HomeMy WebLinkAboutBayham By-Laws 1935BAYHAM TOWNSHIP By -Laws Numbers 1002-1012 1935 BYLAWS j 1000-1041 ] FILE # 22 Bylaw # Date Subject 1000 15 Dec 34 Amend bylaw No. 992. 1001 15 Dec 34 Appointing Auditors for 1934. 1002 14 Jan 35 Recind bylaw No. 997. 1003 14 Jan 35 Appoint a treasure of the Township of Bayham. 1004 14 Jan 35 Appoint certai : officers in Bayharn for 1935. 1005 14 Jan 35 Provide for mad expenditures for 1935. 1006 14 Jan 35 Authorize the borrowing of $ 35,000.00. 1008 1 Apr 35 Granting cert in privileges to the Dominion Natural Gas Ccup. 1009 1 Apr 35 Appoint an Inspector of Drains in Bayham. 1010 16 Dec 35 levying the Annual rate of the town of Bayham for 1935. 1011 2 Dec 35 Provide for the holding of the Munc. elections. 1012 2 Dec 35 Authorize the taking of a vote of the electors of Port Burwell. 1013 13 Jan 36 Appoint certain officers in Bayham for 1936. 1014 13 Jan 36 Provide for the rctd expenditures for 1936. 1015 3 Feb 36 Authorize the borrowing of $ 35,000.00. 1016 6 Jul 36 Levying the Annual rate of Bayham for 1936. 1017 6 Jul 36 Change Polling day and election day in Bayham. 1018 5 Oct 36 Provide for the road expenditures for 1936. 1019 2 Nov 36 Provide for the holding of the Municipal elections. 1020 2 Nov 36 Granting certain privileges to A. B. Holmes. 1021 4 Jan 37 Appoint tertian officers in Bayham for 1937. 1022 4 Jan 37 Authorize the borrowing of $ 35,000.00. 1027 ? ? 37 Establish rules and trgulations with respect to the S traf fordvi l le Ce T e tery . 1028 3 May 37 Amend bylaw No. 1017. 1029 3 Aug 37 Levying the Annual rate of Bayham for 1937. BAYHAMBYLAW REODRUS BYLAWS j 1000-1041 ] FILE # 22 cont. Bylaw # Date Subject 1030 1 Sept 37 Provide for the borrowing of $ 8,000.00. 1031 7 Sept 37 Provide for the road expenditures for 1937. 1033 4 Oct 37 Recind bylaw No. 682. 1034 4 Oct 37 Appoint a Medical Health Officer for Bayham. 1035 4 Oct 37 Submission to a vote of a question under the Liquor control Act. 1036 1 Nov 37 Reci.nd bylaw No. 1034. 1038 1 Nov 37 Provide for certain iWrovements in harbor facilities in Port Burwell. 1039 3 Jan 38 Appoint certain officers for Bayham for 1938. 1040 3 Jan 38 Appoint Auditors for Bayham. 1041 7 Feb 38 Authorize the borrowing of $ 35,000.00. By-law i+o MO Being a By-law to appoint a treasure of the Township of Bayham. Wherefore be it enacted by the Bayham Council in regular t session assembled, that �`- shall be and he is appointed Treasure of the Township of Bayham at a salary of 0t for the faithful performance of the duties of said office, said appointment to be during the pleasure of the i members of the Municipal Council of the Township of Beyham. Passed in open Council this Reeve day ofA. D 1935 r p OV Clerk • v 1 • By-law No /6 oZ/ A By-law to appoint certain Officers in and for the ikunicipality of Bayham for the `ear A.D.1935. Be it therefore enacted by the uiunicipal Council in regular session assembled that 6rAtlyt shall be assessor for 1935. S J That.shall be 'jrustee of the Vienna Bi8 h S School for the Years 1935, 1936. That 11 shall be a member of the Board of Bealth for 1935. That t • ( ! _ (�• shall be Valuators of a eep killed by dogs. `.What . t4.6)"o- shall be School Attendance Officer for 1935. That 3,F shall be meed Inspector for 1935. II-A In accordance with a resolution passed by the Bayham Council in regular session on the 14th day of January A.D.1935, Reeve. Clerk s Q B -g EY-L___;i N10. , ...1005 ri by..14w to provide for the tot"l zxpenditure on fonds in the township of BAS n� �.urinp the year. 19 aa. *iEFZt,.Sc the rer-ulations of ts�e Depart :lent ofat: ;;,"s of On-bario require that the total expenditure on to%.nshi,) ro,.ds and bridt-es under The I+irhway Im- provement -.ct shall be provided for annually by township by-law. 7HEPEFORE the council of the rnl_nicipal corporation of tie said tovrnship enacts as follows: (1) The su:-., of $ jAw()OG.GO is hereby appropriated from monies raised by levy, debentures and E-overnment subsidy for total expenditure upon construction and maintenance on the roads in the said townshjp irinf; the fear 19�_as fol- lotrJ.�7 Road Construction Bridge Const�•uctior. ..-,c hinery. Superintendence 01 900 a 06 I�laynten�,nce & Repair_ � 413Gln G Total Esti.-mated Exnenditure (2) The said monies shall be expended under tale, direction of the duly ap- pointed to-vnship road superin ondent and on work performed in accordance with the last revised regulations rF;specting tovmsi,i;- roads issued by the Department of Highways of Ontario. (3} The clerk shall tru smit t1 is by-law ir_ du.)licate to the Deputy Mlinister, Department of Highways, for approval on or before January 31st of the p.,,esent year. Passed Gtt �da:r of ;.. D. , 19. �s (SL_.L) Clerk ( Reevc I,Clerk of the corporation of the township of do hereby certify that the foregoing is _z true copy of By-law i3o. passed by the council of said coruoration on the—;.jtbr____da�, of� 19� wnsihin Clerk. .e Foran 100.33 Ontario 1ovnghip...o . _ mJh?.......................... BY-LAW No. 1.00.6......... . of�p=jeft to authorize the borrowing of S 36.000. Whereas the Council of the .^ov;nshij) oA 131,yliara (hereinafter called the "Municipality") deems it necessary to borrow the sum Of $ 350,')00. to meet, until the taxes are collected, the current expenditures of theNTunicipality for the year; NOTE.—Refer And Whereas the total amount of the estimated revenues of the Munici- to the estimates for the current pality as set forth in the estimates adopted for the year IW4 , not including f`not.r if to°hose revenues derivable or derived from arrears of taxes, borrowings and issues of of last year. debentures is $ 69 ,100 . !►d/�'� ,/►; 4! '•:•!: M� /�• b - iJ. 1 ;ia/:apt ..+• C ^� •'t; iMr�• • : Mw 1 +• t• (Delete this A x� t1�. )d -which,. it hxha bonrwrad r paragraph if not 1tiV`il .�.l�t•11V2st•811it applicable). XC ZfC3X Therefore the Council of the 'otmshin of Bn.yham hereby enacts as follows: 1. The Head and the Treasurer are hereby authorized on behalf of the Municipality to borrow from time to time by way of promissory note from THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE a sum or sums not exceeding in the aggregate S 35 , 0 D0 . to meet until the taxes are collected the current expenditures of the Municipality for the year, including the amounts required for the purposes mentioned in subsection (1) of the said section 334, and to give on behalf of the Municipality to the Bank a promissory note or notes sealed with the Corporate Seal and signed by the Head and Treasurer for the moneys so borrowed, with interest, which may be paid in advance or otherwise, at a rate not exceeding &S' per centum per annum. 2. All sums borrowed pursuant to the authority of this by-law as well as all other sums borrowed in this year and in previous years from the said Bank for any or all of the purposes mentioned in the said section 334, shall, with interest thereon, be a charge upon the whole of the revenues of the Municipality for the current year and for all preceding years as and when such revenues are received. 3. The Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to apply in payment of all sums borrowed as aforesaid, together, with interest thereon, all of the moneys hereafter collected or received either on account or realized in respect of taxes levied for the current year and preceding years or from any other source which may lawfully be applied for such purpose. Passed this Yourtoonth day of January 1935 _ THE HEAD THE MUNICIPALITY SEAL oe 1 ................................ ........ ...... CLERK We hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of By -Law No. 1006 of the 711orinsh i» of Bn-.7han in the Province of Ontario, duly passed at a meeting of the Council of the said Municipality duly held, and that the said By -Law is in full force and effect. Dated This y oart©©n thday of J aimary 1935 As Witness the Seal of the `Lnwnship of Bnyhars THE HEADY THE MUNICIPALITY SEAL.................................../ �.. .......... CLERK �Y-LAVI i"UL -?ER�to y OF l i:E � :Lr;ICIP' L CORrO^_� �'IO�: OF TEM, T07-iSILIP D = BAYHXTVI trrynt;ir - cer. gain priVii c�-os to TEi�S DOIAZriION NATURAL GAS Ca-APANY_ i.I ;:I n Vi.i;R�.A _", The Dominion Natural Ga-er Company , Limited, here- .inafte.r called the ITol:��-a .-,,r i1.1:k1_1;j duly inc cr,. ra-- ed, for the purpose aror_rst other thin: of con t"ructinc, and operat- in,r works for the prcd-�r,`t.ion, 3a -Le and --ion of for the purpo ,e of i i,_;ht , eat and pov,,Tt-r, and Company have applied to the -aid Corporation for the ri.:.: ... r•.,.ct and :.:aiMain a syster:� o f pippes aloe- an(,, upon certain hit.:;hvr ty- fcr V., purro e O.1 ccrfjir��ai :- line, viork Cr system which is intonded to be operated in and 'or the benefit of the Town of Til.l.sonburg Rnd other municipalities subject to the conditions and re-ul:aticns set out in Schedul1., "A" hereto annexed. ±- _-: ,_.__. ORF ` :`7' CO:`:�'`IT r`�' _ 'w� COP)P 'RA1IOi,� OF rM TOMTSHU n: BAYH.J-.7 duly constituted and assembled in purse - +r ancP of t :e prer: i:>e: , -n1nd cf' ': po.=:_ rs i.� the �r�:;ted and so far Rs such, powers extend., 3jnrP?.y enact, as f nv: 1.'ha.t t.hi s Council �.ere.by :n'- , car_ 'c'r end Zssure untc The Dcflninion Natural Gas Company , Limit,�­1, its, successors; and assigns, full ri.- lt, po,ier, a_,t .horii , f,erPa. i3,,;icn =::d consent to pass, throu.-~h this 1..unicipali -y for the purpcse of nontinuin::; ;7, trans- mission line cr lime:_;, work or sysicir, intended to be operated -in and for t":r: <':":F? 1'i' ri'=1T'iGTai:er municipality c`I?1d riot used Or operated In this mu licip alit Y for a n -y c Cher purpose: Pxcer that of supplying g,zs to -,)er,,ons whose lands abut on the along; or across which the. same is carried or eanzreyed, or toer�cns whose land lieswithin such limits the Council 1-y 1-y-la•a passed from tire to tin -P deter- mines should 1-e supplied ait'_i c;a.s and for th purpose, ? fcre:�aid to use and occupy s'..1rh of the hi,.,-_r_w :y s within the Jurisdiction cf the Council cf t; -p s Ad Township as the Company may deem necessary and BY-LAW, 1Ttr _RER 4Q A 8- . OF THE i:UI`:ICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP 0 r BAYHAM Grzntinr certain privileges to THE D01UNION KL URAL GgS CM PANY _ _ , LI :I 1 E D VITHEREAS , The Dominion Natural Gas Company , Limited, here- inafter called the "Company" is a company duly incorporated, for the purpose amongst other things of constructing, maintaining and operat- ing works for the production, sale and distribution of as for the purpose of light, .,eat and power, and {i AS the Comjany have applied to the said Corporation for the right to construct and n4aintain a systen of pipes alone and upon certain highway; for the purpose of cor_tinuin.-_ a line, work or system which is intended to be operated in and for the benefit of the Town of Tillsonburg and otter municipalities subject to the conditions and regulations set out in Schedule "All hereto annexed. T.' O" TLS ' r ORE' , T. � C OUI I T . OF THE CORPORATION OF M TOW KUP Or RAYW.l duly constituted and assembled in pursu- ance of the premises and of the powers in t4em vested and so far as such powers extend, hereby enact as fo? loves : 1. That this Council hereby grant, confer and assure unto The Daninion Natural Gas Company , Limited, its successors and assigns, full ri.-*ht, poaer, authority, permission and col., -.sent to pass through this l::unicipality for the purpose of continuing; aas trans- mission lire or lines-, work or system intended to be operated in and 6 for the tenefit of another municipality and not used or operated in this municipality for any ether purpose except that of supplying gas to persons whose lands abut on the hic-hways along or across which the same is carried or conveyed, or to persons whose land lies within such limits as the Council by by-law passed from time. to time deter- mines should be supplied with gas and for the purposes aforesaid to use and occupy such of the highways within the jurisdiction of the Council of the said Township as the Company may deem necessary and 4 _2.. advisable, and to lay, construct, maintain and operate thereon a main pipe Line or lines with _ c01=.1Icc tiers ur a ttachmlents necessary or incidental thereto for corlvey:ing, and supplin' gas. Subject always to the conditions, regulations and stipulations seg cut and contained in Schedule "nt' hereto annexed 2. THAT the Reeve and Clerk are hereby authorised and directed to execute this B;, -Law and the. Agreumir-nt to be prepared in pursuance hereof and to attach the seal of the Corporation thereto. 3. This By -Law is sub cct to a! statutes, orders and rules made or to be made by -lawfully constituted authority having Jurisdic- tion in the premises. 4. The word "highway" in this By -Lail shall include a street and a bridge fording part of the highnay, upon, on, over or across which the highway passes, PASSED in Council the ^ day 19 �i Y of � 9 LERK I. ^ l//A, f/// iia A V SCHEDUL` "A"LJ To By -Law Number of the Corporation of the Township of ham , referred to in the said By -Lave hereto Fnnexed. CONDITIONS: 1. In laying or constructing the pine line systems, referred tc in the said annexed ry-Law, along said township highways from time 'r time, the Company shall, wherever practic le, use for that purpose the part of the highways adjacent to the fence lines or outer boundary thereof, and the Company shall bury the sante and restore the highways to first-class condition, and the said pipes shall be so buried and the highways so restored unless where the Superintendent of Roads of the said Township or other person appointed by the said Township directs otherwise. 2. In the constructiin, maintenance and repair of the said systep�the Company shall use due care and diligence so that trRffic shall notlke impeded or interfered with any more than is necessary fcr the cons-ti-urd\tJon or repair of the said system, and so that after the av aid and completed there .shall be no ob- struction to or interference with the usual traffalong the highways or to the ditches or drains thereon. And Aere any rains or ditches are considered or made necessary by reason of any work done by or omitted to be done by the Company, the same shall be maintained in good order by the said Company during the continuance of this fran- chise. 3. '-'he" said Company shall be liable for any loss or injury that any person may sustain by reason of any carelessness, neglect, default or misconduct of its agents, servants or employees in the management, construction, laying or use of its pipe lines, and the said Company shall indemnify and hold the said Corporation of the Township of .MY-Lasno •• •. - • •• - • •charmless from any damage that may be claimed by property holders or by any person or persons on account of the lay- ing of its pipe lines or the use thereof, and shall indemnify the said Corporation against all loss, costs, damages and expenses the Corpora- tion may pay, incur or be put to by reason of any damage or injury resulting from or occasioned by, or in consequence of the construction, i -2- P laying, condition or operation of said pipe lines, provided however, that the Company shall have reasonable notice and an opportunity to defend. s 4. The rights conferred upon the said Company by the said By - Law and the Agreement tc be executed ,in pursuance thereof, shall rr subject to the right to the free use of the said highways by all persons entitled thereto-, and sut ,iect to the rights of the owners of properties adjoining the said hip hv;ay8 of full. access to And from such highways, and of constructing crossings and approaches from their properties thereto, and shall be subject also to the rights and privi- leges which the said Corporation may grant tc any other companies or i persons to lay pipes, erect poles, string any kind of wires for any purpose, or construct railways on said highways, all of which rights are expressly reserved; stnd the. Company shall lower or more their pipes wherever the Township may hereafter deem necessary for any such purposes, but any such right hereafter granted shall be subject hereto, and all rights owned by the Company prior to the passing of this b By -Law, r! 5. All work done in pursuance of the said By -Law shall be sub- ject to the approval, sanction and direction of the saiduperinten- dent of Roads for the time being of the said Corporation or other I person appointed by the Council of said Township, who shall have full power and authority to give such directions and orders to.the Company as to location upon the highways of the said pipe lines and.the manner of laying the same, or where such lines shall be buried or otherwise howsoever, as in his judgment shall be considered best in the interests of the said Corporation; all such directions shall be in writing, and the said Company shall be obliged to follow such directions or orders as may be given as aforesaid, and the remuneration and expenses of the said Superintendent or other person so appointed during the time he may be so employed and the expenses connected with this By -Law and the said Agreement, shall be defrayed by the said Company, and before -3- cominencing any such Worl: a clan or sketch thereof shall be deposited by the Company with the Clerk of the said i o-,.-*nship. 6. 'within silty days after the rast,ing of this Ly-Lavi a formal agreement in duplicate shall be prepared in pursua:Ice hereof be±vjeer_ the said Company and the said _o�Vnship Corporation, and shall. be executed in due form by both uarties thereto, �,lhereby the said Company shall bind itsel', its successors and assigns, duly to carry out, ob- serve and perform the conditions he'rein contained, and the said Cor- poration shall agree on its part to observe and perform the said By -Law and the said conditions so far as they relate to them, and one of such duplicate at- ,reements du executed as aforesaid shall be de- posited with the Clerk of the said T onnship, and the other shall be given to the said Company, and from that time this By -Law and the said Agroement shall be bindin;:, upon the said Company and th., said Corpora-- . a tion. 7. The Company shall use- all practical and proper means at all times to prevent the escape and leakar;e of gas from its mains and pipes 'and the causing of any damage or in,�ury thereby to any person or pro- perty and the Company shall make ;ood to the Corporation and all per- sons affected, all damage which they may be caused by the works or operation of the Corapany or by r,�:ason of any leakage from the pipes. 86. Subject as after mentioned, the rates to be charged and collected by the Company for gas supplied ty it under this franchise shall be the rates from time to time agreed on between the parties hereto or failing such agreement fixed by the proper officer .ter offi- cers in that behalf hawing jurisdiction to fix rate; under The Natural Gas Conservation Act or in case there shall be no such officer or officers, then such rates as may from time to time be fixed by the Ontario Railway and unicipal Board or other person nr body having jurisdiction to fix such rates; any such application hereunder may be made by either party hereto on notice to the other* . rhen any rate for gas has been agreed upon or determined as aforesaid, such rate shall remain in effect for a period of not less -A~ than two (2) years from the date of such agrccment or determination, provided also that for two years from the date; hurcof and until other rates shall be so fixed the Company is hereby authorized to charge and collect for gas supplied to its customers, tho same price and upon the same terms and conditions, including discounts, as the Company has now in effect in Township. 9. Tho franchise hereby granted shall be for the term of ten years from and after the final passing of the By --Law. Provided that if ^t any time prior to the expiration of said term of ten years or any renewal thereof the Company shall notify the Corporation in writ- ing that it desires ^ rene,.al thereof for a further period of ten ye^.rs , the Council may rcncw the same from tip is to time for further s f M period not exceeding ten years at any one time. +• t 106 Upon the expiration_ of this franchise or any renewal thereof the Company shall have the right, but -nothing hcrci.n contained shall CD require it to remove its Mains, pipes, plant and works from the said streets and highways and restore such streets and highways to the condition in which the say' c worc previous tet such removal to the sat- isfaction of the Totnlship Council. 114, This By -Lacs and the Agreement entered into pursuant thereto is subject to all statutes, orders or rules made or to be made by law- fully constituted authority having jurisdiction in the premises. 12. In case either the Corporation or the Company deems it necessary or advisable to obtain ratification of this By -Lacy and of the said Agreement by the legislature of the Province of Ontario, the other party will concur and assist in obtaining such ratification at the cost and expense of the party desiring such ratification* DATED th' % day of - 1930.- s G THIS AGREEMENT made this /� day of _..._ BET11TEEN : - - TIM DOMINION NATURAL GAS CO'1WTY, LD11TM . hereinafter called the "Compc.ny" of the first part; and THE ITMICIPAL COI PORLTION OF iILE TOv►'I3&UP OF BlL�'H.U-":', Y herein`ftcr called the "Township" of the second part. WHEREAS the Township on the , day of . � p � 193 , passed By --L^ Number /000.' , a copy of which is hereto annexed, and did thereby give their consent (so far as they have jurisdiction) to the Company la0ring, constructing, maintaining and operating mains or pipe lines for conveying and distributing gas over, along and upon the highwayrs rcfcrrcd to in s^id By -La%-:, subject to the terms and conditions in the s( -.id By -L-1 contained, and it was thcrcin provided that the said By -Law and the po>;crs and privileges thereby granted should not take effect or be binding on the Tovnship 4 unless formally accepted by the Company within sixty days after the p^ssing thereof by an Agreement vihich should legally bind the company to perform, obscrvc and comply with all the a grccments , obli gc t ions , torms and conditions therein contc,ined. NOW THIS AGREEDENT WITNESSETH that the Company do hereby declare their acceptance of the said By -L" -w and for themselves, their successors and assigns, covenant and agree :pith the Township, their successors and assigns that they will perform, observe and comply with all the agreements, obligations, terriis, and conditions in the said By -Lary contained, and on their part to be performed, observed and complied with, and the Corporation agrees to observe and perform the said By -Law and Conditions so far as the same relate to it. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the corporate seal of the Company is .. y .�° .'. �f%�'"�ad%3�`'�`�a�`'n.zn'C��'Fa'� ,'�,,. cv >Y �`�.:;�,;'A'M �:i�`s Fy �il,G�.{EiiS.sE.�✓R av��i�`ti.j�,2 t 7 c i 6 .. r ac+2 — hereto affixed under the har,'l of its Vico--President and Secretary and the Corporation seal of the Tor:nship is hereto affixed under the hands of the Rcovc and the Clerko THS JAMCIPAL CORPORATION OF rRt7t, rlOWNSBIP OF BAYHAM Signed, Sealed and Dcli.vcred 4 f By the Township the resence EV of CLERK THE DOMINION NATURAL GAS COMPANY, ' L.UAI TLD. By the Company in the Presence of i 1 11 By-law No `a0 Being a By-law for to appoint an Inspector of Drains in the Township of Bayham. sihereas it is necess�iry and expedient for to appoint an Inspaetor of Brains in and for the Township of Bayham. Be it therefore enacted by theIfunicipal Council of the Munici pality of Bayham in regular session assembled. That shall be and he is hereby appointed Inspector of Drains in the Township of Bayhum, at a salary of w for the faithful perf ormance of the duties of said office, during the pleasure of the Municipal tiouneil of the Municipality of Bayham. 2assed in open Council this 1st day of April :'�. D. 1935 ne e ve Clerk By-law 114-o /D4 Appointing an Inspector of gains in the Iffu.nicipality of Bayham. 1935 . By -lays No PIPil A By-law for levying the Annual rate of the Township oy i Bayham for the year A.D.19�5s and for appointing a Collector or Collectors to colle^.t the fil Therefore it is necessary and expedient to provide- for the levying and Collecting of the annual tate to meet the necessar:��,,,, expenditure.-- of. the Ifunicipal �y of Bayham -.,*or the year 1.7. 1935. Be it therefore eriaoted by the 7.1unicipal Council of the Municipality of Bayham in regular session assembled, that there shall be levied ujon all. the reLteable pror,---rty assessed in tea;; T.fiunieipality of Bayharn for the year A-'41935. For County purposes W 13341.88 For Township P or Scholls and bp.,,," it. further enacted that the Colleeto or Collectors of ° "nio�pa.lity be and they aro: hereby aurtherized to doll. ct the further additional sends of -coney for Schools purpc se s in the several schools sections in the Townshiiz of bayham -it'hlc h �:hul i b,: placed upon thr Collectors roil for "6.D.1935. _°&nd all others rate i Haat shall bre pl aced upon the rolls forX 1935. And be it further enacted that for the purpose of oollecting the said sams of money thtL � � _ shall be and he is hereby appointed to collect the taxes of the 11unicipality of Bayham for the year at a salary of ,�1. C�,! for the performance of his duties in behalf of the I'.un.`Acii:ality of I* 4 _-nd be it further enacted that the Clerk is and he is arid. _he _:i= hereby required to make the necessary Coll:: ct.o, s Rolls, dor the year .ly3a. And that a rate of y,� �`iI s on ihe Dc11ar b� upon all the rateable property appearing upon the asses: M�;n� roll for 1935.." And that the clerk sball make the necessary divisions of the said rates to appy on the several amounts so stated. of December 1935 a penalty of And that after the � `'� d �:y p Y ONE P -C -JR CENT PER month or fraction of a month :hall be charged on all unpaid t axes .,U�� And after Fourteen days notice the Collector may seize any goods for unpaid taxes. The Collector shall have the privelege of mailing the tax notices to the several tax payers. " Reeve. Clerk Y n W u %, r r / d1b. For levying a rate and appointing a collector for 1935 0 By-law No�� Being a By-law top rovide for the holding of the i1u.nieipA.1 Elections in the iunicip��lity of :dayhAm for the year �..T).1930. and for appointing Deputy -returning Ufficers, Zoll Clerks as well %s rolling places in the several bub Livisions in the said :.1unicipality of 3uyhxm. Be it therefore enacted by the iiunicipal Council of the unici pality of Bayham in regulae: sion assembled . (1) 'hat the election for subdivision A116 1 of the "Lunicipality shall be held at the police hall in the 'tillage of -ort :)urwell and shall be 1ieputy lieturning Officer qnd ttshNll be L-oll Clerk for said Livi soon. (2) That the election for ►)ub-division iao 2 shall be heldat or neer rJ 'rAss place in said Division, and �q A nd cion. sh-ill be yeputy Aeturning officer �h.all be -roll Clerk for eunid Divi (�) 1hAt the election for :pub-Livision '-o �) sb�.11 be held :at or near 6mucks 6chool mouse . in said J'ivisiono and shall be Deputy=•eturning Lfficer.. :Ind shall be y?olle clerkfor said clivi sion. (4) ..That the election for :jub-division i;o 4 shall be held at the Town :Tall in said division. in d dt.Yi� and cion, shall be ,,ekuty L•eturnin g Ifficer :hall be -Loll clerk for said 1iivi (5) That the election for. bub -division .1+o 5 shall be held ator near the Community call in the 4illage of ,orinth, and a;_��Zwm ehh.11 be Leputy iyetuxning officer and sh,11 be I oll clerk of said divi cion. IN (6) That the election for dub -clivi: ion lio b shall be held :3t or near the = den Hall in the and and cion. _i illage of =den. shall be ieputy i-eturning Officer shall be poll clerk of said divi (7) That the election for ,ub-division +o 7 21h.111 be held at the Village of ..kchmond . end ,ti 140 shall be 1,eiuty `-.eturning Officer and t4shqll be J:oll clerk of said 46ivi R cion. (8) That the election for pub-dividion :4o 8 sh}ill be held at or neHx ?Srs ueo . ressey home in said division. and C sh-all be yeputy 'eturning Officea, and11-1�7 CLwxd shall be Voll clerk of s aid div i cion. And that the ijeputy ::eturni.npg Officers and Voll clerks are reuiested to hold the said elections in accordance with the :lct -jade and provided for Votin by BA.11ot at the 'Tunicipal Elections. Passed in open Council this 2nd day of December A.D.1935. btraffordville Lec 2nd 19.65 m I i i .e ave Clerk. a. h .L. By-lAw iio 1M12 Being a By-law to nurtherize the taking of a vote of the Electors of the Police 4illage of -ort yuraell iie rings HighwAy ido 19.in said Village. Be it therefore enaoted by the •Iunicipal Council of the A-iunicipality of Bayham in regular session assembled, jhat a vote of the Llectors of the Police Vill*0 shall be taken on the Ath day of January x3,k4a:> a.D.1936. at the Police hall in the Village of sort Burwell, to show which street shall be used as the i:ings uighway No 19.in said Village. .gassed in open Council this 2nd day of yecember ...'_%.1935. reeve, Clerk. By-law No 1012 To note on the Lesignating of Street to be used as "ighway 1,0 19 i)ecember !Ind 19;,5