HomeMy WebLinkAboutAugust 12, 2010 - Council COUNCIL MINUTES THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM 9344 Plank Road, Straffordville August 12,2010 7:00 PM 7:30 PM Public Meeting—Planning(Zoning) The regular meeting of the Council of the Municipality of Bayham was held on Thursday,August 12, 2010 in the Council Chambers. Present were Mayor Lynn Acre,Deputy Mayor Cliff Evanitski, Councillors Mark Taylor,Wayne Casier,Ed Ketchabaw and Clerk Lynda Millard. Planning Coordinator/Deputy Clerk Margaret Underhill,Fire Chief/By-Law Enforcement Officer Gord Roesch and Treasurer Denis Duguay were in attendance to present their respective reports. 1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Acre called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST& THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF None 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES AND ADDITION OF AGENDA ITEMS (a) Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held July 15, 2010. 2010-324 Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Councillor W Casier "THAT the minutes of the regular meeting held July 15,2010 be approved as circulated." CARRIED (b) Minutes of the special meeting of Council held July 29,2010. 2010-325 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw "THAT the minutes of the special meeting of Council held July 29,2010 be approved as circulated." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Page 1 of 16 Council Minutes August 12,2010 (c) Added Item(s) 2010-326 Moved by Councilor W Casier Seconded by Deputy Mayor C Evanitski "THAT in accordance with Section 21 of Procedural By-law 2002-93,request for exemption from Noise By-law submitted by Wilma Berkel and Wanda Hoshal as a delegation be added to the agenda as items 8(h) anc 4(b) respectively." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 4. DELEGATIONS (a) 7:05 p.m. -Duncan McPhail regarding International Plowing Match Final Approach Information Tour Mr. McPhail advised that the plans and fundraising efforts for the Elgin-St.Thomas International Plowing Match to be held September 21 —25 are being successfully implemented.He added that there is a good complement of exhibitors signing up. He requested assistance of Bayham public works staff to install and take down snow fencing. Council gave permission for Henry Mezenberg,chair of the tented city committee to contact Gerry LeMay,Manager of Public Works to make arrangements for staff assistance from Bayham. 2010-327 Moved by Councilor Seconded by Councillor "THAT correspondence from Duncan McPhail,Chairman of the International Plowing Match be received." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (b) 7:10 p.m. -Wanda Hoshal Mrs.Hoshal advised that she had been in contact with Mr. Robinson of the contracted firm for the Glen Erie Line bank stabilization project. She commented that the firm will preserve as many of the markers as they find.Observers will attend the site. She questioned what mode of transportation the municipality has proposed to transport the markers to the Estherville site. She noted that volunteers are available to help and a local trucker has offered a flatbed trailer, front end loader,canvas straps and binders. Mrs. Hoshal inquired when the Slippy and Leach markers would be permanently placed at the Old Eden cemetery as the group would like to hold a commemoration service. She said they were currently sitting on cradles. Page 2 of 16 Council Minutes August 12,2010 Mrs. Hoshal and Councillor Taylor requested to be advised when the Estherville markers are to be lifted out of the ravine. 5. INFORMATION ITEMS (a) Copy of resolution passed June 14, 2010 by The Corporation of the Town of New Tecumseth regarding a petition in opposition to the HST. File: C10 (b) Copy of correspondence sent to Association of Municipalities of Ontario by The Corporation of the Town of New Tecumseth regarding"presumptive legislation for firefighters". File: C10 (c) Correspondence dated August 4,2010 from Association of Municipalities of Ontario regarding"Highlights of the June 2010 Board Meeting". File: A01 (d) Correspondence dated July 9,2010 from Ontario Coaliltion for Better Child Care and Canadian Union of Public Employees regarding"Awareness Day recognizing Early Childhood Educators and Child Care Staff'. File: A01 (e) Correspondence received from Ontario Good Roads Association regarding"Minimum Maintenance Standards Litigation Fund Well Accepted By Ontario Municipalities". File: A01 (0 Correspondence dated August 4,2010 from Land Use Council regarding"Monitoring the Conservation Ontario Coorporation". File: A16 (g) Correspondence received August 4,2010 from Citizenship and Immigration Canada regarding "Multiculturalism Program". File: A16 (h) Correspondence dated July 21,2010 from County of Elgin regarding "Ontario Good Roads Association Minimum Maintenance Standards Litigation Fund". File: A16 (i) Long Point Region Conservation Authority Board of Directors minutes of meeting held July 7,2010. File: A16 (j) Elgin Group Police Services Board minutes of meetings held May 27 and July 21, 2010. File: C06 (k) Bayham Harbourfront Committee minutes of meeting held August 3,2010. File: C06 (1) Correspondence dated June 2010 regarding"Preparing Source Protection Plans". File: E00 (m) Correspondence dated July 12,2010 from Stewardship Ontario regarding "Industry Funding for Municipal Blue Box Recycling for 2010 Program Year". (n) Newsletter from Carolinian Canada Coalition regarding"Lake Erie Coastal Zone Program". File: RO6 Page 3 of 16 Council Minutes August 12, 2010 2010-328 Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Councillor W Casier "THAT information items 5(a)through 5(n) be received for information." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 6. PLANNING,DEVELOPMENT,RECREATION&TOURISM 1. CORRESPONDENCE AND REPORTS (a) Staff Report D2010-24 regarding MacNeil Subdivision Port Burwell Subdivision Agreement. File: D12.08 2010-329 Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Councillor W Casier "THAT Staff Report D2010-24 regarding a subdivision agreement with Jo-Lynn Pt. Burwell Inc.be received; AND THAT authorizing By-law 2010-084 be presented for enactment." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (b) Staff Report D2010-25 regarding Dyck Severance E11/10. File: D10.10 The Planning Co-ordinator advised that the applicants have completed the process to acquire the First Alley lands and that the completion of the legal documentation is anticipated prior to consideration by the Land Division Committee. Should this not be the case,the Committee may defer the application until it is. 2010-330 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw "THAT Staff Report D2010-25 regarding Dyck Severance be received; AND THAT Council recommend to the Elgin County Land Division Committee that severance application El1/10, submitted by Peter and Eva Dyck, be approved subject to the following amendment: •With the merger of Part 1 with Parts 2 &3 of Plan 11R-9220 that the severed parcel be comprised of Parts 1 &2 of Plan 11R-9220 with a frontage of 23.4 metres Page 4 of 16 Council Minutes August 12, 2010 by a depth of 94.35 metres to comply with frontage and lot size requirements for the creation of a lot in the Village Residential(R1)Zone And subject to the following conditions: 1. copy of the final survey be provided to the municipality 2.Water and Sewer Services Permit 3. Road Access Permit 4. a grading plan 5. $500 cash-in-lieu parkland dedication fee payable to the municipality Councillor Taylor noted his opposition to decisions made based on assessment mapping not necessarily being correct and requested a recorded vote. In Favour Opposed Mayor Acre Councillor Taylor Councillor Casier Deputy Mayor Evanitski Councillor Ketchabaw Motion Carried on a vote of 4 to 1 in favour (c) Staff Report D2010-26 regarding Blondeel Severance E39/10. File: D10.10 2010-331 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw "THAT Staff Report D2010-26 regarding Blondeel Severance be received; AND THAT Council recommend to the Elgin County Land Division Committee that severance application E39/10, submitted by Blondeel Nursery Inc., be approved subject to the following amendment: •The severance boundary is revised to be consistent with the"Villages" and "Residential" designations and zoning boundary applicable to the Village of Straffordville AND subject to the following conditions: 1.copy of the final survey be provided to the municipality 2. $500 cash-in-lieu parkland dedication fee payable to the municipality" Councillor Taylor noted his opposition to decisions made based on assessment mapping not necessarily being correct and requested a recorded vote. Page 5of16 Council Minutes August 12, 2010 In Favour Opposed Mayor Acre Councillor Taylor Councillor Casier Deputy Mayor Evanitski Councillor Ketchabaw Motion Carried on a vote of 4- 1 in favour 2. PUBLIC MEETING 2010-332 Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Councillor W Casier "THAT the Council meeting be adjourned in order to hold a Public Meeting pursuant to the provisions of the Planning Act." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 1. PUBLIC MEETING (a) 7:30 p.m. -Peters Rezoning-to change the zoning on a parcel of land from the Agriculture(Al)Zone to the site-specific Agricultural(A1-24)Zone for the proposed development of a woodworking facility. 2. DECLARATION OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF None 3. STAFF PRESENTATION (a) Staff Report D2010-23 regarding Peters Rezoning Draft Zoning By-law Z582-2010. File: D14 The Report was presented by the Planning Co-ordinator. She advised that the rezoning application does comply with existing policies and that staff and the planning consultant recommend approval subject to site plan approval to address noise, dust control,parking and buffering. She advised that letters of concern have been received and were attached to the report. In the additional memo provided,the planner suggested that Council request a Certificate of Approval for Noise from the Ministry of the Environment to address noise concerns. The Planning Co-ordinator advised that the applicant Mr. Bernhard Peters and concerned neighbours were in attendance. 4. PUBLIC COMMENTS Mr. Robert Vallee identified that there is no definition of"small-scale"operation and suggested that it would be larger than a site previously approved on Vienna Line. Page 6 of 16 Council Minutes August 12,2010 He objected to the business being considered as secondary to the agricultural operation. He suggested rather that the agricultural operation was secondary and not related to the woodworking business, estimated to operate 40 to 60 hours per week. Mr.Vallee added that he had visited Mr. Peters' current business site on Hacienda Road and noticed the large doors being left open and no apparent efforts to control dust or noise. He questioned: Would the proposed building incorporate soundproofing?and How do you regulate keeping doors closed? He suggested the Municipality put by-laws in place to regulate and enforce rather than having to contact the Ministry of the Environment. Mr. Vallee commented that there is land in the Municipality zoned for manufacturing and industry and that it is Council's responsibility to encourage use of properly zoned lands. He added that Mr. Peters demonstrated disregard for the environment by burning material in an outdoor furnace that creates a great deal of smoke. Mr. Vallee also noticed that sawdust or shavings were dumped in the nearby ditch. Mr. Vallee suggested it might be appropriate for Council to wait until a County Official Plan is in place to make a decision. He admitted that Council needed to consider an increase to the tax base versus quality of life for the neighbours. He suggested approval of the application would send the wrong message to ratepayers. When people purchase land surrounded by Al lands they expect agricultural activities not manufacturing or industrial use. 5. COUNCIL COMMENTS AND QUESTIONS Deputy Mayor Evanitski concurred with statements made by Mr. Vallee. He noted that such small operations when successful are under pressure to grow and this creates quality of life issues. He added that Council likes to help local businesses,however need to consider what attracts people to live here. He inquired as to what was done with similar operations west of Eden and at the corner of Light Line and Plank Road. Councillor Taylor questioned whether there were any concerns or complaints from neighbours of similar businesses. He asked whether it fits the Provincial Policy Statements when agriculture becomes secondary to a business like woodworking. Deputy Mayor Evanitski added that there are areas in Bayham zoned for Manufacturing and Industrial uses and suggested staff discuss with Mr. Peters more appropriate properties that might be better suited to the proposal. Councillor Casier acknowledged his support of comments from the Deputy Mayor and Mr. Vallee. The Planning Co-ordinator advised that secondary use is based on scale of use of the property,the scale of economics is not applicable. An Agricultural Home Occupation is permitted in the Al Zone but is limited to 70 square metres of space. This proposed operation is larger and requires specific zoning regulations to limit size and scale. Woodworking and carpentry occupations are listed in the Zoning By-law as permitted Agricultural Home Occupations. Page 7 of 16 Council Minutes August 12, 2010 Councillor Ketchabaw acknowledged his support of the Deputy Mayor's comments. He noted that noise control under an MOE certificate of approval is not satisfactory and that the accessory use does not support agriculture. Mr. Vallee requested to be kept informed. The Planning Co-ordinator advised that deferring the application with no date requires that the application be re-circulated to agencies,neighbours advised and a notice placed in the newspaper, all being the same as the circulation requirements for the first public meeting. 6. ADJOURNMENT 2010-333 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw "THAT the Public Meeting be adjourned at 7:56 p.m." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 7. DISPOSITION OF ITEM Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw "THAT Staff Report D2010-23 regarding the Peters rezoning application be deferred." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 7. ROADS,AGRICULTURE & DRAINAGE (a) Staff Report PR2010-08 regarding Conveyance to MNR-Part of Chatham Street. File: T09 Councillor Taylor noted that he receives a lot of complaints about the limited public access in the lakefront area of Chatham Street. He suggested that opening up the access to the easterly area of the west beach could promote additional tourism. He added that the Provincial Park utilizes only one service connection for each water and sewer and suggested a delay in completion of the transfer of the lands to the Ministry of Natural Resources may provide an opportunity to open up discussion and for the Provincial Park to consider giving something back to the community. Deputy Mayor Evanitski suggested it could be an opportunity to talk with the province about a community partnership with the Park. Direction was given for staff to arrange a meeting between Council representatives and the MNR for discussion. Page 8 of 16 Council Minutes August 12,2010 2010-335 Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Councillor W Casier "THAT Staff Report PR2010-08 regarding Conveyance to MNR-Part of Chatham Street be deferred." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 8. PROPERTY,BUILDING& PROTECTIVE SERVICES (a) Staff Report P2010-007 regarding Station#1 (Port Burwell)Replacement. File: A19 2010-336 Moved by Deputy Mayor Evanitski Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw "THAT Staff Report P2010-007 regarding Station#1 (Port Burwell)Replacement be received; THAT Council direct staff to move forward and hire Dawley Engineering to represent the Municipality of Bayham with the direction to provide all services as outlined in the scope of work in the proposal they submitted July 21,2010; AND THAT the costs for the engineer shall be paid from the current reserve funds ,and the fee shall not exceed the$36,000 plus HST quoted." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (b) Staff Report P2010-009 regarding Mutual Assistance Agreements. File: P16 2010-337 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw "THAT Staff Report P2010-009 regarding a Mutual Assistance Agreement between all the Municipalities in Elgin and the City of St. Thomas be received; AND THAT By-Law 2010-081,being a by-law to authorize a Mutual Assistance Agreement with Elgin County Municipalities and the City of St.Thomas,be presented to Council for enactment." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (c) Staff Report P2010-008 regarding Automatic Aid Agreements. File: P16 Page 9 of 16 Council Minutes August 12,2010 2010-338 Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Councillor W Casier "THAT Staff Report P2010-008 regarding Automatic Aid Fire Agreements with the Town of Tillsonburg and The Township of South West Oxford be received; AND THAT By-Law 2010-079 and 2010-080,being by-laws to enter in an Automatic Aid Agreement with the Town of Tillsonburg and the Township of South West Oxford,respectively,be presented to Council for enactment." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (d) Building Permit Report for month ending July 31, 2010. File: P10 2010-339 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw "THAT Building Permit Report for month ending July 31,2010 be received for information." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (e) Correspondence dated August 4,2010 from Lynn Acre requesting an exemption from the Noise By-law for an outdoor wedding reception. File: P01 2010-340 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Deputy Mayor Evanitski "THAT correspondence from Lynn Acre be received; AND THAT Council approves an exemption from By-Law 2001-57,to regulate and control noise Saturday August 21,2010 until 1 a.m.August 22,2010,for an outdoor wedding reception being held at 53443 Heritage Line." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (I) Correspondence dated July 21, 2010 from Pam Cole and Kent Therrien regarding use of Memorial Park for a wedding ceremony October 2,2010. File: C13 2010-341 Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Councillor W Casier Page 10 of 16 Council Minutes August 12,2010 "THAT correspondence dated July 21,2010 from Pam Cole and Kent Therrien regarding use of Memorial Park for a wedding ceremony be received; AND THAT permission be granted to use the Memorial Park in Port Burwell on Saturday, October 2,2010 between 12:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. subject to: • provision of proof of liability insurance coverage naming the Municipality of Bayham as an additional insured,in the amount of$2 million,and • clean up and repair of any damage to the park area be the responsibility of the organizers." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (g) Staff Report PR2010-09 regarding Vienna Community Centre-Required Repairs. File: A19 2010-342 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw "THAT Staff Report PR2010-09 regarding Vienna Community Centre-Required Repairs be received; AND THAT staff be authorized to proceed to retain engineering assistance to initiate required works at the Vienna Community Centre." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (h) Correspondence from Wilma Berkel requesting an exemption from the Noise By-law for an outdoor wedding reception. File: P01 2010-343 Moved by Deputy Mayor Evanitski Seconded by Councillor W Casier "THAT correspondence from Wilma Berkel be received; AND THAT Council approves an exemption from By-Law 2001-57,to regulate and control noise Saturday August 21,2010 until 1 a.m.August 22,2010,for an outdoor wedding reception being held at 9594 Somers Road." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 9. FINANCE,ADMINISTRATION&PERSONNEL (a) Cheque Register being Cheque#8780 to Cheque#8925 inclusive, except Cheques #8782,#8774,#8681 and#8922 totaling$553,092.20 and Payroll Disbursements for Page 11 of 16 Council Minutes August 12,2010 the period ending July 11 and July 25,2010 totaling$61,620.83 and$60,552.69 respectively. Regarding cheque#8842,it was suggested that electricity to the Vienna Library is not needed and should be shut off. 2010-344 Moved by Councilor W Casier Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw "THAT Cheque Register being Cheque#8780 to Cheque#8925 inclusive,except Cheques#8782,#8774,#8681 and#8922 totaling$553,092.20 and Payroll Disbursements for the period ending July 11 and July 25,2010 totaling$61,620.83 and$60,552.69 respectively be approved." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (b) Staff Report F2010-05 regarding Financial Report for the period ending July 31, 2010. File: F03 Regarding cheque#8842, it was suggested that electricity to the Vienna Library is not needed and should be shut off. 2010-345 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw "THAT Staff Report F2010-05 regarding Half Yearly Financial Report for the period ending July 31,2010 be received for information." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (c) Staff Report F2010-06 regarding Water Financial Plan. File: F03 2010-346 Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Deputy Mayor C Evanitski "THAT Staff Report F2010-06 regarding Water Financial Plan be received; THAT Council approve the mandatory Water Financial Plan prepared by Watson &Associates Economists Ltd.; AND THAT the financial plan for the Municipality of Bayham be submitted to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing(O.Reg. 453/07, Section 3(1)6), and also to the Ministry of the Environment, satisfying the requirements under the Safe Drinking Water Act. (SDWA Section 32(5)ii))." Page 12 of 16 Council Minutes August 12,2010 CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (d) Correspondence dated July 15,2010 from Lori King and Wendy Chilcott regarding "fundraising for the construction of a new pavilion in the Corinth municipal park". File: C13 The Treasurer advised that the Municipality could administer community raised funds for a pavilion at the Corinth Park,however noted that that no monies could be returned to the donors should the work not go forward. 2010-347 Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Deputy Mayor C Evanitski "THAT correspondence dated July 15,2010 from Lori King and Wendy Chilcott regarding fundraising for the construction of a new pavilion in the Corinth municipal park be received; THAT Council consider support of the project during 2011 budget discussions; AND THAT Council supports municipal administration of funds raised on behalf of the community group." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (e) Correspondence dated August 6,2010 from Marion Paterson(SANYA)regarding use of Municipal sign. File: C13 2010-348 Moved by Deputy Mayor C Evanitski Seconded by Councillor W Casier "THAT the correspondence from Marion Paterson requesting use of the Municipal sign be received; AND THAT Council grants permission to use the sign as requested,subject to Municipal needs." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (f) Museums Bayham minutes of meeting held July 14,2010. File: C06 2010-349 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Deputy Mayor C Evanitski Page 13 of 16 Council Minutes August 12,2010 "THAT Museums Bayham minutes of meeting held July 14,2010 be received." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (g) Staff Report C2010-09 regarding Advance Voting Dates. File: C07 2010-350 Moved by Deputy Mayor C Evanitski Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw "THAT Staff report C2010-09 regarding the Municipal Election 2010 be received; THAT By-law 2010-083, being a by-law to provide for advance votes to be held prior to voting day,be presented to Council for enactment." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (h) Staff Memorandum regarding TDMH Sand Plains Application-Plan for Seniors in Support of Age-Friendly Communities. File: F11 2010-351 Moved by Councilor W Casier Seconded by Deputy Mayor C Evanitski "THAT Staff Memorandum regarding TDMH Sand Plains Application -Plan for Seniors in Support of Age-Friendly Communities be received/for information." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (i) Staff Memorandum regarding Potential Financing-Lighthouse Painting. File: A19 2010-352 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Deputy Mayor C Evanitski "THAT Staff Memorandum regarding Potential Financing-Lighthouse Painting be received; THAT Council accept the quote submitted by Excalibur Windows,Doors & Siding in the amount of$41,301.50 inclusive of taxes; AND THAT the financing be from the Museum Capital Budget,the General Museum Reserve and the balance from Reserves." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Page 14 of 16 Council Minutes August 12,2010 10. ENVIRONMENT 11. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE (a) In Camera. 2010-353 Moved by Deputy Mayor C Evanitski Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw "THAT the Council do now rise to enter into an "In Camera" Session of Committee of the Whole at 9:21 p.m.to discuss: • labour relations or employee negotiations." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (b) Closed session minutes of the regular meeting of Council held July 15,2010. (c) Confidential correspondence regarding labour relations or employee negotiations. (Volunteer Fire Service) (d) Out of Camera. 2010-354 Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Deputy Mayor C Evanitski "THAT the Committee of the Whole do now rise from the "In Camera" session at 9:31 p.m." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 12. BY-LAWS (a) By-Law 2010-076 A By-law to amend the Bayham Harbourfront Committee (b) By-Law 2010-077 A By-law to convey part of unopened road allowance(Chatham Street)-deferred (c) By-Law 2010-079 A By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement(Automatic Aid Tillsonburg) (d) By-Law 2010-080 A By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement(Automatic Aid South-West Oxford) (e) By-Law 2010-081 A By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement(Mutual Assistance) (0 By-Law 2010-082 A By-law to further amend By-Law 2010-001 (appoint members to Boards and Committees) (g) By-Law 2010-083 A By-law to provide for advance votes prior to voting day (h) By-Law 2010-084 A By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement(Jo-Lynn Pt. Burwell Inc.) (i) By-Law Z582-2010 A By-law to further amend By-Law Z456-2003 (Peters) - deferred Page 15 of 16 Council Minutes August 12,2010 2010-355 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Deputy Mayor C Evanitski "THAT By-Laws 2010-076,2010-079,2010-080,2010-081,2010-082,2010-083 and 2010-084 be read a first,second and third time and finally passed." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 6) By-law 2010-085 A By-law to confirm all actions of Council 2010-356 Moved by Deputy Mayor C Evanitski Seconded by Councillor W Casier "That confirming By-law 2010-085 be read a first,second and third time and finally passed." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 13. ADJOURNMENT (a) Adjournment 2010-357 Moved by Deputy Mayor C Evanitski Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw "THAT the Council meeting be adjourned at 9:33 p.m." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY a(111}1 ,016 -6Th ZO(r CLERK Page 16 of 16