HomeMy WebLinkAboutBy-law No. 2004-099 THE CORPORATION OF THE
BY-LAW NO. 2004-099
WHEREAS Section 8 of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c. 25 as amended provides a municipality
with the powers of a natural person.
AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham has accepted the
banking services proposal provided by Royal Bank of Canada. ,
1. THAT the Mayor and Clerk be and are hereby authorized to execute the Visa Business Card
Agreement attached hereto as Schedule "A" and forming part of this by-law, between the
Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham and Royal Bank of Canada.
2. THAT any business card by-laws previously adopted are hereby repealed.
3. THAT this by-law shall come into full force and effect upon final passing.
. --iineclute_ 14 co ..1_,,IL-0.1---s c-t-1-41-4(1-11-a-01-4-ktela,;1,3194(03/20041
Fields labeled with asterisks (**) are mandatory
PO BOX 160 9344 PLANK RD (519) 866-5521 0000 (BUSINESS SRF)**
Please effect the following additions to the Visa Business Cards Accounts issued to the above company:
CYCLE DATE (This is the date the statement will be printed. Must be between the 3rd and 27th day of the
month.)This date will be the same for all accounts below.
(surname,first name) Business Gold& TYPE**
Business Avian mm .*5000)
KRUGER,KYLE 2 Business El Business El Business $ 5, 000 RI CIMMMt*
Li Joint
MANTEL, SUZANNA r.", Business 0 Business 0 Businessness $ 5, 000 IX Corporate
O Joint
0 Business 0 Lliness 0 Bainneas $ 0 Corporate
O Joint
(surname,initials) CARD TYPE"
0 Business CD aZr.... El Business
0 Business 0 tr. 0 Business
(Business min.*1000
Business Gold&
Business Avion min.*5000)
1 . _
0 Burliness 0 rims 0 Business $
L,,i 'n-r. Arc,c-42_ PIA Afe_.
NAME ** SIGNA R **, t..) A
/Thal(.1- thAa itai• a, :2_,(9-.v V
TITLE DATE.. .........
Li'sr\14 M.1 ii a rd AL Lii,—LLJ
1.11111PGICE1** I
al 0 Location Address Imendatoryl:
Deliver Cards Redirect Cards to Branch TILLSONBUR.G, ON
to Company (Must Specify Delivery Location)
Address as above N4 G 3 P7
Location Transit /mandatory): 05102
01702 (519) 842-6460
+ For maintenance Items such as name changes,card cancellation etc.please use FORM 15615-VISA•BUSINESS CARDS-EXISTING ACCOUNT MAINTENANCE
TPA Trade-mark of Royal Bank of Canada.
• Registered trademark of Visa international Service Association. Used under licence.
Royal Bank VISA* Business Card Agreement �� EForm 80450(03120041
RBC Advances and Cheques) and the Interest Rate
(Interest-Bearing Purchases);
In consideration of the mutual promises stated in this "Liability Waiver Program" means the Royal Bank VISA
Agreement, we agree with you as follows: Liability Waiver program in force from time to time, a
current copy of which is annexed to this Agreement;
1. What the Words Mean: In this Agreement and the
Disclosure Statement, please remember that, oMinimum Payment" means the amount indicated as such
"we", "our" and "us" mean the person or entity which has "New Balance"n an Account Smea means amount indicated as such on an
signed this Agreement; and Account Statement;
"you" and "your" mean Royal Bank of Canada. "Personal Identification Number" means the personal
Please also remember that in this Agreement and the identification number that a Cardholder has selected in your
Disclosure Statement, prescribed manner;
"Account" means the Royal Bank VISA Business card "Purchase" means a purchase of goods or services (or
account you have opened in a Cardholder's name to which both) that is charged to a Cardholder's Account with or in
Debt is charged; connection with their Card; and
"Account Statement" means your written statement of the "Statement Date" means the date indicated as such on an
Account that you prepare for a Cardholder about every Account Statement.
three (3) or four (4) weeks [the period covered by each 2. General Terms of Agreement: This Agreement and the
Account Statement will vary between 27 days and 34 Disclosure Statement apply to each Account and Card.This
Agreement replaces all
"Aggregate Credit Limit" means the maximum aggregate g p prior VISA Business card
amount of Debt that can remain outstanding and unpaid at agreements between you and us for each Account and
any time in the Accounts of all Cardholders under this Card.
Agreement; We must promptly give you up-to-date credit and
"Agreement" means this VISA Business Card Agreement financially-related information about us when you ask for it.
and all annexes attached to this VISA Business Card The section headings in this Agreement appear only for
Agreement; ease of reference purposes. They do not form part of this
"Authorized Person" means any individual we have Agreement.
designated in writing as being authorized to ask you to 3. Account Opening/Card Issuance and Renewal: You will
open an Account and issue a Card to a Cardholder under open an Account for, and will issue a Card on that Account
this Agreement and to perform administrative duties for us to, a Cardholder at the request of an Authorized Person
under this Agreement; made on a fully completed request form that you have
"Card" means any VISA Business or CHARGEX.credit card prescribed for this purpose.
you issue to a Cardholder on an Account in their name at You will also issue renewal and replacement Cards
our request, and all renewals of and replacements for that (excluding an emergency replacement Card) to each
credit card; Cardholder before the expiration date indicated on the Card
"Cardholder" means an individual for whom you have last issued to them. You will continue to issue renewal and
opened an Account and to whom you have issued a Card replacement Cards to a Cardholder in this way until we or
on that Account at the request of an Authorized Person the Cardholder tells you to stop. An emergency
under this Agreement; replacementby you to a Cardholder
"Cash Advance" means an advance of cash that is charged hn requiredaraccording issued to your customary operating
to a Cardholder's Account with or in connection with their procedures.
Card (or any other eligible Account access card you have 4. Account and Card Use: A Cardholder may use their
issued to the Cardholder);
Account and Card to obtain advances of money from you
"Credit Limit" means the maximum amount of Debt that through Purchase transactions, Cash Advance transactions
can remain outstanding and unpaid at any time in a and other transactions you permit from time to time. The
Cardholder's Account under this Agreement; use of each Account and Card is
"Debt" means all amounts charged to a Cardholder'sgoverned by this
Account with or in connection with their Card, including Cardholder An Account and hasad may only opened used by the
Purchases, Cash Advances, interest, service fees and other Cardholder in must whoset name iti been r the pr issued. A
charges; Cardholder not use their Card after expiration date
"Disclosure Statement" means your written statement of shown on it or after the termination of this Agreement.
the Interest Rates, service fees and other charges for each 5. Account and Card Ownership: You are the owner of each
Account and each Card set out in a document Account and Card. Neither a Cardholder or we have the
accompanying each Card when you issue it to a Cardholder right to assign or transfer this Agreement, any Card or any
and in any other document or statement you may send to Account to anyone else.
Cardholders from time to time; 6. Lost or Stolen Card: We or a Cardholder must tell you at
"Due Date" means the date indicated as such on an once if the Cardholder's Card is lost or stolen or if we or
Account Statement; the Cardholder suspects it is lost or stolen. We or the
"Interest-Bearing Balance" means the unpaid balance of the Cardholder may do this in the way you have set out on
Debt outstanding in a Cardholder's Account that is made each Account Statement.
up of any combination of Interest-Bearing Purchases and If a Cardholder's Card is lost or stolen, we will be liable to
Cash Advances; you for:
"Interest-Bearing Purchase" means a Purchase appearing on (a) all Debt on the Cardholder's Account, up to a
an Account Statement for the first time whether either or maximum of $1,000.00, resulting from the loss or
both of the following occurs: (i) the Debt shown on that theft of their Card that is incurred before the time we
Account Statement is not paid in full by that Account or the Cardholder tells
Statement's Due Date or (ii) the Debt shown on the you about that.loss or theft
preceding Account Statement was not paid in full by that through any one or more transactions on the
preceding Account Statement's Due Date; Cardholder's Account in which only their Card or the
"Interest Rate (Cash Advances and Cheques)" means the Cardholder's Account number has been used to
annual percentage rate of interest referred to in the complete those transactions, and
Disclosure Statement and set out on each Account (b) all Debt resulting from the loss or theft of their Card
Statement that applies to each Cash Advance; that is incurred before the time we or the Cardholder
"Interest Rate (Interest-Bearing Purchases)" means the tells you about that loss or theft through any one or
annual percentage rate of interest referred to in the more transactions on the Cardholder's Account in
Disclosure Statement and set out on each Account which their Card and Personal Identification Number
Statement that applies to each Interest-Bearing Purchase; have been used together to complete those
"Interest Rates" mean, collectively, the Interest Rate (Cash transactions.
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E-Form 80450(03/20041
We will not be liable to you for any Debt resulting from the Account Statement to the Cardholder on which that
loss or theft of the Cardholder's Card that is incurred after excess appears.
the time we or the Cardholder tells you about that loss or Id) We must keep each Cardholder's Account up-to-date
theft. at all times even when you are delayed in or prevented
7. Card Cancellation/Revocation or Suspension of Use: We from sending, for any reason, any one or more Account
may cancel a Cardholder's Account and Card for any Statements to Cardholders. We must contact your
reason (including, without limitation, the death of the Card Centre identified on Account Statements at least
Cardholder) by providing you with written notice of once a month during such a delay or interruption to
cancellation of that Account and Card. Subject to Section obtain any payment information we do not have and
6., we will be liable to you for all Debt, howsoever and by need to know in order for us to comply with our
whomsoever incurred, resulting from the use of the obligations under this Section.
Cardholder's Account or Card from the time we provide (e) If any payment made by us in respect of a Cardholder's
written notice of cancellation to you of the Cardholder's Account is not honoured, or if you must return it to us
Card until the time we have notified you that the Card has because it cannot be processed, the applicable service
been destroyed. fee will be charged under Section 13. and Card
If the Debt outstanding in a Cardholder's Account exceeds privileges may be revoked or suspended by you under
Section 7.
the Credit Limit at any time, you may suspend the
Cardholder's right to use their Account and Card and all 11• Interest Charges:
services you provide to the Cardholder under this (a) Interest-Free Purchases: We will not pay interest on
Agreement until such time as that excess is paid to you in the amount of any Purchase appearing on an Account
full. Statement for the first time provided that all Debt
You may revoke or suspend a Cardholder's right to use shown on that Account Statement is paid in full by
their Account and Card at any time without notice. The that Account Statement's Due Date and all Debt
Cardholder must also surrender their Card to us or to you at shown on the preceding Account Statement was also
our(or your) request. paid in full by that preceding Account Statement's Due
8. Limits: You will set an Aggregate Credit Limit for all Date.
Accounts and you may change it from time to time by (b) Interest Bearing Balance: We will pay interest on the
providing written notice of the change to us. You will tell Interest-Bearing Balance at the Interest Rates in effect
us what the initial Aggregate Credit Limit is in writing at or in the manner described below and in sub-Section
before the time an Account is opened for a Cardholder 11.(c):
under this Agreement. We will not permit the Debt we owe You will charge us interest:
to you at any time to exceed the Aggregate Credit Limit. Ii) on the amount of each Interest-Bearing Purchase
However, you may (but are not required to, even if you from land including) the transaction date recorded
have done so before) permit that Debt to exceed the for them on the Account Statement where they
Aggregate Credit Limit you set from time to time. appeared for the first time to the day you receive
You will set a Credit Limit for each Cardholder's Account payment in full of the Interest-Bearing Balance;
and you may change the Credit Limit for a Cardholder's and
Account periodically. You will tell each Cardholder what (ii) on the amount of each Cash Advance from (and
their current Credit Limit is on the document accompanying including) the day they are obtained to the day you
their Card when you issue it to them and on each Account receive payment in full of the Interest-Bearing
Statement. We will ensure that each Cardholder observes Balance.
their Credit Limit. We will not permit the Debt we owe to (c) Interest Calculation: The interest you charge on the
you in respect to an Account at any time to exceed the Interest-Bearing Balance accrues daily.
Credit Limit for that Account. However, you may (but are You will calculate the interest on the Interest-Bearing
not required to, even if you have done so before) permit Balance made up of Cash Advances by multiplying this
that Debt to exceed that Credit Limit you set from time to Interest-Bearing Balance outstanding on any day by the
time. Interest Rate (Cash Advances and Cheques) in effect and
9. Liability for Debt: Subject to Sections 6. and 7., and except dividing the result by the number of days in the year.
as may otherwise be provided under the Liability Waiver You will calculate the interest on the Interest-Bearing
Program, we will be liable to you for all Debt charged to Balance made up of Interest-Bearing Purchases by
each Account, no matter how it is incurred or who has multiplying this Interest-Bearing Balance outstanding on any
incurred it and even though you may send Account day by the Interest Rate (Interest-Bearing Purchases) in
Statements to Cardholders and not to us. However, you effect and dividing the result by the number of days in the
will provide Account Statement or other information about year.
that Debt to us at our request.
You may apply any money we have on deposit with you or You will post the interest we owe on the Interest-Bearing
any of your affiliates against any Debt we have not paid to Balance for the period covered byanAccount Statement to
you as required under this Agreement without notice to us. the chAcarge
ont at the end t- that period. Since accruesthe interest
10. Payment of Debt: you charge the Interest-Bearing Balance daily up
to the time you receive a payment of the Debt, the final
(a) Subject to sub-Sections 10.(b), 10.(c) and Section 18., interest charge on the Interest-Bearing Balance for that
we may pay the Debt we owe to you in respect to period can only be calculated and included on the Account
each Cardholder's Account in full or in part at any Statement that shows the payment.
time. You will not charge interest on billed interest or service
(h) Subject to sub-Section 10.(c) and Section 18., we fees and other charges, except foreign currency fees.
must make one of the following payments of the Debt 12. Application of Payments: You will apply each payment of
shown on each Account Statement by the Due Date the Debt in respect to a Cardholder's Account in the
shown there in order to keep the Account up-to-date: following order: interest charges; service fees and other
(i) a payment in full of the New Balance shown on charges; billed Cash Advances; Interest-Bearing Purchases,
the current Account Statement if that New unbilled Cash Advances; unbilled Purchases. Unless you
Balance is less than $10.00; or otherwise agree, any payment must be made in money
(Ii) a payment of not less than the Minimum Payment which is legal tender at the time of payment. As well, the
shown on the current Account Statement if the mere lapse of the time fixed for performing an obligation
New Balance shown on that Account Statement is under this Agreement will have the effect of putting us in
$10.00 or more. default of it.
Cc) We must also pay the amount of any Debt that 13. Service Fees and other Charges: We must pay all service
exceeds the Credit Limit for a Cardholder's Account at fees and other charges that apply to a Cardholder's
once to keep that Account up-to-date. We must pay
this excess even though you may not yet have sent an Page 2 of 4
E-Form 80450103/2004)
Account and this Agreement, as set out in the Disclosure (ii) all costs and expenses you incur in reclaiming any
Statement and in any document or other written statement Card.
you may send to Cardholders or us from time to time. You 19. Problems with a Purchase: Subject to Section 20.,
will charge them to the Cardholder's Account at the time (a) you will not be responsible for any problem a
they are incurred. Cardholder has with any Purchase, and
14. Automated Banking Machines: A Cardholder may use their (b) if the Cardholder has a problem or dispute with a
Card together with their Personal Identification Number to merchant regarding a Purchase, we must still pay all
make transactions on their Account at those banking Debt as required by this Agreement and settle the
machines and terminals you operate and at any other problem or dispute directly with the merchant.
banking machines or terminals you designate from time to You will not be responsible if a Card is not honoured by a
time, subject to the Cardholder's agreement with you merchant at any time and, subject to Section 20., for any
governing the use of their Personal Identification Number. other problem or dispute a Cardholder may have with a
15. Debt Incurred Without a Card: If a Cardholder incurs Debt merchant. As well, you reserve the right to deny
without having presented their Card to a merchant (such as authorization of any Purchase at any time.
for mail order or telephone Purchase), the legal effect will 20. Account Statements, Verification and Disputes: You will
be the same as if the Cardholder had used their Card and send Account Statements to each Cardholder, directed to
signed a Purchase or Cash Advance draft. the Cardholder's address last provided to you by the
16. Changes to Disclosure Statement: You may change the Authorized Person. We will ensure that each Cardholder
Interest Rates, service fees and other charges for each promptly examines all of their Account Statements and
Cardholder's Account and this Agreement set out or each entry and balance recorded in them.
referred to in the Disclosure Statement periodically. We will We will notify you in writing of any errors, omissions, or
be given at least thirty (30) days prior written notice of objections to an Account Statement, or an entry or balance
each change, directed to our address last appearing on your recorded in it, within sixty (60) days from the Statement
records. If any Card is used or any Debt remains unpaid Date recorded on that Account Statement.
after the effective date of a change, it will mean that we If we do not notify you as required,you are entitled to treat
have agreed to the change. the above Account Statements, entries and balances as
17. Changes to Agreement: You may change this Agreement complete, correct and binding on us and you will be
periodically. We will be given at least thirty (30) days prior released from all claims by us in respect of those Account
written notice of each change, directed to our address last Statements, entries and balances.
appearing on your records. If any Card is used or any Debt You may use a microfilm, electronic or other reproduction
remains unpaid after the effective date of a change, it will of any Purchase or Cash Advance draft or other document
mean that we have agreed to the change. evidencing Debt to establish our liability for that Debt.
18. Termination: Upon request, you will provide a microfilm, electronic or
(a) You or we may terminate this Agreement at any time other reproduction within a reasonable time frame of any
by giving written notice of termination to the party(ies) Purchase or Cash Advance draft or other document
to be bound by that written notice. You must direct evidencing the Debt. If the item is a legitimate charge to
your written notice to our address last appearing on the Cardholder's Account and the dispute is between the
your records. Our written notice must be directed to Cardholder or us and the merchant, we must still pay the
your address appearing on the last Account Statement Debt owing to you and settle the problem or dispute
you have sent to Cardholders. directly with the merchant. If the item is not a legitimate
(b) The occurrence of any one of the following events has charge, you will return the item to the merchant and credit
the effect of putting us in default and you may the Cardholder's Account.
terminate this Agreement at once without giving us 21. Authorized Person: Upon signing this Agreement, we will
any notice, if: designate one or more individuals as an Authorized Person
(i) we become insolvent or bankrupt, to assist us in the administration of this Agreement. The
(ii) someone files a petition in bankruptcy against us, Authorized Person will be responsible for performing, on our
(iii) we make an unauthorized assignment for the behalf, such administrative duties as you may request and
benefit of our creditors, we have agreed to from time to time.
(iv) we institute, or someone else institutes, any 22. Exchange of Information Between You and Us: Information
proceedings for the dissolution, liquidation or about a Cardholder's use of their Account and Card, and
winding up of our affairs, pertinent information about any reimbursement of Debt
(v) we institute, or someone else institutes, any other received by the Cardholder from us, Cardholder
type of insolvency proceeding involving our assets employment status and location, and any other related
under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act or Cardholder tracking information may be exchanged
otherwise, between you and us.
(vi) we cease or give notice of our intention to cease 23. Collection and Use of Information: From time to time,
to carry on business or make or agree to make a
bulk sale of our assets without complying with (a) You may collect credit and other financially-related
applicable laws or we commit an act of information (including information related to our
bankruptcy, transactions) about us ("Information") from us, from
(vii) we fail to pay any Debt or to perform any other service arrangements we have made with or through
obligation to you as required under this you, from credit bureaux and other financial
Agreement, institutions, and from references we have provided to
(viii)we make any statement or representation to you you;
that is untrue in any material respect when made, (b) You may use information as follows:
or (i) give it to credit bureaux, to other financial
(ix) there is, in your opinion, a material adverse change institutions, to persons with whom we have or
in our financial condition. may have financial or other business dealings and,
(c) Upon termination of this Agreement, we must pay all with our consent, to other parties,
Debt for each Account to you at once and ensure that (if) to determine our financial situation,
each Cardholder destroys their Card. If we fail to (iii) to provide us with the services we request from
comply with our obligations to you under this you, and
Agreement, we will be liable to you for: 'iv) give it to anyone who works with or for you, but
(i) all court costs and reasonable legal fees and only as needed for providing the services we
expenses (on a solicitor-client basis) you incur request from you.
through any legal process to recover any Debt, and You may use our social insurance number, if applicable, for
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B-Form 80450(03/2004)
income tax reporting purposes if we have given that sub-Section 23.(b) above. We consent to, and accept this
number to you; and as prior written notice of, your obtaining a credit report or
(c) You may also use Information for the following other Information about us from time to time.
purposes: (You publish a brochure about client privacy - "Straight
(i) to promote your services to us and add it to client Talk®About Client Privacy" - which outlines some matters
lists you prepare and use for this purpose, and relating to Information (e.g., where it is stored, how to
(ii) share it with other members of RBC Financial verify or have it corrected, etc.). We may obtain a copy of
Group (where the law does not prohibit) so that this brochure at any of your branches in Canada or by
they may promote their services to us. calling you at the toll-free number shown above.]
You may use our social insurance number, if applicable, as 24. Liability Waiver Program: The Liability Waiver Program
an aid to identify us with credit bureaux and other financial applies to this Agreement and is made available at no cost
institutions for credit history file matching purposes, to us. We may request you to waive, in accordance with
We may tell you to stop using Information in the ways the Liability Waiver Program, our liability under Section 9.
described in sub-Section 23.(c) at any time by contacting for certain unauthorized charges posted to a Cardholder's
our RBC Financial Group branch or by calling you toll-free at Account. We agree to abide by the provisions of the
1-800-Royal®9-9. Liability Waiver Program as in effect from time to time.
You acknowledge that the use of information in the ways 26. Counterparts: This Agreement may be executed in any
described in sub-Section 23.(c) is at our option and that we number of counterparts, each of which when executed and
will not be refused credit or other services just because we delivered will be deemed to be an original, and those
have told you to stop using it in those ways. counterparts together will constitute one and the same
For the purposes of sub-Section 23.(c)(ii), other members agreement.
of RBC Financial Group include your affiliates which are 26. Complete Agreement, etc.: This Agreement constitutes the
engaged in the business of providing any one or more of complete agreement between you and us with respect to
the following services to the public in Canada: deposits, the subject matter hereof. No failure on your part to
loans and other personal financial services; credit, charge exercise, and no delay by you in exercising, any right under
and payment card services; trust and custodial services; this Agreement will operate as a waiver thereof; nor will
securities and brokerage services;insurance services. any single or partial exercise by you of any right under this
If we are no longer your client or this Agreement Agreement preclude any other or further exercise thereof,
terminates, you may keep Information in your records so or the exercise of any other right, by you under this
long as it is needed for the purposes described in Agreement.
Signed as of the day of ''- �q"j by you and us
Month Year
Customer Legal Na e
Per: J • Per:
Name: Name:
Title: { Tide:
Per *
Name. } Name:
Title: e,/.:2 rik-- Title:
("I am an authorized signing officer of the Customer with authority to bind the Customer.)
1. General: This Disclosure Statement applies to the Account (d) Foreign Currency Fee: You will charge a currency
and each Card you have issued on the Account. conversion fee equal to 2.5% of the amount of any
2. Interest Rates: The Interest Rates are set out on each Debt or other transaction not incurred in Canadian
Account Statement. They are expressed as annual dollars. You will convert this Debt or other transaction
percentage rates. and fee to Canadian dollars at your conversion cost in
3. Service Fees and Other Charges: The following schedule of effect on the day you post the converted Debt or other
service fees and other charges applies to the Account**: transaction and fee to the Account.
(a) Annual Service Fee: (e) Statement Update Fee: No charge for a copy of
VISA Business: $12.00 for each VISA Business Card. Account Statement for current statement period;
$2.00 for a copy of Account Statement for any other
VISA Business Gold_$40.00 for each VISA Business Gold Card. statement period. $0.75 for each Account Statement
VISA Business Platinum Avion: $120.00 for each VISA Business update obtained from an Account Updater'tt machine;
Platinum Avion Card. $0.75 for each in-branch Account Statement update.
•• Annual service fees are not refundable (f) Sales/Cash Advance Draft Copy Fee: No charge for a
(b) Cash Advance Fee: (When we get a cash advance in copy of a sales or Cash Advance draft referred to in
the Account Statement for the current statement
Canada at any bank machine, at one of your branches
in Canada, or by using RBC Royal Bank Online or period; draft2.00 for each copy c a sales orm Cash
Telephone Banking) - $2.00; $5.00 for any cash Advance draft referred toer in the Account Statement for
advance outside Canada, any other statement period. (No charge for any draft
(c) Dishonoured Cheque Charge: $25.00 for each cheque copy to which an Account posting error applies.)
or other instrument used to pay Debt that is (g) Over Limit Fee: $20.00 if the Debt exceeds the Credit
dishonoured by the financial institution on which it is Limit at any time during the period covered by an
drawn. (This charge is in addition to any NSF service Account Statement.
fee charged by that financial institution on the NSF
cheque or other instrument.)
▪ Registered trademark of Royal Bank of Canada.
IN Trademark of Royal Bank of Canada.
• Registered trademark of Visa international Service Association. Used under licence.
* Registered trademark of Charge=Limited.Used under licence.
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E-Form 12993{03120041
Royal Bank VISA* Business Card
This certificate is a valuable source of information. Please keep indirectly in whole or in part; or
it in a safe place. (b) for which the Company has reimbursed the Cardholder
This insurance is provided by Royal and Sun Alliance but the Cardholder has not paid Royal Bank.
What is Royal Bank VISA Liability Waiver Insurance? Provided that such charges:
The Royal Bank VISA LiabilityWaiver (I) are billed within the seventyfive (75) days
Y program allows preceding the Notification of Termination of the
Companies that have established one or more Royal Bank VISA Cardholder, or preceding the date Royal Bank
Business Card accounts (the "Company") to request Royal receives the request from the Company to cancel
Bank of Canada ("Royal Bank") to waive the Company's the Royal Bank VISA Business Card account on
liability for certain unauthorized charges made by Cardholders. which Unauthorized Charges were incurred;
The Royal Bank VISA Liability Waiver program will waive the (ii) are incurred but unbilled up to fourteen (14) days
Company's liability for Unauthorized Charges up to $50,000 after Royal Bank has received a request to cancel
per Royal Bank VISA Business Card provided that the the Cardholder's Royal Bank VISA Business Card
Company complies with the terms outlined below. however the Company must have notified Royal
Who Provides this Insurance? Bank within two (2) business days of the Notice
This program is insured by Royal and Sun Alliance Insurance. of Termination, if any;
The policy number is VC500500. (iii) are discovered not later than 75 days after the
Definitions termination of
"Affidavit of Waiver" shall mean a written request sent to (a) the insurance policy; or
Royal Bank by mail, telegram, fax or telex from the Company (b) the insurance in respect of the Company
requesting Royal Bank to waive the Company's Unauthorized whichever occurs first.
Charges in accordance with the terms and conditions of this B. Auditors fees incurred with the insurer's consent solely to
program. substantiate the amount of the claim.
"Cardholder" is an employee over age 18 of the Company What are Not Waivable Charges?
authorized to use the Royal Bank VISA Business Card for
Company business purposes only. The following charges whether Unauthorized Charges or
"Charges" are amounts, billed or unbilled including purchases authorized Charges are not covered by this policy:
and cash advances, charged to the Cardholder's Royal Bank 1. Charges made by partners, owners, or principal
VISA Business Card. shareholders who own more than five percent (5%) of the
Company's outstanding shares, or persons who are not
"Company" shall mean a corporation, partnership, sole employees of the Company at the time charges were incurred.
proprietorship or any other entity which has signed a Royal
Bank VISA Business Card Agreement with Royal Bank and for 2. Interest or fees imposed by Royal Bank on outstanding
which Royal Bank subsequently issues Royal Bank VISA unpaid Charges.
Business Cards and accounts for use by those Cardholders 3. In cases where Royal Bank invoices the Cardholder, any
designated by the Company. amount on a cheque submitted by a Cardholder which is
"Date of Notification of Termination" of a Cardholder's not paid by the Cardholder's financial institution, if the
employment shall mean the date the Company gives or Cardholder has, within the last twelve (12) months,
receives a written notice of immediate or pending termination submitted any other cheque to Royal Bank which was not
or the date the Cardholder leaves the Company's service paid by the Cardholder's financial institution.
whichever is earlier, or if the Cardholder is a member of a 4. Charges to purchase goods or services for the Company or
Bargaining unit of a union and the employer contract includes bought for someone else if instructed by the Company will
grievance procedures, the date the Company files a grievance not be covered. However, these charges would be
with the labour arbitrator recommending the Cardholder's covered if Royal Bank bills the Cardholder directly, and the
employment be terminated. Company has reimbursed the Cardholder and the
"Royal Bank VISA Business Card" shall mean a Royal Bank Cardholder has not paid Royal Bank.
VISA Business Card issued by the Royal Bank to a Cardholder. 5. Charges incurred by the Cardholder more than fourteen
"Waiver Date" is the date on the Request for Waiver Letter (14) days after Notification of Termination or more than
sent from the Company to Royal Bank. fourteen (14) days after Royal Bank receives the request
What are Unauthorized Charges? by the Company to cancel the Royal Bank VISA Business
Card, or immediately on the Date of Notification of
A. "Unauthorized Charges" are charges to a Cardholder's Termination if the Notification of Termination was not sent
Royal Bank VISA Business Card incurred by a Cardholder: to Royal Bank within two (2) business days of the Date of
(a) which do not benefit the Company directly or Notification of Termination.
&Form 12993(03120041
6. Charges resulting from either a lost or stolen Royal Bank Notification of Termination date or the date of the
VISA Business Card or charges to a Royal Bank VISA Company's intention to cancel the Cardholder's Royal Bank
Business Card account which is closed, frozen or ninety VISA Business Card and all claim documents must be filed
190) or more days delinquent. with the insurance underwriter within six (6) months from
7. Cash advances, after the Date of Notification of the Cardholder's Date of Notification of Termination.
Termination or immediately after Royal Bank receives the 5. The Company must promptly give written notice to Royal
request by the Company to cancel the Royal Bank VISA Bank in cases where Royal Bank invoices the Cardholder, if
Business Card, in excess of $300.00 per day per the Company knows or should know that a Cardholder is
Cardholder, or a maximum of $1,000.00 per Cardholder, receiving reimbursement for Charges but is not paying
whichever is less. Royal Bank for those Charges.
8. Any interest on money owing. 6. If the Company recovers any amounts for Unauthorized
What are the Responsibilities of the Company? Charges from any source after the Company has filed an
Affidavit of Waiver with Royal Bank, the Company will
The Company may request Royal Bank to waive the Company's remit all such amounts to Royal Bank. The Company
liability for Unauthorized Charges only if the Company meets all agrees to assign any rights it may have to collect such
of the following requirements: amounts from the Cardholder to Royal Bank. The Company
1. The Company must use its best efforts to retrieve the agrees to assign any rights it may have to collect such
Cardholder's Royal Bank VISA Business Card from the amounts from the Cardholder to the Insurer.
employee and must notify Royal Bank in writing to cancel 7. The Company will not name any person to receive a Royal
the Royal Bank VISA Business Card within two (2) Bank VISA Business Card on any of its present or future
business days of the Date of Notification of Termination or accounts if that person has been named at any time by the
its intention to cancel the Cardholder's Royal Bank VISA Company in an Affidavit of Waiver or has been found guilty
Business Card. by a court of competent jurisdiction.
2. The Company must notify Royal Bank in writing to cancel Other Insurance
the Royal Bank VISA Business Card within two (2)
business days of the Date of Notification of Termination or This program does not cover losses that are covered by other
immediately of its intention to cancel the Cardholder's insurance, and/or, losses that would have been paid if this
Royal Bank VISA Business Card. The letter must state: program did not exist. Losses that are above those covered by
(a) That the Company requests the waiver of other insurance as noted, but less than the limit of this
coverage are eligible for payment. This certificate is not a
Unauthorized Charges; contract of insurance. It contains only a summary of the
(b) The Cardholder's name, Royal Bank VISA Business principal provisions of the policy. In the event of any conflict
Card number, and last known business and home between the description of coverage in this certificate and the
address policy, the policy will govern.
(c) If applicable, that the Cardholder's employment has Termination
terminated and the Date of Notification of Termination; Coverage under this policy will automatically terminate on the
(d) In cases where Royal Bank sends its statements to the earliest of the following:
Cardholder directly, that the Company has contacted 1) the date the Company's Royal Bank VISA Business Card
the Cardholder in writing and directed the Cardholder Agreement with Royal Bank is cancelled; or
to immediately pay all outstanding Charges to Royal
Bank; 2) the date the Policy terminates, or;
(e) Whether the Royal Bank VISA Business Card was 3) thirty (30) days after Notice of Termination by Royal Bank.
retrieved from the Cardholder and, if so, confirmation Misstatement
that such card is in its possession or is enclosed Any fraud, misstatement or concealment by the Company
therein. either in regard to any matter affecting this insurance or in
Failure to notify Royal Bank in writing within two (2) connection with the making of a claim shall render this
business days of the Date of Notification of Termination or insurance null and void.
immediately of its intention to cancel the Cardholder's Currency
Royal Bank VISA Business Card will exclude coverage for
any Charges incurred after the request to cancel the Royal All claims will be paid in Canadian dollars.
Bank VISA Business Card. Inquiries
3. The Company must deliver to the Cardholder or send by Please direct any claim inquiries to:
firstclass mail, fax or telegram, a written notice stating
that the Cardholder's Royal Bank VISA Business Card has Royal and Sun Alliance Insurance Company of Canada
been cancelled, that the Cardholder should immediately Attention: Claims Management Services
discontinue all use of that Royal Bank VISA Business Card, Sheridan Insurance Center
that the Cardholder must immediately pay any outstanding 2225 Erin Mills Parkway, Suite 1000
amounts owed to Royal Bank, and that the Cardholder Mississauga, Ontario
must immediately return the Royal Bank VISA Business L5K 259
Card to the Company.
4. An officer, or other authorized official of the Company Within the Toronto Region telephone (905) 403-2283
must send an Affidavit of Waiver to Royal Bank by mail, Outside the Toronto Region telephone 1-800-544-2971
fax or telegram within thirty (30) days of a Cardholder's Please refer to the program and the policy number: VC500500.
TM Trademark of Royal Bank or Canada. •Registered trademark of Visa International Service Association.Used under licence.