HomeMy WebLinkAboutBayham By-Laws 1930BAYHAM TOWNSHIP By -Laws Numbers 939-952 1930 BAYHAM TOMSHIP BYLAW RECORDS BYLAWS j 842-960 ] FILE # 20 Bylaw # Date Subject 842 24 Nov 22 Authorize the signing of a petition to detach the Township of Bayharn from the High School District of Vienna.. 848 8 Jan 23 Provide for the taking of votes of the electors of Bayham. 850 2 Jun 24 Borrow the sum of $ 35,000.00 for a new school. 854 3 Apr 23 Appoint a'road Overseer for Bayham. 858 1 Oct 23 Apply the Line Fences Act to the unoccupied lands in Bayham. 859 1 OCt 23 Bylaw to regulate pounds. 872 4 Aug 24 Provide for the borrowing of 3,500.00 dollars for a new school. 881 2 Feb 25 Appoint a Road Superintendent for Bayham. 888 5 Oct 25 Establish a new road paralleling Old Lake Road in Bayham. 889 2 Dec 25 Authorize Bayham to enter into agreement with Hydro -Electric Power Cammission of Ontario for rural power. 897 1 Mar 26 Appoint a road Superintendent for Bayham. 901 1 Nov 26 Authorize the Malahide and Aylmer Telephone Company Ltd., to erect and maintain poles, wires, or cables on the #i.ghways in Bayham. 910 4 Apr 27 Provide for the borrowing of $2500.00 to establish a street light system in Bayha rn. 911 6 Jun 27 Provide for the borrowing of $ 15,000.00 for a new school. 921 4 Jun 28 Authorize the division of the To aline between Bayham and Dereha 924 ? Dec 28 Appoint an officer to enforce the Liquor Control Act. 930 4 Feb 29 Provide for road expenditures for 1929. 938 2 Dec 29. Provide for the holding of Minc. elections. 939 13 Jan 30 Appoint certain officers for Bayham. 940 13 Jan 30 Appoint a member of the Board of Health for 1930. 941 13 Jan 30 Appoint valuators of sheep killed by dogs in Bayham. 942 13 Jan 30 f Appoint a Trustee for the Vienna High School for 1930-31. 943 13 Jan 30 Authorize the tawnshi to borroconey to pay its bills. p w BAYHAM BYLAW RECDRDS BYLAWS ( 842-960 J FILE # 20 oont. Bylaw # Date Subject 944 13 Jan 30 Appoint an assessor for Bayham for 1930. 945 3 Mar 30 Provide for road expenditures for 1930. 946 3 Mar 30 Appoint Fence -viewers and Pound -keepers. 950 2 Sept 30 Levying the annual rate of Bayham for 1930. 951 1 Dec 30 Provide for the holding of Minc. elections. 952 1 Dec 30 Amend bylaw No. 745. 953 12 Jan 31 Appoint certain officers for Bayham for 1931. 955 12 Jan 31 Appoint valuators of sheep killed by dogs in Bayham. 957 12 Jan 31 Authorize the borrowing of money to meet township expenses. 958 12 Jan 31 Provide for road expenditures for 1931. 959 12 Jan 31 Appoint an assessor for Bayham for 1931. 960 2 Mar 31 Cut down trees in order to widen and improve roads in Bayham, 6 .. By-law Ido � 3 � I By-law to appoint certain offAO "r , -�'or thA -�unicin��li.t of Bayham for the year 3e it therefore enacted by the = unicipal Council in regula-, ve ion assembled. ,. ..hnt -arld ::hall be and they are hreby apponted .;uditorc to audit the book: of the '!unicipality of Bayham being the treaS-ure;: an(, any oche --- officer.. in the ee.id T'anicipality for the year " . 1�1001 in open Council thiF l,th dqy of J�' nuary AA eve :' le r y 3 __ OKJ r � l q�zr i� � -1 By-1ww to,appoint 9, member of tlie Beard of Health for the year h .T'.1930. He it therefore enacted by the 'j-�,inicipal Council of the ? Tun icipality of Be.yham in regular ae:---ion a. �embled. ThPt Qhall be and he is hereby r r by appointed ._ -Member of ',Ile Board of rjealth for the B� n io,,.$,whip of p �� h� m for she :ed in open Council this 10-,Ith day of .Jrinunry �c�-��• -,e eve Clergy: f Y t • t. My r Fb O td C+ 0 ct J F-' CD '3 N ►-J (D ' m O ► C c- ~+ K O a O CD .K `i 1 �{ o II 3y -lay`:' for appointing valuator.of -hee;n l:illea in the To:rn;.hip of -bayham. J#ereas it is necessary and expedient to appoint valuator: of sheep killed by dogs in the NkInicipality of $ayha , e it therefore enacted by the unicipal ouncil in regular se cion assembled that OlAz� and eZ,74 ���... be and they are hereby appointed valuators of ::'beep killed by Cop e in the Municipality of Qayham, .Ind that they shall recieve the sun of Three Doxil e.r c. p e r day and, Ten Cents ,,ger Mile one way, v-hile in the performance of their duties as valuators of sheep killed b dog,,,, g r e: sed in open Council this l�;th day of January reeve. 1 Clerk 'w 13 0 0 C+ of (D cD (D f7) O 0 ti F -J (D Pi 0 13 0 - t _ o yz� Zi t, o int -- �T-lar to rr �ru tee or the r Tenn High ehool.. for the year ;:e it therefore enacted bar the '"unicipal �oancil of the .Irunic ipality of .3e.yhan. in re pruln.r ; e ` -on aF embled, ihst l �� :-hall be Pnd he i l,: hereby a).pl, o int e d `i'ru,.tee of the `Iienn�. �iigh 'chool for the ;dear: ...;a in o -ei1 �%ouncil this 1. th oy' :nuD. .0 peeve / i By -lav No Appointing a `'ruEtee for the Vienna digh �Dchool for Form t OOe -'24 Ontario I3 y••taw. Borrowing by way of Promissoryy Note. For Municipalities other than Counties. BY-LAW No..rl..-,�1.�...... to authorize the Head and Treasurer of the Corporation of the............. ......... z...................................... Of. ......... ... .. . ................................................................... to borrow certain ums to meet the current rdinary expenditure of the Cor• poration, and the sums required to be raised in the current year for High and Public School purposes. Whe eas the council of the said municipality deems the sum of .................................... ...........Dollars necessary to meet the current ordinary expenditure of the Corporation and the sums required to be raised in the current year for High and Public Schoolpurposes until the taxes are collected, and it is expedient, subject to the conditions hereinafter contained, to authorize the Head and Treasurer to borrow the said sum; And whereas the ordinary, ex enditure of the said municipality for the !� next preceding year amounted to......... ..... ............................................................................................... .......................................................................................... Dollars; And whereas the amount required to be raised by the said Municipality for High Qand Public School purposes for the current year is the sum of ........ (.[/.... ............................................................................................................Dollars; •In the case of And whereas the amount (if any) heretofore borrowed and outstanding for a town. village or townsh'p which P �ttna« the purposes aforesaid and the amount hereby authorized to be borrowed do not within f hauj exceeds ..........per cent. of the ordinary expenditure of the said municipality for a population ;� le n;� the next preceding year together with the amount required to be raised for High 80. In the case of a city and and Public School purposes for the current year; an other town, 'IIS e or tnunl- pt Be it therefore enacted b the Mun• i al Corporation of the .............................. clpai�cy to:«vt Y P P acounty)insen. 90................................................................of....... ......................................................................as follows: - 1st. 1st. T at the Head and Treasurer of the said Corporation be and they are hereby authorized, in the manner and subject to the conditions herein mention to borrow from The Canadian* Bank of Commerce the sum of ............ ....... ..'.............................................................................................................................................Dollars requ red to meet the current ordinary expenditure of the Corporation, and the sums required to be raised for High and Public School purposes for the current year, until the taxes are collected. 2nd. That a promissory note or notes, sealed with the Corporate seal and signed on behalf of the Corporation by the Head and Treasurer thereof, for the .F amount of the said loan and interest thereon at the rate of ... .. ........per cent. per annum, and repayable on the ........ I. .........................day of..� .. .....19.3..0 be duly executed and given to the said Bank as security for the repayment of the amount borrowed with interest thereon as aforesaid. Passed in open Council this ....... ..% ......................day of................ ..................in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and............ �. .........I ................ CLERK Mayor. Warden or Reeve. as the cane /�. ... ................... ............::: �O�C:..f.L..C. .... . may be. By -1w,,., to appoint -.n assessor for the 1.1unicipa.lity of ',ayham for the year.- .190. Be it therefore enacted by the '�unici---,l +.%oancil in re�il4- ;.e� .ion sclembled that , h-li be s nf: h'- IC hereeby appointed to the .'uric i .,--, lity of Bayham for the 19z)o at l�_ear v,in ` ccorer.nce ith re olktio passed by tl;c ""nicipality of 3�:,.yham this lLth dry; o� massed in open Council this LAh d,9y of January .:Ze e ve. .► c� C Ix j: .. 0 i N S w O �C 1 r� i S w Bs BY-1a."V-1 110.•945.••.••.• A Fly -law to provide for expenditure on roads in the to.',nship of. . • • •BxyUM• • • • • • . • • • • • • • . • • • • .. during- the year 193Q... . ti's MIDE S the reCulations of the Department of Public Highways of Ontario require that the expenditure on tor,nship roads under the lli�hway Improve::;ent Act, and amend;!lents thereto, shall be provided for annually by To-,, nship Ey-law. THE..RETORE the council of the Municipal Corporation of the Tonin: hip of . • • • •Re7baw. • • • • • . • • . . • ........ en_�.cts as follo.-.s: (1) The stun of • • �. • 18.. �00r:OQ' . • • • • • is hereby appropriated from monies raised by... T8.'. hV:rOhl. • . • . • • ... • • • • . • • • . for expenditure upon construction and _rMintenance on the rotads in the said to-:,�?ship during thie year 193 ,. as follows: Road C; on t_ Bridge Construction's ,�D•:d0�.., :.e,chincry•s••-•+•,•• a e•••,•.•�•••••s••.• �'• 09 5OU0000 •0 • Superintendence. I � .. - � ... o � .. • ......:. � �.�.,,►,� •�.�,... r Mzti.ntenancc w i�ep«ir•..•,I; .••••800•0..•04e.•e.. Tot ::l 1. timated Exnendi'Eurc.•1$b0•:�b• .. • (2) 'The said :lonies shl.all be exj.)cndc.:d un0,e.­ -the direction of the cull., appointed To;:nship lRoad Stan: rinte��de;�t. (3) All work on .rhich the: sai 6 _monies shall be expended sh<1111 be performed in accordance ;pith the last revised rc[_-ulatio;is res,rectinr toznship roads issued by the Department of Lillie lip h.w-,ys of Ontario. (4) rhe 'Clcrl shall transmit a cei*tified copy of this b;, —la,r to the. Deputy Mlinister, Department of 1'ui lic Highways of Ontario, within thirty days after the passing thereof. Pissed at. 'Tttht`tdltd'n611b'•'•• t:!i S.3�• d�.y of••i '4h'.......••..•*A*D. 196.•• � Clerl: Reeve s ' Clerk- of the Corporation of t�_e .� .... B'ezi �' Sf i ate.................... . To,di-Lship of.... lf..ham .. • • • • . • • • • • • •..... do }ic:reby certify that the; foxe�oi.n r- iU a true copy of l?y-law zo41"50.. passed by the council of the said Corporation on the .3Yd• (1'1Y���y of.••.MbLk•••••.•.•• 190.•• • • • • • . • • • . • • . • • • • `/ Township Clerk. i By- law leo A By-law for appointing Fence Viewers, and Pound Zeepers in and for the township of Bayham for the year A.D.1930 Wbleras it is necessary and expedient to appoint certain o officers in and for the Municipality of Bayham for the year A. 1D* 1930 Be it therefore enacted by the Municipal Council in regular session asse bled that the following persons are hereby appointed Pence viewers for the year A.D•1930. ` A 1 ' 6 Y r I- 2 4 ham. 6 �v 8 9 .7ta4x'i'�w' 10 11 � � ` R 12 14 15 A 17 18 19 20 21 22 •...... I* 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 And be it further enacted that the following persons are named and they are hereby appointed Pound Keepers in and for the Municipality of Bayham for the year A.D.1930. A, • '--' 6 " )00�c. l �� " ti Passed in open Council this 3rd day of Larch A.D.1930 4,), Reeve =moi Clerk 1 0 4 a O � � A 0 oKo a a : o a 0 K 0 y �► .4 A O O D c 0 By -15,,v No Being a By-law for levying the Annual rate of the �unieipality of Bayham for the year A. D.1930. and for appointing a collector or collectors to collect the same. Therefore it is necessary and expedient to provide for the levying and collecting the Annual rate to meet the necessary expendi ture of the Municipality of Bayham for the year A. D.1930. Be it therefore en'aQted by the Municipal Council of the Mani oipality of Bayham in regular session assembled, that there shall be levied upon all of the zmalm rateable property assessed in the Muniepal ity of Bayham for the year A. D. +930. For County purposes For Schools For Township 4 24775.00 and be it further enacted that the collector or collectors of the Juni eipality be and they are aurtherized to collect the further additi oval sums of money for schools purposes to be levied upon all rateable property assessed in the several schools sections for which said sums are required and all further sums that may be placed upon the collector roll for the year .A.. D.1930. i And be it further enacted that for the purpose of collecting the said sums that Ut shall be and he is hereby appointed to collect the taxes of the Municipality of Bayham for the year A.D.1930 ata salary of � 3". 6t for the performance of his dutiesin behalf of the Municipality of Bayham. And be it further enacted that the clerk be and he is hereby required to make , the necessary collectors rolls for the year A. D.1930. And that a rate of EIGHT mills on the Dollar be levied upon all o of the rateable property appearing upon the assessment rolls for 1930. And that the Clerk shall make the necessary divisions of the S said rates to apply on the several amounts as stated. Passed in open council this i, day of r 1930. Reeve ,� Clerk i� ■ By-law No �h10 For levying a rate and appointing a Collector For 1930. *1 By-law Ido �l Being a By-laxv to provide for the holding of the Idunieipal Elections in the Municipality of Dayham for the year A.D.1931, and for providing Deputy Returning Officers. Poll Clerks, as well as P&lling places in the several Sub -Divisions in the said municipality Be it therefore enacted by the 11unieipal 4,�ouneil of the Munic ipality of Bayham in regular se . ion assembled. (1) That the electio r Sub -Division No i of the "unicipality shall be held at the Police Hall in the Village of Pt L�urwe ll and I i Shall be Deputy Ileturning Officer and chill be Poll clerk for said Division. (2) That the e legit io;�,for Sub -division No 2 shall be held 3t or near the Old Toll israte in said :pub -division and that shall be Deputy neturnin� Officer and V shall be Poll clerk for said Division. (3) That thr election for Sub -division No L> :hall be held at or near The a -:luck achool House in said Division and f shall 8e :deputy K&turnong Off ioer and shall be Poll Clerk for said division. G (4) That the election for Sub -division No 4 shall be held at the Town Hall .in said Division and . i a :shall be Deputy ",eyurning Officer and shall be Poll Clerk for said division. r (5) That th:-e election for Sub -division No 5 shall be held at or near the Literary Hall in the Village of Corinth and that 7y 1I to fut rc r -u Shall be Deputy Returning Officer and shall be Poll Clerk for said division. (v) That the election for Oub-division No n shall be held. at or near the Eden Hall in the Village of Eden and that shall be Deputy Returning Officer and y Shall be Poll Clerk for said division. (7) That the election for Sub -division No 7 shall be held in the Village of Richmond and that /17c.4x'4'Ashall be veputy ""eturning Officer and { � shall be Poll Clerk for said division, (8) That the election for Sub -Division No 8 shall be held at or near the home of j.jrs Geo 2re ssy in said division and that shall be Deputy returning Officer and shall be Poll Clerk for said division. And that the said Deputy '"eturning Officers and Poll clerks be and they are required to hold the said I-I'Anicipal Elections in accordance with the Act to provide for Voting by Ballots at Muni cipal Elections, and ;rith the law made and provided. Passed in open Council thislst day of �ecembez A.D.1930 1 Reeve Clerk . 16 0 By-law No 0 2 By-law No �4 � Being a By-law to ammend By-law No 745. Whereas it is nes6ssary and expedient to ammend law No 745. Be B7 therefore enacted that said By-law be so ammended by striking out the r figures/; 0.00 for the first table, and'�10.00 for the second table, and making it �;>10.00 for the first table , and � 5.00 for each addit ional table. Passed in open Council this day of A. D. 1930 A) Reeve Al 7/ -I,61,-ell Clerk v