HomeMy WebLinkAboutBayham By-Laws 1939BAYHAM TOWNSHIP By -Laws Numbers 1050-1060 1939 BAYHAM TOWNSHIP BYLAW EEMRDS BYLAWS [1337-10601 File # 30 Date Subject Bylaw # FILE # 30 1337 1 Nov 37 Provide for the holding of Munc. elections. 1048 7 Nov 39 Provide for the holding of Munc. elections. 1053 23 Jan 39 Appoint a clerk in and for the Township of"Bayham. 1060 6 Nov 39 Provide for the holding of Munc. elections. 11 Copy By-law No.1306 To Confirm By-law No 1044 ofthe �':ownship of Bayham The Agin County Council enacts That By-law No 1044 of the Township of Bayham to close up part of Pitt Street in ;the Village of Port Burwell lying between the Easterly limit of Chatham 6treet and the Harbor, excepting the viesterly Siity Feet thereof, be and the same is hereby confirmed. need a third time and passed at County Council Chambers St Thomas, this 20th day of January 1939. K.W.Mclbay , Ashton Pineo Clerk Warden en By -Law No 1306 To confirm By -Law No 1044 of the Township of Bayham rassed January 20th 1939. Certified Correct r .', . ,jcbay. County Clerk l J l 4 � Q H r -i r�-4 rl42 • C6 tko o V4 0 P4 4 l By -lair Number 1053 rz By-law to appoint a oelrk in and for the Township of Bayham in the County of =lgin and y rovince of Untario, Be it therefore enacted by the 'Aunioipal Council of the Aunicipality of Bayham in regular Bees &on a sembled. That J '"'ewey Vallee be and he is herefore appointed Clerk in and for the .1anicipality of Bayham during the plea~ure of the Council of the'Township of Bayhem. :-asLed in open Council this 26rd day of J��ivar, r1.D.19�59 in accordance with a resolution of the Bayhum Councils Geo Vallee reeve Benj Brian Clerk. "` ; _:'T0W NSH I P O� BAYHAM . By -Law No. Irlo being -law to g a y provide for the` holding of the Municipal Elections in the Municipality of Bayham for the year 1940 A.D, I- AND for the appointing of Deputy ' Ileturning Officers as weilas Poll Clerks and Pollingg places in the several Polling Sub - Divisions in the Municipality of Dayham, BE IT therefore enacted by the Municipal Council in regular session assembled: y 1. That the election for Sub -division No.? of the Minicipality shall be held at the Police Hall in the Village of PL. Burwe.11, And that% shall be Deptuy Returning Officer, And that shall be Poll.Clerk Clerk for said Division, 2. That the 4eleion for Sub -division No 2 shall be held at or near Wallace Grass home in said Division, And that shall be Deputy Returning officer, And that �� shall be Poll Clerk for saie. Division. 3. That thr election for Sub -division. No 3 shall be held at or near the Smucks Cc o ho se in said Division, And that5M C shall be Deputy Returning Officer,,`, And that, shall be Poll Olerk for said Piv is ibon. 4# That the election for Sub -division NoeL shall be held at the Town Hall in said Division, And thatZU4, A01440wshall be Deputy Returning Officer, And that shall be Poll Clerk for said Division. 5. That the election for Sub -division No.S shall be held at the Community Hall in the Village of Corinth, And that `��shall be Deputy Returning Officer, And that shall be Poll Clerk for said Division. 6. That the election for Sub -division No. b shall be held at or near the School hall in the Village of Eden, And that shall be Deputy Returning Officer, . And that /+/. V / shall be Poll Clerk for said Division. C 7. That the election for Sub -division No.7 shall be held at or near Lloyd c.,mucktresidence in the village of Richmond, And thats��6"Wzlzu�shall be Deputy Returning Officer, And that shall be. Poll Clerk for said Division. �. Th t the election for Sub -division No.8 shall be held at or near Presse 's residence in said Division And thats'L� shall be Deputy Returning Officer, And Chit shall be Poll Clerk for said Division. And that the Deputy Returning Officers and Poll Clerks are required to hold the said elections in accordance with the Act made and provided for Voting by ballot at Minicipal 'Elections. ead a third time and finally passed in open Council this day of 19A 9 A . D• Reeve. Clerk* I BAYHAM TORISHIP BYLAW EUDMRDS -------- BYLAWS 11337-10601 FILE # 30 File # 30 Date Subject — — — --------- — Bylaw # 1337 1 Nov 37 Provide for the holding of Munc. elect -ions. 1048 7 Nov 39 Provide for the holding of Munc. elections. 1053 23 Jan 39 Appoint a clerk in and for the Township of"Rayham. 1060 6 Nov 39 Provide for the holding of Munc. elections. Bylaw # Date Subject BYLAWS [ 1042-1082 ] FILE # 23 1042 7 Feb 38 Provide for the road expenditures for 1938. / 1043 4 Apr 38 Authorize a certain agrement between Bayham and Dereham. 1046 13 Jul 38 Provide for the road expenditures of Bayham for 1938. 1047 7 Aug 38 Levying a rate of the Township of Bayham for 1938. 1050 9 Jan 39 Authorize the borrowing of $ 35,000.00. 1051 23 Jan 39 Recind bylaw no. 646. 1052 23 Jan 39 Provide for the retirement of Benjamin Brian on pension. 1053 23 Jan 39 Appoint certain officers in Bayham for 1939. 1054 6 Feb 39 Provide regulations to apply to all milk produced for sale. 1055 6 Mar 39 Appoint Fence -viewers and Pound -keepers. 1057 5 Jun 39 Provide a certain speed limit for motor cars. 1058 17 Jul 39 Levying a rate of the Township of Bayhem. 1059 5 Sept 39 Appoint a Weed Inspector, School attendance officer, and and Board of Health Secretary for 1939. + 1062 2 Jan 40 Authorize the borrowing of $ 35,000.00. 1063 2 Jan 40 Provide for the road expenditures for 1940. 1064 2 Jan 40 Appoint certain officers in Bayham for 1940. 1065 2 Jan 40 Authorize a certain agrement between Bayham and Malahide. 1066 15 Jan 40 Appoint an Assessor for Bayham for 1940. 1067 5 Feb 40 Assessment and collection of taxes. 1068 5 Feb 40 Appoint Fence -viewers and Pound -keepers. 1069 4 Mar 40 Amend bylaw No. 1064. 1070 4 Mar 40 Authorize the Corp. to enter an agreement with the Hydro -Electric Power Commission of Ont. for street lighting. 1071 4 Marr 40 Rescind bylaw No. 973. 1072 4 Mar 40 Appoint a road Superintendent. BAYHAM TOMSHIP BYLAW REODRDS BYLAWS [ 1042-1082 ] FILE # 23 cont. Bylaw # Date Subject 1073 6 May 40 Amend bylaw No. 1064. 1074 6 May 40 Purchase of land for use as a Coin unity Hall. 1075 3 Jun 40 Adopt the assessment on which taxes shall be levied. 1076 3 Jun 40 Regulate the use of bathing suits on the public beach. 1077 4 Nov 40 Provide for the holding of the Munc. elections. 1078 4 Nov 40 Designate a certain road in Bayham as a through highway. 1079 6 Jan 41 Authorize the borrowing of $ 35,000.00. 1080 6 Jan 41 Appoint certain officers for Bayham for 1941. 1081 3 Feb 41 Provide for the road expenditures for 1941. 1082 3 Mar 41 Appoint Fence -viewers and Po%Ts-keepers. Forth 100-38 Ontario Towriallip of Bayham ......................................................................................................................... BY-LAW No./N ~40 ...... Tflp=jtjbj to authorize the borrowing of $ 35,000. Whereas the Council of the Tovm,',` i p of Bayham (hereinafter called the "Municipality") deems it necessary to borrow the sum of $ 35,000. to meet, until the taxes are collected, the current expenditures of the Municipality for the year; :`oTs.—Refer And Whereas the total amount of the estimated revenues of the Munici- to the estimates for the current pality as set forth In the estimates adopted for the year 19 38, not including year if not, tootiose revenues derivable or derived from arrears of taxes, borrowings and issues of of last year. debentures, is $ 164 , 600. • � •t+�.�.t.tl it'•".P.iir.` .7�<L�+�-1^ �j?1.#!�.1.'!'-1►c:s.iif'!.• •t�. = T ':�!`!�•y =w'!'` PY . . ..:r.:�. ,stc.�c_1 a. . s^ ^. t ii t i C. •1i �e tri -� s. i +►••� (Delete this �,�}�y paragraphif not 1 X XXXX7. }y : XXX � �x6f .W tt` @11, [jig applicable). Therefore the Council of the Township of 13ayh hereby enacts as follows: 1. The Head and the Treasurer are hereby authorized on behalf of the Municipality to borrow from time to time by way of promissory note from THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE a sum or sums not exceeding in the aggregate $3b,,000. to meet until the taxes are collected the current expenditures of the Municipality for the year, including the amounts required for the purposes mentioned in subsection (1) of section 339 of the Municipal Act, and to give on behalf of the Municipality to the Bank a promissory note or notes sealed with the Corporate Seal and signed by the Head and Treasurer for the moneys so borrowed, with interest, which may be paid in advance or otherwise, at a rate not exceeding 5% per centum per annum. 2. All sums borrowed pursuant to the authority of this by-law, as well as all other sums borrowed in this year and in previous years from the said Bank for any or all of the purposes mentioned in the said section 339, shall, with interest thereon, be a charge upon the whole of the revenues of the Municipality for the current year and for all preceding years as and when such revenues are received. 3. The Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to apply in payment of all sums borrowed as aforesaid, together with interest thereon, all of the moneys hereafter collected or received either on account or realized in respect of taxes levied for the current year and preceding years or from any other source which may lawfully be applied for such purpose. Passed this Ninth day of January 1939 ..................... ......... THE HEAD OF THE MUNICIPALITY SEAL...............................1. l•.... .. ..2!t��� !..:............... CLERK We hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By -Law No. of the Townslk 1'P of Bayhem in the Province of Ontario, duly passed at a meeting of the Council of the said Municipality duly held, and that the said By -Law is in full force and effect. Dated This ?_ inth As Witness the Seal of the Toylnsh ip SEAL of ;..ayham. day of Janus-ry 1939 U ................................................................................ THE HEAD OF THE MUNICIPALITY r ..................................`�.......:�........ CLERK n ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS TORONTO March 30th, 1939. Benj. Brian, meq. , Bayham Township Clerk, Stratfordville, Ont. Deer Sir, re Township Expenditure By-law # 1050 We wish to advise ,you that the ldinister of Highways in accordance with Section 46 of The Highway Improvement Act has approved o= a total expenditure of � 2.,500.00 as covered by the above b; -law. This amount will be considered the total net expenditure ou vi'ich the Department subsidy will be considered for the current year. Your co-operation in keeping this expenditure within the above amount will be appreciated by this Department. 0 Yours very truly, yM 7 zcJ t Chief En,,ineer of Municipal Roads. /`%� ftONRSHIP CIZRK W r-5+.. BY -Ln:- ?G. 1030 A BY -LX -1.7 TO PROVIDE, FO'3 r't-li TU -1- L lZ 1'," "DITIa? j OF R0_',,,D` I''? 'IALI TO', T►ST IP OF ... $a .. IN TI- a COITNTY OF ..... ..ajq;-:M ... '.'T-D7,R.:,AS The Hi hi:ta,-. Inproveraent zct, Chapter 50", IR.03.0., 1937 and ariiendmente requires that tine total' c..pend.itare on tovrnship roads and brid-;es be provided for annually by township by-law. TRMI]FORE the council of the corporation of the said township enacts as fol- lows; (1) The sL m of ; 2.1 *.600,*OQs hereby appropriated from monies raised by levy, debentures and gover�Lment subsidy for tot; e.:perditure upon construction and main- tenance of the road& in the said toiiniship during the vear 19 9 as follows; Road Construction ....... 1604.._.. ....... . _.. Brice Construction 10-00A 0 !�iaochiner,,r Superintendence -s. ... ....... .... . .Ort Burwell maintenance r, Repair ... ... ......... _............ Total Lstiraated E peg diture ...... U500000 . (2) The said raonies shall be e: pended under the direction of t. -.e duly- appointed township road superintendent and ozi work perfor-ied in accordance with the latest regulations respecting; township roads issued by the Department of ITighvraz s of Ontario. (3) The clerk shall transmit a copy of this by-lavj to the Municipal Iioads Branch, Department of Highti,rays, for approval on or before Februar-; 28th of the present year. Passed at .... ...... :-:Iff.0rillljS.... this ...,._qU day of ........JaiZ.L19ry A. D., 19.....`✓� (S E A L) _......_...................................................... .... ......... .......... ._............. ................ I ............ _........ .. __....... ».._... CLERK REEVE` T , ......11.�......... ...................... .. _ ............. . ....... Clerk of the corporation of the township of _..._...... ehm I Nt.......... .. � .......... I... . _ do herebz, certify that tale foregoing is a true copy of By -lair svo...105(1)assed by the council of the said corporation on the ......».... kik clAy of...... a ►x'.._...19-4..9. .......... . ........ . .. . ..... .......... , T,TOT NSIIIP CLERK By-law No/ 1,)I/ Being a By-law to recind By-law No 646. Be it therefore enacted by the 1wunicipal Council of the Aunicipality of Bayham in Special session assembled. that By-law No 646 being a By-law appointing a clerk in the year 'I. D.1906 zxxtkffx passed on the 2nd day of April read a third time and finnally Passed in open Council this 23rd day of January A.D. 1939 reeve Clerk By-law N'01947 ti ri y -law to re c i - by -law jvo 040 By-law Number M l ::,� of the Township of Bayham. of the Municipal Corporation A By-law to provide for the retirement of Benj Brian on pension. +' ERW Benj Brian has been Clerk of the Township of Bayham for a period of thirty-three years. AND 4 HERW he has been requested by the Municipal Council of the Township of Bayham to retire on a pension as hereinafter set out. AND ITTERW he has agreed with the said Council to retire from active work as Clerk of the Municipality and hereafter perform the services as hereinafter set out in accordance with the terms of this By -lair. NOW TEMFFORR THE ONICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TUINSHIP OF BAYS enacts as follows: 1. The said Benj Brian shall retire as active Clerk of the said lunicipality on the first day of marsh, 1939, or such other date as may be found mutually satisfactory. 2. Thereafter, in consideration of his past services, the said Benj Brian shall receive a pension for the rest of his life at the rate of Six Hundred Dollars per year payable Fifty Dollars eaoh month. 3. The said Benj Brian shall be relieved of all duties as Clerk of the Municipality but it is understood that as far as his health permits and it is considered practicable, he will continue in a position of Advisory Clerk advising anyone who may be appointed Clerk of the Lunicipality or any other Township Official so that as far as possible the Township may benefit from his advioe and experienoe. Read a third time and finally passed this day of (may A. D. , 1939. Reeve 8;rk, 0�e By -la -,a I umb er of the 110,wnship of 3ayhan. of the �,unicipal 'Corporation A BJT-lav to provide for the retirerierit of 3enj urian on pension. ''� SAS yen j 3ri an ha.s bees_ Cler'1� of the To :-�n shiiD of 3ayliam for a period of tlairtLr-three V*ears. I he Inas been reauestAd by the ;.:unicipal Council of the Tovmship of Layha� to retire on a A.',ension as hereinafter set out. 21 ",77MMIS he has aczreed with the said Counci 1 to retire from active work as Clerk of the..uniciprility and here.af ter perform the services as hereinafter set out in accordance with the terms of this 3y-la.vu. IOW 'T Tr , 'E'FOR"a UM 1J TIC IRA.I: C GRT OR�.TI O��T C1 10'. i'TS�TIP 01" enacts as follows: 1. Me said 3enj 3rian shall retire as active Clerk of the said 1.1111nlclpallty on the first day of Z'arch, 1939, or such other date as may be found mutually satisfactory. 2. Thereafter, in consideration of his y ast services, the said Benj 3rian shall receive a pension for the rest of his life at the rate of Six ~Tundred Dollars per year parable Fifty Dollars each month. 3. The said Beni j Brian shall be relieved of all duties as Clerk of the 1-unicipality but it is understood that as far as his health pernlits and it is considered �practicable, he will continue in a position of Advisory Clerk advising anyone who may be appointed Clerk of the 'Lunicipality or any other Township Cfficial so that as far as possible the Township may benefit from his advice and experience. Read a third time and finally passed this day of "7 A.D., 1939. or Reeve Clerk. i r v r f r 4 J By-law Numbe r A by-law to appoint certain Officers in and for the Municipality of Bayham for the year .-�. D.1939. Be it therefore enacted by the J.nieipal council of the Aunieipality of Bayham in regular session assembled. That r shall be assessor for the year 1939 That T.E. Chalk shall be a member of the board of health for 1939. That J.A. Jackson and John B Goodhand shall be Valuators of sheep killed by dogs. That Benj Brian shall be School attendance officer for 199 That shall be weed inspector for 1939 That Peters. idorrison & Brown shall be Kuditors of the Township books for A. D.1938. That Benj Brian shall be O"eeretary of the Board of health for 1939. //� 7�/�4 t / 0 AZ .gassed in open Council this 9 �.' day of January 1939 in accordance with a resolution of the Bayham Council C��►� Reeve Clerk y 0 am By-law No Appointing certain Officer; for 1939 vkti By-law Number /(-/)l r' of the lunicipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of 3avham. A By-law to provide regulations to apply to all Milk produced for sale, offered for sale or sold within the Corporation of the lbwnsh i p of Bayham. r1 M it is deemed expedient to pass a By-law for the regulation of milk to be supplied for consumption within the Corporation of the Township of Bayham pursuant to the 1ilk and Cream Act, being Chapter 302, R.S.O. , 1937, and amendments thereto. 1`It I THLR.FORF THE 1XITICIPnL COUNCIL OF T`," CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHU: enacts as follows: -- 1. No persons shall produce- for sale, offer for sale or sell for human consumption within the said Corporation any milk or cream without first obtaining a license from the said Corporation. The fee for license shall be One Dollar and no license shall be issued unless authorized by resolution of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham. Provided that each license shall be for a period of one year and shall be subject to cancellation by resolution of the Yunicipal Council of the Corporation at any time. 2. A license shall not be issued until the said Corporat- ion is satisfied that the milk or cream which will be sold by the persons so licensed will be produced under proper conditions of cleanliness and that all machinery, equipment and utensils used in handling milk or cream including any containers and means of transportation are satisfactory and sanitary so as to assure that the milk supplied for domestic consumption shall be suitable for human consumption. 3. All milk sold for human consumption within the Corporat- ion shall be properly pasteurized within the Corporation of the Township of Bayham. 4. There shall be appointed each year at the same time as the appointment of other officials an Inspector for the enforce- ment of this By-law and the Milk and Cream Act, being Chapter 302, _2_ R.S.Q. 1937 and amendments thereto. Provided that the Inspector for the year 1939 shall be who shall continue in office until a Successor is duly appointed. Read a third time and finally passed this day of 1939. 1 Clerk . Heeve A By-law Number/l%h ` of the Yung c ipal Council of the Corpor- ation of the Township of Bayham. A By-law to provide reulations to apply to all milk produced for sale, offered for sale or sold within the Corporation of the Township of Bayham. t By-law NNumbe r A By-law for appointing Fence -viewers and round -Keepers in and for -U-he J=' icipality of Bayham for the `ear .'L. D. 1939. Whereas it is necessary and expedient to appoint certain Officers in and for the Aunicipality of Bayham for the year D. 1939. Be it therefore enacted by the .4an.icipal Council in regular Session assembled that the following persons are hereby appointed Fence -viewers -for Ii. D. 1939 . 1 Chas. Stafford 2 W.L.Cameron 3 "lerton Chute 4 '- m. Berdan 6 -H-r-&-wC uak 7 kred Benner 8 Ernest Holman 9 Carman Ball 11 Elgin Underhill 12 John A. Jackon 13 Fred 'Kennedy 14 Geo, S. Llliott 15 Monty Vvilson 16 A. Silverthorne 17 Lloyd Herron 18 Geo. Procunier 19 Archie Guns ton 26 Ira Stilwell 21 And be it further enacted that the following persons are hereby appointed FOUND/'KEEPERS in and for the ,�ianicipality of 13ayham for the year A- D. 1939 . 1 Albert Moore 2 C. Wolfe 3 iN.L.Cameron 4 T.C.Thomson 5 H. Garnham 6 John A. Jackson 7 iviorley Hotchkiss 8 Fred Kennedy 9 Wm. Brinn 10 i�eg. McQuiagan 11 nobt. McLean 12 Chas. Stafford 13 A. Guns t o ne 14 L. Joyce 15 Judson Hall 113 M. Inman 17 J . D. Stewart 18 Daniel Pearson 19 Geo. Procunie.r 26 21 Clarence Violfe 22 k . i . lvioody 23 ►goy Nev ill 24 Ernest Holman 25 J.E.Godby 26 �.L. Ahite 27 Ward Benner 28 ',hallace eeks gassed in open Council this 6th day of -u�arch 4. D. 1939. Ae a ve O P ��Ct�Q� Clerk FLl O 4 �. O c+ CD Ff CD c0 FC N P6 :3 GQb� K Ora PA F.' CD O K n CD C FJ I CD K U1 IS 3� E 0 By-law Number / D 7 of the Municipal Uounc it of the Corporation o f the Township of Bayham. A By-law to provide a certain speed limit for motor vehicles operating within or passing through the villages of Eden, Straffoiftdville, Port Burwell, Richmond and Corinth and eon! munity Park in the village of P crt Burwell, 'Township of Bayham. WHEREAS it is deemed expedi-ent to pass a By-law for the regulation of the speed of motor vehicles within the above ment lone , Park and Villages in the Township of Bayham, pursuant to the Highway Traffic Act being Chapter 288, K.S.O. 1937 Sections 26, Parts 1, 3 and 4. NOW THEhEFORE THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM enacts as follows: - 1. No persons shall operate a motor vehicle at a greater rate of speed than thirty miles per hour within or passing through the villages of Eden, Straffordville, Fort Burwell, Richmond and Corinth in the.- Township of Bayham on any King's Highway, County road and township road. 2. No person shall operate a motor vehicle at a greater mate of speed than fifteen miles per hour r� Rite, i n or passing through the Community Park in the village of Port Burwell,- Township of bayham. The above regulations small not apply to fire trucks o» ambulances while in the act of performing their duties. Head a third time and finally passed this of 19390 C, Clerk i e� day • Clerk of Bayham. r� i e� day • Clerk of Bayham. r r I A By-law Number ✓�` � ,� of the Municipal Council of the Corporation o,f the Township of Bayham. A By-law to provide for the regulation of the speed of motor vehicles within a Park and Villages in the Township of bayham, idi 1 TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM. By-law No. 106-7 A By-law to restrict the speed of vehicles on certain roads in the Township of Bayham. WHEREAS subsection 3 of section 26 of the Highway Traffic Act (R.S.O. 1937, chap. 288) provides that The council of any Township may by reason of density of population or number and proximity of buildings therein or in any part thereof by By-law approved by the Department prohibit a motor vehicle from being operated at a greater rate of speed than thirty miles per hour in the township or in such part or parts thereof or on such highways or pants of highways therein as the By-law may define. AND WHEREAS it is deemed expediently reason of the density of the population and number and proximity of buildings adjacent thereto that speed of vehicles on certain roads in the Township of Bayham be restricted; NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham in the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. No motor vehicle shall be driven upon the following designated highways or portions of highways in the Township of Bayham at a greater rate of speed than 30 miles per hour. (1) King's Highway No. 19 through the villages of Port Burwell, Straffordv ille and Eden. (2) County and Township roads through the villages of Corinth, Richmond, Port Burwell, Straffordville and Eden. Also no motor vehicle shall be driven through or enter or leave Community Park in the village of Port Burwell at a greater rate of speed than 15 miles per hour. 2. Every person who violates any of the provisions of this By-law shall incur the penalties in subsection 4 of section 26 of the s Highway Traffic Act. (R.S?O• chap.288, 19379 ) 3. The provisions of this By-law shall not become effective until signs have been erected in compliance with the regulations of the Department of Highways. 4* Subject to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, this By -la shall take effect upon, from and after receiving the approval of the Department of Hiftways. Read a third time and finally passed this day of . 1939• Reeve. t C er . • Clerk of Bayham. It . "' hU �TIUWNAlhL re Township Speed Limits The following information is sub bitted in support o,f the application of bayham Township for approval of a by-law limiting speed of vehicles to 30 ma p.h. on tke following road: �, Oad 1. Total length affected - 2. Width of hoadway - 30' Type of surface. - Classification - 5. Nature of road E nv iro rune nt E_. How -many people reside (a) 'in TowrzhiD - (b; along read affected - 7. Etate number of eaob of following etruetur•ee. abutting road allecsted. (a) residpnerls - (b) store: - (e4 schools - (d) gasoline stations & �tar'a�geB- E). He)w marry pupila atteri3 schools :mentioned above - 9. Are th. re nrly vtner SC.hools , e, -I jscent to road affected rr if so, state rnu;tber of pupils attending same and also number wrio must :gross road In question - 'U. `-'ghat is the area of townshi�� ( in square 1ni� ®s ) 11* Are therC. a1ri figurcz available 3s to t^afiia on road 12. okit:k.:111H :airy q par ial nondit tom whioh render proposed restriet- ion dovirat)le 40 _�-% � wr�,�.c.-• y' �j �~) 1 S!" � � f�' .. L.'„ 'r ,.r ,r �%.,1 .� ��l.-�'r�,I,:.ry �,f'� `; 1w- :7 7 40 f l�, Clerk of Bayham. TOWNSHIP OF BAYNAM X By -Law No. rQ 0 J A By -slaw to restrict the speed of vehicles on certain roads in the Township of Bayham. WHEREAS subsection 3 of section 26 of the Highway Traffic Act (R.S.O. 1937, chap. 288) provides that The council of any Township may by reason of density of population or number and proximity of buildings therein or in any part thereof by By-law approved by the Department prohibit a motor vehicle from being operated at a greater rate of speed than thirty miles per hour in the township or in such part or parts thereof or on such highways or parts of highways therein as the By-law may define. AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient by reason of the density of the population and number and proximity of buildings adjacent thereto that speed of vehicles on certain roads in the Township of Bayham be restricted; NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham in the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. No motor vehicle shall be driven upon the following designated highways or portions of highways in the Township of Bayham at a greater rate of speed than 30 miles per hour. On the King's Highways - (1) Eden: From a point 700 feet north of the centre of the road allowance between Concessions 8 and 9, Bayham Township, southerly for 1,200 feet. (24 Straffordville: From a point 800 feet north of the centre line of t e road allowance between Concessions 6 and 7, Bayham Township, southerly 1,800 feet. (3) Port Burwell : From the north limits of the Village at the unc ono Erieus Street and Victoria Ste southerly 1s900 feet along Victoria Street to Wellington Street toRobinson Street, thence southerly for 1,370 feet on Robinson Street to the shore line of Lake Brie, On County and Township Roads - (10 Corinth: From the road allowance between Concessions 9 and north and souMh on county road # 46, a distance of 600 feet. r (2) Straffordville: From King's Highway #19 west along County Road -#38 o e line between Lots 123 and 12110 Concession 7, and from Kingts Highway east along County Road # �8 to the line between Lots 125 and 126, Concession 7e (3) Richmond: Along County Road # 38 from the line between Lots 110 6nd 111, Concession 7, to the line between lots 112 and 113 Concession 7a (4) Port Burwell: From the intersection of Victoria Street with King's Highway #19, south westerly along Northwest Erieus Street to Robinson Street and southerly along Robinson Street to the intersection of Robinson Street with King's Highway #19. 2. Every person who violates any of the provisions of this By -lair shall incur the penalties in subsection 4 of section 26 of the Highway Traff t, Act. (R.S.O. chap.288, 19370 3. The provisions of this By-law shall not become effective until signs have been erected in compliance with the regulations of the Department of Highways. Subject to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, this By-law shall take effect upon,from and after receiving the approval of r the Department of Highways. • Clerk of Bayham. ri r 12) Read a third time and finally passed this X �j,(�'`' 19390 day of yl;z�z, /,/0 - r Reeve • C er . • Clerk of Bayham. Ir MOTOR 1 STS DRIVE CAREFULLY WITH CONSIDERATION FOR THE CONVENIENCE AS WELL AS THE SAFETY 41 OF OTHERS ONTARIO MOTOR VEHICLES BRANCH r.� DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS I�;17 Dear Sir: MARK REPLY FOR ATTENTION OF TORONTO, May 6th, 1940. I am returning herewith one copy of By-law --'J1057-B of the Township of Bayham, which has been approved by the 11y11ini ster of Highways. I am also enclosing a copy of the regulations of the Department respecting the erection of signs in reduced speed li.rait arcus, and would point out that this by-law does not become effective until such signs have been erect:�d. Yours truly, J. P. Bickell, Registrar of --M 6t�oy Vehicles. Per:- _ .�% cT. D. Vallee, TSU., . Clerk, Township of Bayhwn, Straffordville, Ontario. Encls. 2 IF YOU CHANGE YOUR ADDRESS NOTIFY THE DEPARTMENT IMMEDIATELY 4. Subject to the provisions of the preceeding paragraph, this By-law shall take effect upon, from and after receiving the approval of the Department of Highways. READ a third time and finally passed this bixth day of November 1939• (signed) Geo. Vallee, Reeve (signed) J. D. Vallee, Clerk. I hereby certify this to be a Township of Bayham By -Law No. A true c 6py of 105? B. • Clerk of Bayham. TOWNSHIP 01' BAYHAM By -Law No. 1057B A By-law to restrict the speed of vehicles on certain roads in the Township of Bayham. WHEREAS subsection 3 of section 26 of the Highway Traffic Act (R.S.O. 1937, chap. 288) provides that The council of any Township may by reason of density of population or number and proximity of buildings therein or in any part thereof by By-law approved by the Department prohibit a motor vehicle from being operated at a greater rate of speed than thirty miles per hour in the township or Xn. such part or parts thereof or on such highways or parts of highways therein as the By-law may define. AND WHEREAS it is deemed expedient by reason of the density of the population and number and proximity of buildings adjacent thereto that speed of vehicles on certain roads in the Township of Bayham be restricted; NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Bayham in the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. No motor vehicle shall be driven upon the following designated highways or portions of highways in the Township of Bayham at a greater rate of speed than 30 miles per hour. 0h `, the Ki s.Q Highwas - Eden; - From a point 700 feet north of the centre of the road allowance between Concessions 8 and 9, Bayham Township, southerly for 1200 feet. �2) Straffordville;- From a point 800 feet north of the centre ne of the road allowance between Concessions 6 and 7, Bayham Township, southerly 1800 feet. (3) rort Burwell;- From the north limits of the Village at the junction of Erieus Street and Victoria St. southerly 1900 feet along Victoria Street to *ellington Street to Robinson Street, Thence southerly for 1370 feet on Robinson Street to the shore line of Lake Erie. On COunty and Township Roads - Corinth;- From the roa allowance between Concessions 9 and , north and south on county road # 46, a distance of 600 feet. u (2) Straf fordv ille ; - From Kings Highway ##19 west along County , Road to t c line between Lots 123 and 124, Concession 7, >.o and from King's Highway east along County Road # 38 to the r* �� line between Lots 125 and 126, Concession 7- (3) Richmond;- along County Road # 38 from the line between Lots o � 110 a 111, Concession 7, to the line between Lots 112 and N 113 Concession 7. (4) Port Burwell;- From the intersection of Victoria Street with King's ghway # 19, south westerly along Northwest Erieus �. Street to Robinson Street and southerly along Robinson Street to the intersection of Robinson with King's Highway ,#19. c 2. Every person who violates any of the provisions of this By-law shall incur the penalties in subsection 4 of section 26 of the Highway Traffic Act. (R.S.O. chap. 288, 1937.) 3. The provisions of this By-law shall not become effective until signs have been erected in compliance with the regulations of the Department of Highways. 4. Subject to the provisions of the preceeding paragraph, this By-law shall take effect upon, from and after receiving the approval of the Department of Highways. READ a third time and finally passed this bixth day of November 1939. (bigned) Geo. Vallee, Reeve U I hereby certify this to Township of Bayham By -Law (signed) J. D. Vallee, Clerk. be a true copy of No. 1057 Be • Clerk of Bayham. 0* fey -Law No. A 3y -law for levying a rate of the Townc,hip of bayham for the year 1939 A.D. Whereas it is necessary and expedient to provide for the levying and collecting of the annual rate to meet the necessary exx)enditures of the Municipality of the Township of 13ayhem for Z?bq j the year 1939. Be it therefore enacted by the Municipal Council of the Township of bayham in regular session assemble.,I, that there shall be levied upon all of the rateable property assessed in the Municipality for the year 1939 A.D. For Count; purposes For Township It For Schools $ /�, 7�0?• o09', d�ff�(4ft, 7 3Y, 0 0 anri be it further enacted that the Collector or Collectors of the Municipality be and they are hereby authorized to collect all the further additional sums of money, for school purposes in the several chool Sections in the Township of bayham which shall be placers upon the Collectors roll for t1je Year 1y39 A. TJ. And be it further enacted that the Clerk shall be and he is hereby require to :nakes*the necessary Collectors Roll for the year 1939. An;? that a rate of // mills on the -sol lar shall be levied, for Municipal purposes, upon all the rateable property appearing on the Assessment Roll for the year 1'939 a. D. And the Clerk shall make the necessary divisions of the several rates to apply on the several amounts stated. And that after the 17th. day of December 1939, a panalty of ONE Per Cent per Month or fraction thereof, shall be charged on all unpaid Taxes, until the 31st, day of December 1939, after which date the otatuary interest shall be charged. After Fourteen (lays notice the Collector or his 3aliff may w seize any Goods for unpaid taxesp and the Collector shall have the privelege of mailing t4ie tax notices to the several tax payers. kid a t_:ira time/wand finally pawed in open Council this /7 day of �/C%.�!', IL939 r,.D. 07,0 , peeve. 20IIa&e-- Clerk. moa 'J M (D (y m m I o m \C 'j O 'IN (a 's G \0 '.Y O rr s ro :n M � a c; m O ODw M (p y By -Law No. /D�519 Being a By -Law to appoint a Weed Inspector, School attendance Officer and Board of Health secretary for the balance of the year 1939 A.D. Be it therefore enacted bjr the Municipal Council of the Municipality of the Township ob Bayham in regular session assembled. That am. G. Mitchell shall be weed Inspector for the remainder of the year 1939• That J. D. Vallee bhall be School Attendance Officer for the remainder of the year 1939• That J. D. Vallee shall be Board of Health Secretary for the remainder of the year 1939. Read a third time and finally passed in open Council this Fifth Day of September in accordance with a resolution of the Council of the Township of Bayham. G�2 �%caf%C.0 c, Reeve. `r nerk. OD C- nr m IOU �4 M44 O M 1 X O K CD m a* O CD O 97s Q 10 NtrOµ �l �o m p W c�' �O