HomeMy WebLinkAboutBy-law No. 2009-019 THE CORPORATION OF THE
BY-LAW NO. 2009-019
WHEREAS Section 2 of the Municipal Act,2001, S.O.2001, c.25,as amended,provides that
Municipalities are created by the Province of Ontario to be responsible and accountable
governments with respect to matters within their jurisdiction and each municipality is given
powers and duties under this Act and many other Acts for the purpose of providing good
government with respect to those matters; AND
WHEREAS Section 11 of the Municipal Act,2001, S.O. 2001,c. 25 as amended, states that:
11. (1) A lower-tier municipality and an upper-tier municipality mayprovide any service or
thing that the municipality considers necessary or desirable for the publc, subject to the rules set
out in subsection(4). 2006, c. 32, Sched. A, s. 8.
(2) A lower-tier municipality and an upper-tier municipality may pass by-laws, subject to the
Hiles set out in subsection(4),respecting the following matters:
1. Governance structure of the municipality and its local boards.
2. Accountability and transparency of the municipality and its operations and of its local
boards and their operations.
3. Financial management of the municipality and its local boards.
4. Public assets of the municipality acquired for the purpose of exercising its authority under
this or any other Act.
5. Economic, social and environmental well-being of the municipality.
6. Health, safety and well-being of persons.
7. Services and things that the municipality is authorized to provide under subsection(1).
8. Protection of persons and property, including consumer protection. 2006, c. 32, Sched. A,
s. 8.
By-laws re: matters within spheres of jurisdiction
(3) A lower-tier municipality and an upper-tier municipality may pass by-laws, subject to the
rules set out in subsection (4),respecting matters within the following spheres of jurisdiction:
1. Highways, including parking and traffic on highways.
2. Transportation systems, other than highways.
3. Waste management.
4. Public utilities.
5. Culture,parks,recreation and heritage.
6. Drainage and flood control, except storm sewers.
7. Structures, including fences and signs.
8. Parking, except on highways.
9. Animals.
10. Economic development services.
11. Business licensing. 2006, c. 32, Sched. A, s. 8.
AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham with the
assistance of John Craig Consulting has developed of a Bayham Strategic Plan 2008 —2013 for
the benefit of the municipality and its publics;
AND WHEREAS Council deems it appropriate to adopt the Bayham Strategic Plan 2008 - 2013
by By-law;
1. THAT the Council of The Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham hereby adopts The
Municipality of Bayham Strategic Plan 2008 -2013, attached hereto as Schedule"A" and
forming part of this by-law, to be used by Council, Staff and Municipal Committees, for
development of beneficial programs designed to achieve the goals identified in the
Strategic Plan;
2. THAT Council consider recommendations proposed to achieve the goals identified in
The Municipality of Bayham Strategic Plan 2008 — 2013, and adopt by resolution for
implementation as deemed appropriate;
3. THAT Council reserves the right to reverse or alter any decisions, by resolution, from
time to time as deemed necessary by Council in its sole discretion;
4. AND THAT this By-law adopting The Municipality of Bayham Strategic Plan
2008—2013 shall come into full force and effect upon date of passage.
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The Municipality of Bayham
Strategic Plan
2008 - 2013
Municipality of Bayham, 9344 Plank Road, Straffordville, Ontario,NOJ 1YO
Municipal Profile
The Municipality of Bayham is a mostly rural municipality of 6,727 people in the
eastern end of Elgin County. Bayham was established on January 1, 1998 through
amalgamation of the former Township of Bayham and the former villages of Port
Burwell and Vienna.
Bayham's restored 1840's wooden lighthouse on the sandy northern shores of Lake Erie
marks the gateway to an area anchored in history,boasting two significant heritage
museums. Visitors also seeking sandy beaches, camping sites, cottages,bed-and-
breakfast facilities,bird watching, fishing and boating can fmd it all in Bayham.North of
Erie's shores, Bayham extends well up into the heartland of south-western Ontario's rich
farm country.
Bayham's population is expected to grow at an average annual rate of 1.1%, for a
projected population of 8,220 by the year 2021. Like the rest of Ontario,Bayham will see
population shares by age shift,particularly through a sharp increase in the proportion of
seniors,while the population under 15 will decline. The current population contains a
greater proportion of young people and fewer seniors,with respect to either the County or
the provincial average. However,Bayham is expected to follow the overall trend in Elgin
and the rest of the province,with an increasing proportion of seniors. This shift has
implications for the future provision of health care, social and other services in Bayham.
Currently,primary industries (including agriculture)comprise the single largest
employment sector at 27.7%of the labour force, followed by manufacturing (25.7%).All
other sectors are comparatively small, with the third-largest being retail (8.3%). The
agricultural sector remains in transition following decades-long reliance on tobacco
The large commercial wind turbines, feeding electrical power into the public grid spread
along a large stretch of lakefront, are evidence of an emerging energy generation industry
in Bayham as a host municipality to the Erie Shores Wind Farm.
Although, its location and predominantly rural nature, force approximately 56.5%of the
labour force to commute to employment outside the municipality, Bayham remains an
ideal community in which to live,work and raise a family.
Bayham's Strategic Planning Process
Through the period of its current term of office, Bayham's Council and senior staff
became concerned that, like many organizations they were spending too much of their
time reacting to unexpected changes instead of anticipating and preparing for them. This
is called `reactive' or `crisis' management. It is a well established fact that organizations
caught off guard may spend a great deal of time and energy "playing catch up". They use
up their energy coping with immediate problems with little energy left to anticipate and
prepare for the next challenges. This vicious cycle locks many organizations into a
reactive posture.
The Council decided to undertake a strategic planning process to improve its ability to
prepare for the future in a thoughtful and deliberate manner. Strategic planning is a step
by step process with definite objectives and end products that can be implemented and
evaluated. Very simply, it is a process by which leaders define the current situation, look
into the future and paint a picture of that future based on current trends, and then chart a
definite course based on indicators of what the municipal environment will be like in
those years.
Strategic Planning Process
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The Strategic Planning Process defines us in our current state,
Identifies how we would rather be defined in the future and outlines
them ission ahead to reach our future state.Goals are components of
them ission and strategic priorities are the immediate actions that will
be taken to begin achieving our goals.
Consistent with the Council/staff role descriptors and the personal satisfaction of taking
charge of the organization's future, strategic planning offers at least five compelling
reasons for its use:
1. Forces a look into the future and therefore provides an opportunity to influence the
future, or assume a proactive posture.
2. Provides better awareness of needs and of the service and facilities related issues
and operating environment.
3. Helps build consensus to define the overall mission of the organization and focus
on the objectives.
4. Provides a sense of direction, continuity,required resources and effective
5. Plugs everyone into the system and provides standards of accountability for people,
programs, and allocated resources.
In summary, strategic planning is a key for helping the Council to collectively and
cooperatively gain control of the future and destiny of the municipality.
The Council and Senior Staff began developing the strategic plan by participating in an
online questionnaire followed by three workshops conducted by an external consultant.
The questionnaire and the initial workshop focused on assessing the current situation
(strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) facing the municipality and defining
how the municipality might look in the future. Over the course of three workshops the
participants created a Vision, defined the Mission and identified Goals and Strategic
Priorities. For each Strategic Priority performance expectations were agreed to ensure
that implementation would proceed at an acceptable pace.
The Strategic Plan consists of five elements:
1. The Vision Statement
A Vision Statement identifies what you want the municipality to be at the end of a
strategic plan cycle.
2. The Mission Statement
The Mission Statement is an outcome oriented statement that describes in real terms the
organization's role in supporting the Vision over the next 1 to 5 years. It illustrates at the
macro level the transformation pathway from the current state to the future state.
3. Goals
These are individual actions that together make-up the Mission. They identify where the
organization needs to focus. Goals are long term, usually over the life of the strategic
plan. They must be realistic and measurable.
4. Strategic Priorities
Short term, specific, measurable actions and initiatives designed to contribute to the
achievement of established goals. They are fulfilled through creation, change,
continuation, or elimination of programs or initiatives.
5. Performance Measures
The steps for each strategic priority that will lead to achievement, indicating how you
will you know if you are making progress or when you have achieved a strategic priority
The following pages represent the results of the strategic planning deliberations.
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'II. Providing recreation and waterfront amenities
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.. , and growth opportunities.
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Municipality of Bayham
2008 to 2013
Goal#1 -Practice responsible
financial management
1. Conduct service delivery Project Report to CAO 8 months
reviews for all services Council
2. Complete asset management Report to Council Treasurer February, 2009
3. Adopt multi-year budgets Presentation and Treasurer February,2009
Report to Council
4. Begin adopting capital budgets Presentation and Treasurer February,2009
earlier Report to Council
5. Conduct an energy audit of Report to Council on Manager of Annually 1st
municipal buildings 3 buildings per year Public Works report due
6. Conduct an alternative revenue Report to Council CAO December,2009
opportunity analysis
Goal#2-Ensure reliable,well
maintained and secure
I. Complete asset management See 1.2 above
2. Design and implement a plan Report to Council on (A)Supt. Of Part(A)—6
for an infrastructure:inspection a design and Water and months
and preventative maintenance- implementation plan Wastewater Part(B)`-.1 year
program (B)Manager of
Public Works
3. Conduct infrastructure needs Proposed Program CAO November,2009
studies: Report to Council
-• Roads
• Water
• Sanitary Sewer
• Buildings
• Rolling stock
• Other
Goal#3-Create a positive
business atmosphere
1. Seek out economic Activity Report to CAO and Mayor Annually— 1st
development partnership Council report due
opportunities December,2009
2. Review development standards Reports to Council Deputy Clerk
policies . (A)Residential (A)March,2010
(B)ICI (B)October,2010
(C)Agricultural (C)April,2011
3. Review planning approvals Project Report to Deputy Clerk 6 months
process Council
4. Conduct a land-use planning , (A) Official PIan Deputy clerk (A)February,
policies review Update is underway 2009
(B)Zoning Bylaw., : (B)April,2010
• Update
5. Improve communications and Host a forum with CAO and Mayor March, 2009
relations with Business Council and Business
6.. Produce an economic Report to Council CAO June,2010
development initiatives and
opportunities plan
7. Undertake a harbor area Report to Council CAO December, 2013
development feasibility study
8. Consider critical infrastructure. As opportunities All Staff and Project based
and services partnerships as arise: Council '
Goals#4-Be dedicated to
service excellence
1. Conduct'service delivery See 1.1 above.
reviews for all services
2. Improve municipal web site Roll-out of new Treasurer September, 2009
presentation template
and content
3. Commence a regulatory review Report to Council.on Fire Chief . January,2010
work plan
4. Deliver Staff Training (A) Training needs (A)CAO (A)December,
Programs such as Health and assessment/program (B) Treasurer 2009
Safety, Customer Service and delivery plan (B)December,
Accessibility completed 2009
training program
5. Tie Performance Evaluation Policy developed and CAO June,2009
Program to the Strategic Plan implemented
6. Review bylaw enforcement (A)Report to Fire Chief (A)March, 2010
policies and procedures Council on Council (B) September,
Policies,Bylaws 2010
(B) Report to council
on Internal
7. Create and implement a staff Program Report to CAO January,2010
service excellence reward : Council
program •
8. Complete a master fire plan Master Fire Plan Fire Chief December,2009
Report to Council
9..:Complete an Accessibility Plan Report on Plan to Treasurer September,2009
Council .
10. Begin holding Council—Staff 1st get-together Mayor June,2009
team-building get-togethers
Goal#5-Develop a new and
improved infrastructure
1. Complete asset management See 1.2 above
2. Undertake capacity studies of 2 Reports to Council Supt. Of Water (A)Wastewater
sewer and water infrastructure and Wastewater. Plaint February,
• 2009,
2010 .
3. Conduct a Development Report to Council Treasurer June, 2010
Charges Policy review
4. Review land-use policies to See 3.4 above
ensure designate growth areas
are identified
5. Develop a plan for Feasibility Report to CAO December, 2013
construction of a municipal Council
industrial park
6. Explore partnerships such as Conduct service Deputy Clerk December,2012
Public-Private Partnerships, needs inventory
Inter-municipal service sharing including costs and
and Municipal-provincial- approvals required
federal partnerships for and report to
servicing under-serviced areas . Council.
7. Explore water servicing Report on a Plan to Supt. OfWater December. 2011
options for Straffordville and provide water service and Wastewater
Eden to Straffordville and
8. Development of resources for Report on needs Fire Chief December,2012
municipal-wide supply of
water for fire.suppression
Goal#6-Provide and
encourage attractive lifestyle
.1. Conduct a municipal recreation Report on needs to CAO May,2010
programam needs assessment Council
2. Conduct a parks and facilities Report on needs to CAO September, 2010
needs assessment Council
3. Promote Bayham's waterfront Report on Plan to Public Works March,2010
qqa and beach amenities Council Manager
4. Develop partnerships as To be included in
required for delivery of needs study—see 6.1
services such as: above
• Promoting health and
• Recreation and fitness
• English as a second
'language training
5. Review the Cultural Plan Museums Bayham Mayor September, 2009
review and report to
6. Support preserving community Ongoing lobbying Mayor and Ongoing
schoolsand education in exercise Council
Bay-hain members
Goal#7-Promote excellence in
environmental stewardship
1. Conduct an energy audit of Buildings: see 1.5 Public;Works December,2009
municipal buildings and above Manager
equipment Equipment report to
2. Promote the Waste Promotion package Public Works September, 2010
Management Program to developed Manager
encourage"Reduce, Re-use
and Recycle"
3. Reduce water loss from water (A)Current Supt. Of Water. (A)April,2009
servicing networks application under and Wastewater (B)October, 2010
`Canada Builds
Report to Council on
options/methods to
reduce water loss
4. Implement green energy Installation of Manager of Per Audit
options for municipal facilities options Public Works
recommended by
energy audit and
approved by Council
S. Create an economic Inventory of"Green" CAO December,2012
development awareness measures achieved
program promoting Bayham as and promotion plan
`Green Community' implemented
6. Develop groundwater Report on Policies to Deputy Clerk Subject to
protection policies Council completion of
Source Water
Protection Plan
Report from Long
Point Region
7. Encourage brownfield Inventory of Deputy Clerk December,2013.
development where brownf eld sites
Implementation and Monitoring
The Strategic Plan will be implemented according to the Strategic Priorities Table above.
In order to ensure that progress is being achieved as proposed by the Plan,the Chief
Administrative Officer(CAO)will report annually to the Council providing information
on successes as well as performance variances, should they occur.
As noted in the table,the CAO will implement a modified performance evaluation
program for senior staff(including the CAO) inclusive of the strategic priorities and
performance measures identified in the table.
Although this Strategic Plan has a five year life cycle, it is appropriate to conduct a
review of the Plan at the beginning of each term of the Bayham Council to ensure that the
strategic direction is agreed by the new Council and to update the Plan according to
current circumstances.