. FENCE BONUS GUIDERAIL, SIGNS. ZONE MARKING e WINTER CONTROL — SNOW FENCE, PLOWING, SANDING. SALTING (B) BRIDGES AND CULVERTS MAJOR REPAIRS (DESCRIBE) MINOR REPAIRS (C1 SUPERINTENDENCE AND OVERHEAD (SEE FOOTNOTE) SUB—TOTAL SUB—TOTAL TOTALS FOR MAINTENANCE GRAND TOTAL Date Township Road Superintendent If insufficient room attach additional sheets giving the data in the form indicated NOTE: Superintendence and Overhead may be distributed between Construction and Maintenance in the proportion that total of items 1(a; and 1(b) bear to total of items 2(a) anr, 2(b). IM SUB—TOTAL (B ) BRIDGES AND CULVERTS — TYPE AND LOCATION I I . ._..._._.. _ ... SUB—TOTAL (C) NEW MACHINERY AND MACHINE SHEDS (ITEMIZE) (D) SUPERINTENDENCE AND OVERHEAD (SEE FOOTNOTE) TOTALS FOR CONSTRUCTION 2. MAINTENANCE (A) ROADS — EXTRAORDINARY RESURFACING (PAVEMENT) MILES ....._____..__.. .� RESURFACING (GRAVEL OR STONE) MILES, SURFACE TREATMENT MILES .....____ ..-._..-..._.__.._.__` ROADS — ORDINARY , PAVEMENT PATCHING. CRACK FILLING, SWEEPING STONE OR GRAVEL PATCHING, DRAGGING. BLADING DUST LAYING — CALCIUM, SALT, OIL. PRIME DITCHES, TILE DRAINS, CATCH BASINS, CURBS. GUTTERS, DRAINAGE ASSESSMENTS WEED SPRAYING. CUTTING, BRUSHING. FENCE BONUS GUIDERAIL, SIGNS. ZONE MARKING e WINTER CONTROL — SNOW FENCE, PLOWING, SANDING. SALTING (B) BRIDGES AND CULVERTS MAJOR REPAIRS (DESCRIBE) MINOR REPAIRS (C1 SUPERINTENDENCE AND OVERHEAD (SEE FOOTNOTE) SUB—TOTAL SUB—TOTAL TOTALS FOR MAINTENANCE GRAND TOTAL Date Township Road Superintendent If insufficient room attach additional sheets giving the data in the form indicated NOTE: Superintendence and Overhead may be distributed between Construction and Maintenance in the proportion that total of items 1(a; and 1(b) bear to total of items 2(a) anr, 2(b). IM r Form OB -MR -16 (formerly MR -16) 62-3789 A BY-LAW TO PROVIDE FOR THE 19,6__3' TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM IN THE \-o. 1478 EXPENDITURES ON ROADS IN THE COUNTY OF EL� 1IN . E�flwpfHiff ti�'IIEIiI��.1S The IIigliway Imprm-emerl t �1ct requires that the total expenditure on roads be provided for anr111ally by by -lair an(I that the h. --laic• he -olbrnifted t(1 the 1lilli',ter of I'li-hwat•s for approval. r '1'I IE1?T'1F 'LH, the Council of the C-- rpo rat iorl c>f thr, maid T(iwwdiip c'n wi,,; as follOWS : (1) 'file suln of $..... 1,5.1..000.00._.. . is hereby estilliated a. tllr' e�l,i�llelifttr�� tll�oll the construction all(] ma?lltenarlee of tilt' roads ar!(1 1111(lel' its ,j1ll'I il�'i 1t�11 /llil'll?'� tilt' 1`ear 19.. bl..... as follows ("onst ruetion 7? Maintenance Total x:10,400.00 3}.675.00 .V1, NV .`Ia(:'IIIN1I,ILY 32 _...,; :L.s;�.0(j. nil . tit "i'EJO \'l'E I)I':l\CE & OVERHEAD TOT:\LS *_15 000.00 ; ........ ; 1510010-.00 (2 ) The said monies shell be upended ??nder the supervision of the duly appointed township road silperitit en(lent aucl on work perfornleci in accordance Frith 'file Ilit;llwav Irnprorelneut Act. {: ; Tile clerk ,shall transmit dttplica,}e copies of Ilii, to the district (411c'e of t1w 1i'illlicipal Roads 13raneh, I)epartmerlt of Ili�p'))Nrays, Ontario not. Inter than March '3181 of the ,aid year. (4) The approval of the Ontario :Multi cipal tMard be obtained before ally ex- penditure is autllorired or work con-inienced wilirh Avill he financed by the is8ue of deben- tures or monies raised in it subsequent vear. Pa,sed at StrzffOr. dviltlie 3rd.. day of _. Jure .1.I). 15 .63 , (SEAL) Clerk 1, , Clerk of t1w Corporation or tiie 'I'owi,siiij, it,, do hereby eertify that the fore�.;oing is a true copy of By -Law :\o. .. __ passed by the Council of the said Corporatimi on ille dad• of . 19 Townsidl, Clerk r r - f FORM OS-MR•10 (FORMIERLT MR -18) 62.9793 BAY RAY., 1479 %TOWNSHIP OF .._..-RE : 6Y -LAW No, ROAD PROGRAMME FOR THE YEAR 1963 1. CONSTRUCTION (A) ROADS LOCATION (BY LOT AND CONCESSION) i (B) BRIDGES AND CULVERTS — TYPE AND LOCATION NATURE OF WORK MILES ESTIMATED COST 2. MAINTENANCE N f �� : r' _ _ ' , _�.__. �• � �M � _` .,.1�.�\ (A) ROADS — EXTRAORDINARY RESURFACING (PAVEMENT) MILES ._._....A.._._... ___ RESURFACING (GRAVEL OR STONE) MILES SURFACE TREATMENT MILES.-., ROADS — ORDINARY PAVEMENT PATCHING, CRACK FILLING, SWEEPING 1 STONE OR GRAVEL PATCHING, DRAGGING, BLADING DUST LAYING — CALCIUM. SALT, OIL, PRIME DITCHES, TILE DRAINS. CATCH BASINS. CURBS. GUTTERS, DRAINAGE ASSESSMENTS WEED SPRAYING, CUTTING. BRUSHING. FENCE BONUS GUIDERAIL. SIGNS, ZONE MARKING WINTER CONTROL — SNOW FENCE, PLOWING, SANDING, SALTING (B) BRIDGES AND CULVERTS MAJOR REPAIRS (DESCRIBE) MINOR REPAIRS (C) SUPERINTENDENCE AND OVERHEAD (SEE FOOTNOTE) SUB—TOTAL SUB—TOTAL TOTALS FOR MAINTENANCE GRAND TOTAL .e uuly Fath. 196", Date Township Road Superintendent If insufficient room attach additional sheets giving the data in the form Indicated NOTE: Superintendence and Overhead may be distributed between Construction and Maintenance in the proportion that total of items 1(a) and 1(b) bear to total of items 2(a) anr, 2(b). f r Form OB -MR -16 (formerlY MR -16) 62-3799 BY-LAW NO. 14.7.9........_ ......... MON. C. S. M`NAUGHTON A. T. C. McNAS MINISTER DEPUTY MINISTER r . ............... ............................. ..................... ............ ......... Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of ...... ......... -1 ........ ..................... ..­., do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By -Law No . ..... . ........ .............. , passed by the Council of the said Corporation on the ... ........ ........ day of ....... . .......... .......... . .. .................. 19 .................. ............... ............... ............. . . ...... . ...... . ......... - . ............... I ............ Township Clerk • Form OB -MR -16 (formerlY MR -16) 62-3799 BY-LAW NO. 14.7.9........_ ......... MON. C. S. M`NAUGHTON A. T. C. McNAS MINISTER DEPUTY MINISTER r . ............... ............................. ..................... ............ ......... Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of ...... ......... -1 ........ ..................... ..­., do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By -Law No . ..... . ........ .............. , passed by the Council of the said Corporation on the ... ........ ........ day of ....... . .......... .......... . .. .................. 19 .................. ............... ............... ............. . . ...... . ...... . ......... - . ............... I ............ Township Clerk 0 r If Form OB -MR -16 (formerly MR -16) 62-3789 lt1'-1,.•1NV NO, 147.`x...... A BY-LAW TO PROVIDE FOR THE 19 U..3 EXPENDITURES ON ROADS IN THE COUNTY TOWNSHIP OF �tiY Hlt' 111.1 IN THE OF 1N'IIEIZ11"'Ati The lIi =h1v;1y lmprovenlen t Aet regrlire s that the total expen(liture on roads be provided for .lnnilally by by-law and that the by-law he subnlitte(l to the Minister of IliLdiways, for approval. TI11;1tEFORE the Conneil of the Corporation of the -aid ToAN•ns161) e pacts as follow.",: 1) The snln of $ ..... ., is llerebv estimated as tlxc• experl(littlre 111)011 the eonst.ruction and I aintenflnee of the roads and 1,ri(k., ,, 17I)i'ler its Jur1�iIivtion (Hiring, the year 19ti ........ . as follows Constriwtion Alaintellrulce Total l;lill?(3I::� cC ('1'I:�'IR.Tfi It N F; N1' Al _•1(Al I\ F.ILI' .... $. $ nil Out of'.Court settlement, re.l i? lard 2800.00 1-%'I:I I\1'ENI)l:\CI': o.licitort s fees re. above 1018.50 TOTALS . 1$3,$ o 5P (`?) The said monies shall be expended under t:he supervision of the duly appointed township road superintendent and on work performed in accordance with The Iii fllway Improvement Act. (3) The elerk shell transmit duplicate col)ies of this by -lam- to the district office of the 11.111licipal Roads 13raneb. Department of Ilig,hways. Ontario not later than 1lareli 31st of the said (4) The appr9val .of the.Ontario Muni ei1)al Board shall 1w -obtained befot'e arty- ex- penditure i�.; authorized or trork commenced wbieh will be financed by the isslre of deberl- tures e)I' monies raised 1n a stibsegtteut year. at traf 'orQ- this rthday of JUiV vil.le (SEAL) f` Clerk F _ Reeve I. .., Clerk of the Corporation or the Township Of do hereby certify that the fore -oink is a true copy of I1-_ - v passed by the Council of the said Corfu►ration on the day ob' 19 Township Clerk *' ONTARIO DEPARTME-NT OF HIGHWAYS Downsview, Ontario. July 29, 1963. 1`�r- J. D. Vallee, Clerk, Township of 3aylzam, 6T1 _ 'LC �lbV1LLE, Cntario. Dear Sir: he: Supplementary Road Expenditure By-law No, 1.79 Amount - t 33833.50 Please be advised that the above cited by-law has received consideration as a charge against the allotment for pecial Capital Projects in the Department's estimates for the current, fiscal year. The Honourable C. 0'. MacNaughton, iviinister of Highways, has approved of the proposed expr�ndi turf, for subsidy pu.rposos, to a limit of 4 31800.00 for Construction, SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITION:): 1. That the expenditure(s) shall be made only for the purposes set out in the by --law and supporting pro- , aramire and shall,' not be di yerted , either in whole or in Dart, to. any other purpose without the prior consent in writing; of the Municipal Engineer. 2. That the individual works of road and bridge con- struction and the purchase of each unit of equip- ment and the award of contracts for same shall be subject to the approval of an engineer of the Municipal Roads Division. 3. That the District Municipal Engineer shall be informed and his consent obtained before tenders are called for the proposed work or purchase and before any commitment is made by the Municipality. N. B. In the event that any portion of the cost of the proposed work or purchase is to be raised in a subsequent year or financed by the issue of debentures, the approval of the Ontario ivIluni.cipal Board must be obtained before the work or purchase is authorized or any commitment made with respect thereto. A copy of the by-lnw pis approved is returned herewith. Yours very truly, J. 11. Howard, :C Municipal Engineer, Encl. 0i,era t;i ons branch. If I . Form OB -MR -16 (farm -!Ay MR -16) 62-3789 BY-LAW NO. 14.79 ... ....... A BY-LAW TO PROVIDE FOR THE 1963 EXPENDITURES ON ROADS IN THE TOWNSHIP OF . BAYHAI�COUNTY........... IN THE OF ITILGIN Aigyvw 1VIIER111.1".), 'I'iit Hil-h- av Illipi•orement Aet rcclllires that the total e pendittire oil roads be provided for Innually by b -,•-1a«- anct that the by-law be submitted to thellinistei• Of IIir11Nv,1rti for aPProral. THERE1, ORI•: i (le Cotuicil of the Corporation of thc� said Township enacts as follow.s: { 1) The sul►� .,f $..... 3. ,939*'Sa......•....•..•.... i, hereby estiinatecl as the expenditure upon the construetion and maintenance of the roads and bridges under its jttrisdictiuncllu ink the year l Sl�3.........- as fol lows : Con`strtiction Maintenance Total Iii ►.� I )� ,, Ct NEW MAC'II1 \ 1':1,'1' $ niI Out of Court settlement re.Millard 2800.00 �olicitorl s fees re. above 1038.50 OVEINIE:1T) . iz;........... ..... 383$-. 5.0......... .'t The said +)mikes ~hall be expended uncle" the stil)ei•vlsion of ',he dilly appointed toNvIlship road sup -r and on Nrol•li perfornled in accordance Nritlt The Ilirliway l nlprovenleill :1('t. (;;) The cle)-1< .hall transmit duplicate copies of this by-law to the district office of thc lmiicipal Road IirailcYh, Department of Ilit;llways, Ontario not leiter than �larcll 31st of t1w said year. (4). The apprw-al of the Ontario 'Mimi eipal Board shall beabt<lincid before any ex- - is withori�o 1 or iv commenced which will he fill<tilced bN• the 'issue of deben- tures of inonies raiso,#i in a siibsequent year. - l',i�,secl ui Strafford..,., this �.th.• ._. ville (SEAT..) clay of July :1.i"). tS).._.03 t ez �- Reeve j J. D. Vallee Clerk of tit(, Corporation of the Townshil) oi' Bayham..... , do herel.) rertif% that the fore-oing is a trice c�ol)t of liv-I,aw Noy. 1.79 Imss,10 b.v the Conneil of the said Corporation oil the �t�' • (lad' of July . 19 63 .. -a. . Townshi1) Clerk A rIrRtjc f t� �-' C ''Yd. p�Y 7"/ Q n/ I S{o cc G] 4, y}0 Mt141CiPAL ENGINEER. D.N.O.� 0V 1S u �,'--L.aw *c . 14,100 Towns', -,4.r of �Ra,'.-ham z3ei.n-- a ht. --1 9 to orov de for borrowin,T the re rate of se, --)arate su s provided for h -r cert;~ i.n dr.: ana- e b for the i ss-, in7 Of O'1e series of ri ­ P e n t'.' 1'" E_? r VrHh.,�L` Section 27 of the ",-mi_ci ne ?r-Tina-�e ':ct, �?.��'.c.#. 1nf�0, nro`Ti les for the r a.s:;in" of a. b,.r-1.34' to consul idate two or more b':r-laws for the nur,�,oseFz afcre,:i, ad; . only portions of amor)nt.s as nrovi.-lpa for under certpirr drai nn,..e :��r-1..-�urs re t .n tc E' n -ncef' , the ..a> ; , 1 Zc'er havi.n-r peen r vP,d ;ig grant O'rt�' o ... !fir "? ^p ,n ,n ? c- 174 t.hc i t is `jer" rned d esire-,_Ihl(- - nci en m) cC t? on. �r ti l.ie _`A,ni c � �a �i. `/ hiinc O,-I1i} � < TrYt�r ' h' -I ii' 1. 71-P borrowing of f mn , --n-f of dei ent,,res in, --r --)) nt; to the -fol I_olein_ ^� h_:.-1,aws, 'r;e and i s rebV c^r sol; '-:toy into nne series of denent,ires, n-.=, °ell'- ran^ r: Y)ra n <,NT..y,;iw�..n an amount of o�'� I` eti chat -?w t1 J,5,9b tt t: tt It tt 145,9b t1 tt 12 15 `77 .�c11oole-r tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt 57{ ot,al_ ::i?iC)11n - ;27Q2 . v r. 2. Phe teeve and *'reasi.:rer are here-bv a uthorizec on t_)ehallf of the Pownslli;-) of 3avha.m, to si rn same and affix the Cornor".te ''eal of the sa;.n' 0ownshi o of F-Iayham. a first, second and third time and finally n ssed this 6th. day of =u -rust,, 10,63. f •/ jr v reeve. t i ck rte. i -.ir-Laid 'o. 11!p1. -1- o v e a, --i xt 0, 1-1 f i - fo r r e e e roi i ior i c t x s 'o r `'or roll 125" ovide that ic-,�c LI m. a d u r 1. r r i ran S C, 't4, r _ 7' -� -,r �,' -) . 1 --,) I - ,- , -� 4- t cn.irt of L 2, 1 ovi6e,. Aev: sion be tiicicl c -1 -.0 h e firs t,- `.onri.c!v in October. owin;- co7i,)Iete new Esse;;-!lent 'i of the Y- a, c r o rA a n c,., with the Couitv additione�,l time re -assessment elan, i z rect-, red to com-lete, same . --i-, c- na rici ne 1. C o i., l of the rn l own? Thin of !:knvhati as follows:- , 1. Ir. hat the pe-iod '..'or co, nletin- the as-essment� for the n w n s h -*. -,) o f --layhana •lade i -I fcr lcr)I, tares 11-,�e .)nl c4 v o t ,q of h e c, ) t S 'pS .1 . , I . -4- 1 ;I 2. That the riatc for hollin-r the !.99(D , en+- , • t 7' or t h e o, c-, i - 1':�64 an,,I fi;turp rear--, dn, Ila i L. a r S be as providked for In )-'7r-Lq.v.rs r-lber-el 1..2 17 and -ime a-L-,jj.-%,r tassel this �,ead a first, second and third �. L& d fi.n day of A'u,,-ust., !(-;C"3, I Clerk. I i ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS 801 BAY STREET TORO\ TO 5 J. Valloe, CL":, rk -Tre a sU re r, TC)Wnshlr, of P yrhan, LP a F A9 A f VJKD HJR AFFAIRS rUUWWCfPA!AWffMW SEP 10 r eeve. r Clerk _, 1 ��, E �? f ; 1 .hr7 th fi ncj,,, e n c �. o s N c;. hF� re w i. t . � the nt ll fox f'? y far' ,r, r ,gin' p"15 -,c) .a:i tti f3a.y fc,',he np C: � * r ra , 1 , �. t')21 �'� f tr e h S a.T1i a . Y 0;;r z Very t r -l'; v E4 • i� i) w . +. 1'U n i c i p a 'i F A9 A f VJKD HJR AFFAIRS rUUWWCfPA!AWffMW SEP 10 r eeve. r Clerk THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 1482 A By -Law authorizing an application to the Department of Municipal Affairs to extend the time for the return of the Assessment Roll. r WHEREAS The Assessment Act authorizes an extension of the time of the return of the Assessment Roll, AND WHEREAS the Council are of the opinion that the Assessment Roll cannot be completed by September 30th, 1963. AND WHEREAS the Department of Municipal Affairs have approved of the passing of this by-law as evidenced by the endorsation on the original thereof.: Therefore the time for the return of the Assessment Roll of the Township of Bayham is extended for a period of 60 dayF as from Eeptember 30th,. 1963 ; and the time for the -revision ani) the final revision of the said roll is extended for a period of 6p,days. READ a first and second time this 3rd day of Sept. , 1963. READ a third time and finally passed this 3rd day of Sept. , 1963. P� 41 D_ DO VED jUNI AFFAIRS )lRECT �OE •Mij1 i0h A3J ME_pr SEP lo irA eeve. Clerk; --- 0 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 1482 A By -Law authorizing an application to the Department of Municipal Affairs to extend the time for the return of the Assessment Roll. WHEREAS The Assessment Act authorizes an extension of the time of the return of the Aesessment Roll, AND WHEREAS the Council are of the opinion that the Assessment Roll cannot be completed Ly September >Oth; 19630 AND WHEREAS the Department of Municipal Affairs have approved of the passing of this by-law as evidenced by the endorsation of the original thereof: Therefore the time for the return of the Assessment Roll of the Township of Bayham is extended for a period of 60 days,as from September 30th, 1963; and the time for the revision and the final revision of the said roll is extended for a period of X60 days. READ a first and second time - this 3rd day of Sept. , 1963 • READ a third time and finally passed this 3rd day of Sept . , 1963 . ee • fClerk. x1 By -Law No. Township of Bayham. Being a by-law to provide for the boldin=T of the Municipal Elections in the Municipality of the Township of Bayham for the year 1963 r,.o., and for the appointing of Deputy Returnin Officers, Poll Clerks and Polling Places in the several Polling Sub -divisions in the said Municipality of the Township of Bayham. BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Council of the Township of Bayham as follow: : - r That, provided more persons qualify for election to office than are required to fill the various offices, an election be held on Dec. 2-11d. 1963 as according; to Tovmship of Bayham By -Law No. 1203, and in accordance with the provisions of the Municipal Elections Act. That, the election for Sub -Division No. 1 of the 4lunicipality shall be held at the Police Hall, Port Burwell and that Howard Chute shall be Deputy Returning Officer and Percy Clarke shall be Poll Clerk. That, the election for Sub -Division No. 2 shall be held at or near Norman Light's Residence, and that Murray Emerson shall be Deputy Returning Officer and Norman Li ?ht shall be Poll Clerk. That, the election for Sub -Division No. 3 shall be held at or near Ray Thurston's Residence and that Elton H. Jackson shall be Deputy Returning Officer and Ray Thurston shall be Poll Clerk. That, the election for Sub -Division No. 4 shall be held at the Township Hall and that Harry P. urant shall be Deputy Returning; Officer and Lyle Walsh shall be Poll Clerk. That, the election 'for Sub -Division No. 5 shall be held at Corinth Institute Hall, znd Howard Coomber shall be Deputy Returning; Officer .and Alonzo Hagell .shall be Poll Clerk. That, the election for Sub -Division No. b shall be held at the Eden School and that Harold Sawyer shall be Deputy Returning; Officer and Miss. Catherine McDowell shall be Poll Clerk. That, the election for Sub -Division No. 7 shall be held at the Richiriond School and That Fred Procunier shall be Deputy Returning Officer and Mrs. Percy Green shall be Poll Clerk. That, the election for Sub -Division No. 8 shall be held at S.S.No. 4 School and that Mirs . i'1ildred Soper shall be Deputy Returning Officer and Mrs. Hazel Phillips shall be Poll Clerk. AND THAT the said Deputy Returning; Officers and Poll Clerks be and they are hereby authorized and required to hold the said Municipal Elections in accordance with the Act and to provide for votin-; by ballot at the said elections. REND a First, Second and Third time and finally passed the 7th. day of October,_.19e3. eeve. rK. 11 11ee , Of M _ "foray" WIva -rtw '0V. •'', 1�f�3 e tri 2" 7 36 4. a`iiLL'i � _ T J le -::tee 10"•e ts:..': ;;i hr. i1 ="1.� ✓jr ,.t " tiatll�f r,:t:,�r'n ,'r` tai yC%'.; 1.,t.s e fi.n,�r }_ e overspent .,.�� tr Alo. m l ,,;e f ollowin br•. _nkdown o;" y�'; ur ex__,en,- iuur.'s to y ,.. .. 1478-1470 1~,,125.00 . CIO f 70 '13 ,100.00 44,500.00 . 0,000,00 M 1-50777- .99 L•>� )0',4. 'O1 440.1 _ W�M, 3 Over -expended ` orma 1. ­ .; -Law .......................... 3506.83 if for anyare not overspent,,-lefase c:-_�ntact t'^.i s office. ", , shed t,�1,e supPlement,, rV , b: -Iaw "orms to t:)e corn; leted -;nd -urned tc) this office for 'approval ,request;i:i,_; � n (additio ,a1W00.00 foi- maintenance. (C) SUPERINTENDENCE AND OVERHEAD (SEE FOOTNOTE) Dec. 3rd. 1963. Date T OUA—S tru'l:r s � � T r SUB—TOTAL TOTALS FOR MAINTENANCE GRAND TOTAL Township Road Superintendent If insufficient room attach additional sheets &lying the data In the form indlcsted 000.00 5000.00 5000.00 NOTE: Superintendence and Overhead may be distributed between Construction and Meintenanco in the proportion that total of !tams I (a) and I (D) barn to total of items 2 (a) and 2 W. e/ • FORM MR --18 '60-3153 - TOWNSHIP OF .__ BAYHAM -RE: BY-LAW No._._..1485 ROAD PROGRAMME FOR THE YEAR t9 63 1. CONSTRUCTION (A) ROADS LOCATION (BY LOT AND CONCESSION) (B) BRIDGES AND CULVERTS — TYPE AND LOCATION NATURE OF WORK MILES I ESTIMATED COST 4 S , SUB—TOTAL Dec. 3rd. 1963. �zz� 'e, Date Township Road Superintendent If insufficient room attach additional sheets giving the data In the form Indicated NOTE: Superintendence and Overhead may be distributed between Construction and Maintenance In the proportion that total of Items I (a) and 1 (b) boar to total of items 2 (a) and 2 (b). i (C) NEW MACHINERY AND MACHINE SHEDS (ITEMIZE) (D) SUPERINTENDENCE AND OVERHEAD (SEE FOOTNOTE) 2. MAINTENANCE (A) ROADS — EXTRAORDINARY RESURFACING (PAVEMENT) MILES— -----. RESURFACING (GRAVEL OR STONE) MILES SURFACE TREATMENT MILES ROADS — ORDINARY PAVEMENT PATCHING, CRACK FILLING, SWEEPING STONE OR GRAVEL PATCHING, DRAGGING. BLADING DUST LAYING — CALCIUM. SALT, OIL, PRIME DITCHES, TILE DRAINS. CATCH BASINS. CURBS, GUTTERS. DRAINAGE ASSESSMENTS WEED SPRAYING. CUTTING. BRUSHING. FENCE BONUS GUIDERAIL, SIGNS, ZONE MARKING WINTER CONTROL — SNOW FENCE, PLOWING. BANDING. SALTINGf__ (B) BRIDGES AND CULVERTS MAJOR REPAIRS (DESCRIBE) MINOR REPAIRS (C) SUPERINTENDENCE AND OVERHEAD (SEE FOOTNOTE) SUB—TOTAL TOTALS FOR CONSTRUCTION y SUB—TOTAL SUB—TOTAL TOTALS FOR MAINTENANCE GRAND TOTAL i i f 4000.00 1000,00 5000 • 0y0' 000.00 5000-00 5000-00 Dec. 3rd. 1963. �zz� 'e, Date Township Road Superintendent If insufficient room attach additional sheets giving the data In the form Indicated NOTE: Superintendence and Overhead may be distributed between Construction and Maintenance In the proportion that total of Items I (a) and 1 (b) boar to total of items 2 (a) and 2 (b). s Form OB -MR -16 (formerly MR -16) 62-3789 A BY-LAW TO PROVIDE FOR THE 19 63 TOWNSHIP OF��YH`UM __ . IN THE 1Y -LAW 1485 EXPENDITURES ON ROADS IN THEE COUNTY ELGIN OF DISTRICT ��'III;IiI•;.1ti The I11,,r11«•ay Iitlprorement :let requires- that the total ell,enditzlre on roads be provided for amorally by by -la«• nud that the by-law be submitted to the Minister of llighNvays for approval. r the Council of the Corp, ratiotz of the �,ald Toxvnship enaets as follow (1) The sural of s_. ... 5>,.0QQ.,,.00............... is herel►r estimaled as the expenditure upon the construetion and maintenance of the roads azzd under it jizrisdietioll elle year 19 63, _ as follows: ('viz sf z uc i� zt Maintenance IZOA 1)5 _ ....... 500'' .00 1"W MAOI I I NE,11-. ' a $ nil '-;t'i'Elt1\'I`E\I)I-:\('F & Q�'h.IiIiL.1 I) ........ _........ TOTA I:ti $......... ......._ JI:U . JG T(Ital 5. . y 5000.00 (`?) The said monies shall he expended under the titipervision of the duly appoizzted toxvnship road superintendent and oil work perfoi-med in accordance with The IIivrbway Inlprovemettt Act. (:.3) The clot -k shall transmit duplicate copies cif this by-law to -the district, offiee w, the MunicilYal Road.-'].Iranch, Department of ()ldario nc>t later thaii March also of the said year. (4) The approval of the Ontario Mmli cipal l;c,ai-d shall he Jobtained before my ex- penditure is authorized or work commenced which «•ill be fimin ped by the issue of debett- tures or mollies raised in it subsequent year. Passed at Straffordville 3rd, day of December 1.1). 1963 (SEAL) Clark Iteeve Clerk of the Corporation of the 'I'mv shit, 01 do hereby certify that the foreroinr is a true copy of \��. passed by the Council of the Said Corpovatiotl on the dzt}• c•I' . 19 t Township Clark r :" We '�. ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS Mr. J.D. Vallee, Clerk, Twp. of :Bayham, STRAFFORDVILLE, Ontario. Toronto 5, Ontario. January 8th, 1964. Dear Sir: Re: Supplementary Road Expenditure Fay -law No. 1+85 Amount - � 5, 000. Please be advised that the above-cited by-law received consideration as a charge against the allotment for Maintenance contained in the Department's estimates the current fiscal year. The Honourable C. S. MacNau7hton, Minister of Highways, has approved of the proposed expenditure, for subsidy purposes, to a limit of 1 5, 000 . for Maintenance. A copy of the by-law as approved is returned herewith.' Yours very truly, J. P. Howard, Municipal Enmineer, :D Operations Branch. Encl. has f or J. • .. • Vallee Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of ....... -......... jJaYham......................, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By -Law No. 105 .............. passed by the Council of the said Corporation, on the ... ... 3rds. day of _......-De.cemb.er.............._......, is 6.3._...... APPROVED Mt3MCTPAL F-NCJNF.M D.H.O. �WTowvngsbip/ACilerk J,. Form OB -MR -16 (formerly MR -16) 62-3789 A BY-LAW TO PROVIDE FOR THE 19...b3 No, 1485 EXPENDITURES ON ROADS IN THE, COUNTY , TOWNSHIP OF HAYHAI4[ IN THE OF LGIN DISTRICT WIIEIZI aS The IIi. hw ay Itnproven►en t Act requires that the total expcndit►lrc on roads he provided for anlallt- by bN-la«• and that the by -lam• be submitted to the Minister of IIighways for approval. THEREFORE the Council of the Corpo ration of the said Towlislyip ellacIs as follows: (1) The sura of s....5&0QQ.,00_........ ..... is herrbY estimated as the expenditure upoli the eonst.ruetion and Inaintenance of the roads all brid-es under its ,jurisdieti►►rl cliirin ► the yenr 19__63...... as follows: Construction IZt A Dk4 1.11... _ I IZ1I)t11F's I& (fI'I:�'F.Ii'l' N I A W MACHINERY `i'l'l:II.I \'I'EI)I4,'CL & C)N7ER-11EAD _.._ __.......... . TOT\1-S; $. . . .. .... ..... . ..... . �IiXiIlt erliill('C 5000900 . 5aoo.ao 5.000.00 5000.00... (`? ► The said inonics shrill he expended 1111cler the sulwervision of tiro drily appointed township road superintendent all(]on work performed in accordance with The Ilit;h«ay Improvement Act. (:3) The clerk Shull transmit duplicate copies of this by-laiv to the district ofi'icc= of the Municipal Roads Branch. Department of 1Ii���i�rrits, ta'ltario j<<►t later than 'March :31st o t he .said yea;- ' . (4) The approval of the (Ontario MunicipalI;oarcl shall he ahtriilivci I,lei'ure ani ex- penditure is withorized or work commenced which will he finanecl by the issue of deben- ture~ or monies raised In a subsequent year. Straf fordviJ4,0 3rd, da3- of December 1.1). 1S}.63. (SEAL) Clerk J Reeve 1. J. D. Vallee CIerk of the C'orporatiorl of tale '1'o%%'Dsl►ip of ,bayham _ do hereby certify that the fore roin�" is .1 true copy of By -Lair No. 1485. passed by the Council of tale said Corporation on the 3rd • r1Fi.of December,...._... 19 6.3 FI 1N, "It F, ' I ' .. IMAWM - " - W. f MUNICIPAL FN(JMXF.R. D.H.O. .0•,p r a �- h � To«•nshi1) Clerl: r