HomeMy WebLinkAboutBayham By-Laws 1958BAYHAM TOWNSHIP By -Laws Numbers 1356-1380 1958 BAYHAM TOWNSHIP BYLAW RECORDS BYLAWS 11340-13681 FILE # 36 Bylaw # Date Subject 1340 7 Jan 57 Authorize the borrowing of 3 1601000.00 1341 7 Jan 57 To appoint officers for Bayham for 1957 1342 7 AJan 57 Appoint fence-viewirs and Pound -keepers 1344 6 May 57 To allowthe sale of county property 1345 1 Apr 57 To aMopt tax levy assessment 1346 9 Apr 57 To appoint a road superintendent 1347 2Jul 57 TO amend bylaws 1322, 1323, and 1330 1348 2 Jul 57 Maintenance and repa&r of boundary roads 1351 7 Oct 57 To amend bylaw No. 1340 1352 28 Oct 57 Provide for holding of Municipal elect6ons 135? 28 Oct 57 To provide grant for Ekkin County Dept. of Ag. 1354 3 Dec 57 To hold second nom, and election if needed 1355 16 Dec 57 xuthorizc toc borrowing of"4'16,4o/).,,),.,, 1 356 6 Jan 58 Authorize the borrowing of 3 176, 000.00 1357 6 Jan 58 Tne paying of membeps of hte council 1358 6 Jan 58 To appoint officers for Bayham for 1958 1359 6 Jan 58 Appoint fence -viewers and pound -keepers 1363 3 Feb -98 - To provide pensions for emp, of municipality 1364 3 Mar 58 Provide for road expeditures for 1958 1365 7 Apr 58 To amcnd bylaw ;f1363 1366 7 Apr 58 Restricting,the weight of vehi&les on bridge 1367 7 Apr 58 Regulate and license public eating-estab. 1368 7 Apr 58 Adopt assessment to levy taxs 0 BAYHAM TOWNSHIP BYLAW RECORW BYLAWS [ 1369-13801 FILE # 37 --------------------------------------------------------- Bylaw ## Date Subject ------------------------------ 1369 5 May 58 To stop up part of an alley 1370 30 May 58 Set apart school area of Bayham and Port Burwe 1373 30 Jun 58 Establishing rules with respect to GUYSBORO CEMETERY. 1377 5 Aug 58 Supplementary Road Expenditure 1378 6 Aug 58 Provide grant for Elgin County Dept.ofdAgr. 1379 6 Oct 58 Provide the holding of Munc. eletions 11 6 Oct 58 regulate the location of buildings in Bay ham 138m 2 Dec 58 Amcnd bylaw # 1380 t. 1. 2. J• G11_01"f i'_',::'CITY .1 '.'.. for tlie_ 1:11 this plan, unless t.l,e- conte::t v lior:rise requires, (a 'ZE '.110Y.�iM" TIovns norms r;-;;:- sal r,ri od o 'a icer, clor::, .:or'_u.�.: , servant or RYIor porsou in the cnplo-;- of -u::c ::iva� ci �.lit�- or of �, local board and includes anv person dcsi. -;nrtcd1 as sn v;., t::c ger A✓ - of 1..unicipt.1 112fairs t. 1. 2. J• G11_01"f i'_',::'CITY .1 '.'.. for tlie_ 1:11 this plan, unless t.l,e- conte::t v lior:rise requires, (a 'ZE '.110Y.�iM" TIovns norms r;-;;:- sal r,ri od o 'a icer, clor::, .:or'_u.�.: , servant or RYIor porsou in the cnplo-;- of -u::c ::iva� ci �.lit�- or of �, local board and includes anv person dcsi. -;nrtcd1 as sn v;., t::c ger of 1..unicipt.1 112fairs of Ontario; (c ' -.n OtL_110_ (.: In tiic s ;r :-ic c of t;;c ox : )lob,-er prior to ';.lie c ""cctive datc ol" 1::^ )lar.; (d) " L1tTiZ L'i.i3L'� 1.�_;" I: oans an t.< r - .o onLors '..._ ; scvi e of the cr.:t loy-:.„r on or aiter the F, "fec Live C_at- o i:; r: :Iari; (e) "--';:.��i .: _. -J1 1 al,_. L^ .l.:J " I.1fi: I1S 4-11 vl :I.1 J' ifs .: t-. �) t . �� •�” -�r , , ear., scr�-c-J least the equivalent, of 75;J' of tl:^ ear; (f) neaps ran omployee :-f': u is a• 1..articipant in t1to (t;) T:?.e Inaseuline pronoun shall 'r:elude the :'eriinino; ()1) "S,21rICL" '11S t}�e ex_f✓rc isc� o" r.: o ":� is ^, f u:�ct l o�� or occ;.{Pt'lon slit s the or.ployer; M "F'l.SJ S.nn:ISL ;voV.:�..7 serz ic.. rt.ndc.rec e.:_;,lo�-Er prior to t:zo of f ec-L• ive 1n.�� (j 'Z .:J S �:r�', " ..:.ns sox-., i.cv rc.:'cr;ad :.tip ;. i^ c :>lo�-cr on 'or aftor t?:e c l�':'oc t ive date, cz' t: i-, �!lan; (k) Mcr.ns the ^rt-ncl! or:' the of Lo?,our of the ;ro Verra..ent o." C ;.. fia; (1) IL.; :'i" owns vc CU r Tnsur- cc Coi-rrn,, licensed t:nnder the L 4 inouranco lice: o t,ic Province of Ontario as ._,ay be desi.-mated by tlzc enplo-ror; (M) " ,ci'I�Tt" ,'iCt111s t:`1C ;rouI., c.'iliL?1 tu- L)1C..1~. ::CrE':_ i^1�tCr Scat out. This ;;la:i will be effectivo s.s of (a) Lac:i present er.it)loyec elac-01 to partl cipvtle in '.-he plan as of ^f'rcti -o dat - ,rovidlod ', 1, 'y^ s i llor ' , t its o � �:, .., �., .�. �, e . �. a �, :,.:� r. ul � i 11 ed the elz_;ibilit;r co_lditions, are ,as'ollors s (ii) Tial he _'ias att inod t'he r.Ee of 21• ( l.il) Viat ho AAs corl`,loted sl:c months of continuous servlco• ( iv) ` hat lie has not a s.t-wined norral ret iro.-acnt ale ( subject to the provisions of subsection (b) of section 4). - 2 - (b) each present; employee not eligible -t:o ,-crticipate on the effective date of the Man may elect to participate on the fulfilment of the eligibility conditions described in subsection (a) of this section. (c) Each present employee who does not elect to prrticipe.te ;vithin one year from the date on which he becomes eli ;ible elect to jartieipate at a later crate, but he will not thou be eli ibile for any past service benefits to which he otherwise viould have beer. en- titled. (d) All ale future employees with the Police and i'ire Departraier_ts ..... years of ago and under, and all other future employees, will be eli-ible to participate and must, as a condition of employ ent, become members of the plan on the fulfiLment of the cligibility conditions described in subsection (a) of this section. (e) An employee who leaves the service of the employer to become a r-reniber of Her Yajestyt s forces prior to the effective date of the plan or prior to becoming eligible and who returns to servico within six months from the date of itis discharge from nilitary service will be eligible to participate in the Ulan on the first da;: of -the month followin- his return ;o sem?"i.ce and tile fulfilrlent of the eligibility conditions described in subsection (a) of this section. (f) A member cannot withdraw fron participr,tion in the elan while he is in the service of the cirployer and ung er ret iror.ent are and a former employee re-entering the service of :,lie eniplo , er after previous termination of service will be considered a neer employee. 4. RENIRE,22,fi MTE (a) The nornal retireT.-ient date of a member will be the first da-• of the month immediately follow -'a the attalnTs2ent of rorz�al retirement age which is as follows= (i) F eriale Employees and la.le Er.T. to •ees with the Police and Fire Depts. A4,e on becomipL a meraber lige 55 and under 56 57 58 59 60 and over I'Torz*zal Retirement Age 60 61 62 63 64 65 (ii) dale Enployees excoptthose „ith the Police and Fire Deets. kge: on becoming a member orr.;al Retirement Az (c y A member Tray be retired at any age on the first dad,- of any month for reasons of sickness or disability which have been established by medical evidence satisfactory to the employer and the annuity there- upon payable will be on, a reduced scale such as the funds standing to his credit together v-ith interest thereon will then purchase. Lge 60 and under 65 61 66 62 67 C: 3 Ga 04 6° z5 and over 70 (b) A member who is over normal retirement ale on 'k. -he effective date of the plan will be retired at a date to be determined by the employer and will receive from the actual date of retiroment the amount of annuity determined by his years of past service as provided for in paragraph (i) of subsection (b) of section 5 of this plan. (c y A member Tray be retired at any age on the first dad,- of any month for reasons of sickness or disability which have been established by medical evidence satisfactory to the employer and the annuity there- upon payable will be on, a reduced scale such as the funds standing to his credit together v-ith interest thereon will then purchase. i r� 5. I�E� ii�I �;iT� i,I:I1U IT Y (a) FUTURE SMV ICE BA..2, 1IT S Subject to the terms of the plan, each member will receiver from the date of his retircment, in respect of future service, the annuity purchased by his own contributions and those made on ,tis behalf by the employer, tor - ether irith interest thereon. (b) PAST SME VICE BENEFITS (i) Subject to the terror of the Man, each r:terber will receive cornu::, ncin , on his retirement date, in respect of past service, an annuity equal to .......... for eac': completed year of past service i,,ihich is not more than 40 gears before a -,ale member's norr.�l ret re- ment data or 35 gears before a fer..le member's normal retirement date. (ii) In calculating the n�rber of years of past scr~-ice oi' ar employee who has boon or who is absent on "ilitary Service and -rho subsequently becor:ies a nenber of the plan in accorda.nc � with section 3 ;.oreof, credit shall also be i;iven for the period in '._ilitary Service up to the effective date of the plan. Such credit shall not e;,ceed tate limitation in respect to past service as provided in parat-raph, of this sub- section. (c) The annuit y, --fi ich will be p ,,able in mont'rrlj- instaLmonts i'or lire and ;guaranteed for five years in any event, will be purchased from the Ooverra.ent up to the maxirnuti obtainable from that source on the life of each member and the excess over such maximun from the Insuratce C ompa my. (d) (i) At any time before retirement, a nember nay choose in place of the annuity guaranteed for five years, one which will be :guaranteed for ten years or one which will be without any t uarantee or a last survivor annuity, in w -►ich event the aMoun l of annuity will be actut:r ially adjusted. (ii) A member clay at any time before the annuity becomes pr-%TLble revere r.n election of an optional t�q)c of annuity or substitute (another eluetion for a previous election.. (e) (i) Provided that P member has riot chosen tYze last survivor type of annuity, he may elect that the ter -Ms of payment of the annuity be e ltered to provide for an annuity, the ar,ount of which would increase aurin,-; the interval between .iis retire; -rent date and r. ;e 70 and there- after decrease by $40.00 a Month. (ii) If such an option is imide and the annizity that would be pa—,;able on and after the time agreed upon for its reduction would be lass than ,10.00 f-1 year, and the election is not retiVoked before the date or_ w rich the annuity becomes pa�.,able, the nmember will then receive, ] n lieu of the reducing, annuity described in para,;raph (i) of this subsection, a temporary annuity which vin ll cease Yrith his death or ale 70, whichever first occurs. (iii) This election will not apply , hen a :ierihor retires or is retired before the attai mue:nt of a f e (f) If, at the time of his retirer:,ent, the funds at the credit of a member are not sufficient to purchase, pursuant to such options as are available to him, an annuity on his life of $120.00 a year corrr:encinC, at ',is r-:ormal retirement date, the said member nay surrender his rights to receive an annuity in consideration of a single payment beim made to him of a sum not less than ais contributions to -other with such interest, if any, as may be credited thereon. (a) FUTURE SMV ICE (i) Exch member will contribute 5;� of is faarnin _.s from the, date of his inclusion in the plan in respect of future service. (ii) The; err:ployer ii -rill contribute on be1zlf of each -ember 5/o of the --mmber t s earnings from. the date of h'.s i.ncliision in the p1c'n in respect of :future service. (iii) Each member �hr o does not clect to pay in respect of ser -rice rendered durin the years in 'tie was ;not a contributor, as provided in para f raph (ii) of subsection (:;) of this section, ma-; pay ren ac'ditional contribution in respect of future service provided tient it sNa? ; not excec(l ,"ic of his remuneration, in relation to the nirTfoer of years o.- future :;ervice to his normal retirement date, as indicated in the followin,- to )le s N-Lu:.bor of Years froz.i Date r`ercenta�,e of Entry- into Plan of Additioml until i c,rrr>al R,ctironont Date Contributions vl - 35 20 - 30 ^ , 21 - 25 20 v%nd under 1 5 (iv) contributions of a member will be deducted fro,-! _ e�.rz&in�;s by the employer t:.nd remitted uo the or the L.'surance Company at the end of each quarterly period to ,ether : it}r enployer con'.ributions "or the se.::ic period. (b) 1`..ST SIMVICE (i) The oriplo;;rcr shall 1)p - ;r the cosll- ol" the past service; bonof its provided for in Im.ra,.;raj)h (i) of subsection (b) of section 5 of this plan... (ii) A :ember w).o does not clod toi`a� add:i.ti oral eontribi tions in re,;pect of future servi:,e, e.s gravid d in jxtra,-raph ( iii) of subsection (a) of this section, :'ay, if f_e so desires, elect to pa,r contri'-.)utions .dor ;lis years of service In r::icli he vas not a contributor. Such contributions ��;,� not e_Ccoed 05,0' of erre r o-mbert s earnin;s -..rith ;:ho c..ployer ,xior to .lihc,, cap ; o" �a.s inclusion ilii tho plan. Such contribution: r -qty be -:,,adc throi L:i tLe employer at anir time or fror:i tune to tirac before retirej:enrt date. 4 (c) If the contributions radto bar and on boha.lf of a Momber become sufficient, before :iis ratirchnent d . te, to purchase the r_:ximun t.ruiuity avail". ble to him 1'rom the Gover rv:iont, no contributions .rill be pt�;rable to the 'roveriurent by the member or bar the o. �ployer on his behalf. Thereafter, contributions will be remitted to the Insurance Company until the retirc;s. 7. T ERIC INLT 101: CF SIE-LIV ICE (a) If, for any reason other than death, the service of t. _ zarxrber is ten:::inated prior to his normal retirer.ient ale, t'_.e total of his ovm contributions toGether vrith the total contributions made on his be' alf by the e,::plourer, With in-�orost thereon, shall re -,main at :is credit vii-th the Covernnent to provide ;-Lim, corziencin[; at- retirement date, with the annuity purchased by the said contributions iAth interest thereon and he si,,all receive f, paid-up policy providii ; for suCl1 L.nnu-it-%r. • Ci . 90 100 .. 5 - (b) I£, at tate time of such termination of service, the funds at : uo credit of a member are not sufficient to purchase, pursuant to Such options as are tivailablo to °aim, an annuity on ::is life of ;120,00 a year corm3onci_ng at ?iis norrial retirement da-! o, the said_c:<:.�cr rrxvtr zu.:rrender his ri hts to receivo an annuity in conszderat:Lon c-7 L, single Asa ,rr:ont !-.)oinn; mdo to hi.n1 of a sw:i not le.-..-, v�ian h:i.s c.��,n oontribu.tions tc ^ther With such interest, it ani, s r3ay be crecsted ;:ercoli. IT i .i-, +mere a r.,,embor of ; (i) the civil service of Ontario or CS:rPxda, (ii) the civic service of any other ;:municipality or local :oard, or the staff of ar.,;° Board, cor..riSs3_ozI :,r nu0l:i.c i.nstitt:tion establis iod under any .pct of Lo�isl1-. ture, on or after the ist of .s:rc'-i, 19,48, iias or an cmplo:,gee Of the municipality or local :)pard and a siti.: o-. ::or o,, is transferred from an;- fund or plan naintaincd to provido Superannx uat ion benefits or pensions for the nembers of such civil or civic service or staff, as the case r. =ay be, to the credit of }ic er�:lo,-e :, t :e council shall by by-lavr authorize the transfer into and s::all tri- nsfer into the pension plan heretofore or heroafter established unL'er. or any other general or spocial tact and applicable to '..iii w—ployee such sum } in the like ; izji ier as a :ent for past sera: ice. DE:.l H B411FTr S (a) BEFORi'; RZr L1.Z1.Z.1'tdT Should the deat 3 of" a -:c er occur before the first ins--alment of hisannuity cccones i:ayF.blo, - t13'.,:3.r o. i.o., a:e is ir. L:., ,,eM"ic<, of the employer at the date of his dcat m, t:mc a:otV.l o_" 'r!i s oven contributions and of the cor_trP.)utions ::«. ' on :-iis b^:talf b-% the employer shall be raid, ,:-itf1 interest.to his benefiriar -. (b) AF—IM Should the death of a ;::eii cr occur -;-,•fter :,,e first instc.lment of his annuity "has b0001:_e pa„Tble -.- bef oro si::14 (GC) .-orrtiI ” instal- ments have been paid, t'ie annuity pa; :..emus will 'oe cor3tinucd to .11IS beneficiary until the sixty (:;L:) :io_1t31,1- ins*:al:icr_ts ;;ave been :mid. ..ever, if a ,uc.>a :;lectleu c�t...cr::al ��, _6_, o�. death benef its, i an;;r, will be deter; -:mined «ccord.`LT3�;I4:�. 13,uthorizcd absences fron :• ork s;3all not constitute tenn.izwtion of erlp loynient for purposes of this plan, but will be moveracd as followz. (a) If the riciaber receives -:)ay, contributions Trill continue and he vrill be o:ztitled to all be:lefi.ts as though :e were actuall-• at :sorb:. (b) If the member does not receive pay, contributions -,-;-ill cease butt any benefits previously purchased will not be a."fec LeC k—Ton return to active service, contributions will .Pe resw.ed. Ci . 90 100 .. 5 - (b) I£, at tate time of such termination of service, the funds at : uo credit of a member are not sufficient to purchase, pursuant to Such options as are tivailablo to °aim, an annuity on ::is life of ;120,00 a year corm3onci_ng at ?iis norrial retirement da-! o, the said_c:<:.�cr rrxvtr zu.:rrender his ri hts to receivo an annuity in conszderat:Lon c-7 L, single Asa ,rr:ont !-.)oinn; mdo to hi.n1 of a sw:i not le.-..-, v�ian h:i.s c.��,n oontribu.tions tc ^ther With such interest, it ani, s r3ay be crecsted ;:ercoli. IT i .i-, +mere a r.,,embor of ; (i) the civil service of Ontario or CS:rPxda, (ii) the civic service of any other ;:municipality or local :oard, or the staff of ar.,;° Board, cor..riSs3_ozI :,r nu0l:i.c i.nstitt:tion establis iod under any .pct of Lo�isl1-. ture, on or after the ist of .s:rc'-i, 19,48, iias or an cmplo:,gee Of the municipality or local :)pard and a siti.: o-. ::or o,, is transferred from an;- fund or plan naintaincd to provido Superannx uat ion benefits or pensions for the nembers of such civil or civic service or staff, as the case r. =ay be, to the credit of }ic er�:lo,-e :, t :e council shall by by-lavr authorize the transfer into and s::all tri- nsfer into the pension plan heretofore or heroafter established unL'er. or any other general or spocial tact and applicable to '..iii w—ployee such sum } in the like ; izji ier as a :ent for past sera: ice. DE:.l H B411FTr S (a) BEFORi'; RZr L1.Z1.Z.1'tdT Should the deat 3 of" a -:c er occur before the first ins--alment of hisannuity cccones i:ayF.blo, - t13'.,:3.r o. i.o., a:e is ir. L:., ,,eM"ic<, of the employer at the date of his dcat m, t:mc a:otV.l o_" 'r!i s oven contributions and of the cor_trP.)utions ::«. ' on :-iis b^:talf b-% the employer shall be raid, ,:-itf1 interest.to his benefiriar -. (b) AF—IM Should the death of a ;::eii cr occur -;-,•fter :,,e first instc.lment of his annuity "has b0001:_e pa„Tble -.- bef oro si::14 (GC) .-orrtiI ” instal- ments have been paid, t'ie annuity pa; :..emus will 'oe cor3tinucd to .11IS beneficiary until the sixty (:;L:) :io_1t31,1- ins*:al:icr_ts ;;ave been :mid. ..ever, if a ,uc.>a :;lectleu c�t...cr::al ��, _6_, o�. death benef its, i an;;r, will be deter; -:mined «ccord.`LT3�;I4:�. 13,uthorizcd absences fron :• ork s;3all not constitute tenn.izwtion of erlp loynient for purposes of this plan, but will be moveracd as followz. (a) If the riciaber receives -:)ay, contributions Trill continue and he vrill be o:ztitled to all be:lefi.ts as though :e were actuall-• at :sorb:. (b) If the member does not receive pay, contributions -,-;-ill cease butt any benefits previously purchased will not be a."fec LeC k—Ton return to active service, contributions will .Pe resw.ed. 12. 13. LII► ITY.T IOP OF Yi SS IGJ :.3 PlT (A) Retiremient Annuity and other benof its under the 1)1,1,.n arc not a s s ir,nable. (b) 1, member i -ay not borrow a-ainst tho contributions at his credit under the -)Ian. (c) A memmbor nay not �.%rithdra�. the contri?)utions at credit under the plan except as provided in subsection (f ) of soetion 5 And subsection (b) of section 7 of this .:Tari• :a T' ICIU TO � ntr .,,fir, Ti ,•_ , n I Participation in the plan will not rive any member the right to be retained in the service of the cmployer or any right or claim to retirement benefits unless the right or clai::i to such benefits has soocifically accrued under the terns of ti.5.s Llan. (a) The employer shall decide on All isattcrs of an;; IV1� ure whatsoever in comiection with the ad :.inistration, intcrprctr.tion or aL plica tion of the elan sub jecl� to Law and the contract entered into -,pith t: e Govern:ient and/or Ile I.nsurancc Compan;,,-. (b) It will be t: -m. obli:;ation of the enployer to t)ay over to the Goverm.ient and/or the Insurance Company the contributions deducted from the remuneration of tyle ;:Lcribcrs to ;ethcr -.:its -`,o co�ltributions r:;quired to be Made the employer under the terns o.f the plan and it will be the oblir;rltion of the �roverruiont and the ►r.sura.nce Company to pa,,- benefits as sot out in this plan in accordance -with the contributions received. j TJ BY-LAW No... : .3 6 -...... Form 100-51 Ontario of740p=��� to authorize the borrowing of $ 1761 000. �f0 Whereas the Council of the oT..•n ship 0'' = "has" (hereinafter called the "Municipality") deems it necessary to borrow the sum of $ 1r76,000.00 to meet, until the taxes are collected, the current expenditures of the Municipality for the year; NOTE,—Refer And Whereas the total amount of the estimated revenues of the Munici- fortthehe = pality as set forth in the estimates adopted for the year 19 r'', not including year if adopted; if not, to those revenues derivable or derived from the sale of assets, borrowings or issues of of last yam' debentures or from a surplus, including arrears of taxes and proceeds from the sale of assets, is $ . S 5 2 1000. 00 Wke tai ,4M unt heretofore authorized . to lie borrowed - (Delete thio Ilk1 re�X_.1- ',thc : �a)4 ,pp -S ;; ►t g� din s> > s �tictrr � of ectioM 3 �qf� The paragraph if not _ 1. : _.(yj� '{ applicable.)1Q� 1:li<t� Aty 11.. ►11 fyi 1 3 a .: : Xl �l•: a L.i i1s �1i aL.l � "^`i . �LL� .atr y borrow Therefore the Council of theo-.%rr.si in of31a,,,hari hereby enacts as follows - 1 . ollows: 1. The Head and the Treasurer are hereby authorized on behalf of the Municipality to borrow from time to time by. way of promissory note from THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE a sum or sums not exceeding in the aggregate S 1"' j , 0o0 , on to meet until the taxes are collected the current expenditures of the Municipality for the year, including the amounts required for the purposes mentioned in subsection (1) of Section 341 of the Municipal Act, and to give on behalf of the Municipality to the Bank a promissory note or notes sealed with the Corporate Seal and signed by the Head and Treasurer for the moneys so borrowed, with interest, which may be paid in advance or otherwise, at a rate not exceeding per centum per annum. 2. Ali sums borrowed pursuant to the authority of this by-law, as well as all other sums borrowed in this year and in previous years from the said Bank for any or all of the purposes mentioned in the said Section 341, shall, with interest thereon, be a charge upon the whole of the revenues of the Municipality for the current year and for all preceding years as and when such revenues are received. 3. The Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to apply in payment of all sums borrowed as aforesaid, together with interest thereon, all of the moneys hereafter collected or received either on account or realized in respect of taxes levied for the current year and preceding years or from any other source which may lawfully be applied for such purpose. il Passed this 0 uh . day of J nu.a.ry 19 5$ :.. .. /.Gam... .............. . TIME HEA OF TfYE MUNICIPALITY r SEAL .. ..... :.... ..... ...................... .. t LERK We hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By-law No. of the of in the Province of Ontario, duly passed at a meeting of the Council of the said Municipality duly held, and that the said By-law is in full force and effect. Dated This day of 19 As Witness the Seal of the of SEAL ................................................................................ THE HEAD OF THE NIUNICtPALITY `%��t 'r1 "' � a�� .�. t=' �� .� . C\ �r '�.; ```'.J 1P,�r,,, • a �+ fi. �J �� �. By -Law ''lo. 1_; 57. Township of. Barham. Beinr� a by -1.- v! to Drovide for the pa-% in-): of members of the 'ouncil for atted(lance at Meeting of the "ou �c il. rection 117 of" "life Iunicinal -'.ct, -� s amended in 1-057, provi i.e. th .t council may pass bar-1� rC for pa rine- members of tie council for attendiance at meetin-,s; 's deemed a�'vis,6able that a be o- sled under sub -section (e) of the said -)_F�ction 411, TN a ��'OIUj B , I"I' ?-.:;T:.:) by the A,nicio.,l 'Jounci 1 of the ��ovinshin of Da-7Tham .as follo-.: s ; - 1. That the rata of pay for each ~ ebiber of the municipal council of t', -ie `' ollrnshin of Ba,,rham sh;:M be �1' . CO ;ger day for atten6ance at requl;�ir an(.I special meetinIr_r;s o.-" the saA6 i ounc-.l. 2. That By -Law No. 1 11 i.s hereby repealled. 3. That this By -L a:,f shall ne eff c�.`.ve on and after Janu�-ry 1st. 1958. a first, second and third time and fin all%T -Dasa-ed this 6th. day of Janti.arv, 1958. T T TT�l 0r B , -v - L o 135'o r s d o t h e 'eine'a to 4-)",oint Corgi o -fl -C. -L C E, unicipality of the To,.,.rnshin of C I r r7j? 7 a s e - i b 1. cd in re 0. S 1 ()Iri v 1. T h a t- opt Tc I n a n (I r - S b Valuators of Livestock and i1oultry killed 'by Q'Orr,-- at per hour and. `O` T)er mile one way for car. T 20 ghat rp u t c; srl-a11 be school a-.,tc­nd1-1_--1nce officer at a salary of ,;25-00 .,,-:'In d 0:!� - p E, r 71ilc one -.;'_ Dr aV • I Con hat '010t. ".3. J ac"K­ S h -,,-be ­eed Insnec'Cor at hour plus .20,1 ncr rriilc OnC_ 'or car. 00 0 that J be ;-Leiief a salary of 200.�O. I') f - of �_:5100. 7rencl, under e r; at J n In 4 1 rt C v a c) r s -c- at 61.00 neer hour Ma a r c�,t r scconrl anY third time "r Clay of J,�znunxy 16b 19-8 . )on b s o n c , -I 1h, J o1i 1-1 itor. 6. :_"hat S1 a 4. 1b e 3uildin�-, Insnect-or al.., I') f - of �_:5100. 7rencl, under e r; at J n In 4 1 rt C v a c) r s -c- at 61.00 neer hour Ma a r c�,t r scconrl anY third time "r Clay of J,�znunxy 16b 19-8 . PLEASE ADDRESS REPLY TO THE MANAGER THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE STRAFFOROVI LLE. ONT. Tine Treasurer, The Towns?Ap of Bayham, Straffordville,, Ont. Dear Sir: February 18,1958. Since we wrote -,Tou on December 6th last, there has been some further easing of interest rates and, as a result of this, rates for certain categories of borrowers are being lowered by 1/4 of 1% per annum. We are very pleased to advise you, the-refor, that the rate accorded to The Township of Bayham is being reduced to 5% per annum effective February 17th,1958. Would you be good enough to bring this matter to the attention of the Township Council at its next meeting. Dated This As Witness the Seal of the of Yours truyv, L. F. Dougherty, Manager. day of 19 ................................................................................ THE HEAD OF THE MUNICIPALITY ................................................................................ CLERK a 3l r 135(", `point, by -1,,-,w to anno I n t .'on c c- - viowers, -,,n-' i n --zi d rci- for the of Dahl' alm fol se C,_ onsub. 47 of Tihe, .) ou I -I..)-Ec p r o v i (:!e s -,-, *, 't thews oiritlierit s )e; jr 4-', I , 0 -,0 01_`�11 C 11 u i I o ;.,, _;., �, Ci u on of the e-n_2 O'L ♦in re"11— ar s on s s cm e ♦ d at tlie f 0 11 0�, i -n P, be and am 'n,--,- I e Oy r-,, Inc, n t, c t o c tw. t 0 0 I o'! - !n o e r s for tnr 7.rrar em-e-viel.lTers, o 1111 di - e r S i4meT e-n_2 errol-i., n;�- lrlo : i c *.,,,..-i a vile:' '4- oracc, -ue .co, AFroc,,.-inier, n___ Oe -.e,*. C. ui-- --an, ri ,Iobt. -on I I a L'oh ac! ....on, v r-" soll i-�U' _,'r c ct ��j t nF,. -Ff e n onzo .E e :" .11 '147 n-c—so ill- 'C,'., s _.ence 01'rc _t� 0 � .! -I enn a .,rd e r Lravis, o r n t'l ev 'Vienn,,7� i)on;,,,ld mercon _.2 Vienna Dur- -c t 4- -is• _u _3 ? 0 "u r ;�:6,-4trwe1. Joe :A-verthorne }Till: i L .,.Ir _vi a r d t r .o. n) t, Veitc' o v rreen I ''orintll 11'A y • 17in­11-N nassed tliis 6 irst, second n 0.' Janu-, 19"' e _'eeve, J�e_r7,7- �v M. r s Being a by-law to provide for pensions for e-iplo,rees o7 tl,,e _'unicipality. Jhereas t! -_,e 1.1u=71ci-p.-1 _ct cand a:1 en C�Ii elits thereto, p�'rJV des t' -at b-,,�-IaVIS may be passed by all °unic-:_ alit_i_es .dor orovidin`; p n3ions for e_.r:)lot;-ees off' an-,, class thereof. - ,herefore the Council of t' e To.:: a_ .i of ani _-,m enac :s as f ., lows : 1.The ..vnnicipality shall c,iter into an e-Aplovecs9 P.etireilie:at Ann-�a_t-r Contract with t;re Govcrnme.t, in t'e form set out in the '1a1 attaced hereto and f or.Iing part of this b- --laver, ._:n tl.0 Ree -.Te am the Cl.. "rk are hereby aut aorized and dire; :ted to e��ecute all clocLLacnts, ane do all th!_n� s necessary in connection therewith, 1''. t? e, C? erk is lie-�eb-.r authorized and directed to affix the seal aw`' �t,e _?1L`nicin l_L tc all such 'ocLme---It3 2. The Council annuall r shall -provide in t' -.e current estiruates the -;nnL:al sum required to Da7r for, t', -ie an.uities to oe ),irchaS3ec' 'spy t' e mv�nici�aelit�r under, the Plan for those e.x)lo- -ces �, �. fri-i".t .mc �o t�w::�e becorfle r=1e�:�bers of the Pian; and an :ual_l-%r s'-.G.I_1 -�= t' -,.e ssid su:,,i in. c�u��rterlir i nst-_lm�:nts to the Government or the l_lsur_-r, after such eliployees-�.3.ve c omplented �Lhe service earning the cont-ributions bo the 3. The iu-r_ici_-oal �:'reasurer a' u�ll l.r eo Le -�<:_ e: is -T rte: gibers of t': E Plan a separate Lccou_.�.t and x':~'.11 pair sa.-:�e to .the Government or the Insuxr ;r. The i,:unicipal `auditor s',all ai-dit t,.l.l transactio::as in cc)nn: coon -its, the pension plan and shall ret?ort Ito the Cou_lci 1, -_'n'.' his report 'De coLtainer. ;Ln 1.._nu^1 municipal audit. 4,, Ever. e:_�^-Dloyee who elects to j� in t.lie PI_ ,n s""C-:11 sign a foal of application for mem,'Dershin in t. -)-e Pla_, anc'. t':.e mu_aicipali t - in writing to deduct fro . ­q his al_x,, or wares his pa­:.,ic.�ts � ._zder the Pl.,-7. i. 5. Every LeM-_-)1o,;ree t:%r'.',o U ?plies for in the _Plan shall be . ;iv e -n a copy o1 `his bi--law gat �e ti.ie of 6. Every ?erson who bec-.�lmes an e -Dl-,-,-ec after t1le ef1"cct_i ve c'catc of the elan s',:all be required -.s a c:.,ndit__or of his c,°. .�lo�r_r1Gnt tc j in U L.e ''l -.n as provided therein. 7 Ever eili-�lovee Vrho J -ins the lan s, -.all w L deem. -c! t • o ha"' e joine-1 it u%Don the terms and co-nd'.tions co.itained in t1li . By -Law. 8. It sYza11 be the dut-, of t'ne Tres surer: (a) To keep a list of all Vic; -ober e-,-Dlovc­,s .1.nder the. Plan _.n which sh_:ll be Set out the na:ue � .r' a ;E O_'' eaC'_l, t 1E i.�.:lE ti�T'�en l�E entered the service tf- the municiaalit'T, accLlmiu1ati-1 e record o. -L' hi,,-, service, ti E a1nouint of his salary or wales from tit:lc to ti_fle, t'nie na: e, s�`.c'ress, a e anir:.lation- ship of each benefici arT no, .inatcd h -,r 1?ii;l u��►C�er t' Er : 1a.2, leis =lor , n vtire- ment ,Ige anc' 'pis earlier retirement :=x�,e -;ccord ' n to tie clan. (b) To keep an list of all e,i-.:)lo=Tees and former me.Aber 'e-_-�ployees who have retired or who h.;ve ter_ginated V,ei.r e 1_al_)--mA nt or whose e.:_plo;rment has been terminated .nc). 'c:,.e a,,iount of the annuitzr to wr. i ch each 'Deca,11e or will become entitled to un('er the 1'1=a.. (c) To keep such - ot'-e;r statictical a, -a` ot; .er records relative to the Pla_� as ;Ln.a-7 '-)e required, (d) To re -Dort to the Cou , cil on or before the fir t dc,.s- oa F ebruarl.r in each gear. (1) The naTie s of all member employees who have retl_red From t:le service of tl-ic :_unicipalitt or ':avo c':.ed c?l-,r _n - the test cl leniflar year. (2) The salary or wards o__' each-ier!iber cAx_,loy ee, ai: the of his retireme..t or death. Th c caL.sc os:' r CI-_rc nt. L axe lc3rcu11"r to do all i._"i1.." :s 1C?CG'Ss'.1"tr ill C�:)(11C�C"i.loll '':_.i-�h un ad in of the PlP-M. �. I,.n,r merdber cm1 -ec %rfao clai:!ls to %.:e ent- i tied tobe, retired Oefore his norma1 .or earlier retiretile�lt ::,.ge on account of r''_Sa' ilit-r Sna, l mal:e his claim to t'�se Tre�.si rer : ho s::.all c ns:.r�cr -she cla�� and re -)ort thereon to Council. 10. The Iu-nicipalit-�T s1iall provide suc« clerical a ysista-,ce, stationery, po Stas e', printf - ; , of f4_ce a�icI as ..Za-r he nee sssary to enable the Cleark .-I(r' "reasurer to carr',- out his duties ��nd ;r t'�is By - Law . 11. ';" its 'off --law shall not be a..mencaed ::;o as to adversely effect s:,he benefits or ri .��ts of t'�e ;:lei�lber eY�-��_o�rces, or �..� f of t".em or bE repealE t�.zlcss such .amendment or re Kcal S-11-11 first '-_".ve iOeen a-)-Drovcd xr a two-thirds vote of all -fit-D.7ber Enor s -gall the sa.-I Del --Law be repealed or amendcc.,. -,.!it!_t`_e ,��rov�.1 o..' t'rtiw e part �e:?t of _��:1ici al _: f +���irs. ""Zis By --Law shall come _.oto force --nd ta.'ce e_" ect as of the lst day o�' Ja��uc. ry 195 , sub, ect to t .c: approval of t 7L e?art�:�e'r?t of , :icipDal .ffairs of untario. '�cac: ��. {'first _.�Id second t-iaFiE is � datJ o f' �iT'� 19'5:x. �i G ,� _cae a t'.1ird t ..tic ani. f-j.:na_1!11 passed L,' is da, r of �..�-� - 195 . 1`�eeve C1::rk. 1. 2. J. 4. 5. 6. II ,GUIi.T IOLS t;i:DLR Ti 1 I O: 0T��COi..ITRn rn L .17:1 I TEL LO Mi 0 l, ++ :- Any o,;.plo fee in service on the of fcctive elate of the plan vilto lrithin one year does not elect to rk;rticipxte from the date ho )Ccomes eligible S tall sign a vraiver :forfeiti:� ; Ani' rights t0 p- St service benefits s' could he ylect 4-0 ')ecome a :::amber at a later date. Each nember i,rill receive evidence that :r-; !i,, -.s been included as a --;Oi bcr of -the xylan. PROOF OF kGE (a) At the time of ;join:Lnt; ti.c Ilan or as soon thereafter as possiblo a momber will furnish proof' of the date of r�is birth in the fora of a birth or batis,za.l certificate. l ,:is Cert if iCAte will be rc;turned to tho : er�l�"r. . (b) 1.0 a birth or ba.;7tis�::al certificate cannot be obtained, the n;eraber will furnish such other c_oct. lent in , roof of >.is aZJe as may be acceptable to the GOverTLrient or the In ura.nce Con, -any. 3L :';FICI�.i y Each employee on beconinv a member of the plan �:��-, with i:he concurrence of the Goverrimonrt andor the Insurance Compan;-, designate an- person ss his beneficiary to recoive such stuns as ;-.,ay be payable on or after '_'is loath, resorvin t'r:e right to chanr,e the beneficiary fron tin:c to timi e .ththe assont of the Government or the Insurance Co:::panl If, on the death of the momber, there should be no living dosianated beneficiary with respect to iii-riself, such stuns as Y.Ould otherV.ise be payable to his desi�.;nated benoficiary will be payable .o the legal ronrc :entatives of the .:.ember. TZR.,..II.:_, ICI' C ' Sl2T1.,`ICS A me:+wer shall be deeded to have finall,,• tern.im.ted his services when, in the opinion of I. -he or.lplo;rer, he has tert.iinated ,.is er:1:)lo,M0rrt without roason to believe that ho ;•rill be further employed. SL°SI'L.'`SIGIY Ur' SvIR�'IC n r.tcinbor shall be doel:ied to have te.;iporarily o .2 dtit;- .'riti'sout pay of illness or accident, except as plan. susi)ended iris service alien .Cor an,,- reason other t] an othercr.iso rovided ;ierein N e is on account or in the M l 7. SM1'rIC2, TO COUItj' TO,uIRDS Ei.I:'L0`.t.,�R'S SI -V -d ; OF M 1_INi7 `ITY In computing a iaember's period of service ter-!ards the nmployor's share of retirement annuity, the follovrinG- regulations sihall provails Service to ba included: (a) All time :.or?ced aith an;; or all dopartnents of the employer or all time worked and paid or contributed to in whole or in part by the employer. (b) 11.11 time lost on account of absences for rep -sons of illness where a :-.ember is paid for such absence. (c) All time lost on account of absences for reasons of illness where a ::enl.)cr is not paid for such absence,- but bsencesbut is considered as bein on sick leave. (d) k11 time lost on c.ccount of season lay-offs where a member is not paid for such absences but who ualificd as a perrancnt employco. S. DISI:3ILlTY Disability, as set out in tido plan, shall be interpreted to mean that a member has furnished medical testimony, satisfactor- to the eraployer, teat he is unable to continue Further at l:is em Flo; ,rent. ._ n t M . 1 7 � � � i 4 �` � �wJ \^A^ • !� \�J (`A`� '` ! G`�r ijij•E � /}���V \\` �M w{! V `� 4'; 7 Tp./I.D. Mr. J. D. Vallee, Clerk, Township of 3ayham, 3traffordville, Oni;ario, ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS Toronto 5, Tidy 15, 1958. Dear Sir: Re: 1958 Road Expenditure By-law Number 1.364 Amount n7�000. 00 The Honourable Fred M. Cass, Minister of Highways, has authorized the approval of the above cited by-law to a limit of $ 20,000.00 for Construction $ 47,1000-00 for Maintenance and $ 67,000.00 Tota 1. 1 Please be advised that expenditures in excess of either the construction or maintenance limits will not be eligible for subsidy unless covered by a supplementary by-law approved by the Minister. This approval is given subject to the approval of each individual work of road and bridge construction, each contract .for maintenance and the purchase of each unit of equipment. The District Municipal Engineer must be advised and his consent obtained before such works or purchases are advertised or tenders called or any commitment made by the township with respect to them. In the event that any portion of the cost of the proposed work or purchase is to be raised in a subsequent year or financed by the issue of debentures, the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board must be obtained before the work or purchase is authorized or any commitment made with respect thereto. ET Enc 1. One copy of the by-law as approved is returned herewith. Yours very truly, V. Lud ga to , Municipal Engineer. is a true copy of By-law No.136 passed by the Council of the said Corporation on the 3rd. day of 1='ar h , 19 58 s Township Clerk T N FORM MR -16 SEPTEMBER 1957 BY-LAW NO. A BY-LAW TO PROVIDE FOR THE 19 PE'NDITURES 014 ROADS IN THE TOWNSHIP OF IN THE COUNTY OF DISTRICT WHEREAS The Highway Improvement Alket requires that the total expenditure on roads be provided for annually by by-law and that the by- law be submitted to the Minister of Highway: for approval. THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the sold Township enacts a; follows: - 1) The sum of $ is hereby estimated as the expenditure upon the construction anc maintenance of the roads and bridges under Its ,Jurisdiction during the year 19 as follows: - CONSTRUCTIO ROADS ..................$ BRIDGES & CULVERTS.....$ a NEW MACHINERY ..... .....$ MISCELLANEOUS..........$ T OTA L3 $ e MAINTENANCE nil $ TOTAL (2) The said monies shall be expended under the supervision of the duly appointed township road superintendent and on work performed in accordance with The Highway Improvement Act. (3) The clerk shall transmit duplicate copies of this by-law to the distirct office of the Municipal Roads Branch, Department of Highways, not later than March 31st of the said year. (4) The approval of the Ontario Municipal Board shall be obtained before any expenditure is authorized or work commenced which will be financed by the issue of debentures or monies raised in a subsequent year. Passed at this . day of (S E A L) >ry A.D.19 Clerk. , Reeve. I, Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of , do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By-law No. passed by the Council of the said Corporation on the day of , 19 `\ '�" Township Clerk 1 FORM MR -18 OCTOBER 1957 TOWNSHIP OF �y REO, BY-LAW NO, ROAD PROGRAMME FOR THE YEAR 19 =-Fr 1 . CONSTRUCTION (A) RnAn14 ROAD NO, LOCATION NATURE OF WORK MILES ESTIMATED COST i r f (B) BRIDGES AND CULVERTS - TYPE AND LOCATION SUB -TOTAL SUB -TOTAL (C) NEW MACHINERY AND MACHINE SHEDS (D) MISCELLANEOUS (SEE FOOTNOTE) TOTALS FOR CONSTRUCTION 2. MAINTENANCE (A) ROADS - EXTRAORDINARY RESURFACING (PAVEMENT) MILES RESURFACING (GRAVEL OR STONE) MILES SURFACE TREATMENT MILES ROADS - ORDINARY PAVEMENT PATCHING, CRACK FILLING, SWEEPING STONE OR GRAVEL PATCHING, DRAGGING, BLAD114G DUST LAYING - CALCIUM, SALT, OIL, PRIME DITCHES, TILE DRAINS, CATCH BASINS, CURBS, GUTTERS. DRAINAGE ASSESSMENTS WEED SPRAYING, CUTTING, BRUSHING, FENCE BONUS GUIDERAIL, SIGNS, ZONE MARKING WINTER CONTROL - SNOW FENCE, PLOWING. SANDING, SALTING SUB -TOTAL (B) BRIDGES AND CULVERTS MAJOR REPAIRS (DESCRIBE) MINOR REPAIRS SUB -TOTAL (C) MISCELLANEOUS (SEE FOOTNOTE) TOTALS FOR MAINTENANCE GRAND TOTAL ' s W Date �,r` Township Road Superintendent If insufficient room attach additional sheets giving the data in the form indicated NOTE: Mi cellaneous (Overhead, etc.) may be distributed between Construction and Maintenance in the proportion that total of items 1(a) and 1(b) bear to total of itemzj 2(a) and 2(b). I . FORM NIR -16 BY -?,AW 1400 SEPTEMBER 1957 A BY-1,AW TO PROVIDE FOR THE 19f, ` EXPENDITURES ON ROADS iN THE TOWNSHIP OF IN THE COUNTY OF DISTRICT WHEREAS The Highway Improvement Act requires that the total expenditure on roads be provided for annually by by-law and that the by- law be submitted to the Minister of High,,,,4ay3 for approval. THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the said Township enacts as follows: - (1) The sum of $ is hereby estimated a3 the expenditure upon the constructlon 5nd maintenance of the roads and bridges under its ,jurisdiction during the year 19 as follows: - CONSTRUCTION ROADS .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .$ .l $ BRIDGES & CUI VERTS ... , . $ NEW MACHINERY .......... $ MISCELLANEOUS ...,......$ MAINTENANCE TOTAL x nil TOTA La (2) The said monies shall be expended under the supervision of the duly appointed township road superintendent and on work performed in accordance with The Highway Improvement Act. (3) The clerk shall transmit duplicate copies of this by-law to the distirct office of the Municipal Roads Branch, Department of Highways., not later than March 31st of the said year. (4) The approval of the Ontario Municipal Board shall be obtained before any expenditure Is authorized or work commenced which will be financed by the issue of debentures or monies raised in a subsequent year Passed at :'7 this (S E A L) C�le r k . day of REeve. I, , Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of A.D.1 , do hereby certify that the foregoing is ' a true copy of By-law No. passed by the Council of the said Corporation on the day of , 19 Township Clerk. i C�le r k . day of REeve. I, , Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of A.D.1 , do hereby certify that the foregoing is ' a true copy of By-law No. passed by the Council of the said Corporation on the day of , 19 Township Clerk. �J � (0. _ � onL!�. -_ J :r.'� �, l C.'? _ `fir �•. ... 11x1 C Li tC, C u ... C� 1 • • _ ,. _ -u: r t : r3 •, '1 i + ..'.: ,--� - 0.7 V V?3 vr>t/ ~_... ✓�'F {' ll-,� ; t'J�,''�S } ., C.'.� Y�? ..�!,..'r~�E.` �. .� - ,c.,., n J_n �.n __ c ,_ _ i.J ._.. 1, ry ?? w� � �1 � '1�� ir' � ��^ . L.' � ' _. .. � f • '•'y ro.s �. ,: 1 "� C., '?" C' .J_ , f . '3,.y "'� "� .. `: Z >^: • .L �• , .�: -'�i � rte'[ T r. the c>er,%,r, cfes� C ..n .i "7 00A^5 ('� •�7"'� r1 Y'� 3n ., . y i E �.� -.`1 • 3'"+ y+�e+T 't ("y hz .a. �� , ("� 1 1.7 �r'S ".� {-Y� I° t ii 1 •.%e �- rii•l l '�v 1 4-1 -�_?`�C it. ��i . «'L roC :C�L c'� t- ( A 1 l.. i r� _ ~: ,.. L�....r"A 'J `:: G: r� _'�" ^• Sti ,rt.� ..%ry Q_ :`2 1. ri'� �:, C_) l/ nn -v,? - oz' 1 . �. ?. t.� _ or n� J r, _.� ich e -e - the z n Z ti ri 'i' o ,'_'� . L1.�. ` ` ✓ a v . +.. V +... . . (� i,: w. is t:,, t... • • tSi: 11. S � 41...� ... i� _�_ � C'J: i' 5 — �. o --or e. +. nc' of __ l✓ lJ V11 ,, ... Y. C.i...... ._.,.. C: ...- 1 o.. _ ,ni O.ra ti..O-. _-t?~1_,_,, >:;.�� iC�� } � 'irst n.'U i 'J!'1i��i 7 • -�end n the rr_ time -.nfl -�.in2.? iv , -isrecl thi 0 7o� ,�-�.; � i (,ti,•;• r�. 4 .. _ ... ._, .. _.,.._ ttlO`_, ,,�1 �3.. j 'r--� Lr�.l., :)t •j j s :.�.t.._. _.- .\• ^7; • � '...% C✓ . .. .:. .. _ .« . , «_ .'� ,_ ... .. . 1 .. _ .. , .. ., .. is ... ,. i,J ,...._ ... .. .. .. _ .: _ ... _ ,.. ..� ' t - . .. `. ... _ .../ w lj ... ... • • .., .. +i 'J .�;... n.-- ,;.L � .. ~�'2C�:'.• � .. •� _ ;i„�-1 °'f'�'.�. .:__., �, A ._�. ,.. ' \.�.a l_; S,•.1 �J..:.n t: �. i�,.. tJ�r .,, .. �.lw.' .. �;...: .. -•. ..._ .. ✓�:^ f ..w�:1E�.L ' • � > 1 ':,, -5 �( tai ,.# .'•� .- t (;� ' ! ��' "'l f-'� )'V ' .{... f • v _ on n�`. '..I U ! °..:, t.i [' • '� } r : C711 - v ...._. .: .:. .. ., ...» _ : ., ._..... _ ... _ O t o u - t h, C onL!�. -_ J :r.'� �, l C.'? _ `fir �•. ... 11x1 C Li tC, C u ... C� 1 • • _ ,. _ -u: r t : r3 •, '1 i + ..'.: ,--� - 0.7 V V?3 vr>t/ ~_... ✓�'F {' ll-,� ; t'J�,''�S } ., C.'.� Y�? ..�!,..'r~�E.` �. .� - ,c.,., n J_n �.n __ c ,_ _ i.J ._.. 1, ry ?? w� � �1 � '1�� ir' � ��^ . L.' � ' _. .. � f • '•'y ro.s �. ,: 1 "� C., '?" C' .J_ , f . '3,.y "'� "� .. `: Z >^: • .L �• , .�: -'�i � rte'[ T r. the c>er,%,r, cfes� C ..n .i "7 00A^5 ('� •�7"'� r1 Y'� 3n ., . y i E �.� -.`1 • 3'"+ y+�e+T 't ("y hz .a. �� , ("� 1 1.7 �r'S ".� {-Y� I° t ii 1 •.%e �- rii•l l '�v 1 4-1 -�_?`�C it. ��i . «'L roC :C�L c'� t- ( A 1 l.. i r� _ ~: ,.. L�....r"A 'J `:: G: r� _'�" ^• Sti ,rt.� ..%ry Q_ :`2 1. ri'� �:, C_) l/ nn -v,? - oz' 1 . �. ?. t.� _ or n� J r, _.� ich e -e - the z n Z ti ri 'i' o ,'_'� . L1.�. ` ` ✓ a v . +.. V +... . . (� i,: w. is t:,, t... • • tSi: 11. S � 41...� ... i� _�_ � C'J: i' 5 — �. o --or e. +. nc' of __ l✓ lJ V11 ,, ... Y. C.i...... ._.,.. C: ...- 1 o.. _ ,ni O.ra ti..O-. _-t?~1_,_,, >:;.�� iC�� } � 'irst n.'U i 'J!'1i��i 7 • -�end n the rr_ time -.nfl -�.in2.? iv , -isrecl thi 0 7o� ,�-�.; � i (,ti,•;• r�. BY -Law "To, 1.365. y3 �) ►1`tl I��C i�. �1 Q.i �a,�i�-ka�'� r _ 1c k ., fa 1"y-7 .1.7 .,o..icn. d Plan as ,.ett.-echod to and forming a. part of Town shi n off' ._ a . hzo.,3 -Lt- "'Jo* 1363* it F i o sw.� rx c ,:...; ry ys •: y 'tz� .t3 � f ir?ndments -o the a,£ora- to % ,,. . .. j1 r. � ;s'(r r•at Ftj-� • � t , rr 7 � r♦ I` '"j� sir..°•1P OF �sJ i� i.i21 'rV� t►� 1.J}. % f�ya a•.iJli vlt L.t4/�I.iV �/ O 'Nl %416elY,/at h<.;t the d�uyIh,uaI' b izz :ez~ :e iti the 1�d� ir,� of the 'Pl zm co .hat the Ci: -.-e sbt��.l ri:a , —M ro�.up �.r_nuity Flan 1"or the r<• fes t ^. �� + ^na:.layees Of he Sl:frd;�.;t���j i.: Lwiyrtli�►3.' w. That, t, the num, " oi�a:�hip of Bayha `' be added to sub -;rection (a) of )a ction. 1 so haat the g;ltap. 43ri X1.1 read; � �"1PLi1VJ..=T3 tt 01-M SM p of 101 ,`� s iii i �. =,1 3. • s t �; �►' C}Ll ,; .. LH t. ,' 1 be .r. t d by i i` "; a.i ;:' i tr iL t�: ► J,i.i.7 i'�.is ,� "s.i tl- e .first ;..eau second 1 Lrie the, -of. - t' 55 your) of :�,o sja r uric .i :� all ochar future omployees" so that the aZ1mi,10cl S ctw. 0:1 3�"t" .I reap:.U�� t` {E; i ti':L:'�C CL.?IW ?-A.t�,/r ,i. v r'ia.1.2. b � .i1%p�.tJ��' to � kk_rticil �►C ��1d must, as a +conditiou of :. 3oy,ent become members of the Plan on the fczIfU,3c—nt-, of the clighility conditions F _�: 'Cr' E 1t. J. �L►43— socti on ltd) ai Who .3k:'{ tionst! 4* oc.Ltt; c:. e.s .. L.t e.. L'»«. il.tVf. .J �s .%•°..:Z.. v.L v+i.,t..li� V ( 1) of ion {b} of Lection 5.- 11144 this plan as all p aymonts of th�� c aployec. togctrcr with Lltarest on the sum of both vo st in tho =pl.oyec when paid or care. ed , ,pub-- cct t *,-.;c 'w"s �� staiidirLC to his c,�-Ai pu,rchl, sint, <.ui aanu .ty of i v a,,., V V c..c ►.► �;,s C . '►'� t . , } ., s s - service is ic'-st be g -,mroh-sed on �� doferre d b:aoin ti-mrefor a t: xon an, cr:ployee leaves the nervice of the ompl.oyer or any reason and tho fids st .Andiarr- to his credit 1411. :r :haze for him an annuity of at least $120.00 at his normal retirement data any past service- monts owing by the �! cin, I ity in respect of the employee oY� be p 7, i� 'V" Ov-t by •{ -u b.. " 5 s T hat '-* 1 �.'. %-_: c � ) o:" :''uL — �. v i nti ( � ) � of C, v l oil 5 i.. i , t: ' b�' b ,..w.r. , .. strilkAns- out the word "f3l ve" in, the st- , osid line thereon` inserting the 'v. :"Ci "Ton" on" anu. also by striking out tine word "t c:r." in the third lino thereof and. insertiwr the vMR "five" so that the said ;�Iause ( 1,) t any time before retireiaont, iA ;aor ber may choose in place of tho ^.r nuity ,uaranteed for ton years, one w hIch will be cwuarinteed for five yecxs or one v.diich will be without any ,utar&ntce o; A last surnrivor 4imuitye a.n v4iich ez cnt the amount of annuity will be actuarilly adjusted, . T.1 -Lis by►l�sw shall come into force an:. thereof and on appr ov.-il by 1 -,he Ajopartment A e Citi 4 �Ir s i, 0 c c onii time #:4ie5vg'� 1� t7 a 11.i i ci+V and, .L l% T. pG}blued th i.a effect on the fJ nal, passing of-wni::A.p0:a3 m ay of ztpril, 1958. 7 th a d aY of nJ. .il , 1 1 58 • i55°' k 5i ed) Basil !.evill�lj,~ , R� ed J. D. Vallee {� aClark* C14 tt I J. D. Vallee, Clerk of th ''sh �s %yhan, hereby certify the above to be a true and correctOt of Township of Ba hairs Py P Y Bp -Law No. 1365. C -:t BY—.0 ? !'.�� . -It � C. . � .1 �' i"i Being a by-law to proviee for pensions for e_�*Aoyees of the Whereas the .tu'nicipal _'_ct e.nd ameh_drae its theret-), p:'ov i des that b -,;-laws may be passed by all '. unic-. -)alit'i es :''or provi din;; pe.hsians for e�l_Dlo�,�eLs of an J, class thereof, 'herefore the Council of tlhe To'. _::s''i p of a� �?ra enacts ,mss f: lloT:.J: 1. The unicipalit-, shall (; iter ilzto an e�:Dloy ec== Yetirer�he�ht .i nn .i_t~r Contract with tFio fovernment, in t'.e form set out in the PlaI attaced hereto and for::hi ng dart o� this b -r --law, tiI . ee-Te an(. the Cl. s"?{ are hereby author; zed and. dire ted to E,Lecute all docuacnts, a_ c do all thin rs necessary in coniacction therewith, :. �°'. tl:c Clerk is iE-�ebTr authorized and directed to affix the. seal o:- -;:,I-ie municip _l41.t - t.; all ,such � ocurne _ts. 2. The CotL�zcil annuall - shall nrov:i,de in t:,le current est_J_r,.ates the _!=nn -cal su.m required to na for' ti1e to be ),1.r+:ha:3ed `-y t 'ie in -u-- icin7alitv under the Plan for those, ~rho frc-i t .me �o t:`,I ae becor,ae me-:lbers of the Plan; ani a~� uall-,. s -..e � 1 �r t*-�.e said sLz:i in cuarter11 i nst _ *Lm � nt s t th e Govern -Ment or the :L nsurzr, after such e..hployees 'n,_-lve the service evrninrr the co: 'xibutions b- the 3 . The _ _unicipal 'reasurer a' .x:11 It:c-ep V •'_ie n —:-1e:!ts rae;«bcrs of the Plan in a separate acdount and �; gall -,fav sa..he to :he G��vernment or the Insurer. The l unicipal tuditor s all aL�di - all trans.acti ons _�_n connection _ i ��- the pension plan ane'. shall re,aort a;-hnu.:11-,, to the Council, :pis report s all ")e cont3il-je�'.1.n t :e �.nu l mv�.icipal audit. 4. Lvery e:.i__)lovee who elects to j�- in '-he Plan s` ell sign a form of application for meta Ibers hip in ,lie 1'1a-1 an,' aut' prize t'_e mi nicipalf-t in writing to deduct frc):h his mal ar or wa-res) his pa- -.,e1 -,-s ;".nder the P1�.ii• 5. Every ei-x.)lo- ee w. o sl�pl-I_es for -ackhbers'.il� in -L,-:-,e ='lan shall be:riven a copy o. this bir-law at �i":� ti.� -a of a a �11Ca ion. 6. Ever;T-.-)erson who bec,DAacs an e!:tpl:;-, ec after the efInecti ve date of the P1 an s �-;.all be required a c,_>nr?itJ on of his e°:? )lo-tnnient to ficin t', --Io as provided. therein. 7. EverJ- e1ir:)lo rce who joins the Flan sl.ail 'oke deem:, -.d to ha -,-c j„ine,I it u-�?on the terms and cond.w_tio_ns co-ata-i_aed in thi : By -Law. 8. It shall be the. dutl,- of th:e Treasurer: (a) To keep a list of all -:1ET.-iber e .,�lovees {-.nder the Plat -.n v.h4 c�. s'1�.11 be set out the naile �:I.r� a e of eac'°1) the ., : e. i when he entere( tx�e se�'vi.ce to the municioalit'r, accuxiulative record o- hi's Service, the am vurit of his salary or wales from ti -1e to ti, --,Ie, tree na. -.e, F"'.d.re s, a e �.n . r: lation- ship of each beneficiary- no-::inated b him Ander the Pian, As+'dor:Fla Retire- ship .',ge and his earlier r,;tireraent a�,e L ccordin,g to the Pi -zn. (b) To keep a list of all �qe-:d er e,--,1plo1,ees and f or:►ler me-,_ber e-,--.Dlovees who have retire:(' or wl, o hive terminated V-,eir e or tilhlose e:::plosTrnhent has been terminated. ..�nG t'.e a.:ount of the annuit;r to w':; ch each becahle or will become entitled to under the (c) To 41-.eep s,-�ch ot`. er tati -ti cal a -i:” ot':er record: relative to the P1Gn-' as mail be required. (d) To re-oort to the Cou.cil onor before tAL ,; r Jt d 8 .,ebruar-f in e -ac year. (1) The names of all me : ber e":,1,plo,-Ees who have rel-.-i-red :from t'ne service of tlhc: :;unicipalit�- or ':ave {1_ eG c?lir_�n the last c_ lenc'.ar rear. (2) The salary or wages of each merai ber c.,,X-)loy ee at the time of his retirer.ie.�t or death, (3) he cause ol: re; t _•_rc , int . i.'% Ct0 all % i1.I'"� a1t' CG S r�r In CiJnilt;C i On ,,,°'-h tr'�C a"d%1]_ niS- tration of Lac; P10M, �;. ��n",, mei,.iber c:npl.-; ec �,iho cla_d-ras to '::e eni - fled to be retired before his normal or earlier retireiiieltt ".' E an -:cco nt . o�' C'.:Sa'o i_lii.'r s is it ma',e his claim to Treasurer sl -,all she cla-._i� and re -Dort t1lereon to Council. 10. The t_t?:'11CI'Dalit�- shall all nro-,,tide suc}:: cl n.ric�.l assista :ce st-. U onery, a tory."E' nrintl IF1 of ''_CC a*,iC, ;'.11,� eC�1'? 7T:lt'_.t c S :,aa -,r '?� 1CC-...;,Sai�Z% to unable the Clean{ a"I(' _'rc. xsurer to carr'," ai?t his dut SES ?nder `,.'his By- ,aw. ll. 1r'his bi---law shall not be amene.ed Fo as to &:0'versell effect -he beneilts of ri .;hts of t?3e ;,iember en-)_I'_ozrcIr ,, or ;,r of t' .em or be repealc- k finless such amendment or reD al s"-,Iall _-ir,st "';..ve "Deen a) -,:)roved D a two-thirds vote of ; 11 ; -e<lber e..,,�Dlo-rees nor s' -.a.11 t' --e s2]..(' '_=,r--La1vi be repealed or amender =';Tit'_:out t: e a -,)~-)oval of 3.^t �e:;t of 'his BST --Law shall come iota force a,nd ta'ic E."'sect as of the lst day of Ja__u<).ry 1958, sz:b, eco, tc t'�i �n raval of t 1L> J :?Grt :�t t of �� Fici al .ffa- rs of 0, taria. 4 stead a First and steco n1. i -?._ie fi - is ?'�c •da -.i c f :��er,, 195 �. { .e _C a t'.iird t -.:-,in and. flnapassed t'',is ?rO dn'<< of 'eb. 195c ..{ r"n r rI asil 'Ieyill_. (air n e a' ." . ''n11ee. ll<:>cve Cl,,rk rT. ) ♦ l .Cj', -'l(,,rk oi' th,= ',or�)or ion o" tine Vsig o.' > �t�h".r�? izc�r�•;.- cerL.. "�T �,`:f-,, ,o,re toe t -ie, n{' eaf­-3^ct I ., �g5g w•"'�1x }Z1Cw �0%t4� is 2 • J♦ sG"ICT 11 for the ci.:L>lo; ces of Tomishin of O.,76i`lm I;"',_'. CTi;' S �� this Ilan, unless the conte --L ot?io;r i.se requires, tl - ." ri; 1/ r. i -...,ozns sal^.riod o :' .cuc�, c1cr �, ;`:or? ::�: servs...t or other la rsa.. in t?ie c;:�l)lov o�' I_ -:.e or of a local Djoard and includes awr person dcs—II';nat od as (,::n 3'1,-o'r of Lunici ,r.l IIS f'airs of C)ntari o (cj fllmi,ES^11 i Liil`-T.ri�" j prior to the c-rcetiv: da �c Itn- r, s' I; }�r, •ti r, .y } y, r,�t /�,^ta , .',-, , r, +n e.•. c �.- n o r (d) . �.l MIZE I��..1 il. l4i.f �:.V .6s wl �/l.l} i 1Jy VV to cntloi s . Sc J ic/- 0.: the employer on or after tie o "fec"Avc cat : C) @) : i t... ►i:� �.._ L:, i .i:i Ti C71 i ;�. 3i :-1Vv'",(; i`.C.), ..... 4 -ear, least the equivalent of 75,.> of tl o (f) "2.,i�:.=MI;:1ea.zs an 4nplo;,c,c, ice. �.4.r�rtica.pai.t in ,,.,e _ yin, T .e masculine )ronL)un shall '.ncludc: tkic:'cr, in .nc (h) "SMV ICL" ...0"a s .'.c oxurc 1 s c o" �` -Al c):':� yc e, I'Lu c io -.aor occ,. �. L Lon vritii the c ,-iployer; (i) "PI'S`i San ; roans serT�ricc r�;ndC:rc:d :it•s► :::: Fr.: ;le;-er prior to the effective Cato o" y T Sad'. sorice re-:., - d w � e:: 71v�-cr on or aftor t:.e al'fecti-re da -1-> cl -t;'v: Can; „((t+//���T,.t,� , n r ns }, ; ,, „- - -� -. ,,c?: o:' ',� ?`- ^ r� ^ �'- of Lab (� 1JV .,'�,s.'.�.:,��fl �..C`Z.. .y 4 � 1Li �..s. •..i .,.� )1 i,- �....r � k.s vi.i,.. i, c.. CUr of the (1) "II''SuicI:CL Coo__-' :. Y" ;,leans sv'.c:a i n-suranco Ci orimny 1-1 e -Insed L -:::der t; i@ insurance Act oi' tr�c j'rUvince of 0 -Itarlo as :'�. ' be designated by tI1r; on plo,ror; Ir tt xnl+..rtf - ?C:S'�;'_a^ i ;':1C:� jrat!)I? :G'rG '.:14 '-t^r set CSUt • `;';115 ';1an-,rill o e 'fecti-lro .-.s of ! -� C:,� ♦ A (a) I ae,1 present mi Ao-ec to i).rticil-w.te in '-`Ao plan as of its e'fccta vc date .,rovidod ► n': '.o s t"11:r, Pulfilleci the elz_;ibili tY coilditluns, %..:icl krc L' y olio :s s (i J `.1"?.0 (ii) `j.' ; is t L.e :las a t "U -A nc d -L;'1 C L g e of 21 '1C ;-x.s com,.Ieted sil- Months of Continuous service. ( iv) T sat he has not attained x,orml ret iron.-iont arc ( subject to the provisio_-is of subsection (b) of sectioii 4). Fm 4. - 2 - (b) Fath present employee not eli,;iblo -":o-'�.rticipa.te on the effective Oate of the elan nay elect to particilr.,te on -';re fulfilrent of the eliaibilitir conditions described in subsection (a) of this section. (c) Each present enployee who does not elect 11Co jx^.rticipate, within one year from the date on which he bocomes eli ;ible :mss,• elect to participate at a later date, but he ;i1J. not ther. be eli ibile for any past service benefits to VIhich he other; i e .•multi ?gave been on— titled. (d) All future employees ..... A y , will be eli,_,ible to iArticipate and must, as a condition of emplo inent, become members of the plan on the fulfiL-ient of the (AAI,-- .bility conditions described in subsection (a) of this section. (e) An employee vrho leaves the service of the employer to become a -,.,ember of Her Pajestyt s forces prior to the effective datc of the plan or prior to beconing; eligible and who returns -c service within six months from the date of his discharge fron. military service will be elir,ible to participate in the Llan on the first da; of the no -nth following; his return to service and tae fulfilment of the eligibility conditions described in subsection (a) of this section. (f) A member cannot v ithdraw from participrtion in the elan while he is in the service of the employer and unO.er retirement are and a former employee re-entering_; the servieo of Che employer after previous termination of service will be considered a neer employee. RIJ' IZE1. or' DLTE 9 (a) The norral retirer:ent dato of a -ember will be the first da;- of the month immediately follovriik; the attain:::ent of norr:�zl retirement a. -e which is as follows A.e on becomin ; a -,:ember iL,e 55 and under 56 57 58 59 60 and over ;.[.,e on becot:iin a member Itorr:�l Retirement 1:.,•e 60 61 62 63 64 65 .ormal Retirement Age l.ge 60 and under 65 61 G6 62 67 c3 E8 G4 CQ G5 and over 70 (b) A member who is over normal retiroi;lent age on she effective date of the plan will be retired at a date to be determined by the employer and will receive frog. the actual date of retiroment the amount of annuity determined by his years of past service as provided for in paragraph (i) of subsection (b) of section 5 of this plan. (e) A member ray be retired at any a,;e on the first da -y- of any month for reasons of sickness or disability vrhieh have been established by medical evidence satisfactory to the ei:zployer and the annuity there- upon payable will be on a reduced scale such as the funds standing to his credit together with interest thereon will then purchase. _3_ 5. RETI itDEN T AIS N U I TY (a) FUTUR.F SAF{VICE BD;FITS Subject to the term:; of the plan, ea,.ch nember will rete! -re from the daite of his retire►nent, in respect of future ;service, the annui t;r purchase-. �Yf his o4m contributions and those rna pie on his ')ehrilf by the 2.,7!,?r, together with interest thereon. (b) PAST SERVICE .ENI-i"F'ITS (1} L. uta j ect to the terns of the plan,, each member will receive coixiencing on his retirement date, in respect of past service, and annuity ec.ua.l to !`25.00 for each completed year of past service width is not more thsrn /+0 yea-'.rS >ef-ore a male members s norl-w�l retires -lent drite or. 35 ye;.rs hefore f erzall? member' s �orn .l retirement irate. 7In this plan as all payments of the municiaalit�r and the ex1pL(x. ee, to;rether ith interest on the sura of both, vest in `the emnloyee, paid pid or earned, subject to the funds standing to his credit purchasing en annuitr �:)f et le: st 0`120.00 zit nor,ncal retirement di xte, xnd as Oast service is being nurcha;sed on a deferrer basis, therefore when an e:nplcyee leaves the service of the ernpl•T.-er for antis reason and the funds standing to his credit will ourch-!se for him an annuity of at Ie,%St r 120.00 at his Taorm< 1 retirement I.., r�n' P' -'t :er�ri-e oav ents owing by the nun iciao<zlit,r in respect ,of the en-),,,ep sh, L i_ be o�id 7rthwith. tt (11) In calculating, the nu:-nber of .�e<.rs of pa -.Ft service of an em:)loyee :rho hris been or who is absent on Military :er,ra.ce r--n(t wlio subs?r ­ uentl-- becomes a: member of the ola.n in accordance witsi section hereof, crelit shr+11 also be given for tie neriol in Military Service uT1 to the effecti e dtite �f trip r)', n. Such cre:Ait shalt riot exceed the limit. tion in res-)e.rt to oast service P provi.ied in paragraph (1) of tiiis subsection. (c) The anriuitr, which will be pa.va:ble in port 11, instal.7!ents for life a.nd { ukar:nteed for ten fears Li any event, will be )urch_ ..ed from. the Oovernrae,it up to the maLximuM obt<winaable from that source on the life of each T,,1f ber -nd the excess over such mai:imum from the Insurance Coi-,lp..ny. (d) (1) At any tLae before retirement, a member ma�r choose in -_)lase of the annul t -r guaranteed for ten yeaars, one which will be -_uHr�.nteed for five trea,rs or one which will be without angu: r .ntee or anya last survivor a nnuitr, in ',,rhich event the amount of t;.nnuity will be a ctuarilly adjusted. (11) A member r, aay at any time before the annuity .)ecome oayaable revoke nn election of an optional t)rpe of winuitsr or substitute =mother election for a. orevious election. (e) (1) Provided that a raeiaber has not chosen the last' survivor t%.rpe of &-nnuity, , he may elect that the terms of pa.y-hent of the annuit;v be altered to provile for an annuity, the amount of which would increa ce durin? the i.nterva:l between his rets. rement dfate s=and aPe 70 anti thereafter decrease by _.5.0O . ai month. (11) If such an oration is made and the annuity that woull 6e pa vcible on and after the time agreed upon for its reduction would be less tha3n -10.00 a yeftr, and the election is not revoked before the date ori which the annuity becomes oaf able, the member will then receive, in lieu of the reducing; annuity described in pfaragrana (1) of this subsection, a temporary annuity which will cease with his death or c:.ge 70, whichever first occurs. (111) This election will not apply when a member retires or is retired before the attninment of age 55. (f) If, at the time of his retirement, the funds at the credit of a member are not sufficient to purchase, pursuant to such options ti.- are aava Mable to him an annuity on his life of X120.00 a year coi.urlencing at his normal retirement date, the said member may surrender his rights to receive an annuity in consideration of a single payment being made to him of a slim r not less titan his contributions together with such interest, if any, as maty be credited thereon. 7. C0T.! Ri. J1.T 1.01 S (a) FTTTJRE S110IICL (i) ;-',aeh member will contribute 5.0 of :,.is f,arnin--s from, the date of his inclusion in the elan in respect of f'uturo "service. (ii) The employer i, -rill contribute on behalf of ea.c : ; ­-_:nber 5- of the ,:.ember's earnings from the da -e of h s ine l zs for in the plan in respect of l uture service. ( iii) Each meriiber =I_o does not elect in res r1ect of service rendered during the years in '> resz lie eras ;got a contributor, as provided in pararaph (ii) of subsection (1:) of this section, r,1a;;- pay rn Qc'ditional contribution :in re I;ect of future service provided tint it sl:a? l not excoc:(? "Lo norcenta.,,e of his reiauneration, in relation to the nunT)er of year . -A of future zervice to his normal retire=ment data, as indicated in the following ta')le KiLmber of Y cars from Da to I aximix:i i ercentar-e of Entre.- into Ilan of Additional Y until i:orrial Rctirr.. -cnt Date Coit: ri'Dutions 3C - 1'-0 1'.), 31 - 35 20 - 30 ' 21 - 25 20 a - d under 1: (iv) contributions of a meLiber %•rill be deducted frog:-: .i.s car:.`_-, r� r by c,re ei;�plo��er £.nd rtar..i meted to i.co , crrL_:. nt or :.rye:.sura,i� c Company at the end of each quarterly period ' o.,etlier -::ith ennlover contributions for the sa..:,c ;)eriod. (b) ..ST SIF rICL (i) The omplorcr shall pa=r t�.a COS3- of the past scr--ice benefits provided for i.. para;_,raph (i) of subsection () of section 5 of this flan. (ii) A. : ienber °r;,o does not elect to pal- addl.tional contribr.tions in respect of ft?turo scrvi.:;e, v.s -)rovided in para ra h ( iii) of su'osection (Cl) of tiis section, rayr, if 1-.e so desires, elect to pa -r contri'.)utions for ;:is years of s:.arvice i 1 r':ieh he was not a contri")utor. Such contributions -.zL-!' not e_.coed 5;' of me—nibert s earnin;s --1.-i.th tlfe e.: 31oyer xior to I-, ca L a off .. j j the Man. Such contributions ?_*y be !-:,,ad^ employer at an -,r tide or from time to Line boforc retirement date. (c) If the contributions ::talo bar aiid on behal' of a :Q:nber bccoYae suffici=ent, before his rotirei:.ent d�.to, to purchase the nPxinaii.i annuity ava.il--ble to him :1'rom the Government, no fur'.; ier contributions %•rill be pl-�.yable to the '=overiu:ient by the riember or by t.ie o:: -.plover on :.is behalf. Thereafter, contributions will be remitted t10 the Ir.: urance Company until tide :.icil )or ret ir::s. TEUIMILT IOL (--'•F S12VICE (a) If, for any reason other than death, the service of r: :::c;i;1ber is tei~_,.inated Prior to his nornal retire;,-t9nt eCe, ':':e total of ::is o%m contributions toGether with t -:.o total contributions z adc on .his be' alf by the e . plover, yrith ,interest thereon, shall rer3ain at 1 -is credit vii-th the ::overs-u:.ent to provide1-1i:-n, con-.ionci.n-at retircment dato, with the annuitJr-urehased by the said contributions -.'ith interest thereon and ho s;:all receive a paid-up policy providin.; for such annuity. J 90 10. (b) Ii, at Sime of such ternimtion of sorvzcc, t.::c fund., at crf,,Uit of a menber are not suff icicnt to purchase, pursuant to such options as are t,vailablo to 1,iim, an annuity on :pis life of 12C.GU a -year corunoncinG at 1iis normal retirement dat-, the said ;:,air-surrendCr his rir;hts 4o receive an annUit r iri cvnsi'ora.t: U �- 11. LIMITL:T IOI OF kSS IG;'1:i.Z:ItT (a) Retire: �o nt ani-.uity and other benefits under the pl,;,.n arc not assi ;name. (b) R mamber r:.air not borrow a-ainst tho contributions at his credit under the elan. (c) A Membor r.ay not'. ,,!ithdra�.i the contributions at hi.s credit under the plan except as provided in subsoction (f) of section 5 and subsection (b) of section 7 of this .,lan. 12. RIGIU TO Participation in the plan will not dive any na aber the rir- -J.-t to ?)o retained in the service of the employer or &ny right or claim. to retirement benefits unless the ri,ht or claim to such benefits has sneeifically accrued under the torus of this plan. 13. __D ._l ., , IL es1 (a) The employer shall decide on all nattors or any nature •.?iatsoever in connection i,rith the adr..ini.stration, intorprete_ tion or a-);,lication of the plan subject to La;�r and. the contract entered into :rith t .,e Govcrn:ic:nt and/or the insuranco Coz:ipany, (b) It will be the obli;ation of the enployer to pay over to the Goverruient and/or the Insurance Cor:iYany the contributions deducted from the remuneration of the Y.-icmbers to-e-thcr ;:itll tie contributions required to bo -,-,-,de by the employer under the terns of the Calan and it will be the oblif,ation of the 1-;overnL,-lcnt and the I-,,surance Con.pany to pay benefits as' set out in this plan in accordance with the contributions received. 0 R:;CrUI11T IOI�S DIMER Tits ?U_rT 1. liMES''I71" E PLOY,"I;S' 01T IOI: 07 DECOi.s;';(,' .E101S OF TiiE ',I �7 2. Any o, iployee in service on the effective date of the plan vrho v,,ithin one year does not elect to narti.cipate from the datc lie becomcs :eligible shall si n a tmiver forfeitin,; an, rights Al -o p(.st service benefits should he elect to ')econe a r onber at a later date. 011Du3:COF A L.j °3 RS.:IP Each neriber frill receive evidence that :)-e hs,s been included as a r.einber of the plan. 3. PROOF 01 JI -GE (a) At the time of join:4n,- t1se Man or as soon thereafter as possibl: a T=iember will furnish ;goof of the date of his birth in the form of a bird: or baptisr,,ml certificate. This certificate trill be returned to tho enb::r. (b) 111 a birth or certificate cannot be obtained, the menber frill furnish such other docu:lent in proof of .is a6 as may be acceptable to the Governnent or the Insurance Company. 40;L..::r iCLfay I Each employee on beeornirnc a member of the plan rr:ay, -,lith the concurrence of the Goverrli ent and/or the Insurance Conran. y, designate an�:� person as his beneficiary to receive such stuns as ;.;ay be payable on or after :lis death, reservin the ri ht to chane the beneficiary fron tirr.-- to time -ith the assont of the Govornnent or the Insurance Company. If, on the dcat1i of the nomber, ti-iere should be no linin; desi-nated beneficiary v=rith respect -to himself, such suans as would other-V:ise be to his desiZ;nated beno.fici.ary will be payable '.-o thc le -,al representatives of the _::ember. 5. T'E'I.:I1 TIOIT OF S1-_4R,rICL A-.ie,-rber s>iall be deemed to have finally termini tod his services .,:hen, in the opinion of the o3,E 3lo;;fer, }le has terminated its en loymont without reason to believe that he will be further employed. 6. St S La'SIOid 01' SMVICE A noinber shall be decried to have sus�,ended his ser,,•ice zrhen he is temporarily off dut;;- vr� thout j,a�r for any reason_ other than on account of illness or accident, except as otherwise provided herein or in the plan. M R:;CrUI11T IOI�S DIMER Tits ?U_rT 1. liMES''I71" E PLOY,"I;S' 01T IOI: 07 DECOi.s;';(,' .E101S OF TiiE ',I �7 2. Any o, iployee in service on the effective date of the plan vrho v,,ithin one year does not elect to narti.cipate from the datc lie becomcs :eligible shall si n a tmiver forfeitin,; an, rights Al -o p(.st service benefits should he elect to ')econe a r onber at a later date. 011Du3:COF A L.j °3 RS.:IP Each neriber frill receive evidence that :)-e hs,s been included as a r.einber of the plan. 3. PROOF 01 JI -GE (a) At the time of join:4n,- t1se Man or as soon thereafter as possibl: a T=iember will furnish ;goof of the date of his birth in the form of a bird: or baptisr,,ml certificate. This certificate trill be returned to tho enb::r. (b) 111 a birth or certificate cannot be obtained, the menber frill furnish such other docu:lent in proof of .is a6 as may be acceptable to the Governnent or the Insurance Company. 40;L..::r iCLfay I Each employee on beeornirnc a member of the plan rr:ay, -,lith the concurrence of the Goverrli ent and/or the Insurance Conran. y, designate an�:� person as his beneficiary to receive such stuns as ;.;ay be payable on or after :lis death, reservin the ri ht to chane the beneficiary fron tirr.-- to time -ith the assont of the Govornnent or the Insurance Company. If, on the dcat1i of the nomber, ti-iere should be no linin; desi-nated beneficiary v=rith respect -to himself, such suans as would other-V:ise be to his desiZ;nated beno.fici.ary will be payable '.-o thc le -,al representatives of the _::ember. 5. T'E'I.:I1 TIOIT OF S1-_4R,rICL A-.ie,-rber s>iall be deemed to have finally termini tod his services .,:hen, in the opinion of the o3,E 3lo;;fer, }le has terminated its en loymont without reason to believe that he will be further employed. 6. St S La'SIOid 01' SMVICE A noinber shall be decried to have sus�,ended his ser,,•ice zrhen he is temporarily off dut;;- vr� thout j,a�r for any reason_ other than on account of illness or accident, except as otherwise provided herein or in the plan. 2 .O 7. SIM ICL TO C07111171" TO,u",.RDS ,-'LO`Ir. I S SWC Ru OF Req, IR&GN.T LrN ITY In computing; a member's period of service to,,,mrds the employer's share of retirement annuity, the follovrinG rc�;ulations s1lall provail s Service to bo included (a) All time worked with an-,• or all dopartrjentsof the employer or all tiLae worked and paid or contributed to in whole or in part by the employer. (b) All time lost on account of absences for reasons of illness where a member is paid for such absence. (c) All timo lost on account of absences for reasons of illness where a „eMbcr is not Laid for such absonces but is considered as beim; on sick leave. (d) All time lost on account of season lay-offs vr'nere a member is not oaid for -7uch absences but who qualificd as a perr;wncnt employco. • DIS2- IL.TY Disability, as set out in the plan, shall be interpreted vo moan that a member has furnished medical testir ony, satisfactory to the crsployer, that he is unable -'co contin,ae furthor at iris omplo hent. , TO .TNSHIP UIQ BAYHA-e. BY-LA_J NO . RESTHIC,.:'ING THE `:J -EIGHT OF VE;I!CL.i S P1�SUING OVER .'i BRIDGE. WHEREAS Subsection 8 of section 34 of the Highway Traffic Act. (R.S.O. 1950, Chapter 167) provides that: - The municipal corporation or other authorit.- having jurisdiction over a bridge may by by -late approved by the Department make regulations limitin5� the wei,ht of any vehicle passinC7 over such bridge: A-10 it is deerned exped,ent to 1 --".mit the we i;ht of vehicles pa. sing over a bridge in the ', unicipalitcr of Township of Bayham: 1407.4 T H�REF0RE the Council 1 of the Corporation of the unicipality of Tovrnship of Bayllzarra enacts as follows: 1. No vehicle or combination of vehicles, whether e1,lnty or loaded, shall be operated over the followin- bridge in the :.un'icipality of Township of Bayham with a weight in excess of the follovring schedule. �Ta; le of Brid.;e Location �thnog. .. � .. a yTeight Limit. 2. Any person violati.n:_; any- off' t�ie provisions of this by-law shall be liable to the penalty provided in Section 34 of t1ie Highway Traffic Act. 3. This b -r -law shall not becor:ie effective until approved by the Department of Highways and until a notice of the limit of the weight perlaitted, legibly printed, has been posted up in a conspicuous place at each end of t. -ie bridge. Enacted and passed this day of CL! M' s '0. ic �Z v, .11 r 13Z 7 ........... ust;A(D1 Lr'.: o a 01" "'TC ll -it 0 . ! � s c Z 0 -0 do -0 "' L 11 c,, i s e 02.',l t�ic C! "o r e at t c iLi f.,:, c o a") u- 1 13 C i')II r 0 r77 or c be C, 0 1 -1 c 4, 1 -3 r,�, Ell 0 C: v 0 e 0 0 CO, C 0 c 0 0 S e 0 's oe 0" j 7 c to -.01, 1-0 tj :-j. co _ss s 0 0." 1 e 0 71+...._.. I-. ol 1, 'll o J—, 0'ii "I o t Cut V 2- 0 .. '*,J n o o Co. C 'D, C ea L) e "i s -c ne. i�- v *,-ol �J--,L!7� n I Cs o na C, 0' riC-'- i r c 0 ILI ron 'j, c a- t -A a-, m C -N u�e ialae,AA..00**0. . . .'. e e, v cl 0000000 4 a-5 13t, 11 nl art r, Y- n to on icl 0 v 0 ,:ein- 1. e v i C-4 1^ 0 a.V, to t '7Tr Fa �ro-vi,'(,, dor t' l I cot-cti on t 0 2, /4 tog? 3. 1' b. t rl 0.1r 0-1 e r lit t' 'in, J. on r a t r or O -'-C-1 frNi- a. r cu- -L ,, - 4- - f:l e " ) 1 ;;- C C '- - � '.. o -7 C 0 5 n n 'an n C) 0 ol J37 /A 5, 6"50. /0-0 sr /07 A1,0 g. 0 3 - - - 18-3 4'- t Cl vO'r -1 10 7 0 v 0 t Dtl 2, /4 tog? 3. - - - - - - - - - - - - - r or O -'-C-1 frNi- a. r cu- -L ,, - 4- - f:l e " ) 1 ;;- C C '- - � '.. o -7 C 0 5 n 'an n C) 0 ol J37 /A 5, 6"50. /0-0 sr /07 A1,0 g. 0 3 - - - 18-3 '}°._ li {??1!�?1, v0 Y''.1SE' i:,'.�' t;} �,, f �j3�,�D ..'�;") nu1, 7, 4 � 0 r o l_ I t� 1'1 ry c: V � - c e ""chool o ��,� r> ,, ;L o,., ��G �o. ___ i�/,3 , , .�.. .moi .ryry i. {.aQ �+_.. 70 —4 .0 in �nri. r.`s., diuion , cn. `i'��: >; ± !f';tjt, o'.' o C.'3t mol ',, .,Y)ortcrs, "or ,fir-; cn':._ T'}.'l-F c =:)ol 'elbrc", ' ..tc o." 14,4 i 1;-, on the 1 rr?e, e, ri�''� � /f ....�' . '.i� "g..� �:� o'.? , �:� :an" ��r:;4::?�^ 0.- �/ I .l O•V O Q ^ 0.- t 71 Y 1 C�.:.Ll."'%.. )�`^'•- .:.n J'> 3L.:�.�Q<33 ..ry J•<•�`.�i ru t. Ali c u'}a._,o )e':�=ent--��re\,^, ::- to n 5� !o -.�. ,r .._ o'_i hc; 1r2vie ; .n,':I in ~>. .ition, on s'scr .i .�(• � � �?, B�U,ov _` /' r _�_'�i?3". ��� ?�.r :t, C} Ooi ',.l'�"'or �r.r !'or °o. ' C;'fie 1�:,L}I"F>�, O_:� �•I�. ;�7 ;_� �, '.,c :n{ z?1 '_ Vii:; ion on ? Sr . rr?r';�t=. Or` ! 7/ �ee,#o o r' .'':(.' }f�y7arC moic ..i f'1�'C)�7 �. )��n porter... , __ t"1'^ ^.a_'1 ' o ,^4�1:':._ '.} JC:.}'- ':`t�r 1 :.L/., . •. .i. '.: . ��♦ , V V/ .L.. �. � � e a� �rs i`4 'V - i 3$, T ! R ov .., ``�.).i.„ F .. 2�"Dn .ro....n er?ctzQn -, �... ✓ "hat , i .Z i �_ o t , .1_ o I s '� � C., v � � � L c � : � ? ! `.� Q i el , , �, :. _ .. O 1 .. ? I _ c i I fr 3 ��t 1 (n{I i? 2"1 f ?1 :� t .° l Tc, a� s. ;e C iT1 .^ ? j. a .'.Zi`i �7_ o ^'�.�sc s' ~: i�i Q.^ ^�i/, 8.�7�, _—_ �7 ��' _." ,,C•Z '"i, 1^ i r -!. _= a= 't to G, 07�: __-- AYl, 3. --__ 7•0 6: :,he ;l :r ; ch .l nren re _.n, i ,r<. , a^�, ,ice 1.^^ :ori Col --lector on or 7, .^nor 01 LT�:�:�n, � ?. S • ., r� • __1 t�"xc 7 or ot.=cr ;ter^z ?. gate- s 11 '-e n,.i int^ � ' -)� ce oy u'�lo 'wn:- ;oi?ector or '_7rery-urcr ow~ t le of r S Clio - O �' l/ . ([^',. "n --d t L �.s� _ _.r^. ' T ` t ^ � j, �.`. ort r✓' • -1 y4./iF� C ..,�..y .� ;.1.1C( Yr'S('". _�Z?\..� r.,,,Z�� y.�„ T �' i, Cine t)df t_i;l or .' 'o-_,-`3 -u«t -T _ N 19 �,8 n.w on or o`}� "�l ,� no �.r� ^ :'` : t ��� r Z r�.'� e r "o:." 0"- -. �8 ='':{ en Iue i;.�' ti r'1 �CrJL'":t. , 'Gs^ '�"v"t�--Y'.. rx:."31u of, i .�;F��; ►1;:.� � 'b'7 o :� O it ..t �::' '',. o i in ) �T �' i l �w Y :� 106 l �' ^i C S. t. ' : 0 ,1- e ms i t 4'• t.� -1 (' .n� :to. T.�.��:� ,a �.o o. :c om,hi'l-) of I�a:rho_m. "' o I L• =. for r)t.:o� ,. � 1. C::.. ."l J,'. :_ Yr r.. � L r) tJ .4J .�.. ... � 1✓ �� J `'ter ''ovirte notice, t�,e mor o,� =p a_ ~ 1_i _... ._� t /,.o o ., -., � n {.` c r. 4— t e �_ s :"'o r t second. In 19 cIf � • ~in .'I � sSc, 4- a.r 11!HE CORPORATION OF THE 'rr%+ 4S HIP OF BAYh ', 3 —J,a­r :so. 1 6r A By-law to sto - up part of a.n alley in Glee Village of Eden, in the '. o,.Tnshi�) of B;_-iYharu. VIH �Ri� . a by vii , ewe of ;`:3 e ct i on 469, (1) (c) or t tae Tinicis�al .pct, ievised SMcatutes of Ontario, 1 501 Cha;:#tcr t'riis Corporation is em -1.) -,.,c red to strep up prxrt of .i ht?) -i ay wit':.in the it is cie.emed expedient to sto - up pert of the alley���:tr:►f�ez� it zi;second ft;r�eets end ea�: of rein "tree; accarci .n ; cry r(!—istcred plan Numhe-r 113 of the Villa re o.' Dien. ,...: J 7 the rrcttiirer cnts of )cc" ion 47 (Z } a `" 'he i,iuni.c? p,:_1I '.c -, , C,* I.. `1 1. '.'lt;li tliE: ;.mC).L'?, c" tion Oof tl.t3 -)roposed have been duly coi.viliuci and .-to persoll wh,-Ose lands mit u;e a "f'ec�ted thereby- has a nlieo t o `)e- heard or � a sed any object: -on in res;)ecf, thereof. :i �'i "�i�; -�. air �:; �: D , IT .1, J., ZD a a By-law o .' t! 'A. o�,rn >�1i > Bayhari 1. That ,,cart of the alley �.3et'.,een -P first and Second Streets and. east of ::cin �t: eet acc�or�i ng �u revistered -Ilan .u:iber 113 of the V -illa-�e of Loie :i, in tine + or�r �,:;4� i. � Of `41-,rharn, r;�o %e )art4 pular l y described i,.�. :schedule ".A-" to this 113y-l::.w, is hereby stopped u,►. 2. That the portion of t_.e said alley closed b y this 13y-l.a.-r �e c _T�Eyed ,o ="lAys Vivian Howey, the o.:rze_° of -..e � d,Join-in� lxlds, anu that -;he reeve and Clerk, be arld they are hereby a�:tht�ri 3c:d to execute all rieces: airy convey�:.nces .for th 4 1.s purpose. 3. ribs By-law stall take of l'ect as soo=a as the approval. and consent of the 1,ieu`-.eziant -�roveraor in Coj:ricil :tnc? the Cot;rz;;y of"':l rin a are obtal4—L :al a React a first anti second time this 5th. d:.y of Tiay, 1950 ( s i =;ned Basil : �evill "eve. (signed) J. D. Vallee Cleri,. :Lead ; t :ird tia:�� ani finally passed this 30th. day of i lay, 1958. I, J.D.Vallee, Clerk of Bayham Township, hereby dertify this to be a true and correct copy of Township of B riam By -Law No.1369 • ulerK or baynam Tomsnip. (signed) Basil �eyill Reeve . (si med) J.D. Vallee Clerk* 4 N i H n u u t, r a T� c c' T-1 s T, a 11 '[w, of" hq t bC- l-(,: AA IF -4 py I ti.. t 1-1 t 14 JA Wli'E' At'EA t'!1 M I n I c� c r f' lit h IL, s i ri h r- ss,r w ,Et M-1 rig 4. A Ir P o v I and 11 C, J r a r-) �4 e c an e ri h a v to "I 4k t' "a K 1-17 C. t (1, zir ar e r *c "Y a t H M j fo L ,•�iE �0��^���.� .... ~� .. ',E f ��I1r.J�.J.c" a.ii'� �s� ��� by-law .1: of 62 A 3y -law to stop tip part of an alley in the ,, ,11a ru of Eden, in the r'ownship C r_. ��a-Z ,.ana* v EREAS by virtue of Section t�6q (1) (ej of the Kur.icipal Act, :?pvised St.at'ltAs of Ontario, 19500 Chap'.er 243 tris Corporation is empowered to stop up part of a highway within. the `.township. A'4'. i E:iEA:`i i*, is deemed expedient to stop up part, of the alley be ;ween First and Second :Street: avid east of iv;airl StrAe` according :,o re,;istered Plan .umber 113 of the tillage of Eden, A.yD—HEREAS ';he require rents of Sec Lion 472 (i.) of } ne ,,. nicipal Act dealing wi-h the publican i cri of '.o' -Aces of the proposed By-law have ?ce : dilly cop; pl _ed w,�t : a.-- :i :.o person. vqr' lands rrm� ht be affected Thereby has applied to be heard or raised any oDjectiori in respect ,hereof. .:"OW 77 :'.EREFC._E :IE T'" as a --law of the . ow.ship of ..ayyham : 1. "'�!a' �-ar`, o - ;.r.e alley cetwee-% i 7 and Saco.=:d S+- reets and east of 1,"ai.n S ,reet arcordiri:_ ":o recri.stpred Flan 7,1mber 11" of the VillaEe of Eden, in •.ire 'owe 7hip of riay ,.ar., mors par'�icularly described in Sc�-:ed»le "A" '.o this `y-la.4 ys �:ereby s'Uop ped up. 2. ':'ha`; the pop; io!� of `hP said a�.le�* tilosed by this Ry --law be conveyed to '71..advs Vivian I.+owes, *,he ower -r 'o_`' `,�-e .ad oiri, -r lands, and ,r.a4- *.he Reeve and %Cler , be and they are hereby aijt ::ori zed ',o execu..e all necessary conveyanc 1s for ;`- is pi.rpos,.-�. 3. "'his -? ,-law shall take effect as ,ocr, as approval ald consent of Lie,:`Qna~`-.- overnor in and t:;p ^oLmi y of Elcz-in ars- ot;, aired. ea,l a first and second +,ir;ie t::is 5th• da', of. "ay, 1958. (Signed Basil Nevill (Si ed) J. D. Vallee er '0ad a third ime and finaMl , parsed .his 3Q day of Mayj 1958. i, J.D.Vallee, Clerk of Bayham Township, hereby certify the above to be a true and corr-et copy of Township of Bayham By -Law No. 13" P. Clerk of BayhaM kp.. (Signed) Basil Nevill Reeve ( Signed) J. D. Vallee :.mer Y - 1 •�� � � Y "j" ' y C M1 i '4 "' W .'1 «'Z d �'., '•1i � C.l (Y, w`� •.Z <i:. � � � ," 1,.,�a X ' T„ c �,/ � Ai f� � J � »�c f ..af ;' .. C t I 4. . ., iv `• .)'7, ,.i. l.k ✓ r .. �;`t �� i ... d �^z � �"� L.. � .... d . . z ` :py '. ,,. z�. �'z ♦ + L4 `.Y ;. « 3.v "a. is _. .�'°`` ir° M w=. �.. �~� ,. x ` � , ♦ _ � ..? ' � �., d w.w ' 3 .,j Ls. • ..i _ _. ... n .. � i. a ,i bh . .. L k f 4v'-'. Aw 1.72;5 o oF.+` !, t ,L x i.3 7d.. a"« . No. � � R ....: 'K AIp •+f� #e .LY ���.JF x h...L''" iAJ' ;� #."` .r.:�,� _.... � ..w..,� 4,.......�. .....rw.«.....,.,.w+d,..-" R eFF Lw••�+.,.. .,,....%✓r Tr `°u....t Part of R—, AJ. �.. t;!,' ww.tpw« iLT�a V ;�.+3 �b.�1�'�,�, I.k. .m3,rJe....a.,.. ,,.� r..:P...pT. r..�............_o-S.°„.A— aa...,+'� t,NEp. � f a i�`�i1 3 � '' °'}wns,t of May, 1 9 . ,4 , A, '<_7 « d i "..1, P*ir a P V Por. � aa u S n n ►1't;F'�.;'i�; 1s. !. '. a t j, L`r ;y *�' £.► ' i a i i un , , i S v 1, by t w L 0 +L 0' i A,. 1 k. i p j;:.,, n •1� f i i.!,7�. ri �e s � 1. r r�: f t . it ti; l c `�. f`". ,�y , 5 r tf + � iT�� °p�w.�a j.:,, `a - sd �. ".� .±. . � ' � 1M A i e"X.s. iJ .' i� .i, � i me:-)nths nor t yian �`ett,E � jli i a. i.a° .aii,P'},e w)aia'si.Z:.tg t g y�yy .j yy i �y ^{'. w y y� '5t W t .... c �a iia a. r>n s- ,3 �{ �ry '+...i �o; ni..m �A r. ?.i �.+e �.���,✓ .. "k pt .. ^` ',.�■ VL 4+' °J iM �.,T A CC i.r .:�E.♦ -\.° J.e - ,= C M `.i ,d.. L, 1 ..1..r..1 h L> %.. 3 �_"�. J.' s'm'� 1./a?w >. `i: is. has y. by- Lay. 91;?in enacts 4z t. +J.fA'. wv e Ln stop up L+ -art ,.' an a C? � 3.�� ���s�! � � ,. �t. ��,�t _¢� t``�dan $ j ti ti% nwr ih f Bavham, b+i, and "A' -,e same 18 hereby i or.fin-ped, w e pi'" -AU s socr> i''; time, t. A. 16th da.K `.-�+8paieo*'`Ahem , i r f.a58 C1.orpt 'Ia rd, rt i1, n' 7n. Clerk of taie �rrrpoatirn of -he County of 1;1.gin, o :,ere'& -,v certify that the oregoing is a tarFas copof -.:mow No,, +� l�nbrer Pas, d 10y the Crotmcl1 of the Said Cn;r-porRtion on * �► 16t. "Jay of 95 it I ®rk IWA I . I- ­�I, tjjc� .- � '� , - .- �j A. L CA �y !... 11 fire"' 16th 16th I I V O -S C,l 16th I, J. D. Thomson, Clerk of the Corporation of the County of Elgin, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By -Law No. 1725, passed by the Council of the said Corporation on the 16th day of September, 1958* Clerk sua., 0 t ti —14 0 Ut �y !... 11 fire"' 16th 16th I I V O -S C,l 16th I, J. D. Thomson, Clerk of the Corporation of the County of Elgin, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By -Law No. 1725, passed by the Council of the said Corporation on the 16th day of September, 1958* Clerk t « .'1 �.,...1. S ~A .. > ?,1i'S i � `. `:.l `' �f i !' _,F (1 �'a ...1 r*�.. .� •,. `,,,A ,�: a..f .� 1� � �.; «8 '^°} .. , l . ..r � l..,.t a � t„; .... ,Pt r r.> . .` � f. � � '� � - t^ � ♦� •1'tl-!« s... ?,., ,°., (�i�i f'�t. y"Y x: +.?"'$ � �- %'rt � 1,... f"! !"+; 0 ^ , r.t � �� �s :'S .t- <..�t i , � ✓t " +-. ^ � '^t � t«° �' {.,,. .^)'; ,:>. / th `• �f > i"1 -t �t . .E.. �., ✓� •, f"% q.y �.. � l ' ... .- � t s �1 t ! pp _� , t,_ I ♦ •e , �- ria". . an :. .y. 1 �.. .'Y !`c o. 8 a<..:. ✓ n ..y ;�- e � ;^�'>'^�. ,. :^� •� hate. T+ i ^ ,"t t'1 .•a = �... :� s i .; ,. s'1 � �.. `,Z : !`11'•y 1.. a 'l S �.i : 1 �.✓ - 1 1 J -, ...J a� � vin individual t.._ r _�.�_. _ . • �' wa '. �- " " ,_ �� ,. , , _ w '�? c `•j I ` ..` s -j •.; - . ,,.z .}» it ,,', .».lbw ' c. ,. ..�. '..� / r �'i �.-,:,s �' 3 ". � � t "".Z !.."�.. f ,ra - `'>., � .,1 ^ , .c.. t `°'t ^r> •s ✓ ��«'� r %'1, r t r, i, ` w: � �rw�y �K � � �� ��. �° �. � � ,'` �"�+ �} �� ik ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Toronto 2, June 26,1958 Dear ?-:r. Valee, I am. in receipt of a - copy of By -Law No. 1370 of the Corporation of the To'wrnship of Fay ha sett:Ln -, apart the TowrnshiT' ;drool Area of Port Burwell and Ray:.arr, inclu-Jing the tV.o school sections of Port Burwell ar.d Union School Sect lon ,urnber 2 Ba'-+iam, and School Section Number 3 Payham. T am also in recent of a similar by-law passed by the Council of the Village of Po,-+. �?urwell. In accordance with subsection (23) of Section 15 of The Public Schools Act, the sinister of Zducl�,ticn lives his an-..)roval to this by-law. ✓ TInder subsection (1) of Section 17 of The Public Schools Act (R.S.J. 1950), the linister appoints Yr. I.D. M.cColl, Public School Inspector, St. Thomas, as Referee to value, ad ju!=t and deter -mine in an ea_•uitable Tanner all rights and claims cf the different school sections enterin, the Toi%mshi:c School Area. '•:r. 'r`c^oll will make his report to the sinister within three months after the passing of the by-law. Yours very truly, Deputy N'inister err. J.D.Valee, Clerk, Township of Bayhw.,, Staf fordv3_ lle, Ontario. :.°sing a By-olarw of the corporation of the Village of Port Eurwel.ly *JLNZNA rt to set apart the 'IDOmship 3choul Area of Pont Purwell wid $ &Jhaat! town ship 3 dhool A rea. T IMA'q It Is expedient that a Township rI chool Area be sot apart; ANTI-, "IlEhEAS a request for this action teas been rereiv*d by this Cmnoil fracas the ratepayers of �. 0 .0o,,,and the Poarcd of iiuste*s of the sold `1% w. O. * an well as sup-orting cot=-tflt. nlcaztions frca the Port Purwell Sohool Poard and the fl:orporatian of the Village of Port r"31; dft the r.otmell of tYie Village of Dort rwollop%ar�,nAant to the authority conferrod by subset tion (f) of "eco tion l5 of th.e Public Achool Aot,$11• .0. 1950,en sets as followMi,& ienia:t v,.e Village of Part 11 be Bret apart as a 'founship cshoo1 ifroa, tot a the ori til porticala of v a ..own ship or baykas, same being more fully described in laetion 2,hsreto. area shall non list of Public . ohool ect3.on 0' 40_R, r'&yh sand :also teat portion of ,may% 7.ownship,foming a Union ohool ''eoation with %Se�To.$,beln& Port '9v rw 11 Sohool "actiog, together with the whole of the nilage of Port Wrwell . 3,* The 1.4oard of Trus Des of the said jown4 yip School Area, 3a oreby dealgna tee as "Port Purw*110 and "Payhsm 71chosol itreaa► Board, w 4.On arid of ter the 26th.day of ,ocember, 156 the School �wctions Inc luded in the sold Tbm ship nehool Area shall Des ae to exist as Individual school geetians and crie sahool boards having furl adi tion In sviah sections shall be dissolved. 5. this 14 -law shall take effect from tt:o E5th,oday of 7ocer.ber, 1958 anti on arpl royal from the-epartinen t of Ediunation. Read a first brae this �� � day of \.,)"-GG read a s000nd tlxie thi s day Read a Third ting this /-- dad' of 196 3 r :tee •••.• ••••.•�••••••+�•w 0 BY-LAW NO* / 3 7.3 Of the Municiple Corporation of the Township of Ba.yham. A by-law establishing rules and regulations with respect to the GUYSBQRO CEMETERY; Be it enacted by the Municiple Council. of the Township of Bayham as f ollows 1 - Care and Management The care and management of the cemetery shall. be in the hands of a commission, hereafter knoim as "The Cemetery Commission", com- po -sed of nine members:: and the Toimship Clerk, three of whom shall_ be appointed each year by the Council.of the Township of Beyham and shall have office for a_ term of three years (the first com- mission to be composed of a. three year tern for three of its mem- bers,, a. two-year term for three of its members and a one year year term for the three remainin members). 2 - Permanent Investment The municipality shall. receive from the lot owners any sui:a of money for permanent investment, the annual interest of which is. to be expended upon their lots or onenera,l improvement if so requested. 3 - Care of Lot in Perpetuity Upon payment to the IILLnicipality (through the treasurer if so desired by a lot Darner of the siu.n of fifty dollars. which sum shall be placed to the credit of the Cemetery Trust �� d, the �.uzicipality gill under- take the care of the lot in perpetuity, �+ - .Ul Other Lot -Owners All other lot oimers shall, on or before the first day of April in each and every year, pay to the Cemetery Cori.ssion of this i-;unicip- ality the sura of three dollars toward the general care and upkeep of the cemetery ori in the case of default here the plot owner is a land owner in the said i-hunicipality the sane may be charged to his property talLes, ori in the case of default in pa;Tment of said tax for a period of ten years, the corm -d' ssion shall have power to remove any bodies interred therein to any part of the cemetery that may be assigned for that purpose together with any markers or gravestones thereon and resell the said lot. 5 - Price of Lots The price of lots may be fired fro -.:i time to time by the Cemetery Corma, issions but shall not be less than ten dollars plus twenty-five dollars perpetual care for a tt0n by sixteen foot single lot, five dollars plus thirteen dollars perpetual care for a ten by eight foot half lot and three dollars plus seven dollars perpetual care for a single ;rave ten by four feet Guysboro Cemetery Trust Fund From and after the passing of the by-law a special account shall. be kept by the, township treasurer to be called "The Guysboro Cemetery Trust Fund% This fund shall. include all money paid to township treasurer by the commission for investment. No part of the money received into this fund, e,1 cept the interest derived therefrom shall be expended for any purpose whatsoever but the same shall hereafter be held by the toxmship in trust to be invested and kept invested from time to time in such securities as may be authorizied for the investment afsiriking funds and that have been approved by the Cem- etery Commission. The interest arising from the said fund shall be paid annually by a resolution of the Counci-L after the amount has. been certified by the treasurer to the Cemetery Commission to be expended ( 2 ) by -it in the care and management of the cemetery, 7 - Tra.nsfex and Ownership The Cemetery Gorolssion shall keep a register containing a record of all transactions in respect of the sale, transfer and aumership of lots and also an account with each individual lot-oimer with respect_ to the annual fee or tax. 8 - R1]61es and ReEulations The following rules and regulations with respect with the cemetery are hereby adopted: (1) Persons_ desiring to purchase lots will_ call on the caretaker, who will assist in making a selection and when settlement is made an interment gill be permitted, (2) Lots. free from all.. encumbrances are conveyed by deed securing the purchaser and his heirs a title in fee simple but for the purpose of sepulchre only, subject to the rules. and regulations that are now in force or may be adopted thereafter. (3) No. deed will be. i s sued until a lot is fully paid for, and if interment is permitted befor such time the Cemetery Commission retains the right to refuse future interment until. any balance dug on such loot is fully paid, and in case of persistent default, to remove any body already interred to any part of the cemetery -assigned for this: purpose. (4) .A deed from the Cemetery Connission and its record on the books kept under the dixecti.on of the Cemetery Commission is tide only evidence of title of the proprietor recognized by the 1unicipality, therefore, sale or transfer of lots by the owner shall.. not be valid without the consent of the Cemetery Commission and its approval endorsed by the. conveymce. The record of a. properly made sale or transfer �- ._ be made by the Cemetery Commission upon payment of two dollars, which shall -be paid to the Cemetery Commission. (5) The sub -division of a lot or the sub -division of the o-vmership of a lot is not allowed, the joint ovmer shin of a lot is not recom- m-ended, but, td.en it occurs, the Cemetery Commission, if it deems. it. expedient, will permi.tt a transfer duly executed by either owner to the other but no other person. (6) General care does not provide for care of monuments, grave markers or any other decorative planting which may be placed on lots but does include grass -cutting and reasonable, care of shrubbery. Lot -owners, may have i. ork consistent with the rules and regulations done by arran- gement with the Cemetery Commission idiich will. furnish the lowest possible estimate to properly execute the work. (7) Improvements within the cemetery before as well as after inter- ments, are made will. be under the control of the Cemetery Commission, Hereafter no lots shall be enclosed Frith a fence or hedge and shall. not be raised above the level of surrounding lots. All foot -markers must be sunk to tree level. of the surface of the earth, (8) No- person other than the caretaker and lot-ozmers shall be per- mitted to perform any work. on any lot and such work shall. be confined to the working hours of the day and under the supervision of the care- taker. (9) No treesor shrubs. shall be planted on any graves nor shall any trees: or shrubs. be, cut down, renoved., or trimmed wit1l.out tree penrdssi.on of tl-,Le Cemetery Commission. Such Mork can only be done under the. direction of the caretaker... (10) Lot --Owners who plant out flower.-, and then fail to have then pro- perly watered and trimmed and kept free from weeds are hereby noti: ied' that the caretaker has. the right to remove neglected plants from beds raves., vases. or urns,. 11) The caretaker must not undertake with any lot-ourner to give any special care to any lot in the cemetery. (12) Lo.t-owners shall keep in goad repair any structure or object which may be placed on the lot failing which the same may be. removed. (13) 11onuments must be placed as near the centre of the lot as possible unless permission is,given by the Cemetery Co=ission to place otherwise. (14) The Cemetery Commission has the right to prevent or remove any structure or object which they deem injurious tc., the general good appeo earance of the cemetery.. (11;) Funerals while with in the grounds grill. be under the control of the caretaker (33 (16) No burials shall be allowed in any lots against which there shall appear charges due and unpaid. (17) All graves must be prepared by -Ile caretaker or his assistant. Any lot -owners desiring a grave opened steal the cemetery com. mission and pay. therefore according to the chedule:f as determined by The Guysboro Cemete�.Commission fortestime being. The Commission shall give & receipt for the amount which when shown to the caretalker shall be deemed sufficient notice to him to open grave. (18) All foundations sizall be built by or under the supervision of the caretaker at the expense of the lot -owner, Reasonable notice must be giv&n and payment at the time of gimi.ng order, All foundations to be built to the requirements of the Cemetery Commission., (19) No person shall be permitted to enter the cemetery except through the gates, which are to be closed at dark. (20) Lot -owners, their families and visitors will be admitted daily and are requested to observe all rules adopted for the regulation of visitors. (21) Children who are unattened by persons who will be responsible for their conduct will not be admitted. (22) Bicycle riding will not be permitted. (2 ) No rapid driving or driving on lawns will -be permitted& (24) Allersons are strickly prohibited from pludlking any plants p _ whether wild or cultivated, breaking any trees or shrubs' marring any stone -work, or anyway defacing anything in the cemetery. (25) The caretaker shall furnish a. statement of all extra. work other than general care of lots to the Cemetery Commission who shall enter the same on their boos for collection. (26) Plot -owners are advised that no money sxlall. be- paid to the caretaker for any purpose whatsoevery PLEM a Third time and finally passed this ,/ 9 �i" eeve, �v day of k_ clerk. 4 4 414 4f w Co. Tp. ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAY 1 Toronto 5, September 15, 1958. 'ir. J. D. Vallee, Clerk, Township of Bayham, STR.AFFORDVILLE, Ontario, Dear Sir: Re: Supplementary Road Expenditure By-law No. 1377 Amount - I 3$,000. Please be advised that the above cited by-law has received consideration as a charge against the allotment for Special Capital Projects in the Department's estimates for the current fiscal year. The Honourable Fred M. Cass, Minister of Highways, has approved of the proposed expenditure, for subsidy purposes, to a limit of $ 38,000. for Construction, SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. That the expenditure(s) shall be made only for the purposes set out in the by-law and supporting programme and shall not be diverted, either in whole or in part, to any other purpose without the prior consent in writing of the Municipal Engineer. 2. That the individual works of road and bridge con- struction and the purchase of each unit of equipment and the award of contracts for ,same shall be subject to the approval of an engineer of the Municipal Roads Branch. 3. That the District Municipal Engineer shall be informed and his consent obtained before tenders are called for the proposed work or purchase and before any commitment Is made by the Municipality. N.B. In the event that any portion of the cost of the proposed work or purchase is to be raised in a subsequent year or financed by the issue of debentures, the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board must be obtained before the work or purchase is authorized or any commitment made with respect thereto. Any copy of the by-law as approved is returned herewith. Yours very truly, J. V. Ludgate, Municipal Engineer. JVL/ET Attach. I FORM 111-1b BY-LAW NO, 1377 . SEPTEMBER 1957 A BY-LAW TO PROVIDE FOR TH% 19 58 E.XPENDI`SURtE.-A ('1:4 iiOADS 3N THE TOWNSHIP OF A:),41Y11'. _� IN THE OOUI`ITY t :o MIDI WHEREAS The Highway Improvement Act requires that the * total expenditure on roads be,provided for annually by by-law and that the by- law be submitted to the Minister of Highwayj for approval. THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the said Township enacts as follows-.- (1) ollows.- (1) The sum of $ 38 000.00 is hereby estimated as the expenditure upon the construction :nrc ma'_ntenance of the roads and bridges under Its Jurisdiction during the year 19 � 8- as follo:Ys : - CONSTRUCTION I A INTENANCE TOTAL ROADS .................. $ 19t 000.00 $ $ 191 000. v0 BRIDGES & CULVERTS ..... $ 19, 000.00 $ $ 191000 OUte NEWMACHINERY .......... $ MISCELLANEOUS .......... $ nil 9? TOTA LS $ , 000. S0 38, 000.00 (2) The said monies shall be expended under the supervision of the duly appointed township road superintendent and on work performed in accordance with The Highway Improvement Act. (3) The clerk shall transmit duplicate copies of this by-law to the d13tJrct office of the Municipal Roads Branch, Department of Highways, not later. than March 31st of the said year. (4) The approval of the Ontario Municipal Board shall be obtained before any expenditure is authorized or work commenced which will be financed by the issue of debentures or monies raised in a subsequent year Passed at Straffordville tS E A L) this 5thw day of":uguA.D. 19 5 (Signed) J. D. Vallee (Signed) Easil Nevin Clerk. Reeve .� I, J, D, Vallee Clerk of the Corporation of the Tiwnship of Bayham , do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By-laV. No. 1377 passed by the Council of the said Corporation on the 5th, day of August , 19 �8- Af, Township Cler f FORM MR -19 OCTOBER 1957 4 s TOWNSHIP OF __ _ ____ ----RE: BY-LAW NO. - ROAD PROGRAMME FOR THE YEAR 19 1 . CONSTRUCTION (A) ROADS ROAD NO. LOCATION NATURE OF WORK MILES ESTIMATED COST (B) BRIDGES AND CULVERTS — TYPE AND LOCATION SUB—TOTAL SUB—TOTAL (C) NEW MACHINERY AND MACHINE SHEDS (D) MISCELLANEOUS (SEE FOOTNOTE) TOTALS FOR CONSTRUCTION 2. MAINTENANCE (A) ROADS — EXTRAORDINARY RESURFACING (PAVEMENT) MILES RESURFACING (GRAVEL OR STONE) MILES SURFACE TREATMENT MILES ROADS — ORDINARY PAVEMENT PATCHING, CRACK FILLING, SWEEPING STONE OR GRAVEL PATCHING, DRAGGING, BLADING DUST LAYING — CALCIUM, SALT, OIL, PRIME DITCHES, TILE DRAINS, CATCH BASINS, CURBS, GUTTERS, DRAINAGE ASSESSMENTS WEED SPRAYING, CUTTING, BRUSHING, FENCE BONUS GUIDERAIL, SIGNS, ZONE MARKING WINTER CONTROL — SNOW FENCE, PLOWING, SANDING, SALTING SUB—TOTAL (B) BRIDGES AND CULVERTS MAJOR REPAIRS (DESCRIBE) MINOR REPAIRS SUB—TOTAL (C) MISCELLANEOUS (SEE FOOTNOTE) TOTALS FOR MAINTENANCE GRAND TOTAL ~ Date - Township Road Superintendent If insufficient room attach additional sheets giving the data in the form indicated NOTE: Miscellaneous (Overhead, etc.) may he distributed between Construction and Maintenance in the proportion that total of items 1(a) and 1(b) bear to total of items 2(a) and 2(b). 1 FORM MR -16 SEPTEMBER 1957 A BY-LAW TO PROVIDE t TOWNSHIP OF AYHAM . w WHEREAS The expenditure on roads be law be submitted to the THEREFORE the enacts as follows: - (1) The sum of $ expenditure upon the co bridges under its juris BRIDGES & CULVERTS.....$ f NEW MACHINERY. , .... . MISCELLANEOUS....... TOTAL; (2) The said the duly appointed t accordance with The (3) The clerk the distirct office not later than March (4) The a ppro before any expenditu financed by the issu 1 v ! z✓ s L ,f { Passed at Str$ffordviUe this 5tho day of .AMslc A OVO ly ao (S E A L) Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of , do hereby certify thst the foregoing is a true copy of By-law No. passed by the Council of the said Corporation on the day of , 19. Township Clerk. r FORM MR -lb BY--1,AW NO. 1377 SEPTEMBER 1957 A EY-1AW TO PROVIDE FOR THE. lU 58 EXPENDITURE:: 014 ROADS IN THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHfi_M 1W THE COUNTY OF ELGIN WHEREAS The Highway Improvement Act require;; that .the total expend) ture on roads be provided for annually by by-law and that the by- law be submitted to the Minister of H1gh-.gay3 for approval. THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the said Township enacts as follows: - (1) The sum of $33$,20..0_.0.00 is hereby estimated as the expenditure upon the constructnn ancT—rro 3_ntenance of the roads and bridges under Its ,jurisdiction during the year 1958 as follows:- CONSTRUCTION ollows:- CONSTRUCTION ROADS ..................$ 191000.00 $ MAINTENANCE TOTAL $ 19,000.00 BRIDGES & CULVERTS ..... $ 19,000.00 $ 'k 19,000.00 NEW MACHINERY.......... $ nil MISCELLANEOUS .... ......$ TOTAL; $ 3$,000,00 $ 3$2000.00 (2) The said monies shall be expended under the supervision of the duly appointed township road superintendent and on work performed in accordance with The Highway Improvement Act. (3) The clerk shall transmit duplicate copies of this by-law to the distfrct office of the Municipal Roads Branch, Department of Highways, not later than March 31st of the safd year. (4) The approval of the Ontario Municipal Board shall be obtained before any expenditure is authorized or work commenced which will be financed by the issue of debentures or monies raised in a subsequent year. Passed at Straf.fordville this 5tho day of Au2st A.D. 19 58 (a E A I.� Clerk. �Reeve.� I, J. Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of , do hereby certify th9t the foregoing is' a true copy of By -lav) No. passed by the Council of the said Corporation on the day of , 19 Township Clerk. 4 v ^a h . i I t s ' 7 a A e w � � I t By -Law No. / � i Township of Bayham. Being a by-law to provide for a grant to the Elgin County Federation of Agriculture. WHEREAS paragraph lea of Section 405 of the Municipal Act (1953 ) provides that councils may pass by-laws for making this grant; AND WHEREAS it is considered necessary and expedient that this grant be made-, THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED BY THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE TO,.-RISHIP OF BAYHAM AS FOLLOWS:- 1 OLLOWS:- 1. That a grant of Three Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($350.00) be and is hereby made to the Elgin County Branch of the Ontario Federation of Agriculture. 2. That the Township Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to issue cheque for same forthwith. READ ar.,Firsty Second and Third time and finally passed this A day of 19 5 f, Reeve, er . t_ 13 P) . VA By -Law No. 1379• Township of Bayham. Being a . by-law to provide for the holding of the :Iunicipal Elections in the i71unicipality of the Township of Bayham for the year 1958, A.D., and for the appointing of Deputy Returning Officers, Poll Clerk and Polling Places in the several Polling Sub -Divisions in the said unicipality of the Township of Bayham. BE TI THEREFORE ENACTED by the Council of the Township of Bayham as follows, - That provided more persons qualify for election to office than are required to fill the various offices, an election be held on Dec. 1st. 1958 as according to Township of Bayham By -Law No. 1203, and in accordance with the provisions of the Municipal Elections :'Let. That, the election for Sub -Division Diol of the i,iunicipality shall be held at the Police H11 Port Burwell, and that Howard Chute shall be Deputy Returning 8fficer and Percy Clarke shall be Poll Clerk. That, the election for Sub -Division No. 2 shall be held at or near Norman Light Residence and that Murray Emersonshall be Deputy Returning Officer and Norman tight shall be Poll Clerk. That, the election for Sub --Division Flo. 3 shall be held at or near Ray Thurston Residence and that E{ton Jackson shall be Deputy Returning Officer and Ray Thurston shall be Poll Clerk. That,the election for Sub -Division No. 4 shall be "held at the Township Hall and that Harry P. Grant shall be Deputy eturning Officer and Lyle Walsh shall be Poll Clerk. That the election for Sub -Division Ido. 5 shall be held at Corinth Institute Hall, and that Howard Coomber shall be Deputy Returning Officer and Alex Duff shall be Poll Clerk. That, the election for Sub -Division No. 6 shall be held at the Eden School Building and that Chas. Ketchabaw shall be Deputy Returning Officer and Wilfred Nelson shall be Poll Clerk. That, the election for Sub -Division No. 7 shall be held at the Richmond School and that Fred Procunier shall be Deputy Returning Officer and Isabelle Hewbank shall be Poll Clerk. That the election for Sub -Division No. 8 shall be held at S.S.!�Io. 4 School and that Ira ?-"itchell shall be Deputy Returning Officer and Mildred Soper shall be Poll Clerk. AND TH .T the said Deputy Returning Officers and Poll Clerks be and they are hereby authorized and required to hold the said 14tunicipal Elections in accordance with the Act and to provide for voting by ballot at the said elections. READ a First, Second and Third time and finally passed this 6th• day of October 195 8 eeve. i �GfQc � ler By -Lair No. 1380 Township of Bayham. Being a by-law to re rrulate the location and minimum frontage in respect to residences and to regulate the location of other buildings in the municipality of the Township of Bayham. H�RE�S it is deemed necessary and expedient that the above action be taken, AND 1HEREhS the authority for same is contained in Chapter 243, Section 390, Subsection (1), part 4, R.S.O., 1950, and amendments thereto; THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED by the , unicipal Council of the Township of Bayham in regular session as-embled, as follows;- 1. Ciach and every residence constructed in the Township of Bayham, shall have a _,:inimum lot .frontage on a street or public highway of 50 feet, 2. residences shall not be constructed with any portion thereof, closer than three feet to an adjacent lot .)oundary line. 3. Other structures shall not be erected �,Ath any portion thereof, clostr than eightecn inches to an adjacent lo', bo,andary line. 4. No b:ilding or structure shall be erected closer to the street or highway line t,.an are other buildings adjacent thereto and in any and all cases, not less than 10 feet. 5. Buildings for industrial and/or commercial use, in solidly built-up blocks or areas, may be erected at the street boundary line as well as up to the adjacent lot boundary line. 6. Foundations for structures must not be constructed until a sketch plan, showing building location, dimensions and distances from all nearby boundary lines, has been filed' with the To-.,mshin Clerk or Building Inspector, together with application for a Building Permit. 7. This By -Law shall come into Force and effect upon approval by the Ontario 1.1unicipal Board and may not )e repealed or amneded without the approval of the Ontario i411unicipal 1-3card.. READ a first :second and third time and finally passed thes 6th. day October, 195. (Si-ned) Basil Nevill (Sic7ned) J. D. Vallee Reeve . CTer f 0N7ARi 0 THE OrNTA IO HOARD 145 QUEEN ST. WEST TELEPHONE -EM. 3-1211 PLEASE CiJ0''w' FILE NO. P.F. M. ?984-58 February 9, 1959. J.D. Vallee, Esq., Clerk, Township of Bayham, Straffordville, Ontario. Dear Sir, Re: Township of Bayham - Restricted Area By-law 1380 The board regrets that it cannot approve of your by-law 13£0 for which a public hearin was held on the 30th of January, 1959. Uhile the board a� preciates that this by-law is intended as a holding by-law until the Planning Board is organized and has had time to prepare a proper by-law, it is felt that the requirements of this by-law are so light that approval would only hamper the imposition of proper regulations at a later date. We refer particularly to the lot frontage re- quirements which are inadequate,in an area without water or sewer service. The front and side yard. requirements are also lower than ordinarily used. These only apply t o residential uses while commercial and industrial buildings may be constructed without any such regulation. forward - 2 - The board would suggest that you communicate with the Department of Planning and Development, 454 University Avenue, Toronto, Ontario, attention of Mr. Keefer and request assistance in drafting a by-law which will give you the control which you desire. Yours very truly, 0. R. Chapman, :bae Secretary. By --maw ITo. 1380. To,/mship of Bay hcam. Doing a by-law to regulate the location and minimu-aa frontage in respect to residenc,es and fc re ul e the location of other building -- in the municipal . ty of the Town ship of Baynar:. H HAS it is deemed ne�^es --a-y end expedient than; the abo—,re a; -t. on be ta4er, I;'TD 7,TIH :s? 1.S the aut'Iaori for sar,1e i s contained in Chapter 243, Section 700, ^ubsection (1), part 4, R.S.B., 1950ond a iendamfnt thereto: D -Z IT E:dtiCTE'D by the 1%tanicipa:1 Council of ; _ Toleinsh:-Lp of Baynam in regular ' _assembled,f .±.. • L1 �.+ �. a C""n.l� e Y .:.f,. ^ • .i const � a the 3 {� C.,;"4': C. `•+t of L.' ayh �,{_m , E h residence con,,vT'uC..�r3 � U �}, ; hIL � rj shall have a mini.,imxm lot t rr, n t%tge on. a street c -r public highway f 50 feet. 2. Res-dences shall not be con.struc ed with any thy: eof, closer than three feet to an ad jacerlt bo &dar'y I IriE! 0 i 3. Other structures shad.l no*.-, be erected with an.y ,.port -c r thereof, clr}ser than ei htleen inches to an adjacent lot bour,11,-ry line, !� 4. °�o building or structure shall be erect sd closer t� t'�E. street: Cr highway Line thall are rpt. ler bu 31-Ungs adjacent thereto �... l in °,� ---r-- -- any and all, cases, not less .char: 10 feet. .l_ 5 -( 'With the a -p_ oval of t�,u i-xu..�i:�.�pa? �oj�ncil buy ld rz�s o indust - riai and/or commercial use, �.n so Illy b��� lt,-up blocks c�, ar=e r— may , be erected at the -)tr et boundary linFti as �vell a� up to the a: ' —acent lot boundary line • 6rerected ox cornors of. pudic horoughfares, .must, in addition to the above regulations, have the location for same.. apprc �d by the Road Superintendent of the Munic1paliy 7oundations for structures must-not'be constructed � rt:.l a sketch plan, shoY;inz building location, dim -.ns -ions anI distances From all nearby boundary lines, has been filed ;Tit.h the Toin-ishih Clerk or 'uildinv Inspector, to --ether �-:ith �,�,1 . ;tic��7 for a BLlildin ?errs: -. ` . This By-�aa shall come into force �)_nd effect upJ r . Dario _, unicip :eal Board ::�: :r� t be d oi- a� arzded grit',,out the approval of the Ontario Baan , READ a first, seconO and third time � ,l finally passed this 6th. day Octobc,r, lc u. Re eve 4 A6 4 T t'1 f gg .. .... c, . s :'i ... .a. � .i..J .. ,... .., A l i _ ...- . � .. . � _ -. t !. -,,. _" _ r ._ __ ._ �:"' : - i C:.i. ✓ � � _, . .. � � • � " ' -; t •.til wTi.t;,_-.1 :11-.; i.. r.. .�`Y..... i �1i'rr :ii:`v ..w ' -:^'$ •e r,: .. ;. !, ..� ;., �• s . 1 ► .- .. ... ._ ....._. ... 1 � .b. ,, s..a.... '. .... L ' sri +..y :..i.: .-. v . a �v; v �"�`.A.'... �_ � ..' 1 i w .�. � � � r r crb QQ !� t,« ♦. � Cl� S_% ...' V 1111 V �.' � \.: • x � a,. `� � • >A s �.. V cl . !_i ..,. ..•f* ! .s ... i �,,,.� rev n,. ' �• ...i b4... .A. �.. 7 �� "• ,.,''i rYS ;v t j C'` i' 'hv r� 1 '4 t !". �•-. �t ._ 7 e •3 -e . • v w "• ;.i. :3 4r 11 ".L,.i� .a v� L.j.• j _ _,. J { _ , f .. f,..' ,..a J �+. a✓ rt . .. � •./ w .._l ti%. Yrs � + .i.. ,.L r 1 v � �-. s ,. ._. o -.w «.r . ,. .. T . i.. .� • � V � v -S � � � q.. t«_ ... � '. v. _ a4 ,. ... 1.r. i.Y\ :. 3 Y_. '�.' ' .f. ;"c�.i. s` � j � i o ,... a •. � .� ,... y.. Y ._.. m .. • w . .% • That J .L - � �G e !.i ? •a z� i `..i. i.i is f �a I fa „_, � �.•r � r, f � i-." � r- ° � •j �.- �•.- {,,� ,� � _• J :i • •. ..:. its to rr ad , ? a Is1; 1 Se trona and 111 s."'Cl �: �..:E 11+�I .�' ..ilt :� .�i � pa :L •:i v ?1 f r 'dam t, `�•.,. � �. MEM6,41" A Hy-Lwto uthoriso c,.rt%._n :,;r�'n� �� b�,+ ;n + o }f;hi• of Dereham :-nd tho To unship of Bayham rosp,fcting the maint,�narc . :r,:t c�:k, :ia• "1 Hound r.. '�; 's .fhar•t s tho To; nships of Dere ,am -,nd Bayham havo (int-,r^d into an a roc:mcnt for th•n :.aintcnancti- and rop .ir of c -;rt :in portions of thr highv ay forming th- Boundary Ro-d bot, ,j,:)n th-� said Toy,,nshins, -.nd it is ni,cossary to ratify %nd confirm tho s;il agro~:- and to authori spa thf-. Ro;,�vo :nd Clc;rk to gx0cuto tho as=. `l'rorofor^ th ; ;:unicip .l Council of th,- Corporation of tho ^o-: nsri p Bayham enacts as follo,; s:_ That tho Aercomont otwoon tho Tof nships of Jere ha.m ^nd Bayham datod the TwentJ _fourth day of Gcto e.r a truo copy of -hich :grsomont is horato attachad, _,nd forms part Tinie By --L -, bo and tho spam is horoby ratified and confirmad, and tho` Ro•Jvo _.nd Clork br authorisod to axocuto the s .me on bch�af of t-ris Corporation, and to affix tho Corpor.l.tn, Soul of the Township of Ba J ,,A am •' thereto Passed in opan Council thi drwenty--seventh day of C }ctober n, �• lr� 58 Road a Fir . --t time October 27th0 Road a Socond time Qeteber 27th.. Road a Third time October 27th. C. s. � r Clerk ywy 1773 A By -L to authorise n c:�rt� fr. .rvcm�n bet-.; + f Dere�h m n I v� ►�:;hi -: c of. U.hm ro.sp,;cting tho r^_.1Xlt ln�?7C :t;li rr p,,kir A' Bound,rl- ,ri21r t.o s tho To-:. nshipz, of DoreWw and Bayhon havo ant -,red into an a�;rocmrnt for thll :. aintcnancr.• and r,-Ij,.ir of c:;rtain portions of tr- hic,,hv.ay forming t,'::-: BoundarN, Ro-d bcty con tho said TciVnsrins, .nd it is nncossary to ratify -:nd Confirm tho said and to authoris:t the Roevo %ild Clark to Ox0cuto tho a82rfli. Thoref,.ir,) tl--,� ;;'unicip:i Caur.cil cf the Corpor8tion of the To•:nshil, Deraham onacts as fvli.ov: s; That tho Aerc;r;m int botwoon tho I;'oy'nships of Derehan _11, nd $qYhaa datod the 24tH* day o f Octobor A. D• 1S 58 2 trio cony of :=.hich a r,Qmont is horcto attachos, -nd forms a part of Trois 3y..I;!- :, bo and tho s2_mo is hereby rat-.fied and conf irmod, and the Rcvo _.!)d Clork b, author.isod to executo thc' s Lino or, br.h,lf of tyis Corporation, and to affix tho Corpur.:te SJt�l of tho T-Anship of Dereham thereto Pzassod in open Council this fth• daY of November 58 x.�.1Q Road a r it t time November 8 lc, 58 '53ad a Socond time No�jember 8 19 5g -toad a Third time Novauber g 1r, 5g Deena *ate Clark C. S• Thild agreement made in duplicate this 24th. day of October A.L.19 58 Between the iuunic ipal Corporation of the Township of Dereham of the first part. and the Municipal Corporation of the Township ,of yham of the second part. ',Yhereas under the provisions of Section 437 Chapter 243 R.S.O. 19509 the Corporations of adjoining riunicipalities, may enter into an agreement for the Kaintenance an4 Repair of any Highway forming the Boundary between such Municipalities, whereby each .of them undertake for a term of not exceeding Ten years, to maintain and keep in repair any portion of such Highway. y.nd whereas the said Townships have joint jurisdiction over the Boundary Road between the said Townships and it is deemed expedient to provide for the division of the said Hi hway so that each Township may be responsible for the Maintenance and repair cf a portion of the same. Nov therefore this agreement witnesseth that in consideration of the premises and mutual covenants and agreements hereinafter contained the parties hereto agree each i; ith the other as follows: 1. The Township of Dereha.m shall build, maintain anu repair, and be responsible for that portion of the Boundary road between the said Townships, being more pavticularly described as follows, that is to say: Commencing at the Westerly limits of the Tenth Gor ce ssi. on hoaa in the Township of Bay.11am, thence easterly along the said Boundary road to a point here the Deviated Townline between the Townships of jereham, bay am and t- ddleton, intersects the said Bomdary road. })irther that the Town5hilp of liereham agrees to snow plough t he ba;, haza Township portion of the _said boundary road ht an_ hourly rate to be determined by the Road 5urerintendent' s of the said Township, 2. The Township 3f Bayham shall build, maintain and repair, and be responsible for that portion of the Boundary Road between the said Townships, being more particularly described as follows:- that is to say: at the vresterly lilnit,s of the `i'enth U„ T Ba;;ham, thence extendin- wester.ty a!_ong the said BoLndary road hoad de � the Township of the boundary, road between the Townships of Barr a point where said Boundary road between the Tovrnships of Uereham andharh' intersects the that'- each Township .� , save and excepti nv shall be responsible for calcim for their respective ratepa;,-ers over the whole of said boundary road. •W • �"c'"- i'o;rns;iip sh 11 fir. ncc; 'end havc, fall cot;t,rol and � • �.-. -'a�f�rv.�.,zon over all u:id=.rin.,,r, o,, its r,si;-:,^tivc portion of Boundary j,., r. road, :-end _ny, s'absid•y .1i Ch ml' w ` by D0 a'r t :oren �•�:•-t of iiig}:t"• Of -r�. o j,, th- Provii1c!.- of Ont i much ark r.l "�- - i - .. I b•,lon� to.,.ullicirawlity aCcoUntir This for thi __pcndi tur:,. ,� ` . � his groo!:�,nt sI::11 continu,� in fort:: :.:,d :,h_ ll b-; Qindini, upon tn:' s.id o. nshii:s untii t!':_ _ irst (.1 of November -! . 1° b8 n • This gr-,o�,,?:t sl?' 11 �ff=:rctivr� Mrd bind ,R confirr-,^d - ;,., i•1•;, on tt . said yo ..nships, h^_n .r-•,�--L...:. �}i' th- Council of oa� . �h of t?��� �zid o7•n::i�i f:s, :�-� _. su^}? I(► u a co?-�y of this anrcomcnt attach,. -,,dm :-!!"4 s1 bn rgi stcr^u, in the Cffi-G Cr- coach raRistry division in vihich -�aCr' J';�, . �>r:Ja,,i or an•y� portion th-croof i3 si tu;.t,. • Aftor th,, r;; ;istration of m Bach y -i ryr oath Tc,r,r.s^Lp shall ind ,��. nify Uth/�r fr M wn l ,.�s or daMap(, ? r i :-in g from tho wart of • zon whlcr it hasssu,, { . ..ory,u ions th•- banus :,f .� ../ SP �J �' 1. f, `r I] � i Y ' f ii G�..i� d �j.l• •, � . rx. _...d J.iv.r� f1. in tier i-)r=.sgncc; of W ~�,c,VO''i'7,. oas +cf tne of '"• .r' '�•ubii� 121 .'-'...�'?� :'� ":.�':�,rr•l Of B C�-�'f' j 0 7vl1: fury 0 _. r,r �ltness as to si4,rnatures of Basil Nevill and J.D.Vallee. t r B �t +- LAI, ITo ,118, . A By -Lave to authoriso a curtain a.gracm;nt betT,.00n t e Ta.r nshiEp of nd tr 'To,-vnship of�_�rnam rosp,acting the -i- intonanc., and rop,air of Boundary Rc^_ds. ,�horins tho Tc�- nships of Derehani ynd �3,,:3II1 Dereham have ont.-r^d into an agraomont for the _. ;tintcnanco and rapair of eortain Portions of tri kighz,3y forming th-: Sound ry Rold bet..con th^ said To%�nships, '.nd it is no cossary to ratify Ind confirm tbo s =id agro, :r- .nt, and to authorise the Roovo and Cl,?rk to gxoci.zt,�, tho Sama. Thorofor^ tho i4unicip^.i. Council of th::� Corporation of the To-,� nsnip of ayli^nacts as follov.s;- That tho Agr',^m:,nt botwoon tho Tov,nships of Jereharp, na datod the day of October A. D. IS 146 a truo of -:,hick agr loment is horoto attachad, ,.nd forms part of and tho s amo is hori�bY rwtified and confirmed, and the Rn,,,-vo --nd Clork b:; authorisod to oxocuto th,', same or. bch if of this Corpor:.tion, ',nd to affix to Corpor_.t Scal of the Township of Ba-, halIl a, .. there .o Passed in open Council this 4th. Road a First timo R.,a6 a Socond time Road a Third time r_, ' t • !nth. ` �i , l,t "I . Oct. ! th. day of 1,9.48 19U l(5 LIS October A.D.19 .4 ;.i f Cl o rk C. S. This Agreement made in duplicate this 4th. day of Cctcber 30tween the Wnicipal Corporation of the Township of 'w4rel:Ura and the of the First part. 7::lunicipal Corporation of tho Township of I,ayham Of the Second part. A.D. 19'�' lihereas undor tho provisions of Saction Pio. 464 "hapter 266 R*Soo* 10379 the Corporations of adjoining :1 an.icipalities, may enter into an agreamcnt for the :i:zintonan_ce and repair of uny Highway forming; tho Boundary bet oor, suchunicipalitios, .,.horeby each of them undortako for a term of not ,xcooding Tonycars, t;o maintain and kocp in repair any portion of such HI ghw ;y . And ;ihoroa.s tho swid Townships have joint jurisdiction ovor tho Boundary Road betwoon the said To-.:nships and it is do lmod exp ; 04 Commoncing t t :e 'oesterly lt,dts o t e Tenth Gonc-,scion int .e To rns' ip of Bayliam, thence extedding westerly along the said Boundary road, to the point where the Boundary mA between t1he To,<:nsl ips of Bayham and Ealahide, intersects the said boundary roads between the Townships o�: Der.->.anL &- Bay ham 3. Each Township sha11 fin -,neo and have full control and sup rvision over all the work undcrtaY^.n on its rosy ctivo portion of Boundary road, and any subsidy *hich may bi�) allowed by tho Dopartmor_t of Highways of the Province of Ontario on such -- ork, shall b�,long to tho 11uni c ipal i ty accounting for tho %perdi turc . 4. This a.groo.m,nt shall continuo in forco a.nd shall be binding upon th^ said To;,,nships :until tho First day of October A. D. 19 58, . 4 5e This agroomant shall bocormc cffcctiv2 and binding on th,j said Tot;nships, -.-*on confirriod by By -L-.:. of thr. Council of oach of tho said Townships, nd such Byi,-- s :pith a copy of this agreoment attachodm shall bre rogisterod, in the Hogistry Mice of oac;h ropistry division in which such Hip.h-nay or any portion theroof is situate. 6. Aftor tho registration of such .Sl. -Lars oath Township shall ind-.,mnify and save harmless the other from any loss or damage arising, from tho want of ropair of the portion which it has assumed. Witnoss tho Corporato Seals of thn said Corporations and th- hands of rospactivo R:- ves and Clork. Signcd, soalod and dolivcrcd in tho pry; sonco of Rosvo of Doroham f 0 ork; T of Dcrchar. Sec i T -.. of e��Rx 2 THE HYDRO -ELECTRIC POWER COMMISSION OF ONTARIO WESTERN REGION 340 WELLINGTON STREET PHONE GE.4-7391 L_ONDC'N. ONTARIO May 1 -1 31 1959. Mr. J.D. Vallee, Clerk, Township of Bayham, Straffordville) Ontario. Dear Sir: Re Street Lighting, Agreemnt We are enclosing your copy of the Street Light- ing Agreement between your Township and Ontario TTydro. This Agreement will apply to all future'street lighting installations in the Township where the capital for the installai;ion is provided by the Township. Asep ;rate by-law extending the Agreement will 'be required .for each new ins talla tion. Thank you for your help in setting up this Agree- ment. l Yours -'Gruly, 011 R.M. Laurie, T Manager, r,nc. Western ?iegion. K.";yIT Reeve Clerk (CORPORATE SEAL OF MUNICIPALITY) 969 -75W -TC UIN 1 AK1V V� r ....... ............................. .......................... Secretary ONTARIO HYDRO ...:2.... 19 ... r ,...x.....19 \.c t ,..a.....- ...PGr a ... �. Aha L -MA 131.4 •ApwliN�aT RAT U Tbi5 Agreement inade in triplicate this BETWEEN: 7 .fi day of A.D. 19 ;O . THE HYDRO -ELECTRIC POWER COMMISSION OF ONTARIO, Hereinafter called "ilia C omrnission" OF THE FIRST PART, and - - THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF .................................................................................................................... Hereinafter called "the Corporation" OF THE SECOND PART, the Corporation has passed By-law No. for entering into a contract with the Cornmission for the lighting of streets in the Township, anti the Commission acting under The I ower Commission Act, R.S.O. 1950, Chapter 281, and aim.-ndnlents thereto (hereinafter called "tile said act") is willing to enter into a contract with the Corporation for such purposes upon the terms and conditions hereinafter appearing; NOW THEREFORE THIS AGREEXIENT WITNESSETH that for the considerations herein contained the parties hereto covenant and agree as follows: 1. For thepurposes of this Agreement, the lighting of any street in the Township and the: number of lights on the street may be mutuaIIy agreed upon between the Commission and the Corporation from time to time. 2 The, Corporation shall, at its own expense, provide all works necessary for the lighting of any street referred to in clause 1, which works are hereinafter called "street lighting works". 3. Upon request of the Corporation, the Commission may, on behalf of the Corporation, acquire and install any street lighting works, and all cost incurred by the Commission rider this cl.,use shali be payable by the Corporation to the Commission as provided in clause i. 4. THE COMMISSIOti AGREES: (a) To supply all electrical power required for the lighting of streets in the Township under this Agreement; (b) On behalf of the Corporation. to maintain, operate, repair, replace, renew and administer all street lighting works, which services shrill include the replacement of lamps. 5. THE CORPORATION AGREES: (a) To pay to the Commission all cost, as determined by the+ Commission, of supplying electrical power and of the services rendered to the Corporation under clauses 4.0) and 4.(b), respectively, and without limiting the generality of the foregoing the provisions of Part II of the said Act with respect to the annual payments to be made by any municipality that has entered into a contract with the Commission shall apply to this Agreement, except in respect of the capital cost of the street lighting works; (b) To pertnit the Commission to occupy and use any streets that are within the Township and under the jurisdiction of the Corporation, to such extent as the Commission deems necessary for the performance of its obligations under this Agreement. G. The Commission shall, at least annually, determine the antot:nts payable by the Corporation to the Commission tinder clause 5.(a). All amounts payable by the Corporation to the Commission under this Agreement shall be paid in accordance with bills rendered by the Commission from time to time. Every bill shall be paid within the period of thirty (30) days next -following the date of the bill, and in default thereof that payment shall be deemed to be in arrears. All payments in arrears shall bear interest at the rate of five per cent (5%) per annum. If any bill remains unpaid for more than thirty (30) days after the date thereof, or if the Corporation fails +o perform any other obligation tinder this Agreement, the Commission may, without notice and without incurring any liability to the Corporation by so doing, discontinue the supply of electrical power under this Agreement, and shall not be bound to resume such supply until the Corporation shall have paid the said bill, or performed the said obligation, as the case may be. No such discontinuance b%. the Commission shall relieve the Corporation from the performance of any obligation under this Agreement. 8. Where the: Corporation desires street lighting on any street within the Township but not under the jurisdiction of the Corpora- tion, and where a permit is required by law for the installation, maintenance and operation of street lighting works on that street, the Corporation shall, at its own expense, obtain the permit, and this Agreement shall not apply to the street until the permit shall have been issued. 9. If at any time the Commission is prevented from performing any obligation tinder this Agreement by reason of. strike, lockout, riot, fire, hurricane, flood, invasion, explosion, act of God, the Queen's enemies, legal acts of the public authorities or any other cause beyond the Commission's control, then the Commission shall not be required to perform such obligation during such time, but the Corporation shall not be relieved from the performance of any obligation under this Agreement. The Commission will exercise its best endeavours to overcome the cause of prevention as expeditiously as possible. 10. The Commission shall have the right at any time to discontinue the supply of electrical power hereunder to such extent as the Commission may deem necessary for the purpose of safeguarding life: or property, or for the purpose of construction, maintenance, operation, repl. ent or extension of any street lighting works or any works of the Commission for the supply of such power. The Commission will endeavour to limit the duration of such interruptions of power supply so fear as it is feasible to do so, and to give the Corporation reasonable notice in advance thereof, but in no event shall the Commission incur any liability to the Corporation in consequence of the interruptions or faihtre to give notice thereof. No such discontinuance by the Commission shall relieve the Corporation from ,ray obligation under this Agreement. 11. All street lighting works provided by the Corporation or installed by the Commission under this Agreement shall be. the property of the Corporation, bat the Commission shall( have a lien thereon for any monies expended by the Commission hereunder and riot repaid to it. 12. 'I'll(,Corporation sl►all iruleA.ninify the Commission incl save it harmless from all claims or demands for loss, damage or injury to property or persons (in:luding loss cf life. but excepting the officers, servants and agents of the Commission) caused by or resulting from any street lighting works under this Agreement, or the installation, maintenance or operation thereof, except to the extent that such toss, dainage or iniury is caused or contributed to by tite negligence of the Commission or any of its officers, servants or agents. 13. This Agreement shall be in force daring the period of five (5) years commencing on the date thereof, and it shall continue in force thereafter from year to year, but it may be terminated at any time after the said period of five (5) years by at Ieast six (ti) months' prior notice in w=riting from either the Commission or the Corporation to the other. 14. This Agreement shall extend to, be binding upon and entire to the benefit of the successors and assigns of the Commission and the Corporation, respectively. IN NVITNESS WHEREOF the Commission and the Corporation have caused this Agreement to be executed by the affixing of their corporate seals attested by the signatures of their proper office-rs duly authorized in that behalf. THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYI I .......................�.... ,��..... . �j Reeve Clcrk (CORPORATE SEAL OF MUNICIPALITY 969---7868-TC THE HYDRO -ELECTRIC POWER COMMISSION ,,SlE~'ONTARIO ..............''...I.................................................. ......... Secretary ONTARIO HYDRO 19....'. �. ...;-.tom. SOL IC. rq ..... ..... t '!v...... 19 1) r 4315•• GBtV,t. MGR -•ApMt NIDTRAT 2-. W BY-IAIV1 DIO. X95 OF THE COR ORiMON OF THE ` OI JMSHIP OF BAYHAM B ING a By-law to authori,,e the Corporation to enter into a contract with The Hydro -Electric Power Commission of Ontario for the lighting of streets in the Township. The council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayhsm enacts as fol.l.owS o 1. That the Corporation do enter into a contract with The Hydro- Lectric Power ComUssion of Ontario for the lighting of streets in the 'Townshipq a copy of which contract is attached to and forms part of this.By-law, 4 2. That the Reeve and the Clerk of the Township are authorized to execute the said contract on behalf of the Corporation and to affix the seal of the Corporation thereto, 3. That the contract shall apply to all that Area in the `�'ownsh.ip of Bayha:r, as shown outlined in -•ed on the attached plan, marked xhibit "A", "and Known as the Hamlet of Corinth. 41 That100 % of the cost incurred by the Corporation under the said contract shall be assessed and levied on the rateable property in the said area. 5. That -- % of the cost incurred by the Corporation under the said contract shall be paid by the Corporation at large. Dated and finally passed this 6the day of April A.D. 1.9 59 /7 L Ree e Clerk � ' � oow /x cnw m � oA,*^M rWp ,f CORINTH BAYHAM TOWNSHIP BYLAW RECORDS BYLAWS ( 1369-13801 FILE # 37 --------------------------------------------------------- Bylaw # Date Subject ------------------------------ 1369 5 May 58 To stop up part of an alley 1370 30 May 58 Set apart school area of Bayham and Port Burwe 1373 30 Jun 58 Establishing rules with respect to GUYSBORO CEMETERY. 1377 5 Aug 58 Supplementary Road Expenditure 1378 6 Aug 58 Provide grant for Elgin County Dept.of Agr. 1379 6 Oct 58 Provide the holding of Munc. eletions 1380 6 Oct 58 Regulate the location of buildings in Bayham ` 1380 2 Dec 58 Amend bylaw # 1380