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June 02, 2016 - Council
THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA MUNICIPAL OFFICE 9344 Plank Road, Straffordville, ON Council Chambers Thursday, June 2, 2016 7:00 p.m. 1. CALLTO ORDER 2. DISCLOSURES OF PECUNIARY INTEREST & THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF 3. REVIEW OF ITEMS NOT LISTED ON AGENDA 4. ANNOUNCEMENTS 5. DELEGATIONS A. 7:05 p.m. —Alan Smith, General Manager, Economic Development and Katherine Thompson, Marketing and Communications Coordinator, County of Elgin re review/update of the department activities for 2015 — 2016. 6. ADOPTION OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING(S) A. Regular Meeting of Council held May 19, 2016 7. MOTIONS AND NOTICE OF MOTION 8. RECREATION, CULTURE, TOURISM AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 8.1 Correspondence 8.1.1 Receive for Information 8.1.2 Requiring Action 8.2 Reports to Council 9. PHYSICAL SERVICES — EMERGENCY SERVICES 9.1 Correspondence 9.1.1 Receive for Information 9.1.2 Requiring Action 9.2 Reports to Council 10. DEVELOPMENT SERVICES — SUSTAINABILITY AND CONSERVATION 10.1 Correspondence 10.1.1 Receive for Information 10.1.2 Requiring Action 2016 Council Agenda June 2, 2016 10.2 Reports to Council A. Report TR-18/16 by Margaret Underhill, Deputy Clerk/Planning Coordinator re New Organization — Lottery Licensing B. Report DS-24/16 by Margaret Underhill, Deputy Clerk/Planning Coordinator re Consent Applications E35/16 and E36/16 11. FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION 11.1 Correspondence 11.1.1 Receive for Information A. Project Ojibwa Notice B. Township of Wellington North resolution re ban on door-to-door sales for electricity and natural gas contracts C. Township of Gillies re Resolution for Private Supportive Living Accomodations D. Prescott & Russell re Donation to Fort McMurray E. North Middlesex re Donation to Fort McMurray 11.1.2 Requiring Action 11.2 Reports to Council A. Report CAO-39/16 by Paul Shipway, CAO re Proposed Wheelhouse B. Report CAO-40/16 by Paul Shipway, CAO re Canada 150 Infrastructure Fund — Intake 2 12. BY-LAWS A. By-Law 2016-050 Being a By-law to repeal certain by-laws 13. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 14. OTHER BUSINESS 15. BY-LAW TO CONFIRM THE PROCEEDINGS OF COUNCIL A. By-Law 2016-051 Being a By-law to confirm all actions of Council 16 ADJOURNMENT 'llIllks''Ill: 41114.4111111: .4:1' �� `� �, • °, ^, _ : siA --- 4. '4, - - 5 ',e i r } > >/} H as rw y tw - > r r'r sf' rY r ► Y. a ..,,,,..,.-- .,, .:0 0.d �Y.,f- '1„lc �•, 4,.... �7' •. •0 hhh 7, .. _ `_ ► ' It r ',t �1 ,/:0,1,....!.,- „;,. :my _ . ,. 1 1 i 1 ‘ , * ' ' .1 ' r .- i 01 ,, , f, , ili ' ' ' • ' ' '' ' 110 A' t ' .a, ' , 1' , tp-. \ li, - ' ,,',,,, i . ..,• vo \it ''', ' ,,,,i:iii? • .6 ilp; i ' pr-: "..° 'I 1 ill /i �I �' A. ! � M1 �1 i� 11�I 1in' ,l /ITf/� l ii ,.f; f i t II�p .� --1. "'!i a �• ;i r,, + /�fy� Economic Development 2015 Year In Review June 2, 2016 Agenda •Vision & Priorities • Investment Attraction • Business Development • Marketing •Tourism •2016 Initiatives MIRANlila Vision • To provide opportunities for economic development that foster competitiveness and a positive and attractive business environment. • To cultivate creativity and talent in our rural communities to ensure continued economic growth. • To capitalize on our distinctive local characteristics including local cultural heritage and historical traditions to create appealing and unique places where people want to live, work, and play. Priorities 1 . Improve Support for Local Business 2. Revitalization of Downtowns 3. Investment in Local/Regional Infrastructure • Employment Lands • Broadband Infrastructure • Tourism Infrastructure • Housing Supply and Choice 4. Improved Marketing and Promotion of Local and Regional Assets Investment Attraction t:5::::.:3:::::::::::I;I:1::1:::1:.1.33-'. lam, ISI - I � UTTON BUSINESS PARK si,. ! 4111 ONTARIO va IO drCLUSTER • Inquiries Business Development El ince tives Community improvement Program Goals of the B To stimulate To improve quality Community economic growth of place for and diversification. residents and Improvement Plan visitors. To improve the stability and sustainability of the tax base. osic5 Elgi n ce tives Community Improvement Program 2015 • 10 applications received and approved • $80 , 134 in approved grants for 2015 • $246, 367 total value of projects (grant amount equals 32 .5% of total project costs) "NL d CIP Performance Measures Targeted Businesses Assisted Per Year by Year 5 Businesses Assisted Target Agribusiness 2-3 4 Downtown/ 5 4 Main street Businesses New Business Start- 1-2 2 ups Accommodation 1 1 Establishments Creative Economy 1-2 1 Businesses 'M osic5 Elgi n ce tives Community Improvement Program 2016 • 24 applications received and approved • $ 191,022 in grants approved • $278,454 total value of projects - - -111 IIIIMV-- _AM PP:;gillgggllk: 74- , gn Ar-v Arlo 4- 11 r 4r) eff Community Improvement Program Total to Date • 34 applications • $271 , 155.69 in grant funding • $524, 821 .46 in project costs 111111111m- Elgin Community Improvement Program "The Elgincentives projects will improve the quality of Simply Scoops appearance, create more awareness of the business location and provide a comfortable work place for staff and patrons to enjoy. The result will be business sustainability and economic growth within the village of Port Burwell ." -Terri Vansevenant, Owner lona General Store } -_ ,__, ,....... _._ . . . y' f- ' t - --- - - �,3 simmi ..... _. . . _ iFERM I I r a . __. _. .. , . . _ ___.-- __;,______,.... _..__,..,._:...:... _ , ___ _ ..„.„..,...._.___.:. ____,„..__,..,__ _____„__„._._.,:__ . . ..... _ ,. ,. _ . _.. .,,,,_:.... y .._ . ., iiiii i .. ....,_._--f lif .�i - m Before After Elgin Af-N -9-% Community Improvement Program Ontario Planning Journal (May/June Edition) "Creating Elgincentives" Business Retention and Expansion Program • Follow-up interviews with previously surveyed businesses in the Agri-food , Energy and Environment, Tourism , and Manufacturing Sectors. • Identifying common issues and barriers to growth and creating an action plan to deal with these issues. irtmuminck Survey Participant Location By Operation 6% 1111111111/4 ■ Aylmer ▪ Ba han ■ Central Elgin ■ Dutton Dunwich 12% ■ Malahide ▪ Southwold ▪ West Eon Expand or Downsize? Expand No 16 Downsize 8 Yes 4 No MIMMIIIIPIIIIII _ _ _...aillagini Expansion Outcomes Freq. 23 Additional Investment in equipment or technology An increase in workforce 20 An Increase In floor space 19 Additional product 19 Additional services for customers 18 Process improvements 17 13 An increase in demand for skills training An increase in export of goods or services 9 Importing goods or service to Canada iireummick Anticipated Sales Over Next Three Years 14% ■ Increase Remain Stable 1 ■ Unur 4 moimil „. Elgin County Conference Seri...,,,......;„s _ 1_, es Elgin rut t P. Ya---i-t-r, „._ ... ''))�pp yL0111 g!I� gsly—� 1 emotes.,gxnwm � , r • ' IW b� '35gi 71i 7E to L4a6,l _ - °O �- §ErfvoarV .6° h' IW ligal°Pci I aVaraMPT.5,—.11.4 12°� Icy �, IE f41 (C11111Y1ucn rarxnr �! *N'�$i �a ,s limm` gy ` t� PEIN�Bus1 sM l [edecL l' I wad a Iz1 a.lmaA+ NM Elgin County ';' ` �_ _ V. r t IE8}yGRIfI ?y�� IpGl �© Conference Series Presents ) - 'B Lljg. III r°gym —LL�I aR" I sn Y?I � t :2 /1*110`�-��7f 0 2� Place-Based , - a,-� -IEtcrRADe31— Cultural Tourism _ .1 Elgin County Conference Series presents: and How You .1 A ACCESSING FOREIGN MARKETS Can Unlock Its ir Tuesday,November 24,2015,9am-lpm u• Potential tm Location:Si.Thomas Golf&Country Club,42325 Sparta Line.Union Cost:$15 AN Date Mt Elgin County businesses are producing world-class goods,but how OM April 1e,2015 do you get those products onto the world market?Learn successful ti strategies for navigating international regulations from government This provocative presentation and worxshe leading 9'.00AM—12:00PM MI tepresentatives and global business experts.Hear from local producers M_ cultural punning practitioner Greg Beaker,examines now who are already exporting Elgin products all over the world! leading-edge approaches to cultural tourism are becoming New Sara Diner Register:Visit http:/lelginexports.eventbrite.ca `place-basee"rather than'attractions-based Built on a 46230 Nine Saturn him.Cote.pan or call{519)631-1460 x 168 MM broad definition of cultural resources,place-based cultural Lunch to be provided For more information on speakers and topics tourism puts'identity and sense of place at the centre of IME merketing strategies raft aton development Join Register far the session online at visit lvrra.progeessivebynaturaeom Greg and colleagues in exploring what advantages place- www orooressivebvnature cora SPEAKERS = based cultural tour{sm can bong to Elgin Countyor phone 519.631-1460 x166 IL IN Keynote:Natasha Apollonova,Associate VP-Policy,Toronto Board of Trade MI "The workshop forced us to rate a new look Philip Turn,General Counsel&Director,Global Business Services,CME at how we portray ourselves to the world. IM Western Union Business Solutions IM Everyone attending the event found new Government Representatives-OMAFRA&EDC Ir pride in what makes their oommunity unique Oren Baena 15 one ot Current Elgin County Exporters and left with air enthusiasm to showcase Canaoaa'Wing mnwere their communities to visitors." ane traaahaners in auamal name's and dmiaeorneni IJtrhy Growth.homer Exendrve Direcler Region 9 Regional eve more wen 35 years - -- Tourism Organization for South Eastern Ontario The Great emcee,.wwkiiry m serves Walmway mama to Om amotl Rede IME Cmada E1gmCoun ty PweuM Cr >ynarwo 1111111M.Milli 1 Pr --4V- _ 111PF _A1M :,,APPlin,-, .:--- ------Zr IL61N crilrhiii(Cliff ftEt;I(E Cfq!li ?HEN Elgin Selling Elgin EM ES7,MME MN DEVELOMEIJ1 HUM Ahs W0011111E5 a i'1� G'IAb ;le a 1�R�*'; - y,n - #i! n }1�, 4 _�Y ` .�1 lar4 1 • , ib 4. .# L" : W.I" `l .0. . ' . _ Pr '14.4 L'°4,4 :._-1._-1.......i : 644f r �i.�f i i1 - . • • I I I _Is' ' ' ''; deirw di ��� Wiwi :�I ' ...-- . 41.- . �}� E. : ' ' lill,I Ip I °. 1,o min i — Ma F ,? . * - .i,of -*+ a:. _r 1 e i'. ° ;. o Lao .4. L...- a.-1+ - '°. ..'fir -.- 4 .d _ .41.1:0, y ;.„ 40 ' • I • Wednesday, lune Bth 2016 . .ure ° Reg1s5r:711I01I 8'4y zirn 1 I 30 arrl. • Canadian Association of Realtors • Ket a Creek Golf Club, A . Free Breakfast Port Stanley IIF Economist elf 11 provided summium. Small Business Enterprise Centre (SBEC) mini 2015 Businesses Started 17 Jobs Created 20 Total Inquiries 2352 Total Events Hosted 25 ��� Starter Su mer Company a ANL ilik Arm lit r ELGIN BUSINESS RESOURCE CENTRE A Community Euxu� DeVflOprileflE COrrenliall -11.11 Aylmer Dutton Total Inquiries 447 358 Businesses Started 17 7 Jobs Created 26.6 15 Jobs Maintained 32 63.7 Loan Inquiries 72 68 Events/Outreach 55 94 Activities t 111% 111111111 ilLIIIiihhh,1111,61, Wili _15111* :-_ , .- i= ial , —.if— x i k,, 0 Wyk - 1 . , - : _ 1"I I I il S An rA. E C 1N i ENTERPRISE ELGIN ;� xovernew.2.5 , mu,i[,amar rrryrone-saran Posner 1,YQp.00 Ow+ O,e aamars Business Plan Competition 4rorwpnaasgmmo precasting ,i and promotion planing incubation .lining Seminars , networking meetings entrepreneurshipAylmer Office: 516 John Street North 0...,.a a,,,,.. fes, l:IgInCttunn. ;t. : r, >R Marketing .11.11=0111b Nhiniffii;7111. Skip to Content Site Map Site Accessibility Font 5¢e Change Contrast 0 l .y� I Membere only My Itinerary v Search p Sign Up for e-NEWSLETTER �T lfl7oU my 9' to en Progressive ay Mature 1'4..1'®© �YY_./ ��:r ,r•/ El ElginCounry nare�raw� abort Center Experience Elgin County gressiAgribusiness I Energy I Manufacturing I Tourism Creative ThI^gs To De idtL,,,saL— Ohm's to Stry t Profile Our Communities Hey Sectors Invest in Elgin Business Resources Contact Us vlaltora calla PortsOr f Elgin L El Planning Visit ad IIr, Elgin Business Warl•r .7 t., x:rstnors �. ® Bus 0 Elgin Business World 8 o.nlnwa. Stay In Touch -.• Tberes never been anything like il.The Elgin County Economic Ports of Elgin ai _r pi ., 0gy(� �� .may Development Virtual Tradeshow provides all the benefits et going HeritageVIVIll -- y�j?u, y` I i 11,k1�., ® ® Li to a tradeshow,In the comforts of your own oft.Take a tour or 1 ' • ,,t,,'-f) i t .%i ,. *' the four main exhibit halls featuring nine businesses from Elgin llsvour Elgin Mi / y �' R County specialising in Tourism.Manufacturing,Agriculture,and Energy the Environment Enjoy the Sun,Surf&Sand Part Stanley Main Beach ►LFAliNmelitt Savour Elgin Arte Trail Cruise the Coast MI 015 P—"El015 Visits 7790 Visits 34,089 New Visitors 79.97% New Visitors 82.7 Returning Visitors 20.03% Returning Visitors 17.3 k Imi!is,,,,. .411,44/c f!_i"' #elgincounty g 10. @elgincounty h ® f /elgincounty IPPR f. ir • -?!� a fIRi Mye 4 \ I itlY . t3 rill\ y INIMiliiiill e.-61111' Ili k. M v-7 My. 1 .. , i 1- ....•r 'Em- i•—• 1111 k .......,1 'W. , . •• , • lir ^.-- sa E . , , , ,... _- ;;;., 17 immil . E vt 1 .9. . f ( 7.... ' . •-,ir'',.I1.,1--,I- • 1%. 1 R4. " 1I1 m• eU Elgin County Elgin County : Progressive By Nature r., eProgressive -- 1. By Nature -7. 17.---- - Pullton El 1133110X%Park Ay Imo r 13u 5 I n011 lo,Park 7--- -' '.:. •:----,:;,;-:',-' le74:.,a4 .._-_- •.--• -41 ---. _ ..._-_-: ,71.• ,_...-.--z^- _ .-,...lip—, Lot wir - www.dutton bu iti nos ti park.c D WWW-Marner.ril ALIA Sun IL,+De upici.Mioaosp? 7,11f.4° Ei.sn Coyi.:r re maw.:Duni c.v.!Al I 1519'1 6314450 lut.lea r, pa roill licakWA 1 PINVOILMOGII4wr rwiabirowcom Dutton Business Park Aylmer Business Park 1.45 ac res-Of zOned 22 aOrOg of zoned COMMerOtal/ ''',,,7 .401,-7,N, - COMbierifttiriOFighway ledurtCtiat112nd Rriurut digrih . .•,,-- 4 V 7 • . COmmetOial fIndustr kV land ililibilltrepttus EllgMCouilty Aldo.S.MTA.OPRAM,lAuwort • LOtaked Directly Orl I.112 • Fuiy-serviCerY{watUt.,SevLet. Elgin County. EackeeL.r..-E.upow Nwtt•Oftitet 401 cider hydro PS) Progressive By Nature piittene,m.,..Park Ayrnrwr 134+iRIM I.Pa,k (51916.31.140(.1.1561nooevAmtl IR Flexible It g.SizCs and • AtIOC:ern11,011,111 Service www.Alutturkbvvinvssprisk.cm vorwaiyilms.r,ca mert.PAIX...tfUrvfarNAA.PIC,CX0A Catiliguratieris teihway yor& • Star ritt at$50000/acre • startilgat$35.000/are www.dritteribusInessparkca www.aylmor,ca ALAN SM111111, GEMERAL MANAGER ELN C.01.10491.Ecommoic DEVELGMENI (51.94631-14150 EXT.168111.00,911,40i,cA IE I:in C oun ty Vawar.FIK,43FEE561VEIMATI.OK-aM -a...4.4_ z. ,4,- ‘' '27 "Ilk I r"lk• 1 — .414 i ..r. • I. A Adilli '0° \ k 1 .. AdK— ki, 7 Ta. ••l U q " 7. - :id I l'a • Aoir- .. 1 .4 /<gli5-1Counti t: 4 t 14 . . . ,, Progressive by Nature . — e-Newsletter • December 2015 11 l\ elgincountyliving , e:,,I.,• -21 .,- i- Ili f, •,is I N • ...... _ , Tourism :.:-s.*ffp.:.:-t.:.:::-1:.*I:I*:*:a.':i:::l:.:t:3)'. Tourism at a Glance Elgin County Visitor's Guide Distribution elgincounty y 40,000 Copies ( y -- Tourism Members _ , yd 140 Businesses ,. fY _ r V 4 Visitors to Tourism Kiosks and Mobile irr;, t � Cruiser vo, f �i_ tl. n1 20 r d f 7100 LEl' ginCounty ....... WWW.ELGINTOURIST.COM Experience Elgin Summer Contest Entries 1900 ,.... ,,..„.. /111111:0000*11111 ei" .t 4 Aillik k.:).4:at"tij.\ .-44.1111k r di 4 I 4 I I k • \'' ' 44, ., ii.-' -. .,, . . .. 3 11 I ill I I I I I 1 1 1 I 1 1-.-'-' - hf I. . * el . 1 V. r. Ports • \ 't. . t,:. 4."'-d b j • f' t'• T , I Pit 4 ' V f Elgin ....,.. ... ------— _ , , . . ir avour E ... _ . „ .. „ . , -V. 2015/2016 _ CULINARY GUIDE — " • ill, „4VV,11!4k4Pktfi ;' • 4k.' • ' •' f,..: :er.11161.-...-....„,,,- Or:,.0.* ,,.• . .. ' f y I `,i Itis' r. ..- �jy +.Y� +iu,f - 0 avour Elgi G, www.savourelgin.ca , i ; _ -. .K Clin . O 't Nw . tF w , 11111 LC)OW � 1 .. I , ... Iiiili . �W S . s MI' -;.-.1. - ... (i/; ilat:).' 5 AJ 0 ca k. f .yy _ _ ' • �/TVt((1�1i` 1. 1 r r L-. 1, l-•t r, 4 2016 Initiatives : • CIP is currently accepting applications . • Business Retention and Expansion Follow —up • Redesigned Economic Development Website • Alternative Accommodation Strategy • Toast the Coast (Drinks Trail ) :: :: :: ::: • •••• .4..4. Questions? . „ Pe 4 . 9 • ' 111 4N0 • • • • 4 -. • irgo c • ' • ditiI. loar • • • • • • 6 • t, • JO" - • P 44. iu -4011111111111111.11..gr- 41g,unty Progressive by Nature Thank you THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES MUNICIPAL OFFICE 9344 Plank Road, Straffordville, ON Council Chambers Thursday, May 19, 2016 7:00 p.m. PRESENT: MAYOR PAUL ENS DEPUTY MAYOR TOM SOUTHWICK COUNCILLORS RANDY BREYER WAYNE CASIER ED KETCHABAW STAFF PRESENT: CAO PAUL SHIPWAY DEPUTY CLERK/ PLANNING COORINATOR MARGARET UNDERHILL TREASURER LORNE JAMES CLERK'S ASSISTANT BRENDA GIBBONS 1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Ens called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. DISCLOSURES OF PECUNIARY INTEREST &THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF No disclosures of pecuniary interest were declared. 3. REVIEW OF ITEMS NOT LISTED ON AGENDA A. Living Gospel Mennonite Church request for use of Straffordville Ball Diamond added as item 11.1.2-D 4. ANNOUNCEMENTS A. The Periscope Playhouse has received a grant in the amount of$12,000 under the Elgincentives Community Improvement Plan. 5. DELEGATIONS A. 7:05 p.m. — Robert Foster, External Auditor, Graham Scott Enns to present Draft 2015 Financial Statements and Audit Findings Letter Robert Foster provided a brief overview of the 2015 Draft Financial Statements. Moved by: Councillor Ketchabaw Seconded by: Deputy Mayor Southwick THAT the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham approve the 2015 Financial Statements; 2016 Council Minutes May 19, 2016 AND THAT staff be directed to post the final approved 2015 Financial Statements on the website; AND THAT the Mayor be authorized to sign the 2015 Audit Findings Letter; AND THAT the CAO and Treasurer be directed to sign the 2015 Management Representation Letter. CARRIED 6. ADOPTION OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING(S) A. Regular Meeting of Council held May 5, 2016 B. Statutory Planning Meeting held May 5, 2016 C. Special Meeting held May 11, 2016 Moved by: Councillor Casier Seconded by: Councillor Breyer THAT the minutes of the regular meeting held May 5, 2016, statutory planning meeting held May 5, 2016 and special meeting held May 11, 2016 be adopted. CARRIED 7. MOTIONS AND NOTICE OF MOTION 8. RECREATION, CULTURE, TOURISM AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 8.1 Correspondence 8.1.1 Receive for Information 8.1.2 Requiring Action 8.2 Reports to Council 9. PHYSICAL SERVICES — EMERGENCY SERVICES 9.1 Correspondence 9.1.1 Receive for Information 9.1.2 Requiring Action 9.2 Reports to Council 10. DEVELOPMENT SERVICES — SUSTAINABILITY AND CONSERVATION 10.1 Correspondence 10.1.1 Receive for Information 10.1.2 Requiring Action 10.2 Reports to Council A. Report DS-21/16 by Margaret Underhill, Deputy Clerk/Planning Coordinator re Rezoning Application — GoPro Home Solutions The Deputy Clerk/Planning Coordinator advised no public comments were submitted 2016 Council Minutes May 19, 2016 Moved by: Deputy Mayor Southwick Seconded by: Councillor Breyer THAT Report DS-21/16 re Rezoning Application —GoPro Home Solutions be received for information; AND THAT Zoning By-law Z456-2003, as amended, be further amended by changing the zoning from the Institutional (I) Zone to Central Business District (C1) Zone for 23 Wellington Street, Port Burwell, owned by GoPro Home Solutions Inc.; AND THAT Zoning By-law Z648-2016 be presented to Council for enactment. CARRIED B. Report DS-22/16 by Margaret Underhill, Deputy Clerk/Planning Coordinator re Site Plan Control By-law— Updated Moved by: Councillor Casier Seconded by: Councillor Ketchabaw THAT Report DS-22/16 re Site Plan Control By-law— Updated be received for information; AND THAT By-law 2016-047, being a Site Plan Control By-law, be presented to Council for enactment. CARRIED C. Report DS-23/16 by Margaret Underhill, Deputy Clerk/Planning Coordinator re Subdivision Agreement—Country View Estates Phase 2 (Peters) Moved by: Councillor Ketchabaw Seconded by: Councillor Casier THAT Report DS-23/16 re Subdivision Agreement— Country View Estates Phase 2 (Peters) be received for information; AND THAT By-law 2016-048, being a by-law authorizing the signing of a subdivision agreement, be presented to council for enactment. CARRIED 11. FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION 11.1 Correspondence 11.1.1 Receive for Information A. Long Point Region Conservation Authority Board of Directors minutes of meeting held April 6, 2016 B. City of Timmins re Regulate Gas Prices in Ontario resolution C. Town of Tillsonburg re Bill 180, Workers Day of Mourning Act resolution 2016 Council Minutes May 19, 2016 D. Ontario Energy Board Notice to Customers of Union Gas Limited E. Town of Aylmer re Bayham Request for costing for Police Services F. Minister of Natural Resources and Forestry and Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing re Proposed Changes to the Four Land Use Plans G. Town of Essex re Widening Highway 3 to Improve Public Safety resolution H. Town of Aurora re Proposed Bill 158 resolution I. Municipality of South Dundas re RED Program J. Niagara Region re Lyme Disease resolution K. Notice to Ontario Museums re Infrastructure Funding Opportunity Moved by: Deputy Mayor Southwick Seconded by: Councillor Breyer THAT correspondence items 11.1.1-A- 11.1.1-K be received for information. CARRIED 11.1.2 Requiring Action A. AREME Chapter No. 15 of the Eastern Star, Vienna re piano Moved by: Councillor Ketchabaw Seconded by: Councillor Breyer THAT correspondence from AREME Chapter No. 15 of the Eastern Star, Vienna be received for information; AND THAT Council accepts the donation of the piano which will become a fixture of the municipality; AND THAT Staff be directed to dispose of the existing piano. CARRIED B. Carolyn Zwicker re Ontario Early Years Centre Summer Park Programs Moved by: Deputy Mayor Southwick Seconded by: Councillor Casier THAT correspondence from Carolyn Zwicker, Ontario Early Years Centre - Outreach Programs be received for information; AND THAT Council grants permission for use of the Straffordville Community Park, pavilion and washrooms for the Summer Park Program on Friday mornings from 9:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. for the period July 8 -August 19, 2016, with the exception of July 15, subject to proof of liability 2016 Council Minutes May 19, 2016 insurance coverage, naming the Municipality of Bayham as an additional insured, in the minimum amount of$2,000,000; AND THAT the access gates to the green space at the Park be unlocked prior to use, on the above dates, as requested; AND THAT cleanup of the area be the responsibility of the users. CARRIED C. County of Elgin re County Road #55 Boundary Road Agreement Moved by: Councillor Casier Seconded by: Councillor Breyer THAT correspondence from the County of Elgin regarding County Road #55 Boundary Road Agreement be received for information; AND THAT the Council of the Municipality of Bayham supports the new terms for a boundary road agreement for County Road #55 between the County of Elgin and Norfolk County; AND THAT the Council of the Municpality of Bayham thanks the County of Elgin for the opportunity to comment. CARRIED D. Living Gospel Mennonite Church request for use of Straffordville Ball Diamond Moved by: Councillor Ketchabaw Seconded by: Deputy Mayor Southwick THAT correspondence from Living Gospel Mennonite Church be received for information; AND THAT the Council of the Municipality of Bayham approves the request for use of the Straffordville Ball Diamond every other Tuesday throughout the summer from approximately 7:00 p.m. — 9:00 p.m., beginning Tuesday May 24, 2016 subject to provision of liability insurance certificate in the minimum amount of$2,000,000 naming the municipality as additional insured and prior payment of$10.00 per use; AND THAT the back diamond be used at any time the previously approved teams schedules require use of the front diamond; AND THAT clean up and maintenance of the ball diamond area be the responsibility of the users. CARRIED 11.2 Reports to Council A. Report TR-16/16 by Lorne James, Treasurer re 2016 Q1 Variance Report Moved by: Deputy Mayor Southwick Seconded by: Councillor Breyer 2016 Council Minutes May 19, 2016 THAT Report TR-16/16 re 2016 Q1 Variance Report be received for information. CARRIED B. Report TR-17/16 by Lorne James, Treasurer re LAS Natural Gas Procurement Program Moved by: Councillor Casier Seconded by: Deputy Mayor Southwick THAT Report TR-17/16 re LAS Natural Gas Procurement Program be received for information; AND THAT Council direct staff to bring forward a by-law for consideration to authorize the LAS Natural Gas Procurement Program Agreement. CARRIED C. Report CAO-37/16 by Paul Shipway, CAO re 2016 Grant Program Applications Moved by: Councillor Breyer Seconded by: Councillor Ketchabaw THAT Report CAO-37/16 re 2016 Grant Program Applications be received for information; AND THAT Staff be directed to prepare applications for 2016 Grant Programs as follows: i. Ontario Community Infrastructure Fund (OCIF) - Carson Line Corridor Project ii. Building Canada Small Communities Fund (SCF) - Springer Hill Corridor Project iii. Federal Clean Water and Wastewater Fund (FCWWF) - Richmond Distribution System-Bayham Water Meter Upgrades AND THAT should the Richmond Distribution System-Bayham Water Meter Upgrades project not be determined to be of high enough usage or the funding model for the Federal Clean Water and Wastewater Fund (FCWWF) is not as projected, staff be directed to prepare applications for 2016 Grant Programs as follows: i. Ontario Community Infrastructure Fund (OCIF) - Richmond Distribution System- Bayham Water Meter Upgrades ii. Building Canada Small Communities Fund (SCF) - Springer Hill Corridor Project iii. Federal Clean Water and Wastewater Fund (FCWWF) -Wastewater Rehab AND THAT Council reallocate $20,000 from the 2016 Turnaround Capital project to have Spriet Associates commence the Environmental Assessment (EA) and Cultural Heritage Evaluation Report (CHER) for removal of Bayham Drive Bridge. CARRIED 12. BY-LAWS A. By-Law Z648-2016 Being a By-law to further amend By-law Z456-2003 GoPro Home Solutions B. By-Law 2016-040 Being a By-law to authorize the writeoff of taxes 2016 Council Minutes May 19, 2016 C. By-Law 2016-043 Being a By-law to authorize the Natural Gas Procurement Program in Partnership with Local Authority Services (LAS) D. By-Law 2016-046 Being a By-law to authorize the execution of a lease agreement between the Municipality of Bayham and Randall Mack Breyer E. By-Law 2016-047 Being a Site Plan Control By-law F. By-Law 2016-048 Being a By-law to authorize the signing of a Subdivision Agreement Moved by: Deputy Mayor Southwick Seconded by: Councillor Casier THAT By-laws Z648-2016, 2016-040, 2016-043, 2016-046, 2016-047 and 2016-048 be read a first, second and third time and finally passed. CARRIED 13. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 14. OTHER BUSINESS A. Discussion re East Beach Change Room Moved by: Councillor Ketchabaw Seconded by: Deputy Mayor Southwick THAT staff be directed to remove the beach change room and lower the wet well to grade. CARRIED 14.1 In Camera Moved by: Councillor Casier Seconded by: Deputy Mayor Southwick THAT the Council do now rise to enter into an "In Camera" Session of Committee of the Whole at 7:50 p.m. to discuss: • litigation or potential litigation, including matters before administrative tribunals, affecting the municipality or local board CARRIED A. Confidential item regarding litigation or potential litigation, including matters before administrative tribunals, affecting the municipality or local board (Project Ojibwa) 14.2 Out of Camera Moved by: Deputy Mayor Southwick Seconded by: Councillor Casier 2016 Council Minutes May 19, 2016 THAT the Committee of the Whole do now rise from the "In Camera" session at 8:06 p.m. with nothing to report. CARRIED 15. BY-LAW TO CONFIRM THE PROCEEDINGS OF COUNCIL A. By-Law 2016-049 Being a By-law to confirm all actions of Council Moved by: Deputy Mayor Southwick Seconded by: Councillor Ketchabaw THAT confirming By-law 2016-049 be read a first, second and third time and finally passed. CARRIED 16 ADJOURNMENT Moved by: Councillor Casier Seconded by: Councillor Breyer THAT the Council meeting be adjourned at 8:07 p.m. CARRIED MAYOR CLERK si ` ' EPORTE:Iva5 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES poj.tunity Isco TO: Mayor & Members of Council FROM: Margaret Underhill, Deputy Clerk/Planning Coordinator DATE: June 2, 2016 REPORT: TR-18/16 FILE NO. C-07 / P08.Licencing SUBJECT: New Organization — Lottery Licensing BACKGROUND: Past practice has been to inform Council of new groups applying for lottery gaming licensing in the Municipality. DISCUSSION: Port Burwell Periscope Playhouse Inc. has made an application for lottery licensing eligibility. According to their application, the group is looking to operate raffles to meet their aims and objectives specified: "for the purpose of raising funds to fund their building and expenses as a not-for-profit corporation dedicated to promoting and facilitating local theatre performances and cultural activities that enrich the community while supporting and enabling community involvement and engagement in a positive, innovative and inspirational social environment." Staff is reviewing their application against the Alcohol and Gaming Control Commission of Ontario Lottery Licensing Policy. ATTACHMENT 1. Port Burwell Periscope Playhouse history and future profile RECOMMENDATION 1. THAT Report TR-18-2016 regarding the Port Burwell Periscope Playhouse Inc. application for lottery licensing eligibility be provided for information purposes only. Respectfully .. ed by: Reviewed by: / Margar'et Underhill Paul Shipway Deputy Clerk/Planning Coordinator CAO The Port Burwell Periscope Playhouse. The Periscope playhouse was founded as a not for profit organization in 2011 by a group of Volunteers from Bayham. The Theatre was launched by a handful of people with an opening cash balance of thirty five dollars received through the original members contributions. It began with nothing more than a passion for theatre and a common desire to create an entertaining social activity that would appeal to a wide range of people. Playhouse Members have worked hard to earn the trust of many local Sponsors, Advertisers and Patrons. The efforts and contributions of everyone involved have helped to ensure the success of the Periscope Playhouse. The community support has helped secure the conditions necessary for content and quality in our performances. Our objectives and operational methods. The Periscope Playhouse is dedicated to creating and maintaining a social environment where community members can become involved in any and all aspects of Theatre Productions. We have been actively recruiting local amateur actors, writers, stage hands, graphic artists directors and technical support volunteers. The Periscope Playhouse is entirely staffed by member/volunteers from our community and beyond. There are no paid professionals working for the Theatre. We depend on the contributions of everyone involved. There is no individual recipient, company or business that receives payments as profit from any of the theatre productions or the operation of the playhouse. Proceeds from ticket sales are used for operational expenses such as copyright fees for scripts,building rentals, building supplies such as paint and plywood and lighting and sound equipment. We also have a fund where we contribute to the costs of local children attending a summer theatre camp. Where are we going: After a careful assessment of where we are and where we want to go it became clear that a permanent venue would be the best way to serve the Playhouse and the community. To this end the Periscope Playhouse Operating Committee has been working for some time to find a permanent home for the Local Theatre in Port Burwell. We know that having our own building will help with many aspects of theatre production and lead to increased memberships and volunteer involvement but it is not the only reason for acquiring a community structure. The Periscope Playhouse recognizes that many other local activities could take place in a structure that is properly designed for theatre. As an example,we expect to be able to host seminars,meetings, book clubs, art shows, instructional forums and educational presentations. Along with this there are opportunities for small groups such as Sea Cadets, scouts and guides to benefit from an existing multi use structure. Because the Playhouse is planning for the daily operation and maintenance of a structure none of these groups would be required to bear the financial burden and operating costs themselves, leading to a much greater chance of success for these smaller start up activities. It has also been suggested that the venue we would create would make an ideal Movie Theatre where local youth could learn to operate and manage their own social activities under the guidance of adults in the community. Maybe a Friday night action movie or Saturday morning cartoons. Perhaps videos featuring documentaries and discussions for the older crowd?A fully serviced facility with Wi-Fi would appeal to the segment of youth in our town that have few places to gather socially. The Periscope Playhouse understands the importance of including the community and engaging the youth in it. Of course, it would be wonderful to have a theatre program for kids in the community if enough interest could be created. A perfect "hands on" educational experience where kids actually work with the theatre on a production....much more engaging than sitting an a classroom. We envision a building that would provide a professional venue and also serve the community as a thriving social "incubator" for everyone. The Periscope Playhouse is an exciting social experience where anyone can join in the fun and make new friends. The support from the entire community is very much appreciated and it has kept us on track with every production. We will continue to work hard and do our best for, and with,the community of Bayham. Thanks you for your support! 4419P111"°";" REPORT , DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 4rJ—firtunity Is.io� TO: Mayor & Members of Council FROM: Margaret Underhill, Deputy Clerk/Planning Coordinator DATE: June 2, 2016 REPORT: DS-24/16 FILE NO. C-07 / D9.16 1162291 Ont Ltd Roll # 3401-000-005-03100 SUBJECT: Consent Applications E35/16 and E36/16 BACKGROUND: Consent applications were received from the Elgin County Land Division Committee submitted by 1162291 Ontario Limited proposing to sever a 6410.5 m2 (1.58 acre) parcel from an existing 58.66 ha (144.95 acre) parcel known municipally as 54819 Eden Line for the purpose of a surplus farm dwelling and for easements to abutting farm lands for access and hydro servicing. The subject lands are designated "Agriculture" on Schedule "Al" Land Use of the Official Plan and zoned Agriculture (A1) on Schedule 9 in the Zoning By-law No. Z456-2003. Elgin County Land Division Committee will consider the application on June 15, 2016. DISCUSSION: Consent E35/16 - The proposal suggests creating an irregular shaped parcel containing a house and frame barn on a parcel on Eden Line just east of Highway 3, Talbot Line. The applicant states the severance of a surplus farm dwelling qualifies through farm consolidation with the owner's agricultural residence located at 10900 Plank Road. The planner's memorandum dated May 26, 2016 analyzes the application subject to the Official Plan and Zoning By-law policies. The application meets the criteria for the creation of the surplus farm dwelling parcel subject to the recommended conditions. However, as pointed out in the memorandum, the request for an easement across the residential parcel is not supported by staff and the planner as it is considered to be a situation that may lead to a future land use conflict between normal farm practice and residential land use. Conditions of consent would include rezoning of the severed parcel to a site-specific Rural Staff Report DS-24/16 2 Residential (RR) to restrict the keeping of livestock in the frame barn and rezoning of the retained lands to Special Agriculture (A2) to prohibit residential development as per OP policies, purchase of a civic number sign for the retained parcel, planning report fee and a copy of the final survey be provided to the municipality. Staff and planner recommend Council's support of the application with the recommendations and comments. ATTACHMENTS 1. Consent Application E35/16 and E36/16 2. IBI Memorandum dated May 26, 2016 RECOMMENDATION 1. THAT Report DS-24/16 regarding Consent applications E35/16 and E36/16 be received for information; 2. AND THAT Council recommend to the Elgin County Land Division Committee that Consent Application E35/16, submitted by 1162291 Ontario Ltd., be granted subject to the following conditions and comments: 1. Rezoning of both the severed and retained parcels 2. purchase of civic number sign from the municipality for the retained parcel 3. planning report fee payable to the municipality 4. copy of the final survey provided to the municipality 5. Easement of 6.6 meters across the surplus farm dwelling parcel not be granted due to the potential for conflict between normal farm practice of farm machinery and the residential dwelling land use and that an alternative access be required for direct access from Eden Line to the retained farm lands 3. AND THAT Council recommend to the Elgin County Land Division Committee that Consent Application E36/16, submitted by 1162291 Ontario Ltd., be given the following consideration: 1. A 3.0 metre wide easement for the hydro easement is not supported as the preferred alternative is to relocate the service with direct access to the new residential dwelling parcel. Alternatively, if the easement is necessary, the width should be increased to a minimum of 10 metres to allow reasonable use of the easement for maintenance purposes by hydro equipment so as not to interfere with the normal farm practices on the retained lands. Rep ctf u► i ed • .> Reviewed by: /1f7 Mar a - nderhill Paul Shipway Deputy Clerk/Planning Coordinator CAO ,...,,tri`r, ECEIVE l ' tVe t 11 r` 610.] „ _ MAY 192016 MAR 1 0,a15 , i it � d �Nlltr -'COUPTYOF[ .) LAND DIVISION COMMITTEE i. am a of approval authority ELGIN COUNTY LAND DIVISION COMMITTEE 2. Name of Owner I\ V)Z2_ck I O pr i A e c L - Address 3S-3 l�3 cAioKc ,1.1,IJeC 'bU'T t+ i c.4.56 6 Je(r Telephone Number 5-11-- G We .S"y as— NLIG- Name of owner's solicitor or authorized agent .i/,S O 0 U t{ii S 146.1 Address 7 (o(l ' ( -00 ( - cj,O0 L ., NO6 16 0 � � ' 31, /�ni(ri—r",J n� Telephone Number 222_t.. - 1. i - 0 L1 t g Please specify to whom all communications should be sent: Owners ( ) Solicitor ( ) Agent/ 3. (a) Type and purpose of proposed transaction: (check appropriate space) Transfer: creation of a new lot Other: mortgage/charge addition to a lot lease Xsurplus farm dwelling X easement/R.O.W. technical severance correction of title other(specify ei(1--ItT 0 F WA y OdE .J7 'IUir c,J Ay IA) (b) Name of person(s),if known,to whom land or interest in land is to be transferred,leased or FAufoil e c F /./l Nb 5 charged: ] (c) If a lot addition,identify the assessment roll number and property owner of the lands to which the C sc.'��'"�T parcel will be added: _ ikk4. (a) Location of land: �,� yc �p� Municipality RA41-4AM Concession No. // / / Lot(s)No. Cf Y t�l9(� �� Registered Plan No. Name of Street =Li /i 'J iy Street No.and/or 911 No. JS— q ( s Assessment Roll No. Z1 DI — O 0 0 6 © S -- 63100 (b) Are there any easements or restrictive covenants affecting the subject land? Yes ( ) No (fit) If Yes,describe the easement or covenant and its effect: 5. Description of land intended to be severed: (Accurate Measurements in Metric) r S // � Frontage '41. Depth $ - �CP Area lir It ' 'S /� Existing Use KUP4i A,"5-,.,?ati ,q� Proposed Use SA/In Number and use of buildings and structureson the land to be severed: Existing A. ./-J(ttA)JJ ? -6.8c1 i,J,A1 6.8c1(AI,,J 6Proposed A)t ,a/c=. 6. Description of land intended to be retained: (Accurate Measurements in Metric) Frontage •"7.9 3- Depth 7 8-6 Area I LI T A L Existing Use •,4 6-- Proposed Use A C r Number and use of buildings and structures on the land to be retained: Existing /1)b A Proposed Ai6 A.)v county of Elgin Engineering Services 430 Sunset Drive St Thomas,On N5R5V1 Rhone:519.631-1460 � �w.w.elgln-county.or..cn s A���fgg�`h 's`57 IP'1 641.440t.• ��' „1 ,a s rTrt 4-'77'4: -2- 7. Number of new lots proposed(including retained lots) 8. Type of access for proposed and retained lot: (check appropriate space) TYPE PROPOSED LOT RETAINED LOT Provincial Highway ( ) ( ) Municipal road, maintained all year (/)- Municipal road,seasonally maintained ( ) ( ) Other public road ( ) ( ) Right Of Way ( ) ( ) Water access ( ) ( ) If proposed access is by water,what boat docking and parking facilities are available on the mainland? (specify) 9. What type of water supply is proposed: (check appropriate space) TYPE PROPOSED LOT RETAINED LOT Publicly owned and operated piped water system ( ) ( ) Privately owned and operated individual well ( ) Privately owned and operated communal well ( ) ( ) Lake or other water body ( ) ( ) Other means (specify) 10. What type of sewage disposal is proposed: (check appropriate space) TYPE PROPOSED LOT RETAINED LOT Publicly owned and operated sanitary sewage system ( ) ( ) Privately owned and operated individual septic tank ( ) Privately owned and operated communal septic system ( ) ( ) Privy ( ) ( ) Other means (specify) 11. When will water supply and sewage disposal services be available? 12. What is the existing Official Plan designation(s)of the subject land? 13. What is the existing Zoning designation(s) of the subject land? 14. Has the subject land ever been the subject of an application for approval of plan of subdivision under the Planning Act? Yes ( ) No ( ) Unknown ( ) If Yes, and known, provide the application file number and the decision made on the application 15. If this application is a re-submission of a previous consent application, describe how it has been changed from the original application /oft 16. (a) Has there been any previous severances of land from this holding? Yes .( ) No ( �j -3- (b) If the answer to(a) is Yes, please indicate previous severances on the required sketch and supply the following information for each lot severed: Grantee's name Use of parcel Date parcel created Severance File No. 17. If this application is for a lot addition, has the lot to be enlarged ever been the subject of a previous severance? Yes ( ) No (/ If Yes, provide the previous severance File No. 18. If this application involves the severance of a surplus farmhouse(through farm consolidation), please explain how it qualifies as surplus in the municipality which it is situated. E', ' AT /e) PCIAN � I S A 5 TO c-: 5 � 4 AS p6SSi ^L CSM n Fo,_,nS Tv OP PPs 19. Is the owner,solicitor, or agent applying for additional consents on this holding simultaneously with this application, or considering applying for additional consents in the future? Yes (X) No' 20. Is the subject land currently the subject of a proposed official plan or official plan amendment that has been submitted to the County for approval? Yes ( ) No (/) If Yes,and known,specify the County file number and status of the application 21. Is the subject land currently the subject of an application for a zoning by-law amendment, Minister's zoning order amendment, minor variance, or approval of a plan of subdivision? Yes (/) No ( ) If Yes, and known,specify the appropriate file number and status of the application O,ter U e eziV— Z A P©(. 22. Is the application consistent with policy statements issued under subsection 3(1)of the Planning Act? Yes V No ( ) 23. Is the subject land within an area designated under any provincial plan or plans? Yes ( ) No y) If yes,does the application conform to or conflict with the applicable provincial plan or plans 24. The Owner/Applicant/Agent hereby authorizes Land Division Committee members and the Corporation of the County of Elgin staff to enter onto the subject property for the purpose of Site inspections with respect to this application. 25. The Owner/Applicant/Agent hereby consents to disclosure of the information contained in this Application pursuant to Section 32(b)of Bill 49,Chapter 63,S.O. 1989, being an Act to provide for Freedom of Information and Protection of Individual Privacy in Municipalities and Local Boards. -4- 26. SKETCH: The application shall be accompanied by a sketch showing the following: - the boundaries and dimensions of the subject land,the part that is to be severed and the part that is to be retained; - the boundaries and dimensions of any land owned by the owner of the subject land and that abuts the subject land; - the distance between the subject land and the nearest township lot line or landmark,such as a railway crossing or bridge; - the location of all land previously severed from the parcel originally acquired by the current owner of the subject land; - theapproximate location of all natural and artificial features on the subject land and adjacent lands that in the opinion of the applicant may affect the application,such as buildings, railways, roads,watercourses,drainage ditches, river or stream banks, wetlands,wooded areas,well and septic tanks; - the existing use(s)on adjacent lands; - the location,width and name of any roads within or abutting the subject land, indicating whether it is an unopened road allowance,a public travelled road,a private road or a right of way; - if access to the subject land is by water only,the location of the parking and boat docking facilities to be used; - the location and nature of any easement affecting the ject land. Dated at thel �MIC 6r/t of y 4�.� 1 this 0 d.. of � 20 V 1111 , s SIGNATURE OF APPLICA (`), >tLICITOR OR AUTHORIZED AGENT AFFIDAVIT OR SWORN DECLARATION moo , n -7 I/We� n J u kc s z of the IQOPGIL in the County of solemnly declare that all the information contained in this application is true, and I/We make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing it to be true,and knowing that it is of the same force and effect as if made under Oath and by virtue of the CANADA EVIDENCE ACT. DECLARED before me at the 11 nu,,„(mkt in thelOU. this (04"' day of y Signature 20 /j Signature 2 Susan Dianne Calloway,a Commissioner,etc.,County of Elgin,for 1The Corporation of the County of®glna orier, eta ^hl � { teary a,zo97. i If this application is signed by an agent or solicitor on behalf of an applicant(s),the owner's authorization must accompany the application. If the applicant is a corporation acting without agent or solicitor,the application must be signed by an officer of the corporation and the seal, if any,must be affixed. It is required that one copy of this application be filed,together with one copy of the sketch described, with the responsible person,accompanied by a fee of- $1,000.00 in cash or by cheque made payable to TREASURER, COUNTY OF ELGIN An additional fee of$250.00 will be charged for affixing the consent stamp. Revised December 2014 APPENDIX"A" • The County of Elgin Land Division Committee requires that,in addition to the"Application for Consent",the following information be completed for all applications: 1. Are there any barns located'within 300 metres of the subject of this application? Yes ( ) No (�) If the answer is"YE8' are these barns: i) Now used for livestock? Yes ( ) No ( ) ii) Capable of being used for livestock? Yes ( ) No ( ) NOTE:If you answered"YES"to#1.PLEASE COMPLETE THE DATA SHEET BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT AGRICULTURAL CODE OF PRACTICE FORMULA ONE DATA SHEET TO CALCULATE THE MINIMUM DISTANCE SEPARATION REQUIREMENTS FOR NON-FARM USES ESTABLISHING OR EXPANDING IN CLOSE PROXIMITY TO EXISTING LIVESTOCK BUILDINGS In order to calculate the minimum distance separation,the following information is required for each livestock facility within 300 metres of the proposed severance and located on a separate lot: NAME TELEPHONE TOWNSHIP LOT CONC. TILLABLE HECTARES(where livestock facility located) I I I Type of Livestock Maximum Housing Capacity Man are Sys Housing System Number per Year Liquid Semi- Dry check type DAIRY Solid 0 Cows Tie Free Loose 0 Heifers Stall Stall .0 Calves BEEF 0 Cows Open Lot Total 0 Calves &Barn Confine- 0 Feeders ment 0 400-750 lb. 0 400-1100 lb. •0 750-1100 lb. SWINE 0 Sows 0 Boars 0 Weanlings . 0 Feeders POULTRY Caged On Floor 0 Laying Hens • 0 Breeder Flock 0 Pullets 0 Chicken Broilers 0 Turkey Broilers 0 Turkey Hens 0 Turkey Toms 0 Roasters MINK-Females • HORSES SHEEP-Rams&Ewes RABBITS VEAL CALVES OTHER MANURE STORAGE: DRY Open Pile Covered Pile SEMI-SOLID Open Pile Storage with Buck Walls LIQUID Covered Tank Open Earth Sided Pit Above Ground Uncovered Tank Below Ground Uncovered Tank / i & / env t.r: r • _ f • lc) ELGIN .'-',AAPPII'\',C.:1 .,' ! : 1 r x ...",-.J..;';''.1'''.; r I t �'7r 7,77., ,t. ,,,,•:..,,,„,,.,.....,,,...,,..... ......:,, ...,..,...... . ..... Le end .o � .: Pko�sz� Elgin Parcels Local is Arter' I . ... ... , , .,_ . - Highways • . , i. . i r. r. I r t...•• •'.'• 5 }4 . , F 1:9,027 0 Notes 0.5 0 0.23 0.5 Kilometers This map is a user generated static output m Internet mapping site and is for reference only.Data layers that appear onfrothis an map may or may e accurate, WGS 1984 Web_Mercator Auxiliary_Sphere current or otherwise not brelia •ble. ©Latitude Geographies Group Ltd. THIS MAP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION 0 20 40 60 METRES SCALE - 1: 1000 METRIC BE CONVERTED ON NMETRES AND CAN TO FEET BY DIVIDING BY 0.3048 AGRICULTURAL ~~``----PART 2 yti, � r o - ' .. �j} `, • LINT'," PAR r '3 —�. �� ROA AD l�j�. ��, 24'���7�C;�• � I 39.50 857-----________�_ -..„__J,J Cr �IMS 1J � mss,. • 7 _________ '`�-� W 0,00 / to c�+WOU/2 (D�- I `�` i,.A 645 --� .e '°° 9 a P AGRICULTURAL \Z �9 ARI 4 r � s�-.kis?e7" % , ' 3 5 L AN i N js..�:: , ,I tea ED (ON ,Q �^_ .��^ 54.38 �` t snmEr swat o I / -= } 3.05' Vfa QUA J �. ue .t.�j n " / 46 zd� , o b0 sm. g "° t SKETCH FOR SEVERANCE / 8 . ,M .1 AREA = 6410.5 SAUARE METRES U PART OF LOT 9 / (1.58 ACRES) {/ f'-'--,.,"Eu.��CIE ,9 Q CONCESSION 8 '• - s ``� GEOGRAPHIC TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM • Mo. 23.3 2= ''''-'''''' COUNTY OF ELGIN Y a......e«.... A LC_1 ,S e;,l.j E.1vlI~EU'f f O r' (-to r,J 11 Ile- ea--VA1IJ b J7 95.51 M 9 KIM HUSTED SURVEYING LTD. CJNr1;SS1JN 8 ONTARIO LAND SURVEYOR GEOGRAPHIC 7JY�11�JSJ-!1P 0F.' F'A`t;-IA�iJ 30 HARVEY STREET, TILLSONBURG ONTARIO, N4G 3J8 AGRICULTURAL PHONE:519-842-3638 FAX: 519-842-3639 PROJECT: 16-12124 REFERENCE: FILE C: OSO T141\'WORT•'\1Ft-12124.dwy, 2016-05-02 10:36:37 AM. DING To IDDF.pc3 9 ELGIN MApplNG N.1f'441 .,u';.lk, X3;5`; .rte J ' Legend ,(ejs;�•`'` ❑ Elgin Parcels �� - � Local Arterial ,, Ln Highways 11L` �.. Boundary.' ` World Sfreef Map Alf N „4ii,,,...;.,idl:P''.;' I.,1F LJ r..,,, n ,. f., LES€N� Nor,, IA -\\ k-1b Se= Its• 11.3-3-.),S1 L 1: 9,027 I Notes 0.5 0 0. 3 0;5 Kilometers This map is a user generated static output from an Internet mapping site and is for reference only.Data layers that appear on this map may or may not be accurate, WGS_1984 Web_Mercator Auxlliary_Sphere current or otherwise reliable. ©Latitude Geographies Group Ltd. THIS MAP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION RECEIVE u MAY 19 2016 -.. E IUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM ', �a '�c> r�.. " •cOuNTY . 91J APPLICATION FOR CONSENT ` 0 LANG DIVISION COMMilTEE 1. Name of approval authority ELGIN COUNTY LAND DIVISION COMMITTEE 2. Name of Owner 11 Co 2-2 q k 61JT(4- ,Q /-----r- Address 3 S3 P(,4it11L (.INL 5a uT'ti --i`I,-(.Sdes)6'a)sl7 AI 116- Telephone Number 5(et.- (p S S' ss-s l Z S 416'' Name of owner's solicitor or authorized agent . I A SO 'J sj U AA S"2,_Address ---t6(1 ( (_r L(4). 1,---A&R.-Tum 6N NO6 I c o Telephone Number "—Ca-(a .- 2-- 1 "-- c y 1 Please specify to whom all communications should be sent: Owners ( ) Solicitor ( ) Agent (/�) 3. (a) Type and purpose of proposed transaction: (check appropriate space) Transfer: creation of a new lot Other: mortgage/charge addition to a lot / lease surplus farm dwelling X easement/R.O.W. technical severance correction of title other(specify (b) Name of person(s),if known,to whom land or interest in land is to be transferred,leased or charged: /n/ l uovr_ cc- cA,vb f -rt. Se . ae-iee p (c) If a lot addition,identify the assessment roll number and property owner of the lands to which the parcel will be added: 4. (a) Location of land: Municipality 's14yF '\( 1 Concession No. Lot(s)No. Cl Registered Plan No. Name of Street 6. --.I\I "-ilk)t Street No.and/or 911 No. S`l Sjl 9 Assessment Roll No. 3'-1 0 J — 0 00 •— 60 S- 6:3 tO 0 (b) Are there any easements or restrictive covenants affecting the subject land? Yes ( ) No (> If Yes,describe the easement or covenant and its effect: 5. Description of land intended to be savereel:•-(Aseurate.MQ y1Q et142 P D-5.-z-6 6 A-c-;---J" y J" U Frontage r'?•r Its Depth Depth U 5 - g ivt Area 'i 1 S-0 S9. 11/k Existing Use �y c4 rO 1 i mL Proposed Use .Set wti e Number and use of buildings and structures on the land to be severed: Existing 11 fl tQ L Proposed lki 0 rk-1 f- 6. Description of land intended to be retained: (Accurate Measurements in Metric) / /(3_ Frontage 2-414 vd0‘, Depth 7 0 f/p w /► Area c. Existing Use A(T- Proposed Use A 6.- Number and use of buildings and structures on the land to be retained: Existing f{' l Jt Proposed /" Nd County of Elgin Engineering Services 450 Sunset Drive St.Thomas,On N5R 5V1 Phone:519-6331.1460 www el incounty on ca C3 * �'' ''.}f,�` }I''r .,1 "M 13W' 3 s%1' C r dtCr9 c ITZte �"',r I,JA n,°: r,"rte p'1' a..,r 5•=_._' ,1, ,t`t,,,�t F'n .,ff e a. (, �G� 4 x'��ra r}��7_+{` `"'1i +°40141. 41.A ij +. dialY,. moi'. S.(, �i4'.5'ad�wrco'F1>°�7� � i�lil5@tY it" '���S•"+lR�� ��u��tic`�T'dit�•;�tl,�: -2- 7: Number of new lots proposed(including retained lots) 8. Type of access for proposed and retained lot: (check appropriate space) TYPE PROPOSED LOT RETAINED LOT Provincial Highway ( ) ( ) Municipal road, maintained all year ( ) ( ) Municipal road,seasonally maintained ( ) ( ) Other public road ( ) ( ) Right Of Way ( ) ( ) Water access ( ( ) If proposed access is by water,what boat docking and pa-king facilities are available on the mainland? (specify) 9. What type of water supply is proposed: (check a propriate space) TYPE PROPOSED LOT RETAINED LOT Publicly owned and operated piped water system ( ) ( ) Privately owned and operated individual v,eeIl ( ) ( ) Privately owned and operated commu al well ( ) ( ) Lake or other water body ( ) ( ) Other means (specify) 10. What type of sewage disposj is proposed: (check appropriate space) TYPE J PROPOSED LOT RETAINED LOT Publicly owned and opeyatted sanitary sewage system / ( ) ( ) Privately owned and pperated individual septic tank / ( ) ( ) Privately owned a p d operated communal septic system ( ) ( ) Privy Other means (specify) 11. When will water supply and sewage disposal services be available? 12. What is the existing Official Plan designation(s)of the subject land? 13. What is the existing Zoning designation(s)of the subject land? 14. Has the subject land ever been the subject of an application for approval of a plan of subdivision under the Planning Act? Yes ( ) No (/) Unknown ( ) If Yes,and known, provide the application file number and the decision made on the application 15. If this application is a re-submission of a previous consent application, describe how it has been changed from the original application I0 16. (a) Has there been any previous severances of land from this holding? Yes .( ) No ( ) -3- (b) If the answer to(a)is Yes, please indicate previous severances on the required sketch and supply the following information for each lot severed: Grantee's name Use of parcel Date parcel created Severance File No. 17. If this application is for a lot addition, has the lot to be enlarged ever been the subject of a previous severance? Yes ( ) No yr • If Yes,provide the previous severance File No. 18. If this application involves the severance of a surplus farmhouse(through farm consolidation), • please explain how it qualifies as surplus in the municipality which it is situated. 19. Is the owner,solicitor, or agent applying for additional consents on this holding simultaneously with this application, or considering applying for additional consents in the future? Yes (.? No' 6( 20. Is the subject land currently the subject of a proposed official plan or official plan amendment that has been submitted to the County for approval? Yes ( ) .No j If Yes, and known,specify the County file number and status of the application 21. Is the subject land currently the subject of an application for a zoning by-law amendment, Minister's zoning order amendment, minor variance, or approval of a plan of subdivision? Yes No ( ) If Yes,and known,specify the appropriate file number and status of the application 22. Is the application consistent with policy statements issued under subsection 3(1)of the Planning Act? Yes (/j' No ( ) 23. Is the subject land within an area designated under any provincial plan or plans? Yes ( ) No (�) If yes,does the application conform to or conflict with the applicable provincial plan or plans 24. The Owner/Applicant/Agent hereby authorizes Land Division Committee members and the Corporation of the County of Elgin staff to enter onto the subject property for the purpose of Site inspections with respect to this application. 25. The Owner/Applicant/Agent hereby consents to disclosure of the information contained in this Application pursuant to Section 32(b)of Bill 49, Chapter 63,S.O. 1989, being an Act•to provide for Freedom of Information and Protection of Individual Privacy in Municipalities and Local Boards. -4- �6. SKETCH: The application shall be accompanied by a sketch showing the following: - the boundaries and dimensions of the subject land,the part that is to be severed and the part that is to be retained; - the boundaries and dimensions of any land owned by the owner of the subject land and that abuts the subject land; - the distance between the subject land and the nearest township lot line or landmark,such as a railway crossing or bridge; - the location of all land previously severed from the parcel originally acquired by the current owner of the subject land; - the approximate location of all natural and artificial features on the subject land and adjacent lands that in the opinion of the applicant may affect the application,such as buildings, railways, roads,watercourses, drainage ditches, river or stream banks, wetlands,wooded areas,well and septic tanks; - the existing use(s)on adjacent lands; - the location,width and name of any roads within or abutting the subject land,indicating whether it is an unopened road allowance,a public travelled road,a private road or a right of way; - if access to the subject land is by water only,the location of the parking and boat docking facilities to be used; - the location and nature of any easement affecting the subject land. Dated at the munackpoAorof ceAIthis C y �J day of 0 ! ( 20 • / r SIGNATURE OF APP IC AM.),SOLICITOR OR AUTHORIZED AGENT AFFIDAVIT OR SWORN DECLA" L TION IA n°1 lV1/e • �l of the +s in the County of solemnly declare that all the information contained in this application is true, and UWe make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing it to be true,and knowing that it is of the same force and effect as if made under Oath and by virtue of the CANADA EVIDENCE ACT. DECLARED before me at the r tl TCk i; &\+(t1 L t V\ in the �� PVof frin` Signature this CO day of (� Signature 20 `4-' Susan Glenne Galloway,a (:avtm�aiioner.etc..County of Elgin,for + TheCorporation of the County of Elgin. lss.ner,e . If this application is signed by an agent or solicitor on behalf of an applicant(s),the owner's authorization must accompany the application. If the applicant is a corporation acting without agent or solicitor,the application must be signed by an officer of the corporation and the seal, if any, must be affixed. It is required that one copy of this application be filed,together with one copy of the sketch described, with the responsible person,accompanied by a fee of- $1,000.00 in cash or by cheque made payable to TREASURER, COUNTY OF ELGIN An additional fee of$250.00 will be charged for affixing the consent stamp. Revised December 2014 APPENDIX"A" The County of Elgin Land Division Committee requires that,in addition to the"Application for Consent",the following information be completed for all applications: 1. Are there any barns loc ed within 300 metres of the subject of this application? Yes ( ) No If the answer is"YES' are these barns: i) Now used for livestock? Yes ( ) No ( ) ii) Capable of being used for livestock? Yes ( ) No ( ) NOTE:If you answered"YES"to#1.PLEASE COMPLETE THE DATA SHEET BELOW TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT AGRICULTURAL CODE OF PRACTICE FORMULA ONE DATA SHEET TO CALCULATE THE MINIMUM DISTANCE SEPARATION REQUIREMENTS FOR NON-FARM USES ESTABLISHING OR EXPANDING IN CLOSE PROXIMITY TO EXISTING LIVESTOCK BUILDINGS In order to calculate the minimum distance separation,the following information is required for each livestock facility within 300 metres of the proposed severance and located on a separate lot: NAME TELEPHONE TOWNSHIP LOT CONC. TILLABLE HECTARES(where livestock facility located) Type of Livestock Maximum Housing Capacity Manure Systtrrr Housing System Number per Year Liquid Semi- Dry check type DAIRY Solid 0 Cows Tie Free Loose 0 Heifers Stall Stall '0 Calves BEEF 0 Cows Open Lot Total 0 Calves &Barn Confine- 0 Feeders ment 0 400-750 lb. 0 400-1100 lb. 0 750-1100 lb. SWINE 0 Sows 0 Boars 0 Weanlings . 0 Feeders POULTRY 0 Laying Hens Caged On Floor 0 Breeder Flock 0 Pullets 0 Chicken Broilers 0 Turkey Broilers 0 Turkey Hens 0 Turkey Toms 0 Roasters MINK-Females HORSES SHEEP-Rams&Ewes RABBITS VEAL CALVES OTHER MANURE STORAGE: DRY Open Pile Covered Pile SEMI-SOLID Open Pile Storage with Buck Walls LIQUID Covered Tank Open Earth Sided Pit Above Ground Uncovered Tank Below Ground Uncovered Tank AUTHORIZATION TO APPOINT AN AGENT NOTE:This form is only to be used for applications,which are to be signed by someone other than the owner(s). To: Secretary-Treasurer Land Division Committee Corporation of the County of Elgin Description and Location of Subject Lands: ��}} I �( Cv 8(4,-/HA I/1Ne,the undersigned, being the registered owner(s)of the above lands hereby authorize i✓PJ v/E/�5`Z of (i. ANG 1�,�1 oj1 -1 (Agents Name/Names) (Agents City/Town of Residence) • to: (1)make an application on my behalf to the County of Elgin Land Division Committee; (2)appear on my behalf at any hearing(s)of the application;and (3)provide any information or material required by the Land Division Committee relevant to the application. Please Print Names in Block Letters Below Signatures Dated at the of this day of 20 Signatu e f ess Signature o caner Signature of Witness Signature of Owner Signature of Witness Signature of Owner c7 ELGIN . .tl �I�?'k ^^£4.�. 1 fiPS"tomes l7 GS( � s ,� J tit..' .nes."k1,....4:' , •r 1 6 f'fi rel::h� % t� / t S� i.3 4' .c v�f`" _ Il � '� ..,uN ‘.4....";;;',.::,..-;::-....:::.':-.,:'..i..;('.......'''2.:-....1::.i.1..:.•........';''''.':.' ' ‘i,,,..:..1.,....:,. .':-...,...",,'...1';'''.,-.!....,,...,,,!....,.....„,,,,_, ,,,_ r. iop, .` :h: - Legend . . . .. , .... . ..... ., . , .. . . .. . ... . .... •...:. ....,.. ... .. • ... . . . . . •P �,�� ❑ Elgin Parcels E A� , ..�„ Z ..... ........., ,..„ . _... Local ........,..,. • Arterial e. ,•• „ ... : Highways ,.. „. . „ ,,„ .. . ..,....,•.........•......,.._....,...f.. .:: :.,.;,.......,.......):.....„.... ... .,• ti l; �I is • . .. . 4r,.. ' •• €i L�E/- \\4� R+ - 9 • i. SI • J 1:9,027 Notes • 0.5 0 0,23 0.5 Kilometers This map is a user generated state output from an Internet mapping site and is for reference only.Data layers that appear on this map may or may not be accurate, WGS 1984 Web Mercator Auxiliary_Sphere current or otherwise reliable. ©Latitude Geographies Group Ltd. THIS MAP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION �+p 10 0 20 40 60 METRES SCALE — 1: 00 r r�Ae� � METRIC BE CONVERTED ISTANCES ,TO EON T HBY D S PLVIBY 0.3048 ARE IN METRES AND CAN AGRICULTURAL S i, 5},, 4'4 Vki,—PA-Rr` 2 l_..4:1,-Kos . : e, ,---, /Ji 1\J p-_ 857 5 t�t�lE } • LJ�\J� • �—` PAR_`_� ` (.r0u1\J7..f r _'� ,___ go.p e.,c .� - 9.50 _ - ) L Aa.,..;UvtE j--> �.� _::r-� l� � j► i 1 -�, ! �G . I i Q F I ,I OAS 7 �' 4, LUT-7-b Q�/,•'� 3 op o Q d - i 'i � " o PART-- AGRICULTURAL ` 's 1 ct > I S T..�[:.P.. , \ 9 I, l- 1 : S is fes. N � ` I 7 °ad\ ��,/ I I 5 Ri o ,r 5 i � , ,, fa vma< 9 E-- i- _�_--*___�_�� , i Euinoo J / i � fs.as' � � iaEs <o Q C.< ° J I 46a HNx j Roo Q I mARE ciancr , I I E] TLE 2 J SKETCH / NEIREs / EA TANK •` 1.28 m SKE CH FOR SEVERANCE / IMI AREA = 6410.5 S¢1UARE/c, /ME ES r p PART r,F L 11T 9 „. � I U ��r LST a I (1.58 ACRES) � J o CONCAE E f li"1 ix/ 4 1 ; Q CONCESSION ' -/a `� , I GE, GRAPHIC TOWNSHIP OF BAYHAM r�4OF � COUNTY SIF ELGIN ADQI/ • 1 _ • Y ! "`" __ _— /-'C.0 . s. Cw A,s L Gi/k 1::./J f (-Q l�_ €.„0,&f.` £, .5 e l.--TA.o.f•b J7 95.51 9 KIM HASTE® RJR VEYING LT®. CONCESSION 8 ONTARIO LAND SURVEYOR GEOGRAPHIC TOWNSHIP OF �AY;-J�11��1 30 HARVEY STREET, 11ILsONBURG ONTARIO, N4G 3J8 AGRICULTURAL PHONE:519-842-3638 FAX: 519-842-3639 • PROJECT: 16-12124 REFERENCE: FILE C: ,•.OSCfT141\WORI•:\1fl-•12124.a,,vg, 2016-05-02 10:36:37 AAM. DWG To I LF.pc3 ELGIN MAPPING riV'''a.;••:,t ,...41,,. . . : Legend . ' E Elgin Parcels k\ - ,-- Local — Arterial Highways Li Boundary •••;`1.-- World Street Map ,:•,-or :•.,,,,,',.'.,:..- - .,. , ,...:-;c:t'' 'W. '''•-•:--:-.-.'",--;:;';;-:-:;.7.,-.::‘,:..-.,-:::„:4,s, - ,,c\ : ,c3\k•7\ -441 ' ' -'-'-'-'-'----•-,_,_ „..12.:.';'7 , 77.777:77.7 ... ...'de B, G. 14 H B LEc,E .;7,ilit .0 Jr\ i.-1bk)S El B la.f\ hl XN• 1 vi'1)\_. c-r Et m..._ 1: 9,027 0 Notes • . 0.5 0 023 0:5 Kilometers 1 I This map is a user generated static output from an Internet mapping site and is for • reference only.Data layers that appear on this map may or may not be accurate, WGS_1984_Web_Mercator AuxIllary_Sphere current,or otherwise reliable. ©Latitude Geographics Group Ltd. THIS MAP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION IBI GROUP I203-350 Oxford Street West B i 1T3 tel 519 4472 28 t 3 fax 519 472 9354 1 ibigroup.com Memorandum To/Attention Municipality of Bayham Date May 26, 2016 From William Pol, MCIP, RPP Project No 3404 -622 cc file Subject 1162291 Ontario Limited -Application for Consent B35/16 and B36/16 Part Lot 9, Con 8, south side of Eden Line, east of Talbot Road, 54819 Eden Line 1. We have completed our review of consent applications B35/16 and B36/16 submitted by 1162291 Ontario Limited for lands located at 54819 Eden Line, south side, east of Talbot Road. The applicant is requesting two consents: x35/16 - To permit the severance of a surplus farm dwelling and an easement to permit farm vehicle access across the severed lands and; 636/16 -To permit a hydro-electric easement across the retained farmlands in favour of the severed lands. The proposed surplus farm dwelling lot has frontage of 39.5 m a depth of 88.36 m and an area of 6,410.5 sq. m. on an irregularly shaped lot. The retained farm lands will have a lot frontage of 297 m a depth of 986 m an area of 58.6 ha. The proposed farm vehicle access is 6.6 m wide for a total length of 101 m effectively dividing the surplus farm lot into two portions. 2. The subject lands are designated Agriculture in the Official Plan Schedule Al Land Use. Section; and of the Plan sets out the policies applicable to the application:—Severed Lot and Surplus Dwelling Shall a) No larger than necessary to support a private water and sewage system. The survey indicates the location of a well and septic system on the severed lands. b) Meet the provisions of the MDS1- the applicant indicates there are no barns within 300 m of the site. c) Be zoned Rural Residential —A zoning amendment application has been made to the Municipality.—Severed Surplus Dwelling may a) May include accessory buildings. An existing barn is intended to be retained and is acceptable. b) Prohibit the keeping of livestock. The zoning amendment should limit the keeping of livestock in accordance with MDS.— Retained Farm Lands shall a) Comprise a minimum of 40 ha. The retained farm land exceeds this minimum. b) Meet the provisions of the Al-A Zone. The retained lands meets the minimum requirements for the Al-A zone. IBI Group is a group of firms providing professional services and is affiliated with IBI Group Architects 1"'""" """"', IBI GROUP MEMORANDUM 2 IBI Municipality of Bayham—May 26,2016 c) Be rezoned to prohibit new residential uses. A zoning amendment has been accepted to prohibit new dwellings on the property. 3. The subject lands are Zoned Al-A in the Zoning By-law. The surplus farm dwelling will require final approval of a zoning by-law amendment to a RR Zone prior to issuing a certificate for the consent. 4. The proposed easement on the severed surplus farm dwelling in favour of the retained agricultural lands is to allow farm vehicle access to the farm fields. The easement appears to follow the existing driveway and then extend further south across grassed area to the farm fields. The location of the access is approximately 3 m west of the existing dwelling and rear yard outdoor open space. The operation of the agricultural parcel includes field preparation, seeding, spraying and harvesting of crops. There is significant potential conflict with respect to noise, dust, and safety of the movement of farm machinery operating at various times of the day and seasons that will impact the use and enjoyment of the surplus farm dwelling. The preferred alternative is to create a new farm use entrance from Eden Line on either side of the surplus farm lot along the 297 m of lot frontage exclusively for the retained farm lands. This easement is not sound planning and cannot be supported. 5. 836/16 is an easement 3 m wide and 45.8 m long with an area of 137.4 sq. m. and intended to recognize an existing overhead hydro line to the surplus farm dwelling. The width of the easement allows for the existing lines to remain but would not permit the safe maintenance of the facility by the electrical hydro provider within the easement. Approving the easement would be an encumbrance on the long term use of the lands for agricultural purposes with the existing pole location(s). The preferred option is refuse the consent for the easement and to establish a new electrical connection from the Eden Line right of way to the existing dwelling and remove this electrical infrastructure in the agricultural field. Alternatively, if the owner wishes to proceed with the easement,the width of the easement should be increased to a minimum 10 m to allow the future functional maintenance and operation of the electrical line. 6. Based on our review of the two applications please accept the following comments: 835/16—we have no objection to the creation of the surplus farm dwelling parcel subject to final approval of the zoning by-law amendment; 1.35/16—we do not support the creation of an easement of 6.6 m across the surplus farm dwelling parcel due to the conflict between normal farm practice of farm machinery and the residential dwelling land use. 636/16—we do not support a 3.0 m wide easement for the hydro easement. The preferred alternative is to relocate the service with direct access to the new parcel. Alternatively, if the easement is necessary, the width should be increased to a minimum of 10 m to allow reasonable use of the easement for maintenance purposes by hydro equipment. William Pol IBI GROUP William Pol, MCIP, RPP Affiliate IBI Group Consulting Planner to the Municipality of Bayham -$AYH.► irf 'P°7tunity IS ' The Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham Project Ojibwa Notice On May 17, 2016 the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham received a judgement against the Elgin Military Museum in the amount of six million dollars ($6,000,000). A Writ of Seizure and Sale, against the Elgin Military Museum, has been registered in favour of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham. The Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham will now explore options to seek to enforce and collect upon the judgement against the Elgin Military Museum. A timeframe or outline of the process cannot be provided at this time. As the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham is still involved in active litigation pertaining to Project Ojibwa the Corporation, including Council and Staff, can provide no additional information or comment at this time on the advice of legal counsel. For background and overview information previously presented please refer to The Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham website www.bayham.on.ca (Governance — Studies — Project Ojibwa) Date: May 24, 2016 The Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham TOWNSHIP OF WELLINGTON NORTH Regular Meeting of Council MOVED BY: ply DATE: May 16, 2016 SECONDED BY: Mir , RES. NO.: 2016- :). 3 5- WHEREAS the provinc:r has implemented a ban on door-to-door sales for electricity and natural gas contracts by passing the Strengthening Consumer Protection and Electricity System Oversight Act, 2015; AND WHEREAS Ontarians over the last twelve months continue to experience unsolicited, aggressive and misleading sales tactics at their door from companies seeking to sell home energy products, despite this provincial legislation; AND WHEREAS the door to door agents acting on behalf of these companies misrepresent their purpose and/or identity, often posing as utility inspectors and government agents needing to gain access to the homes of Ontarians; AND WHEREAS people across Ontario, and in particular vulnerable Wellington North residents, have been targeted by these door to door misrepresentations and misleading sales tactics; BE IT RESOLVED THAT the that Council of the Township of Wellington North move to: 1. Urge the Provincial Government to ban all door-to-door sales in the home services sector (more specifically the sale or lease of HVAC equipment, water heaters, water filtration systems and other related home energy products and services by door-to-door sales agents) as soon as possible; 2. Forward a copy of this resolution to all municipalities in Ontario asking for support by passing a similar resolution and forwarding to their MPP; 3. Forward a copy of this resolution to MPP Ted Arnott and MPP Randy Pettapiece. 4. Forward a copy of thi --olution to the Ontario Legislature. MAYOR 40 CARRIED DEFEATED TOWNSHIP OF GILLIES RR#1, 1092 Hwy. 595, Kakabeka Falls, Ontario POT MO Tel: (807) 475-3185 . Fax: (807) 473-0767 . E-Mail: gillies(a),tbavtel.net . www.qilliestownship.com May 17, 2016 Re: Resolution for Private Supportive Living Accommodations At the regular meeting of The Township of Gillies held May 9, 2016, Council considered correspondence regarding the City of Welland's request for the development of Provincial Legislation for Private Supportive Living Accommodations. Please be advised that the following resolution was passed by Council at the meeting: RESOLUTION NO. 2016/110 Moved by Councillor O'Gorman; Seconded by Councillor Groehheide: BE IT RESOLVED the Council of the Township of Gillies supports the development of Provincial Legislation requiring the registration, licensing, and setting Provincial Standards, for Private Supportive Living Accommodations, where the operator provides accommodations and where the operator provides or arranges for services that relate to the health, safety and security of the residents; and further THAT the Township of Gillies requests the support of the local MP and MPP and that a copy of this recommendation be forwarded to all Ontario Municipalities and their local MPPs, AMO and FCM for support CARRIED If you require further information, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned at 807-475-3185 or gillies@tbaytel.net. Sincerely, 'S • Shara Lavallee Clerk Pre _ _ ot �� Propose / Moved By: Fernand Dicaire Date: 25 mai 2016/May 25, 2016 Appuye / Seconded by: Gary J. Barton Numero 2016/115 RE: Don a Fort McMurray Donation to Fort McMurray ATTENDU que la Ville de Fort McMurray en Alberta WHEREAS the City of Fort McMurray, Alberta has a connu un feu de foret devastateur, provoquant des experienced a devastating wildfire, causing inquietudes importantes pour les routes, la significant concerns for roads, drinking water distribution d'eau potable, l'entretien des eaux usees, distribution, wastewater servicing, electricity and I'electricite et le gaz, ainsi que des matieres gas, as well as hazardous materials affecting the dangereuses affectant la qualite de vie de nombreux quality of life for many residents; residents; ATTENDU que pendant plusieurs semaines, les WHEREAS residents will be evacuated for several residents seront evacues de leur communaute, leurs weeks from their community, home and work maisons et leur travail, causant de difficultes causing substantial emotional, financial, mental and emotionnelles, financieres, mentales et physiques; physical hardship; ATTENDU que tous les gouvernements locaux AND WHEREAS all local governments should show devraient demontrer la force et le soutien pour faire strength and support in responding to a disaster in face a une catastrophe dans une communaute, un any community, as an event could happen in their evenement comme celui-ci pouvant se produire dans own municipality; leur propre municipalite; QU'IL SOIT RESOLU que le Conseil fournisse un don BE IT RESOLVED that Council provide a donation de 20 000 $ a ('Association des municipalites de of $20,000 to the Association of Municipalities of ('Ontario (AMO), qui dans le cadre de ses efforts de Ontario (AMO), which as part of its fundraising levee de fonds distribuera le don egalement a la fois efforts will evenly distribute the donation to both the a la Croix-Rouge canadienne et a l'Armee du Salut. Canadian Red Cross and the Salvation Army. Adoptee Carried COPIE CERTIFIEE CONFORME/ CERTIFIED TRUE COPY Je, Andree Latreille, greffiere de la Corporation des Comtes unis de Prescott et Russell, atteste que la presente est une copie certifiee de la resolution adoptee par le Conseil le 25e jour du mois de mai 2016. / 1, Andree Latreille, Clerk of the United Counties of Prescott and Russell hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of a Resolution adopted by County Council on the 25th day of May, 2016. Andree Latreille, Greffiere/Clerk Prem, f t Bureau du president wardens Office L'Orignal, May 25, 2016 President Gary McNamara Association of Municipalities of ul itariu zuu university Avenue, Suite 801 Toronto ON M5H 3C6 Re: Donation to Fort McMurray Dear Pf esiaent McNamara, On behalf of council or the unites counties of Prescott and Russell (U(.;PK), I am pleased to present yob with tnis donation of $20,000 to be used towards the ongoing relief efforts in Fort McMurray, Alberta. Enclosed with this letter and the cheque, you will also find a cerffitled copy of the resolution zulb/115 approved this morning by council. l nanR you for taRing the initiative to organize this fundraising eltorrt fur the canadian Ked Cro6s and the Salvation Army, on behalf of all municipalities in untaf io and fog the benefit of residents in Fort McMurray. I look forward to seeing you, and hearing more about the success of this wonderful initiative, at the upcoming annual AMO conference in Windsor. Sincerely, l Guy Desjardins vvardei zu16, United Counties of Prescott and Kassell 59, rue Luert St., C.r./P.v. BO^ 304, Cvr;gnal ON ROB 1K0 •Tel.: 613 675-4661 • 1 800 667-6307• Fax: 613 675-2519 www.prescott-russell.on.ca MUNICIPALITY OF NORTH MIDDLESEX NA . DATE: t'f\cx //\\ 1 i 1lv orth RESOLUTION t UMBER Middlesex MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: Deputy Mayor Brian Ropp _ Deputy Mayor Brian Ropp Councillor Doreen McLinchey _ Councillor Doreen McLinchey Councillor Joan Nichol _ Councillor Joan Nichol _ Councillor Gord Moir _ Councillor Gord Moir Councillor Andrew Hemming _ Councillor Andrew Hemming _ Councillor Adrian Cornelissen Councillor Adrian Cornelissen WHEREAS the City of Fort McMurray, AB has experienced a devastating wildfire with the complete loss of 2,400 buildings and damage to 500 more homes and businesses; AND WHEREAS the fire has caused significant concerns for infrastructure including roads, drinking water distribution, wastewater servicing, electricity and gas as well as hazardous materials including smoke affecting the quality of life for many more residents; AND WHEREAS residents will be evacuated for a minimum of several weeks from their community, home and work causing substantial emotional, financial, mental and physical hardship; AND WHEREAS all local governments need to show strength and support in responding to a disaster in any community as an event could happen in their own municipality; AND WHEREAS the Federal government will match dollar-for-dollar any donations to the Red Cross; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Council for the Municipality of North Middlesex supports a $000.00 donation to the Red Cross through its' Community Development Fund Program for Disaster Relief Funding Assista,n k_.05 A . 7/2 , u, AND FURTHER THAT the Council encourages and subsequently sends out a challenge to all municipalities to match or enhance the Municipality's donation to Fort McMurray to ensure the Province of Alberta and the City of Fort McMurray can respond as quickly as possible in its recovery; AND FURTHER THAT a copy of this Resolution be forwarded to all Municipalities within the Province of Ontario. 1 Recorded Vote: FOR AGAINST Deputy Mayor B. Ropp 14 Councillor D. McLinchey Councillor J. Nichol Councillor G. Moir Councillor A. Hemming X SII Councillor A. Cornelissen Mayor D. Shipway CARRIED: `''�`''' , DEFEATED: Mayor or Deptfty Mayory Mayor or Deputy Mayor Declaration of Conflict of Interest: 2 -g,AYHAA,z • REPORT ,4erirr 41= IP ,>`y CAO Apbul'tunity IsIto TO: Mayor & Members of Council FROM: Paul Shipway, CAO DATE: June 2, 2016 REPORT: CAO-39/16 SUBJECT: PROPOSED WHEELHOUSE BACKGROUND On January 8, 2015 the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham passed a motion requesting a report from staff on the proposed Wheelhouse Project. On February 5, 2015, in response to the requested Report CAO-06/15 re Proposed Wheelhouse, Council passed the following resolution: THAT Report CAO-06/15 re Proposed Wheelhouse be received for information; AND THAT Council agree in principle to the placement of the wheelhouse on the museum property subject to: i. an approved and completed site plan; ii. an approved and completed minor variance; iii. statement of accounts showing that no funds are owing and that funds are in place for final placement on municipal property. On April 27, 2016 staff met with the Wheelhouse Committee to discuss the project and options to move forward. Prior to the meeting staff outlined the following concerns: To date no formal site plan application has been submitted. ii. To date no formal Minor Variance Application has been submitted. iii. To date no statement of account showing that no funds are owing and that funds are in place for final placement on municipal property, has been submitted. a. Assuming funds for the Wheelhouse have been raised through means of lottery licenses, no Trust Agreement has been contemplated by the Municipality at this time yet either. iv. No permit has been issued or engineered drawings have been submitted for the footings/stand if any. The preceding comments were made pertaining to the original proposed Wheelhouse location attached hereto as Appendix `A', which also included the following staff comments: Staff, at this time, do not support placing the structure on the lot where the active storm drain is below so that repair work to the existing drain cannot be done with the structure in the way. The drain is approximately 18ft below grade. The recent Storm Sewer Assessment furthers the above position as the Engineers have commented the subject pipe on this property may be a critical piece in the Detailed Storm Sewer Design, dependent upon the outcomes of the EA currently being conducted. For those reasons staff at this time do not support placement on the property. Council, obviously has the decision making authority on the placement and may very well agree to placement, however just wanted to ensure all of the information was available. On April 27, 2016 the Wheelhouse Committee provided a revised Wheelhouse Site Plan, attached hereto as Appendix `B'. The site plan attached hereto as Appendix B' generally resolves the storm sewer issue which leaves point's i-iv outstanding along with minor ancillary concerns depending on the direction forward, if any. DISCUSSION On April 27, 2016 the Wheelhouse Committee provided commentary that at this point in time Council has agreed in principle to the placement of the Wheelhouse on Municipal property. To move forward with said placement expenses and time are required to be expended. The Wheelhouse Committee would like a firm commitment for placement on Municipal property, as per the site plan attached hereto as Appendix `B', from Council before proceeding and expending funds. Thus, if Council is not in favour, funds can be expended on non-municipal alternative solutions. Staff would agree that this approach would permit the best use of both Wheelhouse Committee and staff time and efforts. If Council provides direction approving the placement the Wheelhouse Committee, through the Municipality, can proceed with Planning Applications and satisfying the requirements, at the sole expense of the Wheelhouse Committee, as per the direction of Council of February 5, 2015. As noted above if Council is not in favour of placement and proceeding, the Wheelhouse Committee may expend resources and efforts on alternative placement options. The Deputy Clerk/Planning Coordinator has the following comments on the Appendix B' Site Plan for Council consideration: 1. The museum and parking lot are two separate parcels. The proposed site places the Wheelhouse across the shared lot line between the two parcels. A merger of the parcels would address the easterly lot line setbacks. Should Council approve the proposed placement as shown on the attached site plan drawing, staff recommends pursuing the process to merge the parcels. Merging will affect the minor variance application for setback requirements. 2. Site Plan application, including abutting property owners' circulation and Council approval required 3. Minor Variance application, including circulation to property owners' within 60 metres, and Council approval required to address lot line setbacks RECOMMENDATION 1. THAT Report CAO-39/16 re Proposed Wheelhouse be received for information; 2. AND THAT Council provide staff direction. Respectfully Submitted by: Paul Shipway CAO MOW.1.0i PROPOSED STATIC WHEELHOUSE DISPLAY li ... — — — ix.mamc.Wa., a REVISOKS/ISSUE U E� U EXISTING MUSEUM 1 - o in ) .a ax.. CU8. 9 II' / .1 .... oOx ..r -—• -- x "".x..o POI IS xxoo e a m..i 1LI .`"^..'S.r""".r 4"w". e 11.1•01 1 1 1 Oo®o.xax.. oo.x•coxsmucnox•xnxnxxon 111 F+i ornwe"wTV=169108 Mt xaim co MY 31111,1, paw Ce lir ina f70 84 10,8 MUM IM•1 WV e". U PORT BURWELL C MARINE MUSEUM LL PITT STREET Man a • a s REVISED SITE PLAN „0 +x• amiss- I. 1426 A2 2 L U 0 0_ I - • )\. .el-Th-,. . 4111101 -O._ 1 1 / iii 4114 I A '1!"11111111 ' '10' ..'s ill.. PIP • el) 'y,, fff _, I 0 . 4. . . , ::‘,.._ ,___Iiiiviiiiii._;.._: ____ _ ___. r� "vim tilimblinsl. r_ ...,. .._,..._,Iimmimmi _._ MiliiiMPIPIRrilirli. 1.11111 7.s .. 11.1 . 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Drawings not to be used for construction unless signed below: , ,I CLIENT: DATE: BARRY WADE: DATE:_ ♦^ Design Firm // 776497 ONTARIO LIMITED Ilit 114 ... ,,. ,:. . Bit do is L �_ DESIGN •CONSTRUCTION •MANAGEMENT ��41 15 JANE ST, DORCHESTER, NOL 1G2 � I, � fi Arir41"1*°.'" �' .� �I � , TEL: (519)268-2995 FAX: (519)268-2694 i �m ii . - elk �` 1 —�- ' i , - /1�� EE Sep08, 2014PROJECT NORTH j ��� �I� iimpluil �� �lliblib,, ,o01°...1111...141% � _. BW _ migiallilikillb �sw����.�.�a r + ' �� lip I Drawn I (a:l el), __ _________1\ 04..._ji ; I Project _____ :' - -413MI ili i I it -I' i_ _ :, —i — PORT BURWELL 1;� - EMU _ MARINE MUSEUM Address Stl . V q Crl .f t1P- /-J g\Crti ;71)4 J Drawing Title Project No. Drawing No. 1426 APPENDIX 'B' EXISTING CHAIN LINK FENCE .\ 10 a a a a 0 a 0 0 0 N PROPERTY LINE _ _ 4\ _ _ _ _ _ I- I I 11 1 1 I I I I I 1 I I 1 I I 1 'in II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 I I I I I I I I I Q EX. HP JI -I I I I Lu w o_ o_ O O ct EXISTING WOOD PICKET FENCE PROPERTY LINEW4 o_ o_ \ - - - - - - - - _N_ r..- - - - - - - - -.. ., - k - - - - w Lu Z 5.75' 33.69' I 18.00' 11.17' �� 9.42' I 6.58_-+ 16.42' 2r , * 12.22' / 23.00' / z 14.22' ,,_ 10.30' / 23.02' / cri O co'to co \ \ O pW4 - Lu 0 ---PROPOSED o 1 a I SAILBOAT0 o EXISTING EXISTING LIFEBOAT O (20'0" HT.) SHED LOCATION / \ 1 0 (12'5" HT.) EXISTING 0 rx /24 I I I EXISTING __ I EX. ENT EXISTING TANK L J o BREOLOCATEDE PROPOSEDVN 1 ^ __ TO E \ BUOY TO BE I No. Description Dately.m.d) (12'5" HT.) (6'-0" HT.) RELOCATED LOCATION 1 REVISIONS/ISSUE EXISTING r RELO TED °° MUSEUM I !-1 I EXISTING \ (6'-0" HT.) \ I �i iI <\ LIFEBOAT TO BE C EX. CATCHBASIN RELOCATED \ Cin / � _ iceJ I i i --- 46.69' / 108.31' / 1 (..-../ o 8.17' c I \ I _ 1I EXISTING B.F. PARKING LOCATION, I 1 �� 7.--- • EXISTING ASPHALT SIDEWALK zETO TBE REMOVEDING K 36.52' 2.0 ��L/ /10 - '� 1 z o r PROPOSED 0 4 - 1-�-�-� 7 "' BUOY LOCATION' w L PROPOSED •6 _O" HT.) EX. CA iOPY OVERHANG WHEELHOUSE 18.00' EXISTING ASPHALT PARKING LOT EX. CATCHBASIN / 8.22' LOCATION / / ODo not scale the drawings. I I I \ I All dimensions must be verified by the sub-contractors prior °� I I 1 to commencement. - I I / p PROPOSED I If any discrepancies, contradictions or ambiguities occur on cocci BUOY LOCATION the drawings, immediately advise our firm. 411.17' / (6'-0" HT.) Drawings not to be used for construction unless signed below: 4.00' / 41.52' 8.22' II JA! / / �' /NEW BARRIER FREE PARKING LOCATION\ — 1 j / I 4 CLIENT: DATE: 1 I I PROPOSED \ I I, 32.33' SIDEWALK \ / \ ^ BARRY WADE: DATE: fff Co 00 0 o c'. ®EX. FLAGPOLE �+ EXISTING ARINER TOWER PROPERTY LINE - - - - - - - - � - - - - - - � - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - — Design Firm PROPERTY LINE CO 1" 411 Iwo. barry wade / 776497 Ontario Limited Q O519 268 2995 tel barry wade 519 268 2694 fax barry@barrywade.ca 2EX. HP 519 521 6860 cell www.barrywade.ca P4 15 Jane Steet, Dorchester, NOL 1G2 b EX. HP PLOT DATE May 12, 2016 PROJECT NORTH SCALE 3/32"=1'-0" DESIGN BW Drawn AG Project PORT BURWELL PITT STREET MARINE MUSEUM Address Drawing Title PROPOSED SITE PLAN Project No. Drawing No. 1426 PLAN MATERIAL ITEM DESCRIPTIONI REQUIRE THIS PLAN TO BE PLAN IIR - 7 o Material - POST 'TELE DAR" DEPOSITED UNDER THE REGISTRY POLYESTER BASE ACT. Gauge - 0.003in. RECEIVED AND DEPOSITED Ink - CARTER'S WATERPROOF 352 DATED - 51 joky �� DATED - Au6. ( , ( 986'.- / ��'%� J T J 7 I o T J 7 JON Wr F. WESTON OLS. 62..E.A.'...11.1AA1— DEP. LAND REGISTRAR FOR THE 11 er REGISTRY DIVISION OF ELGIN • N 88°56'30"W (No. I I ) _ —_.. _ - - - 0 66.0' ^� CAUTION: THIS PLAN IS NOT A PLAN OF SUBDIVISION WITHIN THE MEANING OF THE PLANNING ACT. tr 6 to w -o Li NIUJ M A R K r ^r a OT J 6 O r J N `, ) QUARE SCHEDULE to 1-i-1 re) 01 PART LOCATION /NST. AREA LL1 o U f) LL z ONE PARTS OF LOTS 14 AND 15 WEST OF ERIEUS STREET 15546 532 sq. ft. H L!} TWO LOT 15 EAST OF ROBINSON STREET 236738 10964 sq. fi. L---- THREE PARTS OF LOTS 14 AND 15 WEST OF ERIEUS STREET 237609 5888 sq. ft. - 66.0' i = FOUR PART OF LOT 14 WEST OF ERIEUS STREET 219617 2990 sq. ft. N88°56'30"W 0' A \. y1,,:. Cr FIVE PART OF MARKET SQUARE REG. PLAN No. 12 4120 sq. ft. �° 0 Z SIX PART OF MARKET SQUARE REG. PLAN No. 12 266 sq. ft. SEVEN PARTS OF LOTS 14 AND 15 WEST OF ERIEUS STREET 259833 8132 sq. ft. uJ -o r-� J\l1 A R fc l-r o_N o P1 r r SrREEr r. rr ° ' 0 z to SURVEYOR'S CERT 1 F l CATE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT: 43\ (I) - THIS SURVEY AND PLAN ARE CORRECT AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SURVEYS ACT AND THE REGISTRY ACT '4,. ��, �� 0�� P,y`? AND THE REGULATIONS MADE THEREUNDER. y[ N 88° 56'30'W (PLAN 8 YEAS) 5 330.0 4 ? 4. ■ 165.0' 4.� 46.0' 49.0 O 62.0' (2) — THIS SURVEY WAS COMPLETED ON THE 18th DAY OF JULY 1985. A (PLAN 8 YEAS) (MEA51 (YEAS) 6 a 8 (YEAS) n i " - DATED - 31 L1C)I•-`C lg65. a w - - I- 110o / / -L0 a a (D a IH /.' I w / 6 m w v m a 09� al CMN,F. N - ONTARIO LAND SURVEYOR W ZLO � O LL g -, Q �-•i Z I u. V ,-0.4' Vj. w w L , u-)17. ii-i ,,,i), r cz's LJ (D o _ ,� ° tif} a d _ r Cr) o r�`iM A R 11 r r o cD "' 1 .. L J r J J o Q� 7 1 J rroto J J i I- J C (`?i r r o co N 0 ` "to t41 CD w o .�, J T� r) Er to NI 11�i r NO. 2:�6 iJi3 w Z toQQ� �v N o `° PART FIVE PART TWO ''� z W DETAIL NOTES — ,� O {11 W r ��, M NOT TO SCA L E N w 3 T o o OQ+�Q CONCRETE — BEARINGS ARE ASTRONOMIC AND ARE REFERRED TO THE MERIDIAN THROUGH THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 21 , - ° �- o p BLOCK WEST OF CHATHAM STREET , REGISTERED PLAN No. 12 , VILLAGE OF PORT BURWELL . THEY ARE BASED ON THE V) z 1! a z z o� BUILDING NORTH LIMIT OF BROCK STREET WHICH LIMIT HAS A BEARING OF N88°561 30"W. N O \�FA O 2.4' r0 (PLAN a YEAS) PART THREE (MEA PART SEVEN ".4.-NE As) 0•'(, (DEED $MEAS) ,° 5, `0. 4,0'•�� 17.0' �' ' 45.0' 0,)'''''Z - FOUND MONUMENTS ARE SHOWN THUS -II- 165.0' F 16 5.0' __ 0 ° —0- R,• ON8S 56'30'W N88°56'30"W N88°56'30"W e• N 88 56' 30'W ... �. �. -- PLANTED MONUMENTS ARE SHOWN THUS -0 - / a a H 0 LA z z 1._1_1 0 a ill 1 I'' a 6 o L(1 y O J 0 T J % o (� J -r =o z w W J ,r PART _ M CT). _ _ o al �o o FOUR .cr a LL, 0 11 1.ST. NO. 9579 ! o c) 0z N re) �� Z r*s �F o • O i= Z. o cD a Nri, �D o ¢ r) /` z a. o (D 4 d a.ao � z a ct 1N1S T. NJ. LE. z - 21951 w Lti1 r) `N M o_ O z �. CIT) (DEED & YEAS) (DEED 8 MEAS) (DEED 8 (MEAS) �• Lu 40 42.0' 74.0' �, 45.0' c, is �• M��- a �. N 88°56' 30"W (PLAN a MEAS) 165.0' tr - 1-L] , �, d-- x—x� ro LOT 15 , EAST OF ROBINSON STREET to `�\ T 27.5' .,1 1 I,. , NEW WIRE FENCE x I �`7 J J N I^�-� 0 Z J r 1 SPRING,1985 :J r� LOTS 14 and IS , WEST OF ERIEUS STREET 0 111 .'-'-)T. NO. 2 ;4 99 i8 INSr NO. 228'x05 z PART OF MARKET SQUARE REGISTERED PLAN No. 12 VILLAGE OF PORT BURWELL 1 COUNTY OF ELGIN SCALE - I inch = 20 feet 26 JULY , 1985 u- -11 -- -• N88°56'30"W 330.0' �• -N e. BROCK :JT r r T 1/42p JOHN F. WESTON P.ENG. OLS. 25 DE LEVAN CRESCENT TILLSONBURG ,ONTARIO N4G 3M6 T- 128-2 fistt4nllPllk44#'* REPORT o e ,�y CAO pul'tunity Is�o�► TO: Mayor & Members of Council FROM: Paul Shipway, CAO DATE: June 2, 2016 REPORT: CAO-40/16 SUBJECT: CANADA 150 INFRASTRUCTURE FUND — INTAKE 2 BACKGROUND Canada 150 Infrastructure Fund — Intake 2 details were released May 24, 2016. Intake 2 with $44.4 million is now available for projects in Southern Ontario. The deadline to apply is June 24, 2016. Significant interest existed in Intake 1 of the program in Southern Ontario. FedDev Ontario received more than 1,100 applications, requesting more than $260 million in funding, of which $44.4 million in funding was awarded (380 Projects). Including $250,000 to the Municipality of Bayham, which was the majority of funding awarded from the program within Elgin County. Funding is for the renovation, expansion and improvement of existing community infrastructure assets that are non-commercial in nature and located in Southern Ontario. DISCUSSION Staff utilized the Capital Budget to assess potential projects for consideration. Projects were ruled out from consideration as follows: 1) Not likely to be successful on large capital facility improvements as the Municipality already received a large share in Intake 1; 2) Municipality does not have readily available large capital matching funds; 3) New construction is not eligible; 4) Municipal playground equipment has not life-cycled out and is not yet in need of replacement; 5) Project may not occur in multiple locations. After eliminating projects based on the above criteria the focus came to Parks and Recreation projects. Parks and Recreation does not receive significant levy related funding and also fits into the program criteria of `improving natural amenities such as parks, trails and other outdoor recreational assets'. As a result staff propose an application as follows: Straffordville Park Rehabilitation i. New outfield Fencing-Fencing Repairs - $10,000 ii. Ball diamond improvements - $5,000 iii. Pavilion Rehabilitation - $10,000 iv. Accessible Bleachers - $25,000 v. Accessible Picnic tables - $10,000 This would place the approximate application value at $60,000 with the Municipal share being $30,000. Assuming the grant was successful, the Municipality could complete similar works in Richmond and Port Burwell for approximately $30,000. The key point of this is by applying for the most costly Parks & Recreation works, the Municipality can effectively complete all the Parks and Recreation works in the Municipality for the original project cost of the Straffordville works. RECOMMENDATION 1. THAT Report CAO-40/16 re Canada 150 Infrastructure Fund — Intake 2 be received for information; 2. AND THAT the staff be directed to submit an application to the Canada 150 Infrastructure Fund — Intake 2 the Straffordville Park Rehabilitation Project. Respectfully Submitted by: Paul Shipway CAO THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 2016-050 A BY-LAW TO REPEAL CERTAIN BY-LAWS PASSED BY THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM WHEREAS the Section 8 of the Municipal Act, 2001, c.25 as amended provides that a municipality has the capacity, rights, powers and privileges of a natural person for the purpose of exercising its authority under this or any Act; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham deems it necessary to repeal certain By-laws; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the following by-laws, enacted by the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham and amendments thereto, are hereby repealed: a) By-law 2000-074, being a By-law to adopt a Fire Service Health & Safety Policy for the Municipality of Bayham Fire Department, enacted August 17, 2000; b) By-law 2004-113, being a By-law to adopt a policy for the hiring of employees, enacted December 16, 2004; c) By-law 2007-127, being a By-law to establish a policy respecting accountability and transparency, enacted December 20, 2007; 2. AND THAT this by-law shall come into full force and effect upon final passing. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 2nd DAY OF JUNE 2016. MAYOR CLERK THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 2016-051 A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM ALL ACTIONS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM FOR THE REGULAR MEETING HELD JUNE 2, 2016 WHEREAS under Section 5 (1) of the Municipal Act, 2001 S.O. 2001, Chapter 25, the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by the Council of the municipality; AND WHEREAS under Section 5 (3) of the Municipal Act, 2001, the powers of Council are to be exercised by by-law; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham deems it advisable that the proceedings of the meeting be confirmed and adopted by by-law. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the actions of the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham in respect of each recommendation and each motion and resolution passed and other action by the Council at the regular meeting held June 2, 2016 is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law. 2. THAT the Mayor and Clerk of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action of the Council including executing all documents and affixing the Corporate Seal. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME and finally passed this 2nd day of June, 2016. MAYOR CLERK