BY-LAW NO. 2023-079
WHEREAS section 8(1) of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c. 25, as amended, grants a
broad scope of powers to municipalities to govern their affairs as they consider appropriate;
AND WHEREAS on October 5, 2023 the Municipality of Bayham passed By-law No. 2023-
065 being a by-law to provide for drainage works in the Municipality of Bayham in the County
of Elgin known as the Hampton Municipal Drain Improvements;
AND WHEREAS the Council or the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham awarded the
Form of Tender— Hampton Drain to P.B. R. Excavating Inc. in the amount of $204,149.00
+HST on October 19, 20231
AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham is desirous of
entering into an agreement with P.B. R. Excavating Inc. for these drainage works;
THAT the Mayor and Clerk be and are hereby authorized to execute the Agreement
attached hereto as Schedule "A" and forming part of this by-law between The
Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham and P.B. R. Excavating Inc. for Hampton
drainage works;
2. AND THAT this by-law shall come into full force and effect upon final passing.
OCTOBER, 2023.
Schedule A to By-law 2023-079
The Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham
(Hereinafter called the "Municipality"
of the First Part
P.B.R. Excavating Inc.
(Hereinafter called the "Contractor")
of the Second Part
Section 1 - General Provisions
1 1 A general description of work is to provide all the labour, equipment and materials required for
the Hampton Drain Improvement works as outlined in the Form of Tender attached to this
1.2 In respect of such work and except as otherwise specifically provided, the Contractor, at his own
expense, shall provide all and every kind of labour, machinery, plant, structures, roadways and
materials necessary for the due execution and completion of all the work set out in this Contract
and shall forthwith according to the instructions of the Municipality commence the works and
diligently execute the respective portions thereof; and deliver the works complete in every
particular to the Municipality within the time specified in the Tender.
1-3 The Contractor shall be responsible for any damage made to Municipal or private property. Any
damage will be repaired at the expense of the Contractor and approved by the Municipality.
1 4 The Contractor shall maintain and pay for Comprehensive General Liability Insurance in an
amount of not less than two million ($2,000,000.00) naming the Municipality of Bayham as an
additional insured in respect of all operations performed by or on behalf of the Municipality. The
coverage shall not be altered, cancelled or allowed to expire or lapse without thirty (30) days
prior written notice to the Municipality. A Certificate of Insurance shall be filed with the
Municipality upon the signing of the Agreement and be maintained in place for the duration of
the agreement.
1 5 The Contractor shall agree to fulfil all of his obligations in compliance with the Occupational
Health and Safety Act and further agrees to take responsibility for any health and safety violation
that may occur. The Contractor shall indemnify and save harmless the Municipality from any
and all charges, fines, penalties and costs that may be incurred of paid by the Municipality.
1.6 The contractor shall provide a Certificate from Workplace Safety and Insurance Board indicating
that all payments by the Contractor to the WSIB in conjunction with this Agreement have been
made and that the Municipality will not be liable to the Board for future payments in connection
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Schedule A to By-law 2023-079
with the Agreement. The Certificate shall be provided upon signing of the Agreement.
Section 2 —Administration
2 1 This Agreement shall take effect on the 19t" day of October 2023, and shall remain in
effect until December 31, 2023.
2.2 Payment shall be made net thirty (30) calendar days following receipt of invoice.
2.3 Any notice required to be given under this Agreement must be in writing to the
applicable address set out below. -
(a) in the case of the Municipality:
Municipality of Bayham
PO Box 160
56169 Heritage Line
Straffordville, ON NOJ 1Y0
Office: (519) 866-5521
Email: sadams(@-bayham.on.ca
(b) in the case of the Contractor:
P.B.R Excavating Inc.
47 Clearview Drive
Tillsonburg, ON N4G 4G8
2.4 In construing this Agreement, words in the singular shall include the plural and vice versa and
words importing the masculine shall include the feminine, and the neuter and vice versa, and
words importing persons shall include corporations and vice versa.
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Schedule A to By-law 2023-079
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have duly executed this Agreement this 19th day of October, 2023.
Authorized by
Bayham By-law No. 2023-079
WITNESS WHEREOF the part of the Second Part has hereunto set is hand and seal.
SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED, this 19th day of October, 2023.
In the presence of )
Witness: R. Excavating Inc.
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Revised November 2022
13dS N Q1!ALm' OF MHAh1
Sealed tenders shall be received at the Municipal Offices on Tuesday, October — 10, 2023 - 1 pm
At; 56169 Heritage Line, Straffordviile, Ontario NOJ 1YO
SCOPE: The work to be done under this specification consists of supplying all labour, materials and equipment to
construct the work as outlined on the drawing(s). In some Municipalities the Contractor shall supply all materials while
In other Municipalities he shall supply only certain materials. The Form of Tender and Agreement lists which materials
are to be supplied by the Contractor.
DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS: The Tenderer must satisfy themself that they understand the meaning and intent
of the drawings and specifications before submission of his tender. The standard specifications have been separated
Into sections for reference purpose only. They shall be considered complementary and, where a project is controlled
under one of the sections, the remaining sections will still apply for miscellaneous works. In case of any inconsistency
or conflict in the Tender Documents, the following order of precedence shall apply:
1. Addendums
2. Instruction to Tenderers
3. Contract Drawings
4, Form of Tender and Agreement
5. Specifications (dated January 2020)
6. Standard Drawings
3. TENDERS: Tenders are to be submitted on a lump sum basis for the complete works or a portion thereof, as set out in
the Form of Tender and Agreement.
a. TENDERER TO INVESTIGATE: The Tenderer shall examine the premises and site to compare them with the drawings
and specifications in order to satisfy himself of the existing conditions and the extent of the work to be done before
submission of his tender. No allowance shall subsequently be made on behalf of the Contractor by reason of any error
on his part. If required, the above specifleations andlor further information are available at the office of the Engineers,
Spriet Associates London Limited, 166 York Street, London, Ontario N6A 1A8.
Any estimates of quantities shown or indicated on the drawings or extent of work are 'neat' calculations and are provided
for the convenience of the Tenderer. Any use made of these quantities by the Tenderer In calculating his tender shall
be done at his own risk. The Tenderer, for his own protection, should check these quantities for accuracy.
5. INTERPRETATION OF CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: No oral interpretation will be made. Any interpretations made to
Tenderers will be in the form of an Addendum to the contract documents which will be forwarded to all Tenderers.
Discrepancies, omissions or doubts as to the meaning of drawings and specifications should be communicated at once
to the Contract Administrator for Interpretation. Tenderers should act promptly to allow sufficient time for a reply to reach
them before the submission of their tender and any such Interpretation made by the Contract Administrator prior to the
receipt of tenders shall be made a part of the Contract.
6, PRICES SUBMITTED: The tender price or prices tendered in the Tender shall be in full compensation for all labour,
equipment and materials and utility and transportation services necessary to perform and complete all work under the
Contract, including all miscellaneous work, whether specifically Included in the Tender Documents or not. It is the
intention of the Drawings and Specifications to provide finished work. Any Items omitted therefrom which are dearly
necessary for the completion of the work shall be considered part of the work, though not directly specified in the Tender
7. ACCEPTANCE: Tenders shall be made on a lump sum basis on the forms provided. It shall be noted that any alteration
of the "Form of Tender and Agreement", failure to complete the Form of Tender in full or any other requirements set out
in these documents, will render the tender liable to rejection by the Municipality. Acceptance of the Tender by the
Municipality shall constitute a formal and binding contractwhen signed by the Municipal Officials.
The Tenderer shall keep his Tender open for acceptance and irrevocable until 45 days have elapsed from the closing
date of the Tender or a formal contract is executed, based on a Tender other than his own.
The owner reserves the right to reject all or any tenders received. The contract, when awarded, shall be made for each
branch or division of the work or for the whole work as deemed in the best interested of the owner.
The lowest bid or any bid will not necessarily be accepted. Special consideration may be placed upon the
commencement and competition date provided as part of the contractors tender.
The owner reserves the right, upon award of Tender, to reduce the extent of work to be performed in this contract based
on higher tendered costs versus estimated project costs.
6. TENDER SECURITY: The tender shall be accompanied by a security in the amount of ten percent (10%) of the Tender
Price including all applicable taxes. Tender security shall be in the form of a bid bond or a certified cheque made payable
to the Owner in Canadian Currency. If the tender security is a Bid Bond then the Tenderer shall include with his tender
an Agreement to Bond executed under its corporate seal by the surety company from which he proposed to obtain the
required bonds. This bid bond shall guarantee that, if awarded the Contract, the Contractor will fumish the required
bonds within seven (7) days from the date of the award of a contract, otherwise the tender security shall be forfeited.
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Revised November 2022
Tender Security (cont'd)
In cases where a Tenderer withdraws his Tender before the Council has considered the Tenders and awarded a Contract
the amount of the Tender deposit of the Tenderer so withdrawing his Tender may be forfefted to the Owner.
Tender Security of unsuccessful tenderers will be returned upon award and execution of the Contract.
Bid bonds supplied shall have an expiry date which Is a minimum of 60 days from the date of tender closing.
9, CONTRACT SECURITY; If the suaeeeaful conlrartnr sutxmits a carlified cheoue as tender security, the MUhinniW,: y will
rslain 3% of the Contract Price far nna yes? e* warranty. After the pletx.4, of troa work, any part of this wean i-Lty
holdbno k may be uxFed to correct defogs V411.0i may devofop with in that limn frorn Fauxy %vorFmansh ip or rnaterL3l or loose
backti4l, provided that nonce Shall firmt be giweu to the Cm-ilractor and that he may promptly rnake j;c such derecls, ff
#re desr:os The Cekbried Clhequa of the successful Tender shall h9 recalned by life Munlcipalk until the cflrhuact is
completed and a caniklaklon certificate Es issued by Il,a Engineer. The Bucuu—m9ful Contractor glaall have lha cptiark of
iumish ing the Municipality whir Elands to rep?ate the tender security and wtrrranty h n4dbark as o?,tlined below.
ff the successful contractor eubmits a trod bard as tender smwrV or Intends Jo replace their conIfed chequawJth Bands
Ihen the cahtactor BhaA supply the MunIpnGty wdih a Dond in tthti amount tit i00 Fir conk pf the Carktkact Price for
hfaint rka,lr a and PerFarrnanoE and a bond in the MMOU-it Of b0 per cent of thia Crrr,tracl Pr$w for Labour an¢ Mak+rrials
wltl I a satlsfaCtory Guaranty Surety Company with hread Offlce Irk th-eProvince of Ontario w1li kra req uired for Jt.Ia Cwtract,
These bonds shalt ene una cantptetron of rho work and maintenanorn of the work for a perked of one pear after fti data of
the camp 0b6ork earth . The cost of Besse Donor Fhr-ll trrr included In thb toter Con.• a Price: $anding sutmnitled ns
a security shall bn in accordance with the starkdards of the Car-Eadian C0413YUCtian AssoCJst�Gn and sholJ be fmiri Ilhe
saarra Guaranty Suvely Cpnlpany eupplying the PErfprrranGe anti Labour and Materials Bonds for this Can" t
10 TAXGusto B: The total excise
price shalt ire IrkclusNe ar all applicable taxes, Including Harmonized Sales Tax (H.S.T.),
custom duties and excise taxes applicable with respect to the contract, and shall be paid by the Contractor unless
otherwise provided by statute. The estimated amount of H.S.T. must be disclosed separately on the Form of Tender.
The Municipality will pay the Contractor all amounts of the H.S.T. in respect of the project
11, INSURA NNE; Trra Euccessru I Contractor slrad required to prowiue inwra ni a in accordance with the following:
1) Bodily Injury Liability: The Contractor shall effect and maintain a Comprehensive General Liability Policy, or its
equivalent, covering claims for bodily injury, including death, arising from and during operations under his Contract
whether performed by himseff, by a sub -contractor, or by anyone directly or Indirectly employed by either of them In the
sum of $ 5,000,000.00.
2) property Damage: The Contractor shall effect and maintain Property Damage Liability Insurance to cover his and the
sutrcontractors operations in the sum of $ 2,000,000.o0.
3) Fire Insurance: The Contractor shall procure fire and extended coverage insurance on the work to 'io0% of the
Contract Amount
4) The following are to be named as co-insured: successful Contractor
Sub -Contractor
Sprlet Associates London Limited
5) Within 7 days of award of Contract and prior to commencing work, the successful Contractor shall file with the
Municipality a copy of each insurance policy and certificate required. All such Insurance shall be maintained until final
completion of the work, Including the making good of faulty work or materials; except that coverage of completed
operations liability shall in any event be maintained fez t+v m (12) months from tlhtr data of�inal complat�r, as gartified
by the Erkgln2er,
12 CERTIFICATE OF CLEARANCE: The successful Contractor shall provide a Certificate of Clearance from the Workplace
Safety and Insurance Board within 7 days of the award of the contract and prior to commencing work, stating that all
compensation has been paid.
13. PAYMENT; PaymeTIls stroll be m@d�e on the wim!m roqu�-st rsf the Corib ckOr to the Engineer Irk accordance vAr h Iho
Construction Act Indgd Ing the 10% Statutory Holdback and any uriresolvgd likens. if the Contract IS t1Dt bonded Ihen the
Shall be 139E which irk ludeg fir* 4+varr my Wol4 back. Ttre 3tetutwy Holdback wrfi be due (IC]days after projed
Is cart;fred carkkptote or Ce rdfic ita of Publltativn h03 bean rwpplrhd by 1hr, Contractor. This paymen t shall be r0ieagpd
once ttra Contractor pmvlt1e5 the hAunlcjpality with a tatLlbry Of3cleoab- That RE wkweriM ancvi r laLcwr Incorporated
in the wgrk ?has been fully paid for, along with a Certficata of Clearance from the Workplaue Safety and Insurance
Board slatlntg that all oompenu4tlon nab bean paid.
A proper Invoke submlhslanr In addltlan to the deFin9k1nn Grovided try 01w Coriatwrion Act. Shari FOWIre the following!
S. Quantitiss and umft pFlces strA be provtded for coni!I,1pr,Cylprovisianal Items. For extras the Contracl
Admirklstrator her the ability to ac, -pl quenilbL� and unit pi s or raqulro detallad labour and material
Liwkdk rR
2. WSIB Clearance and Statutory Declaration, as required by the Contract.
3. To be submitted by person or electronically to the following:
a. For drawings stamped by M.P. DeVos, P.Eng., or G.A. Vereyken, P.Eng. Invoices shall be emailed to
mpdevo50*p_rietca with a carbon copy to oeorae(dlsoriet.ca and 2MLn@spFjet.
b. For drawings stamped by J.M. Spriet, P.Eng. or B.E. Widner, P.Eng., invoices shall be emailed to
iohn@lsprietca with a carbon copy t4 brandonAsoriet.ca and ad -am h aaspriet ca.
If any of these requirements are not met to the satisfaction of the Engineer, the Engineer shall notify the Contractor
promptly, at which time the Contractor shall revise the invoice to the satisfaction of the Engineer. Prompt payment
procedures shall not begin until the Engineer receives a proper invoice to their satisfaction.
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Revised November 2022
14. SUPERINTENDENT: The word "Superintendent', as used hereinafter In these specifications, shall refer to a Drainage
Superintendent appointed by the Municipality. The Superintendent will act as the Engineer's representative. The
Superintendent shall have the power to direct the execution of the work and to make any necessary minor adjustments.
Adjustments In tile sizes or gradients shall not be made without the approval of the Engineer. Any instructions given by
the Superintendent, which changes considerably the proposed work or with which the Contractor does not agree, shall
be referred to the Engineer for his decision.
15. SUPERVISION: The Contractor shall give the work his constant supervision and shall keep a competent foreman in
charge at the site.
1G. INSPECTION: Final Inspection by the Engineer will be made within twenty (20) days after he has received notice in
writing from the Contractor that the work is complete. Periodic inspections by the Engineer or Superintendent will be
made during the performance of the work. These interim inspectlons are required to check such items as location of
drainage course and structures, the grades prior to backfilling, backfilling, and miscellaneous work Items.
17. ALTERATIONS AND ADDITIONS: The Engineer shall have the power to make alterations in the work shown or
described in the drawings or specifications and the Contractor shall proceed to make such changes without causing
delay. In every such case, the price agreed to be paid for the work under the contract shall be Increased or decreased,
as the case may require, according to a fair and reasonable valuation of the work added or deleted. The valuation shall
be determined as a result of negotiations between the Superintendent, the Contractor, and the Engineer, but in all
cases, the Engineer shall maintain the final responsibility for the decision. Such alterations and variations shall in no
way render void the contract No claim for variations or alterations in the Increased or decreased price shall be valid
unless done in pursuance of an order from the Engineer and/or Superintendent and notice of such claims made In
writing before commencement of such work. in no case shall the Contractor commence work which he considers to be
extra work before receiving the Engineer's and/or Superintendent's approval in writing.
M. LIMITATIONS OF OPERATIONS: Except for such work as may be required by the Engineer to maintain the works in
a safe and satisfactory condition, the Contractor shall not carry on his operations under the contract on Sundays without
permission in writing of the Municipality.
1.9. LOSSES: The Contractor shall take all risks from floods or casualties of any kind.
20. SUB -CONTRACTORS: The Contractor shall not sublet the whole or any part of the contract without the approval of the
Engineer or Superintendent.
2 f_ PERMITS, NOTICES, LAWS AND RULES: The Contractor shall ensure that all necessary permits or licences required
for the execution of the work have been obtained (but this shall not include M.T.O. encroachment permits, County Road
Permit, permanent easements, or rights of servitude). The Contractor shall give all necessary notices and pay all fees
required by law and comply with all laws, ordinances, rules, and regulations (including the Occupational Health and
Safety Act) relating to the work and to the preservation of the public's health and safety and if the specifications and
drawings are at variance therewith, any resulting additional expenses incurred by the Contractor shall constitute an
addition to the contract price.
22 TERMINATION OF CONTRACT BY THE MUNICIPALITY: If the Contractor should be adjudged bankrupt, or if he
should make a general assignment for the benefit of his creditors, or If a receiver should be appointed on account of his
insolvency, or if he should refuse or fall to supply enough properly skilled workmen or proper materials after having
received seven (7) days' notice in writing from the Engineer to supply additional workmen or materials, or If he should
fail to make prompt payment to sub -contractors or for material or labour or persistently disregarding laws, ordinances,
or the instruction of the Engineer, or otherwise being guilty of a substantial violation of the provisions of the contract,
then the Municipality, upon the certification of the Engineer that sufficient cause exists to justify such action, may without
prejudice to any other right or remedy, by giving the Contractor written notice, terminate the employment of the
Contractor and take possession of the premises and of all materials, tools and appliances, thereon, and complete the
work by whatever method the Engineer may deem expedient, but without undue delay or expense. In such case, the
Contractor shall not be entitled to receive any further payment until the work is completed. If the unpaid balance of the
contract price exceeds the expense of completing the work, including compensation to the Engineer for his additional
services, such excess shall be paid to the Contractor. If such expense does not exceed such unpaid balance, the
Contractor shall pay the difference to the Municipality. The expense incurred by the Municipality, as herein provided,
shall be certified by the Engineer. Where a Contractor fails to commence work within seven (7) days of his
commencement date as indicated by him on his Tender Form, and such extension of time as allowed due to poor
weather or ground conditions, then the Municipality shall have the option, after providing the Contractor with seven (7)
days notice of their intention to terminate the contract, award the contract to another Contractor at their discretion by
retendering the project, inviting bids or by appointment The additional costs of the above or retendering, and all other
administration costs shall be deducted from the Contractor's bid deposit and the balance, if any, returned to him.
23, ERRORS AND UNUSUAL CONDITIONS: The Contractor shall notify the Engineer immediately of any error or unusual
condition which may be found. Any attempt by the Contractor to make changes because of the error or unusual
condition on his own shall be done at his own risk. Any additional cost incurred by the Contractor to remedy a wrong
decision on his part shall be bome by the Contractor,
The Engineer shall make the alteration necessary to correct errors or to adjust for unusual conditions during which time
it will be the Contractor's responsibility to keep his men and equipment gainfully employed elsewhere on the project
The contract amount shall be adjusted in accordance with a fair evaluation of the work added or deleted.
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Revised November 2022
TO: Mayor and Council: MLLnIcIDj1lhy-DLQaW1aw--
RE: Construction of haanppl}� In
The undersigned, having carefully examined the drawings, specifications and location of the work and understanding all
conditions hereby offers to enter Into a contract to construct the said work for the said Municipality, complete and ready for
use in accordance with drawings and specifications on file at the office of the Municipality or Engineer, which drawings and
specifications form the basis of the proposal for the following prices:
TO Wit Supply of Labour, Equipment and Materials
Contract Price: $ 204,149.00
Plus H.S.T. 13% $ 26-539-37
TOTAL TENDER (including HST): $ 230,688.37
We understand that the Municipality may accept tenders for the complete works or a portion thereof as set out
above and that the lowest or any tender may not necessarily be accepted.
1b1,T&neder Vvill em[pge The folkwloq-
(a) A Certified cheque/Bid Bond of representing the bid deposit as specified In the Information for Tenderars.
(b) Signed copies of all Addendums Issued on this project
Ihe-leaderghell LftQ OGMPInt4' tbj,_q sgrtiofi-
(a) If awarded the Contract, the Tender agrees to commence work on or before Otto n,.?023 ... and to futly complete the
work on or before.AR"r" PP.. KqP ....................... ......
(b) The major equipment proposed for use on this project is .motor, 245G Excavator 700E Doter
.544X PjB1di:Ii;*( ........... ___ .............................. .......... ......................... .... . ...................... .
(c) If an excavator is listed in (b) above, it will be used to excavate the following sections of closed drain:
_H�Tp Hampton
....................................................... ........ .. ....
(d) If any work is to be sub-1 list list ark and the proposed sub -contractor here:
Rod Restoralion.0y ... Eqjq�a ... gy!ng._
.................. .............. . . ... . .............................
00mm Total ctw 1 150mm Total cAv 1 200MM Total c/w
$100.00 300-676 $110.00
$140.00 750-900 $150.00
* The above prices Include supply of up to a 3m length of tile or tubing to make connections and bedding. All connections
must be bedded with 19mm crushed stone to top of pipe.
• The connections in excess of 3m shall be paid for at the rate of $20.150/m for 1 00mm and 150mm dia. and
$30.001m for 200mm dia. All the above prices include the supply of materials
_g �g ln�, . .......................
ADDRESS: ... 47-Cl.ea.rVi-- CLERK -ew Drive — -------------- --------.....
---- --- -- - --- ----- . ........ . ........ . .............. .
TIMeanbu do N40 4G8
Date: ......October 10 2023.— — - ---- - - — — ---------- - -
(Sea[ if Incorporated) (Sea])
Municipality of Bayham
Our Job No, 220242
6 meters of 525mm dia., H.D.P.E. plastic sewer pipe including rodent gate, quarry
stone dp-rap protection around pipe and end of ditch (Approx. 6m3 quarry stone
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September 22, 2023
$ 721.00
$ 1,445.00
Installation of the following concrete field tile & H.D.P.E. pipe, including supply and
installation of geotextile around file joints (Approx. 1400m req'd)
319 meters of 250mm dia. concrete tile
315 meters of 350mm dia. concrete die
$ 20 7� 58.00
110 meters of 350mm dia. concrete file (2000-D)
$ 7,430.00
207 meters of 450mm dia. concrete the
$ 11.21.590 L.S.
180 meters of 450mm H.D.P.E. sewer pipe (including bedding)
$ 12,382.00
133 meters of 525mm dia. concrete the
$ 10,415,00 RL.S.
194 meters of 525mm dia. concrete file (2000-D)
$ 10,528,00 L.S.
Supply of the above listed file & pipe
$ 61,626.00
Supply & delivery of 19mm crushed stone (Approx. 580 tonnes req'd)
$ 18,334.00
Strip, stockpile, and relevel topsoil from tile trench and adjacent working area (4m
wide) specified on drawings (Approx. 1464m)
$ 7,127.00
Supply and install one 900mm x 1200mm ditch inlet catchbasin, four 600mm x
600mm ditch inlet catchbaslns, and one 600mm x 600mm standard catchbasin
including grates, berms, leads, ditching and removal of existing catchbasins
$ 10,938.00
16 meters of 300mm dia., H.D.P.E. pipe
$ 611.00
Installation under Mitchell Road by Open Cut
$ 2,709.00
Restoration of Mitchell Road with 75mm Ht.4
$ 3,914,00
Clearing of Trees, including removal of stumps, and levelling of existing materials
$ 9,270.00
Installation of Clay Collars as noted on Drawings
$ 1,030,00
Exposing and locating existing tile drains and utilities
$ 1,236.00
Destroy existing tile In place
$ 1,030.00
NOTE: The Extent of Work is to be attached to the Tender Form.
COMPANY NAME: P.B.R. EXCayating Inc.
ADDRESS: 47 Clearview Drive
Tillsonburg Ontario N4G 4G8
TELEPHONE NO: 519-808-4407 DATE: October 10, 2023
NOTE: This "Extent of Work" form has been prepared for the convenience of the Contractor and he is to use this
summary in conjunction with the plan and profile, tender form and standard specifications available from the
Clerk to tender this project In case of any inconsistency or conflict between the drawings and this "Extent