HomeMy WebLinkAboutBayham By-Laws 1954BAYHAM TOWNSHIP By -Laws Numbers 1284-1306 1954 BAYHAM TOMSHIP BYLAW RECORDS BYLAWS [ 1284-13491 FILE # 33 File # 33 Date Subject Bylaw -- ------- 1284 ] Mar 54 Authorizing the borrowing of $ 28,000.00 for the erection of an addition to the Public School Building for the Noth Bayham School Section. 1286 4 Jan 54 Authorize the borrowing of $ ]20,000.00. 1287 4 Jan 54 To appoint officers in Bayham for 1954. 1288 4 Jan 54 To appoint arr Assessor in Bayham. ]289 4 Jan 54 Appoint Fence-viewers and P=d-keepers- 1290 ] Feb 54 Provide for the total road expenditures for 1954. ]29] ] Mar 54 Appoint a Road Superintendent. 1292 1 Mar 54 Authorizing the borrowing of money by way of tengorary advances pending the issue authorized by Bylaw No. 1284 1293 5 Apr 54 Adopt assessrrent on which taxes shall be levied. 1294 3 May 54 To close and sell the north portions of lots 19 and 20. 1295 3 May 54 Close and sell the un-used portion of Talbot Road. 1296 7 Jim 54 Provide for a grant to the Elgin County Fed. of Agr.. 1297 7 Jun 54 Approve the borrowing of $140,000.00 by the town of Tillsonburg. 1298 14 Jun 54 Alter the boundaries of P.S. No. 16 and 24. 1300 2 Aug 54 Provide for the issuing of Township hunting licenses. 1301 2 Aug 54 Close and sell certain streets in the Village of Straffordville. 1303 2 Aug 54 Provide for the additional road expenditures for 1954. 1304 4 Oct 54 Provide for borrowing the aggregate of separate sums. 1305 1 Nov 54 Provide for the holding of Munc. elections for 1954. 1306 15 Dec 54 Authorize the borrowing of $ 25,000.00.. 1349 6 Aug 57 Provide for the issuing of Township hunting licences. l-�` ..., _�. ♦ __ < � y � .. s ' ice., ..r.J ,:.J: �..� ... .. .. ...j .� ..- ..% ... ... �. .._ .. __. , .. .. ..> ... :.: _. y '. _.. ._. .. _ ... _ ... _ .. . . _ �... _ _. ._ - _ , , r. � ' � , . i.. ..� . ,�_ ,. _ ._, _ . ,,, . . _ . .., 1 . , ,, ., , • '�3 .. x� .. ,. ... . ..... s ..> i.,, w _ .. 7 -- ... �..� w ... � :.J ... . J .... � .. .... .... _.... 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AND VHEREAS there is no existing debenture debt of the Corporation, except local school debenture debts secured by special rates or assessments. AidD WHEREAS by Order dated the 29th. day of January , 195 4, the Ontario Municipal Board has approved the purpose of the said borrowing and the passing of all requisite By-laws, including debenture By-laws; THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bay -ham enacts as follows: - 1. For the purpose aforesaid the Corporation shall borrow upon the credit of the Corporation a sum not exceeding Twenty-eight Thousand Dollars ($28,000.00), and shall issue debentures therefor in sums of not less than $100.00 each. Each debenture shall bear interest at the rate of four and a half per centum (41%) per annum from the date of issue until the date of payment, payable annually and shall have coupons attached thereto for the payment of such interest. 2. All the debentures shall bear the same date, shall be issued at one time and within two years after the day on which this By-law is passed, may bear any date within such two years and shall be made payable in annual instalments during the period of 20 years next after the date of issue thereof, and the respective amounts of principal and interest payable in each of such years scall be the amount so designated in Schedule "An hereto annexed. 3. The debentures shall be payable as to both principal and interest in lawful money -of Canada and may be made payable at such place or places in Canada as shall be desi;nated thereon. 4. The said debentures shall be sealed with the Seal of the Corporation and signed by the Reeve, or by some 8ther person authorized by by-law to sign the same, and by the Treasurer. The said interest coupons shall be signed by the Treasurer and his signature thereon may be written, stamped, lithographed or engraved. 5. Commencing in the year 1955 and thereafter in each year -3 - in which a payment of principal under this by-law and interest thereon become due, the Council shall levy and raise in that year on all the rateable property of Public School supporters liable therefor in the said School Section in the municipality an amount sufficient to pay such principal and interest to the extent that such amount has not been provided for by the special rates imposed on persons or property made liable therefor by the by-laws of all the municipalities wholly and partly included in the North Bayhamm, Public School Section. 6. The said debentures may contain a clause providing for the registration thereof pursuant to section 335 of The Municipal Act . 7. Pendincr the sale of the said debentures, the Reeve and the Treasurer may raise for the purposes aforesaidby way of loan on such debentures any sum or sums of money not exceeding in all the sum hereby authorized to be borrowed and may hypothecate such debentures for such loan. 8. The Corporation shall have the right, at its option, to redeem that portion of the said debentures which mature in the year 1975 on any date prior to maturity at the places where and in the moneys in which the said debentures are expressed to be payable, upon payment of the principal amount thereof together with interest accrued to the date of redemption and upon giving previous notice of said intention to redeem by advertising once in the Ontario Gazette and once in a daily newspaper of general provincial circulation, published in the City of Toronto, and once in a local newspaper, such notice to be advertised as aforesaid at least thirty days before the date fixed for redemption. Notice of intention so to redeem shall also be sent by post at least thirty days prior to the date set for such redemption to each person in whose name a debenture so to be redeemed is registered a 1 A CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYhAM $ 2$1000.00 YEAR RATE OF INTEREST BY -LAS` NO. 1284. SCHEDULE "All PRINCIPAL TWENTY YEARS INTEREST ANNUAL PAYMENT 1 41% 900.00 1260.00 2160.00 2 42j.%900.00 1219.50 2119.50 3 41% 1000.00 1179.00 2179.00 4 411 1000.00 1134.00 2134,00 5 41% 1100.00 1089.00 2189.00 6 41% 1100.00 1039050 2139.50 7 41% 1200.00 990.00 2190.00 8 4�% 1200.00 936.00 2136.00 9 41/% 1300,00 882.00 2180.00 10 4i% 1300.00 823.50 2123.50 11 4'% 1400.00 765.00 2165.00 12 41% 1400.00 702.00 2102.00 13 41% 1500.00 639.00 2139.00 14 41% 1600.00 571.50 2171.50 15 41% 1700.00 499«50 2199.50 16 41;15% 1700.00 423.00 2123.00 17 41% .1800.00, 346.50 2146.50 18 41% 1900.00 265.50 2165.50 19 4A,% 2000.00 180.00 2180.00 20 41% 2000.00 90.00 2090.00 28,000.00 159034.50 43,034.50 BY-LAW / :? 5� It/ •Mr+r�rrrr++r.�lri u � �.rw�rr rr�rr.rr r+rr rr�rrrrrr HE CORPO TION OF THE TOW71SHIP OF BAYHAZIO A Dy -law authorixin, the borrow- in­ of Twenty-eight Thousand Dollars upon debentures Sr the erection and equipment of an addition to the Public School Building for the HorLh Bayham School Section. WHFAEAS the North Bayham School Section is comprised of part of the Township of Ba,,ham, in the County of El°;in, and part of the Township of Dereham, in the County of Axford, and part of the Township of Middleton in the County of Norfolk, which are respectively knows as School Section '4umber Twenty-three Bayham, School Section Number Fourteen Dereham, and School Section Dumber Ten s iddleton. AND WiIMAS the Township o.I .3ayham has been requested by the North Bayham School Section Soard to raise the sum of Twen".y.. eight Thousand Dollars ( 428, 000.00) for the purpose of the erection and equipment of an addsvion to the Public School wilding in the North Bayham School Section* AIND WHEMEAS it is expedient for the said purpose to borrow for the firYancin�: thereof the said swam of Twenty-eit_;ht Thousand Dollars ($28,OOO.00) upon the credit of the Corporation, and to issue debentures therefor bearing interest at the rate of four and a half per centum (41%) from the da�.,e of issue until maturivy, and to provide for the discount and the expenses incidental to negotiation and sale of such debentures; RAID WHEREAS it is expedient; to make the principal. of Ithe said debt repayable in annual instalmenus during the. period of ,�D years next after the date of issue of such debentures, of such amour s respectively, .hat, with the in teres t in respect of the debt, the et`; re;ate amounu payable for principal and interest in each year shall be as nearly as possible the same; subject to the proviso that each ins�,alment of principal may be for an even 100*00# 4500.00 or $1000.009 or multiple .hereof, and, that no -,%,withstanding anything herein contained, the annual instalment of principal and interest may differ in amount sufficiently to admit thereof; AND WHEREAS the amount of the wi,iole rateable property. 002- .1 of 02- of the munici.pal i O -y, accordinrr to the last revised assessment roll. .hereof is 0..2, leg, f � �~. ? AND WHEREAS there is no exis it.inz debenture debt of :he Corporations except local school debenture debts, secured by special rates or arse ssmen ts. ATID WHEEREAS by Order dated the days of 1.95 the . Cin U.ario I lunicipa.l. Boardhas approved the purpose of the said borrowinL, and the passim; or. all r€ quisi:-,e :syr-3-aws, i.neludi.n= dGb nuure By-laws; THEREFORE the Council of the CorporatI.on of the Township of 3ay ham enacts as follows: -- l.. :dor the purpose aforesaid the Corporation shall. 'borrow upon f;he credit of the Corporation a sum not exceedin- Twenty-eight Thousand Dollars ( 28,000.00), and shall. issue debent:urea therefor Is .n stm of no less :han , 100#00 each# Sach debenture shall bear interest at the rate of Four and a half- per centum (4 j x ) per a mum from the date of issue until the date of paymen `J, payable annually and shall have coupons attached thereto for the payment of such interest. 2. All the debentures shall bear the same data, aha11 be issued at one time and within two years after the day on which this By-law is passed, may bear any date within such two years, and shall be made payable in an:':ual instalmezi ,s during- the period of �t=j Years next after the date of issue thereof, and the resspeec-�;ive amounts of principal and interest payable in each of such years shall be the amount so desi.�nated in Schedule '"As hereto annexed* 3 • The debentures s -fall be payable as to boz h principal and interest in lawful money of Ceaiada and may be made payable at such place or places in Canada as shall 1v desi nated thereon. 40 The said de ventures shall be sealed with the Seal of the Corporation and signed by the Reeve, or by some o :her person auLhorised by by-law to sign the same, and by the Treasurer. The said in .erect coupons ,shall be signed by the Treasurer and his sil nature ,hereon may be wri :.ten, stamped, lithographed or engraved* 5. Commencing in the year 1955s and thereafter in each year in which an ins-s.alarsent of principal of the said debt and interest become due, :.Are Corporation shall levy and raise the specific sum shoim for thy: respective year in the fourth column of the said Schedule. Such sum ..3 - shall be levied and raised by a spscial rate sufficient therefor, over and above all other rates, upon all the rateable property in the said ""orth Bayham School Section w-Ach is in the V11unicipal.ity. however I:Iiat in each year in which an instabuent of principal of Provided the said debt, and inY:.oraest become due, the Treasurer of the Township of B yhar, shall request the North Bayham School Section board a A the Councils of the Townships o Derehara and , Middle-L+on to arrange to pay to the Township of Bayhaz!d the propor%.iona;e share of the sa�.d am au payable by the said townships of Dereham and Iiddleton on t1w, part of the said NZo&0i 3ayham School Seci-Aon which is in the '"'ownsk.Lips of Dere xam az-id IMIddlewon respec';i.vely, in accordan�:°e wi .,h the provisions of she Public Schools Act or any amendmant , substi �utior, or Wiy other law which may be in force from, Lime to timee T ie amounts. received eaC h year f roti thst source shall be used to reduce the amoun,; to be levied by the x ownship ofBayham. 6. The said deben-Lu as izay cont'Ain a clause providin:-, for the registration thereof pursuarit to section 335 of The i unicipal. Act. 7• endin the sale of the said debentures, the Reeve and the Treasurer may raise fo-♦_. Z he purposes aforesaid by way of loan on such debentures any suit or suis of money not exceedixz�; in all the sum herein,, authorized to be borrowed and r4ay hypothecate such debentures for such loan. 8. The Corpora -,Lion shall have the right, at its option, to redeem that portion of the said debentures which mature in he year either in whole or in wart on arry date prior to ma'uurity at the places where and Jx the moneys in Mich the said deben sures are expressed too be payable, upon payment of the principal amount thereof toj;ether, wi ,.h interest accrued to Lohe date of redemption and upon giv f; previous notice of said intention to redeem by advertising once in the Ontario Gaset t.e and once in a daily newspaper of general provincial circula4ion, published in ':he City of Toronto, and once in a local newspapers, srch notice to 'oe advertised as aforesaid at least thirty day,% before -Che date fixed for redemption* 'Notice of inters Uon so to redeem shall, also be Sent by post at least thirty days prior to the date set 3 o : such redemption to each person in whose naw a de ben; ure so to be redeemed is registered 0044* at the address showri in the Debenture Registry Book,, 90 The proceeds from the sale of -!-he said de ben tures or the s of money borrowed thereon sha l be forthwith paid to tie T art e Bayh&M School Section Board* 10* This by-law not beco�: valid �r� �.�. a 3y -law approvin; _i of the smae s?lia l be passed by the council of Lhe Cor �,o��a ;ion of the Township of Dereha.m &A b-,,, Township o:" Kiddleton. 190 0 the Council of the Corporation of the Read a first and, second time this � 7 daof lx. Read s third time and finally passed this 195 aM. {►Oji 04 � : +' 1 ..,A. U zit,TL OF ..i,hi TiltiL -O- Bir-Li 0 N,09 12F4. • M � ^�.! .i. F f t c V •F `, Um 1 4 j=> t 90t� .00 2119 w 50 4 900 a Ute 3 4r fN im-0.00 4 "7 �e '"T f P 2169 000 5 Mid 990.00 b 4 1130. C10 7 4 1200.00 8 41% 1200.00 9 444% 13 003.00 10 41% 1300iOO 11 41 14UU*UO 12 4el 1400.00 13 41 1500.UO 14 41 1600.00 15 41.% 1700.00 16 4.1% 170t3.0£3 17 41 1800.60 18 41 1900 i 00 19 41 20uoiou 20 4r, 2-0UO. U0 12 ,O.00i 2160* C 1219.5U 2119 w 50 1179. UO 2179.00 1134.00 2134.00 1US9000 2169 000 1039150 2139.5w 990.00 2190 . 00 936*00 ;d13b.00 812.00 2182.00 523.50 2123.50 765.00 21; 5.00 702.00 2102.00 639.00 2139.00 571.50 2171.50 499.50 2199.50 423.00 2123.00 34u.50 2146.50 205.50 2165.50 160000 21SOoOO ;� 159034950 439034.50 N • r� s. .� �. :� Y+n c4m � a r 'A:.w :. . i1�...1��..s11.% �_i-.x i...i ��:. '.X �: i~. �S . ,, � ei a a. '✓1.. .. *,. .s.. .`. tS � itY u.�. .% «: �3 '.1 �. .tl � j.t -..., .. ; w • .. 14 14 It ili.ss l i at1 a,% v _. ; is 3 1 . « i : i : .. ; 'l Y '' :. V ✓ . « ► v <. 1 iL.s �lij�:4 V AAA l .01, 1. - A. 1.A AA Z). L .i A -A 3J 15Y -.h-"A-:J ..a UlY .1. V .l i'i3 .is V i Lilt .11s Z A- y .:. ♦ i «1 1 ,.5 •...) " ; y .. to e. r :. i ..:..A a I l :,a.�C] 1-� `.% i • l �� *..i J „t �w. v : 1 u `.i i i • r, L i r A ,« ? ..... .'� �;�' .s+ �,w ,.,� :. s i. c w ' L .i 4J ..s L 4 � �i L: � i j R, "z • n; kir. S. C. Emerson, Vienna, Ontario. !,ear Sen; - Aug. 4tn. 1964. I encl-se herewith a copy of By -Law Ro. 1302 ru: Vienna St. Luke's Cemetery. hie is worded exactly like Eden's except for the wbind changes. You will note that the Commission consists of the resident Anglican Cleryman plus six members appointed by the council, two each year for three year terms. Councillor Chute was suggested by the council as member but we would still need another plus the four you mentioned in your letter. Please let me know about this and these members will be named by the council on Sept. lat., next meeting. In the meantime I see no reason why your cannot carry on. I would like to point out that a oouj;le Of clauses of this by-law cannot be enforced with0out a Judge's order. Those are the ones pertaining to the disinterment of a body and removing to another part of the cemetery. It is very rarely that anything like this is ever comtemplated anyway. Yours very truly 8. .he following rul-s and re„ulations with respect to the eo:,otery Are hereby adopted; t1) Persons &Pairing tp purchase lots will call on the caretaker who will assist in making a selection and when settlement is made, an interment will be permitted. (2) Lots free from all encumbrances are oonveyed by deed securing the purchaser and his heirs a title in fee simple but for the purpose fo sepulchre only, subject to the rules ind re.;ulatlons that are now in force or may be adopted thereafter. (3) No deed will be issued until a lot is filly paid for, and if interment is permitted before such time, the cemetery eommisslor retains the right to refuse future interment or any improvemente until any bslanoe due on such lot 1s filly paid, and in case of persistent default. to remove any body already interrAd to any part of the eemetery that may be asoi;ned for this pilrpose. ii y- n. taw i o . In of Bayham. �be ins 1-4 by-law to establish rulers and regulations with respect to Vienna Bt.{,uke19 :.ef,etery. 1.F 'he care and munsaemen.t of the cemetery ehall bo in the hands of a commission hereafter known as r ..,...: rozie omposed of 9 x members end tea . n l� �1�►r x�_. on tE---; two of whom shall be appointed each year by the council of the Tomishi;a of Bayham and shall hold off ice for a term of three years i the first commission to be oompose6 of a three-year torm for two of is members, a two-year terra for two of its members and a one-year toren. for the rema fining two members. 4''. �`he municipality 11 receive from the lot -owners ant sum of money ?or parmanent investment, the annual interest of which is to be expend - ort upon their lots or on general Improvement if so reiiue9ted. 0. ,pon payment to the municipality (throut!,h the treasurer if so de- sired) by a lot-oryner of the sun of fifty dollars which sum shall be plauod to the credit of the cemetery 'rust hand, the � z.nioipality .111 undertake the i:ure of the lot In perpetuity. 4. X11 other lot -owners, shall on or before the Alms ki ly of Alpril in each and every year, pay to the JoRmetery► �:ommission of this mUniuip- a? ity the sum of three dollars toward the. :'eneral crare laid upkeep of the cemetery or, in the case of default where the plot -owner is a In nd -owner in the said municipality, the same may be charged to his property a3 taxes, or, in the case of default in payment of said tix for a period of tan yaars, the commission shall have power to re -move any bodies interred therein to any part of the t,-emetery that may be assigned for that purpose together with any markers or gruvostonae thoreon and resell the said lot* r. she price Of the lots may be fixed from ti-ne to time by the .:eset- ery Jommi;asion, but shall not ne loss than thirty dollars for a g_ix- tten_..1qY 'foot -four ,t.00 doubts. _.dot, fi.ftoon dollars tnr. a sixt -en twelve f oo t sin 1 e , tot' *A& t; .6. From and after the,;,p39sing of thp by-law a special a ;count shall ire • kept by the township tre. i.3�irer to be cal led the ,aemetery `A:rust 10. Fund". This Band shall include all money pal& to the township traas error by tho 3onmi3o ion for investment, lio p.,art of the money received into this Fund, except the interest derived therefrom, shall be expanded for any purpose wha w3oever but -the same shall here- after be held by the town ship in trust to be invested °ind kept invest- ed from time to `ilclo is ; aah anaurittea :is rsay be aiithorix�d for the Investment of sinking funds and that have been *,approved by the aemet- ery soamission. .he interest arising from the said fund ehall be paid t►nnually by _i reeolliti.on of tho uounail .sftar the a,iiount his been oortif find by the treasurer to the cemetery oo-wmiss i on to be expended by it in the csare and ,:�,antx , .nlent of the cemetery. ?* the cemetery oo-mission shall k©op a register conte .riin- _r re,3o rd o. ull trans€iutions in reepe ut of the sale, transfer ind ownership of lot glad also an account mith each in ividulal lot1bowner with respF-u t. to the annual fee or tax. i�. .he folios In rail s and re .,ulstions with reepect, to the oerotary, :rr hereby adopted; (1) Persons dneiring tQ purchase lots will call on' t ho oaretsker who will assist in msil*tng a selection and when settlement is made, an interment will be permitted. d 2 i :.ote free from all encumbrances are uonveye4 by deed securing the purchaser and h13 heirs a title in fee simple but for the purpose fo sopulchre only, subject to the rules rind re:?ulations that are now in toruP or may be adopted thereafter. (6) No d ood will be issued until a lot is fTil ly paid for, qnd if interment is permitted before such time, the cemetery eommiasior retains the richt to refuse future interment or any i.mprovernentp until any balance due on such lot is filly paid. Cana in a -ase of persistent default, to remove any body alrogdy interred to siny part of the cemetery that may be asci. ned for this purpose. y p2) (4) A deed from the cemetary oommisa ion and its record on the books kept Ander the direction of the oe*etery commission is the only evidenoe of title of the proprietor reoognized by the munioip- ality therefore, Bele or transfer of the lots by the owner shell not be valid without the consent of the oemetery aommissi on and its approval endorsed by the conveyance. ::he record of s properly made sale or transfer will be rade by the cemetery eommisgion upon payment of two dollars which shall be paid to the cemetery oozaisef on. (5) The sub -d iviaion of a lot or the sub -d ivis ion of tho ownership of a lot is not allowed, the joint p:arahase of s lot ig not recomm- ended, but, whon it oouurs. the oematery oommisn.i on, if it det:ims it expedient, will permit a transfer duly executed by either o:,+ner to the other bit to no other person. (6) 31enerel vara does notovide for dare of monuments, grave mark- or;3, or tuay other d�;r ativa planting which ma j be placed on lots but does include grass -putting. and reasonable caro of shrubbery# Lot owners may havo work consistent with the rules and regulations done by arrangemon t with the cemetery commission which will furnish Use lowest possible estimgte to properly execute the worllr. (ry } i{o person other than the caretak-or and lot -owner or members or servunts of their families shall be perl,i`:ted to perform any worx on any lot and such work shall be confined to the working i:ours of the clay rind under the supervision of the carptak -r. (6 j .mprotiemerktu within the cemetery before as woll tie after Intermiente, are made will be under the ;control of the oemetery commissione hereafter no plot shall be enclosed with a fence or hedge and shall not be raised above tho level of surrounding lots, xi11 foot-rLarkers aiast be sunk to the level of the surface of the earth. $9) Jo gees or shrtbs shall be planted on lots or gwirveg nor shall any trees or shrubs be cut down, removed, or trim-ned without the permission of the oemeter j ooramissi on. Such work cyan be done only under the supervision of the curetaks r. (10)Lot-ownere who plant out flowers and then fail to have them properly watered and tri.. ned find kept "rea from Needs are hereby notified that teat the a%retaker has the ri.;ht to remove negleated planta Brom beds, graves, vases or erne. (11)The 3 are taker must not undertake with F ny lot -owner to give any special care. to any lot*in tho ceme i;ary. ( 1.G )1,ot-owners shill _ff.ap in good reptAr any strctatare or object which -.1y be 11aned on tf.e lot wiling »hi ;h the same may be removed. (13)l ontruents must be placed ns ricar the centre of the lot fts possible unleae - c-rmiaeiw►n is given by the a€netary oowni8eion to place thea otherwise. ( 14)'ihe. comet r.7a:)-nrtise i on h -is 'rye ri ;ht to w,roverA or relliove any structure or ob jeut which they deem injurious to the :general food 1-%pearariue o�: the oemetery. ( lb') Tuneral8 while within the -rounds will be under the ;control of - the aareta icer. (16)No burls -Ala shall be allowed in any lot against whish there shall appear charges due and unpaid. (1? )All grraves ,last be prepured by the 3aretaker. ..ny lot -owner dee- tring, a 3ravo 1 paned sbal l a )Vl y to the oemo to ry commission and pay therefor according to the following schedule. (a child up to one year old 2.00 Ob) child over one and under t.en years .'3.00 � c) tLdults; t%00 - P, The aommi ss ion shall give a receipt for the amount which when shown to the aurettiker shall be deemed suffla lent not iae to him to open the grave. (18)All foundations ahsll be b=tilt by or under the supe'rvisi on of the caretaker at the expense of the lot -owner. eReasonable notice must be elven and payment ,it the time of giving order. ;`oundst- ions shall be built eixfejt des and ...f tze gamn sire as the bo -tom base or foot of masonry a owe ground, until one foot from top of ground and then ex*ended four inches esah side and will be mado level tow inches below the surface of the ground where it is lowest. Lhe oemetery oommis®ion reserves the ri, ht to require larger and deeper foundations if in their opinion it i* required. (19)!+o person shull be permitted to enter the oemetery except through l By -Law No . / 3C,2 Township of Bayham. Being a by-law to establish rules and regulations with respect to Vienna St.Luke's Cemetery. 1. The care and management of the cemetery shall be in the hands of a commission hereafter known as " The Vienna St. Luke's Cemetery Commission, composed of six members and the Anglican clergyman on the field, two of whom shall be appointed each year by the council of the Township of Bayham and shall hold office for a term of three years ( the first commission to be composed of a three-year term for two of its members, a two-year term for two of its members and a one-year term for the remaining two, members. j 2. The municipality shall receive from the lot -owners anIr sum of money for permanent investment, the annual interest of which is to be expend- ed upon their lots or on general improvement if so requested. 3. Upon payment to the municipality (through the treasurer if so de- sired) by a lot -owner of the sum of fifty dollars which sum shall be placed to the credit of the cemetery trust fund, the municipality will undertake the care of the lot in perpetu'_ty. 4. All other lot -owners, shall on or before the first day of April in each and every year, pay to the Cemetery Commission of this mtnicip- ality the sum of three dollars toward the general care and upkeep of the cemetery or, in the case of default where the plot -owner is a land -owner in the said municipality, the same may be charged to his property as taxes, or, in the case of default in payment of said tax for a period of ten years,the commission shall have power to remove any bodies interred therein to any part of the cemetery that may be assigned for that purpose together with any markers or gravestones thereon and resell the said lot. 5. The price of the lots may be fixed from time to time by the Cetpet- ery Commission, but shall not ne less than thirty dollars for a six- teen by twenty-four foot double lot, fifteen dollars for a sixteen by twelve foot single lot and ten dollars for a half -lot. 6. From and after the passing of the by-law a special account shall be kept by the township treasurer to be called the "Vienna St.Luke's Cemetery Trust Fund". This fund shall include all money paid to the township treasurer by the commission for investment. No part of the money received into this fund, except the interest derived therefrom, shall be expended' for any purpose whatsoever but the same shall here- after be held by the township in trust to be invested and kept invest- ed from time to time in such securities as may be authorised for the investment of sinking funds and that have been approved by the cemet- ery commission. The interest arising from the said fund shall be paid annually by a resolution of the council after the amount has been certified by the treasurer to the cemetery commission to be expended by it in the care and management of the cemetery. 7. The cemetery commission shall keep a register containing a record of all transactions in respect of the sale, transfer and ownership of Pots and also an account with each individual loteowner with respect to the annual fee or tax. 8. The following rules and regulations with respect to the cemetery are hereby adopted; (1) Persons desiring tQ purchase lots will call on the caretaker who wibl assist in making a selection and when settlement is made, an interment will be permitted. (2) Lots free- from all encumbrances are conveyed by deed securing the purchaser and his heirs a title in fee simple but for the purpose fo sepulchre only, subject to the rules and regulations that are now in force or may be adopted thereafter. (3) No deed will be issued until a lot is fully paid for, and if interment is permitted before such time, the cemetery commission retains the right to refuse future interment or any improvements until any balance due on such lot is ffilly paid, and in case of persistent default, to remove any body already interred to any part of the eemetery that may be assigned for this purpose. V. i El 0411,) (4) A deed from the cemetery commission and its record on the books kept Ander the direction of the eeroetery commission is the only evidence of title of the proprietor recognized by the municip- ality therefore, sale or transfer of the lots by the owner shall :not be valid without the consent of the cemetery commission and its approval endorsed by the conveyance. The record of a properly made sale or transfer will be made by the cemetery commission upon payment of two dollars which shall be paid to the cemetery commission. (5) The sub -division of a lot or the sub -division of the ownership of a lot is not allowed, the joint purchase of a lot is not recomm- ended, but, when it occurs, the cemetery commission, if it deems it expedient, will permit a transfer duly executed by either owner to the other but to no other person. (6) General care does not provide for care of monuments, grave mark- ers, or any other decoratiTa planting which may be placed on lots but does include grass -cutting, watering, and reasonable care of shrubbery# Lot owners may have work consistent with the rules and regulatipns done by arrangement with the cemetery commission which will furnish the lowest possible estimate to properly execute the work. (7) No person other than the caretaker and lot -owner or members or servants of their families shall be permitted to perform any work on any lot and such work shall be confined to the working hours of the day and under the supervision of the caretaker. (8) Improvements within the cemetery before as well as after interments, are made will be under the control of the cemetery commission. Hereafter no plot shall be enclosed with a fence or hedge uno srkAi3 _--ot ',ip abcv� level of surrouY:di.ng lots. All foot -markers must be gunk to the level of the surface of the earth. 09) No trreas or shr$bs shall be planted on lots or gwwves nor shall any trees or shrubs be cut down, removed, or trimmed without the permission of the cemetery commission. Such work can be done only under the supervision of the caretaker. (10)Lot-owners who plant out flowers and then fail to have them properly watered and trimmed and kept free from weeds are hereby notified that hat the caretaker has the right to remove .neglected plants .from beds, ,;graves, vases or urns. ' (11)The caretaker must not undertake with any lot -owner to give any special care to any lot in the cemetery. (12)Lot-owners shall keep in good repair any structure or object which may be placed on the lot wiling which the same may be removed. (13 )Monuments' must be placed as near the centre of the lot as possible unless permission is given by the cemetery commission to place them otherwise. (14)The cemetery commission has the right to prevent or remove any structure or object which they deem injurious to the general good appearance of the cemetery. (15)Funerals while within the grounds will be under the control of the caretaker. (16) No buri6ls shall be allowed in any lot against which there shall appear charges due and unpaid. (17)All graves must be prepared by the caretaker. Any lot -owner .des- iring a grave opened shall apply to the cemetery ecxnmission and pay therefor according to the following schedule. (a) child up to one year old : X2.00 Ob) Child over one and under ten years X3.00 (c) Adults; ;7.00 The commission shall give a receipt for the amount which when shown to the caretaker shall be deemed sufficient notice to him to open the grave. (18)All foundations shall be built by or under the supervision of the caretaker at the expense of the lot -owner. Reasonable notice dust be given and payment at the time of giving order. Foundat- ions Shall be built six feet deep and of the same size as the bottom base or foot of masonry above ground, until one foot from top of ground and then extended four inches each side and will be made level tow inches below the surface of the ground where it is lowest. The cemetery commission reserves the right to require larger and deeper foundations if in their opinion it A required. (19)lio person shall be permitted to enter the cemetery except through ( 3 ) the gates which are to be closed a* dark. (20)Lot-owners, their families and visitors will be admitted daily and are requested to observe all rules adopted for the regulation of visitors. (21 )Children unattended by persons who will be responsible for their conduct will not be admitted. (22 )Bicycle riding will not be permitted except on the road for vehicles in the cemetery. (23)I'o rapid driving or riding, or driving or riding on lawns will be permitted. ( 24) 11 persons are strictly prohibited from plucking any plants whether wild or cultivated, breaking any trees or shrubs, marring any stone -work, or in ,zy Way defacing anything in the cemetery. (25)The caretaker shall f"iirnish a statement of all extra work other than general care of lots to the cemetery commission who shall enter the same on their books for collection. (26)Plot-Owners are advised that no money should be paid to the care- taker for any purpose whatsoever. REAL a First time this REA, a jecond time this Read a Third I�r� day of day of time and finally passed this 195 `-Z. Reeve. day of I* 1 erk. I f rs FORM B-6 BY-LAW NO. 1303 additional A BY-LAW TO PROVIDE FOR THE �OtAt 1954 <DITURE ON ROADS IN THE TO'�'N;S� Ir' Off, BAYB� It; THE' �C�L1I'i`i'Y f OF MGI it �� U1 WHEREAS The Highway Improvemeli . ct requires that the total expenditure on roads be provided for annually by by-law and that the by-law be submitted to the Minister of Highways approval. AND WHEREAS the expenditure for the said purpose last year was .,.nQ,Q04.OQ.......... which required a levy of ,.8l9......, mills on the assessment of $.2,*NM9^Qt .............. AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the said Township desires to expend for the said purpose this year .64,QQQ.QQ........ for which it is prepared to levy an estimate of 9.8....... mills on the assessment of ........... THEriEFORE the Council of the Corporation of the said Township enacts as follows:- (1) oIlows:- (1) The sum of $ 49000.00 is hereby appropriated from moneys raised by levy, debentures and government subsidy for total expenditure upon construction and maintenance of the roads under its jurisdiction during the year 1954 as follows: - ROADS ;ONSTRUCTION.... . Bayham-riou ht on MAIPJTENA NCE ... T Qlr,114Q . (1544T � l . . NEW MACHINERY ................... MIS CELLAAA_J `S ................... W BRIDGES & CU1,VE11TS 4,000.00 TOT Air 4,000.00 1. lip 'P O `I' A L S 4 � 4,000.00 4,000.00 (2) The said moneys shall be expended under the supervision of the duly appointed township road superintendent and on work performed in accordance with The Highway Improvement Act. (3) The clerk shall transmit duplicate copies of this by-law to the district. office of the Municipal Roads Branch, Department of Highways. Passed a� Straffordville this '2nd • day of 1iu�Zust A.D.1954 ( "3 E A L ) \ r. 01 1 f Clerk -Reeve I , J . D. Vallee Clerk of the Corvoration of the Township of Bayham do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By-law No.1303 passed by the Council of the said Corporation on the _2nd, day of August 1954 . Township Clerk � � � r'�a `��,. �. ,� c.� h r . t� f� " �.. � ^• �,� '" �� i. �. 0 ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS Torolito 21 October 13th, 1954. Mr. J. D. Vallee, Clerk, Township of Bayham, Straffordville , Ontario. Dear Sir: i:e : Towns hip of Bayharr, 1954 Abhroved <�oa ? Lpnrc riat io n Y' e return hertewi zh one copy of your 3y -la.•, yc . 1.303:i,.ich .ias been approve to s, lira- of 41000.CC by direction of tre ronourable Geo. H. Dunbr, }�ctin,_l'inister of Hi�hwa;,s. his additional 4,C}00.CC tof-ether s• ith the amount approved under date of April 22,1954 provides a total appropriation of 64, 000.00 for the current year. JVL/GB Attach. R Yours very truly, F `v . �T J . . Ludgate, i•'unicipal _'ngineer. Township of do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By-law No.?,Surpassed by the Council of the said Corporation on the V,,m ._.._._.._.._..day o f 19 a, r FORM B-6 BY-LAW NO. 1303 additional A BY-LAW TO PROVIDE FOR THE JotA' 1954 ;"-J,"i,,1DITURE ON ROADS IN THE TOW'NSF IF OF BAYHAiA IN THE COUNT OF _'L GIN WHEREAS The Highway Improvemeiit Act requires that the total expenditure on roads be provided for annually by by-law and that the by-law be submitted to the Minister of Highways for approval. AND WHEREAS the expenditure for the said purpose last year was...6Q�Oc�O.�G .......... which required a levy of ..8.9....... mills on the assessment of ,�. b,�v$... . ...... . . . . AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the said Township desires to expend for the said purpose this year .64 �Qpp,pp ... , , .. , for which it is prepared to levy an estimate of g.8......, mills on the assessment of.� THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the said Township enacts as follows:- (1) o1lows:- (1) The sum of 46000.00 is hereby appropriated from moneys raised by levy, debentures and government subsidy for total expenditure upon construction and maintenance of the roads under its jurisdiction during the year 1954 as follows:- CONSTRUCTION.. Ug,,,s .Brad ge. on.... . Bayham-Hou ';ht on MAINTENANCE. ..Towraline .�sharO . . NEW N"InCHII;LRY .................. . r0ISCLLLA:u-3US................... T O T A L) ROADS Al iP BRIDGES & CU*LVEF?TS ' 4,020,00 :A TOTAL 4,010.00 4, 060.00 4,000100 (2) The said moneys shall be expended under the supervision of the duly appointed township road superintendent and on work performed in accordance with The Highway Improvement Act, (3) The clerk shall transmit duplicate conies of this by-law to the district office of the Municipal Roads Branch, Department of Highways. Passed at this 2nd-.-. day of A.D.1914_,�_ { S` A L ) r a -13L (Signed Do v1e-.. ed; `eta i t e r D. ik e 1 s ori Clerk Reeve I, �. i�:�11ee Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of do hereby certify that the foregoing is .a true copy of By-law No.1?j03 passed by the Council of the said Corporation on the __2a d, day of Anan t 191A_ . Township Clerk P I By -Law No. 1304. Township of Bayham. Being a by-law to provide for borrowing the aggregate of separate sums provided for by certain drainage by-laws and for the issuing of one series of debentures therefor. WHEREAS Section 27 of the Municipal Drainage Act, R.S.B. 1950, provides for the passing of a by-law to consolidate two or more by-laws for the purposes aforesaid; AND WHEREAS only pottions of amounts as provided for under certain drainage by-laws remain to be financed, the remainder having been received as grant for aid -to -drainage, and cash settlements by the respective owners; AND WHEREAS it is deemed desireable and expedient that such action be taken; THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED by the Municipal Council of the Township of Bayham, that, 1. The borrowing of funds and issuing of debentures in respect to the following by-laws, be and is hereby consolidated into one series of debentures, namely - Coyle Drain By -Law No. 1259 in an amount of $1.31.42 Latitenschlager " " " 1266 " " tt " 1544,47 Swan c e :t " tt 1244 " " tt tt 15 70.5 0 Total Amount - $ 4546.39. 2. The Reeve and Treasurer are hereby authorized on behalf of the Township of Bayham, to sign same and affix the Corporate Seal of the said Township of Bayham. READ a first, second and third time and finally passed this 4th. day of October, 1954. Reeve. z t, �`��' �.� `� �� `�. � ,� �1 3`' �, O � � � �� 43 r By -Law No. cv� Township of-dayham. Being a by-law to provide for the holding of the Municipal Flections in the Municipality of the Township of Bayham for the year 1954 , A..*�o and for the appointing of Deputy Returning Officers, Poll Clerks and Polling Places in the several '.Folling Sub -Divisions in the said 1 unicipality of the Township of Bayham. Br. Il TdhighFORE FXACTED by the Council of the Township of Bayham in regular session assembled; - That, providing more persons qualify for election to office than are required to fill the various offices, an election be held on Deco 6th, 19 54 as according to Township of Bayham By -Law No. 1803, and in accord- ance with the provisions of the Municipal Elections Act. That, the election for Sub -Division J;o. 1 of the �:unicipality shall be held at the Police xiall, Port Burwell, and that Howard Chute shall be Leputy Returning Officer and Percy Clarke shall be Poll Clerk, That the election for Sub-Livision No. 2 shall be held at or near Neva Bradfield Tenant Hous*nd that Fred Baker shall be Deputy "eturning Officer and Murray Emersan shall be loll Clerk. :i hat the election for Sub -Division No. 3. shall be held at or near the Residence of Ray Thurston and t ha t Elton H. Jackson shall be Leputy Returning Officer and Ray Thurston shall be Poll Clerk. That the election for Sub-Livision leo. 4 shall be held at the Township .loll and that Harry P. Grant shall be Deputy Returning Officer and Lyle Walsh shall be Poll Clerk. That the eleckion for Sub-Livision No. 5 shall be held at Corinth Ins4:itute Rall, and that Howard Coomber Shall be Deputy Keturnin Officer and Mex Duff shell be Poll Clerk. That the election for Sub -Division No. 6 shall be held at the Eden Sehoo? Building and that Chas. Ketchabaw shall be Deputy Aeturning D fieer and Wilfred Nelson shall be {'oll Clerk. That the election for Sub -Division No. 7 shall be held at the Richmond bchool and that Fred Procubier shall be Leputy Returning Offioer and Isabelle Hewbank shall be oll Clerk. That the election for Sub-Livision No. 8 shall be held at S. S. No. 4 School and that Ira 14itchell shall be :epaty Returni Officer and Mildred Soper shall be Voll Clerk. AND UAT the said Leputy ileturning Officers and Voll w3lerks be and the are hereby authorized and required to hold the said Municipal Electior in accordance with the Act and to provide for voting by ballots at thf said elections. RICAL a First, 6econd and Third time and finally gassed this lst,, day of NoveMber 195 4 . Reeve. r+ f� 1 rk. a Form 100.38 Ontario TOWNSHIP OF DAYHA140 BY-LAW No..13Q6 ......... to authorize the borrowing of S 25,000.00 Whereas the Council of the Tovmship of Dayham (hereinafter called the "Municipality") deems it necessary to borrow the sum of S 25 , 000.00 to meet, until the taxes are collected, the current expenditures of the Municipality for the year; NOTE. --Refer And Whereas the total amount of the estimated revenues of the IN'lunlcl- to the estimates for the current pality as set forth in the estimates adopted for the year 1954, not including f. ar tto ado hoe revenues derivable or derived from arrears of taxes, borrowings and issues of of last year. 1 debentures, is <� .��, -1-7000 - r 7 •0 j' . �j And Whereas the total amount heretofore authorized to be borrowed this year for the purposes mentioned in subsection (1) of section 339 of The (Delete this paragblbif not Municipal Act is $120, 000.00, of which the Municipality has already borrowed applia total of $ 85 , 600.00 Therefore the Council of the Township of Dayham hereby enacts as follows: 1. The Head and the Treasurer are hereby authorized on behalf of the Municipality to borrow from time to time by way of promissory note from THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE a sum or sums not exceeding in the aggregate w 2 5 9 000 . 00 to meet until the taxes are collected the current expenditures of the Municipality for the year, including the amounts required for the purposes mentioned in subsection (1) of section 339 of the N'lunicipal Act, and to give on behalf of the Municipality to the Bank a promissory note or notes sealed with the Corporate Seal and signed by the Head and Treasurer for the moneys so borrowed, with interest, which may be paid in advance or otherwise, at a rate not exceeding 412 per centum per annum. 2. All sums borrowed pursuant to the authority of this by-law, as well as all other sums borrowed in this year and in previous years from the said Bank for any or all of the purposes mentioned in the said section 339, shall, with interest thereon, be a charge upon the whole of the revenues of the Municipality for the current year and for all preceding years as and when such revenues are received. 3. The 'Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to apply in payment of all sums borrowed as aforesaid, together with interest thereon, all of the moneys hereafter collected or received either on account or realized in respect of taxes levied for the current year and preceding years or from any other source which may lawfully be applied for such purpose. Passed this 15th. day of December 1954 THE HEAD OF THE MUNICIPALITY SEAL � �._...... .... .................... -�� CLERK We hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By -Law No. of the of in the Province of Ontario, duly passed at a meeting of the Council of the said Municipality duly held, and that the said By -Law is in full force and effect. Dated This day of 19 As Witness the Seal of the of SEAL ................................................................................ THE HEAD OF THE MUNICIPALITY .............................. .................... I ............ I................ CLERK