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June 16, 2016 - Council
THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA MUNICIPAL OFFICE 9344 Plank Road, Straffordville, ON Council Chambers Thursday, June 16, 2016 7:00 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. DISCLOSURES OF PECUNIARY INTEREST & THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF 3. REVIEW OF ITEMS NOT LISTED ON AGENDA 4. ANNOUNCEMENTS 5. DELEGATIONS 6. ADOPTION OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING(S) A. Regular Meeting of Council held June 2, 2016 7. MOTIONS AND NOTICE OF MOTION 8. RECREATION, CULTURE, TOURISM AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 8.1 Correspondence 8.1.1 Receive for Information 8.1.2 Requiring Action 8.2 Reports to Council 9. PHYSICAL SERVICES — EMERGENCY SERVICES 9.1 Correspondence 9.1.1 Receive for Information 9.1.2 Requiring Action 9.2 Reports to Council A. Report PS-05/16 by Ed Roloson, Water/Wastewater Operations Manager re Source Water Protection Plan Implementation Services 10. DEVELOPMENT SERVICES — SUSTAINABILITY AND CONSERVATION 10.1 Correspondence 10.1.1 Receive for Information 10.1.2 Requiring Action 2016 Council Agenda June 16, 2016 10.2 Reports to Council A. Report DS-25/16 by Margaret Underhill, Deputy Clerk/Planning Coordinator re Site Plan Agreement— New Hope Baptist Church B. Report DS-26/16 by Margaret Underhill, Deputy Clerk/Planning Coordinator re Encroachment Agreement— Insurance Liability 11. FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION 11.1 Correspondence 11.1.1 Receive for Information A. Municipality of Bayham 2017 Budget Consultation Notice B. Port Burwell Master Drainage Study Notice of Public Information Centre C. Elgin County re Periscope Playhouse Approved For Elgincentives Grant D. Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing News Release re Municipal Elections E. Long Point Region Conservation Authority Minutes of meeting held May 4, 2016 F. Ontario Provincial Police re 2016 initiatives, Municipal Policing Bureau projects and New Report Related to Current Billable Calls for Service. G. Ministry of Natural Resources re Notification of Environmental Registry Posting of Proposed Wildland Fire Risk Assessment and Mitigation H. Town of Amherstburg re Autism Spectrum Disorder I. Township of South-West Oxford re ROMA/OGRA Conference J. City of Ottawa re Municipal Role in the Siting of Wind Power Projects 11.1.2 Requiring Action A. Straffordville Hall Committee request re Community Yard Sale Fundraiser 11.2 Reports to Council A. Report CAO-38/16 by Paul Shipway, CAO re Straffordville Community Centre Operating Agreement— Draft B. Report CAO-41/16 by Paul Shipway, CAO re East Beach Design Considerations C. Report CAO-42/16 by Paul Shipway, CAO re Procedural Protocals 2016 Council Agenda June 16, 2016 12. BY-LAWS A. By-Law 2016-052 Being a By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement between the Municipality of Bayham and BluMetric Environmental Inc. for provision of Source Water Protection Plan Implementation Services B. By-Law 2016-053 Being a By-law to authorize the execution of a site plan agreement between the Municipality of Bayham and New Hope Baptist Church 13. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 14. OTHER BUSINESS 14.1 In Camera A. Confidential item regarding proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board (Harbour Lands Divestiture) B. Confidential item regarding proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board (31 Elizabeth Street) C. Confidential item regarding litigation or potential litigation, including matters before administrative tribunals, affecting the municipality or local board (Project Ojibwa) 14.2 Out of Camera 15. BY-LAW TO CONFIRM THE PROCEEDINGS OF COUNCIL A. By-Law 2016-054 Being a By-law to confirm all actions of Council 16 ADJOURNMENT THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES MUNICIPAL OFFICE 9344 Plank Road, Straffordville, ON Council Chambers Thursday, June 2, 2016 7:00 p.m. PRESENT: MAYOR PAUL ENS DEPUTY MAYOR TOM SOUTHWICK COUNCILLORS RANDY BREYER WAYNE CASIER ED KETCHABAW STAFF PRESENT: DEPUTY CLERK/ PLANNING COORINATOR MARGARET UNDERHILL TREASURER LORNE JAMES CLERK'S ASSISTANT BRENDA GIBBONS 1. CALLTO ORDER Mayor Ens called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. DISCLOSURES OF PECUNIARY INTEREST & THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF No disclosures of pecuniary interest were declared. 3. REVIEW OF ITEMS NOT LISTED ON AGENDA None. 4. ANNOUNCEMENTS Mayor Ens announced CAO Paul Shipway would not be in attendance for this meeting as he and his wife welcomed their son Quinn Elliott Shipway this morning. 5. DELEGATIONS A. 7:05 p.m. —Alan Smith, General Manager, Economic Development and Katherine Thompson, Marketing and Communications Coordinator, County of Elgin re review/update of the department activities for 2015—2016. Allan Smith, General Manager, Elgin County Economic Development presented a review of County Economic Development activities of the past year and initiatives for 2016. Katherine Thompson, Elgin County Marketing and Communications Coordinator presented an overview of Marketing and Tourism current and upcoming initiatives. Moved by: Councillor Casier Seconded by: Deputy Mayor Southwick 2016 Council Minutes June 2, 2016 THAT the presentation regarding the 2015—2016 activities of the County of Elgin Economic Development Department be received for information. CARRIED 6. ADOPTION OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING(S) A. Regular Meeting of Council held May 19, 2016 Moved by: Councillor Breyer Seconded by: Councillor Ketchabaw THAT the minutes of the regular meeting held May 19, 2016 be adopted. CARRIED 7. MOTIONS AND NOTICE OF MOTION 8. RECREATION, CULTURE, TOURISM AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 8.1 Correspondence 8.1.1 Receive for Information 8.1.2 Requiring Action 8.2 Reports to Council 9. PHYSICAL SERVICES — EMERGENCY SERVICES 9.1 Correspondence 9.1.1 Receive for Information 9.1.2 Requiring Action 9.2 Reports to Council 10. DEVELOPMENT SERVICES — SUSTAINABILITY AND CONSERVATION 10.1 Correspondence 10.1.1 Receive for Information 10.1.2 Requiring Action 10.2 Reports to Council A. Report TR-18/16 by Margaret Underhill, Deputy Clerk/Planning Coordinator re New Organization — Lottery Licensing Moved by: Deputy Mayor Southwick Seconded by: Councillor Casier THAT Report TR-18/16 regarding the Port Burwell Periscope Playhouse Inc. application for lottery licensing eligibility be received for information. CARRIED 2016 Council Minutes June 2, 2016 B. Report DS-24/16 by Margaret Underhill, Deputy Clerk/Planning Coordinator re Consent Applications E35/16 and E36/16 The agent for the applicant, Jason Juhasz, was in attendance to answer questions from Council in regard to easement and access. Moved by: Councillor Ketchabaw Seconded by: Councillor Casier THAT Report DS-24/16 regarding Consent applications E35/16 and E36/16 be received for information; AND THAT Council recommend to the Elgin County Land Division Committee that Consent Application E35/16, submitted by 1162291 Ontario Ltd., be granted subject to the following conditions and comments: 1. Rezoning of both the severed and retained parcels 2. purchase of civic number sign from the municipality for the retained parcel 3. planning report fee payable to the municipality 4. copy of the final survey provided to the municipality 5. Easement of 6.6 meters across the surplus farm dwelling parcel not be granted due to the potential for conflict between normal farm practice of farm machinery and the residential dwelling land use and that an alternative access be required for direct access from Eden Line to the retained farm lands AND THAT Council recommend to the Elgin County Land Division Committee that Consent Application E36/16, submitted by 1162291 Ontario Ltd., be given the following consideration: 1. A 3.0 metre wide easement for the hydro easement is not supported as the preferred alternative is to relocate the service with direct access to the new residential dwelling parcel. Alternatively, if the easement is necessary, the width should be increased to a minimum of 10 metres to allow reasonable use of the easement for maintenance purposes by hydro equipment so as not to interfere with the normal farm practices on the retained lands. CARRIED 11. FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION 11.1 Correspondence 11.1.1 Receive for Information A. Project Ojibwa Notice B. Township of Wellington North resolution re ban on door-to-door sales for electricity and natural gas contracts C. Township of Gillies re Resolution for Private Supportive Living Accommodations D. Prescott & Russell re Donation to Fort McMurray 2016 Council Minutes June 2, 2016 E. North Middlesex re Donation to Fort McMurray Moved by: Deputy Mayor Southwick Seconded by: Councillor Breyer THAT correspondence items 11.1.1-A-11.1.1-E be received for information. CARRIED 11.1.2 Requiring Action 11.2 Reports to Council A. Report CAO-39/16 by Paul Shipway, CAO re Proposed Wheelhouse Moved by: Councillor Casier Seconded by: Councillor Ketchabaw THAT Report CAO-39/16 re Proposed Wheelhouse be received for information; AND THAT the Council of the Municipality of Bayham approve the proposed location of the Wheelhouse; AND THAT Staff be directed to proceed with Site Plan and Minor Variance applications at the sole expense of the Wheelhouse Committee; AND THAT the Wheelhouse Committee provide a statement of accounts showing that no funds are owing and are in place for final placement on municipal property; AND THAT the Wheelhouse be completely restored prior to placement on Municipal property; AND THAT a Trust Agreement be brought forward for consideration should any funds raised through Lottery Gaming be used for the Wheelhouse project. CARRIED B. Report CAO-40/16 by Paul Shipway, CAO re Canada 150 Infrastructure Fund — Intake 2 Moved by: Deputy Mayor Southwick Seconded by: Councillor Breyer THAT Report CAO-40/16 re Canada 150 Infrastructure Fund — Intake 2 be received for information; AND THAT staff be directed to submit an application to the Canada 150 Infrastructure Fund — Intake 2 the Straffordville Park Rehabilitation Project. CARRIED 2016 Council Minutes June 2, 2016 12. BY-LAWS A. By-Law 2016-050 Being a By-law to repeal certain by-laws Moved by: Councillor Casier Seconded by: Councillor Breyer THAT By-Law 2016-050 be read a first, second and third time and finally passed. CARRIED 13. UNFINISHED BUSINESS None. 14. OTHER BUSINESS Deputy Mayor Southwick advised he has been made aware of concerns regarding parking on lands east of Chatham Street in the area of the boardwalk. Council directed staff to bring forward, at either the June 16, 2016 or the July 21, 2016 meeting, a report to refresh Council on the status of the parking and Provincial Park situation on the east side of Chatham Street. 15. BY-LAW TO CONFIRM THE PROCEEDINGS OF COUNCIL A. By-Law 2016-051 Being a By-law to confirm all actions of Council Moved by: Deputy Mayor Southwick Seconded by: Councillor Breyer THAT confirming By-Law 2016-051 be read a first, second and third time and finally passed. CARRIED 16 ADJOURNMENT Moved by: Councillor Casier Seconded by: Deputy Mayor Southwick THAT the Council meeting be adjourned at 7:54 p.m. CARRIED MAYOR CLERK -g,AYH.A 411111 REPORT PHYSICAL ,--_, ,-,_ rubSERVICES T= _- , fir °i'tunity I. ' O TO: Mayor & Members of Council FROM: Ed Roloson, Water/Wastewater Operations Manager DATE: June 16, 2016 REPORT: PS-05/16 FILE NO: C-07 SUBJECT: SOURCE WATER PROTECTION PLAN IMPLEMENTATION SERVICES BACKGROUND: In 2014 -2015 the Long Point Region Conservation Authority (LPRCA) completed a technical review of the Richmond well head areas which identified potential threats to the source water. The potential threats were then ranked in an assessment report as low, moderate and high risk and assigned a vulnerability scoring within the well head protection area. LPRCA received Provincial approval of the Long Point Source Protection Plan on November 4, 2015 with an implementation date of July 1, 2016. On February 4, 2016 the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham accepted a letter of intent from the Municipality of Central Elgin to provide Risk Management Official/Risk Management Inspector(RMO/RMI) services. The formal Central Elgin RMO/RMI agreement is expected to be presented for approval by Council in July-August 2016. On March 3, 2016 the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham passed By-law No. 2016-017, authorizing Agreement No. 0576 to accept Source Water Protection Plan Implementation Funding in the amount of$90,000. The objective of the Source Protection Municipal Implementation Fund is to provide funding to assist small, rural municipalities in fulfilling policy obligations for significant drinking water threats as specified in an approved source protection plan, or an amended source protection plan that has been re-submitted for approval prior to its effective date. DISCUSSION The Long Point Source Water Protection Plan details several potential risks across 15 municipal drinking water systems. The risks specific to the Richmond Water System include; the application of untreated septage to land, septic systems including holding tanks, application of agricultural and non-agricultural source materials to land and application of pesticides to land. As part of the implementation of the Source Water Protection Plan the municipality will be responsible for the continuation of a raw water monitoring plan and establishing risk management plans along with education and outreach programs that increase the awareness of the said risks while promoting best management practices. The RMO/RMI roles are potentially covered by the proposed agreement with Central Elgin, however a number of other critical Source Water Protection Program Implementation services still remain to be undertaken including: Source Water Protection Administration Program Development ii. Negotiation & Development of Site Specific Risk Management Plans iii. Data Management & Annual Reports iv. Formal Education & Outreach Program v. Work flowing Administrative Support Documents Through a South Central Ontario Region (SCOR) Economic Development Corporation (SCOR) program the Municipality was connected with BluMetric Environmental Inc. BluMetric Environmental Inc. is providing Source Water Protection Program Implementation services to the Town of Grand Valley, Regional Municipality of Waterloo, the Grand River Conservation Authority and in discussions with additional Long Point Region Conservation Authority municipalities. At the conclusion of the Source Water Protection Plan Implementation Services the unallocated funds will be returned to the Province as per Agreement No.0576. RECOMMENDATION 1. THAT Report PS-05/16 re Source Water Protection Plan Implementation Services be received for information; 2. AND THAT Council direct staff to bring forward a by-law, for Council consideration, to sole-source and enter into an agreement with BluMetric Environmental Inc. in the amount of$26,505+HST for Source Water Protection Plan Implementation Services. Respectfullytf�Sub,. itted by: Com'( Ed Roloson Water/Wastewater Operations Manager REPORT o T T 4.c, DEVELOPMENT SERVICES z'°1 tunity IS — TO: Mayor & Members of Council FROM: Margaret Underhill, Deputy Clerk/Planning Coordinator DATE: June 16, 2016 REPORT: DS-25/16 FILE NO. C-07 / D10.NHBC Roll # 3401-006-15700 SUBJECT: Site Plan Agreement— New Hope Baptist Church BACKGROUND: A site plan control application was received on November 17, 2015 and deemed complete April 20, 2016 from the New Hope Baptist Church for their property located at 57272 Talbot Line. The application proposes the development of an addition (337.5 m2) to the existing church/school (503 m2) and lot upgrades for parking and drainage. The subject land is designated "Agriculture" in the Official Plan and zoned Institutional (I) in the Zoning By-law Z456-2003. DISCUSSION: Based on staff review, the site plan approval application and accompanying final drawings received on April 20, 2016, staff concur that it meets the intent of the Official Plan and the requirements of the Zoning By-law. The property is subject to the Ministry of Transportation (MTO) review and permits and the owners have been in on-going discussions since the process began. The draft Agreement has been reviewed by the MTO as part of the process. The MTO has approved their proposal and will be working with the owner to proceed with their required permits. The owners have reviewed the site plan agreement and agree to it being presented for Council consideration. At the time of writing this report, the Agreement does not indicate the amount of security deposit required as it is yet to be calculated. The amount will be established by the June 16th meeting. Staff recommends approval of the site plan agreement as presented subject to the addition of the security deposit amount to be advised. ATTACHMENTS 1. Site Plan Application Staff Report DS-25/16 New Hope Baptist Church 2 2. Floor Plan & Elevations — a+Link Architecture Inc. Drawing SPA2 3. Draft By-law 2016-053 - Site Plan Agreement attached. RECOMMENDATION 1. THAT Report DS-25/16 regarding the New Hope Baptist Church site plan agreement be received; 2. AND THAT By-law No. 2016-053 being a By-law to authorize the execution of a Site Plan Agreement between New Hope Baptist Church and the Municipality of Bayham for development at the property known as 57272 Talbot Line be presented for enactment. Respectfully Submitted by: Reviewed by: „Z/(,' e -e(66 Margaret Underhill Paul Shipway Deputy Clerk/Planning Coordinator CAO 4,AXE A r `' 41r.44211111114.4. ** FILE No. Z r 0(-0// REC'D: /Vev ri /a o pl�� DATE APPLICATION CONSIDERED °--unity is COMPLETE: FEE RECEIVED:$,3CocY°° i'e)t- MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM SITE PLAN APPROVAL APPLICATION FORM The undersigned hereby request the Municipality of Bayham to consider a Site Plan Control application pursuant to Section 41 of the Planning Act on the lands hereinafter described. This application is accompanied by a fee of$500($250 fee+$250 deposit for properties with accumulative building area of 150 m2 or less)OR$2000($1000 fee&$1000 deposit for accumulative building area 151 m2 or greater)by cash or cheque made payable to the Municipality of Bayham. 1.BACKGROUND INFORMATION a) Applicant's Name NEW HOPE BAPTIST CHURCH Applicant's Mailing Address 57272 HWY#3.TILLSONBURG.ON N4G 4G8 Telephone Number 519-842-3251 Fax Number b) Registered Owner(if other than applicant) SAME Owner's Address Telephone Number Fax Number c) Location of Subject Land Lot Number(s) PT LOT 18 Plan No.or Concession 10 Part Number(s) Reference Plan 911 Address(if any) 57272 IWY#3J Me-6Cj The subject land is located on the NORTH side of HWY#3 between- WEST OF GREEN LINE and d) Existing use of Subject property CHURCH AND SCHOOL e) Specific indication of proposed uses of land and buildings CHURCH AND SCHOOL 0 Official Plan Designation Agricultural g) Zoning By-law-Existing Zoning Institutional -Requested Zoning N/A 2.SITE INFORMATION a)Zoning Provisions REQUIRED PROPOSED Lot Frontage 30 105.8 Lot Depth AV.87.5 - Lot Area 1,800 m2 7,210.4 m2 - Lot Coverage 40% 11.6% Front Yard 14.5 m 11.0 EX/19.0 ADD Rear Yard 7.5 m 22.8 EX/43.2 ADD Interior Side Yard 3.0 m 17.6 EX/20.8 ADD -- Exterior Side Yard(corner lot) NWA N/A Landscaped Open Space(%) N/A N/A No.of Parking Spaces 48 10-1-1% No.of Loading Spaces 0 0 Width of Planting Strip N/A 1.0 m Driveway Width 7.5 m 9.0 m Handicap Spaces 2 2 Other(Specify) Off-Street Parking and Loading Facilities Total number of off-street parking spaces existing 25 Number of off-street parking spaces proposed(include existing&proposed) 4'3 Aqui- Number of off-street loading facilities existing 0 Number of off-street loading facilities proposed(include existing&proposed) 0 b) Proposed Building Size: Ground Floor Area of Existing Buildings(s) 503.0 m2 3, '7. Ground Floor Area of Proposed Development 3334 m2 Total Ground Floor Area (including existing&proposed) 83 m2 m3 11111 Number of Storeys proposed 1 Building Height Proposed 6.04 m Total Gross Floor Area Proposed (including existing and proposed) 8391\m2 ISI-10•5 rn7- 0/1114/ 3. COMPLETE AS APPLICABLE: a) MULTIPLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL Landscaped Area N/A sq m Conversion or Addition to Existing Residential Buildings Yes No Amenity and/or Children's Play Area Yes No UNIT BREAKDOWN Type Number of Units Floor area of Unit Type Bachelor One-Bedroom Two-Bedroom Three-Bedroom 2 3. COMPLETE AS APPLICABLE:-(cont'd) a) MULTIPLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL-(cont'd) Other Facilities provided(eg.play facilities,underground parking,games rooms, swimming pool,etc.) b) COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL/INSTITUTIONAL/OPEN SPACE OR OTHER USES (as applicable) No.of New Buildings Proposed N/A Conversion or Addition to Existing Building Yes X No Describe Gross Floor Area(breakdown by type of use,eg.-office area,retail,storage, manufacturing area,etc.) CHURCH USE—100% Seating Capacity(for rest.or assembly hall,etc.) 190 Describe Type of Business Proposed CHURCH+SCHOOL No.of Staff Proposed-Initially 2 In future(5 yrs) 2 Open Storage Required Yes No X Describe type,location,and buffering(if any)MAINTAIN EX.HEDGES+TREES Phasing if any NONE Describe Type of Use Proposed CHURCH+SCHOOL No.of Beds(if applicable) NSA Gross Floor Area by Type of Use (eg.office,common rooms,storage,etc.) Landscaped Area 4,353 m2 sq m If residential use proposed as part of,or accessory to commercial/industrial/open space/other use,please specify Type Number of Units Floor area of Unit Type Bachelor One-Bedroom Two-Bedroom Three-Bedroom Dated this 13TH day of_NOVEMBER ,2015 LA_ S� ature of• er/Agent '/Sia,.ture. Owner/Agent "l✓ yi�2 of the - - ram e�VL, of �"t�l3<�, Ji1Cct^c� in the c 2of 696 ccI.. DO SOLEMNLY DECLARE THAT: All of the statements contained in this application are true and I make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing it to be true and knowing that it is of the same force and effect as if made under Oath and by virtue of the Canada Evidence Act. DECLARED before me at the f r«i ��F 4'/7 of r / %7L ax77 in the CC./ui2 of this /jiltlay of Aiel vr1Z 20/'�- ,•JIB .1_e.-A., '"7 j��4-7� Si:��t�I ner/Agen A Commssioner,Etc. Si:'re o Own-//Agent Attachments: Site Plan Control By-law 2005-061 with Sche'i "A"only Architectural Site Plan Drawing SP-1 dated November 5,2015 Civil Site Plan Drawing Cl by CIDL dated November 5,2015 3 Set No. .w..,.,dna.M«w,�.�l.w. .-. :.tea.', » .«a.«.'''''.. ,aJ 1 —_ I �•,a� ill , 7 ,, A 201,1112 inueo.SPAS WO p M" t---•, $�i �� a I a nvo-«m svnewrororrwu n IJ ,I 91 r� woFo�E rFa. LLw�s<:�;� �� by :> , 1 /' ,r `. ..,u.s✓;,e.�.•....,,..,....;:h ..\. ry,,.n,,..t,,.4,,..,nv.fnlS.�.4:✓1.'tt->ry+ a. '-`:-_�.:�'c4.:-‘..---,.. c PLAN , ELEVATION 11 401 :1:7�.E,«E �::: oss Wilt' P� IPS .__. j; " _ _.�---- - architecture inc ——,— — _— _ ,a EEg.oro.Rono..00.11 .4E... -- mo NEW HOPE BAPTIST � �- CHURCH < x z' :ry` � t 5 Y ,,<a � ` F S ';,,,...,g,.,::;,;.1,4'.,, ta ^yi at-*""�" " �-�, �' ' 57272 Hwr xTalbot lre sd '' eC ''''.4.: C i:� pi , , , , �fir .V.a . . .0. 46.r. . , .�" ,"s.,0"i 'VAN,' �+i",.4' i . -4z-c....-'3--- --.ii-a .. i1 -y-.av^ i FLOOR PLAN&ELEVATIONS w. SnA •- 1504 2018.01 0 ELEVATION ELEVATION .... p SPA2 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 2016- 053 BEING A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE EXECUTION OF A SITE PLAN AGREEMENT BETWEEN NEW HOPE BAPTIST CHURCH AND THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM WHEREAS Section 41 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. 13, as amended, provides, in part, that, where in an Official Plan an area is shown or described as a proposed site plan control area, the Council of the local municipality in which the proposed area is situate may, by by-law, designate the whole or any part of such area as a site plan control area; AND WHEREAS the Municipality of Bayham has enacted a Site Plan Control Area By-law 2005-061 pursuant to Section 41 of the said Planning Act. AND WHEREAS Section 41 of the said Planning Act, as cited above, provides that no person shall undertake any development in an area designated as subject to site plan control pursuant to a by-law enacted under that section without first having received approval, as the Council may determine, of the following: 1. Plans showing the location of all buildings and structures to be erected and showing the location of all facilities and works to be provided in conjunction therewith and of all facilities and works required under clause (7) (a). AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham now deems it necessary to enter into a Site Plan agreement with NEW HOPE BAPTIST CHURCH NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the Mayor and Clerk be and they are hereby authorized and directed to execute the Site Plan Agreement between The Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham and New Hope Baptist Church affixed hereto and forming part of this By-law as Schedule 2. THAT the executed agreement be registered at the owner's expense against the land to which it applies under the Land Titles Registry Elgin # 11. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 16th day of June 2016. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 16th day of June 2016. MAYOR CLERK SITE PLAN CONTROL AGREEMENT NEW HOPE BAPTIST CHURCH Part Lot 18, Concession 10, Municipality of Bayham, County of Elgin AND THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM This Agreement made in duplicate this 16th day of June, 2016. BETWEEN: NEW HOPE BAPTIST CHURCH (hereinafter the "Owner") Of the First Part AND: THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM (hereinafter the "Municipality") Of the Second Part WHEREAS the Owner is the owner in fee simple of the land situate in the Municipality of Bayham in the County of Elgin and Province of Ontario, being part of Lot 18, Concession 10 therein, and more particularly identified and depicted in Attachment "A" attached hereto (and hereinafter referred to as the "Lands" ); AND WHEREAS, in effect, the Official Plan of the Municipality of Bayham designates the entirety of the Municipality as a site plan control area; AND WHEREAS the Owner intends to develop the lands in accordance with a Site Plan attached and marked as Attachment "A" hereto (and hereinafter referred to as the "Plan"); AND WHEREAS the Municipality, as a condition of approval of proposed development of the Lands requires the Owner to enter into a Site Plan Control Agreement as contemplated by By- Law No. 2016-047, being the Site Plan Control By-Law enacted by the Council for the Municipality; NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of good and valuable consideration exchanged herein and, further thereto, the sum of two dollars ($2.00) of lawful money of Canada now paid by each party to the other, the receipt and sufficiency of which consideration is hereby acknowledged, the Owner and Municipality hereby covenant and agree as follows: 1. The Owner agrees that no building permit will be available for the development of the Lands until the Plan has been approved by the Municipality and further agrees that work in relation to such development will not commence prior to the issuance of a building permit. 2. The Attachments hereto and as described below, attached and verified by the signatures of the Parties hereto, are incorporated in and form part of this Agreement: Attachment "A" — Site Plan, Site analysis & OBC Matrix Attachment "B" —Site Servicing and Grading Plan Attachment "C" —Certificate of Compliance. 3. The Parties agree and acknowledge that Attachment "A" (Lands/Site Plan) hereto identifies the Lands which are subject to this Agreement and, furthermore, depicts and details the Plan for development of the Lands, including but not limited to; (a) The location and height of all buildings and structures to be erected; (b) The location of vehicular entrances and exits; (c) The location and provision of off-Street vehicular loading and parking facilities, including driveways for emergency vehicles; (d) Walkways and all other means of pedestrian access; (e) The location and provision of fences, trees and all ground cover or facilities for landscaping the Lands and protecting the adjoining lands and, furthermore, depicts the lighting, including flood lighting, of the Lands and any building or structure to be erected thereon; (f) The location and provision for the collection and storage of garbage and other waste materials. 4. The Owner agrees and covenants that the Lands will be developed, including but not limited to any building or structure that is to be erected thereon, in strict accordance with the Plan depicted on Attachment "A" hereto, subject only to such changes receiving prior approval from the Municipality. 5. The Parties agree and acknowledge that Attachment "B" ("Site Servicing Plan") hereto depicts and details proposed site servicing facilities for development of the Lands, including but not limited to; (a) Lot grading information, indicating overland flow to and from adjacent properties, collection and disposal of surface water and storm water management (if deemed necessary by the Municipality); (b) Location of utilities within the road allowance and site connections to these utilities; (c) Building finished floor elevations; (d) Other information as required by the Municipality. 6. The Owner agrees and covenants that the site development and servicing upon the Lands will be in strict accordance with the Plans depicted on Attachment "B" hereto, subject only to such changes receiving prior approval from the Municipality. 7. The Owner further agrees that: (a) Final grades and elevations will be established to the satisfaction of the Municipality. The Owner will provide proof of final grades and elevations certified by a professional land surveyor or civil engineer prior to consideration of any request for final release of any security held by the Municipality relative to the proposed development of the Lands. (b) All necessary provisions for service connections on-site will be made to the satisfaction of the Municipality. (c) Construction work will be carried out expeditiously, in good and work-man-like manner, in accordance with good trade practices, and, at all times, so as to minimize nuisance. (d) All necessary precautions to avoid dust, noise and other nuisances and to provide for public safety will, so far as possible, be undertaken so as to achieve compliance with all federal, provincial, or other municipal regulations or standards. (e) All necessary care will be taken to see that mud and soil is not tracked or spilled onto any public street and, where such tracking occurs, the street shall be cleaned at the end of each working day. (f) Garbage disposal facilities will be of an enclosed type located and depicted on the Site Plan as attached as Attachment "A" hereto, at all times designed in a manner satisfactory to the Municipality. (g) Unless otherwise provided, all parking lots and walkways will be finished with hot-mix asphalt, concrete or paving stones to the satisfaction of the Municipality and have permanent bumper curbing along all parking areas that abut the limits of the Lands. (h) No topsoil shall be stockpiled on any other portion of the Lands except those lands identified for that purpose in Attachment "A" to this Agreement; provided that all topsoil shall be stockpiled and maintained in a manner which allows for the maintenance of weeds and other noxious plants; and the Municipality may at all times enter the Lands for purposes of inspection of such stockpiling of topsoil and, if necessary, for purposes of maintenance of weeds, the cost of which shall be borne by the Owner and collected either in like manner as municipal taxes or from any security held by the Municipality to ensure performance of all obligations by the Owner in respect of the development of the Lands. (i) Stockpiling of snow will not be allowed on the Lands where it will constitute a hazard as determined by the Municipality. (j) The electrical servicing of the Lands shall be subject to the approval of Hydro One, or any successor utility thereto. (k) During the period of development of the Lands as contemplated by this Agreement, if the Owner fails to take any act required for public safety or convenience, as determined by the Municipality, and upon seven (7) days written notice, the Municipality, in addition to any other remedy at law, may enter upon the Lands and undertake any and all works to correct such failure and thereby reinstate such element of public safety or convenience, the cost of which municipal work shall be borne by the Owner and collected in like manner either as municipal taxes or from any security held by the Municipality to ensure performance of all obligations of the Owner hereunder. (I) The Municipality is at liberty to consider any breach of this Agreement as a violation of By-Law No. 2016-047, being the Site Plan Control By-Law for the Municipality of Bayham, and Section 41 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P. 13, as amended, thereby constituting an offence pursuant to section 67 of the said Act and, further, entitling the Municipality to seek any manner of remedy or relief as based thereon, including but not limited to the issuance of a stop work order and/or injunction to restrain continuation of such breach. (m)Nothing in this Agreement constitutes a waiver of the duty of the Owner to comply with any other by-law of the Municipality or any other law, whether federal or provincial in nature. 8. The Owner shall be responsible for consulting with Hydro One, or any successor utility thereto, regarding any matters which relate to utility services provided by Hydro One. 9. The Owner shall be responsible for consulting with and obtaining any necessary approval from any and all regulatory body having an interest in or jurisdiction over the development of the Lands, including but not limited to the Long Point Region Conservation Authority and the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change. 10. The Owner shall satisfy all requirements in relation to fire protection for the building or buildings or structure or structures to be erected upon the Lands to the satisfaction of the Fire Chief for the Municipality of Bayham. 11. The Owner agrees to pay for damages to public property, including but not limited to any municipal drain, ditch, street surface, or storm and sanitary sewer systems, which may occur during the development of the Lands as contemplated by this Agreement. In the event that the Owner shall fail to repair any such damage within thirty (30) days of occurrence, the Municipality may enter upon the Lands and effect such repair at the sole risk and expense of the Owner. 12. The Owner agrees that any and all lighting required for the development of the Lands in accordance with this Agreement shall be installed and maintained so as not to interfere with the use or enjoyment of adjacent properties or with the safe flow of traffic on abutting or adjacent streets, the determination of which interference shall be in the sole discretion and opinion of the Municipality. 13.The Owner shall landscape and maintain plants and groundcover upon the Lands and in strict accordance with the Plans and at all times to a standard acceptable to the Municipality. 14. If the Ontario Building Code requires that an Architect or Professional Engineer, or both, shall be responsible for the field review of any new building or structure or extension thereof as contemplated by this Agreement, then the Owner shall not occupy or use or permit occupation or use of, any such building or structure or extension thereof until after an Architect or Professional Engineer has delivered approval thereof to the Municipality by a letter addressed to the Municipality and signed by the said Architect or Professional Engineer and certifying that all construction and/or services on or in the Lands, including any such building or structure or extension thereof thereon as required for the development or redevelopment of the Lands have been installed and/or constructed in a manner satisfactory to the Architect or Professional Engineer. 15. The Municipality, through its servants, officers, and agents, including its Chief Building Official, Fire Chief, and Municipal Engineer, may, from time to time and any time, enter upon the Lands and/or any building or structure being erected thereon to inspect; (a) the progress of the development upon the Lands; (b) the state of maintenance as required by this Agreement; (c) compliance with any and all laws, whether Federal, Provincial, or Municipal, including any and all by-laws for the Municipality and more particularly including By-Law No. 2016-047 as Site Plan Control By-Law; and, (d) compliance with this Agreement. 16. In the event of any servant, officer, or agent of the Municipality determining, upon inspection of the Lands and any building or structure erected thereon, that the development is not proceeding in strict accordance with the Plan, and specifications filed, that servant, officer, or agent shall forthwith place a notice requiring all work upon the Lands to be stopped and, furthermore, forward, by registered mail, a copy of such notice to the Owner at his, her, or its last known address and the Owner shall forthwith correct the deficiency in relation to which that notice relates or, alternatively, appeal to the Council of the Municipality of Bayham as hereinafter provided. 17. In the event of any servant, officer, or agent of the Municipality, having inspected the Lands or any building or structure being erected thereon in accordance with this Agreement, be of the opinion that the state of maintenance of such Lands, building, or structure is unsatisfactory, such servant, officer, or agent shall forthwith forward a notice detailing the particulars of such opinion and the basis therefor, by registered mail, to the Owner at his, her, or its last known address and the Owner shall forthwith correct the deficiency giving rise to that opinion of unsatisfactory maintenance or, alternatively, appeal such opinion and the need for correction to the Council of the Municipality of Bayham as hereinafter provided. 18. In the event that the Owner should disagree with the opinion of the servant, officer, or agent of the Municipality as to the state of compliance and/or maintenance, such Owner shall appear before the Council of the Municipality of Bayham, which Council, after hearing the details of the alleged deficiency and hearing the response of the Owner, shall express its opinion as to whether the maintenance of the lands, building, or structure is satisfactory and which decision shall constitute a final determination of the issue. 19. In the event that the Owner shall fail to obey a stop work order issued pursuant to section 16 above, the Owner acknowledges and recognizes the right of the Municipality to apply to a Court of competent jurisdiction in the Province of Ontario for appropriate relief, including but not limited to an injunction restraining continuation of work upon the Lands. 20. In the event that an Owner shall fail to correct a deficiency after notice is given pursuant to sections 16 or 17 above and which notice the Council of the Municipality of Bayham subsequently determines is correct in accordance with section 19 above, the Council of the Municipality of Bayham may by by-law direct, on default of the matter or thing being done by the Owner and after two (2) weeks written notice to the Owner as delivered by registered mail to the last known address of the Owner, that such matter or thing be done by or on behalf of the Municipality, at the expense of the Owner, which expense may be recoverable by action, as municipal taxes, or as drawn from and paid by any security deposit with the Municipality as security for full performance of all obligations by the Owner in respect of the development contemplated by this Agreement. 21. The Owner further acknowledges that any contravention of any provision of this Agreement will constitute a contravention of By-Law No. 2016-047 for the Municipality of Bayham, being the Site Plan Control By-Law, as enacted pursuant to section 41 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.13, as amended, and, among other methods of remedy or relief, is subject to prosecution and penalty as provided for in section 67 of such Act. 22. Unless otherwise authorized, in the event that the Owner wishes to revise the development as described in and depicted in Attachments "A" and/or "B" attached, he, she, or it shall make application to the Council of the Municipality of Bayham for reconsideration and approval and, furthermore, the Owner agrees that construction shall not proceed so as to implement any such revision until approval is given by such Council or, alternatively and on appeal, the Ontario Municipal Board pursuant to the procedure set forth in section 41 of the Planning Act, RSO 1990, c. P.13, as amended. 23. The Owner agrees to pay to the Municipality all administration costs incurred in connection with the preparation and/or implementation of this Agreement, including all legal, engineering, and inspection costs. 24. Upon execution of this Agreement and as contribution to capital charges, the Owner shall pay to the Municipality, in cash or by certified cheque, the amount of _Zero_ Dollars and Zero Cents ($_NIL_). 25. Upon execution of this agreement and as contribution to Site Plan Review expenses, the Owner shall pay to the Municipality, in cash or certified cheque, the amount of Two Hundred Dollars and Zero Cents ($250.00). 26. Before commencing any of the work contemplated herein, the Owner shall supply the Municipality with a Liability Insurance Policy, or acceptable proof thereof, providing coverage to a minimum amount of $ 2,000,000.00 per occurrence, and in a form satisfactory to the Municipality, thereby indemnifying the Municipality from any loss arising from claims for damages, injury, or otherwise, in connection with the work to be undertaken upon the Lands and for which approval contemplated by this Agreement is granted. The said policy of insurance shall be provided at the time of execution of this Agreement and shall remain in force until the development contemplated herein is complete and all required documentation in evidence thereof has been filed with the Municipality. 27. The Owner hereby identifies the intended completion date for the development contemplated by this Agreement as on or before June 16, 2017. The Parties agree that it is a responsibility of the Owner to arrange for completion of the development contemplated by this Agreement on or before such date and, furthermore, to apply for any extension of and from such date by no later than sixty (60) days prior to such intended completion date. 28.As security for the performance and completion of all works required by this Agreement, the Owner shall provide the Municipality with a Letter of Credit, in the amount of TO BE DETERMINED Dollars and Cents ($ ). The said Letter of Credit will be based on the estimated cost of alterations to public property, roadways, curbs and gutters and drains, and any repairs for damages to public property, roadways, curbs and gutters and drains, plus all site- specific components as identified by the Site Plan and Site Servicing Plan, attached as Attachments "A" and "B", which are approved under this Agreement. The amount of the Letter of Credit shall be established by the Municipality. The irrevocable Letter of Credit will be issued by a Chartered Bank or other institution acceptable to the Municipality and provide specific reference to this Agreement and provide for the value thereof to be payable to the Municipality at any time or, in part, from time to time, upon written notice from the Municipality. The Letter of Credit shall be provided by the Owner to the Municipality at the time of execution of this Agreement and shall remain in force, until twelve (12) months after completion of the development contemplated by this Agreement, including but not limited to production of all documentation required for evidence of such due and proper completion of the Development. 29. This Agreement and the provisions thereof do not grant to the Owner, or any person acquiring any interest in the said Lands, any rights against the Municipality with respect to the failure of the Owner to perform or fully perform any of his, her, or its obligations under this Agreement or any negligence on the part of the Owner in relation to the Performance of any obligations required by this Agreement. 30. In the event that construction on the Lands has not commenced within the one (1) year from the date of registration of this Agreement against title to the Lands, the Municipality may, at its option and on one (1) month written notice to the Owner, declare this agreement to be terminated, subject to renegotiation at the option of the Municipality. In the event that the Agreement is terminated as set forth above, the Owner agrees that construction on the Lands as contemplated by this Agreement will not be commenced or continued until such time as the terms of this Agreement, at the option of the Municipality, have been renegotiated. 31. Following completion of the development of the Lands in accordance with the Plans contemplated by this Agreement and attached as Attachments "A" and "B" hereto, the Owner shall prepare, sign, and deliver to the Municipality a Certificate of Compliance in the form and of the content set forth in Attachment "C" hereto, by which Certificate the Owner shall confirm that all elements of this Site Plan Agreement have been completed in accordance with the terms hereof and the provisions of By-Law No. 2016-047, being the Site Plan Control By-Law for the Municipality. 32. The Owner agrees that he, she, or it will not call into question, directly or indirectly and in any proceeding whatsoever in law or in equity or before any administrative tribunal or court, the right of the Municipality to enter into this Agreement or to enforce each and every term, covenant, and condition herein contained and, furthermore, acknowledges that this provision may be pled as an estoppel as against the Owner in any such case. 33. The Owner agrees on behalf of himself, herself, or itself, including their respective heirs, executors, ministries, and assigns, to save harmless and indemnify the Municipality from all losses, damages, costs, charges, and expenses which may be claimed or recovered against the Municipality by any person or persons arising either directly or indirectly from any action taken by the Owner in accordance with this Agreement. 34.All facilities, works, and other matters required by this Agreement shall be provided and maintained by the Owner at its sole risk and expense but at all times to the satisfaction of the Municipality in accordance with all standards applied by the Municipality and, in default thereof and without limiting any right or claim to remedy or relief as available to the Municipality, the provisions of section 446 of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c. 25, as amended, shall apply. 35. This Agreement shall be registered, at the expense of the Owner, against title to the Lands and the Municipality shall be entitled, subject to the provisions of any statute of the Province of Ontario, including but not limited to the Registry Act and/or Land Titles Act, to enforce its provisions against the Owner as named herein, including any successor in title thereto. 36. This Agreement enures to the benefit of and is binding upon the Parties hereto and their respective heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have executed this Agreement by their hands and seals or under cover of duly authorized officials at Bayham, Ontario this 16th day of June, 2016. Signed, Sealed, and Delivered ) NEW HOPE BAPTIST CHURCH In the presence of ) ) per: ) Name: ) Position: ) per: ) Name: ) Position: We have authority to bind the Corporation. THE CORPORATION OF THE ) MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM ) per: ) Paul Ens, Mayor per: Paul Shipway, Clerk We have authority to bind the Corporation ATTACHMENT "A" Site Plan, Site Analysis & OBC Matrix I ' Set No. i' ...a.:,7°.,............. 74-755-770. , DIEMECP 24 6.;2=2".2272:2:=2.621 4664 2066224052 SP 6 ARSE WHACKS NE13114612 11 0 5 22 0 rn 4001210N CANOPY Al rA4 lit!, 0140662 E 2,402 i 426.spo,,10:41,4:r1024E.E.I.ExAsrsE;ormc,,,for:E.,7160.:2;;:c., E 4 am 6620, -2E':21. 17'17211.1 ''''S.11 Y 712714 4 111 EXTERIOR SIDE YARD PM 10 M OEM I 1211V '7OS"."'ETESET:i1:6=6:672/6":=NET" 43 2 m ADDITION 0/ \ ""‘ \ 2 444456,44 Nowa LANDSCAPED OPEN SPACE ME N/A 4 244622656m26 1 II 9 24 1112 6 / \ 0 003 00 412 WO 0 EM 1411, / ilif \ \ 0 E m 25242 m -., •,. - \ c<` • 2---- \ 4,/ 0 •_-....., 6 201604 20 62012EVISONS/SNP SUBVIES ON 4 222 2:54 0// \E 466E6E6 11". 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ItZ Tr Inv , 1,61466 .,2 506 12 7/176 NEW HOPE BAPTIST C) PREVIOUSLITAKEN120LD WIDEI:III. .-., CHURCH - - SITE PLAN,SITE ANALYSIS &OBC MATRIX &melees= •"" I ''''' PS SHOWN 1 5 04 ,. • 15/62 666414145rn 111414114.4"41"11.44".""1'"""' 2018 04 20 060 MATRIX r-; SITE PLAN D 0 .aP A I SP I SCA L E IV I S I I 1 ATTACHMENT "B" Site Servicing & Grading Plan ,�! •..'.. ` NWIMUM TRPNOI 5511MS `�. , ,o„m•o a.,.W,••...'m, 1303 ! •,,,., .4.4•1117 1---6---„_„ 111• J ., ' T-I;-/liE�1 ,w.mn.P. ..o - 4h. uM. L 4 i / ,, ,0 m.P .1 4r WO PO WO POS.PVE MP eargeri-E=1 COMPCD311 TO PATISPIN.DIST II } sn X I �"� � ^ `� P,em m..,. u ORAL i ``DAPS 1.S.M. 'oP © r' �. . a K�, .,b2•w•m•® KEY'PLAN I I+ I! x•..� I. 'a Y,•cm,.,W I " Ri j f m J ` i.,-- STANDARD CATCHBASIN CLASS •B• BEDDING in'„, -- '--- �.. q :wa, N.ES N.T.S. 1 �.ry�+(. j p I ©p T"T�—"P.,ET 0 .E.1. _ ;.v BVI � �1 m4 .‘ CE MOM 021.0111011 r ,' NI "WAGENERAL NOTES PUDE :1 ' Lg.=rontE .ISktririffrEArgrITOMOT=TAZDE, "I -- " ,�, .r. hTIP� �Y ' , _ r STORM WATER MANAGEMENTt m --„,, .° i4� � 'e rd. p. 4,N\ '� //....N P'� (9 ". +r. m"w%'oo Aw,.T/Cama DO• w.• y.. _I .w• y� 1 � i a.• _ _ .m,e••x.e---- r.,•, mA". .1 m,. 201. REMOLD PROADED 4; h: j /I �, .. �`< /� .. /iii WI.. wiYME.,,, � ',,,a w .,•,.z u,:9.,,, m,r vs,:• — _ .;I f' J ro,°.m.6m emvrE t.9,,,m .a+ „araw I I I X ..0 ..+`--.* • , BAYHAM BY-LAW I- > 0,)0P...„„,..• P• d',{,��y� DRY HYDRANT-AS MANUFACTURED BY NORTH UNE(KOCHER)I C. I . y,6 I . 'p* Ai / ..m'6 �4' �f .. v,x.u,w mxcMO� �// B • F REQUIREMENTS 4 , ,� rot:mEase •� _� r � /' L 1 I P. PRODIND•_ � te,Il ''s' iOd� ee an> NSPn 20.1. q 41 maw mol C7 a� ` > j, .` .w..,._.. ._.� .. ....�,n .':,..,,...s. Taro x/. ,,,,E.,•a,"6 .‘" ..,,.41; _. mPIMP oW.iiA~ 11.T.3./ •. Fa , TOTAL MAPS LOANS WEE • I LEGEND a ,wm,Nm, •-. .•m'•........ W a)n METRIC SCALE. HORIZ. 1:300 MUNICIPALITY O F B A Y H A M cam woo larae,ma.,W.mW,m • . • omen C410.1.PROPPED Irl.• WN.•W,4'mm„L ' N,m,®,e"=" ".w ...,•"'°'� NEW HOPE BAPTIST CHURCH ,mm.�m•'••AY.,m.,,.. DO• YAPS "."...� ,am,N.•,N•• T�PO„a DOSS .s-vas.cIm•EM= o,TW„a<•,vc®.®,w. a . . CO•PMOW PISMO r.."'''' ' P ER !6�SSE ADDITION J.PENNER - A,aLVESY k 51e-bee,0„ � � SM)2 ; OT UNE mnx„mef,",Wo® — • •..a P. Ca .gERpin•r• 'st:gZ.Mt PART GE LOT 15 WNL®Enol°-TAP°P BATTON x,m/,vmN.prv,wmmm o "L.�,r.' zq . 2 REM=PER uro OmNB.15 W.,,,. SR Fax ,,.o Tr COMMENTS r• SITE SERVICING AND GRADING _ — moon••x.AWm ...•Wmw.1•• . •COL Or GIODEL 1 REVISED PER uro/wmoPNl Av.1e Ac BEsw BY: Ac DRAWN Br. yrs MEC.,er.Ac PLAN NY. REVISION DATE BY PROJECT NO.1602 SURVEY BY:IMSI00,A11:11 NOV.2015 DRAWN)No. C 1 ATTACHMENT "C" CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE PROPERTY IDENTIFICATION: Municipal Address: Owner: This document serves to certify that the Development project on the afore-noted Lands has been completed in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Site Plan Agreement between the undersigned, as Owner, and the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham as dated , 20_, and as authorized by By-Law No. 20 - for the said Municipality of Bayham. The undersigned makes this certification declaring it to be true and correct and as if made under oath. Dated at , Ontario this day of , 20_. Witness Signature Name of Owner (Print) Address of Owner (Mailing) Telephone Number INNYHAdvz REPORT DEVELOPMENT SERVICES poltunity Is�� TO: Mayor & Members of Council FROM: Margaret Underhill, Deputy Clerk/Planning Coordinator DATE: June 16, 2016 REPORT: DS-26/16 FILE NO. C-07 Roll # 3401-002-001-29900 SUBJECT: Encroachment Agreement- Insurance Liability BACKGROUND: On May 7, 2015 Council approved By-law 2015-052 approving an Encroachment Agreement between Mr. V. Nikolic and the Municipality of Bayham for the encroachment of the building known as 24 Pitt Street onto the street line (Erieus Street). Included in the Agreement is the requirement for the landowner to carry a $2,000,000 liability insurance on the property. The Municipality is in receipt of a request from Waller& Homer Solicitors on behalf of Mr. Nikolic, requesting the Municipality consider reducing the amount of liability coverage to assist Mr. Nikolic with his insurance cost by consenting to a reduction in the amount of liability coverage to $1,000,000. DISCUSSION: Staff have reviewed the correspondence and recommend that Council maintain the $2,000,000 liability coverage requirement as the standard amount required in all agreements of this nature, hall rentals, ball park use etc. ATTACHMENT 1. Waller & Homer fax dated June 2, 2016 RECOMMENDATION 1. THAT Report DS-26/16 regarding Nikolic Encroachment Agreement is received; 2. AND THAT the liability insurance coverage required as per the Encroachment Agreement passed on May 7, 2015 remains as approved in the amount of 2 million dollars ($2,000,000). Respect ully Su•m. ed by: ^ Reviewed Margaret Underhilla e't�." Deputy Clerk/Planning Coordinator JUN/UL/LUIb/LNU U`1:L,i AIVI Valler & homer PAA 110, UUU JLJ UILu�� WALLER & HOMER Barristers&Solicitors J.WAYNE HOMER,Q.C. 216 KING STREET WEST ALBERT M.WALLER,Q.0 HAMILTON,ONTARIO (1924-1995) L8P 1A9 1975-2016 TEL: 905-525-6120 FAX: 905-525-6127 41 EMAIL: wandb@betnet.ua YEARS OF June rd, 2016 EXCELLENCE VIA FACSIMILE 1-519-866-3884 E-MAIL pshipwaygbayhanLon.ca Municipality of Bayham Box 160, 9344 Plank Road STRAFFORDVILLE, Ontario NQJ 1.X0 Attention: Mr. Paul Shipway • Dear Ladies/ Sirs: RE: Nikolic Purchase from Municipality of Bayharn 24 Pitt Street, Port Burwell, Ontario Part of Market Snare, Plan 12; being Part 4 on Plan 11R-9858; Bayham Closed: May 19 , 2015 With respect to the above-noted matter and the fact that Mr. Nikolic was required by the Municipality of Bayham to carry a $2,000,000.00 liability insurance on the • property (due to an encroachment of the building onto the street line), your name was provided to us by the Municipality of Bayham's solicitor, as the person to write to regarding whether the Municipality of Bayharn would be willing to assist Mr. Nikolic with his insurance costs by consenting to a reduction in the amount of his liability coverage to $1,000,000.00. We would request that you accept this letter as a request for (written) permission to effect such a reduction in the amount of liability coverage to $1,000,000.00. Thank you for reviewing our request. Yours very truly, WALLER&HOMER Per: 1 JW1�/hn�f I. Wayne Homer IVO(11.44 441110.11404006 .. d'Portu Is�o4 5 nity 2017 BUDGET CONSULTATION The Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham is seeking public input for Council consideration on the 2017 Municipal Capital and Operating Budgets. The 2017 Budget Consultation portion of the website is constructed to provide relevant background information for those seeking to provide input on the budgets. The purpose of the consultation is to ensure Council is aware of public input, in an advisory nature, prior to the budgets being deliberated by Council. Public comment obtained during the consultation will be incorporated as an appendix within the Staff Budget Report to Council for Council consideration. Notice of the Budget Consultation which runs from June 1 - August 31, 2016 will be posted on the Municipal website and posted on the Municipal Office and Library notice boards. Notice will also be posted in the summer newsletter in the mail out of August tax bills. Public Consultation input may be submitted by utilizing the '2017 Budget Consultation Form', by email to consultations@bayham.on.ca with the subject line '2017 Budget Consultation' or by hard copy in the municipal office. For additional information, which cannot be found within the consultation documents, please do not hesitate to contact the Municipal Treasurer: Lorne James I C.P.A. I CA I Treasurer E: ljames@bayham.on.ca T: 519-866-5521 PORT BURWELL MASTER DRAINAGE STUDY MUNICIPAL CLASS ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE OF PUBLIC INFORMATION CENTRE The study The Municipality of Bayham has initiated the devel- PORT PORT opment of a master drainage study for Port Burwell BURWELL cOi . ©Rp1NF,NDER SU RS to lay out a long term strategy for the repair and I.N� E¢ 011 replacement of the storm sewer network.The mas- " ter drainage study will be carried out by Meritech Engineering,who have recently identified that the "'9,0 storm sewer system throughout Port Burwell isI!- 0 deficient and does not currently serve the Munici- pality's or its residents' needs. 39 ; cN The purposes of the study are to investigate '94`9 " a f"" mF alternatives for storm drainage in Port Burwell and produce a master drainage plan that will guide the Municipality to a future storm drainage network(pipes and outlets)that will be able to serve the Municipality's and residents' needs.The study will enable the Municipality of Bayham to identify opportunities to repair/replace the storm sewer network together with road repair and reconstruction projects.The study area includes most of Port Burwell. The study was authorized by Bayham Council on December 17,2015 and will follow the Master Plan process described in the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment(MCEA) manual,October 2000,as amended 2007&2011.The study is being undertaken as a Schedule C project. We want to hear from you Public consultation is a key part of this study.The proposed consultation plan provides for public infor- mation centres at two points in the study:Spring 2016—to review the problem statements; and early Fall 2016—to review preliminary alternatives and examine the recommended design.In addition,there will be an opportunity to review the final Master Drainage Study report prior to completion. The first public information centre(PIC)will be held on Date:Saturday June 18,2016 Time:1:00 to 3:00 pm Location:Port Burwell Public School,Gymnasium Study contacts All those with an interest in the study are urged to attend.If you have any questions or wish to be added to the study mailing list,please contact: Project Manager: Mr.Paul Shipway,CAO Consultant: Ms.Amanda Froese,P.Eng.FEC Municipality of Bayham Meritech Engineering 9344 Plank Road 1315 Bishop Street North,Suite 202 Straffordville,ON NOJ 1Y0 Cambridge,ON N1R 6Z2 (519)866.5521 (519)623.1140 pshipway@bayham.on.ca amandaf@meritech.ca 8c ,4011P- E1ginC . June 1 , 2016 For immediate release Periscope Playhouse Approved For Elgincentives Grant CENTRAL ELGIN, ON — Elgin County Economic Development is pleased to announce that the Periscope Playhouse in Port Burwell has recently been approved for several Elgincentives Community Improvement Plan (CIP) grants. Periscope Playhouse received $12,641 in Property Improvement and Building Improvement Grants. These funds will be used to install new washrooms and an HVAC system, and to do upgrades to the parking lot including a paved entrance ramp for increased accessibility. "The building renovations will accommodate a theatre but also give the flexibility to offer a local venue for meetings, seminars and other educational and cultural activities. The theatre is quickly becoming a primary and positive social focus in the municipality." -Leslie Chilcott, Operations Committee Member, Periscope Playhouse The Elgincentives CIP offers financial incentives to businesses that cover up to 50% of eligible costs to a maximum of $15,000 per project. Businesses will qualify for Elgincentives provided that they meet certain criteria and are located in one of the following areas: Downtowns; agricultural areas; and, ports and lakeshore areas. Grants are available for facade, signage, and property improvements; building improvements/restorations; building conversions/expansions; energy efficiency retrofits; feasibility and design studies; and outdoor art projects. Supplemental grants are available for multiple property owners or tenants looking to implement a coordinated approach to improvement projects and to members of the Savour Elgin and Elgin Arts Trail programs. Please see the attached Elgincentives brochure to see if your project qualifies. For more information about the Elgincentives Community Improvement Plan or to download an application visit www.elgincentives.ca, e-mail jdias@elgin.ca or call 519-631-1460 ext. 168. -30- For further information contact: Justin Dias Business Development Coordinator County of Elgin Phone: (519) 631-1460 Ext. 137 jdias@elgin.ca Progressive by Nature News Release from Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing Ontario Passes Legislation to Allow Ranked Ballot Option for Municipal Elections June 7, 2016 Province Modernizes Municipal Elections Today Ontario passed legislation to give municipalities the option of using ranked ballots in future municipal elections, beginning in 2018. The Municipal Elections Modernization Act, 2016 reforms the Municipal Elections Act. It will increase transparency and accountability by: • Making campaign finance rules clearer and easier to follow for voters, candidates and contributors • Banning corporate and union contributions to candidates • Creating a framework to regulate third-party advertising, including contribution and spending limits, and to define third-party advertising as advertisements supporting or opposing a candidate • Shortening the length of campaigns by opening nominations for candidates on May 1 instead of January 1 • Requiring the municipal clerk to prepare a plan regarding the identification, removal and prevention of barriers that could affect electors and candidates with disabilities • Making it easier to add or change certain information on the voters' list. Enhancing transparency and accountability and allowing more choice in municipal elections is part of the government's economic plan to build Ontario up and deliver on its number-one priority - growing the economy and creating jobs. The four-part plan includes investing in talent and skills, including helping more people get and create the jobs of the future by expanding access to high-quality college and university education. The plan is also making the largest investment in public infrastructure in Ontario's history and investing in a low-carbon economy driven by innovative, high-growth, export-oriented businesses. The plan is also helping working Ontarians achieve a more secure retirement. ontario.ca/municipalelections QUICK FACTS • No Canadian jurisdiction currently uses ranked ballots. • A public review of the Municipal Elections Act took place between May 2015 and July 2015. The Municipal Elections Modernization Act, 2016 is based on input from across Ontario, including more than 3,400 submissions from the public, municipal councils and staff. • There are 444 municipalities in Ontario. LONG POINT REGION CONSERVATION AUTHORITY BOARD OF DIRECTORS MINUTES - May 4th, 2016 (as approved at the Board of Directors meeting held June 1, 2016) Members in attendance: Leroy Bartlett, Doug Brunton, Robert Chambers, Michael Columbus, Roger Geysens, Noel Haydt, David Hayes, Tom Southwick and John Scholten Staff in attendance: C. Evanitski, J. Robertson, J. Maxwell, D. Holmes, L. Minshall, P. Gagnon, B Hodi and D. McLachlan Regrets: Dave Beres and Craig Grice The LPRCA Chair called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm Wednesday, May 4th, 2016 in the Tillsonburg Administration Office Boardroom. ADDITIONAL AGENDA ITEMS MOTION A-66/16 moved: J. Scholten seconded: L. Bartlett THAT the LPRCA Board of Directors add "an item dealing with litigation or potential litigation"under the in-camera session as item 1 (a) to the May 4th, 2016 agenda. CARRIED DISCLOSURES OF INTEREST None DEPUTATIONS None MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS MOTION A-67/16 moved: L. Bartlett seconded: N. Haydt THAT the minutes of the LPRCA Board of Directors Regular Meeting held April 6th, 2016 be adopted as circulated. CARRIED FULL AUTHORITY COMMITTEE MEMBERS Leroy Bartlett, Dave Beres, Doug Brunton, Robert Chambers, Michael Columbus, Roger Geysens, Craig Grice, Noel Haydt, David Hayes, John Scholten, Tom Southwick - 1 - T. Southwick informed the Board that the East Beach Restoration Project funded by the Great Lakes Guardian Community Fund is not proceeding as per resolution by Bayham Council. BUSINESS ARISING a) LPRCA Conservation Stewardship Award Staff developed and presented an application process and terms of reference for the new LPRCA Conservation Stewardship Award to be presented annually at the Annual General Meeting. The initial start-up costs would be approximately $800 to $1000 and $200 to $400 annually. There were no questions or comments MOTION A-68/16 moved: L. Bartlett seconded: N. Haydt THAT the LPRCA Board of Directors approves the nomination form and terms of reference for the new Long Point Region Conservation Stewardship Award. CARRIED REVIEW OF COMMITTEE MINUTES MOTION A-69/16 moved: N. Haydt seconded: L. Bartlett THAT the minutes from the Backus Museum Committee meeting of February 8th, 2016 and the Lee Brown Marsh Management Committee meeting of December 18th, 2015 be received as information. CARRIED It was noted that a volunteer member of the Backus Museum Committee has resigned and the Committee has since discussed reducing membership. CORRESPONDENCE In reference to the letter re: Conservation Authorities Act Review from the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF), the GM has been invited to participate in a Conservation Authorities Act Review Working Group this month. MOTION A-70/16 moved: L. Bartlett seconded: J. Scholten THAT the correspondence outlined in the Board of Directors'Agenda of May 4th, 2016 be received as information. CARRIED FULL AUTHORITY COMMITTEE MEMBERS Leroy Bartlett, Dave Beres, Doug Brunton, Robert Chambers, Michael Columbus, Roger Geysens, Craig Grice, Noel Haydt, David Hayes, John Scholten, Tom Southwick - 2 - DEVELOPMENT APPLICATIONS a) Staff Approved applications Planning staff approved 20 applications over the past month. MOTION A-71/16 moved: R. Chambers seconded: N. Haydt That the LPRCA Board of Directors receives the Staff Approved Section 28 Regulation Applications report dated May 4th, 2016 as information. CARRIED b) New Applications The Planning Department recommended the approval of three applications. L. Minshall reviewed the applications detailing the reasons for recommendation. MOTION A-72/16 moved: D. Hayes seconded: R. Geysens THAT the LPRCA Board of Directors approves the following Development Applications contained within the background section of the report: A. For Work under Section 28 Regulations, Development, Interference with Wetlands & Alterations to Shorelines and Watercourses Regulations (R.R.O. 1990 Reg. 178/06), LPRCA-59/16 LPRCA-60/16 LPRCA-62/16 B. That the designated officers of LPRCA be authorized to complete the approval process for this Development Application, as far as it relates to LPRCA's mandate and related Regulations. CARRIED NEW BUSINESS a) CALENDAR REVIEW Staff will be participating in two children's water festivals this month, the first is Brantford/Brant at Mohawk Park May 17-19 and the second is Haldimand at Taquanyah CA May 25-26. J. Robertson presented the park information/brochure distribution list and requested suggestions for further distribution locations from the Board. FULL AUTHORITY COMMITTEE MEMBERS Leroy Bartlett, Dave Beres, Doug Brunton, Robert Chambers, Michael Columbus, Roger Geysens, Craig Grice, Noel Haydt, David Hayes, John Scholten, Tom Southwick - 3 - MOTION A-73/16 moved: D. Brunton seconded: R. Geysens THAT the LPRCA Board of Directors receives the May Calendar Review Report as information. CARRIED b) GENERAL MANAGER'S REPORT The GM reported that seasonal campers have begun to move into the parks and park staff have been asked to become actively engaged in their respective campers associations. The recent fundraising events held at both Backus and Camp Trillium were deemed great successes. MOTION A-74/16 moved: D. Hayes seconded: R. Geysens THAT the LPRCA Board of Directors receives the General Manager's Report for April 2016 as information. CARRIED c) VITTORIA EA PROCESS REPORT As per the Dam Safety Review, a Class Environmental Assessment (EA) is required for the Vittoria Dam. The Class EA will evaluate and identify options for the dam including: 1) do nothing, 2) rebuild, 3) repair, 4) modify or 5) decommission the structure. Staff proposed to do much of the Class EA work in-house except where additional expertise is required. LPRCA has recently been notified that the Water and Erosion Control Infrastructure Program (WECI) has granted $50,000 to match funds approved in the 2016 budget for the Class EA study of Vittoria Dam. The project must be completed by March 31 , 2017. MOTION A-75/16 moved: J. Scholten seconded: N. Haydt That the LPRCA Board of Directors directs staff to proceed with the Vittoria Dam Environmental Assessment project based on the in-house approach outlined in the staff report. CARRIED d) REGULATIONS OFFICER APPOINTMENT L. Bower recently completed the Basic Law Enforcement/Conservation Authority Compliance Training organized by the MNRF and Conservation Ontario, and is now eligible to be appointed as a Regulations Officer to enforce the regulations under FULL AUTHORITY COMMITTEE MEMBERS Leroy Bartlett, Dave Beres, Doug Brunton, Robert Chambers, Michael Columbus, Roger Geysens, Craig Grice, Noel Haydt, David Hayes, John Scholten, Tom Southwick - 4 - Section 28. L Bower will be replacing J. Miller who has left the organization; she will work with B. Hodi who is also a current Regulations Officer. MOTION A-76/16 moved: R. Geysens seconded: D. Hayes THAT the LPRCA Board of Directors appoints Leigh-Anne Bower, Planning Technician, as an LPRCA Regulations Officer to enforce any regulation made under Section 28 of the Conservation Authorities Act. CARRIED e) PROVINCIAL OFFENCES OFFICER APPOINTMENT P. Walther-Mabee recently completed the Basic Law Enforcement/Conservation Authority Compliance Training Level 1 organized by the MNRF and Conservation Ontario, and is now eligible to be appointed as a Provincial Offences Officer under Section 29 of the Conservation Authorities Act. The addition of Ms. Walther-Mabee brings the total of Provincial Offences Officers at LPRCA to four including D. Holmes. MOTION A-77/16 moved: D. Brunton seconded: Roger Geysens THAT the LPRCA Board of Directors designates Pamela Walther-Mabee as a Provincial Offences Officer in accordance with the Provincial Offences Act for the purpose of enforcing Section 29 of the Conservation Authorities Act, plus all the applicable legislation. CARRIED f) FIRST QUARTER FINANCIAL REPORT There were no adjustments required to the budget during the first quarter but since April 1st a couple of items require adjusting. 1) Septic charges to the parks will be higher than anticipated based on the recent tendering process; and 2) the capital budget has been adjusted to remove the shoreline mapping project for Norfolk County. Staff reviewed the report and responded to questions. It was requested that the purchased services at the parks be detailed further. The Chair and GM met with Norfolk County staff to discuss options for the Waterford North CA gatehouse. The discussions are ongoing. MOTION A-78/16 moved: L. Bartlett seconded: J. Scholten THAT the LPRCA Board of Directors receives the 1st Quarter, 2016 Budget Performance Report as information. CARRIED FULL AUTHORITY COMMITTEE MEMBERS Leroy Bartlett, Dave Beres, Doug Brunton, Robert Chambers, Michael Columbus, Roger Geysens, Craig Grice, Noel Haydt, David Hayes, John Scholten, Tom Southwick - 5 - g) APPENDIX — PUBLIC FORESTRY INCOME STATEMENT A report had been brought to the Board at the last meeting regarding the revenue and expenses of the Public Forestry Department. There was concern regarding some of the expenses within the department and staff was directed to research cost-savings options. Staff noted that the costs for ecological studies have been trending down due to increased staff knowledge/training. MOTION A-79/16 moved: N. Haydt seconded: L. Bartlett That the LPRCA Board of Directors does now enter into an "In Camera"session to discuss: O litigation or potential litigation, including matters affecting the Conservation Authority CARRIED MOTION A-80/16 moved: D. Hayes seconded: R. Geysens That the LPRCA Board of Directors does now adjourn from the "In Camera"session. CARRIED MOTION A-81/16 moved: T. Southwick seconded: D. Brunton THAT the LPRCA Board of Directors receives the GM's verbal report regarding a potential litigation matter as information. CARRIED The Chair adjourned the meeting at 9:05pm. Michael Columbus Dana McLachlan Chair Administrative Assistant FULL AUTHORITY COMMITTEE MEMBERS Leroy Bartlett, Dave Beres, Doug Brunton, Robert Chambers, Michael Columbus, Roger Geysens, Craig Grice, Noel Haydt, David Hayes, John Scholten, Tom Southwick - 6 - O.P.P. Municipal Policing Bureau Ontario Police Bureau des services policiers des municipalites Provincial provinciale Police de ('Ontario 777 Memorial Ave. 777,ave Memorial Orillia ON L3V 7V3 Orillia(ON) L3V 7V3 Tel: (705)329-6200 Fax: (705)330-4191 File number/Reference: 612-20 June 01, 2016 Mayor/CAO, It has been a pleasure for us to help you accomplish your policing responsibilities and keeping your community safe over the years, and we look forward to providing you high value policing service in 2016 and beyond. In this letter, I would like to highlight for you some of the 2016 initiatives we are undertaking and inform you of some of the projects Municipal Policing Bureau (MPB) will be focusing on this year. New MPB Twitter account AOPP Mun Pol In 2016, MPB's commitment is to enhance our communication with your municipality using effective, innovative means of communication. The Bureau recently launched a Twitter account (@OPP_Mun_Pol) to provide municipalities like yours with an opportunity to stay up-to-date with the MPB initiatives and announcements. At the same time, our Bureau will be using Twitter to post additional information/materials and answer questions you might have. If your municipality does not have a Twitter account, it is recommended to set up one up on your desktop or your mobile device and start following us at @OPP_Mun_Pol. For additional information on how to sign up with Twitter, please visit Twitter Support Page. Alternatively, you may enter @OPP_Mun_Pol in your search browser (i.e. Google Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer). Redesign of the www.OPP.ca With the recent redesign of the OPP website, our Bureau will continue to upload materials which will help in providing detailed explanation on the billing model, contract proposal process and policing costs in general. Please take the time to review the MPB page of the website (www.OPP.ca/Who we are/Municipal Policing Bureau). In addition, the MPB will notify all our Twitter followers once new materials are uploaded on our website. Posting of the 2015-2016 municipal policing costs on www.OPP.ca Based on feedback received from many municipalities, and in keeping with our renewed commitment to educate, inform, and be transparent on OPP municipal policing billing practices, the OPP will be posting the 2015 and 2016 policing costs for all OPP policed municipalities on www.OPP.ca/Who we are/Municipal Policing Bureau. Municipal portal initiative We are currently at the design stage for creating a communication portal with all 323 municipalities policed by the OPP. The ability to communicate regularly and in a timely manner with such a large number of clients using conventional means, like regular mail, has its limitations. In keeping with the OPP's drive to innovate and be more efficient, my intention is to develop an online correspondence delivery system that allows all of us to communicate with you in a more efficient and effective way. This online portal will have individual municipal access and serve as a delivery mechanism for all the correspondence with municipalities like yours going forward. i.e. annual billing statements, letters, reminders etc. The OPP Contract Proposal Process As you are aware, the Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services lifted the moratorium on costings on November 1, 2015 and the OPP has started providing contract proposals as requested. There are currently 10 municipalities in the queue for costing proposals. The contract proposal process was designed not to affect the municipal policing cost of the existing OPP-policed municipalities. A detailed Information Manual that provides more information on the OPP contract proposal/amalgamation process can be found at www.OPP.ca/Who we are/Municipal Policing Bureau. New CFS Billing Summary Report In addition to the OPP launching the Polices Services Board reporting tool earlier in 2015, MPB recently launched the Calls for Service (CFS) Billing Summary Report. If you haven't seen it by now your local civilian governance body likely has. The report, available from your local OPP detachment Commander, ensures timely information to municipalities pertaining to the `billable' CFS in their municipality. Please discuss with your Detachment Commander and your civilian governance body (if any) for the possibility of reviewing the report. Please send us your feedback on these new initiatives by email at OPP.MunicipalPolicing@opp.ca. We look forward to hearing from your municipality on these initiatives and our fruitful collaboration in the future. The OPP is committed to work diligently with municipal stakeholders to ensure effective, efficient and sustainable police service delivery in Ontario. Thank you again. Sincerely, M.M.(Marc) Bedard Superintendent Commander, Municipal Policing Bureau Email OPP.MunicipalPolicing@opp.ca Twitter @OPP_Mun_Pol /nv 2 Ontario Police O.p.p Municipal Policing Bureau Provincial provinciale —1- Bureau des services policiers des municipalites xt ft Police de I'Ontario 777 Memorial Ave. 777,avenue Memorial Orillia ON L3V 7V3 Orillia ON L3V 7V3 Tel: 705 329-6200 Tel. :705 329-6200 Fax:705 330-4191 Telec.:705 330-4191 File Reference:612-20 June 7, 2016 Attn: Municipal CAOs and Mayors RE: New Report Available Related to Current Billable Calls for Service(CFS) In follow-up to the 2016 initiatives letter dated June Pt,2016,the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) Municipal Policing Bureau has rolled out a new report called the Calls for Service(CFS)Billing Summary Report. Under the OPP billing model,the number of billable occurrences has an impact on the amount a municipality pays on the CFS portion of their annual billing statement. Police officers perform a variety of duties and respond to many different types of situations. Only a portion of these duties, deemed to be reactive in nature, are included in the CFS portion of a municipality's annual billing statement. The CFS Billing Summary Report captures current activity for billable occurrences grouped and weighted by their respective time standard in a manner similar to the annual statement. With the CFS Billing Summary Report,Detachment Commanders are able to view current activity, comparing it to the same period in the previous year to take a quick snapshot of"billable"CFS in the municipality. This report is meant to be shared by detachment representatives with OPP-policed municipalities through their Police Services Boards(PSB), Community Policing Advisory Committees (CPAC) and/or municipal councils. It must be recognized that this is only one of several tools and/or reports available to understand policing activity in a municipality. On the back side of this memo you will find some Frequently Asked Questions about the CFS Billing Summary Report. This report, combined with other tools and/or reports, can assist detachment commanders in identifying the types of calls that may be contributing to reactive CFS and impacting policing costs. The development of this report supports the OPP's commitment to provide clear and transparent information to municipalities about the delivery of OPP municipal policing services. Yours truly, / 1 7 iAttee........---f l�"r f M.M. (Marc)Bedard Superintendent Commander, Municipal Policing Bureau ald/ Frequently Asked Questions Q. What is the difference between the CFS Billing Summary report and the Police Services Board report? The PSB report consists of four components, one of which being crime data from Niche RMS. The crime report is similar to the CFS Billing summary but different. Billable occurrence reporting has unique characteristics unlike any of the OPP's other statistical methods including: • Count of reported occurrences instead of actual occurrences (reported in the Police Services Board Crime report). • Excludes occurrences reported through on-line reporting methods. • Offences included in the billing categories vary from traditional reporting categories (originating from Statistics Canada) despite similar naming conventions. • Does not include ALL occurrences municipal officers attend. • Does not include occurrences in First Nations, provincial areas or unorganized territories. • The PSB Report is managed and supported by Business Management Bureau. The CFS Billing Summary Report is managed and supported by Municipal Policing Bureau. Q. Why are reported occurrences used instead of actual occurrences? Reported occurrences are the sum of all actual and unfounded occurrences reported to police. Reported occurrences invoke police resources, whether the reported offence was actually committed or not. As police are still required to investigate 'unfounded' occurrences and still invoke a police response, they are counted for billing purposes. Q. Where can I get this report from? CFS Billing Summary reports can be requested from your Detachment Commander. Q. Are calls for service in First Nation or provincial areas (Provincial parks, highways) included in the counts? The CFS Billing Summary report counts only occurrences that occur in one of the 323 municipalities policed by the OPP. It does not include occurrences in provincial areas (including First Nation, unincorporated territories or provincial park areas) that OPP members are mandated to police. Location of the occurrence is determined by the occurrence address. Subject: Notification of Environmental Registry Posting of proposed Wildland Fire Risk Assessment and Mitigation: A Guidebook in support of Provincial Policy Statement, 2014 This email is being sent on behalf of Jason Travers. I am pleased to inform you that the document entitled Wildland Fire Risk Assessment and Mitigation: A Guidebook in support of the Provincial Policy Statement, 2014 -DRAFT(draft Wildland Fire Risk Assessment and Mitigation Guidebook) has been prepared by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF),to support the implementation of the wildland fire policy in the Provincial Policy Statement, 2014(PPS, 2014). The document is posted on the Environmental Registry (www.ebr.gov.on.ca, ER posting number 012- 7075)for a 45 day period,which extends until July 22, 2016. The PPS, 2014 includes a new natural hazards policy regarding wildland fire. Policy 3.1.8 of the PPS, 2014 requires that development shall generally be directed to areas outside of lands that are unsafe for development due to the presence of hazardous forest types for wildland fire, however it may be permitted on these lands where the risk is mitigated in accordance with wildland fire assessment and mitigation standards identified by MNRF. The draft Wildland Fire Risk Assessment and Mitigation Guidebook outlines MNRF's proposed wildland fire risk assessment and mitigation standards that support the PPS, 2014, and promotes decisions that are consistent with it. It provides the policy context, background information, and approaches to wildland fire risk assessment and mitigation. I invite you to review and provide comments on the draft Wildland Fire Risk Assessment and Mitigation Guidebook by July 22, 2016 in order for your input to be considered prior to the finalization of this guidance document. In support of the review of the draft Wildland Fire Risk Assessment and Mitigation Guidebook, we are offering two webcast sessions in the coming weeks which will provide an overview of the draft Wildland Fire Risk Assessment and Mitigation Guidebook, (both sessions will cover the same content). We encourage you and/or your planning staff, emergency management staff, and Chief Building Officials, as applicable,to participate in one of these sessions. The following links (one link for each session) offer further details regarding the webinar sessions, including registration information: http://wwwl.webcastcanada.ca/events/registration/5161mnrf.php http://wwwl.webcastcanada.ca/events/registration/5162mnrf.php We would also like to take this opportunity to make you aware that MNRF has produced province-wide generalized data for the identification of potential hazardous forest types for wildland fire to support implementation of policy 3.1.8 of the PPS, 2014. The data set, called "Fire - Potential Hazardous Forest Types for Wildland Fire" is intended to indicate areas with the greatest potential for risks associated with high to extreme wildland fire. The geospatial data set is available to download from Land Information Ontario (LIO) for use in GIS mapping applications. The draft Wildland Fire Risk Assessment and Mitigation Guidebook includes a description of the data and its intended use. For further information regarding the Environmental Registry posting of the draft Wildland Fire Risk Assessment and Mitigation Guidebook please contact me or Katie Novacek at katie.novacek@ontario.ca or 705-755-5628. Sincerely, Jason Travers Director Natural Resources Conservation Policy Branch Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry 300 Water Street, 2 South Tower Peterborough, ON K9J 8M5 Telephone: 705-755-1241 Email: jason.travers@ontario.ca ((orporatron of'C in g Jvs. Lôurn ofAmftertnbar June 6, 2016 VIA EMAIL The Honourable Kathleen O. Wynne Premier of Ontario Queen's Park, Rm. 281 Main Legislative Building Toronto, ON M7A 1A1 Dear Premier Wynne, Please be advised that at its meeting held on May 24th, 2016, Amherstburg Town Council passed the following motion: Resolution # 20160524-237 - That Council SUPPORT the Town of Shelburne's resolution regarding cutbacks to behavioral therapy for children affected by Autism Spectrum Disorder. Regards, Tammy Fowkes Deputy Clerk cc: Hon. Tracy MacCharles - Minister of Children and Youth Services Alexander Bezzina — Deputy Minister Hon. Eric Hoskins — Minister of Health Taras Natyshak — MPP, Essex Tracey Ramsey - MP, Essex Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) Ontario Municipalities Attached: Town of Shelburne's letter re: Cutbacks to Behavioral Therapy Website: www.amherstburg.ca 271 SANDWICH ST. SOUTH,AMHERSTBURG, ONTARIO N9V 2A5 Phone: (519) 736-0012 Fax: (519)736-5403 TTY: (519)736-9860 .R TOWN OF SHELBURNE n r. k COUNCIL RESOLUTION eire.(..: ri No. 10 Date: May 9, 2016 Moved by: Wade Mills Seconded by: Dan Sample WHEREAS, Autism Spectrum Disorder is now recognized as the most common neurological disorder affecting 1 in every 94 children, as well as their friends, family and community; and WHEREAS, Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) is the scientific process based on objective evaluation and empirically based interventions used to achieve meaningful, generalizable and enduring behaviourial change. Intensive Behavioural Intervention (IBI) is an application of the principles of ABA in an intensive setting used to affect behaviour change and improvement; and WHEREAS, the current waiting list of children for Intensive Behaviour Intervention (IBI) is over 2,000 and more than 13,000 children await Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA); and WHEREAS, the Province of Ontario has announced it intends to discontinue IBI services to children over the age of four and provide a one-time payment to assist with services, thereby abandoning thousands who have been wait-listed for years; and WHEREAS, there are two service models for affected children to be treated, 1)the Direct Service Offering (DSO)where children receive services directly from trained staff at Ontario's nine regional service providers, and 2)the Direct Funding Offering (DFO)where parents receive funding directly in order to purchase services; and WHEREAS, the DFO model to provide services is used in Alberta, British Columbia and imminently Saskatchewan. Such a model is clinically rigorous and has been identified by the Auditor General of Ontario as being less expensive than Ontario's DSO model; THEREFORE, be it resolved that a letter be sent to Hon. Tracy MacCharles, Minister of Children and Youth Services; Alexander Bezzina, Deputy Minister; Hon. Eric Hoskins, Minister of Health; and Hon. Kathleen Wynne, Premier of Ontario, requesting the Province to: 1. Amend its policy to one that will allow all children on the current waiting list to receive the IBI services promised them; and 2. Remove the age limit for IBI therapy and replace it with a program that provides ongoing IBI services based on need and individual development, not age; and 3. Ensure oversight by professionals and parents based on `development progress' criteria and milestones; and 4. Adopt a Direct Funding Offering (DFO) model in lieu of the current Direct Service Offering (DSO) model; AND FURTHER THAT a copy of this resolution be forwarded to all municipalities within the Province of Ontario. CARRIED: K. Bennington Requested Vote to be recorded [ X ] Yes [ ] No Yea Nay Mayor Bennington [ X ] [ ] Councillor Benotto [ X ] [ l Councillor Chambers [ Absent ] [ ] Deputy Mayor Dunlop [ X ] [ ] Councillor Egan [Absent ] [ ] Councillor Mills [ X ] [ ] Councillor Sample [ X ] [ ] oJ��.,Es.ro TOWNSHIP OF SOUTH — WEST OXFORD ,� JILL �. R. R. # 1, Mount Elgin, On. NOJ 1NO e 312915 Dereham Line iv 9q Phone: (519) 877-2702; (519) 485-0477; Fax: (519) 485-2932 Thursday, June 2, 2016 Rural Ontario Municipal Association Attn: Chairperson Ronald Holdman 200 University Avenue Suite 801 Toronto, ON M5H 3C6 Dear Board of Directors: The Council of the Township of South-West Oxford duly moved and carried the following resolution at the regular council meeting held on May 17, 2016: Resolved that staff be directed to write a letter to ROMA indicating the Township's opposition to the division of the Conferences and that this be sent to all municipalities in Ontario, AMO and Oxford MPP Ernie Hardeman. Council has expressed concern that two separate conferences...only weeks apart...will have a negative impact on resources without a significant improvement in results. Provincial Ministers and support staff, Members of Provincial Parliament, Council members, municipal staff, vendors as well those sponsoring the conferences will see a doubling of costs as there is now an expectation to appear at two separate events. The previous partnership provided diversity of content while streamlining costs between two important groups. Council does not see what efficiencies are to be gained by splitting the conferences. There has always been the opportunity to address Rural Ontario issues at the combined conference. It is questionable whether a separate conference will offer rural municipalities a clearer voice when dealing with the Province or other agencies or provide better educational opportunities to members. Diversity in a conference offers a great deal to the participants to bring back to their communities. Council is hopeful that the ROMA Board of Directors will reconsider and reunite with OGRA for future conferences. Yours truly, 41,l .. � :; I - Mary`EI en Greb, CAO A leader in the development and delivery of municipal services for the growth&well being of our community (irb May 30, 2016 tta�wa The Honourable Bob Chiarelli Minister of Energy 4th Floor, Hearst Block 900 Bay Street Toronto, Ontario M7A 2E1 RE: Municipal Role in the Siting of Wind Power Projects Dear Minister Chiarelli: As Chair of the Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee and on behalf of the City of Ottawa Council, I am writing to forward a recent resolution (attached) that was passed unanimously by Council on May 11, 2016 regarding the renewable energy development process, specifically with regard to wind power projects. As you know, the City of Ottawa has a unique geography that includes a large portion of rural lands, which is a draw for wind power developers. Given that municipal governments are responsible for local planning matters, and since wind power projects have significant implications in the planning process, the City of Ottawa believes that renewable energy projects should go through the existing planning framework that takes Ottawa's Official Plan, community sustainability, and input of the community into consideration. However, the current municipal role is designed to be consultative, and lacks any decision-making authority. Therefore, we would like to request that the Province of Ontario make the necessary legislative and/or regulatory changes to grant municipalities a substantive and meaningful role in siting wind power projects and that the "Municipal Support Resolution" becomes a mandatory requirement in the IESO (Independent Electricity System Operator) process. I trust that we can work together to ensure that municipalities are given a role on these projects in keeping with the spirit of the Planning Act. Sincerely, Scott Moffatt Councillor Rideau-Goulbourn cc: Chair of the Board and President of IESO Association of Municipalities of Ontario Rural Ontario Municipal Association Municipalities of Ontario Shaping our future together City Council Conseil municipal Ensemble, formonsnotreavenirCity of Ottawa Ville d'Ottawa 110 Laurier Avenue West, 110,avenue Laurier Quest, Ottawa,ON K1P 1J1 Ottawa,ON K1P 1J1 OTTAWA CITY COUNCIL 21 DISPOSITION 31 WEDNESDAY, 11 MAY 2016 REVISED BULK CONSENT AGENDA AGRICULTURE AND RURAL AFFAIRS COMMITTEE REPORT 16 A. SITING OF WIND POWER PROJECTS COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS That Council: 1. Ask the Province of Ontario to make the necessary legislative and/or regulatory changes to provide municipalities with a substantive and meaningful role in siting wind power projects and that the "Municipal Support Resolution" becomes a mandatory requirement in the IESO (Independent Electricity System Operator) process. 2. Fo and this resolution to the Chair of the Board and President of IESO (Independent Electricity System Operator), the Minister of Energy, AMO (Association of Municipalities of Ontario), ROMA (Rural Ontario Municipal Association) and all municipalities, within the Province. CARRIED June 6, 2016 Mayor Ens and Members of Council, The Straffordville Hall Committee is planning a Community Yard Sale Fundraiser for Saturday August 20, 2016. This fundraiser coincides with the Talbot Trail of Yard Sales event that is advertised through Elgin County Tourism. We are formally requesting the full use of the SCC parking lot from approx 7:30am - 4:00pm as the location for this fundraising event. We are also seeking permission to use four picnic tables from the pavilion and have access to hydro from the ball diamond for our food tent that day. If Council is agreeable, our committee would request that we are able to submit flyers for this event to municipal staff to be included in the envelopes of the next utility statements as a means to notify all residents. We look forward to this event and are hopeful that Council will approve this request and continue their support for our fundraising efforts for the SCC. Best Regards, Marni Wolfe c/o The Straffordville Hall Committee -g,AYHAA,z • REPORT ,4erirr 41= IP 4"y CAO Apbul'tunity IsIto TO: Mayor & Members of Council FROM: Paul Shipway, CAO DATE: June 16, 2016 REPORT: CAO-38/16 SUBJECT: STRAFFORDVILLE COMMUNITY CENTRE OPERATING AGREEMENT - DRAFT BACKGROUND On January 21, 2016 the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham passed the following resolution: THAT Council provide staff direction to develop a management agreement for the Straffordville Community Centre based on the Registered Not-for-Profit model/Registered Entity model and return to Council for review. DISCUSSION The Draft Operating & Maintenance Lease Agreement, attached hereto as Appendix 'A', was crafted with the assistance and guidance of the Municipal Solicitor. The goal of the agreement is to provide policies and procedures to avoid confusion during the term of the agreement and ensure all parties are accountable in an attempt to mitigate liability, while providing excellent service, for all parties involved. The contract implements the requirements of the Facility Booking Clerk and Janitorial Roles within the same and ensures the roles are conducted in a manner that provides the required municipal and volunteer due diligence. Council previously passed By-law No. 2014-082, being a by-law to adopt a policy for the operation and management of the Straffordville and Vienna Community Centre facilities. The contracts of the Facility Booking Clerk, Janitor and now the proposed Operating and Maintenance Agreement implements the requirements of said policy and staff would recommend repealing By-law No. 2014-082, a copy of which is attached hereto as Appendix 'B'. Other than operating in compliance with the requirements of the aforementioned roles, policies and procedures the proposed agreement requires volunteers, conducting actions under the agreement, be formal members in good standing of the proposed group and provide insurance for said actions. Although the cost of insurance for the group will be dependent upon the final version of the agreement and the insurance provider it is estimated at approximately $2,000/year by the Municipal Insurer. The proposed agreement will require minor tweaks once the group determines the method by which it will incorporate. RECOMMENDATION 1. THAT Report CAO-38/16 re Straffordville Community Centre Operating Agreement - Draft be received for information; 2. AND THAT Council direct staff to bring forward a By-law to repeal By-law No. 2014-082 for Council consideration. 3. AND THAT Council provide staff direction. Respectfully Submitted by: Paul Shipway CAO OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE LEASE AGREEMENT This Operating and Maintenance Lease made XX, XXXX, 2016: BETWEEN: THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM (the "Landlord") - and - XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (the "Tenant") WHEREAS the Landlord is a duly incorporated lower-tier municipality in the province of Ontario within the meaning of the Municipal Act, 2001 SO 2001 c 25, Canada, which is governed by Mayor and Council (hereinafter, "Municipal Council") and operated by administration; AND WHEREAS the Tenant is [not-for profit charity corporation] incorporated pursuant to [name of either provincial or federal legislation]; AND WHEREAS the Landlord is the registered owner of property municipally known as 56169 Heritage Line, Straffordville, ON NOJ 1Y0 (hereinafter, "the Property"); AND WHEREAS the Landlord owns a building on the property known as the Straffordville Community Centre that is used by the general public for community, social, and recreational activities; AND WHEREAS the Tenant intends to operate and manage access to the Community Centre, as directed by the Landlord, situated on the Property, providing community, social and recreational activities, which contributes to the general wellbeing of the community; AND WHEREAS the Landlord and the Tenant have agreed to enter into this Operating Lease Agreement to set out the terms by which the Landlord will permit the Tenant to operate Straffordville Community Centre and to set out the responsibilities for maintenance and management of the Straffordville Community Centre between the Parties; AND WHEREAS the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) of the Landlord is authorized by Municipal Council to administer this Agreement in its entirety on the Landlord's behalf, once this Agreement is endorsed by Municipal Council; AND WHEREAS the Tenant's Chief Executive Officer (CEO) is authorized by the Tenant to administer this Agreement on its behalf, once it has endorsed this Agreement; and NOW THEREFORE THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSETH THAT, in consideration of the payment of the sum of TWO DOLLARS ($2.00)from each Party to the other and for other good and valuable consideration, including the mutual covenants contained herein, including the access and occupancy rights granted to the Tenant in consideration for operation and maintenance services granted to the Landlord, the Parties hereby covenant and agree as follows: Section 1 - Recitals 1.1 The above recitals are true and are hereby incorporated into this Agreement by reference. Section 2 - Definitions 2.1 In addition to terms defined elsewhere in this Agreement, the following terms have the following meanings: a. "Agreement" shall mean this Agreement, as it may be confirmed, amended, modified, supplemented or restated by written agreement between the Parties. b. "Business Day" shall mean any day excluding a Saturday, Sunday or statutory holiday in the Province of Ontario. c. "Communication"shall mean any notice, demand, request, consent, approval or other communication which is required or permitted by this Agreement to be given or made by a Party. d. "Community Partners" shall mean not-for-profit community organizations, or community organizations with a formal structure and mandate that provide funds or services on a volunteer basis for the good of the community. e. "Members" shall mean persons classified as members in accordance with the by- laws of the Tenant. f. "Parties" shall mean the Landlord and the Tenant collectively and "Party" means any one of them. g. "Trade Fixtures" shall mean the plumbing fixtures, appliances, shelving in the Straffordville Community Centre and any other item meeting the requirements of a trade fixture as set out in the current and evolving common law of Ontario. Section 3 - Covenants 3.1 The Parties agree that all obligations contained in this Agreement, even if not expressed to be covenants, shall be deemed to be covenants. Section 4—Term & Termination 4.1 TERM a. Subject to the termination and amendment provisions of this Agreement, this Agreement shall commence on [date] (the "Effective Date") and shall continue for a period of XXX (XX) years, ending on [date] (hereinafter, "the Term"). b. At least six (6) months prior to the end of the Term, the Parties agree to meet to negotiate potential renewal terms. If no agreement is reached prior to the last day of the Term, the Agreement shall expire unless the Parties mutually agree in writing to extend the negotiation period for sixty (60) days ("Extension Period"). In the event renewal terms have not been agreed to by the Parties at the end of the Extension Period, the Agreement shall terminate immediately on the last day of the Extension Period. 4.2 TERMINATION a. If the Tenant neglects or fails to carry out or to comply with any of the terms, covenants, undertakings or conditions of this Agreement, the Landlord may, after having given written notice to the Tenant of such default, terminate this Agreement by giving thirty (30) days notice in writing to the Tenant and this Agreement shall be deemed to be terminated on the day specified in the notice. b. The Landlord may terminate this Agreement for any reason by giving thirty (30) days notice in writing to the Tenant and this Agreement shall be deemed to be terminated on the day specified in the notice. Section 5 - Right to Use 5.1 The Landlord hereby grants to the Tenant the non-exclusive right to utilize the Straffordville Community Centre, subject to standard booking provisions as defined within this agreement, at no cost when the funds or ends of such potential use are for the benefit of the Municipality, as determined by the Landlord,for the provision of operating services by the Tenant. a. A listing of all dates, times and purposes of use as contemplated within Section 5.1 of this Agreement shall be provided to the Landlord on a monthly basis, within the rental-booking spreadsheet as provided by the Landlord. 5.2 FACILITY OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT a. The Tenant shall provide the following services through its members, plus additional services required by the Landlord, pursuant to the terms of this Agreement: i. Facility managerial services on a day to day basis regarding operation of the Straffordvile Community Centre, and the revenue derived therefrom. ii. Utilize the email provided by the Landlord to communicate with all potential renters, renters and the Landlord for all communications in accordance with any Landlord IT Policy that may be provided or updated from time to time. iii. Utilize the cell phone provided by the Landlord to communicate with all potential renters, renters and the Landlord for all communications. iv. Meets the prospective renters of the facilities to view the facilities, and when the facilities is rented, arranges for the execution of the standard rental agreement as provided by the Landlord. v. Receives all deposits required for the rental of the facilities or part of the facilities and obtains the balance of the rental payment when due. vi. Ensures the facilities will be open for the use of persons or organizations who have rented the premises, or part of the premises. vii. Agrees to be present or delegate a responsible person (over 21 years of age), being a Tenant Member, to be present at the facilities in order to ensure the facility is being used in a safe and orderly manner and also for the purpose of being of assistance to the persons or organizations using the facility. viii. Sets up all tables and chairs for the individuals or organizations renting the premises, according to the direction of the Renter, but not in a manner that would prevent the safe and orderly exit of persons attending the scheduled function in the event of an emergency. ix. Advises the persons or organizations using or renting the facilities, of the regulations (including Municipal Alcohol Policy requirements) in so far as conduct of persons during the scheduled function, the period of time calculated for purposes of determining the rental rate applicable, the bar closing time and time for the removal of persons attending the function and closing the facility. x. Clears the tables and chairs of all items left following the function, re- arranges or stacks all tables and chairs for the next function or event. (The Tenant ensures tables are wiped with a sanitizing solution prior to stacking). xi. Oversees the use of the facilities in the kitchen area and ensures that all stoves, refrigerator, coolers, dishwashers and kitchen utensils are operated in a safe and orderly manner. Ensures that the persons or organizations using the kitchen facilities,which shall include the foregoing,wash and clean, all items used, before leaving the premises. xii. Ensures clear communication with all parties (Supervisor, contractors, renters and contacts). 5.3 BOOKING-FEE COLLECTION a. The Tenant shall conduct all booking operations on the email and cell provided by the Landlord. b. The Tenant shall maintain a record of all activities, rentals and monies received on a cloud based spreadsheet as set up and directed by the Landlord. c. The Tenant shall safeguard all funds received for rentals and make out receipts for funds received and submit a minimum monthly return of all monies received to the Treasurer of the Municipality of Bayham. i. All payment shall be made to the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham in accordance with the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham Rates & Fee By-law in force and effect on the day of booking. ii. Any payment amounts received by the Tenant that are not deposited directly into the accounts of the Landlord through a point of sale terminal are held in trust by the Tenant for the Landlord until such time as they are remitted to the Landlord by way of deposit. 5.4 JANITORIAL WORKS a. The Tenant shall be solely responsible for the provision of janitorial services including but not limited to: i. Wash all tables with sanitizing solution ii. Cleaning the facilities after each use iii. Sweep and spot mop or full wet mop as necessary iv. Clean rubber mats v. Empty all recyclables & place outside for pickup vi. Empty garbage and remove to outside bin (40 lb. limit) vii. Clean glass on doors viii. Wash counters, mirrors and sinks with sanitizing solution ix. Wipe fridge and cooler inside and outside with sanitizing solution & clean glass as required x. Clean toilet bowls, seats, frames to base, urinals xi. Wash wooden & vinyl chairs xii. Maintains dispensers - soap, towel, toilet paper etc. xiii. Disinfect all surfaces (door handles, light switches etc.) b. The Tenant shall order all required supplies, materials and equipment to perform the specified janitorial services, from the Landlord. The Tenant will ensure orders are placed in advance of need so that the Landlord is provided with adequate time to obtain the items and provide them to the Tenant in advance of their need. c. The Tenant shall provide to the Landlord a record of janitorial works at any time upon the request of the Landlord, and such record shall demonstrate when janitorial works were provided in the Straffordville Community Centre and what janitorial works were conducted. The Tenant shall retain such records in accordance with sections 254 and 255 of the Municipal Act, 2001 RSO 2001, c. 25, as may be amended. d. The Landlord shall coordinate and conduct the following activities as required in the sole discretion of the Landlord: i. Buff Main Hall Floor ii. Steam clean all carpets and matting 5.5 HEALTH &SAFETY a. The Tenant shall be required to show proof of registration with the WSIB or a letter stating the Tenant is not subject to the conditions of WSIB from the WSIB. b. The Landlord is committed to: i. The prevention of workplace injury and illness to all workers at Municipal locations. ii. The belief that Tenant safety is compatible with the safety policy of the Municipality and is good business. iii. Assuming a leadership role by citing contractors for any violations of the contract. iv. Ensuring the Municipal workplace is a healthy and safe working environment, tenants, contractors, constructors and subcontractors must have knowledge of and operate in compliance with the Occupational Health and Safety Act and any other legislation pertaining to employee health and safety. c. As a Tenant retained to perform operations for the Municipality of Bayham, the Tenant accepts the following health and safety responsibilities: i. Comply with all procedures and requirements of the Occupational Health and Safety Act, Municipal safety policies and procedures, department and site specific policies and procedures and all applicable legislation or regulations. ii. Conduct operations safely with skill and care so as to prevent accidental injury to members and all other persons on the site. d. The Tenant shall ensure compliance with the Municipality of Bayham Health & Safety Policy, as available through the municipal website. e. The Landlord will conduct monthly Health & Safety inspections of the Straffordville Community Centre. i. The Tenant shall immediately report any health and safety concerns to the Landlord in writing. Section 6 - Specific Landlord and Tenant Covenants 6.1 MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR OF STRAFFORDVILLE COMMUNITY CENTRE AND PROPERTY a. The Landlord covenants to deliver the Straffordville Community Centre to the Tenant in a state of good repair and cleanliness and warrants that upon delivery, the foundation, walls, structure and roof of the Straffordville Community Centre and the heating, ventilation, air conditioning, mechanical, plumbing and electrical systems serving the Straffordville Community Centre are in good working order. b. The Landlord covenants that for the entirety of the Term and any renewals thereof, it shall maintain the Straffordville Community Centre, in a good state of repair.Without limiting the foregoing, the Landlord agrees that it shall ensure that the foundation, walls, structure and roof of the Straffordville Community Centre remain structurally sound and that the heating, ventilation, air conditioning, mechanical, plumbing and electrical systems serving the Straffordville Community Centre are maintained in good and working condition and provide for reasonable conditions of temperature, humidity, sanitation and air quality. c. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Lease, if the Straffordville Community Centre, the boilers, engines, controls, pipes and other apparatus used for the purpose of heating or air-conditioning the Property, the water and drainage pipes, the electric lighting, any other equipment or the roof or outside walls of the Property are put in a state of disrepair or are damaged or destroyed through the negligence, carelessness or misuse of the Tenant, its servants, agents, employees or anyone permitted by it to be in the Property, regular wear and tear excepted,the expense of the necessary repairs, replacements or alterations shall be borne by the Tenant and paid to the Landlord forthwith on demand. In the event that such repairs are undertaken by the Landlord as a result of negligence,carelessness or misuse by the Tenant,wear and tear excepted, the amount to be paid shall include a sum equal to fifteen percent (15%) thereof for overhead. d. The Landlord covenants that for the entirety of the Term and any renewals thereof, it may make all necessary repairs (including partial and/or full replacement) of the foundation, walls, structure and roof of the Straffordville Community Centre and the heating, ventilation, air conditioning, mechanical, plumbing and electrical systems serving the Straffordville Community Centre at its sole expense, as budget permits, at the sole, absolute and unfettered discretion of Council.The Landlord agrees that it may make all reasonable efforts when conducting maintenance and repairs to do so in a fashion that minimizes disturbance and inconvenience to the Tenant and the general public which frequents the Straffordville Community Centre. e. The Landlord covenants that for the entirety of the Term and any renewals thereof, it shall maintain and keep clean and tidy all outside grounds of the Straffordville Community Centre and will not allow garbage, waste or objectionable material to accumulate on the Property, including but not limited to the entrances to the Community Centre, parking lot, sidewalks, lawn and flowerbeds.At its sole expense for the duration of the Term, including any renewals thereof, the Landlord shall provide all lawn cutting, landscaping, snow and ice removal and all other ground maintenance services on the Property. 6.2 INSPECTION AND NOTIFICATION OF ACCIDENTS/DEFECTS a. The Tenant covenants to permit the Landlord to enter into, use and view the state of repair of the Straffordville Community Centre at any time and the Landlord, shall, under no circumstances, ever be prohibited from entering or utilizing the Property or the Straffordville Community Centre. b. The Tenant covenants that its members shall give the Landlord reasonable notice, in writing of any accident, damage to or other defect on the Property that it obtains knowledge of with respect to: i. the foundation, walls, structure and/or Connections of the Straffordville Community Centre; ii. the heating,ventilation, air conditioning, mechanical, plumbing and electrical systems serving the Straffordville Community Centre; and/or; iii. the water supply/quality, sewage, waste disposal, drainage, temperature, and/or air quality at the Straffordville Community Centre. 6.3 UTILITIES, WATER/WASTEWATER AND MUNICIPAL TAXES a. The Landlord covenants that it shall provide, pay for and maintain at its sole expense for the entirety of the Term and any renewals thereof, all heat, electricity,water, gas and light required for the Tenant to conduct operations in the Straffordville Community Centre, including the costs of any installation, maintenance, service or work necessary to supply the utilities to the Straffordville Community Centre. b. In addition to Section 6.3(a) above, the Landlord covenants that for the entirety of the Term and any renewals thereof,the Landlord shall provide non-potable water to all taps/faucets within the Straffordville Community Centre. c. The Landlord covenants that for the entirety of the Term and any renewals thereof, the Landlord shall pay all municipal taxes attributable to the Straffordville Community Centre and the balance of the Property. 6.4 FURNISHINGS a. The Landlord shall own all furnishings within the Straffordville Community Centre. b. No furnishings shall be added to the Straffordville Community Centre by the Tenant or any other person unless such furnishing are donated to the Landlord,accepted by the Landlord and the same is documented in written format. 6.5 ALTERATIONS, INSTALLATIONS AND TRADE FIXTURES a. During the Term and any renewals thereof,the Tenant shall not make any cosmetic alternations (i.e. paint, carpet, tile, etc.) to the Straffordville Community Centre without the prior written approval of the Landlord. 6.6 STAFFING- MEMBERS a. The Tenant shall be fully responsible for all staffing, including, if any, applicable costs for its operations in the Straffordville Community Centre. All persons who provide services as directed by the Tenant in connection with the Tenant's operations shall be members of the Tenant for all purposes and the Landlord shall under no circumstances be deemed the employer of any members providing services for the Tenant. The Tenant and Landlord agree that each of them shall at their own cost and expense, maintain worker's compensation coverage, unemployment compensation coverage and other like statutorily required coverage with respect to their own respective employees/members. For greater certainty, the Landlord shall not be deemed to have any oversight, control, supervision or responsibility over any member that may be associated with the Tenant. 6.8 COMPLIANCE WITH LAW a. The Tenant agrees that at all times during the Term and any renewals thereof, it shall comply with all federal, provincial and municipal laws, statutes, regulations and by-laws. 6.9 AUTHORIZED USAGE, SUB-LETTING AND ASSIGNMENT a. The Tenant shall not assign, transfer, alter or sublet its rights and obligations under this Agreement to any other organization or person. Section 7 - Liability, Indemnification and Insurance 7.1 In addition to and without limiting any other provision of this Agreement, the Landlord covenants that it shall be fully responsible for the following: a. its own municipal operations/activities; b. maintenance of the parking lot and the Property(including but not limited to snow/ice removal and access/egress to the Community Centre); and c. its own employees, Councillors, officers, directors,agents and consultants engaging in the furtherance of their municipal duties, wherever situate. 7.2 The Landlord hereby agrees to release, indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Tenant including their respective members, employees, sub-tenant(s), officers, directors, representatives, agents, legal counsel and consultants (as applicable) from and against any and all claims, causes of action, demands, losses, costs, charges, fees, expenses, duties, dues, accounts, covenants, or other proceedings of every kind or nature whatsoever at law or in equity brought against, suffered by or imposed which arise out of or are related to any loss, damage or injury to any person or property (including injury resulting in death)which: a. occurs on any portion of the Property that does not make up the Straffordville Community Centre; and/or b. is caused by its own employees, Councillors, officers, directors, agents and consultants, wherever situate, acting in the course of their municipal duties and/or performing obligations required to be performed pursuant to this Agreement save and except those which: occur in the Straffordville Community Centre and do not involve a Landlord employee acting in the course of his/her municipal duties and/or performing obligations required to be performed pursuant to this Agreement; ii. are caused by the Tenant's own employees, members, officers, directors, agents, representatives and consultants engaging in the furtherance of its operations; iii. are caused by the operations of the Tenant or any of its Community Partners, authorized users, sub-tenant(s) or employees thereof in the furtherance of the operations of the Tenant or any of its Community Partners, authorized users or sub-tenant(s); iv. are sustained by either the Tenant's or the Tenant's sub-contractor(s)' employees during the course of their employment which are covered by WSIB coverage; and/or v. are caused by the negligence or willful conduct of the Tenant, its Community Partners, authorized users, sub-tenant(s)or by those for whom the Tenant is at law responsible. 7.3 The Landlord agrees that it shall at its own expense, obtain and maintain in full force and effect during each year of this Agreement and any renewal thereof and for an additional three (3) years following the termination of this Agreement or any renewal thereof, the following policies of insurance coverage: a. Commercial General Liability Insurance ("CGL") on an occurrence basis insuring against damages to persons (personal injury, including death) and property, contractual liability, employer's liability, and employee benefits liability with a limit of not less than five million dollars ($5,000,000.00) per occurrence or such greater amount that any Party may from time to time request and/or reasonably require.The CGL shall: include the Tenant as additional insured; ii. contain a cross-liability clause; iii. contain a severability of interests clause endorsement; iv. contain a clause including contractual liability coverage arising out of this Agreement; and shall not be subject to a deductible limit in excess of ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00). b. The above noted CGL shall include a provision that if cancelled or changed in any manner that would affect the Parties as outlined in the coverage specified, the insurer will endeavor to provide thirty (30) days prior written notice by mail or facsimile transmission to the Parties. c. Errors and Omissions coverage for potential errors and omissions arising from the operations of its employees (including employee benefits liability) in an amount not less than five million dollars ($5,000,000.00) exclusive of interest and legal costs, underwritten by an insurer licensed to conduct business in the Province of Ontario, which includes the Tenant as additional insured. d. A certificate of insurance evidencing the effective status of the coverage is to be provided by the Landlord at the commencement of the term of this Agreement and at the commencement of any renewal period.The insurance shall be maintained for an additional three (3) years following the termination of this Agreement and any renewals thereof. The Landlord shall advise the Tenant of any changes to the insurance and shall provide a certificate with respect to any such changes. In the event the insurance policy contains an insured vs. insured exclusion, the exclusion must be amended to allow for claims against the named insured by the additional insured. If the insurance policy is to be cancelled or non-renewed for any reason, ninety(90)days notice of said cancellation or non- renewal must be provided to the Tenant. The post-termination insurance covenants above shall survive the termination of this Agreement. 7.4 In addition to and without limiting any other provision of this Agreement, the Tenant covenants that it shall be fully responsible for the following: a. the Straffordville Community Centre, except for the actions of the employees of the Landlord in the Straffordville Community Centre in furtherance of their municipal duties, landlord duties, and/or duties required to be performed pursuant to this Agreement; b. its operations/activities; c. its own employees, members, officers, directors, agents, representatives, volunteers and consultants engaging in the furtherance of its operations; and 7.5 The Tenant hereby agrees to release, indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Landlord, including each of its respective employees, Councillors, officers, directors, representatives, agents, legal counsel and consultants from and against any and all claims, causes of action, demands, losses, costs, charges, fees, expenses, duties, dues, accounts, covenants, or other proceedings of every kind or nature whatsoever at law or in equity brought against, suffered by or imposed which arise out of or are related to any loss, damage or injury to any person or property (including injury resulting in death)which: a. occurs on the Property; and b. is caused by its own employees, members, officers, directors, sub-tenants, agents, Community Partners, authorized users, and representatives or consultants in the course of their duties for the Tenant save and except those which: i. are caused by the Landlord's employees, Councillors, officers, directors, agents and consultants, wherever situate, in the course of their municipal duties and/or while performing duties required to be performed pursuant to this Agreement; ii. involve injuries to Landlord's employees engaged in the course of their employment for the Landlord, which are covered by WSIB; and/or iii. are caused by the willful or negligent conduct of the Landlord. 7.6 The Tenant agrees that is shall at its own expense, obtain and maintain in full force and effect during each year of this Agreement and any renewal thereof, and for an additional three (3) years following the termination of this Agreement or any renewal thereof, the following policies of insurance coverage: a. Commercial General Liability Insurance ("CGL") on an occurrence basis insuring against damages to persons (personal injury, including death) and property, contractual liability, employer's liability, and employee benefits liability with a limit of not less than two million dollars ($2,000,000.00) per occurrence or such greater amount that any Party may from time to time request and/or reasonably require.The CGL shall: i. include the Landlord as additional insured; ii. contain a cross-liability clause; iii. contain a severability of interests clause endorsement; iv. contain a clause including contractual liability coverage arising out of this Agreement; v. contain tenant's liability(all risks)coverage for all obligations pursuant to the Rental Agreement ; and vi. not be subject to a deductible limit in excess of five thousand dollars ($5,000.00) b. The above noted CGL shall include a provision that if cancelled or changed in any manner that would affect the Parties as outlined in the coverage specified, the insurer will endeavor to provide thirty (30) days prior written notice by mail or facsimile transmission to the Parties. c. A certificate of insurance evidencing the effective status of the coverage is to be provided by the Tenant at the commencement of the term of this Agreement and at the commencement of any renewal period. The insurance shall be maintained for an additional three (3) years following the termination of this Agreement and any renewals thereof. The Tenant shall advise the Landlord of any changes to the insurance and shall provide a certificate with respect to any such changes. In the event the insurance policy contains an insured vs. insured exclusion, the exclusion must be amended to allow for claims against the named insured by the additional insured. If the insurance policy is to be cancelled or non-renewed for any reason, ninety(90) days notice of said cancellation or non-renewal must be provided to the Landlord. The post-termination insurance covenants above shall survive the termination of this Agreement. d. The Landlord and the Tenant agree that they will provide each other with proof of insurance, identifying all lines of coverage required by this Agreement by means of Certificate(s) of Insurance in a form satisfactory to the Parties each year, or ten (10) days prior to renewal of each insurance policy, and for an additional three (3)years following the termination of this Agreement and any renewals thereof. e. In addition to and without limiting the foregoing,the Landlord and the Tenant shall at any time requested by any Party, provide another Party with proof of insurance. The Parties further agree that they shall not change, amend or cancel the insurance policies noted this Agreement during the term of this Agreement or any renewals thereof without the written consent of the Parties to this Agreement. f. In the event the Tenant ceases to exist as a not for profit organization, all rights, interests, chattels, assets, trade fixtures, etc. shall become the property of the Landlord save and except any item to which a security in higher priority is attached to the thing or asset or interest. Section 8 - Notice 8.1 Notices a. Any Communication shall be in writing and may be delivered: personally or by courier; ii. by prepaid registered mail; or iii. by facsimile; or iv. by email or equivalent electronic means of transmission. b. Any Communication shall be delivered to the persons and addresses as follows: to the Landlord at: Municipality of Bayham 9344 Plank Rd. Straffordville, ON NOJ 1Y0 Office: (519) 866-5521 to the Tenant at: [INSERT] c. Any Communication delivered to the Party to whom it is addressed will be deemed to have been given or made and received on the day it is delivered at that Party's address, provided that if that day is not a Business Day then the Communication will be deemed to have been given or made and received on the next Business Day. Any Communication transmitted by facsimile, e-mail or other functionally equivalent electronic means of transmission will be deemed to have been given or made and received on the day on which it is transmitted; but if the Communication is transmitted on a day which is nota Business Day or after 4:30 p.m. (local time of the recipient), the Communication will be deemed to have been given or made and received on the next Business Day. Section 9 —Administration 9.1 FURTHER ASSURANCES a. The Parties hereto at all times warrant that they shall do, execute, acknowledge, deliver and/or cause to be done such other acts, agreements and other documents as may be reasonably required or desirable to give effect to the terms of this Agreement. 9.2 AMENDMENT AND WAIVER a. No amendment, discharge, modification, restatement, supplement, termination or waiver of this Agreement or any section of this Agreement is binding unless it is in writing and executed by the Parties to be bound. No waiver of,failure to exercise,or delay in exercising any section of this Agreement constitutes a waiver of any other section (whether or not similar) nor does any waiver constitute a continuing waiver unless otherwise expressly provided. b. The Parties agree and warrant that in the event this Agreement is renewed, amended or replaced, such amendments or replacement shall be worded to take full force and effect on the 1st day of January for the year in which the amendment or new agreement is made. 9.3 ENUREMENT a. This Agreement enures to the benefit of and is binding upon the Parties and their respective Councils, members, administrators, employees, successors,employees, agents, representatives, directors, consultants and permitted assigns. 9.4 ENTIRE AGREEMENT a. This Agreement, including its schedules, constitutes the entire agreement between the Parties with respect to the Straffordville Community Centre and associated potential liability. This Agreement, inclusive of its schedules, supersedes all prior agreements, understandings, negotiations and discussions,whether oral or written, between the Parties and the Parties hereby acknowledge that there are no representations,warranties or other agreements between the Parties in connection with the subject matter of this Agreement except as specifically set out in this Agreement and its schedules. No Party has been induced to enter into this Agreement in reliance on, and there will be no liability assessed, either in tort or contract, with respect to, any warranty, representation, opinion, advice or assertion of fact, except to the extent it has been reduced to writing and included as a term in this Agreement. Except as amended herein, the terms of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. 9.5 VOLUNTARY ENFORCEABLE AGREEMENT a. The Parties warrant that this Agreement is voluntary and that each Party has had an opportunity to seek the advice of separate and independent legal counsel with respect to this Agreement. b. The Landlord and the Tenant agree that they have the legal right and ability to enforce the said provisions of this Agreement hereunder against each other and both the Landlord or the Tenant are estopped from pleading or asserting otherwise in any action or proceeding. 9.6 COUNTERPARTS a. This Agreement may be executed and delivered by the Parties in one or more counterparts, each of which will be an original, and each of which may be delivered by facsimile, e-mail or other functionally equivalent electronic means of transmission, and those counterparts will together constitute one and the same instrument. 9.7 SEVERABILITY a. Each section of this Agreement is distinct and severable. If any section of this Agreement, in whole or in part, is or becomes illegal, invalid, void, voidable or unenforceable in any jurisdiction by any court of competent jurisdiction,the illegality, invalidity or unenforceability of that section, in whole or in part, will not affect: i. the legality, validity or enforceability of the remaining sections of this Agreement, in whole or in part; or ii. the legality,validity or enforceability of that section, in whole or in part, in any other jurisdiction. 9.8 GOVERNING LAW a. This Agreement is governed by and is to be construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the Province of Ontario and the laws of Canada applicable in that Province. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Parties have hereunto set their hands and seals this on the date(s) noted below and agree that this Agreement shall be effective on the date set out at the top of page one (1) of this Agreement. SIGNED, SEALED AND WITNESSED ) THE CORPORATION ) OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF In the Presence of ) BAYHAM ) MAYOR ) CLERK XXXXXXXXXX ) ) per: THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 2014-082 BEING A BY-LAW TO ADOPT A POLICY FOR THE OPERATION AND MANAGEMENT OF THE STRAFFORDVILLE AND VIENNA COMMUNITY CENTRE FACILITIES WHEREAS the Council of the Municipality of Bayham recognizes the need for clear and concise policies for the operation and management of the municipal owned community centre facilities; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham deems it advisable that the Operation and Management Policies be confirmed and adopted by by-law; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the Operation and Management Policies attached hereto as Schedule "A" and Schedule "B"are hereby adopted as the policies, practices and contract to be used for the operation and management of the Straffordville and Vienna Community Centre facilities owned by the Municipality of Bayham and form part of this by-law; 2. AND THAT By-law 2014-082 shall come into full force and effect upon final reading. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 17TH DAY OF JULY 2014. 41- 1/1:0,-/) MAYOR CLERK Schedule "A" to By-law 2014-082 Page 1 of 2 Policies for the operation and management of the Straffordville and Vienna Community Centre Facilities CONTENT 1. Bookings, rental contracts, collection of fees,HST and damage deposits. 2. Weekly functions 3. Non-compliance 4. Security measures ********************************** 1. Bookings,rental contracts,collection of fees,HST and damage deposits At the time of booking rentals the Managers shall: • fully complete a rental contract; • ensure the contract is signed by the renter and the Manager; • collect rental rates and fee waiver amounts as approved,an amended from time to time by Council; • collect payment of no less than 50% of the total rental fee, plus 50% of the applicable HST, in advance; • provide a copy of the rental contract to the renter; • collect the balance in full,plus the applicable HST, including any damage deposit required, a minimum of two weeks prior to the function; • be provided with the certificate of insurance. 2. Weekly functions Community groups that regularly conduct more than one weekly function per month, such as bingo, shall prepay the full amount for the functions for the month (rentals and/or cleaning fees, as approved by Council),no less than two weeks prior to the date of the first weekly function for the next month, and subject to the above noted requirements. Schedule "A" to By-law 2014-082 Page 2 of 2 3. Non-compliance Any user or group that does not comply with the above requirements # 1 and#2 and those provided on the contract, shall be declined access to the facility until such time as all applicable requirements and payments have been met. 4. Security measures Municipal staff shall be authorized to take action as deemed necessary to ensure the safety and security of the Straffordville Community Centre and the Vienna Community Centre facilities, the public and authorized users,in regard to failure of any key holder to follow locking procedures and/or re-activation of the security system upon exiting the facility. Failure to comply will result in: 4' notice sent by letter or delivered to the specific keyholder requesting that the key be returned within 3 days to the Municipal office; and • failure to return the key as requested,will result in the cancellation of the security code issued to the said group member. Schedule "B" to By-law 2014-082 Hall Rental Contract Pages 1 & 2 (attached) 5civedc4 le." I' rVz- ,v,AYHAlif THE CORPORATION > 4/ -69 x 16 °�;. OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM 41 S Box 160,9344 Plank Road,Straffordville,ON NUJ 1Y0 519-866-5521 I Fax: 519-866-3884 rc��a� Ali/unity YsIHALL RENTAL.CONTRACT (Prepared in Duplicate) FACILITY: BETWEEN THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM AND APPLICANT (Organization,group or individual) (Authorized signing officer) (Mailing Address,Postal Code&Telephone Number) NATURE OF FUNCTION: DATE OF FUNCTION: HOURS OF FUNCTION FACILITIES(check that apply): U Basement U Kitchen U Main Hall U Bar ❑Upper Hall EOUIPMENT REQUIRED: RENTAL FEE: DAMAGE DEPOSIT: Upon signing,I hereby submit the non-refundable sum of$ with the said owner/manager,as a deposit against the rental of the said premises and the balance due of$ plus the Damage Deposit,(as applicable)of$ a minimum of two weeks prior to the function. I acknowledge that the damage deposit is refundable less any applicable damage costs. I agree that the provisions of the Liquor License Act of the Province of Ontario,and 1 or of any regulation made there under,as applicable,will not be contravened. I have read and acknowledge the receipt of a copy of this Agreement and the Terms&Conditions of Use stated on the reverse side hereof and hereby agree to them and the costs associated with the rental of this facility. SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT: DATE: SIGNATURE OF AUTHORITY FOR THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM: L.L.B.0 REGULATIONS Persons renting the premises must submit their alcohol application form to the store manager for the Liquor Control Board of Ontario no less than 10 days prior to the scheduled reception(weddings&social functions).Applications for fundraising or other events must be submitted no less than 30 days prior to the event. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION,PLEASE REFER TO THE RULES®ULATIONS PROVIDED WITH YOUR LCBO SPECIAL OCCASION PERMIT APPLICATION AND THE MUNICIPAL ALCOHOL POLICY. SPECIAL CONDITIONS Any other conditions deemed necessary are to be written below and initialled by both the Applicant and the Manager. Orininal-Ranter Copy-Municipality L. 6cLA u_ 2 8 7% ISA- 19 2°- TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF FACILITY USE Persons renting the premises are responsible for obtaining their own Special Occasion Permit,if alcohol is to be served, and must be provided to an authorized agent for the Municipality of Bayham at least 24 hours prior to the hour the license becomes effective. Any payment of event workers is the responsibility of the renter. All persons or organizations using the facility must provide a"certificate of insurance"in the minimum amount of$1,000,000 coverage for the duration of this function.The"certificate of insurance"naming the Municipality of Bayham as the certificate holder, must be presented th the Community Centre Manager a minimum of two(2)weeks prior to any event,whether alcohol is being served or not. This includes functions when Council has approved a fee waiver. The Rental Agreement,Special Occasion Permit, and certificate of insurance must be in the same name(s). Conditions of the Municipal Alcohol Policy and the current Municipal Rates and Fees By-law will apply,as applicable. The facility shall not be used for a purpose for which it has not been approved by the Municipality of Bayham or its agent. The Applicant agrees to have the facility cleared of guests within ONE HOUR AFTER CLOSING TIME. The Applicant agrees to compensate the Municipality of Bayham for any damage done to the building,equipment or property,by any person or persons using the facilities pursuant to this agreement. The Applicant agrees to hold and save harmless the Municipality of Bayham from any actions,claims or proceedings brought by any person or organization for injuries,damages,personal loss,or for any other reason,wherein the Claimant(s)allege such claims,actions or proceedings are the result of attendance at the facility and the function herein provided for. The Applicant agrees to provide adequate security to maintain order and crowd control for the function and further agrees not to hold,sponsor or promote any function deemed to be publicly or morally offensive or that in any way would contravene any Statute,Law,or Regulation of the Government of Canada,the Province of Ontario or the Municipality of Bayham. The renter is responsible for all fire alarm response costs where the alarm is directly due to the activities or negligence of the renter and/or guests. Open flame or decorative lighting devices are not advisable,however permitted,if securely supported in a non-combustible holder and located and protected so that combustible materials will not come into contact with or be ignited by the flame. Battery operated candles are suggested as an alternate choice for candles or sparklers. SMOKE MACHINES are not permitted The Bar must close and music I entertainment cease no later than 1:00 a.m.Tables must be cleared by 1:30 am and all persons out of the building by 2:00 a.m. $50 per hour will be charged to the renter for failing to vacate premises by 2:00 am. $20 key fee is refundable upon return to Manager following function. Additional cleaning 1 other services required or requested will be charged on a cost recovery basis. WRITTEN NOTICE OF CANCELLATION must be given to the Manager by the Renter,a minimum of THIRTY(30)DAYS prior to the date of rental,otherwise,the full charge will apply. The Municipality shall not be responsible for stolen,lost or damaged articles,or for personal injuries that the Applicant or member of the Applicant's organization,or a guest thereof,may sustain or suffer by reason of the use of the facility, equipment or parking area. The Municipality of Bayham shall not be responsible for any inconvenience or cancellations caused by failure of electrical, sewer,water or other services at the facility. Should the closure of the facility become necessary and the event cancelled, the function may be re-booked(within a year)at the facility.The initial deposit will be credited to the re-scheduled booking and the balance due as per rental agreement requirements. Original-Renter Copy-Municipality v,xymttivi • REPORT off icy CAO Portunity co* TO: Mayor & Members of Council FROM: Paul Shipway, CAO DATE: June 16, 2016 REPORT: CAO-41/16 SUBJECT: EAST BEACH DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS BACKGROUND On April 7, 2016 the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham passed the following resolution: THAT Harbourfront Committee proposal re Port Burwell East Beach Landscape Improvement be received for information; AND THAT staff be directed to elevate and seed Part 'A' within the current confines of the drainage outlet; AND THAT staff be directed to bring back detailed design considerations and East Beach plan with public consultation plan for Council consideration. DISCUSSION As per the direction of Council landscape improvements were conducted in the month of April 2016, with the assistance of the Harbourfront Committee and a local soil donor. Staff worked with the Municipal Engineer, Spriets, to develop the East Beach Design Considerations, attached hereto as Appendix 'A'. The parameters utilized by staff and the Municipal Engineer when compiling the proposed detailed design drew upon previous community submitted considerations and the Port Burwell Waterfront Master Plan. A plan which determined that to create a vibrant and attractive waterfront, the following key principles should be followed during the design process, including: environmental preservation and conservation; safety and security; continuity and connectivity. These principles were balanced against financial realities, land ownership and integration of any design considerations into complementing project schedules. The Waterfront Master Planning project was an initiative undertaken by the Municipality of Bayham with the primary objective to identify strategic future public investments in services, facilities, access and parking that will contribute to the waterfront as a tourist and recreational area for local residents and visitors. Any works to be completed following consultation would be subject to a final survey of the lands, specifically the west side of the Robinson St. turnaround, and LPRCA approvals. PARKING: As noted within the Port Burwell Waterfront Master Plan the Municipally-owned parking lot on the east side of the Robinson St. turnaround provides parking for approximately 50-60 cars. The informal parking lot on the west side of the Robinson St. turnaround provides an additional 50-60 spots. It is the goal of the municipality to provide for approximately 150-200 parking spaces adjacent to the public beach in the future. The design proposes 150 spots (86 and 64 respectively) with room for 4 trailer parking spots. The design also proposes extension of the exterior parking post and rope system and parking islands to give structure to the parking area. The design also contemplates a fresh topping of gravel, with only the accessible parking spots being paved. ACCESSIBILITY&CONNECTIVITY The Municipality currently has a Capital Item for consideration to rebuild a larger accessible viewing platform. The design considerations attached hereto propose a larger accessible platform, with room for picnic tables and seating, along with a boardwalk connecting the East Pier to the parking lot and washrooms. The connectivity would greatly improve the accessibility of the Port Burwell East Beach. ENVIRONMENTAL&SUSTAINABILITY Building on the work of the Otter Valley Naturalists the design proposes to remove a number of trees, many of which have been vandalized and killed. The ability to integrate trees into the exterior parking delineation and parking islands would eventually provide shade in the future. Additionally once the area is established, partnerships with LPRCA and the Otter Valley Naturalists can be strengthened to provide environmental and sustainable education and information signage. As noted from the Waterfront Master Plan: In addition to the diversity of land types, one of the defining characteristics of the Port Burwell Waterfront is the vast amount of mown turf. While this provides important areas for recreation, there seems to be a greater amount than what is needed and the resulting consequence to sustainability and maintenance is considerable. The most successful wildlife habitats should include a range of ecosystems with extended transition zones. These "edge"conditions frequently house the richest diversity of species. Additionally, maintaining a continuous band or "greenway"is a good method of establishing healthy species diversity and stable populations. In many communities, municipalities have taken the innovative step of replacing some large areas of turf with wildflower meadows, as well as planting trees and establishing diverse shorelines. These measures may be more successful if they become part of a longer-term strategy of interconnected habitat that spans the length of the shoreline. This approach would also create a diversity of experience for beach visitors, tourist and local users. In consultation with the Otter Valley Naturalists, the community group has undertaken a number of these naturalization efforts including Tree Planting in Memorial Park and naturalization planting in the drainage swale within the beach. ROBINSON ST TURNAROUND A focal point of the community submissions to date has been the reconstruction of the Robinson St. turnaround. As the turnaround currently plays an important role in the Port Burwell Storm Sewer System staff respectfully recommend leaving the turnaround and integrating its reconstruction to current standards at the conclusion of the Port Burwell Storm Sewer Environmental Assessment. Possibly ready for grant application in 2017 and construction in 2018 if funding is approved. FUTURE INITIATIVES The proposed design considerations would also be a starting point for future initiatives including better connectivity to Memorial Park, downtown and the Otter Valley Utility Corridor Trail. CONSULTATION To obtain community input on the proposed design and possible alternatives and options staff would respectfully recommend Council to post an East Beach Consultation on the municipal website including Report CAO 41/16 and the Port Burwell Waterfront Master Plan. Notice of Consultation would be posted online, at the municipal office and libraries. Consultation would run June 17, 2016 - July 15, 2016 at noon (28 days — 19 business days), following which comments could be incorporated into a staff report to be presented at the July 21, 2016 meeting of Council. Following Council direction on July 21, 2016 staff could incorporate direction into the 2017 Budgets for Council consideration during budget deliberation. COSTING-FUNDING The costing of the project attached hereto is greater than the entire 2016 Capital Levy. To move forward with East Beach Improvements, once directed and approved by council, staff would propose the following options: 1) Conduct smaller line items (rope/posts, bury hydro service) towards year end if budget savings exist and with public works staff where possible. 2) Budget for components of the project in the 2017 and beyond budgets. 3) Make application to the Enabling Accessibility Fund for the Boardwalk/Accessible Viewing Platform component of the project— max. contribution $50,000. a. The Community Accessibility Stream is currently open and accepting applications until July 26, 2016. To be considered eligible for funding, projects must be directly related to removing barriers and increasing accessibility for people with disabilities in Canadian communities. i. Should Council support this specific component of the design staff would respectfully recommend Council direction to commence completing the application for the Boardwalk/Accessible Viewing Platform. 4) Make application to the Ontario Trillium Fund or its successor Capital Grant Program when available. a. Due to Ontario Trillium Fund (OTF) budget changes and the upcoming launch of a new $25 million community capital program that OTF will administer on behalf of the government of Ontario, OTF are suspending the investment stream for capital grants. OTF will release a new deadline at a later date when details of the new community capital program are finalized. RECOMMENDATION 1. THAT Report CAO-41/16 re East Beach Design Considerations be received for information; 2. AND THAT Council direct staff to post an East Beach Consultation as contemplated within Report CAO 41/16 and report back to Council July 21, 2016; 3. AND THAT Council direct staff to make application to the Enabling Accessibility Fund for the Boardwalk/Accessible Viewing Platform as contemplated within Report CAO 41/16. Respectfully Submitted by: Paul Shipway CAO LAKE ERIE Ar i `Alik. X.BEACH AREA "Ai`�E BE REOFwA1ER BpCI 20A0 EX.PIER q- ,\A,,-,‘ r ■ T6) l'° 16 n [ oIro r :::, A M 1011.111.111111 r II nr1TTTT�- -r TTT r�-ra • = M ra-�Tl�-rl . ..tin g�E • EX.BEACH AREA 0 0 0 0 Ir =IMMO EX. PIER 1111111t�rC111J_T ��� � --- ---- PROPOSED 3 m -- .... _ � Hu • ® �, A WIDE SOARDALK o-�� � PROPOSED EXT EX. BE OBSERVATION DECK tw REMOVED REMOVED -. EX.TREE aw 0 / _rl/ o _ 4./ '�/ TO BE --- l7 REMOVED KEY PLAN =-- TO BE EX.TREE _ PROPOSED 3 m WIDE BOARDWALK , - ==;:s9 . • REMOVED '�,, SCALE: NTS171 7 -1-- —1 T T TT - EX.TREE I ���'�i ■ 714_, TO 5E1 EX.WASHROOM TO BE I - - I—j ■ T 1 i REMOVED FACILITY i EX.TREE _Ag, v, 11 REMOVED ■ EX.TREE TO BE c POST AND ROPE FENCE REMOVED 0 ��� 8" POSTS- 8' 0/C ■ O • ■ I EX. PAVEMENT ■ -i/; =�� _�1% NATURAL SAND ��� ,1 P, EX.FENCE TO 0 j/ BE REMOVED `1�,: EDGE OF PROP.PARKING �/;\ 0 ' — EX.WASHROOM PROPOSED GRAVEL — FACILITY TO _����� ' D PRO DlVlp:- ISLAND ■ TURN AROUND AREA 1 BE REMOVED +� 'j/\� ���= `1�-, r;, nEET 61 ■ iLi GRAVEL /�s\' �\'0 INC L0 1 i.:11:1 EX. GRAVEL 0 a .......: ■ PARKING LOT PROPO D EDGE ASPHALT ON NEWS f, ROUNDABOUT0 0 ■ ■ ( ( \ BM NAIL IN HP ,�1� 176.086 EX.HYDRO SERVICE ilip 'gab. sib _ ■ ....A\ TO BE BURIED TRAILER PARKING TRAILER PARKING ■ — — H.P. /;c Ail,- ���' ill i Ali ." / 1 i I] Li EX.GUARD RAIL — 0 ,,1 ,, s../..T. • EDGE OF PROP.PARKING■ — — �� EX.CONC.BLOCKS • TO BE REMOVED ■ ■ H.P. PROPSED SIGN 1 oL_____________ic==) "PORT BURWELL" O (A Nom ;-=-____---, • PLAN 4J ., SCALE: 1 : 250 PROPOSED CONCEPT PLANS JOB 216117 LSPRIET ASSOCrr,TesES PORT BUR L BEA IMPROVEMENTS architects en PORT BURWELL EAST BEACH MAY 31 2016 SPRIET ASSOCIATES ENGINEERS&ARCHITECTS 155 York Street London,Ontario N6A 1A8 Tel.(519)672-4100 Fax(519)433-9351 E-mail: mail@spriet.ca 'vww.spriet.ca Port Burwell East Beach Improvements Municipality of Bayham 8-Jun-16 Item No. Description Estimated Cost 1 Construct concrete curbs and islands $ 19,000.00 2 Construct 3.0m ( 10' wide) boardwalk with landing on sono tube piers and 2x6" pressure treated decking $ 160,000.00 3 Supply and Install Rope Fence with posts at 2.4m on centre $ 7,500.00 4 Regrade parking areas with 200mm of Granular'A' $ 55,000.00 5 Supply and Install asphalt at entrances $ 15,000.00 6 Bury electrical service including disconnect $ 10,000.00 7 Tree planting ( 30 trees) $ 8,250.00 8 Supply and Install Port Burwell sign including foundations $ 67,000.00 9 Contigency Allowance $ 25,000.00 Total $ 366,750.00 Associates:A.M. SPRIET•J.R.SPRIET• K. McILMURRAY• M.P. DEVOS• J.M. SPRIET• C.S. LIERMAN •A.T.ALTENLIU INAYH.44? pihnotio. • REPORT 41.eir 4116, icy CAO Ortunity o * TO: Mayor & Members of Council FROM: Paul Shipway, CAO DATE: June 16, 2016 REPORT: CAO-42/16 SUBJECT: PROCEDURAL PROTOCOLS BACKGROUND As per the general direction of Council staff have been working to streamline processes in a predictable standardized manner to increase efficiency and effectiveness. DISCUSSION The Municipality does not have a procedural policy regarding the proper etiquette and protocol for the raising and half-masting of flags at municipal facilities, nor for declaration, proclamation and donation requests. In an effort to establish the proper etiquette for the handling, raising, half-masting and disposal of the National Flag of Canada, the Ontario Flag and the Municipality of Bayham Flag a review of the etiquette guide developed by the Department of Canadian Heritage was undertaken and a flag protocol policy developed. The proposed flag protocol policy outlines the etiquette and protocol for the municipality to follow and use in conjunction with a standardized municipal policy respecting declaration, proclamation and donation requests, to establish consistency across all requests. RECOMMENDATION 1. THAT Report CAO-42/16 re Procedural Protocols be received for information; 2. AND THAT staff be directed to bring forward a by-law for Council consideration to adopt a Flag Protocol Policy and a Proclamation, Declaration & Donation Policy. Respectfully Submitted by: Paul Shipway CAO 11111 O�po'tnnity Flag Protocol Policy Section 1 — Policy Statement 1.1 The National Flag of Canada shall be displayed only in a manner befitting the national emblem; it shall not be subjected to indignity or displayed in a position inferior to any other flag or ensign. 1.2 The Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham does not display flags at any facilities owned by the Municipality other than flags related to municipal, provincial and federal levels of government and as such, has designed a policy to provide: a. dignified, proper protocol and etiquette for flying the National Flag of Canada, the Ontario Provincial Flag and the Municipality of Bayham Flag; and b. to determine the occasions when flags shall be flown at half-mast Section 2 - Definitions 2.1 `Death' shall mean the day of death and up to and including the day of the funeral. 2.2 'The National Flag of Canada' shall mean the National Flag of Canada as approved by Parliament and Proclaimed by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, Queen of Canada, on February 15, 1965. 2.3 'The Ontario Flag' shall mean the current Ontario Flag as proclaimed by the Flag Act on May 21, 1965. 2.4 'The Municipality of Bayham Flag' shall mean the current Municipality of Bayham Flag. Section 3 - Procedures 3.1 Dignity of the National Flag of Canada: 3.1.1 The National Flag of Canada shall always be flown aloft and free. 3.1.2 The National Flag of Canada may be raised and lowered each day or may be flown by 5 night as well as by day. 3.1.3 The National Flag of Canada shall not be used as a table or seat cover or as a masking for boxes, barriers, or intervening space between floor and ground level on a dais or platform. 3.1.4 The National Flag of Canada shall not be used to cover a statue, monument or plaque for an unveiling ceremony. 3.1.5 The National Flag of Canada shall always be flown on its own mast. 3.1.6 When the National Flag of Canada is raised or lowered all present shall face the flag, and all shall remain silent. 3.1.7 The National Flag of Canada shall be raised first and lowered last, unless the number of flags permits their being raised and lowered simultaneously. 3.1.8 With another flag, the National Flag of Canada shall be on the left of the observer facing the flags while boking towards the facility; both shall be at the same height. 3.1.9 In a line of three flags, the National Flag of Canada shall be in the centre. The other two flags shall be placed to the left and right of the National Flag of Canada, from the perspective of the observer facing the three staffs. 3.1.10 With flags of sovereign nations, provinces, territories and municipalities, the National Flag of Canada, when flown or paraded, takes precedence over all other national flags. When flown with other flags, all flags shall be flown on separate staffs and at the same height, all being of the same size, with the National Flag of Canada occupying the position of honour. 3.2 Half-Masting: 3.2.1 Flags are flown at the half-mast position as a sign of respect and condolence or to commemorate significant dates. 3.2.2 The appropriate staff at each location shall be required to lower and raise the flags. 3.2.3 The flag is brought to the half-mast position by first raising it to the top of the mast then immediately lowering it slowly to the half-mast position. 3.2.4 The position of the flag when flying at half-mast will depend on the size of the flag and the length of the flagstaff. It must be lowered at least to a position recognizably half-way down the staff to avoid the appearance of a flag which has accidentally fallen away from the top of the mast owing to a loose flag rope. 3.2.5 On occasions requiring that one flag be flown at half-mast, all flags flown together shall also be flown at half-mast. 3.2.6 Flags will only be half-masted on those flagpoles fitted with halyards and pulleys. Some buildings fly flags from horizontal or angled poles, without halyards, to which flags are 5 permanently attached. Flags on these will not be half-masted. 3.2.7 All flags may be flown at half-mast at Municipality properties in accordance with the guiding principles of the Canadian National Flag Protocol through the following specific conditions: On the death of a current or former Municipality of Bayham Mayor or Member of Council; On the death of a current or former Municipality of Bayham employee; On the death of a member of the Canadian Armed Forces while in active duty; On the death of the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, the Premier of Ontario or another person similarly honoured by the Province of Ontario; On the death of the Local Member of Parliament or Local Member of Provincial Parliament whose riding includes the Municipality of Bayham; On the death of the Sovereign or a member of the Royal Family related in the first degree to the Sovereign; On the death of the Governor General, the Prime Minister, or former Governor General, or former Prime Minister; On April 28, Workers' Mourning Day; November 11, Remembrance Day, the flag shall be flown at half-mast from 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon to coincide with the half-masting of the Peace Tower of the Parliament Buildings; The Flags at Municipal fire stations may also be flown at half- mast in recognition of the death of active or retired firefighters; in recognition of line- of-duty deaths of fire fighters in other municipalities; and in special circumstances outside of Ontario at the discretion of the Fire Chief. The half- masting of such flags shall be performed by the fire station staff. 3.2.8 The Canadian National Flag must nonetheless be flown at full-mast on the following legal holidays created under the Holiday Act (R.S.C.c. H- 5): Victoria Day; Canada Day. The full-masting of the above does not apply if the flag is half-masted for the death of the Sovereign, current Governor General or current Prime Minister, but the National Flag of Canada must be flown at full-mast on the day on which the accession of the new monarch is proclaimed. 3.3 Dignified Folding, Handling and Disposal of Flags: 3.3.1 While the flag is being tied to or removed from the halyard, it will be draped respectfully over one arm and not touching the ground. 3.3.2 When brought in for storage, the flag will be hung over its rack to dry or to be folded in the following manner: Fold the flag lengthways in half; Fold again lengthways, in half; Fold the flag in half vertically; Fold flag once more vertically; Tie with light weight cotton string or equivalent. 5 3.3.3. When a flag becomes faded or tattered and is no longer in a suitable condition for use, it shall be destroyed in a dignified way by burning it privately, or by tearing or cutting it into strips that no longer resemble the original flag. 5 g,AY -. 11111For_a walk O�potnnity •=-4111i111111q111170.**1!1. ' Proclamation — Declaration — Donation Policy Section 1 - Purpose 1.1 The purpose of this policy is to set guidelines that the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham shall follow in response to requests for proclamations, declarations and donations for events and activities that are not within the municipal mandate. Section 2 - Definitions 2.1 `Clerk' shall mean the person appointed by Council in accordance with Section 228 of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001 c. 25, or designate; 2.2 `Corporation' shall mean The Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham; 2.3 `Donation" shall mean a financial contribution or cash given for a charitable purpose and/or to benefit a cause; 2.4 `Proclamations and Declarations' shall mean ceremonial documents issued and signed by the Mayor to recognize a person, event, campaign, or organization for a certain day, week or month; Section 3 - Procedure 3.1 The Municipality shall advise, in writing, to all parties requesting proclamations, declarations and donations that the Municipality neither makes proclamations, declarations, nor does it provide donations as it is not within the Municipal Mandate to do so. 3.2 The Clerk, or designate, shall be responsible for ensuring this Policy is made known to any person or organization seeking a proclamation, declaration or donation from the Corporation. 3.3 The Clerk, or designate, shall send a correspondence including the below in response to all requests for proclamations, declarations and donations, which are outside of the municipal mandate. The Municipality's policy states that, for reasons of constraint and liability, neither grants funds, nor makes proclamations for specific interest group activities, which are outside the Municipal mandate. In view of this policy, the Municipality offers the following alternatives: Applications to have an event listed on the Municipality's website calendar are accepted online at https://www.bayham.on.ca/pages/calendar Requests may be made for the Mayor or council designate to be present at your event. Please contact the member of Council via the Council website page for assistance in this matter. THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LAW 2016-052 A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM AND BLUMETRIC ENVIRONMENTAL INC. FOR PROVISION OF SOURCE WATER PROTECTION PLAN IMPLEMENTATION SERVICES WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham is desirous of entering into an agreement with the BlueMetric Environmental Inc. for the provision of Source Water Protection Plan Implementation Services; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the Mayor and Clerk be and are hereby authorized to execute the Agreement attached hereto as Schedule "A" and forming part of this by-law between the Municipality of Bayham and the BlueMetric Environmental Inc. for provision of Source Water Protection Plan Implementation Services; 2. THAT this by-law shall come into full force and effect upon final passing. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 16th DAY OF JUNE 2016. MAYOR CLERK THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 2016- 053 BEING A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE EXECUTION OF A SITE PLAN AGREEMENT BETWEEN NEW HOPE BAPTIST CHURCH AND THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM WHEREAS Section 41 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. 13, as amended, provides, in part, that, where in an Official Plan an area is shown or described as a proposed site plan control area, the Council of the local municipality in which the proposed area is situate may, by by-law, designate the whole or any part of such area as a site plan control area; AND WHEREAS the Municipality of Bayham has enacted a Site Plan Control Area By-law 2005-061 pursuant to Section 41 of the said Planning Act. AND WHEREAS Section 41 of the said Planning Act, as cited above, provides that no person shall undertake any development in an area designated as subject to site plan control pursuant to a by-law enacted under that section without first having received approval, as the Council may determine, of the following: 1. Plans showing the location of all buildings and structures to be erected and showing the location of all facilities and works to be provided in conjunction therewith and of all facilities and works required under clause (7) (a). AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham now deems it necessary to enter into a Site Plan agreement with NEW HOPE BAPTIST CHURCH NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the Mayor and Clerk be and they are hereby authorized and directed to execute the Site Plan Agreement between The Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham and New Hope Baptist Church affixed hereto and forming part of this By-law as Schedule 2. THAT the executed agreement be registered at the owner's expense against the land to which it applies under the Land Titles Registry Elgin # 11. READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME this 16th day of June 2016. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED this 16th day of June 2016. MAYOR CLERK SITE PLAN CONTROL AGREEMENT NEW HOPE BAPTIST CHURCH Part Lot 18, Concession 10, Municipality of Bayham, County of Elgin AND THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM This Agreement made in duplicate this 16th day of June, 2016. BETWEEN: NEW HOPE BAPTIST CHURCH (hereinafter the "Owner") Of the First Part AND: THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM (hereinafter the "Municipality") Of the Second Part WHEREAS the Owner is the owner in fee simple of the land situate in the Municipality of Bayham in the County of Elgin and Province of Ontario, being part of Lot 18, Concession 10 therein, and more particularly identified and depicted in Attachment "A" attached hereto (and hereinafter referred to as the "Lands" ); AND WHEREAS, in effect, the Official Plan of the Municipality of Bayham designates the entirety of the Municipality as a site plan control area; AND WHEREAS the Owner intends to develop the lands in accordance with a Site Plan attached and marked as Attachment "A" hereto (and hereinafter referred to as the "Plan"); AND WHEREAS the Municipality, as a condition of approval of proposed development of the Lands requires the Owner to enter into a Site Plan Control Agreement as contemplated by By- Law No. 2016-047, being the Site Plan Control By-Law enacted by the Council for the Municipality; NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of good and valuable consideration exchanged herein and, further thereto, the sum of two dollars ($2.00) of lawful money of Canada now paid by each party to the other, the receipt and sufficiency of which consideration is hereby acknowledged, the Owner and Municipality hereby covenant and agree as follows: 1. The Owner agrees that no building permit will be available for the development of the Lands until the Plan has been approved by the Municipality and further agrees that work in relation to such development will not commence prior to the issuance of a building permit. 2. The Attachments hereto and as described below, attached and verified by the signatures of the Parties hereto, are incorporated in and form part of this Agreement: Attachment "A" —Site Plan, Site analysis & OBC Matrix Attachment "B" —Site Servicing and Grading Plan Attachment "C" —Certificate of Compliance. 3. The Parties agree and acknowledge that Attachment "A" (Lands/Site Plan) hereto identifies the Lands which are subject to this Agreement and, furthermore, depicts and details the Plan for development of the Lands, including but not limited to; (a) The location and height of all buildings and structures to be erected; (b) The location of vehicular entrances and exits; (c) The location and provision of off-Street vehicular loading and parking facilities, including driveways for emergency vehicles; (d) Walkways and all other means of pedestrian access; (e) The location and provision of fences, trees and all ground cover or facilities for landscaping the Lands and protecting the adjoining lands and, furthermore, depicts the lighting, including flood lighting, of the Lands and any building or structure to be erected thereon; (f) The location and provision for the collection and storage of garbage and other waste materials. 4. The Owner agrees and covenants that the Lands will be developed, including but not limited to any building or structure that is to be erected thereon, in strict accordance with the Plan depicted on Attachment "A" hereto, subject only to such changes receiving prior approval from the Municipality. 5. The Parties agree and acknowledge that Attachment "B" ("Site Servicing Plan") hereto depicts and details proposed site servicing facilities for development of the Lands, including but not limited to; (a) Lot grading information, indicating overland flow to and from adjacent properties, collection and disposal of surface water and storm water management (if deemed necessary by the Municipality); (b) Location of utilities within the road allowance and site connections to these utilities; (c) Building finished floor elevations; (d) Other information as required by the Municipality. 6. The Owner agrees and covenants that the site development and servicing upon the Lands will be in strict accordance with the Plans depicted on Attachment "B" hereto, subject only to such changes receiving prior approval from the Municipality. 7. The Owner further agrees that: (a) Final grades and elevations will be established to the satisfaction of the Municipality. The Owner will provide proof of final grades and elevations certified by a professional land surveyor or civil engineer prior to consideration of any request for final release of any security held by the Municipality relative to the proposed development of the Lands. (b) All necessary provisions for service connections on-site will be made to the satisfaction of the Municipality. (c) Construction work will be carried out expeditiously, in good and work-man-like manner, in accordance with good trade practices, and, at all times, so as to minimize nuisance. (d) All necessary precautions to avoid dust, noise and other nuisances and to provide for public safety will, so far as possible, be undertaken so as to achieve compliance with all federal, provincial, or other municipal regulations or standards. (e) All necessary care will be taken to see that mud and soil is not tracked or spilled onto any public street and, where such tracking occurs, the street shall be cleaned at the end of each working day. (f) Garbage disposal facilities will be of an enclosed type located and depicted on the Site Plan as attached as Attachment "A" hereto, at all times designed in a manner satisfactory to the Municipality. (g) Unless otherwise provided, all parking lots and walkways will be finished with hot-mix asphalt, concrete or paving stones to the satisfaction of the Municipality and have permanent bumper curbing along all parking areas that abut the limits of the Lands. (h) No topsoil shall be stockpiled on any other portion of the Lands except those lands identified for that purpose in Attachment "A" to this Agreement; provided that all topsoil shall be stockpiled and maintained in a manner which allows for the maintenance of weeds and other noxious plants; and the Municipality may at all times enter the Lands for purposes of inspection of such stockpiling of topsoil and, if necessary, for purposes of maintenance of weeds, the cost of which shall be borne by the Owner and collected either in like manner as municipal taxes or from any security held by the Municipality to ensure performance of all obligations by the Owner in respect of the development of the Lands. (i) Stockpiling of snow will not be allowed on the Lands where it will constitute a hazard as determined by the Municipality. (j) The electrical servicing of the Lands shall be subject to the approval of Hydro One, or any successor utility thereto. (k) During the period of development of the Lands as contemplated by this Agreement, if the Owner fails to take any act required for public safety or convenience, as determined by the Municipality, and upon seven (7) days written notice, the Municipality, in addition to any other remedy at law, may enter upon the Lands and undertake any and all works to correct such failure and thereby reinstate such element of public safety or convenience, the cost of which municipal work shall be borne by the Owner and collected in like manner either as municipal taxes or from any security held by the Municipality to ensure performance of all obligations of the Owner hereunder. (I) The Municipality is at liberty to consider any breach of this Agreement as a violation of By-Law No. 2016-047, being the Site Plan Control By-Law for the Municipality of Bayham, and Section 41 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P. 13, as amended, thereby constituting an offence pursuant to section 67 of the said Act and, further, entitling the Municipality to seek any manner of remedy or relief as based thereon, including but not limited to the issuance of a stop work order and/or injunction to restrain continuation of such breach. (m)Nothing in this Agreement constitutes a waiver of the duty of the Owner to comply with any other by-law of the Municipality or any other law, whether federal or provincial in nature. 8. The Owner shall be responsible for consulting with Hydro One, or any successor utility thereto, regarding any matters which relate to utility services provided by Hydro One. 9. The Owner shall be responsible for consulting with and obtaining any necessary approval from any and all regulatory body having an interest in or jurisdiction over the development of the Lands, including but not limited to the Long Point Region Conservation Authority and the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change. 10. The Owner shall satisfy all requirements in relation to fire protection for the building or buildings or structure or structures to be erected upon the Lands to the satisfaction of the Fire Chief for the Municipality of Bayham. 11. The Owner agrees to pay for damages to public property, including but not limited to any municipal drain, ditch, street surface, or storm and sanitary sewer systems, which may occur during the development of the Lands as contemplated by this Agreement. In the event that the Owner shall fail to repair any such damage within thirty (30) days of occurrence, the Municipality may enter upon the Lands and effect such repair at the sole risk and expense of the Owner. 12. The Owner agrees that any and all lighting required for the development of the Lands in accordance with this Agreement shall be installed and maintained so as not to interfere with the use or enjoyment of adjacent properties or with the safe flow of traffic on abutting or adjacent streets, the determination of which interference shall be in the sole discretion and opinion of the Municipality. 13. The Owner shall landscape and maintain plants and groundcover upon the Lands and in strict accordance with the Plans and at all times to a standard acceptable to the Municipality. 14. If the Ontario Building Code requires that an Architect or Professional Engineer, or both, shall be responsible for the field review of any new building or structure or extension thereof as contemplated by this Agreement, then the Owner shall not occupy or use or permit occupation or use of, any such building or structure or extension thereof until after an Architect or Professional Engineer has delivered approval thereof to the Municipality by a letter addressed to the Municipality and signed by the said Architect or Professional Engineer and certifying that all construction and/or services on or in the Lands, including any such building or structure or extension thereof thereon as required for the development or redevelopment of the Lands have been installed and/or constructed in a manner satisfactory to the Architect or Professional Engineer. 15. The Municipality, through its servants, officers, and agents, including its Chief Building Official, Fire Chief, and Municipal Engineer, may, from time to time and any time, enter upon the Lands and/or any building or structure being erected thereon to inspect; (a) the progress of the development upon the Lands; (b) the state of maintenance as required by this Agreement; (c) compliance with any and all laws, whether Federal, Provincial, or Municipal, including any and all by-laws for the Municipality and more particularly including By-Law No. 2016-047 as Site Plan Control By-Law; and, (d) compliance with this Agreement. 16. In the event of any servant, officer, or agent of the Municipality determining, upon inspection of the Lands and any building or structure erected thereon, that the development is not proceeding in strict accordance with the Plan, and specifications filed, that servant, officer, or agent shall forthwith place a notice requiring all work upon the Lands to be stopped and, furthermore, forward, by registered mail, a copy of such notice to the Owner at his, her, or its last known address and the Owner shall forthwith correct the deficiency in relation to which that notice relates or, alternatively, appeal to the Council of the Municipality of Bayham as hereinafter provided. 17. In the event of any servant, officer, or agent of the Municipality, having inspected the Lands or any building or structure being erected thereon in accordance with this Agreement, be of the opinion that the state of maintenance of such Lands, building, or structure is unsatisfactory, such servant, officer, or agent shall forthwith forward a notice detailing the particulars of such opinion and the basis therefor, by registered mail, to the Owner at his, her, or its last known address and the Owner shall forthwith correct the deficiency giving rise to that opinion of unsatisfactory maintenance or, alternatively, appeal such opinion and the need for correction to the Council of the Municipality of Bayham as hereinafter provided. 18. In the event that the Owner should disagree with the opinion of the servant, officer, or agent of the Municipality as to the state of compliance and/or maintenance, such Owner shall appear before the Council of the Municipality of Bayham, which Council, after hearing the details of the alleged deficiency and hearing the response of the Owner, shall express its opinion as to whether the maintenance of the lands, building, or structure is satisfactory and which decision shall constitute a final determination of the issue. 19. In the event that the Owner shall fail to obey a stop work order issued pursuant to section 16 above, the Owner acknowledges and recognizes the right of the Municipality to apply to a Court of competent jurisdiction in the Province of Ontario for appropriate relief, including but not limited to an injunction restraining continuation of work upon the Lands. 20. In the event that an Owner shall fail to correct a deficiency after notice is given pursuant to sections 16 or 17 above and which notice the Council of the Municipality of Bayham subsequently determines is correct in accordance with section 19 above, the Council of the Municipality of Bayham may by by-law direct, on default of the matter or thing being done by the Owner and after two (2) weeks written notice to the Owner as delivered by registered mail to the last known address of the Owner, that such matter or thing be done by or on behalf of the Municipality, at the expense of the Owner, which expense may be recoverable by action, as municipal taxes, or as drawn from and paid by any security deposit with the Municipality as security for full performance of all obligations by the Owner in respect of the development contemplated by this Agreement. 21. The Owner further acknowledges that any contravention of any provision of this Agreement will constitute a contravention of By-Law No. 2016-047 for the Municipality of Bayham, being the Site Plan Control By-Law, as enacted pursuant to section 41 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.13, as amended, and, among other methods of remedy or relief, is subject to prosecution and penalty as provided for in section 67 of such Act. 22. Unless otherwise authorized, in the event that the Owner wishes to revise the development as described in and depicted in Attachments "A" and/or "B" attached, he, she, or it shall make application to the Council of the Municipality of Bayham for reconsideration and approval and, furthermore, the Owner agrees that construction shall not proceed so as to implement any such revision until approval is given by such Council or, alternatively and on appeal, the Ontario Municipal Board pursuant to the procedure set forth in section 41 of the Planning Act, RSO 1990, c. P.13, as amended. 23. The Owner agrees to pay to the Municipality all administration costs incurred in connection with the preparation and/or implementation of this Agreement, including all legal, engineering, and inspection costs. 24. Upon execution of this Agreement and as contribution to capital charges, the Owner shall pay to the Municipality, in cash or by certified cheque, the amount of _Zero_ Dollars and Zero Cents ($_NIL_). 25. Upon execution of this agreement and as contribution to Site Plan Review expenses, the Owner shall pay to the Municipality, in cash or certified cheque, the amount of Two Hundred Dollars and Zero Cents ($250.00). 26. Before commencing any of the work contemplated herein, the Owner shall supply the Municipality with a Liability Insurance Policy, or acceptable proof thereof, providing coverage to a minimum amount of $ 2,000,000.00 per occurrence, and in a form satisfactory to the Municipality, thereby indemnifying the Municipality from any loss arising from claims for damages, injury, or otherwise, in connection with the work to be undertaken upon the Lands and for which approval contemplated by this Agreement is granted. The said policy of insurance shall be provided at the time of execution of this Agreement and shall remain in force until the development contemplated herein is complete and all required documentation in evidence thereof has been filed with the Municipality. 27. The Owner hereby identifies the intended completion date for the development contemplated by this Agreement as on or before June 16, 2017. The Parties agree that it is a responsibility of the Owner to arrange for completion of the development contemplated by this Agreement on or before such date and, furthermore, to apply for any extension of and from such date by no later than sixty (60) days prior to such intended completion date. 28. As security for the performance and completion of all works required by this Agreement, the Owner shall provide the Municipality with a Letter of Credit, in the amount of TO BE DETERMINED Dollars and Cents ($ ). The said Letter of Credit will be based on the estimated cost of alterations to public property, roadways, curbs and gutters and drains, and any repairs for damages to public property, roadways, curbs and gutters and drains, plus all site- specific components as identified by the Site Plan and Site Servicing Plan, attached as Attachments "A" and "B", which are approved under this Agreement. The amount of the Letter of Credit shall be established by the Municipality. The irrevocable Letter of Credit will be issued by a Chartered Bank or other institution acceptable to the Municipality and provide specific reference to this Agreement and provide for the value thereof to be payable to the Municipality at any time or, in part, from time to time, upon written notice from the Municipality. The Letter of Credit shall be provided by the Owner to the Municipality at the time of execution of this Agreement and shall remain in force, until twelve (12) months after completion of the development contemplated by this Agreement, including but not limited to production of all documentation required for evidence of such due and proper completion of the Development. 29. This Agreement and the provisions thereof do not grant to the Owner, or any person acquiring any interest in the said Lands, any rights against the Municipality with respect to the failure of the Owner to perform or fully perform any of his, her, or its obligations under this Agreement or any negligence on the part of the Owner in relation to the Performance of any obligations required by this Agreement. 30. In the event that construction on the Lands has not commenced within the one (1) year from the date of registration of this Agreement against title to the Lands, the Municipality may, at its option and on one (1) month written notice to the Owner, declare this agreement to be terminated, subject to renegotiation at the option of the Municipality. In the event that the Agreement is terminated as set forth above, the Owner agrees that construction on the Lands as contemplated by this Agreement will not be commenced or continued until such time as the terms of this Agreement, at the option of the Municipality, have been renegotiated. 31. Following completion of the development of the Lands in accordance with the Plans contemplated by this Agreement and attached as Attachments "A" and "B" hereto, the Owner shall prepare, sign, and deliver to the Municipality a Certificate of Compliance in the form and of the content set forth in Attachment "C" hereto, by which Certificate the Owner shall confirm that all elements of this Site Plan Agreement have been completed in accordance with the terms hereof and the provisions of By-Law No. 2016-047, being the Site Plan Control By-Law for the Municipality. 32. The Owner agrees that he, she, or it will not call into question, directly or indirectly and in any proceeding whatsoever in law or in equity or before any administrative tribunal or court, the right of the Municipality to enter into this Agreement or to enforce each and every term, covenant, and condition herein contained and, furthermore, acknowledges that this provision may be pled as an estoppel as against the Owner in any such case. 33. The Owner agrees on behalf of himself, herself, or itself, including their respective heirs, executors, ministries, and assigns, to save harmless and indemnify the Municipality from all losses, damages, costs, charges, and expenses which may be claimed or recovered against the Municipality by any person or persons arising either directly or indirectly from any action taken by the Owner in accordance with this Agreement. 34.All facilities, works, and other matters required by this Agreement shall be provided and maintained by the Owner at its sole risk and expense but at all times to the satisfaction of the Municipality in accordance with all standards applied by the Municipality and, in default thereof and without limiting any right or claim to remedy or relief as available to the Municipality, the provisions of section 446 of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c. 25, as amended, shall apply. 35. This Agreement shall be registered, at the expense of the Owner, against title to the Lands and the Municipality shall be entitled, subject to the provisions of any statute of the Province of Ontario, including but not limited to the Registry Act and/or Land Titles Act, to enforce its provisions against the Owner as named herein, including any successor in title thereto. 36. This Agreement enures to the benefit of and is binding upon the Parties hereto and their respective heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have executed this Agreement by their hands and seals or under cover of duly authorized officials at Bayham, Ontario this 16th day of June, 2016. Signed, Sealed, and Delivered ) NEW HOPE BAPTIST CHURCH In the presence of ) per: Name: ) Position: ) per: ) Name: ) Position: We have authority to bind the Corporation. THE CORPORATION OF THE ) MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM per: Paul Ens, Mayor per: Paul Shipway, Clerk We have authority to bind the Corporation ATTACHMENT "A" Site Plan, Site Analysis & OBC Matrix Set No. SIPE 6 ZONING/NALPSPS 2..T11"1.7.07,p7:n.p.7217:... GURREN1 ZON NG CHURCH '''...'.'.ppT3 ROAD TYNE HIGHWAY TTh Road Warn NOM I',prosy AL ooNp.s,P.NrnoN ocepsnaucNoT -,,,T... 17' , ' A, ,,,,,- ,,A Alitlit ....' ..'". •Fr...`FirriFiE.„,,...c,,,. (6 r MX np ADDITION 43 2 m ADDITION 14111 \ 1.41611 •/ ' SSUE d REVISION DESIGN,ON LETTER A SSUE No I RENSION ..ms..........d dillk/ ..,, ' 503 DO, 640 5. 411SCO \ \ 0 I' 6 POISQ 18 Rev sea...as.SPA WO 7 2.0 40 \ [ 2016.01 06 REV S ANON NE LOCA ION \ 4/ \ , 41, D 2016 04 0 WO PEP'S DNS SPA SUBMISSION \ STANDARD STALL SIZE 2 7 nix S 6 n WIRED PROPOSED / / \ STANDARD PIS[SIZE a 0. \,( 0,/, WO COMMENTS / SEPTIC PECS '‘P' \ 0 . ,.... , „.„....... .,:....„,,, , ,,.„ 0/. . 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"".7'"..."-'''... ____PREVIOUSL_Y N:10=7 ______ arC hLi e ic Nt u r: ,,?r,c_ ---Cr— _____0 0 , ' NEW CHHOUPRECBHAPTIST a...4MM ...a ''''rtt'"O'or.'"Zo'ie'l tVt.',,,,,00tt at mason to xe on loosatoram SITE PLA0NSmITEARIxALYSIS aBcAT 1504 ..... .(-; OBC MATRIX I n SITE PLAN D 0 I ATTACHMENT "B" Site Servicing & Grading Plan •••••••••.......'►.�� MwIMNM TRENM•AB]THS '� /` r.,o...•N....A.,...A.v o.:...... w m.a.,.r..Taa.,rAa aoc '-r� 'rte ®ro,,,<..e.•..,a.....,.. N... Il ••-• -I-'-- ' rT_ ' .�. i ce%s...... -•• . MT TON.Mani goann, LOOMLOOM A.. ! ..A r. ar'is die ' s :..__; 1 .NWIa �•� Fr/INFTSR".4•41VII"'0,1 TO COTO ®dNG NOTES /' maoso to 116a 031•6110•51 CAVONANN.MST , ��Y__gressc '•1 @ � . mn...... N:.TA. ,�,. J ®_ "°"" KEY PLAN r RIi j ``, nme, w. '''''iu:: N.T.S. o s r1 1 r ,, �A..,,1...A.:a.• ..TMNAM RI. IUFF CAlOMA5N. = r \ "I I J, lima "°I d€ IIr .6- a STANDARD CATCHBASIN CLASS 'B' BEDDING 1 * .Moi 1.. a !II- N.T.S. N.T.S. 1 0,." m TR .. -7. QOlin °' ""' mi GENERAL NOTES ,r ., m� „1,, '' _ _ STORMWATER I� '�`� •. i �� Rj '° r .., c'om:m m11:oms, s� MANAGEMENT r .:, 1.52.116. �...,A l m.N ..... • \ , , IL'"L"'” Esig so...i.,./..,I STE MEN MANG i 0 , ..,;.4.,....,— �, r 'E ,� < , UN= ME �tr:Sarz. smd R..... .•.. matec 2a, zent .,.4 1 ,. s ' ,► . 7,:::-.:-:'.4'.1--'-' � AORN.•NR., ,.AA.D,•,,.,. N.r .........I �I •/ x. 'gra'r DRY HYDRANT—AS MANUFACTURED BY NORTH UNE(KOCHER) • • BAYHAM BY—LAW icy I ( a�'�� �� / � b. X'6 /f N.T.S ...,M m, . .. �� . REQUIREMENTS 'f r„ �s�i L7,\1 df iv ..I ;�L I. I,. ( 7' A.,,,.''' �r 9 • —..—. I mem i d 3 rs- i--,_ ,,,.• „„/ • • OEM UK � �:, NSA 1-111/09 !Pi 44w,I P. b N' • m ,..LN,, jl rs�` A< „ mss' 1 r\1,,b.- ,1'r . , `- , ›ii ,per •F-n.o.> I !' u ..g1 son 00vEHNEOLu.) 40S It= qfr 90_:_AR.: DL TA I comma n.i«.i'�' 011,131NMONO 3. AN TOTAL MONO 34 441 LOVOn IPACZ N/A N/A LEGEND �, .Aa D»» MOO PI..... W 04 In mum.11n10.5.nmAs ME RIC SCALE. HORIZ ,:Moo MUNICIPALITY O F B A Y H A M •- cameowe.c....L....n•.e • • • ®°"«'"•`•Ap1®® �•• MOO= `wN ' "�®°”"'°""" r��' ��� NEW HOPE BAPTIST CHURCH twos i.d.,.,..,.`.n.. {/-�}@G D.R.T,..NNe®.ARN. a,I.d ,�.w.,M: i'+ k ; _ CJ D 1. T,,,,o ADDITION O Vl�6' .J. ENNEF A.GILVEST 5 - �s�s uee,000 57272 MY 3,TALBOT UNE ---m-- ...OXEN _ — •NNw...n ` l`° '.��,° 2 REwsn PEP u canrrTs ....v STS CO"•� E • tlei®na nro�m PANT a LOT,e CONCESSION - a BATNu. ••��^••�••^••.'+^.•••® .av,,a, .r Fe SITE SERVICING AND GRADING -...- EXONO0 VOW.. 1 RE.,sn am uroryuNa•AMTT means A A.•. AG DOM BY: AG DRAM Be sRis MEMO Be AG PLAN MONO ILA.lAsT • DIM swam No. PENSION DATE BY PROJECT NO.1602 6IIRYM Be Num DATE:11 NOV.2011 ORAMNG No. Cl ATTACHMENT "C" CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE PROPERTY IDENTIFICATION: Municipal Address: Owner: This document serves to certify that the Development project on the afore-noted Lands has been completed in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Site Plan Agreement between the undersigned, as Owner, and the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham as dated , 20 , and as authorized by By-Law No. 20 - for the said Municipality of Bayham. The undersigned makes this certification declaring it to be true and correct and as if made under oath. Dated at , Ontario this day of , 20 . Witness Signature Name of Owner (Print) Address of Owner (Mailing) Telephone Number THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 2016-054 A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM ALL ACTIONS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM FOR THE REGULAR MEETING HELD JUNE 16, 2016 WHEREAS under Section 5 (1) of the Municipal Act, 2001 S.O. 2001, Chapter 25, the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by the Council of the municipality; AND WHEREAS under Section 5 (3) of the Municipal Act, 2001, the powers of Council are to be exercised by by-law; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham deems it advisable that the proceedings of the meeting be confirmed and adopted by by-law. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the actions of the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham in respect of each recommendation and each motion and resolution passed and other action by the Council at the regular meeting held June 16, 2016 is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law. 2. THAT the Mayor and Clerk of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action of the Council including executing all documents and affixing the Corporate Seal. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME and finally passed this 16th day of June, 2016. MAYOR CLERK