HomeMy WebLinkAboutBayham By-Laws 1943BAYHAM TOWNSHIP By -Laws Numbers 1106-1115 1943 BAYHAM 'IOWSHIP BYLAW RDCORDS BYLAWS j 1083-1121 ) FILE # 24 01 Bylaw # Date Subject -------------- 1083 3 Mar 41 Appoint an assessor for Bayham for 1941. 1084 3 Mar 41 Adopt thef`assessment on which taxes shall be levied. 1085 7 Apr 41 Authorize the town of Bayham to pay for street lights. 1086 5 May 41 Rescind bylaw No. 1083. 1088 5 May 41 License dogs and regulate the running at large thereof. 1089 5 May 41 Armond Bylaw No 1067. 1090 5 Aug 41 Authorize the Central Pipe Line Crxnp. to construct, use and operate works required for the transmission of gas. 1091 3 Nov 41 Prohibiting, abating or regulating noises in Bayham. 1092 1 Dec 41 Appoint an Acting Medical Officer of Health in Bayham. 1093 5 Jan 42 Authorize the borrowing of $ 35,000.00. 1094 5 Jan 42 Appoint certain officers in Bayham for 1942. 1095 2 Feb 42 Provide for the road expenditures for 1942. 1096 21 Feb 42 Provide for the overexpenditure on roads in Bayham for 1942. 1097 2 Mar 42 Appoint Fence -viewers and Pound -keepers. 1098 4 May 42 Adopt the assessment on which the taxes shall be levied. 1100 8 Sept 42 Provide for the borrowing of $ 5,000.00 for a new school. 1101 8 Sept 42 Provide for the Bell Canada approval to lay lines on highways, streets, and other places. 1002 2 Sept 42 See as bylaw # 1101. 1103 5 Oct 42 Grant leave of Absence to the treasurer. 1106 4 Jan 43 Authorize the borrowing of $ 35,000.00. 1107 4 Jan 43 Appoint certain officers in Bayham for 1943. 1108 1 Feb 43 Provide for the road expenditures for 1943. 1109 1 Mar 43 Appoint a Road Superintendent. 1110 5 Apr 43 Appoint Fence -viewers and Pound -keepers. BAYHAM BYLAW RECORDS BYLAWS j 1083-1121 FILE # 24 cont. Bylaw # Date Subject 1111 5 Apr 43 Adopt the assessment on which taxes shall be levied. 1112 3 May 43 Authorize the }:growing of $ 13,000.00 for a new school. 1113 3 May 43 Provide Bell Canada authorization to lay phone lines on highways in Bayham. 1114 Oct 15 43 Close up road allowance on lots 11 and 12 in Bayham. 1115 1 Nov 43 Provide for the holding of Munc. elections. 1116 3 Jan 44 Aithorize the borrowing of $ 35,000.00. 1117 3 Jan 44 Appoint certain officers in Bayham for 1944. 1118 7 Feb 44 Provide for the road expenditures for 1944. 1119 ? ? 44 Adopt the assessment on which the taxes shall be levied. 1120 3 Apr 44 Appoint Fence --viewers and Pound -keepers. 1121 5 Sept 44 Close road through parts of lots 5 and 6 in Bayham. 0. Form 100.38 Ontario . . . . . . . . . . I . . . . . . . I . . . . . . . . . . . . + .�i�, ,+�:i�.J,t ... ? ,'...* ;.414 .1 .1.tS.�..t......................... ............ BY-LAW No..1106.......... � p �� �aj" to authorize the borrowing of 000. 00 $ , , , Whereas the Council of the To,�m,-V.I.p of t?Q j yam (hereinafter called the "Municipality") deems it necessary to ,borrow the sum of $ 3 5, OGO . t; , to meet, until the taxes are collected, the current expenditures of the Municipality for the year; NoTE.—Refer And Whereas the total amount of the estimated revenues of the Munici- to the estimates for the current pality as set forth in the estimates adopted for the year 19 J,2, not including year to th�� revenues derive or derived from arrears of taxes, borrowings and issues of of last year. debentures, ig-S his paragraph if not applicable). Therefore the Council of the of t; yam hereby enacts as follows: v 1. The Head and the Treasurer are hereby authorized on behalf of the Municipality to borrow from time to time by way of promissory note from THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE a sum or sums not exceeding in the aggregate $ 7 000. OC; to meet until the taxes are collected the current expenditures of the Municipality for the year, including the amounts required for the purposes mentioned in subsection (1) of section 339 of the Municipal Act, and to give on behalf of the Municipality to the Bank a promissory note or notes sealed with the Corporate Seal and signed by the Head and Treasurer for the moneys so borrowed, with interest, which may be paid in advance or otherwise, at a rate not exceeding f iv e- per centum per annum. 2. All sums borrowed pursuant to the authority of this by-law, as well as all other sums borrowed in this year and in previous years from the said Bank for any or all of the purposes mentioned in the said section 339, shall, with interest thereon, be a charge upon the whole of the revenues of the Municipality for the current -year and for 'all preceding years as and when such revenues are received. 3. The Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to apply in payment of all sums borrowedias aforesaid, together with interest thereon, all of the moneys hereafter collected or received either on account or realized in respect of taxes levied .for the current year and preceding years or from any other source which May lawfully be applied for such purpose. Passed this jou.­-.1j day of J R riu a- 19 � ; ? :. :'-......... ..................... • THE HEADOFT `(E MUNICIPALITY i SEAL ....................... .. ....... . .. ... .............. • , �ERK 0 We hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By -Law » No. 110C of the To•v; in of Bad, nam in the Province of Ontario, duly passed at a meeting of the Council of the skid Municipality duly held, and that the said By -Law is in full force and effect. Dated This h o ' -, day of .T a nu R ry 191,2 As Witness the Seal of the Po''t<:icitin of ;Prt, ............. ..... ................. . ........................ r THE HEAD OFT MUNICIPALITY ' SEAL ............................ .. ... w c K i f I 4. Towiv:%iip of '3ayham. -9y-Law t,?O . lie 7 3:-:I%IG a 3y -Taw to appoint oti'tain offiners in an,1 for the ,tuni^ pal-ity of tiie iroww--k�.tn of . nyiian, for t:.c: J ear 19-1.1 j x.1. BT ?' <7. .TZrIt1'r .T) in rf-gular session qFF-emble,1 • - 1. - -LIHAT W- 19 071 TMk),t.. shall be for the year at a salary of 1000.�� Px vs /OY of p06! TWX C 01, 4 EC TF p 2.- TtiA'I' '50. shall be n,ember of til-- ,3oard of ileAlth. 3.- ''r1l,`' /10B%/ 11)"L.EA/V and tfC#/1/8. COODI14AIDshu11 be VRluators of 11.-�estock Dille<I :;y (logs at per hour and ,lCk ;ger r',ilF one way. i.;.- "_'HAT U. 1�19��.� si1f11 be school .twn'ace ��ii'cer at a salary of`a?o5;au 5. -- THAT W. C. I)WC1{E41, s;- a i be geed Inspector st a sP1,12-y. of 6.- THAT Mkk EF shall be Se^retary of the T�osrl of I -lenity, a.t a salary; of CJs FEP-S oo 7. �.,,, U1. G. MITCNE1,L -s ha -1 be Cos lector at a ,.air ry4, of 81.- THAT'0.6 shh1l be helief OfLicer ar, n ;.clary of 4t)7.5: °.- ThAT /{, . (r�/9JUT shall ae Poll Tax Col1F�ltorj nt a :a`1ary 61 t� «J a third time ar;Jl finally nas :ed i o o:^�n Counnii thi€ . l Uu. th ley .of January, 1)4- �:• l)• 1tC-Cve, } w s I* mss.:.. ON7AMO DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS �. ..,' O _ :•i1 Is l�9 4 3 . v<-illee ;ori, `I`',v "%1 e rk :_"tra.ffordville, Ont. Dear Sir, Re Township Road A :;ropriation By-law 194 The Derart-cent has carefully considered your township road appropriation by-law for 1943 submitted for 109000.00. This is to advise you thea this Department approves of a net expenditure of � 10/9 000.00. We would ask your co-operation throughout the coming year to see that your proposed programme is kept within this net expenditure, Yours very truly J.A.P. Marshall Chief Munici- al Engineer M 10, S 10 IIEi �Dlrt�a�sEf SGFStC1� �� 8 ;�.Y,: a'. AO 9 r�. OTNISHIP CLERK Form B- 6 By_ T Ij A Vll A BY-LAW TO PROVIDE FUR THE '"IN3M,PDJ4_�_ OF bayham — IIN' CJ�_IIITYI WHEREAS The Hic�Uhi.ay IMproveMen"C'. Act, t'haptar 56, .. , J',_',3` ano amr-aidments requires that the total expenditure on toioiship roads and oridges be pr_-)viJled for annually by toxnship by-.I.av;. THEREFORE the council of the corporation of the f ollovis: (1) The sum ,, 16,000.uo of * is hereby appropriat(,d from monies raised by lelly and government subsidy for, total expenditure !Icor PeT)qir nnrl main. tenance of the road the *said s -0 �A to-i,.nzhip during j, the yoar 'j,� ''--s Iacl c inry , I.I.q Superintendence___— Maintenance & Repair -154 UOU Total Estimated Expenditure (2) The said monies shall be township road superintendent and expended urder t)`e on ..ork jperformo­_`, rl 0 j I., regulations respecting Ontario. toLnship roads issued -ti-,he (3) The clerk shall transmt, a copy of 1AIIAS j j'j Department of Highways, for approval on or before IFe.,nruary �. n,., r Passed atl f f av4v.i-1.1,9.ih_1 5 flaY ) f -3 "1 4 (S E A LN) 42 fz _CLE IZK REEVE I J ewey Vu'tlae Clerk of the co.­pj.--ak,. JL 3n of `,ht: township of -do hereby cortj:fy Utial, tAio. forego.i.11z 4, is a true copy of By -lay. �,14o.11Q8.—passed by the count ill )f tale said .=--p uI n on the Irt--day offie. bTyunry I OIL7 I s d' . Form B- 6 By- L Al�,, NO.—/10—Cf. d0 ./I _. � _ A BY -LAV; TO PPJVID J FvR THIE TOTAL 1C�EYz'F'�i�i`1'�.�"�� 1 -,ADS I} Ti#i' :SHIP V..HEARE AS The Highway T,%Ipr°over:tent Ac'r, ,hapte. 51:, s�. �.+� � , i .aiv` al is ndmont: requires that the total expenditure cn tov,::...1)ip road=> and nri'dges be pr;-, 11•cr. for annually by township by---laY.. THEREFORE the council of the corporation of the ­)utd or-iac+ s as follows: (1) The sum of � c©�" -- is hereby appropr_uto ivom, 3 raise'a levy and government su.boi dy for tota�' expenditure t.tc;�:�n r.tait� . tenance of the roads in said to�,n:='t:iv du<:ink .`he �:; f_,, s: y i �ur�er� nteraEnc.e- :� � _._..�_ , • �>�' �� 1,x'0 �Ia i ntenanc e Repair 01) . _..._.....___ Total Estimated Expenditure. (2) The said monies shall. be expended under �:1 d_, w ,won )f, {.1jt, "�� .r z.,F�,L !,?d township road superintendent and on .ork U i:s, -W,.1, . J regulations respecting tov.nshi p roads +i ssued b�• ti►i' ✓ : is 1 � i :'E', � . ,� s^ t�.l. �;k] r.•� i; S � Ontario. 1 (3) The clerk shall trarsmit a copy of 1-1his t. -o rl)e;: Department of Hiohv.ays, for approval _)n or before FeuY•, the pr,2sti . Sear. Passed at � _.. _k,n:l S ...._.L._ ._slay _; (E E A L)" ­ S , CLEEK // I REEVE I, Ci erlk :31- the curp.)ra't,ion of the township of -_do hereby ` erti.fy that the foregoing regoing is a true copy of By -lac. io..—_.____passed by the council c.)f ,13e sa:;.d on the day of 1 ' 4 Tom,,:;SH%P CLE.0 U ft FOMi l B-18 BY -LAIN NO. % A BY-LAW A POINTIivG A ROAD SITt'ERI�vTF,TvDE Tr Iii YHE TOWNSHIP OF IN TH;? COUNTY OF DISTRICT OF WHEREAS it is desirable that the laying out and supervision of all ,vork and expenditure upon improvement and maintenance of roads within the exclusive jurisdiction of this township should be under the supervision of a road superintendent, acting '1ndPr tii-� direction of this council; AND WHEREAS it is the desire of this council to take advantage of The Highway Improvement Act and to receive the Goverment grant as provided in R.S.O. , 1937, Chapter 56, Sections 45, 47 and 492 BE IT THEREFDR ENACTN by t'ip municipal council of the corporation of the said township and it is hereby enacted: 1. THAT (name) (tress) is appointed road superintendent in the said township to act as aforesaid in accordance with the provisions of the said Section 45 of tha said Act from the day of 19 �3 y and during the pleasure of the said council. 2. THAT the road superintendent shall be paid at the rate of L019!7_ per for such time as he may be so employed. 3. THAT it shall be the duty of the superintendent to lay out'and supervise all work and expenditure on .roads within the exclusive jurisdiction of the township council and to conform to such general r:�gl:lations as t.ie Department of High:,,,ays may prescribe. 4. T A1' all by-laws or parts t1aereof and all or any resolutions of said council contrary hereto or inconsistent herewit'i, be and the same are hereby re- pealed. 5. THAT a certified copy of this by-law be foi-warded by the clerk without dela::), to th-=, :dunii,ipal Roads Branch, Department of Highways, Toronto. REAi'. A THIRD TI,4E tiND PASSED THIS / day of ( SEAL) . CLERK REEVE Clerk of the Corporation of the township of do hereby certify that the foregoing*is a true copy of by-law `,o. pas:�ed b�- the co,zncil of the said corporation on the day of 19 :1 TOWNSHIP CLERK 0 FORM B-19 BY-LAW NO. 1109 A BY-LAW APPOINTING A ROAD SUP ERI.N'TENDEN7 IN THE TOWNSHIP OF 13AYHAM IN TH <<, COUNTY OF ELGIN DISTRICT OF WHIMAS it is desi»able that the laying out and supervision of all work and expenditure upon improvement and maintenance of roads within the exclusive jurisdiction of this township should be under the supervision of a road superintendent, acting under tha direction of this council; AND WHE1,REAS it is the desire of this council to take advantage of The Highway Improvement Act and to receive the Government grant as provided in R.S.O., 1937, Chapter 56, Sections 45, 47 and 497 BE IT THERE.FORE--I&CTED by t:,e municipal council of the corporation of the said township and it is hereby enacted: 1. THAT Harry - L. Godwin haynam P.O. (name) (address) is appointed road superintendent in the said township to act as aforesaid in accordance with the provisions of the said Section 45 of the said Act from the F i rzt day of January 19 43 and during the pleasure of the said council. 2. THAT the road superintendent shall be paid at the rate of $ 1000.00 per Year for such time as he may be so employed. 3. THAT it shall be the duty of the superintendent to lay out>and supervise all work and expenditure on roads within the exclusive jurisdiction of the township council and to conform to such general regulations as the Department of Highways may prescribe. 4. THAT all by --laws or parts tzereof and all or any resolutions of said council contrary hereto or inconsistent herewith, be and the same are hereby re- pealed. 5. THAT a certified copy of this by-law be forwarded by the clerk without delay to the ►dunicipal Roads Branch, Department of Highways, Toronto. ,p8` READ A THIRD TI.AE AND PASSED THIS 18t. day of March 19 43. (SEAL) CLERK / REEVE ' Dewey Vallee Clerk of the Corporation of the township of bayham do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of by-law No. 1109passed by the council of the said corporation on the 1st • day of March i ci 43. 'ZZdIP CLERK By -Law No Township of Bayham. Being a by-luw ip appoint fence -viewers and hound -keepers in and for the Township of Bayham for t:ie year 191 3 h. 7�. WHEKEN&-� it is deemel necessary an! expedient to appoint certain officers in and for the To nsiiio of Bayham for the yf. Ar 1917 A. 3E IT THLrLEE,, ENHCTED by the ivunicipal COUnCi1 of the 'township of i3ayham in regular session assembled that the follow ng appointments be made for the year 1943 A. D' fence-viexers for x./43 1. Lloyd Jackson, Vieiina, 1, . k . 1. 2. Earl M ood�vorth, Pt .Burwell h . 1. 3. Kobt. McKean, Vienna, h.K.2. �1. U. berdan, f3ayna m. j. Harm, Saxton, Vienna h.h.2. c . Fred Benner, Bayham. 7. Ernest HolrtiA21, btraffor Iville. 8. Carman r3all, Eden. 9. Elgin Underhill, Vienna. Horace Hague, Straffordville,h.l. 11. Geo. 5. Elliott, Tillsonburg. 12. 13 -�-- - opo TZ=� T i l l s o nburg . lit Lloyd Merron, e ort burwe ll . 15 Geo. Procunier, 16. hobt. Jackson, S trafforriville. 17. Ira Stilwtill, Eden. GED. 1?04t 1.l. "q i- -V/4 13 1? ) rf t*' Bound -Keepers for 1943- 1. Albert Moore 2. Karl Woodworth 3. T. C. Thomson 1 . R. Garnham 5. John A. Jackson t. Morley Hotchkiss horace Hague °. om. Brinn 9. Reg. Mcwuiirgan 10. Robt. McLean 11. hoot. Ja,!kson 12. L. Joyce, Punt Burwell 13. Judson Ball 14. J. D. Stewart 15- -��a 4Q@ ., Rim 16. Geo. +Jroc•,,,nier. 17, Cecil Beamer 18. Clarence Wol-fe. 19. R. Moody. 80. Hoy Nevill. 21. F.-rnest holman 22. Harry Buxton 23. 11. L. INhite . 2!4. Warr] Benner 25. ural , ae.e Weeks. kEAD a third time and finaily passed in open Council thi-s Fifth'. day of Apri3,1 j1+3 A.D. r' Reeve. 0 -0 By -Law No. // Township of Bayham. Being a By -Law to adopt the assessment on which the taxes shall be levied for the year 1943, to levy the taxes for the year 1943 and to provide for the collection thereof, WHEREAS by By -Law No. 1067 of the Township of Bayham, passed on the 5th. day of February 1940, the Council of the said Township provided for the making of the assessment of the Municipality prior to the 30th. day of September, 1 42, as the assessment, on which the rate of taxation for the year 19 3 should be levied; AND '4HEREA6 the assessment roll containing the assessment made as aforesaid was revised, corrected and passed by the Court of Revision of the said Towns4i-g on the 2nde day of November 1942; AND 'NHEREAS there were no appeals from the court of Revision or that all appeals from the Court of revision have been heard and decided; AND WHEREAS it is expedient to adopt the said assessment as the assess- ment on which the rate of taxation for the year 194.3 shall be levied; AND WHEREAb it is necessary and expedient to levy on the whole rate- able property according to the last revised assessment roll of the said Township the sum of $70,000,UO for the general purposes of the said T..!Tiisuin for file current y eRr, for the payment of the County rate for the current year, and for the purpose of defraying part of the expenses of eublic and High School education, and other purposes; THEREFORE. THE COUNCIL OF THL CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM 1.NACTS AS FOLLOWS;- 1. OLLOWS;- 1. That the assessment contained in the of Bayham as ma Je pursuant to by -Law No* and as revised, corrected and passed by County Judge, be and the same is hereby asse*smert on which the rate of taxation levied* assessment roll of the Townshil 1067 of the said Township, the Court of Revision and adopted and confirmed as tie. ` for the year 1943 shall be 2. That the said assessment Poll be and the same ic- hereby -adopted and confirmed as the last revised assessment roll for the staid Township. 3. That, for the purpose of providing the sum of 139,500.00 for the genera. purposes of the Corporation, including the amount required for County rates and other purposes for the current year, a rate of 17.4 mills in the dollar be and the same is hereby levied for the year 1943 upon the whole of the said assessment of the said Township according to the last revised assessment roll, which is made up as follows; - General Kate --------------- 9.0 mills being 10.0 mills less 1 mill deduction as provided by the Ontario Government Subsidy. County Rate ---------------- 8.4 mills M 4. That, in addition, for the purpose of providing the stun of S30, 500. for Public School education for the current year, the following mill rates be and the same are hereby levied for the year 1943 upon the' respective portions of the said assessment of the Public School supporters of the said Township according to the last revi-sed assessment roll, as indicated hereunder; - General Public school Rate on assessment of t2,.?,37, 541. --- 5.5 mills eublic school Section No.l do 126,635.--- 4.7 do 2 do 237,093•---19.6 do do 101,1509--- .9 do 4 do 7#0P803--�.c do 62, 753,--- 5.2 do 6 dob . 2 do 8 do 11,13 . --- :4 do 9 do 57, 06. --'- 7.0 do 10 do 117,4250--" 5.1 do 11 do 104, 525• --- 17.3 do • 0 j Public School Section No. 12 on 14 1 16 17 1 23 Vienna assessment of $101,025.--- 5.4 mills d*o 2179 709. ---11.3 do do $99550•--- 5.6 do do 275,406.--- 9.7 do do 117.,2410--- 6.2 do do 219,335•--- 5.5 do do 150,15 . --- 3.2 do do 28,53•--r16.Q do 5. That, in addition, for the purpose of providing the slue of **,1400.00 for necessary expenditures in the Police Village of Port Burwell for the current year, and for the purpose of providing the sum of $417.00 for street lighting purposes in the Hamlet of StraLfordville for the current year, the following mill rates be and the same are hereby levied for the year 1943 upon the following assessment according to the last revised assessment roll of the said Township; Police Ville of Port Burwell, assessment of $209,714.-- 6.7 mills 5traffordville Street Lights do S1O2,000.--- y / do 6. The Clerk shall prepare and deliver the Collector's Roll to the Collector on or before the First day of June 1943- 7, All taxes or other special rates shall be paid into the Office of the Collector of Treasurer of the Township of Bayham or into the branches of the Canadian Bank of Commerce at Straffordville and .wort Burwell. 8. Taxes shall become payable one-half on or before July 20th. 1943, and one-half on or before December 20th. 1943- renalties for non- payment when due and discounts for pre -payment of taxes shall be as provided in By -Law No. 1067 and amendments thereto of the said Township of Bayham. 9. The Collector shall have the privelege of mailing the tax notices to the Several tax payers if he so desires. 10. After fourteen days notice, the Collector or his Bailiff may seize any ggods for unpaid taxes. READ a third time and finally passed in open Council this day of4A�I1943 A. D• t reeve. Clerk. M r , M I A ONTARIO THE ONTARIO. MUNICIPAL BOARD Wondey, the 301 i h.,;.Colt.,r, ;o k.,K,C., and ,� • � • �� C is r.� i:t S �� • , � • .�. � a L' • , "Oh elay of AuC.,ust,A.D.1i043 IN THL T, firL; of the A'pr:lioeLL�n of the Corporation of the "- lo, 'vnship of bayham under ,;ection 64 of J."art IV of "The Ontario !,"unicipe.l Board Act" .0.1937, Chapter 6U) , for approval i of its By-law b:uraber 1112 - t 413, U0U * U0 i for n(aw school builainL; in J'- j.No.14) U ^ -t iP:_ , of the said Corporuti.,n and upon readlii6 t hu oo ly of the said icy -law and tha other J.�ateric;1 filed, �' :. 13 `:ir x;► Q > .r > � unC fE r and In of t 1:.e provi,A"•-,.s of 64 fif ::Art IST of 'm-1m.1ie ;­ nt`,`.r.10 t x J.4� 1 `i�:`: i' :x :.e. (i 4 it I t . , s v . � v s trig"I., V t �i V � t [3 `2 v .# suid y-1 _ �:uY.is'rc;r 1112, intituled:- "Of, ntituled:-"af' the Cvrporat i fi ca f t;ht. of ;ayliam "I" --lay; auth(crizln.• the; borrotini of .x,13 90UU.OG upon trdebenturc: for the of buil;dint E: riev school lt uildin.- In vayhami." be ex -d the ­a%e is here by . AND IT I:.a L, ::F ?. , undei° sand In of the , ..._,provisi Dn: of =sr t IV of *'Thc; ��-rzt�::.rio .=nicis r f ;3o - rCL m cts� (: •.,.V.l v7, Chas ,or 60) , th€.;t tri: debc Lur... issued undex the autliority of and i:i conf orlAty with the Said 111y-l�v, !.)e certified as provided try -the said ul the Bua2�a' 3 fee on this a ,pl.ieutLmo TPursufint to 2 • .G.1�) 7, C.60, 4.104 end .107 (re--exiac: v ,d by 3.0.11�i39,C.47,s.26 (3))o In the qua of 413-()0 is hereby acknoyil©d:-%t,d and cwu.f iriaod . 4. a • r. w I � fi.-r �Yi�i11��+L►V • E ONTARIO THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD A,'ue s d (iy I i a 11 1 L I y :�'LLy J I I f I i t i ; __ 11 � A 0 Vi 70 i' ntw,,,,�rtj �zlci-al Boa,,rd 'L'" 1937, Chic r,Ler -GO) j and of tliu ti of Uj'e, Corpor, 1A,.n iD1 the Toy nshL-, of Brqhbra i yr a A of +0x" 0 - o, x"enditure of ;kj3j000,0Q for Vhc pur-.. zm of a new school buildl.,..- in so 9 14 Bayhyum 't'' • is f, 10 : Y Ile 21 of' tAire said Cor-�orc�tl...,n -and uz)ar. c.)-t-isideration of rhe Ac.i;Urinl filed3j TTIL undtx,- t�4id In ,.mrsuance of the provist-j's 0"' ti n 70 zA* "'.rhe k'xitt�.rlo "unici,;U Board 4. �r2l, Ch,-.41Lur 6G)v LhFti, the undertt)kiii:- by the E .11 CorporLL" 1 '11 CA' 1,1,6 'r'1y1A 3'4 1,' Of aft Yf1jrL Of V, Cal-ta 1 ox ,a ;iid i ur of t13,000oQG for the -A-,urpo,.e oi bulldii,,, a riew 3cliool build li,.- -1*14 bayh=q be uzid the lire, ,o is Jvu_,eb'Y Wtie tiald ­UXU011'Itlity "i'ay 110v J, oy: 0 Zi "o procecd vwitlis authori;-,e. or provile ­a.,.jjz.9Ys to t tie extent -.-,rZPVjUed for by, or consequent upon this aliproycil, cuid for such .ur;one.i.,-, may cess all requisite by-layis', Includirit- ..1rov1dc;d hov.t.vo-r, that ti,e for re -ay- e, �nt of the debenture1 whitch ;::.ay to Is-3ued 1-;ereunder. Shall rot exceed fiftoon yearo, AND IT 13 ;'f.,D that deLentures conte-UpIcAcd hireby shall Le ie aced and nold, ur.loss d1.rGvL#_d ty the "ofard, ".'Ot jx,,e year from thG Mate 4 of t h _i,onrd*s ref, I* thin 15,--it)licatini , 1mrsuant 10 to h. ,*0*lSKi7gC*6C.#s,*j04 &lid a*107 (re-er*actad LY ;*0el)3199CA71, V *Z8 (3) L-41 lit. re �,Y ac*r*,41iovileo.,,.-ed al'd cari- 4 nY-z.AW NO. of THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSIM? OF BAYaAitii. A BY -law authorizing the borrowing of $13, el,00. rC upon debentures for the purpose of building a new school building in S.S.No, V.a Bayham. `N1!;RF.x.# it is expec? ler► ; to borrow for the rlirnnse of building a new school building in school section No. 1�, Bayham, a sum not exceeding 7"9�r :`� �� ' ?' Dc} - dollars (#A,00a ) upon the ctedit of the Corporation, to issue debentures therefor bearing int,6i-I.,"est at the rate of three and one-half per centum (3z�) per annum payable annually and to provide for the discount and the expenses incidentRl to negotiation and Gale of such debentures; xND WH17hEab it is expedient to make the principal of tile- said. debt -repayable in annual instalments during the period of 1Y years ncY.t after the date of issu _, of euci, de DentuAres, Cif' such amounts respectively that, with interest in respect cf the c ebt, the aggregate amvant payable for principal and interest in each year snail be, as nearly as possible, the same, r .-, jec t to the statutory proviso that each instalment of principal may be for an Even 0100* O, ?;50C -.CC or X1,000.00, or multiple thereof, and, that notwith- standing angtring herein contained, the annual instalments of principal an,1 interest may differ in amount sufficiently to ar.Mit thereof; AND WHEREAS tyle amount of tt.e whole rateable- property of the municipality, according to the last revised assev. En.ent roll thereof is S2, 266, 07;.01c:; jgND � tir:nT x THE amount of the existing debenture debt of the Corporation, exclusive of local improvement debts secured by special. rates or assessments, is 5,27,811018 and no part "of the principal oil interest of such debt is in arrears; - idw,L) WHEREAS by Order dated the � � � day of 1943, tre Onta.rio Municipal Board has a ,ri•ovethe purpose of the said borrowing and the passing of all requisite day -laws, including debenturee icy -laws; THErFFORE the Cpuncil of the Cor -_)f) -ration of t.1 -1.P. To:rnship of Bayham enacts as fellows: - 1. For the purpose aforesaid the Corporation shall borrow upon the credit of the corporation a surra not, exceeding dollars ($13, 00" and shall issue detentures therefor in sums of not less than 50ouO eacho Each debenture shall bear interest at the,rate of three and one-half per centum (32%} per annum payable annuai:ly and shall have coupons attached thereto for the payment of such: interest. 2e H11 the debentures shall bear the same date, shall be issued at one time and within two years after the day on which this By-law is passed, may bear any date within such two years and shall be made payable in annual instalments during the period of /,5 years next after the date of issue thereof, and the respective amounts of principal and interest payable in each of such yearE shall be the amounts so designated in Schedule "A" hergto annexed. j. The debentures shall be payable as to both principal and interest in la .ful money of Canada and may be made payable at such place or p:? goes iii Canada as sisal :10c designated thereon. 4. The said debentures shall be sealed with the Seal of the Corporation aid signed by the head of the Council, or by some other person authorized by by -low to sign the sane, and by the Treasurer. The said interest coupons shall be signed by the Treasurer and his si€natdre thereon may be written, stumped, lithographed or engraved. -K �. Commencing in the year 1944 and thereat r er in each year in which an instalment, cf principal of the said debt and interest become due, the Corporation shall levy and raise the specific stir:► shown for the respective year in the fourth column of the said behedule. ouch Sum shall be levied and raised by a special rate sufficient therefor, over and above all other rateE, upon all the rateable property of the rublic School Suppo,Pters in School ;vection No. 1L in the Municipality. 6. The said debentures may contain a clause providing f'or the registration thereof pursuant to section 336 of The Municipal Hct. 7. rending the sale of the said debentures the head of the Council and the Treasurer may raise for the purposes aforesaid by way of loan on such debentures any sum or sums not exceeding in all the sum hereby aut­krbrized to be borrowed and may hypothecate such debentures for such loan. REND a k'IR,,-�T and ; EGOND time this ✓ day of V Ia'q' 1943• �- neve. r � c; e r e }t"D a THIRDtime and finally passed r' this day of Reeves r /y i C er a w 0 s 19430 Ye ar 1. 2. 3- 4* 5• 6. 7• 8. 9• lU. 11. 12. 13. i4l• 15 SCHEDULE "A". to By -:taw ivo. 1112* of the Corporation of the �,. TOWNSHIP OF' BAYH m e Principal Interest Tota1 1 673.73 f 455.00 46 1128.73 697.30 43.1.43 1128.73 721.71 4o7.o2 1128.73 746.97 381.76 1129.73 773.12 355.61 1128.73 800.18 328.55 1128.73 828.18 300.55 1128.73 857.17 271.56 1128.73 887.17 2.1.56 1128.73 918.22 210.51 1128.73 950.3E 178.37 1128.73 983.62 145.11 1128.73 1018.05 110.68 1128.73 1053.68 75.05 1128.73 1090.54 38.17 1128.71 $ 13000.00 53930.93 $16930.93 1 0 I t./ cr m to cr - G � r CD ta v -yam • N +"t N N • O 1 0 SULECT MUNICIPAL PERYISSION : Bavham Township : Estimate 7377 ; T.i. 50 B -D THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA CHK/DP WOODSTOCK, AP?? Ilj 5TH. I943. The Reeve and Municipal Council, Township of Bayham, Mr. D. Vallee, Clerk, STRAFFORDVILLE, Ontario. Dear Sirs: In order to recondition certain Toll Pole Line located on Township roads in the Township of Bayham, we desire to replace, reset and reinforce the poles as detailed on the attached plan numbered P157. Will you kindly have the attached By-law passed at the next regular meeting of Council and instruct the proper official to sign the "Certificate of Location", which you will find stamped on the back of the plans, returning one copy of each to this office, at your earliest convenience. All wires attached to these poles will be maintained at a minimum clearance of 16 feet over the travelled portion of the roadway. Your eahly . attention to this matter will be greatly appreciated. Yours truly, Manager . Att. (W. E. Brewster) W.E. Brewster D.Cameron W.G.L. Est -7377 eI S W SUIP Of BA HAhi_— To provide for the Corporationtr consent to Zie Bell Telephone Company of clanada constructing its lines upon the his hways, Streets and other public places of the Conation And to authorize the /goad Soper rhfer7 d fn -f. to supervise and approve the construct._o� n o such lines. WHERMAS The Bell Telephone Company of Canada is empowered by its Special Act of incorporation, 43 Victoria Chapter 67 (Dominion) to construct, erect and maintain its line or lines of telephone alon, the sides of and across or under any public highways, streets, bridges, water -courses, or other such places, or across or under any navigable wat-rs either wholly in Canada or dividing Canada from any other country, subject to the terms therein set forth; AND v HEREILS sub -section 2 of section 373 of "},c, Railway Act, R.S.C. 1927 Chapter 170 provides that no telephone line within the legislative authority of the Parliament of Canada shall, except as th ;rein prorid ed, be construete(i upon, alonU or across .n- hi .;hivay, square or public place without the legal consent of the municipality havinfr jurisdiction_ over such highlWay, square or public place; AND VIFTERIMS The Bell Teelaphonc Company 'of 'CahacRri has requested' �he' Corporation's consent to the eons.tructio;. of tclopiionc lines upon, along, across and/or under the streots, highviay,%,- sgiiares or..othcr public places horoinaf tor rent ionod for tho purposes of its bus inc;s s ;, BE IT TIIER'TFORE ENAC`:''_'-M by thy; Corporation of the Pownshin of PAvham as follows 1. THAT pursuant to the provi:- ions of subsection 2 of section 373 of the RailWelt Act, R.S.C. 1927 Chapter 170, the said Corporation hereby consents to the construction by The Bell Telcphono Company of Can i s of tcicphon,:; lin is upon, along, across and/or undor thv following strcct: , high -way;, squarus or othor public places: _ Iii, nw t a-A�! g �i I* S s r - Y Y a.n accordance with the said Col~span,. t s application and in ki the locations and otht iviise in the manner shown on the plans attached thereto nurl;-)e -�ed P 1 of , timate xr XCs�e number dated Novembers 191PI Provided, however, that the con� ruction oa _� sucnes by The Bell Telephone Company of _ ,�'anaJa shah be done in accordance with the said �'or«pany's standards of construction. Provided further that the openin„ up of streets, highways, squares or other public places for the erection of poles or for the carrying of wires un(Aerground shall be subject to the supervision of the Dad, SO12t- of the Corporation whose certificate as to supervision: shall be valid and binding upon the Corpor- ation. 2. THAT upon obtaining the consent of the abutting landowners the Company mai*, under the supervision of the said lVad4 Supt• of the Corporation, cut dovrn and/or trim all trees 6ro,ving or standing, upon the said streets, highwrays, squares or other public places of the Corporation so as to keen its lines and tf;iros free from interference therewith. 3. THAT the Clerk of the said Corporation is hereby authori,zed and directed to certify under the seal of the Corporation to The Boll Telephone Company of Canada tree appointment and the nano of the PjtgA d "7t of the Corporation authorized to act under this By -lata. 1st reading 2nc! reading, 3 3 3rd rea d ing� _1At I& x ,q(.; , ve o / I;iar•" en ♦ 1 N ^w,t r >„ f; _a � ,� E .:. 4, ^tit ~'. y .�A" .. a!• y •, f e. ;A \ �h P � 61 y...ww.t., �`' - t �.:..� a" f , 0 0 v 16 . 7 i3l V ',: a U' , road a l l ti, t. , .•. ,,, � on 1- •-. .-� �_ . f 1 .... ►, ._ 'i .. i n 1� T r�,i } 3 %,i L ii LJ " i t'.i .: wt .a . z + i V J. yt LJ v .t.L..O :_' �: L _t>ire J.r ii'�. yip �J� .t:� Sie.`sI�t yoi:�_�t c.iv' .�....i.. :.i :�`: N�:•-i1..� ''?fi21,)� .. T....�.v� -•._ ...y err .,. ♦�.l•o-•�...�rl.✓ a.. V ,.+�. r �s.•J..{»0L.wi �1�,= ' 1133 ?-.•.. U1133 ii a. J.-�. i .�M ..4 /.: ..�. .. `I V c�•�5 i�ell, c+ tlur w J�v�� i t✓�i• s :dui :'ed ycJ I Uy�;..l yoi:�_�t c.iv' .�....i.. :.i :�`: N�:•-i1..� ''?fi21,)� .. /., t'v. ♦• - .mak✓ .,rl x�I1�Cid. y� j .y ...i S t r1� V V Z . n. 7 .�. � �Z �� 1 .•: .�a.i V t,/ �:.:J '. l t! aI `J—r_.._y ew ..) L)�. 'J .f :Di 6 �.ti C21 �c `Jdi ariu, .�. ..uJsJ u,,. ). �. i ..»...w. .J _ 11.-:� ;.,,(,• J i. ; ...3 V ..:y, ,.. � ..1:� .,J �i... ., f ,.. ...'moi a ..j �_ .......�, asi�. .� ...3.• �.: ..: "� �t � Z Mb lf i w vl.j i.� _3a «_ ✓ �;t -. v_.g:: :J:.a.a ice. M:� J.t, _..i= a� ._... J a�u ..J «. .. •..:.v « a.i y ...........� 1 : ✓ t _ i..I ,iJ .1� 1 is `.l �.' t r t s.l •) v i . u :� .:i :� . �s .i Lei t, j Chi JT all ✓V Ja ;JS '.�; j'�e� 1.�.1..d J '`YI V.+.�ds : *:�.� .-. ,� _r � ..., -.� ^.�... -�._ � _.. : __' ,.• � (fit .�, � poi}.t i1, Ile OL la,rl 1 } ? + Zt3G 7 a C :.. 1 ..i, ..i ..» ; J 'v i a v a : .1.. l.� •.i l v v iw •..,� � .« ,. �. ' � v +;;, ,�J'..c F.+ i .Lyt .L �i ..� 'J �.i. �i .iJ� J i M :J .7..: w «�7 • 1F V t t/�] 0:11 am} � �`.�y �}�7'�j ^, 1 t.... V. r V H .Y' « '" :.i ..J i% V_j r� 1 J t✓ ..i.. Ti .. 'W� 7ta� . �y -'3 •� �w 1 . • 7 , ; 1 . - .5 ", -�J : ^1 q.. , .� .' t � � w" , J�'1 .FF ., , -{ „/.. n. ::.�Y M �• .l._a.=. i� w`�' {�F R.,; �. `..J..,i. ..�. ��. >.J J .S. Ja/�3 .;'3.: i.LW l„L..♦<'.s .L. i)2a.'�.I .i+ .. i i 4 _ � ../. 'J .L ..._ v ....�.. «. _ . �.:5 t" .. ..1. � .r .1. a ✓ .0 � .,.. � .. i 3.. =.i �.t �.w.l lt4 r u M s Aip N0`11- 1 OF BY -i, %ii The Township of Bay'haM 1" . ke no Ace th;It %t .:.� maeting of the ;.''wici al Coc.ncil Of the "'ownship of B-4ham which s114Q11 be held :after this notice l-aia been-ublisllad for Four succassiv�:,-c: ;ks in the 1fir: ,1��t�'1i.,1.L � r r . 7iews namely at 0 o'clock in the /IF�49noon on the day ('1 (,f j'4"ovez Lbe� 19 � r • , f ��� yip Ut�� ytir�s �i 11_ill in the 1�i11:� •.'A �f :'':r.: f - s ordva le a Pro�0s0d )J,-1: Will be suj,-iitted tho 'urEicai���l �Q+c?.Ci i Of t�i? 'o, I't 13; of Co- A. 5tq plrl;:7 llY� .3rlu C)_`> 1 �y. }(}p,� -fit '� y- ( y� �- , L.lf 1814 1 L� �� .. y 4 i .. i� 2 . a c 1 o s ►3 V i A V � 1 t x'71 r �.'r�� .� ,� i South '.:,lx of Lots asu:,, vers ;*.-laveii allu L`VvIalves ;once:swion .pit ht, 1'aythxn as is mora . irticuiturl;; ae:'Criva� lil �s;c: c.". proose : U �'-� r, c+o .gip :/1r,►i • •?� sJ� .J- �' si� v.� fit; �r c • :: :t the Offia(j of t}i,l �r of u.,�; s: id ..:�rxi.ci1it . h� 'xil :tv v i tie O. :tr affordvi.11e. ',nd further tape rtotica to t .2 LISaC�3''Pr�_.xi.,r,,. 1I11i' L 11.i : 41 It l / i �,�11 -1011raeil of the Tov,ns , iz: of Btiyh.am r; 1.11 R: ar any ���reon, in jp�:;rson or ty yoiuicil, solicitor or tie e;nt, 1141,10 clairo th.: t :iii .Uis ho`r 1 n .1 be 1� ire jucicicill�ffacted�b r t�= oy y I tpie. ' rec ll irod to be as=p �rru. y ed at r f c,t s h r , t���.s da,of Qctr)bers 194a rt I A SM `I FH il 0 v 3 4,#, i Y,wL­ w Iloo Of tile vi­'orpor.-Aion of tho Tomas4it. of Bayham 3; -Law to close up road allminmea on the souta hrilf of Lots Uevan -And Tnal ve in tLa Sizhtl� of Cie A. . '. O. 34har. vlose u, 3 �, A it peJitant t.!) s aa h a rf v i I 1, 1-1, f t ti Or &,:o s a r lb zs 1 0 w notice of tho proposed bje-l-xv hl is bean pub liz,111113d j A 18aSt MOO iR fOUZ 0—imeautivo wookli issuns of tile Till 3 I -Tem nalmall of %It_t)bcr 291s Octobt�r 28's Vowribar 4* =i 3.1 A. as rcqu1xv*d by 11-hms :Eaaiaip-, I ,.ut. nQ :�rsou whose I,-,%nda nd-tht be or may be praj, icially aferjoted thereby h_,ia zvpp1Ai.%d to WN !iward by th,.) "Pounci.]. or any *Ujoections wlifitwaav,ir therato. Ishe 1"'alictipal J'f"swloil of tho of -"'a lixv "n th �,­79 is slat:lsfiad ti.i­A tao 1,141-111iranonts of I. I flo -, i , * &*, anacts aa f ollowsvw ."use 'No. it the at -id ro A illowance 4iial is vora Arti0U1,ir1:1 dusaribad thiA ozir.t.rilin or vic of rz �J -tww r-" -raAc;visp situ; t3, lyin­ rmJ, bo i n, JA, fi;a Of �n$ t .�rts of t of -ItA)ts 11 -:Lh1d 1� i.rl tli-i Sth mf the "t7owas-A" of beift. r j 9 trip of 101-in6; kaiu:.,ato Do I i8,ks iild� rile, ilffj v-1. iotil-x1v descriuied ;xm f Alowav* V L at Lov 1. -40 1. JoVulierl* ir i L of 31, ; I'; ?-' hii I U 1 V ,, �,, I'. ) A 'iil diotfint "'n" :a`,I v' " TWeUO) rnaa6ureJ t!lar_��Jnp frcr, et-lat ire-10of Lot 13„ i.1qnC;-.wSi0j1 PS '211-imlaii;; of 31ti11111!=; T!" orth P1 de.-.reaa 1 ^1wi" 4 onto A',, `i%J` 10 T I've" 11 de,,raou �)3 minu*zia .-at Wt 0 • Ti I " 3 Uorx« 0 de.'-raas 41 ninutes ,est, 0 4wi,$1w AV 44 X Ma 1, 4- 1411"Z,.I.P.�� Nortil 65 dui 243 sm i v; u e t vTT 7!4 P* OUth fA do'Lraaa 0*1 rz nu t 6 s list# TT T7, 3 •A Qb, 9 d• C.1 ninutus ;iO3ts T' ,T4 '"', T,*�`A 74' • �3outh 9 da_ ;rjas 31 rminutes 7. at# M 010); V T th, 39 d a 41 !�iriutap sts T I 4L Tj (a* T' I 'V".3 North `�4 0, v Vt.­. 3 00 0- 11.th (# 5 de,,I-raea %inut .213 t 57 t-j;ia %A3 W •A -3)o ' 75 North 5ZA da-l-rc,.,,os -)7 !Aiwtas post, Tr '177T L or 1, as to n -point in the mustarIj 14mit or the S�Ad lot It dist4ant _ * * & 7 T ;j A'j f's d 160 61 ) i'ma At JnuCwrly t1i(iroon from Its i111t0%-r8(x-0t10n with "o limit betvesn the 3011th 11alf :ora T,;O_t�_ A " 11'a1►f of stlid Lot 11; ­( ­ �11 It Ziion,�; tha sta-1*14y linnit or Lot Us 117177,'1 -1 "L, U �Y,J (42) more br less to Ioj,.,t"istult _1107 I na,,.-zaura,1 llarthorly (310 to 4 l ­8a4,jZjj I'Mit Of tStL id Lot 11 fro a point in A.I-je 3aatii wes t,3rly 0 i'd Jouth *52 de.,,,°raas' 27 inugas istp C. 1. lv! ") r U -T- M!`-4 1 , t� �'_ V -7 ni outL bl do-, nw, X Ma 1411"Z,.I.P.�� Nortil 65 dui 243 sm i v; u e t vTT 7!4 P* OUth fA do'Lraaa 0*1 rz nu t 6 s list# TT T7, 3 Al W MiWA03 7�aUtj, fj _4 i1,.I,y Tj"r 1.3 Z. 9% T' ,T4 '"', T,*�`A 74' • �3outh 9 da_ ;rjas 31 rminutes 7. at# M 010); V T th, 39 d a 41 !�iriutap sts T I 4L Tj (a* 3buth U do,. -*roes 53 piinn-teo 'xtp A South D doj:7,rees 1 ainute ;L-4 at* . , a .., *I- I t —3— 't L : f �Yai" "f i► i . LIM a i 0 1 C Eli 0 to l`C- T O• r, WED • �.J W Q w c3 �st2, � Z7 w � j--a w � n wa v L i s 0 1 BY-LAW NO. TOWNSHIP OF BAYAAM. BEING A BY-LAW to providF for the holding of the Municipal Elections in the Municipality of Township of bayham for the year 1914 A.D. A14D for the appointing of Deputy Returning Officers as well as Poll Clerks and Polling Places in the several Polling Sub -Divisions in the Municipality of the Township of bayham. BE IT THFREFORE ENACTED by the Council of the Township of Bayham in regular session a: sembled: THAT, providing more persons qualify for election to office than are required to fill the various offices, an electicn be held on Dec. 6th. 1943 as according to Township of Bayham By -Law No. 1017, and in accordance with the provisions of the Municipal Flection Act. THAT the election for Sub -Divas ion No. 1 of the Municipality shall be held at the Police Hall in the Village of Port Burwell; and that FRANK Mlll- -MRO shall be Deputy Returning Officer, ani that Tl/o/nAS ESL 10-rT shall be Poll Clerk for said Sub -Division. THAT the election for Sub -division No. 2, shall be held at or near F1PEo �A�r�R the home of .tAnal aee Gree in the said sub -division, and the ED, sCA90holy shall be Deputy Returning Officer,. . and that FIPED eM(JE:'P shall be Poll Clerk for said Sub -Division. THAT the election for Sub -Division No. 3 shall be held at or near the Smuck School House in the said sub -division, and that A08T C. �ACYrv#shall be Deputy Returning Officer, and that A2)9y NvA's7'0H shall be Poll Clerk for said Sub -'division. THAT the election for Sub -Division No. 1� shall be held at the Township Hall in the said Sub -Division, and that ,k1RRRY P 6: 9AlTshall be Deputy Returning Off Lcen; and that /110I?1VAN Ple k shall be Poll Clerk for said Sub-Divis ion. THAT the election for Sub-Diviston No. 5 shall be held at the Women's Institute Hall in the Village of Corinth, and that W/91-TE)F /141,4SON shall be Deputy Returning Officer, and that POO$ OU11I70ND shall be Poll Clerk of said Sub -Division. THAT the election for Sub -Division No. 6 shall be held at or near the School Hall in the Village of Eden, and that 40RFNzO I -EACH shall be Deputy Returning Off icer, and that Vr-Rq /'?714 $C-- F shall be Poll Clerk for said Sub -Division. hip, AFF, 1 Clerki., r ( .2 ) THAT the election for Sub4Division No. 7 be helc! -et or near the residence of f'IFIFCY &)?F"EAI in the Viilsge of Ric1-inond. and that PWOCUNIFR shall be Deputy Returning Officer, anti. that 3EKNIE ATAIINSOM shall be Poll Clerk for said Sub -Division. THAT the election for Sub -Division No. B shall be held at or near the residence of L0V4NtYR Plr, 'SSEY in the said Sub -Division, and that /h'l9 sha11 be Deputy Returning Officer, and that MOORY WIt-Sod/ shall be Poll Clerk for said Sub -Division. AND THAT the said Deputy Returning Officers and Poll Clerks be and they are hE-reby authorizers and required to hold the ssid Municipel Elections in accordance with the Act and to provide for voting by bRlJ ots at the said Elections. READ a third time and finally passed this 1st. day of Nov. 19-14.3. hip, AFF, 1 Clerki., r 1 il Ns� r ti