HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-2026 Strategic Plan1
Municipality of Bayham
Community Strategic Plan
Introductory Letter 4
The Municipality 5
What the Municipality Has to Offer 6
Vision 7
Mission 8
Values 9
2023-2026 Strategic Directions 10
Quality of Place 11
Quality of Life 12
Quality of Governance 13
Contact 14
Bayham Municipal Council is pleased to present its 2023-2026 Strategic Plan!
The revised Community Strategic Plan builds on the success of the previous Plan.
Our plan will identify important goals and strategic directions Bayham will take over
the next three-plus years. In addition, our revised Plan will provide added detail regarding
key projects and Initiatives to ensure that Bayham continues to grow and thrive.
Important priorities for Council include increased communication and accessibility;
strategic partnerships and service delivery; sustainable development; and a long-term
financial perspective.
These areas of focus will result in a new Municipal website, consideration of
social media, expansion of recreation opportunities, continued rehabilitation
of core infrastructure, and the retirement of the debt associated with the
HMCS Ojibwa project.
Using this Plan as a roadmap, Bayham will position itself as well-resourced and
competitive, and a continuing contributor to the ongoing success of Elgin County.
We are excited to see what the future brings, and equally poised to
face opportunities and challenges head-on.
Welcome to Bayham, where Opportunity is Yours!
Mayor Ed Ketchabaw
The Municipality of Bayham is a rural community in Elgin County, with a significant
waterfront on Lake Erie that allows for high quality recreation, tourism and quality of life
experiences and opportunities. The population in 2021 was approximately 7,100 residents,
and this is forecasted to grow to 7,800 by 2026.
The community has a history of modest population growth and economic development
related to agriculture and agri-business, tourism, local commercial services, trades and
related business activities. From a cultural perspective, Bayham has the Port Burwell
Marine Museum and Historic Lighthouse and related historical activities, along with a
range of parks, open spaces, trails and recreation facilities that add to the community’s
attractiveness and valued lifestyle.
The 2023-2026 Strategic Plan provides a guiding strategy for Council and the community
in realizing its future vision. It is designed to guide decision-making with respect to priority
setting and investment in programs and services, and facilitating positive change as the
needs of the community and its residents evolve.
Bayham has utilized its past Strategic Plans as a basis to establish municipal and
community priorities. It will continue to utilize this new Strategic Plan as one of several
important tools in supporting priority setting and community investment decision-making.
• Municipal Services: Water, Storm Drainage,
Wastewater, Roads
• Economic Development Opportunities
• Agriculture and Agri-Business
• Service Oriented Governance
• Employment Opportunities
• Waterfront, Beaches, Boating, Fishing
• Community Centres, Parks & Green Spaces
• Sports Fields, Children’s Recreation Equipment
• Ball Diamonds
• Picnic Pavilions
• Trails: Historic, Art, and Waterfront
• Rural and Urban Living
• Tourism Opportunities
Bayham is a thriving and welcoming rural community offering a distinctive and
valued quality of life.
Bayham’s vision identifies the importance of being a thriving place - always striving
to grow, to improve and to excel in realizing its collective potential. Bayham welcomes
people from all backgrounds, both residents and increasingly important, tourists and
visitors. It is through this welcoming value that the community ensures all residents
are engaged in and experience an outstanding quality of life that is both distinctive to
Bayham and highly valued by its residents.
It is upon these foundational qualities that Bayham looks to its future, and that the
Municipality will undertake its governance responsibilities and public investments
on behalf of its residents.
Bayham will effectively invest the community’s
resources in public services and infrastructure
that achieve an enhanced resident quality of
life, innovative economic opportunities, and
improved visitor experiences.
As a municipality, Bayham’s Council has a unique role and
responsibility in working with the community, directly and
through collaborative efforts, to ensure that Bayham is
thriving, welcoming and delivers the quality of life that is
highly valued by its residents.
One important dimension of the mission is the ongoing
development of public infrastructure, economic strategies
and related perspectives that provide a strong foundation
for supporting agriculture and to attract and retain
businesses that support Bayham’s quality of life and
ongoing sustainability as a thriving community. Within
today’s economic environment, there is a distinct need to be
innovative in building the foundation for economic growth
and moving beyond what has been pursued historically.
As the economy changes, business preferences evolve and
the competition for economic development investment
intensifies, innovation becomes vital.
Also important in the mission, based on Bayham’s distinctive
waterfront, is to continually improve visitor experiences as
tourism continues to grow and contribute economic and
other important benefits to the community.
Bayham Believes In...
Agriculture and Business
In the importance of agriculture to our economic growth and well-being,
and the contributions of all our businesses in realizing the community’s
economic potential.
Building on Our Legacy
In the importance of recognizing the strengths and positive legacies of our
community in continuing to build a thriving future.
Community Engagement
In working to bring all dimensions of the community together to realize the
full potential of our people, businesses and organizations.
Inclusiveness and Caring
In promoting our community as caring, welcoming, safe and inclusive of
all its residents.
Innovative Culture
In developing an organizational culture that supports innovation, is open to all
people and new ideas, is progressive in its actions and embraces the potential
of our future.
In ensuring the effective stewardship of the resources provided by the
community, being accountable for our decisions on behalf of the community,
and acting with integrity in all that we do.
Quality Community Services
In providing quality and efficiently delivered community services that meet
the evolving needs of our residents and visitors.
Values are a vital part of the Municipality’s decision-making.
They represent lenses through which all decisions should be
assessed in order to ensure that these decisions align with the
vision and mission and are focused on the identified priorities
moving forward.
Strategic Directions identify the key priority areas that the Municipality
will focus on advancing the achievement of the vision and mission.
These areas of focus will influence decision-making, community engagement and
investments, partnerships and other initiatives. The Strategic Plan also needs to
recognize that events and changes will emerge that will need to be considered as the
operating environment of the Municipality is dynamic, new funding and government
policies will emerge continuously, and some flexibility in the priorities will be needed
in moving forward.
2023 - 2026
Each Strategic Direction has objectives and initiatives associated with their
successful implementation over the next four years.
1. Quality of Place
Ensuring our public infrastructure strategies and investments enhance
the capacity of the community to retain current and to attract new
businesses and economic opportunities.
2. Quality of Life
Ensuring quality community services and supports are available that
meet the diverse and evolving needs and choices of our residents.
3. Quality of Governance
Ensuring the presence of a service oriented governance approach that
innovates, communicates effectively and continually builds community
affinity, cohesion and confidence.
Ensuring our public infrastructure strategies and investments enhance
the capacity of the community to retain current and to attract new
businesses and economic opportunities.
To invest in community infrastructure
initiatives that create an effective
foundation that contribute to
Bayham’s quality of life and
economic prospects.
To develop policies, plans and
strategies that continually enhance
the visitor experience to Bayham,
and increase the economic benefit of
tourism to the community.
To continually work to create
innovative opportunities and
strategies that attract new businesses
and retain current businesses.
Focus on core infrastructure based on the
Asset Management Plan and compliance
with legislation
Focus on strategically encouraging urban
development and growth
Rehabilitate the Port Burwell Lighthouse
Enhance the Port Burwell East Beach
Continue to work with Elgin County and
other organizations to increase business
attraction and retention (for example:
Elgincentives program, review of the
Community Improvement Program (CIP),
marketing, etc.)
To work collaboratively with
community organizations and others
in ensuring the availability of a diverse
range of passive recreational, heritage,
cultural and other community services
that contribute to enriching Bayham’s
valued quality of life.
To ensure, through planning and
related strategies, a diversity of
housing opportunities that meet the
needs of new and current residents.
To engage the community in raising
its value for and consciousness of
the environment through innovative
natural area, energy and other
environmental conservation initiatives.
Develop partnerships and education to
improve water sources and protection for
Fire Services
Ensure that the municipality is compliant
with the Accessibility for Ontarians with
Disabilities Act (AODA)
Enhance the Port Burwell East Beach
Strategic improvements to recreational
amenities to promote healthy living
Review and enhance the Emergency
Response Program
Encourage the development of affordable
housing, where applicable
Review of the Official Plan
Encourage a mix of housing types in any
proposed development
Review the Municipal Energy Plan
Continue to work closely with the Long
Point Region Conservation Authority on
local environmental ventures
Leverage opportunities to enhance green
technology (for example: charging stations)
Ensuring quality community services and supports are available that
meet the diverse and evolving needs and choices of our residents.
To undertake strategies and
technology and knowledge capital
investments that continuously
improve a service-oriented
governance approach in Bayham.
To continually demonstrate financial
responsibility to the community.
To strategically engage in
partnerships, joint ventures and
other collaborative activities that
leverage the Municipality’s resources
and capabilities in order to achieve
enhanced efficiencies and benefits for
the community and its residents.
Ensure the maintenance of knowledge
capital and establish department
succession planning
Continue to develop knowledge regarding
new innovative strategies in Fire Services
Continue to address and evaluate
technology and communication
Actively seek and apply for grants to
support operational and capital projects
Pay off the remaining debt related to the
HMCS Ojibwa
Investigate options for moving services
to full cost recovery
Conduct a holistic review of own
source revenues
Review of the Procurement Policy
Initiate and review shared service
Investigate public-private partnerships,
where applicable
Encourage ongoing networking with
provincial and federal partners and other
industry representatives
Ensuring the presence of a service oriented governance approach that
innovates, communicates effectively and continually builds community
affinity, cohesion and confidence.
Municipality of Bayham
56169 Heritage Line,
P.O. Box 160 Straffordville, ON N0J 1Y0
Tel: 519-866-5521
Email: bayham@bayham.on.ca
Municipality of Bayham
56169 Heritage Line,
P.O. Box 160 Straffordville, ON N0J 1Y0
Tel: 519-866-5521
Email: bayham@bayham.on.ca