HomeMy WebLinkAboutBayham By-Laws 1947BAYHAM TOWNSHIP By -Laws Numbers 1160-1177 1498-1506 1947 BYLAWS j 1158-1192 ] FILE # 26 Bylaw # Date Subject 1158 1 Oct 46 Provide for the payn=t for the destruction of foxes. 1159 16 Dec 46 Provide for general repairs to the outlet of the Cornith lain. 1160 6 Jan 47 Regulate the erection of buildings within Bayham. 1161 6 Jan 47 Authorize the borrowing of $ 35,000.00. 1162 6 Jan 47 Appoint certain officers in Bayh m. 1163 6 Jan 47 Appoint a Tax Collector for Bayham. 1164 3 Feb 47 Provide for the road expenditures for 1947. 1165 3 Feb 47 Provide that cheques must be issued and signed by Treasurer. 1166 3 Feb 47 Authorize the Agreement with The Liquor Licence Board. 1167 10 Mar 47 License and regulate taxicabs within Bayham. 1168 10 Mar 47 Provide for the payment of members of the Council. 1169 7 Apr 47 Appoint a road superintendent. 1170 7 Apr 47 Appoint an Assessor and Dog Tax Collector for Bayham. 1171 5 May 47 Adopt the assessment on which taxes shall be levied. 1172 5 May 47 Appoint Fence -viewers and Pound -keepers. 1173 5 May 47 Amend bylaw No. 1136. 1174 7 Jul 47 Provide for grant for the Board of Park Management. 1175 6 Oct 47 Fix the day for nominations and elections for local boards. 1176 6 Oct 47 Provide for the holding of Munc. elections. 1177 27 Oct 47 Regulating the location of stables, garages, barns,in Bayham. 1178 5 Jan 48 Authorize the borrowing of $ 35,000.00. 1179 5 Jan 48 Appoint certain officers in Bayham for 1948. 1180 2 Feb 48 Appoint an Assessor and Dog Tax Collector for Bayham. 1181 2 Feb 48 Provide for the road expenditures for 1948. 1182 1 Mar 48 Appoint Fence -viewers and Pound -keepers. BA_ HAM BYLAW RDC ORDS BYLAWS j 1158-1192 ] FILE # 26 cont. Bylaw # Date Subject 1183 5 Apr 48 Treatment of cattle for Warble Fly Infestation. 1184 23 Apr 48 ,.apt the assessment on which taxes shall be levied. 1185 1 Jun 48 Authorize an agreement between Bayham and Ont. Prov. Police for police proctecti.on. 1186 4 Oct 48 Authorize an agreement between Bayham and Derham. 1187 25 Oct 48 Provide the holding of Munc. elections. 1188 4 Nov 48 Guaranteeing certain payments to the Town of Aylmer. 1189 3 Jan 49 Authorize the borrowing of $ 35,000.00. 1190 3 Jan 49 Appoint certain officers in Bayham for 1949. 1191 7 Feb 49 Provide for the road expenditures for 1949. 1192 7 Feb 49 Guaranteeing certain payments to the Town of Aylmer. r r Ot By -Law No. / /l- i Township of Bayham. Being a by-law to regulate the erection of Buildings within the Municipality of the Township of Bayham. WHEREAS by section lTfi7 of the rwnicipal Act, by-laws may be passed by Councils of Municipalities to regulate the erection, alteration and wrecking of buildings within the Municipality; AND WHEREAS it is Beamed necEssary and expedient that such power be excerised;- MOON THEREFORE 6F IT ENACTED by the Council of the Corporation of the Fownship of bayharrL in regular session assembled as follows; - DEF INIT ION- The word"building"under this by-law shall mean and include, dwellings, places of business and public meeting places. BUILDING nEGULATIONS- It shall be the duty of the Applicant to satisfy the building Inspector that the following regulations have been strictly adhered to in every instance. CONS'T'RUCTION- The material strength, permissible stresses, dimensions, duality of :materials and safety factors in any building of wood, iron, steel, reinforcer concrete, brick or concrete block or any combination thereof shall be according to the practice of Canadian builders and architects for the erection of first-class buildings, ' FOUNDATIONS AND FOO'T'INGS Foundations of. 1 storey buildings shall be not, less than 216" in the ground and of 12 and 2 storey buildings to be not less than 316" in the ground, foundations to be deeper if ground considered by inspector to be unsuitable at above depths, suer as filled in material or ground containing organic matter. Foundations shall be not less than 8" walls of brick or.eement block or concrete or brick veneer. Footings to be of concrete mixed not less than one part of cement to six parts of stone or gravel and to project not less I. than 4" on each -side of wall above and of suitable thickness to carry load. No footing to be less than 6" thick. ►11 brick veneer dwellings shall have arches or lintels over openings of sufficient strength according to the Building Code of Coanada, Tables and Regulations. ChIMNEY -till chimneys to be erected from the foundation and to be of either masonry construction with struck joints either inside or outside unless vitrified flue lining is used. No chimney to have joints or beams less than 2" from outside of same. All chimneys to be carried above the roof not less than 12" above the ridge. A 2 - FLOOR JC STS- All floor joists to be of sound material and placed not more than 16" centre to centre. Any joists not exceeding 10 feet in length shall not be less than 2" x 6". 'ny joists not exceeding 12 feet in length shall not be less than 2" x 8" and any joists not exceeding 16 feet in length shall not be less than 2" x 10". All joists to be properly bridged. ROOFS- Any flat roof shall be proportioned and constructed to carry a weight of not less than 30 pounds to the square foot in addition to the weight of the material of which the roof is constructed. Roofs having a �.M pitch of less than 20 degrees shall be constructed to carry a load of 40 pounds to the square foot. All roofs of more than 20 degrees to be constructed to carry a load of 20 pounds to the square foot and to with- stand a wind pressure of 30 pounds per square foot of exposed surface. SF4NFRS- All sewers wherever possible shall empty into one or more prop- erly constructed septic tanks, each tank to be not less than 42" below outlet pipe with 12" space above same. Each tank shall have proper drainage through gravel, crushed stone or cinders and such drainage shall be of a length sufficient for the purpose considering the size of the house and probable number of occupants. NO PERMIT will be issued to move a building into the Township of Bayham until said building has been examined by the building .inspectob and permission grafted by him. EVERY APPLICANT shall submit with his application, drawings and specifications of the proposed work in sufficient detail to enable the building inspector to obtain full and complete Information of the extent and character of the work and shall furnish all information required by I- the building inspector in connection with such application and it shall be the duty of the applicant to satisfy the building inspector that the regulations provided by this by-law are not being contravened. PERMIT- Before any building within the Township of Bayham is' to be.. constructedrp altered or repaired at an estimated cost of more than 1100.00 or any building of a value of more than $.�.00.00 is to be torn down,wrecked or removed either in whole or in part, the owner of the building or proposed building shall obtain a permit from the Township Clerk and his application for same shall give such full and complete information as to the work as may be required by the Clerk of the Building Inspector. t (1) At the time of such application, the applicant shall pay to the Township Clerk the following sums;- For work costing One Thousand It 0 - 3 Dollars (51000.) or part thereof, the sum of #3.00 and an additional $1.00 for each additional One Thousand. Dollars (S1000.) or part thereof'. (2) 4here the application is for the wrecking or removal of a building, the cost of the permit for this purpose shall be figured on the estimated value of the building to be wrecked or removed. In the event of any dispute of the above estimated value, the estimated value of such building shall be determined by an appraisor to be appointed by the Township and his decision shall be final. The Buil" Inspector and the Fire Chief shall have the right to enter upon and examine at any reasonable time any building upon which construction, alteration, repair, wrecking or removal is being carried out and if, in the opinion of the building Inspector, any building is, during the course of such operation or thereafter, in a dangerous condition or unsafe for the purpose for which it is being used, the Building Inspector shall notify the owner of such conditions and require him to remedy same forthwith. If the owner neglects or refuses to remedy such condition within a reasonable time thereafter or if in the opinion of the Building Inspector the immediate application of the precautionary measures is nece.-sary to avoid such danger, the Buildin- Inspector shall have power to 'forthwith' take such steps as are in his opinion necessary to avert such (:?anger and all costs incurred thereby shall be borne by the owner., Every permit issue) under this by-law shall remain in force for six months and no longer from the date of issue unless the work thereby authorised is commenced within that time. Such work must be completed within 12 months from the issuance of the permit. No permit shall be granted for the construction, alteration, repair or moving of any builling on any property within the corporation limits in violation, of the building restrictions governing or affecting such property at the time of issuance of the permit or of any by-law respect - Ing the erection or construction of buildings cr cf any restrictions or regulations imposed upon such property by any deed, agreement or covenant registered against the same and which has been in any way affected since such registration by any proceedings taken by the corporation under the Ontario 1141,unicipal Board Act, 1537 and amendments, or the Department of vunio,ipal Affairs Act, 1737 and amendments, or in any other manner whatsoever. It shall be the duty of the applicant to satisfy the Building Inspector that no such restrictions are being contravened or violated. f there in the opinion of the i3uilding Inspector it is necessary for the public; safety, the owners shall cause to be erected on the street, line adjacent to any -building being constructed, altered or re aired or wrecked, a suitable type board fence at least six feet in height and wit st fficient overhead boarding .to protect passersby, and no such fence shall be removed until the work has been ecmpleted and permission `'or that purpose has been obtained from the 1-1-uilding Inspector. No unused building material, debris, materials from buildings being wrecked, or materials from excavations shall be placed on or allowed to accumulate on any pleb-iic street, alley or lane until permission therefor has been obtained from the building inspector. it sufficient number of red light:, shall be maintained by the owner at his own expense from sunset to sunrise on all building materials or debris placed on any public street, lane or alley. Any person guilty of an infraction of any of the provisions of this by-law, shall upon conviction before a Magistrate or Justice of the Peace Laving jurtsdiction within the County of Elgin, on the oath or affirmat+,, ion of any creditable witness, forfeit and pay, at the discretion of the Magistrate or Justice of the Peace convicting, a penalty not, Exceeding the sum of Fifty Dollars 050.00} for each offence, together with the costs of the prosecution, and in default of payment thereof; !.+_ shall and may be lawful for the Magistrate of Justice of the Peace as afore- said, to issue a warrant under his hand and seal, to levy thie said penalty and costs, or costs only by the distress and sale of the offend - of . errs goods and chattels. In case/Npot sufficient distress to satisfy the said penalty and costs, it shall be lawful for the Magistrate or Justice of the Peace as aforeaaid to coif nit the offenders to the common gaol of the County of Elgin with or without hard labour for any period not exceeding twenty-one days unless the said penalty and costs be sooner paid. This by-law shall come into force and effect upon the final pissing thereof. a first time this C^ ~/ day of 1947- READ 947- READ a second time this �� day of awGa-Z 1947. READ a third time and finallypassed this 6 � da of A Y 194/0 e. Form 100-38 Ontario T01iSKIP 0k iitiYhAW . ........................................................................................................................ BY-LAW No..../A../...... TfZflp=jtVj to authorize the borrowing of S 35, 000.00 Whereas the Council of the Township of Sayham (hereinafter called the "Municipality") deems it necessary to borrow the sum Of S "Zr:,)000.04 to meet, until the taxes are collected, the current espenclritures of the 'Municipality for the year; NoT.C.—Refer And Whereas the total amount of the estimated revenues of the I1 unici- to the estimates for the current pality as set forth in the estimates adopted for the year 1946, not including fear not, to those revenues derivable or derived from arrears of taxes, borrowings and issues of of last year. debentures, is-` C; , 000.00. his patagraphifnot 1riD��� xx�c_xxMxl�1:l:hl��1J�.'lWl%�,1�►Gsx�.}� applicable?. Therefore the Council of the Township of Bay han-i hereby enacts as follows: 1. The Head and the Treasurer are hereby authorized on behalf of the Municipality to borrow from time to time by way of promissory note from THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE a sum or sums not exceeding in the aggregate S 3 5, 000. GO to meet until the taxes are collected the current expenditures of the Municipality for the year, including the amounts required for the purposes mentioned in subsection (1) of section 339 of the Municipal Act, and to give on behalf of the Municipality to the Bank a promissory note or notes sealed with the Corporate Seal and signed by the Head and Treasurer for the moneys so borrowed, with interest, which may be paid in advance or otherwise, at a rate not exceeding five per centum per annum. 2. All sums borrowed pursuant to the authority of this by-law, as well as all other sums borrowed in this year and in previous years from the said Bank for any or all of the purposes mentioned in the said section 339, shall, with interest thereon, be a charge upon the whole of the revenues of the Municipality for the current year and for -III preceding years as and when such revenues are received. 3. The Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to apply in payment of all sums borrowed. as aforesaid, together with interest thereon, all of the moneys hereafter collected or received either on account or realized in respect of taxes levied for the current year and preceding years or from any other source which may lawfully be applied for such purpose. Passed this Eth. day of January 1947 TI HEAD UY IIE �IL'NICIPALITY !� .........................%/"............ — -- — /. CLERK L , We hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By -Law .. No. of the of in the Province of Ontario, duly passed at a meeting of the Council of the said -lunicipality duly held, and that the said By -Law is in full force and effect. Dated This day of � 19 As Witness the Seal of the of SEAL THE HEAD OF THE MUNICIPALITY ............................. .......... ........................... I............. CLERK Township of Bayham. key -Law No. Being a by-law to appoint certain officers in and for the Municipality of the Township of Bayham. for the year 1947 A . D. SE IT THERF kORE ENACTF:.D in regular session asse-mbled; - 1. That /Qd $ T e. J d e_H 5 CV and 011AMI 111 ZY194 ). shall be Valuators of livestock killed by dogs at .509" per hour and .12/ per mile Read a third time anc] finally passed this 6th. day of January, , A 19h7 K . D. 4 I* one way, for use,,.car. 2. That J, 0, 1 /�k1=k shall be school attendance officer at a salary of • and .12;.' per mile one way for car, 3. That / /A • shall be weed Inspector at a salary of -7 44 That shall be ]Relief Officer at e. salary of 5. That ,n, f , �y` /43SCt/ 'shall be solicitor of the Tow=hip. �} i �} •5 �'� 1yrr' c %b �� P1=1� Read a third time anc] finally passed this 6th. day of January, , A 19h7 K . D. 4 I* I Township of Bayham. BY -Law N o . Being a By -Law to appoint a Tax Collector in and for the Municipality of the Township of" Bayham. t. BE IT `fEFRE OB ENACTED by the Municipal Council of the Township of BpLyham in regular session assembled; - 1. That �, D. �f �.�• shall be Tax Collector of the said Township of, 1 ''ham during the pleasure of the Cauftll of C,. L.. the said Township of Bayham, at a salary �� of �� C-0-7 per year. READ a third time and finally passed this �"� dap of L l 11ta Z 19+7 . D. cReeve. C I rkell i i M 1 � J W f I- f I I DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS Toronto 2, Torch 31st , 1957 0 1`r- J.D. Vallee, Clerk, Toy; nship of Bayham, Straffordville, Ontario. .icer ;sir, RL 1947 "u:ii ciDal Roil Exp nditure By—law toyou treat t 1 , .r — :t considered ycl.�r 1)4 rcd'-� a r�:e ��, t _c.� "�;s cs�.r�.:f�=11y 11 -:is is tc r�c,t, if;,r JrCiz the /� ��1j ^^i- /� 1 T �( j'� I''� '} �c 1 L.i i. t,1 31 ✓ j.1 l..l ��Lr `�' 41f 1�/�:� -A 1riiJ U.iat ri , 1. VO, oOV rVO for' Vat yr, , -r 1947. MI. S ova rely. 1',''Iva 1 is 71v r, e -t t o F?T) ;rov l of each individual wor of y'o��:A cnri:s;rlicti��i `;tip brii -e CCTStruCt.icI1 andof the xurcr:esr byCzlit;t of e- ch ii'd V;-111ral unit of m:::chin- eT'jr oregl.il�.iuv='' i' mit =;11 u0`:1 cr' es tle f„)i.strict .'� :'ilit�'t'r .*:"dist be r dvi;ed �~.;i rypprov�;i c'ct r: irie : ,�; i. �; f..-- r t : r- , os1 wor.: or purchase is -3dv> rtised `n.d tE-'i;.ir:1 S G'=ilr� r� :CU F, 'J JT the 1.7unicil.'ality. F!' F; ,}e i=:. rtent rr: ;-Sis your jto SE the 1947 expenuiture is k::_.Ot well :jithii. the ':�v, aj:rrovEd . Tours very truly, JA."PM/DI. :enclosure 3rd* day of !'*b• r AQ C .IEF ENGINEER OF MUNICIPAL PC °Tr,,, D.H.O. 147 _t'iUi1'RFid ` . r LeD T 4 T• _ .:..� . L.�rs�.��:11, Chi?f Ir�ni:ifel :�n�inFFr. TOWNSHIP CLERK I* ................ ��IIIIII e FORM t 6 P,AW NO � A FY LAW TO PPOVID-R FOR TH7. TOTA" 19-FXPFNDITURF ON POAL'S IN THE TOWNSHIP COUNTYOF tSr.YH IN THF PISTPICT OF b►�C,: 'HrPFAS Tthe H'tolt-.w-ay Improv. -merit ArtC � pter F S 0 1937, r: gr,Ft�;��r;enL�, rFeqt.1irec tn'.t t.!e total eypf�n•iiturr� on tul,,n'--r:. p ro.�7ds %:—id t rl.',,Tps be provi-jed for annually h-,,! Lai-Ti:.l ii p by. Diw THFPFFORF ti -ie cos. nc l C f' t.`.e- Corporat I ori of t., e s?.:i d t.owrns—`li.p enacts as .OL 1m,rc� 1 } The sur Gi $ 3(), 000.00 is Hereby appropr �a:tcd `'rom .=.ron es ra..,sed t;y levy. dlel;entures an^', wov el nment subs iJy for Lota l exUen-' i.ture upon Construction gnrl .,iten:'),ncE' of the :roals to t .e sa..l" toumsh'p :''fining the year 1947 cfO1lotlg; For Orin^ry Fc.r Slpeci.�al �j R(l E,, RPP, ToL,nl CONSTRUCTION Roa'is & Culver -to, $ 5f t •f�G 5.9OC7�J.00 $ $ $ �'AINTENANCF Culverts$000 Iti Ut�G.Oa $t �P,&J800'00 ]f�0 MACH NERY �r :t., 1ti:►� t1U+Ci.Ota $.0., GUU.OU RF S . rs $ 19 UOU , 0o -, M i SCELLANEOUS TOTALS $ ns, 0000 0a $ 9, 000.00 tU, VUu. Uu T!F,P :i mo -1 i ps ,F 1 I i:,- P'vpendf-i umir—r t hp l i.rpction of the nilly 9pp0intr-; ownship ro;3,i sup�-lrintenipnt aril on work r.erform�-,i in ?ccor'',:.nc:e witil Thp Hi£� t 'qY 17 r ov--Trent Act. . 3' The C .F rv: srj�-? 1.1 ?.I`ansm?.L• 1�t�1.LCc1,te Cop.I.nc of ti is by, 1pw to the Vunicip--�,l RoaH.s Fm.nc:i- Ucpzirtment of.- for. ,�)pprov;q.l on or before Februn.ry 28til or t h- , -present yep- r .13 --sed .L6trvLffordlvjlj9' t3 V.�J, Y ref �'a�. A D. 19�_ 3 E ? i J. 'owey Vallee ttiGjjw#.YS ,. C'Le k of the corpor. .tion of the township f Yi +D hereby c�,rLify 1.41,at the forego! ng is a .true Copy or F1.1 1='N h0 �l� j. �j�ece.d '—Y t.lc. cour'iell. of the ;?a 1.�' Conor?tion on the 3rd. �.,Jr of Feb: TOWNSHIP CLERK a& 3 .p r .p Township of bays m. �3y-Law No. being a by-law to provide that cheques issued by the Treasurer of the Municipality shall be signer; by the Treasurer only. .hHhLab this authority is grante-I to local municipalities by subsection 1 a of section 240 of the N,unicipal. kct; AND WhEhEiiS it is (3cemed necessary and expedient that this action be taken; THF:REkOhE bE IT EidtiCTH"ll by the Council of the Municipality of the Township of baytlam as f oll,ows; - 1. That the Treasurer only be authorized to sign cheques issuerl by nim on the an;counts of the Tcwnship of bayham. 2. i`nat this by-law shad re,riain in force until repealled and shall come into force and effect upon the final passing thereof. 3. That the resolution under late of Yay 1st. ly!�)_t providing for the signing of cheques is hereby repealled. k.:kD a third time and finally passed this C�x 7 day of //r l W:;v� 41 ,-L T. ROSS CHAfrtMAN W. T. NUGENT VICE-C"AIRMAN J. M. GILBERTSON LIOUOn UcEnCE BOAAD OF onTAQ10 PI 55 FLEET STREET EAST TORONTO 2 ONTARIO r November 4th., 1 9 5 8 Mr. J.D. Vallee, Clerk & Treasurer, Township of Bayham, Straffordville, Ontario. Dear Sir: Re: --_Agreement with Liquor Licence Board of Ontario This will acknowledge receipt of your letter of the 30th ultimo with reference to the Agreement entered into between The Liquor Licence Board of Ontario and the Municipal Council of your municipality. It is noted that the municipality wishes to cancel the above Agreement in accordance with Clause 5 thereof. The Agreement therefore, will be ter- minated as of the 1st day of December, 1958. SEAL 0 Yours very truly, C. E. Wo0dx0V_—__--=::—=-_ _.' _ Solf:cS�or �... .; .......C . lerk......................... I* Oct. 3oth. 1958, Liquor Licence Board of Ontario, Parliament Buildings, Toronto, Ont, Dear Sirs;- Ref.- Tova,ship of Bayham Agreement dated Feb. 3rd. 1947, In accordance with Clause 5 of the above agreement, the following resolution was duly moved and passed at a meeting of our council on ,.onlay, ,"cte 27th. 1958. "That in accordance with Clause 5 of an agreemtnt between this municipality and the Liquor Licence Board of Ontario, it is herewith resolved that the same be terminated and the Clerk give notice in writin to this effect all of which is contained in By-Lavr No. 1196, dated Feb. 3rd, 1947." Your confirmation of this action to be effectkide one month hence, would be appreciated. SEAL f Yours very truly Clerk of Bayham Twp. I f# .. .. .. .. ... ... ...... ....... .... .�/... .. .................... / • Clerk v It The Corporation of the Tornship of ayham . By -Law Number 1166 A By-law to Ai orize the Entering Into and the Execution of an Agreement with The Liquor Licence Board of Ontario. WHEREAS it is expedient that an agreement be entered into with The Liquor Licence Board of Ontario, pursuant to the authority of section 83 of The Liquor Licence Act, 1946, for the enforcement within the municipality by the members of the police force of the municipality of The Liquor Licence Act, 1946, and the regulations thereunder and The Liquor Control Act and the regulations thereunder; AND WHEREAS the terms of the proposed agreement have been settled and are contained in the draft Memorandum of Agreement attached hereto: BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Council of The Corpora- tion of the Townsrip of i-"ay1_am. 1. That the entering into of the proposed agreement in the terms of the said draft . Memorandum of Agreement is hereby approved and authorized. 2. That the Mayor (o4b Reeve) and Clerk be and they are hereby authorized and directed to sign a Memorandum of Agreement in duplicate in the terms of the said draft Memorandum of Agree- ment and affix thereto the seal of the Corporation. PASSED by the Council of the Corporation of the T i)vi n;; ?i'_ of Ba;; ' ,this err? • day of '�'� , 1947 ............Lf....... Mayor (or Reeve) ......... .,. '............../ :�. ............. ......... Clerk SEAL a 4 Ifemoranbum of agreement made in duplicate this 3rd • day of k`eb. BETWEEN: THE LIQUOR LICENCE BOARD OF ONTARIO, hereinafter called the "Board", and r �hj�to t , 194? OF THE FIRST PART; THE MUNICIPAI. CORPORATION of the Township of , hereinafter called the "Municipality", OF THE SECOND PART; WHEREAS by an Act passed in the Second Session of the Twenty - Second Legislature of Ontario entitled The Liquor Licence Act, 1946, it is provided, 83. Subject to the approval of the Lieutenant -Governor in Council the Board may enter into an agreement with the council of any municipality for the enforcement within the municipality by the council of the provisions of this Act, The Liquor Control Act and the regulations hereunder and thereunder, and may in such agreement provide for the payment to the council of, - (a) a portion of the fees for licences issued in respect of estab- lishments in the municipality; and (b) the fines or any portion of the fines imposed in any prosecu- tions instituted by officers designated by the council pursuant to the agreement, for a violation of this Act, The Liquor Control Act or the regulations hereunder or thereunder within the municipality; AND WHEREAS the Board and the Municipality desire to enter into an agreement pursuant to the said provision; 1166 AND WHEREAS the Municipality has passed by-law No. (a copy of which is attached hereto) to authorize the entering into ana the execution of this agreement; r NOW THEREFORE THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSETH that in consideration of the premises and of the covenants hereinafter mentioned, the parties hereto covenant and agree as follows: 1 j w 1. The Municipality shall designate the members of the police force of the Municipality as officers to enforce within the municipality The Liquor Licence Act, 1946, and the regulations thereunder and The Liquor Control Act and the regulations thereunder. 2. The members of the police force of the Municipality shall at all times diligently and effectively enforce within the Municipality the said Acts and regulations. 3. The Board shall cause to be paid annually to the Municipality twenty per centum of the fees for licences issued in respect of establishments as defined in The Liquor Licence Act, 1946, in the Municipality. 4. The Board shall cause to be paid annually to the Municipality the fines imposed in prosecutions instituted by the members of the police force of the Municipality for violations within the Municipality of The Liquor Licence Act, 1946, or the regulations thereunder or The Liquor Control Act or the regulations thereunder. 5. This agreement may be terminated by either party upon giving the other party one month's notice in writing. 6. This agreement shall come into force upon notice in writing to the parties of its approval by the Lieutenant -Governor in Council. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have duly executed these presents. SIGNED, SEALED THE LIQUOR LICENCE BOARD AND DELIVERED. OF ONTARIO , SEAL SEAL THE CORPORATION OF THE OF Mayor (or Reeve) r R % E (. • ......... .... .............../............. ....... Clerk 1 Ln 0 I* o PIT o0. "t tr I* I Township of beffham. by -Law N o . p& 7 being a by-law to license and regulate taxicabs within the Township of hay ham. WHEREAS it is deemed necessary and expedient to establish regulations for the purpose of governing the operations of taxicabs within the Township of bayham; AND t►bEREAS this authority is provided by Sub -Section 4, Section 423 Chapter 266, R. S. 0o 19373 THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED by the Munioipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of bayham as follows-- 1 ollows 3 - 1. -this by-law may be cited seg the taxicab by-laws, 2. T#at in this by-law "�xicab" shall mean and include an automobile or vehicle drawn, propaYled or driven by any kind of power, for which a license has been issued by the Clerk of the Township of dayham, to carry or transport passengers for hire from any place within the said Township of bayham, 3. That it shall be required that all vehicles as mentioned in above section No. 2 be licenses and that an annual fee of (10.00 for one taxicab and 45.00 for each additional taxicab operated by the owner who is a resident of the Township of bayham and J25.00 for one taxicab and $10.00 for each additional taxicab operated by the owner who is not a resident of the Township of bpyhsm, such license to continue in force for one year from the date of issue and no longer, and such license shall not be transferable. 4. That no vehicle shall be licensed as a taxicab which is not registered in the name of the owner with the Ontario i.epartment of Public highways. 5. That all taxicab licenses shall bear the serial number, license number -and the make and kind of car for which such license is issued. 6. That taxicab operators shall be permitted to charge fares.aaaording to the following schedule provided that the minimum fare shall be •,;?,�'j Daytime fares not to . exoee d atr¢ per mile Nightime' " a a - " .,2,60 n " Daytime fares shall be in effect between the hours of 7 o'clock A.Me and 9 o'elock P.M. A card showing the schedule of fares shall be prominently displayed within the taxicab. 7. That the operators of taxicabs shall be at least twenty-one years of age, of good moral character and fully competent to operate the vehicle under their charge. 8. That no operator of 'a taxicab shall drink any intoxicating liquor during the time he is on duty or at any time use intoxicating liquor to excess. 9• That no license to operate a taxicab be issuEd to ans person with- out the permission and sanction of the Municipal Council of the Township of Hayham. 10. That no license to operate a taxicab be issued to any person who is not covered by 'Passenger Hazard Coverage", which meets with the approval of the Municipal Council, and shall have an endorsement attached to said coverage, making it mandatory for the Insurance Company to nitill ttie Township Clerk should the Policy lapse or be cancelled. 11. That all licensed taxicab- and their operators shall at all times be under the supervision and erection of any and all Police Constables and Police Officers, 12. The operators of taxicabs who transport a person or persons from any - point in the Township of bayhala to any terminal point at the request to such person or persons, shall be entitled to the fare or fares enacted by section six of this by-law and any and every person who refuses . or neglects to pay such fare immediately upon arrival I _ at am such terminal point shall be deemed to have oo-r-mitted an offence against this by -slaw. 13. any person or persons who violate any pf the provisions of this by-law shall for every offense incur a penalty of not less than One Dollar and not more than Fifty Dollars together with the ousts, and in default of immediate payment, to be imprisioned in the common gaol of the (county of Elgin for a pericd not excredirg twenty-one days. 14- All penalties under this bit -law shall be recoverable unler the ­�wvne.ry t�onviotions s.ct. 15. This by-law shall come into force and become effective from the date of the final passing thereof. ,`� �� Read a f�lrst time this %�' day of /),� 194% . head a second time this IC day of ^9j? G hr 194 'ead a third time and fina'lly passed this /C day of /P/9 /' e H 194 t%I v Township of 3ewham. tsy-Law7 being a by-law to license and regulate taxicabs within the Township of" bayham. WhFREitS it is deemed necessary and expedient t':i establish regulations for the purpose of governing the operations of taxicabs within the Township of �3ayham; this authority is nrov ided by �,�ab-Se^tion )t.,';ection ► c3 Chapter G��, R. 0. la �HERIFZ Q <E b�7: IT ENkC2r � by tfie 14unicipal Council f the Corporation of the Township of .3ayham as follows;- 1. 'I.'his by-law may be cited aw the tHxicab by-law34' 2. T#at in this by-law "Taxi•^,ab" shall mean "d inclu,le an automobile or vehicle drawn, propelled or driven by ar�y�ind of power, for which a license has been issuer by the Clem of the Township of bayham►, to carry or transport passengers for hire from any place within the said Township of bayham. 30 That it shall. be required that all vehicles as nentioned in above section No. 2 be l inenses and that an annual fee cf X10.00 for one taxicab and 4 5.00~for each additional taxicab operated by the owner who is a resident of the Township of hayharrn and '2;.00 for one taxicab and x10.00 for each a-lditional taxicab operate) by the owner who is not a resident of the Township of 8fyharn, such license to contirue in force for one year from the date of issue and no lonPIer, and such license shall not be trans .11.c rable . )� . That no vehicle shall be licensed as a taxicab which is not registered in the name of the owner with the Ontario i'>epartment of Public highways. 5. That all taxicab licenses shall bear the serial number, license number and the make and kind of car for which such license is issued. r�. That taxicab operators shall be permitted to charge faret-Acootding to the following schedule provided that the minimum fare shall be •,75� Daytime fares not to exceed per mile N ight'ime it it . Daytime fares shall be in effect between the hours of 7 o'cloc;., A.w'. and 9 o' cio^'K ti card showing the schedule of fares shall be prominently ddsplayed within the taxicab. 7. That the operators of taxjcabs shall be at least twenty -one years of age, c1L . ;noral character aril fully competent to operate the vehicle under their char -5e. E. That no operator of a taxicab shall drink any intoxicating liquor during the time he is -on duty or at any time use intoxicating, liquor to excess. �j. That no license to operate a taxicab be issued to any person viith- out the permission and sanction of the !, unic ipal Council of the Township of Bayham. 10. That no license to operate a taxicab be issued to any person who is not covered by "Passenger Hazard Coverage", which meets with the approval of the Municipal Council, and shall have an endorsement attache;i to sail coverage, making it mandatory for the Insurance Company to ndt ify the Township C'ler k, should the Policy lapse or be cancelled. 11. That all -licensed taxicabs and 'their operators shall at all times be under the supervision and direction of any and all :Police Constables and Police Officers. 12. The operators of taxicabs who transport a person or persons from any : point in the Township of Bayham to any terminal point at the request to such person or persons, shall be entitled to the fare or fares enacted by section six of this by-law and any and every person who refuses or neglects to pay such fare immediately upon arrival 0 2 - at any such ter;ninal point shall be deemed to have committed an offence against this by-law. 13. ,ny person or persons who violate any of the provisions of this by-law shall for every offense incur a penalty of not less than One Dollar and not more than I fifty Dollars together with the * costs, and in default of immediate payment, to be imprisioned in the common gaol of the Uounty of t1gin for a period not exceeding twenty-one days. 14. All penalties under this by-law shall be recoverable un(ler the oun mary u onv ict ions act. 15. This by-law shall come into force and become effective from the date of the final passing thereof. head a f6rst time this /C day of /'2)/)J-? t /1 1947 . head a second time this IC day of �?,/f %��' 1947. Head a third time and finallypassed this �`a of p Y 1941 —mull a - MMM r� 2��! �! I I* clerk' 1 U J.1%. } ATzo�� O THE i' ,1163`1iIP OF LAYHAM Y . L 4t N 0. 2027 a Ly -lana to arena l'y-la01: No. 11"7, licsncinr and ref-ulatinf- taxicab3 within T%in3lhip of �'ayf4�a�. t y—laro. 7Pa33eC.� �:; Y P��u -he Council of t:13 To.rn- Ship of i ay'Da.m on March 10, 1947, provi. a.l. for the liconc. inF anti rs{-ulaLinT of Wxicab3 in th,; Township of - ayha:a. ,'!SID WHEREAS erection r) of the afora jai, '-y-law set out minimum fares and nA axirmum fares par mile. �:� -lie :ares as set out in � 2c tion � oaf the afore— * by-lave are not realistic in today' 3 economy. THERi::FOLLE BE IT Lis ACTED BY THE COTNICIL OF TII� COR2GkLI.i "IC I OF THE• T G .'NS11IP OP - DAYRAM 1, 11 "i'HA -JeCtion 0 1`Y -:law No. 1167 be and the same is =:ere 3y rep,$) o. YD :TIC THII_ TI?` `ND ItUZALLY PA:'):`JF.D TRIS 13th . DkY OF ? ehruary, 19:0, t x the ��,� 1_r of fh, C AM tk the '.t ,�,_ hereb), l . "IL Y of the of tl:;: s � ,._ poised A•� �� of C by �R (..� < 1 ? 19 �l '7 Township of dayliam. by -Law No. //&6 being a by-law to prov ile for the payment to the members Of!' the Council for their attendance at meetings; wHFRrA%'-- it is deemed necessary and expedient that Councillors shoull receive euitable remuneration for their attendance at meeting of the council; AND WHEhEA' tris authority is provided in ;section 114), 1�, sub ection (b) of the Municipal Act, R. &S. 0. 1937; BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Municipal council of the Township of hayham in re��&r session assernbl:,-d as follows;- 1. ollows;- 1. 'Treat members of the N.unicipal Council shall be paid at the rate of � ive Dollars per day for attendance at meetings of the Uouncil. ;CI. That in addition, they shall be paid at tele rate of .101 per mile travelled in going to such meetings. �. That all by -lacus and resolutions previously passed in this respect, be and are hereby repealled. � 15; Fii i /y") �i'1 /3 fl t' !�. Phis by-law shall carne into force and of t ect 3 R i4 7 in Read a first time tills da of .1��� �_ N 19 . Read a second time this day of��� 1947-, Head a third time and finaiiV passed this /Orday of i v r J. 1* i� ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS Toronto 2, April 17th, 1947. Mr. J.D. Vallee,, Clerk, Township of Bayham, Straffordville, Ontario, Dear Sir: - Re: Township of Bayham By -law No . 1169 The attached By-law No. 1169, passed to increase the salary of the present township road superintendent, Mr. H.L. Godwin, to X1,500.00 per annum, from the lst day of January, 1947, has received the approval or the minister of Highways. JAPM: sw Enclosure Yours very truly, I.A.P. Marshall Chief Municipal Engineer G _ao nereoy cerLiiy Lnat the foregoing Is a true copy or t -y Law. No: passed by the council of the said corporation on the �th. day of 11� i1 19-,x- - APPROV 1 P41 • , TJWNSHIP CLERK I 0 IF For�r B- 1-8 EY LAW NIG. 116y A uY LAV, i� APPOTPIT A ROAD SUPFRTNTRINNT Til " ` ! bay flam I,\' THE C0 T`f OF R19 V,HEFrA it is desirable that the :i.ny,ng out z-i.ndof a.11 work and expenditure upon improvement and maintenance, of roa 4s the exclusive juri sdict t on of this council should be under the supervisllon c:;ad superintendent, acting under its direction; A�,IL I%U- EAS it i s the desire cif th_s U. *^ L :e udva�ntage of The Higijua4r Improvement Act ane to receive the Government grant o. pr)vzded in the said Act BE IT THEPF�Rf+.� EtkACTFD by the council of Lite; .^ipa� corporation of the sa_ci townsilip and it is hereby enacted i �.t H. L. od�rin Bayham P.O., Oi1tari0 Th -- (name) is appointed road superintendent in the to ac, -i, as aforesaid in accorcar:c4 with the provisions of the said Act from tr?e lotday of January 19 _ia and during the pleasure of the said council �. That the road supe ri. ntendent shall ba pa : cJ at the rate of $ 1500. Ute °- r year for such time as he be sc, employed 3 THAT _t shall be the duty of the supe -n-, nt to lay out and supervise all work and expenditur.�- on roads within the exclu:-_. jc •jur�.sd_, ction of this township council in accordance with the provisions of the Improvement Act,. 4- THAT all by,laws or parts thereof and a.�:1 and any resolutions of said council contrary hereto or inconsistent herewith, be and the same are hereby repealed 5, THAT two certi fitd copies -of th Ls by ,saw be forwarded by the clerk wi thvut, _relay to the d__str.t et of_fice,of the Municipal Roads Fcanch. Department of" Hi ghways . THAT this by shall not come �.nt- force unti:I approved by the �ini�ter of High -ways. as provided in the Highway vement Act N�tA'tS 111 nt1[3 r�.!. !, S YL' TIME AND i'AS`SZ ,4.� 7th. day of p ri1 19 S ,A:., CLERK REEVE �lall�a Clerk of the Corporat -on of the township of k+i3�-t�1tTp. _�3o hereby certify that Lha forego I.s a true copy of Py Law passu by ttie council of the said corporation cn the 7th. !day c� �►�r it 19.l,�,�_ Wit T" MSHIP CL �~ B. 1.8 DY LAS! A , r,AW- TO A.ppCINIT A i?OAD �UPFRINTFNPE�'T S?`; V1 T '':' �i P IN THF C%U'TY OF i.1KiQ TjE"Fc'ASS it is drs.irable that the lay. ijg ;uL 1,. rvLs.i.on of a. r �.� w0' n: C,li'i,j expenditure upon improvement and maintenance of i the exclusive 'Jurisd?ct�on of tris council sihoul d be under the supr>rv.'' ,an ---f a superintendent. acting �_:-:der ?. is d -i recti.o AME VIEFRIP"'AS it i.4 the desire of th-s t.c advantage of The Highway Improvement Act and tc receive the Government g: -ant: r)ravi ded in ti}e said Act F'I IT THF1't� FUR ` Er#ACTI' D by tie count i' .) ` f .. r;P corpora tion of t, �c sa i d toFtif.shi.p and it is hereby enacted,. v: i"/'� The t ; .i i,a--, . _ :.� _ rataJ L) name) a6dress. s appointed road superintendent in the sa.. d • towns1,. f= to art a.s aforesaid in accordanc(, i wi t: i the provisions o f tree said Act from the L,t rJay o f' J Lt Il ar—;_ 19 and during the pleasure of the said count.,, 2. Theft t.ie road superintendent shall be pa d at the rate of per__ j ear for such time as he be •c. emt�i :� r . 3 THAT Lt shall be the duty of the supe; z ., =::art-�!�rft to lay out and supervise all work and expenditure on roads within the excl.u:. 1: jurisdiction of this township council in accordance with the provisions of the H. e,,; improvement Act„ 4. THAT all by • laws or parts thereof and a.ii any resolutions of said contrary hereto or inconsistent herewith. be and the same are hereby repealed „ THAT two certified cop' es' o f th ,. s by -3,4w be. forwarded by the clerk wi'ti'Ju t ,....Lato the d1str�ct office of the Municipal.Roads.'Bra.nch. Department of Highways E '?'HAT this- by, -law shall not, come .i.rt" force unti..L approved by the Minister of '4jahways. as provided in the Highway Improvement Act READ A TKI PD TIME Ar`D i'ASSFD THi ?t_ . day of .L=4 3 19 -1 — S FA- r r CLEPK REEVE z 11. I* Clerk of ti?� Corporat - n of the township of s; rmn _do hereby certify thc.t Lie foreg,, _ng Is a true copy of Icy Law No. JjCq passed by the council of the said corpora.,. -fin on the day Cf �.pril 7.)WNS HI P CLERK FY LAW NU 116y A PY -LAW TO APFOTA;T A R()AT SUPERINUNTEUT IN T;,`" ``;'11,'"7TLP OF da'yham T N THE COUNTY OF L? Lin . k;7IFPFAS, it is desirable that the lay .ng and upervision of all work and expenditure upon improvement and maintenance of roads; wi f.liin the exclusive jurisdiction of this council, should be under the supervIs on -,f* a .road superintendent,, acting under its direction, A r WIC FRFAS it is the desire of tn:, s coE.; j : T.c U�;.r.e advantage of The Highway Improvement Act and to receive the Government gro t F-1 prJ�vided in the said Act t Pr; I T THRRF"FORT' ENAt by the councl.1 r pra� corporation of the saved towfiship and it is hereby enacted i. That !t• L. Godviin ba;; Ilam C.O., ontario :name } address is appointed road superintendent in the sa:.;.d township to act as aforesaid in accordance with the provisions of the said Act from the lst • day of January 19J.,7 and during the pleasure of the said council 2- That the road superintendent sha-.l be paid at the rate of $ 150U.UO per ye ar for such time as lie : -7 be s r; employed 3 THAT it shall be the duty of the supe:., ; .-.-ndent to lay out and supervise all work and expenditure on roads within the exci.us °s : ,jur.isdiction of this township council in accordance with the provisions of the Improvement Act. 4. THAT all by•la.ws or parts thereof and ail and any resolutions of said council contrary hereto or i"hcons I s tent herew.:th, be and the same are hereby repealed' v 5. THAT , t•wo certified top K es - o f , th s by-] aw be forwarded by the clerk wi tbou t delay to the d_? strict office of the Nunielpa.l Reads Prani,:h. Department of* Hi ghways. 6, THAT this by-law shall not come nt,D force until approved by the Minister of Highways, as provided in the. Highway Improvement Act, PFA, A T'HIFD TIME. AND PASSF% THIS 7tho day of npril 19 h7 SEAL r � � 70t� L CLERK ' REEVE I, J. i)ewey Vallee Clerk of the Corpora.t..,:on of the township of i�a�r'rlela _do hereby certify that t;hc foregoing t.s a true copy of Py Law,. No liber passed by the council of the said corpordt: o n on the �th • day o f April 19_ . C i' TOWNSHI CLERK 40 :I I j.aw '`JC. 117U Township of bay-Iam. tieing a by-law to appoint an Assessor and Poi; Tax Collector for the `i'ownship of bayham for the year 1947. :-:,c, it is necessary and expedient, that the above a- nc ointment 'i'ht':ks. f•O r. i3L IT E NAc TUI`!: by tt,e vunicipal Council of the Township of nayham as f cllo.Ys ; - 1. That ';urray enabau-h be a:.poirte.l Assessor r o t S , f he rl o�vn..��in of Kayfmm for the year 1547 at a lln,alary of F;EUU.GU. �. That k urray ;telnabaurrh t.e anroint_:d Doff; Tax Uollector of t'r.e -llownship of t--�ayham f or tie year 15117 dee for same to be 10% of ^11 doq tax collected. tread a thirl time and finally passu this � �- gay of 1;x.7• eeve. 4 K� I I* b r,y-Law No. 1171. ,1'ownsnip of Saynam. being a Hy -Law to adopt the assessment on which the taxes shall be levied for the year 1947, to levy- the taxes for the year 19%7 and to provide for tie collection thereof. WHEREAS by by -Law No. 1067 of the 'Powtiship of bayham, passed on the 5th, lay of rebruary 1940, the Council of the said Township provided for the making of .the assessment of the Municipality prior to the 30th. day of September, 15L6, as the assessment .on which the rate of taxation for the year 1947 should be levied; AND '4HERr:A: the assessment roll containing the assessment mads as aforesaid was revised, corrected and passed by the Court of Revision of the said Township on the 2nd. day of December., 1546; ,r,ND WHEREAb there,�ere no appeals from the Court of Revision or that all appeals from th.c Court of Revision have been heard and (?ecided; AND WHI"E :A� it is expedient to adopt the said a sessment as the assess- ment on ,-;hich the rate of taxation for the year 1947 shall be levied; AND �1HFhI:r� it is necessary an(i expedient to levy on the whole rate- able property according to the last revised assessment roll of the said 'township the sum of � 8,?, 000. cDfor the general purposes of the raid Township for the current year, for the payment of the county rate for the current year, and for the purpose of defraying part of the expenses of rublic and High School education, and other purposes; ` h'. RIEFORh Thl—. C:;U13(;1L GI THE CORPORATION O' THI TC NLzd .HIF CI BAYtiAN► ENACTS AS FOI:Lt�'N5;- 1. That the assessment contained in the of, i3ayham as made pursuant to by -Law No, and as revised, corrected and passed by t.ounty Judge, be and the same is hereby assessment on which the rate of taxation levied, assessment roll of the Township 1067 of, the said 'Township the court ofctev is ion and adopted and confirmed as the for the year 1547 shall be �. That the said assessment roll'be and the same is hereby adopted and confirmed as the last' revised as-s.essment roll for the laid 'township. 3. That, for the purpose of providing the sum of 41,110, 7.5"D.0 o for the general purposes of the corporation, including the amount required for County rates and other purposes for the current year, a rate of 14./ mills in the dollar be and the same is hereby levied for the year 1947 upon the whole of the said assessment of the said Township according to the last revised assessment roll which is made up as follows;- ueneral Rate-----------------fQ.0mills being J/• p mills less 1 mill deduction as provided by the Ontario uovernment .pubs is y. uounty nate------------------ g.1 mills l.;.. -'hat, in addition, for the purpose of providing the sum of t.3, ' 9ev,00 for rublic ..,drool education for the current year, the following mill„ rates be and the same are hereby levied for the year 1947 -upon the respective portions of the said assessment of the'Public School stpporters of the Emaid -township according; to the last revised assessment roll, as indicated hereunder; - General rublic school Rate on assessment of 4- mills (Vienna ,->chool erection not includedi public "chool .vection No. 1 on assessment of 171,3,455. -- 6.7 mills 2 X7,793• --1E.1 3 120,075. 5.8 �+ 1�t�,153 • i.�. s 5 7h, X03 . -- E . l 6 75.,e-89- -- ► ..1 8 13!4 , 674 . _ _ �-1 9 70-9611. -- 7.0 10 143,75u- 11 109,275. 12 115,97 -- E.1 14 X55, 81- --- 8.3 rublic .,chool erection Ao. 15 on assessment of 1,106,150- --- /�� a>"r-l�lls 16 ;J2,700. --10.8 1� 13113y1. C.1 ld e-LI.U, 010. -- b.1 �3 15e -,U4- -- �,.1 Vienna r-,(J�'�t.. --/S-� and in addition for z)econdary school c(location, on assessment of 2,098,1.12. a rate of 1.5 mills, being; total assessment less sections n,umbere d 2, C and 11. r,nd also in addition for econdary sch(jol education, for t_ast .lgin High uchool purposes on assessment of 1cf1, )-);..,being s--ctions , and 11, a rate of ;�.0 mills. The above rates leviel for school -purposes have been r`rlucea by an amount equal in total to t 31, !_53.U0, rer:e ivec.? by the respective boards from the iJrovincial Government towards educational ousts to be for the relief of Nation on real estate. r .v .rnat, in addition, for the purpose of providing the sum of �21"-,00.00 for 'necessary expenditure in the rolice Village of Tort _�3urwell f'or the current year, and for the purpose of providing the sum cf for street lighting purpoQes in the Hamlet of S;traffordville for the current, year, the followinr rr.i ll rates be and the same ars: nereb-,r levier for the year 1947 upon the following assessment actor',Iinw to the last revise -3 as: a-sment roll of the said Township; Poli -e Village of Port Burwell, asses s-ment of t 219, 639. -- 11.4 mills ,-tra f fordvilie ;Dtreet Lights 6. The Clerk shall prepare and deliver the Collector's i.­,oll to the nolle ct or on or before the l irst day of June 1947- 7- 9 .7. 7. x.11 taxes of other special .rates shall be oairl into ti -le (,ffice of the collector or 'i reasurer of the Township of Baynam or into the Branches of` the Canadian Bank of Corrumerce at Straf forJville, Port burvvell and Tillsonbur` . c. Taxes shall become payable one-half- on or before July ?-lst. 1947 and one-half on or before Iecember 2uth. 19)_ 7. renalties for non- payment :nen due and discounts for pre -payment of taxes shall be as provided for in icy-La'v• No. 100 and amendments thereto of the saic9 Township of :gay na:ti. 9. The uollFctor shall Y:aVe tc,e privilege of mailing the tax notices • to the several tax pagers if rye so desires. 10. of ter fourteen days notice, tr.e +.;oll::ctor or tris Hailif f' may seize any goods for unpaid taxes. READ a third time and finally passer? in open Uouncil tris day of � 1J47. A. I.) eeve, 4 e r_ L " 3 Ki 4 0 v► by -Law N o . / / 7 2 --- Township of Bayham. being a by -lax to appoint rence-Viewers and round -Keepers in and for the 'Township of bayham for the year 1947 A.D. WHEREAS it is deemed necessary and expedient to appoint these officers in and for the 'Township of bayharn for the year 1947; .y BE IT THERFFOME ENACTED by the Municipal t,ouncil of the 'Township of baynam in regular session assembled that the following appointments be and are hereby made for the year 1947 A.D* rehee-Viewers for 1947 Lloyd Jackson, R.R.1, Vienna Earl Woodworth, K.R.1, rt. Burwell mm. Berden, bayham rred Benner, bayham zrnest Holman, Atraffordville Carman ball, Eden Horace Hague., R A, �traf f ordv ille Geos o. hlliott,H.5, Tillsonburg Lloyd Herron, rort Burwell Geo, rrocunier, k.R.l, Ingersoll Robt.Jackson, H.1, otraffordville Geo. Rozell, R.R.6, nylmer Hlva Brinn, H.R.6, Tillsonburg reed Ball, otraffordville Alonzo Hage11, Corinth Willard Mc«�llistpr,otraffordville G'_n� /�'/Q/ 161'• V Young -Keepers for 1947- Earl n9odworth 'L oms on Robt. Garnham John A. Jacksoin Morley Hotchkiss Horace Hague rim. brinn heg . M c+ju iggan Robt. Jackson Judson ball J. D. z)tewart a4 Geo. rrocunier %,ecil beemer ularence "olfe Hoy Nevill ' Ernest Holrnan'ra'- W . L. White Wm. Webber Geo. Green READ a third time and finally passed this 5th. day of May, 1947. 1* 0 4 r i r 0 By -Law No. 11 .7 ], Township of Bayham. Being a by-law to amend By -Law No. 1136 of the Township of Bayham. WHEREAS by Provincial Statutes it is necessary that this by-law be changed to conform therewith; THEREFOR: BE IT ENACTED by the Municipal Council of the Township of Bayham;- 1, ayham;- 1. That Clause 3 of Township of Bayham By -Law No. 1136 shall and is hereby amend.f,- " to read as dollows -" That the last two sentences of Clause 3 of by -Law No. 1067 shall be amended to read as follows - Provided that a discount of one-half of one percent for each 30 days shall be allowed on taxes paid before due in each year. Provided further that a penalty of one-half of one percent for each 30 days or portion thereof, shall be added to all taxes not paid when clue." READ a third time and fir -ally passed this day of 1947. r FRT eeve. Cler w V t I m ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS OFFICE OF THE DEPUTY MINISTER Toronto 2, July 21st 1947. Mr. J. D. Vallee, Clerk -Treasurer, Twp. of Bayham, Straffordville, Ontario. Dc".r E it : to IN REPLY REFER TO FILE I have been instructed b; the Honourable G. H. Dunbar, Minis ter of Municipal Affairs, in compliance with. your request of July 9th, to return one copy of By-h-Aw # 1174 v.1 th the Depa. rtn ent t Z. approved endorsed thereon. '47 A.0/GG Attachment. De partme. this i ,y I Yours very truly, t W. A. Orr, Acting Deputy Minister, Lrs 1947• a I* 10 I I._ By -Law No. // 1 Township of 8a7ham. being a by-law to provide for a grant to the Board of Park Management of Memorial Park at Port Burwell for upkeep purposes. WHEREIiS paragraph 30 of section 4a4 of tree , unitipal Act provides that by -lava may be passed by the Council of all Municipalities, subject to the approval of the Department of Municipal Affairs, for making grants for Memorial Parks; THEREFORE the Municipal Corporation of the Township of bayham 9bacsts as follows;. - 1, That ttie sum of Six ±iundred Dollars ($600.00) be provided out of current funis for the purpose of making a grant to the board of Management of Memorial Park at Port Burwell for upkeep purposes. 2. That this by-law shall come into force upon receiving the approval of the Department of Municipal Affairs. READ a first time in open Council this ay of July, 1947- A READ a second: time in open Council this 7�'day of July, 1947.. READ a�third tine in open Council and finally passed this J day of July, 1947. t e rky� t / •• •, r r APPROVE -f) by the Department of llun cipa],�Affairs this i :i day of, �, 1947. ti 1 a I* By -Law No* 1174 - Township 1!"T Township of Bayham. Being a by-law to provide for a grant to the Boovd of Park IMaAagement of Memorial Park at Port Burwell for upkeep purposes. WHEREAS paragraph 30 of section 404 of the Municipal Act provides that by-laws may be passed by the Council of all Municipalities.* subject, to the approval of the Department of Municipal Affairs, for making grants for Memorial Pari THEREFORE the Municipal Corporation of the Township of Bayha~n ebacts as follows; - 0 1. That the sum of Six Hundred Dollars ($600.00) be provided out of current funds for the purpose of making a grant to the Board of Mamagesent of Memorial Park at Port Burwell for upkeep purposes. 2. That this by-law shall come into force upon receiving the approval of the Department of ; P ureic ips.l Affairs. READ a first. tante in open Council this 7 day of July, 1947# READ a second time in open Council this 7 day of July, 1947. READ a third time in open Council and finally passed this day of July, 19.7. APPROVED by the Department of Municipal Affairs thin day of , 1947* r' 17 er 0 by -Law No. // 7 Township of .Bayham. Being a by --lav to fix the day for nominations and elections for Municipal Counc Illors an:d any other local Boards in the Township of Ba yhatn . WHERFAS Chap. 60, Sec. ;5 of the ttevise: :-tat:ites of Ontario as amended in 1947, provi1es that the day fixed for nominations mast be at least 7 days prior-°-t**oo"" the .iay fixed for polling; THFRFFOFtE BE IT ENACTED .BY THE MUNICIPAL COUINCIL of the 'Township of Bayharn as fol lovas ; - FR�DAN 1. ThatItHmg the last Amy in november shall be the day fixed for the holddng the nominations, for Municipal Council and other local Boards in the Township of Bayham ani such nominations shall be held at the Township hall at Utraf f'ordville at the hour of Q C;, 0 eK' SECOND ¢�"m' 2. That the IL-� Monlay in December shall be the day fixe -,i for the holding of the Municipal ]Flections for couricil anti other local L)oards in the said Township of Bayham and t_ze polls shall be open from nine o' clot � A.M . to five o' clock P.M. 3. By-laws `dumb-re:d 1017, 1026 and i15? are hereby repealed. J�. This by -lair shall remain in foree from year to year until repealed. READ a firdt, second and third time and finally passer in open �P P. p !3k k Council this 6 day of A e � 19J� 11 4_'.7� ff!� By -Law No. Township of Bayham. Being a by-law to provide for the holding of the Miunioipal Elections in the Municipality of the ':Township of �bayham for the year 1947 , A.D. and for the appointing of Deputy Returning Officers as well as Poll Clerks and Polling ?laces in the several Polling Sub -Divisions in the said Municipality of the Township of Hayham. BE IT THERF�OHF ENACTED by the Council of the Township of Bayham in regular session assembled; - That, providing more persons qualify for election to office than are N required to fill the various offices, an election be held on Dec. T" 154 7 as according to Township of bayham By -Law No. ! 17,) , and in accordance with tr,�e provisions of the Municipal A..lecttons Act. That, the election for Sub -Division No. 1 of the Municipality shall be held at the Police Hall in the Village of Port Burwell; and that 11A0WRRD C1111 -TC- shall be Deputy Returning Officer and that TNomAS .'4410 T 7.' shall be Poll Clerk for the said Sub -:div. That the election for Sub -Division No. 2 shall be held. at or near the home of FREP 6AWCR in the said. Sub -Division; an d that /Y. e. r- me /, Son! shall be Deputy Returning Officer and that /'RSD 1319h1R shall be Poll Clerk for the said Sub -Div. That the election for Sub -Division No. 3 shall be held at or near the Smuck School House in the said Sub -Division; and that o 0007 J-/3Gff5on! shall be Deputy Returning Officer and that RA y #t/RSToN shall be Poll Clerk in the said Sub -Div. That the election for Sub -Division No. 4 shall be held at the Township hall in the said :;ub-Pivi,--_ ion; and that 9,ff)FY P i'AAivT shall be Deputy Returning Officer and that /7oR/17191/ DiCk' shall be Poll Clerk in the said Sub -Div. That the election for ::ub-Division No. 5 shall be held, at the 'Aoments Institute Fig11 in t1e Hamlet of Corinth; and that W19k ,`xzzC /Y91_So/,( shall be Deputy Returning Officer and that CHI/ S- -ft), ' 1e( LL shall be Poll Clerk in the sail Sub -Div. That the election forSub-Division No. 6 shall be held at the School Hall in the Hamlet of Eden; and that 1-C)TFnlZo 4,E19CN shall be Deputy Returning Officer and that CNi9S. h'47-Cnl9i3Aw shall be Poll Clerk in the said Sub -Div. 'That the election forSub-Division No. 7 shall be held at or near SCNooj- #V L) 54-: in the hamlet of Richmond; and that FlfED PReCOAv1,12-R shall be Deputy +'returning Officer and that �TZAIN/E ffT ff1,A1scN shall be Poll Clerk in the said Sub -Div. That the election for Sub -Division No. 8 shall be held at or near tale resi,lence of Dov,'/ *,9 PlfE sskY in the said Sub -Division; and that- i;SA M17 -t#441- shall be Deputy Returning Officer and that MuRp/9Y l01A,SvNshall be Poll Clerk of the said Sub -Div. AND THAT the said Deputy Returning Officers and Poll Clerks be and " they are hereby authorized and required to hold the said Muniolpal Elections in accordance with the Itct and to provide for voting b� ballots at the said elections. -ru . Read a first, second and third time and finally passed t7his 6____ day of 0 n .._0 U£ f• 194 10 0 NJ Ln BY-Lavi 1-.o. / 7 % of the i.'.uni ci-nal Cor por ° Zion of the Tovinsillil of 3ayaan. l B --law for regulati.n= the location, erection and use of stables, arac,es, barns, outhouses and manure nits in accordance with ;.section 423, subsection lw of the i:-unicinal _yet, Chapter &266, R.S.O. 197. 'Die l -uni. cipal Corporation or -che `l o•,.-nshin of -'3ayham, in the County of l ;�i.n, enacts as fo:ilms: 1. In this BY-laxl, -- (a) "Stables" and "Barns" shall 1_-e an and include any building ::here horses, cattle , shee-, shine , ,;oats, mules, ponies or siidlar livestock are I ept or sheltered; (b) "Outhouses" shall Tn can and include chicl:en Douses kennels and other buildin;:;s used to shelter �oultri-, 'o rl or ogler ani . als and also nriw,,� ; (c) "Gara,; - w - the plan of the =Tillage of .qtr. -f f ordvi lle and on the .past by a line dra.-in parallel ".ri th the Flank Zoad and 1io Hundred +'ee t Easterly therefroia; and also the area beinr7 a part of Lot One Hundred an aenty-five in the mirth Concession of the To:'mshin of Bayliam which is bounded on the forth by the Talbot '.-?.oad; on the East by the right-of- �°gay, of the Tillsonburg Labe Brie and Pacific Railway (coior_ly kno.th -;n as Lmie Canadian Pacific Railway) ; on the LSouth by the extension :paste rly of the uoutherl4r� limit of i _ain street and on elle -.gest by remstered elan of the Villa -7e of 'j Ura f 'ordville, 20 :tables, barns and _:�anure nits shall not be located less than One 1-1undred ;,lards from any residence in the defined areas. If a neal;;r erected residence is closer than the said One I'undred yards then on reruest of the ovner of the said residence the I.-uni ci-nal Counei'l of the To-� nshi.p of Bayham may by resolut i.on re quire any such stable, barn or i.tanure -oi t to be re l-oved so that it shall be located not less than One =hundred yards from such nevj1J� erected residence, 1. Outhouses shall be erected or used only rli _ tl e aprroval of the :edi cal Officer of l;ealth for the r o-,--insilin of Bayhara as to tyT e and location in the defined areas. 4. Garages shall be erected and operated in the defined areas only vrith the consent as evidenced by resolution duly -naased by the ,u_nici- al Council of the ' olwnship of Bayham. 5, This By-law shall. not apple to any bui ldi.An at pre sent erected and in use for the above purposes unless by resolution y of the '.:unicipal Council of the To-.mship of Bayllana the same shall be placed under the restrictions set out in this By-law. 6. The I:--uniciT?al Council of the ;zo-,Mship of Bayhar- may by resolution remove any building or buildinCs from the provisions of this By -lair dhere it is deemed that the provisions hereof - 3 - prove an unreasonaole hardshi ,� on the o-:rner of the said bui ldi n-. 7. '-,"i:e provi si ons of this By-law shall be enforced in the same Winner and ;pith the same penalties as a ,�r-la►'r under the provisions of tele 1:'ublic hLealth Dict of the Province of j. Ontario. This Bir-lavr shall tale effect on the date hereof. Passed this � % `"` da,r of. -��. 194 r" _ 7 . e e ve . :■ I '�T // 7 of the . By -Law lo . 'uni ci ►)al Corporation of the 1Ovmship of Bayhmi. ri By-la.v for reculaui.n. tl, location, e�ection and use of stables, n•arages, barns, outhouses and tenure -oits In accordance vri these ct ibn �3ubse cti on 12 of the 1�.uni ci�,al Act , Chapter 266, 19,)7. 9 BF -Law No. //70' of . the t unicipal Cor_)orr,tion of the Township of Bayhan. A B,; -lavi for regulatin tine location, erection and use of s t:lblos, -ara es, barns, outhouses and manure "nits in, accordance with jection 423", subsection 192 of tine . unicipal :pct, Chn- ter 266, A.S.Q. 1937. The T,�unieipal Corporation of the Tu..-nshi-=­.� of P yl?am, in V -B Count.) of El. ;in, enacts as foi.lovis: 1, In this By -law, -- (a) "Stables" and "Barns" shall -ean wid include any building yhere horses, cattle, s1leep, si,aine , -oats, _pules, ponies or si�:ilar livestock are Dept or sheltered; (b) "Outhouses" shall mean anal include chicken houses kennels and other buildings used to shelter poultry, f o .l or other ani _gals and also privy; { c } "saraCes" sliliall .ean and include all '-,;ara, es used f.or comercial and business purposes* (d) "Defined ."ire as" s' is ll _- ea _-. and include the lands tiIich are sTu'-divided and included in the plans vl.ich are registered in the Registry Office for the Cou iti of i' t •' n of the Vi llaEp of Eden, the Vi llla ,,c of Corinth , the Vi ll.a ` of P,i eh::ond, the Vi _} laI;e of Port Durviell with ad j oinin.; subdivided area as shot on registered dans and the Villa of �traff ordvi lle including the area beim; a part of Lot One Ifundred and I%mnty-f our in the Sixth Concession of the Township of Bay ham bounded on the Torth by the filo a Yea�pr Dot ; on the 'sfest by, the Plank Road; on the South by the line YA-4ich is the '4esterly extension of the Sout_erly li.::at \`of Lot Tw6lve gest of the :'lank- Road accordin" to 11 . 2 the plan of the Villae of .-')"traffordville and on the ast by a line dmim parallel. .d th the Plank- Road and 'faro Hundred Feet Easterly therefro ; and also the area bein a part of .Lot One I:undred and Tc-renty-five in the Sixth Concession of the Totiinshi. of yhanrhich is bounded on t�eorth --ay14 by the Talbot Road; on the mast by the ri -: ht -of - way of the Tillsonburg, Lake _pie and Pacific Railway (com- only kno;ln as the Canadian Pacific Railvjay); on the South by the exten ion Jasterly of the ')'outherly li dt of '::ain �""treet and on the ,a`est by registered plan of t11,.e Villa, -_p of St raf f or dvi lle 2. Stables, barns and -Lanurc pits s1lall not be located less than one Hundred yards frcz any residence in the defined areas. If a newly erected residence is closer than the said One izundred yards then on re clue st of the omer of the said residence the Eunicipal Council of the Tmnshi.p of Bayhm1 may by resolution regAre anl; such stable, barn or Manure ���it t o be rel owed so >. that it &,a.11 be located not less than One hundred ;Yards from such newly erected residence. 3. outhouses shall be erected or used only u -i th the a Uroval of the :.:edi cal Officer of ire alth for thi e Tok�nship of Bayhexi as to type and location in the defined areas, 4, Garages shall b l erected and o�era.ted in t1r defined areas only with the con-%nt as evidenced by resolution duly passed by the ::unieival Council of the to►M-sl::i : of Bayha . 5. This By-law shall not apply to any buildinc at 1,iesent erected and in use for the above urpJoses unless by resolution of the Yuni cipal Council of the Tov nshi ,� of Bayl.m the same shall be placed under the restrictions set out in this By-lavr. o. '11-i: t`unicipal Council of the Tovmshi-p of Bayhan may by resolution remove any bui ld inC, or build inC s fr r the -)ro vi si ons ,of this By-1,jiv Pjhere it is deer -ed that the provisions hereof n M► , w prove an unreasonable hardshi ; - on tl:e ovine r of the said building. 7, If,,e provi si ons of this By-law shat 1. be enforced in the same immer and with the saLe penalties as a By -later under the provisions of the Public health 'ct of the Province of Ont ari o . This By-law shall tame effect on the date hereof. Passed this a d of lei t ay , 197. Reeve . Clerk . k r Bye -Lav N, o . % / % % of the Mbni ci; al Corporation of i he Tormshjp of D6 y ha. -.. A %r -law for re L,ulatin Us location, ei-c773,ction and use . of stables, �-ara�'es, barns r' outhouses Ln Lanuro- pits in accordance with Je ct ion 9:23 Jub se cti on 12 of the D uni ci pal Act, Chapter 266, R. 0. 15377. BAYHAA TOWNSHIP BYLAW RECORDS BYLAWS [ 1229-1632 ] FILE # 28 ----- __ M- ------ -------------------------------- ------._,.. Bylaw # Date Subject 1229 2 Apr 51 Appoint a road superintendent. 1230 2 Apr 51 Alter the boundaries fo P.S. Sec. No.16. 1231 7 May 51 Adopt the assessment on which taxes shall be levied. 1232 7 May 51 Set apart the Township School Area of Vienna and Bayham. 1233 7 May 51 Amend bylaw No. 1221. 1234 7 May 51 Amend bylaw No. 1225. 1237 4 Jun 51 Amend bylaw No. 1221. 1238 3 Jul 51 Authorize the borrowing of $ 25,000.00. 1239 3 Jul 51 Establish a Comrm1nity Centre at Eden. 1240 4 Sept 51 Provide for additional road expenditures for 1951. 1241 4 Sept 51 Limit the weight of vehicles passing over bridges in Bayham.- 1242 4 Sept 51 Designate during what period the assessment shall be'made;' 1243 4 Sept 51 Change the time for holding the Court Revision., 1245 1�Oct 51 Authorize the borrowing of $ 20,000.00. 1246 29 Oct 51 Provide for the holding of the Munc. elections. 1247 15 Dec 51 Authorize the borrowing of $ 20,000.00. 1255 ? Nov 36 Discontinue the Vienna H. S. District. 1275 26 Nov 37 Withdraw the Township of Bayham from the Vienna H.S. District. 1279 4 May 53 Establish rules and regulations with respect to the Calton . Cemetery. 1341 13 Jun 40 Piivilege of collecting taxes. K 1366 13 Jun 41 Revert a road in the Township of Bayham. 1390 13 Jun 42 Revert roads in Bayham, Aldborough. and Dunwich. 1393 6 Apr 59 Provide for the allowing of a discount on taxes paid. 1427 15 Jun 44 Confirm bylaw No. 1114. 1431 15 Jun 44 Revert roads in Bayham. 1446 19 Jan 45 Confirm bylaw no. 1181 BAY11AM BYLAW RECORDS BYLAWS j 1229-1632 ] FILE # 28 cont. Bylaw # Date Subject 1462 22 Nov 45 TO license public eateries. 1498 24 Jan 47 Amend •bylaw ,No. 1478. 1499 23 Jan 47 Regulate the Cutting of Trees. 1502 12 Jun 47 Confirm bylaw No. 1158. 1505 12 Jun 47 Amend bylaw No. 1478. 1506 12 Jan 47 Annex Area to the East H. S. Distirct. 1526 23 Mar 48 Incorporate the village of Port Burwell. 1632 17 Jun 53 Amend bylaw No. 1478. Plus six unsigned and undated bylaw copies. M s 1M 16 By-law No. 1498, To Annex ilrea to the East Elgin High School Distriot and Amend BY -Law No. 1478. WHEREAS the Township of Bayham has requested the addition of the following area to the East Agin High .3ohool Dis riot AND JHEli&, 3 Chapter 37, Section 1 A. S. 0. 1946 makes provision for the same, The Council of the Corporation of the County of Ellin enacts: That the following area be and is hereby annexed to the East Elgin High School District: North Gore - Lots 7, 8, 9 and 10 Concession 8 - Lots 1 to 10 and North halves of 11 and 15 inclusive Concession 9 - lots 1 to 11 and South halves of 12 to 15 inclusive Concession 10 - Lots 1 to 8 and south halves of 9 and 10 in the Township of Bayham, County of Elgin. That subject to the approval of the Minister of &duoa4ion By-law No. 1478 is amonded accordingly. Read a first time this 24th day of January 1947. Read a second time this 24th day of January 1947, Read a third time and finally passed this 24th day of January 1947. J. D.Thonson James .. ,,c3ain Clerk . Warden By -Law No. 1498. To Annex nrea to the Hast Elgin � Huh School District and wend By -Law Tdo. 1478. Passed January 24th, 1947. Certified Correct / County Clerk. By -Law number 1499. Of the Municipal Corporation of the County of :Agin to regulate the Cutting of Trees. 1MIU'US it has beooi::e expedient for the general welfare of the County that the woodlands therein be preserved and improved AND 'WH&RW the Trees Conservation Act, Statutes of Ontario 1948, Chapter 102, :3ection 1, empowers the Council of any Cgkuty to pass by -lava, (a) restricting and regulating the cutting of trees in any part of the county; and (b) providing for the appointiLient of officers to enforce the provisions of any by-law passed under this section TH&,!sFORA IT IS H:RHBY NAC22D: 1. That no cedar or black locust tree of a diameter of less than five inches nor any other tree of a diameter less than twelve inches, measured four and one-half feet from the ground shall be out by any person %hthin the County. Z. This'by-law shall not apply to (a) 'hinging operations and improvement cuttings but these operations must be carried out according to approved forestry practices. (b) The cutting of Christmas trees. 3. Where in the considered opinion of the tree conservation officers special conditions exist which warrant the cutting of trees protected by section 1 of this by-law the offioers'may issue a permit for the cutting of such trees. 4. In the cutting or removal of any trees no person shall conduct his operations as to unnecessarily injure or damage any other trees. 5. No person shall out trees or carry on l uabering or other forest operations adjacent to a public road within the County unless there shall be left along the said road or roads a belt of trees Sixty-six feet in width from the adjacent limit of the road allo-anee from which may be removed only such trees as iauy be approved and i.;arked by someone authorized by the County 'Tree Conservation Officers. By -Law ido. 1499. ,S To iiegulate the Cutting of Trees. Passed 7anuary 24tbt, 1947. C:rtified Cor_•ect County Cla_k. 9 p yyLL Q sy-law 2.0. 1502 COIdFTi A i3v^:: r ;bo. 1159 of the Ca uoil of the Tcnrsiahip of Baybam for clouink ai;d stopping up a0portion of Second 3treat in the 11amlet of ,4don in the jowLnAiip uV r3uyIaay. x612 iii S the 'Council of the 2avnailip of Bayham aid on vile 28th day of Ootobor 1943 :Finally pars their :sy«Jjxyj I•Io. 1158 to atop up and close that part of Llia said Road in utas aul-A :�Iowrnaliip and hereina-fter described, and ldiis'ati:rw by aubsectior. 6 of :5a06ion 4195 of the '..:uaicipal Act It is enacted as follomi "A By -Tari of the council of a t'ovaisuip, paLiaod tuuier the authority conferred by clause (o) uz auba",;ioa 1, In the euae of u to,.ns;;ip in u.noriumized territory, shell not have any .force uulaaa and uabil an.roved by a Judge of the District Court of Who diai:riot in � hich Who townehip is situr:to;F, fetid in otixor caa:;s urilos s and inti]. confirm -d by a by-lavi of tixa coiuxeil of viiu ocurity in _)Aoh the t'o�%,nshlp is situutad pa_:a,ad at an ordinary raeuting of the council hold no'.: sooner Chun ulirou rsont;xs or later than ono year* inter t -;e pa:;:.Ins ul ;tip by-laxu of the council of the tv.-muuip" ansa 'lilLs'RJS", U the said tvv nahip of '.Riyham i:r aituiate in 6i.o Ou:dl ty of clgin and the said Council of tho said to.,nahip uav3 applied to fr this Council to puss ca. by-1acv bo.nfirra.i; i blie :st-la b; =favi Yo. 1071 at. the current, ovdinary and regular sittings of Whxs Council commencing on the 10th day of i; uae A. J. , 1949 the atua buing held not soonor than three stiont;:s nor l:ct sr titan cn,; ;lata ai bar• trio passing of said By -Tau No. 1158 of tiro :said Cou.tcil of t.o 'ovaras.aip of c ayham and it appears grop,.r that- t'nu acid by -lira shall be confirmed. 'tft1,ez11u3 it is decraod nsoessury to clojo up tixct portion rT 3coond atreet in the i:asalct of Ed= eo;xr:Pacin(; cit the intersection of the C rly boundary of said 3oeond :Aruet ;ilWi the ;.esterly bouad.u.`y of ip ofBayhan •Lot nmiborcd 23, Concession sJ, thence proceed south easerly alone; the southerly limit o:' eaid :;uoond .>tr., t to the Westerly limit of Provi noial liil h..ay L;o. 10, thence uorbit "castorly along, the tiroostarly lUdt of said Iii_I?h::ay Ito. 19. a diata).oe of Afcoun ieet, thence north c4estorl y . pcsallul ;.ic;; tL•u scut:rurn oouudary or said ­oeoud z;troet- to the wostorly liiAt of uaid `..'o_mhip of Dayhom lot numbered 28, to 1;1,u point of bot inning. XFJ "cfi ;iia AS t;iis portion of ;aoo: xi itroot is not at pxosent used by the travellizZ publio anti wlierous a pavI.Ion of a permanoat buildi:lf,, omiod by a ru .apayor of udJoinint; laud, projects over on this portion o: said szroat; ,,,JU) Ii W' S it is doomd neces,ury and axpediont that tUs potion of said at.roat be stopped up and o1wed. TIIU:t::.olu IT :; ?'. C' _ :) .i.i <li COURCIL C;: ..;. , UO.i,'().L ':i U1 G'? 1'f ii C01,02t O- J1.S1IS3•a That, t,et portion of :second Litroet in tiw iiumlut of ;:den, more particularly deneribed as follavw- Co:J.ca:la3ng at Wie intoreeotion of tho south,: ly bound,.iry of dead :docol:d 3troet with the westorly boundary of Town ailii; o« Bayhtst Lot nuiabarod 23, Concession 9, thence proceod uou'Gh ouutorly alone the southerly 11mit of said uoccnd :;Lreot to trio westerly lit3:t of rrov:l:aial iliC)r'lay 110. IV,"i.Jlo"Qo nortil O"Istel:ly alt>at; tao wostorly Iluiit of said II•igh..ay Ivo. 10 a distance of 2iftoua root, Vence roi'•th Fveaturly purcllol with file sollu;A �;; beua3t y of ;aid Soacnd :Am;t to Lki ti:._., :ly 1 D.I. t 02 :arid of lZyham Lot numbored 23, thence southarly along •tho westerly. e limit o: said Lot numbered Z3, tc tho point of bogiw4n_P; be std the swaa is horeaby closed up 'wid stopped. Iioad a first time this i2ti, day of Jt<ue 1967. Read a seoond ti:ao this 12th duy of furl, 1��47. Bead a third tima and finally passed 'chis 12th day of u4o 1347. Torun J. Thomson James ii. i, cHain ........................... ............................ Cl:msL~ 17a.+•ciou By -Law No. 1502. ToConfirm By-iay.' i o. 1158 of the Council of -the Township of Balham for 6; :: i ng and stopping upa portion of S::;ond Street in the Hamlet of".Eden i'. the Township of Bayham. Passed June 12th, 1947. Certifies: Correct County Clerk. 4 -Law No. 1502 TO CONIMM By -Law No. 1158 of the Co _,coil of the Township of Bayham for closing aid stopping up a portion of second Street in the hamlet of ,Aen in the jownship of Bayham. ,&M.US the Council of the Tawnehip of 13ayham fid on the 28th day of October 1948 finally pass their By -Law No. 1158 to atop up and close that part of the said Road in ;.he said Township and hereinafter described, and WHsttr:A3 by subsection a of seculon 495 of the :,:unioipal ,got it is enacted as followst "A By -lam of the council of a township, passod under the authority oonferred by clause (o) of subseotion 1, in the case of a to�:n&iip in unorganized territory, shall not have any force unless and until approved by a Judge of the Distriot Court of the district in .d1ioh the township is situated! and in other ousos unless and until confirmed by a by-law of rho council of ;no county in which the township is.situated paused at an ordinary meeting of the council held not sooner than three months or later than one year after the pauAng of ;fie by-law of the council of the township" and WHARBAS the said township of Bayham is situate in the Co.mty of Ugin and the said Council of the said Powiship hove applied to this Council to pass a by-law ooufirmi;;,.the said by-law No. 14111 at the current, ordinary and regular sittings of Wile Council commencing on the 10th day of June ;.. J., 1947 the same being held not sooner than three months nor later tuan one ;,,our after tae passing of said By -Law No. 1158 of rho said Council of the Township of Bayham and it appears proper that the said by-law shall be confirmed. ?rddR}W it is deemed necessary to close up that portion a Seoond Street in the Hamlet of ;den commencing at the Intersection of the southerly boundary of said second Street with the westerly boundary of Township of Bayham Lot numbered 23, Concession 9, thence proceed south easterly along the southerly limit of said Jeoond .itroot to the westerly limit of Provincial ]iifh.ay No. 18, thence north easterly along the wusterly limit of said 111ghi+ay No. 19.a distance of difteen meet, thence north westerly parallel wit:i tae ucuthern boundary of said Second Street to the westerly limit of said .'o..nship of Bayham 1.ot numbered 23, to tt,e point of beginning. Mage Z. ,um -lIiliiuL,6s tills portion of J000nd Jtreat is not at present used by the travelling public and w1ioroas a ;)ortion of a permanent building, owned by a raLepayur of adjoining laud, projects over on this nortion of said street; AIM '.MRS S it is deemed neoes;�ary and expedient that this portion of said street be stopped up and olosed. THiA"OA IT .I:: �1.:C'231) 3Y 21B COU14CIL Or' 1 1 ,�COii} u:ION OF 'TME COUNZY Od 11 -hat, that portion of Jecond Street in tlio damlet of Aen, more particularly described as follows- Coniaonoing at the intersection of the southerly boundary of said Jocund Jtreet with the westerly boundary of Township of Buyhan Lot numbered 23, Concession 9, thence proceed south easterly along the southerly limit of said duoond Jtroot to the westerly limit of Provincial Highway No. 19, thenoe north easterly along the westerly limit of said High.ay No. 19 a distance of Arteen Feet, t';ence north westerly parallel with the sou6Aorn bouffi ary of said Second 6treot to the wasterly limit of avid Tow:ship of 3ayhom Lot numbered 2.3, thence southerly along the westerly •i limit of said Lot numbered 23, to the point of beginidng; be and the same is hereby closed up and stopped. Read a first time this 12th day of June 1947. Read a second time this 12th day o1 June 1947. Read a third time and finally paused this 12th day of June 1947. Jonn D. Thomson James:i.McBaiij •••...•.•...•••.•...•.•.•.•. .............. 0... .......• Clark , tiIarden By -Law No. 1502. ToConfirm By -Law No. 1158 of the Council of the Township of Bayham for closing and stopping upa portion of Second Street in the Harulet of &den in the Township of Bayham. Passed June 12th, 1947. Certified Correct % County Clerk. A By -Law No. 1505. To Annex Area to the Tillsonburg High School District and Amend By -Law No. 1478. WHEREAS the Township of Bayham has requested the addition of the following area to the Tillsonburg High School District AND WHEREAS Chapter 37, Section 1 R. S. C. 1946 makes provision for the same, The Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts: That the following area be and is hereby annexed to the 2illsonburg High School District: Cone. 11 - All lots 10 to 22 inclusive. Conc. 10 - North halves lots 9 and 10 and all lots 11 to 25 inclusive. Conc. 9 - North halves lots 12, 13 and 14 and all lots 15 to 28 inclusive. Conc. 8 - South halves lots 11 to 15 Incl. and all lots 16 to 26 inclusive. 7 North Gore - All lots 15 to 27 inclusive. Cone. 7 - South halves lots 121 and 122 and all lots 123 to 136 inclusive. Conc. 6 - South halves lots 115 to 118 inclusive and all lots 119 to 136 inclusive. South Gore - All lots 7 to 28 inclusive. Conc. 5 - North halves lots 6 and 8 and all lots 8 to 28 inclusive. Conc. 4 - North half lot 7 and all lots 8 to 28 inclusive. Conc. 3 - North half lot 11 and all lots 12 to 28 inclusive except portions of those within the Village of Vienna. Conc. 2 - North halves lots 12 to 28 inclusive except portions of those within the Village ofViswa That subject to the approval of the Minister of Education By -Law No. 1478 is amended accordingly. Read a first time this 12th day of June 1947. Read a second time this 12th day of June 1947. Read a third time and finally passed this 12th day of June. 1947. John D. Thons on James A. hcBain Cler;;. Warden. By -Law No. 1505. Too ,=eX Area to the Tillsonburg High School District and Amend By -Law ido. 1478. Passed June 12th, 1947. Certified Correct I'_ / 7 , , 1 lRt� i/11.. County Clerk. By -Law No. 1506. To Annex Area to the East Algin high Sohool District and Amend By -Law No. 1478. WHMY3 A3 the Township of Bayham has requested the addition of the follolvintc area to the 13ast Elgin High johool Distrix AND .1EREAS Chapter 37, Section 1 R. s. 0. 1946 makes provision for the same, The Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts: That the following area be and is hereby annexed to the East Agin High School A atriot: North Gore - All lots 11 to 14 inclusive. Cone. 7 - North halves lots 181 and 122 and all lots 115 to 120 inclusive. Cone. 6 - North halves lots 115 to 118 inclusive. Cone. 4 - South halves lots 6 and 7. Cone. 3 - :iouth halves lots 2 and 11 and all lots 3 to 10 inclusive. Cone. 2 - North halves lots 1 to 11 inclusive. in the To•Anship of Bayham, County of .algin. That subject to the approval of the Unister of Sduoation By -Law No. 1478 is amended accordingly. Read a first time this 12th day of June 1947, Read a second time this 12th day of June 1947. 3ead a third time and finally passed this 12th day of.June 1947. John D. Thomson James A. McBain Clerk Marden By -Law No. 1506. To annex Area to the East algin High School District and :':mend By -Law No. 1478. Passed June 12th, 7947. Certified Correct j County Clerk.