HomeMy WebLinkAboutMarch 30, 2011 - Special Council COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES
26 Fulton Street,Vienna
Wednesday,March 30,2011
7:00 PM
The special meeting of Council of the Municipality of Bayham was held on Thursday,March 30,
2011 at the Vienna Community Centre. Present were Mayor Paul Ens,Deputy Mayor Mark
Taylor,Councillors Tom Southwick,Wayne Casier and Ed Ketchabaw,Administrator Kyle
Kruger and Clerk Lynda Millard.
There were approximately eighty members of the community, as well as Council, staff and
representatives from the Elgin Military Museum present.
Mayor Ens welcomed everyone and called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
(a) Ian Raven Executive Director of the Elgin Mililtary Museum regarding an update to
Project Ojibwa.
Ian Raven,introduced the Project Ojibwa team comprised of Alan Montgomery,Tim
Barrett,Jim Zigler, Debra Jarvis, Jeff Booth,Rick Morgan(who worked on the Ojibwa
from 1966-68),Melissa Raven and former Bayham Mayor Lynn Acre. He also
recognized Barry Wade for his efforts in preparing conceptual drawings of the Oberon
submarine Ojibwa at Port Burwell.
Mr. Raven provided a presentation with the assistance of overhead slides. He identified
companies that would be involved with aspects of the move of the Ojibwa through the
St. Lawrence Seaway and Lakes Ontario and Erie from Halifax,Nova Scotia to its
display location at Port Burwell. He noted that museum and municipal staff had met
with key representatives of these firms as recently as Monday. The proposed site is to
be known as the H.M.C.S. Ojibwa Submarine Museum.
He noted that Cleveland and New York each have a sub at their ports; as well the
Onondaga is at Rimouski, Quebec. The site is expected to draw 100,000 visitors a year
to Port Burwell. Some equipment, such as security sensitive electrical room equipment
and 850 tons of batteries has been removed,however the engine room and manhole
entry remains in tact. Full accessibility to the physically challenged will not be possible
as the hatch is only 42" in diameter.
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Council Special Meeting Minutes March 30, 2011
Unloading day from the 346' barge will entail high security and restrictions to land and
water accesses to maintain a safe environment. 48 giant self propelled heavy equipment
units will be used to transfer to the on shore resting site along the east side of the Otter
Creek. Poor wind and weather conditions would have an impact on the work.
Mayor Ens opened the meeting for questions focused on the sub.
(a) Representatives will respond to questions from the public.
Stan Rushton questioned when the sub would be coming to which Mr. Raven replied
that it would be late summer or end of September, depending a number of issues
including dredging.
Fred Shelly asked what was the cost to the ratepayers and would there be an increase in
taxes? It was noted the intent is to recover costs incurred by the Municipality from lease
payments over a number of years. The final cost is not known,as items such as
dredging depths are not final as yet. It was noted the total project investment is between
2 and 5 million,which is to be financed by a combination of grants and fundraising.
Bob Vallee questioned whether the municipality would receive any revenue. Options
and an agreement are being negotiated;revenues may be based on a fixed amount or
based on attendance.
Bob Lozon questioned the anticipated time for the museum building,before or after the
placement of the sub. It was noted that the proposed museum building would be built
after the sub is in place, and estimated to be about 12 months after.
Steve Straub questioned how there would be no cost to the municipality when the sub is
proposed to arrive in August. He asked if this was a done deal. It was noted that the
issues are not final yet, and a number of items need to be completed.
Ray Maddox questioned how taxes would not go up when there are requests to fix the
old Vienna Library,the need to renew the water line from Port Stanley and roads to be
kept up?How would the sub be gotten rid of if it's not a success after 3 years?Would
the municipality provide the same support to save local history and build the Edison
Mayor Ens responded that costs are short term and would be recouped over time.
Protection of the municipality's interest is of utmost importance to Council.
Sean Hurley questioned how the benefit from visitors to the sub would integrate with
community businesses?
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Council Special Meeting Minutes March 30, 2011
It was noted that a sub tour could not accommodate more than 50 visitors at a time.
Parking facilities would be ample to ensure visitors would be encouraged to eat at local
restaurants. The Board expects to raise and invest 4 to 6 million to pay off debt and
benefit the community.
When asked where the cost estimates came from,Mr. Raven responded they were part
of their business plan based on the experience of other sites such as the Onondaga in
Quebec who had 80,000 visitors last year. Development of a circle tour with Cleveland,
Buffalo and Port Burwell is proposed. The Provincial Park has over 100,000 visitors
annually that need to be integrated into the community. School groups would to be
encouraged to visit sites under joint educational programs such as with the Port Stanley
Pat Jeordy questioned how long it would take for the sub to be ready for the public after
it arrives?Mr. Raven responded that there are about 36 man weeks that would be
primarily cleaning, scrubbing and polishing with lots of opportunities for volunteer
Ron Bradfield suggested the Marine Museum be incorporated with the Military aspect.
Mr. Ravin responded that professional curatorial staff could work with local volunteers
to incorporate the Marine collection and exhibits.
Pat Dougherty suggested this was a big project and was concerned that the expense not
be placed on the local taxpayer.
Bob Vallee questioned whether approvals are in place for dredging to which
Administrator Kruger responded that hydraulic dredging versus dragline options are
being considered and consultation with approval agencies are in progress.
Randall Pettigrew questioned whether there would be spin-off benefits to which Mr.
Raven suggested Port Burwell would hopefully become a destination point.
S Straub asked whether the sub had ever seen Lake Erie, and if not what's the
significance in Port Burwell? Mr. Ravin responded that none had gone through the
Welland Canal before. There are five subs on the US side of the Great Lakes. Subs are
no big deal in Nova Scotia, however there's a heritage connection here through the
Steve Valko suggested there's an opportunity to make something happen in Bayham—
look for the positive!
Mr. Ravin noted that there is interest in acquiring the sub across southern Ontario
including Sarnia and St. Catharines. It is projected that several full-time,part-time,
seasonal and student jobs would be created.
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Valerie Donnell asked what a tour would cost to which Mr. Ravin suggested between
$15 and$20 based on the Onondaga at$15.75.
Robert Ronson commented that the project will be a huge investment with a great deal
of interest, is there a plan for security?
Mr Ravin responded that the site will be fenced,well lit,with cameras, security and
alarm systems on site. The Military Museum and personnel are licensed for prohibited
weapons and the same level of security will be maintained for the sub.
Jan Collins suggested the sharing of artifacts and other heritage interests may change
the focus of the community.
Herman Kolke suggested more parking is needed downtown.
It was suggested that aspects of the navy,army and air force be brought together. Mr.
Raven noted that every service is important; the navy aspect will be the sub-station in
Port Burwell,while the army and air force segment will remain in St. Thomas. There is
considerable military history in Elgin with 9,000 County military records on file at the
It is proposed that the museum would be open from April until November 11th,longer
if justified.
How long would it take to do the dredging?It is estimated to be about 400 hours or 6 to
8 weeks,proposed to start in early July.
Souvenir hats would be available at a Navy Blues Fest being planned for May 14th in
Port Burwell.
There will be further meetings open to the public.
(a) By-Law 2011-029 A By-Law to confirm all actions of Council
Moved by Councillor W Casier
Seconded by Deputy Mayor M Taylor
"THAT confirming By-Law 2011-029 be read a first,second and third time and
finally passed."
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Council Special Meeting Minutes March 30,2011
(a) Adjournment
Moved by Deputy Mayor M Taylor
Seconded by Councillor W Casier
"THAT the Council meeting be adjourned at 8:30 p.m."
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