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By-law No. 2001-098
CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO.2001-98 A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE ACCEPTANCE OF QUIT CLAIM DEEDS AND TO DECLARE MCQUIGGAN LINE AS PART OF THE PUBLIC AND TRAVELLED ROAD SYSTEM IN THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM WHEREAS Section 191 (1) of the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990 Chapter M.45 as amended authorizes municipalities to pass by-laws for acquiring or expropriating any land required for the purposes of the corporation, and for erecting and repairing buildings thereon, and for making additions to or alterations of such buildings, and may sell or otherwise dispose of the same when no longer required; AND WHEREAS Section 297 (1) of the said Act provides in part that the Council of every municipality may pass by-laws for establishing and laying out highways; AND WHEREAS Section 300 (1) of the said Act provides in part that before passing a by-law for establishing or laying out a highway, notice of the proposed by-law shall be published, however Section 301 of the said Act provides that where the owners and other persons interested in the lands required for to be taken for the highway consent in writing, or where such land has been acquired by the corporation, section 300 does not apply; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Municipality of Bayham is desirous of formally documenting the given road known as McQuiggan Line, identified as Part 1 on Plan 1IR-7442, as part of the open and travelled road system of the Municipality of Bayham known as McQuiggan Line; AND WHEREAS affected property owners, being Mary McQuiggan, Douglas Dennis, Carolyn Dennis, and Christine Dennis and Sean Grantham, and Underhill Farms Ltd., have executed Quit Claim Deeds in favour of the Municipality; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Municipality of Bayham deems it necessary and expedient to accept such Quit Claim Deeds; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICPALITY OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the Quit Claim Deeds from Mary McQuiggan,registered as Instrument Number 412013 on the 29th day of October, 2001, and from Douglas Dennis, Christine Dennis and Sean Grantham,registered as Instrument Number 412014,on the 29th day of October,2001, and from Underhill Farms Ltd, registered as Instrument Number 412015 on the 29th day of October, 2001, in regard to property described as Part of Lot 4 and Part of Lot 5, Concession 3 in the Municipality of Bayham, geographic Township of Bayham, in the County of Elgin, more particularly described as Part 1 on Reference Plan 11R-7442, be and the same are hereby accepted. By-law 2001-98 Page 2 2. THAT the lands described as Part of Lot 4 and Part of Lot 5, Concession 3 in the Municipality of Bayham, geographic Township of Bayham, in the County of Elgin, more particularly described as Part 1 on Reference Plan 11R-7442, be and same are hereby declared as part of the public and travelled road system of the Municipality of Bayham known as McQuiggan Line. 3. THAT the Solicitor be authorized and directed to register this By-law and the subject deeds at the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Elgin,(No. 11). READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 15t DAY OF NOVEMBER,2001 4/443zt,‘.azez5 MAYOR C ERIC - 4�i Province Transfer/Deed of Land Do Process Software Ltd. • (415)322.6111 Form 1—Land Registration Reform Act V (1)Registry QX Land Titles 0 (2) Page 1 of 3 pages Pr operty Block Property Additional: ❑ Idendfier(s) See Schedule (4)Consideration i TWO------------------------Dollars$ 2.00 it (6)Description This is a: Property ,..., Property 4. Division Conaoildauon El.e Part of Lot 4 and Part of Lot 5,Concession 3,in the Municipality of Bayham,(Geographic Township of Bayham)in the County of Elgin, LI more particularly described as PART 1 on Reference Plan 11R-7442. New Property Identifiers i M Additional: See ❑Schedule Executions Additional: See Schedule (6)This (a)Redescription (b)Schedule for. (7) Interest/Estate Transferred Document ns New Easement Additional ❑ © Quit ClFee laaim Plan/Sketch ❑ Description 0 Parties Other (2)Transferor(s)The transferor hereby transfers the land to the transferee and certifies that the transferor Is at least eighteen years old and that I am nota spouse Date of Signature Name(s) Signature(s) d Y ;M ; 0 M..4QI-CLGAII�.Mtt?3 Kat r.!R4r-._...- -......-._..._.. .. .- - - , 4.7.4, s4;Ga-7/j 991_-.4.7.1x7 }(9) Spouse(s)of Transferor(s)I hereby consent to this transaction Date of Signature Name(s) Signature(s) Y M I D f i . i (10)Transferor(s)Address A 1R R.R.# liner for Service y ,Ontario. (11)Transferee(s) Date of Birth Y M , D THE C_QRPORATIQPN OF'• H..M[JNICIPALITar OF,BAY ,4M»_.._ .._._... ... ..._..__. ......._._._. .... .-i_ .. _ .-._ (12)Transferee(s)Address P.O.Box 160, far Service 9344 Plank Road,Straffordville,Ontario.NOJ 1Y0 (13)Transferals)The transferor verifies that to the best of the transferors knowledge and belief,this transfer does not contravene section 50 of the Planning Act Date of Signature Date of Signature E Y M : D Y i M ;D i e r Signature. ._...._--._. .._.____._..r.. ..».... ....ii 1 ._......L.._.I_.. . Signature. ._.. --- ...4. ..._:_ 4 Solicitor for Transferor(s)1 have explained the effect of section 50 of the Planning Act to the transferor and I have made inquiries of the transferor to determine O that this transfer does not contravene that section and based on the information supplied by the transferor,to the best of my knowledge and belief,this transfer F...- does riot contravene that section,I am an Ontario solicitor in good standing. Date of Signature - Address of I Y INT D y, Solicitor Signature._. -...__..—_ ...... ..---..__.. ....._. • _..-_.....:.....!...—_ �r (14)Solicitor for Transferees)I have investigated the title to this land and to abutting land where relevant and I am satisfied that the title records reveal no contravention as set out in subclause 50(22)(c)(ii)of the Planning Act and that to the best of my knowledge and belief this transfer does not contravene section 50 of the Planning Act.I act independently of the solicitor for the transferor(s)and I am an Ontario solicitor in good standing. 0. t e Name and It; address of Date of Signature ,g Solicitor v.,. M D • Signature._ »........ ... -_...... _-- .__. -- -. I F i;_.....a (15)Assessment Roll Number aY I Mun Map I sus Par. i• Fees and Tax of property ; NOT ASSIGNED Z 16 Municipal Address of Property (17)Document Prepared O Registration Fee { } p by: w D.BRADLEY BENNETT j Land Transfer Tax NOT ASSIGNED GIBSON,LINTON,TOTH,CAMPBELL o &BENNETT L 36 Broadway,Box 5, o Tillsonburg,Ontario.N4G 4H3 ce r Total Document prepared using Fornel.Wana LarndFnrmc ' of rio . Prov'nce Schedule Do Process Software Ltd. • (416)322-6111 Form 5.—Land Registration Reform Act Page 2 Additional Property Idendfler{s)andfor Other Information 1 RECITALS Whereas the herein described lands were conveyed to Fred McQuiggan and Mary Katherine McQuiggan as joint tenants and not as tenants in common by a Deed registered on the 8th day of May,1978 as Instrument Number 211519. And Whereas the said Fred McQuiggan died on or about the , / day of }�. ,19 qg,without having severed the joint tenancy, and the said Mary Katherine McQuiggan became the soe owner of the said lands by right of survivorship. And Whereas the said Fred McQuiggan , at the time of his decease, and the said Mary Katherine McQuiggan were spouses of one another. ,tc�t i J ----).- ( I__ -rL Li5-6. OD leftt Document prepared using Form%Won LandForme *Do Process Software Ltd. • (416)322-6111 page 3 Affidavit of Residence and of Vaiue of the Consideration Referfo sit instructions on reverse side. Form 1—Land Transfer Tax Act IN THE MATTER OF THE CONVEYANCE OF (krsenOder description onand) Part of Lot 4 and Part of Lot 5a .on ession in the _ Municipality of Rayhatn(GeogralhicTownshi. • f: ,II "1 .t . .t S . _ II r .;it arly described as PART 1 on Reference Plan 11R-7442. BY Winne/nes eras transferors in fur)-MARY KATHERINE McQUIGGAN - TO ogee Matrucdenf and print names ofalftransferee*inful) THE CORPORATION OF TIIF.MUNI IPALITY OF BAYHAM I. (see lnatrucllon 2 and print names)in full) B.B_ ADL -Y BEN SES' MAKE OATH AND SAY THAT: 1, tern(ptaee a clear mark within the square opposite that one of the fallowing paragraphs that describes the capacity erne deporrent(e)):(see instruction 2) (a) A person In trust for whom the lend conveyed in the above-described conveyance is being conveyed; (b) A trustee named in the above-described conveyance to whom the land is being conveyed; (c) A transferee named In the above-described conveyance; }( (d) The authorized agent or solicitor acting in this transaction for(insert name(s)ofprincipal(s)) 3HE CORPORATIQN OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYTIAM described in paragraph(s) (4, tab, (c) above;(strike out references ro inappgnble paragraphs) © (e) The President,Vice-President,Manager.Secretary,Director or Treasurer authorized to act for femur remits)ofcorperadon(a)) described In paragraph(s) (a), (b), (c) above;(ev)ke out references m InapplIcable paragraphs) 0 f A transferee described in paragraph( ) (insert only united paragraph(a),(!41 or(c)above,as applkabty and am making this affidavit on my own behalf and on behalf of(Insert name ofspause) who is my spouse described In paragraph( ) prised-only one efperagraph(a),Ib)oriel above,as applicable) and as such,I have personal knowledge of the facts herein deposed to. 2. (To be completed where the value of the consideration for the conveyance exceeds$400,OOQ). I have read and considered the definition of"single family residence"set out In clause 1(1)(la)of the Act.The land conveyed in the above-described conveyance contains at least one and not more than two single family residences. Note:Clause 2(1lid)imposes an additional tax at the rate of one-half of one per does not contain a single family residence. cent upon the value of consideration in excess of$400,000 where the conveyance contains more than two single family residences.(are mstrucdoerSJ contains at least one and not more than two single family residences, 3.I have read and considered the definitions of"non-resident corporation"and"non-resident person'set out respectively in clauses I(1)(f) and(g) of the Act and each of the following persons to whom or In trust for whom the land is being conveyed in the above-described conveyance is a"non-resident corporation" ora"non-resident person'as set out in the Act.(see inabvclioeo4end51 nOne 4. THE TOTAL CONSIDERATION FOR THIS TRANSACTION IS ALLOCATED AS FOLLOWS: (a)Monies paid or to be paid in cash $ 2-00 04 Mortgages(i)Assumed(show principal and interest to be credited against purchase price) ,$ _Nil (II)Given back to vendor $ Nil (c)Property transferred in exchange(detail below) $ Mt Ati Blanks (d)Securities transferred to the value of(detail below) i Nit Must Be (a)Liens,legacies,annuities and maintenance charges to which transfer Is subject . - . _$ Nil Filled in. (I)Other valuable consideration subject to land transfer tax(detail below) - . . . . . .S Nil insert"Nil" (g)VALUE OF LAND,BUILDING,FIXTURES AND GOODWILL SUBJECT TO LAND TRANSFER TAX(Total sr(a)ro(n) , , .s 2.00; 2.00 (h)VALUE OF ALL CHATTELS—Items of tangible personal property Applicable (Retail Sales Ter is payable on the value of all chattels unless exempt under Nil the provisions of the'Retell Sales Tax Act',R.S.O.Y010,e.454,at amended) . $ (i)Other consideration for transaction not Included In(g)or(h)above . . . i Nil (j)TOTAL CONSIDERATION s_ 2.00 5. If consideration is nominal,describe relationship between transferor and transferee and state purpose of conveyance,(serif's/root/ore Al _ n/a, B. If the consideration is nominal,is the land subject to any encumbrance? Ilia 7. other remarks and explaneGoru,ii necessary. Transfer/Deed of Land given to formally identify the now travelled road and establish same as an Open Public Road. Sworn before me at the Town of Tillsonburg in the County of Oxford _ Ihia f Frien day of .$ziylem of 2001 c IMA KAMEEN MARTHA FLEMiNQ a(xrtxt*sbw �'"�' etc, County of Oxford,for Gibson,Union,Totly D.BRADLEY :E anNe �sT A Commissioner for taking Aindavl etc. ra', ell i.Kennett,Rarriclera and copes Properly Information Record n"' Expires October Si,2033. For Land Registry Office Use Only A. Describe nature of Instrument:.Qliit Claim Deed _ Registration No. B. (I)Address of property being conveyed Moveable) Not Assigned - (li)Assessment Roll No.Mara/able) Not Assigned C. Mailing address(es)for future Notices of Assessment under the Assessment Act for property being conveyed(aceinamedon f) P.O.I3ox 160,9344 Plank Road,Straflordville,Ont.NQJ 1Y RegIstraaon Date Land Rea leery Office No. (: D. (i)Registration number for last conveyance of property being conveyed(it availably.NGT Available e (I)Legal description of property conveyed: Same as in D.(i)above. Yes❑ No❑X Not known❑ E, Name(s) and address(es) of each transferee's solicitor GION,L INTON.TOTII,CAMPBELL&BENNETT(Att:D.Bradley Bennett} _ . .:. . t .. ' r r g tario.NAG 4H3 School Tax Support(Voluntary Election] See reverse for explanation (a) Are all individual transferees Roman Catholic 7 Yes 0 No (b) If Yes,do all individual transferees wish to be Roman Catholic Separate School Supporters 7 Yes 0 No 0 (c) Do all individual transferees have French Language Education Rights? Yes❑ No❑ (d) If Yes,do all individual transferees wish to support the French Language School Board(where established)? Yes LI No 0 NOTE:As to(c)and(d)the land being transferred will be asst.ned to the French Public School Board or Sector unless otherwise directed in a and b, ease Mat) j�f Province Document General Do Process Software Ltd. (416)322.6111 D . of Ordarlo Form 4—Land n-.Istration deform Act (1)Registry © Land Titles 0 (2) Page 1 or pages (3)Property Block Property Ite(s) Additional: 0 See Schedule (4)Nature of Document CERTIFICATE OF DEATH-DEPOSIT T. (5)Consideration 0 to Dollars$ (6)Description Part of Lot 4 and Part of Lot 5,Concession 3,in the Municipality of Bayham(Geographic Township of Bayham)in the County of Elgin, a more particularly described as PART 1 on Reference Plan 11R-7442. 0 New Property Identifiers Additional: See Schedule 111 Executions (7) This (a)Redescription (b)Schedule for. Addilonsl: Document New Easement Additional Schedule 0 Contains: Plan/Sketch ❑ i Description ❑ Parties ❑ Outer al (a)This Document provides as follows: Continued on Schedule D (9)This Document relates to Instrument number(s) (10)Partypes) (Set out Status or Interest) Name(s) Signature(s Date of ig Signature 1 M.cQUJGG.AAN1,Qiarls,5 Frcde►.:�c1 stats)- -......... .....- ...-... V !u 2441 Q9k by its solicitor herein,D.Bradley Bennett .t. I (11) Address do 3G Broadway,Box 5, 101 service Tillsonburg,Ontano.N4G 4H3 (12)Party(ies) (Set out Status or Interest) Names) Slgnature(s) Date of Signature Y M D • ..._._......».....-.................__.._........._...._.__._.... _.......__.........._...._._..__._... ... I......_...._.y 1....» r I t • (13)Address for Service P. (14)Municipal Address of Property r(16)Document Prepared by: in i Fees and Tax D.BRADLEY BENNETT - to Registration Fee w NOT ASSIGNED GIBSON,LINTON,TOTH, co CAMPBELL too &BENNETT ti 36 Broadway,Box 5, cc Tillsonburg,Ontario.N4G 4H3 d total 1 Document prepares uarnp Ferm'L Were L.ndreeo. CANADA f lro all toljolu t ieae Vrtgenbi map room be Otto or knoam Province of Ontario ) ) TO WIT: ) ) I, DAVID BRADLEY BENNETT a Notary Public, in and for the Province of Ontario, by Royal Authority duly appointed, residing at the Town of Tillsonburg, in the County of Oxford, in said Province, DO CERTIFY AND ATTEST that the paper-writing hereto annexed is a true copy of a document produced and shown to me and purporting to be the Funeral Director's Certificate of Death of K.A.Kebbel Funeral Home Ltd for CHARLES FREDERICK "FRED"McQUIGGAN dated the 27th day of February 1998 the said copy having been compared by me with the said original document, an act whereof being requested I have granted under my Notarial Form and Seal of Office to serve and avail as occasion shall or may require. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed fixed my Notarial Seal of Office at Tillsonburg,Ontario this 17th day of September,2001 ',��� A Notary Public in and for the Province of Ontario. DO. l+ ''�'< 3C: A. X. ebbeC Funeral Home Ltd: 11g?'afoot Street East,.7ly1mer,Ontario, Canada N53-113-1-3 Plume (519)773-8400 Fax(519)765-2088 flenera[Directors Certificate of/Death 9Vame: Charres Fredrick "Fred":McQuiggan ..address• Lot 4-5, Conc.3 Bayham Township Ontario Place ofBirtk• Bayham Township Ontario Date JBirtF€• October 11, 1932 Date(Death; February 21, 1998 Place of Deatfc:• Bayham Township Ontario ,Funeral-Service; Graveside Service -Aylmer Cemetery ,February 27, 1998 Burial- Th-is iv to cert urial- Th-sivtocert'tlieagave infrmution'gas leen taken from our records and to the gest ofour£nawe 4e is true and correct. Dated at Aylmer this 27 day of fegruary, lgg8 Pe rl q,1 funeral-director- 3f. i4. Xebbe(FuneraC3fome '-� gnu Do Process Software Ltd. (416)3226111 ."f- cri OOntarte Transfer/Deed of Land - Farm 1—Land Registration Reform Act (1)Registry El Land Titles❑ (z) Page 1 of 2 pages (3) idoentfier(s) Block Property Additional; ❑ See 'Schedule (4)Consideration TWO-- ------ ----Downs$2.00 (6)Description This la a: Property Property Division ❑ Consolidation ❑ Part of Lot 4 and Part of Lot 5,Concession 3,in the Municipality of Bayham(Geographic Township of Bayham)in the County of ElginTr more particularly described as PART 1 on Reference Plan 11R-7442. . New Property Identifiers Addalonel: Sea ❑ Schedule Executions Adddionar: See Schedule (a)tThis> t (a)RNedesctl 1 (b)Schedule for. • ew Easement Additional m Interest/Estate Fee tate Transferred PIanfSketch 0Contains E Description ❑ Parties ❑ Other ❑ Quit Claim (a)Transferor(s)The transferor hereby transfers the land to the transferee srxxceinolutataxsourammosetiimerarionreariesinemecnum ---------------------- Dale of Signature Name(e) Signature(s , v i M . D i t,19 111211. Name: 'A?40 r AMOC4'Hrt_r_ i r W�.h,al: .ac>iuri (Q.hii!act.i grpo tign.-.......___.-------..... Ii.�:_..!Era. l •t..11_.....-_-__._._...___._.___) ` 1 '•..2991:_,� i 232 Nal e: Ltr, a. i uneR -4-r Lr_ i TitlL.-c-r r y.4r.,ry f'Theft cr,r e_r ' (9) ppous 51(s)of Transferor(s)I hereby consent to this transaction ha - Date of Signature N Signature(s) r) I Id , 1 i I ! I I (10)Transferor(s)Address RR#1,Port Burweli3Ontario.NOJ 1TO i,,, for Service ((11)Transferee(s) Date of Birth v ! M 1 D THES4EE4EAT_ .O.F .IK 1AI??r?I rP.A E 0,1?DAYAMk.i-....__.-....—_...-_..._._...-..___.-.._.«1. .....__..4....-A.-_._ I E 1 i 4 tI (i2)Transferee(s)Address P.O.BOX 160, for service 9344 Plank Road • ,Straffordville,Ontario.NOJ 1YO (13)Transferor(s)The transferor verifies that to the best of the transferors knowledge and belief,this transfer does not contravene section 50 of the Planning Act. Date of Signature Date of Signature 1 Y ; M ; D Y ,M 1 0 gSignature........_..._.__...-----.__._....._.._.._.......:.__,._.... : .' ..; Signature..........---....._...«--._._..._.._._......«.�.....:..___..:_.t-.....�..,. Solicitor for Transferor(s)Ihave explained the effect of Section 50 of the Planning Act to the transferor and I have made Inquiries of the transferor to determine O that this transfer does not contravene that section and based on the Information suppled by the transferor,to the best of my knowledge and baGef,this transfer Edoes not contravene that section.I am an Ontario sotoitor In good standing. Date of Signature Name and ; Y M D C Address of = i `t a Solicitor Signature._._.� .. .._.._. _... __. .._ ..---.........e__.«._.._i__...r«... (14)Solicitor for Transferee(s)I have Investigated the title to this land and to abutting land where relevant and I am satisfied that the title records reveal no contravention as set out In subclause 50(22)(c)(l)of the Planning Act and that to the best of my knowledge and belief this transfer does not €st , contravene section 50 of the Planning Act.I act Independently of the solicitor for the transferor(s)and I am an Ontario solicitor in good standing. 0. IA 1 j Name and `liI Address of Date of Signature i n Solicitor (( Y 3 M I D (16)Assessment Roll Number 1 ax(Mun i Mep I Sub. I Par. 1 N Foes and Tax of Property i i i i , NOT ASSIGNED z O Registration Fee (1f)Municipal Address of Property (17)Document Prepared by: w D.BRADLEY BENNETT j Land Transfer Tax NOT ASSIGNED GIBSON,LINTON,TOTH,CAMPBELL w &BENNETT q 36 Broadway,Box 5, o Tillsonburg,Ontario.N4G 4113 rr , Total Decreieni prepared using FORA t ere LanMFere,. • Do Process Software Ltd. (415)322 6111 Page 2 Affidavit of Residence and of Value of the Consideration Refer to ell instructions on reverse side. Form 1 —Land Transfer Tax Act iii THE MATTER OF THE CONVEYANCE OF thwart brier deecAprionofiend) Part of i.Ot 4 and Part of .0 5,Concession 3}in the tf r- -r: .e , 1 ,n •r• : r 1' . 'd. r , t r i: f:u 'r I- r re , 1.1 Iii • r:ei r .i•, • PART1 on Reference Plan UR-7442. BY fprbrtnamas eret banattrors to Mt) UNDERHILL FARMS LTD. To (ere.irHtrtraeon t and print names Drax transferees in tun) THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM I. (see insauegon2and print name(s)inRAf) D.BRADLEY_BENNETT MAKE OATH AND SAY THAT: 1. I am(place a clear mark wirrxo the square opposite Brat one afnia following paragraphs that describes ma capacity or Pre deponen(s)):(aeo lnrtrocden 2) (a) A person in trust for whom the land conveyed in the above-described conveyance Is being conveyed: (b) A trustee named in the above-described conveyance to whom the land is being conveyed; (c) A transferee named in the above-described conveyance; (d) The authorized agent or solicitor acting in this transaction for(insert names)etprelc,(aalfd) THE CORPQRATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM described in paragraphs) (iii), (jj, (c) above:(notice ail rehrenca ro brappikabie paraarephi 0 (a) The President,Vice-President.Manager.Secretary,Director or Treasurer authorized to act for @tram namers)ereaperasen(s)) _described to peragraph(s) (a). (b), (c)above;(aban out rnfemneea to Plappaeabfe pnaprsptn) 0 (0 A transferee described in paragraph( ) (Insert°Wren.arperagraprr(1.03,/0414 above,as oppscebtu)and em making this affidavit on my own behalf and on behalf of firmer:new.espouse) who is my spouse described in paragraph( ) (vet eaiyono orparaarapb(U,Not ts)More,es eppSeabie) and as such,1 hive personal knowledge of the facts herein deposed to. 2. (To be completed where the value of me consideration(or the conveyance exceeds$450,000), I hove road and considered the definition of'single family residence'set out in clause 1(1)0a)of the Act.The land conveyed In the above-described conveyance ^_contains at least one and not more than two single family residences, Note:Clause 2(1Xd)imposes an additional tax at the rate of one-haft of one per does not contain a aingla family residence. cent upon the value of consideration in excess of$400,000 where the conveyance _contains more than two single family residences.(eon instruction contains at least one and not more than two single family residences. 3.I have read and considered the definitions of'non-resident corporation'and'non-resident parson'sat out respectively In clauses 1(1)(O and(g)of the Act and each of the following persons to whom or in trust for whom the land is being conveyed in the above-described conveyance is a`non-resident corporation" or anon-resident person"as set out In the Act.fseebnmrcaens 4 and hl none 4. THE TOTAL CONSIDERATION FOR THIS TRANSACTION IS ALLOCATED AS FOLLOWS: (a)Monies paid or to be paid In cash 3 2.00 (b)Mortgages(i)Assumed(thaw prfncfpaiand Interest to be credited against poreux*price) $ Nil (ii)Given back to vendor 5 Nil (c)Property transferred In exchange(detail below) $ _ Nil All Blanks (d)Securtliee transferred to the value of(detail below) $ Nd Must Be (a)Liens,legacies,annuities and maintenance charges to which transfer Is subject , . 3_ Nil Fitted In. (f)Other valuable consideration subject to land transfer tax(detall below) . ..$ Nil Insert lilt' (g)VALUE OF LAND,BUILDING,FIXTURES AND GOODWiLL SUBJECT TO LAND TRANSFER TAX Rotel of(a)lelt)) - . .s 2.0( s__ 24.00 Mere (h)VALUE OF ALL CHATTELS--items of tangible personal property Applicable (Rat ll Safes Tar Is payable an the value of off chatter unless exempt ander 1 the provision of the`Retail Sales Tax Act,R.a.0,1110,c.454,as amN ended) $ et (i)Other consideration for transaction not Included In(g)or(h)above . . $ Nil Q)TOTAL CONSIDERATION $ 2.00 5. If consideration Is nominal,describe relationship between transferor and bansferee and state purpose of conveyance.(see lnstructien I) n/a 5. If the consideration is nominal,Is the land subject to any encumbrance? nla 7. Other remarks and explanations.if necassa Transfer/Deed of Land given to formally identify the now travelled road and establish same as an Oven Pubic Road. Sworn before me at the Town of Tillsonburg in the County of Oxford this 1$41 day of 5,eeeor,laea' 2001 fJ DIANA KA11iffN!ANIMA REmmscacrorknioner. ��1 r Aili`itk/ tile,califs/of wad,for Gibson.Littlest.Tail. D.D DLEY ,NDN T(t'weens �' A Commissioner for taking Affidavits, C. woe&gannet&Misters and Sdirlbrs, Expires October 11,av:13. - Property information Record For Land Registry Office Use Only A. Describe nature of Instrument: Ouit Claim Deed Registration No. B. ()Address of property being conveyed pfevaeewe) Not Assigned (ii)Assessment Roll No.(tra Meatal Not Assigned C. Mailing address(as) (or future Notices of Assessment under the Assessment Act for property being conveyed(see a,ernrrtianr) P.O-Box 160,9344 Plank Road,Straffprdville,Ont,NOJ IVO Rpisuetionale 'Land Stealthy 001cc N.. D. ()Registration number for last conveyance of property being conveyed(irerdiatse) Not Available _ 1, (II)Legal description of property conveyed: Same es in D.(i)above. Yes 0 No 0 Not known 0 E. Name(s) and eddress(es) of each transferee's solicitor GIBISON,LINTON,TOTH,CAMPBELL&BENNETT(Att:D.Bradles Bennett) 36 Broadway.Box 5,Tillsonburg,Ojuario.N4G 4H3 School Tax Support(Voluntary Election) See reverse for explanation (a) Ara all individual transferees Roman Catholic 7 Yes❑ No❑ (b) if Yes,do all Individual transferees wish to be Roman Catholic Separate School Supporters 7 Yes❑ No 0 (c) Do ail Individual transferees have French Language Education Rights 7 Yes❑ No❑ (d) If Yes,do all individual transferees wish to support the French Language School Board(where established)7 Yes❑ No 0 NOTE:As to(c)and(d)the land being transferred will be aastgned to the French Public School Board or Sector unless otherwise directed in(a)and(b). wase WAN Do Process Software Ltd. . (416)372-6111 page 2 Affidavit of Residence and of Value of the Consideration Refer to all instructions on reverse side. Form 1 —Land Transfer Tax Act iN THE MATTER OF THE CONVEYANCE OF (Insert brlefdescripelonofbang Part of Let 4 and Part of Lot 5.Concessioss3.in the Municipality of Bayharr - ._ ,r ' r ', n l'r . , n ,l ', _i ' r II I .'r III • r: a' i ., 't-r PART 1 on Reference Plan 11R-7442. BY gxare napes of all transferors m Adi) UNDERHILL FARMS LTD. TO ragefnseveaon 1 end punt names ofaklransrareee In Ara) THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM I. (ea.Instruction 2are print neme(a)Lnbrig D.BRLDLEYBENNETT MAKE OATH AND SAY THAT: 1. I am(place a dear murk within The VOWS opposite that me of the lbtlo ring paragraphs prat describes the capacity of the dsponenl(1)):(see lnstructfon 2) (e) A person in trust for whom the land conveyed In the above-desMbed conveyance is being conveyed; (b) A trustee named in the abovedescrlbed conveyance to whom the lend Is being conveyed: (c) A transferee named in the above-described conveyance; g (d)The authorized agent or solicitor acting in this transaction for pnsertmemry)er Piludintgall THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM described in paragraph(s) (K), Op, (o) above;(strike out references to(applicable paragraphs) 0 (e) The President,Vice-President,Manager.Secretary,Director or Treasurer authorized to ad for tbrsenname(>)efewporallon(sp described In paregreph(s) (a), (b). (c)above:retake our references le brappfesbfe paragraphs) 0 (I) A transferee described In paragraph( ) assert anyone of paragraph W,(b)or(o)above.as applicably and am making this affidavit on my own behalf and on behalf of(brsenname esterase/ who Is my spouse described in paragraph( ) paean only one orpaagraph(J,(b)or sears,or appaeeble) and es such,I have personal knowledge of the facts herein deposed to, 2. (To be completed where the value of the consideration for the conveyance exceeds 2400,000). I have read and considered the definition of"single family residence set out In clause 1(1)(1e)of the Act.The land conveyed In the above-described conveyance ❑contains at least one and not more than two single family residences. Note:Clause 2(1)(d)imposes an additional tax at the rate of onoha)f of one per li does not contain a single family residence. contains more than two single family residences,(ere Instruction n cent upon the value of consideration in excess of$400,000 where the conveyance contains at Nast one and not more than two single family residences. 3.I have read end considered the definitions of'non-resident corporation' and'non-resident person'set out respectively in clauses 1(1)(1) and (g)of the Act and each of the following persons to whom or in trust for whom the lend is being conveyed In the above-described conveyance le a'non-resident corporation' er a'non-resident person'as set out in the Act.fete instructions f arida) !Ione 4. THE TOTAL CONSIDERATION FOR THIS TRANSACTION la ALLOCATED AS FOLLOWS: (e)Monies paid or to be paid in cash f 2.00 (b)Mortgages(i)Assumed(show principal and Interest be be credited against purchase peke) , ,2 Nil (II)Given back to vendor $ Nil (c)Property transferred in exchange(derail 5daw) . $ Nil All Blanks (d)Securities transferred to the value of Mesa?below) $ Nil Must Be (e)Liens,legacies,annuities and maintenance charges to which transfer is subject . . .$ Nil Riled in. (I)Other valuable consideration subject to land transfer tax(deraibelow) . . . . .$ Nil Insert'ilii" (g)VALUE OF LAND,BUILDING,FIXTURES AND GOODWILL SUBJECT TO Whale LAND TRANSFER TAX(Total elle to f6.1 ,S _2.00= 2.00 (h)VALUE OF ALL CHATTELS—items of tangible personal property Applicable (Recoil Saler Taxis payable on rho value of ail chattels unless exempt render Nil the previsions of uta'Retail Sales Tax Act',R.S.O,ow,e.454,as amn eded) . . S (1)Other consideration for transaction not Included in(g)or(h)above . _ S Nil (I)TOTAL CONSIDERATION ; 2.00 5, If consideration is nominal,describe relationship between transferor and transferee and state purpose of conveyance.flee fnstruerlen a) nra S. H the consideration is nominal,is the land subject to any encumbrance? ala 7. other remarks end explanations.If necesea Transfer/Deed of Land given to formally identify the now travelled road and establish same as an Open Pubic Road. Swan before me at the Town of Tillsonburg in the County of Oxford / this I${Yk day of )IQfil (- 2001 / '146.,,ie Cekin1.4✓l.J.r11Lr ick DIANA KATHLEEN MARTHA REMIND,a Commissioner. r A Commissioner for taidng Affidavits, . combat& Oxford,County of Bennet for rrtsbn Gibson,Lem 3. D.B DLEY : NN �,' Was October 11,zuva. A Property information Record For Land Registry Office Use Only A. Describe nature of-Instrument Quit Claim Deed Registration No. B. (i)Address of property being conveyed(IfeyePswa) Not Assigned 61)Assessment Rolf No.(trey.aabla) Not Assigned C. Melling address(es)for future Notices of Assessment under the Assessment Act for property being conveyed(see bmovelian 7) P,O.Box 160,9344 Plank Road.Straffordville,Ont.NOJ IYO rteelriratice Date Land Registry Office No. .' D. (I)Registration number for last conveyance of property being conveyed rdavau.bte) Not Available P• (il)Legal description of property conveyed: Same as In 13.1))above. Yes 0 No IAI Nei known 0 E. Names) and address(es) of each transferee's solicitor GIBSON,LiNTON.TOTHLCAMPBELL&BENNETT(Att:D.Bradley Bennett) 36 Broadway.Box 5,Tillsonburg,Ontario.N4G 4H3 School Tax Support(Voluntary Election) See reverse for explanation (a) Are ell individual transferees Roman Catholic? Yes Q No 0 (b) If Yes,do all individual transferees wish to be Roman Catholic Separate School Supporters 7 Yes 0 No D (c) Do all Individual transferees have French Language Education Rights 7 Yes 0 No (d) if Yes,do all individual transferees wish to support the French Language School Board(where established)7 Yes 0 No 0 NOTE:As to(c)and(d)the lend being transferred will be assigned to the French Public School Board or Sector unless otherwise directed In(a)and(b). moo wasp tkiProvince Do Process Sawn Ltd•(419)322.9111 c Oporto Discharge of Charge/Mortgage PorrnLm1 Repfrt+suon net (1)Registry 1 Land Titles 0 1 Page 1 or 1 pages a ( }rdenttitiirterts) Block Property Ad:Monet: ❑ scl edule (4)Description Part of Lot 4 and Part of Lot 5,Concession 3,in the Municipality of Bayham(Geographic Township of Bayham)in the County of Elgin, more particularly described as PART 1 on Reference Plan 11R-7442. hi L New Property Identifiers Additional: See Li (6)Charge to he Discharged (8)This is a Registration Number Date of Registration Y M D I 1 i fi__.._. ¢ ..._._I ' 1998 060 ' ..j Complete Discharge 0 Partial Discharge® Final Partial Discharge 0 (7)Description(cont'd.),Recitals,Assignments This Partial Discharge does not contravene the Planning Act. Continued on Schedule 0 (8)Chargee(s) I am the person entitled by law to grant the discharge and this charge is hereby discharged as to the land described herein. Name(a) signatures) Date of Signature Y M 13 ig atureD N. IA fi C,tAE!I�►RI,9,NI IRIAI'MANK.PE.C.QMMERCfiE_... ..... .. - ..� ....._-- {- Q9..10 .142' dig :1 t,.,. 1 I s Vic ayg mat ritx akind.thii.eororation i T i' .i,. &. f ---.- .. ._._ _..__».__._.. .... .._ ............._. ... ...._.... br ..._...... _ --___..____»_._fi.....a.- .... . �, Name: L&4' / f+- it, I i f Mk; ificawitrAdchte,‹ Additional: - 4,F ` See Schedule / (9)Chargee(s)Address (10)Document Prepared by: Fees \ for Service O Registration Fee GIBSON,LINTON,TOTIH,CAMPBELL &BENNETT IA 36 Broadway,Box 5, w Tillsonburg,Ontario.N4G 4H3 0 cc a Total r Document prepared using Form%Wm,L.odForm. . r, Province Transfer/Deed of Land Do Process software Ltd. . (416)322-6111 -_ Ontario Form 1—Land Replstratlon Reform Act Y `� 1 (1)Registry QX Land TNles 0 (2) Page 1 of 2 pages (3) identf y+er(s) B Property 11: See Sdmdule (4)consideration .. TWO------ - --- Dolars$2.00 W (6)Description This is a: Property , Property Division Consolidation 0 Part of Lot 4 and Part of Lot 5,Concession 3,in the Municipality of n Bayham,(formerly geographic Township of Bayham)in the County of Elgin,more particularly described as PART 1 on Reference Plan 4 hr New Property identlflera 11R-7442. Additional: See El Executions Addition(: >e Schedule ❑ (6)This srtetrt (a)Redescription i (b)Schedule for. (7) interest/Estate Transferred DecuContains New Easement Additional Fee Simple RiaJSketch ❑ € Description 0 Parties ❑ Other 0 Quit Claim (5)Transferors)The transferor hereby transfers the land to the transferee and certifies that the transferor is at least eighteen years old and that ,Dou.glasDennis is a spouse.fly spouse has We,CGri tine Tlennrs iicrKean rantham are sparises of oneanother.' u sed-- r" a1� Tgh--£s flTi(ier-Trart .. If of the F i1y Law Act 1990, _ __ _ . __._ .__.. .. .— . ..._._.. y...a.. -a4an-agre4/111eLVA or Signature Name(s) Sig ) f Y :M D PFAIN.�SA.T?.9ssY. 5._ __. . __ .._._-._. _._. _� sir rkla es .._.�.IQ.Qa,...iD2 i AINIMUMMOO.MM _. _ - —_ — __ .._ IMIK i DEIZIS,Chaistt__,..__--._.._.._.._..__ _.._...._.___.... . - ._.. ��. . ......._________4_. _...____.___.2(191`.. .( .rG_. an _ ` -'=Alli.MOS- i 20Q1 'd V r?- (3) Spouse(s)of Transferor(s)I hereby consent to this transaction �� Date of Signature Names) Signature(s) ; Y 1 M 0 3 { (10) Service Address for Service R. .#Is ,RPort Burwell,Ontario. far (11)Transferees) Date of Birth , Y , M . D ' .CORI.ORAIMINDE :I ntlICRALITY OF.D M_-._ ..-..---.._. .......____......1__....E_-_.-....- +._.. -....-. 1i i I -I-- _i_1 1I (12)Transferee(s)Address P.O.Box 160 for Service 9344 Plank Road,Straffordville,Ontario.NOJ 1YO (13)Transferor(s)The transferor wiles that to the best of the transferor's knowledge and belief,this transfer does not contravene section 50 of the Planning Act. Date of Signature Date of Signature i Y ; M0 , : Y ; M ;D ( i 1 E i i Signature.. __.._.. .—.__ ........_......._.....L._.._...i.._-i_-.-.-. striatum ._. _ .._.__._.. �_ ..__ i. __..I_ ,....._ g Solicitor to;Transferors)I have wplained the effect of section 50 of the Planning Act to the transferor and I have made inquiries of the transferor to determine d that this transfer does not contravene that sect on and based on the information supplied by the transferor,to the best of my imowiedge and belief,this transfer E does egnot contravene that section,I am an Ontario solicitor in good standing. Date of Signature Al Oi ?Area ccl ! Y I D SoUdtor (14)Solicitor for Transferee(s)I have Investigated the title to this land and to abutting land where relevant and I am satisfied that the title records reveal E° T. no contravention as set out in subclause 50(22)(c)Of)of the Planning Act and that to the best of my knowledge and belief this transfer does not EiTR contravene section 50 of the Planning Act.I act independently of the solicitor for the transferors)and i am an Ontario solicitor In good standing. Name and z Addressor Date of Signature solicitor Y M ;D ! I (15)AssessmentRoll Number j ay.j Mus i Map 1 Sub. ! Par. : Fees and Tax of Property -N.i 3 NOT ASSIGNED Registration Fee (16)Municipal Address of Property (17)Document Prepared by: Lu D.BRADLEY BENNETT g Land Transfer Tax NOT ASSIGNED GIBSON,LINTON,TOTH,CAMPBELL ty &BENNETT ti 36 Broadway,Box 5, Tillsonburg,Ontario.N4G 4113 0 Total 06<wneni teWad urine Fora,'L Wan LandFcrms 410 Process Software Ltd. • (416)322-6111 page 2 Affidavit of Residence and of Value of the Consideration Refer to all led rut:l)ens on revers.sida. Form 1—Land Transfer Tax Act IN THE MATTER OF THE CONVEYANCE OF (insert brhf*scriptonoflae° Part of Lot 4 and Part of Lot 5,Co ession 3.in the_ Municipality of BayhamlGeographic Township of Bayharn)in the County of Elgin,more particularly described as JT 1 on Reference PIan_11R 7442. _ sr 1prfntnames Orad mnete ora In ruff) DOUGLAS DENNIS.PXIZOIXM a' MCAD ,CHRISTINE_pFNIIS and SEAN TRANTHAM TO (sae instruction I and print names ems transferees in two THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPAT.ITY OF BAYHAM _ I. (ave instruction 2 end pried name(s)in fully D.BR.RADLEY BENNETT MAKE OATH AND SAY THAT: 1, I am(place a clear mark within the square opposite that one of the Polkaing paragraphs that deeerNees die capacity of ilia deponelg(a)):(see instruction 2) (a) A person in trust for whom the land conveyed In the above-described conveyance is being conveyed; (b) A trustee named in the above-described conveyance to wham 11w lend is being conveyed; (c) A transferee named in the above-described conveyance; (d) The authorized agent or solicitor acting In this transaction for(+neestmenefk)arpreeeapof(s)) THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BA-CHANT deserted In paragraph(s) %, iiii), (c) above;(sate eat removes to ineeparaide paragraphs) 0 (e) The President.Vice-President,Manager,Secretary,Director or Treasurer st atuedced to act for I1ecwtnantel)vfenparationisy described In paragraph(s) (a). (b), (o)above;(sea.ave rethrenees to lmpppcable paragraphs) 0 (f) A transferee described in paragraph( ) omen mdy we et paragraph(y,(r,)er fei above,as wearable)and am meldng this affidavit on my own behalf and on behalf of Mewl-Min.at akou141 _ who Is my spouse described In paragraph( ) (Insert only ewe atparapraph(a),(b)er(e)above as applicable) and as such,I have personal knowledge of the facts herein deposed to. 2. (To be completed where the value of the consideration for the conveyance exceeds$40(4000). I have read and considered the definition of"single family residence set out in clause 1(1)(1a)of the Act.The land conveyed In the above-described conveyance Ijcontain et least ono and not more than two single family residences, Note:Clause 2(11(d)Imposes an additional tax at the rate of one-half of one per does not contain a single family residence. cent upon the value of consideration 1n excess of$400,000 where the conveyance contains more than two single family residences.(tae arso-setiw,s) contains at least ens and not more than two single family residences. 3.I have read end considered the definitions of'non-resident corporation` end'non•resident person"set out respectively in clauses 1(1)(4)and(g) of the Act and each of the following persons to whom or In trust for whom the land is being conveyed In the above-described conveyance is a'non-resident corporation' or a'non-resident person'es sat out in the Act.(seea.emicdensestem none 4. THE TOTAL CONSIDERATION FOR THIS TRANSACTION IS ALLOCATED AS FOLLOWS: (a)Monies paid or to be paid in cash 3 2.OD (b)Mortgages(i)Assumed(show principal and interest to tri credited against purchase price) . 1 Nil (ti)Gwen back to vendor fi Nil (c)Property transferred in exchange(detail below) 5 Nat All Blanks (d)Securities transferred to the value of(detail below) 3 Nil Must Be (a)Liens.legacies,annuities and maintenance charges to which transfer is subject . . . .I Nil Pira ln. ()Other valuable consideration subject to land transfer tax(detailhatny . . . . .5 Nit insert-me (g)VALUE OF LAND,BUILDING,FIXTURES AND GOODWILL SUBJECT TO Where LAND TRANSFER TAX(Toleror(at!repp) ,y 2.006 200 (h)VALUE OF ALL CHATTELS–Items of tangible personal property Applicable (Retail Sales Tax Is payable on dee value of as chattels unless exempt under rut the provisions of the'Retail solea Tax Aet',R.S.O.lUt,e,454,as amnd eed) S rut (I)Other consideration for transaction not included in(g)or(h)above . . . _ $ Nil (j)TOTAL CONSIDERATION S ,. _ 2.00 5. If consideration is nominal,describe relationship between transferor and transferee and stale purpose of conveyance.Pee feer redone) n/a S. lithe consideration Is nominal.is the land subject to any encumbrance? n/& 7. Other remarks and explanations,it neoese , Transfer/Deed of Land riven to formally identify the now travelled road and establish same as an Oven Public Road. Sworn before me at the Town of Tillsonburg In the County of Oxford this day of Sepkereii6evr 2001 r / 1 ` DI1 NA KAT)LEEK MARTHA f3E1NNCa a(`oR1lf lla(a 4 `el i t l fife Caxdy of Wont tar pbstx5 Li[dgt.7091, D.B t LEY - f..101.4, A Commissioner for teldng Alfidavtts, Umbel&Bennett,Banisters and Soldttxs, mires uctows ii,2003. Property Information Record For Land Registry Office Use Only A. Describe nature of Instrument: Quit Claim Deed Regls"'dlon No. B. (h Address of property being conveyed Mineable) Not Assigned (ll)Assessment Roil No.afavaeak) Not Assigned C. Mailing eddress(es)for future Notices of Assessment under the Assessment Act for property being, conveyed(see instruction n P,O.Box 1,60,9344 Plank Road,Straffordville,Ont.NOJ IYO fiapteesaen Data Land Registry Otrra No.f D. (f)Registration number for last conveyance of property being conveyed(Rare able) Not Available F (11)Legal description of property conveyed; Same as in 0.(1)above. Yes❑ No O Not foram 0 E. Names)) end eddreea(es) at each transferee's solicitor GIBSOIY LINT o L 5TH,CAMPBELL&BENNETT(Att:D Bradley Bennett) 36 Broadway,.Box 5,Tillsonbur e„Ontario.N4G 4H3 School Tax Support(Voluntary Election) See reverse for explanation (a) Are all individual transferees Roman Catholic 7 Yes❑ No❑ (b) If Yes,do ail individual transferees wish to be Roman Catholic Separate School Supporters 7 Yes 0 No❑ (c) Do aft Individual transferees have French Language Education Rights 7 Yes❑ No❑ (d) If Yes,do all individual transferees wish to support the French Language School Board(where established)? Yes❑ No❑ NOTE:As to(c)and Id)the land being transferred will be assigned to the French Public School Board or Sector unless otherwise directed In(a)and(b), 05450(aa Ss) .__ _- ".. - (el o). 2.b111 Page 2 Affidavit of Residence and of Value of the Consideration Re(erto ed instructions on reverse side. Form 1—Land Transfer Tax Act IN THE MATTER OF THE CONVEYANCE OF &teertarkrdescription of lamb_Part of Lot 4 and Part of .ot ,Concession 3,in the Municipality of Bayham(Geographic Township of Bayham)in the_County otElginamore_oarticularly described as PART lin Reference Plan 11R-7442. BY (Piffle fumes staf!ifiloftrora ill mfr)j9UCLAS DENN1S.>�74> Y1I 18IAltiniqgCHRISTINE DENNIS and SEAN TRANTHAM TO fee instruction f andprint names arae transferees in ful!) THE CORPORATION OF lIfE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM I, (see imbisclioo 2 and print Hama(e)M hM) D.BRADLEY BENNETT MAKE OATH AND SAY THAT: 1, 1 am(place a char mark within the square opposite that one of the hallowing pera$raphs that describes the capacity of rhe depanenf(s)):(see Instruction 2) (a) A person in trust far whom the land conveyed in the above-described conveyance Is being conveyed; (b) A trustee named In the above-described conveyance to whom the land is ba-ng conveyed; (c) A transferee named in the above-described conveyance: X (d) The authorized agent or solicitor acting in lids transaction for poserl newels)elpdsipar() THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM described In paragraph(s) (Yi), M, (c) above;(tree nut remotes to tnapplkabii paragraphs) 0 (e) The President,Vice-President,Manager.Secretary,Director or Treasurer authorized if,act for preen na,ne(y et oorpomovn(4J) deserted in paragraph(s) (a). (b), (c) above;(!raw our/demean re bnapp8aahk paragraphs) 0 (f) A transferee described In paragraph( ) pr=int only one of paragraph iv,(5)er(c)ebere,as applkable)and am making this affidavit en my own behalf and on behalf of(insertnan.of spouse) _who is my spouse described In paragraph( ) (insert*nog one efparagraph(a),(b)er(c)above.asapplicable) and as such,I have personal knowledge of the facts herein deposed to. 2. (To be completed where the value at the consideration for the conveyance exceeds$400,000). I have read and considered the definition of"single family residence'set out in clause 1(1)(ja)of the Act.The land conveyed In the above-described conveyance contains at least one and not more then two Single family residences. Note:Clause 2(1)0)imposes en additional tax at the rate of one-half of one per does not contain a single family residence. cent upon the value of camlderatbn in excess of$400,000 where the conveyance contains more then two single firefly residences,(sea Instruction i) contains at(east one end not more than two single family residences. 3,1 have read and considered the definitions of"non-resident corporation" and"non-resident person"set out respectively In clauses 1(1)(f) and(g)of the Act and each of the following persons to whom or in trust for whom the land is being conveyed in the above-described conveyance Is a'non-resident corporation' ors"non-resident person'as set out In the Act.(see instruerbna dead St none 4. THE TOTAL CONSIDERATION FOR THiS TRANSACTION IS ALLOCATED AS FOLLOWS: (a)Monies paid or to be paid In cash $ 2.00 (b)Mortgages(i)Assumed(show principal and Intent to be credited against purchase pries) , _f Nil (ii)Given back to vendor s Nil (c)Property transferred In exchange(dead below) S till Al!Blanks (d)Securities transferred to the valve of(deta0 below) $ _ Nil Must Be (a)Liens,legacies,annuities and maintenance charges to which transfer is Subject . 3 Nit Filled in. (f)Other valuable consideration subject to land transfer ten(aeras below) . . . . . .$ -Nil hued"NB' (g)VALUE OF LAND.BUILDING,FIXTURES AND GOODWILL SUBJECT TO LAND TRANSFER TAX(rare)erifs)re(n) ,S 2.0i)s 2.00 Where (h)VALUE OF ALL CHATTELS-Items of tangible personal property Applicable (Rahn Sates Tee Is payable on the velar of all chattels unless exempt under ' the pre via Cans of to.'Retail Sales Tax Act;R.S.O.MO,s.454,as amended) . S Nil (l (I)Other consideration for transaction not included In(g)or(h)above . . S Nil (I)TOTAL CONSIDERATION S 2.00 5. If consideration is nominal,describe relationship between transferor and transferee end state purpose of conveyance.(sea lnnuthu s.y tela S. If the consideration is nominal,is the land subject to any encumbrance? n/S 7. Other remarks and explanations,If necessa Transfer/Deed of Land given to formally identify the now travelled road and establish same as an Open Public Road. Sworn before react the Town of Tillsonburg In the County of Oxford this (j� l-\ day of . 71-e/n 2001 DIANA m o 0d0 t I«G soon.Urn ,'Mtn, �i EY .A/- ..��1.1 A Commissioner for taking AC umbel&Bim t.Banisters and 5414 3114 D.BRADLEY ENIe Tr 6phnaBelcber It,B^3 Property information Record For Lartd Registry Office Use Only A. Describe nature of instrument: Quit_Clairn_Deed Registration No. B. ()Address of property being conveyed(derallable) Not Assigned no Assessment Roll No.prarellabk) Not Assigned_ C. Mailing eddress(es)for future Notices of Assessment under the Assessment Act for property befog conveyed fee brsuacden V P•O,Box 160,9344 Plank Road,Straffordvillc.Ont.NOJ 1YO Registration Date Land Registry Office No. �; 0. ()Registration number for last conveyance of property being conveyed( availably NSA Available -r pry Legal description of property conveyed: Same as in D.(i)above. Yes E No 0 Not known 0 E. Name(s) and address(es) of each transferee's solicitor GIBSON,LINTON,TOM,CAMPBELL&BENNETT(Att:D.Bradley Bennett) 36 Broadway,Box 5,Tillsonburg,Ontario.N4G 4H3 School Tax Support(Voluntary Election) See reverse for explanation (a) Are ell individual transferees Roman Catholic 7 Yes 0 No El (b) if Yes,do all individual transferees wish to be Roman Catholic Separate School Supporters 7 Yes 0 No 0 (c) Do all individual transferees have French Language Education Rights? Yes III No 0 (d) If Yes,do all individual transferees wish to support the French Language School Board(where established)? Yes El No CI NOTE:As to(c)and(d)the land being transferred will be assigned to the French Public School Board or Sector unless otherwise directed In(e)and(b). 04490 leo-0n i 1