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By-law No. 1999-043
THE CORORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO.99-43 A BY-LAW TO ADOPT AMENDMENT NO. 106 TO THE MUNICIPAL OFFICIAL PLAN (Judith Oldham,Part Lot 21, Concession 8) The Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham,in accordance with the provisions of the PLANNING ACT,hereby enacts as follows: 1 THAT Amendment No. 106 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham consisting of the attached text and map schedule is hereby adopted. 2. THAT the Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to make application to the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing for approval of the aforementioned Amendment No. 106 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. 3. THAT no part of this By-law shall come into force and take effect until approved by the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing. ENACTED AND PASSED this 15th day of July, 1999. MAYOR CLERK AMENDMENT NUMBER 106 TO THE OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM SUBJECT: OLDHAM HAMLET RESIDENTIAL HAMLET OF EDEN PART LOT 21, CONCESSION VIII The following text and map schedule constitute Amendment Number 106 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM THE attached text and map schedule constituting Amendment No. 106 to the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham was prepared upon the recommendation of the Council of the Municipality of Bayham after evaluation of public input pursuant to the provisions of the PLANNING ACT. THIS Amendment was adopted by the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham by By-law No. q4-43, in accordance with Section 17 of the PLANNING ACT, on the Js day of �u�Y , 1999. MAYO' CLERK OFFICIAL PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM AMENDMENT NO. 106 PURPOSE The purpose of this Amendment is to change the land use designation on a parcel of property from "Agriculture" to "Hamlets" in the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. 2. LOCATION The area affected by this Amendment comprises approximately 3.0 hectares(7.5 acres). The subject lands are situated on the south side of Eden Line (County Road No. 44), west of Plank Road(Highway No. 19) in Part Lot 21, Concession 8, in the Municipality of Bayham. 3. BASIS OF THE AMENDMENT The subject lands are situated on very gently sloping,well drained Class 4&6 Soils with low fertility and low moisture holding capacity as determined by the Canada Land Inventory of Soil Capability for Agriculture. According to the Agricultural Soil Capability Classification System for Common Field Crops as identified by Ontario Institute of Pedology mapping,the following limitations for agricultural production have been identified: "Low natural fertility which may or may not be possible to correct by additions of fertilizers or manure. Adverse topography due to steepness or complexity of slopes which increases the cost of farming over that of level land, decreases the uniformity of growth and maturity of crops, and increases the hazard of erosion damage by water." Due to the relatively small area of the subject lands and the above-noted soil limitations, it has been determined that these lands exhibit no potential for viable agricultural production. Development on the subject lands would also comply with the applicable Minimum Distance Separation formula requirements of the Province of Ontario and the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham. One existing, non-farm dwelling is situated at the western limits of the subject lands which are otherwise vacant. It is anticipated that up to five additional residential building lots may be created between this existing residence and the built portion of the Hamlet of Eden. Existing land uses in the vicinity of the subject lands are comprised of cash crop and tobacco farms to the west and north, open space to the south, and the urban development associated with the Hamlet of Eden to the east. An aesthetic setting for the proposed hamlet residential development is provided by the wooded area bordering the subject lands to the south. This proposed expansion of the Hamlet of Eden has been reviewed in the context of a comprehensive growth strategy for the amalgamated Municipality of Bayham. Growth studies have demonstrated a need for the provision of additional lots for residential development in a variety of locations with different levels of existing and proposed private and public infrastructural services. The municipality has identified the expansion of the Hamlet of Eden to be a desirable form of non-farm residential development which will make an effective contribution to the short term housing needs of the wider municipality. Pursuant to the process of severance and conveyance and the approval of this Official Plan Amendment and an implementing Zoning By-law Amendment,the subject lands are intended to accommodate a maximum of six hamlet residential dwellings on separate lots. 4. DETAILS OF THE AMENDMENT i) Schedule "A" Future Land Use of the Official Plan of the Township of Bayham is hereby amended by changing from "Agriculture" to "Hamlets" those lands identified as subject of this Amendment and marked"Hamlets"on the attached Schedule "A", which schedule shall constitute part of this Amendment. ii) The lands subject to this Amendment and designated "Hamlets" may be used, developed and zoned in accordance with the policies of Section 4.7.3. (Hamlets; Residential) of the Official Plan, as amended. 1 1101%,1 SCHEDULE A --•r�1,113 FUTURE LAND USE ` (AS CONSOLIDATED SEPTEMBER.1998♦ , NR �'° UFPII!!1IiLj TQIP► a' iihL AMENDMENT NO. 106 FA ©y ' 7 P Gr 04 lir LANDS TO BE CHANGED kill ill\ FROM"AGRICULTURE'" or 417 IJ la 16 r61 TO"HAMLETS" , ik. '\ 4D .iiii f i -� nn { FUTURE LAND USE 1111 r 1 . . i OR • - Al . LEGENDJ nn , •i! I AGR/CUL 1URF. I? I • �► J`r �. J r I IIAZARD IANDS / ? ?roI. ? 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I LAKE ERIE ,'` l 41 • 0 1000m 3007.., 6500, momwmommi Seals 1 : 40,000 TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM SCHEDULE "B" AMENDMENT No. 106 H II v .( 7530 ,r II - I II =z, , I I 23Q 5 I! 14 ,� � �� ;� 11 zss•54 1l I II / II I n 11 ',1 N I it Ii-.Ir. � 0L23a.0 ''I' •ll• • 2`,0 ' if: • 0 / I u' nfl. • t5 II7.:^ �.;�41 ! • IID • p•, ! iIzz' o . o ,r 1 I 1[1111111111"1111111111. ii "T �� * i ' • 4` •II ." t A I •• • ♦ • ". • • . 238;0 • •r! ,------,—< ^' I 1, 0 •<^ ' iMNiiMt`iii 1,� a j p • • •: Q.o . li • /..,..7,,,• ,,•, ---,,,, 9 ( -7 - - - : g / •I , 236'5 i • 'ii .233 4 / , Base Map Source: Ontario Ministry of Noturai Resources ViaUBJECT LANDS CHANGED TO I RESIDENTIAL UNIT AlliAlk FARM BUILDING ED WOODLOT Scale: 1:10,000 0 250m 500m NOTE: This map is for clarification purposes only. Ilwi