HomeMy WebLinkAboutBy-law No. 2002-068 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 2002-68 A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE PURCHASE OF REAL PROPERTY IN THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM DESCRIBED AS CONCESSION 3,PART LOT 16 PLAN 54 PART LOT H WHEREAS Section 191 (1)of the Municipal Act,R.S.O. 1990 Chapter M.45 as amended authorizes municipalities to pass by-laws for acquiring or expropriating any land required for the purposes of the corporation, and for erecting and repairing buildings thereon, and for malting additions to or alterations of such buildings,and may sell or otherwise dispose of the same when no longer required; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Municipality of Bayham is desirous of acquiring real property for the purpose of the corporation, for a sum of two dollars ($2.00) for property located in the Municipality of Bayham,described as: Concession 3,Part Lot 16,Plan 54 Part Lot H Geographic Township of Bayham AND WHEREAS the Council of the Municipality of Bayham deems it necessary to approve the Agreement of Purchase and Sale by by-law; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICPALITY OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the Council of the Municipality of Bayham authorizes the Mayor and Clerk to execute such documents as may be necessary to provide for the purchase of real property from Paul Wayne Scruton being: Concession 3,Part Lot 16,Plan 54 Part Lot H Geographic Township of Bayham 2. THAT the purchase price be two dollars($2.00),payable to the Vendor upon closing; 3. AND THAT the said Agreement of Purchase and Sale is attached hereto as Schedule "A" and forms part of this By-law. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 5TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER,2002 A � AJ1I 47)d-,&_- SMZ-11-,e/-/1j Pury �J. ��,' - CLERK �. r cLuL4.41 1 AUFIEENIt riT Ql PUHLIMASt AHI)Wu.k. (FOR USE IN THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO) PURCHASER, The Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham agrees to purchase born (Full least mimeo of ail Purvhaeara) vENDOjt, Paul Wayne Scruton the following (.sub legal names of all Vendors) At,PRQPERT7ra Addreer. 54 ,_. fronting on the South aide Chapel St. In the and having a frontage of mare or feta by a 000th o' more or Ieea and legally deacdbed as Cons.3,S PT LOT 16, Plan 54 PT LOT H, Geographic Twp of Bayham,County of Elgin - for the purpose of road widening as illustrated on the sketch attached hereto. (the"property). Regal deedript on of land including eatements) IstURCHASE PRICE: Two(2) Dollars(CONS) DEPOSIT: Purchaser submits Dollars(CDN*) QierewlthMJpon aposptance) =eh of negotiable cheque payable to to he held In taut pending compretlon or other termtnatlon of this Agreement end to be credited toward ma Purchase Pride on completion,Puroiw*w agrees to pay the belanoc as bottom: - Trees removed from the subject property to be left with the vendor Northerly section of vendor's driveway shall be rail d to road grade Offer is conditional until September 5th,2002 for approval b the Co�cil of the Municipality of Bayham by By-law. Should the Council not a pithe offer,then the agreement herein shall be null and void. SCHEDULE(S) SEE ATTACHED attached hereto dorm(.)pert of this Agreement t, CHATTELS INCLUDED: 2, FIXTURES EXCLtlDEDt �. RENTAL ITEMS:The following equipment it rented and not induced In the Purthae Pilo*,The Purohas.r agrees to uaunte ins rental oonbact(a).Il aasurnabls: A, IP.REvoCA1tELITY:This Offer shall b0 Irrevocable by PURCHASER unci 11:00. . p.m. on the 26th day of August2002 after which dml,If non accepted,We Otter shalt he null and void end the deposit shall be returned to the Purchaser In full whhou;Interval. e. COMPLETION DATEI This Agreement WWI be completed by no later than 0:30 p.m.on the . 9" day of ...September .., ,2002. Upon immolation,vacant poesesaton of the properly shall be given to the Purchaser unieea otherwise provided for in this Agreamertt 6. NOTICES:Vendor Hereby appoints the listing Broker as Agent for the purpose of giving and neetving notices pursuant to tits Agreement It the Ca•operadng Sroker represents the Interests of the Ptlrchaoer In Ida remotion,the Purchaser hereby appatnp the Co-operating Broker as Agent for the purpose of giving and receiving natican pursuant to tIde Agreement My notice relating hereto or provided for herein*hell be In wrhing,This offer,any counter offer,nodus of aooeptana thereto,or any node. shell be deemed given and redsfved,when hand delivered to lee addreae for eervlce provided heroin or,when a facsimile number Is prodded herein,when transmit.d eleetronlaasy to that feaebnile number. FAX NO. {For delivery of notices to Vendor) FAX NO, {For Delver/of notion tO Purchaser} 7, GST:If this transaction In subject to Goode end Berries*Tex(a.S.T.),than audit las!hail be the Ptrrohase Price, If sits transaction Is not subject to m,B,T.,Vender agree.to provide on or before cldslnp,*coruscate raw•en transaction Is not subject to G,S.T. 6. TfTLE SEARCH:Purdhaeer the be allowed until a:OO p.m.on the 7id day of September ........ ......(Requlthlon Dale)to axamine the goo to the property at his own expense and unlit the earner or.(I)thirty days lrorn the toter of tns f?equisitlon Data or the dale on which the conditions In this Agreement are tuffflled or otherwise waived on fill five deye prior to oompledoe,zo sentry hlmaeff that'!Aare are ha Outstanding wont orders or deficiency notices affeodng me properly,that iti present use 4Residential ) may be lawfully oandrlut d and that the principal hulking may bo Insured against risk of fire,Vendor hereby consents to the municipality or other governmental agonies releasing to Purchaser details of ail outstanding worts orders affec lrp the property,and Vendor agrees to execute and deliver such further autherrxations In thin regard ea Purchaser may reasonably require, g. Flrrtlstx USE:Vendor and Purvhaaer agree that There It no rapressnlelbn or warranty of any kind that the fuaurn intended use of the property by PeChaser In or Will be lawful except us may be*pedaoaRy provided for In thin Agreement. to,TITLE:Provided Mottle Ude to the property le good and tree from ell registered restrictions,*heroes,liens and enculnbronee$,except as otherwise specifically prodded I}this Agreement and cave and except fort(a)any registered mulattos or covenants than run with the land,provided that such Orr compiled Vizir(a)any raginiered munldpel agreements and regfetered agreements with publicly regulated uthltles providing such have beet oomplled with,or security hie been pooled to ensure corttpilance and oornplatian,as evldaneed by a latter from the relevant municipality or mutated Withy',(c)any minor easements for the euppfy of domestic utility or tafephona services to die property et adjacent properties.,end{d)any easements for drainage,storm or sen!tary See m's,public utility litre.,telephone llnee,cabin teievlsten lines dr Other cervices which dO not materially effet:t the pr.ednt use of the property,It within the specified llman referred to In paragraph 6 any valid objection.to title or to any eutsiandtng work order ordeficient',"notice,or to the fact the said present use may not lawfully be continued,cr that the principal bulking may not be Insured against rick al fire to made in weft to Vendor and which Vendor Is unable or unwilling to remove,remedy or aalaty mud which Purchaser wilt not waive.Into Agr*arrtant natwlthstandirtg any Intermediate acts or na,oliatlurts In respect of such objentona,shelf be at an and and all monies paid shell be returned without interest or deductlon and Vendor,t1slnng broker and Co.operatlng erotxer shall nal ba tibia for any%We or damage..Rave as to any valid objections as made by suet day and mote?:(Or arty objection going to the root 01 the dtlo,Purchaser shall 40 oonclusivety deemed to have accepted Vendor's oda to the property. t1, w6ra ut4rm 1i MAV epte{.r1nRVLt tyloll"Ar VARn mat Cali W"prgoNvOon at any we "ea, mtetrett aun'ey or other rAdanos of Sale to IM prapery exeepl1W h M ate In ale Pavevaror vreannivfYondo. drequested by rurdueer. VendwMdOdeliveranysimi0i orrumoyet" praperywllhln Yendnee mri aits rarahemt, eaeeon is poeeblo and aewooiho goaubAion Data. A e dlacherp[ of arty OhertWorogoev held lay a oapvrsdon fltaorparsted paraaantte Poe Loan CompenMe M (Cenadel, Dhahet►d Penh, Trot Oempany. Credit UNW, Cdesa Papuf.ea Cr IneufaMe Company mal iAhlcfl It 116216 be assumed by la-MMIadr on a'6MpW-A. Y mel AYAtrAble N 14044,.6l. forum an comp Ran, Puruhueragnn 14 aauptVattldr! tltYsra personal undade ff" to obtain, cart of lite atasetg funds, a dash" h NoWfibp room and b fegktafnfna an Otle wfthnl a re"ortrlta pbriod Of alma Poor aat*gllon, pravtdod that on or before compiloon VorAmflnao provide ro lurdttaeer it munpegt slailommi prepared by et► morspiaes astllnp out the Wends nqulred k obtain he drehwVe, Idgetnef with a dinadan ext h d by Vanden dlrrvmq psymant to m► mofmagee of Ins a llotmtregWstl to obtdn If disorient out of the bstanor due on Completion. i2 INSPICTIONt I-Wftl8 WaaknWMtdgeshW" nadiho appohuntry Id Inapsat me pkpAnYpeorto etrbmeM0016 01faearta IndartpndamatuPon acOephnc. olthla Offofthare shadoam binding ■gretment drpu"ut and tete b thomw ►Wd wmr end Vendor. 13. INS[IRANG71 ACkuadnpa an+. pleparyand ad ether ttlinga harm@ porehm.d shell be sad famam unci 0tr9oden at the risk of Venaar. Pendn9 aamotedan, Yeltda ahatl hold all Inaurante P011,16.0f prey, and the tlrovesds thereof In tMnt far mo dardds ex their Viermle mpy appew sac In doe aunt 01 euostandd damage. rurdhasar may AMOPtermtnale lhkAotsomant end naw ail .mellita paid ren.ned wW—t Intal.er a dad.ff- w .lea I.ke one praoasd. oI Any Inaur.rme and eempfala sea purAwo, Its Irnannos shoo be marttterr►d al eo.neirden, C Vendof N 1e14ng Oetk a CtefgapadndegA, of Puahea it It APvum*n . Chpfe./MettpAga, leurdu.aar alien supply Vender w11h reasdnAals eyidarim of adoWate Insuranoe to prompt Vandoro er Omer monuapu•a Interest an campdedan 14. PLANNING ACTe This Avvimem thin be rhood" w create an Interest In the pra"M wdy If Vendar aompltas win me evbdvletan control prowlcna of the PLmalgAct by completion and Yonder ooyensnte w proceed dlCendy al We n WrIto 10 sffidn any nousomy ealtaem by oamylnlon is, DOCUMEXT PREPARATIONt Tete TramferMeed Onto, nava for the Land Tmnsty Tax AmdAtMI, be prepared in feghbshie Wen et the expanse d Vander, and any cwgWaingpeq to to einem book by the FWchieeef Ito Vendor st the Oxpatlfe or the lufahuaf, If regddibed by ►urchate. Vendor covenents dMr the TfaharayMoOd to he defwHd an danpfedon ihW too" the alarsmenla contemplated by 8erddn e0(4 of Ma PlonningAtiL KILO. 1990, 10. R.651DENCY1,Pvreheserthal be Ordered tonnfd "farthest Mae Mom doe amount Cary, oteaduty for lewthasaria pay to the MINOtar all Naddn■I tlevanua A aeday purtha• 4 it"y In neeeat Of tact payable M Vendor antler Coe non-fuldenay poWilona of Ili IhWfnO Tds AR try niuml 01 lits Bele. Ptxeheeet shall mat 01AIM Utah ceeilt If Vanda daMart on compladen the W"crlbed ard0aers or it eaMaly dto triden that Vendor a fol dlon s rwhitdenl of Contacts. 17, ADJUSTHMNTSt Any runts, maruegs kdanet. mhy taxes IMiueng tale[ Imprarsmetn rutse and unmearad public m prirmt Unry a"" end unm.tpred veal at full, as appllmdpa, rt1Rd be appolomed Prod slowed to 01i day of mmolvdan, Ott ditty of ovmPltden Ip*dm W Wgritined to lunalaaer. SII. TrM LIMMi T1ma than M sd rapws pr at eta awns henaf promoted 9utrhs oma tot adelg ar compxy19 of icy matter prWetd W harsh may be opund■d a Ahr)dged sty M pefeemont In wdA1p ttgned try Yattdoe and jearnfutf of by dHA` napanWo Isvyefa woe may he epeaiaWIy authadaad N uut regard. 19. TENbM AOy tender of dammhedts W mgnvy hertNrml■r msy ka , Os upon Vwdor ar fk rmht eqr or Ihdr rsipo0trn IRwyen on Ne limy set lar oon aedon, Monty may as tendered by bank draft of lite" eefua.d by a Cham -mol 9.nk Trait Compairw, Pm41,a OF Onterle iavines OMav, Crook Union or Cells Populelfs, 20, FAMXT LAWACTt Yon4rWimams t iotapeusd acnaent Is het moesawy to his man setlon under uta ormAIl M oafs i4mlly LAWAet, AAO. 199DunieN V.nddfo spouse has axetuWd the ootreenl hereinther pmvlds4 21, UFFIt VtMofrapYefenitand wavtnn a Panthees,thm ouft eta dmevandef lWew6aa the property. Vendor hes net Mutodony buldrrpan the prap.rly to be lnsaland with lnvidwi ncmuthfna tmelOrtnaba+hyds, and thea to the beet Of ymdofa kndwfeOge rte building On the prbpenyt Me ana Or hoe erertedLlfned aelaallm dal nmtxIns ureatdrmal4efyde. nb waftmystiM auryNe and nee melga on doe completion 01 mfr IflnudIUM ell o me baldtno k pert Ota mu"ke unit bUlinng, "a Warranty anvil any appy to slat part of Coe building V49th ie the tuhiam M moa venueben. 22. CONSUMER REPORTSr Tree furahmor is honey mtlCned Mei A Canaamer "" aenttfri" VadR and/or poreaml 6tfemtetta4 may be rekrr►d m In aondedtlon 14th rhta Tr. us'aeuen. 23, AGENCY! It Is cadrri toad that res Mdt■ft ewOfad In the araeeatddn replecam the oW" as wt out in the Cardm,ahan d Ra}ves.nmfsan but". 24. AMEMENT IN WRITING! N two to cvndict behyesn Ory P1701011 wooer or typed In"Aerumehr ilnahtlhho 9ny OMKNla ahaahoa heraml and arty prrMetal In ne prntea pamon h•f af, the "i"On Orr typed wwfwcrl ahxl aupererda m+pAnhdRMASIDn b the WIM of rucn dcntla. Top Aonemenl Incladnp anyaah►tuta ansahed haritA, shalt abnethas the enOru Ayeemant be"" fvlrrthatsr all Vsrda, There Is rte tr�epptt�1ientadan, rtofrany, co%A-ml aareortwnt w ccndidon, wNo h ditch Ihlg A9rtemedt other pian Of elPeua4 htfeln, This A9ruOmdnt linen beread es with al charg61 Vandal of rsemhef rAtrAr 27 the context 25. SUCCESSORS AVID ASSICrIaISt Tho hairs, s"awkis, adminittIsn s, aueetaaera And Ls4ern at the undorsignad mru bound by the terms tlorein, DATED an, OWIill�1 ay ar . , 200$ 31GNED, SEALtD AND OCUVGtit:O In iia preemtld apt fE38 arsdt I have hdnurya set my hand and seal; � rl.� G ................................ ..tff� ti.. ls..t DATE.. ++. ��.................... twen.q i✓'�„ 1 � . . n ........ ..- .iuo DATE .....,.................................. lyue.•ta irwnr•f I, dna Urtdotignsd Venda. nal, to the above offer, f hereby bravMot r Ir,%Wtt my kvysr ee pay directly in the t kdnp &ax.r th. unpaM baimc, 01h. oammisaion kq•dter tA1th apoW.M. Goods .red 51.Mebo Tax (and any other tangs at may flva~ be ep iCANal, for the pfo6atds of life tale pflaf to mny paymanl to the undomfel6d an Carrottldn, a aff 4404 by Cu U11% Stair to my t"W. DATED it _ , ONT . . . ............ this day of 2002. SIGNED, SFAtED AND DEUVERSD In Ute preeenbe of: IN ITTNESS whereat I 70V'=, hand and seal: N�ri ,/.kDATB,,,,.,.,........r........................ ............. ., is.M DATE ............,...,,,,,..,,,,... (W-0 (Y.W.4 SPOUSAL COMENTr Tot Undersigned $poude of ire Vendor hereby consents io the dlgpo&t%Ian oy!e0ced heroin putauWto the proVlgtoM1s aftho Famly "W AVL R.S.D. 1990, arc "ruby agrees cloth the Purchaser that heAhe Vtltl QxQ=g all noaesaary or Inclurlu l documents 10 Dale tali rorao and offset to Me 6816 avidsnoad 11"ri. .• ..........., ,, ... ., IoW DATE ... ,.... ......................... r1+Mw (O rm't1' GO'KKKKATION OF• EKECUTIONr r anddtitatldblq t tY hnV tantskled hoWn tome contrary, I cotarm IMP agnomen(Mlh all tfian9n both typed and mitten Mete 11ntdN wmw by A pod"sit Ad11Jp.m. tela .. day of ....................................,.,.,,.r,..,,,,............... p(Melw. of Vadw K r...h..*d CONFIRMATION OF REPRESENTATION I hwy -0--W-166 Ana ..dYm Or, u-tno 0.0., mw—.%tit. MeresM d f hravy.#6-mo- red wna.a ti. hoot Blatt'" w Aoi. 0,. Rden.l. at ....... ,..,. ... ... ........ ...... ........ . masa V.ruael.e NeAdaliY�trdR tad the ► V a11ob epadegat Usha �ntla lPaMrMd r•erseer•eare ••,••••••••, ••, •,,••, •,,tett •,•••,•• wmaaf lldlq e.a4ri. ..................................................... •.. . .............. ........ ........ .. in does Peueelhe. •{YaOEWj rHdMeerr eora.xl arMYEM.1t'M talks Ma.Nbf Atpho-RA" tett,•,,,, ,,,•, •,1,1f 1,,,• R-1 Caw Wlnv arahx. . , .......... ... ... .... ........... ..... rpH................. ... .... ..,...,.,,.....,................... ."...... ...............,..,..W, ... ............... ,........ FIR No, 7.1 ML NS ACKNOWLW09MZW i.ekna.aep+ e.rp a ,AY •hhM «py N day ae•tetPdAd•A..^aa a ►yen..e Md se.n err I uarwmr irw 1 aetww.dt. 1-0101 •1 ^.y 14e -k rlry a Na —AM -4 Apnrr,nt .f rW*W,1 oaf e+k arta f mAhrffa d.. Avera i9 terra a ropy Iv lot .leym Apwd k k veld . enpf a mit �aM/n. ... 1..........1,........................, CAy6 ..,..,.......... 1. .... ... ....... . axle . , ......... . A64-1 rel sanalao. ...... .... ... .... ... .................. ... ...... .. ... ........... .... .... ... Tufo. . ..... ,.........1 wnd.rtta+er.r ....... .... ...... ....... ... ....... Atli.arl ........... .......................... .................... .... Te. era ►.Ala .............................. I.....,,. rMb rut[ ............. Mann ra 6wdru . ....... ... ........... .... ..... .. .., ,., .. f... ..., Pwo-Aftr.lmy..SOO—TK.OAMABELL...... .... ...... 1..,11....,.. Add.. 30 BROADWAY, TILLSONSURG ... ......................... 1q4G4H3, ............................................................ rAN..549- B5M rant,ad2-UU01 eor.detlaa TR is r Aat a4rcxr ra: eWapdf.m,p ennr.ewm M tile faepol.q hpr.•m.er a pur.x«a soli MMI i ter .e+raMahwt INIM 9htprrphy efrMr PP)eefllle 1112 alruavheAVNm,rs df ►aR.hars a'd seas. I tnr.bf dellen aorto .d mel..re nEllrvd a rwaueeh by m• M raff.ldlan •M Na YlAnreplm .a san.mdAee w U.. prLa 610 ftateMlae el Pry ltnla.lelt trpvd.hd <ti IMaYeNe std b.b Jn IN.t TM. Aw••maw sn.e .enfaiq ao.mndnh.n RuxAgr.amwly a.lm.d m o. Mia Ad«.1W fhN>n euq.a w raid Iavnmd N ma MLO R.« p.,oemg At co—U.len Treat gh� R ti d.. Ma and tkne if 1111 ..alplan.. pt dw fplpal'1 AW nnnn d ►ml.E. —f 91k. AetmentlQeed bre Y w. r :; I 11 0 Z 11 \ ( c) �\J 1 f}r6 SS8 (747) S' �-• . �Jf rr2, s� Qtil `\&A-. �\r� �� l39$. V;* 394601 5�`1 c/ ;1'3 ptil Q�qN t� of Rre (740 lN6 0) e0 ,,,,,..‘CricA r 6` pev• , M� JC� k� Is c- ,..- 18 IN LINE OF I- H Sl ct-f Nk ` �\y > 6,\ / REMAINS OF FENCE L 0 f pzy ;fir GJST rD FLAN) '',..t eP 10° Gc-"1-> 41 "93 _ f POST a 0 dell % w _ w ^"?.. 4% \ 151,b4?42 -I. ../ ¢- 4.4 4 ,,A S, 1_\.'s i \\:t 4p��sr� INSTRUMENT 248842 -1,- 96 \-tio 0 N_ N� 7 t. XO (FIRSTLY) \?:\‘t191 w rn_ 0 RGJSTERr J o PLAN J 2 Province Transfer/Deed of Land Do Process Software Ltd. • (416)322-6111 Ontar'.o Form 1—Land Registration Reform Act 1e-- T-(2) { (1)Registry0 Land Titles El Page 1 of pages (3) Property Block Property Identifier(s) Additional: IIIc--- 1:i/ Schedule ''. w - \ (4)Consideration C41 \- z y- " �- �; TWO Dollars$ 2,00 ") w N t ^ . I L(5)Description This is a: Property Property rn ._ - i_.) .0:.: Division ❑ Consolidation ❑ w ✓ J 1 Fart of Block H, North of King St., . Cr') nd South of Public Road, Plan 54, cr New Property Identifiers r-) (Village of Vienna) Geographic Township o Additional: of Bayham,Municipality of Bayham, Schedule ❑ County of Elgin Executions being designated as PART 1,Plan 11R-7802. Additional: See I=1Schedule (6)This (a) Redescription (b)Schedule for: (7) Interest/Estate Transferred Document New EasementAdditional Fee Simple Contains ❑ Other ElPlan/sketch ❑ Description 1=1 Parties (8)Transferor(s)The transferor hereby transfers the land to the transferee and certifies that the transferor is at least eighteen years old and that I am a spouse. The property transferred is not ordinarily occupied by me and my spouse, w-bo is not separaated from me, as our family reaterdtYtf . Date of Signature Name(s) Si na re(s)- ay" Y M D SCRUTON. Paul Wayne 200r" O9O (9) Spouse(s)of Transferor(s)I hereby consent to this transaction Date of Signature Name(s) Signature(s) Y M D (10) Transferor(s)Address for Service f az_pruo. _b 3 ) 3()Aiti i_i(' --. I L/"-r/ (11)Transferee(s) Date of Birth Y M 0 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM r .1- + 1 (12) Transferee(s)Address for Service Box 160, Road,9344 Plank Straffordville, Ontario (13)Transferor(s)The transferor verifies that to the best of the transferor's knowledge and belief, this transfer does not contravene section 50 of the Planning Act. Date of Signature Date of Signature Y M D Y M D ___, Signature Signature , Solicitor for Transferor(s)I have explained the effect of section 50 of the Planning Act to the transferor and I have made inquiries of the transferor to determine z0 that this transfer does not contravene that section and based on the information supplied by the transferor,to the best of my knowledge and belief,this transfer H does not contravene that section.I am an Ontario solicitor in good standing. Date of Signature 2- Name and Y rd D Address of t Solicitor Signature Q (14) Solicitor for Transferee(s) I have investigated the title to this land and to abutting land where relevant and I am satisfied that the title records reveal co �, no contravention as set out in subclause 50 (22) (c) (ii)of the Planning Act and that to the best of my knowledge and belief this transfer does not c 'E a. contravene section 50 of the Planning Act, I act independently of the solicitor for the transferor(s) and I am an Ontario solicitor in good standing. a. E serV 4'4-e Name and °' Address of Date of Signature h Solicitor Y M D Signature (15)Assessment Roll Number Cy. Mun. Map Sub. Par. g Fees and Tax of Property not assigned z O Registration Fee (16)Municipal Address of Property (17)Document Prepared by: w SCOTT K. CAMPBELL Land Transfer Tax GIBSON,LINTON,TOTH,CAMPBELL iii & BENNETT 36 Broadway,Box 5 0 Tillsonburg,Ontario 0 N4G 4H3 t Total Document prepared using Form'1'Ware LandForms Do Prc�ess Software Ltd. • (416)322-6111 Page 2 Affidavit of Residence and of Value of the Consideration Refer to al! 7structions on reverse side. Form 1 — Land Transfer Tax Act IN THE MATTER OF THE CONVEYANCE OF (insert brief description of land) Part of Block H,North of King St. and South of ' , ' R i : s ' ,n 54 ill. . if i•n , . f •r, s - . r .n lip of Bayham, Municipality of Bayham, County of Elgin, designated as PART 1, on PLAN 11 R-7802. _ BY (print names of all transferors in full) Paul Wayne Scruton TO (see instruction I and print names of ail transferees in full) The Corporation Of The Municipality Of Bayhani I, (see instruction 2 and print name(s)in full) SCOTT K. CAMPBELL MAKE OATH AND SAY THAT: 1. I am(place a clear mark within the square opposite that one of the following paragraphs that describes the capacity of the deponent(s));(see instruction 2) R (a) A person in trust for whom the land conveyed in the above-described conveyance is being conveyed; (b) A trustee named in the above-described conveyance to whom the land is being conveyed; ❑ (c) A transferee named in the above-described conveyance; 0 (d) The authorized agent or solicitor acting in this transaction for(insert name(s)of principal(s)) The Corporation Of The Municipality Of Bayham described in paragraph(s) X, X, (c) above; (strike out references to Inapplicable paragraphs) ❑ (e) The President, Vice-President,Manager,Secretary,Director or Treasurer authorized to act for(insert name(s)of corporarion(s)) described in paragraph(s) (a), (b), (C) above;(strike out references to inapplicable paragraphs) ❑ (f) A transferee described in paragraph( ) (Insert only one of paragraph(a),(b)or(c)above,as applicable)and am making this affidavit on my own behalf and on behalf of(insert name of spouse) who is my spouse described in paragraph( ) (insert only one of paragraph(a),(b)or(c)above,as applicable) and as such, I have personal knowledge of the facts herein deposed to. 2. (To be completed where the value of the consideration for the conveyance exceeds$400,000). I have read and considered the definition of "single family residence"set out in clause 1(1)(ja)of the Act. The land conveyed in the above-described conveyance ❑ contains at least one and not more than two single family residences. Note:Clause 2(1)(d)imposes an additional tax at the rate of one-half of one per Qdoes not contain a single family residence. cent upon the value of consideration in excess of$400,000 where the conveyance ❑ contains more than two single family residences. (see instruction 3) contains at least one and not more than two single family residences. 3. I have read and considered the definitions of"non-resident corporation' and "non-resident person" set out respectively in clauses 1(1)(f) and (g) of the Act and each of the following persons to whom or in trust for whom the land is being conveyed in the above-described conveyance is a"non-resident corporation" or a"non-resident person"as set out in the Act. (see instructions 4 and 5) None 4. THE TOTAL CONSIDERATION FOR THIS TRANSACTION IS ALLOCATED AS FOLLOWS: (a) Monies paid or to be paid in cash $ 2.00 (b) Mortgages(i)Assumed(show principal and Interest to be credited against purchase price) . $ Nil (ii)Given back to vendor .$ Nil (c)Property transferred in exchange (detail below) .$ Nil Ali Blanks (d)Securities transferred to the value of(detail below) . . .$ Nil Must Be (e) Liens, legacies,annuities and maintenance charges to which transfer is subject .$ _ Nil Filled In. (f)Other valuable consideration subject to land transfer tax(detail below) . . . . $ .Nil Insert"Nil" (g) VALUE OF LAND, BUILDING, FIXTURES AND GOODWILL SUBJECT TO Where LAND TRANSFER TAX (Total of(a)to(f)) .$ 2.40$ 2.00 (h) VALUE OF ALL CHATTELS -items of tangible personal property Applicable (Retail Sales Tax is payable on the value of all chattels unless exempt under Nil the provisions of the'Retail Sales Tax Act',R.S.O.1980,c,454,as amended) . , . . , .$ - (i)Other consideration for transaction not included in(g)or(h)above . . . , $ Nil Q) TOTAL CONSIDERATION .$ 2.00 5. If consideration is nominal,describe relationship between transferor and transferee and state purpose of conveyance.(see instruction 6) n/a 6. If the consideration is nominal,is the land subject to any encumbrance? Ilia 7. Other remarks and explanations,if necessary. nlia Sworn before me at the Town of Tillsonburg in the County of Oxford u,,..e_ this day of 20 bp- ynn Campbell,a Conttnissiofter, , SCO' T K. CAMPBE�[,tur County f Oxford,for Gibson,Unton.Toth, argnas) A Commis oner for taking Affidavits,etc. apnnatt,Barristers and SolicitarS. I Property Information Record ,Wires February9,2005. For Land Registry Office Use Only A. Describe nature of instrument:-Transfer/Deed of Land Registration No. B. (i)Address of property being conveyed(if available) NOT ASSIGNED (ii)Assessment Roll No.(If available) NOT ASSIGNED C. Mailing address(es) for future Notices of Assessment under the Assessment Act for property being conveyed(see instruction 7) Box 160, 9344 Plank Road Registration Date Land Registry Office No, Straffordville, Ontario .._ D. (i)Registration number for last conveyance of property being conveyed fit available) (ii)Legal description of property conveyed: Same as in 0.(i)above. Yes❑ No El Not khown❑ E. Name(s) and address(es) of each transferee's solicitor GIBSON, LINTON, TOTH, CAMPBELL,& BENNETT 6B t . ! , . : ix ill i i,t r• In . ,t 4 . e School Tax Support(Voluntary Election) See reverse for explanation (a) Are all individual transferees Roman Catholic 7 Yes 0 No❑ (b) If Yes, do all individual transferees wish to be Roman Catholic Separate School Supporters? Yes❑ No❑ (c) Do all individual transferees have French Language Education Rights? Yes❑ No❑ (d) If Yes,do all individual transferees wish to support the French Language School Board(where established)? Yes El No❑ NOTE:As to(c)and(d)the land being transferred will be assigned to the French Public School Board or Sector unless otherwise directed in(a)and(b). 0449D(90-05) i . Province Do Process Software Ltd. . (416)322-6111 o Ontario General Ontario Form 4—Land Re.istration Reform Act (1)Registry ❑X Land Titles ❑ (2) Page 1 of pages (3)Property Block Property Identifier(s) Additional: ❑ i See C.:0 V Schedule C!3 c ky to (4)Nature of Document rte- ` .= '� S . r— C.... t f.i.(5)Consideration z t_ / ' I �� NIL 0 �— t.f7 t Dollars$ Li .- .—a U) ;: c'(6)Description U i_ _:' ., —Part of Block H, North of King St., O U c and South of Public Road, Plan 54 ce (Village of Vienna) d Municipality of Bayham, County of Elgin being described as PART 1, on Reference Plan 11R- 7802. New Property Identifiers Additional: See 1=1Schedule Executions (7) This (a)Redescription (b)Schedule for: Additional: Document New Easement Additional � See ❑ Contains: Plan/Sketch ❑ Description ❑ Parties ❑ Other LTJ Schedule (8)This Document provides as follows: see schedule- By-Law No. 2002-68 Continued on Schedule ❑ (9)This Document relates to instrument number(s) (10)Party(ies) (Set out Status or Interest) Name(s) Signature( Date of Signature Y M D fiE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY PER: J--„,..., 2003 02 OF BAYHAM SCOTT K. CAMPBELL BY ITS SOLICITORS,GIBSON,LINTON,,TOTH CAMPBELL &BENNETT (11) Address for Service Box 160, Straffordville, Ontario (12)Party(ies) (Set out Status or Interest) Name(s) Signature(s) - Date of Signature Y M D (13) Address for Service (14)Municipal Address of Property (15)Document Prepared by: ii Fees and Tax J Scott K. Campbell w Registration Fee Gibson,Linton, Toth, Campbell& CO Vienna, Ontario Bennett w 36 Broadway,Box 5 L.T. . Tillsonburg, Ontario cc N4G 4H3 o Total i Document prepared using Form'L Ware LandForme CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO.2002-68 A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE PURCHASE OF REAL PROPERTY IN THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM DESCRIBED AS CONCESSION 3,PART LOT 16 PLAN 54 PART LOT H WHEREAS Section 191 (1)of the Municipal Act,R.S.O. 1990 Chapter M.45 as amended authorizes municipalities to past by-laws for acquiring or expropriating any land required for the purposes of the corporation,and for erecting and repairing buildings thereon,and for making additions to or alterations of such buildings,and may sell or otherwise dispose of the same when no longer required; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Municipality of Bayham is desirous of acquiring real property for the purpose of the corporation, for a sum of two dollars ($2.00) for property located in the Municipality of Bayham,described as: Concession 3,Part Lot 16,Plan 54 Part Lot H Geographic Township of Bayham AND WHEREAS the Council of the Municipality of Bayham deems it necessary to approve the Agreement of Purchase and Sale by by-law; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICPALITY OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the Council of the Municipality of Bayham authorizes the Mayor and Clerk to execute such documents as may be necessary to provide for the purchase of real property from Paul Wayne Scruton being: Concession 3,Part Lot 16,Plan 54 Part Lot H Geographic Township of Bayham 2. THAT the purchase price be two dollars($2.00),payable to the Vendor upon closing; 3. AND THAT the said Agreement of Purchase and Sale is attached hereto as Schedule"A"and forms part of this By-law. READ A FIRST,SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 5TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER,2002 I a'PL41 ` r. 1"/V.;ME CLERK I, LYNDA MILLARD, CLERK of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayhan, certify the fp egoing is a Certified true copy Dated this day of F lhc-ttery „�} a fr 1/ 3 AGFI MMENT O!` PUHCHAHL AMP UAL;~, f_-I t � (FOR 1.13E iN THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO) PURCHASER, The Corporation at the Municipality of Bayham .,it,;,, ,..,, agrees to purchase from VENDOR. Paul Wayne Scruton (Full legal namoo of ell Purohaaere) the following (Full legal names of ell Vendors) REAL PROPERTY: Address: 54 ... fronting on the South side of Chapel St. in the and having a frontage of more Cr less by a debts of more or teen and legally described as Conc. 3, S PT LOT 16, Plan 54 PT LOT H, Geographic Twp of Bayham,County of Elgin - for the purpose of road widening as illustrated on the sketch attached hereto. . ........ ..... . . • (the'property"). fLegal deecripticn of land including easements) PURCHASE PRICE; Two(2) ._, , .. Dollars(CDNs ) DEPOSIT: Puroheaer submits Dollars(CDNS) (HerewlthUUpon Acceptance) Cash or negotiable cheque payable to to be held in trust pending completion or other termination of this Agreement and to be credited toward the Purchase Price on completion,Purchaser agrees to pay the balar,oc as fariow': - Trees removed from the subject property to be left with the vendor - Northerly section of vendor's driveway shall be raised to road grade Offer is conditional until September 5th, 2002 for approval by the Council of the Municipality of Bayham by By-law. Should the Council not approve the offer, then the agreement herein shall be null and void. SCHEDU LE(S) SEE ATTACHED ... ... ....... attached hereto form(e)part of thle Agreement. 1. CHATTELS IJNCLUDEDt 2. FIXTURES EXCLUPi i)t 3. RENTAL.ITEMSt The following equipment Is rented and not Included In the Purchase Price.The Purchaser agreee to aasums the rental oerttrect(e),if assumable: a, (RREVOCASILUTlt This offer shall be irrevocable by PURCHASER until 11:00 . . . . p.m. On the 26`h day of, August2002 after which time,it not accepted,this Offer shall be null end void and the deposit shall De returned to the Purchaser in lull without interest. 5. COMPLETION DATE:Thie Agreement shall be completed by no later than e:Oin p.m.on the . 9th day of . ,September ... , 2002. Upon completion,vacant poaeestion of the property shall be given to the Purchaser unless otherwise provided far in this Agreement 8. NOTICEST Vendor hereby appoints the Elating Broker as Agerrt for the purpose 01 giving and receiving notices pursuant to this Agreement.It the Oo•operating Braker represents the interests of the Purchaser in this transaction,the Purchaser hereby appoints the Co-operating Brokef as Agent for the purpose of giving and receiving notices pursuant to thre Agreement.Any notice rotating hereto or provided for herein shalt be In writing.This offer, any counter offer,notioe of acceptance thereat,Of arty notice shall be deemed given end received,when hand delivered to the address for service provided heroin or,where a facsimile number le provided herein,when transmitted electronically to that feoslmlle number. FAX NO. ...,..., (For delivery of noticee to Vendor) FAX NC. (For Delivery of notices to Purchaser) 7. GST:if this transaction is eup)eot to Goode and Servicea Tax(3.S.T.),then such tax shall be the Purchase Price, If this transaction is not subject to ra,S,T„V:ndor agrees to provide on or before closing,a certificate The,*h.,transaction is not subject to G,S.T, 8, TITLE S>:ARCHi Purchaser Shall be allowed until 8:00 p.m.on tits 7th day of September . (Requisition Date}to examine the title to the property et his own expense and until the earlier on.(i)thirty days from me later of the Piegulsiilon Date or the dale on which the conditions in this Agreement are fulfilled or otherwise Waived or,flit five days prior to completion,to satisfy himself that there are no outstanding work orders or deficiency notices effecting the property,that its present use(,Residential may be lawfully continued end that the principal building may be Insured against risk of tire.Vendor hereby consents to the municipality or other governmental agencies releasing to Purchaser details or ail outstanding work omens affecting the property,and Vendor agrees to execute and deliver such further authorization in this regard as Purchaser may reasonably require. P. I`UTUR1? USE:Vendor end Purchaser agree that there Is no represertiallon or warranty of any kind that the future intended use of the property by Purchaser is or will be lawful except as may be epeelfitsaliy provided for in this Agreement. 10, TITLE:Pravtded mai the tats to the property Ie gaudand fres from all registered ceelricions,Charges,liens and encumbrances,except as otherwise specifically provided In this Agreement and cave and except for: (a)any registered restrictions or covenants that nun with the land,provided that euoh are complied with; (b) any registered municipal agreements and registered agreements with publicly regulated utilities providing such have been compiled with,or security has been posted to ensure compliance and completion,as evidenced by a letter from the relevant municipality or regulated utility;(c)any minor easements for the supply of domestic utility or telephone services to the properly or adjacent propenles:and (d) any easements for drainage, storm or sanitary sewers, public utility linea, telephone lines,cable television lines or other aervieee which do not materially effect the present use of the property.if within the specified tlmee referred to In paragraph 8 enyva[td obiecilone to title orio any outstanding work order or deficiency noticer or to the fact the said present use may not lawfully be continued,or that the principal bulld!ng may not be insured against risk of fire is made in wrhing to Vendor and which Vendor rs unable or unwilling to remove, remedy or satisfy and which Purchaser will not waive.this Agreement notwithstanding any intermediate acts or negotiations in respect of won objections,shall be at an end and all monies paid ahs[[be returned without Interest or deduction and Vendor, Listing Broker and Co-operating Sroker shall not Ise liable for arty costs or damages.Save an to any valid objections so made by such day and except tar any objection going to the root 01 trio title, Purchaser shall be conclusively deemed to have accepted Vendor's tk;e to the property. t 1. safkoa,re etylorR e a"MP L►sateRTlttteto e4rrohasar shat not call ter ills prvduedon of any tele deed,etetrect,survey or outer evidence of tide to the property exempt such ae are in the possesses or control of Vender,i noeueetsd by Purt hessr,Vendor will deliver try sketch toraurvey of the property wlmin Vendor's control to Purchaser se soon as possible and prier to the Ragvtellion Cote,It a discharge et any Charge/Mortgage held by a corporation Incorporated pursuant to the Lean Companlee Act(Canada),Chartered Bank,Trust Company.Merle Union,Celese Papulatre or Insurance Company and welch tenet to be Meunted by Purchaeeren comptod0ct,la eat available In registrable form on completion,Purohmyragrees to aovept Vandore tawyere personel undertaking to obtain,out of the famine hinds.a diaeharge In roglettebie term and to register earns on tide within a reasonable period of lime after completion,provided that on or before'completion Vender shell provide to let roheaeer a mortgege sletemenl prepared by Me mortgagee setting out the belendo required to obtain the dtacharge,together with a dleectton immured by Venda directing payment to Ms mortgagee of the amount required 10 obtein the dlaoherre out of the balenOe due an acmpletlam, 12. INSPECTION:PurottsserdekhaModgeahaving had Vie c pperturlry to Inspect die property pros to subeteeng this Otter and understands that upon acceptance ort thls Offer there shall be a binding agreement al purchase and tela between Purretaeer and Vender. 13. INSU RANCLL An bunchnpe en the property end at)other things being putehaaee.shall be and rerna,n until completion at the risk of Vendor,Pending opmpletion,Vender peen nota an Inaurence poflelee,if any,and the prooeads thereat In truer for the parties as their interestamey enpear end In the eventot substantial damage,Purchaser may ether terminate this Agreement and'neve eft monies paid returned without Interest or doduadon or else tatty 1ho premeds et any ktsuranae and comp'at■the porches',foto'neurone',shell be trenarerred on completion,It Vendor le taking be a Charge/Mertpage,or Pureheser ra aneuminig■Charge/Mortgage,Purdhater aheit supply Vendor wilh roasaneb/s evidence of adequate(nauranoe to protect Verteore Of other mortgagee's Internet an completion. 14. PieANNING ACT:This Agreement shell be effective to create en!stares!In the property only If Vendor compiler wen the eubdtvlalen conet provision.of the Plennin°Act by completion and Vendor oovenente to proceed diligently at hie expense to 011ie any necessary convent by completion. 1E. DOCUMENT PREPARATION:The Transfer/Ceed shat,eats for the Lend Transfer TexAlndaviL be prepared in regletrable form al les expense of Vendor,and any Chargenrlotlgape • to 4e given beck by the Purchaser 1e Vendor et the expense of the Purchaser.It requested by Purchaser,Vendor covenant's that me Transfer/Coed to be delivered on Completion stall domain the e tatemenla corttempleted by Stollen ffO(24 at the Planning Act ft,8.0,teen, 1 S. RESIDENCYtyurcttsear aisle be eredlted towards the Putnam!'Priet with the amount,1 any,naoeeaary lar Purchaser to pay to the Minialer of Material Revenue to satiety Purchaser's debility In respect of tax,payable by Vendor under the nce.rasldenoy pro'lalone 0r the Income Tax Act 4Y melon 41 MIe sale•Purchaser anvil not delfts suet,credit If Vendor delivers on completion t e prescribed certificate ora statutory decimation that Vendor Ie net then a non-resident of Canada. 17, ADJUSTMENTS:Any rents,mortgage Internet,reeky taxes Including iooat Improvement rates and unmetered public or private utility charges end unmetered coat of Nor,or applicable,.hall be apportioned and allowed to the daY of completion,Ins day of oornpletlan Itself to be apportioned to Puronsesf, 1 O. TIME LIMITS;Time shell In all reepebte be of the eseenoe hereof provided thetas)time for toeing or completing of any manor provided for heroin may be extended or abridged by an agreement in writing signed by Vendor and Prlreneeer or by!pelt Mepective tavyera who may be epeclneally authorised in that regard. 19, TENDL1tt My tender of deooments or money hereunder may be made upon Vendor or Purohaser or'heir respective lawyers'en the day set tor completion.Money may be tendered by bank draft e r cheque certtthd by a Chartered Ilanlq Trust Company,Province of Ontario Savings Office,Credit Union or Calvert Pop6letre, 20. FAMILY LAW ACTt Vendor warrens that epousel cement Is not necessary so tele heneecdan under Ins prominent of me Fanny Caw Act,A.C.O.10D0 uneven Vendor,spouse has executed the content hereinafter erovtdett. 21. UFFIo Vendor represent/rand werrenes to Ptereheaarteat during the time Vendor has owned the property,Vendor has not coo eedenv building on the property to be Inavleted meth Insulation conta;ning ureelornteidehyde,and Met to the beet of Vendors knowledge no bullding on the property contains or hoe ever conlalned Maulalion that contains uresformalduhyde.This warranty shall aurvlve end n et merge on the aomplet)on of this Irenceodan.and if the butdlne to part of a multiple emit building,tele warranty snail only apply to that part of the building which to the subject of MIR Vanaaclrolt. 22, CONSUMER REPORTS:Tote Pi/reelect is hereby not)ned that a eonaurner report eontatning credit and/or personal Information may be referred to in eonnecttoni with title tranasctlen. 23, AGENCY:It a undernoed that the brokers Invdlvad lams eranseetlan mere/tent the parties ae set out in the Confirmaban of Representation below, 24. AGREEMENT IN WRITING!if)herd Is eonflct between any provision written or typed In this Agreement ilncludlno any Schedule alteceea hereto)and any protlelo,n In the printed portion hereof,the written or typed provision shall eteaereede the printed provident to the extern of mute conflict,';rile Aoreemenl inoiuding any Schedule attached hereto,mall ocnadluta the entire Agreement between Purchsder and Vendor.There is no repreeenlatlon,we/reply,colletartt agreement Or Condition,which,1ffpcte title Agreement other than cc s wreesed herein.Thle Agreement seen be read with alt ohengea of pander et number required by the ammo, 25. SUCCESSORS AND A,SNIGN3i The heirs,executers,administrators,evocessera and esslgns of the undersigned era bound by the terms herein, DATED at -Sra-4sr�� �'162.. ONT ie 0.M day of I\u , 2002 SIGNED,SEALED AND D UVOPICd lettrio presence or; IN , iTNE whereof I have reurrto set my hand and seal: . ,4DATEIt [r 4`.°.. ...., .. lWt,rees) (P .sus canon DATE (waren) (sureness" I,the Undersigned Vender,agree to the above Offer,I hereby irrevocably Instruct my lawyer to guy dlrettly to Ore LAM;broker the urhpxfd balance 4f the oamfn)uion together wile aPPtloabi■Goods dna Services Tax(and any other teams as may eerseiter be tealieabla),idr the prooeede of the sale p11or to any payment to the underel feed en domplation,ee advised by the WON Arokar to my lawyer_ DATED at SATs,ctarte tt ONT rola \c L day of A 2002. SiGNED,SEALED AND DELIVERED In the preaenoe of: 1N W TNESS whereof I ;e her hand end seas • Ir i. .erne DATE lwanw) finds} Iseed DATE {mem} (vender} SPOUSAL CONSENT:The Undersigned Spouse of the Vendor hereby consents to the disposition evidenced herein pursuant to the provisions of the Family taw Act,R.S.O. 1990,aria hereby agrees with the Purchaser that he/she will execute an necessary or lncldertta;documents to give lull fere and effect to the sale evidenced herein. ... . .... .... •..,.. feat DATE .• M'areee) finer.} CONFIRMATION OF.EXECUTIONt netwlthatanding anything contained herein to the contrary,I confirm tele agreement with all chancre both typed and wrItten was Anally•xeculud by all parties at am,p.m.title ,, day cit ,., 1 ,. ,. 1 , ,.,,.1„1„ 111 , , , , 1 , , , , , 1 ,,,,., 1 „ 1 , , ,, 111 . ,.., Manlove a of Vender or Pvrrrhsee.e CONFIRMATION OF REPRESENTATION I hw.by aelmerdNde And nghn the L411ng arok00 mewl*the inwr.sa d 1 honey sdtnre'lydee end eerdlrm rte LI+Iho errkw roe..eeree the eeereetr el In the trenesanee, In tel.era aanbn, NenderNendvr and the Pvahseed lynndaa leutohaeuq Signaling er Uednb seeker or suatoneed repnsernadee 3iverwe m Co•uperetmq aroter ar alrhorsed npreierrtttwe Nene of Wenn slakes , Nano of Cempamtlne emuor: ..... . .... ... .. .. .. .... .. lex Ne, .. .... ..... ... .... • „F,...... .....,... . .•... � ... ..... ,... .... ...., Tel No.. feed Tel N.. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT uehnafaats reeelpt of My stoma Mpy et DS.a...pled AOrswnere N eurotwo r and dee eM I Austen!,ire I 144,wworita reel?t N my miasma eery N Ink eseIM•d eorreneet.r Pereheee and viae end I*Merle ror Agent 1e 1oMVO It espy 10 my teayer. Agent to lawoct a gory to any levyer, ........ ,., 411144.14 .,,..,,1,,...1,,,11111,11,.1 DATR .11„1.11.....1,1, DATE: tyendan 1Purahee.p . .... ,.. ....,. RAT! PATI roman (Potemkin Amines for$015409. ...... .... ... .... ... .................. ... ...... .. Adanee int Severe: ... ........... .... .,, , T,L Na. . .. ,,. ...... ., Tel N0. ,.. writhes kswe 1,111111,1. ,.,.,1,.,,,,11 . ,..,..,..., •4110441.. PvrfhrelelowwSCOTT K. 0AMP6ELt.,, Addrs,; .... .... ... ... ... .......I AddnVr3lbBROADWAY,T(LL$QNEUFG ... ... ........ .... ...,, Yn Na ... 'rw We 11.,,,,,1.,,.,,..1..,.,, N4G 41n'3. Tel,Ne,8423859 rexN*.842-EOC1 da1erhe0 eAt TRYST AtREValEKT Tor Como-arming aeokar slated on me foregoing AQrwmnt of Purgwk end aw, to eentldereden Het the Ce'ettrNlne WM'ermine tin fxetelnp Mtsnment ar ihyrowe ted Selo,I hereby delarr reel ul many,rocetred nr reroieble be mo In cannraJon wen Ifo Tratceatian as conlcn'c loud In the MLS blobs end newsmen;at net?real latlela Vaud cola be rearrrrbls end hid In bust,'Mrs Agrwment thdt aanethuw a Co-mkahon Trust Ag•.omrnt d fanned Irl the i n.e etches and 044 A.eubi.m 15 and governed Oy me MLa auee Feminine to eemt,ttamn Tent, DATED ra e)the date nod time al the e.eealense at the lerego)na Agreement of Pvrohen end sob., Aohnnw{rdded 1y t .uro4 - -4ereu w•.”ern,4 n 1 • •- nr,s ”-`e• .0,—, ..0 a/xcaornn, 0 Z 0 I\��r�c� Sr8 (741) C) y�s �l .. r 'S.# ' \� <� Lag \ . • '59(6,1,. I 5&1 C \ 9'1) qN N, L �o -\ RIG. (747) `''d Lo) 3 IfinE mL $$ L4, �c ti ..0„, 9 It3 IN REMAINS LIN NF FENCE JL:-/ I� f-J YL Sl 1 , �\� <•‘,..4 erk 'c Fir GJSTERrD PLAN �Z s1 �. ora lr S rf' \ / se °o E D �4 POST ri1. dr.• ) \ 02) Ery hry o - ,V ry 4O` .1 : 7 ` \\ •G o ' \1 q F u1 CA)-16>.\ INSTRUMENT 248842 \Q\-% 9,p0 am a _ 7y 0 \i., X � (FIRSTLY) . r- -rnn fi W i \;-. REGISTERED FLAN �-./