HomeMy WebLinkAboutBayham By-Laws 1944BAYHAM TOWNSHIP By -Laws Numbers 1116-1126,14279 1431 1 1944 BAYHAM 'IOWSHIP BYLAW RDCORDS BYLAWS j 1083-1121 ) FILE # 24 01 Bylaw # Date Subject -------------- 1083 3 Mar 41 Appoint an assessor for Bayham for 1941. 1084 3 Mar 41 Adopt thef`assessment on which taxes shall be levied. 1085 7 Apr 41 Authorize the town of Bayham to pay for street lights. 1086 5 May 41 Rescind bylaw No. 1083. 1088 5 May 41 License dogs and regulate the running at large thereof. 1089 5 May 41 Armond Bylaw No 1067. 1090 5 Aug 41 Authorize the Central Pipe Line Crxnp. to construct, use and operate works required for the transmission of gas. 1091 3 Nov 41 Prohibiting, abating or regulating noises in Bayham. 1092 1 Dec 41 Appoint an Acting Medical Officer of Health in Bayham. 1093 5 Jan 42 Authorize the borrowing of $ 35,000.00. 1094 5 Jan 42 Appoint certain officers in Bayham for 1942. 1095 2 Feb 42 Provide for the road expenditures for 1942. 1096 21 Feb 42 Provide for the overexpenditure on roads in Bayham for 1942. 1097 2 Mar 42 Appoint Fence -viewers and Pound -keepers. 1098 4 May 42 Adopt the assessment on which the taxes shall be levied. 1100 8 Sept 42 Provide for the borrowing of $ 5,000.00 for a new school. 1101 8 Sept 42 Provide for the Bell Canada approval to lay lines on highways, streets, and other places. 1002 2 Sept 42 See as bylaw # 1101. 1103 5 Oct 42 Grant leave of Absence to the treasurer. 1106 4 Jan 43 Authorize the borrowing of $ 35,000.00. 1107 4 Jan 43 Appoint certain officers in Bayham for 1943. 1108 1 Feb 43 Provide for the road expenditures for 1943. 1109 1 Mar 43 Appoint a Road Superintendent. 1110 5 Apr 43 Appoint Fence -viewers and Pound -keepers. BAYHAM BYLAW RECORDS BYLAWS j 1083-1121 FILE # 24 cont. Bylaw # Date Subject 1111 5 Apr 43 Adopt the assessment on which taxes shall be levied. 1112 3 May 43 Authorize the }:growing of $ 13,000.00 for a new school. 1113 3 May 43 Provide Bell Canada authorization to lay phone lines on highways in Bayham. 1114 Oct 15 43 Close up road allowance on lots 11 and 12 in Bayham. 1115 1 Nov 43 Provide for the holding of Munc. elections. 1116 3 Jan 44 Aithorize the borrowing of $ 35,000.00. 1117 3 Jan 44 Appoint certain officers in Bayham for 1944. 1118 7 Feb 44 Provide for the road expenditures for 1944. 1119 ? ? 44 Adopt the assessment on which the taxes shall be levied. 1120 3 Apr 44 Appoint Fence --viewers and Pound -keepers. 1121 5 Sept 44 Close road through parts of lots 5 and 6 in Bayham. 0. Form :00-38 Ontario T.OWN5AU ..... O.F.....13AY.HAM.......................... . BY-LAW ........ to authorize the borrowing of S 35, 000.00 Whereas the Council of the Township of Bayham (hereinafter called the "Municipality") deems it necessary to borrow the sum of S 35, 000.00 to meet, until the taxes are collected, the current expenditures of the (Municipality for the year; NOM—Refer And Whereas the total amount of the estimated revenues of the Munici- to the estimates for the current pality as set forth in the estimates adopted for the year 19 43, not including fenr if �oh adopted; °e revenues derivable or derived from arrears of taxes, borrowings and issues of ® y of last year. debentures, is S 60, 000.00 (Delete this paragraph if not X�J��Q�QC,R1iXAAAAlLA1LiJ11Y,lt►llLY1�1�S1A1l��{�A6A1�1.�i1it�GA�J1tJ1�1v/V�Wl1 applicable). XXAYAX1XM",CXXXXX Therefore the Council of the Township of Bayham hereby enacts as follows: 1. The Head and the Treasurer are hereby authorized on behalf of the Municipality to borrow from time to time by way of promissory note from T1iE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE a sum Or sums not exceeding In the aggregate S 35-9000e00 to meet until the taxes are collected the current expenditures of the Municipality for the year, including the amounts required for the purposes mentioned in subsection (1) of section 339 of the Municipal Act, and to give on behalf of the Municipality to the Bank a promissory note or notes sealed with the Corporate Seal and signed by the Head and Treasurer for the moneys so borrowed, with interest, which may be paid in advance or otherwise, at a rate not exceeding f iv e per centum per annum. 2. All sums borrowed pursuant to the authority of this by-law, as well as all other sums borrowed in this year and in previous years from the said Bank for any or all of the purposes mentioned in the said section 339, shall, with interest thereon, be a charge upon the whole of the fevenues of the Municipality for the current year and for all preceding years as and when such revenues are received. 3. The Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to apply in payment of all surds borrowed as'aforesaid-, together with interest thereon, all of the moneys hereafter collected or received either on account or realized in respect of taxes levied for the current year and preceding years or from any other source which may lawfully be applied for such purpose. Passed this Third day of January 19 4. y X .. .......... .............................. THE DEAD 4F TBE MUNICIPALITY SEAL .................��. ............. .7 ...... i CLERK NVe hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By -Law No. 1116 of the Township of Bay ham in the Province of Ontario, duly passed at a meeting of the Council of the said Municipality duly held, and that the said By -Law is in full force and effect. Dated This Third day of January 191 As Witness the Seal of the Township of i3aynam THE HEA F *i:HE MUNICIPALITY SEAL e 1.. ' .�'"� ... ..... C �K m s O Z +-t R O 1 O r� C1a cz m s ._4 Township of Bayham By -Law 13o. ,' Being a3y-l.aw to appoint certain officers in and for the Municipality of the Township of 6ayliam for the year 1944 A.D. BE IT THEftEFOHE ENACTED in regular session assembled;- 1. ssembled;- 1. That (/�J, ('} /'r%/]r�/jl���shall be assessor for the year at a salAry 2. That &Eo• tlft i,FE. shall be member of the Board of Health, 3. That /?067�- M *L E 4AJ and AWN e. 0000/49A/Pshall be Valuators of livestock killed by dogs,at .50� per hoer and .10/ per mile one way. 4. ThatV. t//i),1,k E shall be School At ten'iance Officer at a salary of t,26-. 5. That W. r, rfil ellri.j. shall be Weed Inspector at R salary of 6. That Jr. 9, 11flkKE shall be Secretary of the Board of HeRlth at a salary of /d " ' J� L 7. Tr'lat A/ 9 �%11GN��-l. shall be Collectu.r at a salary of S l/%5�, 8. That In T eHFI, I- shR11 be KPlief Officer at, a salary of t/7,57." 9. That K. E. Grant shall be Voll Tax Collector at a salary of -50,'/' for ' each collect. 1. READ a third time and finally passed In open Council this Third day of January.,191- IL A. D. n eeve. r Cw r .�y b O F� � c+ a1 � F-� � 1 r m n � � w . n � w � � � M O • N �L7 .� -+- /� _. �� w Form B-6 BY-LAW 140. A BY -LAVA TO PROVIDE FOR THE TOTAL 19 EXPENDITURE 0t1 ROADS IN THE TOWNSHIP OF (? t"" IN THE COUNTY OF .J WHEREAS The Highway Improvement Act, Chapter 56, R.S 0L_, 1937 and amendments requires that the total expenditure on t:)w-nship roads and bridges be provided for annually by to,„nhip by-law. THEREFORE the council of the corporation of the said township enacts as follovis: (1) The sum of u '� 000.00 is hereby appropriated from moni s raised b levy 11 and goverment subsidy for total expenditure upon /WtI U4 a^4Z main- tenance of the roads the said to•..nship during the year 12/ 411 as follows: Machinery, /OO'r a Superintendence .00C.yy Maintenance & Repair Total Estimated Expenditure —$ (2) The said monies shall be expended under the direction of the duly appointed township road superintendent and on work performed in accordance with the latest regulations respecting toy.-nship roads issued by the Department of Highways of Ontario. (3) The clerk shall transmit a copy of this by-law to the 11unicipal Roads Branch, Department of Highways, for approval on or before February "3th of the present year. Passed at °Sf�'af °R - this day :Df . A.D., .19 , (SEAL) V • �CLEPK REEVE I, Clerk of the corporation of the township of do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By -lay, No.—passed by the council of the said corporation " on the day of 19- 10 9 . 10 TOWNSHIP CLERK Form B-6 BY -LAYS NO.1118 A BY-LAW TO PROVIDE FOR THE TOTAL 191. 4_EXPENDITURE ON ROADS IN THE TOWNSHIP OF BRY Halm IN THE COUNTY OF ' LG IN WHEREAS The Highway Improvement Act, Chapter 56, R.S..O.j 1937 and amendments requires that the total expenditure on township roads and bridges be provided for annually by township by -lav:. THEREFORE the council of the corporation of the said township enacts as follows: (1) The sum of � 20:UU0•40 is hereby appropriated from monies raised by levy and government subsidy for total expenditure upon Repair and main- tenance of the roads ^.xi'I" the said township during the year l.' 44 as follows: .Iachinery 1, 000. UU Superintendence 1' 000,00 Maintenance & Repair k 18 , UUU. UU Total Estimated Expenditure N 20. UUU. UU (2) The said monies shall be expended under the direction of the duly appointed township road superintendent and on work performed in accordance with the latest regulations respecting township roads issued by the Department of Highways of Ontario. (3) The clerk shall transmit a copy of this by-law to the Prlunicipal Roads Branch, Department of Highways, for approval on or before February 28th of the present year. Passed at .1-,t,ra t f ©r ray i 1 l e this - ?qday of,� P�r�i ?A�=�- A.D., 19Li __ �1xS (S E A,L) V • CLEPY, REEVE f I J. Dewey Vallee Clerk of the corporation of the township ofdo hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By -lav, I1o.1li —passed by the council of the said corporation on the 7th • day of Feb. 1944, , ', XINSHIP CLERK 0 u BY -Tan No, /I I Y Township cf Bayham. Being a dy-?yaw to adopt the assessment on which the taxes shall be levied for: the year 1944, to levy yhe taxes for the year 19141 and to provide for the collection thereof. NHEHEAS by By -Law No. 1067 of 5th. day of February 1940, the provided for the making of the to the 30th. day of tieptember, rate of taxation for the year the Township of Bayhar.i, passed on the Council of the said Township asse--sment of the Municipality prior 1943, as the gases same rit on which the 1944 shoull be levied; AVD WhI.HEAS the as: essment roll containing the assessment made as aforesaid was revised, corrected and passed by the Court of Revision of tz:e said Township ,o i� tine 1st. day of T�ovember 1943; AND 'vIHEREAS there �vere no appea..s from the Court of Revision or that all a -:deals from the Court of Revision have been heard and decided; A?;D AilEhLAS it is expedient to adopt yhe said assessment as the assess- ment on which the rate of taxation for the year 191 s4all he levied; AND WH_i nEAS it is necessary and expedient to levy on the whole rate- able property according to the last revised assessment roll &of the said Township the sum of :� , for the generAl purposes of the said 'rowriship for the current year, for the payment of the County rate for the cur, ent year, and for the purpose of defraying part of the expenses of Public and High School education, and other purposes; THEHEF'OhE THE COUP?CIL OF THE CORYOIcATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF' BHYB.AM ENACTS AS F'()I 1OW ; - 1. That the assessment contained in the of Barham as made pursuant to by -Laic No. and as revised, corrected and passed by County Judge, be ar.d the same is hereby assessment on which the rate of taxation levied. aseessment roll of the Township 1067 of the said Township the Court of Revision and adopted and confirmed as the ` for the; year 194 shall be 2. That the said assessment roll be and the game is hereby ado ted •and confirmed os the last revised assessment roll for the said Township. 3. That, for the purpose of pro-? iding the sum of , 40, v ©0. -. for the F;eneral purposes of the Corporation, including the amount required for County -rates and ctrier purposes for the cur,-:^ent year, a rate of /7. 2 mills in the dollar be and tie same is hereby levied for the year 19?� upon the whole of the said assessment of thesaid Township according to the last revised assessment roll, whi­�h is made up as follows General Rate ------------- 7.0 mills beir.6 /0.0 mills less 1 milt deduction as provided by the Or�tnrio Government 5ubsi27G County Rate -________..___.. 8.Z rr►iilg 4. That, in 96clition, for the purpose of providing ;he sun of 1.38,oco.7 for public School education for the current year, the following mill rates be and the same are hereby levied for the year 1944 .unon the 10 re=spective portions of the :.aid, assessment of the Public, LL-chool supporters of the said Township according to the last revised assessment roll, as indicated hereunder;- 7 General Public School hate on assessinent of ,�2, 276,,43?. --- y. Y mills being .51-Y mills less 1 mill further ded�iction as provided by the Ontario Government z>ubsidy for educational purposes. Public chool Section No.l on assessment of 5131,450- ---- 14 mills 2 237, 811. do 3 101,150. ----- 3.0 do 4 76,600. ____ 7,8 do 5 6 1 , 9 10 . - - - - 9 % do 6 697000. rr_w , '3 do 8 113, 88 TO 0, C, 9 57 P 31-L - _ _.. $ / ell 0 Public; school mention No.10 on assessment of 11117, 525. ----- 7,8 milis 11 105, 625. ----- 14.3 do 12 101,741. ---- 4,A�- coo 14 217 s39. ---- i/.;Zd0 15 899850. do 16 278, 6Li8. ----- 1/,3 do 17 115, 850. ---- /0, (o coo 1s 2i9, 9S5• -___ 6,g do 23 15(), 778. db Vienna 25,040. ---- do 5. That, in addition, for the purpose of providing the stun of 4-'1350.00 for necessary exPenditures in the rulice Village of Hort Burivell for the current ;,rear, and for the purpose of provir]ing, the sum of 4381.00 for street lighting purposes in tre Hamlet of Straffordva.11e for the current year, the following mill rates be and the same pare hereby levied for the year 1944 upon the following assessment according to the last revised assessment roll of the said Township; Folice Village of tort Burnell, e.ssessment of 4,'-210,432. -- C.4 mills straffordv ille t)tref:t Lights do /o gso -- 3.7 do C. The Clerk shall prepare and deliver the Collector's Roll to the Collector on or before the First clay of June 19141L. 7. All taxes or other special rete^ shall he paid into the Office of the Collector or Treasurer of the Township of �3ayhari or into the branches of the Canadian Bank of Conu-iierce at Straffordville, sort Burwell and Tillsonburg B. Taxes shall become parable one-half on or before July 20th. 1944, and one-half on or before December 20th. 1944a Penalties for non-- payment when due and discounts for pre -payment of taxes shall be as provided in By -Law No. 1007 and amendments thereto of the -Aid Township of Bayllaam. 9. The Collector shall have the privelege of mailinE, the ts.x notices to the several tax payers if he so desires. 10. After fourteen days notice, the Collector or his bailiff may seise any goods for unpaid taxes. hEAD a third time and finally passed in open Council this day of 1944 A. n. Reeve. �_t J-1 C erk. w s By -Law No. ��•Z Township of Bayham. - Being a by-law to appoint Fence -Viewers and Pound -Keepers in and for the To nnsnip of Bay -nam for the year 1)44 A.D. WHEREA5 it is deemed necessary and Expedient to appoint certAin officers in and for the Township of baynam for the year 191.4 A.D. BE IT ThEKE1(.; :L ENI,.CTED by the Municipal Council of the Township of i3y hham in reK ulcer session assembled ti:at the following appointmer. t.s be made for the year 1944 A. D. Fence, -Viewers for 1944 Lloyd Jackson, Vienna,X.R.l.` Earl Woodworth, F t .Burwell h . h .1: Robt. McLean, Vienna, R.r.2•' Vim. Berdan, Bayhar:�.' Harry Saxton, Vienna, R.R.2.' Fred Benner, Ba ham. ' Ernest Holman, Straff•ordville Carman Ball, Eden.' • Atein Horace hague, Straf•fordavil:e,h.:r.'I Deo. IF. Elliott, Tillsonburg.' Lloyd Herron, Port 6urwell. Geo. rocunier, Robt. Jackson, 5traf*fordvil1e, R.1: Geo. hozell, Calton. Silva Brinn, 'Tillsonburg, a - Pound••'Keepers for 1944 Albert Moore ' Earl Woodworth' T. C. Tho,ns on R. Garriharn John A • Jackson Morley Hotchki s ' Horane Hague ' Wm. Brinn ' Reg. Mcquiggan f Robt. McLean ' Robt. Jawkson - • Judson BAll J. D. ;:tewert Grant Stafford. ' Geo-. Procunier.- Cecil 113eamer ` Clarence Wolfe.' Roy! NeVill ' Ernest i-iolman Harry Saxton W. L. White Ward Benner t•. 2 -� _ _ as .-.., 1... wag GEO. 6! Jtt READ a third time snrl finally passed in open Cour_cil this third day of April, 1944 A.'). v eeve. 1* r C erk. Township of Bayham J. D. VALL.EE Clerk and Treasurer 9TRAFFORVILLE, ONT. r . Phone 46 f � i owner of lot Conc . ill the Townshin of bayimrn and the County of F19111, in consideration of the stm of ,��� �. , J 11"Wal hereby release the Township from all my rights in respect of ma+ntaining a road through and over ghat is commonly k . own as the Tribe and Bell. hills and hereby do agree that the Road be stopped up and closed commencing at tl:e top of the Tribe 11ii.l to the tQp of. the Bell Rill, through and between lots 5 -and 6 in the Fourth Conces L ion of the said Town hip. etr Owner. Read a First Time this 8th. day of August, 1941i.. Second Time 8th. '` " tiugust, 194. Third Time and Finally passed this 5tho day of September, 191. Reeve. 1* i C 1 erk. It -- - _.r-.....- ----#/ - .._-.. _.....�... v-- r.MJtt&vsav W A. Uaav VAldVatO'L; a V1 said conveyances in connection therewith. Read a First Time this 8th. day of August, 1941i.. Second Time 8th. '` " tiugust, 194. Third Time and Finally passed this 5tho day of September, 191. Reeve. 1* i C 1 erk. It Township of Bayham J. D. VALLEE Clerk and Treasurer 3TRAFFORVILLE, ONT. Phone 90 11�1 X441( it owner of lot Conn. c� in the Township of Baynam and the County of Flgin, in consideration of the sum of $ � : e:'. �, hereby release the Township from all my rights respect of maintaining a road through and over what is commonly known as the Tribe and Bell hills and hereby do agree that the Road be stepped up and closed comment -.ng at the top of the Tribe Hill to the too of the Bell Hill, through And -:between lots 5 and 6 in the Fourth Concession of the said Township* {4L f� fir' µi�ttWAYB sr *CGO1±xTt119 W 't ne s s . C: ?wne r. 1 _��� ...���v..�►w�+�r� r.. -.-• ..--. C'v - v+vv %wrVw rM,lt�V11V Vi VIAL VA1JV110�3i, V1 saidconveyances.in connection therewith. Read a First Time this 8the day of August, 1944- " 5ecand Time 8the " It Nugust,- 1914. Third Time and Finally passed this 5th. day of bepterrber, 1944 Reeve. ,' C er . By- Law No. Township of Bayiiam. Being a by-law to close road through and between parts of lots 5 and 6, concession 4 in the Township of Bayham. WHEREAS Chap, 66 Sec. 495, subsection (1) clause (c) of the Revised Statutes of Ontario 1937 provides that the Council of a Township may pass a by -lair for stopping up any high way or part of a highway and for leasing or selling the soil and freehold of stopped up highway or part of a highway; AND WHEREAS the aforementioned road is not at present in use by the travelling public and whereas it would cost the Township a considerable sum of money to Make this road safe for public travel; AND WHEREAS the persons through whose land this portion of ^aid road now runs, have otrier means of outlet and in consideration of certain sums of money, are agreeable tnat this roars be stopped up and closed; EU AND WHEREAS it is of considerable benefit to the Township as a whole that the aforesaid portion of road -be stopped up and closed; THEREFORE BE IT ENkCTLD by the Municipal Council of the Township of Baynam, as follows;- i. ollows;- 1. That, that portion of road which runs through and between lots 5 and 6, concession h, Township of Barham, commencing where said roads Joins on the north side of the GRIFFINS' CORNER- UaLTON road, namely at or near top of Tribe Hill, to the point where said road crosses the east boundary linin of Lot 5, Conc. 4, namely at or near top of Bell Hill, and which road runs through what is commonly known as the Tribe and Bell properties, be and the sane is hereby stopped up and closed. 2. That the portions of the road so stopped up and closed shall Ine sold and conveyed to the owners of the lands through which the .. sail road passes according to the amounts situate in the lands of each of the _said ownert* j. That the Reeve and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute and deliver conveyance of the said lands under the Corporate Leal of this Municipality to the raid parties upon payment of the expenses of said conveyances in connection therewith. Read a First Time this 8th, day of August, 194L. as Second Time " 8th. " of tiugust, 19!.'x.,. `' " Third Time and Finally passed this 5th. day of 5e pterrber, 1944 Reeve. 2- clerk-* m w s BAYHAM TOMD SHIP BYLAW RECORDS BYLAWS j 1083-1121 ] FILE # 24 Bylaw # Date Subject 1083 3 Mar 41 Appoint an assessor for Bayham for 1941. 1084 3 Mar 41 Adopt the assessment on which taxes shall be levied. 1085 7 Apr 41 Authorize the town of Bayham to pay for street lights. 1086 5 May 41 Rescind bylaw No. 1083. 1088 5 May 41 License dogs and regulate the running at large thereof. 1089 5 May 41 Amend Bylaw No 1067. 1090 5 Aug 41 Authorize the Central Pipe Line Comp. to construct, use and operate works required for the transmission of gas. 1091 3 Nov 41 Prohibiting, abating or regulating noises in Bayham. 1092 1 Dec 41 Appoint an Acting Medical Officer of Health in Bayham. 1093 5 Jan 42 Authorize the borrowing of $ 35,000.00. 1094 5 Jan 42 Appoint certain officers in Bayham for 1942. 1095, 2 Feb 42 Provide for the road expenditures for 1942. ` 1096 21 Feb 42 Provide for the overexpenditure on roads in Bayham for 1942. 1097 2 Mar 42 Appoint Fence -viewers and Pound --keepers. 1098 4 May 42 Adopt the assessment on which the taxes shall be levied. 1100 8 Sept 42 Provide for the borrowing of $ 5,000.00 for a new school. 1101 8 Sept 42 Provide for the Bell Canada approval to lay lines on highways, streets, and other places. 1002 2 Sept 42 Scone as bylaw # 1101. 1103 5 Oct 42 Grant leave of Absence to the treasurer. 1106 4 Jan 43 Authorize the borrowing of $ 35,000.00. 1107 4 Jan 43 Appoint certain officers in Bayham for 1943. . 1108 1 Feb 43 Provide for the road expenditures for 1943. 1109 1 Mar 43 Appoint a Road Superintendent. s 1110 5 Apr 43 Appoint Fence -viewers and Pound -keepers. a BAYHAM BYLAW RECORDS BYLAWS [ 1083-1121 J Bylaw # Date Subject FILE # 24 cant. 1111 5 Apr 43 Adopt the assessment on which taxes shall be levied. 1112 3 May 43 Authorize the borrowing of $ 13,000.00 for a new school. 1113 3 May 43 Provide Bell Canada authorization to lay phone lines on highways in Bayham. 1114 Oct 15 43 Close up road allowance on lots 11 and 12 in Bayham. 1115 1 Nov 43 Provide for the holding of M=mc. elections. 1116 3 Jan 44 Authorize the borrowing of $ 35,000.00. 1117 3 Jan 44 Appoint certain officers in Bayham for 1944. 1118 7 Feb 44 Provide for the road expenditures for 1944. 1119 ? ? 44 Adopt the assessment on which the taxes shall be levied. 1120 3 Apr 44 Appoint Fence -viewers and Pound -keepers. 1121 5 Sept 44 Close road through parts of lots 5 and 6 in Bayham. , 0 Bylaw # Date Subject BYLAWS j 1122-1157 ] FILE # 25 1122 5 Sept 44 Provide for an additional road qxpenditure for 1944. 1124 6 Nov 44..... -"Provide for the holding of Munc. elections. 1125 4 Dec 44 Appoint Fence --viewers and Pound -keepers. 1126 15 Dec 44 Appoint an Auditor. 1127 2 Jan 45 Authorize the borrowing of $ 35,000.00. 1128 2 Jan 45 Appoint certain officers in Bayham for 1945. 1129 5 Feb 45 Provide for the road expenditures for 1945. 1130 5 Feb 45 Appoint a road superintendent. 1131 5 Feb 45 Appoint an Assessor for Bayham for 1945. 1132 5 Mar 45 Granting privileges to Dominion Natural Gas Company Ltd. 1133 5 Mar 45 Appoint Fence -viewers and Pound -keepers. 1134 5 Mar 45 Define a lawful line fence and fees for Fenceviewers. 1135 7 May 45 Rules and regulations with respect to the Eden Cemetery. 1136 2 Apr 45 Amend bylaw No. 1067. , 1137 7 May 45 Adopt the assessment on which taxes shall be levied. 1138 5 Jun 45 Setting apart the Township School Area of part of Bayham. 1139 3 Jul 45 Establishment and maintenance of a reserve fund. 1140 1 Oct 45 Include poultry under the Dog Tax and Live Stock Act. 1141 1 Oct 45 Regulate the moving of buildings on Township roads. 1142 1 Oct 45 Provide for the holding of Munc. elections. 1143 29 Oct 45 Provide for the road expenditures for 1945. 1144 7 Jan 46 Authorize the borrowing of $ 35,000.00. 1145 7 Jan 46 N Appoint certain officers in Bayham for 1946. 1146 7 Jan 46 Sell a road in Lot 20, to wparty- <xming land adjacent, to it. 1147 4 Feb 46 Provide for road expenditures for 1946. ti. Bylaw # Date Subject BYLAWS [ 1122-1157 J FILE # 25 cont. 1148 4 Feb 46 Appoint an Assessor for Bayham for 1946. 1149 1 Apr,,.4G Appoint Fence -viewers and Pound -keepers. 1150 6 May 46 Adopt the assessment on which taxes shall be levied. 1151 3 Jun 46 An -end bylaw No. 1136. 1152 3 Jun 46 Regulate the collection and disposal fo garbage in Bayham. 1153 6 Aug 46 Appoint an officer under Sec. 139 of the Liquor Control Act. 1154 6 Aug 46 r Appoint a Clerk -Treasurer for Bayham. 1155 3 Sept 46 Provide for Supplementary Road Expenditures for 1946. 1156 3 Sept 46 The establishment and maintenance of a reserve fund. 1157 1 Oct 46 Provide for the holding of Munc. elections. s Form B-6 BY -LAV,. NO . AN ADD,TICA'Ri_ A BY-LAW TO PROVIDE FOR 19-9LEXPENDITCRE OII ROADS IN THE TOWNSHIP OF Ray1iam I J THE COUNTY OF Agin WHEREAS The Highway Improvement Act, Chapter 56, R. S .O . , 1937 and amendments requires that the total expenditure on tovnshi.p roads and bridges be provided for annually by township by -lay.. THEREFORE the council of the corporation of the said township enacts as follo•y,s: (1) The sum of 4l 5000-'20 is hereby appropriated from monies raised by levy, debentures and govern:cent suby for total expenditure upon construction and main- tenance of the roads in the said township during the year 19 414 as follow--: Road Construction Bridge Construction Machinery Superintendence rlaintenance & Repair. r Total Estimated Expenditure �" _5 0100 9 00 (2) The said :conies shall be expended under the direction of the duly appointed township road superintendent and or. York performed in accordance with the latest regulations respecting township roads issued by the Department of Highways of Ontario. (3) The clerk shall transmit a copy of this by -lav, to the Municipal Rcuds Branch, Department of Hicrhvays, for approval on or before February 28th of the present year. Passed at '2traf'f'or !vi? e this -5the day � ' ��} . A.D., 1G_ 1 (SEAL) CLEF ii REEVE I, Clerk t of the corporation of the township of 0 do hereby certify that the foregoing • I is a true copy of By -lav: No. passed by the council of the said corporation on the day of 9 s w TOWNSHIP CLERK r Form B-6 BY- LA ', 140. 1122 an a i d it ional A BY-LAW TO PROVIDE FOR ` E-f!4:� Cw 19J44-EXPEMDITURE 011 ROADS I11 THE TOWNSHIP OF Bayham IN THE COUNTY OF El"4_wry WHEREAS The Highway Improvement Act, Chapter 56, R.S.O., 1337 and amendments requires that the total expenditure on totnship roads and bridges be provided for annually by township by -lav:. THEREFORE the council of the corporation of the said township enacts as follows: (1) The sum of w, - -� is hereby appropriated from Monies raised by levy, debentures and government subsidy for total expenditure upon construction and main- tenance of the roads in the said township during the year 19 44 as follows: Road Construction Bridge Construction :lauhi.nery w c� Superintendence d Maintenance & Repair5000.00 Total Estimated Expenditure —$ 5000.00 (2) The said monies shall be expended under the direction of the duly appointed township ship road superintendent and on work performed in accordance with the latest regulations respecting tov.nship roads issued by the Department of Highways of Ontario. (3) The clerk. shall transmit a copy of this by -lave to the 1,Junicipai Roads Branch, Department of Highways, for approval on or before February 28th of the present year. . Passed atw trafardville this Sthaay �.�-rt. A.D. 3 (SEAL) CLEP�K J. Dewey Vallee I, Clerk of the corporation of the township of I3a_yn8M do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By -lay. Nio.. passed by the council of the. said corporation on the 5th, day of Sept,, 194. VJL I Kr'�' iY 3 l� TOWNSHIP CLERK 0 c 1* A . .......... I& = I .................. ..............................................: .... 0 r � � 1� —7. ♦ l 111 t, I n �, o .. �: �? � ., y e v u "n i n ry _ v m � �7 � u ri..:.:. ...... ::. _... a' A j`` ///y/�) ��yS /� ��/� 7`�/� /tel !��// �L,i\..:�.�j. ..' .1 «.: -► be T)r .1�"la ..1.� • T) I ,,,.._ Z�..a�'%"�, 7 I GtI/3�T1\ N�.+�so� om l ♦ V I'�- h� ! O -7- +r.•. L.1 a� Jr �.� v t V � 1 L �.:. `� 4 f V L� n^a i 1..t Ir' U'..:' j - "� T r't'4 r') 1 is i : '_' S A T n . "ii.- +� /• ,�f y, -+Y t .� _' � �] r } M^ ri llf. r. •M THAT, ,�rQv �i:r imore oersons qualift- L'o�- mss. 2'e'UiI'S'�? fes`,L"i �'t3'�Cst�' C3�'f';nc� nY? F+721F i�?1! Ois T�r'r'. t ���.� aS £��^G: .i.i.Il`" tC "'�.i:7�`1 ��? t:f� gsl�'�i€�:"1 ��'""�,fi�'3 �`)C• '3.`�j.�'♦ g'.'t� �'„ �nC.1'i £y tC't~ '1!' t,x� �C�t h� v' sS CF Elf i; i ti� .,-# ii" • �t ('(� /'� L l '„' !' I'1 �'T (�� "'t•� j1.� �r - S 4 icy T 1 : �/j. 1^0 �1 '; r 't .t L t.� .. `1 r < �..,.. 1 : a .0 #�s a J�. .. i.. ..t. i .i. ♦7 n ..3. 4 1 l „�-f C i .Z. L� d. +., r. !-. e..e w 1. 'J :. .r .i C .. �i��.. 5mu^k 5��1001 'xc3�•� �; �1: t.:. <'. L:.i � �.;b-�iv�.;;_ .. , nr ll tilat nftY -r#t) f?Si oAl r .a 1 V -Oil AT t on I'ox, "u.��-7)iv4 -- * cjn *'u. ; :_�� I1 L::r rt/.z 's _04 - r.,Of Pk". +, -:::''.►L' 1I ; u ri..:.:. ...... ::. _... a' A j`` ///y/�) ��yS /� ��/� 7`�/� /tel !��// �L,i\..:�.�j. ! be T)r .1�"la ..1.� • T) I ,,,.._ Z�..a�'%"�, 7 I GtI/3�T1\ N�.+�so� om l ♦ V I'�- h� ! O -7- +r.•. L.1 a� Jr �.� v t V � 1 L �.:. `� 4 f V L� n^a i 1..t Ir' U'..:' j - 1 E: t s : 11. ,. �.... ,.. C I t:. a :+ — �. V s. w. a. i3I': N O . t.. , .:'1Lt i 1?.. he I_ fi f ,i .� i r. - <, •) I ab { v I or 1111lb—D-1viuion• �Ir, ED. SCR ��/`� c+t':�5 � aJ(. a��: �'�.�y Foe' try. rn4 rs� i' ! %f?FD�x� �s;i:�.� `''E''; !' irk y: q; .� ;:;�-,„; -. 111b— i'1�1e� 1 c 1, 1. bi'y -1, f • S i CiI"AT �i��.. 5mu^k 5��1001 'xc3�•� �; �1: t.:. <'. L:.i � �.;b-�iv�.;;_ .. , nr ll tilat nftY -r#t) f?Si oAl r .a 1 V -Oil AT t on I'ox, "u.��-7)iv4 -- * cjn *'u. ; :_�� I1 t,r �. .:, .4. ! S I ; • T) I ,,,.._ Z�..a�'%"�, 7 I GtI/3�T1\ N�.+�so� �i"l�A.. ��=C:�z�ry R�.;�.....•Stry \+�R.^� ail as *• u + P/CA; 11 b- 4. ,i .� bi- poli C14rh of 1111lb—D-1viuion• r 'r: ez „t; �,�� r ?,: i4 ';_� ;� Z-y:�n ” r� .. 1:1 at the "'. t ie #3nhool 'ia11 -I.T t;l c 77 t 11aEE C!' re "407►, v..i;; �OfT Nzo �. �C sr.a 1 be T)e u .;� F?et„r fir;•- (1f`�'+ r ..t_ I".. '`.i' +.. {%j: 9 IV/ Poll t ti.'it� • � ,,,.._ Z�..a�'%"�, 7 I GtI/3�T1\ N�.+�so� �i"l�A.. ��=C:�z�ry R�.;�.....•Stry \+�R.^� bi- poli C14rh of 1111lb—D-1viuion• rn rm t ie #3nhool 'ia11 -I.T t;l c 77 t 11aEE C!' re "407►, v..i;; �OfT Nzo �. �C sr.a 1 be T)e u .;� F?et„r fir;•- (1f`�'+ r ..t_ I".. '`.i' +.. {%j: 9 IV/ Poll v - — --� T)-4 I Tli,AT t'lic on No. 7 be 1ic- 1, (7, Rt. or p )Fey a oz� Y A "c srl that Fred Procuni -)c Denuty lietul 1,-1 j%, 111 /IV IDK small be, Poll Clerk for Faid '- i TFt aT ^ cIt, 1 S u b - 1'0 Lj MINA MI-::SSFY I Glc„ 1. T T -(A ne t Y Ar t u -LI I ti Ti C, th c y a i, hereby e d to 1101'" ?'ct to --j-lov-',Ie for vot-, F I a t I LJ(I �.lr [i .. ': tl .�.. iiiL�....1 + ..+..„�..�CA +Ii.i �. G% �C,1 y'1 �' Vi Nov I* I 1 16 0 I .- a 11 ki I& 4 By -Law N o . Township of Baynam. 7ME rAS Torn^hip Councils aro empowered by paragrRphs 48 to 51 of Section 405, Chapter 266 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 15.37, to pass by-laws for regulating pounds, fixing pounflkeepers fees and prohibiting and regulating the running at large of animals; AND WHFF;t-EAS it is deemed necessary anri expedient to repeal By-T,uws Numbered 572 and 859 and amendments thereto; AND MERLAS the Council of the Township of Bayham are of the opinion that a new by-law should be passed; TkEhEFOhF, tai.,: IT ENACTED by the Council of the Corppration of the 'township of bayilam as follows;- 1. That By Numbered 572 and 855 with amendments thereto Are hereby repealed. 26 That all clauses of the i= ound Ant of the Provdknce of Ontario, pertaining to Townships in organized territ6vies, be and the same are hereby incorporated as part of this by-law. 3. That, the Poundkeepers of the Township of hayhRm shall be entitled the the following fees in ca!-rying out their duties; - For every Stallion or gull impounrie(i ---- 01.00 it Ram or Boar it ---- 1.00 it " Morse, Ass or Mule " ---- 1.00 ►' cattle per head. " ---- .50 sheep or' lambs per head " ------ .25 " swine per head " geese and otiier poultry each " ---- .15 An:j the following shali be allured for each day's feeding-,; - Horse or mule or -see -------- t, .75 Bull, one year & up -------- 1.00 Stallion -------- 1. UO Boa.r ----- 1.00 Ram -------- .25 Cattle under 6 month each -- .25 Cattle over it-- .50 Edch swine -------- .25 Each sheep or lamb --------'---- .25 Each goose or other poultry- .15 And also the following rates sriall be allowed;- For lloyed;- It For advertising any number of animals impounded at any one time ---•-----_---_----------- 4ky.50 FDr selling first, animal ----------------- 1.00 Anil for each succeeding animal ---- ---- .50 For notifying owners of animals impoundE,4 .75 4 No person shall suffer or permit any horse, mule, ass, bull, ox, eew cow, sheep, goat, pig, or cattle of any kind or geese or other poultry of which he is the owner or of which he shall be in possession or in charge of keeping, to run at large star or trespass within the Township of Bayha_m and no person shall tether or hobble any horse or cow or other animal upon any Public highway within the Nunicinality of the Township of Baynam. 5. Any person convicte,j of a breach of any of the provisions of this By -Law shall forfeit and ,)ay at the discretion of the convicting Magistrate or Justice of tale Peace, a penalty not exceeding* (excl- Illi ive of costs) tike sum of Fifty Dollars (t50.00) for each offence, such penalty to be recoverable under the provisions of The Summary Convictions `Act. RFAD a third time and finally passed this clay of, 19►} , t LI 0 Reeve. 0 10 Clerk. 1 Township f Ba ham p oy J. D. VALLEE, Clerk and Treasurer Phone 46 STRAFFORDVILLE, ONTARIO Poundkeepers Fees. When an animal is impounded, the following fee is collectible by the Poundkeeper from the owner of the animal. For every Stallion of bull ---------- t1.00 Ram or Boar --------------- 1.00 " Horse, Ass or Mule -------- 1.00 ' cattle per head ------------ .50 sheep or lambs per head ---- .25 " ^ swine per head ------------- .25 geese or poultry each ------ .15 In addition to the above, the Poundkeeper is allowed the following for each day's feeding. - Also - Horse, Mule or Ass ------- Bull, one year and up ---------- Stallion ----_------------------ Boar--------- -------------_---- Ram-----------------_--_------- Cattle under 6 months, each ---- Cattle over 6 Eac# swine --------------------- Each sheep or lamb ------------- Each goose or other poultry ---- 4,7 --- .7 5 1.00 1.00 1.00 .25 .25 .50 .25 .25 .15 For advertising any number of impounded animals at any one time --------------------- $1.50 For selling first animal ------------ 1.00 Each additional animal -------------- .50 For notifying owners of animals impounded ----------------------- .75 0 Accept animals delivered to you to be impounded and you are expected to give them reasonable care in consideration of the time of the year. Person impounding animals may submit an account for damages done by these animals and do not give up possession of animals impounded until this and all your proper fees are paid. As soon as animals are impounded, notify your Township Clerk and give him number and description of animals and get further instructions. s ,. T04NSHIP OF BAItd". BY -L iw V o . Being a b7-1%iw to appoint : once-vlz.wars -ind :'ouad-keepers in and for the township of Bsyham for the year 1954; AB R. ,.-►.3 Section 386, Sub -section 47 of The Idunicipal Hot, R.S.O. 1950, provides that these appointments be made; Bl: IT TAER�_FORI; FliACTED by the Municipal Coanoil of the Corpornt on of the ToYnshir, of Bayham, in regular session r nosembled, that *-'the following be and are hareby appointed to act as thefolto� in; officers for the year 1954;- Pence -viewers. Ernest Holman, Straffordville Carman Ball , �:den Horace Hague, R.l, Straff. Geo. S. !Miott, R.S, Tills, Lloyd Aerron, R.2, Vienna Geo, Drocunier, R.1, Ingersoll 2obt. J;1Lkson, 4.1, Straff, Alva Brinn, R.6, Tillsonbur; rred Ball, Straffordville Alonzo Ragell , Corinth ►il.lard "IcAllister, Straff. r.arl Travis, Corinth Poand-teepers. Mario 3ra 'ty, H.2. Vienna iiorace iiaguu, R.1, Straff. .'m. Brinn, R.1, Vienna Reg. Me�,uigFun, R.6, Aylmer :iobt. Jackson, R.1, Straff. Jadson Ball, n.6, Tills. Ira :dilmine, R.l, Eden ��er C, R.1, Inger. orinth Clarence r�olfe, R.1, Vienna Roy Sevill, R.1, Vienna 'r.d. Lueniers, R.1, Pt, Bur. L. ;shite, ECen H ?.gh Moc re , R.1, Pt. Bur. Joe Silverthorne., R.6,Tills. Ray C. Alward, Straff. Robt. Voitah, R.1, Eden Roy Groon, R.1, vorinth ' R:AD a first, second and third time ar.d finally oassed this aSy of 1954. Reeve. rn Township of Bayham J. 17. VALLEE, Clerk and Treasurer Phone 46 STRAFFORDVILLE, ONTARIO POUNDKEEPERS FEES. Uy—Law No. 1125. :Then an animal is impounded, the following fee is collectible by the poundkeeper from the ov,rner of the animal. For every.stallion or bull ------- ., 1.00 1.00 ram or boar ----------- 1.00 rr it Iorse, or mule -------- 1.00 Cattle under 6 I,ionths,each --- cattle per head ------- .50 T1 " sheep or lamb --------- .25 2 " swine ----------------- .25 it T1 geese or nuultry ------ .15 In addition to the above, the i'oundkeeper is allovied the X% for each day's feeding. - Morse or mule ---------------- .75� Bull, one year and up -------- 1.00 Stallion --------------------- 1.00 Soar------------------------- 1.00 Ram-------------------------- .25 Cattle under 6 I,ionths,each --- .25 Cattle over 6 months .1 ---- .50 Swine,-eaek------------------- .25 mach sheen or lamb ----------- .25 Each -oose or poult-try-------- .15 Also, actual advertisin„ expenses. .�Ocept animals delivere(. to 7Tou to be impounded and you are expected to give thein reasonable care in consideration of the time of year. ,y Persons impounding animals may submit an account for damages done by these animals and do not Bice un possession of animals impounded until damages and all proper fee. and expenses are paid. ns soon as animals are impounded, notify your To-vrnshin Clerl; and give him the number and description of animals and zet further instructions. dotice of sale to be-Dosted in three places in the municipality for at least three clear successive days designating place and time of sale, unless previously claimed. Pig or, poultry not to be sold earlier than L� days after impounding and horse and cattle not earlier than 8 days after. Township of Bayham J. D. VALLEE, Clerk and "Treasurer Phone 46 STRAFFORDVILLE, ONTARIO 3y-L,,w 1144 U259 r.=`kaon � { na.l is Impounded,, the �'ollo 1mg foo is col.' ectible by the r= the mer of tho mniral,. For every 1.'ii� or bull ------- Al 1.03 tt n rim or boor 1 * 00 n OrSO , yr 1O -----�-�--- 1000 A 4� �. ,. he�. ......,......... %, tIf- :,A. � !� 050 s�hocp or lamb ..... mom"..."..PIM •25 n ge one or pwitry «......,... 015 In uddi tient to the ; ibovc , Ww .'ouadkeepor is a1loviod the fol.lox-ftS for each j`Iay f s feeding o ew 'Ho ..c or rFWlo • 5f" 1000 3� �.li�e you%�:�n��...UP..��.�_� 10 Boa r rww�►w,r�s�r«►w.w.rww+srw�wwrrarww� l,60 0 Ran 1_ Gattle under 6 . mothse,ach 925 tiatlo over C:,sonths fit "'"""'" 050 *25 25 ,kA c44j)�.`�, =may# �rM w�M�AM �rl►w i►���wwr w�ID� or lamb *25 Also, actuU a �vertioint 1_;xpen3e3. I I 1 11 . .6 ecce'Pt anis (j e' 3 .vc r< s . to you to be impound a..1 aw .roe , afro` expectod to ive them re asonablo care in consideration of the ' t i= of your. E3�'' OL �tpoun °? sntlonls. may submit an aacount fdr done by these r . a1.s ��� do not vitae uo s3session of an3xa 18 impounded until d os sand all. proper foo3 and exprenseo are paid* A n soon as ans ' are impountded , notify •our To!-mhs a � ler�c and givcAAm mt the nuer wid .description of an and gmt fui er i.n structiods. -ticc of oa.0 to be Posted in t1wee places in t1 -.W Mmicipaity for at lain three clear succe;ysivc Jaya desi ting place and time of sole, uniesc previously el.aime,qt. o�: r poultry not to be sold earlier t1wn 4 days a "impoundingtcimpounding horsao " acud cattle not carlic:� tlk�n $ day$ U ter. N PETERS, BR4WNT & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS GORDON A. PETERS, C A COON C. BROWN, C.A Mr. T. D. Vallee, Clerk, Township of Payham, STR AFFORDVILLE , Ontario. Dear Mir. Vallee: TORONTO OFFICE 159 BAY STREE- KITCHENER OFFICE 93 K -WG STREET WEST FORT ERIE OFFICE 200 JARVtS STREET Fort Eri e North, Ontario, December 4, 1944. e are enclosing the following;:- (1) Letter to Council re School nus'. it (2) Form of By -Law outlininrq, duties of Auditor (3) Cony of form letter to be sent to each School TrAasurer. In thin, correction we will appreciate your presenting the letter at the next meetinrf of the Council. In the meantime, to ec-uaint your Reeve with the matter, we are sending him a copy of the letter, also of the form letter to each School Treasurer. ±fie will appre c i ete your fo r,!,are-i nr us a copy of the Py -Law finelly passed. Also in order for us to send out the letters to the School Secretaries we are asking you to send us a list of their names and addresses. In the case of a Union Section we will n -ed only those where the School house is actually located in your Township. All others have the responsibility of another Tov.mship Auditor. .* Yours very truly, PETr` tS, BRO".NT & COMPANY, C CB : Did C. 0. B rown. Encl. M s Licipal Board. :he :s and :ipal 'e the le for �g :ash 3 type 1945. 3 ary , ;o ' grants le . )sited ilance ; . g - )y r M s Licipal Board. :he :s and :ipal 'e the le for �g :ash 3 type 1945. 3 ary , ;o ' grants le . )sited ilance ; . g - )y PETERS, BRowN & (",o. TORONTO OFFICE CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 159 BAY STRE.I=- GORDON A. RETERS,C_A KITCHENER OFFICE 93 IANC STRCET WEST COLIN C. BROWN. C A FORT ERIE OFFICE ZOO JAP7VtS STREET Fort Erie North, Ontario, December 4, 1944. ticipal Board. ;he Ass. J. D. Vallee, Clerk, Township of Bayham, :s and STRAFFORDWILLE, Ontario. :ipal 1 v °" ;e Dear Sir: the .e. The Municipal Act was amended in 1944 to provide for the audit by the Township Auditor of the accounts of all for Puiblic School Boards. �4e, had been given to understand that this might not be necessary for 1944, but a letter recently received from the Deputy Minister of .%unicipal Affairs, definitely asserts that the 1g 1944 School accounts will have to be audited. i. The Council will no doubt realize the great increase in work that will be necessary for the ',ud itor. however, neither the Council nor ourselves are in any position to estimate at -ash this time just how much work is involved, or how much additional fee ; type should be payable. 1945. Ne would suggest, therefore, that the matter 3ary, of the fees be left until after the work is completed. ',ahile this is .o normally an unsatisfactory practice, we can see no alternative in this `. case. Some thought has been ?iven by us to the �,„�ts ie necessary audit procedure. It has been recommended by the Deputy Tilinister l that t -he books and records be taken to some central point. ';;e also propose to provide each,,Secretary-Treasurer with a guide sheet, showing , what will be re-uired, ami f will also .advise t 7iem as to the ap- )sited proximate date of the audit. dance It would be appreciated if the Council and =.eg officials would publicize this matter, in order to make the way clear )y for our work after the f first of the year. '.',c' also are of the opinion that a new Auditor's By -Law should be passed, outlining the new duties, similar to the one submitted. Yours very truly, PIET1+RS, BROWN & C0MPt"TTY, CCB:LN C. C. Brown. 0 Q December, 1944. The Secretary -Treasurer, Public School Section No. Township of Dear Sir: You are no doubt aware that 1944 amendments to the Municipal Act, re-uire Township Auditors to audit the accounts of each Public School Board. It is also true that no changes have been made in the School Law, so that the usual audit should also be made bJ, the local Auditors, as in the past. Some difficulty is anticipated in getting all the books and records recuired, and it has been su&7ested by the Deputy Minister of Municipal Affairs, that they be lei' ata central place, Laze notice of the Approximate date on which the audi will be made, will be giv?m in plenty of time, for the Secretaries to have the records delivered and- left, at thei.- own convenience. In order that you will have the required records ready for the audit, we have shown b flow the various items that we will erect. (1) IMINUTE BOOK: This record, in addition to recording the proceedings of al' meetings of the Board, ( signed 'by the and Secretary) should list therein the approval of the Board of all expenditure. Each individual payment should thus be lis ted on the Minute Book. (2) CA)H BOOK: This book should be a regular school cash book, obtainable from the Municipal i"Jorl-, or o 'ner supply houses. If this type of book has not been Jin use, it should be co=monced as of the beginning of 1945. (3) BAITK BOOK and CANCELLED =, - ES: These are necessary, and in the case of a saving account, a special request for them will have to be made to the bank, (4) VOUCHERS: In addition we will reruire supporting vouchers for payments such as invoices, receipts, etc., also in the case of grants received vie will recui re the voucher that comes from the Department with the ` checue. 0 it is .important that all receipts shall have been deposited in the Board's Bank Account before the end of the year, so that the bank balance will reflect the Cash on Hand at that time. It is a.ssumad that it is the reg- ular practice to deposit all receipts in the b ansa and to all accounts by checue. Yours truly, Township Auditor of Peters, Brown & Company Chartered Accountants 41 1 11 BY -LAIN NUMBER 1 ate. A BYLAIV TO APPOINT AN AUDITOR under the provisions of the Municipal Act, Section 24£3, as revised b- Chapter 39, of the 1944 Statutes, it is necessary to appoint an sud i to r. TIERP.--'ORE The Counc it of t he Corporation of t he Towns hip of enacts as follows:-- (1) ollows:-- (1) Mr. C. C Brown, Chartered Accountant, (a person licenced by the Department of Municipal A.ffeirs as a Municipal Auditor) is hereby appointed as Au .itor of the Township of. AgV'YtgM (2) The said Au-3itor shall annually or oftener, au�'it the accounts of the Corporation and every local board thereof, inc lud in � the accounts and transactions of all Public School Boards, hose schools are located within the Township. (3) The said Auditor shall hold office cit iing good behavior and be removable for causes upon the vote of two-thirds of the members of the Council. (4) The remunpretion shall be set from time to time by resolution of the Council. Read a First, Secd and Third time. and iinally passed in open Council t his/�� of .y 1944. ( Seal) 0 I r J -o f r.. Reeve 1W Clerk ^" � ., rte. \ %%� ��vj 1 J `\ 6 • �J t �;� V �� �3 �` J � • t a r BAYHAA TOWNSHIP BYLAW RECORDS BYLAWS [ 1229-1632 ] FILE # 28 ----- __ M- ------ -------------------------------- ------._,.. Bylaw # Date Subject 1229 2 Apr 51 Appoint a road superintendent. 1230 2 Apr 51 Alter the boundaries fo P.S. Sec. No.16. 1231 7 May 51 Adopt the assessment on which taxes shall be levied. 1232 7 May 51 Set apart the Township School Area of Vienna and Bayham. 1233 7 May 51 Amend bylaw No. 1221. 1234 7 May 51 Amend bylaw No. 1225. 1237 4 Jun 51 Amend bylaw No. 1221. 1238 3 Jul 51 Authorize the borrowing of $ 25,000.00. 1239 3 Jul 51 Establish a Comrm1nity Centre at Eden. 1240 4 Sept 51 Provide for additional road expenditures for 1951. 1241 4 Sept 51 Limit the weight of vehicles passing over bridges in Bayham.- 1242 4 Sept 51 Designate during what period the assessment shall be'made;' 1243 4 Sept 51 Change the time for holding the Court Revision., 1245 1�Oct 51 Authorize the borrowing of $ 20,000.00. 1246 29 Oct 51 Provide for the holding of the Munc. elections. 1247 15 Dec 51 Authorize the borrowing of $ 20,000.00. 1255 ? Nov 36 Discontinue the Vienna H. S. District. 1275 26 Nov 37 Withdraw the Township of Bayham from the Vienna H.S. District. 1279 4 May 53 Establish rules and regulations with respect to the Calton . Cemetery. 1341 13 Jun 40 Piivilege of collecting taxes. K 1366 13 Jun 41 Revert a road in the Township of Bayham. 1390 13 Jun 42 Revert roads in Bayham, Aldborough. and Dunwich. 1393 6 Apr 59 Provide for the allowing of a discount on taxes paid. 1427 15 Jun 44 Confirm bylaw No. 1114. 1431 15 Jun 44 Revert roads in Bayham. 1446 19 Jan 45 Confirm bylaw no. 1181 BAY11AM BYLAW RECORDS BYLAWS j 1229-1632 ] FILE # 28 cont. Bylaw # Date Subject 1462 22 Nov 45 TO license public eateries. 1498 24 Jan 47 Amend •bylaw ,No. 1478. 1499 23 Jan 47 Regulate the Cutting of Trees. 1502 12 Jun 47 Confirm bylaw No. 1158. 1505 12 Jun 47 Amend bylaw No. 1478. 1506 12 Jan 47 Annex Area to the East H. S. Distirct. 1526 23 Mar 48 Incorporate the village of Port Burwell. 1632 17 Jun 53 Amend bylaw No. 1478. Plus six unsigned and undated bylaw copies. M s 1M 16 --lfv , , e ' . 1-7 Tu G�; 2..' jy-law '0. 1114 of the Counol Flo , Oro."'L;iIlp of '3aylvula to 010"'0 Up 1 tAtd ullovi':;'Ou vZ' of ."'olve ia.. t-lj .1 C"" L"G sold sc°n�aip. Wke "OtuicLl of tito of haAior. did un Lhe loth duy of Dozober 194;` f1mlly pass their 1114 to elope up P. recd uUmmee In Qhc sUd Totz,-,Citp -1 11:d ho--u'n, ;.Or dooci4bed t-md j i by mbsootion a rC �,00tlm 49b oj: the tiLiclpcl ot it jo 01 n -A i3 i'ullovjs: `A bli—ILM 0;: .;xO 00=011 Of a UlIxolx')et by ei'4'0 (a) of L;' In imok,- -Iz2od orr:t;orj, '3 -.ail liot "lave usly Zoi.oe wUoaa ;iIA "UT"-' -Gvo� 1)y iuio jis"rIC6 co"U't 0� 4.w '1156rict L' Loh Lo is al.. U; ..h 1, LaJhl Ll O—iul' 0;:JUQ :.'.:t uxAll o:uL'U--(jd b;' a by—lua oi, tiu counc'-L oi. —j c-,.L71tj w-10 . .!,a o%:jvi3A1T) Lo UL-,UU6,j pa -4 ;d woetla. of L;ie Or"Law"Ll hold not k;L/jjoz-- Z' 4i'* �is or later i, �.m cno jvuw v—'iex L oo ,u" 1. of the Oomail w: tae 6o:.ishipft toad the s� 7.d TmjnshL: u.0 jWhui 1s is Lj�a of SIJ.n to.1 :,tie scald Uoll o".0 v,.c sold -C;- Nlj to this Cowwll to MtL4o 6 by—L?w at U10 ow -rant, ov'1*'A,--';v'; urld -:O(-U1L—u O.L' thIs COLmol 1 oorz.,.ioric4n , o;. th-3 L -Ah dLk.' or June 19es4 the su,;O beLik hold not Ownw! tx'i .--UU:30 noi. Ll„ov i'iium 0110 ,picx iA;or the prAsaLn- of said Tie. 1114 oV tho aAd C.,otmeli of t<je of AiL,Ihcc: wnd t� wituurs pxopor tAL.t Vii &Ltd by -1w satil be notius or !Ake pro Osad by-lwvi fins been publiabod at loo-st oRoe In fojx o0nsecu6lve 1100?IJ 150U,38 04: .ae A:UjsonbFxLr'L; i-oxvso muaely of (xtouer Zia (jc'ozj-)r .,ts ;rmxzbor 4 nd Vove.Lboxll &a ruoulrod by ..� L4 i';-'nlOIpu1 no l assc n iriicyee lun-la :-L IA. be Or �y be p-0jud-le'lull'y hIT'w"d "_:J'Oby lu=S ayrpllad to be iiee,ra by -,io uo-,jxLl or r,.ioad VAY ob,cmitwx tsoovor Ivaveto, duluse 10. 1. X41' t &-:11 is !!uro :--etia-Lrly UIL'L; La, IyUi� bo'jl' 1: .,io 03' ' a; 4u" i- 'WIL" of o14 bevi com, o;,)d W: ,xs of -t.o halv,ss oi* lx --e li tic<d LI; In the 3.11 C-Iiooasioi- of Va of 3gyhtr stri.y) oe 3--.ajA wx,ut 90 Anko rdtle ana be p,-AIcnl,',ir.Iy t1daciAbad as followc: C-12- DC a point in -,w Itf-'At o ' so',I dLst-Lt 0 ,< -'Y (.!(j.00) mea-�awed :;sto south east u.��lo of Lot l.-*., Cu�Poz3ston 8, T-1. 04 i.o,11h 3 (11o, rous I L.Lrw-,o -ot) ry k;, :j j .1 D -au oeoa a' rinuos "J064, 14' 0- Fr-; .41) 9 de, j:,uS U 'Unutus I 11'.orth 134 do, roar 09 rainucos oat, d' 0 ''r.;j a 3outh 35'dei-raos -;6 rAmtr)n est, Zt-'.:, C 31 del -,r000 1-7 Anutoc Oat, ';1-2 C" E*'-� sU Z'I I=Ck North lig depruos 47 .oat, mo.Le or loss to a point ii.. LIw kax ,iestorl„� lu,At of i;he SuId lot 11s, dJ.S.Lnt (IL 1-11 if.; (1601) majolweJ ;oulliaxly Lhoreon from it® Imal-auction with cue lirAt beowoen tha mouth h=ll vand Porth htuf og Sold Lot 11; Z1,11" Joutherly uloA,; the tas: arly ILUt of said Lot 11, 2 0 .11,ore or lase to a point distant f- U OL ZY me,i6uxed liortherlv cAlow-, tiro Req�erlj 1 -11 -It of suid Lot 11 tzom a point k- Wie ouu" vmstsv!,11 Lu,(Ia oA st-�W IDt llog Zif �;(Yuth 1A du,roos 47 iAnuros ;Lst, U, j- ri: I,' LL Xj IN 7 LT TIIII'C',il, �CWLh 51-1 10_1'000 00 ;,IIIUUUL3 GA', L 0. f -,f inuth u'j Io zoas GO ',',InuLus -,11— (1- a a,y 'ZI 04' io,,th 9 du. rens -;1 r,,"uu.es ,-"ast, L:,, Uz.lo); TILT C.:L :icAoh .,u de,zues 11 :-Inu,oL 2y Z'i Z SuTxLh. 11 jot xva; t3_ nui;o3 (9i: (4.3-L) movu op_imis u -','ol:j-t 'in .4o s, id Lot 1;i; u", 31 Aui zois 7 12--u'as 'A(A., --.0 of 0,,-.'Ld Lc,69 iilsat, hairs (.90) iCitr or lj�js L,: u 9 iacu oi, u,3.:Ulzl rk�. J di OIJ--j, CL-vtoo t", �u E)zVuc. 0' t -a ,,4,,,d paasua (-,Lt Ccul%y Co 1,011 UnkiLLN)- 2, L!ils 15th da,; of Trane 19•^.4. Gillies Aff.4. �.. .............. Clerk tea:.:tan -.1-1 i By-law No. 1431 To Revert Roads in the Townships of South Dorchester, Malahide, Yarmouth and Bayham The Elgin County Council enacts: That the following portions of roads in the various townships be and are hereby reverted to the local municipalities: 1. South Dorchester Being the road allowance between lots 12 and 13 Concession X11 in the Township of Dorchester South extending southerly from the eastern boundary of the King's Highway as shown on a plan deposited in the Registry Office for the Registry Division for the County of Elgin as No. D 97 to and extending westerly along the road allowance between the Townships of Dorchester South and Malahide to the said eastern boundary of the King's Highway. 2. Malahide - Being the road allowance between Lots 10 and 11 Concession 1X in the Township of Malahide extending northerly from the western boundary of the King's Highway as shmwn on a plan deposited in the aforesaid Registry Office as No. D 09 to and extending easterly along the road allowance between the Townships of Dorchester South and Malahide to the said western boundary of the King's Highway, all of which is as *shown on a Plan Marked A. 7-24. 3. Yarmouth - Being that part of the Mapleton Road extending northerly along and adjoining the line between Lots 17 and 18 in the First Range North of the Edgeware Road in the Township of Yarmouth from the 'Nestern boundary of the King's Highway as shown on.a plan deposited in the Regis -cry Office for the Registry Division for the County of Elgin as No. D 96. Thence northeasterly continuing along the said Mapleton Road across part of said Lot 18.to the said western boundary of the King"s highway, all of which is as shown on a plan marked A,7-25. - 4. Bayham - Being a road extending northerly along and adjoining the line between lots 12 and 13 Concession 11 in the Township of Bayham in the County of Elgin, from its intersection with the western boundary of the King's Highw as shown on a plan deposited in the Registry- for the Registry Division for the County of Elgin on the 5th day of January 1935 as No. 46, to and extending easterly across part of Lot 13, Concession 11 in said Township to the Northern boundary of the King's Highway as shown on said deposited Plan No. 46 and further shown on a plan marked A.7-23. Read a third time and passed at County Council Chambers, St. Thomas this 15th day of June 1944. S.D. Thomson T. C. Gillies ......................... ....................... Clerk 'Harden BY -law No. 1431 To Revert Roads in the Townships of South Dorchester, hf lahide Yarmouth and Bayhem C 0 P Y Passed June 15th, 1944 . Certified Correct County Cierk