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By-law No. 2005-045
THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO.2005-45 BEING A BY-LAW TO ADOPT THE ASSESSMENT ON WHICH TAXES SHALL BE LEVIED FOR THE YEAR 2005 AND THE CURRENT ESTIMATES FOR YEAR 2005. WHEREAS Section 290 of the Municipal Act, S.O. 2001, as amended provides that a local municipality shall in each year prepare and adopt estimates of all sums required during the year for the purposes of the local municipality, and; WHEREAS by action of the Province of Ontario, provision was made for the taking of the assessment of the Municipality by the Regional Assessment Commissioner, as the assessment on which the rate of taxation for the year 2005 should be levied; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the assessment contained in the assessment roll of the Municipality of Bayharn as made pursuant to Province of Ontario Regulations,be hereby adopted and confirmed as the assessment of which the rate of taxation for the year 2005 shall be levied. 2. THAT the said assessment roll be hereby adopted and confirmed as the last revised assessment roll for the said Municipality. 3. THAT the current estimates appended hereto as Schedule"A" are hereby adopted. 4. THAT all by-laws inconsistent with the provisions of this by-law are hereby repealed. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 2°1 DAY OF JUNE 2005. Al - -.( • I CLE ' Municipality of Bayham Budget 2005 Date of Approval: June 2, 2005 Municipality of Bayham 2005 Summary 2005 Budget 2004 Actual _ 2004 Budget Budget Change Revenues General Taxation 2,075,702 2,000,856 1,999,682 76,020 Other Revenues 1,291,000 1,299,074 1,289,000 2,000 General Government 27,472 28,73.2 28,222 -750 Council 0 0 0 0 Fire Services 53,900 11,730 500 53,400 Police Services 67,000 22,229 69,370 -2,370 Conservation Authority 0 0 0 0 Other Protective Services 60,200 66,774: 60,200 0 Roads 382,351 365,972 380,379 1,972 Winter Control 8,200 8,395 8,200 0 Harbour 5,000 5,225 5,000 0 Street Lights 0 01 0 0 Water 301,288 248,451 318,313 -17,025 Waste Water 374,520 36.8,027; 358,200 16,320 ,Waste Disposal 24,000 6,573 2,700 21,300 Health Services 0 1,000 0 0 Cemeteries 0 425 0 0 General Assistance 50 50 50 0 Parks&Recreation 4,100 10,719 4,100 0 Straffordville Community Centre 16,750 18,059 19,750 -3,000 Vienna Community Centre 14,500 17,871 9,500 5,000 Libraries 25,776 23,532 24,966 810 Edison Museum 20,625 19,380 18,250 2,375 Marine Museum 12,840 12,301 9,500 3,3.40 Planning,Development 8 Tourism 19,000 38,663 19,000, 0 Environmental Services 21,133 22,775 25,626 -4,493 Capital 1,051,654 759,418 1,068,386 -16,732 5,857,061 5,356,231 5,718,894 138,167 L Expenditures Budget Chang General Taxation 0 2,853 12,000 -12,000 Other Revenues 0 0 0 0 General Government 395,778 417,390 410,743 -14,965 Council 62,437 57,754 61,541 896 Fire Services 316,175 258,349 255,631 60,544 Police Services 645,343 615,787 622,520 22,823 Conservation Authority 25,179 24,841 24,841 338 Other Protective Services 122,509 129,277 126,657 _-4,148 Roads 937,301 918,913 886,064 51,237 U►tnter Control 77,300 _ 70,446 70,200 7,100 Harbour 6,300 7,019 7,400 -1,100 Street Lights 43,750 39,171 39,400 4,350 Water 301,288 248,451 318,313 -17,025 Waste Water 374,520 368,027 358,200 16,320 Waste Disposal 353,5001 341,988 351,250 2,250 1 e Health Services 12,200 20,327 28,841 -16,641 Cemeteries 11,000 11,543, 11,000 0 General Assistance 5,000 3,525 3,700 J 1,300 Parks&Recreation 68,350 70,684 71,145 -2,795 Straffordville Community Centre 62,405 59,096 63,498 -1,093 Vienna Community Centre 39,325 39,816 37,756 1,569 Libraries 23,700 22,027 23,279 421 Edison Museum 46,240 36,747 40,755 5,485 Marine Museum 30,760 26,900 25,133 5,627 Planning,Development&Tourism 88,846 110,770 85,088 _ 3,758 Environmental Services 51,238 43,160 48,891 2,347 Capital 1,756,617 1,411,371 1,735,048 21,569' 5,857,061 5,356,230 5,718,894 138,167 2 e Municipality of Bayham 2003 Summary Net(Revenues)/Expenditures _- 2005 Budget 2004 Actual 2004 Budget Budget Change General Taxation -2,075,702 -1,998,003_ -1,987,682 -88,020 Other Revenues -1,291,000 -1,299,074 -1,289,000 -2,000 General Government 368,306 388,658 382,521 -14,215 Council _ 62,437 57,754 61,541 896 Fire Services 262,275 246,619 255,131 7,144 Police Services 578,343 593,558 553,150 25,193 Conservation Authority 25,179 24,841 24,841 338 Other Protective Services 62,309 62,503 66,457 -4,148 Roads 554,950 552,941 505,685 49,265 Winter Control 69,100 62,051 62,000 7,100 Harbour 1,300 1,794 2,400 -1,100 Street Lights 43,750 39,171 39,_400 4,350 Water 0 0 0 0 Waste Water 0 -0 0 0 Waste Disposal 329,500 335,415 348,550 -19,050 Health Services 12,200 19,327 28,841 -16,641 Cemeteries 11,000 11,118 11,000 0 General Assistance 4,950 3,475 3,650 1,300 Parks&Recreation 64,250 59,965 67,045 -2,795 Straffordville Community Centre 45,655 41,038 43,748 1,907 Vienna Community Centre 24,825 21,945 28,256 -3,431 Libraries -2,076 -1,505 -1,687 -389 Edison Museum 25,615 17,367 22,505 3,110 Marine Museum 17,920 14,599 15,633 2,287 Planning,Development&Tourism 69,846 72,107 66,088 3,758 Drainage 30,105 20,385 23,265 6,840 Capital 704,963 651,953 666,662 38,301 In Year Deficit(Surplus) 0 -0 -0 0 3 Municipality of Bayham 2005 General Taxation 2005 Budget 2004 Actual 2004 Budget Revenues Residential&Farm 2,054,029 1,541,876 1,977,682 Multi-Residential 35,007 Commercial Unoccupied 2,885 Commercial Occupied 134,978 PIL recoverable&Railway 21673 21,673 22000 Industrial Unoccupied 380 Industrial Occupied 64,027 Pipelines 17,943 Farmlands 181,053 Managed Forests 1,034 2,075,702 2,000,856 1,999,682 Expenditures Writeoffs 165 12,000 Tax Adjustments 1,835 Assessment Charges 853 0 0 2,853 12,000 4 Municipality of Bayham _ 2005 Other Revenues 2005 Budget 2004 Actual 2004 Budget _ Revenues Grants&Subsidies 1,194,000 1,194,000 1,194,000 Sundry Revenue 2,000 6,402 2,000 interest on Taxes-Current _ 30,000 31,439 28,000 interest on Taxes-Prior 40,000 42,193 30,000 Investment Income 25,0001 25,040 35,000 Transfer from op rate stab res tl 1,291,000 1,299,074 1,289,000 5 Municipality of Bayham _ 2005 General Government 2005 Budget 2004 Actual 2004 Budget Revenues Grants&Subsidies 222 1,847 222 Tax Certificates 5,500 5,370 5,000 Fees&Service Charges 14,250 14,441 14,000 Lottery Licences 7,500 7,074 9,000 Contributions from Reserves 0 27,472 28,732 28,222 Expenditures Salaries&Wages 231,517 242,842 244,579 Statutory Benefits 23,150 22,277 24,000 Non-Statutory Benefits 30,100' 36,844 34,241 Payroll Service Charge 2,300 2,011 2,200 Internet Charges 600 674 600 Supplies 8,500 7,430 9,000 Computer Software&Support _ 5,800 5,246 6,000 Utilities 7,000 6,314 6,500 Subscriptions&Publications _ 500 643' 500 Advertising 750 492 1,000 Association&Membership Fees 1,750 1,710 1,100 Auditing Fees 6,500 7,550 6,500 Building Maintenance 6,000 6,398 6,000 Equipment Maintenance 11,000 9,347 10,000 Grounds Maintenance 2,000 1,911 2,500 Insurance 19,211 18,049 18,023 Insurance Deductibles 5,000 6,180 5,000 Legal Fees 2,500 2,808 3,500 Postage&Courier 12,000 11,898 12,000 Training&Education 4,500 4,618 2,500 Conferences&Seminars 4,100 3,579 4,500 Travel _ 2,000 3,057 1,500 Telephone 6,000 6,269 6,000 Sundry 3,000 2,843 _ 3,000 Service Contract 6,400 395,778 417,390 410,743 6 Municipality of Bayham 2005 Council 2005 Budget 2004 Actual _ 2004 Budget Revenues Nomination Fees Election Reserve Expenditures Salaries&Wages 50337 46,365 48,871 Statutory Benefits 2500 2,504 2,420 Associatio&Membership 1600 1,550 1,500 Conferences&Seminars 3750 3,093 4,500 Travel 750 182 500 Sundry 500 1,060 750 Election Expense 3000 3,000 3,000 62,437 57,754 61,541 Suzanne-done 7 Municipality of Bayham 1 2005 Fire Department I 2005 Budget 2004 Actual 2004 Budget Revenues Grants&Subsidies 50000 Fees&Service Charges I 500 4,140 500 Transfer from Reserve 1 3400 _ Donations 7,590 53,900 11,730 500 Expenditures Salaries&wages 66,275 63,094 62,343 FlreFighters Remuneration 74,820 63,615 67,200 Statutory Benefits _ 10,000' 10,2361 6,000 Non-Statutory Benefits 5,100 5,095 7,100 Emergency Planning 540 394 555 Supplies _ 2,214 3,261 2,276 Equipment Purchase-Operating 12,113_ 7,479 8,665 Utilities 11,400 11,207 11,400 Association&Membership Fees 395 287 395 Building Maintenance 4,860 5,366 4,995 Equipment Maintenance 3,780 2,834 4,995 Communications Eq Maintenance 4,995 6,917 7,215 Grounds Maintenance 2,700 2,352 2,375 Vehicle Maintenance 7,992 8,339 11,877 Insurance 15,350 14,818 14,767 Postage&Courier 200 172 100 Training&Education _ 12,200 11,078 10,180 Training Reserve 42,240 Conferences&Seminars 2,565 1,693 1,525 Travel _ 4,000 6,292 4,000 Telephone 5,378 5,444 5,528 Sundry 3,348 1,696 1,277 Health&Safety 1,600 417 2,000 Fire Prevention Expense 1,100 1,258 1,580 Public Education 4,210 7,584 833 911 Dispatching 11,300 10,923 10,950 911 Other 3,500 3,406 3,500 Automatic Aid 2,000 3,092 2,000 316,175 258,349 255,631 8 Municipality of Bayham 2005 Police Services 2005 Budget_ 2004 Actual 2004 Budget Revenues POA 12,000 17,188 28,000 From Reserves 55,000 5,041 41,370 67,000 22,229 69,370 Expenditures Utilities 2,200 2,287 1,100 Building Maintenance 350 320 500 Grounds Maintenance 250 263 250 Insurance 130 Telephone 500 308 400 Reserve Policing credit 45,666 Service Contract 589,747 609,621 616,370 Police Services Board 6,500 2,988 3,900 645,343 615,787 622,520 9 Municipality of Bayham 2005 Conservation Authority 2005 Budget 2004 Actual 2004 Budget Revenues Expenditures Conservation Authority 25,179 24,841 24,841 10 Municipality of Bayham 2005 Other Protective Services 2005 Budget 2004 Actual 2004 Budget Revenues Grants&subsidies Dog Tag Sales 21,000 20,120 23,000 Building Permits 32,000 35,962 30,000 Septic System Permits 4,500 7,152 4,500 Tickets 1,500 3,272 1,500 Sundry Revenue 1,200 268 1,200 60,200 66,774 60,200 Expenditures Salaries&Wages 74,280 80,314 79,094 Statutory Benefits 7,450 7,871 8,700 Non-Statutory Benefits 9,650 8,812 11,073 Supplies 800 1,421 790 Enforcement Costs 3,000 2,839 Advertising 200 762 145 Association&Membership Fees 460 553 360 Vehicle Maintenance 1,600 3,234 1,600 Insurance 1,380 1,380 1,380 Legal Fees 4,000 7,793 2,500 Training&Education 2,544 1,574 3,500 Conferences&Seminars 3,030 1,171. 2,175 Travel 500 -386 250 Pager 140 184 140 Sundry 1,000 676 1,200 Service Contract _ 8,050 7,228 8,050 Dog Tags 4,425 3,851 5,700 122,509 129,277 126,657 11 Municipality of Bayham 2005 Roads Department 2005 Budget 2004 Actual 2004 Budget Revenues Grants&Subsidies 316,851 310,033 295,879_ Service Charges 500 175 9,500 Machine Time Charges Alloc 65,000 55,764 75,000 382,351 365,972 380,379 - Expenditures Salaries&Wages 130,000 128,442 125,000 Statutory Benefits 43,000, 37,764 39,000 Non-Statutory Benefits 55,000 55,804 52,700 Clothing Allowance 2,800 1,017 1,400 Materials 8,500 7,024 8,500 Fuel Clearing 65,000 67,574 65,000 clearing-Other 5,500 6,394 5,500 vehicle Repairs,Licenses 90,000, 102,672 90,000 Utilities 18,000' 17,702 _ 16,500 Advertising 250 0 250 Building Maintenance 14,000 18,495 14,000 Equipment Maintenance 2,000 0 2,000 Drainage Assessments 2,000i 884 2,000 Insurance 34,200 33,035 33,035 Legal Fees,Engineer 500 0 500 Training&Education 6,600 5,624 6,600 Conferences&Seminars 1,800 1,396 1,400 Sundry 1,000 2,164 500 Bridge Maintenance 6,000 5,551 5,000 Culvert Maintenance 14,000 14,12 12,000 Weed/Brush/Ditch 35,000 29,404 35,000 Catch Basins 8,000 9,209 8,000 Hardtop Maintenance 24,000 23,988 15,000 Grading 12,000 13,173 10,000 Dust Control 10,000 8,477 10,000 Safety Devices 23,000 23,554 21,000 Sidewalk Maintenance 4,500 7,646 4,500 CN Crossing Safety Devices 3,800 3,260 3,800 Road Names 2,000 936 2,000 County Roads 314,851 293,601 295,879 937,301 918,913 886,064 12 Municipality of Bayham 2005 Winter Control 2005 Budget 2004 Actual 2004 Budget Revenues Grants&Subsidies 8,200 8,395 8,200 Expenditures Salaries&Wages 25,000 22,636 25,000 Materials 20,000 20,578 20,000 Equipment Maintenance 10,000 9,938 10,000 Sundry 300 33 500 Service Contract-Pt Burwel 5,500 4,718 4,500 Service Contract-Vienna 3,000 1,796 2,500 Service Contract-Straff 4,000 2,572 3,200 Service Contract-Eden 2,000 1,686 750 Service Contract-Rlchmonc 2,500 2,191 750 Service Contract-Sldewalkt 5,000 4,297 3,000 77,300 70,446 70,200 Bob done 13 Municipality of Bay ham 2005 Harbour 2005 Budget 2004 Actual 2004 Budget Revenues Grants&Subsidies 0 Harbour Leases 5,000 5,225 5,000 Donations Q 5,000 5,225 5,000 Expenditures Salaries&Wages 4,000 3,766 5,000 Utilities 1,100 957 1,200 Beach Maintenance 1,200 2,116 1,200 Harbour Taxes/Lease 180 6,300 7,019 7,400 done 14 Municipality of Bayham 2005 Street Lights 2005 Budget 2004 Actual 2004 Budget Revenues Expenditures SLA Port Burwell 13,500 12,743 13,500 SLA Vienna 6,500 5,373 6,000 SLA Straffordville 12,500 10,864 10,700 SLA Eden 6,500 5,908 6,000 SLA Corinth 2,750 2,084 1,500 SIA Richmond 2,000 2,199 1,700 43,750 39,171 39,400 -r - Notes: Straffordville and Corinth include$1000 each for a total of 4 new street lights. High levels of repairs in 2004 may well continue into 2005. Budget amounts have been increased to reflect this. 1 Straff, 2 Corinth, 1 Vienna+2 others wherever 15 Municipality of Bayham 2005 Water 2005 Budget 2004 Actual 2004 Budget _ Revenues Water Billings 290,130 235,370 306,155 Sundry Water Meters 1,500 1,500 2,500 Water Connect Chgs Vienna 5,658 5,658_ 5,658 Penalties&Interest 4,000 5,923 4,000 301,288r 248,451 318,313 Expenditures Salaries&Wages 72,200 46,312 39,742 Statutory Benefits 7,220 4,336 4,300 Non Statutory Benefits 9,500 5,520 5,564 Supplies 5,000 6,156 7,500 Tools and Equipment 500 202 0 Lab Fees 3,750 960 0 Utilities 2,266 1,805 0 Advertising 400 1,609 0 Publications 268 Association Fees 425 383 425 Auditing Fees 1,550 1,550 1,550 Insurance 515 107 System Maintenance 10,000 5,538 14,000 Licences 400 115 Conferences&Seminars 1,000 1,410 1,000 Training&Education 2,369 Sundry 100 68 100 Vehicle maintenance 1,500 Transfers to Reserves 57,493 51,538 107,432 Service Contract OCWA 55,500 46,620 68,000 Service Contract Meters 3,214 0 Administrative Overhead 4,600 4,500 4,500 Water Supply 65,000 65,704 64,200 Utility Adjustments 536 301,288 248,451 318,313 Ed -done 16 Municipality of Bayham 2005 Waste Water _ 2005 Budget 2004 Actual 2004 Budget Revenues Sewer Billings 359,520 351,623 343,200 Investment Income 10,000 13,997 10,000 Sewer Sundry Charges 2,000 _ 263 3,000 Penalties&Interest 3,000, 2,144 2,000 374,520 368,027 358,200 Expenditures Administrative _ Salaries&Wages 102500 58,506 39,742 Statutory Benefits 10250 5,533 4,300 Non Statutory Benefits 11500 6,636 5,564 Union Dues 117 0 Clothing Allowance 600 1,783 _ Advertising 765 0 Association&Membership Fees 600 24 600 Auditing Fees 1550 1,550 1,550 Insurance 5150 2,362 0 Licences 200 89 Conferences&Seminars 1200 115 1,200 Training&Education 2163 565 Telephone 4000 3,883 2,000 Sundry 100 274 0 Transfers to Reserves _ _ 67507 82,191 77,194 Administrative Overhead 7700 7,500 7,500 215,020 171,893 139,650 Treatment Plant Lab Fees 11550 4,400 Chemicals 8500 3,673 Utilities Plant 48000 47,565 38,500 Supplies-Plant 2500 3,867 2,000 Property taxes 4150 3,959 3,800 Building/Plant Maintenance 5000 9,332 5,000 Equipment Mtce-Plant 15000 16,767 10,000 Grounds Maintenance 2500 1,751 2,500 Sludge Haulage/Disposal 10300 4,827 250 Service Contract-OCWA 45,827 108,500 107,500 141,969 170,550 Collection System Supplies-Collection _ 2500 2,252 2,500 Utilities-Collection System 20000 19,506 18,500 Odour Control 20000 19,020 18,000 System Maintenance 8500 10,449 8,000 Vehicle Maintenance 1000 2,938 1,000 17 52,000 54,1651 48,000 374,520 368,027 358,200 Ed-done 18 Municipality of Bayham 2005 Waste Disposal 2005 Budget 2004 Actual 2004 Budget Revenues Grants 24,000 6,573 2,700 Expenditures Salaries and Wages 0 Advertising 0 250 Waste Disposal 235,000 221,747 238,000 Recycling 93,500 92,375 93,000 Large[tem Drop offIHHW Day 25,000 27,866 20,000 353,500 341,988 351,250 19 Municipality of Bayham 2005 Health Services 2005 Budget 2004 Actual 2004 Budget Revenues Donations 1,000 Expenditures Utilities 5,000— 5,088 5,000 Building Maintenance _ 2,800 2,593 2,800 Grounds Maintenance 1,500 1,786 2,200 Insurance 1,400 1,341 1,341 Sundry 500 229 500 Health Needs-Marketing 1,000 736_ 2,000 Grants 8,553 15,000 12,200 20,327 28,841 20 Municipality of Bayham 2005 1 __ Cemeteries 2005 Budget 2004 Actual 2004 Budget Revenues Sundry Revenue 425 • Expenditures _ Grounds Maintenance 11,000 11,543 11,000 Sundry 11,000 11,543 11,000 21 Municipality of Bayham 2005 General Assistance 2005 Budget 2004 Actual _ 2004 Budget Revenues Grants and Donations 50 50 50 Expenditures General Assistance Grants 5,000 3,525 3,700 $1000 already spent in tsunami relief(Red Cross) 285.7142857 4004 22 rMunicipality of Bayham 2005 Parks&Recreation 2005 Budget 2004 Actual 2004 Budget Revenues Grants&Subsidies 600 800 600 Special Events 5,033 Sundry 3500 4,886 3500 4,100 10,719 4,100 Expenditures Salaries&Wages 20,000 23,605 20,000 Supplies 1,500 1,294 1,500 Utilities 5,000 2,789 5,000 Utilities-Eden School 3,500 6,005 3,500 Advertising 100 0 250 Building Maintenance 1,500 0 3,000 Equipment Maintenance 500 0 500 Grounds Maintenance 25,000 21,143_ 25,000 Insurance 8,750 8,295 8,295 Sundry 1,000 945 General Assistance 500 250 2,000 Canada Day 1,000 1,071 1,100 Special Events-Other 5,286 1,000 68,350 70,684 71,145 23 Municipality of Bayham 2005 11 Straffordville Community Centre 2005 Budget 2004 Actual 2004 Budget Revenues Sundry Revenue _ 250 2,006 250 Rentals 12,500 12,129 14,000 Mix 4,000 3,884 5,500 Donations 40 0 16,750 18,059 19,750 Expenditures Salaries&wages 9,930 9,641 _ 9,637 Statutory Benefits _ 575 660_ 555 Supplies 4,800 4,887 _ 4,800 Utilities 18,500 17,084 18,500 Building Maintenance 3,300 2,971 3,000 Equipment Maintenance 1,500 1,110 1,500 Grounds Maintenance 4,100 4,131 4,100 Insurance 3,400 3,306 3,306 Sundry 800 867 600 Service Contract 15,500 14,440 17,500 62,405 59,096 63,498 24 Municipality of Bayham 2005 Vienna Community Centre 2005 Budget 2004 Actual 2004 Budget Revenues Sundry Revenue Rentals 14,500_ 17,371 9,500 Donations 500 0 14,500 17,871 9,500 Expenditures Mgmt Contract 6,500 6,500 6,500 Supplies 2,000 1,479 2,000 Utilities 10,000 10,558 10,000 Building Maintenance 4,600, 4,460 4,600 Equipment Maintenance 1,600 1,920 1,600 Grounds Maintenance 1,400 1,275 1,200 Insurance 3,400 3,306 3,306 Telephone 1,325 849 1,050 Sundry 500 493_ 500 Service Contract 8,000 8,977 7,000 39,325 39,816 37,756 t - 25 Municipality of Bayham 2005 Libraries 2005 Budget 2004 Actual _ 2004 Budget Revenues Lease Revenues 25,776 23,532 24,966 Expenditures Utilities 5,000 5,081 5,000 Building Maintenance 2,500 3,021 3,000 Grounds Maintenance 1,900 1,730 1,750 Insurance 500 479 479 Straffordville Utilities 3,750 3,667 3,000 Straffordville Well Treatment 3,000 0 3,000 Straffordville Building Mtce 4,200 5,286 4,200 Straffordville Grounds Mtce 1,700 1,613 1,700 Straffordville Insurance 1,150 1,150 1,150 23,700 22,027 23,279 26 Municipality of Bayham 2005 Edison Museum 2005 Budget 2004 Actual 2004 Budget Revenues Grants&Subsidies 2,000 3,196 2,000 Admissions 1,0003,060 900 Sundry 200- 1,080 200 3,200 7,336 3,100 Expenditures Salaries &Wages 9900 9,352 9,900 Statutory Benefits 900 821 900 Supplies 2880 2,237 2,350 Utilities 4500 4,145 4,000 Advertising 3000 339 1,000 Memberships EON 185 185 185 Building Maintenance 4850 919 1,750 Grounds Maintenance 1530 771 1,300 Insurance 790 790 790 Sundry 3280 2,084 3,430 Special Project - -3000 3,060 28,815 24,703 25,605 -25,615 -17,367 -22,505 FUND RAISING Revenue: Fundraising 16925 11,656 14,650 Donations 500 388 500 17,425 12,044 15,150 Expenditures: Fundraising expense 7745 1,557 6,420 Transfer to Reserves 9680 10,487 8,730 17,425 12,044 15,150 0 0 0 done 27 Municipality of Bayham i 2005 1 Marine Museum&Lighthouse 2005 Budget 2004 Actual 2004 Budget Revenues Grants&Subsidies _ 4,840 2,715 2,500 Admissions 6,000 6,774 6,000 Fundraising 1,000 Donatons 1,000 2,812 1,000 12,840 12,301 9,500 Expendltures _ Salaries&wages 13,785 7,940 8,900 Statutory Benefits 2,000 705 800 Supplies 1,140 1,060 1,028 Utilities 5,500 5,240 5,000 Memberships(EON) 185 185 185 Building Maintenance 1,400 2,505 1,150 Equipment Maintenance 750 51 720 Grounds Maintenance 2,500 2,609 2,300 Insurance 1,200 1,200 1,200 Special Event 750 2,867 900 Reserve 1,000 -3,000 Sundry 3,550 2,538 2,950 30,760 26,900 25,133 done 28 Municipality of Bayham 2005 Planning, Development&Tourism 2005 Budget 2004 Actual 2004 Budget Revenues Sundry 10,933 Zoning Certificates 3,000 2,730 3,000 Zoning Charges 16,000 25,000 16,000 19,000 38,663 19,000 Expenditures Salaries&Wages 43,646 40,678 40,713 Statutory Benefits 4,400 4,451 4,500 Non-Statutory Benefits 5,700 6,743 5,700 Supplies 400 8 400 Advertising 4,500 6,420 4,500 Association&Membership Fees 300 0 300 Legal Fees 3,000 0 3,000 Conferences&Seminars 1,000 0 1,500 Travel 200 109 200 Sundry 200 231 275 Consulting Fees 15,000 45,192 17,000 Economic Development&Tourism 10,500 6,938 7,000 88,846 110,770 85,088 29 Budget/2005 Budget draft.xls/Planning Municipality of Bayham 2005 Environmental Services 2005 Budget 2004 Actual 2004 Budget Revenues Grants&Subsidies 4,500 6,142 5,000 Municipal Drain Charges 7,006 7,006 7,006 Tile Drain Charges 9,627 9,627 13,620 21,133 22,775 25,626 Expenditures Salaries&Wages 18,230 12,695 12,996 Statutory Benefits _ 1,825 1,461 1,450 Non-Statutory Benefits 2,550 1,819 1,819 Supplies/Stock 0 Professional Services 1,000 1,000 Water Sampling&Testing 10,500 10,211 10,500 Drain Maintenance 0 500 Sundry 500 340 Municipal Drain Debt Charges 7,006 7,006 7,006 Tile Drain Debt Charges 9,627 9,627 13,620 51,238 43,160 48,891 30 Municipality of Bayham Capital Budget 2005 • Capital -. Other - _ _ Protect Bud¢et Tax Levy Unexnend,'04 Reserve Reserves Other Notes JetFerar H -- { - - t -Computer Equipment 12,000 12_,00t6� Computer reserve;AccPac,compute- #2 -Well treatment 20,000 20,000 includes reno's to accommodate -Dev Chg/Forecast Study 35,000 10,000, 10,000 15,000 Water/Sewer Rescrves;Development Chgs _ -Office Eql4pment 6,000 1,000 5,000 _ Folding Machine -Van Leeuwen Severance 10,000 10,000 Op Stab Reserve -Trf to Comp.Reserve - 5,000 5,000 -OPP bld r lace roof _ 5,000 5,000 Vehicles #2 -Pumper/Tanker 210,000 69,000 73,000 68,000 Future tax revenues(1 year) -Chiefs vehicle I _ -Vehicle equipment 3,750 3,750 Fire training •nt • ,Building #1 -Port Burwell-engineering -Reserve-bldg -New Flooring-Burwell 2,400 2,400 Fire training grant #2 -Straff Well Treatmentto do 2006 Equipment Purchase -4"Storz 1,075 1,075 Fire training grant -2 Akron 2.5"bore nozzles 1 96 - 1,196 Fire training grant _ • #1 -Portable Monitor w/base 5,203 5,203 Fire t crinin rant _ -6 Bunker Gear 8,942_ 8,942 #1 -Nozzle for Monitor I,718 1,718 Fire training_grant -Vehicle Stabilization kit 1,404 1,404 Fire training grant i__ -Hurst mini cutter -2 low Ievel strainers 853 853 -16 rechargable search light 2,506 2,506 Communication Equip. _ -Photocopier 540 540 Fire Training Grant I i-Mobile radio for Pumper 810 810 ___. -2 Portable radios 1,188 1,188 -4 Pagers and Chargers 2,268 2,268 toads , 16/05/2005 Municipality of Bayham Capital Budget 2005 Protect Budeet Tax Levy JJnexpend.'04 Reserve Reserves Other Notes 'Equipment Purchase 3pt Hitch Grass Mower 15,000 15,000 -Used Pick Up Truck 22000 22,000 #1 -Parks Mower&Trailer 17,000 16,000 1000 Park Reserve -2 Loader Tires 6,000 6,000 -Plastic Brine Tank 6,000 6,000' -Tfr to Reserve(Truck) 15,000 15 000 -Trf to Reserve(Sander) 35,000 35,000 Construction Projects -Coyle Road Hill 39,000 [0,000 29,000 #2 -Pressey Line 100,000 67,626 32,374 -#2 -Bayham Drive 55,434 18,500 36934 Future tax(2 yrs #2 -Clearview Drive 56,000 56,000. -Ottergate Line -Stafford Road -Brock/Strachan Street -Best Line,west culvert 8,000 8,000 -- � Asphalt Projects _ -Staff Community Centre pad - -Eden Community Centre 12,000 12,000 park reserve -Glen Erie Line May recover from County -Brock,Strachan St 26,000 26,000 -Alward Street - Patching(jackson,etc) _ 20,000 20,000 Gravel Projects #1 _-Godby Line 20,000 20 000 -General Maintenance 40,000 40,000 -Stafford Road #1 -Somers(south of Eden) _ #1 -Sandytown Road Tar&Chip Resurface -Teal Nevill Road 20,000 20,000 #1 .-Maple Grove 40,000 40,000 J _ #1 -Richmond Road -Carson-Elliot Road Other -Bridge Repairs 5,000] 5,000 1 4 -Road Salt Contain Bldg 16/05/2005 Municipality of Bayham Capital Budget 2005 r oiect 13udQej Tax Levy Unexpend.'04 Reserve 1 Reserves Other Notes Loose Top Projects General 48,000 48 000 J _ _ _ Sidewalks -New 5,000 500 Ha;kov -Change Rooms _ 25,000 5,000 20,000 _ -East Pier 8,000 8,000 Seawall Reserve• ___-1117-11 %"11111i --Meter Changeover 90,000 30000 Water Reserve 60000 Future years _ -Hydrant Replacement 4,000 4000 Water Reserve -Curb Stop/Rod Replacement 7,500 7500 Water Reserve -Dev chg study 4,000 4000 Water Reserve -trf to sec.Sys Reserve 20,000 20000 Water Reserve J )1,1111,4 __163#t -Contingency Pumps 20,000 20,000 Sewer Reserve -Valves 10,000 10000 Sewer Reserve -Equipment(snake) • 000 _ 4,000 Sewer Reserve -BuiIding Repairs 10,000 _ -710000 Sewer Reserve -Dev chg stud 6,000 t 6000 Sewer Reserve _ -Sanitary_Sewer Project 157,000 157,000 Completion -Ltd repayment 219,943 , 18,065 20I,878 Ratepayers/Sewer Res I #2 -Well Trete-,.•-.. 15,000, --. -Car_port,s_,!Ir. , 1, 5,000 - -Trail Fencing(reserve) 22 500 - 7500 Option agtnt 15,000_ reserve - 1____ . #2 -TiIlsonburg Arena - 101000 10,000 _plus 3 more years- #2 -Aylmer Arena 10,000 I0,000 plus 3 more years .§.11.1t14+d3t}AN 3 4u f Gree: . , -Renovations 10,000 10,000 #2 -Well Treatment 20,000 14,423 5,577 Environ Res T J -Floor 4,260 4,260 SCC reserve 16/05/2005 Municipality of Bayham Capital Budget 2005 Project Budget Tax Levy _Unexnend.'04 Reserve Reserves Other _ otes -Bathrooms _ 1 075 1,075 SCC reserve -renovations 19,000' Iiiifife dull E.s ib,'E#2 -Well Treatment I to do 2006 Librariv - - -Vienna Buildin; - _ Demolish or renc `.'' • n — t -General -Feasibility Study 13,500 13,500 Fundraising -Cultural Plan 38,782 13,782 25,000 Trillium -Cover for life boat 1,000 1,000 -Lighthouse windows 6,000 6,000 -Lighthouse foundation 2,000 600 1,400 12. Special Project 4,170 4,170 . 'lannitlz' "i) i x -_- -Mapping,Teranet 3,500 3,500 -Ec Dev-Signs 17,100 7,000 I0,100 • -Facade Program 21,000 1,000 20000 Borrow from CCM TOTAL 1,756,617 704,963 217,079 0 95,977' 738,598 T 16/05/2005 Reserves 2003 2004 Proposed 2005 _ RESERVES BAYHAM BAYHAM BAYHAM Reserve for Working Funds Beginning Balance 334,307 334,307 334,307 Increase in the year - - - Decrease in the year - - - Ending Balance 334,307 334,307 334,307 Reserve for Computer Equipment Beginning Balance 20,000 20,000 21,633 Increase in the year 5,000 5,000 5,000 Decrease in the year _ 5,000 3,367 12,000 Ending Balance 20,000 21,633 14,633 Reserve for Fixed Assets Beginning Balance 112,611 112,311 97,311 (Roads) Increase in the year 60,000 35,000 50,000 Decrease in the year 60,300 50,000 Ending Balance 112,311 97,311 147,311 Reserve for Road Construction _ Beginning Balance 25,268 40,268 268 Increase in the year 15,000 - - Decrease in the year 40,000 Ending Balance 40,268 268 268 Reserve for Fire Depart Capital Equip _ Beginning Balance 135,300 1,300 74,300 Increase in the year 73,000 Decrease in the year 134,000 73,000 Ending Balance 1,300 74,300 1,300, Fire Training Grant Beginning Balance - - Increase in the year 42,240 Decrease in the year 17,286 Ending Balance - - 24,954 Reserve for Waterworks Beginning Balance 58,578 7,952 10,406 Increase in the year 42,543 53,075 57,493 Decrease in the year 93,169 50,621 65,500 Ending Balance 7,952 10,406 2,399 Reserve for Sewage Beginning Balance 158,280 214,892 Tfr to res fund Increase in the year 146,799 87,101 _ Decrease in the year 90,187 24,093 Ending Balance 214,892 277,900 I Seawall/Harbour repair Beginning Balance 6,000 6,000 26,000 Increase in the year 20,000 Decrease in the year - - 5,000 , Ending Balance 6,000 26,000 21,000 Goethals Geography Grant _ Beginning Balance 100 50 - Increase in the year - - - Decrease in the year 50 50 Ending Balance 50 - - Recreation Beginning Balance 2,000 2,000 2,000 Increase in the year - - - Decrease in the year - - - Ending Balance 2,000 2,000 2,000 Self-funded Insurance Reserve Beginning Balance 23,000 24,000 24,000 Increase in the year 1,000 - - Decrease in the year - - - Ending Balance 24,000 24,000 24,000 Policing Reserve Beginning Balance 59,553 59,553 54,512 Increase in the year Decrease in the year 5,041 Ending Balance 59,553 54,512 54,512 Health Beginning Balance 3,000 3,000 3,000 Increase in the year Decrease in the year - - - Ending Balance 3,000 3,000 3,000 Land Acquisition Beginning Balance _ 6,000 12,000 12,000 Increase in the year _ 6,000 - - Decrease in the year - - - Ending Balance - 12,000- 12,000 12,000 Edison Museum Beginning Balance 3,465 - Increase in the year 15,524 - Decrease in the year 18,989 tfr to Res Fund Ending Balance - - Election Beginning Balance 6,000 - 3,000 Increase in the year - 3,000 3,000 Decrease in the year 6,000 - - Ending Balance - 3,000 6,000 Contingency _ Beginning Balance 28,000 28,000 28,000 Increase in the year Decrease in the year - - - Ending Balance 28,000 28,000 28,000 Capital Stabilization Beginning Balance 326,547 107,651 81,951 Increase in the year - Decrease in the year 218,896 25,700 Ending Balance 107,651 81,951 81,951 Operating Stabilization Beginning Balance 236,714 214,513 214,513 Increase in the year - - - Decrease in the year 22,201 - 10,000 Ending Balance 214,513 214,513 204,513 TOTALS 1,187,797.00 1,265,101.00 937,194.00 Reserve Funds 2003 2004 - Proposed 2005 RESERVE FUNDS BAYHAM BAYHAM BAYHAM Park Reserve Fund Beginning Balance 15,942 16,503 24,300 Increase in the year 13,895 19,797 - Decrease in the year 13,334 12,000 13,000 Ending Balance 16,503 24,300 11,300 Park-Trail Reserve Beginning Balance 31,400 28,958 38,100 Increase in the year 15,000 - Decrease in the year 2,442 5,858 15,000 Ending Balance 28,958 38,100 23,100 Eden Improvement Reserve Fund Beginning Balance 513 528 551_ Increase in the year 15 23 - Decrease in the year Ending Balance 528 551 551 Sewage Reserve Fund Beginning Balance Tfr from Reserves 277,900 Transfer In 113,014 Increase in the year 67,507 Decrease in the year 50,000 Ending Balance - 408,421 Environmental Reserve Fund Beginning Balance 5,423 9,342 9,746 Increase in the year 3,919 404 - Decrease in the year - 5,577 Ending Balance 9,342 9,746 4,169 Fire Depart Capital Equipment Beginning Balance _ 2,374 2,442 2,548 Increase in the year 68 106 - Decrease in the year - Ending Balance 2,442 2,548 2,548 Development Purposes Beginning Balance _ 8,533 9,094 9,594 Increase in the year 561 500 - Decrease in the year - 15,000 Ending Balance 9,094 9,594 (5,406) Edison Museum Beginning Balance - 18,989 30,140 Increase in the year 18,989 11,151 9,680 Decrease in the year - - - Ending Balance 18,989 30,140 39,820 Seawall repair - - Beginning Balance 3,135 3,224 3,360 Increase in the year 89 136 - Decrease in the year - - 3,000 Ending Balance 3,224 3,360 360 ` Straffordville Community Centre Beginning Balance - -_ Transfer In 9,070 Increase in the year _ - Decrease in the year - - 5,335 Ending Balance - - 3,735 Vienna Community Centre - Beginning Balance Transfer In 2,754 Increase in the year Decrease in the year - - - Ending Balance - - 2,754 89,080 118,339 491,352 TOTAL RESERVE FUNDS 1