HomeMy WebLinkAboutBayham By-Laws 1952BAYHAM TOWNSHIP By -Laws Numbers 1248-1268 1952 A BAYHAM rIOMSHIP BYLAW RE )ORDcS BYLAWS # [ 1235-12681 FILE # 31 File #31 Date Subject Bylaw # 1235 5 Feb 51 Authorize the Corp. to enter into an agreement with the Hydro -Electric Power Corm. of Ont. for street lights. 1248 7 Jan 52 Authorize the borrowing of $ 60,000.00. 1249 7 Jan 52 Appoint officers in the Township of Bayham for 1952.- 952.1250 1250 7 Jan 52 Appoint Fence -viewers and Pound -keepers. 1251 21 Jan 52 Guarantee of certain payments to the Town of Aylmer. 1252 4 Feb 52 Formal agreement between the H.P.C. of Ont. and Bayham. 1253 7 Feb 52 Provide for total 1952 road expenditures. 1254 7 Feb 52 Appoint an Assessor for Bayham Township for 1952. 1255 7 Apr 52 Authorize the Reeve and Clerk to sign agreement for police services. 1256 5 May 52 To prohibit the firing off of fireworks in Bayham. 1257 5 May 52 Designate wren assessment shall be made in Bayham and when the assessment roll shall be returned to the township clerk. 1258 7 Jul 52 To close and sell the road between lots 16 and 17 ir.Bayham. 1260 6 Oct 52 To provide for drainage work in the Tbwnship_of Bayham. 1261 6 Oct 52 Authorize the borrowing of $ 30,000.00. 1262 6 Oct 52 Establish a volunteer Fire Department. 1263 21 Oct 52 Authorize purchase of fire truck. 1264 27 Oct 52 Provide for the holding of Munc. elections. 1265 27 Oct 52 Close and sell a portion of road across lots 121 and 122. 1267 27 Oct 52 Borrowing of money to purchase a fire truck. 1268 15 Dec 52 Authorize the borrowing of $ 25,000.00. Form 10436 Ontario Township of Bayham BY-LAW No...��. `�g..... 380aw to authorize the borrowing of 60 , 000.0 0 Whereas the Council of the Township of Bay ham (hereinafter called the "Municipality") deems it necessary to borrow the sum of $ 60, 000.00 to meet, until the taxes are collected, the current expenditures of the Municipality for the year; NOTE.—Refer And Whereas the total amount of the estimated revenues of the NJ Unici- to the estimates for the current pality as set forth in the estimates adopted for the year 19 51, not including year if adopted; if not, to those revenues derivable or derived from arrears of taxes, borrowings and issues of of last year. debentures, is S 155, 000.00 1 f.. .� ► t� R', r,f.. .� , rt ►. f ; it+; i �, i. i �: :� ►.i . r •.t •.•: ,•. i.f '.. i!R► . �. !. !. �' r 3� !fir ! j_i+i ?!!. ��k1, a �si,.A• �! M." (Delete+ paragraph if not Therefore the Council of the Township of Bay iiam hereby enacts as follows: SE. -%L I. The Head and the Treasurer are hereby authorized on behalf of the Municipality to borrow from time to time by way of promissory note from THE CANADIAN BANK OF CONIAIERCE a sum or sums not exceeding in the aggregate $ b0 , 00 0 . 0 0 to meet until the taxes are collected the current expenditures of the Municipality for the year, including the amounts required for the purposes mentioned in subsection (1) of section 339 of the Municipal Act, and to give on behalf of the Municipality to the Bank a promissory note or notes sealed with the Corporate Seal and signed by the Head and Treasurer for the moneys so borrowed, with interest, which may be paid in advance or otherwise, at a rate not exceeding 4-V. per centum per annum. 2. All sums borrowed pursuant to the authority of this by-law, as well as all other s --ms borrowed in this year and in previous years from the said Bank for any or all of the purposes mentioned in the said section 339, shall, with interest thereon, be a charge upon the whole of the revenues of the Municipality for the current year and for all preceding years as and when such revenues are received. 3. The Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to apply in payment of all sums borrowed as aforesaid, together with intQrest thereon, all of the moneys hereafter collected or received either on account or realized in respect of taxes levied for the current year and preceding years or from any other source which may lawfully be applied for such purpose. Passed this 7th. day of We hereby certify January �. that the, foregoing is 19 52 .................... I.... H�1D or- THE MUNICIPALITY �f t�- CLERK a true copy of By -Law No. of the of in the Province of Ontario, duly passed at a meeting of the Council of the said �Tunicipality duly held, and that the said By -Law is in full force and effect. Dated This day of 19 As Witness the Seal of the of „ THE HEAD OF THE MUNICIPALITY SEAL.................................. ......... CLERK FA '10ABSHIP OF BAId". BymLaw No, Being a by -19w to appoint certain officers in and for the i�unioi pality of the Township of Bayham for the year f ?,t �2 BE IT THkIWORL MAO, `x" in regular session assembled;- 11 ssambled;- a - and K I • shall be Valuatore of livestock killed by dogs at 104 per hour and 4cc per mile one way for oar. 2. That - /)kA y shall be school attendance officer at r � V a salary of #^14-5 . and - C per mile one way for car. 3. That ly'D . f_ �'Jt) fIeSOA' sha ll be weed inspector at a salary of plus , X16 0 per mile one way for car. 4. That shall be Relief Officer at a salary of 5. That D. F. Gibson, X.C. shall be solicitor of the Township. b. That &-C s,�I Shall be building inspector st a salary of . SC' per hour. 7• That A. '99"C D,011J shall be drain inspector at a salary of f per hour. READ a First, Second and Third time and finally passed this day of January, 195 Reeve Clerk t q TOWN31UP OF BAYfi,�& . By -Law leo. /,*2 a Being a By -Law to appoint Pence -Viewers and Found -.Keepers in and for the Township of Bayham for the year 1952. inti S it is deemed nece3sary and expedient to appoint these officers for the year 1952; AliL WHE'RE'AS Section 386, Sub -Section 47 of The municipal nct R.S.O. 1950, provides that there appointments may be made; BE IT TdLREFCR A by the Iy:unicipal Council of the Corporation of the ' ownship of Bayham in regular session assembled, that the following be and are hereby appointed to act a9 the following officers for the year 1942,- Fence-viewers. 942.- Fence-viewers. Ernest Holman, Straffordvi lle Carman Ball, Eden Horace vague, R.R.1, Straff. eo. 3, Elliott, R.5, L 'burg. Lloyd herr on, R,2. Vienna. Ceo. Procunier, R.1, Ingersoll Robt. Jackson, R.1, Straff. 9-00% iAgeo@�_10 R16.9 21yT"MR01. Alva Brinn, R.6, lillsonburg. Fred .0all, Straffordville. -Alonzo Hagell, Corinth. Willard McAllister, Straff. round -keepers. 1I199,o lA r- f, R.R.2, Vienna .orate "ague, R.I. Straff. #gym. brinn, R.1, Vienna. Reg. KcC uiggan, R,6, Aylmer. Robt. Jackson, R,l, Straff, Hudson Ball, R.6, Tillsonbur,g, Ira LiUmine, i.l. Lden. 3eo. Procunier, .R.l, Ingersoll. :: ec it xseemer, Corinth. Clarence 4olfe, R.1, Vienna Roy i4evill, R. G , Vienna. Ed. Laemers, R,11, ?t. Burwell W. L. White, laden. .- tie-; - ► ?. # 0yo � P.-T.,ri, , nigh Moore, R.1, Pt.Burwell, Ua,F Vi A. JERT9vRAI 9LAD a third time and finally passed this 7th. day of January, 1952. Reeve. Check. r � -Al E YYYV .� `` v1 5 IBY-Law NO, / By -Law of the Township of bayham, guaranteeing certain payments to the Town of Aylmer. WHEREAS the Township of Bayham, is included in the Bast Elgin High School District, AND WHEREAS", by reason of the increase in the number of pupils attending High School in the said District, it is expedient to enlarge the present High School. AhD WHEHEA3, the HI -oh School is situated in the Town of Aylmer, in the County of E1-rin, :'.1,D !7-1111'", the Town of Aylmer is issuin,,7 debentures in the Sum of ..i'440,000.00, to pa y for the enlargement of trie present school. AND WHEREAS, 4 the of Bayilairi has approved the enlarge. Township went and is resDonsible to the Town of Aylmer for a portion of the costs of the same. TnJe Township of Bayhara enacts as follows '_ 1. The Township of Bayham guarantees to pay to the Town of Aylmer, a sum of money on account of the debenture issue required of 440, 00,J.00 above referred to, in each and every year until the same is paid off. 2. The amount of the annual payment so guaranteed, shall be a percentage of the annual payment required to retire the said debenture issue, in accordance with tie terms of the debenture By-law of the Tovm of Aylmer passed on that behalf, I and shall be the percentage which the equalized assessment of that portion of the Township of Bay -ham's land in the East J Elgin high -.')'ciiool District bears to the totai equalized assessment of all land in the East Elgin High School Di -strict. W v 0 2 Read a First time this d a'y, of A.D. 1952* Read a Second time this day of A.D. 1952. and read a Third time, and finally passed till's day of A.D. 1952* )igned - Signed BY-LAW NUMBER OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF Yr WHEREAS by an Agreement dated the end day of ^v.7 l�' I the Corporation entered into a Rural Power Contract with The Hydro -Electric Power Commission of Ontario for the rural distribution of electrical power within the Township; AND WHEREAS by an Agreement dated the ?nth day of .-arch,laLO the Corporation entered into a Street Lighting Agreement with the said Com- mission for street lighting on highways in a certain area in the Township as therein described and which is known as Straffordvi!le AND WHEREAS a majority of the resident freeholders according to the last revised assessment roll residing within another and additional area described in a Petition, and also described hereinafter, did Petition the Council of the Corporation to procure from the said Commission the lighting of highways in such area; and the said Petition was accompanied,'' by the certificate of the Clerk of the Township stating that it was signed by a majority of the said resident freeholders; AND WHEREAS pursuant to such Petition the Council of the Corpora - ion did request the said Commission to light highways in the said additional area and the said Commission did furnish estimates; AND WHEREAS notice was duly given to each of the petitioners sign- ing the said Petition that the Council of the Corporation would at a special meeting called for that purpose consider the said estimates; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation at such meeting held within one month after the delivery of the said estimates, namely on the of '!�V day of �7-1 }"` 19,5-1 , considered the said estimates, and heard the petitioners; AND WHEREAS at the close of the said meeting there were remaining on the Petitj on a sufficient number of names to constitute a majority of the resident freeholders within the said additional area; AND WHEREAS the Corporation desires that the said Commission light highways in the said additional area and that the said Street Lighting Agreement shall apply to the said additional area; - 2 - NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayhsm enacts as follows: (1) That the Corporation do make applicable the said Street Lighting Agreement to the said additional area, which may be more particularly described as All of the south half of Lots 22, 23 and '4, Orncession Tine 3ayham T wp . All that part of the north half of Lots 22' 23 anc° e- ) Concession Eight, Ba; ham Torp, , lying north of the Ridge :oad . ,all in the said Township, as shown outlined in red on the sketch marked Exhibit "A" hereto attached and forming part of this By-law, and which is known as a J'den (2) That the said additional area be lighted by that number i 1 -3 - of street lights on those highways therein which are. specified in the following list, namely: - Name of Highway N o . 19 Highway Ros.d between ?th & tOth "oncession Alley Number of Lights thereon 7 10 0, as shown on the said Exhibit "A" and in addition by such further street lights on the said highways and on other highways in the said additional area as shall be requested by the Council by notice in writing to the Commission from time to time; (3) THAT all lighting of highways in the said additional area and all street lighting works therein be under and be governed by the said Street Lighting Agreement as if the said additional area had been origin- ally described in the said Street Lighting Agreenient AND that the Corpor- ation pay the Commission for the Lighting of highways in the said additional area In accordance with the terms of the said Street Lighting Agreement; (4) T1, -MT 44k Pmt of the cost incurred under the said Agree - vent for Street Lighving in `-he said additional area herein described be raised, levied and collected by an annual special rate upon the taxable property lying within the said additional area; (5) THAT MrIV4 Pe*hcz� of the cast incurred under the said Agree - mens; for Street Lighting; in the said additional area herein described be paid by the Corporation at large and be chargeable to the Municipality as a whole: DATED and finall sT' PASSED in Counc Ll this day of /9 IQ A .D. 19.a: hEEVE (SEAL) �-- BX C L ERK �.._. E -- xhanj I wp. If x b 11 FO PIY', B-6 BY-'LA:N 1140. 1263 TO PROVIDE 'G ..`i TOTAL 19 52 E: PES DI T`M Oi- 'RCA -DS D C U, T: L TCr,!.._aEI OF BaYE" T14 THEj ISTRYICT OF I TR The Highway Improvement "let requires that t.'. --e total exyendit.ure on road: tie prcvided for annula ly by Gy -law and that the by-? a:v be subm'.1tted to The Yini..ter of fob' approval. ' { FCtw t:.e uo-incil.of ttie Corporation of the 8 is Township enacts as f'ol.lows ala The sum of 'v6Q_jkfia_nn is hereby appropriated froom ailonies rased by levy, debonf5ures arv!-overnment subsidy for total exi.en:�itlare Upon constructio:i and raintenance of the roads under its zuris- dic tion duriz�g the year 19-r�as foliows:- RC -,': ,-N - , CULV:,RTa TOTAL C0fT'Rt CTI0b ........... ()nnenn t 33 000.00 4*000,00371 000,00 .L R • . • • . • . . • • Tter-.LL CLS .. 79000000 7*000.00 nv ♦1.1 V • • a • • ♦ • • • • i T C `y' --A, L 6 409000.00 20.000.00 60,000.00 2 lie s��.id monies shall be expended under the supervi si o � of t - e duly appointed township road superintendent .:-:d or, .tor{ perfor:-ed in acccrdaillce with The =1.16 y Improve.:ient _:ct. t3 ".Oi.e clerk, s: ia.11 transmit duplicate co,'les of ts.i s by -1 avj � c, t o (!-*strict office of the 1-.unicipal Roads Bralich , Bepartr,er:t of i:it,hl�ays, not later than February 20uth c' tree said year. a^s:eci at straMorayell® this 7 day of February ,1 52 4 L d AA l f! Dewe, Vallee , Clergy: of tine Corporation of the `I'owi 311ip o�' Bayham do hereby cert Lfy that the foref,oing is a true copy or by-law L' o . 1253_ passed by the Council of the said CorporaLion cn the 7th. day o2' February 19 52 . r { CLE RK BY -Law No Township of hayham. Being a 'by-law to appoint an Assessor in and for the Township of Bayham for the year 1952; '4HEr' EAS it is deemed _necessary and expedient that this '42owrship appoint an Assessor; by the A-un.icipal :ourcil of the Township of bayham as folio -,,vs;- 1. :'hat Elton 'acbe and is hereby appointed as Assessor of the Township of .6ayham for the ye�jr 1952. 20 hat the said :ltor. vac kson be paid the sum of X1100. salary for assessing for 1952. 3. That the said Elton Jackson also collect iiog '.,)ax and be allowed commission of 20% of tax collected. L` a third time and finally passed this 7th. J4ay of Pebruary. 19520 2� Reeve. Llere-. WIL..L_IAM H STRINGER. OBE. F �? COMMeSSiONER OF POLICE FOR ONTARIO ONTARIO °POUCI& ONTARIO PROVINCIAL POLICE OFFICE OF THE. COMMISSIONER 14r. J. D. ValleeI Klerk of Bayham Township, Straffordville, Ontario. Dear Sir: TORONTO lay 30, 1952 He: Policino- - :'ovnshiP.of B' ha:n. The attached copy of Agreerra,�nt providing for the policint; of the Township of Bayham by one member of the Ontario Provincial Police, con.•nencing January 1st, 1953, is forwarded for your official racords. Will you kindly ac k-iowleAge r ceipt of t:.is document. Yours faithfully, (Ai 1f10 s s } Acting Commissioner of Police go`r Ontario. A P agreement made in quintuplicate this 6th day of 14AY . 1952 �et�aeen= THE COMMISSIONER OF POLICE FOR ONTARIO hereinafter called the *Commissioner* - and - THE CORPORATION OF ME TOF.,,TNSHIP OF 13ATHA14 hereinafter called the *Municipality* WHEREAS it is provided by Section 51 of The Police Act that subject to the approval of the Attorney -General the Commissioner may enter into an agreement with the council of any municipality for the policing of the municipality by the Ontario Provincial Police Force. AND WHEREAS the Council of the Municipality has by by-law authorized the execution of this agreement under the provisions of the said Act. NOW THEREFORE THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSETH that in consideration of the mutual promises and agreements, the parties hereto for themselves and their successors do respectively covenant and agree each with the other as follows: - 1. The Commissioner shall assign for the purpose of policing the Municipality one member of the Ontario Provincial Police Force; provided with uniform and equipment in accordance with the Regula- tions of the Ontaro Provincial Police Force. 2. The member shall remain subject to the absolute control and direction of the Commissioner. 3. The member shall perform the, duties prescribed by the said Section 5l and shall have charge of the lock-up of the Municipality and the prisoners confined therein. 4. The Commissioner shall supply one automobile to be used by the member in performing his duties under clause 3 hereof, and the upkeep of the said automobile shall be paid by the Municipality, at the rate of six cents per mile, monthly, upon the certificate of the Accountant of the Ontario Provincial Police Force as to the correctness of the account. 5. The senior member shall submit to the REEVE of the Municipality during the first week of each month a report of the work done during the preceding month. 6. The Municipality shall pay to the Commissioner for the services of the member the sum of 6 3300.00 a year as follows: - 4275.00 on the last day of January, 1953; and 1,:275.00 on the last day of each and every month thereafter. 7. The Municipality shall provide and maintain office accommodation with telephone service and office supplies, including a typewriter, for the use of the member , together with lock-up and garage accommodation necessary for any automobiles provided under paragraph 4, all to the satisfaction of the Commissioner. 40 -2- 8. The cost incurred in the maintenance of prisoners in the said lock-up and in transferring such prisoners to the County or District gaol shall be paid by the Municipality upon the certificate of the Accountant of the 0 tario Provinc a Police F rce. came into orce on the �s day of January, 1953, and THIS 3 AGREEMENT shal2/remain in force until the 31st day of December, 19 , and shall ipso facto be renewed and continue in force thereafter for a period of one year and so on from year to year upon the same terms and conditions unless prior to the 31st day of December, 1953, or of any subsequent year either party gives to the other at least three months' written notice of his or its intention to terminate the agreement at the end of the then current year; provided, however, that the Commis- sioner, upon default by the Municipality in the payments to be made hereunder for one month, may on one month's notice terminate this agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Commissioner has hereunto set his hand and seal and the Corporate Seal of the Municipality has been affixed hereto by the hand of its proper officers in that behalf. Signed, Sealed and Delivered in the Presence of NOTE: } } iv4 1A y , commiss oxer of Police for Ontario } } ,1 LC�0 0 } � A i% } A In- ED KEX%OVED } MAY 221 l A��iir t • V��� THIS AGREMIENT CANCe=i.S GRERMZNT DATED 1st JAUUARY, 1950. WILLIAM H. STRINGER, O B E. :OM"S'ONER Or GOL9GE FOR ONTARICJ -7- 0 N T A P rONTAP ,, ONTARIO PROVINCIAL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER Vallee, EsC4. , Clerk—Treasurer, Township o.i' Uay!,au., �TttHF:at 1 Jntario. re: Yolicin : To:::.s' i} of Bayham Dear Sir: POLICE aEFEa �� c,�c A rw:AMENT as TORONTO ,•.:.rch, 6-1,J1, 1952. . C:,r=tract Prices far PC) 1-A.c; nj Cf '11urdci a es by Cntarin Frovit.cial Folice-:ersonnel Nave Lee � fI to tl;e Frovince and ow:�.ri tc tete ; , ,n Wised �r t ,e actual cyst $ C t t ;1 t i .? ± r T,he Forca ?gas ' , �; . - rats.. �n t•_ .:.:t� ^?bers cf ,..,cre sad i.t s found ,ts esabT1' s .ai.�anded poll.c1l0fIi_ cos offect `e istU-t1 nur .ger; Fart ............ . .........:w4VC).CCr Card oral............ • ....... to 38300.00 Cons ui.ai:le........ • .... 9 # & * * * .. 33CC.%1(-1 7'nis will therel' ;re serve as notice t',at at present existiii wittl the cc;itrGt g your municipality, dated lst of V', ---nu ry 191C, will turrr� .^♦a Le as f'ru;r� istE : r;:oer 1952• H riew contract in accorda:,ce with specified above will to preparedthe �'�,��=nded rates uron recei ,--t of a by 3a�r from your Council auti�orilinF- an airee�Lent as re T,�ired u�j;..er the r1rov.sjolls of Thea Police Act. .in the event t,at your Co Mc.�l wishes to appoint •o int its owr, funic; pal police.I ;,e, arrank-e;::erits will be ; :ade to wi}hdraw C''rt,4.r-.o Frovincial Fol1Ce pe sonnet from dut47 in our municii_;alitt of fect-I.ve ;riidni, r ht December 3 ist, 1952 • "� Kindly acknowledge recei =t of the least oossi ;ale delay,adviz, ni�_c:;o G�Ile4Y r., this co-mmunication with of C) Ur COU nc i 1. Yours faithfully * Acini= Comais'siorer ofFolyce for Ont?„? O• CORPORATION OF THE VILLAGE OF VIENNA Mr. J.D. Vallee, Township Clerk, Straffordville, Ont. Dear Sir, MRS. LOUISE MACDONAI D Clerk -Treasurer Box 276, VIENNA, ONT. At the regular meeting of the Vienna Council on Monday evening, April 7th 1952 the following reeolut icn was passed, Moved by Hugh Ferris, second --d byMerlyn �olfe, That the council of the Village of Vienna hereby . y a gree to accept the contract with the Townshipof vayham regarding Provincial Police for 1953• Ten percent of costs to be borne by the Village Council. The resolution was pas6ed y t.te Council and signed by Reeve Howard Palmer. Yours very truly, I VILLAGE OF PORT BURWELL -ri1 7tih....... _19 , ` Session of _ -�'.. ___..._.... _ __ Moved by.. -_ Seconded by_. _ .-------------._. h a t w h e r *two Lt vi i t +. bar n eo * ti b t& -r v i j i it u t x o," na fi l v 0i .BSc -y b , t 'er enter int .,r " new vow;rav t vae Qom iids loner oA, the kint" io .erovinoial .eoliae befoAo the old oontruot exp,lxae .ar"i nio"ignt 1 fsoembeF 31st ltovZ, am beoisuse vhid rxovi"Oi4 rouse we -i' ►iat vitally ei.,eata the Aunioival ity oz tam Vil lade oi rox -6 du well; This Uounail deoiY as ;v to v.x L eeord ae requerati 6a to oont ince under the aawe agrens-xit a,s hexetol:ore, antic ;o""to :rs wil i rec to pay twenty per pent of the arose acc,)unt as eubmttted by the UomniwAon t.1 iae dtaio. xav nstdir: oi istqhan, on the new, aaeral* of rgtesa o y of finis i ttw iAxion i,:) be i o rw ter d ed t u the Carried... --.-__-... --- _�.�/_s____ _ _ __ ___ .�'�.�-,C.�s.Reeve U f L "t: Tr uU1C 1pal '4 :) U.rW 1l Us. Wle i (JW ria f21p OZ Baynam in regular session assembled, as follows;- 1. ` hst a new agreement be requested fro��. tnG .o = ss ur�cr of Ontario Provincial Police providing for police services for the Township of -Bayh-wn commencing ,-an ary lst. 1953, and providing for the payment of a constable on a salary basis of 0300.00 per year, car mileage and other terms of the contract to be the same as formerly.` 2, That the ;�teeve .and V'lerk of the u',u!-Acip:ality be and are hereby authorized to sign tte said aizreemez t on behalf of the own ship of Bayham. RLiD a first, secont and third time and finally passed this day of 14PHI1�1 1952. Reav• "' r � 1 • "A BY -Law I41o. e Township of 3ayham. .6eino a by-law to authorize the. Leeve and 1.21jerk of e th.�_unicipality to sign an a3reement with the Cloinmissioner of she Cntarie Provincial Polir;e, for policing services, vfhL.REa,3 notice has been received that the present agreement will expire on December 31st. 1952; , INi+ riiIEJ3 at aoint meeting of the several co, ails, the Villages of Vienna and Port Burwell have agreed to share the costs of the policing sere' on the same percenta,;e basis as formerly; .aid; J:uB S �-' i�x d6emed that this police service is necessary; TO 5,_ILFQR . Bl: IT by the kuniuipal Oounoil of the '.2awnship of Bayham ire regalar session assembled, a3 foli.ows;- 1. fl) a new agreement be requested froT,, the 3ommi3siuner of Ontario Provincial Police providing for police services for the township of Bayham commencing tanuary 1st. 1953, and providing fur the payment of a constable on a salary basis of 3300.00 per year, car mileage and other terms of the contract to be the same as formerly. 2. That the Reeve and Olerlx of the 1.v..icipality be and are hereby authorized to(s�gn the said agreement on behalf of the 1A'ownship of Bayham. R&i, D a first, secont and third time and finally passed this Th day of /9 Pig ti�l 19526 By -Law No. 1255. Township of Bayham. Being; a b -1aw to authortne the j�eeve and Clerk of the u uniripality to sign ��n a ;reams+nt Frith tha:octnissioner og she vntario 'rovincial Police, for policing services. r►iiz.R S notice has been received that the present agreement will expSre on December Slat. 1952; A �, rid; tr.:�S at g jointmeeting,of the several csoun�si ls, the '�fi.lage9 of Yi.enna and ?ort Burwell have agreed tpL- aha ro the oosts of ttio� policing services on the same percentage basis as formerly; Aft: VrARREAS it is deemed that this police service is necessary; T&,A :tOaL Bi. IT Av;T ' by the kunioipal �;ounvil of the :',ownship of Bayhv.qs '.n reMil.ar ;gess i on esaembled , as follows; - 2. that a new agreement be requested from the vomm.issioner of Ontario Provincial Police providing for police services for the Township of Bayham coamenoing .�anuary let. l9ba, and providing for the payment of a oonstable on a salary. basis of 13300,00 per year, Tsar mileage and other terms of the contract to be the same as formor1 j. 2. That the Reeve and O l prk of the w,unic i pal i ty be and aro aereby authorised to sign the said agreement on behfalf of the Township of Bayham. R&AD a first, seaonf and third time and finally passed this 7th. day of April 19520 ( 51gjaga)._ Gbag, F. Jag on. Reeve. (SIMed) J. D. Vallee. �wr err r �r..n. �w�r�r•nrr��r r ���ir�r.rir�r•r�r wlerk. I, J. L. Vallee, Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of Bayahm, hereby certify the above to be a true and correct copy of Township of Bayham By -Law Ro . 12 55 . Clerk of Ba-vham ruc 3y -Law Iro. 1256. Township of Bayham. 3eing a by-law to prohibit -.ind re;r ilfate the firin-7 and settir off of fireworks in t to : ownship of i�ayham f ,e)6 -C 1P A, jqf i ivn M. iS 3ub-6eetion 37 of Section 3H8 ( 1 ),, provi.des that coaricils mnay pars a by-law for the prohibitino, or re �al`3t:�.Sig of the firing aria getting off of fireballs, squibs, cr: c°-cers or otter fire�vorks; .,iii 1,.r.►u, ZAil it is seemed rleLe3sary and expedient that th.i3 action be ta'�en; nx,...L'..i`ORE iii ll C.i1ih�: i'.J by the a.:uni ci pal 3 ounci l of the Township =�' of Bayham as follows;- 1, That the firing aand settin off of fireballs , 3�°iibs,, uracke r9 c a, nd/or other fireworks is hereby prohibited in the ,A"ownsh ip of Bayham except on the 24th. d=ay of i.:ay or such other date which 3 mi ht be celebrated in lieuof the 24th. dfa�, of L«ay. 2 . ghat for the purposes of special celetirat i ons or aocas ions , the Reeve cf the 1'owr1ship of �ayham may i9sue a permit to any person or organization, to hold a display of fireworks and for the firing and setting off of same at a location to he de3i mate%l in the permit. 3. �.ny person or persons, who Shall be .zuilty of :any in -fraction or breach of this 3y -Law, shall upon conviction thereof, forfeit and pray such fine as the convictin:r ...agistrate or 0 astice of the Peace Shall inflict, of not less than One Lollar or more tiian Nifty Lollars, exclusive of coats, such penalty to be recoverable ander the Su;:.:mary convictions .pct. KLD a Nirst, second and Lhird `.Ame �arid finally passed this 5th. day of ay, 1952. ,�..L. peeve. G i C "lerr � r CORY By -Law No. 1256. Township of Bayham. Peing a by-law to prohibit and regulate the firing and setting off of fireworks in the Township of Bayham. 14HEREAS Sub -section 37 of section 388 (1). Municipal. Act provides that councils may pass a by-law for the prohibiting or regulating of the firing and setting off of fireballs, squibs, crackers or other fireworks; AND WHEREAS it is deemed necessary and expedient that this action be taken; THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED by the Municipal Council of the Township of Bayham as "ollows;- I. That the firing► and setting* off of .fireballs, souibs, crackers and/or other fireworks is hereby prohibited in the Township of Bayham except on the 24th. day of IMay or such other date which might be celebrated in lieu of the 24th. day of %y. 2. That for the purposes of special celebrations or occasions, the Reeve of the Township of Bayham may issue a permit to any person or organization, to hold a display of fireworks and for the firing and setting off of same at a location to be designated in the permi t. 3. Any persor or persons, who shall be guilty of any infraction or breach of this By-L4tw, shall upon conviction thereof, forfeit and pay such fine as the convicting Map-1strate or Justice of the Peace shall inflict, of not less than One Dollar or more than Fifty Dollars, exclusive of costs, such penalty to be recoverable under the Summary Convictions Act. Read a First, Second and Third Time and finally passed this 5th* day of May, 1952, A.D. Si ed ) Chas. F. Jackson Reeve 0 .( Si. Wined)_ J. D. Vallee s ._ Clerk. (seal) s ra 'm'-� ..... WA Mora na V 7 1101 lit, A u A- g I..) Ey t3 inne 11 tile To. S 15 11 23 1z me n It 17 C) C; ir f; 1: z 17 r in d C; t tic 0 n �7' e '_3 py- so etc: :3 t s: rA a 2t j 0,, it i.13 clunw] x sul el t wo.; - L'.� -7 of' t ne• J1. WO n y., o he two VIC t. f 'y be W% FIE? 077717YA '7; 1 h tv a t t f* 1 b z r lie r. AS h Of rot as wnd A. f t p f tin i h Lila f 3Y-Luvi ..o. /^1-7 O,Nj sr r) of , a;,• na-T . 6in­- a by -lav; to )dcpt tPP, -4 3se93.^.e:,t on. tivihi -1y the taxes sn.=i11 be levied for the year 1952, tc levy the taxes 1,71-jr * Je` 10"2 and to provide for 'Vae. colleoti. on therecf . rrLit+:1L'tiJ by ,y-La,4 !Vo • 1C►J7 aria '3^1P.ad;ie2: ,'3 the -veto , the o':Inci 1 of `. .� owr:ship of ;ayram pro sided fr the ii iKixi, Df tie as,3e!3s:1. r t of the ls:unicipality lir: or tc the 30th. day' of Je��te� "mer, 1C� 1, as tyle assessment or, a►hioh the rute of taxation for the e:.ir 191: c 4hou1d be levied; tii01/ if Ll 3the se9sTi?'1t roll cOrita�.4 t??e ` 5 '33 fieri Ts -a�J? q eforesai.d was revised, corracted qt-ld pressed b.,,- t :e ^.irt of ::evils on of the said `f'ovwnshi u at j,n aC 4ourilad s i tt irrg On tre 21st. d ay . r> , December, 2:951; .alru ril.1L.►L'. ).i there �re,re no i�,pefil9 from the VO..r u of •'e v13: -n; ,+i H' it is expedient to adopt the saiu as3egsgmenw as the assess :ent oa whic the rate c.. t�X:i L 4.C_� for t:�a ;'ear 1952 :�~�'311 �P, levied; - �airl.i rri.i. l:.�ia it is neces:3ary aro ex, e3 gent to lev;; on the oriole rate- able prf,)perty accord inq to the la9t re,:ri.sed a33egTMert rcll of tr.e said ot-nship tree sur of " 150,0$I for the yener-31 p irpose3 of the said `iow4r �3hip for the carrent year, for the payment of 4L.L .:oarity rate for the current year, and for the purpcSe of defru;-inn part of the expenses of Public =:: �1i.' r,�choel dtr;;��tio: , and Qther p�ur oU?s; 1. aha t the is3esament contained in the as e33•:lent roll of the own - ship of Ma har: as made pursuant to ���- �a� �4o. 10'67 and amenu-rfe nts, of the said 20 lnship and as revised, corrected ar.a p;:is ped by the court of '_evisi o n,be and the same is hereby adopted =end cor:f ir7,ed as the assessment on which the rate of taxation for the ye:,ir 19R2 ghall be levi ed . 2. That the s>idsse3a:ent roll -end the sa^.;e is hereby adopted ar_d ;,on.firmed as the last reprised a4se�sr:er.t roll for tre said �:Dwnship. 3. ,tea+, for the parpos��3 of prov d n the sur of k 74, 723.47 for the -e teral purej es of the .:or,: r=tion, i.nclizuit a the amount required far .%ounity perpo,,;es arid other usruoses for the current year, a rate of 27.0 rrA is in the dollar be and tae same is h,ereoy levied for the ;dear 1 ��52 upon the w1iole o f Vie s 13 •lsg ess.. e �":t of tre said iowri` .I p ficordin` to t1ie last revised assessment roll which is -113de 1UP as "311c77s; - general =Late __----------- 13.61n, amour -y ;nate-------------- 13.4 4. what, in aradition, fL r the purpo3e off' providir z the s:L:^n of X52, 794.33 for Public 6chocl education for the current year, the followi.•6, rill rites be rind tt_e sane are hereby levied for t,.' -.e year 1952 upon the re3pective portions of the said a3seo3mert . of the public School supporters of the sa u 1:�)wnshi.p accordir:- to the last revised assess- ment roll, as indicated hereunder;- Jer Erin Publis School :tate or, _i33essment of 12,574, 735. -- 3.3 -rills 2 and Viel-ma-Dai nam urea exol.3ded) .'ubl c jchool section '�o. 1 on asse.is:.ment of� 1389 2 31, 854. --_ 26.0 } 3 1559700. --- 4.5 . 4 91,056. -__ 13.2 " 9.1 , e 91,464. --- 19.1 8x 144,9C0. ___ 2e,q 9y 99,2'14._ --- 16.5 t 14x 1891300. -__ 2.^.9 llX 121930.5. __, 2n 0 - 12x 138, 576 --- 20.9 't 14x 3419859* --- 20.9 " 15 133, 875. --- 6,3 rt I J* - 2 - Public School aect ion 10o.16 on assess, -lent of 1324,364.--�- 11.5 milis 17x 13,94.1. 20.9 18x 30,99067.--- 20.9 " 23 159,5320___ 8,2 „ Vienna y 61t 734.--- 16.5 ( x denotes 3a sham Tonin 3h ip achool Area 1 ( " Vienna-Bayham School urea} And in add-ition for onti.nuation :school purposes, on assess ent of 319854. a rate of 10.4 millit said assessmtrit ein coition oy ownsnip in Port Burwell = ontin,_).,xvion 6choul area, and I -313o in addition, for 5econdar; school education, on a4se3s=;,ent of ,,138,066 ( S.a. 4,b.i) a rate of 7.6 mills and on �i,39ess::erit o: 1S" C'L3 o.3) 9 rate of 3.7 mills for sect i.on3 not inc l,�ded in .moi �h School -reas , and flirt her in addition on as3essment of 009,057. a r to of 8.7 mills for ust high S ;hool i)istric;t, and lCirther in addition, oil of �110732 9 642. q rate of 7.7 mills for Til.lsonburg School i:istrict. a. That, in addition, for ty^eet li ntiny parposes, the �oliovcir0 surr:3 be and are hereby levieu upon the respective assess:�sent in each of the fallowing street li rhtirg areas; - .�traffordville on 163,550, assessment, s��m of x.474.- 2.9 miii.3 � i c:,vmond on 22 , 52 5 . » " ' 128.- 5. 7 •' ''den ori 58,300. ►• " " 338.- 5.8 6. The clerk Shall prepare acid deliver the 'Dile-t or' 3 roll to the Collector or: or before the 'rst day of C `.ine 1.952. 7. All taxes or other special rtes 3'1911 re ptxild into the office of the J of le ct or. or Treusuror o. the z.2ornship of 3ayham.. aor into t he �rai_e;� of the �'anac ian wank of commerce at Straffordvillei, �iierina, or t ur'�Yell or `- ill sonburo-. 8. taxes 1952 an.. pa yr�e nt provided Township shall become due and payable one-._f4i' on or be:7c re 21st. one-half on or before .�ece :bcr 20th. 1952. -Penalties for non- Nhen due and discounts for pre -payment o f taxes 6hall be is for in 3y_L.vvv Lo. 1CCi7 and amendmen is thereto of the said of a y n 3ra . 916 idle :ollector :mall have the pri-frile,,--A of :msai.11r.,y ;he tax notices to the se-reral taxpayers of the olnnship. 10. after fourteen da js nO, vice, the ::oil ester or his 3ailiff ::gay seize any gm- s for unpaid taxes. :�L a third time and fiiall; passed this 7 195 r�j.�. ,f Reeve . day of t NOTI04 OF BY—LAW. TOWNSBIP OF BAYjjAX. Notioe is hereby given under Seo tion. 472 (1),(a) of The jaunioipal Aot, R.S.O. 19540 that on Monday, July 7th. 1952, at 2 o'oloak P.M., at the Township Offioe at Straffordville, the Counoil of the Township of Bayham will oonsider the passing of a by-law for the purpose of stopping up and closing the northerly 1400 feet of Township road between lots 16 and 17 in the First Gonoession of the said Township of Bayham; And at that time the Council will hear in person or by his oounsel, solicitor or agent, any person who olaime that his land will be pre judioally affeoted by the by-law and who applies to be heard . Bated at Straffordvilie , Ont., this 5th. day of June, 1952. ;r ate_. Reeve. J. D. Vallee, vlerk of Bayham Tvp., Straffordville, Ontario, / Q NOVEMBER E �3 2 1951 NOV MBE] 1 I OCTOBER 19,11 SUN MON TUB Wgp 7tfU S M T %V T Y S • 9 16 10 I7 91011412? 13j 14!15 s 9 to 11 li 13 115126121 4 5 6 7 8 14 17 19 192 21'211123 24 11 12 13 14 15 123 28 29 30 '311 .. .. 18 19 20 21 22 25 26 27 28 29j NOVEMBER E �3 2 1951 FRI SAT 1951 G$L$aLLq;R 1951 23 ;V;T 9 16 10 I7 91011412? 13j 14!15 1x111 23 24 23iz7 z5�46 2712829 30 ; 3�f131?..: �..'1..: ���ooe Ovine r c FRIDAY 1 '28th :3t the no=rtherly portion G and 17 in the. -4'i rst in r:? er that a new er Ureek and =113e the ohunnel, cue, the ad -rent Natter, hereby decl":3re ing of s by -lei for the of this riortherl.y portion i Fri., Nov. 23 '1 rt r>d L t / V Reeve. >:. �✓ o �+v M r Township of Bayham J, D. VALLEE$ Clerk and Treasurer Phone 46 STRAFFORDVILLE, ONTARIO Lay 26th. o :he Lllinici pal 'Jouncil Towns -hip of s3:3yha�A . uentlQmen;- i+hereas it is necess-giry that t. he rlortherly cortiori Of "A.ownsh ip si deroad between lots lv and 17 Irl the First Joncession be stooped �.zp and closed, in order � +i.�,£ .. 3t a new bridge ;3y be built over Little cAt er -"ree;c and x'130 the course of Same be chan .led to .: y y ��yy . '.i (_ h <A i 1 a 1 e tT l, Y� Y p t P� {, y S owners and persons inter, es tedirz t:i �� 4:�t tter,terei,y deLi:3rA that we Viill not ob j ec t 'J the p; i33i ng of a by -law for the parpo3e st6PPJng up and clu3 n,y of this- nor therly portion oz said od • Signed b. - Owner Part =3r d Lo t 4r-�y" Reeve. i 0 . dy-Law Ilio . 12 56 . Township of 3ayham. Ewing a by -lava to stop up and close and sell the northerly portion of road between lots 16 and 17 in the First Concession of the Township of Bayham. (1) Section 469, sub -sections/(c) and (d) provides that the council of a ,municipality 7 -ay pass a by-law for the purpose of stopping ap and selling ,Any hi.rhway or art of a ri�hz�ay; .&1W rtHMI� LS it is necessary that this northerly portion of said road be stopped up and closed in order that the course of mitt&e Utter geek iia y be chan:R:ed to provide for a new brid:De over tiame ; a signed declaration from the ad acent owners hus been obtained to the effect that they will not object to the proposed closing of said road; .aNi3 v"EEREAS it is deemed necessary and expedient that said road be stopped yap and closed and sold; THE'LFORE BL IT !ZAOTzd. by the . u.nic ipal Council of the Township of Bayham as follows; - 1. That the northerly 1400 feet of T.ownship road between lots la and 17 in the First Concession of the said `.i'ownship of Bayham be and the same is hereby stopped up and closed. 20 ghat the portion of this road so stopped up and closed shall be sold and conveyed to one or more of the ad�dcent owners of land. j. hat the zeeve and ClerK are hereby authori-ed to execute and deliver conveyance of said lands under the Corporate Seal of this ..unicipality to the aforesaid ad lacent owner or owners, upon payment of said conveyance in connection therewith. 4. "-Lhis by-law shall come into force and effect after being confirmed by a by-law of the �ourity of Llgin and receiving a proval of the Lieutenant -governor in Council. Read a first time this 2nd, day of Read a second time this 2nd. day of Read a third J une June time and finally passed this 19520 YY Reeve . 1952. 1952. day of • 3 Aj a By -Law Ido. 1258. Township of Bayham. Beim a by-ltiw to stop up and close and sell the northerly portion of road between lots lb and 17 in the ftrst ::onoession of the Township of 8tyham. {1} v�jdLRKx,S Section 469, sub -seat i ons%(e) and (d) provides that the council of a municipality may pass a by -13w for the purpose of stopping ;a.p w,d solling any highway or , art of a hi rh-way; ip ..liL ,`*'j '.XKAS it is neves nary that this northnrly portion of said road be stopped up nd of csed in order that the aoarae of Litt&a Otter Jreek 7,ay he changed to provide for 4 new baridige over 4=e; ADD s signed declaration from t`ie ad; scent owners h=is been obtained to the effect that they will not ob jt%at to the proposed olasi.ng of said road; AIS! 4ki?:RhaS it is deemed necessary sandd Axped lent that said ro°3d be stopped up andclosed and sold; T FQR s BE IT by t he tanio ipal of na it of the Township of Ba►yham as follows;- 1# ollows;- 1. That the northerly 14CO feet cif Township r:5ad between lots 16 and 17 in the fits t Z once sc i ar, of tz o said :'ownsh 11) of Baayham be and the sane is hereby stopprl 'up °and ninsed. 29 That the portion of this road so stopped up =end ol,)aed shall be sold and oonveyed to one or fore of the adjacent owners of land. B. .hat the Aeove and $Wlerk are hereby suthori-!ed to execute and deliver conveyance of said lands under the �: 13y -law Fi o. 1632 vo Coxtfl z -Law ? q. 1253 of the Ttywnshyof haCt i �� s, ./ .,, ./.P,,i.:. �) for Cli�flin and ►.)tonnir� u VFMw •+n►-+w-..�,yr,.w. %ortY orl lort�.oz: ut: a' cqi i 30-w'vioon Lots 13 € nd 17 �I the Fi rst Concession ca, iolUO off'_,�.h�:�.. � `I ►_� the council cif the '.e iii chip of oit:w 64,r -d day of June, l.1ja& , --j". , did pass ..�Zr-Lav Lo. 2or a.1., ln4, and stoppir up t*he rorthi u. ly � rtir�n of road oetwat�n 1%! and 179 in t1je Firat Coz:ce:-is-'LCZI -.,f t z ► Tcwnzhip of 3ayham. tr ►re -art-.oulurly described in the said '4:rue copies whereof aruk lorounto armaxed. pursuant to th#j -1rovisionvi of tate 11cu^A cipal. Let tba said T(xvnshi p .;y- ice i . hall not have any force until confirmed by a by-law of the Cuuitcii of the Cutmty 3a, %vbtic,h the to',4-nahip, Is situato passed at an ardinury r:.eatui.ni; of thu Cuwioil heJA ntld aooi-,ur than three months nor lati)r than one your sifter t1ri4 puajing 4iif the Q,; -1,mi of the Council of th® 'Ttyansha 10. .111"D applioution lia8 bean mado to the (;f)un(3il of e:se Corporation of the County of t'lgin for a3y--.�w#v Oalif irl Suil Tm nship By -Law. .: ; .01. � _ 11Y OM the C ounoi l of the Corporation of the County of 1'1Gin enects t:z follows:-» .. a ;r—! aw t u labor 13513, of -the Tomshil-R of �kiyh , beim By•-I.LP-w to 'ruvi e f'or Closing and .3to?ping up the uortliurly- of road between lata 13 and 17, in the Fir:A Gonco6a iuL of th© :io-miahip of 3a,,rhamg bo rn d the sLuai a is hereby oonf irmed. _� a first til" ,th1S �t day fad$ I;Ovemuer, a so oond brae this ` _'-16th day o� 3 overr� ire r s tc. R a a third time and f inu lly pas so d t 4i s � day of Fovember,-, 19504). �� � s�d�►n. A By -Law No. Township of Bayham. Being a by-law to provide for drainage work in the Township of Bayham, in the County of Elgin, and for "e completion of same. Provisionally adopted this day of 1952# w9 by petition of the Road Superintendent of the said Township of Bayham, the municipal council of the said Township have been requested to provide drainage and a new channel for Little Otter Creek through part of the south end of lot 17, Conoession E and through part of the north-west corner lot 17, con•ession l and through the road allowance between the said Concessions 1 and 2, opposite lots 17; AND, thereupon the said Council has procured an examination to be made by Yr. W. 0 0 McDowell, C.B. , O.L.B., being a person competent for such purposes, of the said area proposed to be drained and a new channel made, ana the means suggested thereof, and of other lands and roads liable to assessment under The Municipal Drainage Act, and has procured Plans, speoifioations and estimates of the drainage work to be made by the said W. C. YoDowell, C.B. , O.L.S., and an assessment to be made by him of the lands and roads to be benefited by such drainage work and new ahannel, and of other lands and roads liable for eontrib- ution thereto, stating as nearly as he can the proportion of benefit, outlet liability and injuring liability, which, in his opinion, will be derived or incurred in -consequence of such drainage work by every toad and lot, or portion of lot, the said assessment so made being the assessment hereinafter by this by-law emoted to be assessed and levied upon th6 roads and lots, or ' parte of lots hereinafter in that behalf peat specially set forth and described; and, the ;report of the said W. C. NeDowell, C.B., 0..603.9 in respect thereof, and of the said drain- age work being as follows; Reeve and 0 ouno it , T owns hip of Bayham. Gentlemen: July 79 1958 Box 668, Bingos, Ontario. He: .6ittle Otter Creek Diversion In a000rdanoe with your instructions pursuant to a petition signed by lir. H0L0Godwin, Road Superintendent for the Township of Bayham,,, I have made an examination and survey of tae area described in the petition and subipit herewith report, plan, profile and specifications for a work to be known as the Kittle Otter Creek Diversion. The plan shows the location of the work and lands affected by it; the profile and specifications show the dimensions, grades, disposal of material j and other .partioulars of the work. I determine, the amounts to be paid to owners entitled thereto under Section 8 of the Municipal Drainage Act as follows: Allowance to owners for damage to lands and o roes (if any) caused by disposal of excavated material rendered necessary by the work; Con. Lot or Part Owner Damage 3everenoe TOTAL 1 N*W.Cor. lot 17 F. Snaith $600.00 x300.00 4600.00 2 8i .lot 17 R. Nevill) *300.00 300000 3 Pt, lot 16 R0 ifevill ) 8 Pt.3.end' lot 17 R. Scott 300.00 300.00 600.00 - $ir000.00 I estimate the cost of the work to be as follows: A J Excavation of Allowance to Survey, plan, Assistance on Stakes Clerks Fees By Laws .. 2 .. 9254 au. yds. of material 0 34� owners under section 8 M.D.A. report, expenses eta, survey ►3147.00 1500.00 50.00 • 10.G0 2.00 20.00 11000 WR 740.00 This sum (44740.00) I assess against all the lands and roads affected according to the annexed assessment schedule. After construction the drain shall be maintained by the Municipality of the Township of Bayham at the expense of ail the lands and roadie assessed herein and in the same relative proportions until the said assessment shall be varied according "lo the provisions of the Municipal Drainage Act. ASSRSMMT 3CHUME Acres Can. Lot or Part Aff . Owner Benefit Outlet TOTAL 1 N.W.Cor. 17 5 F.Smith $475.00 4100.00 $575.00 2 Sj 1703.Pt.16 5 R.Nevill 100.00 200.00 300.00 2 Pt. So end 17 5 R.Soott 300.00 200.00 500.00 Total Assessment on lends 4875;.00 $500.00 41375.00 C ono . Rd. 1-2. Township of Bayham 182 5.00 1540.00 346500 TOTAL ASST $2700.00 $2040.00 $4740.00 I have the honour to be, Gentlemen Your obedient servant, O.L.S. AND WMPUS the said council is of opinion that the drainage and new channel of the area described is desireable: TEW-33 R the Council of the said Township of Bayhas, pursuant to the provisions of The Municipal Drainage Act, enaots an follows: 1. The said report, piano, specifications, assessments and estimates are hereby adopted, and the drainage work as therein indioated and set forth shall be made and constructed in aoo ordance therewith. 2. Debentures shall not be issued in respect to this above described work. 3. After the final passing of this by -yaw, the Treasurer of the said Municipality shall deduct the assessment as shown in the Assessment Schedule from the ,Allowance to owners for damages in reppeot to each parcel of land, and a cheque issued for the balance to be sent forth- with to the respect owners to whom such balance is owing. 4. This by-law shall be typewritten and mailed by registered post to the several assessed owners, according the The municipal Drainage act, and shall come into force upon and after the final passing thereof, and may be cited as The Little Otter Creek Diversion NywLaw. s w a • r,. Read a First and Seoond time and provisionally passed this day of s�.�j: 195E-0. F es Read a Third time and finally passed this 19520 vZ E Reeve'* NOTICE. •Clerk* day of Notice is hereby given that a Court of Revision will be held at the Township Office at 3traffordville in the Township of Bayham o= the ' day of 195E0 at the hour of three ovolook %t the afternoon, for the purpose of hearing and trying complaints and appsalsagainat the above assessment or any part thereof and the rate- able proportionate assessments for the future maintenance of said drain and in the manner provided by the Assessment and Municipal Acts and amendments thereto, and all Rotioss of Appeals shall be served upon the Clerk of the Township of Bayham at least ten days prior to the holding of snoh Court of Revision; And further notice is hereby given that anyone intending to appeal to have the above By -Law or any part thereof Quashed must, not later than ten days after the date of the final passing thereof, serve notice in writing upon the Reeve or other Read Offioor and upon the Cleric of the Township of Bayhas of his intention to mate application to the Drainage Referee during the sit weeks next ensuing the final passing of the said By -Law. Dated this 6th* day of September, A.D. 19=* ;ERTIFICATE OF POST OFFICE REGISTRATION This receipt is necessary if enquiry is desired ow P No. 'f T.......__.......... SEP 9 I f r Postmaster F. more than 20c. c. bj Aga st LOSS ONLY MAXIMUM INDEMNITY PAYABLE CANADA -20c. fee $25; 30c. fee $.50; 35c. fee $95; 40c. fee $100; for loss, rifling or damage. GREAT BRITAIN -48.17 for loss or rifling. UNITED STATES -525.00 for loss only. OTHER C OUNTRIES---Information may be obtained at the Post Office. BOB. ---1.500000-20-4-51 3 TownshipClerk* • r 8 • Read. a First and B000nd time and provisionally passed this day of a 1952. e e ear Read a Third ct time and finally passed this 19520 Reeve* NOTICE. Com' day of ark. ark* Noties is hereby given that a Court of Revision will be held at the Tbowaship Offiae at Straffordville in the Township of Bayham on the ` ' day of6956 , at the hour of three o1 olook An the afternoon, for the purpose of hearing and trying oompiaints and appealsagainst the above assessment or any part thereof and the rate- able proportionate assessments for the future maintenance of said drain and in the manner provided by the Assessment and Municipal lots and amendments thereto, and all, llotioes of Appeals shall be served upon the Clerk of the Township of Bayham at ieait ten days prior to the holding of ench Court of Revision; And further notioe is hereby given that anyone intending to appeal to have the above ByLaw or any part thereof Quashed must, sot later than ten days after the date of the final passing thereof, serve notioe in writing upon the Reeve or other Read Offioer and upon the Clerk of the Township of Bayham of his intention to make application to the Drainage Referee during the six weeks next ensuing the final passing of the said By -Laws Dated this 6tho day of September, A.D. 1962. own ip lerk. CERTIFICATE OF POST OFFICE REGISTRATION Thls race,[ le neessary If enaulry V dashed E @FWVILLE, 9 ?g p Pet6NT. I— LOSS ONLY STAMP I MAXIMUM INDEMNITY PAYABLE CANADA -20c. fee $23; 30c. fee 550; 351. fee $75; "--9- 'o' 1" fee $100; for loan, rifling it demaga. CREAT BRITAIN—$0.17 for lou or e111ng. UNITED STATES—U5.00 for Iw .nly. OTHER COUNTRIES—Information may be obtal.5 at the Pat Office. SOR.—L500.000-20-431 CERTIFICATE OF POST OFFICE REGISTRATION- Thln recelp, In necesury If -.1" 6 desired %ATL FFOROYI[ E, ' Pwtmas er-- EP 9 i9l,It m than IOc. Inst LOSS ONLY MAXIMUM INDEMNITY PAYABLE CANADA—IOcfes jLS; 30c. fee $50; 35c. fee j]S; SOc. fee SI00; for- rifling or damage. GREAT BRITAIN—$8.17 for leu or 11111.9. UNITED STATES -52-5.00 fm loss only. OTHER COUNTRIES—Information may be obtalned at the Peat Office. SOB.—l.b(p,000-20-1-b1 CERTIFICATE OF POST OFFICE REGISTRATION Thin receipt Ir necernary If enquiry la dnlred SEP 9 1 �/ Portman[ `fRP. f --r' IOc. l Ape .,LOSS ONLY MAXIMUM INDEMNITY PAYABLE CANADA -20c. fee $25; 301, fee 550; 351. fel $75; 4" fee $100; for loss, rifling or damage. GREAT BRITAIN -58.1: for lou or rifling. UNITED STATES—$25.00 for lose only. OTHER GOUNTRIES—Inf.rmatinn may b1 obtained at the Post Ofit— SOB.-1,500,0DD-2Di 51 0 t 4 41 1 a Y ttf 1 Form 100-51 Ontario TOWNSEIP OF BAYS. ........................................................................................................................ BY-LAW P=Ialjj to authorize the borrowing of S 30, 000.00 Whereas the Council of the Townsh ip of Ba yham (hereinafter called the "Municipality") deems it necessary to borrow the sum Of $60,0000.00 to meet, until the taxes are collected, the current expenditures of the Municipality for the year; NOTE.—Refer And Whereas the total amount of the estimated revenues of the Munici- to the eatimatea for the current pality as set forth in the estimates adopted for the year 195 not including Year if adopted if not, to those revenues derivable or derived from the sale of assets, borrowings or issues of of last year. debentures or from a surplus, including arrears of taxes and proceeds from the sale of assets, is S 19+6, 345.00 And Whereas the total amount heretofore authorized to be borrowed (Delete this this year for the purposes mentioned in subsection (1) of Section 341 of The paragraph if not applicable.) Municipal Act is S 60, 000. 00 , of which the Municipality las already borrowed a total of S 54 9 500.00 Therefore the Council of the T ownsh i p of Ba yham hereby enacts as follows: 1. The Head and the Treasurer are hereby authorized on behalf of the Municipality to borrow from time to time by way of promissory note from THE CANADIAN BANTK OF COMMERCE a sum or sums not exceeding in the aggregate $60,000.00 to meet until the taxes are collected the current expenditures of the Municipality for the year, including the amounts required for the purposes mentioned in subsection (1) of Section 311 of the Municipal Act, and to give on behalf of the Municipality to the Bank a promissory note or notes sealed with the Corporate Seal and signed by the Head and Treasurer for the moneys so borrowed, with interest, which may be paid in advance or otherwise, at a rate not exceeding 4-!'� per centum per annum. Z. Ali sums borrowed pursuant to the authority of this by-law, as well as all other sums borrowed in this year and in previous years from the said Bank for any or all of the purposes mentioned in the said Section 3-11, shall, with interest thereon, be a charge upon the whole of the revenues of the Municipality for the current year and for all preceding years as and when such revenues are received. 3. The Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to apply in payment of all sums borrowed as aforesaid, together with interest thereon, all of the moneys hereafter collected or received either on account or realized in respect of taxes levied for the current year and preceding years or from any other source which may lawfully be applied for such purpose. SEAL Passed this 6th. day of uctober 19 52 TILE ,HEAD OF THE MUNICIPALITY :....:.:.. ....:.:. :........................... CLERK N'e'e hereby 'certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By-law No. of the of in the Province of Ontario, duly passed at a meeting of the Council of the said Municipality duly held, and that the said By-law is in full force and effect. Dated This As Witness the Seal of the of SEAL day of ILI ................................................................................ THE HEAD OF THE MUNICIPALITY ..........................................................................I..... CLERK I Township of Bayhsm (City. 'Town. t'iilage or Township) N0_1.2_62.. . A BY-LAXN'(..)F THE CORPORATION OF iownshi Ba ham THI............ _ _...p (.)F y ...... _TO PROVIDE FOR THE ESTA.BLISHIME tiT AND REGULATIO OF A V01 -t_ NTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT. THE MNICIPAL COUNCIL of the of......4S.h8M. 1. enacts as follows: A own,vi' ,p, j Fire brigade1. A municipal firedepartment is hereby established under t Pet&bll�hed.� p the authority of 7'he Municipal :pct to be known as the.. Name, ?.h?...1'..QwZ?4h.p_-. Volunteer Fire Department. Composition. 2. The department shall consist of a Chief, * 4_)►ejo*ty."" tNyo Captains, and not less thanww fire fighters. *04 u rf tions. 3 Every member of the brigade shall be a physically fit frons. male resident of the municipality, of good reputation, and eighteen years of age or over; and not more than seventy years of age for the chief, sixty-five years of age for other officers, and sixty years of age for fire fighters, and every member of the department shall be required to pass a medical examination prior to admittance and at least once every three years thereafter. r 3 .�Ia uintrrfent ;,,,�' 4.----(1) The chief shall be appointed by by-law passed by a`un'ty"°"' the council and shall hold office c.ntil such by-law is rescinded. (2) All full-time officers and fire fighters shall be appointed ley 01e cc►unci) upon the recommendation of the chief, and shall serve .a probationary period of three months before permanent appointment. (3) 'I,he deputy chief, captain or other officers, who are volunteers, shall be narned by the chief with the approval of the council and shall serve a probationary period of three moriths before permanent appointnient. (4) The volunteer fire fighters shall be appointed by the chief who shall require every applic;atic►n to be in writing and lie may accept or refect clnv application, after consultation with his officers, provided however that every volunteer fire fighter shall serve a probationary period of six month,--, before final acceptance. tittslwtlion. 5.----(1) The chief may suspend any officer or fire fighter for insubordination. inefficiency, gross nilsewonduc•t:, or repeated failure to attend practices or fires. volunteer t2;i If such officer or fire fighter is a fwli-tiiHaothe fire: chief shall report the offense and his reconalnendatiGn to the council who shall take Such action as it may deem ad- visable. r C3+ —1+'11r+ -n firer r hire figlrttr-i-s it -vim I'M rtreer- tom dire -t+* f IIr�r�c-rrc#trcr �r-mark er drarnisY hi�r. �r�c1~ alr.�!-s,rpxxt- tI-rcrt�e►n to tl�-tetritc:rl� rpt. b. The annual cost of operating the department shall be included in the annual estimates of the municipality and the clerk shall notify the chief at least two weeks prior tojhe date on which the estimates are to be considered, and the chief shall submit within one week thereafter his estimates for the ex- penditures necessary during the fortlic(:)nling year for the operation and maintenance of the department. 5 Estimates, 7. The estimates, as subinitted by the chief, shall be in the form require(] by the treastirer and shall include the amounts to be paid for: (u) the services of the fire fighters; (b) uniforms, clothing allowances and personal equip- ment for the fire fighters; (c) office supplies and equipment. and clerical assistance: V. Rev. t.tist t. (d) The Worknien's C.Ont Pen Satz oil Act or benefit plan approved by the IN'orkrnen's Compensation Board; (e') liability and fire insurance premiums; Y) contributions to any pension plan for full-tirne fire. fighters who are members of the departrrrent; (g) membership in and expenses of representatives at- tending; meetings of associations of fire marshals, fire chiefs or fire fighters or any.fire college or fire school conducted by the Fire Marshal; (1t) the purchase of new fire apparatus an(] fire fighting equipment, (i) the purchase of nett, fire alarm and coniniunication systems and equipment; (j) the normal operation, Inaintenance and repair of fire apparatus, fire fighting equipment and fire alarm and communications system and equipn-ient; (k) the normal operation, maintenance and repair of the fire hall; (1) the cost of altering, re -building or constructing any fire hall; (nu) any amount charged to the fire department for hydrant rentals or water supplies; and (It) any other items charged to the Eire department. Salaries. S. Salaries and allott-anc:es to the officers and fire fighters shall be as may be determined from time to time by the council. , C psi 9. The brigade shall not respond to any fire calls outside waide raurucipidity. the 1ililits of the municipality, except, -_-- (u) with respect -to any fire which in the opinion of the chief threatens any property within the municipality; (b) from a municipality with which an agreement has been entered into to provide fire protection on a mutual -aid basis or at an annual rate or at a fee per call-, or (c) where an agreement to provide fire protection on an annual rate or fee per call basis has been entered into with any company, organization or person whose property is situate outside the municipal limits and distant not more than fifteen miles therefrorn. Duties ur chief. 10,— (11) The chief shall have charge of the conduct and general operation of the department, including fighting a fire, responding to a fire alarm, at drills or practices, and the care and maintenance of the fire hall and of all apparatus, equip- nlent and supplies. (2) The chief shall, --- (a) maintain proper decorum, discipline and efficiency, of the department at fires, alarms and practices and in the discharge of all departmert duties in so far as they have a bearing on the efficiency of the depart - Ment or the care and maintenance of the fire hail, apparatus, equipment and supplies; (b) regularly inspect for fire hazards all manufacturing and inercantile establishments, churches, schools, institutions, public buildings and places of public assembly, and on request inspect residences, and designate any officer or fire fighter as fire prevention inspector, to assist In such duties; (c) maintain a book to record the attendance of members of the department at fires and practices, the particu- lars of every fire call and every fire reported to the department and the apparatus, equipment and sup- plies used for each fire call, and any breakages, short - .ages or deficiencies in the apparatus, equipment and supplies, .and any other information that may be required from time to time by the council: 9 (d) submit a report to the council annually, or more often if requested, outlining the activities of the depart- ment and the losses in life and property suffered by fire; (e) submit a report to the council immediately of any injuries to members of the department and any breakages, shortages or deficiencies in the apparatus, equipment and supplies, and any occurrence requir- ing the suspension or dismissal of any member of the department; and (f) report promptly all fires to the Fire llarslal of Ontario on the printed forms supplied for such pur- pose and otherwise comply with the provisions of 7 -he Fire Marshals Act and Regulations thereunder and other provincial laws for which the fire chief is an enforcing officer. Debra of Deputy11. The deputy chief shall carryout the instructions of the cVr„E;. chief and shall assume the duties cif the chief in his absence, and it shall be his duty to see that all apparatus, equipment and supplies are kept in a clean and serviceable condition and ready for immediate use, and to detail fire fighters for such duties when necessary, and he shall report immediately to the chief any deficiencies or untoward circumstances in connection with the same. Duties ca�Pf�;us. 12. The captains shall carry out the instructions of their senior officers. Dutiee of fin 13. The fire fighters shall respond promptly to all fire s¢hters. alarms, and attend all practices as far as possible and carry out the instructions of the officers. Drill. 14. The department shall meet at least once a month for practice and instruction in the use of all apparatus, equipment and supplies of the department and in the principles of fire prevention and fire protection. 11 Demolition of fences. 15. 'The officer in charge of the department at any fire may etc, cause any fence or any out -structure to be removed or torn cloy;gin, if such removal or tearing clown appears necessary to prevent. the spread of fire. :ldmini,wtra- tion and 16.-----(1) The members of the department may organize for orgaqo6n social rir .poses and other purposes intended to further the organization. p � interest and welfare of the department and the members t hereof. ( 2) The department may at any time, subject to the ap- proval of the council, have the use c'f the fire hall or the council charniber or the muni(-ipal hall at ariy convenient time for the transaction of business or for social functions. (5) :\o rule car regulation of any such social organization shall in 'iny «-rev limit the authority of the fire chief in fire fighting and at practices. Interierence with 17. o person shell impede, interfere with or hinder any brigade, officer or fire fighter in the discharge of his duties at a fire, in responding to a fire alarm or at a practice, and no person shall damage apparatus, equipment and supplies, and no person shallput to any use not authorized by the r.hief ani• apparatus,., equipment and supplies. Penaltic%. 18. :env person Contravening any of the provisions of this by-law shill, upon conviction therefor, be liable to a fine not less than 510.00 and not exceeding 550.00 exclusive of costs or to imprisonment for any term not exceeding twenty-one days, or to Moth such fine and imprisonment. 19. In case the provisions of this by-law conflict with the provisions of any other by-law, the provisions of this by-law shall prevail. A 13 IRK&D a first, second and third time and finally pas8ed this 6th. day of October, 1952. Reeve. i it z e L• Vallee, Clerk of the corporation of the Township of Bayhan, hereby certify the above to be a true and correct copy of Township of Bayham By - Law No. 1262. gated at StrafQordville, unt. , this 8th. day of October, i95%, Clerk of Bayham Township. w- Op A + I J. -,,.,-allee, Clerk-` reasurcr, 'Mlmslnin of 'ayliam, �t,r<<y. L car:{.�;ri�?_e , k>n��_r� C1 . f� /trslr/iI'.J C-ctober PLEAEE QU,0TE F:LE NO t7 r ; Dear Ar. .:e . _°ot,-rest � of <. --j �r: - roT?o�;ec� c� of -a! elf,�er.:i 4=re of , ? Q....�� _ for to nurch < se of a fire —L—.ruck. I have for ackno- led--el-,!c t recei nt of -,-our l et mel' of tie 22nd 12� . �anv , cn cloy in- ?'`ro,, o:SeC Ly- za,..7 o. 1263, a.,.t orisin—I the y*-zrc -�4e ow` fide tr?�c i -,.e boar(i is nrenared to -,rantu a—l—Iroval of the a-.ove-mentioned exne»c�.j_ture . S!"t'ect to t ,e i'ilin of a n oposea de" enturc autl_orizin.•z- -"u assess- r:-ents over a period of t�. o ,e=ars. ;Toi,�crer is of :.-,e reritt—a ce of '9.00 is eA.closed. Upon receipt of a pronosc* debenture 1,:T -law Poll-ovrir-:,_ first an41 Second reader --s, the Loards t rder till -i s :.ue as of the 23rd -ctober, E -v : I'S Encl. .ours truly , DolirFrs fn -m Ltcio o .-ood—stcc . Zi -Zi .A`:ev=? nd a.L i' Are <l'at= GT' :,.;ti t tC orro-,vi ;gip It -'.c at -? 41 ! .1.rom �r1!`;..t ._.)v1.� .1, J�.~..�V���.v' lit.-�.' n i�.�.e",).�'�llla,'111. t.t. G j� .j, `.+fir lei.. ,. i �. '�'�..'. �`� • 11� t`�! �'3 't ;-�'....in#. _1. Y• Hundrednl_�. t' � E �1t Jcoll `trs �,��1 � � :? ? t:' -in the '' 1g21.t C L �,r; I " I' i. L 11 e -i' Z5 3 t"' r C `"i 3 i 14. IV V ONTARIO THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD P.F. RECEIVED FROM he 763S TORONTO. ---195— THE SUM OF 1 -DOLLARS CLJ1 RR ENCY,,-^ ' CHEQUE' M 0 OR 0 1A /01 A i ef 0,11v :!tober 28th, 10/52, PLEASE QUOTE TILE NO.) *C* jiS567 proposed capital .00 for the THE .ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD 'le 24th inztant r. I�x. Donald INITIALED_ it order vill issue Duplicate ori-rinal of order as of o Sec f such date, pursuant t Section 67 of the Board's Act, is enclosed. - BV/ ed Encl . -1 a Yours truly, irk7`-0 1' !'I fin, A. 2. e e- e v rz. are aut!tori %ed to 1-orrovi uper-,,credi,+ Of ':,he. 'Jor ,rr�:),tion 'Lrr-)m 'Ju'n Ban, 0, ommrn-,rce "'t 3`tr.,,f "or-lvil �cl J11- _L r_( -L the nece,3,sary n.i*riount to nay for tlhe s -ail trunk. Of t11is x,Y;cint v e C Thous a n dHundred 7, n (1 0 X'S i J J he, J 1952, and the Cne hiundred ­n1:Lola1, 11 s la a 11 n t1h e yn r .1) -3 • i��j WUR - &I X. J. Vallee, Clergy; -Treasurer, T ovaishi __, 0. _. a:rhari, Ontario. - 1/J � ///•If'r/t'rt/ ///•r/I/a October 2ulth, 1952* PLEASE QUOTE FILE NO.; i�'' •�•C♦ ,l 567 ear sir: e: T o;.Tns i-) of 'Da-�ham - nroposed cavi ,al expendit re ofu <j: ,15) _ .00 for the- arc'nase of a fire tr,,ck F urt �1er to our letter of the 21�t' instant, I :� ould confirm advice to -your solicitor, X Donald Gibson of Tillsonburr? to the effect that order v:r.11 issue as of 23rd Gctober, 1052. Duplicate original of order as of s3zch date, pursuant to flection 67 of the Board's :fact, is enclosed. Yours trul ,r, • SAl 11r�14,.. 0*1 DV/ed I r Enc1. 0 ?.. The are aut �or-1°�cci to c�rroa;� Lz; �r� t � .r�;�if_ 1. it 3�_� .- n �.: 3~i �' , ... .t , T �.i...� �. �_ rl -C. ,• Q r) -ay „1 a ' i1i r t '..' _ ._ -..j t r"v `,�. Sl . `1 .*..' �C., � Z .�^i .. ��_ : (l � y i' 4 ' .. j _� nL, 3v Th,, -'u ,�An al "fit �?Lir?i re 3. '?nt_� 1' �_ ��r �i�l� az`�; �1, 1 t �, ; t a :Z "t n the r �: 19'52p h_ T i� �^ w s 1 i u..re J'` !� 1 3) �,lt v i1" n.i•, ti')n ` 1: ? >-, anis r_,ise C THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD •. tr 5 7 .L 11 l 11�J yy 'A"T" /�L1'' s "ect.3 or, (;7 of}..ntai io L'i.B.Jniaipal s,oard Act" � �.. �:. �, . l9i5C , Chapter 262 J ai,, application by the Corporation of} th s.ri e To d. �o�,f Lay*�..a for authority and rare ,? 504*00 .► or the ;JurCl,lczse of ire true', T: r L • a0 • r ou-1and, V ice-Chairman. anu -0 .. Yeates , a=ber. Thursday, the 23rd day of C ct Aer, A.J. , 1952. .Lj: 1.s under and ir. pursuance of t1he ierpislation i rein'before referred to, and of any and all of ter nowers vested in the Loard, that the Sc -aid aoplica-- tion L;e anld ti.e s m is hereby approved and. t I,.at the . AU icipality nay now proceed i;ith: the said un(lertakin , and -Uay pass all requisite by -later, s rovidi� 12.oiievor, t'l-mt such e=-.)eluditure z a3-1. be rc paid dur aC, the -'ear 1S:1'53 . -ICE.-Co ALLA144 C, 7i' YH -3a u t 17...1 n h r - - i 1, r n t h,:�' r,,,,*� h s e Y of a fire 44-.ru-k and borro'.,linm Z'i,­'ht -)u-3and C'ne hunt-3-cerli -.an-1 y ljoil.ars to finish a -ay in,;-%.-, j.'or it, .'nsnip r�_L �_n"-cl;-L�LI m �­ias the- I'ire -t-ruc' of thr, "o- .' * 1 - destroyed in can accident and it ,�iUs n:;cessAry tc replace it. a p AND4 L.Lj J by resolution of the 'ounc-il of the J d :or -_,,or.-_,-,tion on D-entember .4 4s a u c to, -urchase o.; .. tri ck :--tnd 'he n­--cessary- finunces ,��4rr-.in.­e_ or the for tl..I:-It iin-jry arr""'.r. hi;.;v_ baen cc.rriple-ted forru sin a fire kr'cr Yourteer: I- V t.". e-;-ients "1, 7 b--, r._­%,ive,-J, i"or on th,,�� truck Fcut- 'housand, V" -our -nn rer-ent .,-r--nt frofn the Frcv4nce Hundred, an] Fi t,7 i101? e r s an (I. a o C", -ed Doli�..-irs, r -akin- - n r i o o r,13rteen of Five f nt. 1ndT I � i _) 've e Thou-c-:1-nd 'tli.indred ant,J) !)o3_ 2. hi` -h -`11, a b a nr of 'i'hcus,,.,ind Una and Doilr_..rs to 'be -�r- this I-, _J s C.i r, t i c i T`,, t e d that t, --.e sAd ill 10 1, 1 s n d ra r­---I�ceive an :.IrIA-itional jr,'Int, of Three F i v hun dr e r) U,,��-,and 'Jundr-l-,d. ar.(J Jollurs in 1951, anChe of'c: ur I 'C'v�)ix . 1 yfifto 'icccunt cf -h�-­ said To%.- ns' aid cu -1. o' lri 1) 15-1 3 • Th the of th.::1, J, -r olrc--,Ition of tle mo o`::n oi enacts as 'cl10-­is:- 1. L h el 'fot n3l, -I 4A- P lerk is hereby auti-iorised to c,3.-rIj._A_-.te the dr: -,tails in Connection the oi tl,ic, sJ_d trucj'.� Thc,us-and Doll. rs from Bickle-z")ea.�•,-raves Ltd. of ..'oodsto'ck 2 The �Zeevp �a,ncll 'aler'V, are auttori.-Zed to borrow upori t he ^redi+ of J(_ -.he 3orl:�crati,-,,n, from the. '-sa-radian Bal -Ji" o -f 'cmnmerce Mt 'tr.i14ordv1ll e tho nece,33),ary amount to naT for th-a s,­iir-L) f�­I k. Of t�-lis imount ive Th,.-.,u-:5'and Hundred ink Fii'tv Doll:---trs _,--hall be in the 'Ye"ar 1952P and the baln.-Ince of i.ht 'I1hou­3,.:inJ One. II-lundred anz' ;.L t 1 53,, shall be ,-.ain the yp.?r s_A In the ,e -:;Lr 1,053, the s1i_r111, 1-�,vy ,ind rAse y >', n } r+ T y L� _ 7.F i�.ji,�1Li�Y�.hi� 1�i'"i r } Yy i., .c i� 1^f } Tye ....aJ � _:I .d� rtr' L t.. LS �. r }j.t.A y:' ~iwli a-iE t cany �21+,� r i� i n t, -e <_ o t 0 �_ a i�T a.. - d r�. a... � er;,w �n t:�~ r�. ire i j_ ll r; 1 'U vf.ii 13 ci r: rll o I*r© rt any, C'th r s(; ,'''.::rce in res -)p -, i a l:rt"<r'ci. %520 % j All Iiis 4yII/1 ` / 0 w .� j r BY-LAW N 0 . 1266. THE CORF'ORATI,�N t..�F Mh TO -,1N0' 111 OF BATHAMe A By-law authorizing the purchase of a fire truck and borrowing Eight Thousand One Hundred and Fifty Dollars to finish paying for it. e HER4AS the fire truck of the `township of Bayham was destroyed in an accident and it was necessary to replace it. AND AiHEHEi3 by resolution of the Council of the said Corporation on September 99 1952s the Clerk was authorized to arrange for the purchase of a truck and the necessary finances for that purpose. AND :4 HER 6AS preliminary arrangements have been completed a for purchasing - a neww fire truck for Fourteen Thousand Dollars. AND 'WHEFUJAS arrangements have been m.. de that there will be recQived for insurance on the old truck Four Thousand, Four Hundred and Fifty Dollars and a ter percent Grant from the Province of Ontario of Fourteen Hundred Dollars, making a total of Five Thous end Eight Hundred and Fifty Do114ars, which will leave a balance of Eight Thousand One Hundred and Fifty Dollars to be arranged otherwise. Of this arnount, it is anticipated that the said Township will receive an additional grant of Three `thousand Five Hundred Dollars in 1953, and the balance of Four Thousand Six Hundred and Fifty Dollars will be paid out of general account of the said Township in 1953• THMEFORE the Council of the °.0or ,oration of the Township of Bayham enacts as follows: - 10 ollows:- 1. The Township Clerk is hereby authorized to complete the details in connection with the purchase of the said truck at Fourteen Thousand Dollars from Bickle-Seagraves Ltd. of Woodstock. 2. The reeve and lerk are authorized to Morrow upon the credit of the corporation from the Canadian Bank of Commerce at Straffordville, the necessary amount to pay for the said truck. Of this amount Five Thousand Eight Hundred and Fifty Dollars shall be paid in the year 1952, and the balance of Eight Thousand One Hundred and Fifty Dollars shall be paid in the year 1953. 3. In the year 1953, the Corr�oration shall levy and raise ,.2.. the amount necessary to re -pay the full balance of the.said principal sura and any interest in respect thereof. Such sum shall be levied and raised .day a special rate sufficient tberef'or over and above all other rates Upon all the rateable property in the sAd iminicipalitys but the rate to be levied shall a:ot be greater than. the amount required for that purrose after t'!Ang into ac^^ount receipt o- from Provincial grant or from any other source in respect of the said truck. 1952, 0f Read a first and second time this da j of '-tober , ' Sri zned) hay. '. eln-,I--.kaci ` J;:u (Sitneld e Rears a third time and finally passed this • 1952• RZ6 i! ON S L . day I , J . 1s. Vallee, of the orvorat i on of t o Twvn.9 _i p of, Bayham, hereboy certify the above to be a true and correct copy of Towr chip of Bayham By -Law lio. 111:6:x, provisionally passed on the 21st. day of October, 10.52. .Dated Rt S trafzo rcville, this 22nd. aay of oet. 155 . clerk of Bayham Twp. Ok all PL 4 It 0 ;=11 Or :z- •:21 0 i., tv CIP N 1 0 0 C* 11 BY -IAA NO. ,/ , �, TOwNbHIY OF. BAtYrIAM. Being a by-law to provide for the holding of the Municipal Elections in the Municipality of the Township of isayham for the year 155X , b.D, and for the appointing of Deputy Returning Officers as- well as roll Clerks and rolling Places in the several rolling Sub -Divisions in the said Municipality of the Township of Bayham. BF IT ThERFkORF ENft(;T� D by the Council of the Township of Ba liam in regular session assembled;- i'hat, providing more persons qualify for election to office than are required to fill the various offices, an election be held on Dec, is t. , 1y 5?,as according to Township of 13ayham by -Law iio. 12()3, and in accordance with the provisions of the Municipal Elections Act. That, the election for Sub -Division No. 1 of the �,.`unicipality shall be held at Police mall, rort Burwell and that lio-ward Jhute stlall be Deputy Returning Officer, and that Percy Clarke shall be roll Clerk for the said Sub -Division. That the election for t.ub-Division No. 2 shall be hell at or near the home of Fred taker in the said Sub-Divielon, and, that Fred �aker shall be Deputy Returning Officer, and that Kenneth :Thompson sn.all be roll Clerk for the said bub-LiiPision. That the election for Sub -Division No, residence of uay Thurston and that Elton sac kson small be that Ray Thurston shall be rol That t1 o Election for Sub -Division No. Nall in the said bub -Division, and that harry P. irant shall be that Lyle 4'alsh shall be roll 3v shall be held at or near the in the said S-ub-Division, .Deputy Neturning .Off icer, and 1 Clerk for the said Sub-Divis4 on. I 4 shall be held at tree Township Deputy Returning Officer, and Clerk in the said pub -Division. That the election for Sub -Division No. 5 shall be held at the Jorinth Institute aall in the said Sub -Division, and that doward Coomber shall be Dep•�aty-Returf'Ang Officer, and that Mex uul'f shall be roll Clerk in the said btLb-Division. That the election for Sub-Divisicn No. 6 shall be meld at the ;jden School wilding in the said Sub -Division, and that Ohas. &etchabaw shall be Deputy Returning Officer, and that Ii'ilfred i4elson shall be Poll Clerk in the said Sub -.Division. That the election for Sub -Division No. 7 shall be held at the Richmond School in the said Sub -Division, and that Fred Procunier shall be Deputy Returning Uffieer, and that Isabelle riewbank shall be Poll Clerk in the said bub -Division. That the election for bub -Division No. 8 shall be held at the S.S.1to. 4 School in the said Sub -Division, and that Ira 11itchell shall be Deputy Returning Officer, and that a urray klilson shall be roll Clerk in the said Sub -Division. AVID THAT the said Dpeuty R.eturniYg Officers and Poll Clerks be and they are hereby authorized and required to hold the said:,Vunicipal k'leations in accordance with the Net and to provide for voting by ballots at the sail elections. READ a First, Second and Thi -d time and finally passed the �day of195A,, Reeve . ". It A ■ e' BY-- lac to '.`VrSldlr Vili:Ar tib s 0 41 sek I I�or 5y P,iven under 3evtion 472 i 1 i , ( a) of '11a unioipal got R•3.0. 1950, 'Chat on londay, Lou, 16th, 1962 , At O'clock B,M, , at the Tovmship Q fine at Strnffordville, the Oounall of tis 0=u2hip of 387has will oonvl der the passing of a by-law for tins parpc�s- ;,4 stopping up and closing a portion of road icrose lots 121 aDd 1� between the "rth, v 0n0e asi cz� PUO the rcrtb. Sore of the said Township of Ba• haa►, "nc at trot time the Jounoll will hear in person or by his oo reel, ac1ic:i+or or agent, any person who claims t:2at his laud Till be pre,j c: c l vt )M? .:r �: 'eote(l fi0, t bo by -jaw acid woo a oplic to be heard. �_+.:� t= Rite K ,, ►.3 r r<`r'i �`'+'1�'� 7i �. I £ � �i'I � • tflis k7th. Jotober, 1962. t , � Read a first time this % Read a second time this lwrz of Bayham Township, St=. f'fordTille, Ont, day of 19 5 �--. day of dlet/,4W-L 195.2. Read a third time and finally passed this /�'! day of �kl-t'..� 195,2Z.6 L. Reeve. r I r Cler J e By -yaw No. 1 e� Township of Bayham. Being a by-law to stop up and close and sell a portion of road across lots 121 and 122 between concession 7 ana the Korth Gore. WHEREAS lection 469, sub -section 1, (c) and (d) of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1950, provides that the council of a municipality may pass a by-law for the purpose of stopping up and selling anghigh- way or a part of a highway; AND TEAS this portion is not now being used by the general public as a thoroughfare; Al3D WHEREAS it is deemed necessary and expedient that said portion of road be stopped up ana closed and sold; TH R&'SORE BE 1T ENACTED by the Municipal Council of the Township of Bayham as follows;- 1. ollows;- 1. That the following portion of Road allowance between Concession 7 and the North Gore be and is hereby stopped up and closed, namely - commencing at a point situate fifty rods easterly from the westerly boundary of Township lot number 121, thence easterly across the remainder of said lot 121 -and across the whole of lot 122. 2. That the said portion of read so stopped up and closed shall be sold and conveyed to one or more of the adjacent owners. 3. That the Reeve and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute and deliver convevgnce of said road allowance under the Corporate Seal of this Lunicipality to Phe purchaser of this land upon payment of the sum of One Dollar and expenses of said conveyances. 4. This by-law shall come into force and effect upon being confirmed by a by-law of the County of Elgin. r Read a first time this � % day of - 195.2-, Read a second time this 7/ day of t. 195 z . Read a third time and finally passed this /��'' day of VT i r Reeve . Cler • �, �.._�, � �. � � ; . ,. `� V P . \ P � �J �_ � �'`�. �... �,� :� ,� �. �,. �- Ly -Law Ito. "fi By"'Iaw to Confirir; t3;,` -!Ali: I -O. 1213 J, Of t110 Towrial-lip of Bayhan Beir.r-, a By -Lav to Provide for Closing and Stoppizij; Up and .3ellin ; a --Por ti ars of Road .Lcro.3s C=ats 1,21 and 12;: 3etsJa3®L Concessil oP 7, and the I;orth Gore, of tfie Tal.-mahi J of B.G.yham. 'r ,'J J, 4A.%3 the Counci 1 o: the '11awnshi.p of 13ayh.tua on the 47th day of Cctobar, I9.:,�,, � . 'J.,, , :! y- Ito. .4,35, for c.�t�sin �► c��d }as:.� :3 Lt� � and stoppiri, up, a ,,d selling a pwtion of Road Across eta 121 and !6*144.j 3e wean OBJ icossion 70 wid the (gore, of the Towzisni.p of Baynam, more particularly described in tae s=}%d By-l.,aw, tr6 ue copie3 : heraaf ars herownto ari-nexe:i. pur.3uent to Vie provislon,,3 'X vile 1,jLa, .cioal .ict { the said Township _3y -Lair shall n;)ti Aliav3 any fo` oe "- ti 1 fzonfiriried oy a by-law of the Council of the County in which the townsUp is situate aassc;d at anordinary of the Council heid not sooner than tAroa mont as nor later than one year u2l,-er t1ie passinj of the .3y -law of Council of -Oha : ovinship. J r?I�4.a. ►:i appl.ic Lion has been nsi,s.de to t -1e Council of the Corporation of the Cjunty if � -L,;in :E)r a :3y -Law coylfirii-dnt; said Township '�,�-Law. •s( T!.'t�}. � A.f•..r� ? i"::+ ..�r,.x.11' 3.w. C► ?@ CA i. _ of t-.:C-)r,)o♦at-i ; ( 4V e County .� iA er_act as f©'_los: s : TILNT By -Law Tt ter- be r 1265 , of the 'Towns -U p of 73wr?'.::z^.3Y.. �.vY to Provide for G.los izig and .3topping up, and selling a ,ort inn of Road :cross 11,015'9 l"31 and luF', bet,,-ioar� C;oxnce si n 7, tw'd thoA I-f)rth Gore, of the 'rmvr shi, p of Bayha a, be, fid the' swae is here a„r c off iri:-:e d. Read ac firsts tine G-dis. 174w -h day of Ya-rcl , 11J5316 : esd a second ti L�.e t:�3s 1'jth da;; of ,1'.irc��, 1953. Read a third tiros , and finally pa33ed tai -is 17th day of I..aroll, 3.95,5. NOW - r C lark. ►4 ardeu ,. I, J. 3. Thomson,, Clerk of the Corporation of the County of :Agin do hereby certify that the foregoing is a grue cop=y of By -Latin Lo. 16L passed by the Countil of the said Corporation on the 17th day of Larch, 1953, BY-LAW N0.. % • A By-law authorizing the borrowing of money by way of Capital Advances for the purpose of purchasing a fire truck authorized by By -Law Nc. / r? 4 3 WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of Tr�wnshlp of Bayham has enacted its By -Law No. . % ; r� . passed on the 2 i day of 1952 duly authorizing the purchase of a fire truck for $14,000. AND WHEREAS, by order dated the 2 3 day of Oct-)ber 1952 the passing of the said By-law was duly approved by the Ontario municipal Board; AND WH.EF.EAS the said By -Law does not require the assent of the electors or of those qualified to vote on money by-laws; AND WHEREAS the Corporation desires to borrow money by way of Capital Advances the necessary amount to pay for the said truck. NOW, THERI EFOR.E, THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF the Township of Bayham HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. The Corporation agrees to borrow and doth hereby authorize the borrowing from The Canadian Bank of Ca=.erce as Capital Advances the .necessary amount to pay for the said truck but not exceeding a total of M,000. on the terias and subject to the conditions set forth in this By -Law. Of this amount Five Thousand Eight Hundred and Fifty Dollars shall be paid in the year 1952 and the balance of Eight Thousand One Hundred and Fifty Dollars shall be paid in the year 1953. 2. Within the limit aforesaid and as moneys are required from time to time for the purpose above recited, the Head and Treasurer, acting on behalf of the Corporation, are hereby authorized to borrow moneys from the said Bank for the said purpose authorized as aforesaid and to sign and deliver to the said Bank such promissory note or notes as may be required .for the repayment of the moneys borrowed at such time or times and at such rate of interest as may be agreed upon with the said Bank, but not exceeding the rate of 4�1 per cent per annum, and to affix the corporate seal of the Corporation to such promissory note or notes. 3. ..2.. The Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to repay to the said Bank $5,850.00. in the year 1952 and $8,150.00, in the year 1953 together with interest thereon, from the moneys hereafter collected or received either on account .or realized in respect of taxes levied for the respective,,,ears or from any other source which may lawfully be applied for such purpose. Read a first, second and third time and finally� �cd passed this day of 195.2- WITNESS 95,2. WITNESS the Corporate Seal of the Corporation of Township of Bayham. Head of Municipality. r Clergy; ,x WE HER98Y CERTIFY that the foregoing is a true cow. Of By -Law No. . . of the .Corporation of the Township o ayham in the P!f ovine of Ontario duly passed at a meeting or meetings oft '�Iouncit of the said Corporation duly and regularly held, and that the said'B` yy--Law is now in full force and effect Dated this . . . . . . . . . . . . . *day of . . . . . . . , . . . . . 195 WITLESS the Corporate Seal of the Corporation of the Township. of Bayham. 0 . . . . * . . . . . . . . . * Head of Municipality, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Clerk. form 100-3S Ontario ............................... l.ownship..... Qg.....�ay.h.am.�........ ........ ............... BY-LAW No....1268 .11... ....... Zj T'1 P=jtjb) to authorize the borrowing of $ E 5, 0 0 0. U 0 Whereas the Council of the T awn sh i p of Bay ham (hereinafter called the "Municipality") deems it necessary to borrow the sum of 25, 000.00 to meet, until the taxes are collected, the current expenditures of the. Municipality for the year; Nuri..—Refer And Whereas the total amount of the estimated revenues of the N'lunici- to t estimate" for the current alit as set p y forth in the estimates adopted for the year 11 p �- � 59 not including if not,ew if to hose revenues derivable or derived from arrears of taxes, borrowings and issues of of last year. debentures, is $ 196,:505.00 And Whereas the total amount heretofore authorized to be borrowed this year for the purposes mentioned in subsection (1) of section 339 of The (Dlete his paragrophiftnot Municipal Act is S 90, 000.00 , of Nvhich the INIunicipality has already borrowed applicable). a tota•1 of S 67,000.00 Therefore the Council of the T ovvnsh i p of Bay ham hereby enacts as follows: 1. The Head and the Treasurer are hereby authorized on behalf of the Municipality to borrow from time to time by way of promissory note from THE CANADIAN BASK OF COMMERCE a sum or sums not exceeding in the aggregate S F� 51 0 0 0 . 00 to meet until the taxes are collected the current expenditures of the Municipality for the year, including the amounts required for the purposes mentioned in subsection (1) of section 339 of the Municipal Act, and to give on behalf of the Municipality to the Bank a promissory note or notes sealed with the Corporate Seal and signed by the 1 -lead and Treasurer for the moneys so borrowed, with interest, which may be paid in advance or otherwise, at a rate not exceeding 41�- per centum per annum. 2. All sums borrowed pursuant to the authority of this by-law, as well as all other sums borrowed in this year and in previous years from the said Bank for any or all of the purposes mentioned in the said section 339, shall, with interest thereon, be a charge upon the whole of the revenues of the Municipality for the current year and for all preceding years as and when such revenues are received. 3. The Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to apply in payment of all sums borrowed as aforesaid, together with interest thereon, all of the moneys hereafter collected or received either on account or realized in respect of taxes levied for the current year and preceding years or from any other source which may lawfully be applied for such purpose. Passed this 15th, day of December 1952 TIJE IIEAD OF THE MUNICIPALITY S� �1 1 SERI_ - .......... .. .. ..... v.� ..... �.`.:'......... .............. CLERK We hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By -Law No. of the of in the Province of Ontario, duly passed at a meeting of the Council of the said 1%lunicipality duly held, and that the said By -Law is in full force and effect. Dated This -- As Witness the Seal of the of SEAL day of 19 •THE.��+ HEAD OF THE MUNICIPALITY ................... I .................................................. . CLERK C.. r I BAYHAM TOWNSHIP BYLAW RE00RDS BYLAWS # [ 1235-12681 FILE # 31 File #31 Date Subject Bylaw # 1235 5 Feb 51 Authorize the Corp. to enter into an agreemnt with 6 Oct 52 To provide for drainage work in the Tawnship.of.Bayham. the Hydro -Electric Power Comm. of Ont. for street lights. 1248 7 Jan 52 Authorize the borrowing of $ 60,000.00. 1249 7 Jan 52 Appoint officers in the Township of Bayham for 1952. 1250 7 Jan '52 Appoint Fenoa-viewers and Pound -keepers. 1251 21 Jan 52 Guarantee of certain payments to the Town of Aylmer. 1252 4 Feb 52 Formal ag.eement between the H.P.C. of Ont. and Bayham. 1253 7 Feb 52 Provide for total 1952 road expenditures. 1254 7 Feb 52 Appoint an Assessor for Bayham Township for 1952. 1255 7 Apr 52 Authorize the Reeve and Clerk to sign agreement for police services. 1256 5 May 52 To prohibit the firing off of fireworks in Bayham. 1257 5 May 52 Designate when assessment shall be made in Bayham and when the assessment roll shall be returned to the township clerk. 1258 7 Jul 52 To close and sell the road between lots 16 and 17 in Bayham. 1260 6 Oct 52 To provide for drainage work in the Tawnship.of.Bayham. 1261 6 Oct 52 Authorize the borrowing of $ 30,000.00. 1262 6 Oct 52 Establish a volunteer Fire Department. 1263 21 Oct 52 Authorize purchase of fire truck. 1264 27 Oct 52 Provide for the holding of Munc. elections. 1265 27 Oct 52 Close and sell a portion of road across lots 121 and 122. 1267 27 Oct 52 Borrowing of money to purchase a fire truck. 1268 15 Dec 52 Authorize the borrowing of $ 25,000.00.