HomeMy WebLinkAboutBayham By-Laws 1940BAYHAM TOWNSHIP By -Laws Numbers 1062 — 1078, 1341 1940 Bylaw # Date Subject BYLAWS [ 1042-1082 ] FILE # 23 1042 7 Feb 38 Provide for the road expenditures for 1938. / 1043 4 Apr 38 Authorize a certain agrement between Bayham and Dereham. 1046 13 Jul 38 Provide for the road expenditures of Bayham for 1938. 1047 7 Aug 38 Levying a rate of the Township of Bayham for 1938. 1050 9 Jan 39 Authorize the borrowing of $ 35,000.00. 1051 23 Jan 39 Recind bylaw no. 646. 1052 23 Jan 39 Provide for the retirement of Benjamin Brian on pension. 1053 23 Jan 39 Appoint certain officers in Bayham for 1939. 1054 6 Feb 39 Provide regulations to apply to all milk produced for sale. 1055 6 Mar 39 Appoint Fence -viewers and Pound -keepers. 1057 5 Jun 39 Provide a certain speed limit for motor cars. 1058 17 Jul 39 Levying a rate of the Township of Bayhem. 1059 5 Sept 39 Appoint a Weed Inspector, School attendance officer, and and Board of Health Secretary for 1939. + 1062 2 Jan 40 Authorize the borrowing of $ 35,000.00. 1063 2 Jan 40 Provide for the road expenditures for 1940. 1064 2 Jan 40 Appoint certain officers in Bayham for 1940. 1065 2 Jan 40 Authorize a certain agrement between Bayham and Malahide. 1066 15 Jan 40 Appoint an Assessor for Bayham for 1940. 1067 5 Feb 40 Assessment and collection of taxes. 1068 5 Feb 40 Appoint Fence -viewers and Pound -keepers. 1069 4 Mar 40 Amend bylaw No. 1064. 1070 4 Mar 40 Authorize the Corp. to enter an agreement with the Hydro -Electric Power Commission of Ont. for street lighting. 1071 4 Marr 40 Rescind bylaw No. 973. 1072 4 Mar 40 Appoint a road Superintendent. BAYHAM TOMSHIP BYLAW REODRDS BYLAWS [ 1042-1082 ] FILE # 23 cont. Bylaw # Date Subject 1073 6 May 40 Amend bylaw No. 1064. 1074 6 May 40 Purchase of land for use as a Coin unity Hall. 1075 3 Jun 40 Adopt the assessment on which taxes shall be levied. 1076 3 Jun 40 Regulate the use of bathing suits on the public beach. 1077 4 Nov 40 Provide for the holding of the Munc. elections. 1078 4 Nov 40 Designate a certain road in Bayham as a through highway. 1079 6 Jan 41 Authorize the borrowing of $ 35,000.00. 1080 6 Jan 41 Appoint certain officers for Bayham for 1941. 1081 3 Feb 41 Provide for the road expenditures for 1941. 1082 3 Mar 41 Appoint Fence -viewers and Po%Ts-keepers. 3 Form 100-38 Ontario ....................................`row res.IP...ok...,%x>......................................... BY-LAW No...1062......... 61 A;4 t 2'11V_jto authorize the borrowing of $ 3 5 , 000.00 Whereas the Council of the Township of Bayham (Hereinafter called the "Municipality") deems it necessary to borrow the sum of S 35,000,00 to meet, until the taxes are collected, the current expenditures of the Municipality for the year; NOTE.—Refer And Whereas the total amount of the estimated revenues of the Munici- to the estimates for the current pality as set forth in the estimates adopted for the year 1939, not including if of to those revenues derivable or derived from arrears of taxes, borrowings and issues of of last year. debentures, is $ 60, 000.00 aXi11tadX06C&X X X X X Therefore the Council of the Township of Bayham hereby enacts as follows: 1. The Head and the Treasurer are hereby authorized on behalf of the Municipality to borrow from time to time by way of promissory note from THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE a sum or sums not exceeding in the aggregate $35,000-00 to meet until the taxes are collected the current expenditures of the Municipality for the year, including the amounts required for the purposes mentioned in subsection (1) of section 339 of the Municipal Act, and to give on behalf of the Municipality to the Bank a promissory note or notes sealed with the Corporate Seal and signed by the Head and Treasurer for the moneys so borrowed, with interest, which may be paid in advance or otherwise, at a rate not exceeding Five per centum per annum. 2. All sums borrowed pursuant to the authority of this by-law, as well as all other sums borrowed in this year and in previous years from the said Bank for any or all of the purposes mentioned in the said section 339, shall, with interest thereon, be a charge upon the whole of the revenues of the Municipality for the current year and for all preceding years as and when such revenues are received. 3. The Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to apply in payment of all sums borrowed as aforesaid, together with interest thereon, all of the moneys hereafter collected or received either on account or realized in respect of taxes levied for the current year and preceding years or from any other source which may lawfully be applied for such purpose. Passed this Second day of January 1940 - T. E HEAD OF THE MUNIC PALITY • .. We hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By -Law No. 1062 of the Township of Bayham in the Province of Ontario, duly passed at a meeting of the Council of the said 1\1unicipality duly held, and that the said By -Law is in full force and effect. Dated This Second day of January 1940 As Witness the Seal of the Township SEAL of Bayham. THE.HEAD OF THE MUNICIPALITY .. ...................................... CLERK BY -LACY NO. 1062. U a Authorizing the borrowing of $35,000.00 from the Canadian Bank of Commerce for the Year 1940 A.D. h of ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS TOItON TO Nov. 7th, 1940 lY�r. D. Vallee, Bayham Twp, Clerk, Straffordville, Ont, DeLir Si_:--, Re To -,nsh_ir) of -1 ayiiam 'e have been able to m&.ke an adjustment of -,he approved to;,;ns1--i7� expenditures and this is to advise you that in the case of your to-�rlship, in compliance vith the recommendation made by our Dis �rict -Engineer, lr'ir. T.S. Caldwell, the Dep:...rtment approves of a further expenditure of X500.00. This amount, with what has already been approved in your to-,:.:nship 1'or year 1940, uqu.1Les a total of W,700-00* Yours very truly, P F J.A.P. Marshall Chief Engineer of . u„ni.cipc_l Loads JAPE: -"/JP on the day of .. A APIV 410. k ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS Mr. J. D. Vallee, Bayham Twp. Clerk, Straffordville, Ont. M TORONTO March 7th, 1 9 4 0 Dear Sir , Re �: o14vr s�. i Y:1 n ��r _< ions f or 1940 ^ne)eva�,tment '_- a carefully considered the by -1 nw paFseE by oiv.r 1` or.jnship to appropriate for this years highwc- v expene-''res a total of 211500.00. Til -s is to no - i fl,v you that government subsidy will be eligible under this by-law on a net total expenditure for 1940 of_;n 17,200.00. Your co-opernti on to,rjard keepinf- road expenditures within this. approved mount will be appreciated by the Deportme.it ! Yours very truly, c" Chef Encii eer oi- .`unicip�l Roads on the _ day of _..19.my I Form B--6 BY-LAW NO. t_y ` :f 3 A BY-LAW TO PRO TIDE FOR THE TOMI. 19'f O EXPENDITURE ON ROADS IN THE TOWNSHIP OF 16.1q_. IN T� 1_EC OUNT`r OF WHEREAS The High y Improvement Act; Chapter 56, R. S.O. , 1937 and amendments requires that the total expenditure on township roads and bridges be provided for annually by township by --law,. THEREFORE the oouncil of the corporation of the said township enacts as follows: _ oo (1; The sum of D 'is hereby appropriated from monies raised by levy, debentures and government subsidy for total expenditure upon construction and main, tenance of the roads in the said tow-nship during the year. 19G/40 as follows: Road ConstDruction t 1Q D.0 00 Bridge Const -ruction - Machinery Superintendence__. Maintenance & Repair-. Total Estimated F.xpend i. ture p' � , S�_00__._�_____... (2) The said monies shall be expended under the direction of the duly appointed township road superintendent and on work performed in accordance with the latest regulations respecting township roads issued by the Department of Highways of Ontario. (3) The clerk shall transmit a copy of this by --law to the Municipal Roads Branch, Department of Highways, for approval on or before February 28th of the present year. Passed at t i s _ ____day o f ._ ._ ___A. D. (S E A L) F C LE1W. REEVE 1 Clerk of the corporation of the township of do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of Byv i.aw No. �.111�3 passed by the council of the said corporation WIX on the -day CLERK 0 Bbl-Law Nu. 16.063 Covering Roads Expenditures for the Year 1940 A. D. —s ltn Being a by -Law to appoint certain Officers in and for the Municipality of the Township of -ayham for the year 1940 A.D. BE, IT THF,%EFORE enacted by the Municipal council of the Municipality of Bayham in regular session assembled. THAT shall be assessor for the Year 1910. THAT shall be a member of the Boarl of Health for 1940. THAT?4 and Q- shall be Valuators of sheep killed by dogs. THAT . {�. lJ shall be E chool attendance Officer for 1940. THAT * shall be Vvee i Inspector for 1914.0. THAT /J-'� aevtd shall be Kuditors of the Township books for 1940 A.D. `1'HA`j' �� shall be , ecretary of the board of Health for 1940 A . ID. jAe RX ty Read a third time and finally passed in open council t is _/J-�a�tt-� day f o 19400 r eeve. i Olerk.. 4► BY -Law No. 1 o 64 . il A By -Law to appoint certain Officers for the year 104.O 11. D. I r 31 -LAW No. 104V5-, A By -Law to authorize a certain agreement between the Township of Bayham and the Township of Malahide, respecting the maintenance and repair of Boundary Roads. 6H U,LAS the Townships of Bayham and Malahide have entered into an agreement for the Maintenance and Repair of certain portions of the Highway forming tue boundary Road between the said Townships, and it is necessary to ratify and confirm the said agreement, and to authorize the heeve and Clerk to execute the same. Therefore the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of enacts as follows:- THHT t e tigreement between the Townships of Bayham and Malahide F IS`t tl Y dgted the clay of n. a true copy of which agreemen is neret attached, and forms a part of this By -Law, be and the ;game is hereby ratified and confirmed, and the Reeve and Clerk -be authorized to execute the same on behalf of this Corporation, and to affix the Corporate Seal of the Township of thereto. PtiS' ED in open Council this day of 7 H.D. 19YO .ted Read a First time a 19 A10 head a Second time 02 19 `/O Head a Third time 19 '�/D .eeve. • BY -LAW NO. 106 6 . TOWNSHIP 0F1 BAYHAM. BEING A BY-LA'+y to appoint an Assessor in and for the Municipality of the Township of Bayham for the year 1940 A.D. BE IT THEREF'OhE enacted by the Municipal Council of the Township of Bayham in special session assembled. THAT be and is hereby appointed Assessor v� for the year 1940 A.D. at a salary of S for each complete Township Assessment. READ a third time and finally passed in open Council this t�A day of 191tO. Of eeve. 6 Clerk, r -i O 4.4 A i y e W By-law Nusber IP�n 7 of the Towaship of Bayham* of the Municipal Corporation 1111 W it is deemed expedient that the date of assess• sent and collection of twee in the Township of Bayhas shall be changed. OF THE TO 'NSBIP OF BRIM enacts as fol lows ; 1. The assessment and revision of the rolls for the year 1940 shall be completed at the same times as heretofore. 2. The assessment for the, year 1940 shall also constitute the assessment for the year 1941 and special notice to this effect shall be inserted on each of the assessment notices of the 1940 assessment, and these notices shall also constitute notioe of assessment for the year 1941. During the year 1941 and.each subsequent year, the time for taking the assessment shall be between the first day of April and the thirtieth day of September, the rolls being returnable to the Township Clerk on or before the first day of October; the time for closing Court of Revision shall be the fifteenth day of November and the assess- ment so made shall be the assesgmsnt on which the rate of taxation for the following year shall be fixed and levied. Court of Revision of the assessment for the year 1941 shall be held at the Town Hall, Straffordville, Monday, October 7, 1940, at two o'clock p.m., and on the first Monday in October at two o'clock p.m. each year thereafter for each subsequent year. 3. Taxes for the year 1940 and each subsequent year shall be payable one-half on or before duly 20th and one-half on or before December 20th. Provided that a discount of one-half of dw percent for each fall month shall be allowed on taxes paid before due in each year. Provided further that a penalty of l' one percent shalt be added to all taxes not paid when due and thereafter interest shall be charged one-half of one percent at the end of each mouth from the due date on all tastes in arrears, M a third time and f inally passed thi s 5th day of February, A.D.. 1940. m ow. cr 8 ts Ro 8 By! Law. No. 11,0�2;1 Township of Bayham A By -Law for appointing Fence -viewers and Poured -keepers in and for the Township of Bayham for the year 1940 A.r.. WHEhEAS it is deemed necessary and expedient to appoint certain Officers in and for the Township of Bayhani for the year 1940. BL: IT THE-REFORE enacted by the Municipal Council of the Township of bayham in regular session assembled, that the following appointments be made for the year 1940 A.D. Fence -Viewers for 1910 1. Chas. Stafford 2. W. L. Cameron 3. Merton Chute 4- Wm- Ber da n 5. C. A. Chalk 6. Fred Benner 7. Ernest Holman c,. Carman Ball �. Elgin Underhill 10. John A. Jackson 11. Fred Kennedy 12. Geo. :. Elliott 13. Monty Wilson 14. A. Silverthorne 15. Lloyd Herron 16. Geo. Proeunier 17. Archie Gunstone IC. Ira Stilwell ♦- .eound-Keepers for 19L0. 1. Albert Moore 2. C Wfl1 e 3. W. L. Cameron 4. T. C. Thorson 5. R. Garnham 6. John A. Jackson 7, Morley I;otcrikiss S. Fred Kennedy 9. 'r'r'm. Brenn 1C. Reg. fAcQuiggan 11. Robt . McLean 12. Chas. Stafford 17. A. Gunstone L. Joyce 15. Julson Ball 16, M. Inman 17. J . D. Ste wart 1�. Daniel Pearson 19. Geo. erocunier 20. Cecil Beamer 21. Clarence Wolfe 22. h. F . ,�ooJy 23. Hoy Nevill 24. Ernest Holman 25. J•. F . Godhy 26. W. L. White 2p7. Ward Benner 28 • Nallace Wee'-cs . Read a .third time and finally passed in open council this Fifth day of February 1;40 A . D - Reeve. 4ce k. 1W TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM, BY-LAW No . Being a By -Law to amend By -jaw No, 1064. WBEREAS it is deemed necessary and expedient to make certain amendments to By -Law No. 1064 in the Township of Bayhami BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED that the following shall be struck off the above mentioned By -Law.- " That John B. Goodhand and A.A. Jackson shall be Valuators of sheep killed by dogs.! ,and the following shall be inserted in place thereof*- " That John B. Goodhand and RX19-hA6-49,7,-,shall be Valuators of sheep killed by dogs." READ a third time and finally passed in open Council t 44,1 lclltnis �� day of `ANt 7- 1- i, - 1940. Ile Ke ev e . 7 erk. N BY-LAW N0. _ZK74e of The Corporation of the Township of A By --law to authorize the Corporation to enter into an agreement with The Hydro -Electric Power Commission of Ontario for street lighting, in the Village of traf f ordville. WHEREAS a majority of the resident freeholders according to the last revised assessment roll residing within the area described in the petition have petitioned the Council of the Corporation of the Township of to procure from The Hydro -Electric Power Commission of Ontario, street lighting in the said area, and the said petition accompanied by the certificate of the. Clerk of the Township stating that it was signed by a majority of the said resident freeholders; AND WHEREAS purs:;.ant to such petition the Council of the said To.T;_aship hav_ r: que::.ted The H3,dro--Electric Power Commission of Ontario to supply electric:.Ll po,,�i,-�r or energy for t.ha.t purpose; and T�� : Hydro -Electric Power Co:::rrli�:siori *f OnUw io h - fur��ished estim:�tes of the cost thereof; AND � �iEEEAS notic ��,� s duly .L i tv cacil of t i petitioners signing -LL-1h::., said petition that the Cotinc-i1 of the To;:nship would at a sp,rw -i .l niect-ing called :for that purpose consicer the -aid estimates; AND tsl� EAE LAS the Council cf thc s,�id a', ,.uch meeting held :►itlain one m,--)n-t'-,-i after the deli �,rery of s :.id estimates, nam�ly 0�1 t'Ze ^ clay of - 19V considered the said ,i : ,t,;;s, and heard the petition,rs; A11D VMEEEAS at t h(_: close of '-_-hr.- said nle.,ting there; were re- maini.f-,g o i the petition suffi tient nwiiber• of narn;;s to constitute Nt P r 2 - a majority of the resident freeholders within the said area; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOVTNSHIP OF t3ayham enacts as follows:- 1, ollows:- 1. THAT the Corporation of the Township of,',ayhua do enter into an agreement with The Hydro -Electric Power Commission of Ontario for street lighting in the said area, a copy of which agreement is hereto attached and forms part of this By-law; 2. THAT the Reeve and Clerk of the Corporation be and they are hereby authorized and required to execute the said agreement on behalf of the Corporation and to affix the Corporate Seal there- to and to deliver such agreement when executed to The Hydro - Electric Power Commission of Ontario; 3, THAT Gfy--- of the cost incurred under said agreement for street lighting in the area therein described be raised, levied and collected by an annual special rate upon the taxable property lying within the said area; 4. THAT %1 of the cost incurred under the said agreement for street Lighting in the area therein described be paid by the Corporation and be chargeable to th;. municipality as a whole. DATED at , and finally passed this day of i A.D. 19`� =: ... 77*0*6 Reeve. blerk. • m o c-- �H V r .. ~` 4-S i> W� S R N 1 Township of Bayham J. D. VALLF.E, CLERK STRAFFORDVILLE, ONT. i�%• ro 7/ t cl� iso y % o, 9 Z?, r 40 Tv 40 6 ONTARIO DLPARTMC:NT Of HIGHWAYS Mr. 1. Dewey Vallee Township Olerk Straffordville, Ontario Dear Sir TORONTO 1a9c4 019 re Township of Bayham 3y -law 4o. 1072 Attached is copy of the above by-law which provides that the road superintendent shall receive gas and oil for his truck as well a.s his regular salary of $900. per year. You will note this by-law has received the approval of the Minister. :kp attch. Yours truly Li ( s C. 7 .Chief Engineer of Municipal Roads tcxM. vi U12C UVrPUrtstiJ.v11 Q1 TaIlB tiOWUSn Ip of ! _ .......... ____._.._....._.._...._..... do hereby certify that the foregoing is a trine COPY of By-law No.._ _........ passed by the council of the said corporation on the l OUrth �- .._ day of...�-__ Mato i _ :L949, M irr� "1. FORM B-18 BY-LAIV NO. 1072 A BY-LAW APPOI17TING A ROAD SUPIP]RINTiiTDENT IN THE TOWNSHIP OF_Ba IN THE THE COUNTY OF— 1$_in.--_.___..._....._._ .__.. WHEREAS it is desirable that the laving out and supervision of all work and expenditure upon improvement and maintenance of roads within the exclusive juris- diction of this tovrnship should be under the supervision of a road superintendent, acting under the direction of this council. AND WHEREAS it is the desire of this council to take advantage of The Highway Improvement :'ct and to receive the Government grant as provided in R.S.O., 1937, Chapter 56, Sections 45, 47 and 49. BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Municipal council of the corporation of the said township and it is hereby enacted: 1. THAT -------- Harry....._Qodwin....._.._____BanadOnt. (name) (address) is appointed road superintendent in the said township to act as aforesaid in accord- ance with the provisions of the said Section 45 of the said Act from the day of � rQ _ 194Q.— and during the pleasure of the said council. 2. THAT the road superintendent shall be paid at the rate of perannl7a.,_____._..__._,for such time as he may be so employed. _Jlnd_._Gaa__and .Oil__to _ba__fvrnieLgd_b�._6ha._TQr�z►ship_S9z....ua!_�.___._-_-----_... ___. Townsh_g-Truck. 3. THAT it shall be the duty of the superintendent to lay out and supervise all work and expenditure on roads within the exclusive jurisdiction of the township council and to conform to such general regulations as the Department of Highways may prescribe. 4. THAT all by-laws or parts thereof and all or any resolutions of said council contrary hereto or inconsistent herewith, be and the same are hereby re- pealed. 5. THAT a certified copy of this by-law be forwarded by the clerk without delay to the Municipal Roads Branch, Department of Highways, Toronto. RFAD A THIRD TIME AND PASSED THIS _. D h _.._ day of ._ iiBtl'Ob .__ 19 49 . (SEAL) 'CLERK IMVE — I, J. _*�„ Vallee —_ _Clerk of the corporation of the township hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By-law No.. lOZ ._.....__passed by the council of the said corporation on the M_ Fourth_— day APPRO T SHIP CLERK MINISTER FOM11 B-18 ICY -LIQ J !T0./.V­'?-4 A BY-LXJ APPOIi�TI!TG L _'c0A. S 1'PY liI'iTT�;�'D 11T IF THE, TOVENTSHIP OF..._.........._......._......... IIT THE COU !TY OF .I �_.............V....._......................_.._.._...... ViHEREAS it is desirable that the la:,in- out and supervision of all work and expenditure upon improvement and maintenance of roads within the exclusive juris- diction of tris toiinship should be under the supervision of a road superintendent, acting under the direction of this council. AND WHEREAS it is the desire of this council to take advantage of The Highviazr Improvement 'ct and to receive the Government•rant as provided in R.S.O., 1937, Chapter 56, Sections 45, 47 and 49. BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED b;r the Hunicipa.l council of the corporation of the said township and it is hereby enacted: 1_......._.._.......w......._....._..._._._..........._.._.................. ...... . ...............1. ......._...._ r., e) ddress ) is appointed road supLri endent in the said township to act as aforesaid in accord- ance with the provisions of the said Section 45 of the said Act from the _......_..._ ..............da. r o� _..... _......_....... ......................._... ...... ._..._..._._ 19 _� r and during the pleastnre cf t .e said council. vv 2. THAT the road superintendent shall be ' paid at the rate of 6 AOO- per. "- .. for such tine as he may beso emploved. r 3. THAT it sha�l be the d:.?t,r of the superintendent to lay out and supervise all work and e.xpendit-ure on roads within the exclusive jurisdiction of the township council and to conform to such general regulations as the Department of Highways may prescribe. 4. THAT all by -lavas or parts thereof and all or any resolutions of said council contrary hereto or inconsistent herewith, be and the same are hereby re- pealed. 5. THAT a certified copy, of this by-law be forwarded b-,- the cleric without delay to the 1,1-uzi.cipal toads :ranch, Departnient of Highvia rs, Toronto. READ A THIRD TI1VE AND PA6SED THIS day of �,i�-1- _..........._........... Y _........_..._..__ _ ..._......._ 19 ..__78 (SEAL) _.._........._......_._ .... ....... . .! ..`..:.. ............. ....... ...._. _._.._x- ...........------ CLERIL REEVE I, .. . .................... ................. ............................... .......... - ......... __...... ........... _..........._._..Clerk of the corporation the township of .... ......................... . . .... .. ........... ... ............. . .......... . .... . ... "............. .._..._._....... .................... .-.... do he r e b.;r certify that the foregoing is a true cops of BV -lav; �To ..._......._......._.................... passed b -r the council of the said corporation on the _._.._..._........ . da, -,r of ... __......... _.__.....:......_...._......... w..__.. .... ..._.......... _. 19 ........... ..................... __ ............__ ....._.........._...._.....I ..._..1. ..... .._ ........... ._........_ .._ TOWNSHIP CLERK i O O CC* M, o W -� 0 cy N By -Law No. /P 73 Township of Bayham. Being a By -Law to amend By-Ijaw No. lo64. Whereas it is deemed necessary and expedient to make certain amendments to ByiLaw No. 1064 of the Township of Bayham. BE IT THEREFORE enacted by the Council of the Township of Bayham in regular session assembled; THAT the following shall be struck off the above mentioned By -Law; " That Peters Morrison an,1 Brown shall be Auditors of the Township books for the year A.D. 1940." AND THAT the following shall be inserted in place thereof; " That Peters, Brown & Company shall be Auditors of the Township books for the year A.D. 19! 0 at a salary ofS�%„- per anntam. READ A THIRD time and finally passed in open council this j4a day of A . D. 1940, Reeve. �rk. (D z m Cid '�F3� o r 0 0 � w O a• 9 By-law number of the 14unicipal Corporation of the Township of Bayham. I;v=.AS the Trustees of tree Police Village of Port Burwell have requested the Municipal Corporation of the Township of Bayham to purchase d m, ALL ;SD . IhIGULiR that d certain pascal. or tract of land - an premises situate � lying an , being in the Township o f B-ayham, in the County of Elgin container b a(baeeasurement one-half rood of land be the s je ore or less being composed of part of Lot number Twenty gnet21 west of Erius 7ireet and north of `rellington Street in the Till ,e of 'A. _ ort Burwell accordingto registered Plan 1,To. 12 more Der icularl described as follows• - o ne ing at the soutt east 4nEae of aid Lot number Twenty-one 21 ; the ce west sixt:r-f ive feet (65' t'ae ce north sixty-aix ee 66'Tireet; thence east six--fivefee 65') to the west side of Er us • thence souti si�.t { -six eet 66' } to the place of beginning, for use as a Community I�all in the said Village of Port Burwell. AI'D IIMR an a[yreement dated April 25, 1940, has been entered into with the Trustees of the said Village of Port Burwell, copy of which agreement is hereto attached and forms a part of this By-law. NOW TI`S E Tie IMICII'AL CC R'O1'�TIDN 0F lITE TG" i�� QIP DE BAYIUX enacts as follows; The said agreement with therustees of the Police Villace of Port Burwell dated April 25, 19409 is hereby ratif ied and approved and the Reeve and Clerk of the said Township are hereby authorized and directed to execute the same on behalf of the said Township. Payment is hereby authorized of the sum of T%vo hundred Dollars plus interest and incidental expenses as set out in the said a-reement for the purpose of purchasing the said premises and obtaining proper conveyance thereof to the Township of Bayham, and the Clerk is hereby authorized to prooeed -.pith the transaction, obtain deed of the said premises and have the same properly registered. Provided that a special account scall be set up in the books of the said Township marked "Port Burwell Community Ball" 4 do* 2« in which shall be kept an accurate; record of all receipts and disbursements in respect of the said premises and in connection with the said agreement. READ a third time and finally passed this day of �l' A e D. 1940 • .j Reeve • i Clerk 9 0 ct C-4 9 By-law Number It) %Y the Township of Bayb a,► of the cipal Corporation of S the Trustees of the Police Tillage of Port Burrell have requested the3.oipal Corporatiomt of the Tcwship of Betyhea to purchase AS.L AND SINGULAR that certainparcel or trnet of land and preaists situate Lying and being is the Township o! heir in the C y of S1gin, eoataininL'sys ad��ea8mwenent one- roocl of be thea PY OP bo oo=pci�ed a? of Lot nor ty- � P•1�Mof �i iwt and no o� �� �Ao. lf� aor� the � of &�rnll a000rdi�_ o pa�tionlar d �bed ae zouara;- tous- eing,at e4►ut� � �ag�.��of d �t amtber 75nnty-on�t the,o west iirt��- Tari f' aoith iizty-aiz 66 th�nst � s fige� �65 to Pto e wt aids b��raet; thane• �outrai�cty—aiz eat (66'place for use as a Comunity Hall in the said Tillage of Port Burwell. been entered into with the Trustees of the said Tillage of Port Hurwel.l, copy of which ant is hereto attached and foray a part of this By -leer. MP BA_Ii enaot a as follows; - The said with the Trustees of the Police Tillage of Port Hsmll dated April 25, 19409 is bereby ratified and approved =d the Reeve and Clerk of the said Township are hereby authorised and directed to emmute the same on bof the said Township. Payment is hereby authorized of the ma of Two Hundred Dollars plus interest and incidental expenses as set out i= the said agreeawnt for the purpose of pnrahasing the said presises and obtproper conveyance thereof to the Township of Barba. aad the a** i s hereby author i sed to proceed with tate transaction, obtain deed of the said psenises aad have the saes properly registered.. Provided that a special account shall be set up in the books of the said Towwhip warped M MOM �� in which shall be kept - art accurate record of all rewipts and disbursements in respect of the mid premises and in connection with the said agresse nt . D a third time and f i.na].ly passed this of 1'/47A.D. 1940. 9 0 0 0 .90.0.0.... � , . 9999 �"0/ 0 Cla* qb i t �� in which shall be kept - art accurate record of all rewipts and disbursements in respect of the mid premises and in connection with the said agresse nt . D a third time and f i.na].ly passed this of 1'/47A.D. 1940. 9 0 0 0 .90.0.0.... � , . 9999 �"0/ 0 Cla* qb i a 3 I IV o R•O C+ d• bd co ted rocs 0 (D M C g o C+ o C+- "o �r m 4 11 r I t AGREs121U�7 made this twenty -f if th day of April. A.D., 1940. BETWEIN , dw - The Municipal Corporation of the Township of Bayham, hereinafter called the party and do Of the First Part, 1 10 Henry J. Culbert, Merchant, #,illiam. R. Kirk, Merchant, and Harry 0. Alward, Mechanic, all of the village of , Port Burwell, in the County of Elgin, and their successors in office as Trustees of the Police Village of Port Burwell, hereinafter called the parties Of the Se c oni Part. WHEREAS t' the parties of the Second Part have requested the party of the First Part to purchase ALL IND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises s ituate , Lying and • being in the Township of ham, in the County of Elgin containing b admeasurement one -hal rood of land be the s ' e ore or less be' composed of part of Lot number Twent -ones 21 west of Erius Street and north of t Viellington Street in the ill a of Port Burwell accord to registered Plan No ;outt 12 more particularlydescribed as f o logs • -► Comm ne ' ng at the east an le bf ?aid, -Lot number TwenY;ty- six 'one 21 ; the ae west sixty -f ive feet 65' the cnorth ee (66' • thence east siat -five fee'(65' o t e west y t661side of Erius 6trest, thence south sixty-six fee to the place of beginning, for use as a Community Fall in the Village of Port Burwell. AND 7JHMUAS the party of the First Part has agreed to purchase the said premises in accordance with the terms of this agreement. NOW THEREFORE in consideration of the agreements herein contained, the parties hereto mutually agree as follows; - The party of the First Part will proceed to purchase the hereinbefore described premises at and for the sura of Eight Hundred Dollars plus interest on that amount from March 7, 1940, at five percent per annum. Of this amount, Two Hundred Dollars plus interest shall be paid cash and the balanee of Six Hundred Dollars by assuming mortgage to the Independent Order of Oddfellows Otter Lodge No. 50 of Tillsonburg, Ontario, for Six M Hundred Dollars with interest from Sarah 7, 1944, at five percent per annum payable yearly, the principal of the mortgage being due March 7, 1945, with privilege of paying any amount on account of principal on any interest date.. The party of the First Part f urther agrees to pay the costs of conveyancing in connection with the said premises and the expenses in connection with this agreement as well as the insurance premium of 154 for insurance on the said premises. The party of the First Part further agrees to use its best endeavour to obtain a Provincial Grant to assist in the financing in connection with the purchase of the said premises, and if received will apply such grant on account of the cost of the said premises, The Party of the First Part and the Partios of the Second Part further agree to have the management and control of the said premises, vested in a Hoard consisting of the Police Village Trustees, the Reeve and Deputy Reeve of the Township and the Chairman and secretary of the School Hoard of Sahool Section No. Two, and their suoaessors in office. The party of the First Part further agrees to accept rental, for the said premises from -the parties of the Second Part in the sum of one Hundred and Twenty Dollars per year plus interest payable each year on the mortgage hereinbefore referred to and after the paarty of the First Part has received rev -payment of the full amount of moneys which it has expended in respect of the said premises, including purchase price, insurance premiums, cost of conveyanoing and any other incidental expenses in conn- ection with the said premises expended by the party of the First Part, to rent the said premises thereafter to the parties of the Second Part and their successors in office at an annual rental of One Dollar per year. Provided however that after the said amounts have been paid in full, at the request and expanse of the parties of the Second Part and their successors in office, ..3w the party of the First Part will convey the said premises to the parties of the Second Part or their successors in office. The party of the First Part further agrees to exempt the said premises from all taxes within the jurisdiction of tho party of the First Part . The parties of the Second Fart agree that on or before the expiration of each year from the date hereof, they will pay or cause to be paid to the party of the First Part the sum of One Ifundred and Twenty Dollars plus the amount necessary to pay the interest on the said mortgage hereinbefore referred to until the full amount of the cost as above asst out has been repaid to the party of the First Part. The parties of the Second Part further agree to assume full responsibility for the management and control of the said premises and agree to keep the same in proper repair and suitable for use as a Community Hall and make the necessary arrangements to keep the premises properly insured. The parties of the Second Part further hereby agree and undertake to indemnify and save harmless the party of the First Part in respect of all loss, costs, damages or claims of any kind whatsoever in respect of the said premises or the operation thereof,. Provided further that the party of the First Part shall not be held responsible for the sufficiency of the title to the said premises or the legality or form of any conveyance, agree- ment or other document or dealing in connection with said premises. Provided further that the parties hereto agree that they will both co-operate at all times in a reasonable wanner to carry out the true intent and meaning; of this agreement, IN WITNESS MI;EMF the said parties hereto have her -oto affixed their corporate seals as evidenced by the signatures of their proper officers. 5igued. Sealed and Delivered) in the presence of F Dated April 25, ".D., 1940* The Municipal Corporation of the Township of Bayham _and_ Henry J. Culbert, et al, Trustees, A G R h E M E N T Gibson & Groom, r .t By -Law No. 7c� Township of Bayham. Being a By -Law to adopt the assessment on which the taxes shall be levied for the year 1940, to levy the taxes for the year 1940 and to provide for the collection thereof, WHEREtiS by By -Law No./20 6 7 o f the Township of Bayham, passed on the Y� da of 199/0, the council of the said Township � y p provided for the making of the assessment of the Municipality prior to the �cda 1 y of 9-4/D , as the assessment on which the rate of taxation for the year 1940 should be levied; AND WHEREAS the assessment roll containing the assessment made as aforesaid was revised, corrected and passed by the Court of Revision of the said Township on the Sixth day of May 1940; AND WHEREti� there were no appeals from the Court of Revision or that all appeals from the Court of Revision have been heard and decided; AND WHER.FAb it is naeaeeavy-and expedient to idop►t-_.th6hsaid assessment 4 as the assessment on whic a rate of taxation for the year 1940 shall be levied; AND WHEREAS it is necessary and expedient to levy on the whole rate- able property according to the last revised assessment roll of the said Township the sum of $ t Y,00G° CC for the general purposes of the said Township for the current year, for the payment of County rates for the current year, and for the purpose of defraying part of the expenses of rublis, Separate and High bchool education, and other purposes; THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham enacts as follows: - 1. That the assessment contained in the assessment roll of the Township of Bayham as made pursuant to By -Law No* 1067 of the said Township, and as revised, corrected and passed by the Court of Revision, be and the same is hereby adopted and confirmed as the assessment on which the rate of taxation for the year 1910 shall be levied. 2. That the said assessment roll be and the same is hereby adopted and confirmed as the last revised assessment roll for the said Township. ;. That, for the purpose of providing the sum of !39300-00 for the general purposes of the Corporation, including the amount required for County rates and other purposes for the current year, a rate of /'?.Al mills in the dollar be and the same is hereby levied for the year 1940 upon the whole of the said assessment of the said Township according to the last revised assessment roll, which is made up as I follows : » General Rate ---------- /Q, 0 mills being l/ -o mills less / mills deduction as provided by the Ontario Government Subsidy, County Rates ----------- ''Y mills 4. That, in addition, for the purpose of providing the sum of(�, for Publis School education for the current year, the following mill rates be and the same are hereby levied for the year 1940 upon the respective portions of the said assessment of the Public behool supportors of the said Township according to the last revieed assessment roll, as indicated hereunder: - General Public Public School do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do School Rate on assessment of V..73017?, section No. 1 do S / 22600• do No. 2 do 923`fbl/• do No* -- do do 9tf 0 5-0. do No . -- do do '77910 - 7910•do do No. 5 do do 6a 910. do No. 6 do do b F(9( 0. do No. 8 do do I 3 bG I. do No. 9 do do -'/) 9• do No. 10 do do 116375: do No. 11 do 103625, do No. 12 do /0 3 1/6"/. do No. 14 do .2 ► 5"839. do No. 15 do I? 9 b o. do No. 16 do ?0 973. do No. 17 do 116300. do No. 1 do .2 i 70 /0' do No. 23 do / R5,23. do Vienna do 2 S 7 / t)_' -- .9 mills -- 0 do -» i9.z do -- �% 9 do -- 2.6 do -- V.0 do -- 2.0 do -- Z-( do -- �1.9 do -- 3, 9 do »- IV- 3 do -- y3 do -- /0'/ do -- 3.7 do IM m- 707 do -m- 3,9 do -- 3•s do --- 2s do -- � y•3 do 5. That in addition, for the purpose of providing the sum of $/&Off ,00 for necessary expenditures in the roliee Yillage of Port Burwell for the current year, the following will rate be and the same is hereby levied for the year 1940 upon the following assessment according to the last revised assessment roll of the said Township roliee Village of Port Burwell assessment of $.?0 9/3 2, 4,Y, mills. 6. The Clerk sM11 prepare and deliver the Collector's roll to the Collector on or Before the C-1 day of 1940. 7. All taxes or other special rates shall be paid into the office of the Treasurer or Collector of the Township of Bayham or into the branches of the Canadian Bank of Commerce at Straffordville and Tillsonburg. 8. Taxes shall become payable one-half on or before July 20th. .1940 and one-half on or before December 20th. 1940. Penalties for non- payment shall be as provided in By -Law No. 1067 of the said Township passed the fifth day of February A.D. 1940. 9. The Collector shall have the privelege of mailing the tax notices to the several tax payers if he so desires. 10. lifter fourteen days notice, thv—&Uollector or his Baliff may seize any Goods for unpaid taxes. READRA THIRD time and finally passed in open Council this day of Q--- A. D. 1940-v Re eve erk. 1 10 O � N o O ri • O O 4-+ co Im m 43 a� 1 10 BY- LAW NO. 1076 Township of Bayham. Being a By -Law to regulate the use of bathing suits on the public beach in the Village of Port Burwell and to prohibit the appearance of persons clad only in a bathing suit on eublie Streets and thoro%igb— fares and public places in the said Village. WHEREAS it is deemed necessary and expedient to regulate the ?.gee of bathing suits in the Village of Port Burwell and WhhREAb the council of the Township of Bayham have received a resolution from the Board of Police Trustces of the said Police Village of tort Burwell, requesting that a By -Law be gassed regulating the use of bathing suits on the Beach and in the Public thoroughfares and Places of the said Village; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Township of Bayha:n enacts as follows;- lo ollows;- 1. That no person the age of twelve years or over, shall appear on any of the Public btreets and thoroughfares and public places, of the rolice Village of Port Burwell, clad only in what is ordinarily known as bathing dress, but that every p rson so appearing on the public streets and thoroughfares and public places of the rolice Village of rort burwell, shell .tear ordinary street clothing or shall be clad in such manner that the body is covered and concealed from the neck to the knees. Z. That no person the age of twelve years or over shall appear on the beach or in the water adjoining, -the beach in the said Police Village of Port Burwell, clad only in what is commonly known as trunks, but that every person shall be so clad in such manner that the upper part of the abdomen and chest are covered and concealed as well as the lower part of the abdomen. 3. That every person convicted of a breach of any of the conditions of this By -Law, shall forfeit and pay at the discretion of the convicting Magistrate, a penalty not exceeding the sum of x:50.00 or not less than the sum of 51.00 for each offence, exelt}sive of costs, and in default of payment of the said penalty and costs forthwith; the convicting Magistrate may commit the offender to the county jail of the 'County of Elgin, with or without hard labour for a period not exceeding 21 days, unless the said penalty and costs be sooner paid. 40 AND be it further enacted that the penalties imposed by or under the authority of this By -Law shall be recoverable under the provisions of the Summary Convictions Act. READ a f first time this Read a second tine this Read a third time this finally passed. Reeve. day of day of day of 1940 ft. D. 1940 A • D. 1940 a. D. and Clerk. x m w I -Cm o C+ 44 '"s w 1 C4, 0 od9 OD � m � _ m .o N� • C+ N o c#eON m SD C+ BY-LAW N0. /O 7: TOWNSHIr 0F' 6AYHAM. BEING A BY-LAW to provide for the hol l ing of the Municipal Elections in the Municipality of Township of Bayham for the Year 1941 A. D. aND for the appointing of Deputy Returning Officers as well as Poll Clerks an�3 Polling Maces in the several Polling bub -Divisions in the Municipality of the Town.hip of Bayham. BE IT THEREFOrtE ENAC` -E: D by the Council of the Township of Bayham in regular session assembled: THAT,providing more persons qualify.for electiofi to office than are required to fill the various offices, an election be held on Dec. end. 1940 as according to Township By -Law No. 1017, and in accordance with the provisions of the Municipal Election Act. THAT the election for 5UB-Division NO. 1 ofthe Municipality shall be held at the Police Hall in the Village of Pt. Burwell, and that F07shall be Deputy Returning Officer , and that 6 shall be Poll Clerk for the said Sub -Division. THAT the election for 5UB-DIVISION NO. 2 shall be held at or near the home of Wallace Grass in the said sub -division, and that _-�G�•� shall be Deputy Returning Officer, and that U)Z&!�A A044� shall be Poll Clerk for the said Sub -Division. THAT the election for 5UB-DIVI6ION V. 3 shall be held at or near the Smuck School House in ti --,e said sub-(Iivision, and that %j� shall be Deputy Returning Officer, and that shall be Poll Clerk for the said Sub -Division. xiw ��, THAT the election for SUB -'DIVISION. N0. 4 shall be hell at the Town Hall in the sail Sub -Div is ion, and that A41 Larhall be Deputy Returning Officer, and that shall be 'Foll Clerk for the said �ub-Division. THAT the election f r SUB -DIVISION NO. 5 shall be held at the Community Hall in the Village of Corinth, an(I thatPX&4ft-__1shall be Deputy Returning Officer, and that shall be Poll Clerk for the Said , ub-Division. THAT the election for SUB -DIVISION NO. b shall be held at or near the Scho6l Hall in the Village of Eden, and that shall be Deputy Returning Officer, and that)_ 2�/, V4n�ellshall be Poll Clerk for the said Sub -Division. THAT the election for SUB -DIVISION N0. 7 shall be held at or near the Prtsidence of Lloyd ,:muck in the Village of Richmond, and thatAW shall be Deputy Returning officer, and that 7 shall be Poll Clerk for the said Sub -Division. THAT the election for 5UB-DIVISION NO. 8 shall be held at or near the residence of Mrs. Louanna Pressey in the said Sub -Division, and that'22 . 'k-mshall be Deputy Returning Officer, and that -/&" shall be Poll Clerk for the said bub -Division. gND THhT the s id Deputy Returning Officers and Poll Clerks be and they are hereby authorized and required to hold the said Municipal Elections in accordance with the Act and to provide for Voting by Ballots at the said Elections. C_� READ a third time and finally passed this day of 1940* e 0 lerk. A N N � t t -i ri O t—i P4 ad 4-a 1 � -A 4-5 v W r BY-LAW NO. 1078 TO'4 NEH IP 0k' bAYHAM . Be ink; a by-law to designate a r road in the tunic i~�ality of the Township of dayham as a through highway: ii&,f�EAS a petition has been received by the Council of t1.e Township of baynsm from ratepayers residing along the road and nross-road hereinafter mentioned, requesting this Council to take the nenessary action to have such road desigr.atel as a through highway; Section 39, subsection (3) of the Highway ','raf f is Net, provides that a municipality rgay by by-law, -apt rover by tPe -apartment, designate such roads as through hi ghwAys ; KND -� HIT-EMV it Is deemed necessary an(! expedient, for nublis FAfety, tfint this road be a through highway; roc;',. 1.1i.:.� i (". �: the Council of the. i�,unie ipa3 ity of tie I o <<T�I I of bayham enacts as follows:- 1,, ollows:- 1. That the road situated between Concessions 3 and Ii, '.i'own:-hip of bay-aian, stall be and the Fame is hereby designated as a thirough highway, at that -,lace where it crosses tree boundary road bet elc n the rownships of Bnynam and 11.alp-hide. 2. 'Phe provisions of this by-1*vv shall not become effective until Signe have biE:en Erected in csompliance with the regulations of ti,e epartm®nt of Highways and until such tiir.e as a similar by-law tias benn passed by th,e Gounail of the Township of Aalehidte in regards to their portion of the above mentioned higt.way. 3 , ;: ub J e c t to the orov is ions of the preceeding paragrap'l-1, this by-law shay l take effect upon, from and after receiving the approval of the Department of Highways* a r first time this 4th. day of November RF[ID a second time this 4th. d.>'y of November Ftp r a Third time and finally passed this 4th. _•(igne j) J. _ G _Turnbull:„ reeve. 1940. I1i.'410. day Of November 1940 • 4. I hereby certify this to be a true and correct copy of Township of Bayham By -Law No. 1078. ;% • C crk. MOTORISTS Irm 1P eff .0 DRIVE CAREFULLY WITH CONSIDERATION FOR THE CONVENIENCE AS WELL AS THE SAFETY C F OTH ERS „ •`mac ONTARIO CST:I'A0 MOTOR VEHICLES BRANCH DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS l' ..?Z.r: MARK REPLY FOR ATTENTION OF In rr,ply to your in()ui ry ;- l -tb re" I to the derluna t ion of r.Th�•uu�h�i� hvt��:y, T Y:ou i c dvlre that no particul. r fo??i of beeii approved for thi' s purpor : . ill _vnt, .1.:7 rl{-?c,-:,..;Sar ho ,;ever, is, t'Jir t 1-1a,- by -1,- v- �� efi ne the :pec tion of _oaflf..ce and:c�_,r�.t,�-�i as hou-11.hv;;F.y pursuant to the provisions, of ectio �9, subs)s:�ction of the Flic-h.vay Tr _, f fi c No priiv�jl uy is nec. :,saxy as the Act p -ovides a penalty for fai lu: •e to observe the stole, signs erec v�'d to such shiv, , Y -, -d of thi;by-law shoal. be sub:ni t tic: to ti s o f f i cc for appi-ova i , I f th.a rand in lue.n.- oil i. - en.t 2.-ely under- the `u_ ­..i ^di ct.ion of the To -unship of Dayham, a by -lave pCa.. ec, by the on~ . To,!.nshi p woulc_ appear sufficient. If, ho.:I2ve:., any part oi the road so desiz;n :tE-d lig-!,s— ► t r� ttF- Tovms h:zp of xRalahide it woulc appear that by -laves be passers by both Town 7ft.!.pc.. ry . v ll _ CI r!rk.1 Tovi•n.ship o:t' F.ayh5m, 1OU:Cs t111.1y, J. P. - cit 11, �'e istroar of to v eh . clr-,,. v IF YOU CHANGE YOUR ADDRESS NOTIFY THE DEPARTMENT IMMEDIATELY erx* BY-LAW N0. /12 7e5' TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM. Being a by-law to designate a certain road in the Municipality of the Township of Bayham as a through highway: WHEREAS a petition has been received by the Council of the Township of Bayham from ratepayers residing along the road and cross -road hereinafter mentioned, requesting this Council to take the necessary action to have such road designated as a through highway; OND WHEREAS Section 39, subsection (3) of the Highway Traffic act, pr^v ides that a Municipality may by by-law., approved by the Department, designate such roads as through highways; tiND WHEREaS it is deemed necessary and expedient, for publis safety, that this road be a through highway; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Municipality of the Township of Bayham enacts as follows: - le That the road situated between Concessions 3 and 4, Township of Bayham, shall be and the same is hereby designated as a through highway, at that place where it crosses the boundary road between the Townships of Bayham and Malahide . 2. The provisions of this by-law shall not become effective until signs have beep erected in compliance with the regulations of the Department of Highways and until such time ad' a similar by-law has been passed by the Council of the Township of Malahide in regards to their portion of the above mentioned highway. 3. Subject to the provisions of the preceeding paragraph, this by-law shall take effect upon, from and after receiving the approval of the Department of Highways. REaD a First time this day of % / 190. READ a Second time this day of �� 19.0. READ a Third time and finally passed this //- day of 'P�'' 1940 �. 4 Clerk. By -Law No. 1078. Designating Road between Conc. 3 &.4 as a through highway at Calton. i.�6 9%?0 BAYHAA TOWNSHIP BYLAW RECORDS BYLAWS [ 1229-1632 ] FILE # 28 ----- __ M- ------ -------------------------------- ------._,.. Bylaw # Date Subject 1229 2 Apr 51 Appoint a road superintendent. 1230 2 Apr 51 Alter the boundaries fo P.S. Sec. No.16. 1231 7 May 51 Adopt the assessment on which taxes shall be levied. 1232 7 May 51 Set apart the Township School Area of Vienna and Bayham. 1233 7 May 51 Amend bylaw No. 1221. 1234 7 May 51 Amend bylaw No. 1225. 1237 4 Jun 51 Amend bylaw No. 1221. 1238 3 Jul 51 Authorize the borrowing of $ 25,000.00. 1239 3 Jul 51 Establish a Comrm1nity Centre at Eden. 1240 4 Sept 51 Provide for additional road expenditures for 1951. 1241 4 Sept 51 Limit the weight of vehicles passing over bridges in Bayham.- 1242 4 Sept 51 Designate during what period the assessment shall be'made;' 1243 4 Sept 51 Change the time for holding the Court Revision., 1245 1�Oct 51 Authorize the borrowing of $ 20,000.00. 1246 29 Oct 51 Provide for the holding of the Munc. elections. 1247 15 Dec 51 Authorize the borrowing of $ 20,000.00. 1255 ? Nov 36 Discontinue the Vienna H. S. District. 1275 26 Nov 37 Withdraw the Township of Bayham from the Vienna H.S. District. 1279 4 May 53 Establish rules and regulations with respect to the Calton . Cemetery. 1341 13 Jun 40 Piivilege of collecting taxes. K 1366 13 Jun 41 Revert a road in the Township of Bayham. 1390 13 Jun 42 Revert roads in Bayham, Aldborough. and Dunwich. 1393 6 Apr 59 Provide for the allowing of a discount on taxes paid. 1427 15 Jun 44 Confirm bylaw No. 1114. 1431 15 Jun 44 Revert roads in Bayham. 1446 19 Jan 45 Confirm bylaw no. 1181 BAY11AM BYLAW RECORDS BYLAWS j 1229-1632 ] FILE # 28 cont. Bylaw # Date Subject 1462 22 Nov 45 TO license public eateries. 1498 24 Jan 47 Amend •bylaw ,No. 1478. 1499 23 Jan 47 Regulate the Cutting of Trees. 1502 12 Jun 47 Confirm bylaw No. 1158. 1505 12 Jun 47 Amend bylaw No. 1478. 1506 12 Jan 47 Annex Area to the East H. S. Distirct. 1526 23 Mar 48 Incorporate the village of Port Burwell. 1632 17 Jun 53 Amend bylaw No. 1478. Plus six unsigned and undated bylaw copies. M s 1M 16 Bir-I,aw Pio. 1341 To Grant. the Townshi,l of _Bayh ;m tho --riyile�-e of Calluctinr their own ?ewes and I olein;, Tax_ Sales the Towsiahi,! of Bayham has made application to call et their own taa arrears and hold tax sales; The Slgin County Council eaaots: That subsection 1 of ",,tion 200, Chapter 272 of the 1:evised Statutes of Ontario; 1937, shall apply and extend to the Towushi) of Beiyham. .Read a third time and passed at County Council Chambers, June 13th, 1940. I:lerk : ,rden 1341 o, is of na _ ;,_ oolluc*in th.-ir o,, -;n :i 'viii tilos