HomeMy WebLinkAboutFebruary 08, 2011 - Special Council COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Held at RICHMOND UNITED CHURCH 53895 Church Street,Richmond Tuesday,February 8,2011 7:00 p.m. The special meeting of Council of the Municipality of Bayham was held on Tuesday,February 8 2011 at Richmond United Church. Present were Mayor Paul Ens, Deputy Mayor Mark Taylor, Councillors Tom Southwick,Wayne Casier and Ed Ketchabaw,Administrator Kyle Kruger and Clerk Lynda Millard. 1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Ens called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. DISCLOSURE OF PECUNIARY INTEREST & THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF None. 3. PRESENTATION (a) Stantec Consulting regarding Richmond Water Project Update and Options A Power Point presentation was made by Neil Oliviera, Stantec Following the presentation,Mayor Ens opened the meeting up to questions from the public. There were approximately thirty in attendance. John Scott asked how long the water was allowed to run before the sodium test was taken. N Oliviera responded the water was allowed to run. It was tested again in a few weeks and more testing will be done. Q Would another well have less sodium if this area is all served by the same aquifer? A Results may vary. Q Lynn Acre asked how soon results of the grant application would be known? Can the project proceed without approval? A Administrator Kruger advised that the application has to be submitted yet. The deadline is February 15th. It will take several months before decisions are made by OMAFRA and it depends on the number of applications received. Council has requested a delegation with the MOE and OMAFRA at the Ontario Good Roads Association Conference to discuss the Richmond situation. He added that the funding program is intended to increase efficiencies such as reduce water loss and/or energy consumption. These key factors must be emphasized such as use of more efficient water pumps and larger water storage tanks to reduce energy spikes. Page 1 of 5 Council Special Meeting Minutes February 08,2011 Q Can the MOE influence OMAFRA as to where the funding is directed? A Mr. Kruger responded that the MOE could give written general support for this project. Confirmation for the delegation with OMAFRA has yet to be confirmed. MOE representative Shawna Bourne was requested to provide a letter of strong recommendation that this application be supported. The OGRA conference is at the end of February and the MOE needs to ensure safe drinking water and make sure this project is a priority and goes forward. Q Will reverse osmosis help to reduce the amount of salt in test results? A N Oliviera responded that it is 97-98% effective. Q Is every gallon treated by reverse osmosis? A In some cases water can be blended to reduce concentrations. If the source is a GUDI well(Groundwater Under Direct Influence of Surface Water),the water must be fully treated. There are different options for treatment of sodium. Q Is the estimated cost of$61,000 for reverse osmosis included in the original estimate of$400,000 under Option 4 for seeking an alternative well source? A Yes Q Can work proceed on a new well without affecting the grant application? A N Oliviera responded that it's uncertain. It's best not to jump forward and loose the benefit of the grant by having work done ahead without approval. Q Lynn Acre questioned what happens if we proceed to treat the sodium,reduce operating costs and return to Richmond Water System Inc and then find former volunteer operators are no longer willing to resume operations. Will costs stay up? A N Oliviera suggested there are online and remote methods of monitoring the system that can reduce operator expense. Shawna Bourne,MOE, commented that who ultimately owns the water system creates a different perspective and impacts the future of the system. Most funding is available to municipalities only,not privately owned systems. Administrator Kruger noted that the OSWAP is the only program currently available for municipalities.The next round would be in February 2012. He noted that it is a decision of the Richmond community through the Board whether they wish to retain ownership and pursue the design of a simple and less costly operated system. It was noted that the Municipality owns the Port Burwell and Vienna Water Systems. Q Paul Ward asked how Richmond users were making out paying the Municipal costs and what the procedures are taken for non-payment. A Administrator Kruger said there were no huge issues at this time. The Municipality is providing reasonable pay options. Page 2 of 5 Council Special Meeting Minutes February 08, 2011 P Ward stated some users can't afford the costs being incurred and suggested something needs to be done. Q Kelly Brackenbury questioned costs for upgrades,what's the best route, there's already a municipal loan. A Administrator Kruger noted that additional upgrades are factors when determining ownership. Concerns were raised that 2010 unpaid water costs would be added to the tax bill and people would lose their homes if they failed to pay. It was noted that outstanding amounts would be brought to Council within the year. The water system costs are to be self-financing by users as is currently in place for Port Burwell and Vienna users. It was noted that Regulation 459 regarding ground water source has been in place for eleven years without any changes. When there is new scientific data the rules get changed. Q John Scott questioned how long it would be before the distribution system had to be replaced. A Shawna Bourne, MOE, commented that there is currently no set time when distribution piping must be replaced. Theresa Breedon advised that she and her husband's property have a good existing well with no sodium at the northern boundary of the village. They are willing to have their well tested and if satisfactory offer it to service the village. Max Ward noted that he no longer can undertake the testing requirements and is willing to have the Municipality take the system over. It was noted that users would make a decision through their Water Board executive. Q Tim Carrell questioned whether a decision was needed by February 14th. A Administrator Kruger commented that as much detail as possible will be provided in the grant application. Ownership could impact the application. Paul Ward suggested they vote now. A vote was declined by others present. Administrator Kruger stated it is up to the community users how they want the system to be run. There are options for them to contemplate. It could remain in private ownership and operation contracted out or done by volunteers(which is the least expensive). Sue Ward suggested that the Richmond Water System has no options to collect outstanding arrears. Page 3 of 5 Council Special Meeting Minutes February 08,2011 Administrator Kruger responded that the Municipality does cut off the water service for non-payment—only consumption costs stop, the monthly flat fee still applies. Q Sue Sawatzky questioned what would happen if another well was drilled near the pump house and it was good. A N. Oliveira responded that if it was a non-GUDI well,ultra violet disinfection only would be required. The water would be piped to the pump house and distributed through the existing system. It is uncertain whether another well would be good or what the life cycle of reverse osmosis equipment would be. Q Steve Dunn questioned whether a permit to take water was required and what the cost would be for water. A N Oliviera responded that there is a license fee and water use is tracked,however,he was not aware of any user rate. Shawna Bourne, MOE, commented that there is a fee for a business that bottles water for sale. She was not aware of any costs for farm use. Administrator Kruger noted that if there is a change in direction, the Board needs to confirm with the Municipality sooner rather than later. The Board of the Richmond Water System needs to communicate back if they wish to invest in a different well location. Q Shelley Scott asked if the system was handed over to the Municipality would the loan be forgiven? A Administrator Kruger reminded attendees that the costs stay with the users. Q Sue Ward questioned if the land and the treatment system are worth anything? A Mr. Kruger responded that whatever costs are incurred are the responsibility of the users and the system is user pay. Tim Carrell suggested Richmond Water Inc Board meet to make a decision and requested a couple of Council members attend. It was suggested that municipal staff would be a better resource,however Mayor Ens agreed to attend. Q Elsie Acre questioned whether there is any potential for grants. A Administrator Kruger commented there are none right now,however,there may be more opportunity for municipal grants than for private systems. Shawna Bourne,MOE, suggested a new opportunity through the Source Water Protection program. Administrator Kruger noted that it is private,however,it may not be applicable to the Richmond situation. Page 4 of 5 Council Special Meeting Minutes February 08,2011 4. BY-LAW (a) By-Law 2011-019 A By-Law to confirm all actions of Council 2011-067 Moved by Councillor W Casier Seconded by Deputy Mayor M Taylor "THAT confirming By-Law 2011-019 be read a first,second and third time and finally passed." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 5. ADJOURNMENT (a) Adjournment 2011-068 Moved by Councillor E Ketchabaw Seconded by Councillor T Southwick "THAT the Council meeting be adjourned at 8:43 p.m." CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY MA OR CLERK Page 5 of 5