HomeMy WebLinkAboutAugust 17, 2023 - Council - AddendumTHE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM
Thursday, August 17, 2023
13.2 G CAO-47/23 by Thomas Thayer, CAO re Cost Estimate – Restoration of the Port
Burwell Lighthouse
TO: Mayor & Members of Council
FROM: Thomas Thayer, Chief Administrative Officer
DATE: August 17, 2023
On February 17, 2022, Council received Report TR-07/22 re 2021 Surplus Allocation. The Report
identified a substantial surplus for the previous year and recommended that $125,000 be
allocated to the Facilities Reserve for restorative works on the Port Burwell Lighthouse. Council
passed the following motion:
Moved by: Deputy Mayor Weisler Seconded by: Councillor Chilcott THAT Staff Report TR-07/22 re 2021 Surplus Allocation be received for information; AND THAT Council confirm the 2021 Surplus Transfer Report attached hereto as
Appendix ‘A’. AND THAT Council confirm the 2021 Revised Reserves, Reserve Funds, and Deferred
Revenue Report attached hereto as Appendix ‘B’.
On January 5, 2023, Council received Report CAO-02/23 re Port Burwell Lighthouse Heritage and
Structural Assessment. The Report addressed the findings from the initial assessment of the
cladding on the Lighthouse, received in October 2022 by way of Report CAO-63/22 re Port
Burwell Lighthouse Heritage Classing Assessment Report. The Report recommended a
comprehensive heritage and structural assessment of the Lighthouse, stemming from initial
findings and concerns about structural compromise.
Council passed the following motion:
Moved by: Councillor Emerson Seconded by: Councillor Chilcott
THAT Report CAO-02/23 re Port Burwell Lighthouse Heritage and Structural Assessment be received for information; AND THAT Council accept the Proposal for Heritage Architectural Services for the Port
Burwell Lighthouse Recladding Project - Cladding Review, Structural Report, and
Preparation of Existing Condition Drawings in the amount of $19,935.00.
On February 2, 2023, Council received Report CAO-11/23 re Stabilization Measures – Port
Burwell Lighthouse. The Report confirmed suspicions expressed in the initial assessment of the
cladding on the Lighthouse, received in October 2022, regarding structural concerns.
The Report identified a temporary stabilization measure for the Lighthouse, including a collar with
eight (8) guywires and helical piles to restrict the structure’s lateral movement and mitigate the
risks associated with a wind-loading failure of the Lighthouse. The estimated costs were $84,000
+ a 20-30 percent construction contingency as described in the Report, which provides for a range
of costs between $84,000 and $109,200.
The Report further identified that “[g]iven the time-sensitive nature of the decision, staff
recommend proceeding with the proposed works and recommend Council’s approval of same.”
Council passed the following motion:
Moved by: Deputy Mayor Weisler
Seconded by: Councillor Chilcott THAT Report CAO-11/23 re Stabilization Measures – Port Burwell Lighthouse be received for information; AND THAT stabilization measures for the Port Burwell Lighthouse proceed as outlined in Report CAO-11/23; AND THAT the identified stabilization measures be funded through the Facilities Reserve.
On March 23, 2023 at a Special Meeting of Council, Council received Reports CAO-18/23 re
Procurement Award – Port Burwell Lighthouse Temporary Stabilization Measures, and CAO-
19/23 re License Agreement – Bradcranex Inc. – 21 Robinson Street, Port Burwell, and passed
the following motions to permit procurement and execution of stabilization measures for the Port
Burwell Lighthouse:
Moved by: Councillor Froese Seconded by: Deputy Mayor Weisler THAT Report CAO-18/23 re Procurement Award – Port Burwell Lighthouse Temporary
Stabilization Measures be received for information; AND THAT Council award the temporary stabilization measures to HRI Group Inc. in a
base amount of $94,000 and a total amount of $99,000;
AND THAT the appropriate By-law be brought forward for Council’s consideration.
Moved by: Councillor Emerson
Seconded by: Councillor Chilcott THAT Report CAO-19/23 re License Agreement – Bradcranex Inc. – 21 Robinson Street,
Port Burwell be received for information; AND THAT Council authorize the execution of a License Agreement between the
Municipality and Bradcranex Inc. to permit access and use of 21 Robinson Street, Port
Burwell, in support of stabilization and restoration efforts regarding the Port Burwell Lighthouse;
AND THAT the appropriate by-law be brought forward for Council’s consideration.
The By-laws to authorize the above directions are By-law Nos. 2023-023 and 2023-026, respectively. Since commencement and completion of the temporary stabilization measures, staff have been in ongoing discussion with a+LINK regarding an estimate for a comprehensive restoration of the Port Burwell Lighthouse. The intent was to receive such an estimate prior to publication of the draft 2024-2033 Capital Budget in late-August 2023. As of August 14, 2023, staff were in receipt of such an estimate and, given the publication timelines for the draft 2024-2033 Capital Budget, are providing same to Council at this time.
Council previously assented to proceeding with an assessment of the Port Burwell Lighthouse in
January 2023. The intent was to acquire structural, soil, and cladding information to further
consider how best to approach restoration of the Lighthouse. Since that time, Council has
identified a restoration of the Lighthouse as an initiative for the current Council term, which is
now highlighted in the 2023-2026 Bayham Community Strategic Plan.
Due to the structural deterioration evident in January 2023, the project detoured towards and
through a temporary stabilization of the Lighthouse to address associated risks. In accordance
with Council’s original direction, staff have been engaged in ongoing discussion with a+LINK
regarding the scope, nature, and costs associated with a full restoration of the Port Burwell
Attached to this Report is a work Proposal, as provided by a+LINK in consultation with JD
Cooke Consulting Engineers and HRI Group. These firms collaborated on the comprehensive
estimate as they oversaw the design, engineering, contract administration, and construction of
the temporary stabilization measures, which were completed in May 2023.
The overall estimate is Class D (conceptual) and includes such components as tendering and
contract administration, design and engineering, and construction. The total estimate is
approximately $1.53 million, summarized below, and further detailed in Appendices A and B of
the attached.
Item Cost
Tender/contract administration $23,950
Design Fees (inc. engineering) $131,250
Construction $1,250,000
Contingency (10%) $125,000
Total $1,530,200 + HST
Council should note that, with respect to expenditures, the Municipality is effectively responsible
for 1.76 percent as an HST rate, which, on the above-noted estimate, would be $26,932 and the
responsibility of Bayham to pay.
Lighthouse as a Capital Asset
The Port Burwell Lighthouse is a long-standing historical feature in Bayham. For the sake of
brevity in this regard, a history of the Lighthouse was attached to Report CAO-63/22, received
by Council at the November 3, 2022 meeting.
Within the scope of the Municipality’s capital assets and budgetary functions, the Lighthouse is
considered non-core in nature as it is not critical infrastructure. Generally speaking, the
Municipality avoids utilizing debt to fund non-core assets and instead seeks grant opportunities
and/or funds same via the tax levy and/or reserves (deferred tax levy). Debt is reserved strictly
for core infrastructure projects, which will continue to be the intent once the HMCS Ojibwa
principal is extinguished in 2025. Core (critical) infrastructure in this regard is considered to be
elements of the road, water, wastewater, and stormwater systems.
Funding a non-core asset at this price point has historically been uncommon in Bayham. The
Straffordville Community Centre expansion is the closest, and an ongoing, example; however,
this project is only viable because of reserve allocations and a substantial multi-level
government grant (~$1.45+ million, or 73.33 percent of the approved cost).
Funding Options
Below are a few funding options Council may consider in respect of any supported restorative
works at the Port Burwell Lighthouse, noting that the cost estimate is too great for levy and
reserves alone.
At this time, it also worth noting that, with respect to the funds in the Facilities Reserve for the
Lighthouse work, Council assented through the motion associated with Report TR-07/22 to
allocate $125,000 to the restoration of the Lighthouse. Current utilization of the above amount is
approximately $114,000, which means the Municipality does not have the reserve funds to
address even the tendering and construction administration aspects noted earlier in this Report.
Despite Council’s general aversion to utilize debt towards non-core assets, it may choose to
here so long as the debt is supplementing allocations from reserves and from the levy. If
Council wishes this route, staff suggest this item as 2026 capital item at the earliest, which will
allow Council the ability to increase Facilities Reserve allocations in 2024, 2025, and 2026 to
partially fund the work. The balance could then be debt-based, which will be dependent on the
interest rate environment at the time the debt is acquired.
A caveat to the above is that to fund pre-determined allocations to the Facilities Reserve, the
funds would have to be included in the associated budget as levy-supported, which comes with
a tax rate and notional impact to all Bayham ratepayers. Staff, as a part of the 2024-2033
Capital Budget, will already be proposing a $500,000 transfer to the Guarantorship Loan
Transfer Reserve to support Council’s desire to extinguish, upon renewal, the balance of the
HMCS Ojibwa debt principal. Council should be aware that the levy and notional impacts for any
Facilities Reserve transfer contemplated in the budget for the Lighthouse will be in addition to
the Guarantorship Loan Transfer Reserve allocations as staff would not be in favour of
decreasing this allocation.
As a component of the 2023-2026 Bayham Community Strategic Plan, staff regularly apply for
grants to support core and non-core operational and capital projects. Non-core grants tend to be
lesser in overall funding amount than core because of the criticality of the latter asset type. Staff
are aware of at least one grant opportunity at this time for 2024: an annual program through
Parks Canada, which is a cost-sharing program for historic sites. Based on a cursory review, we
believe the Lighthouse would quality. This is an annual program.
Constraints, however, to the above program are two-fold: 1) maximum funding is $250,000; and,
2) the Municipality, upon application, would have to identify and confirm the availability and/or
nature of the remaining funds (approximately $1.25 million), which the Municipality does not
have at this time, unless it is debt.
A Combination of the Above
This final option may be the most viable, given the nature and costs of the works, but would
require proper alignment. Grants have timelines for substantial completion, and debt is
dependent on interest rates to minimize interest impacts. Further, a project sought in 2024 or
2025 would limit the degree to which reserves can be filled to supplement the work. Ultimately,
however, this project will likely require components of reserves, tax levy, grants, and debt to
execute within the next five years, and planning for same will have to commence soon to ensure
a plan is in place should other grant opportunities arise. It is noted for Council’s information that
staff have been approached by community members regarding fundraising in this regard.
Fundraising is a viable component, similar to the $100,000+ provided in support of the 2015
Canada 150 Grant-supported restoration of the Straffordville Community Centre. This would be
a funding venture actioned by the community rather than the Municipality and is by no means a
guaranteed funding mechanism at this time.
Based on the above and to ensure this item is discussed in the context of the draft Capital
Budget as a whole, which then informs the levy-supported capital component for 2024, staff are
recommending at this time that discussion regarding how best to proceed with the Port Burwell
Lighthouse restoration be referred to the 2024-2033 Capital Budget Special meeting in October
To preliminarily position the Lighthouse restoration within the 10-year Capital Plan, staff will be
including the Lighthouse Capital Item in 2025 as an item fully funded by grants, which, based on
the estimated costs, may be too early and realistically improbable, given some of the other costs
upcoming for the Municipality over the next two years and the nature of non-core grant
opportunities. STRATEGIC PLAN 1.2: Quality of Place > To develop policies, plans and strategies that continually enhance the visitor experience to Bayham, and increase the economic benefit of
tourism to the community. Initiative(s): Rehabilitate the Port Burwell Lighthouse 3.2: Quality of Governance > To continually demonstrate financial responsibility to the community. Initiative(s): Actively seek and apply for grants to support operational and capital projects
1. Proposal from a+LINK – Heritage Architectural Services for the Port Burwell Lighthouse Rehabilitation Project – Comprehensive Restoration including contract administration, design/engineering, and construction RECOMMENDATION 1. THAT Report CAO-47/23 re Cost Estimate – Restoration of the Port Burwell Lighthouse be received for information; 2. AND THAT discussion regarding the restoration of the Port Burwell Lighthouse be referred to the 2024-2033 Capital Budget Special meeting, scheduled for October 3,
2023 Respectfully Submitted by: Thomas Thayer, CMO, AOMC
Chief Administrative Officer
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August 11, 2023
Municipality of Bayham By Email: cao@bayham.on.ca
56169 Heritage Line, PO Box 160
Straffordville, ON N0J 1Y0
Att: Thomas Thayer, MSc, CMO,
Chief Administrative Officer | Clerk
Re: Request for Quotation (RAF002)
Heritage Architectural Services for the Port Burwell Lighthouse Rehabilitation Project
a+LiNK Project: 2238 (2201-74)
Dear Thomas,
Thank you for giving our firm the opportunity to provide you with a proposal of heritage, architectural, and
engineering services and fees for the Port Burwell Lighthouse Rehabilitation Project.
We have prepared Appendix ‘A’, as attached, as a detailed summary and review of work and fees to date
not only for our understanding but also to explain the logic of the project to date. We understand this to be
a draft and review is required by the Municipality of Bayham for consideration, prior to acceptance.
We also provide Appendix ‘B’, as attached, estimated cost of design and construction for the Rehabilitation
Project for your information and review.
The scope of work for the Port Burwell Lighthouse Project has been defined in three (3) areas as follows:
Part A. Original recladding study (completed)
Part B. Secondary study including heritage review, cladding review, structural report, scanning
services, and preparation of existing drawings. This phase was partially completed and
turned into a ‘Stabilization’ project for the community’s safety.
Part C. Rehabilitation Project (to be completed)
Conservation Approach
With the completion of the temporary stabilization work on the lighthouse, our attention is now directed to
the full restoration of the lighthouse and the creation of comprehensive restoration plan. We have outlined
below the proposed approach to create the Conservation Plan as below;
1. Conservation Plan, General:
The intent of a Conservation Plan is to establish a strategic plan of action to address found
deficiencies in the structure and building enclosure of the lighthouse in a manner that is consistent
with the recommendations of the Standards and Guidelines for the Conservation of Historic Places
in Canada.
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We are proposing the following scope of work be included in the comprehensive restoration plan:
1. Work with the client to determine an adequate time line and construction budget.
2. Confirm Conservation Approach for each building component.
3. Analyze and design repair strategies to address found deficiencies in key construction
4. Preparation of Design and Construction Drawings.
5. Preparation of contract documents for tendering purposes.
6. Contract Administration and review during construction.
2. Conservation Plan, Key Construction Elements:
1. Primary Structural Rehabilitation:
a. Foundation Stabilization and Restoration including the following:
i. Complete Structural analysis.
ii. Confirm Conservation Approach.
1. Existing stone cribbing foundation elements.
2. Replacement of existing concrete, (Full or Partial).
iii. The Structural scope of work is presently assumed to consist of the following:
1. Removal of the existing concrete foundation wall,
2. Abandonment of presumed existing pilings supporting the lighthouse
3. Installation of new helical piles just beyond the footprint of the lighthouse,
4. Construction of a new “L” shaped concrete foundation for the full
perimeter of the lighthouse,
5. Repair or replacement of the lower segments of the existing lighthouse
perimeter columns,
b. Wood Superstructure Rehabilitation including the following:
i. Complete Structural analysis and investigation of full extent of rot on main
structural columns.
ii. Confirm Conservation Approach.
1. Replacement: Full length timber (with or without splicing).
2. Repair: Partial replacement of rotted sections only (Dutchman Repair)
3. Replacement Materials: Limited replacement “In-Kind” to match existing.
4. Sourcing of suitable replacement material.
2. Exterior Envelope Rehabilitation:
a. Cladding:
i. Confirm Conservation Approach.
ii. Confirm wall assembly strategy, ie, face sealed or rainscreen system.
iii. Replacement of existing wood cladding.
iv. Sourcing of suitable replacement material size, thickness, and density.
b. Window and Door Restoration:
i. Analysis of window and door conditions to be completed including wood
frames, glass, and glazing putty.
ii. Confirm Conservation Approach.
iii. Provide recommendations for restoration and repair.
c. Metal Roofing and Flashing Replacement:
i. Complete analysis of existing roofing and flashing conditions.
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ii. Confirm Conservation Approach.
iii. Provide recommendations for restoration and repair.
d. Building Ventilation:
i. Complete analysis of building ventilation to prevent condensation from
occurring within the structure.
ii. Confirm Conservation Approach.
iii. Confirm the use of natural or mechanical means of ventilation.
iv. Design and implementation of strategic ventilation devices to provide proper
ventilation while being respectful to the historic nature of the lighthouse.
1. Winter: 1 -2 air changes per hour
2. Summer: 2-4 air changes per hour
Detailed Scope of Work – Part C
The scope of work is to provide architectural, heritage, and structural engineering services for the full
rehabilitation of the Port Burwell Lighthouse. We understand that comprehensive fees have been requested
for the project and there remains a fair degree of uncertainty in terms of both the existing conditions and
the work that is required. We provide some assumptions and associated fees, in regards to what the project
will entail.
The scope of construction work for the rehabilitation project is to consist of the following:
removal of the existing concrete foundation wall,
abandonment of presumed existing pilings supporting the lighthouse foundation,
the installation of new helical piles just beyond the footprint of the lighthouse,
the construction of a new “L” shaped concrete foundation for the full perimeter of the lighthouse,
the repair or replacement of the lower segments of the existing lighthouse perimeter columns,
while no structural repairs are required above the lower level of the structure, and,
Assumptions will be validated through the course of our investigation, early analysis and design phase.
Some conditions, such as deterioration of upper columns, actual foundation conditions, etc., may not be
fully understood until cladding removals and excavation are completed. While our experience and
investigation will help to mitigate the impact from potential as-found conditions, they will have the potential
to affect the ultimate scope of work required, as is often the case on historic buildings. For the purposes of
this proposal, the overall construction budget is estimated to be as per the attached Appendix ‘B’ and have
an estimated construction duration of 6 months.
Pre Design
Investigation: the project team would complete an investigation of existing conditions at the lighthouse,
primarily in order to establish the scope of columns repair/replacement. This would include the following
Sampling and species analysis of the existing wood columns.
Resistance drilling of the wood columns, working at intervals along the height of the columns.
Equipment rental sub consulting services to carry out the above scope.
The project team would complete the following items as part of the Design stage:
Structural analysis of the primary structural systems (columns and bracing) of the lighthouse. This
analysis would determine
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forces along the lengths of the columns and identify the level of acceptable section loss
that may be tolerated before structural repairs are required,
forces on the new foundation elements, and
connections required between repairs and existing elements, and between the columns
and the foundation elements.
Consider replacement vs. repair of the main building columns, and methods of splicing as
appropriate, depending on calculated design loads.
Consider replacement/repair materials.
Prepare and issue concept drawings, identifying primary arrangements between components,
extents of repairs, and other key structural aspects.
Provide costing input for overall cost estimation
Construction Documents
The project team would complete the following items as part of the Construction Documents stage:
50% progress documents, including structural technical specification sections and drawings.
99% progress documents, including structural technical specification sections and drawings.
Issued for Permit/Tender documents, including structural technical specification sections and
Updated costing information would be provided at each stage.
Owner comments at each progress stage would be considered and incorporated and/or
responded to.
The project team would attend a mandatory contractor bidders meeting on site showing with prospective
bidders and respond to any questions that may arise during the course of the tender process. The project
team would provide input with respect to the contractor selection.
Contract Administration
The project team would provide construction review during the course of the project and would complete
the following items:
Attend project meetings as required (assumed to be virtual, unless coincident with an otherwise
necessary site review).
Make periodic review of the construction progress and issue Construction Review Reports. We
have assumed that 8 visits would be required through construction + 1 deficiency review + 1 final
Review contractor submittals and shop drawings.
Review architectural and structural components on progress payment draws.
Issue a completion letter at the end of the project.
Project Closeout
The project team will collect as-built record information and maintenance manuals from the General
Contractor for review of conformance, and turn over all final documentation to the Municipality of Bayham
for their files.
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Principals and Staff Directly Involved in the Project
Principal in Charge: Ed van der Maarel, Principal Architect, Heritage Consultant + Partner
Design Lead: Timothy Finch, Heritage Consultant + Licensed Technologist
Heritage CAD: Hadi Tamin, Intern Heritage Consultant, BIM
List of Sub Consultants
Structural Engineering John Cooke Engineering
Project Schedule
We will make our team to begin the project within two (2) weeks of award and provide a detailed project
Schedule of Professional Fees
Refer to attached Appendix ‘B’ for proposed fee structure and fee breakdown.
All disbursements are included in the proposed fees. Disbursements consist mileage and travel, printing
for permit applications, reproduction of progress review documents, presentation materials, telephone, fax,
mail and courier charges, and travel. All documents will be provided to the successful contractor via PDF
Changes to Scope of Work
The following is a schedule of fees which apply to changes to the scope of work. Changes to the scope
of work must be approved in writing by both parties prior to proceeding with the work.
a+LiNK Architecture Inc.
Principal Architect $ 195.00 per hour
Principal Heritage Architect $ 205.00 per hour
Senior Heritage Architect $ 145.00 per hour
Project Architect (Associate) $ 135.00 per hour
Intern Architect $ 120.00 per hour
Senior Licensed Technologist $ 120.00 per hour
Intermediate CAD Technologist $ 100.00 per hour
Interior Designer $ 100.00 per hour
Junior $ 85.00 per hour
Clerical $ 65.00 per hour
Specialized Consultants
Principal Heritage Architect $ 205.00 per hour
LEED Consultant $ 205.00 per hour
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John G. Cooke & Associates Ltd.
Principal Engineer $ 245.00 per hour
Senior Project Engineer (I) $ 180.00 per hour
Junior Engineer/Designer $ 110.00 per hour
Draftsperson/Technologist $ 100.00 per hour
Secretarial $ 60.00 per hour
Value Added Tax: The Harmonized Sales Tax @ 13% will be applied to all invoices.
Invoicing: Invoicing will occur on a monthly basis as the work proceeds.
Note: Notwithstanding the foregoing, the obligations and liabilities of the Architect are limited to the
professional liability insurance provided by Pro-Demnity Insurance Company and any specific or
excess professional liability insurance coverage in force.
Upon review and consideration of the information provided in this letter and the attached documents, we
would appreciate the ability to invoice for our work completed for the Part B, Stabilization Work. As well,
we expect a discussion in regards to the information presented and will make ourselves available for any
questions or clarifications at a date and time convenient for all.
Ed J. van der Maarel
Principal Architect, Partner
Dip. Arch., Dip. Arch.Tech., OAA, CAHP
Acceptance of Proposal
Signature Print Name Date
Appendix 'A'
RAF Summary 2201-74 (2238) Port Burwell 2023-08-11
1.0 Fee Proposal 2022-08-18 Recladding Study 5,150.00
2.0 RAF001 Proposal 2022-12-21 Study
Heritage Architect Services 10,160.00
Cladding Review
Structural Report JG Cooke 5,700.00
Scanning Services (Reprodux) 4,075.00
Preparation of Existing Condition Drawings 19,935.00
Work for RAF001 was redirected once the structure was reviewed and it was
confirmed the structure was life & safety situation. The proejct was then
redirected to a 'Stabilzation Project' due to Community Saftey
3.0 Additional scope of work required 'Stabilization' Project, RAF002
a+LiNK Prime consultant, tender, and contract administration 12,250.00
JG Cooke ASA-01r1.1 Restraint Drawings 7,800.00
ASA-01r1.2 Construction Review 3,900.00 23,950.00
4.0 Total Fees 49,035.00
5.0 Fees Received (as of August 11, 2023)25,085.00
6.0 Reconciliation of Fees to the End of the Stabilization Project
Fees to be invoiced (includes a+LiNK and JG Cooke Engineering)23,950.00
Appendix 'B'
RAF Summary 2201-74 (2238) Port Burwell
1.0 The following high level Class 'D' restoration budget was prepared by HRI with
discussion with a+LiNK Architecture
2.0 Construction Restoration Estimate Notes
Estimate has been prepared based on 2023 restoration costs.
HST is additional to all costs
3.0 Construction Restoration Estimate
Mobilization / Demobilization / General Conditions 175,000.00
Structural Foundation 450,000.00
Wood Superstructure 275,000.00
Exterior Envelope 165,000.00
Window and Door Restoration 80,000.00
Metal Roofing and Flashing 55,000.00
Building Ventilation 50,000.00
Construction Estimate Subtotal 1,250,000.00
Construction Contingency (10%)125,000.00
Subtotal 1,375,000.00
4.0 Design Fees
Architectural, Heritage, and Structural Engineering 131,250.00
Breakdown %
Pre Design 5.0 6,560.00
Design 15.0 19,700.00
Contruction Documents and Permit 50.0 65,620.00
Tender 5.0 6,560.00
Contract Administration 20.0 26,250.00
Project Closeout 5.0 6,560.00
Total Fees Breakdown 100.00 131,250.00
5.0 Construction and Design Estimated Costs 1,506,250.00