HomeMy WebLinkAboutMay 05, 2011 - Council COUNCIL MINUTES THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM 9344 Plank Road, Straffordville May 5,2011 7:00 PM The regular meeting of the Council of the Municipality of Bayham was held on Thursday, May 5,2011 in the Council Chambers. Present were Mayor Paul Ens,Deputy Mayor Mark Taylor, Councillors Tom Southwick,Wayne Casier and Ed Ketchabaw, Administrator Kyle Kruger and Clerk Lynda Millard. By-Law Enforcement Officer Gord Roesch and Treasurer Denis Duguay were in attendance to present his report. 1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Ens called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST & THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF None. 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES AND ADDITION OF AGENDA ITEMS (a) Minutes of the regular meeting of Council held April 21,2011. 2011-203 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw "THAT the minutes of the regular meeting held April 21,2011 be approved as circulated." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (b) Added Item(s) 2011-204 Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Councillor W Casier "THAT in accordance with Section 21 of Procedural By-law 2002-93,Helene Cerna as a delegation at 7:25 p.m.and Karen Cummings as a delegation at 7:35 p.m. be added to the agenda as items 4(c) and 4(d)respectively." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Page 1 of 9 Council Minutes May 05, 2011 4. DELEGATIONS (a) 7:05 p.m. -Christine Churchill regarding "Outback Camping Application for exemption from Noise By-Law". Christine Churchill strongly opposed any exemption from the noise by-law requested by Mike Timmermans of Outback Camping. She noted that she had voiced her concerns to members of Council in 2010 regarding excessive noise and loud music on many occasions. She added that if the applicant had maintained compliance with the noise by-law then, she would have a different perspective on the current exemption application. She acknowledged appreciation to the organizers of the Blues Festival by limiting event hours from 10 a.m.until 10 p.m. Ms. Churchill questioned whether Mr. Timmermans would be required to hire off duty police officers and who they would report to. Referring to the City of London noise by-law, she asked if the municipality would monitor the noise levels and limit to 90 decibels within 100 feet of the music. She also questioned the ability of the security company to deal with crowds estimated at 1,000. Ms. Churchill questioned Council what would be their response to an exemption if this was in their backyard? She closed by advising that she and her husband are not in favour of any kind of exemption in regards to the noise by-law. (b) 7:15 p.m. -Carole Engelhardt regarding"Outback Camping Application for exemption from Noise By-Law". Carole Engelhardt raised concerns with the applicant's ability to keep noise levels down, handle large crowds,deal with parking,traffic, fire safety,garbage and nuisance issues. She referred to various legislation including the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. She doubted the validity of the tourism and economic impact locally. (c) 7:25 p.m. -Helene Cerna regarding "Outback Camping Application for exemption from Noise By-Law". Helene Cerna did not attend however, did provide a submission. (d) 7:35 p.m. -Karen Cummings regarding"Outback Camping Application for exemption from Noise By-Law". Karen Cummings,representing Outback Camping,noted that this is a unique venue with live entertainment,catering to the under 30 crowd, which do not tend to be quiet. She noted that an exemption until 1:00 a.m.was requested as the delegations at the last meeting had suggested 1:00 a.m. to be reasonable. Efforts are being made to improve the park operations including waste management,crowd control, security and the proposed addition of emergency services on site. Without the ability to cater to this age group people will quit coming. She commented that the loss of 6,000 campers will have an economic impact on local businesses. Ms. Cummings commented that Port Burwell is a little known destination and that circulation of flyers and promotion materials by the campground are putting it on the map. She added that an exemption until 1:00 a.m. is reasonable and requested Council support. Page 2 of 9 Council Minutes May 05,2011 5. INFORMATION ITEMS (a) AMO Breaking News regarding "Firefighters Mandatory Retirement Legislation Introduced". File: A01 (b) Correspondence from Local Authority Services Ltd regarding"LAS Energy Workshop Sessions". File: A01 (c) Correspondence dated March 24, 2011 from Ministry of Revenue regarding"Ministry of Revenue, Get Your Money Cards". File: A 16 (d) Correspondence dated April 27,2011 from Long Point Region Conservation Authority regarding "Financial Statements for the period ending December 31,2011". (Details available) File: Al 6 (e) Joint Cemetery Board Draft Minutes of meeting held April 19,2011. File: C06 (f) Correspondence received from County of Elgin regarding "2011 Community Festival &Event Partnership Program". File: Fl i (g) Correspondence dated April 8,2011 from Citizenship and Immigration Canada regarding "Canada's Citizenship Award 2011". (Nomination Forms Available) File: M02 (h) Correspondence dated April 19,2011 from Town of Ingersoll regarding"HST charged on gasoline and diesel sales". File: C10 2011-205 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw "THAT information items 5(a)through 5(h) be received for information." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 6. PLANNING,DEVELOPMENT,RECREATION &TOURISM (a) Staff Report D2011-18 regarding "MacNeil Subdivision Port Burwell Pre-Servicing Agreement Amendment". File: D12.08ELIZ Page 3 of 9 Council Minutes May 05,2011 2011-206 Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Councillor W Casier "THAT By-Law 2011-039 being a by-law to authorize the execution of an amendment to a Pre-Servicing Agreement with Jo-Lynn Pt. Burwell Inc., be presented to Council for enactment." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 7. ROADS,AGRICULTURE& DRAINAGE 8. PROPERTY,BUILDING& PROTECTIVE SERVICES (a) Building Permit Report for month ending April 30,2011. 2011-207 Moved by Councilor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Councillor W Casier "THAT Building Permit Report for month ending April 30, 2011 be received for information." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (b) Staff Report P2011-008 regarding Outback Camping Noise Exemption". File: P01 Gord Roesch, By-law Enforcement Officer,recommended that should Council chose to support the exemption request,the noise policy be applied and monitoring at a cost of$40 per hour be imposed. 2011-208 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw "THAT Council inform the applicant that due to the public feedback already received,they are not interested in approving this application." CARRIED (c) Staff Report P2011-009 regarding "Committee of Council -By-Law Review". File: P01 2011-209 Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Councillor W Casier Page 4 of 9 Council Minutes May 05,2011 "THAT Council appoint Jamey Inwood, Sean Hurley, Christine Churchill and Larry Johnson to form a By-Law Enforcement Review Committee; AND THAT Terms of Reference be established as follows: • Committee will review the current By-law enforcement procedures,specifically evaluating complaint based inspection vs. routine inspections and make recommendations to Council and, • Review Yard Maintenance and Property Standard By-laws specifically as to what should be regulated in Bayham and make recommendations to Council." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (d) Correspondence dated May 2, 2011 from Bayham/Port Burwell Horticultural Society regarding"Use of Municipal Sign". File: C13 2011-210 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Councillor T Southwick "THAT Council grants permission for the Bayham/Port Burwell Horticultural Society to use the Municipal sign as requested,subject to Municipal needs." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 9. FINANCE,ADMINISTRATION &PERSONNEL (a) Cheque Register being Cheque#10345 to Cheque#10411 inclusive, except Cheques #10292 and#10314 totaling$68,675.20 and Payroll Disbursements for the period ending April 17,2011 totaling$52,457.59. 2011-211 Moved by Councillor T Southwick Seconded by Councillor W Casier "THAT Cheque Register being Cheque#10345 to Cheque#10411 inclusive,except Cheques#10292 and #10314 totaling$68,675.20 and Payroll Disbursements for the period ending April 17, 2011 totaling$52,457.59 be approved." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (b) Correspondence dated April 21, 2011 from Town of Ingersoll regarding "Resolution on Elimination of Municipal Health Care Professionals Recruitment Incentives". File: C10 2011-212 Moved by Councillor T Southwick Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw Page 5 of 9 Council Minutes May 05, 2011 "THAT Council supports the resolution from the Town of Ingersoll regarding the Elimination of Municipal Health Care Professionals Recruitment Incentives." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (c) Staff Report PR2011-06 regarding"Harbour Facilities 2011". File: L04 2011-213 Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Councillor W Casier "THAT By-Law 2011-038,being a by-law to authorize an agreement with Ron Bradfield,Bradcranex Inc. to operate the municipal Black Docks,boat launch and finger docks for 2011 be presented to Council for enactment." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (d) Staff Report F2011-06 regarding"Valko-Giesbrecht Property". File: F22 2011-214 Moved by Councillor T Southwick Seconded by Councillor E Ketchabaw "THAT Council direct staff to adjust property taxes for Mr. Giesbrecht and Mr. Valko as outlined in Report F2011-06." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (e) Correspondence dated April 29, 2011 from Corinth Pavilion Fund Raising Committee regarding "Corinth Pavilion Fundraiser". File: C13 2011-215 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Deputy Mayor M Taylor "THAT staff be directed to withdraw$250 from the Corinth Pavilion Fund Raising account and provide to the Fund Raising Committee to be used for further fundraising to be paid to Lori King &Wendy Chilcott." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (0 Staff Memorandum regarding "Dredging Information Update". File: D06 Page 6 of 9 Council Minutes May 05,2011 The Administrator advised that funding for the planning studies applied for in the amount of $17,000 under the Sand Plains program will remain eligible if undertaken prior to confirmation of approval. A required dredging depth of 10' wide for a full 60' width has been confirmed. This amounts to over 60,000 cubic meters of dredging material being moved at a cost of$23 to $24 per cubic meter. The equipment proposed by the Harbourfront Committee can be upgraded to boost the pumping rate,however, larger equipment to complete the dredging in a shorter timeframe to facilitate the Ojibwa is preferred. The Administrator suggested an RFP to contract out the service,with an option to buyout,be circulated by mid-May. It was also suggested that the dredge remain onsite until the Ojibwa has been put in place. 2011-216 Moved by Deputy Mayor M Taylor Seconded by Councillor W Casier "THAT Staff Memorandum regarding Dredging Information Update be received for information; THAT staff be directed to proceed with an RFP for dredging to facilitate project Ojibwa; AND THAT IBI Group be retained to proceed with the,necessary planning reports as quoted." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 10. ENVIRONMENT 11. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE (a) In Camera. 2011-217 Moved by Councillor T Southwick Seconded by Deputy Mayor M Taylor "THAT the Council do now rise to enter into an "In Camera" Session of Committee of the Whole at 8:50 p.m. to discuss: • personal matters about an identifiable individual,including municipal or local board employees; • litigation or potential litigation,including matters before administrative tribunals, affecting the municipality or local board; • advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (b) Closed session minutes of the regular meeting of Council held April 21,2011. (c) Confidential Report regarding litigation or potential litigation, including matters before administrative tribunals, affecting the municipality or local board. (Illegal Building Page 7 of 9 Council Minutes May 05,2011 Construction) (d) Correspondence regarding personal matters about an identifiable individual,including municipal or local board employees. (Land Division Committee-Future Considerations) (e) Confidential Verbal Report regarding advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose. (Project Ojibwa Lease Update) �f) Out of Camera. 2011-218 Moved by Deputy Mayor M Taylor Seconded by Councillor T Southwick "THAT the Committee of the Whole do now rise from the "In Camera" session at 10:00 p.m." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 12. BY-LAWS (a) By-Law 2011-038 A By-Law to authorize the execution of a lease agreement. (Bradfield) () By-Law 2011-039 A By-Law to authorize the execution of an amendment to a Pre- Servicing Agreement. (Jo-Lynn Pt. Burwell Inc.) 2011-219 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Deputy Mayor M Taylor "THAT By-Laws 2011-038 and 2011-039 be read a first,second and third time and finally passed." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (c) By-Law 2011-040 A By-Law to confirm all actions of Council 2011-220 Moved by Deputy Mayor M Taylor Seconded by Councillor W Casier "THAT confirming By-Law 2011-040 be read a first,second and third time and fmally passed." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Page 8 of 9 Council Minutes May 05,2011 13. ADJOURNMENT (a) Adjournment 2011-221 Moved by Deputy Mayor Taylor Seconded by Councillor W Casier "THAT the Council meeting be adjourned at 10:01 p.m." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY `, ;tit/4 1,11.e YOR CLERK Page 9 of 9