HomeMy WebLinkAboutBy-law No. 2006-045 THE CORPORATION OF THE
BY-LAW NO.2006-045
WHEREAS Section 11 of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c. 25 as amended provides that a
lower tier municipality may pass by-laws respecting economic development services and culture,
parks,recreation and heritage;
AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham desires to
promote, expand and enhance economic development / tourism / culture / parks / recreation and
heritage programs within the municipality;
AND WHEREAS a Bayham Culture Plan was developed by F.J. Galloway Associates Inc.
under funding provided by the Ontario Trillium Foundation and a final copy dated June 2005
provided to the Municipality;
AND WHEREAS Council deems it appropriate to adopt the Bayham Culture Plan to be used as
a resource tool and guide for the implementation of the promotion, expansion and enhancement
of economic development/tourism/ culture/parks/recreation and heritage programs within the
1. THAT the Council of The Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham hereby adopts the
Bayham Culture Plan, attached hereto as Schedule "A" and forming part of this by-law,
to be used as a resource tool and guide by Council, Staff and Municipal Committees, for
the implementation of the promotion, expansion and enhancement of economic
development / tourism / culture / parks / recreation and heritage programs within the
2. THAT implementation of recommendations in the said Bayham Culture Plan shall be
considered by Council and may be adopted by resolution as deemed appropriate;
3. THAT Council reserves the right to reverse or alter any decisions, by resolution, from
time to time as deemed necessary by Council in its sole discretion;
4. AND THAT this By-law adopting the Bayham Culture Plan shall come into full force
and effect upon date of passage.
OF MAY 2006.
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Management and Planning Consultants June 2005
In Conjunction with CCL/1131 Group,Vilnis Design Works and Response Generators
2.1 Research Report 2-1
.1 Observations 2-1
.2 Strategic Themes 2-7
2.2 May 2005 Community Forum Results 2-8
3.1 Overview 3-1
3.2 Vision 3-1
3.3 Mission Statement 3-2
3.4 Goals 3-4
4.1 Introduction 4-1
4.2 Resources 4-1
4.3 Constraints/Barriers 4-2
5.1 Overview 5-1
5.2 Heritage Resources Strategies 5-1
.1 Overview 5-1
.2 Strategies 5-2
5.3 Tourism Resource Strategies and Supports 5-4
.1 Overview 5-4
.2 Strategies 5-5
5.4 Festivals and Events 5-10
5.5 Tourism Packages 5-12
6.1 Introduction 6-1
6.2 Marketing Plan 6-1
.1 Introduction 6-1
.2 Target Audiences 6-2
.3 Alterations to the Bayham Branding 6-3
.4 Revised Branding and Wordmark 6-3
.5 Short term Branding Strategy 6-3
.6 Official Branding Launch 6-4
.7 Website Revisions 6-4
.8 Measurement of Marketing Return on Investment 6-5
Table of Contents
G:1387(Bayham)1Reports1Culture Plan-£mal.docv.2.doc
.9 Search Engine Optimization and Linking 6-5
6.3 Advertising Plan 6-6
.1 Planning 6-6
.2 Promotional/Advertising Applications 6-7
6.4 Summary b-8
7.1 Overview 7-1
7.2 Organizational Design 7-1
.1 Tourism and Community Marketing Committee 7-2
.2 Museums Bayham 74
.3 Port Burwell Museum and Erie Winds Interpretive Centre Task Force 7-4
7.3 Staffing Strategies 7-5
8.1 Initiatives Staging and Responsibilities S-1
8.2 Roles and Responsibilities 8-6
8.3 Marketing Plans and Tourist Packages 8-7
8.4 Costing and Funding Considerations 8-9
8.5 Funding Sources 8-12
I Results from February 5, 2005
Committee Workshop on Marketing Themes
H Logo Proposal
III Promotional Contacts
IV Advertising Program and Charts
V Graphic Identity Guidelines
Table of Contents
G:1387(Bayham)1Reports\Culture Plan-final.docv.2.doc
In September 2003, the Bayham Culture Committee was formed: This was a strategy to develop a
comprehensive and collaborative capacity to enhance the community's cultural venues and events and
their marketing and visitation levels throughout the community. Historically,these activities and services
have been developed and operated on an individualized basis.A clear direction towards an integrated and
broader approach was deemed to be vital in the future,to both sustain and to grow these valued assets and
features in Bayham.
One of the strategies to support the intent and focus of the Bayham Culture Committee's mandate was the
need for a Culture Plan for Bayham focusing on:
• Coordination of the two local museums;
• Inclusion of the natural heritage of the area;
• Coordination of heritage sites, art and heritage organizations,celebrations and festivals;
• Marketing and economic development initiatives to support sustainability and positive economic
impacts for the municipality.
The intent of the Bayham Culture Plan is to deliver the following measurable outcomes:
• Better utilization of current assets as they relate to Bayham's culture,heritage and tourism resources;
• Inventory mapping of current relevant assets within the community;
• Explore merging tourist potential, including wind turbine information centres;
• A marketing plan, with both short and long term objectives, with monitoring capabilities and
outcomes that can be realistically delivered by the community;
• An advertising campaign to help stimulate tourism with the associated economic benefits for the
community and the participating organizations;
PAGE 1-1
,J Build on success of the London Free Press Shunpiker Tour to the Port Burwell Museum/Lighthouse
and the 150th Anniversary;
• Identifying other issues and needs that should be improved, and which would assist in the
development of a Culture Plan that supports growth,prosperity and community identity and pride;
• An Implementation Plan that provides both strategies and timeframes.
The first phase in the development of the Bayham Culture Plan, was to complete a comprehensive
research initiative that focused on a number of input streams. The results of this work are available under
separate cover entitled, 'The Background Research Report, Bayham Culture Plan'. This report was based
on the following inputs:
• The review of fifteen related documents, involving past proposals, policies, operational
• The results of a public meeting held November 8,2004,with over forty individuals in attendance.
• A range of focus group meetings with the boards of historical societies,museums,etc.
• Interviews with representatives of archival,provincial park,heritage, conservation authority and other
local and regional organizations.
• Community profile data and information.
• Culture resources and community historical development profiles.
• Tourism trends assessments.
• Related considerations.
PAGE 1-2
On February 5, 2005, fourteen members of the Bayham Culture Committee met with the Consultants to
achieve three tasks:
• To review and update the key outputs from the Background Research Report.
• To develop a vision and goals as a basis for the Bayham Culture Plan.
• To establish key strategies and directions.
With this information developed on a consensus basis with the Bayham Culture Committee, the
Consultants prepared the first draft of the Bayham Culture Plan. This draft was utilized to facilitate a
review by the Bayham Culture Committee, on Monday, April 25, 2005. On Monday, May 9, 2005, a
public forum was held at the Bayham Community Centre in Straffordville, attended by forty-seven
community members. The community forum focused on three work tables and their assessments of the
draft Bayham Culture Plan's strengths,challenges and branding theme alternatives.
The Bayham Culture Plan was further developed based on the community input and development of a
Marketing Plan. A further draft report was presented to the Bayham Culture Committee on Monday,May
30'h, 2005 and finalized in June 2005.
PAGE 1-3
The following material reflects the key observations, conclusions and strategic themes that were derived
from the Background Research Report to the Bayham Culture Plan and the May 2005 Community Forum.
These points provide the Plan's important building blocks,particularly the strategic themes.
2.1 Research Report
.1 Observations
Municipal Demographics and Profile
• The estimated population of Bayham by the year 2010 is expected to increase from 5725 to 7406.
This represents an absolute increase of 13%,(1,681 persons).
• Household size is expected to increase from 2.57 in 2001 to 2.59 in 2010 following the trend
established over the previous decade.
• The total number of households may be expected to increase from 2,411 in the year 2001 to 2,859 in
the year 2010. This represents an increase of 448 households, or approximately 18.6%.
• Land use trends will continue to focus on agriculture.
• There will be a continued reduction of employment in the primary industries and agriculture as new
manufacturing opportunities occur in Tillsonburg and surrounding urban areas, more Bayham
residents may be commuting to other urban centres for employment.
• There may be short term opportunities for local contractors where they are qualified for the
construction of commercial wind turbines and several long-term operational and maintenance
8 Future development of the tourism industry and retirement communities along the Lake Erie shoreline
may create construction and service businesses for new residents.
• Development of the recreational trail, and growth in special events, may see increases in support
businesses that cater to day trip tourists.
PAGE 2-1
Culture Profile and Resources
• Create an historical complex of features in Vienna including:
o A replica of the Edison Homestead built as close to the original Edison homestead and the
site of the original covered bridge, which spanned Big Otter Creek, as possible. The Edison
Homestead Complex could operate as a living history site with costumed interpreters and
focus upon the Edison family as players in the early settlement period before 1830. It will
operate as a satellite museum of the Lake Erie Interpretive Centre at Port Burwell. Both
museum sites will be owned and operated by the Municipality of Bayham and governed by a
single museum board.
o A replica of the covered bridge which was originally located beside the Samuel Edison
o A re-creation of a former 19th century toll house along the Plank Road, as close to the Edison
homestead and the covered bridge as possible;
o A re-creation of a section of the planked road as it would have appeared when it was first
built of local lumber. Create a linked system of trails and roads throughout Bayham for
hikers, cyclists and automobile traffic which will incorporate historic features in Bayham
communities, the Plank Road, the Talbot Road, the Trans Canada Trail, former rail beds,
Bayham museums, and the Port Burwell Provincial Park, and offer opportunities for
interpretation using brochures and signage;
• Work closely with the Mennonite Resource Centre to ensure that the Mennonite community in
Bayham and Elgin County is involved and represented in any steering committees working on future
cultural tourism initiatives.
• Ensure that signage for all exhibitions, displays, signage and brochures is written in English and a
dialect accessible to the Mennonite people in Bayham.
• Create a plaquing system for buildings, both commercial and residential, in Port Burwell and Vienna
to identify their origins, builders and historical significance. Once established, the plaquing system
can be expanded to include other Bayham communities.
• Work in partnership with Ontario Parks, specifically the Port Burwell Provincial Park, and the private
sector to create an expanded museum, incorporating the Lake Erie Interpretive Centre into the Port
PAGE 2-2
Burwell Museum and Lighthouse. The Centre will interpret the natural and human history of the
north shore of Lake Erie, including components about Bayham's history,namely the early settlement,
lumbering, dairy, and tobacco periods. The centre should include an inventor's gallery/discovery
centre, highlighting Bayham's connection to Thomas Edison, show the work of local inventors, and
offer an interactive experience to visitors to explore and create inventions. It will include the
lighthouse and a lookout area for birders to follow the seasonal migrations of insect and bird species.
It should link to the proposed wind farm and the provincial park. The centre should liaise with Edison
museums in the United States for joint programming and funding opportunities.
Analysis and Implications for Marketing and Promotion Functions
• A marketing plan should be developed.
• A long-term funding commitment needs to be organized.
• Unique themes and messaging needs to be developed.
• Bayham should define their themes/positioning strategy and promote as such.
• Current local perception is positive, in that residents are aware of Bayham's strengths and are open to
• A `unified marketing organizational structure' should be established.
• Agreement on a more appropriate process for regional marketing is important.
• No regional theme or consistency throughout items
• Lack of marketing direction and authority of decision makers(municipality)
• Require new,overall marketing organizational structure
• Design/image quality of promotional/advertisement items should be improved
• Too much inward geographical focus rather than in branching into surrounding, larger communities
• Limited use of modern marketing tools and planning
PAGE 2-3
• Limited target marketing to selected target groups(fishing,bird watching,etc.)
Consultation Input Summary
• The rich and unique history of the area
• The Edison and Lighthouse artifact connections
• The beach,harbour and shoreline of the Bayham area
• The provincial park,with its core attendance and the quality of its resources
• The commitment and dedication of the involved volunteers
• The ownership of the former rail line to Tillsonburg
• The proximity of Bayham to key transportation corridors
• The many festivals, special events,etc.
• The rural landscape and quality of life features of the Bayham area.
• The array of public and private collections,artifacts and ethno-cultural distinctions.
• The rich industrial development and history of the area.
• The Lake Erie I north shore initiative, the Elgin - St. Thomas Tourism Association and related
collaborative approaches.
PAGE 2-4
Concerns and Challenges
• A limited volunteer base and emerging fatigue as many of the same volunteers are involved with
various dimensions of tourism and heritage.
• The limitations / constraints on financial and staff resources that focus both on the conservation of
artifacts and the growth of the tourism dimensions of the community.
• Challenges in developing a trail system on the former railway corridor.
• The siltation and lack of dredging for Port Burwell harbour.
• The perception of a missed opportunity in the deferral / cancellation of development of the Port
Burwell harbour area.
• Access limitations between the individuals visiting Port Burwell Provincial Park and the museum /
village site.
• Facility constraints I limitations in regards to the quality of conservation spaces, environmental
controls, storage,etc.
• The fragmented nature of the delivery of heritage and tourism services in the municipality.
• The lack of a broader base of commercial accommodations and day visitor services to support
overnight stays and the broader tourism industry.
• Weaknesses in the branding, advertising and promotional activities that are distinctive, unique and
build on known images and names/identities.
• The under-promotion of special events,target marketing, etc.
6 A broadly based perception that there needs to be a more integrated and common Vision and
• The need for a full-time curator to support the museums.
PAGE 2-5
• The lack of tourist/visitor packages,commercial support services,etc.
• The broadening and deepening of the competitive markets for tourist visitation.
Documents Review
• Significant study on Port Burwell Harbour with more limited focus on other dimensions of the
• The potential Port Burwell Harbour as a recreation, marina and commercial resource.
• The Port Burwell areas tourism potential related to the beaches,a casino,etc.
• The significant natural ecological resources in the shoreline and other areas.
• The financial requirements to realize the area's tourism potential are substantial, in the millions of
• Efforts to secure senior government and private sector funding have not been successful to date and
are essential to any such capital initiatives.
• Harbour siltation is currently and will continue as an important constraint to and cost for the harbour
and area's development.
Key Trends
• Aging population supporting increasing interest in cultural and natural heritage activities, walking,
• Farm consolidation / rural population changes which are transitioning rural area economies,
population levels and commercial/retail dimensions.
• Tourism development is increasingly competitive and visitor expectations and changing economic
activity and offerings are occurring, involving:
o Development of industry anchors/icons.
PAGE 2-6
o Major capital and continuous marketing investment.
o International opportunities.
a Technology is a key to both communications/marketing and tourism attraction inter-activity and
visitor appeal.
• Joint ventures and partnerships are a key strategy to evolving the tourism and culture sectors in
smaller, less known areas.
.2 Strategic Themes
The following strategic themes emerged from the Background Research Report for the Bayham Culture
▪ Determining what the key icons/building block priorities are going to be for the tourism industry and
cultural development in Bayham, and developing and sustaining a consensus around the core
components of this strategy.
• Sourcing the levels of capital funding necessary to support proposed initiatives, both in the past and
currently, in regards to harbour development, further museum development, etc.
• Achieving the visitation levels and operating revenues to assist in covering the staffing and operating
expenditure requirements associated with elevating the operation of the museums, marketing tourism
assets, etc. on an annual basis to the levels necessary to support a higher order culture and tourism
• Developing a consensus and a strategy amongst all the parties involved in the culture and tourism
industry to work together in a consistent, partner-based integrated model of community development,
asset management,and available funding utilization.
• Achieving a community consensus on the role and importance of culture, heritage and tourism
investments and operations for both the Bayham community and its economy, including a vision of
the community as a whole and less of a focus on its parts.
PAGE 2-7
▪ Developing a branding strategy, along with core messages, imagery and marketing/communications
tools that reach beyond the current markets in attracting visitors, and which are sustainable on an
annual basis to support both repeat and new visitation to the area.
2.2 May 2005 Community Forum Results
The first draft of the Bayham Culture Plan was presented to a Community Forum on May 9, 2005 at the
Staffordville Community Centre. Some forty-seven members of the community participated in three
worktables. Two of the key questions addressed by the worktables involved identifying what individuals
liked about the Plan and what concerns or challenges they had. The key themes that emerged from the
overall session were as follows:
Likes I Strengths
• The Edison Homestead Complex concept that brought together an array of elements.
• The Erie Winds Interpretive Centre, in light of its recognition of the shoreline and the Port Burwell
area's history.
• The breadth of opportunities that were addressed,including the trails,Main Street initiatives,etc.
• The potential to improve the beaches and waterfront development.
• The sense of community perspective and opportunity that was identified.
Concerns I Challenges
• Funding availability and practicality.
• The Iack of opportunities identified for the northern areas of Bayham.
• Inadequate perspectives in terms of tourism, and tourism infrastructure, such as the marina.
• Concerns over dredging the harbour, which was not seen as a solution. Use of the outer harbour
would be preferred.
• The cemeteries were not included related to genealogy.
PAGE 2-8
• The marketing costs.
• How the two museums would be integrated and the use of the Edison reserves funds relative to any
feasibility studies being undertaken.
• Eco-tourism,agri-tourism and the natural areas did not appear to be highlighted adequately.
• The segmented nature of the community was identified as a constraint, i.e.: the geographical sub-units
of the municipality.
Three themes prevailed overall. The first was the connectivity to the northern portions of the community.
The second was the costs,sources of revenue and practicality.The third was focused on achieving a sense
of duality in the Plan in terms of tourism and culture. Some people were clearly focused on tourism and
felt it was not prioritized adequately, while others focused more on the cultural dimensions of the Plan
and community.
PAGE 2-9
3.1 Overview
In developing any plan, it is vital to have a strong foundation. A foundation is often developed around a
number of key elements. For the Bayham Culture Plan,these elements included:
• A Vision • Key resources/building blocks
• Goals • Constraints
With these in place,the development of strategies,priorities and implementation detail were developed.
3.2 Vision
A Vision sets a horizon, that is, a direction towards which all stakeholders within an initiative or project
can work together collaboratively in order to achieve its goal. It provides a common perspective and
driving force in moving the initiative forward.
The Culture Committee, working with the Consultants, and building on the outcomes of the research,
identified the following key themes for consideration within a Vision for the Bayham Culture Plan:
• Water • Environment
• History * Discovery
• Leisure • Path I pathways
These themes reflected the key components and perspectives that provide a unifying force and directional
foundation for the Bayham Culture Plan.
The following Vision Statement has been developed for the Bayham Culture Plan:
Discovering Bayham's Memorable Recreation and Heritage Experiences
PAGE 3-1
The following points identify the key themes and perspectives that are incorporated within the Vision:
b Discovering The research clearly indicated, and the community recognizes,that it is not
well known or valued as a destination or for its cultural heritage. As a
result, the Vision focuses on discovering or unlocking Bayham as a jewel
along the Lake Erie shore, a community with a tremendous range of
recreation and heritage resources. The focus on unlocking within the
Vision builds the basis for a theme of discovery/discovering for both local
residents and visitors to the area.
• Bayham's Identifies the focus of the Vision as Bayham, a community with a diversity
of opportunities. The community, as a whole, provides the foundation for
discovering memorable experiences for both residents and visitors.
• Memorable The key word within the Vision representing the notion of uniqueness,
lasting, attractive and differentiated from other competing venues and
experiences that may exist. Visitors and residents alike can capture the
notion of memorable, which creates a basis for discussion and interaction
with other people. This word also aligns with the notion of historical
memory, and the importance that heritage plays in sustaining and keeping
alive local history and traditions.
• Recreation and Represents the two key resources in achieving the Vision and upon which
Heritage Experiences the concept of discovering Bayham will occur and be built around. The
community has an array of exciting and interesting recreation and heritage
features. They involve the natural environment, the water, the museums,
the festivals and events and the variety of activities and assets that
collectively shape and build a`Bayham Experience."
3.3 Mission Statement
The Mission Statement within the Bayham Culture Plan is designed to give a focus to the Plan's intent
and directions. The Mission guides all strategic and tactical decisions that exist within the Plan's
strategies and recommendations, as well as those that will be undertaken by the Culture Committee and
the community relative to the Culture Plan's implementation and future initiatives.
PAGE 3-2
The following Mission Statement has been developed for the Bayham Culture Plan.
Unlock the potential of an unique Bayham Experience for visitors and residents alike to discover
• Special excitement of the Lake Erie Shoreline.
• Distinct heritage and history of the area.
• An array of unique recreation and family fun opportunities.
▪ Diversity and richness of the area's natural environment.
The following points provide further defmition and understanding of the key elements of the Mission
Statement for the Bayham Culture Plan
• Unlocking the Bayham is relatively unknown, and many of its resources lack recognition
potential or appreciation. The Culture Plan, relative to its Mission, focuses on
unlocking the hidden jewel of Bayham by creating pathways to
discovering the unique opportunities and experiences that exist within the
community. The community has potential, but this potential needs to be
appreciated,developed and to become available,that is unlocked.
! A Unique Bayham Articulates the need to create a truly Bayham Experience, one that will
Experience create memorable experiences that are unique, can compete and which
define to visitors and residents alike - Bayham. The Bayham Experience
needs to bring together all the community's tourist and cultural resources
in order to create the opportunities and visitor experiences that will have
sustaining value to visitors and importance to residents alike.
• For Visitors and The target audience for the Culture Plan is both the residents of and
Residents Alike visitors to Bayham, who have the opportunity to enjoy the many historical
and recreational resources available on a memorable level. Both audiences
need to experience the attributes and features of Bayham in order to
enhance the economic potential and well-being of the area.
• To Discover Enforces the notion of unlocking and creates the important concepts
around discovery,excitement, learning and broadening ones horizons.
PAGE 3-3
• The Four Pillars The Bayham Experience is defined in the Plan based on four key
opportunity pillars.These are:
• The Lake Erie shoreline,with its beaches,water-based activities,
the harbour,marina,vistas and related connections.
• The heritage and history of the area, involving ship building,
lumbering,transportation,the Edison family and numerous other
key links that create both attractiveness to the area and unique
learning opportunities.
• Recreation activities that attract visitors to the beaches,waterways,
hiking, etc.
• The natural environment,and the diversity of environmental areas,
etc., available within quiet settings,that are not overly developed
or threatened,and which provide quality outdoor experiences for
both recreational and educational activities.
3.4 Goals
Based on the work of the Bayham Culture Committee, the following goals have been developed for the
Bayham Culture Plan.
• To increase the sense of community pride and engagement in pursuing Bayham's future by
encouraging increased participation in community development and a broader understanding
and appreciation of the community's tourism potential and heritage resources.
• To realize the untapped potential of the community through:
• Building on what already has been achieved
■ Identifying unique opportunities
• Collectively overcoming barriers to success
• To generate positive economic benefits for the community, related to generating support for
existing and new business initiatives and creating employment opportunities.
• To achieve an effective balance between economic development initiatives within the Plan and
the residents' quality of life,values and the natural environment's limitations.
• To conserve Bayham's historical, heritage and natural assets for current and future
PAGE 3-4
The first goal speaks to the need to establish a stronger community development foundation within
Bayham. Developing a sense of community pride, more fully engaging the community and achieving
greater community participation in various initiatives is seen as an important goal for the Plan and the
long term success of Bayham.
Another goal focuses on Bayham realizing the potential of its opportunities through collaborative activity,
overcoming barriers and building on what has already been achieved. It is important to recognize that a
considerable amount of work has already occurred in terms of the museums, waterfront resources, trail
system,festivals and events and other resources. The question now is how to build on these achievements
and investments to realize the community's greater potential.
A further goal of the Plan is to create positive economic impacts. This area of Elgin County does not
have a significant infrastructure to support visitor services, has experienced some commercial decline as
has occurred in much of rural Ontario and finds many of its residents needing to work outside the
community. The Bayham Culture Plan has an opportunity to create visitation levels and economic
opportunities that could potentially enhance the stability of existing commercial businesses, create new
business opportunities and provide employment in the immediate area.
One of the dominant perspectives of Bayham residents as to why they live in the area, is the area's
extraordinary quality of life. A central goal of the Plan is to achieve a balance between the carrying
capacity of the natural environment and preservation of the residents' quality of life in concert with its
development of opportunities the community has relative to heritage, leisure and other initiatives. The
overall context is to achieve the goals while sustaining the area's quality of life, improving it wherever
A further goal is to ensure that the historical, heritage and natural resources of Bayham, some of the key
pillars that make up the Bayham Experience, are preserved, not only for the current generation of
residents and visitors,but for the future generations to come.
PAGE 3-5
4.1 Introduction
In support of the achievement of the Vision and Mission for the Bayham Culture Plan, Committee
members identified the key resources available to achieve the Vision and Mission, as well as the
constraints that will need to be addressed. The resources and constraints provide a basis for the
development of the strategies and the recommendations within the Bayham Culture Plan. Figure 1,
provides a graphical illustration of Bayham's resources and features.
4.2 Resources
The following resources have been identified as the primary building blocks for the Plan and the Bayham
• The waterfront and harbour, which were identified as core assets and have a major impact on the
potential development initiatives for Bayham. Specifically identified initiatives involved:
o A Lake Erie Interpretive Centre
o Increased integration and development of the Port Burwell Provincial Park, and its 100,000
plus annual visitors.
o Further development and ancillary enhancements to the east beach in Port Burwell.
o Habour improvements that would sustain regular use and expanded operations.
• The distinct craft and woodworking skills and culture of the local Mennonite community that is
relatively unique to the area. This approach would engage a growing component of the Bayham
community and provide interesting opportunities for visitors.
• The local museums and developing them to a level where they are eligible for provincial and federal
grants which would generate increased funding and enhance the discovery dimensions and
experiences of the local heritage resources for both residents and visitors.
PAGE 4-1
▪ Private sector investment opportunities that could potentially exist in Bayham for small businesses,
homeowner conversions and related initiatives at an appropriate Bayham scale.
Q The quality and uniqueness of the local festivals and events,with the potential to develop one or more
to a signature level caliber.
• The unique natural resources of the area, in terms of birds, butterflies, wind turbines, open and
forested spaces and other ecological features and characteristics.
In total, six key resource envelopes were identified that could be further developed and focused on in
order to achieve the Vision, Mission and Goals of the Bayham Culture Plan and a distinct Bayham
4.3 Constraints/Barriers
The following constraints/barriers were identified by Committee members as needing to be addressed in
creating the ability of the community to pursue the directions within the Bayham Culture Plan:
6 The availability and scale of key resources needed to advance the Plan, involving:
o Funding and financing
o Leadership capacity
o Volunteers
o Community will and support
▪ The visitor experience quality / presentation which is currently unknown, undervalued and not
• Key natural phenomena, with respect to shoreline erosion, harbour siltation and other elements, that
restrict opportunities and can have substantial remediation costs associated with them.
▪ The lack of visitor services infrastructure and support amenities to sustain individuals in the area for
various lengths of stay.
PAGE 4-2
• Legal and land access limitations in key areas, such as the limited ownership of harbour lands with no
prospects for development.
• A number of community challenges related to:
o The more limited involvement of the Mennonite population in the community, and an overall
aging population profile that may be less interested in change processes.
o The amalgamation process which has created unique differences between the various centres
in terms of expectations and outcomes.
o Potential challenges between the agriculture and tourism industry related to compatibility,
• The competitive positioning limitations of the area, in terms of the ideas and their cost that can
generate visitors and define the unique differences between Bayham and other visitor designations.
• The lack of a marketing foundation in terms of brand, themes and identity; the current fragmented
approach to promotion and advertising; and the limited collaborative framework for working on a
sector or industry-wide basis in Bayham.
▪ Though Port Burwell Provincial Park is a key asset, there is a sense that it is distant from the
community,working within a relatively self-directed mandate.
PAGE 4-3
5.1 Overview
Based on the research and the development work to date, a number of potential resource development
initiatives have been identified that could anchor and provide a strong future foundation for the
development of Bayham's cultural and tourist prospects. The range of feasibility for these initiatives is
variable, as they have significant funding and leadership considerations. However, an inventory of these
strategies is vital in developing the Bayham Culture Plan's directions.
5.2 Heritage Resources Strategies
.1 Overview
Refocusing the mandates and programs of the two Bayham museum.sites, in order to align their locations,
facilities and activities with Bayham's significant historical themes, landscape features and tourism
circulation patterns,is one of the primary resource development strategies.
Bayham's two museums, located in Vienna and Port Burwell, have an exciting opportunity to draw upon
the area's history and natural features in a way which would be unique among cultural institutions in
Ontario, Canada or North America. The historical review, completed as part of the Bayham Culture Plan
investigations, has shown that the intense 19th century lumbering, road building and ship-building
activities shaped the economy,architecture and circulation patterns of this area.
Bayham's north-south route, originally traversed by teamsters hauling logs along a plank road, still
retains the "Plank Road" name. As a Canadian innovation, plank and gravel roads, like the kind built in
Bayham, represent a unique feat of 19th century civil engineering. They made use of the abundant lumber
resources of the time, and allowed two teams to pass each other easily at a time when most road travel
was a nightmare in all seasons except winter. In 1850, the wooden "superhighway" running along
Bayham's length, would have been considered an example of leading-edge road technology which was
eventually introduced from Canada into the United States.
The Plank Road is followed today by visitors seeking sandy beaches, camping sites or bird-watching
opportunities. Approximately 110,000 visitors are known to be in close proximity to Port Burwell in the
summer months. In order to reach the beaches and campgrounds at Port Burwell, a great number of these
visitors must pass through the former lumber capital of Vienna.
PAGE 5-1
An additional perspective for Vienna is the "Edison connection." Vienna was once the home of Thomas
Edison's grandfather and relatives, and it is commonly accepted that the inventor visited here as a young
Port Burwell, once known for the export and ship-building economy which prospered there in the mid-
1800s, still draws visitors for its beautiful setting of sandy beaches and lake views. It still retains an
architectural gem—an1840s Iighthouse which is symbolic of the port's former marine industry.
The air currents along the Port Burwell lakeshore have created ideal conditions for migratory bird and
insect species, attracting bird-watchers and naturalists to the shore.And in the 21'century,the lake winds
are attracting a new industry of invention to the area—wind turbines for power generation.
An internet survey of road and wind-related museums or interpretive centres has revealed a true
international dearth of these facilities. Japan and Denmark hold the only two facilities that appear to be
dedicated to wind and wind power, although some facilities in the United States interpret historic
windmills. In Ontario, a survey of selected marine-oriented museums in Ontario, including the Port
Colborne Historical and Marine Museum, the Port Dover Harbour Museum, the Canada Marine
Discovery Centre in Hamilton, the fledgling ErieQuest Marine Heritage Interpretive Centre in
Leamington, the Lighthouse Interpretive Centre in Presqui'ile Provincial Park in Brighton, and the
Marine Museum of the Great Lakes at Kingston, shows that each of these sites focus almost exclusively
upon marine history,usually with emphasis upon local conditions and history.
Nationally and internationally,road-building interpretation is an even scarcer commodity, usually offered
as a component in museums of transportation. Bayham's museums are strongly positioned to incorporate
these major themes in their interpretive programs.
.2 Strategies
Two strategies have been developed to support the historical and heritage perspectives of the Culture
Plan.These involve:
* The Port Burwell Museum and Erie Winds Interpretive Centre.
• The Edison Homestead Complex
PAGE 5-2
The transformation of the Port Burwell Marine Museum into an interpretive and visitor centre dedicated
to wind power and marine heritage fits well with the history, future plans and natural features of the area.
Three strong themes emerge:
The existing collection, most notably the 1840s lighthouse, forms a strong foundation for the
development of a marine heritage theme and node for this new facility.
The present location of the museum on the lakeshore, coupled with plans for an adjacent wind turbine
farm,the presence of a natural flyway for bird and insect species,and a population of 100,000 visitors per
year at the Provincial Park looking for things to do, offer an opportunity to create a destination based
upon a theme—wind—that is offered no where else in Canada.
The invention theme, linked to Vienna's Edison connection, the use of wind technology to generate
power, and the possibility of incorporating energy efficient building methods into the new centre,
underscores the incorporation of an "Inventors' Hall of Fame" and the development of exciting public
programming opportunities.
The recently-opened Canada Marine Discovery Centre in Hamilton, a Parks Canada facility, uses
innovative green technology features including a ground source heating and cooling system that harnesses
energy from the ground for heat, ventilation and air conditioning. The use of green technology for the
Erie Winds Interpretive Centre is a natural fit with a facility dedicated to the forces of nature. The use of
"green technology" in a museum/interpretive centre offers an additional advantage as an interpretive
theme. A discussion with architect Martin Licfhebber of Breathe Architects, a firm noted for its
innovative and practical applications of green technology in domestic, commercial and public buildings,
indicated that this type of building method is no more expensive than traditional methods. They advocate
the use of natural energy sources and the "physics of location" in order to utilize the building site to its
fullest potential.
Cost estimates for museum facilities in Canada average approximately $150 to $160 per square foot.
Exhibition costs average from $100 to$300 per square foot. The present Port Burwell Marine Museum is
2400 sq. ft. in size.Marine museums in Port Dover and Port Colborne range from 8400 sq.ft to half a city
PAGE 5-3
block (1 hectare) in size. The Port Colborne Historical and Marine Museum is presently planning an
additional new facility of 2400 sq. ft.
The importance of the Plank Road in Bayham's economic and social history, Vienna's history as a 19th
century lumber centre, and the "Edison connection" provide three strong themes for the creation of a
museum/interpretive centre located in Vienna.
This facility echoes the architecture of the former Edison frame house built by Samuel Edison, former
Bayham settler, resident, and Thomas Edison's grandfather. The original house was moved to Greenfield
Village in Michigan in 1933. A new building offers the opportunity to reconstruct(either fully or in part)
the exterior shell of the original as a facility for the interpretation of the themes as follows:
Vienna: A 19th Century Lumber Centre
The centre would interpret the location and development of Vienna as a booming centre
of the 19th century lumber industry.
Plank Road:A Canadian Innovation
A section of a recreated plank road would animate the museum site.An interpretive
exhibition would highlight the origin and features of this technology,ensuring that
visitors relate information offered in the exhibition to Bayham's historic development.
The Edison Family: A Grandfather to Invention
The history of the Edison family, represented in the architecture and some
exhibited objects,would illustrate the settlement period of Bayham. Links to the
Edison exhibition and the"Inventors' Hall of Fame" at the Erie Winds
Interpretive Centre would direct visitors to this facility.
53 Tourism Resource Strategies and Supports
.1 Overview
The following strategies relate to tourism activities and improvements that support the achievement of the
strategic directions for the Bayham Culture Plan. They are divided into five themes:
• Electrical wind turbines
• Waterfront improvements and marina
PAGE 5-4
• Built form in Vienna and Port Burwell
• Otter Valley Recreational trail improvements.
• Special Events and Festivals
.2 Strategies
Wind Turbines
Developing and promoting Bayham as a leading wind energy community through the development of
public viewing areas,themed festivals and information centres on wind energy development in Bayham is
an opportunity that is both emerging and unique.
The development of electrical energy from wind turbines is the product of consistent exposure to wind
having a force sufficient to power large commercial wind turbines feeding electrical power into the public
grid. There will be more than fifty turbines having a height to the hub of seventy-eight metres (twenty-
five storeys) spread along the entire lake front in the Municipality of Bayham. These large,highly visible
power plants will generate a strong initial interest from the surrounding large cities and tourists, and
emphasize the technological innovation and sustainable use of wind energy.The technological innovation
theme is consistent with the heritage themes outlined in Section 5.2.
Strategy alternatives could involve:
• Provide opportunities for the wind energy developer to propose and develop a public information
• Propose and develop a municipally owned and operated wind energy interpretation centre;
• Jointly, with the municipality, wind energy developers, the Province and Canadian Wind Energy
Association,create a Wind Energy Interpretation Centre.
All of these approaches could evolve in partnership with the concept of the Port Burwell Museum and
Erie Winds Interpretive Centre as outlined previously.
PAGE 5-5
Implementation steps would involve the following actions:
• Determine the size and form of wind energy information centre needed for such operation in terms of
buildings, facilities,parking,viewing and display areas;
• Incorporate the centre and into the Port Burwell Museum and Erie Winds Interpretation Centre if this
is feasible or an alternative venue;
• Create sponsorship opportunities and grant opportunities for developers and public agencies to
participate in the interpretive centre;
• Create a festival for the "turning the switch" and first day of operation for the public distribution of
electrical wind energy systems or connect to a signature event or festival as discussed later.
Implementation should be lead by a group of tourism/ cultural committee members with seed funding
from the municipality. The first task would be to liaise with the developers to support the organization of
a festival around the "turning on of the power". Based on the response and publicity around the
commencement of operations, consider an annual event built around the wind energy turbines,perhaps in
conjunction with another significant Bayham festival/event to build critical mass and depth. The benefits
will be ongoing "sight to see" being the wind turbines. As the turbines increase in number, and more
domestic turbines are constructed, the interpretation centre can evolve in parallel to changes in the
industry. The committee would need to utilize knowledgeable staff from the developer and/or volunteers
to assist in the interpretation and implementation of a wind energy information centre.
Waterfront Improvement and Marina Initiatives
This strategic direction is focused on improving the waterfront infrastructure and amenities in Port
Burwell through improved maintenance and added public and private facilities to be available at the
public beach, east of Big Otter Creek and the harbour area. The beach facilities should provide basic
amenities and consider the addition of festival venues/facilities for the presentation of larger events. The
expected results will increase use of the beach access for boats and associated leisure activities and
economic spending in Port Burwell. A marina and public boat launch would create core infrastructure for
the waterfront and be a seasonal tourism anchor/feature.
PAGE 5-6
The strategy alternatives to be considered are:
• Continue the existing temporary washroom facilities and mobile concession stand on the public
beach;boat access would continue to be available at the private marina and campground;
• Create a joint public private partnership(s)for the development and operation of public facilities, such
as a beach house and boat launch;
• Municipal development and operation of public beach facilities with ongoing funding from user fees
and capital works grants for construction could be considered.
• Work to attract and create incentives as appropriate to attract the development of a marina in the outer
harbour area.
To implement a broader strategy requires:
• Developing a permanent public washroom,change house and concession on the beach;
• Development of a public boat launch on or near Big Otter Creek;
• Improve access and connection with the west beach area in the Provincial Park; create a two tier Park
entrance to allow walk-in, short term visits at a reduced entrance fee;
• The municipality could consider a festivals I events venue for concerts and activities; alternatively
consideration may be given to a mobile stage suitable for holding special events on the beach.
• Pursue development of a marina in the outer harbour area.
• Assess whether dredging of Big Otter Creek and the entrance to the Creek for larger visiting boats is
practical and sustainable.
In the short term, Council should support an upgraded maintenance program aimed at creating a clean
safe beach atmosphere on East Beach. A team should be established with the responsibility of defining
the standards and parameters for waterfront improvements. A three to five year plan for the design,
construction and operation of public beach facilities should be developed.
PAGE 5-7
The development of a marina represents a significant investment. Marinas dot the north Lake Erie shore
and boating continues to be a very popular seasonal activity. It has the opportunity to attract American
boaters as well as Canadian marina users.The harbour has been the subject of on-going discussions for an
extended period of time as to the potential for a marina. Some key issues exist in terms of harbour access,
control of adjoining lands areas and the capital costs associated with marina development. This is a
project that is likely beyond the financial scope of the municipality. However, the municipality could
undertake an active effort to create the appropriate investment environment, remove potential roadblocks
or barriers, etc.,in order to actively solicit a private investment in a marina.
Built Form in Vienna and Port Burwell
This strategy is designed to create incentives for private investment and improvement to the existing built
structures in Viennaand Port Burwell, creating a more attractive atmosphere for tourism and residents.
The expected results will be the upgrading of private buildings and public infrastructure making the
physical appearance more inviting and functional,especially on the main visitor travel route.
Alternative approaches could involve the following:
• Maintain the current hands off approach to development in the villages;
• Create tax incentives to encourage an improved standard of maintenance and investment in core
• Create a community improvement plan for public investment in visible infrastructure and
landscaping, such as sidewalks; streets;benches; lighting and amenities.
• Consider encouraging the development of the coal flats as a retirement community creating additional
population and investment in Port Burwell using brownfields incentive programs for new private
The implementation approach would require the following actions:
• Creating a Business Improvement Committee for the village areas
• Setting tax rates to reduce the taxes on property improvements as an incentive.
• Establishing a Community Improvement Plan for both villages
PAGE 5-8
• Creating a development strategy for new housing in Port Burwell.
Bayham Council could direct staff to research tax increment financing where increased taxes on a newly
developed property are phased in over a number of years. A Community Improvement Plan for each area
should be established for each village within a partnership framework with local businesses, residents and
the municipality.
This initiative should also focus on supporting the development of ancillary visitor services and supports.
Otter Valley Recreational Trail Improvements
Improving the quality of user experiences on the Otter Valley Recreation Trail for passive recreational
uses, including hiking, biking, birding and interpretation of the heritage resources of the municipality, is
an opportunity. The Otter Valley Utility Corridor and Recreation Trail has historic origins as a railway
constructed to transport coal from Port Burwell to Tillsonburg, Kitchener and points north. The
movement of coal provided significant employment and historical significance to Port Burwell. The trail
bed has limited areas of natural vegetation facilitating increased use. Improvements to the corridor would
provide an excellent resource for passive recreational opportunities in the municipality.
Alternative approaches for this strategy are:
• Allow the trail to be used and developed on an ad hoc basis without public investment;
• Provide limited enhancements to raise awareness of the trail without significant marketing;
• Invest meaningfully in the infrastructure, points of interest and marketing of the trail as a key part of
the cultural and tourism opportunities in Bayham;
The first two approaches offer limited opportunities in support of the Culture Plan's goals. The latter one
is the key to utilizing the resources to a greater level of benefit and impact.
PAGE 5-9
The implementation considerations for this strategy are:
• Enhance the opportunity for birding and natural heritage features with an aggressive tree planting of
Carolinian tree species native to the Bayham region along the railway right of way;
• Enhance the points of interest, including the electrical substation at Glen Erie Line; replicate a section
of"Plank Road" including a toll booth on the right of way and create a view point at Tunnel Line
where a bridge formerly crossed the valley;
• Create a strong focal feature signalling the beginning and destination of the trail in Port Burwell and
• Create events related to activities along the trail, such as Sunday walks; birding activities; natural
heritage rehabilitation of the right of way; etc.
• Improved signage and facilities for vehicle parking at the trail beginning/end; washroom/ water
sources;rest stops; etc.
• Explore opportunities to start the trail at the Port Burwell beach,being the starting point,and extend it
beyond Tunnel Line in Vienna.
A volunteer group could be established with responsibility for the ongoing maintenance and improvement
of the trail for passive recreational uses. The funding of the trail could be initiated via a Trillium Grant,
the municipality, sponsorship by community organizations, donations and other sources.
5.4 Festivals and Events
The Bayham community offers, across its many areas, an array of festivals and events that celebrate local
history, agriculture and community identities. Festivals and events have increasingly become an important
visitor generation strategy for many municipalities.
Successful festivals have had variable impacts. Oktoberfest in Kitchener now attracts over 250,000 per
year, while the annual rodeo in Milverton attracts 5,000 visitors. Many festivals and events now target
10,000 to 20,000 visitors per year. However, there are generally two strategies that prevail within
municipalities for festivals and events:
• To host a wide array of festivals and events, eight to ten per year.
PAGE 5-10
• To host a wide array of festivals and events,however,to differentiate one or two as signature festivals
and special events that are marketed more heavily to attract external visitation. Smaller festivals and
events are positioned to focus on more local participation and niche markets.
The first strategy tends to fragment resources, specifically marketing and promotional resources, as well
as volunteers. The tendency, in recent years, is to move towards one or two signature events, which, in
Bayham's case, could be the Coal Flat Blues Festival and the Watermelon Festival, the latter in
The Blues Festival would target themed audiences, defined often as niche markets, who have a particular
interest in this type of music. There are a number of these festivals existing and emerging across Ontario
and beyond. This audience tends to travel from community to community. The Watermelon Festival has
the opposite perspective, in that it is unique and focuses on one particular activity. Watermelons have a
long symbolism in Canadian society as "summery, fresh, tasty, spirited and refreshing." This festival
would also provide opportunities and investment in areas of Bayham beyond Vienna and Port Burwell.
The potential exists to develop these festivals, in conjunction with the other initiatives being proposed.
The strategy would be to aggregate more critical mass, develop greater efficiencies around marketing and
promotional expenditures, develop stronger branding capacity and to potentially better focus the use of
community leadership and volunteers.The key implementation steps would involve:
• Community consensus and identification of the potential signature festivals and special events.
• Connecting the signature festival and events to the Plan's other initiatives from operations, planning
and resourcing perspectives.
• Create the volunteer and sponsorships capacities, along with the event and festivals programming that
would elevate these initiatives to a signature level.
This strategy does not suggest that other festivals and events offered in the community would not
continue or be less important. However, it does provide a focus to support some premiere opportunities
within the community to build visitor volume and community capacity.
PAGE 5-11
One of the keys to signature events and festivals is that they have to be differentiated and offer quality
visitor experiences. Therefore,the programming and product development dimensions of these initiatives
would need to be substantive, continue to change over time to support repeat visitation and provide
uniquenesses or niches that would separate them from other regional special events and festivals that may
be overlapping or similar in concept or timing.
5.5 Tourism Packages
One of the fastest growing segments of local tourism industries, is the development of tourism/visitor
packages based on specific themes. This type of activity, especially when theme-based and promoted,
targets segments of the population who have very specific interests. Tourism packages are also critical
strategies in terms of attracting travel/trade bus tours,spring and fall seniors travel,etc.
For Bayham, a number of packaging strategies are available and would allow for more of the community
to benefit from the Bayham Culture Plan's initiatives. Potential packaging strategies typically involve the
following components:
• The core activity/theme, admissions,etc.
• Meals
• Opportunities for local shopping stops
• Connections to other activities,events and venues in the area
• Potential to connect with overnight commercial accommodations
Many bus tour operators are looking for specific and unique packaged themes, often involving
approximately a day visit in close proximity to major highway routes.In Ontario,there are over 5,000 bus
tours per year that travel the 400 series highways, particularly from Chicago and Detroit through to
Toronto and Niagara Falls/Buffalo.In the fall,they also travel to the north to capture the fall colour tour.
Opportunities to build on this theme may also be available due to the Carolinian forest in the Bayham
PAGE 5-12
The following tourist package themes are available for possible development within the Bayham
With the Carolinian forest, the shoreline, the birds and butterflies, and the designated natural area in the
north Bayham area, one or two day packages could be developed for those interested in the education,
research and outdoor experiences associated with these ecological venues. These venues could also tie in
through the package, the area's trail system, shoreline and other natural areas both in Bayham or a part of
a regional strategy with Long Point and other areas.
Many urban residents do not have an opportunity to see or understand what occurs on the farm or what
farm life is like.A number of farmers in Perth County and other areas have opened up their farmsteads to
visitors to see the livestock/animals, participate in the safer components of farm life,tour the facilities,
etc. Some have even gone as far as to provide meals and overnight stays. With Bayham's significant
agricultural community, there may be three or four farm operators who are prepared to look at this
situation and provide varied visitor Agri-Tourism opportunities. These initiatives could also be tied into
maple syrup and other seasonal themes that are promoted.
Wild Turkeys
The introduction of wild turkeys into the Bayham area has been a success story since the mid 1980's. It
has been confirmed through the Aylmer Ministry of Natural resources Biologist and information from the
Long Point Conservation Authority that the birds are alive and well. In the early 20th century,wild
turkeys were extricated to the United States for sport purposes and the remaining flocks were eliminated.
After extensive research,the Ministry of Natural resources identified the genetic strain that was shipped
to the United States,captured several mating pairs and reintroduced the turkeys to their native habitat.
They have quickly adapted to the wooded ravines and swatnp areas, spreading out through the region.
The turkeys have traditionally been used by natives and early settlers as a source of food,pen quills and
decorative feathers.
PAGE 5-13
Today throughout the ravines of the Municipality of Bayham,there is a robust,healthy flock of wild
turkeys. There are some 40,000 birds re-established in Ontario. This natural resource has become an
attraction in the landscape drawing visitors of different types. They include hunters,bird watchers,photo
enthusiasts and feather collectors for fly tying. The Bayham Culture Plan can make note of the historic
context and the environmental success story of the birds,encouraging visits to the area for both hunting
and viewing activities.
Museum Tours
One idea that has evolved in a number of rural areas is the establishment of museum tours. This affords
museum enthusiasts the opportunity to visit multiple venues connected by a common theme, roadway,
etc. It is an excellent strategy in terms of attracting people who then purchase meals, undertake some
retail shopping,visit museums and potentially stay in Bayham or the region overnight.
In the Bayham area, there are two museum facilities. There are also museum facilities in St. Thomas,
Aylmer, Woodstock, Delhi and Simcoe. The possibility exists that if the groups could continue to work
together as they have over the year, an extended visitor tour program could be developed and promoted to
access this particular tourist market segment.
One of the fastest growing leisure activities in Ontario is genealogy,the exploration and investigation of
family roots and connections. Library systems have experienced profound growth in the number of
telephone inquiries and visitors to historical rooms,archives,etc. This activity is forecasted to continue
to grow and is particularly popular amongst the so called"baby boom"generation.
Many rural areas in Ontario have experienced significant outbound migration of young people who now
reside in urban areas or other parts of Ontario,Canada,or the world. As they age,they often wish to visit
their roots and find out more about their family members. Two sources of information are key to these
activities. The first,involves the visitation to cemeteries and the reviewing of cemetery records to
identify family members' birth and death dates, etc. The second activity involves visiting archival venues
to search historical records involving birth,death and marriage certificates, graduation records,etc.
The Municipality of Bayham has a number of cemeteries and archival information exists potentially
within the municipality and certainly within the County of Elgin's purview. Also, online services
continue to be a key dimension/tool for many genealogical searches.
PAGE 5-14
As part of the Bayham Culture Plan,packages or access strategies could be developed by Museums
Bayham and the Historical Societies to facilitate the availability of information,access and to respond to
inquiries. Developing and promoting a records package,both within the Bayham Experience and through
the County,could result in a number of individuals and families coming into the area to undertake
research activity,visit grave sites and re-connect with family members. This represents a unique
opportunity that needs to be developed in the following ways:
• Development of a pamphlet or a map of key cemetery locations
• Working with Cemetery Boards to identify the records available and how they can be accessed
• Developing a partnership with County of Elgin Archives to facilitate promotion and access, along
with referrals
• Develop web linkages
• Identify access opportunities on the Bayham website
• Undertake other promotional opportunities and to consistently develop access and archive material
strategies that support the interested parties.
tl Promote visitations and stays within the community on a broader activities basis to enquirers and
Though this is a specialized market, it is experiencing significant growth and interest. It is potentially a
low cost strategy and a package development approach could be used as a building block to encourage
visitation to Bayham and to extent stays within the community amongst this potential visitor niche.
PAGE 5-15
6.1 Introduction
The Marketing Plan mirrors the recommendations, steps and proposed timelines of the Bayham Culture
Plan where,beyond 2005,strategies development and new venues are brought on stream. The Marketing
Plan recognizes the two areas of focus:
• Museums and Heritage
• Tourism and Community Marketing
It was decided to offer a split plan in 2007 and beyond because many of the recommendations brought
forward in the Culture Plan have not evolved to beyond possible identified initiatives.This dual approach
will provide Bayham planners with some options as they advance into the fiscal marketing implications of
the Culture Plan.
The assumptions at the outset are based on realistic needs that will involve incorporating the revised
branding into all advertising and collateral materials. In addition, it is strongly recommended that
construction of a more robust website in 2005 be the touch point for monitoring all marketing investments
using current web technology to track visitors to the Bayham website.
6.2 Marketing Plan
.1 Introduction
The Marketing Plan objectives mirror the proposed recommendations in the Bayham Culture Plan. As
milestones in the recommended plan are funded and implemented,the Marketing Plan recognizes the
additional venues and budget recommendations,and the marketing activities are allocated to
communicate the facts to appropriate target audiences.
PAGE 6-1
.2 Target Audiences
• Birding Clubs and individuals(spring and fall flyways)
• Eco-tourist market(young GTA adults seeking non-commercial)
• Cross-county Trail Bikers(non-motorized)
• Anglers(and possibly sport fishing boat operators)
• Sail boat owners and Canoeing Clubs
• Backpack Hikers, all ages(similar to eco-tourism group)
• Camping families(but not upscale motor home travelers)1
• Bus Tour Operators(e.g.,a Seniors trip to visit both Museums)
• Classic Car Clubs/Owners(summer/fall motor tours)
• History& Science Teachers(possible curriculum ties to both museums)
• Nature Clubs(flora and fauna lovers,Carolina forest experts)
• Secondary School Students(interested in alternative energy,wind turbine technology,etc.)
• Blues Fans(mainly 30-40's age group)
• Amateur Artist Clubs(landscapes, shoreline)
• Photographers and Photo Clubs
• Amateur Astronomy Clubs and individual star-gazers
• Keen environmentalists(schools,clubs,empty nesters)
C Package Tours(only one component being Bayham sights)
• Curators and Museum staff(from other sites in Ontario)
• Hot Air Balloon Clubs
▪ Sea-doo and small craft owners
• Empty-nesters(seeking an Elliot Lake type retirement site)
PAGE 6-2
.3 Alterations to the Bayham Branding
Based on the results of the May 9,2005 community forum,the preferred wordmark was:
The verbatim comments received that evening by ballot indicated that most present favoured the current
Bayham icon. Taking this reality into account,the need to focus on the shift of asset presentation from
river/agriculture/shore,to shore/beach/agriculture,while illustrating the historic lighthouse and futuristic
wind turbine,became the criteria for the new icon design. Appendix II provides the images.
.4 Revised Branding and Wordmark
The present icon and wordmark have built positive brand equity as communicated in the survey of
community opinion. Because of potential brand equity among populations that frequent Bayham for
camping,trails,beaches,etc.,the Plan recommends a moderate re-design of the icon to incorporate new
assets and focus that mirror the revised wordmark and portray those assets in a way that does not strongly
migrate from the current icon in colour or shape.The goal is to capitalize on the current brand equity,
bringing that mental real estate into the next generation of branding that best reflects the scope of the
Culture Plan for the five years from 2005 to 2009.
.5 Short term Branding Strategy
The most immediate need is to replace all road signage using the updated logo and wordmark before the
onset of the 2006 tourist season.
All brochures and communication materials not printed at this time should also adopt the revised branding
PAGE 6-3
.6 Official Branding Launch
A public unveiling of the revised branding should be staged once road signs are updated.An updated
roadside location can be the site of an official unveiling to the press and citizens,along with a press
release to Ontario Tourism Marketing Partnership, Canadian Tourist Association and Elgin-St. Thomas
Tourism officials,as well as neighbouring municipalities and the media.
It's very important to promote this initiative,inwardly and outwardly,to all stakeholders and at Bayham's
administration offices,museums,parks and businesses. The need to include all stakeholders in the launch
of the brand increases buy-in and commitment to the Bayham Culture Plan. The branding initiative is an
opportunity to launch the Bayham Culture Plan publicly. It is recommended that the official launch be
made in early 2006 for the 2006 tourist season.
.7 Website Revisions
Prior to the official launch of revised Bayham branding,the current website should be re-faced to reflect
the revised branding.If time and budget permits,the Plan recommends a re-design of the current site to
reflect three phases of development as follows:
• Phase One-2005: Re-face current site with new navigation,branding and asset offerings that reflect
the market readiness of products and events starting in 2006.It is assumed this would be a phased
project adding content as it becomes available beyond the official launch date.
• Phase Two-2006:Next-generation website would be commissioned in 2006/2007 and would
include new content: Trail Master Plan,Main Street Plan and East Beach Plan completed by the Fall
of 2006.
• Phase Three—2007: Assumes Edison Homestead Complex will be completed in the Spring of 2009,
with a new website brought online in January,2007 to reflect the planning and fundraising over a
two-year period prior to a potential opening in 2009.
PAGE 6-4
• Historic travelers
• Day trippers,families,old auto enthusiasts for Blues Festival
• Educators
• Ontario Tourism Marketing Program sites and Canadian Tourism Association sites, etc.
• Photographers
• Astronomers
• Entertainment listing for BIues Festival
Collateral Materials
For all years, budget allocations have been identified to produce printed literature for distribution through
Ontario Tourism Marketing Partnership sites across Ontario.In most years,we identified a modest budget
to pay for distribution of literature across Ontario Tourism sites.
Television Advertising
For 2009 to 2010, a modest budget line was added for Broadcast TV advertising assuming new venues
are market ready.
6.4 Summary
The plans are detailed in 2006 and 2007 and become increasingly general up to 2010 as it is difficult to
know what media will exist at that time and what venues will be market-ready in those years. In general,
the recommended budget lines in the Baybam.Culture Plan have been adopted for the planning of all
advertising expenditures.
PAGE 6-8
There are a number of components to the advertising plans,including creative development media,
planning and placement,website updates and maintenance fees,and during 2006,some target marketing
activities happen to augment a modest advertising media investment as parts of the Bayham Culture Plan
are brought into market readiness.
.2 Promotional/Advertising Applications
Trade Advertising
Trade advertising in the Ontario Tourism Marketing Partnership's media to promote Bayham beginning
in 2006 in a variety of sizes and in concert with market readiness of venues,events and product offerings.
Additional trade advertising to motor coach tour operators and automobile clubs is budgeted in 2009
formally. However,the activity of communicating with travel writers,tour operators and auto clubs can
be a staff function in earlier years.
Print Media
Print resources would be split between the following categories:
• Specialized target media
• Community newspapers
• Daily newspapers
Banner Advertising
This activity ties back to the web strategies of creating a community by linking Bayham's website to
other sites.In a paid sense,banner advertising on favourable websites that would click visitors to the
Bayham site would include:
• Boat sites
• Travel associations sites
• Camping associations
• Bird watching groups
• Personal water craft,kite sailors,wind surfing
PAGE 6-7
6.3 Advertising Plan
.1 Planning
The advertising strategies mirror the recommendations made in the Bayham Culture Plan,including
introduction of new venues and targeting approaches. Appendix N outlines the proposed five year
The Plan purposes foundational activities for 2005 that become the building blocks for the next five years.
Short Term-2005 to 2006
Foundational activities include the following activities for 2005 and 2006,with 2005 focussing on
organization and development tasks. These two years reflect current market-readiness in terms of
products,venues and events.
O Reface the current website with new branding and revised
content for the balance of 2005.
• Replacement of all outdoor signage with new Brand.
• Revisions to remaining collateral materials with new branding
• An official public launch of the revised branding February,2006.
Mid Term-2007 and Beyond
A split plan is offered beginning in 2009 where two budget-ranges are offered for consideration: a full-
blown plan including Edison Homestead Complex activities and an abbreviated plan that precludes this
PAGE 6-6
.8 Measurement of Marketing Return on Investment
With proper calibration,the website can become the measurement device to measure marketing Return on
Investment(ROD.When ads appear,these should be a marked increase in web visits.Web visits and hits
would reflect marketing investments and provide the Return on Investment to monitor the Market Plan's
success. Surveys should also be conducted at all major tourist sites throughout the Municipality of
Bayham every two to three years to determine:
• Where visitors are coming from
• Lengths of stay
• How visitors found out about Bayham and/or the venue(s)
• Other data to suggest future marketing strategies and promotional campaigns
.9 Search Engine Optimization and Linking
One of the criteria for increasing preference for websites on popular search engines is to create
communities with links to other sites.In Appendix III there are a wide range of websites devoted to some
of the target prospects mentioned under Target Audiences.Linking strategies will expand Bayham's
online community offering to a wide range of prospects in order to augment the search engine value of the
Bayham site and result in elevated priorities for Bayham's online offering.
In addition,a modest fee has been allocated to buy preference among the top search engines: Google and
PAGE 6-5
6.3 Advertising Plan
.1 Planning
The advertising strategies mirror the recommendations made in the Bayham Culture Plan,including
introduction of new venues and targeting approaches. Appendix IV outlines the proposed five year
The Plan purposes foundational activities for 2005 that become the building blocks for the next five years.
Short Term-2005 to 2006
Foundational activities include the following activities for 2005 and 2006,with 2005 focussing on
organization and development tasks. These two years reflect current market-readiness in terms of
products,venues and events.
• Reface the current website with new branding and revised
content for the balance of 2005.
• Replacement of all outdoor signage with new Brand.
• Revisions to remaining collateral materials with new branding
▪ An official public launch of the revised branding February,2006.
Mid Term-2007 and Beyond
A split plan is offered beginning in 2009 where two budget-ranges are offered for consideration: a full-
blown plan including Edison Homestead Complex activities and an abbreviated plan that precludes this
PAGE 6-6
There are a number of components to the advertising plans, including creative development media,
planning and placement,website updates and maintenance fees,and during 2006,some target marketing
activities happen to augment a modest advertising media investment as parts of the Bayham Culture Plan
are brought into market readiness.
.2 Promotional/Advertising Applications
Trade Advertising
Trade advertising in the Ontario Tourism Marketing Partnership's media to promote Bayham beginning
in 2006 in a variety of sizes and in concert with market readiness of venues,events and product offerings.
Additional trade advertising to motor coach tour operators and automobile clubs is budgeted in 2009
formally. However,the activity of communicating with travel writers,tour operators and auto clubs can
be a staff function in earlier years.
Print Media
Print resources would be split between the following categories:
• Specialized target media
• Community newspapers
▪ Daily newspapers
Banner Advertising
This activity ties back to the web strategies of creating a community by linking Bayham's website to
other sites.In a paid sense,banner advertising on favourable websites that would click visitors to the
Bayham site would include:
• Boat sites
• Travel associations sites
• Camping associations
• Bird watching groups
• Personal water craft,kite sailors,wind surfing
PAGE 6-7
• Historic travelers
• Day trippers,families,old auto enthusiasts for Blues Festival
• Educators
• Ontario Tourism Marketing Program sites and Canadian Tourism Association sites, etc.
• Photographers
• Astronomers
• Entertainment listing for Blues Festival
Collateral Materials
For all years,budget allocations have been identified to produce printed literature for distribution through
Ontario Tourism Marketing Partnership sites across Ontario.In most years,we identified a modest budget
to pay for distribution of literature across Ontario Tourism sites.
Television Advertising
For 2009 to 2010,a modest budget line was added for Broadcast TV advertising assuming new venues
are market ready.
6.4 Summary
The plans are detailed in 2006 and 2007 and become increasingly general up to 2010 as it is difficult to
know what media will exist at that time and what venues will be market-ready in those years.In general,
the recommended budget lines in the Bayham Culture Plan have been adopted for the planning of all
advertising expenditures.
PAGE 6-8
7.1 Overview
In support of the implementation of the Bayham Culture Plan, a series of recommendations have been
developed that establish a direction for the Bayham Culture Committee and the Municipality of Bayham
to consider. Implementation is a key dimension of the achievement of the Vision and Mission of the Plan.
It will require fmancial, human, community development and other initiatives and resources in order for
the proposed strategies to be achieved.
7.2 Organizational Design
How the municipality organizes itself to pursue the strategies within the Bayham Culture Plan will be a
key success factor.Three development and delivery bodies/entities are being identified:
• Museums and Heritage
• Tourism and Community Marketing
• Port Burwell Museum and Erie Winds Interpretation Centre
The rationale for a three track strategy is that these functions/focuses are uniquely different.Tourism and
community marketing represents a community-wide focus, with strong technical dimensions relative to
marketing. It also has significant linkages to broader economic development initiatives within the
municipality and the county, private investment and operators, potentially significant senior government
partnerships and contacts related to the waterfront and other considerations. The second body I entity
focuses on the specific technical and service delivery / operations perspectives associated with the
community's museums and heritage. These will have a much stronger volunteer basis in terms of both
governance and service delivery. It also has a narrower but deeper technical focus and are primarily
linked to community-based assets and resources and their direct day to day operations.
Therefore, three organizations are deemed to be more appropriate. They represent significant
consolidations of effort in order to generate economies and efficiencies, develop greater critical mass,
better utilize resources and provide considerably greater connectivity to the Bayham Culture Plan's
strategies that support more integrated marketing and their operational activities.
PAGE 7-1
.1 Tourism and Community Marketing Committee
This group would be established by the municipality and would focus on the tourism development and
community marketing components of the Plan. It would work extensively with the private sector, senior
government levels and the municipality in order to:
a Pursue the Plan's recommendations in regards to waterfront development, trail and related supports
development,Main Street redevelopment,festivals and events,wind power and tourism opportunities
integration,tourism packages, etc.
• Development, management and implementation of the branding and core messaging marketing
initiatives,as well as the annualized tactical marketing and promotional endeavours.
The first task would be associated with infrastructure development related to tourism, ranging from
attractions and infrastructure to the development and encouragement/ facilitation of visitor services and
other supports. The second task would focus on a breadth of community marketing strategies, including
supports to festivals and events and working with the community to identify one or two signature events
and festivals.
The Tourism and Community Marketing Committee involves a repositioning of the current Tourism
Committee within the current economic development portfolio. It is suggested that the following
membership configuration be considered for the Committee:
• The Mayor and two Municipal Councillors.
• The Chief Administrative Officer and one other connected staff person.
• Six individuals living in the community and/or associated with tourism operations, including one
from Museums,Bayham and one from a festival and event.
• A potential representative from the St. Thomas-Elgin Tourism Association
• A potential representative from the Port Burwell Provincial Park.
This Committee will also likely divide its work into sub-groups around the individual projects and annual
marketing work. Six sub-groups are identifiable at this time in pursuit of the Plan's recommendations
and strategies:
PAGE 7-2
• The Bayham's Trail Coalition which would be responsible for pursuing the trail initiatives in terms
of developing a Master Plan and subsequent venues development and operations. This could be
supplemented through a Trillium Grant in terms of financial resources and by service clubs and
• The Marketing Committee which would be responsible for developing the annual marketing
program,the branding strategy, market development and related initiatives.
• The Tourism Packages Committee which would be responsible for developing and promoting the
Eco-Tourism,Agri-Tourism,hunting and other tour-based products.
• Waterfront Development Task Force that would work with the municipality on the development of
Each Beach in Port Burwell in terms of priorities, design, etc. This group would also be responsible
for pursing private operators and creating an appropriate environment for the development of a
marina in the outer harbour at Port Burwell.
• The Main Street Renewal Task Force that will work with the municipality on the renewal of the
"Main Streets" of Port Burwell and Vienna,and potentially Straffordville.
▪ Special Events and Festivals Committee that would focus on the development of two signature
festivals and the provision of technical, marketing and other supports for the range of festivals and
events that occur across Bayham.
The Committee would be provided funds to pursue the marketing program on an annualized basis. This
would need to be in the order of$50,000 to $100,000 per year. In addition, the mandate would move
quickly to initiate three forms of infrastructure development for tourism:
• One or two signature special events and festivals
• Infrastructure development, involving the East Beach,hiking trails and the village"Main Streets."
• Working with the provincial park, private operators and others to develop enhanced attraction and
visitor support services and infrastructure.
PAGE 7-3
.2 Museums Bayham
Creating a single museum entity, "Museums Bayham," as an umbrella organization for the two existing
museums and heritage development is proposed, along with genealogy support services and visitor
packages. Features of this new entity would be:
• Governance by a single board of at least twelve members which would include a municipal staff
liaison position, a municipal councillor, and expert staff representation from a professional heritage
facility, such as the Elgin County Archives plus eight community members.
6 Assistance by a Friends of Museums Bayham group composed of volunteers who would assist in
museums operations at either one or both venues and related to fundraising activities. A Friends
Group, providing volunteers and fundraising supports, could be established for each venue if this
strategy was deemed appropriate.
Bayham's two museums presently have individual budgets, boards which already share overlapping
members, and individual volunteer groups. Budget amounts for each museum appear to be allocated
arbitrarily with no reference to visitation levels or programs.
The creation of a single entity would offer efficiencies in resources, time and communications, and
channel energy and efforts by board members and volunteers in a common direction. It would also create
a greater critical mass and focus for museums and heritage,reduced competition and enhanced marketing
and operations.
.3 Port Burwell Museum and Erie Winds Interpretive Centre Task Force
One of the major possible, longer term strategies identified in the PIan is the development of the Port
Burwell Museum and Erie Winds Interpretive Centre which integrates the Port Burwell Museum and
Lighthouse, the emerging wind energy opportunities and connectivity to the Erie shore features, history
and natural landscape. This initiative crosses over between both the museum and heritage functions and
the tourism and marketing functions. It also has a project orientation in terms of its development.
Since this initiative touches both the heritage and the tourism /recreation development perspective, it is
recommended that a joint Task Force of representatives of the Tourism and Community Marketing
Committee and Museums Bayham come together to work on the development and the realization of this
possible future key component of the Bayham Culture Plan.
PAGE 7-4
It is suggested,that this Task Force would have eight individuals as follows:
• Four individuals from the Tourism and Community Marketing Committee
• Four representatives from the Board of Museums Bayham
• Of the eight individuals, at least two should be representatives of Municipal Council, two should be
staff persons from the municipality and one from the Museum.
• The primary responsibility for this group will be to investigate the feasibility, pursue funding and to
develop the design, development and business plans necessary to assess the feasibility and the
opportunities associated with moving this potential key tourism and heritage building block forward.
7.3 Staffing Strategies
The acquisition of staffing resources is a central part of the Plan in order to move qualitative, operational,
access to grants and other initiatives forward.Two perspectives are offered in this area.
Tourism and Community Marketing
The staffing consideration for this strategy would involve the allocation of an existing municipal staff
person's time at a senior level to:
• Support the Tourism and Community Marketing Task Force in its various initiatives
• Undertake the delivery of the annual community marketing and advertising program.
These tasks could be supplemented by the achievement of a Trillium Grant or other supports, but will
require some allocation of municipal resources to provide adequate staffing support to these initiatives.
Without staffing support, annual consistency, access to resources and other support efforts will likely not
achieve the level,on a year-to-year basis,necessary to pursue the Plan as intended.
PAGE 7-5
Museums Bayham
The retaining of professional staff to be shared initially between the two museum sites is an important
heritage resources development and enhancement strategy. Staff positions should include the following
• A full-time museums' administrator / curator to be responsible for the daily management of the
operations and care of the collections and sites, working with the Board to develop and implement a
strategic plan integrated with a new Bayham Culture Plan.
• A part-time volunteer and visitor services co-ordinator to administer the volunteer program and assist
with reception,administrative,and other program duties to be retained later in the planning period.
• Shared custodial staff with municipal facilities.
Museum volunteers do not have the training and time needed to oversee the management of museum
facilities. The presence of professional staff, with regular hours, would encourage the development and
implementation of the necessary curatorial and public programs to ensure proper collection management
and visitor accessibility. A custodial position is important to keep facilities clean for collection safety
positive visitor perceptions and staff morale.
The retaining of professional museum staff would:
• Enable Bayham's museums to participate actively in the successful implementation of a
comprehensive cultural tourism plan
• Upgrade museum operations to meet Ontario Museum Operating Grant Standards, thereby allowing
potential access to provincial funding.
Once the future of the Port Burwell Museum and Erie Winds Interpretation Centre is established and
operated, consideration would be given to full time curators at both museum venues.
PAGE 7-6
8.1 Initiatives Staging and Responsibilities
Table 8-1 itemizes the individual recommendations, proposed timelines and lead development/action
responsibilities. This is a roadmap that will evolve based on community capacity, funding and
fundraising and the outcomes of a number of key planning initiatives.
Table 8-1
Bayham Culture Plan Implementation Program
Recommendations 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Future
Proposals Responsibility
Culture Plan Finalization June BCC
Trillium Grant Fall BCC
Application for Edison
Feasibility Study and
Business Plan
Organizational Fall Municipality
Development and
Considerations for 2006 Fall TMC
Municipal Budget
Market Plan for 2006 and December TMC
Visitor Signage Program
Museum Administrator/ February MB&
Curator Municipality
Signature Events/ February THC&
Festivals Selected Municipality
Trail Master Plan Fall TMC&
Completed Municipality
Main Street Strategy Fall Municipality
East Beach Plan Fall TMC&
Completed Municipality
2007-2009 Market Plan December on- on- on-going on-going MTC&
and Tourism Packages going going Municipality
PAGE 8-1
Table 8-1
Bayham Culture Plan Implementation Program
Recommendations 2005 2006 —2007 2008 2009 Future
Proposals Responsibility
Feasibility and MB&
Business Plans-Edison Municipality
Homestead Complex
• Completed March. MB
• Implementation Fall Ongoing Ongoing MB&
and Municipality
• Potential March MB&
Opening Municipality
Implementation of March Ongoing Ongoing TMC
Signature Events/
Trail Development April Ongoing Ongoing TMC
Launched Municipality
Interim Wind Energy May
Visitor Centre TMC
Main Street Program May Ongoing Ongoing Municipality
East Beach Development Municipality
• Improvements/ May
• Festival Centre May
• Beach House •
Museum Staff Additions February MB&
Erie Winds Interpretation * MB,TMC&
Centre Municipality
*Legend: BCC—Bayham Culture Committee, MB —Museums Bayham, MTC—Tourism and Marketing
PAGE 8-2
For 2005,focus on completing the Plan and key preparatory work as follows:
• Finalizing of the Bayham Culture Plan
• Undertaking in the fall, the organizational development requirements recommended to pursue the
c Launch of the Edison Homestead Complex Feasibility Study and Business Plan via a Trillium Grant.
• Development of the 2006 Marketing Program.
• Preparing for funding consideration in the municipality's 2006 budget.
For 2006, the tasks are focused on pursuing planning initiatives as a basis to undertake launches of
various development initiatives in 2006,2007 and beyond. The key tasks involve:
• Retaining of the Administrator/Curator for the Museums.
• Developing a signature special events/festivals strategy.
• Developing a Trail Master Plan through the use of a volunteer group of community members and
• Development of a Main Street Program/Plan.
• Development and launch of Bayham Tourism Packages and Tours, including a genealogy support
• Development of a Plan for the long term development of East Beach, assess and the pursuit of a
marina development initiative.
si Preparation of the 2007 Marketing Plan.
• Finalization of a Comprehensive Feasibility Study and Business Plans for the developments
associated with the Edison Homestead Complex. This will be a major undertaking to be based on a
strong Terms of Reference that will facilitate the necessary assessments and changes focusing on:
• Purpose,scope and intent
PAGE 8-3
• Programming
• Staffing,marketing,etc.
• Operating proformas and funding sources,both capital and operating,fundraising plan,etc.
u Ongoing refreshment strategies
In 2006 the primary focus is key planning and preparation. There are a number of key plans that need to
be developed,bylaws prepared, funding investigated,redevelopment work undertaken, etc. Each of these
initiatives will need its own separate work program in order to facilitate the significant changes proposed
to commence in 2007.
2007 is designed as the first full implementation year,focusing on:
4 Implementation of the signature events I festivals strategy.
• Trail development initiated on multi-phased basis, based on the Master Plan of 2006. This initiative
would be co-ordinated by the Tourism and Marketing Committees and local service clubs and
• The Main Street program would be launched as per the Plan's outcomes by the municipality.
• The East Beach development initiative would begin with improvements to the beach and a bridge to
the Provincial Park.
• The Marketing Plan for 2008 would also be established.
2007 is a pivotal year in that events move from planning to implementation on numerous fronts.
For 2008,the tasks are primarily continuing 2007's momentum,related to:
▪ An interim Wind Energy Visitors Centre should be established as a prelude to future development of
an Erie Winds Interpretative Centre.
• Launch of fundraising for the major heritage assets.
• Continuation of the signature events and festivals strategy.
• Development of ongoing phases of the trail system.
PAGE 8-4
• The Main Street program initiative continuing.
• Potential festival centre development on East Beach.
• The 2009 marketing program.
2009 would be the first potential year for the opening of the Edison Homestead Complex initiative. The
Museum's opening will be dependent on fundraising capacity and the results of the feasibility studies and
business plans. Other tasks include:
• Ongoing implementation of the signature festivals and events and trail development strategies would
continue,along with the Main Street program.
• The 2010 marketing program would be developed.
In 2009, additional museum staff would need to be considered, either through the major initiatives
identified in the Plan or in support of the current initiatives as per the part time visitor services 1 reception
Three potential culture and tourism infrastructure projects have been identified as important
considerations for the Bayham Culture Plan based on the research and inputs. However, their scale, the
funding available and other dimensions suggests that they represent future prospects at this time. These
• The Erie Winds Interpretive Centre that would form part of the Port Burwell Museum and
• A beach house development on the East Beach.
• A Port Burwell marina.
The Erie Winds Interpretive Centre is a creative concept that links together the Port Burwell Museum and
Lighthouse; the wind energy initiative within the community; and interpretation opportunities associated
with the natural features and history of the Erie shoreline,the Carolinian forest, the birds and butterflies,
etc. The potential for a diversity of components results in the ability to address variable interests of
visitors to Bayham at both information and educational levels, along with school groups, special interest
groups and the potential to develop special events and related programming.
PAGE 8-5
A Port Burwell location is the centrepoint to the tourism in the community due to the beaches,the harbour
and the current branding value that exists within the Port Burwell name. The ability to pursue this will
require significant funding and preparatory work,and likely rests as a future prospect beyond 2009.
Another major project that could contribute to the Port Burwell area is the development of a beach house
on East Beach. A similar facility developed in 2000 in Grand Bend cost approximately $550,000. It
would contain washrooms, concessions, storage areas and potentially a viewing gallery on the roof to
facilitate beach-oriented events, such as judging,VIP spectators seating,etc.
A third consideration for future prospects is the marina. The plan does not propose the municipality be the
developer and operator of a marina, but rather a facilitator for its development.Marina projects have been
proposed in the past, and Port Burwell represents one of the last undeveloped marina prospects on the
Lake Erie shore. It is proposed that in 2006, initiatives be developed and pursued by the municipality to
develop the environment that will attract a prospective investor to the area. However, it is anticipated that
several years will be needed in order to formalize any arrangements and to bring this project to fruition.
8.2 Roles and Responsibilities
Table 8-1 also indicates where the initiation responsibilities reside for each of the various initiatives
identified. Many of these projects will require both staff and volunteer supports to bring them to fruition.
Projects that would have volunteer/service club leadership orientations are as follows:
• Trail Master Plan preparation and ongoing implementation/trail development
• Festivals and events strategy
Projects that will need volunteer committee and municipal support are as follows:
• Development and marketing of tourism visitor packages.
• Annual tourism marketing plans.
• Feasibility Assessment and Business Plan for the Edison Homestead Complex.
East Beach improvements.
PAGE 8-6
Projects that would be primarily municipal responsibilities are as follows:
• Organizational development and reorganization towards the proposed new committee structure.
• Main Street development/improvement program
• East Beach festival centre
• Museum staffing strategies
It is recognized, that the various initiatives will have multiple timing considerations in terms of funding
availability and the results of the feasibility studies. Therefore, this table is a template to guide general
expectations and target dates. One of the most significant components would be the Edison Homestead
Complex development and,in the future,the potential Erie Winds Interpretative Centre.
8.3 Marketing Plans and Tourist Packages
For the Marketing Plans within the proposed framework, the following elements would need to be
• Strategic marketing related to branding and core messaging.
• Tactical annual marketing programs in terms of promotion and advertising activities
• A signage program which is proposed to be initiated in 2006 and then enhanced on an annual basis as
opportunities unfold.
• Tourism packaging which attempts to develop and market packages involving accommodations,food,
attractions admissions, etc.for:
• Eco-tourism
▪ Agri-tourism
• Wild Turkey hunts
• Museum Tours
• Special Events
• Genealogy Services
PAGE 8-7
The tourism packaging strategy will need to be considered by the Tourism and Community Marketing
Committee on a facilitation basis that brings together the various operators and service providers. It will
also need to be undertaken in concert with other tourism organizations, such as the St. Thomas - Elgin
Tourism Association. One of the key challenges of the tourism packaging initiative will be gaining the
confidence and the participation of the individual operators who will be providing the actual service to the
PAGE 8-8
8.4 Costing and Funding Considerations
Table 8-2 provides a preliminary costing related to the major initiatives. It does not include increased
operating costs for East Beach development initiatives, Main Street initiatives or subsidies in support of
the ongoing operating/fully developed Erie Winds Interpretative Centre and Edison Museum.
Table 8-2
Preliminary Costing Profile
2006 2007 2008 2009 Future
Annual Marketing Plans 50,000 50,000 62,500 87,500 100,000+
Administrator/Curator(full cost) 40,000 67,000 70,000 72,000 75,000
East Beach
• Improvements 50,000
• Festival Venue 100,000
O Beach House 500,000
Trail Development 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000
Main Street 25,000 25,000
Edison Homestead Complex 50,000 1,000,000
Port Burwell Museum and Erie Winds 1,500,000
Interpretation Centre
Total 240,000 142,000 182,500 1,284,500 2,200,000
Figures do not include increased
operating costs/subsidies for:
East Beach
Main Street Program
Edison Homestead Complex
Future Prospects
The figures also reflect a mix of operating and capital requirements in terms of the significant new dollars
for each major initiative.
PAGE 8-9
The following considerations were developed on a year to year basis.
Initial marketing funds are provided to start a program that will evolve over time. The numbers increase
from year to year to reflect new services coming on stream and intensifying activity. Also included are:
• $50,000 is allocated to marketing supports.
• $40,000 identified for an Administrator/Curator to be retained in February. This figure is a total cost
involving salary,benefits,travel,training, space,etc.
• $50,000 in improvements for 2005 for East Beach.
• $25,000 is allocated to support a trail development initiatives and goes forward on an ongoing basis.
• $25,000 is provided for Main Street Plan to be developed in terms of external resources,etc.
• $50,000 to undertake Feasibility and Business Plans for the Edison Homestead Complex.
• Total $240,000.
• Marketing Program is increased to$50,000
• A small increase has been identified for the Administrator/Curator to reflect a full year
• The trail project continues at$25,000 per year.
• The total program cost is$142,000.
• The Marketing Program grows due to the institution of the events / festival strategy and other
growing initiatives relative to the trail,Main Street,etc.
• The Administrator/Curator cost increases marginally.
• The total program is $184,500
PAGE 8-10
• Marketing grows significantly as new features are coming on stream, including the potential Edison
Homestead Complex.
• Administrator/Curator costs increase marginally.
• Festival Centre at Port Burwell is added
• Trail development continues
• $1,000,000 for the Edison Museum Complex Project(Preliminary estimate)
• A total program of$1.284 million was identified.
Future Prospects
• A growing allocation for marketing to reflect the addition of the Edison Homestead Complex, Erie
Winds Interpretive Centre,etc.
• Small increase relative to the Administrator/Curator
• Additional opportunities for Beach improvements plus funds allocated to support a Beach House
venue at East Beach.
▪ Trail development could continue
• Erie Winds Interpretation Centre could reach$1.5 to$2.0 million.
• Projected future costs are$2.2 million
PAGE 8-11
83 Funding Sources
A number of funding sources have been identified in support of the implementation of the Phase I
recommendations of the Bayham Culture Plan.
Ontario Trillium Foundation
This Foundation funded the initial Bayham Culture Plan and has the potential to be a source of funding to
support four key initiatives within the Plan:
• The Feasibility and Business Plans for the Edison Homestead Complex
• Fundraising plan development and coordination for the major projects
• Marketing Plan development
• Volunteer lead trail development
Applications will need to be made,initially by the Bayham Culture Committee,for the first component
involving the Edison Homestead Complex Feasibility Study Business Plan.
Increasing Participation in Physical Activity and Sport-Communities In Action Fund
This is a funding program of the Ministry of Tourism and Recreation designed to support the growth in
physical activity and sport. Its application within the Bayham Culture Plan is as follows:
• Marketing support for the trail development program
• Marketing and related supports for the beach development initiative
4 Marketing support for the hiking packages,tours,bike packages,etc.
The municipality will need to be creative in this regard,but municipalities are receiving funding to
develop plans to enhance community participation in physical activity,of which hiking,walking,
bicycling,beach activities,etc.would qualify. The Phase II grant intake is in the summer of 2005.
Contact can be made with the local Ministry office in London on Exeter Road and at 873-4482.
PAGE 8-12
Culture and Recreation Infrastructure Plan-Ontario
In the week of May 16t 2005,the Ontario government announced a Culture and Recreation Infrastructure
Renewal Program designed to enhance and develop culture and recreation infrastructure in local
communities. This will be a matching capital grants program similar to the current infrastructure
Details about the scope of this program, eligible projects, application processes,etc.have not been
published to date and are expected before the end of June in the summer of 2005. It is Iikely,that funds
will flow through specific ministries which, in the case of the Bayham Culture Plan, could be the Ministry
of Tourism and Recreation.
This program has potential for the Edison Homestead Complex,East Beach improvements and trail
development projects.
Community Museum Operating Grants—Ontario
This program operates on a sliding scale program of grants to community museums. Museums must, in
order to qualify,have a full time dedicated curator and be established for the purpose of acquiring,
conserving, studying, interpreting, assembling and exhibiting to the public for its instruction and
enjoyment, a collection of artifacts of historical interest. The contact person is Dr.John Carter,Museum
Advisor at(416)314-7151.
This would be an operating grant that could be supportive to the curator position as proposed. However,a
curator needs to be in position first in order to qualify for the grant. A full discussion with Mr.Carter
would be required in order to identify timing, eligibility,etc.that will be addressed.
PAGE 8-13
Canadian Department of Heritage—Museum Assistance Program
This program is marketing-based eligible to museums that are incorporated,not for profit organizations,
though municipalities may apply. The museums must be accessible year round,but not necessarily open,
and there must be evidence of significant community and municipal support.
This program has three funding envelopes, is matching-based and requires a curator to be in place:
• Touring exhibitions
• Aboriginal Museum start up
• Organizational development, which assists museums to attain professional standards in management
and operations and museums specific projects which rationalize and improve delivery of service.
This is not an operating grant,but one time funding.Two opportunities may exist:
• The bringing in of touring exhibitions to enhance both of the existing museums
• Facilitation funds to assist the organizational development of the new Museums Bayham
organization, as well as to achieve the standards necessary for provincial funding.
The contact is Tracy Marsh at(705)728-2080.
Canadian Department of Heritage—Canadian Arts and Heritage Sustainability Program
This is a matching-based,project-based funding with no operational support, designed to strengthen
organizational effectiveness and build capacity by supporting modem management and greater financial
stability. A curator in place is a requirement.
The contact person is Tracy Marsh,Program Officer of the Department of Canadian Heritage at(705)
PAGE 8-14
Department of Canadian Heritage—Cultural Spaces Canada
Cultural Spaces Canada offers funding for planning and feasibility studies for museums to improve,
renovate and construct arts and heritage facilities. New regulations involving criteria,program priorities
and guidelines will be released at the end of May 2005.
Museums must be incorporated,not for profit organizations with at least one full time paid staff person
and an active public program in place. The museums must offer a high level of access to the public and
have commitments from the community and municipality. Indications are that they would need to see the
Culture Plan before determining any eligibility for funding under this program.
The contact person is Beverly O'Connell, Senior Arts Consultant,Cultural Spaces Canada at(416)973-
The Ontario Rural Economic Development Program
The provincial government,through the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food,has had the Ontario
Rural Economic Development Program to support economic development in rural areas of Ontario.
Programs have ranged widely over the years in terms of what will be supported. Some communities have
used this funding for tourism marketing plans and development. In terms of current Ministry of
Agriculture and Food funding reductions,the programs capacities are being reassessed until more details
are published.
Contact can be made with Helen LeFrance at the Elgin Economic Community development corporation,
or the local office of the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food.
Ministry of Tourism and Recreation
Periodically,the Ministry has funding programs in support of regional-based marketing initiatives and has
developed the Premiere Ranking Tourism Planning Process for communities,usually at a county level.
Contact with the Elgin-St.Thomas Tourism Association would identify if the Premiere Ranking Program
is being considered for Elgin County and whether a more integrated marketing approach could be
achieved across the County of Elgin.
PAGE 8-15
It is anticipated that fundraising will be a significant consideration,relative to generating the financial
resources for the implementation of the Bayham Culture Plan. Key initiatives would likely involve:
• Service clubs and hiking associations being involved in support of the trail system
• A major fundraising initiative for the Edison Homestead Complex, involving community, corporate
and municipal support
• Potential community participation in fundraising for the East Beach bridge, improvements and
festival area
The scope of the fundraising effort could involve the East Beach and trails and the Edison Homestead
Complex. The overall target could well be in the $500,000 plus range,which will represent a significant
The Municipality of Bayham will need to be part of the funding resources for the overall Plan's
implementations. The following are the key considerations:
• Support for the annual marketing program
• Investments in East Beach
c The Main Street improvement program, which could be through a Business Improvement Area
program and selected property tax allocations
• Capital contribution to the trails of potentially $10,000 per year and a future contribution to the
Edison Homestead Complex
• Increased operational support to the museums to reflect additional staffing.
In operating terms,the municipality could be involved with approximately$50,000 to $75,000 a year in
additional costs. From a capital perspective,this could involve over five years, $100,000 relative to trails
and East Beach. The scale of the capital contribution to the Edison Homestead Complex would need to
be determined relative to the outcomes of the Feasibility Study and Business Plan that are proposed to be
PAGE 8-16
Short List Themes
The following words and themes have been identified after an assessment of the longer list and the work completed at the
February 5,2005 at the Bayham Culture Committee workshop.
• Birds,Beach,Bounty—Bayham
• Easy to Reach. Difficult to Leave.
• Nature at its Best... Bountiful Bayham
• Nature at its Best... Beautiful Bayham
• Bountiful Bayham ... Nature at its Best
• Bountiful Bayham ... Nature at its Prime
• Erie's String of Pearls (also for website application)
• Windsongs, Watermarks,and Wildflowers
• Beacon of the North Shore (lighthouse image)
• The Beacon on Erie
• Erie's Heritage Shore
• Heritage on the Lake
• Erie's Secret Shore
• Proud History,Bright Future
• Erie's North Shore Playground
• Secret Treasures,Past and Present
• Explore our Treasure Map
• Undiscovered Treasures.... Explore Bayham
• Get Away from It All... Timeless Bayham
• Bayham, a place like no other
• Explore our Landmarks&Waterscapes
• Discover Bayham... Our History,Our Future
• Bayham-Our Future is Bright
• Rural Roots for Urban Adventurers
• Great Escapes.... Water, Sand,Fun
• Winding Roads,Unspoiled Shores....Bayham
• Winding Roads.Unspoiled Shores. Visit Bayham
• Unlock Our Heritage and Highlights
• Bayham,Your Road to the North Shore
• Unspoiled and Unique... Discover Bayham
• Easy to Find,Easy to Explore
• Where Heritage Meets Tomorrow
• It'll Take You Back... Naturally
• A Natural Place. Unlike Any Other
8 Just Add Water. Irresistible Bayham
• A Brush with the Past
Discussion List
As a basis to facilitate a discussion amongst key stakeholders, the following five regional identity slogans , branding
strategies have been developed.
• Strong discovery pull to the reader.
• Brings area history into play.
• Plays on both well-known lighthouse and shoreline images.
• Could blend old and new area icons.
Graphic Image
• Offshore view of lighthouse and immediate area,with birds,etc.
• Use of land, lake and beach imaging in a montage.
• Hatches a true back-to-basics message.
• Relaxation image to balance today's stressful lifestyle.
• Family content include word fun.
• Points direct to travel over land to a shoreline.
Graphic Image
• Mapping possibility, showing rolling,paved road leading to lake.
• Actual photographs could be utilized in ad campaigns.
• Places environment at the forefront.
• May appeal to future eco-tourist visitors.., hiking,wind farm,bike tours,etc.
• Unspoiled land and new discoveries emphasized.
• May increase appeal to growing number of tourism `purists'.
Graphic Image
• Natural beauty montage of beach,port,trails,wind turbines, etc.
• Use of natural tones and four-season images.
• Presents a strong geographic stand, good identity possibilities.
• Blends the best of history with the areas 'new world' facts(wind farm).
• Optimistic in every aspect,past,present, future.
• Makes a promise that the region has potential economically.
Graphic Image
• Not restricted to one approach... could be modified at intervals(seasons)to illustrate
that area's variety.
• Best start-point would be a bright sun image along the Port Burwell shore/harbor.
• Intriguing slogan that adds truth to available features of the area.
• People need a rural `pocket' that offers a distinct venue.
• Overall theme includes three messages,all somewhat overstated but attractive to target
• It's a strong word usage theme that could tire over time.
Graphic Image
• Open to interpretation at present, but could integrate distinct heritage with modem family
• Beach,trails and a museum piece(site or artifact)would be a probable blend of images.
Logo Proposal
Discover Bayham
wover Bay4440
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1411. 4. lin t4141$111110
tremorie Omen of ErieNinth Show
tocover Base4,
•iosCOVer aye
Beipbteit of Egiet North Show
mower Baykaa,
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Historic Beacon of Erie's North Shore
• HE!uric Beacon et Diet North Shaw
Promotional Contacts
Bayham Media Research
Bayham includes these communities and surrounding areas: Richmond,Calton, Straffordville,Vienna,Port Burwell,
Eden, Corinth,North Hall
Major surrounding cities/towns: Tillsonburg,Aylmer, Simcoe, St.Thomas
Print Advertising
Community Papers
PAPEl7 ': ;: Ciii Ul:Atic)N
�. .• :. 11f��1�A7`E i0�tt�a�st(#Uf:i�IbTE.�`
Simcoe Reformer M
9,125 - � $0.65 ���$60.00
Simcoe Tuesday Times Reformer 19,249 $0.73 $50.00 the Tues.edition of Reformer
Tillsonburg Independent News 10,520 $0.68 $51.00 Published Wed.
Tillsonburg News 5,113 $0.63 $51.00 div.of Independent, Pub Mon&Fri
Delhi News Record 2,002 $0.55 $51.00 Published Wed.
The Sentinel Review 7,999 $0.62 $50.00 Published Mon-Fri
The Oxford Review 30,587 $0.73 $50.00 Fridays&Saturdays
The Norwich Gazette 2,000 $0.39 $51.00
The Ingersoll Times 3,500 $0.49 $51.00
Lakeshore Shopper 39,926 $677 1/2 page Published Fridays
The Oxford Shopping News 28,284 $603 1/2 page Published Tuesdays
The Aylmer Express 4,036 $423.36 1/2 page $60.00 Published Wednesdays
St.Thomas Times Journal 29,637 Published Mon-Sat
The Elgin County Market 30,600 $419 1/2 page
Dorchester SignPost 2,297 $0.77 $50.00
The Londoner 102,000 $1500 1/2 page $29.00 Published Weekly
The London Free Press $3.96 $45.00
Cambridge Times 40,000 $1.60 $45.00 Published Tues.,Thurs.&Fri.
Guelph Tribune 40,000 $1.60 $45.00 Published Tues.&Fri.
Waterloo Chronicle 30,000 $1.32 $45.00 Published Wednesdays
New Hamburg Independent 3,400 $0.78 $90.00 Published Wednesdays
The Mississauga News Full City 192,000 $6.98 Published Wed., Fri.&Sun.
Mississauga This Week 67,000 $2.40 Published Wed., Fri.&Sun.
The Booster-Mississauga 45,000 $1.90 Published Wednesdays
The Toronto Star $15.34 Published Daily
Toronto Sun-Lifestyle or Travel 205,034 $3.77 Published Daily
Cambridge Reporter 50,000 $1.39 Published Tues.&Fri.
Oakville Beaver 42,000 $2.52 Published Wed., Fri.&Sun.
Scarborough Mirror 111,000 $3.97 Published Wed., Fri.&Sun.
Specialty Publications
Distributed Free in Schools,
London Kids Grocery Stores Day care, etc 150,000 $1,345
Free Bi-Monthly Travel Guide,
Daytripping Magazine promoting towns in S. Ontario 55,000(110,000 in July/Aug) $715
Scene Magazine London Entertainment 60,000 $674
Old Autos Car Enthusiast Magazine $656 Full Page
National Magazine for Outdoor
Explore Enthusiasts 25,600 (13,312 in Ontario) $3,400
Quarterly Magazines outlining
Ontario(Travel Magazines) destinations in Ontario 450,000 English 130,000 French $4,000
Magazine for nature and the
On Nature Magazine environment in Ontario 26,936 $1,250
Festivals& Events in A guide of events and festivals next year's
Ontario taking place in Ontario pricing to come
A parks guide listing all Ontario next year's
Ontario Parks Conservation areas pricing to come
A guide to summer attractions in next year's
Attractions Ontario Ontario pricing to come
Radio/TV Advertising
station Description <•
101.3 FM Easy Listening Tillsonburg
BX93 Country-London
Q97.5 Easy Listening London
102.3 BOB FM
103.9 The Hawk, Classic Rock-Woodstock
106.1 CIMJ FM,Adult Contemporary-Guelph
96.7 CHYM FM,Adult Contemporary- K/W
98.1 CHFI,Adult Contemporary-Toronto
104.5 CHUM FM,Adult Contemporary-Toronto
En Route The New PL
One Week$575-20 Occassions
Amtelecom Straffordville, Richmond, Prt Burwell all have
Amtelecom as Cable TV
Rogers Listings Channel 30 sec. Promotion (t(t)$349 per week
Promotion Ideas
1. Send an unaddressed mailing that has a map of stops in Bayham,Route
* WouId go to St.Thomas,London,Ingersoll,Tillsonburg,Aylmer, Simcoe
* Unofficial Shunpikers Tour
2.Watermelon Fest in Straffordville
3. Tub Daze in Port Burwell
4.Decorate Lighthouse for Christmas and send out invites
5. Outdoor Movie Night on the Beach/In the Park
6. Edison Festival of Lights—in park or at Museum
Blues Fans in Ontario
• List of 71 live blues venues in Ontario(obtain contact info and send Bayham Blues Fest information).
• Blues Societies in Canada—4 in Ontario
• Toronto Blues Society lists all upcoming Festivals(submit information)
• Site lists all festivals in Canada(get listed)
• Can also submit proposed press releases
Ontario Astronomy Clubs
Hamilton Amateur Astronomers-Hamilton,Ontario
McCallion Planetarium-Hamilton
North Bay Astronomy Club-North Bay,Ontario
North York Astronomical Association- Oshawa, Ontario
Royal Astronomical Society of Canada - Sarnia Centre
York University Astronomy Club-North York,Ontario
Belleville Astronomers Club—Belleville,Ontario
Markham District High School—Markham, Ontario
Ridley College Astronomy Club - St Catherines,Ontario
Toronto Sidewalk Astronomers-Toronto,Ontario
Birding Clubs and Individuals
Federation of Ontario Naturalists
This group provides Free Workshops and Tours. We could arrange a workshop to be held in Bayham.
They have 25,000 people who are either members or contribute money to this organization. They publish a Magazine
called ON NATURE Magazine. Rate Kit to follow.
Some Networks Connected to Federation of Ontario Naturalists
1 Essex County Field Naturalists'Club Windsor
1 Friends of Pinery Park j Grand Bend
Friends of Rondeau Morpeth
Friends of the Coves Subwatershed Inc. 1 London •
Hawk Cliff Foundation i St.Thomas
I Ingersoll District Nature Club ; Ingersoll
Lambton Wildlife Incorporated , Sarnia
Little River Enhancement Group I Windsor
Mcllwraith Field Naturalists of London Ontario Inc, 1 London
Naturalized Habitat Network j Essex i
Sarnia Urban Wildlife Committee 1 Sarnia
' St. Thomas Field Naturalists Inc, ; St. t Nomas
Sydenham Field Naturalists I Wallaceburg
West Elgin Nature CIub West Lome
a Alton Grange Association Alton
Bruce Peninsula Bird Observatory ; Tobermory '.
Eden Mills Millpond Conservation MsociatiPu [.td. Eden Mills
Friends of MacGregor Point Park I Port Elgin
' Friends of Sauble Beach ; Sauble Beach mm'
I Grey Bruce Children's Water Education Council # Chelsey
y •
Guelph Field Naturalists = Guelph
I Huron Fringe Field Naturalists Pine River
Kitchener-Waterloo Field Naturalists Kitchener-Waterloo
Owen Sound Field Naturlalists Owen Sound
Rankin Resource Group = Owen Sound
: Saugeen Field Naturalists Grey-Bruce
Stratford Field Naturalists : Stratford
Upper Fteld.Naturalists � : �.`- .� .:_,:.'.T., - •�• sr.-,-; s _. _ .;� . _ ..
I Orangeville '
j Bert Miller Nature Club of Fort Erie I Fort Erie
Sr . --
! Brant Field Naturalists I Brantford
1 Environment Hamilton Hamilton
1 Friends of Claireville
I Brampton
I Friends of Short Hills Park jFonthill
' r - L b 1.,''-'-'
Halton/North Peel Field Naturalists # Brampton/Georgetown
r r
_ 'FV
I Hamilton Naturalists' Club I Hamilton ��
1 Lover Grand River Land Trust Itis:. i Cayuga
- -
IA .N.1111ENV —111A111.11 ,
Nia� a Falk Nature lub Naga t C'�ill
(Niagara Restoration Council I St. C, theritt :.
Norfolk Field Naturalists
ISi mcc
- ___ ire,
I Ontario Vernal Pools Associai k+,1
7 Norval
1 Natural tur{Mists' Club I Niagara i`:;[insula
. ,y
' South Peel Naturalists' Club --t
IMississauga/Rik+1C1l:. _.._..,,
1 Woodstock Field Naturalists IWoodstoc
Birding Festivals Ontario
Birding in Prince Edward County
Held May 13-23
Huron Fringe Birding Festival
Held May 27-June 5
Port Elgin,Ontario
Ontario Birding Homepage
Simcoe/Chatham has large advertisement on website showing comfort in.
Elgin County Bird Watching
Hiking in Ontario
Hiking Clubs of Ontario—
Hike Ontario Member Clubs
Avon Trail,The
Box 21148, Stratford,ON,NSA 7V4
Bighead River Heritage Association(Trout Hollow Trail)
516 Ridge Road,Meaford,ON,N4L 1L9
Phone: 519-538-5415
Bruce Trail Association
Box 857,Hamilton, ON,L8N 3N9
Phone: 1-800-665-4453,905-529-6821
Nine Bruce Trail Clubs support the Bruce Trail Association.Each Club manages a
section of the Trail.To learn more about the nine Bruce Trail Clubs please visit their
Niagara Bruce Trail Club
Iroquois Bruce Trail Club
Toronto Bruce Trail Club
Caledon Bruce Trail Club
Dufferin Hi-lands Bruce Trail Club
Blue Mountains Bruce Trail Club
Beaver Valley Bruce Trail Club
Sydenham Bruce Trail Club
Peninsula Bruce Trail Club
Durham Outdoors Club
458 Charrington Ave., Oshawa,ON,L1G 7B2
Phone: 905-579-9025 or 905-725-2874
Elgin Hiking Trail Club
do Kettle Creek Conservation Authority,44015 Ferguson Line, St. Thomas,
ON,N5P 3T3
Phone: 519-633-3064
Elora Cataract Trailway Association
41 Mathieson St., Elora,ON,NOB 1S0
Phone: 519-846-5635,Fax: 519-846-5635
Ganaraska Hiking Trail Association
Box 693, Orillia,ON,L3V 6K7
Grand Valley Trails Association
75 King St. South,Box 40068,RPO Waterloo Square,Waterloo,ON,N2J
Phone: 519-576-6156
Guelph Hiking Trail Club
Box 1,Guelph, ON,N1H 6J6
Phone: 519-822-3672
Herring Belles Ladies Cross Country Skiing
83 Fairlawn Ave.,Toronto,ON M5M 1 S6
Phone: 416-489-1433
Humber Valley Heritage Trail Association
Box 273,Bolton,ON,L7E 5T2
Phone: 905-857-3743
Lost River Walks
35 Baycrest Avenue,Toronto,ON,M6A 1V9
Phone:416-781-7663,Fax: 416-781-9642
Maitland Trail Association
Box 443,Goderich, ON,N7A 4C7
Phone: 519-524-2845
Oak Ridges Trail Association
Box 28544,Aurora,ON,LAG 6S6
Phone: 1-877-319-0285 or 905-833-6600
Palmerston Trail Association,Inc.
Box 117,Palmerston, ON NOG 2P0
Phone: 519-343-3711
Rideau Trail
Box 15,Kingston, ON,K7L 4V6
Phone: 613-545-0823
Sudbury Hiking CIub/Club Randonnees de Sudbury
Box 22020, 555 Barrydowne, Sudbury,ON,P3A 6A1
Phone: 705-670-8580
Thames Valley Trail Association
Grosvenor Lodge, 1017 Western Road,London, ON,N6G 1G5
Phone: 519-645-2845
Fax: 519-645-0981
Thunder Bay Hiking Association
Box 10041,Thunder Bay,ON,P7B 6T6
Hiking Hotline 1-807-624-4271
Voyageur Trail Association
Box 20040, 150 Churchill Blvd., Sault Ste.Marie,ON,P6A 6W3
Phone: 705-779-3409 or toll free 1-877-393-4003,Fax: 705-799-1111
Wellesley Trails Association
1121 Queens Bush Road,Box 142,Wellesley, ON NOB 2T0
Phone: 519-656-2670
4 Day/Evening Walk Committee
1231 Nathaniel Cr.,Burlington,ON,L7S 2A6
Phone: 905-634-3998
A Stroll in the Park
High Park Hiking and Bicycle Club
78 Sutherland Dr.,Toronto,ON M4G 1H7
Later Living
Menesetung Bridge Association
Box 443, Goderich, ON,N7A 4C7
Phone: 519-524-6988
North York Senior Walkers
Ontario Trails Council
8 Garrett St.,P.O.Box 190, Sharbot Lake, ON KOH 2P0
Phone: 1-877-668-7245 or 416-410-2601
Sweet Josie Trails
RR 1, Deep River,ON,K0J 1P0
Phone: 613-584-2468
Fax: 613-687-2444
Waterfront Regeneration Trust
372 Richmond Street W., Suite 308,Toronto, ON,M5V 1X6
Fishing in Ontario
http://www.great-Iakes.org/fish ont.html
Fishing Associations
Blue Water Anglers
P.O.Box 174
Sarnia Ontario,Canada N7T 7H9
Long Point Bay Anglers Association
P.O.Box 991
Simcoe, Ontario,Canada N3Y 5B3
Ontario Sportfishing Guides Association
40 Sherwood Road East
Ajax, Ontario, Canada LIT 2Y9
Tel: 905-683-3214 Fax: 905-683-2872
Sydenham Sportsmen's Association
Box 264 STN MAIN
Owen Sound, Ontario, Canada N4K 5P3
Tel: 519-376-7177
www. bmts.com/—ssa/
Classic Car Clubs
RG Currently maintains a list of Car Events for 2005
RG Currently maintains a list of 67 active Car Clubs in Ontario
History/Science Teachers Ontario
Secondary Schools in surrounding School Boards
Thames Valley- 32
Grand Erie- 15
Niagara- 23
Hamilton/Wentworth 20
Waterloo Region 15
Avon/Maitland 10
Halton 26
Upper Grand 14
Peel 30
Toronto 111
* List could be obtained for the individual school,then generically addressed to History or Science Departments.
Photography Clubs in Ontario
There are several clubs in the area that allow photographers to post their photos.
Available Lists
Photo Life Subscribers(CS)
Subscribers to a magazine for photo buffs interested in wildlife,the environment,new product technology and industry
Curators and Museum Staff
This list could be obtained through InfoCanada.
Additional List Sources
Lifestyle Selector—Outdoors
Backpacker Magazine
Bicycling Magazine
Explore Magazine
Bass Pro Shop Canadian
Canadian Museum Catalogue
North American Fishing Club
Advertising Program and Charts
Project Marketing Plan 2005
Item Description PLAN A
Marketing Plan 2005
Creative Layout Design of campaign materials for 2006 launch. $1,000.00
Printing Collateral Printing one of campaign kits for launch. $1,500.00
Website Core Design of phase one website. $8,500.00
Online Media Banner advertising/linking. $2,000.00
Si.h fnfal hafora GSr 1.1:4 flan an
Project:Marketing Plan 2006
Item Description PLAN A
Marketing Plan 2006
Creative Layout Design of brochures,ads and collateral materials. $5,500.00
Ad Placement Placement of all media. $3,000.00
Printing Collateral Printing brochures. $10,000.00
Website Core Design of phase two website. $5,000.00
Website Updates Updating website throughout the year. $3,500.00
Search Engine Optimization of search engine results. $1,000.00
Direct Mail Direct Mail to Astronomy Clubs. $1,000.00
Direct Mail to Photography Clubs. $1,000.00
Trade Advertising OTMP Media including Ontario Travel,Ontario Nature,Festivals&Events, $3,000.00
Parks Ontario and Attractions Ontario.
Print Media Specialized Media including Old Auto,Scene,London Kids,Day Tripper, $8,000.00
Today's Senior and Explore.
Print Media Community Media including Beacon,Lake Shore Shopper,Elgin Market, $3,500.00
Aylmer Express,Norwich Gazelle,Dorchester Sign Post and Oxford Shopping
Print Media Daily Media including St.Thomas Times Journal,Tillsonburg News,Simcoe $3,500.00
Reformer and Oxford Review,
Online Media Banner advertising/linking. $2,000.00
Suh4otal before GST, $50,000.00
Project:Marketing Plan 2007
Item Description PLAN A
Marketing Plan 2007
Creative Layout Design of brochures,ads and collateral materials. $4,500.06
Ad Placement Placement of all media. $4,500.06
Printing Collateral Printing brochures. $10,000.0'
Website Updates Updating website throughout the year. $2,500.06
Search Engine Optimization of search engine results, $1,000.06
Direct Mail Direct Mail to Astronomy Clubs. $1,000.06
Direct Mail to Photography Clubs. $1,000.0'
Trade Advertising OTMP Media including Ontario Travel,Ontario Nature,Festivals&Events, $4,000.10
Parks Ontario and Attractions Ontario.
Print Media Specialized Media including Old Auto,Scene,London IGds,Day Tripper, $8,000.00
Today's Senior and Explore.
Print Media Community Media including Beacon,Lake Shore Shopper,Elgin Market, $5,000.0'
Aylmer Express,Norwich Gazette,Dorchester Sign Post and Oxford Shopping
Print Media Daily Media including London Free Press,K-W Record,Cambridge Times, $5,000.0'
Guelph Tribune,Simcoe Reformer and Tillsonburg News.
Online Media Banner advertising/linking. $2,500.06
Print Distribution Distribution of print materials. $1,000.06
Sub-total before GST $50.000.{i
Project:Marketing Plan 2008
Item Description PLAN A
Marketing Plan 2008
Creative Layout Design of brochures,ads and collateral materials. $7,500.00
Ad Placement Placement of all media. $5,000.00
Printing Collateral Printing brochures. $10,000.0C
Website Core Design of phase three website. $4,000.0C
Search Engine Optimization of search engine results. $1,000.00
Photography Development of image Bank. $1,000.00
Trade Advertising OTMP Media including Ontario Travel,Ontario Nature,Festivals&Events, $10,000.0C
Parks Ontario and Attractions Ontario.
Print Media Specialized Media including Old Auto,Scene,London Kids,Day Tripper, $10,000.00
Today's Senior and Explore.
Print Media Community Media including Beacon,Lake Shore Shopper,Elgin Market, $7,500.00
Aylmer Express,Norwich Gazette,Dorchester Sign Post and Oxford Shopping
Print Media Daily Media including London Free Press,K-W Record,Cambridge Times, $2 500.00
Guelph Tribune,Simcoe Reformer and Tillsonburg News.
Online Media Banner advertising/linking. $2,000.00
Print Distribution Distribution of print materials. $2,000.00
Sub-fetal hafnm( S7 $62,500.00
i I
Project:Marketing Plan 2009
Item Description PLAN A* PLAN B"
Marketing Plan 2009
Creative Layout Design of brochures,ads and collateral materials. $12.500.0C $9,000.r 0
Ad Placement Placement of all media. $10,000.00 $7,500.00
Printing Collateral Printing brochures. $12,000.0C $10,000.11
Website Updates Updating website throughout the year. $7,500.00 $5,000.00
Search Engine Optimization of search engine results. $2,000.0C $1,000.00
Photography Development of Image Bank. $2,000.0C $1,000.00
Press Relations Public relations, $4,000.00 $2,500.0+
Trade Advertising OTMP Media induding Ontario Travel,Ontario Nature,Festivals&Events, $10,000.0C $10,000.11
Parks Ontario and Attractions Ontario.
Print Media Specialized Media including Old Auto,Scene,London Kids,Day Tripper, $15,000.0C $10,000.00
Today's Senior and Explore.
Print Media Community Media including Beacon,Lake Shore Shopper,Elgin Market, $15,000.0C $7,500.00
Aylmer Express,Norwich Gazette,Dorchester Sign Post and Oxford Shopping
Print Media Daily Media including London Free Press,K-W Record,Cambridge Times, $10900.0C $5,000.01
Guelph Tribune,Simcoe Reformer and Tillsonburg News.
Online Media Banner advertisingilinking. $4,000.0C $2,500.00
Print Distribution Distribution of print materials. $4,000.00 $2,000.00
Broadcast Television. $20,000.0C $14,500.11
Plan A—Edison Homestead Complex
Plan B—Without Edison Homestead Complex
Sub-total before(AST tin_non_or 587.5ao_o I
F I I I i
Graphic Identity Guidelines
Project:Marketing Plan 2010
Item Description PLANA* PLAN B'"
Marketing Plan 2010
Creative Layout Design of brochures,ads and collateral materials. $25,000.00 $12,000.00
Ad Placement Placement of all media. $18,000.00 $9,000.00
Printing Collateral Printing brochures. $25,000.00 $14,000.0C
Website Updates Updating website throughout the year. $5,000.00 $4,000.00
Search Engine Optimization of search engine results. $2,000.00 $1,000.00
Trade Advertising OTMP Media including Ontario Travel,Ontario Nature,Festivals&Events, $20;000.00 $10,000.0C
Parks Ontario and Attractions Ontario.
Print Media Specialized Media including Old Auto,Scene,London Kids,Day Tripper, $20,000.00 $10,000.00
Today's Senior and Explore.
Print Media Community Media including Beacon,Lake Shore Shopper,Elgin Market, $20.000.00 $7,500.00
Aylmer Express,Norwich Gazette,Dorchester Sign Post and Oxford Shopping
Print Media Daily Media including London Free Press,K-W Record,Cambridge Times, $20,000.00 $5,000.00
Guelph Tribune,Simcoe Reformer and Tillsonburg News.
Online Media Banner advertisingninking. $10,000.00 $2,500.00
Print Distribution Distribution of print materials. $5,000.00 $2,000.00
Broadcast Television. $30,000.00 $23,000.00
Plan A—Edison Homestead Complex
Plan B—Without Edison Homestead Complex
Sub-total before GST S200.000.00 S100,000.01
over Bayj,
Gateway to Erie's Shore
Graphic Identity Guidelines
Bayham Logo Standards & Usage Guidelines
Purpose of the Standards
The purpose of a logo is to build a distinctive
identity. To convey Bayham's distinctive identity
through all communications, you must apply the
same standards consistently.Bayham's logo has been
professionally designed in order to encapsulate the
values that Bayham stands for within the industry it
serves. When you link your logo to advertising,
promotions and signage, you help to build its
meaning and reinforce the values it represents.Over
time, people will quickly and easily recognize your
advertising,promotions and signage.With repeated
and consistent use of the logo, people will come to iScover Bath
know what Bayham represents. They will recognize
you,trust you and buy your products or services. �� _
Usage Guidelines '
A corporate identity is designed for business purposes
only.It must not be used for personal,political or non-
business applications. Only authorized reproductions Gateway to Erie's Shore
of your logo are acceptable. Never create your own
version of the logo, in whole or in part. Your logo
should never be part of another symbol.
Nor should it be enclosed within a shape or
distorted with special effects such as a drop shadow
(unless professionally advised and implemented in a
standardized formula). The angle of positioning of
your logo is part of its specific identity.Therefore,it
should not be placed on an unusual angle unless
this is part of its design.
Bayham Logo Standards & Usage Guidelines
4 Colour (CMYK)
Whenever possible, it is preferable to use the colour
version of your logo. The colours communicate 15colt e2 Bay&
specific values that reinforce your corporate
identity. A professional designer has selected your
colour for its connotative value(what it communicates J !'
at a subconscious level).The colour version of your Gateway to Erie's Shore
logo must always be consistent with the Pantone
colours provided below. -
— — - — .yS cover Bay&
4 Light Grey:
- C:5 M:3 Y:2 K:O
r , Medium Grey:
C:27 M:19 Y:16 K:3
Gateway to Erie's Shore C:52 M:42 Y:31 K:33
1 Colour (Black)
Lightest Blue Mery rm Brllt Dark Blue
_ Black: cover Ravi,
K:100 91�
------ ---- Gateway to Erie's Shore
1 Colour(White)
Spacing Guidelines
The relationships between the elements have been +'}"' v t r '1%
carefully designed; the wordmark and the tagline
should be used together as a complete unit to form
the logo-
triateuit 1n F P11..%1rir+
To achieve its maximum impact, the logo should be
displayed "in the clear" with sufficient space Spacing
surrounding it. This will prevent it from appearing
confined and cluttered by adjoining copy or other
distracting visual elements. The minimum amount of vsc,ver Bay&
space required around the logo is shown in the diagram.
Gateway to Erie's Shore
Bayham Logo Standards & Usage GuidelinesEI
Unacceptable Applications
The logo has been created to function as an anchor
element in the expression of the Bayh:.m name.Only • C"'—„. :`')
: N
the approved form of the logo should be used.Under
no circumstances should an alteration or
distortion be accepted. ,
Colour variance weakens the effectiveness of the Gateway _r s S;iore
Bayham identity.When using Bayham's red or green,
do not accept approximate colour matching.
Where a different colour background is required, dn't`SGr 4
there must be high contrast between the logo and the 1
background.The logo may be in white when reversed
from a sufficiently deep background. On coloured
paper stocks or in design applications where the
background is very light,screened,or neutral,the logo
should appear as a positive version with strong Gateway tie's Shore
enough contrast to allow the mark to stand out.
The logo should always be large enough to make the ySCQv -ti"�.Pi
Gateway Shore
cover h
Ga w o Erie's S re
Bayham Logo Standards & Usage Guidelines111
Fonts Garamond BE - Regular
In the Bayham logo, the font GaramondBE and AB C D E F G H IJ KL
Adobe Garamond Bold was selected to fill the need
for a"classic and formal" face. M N O P QRSTU YjV1���j'(� j
11 1 Z
Complementary fonts for the logo include Frutiger abcdefghijkImrl.o
Roman as an "Modern and Simple" alternate
for headlines and other secondary uses. Adobe
Garamond,a universally available font,is recommended p qrs tuvwxyz
for the body of correspondence.
01234567891 • 3"@$&%{}"
These type families are readily available and useful for
all print and electronic applications. Adobe Garamond - Bold.
Type 1 AdobeTM fonts are preferred and are available for ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP
both Windows and Macintosh systems.
Following are notes on typography:
Gararnond abcdefghij klmno
Garamond, or Garamont, is related to the alphabet pgrs 1.1 l
of Claude Garamond (1480-1561) as well as to the n p
work of Jean Jannon (1580-1635 or 1658), much of 0123456789P "V$&%{}*
which was attributed to Garamond. In comparison
to the earlier Italian font forms,Garamond has finer
serif and a generally more elegant image. The
Garamond of Jean Jannon was introduced at the
Paris World's Fair in 1900 as `Original Garamond',
whereafter many font foundries began to cast
similar types.
` 1