HomeMy WebLinkAboutBayham By-Laws 1956BAYHAM TOWNSHIP By -Laws Numbers 1325-1339. 1683 1956 BAYHAM TOWNSHIP BYLAW RUCORDS BYLAWS [1325-1683] - . ' , _ FILE # 35 Bylaw # Date Subject ----------------------------- 1325 3 Jan 56 Borrow 140,000 1326 3 Jan 56 Appoint officers 1956 1327 3 Jan 56 Appoint fenveviewers,poundkeepers 1956 1328 5 Mar 56 Provide for dumpingplaces... 1329 5 Mar 56 Altep public shcool boundries 13 1 3 "pr 56 Provide total 1956 exphnd. on roads 1332 7 May 56 Adopt tax levie assessment 1334 4 Jun 56 Provide for a grant 1335 ` Jul 56 To approve f:oughton by-law 771 1337 Oct 56 Provide for the holding of electoins 1338 4 Dec 56 To amend by-law No. 1 325 1339 17 Dec 56 Authorize the borrowing of 20,000.00 1668 23 ;'lar 55 By-lawv to amend By-law 897 1683 1- Jun 56 Adopting county road improvement Form 100-51 Ontario ........................................................................................................................ BY-LAW No.... 1 5......... of T12p=jtjbj to authorize the borrowing of $140,000..00 000.00 Whereas the Council of the `r'cnrnsl =p L}" �`'nm (hereinafter called the "Municipality") deems it necessary to borrow the sum of ?_1:C`, "1' . - to meet, until the taxes are collected, the current expenditures of the Municipality for the year; NOTE.—Refer And Whereas the total amount of the estimated revenues of the Munici- to the estimates for the current pallty as set forth in the estimates adopted for the year 19'�5 , not including year if adopted; if not. to those revenues derivable or derived from the sale of assets, borrowings or issues of of fast year. debentures or from a surplus, including arrears of taxes and proceeds from the sale of assets,` is S 2201 An&--� y� ereas, :oaf a„azx _ h�r�fore ZU led`::: t a --bie � rromTd (Delete this 'yat-.�:-x1'1&-_pui�eR:-mcI��1L�iLl L Li i�r : t ;� S i--fJ 1; 'Xhe paragn,iphif not _p ,,,�,� applicable.) 1Y1.unimipaL�.�.t.'SL'L1`L�i.?`.. Therefore the Council of the 7,:)W ,:3of hereby enacts as follows: 1. The Head and the Treasurer are hereby authorized on behalf of the Municipality to borrow from time to time by way of promissory note from THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE a sum or sums not exceeding in the -aggregate $11-01 � ”k- • r to meet until the taxes are collected the current expenditures of the Municipality for the year, including the amounts required for the purposes mentioned in subsection (1) of Section 341 of the Municipal Act, and to give on behalf of the Municipality to the Bank a promissory note or notes sealed with the Corporate Seal and signed by the Head and Treasurer for the moneys so borrowed, with interest, which may be paid in advance or otherwise, at a rate not exceeding + per centum per annum. Z. AIi sums borrowed pursuant to the authority of this by-law, as well as all other sums borrowed in this year and in previous }ears from the said Bank for any or- all of the purposes mentioned in the said Section 341, shall, with interest thereon, be a charge upon the whole of the revenues of the Municipality for the current year and for all preceding years as and when such revenues are received. 3. The Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to apply in payment of all sums borrowed as aforesaid, together with interest thereon, all of the moneys hereafter collected or received either on account or realized in respect of taxes levied for the current year and preceding years or from any other source which may lawfully be applied for such purpose. Passed this y day of Ja.u.nT 19 ....................... .... t....�...�!1�:c. { ~;..:t .................... TIIE HEAD OF THE MUNICIPALITY � � h SEAL ...'" �.._ .....� ............................. CLERK l✓ We hereby certify That the foregoing is a true copy of By-law No. 1325 of the Ioanship of Paylian, in the Province of Ontario, duly passed at a meeting of the Council of the said Municipality duly held, and that the said By-law is in full force and effect. Dated This 3 - d day of t.ru� ry 19 A { As Witness the Seal of the Towns'- # of lea=, tiam THE HEAD +OF THE MUNICIPALITY SEAL......... 4:.....<r ::...................... CLERK TOWNSHIP OF BAYH114. By -Law No. 1.326. Being a by-law to appoint certain officers in and. for the _ runic pality of the ToUmship of Bayham for the year 1956. BE IT THEREFORE IENACTED in regular session assembled; - 1. That 6t v , an shall be Valuator:: of Livestock killed by dogs at -:1.00 per hour salery of25.00 per ,year. a First, Second and Third time and finally passed this 3rd. day of January 1956. and .2o� per mile one v. -ay for car. 2. That shall be school at officer at a salary of X95.00 and .20c, permile one viay for car. That fi'1 -; �, shall be Need inspector at a salary of .;325.00 plus .20(� per rale one way for car. 4. That J. D. Vallee shall be relief Officer at a salary of ;�200.00. 5. That D. Gibson, I_.C. , sha?.1 be Township Solicitor. 6. Thatr - sh,.11 be Builciin Inspector at salery of25.00 per ,year. a First, Second and Third time and finally passed this 3rd. day of January 1956. �,,,�, .:.. ,:� ,� •.' �► . -b,,1 * , Y ;�� �� { � S i , Q�ti. '� t.1 / .i. �O ` `�y,t r � ' �,� 7�./'� Toimship of p^; ham. By -Law No. 1327. Being a by -lav to appoint bent u -viewers and J ound-keepers in and for the Township of Payham for the: year 1956; `hcrea section 3&6, :;ub-section 47 of The �wunicipal '.ct, .�'.#. 1950, provides that these appointments be made; BE IT Lid ACTE B by the a :u.nicipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham, in regular se Sion assembled., that the folio if"Ln'tbe cnd are hereby appointed to pct as the fol loi-ring office3•,_> Lor tho fear 1956;- Iionce-vic,uers. e C ar:i1an Ball., Eden I I orac a Hague, R.1. Straf'f. . Lloyd I:erron, 111.2, Vicnna Geo. -'rocunier, R.1,Ingersoll Hobt. C. Jackson, R, 1, Straff. . `.lva Brinn, ill.6, Tillsonburg Fred ��all, Straffordville ";lonzo :Iagell� Corinth '.-Allard :c: Llli ster, Straff. . earl Travis, Corinth. ound-ke epc r s . :arid Bratty, ..2, Vienna Horace fad ue, all, �traffordville m. ►irinn Z . a .1 Vienna _ ek, � _c' ,uig an, A.6, °,ylme:r ?obt. Jackson, R.1!�re Jur-'son "all, !1.6, illsonburg Irailminc .1, ur�en Teo, 'rocunfer, R,1, Ingersoll Clarence 'olfe, .1, w Tenn 6'oy ievill, Vienna Ed .Laemers, R.l,'r't.Bur•�,re1l L. 'bite , isden Hugh a oore, 46.1, Pt. Bur e11 Joe Silverthorne, 6, Tills. Ray C . '.l,vard, Straffordville Robt. Veitch,.1, jc1en . o r zreen, R.1, Corinth. (4, / L -'.!r �.' V J ai •'� t"� a .first�, second n(" third time and finally passed this 3rd. day of January, 1956. Av __.� Reeve. Clerk. s ;sy ��'�=,, R� `_ � � •'�, ri. � �. _. F ' _, '� .� ,�; �. t 4� By -Law No. 1 c5 .2 9 Tovmship of Bayhani. Beinfs a. by -1,- �w to provide for dumping places for the disposal of ashes, cans, bottles, rrlass and other Taste and rubbish, for resit'jents of the Township of Ba sham, as provided under authority of sub -section 084 of rection 388 of the Municipal ;':ct, 1950. F 1'fI ,:..S the dumninj- of such rubbish and other ,.raste on `fo,,omshiu H_ Roads and Public Blace s is prohibited by By-La7rr No. 1152; 'ND ""''H' _ 3 it is deemed ad.visenble that several rubbish dumps be established; T H � "FO ZE B * T`��' 'N'�CT- D by the � �unic inal Council o f the `i'o',vrnshin of Bayham as follo: s ; - 1. What the Reeve of the ToiNmship of Bayham is hereby authorised, on behalf of the said municipality, to si7n an agreement with a la.ndov,mer or landol hers, for the use of land as a dumping place for ashes, cans, bottles, glass and. other :caste and rubbish. 2. F,ach areeement for use of land as a dumping place shall be approved by a resolution of the Councill of the Totrnship of Bayharu. 3. The Township of Bayham may pay such remuneration for use of land un('.er this by-law Ps may be deemed re�:sonable . hyo land shall be used as a dumpi n place or �nJ� a`;r^ement si ned for same,. until the site has been approved by the 'L'-edical Officer of health for the StvThoriia: -Elgin Health Unit or his Representative. REILD first, second and third time w d air of `✓1�� Reeve. and finally passed this 145 Lam. herr.. BX -L `,, >°l NO. 1329. TMI--SHIP OF B'XFInu.. Being a by-law to alter the boundariesof �'ublic School Section formerly knourn as � o. 8 HouMhton, and 11.To. 15 Bayham, noir included in Houghton Toifnship Public :school :ire -a, by withdrawing all lands in the Township of Bayham and arY ing same to 'Ghe ` irham ``'o= -: shiT) ;�cfaool area. erection 15, sub -section !,. of 'he Public Schools ._ct, G. 1954, provided for the passin- of by-laws for the ptLrpose of alterin;7 boun�'aries oI school areas; 1 ND �;.HF,��;.. � � peti tion has been receive(� bar the munici�aal council of the T oWnshin of Bayham, si .,ned b,,- a ma, ority o_-7 the ovmz ers of lane's affected, requesting; that such action be taken; A1FB ',:'.'H�RE'.3 such action meets ti�ii t:� she approval of the _3oard of Trustees of Baja lam Toi-mship School ,Xea; THB11 �F0R 1 B IT by the ."iL-iicinal Council of tree Tovrnsl in o* BaKrham as follows;- 1. ollows;- 1. That the following lands be and are hereby withdra-vin from Houcrhton Townshin School Area and the same are hereby attached to Ba;rharnm To,mshin School Area, namely;- (a) amely;-(a) Conc. 0 - S, 35 ac. lot 27 �,_ S. 60 ac. lot 28 (b) N. Gore - Lots 24 to 27 inclusive. (c) Conc. 7 - W lot 130 and all lots 131 to 13' inclusilre. (d) Conc. 6 - P � lot 131 N. 150 ac. lot 132 end all of lots 133 to 136 inci s4ve. 2. That this by-la,,,j shall come into force and effect on J n-nuary lst. 1957 and shall0remain in force until reoealled or amended.. F. 3. That any debentures which mi rht be issued during. 1956 by the aforesaid Houghton Toimship Pui-)lic School :area shell not be binding on or charged against anv of the lands mentioned in Section 1 of this bar -law. 4. That copies of this by-lalvl shall be forwarded to each School -Board al Lected and to the Inspectors of l' in nd Norfolk Counties. &I.711D a first time this 5th day of 11arch 1956. BEAD a seoond time this 5th. day of :.arch 195'b. READ a third time and finally passed this 5th. day of 1 -lar c h 1956. C i -rued } Halter D. Nelson ---71P ev e (Signed) J. ). Vallee C7er:,:. J . D . Vallee , Clerk of the Tovrnship of Bayham, hereby certify the above to be a true and correct copy of To;mship of Bayham By -Law No. 1329. ( / ?� 7_�Creiqk_�of Bayham Tohip. BY-LAJ NO. �. TUINSHIP OF BAM'U'vf . Being a by-law to alter the bounbaries of Public School Section formerly known as 'I'To, 8 1 oughton and 10. 15 Bayiiam, now includeal in Iiou hton. Tov.unship Public School :':Pea, by ;rithd.ravrin all lan'cs in the Toj:mship of Bayham and adding same to the Bayham T ovirnshin School Area. Section 15, sub -section 4 of The P--Iblic Schools -,ct , 4. 0, 1954, provides for the nassin r of by -lairs for the purpose of alterin-r boundaries of school areas; AND 4HIERBAS a petition has been received by the municipal council of the Tov�m ship of Bayham, si: -;ne-d by a ma�j o � ity of the o'vm4ers of lands affected, requesting that such fiction be taken; AND t`JMER.L►: S such action meets .-rith the approval of the Boarcl of Trustees of Barham Toi-rnship School .gree.; T R FQBL K 1T EINACTE'D b -,7 -the I. unicioal Uouncil of the fi'ounship of Bayham as follows;- (b) ollows;- 1. That the followinc; lands be and arc hereby withdriai%m from Houghton Township School rea and the same are hereby e,ttacheu' to Bayha_m To',wrn- ship School lirea, namely; - (a) Conc. 8- S. 35 ac. lot 27 'x. 60 ac. lot 28. (b) N. Gore- Lot; 24. to 27 inclusive . (c) Conc.-7- N'- lot 130 and all lots 131 to 136 inclusive. (d) Conc . 6- N� lot 131, 1.150 ac. lot 132 and all of lots 133 to 136 inclusive. 2. That this by-law shall come into force and effect on. January lst. 1957 and shall remain in force until r epealled or amended.. 3. That -any debentures vrhich might be issued during 1956 by the aforesaid Hou ;hton Township Public School J°Irea shall not be bin:'ina on or charged against any of the lands mentioned in Section 1 of this by-law, 4. 'What copies of this by-law shall be fortrrarded to each School Boar d affected and to the Insoectors of �l i.n and Norfolk Bounties. I-EJAD a first time this READ a second time this RED a third time '- P 1rt- EW, day of �l���C..�'C.-- 195 C;� . L o' day of -)%!tl t' 0 1;15 : . and f lnall,,r passed this D da, of 195 0 +Reeve. ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS iC!C}IItG 2� J?.ifi,? 'ti - J. 1r. J.D. Vallee, Clerk of Bayham Toun ship, Stra.ffordvi.l l e , Ontario. f�F . ll -,)r,6 -Z033n.�d iLu re �T-1.�.a Dear Sir • alb nr _. r°fount58, 0001, l onour;ablo J-a.s. ':. 4i..l n9 i�i }i::ter of i:i�1= a�aJ09 has approved the grove cit. -.ed by-law to a limit ' o f 9 32000* 35,000. 582000. or const ru ction, LJI i.fainto-nance -,nd Tot -=:1.. in oxcess, -)f C?ltl,^r t z^ C:}'1:i�rtiC?.i }Ii oma' maintenance iiriitc w411 :lot t}e eli�-i?)le S,or s��bwi.6 tinlpss cover-?,! by a Cuppl�,: �nC ary `�v- 1 a . approved by ta:e i..inister. C ,j s a f:; nrov al is riven sa-1,1 ject to t a ro vi o f aC inn i vi'l',A a 1 work of r ;dan-1 bT'4. dA 7, Co ns t r u rtr'- aCl? cc)..,r for mlaintenance an:l tz^r pll-rcl";%a:se `.) I' tach L -in t 01 rui,im�'l.%. Tl-,(-, Iii5t,r? ct i'•;ur:iciPal "fyl ;i.nei-,,r'r��: t, bP �;c?.vi�:cd anc :pis s�nt o b t t.i i n tn I bef7re t l ropos d irk , or rt,rc' a s e tise(� or tet"_ ers c._.11�d or ?.1y c.., -'rit, sent , .a!? ? by J on t he__rd, day of AprU �7 ,f &Ad 177 �- ..� + .i+...i r . s xt Township ' Clerk MUNICIPAL ENGINEER. DM.Q, One. ropy of tr1A bir-1-:1W ;:as ap,;ar0 ved is r�tiiriin ffi },ereL�jith . i .uniciral ` niri neer. incl, ._. ._. Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of Amhm do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By-law No. 13 Z passed by the Council of the said Corporation on t he__rd, day of AprU �7 ,f &Ad 177 �- ..� + .i+...i r . s xt Township ' Clerk MUNICIPAL ENGINEER. DM.Q, FGRY1 B-6 A BY-LAW TO PROVIDE FOR THE TOTAL 1956 *1yI1 .1 A-0, p V; " TOWNSHIP OF IN TFIT_" WHEREAS The Highway Improvement Ac,.. expenditure on roads be provided for anii,,Ja.ry be submitted to the Minister of Highways , 4 AND WHEREAS the expenditure f,C) 1 was $5$,WQv00 wh ch renuired a the AND WHEREAS the Council of the desires to expend for the said purpose thi".-.? y e Z-; 5 (-� f r which it is prepared to ley an estimate ,, assessment of THEREFORE the Council of the lk--'# o r 0, o i , enacts as follows: - (1) The sum of $ 582000•0Q is raised by levy, debentures- and gove"nmer't S.-. upon construction and maintenance of t h e J a (.1 during the year 19 56 as follows: - CONSTRUCTION .................... 7L700•__..._.__ MAINTENANCE ..................... . *' NEW MACHINERY ................... C) 300 MISCELLANEOUS ................... . T 0 T A L S 4 voi� U49, ^00, (2) The said moneys shall be expo duly appointed township road superin tend ej-4 I accordance with The Highway Improvement Act, (3) The clerk shall transmit duplica�'iz district office of the Munj.cioal Roads Branc'r,:. Passed at 3-traffordville .t",s amended, _ipril 17th, 1956* ( S E A L ) '01 1 Clerk this 3rd,, (_,4�'cy Cj. 01/ L -, � k-- Vallee Cle Township of B D yham do hereby ce,rt.I'L a true copy of -by-law No. 1331 Passed by tf'.(i,t. on the 3rd. and werided day of April 56 i0ril 17th. 1956, ELGIN 3 j D00, ) .000. 1331 Xr J -n FORM B-6 A BY-LAW TO PROVIDE FOR THE TOTAL 195(D 1 tT TOWNSHIP OF WHEREAS The Highway Improvement Ac.. 4 �: expenditure on roads be provided for be submitted to the Minister of Highways ffor AND WHEREAS the expenditure fog was. , .. �...... . ,f ,.. which require ,1 the assessment of,:,...s?'',.,......�.p AND WHEREAS the Council of the Goi desires to expend for the said purpose thi.i s ire r a - , "JO.0D which it is prepared to levy an estimate of assessment of THEREFORE the Council of the Corporal".J y ,s _ } enacts as follows: - (1) The sum of `:", C�Ci,;.f� is hei _t:Y raised by levy, debentures and government, ' upon constructicn and maintenance of the rr)ads L' during the year lq as follows: - district office of the Municipal Roads Bran� c°e. j-1,4-1 Passed at ,J _ thisc ( S E A L ) r f L t_ Clerk I, D. Vallee C 1 e z~k -; f t h Township of do hereby cert,a.' :4s a true copy of By-law No. l'rl passed by trtE .�_ a c� n on the 3 rd.day of nrii I(' ',4: .,,nril. 17uh. 195; ROAD, CONSTRUCTION MAINTENANCE ..................... � '�`-�0��•: ,'�r;�� <?1,��_):5, NEW MACHINERY ................... {A). MISCELLANEOUS ................... $ j U) . _. n . � s �'. �0 • _ _. 'r 0 T A L S : }On • �. �v0 r?, • 5 _... �_ _ a• (2) The said moneys shall be e.xP I'll") =�Al J i1`j duly appointed township roa^ superintendent accordance with The Highway Improvement pct, (3) The clerk shall transmit duel ca}:e ccl,Tc, A },_ �< district office of the Municipal Roads Bran� c°e. j-1,4-1 Passed at ,J _ thisc ( S E A L ) r f L t_ Clerk I, D. Vallee C 1 e z~k -; f t h Township of do hereby cert,a.' :4s a true copy of By-law No. l'rl passed by trtE .�_ a c� n on the 3 rd.day of nrii I(' ',4: .,,nril. 17uh. 195; FORM B-6 BY-LAW NO. 1 31 A BY -LAM TO PROVIDE FOR THE TOTAL 19 r'(" EXPENDITURE ON ROADS IN THE TOWNSHIP OF IN THE COUNTY OF : WHEREAS The Highway Improvement Act requires that the total expenditure on roads be provided for annually by by-law and that the by-law be submitted to the Minister of Highways for approval. AND WHEREAS the expenditure for the said purpose last year was .% .,: , ; ............ whit_ h required a levy of mills on the assessment of $4 ,.....:« ........... . AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the said Township desires to expend for the said purpose this year .:y , , . , for y which it is prepared to levan estimate of ..;,....,, mills on the assessment of:.,, ...... ........ . THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the said Tovmship enacts as follows:- (1) ollows:- (1) The sum of >. j is hereby appropriated from moneys raised by levy, debentures and government subsidy for total expenditure upon constructicn and maintenance of the roads under its jurisdiction during the year 19{: as follows: - A1iF.A1271EPN /�,Cso�- v i ro,v CONSTRUCTION .................... MAINTENANCE ..................... NEW MACHINERY ................... MISCELLANNOUS................... `TOTALS BRIDGES & ROADS CULVERTS TOTAL 7, 7 00, r •+-:..A. . 3, odo. 3, vv4. ' (2) The said moneys shall be expended under the supervision of the duly appointed township road superintendent and on work perfcrmed in accordance with The Highway Improvement Act. (3) The clerk shall transmit duplicate conies of this by-law to the district office of the Municipal Roads Branch, Department of Highways. Passed at )kJrP, f.o?�c'vi?:i_E this - dad~ of . .- r-+_ 1 A.D.19_ ( S E A L ) . ' Clerk Reeve I, J. ). 'ia I let , Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of --' do hereby certify that the foregoing is a trite copy of By-law No..J_ �- passed by the Council of the said Corporation ori the _ day of .nr i.1 19 56. Township Clerk l oi-rn`'n,ip of Balrha";1. Tein-; a by-law to ario-ot the assessment on which the levied. l'or the vear 165 >, to lever the taxes fo - t le provide for the collection thereof, taxes shall be year 1956 and to ,,t b�� qtr -L, t�r . o. 1U��7 z'.nC.l ar endrne.zts thyro to, t le '_,ounc. l of the `l'ovrnship of Bavham provided for the , ia':inc7 of the as,~,e ss,­,1ent of the r�unic-i reality prior to the lst, •^tr �' _ ?, , as rile _ d.<.. o�. :lent. 19 � on which the rate o"' taxation for the year 1956 sinould be levied; �) 11: ii: t'�''i£? <?SSF' 7.�ir3G'?it. rO .'i. G�JntG..:z?11 1 ; tyle a ysG'>'",`-.�371G?lt ":1' as ?.fores.aid was revised. r.o_,^rccto:x bar the ��ourt of �c'viSlon o:1 the said 2o,,r.,ishj..;) on tie d to of t ctobe:^, there .yore na ;poe,?4Is : roe 'no ourt of levsi on; t..' :'_:...> it is exned.ient to adopt the s: .i .� segs-,sas "be '� G• �. ms's is r ;' t ?^ .Z r '] J. assessment on i ich ane � �..tc o:" U<�.a...�t1.on for levied; .. ,.. , r►ar. .1.�� :: zt is n=�c��W^ �r�T -.ns1 e- oddient to lee on t- . .,;'-o �e e a0le nrone_Mtir <- rco:rdwn to tr c, T. .st rRv`.ser3t ro� 1 of t"le said shi?7 the Suiti of il7c), ZOO o-- U iE � ur.,oses or' the said o.:-nshi�7 for tl7e current r .f,r 'ar, til� tr r� o~t,ient of to :;oizr„ w Or the G17.T'rt'nt ?rF2.r, '..`1t_'t 'O" tr�0 Z?��?^�7a �' Of.?.'r' ��?1"' a: the , ion, Jnr'otA�^~hc1°ol rucy�.te:/,nenses of Iu�?is e �arate ans . 11l� nu_^pase S ; T, f � .t, � ..� , t . 1 T .ti - , , , r 3 -T- r z r I -y , 7- . . 1 i _.. ._..pit 0:._.., i ?I :� �r OU 3, .'., l; . ! a1.... Vii. r�. _.t _..i'_` M t ' �:..; �'.. tnie nsse:� l?nt Gait' i°1 'C in thG �; jSG �S;ient roll of the of '3a-:rh<a{1 as mst!te nursu," ntu to 'DT. ,a F o. 10(37 ',nr,ri"1QzidrlentS., of thee said To -.Mi shin) <�n­1 �,.s revicc, co�'r��cts,�t ��� : 1) sscd btCie ;oizrt of lLevision, be ..n`:! t o, `>. me, l ;:�:�-ebzT �r o'��r �� `:`1`i y,�7�'lrt,lE(i r?.S ii1 ��,,..c. s,Ment on �.i_.� c 1 th e ra. te o�t�j...�,ition or fi,.:e ..10" . 7o s�� ._.r .�e 1e -tried � . "'hat tl?e sn iCJI roll be <"'no t he S <"?e i s hercb�r ^do7oted an> i confir)Med '', s' ti..f'. 1'::st rev:l. god `?.`.,1<3f `-, rc ntl rGll for t he � ?.� £�. �'4`.�'1._:rlt . 1 hat., -_'or t?? e 'nur-oo e O ' ?)rovi:` i'n 7 the sum of =F:;��), )2-g . D0 for the, "c321E're�l '�Ur; o e s Off' t►^_O �C)'_' o "w;%'x..4'1, i'1ca.Lt- in`"" t'_?e '?,:ZOtI ?t ?^o^uircl_' for _;Ou'1t T cul"'t:)OS�'S c;<1'% C�vi1C;r ??L?r'�O^roc fort';.'�f? Ct�rront 7'oar, r^te of 27.Q mil -Is in the e,Jo .-, :a.r be, ,fin -3 the e d. a re by lc. xie? ` 'or the eanr 195 upon the i-;1"iole of the Ai ^i -�sse s al;rent o',?xe s �.i� ''n ..n s {�i -1 c =cord- in:7 to the _ln. at nevi 'G'� ;assess-i•.:�:'nt ro�' 1 iG�, lw i����l C 1-11):�S `0110T s: - rata -----•• li. j`;, w^i 11S ou.nt. ,, rate �,.. f het , in c ii,:LOn , .foi' t'he thepur`oosf: O:-.rovi~l i.ri-hc, ,ori of f or i ubli c �c€Tool �'�uc t: on .`or thy: cu.''�' ' 1t �.r: aZ', t'`�e fO_' o.`J i, f 2 ' l C r-, `) r ' s t r : t' w^ h Ort �:e �i rat -es e u n, . tr`le ,ae c., h c4 :� l viE_ j. o_ ,. �e ?Te�.r 1 5b u-, on thAe re-snective oortio is o!' he ,:.,i f�.^ a::s- as-�ont o: the i'''b1iG : cl�ool su)-)orters o" the ,;raid ownsl�iip acco, dine. to the 1:;st revised as—ess- ment roll, -Is i:n?.ic-,ted hereun :ger: - ^cner_;l u�alic _�chc�ol -;c on r�:>sc :ti ; :lent of >? ,1� _a , COO.— 3.4 r i 3_1s. }en.'}chnol nror4>rtinr.':o.'', .._E' 3',2? �`.rzi.�rn i;lic >c oal p ct ion ':o.l on �,._ c s" nn+� of :139,010. --- 10.8 3 1"99100.---- 1:),,:_�: rt 102)308.---- r, 7 it ' f r► 15 105 , 0' ---- Ira 3L2, oq:-O. - - - - 19.,x, rr 161,0' -----25,2 'r Vi. nri=_._ -��jr, : m ':re :?b, 71 -_- ,?Li 5 . 21 66 nr! in _16. d i t i on to raise ti1C' sure of 3t:� .UCS f4z' Hepar^te ' choal puma,ses, the folio lii­ r,�.tes be levied.;- ifienno. }enarate ��chool on ��ssessm�ln1� off' ,?lt�.i,<t:)0. -_____ � },�; mil; s is lahid.e'r ►r r► ►t rr 550. ------ lu.l t► Tillsonbur': ►t :r it ;t r► 6;350. ------ 1n,0 rt If - 2 - .nc? in addition, on assessment of •311,3,000. of the Vienna _IJ 'eParate jchool "upport-ers, for. Vienna Public =achool Debentiires, a rate or 15.5 mills in the J.o _lar be PviE�I; and. in addition, on <asse ssjiient o T� �rAl of ;1,71,300.00 of the ViennaAL)eparatQ jcrool urs orters, for P.a rhar� township Area Public School Debentures, a rateo.f 10.0 mills be levied; and in addition, on arse 3sment of .,;6,300.00 of_ the Vienna epara.te ;school -n-, -ers 'or .. o. 2 del)entures, a rite off' 5.b mills be levied, .nd in addition, to rare education, the -'olio Iin�- Hict school :',rea s; - Last I;1. in THi_grh jchoo1 Plllsonburr- t' " the sun of 20,7�� .o� :j or ]Pcondary i_>chool rater are hereb7r levied on the respective pea on tosses s- -nt of .� 878,702.---- 12.x; mills it �r sr a 21007,570* ---- o it 5. That, in addition, for street be and are hereby levied upon the f ollowin�~ street li=;htin-. ares .s; -- -traffordville on = ssessmcnt of _richmond Eden rt it it li -htin� purposes, fo-.lo;-Tin^r suras respective assr,Dsments in each of the 12,075. the sum o mill 271225. a rt tt 11.2 -- 5.2 61,7550• ; `' '� 1;.65.--- 7,4 �r 11 6. The Clerk shall prepare an" deliver the Collec'�orl s roll to the max lollector on or before the First day of June, 1956. 7. -11 taxes or other special rates shall be nai� into the o'fice of the Tax Collector or Treasurer of the T ov.rnship of ayham or into the Branches of the Cana.'ian Bank of "onsrzerce at 7traffordville, Vienna, Fort Burwell of millsonbur-:. 8. Taxes sha.11 become due ane. payable one-half on or before July '�8�:h. 1�5b and one-half on or before )ece'oerC�th. 1056. penalties for non- 1,056 when due and a i scount s for pee -payment of taxes shall be as provided for in By -Law 11,11o. 1067 and amendments thereto of the said Toirmshin of Bayham. �. The . Collector shall have the privile7e of mailinr_; the tax notices to the several taxpayers of the foe-; shin at their last lmoim ac.dress. 10. .after fourteen days notice, the Collector or his Bailiff may seize and o-ooc�s for unpaid taxer. a first, second and third time and finally passed this day of /"��J 195b. eeve. 7 >1 By -Law No. o]:' 0 3yl a'm. Doin7 i by-law to adopt ,the assessmont• on which the taxes shall be levied for the ve.��r 1956, to levy the taxes for the year 195 -.Ind to p.lrov i e for the collection thereof, o. lOr ;' and aTt cn'lY!:or rs thereto, the kl ounc:� l of the ToirnShip of 3ayham provided for. the 1,° a.':Awr of the a3.».esslncr'it o:" the r►luni-I ;.,lity prior to the lsL. day ;,_�' '�t. 1 >5, as the -)`-;Se.!�S2"ent on which the rate of taxation for t'le year 1956 s})ould be levied; AUD ,AIL E,' S the assessment rol1. contaiiii?)g the assessment r: cIe as .fora -all ti1a5 revised, correci:cd and by th. :fou,~t of - cvis ion of the said To'enship on the 3rd* day of .. ctUber t _'1955; : A, viie e vre;. a no appeals "rom-'je Jourt of .-eves-on 'SIT- :ti tl..:3 it is expedient to adapt the said assessment as the on which the rate, of t-,axat l.on .''nr %n ter`.,ar 19" s''1` ll ►fin levied; it is neces , ry ,1 wxpddien";, to levy on tai(; rut:: - able property accordinc; to the Q1-!.srtS r(--aviscd is ,,iessment roll of the :i ii`, "!'.�1'ia i11 the sum of a)�r( J, /OV.W iYl�.� -hEi i�tint�r, i� par o. c. -s - , �';he `?' r _i' ' z�r�s t r�? »` +-' C� �, s`r?,1i'P_�i O h tilt �' i)'� L21 t:' rate jai:_ c��z. yin for the c,ur_ n., year, , �.�� ...:. , ,� "'or t: e curr nt year, and for the pvrpo -c o�' le�„'ra-ing pert othe . o:� �'ubl�c, ; �q)a.ra*"c: and Iii ,r "ch.,o"� _:Mucation, and other purposes; S T **� ,.� lel fit T 4 /, f TIIE ^ ?Tjf� r�_f ,,� r1,�q, s�4*.�, I� . ��z .fill �.L.0 t.i�� �.�J�3?L ,)� T.i� � .�, TS.�._: _ t ,.a� 1 �1SHI� OX � _irk _ . ter: t , •; ' 1 a I, T. 1. ' hat -I1::3 i. -I a33-ss,»K;nt --oll of t ,c Toimship of �?�avha`i as made pursuant to Fy..T.at•= "n. , r�67 anr! a.►nendmcnt:., of the paid ''o.rnl;hip and a3 r".�vi5.�-I , :;or��:Yct.A .�.� by the court of and the same is hereby c'c�ptcd an(` confirmed as th as.�...�.�l..�nc. jai „'-il _ at-'. o� V,axa'IVIi.:,".I tic car 195:.: _,�ti_11 he {.. ':I -tat t'ic. .3s11*., . d,.�..;e.�i�:tTttentrc►_l t..�, , .t. i.. ..t. , ...by a=cjntcd and con "ir.:.12 as the last 'cevis:.d ; 3:,:.�: 3L2: �I% r �.I.1 -,'or th -:::yid n. 16 r�. 'shat, for thr� purposa of provi •ing "'i -a SIX- of„809527.00 for thc, ,-cn,�ral nur-)oses of the Cor.)orat:Lon, j the amount required for ou lty- pul,pOSCIO .uir' othc,- pur;loses I`or the .current year, a of ?';'.n mil?.-. in the dollar be r and nc� a: -o 3 h rehy levic, for the year 1956 Ripon the whole of the said assessment of the said i oT4-nship �n^.ord- in T to the last revised assessment roll which is made up as ie llowS: - General rata. ------ 1:3.55 mills Uounty rate ------- lf�. 5 4. `:.,hat, in addition, for the purpose of providing the sum of Y64 34 for I=tabl'.c School .. IIucation for the current yn.ar, the followinm mVll rates be and the salae are hereby levied for the year 1956 upon the respective portio�is of the said a..:scSaMcnt of the "Alic School suI,�'7:)Irthc 3aidrn ��. p accc_•di-; t., the last revised aso:.6s- ment roll, as indicated hereunder:- Gtc ncr :l Public School Rate on asses.—)r;;r:nt of "2, 71,900.--- 3.mills. ,chcol propc.rc.ic�s,�;.��. ao.�,.. itO.anfa-��ayham .'area e.tciu- eu� �. .y}t,10l Section'��7.1 3!'1 3 i�'?rS .,,,nfi Cjr 1C:010.-----, �.t0.�.v 2 31, 954. ---- 3611 � J 1399104.---- l5o9 4 102,30$.----- 9w !// tT Cf 94, 039. ---- 20.2 r� 15 l05 , O5O * ---- 7. > n 4 X 94, 1M tt 2 t 16i O80 ------ 2 5.2 tt Vienna-3ayham :rea 226 * 71$. ---- Bayham Township .j:rea 1, 38$, 373 • ---- 21.3 ” And in addition, to raise the sum of "3:3$3.00 for Separate Jchool purnases, the following rates be levied;- Vienna Separate )chool on assessment of �140,8C0. ------ 22.6 mills ,ialahide 8050o 550, —_---_ 16,1 t1 Tillsonburg n rt n tt n 6050• 10*0 F.t 2 - And in "^ adition, on assessmcait of 1`4Y43,900. of the Vienne. Separate Jehool Supporters, for Vierura Public Sc:col Debentures, a rate of 15.5 wills in the dollar be levied; and in addition, on assessment of :I 71, 300.00 of the Vienna `separate School Supporters,'ora1*barn ` c;f;nship '.rea Public School DebeDtures, a rate of 10.0 mills be levi^d; and in addition, on assesswen,t of `6, e,0.00 of the Vienna. )eparate School Supporters for "). S.No. 2 lebent;ures, a rate of 5.6 mills be levied. And in-Lif3dition, to raise; the :gum of "0 '7402.00 for Secondary School. Education, the following rates are hereby levied on the reg=pectivo High School rcas; -- � ;Igi.n Eigh chuol Area on asses ;�:a�c . � � Olf" til e,7¢ 70'3 *------- 1-2o' mills Till."Oriburg �,UC��,510:---- 99� 5. Thr t, in r -.el ;.ition, for street be alict s r•E hereby levied upon the fo'loir!.rtow street lightizig areas;- t� al� ordv ll e on assessment of 741 c hm on d tt tt Tt 1.1d (-n rT tt tS ltL htinc purposes, the f'ollotring sums re 5 r,e ctive a.s se s ststent s in each of- the �19z,075. the sum of ;._-- ,�.0 mill; 27 225. n tt n 1 2 5.2 R f' • }` `'`� _"�: shall px'ep4 IMO:. �.iv�:.!r t. sR. roll. to the Tax Co?_Inctor on or before the First clay* of. Jvne, 1956. 7. ',11. t.axfa:= or otter sj1ecJ -1 rate� Z -hall k -e pcid. intc the cffice of the 'r y Cottecto�• or ` ?'�'�`: i4:t- of the r:f �t�ialri car into the .9r - chc1,7 c the CanaOkian 1,ank of �,orfi.n, e r c e at Stra^ fordville, Vienna, Fort :ju:Luuc:ll of 7illsonbur•g. t#, r?'.axas -'hall became due and payable one-half on or before July 28th. 1956 and' one-half on or before December 20t.h. 1956. Penalties for non- par-rent,--Ac-:n {sue -i.nd discounts- for tee -payment o.L tsxe: shall be as provided for in By -Law No. 1067 and amendments thereto of the said of. a�rrr� 9 • ire .� 17,...?.,'ctor -hs�ll h��ve. t 1 p nrivj.l.t.�,,�� of iitr�'.lf21g the �,.�. notices to the ;several taxpayers of the 'Township at their last "uvm ak.'ulress, lC!. fter fourtren days notice, t lr 'e� or his " Aliff may sere an:: -; J; _or unp.::id t •-.xo s, RE, -D c first, second and third time and .finally passed this day of 1956. _ eeve,, e Hein-; a by -1 �`A► to nrovi ie �'or W. �}r f.nt to tie ::=1 � .n �'oun`r edemi*t.ion of r ricu1ture para- raph lea o:� "pectic r� 'r r of t o : _ =�icix� l ct 1 5 } nrovi(lles t'1. -,t councils ma, 7 pass by- s for ref~.'.a.n-; t1his -r `nt= a) ♦• LiJ,Ai it is conSicErEjt� nece:M� ?�v :.n< e:e 4 e�' t t:. _ y t?ii S �r ant he m:. (I.e ; ..-.�._.� ,:.. t t .� � .,... T t�'1 s � 'l r'5 .... � �-.. T t° e; s � � ,." T », �y ". r ^Z Y -. �... �.. ,..� � h f;^5 - -2 ' � Esc... l.'.���..:J ...a I� .J.:l�.l .�. i.:.`.� ��,'.i si ..:f .�.' �f'....`✓1 .. _.,3.f t✓�_%,.��Jr. .j. <.� z. �. ��� .F. `�. .?i�T.x 1, '; t ar:..nt o rr�e .runc re I n,= wOF 3 � 31 tv )o _l r be ant.7. is 1:.erosJy t:Aalcle to ...£l<,,iiL Cou1i VTr ...?3. ' f 3cn oVA e ...':iL1Jarf o I Feder;:tion of .''.`'riculturEx. . That t'Poeg; sure r i hereby authorl ,7eri -xnO (' i rect��u to issue checue for same forthat.Ti.tl°. a First. Second `-.n.-" rd, ir,=t1 1 -1T Y?^ Ss£'d this i By -Law No. 1335. Township of Bayham Being; a by-law to approve of Houghton Township By -Law Number 771 and to attach certain lands to Bayham Township School Area. NHEREAS under date of June 28th. 1956, the council of the Township of Houghton passed a by-law under Section 2, Chapter 79, R.S.O. 1954, detaching all Bayham Township lands formerly in Guysboro Union school Section, from the Houghton Township School Area; AND WHEREAS by petition, the residents of this area requested that their lands be included in Bayham Township School Area; THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED AS FOLLO'.°IS by the Municipal Council of Township of Bayham;- 1. ayham;- 1. That the action as taken by the Council of the Township of Houghton as set forth in Houghton By -Law No. 771 be and the same is hereby approved. 2. That the action of the Bayham, Township Council as set forth in By -Laws Numbered 1280, 1317 and 1329 be now confirmed and effective and that all Bayham Tovmship lands, formerly in Hoghton Township School Area, be now attached to Bayham Township School Area, effective December 25th. 1956. READ a first, second and third time and finally passed this 3rd. day of July, 1956. Re -eve. erk. >`� �`��� �'� ���� � �� Y ? O � \� � �r V ��q � ' ry "O �Off By -Law No. 1337 To,,,-n^hip o' Iayham, Beim a by-law to provide for the holding of the I>duricipal Elections in the -Municipality of the Toi.mship of J'ayhan for the year 1956, "' .D. and for the appointing of Deputy Returning Officers, ?o11 Clerks and Pollin„ rl.ace- in the soveral. Ylollin :3uh- A vision- in the :jai d ni^ i y;ality of thy: Toz �r�. hip of �3ayham. Bu If "211 L '0' �'� '�C t ,� by . th:. Council, of the Tovm ship of Ba.yham as foll.o:v;;; -- That provi led iiiore per:-,ans qualify for election to of: ice i:d tji ..re required to fill the various offices, an election be held on Dec.3rd, 1956 as according to Tovr.7 ship of 13;-).yha�, 71y -La :io. 1-03, ane'. in accordance with thy: provisions of the :`unicipal Elections '.ct. That, the election Lor 0"ub-1jivision 11o,1 of the . unicipal.ity shall be held at t�_c 'olice Miall, Fort 3urwell, and that Howard shute shall be Iteputy returning Officer and. 13ercy Clarke ,hall be Poll Clerk. That, the eloaction for Sub- Division 'To. 2 shall be hold at or near Frank Reiser Tenant House, and that Fred Baker shall be Deputy returning ufficer alid `-'urray Emerson shall be roll Clerk. That the. L.lectioi2 for Sub-Divioion 110. 33hall be held at or near the I B5V k-:nce of :'ay Thurston and that "Icon H. Jackson ,hall be D-3puty 'returning officer and Ray Thurston shall be roll Clerk. "-':hat the election for Cub -Division 110.4 shall be held at the Township 11a3_1 and th"t Harry P. Grant ..hall be Dyputy Retu_rninC; Cfficer and Lyle '.'Dal sh shall be Poll Clerk. "hat the clection for Sub -Division 110. 5 shall be held at Corinth Institute Hall, and that Howard Coomber shall be Deputy returning Officer and :.lex Duff shall be Pall Clerk. .-hat the flection for Sub-Divis!a '11o. 6 shall be held at the ud.en :school Buildingand V� at Chas, :etchabaw shall be Deputy 'returning ,.ifficar and Wifred 1 elson shall be doll Clerk. `f'hat the (:lection for Sub -Division No. 7 shall be held at the P.ichmond , chool an.1 that Fred Procunier shell by Deputy ieturning Officer =nd Isabelle Hewbank shall be Pall Clerk. That tdic ;lection for Sub-Divis-lon No. 8 shall be held at S.S.Ho. k chool ani that Ira Mitchell shall be Deputy ".0turn inf; Officer and I`.:ildred Soper shall be Voll Clerk. d1D T'i_�T -the said Deputy Retv.rnirg officers and Pall Clerks be and they are hereby authorised and required to hold the said �°unicipal uloction in a:,cordance with the pct and to provide for voting by ballot- at the said elections. READ a First, Second and Third time and finally passed thin lst. day of October 1956 -- s .v+14rr+u.`rar�.r Reeve. ✓_ T 133" rn l o,mshin of Bayham, Bein a by -1 _Ai to amend. B�f-�r��.,r %}. l?25. f 1 ",L_: 'iS action ta":en bar tree 3 nk of i��n;a�).a dur�..n� ;, the -,.ear IOjam, has made It necessc-Ary .:_or , ocal bank's to incre:._-.:se urge rate of intcrE st on money borrowed from local balnf.s by the loc hl :nunicipa]-itiea ; iD °H :.'. S it is nece,sa�ry that By -Law 'Yo. 1-''' 5 be ac cordon-;1Jr. I'.` .j.! _. 'T`J icy the two??Inc it of the � ow -is' in of Balrharq inS follows; _ 1. .hat _-or -he period' .".oril_ 23rd. 195", �o ',urust 19=.,h. 195") both (la -ter) inclusive, the r, tc o7 intc,rc,st on ..one-- borroT.;red by this municin .�lity �ro�s the �anadi-ari ' ank of �o:� : rce , be increased to wive per centiui per annus'? . ?. :.1fµ e'Ctivc ��.0 rlst �C�ti;, _1056 , ��n�"i th��re .ftez' anti i C't1'?n,.,'E.',d, t e said rate of interest be incre�:.sed to I} ive and Une uart£.r per centum per annum. .-,%NTI) 'Ti -L" By-L_ni o. 1-27 be. .nC is hereb�,� men -I a accordin ly. ��: i°� a r first, Seconc and 'i'hir title cmr, fi ���.iy r.�;:sseci this 4th (' ay of :)ecer„ber, 10.) U He ev e Dorm 100-51 Ontario TOdET }HIP OF B:'1 71H JJ% ............. .................................................................................................. I........ BY-LAW No..1 9......... P=jtjbj to authorize the borrowing of $ 20, 000.00 Whereas the Council of the -- moc,-nship of Bayharn (hereinafter called the "Municipality") deems it necessary to borrow the sum of $ 201000.00 to meet, until the taxes are collected, the current expenditures of the Municipality for the year; NOTE.—Refer And Whereas the total amount of the estimated revenues of the Munici- to the estimates for the current pality as set forth in the estimates adopted for the year 1956 , not including ifear if not. adopted; revenues derivable or derived from the sale of assets, borrowings or issues of of last Year. debentures or from a surplus, including arrears of taxes and proceeds from the sale of assets, is $ F 2 1498 00 And Whereas the total amount heretofore authorized to be borrowed (Delete this this year for the purposes mentioned in subsection (1) of Section 341 of The paragraph if not applicable.) Municipal Act is $ 1t;,0, 000.00 of which the Municipality has already borrowed a total of $ 102, 100. 00 Therefore the Council of the T ov.nshin of Bayham hereby enacts as follows 1. The Head and the Treasurer are hereby authorized on behalf of the Municipality to borrow from time to time by way of promissory note from THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE a sum or sums not exceeding in the aggregate S ? 0 ) 000 . 00 to meet until the taxes are collected the current expenditures of the Municipality for the year, including the amounts required for the purposes mentioned in subsection (1) of Section :341 of the Municipal Act, and to give on behalf of the Municipality to the Bank a promissory note or notes sealed with the Corporate Seal and signed by the Head and Treasurer for the moneys so borrowed, with interest, which may be paid in advance or otherwise, at a rate not exceeding 5 1 per centum per annum. 2. Ali sums borrowed pursuant to the authority of this by-law, as well as all other sums borrowed in this year and in previous rears from the said Bank for any or all of tl,p purposes mentioned in the said Section :341, shall, with interest thereon, be a charge upon the whole of the revenues of the Municipality for the current year and for all preceding years as and when such revenues are received. 3. The 'Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to apply in payment of all sums borrowed as aforesaid, together with interest thereon, all of the moneys hereafter collected or received either on account or realized in respect of taxes levied for the current year and preceding years or from any other source which may lawfully be applied for such purpose. Passed this 17th. day of December 19 56 .I ...... ................ :................ THE HEAD OF THE MUNICIPALITY : SEAL f r !i........ .......... ! ........ ..................... ............ CLFRK �Ve hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By-law No. of the of in the Province of Ontario, duly passed at a meeting of the Council of the said Illunicipality duly held, and that the said By-law is in full force and effect. Dated This As Witness the Seal of the of SEAL 4 day of 19 ................................................................................ THE HEAD OF THE MUNICIPALITY ................................................................................ C:LER{ i r Form 100-51 Ontario TUVINSHIP OF B'>`YHAIA10 ........................................................................................................................ BY-LAW NoJ1 .3 9.......... N1):*� to authorize the borrowing of S 20 000.00 Whereas the Council of the (hereinafter called the "Municipality") Township of Bayham deems it necessary to borrow the sum of S 20 f 000.00 to meet, until the taxes are collected, the current expenditures of the Municipality for the year; NOTe.—Refer And Whereas the total amount of the estimated revenues of the Munici- to the estimates for the current pality as set forth in the estimates adopted for the year 195 , not including year if adopted; if not. to those revenues derivable or derived from the sale of assets, borrowings or issues of of last year. debentures or from a surplus, including arrears of taxes and proceeds from the sale of assets, is S 2 32 t x+98.00 And Whereas the total amount heretofore authorized to be borro-wed (vel.,te this this year for the purposes mentioned in subsection (1) of Section 341 of The paragraph if not applicable.) Municipal Act is 140 * 000.00 of which the Municipality has already borrowed a total of S 102 ,100.00 Therefore the Council of the Tovmship of Bayham hereby enacts as follows: 1. The Head and the Treasurer are hereby authorized on behalf of the Municipality to borrow from time to time by way of promissory 'note from THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE a sum or sums not exceeding in the aggregate S 20 # 000.00 to meet until the taxes are collected the current expenditures of the Municipality for the year, including the amounts required for the purposes mentioned in subsection (1) of `section 341 of the Municipal Act, and to give on behalf of the Municipality to the Bank a promissory note or notes sealed with the Corporate Seal and signed by the Head and Treasurer for the moneys so borrowed, with interest, which may be paid in advance or otherwise, at a rate not exceeding 5 � per centum per annum. 2. Ali sums borrowed pursuant to the authority of this by-law, as well as all other sums borrowed in this year and in previous years from the said Bank for any or all of the purposes mentioned in the said Section 341, shall, with interest thereon, be a charge upon the whole of the revenues of the Municipality for the current year and for all preceding years as and when such revenues are received. 3. The Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to apply in payment of all sums borrowed as aforesaid, together with interest thereon, all of the moneys hereafter collected or received either on account or realized in respect of taxes levied for the current year and preceding years or from any other source which may lawfully be applied for such purpose. Passed this 17th • day of December 19 56 .............................. ............... .... ..:...................... THE HEAD OF Tl`IE MUNICIPALITY SEAL . "Cf :��............ ........... • `� ERK i b�— We hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By-law No. 1339 of the `i'oiship of a -,sham in the Province of Ontario, duly passed at a meeting of the Council of the said Municipality duly held, and that the said By-law is in full force and effect. Dated This 17th. day of December 1956 As Witness the Seal of the T oti,n ship of B-ayham. ,...... ..............7........ ... ................. �......................... THE -HEAD OF TILE MUNICIPALITY I SEAL.. .. ..... ............................ ................. CLERIC. 11"H � CIJ��PICD16i I(j. v THE G",t 11 TY (T }.al Tjj fmf )TP }` s - q,t i„i.� ML t to o 160 A 3y-iaw to ilunend the Dy --Law Adopting a Plan of k:ounty 1`oau Improvement aad ' : stabl i sh ins; a County lRoad. 5y�­�te. i in. the County of under the IIighway Improvellzent Act. `4' ie Council. of the Cornorat Dn r) f the ��o �nty of ,� f- irji cn"%cts 'S L'' ;3y --1a Yif i► ul mb'e^f' r 1'L3 follows: ..�r.r.r..�..m ..J ,T CGUAA`i4Y1 11.UA i �1.✓y L1 -L i m(, mbV1 +✓�,j be.A.lbg, ViItr qr . origin �l by esta ;iii in, a. ;.]o my ' cad oy ate �: in the County of as oLflefldad b-! urib­ beinm the last con solidl a.tinr- by -la',..; r e -e to lis ing the said syste: m w -id further asAer ded. by subsOs%uelat wiendina by-laws is hereby almen,1Gn-� by adding thereto the roan desi aeed. zL7d d.eser:}.bed as -Colluw:3-0 that portion of ro co3,L'�ellei itt .-u:DC,erly end of t cunt. -,Y road 45, 'ori Wie t bona .iar-j I ne t�et.,Lieen the !' Jv :1s `1 .iJ OIL 'ila a :. t o f' and the Township of _j'ayham, bc.-tweeii OoaC'-C:Sjsions Four and Five; THLA4C � s -utrieriy through Conces dons ci o'.zr, Three, acid Two, t;.-) ;:ounty goad 41u . bur 42, a D L:.}t2A",4,Gla of amoro-.:L"'lyre' aiid !2���':i' �vlarter « �' 2• The road iii t�G:;ii"ictE' andaesc?ibed in"::lz'eY';iI ! , is jaere:by ad,. -.;ed to. and. included in the ount,Y "-oad Syw-,erg of the County of i .1e��:u�, on Janu4:Inl 1st, 1�-.)'57. 3. This 3y -Law shall core into fo: ce on the above dL te, upon the approval of the ^ouncI . F :WiLLY PASSE :D at the Git,:►r flf. ; t. Th--owas, in the County o ' �,]Lgin: this 13th day of June, 1956. 4.'.ir en �er1. I J. D. Thomson ClerK of the Corporation of the County of Elgin, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of Dy -Law N o . 1683, sed by the Council of the said Corporation on the 13th day of June, M6. ounty Clerk* m TI r-• !� �y q -r ?, � � T '+ i T T T r r rr T �- r T3.TE u !iii t A ! .� IT O ! TIT,, P0,TkT j : �. �±ii l -T. ! vn .:.lu^-"%:.0 {�' !-.i:=�`,. yr s�C:l',J +d i.. '-` _. T t. .i;:i..J !':::� :�;, .... 1 �" ' ? i. =? u'�`.i"i~ �� �o 1.< j`i �.,e Vn! TI f; v or . e"-+�`TT•° "'.�. _ . _ _ m _ _ . ri c , a / p �..+ )!' ? 1 "' � • �.+ (r t T. _ . � :C�;ci:?�)a i 1 t� By -Law e:>t, ldi !tiny, a Go,unty . oa6 ':. �:�� yzi ;ou:zt, c a ♦ "'f - 't f o- t e. -L and /^K ri0 !:>tscly �, .out:.. of c:; it . l. i t. .i;:i..J 'il\;J ..��a. i �'�; .. t�__ ,,!.t mT,r7k. ��rN Trr^- 1 ani l3� TY a i i . e"-+�`TT•° "'.�. _ . _ _ m _ _ . rt,—m a l.rS r 3 / p �..+ )!' ? 1 "' � • �.+ (r t T. _ . � :C�;ci:?�)a i 1 t� s Y' n[�j�'1! 3�..��d and �.t � i W �: � �.w t,.:..� � :_ . :, i � . 2. - .. Le �. f-. � « `:.• r i t .. a J .� JT l � a r:. o u� v v %ia 'i.iI v }t'e; � O Y �? � e1 lil ;_:t S �." ii ~,': t7 J v ! .Y 0 0ra it ! LLo, IL, Info c0.1r,1ln*^'P-� o � rarV o.., C, nii F C)_ 0 2,{�:i i` �' 0 sy h Fant o a T'0 ri; Northerly, al.on ; the Y�desterl.y limit of the said trave:i�.ed T + 1 ♦ T T T^1 e�, t .--1 ITT 1 Rf j -t [] '*"` "°" ^ e .;..., ?`' road, a distance 'o. r: EE, _-! --.r i Ai,:D r IF , - � : � - K 1 , c; C` + -i ,: ;- I the � uther•1-a . r 3 more or ie�,.�, to t, �r.ter:;ect �o' tiF iirrdit o C:ic ti, :.� r' Oii �..: eEa#., TI-iLty" � E -as er l y, �.s_C)X�C; le Colznty Road No. 4 Count-- :toad No . 46. AND SEVENTY A.ND FIFTY EIGHT OidE-HUNDREDTHS FEET (6,70-58,T) to a point, distant :IXTEEN ANvD SEVENTY FOUR 0"VE-HUNDRED` H FEET (1 0, 71� t) , measured Easter -'y there on from its inter- section with the limit of said Lot i; THEN""'E Soij.t11. 26 0 55t East, a d1.,;t=Tice o* SIXTY `=.L' A1�,TD F_ 717 O rE-1IUNDREDT�?S FEET (66. 57 t) to the place of �,�g� n�4 rig, CONTAINING by a.drnea siirement n?vF (1) AChE n the same more or 1.a T T A '1 t Tl Cti T ? (ITT � T'� '� �r. �� R,. 1. ,i � '� i,. r �¢ ��, �z,l ) , _r4.l.� 4a certain p:=7i c.. �. or a t of Land and premises situ.a.te, lying and being in the Township of Al dbor�.?u;:A'') ill -tlhp coun'- o' i (. �.ii, �?!:+a P�'o , Wince or Ontario, being composed of a r;arti of t'lle road '.;etv:'een a.!oS��cess io�.► '( an fid. !..`, a�td 1- 1?t �1.L li:,P 1.'r?:.i�t �-A���Ll ..1 � 't across '7-1',n f .. ,, ., • A �.. � �j '$ T tziEr�'o1 , r2 Cry 4 �:+ P°t; '` _ _:n e.. ,: , Ci�?1{.`fi V ._!, Or' C j i 4 !'-' e a idl Township o Al;i. oY�o�:�j: -a!- :� ViLi h xray be- more° �;artic�.� ►.���:�.Y descH.be, .4 '-itis f, .11. Ot _'^ — ,, 7 at Ca t,)oinf, >-i tt t✓:r.� .1r me secC, r)n of the Easter y ` .6 -Mit, of Lot D, V 3o'utherl v `_:>:? `s, of }ilk 'C or d E �',ed in l ieij of the ro;a i bat-viaon E.,ortc,essi.ons 7 and 8,- THENCE So'ut`i 55 51t West) along 1,he (1 i • i� '}- ,�' T T T T T T T� T T^• T1 '4-� Sot therly limit of sa.�d road, a �;.s;-a ce o" .H. E.: R w T ... "'� -T{ � T'1 T T�{�! R 71 Rt f i ... �-. T t�T-+ r T (� T1 THT wr+�T7 •-•-�7�'R 1 t ...., }� r -,.t ,.�{ 1 iia l 1L1T �«t17 :iii ! a \liL� i �l ~J �J i.AV 4r1u—:i �1 Ji �..�aJ�ig.I i iJ�T ?�L i THEi�CE North, ESQ 1c7t `�`�est, a di:tan.ce of 0 E HU D L7,:D ;Tr �1 T R y T T, R1 T T T` v R1 • ! s ♦ r� T I"e .-� T-� >X n:4: �:.Im :F..�E C}NNE-:LitDBM,T� _'T !�.G 3 t t to po Lnt in tlle :,' ortherly ir::i , of said T 11l'1" North 55' 51' East , ion v the 1`Northerl_.v 1 i fii t o 1 a�. �) �3 road, a :� �`t Z".: Cf? �./ ^ Tri ~ ETU,, 1 n �', R 11 . T*'J71"-1 j� • q�•.,. �Tr fTiTRrIn r r1" �T r :.f `.a D .r1 .`.:.1 . � r' 01,1E A ty +: Oiv L l t. r i' .� �� F . (39' -It) to a point in the Of said T-ot D; THE, CE SOU"'�i � 7 4` t East, a d _; la ce of InTY STA BD FORTY SIS. ONE -HUNDREDTHS : E1`7 r t.} it ; to the place of beginning. FEEING that portion. of County Rocad pyo. 46 in the Township of Bayham, which may be more part.�..cular•,y des- cribed as follows- - x01217 i^IN '��T . ��y/� t, bt v . �/ i..a�•.�J• L.I .LIF �.. .J L!.._ limit of Lot 5, Co,�cession 0, r, distance of OI E THOUSANI'D L 110 GINE rTHUN "'R D AND NINETY T O trivI D TVIEN' T. ," FOUR" ONE- I- U N'DR i 1 "I' FEET (11�� , measured Southerly tihereon from, a point in the. North east angle of said L 5; 'TH""E Northerly, a3 orig the Easterly limit of said :.ot 5, a distance of ONE THOUSA11 D ON°? . H,,Iti �RE;j AIN D 'NINETY T40 AND TiMli'L Y FOUR 3 le O1',E HUNDREDTHS- -FEET (1192.24') : THENCE Easterly, along the Southerly limit; of the Town Line between the Town- ships of Dereham and Balham, a distance of SIXTY SEVEN AND SIXTY TWO ONE -HUNDREDTHS FEET (67.621-) to a point -in the North west angle of Lot-. 6, Concession 10; THENCE. Southerly, al.ongthe Westerly limit of said '1-.ot 6, a distance of ONE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED AND TWO AND SIXTY TWO ONE -HUNDREDTHS FEET (1502.62t); THENCE North westerly in a straight line, a distance of THREE: Hlu"NDRED AND TWO AND NINETY THREE ONE -HUNDREDTHS FEET (302,93T) Vo the place of beginning, CONTAINING BY ADRMEASUREI ENT TWO AND FOUR ONE -HUNDREDTHS (2.04) ACRES be the same more or les:. 2. The roads as designated and described in paragraph 1, 2, 3, and 4, aye hereby removed from the County Road System of the Coonty of Elgin. 3. This By -Law shall come into force upon the approval thereof by the Lieutenant -Governor in Council. FINALLY PASSED at the City of St. Thomas, in the County of Elgin, this 21st d ay of November, 1956. HnWARD PALMER W, Warden J. D. Thomson, Clerk. I, J. D. Thomson, Clerk, of the Corporation of the County of Elgin, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By -Law No. 1686 passed by the Council of the said Corporation on the 21st day of November, x.956. Q. Clerk. •,,�. _ A s'' t'� ` s ... M �,:. t .. � '. t`j a.A. ^ � � a „ t. . ,.. ... A a... a. '.5 C , w. tris ti+it�I F (3 `+t s: Vit`s _ s:2• r'}?: t xi:� +.... �" _ ..> : �t. "�; �.f' I:.a ;s r Q � a By -Law Ho. Township of Bayham. Being a by-law to provide for dumping places for the disposal of ashes, cans, bottles, glass and other waste and rubbish, for residents of the Township of Bayham, as provided under authority of sub -section 84 of Section 3$$ of the ilunicipal Diet, R. .8, 1950. HB ZE `_5 the dumping of such rubbish and other waste on Township Roads and Public Places is prohibited by By -Law Ido. 1152; ._:TLS "MERE -13 it i; deemed advise -able that several rubbish dumps be established; THE HEr ORE BE IT EN,'XTED by the : unieinal Council of the Tovmship of Bayham as follows; -- 1. That the Reeve of the Totkrnship - of Bayham is he2eby authorized, on behalf of the said municipality, to sign an agreement with a landowner or landowners, for the use of laird as a dumping place for ashes, can3, bo�tles, glass and Who waive d.id z-dablah. 2. Each areeement for use of land as a dumping place shall be approved by a resolution of the Council of the Township of Bayham. 3. The Township of Bayham may pay such remuneration for use of land under this by-law a; may be deemed reasonable. 4. i10 land stall be used as a dumping place or any agreement signed for vane, until the site has been approved by the :edical Officer of Health for the 3t*�'homa3-Elgin health unit or his Bepresmtative. RE.41D a first, second and third time and finally passed this day of 195 Reeve. Clerk.,