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By-law No. 2006-026
THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO.2006-026 BEING A BY-LAW TO ADOPT THE ASSESSMENT ON WHICH TAXES SHALL BE LEVIED FOR THE YEAR 2006 AND THE CURRENT ESTIMATES FOR YEAR 2006. WHEREAS Section 290 of the Municipal Act, S.O. 2001, as amended provides that a local municipality shall in each year prepare and adopt estimates of all sums required during the year for the purposes of the local municipality, and; WHEREAS by action of the Province of Ontario, provision was made for the taking of the assessment of the Municipality by the Regional Assessment Commissioner, as the assessment on which the rate of taxation for the year 2006 should be levied; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the assessment contained in the assessment roll of the Municipality of Bayham as made pursuant to Province of Ontario Regulations,be hereby adopted and confirmed as the assessment of which the rate of taxation for the year 2006 shall be levied. 2. THAT the said assessment roll be hereby adopted and confirmed as the last revised assessment roll for the said Municipality. 3. THAT the current estimates appended hereto as Schedule"A"are hereby adopted. 4. THAT all by-laws inconsistent with the provisions of this by-law are hereby repealed. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 12TH DAY OF APRIL 2006. iii L� 1 Cr. i MAYOR - CLERK I I Municipality of Bayham Budget 2006 Date of Approval: April 12, 2006_ BUDGET INDEX Department Page General Taxation 4 Other Revenues 5 General Government 6 Council 7 Fire Services 8 Police Services 10 Conservation Authority 11 Other Protective Services 12 Bylaw Enforcement Services 13 Roads 14 Winter Control 15 Street Lights 16 Water 17 Waste Water 18 Waste Disposal 19 Health Services 21 Cemeteries 22 General Assistance 23 Parks & Recreation 24 Straffordville Community Centre 25 Vienna Community Centre 26 Libraries 27 Edison Museum 28 Marine Museum 29 Planning, Development&Tourism 30 Busines & Commerce 31 Tourism & Marketing 32 Environmental Services 33 Capital 34 Reserves & Reserve Funds 38 Municipality of Bayham 2006 Summary 2 Budget 005 Actual 2005 Budget Budget Change Revenues General Taxation 2,311,204 2,137,172 2,075,702 I 235,502 Other Revenues 1,354,015 1,303,699 1,291,000 63,015 GovernmentGeneral 34,189 27,472' 4,850 Council • 111 0 0 6,000 Fire Services 12,438 55,585 53,900 11 -41,462 Police Services 69,000 22,292 • 111 ' 111 • . Authority1 1 1 1 Other / - I =Services 50,000 138,300 36,500■ 13,500 Bylaw Enforcement Services . Ii1 • 111 1i Roads 447,265 457,287 382,351 64,914 LWinter .ret Lights 1 1 1 III 1 Water 311,158 318,213 301,288 9,870 Waste Water 385,500 366,277 374,520 ' • Waste Disposal 111 21,804 111 Ili1 ServicesHealth Cemeteries 1 1 III 1 General Assistance ME= 1 . 1 Parks&Recreation 11 ■ 11 • • - • 1 . 1 Menne. .Community Centre 18,000 22,881 M1114,500 11 3,500 EdisonLibraries 26,226 21,556111011 450 1 16,287 20,625 Marine Museum 12,840 i! "• • 1111Business& 1Environmental Services 14,127 21,555, 21,133 11 Capital 1,333,593 723,501 1,051,654281,939 MI 6,514,838 5,788,9375,857,061 11 657,777 Budget Chan!e General Taxation 1 1 1 0 Other Revenues 0 0 1N 0 GovernmentGeneral 422,639 395,778 11 56,501 Councii 71,050 65,204 62,437 11 8,613 Fire Services 301,970 300,370 316,175 11 -14,205 Police Services 714,852 643,286 645,343 1 69,509 Conservation Authority 26,376 25,178 • I 1,197 Other Protective Services 68,167 63,765 57,203 10,964 Bylaw Enforcement Services 73,053 :11 65,305 Roads ,087,245 1,083,254 • 1149,944 VVinter Control 83,300 • : 11, • 111 a Street Lights 42,500 50,326 43,750 11 -1,250 1 Water 311,158 318,214 301,288 9,870 Waste Water 385,500 366,278 374,520 10,980 Waste Disposal 381,100 341,997 353,500 27,600 Health Services 15,824 6,825 12,200 3,624 Cemeteries 11,000 8,831 11,000 0 General Assistance 7,500 4,495 5,000 2,500 Parks&Recreation 58,185 44,522 68,350 -10,165 Straffordville Community Centre 70,505 61,986 62,405 8,100 Vienna Community Centre 45,061 38,489 39,325 5,736 Libraries 24,296 19,917 23,700 _ 596 Edison Museum 54,910 40,497 46,240 8,670 Marine Museum 35,571 27,135 30,760 4,811 Planning,Development&Tourism 88,553 96,598 78,346 10,207 Business&Commerce 12,850 11,619 8,500 4,350 Tourism&Marketing 18,450 7,109 8,300 10,150 Environmental Services 35,870 36,743 51,238 -15,368 Capital 2,037,713 1,457,548 1,756,617 281,096 6,514,838 5,707,937 5,857,060 657,778 2 Municipality of Bayham 2006 Summary Net(Revenues)/Expenditures 2006 Budget 2005 Actual 2005Budget Bud et Chan_.e General Taxation -2,311,204 _ ! -235,502 Other Revenues -1,354,015 -1,303,699 -1,291,000 -63,015 General Government 419,957 388,450 _ 368,306_ 51,651 Council 65,050 65,204 62,437 2,613 Fire Services _ 289,532 244,785 262,275 27,257 Police Services 645,852 62.0,994 578,343 67,509 Conservation Authority 26,376 25,178 25,179 1,197 Other Protective Services 18,167 -74,535 20,703 -2,536 Bylaw Enforcement Services 47,053 47,067 41,605 5,448 Roads 639,980 625,967' 554,950 85,030 Winter Control 75,100 84,749 69,100 6,000 Street Lights 42,500 50,326 43,750 -1,250 Water 0 1 0 0 Waste Water 0 1 0 0 Waste Disposal 357,100 320,193 329,500 27,600 Health Services 15,824 6,825' 12,200 3,624 Cemeteries 11,000. 8,831 11,000 0 General Assistance 7,500 4,495 4,950 2,550 Parks&Recreation 51,585 39,495 64,250 -12,665 Straffordville Community Centre 53,005 38,005 45,655 7,350 Vienna Community Centre 27,061 15,608 24,825 2,236 Libraries -1,930 -1,639 -2,076 146 Edison Museum 29,560 24,211 _ 25,615 3,945 Marine Museum 22,731 17,387 17,920 4,811 Planning,Development&Tourism 69,053 45,555 59,346 9,707 Business&Commerce _ 8,850 7,844 3,500 5,350, Tourism&Marketing _ 18,450 7,109 8,300 10,150 Environmental Services 21,743 15,187 30,105 -8,362 Capital 704,120 734,047 704,963 -843 In Year Deficit(Surplus) 0 -81,000 -1 1 3 1Municipality of Bayham 2006 General Taxation 2006 Budget 2005 Actual 2005 Budget Revenues Residential&Farm 2,289,504 1,667,665 2,054,029 Multi-Residential 37,151 Commercial Unoccupied 2,953 Commercial Occupied 169,561 PIL recoverable&Railway 21700 21673 Industrial Unoccupied 219 Industrial Occupied 58,647 Pipelines 18,682 Farmlands 181,063 Managed Forests 1,231 2,311,204 2,137,172 2,075,702 Expenditures _ Writeoffs _ Tax Adjustments -1,436 Assessment Charges -33 0 0 -1,470 0 4 Municipality of Bayham F2006 Other Revenues 2006 Budget 2005 Actual 2005 Budget Revenues Grants&Subsidies _ 1107658 1,567,340 1,194,000 Sundry Revenue 2000 2,925 2,000 Interest on Taxes-Current 28000 32,664 30,000 Interest on Taxes-Prior _ 41000 44,391 40,000 Investment income 30467 29,720 25,000 Opening Surplus(Deficit) 81000 Transfer from ompf res 63,890 -373,341 1,354,015 1,303,699 1,291,000 5 Municipality of Bayham 2006 i _ General Government 2006 Budget 2005 Actual 2005 Budget Revenues Grants&Subsidies _ 222 222 222 Tax Certificates 6000 7,625 5,500 Fees&Service Charges 19100 18,525 14,250 Lottery Licences 7000 7,817 7,500 Contributions from Reserves 1 0 32,322 34,189 27,472 Expenditures _ Salaries&Wages _ 260217 237,959 231,517 Statutory Benefits 28634 21,246 23,150 Non-Statutory Benefits 39033 35,594 30,100 Payroll Service Charge 2700 2,825 2,300 Bank charges 1300 1,012 Internet Charges 850 795 600 Supplies 9500 8,130 8,500__ Computer Software&Support 9500 2,617 5,800 Utilities 10500 10,215 7,000 Subscriptions&Publications 700 912 500 Advertising 750 _ 1,123 750_ Association&Membership Fees 1700 1,930 1,750 Auditing Fees _ 6500 6,750 6,500 Building Maintenance 6200 7,003 6,000 Equipment Maintenance 12500_ 11,004 11,000 Grounds Maintenance 1250 922 2,000 Insurance 20945 19,240 19,211 Insurance Deductibles 5000 2,243 5,000 Legal Fees 2500 1,893 2,500 Postage&Courier 10500 9,092 12,000 Transfer to Reserve 19,846 Training&Education 4000 3,557 4,500 Conferences&Seminars _ 4500 _ 4,443 4,100 Travel 5000 _ 5,233 2,000 Telephone __ 5000 3,692 6,000 Sundry _ 3000 3,365 3,000 452,279 422,639 395,778 6 Municipality of Bayham 2006 Council 2006 Budget 2005 Actual 2005 Budget Revenues Nomination Fees Election Reserve 6000 Expenditures Salaries&Wages 51900 _ 52,218 50337_ Statutory Benefits 1750 _ 1,616 2500 Assodatio&Membership 1650 1,608 1600 Conferences&Seminars 4500 4,673 3750 Travel 750 904 750 Sundry 500 1,185 500 Election Expense 10000 3,000 3000 71,050 65,204 62,437 7 Municipality of Bayham _ _l 2006 _ Fire Department 2006 Budget 2005 Actual 2005 Budget Revenues Grants&Subsidies 50,000 50000 Fees&Service Charges 500 1,150 500_ Transfer from Reserve 11938 _ 3,400 3400 Donations 1,035 12,438 55,585 53,900 Expenditures Fire ChieflEmergency Mgmt Office L Salaries&Wages 60559 59,452 66,275 FireFighters Remuneration 77134 79,165 74,820 Statutory Benefits 11400 12,804 10,000 Non-Statutory Benefits 7241 4,026' 5,100 Vehicle Allowance 1200 Telephone-Fire Chief 2000 Uniforms 1000 Postage&Courier 500 527 200 Emergency Planning Emergency Planning-Training 4000 64 540 EOC Supplies 1500 4,439 2,214 Public Awareness/Education 1500 1,939 4,210 Fire _ Office Supplies 2000 Medical Response Supplies 1000 Equipment Purchase-Operating 8400 3,801 12,113 Equipment Purchase-Protective 7750 Utilities 16500 15,372 11,400 Advertising 400 201 Association&Membership Fees 600 450 395 Building Maintenance _ 3000 1,814 4,860 Cleaning Supplies 1500 Equipment Maintenance 3500 3,319 3,780 Communications Eq Maintenance 8250 6,944 4,9951 Grounds Maintenance 3000 1,350 2,700 Vehicle Maintenance 5500 6,317 7,992 Insurance _ 16936 15,407 15,350 Legal 2000 Training&Education 23100 9,453 12,200 Training Reserve 44,240 42,240 Conferences&Seminars 3000 1,430 _2,565 Travel 4000 4,185 4,000 Telephone-Stations 4000 3,042 5,378 Sundry I 2,529 3,348 Health&Safety 357 1,600 Fire Prevention Expense 2200 2,213 _ 1,100 911 Dispatching 11600, 10,932 11,300 8 911 Other 3700 3,698 3,500 Automatic Aid 2000 900 2,000 301,970 300,370 316,175 9 Municipality of Bayham 2006 Police Services 2006 Budget 2005 Actual 2005 Budget Revenues POA 16000 17,882 12,000 Lease 3000 4,410 From Reserves 50000 55,000 69,000 22,292 67,000 Expenditures Utilities 2500 2,371 2,200 Building Maintenance 600 2,018 350 Grounds Maintenance 250 120 250 Insurance 142 130 130 Telephone 900 732 500 Reserve Polidng credit 88000 45,666 45,666 Service Contract 616460 587,481 589,747 Police Services Board 6000 4,769 6,500 714,852 643,286 645,343 10 Municipality of Bayham 2006 Conservation Author 2006 Budget 1 2005 Actual _ 2005 Budget Revenues Expenditures Conservation Authority 26,376 25,178 25,179 11 Municipality of Bayham 2006 Building Services 2006 Budget 2005 Actual 2005 Budget Revenues Grants&Subsidies Building Permits 43000 127,960 32,000 Septic System Permits 7000 10,340 4,500 50,000 138,300 36,500 Expenditures Salaries&Wages 42481 45,916 41,243 Statutory Benefits 4673 5,291 4,125 Non-Statutory Benefits 63721 5,933 5,381 Supplies 800 695 400 Enforcement Costs 400 Administrative Overhead 2600 Association&Membership Fees 250 400 210 Vehicle Maintenance 900 1,669 800 Insurance 751 690 690 Legal Fees 2000 1,000 Training&Education 3500 370 1,219 Conferences&Seminars 2300 1,694 1,515 Travel Telephone 540 435 140 Sundry 600 672 500 • 68,167 63,765 57,203 12 Municipality of Bayham 2006 yIaw Enforcement _ 2006 Budget 2005 Actual 2005 Budget Revenues Grants&Subsidies Dog Tag Sales 21000 21,231 21,000 Fines/Court Awards 800 1,500 Recoverable Costs 4200 5,502 1,200 26,000 26,733 23,700 Expenditures Salaries&Wages 34486 37,219 33,037 Statutory Benefits 3793 4,289 3,325 Non-Statutory Benefits 5173 4,787 4,288 Supplies 400 400 Enforcement Costs 3300 3,848 3,000 Advertising 400 42 200 Association&Membership Fees 500 258 250 Vehicle Maintenance 3000 550 800 Insurance 751 690 _ 690 Legal Fees 3000 8,139 3,000 Training&Education 2500 321 1,325 Conferences&Seminars 1500 1,384 1,515 Travel 750 1,075 500 Sundry 500 37 500 Service Contract 9000 9,124 8,050 Dog Tags 3500 2,037 4,425 73,053 73,800 65,305 13 Municipality of Bayham 2006 Roads Department 2006 Budget 2005 Actual 2005 Budget Revenues Grants&Subsidies 356765 380,700 316,851 Sundry 1,874 Service Charges 500 5,585 500 Machine Time Charges Alice 90000 69,128 65,000 447,265 457,287 382,351 Expenditures Salaries&Wages 140000 147,173 130,000 Statutory Benefits 41000 38,524 43,000 Non-Statutory Benefits 59000 54,361 55,000 Clothing Allowance 3000 4,406 2,800 Materials 8500 10,189 8,500 Fuel Clearing 70000 87,532 65,000 Clearing-Other 5000 5,194 5,500 Vehicle Repairs,Licenses 95000 106,919 90,000 Utilities 20000 20,701 18,000 Advertising 250 360 250 Building Maintenance 16000 15,974 14,000 Equipment Maintenance 4000 5,024 2,000 Drainage Assessments 2000 2,544 2,000 Insurance 37230 33,499 34,200 Legal Fees,Engineer 500 0 500 Training&Education 5000 4,103 6,600 Conferences&Seminars 1500 787 1,800 Travel 199 Sundry 1000 1,078_ 1,000 Transfer to Reserve 80000 62,154 Bridge Maintenance 6000 4,687 6,000 Culvert Maintenance 14000 11,042 14,000 Weed/Brush/Ditch 35000 27,640 35,000 Catch Basins 8000 9,441 8,000 Hardtop Maintenance 24000 32,190 24,000 Grading 12000 10,798 12,000 Dust Control 10000 11,354 10,000 Safety Devices _ 23000 18,381 23,000 Sidewalk Maintenance 6000 11,095 4,500 CN Crossing Safety Devices 4000 3,226 3,800 Road Names 1500 1,457 2,000 County Roads 354765 341,222 314,851 1,087,2 45 1,083,254 937,301 14 Municipality of Bayham 2006 Winter Control 2006 Budget 2005 Actual 2005 Budget Revenues Grants&Subsidies 8,200 8,032 8,200 Expenditures Salaries&Wages 25,000 20,811 25,000 Materials i 20,000 26,786 20,000 Equipment Maintenance 13,000 14,712 10,000 Sundry 300 235 300 Service Contract-Pt Burwel _ _ 6,500 _ 8,206 5,500 Service Contract-Vienna 3,000_ 4,023 3,000 Service Contract-Straff 4,000_ 4,481 4,000 Service Contract-Eden 2,000 1,875 2,000 Service Contract-Richmonc 2,500 2,654 2,500 Service Contract-Sidewalks 7,000 9,000 5,000 83,300 92,782 77,300 15 Municipality of Bayham 2006 Street Lights 2006 Budget 2005 Actual 2005 Budget Revenues Expenditures _ SLA Port Burwell 14,000 15,562 13,500 SLA Vienna 6,000 9,558 6,500 SLA Straffordviile 13,000 14,356 _ 12,500 SLA Eden 6,000 6,100 6,500 SLA Corinth 1,500 2,740 2,750 SLA Richmond 2,000 2,010 2,000 42,500 50,326 43,750 16 Municipality of Bayham 2006 Water 2006 Budget 2005 Actual 2005 Budget Revenues Water Billings 298,000 304,593 290,130 Sundry Water Meters _ 1,500 1,735 1,500 Water Connect Chgs Vienna 5,658 5,658 5,658 Penalties&Interest 6,000 6,227 4,000 311,158 318,213 301,288 Expenditures Salaries&Wages _ 66,861 67,301 72,200 Statutory Benefits 7,355 6,119 _ 7,220 Non Statutory Benefits_ 10,029 9,383 9,500 Supplies _ 4,000 2,654 5,000 Tools and Equipment 500 572 500 Lab Fees 4,500 4,1763,750 Utilities 2,500 2,0647 2,266 Advertising 400 239 400 Association Fees 550_ 677 _ 425 Auditing Fees 1,550 1,550 1,550 Insurance 561 515 515 System Maintenance _ 10,000 6,783 10,000 Licences 400 75 400 Conferences&Seminars _ 1,500 593 1,000 Training&Education _ 2,000 1,434 2,369 Sundry _ 100 0 100 Telephone&Internet _ 1,600 532 Vehide maintenance _ 1,000 4,905; 1,500 Transfers to Reserves 59,652 50,503 57,493 Service Contract OCWA 5.5,500 69,530 55,500 Administrative Overhead 4,600 4,600 4,600 Water Supply 76,000 83,897 65,000 Utility Adjustments 113 311,158 - 318,214 301,288 17 Municipality of Bayham 2006 Waste Water 2006 Budget 2005 Actual 2005 Budget Revenues Sewer Billings 370000 361,125 359,520 Investment Income 10000 754 10,000 Sewer Sundry Charges _ 1000 2,000 Penalties&Interest 4500 4,397 3,000 385,500 366,277 374,520 Expenditures __ Administrative Salaries&Wages 115601 116,153 102500 Statutory Benefits 12716 10,180 10250 Non Statutory Benefits 17340 10,907 11500 Clothing Allowance 1000 310 600 Advertising 400 124 _ Association&Membership Fees 200 47 600 Auditing Fees 1550 1,550 1550 Insurance _ 5606 5,150 5150 Licences 325 2,360 200 Conferences&Seminars 1200 230 1200 Training&Education 2000 1,082 2163 Telephone&Internet 4000', 2,929 4000 Travel _ 167 Sundry 100 100 100 Transfers to Reserves 43512 14,688 67507 Administrative Overhead 7700 7,700 7700 Adjustments 219 213,250 173,897 215,020 Treatment Plant Lab Fees _ 11550 8,584 11550 Chemicals 7500 4,620 8500 Utilities Plant 55000 50,147 48000 Supplies-Plant __ 2500 2,231 2500 Property taxes 4200 4,093 4150 Building/Plant Maintenance 4000 4,078 5000 Equipment Mtce-Plant 15000 20,972_ 15000 Grounds Maintenance 2000 1,359 2500 Sludge Haulage/Disposal 11000 9,298 10300 Service Contract-OCWA 27,264 112,750 132,647 107,500 Collection System Supplies-Collection 2500 2,721 2500 Utilities-Collection System 20000 17,678 20000 Odour Control 27000 28,013 20000 System Maintenance 8500 9,321 8500 18 Vehicle Maintenance 1500 2,002 1000 59,500 59,735 52,000 385,500 366,278 374,520 19 Municipality of Bayham 2006 Waste Disposal 2006 Budget 2005 Actual 2005 Budget Revenues Grants 24000 21,804 24,000 Expenditures Salaries and Wages 1,054 Advertising 483 Waste Disposal 241100 222,693 235,000 Recycling 115000 94,520 93,500 Large Item Drop offIHHW Day 25000 22,901. 25,000 Additional Garbage bins 346 381,100 341,997 353,500 20 Municipality of Bayham 2006 Health Services 2006 Budget 2005 Actual 2005 Budget Revenues _ Donations Expenditures Utilities 4000 3,543 5,000 Building Maintenance 1800 713 2,800 Grounds Maintenance 1000 980 1,500 Insurance '1524 1,400 1,400 Sundry 500 188 500 Health Needs-MarketingIRosterinl 7000 1,000 15,824 6,825 12,200 21 Municipality of Bayham 2006 Cemeteries 2006 Budget 2005 Actual 2005 Budget Revenues Sundry Revenue Expenditures Grounds Maintenance 11,000 7,480 11,000 Sundry 1,351 11,000 8,831 11,000 • 22 Municipality of Bayham 2006 Parks&Recreation 2006 Budget 2005 Actual _ 2005 Budget Revenues Grants&Subsidies 600 600 600 Special Events 4,227 Sundry 6000 200 3500 6,600 5,027 4,100 Expenditures Salaries&Wages 17000 15,308 20,000 Supplies 1500 -27 1,500 Utilities _ 3000 1,847 5,000 Utilities-Eden School 6000 3,632 3,500 Advertising 100 21 100 Building Maintenance 1000 510 1,500 Equipment Maintenance 500 320 500 Grounds Maintenance 17000 12,455 25,000 Insurance 9585 8,805 8,750 Sundry 1000 610 1,000 General Assistance 500 0 500 Canada Day 1000 960 1,000 Special Events-Other 80 58,185 44,522 68,350 24 Municipality of Bayham 2006 General Assistance 2006 Budget _ 2005 Actual 2005 Budget Revenues Grants and Donations 50 Expenditures General Assistance Grants 7,500 4,495 5,000 23 Municipality of Bayham 2006 Straffordville Community Centre 2006 Budget 2005 Actual 2005 Budget Revenues Sundry Revenue 0 250 Rentals _ 13000 16,378 12,500 Mix 4500 6,185 4,000 Donations 1,419 0 17,500— 23,981 16,750 Expenditures Salaries&Wages 10224 10,301 9,930 Statutory Benefits _ 680 695 575 Supplies _ 4800 3,634 4,800 Utilities 23000 19,400 18,500 Building Maintenance 3300 2,481' 3,300 Equipment Maintenance 3000 3,009 1,500 Grounds Maintenance _ 5500 5,489 4,100 Insurance 3701 3,400 3,400 Sundry 800 797 800 Service Contract 15500 12,780 15,500 70,505 61,986 62,405 25 Municipality of Bayham 2006 Vienna Community Centre 2006 Budget 2005 Actual 2005 Budget Revenues Sundry Revenue 466 Rentals 18000 21,890 14,500 Donations 525 0 18,000 22,881 14,500 Expenditures Mgmt Contract 7300 6,775 6,500 Supplies 2000 1,465 2,000 Utilities 12000 10,279 10,000 Building Maintenance 4600 1,823 4,600 Equipment Maintenance 3000 3,500 1,600 Grounds Maintenance 1400 1,103 1,400 Insurance 3701 3,400 3,400 Telephone 960 353 1,325 Sundry 500 258 500 Service Contract 9600 9,533 8,000 45,061 38,489 39,325 26 Municipality of Bayham _ 2006 Libraries 2006 Budget 2005 Actual 2005 Budget Revenues Lease Revenues 26,226 21,556 25,776 Expenditures Utilities 6,000 5,505 5,000 Building Maintenance 3,000 2,959 2,500 Grounds Maintenance 1,500 996 1,900 Insurance 544 500 500 Straffordvllle Utilities 3,250 3,097 3,750 Straffordville Well Treatment 3,000 0 3,000 Straffordville Building Mtce 4,750 5,182, 4,200 Straffordville Grounds Mtce 1,000 529 1,700 Straffordville Insurance 1,252 1,150 1,150 24,296 19,917 23,700 27 Municipality of Bayham 2006 Edison Museum 2006 Budget ! 2005 Actual 2005 Budget Revenues Grants&Subsidies 4,000 4,120 2,000 Admissions 2,000 1,305 1,000 Children's Programs 1,000 Sundry 200 58 200 7,200 5,483 3,200 Expenditures Salaries&Wages 10,900 9,363 9900 Statutory Benefits 2,000 1,064 900 Supplies 3,500 1,500 2880 Children's Programs 500 Utilities _ 6,000 5,822 4500 Advertising _ 3,000 1,567 2000 Memberships EON 250 190 185 Building Maintenance 5,000 2,047 2850 Grounds Maintenance 1,750 412 1530 Insurance 860 790 790 Sundry 1,500 2,021 3280 Special Project '1,500 353 Special Project-Wages 2,413 36,760 27,542 28,815 -29,560 -22,059 -25,615 FUND RAISING Revenue: _ Fundraising 16,150 10,782 16925 Municipal Support 1,000 Donations 1,000 22 500 18,150 10,804 17,425 Expenditures: Fundraising expense 8,040 2,676 7745 Transfer to Reserves 10110 10,280 9680 18,150 12,956 17,425 0 -2,152 0 28 Municipality of Bayham f 2006 i j -- Marine Museum &Lighthouse 2006 Budget 2005 Actual 2005 Budget Revenues Grants&Subsidies 4,840 3,870 4,840 Admissions 6,000 5,779 6,000 Fundraising 1,000 99 1,000 Donations 1000 1,000 12,840 9,748 12,840 L_ Expenditures Salaries&Wages 13,785 11,592 10,785 Statutory Benefits _ 2,000 1,058 2,000 Supplies 1,140 1,109 1,1.40 Advertising 650 Utilities 6,100 6,087 5,500 Memberships(EON) 190 190_ 185 Building Maintenance 1,150 362 1,400 Equipment Maintenance _ 750 751 750 Grounds Maintenance 2,500 1,314 2,500 Insurance 1,306 1,200 1,200 Special Event 750 969 750 Reserve 1,000 2,50.2 _ 1,000 Sundry 4250 3,550 35,571 27,135 30,760 29 Municipality of Bayham 2006 Planning, Development&Tourism 2006 Budget 2005 Actual 2005 Budget Revenues Sundry 698 Zoning Certificates 3,500 2,845 3,000 Zoning Charges 16,000 47,500 16,000 19,500 51,043 19,000 Expenditures Salaries&Wages 46,602 44,774 43,646 Statutory Benefits 5,126 4,727 4,400 Non-Statutory Benefits 6,990 7,345 5,700 Supplies 600 24 400 Advertising 4,500 11,792 4,500 Association&Membership Fees 310 280 300 Legal Fees 3,000 207 3,000 Postage 25 18 Conferences&Seminars 1,000 305 1,000 Travel 200 325 200 Sundry 200 0 200 Consulting Fees 20,000 26,802 15,000 88,553 96,598 78,346 , 30 Budget/2006 Budget draft.xlslPlanning Municipality of Bayham i 2006 Business and Commerce 2006 Budget 2005 Actual 2005 Budget Revenues Grants&Subsidies 0 Harbour Leases 4,000 3,775 5,000 0 4,000 3,775 5,000 Expenditures Salaries&Wages 6000 4,971 4,000 Utilities _ 1200 994 1,100 Beach Maintenance _ 2500 2,440 1,200 Beautification 2050 _ 1,834 2,200 Conferences&Seminars 1100 Service Contract 1,380 12,850 11,619 8,500 31 Municipality of Bayham 2006 Tourism &Marketing 2006 Budget _ 2005 Actual 2005 Budget Revenues Grants&Subsidies 0 0 0 Expenditures Salaries&Wages Brochures 1500 1,096 1,200 Advertising 3300 2,738 3,500 Festivals 11000 Beautification 500 500 Memberships 1075 1,275 1,100 Conferences&Seminars 1075 Capital contribution 2,000 2,000 18,450 7,109 8,300 32 Municipality of Bayham 2006 Environmental Services 2006 Budget 2005 Actual 2005 Budget Revenues Grants&Subsidies 4500 2,755 4,500 Sundry Drain Charges _ _ 2,167 Municipal Drain Charges 0 7,006 7,006 Tile Drain Charges 9,627 9,627 9,827 14,127 21,555 21,133 Expenditures Salaries&wages _ 14,876 9,560 18,230 Statutory Benefits 1,636_ 662 1,825 Non-Statutory Benefits 2,231 1,521 2,550 Supplies/Stock 750 158 Professional Services 1,000 0 1,000 Water Sampling&Testing 5,250 6,441 10,500 Drain Maintenance 1,767 Sundry 500 0 _ 500 Municipal Drain Debt Charges 0 7,006 7,006 Tile Drain Debt Charges 9,627 9,627 9,627 35,870 36,743 51,238 33 Municipality of Bayham Capital Budget 2006 Capital9lhrt Project Budget Tax Levy Unexoend.'05 Reserve Reserver; Other Notes -Computer Equipment 4,000 4,000 2 computers;comp reserve #2 -Well treatment 20,000 20,0.00 includes ten's to accommodate -Reserve for Working Capital 10,000 10,000 -Office windows,back hall 4,000 4,000 2 windows,paint back hall -Mailing system&meter 5,500 2,858 2,642 -Sound system 1,750 1,750 -Trf to Comp.Reserve 5,000 5,000 _I _ . . Vehicles #2 -Pumper/Tanker 75,000 75,000 for truck purchased 2005 Building _ #2 -Straff Well Treatment 15,000 15,000 to do 2006 Equipment Purchase -- Standard Hose Nozzle 1,200 1,200 Piercing Nozzle(2) 1,300 1,300 Hose 3,400 3,400 . Mini Cutter(Extrication) 2,500 2,500 _ Ventilation Fan 2,500 2,500 Floating Strainer 1,000 1,000 High Pressure Air Bag Sys. 6,500 6,500 Infrared Camera 15,000 5,000 10090 Donation-Fire Assoc'ns Reciprocating Saw-Cordless 500 500 _ Digital Camera 500 500 L _ Defibrilator Training Mod. 500 500 #2 4"Storz 1,075 1075 Fire Training Grant Assorted rescue equipment 3,156 3156 Fire Reserve Officer Uniforms I,950 1950 Fire Reserve Protective Equipment Boots 600 600 _ Helmets 700 700 Gloves 300 300 _ Traffic Protection 3,0001 3,000 Nomex Coveralls 600 600 Bunker Gear(9) 11,200 11,200 _ _ Immersion Suits(2) 2,000 2,000 Communication Equip. _ Technical Enhancement 3,500 3,500 _ Pagers(4) 2,000_ 2,000 21/04/2006 Municipality of Bayham Capital Budget 2006 ProjectBudget Tax Levy Unexpend.'05 j3ejervc Reserves Nates _ _ 47001 Future years -Hydrant Replacement 4,000 4,000 Water Reserve -Curb Stop/Rod Replacement 5,000 _ 5,000 Water Reserve _ -Dev chg study 7,800 7,800 Water Reserve -New computer 1,000 1,000 Water Reserve -trf to sec.Sys Reserve 23,000 23,000 Water Reserve - -Contingency Pumps 20,000 20,000__ Sewer Reserve ' -Valves 10,000 10,000 Sewer Reserve -Building Repairs 10,000 10,000 ,Sewer Reserve -Dev chg study 11,700 11,700 Sewer Reserve -New computer 1,000_ 1,000 Sewer Reserve -Sanitary Sewer Project 20,000--- Completion -Ltd repayment 219,943 18,220 201,723 Ra els/Sewer Res • -Vaittairmaillidatlikt -joint waste mgmt study ,[r.r. 5,000 - +ffi41 tier y 1111 #2 -Well Treatment 1:; 15,000 -Car port,soL I 5,000 -Trail Improvements(reserve 9,000 9000 Lease agreement' -Park Improvements 10,000 10,000 -Playjround Eq pment 10,000 10,000 #2 -Tillsonburg Arena 10,000 10,000 plus 2 more years #2 -Aylmer Arena _ 10 00 10,000 plus 2 more years ATIVIII,ELIS i 411.fft(' -Renovations 11,5000 10,000 , 1,500 SCC res #2 -Well Treatment _3\',Sll)0 I 14,423 5,577 Environ Res -renovatti�ioo�n1s I.',,.'., 10,000 2,000 VCCres a #2 1-Well Treatment I 15,000 15,000 ,to do 2006 E :,•14, r -Vienna Building -General I _ - -Feasibility Study I 13,500 13,500 Fundraising [ J 21/04/2006 Municipality of Bayham Capital Budget 2006 Prolecl I Budeet Tax Levy Urtxpend.'05ery Reserves Other 1Votes Ina MillMil .. Equipment Purchase -New dump truck 175,000 175,000 Road Equip reserve _ -Truck 3 retro fit 25,000 25,000 _ -Road(non-equip)reserves 270,919 270919 Move Ont grant Construction Projects -Coyle Road Hill __ 36,073 10,000_ 26,073 #2 Pressey Line 180,000 54,I38 45,862 80,000 18434 Future tax(1 yr) #2 -Bayham Drive 36,934 18,500 #2 -Clearview Drive - -Woodworth Road -Unspecified 51,000 -11,000 62000 Gas Tax Revenue Asphalt Projects -Hannah Street 15,000 15,000 _-William Street 15,000 15,000 -General Projects 20,000 20,000 Gravel Projects ( � -Woodworth Road 5,000 5,000 `Y'!1\ -Lamers Line 10,000 10,000 Howey Line 10,000 10,000 _-Ottergate Line 24,000 24,000 -General Projects 30,000 30,000 _ Tar&Chip Resurface - -Springerhill Road 38,000 38,000 -Jackson Line 54,000 54,000 -Stafford Road COMRUF Other -Bridge Repairs -Road Salt Contain Bldg Loose Top Projects _ -General 48,000 48,000_ Sidewalks -New 5,000 5,000 Stre i hts - -new lights 5,000 5,000 - #2 i-Meter Changeover 67,001 20,000 Water Reserve 21/04/2006 Municipality of Bayham Capital Budget 2006 _ Protect 1 Budget I Tax Levy Unexnend,'05 Reserve j Reservester Notes ,ajoitirlit Aillir.eill11glithooic -Cover for life boat 1,000 1,000 -Lighthouse windows 6,000 6,000 -Eaves for Museum 1,000 1,000 -Wheelhouse 6,000 6,000 -Chain Fence .. 300 300 _ -Scientific Bouy 2,502 2,502 -Calton Ind acquisistion I 6,000 6,000 Iand reserve -I r `' - -Mappiu8,Teranet .1.-.., 3,500 -Aerial:Photography :.1:1; 1,200 LilicIA.Ctrrunr-4t- I . i #2 -Change Rooms 4%000 15,000 25,000 #2 -East pier 60,000 50,640 9,360 Seawall reserves -Beach parking barriers 1,200 1,200 -Beach signage 1,600 1,600 -Ec Dev-Signs 17,900 4,200 13,700_ FaFade Program 6,138 1,138 5000 loan repayments -Tildirgrin,,6. 4,1 4a i ei l`sy -Cultural Plan _ 40,516 35,000 Trillium Grant -Henry Street Drain 1,200 1,200 -Demeyere Drain 5,132 2,566 _ 2566 T'burg(railline) _ -Godo Drain(Norfolk) 1,030 1,030 TOTAL 704,120 222,218' 0 355157 761 24 2,042,819 ,3 Notes #1 Removed during prior year budget deliberations. #2 Mandatory or previously committed capital expenditures. 21/04/2006 Reserves 2004 2005 Proposed 2006 RESERVES BAYHAM BAYHAM BAYHAM Reserve for Working Funds Beginning Balance 334,307 334,307 354,153 Increase in the year - 19,846 10,000 Decrease in the year - - - Ending Balance 334,307 354,153 364,153 Reserve for Computer Equipment Beginning Balance 20,000 21,633 17,937 Increase in the year 5,000 5,000 5,000 Decrease in the year 3,367 8,696 4,000 Ending Balance 21,633 17,937 18,937 Reserve for Fixed Assets _ Beginning Balance 112,311 97,311 147,311 Increase in the year 35,000 50,000 80,000 Decrease in the year 50,000 175,000 Ending Balance 97,311 147,311 52,311 • Reserve for Road Construction Beginning Balance 40,268 268 62,422_ Increase in the year - 62,154 270,919 Decrease in the year 40,000 Ending Balance 268 62,422 333,341 Reserve for Fire Depart Capital Equip Beginning Balance 1,300 74,300 6,406 Increase in the year 73,000 5,106 Decrease in the year 73,000 5,106 Ending Balance 74,300 6,406 1,300 Fire Training Grant _ Beginning Balance - - 29,883 Increase in the year 1 44,240 Decrease in the year 14,357 13,013 Ending Balance - 29,883 16,870 Reserve for Waterworks Beginning Balance 7,952 10,406 (3,290) Increase in the year 53,075 50,503 59,652 Decrease in the year 50,621 64,199 60,800 Ending Balance 10,406 (3,290) (4,438) Seawall/Harbour repair Beginning Balance 6,000 26,000 31,000 Increase in the year 20,000 5,000 Decrease in the year - 31,000 Ending Balance 26,000 31,000 I - Recreation Beginning Balance _ 2,000 2,000 2,000 Increase in the year - - - Decrease in the year Ending Balance 2,000 , 2,000 2,000 Straffordville Skate Park Beginning Balance 450 Increase in the year 450 Decrease in the year Ending Balance 450 450 Vienna Skate Park Beginning Balance Increase in the year Decrease in the year Ending Balance - - Self-funded Insurance Reserve Beginning Balance 24,000_ 24,000 24,000 Increase in the year - - - Decrease in the year - - - Ending Balance 24,000 24,000 24,000 Policing Reserve Beginning Balance 59,553 54,847 100,513 Increase in the year _ 45,666 Decrease in the year 4,706 50,000 Ending Balance 54,847 100,513 50,513 Health Beginning Balance 3,000 3,000 3,000 Increase in the year Decrease in the year - - - Ending Balance 3,000 3,000 3,000 Land Acquisition Beginning Balance 12,000 12,000 12,000 Increase in the year - - - Decrease in the year - - 6,000 Ending Balance 12,000 12,000 6,000 Election _Beginning Balance - 3,000 6,000 , Increase in the year 3,000 3,000 Decrease in the year - - 6,000 Ending Balance _ 3,000 6,000 - Contingency Beginning Balance 28,000 28,000 28,000 Increase in the year Decrease in the year - - - Ending Balance 28,000 28,000 28,000 Capital Stabilization Beginning Balance 107,651 81,951 81,951 Increase in the year Decrease in the year 25,700 Ending Balance 81,951 81,951 81,951 OMPF Beginning Balance 377,489 Transfer In 373,341 29,668 Increase in the year 4,148 Decrease in the year - - 93,558 Ending Balance - 377,489 313,599 Operating Stabilization Beginning Balance 214,513 214,513 204,513 Increase in the year - - - _ Decrease in the year - 10,000 Ending Balance 214,513 204,513 204,513 TOTALS 987,536.00 1,485,738.00 1,496,500.00 40 Reserve Funds 2004 2005 Proposed 2006 RESERVE FUNDS BAYHAM BAYHAM BAYHAM Park Reserve Fund _ Beginning Balance 16,503 24,300 _ 25,528 Increase in the year 19,797 14,228 - , Decrease in the year 12,000 13,000 Ending Balance 24,300 25,528 25,528 Park-Trail Reserve Beginning Balance_ 28,958 38,100 25,418 Increase in the year 15,000 - - Decrease in the year 5,858 12,682 Ending Balance _ 38,100 25,418 25,418 Eden Improvement Reserve Fund Beginning Balance 528 551 579 Increase in the year 23 28 - Decrease in the year Ending Balance 551 579 579 Sewage Reserve Fund Beginning Balance Tfr from Reserves 277,900 405,483 Transfer In 113,014 Increase in the year 31,590 43,512 Decrease in the year 17,021 90,920 Ending Balance 405,483 358,075 Environmental Reserve Fund Beginning Balance 9,342 9,746 10,187 Increase in the year 404 441 - Decrease in the year 5,577 Ending Balance 9,746 10,187 4,610 Fire Depart Capital Equipment _^ Beginning Balance 2,442 2,548 2,663 Increase in the year 106 115 - Decrease in the year Ending Balance 2,548 2,663 2,663 Development Purposes Beginning Balance 9,094 9,594 10,110 Increase in the year 500 516 - Decrease in the year Ending Balance 9,594 10,110 10,110 Edison Museum Beginning Balance 18,989 30,140 41,782 Increase in the year 11,151 11,642 9,110 Decrease in the year - - - 14-t Ending Balance 30,140 41,782 50,892 Seawall repair Beginning Balance 3,224 3,360 3,512 Increase in the year 136 152 Decrease in the year - 3,360 Ending Balance 3,360 3,512 152 Straffordville Community Centre _ Beginning Balance - - 12,570 Transfer In 9,070 Increase in the year 8,835 - Decrease in the year - 5,335 1,500 Ending Balance - 12,570 11,070 Vienna Community Centre Beginning Balance 13,201 Transfer In 2,754 Increase in the year 10,447 Decrease in the year - - 2,000 Ending Balance - 13,201 11,201 TOTAL RESERVE FUNDS 118,339 551,033 500,298 i--a