HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023 - Bayham Water Distribution SystemMunicipality of Bayham
Water Quality Management System
Bayham Water Distribution System
Management Review
The purpose of this annual management review process is to ensure the continuing
suitability, adequacy and effectiveness of the quality management system.
Review Frequency --- annual ( Oct.18/22 — Oct.16/23)
Review Date --- October 16/23, Time = 9 AM
Review Participants --- Ed Roloson, QMS representative and Thomas Thayer, CAO
Review Input
• Incidents of non-compliance --- no incidents to report during this review
frequency, MECP inspection conducted on February 7/23 indicated a 100% score
Incidents of adverse drinking water tests --- none to report during this review
frequency, quarterly water quality reports are communicated to council.
+ Deviations from critical control point limits and response actions --- The QMS
team completed a review of elements 7, 8, 14, and 18 on April 4/ 23. OFI's from
the SAI Global surveillance audit dated March 24/23 were processed including a
revision table for procedure B.
Efficacy of the risk assessment process --- all components of the risk assessment
as set out in the operational plan revision 1.16 dated February 5122 however up
dates are forth coming.
• Results of internal and 3`d party audits --- an internal audit was conducted on
Oct.13/23, (results on file) - SAI Global surveillance audit completed March
24/23 identified no non-conformance or opportunities for improvement.
■ Results of emergency response testing --- April 4/23 - the QMS team reviewed
current contact lists ,staff responsibilities, essential service and suppliers for
accuracy as well as the procedural guideline for providing water in the event of a
prolonged outage — all emergency situations and response procedures are current
and up to date. The QMS team also completed a review of the responsibilities and
effectiveness of dealing with another Port Burwell Secondary Supply System
transmission main break (March 10/23). Essential service providers were sent an
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email reminder of their responsibilities dated November 30/22. The team has been
provided updates to the ONWARN membership on an ongoing basis.
• Operational performance and water quality trends including raw water supply ---
quarterly water quality reports are communicated to council through -out the year
and are posted on the Bayham web site fur public viewing. Raw water testing
information can be obtained from the Municipality of Bayham Water/Wastewater
• Follow-up on action items from previous management reviews --- none
Status of action items ( if any ) identified between reviews --- none
Changes in resource requirements, results of infrastructure review, process,
personnel, Drinking Water Quality Management Standard or regulations that
could affect the QMS --- Water dept. staff conduct an annual review of the
infrastructure during budget preparation. Operational and capital needs are
considered at this time. Expenses related to system operations and maintenance,
equipment rebuilds/replacement have been approved in the 2023 budget.
Resources needed to maintain the QMS --- no additional resources anticipated,
operational and capital budgets are approved annually and rates set accordingly.
An updated financial plan and rate study was completed by Watson and
Associates in 2019 as required for the system license/permit renewal. The next
scheduled financial plan/rates need study will be completed in 2024. A pipe line
condition assessment is currently being completed for the Port Burwell Secondary
Supply System. The completed report with recommendations for replacement are
anticipated by year end. Staff are planning on 7km of PVC requiring replacement
in the coming years with an approx..value (Bayham's estimated portion) of $13-
$15 M)
# Results of infrastructure review — water department staff conduct an annual
review of the water system infrastructure as part of the operational and capital
budget planning process. Staff consider the municipal asset management plan as
r well as the systems financial plan during this process. The 1 Oyear capital plan
,_--,--(2021— 2033) was presented to council on October 6/23 with operating budgets to
follow in the coming months. The Municipality was recently completed the Green
Stream Funding for the replacement of the Vienna water service lines. The project
funding significantly enhanced the useful life of the system while ensuring long
term reliability, mitigating service line leaks, restoring public confidence and the
health and safety of the residents.
+ Operational plan currency, content and updates --- current version of the
operational plan is 1.16 dated February 5/22.
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Consumer feedback --- an increase in service requests related to resident's water
meter readings has resulted in an increase of time associated with trouble shooting
and diagnosis of private property water leaks. This service is currently under
review and may warrant a fee for service.
• Staff suggestions --- operations staff successfully continue to utilize the
automated residential meter reading system as an effective tool for leak detection.
System water leaks continue to be a priority concern for the department. Re-
occurring work orders through laserfiche continue to be effectively utilized.
• Review of Quality Management System Policy statement -- QMS policy statement
remains relevant and accurate for the system operational plan.
Other QMS items for discussion --- the continual improvement tracking
spreadsheet has proven to enhance QMS functions i.e. time sensitive dates,
internal audits, opportunities for improvement etc. This will further improve the
effectiveness and over all organization of the QMS. The team recognizes the
importance of consistent communications to support the overall effectiveness of
the QMS.
Ed Roloson
QMS representative
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