HomeMy WebLinkAboutMay 17, 2023 - Museum Advisory CommitteeTHE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM
56169 Heritage Line, Straffordville, ON
Wednesday, May 17, 2023
5:00 p.m.
A. Memo MAC-01/23 re Museum Advisory Committee Documents
B. Memo MAC-02/23 re Museum Advisory Committee Schedule
C. Curator Monthly Reports
D. Memo MAC-03/23 re Port Burwell Lighthouse Update
E. Memo MAC-04/23 re Summer Students & Activities
F. 2022 Season End Visitor’s Record
G. Other Items
TO: Museum Advisory Committee
FROM: Margaret Underhill
DATE: May 17, 2023
Council established Committees of Council and appointed Committee Members for the 2022-2026
Term. Museum Advisory Committee (MAC) Members received training on Thursday, April 27,
2023 where specific documents were outlined to be reviewed.
The documents outlined to be reviewed and adopted by the MAC Members are attached to this memo.
1. Advisory Board & Committee Policy
2. Procedural By-law 3. Museum Advisory Terms of Reference 4. Collections & Records Management Policy
5. Interpretation & Education Policy 6. Code of Conduct
THAT Memo MAC-01/23 re Museum Advisory Committee Documents be received for information;
AND THAT the Municipality of Bayham’s Procedural By-law No. 2023-021 be adopted as the Procedural By-law for the Museum Advisory Committee for the 2022-2026 term.
BY-LAW NO. 2023-012
WHEREAS Section 224 of the Municipal Act 2001, S.O. 2001, c.25, as amended,
provides that the role of Council is to ensure that administrative practices are in place to
implement the decision of Council;
AND WHEREAS Council of The Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham deems it
expedient to adopt a policy with respect to Advisory Boards and Committees;
1. THAT the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham hereby
adopts the Advisory Board and Committee Policy attached hereto as "Schedule
A" and forming part of this by-law;
2_ AND THAT By-law No. 2019-003 is hereby repealed in its entirety;
3. AND THAT this by-law shall come into full force and effect upon final passing.
Advisory Board and Committee Policy
Section 1 - Purpose
The Municipality of Bayham Advisory Board and Committee Policy will guide a
consistent, accountable approach to working with Municipality of Bayham Advisory
Board and Committee Members. The Municipality of Bayham Advisory Board and
Committee Policy in conjunction with the respective Board or Committees'
establishing by-laws and the Rules of Procedure By-law, will guide current and future
Advisory Board and Committee Member activity throughout the Municipality of
Bayham. The Municipality of Bayham Advisory Board and Committee Policy is part
of a broader Municipal effort to participate in meaningful, transparent engagement
with all residents of the Municipality of Bayham.
Section 2 - Scope
The Municipality of Bayham Advisory Board and Committee Policy governs the
selection, responsibilities and safety of Advisory Board and Committee Members.
Section 3 — Appointments
Advisory Board and Committee Members are appointed by Council through a formal
application process unless a Provincial Statute prescribes otherwise.
Vacancies will be advertised on the Municipal Website noting for interested
individuals to apply by a specified deadline date. The application form will also be
available on the Municipal Website.
The duration of Advisory Board or Committee appointments are the same term of
Council. While appointees may serve on more than one Advisory Board or
Committee, Council shall give the first consideration to individuals who are not
already appointed to another Advisory Board or Committee.
Specific Advisory Board or Committee qualifications are set out in the respective
establishing by-laws.
Council may, by resolution, rescind any appointments at any time if required.
Section 4 - Advisory Board and Committee Member Responsibilities
Advisory Board and Committee Members have the responsibility to fulfill their role
through the following:
a) Act as an ambassador of the Municipality of Bayham in the community in an
effort to spread knowledge and understanding of the purpose of the specific
Advisory Board or Committee;
b) Not falsely represent the Municipality of Bayham Advisory Boards and
Committees to outside partners, agencies or the public,
c) Respect confidences and privacy of the Municipality of Bayham Advisory
Boards and Committees;
d) Be held accountable for their actions,
e) Be willing to learn and grow in the Advisory Board and Committee position;
f) Work cooperatively with Municipality of Bayham Councillors and staff,
recognizing and appreciating differences of opinion;
g) Be considerate, respect competencies and work as a team with all staff
and other Advisory Board and Committee Members;
111, Complete the training and/or orientation provided;
i) Follow all applicable policies, procedures and by-laws established by the
Municipality of Bayham;
i) Be required to sign a confidentiality statement.
Section 5 - Advisory Board and Committee Member Recognition Program
The Council of the Municipality of Bayham shall every four years, in the final year of
a term of Council, recognize Advisory Board or Committee Members and Community
Volunteers by hosting a Volunteer Appreciation Night. All Advisory Board and
Committee Members and Community Volunteers will have the opportunity to attend
and celebrate volunteerism in the Municipality of Bayham. Council shall determine
the scope and cost of the event through the budget process.
Section 6 - Accessibil
The Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 (AODA) received Royal
Ascent on June 13, 2005 and is legislation which impacts persons, businesses and
other organizations across Ontario in both the Public and Private sector. The main
purpose of the legislation is the achievement of accessibility for all Ontarians with
disabilities with respect to goods, services, facilities, accommodation, employment,
building structures and premises on or before January 1, 2025, by developing,
implementing and enforcing standards of accessibility. Compliance is mandatory
and AODA has strong enforcement provisions including inspections, orders and
significant penalties.
While serving on any Municipality of Bayham Advisory Board or Committee, all
Municipality of Bayham Advisory Board and Committee Members shall comply with
all Municipality of Bayham Accessibility Policies. Municipality of Bayham Advisory
Boards and Committees shall also ensure that adequate provisions are made to
ensure that Places of Meeting, Agenda and Minute formats, communications and
conduct of meetings are accessible, to provide maximum participation.
Section 7 - Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act
The Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act requires the
Municipality to protect the privacy of an individual's personal information existing in
government records and provides a right of access to information held by the
Municipality. The Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act
creates a privacy protection scheme the Municipality must follow to protect an
individual's right to privacy. The scheme includes rules regarding the collection, use,
disclosure and disposal of personal information in the custody and control of the
The Municipality, as a whole, including Advisory Boards and Committees, are
accountable for complying with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection
of Privacy Act. It is against the law to release any personal information to anyone
other than the person that the information is about. As such, all Advisory Board and
Committee members must sign a Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection
of Privacy Act Confidentiality Statement.
Section 8 - Municipal Conflict of Interest Act
The Municipal Conflict of Interest Act strives to control the actions of elected and
appointed Municipal representatives by obliging them to publicly disclose any direct
or indirect pecuniary interests they have in a matter before Council, and Advisory
Boards or Committees. Conflict of interest legislation is limited to pecuniary
interests. The term "pecuniary interest" is not defined in the Municipal Conflict of
Interest Act, but includes direct, indirect and deemed pecuniary interests. Its
dictionary definition is "to relate to money".
If an Advisory Board or Committee Member has a conflict of Interest the Municipal
Conflict of Interest Act requires:
a) the Advisory Board or Committee Member to disclose the pecuniary interest;
b) the Advisory Board or Committee Member to not influence before, during
or after a vote;
c) the Advisory Board or Committee Member to not participate in the
discussion or decision making;
d) the Advisory Board or Committee Member to leave the room, if the matter is
dealt with in -camera under the provisions of the Municipal Act, 2001;
In the event of an alleged contravention, an elector may bring an application before a
Judge of the Ontario Court of Justice for a determination of whether an Advisory
Board or Committee Member has contravened the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act.
Section 9 - Advisory Board and Committee Member Health and Safety
Advisory Board and Committee Members should never be asked to do anything
unsafe, and have the right to refuse any request, function or activity they feel is
unsafe. The Municipality of Bayham has a wide range of interactions with Advisory
Board and Committee Members and therefore expects that different approaches
shall apply to different Advisory Board and Committee activities. It is important that
approaches be designed within an overall policy framework across the entire
Municipality of Bayham.
The health and safety of Advisory Board and Committee Members is paramount and
will be managed in accordance with the same principles and processes as that of
Councillors and staff. All Advisory Board and Committee projects will comply with the
Occupational Health and Safety Act and Regulations, and the Municipality of
Bayham Occupational Health and Safety Policies.
Advisory Board and Committee Members shall have the following responsibilities:
a) Be familiar with the applicable requirements of the Municipality's Health
and Safety Policy and the Occupational Health and Safety Act and
Regulations, and ensure compliance with the same;
b) Take every possible precaution to protect themselves, fellow Advisory
Board and Committee Members and the public from health hazards and
unsafe situations;
c) Properly wear and use personal protective equipment where required;
d) Familiarize themselves with the location and operation of all safety
equipment including first -aid kits and fire extinguishers;
e) Be responsible for the prompt reporting of health and safety hazards,
unsafe acts or conditions, accident and injuries;
f) To not engage in any prank, contest, feat of strength, unnecessary running
or rough boisterous conditions.
Advisory Board and Committee Members are prohibited from using or possessing
illicit drugs, alcohol or using prescription drugs in any way that is illegal. Municipality
of Bayham Advisory Board and Committee Members under the influence of drugs
and/or alcohol will not be tolerated, and will result in the Advisory Board and
Committee Member's dismissal.
Section 10 - Insurance and Liability
The issue of liability is based on the principle that people are responsible for their
conduct in the course of daily activities. Failure to conduct oneself in a responsible
and reasonable manner could result in a tort. A tort is a civil wrong as opposed to a
criminal wrong and occurs when negligent conduct results in some injury to others.
Negligent conduct can include acts of commission or omission. The resulting
damage might be to either person or property.
Advisory Board and Committee Members, inclusive of Student, Affiliate and single
day volunteers, while acting within a specific Advisory Board and Committee
established mandate and under the control and direction of the Council of the
Municipality of Bayham are covered by the Municipality of Bayham General Liability
Insurance Policy. Advisory Board and Committee Members acknowledge the
1 _ Advisory Board and Committee Members shall not be covered by Workplace
Safety Insurance Board coverage.
2. Advisory Board and Committee Members will abide by all applicable Municipal
by-laws, policies and rules, as may be amended from time to time.
3. Advisory Board and Committee Members will not use facilities, equipment and
property owned by the Municipality without approval of a Municipal staff person.
Section 11 —Administration
Unless the context otherwise requires, the words used in the male gender shall include the
female gender and the singular includes the plural, and vice -versa, as the context requires.
Any inquiries on this policy should be directed to the CAOICIerk or designate.
BY-LAW NO. 2023-021
WHEREAS Section 238(2) of the Municipal Act, S.0.2001, c.25 as amended, requires every
Municipality to pass a Procedural By-law for governing the calling, place and proceedings of
AND WHEREAS the Council for the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham now deems it
advisable to enact a by-law to govern the proceedings of Council, the conduct of its
Members and the calling of Meetings, and to provide for procedures and statutory
requirements in accordance with the Municipal Act, S.0.2001, c.25 as amended, and to
repeal all previous By-laws related thereto;
NOW THEREFORE the Council for the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham enacts as
1 For the purposes of this By-law; unless stated otherwise or the context requires a
different meaning:
1.1.1 "Acting Head of Council" shall mean the Deputy Mayor when the Mayor is
absent or refuses to act or the office of the Mayor is vacant or, when the
Mayor and Deputy Mayor are absent or refuse to act or the offices of the
Mayor and Deputy Mayor are vacant, the member of Council who is appointed
by Council to act from time to time in the place and stead of the Mayor and
who shall exercise all of the rights, powers and authority of the Head of
Council while so acting.
1. 1.2 "Ad Hoc Committee" shall mean a special purpose committee of limited
duration, appointed by Council to consider a specific matter and which is
dissolved automatically upon submitting its final report to Council, unless
otherwise directed by Council.
1.1.3 "Advisory Board or Committee" shall mean a committee appointed by
Council to act in an advisory capacity to Council on operational and strategic
issues during the full term of Council.
1.1.4 "CAOICIerk" shall mean the CAOICIerk of the Corporation of the Municipality
of Bayham.
1.1.5 "Chair" in the case of the Council shall mean the Mayor, Deputy Mayor or the
Member appointed to act as Chair during the absence of the Mayor and
Deputy Mayor from a Council Meeting or a portion of a Meeting. While acting
as Chair the Member shall exercise all of the powers and responsibilities of
the Mayor under this Procedural By-law. In the case of the a Statutory Public
Meeting, Public Meeting or a Court of Revision Hearing, Chair shall mean the
Mayor, Deputy Mayor or the Member, whoever presides over a portion of the
Meeting of the Statutory Public Meeting, Public Meeting or a Court of Revision
Hearing as provided for in this Procedural By-law. In the case of an Ad Hoc
Committee or Advisory Board or Committee, Chair means the Council
Member appointed to be Chair.
1.1.6 "Clerk" shall mean the Clerk of the Municipality of Bayham and includes the
Deputy Clerk and any official of the Municipality appointed by Council to
exercise the power(s) of the Municipal Clerk in the absence of the Clerk or
Deputy Clerk.
1. 1.7 "Committee" shall mean a committee of Council and includes Standing
Committees, or sub -committees of the Standing Committees.
1.1.8 "Committee of Adjustment" shall mean the group of individuals appointed
by the Council of the Municipality of Bayham to the Committee of
Adjustment pursuant to the provisions of the Planning Act, R.S.O., 1990,
c. P.13, as amended.
1.1.9 "Council" shall mean the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of
1.1.10 "Councillor" shall mean a person elected or appointed as a Member of
Council but does not include the Mayor.
1.1.11 "Delegation" shall mean a person or group of persons desiring to verbally
present information or to make a request to Council.
1.1.12 "Deputy Mayor" shall mean the Member of Council who is elected to the
position and who, in the absence of the Mayor, shall exercise the powers and
responsibilities of the Mayor provided for in this By-law or any other by-law or
1.1.13 "Holiday" shall mean a holiday as defined by the Legislation Act, 2006 S.O.
2006, c. 21, Schedule F as amended or replaced from time to time.
1.1.14 "Local Board" shall mean a local board as defined in the Municipal Act,
S.O.2001, c.25 as amended.
1.1.15 "Mayor" shall mean the Head of Council for the Municipality.
1.1.16 "Meeting" shall mean any Regular or Special Meeting of Council, including
a Statutory Public Meeting, Public Meeting, Court of Revision Hearing, and
Advisory Board and Committee Meetings.
1.1.17 "Member" shall mean a Member of the Council of the Corporation of the
Municipality of Bayham, and includes the Mayor and Committee Members.
1.1.18 "Motion" shall mean a question or proposal to be considered and which is
moved and seconded and is subject to debate. When a Motion is adopted, it
becomes a Resolution.
1. 1.19 "Municipal Act" shall mean the Municipal Act, 2001, (S.O.2001, c. 25), as
amended or replaced from time to time.
1. 1.20 "Municipality" shall mean the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham.
1.1.21 "Newspaper" shall mean a printed publication in sheet form, intended for
general circulation, published regularly at intervals of not longer than one
week, consisting in great part of news of current local events of general
interest and made available to the public.
1.1.22 "Pecuniary Interest" shall mean a direct or indirect Pecuniary Interest within
the meaning of the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act, R.S.O.1990, chapter
M.50, as may be amended.
1.1.23 "Planning Act" shall mean the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.P. 13, as
1.1.24 "Point of Order" shall mean a statement made by a Member during a
Meeting drawing to the attention of the Presiding Member a breach of the
Rules of Procedure.
1.1.25 "Point of Privilege" shall mean the raising of a question that concerns a
Member, or all of the Members, when a Member believes that his rights,
immunities or integrity or the rights, immunities or integrity of Council or staff
as a whole have been impugned.
1.1.26 "Presiding Member" shall mean the Mayor, Acting Mayor or Chair of the
1.1.27 "Quorum" shall be as defined in Section 4.9 herein.
1.1.28 "Recorded Vote" shall mean the written record of the name and vote of
every Member present when the vote is called on any matter or question
during a Meeting.
1. 1.29 "Resolution" shall mean a formal expression of opinion or intention.
1.1.30 "Rules of Procedure" shall mean the rules and requirements contained
within this Procedural By-law.
1.1.31 "Vice Chair" shall mean such Member of a Committee who has been
appointed to act in the place and stead of the Committee Chair when such
Chair is absent from a meeting of the Committee for any cause and who shall
exercise all the rights, power and authorities of the Chair.
1.1.32 "Website" shall mean the Municipality of Bayham website address identified
as www.bavham.on.ca
2.1 Applicability
2.1.1 Save as otherwise provided herein, the procedural rules and requirements of this
by-law shall be observed in all Meetings and shall be the rules and requirements
which govern the order of their business.
2.1.2 Unless the context otherwise requires, in this Procedural By-law the words used
in the male gender shall include the female gender and the singular shall include
the plural, and vice -versa, as the context requires.
2. 2 Suspension of Rules and Procedures
2.2.1 Notwithstanding Section 2.1.1 of this Procedural By-law, the rules referenced in
this Section may be temporarily suspended by a vote of three-quarters (3/4) of
the Members present and voting:
a) rules about a change to the order of procedure in the Agenda content;
b) rules about delegation status;
c) rules about the increase or decrease of delegation speaking time and
debate limitations.
2.3 Issue not Addressed
2.3.1 If an issue is raised that is not expressly addressed in this By-law, the issue
shall be decided by the Chair subject to an appeal to the Members.
2.3. 2 All points of order or procedure not provided for in these Rules of Procedure
shall be decided in accordance with the rules of procedure known as Robert's
Rules of Order.
2.4 Video Equipment, Recording Devices and Cellular Telephones
2.4.1 The use of cameras, electric lighting equipment, television cameras and any
other device of mechanical, electronic or similar nature used for transcribing or
recording proceedings by auditory or visual means by accredited and other
representatives of any news media or members of the general public is
permitted only with approval prior to the commencement of the applicable
2.4.2 Cameras, electric lighting equipment, television cameras and any other device
of mechanical, electronic or similar nature shall be turned off immediately if
requested by a member of the audience.
2.4.3 All communication devices shall be switched to `silent' upon entering the
location where any Meeting is being held.
3.1 Duties of the Mayor
3.1.1 It shall be the duty of the Mayor, or acting Head of Council, to carry out the
responsibilities of a Head of Council set forth in the Municipal Act, in addition to
the following responsibilities:
a) to open the Meeting of Council by taking the Chair and calling the
Members to order;
b) to announce the business before the Council in the order in which it is to
be acted upon;
cj to receive and submit, in the manner prescribed by this Procedural By-
law, all motions presented by Members;
ccl to recognize any Member who wishes to speak and to determine the
order of speakers;
e) to put to vote all questions which are regularly moved and seconded, or
necessarily arise in the course of the proceedings and to announce the
f) to decline to put to vote motions which contravene the provisions of the
Procedural By-law;
g? to enforce the provisions of the Procedural By-law;
hi to enforce on all occasions the observance of order and decorum among
the Members;
1) to call by name, any Member refusing to comply with this Procedural By-
law and to order the Member to vacate the Council Chamber, or the place
of Meeting, as the case may be;
j; to cause to be expelled and excluded any member of the public who
creates a disturbance or acts improperly during a Meeting and, if
necessary, to direct the Municipal Clerk to seek appropriate assistance
from the Ontario Provincial Police Service;
k) to authenticate, by signature, all By-laws and Meeting minutes;
1) to rule on any points of order raised by Members of Council;
m; to represent and support the decisions of Council, declaring its will and
explicitly and implicitly obeying its decisions in all things;
to adjourn the Meeting when the business is concluded, or if considered
necessary by the Mayor because of grave disorder, to adjourn the sitting
without putting to the vote any question, or suspend the sitting for a time
to be named.
3.1.2 By virtue of office, the Mayor is appointed as an ex-officio member of Advisory
Board and Committees. Ex-officio members do not have voting rights.
3.2 Duties of the Deputy Mayor
3. 2.1 Where the Mayor gives notice to the Clerk that he will be absent from the
Municipality, or of his absence through illness, or his office is vacant, or he
refuses to act, then the Deputy Mayor shall act in his place and instead of the
Mayor and, while so acting, has and may exercise all the rights, powers and
authority of the Head of Council.
3. 2.2 Act as an alternate lower -tier member to attend County Council where the Mayor
gives notice to the County Clerk that he will be absent, or of his absence through
illness, then the Deputy Mayor may act in his place and while so acting, has and
may exercise all the rights, powers and authority of the member of County
3.3 Duties of the Members of Council
3.3.1 It shall be the duty of the Council Members to carry out the role of Council as
set forth in the Municipal Act, in addition to the following responsibilities:
a) to deliberate on the business submitted to Council;
b) to vote when a motion is put to a vote, except where otherwise
disqualified from doing so by law;
c; to represent and support the decisions of Council, declaring its will
and explicitly and implicitly obeying its decisions in all things
l;. to Chair the portion a Meeting for which he is the appointed Chair and
assume the duties of the Mayor as detailed in Section 3.1.1, and
e..) to apply and respect the Rules of Procedure.
3.4 Duties of the Advisory Board or Committee Chair
3.4.1 It shall be the duty of the Chair to carry out the following responsibilities:
to open the Meeting of the Advisory Board or Committee by
assuming the Chair and calling the Members to order;
b' to announce the business before the Advisory Board or Committee in
the order in which it is to be acted on;
r:} to receive and submit, in the manner prescribed by this Procedural
By-law, all Matters of Business presented by Members;
fl to recognize any Member who wishes to speak and to determine the
order of the speakers;
e..' to put to vote all questions which are regularly moved or necessarily
arise in the course of the proceedings and to announce the results;
f; to participate as an active and voting member, encouraging active
participation by all Advisory Board and Committee Members;
to decline to put to vote motions which contravene the provisions of
this Procedural By-law;
to enforce the provisions of the Procedural By-law;
to enforce on all occasions, the observance of order and decorum
among the Members;
1) to call by name, any Member refusing to comply with this Procedural
By-law and to order the Member to vacate the place of Meeting;
k., to cause to be expelled and excluded any member of the public who
creates a disturbance or acts improperly during a Meeting;
IJ to authenticate, by signature, all Meeting minutes;
m) to rule on any Points of Order raised by Members;
n) to represent and support the decisions of the Advisory Board or
Committee, declaring its will and explicitly and implicitly obeying its
decisions in all things;
o) to be the point of contact with Council, staff, and any media relations;
p) to review the goals and objectives of the Advisory Board or
Committee and ensure the work plan is realistic, up-to-date, and
being followed;
q) to recognize workload limitations of the Advisory Board or
r) to adjourn the Meeting when the business is concluded.
3.5 Duties of the Advisory Board or Committee Vice Chair
3. 5.1 Where the Chair gives notice that he will be absent from the Advisory Board or
Committee Meeting, or of his absence through illness, or he refuses to act, then
the Vice Chair shall act in his place and instead of the Chair and, while so
acting, has and may exercise all the rights, powers and authority of the Chair.
3.6 Duties of the Advisory Board or Committee Members
3. 6.1 It shall be the duty of the Advisory Board and Committee Members to carry out
the following responsibilities:
a) to deliberate on the business submitted to the Advisory Board or
b) to vote when a motion is put to a vote, except where otherwise
disqualified from doing so by law;
c) to apply and respect the Rules of Procedure;
d) to attend all scheduled and special Advisory Board or Committee
meetings, sending regrets otherwise;
e) to understand his role and expectations, including all applicable
Municipality Policies;
f) to follow the agenda and stay focused on the topic at hand;
g) to understand and follow the mandate of the Advisory Board or
Committee, including its relationship to Council;
hj to understand and respect the role and expectations of all
i) to develop and maintain a climate where mutual support, trust,
respect, courtesy, teamwork, creativity, and a sense of humour are
j to maintain a high degree of professionalism, discharging all duties
with honour and integrity in order that the Member may merit the trust
and confidence of the citizens of the Municipality of Bayham, Council
and Staff;
k) to respect the individual worth and dignity of other Members and, at
all times, work together to achieve a common vision for the
community, utilizing the diverse knowledge, expertise and talents of
all Members to optimal advantage;
a) to challenge ideas and not people, creating a climate where it is okay
to disagree;
m) to communicate directly, concisely and honestly, listening without
interruption, and be open-minded, allowing a variety of opinions to be
n} to work effectively with the administration to provide excellent service
to residents, recognizing the professional obligations of Staff as an
employee of the Municipality and not intervening in administrative
o) to respect that decisions of Council are final and accurately
communicate the decisions of Council even if they disagree with the
majority decision of the Advisory Board or Committee;
p) to respect confidential information;
q) to attend any training session for Members.
3.7 Overall Member Conduct
3. 7.1 Members shall adhere to the Council Code of Conduct as adopted by
Council and as amended from time to time.
Section 4 - MEETINGS
4.1 Place of Meeting
4.1.1 Unless otherwise directed by Council, all Regular and Special Council Meetings
shall be held in the Council Chambers of the Municipal Office at 56169 Heritage
Line, Straffordville, Ontario.
4.1.2 All Advisory Board and Committee Meetings shall be held at the Straffordville
Community Centre at 56169 Heritage Line, Straffordville, Ontario, unless an
alternative meeting location is agreed -upon by the Chair and Clerk.
4.2 Inaugural Meeting
4.2.1 The Inaugural Meeting of the Council shall be held, in a year in which a
municipal election is held, at a time determined by the Head of Council -Elect and
the CAOICIerk.
4.2.2 The Clerk shall be responsible for the location, content and format of the Agenda
for the Inaugural Meeting and all arrangements related thereto.
4.3 Regular Meetings
4.3.1 Regular Meetings of Council shall be held on the first and third Thursday of
each month commencing at 7:00 p.m., unless such a day is a Holiday, or on
such other day and time as may be determined from time to time by
resolution of Council.
4.3.2 Where a change is made to the day and time of a Meeting of Council, the
Clerk shall notify the Mayor, give notice of the change to all Members in the
manner set forth in Section 4.4.3 and provide notice to the Public by posting
notice on the Municipal website and at the Municipal Office.
4.3.3 Regular Board or Committee Meetings are at a frequency as outlined in the
respective Terms of Reference as authorized by establishing By-laws and the
schedule will be received by the Members at the first meeting of the year.
4.4 Special Meetings
4.4.1 In addition to Regular Meetings, the Mayor may, at any time, summon a
Special Meeting of Council by giving direction to the Clerk stating the date,
time and purpose of the Special Meeting.
4.4.2 The Clerk shall summon a Special Meeting of Council when requested to do
so in writing by a majority of Members, at the time mentioned in the request.
4.4.3 Written notice of a Special Meeting of Council shall be given to all Members at
least twenty-four (24) hours before the time appointed for such Meeting and
shall be delivered electronically via e-mail to their respective Municipal e-mail
address. The written or verbal notice shall indicate the nature of the business
to be considered at the Special Meeting as well as date, time and place of the
4.4. 4 No business other than that indicated in the written or verbal notice shall be
considered at the Special Meeting except with the unanimous consent of all
Members present and voting at such Meeting.
4.4.5 All Special Meetings of Council shall be held at the location of the last Regular
Meeting of Council unless an alternative location is specified in the notice of
Special Meeting.
4.4.6 Lack of sufficient notice, as provided for herein, shall not affect the validity of
holding a Special Meeting or any action taken thereat where all Members are
present at the Meeting or where any Member or Members who are absent
consent to the holding of such Meeting and so inform the Clerk.
4.4.7 A Committee Chair may call a Special Meeting through the same provisions of
Section 4.4.1., subject to the agreement of the Clerk.
4.5 Emergency Meeting
4.5.1 Notwithstanding any other provision of this By-law, on urgent and extraordinary
occasions, an emergency Special Meeting of the Council may be called by the
Mayor without advance notice being given by the Clerk pursuant to this By-law,
to consider and deal with such urgent and extraordinary matters. In this case,
the consent of two-thirds (2/3) of the Members to hold such a Meeting without
advance notice is necessary and such consent, if any, shall be recorded in the
minutes by the Clerk.
4.5. 2 Notwithstanding any other provision of this By-law, on urgent and
extraordinary occasions, Council may, by Resolution, authorize the holding
of a Regular or Special Meeting at a location outside the Municipal
4.6 Statutory Public Meetings, Public Meetings, Court of Revision Hearings,
Hearings or Information Sessions Held Under the Planning Act,
Development Charges Act and Other Applicable Legislation
4.6.1 Council from time to time may conduct Statutory Public Meeting, Public
Meeting, Court of Revisions Hearing, Hearing or other Information Session for
any purpose giving such Notice as may be deemed necessary or required by
law, or the Municipality's Public Notice Policy, as amended from time to time.
4.6.2 If Council is required by law to hold a Statutory Public Meeting, Public
Meeting, Court of Revisions Hearing, Hearing or other Information Session the
Rules of Procedure outlined herein shall govern.
4.7 Meetings Open to Public
4.7.1 Subject to Section 4.8 of this Procedural By-law, Meetings shall be open to the
public and no person shall be excluded therefrom except for improper conduct.
4.7. 2 The Chair may request that members of the public vacate the Meeting if their
behaviour is deemed to be disruptive to the business at hand. The Chair may
unilaterally suspend the Meeting until order is restored.
4.8 Closed Meetings
4.8.1 Except as otherwise provided herein, all Meetings shall be open to the public.
4.8. 2 Council may, by resolution, close a Meeting or part of a Meeting to members
of the public if the subject matter being considered is:
a) the security of the property of the Municipality or Local Board;
b) personal matters about an identifiable individual, including Municipal
and Local Board Employees;
c) a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the
d) labour relations or employee negotiations;
e) litigation or potential litigation, including matters before administrative
tribunals, affecting the Municipality;
f) the receiving of advice that is subject to solicitor -client privilege,
including communications necessary for that purpose;
g) a matter in respect of which the Council is authorized by another
provincial statute to hold a closed meeting;
h) information explicitly supplied in confidence to the municipality or local
board by Canada, a province or territory or a Crown agency of any of
a trade secret or scientific, technical, commercial, financial or labour
relations information, supplied in confidence to the municipality or local
board, which, if disclosed, could reasonably be expected to prejudice
significantly the competitive position or interfere significantly with the
contractual or other negotiations of a person, group of persons, or
j) a trade secret or scientific, technical, commercial or financial
information that belongs to the municipality or local board and has
monetary value or potential monetary value; or
k) a position, plan, procedure, criteria or instruction to be applied to any
negotiations carried on or to be carried on by or on behalf of the
municipality or local board.
4.8.3 A motion to close a Meeting or part of a Meeting to the public shall state:
a) the fact of the holding of the closed Meeting; and
b) the general nature of the subject matter to be considered at the
closed Meeting.
4.8.4 Where a Meeting or part of a Meeting is closed to the public, those persons not
specifically invited to the closed Meeting will be asked to vacate the room in
which the Meeting is being held.
4.8.5 A Meeting or part of a Meeting shall not be closed to the public during a vote
except where permitted by law including, without limitation, Section 239(6) of the
Municipal Act, which allows a Meeting to be closed to the public during a vote
pursuant to sections 239 (2) or (3) and the vote is for a procedural matter or for
giving directions or instructions to officers, employees or agents of the
Municipality or persons retained by or under a contract with the Municipality, and
Members deem that it is in the best interests of the Municipality to do so.
4.8.6 Notwithstanding Section 4.8. 5, the vote on a resolution approving a contract for
the acquisition or disposal of land, including the sale of road allowances, shall be
conducted in open session.
4.8.7 The Motion to rise from "In Camera" shall include the time that Members arose
followed by a subsequent motion for each item considered.
4.8.8 The Clerk shall record without note or comment all resolutions, decisions and
other proceedings at a Meeting when it is closed to the public.
4.8. 9 Members shall ensure that confidential matters disclosed to them during closed
Meetings are kept confidential. Any breach of confidential matters disclosed
during closed Meetings shall be subject to the sanctions contained in the Council
Code of Conduct.
4.9 Quorum
4.9.1 A quorum of Council shall be three (3) Members. A concurring vote of a
majority of Members present and voting is necessary to carry a resolution.
4.9.2 A quorum of Committees shall be a simple majority of the total Advisory
Board or Committee Members, including any vacancies.
4.9. 3 If a Quorum is not present within thirty (30) minutes after the time appointed
for the Meeting, the Clerk shall record the names of the Members present
and the Meeting shall stand adjourned until the date of the next Regular
Meeting or other Meeting called in accordance with the provisions of this
Procedural By-law.
4.10 Education and/or Training Sessions
4.10.1 An Education and/or Training Session shall not be deemed to be a Meeting
and shall not be subject to the rules and regulations applicable to Meetings
contained in this By-law.
4.10.2 Members may decide at a Meeting open to the public to convene an informal
gathering of its Members to receive and discuss information or advice of a
general nature involving subject matters of interest to the Members, at a time
and place designated at that time by the Members.
4.10.3 Members in deciding to convene an Education and/or Training Session, shall
designate the general purpose or purposes for which the session is to be held.
4.10.4 An Education and/or Training Session may be held at any place designated by
the Members at the time at which it makes its decision to convene the session,
whether or not within the boundaries of the Municipality or any adjacent
4.10.5 All Members are entitled to attend at the session, together with the designated
staff or consultants retained by the Municipality, but the Members, in deciding
to convene the session, may decide to exclude the public therefrom.
4.10.6 No motion, resolution, by-law, debate, agreement in principle, consensus,
straw -vote, report, recommendation or other action or decision may be
proposed, discussed, decided upon, adopted, taken or made at an Education
and/or Training Session.
4.10.7 The Clerk shall take notes describing, in general terms, each subject matter
dealt with during the session and upon conclusion thereof, the notes shall be
maintained as a public record under the control of the Clerk which records
shall not be subject to section 6(1)(b) of the Municipal Freedom of Information
and Protection of Privacy Act, as amended.
4.11 Public Notice of Meeting
Regular Meetings
4.11.1 Public notice of the Regular Meeting schedule for each month shall be posted
on the Municipal Website no later than the second week of the month prior to
the commencement of the monthly schedule.
4.11.2 Public notice of each regularly scheduled Meeting shall be deemed to be given
by making the agenda available for viewing on the Municipal Website by 4:00
P.M. on the Friday preceding the regularly scheduled Meeting.
Special Meetings
4.11.3 Notice of amendment to the Schedule of Regular Meetings shall be posted on
the Municipal Website at least one week prior to the amended Meeting date
where practicable to do so.
4.11.4 Notice of Special Meetings shall be posted at the Municipal Office, on the
Municipal Website and the Press shall be notified by e-mail not less than
twenty-four (24) hours before the time appointed for the Special Meeting.
Emergency Special Meetings
4.11.5 Where an Emergency Special Meeting is held in accordance with Section 4.5,
notice of the Emergency Special Meeting shall be posted at the Municipal
Office and on the Municipal Website, and shall be communicated
electronically to the Press as soon as practicable following the Meeting and
shall indicate the nature of the business considered at the Emergency Special
4.12 Adjournment - Due Hour
4.12.1 Except as provided in Section 11.30, a Regular or Special Meeting shall adjourn
at the hour of 11:00 p.m., if in session at that time, and shall reconvene at such
other day and time as Members, by resolution, may direct.
4.13 Cancellation of Meeting
4.13.1 The Chair, or the Clerk in the absence of the Chair, may cancel any Meeting if
he is of the opinion that weather conditions or an emergency warrant. The
Clerk shall inform as many Members as he is able to reach, the media and any
persons that are scheduled to be in attendance.
4.13.2 Postponement of the Meeting shall not be for any longer than the next
regularly scheduled Meeting.
5.1 Council Meeting Agenda
5.1.1 The Clerk shall cause to be prepared an electronic Agenda under the
following headings for the use of the Members at the Regular Meetings of
I. Call to Order
II. Disclosures of Pecuniary Interest
III. Review of Items Not Listed on Agenda
IIV. Announcements
V. Presentations/Special Events
VI. Delegations
VII. Adoption of Minutes of previous Meeting(s) VIII.
Motions and Notice of Motion IX. Open
Forum X. Recreation,
Culture, Tourism and Economic Development a. Correspondence
Receive for
Information Requiring Action
b. Reports
to Council XI. Physical
Services — Emergency Services a. Correspondence
i. Receive
for Information i. Requiring
Action b. Reports
to Council XII. Development
Services — Sustainability and Conservation a. Correspondence
i. Receive
for Information ii Requiring
Action b. Reports
to Council XIII. Finance
and Administration a. Correspondence
i Receive
for Information H. Requiring
Action b. Reports
to Council XIV. By-
laws XV Unfinished
Business XVI, Other
Business XVII. By-
law to Confirm the Proceedings of Council XVIII. Adjournment
2 The Agenda shall be placed on the Municipal Website no later than Friday by 4:00
P.M. preceding the commencement of the Regular Council Meeting in question. 5.
3 The business of Council shall be considered in the order as it appears on the Agenda, unless
otherwise decided by a vote of the majority of the Members present and
voting. 5.1.
4. In order to ensure accountability and transparency of decision -making and to protect the
public interest and ensure equitable treatment of all citizens, additions to
the Agenda shall not be permitted, except when a matter is of a time -sensitive
nature. Time -sensitive matters will be determined and agreed upon by
the CAOIClerk and the Mayor. A time -sensitive matter will be added to
the Agenda via Addendum or brought forth at the meeting of Council during the
Review of Items Not Listed on the Agenda section. Any matter not deemed time -
sensitive and not included on the Agenda prior to publication as noted in 5.1.2
will be included on the Agenda for the next meeting of Council.
5.1.5 For the purpose of this section, a matter is deemed to be of a time -sensitive
nature when it will negatively impact the health, safety and well-being of
persons, expose the Municipality to liability or negatively impact the
Municipality's position in negotiation if Council does not make a decision and the
Municipality does not act on the matter prior to the next regular meeting of
5.1.6 In order to address accountability and transparency and in the event a Verbal
Matter is proposed for inclusion on the Agenda, it shall be the responsibility of
the member of staff or Council proposing the item to complete a Verbal Matters
Form prior to the meeting, which will be included in the Agenda package and the
Agenda reposted. In the event a Verbal Matters Form cannot be provided prior
to the meeting, it is required to be provided to the CAOICIerk no later than five
5) business days post -meeting to be included on the Agenda package and the
Agenda reposted.
5.2 Statutory Planning Meeting Agenda
5. 2.1 The Clerk shall cause to be prepared an electronic Agenda under the following
headings for the use of the Members at a Statutory Planning Meeting:
I_ Call to Order
II_ Disclosures of Pecuniary Interest
III. Chairman's Remarks on the Purpose of the Meeting
IV. Purpose and Effect of the Proposed Amendment
V. Public Participation
VI. Correspondence
VII. Other Business VIII.
Adjournment 5.2.
2 The Agenda shall be placed on the Municipal Website no later than Friday by 4:00
P.M. preceding the commencement of the Statutory Planning Meeting in question. 5.
3 The business of Council shall be considered in the order as it appears on the Agenda, unless
otherwise decided by a vote of the majority of the Members present and
voting. 5.2.
4 With respect to V. Public Participation, the applicant and/or any agent thereof, making oral
representation on their behalf, shall be permitted to present to Council for
a cumulative duration of twenty (20) minutes maximum. Any individual
resident attending a Statutory Planning Meeting and wishing to make oral
representation shall be permitted to speak for a maximum of ten (10)
An extension to speak may be decided, without debate, by a majority of
Council Members present.
5.3 Committee of Adjustment Meeting Agenda
5.3.1 The Clerk shall cause to be prepared an electronic Agenda under the following
headings for the use of the Members at a Committee of Adjustment Meeting:
I. Call to Order
II_ Disclosures of Pecuniary Interest
III. Adoption of Minutes of previous Meeting(s)
IV. Chairman's Remarks on the Purpose of the Meeting
V. Public Participation
VI. Correspondence
VII. Other Business VIII.
Adjournment 5.3.
2 The Agenda shall be placed on the Municipal Website no later than Friday by 4:00
P.M. preceding the commencement of the Committee of Adjustment Meeting in
question. 5.3.
3 The business of the Committee of Adjustment shall be considered in the order as it
appears on the Agenda, unless otherwise decided by a vote of the majority of
the Members present and voting. 5.4
Court of Revision Meeting Agenda 5.4.
1 The Clerk shall cause to be prepared an electronic Agenda under the following headings for
the use of the Members at a Court of Revision Meeting: I. Call
to Order 11 Disclosures
of Pecuniary Interest III. Chairman'
s Remarks on the Purpose of the Meeting IV. Staff
Presentation V. Public
Participation VI. Correspondence
VII. Other
Business VIII. Adjournment 5.
The Agenda shall be placed on the Municipal Website no later than Friday by 4:00 P.
M. preceding the commencement of the Court of Revision Meeting in question. 5.4.
The business of the Court of Revision shall be considered in the order as it appears on the
Agenda, unless otherwise decided by a vote of the majority of the Members present
and voting.
5. 5 Public Meeting Agenda
5.5.1 The Clerk shall cause to be prepared an electronic Agenda under the following
headings for the use of the Members at a Public Meeting:
IX. Call to Order
X. Disclosures of Pecuniary Interest
Xl. Chairman's Remarks on the Purpose of the Meeting
XII. Public Participation
XIII. Correspondence
XIV. Other Business
XV. Adjournment
5.5.2 The Agenda shall be placed on the Municipal Website no later than Friday by
4:00 P.M. preceding the commencement of the Public Meeting in question.
5.5.3 The business of Council shall be considered in the order as it appears on the
Agenda, unless otherwise decided by a vote of the majority of the Members
present and voting.
5.6 Advisory Board and Committee Agenda
5.6.1 The Clerk shall cause to be prepared an electronic Agenda under the following
headings for the use of the Members at a Court of Revision Meeting:
I Call to Order
11. Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest
III Delegations
IIV Adoption of Minutes
V. Matters of Business
1. Adjournment
5.6.2 The Agenda shall be placed on the Municipal Website no later than Friday by
4:00 P.M. preceding the commencement of the Board or Committee Meeting in
5. 6.3 The business of the Advisory Board or Committee shall be considered in the
order as it appears on the Agenda, unless otherwise decided by a vote of the
majority of the Members present and voting.
5.7 Meeting Minutes
5.7.1 The Clerk shall cause the Minutes to be taken of each Meeting whether it is
closed to the public or not. These minutes shall include:
a) the place, date and time of the Meeting;
b) the name of the Chair and the record of attendance of the Members;
should a Member enter after the commencement of the Meeting
or leave prior to adjournment, the time shall be noted;
ci declarations of pecuniary interest;
d) the reading, if requested, correction and confirmation of the minutes prior
to the Meeting;
cj all resolutions, decisions of the Meeting without note or comment.
5.7.2 The Minutes of each Meeting shall be presented for confirmation at the next
Regular Meeting of the subject Meeting type.
5. 7.3 Where the Minutes have been delivered to the Members in advance of the
Meeting, the Minutes shall not be read, and a resolution that the minutes be
approved shall be in order.
5. 7.4 Following approval of the Minutes, the Minutes shall be signed by the Chair and
the Clerk.
5.7. 5 The Clerk shall ensure that the Minutes of the last Regular and Special Meetings
are posted on the Municipal website and prepared in accordance with Section
5.7.1 of this Procedural By-law.
6.1 Call to Order
6.1.1 As soon as a Quorum is present after the hour set for the holding of the
Meeting, the Mayor shall take the Chair and call the Members present to
6.1.2 If the Mayor does not attend a Meeting within fifteen (15) minutes after the
time set for the Meeting and a quorum is present, the Deputy Mayor shall
preside over the Meeting and shall exercise all duties and responsibilities of
the Mayor as outlined in this Procedural By-law until the Mayor is present at
the Meeting and able to perform his responsibility to assume the chair.
6.1.3 If the Deputy Mayor is also not present within fifteen (15) minutes after the
time set for the Meeting and a quorum is present, the Clerk shall call the
Meeting to order, and the Members present shall appoint a Presiding
Member who shall act as Chair of the Meeting until the arrival of the Mayor
or Deputy Mayor, whoever is the first to arrive and is able to assume the
6. 2 Disclosures of Pecuniary Interest
6.2.1 Where a Member, either on his own behalf or while acting for, by, with or
through another, has any pecuniary interest, direct or indirect, in any matter
and is present at a Meeting at which the matter is the subject of consideration,
the Member shall:
a) prior to any consideration of the matter at the Meeting, disclose the
interest and the general nature thereof;
not take part in any discussion of or vote on any question with respect
to the matter; and
c) not attempt in any way before, during and after the meeting to influence
the voting on any such question.
6.2.2 Where the Meeting is not open to the public, in addition to complying with the
requirements of Section 6.2.1, the Member shall immediately leave the Meeting
or part of the Meeting during which the matter is under consideration.
6.2.3 Where a Member is absent from a Meeting which includes a matter for which
the Member has a pecuniary interest, the Member shall disclose this interest
and otherwise comply at the first Meeting attended by him after the particular
6.3 Presentations / Special Events
6.3.1 At the request of a Member of Council or the Municipality's staff, any person,
organization, corporation, or appointed official may be permitted to address
the Members to inform them of matters of significance to the Municipality
provided that the request has been submitted to the Clerk by 9:00 a.m. on the
Tuesday in the week preceding the Meeting.
6.3.2 Presentations shall include only the following:
a) civic recognition / awards;
b) presentations by Municipal staff or consultants retained by the
c) presentations from senior levels of government or other municipal
6.3.3 Municipal audio visual equipment may be used to assist in presentations,
provided that permission has been obtained for the use of such equipment
from the Clerk at the time the presenter contacts the Clerk to register for the
meeting. The presentation material must be provided to the Clerk at least by
9:00 a.m. on the Thursday preceding the Meeting,
6.4 Announcements
6.4.1 During the announcement portion of a Council Meeting, Members may
announce or comment on community events and activities when recognized by
the Presiding Member.
6.5 Delegations
6.5.1 See Section 9.
6.6 Open Forum
6.6.1 An Open Forum shall last no longer than ten (10) minutes. Each speaker will be
permitted to speak for a maximum of two (2) minutes total and will only be
permitted to speak once.
6.6.2 Each speaker shall be required to register with the Clerk in writing prior to noon
on the day of a Council meeting, by providing their name and address and
agenda item number, which may become part of the public record.
6.6.3 No discussion or debate, and no decision or motion shall be made during or as a
result of comment made during Open Forum.
6.6.4 The Mayor will call on registered speakers in order of their registration.
6.6.5 The Mayor may conclude Open Forum prior to the (10) minute maximum time
limit for non-compliance with the Open Forum parameters, conduct of members
of the public, or any other reason.
6.6.6 The following matters will not be permitted during Open Forum:
a) Comments/complaints against Members of Council or Municipal staff;
b) Closed Session agenda items;
c) Comments with respect to Minutes of Council or Committees;
d) Comments that are contrary to the Municipal Freedom of Information
and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA)
e) Comments with respect to any applications which have proceeded
through a Public Meeting in accordance with the Planning Act, with the
exception of a comment related to a recommendation contained in a
Staff Report.
6.7 Minutes
6.7.1 Minutes of previous Meetings shall be listed under this section of the Agenda.
6.7.2 Previous Meeting Minutes may be disposed of through a single resolution or,
alternatively, any Member may request that one or more recommendations
contained in the Minutes be separated and voted on separately.
6.8 Motions and Notices of Motion
6.8.1 A Member of Council may file a Motion to be placed on the Council Agenda
with the Clerk no later than 9:00 A.M. on the Tuesday of the week preceding
the Council Meeting at which it is to be presented for consideration and dealt
6.8. 2 A Member of Council may file a Notice of Motion with the Clerk no later than
9:00 a.m. on the Tuesday of the week preceding the Council Meeting at which
it is to be presented, of which shall be deliberated at the next Regular
Meeting of Council.
6. 9 Correspondence
6.9.1 All Correspondence intended to be presented to Council shall be legibly
written or printed, shall not contain any impertinent or improper matter or
language, shall identify the author(s) by name and municipal address and
shall be filed with the Clerk before it is presented to Council.
6. 9. 2 Every item of Correspondence shall be delivered to the Clerk no later than
Tuesday at 9:00 a.m. of the week prior to the Meeting. The Clerk, at his own
discretion, is delegated the authority to direct the item of Correspondence or
a summary thereof to the appropriate Agenda. The Clerk shall ensure that a
summary of the content of the correspondence is prepared and included in the
Agenda and a recommendation for disposal, being either "Receive for
Information" or "Requiring Action" is assigned.
6.9. 3 Notwithstanding Section 6.9.2, and at the discretion of the Clerk,
Correspondence received after 9:00 a.m. on the Tuesday preceding the
Meeting, and being of an urgent nature or directly relevant to a matter on the
Agenda for the Meeting, may be communicated to Council by way of an
Addendum to the Agenda including a summary of the content of the
Correspondence item.
6.9.4 Upon presentation of a motion and prior to its approval, any item of
Correspondence may be the subject of limited discussion. Council may briefly
discuss the matter and if consensus is reached, a revised recommendation
may be presented.
6. 10 Reports to Council
6.10.1 The Reports to Council section of the Council Agenda shall include any report
that, due to timing, urgency, the important nature of the report and/or
expediency, the Clerk has determined should be considered by Council.
6.10.2 Notwithstanding Sections 5.1.4 and 5.1.5 of this By-law, Reports to Council
may be included on an Addendum at the sole discretion of the Clerk.
6.11 By-laws
6.11.1 No by-law, except a by-law to confirm the proceedings of Council, a by-law
granting authority to borrow under the authority of the Municipal Act, or any by-
law arising as the result of an order or decision of any quasi-judicial body, shall
be presented to Council unless the subject matter thereof has been
considered by Council and has been approved by Council. The Clerk shall
prepare and include in the Council Agenda a summary of all By-laws,
specifying the title of each By-law.
6.11.2 Every By-law, when introduced, shall be in typewritten form and shall contain
no blanks, except such as may be required to conform to accepted procedure
or to comply with the provisions of any Act, and shall be complete with the
number and date to be affixed.
6.11.3 All by-laws shall be given first and second readings in a single motion, unless
a Member wishes to discuss the contents of a specific by-law, at which time
the subject by-law shall be removed from the motion and dealt with separately.
6.11.4 When the by-laws are reported with or without amendment, they shall be
forthwith given third reading in a single motion at the same Meeting on the
affirmative vote of the majority of the Members present and voting.
6.11.5 The Clerk shall endorse on all By-laws enacted by Council, the date of the
several readings thereof.
6.11.6 Every By-law which has been enacted by Council shall be numbered and
dated, and shall be signed by the Mayor, or his designate, and the Clerk,
sealed with the seal of the Municipality and, thereafter, shall be retained under
the control of the Clerk.
6.12 Unfinished Business
6.12.1 Any matters presented, considered, referred or tabled or any delegations not
otherwise disposed of through the consideration of an Agenda matter or
previous Agenda, shall be disposed of during this portion of the Meeting.
6.13 Other Business
6.13.1 Items of business requiring the direction of Council or a formal resolution will
appear under this section in the Agenda. These matters should generally pertain
to information items and can include Reports on Advisory Committees. Any
proposal to present a Motion must comply with Section 11 of this By-law.
6. 14 By-law to Confirm the Proceedings of Council
6.14.1 At the conclusion of all Regular and Special Meetings of Council and prior to
Adjournment, a Confirming By -law shall be brought forward to confirm the
actions of the Council at that Meeting in respect of each Motion, Resolution and
other action taken and a Confirming By-law, when introduced, shall be taken as
having been read and shall be voted on without debate.
6.15 Adjournment
6.15.1 See Sections 11.28, Section 11.29 and Section 11.30
6.16 Electronic Participation
6.16.1 Notwithstanding that set forth in Section 6, and in accordance with the COVID-
19 Economic Recovery Act, 2020 to amend the Municipal Act, 2001, the
following rules and regulations for electronic participation in a Council Meeting
shall apply:
a) A Member who is unable to attend a Council Meeting in person may participate
in that Meeting by electronic or other communication facilities if the facilities
enable all participating Members, whether attending in person or through
electronic participation, to hear and be heard by all other Members.
b) Except for all or any part of the Council Meeting that is closed to the public, the
electronic or other facilities are capable of and enable the public to hear, or
watch and hear, all Members participating in the Meeting.
r_) A Member who intends to participate in any such Meeting of Council by
electronic or other communication facilities shall give to the Clerk Notice of that
intention at least 24 hours prior to the commencement of such Meeting,
provided that, if Notice of such Meeting is provided less than 24 hours prior to its
scheduled commencement, then the Member shall give to the Clerk as much
notice as possible prior to commencement of such Meeting. In all such
circumstances, the Clerk will, as soon as reasonably possible, provide the
Member intending to attend by electronic participation with instructions on how
to connect to and participate in that Meeting by electronic or other
communication facilities.
d) There shall be no limit upon the number of Members who may attend a Meeting
of Council by electronic or other communication facilities.
e? The Mayor (or designate), as Chair, shall lead the Meeting and be present from
a designated meeting location supported by the CAO (or designate), where
f) Each Member attending the Meeting by electronic or other communication
facilities shall notify the Chair and other Members when he or she joins the
Meeting and, if and when applicable, upon leaving the Meeting.
g) Any Member attending and present during a Meeting by electronic or other
communication facilities shall be counted for purposes of quorum at the
commencement of and at any point in time during the Meeting.
h) Any Member attending and present during a Meeting by electronic or other
communication facilities may participate in all aspects of the Meeting as if
present in person, including but not limited to debate, questioning, presentation
of motion, and/or voting.
ij During the course of a Meeting within which any Member is participating by
electronic or other communication facilities, the Chair (or designate) shall
announce each agenda item on the floor of the Meeting and shall thereafter
maintain an orderly meeting process, including keeping Members fully informed.
j; Any Member attending and present during a Meeting by electronic or other
communication facilities may vote on any matter being considered in such
Meeting and that vote shall be counted and, as set forth below, duly recorded.
k:i During the course of each vote conducted within such Meeting:
All votes shall be a recorded vote conducted by the Clerk, as directed by
the Chair, unless Council decides otherwise.
H. The Clerk shall call the name of each Member to vote and shall thereafter
record such indicated vote of that Member as "yes" or "no'
iii. If the Member, whether present in person or electronically and after two
attempts, fails to respond to the call of his or her name, then the vote is
recorded as "no", unless directed otherwise by the Chair.
iv. The Clerk shall announce the results of the vote to the Chair and Council,
including announcement of the specific vote of each Member as either
yes" or "no".
1) During the course of the Meeting:
i. Each Member shall remain silent and attentive to the proceeding when
not assigned to the floor by the Chair.
ii, Each Member shall listen for their name to be assigned to the floor to
speak or to vote.
iii. All Members shall take and abide by the directions of the Chair in order to
facilitate an effective, efficient, and orderly Meeting.
6.16.2 The rules and regulations set forth under Section 6.16.1 of this By-law shall also
be applicable to any Council Meeting held during any period in which an
emergency has been declared to exist in all or part of the territorial limits of the
Municipality of Bayham pursuant to either section 4 or 7.0.1 of the Emergency
Management and Civil Protection Act.
7.1 Public Meetings
7.1.2 Public Meetings shall be conducted in the following manner:
a) the Chair shall state the purpose of the Public Meeting and shall
explain to those present how the Public Meeting shall be
b) a member of the Municipal staff and/or Municipal Consultant shall
then address the Council to present the matter to the Council;
c) if applicable, the applicant or agent who is present shall then
make representation regarding the matter;
d) Members of the Committee shall then be given the opportunity
to ask questions or seek clarification regarding the matter; and
e) members of the public shall then be permitted to make
representation regarding the matter.
7.2 Adjournment
7.2.1 See Section 11.28, Section 11.29 and Section 11.30
8.1 Call to Order
8.1.2 As soon as a Quorum is present after the hour set for the holding of the
Meeting, the Chair shall call the Members present to order.
8.1.3 If the Chair does not attend a Meeting within fifteen (15) minutes after the
time set for the Meeting and a quorum is present, the Vice Chair shall
preside over the Meeting and shall exercise all duties and responsibilities of
the Chair as outlined in this Procedural By-law until the Chair is present at
the Meeting and able to perform his responsibility to assume the chair.
8.1.4 If the Vice Chair is also not present within fifteen (15) minutes after the time
set for the Meeting and a quorum is present, the Clerk shall call the Meeting
to order, and the Members present shall appoint a Presiding Member who
shall act as Chair of the Meeting until the arrival of the Chair or Vice Chair,
whoever is the first to arrive and is able to assume the chair.
8.2 Disclosures of Pecuniary Interest
8. 2.1 Where a Member, either on his own behalf or while acting for, by, with or
through another, has any pecuniary interest, direct or indirect, in any matter and
is present at a Meeting of the Advisory Board or Committee at which the matter
is the subject of consideration the Member shall:
a) prior to any consideration of the matter at the Meeting, disclose the
interest and the general nature thereof;
b) not take part in any discussion of or vote on any question with respect
to the matter; and
c) not attempt in any way before, during and after the meeting to influence
the voting on any such question.
8. 2. 2 Where the Meeting is not open to the public, in addition to complying with the
requirements of Section 6.2.1, the Member shall immediately leave the Meeting
or part of the Meeting during which the matter is under consideration.
8. 2. 3 Where a Member is absent from a Meeting which includes a matter for which
the Member has a pecuniary interest, the Member shall disclose this interest
and otherwise comply at the first Meeting attended by him after the particular
8. 3 Delegations
8. 3.1 See Section 9.
8.4 Matters of Business
8.4.1 Any matters presented, considered, referred or tabled or any delegations not
otherwise disposed of through the consideration of another Agenda heading,
shall be disposed of during this portion of the Meeting.
8.4.2 Items of business requiring the direction of the Advisory Board or Committee or
a formal resolution will appear under this heading in the Agenda. These matters
should generally pertain to information items and can include correspondence
and Members' Reports.
8. 4.3 All Matters of Business intended to be presented to the Advisory Board or
Committee shall be legibly written or printed, shall not contain any impertinent or
improper matter or language, shall identify the author(s) by name and municipal
address and shall be filed with the Clerk before it is presented to the Advisory
Board or Committee.
8.4.4 All matters to be considered under this heading of the Agenda shall be received
by the Clerk no less than five (5) days prior to the Advisory Board or Committee
Meeting date.
8.5 Adjournment
8.5.1 See Section 11.28, Section 11.29 and Section 11.30
91 Delegations
9.1.1 There shall be no more than four (4) delegations, in total, scheduled for any
Regular Meeting unless the Chair approves additional delegations no later than
forty-eight (48) hours prior to the Regular Meeting.
9.1.2 Persons desiring to verbally present information on matters of fact or to make a
request shall give notice, including specific details regarding the subject of their
address to the satisfaction of the Clerk no later than Tuesday at 9:00 a.m. of the
week prior to the Meeting.
9.1.3 Notwithstanding Section 9.1.2, Members may, at their sole discretion, entertain
delegations with less notice as the circumstance may warrant with a two-thirds
2/3) majority.
9.1.4 Notwithstanding Section 9.1.3, a person wishing to present information is not
required to give written notice nor be listed on the agenda with respect to a
matter which the public has been given notice of the Public Meeting under the
Planning Act, any other Act, or according to Municipal Policy, as required.
9.1.5 A Delegation shall be permitted to speak on a matter only once within a six (6)
month period and shall be limited to speak for no more than ten (10) minutes
and be so advised in advance of their delegations. An extension to speak may
be decided, without debate, by a majority of Members present. Where a
delegation consists of a group of three or more persons, the group may speak
for no more than fifteen (15) minutes. Where a Delegation wishes to provide
Members with written communication, including a petition, supporting the
Delegation's comments, the communication shall be provided to the Clerk and
may be distributed to the Members at the discretion of the Clerk.
9.1.6 Municipal audio visual equipment may be used to assist in presentations,
provided that permission has been obtained for the use of such equipment from
the Clerk at the time the presenter(s) contacts the Clerk's Department to
register for the meeting. The presentation material must be provided to the
Clerk by 9:00 A.M. Thursday the week prior to the scheduled day of the
9.1.7 No Delegation shall
a) speak disrespectfully of any person;
b) use improper language or unparliamentary language;
c) speak on any subject other than the subject for which they have
received approval to address; or
I) disobey the rules of procedure or a decision of the Members.
9.1.8 Members shall be permitted to ask questions of delegates only to clarify their
submissions or to elicit further information from them that is relevant to their
9.1.9 Members may refuse to hear delegations when, in the opinion of Members, the
subject of the presentation is beyond the jurisdiction of the Municipality.
9.2 Petitions
9.2.1 Every petition intended to be presented shall be legibly written or printed and
shall not contain any impertinent or improper matter or language and shall be
signed by at least one person and filed with the Clerk.
9.2.2 Every petition shall be delivered to the Clerk not later than Thursday at 9:00
a.m. of the week prior to the Meeting before the commencement of the Meeting
and, if in the opinion of the Clerk it contains any impertinent or improper matter
or language, the Clerk shall decide whether it should be included in the
10.1 Conduct of Members
10.1.1 No Member shall:
a) speak disrespectfully of the Reigning Sovereign, or of any
Member of the Royal Family, or of the Governor-General, the
Lieutenant -Governor of any Province, of any member of the
Senate, the House of Commons of Canada or the Legislative
Assembly of the Province of Ontario;
h ) use offensive words or unparliamentary language or speak
disrespectfully against any Member or against any officer or
employee of the Municipality of Bayham;
cti speak on any subject other than the subject being debated;
dl; disobey the Rules of Procedure or a decision of the Chair,
whoever is in the chair for the Meeting or a portion of the
Meeting, on questions of Points of Order or procedure or upon
the interpretation of the Rules of Procedure except where the
ruling of the Chair is reversed by the Members pursuant to
Section 11.23. If a Member persists in any such disobedience
after having been called to order, the Chair shall forthwith order
that Member to vacate the room in which the Meeting is being
held, but if the Member apologizes, he may, by majority vote of
the Members, be permitted to retake his seat;
e) speak in a manner that is discriminatory in nature based on an
individual's race, ancestry, place of origin, ethnic origin,
citizenship, creed, gender, sexual orientation, age, colour,
marital status, family status or disability; or
f) where a matter has been discussed in a closed Meeting, and
where the matter remains confidential, disclose the content of
the matter or the substance of the deliberations of the closed
Meeting to any person.
10.2 Address the Chair
10.2.1 Any Member desiring to speak shall signify their desire to speak in such
manner as the Chair may direct, and upon being recognized by the Chair, shall
address the Chair, only.
10.3 Order of Speaking
10.3.1 The Chair over any part of a Meeting may state relevant facts and their position
on any matter before Members without leaving the chair, which may take place
immediately prior to the vote, but it shall not be permissible for the Chair to
move a motion or debate without first leaving the chair.
10.3.2 When two or more Members signify a desire to speak, the Chair shall recognize
the Member who, in the opinion of the Chair, so signified first and next
recognize in order the other Members.
10.4 Point of Privilege
10.4.1 Where a Member considers that his integrity, the integrity of the Members as a
whole, or the integrity of staff has been impugned, the Member may, on a Point
of Privilege, rise with the consent of the Chair for the purpose of drawing the
attention of Members to the matter.
10.4.2 When a Member is permitted to raise such matter of privilege, it shall take
precedence over other matters, but the Member shall not be permitted to enter
into any argument or introduce any Motion related to the Point of Privilege.
10.4.3 When the Chair considers that the integrity of the Administrator or a Member of
Municipal Staff has been impugned or questioned, the Chair may permit the
Administrator or Staff to make a statement to Members.
10.4.4 When a Point of Privilege is raised, it shall be considered and decided by the
Chair immediately and the decision of the Chair under this section shall be final.
10.5 Point of Order
10.5.1 When a Member desires to call attention to a violation of the Rules of
Procedure, the Member shall ask leave of the Chair to raise a Point of Order
and, after leave is granted, shall succinctly state the Point of Order to the Chair
and the Chair shall then decide upon the Point of Order and advise the Member
of the decision.
10.6 Appeal of Ruling of Chair
10.6.1 With respect to a ruling on either a Point of Privilege or a Point of Order, if the
Member does not appeal immediately thereafter to Members, the decision of
the Chair shall be final.
10.6. 2 If the Member wishes to appeal the decision of the Chair, he shall appeal
immediately to Members, otherwise the decision of the Chair is final.
10.6.3 If the decision is appealed, the Chair will give concise reasons for his ruling
and will call a vote by Members, without debate on the following question:
Will the ruling be sustained?", and the decision of Members, is final. The
Chair may vote on this question. In the event of a tie of votes, the ruling of the
Chair shall be deemed to be sustained.
10.7 Members Speaking
10.7.1 When a Member is speaking, no other Member shall pass between the Member
and the Chair, or interrupt the Member except to raise a Point of Order.
10.8 Question Read
10.8.1 Any Member may require the question or motion under discussion to be read at
any time during the debate but not so as to interrupt a Member while speaking.
10.9 Speak Once —Reply
10.9.1 No Member shall speak more than once to the same question without leave of
Members except that a reply shall be allowed to be made only by a Member
who has presented the motion, but not by any Member who has moved an
amendment or procedural motion in response to that motion.
10.10 Time Limited
10.10.1 No Member, without leave of Members shall speak to the same question or in
reply for longer than five (5) minutes
10.11 Questions
10.11.1 A Member may ask a question for the purposes of obtaining information relating
only to the matter under discussion and such questions must be stated
concisely and asked only through the Chair.
10.11.2 Notwithstanding Section 10.11.1 when a Member has been recognized as the
next speaker, then immediately before speaking, such Member may ask a
question through the Chair to any Member, the Administrator Staff, concerning
any matter connected with the business of the Municipality currently under
discussion but only for the pu rpose of obtaining information, following which
the Member may speak.
Section 11 - MOTIONS
11.1 All motions must be introduced by a mover and a seconder before the Chair
may put the question or motion on the floor for consideration. If no Member
seconds the motion, the motion shall not be on the floor for consideration and
therefore it shall not be recorded in the minutes.
11.2 When a motion is presented in a Meeting, it shall be read in its entirety before
11.3 Notwithstanding Section 11.1, if a motion is printed in the Agenda as either a
separate item or as part of a Report, it need not be read in its entirety unless
requested to do so by a Member but shall be deemed as read for the
purposes of introducing the Motion.
11.4 If, during a Meeting, the Chair desires to leave the chair to move a motion or
take part in the debate or otherwise, the Presiding Member shall call on the
Deputy Mayor or Vice Chair to preside until the motion is disposed of.
11.5 After a motion is properly moved and seconded, it shall be deemed to be in
possession of Members, but may be withdrawn by the mover at any time before
decision or amendment.
No debate until properly moved and seconded
11.6 No Member shall speak to any motion until it is properly moved and seconded,
and the mover is entitled to speak first if the Member so elects. If debated, the
question or motion may be read before being put.
Motion ruled out of order
11.7 Whenever the Chair is of the opinion that a motion is contrary to these Rules of
Procedure, the Chair shall rule the motion out of order.
Not within jurisdiction of Council
11.8 A Motion in respect of a matter which requires the exercise of a legislative
power by Council which is not within its jurisdiction shall not be in order at a
Meeting of Council.
Motions Without Notice and Without Leave
11.9 The following matters and motions may be introduced orally by a Member
without written notice and without leave, except as otherwise provided by this
Procedural By-law, and shall be decided without debate:
a) a point of order or privilege;
b) to adjourn;
c) to table the question without directions or instructions;
d) to suspend the Rules of Procedure;
e) to lift from the table;
f) to divide the question;
g) to refer (without instructions);
h) question be now put, and
i) to recess.
11.10 The following motions may be introduced orally by a Member without notice and
without leave, except as otherwise provided by this Procedural By-law, and may
be debated:
a) to refer with direction (direction for referral only to be debatable);
to table with instructions (instructions for tabling only to be
b) to amend; and
c) to rescind.
Priority of Disposition
11.11 A motion properly before Members for decision must be disposed of before any
other motion can be received except a motion in respect of matters listed in
Sections 11.8 and 11.9.
Motion to Amend
a) shall be presented in writing if requested by the Chair;
b) shall relate to the subject matter of the main motion;
c) shall not be received proposing a direct negative to the question;
d) shall be put to a vote in reverse order to the order in which the
amendments are made.
11.13 Only one motion to amend an amendment to the original motion shall be
allowed and any further amendment must be to the original motion.
Question be now put
11.14 A motion that the question be now put:
a) is not debatable cannot be amended
b) cannot be proposed when there is an amending motion under
c) consideration, except for the purpose of moving that the
d) amending motion be put;
when resolved in the affirmative, requires that the question,
motion, amending motion or motion as amended, whichever is
under consideration be put forward immediately without debate or
f) can only be moved in the following words, "that the question be
now put"; and
q; requires an affirmative vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the Members
present and voting.
Motion to refer or defer/postpone
11.15 A motion to refer or to refer back or to defer or to postpone the question may
include instructions respecting the terms upon which the question is to be
referred or deferred or postponed.
11.16 A motion to refer or to refer back or to defer or to postpone the question shall
not be debatable except where instructions are included, in which case, only
the instructions shall be debatable.
11.17 A motion to refer or to refer back or to defer or to postpone the question may
not be amended except where instructions are included, in which case, only the
instructions may be amended in accordance with the provisions in Section
Motion to table
11.18 A motion simply to table is not debatable except where instructions are
included, in which case, only the instructions shall be debatable. Such motion
cannot be amended.
11.19 A motion to table with some condition, opinion, or qualification added to the
motion shall be deemed to be a motion to defer or postpone made under
Section 11.14, Section 11.15 and Section 11.16.
11.20 The matter tabled shall not be considered again by Members until a motion has
been made to lift from the table the tabled matter at the same or subsequent
11.21 A motion to lift a tabled matter from the table is not subject to debate or
Motion to divide
11.22 A motion containing distinct proposals may be divided and a separate vote shall
be taken upon each proposal contained in a motion if decided upon by a
majority vote of the Members present and voting.
Motion to rescind
11.23 A motion to rescind a previous action of Members requires a majority vote of
the Members present and voting provided that notice has been given at the
previous Meeting or in the Agenda for the Meeting, and in case the aforesaid
notice has not been given, the motion to rescind requires a two-thirds (2/3) vote
of the Members present and voting.
11.24 A motion to rescind is not in order when action has been taken on the order of
Members of which it is impossible to revise. The part of an order of Members
which has not been acted upon, however, may be rescinded.
11.25 A resolution, by-law or any question or matter (except one of indefinite
postponement) which has been adopted previously by Members may be
reconsidered by Members subject to the following:
a) Only a Member who voted thereon with the majority may make a
Motion to Reconsider;
such motion must be supported by two-thirds (2/ 3) of the
Members present and voting in favour of such reconsideration
before the matter is re -opened for debate;
c) debate on a motion to reconsider must be confined to reasons for
or against the subject of the reconsideration;
s} if a motion to reconsider is decided in the affirmative, such
reconsideration shall become the next order of business, unless
the motion calls for a future date, and debate on the question to be
reconsidered may proceed as though it previously had never been
voted on; and
a vote to reconsider a particular matter or decision will not be
considered more than once during the term of Council.
Motion to recess
11.26 A motion to recess shall provide for Members to take a short intermission within
a Meeting which shall neither end the Meeting nor destroy its continuity and
after which, proceedings shall immediately resume at the point where they were
when interrupted.
11.27 A motion to recess is not debatable, but it is amendable as to the length of the
recess and is not in order when another motion is on the floor
Motion to Adjourn
11.28 A motion to adjourn is not debatable or amendable and shall always be in order
a) when another Member is in possession of the floor;
b) when a vote has been called;
c) when the Members are voting; or
d) when a Member has indicated to the Chair his desire to speak on
the matter.
11.29 A motion to adjourn, if carried, without qualification, will bring a Meeting to an
11.30 A motion to proceed beyond the hour of 11:00 p.m.:
a) shall not be amended or debated,
b) shall always be in order except when a Member is speaking or the
Members are voting; and
c) shall require the support of two-thirds (2/ 3) of the Members
present and voting.
Any Regular or Special Meeting proceeding past 11:00 p.m. shall
not proceed past 11:30 p.m.
e) Members shall use this additional time to dispose of the most time -
sensitive items as decided at the sole discretion of Members.
f) Any items not formally disposed of by 11:30 p.m. shall be deemed
deferred until the next Meeting, as determined by resolution, and
will be disposed of at that time.
12.1 Immediately preceding the taking of a vote on a motion, the Chair may state the
question in the form introduced and shall do so if required by a Member.
12.2 After a question is finally put by the Chair, no Member shall speak to the question nor
shall any other motion be made until after the vote is taken and the result has been
12.3 Every Member present at the Meeting, when the question is put, shall vote thereon
unless disqualified under the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act to vote on the question.
12.4 Except where the Member is disqualified under the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act
from voting, if a Member does not vote when a question is put, that Member shall be
deemed to have voted in the negative.
12.5 A Member not in his seat when the question is called by the Chair is not entitled to
vote on that question.
12.6 Each Member has only one vote.
12.7 The Chair shall announce the result of every vote.
Unrecorded Vote
12.8 The manner of determining the decision of the Members on a motion shall be at the
direction of the Chair and may be by voice, show of hands, standing, or otherwise.
Recorded Vote
12.9 Immediately preceding or after the taking of a vote on a motion, a Recorded Vote may
be requested by a Member at which time each Member present, except a Member
who is disqualified from voting by any Act, shall announce his vote openly and the
Clerk shall record his name and his vote on the question.
12. 10 The order in which Council Members, present and voting, vote on Recorded Votes
shall be:
a) Ward Councillors (in ascending numerical order);
b:) Deputy Mayor; and
Ci Mayor
12.11 The order in which Board or Committee Members, present and voting, vote on
Recorded Votes shall be in alphabetical order by surname and the Chair last.
12.12 If, during the Recorded Vote, any Member present and eligible to vote refuses to vote,
the Member shall be deemed and recorded as voting against the question.
13.1 Members of the public who constitute the audience in the Council Chamber, or other
such place where a Meeting is held in accordance with Section 4 of this Procedural By-
law, during a Meeting shall respect the decorum of Council, maintain order and quiet
and may not:
a) address Council without permission;
b') interrupt any speaker or action of the Members or any person
addressing Council;
c) speak out;
d) applaud;
e) behave in a disorderly manner; or
f) make any noise or sound that proves disruptive to the conduct of
the Meeting.
13.2 Placards, signs, posters, etc. or any advertising devices shall not be permitted in the
Council Chambers, or any other location in which Council may conduct their business.
13.3 The Mayor or Chair may request that a member or members of the public vacate the
Council Chambers or any other location in which Council may conduct their business if
their behaviour is deemed to be disruptive to the business at hand.
14.1 This By-law shall be administered by the Clerk.
THAT By -Law No. 2022-003 and any associated amendments shall be repealed;
2. AND THAT this by-law shall come into full force and effect upon final passing.
ya W_114TA ki 191 wily*1S1SK3
WHEREAS Section 224 of the Municipal Act 2001, S.O. 2001, c.25, as amended,
provides that the role of Council is to ensure that administrative practices are in place to
implement the decision of Council;
AND WHEREAS the Municipality of Bayham owns and operates the Port Burwell
Marine Museum and Port Burwell Historic Lighthouse;
AND WHEREAS Council for the Municipality of Bayham deems it desirable to establish
a Museum Advisory Committee to operate as a Committee of Council;
1. THAT a Museum Advisory Committee be established for the Municipality of
2. AND THAT the Committee operates in accordance with its Terms of Reference
attached hereto as Schedule "A"
3. AND THAT this by-law shall come into effect on the date of its passing.
1J61001-f r'r i yoYZ
Terms of Reference
The Museum Advisory Committee makes recommendations to Council in regards to
the operation of the Port Burwell Marine Museum and Lighthouse.
The Museum Advisory Committee reviews the Marine Museum and Lighthouse
policies and procedures for service, operation, and programming. The Committee
makes recommendations to Council on the long-term planning goals of the Museum
including review of artifacts, budget requirements, and special events.
The Museum Advisory Committee is comprised of five (5) voting members consisting
of four (4) members of the public and one (1) member of Council. The appointed
member of Council shall be the Chair. The Mayor may attend meetings in an ex-
officio capacity and does not have a vote.
Appointments will be carried out as outlined in the Advisory Board and Committee
The ideal member for the Museum Advisory Committee should be:
A resident of Bayham
18 years of age or older
Available for in person meetings held at the Municipal Office in Straffordville
Has previous experience being an Advisory Board or Committee member
Has knowledge of museum operations
Knowledgeable of Bayham's history and nautical history
Staff members are not eligible to serve on an Advisory Board or Committee.
The Museum Advisory Committee will meet a minimum of four (4) times a year with
Regular Meetings set quarterly by the Committee at the first meeting of the year.
Additional meetings may be scheduled by the call of the Chair if required.
The Planning Coord inatorl Deputy Clerk or designate will attend all meetings and be
responsible for the preparation and distribution of agendas and minutes. The
Planning Coordinatorl Deputy Clerk, for purposes of the Museum Advisory
Committee, is the primary Staff Resource.
Specific staff members or external stakeholders may be requested to attend
meetings from time to time, including a representative from the Elgin County
Committee members cannot direct staff.
Committees of Council provide recommendations to Council. Any motions passed by
the Committee that involve a recommendation to Council will be presented to Council
for consideration at the next available Regular Meeting agenda. Outcomes of
Council's consideration will be provided to the Committee on their next available
Regular Meeting agenda.
This Committee shares the same term of Council unless otherwise stated. Council
may terminate or amend the terms at any time as deemed appropriate.
Committee members are to operate and adhere to all provisions set out in the
Advisory Board and Committee Policy and the Council Procedural By-law.
Members of the Museum Advisory Committee are volunteers and do not receive
remuneration for their duties.
BY-LAW NUMBER 2021-021
WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham recognizes the need for clear
and concise policies concerning Museums Bayham;
AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham is desirous that a Policy
be established for Museums Bayham Collection and Records Management Policy;
AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham is desirous that such a
Policy be approved by By-law;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham
enacts as follows:
1. THAT the Policy to be known as the `Museums Bayham Collection and Records Management
Policy' as set out in Attachment `A' attached hereto and forming part of this by-law is hereby
2. THAT Museums Bayham collection and records management shall be maintained in
accordance with the said Policy.
THAT By-law No. 2006-082 Collections and Records Management Policy be repealed in its
4. THAT this By-law shall come into full force and effect on the date of its passage.
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10-- t
Municipality of Bayham
Museums Bayham — Collection and Records Management Policy
Statement of Purpose
Mission Statement
Ministry of Culture Standards
Collection Development
Collection Management
Collection Management Documentation and Record Keeping
Collection Management Accessioning
Collection Management De -Accessioning
Collection Management Loans
Collection Management Values and Insurance
Review of Policy
Museums Bayham exists to educate the citizens of Bayham and the community beyond about
the history of the Bayham area. This includes Port Burwell and its lighthouse in relation to the
local and marine heritage of the Great Lakes, fostering an appreciation for the relationship of
Bayham's past to its present and future development.
I ? To this end, Museums Bayham collects, records, preserves, researches, shares, promotes and
presents exhibits and interprets documents and artifacts related to the history of Bayham.
1 3 Museums Bayham has been established to collect, preserve, promote, research and share the
history of Bayham.
I.1 The Marine Museum and Lighthouse have been established to serve the inhabitants of Port
Burwell and the Bayham area, with a strong appeal to tourists visiting the region. The museum
collection will focus on marine documentation and artifacts that illustrate the relationships
between marine life on the Great Lakes together with domestic and commercial life of the
Village as a port on Lake Erie.
1.b Museums Bayham will collect, exhibit and interpret artifacts that tell the story of marine life on
the Great Lakes and the Village of Port Burwell, in accordance with documented research and
The Statement of Purpose provides guidelines for the collection including, but not limited to:
a. the reason for the museum's existence;
b. the time period of which artifacts will be collected and what they will be related to;
justification for accepting or declining artifacts from potential donors;
d. the public intended to be reached.
I Museums Bayham is committed to collecting, preserving, researching and sharing the history of
marine life on the Great Lakes and the history of Port Burwell and the Historic Lighthouse.
3.1 Incorporating the Ministry of Culture Collection Standard into the policy provides standard
guidelines for Museums Bayham, which are consistent throughout the museum community.
3 2 The Ministry of Culture Collection Standard is short and precise for persons to understand and
help them focus on their overall responsibilities for the collection.
3- 3 The Ministry of Culture Collection Standard demonstrates that those entrusted with the care of
the collection are to do so within acceptable ethical guidelines.
3. 4 Adoption and implementation of all of the required Ministry of Culture standards may qualify
Museums Bayham for funding support through submission of operating grant applications.
4.1 Accession shall mean the process of recording an addition to a collection.
4.2 Accession Date shall mean the date the artifact was acquired by Museums Bayham.
3 Accession Number shall mean a three part identifying number made up of the year acquired, or
in the case of a found in collection item, the year accessioned; the numerical order of the donor
during this accession year) who donated the item; the number of the item from the donor
during this accession year), if more than one item was received from the donor.
a. Ex.: 2003.002.003 = 2003 - year item donated
b. 002 - the second donor of the year 2003
c. 003 - the third item donated by the second donor in 2003
d. If the item has more than one part, an additional number denotes the part number.
e. Ex.:2003.002.003.2
4.4 Accession Register shall mean a database used to record each accession when it enters the
collection. It serves as a permanent, complete, and accurate record of all the basic information
about each artifact in the collection.
4.5 Artifact Name shall mean the name of the artifact with specificity.
4 (:1 Classification shall mean a group or type of artifact(s) that share the same common attributes
Example: Furniture - includes tables, chairs, and benches).
4 7 Collection shall mean the acquisition of historically significant artifacts that contribute to any
understanding of past human behaviour, customs, activities, episodes, institutions and
d 8 Conservation shall mean treatment or special care given to an artifact in order to preserve and
stabilize it for display or storage. This should be noted along with any previous conservation
treatments. This not to be confused with restoration, which involves treatment or procedures
taken in order to return an artifact to an original or known state.
4 9 De -accession shall mean to release a single object/artifact or group of objects/artifacts from the
4 '10 Detailed Description shall mean a description including the object's size, shape, colour,
condition, material, date/period range, markings, previous identifying numbers, signs of use, etc.
4.11 Dimensions shall mean the length, width, height, circumference, diameter of an artifact.
4.12 Nomenclature shall mean a structured and controlled list of terms organized in a classification
system to provide the basis for indexing and cataloging collections. It addresses problems that
museums with varied collections face in managing their collection data. It allows museums to
share meaningful data with one another.
4.13 Provenance shall mean a record of ownership of an object, used as a guide to the authenticity
or history of the artifact.
4.14 Value shall mean the appraised value of an artifact.
Collection development provides a framework for expanding and enhancing the existing
permanent collection through the acquisition of additional artifacts pertinent to the collection.
b.2. The decision to accept collection item(s) will depend on:
a. Municipality of Bayham financial allocation to accept the artifact;
b. Museums Bayham ability to maintain the artifact in a safe and secure environment in
compliance with Health and Safety considerations;
c. its relevance to Museums Bayham's Statement of Purpose and the other artifacts and
records in the collection;
a. its condition;
b. its exhibit and research potential.
The decision to accept collection items will be made by Museums Bayham, upon consideration
and recommendation of the Curator.
5. 4 Artifacts collected shall be well documented, such documentation to include the circumstance
surrounding the object's discovery and acquisition; the original owner and manufacturer; the
object's original use; a chronological history of the object; and any other pertinent facts.
Museums Bayham may collect artifacts that have incomplete documentation as long as they
contribute to a clearer understanding of significant former customs, activities, people or
3 Museums Bayham will not collect duplicates unless they serve a useful purpose, such as
extension program displays, traveling educational kits, etc. Any duplicate must have a specific
function within the Museum's program. Any duplicate that does not have a specific function
should not be collected.
5.7 Donations are deemed to be unconditional gifts.
5. 8 Museums Bayham will respect and adhere to legislative requirements.
5 9 Museums Bayham will not accept collection item(s), for which it does not have sufficient
resources to collect, preserve, research, interpret and exhibit (ex. time, expertise, funds or
storage space).
Collections management provides a framework for maintaining the collection through:
a. proper record keeping,
b. procedures for accessioning and de -accessioning,
c. loan arrangements,
d. insurance and appraisals.
It is the responsibility of the Curator to ensure the proper management of the artifacts,
documents and records of the collection.
3 Purchases are subject to budget and procurement guidelines approved by the Council of the
Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham.
6.4 Museums Bayham, upon recommendation of the Curator, will recommend the de -accessioning
of specific artifacts to Council who will consider the recommendation.
6.5 Upon acceptance of an artifact by resolution of Museums Bayham a Gift Form will be completed
and signed transferring ownership to the Municipality of Bayham.
6.6 The Curator will ensure that staff and volunteers who have physical access to the collection are
trained in and use appropriate care and handling procedures for the artifacts.
G.7 The Curator will ensure that artifacts having the potential to be hazardous to the public, staff,
volunteers, the environment or the collection, will be properly handled and stored.
6.8 Compliance with the Municipality of Bayham Health and Safety Policy will be observed at all
1 Documentation is essential for collection development, research, preservation and
Documentation will include information in written, electronic, audio visual or graphic form
pertaining to the identity of the donor, provenance, and transfer of legal title of artifacts in the
collection and other related information regarding significance, function, description, and
When being integrated into the collection, each artifact must be described in sufficient detail to
be able to identify it and to enable the detection of any deterioration. Any change in condition or
treatment to an artifact will also be documented.
f 4 Temporary or permanent change in the status of an artifact such as an outgoing loan, on exhibit
or deaccessioned must be thoroughly documented.
r ; Documentation is the responsibility of the Curator and other staff as appropriate.
f 6 Through an orderly and easily understood system the objectives for the documentation and
record keeping of the permanent collection are to:
a. establish duties and guidelines for all personnel involved in record keeping;
b. establish a method and guidelines for recording every object (whether temporary or
permanent) that enters or leaves the collection;
establish an information record concerning every object in the collection, containing the
donor, object description, history, location, and condition;
d register and physically identify every object in the collection
An accession register providing identification numbers, donor information and descriptions,
including condition and conservation records, will be maintained.
r' Catalogue records will be electronically maintained and a copy of the electronic documentation
of the collection shall be retained for insurance purposes.
9 The collection will be labeled appropriately following an appropriate standardized system, such
as Robert G. Chenhall's The Revised Nomenclature for Museum Cataloging Editions.
7.10 The donor will provide information and documentation regarding the original owner or make,
original use and chronological history, as is available.
7.11 If a donor requests a receipt for income tax purposes, the Curator will retain an appraiser at the
expense of the donor. The Municipality of Bayh will subsequently issue a receipt for income tax
purposes utilizing the appraised value.
a The process of recording an addition to the collection ensures the identity and provenance of
the object is recorded in a codified manner to ensure the accurate, timely, and legal
documentation of an object(s) into the collection
When an artifact arrives for donation, the following steps shall be taken.
a. Temporary Receipt to be issued by the Curator during consideration of acceptability of
the artifact.
b. Deed of Gift Form to be issued if the decision to accept the artifact has been made, this
is the official paperwork deeding the artifact to Museums Bayham and assigning the
accession number(s)
c. Accession Register Book, upon execution of the Deed of Gift Form, the artifact receives
an accession number, and is entered in the Accession Register Book.
d. Thank You Letter to be issued from the Curator to the donor thanking the donor for the
e. All paperwork is to be kept in an Accession File in Laserfiche.
Temporary Receipt
8 3 A Temporary Receipt is a document prepared by the Curator to acknowledge the temporary
receipt of the artifact. The Temporary Receipt assigns temporary custody of the artifact by the
owner to Museums Bayham.
t>. The Temporary Receipt includes all pertinent information on the artifact so as to assist in
assessing the suitability of the object(s) to join the collection. This information will form the basis
of the information needed upon acceptance to the collection.
6 51 A Temporary Receipt for the object(s) is completed in duplicate and includes a description of the
artifact, the name, address and contact information of the potential donor, and states whether it
is a gift, purchase or loan.
i C. The Curator and the donor sign all copies of the Temporary Receipt. One copy is given to the
donor, a copy remains with the artifact in the museum.
If the artifact is not accepted into the collection, it is returned to the donor, the Temporary
Receipt is cancelled and a letter of thanks is sent to the donor.
Deed of Gift
38 A Gift Form is a document signed by the donor and the Curator that transfers and establishes
unconditional legal title and ownership of the artifact to the Municipality and assigns to the
Municipality the copyright for all artifacts in the donation.
9 Through the execution of the Gift Form the donor understands and agrees that the Municipality
is free to process the artifact as it sees fit, will have full discretion as to the use, display,
reproduction and disposition of the artifact and this may include partial culling, amending or
altering of the donation.
8.10 The Gift Form is to contain any information regarding the object(s) that was not on a Temporary
8.11 If the donor is unable to attend in person to sign the Gift Form, a letter confirming the decision
and a Gift Form in duplicate, must be prepared and sent to the donor for completion and
endorsement then to be returned to the Curator.
8.12 Upon receipt of the completed Gift Form, a thank you letter would be sent to the donor.
8.13 A bequest is a gift specified in a person's Last Will and Testament. No Gift Form is used for a
bequest. The Curator must acquire the relevant section of the will for Museums Bayham
records as proof of ownership.
Accession Register Book
8.14 Accession Registry and Number
a. Upon execution of the completed Gift Form the artifact is assigned a registration
number and recorded in the accession register.
b. Mark the Accession Number on the artifact with the appropriate method.
c The artifact, now called artifact(s) will be housed in the appropriate location within
the collection.
8.15 Accession File Folder
a. The Accession File is a file of documents such as letters, Temporary Receipts, Bills
of Sale, copies of wills, appraisals, condition reports, relating to each
h. The Accession File is used to keep all documentation pertaining to a single
accession in one location.
8.16 Letter of Acknowledgement to Donor
a. A personal letter from the Curator shall be sent to the donor. The letter should:
i. thank the donor for the gift;
ii. briefly comment on the importance of the gift in relation to the collection, or note
any special plans that the Museum has for the artifact (for example, display in a
new acquisitions case);
iii. note the accession number of the artifacts donated.
b. A copy of this letter shall be kept on file with the other documents pertaining to this
P '17 Museums Bayham cataloguing system shall consist of two (2) types of classification systems,
with appropriate backups:
a. The Master Catalogue File, also known as Permanent Collection Card File
b. The Main Database (held in duplicate locations).
8.18 Master Catalogue File
a. The Master Catalogue File uses a separate card for each artifact in the collection, which
records the classification, description, maker, place of origin, age, condition, and other
details of each object / artifact.
b. Fill out the Master Catalogue Card using the documentation acquired as per Section 7 -
Documentation and Record Keeping, including a photograph or sketch of the artifact.
c. The accession number becomes the Catalogue Number
d. The Master Catalogue Card is kept at the museum and its contents are entered in the
database. This database is administered by Elgin County Archives and provides the
duplicate of the museum copy.
e. The condition of the artifact is to be noted including any cleaning, conservation or repairs
to be undertaken. A Condition Report form is used to describe the physical condition of
an artifact and enables the Museum to monitor the safety of the artifact within conditions
in the Museum, as well as for insurance purposes, for when it goes to exhibit, when it
goes out on loan, and is sent back after being on loan
The artifact is then placed on display or in storage as appropriate
I De -accessioning applies only to artifacts formally donated to the Municipality and over which the
Municipality has full and complete title.
9.2 The final decision to de -accession an artifact and the method thereof lies with the Council of the
Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham upon recommendation by Museums Bayham.
9.3 Priority will be given to attempt to ensure that the de -accessioned artifacts remains in the public
9.4 Documentation for a de -accessed artifacts will include date, method of disposal and reason for
9.: The objective of de -accessioning is:
a. to maintain the collection at a standard that will benefit both the artifacts and the public;
b. to remove artifacts from the collection when they are no longer suitable or useful to the
permanent collection or the educational programming; (i.e. duplicates, do not meet the
current mandate, their condition has deteriorated and no longer represent an appropriate
c. to remove artifacts from the collection that may be causing harm or pose a threat to other
museum artifacts (i.e. giving off harmful gases, infesting with vermin);
d. to remove artifacts from the collection when they can no longer be preserved, conserved
or cared for properly (i.e. lack of funds, space or unsuitable or unstable environment);
e. to permanently dispose of all de -accessioned objects in a manner subject to acceptable
museum standards;
to use funds derived from de -accessioned artifacts to directly benefit the collection, either
by improvements in collection care or by new acquisitions;
g. the donor of de -accessioned artefacts that are sold will be acknowledged in the purchase
of any new artifact(s) or improvements.
10.1 The decision to lend or borrow an artifact(s) lies with the Curator.
10. 2 No person shall remove an artifact from the collection without the knowledge and consent of the
Curator in compliance with the Collections and Records Management Policy.
10. 3 Artifacts may be sent out or received on loan for exhibition and study.
10.4 In cases of the borrowing or lending of substantial artifacts, the approval of the Council of the
Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham is required.
10.5 For both out -going and in -coming loans, proper loan records for the artifact(s) will be
maintained, noting loan number, source of loan, artifact name, date received, and date returned
10.6 Condition Reports will be prepared before and after each loan is undertaken.
10.7 Loan requests shall be received in writing.
10.8 The borrower must be a reputable institution, and the person who negotiates the loan with the
Curator must have authority to represent the institution
10.9 The borrower is responsible for transporting the artifact(s) both ways, although the Curator will
specify the method of transportation.
10.10 The borrowing institution shall acknowledge the lending institution or individual in all cases of
public display i.e. exhibits, photographs in accordance with the lender.
10.11 All conditions of the loan shall be settled before the loan agreement is signed.
10.12 A receipt shall be issued when the artifact is delivered or returned.
10. 13 Permanent loans are not permitted.
In -coming Loan Agreement
10.14 Artifact(s) may be borrowed from other institutions or personal collections for specific periods of
time for specific exhibitions and will receive the care and treatment given to the Museum's own
permanent collection.
a. Incoming loans may be used to enhance or create a temporary exhibit in order to draw
public interest.
b. Artifact(s) may be accepted on loan to provide a more suitable environment for other
cultural facilities during a time of renovation or construction.
Out -going Loan Agreement
10.15 Artifact(s) from the permanent collection may be loaned to other cultural institutions only for
special exhibitions, at the discretion of the Curator, for a set period of time and under conditions
which ensure adequate environmental and security controls.
a. The purpose of out -going loans is to expand the viewing of the artifact(s) by the public to
other sites, encouraging interest by the visitors to attend the lending site to view the
more extensive collection.
b. Artifact(s) may be loaned to maintain a more suitable environment during the off-season
or during a time of renovation or construction
Conservation Agreement - Artifact Repair and Maintenance
10.16 Artifacts from the permanent collection may leave the collection for the purpose of conserving,
repairing and maintaining, at the discretion of the Curator, for a set period of time and under
conditions which ensure adequate environmental and security controls. These artifact(s) will be
considered as an out -going loan.
General Provisions
10. 17 Both the In -coming Loan Agreement form and the Out -going Loan Agreement form shall
a. the ownership of the artifact(s). It is the understanding that the lender is the lawful owner
of the artifact(s) and is competent and authorized to lend the artifact(s) under the terms
and conditions of the Agreement. Should there be any doubt as to the legal ownership,
the artifact(s) will not be accepted.
b. the value of the artifact(s). The estimated, appraised or insured value (if applicable) shall
be fully documented. This will assist in limiting the liability of the borrower in the event of
any accident or dispute concerning the artifact(s). The established value provides
information, which can be forwarded to the borrower's insurance company so that
adequate coverage can be maintained.
c. the description of the artifact(s). This shall be sufficient to identify the artifact(s) with
complete certainty, and to the satisfaction of both lender and borrower.
d. the duration of the loan. The time period of the loan, beginning and ending dates, early
termination or extension of the loan opportunities shall be determined, as well as how the
artifact(s) will be returned and who will do that. Accommodations will be available for
changes to be made regarding loan dates and other arrangements, but only with written
agreement by both parties
e. the purpose and use of the loan. The Lender and the Borrower will understand the
expectations to be derived from the loan. The Lender understands there is no guarantee
that the artifact(s) will be put on exhibition. In addition, the Lender agrees to allow the
Borrower to exhibit, store or use the artifact(s) for educational purposes in the same
manner as similar objects in its collection. As well, the Lender allows the Museum to
photograph or reproduce the artifact(s) in any media for record, educational or publicity
purposes under the same regulations and guidelines that pertain to those in the
Museum's permanent collection
f. The care of the artifact(s). The Museum will provide the same standard of care and
security for the artifact(s) on loan as it does for those in its collection. The Museum will
not clean, repair, restore or otherwise alter the artifact(s) without the written permission
of the Lender
10. 17 Both the In -coming Loan Agreement form and the Out -going Loan Agreement form shall:
a. be filled out in duplicate with one copy for each institution
b. contain a Conditions Report and have conditions printed on this report which are brought
to the attention of, and agreed to, by the borrower and the lender;
c. ensure insurance coverage by one or the other of the parties
d. be signed by the person who will actually be responsible for the loan.
11.1 Artifact(s) accepted on loan will be insured under the Museum's fine arts policy unless the
Lender elects to maintain his/her own insurance (in which case the Municipality shall be named
as an additional insured).
11.2 Determination of whose insurance will cover the artifact(s) while in transit to and from the site,
and confirmation of same from the insurer shall be made and noted on the loan form.
11.3 The artifact(s) will be insured for the amount indicated on the Loan form against all risks of
physical damage from any external cause while in possession of the Borrower during the period
of the loan.
11.2 Artifact(s) values will be reviewed by a qualified professional on a regular basis so that current
values are available for insurance purposes.
12.1 As the Museum and its public change, the collection management / development policies shall
be reviewed to ensure they are meeting the needs of the people they are intended to serve.
12. 2 Policy review will include, but not be limited to the following considerations:
a. Is the collection outgrowing its facility?
b. Is the collection focused enough?
c. Is the manual or electronic record keeping system sufficient?
d. Are there other facilities in the vicinity with the same or similar type of collections?
e. How can greater interest and participation be encouraged?
12. 3 As a collection expands and fills the existing facility, it may be necessary, should expansion not
be an option, to narrow the focus of the collection to highlight a particular unique part of it. It
may be determined that certain parts of the collection be de -accessioned, as appropriate, to
permit increased floor space devoted to a revised mandate.
11 d Budget restraints may become more restrictive, making it necessary to remove objects requiring
greater care, repairs or conservation expertise from the collection.
13.1 Temporary Receipt
13.2 Gift Form (or Bill of Sale for purchased items)
13.3 Condition Report
13.4 Appraisal Form
13.5 Sample Receipt for Income Tax Purposes
13.6 Incoming Loan Agreement
13.7 Loan Registry — Incoming Artifacts
13.8 Outgoing Loan Agreement
13.9 Loan Registry — Outgoing Artifacts
13.10 Conservation Agreement
13.11 Conservation Registry — Artifacts Out for Repair and Maintenance
13.12 De -Accession Form
Municipality of o.A.YHA "
A: P.O. Box 160, 56169 Heritage Line
Straffordville, ON NOJ 1YO
T: 519-866-5521
F: 519-866-3884
E: bayham@bayham.on.ca
www.bayham on.ca
Telephone Number:
p0rtunit-y is -so
To be made in triplicate)
Information given on this form is subject to verification by the museum.
Purpose: Gift Loan Purchase Identification
Photography' Other: Specify:
Signature of Museum Representative)
Objects received for identification only will be given the same care the museum devotes to its own
property, but no responsibility can be assumed in case of loss or damage by fire, theft or otherwise.
Objects must be collected within one week of notification; the museum regrets that it cannot hold
material beyond that time.
THIS RECEIPT: It must be presented to reclaim the objects listed above
Form 13.1
Municipality of mom 1
A: P.O. Box 160, 56169 Heritage Line
Straffordville, ON NOJ 1YO
T: 519-866-5521
F: 519-866-3884
E: bayham@bayham.on.ca
To be made in triplicate)
i 4- U ]a117 is F
I do hereby give and bequeath to the Municipality of Bayham's Museums Bayham the objects listed
herein, and in so doing I understand that as their legal owner I hereby relinquish all rights in, and
ownership of, such objects and convey all such rights and ownership to the Museum. I, the Donor,
hereby give and transfer unto the Museum full and unencumbered title to the objects and assign to the
Museum the copyright for all items in the donation. Ownership of the objects is assigned unto the
Museum, its successors, administrators and assigns absolutely.
Further, I, the Donor, understand and agree that the artifacts/objects may be displayed, loaned,
retained or disposed of in such manner as the Museum may deem to be in its best interests, and this
may include partial culling, amending, and/or altering of the donation.
I, the Donor, have read, understood and agreed to the foregoing, acknowledging same by undersigning
and dating this Gift Form.
Signed at: _
this = day of
Signature of Witness)
Donor's Address)
Signature of Donor)
Print Name of Donor)
Print Name of Witness)
Page 1 of 2 Form 13.2
Page 2 of 2
GIFT Form 13.2 continued
The Museums Bayham and the Port Burwell Marine Museum gratefully acknowledges receipt of the
objects listed above, being the gift of
Name of Donor)
Signed at: this day of
Signature of Museum Representative)
Print Name of Museum Representative)
Form 13.2
Municipality of v.A.YHAA,r
A: P.O. Box 160, 56169 Heritage Line
Straffordville, ON NOJ 1YO
T: 519-866-5521
F: 519- 866-3884
E: b.ayharn(Qbgyham_or-c-a
Accession Number:
Object Name:
Short Description:
Special Treatment:
Technical Information:
Page 1 of 2 Form 13.3
Page 2 of 2
Condition: (photograph and/or sketch)
Completed by:
CONDITION REPORT Form 13.3 continued
Form 13.3
Municipality of I "M 0R —.VA-j
A: P.O. Box 160, 56169 Heritage Line
Straffordville, ON NOJ 1YO
T: 519-866-5521
F: 519- 866-3884
E: bayham@bayham.on.ca
unit I
Donation To: The Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham
Deductible for Income Tax Purposes -
Section #118.1 ( 1) (d) of the Income Tax Act.
Receipt Number:
Name of Donor:
Date of Receipt:
Date of Donation:
The Sum of Dollars ($000.00)
Municipality of Bayham
Form 13.5
Municipality of
A: P.O. Box 160, 56169 Heritage Line
Straffordville, ON NOJ 1YO
T: 519-866-5521
F: 519-866-3884
E: bayham@bayham.on.ca
11P w'
rttinIt 1
Agreement made in Duplicate this day of 20_
Contact #
The Lender hereby agrees to lend to the museum the following object(s) in return for the promise to
comply with the terms and conditions as set out in the Agreement.
Objects Value
The Museum and Lender hereby agree to the following terms and conditions:
DURATION OF LOAN: The Lender agrees to lend the named object(s) for a period of
commencing on the. . day of 20_ and ending / or negotiated
on the day of _ . ?,:a
REMOVAL OF OBJECT(S): The Lender agrees to remove within 30 days of the termination of the
loan period, all object(s) on loan, after which time the Museum may dispose of such object(s) as it sees
fit, and shall not be liable or accountable to the lender in respect to such object(s) or their proceeds.
Page 1 of 2 Form 13.6
Page 2 of 2 In -Coming Loan Agreement Form 13.6 continued
CARE OF OBJECT(S): The Museum is not responsible for the safekeeping of property entrusted to it
under this Agreement beyond the exercise of such precautions as are now in force, or may hereafter be
put into force, for the safekeeping and preservation of its own property. The Museum will not clean,
repair, restore, or otherwise alter objects without the written permission of the Lender.
INSURANCE: Objects accepted on loan will be insured under the Municipality's museum fine arts
policy, subject to the usual exclusions of All Risks policies, unless the Lender elects to maintain his/her
own insurance. The objects will be insured for the amounts indicated on this document, against "all
risks" of physical damage from any external cause while in the possession of the Museum during the
period of the loan. If the Lender elects to maintain his/her own insurance, he/she agrees to name the
Municipality as an "Additional Insured" or to arrange for a waiver of subrogation during the period of this
USE OF OBJECTS: The Museum may exhibit, store, or use the object(s) for educational purposes in
the same manner as similar objects in its collection, but exhibition of the object(s) is not guaranteed.
PUBLICITY AND PHOTOGRAPHY: The Museum may photograph or otherwise reproduce in any
media the object(s) for record, educational, or publicity purposes under the same regulations as pertain
to objects in the Museum's permanent collection.
JOINT LOANS: In case of joint loans the first person named above shall for all purposes be deemed
the Lender.
PROVISIONS BINDING UPON LENDER: The provisions hereof shall be binding upon the Lender, the
Lender's heirs, legal representatives, successors and assigns.
RETURN OF OBJECT(S) TO LENDER: The object(s) will be returned only upon the signed
acknowledgment of their receipt by the Lender or the Lender's duly appointed authorized agent or legal
NOTICE OF LENDER: Any notice required under this Agreement shall be deemed sufficient if mailed
to the Lender at the address above.
TITLE TO OBJECT(S): The Agreement is accepted on the understanding that the Lender is the lawful
owner of the above -named objects and is fully competent to lend such object(s) under the terms and
conditions of the Agreement.
The MUSEUMS BAYHAM Representative hereby acknowledges receipt of the object(s).
Signature of Lender Signature of Museum Representative
UPON RETURN: The Lender hereby acknowledges receipt of returned object(s) at the end of the
above noted term.
Signature of Lender:
Printed name of Lender
Signature of Witness
Page 2 of 2 Form 13.6
Municipality of r,tTVRA J
A: P.O. Box 160, 56169 Heritage Line
Straffordville, ON NOJ 1Y0
T: 519-866-5521
F: 519- 866-3884
E: bayham@bayham.on.ca
Form 13.7
Municipality of
A: P.O. Box 160, 56169 Heritage Line
Straffordville, ON NOJ 1Y0
T: 519-866-5521
F: 519-866.3884
E: bayham@bayham.on.ca
W: www.bayham.on.ca
Is* Imity
Agreement made in Duplicate this day of , 20_
By: Museums Bayham (Lender)
Contact #
The Lender hereby agrees to lend to the recipient museum the following object(s) in return for the
promise by the Recipient Museum to comply with the terms and conditions as set out in the Agreement
Ob-ec# s Value
The Recipient and Lender hereby agree to the following terms and conditions:
DURATION OF LOAN of the above named object(s) shall be for a period of
weeks/months commencing on the day of
day of
0 —
and ending on
Page 1 of 3 Form 13.8
Page 2of3 Out -Going Loan Agreement Form 13. 8 continued
RETURN OF OBJECT(S): The Recipient agrees to return within Ten (10) days of the termination of
the loan period, all object(s) on loan.
CARE OF OBJECT(S): The Recipient is responsible for the safekeeping of property entrusted to it
under this Agreement and taking such precautions as are now in force, or may hereafter be put into
force, for the safekeeping and preservation of its own property. The Recipient will not clean, repair,
restore, or otherwise alter objects without the written permission of the Lender. The Recipient will
exercise the same care in respect to loans as it does for the safekeeping of its own property.
INSURANCE: Objects accepted on loan will be insured wall-to-wall under the Recipient's museum fine
arts policy, subject to the usual exclusions of All Risks policies. The objects will be insured for the
amounts indicated on this document, against "all risks" of physical damage from any external cause
while in the possession of the Recipient during the period of the loan.
USE OF OBJECTS: The Recipient may exhibit or use the object(s) for educational purposes in the
same manner as similar objects in its collection.
PUBLICITY AND PHOTOGRAPHY: The Recipient may photograph or otherwise reproduce in any
media the object(s) for record, educational, or publicity purposes under the same regulations as pertain
to objects in the Recipient's own permanent collection.
PROVISIONS BINDING UPON RECIPIENT: The provisions hereof shall be binding upon the
Recipient, the Recipient's heirs, legal representatives, successors and assigns.
RETURN OF OBJECT(S) TO LENDER: The object(s) will be returned and signed acknowledgment of
their receipt by the Lender or the Lender's duly appointed authorized agent or legal representative will
be given.
TITLE TO OBJECT(S): The Agreement is accepted on the understanding that the Lender is the lawful
owner of the above -named objects and is fully competent to lend such object(s) under the terms and
conditions of the Agreement.
I verify that I am authorized to endorse this agreement on behalf of the recipient organization
and hereby acknowledge receipt of the object(s) identified above.
Insurance coverage is provided by
DATED this _ _ _ day of
Print Name of Recipient
under Policy #
Signature of Recipient Signature of Lender
Page 3 of 3
Out -Going Loan Agreement Form 13.8 continued
The Lender hereby acknowledges receipt of returned object(s) this _ day of
Signature of Lender:
Print Name:
Municipality of
A: P.O. Box 160, 56169 Heritage Line
Straffordville, ON NOJ 1Y0
T: 519- 866-5521
F: 519- 866-3884
E: bavh-am@b@bayham.on.ca
urtunit -i
Form 13.9
Municipality of
A: P.O. Box 160, 56169 Heritage Line
Straffordville, ON NOJ 1Y0
T: 519- 866-5521
F: 519-866-3884
E: bavham@bavham.on.ca
W: www.bavham.on.ca
1'54 , I1
Agreement made in Duplicate this day of . 0
By: The Museums Bayham
Contact #
The Museums Bayham hereby agrees to lend to the recipient the following object for repair and
maintenance, in return for the promise by the Recipient to comply with the terms and conditions as set
out in the Agreement herein.
Object Description Value
The Recipient and Museum hereby agree to the following terms and conditions:
DURATION OF LOAN of the above named object(s) shall be for a period of
weeks/months commencing on the day of
day of 7t
and ending on
as follows:
Page 1 of 3 Form 13. 10
Page 2 of 3 Conservation Agreement Form 13.10 continued
RETURN OF OBJECT: The Recipient agrees to return within Ten (10) days of the termination of the
loan period, any and all object(s) on loan.
CARE OF OBJECT: The Recipient is responsible for the safekeeping of property entrusted to it under
this Agreement and taking such precautions as are now in force, or may hereafter be put into force, for
the safekeeping and preservation of its own property.
The Recipient will clean, repair, and restore the object as agreed to in writing and will not otherwise
alter object without the written permission of the Lender. The Recipient will exercise the same care in
respect to loans as it does for the safekeeping of its own property.
INSURANCE: Object accepted on loan will be insured wall-to-wall under the Recipient's policy,
subject to the usual exclusions of All Risks policies. The object will be insured for the amounts
indicated on this document, against "all risks" of physical damage from any external cause while in the
possession of the Recipient during the period of the loan.
USE OF OBJECT: The Recipient may exhibit or use the object for educational purposes in the same
manner as similar objects in its collection.
PROVISIONS BINDING UPON RECIPIENT: The provisions hereof shall be binding upon the
Recipient, the Recipient's heirs, legal representatives, successors and assigns.
RETURN OF OBJECT TO MUSEUM: The object(s) will be returned and the signed acknowledgment
of their receipt by the Museum Curator or the Museum's duly appointed authorized agent or legal
representative will be given.
TITLE TO OBJECT: The Agreement is accepted on the understanding that the Museums Bayham is
the lawful owner of the above -named object and is fully competent to lend such object under the terms
and conditions of the Agreement.
Qta"ect s Value
verify that I am authorized to endorse this agreement on behalf of the recipient organization
and hereby acknowledge receipt of the object(s) identified above.
Insurance coverage is provided by
DATED this day of
Print Name of Recipient
Signature of Recipient
under Policy #
Signature of Museum
Form 13.10
Page 3 of 3 Conservation Agreement Form 13.10 continued
The Museum hereby acknowledges receipt of returned object(s) this day of
Signature of Museum Curator or Designate:
Print Name:
Form 13. 10
Municipality of mm I "Air
A: P.O. Box 160, 56169 Heritage Line
Straffordville, ON NOJ 1YO
T: 519-866-5521
F: 519-866-3884
E: bayham@bayham.on.ca
Date Left
Museum for
19 0,.-
Returned to
Form 13.11
Municipality of ImMIJI-r-p- ",'f
A: P.O. Box 160, 56169 Heritage Line
Straffordville, ON NOJ 1YO
T: 519-866-5521
F: 519- 866-3884
E: bayham@b.ayham.on.ca
Po-rtu.ity IS
The Museums Bayham and the Municipality of Bayham hereby gives, donates and releases to the
Address) (Contact #)
the object(s) listed herein.
In so doing the Museums Bayham and the Municipality of Bayham relinquishes any rights of ownership
or possession of the item(s) and the recipient acknowledges receipt of the item(s) and accepts the
item(s) in the condition as is without warranty or representation.
Page 1 of 2 Form 13.12
Page 2 of 2 De -accessioned Items Form 13.12 continued
Reasons for De -accession
To remove objects from the collection when they are no longer suitable or useful to the
permanent collection or the educational programming
i.e. duplicates, do not meet the current mandate);
To remove objects from the collection that may be causing harm to other museum artifacts (i.e.
giving off harmful gases, infesting with vermin)
To remove objects from the collection when they can no longer be preserved, conserved or
cared for properly (i.e. lack of funds or space, unsuitable or unstable environment)
Method of Proposed De -accession ranked in Order of Preference
1. Transfer to the hands-on education or research collection (does not require Council approval)
2. Donation or trade to another cultural institution (to keep in public domain)
3. Sale to a dealer
a. Sale by public auction
Repatriation to rightful destination (human remains or illegal ownership)
Appropriate permanent physical disposal (total destruction)
Signed at _ this day of 20
Name of Recipient in full:
Telephone: _
Signature on behalf of the Recipient
Signature on behalf of the Museums Bayham / Municipality of Bayham
Form 13.12
BY-LAW NUMBER 2021-022
WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham recognizes the need
for clear and concise policies concerning Museums Bayham;
AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham is desirous that a
policy be established for Museums Bayham Interpretation and Education;
AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham is desirous that
such a Policy be approved by By-law;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of
Bayham enacts as follows:
1. THAT the Policy to be known as the 'Museums Bayham Interpretation and Education
Policy' as set out in Attachment 'A' attached hereto and forming part of this by-law is
hereby adopted.
2. THAT the interpretation and education related to the Port Burwell Marine Museum &
Historic Lighthouse shall be maintained in accordance with the said Policy.
3. THAT By-law No. 2007-083 Education Policy be repealed in its entirety.
4. THAT this By-law shall come into full force and effect on the date of its passage.
APRIL 2021.
Municipality of Bayham
Museums Bayham — Interpretation & Education Policy
1A Museums Bayham exists to educate the citizens of Bayham and the community beyond
about the history of the Bayham area. This includes Port Burwell and its lighthouse in
relation to the local and marine heritage of the Great Lakes, fostering an appreciation for
the relationship of Bayham's past to its present and future development.
1.2 To this end, Museums Bayham collects, records, preserves, researches, shares,
promotes and presents exhibits and interprets documents and artifacts related to the
history of Bayham.
1.3 Museums Bayham has been established to collect, preserve, promote, research and
share the history of Bayham.
1.4 The Marine Museum and Lighthouse have been established to serve the inhabitants of
Port Burwell and the Bayham area, with a strong appeal to tourists visiting the region.
The museum collection will focus on marine documentation and artifacts that illustrate
the relationships between marine life on the Great Lakes together with domestic and
commercial life of the Village as a port on Lake Erie.
1,5 The Museum will collect, exhibit and interpret artifacts that tell the story of marine life on
the Great Lakes & the Village of Port Burwell, in accordance with documented research
and records.
1_6 This Statement of Purpose may not be altered without the approval of the Council of the
Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham upon recommendation of the Museums
Bayham Board.
1.7 The Statement of Purpose is in the Policy to provide guidelines for the collection:
a. the reason for the museum's existence;
b. the time period of which objects will be collected and what they will be related to;
c_ justification for accepting or declining artifacts from potential donors;
d. the public intended to be reached.
2A The Port Burwell Marine Museum & Historic Lighthouse is committed to collecting,
preserving, researching and sharing the history of marine life on the Great Lakes & the
history of Port Burwell and the Historic Lighthouse.
3.1 'Educational Programming' shall encompass guided or self -guided museum tours of the
permanent and temporary exhibitions by casual drop -in visitors, custom designed tours
for special interest groups, special events and activities offered during those events,
lectures, workshops, children's programs, and curriculum -based school group
programming at the Museum and in class.
3. `Interpretation' shall mean information related to the museum and its collection shared
directly by a museum staff member or volunteer with the visiting public. This information
may be shared via exhibits and displays, and verbally or physically through
demonstrations in order to enhance the visitor's understanding of the particular object or
a broader concept.
3.3 'Pedagogy' shall mean the study of how knowledge and skills are exchanged in an
educational context, and it considers the interactions that take place during learning. The
museum setting and its educational role has been identified as the core to museums'
service to the public, as it encourages exploration, study, observation, critical thinking,
contemplation and dialogue.
4_1 Museums Bayham is committed. to the development and delivery of exhibitions, public
programs, and other educational activities based on the Museums Bayham collection, in
order to realize its goals and objectives contained in the museum's statement of
4.2 As a community museum owned and operated by the Municipality of Bayham, the
Museums Bayham functions within the community as an institution working in concert
with formal and informal educational partners to provide a valuable educational
resource. At the heart of this commitment is a belief in the role of museums as centres
for life-long learning.
4.3 Responsibilities
a. To ensure that the Museum's educational and public programs are consistent
with the subject matter described in the Museum's Statement of Purpose.
b. To develop priorities and provide resources for designing, researching,
determining content, producing, implementing and evaluating the Museum's
educational and public programs.
c. To affirm that the highest ethical standards continue to be met by the Museum
and its staff in all activities pertaining to the Museum's education functions.
d. To ensure that the Museum's educational and interpretive methods and
techniques do not compromise the natural, cultural, scientific and/or artistic
integrity of the artifacts entrusted into the Museum's care, nor needlessly hasten
the physical, chemical and/or biological degradation of those artifacts.
e. To affirm that education for all ages is a primary purpose of the Museum and that
the educational purpose is integrated into all of the Museum's activities especially
its exhibit function.
f. To affirm that the Museum conduct research into the ways people of all ages
learn in museums, since continuing, systematic research into these unique
processes and mechanisms is the key to the success of the Museum as an
environment for learning.
g. To develop a continuing and effective dialogue among school teachers,
educational administrators and academicians, and the Museum to explore the
potentially enriching relationship and the realization of mutual goals.
h. To provide a teaching and learning environment based on sound professionally
accepted museum pedagogical concepts, methods and techniques.
4.4 Interpretation and education programs are central to the Museums Bayham mandate,
recognizing the responsibilities the museum carries with respect to educating the
community. Through a series of varied programs, displays, exhibits, activities, and
events, the museum strives to engage the community in a greater understanding of their
cultural heritage.
4_6 Educational activities will
a. Develop and maintain Museums Bayham as a dynamic institution committed to
providing the community with engaging and informative educational resources by
using the collection in a stimulating, accurate, and imaginative manner
b. Educate the community about the purpose and function of museums as an
institution that is vital to our culture and society
c. Incorporate relevant pedagogical practices, knowledge, attitudes, and skills
d. Be planned in a collaborative manner involving appropriate representatives from
the external community as needed
e_ Be developed and delivered by appropriately qualified museum staff, municipality
employees and volunteers
f. Employ a combination of instructive and open-ended inquiry learning methods
and techniques
g. Incorporate measures to accommodate those in the community with special
h. Respect diversity in all forms
5_1 The Museum Curator will design and implement a variety of programs and activities for
the general public that will include:
a. Guided tours
b. Interpretive demonstrations
c. Public lectures
d. Permanent and temporary exhibits and displays
e. Volunteer workshops
f. Attention to special needs individuals
6A The Museum Curator will design and implement curriculum based programs for school
groups that can be customized to suit:
a. the grade level of the group, be it a single grade or a home school group
b. the abilities of the attendees, taking into account special needs attendees
c. the number attending, which can affect the ability to engage in hands-on
opportunities for each individual
The Museum Curator will create and implement a variety of special events and activities
to be hosted at the Museum, on the grounds, or off -site, and they may be:
a. new exhibits
b. seasonal festivities
c. special guests
d. speaking engagements
e. held outside regular Museum hours
f. arranged at a time that is suitable for both the recipients and leader of the
held at off -site locations such as local fairs and trade shows
TO: Museum Advisory Committee
FROM: Margaret Underhill
DATE: May 17, 2023
In accordance with the Museum Advisory Committee’s (MAC) Terms of Reference, the
Committee is to set the Regular Meetings at the first meeting of the year. The Terms of Reference
states that the MAC meets quarterly.
Due to streamlining Committee documents and Members, the first meeting of 2023 did not take place until the 2nd quarter. This leaves two (2) quarters left for which meeting dates should be set.
It is recommended that the meetings take place in the first month of each quarter. The remaining meetings for the year are proposed for Wednesday, July 19, 2023 and Wednesday,
October 18, 2023. For 2024, it is proposed for the meeting months to be January, April, July, and October, which
will be set at the first January meeting. Additional meetings may be scheduled by the call of the Chair, if deemed necessary.
THAT Memo MAC-02/23 re Museum Advisory Committee Meeting Schedule be received for information;
AND THAT the following meeting dates be the Regular Meetings for the Museum Advisory Committee for 2023:
Wednesday, July 19, 2023 at 5:00 pm
Wednesday, October 18, 2023 at 5:00 pm
AND THAT the first meeting of 2024 be scheduled at the October 18, 2023 meeting.
Curator’s Report August 2022
The visitor response to the summer exhibit has been favourable. Noticed by the students has been the
increasing interest in visitors photographing the Welcome Wall with family members. This has been
discussed with the idea of trying to replicate this popularity and adding a more complete museum title
so that it will be in the pictures.
There have been several donations over the last two years. The electric sign belonging to the doctor in
town and a nightgown from the grandmother of one of the summer students, and six nautical maps that
show Lake Erie and the Ashtabula harbour are all items I believe would add to the museum’s collection.
Exhibits and Events
Our children’s activity partnership with the Library finished off this month and the numbers dwindled,
disappointing us.
We have had two staff meetings this month, including the wrap-up meeting where we examine the
summer’s activities and try to make recommendations for the future.
The change in staffing for the Lighthouse has not been a problem as visitors seem to have no problem
coming to the Museum to arrange a visit to climb to the top.
I am researching for next year’s exhibit and for a new educational program for the school children to
experience next year when they come to visit.
Curator’s Report September and October 2022
The museum was closed down until the spring.
Exhibits and Events
I continued to research for next year’s exhibit.
The students and I staffed the museum and lighthouse for the final days of our season, and with the
help of Margaret, closed on Labour Day.
I was away after Labour Day and returned in early Oct.
I read the Lighthouse Heritage Report.
Curator’s Report January 2022
The museum remains closed until the spring.
Exhibits and Events
I continued to research for next year’s exhibit and education program.
I am monitoring activities by email and contacting a potential donor.
Curator’s Report February-March 2023
The museum remains closed until the spring. I met donor Stephen Harding who donated several books
on railways in the area.
Exhibits and Events
I continued to research for next year’s exhibit and education program.
I am monitoring activities by email and keep informed on current museological issues.
Meetings include: Elgin County Advisory Board as museum and culture representative; Beyond the
Blackboard to network with other museum educators; the Port Burwell Historical Society to discuss the
use and restoration of the wheelhouse; the Mar. 30th staff meeting in Straffordville.
Curator’s Report April 2023
The museum remains closed until the spring. I cleared away last summer’s exhibit. The two large display
panels from the lighthouse are in the museum and they will be updated to better preserve and display
the photographs inside.
Exhibits and Events
I continue to research for next year’s exhibit and education program. I contacted Charlotte Wall from
the Port Burwell Public School and she would like the school to come for another visit this spring. We
will arrange the dates for early June.
Two summer students have been hired and both come with some great skills to help make the summer
a success.
TO: Museum Advisory Committee
FROM: Margaret Underhill
DATE: May 17, 2023
In January 2023, structural concerns were identified to the Port Burwell Lighthouse resulting in it
becoming closed to the public. In February 2023, Robinson Street was closed from Pitt to Brock
as there is a risk of the structure overturning in a significant wind event.
Council received the attached reports regarding the steps taken for stabilization measures.
1. Report CAO-11/23 Lighthouse Stabilization Measures 2. Report CAO-18/23 Award of Lighthouse Stabilization Works
THAT Memo MAC-03/23 re Port Burwell Lighthouse Update be received for information.
TO: Mayor & Members of Council
FROM: Thomas Thayer, CMO, CAO|Clerk
DATE: February 2, 2023
On January 5, 2023, Council received Report CAO-02/23 re Port Burwell Lighthouse Heritage and
Structural Assessment. The Report addressed the findings from the initial assessment of the
cladding on the Lighthouse, received in October 2022. The Report recommended a
comprehensive heritage and structural assessment of the Lighthouse, stemming from initial
findings and concerns about structural compromise.
Council passed the following motion:
Moved by: Councillor Emerson Seconded by: Councillor Chilcott THAT Report CAO-02/23 re Port Burwell Lighthouse Heritage and Structural Assessment be received for information; AND THAT Council accept the Proposal for Heritage Architectural Services for the Port Burwell Lighthouse Recladding Project - Cladding Review, Structural Report, and Preparation of Existing Condition Drawings in the amount of $19,935.00.
This Report discusses the findings of the structural assessment by Cooke and Associates Ltd.
Consulting Engineers (Cooke) and costing estimates from a+LINK Architecture Inc. (a+LINK) to
address immediate stability and integrity concerns prior to a more comprehensive restoration
In accordance with Council’s direction, a+LINK was advised of Council’s desire to continue with the full heritage and structural review. a+LINK coordinated two days to attend the Lighthouse for
data gathering and assessment of various elements of the structure. The structural assessment was conducted on January 17, 2023 by Jonathan Dee of Cooke. Also on-site was Tim Finch of a+LINK. Municipal supervisor representatives were the Manager of Public Works, the Roads
Operations Supervisor, and the CAO|Clerk.
During the course of the structural assessment, extensive deterioration was discovered in the main support columns of the Lighthouse, particularly where the support columns intersect with the existing concrete base. As per Jonathan Dee of Cooke:
“During the course of investigation of the Port Burwell Lighthouse, extensive deterioration (rot)
was identified at the main columns at each corner of the lighthouse, near the top of the concrete
foundation wall. The degree of deterioration is such that the capacity of these columns is seriously affected (with over 80% section loss in some cases). The lighthouse is a tall, slender
structure and is subjected to significant wind loading, especially as it sits atop a rise adjacent to
the water. Being a light, wood-framed structure, wind loadings have the potential to induce overturning about the base of the lighthouse. These would normally be resisted by additional
compression in the columns on the leeward side of the building and tension in the columns on
the windward side of the building. Resistance to these forces is presently compromised due to the condition of the columns. As such, and in addition to the risk of failure from gravity loads on
the columns, there exists an overturning risk for the lighthouse.”
Due to the above, staff have engaged in immediate discussion with a+LINK and Cooke regarding short-term mitigation measures to address the potential of a compression and/or wind-induced failure of the Lighthouse. A solution has been proposed by Cooke and a+LINK.
The solution proposes a collar installed into the exterior of the Lighthouse at the third landing level with helical pile hold-downs at ground level. The piles and collar would be connected with eight (8) guywire cables, one per vertex, suitable for the stabilization of the Lighthouse in the immediate term. Construction is estimated to take approximately one (1) week. A schematic of the proposed design is attached hereto, and its purpose is spoken to by Cooke as follows:
“The purpose of the stabilization is to mitigate the risk of overturning as economically as possible, using guy-wires and a steel collar to limit the amount of lateral movement of the
lighthouse, until such time as a permanent solution can be developed and constructed. While
scaffolding or large supporting members would be very costly, other economical approaches were considered, mainly involving strapping along the columns and secured at the base, but
were rejected due to the potential interference with future work, risks in terms of the extent of rot
that may be encountered along the columns, and because of the potential failure by prying action should there be a compressive failure on the opposite side of the lighthouse.”
The complete correspondence from Cooke is attached. Based on discussions with Cooke and a+LINK, they have advised of a cost for this solution of $84,000. This is not an insubstantial allocation for what is effectively a temporary solution, however, the solution has been deemed the most practical and economical by Cooke for the purposes of this project and given the possible failure modes for the Lighthouse. A costing breakdown is below: Piers $ 20,000 Steel Collar $ 10,000 Guy Wires $ 10,000 Vertical Access $ 15,000 (Manlift and Boom Truck)
Material Testing $ 2,000 Labour $ 16,000 ( 2 Labourers, 1 Welder, 1 Superintendent, 1 Week) Subtotal $ 73,000
Contractor OH&P $ 11,000 (15%) Total $ 84,000
It is also recommended, that due to the nature and accelerated construction timeline, including unexpected construction issues, the Municipality also allocate a 30 percent contingency.
In Q1 2022, a surplus allocation was made of $125,000 to the Facilities Reserve for works at the Port Burwell Lighthouse. Based on the above costing estimation provided, the Reserve does have enough allocated to support immediate stabilization efforts. It should also be noted that Robinson Street is currently closed adjacent to the Lighthouse due to overturning risk. It is expected that this solution will help mitigate those risks, and risk to Robinson Street and its users, which should allow for consideration of reopening once installed. Given the time-sensitive nature of the decision, staff recommend proceeding with the proposed works and recommend Council’s approval of same. ATTACHMENTS 1. Correspondence from Jonathan Dee, Cooke & Associates Consulting Engineers Ltd., re
Port Burwell Lighthouse – Stabilization Concept 2. Stabilization Concept Drawing RECOMMENDATION 1. THAT Report CAO-11/23 re Stabilization Measures – Port Burwell Lighthouse be
received for information; 2. AND THAT stabilization measures for the Port Burwell Lighthouse proceed as outlined
in Report CAO-11/23. Respectfully Submitted by: Thomas Thayer, CMO CAO|Clerk
17 Fitzgerald Rd., Suite 200, K2H 9G1 jgcooke.com 52-B John St. S, Suite 200, L7R 4B6 (613) 226-8718 mailbox@jgcooke.com (289) 288-3638
John G. Cooke, P.Eng., RSW President Grazyna A. Materna, M. Eng., P.Eng Vice President John D. Barton, C.E.T. Vice President Mary Cooke, C.Tech., CSP Partner Lisa Nicol, P.Eng. Partner Marty Lockman, P.Eng., ing. Partner Jonathan Dee, P. Eng., ing. (Hamilton) Associate Chris Vopni, P.Eng. Associate
a+LiNK Architecture Inc. February 1, 2023
126 Wellington Rd. London, ON N6C 4M8 Project No. 23065
Attn: Mr. Tim Finch
(timf@aLiNKarch.ca) Re: Port Burwell Lighthouse Stabilization Concept
Dear Mr. Finch,
Further to the request from Thomas Thayer during our January 31, 2023 meeting, we are providing the
following narrative about the design approach and intent for the stabilization of the Port Burwell Lighthouse, for the purposes of Thomas’ discussion with Council. A concept sketch was circulated previously.
During the course of investigation of the Port Burwell Lighthouse, extensive deterioration (rot) was identified
at the main columns at each corner of the lighthouse, near the top of the concrete foundation wall. The degree of deterioration is such that the capacity of these columns is seriously affected (with over 80%
section loss in some cases). The lighthouse is a tall, slender structure and is subjected to significant wind loading, especially as it sits atop a rise adjacent to the water. Being a light, wood-framed structure, wind
loadings have the potential to induce overturning about the base of the lighthouse. These would normally be resisted by additional compression in the columns on the leeward side of the building and tension in the
columns on the windward side of the building. Resistance to these forces is presently compromised due to the condition of the columns. As such, and in addition to the risk of failure from gravity loads on the columns,
there exists an overturning risk for the lighthouse.
The purpose of the stabilization is to mitigate the risk of overturning as economically as possible, using guy-wires and a steel collar to limit the amount of lateral movement of the lighthouse, until such time as a
permanent solution can be developed and constructed. While scaffolding or large supporting members would be very costly, other economical approaches were considered, mainly involving strapping along the
columns and secured at the base, but were rejected due to the potential interference with future work, risks in terms of the extent of rot that may be encountered along the columns, and because of the potential failure
by prying action should there be a compressive failure on the opposite side of the lighthouse. It should also be understood that the stabilization approach presented is intended to mitigate risks from overturning but
does not prevent the potential failure of a column. Should a column fail, the cables would need to elongate by a significant amount (100-150mm) to become fully engaged in restraining the lighthouse, which will
necessarily mean that there is some displacement or deformation of the lighthouse. Further mitigating risks of a column failure could be considered if the Owner wishes, but this would be more challenging and require
a more significant intervention at additional cost.
If you require any clarifications or further input, please don’t hesitate to contact the undersigned.
Jonathan Dee, P.Eng., ing., CAHP Associate
JD/jd 23065/ltr_1
DATE: 2023.01.24
SCALE: 1:250
2238Temporary Structural Stabilization
Port Burwell Lighthouse
Site Plan & Bldg. Section
TO: Mayor & Members of Council
FROM: Thomas Thayer, CMO, CAO|Clerk
DATE: March 23, 2023
On February 2, 2023, Council received Report CAO-11/23 re Stabilization Measures – Port
Burwell Lighthouse. The Report confirmed suspicions express in the initial assessment of the
cladding on the Lighthouse, received in October 2022, regarding structural concerns.
The Report identified a temporary stabilization measure for the Lighthouse, including a collar with
eight (8) guywires and helical piles to restrict the structure’s lateral movement and mitigate the
risks associated with a wind-loading failure of the Lighthouse. The estimated costs were $84,000
+ a 20-30 percent construction contingency as described in the Report, which provides for a range
of costs between $84,000 and $109,200.
The Report further identified that “[g]iven the time-sensitive nature of the decision, staff recommend proceeding with the proposed works and recommend Council’s approval of same.”
Council passed the following motion:
Moved by: Deputy Mayor Weisler Seconded by: Councillor Chilcott THAT Report CAO-11/23 re Stabilization Measures – Port Burwell Lighthouse be received for information; AND THAT stabilization measures for the Port Burwell Lighthouse proceed as outlined in Report CAO-11/23;
AND THAT the identified stabilization measures be funded through the Facilities Reserve.
This Report discusses results from a time-sensitive procurement process, led by a+LINK
Architecture Inc. (a+LINK).
In accordance with Council’s direction, a+LINK proceeded with a invited Request for Quote from known heritage restoration firms with substantial portfolios and/or specialty firms with
experience stabilizing/moving large structures, as well as potential short-term capacity to ensure project completion around the Victoria Day Long weekend. The latter was considered a paramount variable as Robinson Street between Pitt and Brock is currently closed due to the
risk of overturning, as noted in previous Reports. The Request was prepared by a+LINK with input from Cooke and Associates Consulting
Engineers (Cooke) and the Municipality. The following two (2) Bids were received: Bidder Base Bid Cash Allowance Total Bid Commencement of Works Completion of Works HRI Group $94,000 $5,000 $99,000 Within 2 weeks of notice Within 8 weeks of notice.
Robertson Restoration $95,000 $5,000 $100,000 Within 4 weeks of notice Within 8 weeks of notice
Both bids received are within the range provided by a+LINK and Cooke via their estimate described in Report CAO-11/23. Based on the above, and in discussion with a+LINK Architecture as the consultant and procurement lead, the Award is recommended to HRI Group
due to the lower base and total bid, and the quicker ability to mobilize in respect of this project. It should be noted that the Submitted Bid Form from HRI Group (attached) shows a Cash
Allowance and Total Bid that are in excess of the chart, above. a+LINK has advised that, since the Submission, HRI Group confirmed the Cash Allowance was in error and intended to be $5,000, which would bring the Total Bid to $99,000. This correspondence is also attached. Should Council wish to proceed with the Award as described, a by-law and Agreement will be brought forward to the April 6, 2023 meeting for adoption; however, notification to the contractor can proceed through Council agreement and direction via this Report. Staff also have Agreement from the adjacent landowner to permit access over their lands for these works, and restoration works, should they proceed within the next two (2) years. Both a+LINK and the successful bidder are aware of this arrangement. ATTACHMENTS
1. Submitted Bid Form and clarifying email – HRI Group RECOMMENDATION 1. THAT Report CAO-18/23 re Procurement Award – Port Burwell Lighthouse Temporary Stabilization Measures be received for information; 2. AND THAT Council award the temporary stabilization measures to HRI Group Inc. in a
base amount of $94,000 and a total amount of $106,200;
3. AND THAT the appropriate By-law be brought forward for Council’s consideration.
Respectfully Submitted by: Thomas Thayer, CMO, AOMC CAO|Clerk
Port Burwell Lighthouse – Temporary Stabilization Tender Form Section 00 40 00-R1
Municipality of Bayham RFQ 23-01 / Project: 2238 / JCAL 23065
17 Robinson Street, Port Burwell, ON. Page 1 of 4
Project: Port Burwell Lighthouse
Temporary Stabilization
Project No.: JCAL Project No. 23065, A+Link No. 2238,
(company name)
(street address or postal box number)
(city / town, province, and postal code)
To (Owner): Municipality of Bayham
56169 Heritage Line, PO Box 160, Straffordville, ON. N0J 1Y0
The undersigned proposes to provide all labour, materials, equipment and services necessary for the
completion of the General Contract Work for _Temporary Stabilization of the Port Burwell Lighthouse_,
_17 Robinson Street Port Burwell , Ontario, for the _Municipality of Bayham_ (hereinafter called the
Owner) in accordance with the related drawings and specifications for the TOTAL TENDER PRICE
(excluding Value Added Taxes) of:
(Numeric) and _______________ Cents $ ______________________________________________
.1 The Total Tender Price for the Work is as follows:
.1 Base Bid $ _________________________________
(excluding Value Added Taxes)
.2 Cash Allowances Total $ __
(excluding Value Added Taxes)
(Including Allowances, excluding Value Added Taxes)
.2 The lowest or any Tender will not necessarily be accepted. The Owner reserves the right to
accept or reject any and all Tenders, or any part of any one Tender, and the right to cancel
any portion of the Work described in the Tender without any claim whatsoever because of
such cancellation.
Heritage Restoration Inc.
14 Paisley Lane
Uxbridge ON L9P 0G5
Ninety Four thousand dollars ----------------------------------------------------------------
Port Burwell Lighthouse – Temporary Stabilization Tender Form Section 00 40 00-R1
Municipality of Bayham RFQ 23-01 / Project: 2238 / JCAL 23065
17 Robinson Street, Port Burwell, ON. Page 2 of 4
Item Description Unit Estimated
Contract Unit
Total Item Price
1. Mobilization/Demobilization: Includes any and all
component set-up to facilitate the Work, and any
and all component removal, cleanup, landscaping
and reinstatement of components disrupted by the
Lump Sum n/a n/a $
2. All other items not identified in the bid form but
are specified, indicated or implied in the contract
documents and/or are required to complete the job
in its entirety including the cost of all permits and
other fees, except the building permit.
Lump Sum n/a n/a
3. Provide temporary enclosures and temporary
structures for security and safety and Work
enclosure. Include for all temporary protection.
Lump Sum n/a n/a $
4. Structural steel, including supply and installation. Lump Sum n/a n/a $
5. Wire rope, including supply and installation. Lump Sum n/a n/a $
6. Helical piles, including design, supply, and
Lump Sum n/a n/a $
1) Complete in its entirety the Schedule of Itemized and Unit Prices and the Total Lump Sum Quotation
on first page of the Bid Submission Form.
2) Quotations for various items are required on a Lump Sum or Unit Price basis. In each case, the
quoted price will be for the completed work, including all labour, equipment, and material required,
necessary, or incidental to the item. Applicable taxes (excluding Value Added Taxes), overhead, and
profit, and any or all other associated Contractor expenses shall also be included.
3) Quantities provided for lump sum items are approximate in nature and are not to be relied upon by
the Bidder. Bidder to measure all quantities on site.
4) The final Contract Price shall be the final sum of all Lump Sum items, used portion of the allowances
and the sum of the products of the actual quantities that are incorporated in, or made necessary by the
Work, as confirmed by count and measurement, and the appropriate Contract Unit Prices, together
with any adjustments that are made in accordance with the provisions of the Contract Documents.
5) The Total Estimated Contract Price shall be adjusted by written order to provide for any excess or
deficit to each Contract Unit Price and any cash allowances.
6) Deletions from the Bid Form will be deducted at 100% of the Unit or Total Item Price.
Port Burwell Lighthouse – Temporary Stabilization Tender Form Section 00 40 00-R1
Municipality of Bayham RFQ 23-01 / Project: 2238 / JCAL 23065
17 Robinson Street, Port Burwell, ON. Page 3 of 4
Submit the names of Subcontractors proposed for the work. The Contractor reserves the right to substitute
another Subcontractor, in the event that a Subcontractor withdraws or becomes bankrupt after the date
hereof or proves to be unsatisfactory. Any such substitution shall be subject to the Consultant’s approval
and contingent upon evidence of withdrawal or bankruptcy or unsatisfactory performance.
(Bidder to bar and initial space below if not used)
Structural Steel
Wire Rope / Rigging
Helical Piles EBS Geostructural
own forces /
own forces /
Rassaun Services
Rassaun Services
Port Burwell Lighthouse – Temporary Stabilization Tender Form Section 00 40 00-R1
Municipality of Bayham RFQ 23-01 / Project: 2238 / JCAL 23065
17 Robinson Street, Port Burwell, ON. Page 4 of 4
We, the undersigned, declare that:
(a) we agree to commence work within _____ weeks of receipt of advice by letter of intent or
(b) we will attain Substantial Performance of the Work within _____ weeks after receiving notice of
contract award.
(c) we have arrived at this bid without collusion with any competitor,
(d) this Bid is open to acceptance by the Owner for a period of 60 days from the date of bid closing,
(e) all bid form supplements called for by the Bid Documents form an integral part of this bid.
If awarded the Contract, we agree to complete the Scope of Work within the time limit specified above
and have all construction equipment removed from site. Indicate agreement of this clause by initialling
this clause:
Signed and submitted by:
(company name)
(name and title of authorized signing officer)
(signature of authorized signing officer)
(name of witness)
(signature of witness)
(name and title of authorized signing officer)
(signature of authorized signing officer)
(name of witness)
(signature of witness)
Dated this ____________________________ day of _____________________________________,
20_____ .
Note: affix corporate seal as required by Bid Documents.
Heritage Restoration Inc.
Chris Huntley - President
Lindsay Benson office Manager
15th March
Tim Finch
Thomas Thayer
Re: CCDC2 Agreement - HRI
March 21, 2023 11:38:59 AM
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email system. Please use caution when clicking links or opening attachments
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Hi Thomas, FYI. HRI has confirmed the cash allowance value in the total tender price was
supposed to be $5,000.00. Not the $12,220.00 which is actually the HST value on the$94,000.00. The total tender price without HST is $99,000.00. I will show this value in the
Tim Finch
Senior Technologist
Lic. Tech. OAA, A.Sc.T., CAHP
o: 519-649-0220
126 Wellington Rd, London, ON N6C 4M8
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TO: Museum Advisory Committee
FROM: Margaret Underhill
DATE: May 17, 2023
The Municipality of Bayham is responsible for the hiring of summer students for the Port Burwell
Marine Museum for the tourist season. For 2023, advertising was placed in the two local
newspapers, posted to the Young Canada Works Job Bank and Indeed.ca, as well as, the
municipal website employment page.
After only receiving three resumes and conducting in-person interviews, staff were successful in
hiring two students to start on May 15, 2023.
The students will commence with a mandatory training day on May 15, 2023, which will include orientation with the municipality, the museum and health and safety training presentation and on-line training. The students will be supervised by the Curator Jennifer Beauchamp and Margaret Underhill. The students will be working on their own for some of the time with direction and task assignments from the Curator. There will be a new display at the Museum for the 2023 season featuring pictures and information on erosion and weathering and how it affects our surroundings.
Projects that are planned so far include: - Dismantling the Lighthouse information panels and cataloguing the photos from the
Lighthouse display board now in the museum - Installing a themed display on the “Welcome” board at the entrance entitled "The Eternal
Battle: Erosion and Weathering on the Shores of Lake Erie"
- Create a tourist information “nook” by the quilt – County will supply some brochures - general tidying and cleanup of artifacts and storage areas - reformatting displays/setting up new
- setting up the files and record keeping/visitor tracking spreadsheets etc. for the 2023 season - assisting with the preparation for the Port Burwell Public School visits late May/early June - planning Canada Day activities
- planning Children’s Summer Program in collaboration with the Fred Bodsworth Library - contacting and advertising both Canada Day and Children’s programming to local
businesses and the Provincial Park The Curator and I are excited for the season to begin working with two new students with new and fresh ideas.
THAT Memo MAC-04/23 regarding the Summer Students and Activities is received for
Municipality of Bayham
2022 Museum and Lighthouse Visitor's Record
Adults Children Adults Children
May 107 36 190 100
June 209 230 337 249
July 512 311 661 440
August 541 274 519 338
September 120 55 76 44
Totals 1489 906 1783 1171
Totals per Site 2395 2954
Museum Lighthouse