HomeMy WebLinkAboutApril 21, 2016 - Council THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA MUNICIPAL OFFICE 9344 Plank Road, Straffordville, ON Council Chambers Thursday, April 21, 2016 7:00 p.m. 1. CALLTO ORDER 2. DISCLOSURES OF PECUNIARY INTEREST & THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF 3. REVIEW OF ITEMS NOT LISTED ON AGENDA 4. ANNOUNCEMENTS 5. DELEGATIONS 6. ADOPTION OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING(S) A. Regular Meeting of Council held April 7, 2016 B. Special Meeting held April 12, 2016 7. MOTIONS AND NOTICE OF MOTION 8. RECREATION, CULTURE, TOURISM AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 8.1 Correspondence 8.1.1 Receive for Information 8.1.2 Requiring Action 8.2 Reports to Council 9. PHYSICAL SERVICES — EMERGENCY SERVICES 9.1 Correspondence 9.1.1 Receive for Information 9.1.2 Requiring Action 9.2 Reports to Council 10. DEVELOPMENT SERVICES —SUSTAINABILITY AND CONSERVATION 10.1 Correspondence 10.1.1 Receive for Information A. Committee of Adjustment Notice of Decision 1841449 Ontario Inc. B. Committee of Adjustment Notice of Decision Vogelsang 10.1.2 Requiring Action 2016 Council Agenda April 21, 2016 10.2 Reports to Council A. Report DS-20/16 by Bill Knifton, Chief Building Official/Drainage Superintendent re Petition for Drainage from Road Authority 11. FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION 11.1 Correspondence 11.1.1 Receive for Information A. County of Elgin By-law 16-07 being a By-law for the adoption of the 2016 Budget and to establish the 2016 Tax Ratios and Rates for the County Constituent Municipalities B. Ministry of Finance re Business Property Tax Capping C. Ernie Hardeman, MPP Oxford re Municipal Elections Modernization Act D. Long Point Region Conservation Authority minutes of annual general meeting held February 26, 2016 E. Township of Malahide re East Elgin Secondary School Co-operative Education Program F. Town of Tillsonburg re Memorandum —OPAL Request for Resolution G. Elgin County re Elgincentives Community Improvement Plan H. Township of North Frontenac re Independent Electrical System Operator Review of Request for Proposal Process for the Award of Renewable Energy Contracts I. Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services re Strategy for a Safer Ontario J. Township of Georgian Bay re Enforcement of 'No Wake' Zones K. Ministry of Citizenship, Immigration and International Trade re Lincoln M. Alexander Award L. Ontario Energy Board Notice re cost recovery mechanisms M. Elgin County By-Law 16-11 being a By-law for the Regulation of Traffic N. Municipality of Bayham 2016 Budget Infographics 11.1.2 Requiring Action A. Museums Bayham Advisory Board & Committee Resolution re unstaffed static display B. Museums Bayham Advisory Board & Committee Resolution re future of the preservation of the Edison story 2016 Council Agenda April 21, 2016 11.2 Reports to Council A. Report TR-11/16 by Lorne James, Treasurer re 2017 Budget Schedule B. Report TR-14/16 by Lorne James, Treasurer re Charitable Donations Receipt Policy C. Report TR-15/16 by Lorne James, Treasurer re Final Tax Due Dates D. Report CAO-31/16 by Paul Shipway, CAO re RFT 16-03 Line Painting E. Report CAO-32/16 by Paul Shipway, CAO re Tree Planting Considerations 12. BY-LAWS A. By-Law 2016-030 Being a By-law to adopt the Capital Estimates for the Year 2016 B. By-Law 2016-031 Being a By-law to establish a levy for the year 2016 to adopt tax rates, provide for penalty and interest in default of payment and the collection thereof C. By-Law 2016-032 Being a By-law to adopt a Municipal Charitable Donation Receipt Policy D. By-Law 2016-033 Being a By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement between the Municipality of Bayham and KDN Pavement Marking Ltd. E. By-Law 2016-034 Being a By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement between the Municipality of Bayham and the County of Elgin 13. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. In Camera B. Confidential Item regarding a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board (Harbour Lands) C. Out of Camera 14. OTHER BUSINESS 15. BY-LAW TO CONFIRM THE PROCEEDINGS OF COUNCIL A. By-Law 2016-035 Being a By-law to confirm all actions of Council 16 ADJOURNMENT THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES MUNICIPAL OFFICE 9344 Plank Road, Straffordville, ON Council Chambers Thursday, April 7, 2016 7:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m. —Committee of Adjustment A-03/16— 1841449 Ontario Inc. (Dyck) A07/16—Vogelsang Council recessed at 8:35 p.m. for a short bread and reconvened at 8:45 p.m. PRESENT: MAYOR PAUL ENS DEPUTY MAYOR TOM SOUTHWICK COUNCILLORS WAYNE CASIER RANDY BREYER ED KETCHABAW STAFF PRESENT: CAO PAUL SHIPWAY DEPUTY CLERK/PLANNING COORDINATOR MARGARET UNDERHILL DRAINAGE SUPERINTENDENT BILL KNIFTON WATERNVASTEWATER OPERATIONS MANAGER ED ROLOSON PUBLIC WORKS OPERATIONS SUPERVISOR ED BRADFIELD CLERK'S ASSISTANT BRENDA GIBBONS 1. CALLTO ORDER Mayor Ens called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. DISCLOSURES OF PECUNIARY INTEREST & THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF No disclosures of pecuniary interest were declared. 3. REVIEW OF ITEMS NOT LISTED ON AGENDA None. 4. ANNOUNCEMENTS None. 5. DELEGATIONS A. 7:05 p.m. — Brenda Slater, Municipal Property Assessment Corporation re 2016 Assessment Update Brenda Slater, Municipal Property Assessment Corporation representative provided an overview of updates and changes to the 2016 Residential Assessment. Ms. Slater noted responsibilities of parties involved in the Assessment process, updates to a more simplified notice and a revamped online tool for property owners. Residential Property Assessment Notices for Bayham are being mailed April 18, 2016. 2016 Council Minutes April 7, 2016 Page 2 of 8 Moved by: Councillor Breyer Seconded by: Deputy Mayor Southwick THAT presentation regarding 2016 Assessment Update be received for information. CARRIED B. 7:20 p.m. - Elgin County Warden Bernie Wiehle and CAO Mark McDonald re overview of County operations and key initiatives contemplated for 2016 and beyond Elgin County Warden Bernie Wiehle and CAO Mark McDonald provided a presentation focusing on County Budget Highlights, Key Initiatives, Partnerships & Collaboration as well as County work planned for Bayham in 2016 in such areas as roads, archives, museums and tourism. Moved by: Councillor Casier Seconded by: Councillor Ketchabaw THAT presentation regarding overview of County operations and key initiatives contemplated for 2016 and beyond be received for information. CARRIED 6. ADOPTION OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING(S) A. Regular Meeting of Council held March 17, 2016 Moved by: Deputy Mayor Southwick Seconded by: Councillor Breyer THAT the minutes of the regular meeting held March 17, 2016 be adopted as amended. CARRIED 7. MOTIONS AND NOTICE OF MOTION 8. RECREATION, CULTURE, TOURISM AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 8.1 Correspondence 8.1.1 Receive for Information 8.1.2 Requiring Action 8.2 Reports to Council 9. PHYSICAL SERVICES — EMERGENCY SERVICES 9.1 Correspondence 9.1.1 Receive for Information 9.1.2 Requiring Action 9.2 Reports to Council A. Report BL-03/16 by Randy White, Fire Chief/By-law Officer re Prohibited Animal By-law Exemption 2016 Council Minutes April 7, 2016 Page 3 of 8 Moved by: Councillor Ketchabaw Seconded by: Deputy Mayor Southwick THAT Report BL-03/16 re Prohibited Animal By-Law Exemption be received for information; AND THAT Council grant an exemption to the Prohibited Animal By-Law for Marisa Zilli, allowing to keep the species Kinkajou as part of her business and educational work. CARRIED 10. DEVELOPMENT SERVICES —SUSTAINABILITY AND CONSERVATION 10.1 Correspondence 10.1.1 Receive for Information A. Notice of Public Meeting re 1841449 Ontario Inc. (Dyck) Minor Variance application B. Notice of Public Meeting re Vogelsang Minor Variance application Moved by: Councillor Casier Seconded by: Councillor Breyer THAT correspondence items 10.1.1-A— 10.1.1-B be received for information. CARRIED 10.1.2 Requiring Action 10.2 Reports to Council A. Report DS-15/16 by Bill Knifton, Chief Building Official/Drainage Superintendent re Fearnley Drain Improvements Moved by: Councillor Breyer Seconded by: Councillor Ketchabaw THAT Report DS-15/16 re Fernley Municipal Drain Improvements be received for information; AND THAT Council appoint Spriet Associates as the Engineers to make an examination of the drainage area and prepare a report for Council's consideration. CARRIED B. Report DS-16/16 by Bill Knifton, Chief Building Official/Drainage Superintendent re 1st Quarter Report Moved by: Councillor Casier Seconded by: Deputy Mayor Southwick THAT Report DS-16/16 re the activities of the Building Services & Drainage Department for the first quarter of 2016 be received for information. CARRIED 2016 Council Minutes April 7, 2016 Page 4 of 8 C. Report DS-17/16 by Margaret Underhill, Deputy Clerk/Planning Coordinator re Site Plan Agreement— Port Burwell Periscope Playhouse Inc. Moved by: Councillor Breyer Seconded by: Councillor Ketchabaw THAT Report DS-17/16 re Site Plan Agreement— Port Burwell Periscope Playhouse Inc. be received for information; AND THAT By-law No. 2016-025, being a By-law to authorize the execution of a Site Plan Agreement between Port Burwell Periscope Playhouse Inc. and the Municipality of Bayham for development at the property known as 42 Wellington Street, Port Burwell be presented for enactment. CARRIED 11. FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION 11.1 Correspondence 11.1.1 Receive for Information A. Capstone Power Development re Update on the IESO's Large Renewable Procurement I (LRP I) and the Erie Shores Wind Farm 2 proposal B. Elgin County re resolution from Town of Carleton Place C. Elgin County re Environmental Compliance Application Approvals D. Elgin County re 2015 Library Usage and Statistics Report E. Elgin County re Creek Road ownership F. Elgin County re Elgin County 2016 Budget G. Alternative Land Use Services (ALUS) Elgin County Partnership Advisory Committee (PAC) Minutes of meetings held January 27, 2016 and March 8, 2016 H. Minister Responsible for Seniors Affairs re Seniors Month in Ontario I. Thames Valley District School Board re Attendance Area Review for the elementary French Immersion Program in Elgin County J. Healthy Communities Partnership Minutes of meeting held January 26, 2016, Healthy Kids Community Challenge Physical Activity Theme Update and Financial Balance Sheet dated March 14, 2016 Moved by: Councillor Breyer Seconded by: Councillor Casier THAT correspondence items 11.1.1-A— 11.1.1-J be received for information. CARRIED 2016 Council Minutes April 7, 2016 Page 5 of 8 11.1.2 Requiring Action A. Bayham Harbourfront Committee re Port Burwell East Beach Landscape Improvement Proposal Moved by: Councillor Casier Seconded by: Councillor Breyer THAT Harbourfront Committee proposal re Port Burwell East Beach Landscape Improvement be received for information. AND THAT staff be directed to elevate and seed part 'A' within the current confines of the drainage outlet; AND THAT staff be directed to bring back detailed design considerations and East Beach plan with public consultation plan for Council consideration. CARRIED B. EdisonFest Committee, a Sub Committee of Museums Bayham, Advisory Board & Committee Resolution Moved by: Councillor Breyer Seconded by: Councillor Ketchabaw THAT the Council of the Municipality of Bayham supports an application prepared and submitted for EdisonFest funding support under the County Festival and Event Program, subject to availability and applicable deadlines. CARRIED 11.2 Reports to Council A. Report CAO-26/16 by Paul Shipway, CAO re Great Lakes Guardian Fund Moved by: Deputy Mayor Southwick Seconded by: Councillor Breyer THAT Report CAO-26/16 re Great Lakes Guardian Fund be received for information; AND THAT staff be directed to inform LPRCA the Municipality is not prepared to move forward with this project at this time. CARRIED B. Report CAO-27/16 by Paul Shipway, CAO re Green Energy Act Moved by: Deputy Mayor Southwick Seconded by: Councillor Breyer THAT Report CAO-27/16 re Green Energy Act be received for information; AND THAT Council direct staff to publish Report CAO 27/16 inclusive of the Municipality of Bayham Conservation Demand Management Plan and 2014 Energy Consumption and Green 2016 Council Minutes April 7, 2016 Page 6 of 8 House Gas Emissions Summary on the Municipal website in accordance with Ontario Regulation 397/11. CARRIED C. Report CAO-28/16 by Paul Shipway, CAO re 2016 Sidewalk Inventory—Assessment Moved by: Councillor Casier Seconded by: Councillor Breyer THAT Report CAO-28/16 re 2016 Sidewalk Inventory—Assessment be received for information; CARRIED D. Report CAO-29/16 by Paul Shipway, CAO re RFP 16-01 Public Space Recycling Receptacles Moved by: Deputy Mayor Southwick Seconded by: Councillor Breyer THAT Report CAO-29/16 re RFP 16-01 Public Space Recycling Receptacles be received for information; AND THAT Council award the purchase and delivery of thirty (30) Public Space Recycling Receptacles to Canaan Inc. in the amount of$980+HST/Receptacle. CARRIED 12. BY-LAWS A. By-Law 2016-022 A By-law to authorize the execution of a contribution agreement under the Canada 150 Community Infrastructure Program B. By-Law 2016-025 A By-law to authorize the execution of a site plan agreement between Port Burwell Periscope Playhouse Inc. and the Municipality of Bayham C. By-Law 2016-026 A By-law to authorize the execution of a development Agreement between 1841449 Ontario Inc. and the Municipality of Bayham D. By-Law 2016-027 A By-law to authorize the execution of an amending agreement between the Municipaity of Bayham and Service Line Warranties of Canada Moved by: Councillor Casier Seconded by: Councillor Ketchabaw THAT By-laws 2016-022, 2016-025, 2016-026 and 2016-027 be read a first, second and third time and finally passed. CARRIED 2016 Council Minutes April 7, 2016 Page 7 of 8 13. UNFINISHED BUSINESS None 14. OTHER BUSINESS 14.1 A. Councillor Breyer brought forward that he was requested to resign via an unsigned item of correspondence delivered to his property and described the action as bullying. Councillor Breyer indicated he has no intention of resigning and is committed to Bayham. B. Mayor Ens put forward the suggestion of a tree replacement program Moved by: Councillor Ketchabaw Seconded by: Deputy Mayor Southwick THAT staff be directed to bring back a report on tree replacement consideration. CARRIED 14.2 In Camera Moved by: Deputy Mayor Southwick Seconded by: Councillor Breyer THAT the Council do now rise to enter into an "In Camera" Session of Committee of the Whole at 8:45 p.m. to discuss: • litigation or potential litigation including matters before administrative tribunals, affecting the municipality or local board; • advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose; • proposed or pending acquisition(s) or disposition(s) of land by the municipality or local board • personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees CARRIED A. Confidential Item regarding litigation or potential litigation, including matters before administrative tribunals, affecting the municipality or local board and advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose (Municipal Infrastructure) B. Confidential Item regarding a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board (Harbour) C. Confidential Item regarding personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees 2016 Council Minutes April 7, 2016 Page 8 of 8 14.3 Out of Camera Moved by: Deputy Mayor Southwick Seconded by: Councillor Casier THAT the Committee of the Whole do now rise from the "In Camera" session at 9:38 p.m. with nothing to report. CARRIED 15. BY-LAW TO CONFIRM THE PROCEEDINGS OF COUNCIL A. By-Law 2016-028 Being a By-law to confirm all actions of Council Moved by: Councillor Breyer Seconded by: Councillor Ketchabaw THAT confirming By-law 2016-028 be read a first, second and third time and finally passed. CARRIED 16 ADJOURNMENT Moved by: Councillor Breyer Seconded by: Deputy Mayor Southwick THAT the Council meeting be adjourned at 9:40 p.m. CARRIED MAYOR CLERK THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES MUNICIPAL OFFICE 9344 Plank Road, Straffordville, ON Council Chambers Tuesday, April 12, 2016 6:00 p.m. PRESENT: MAYOR PAUL ENS DEPUTY MAYOR TOM SOUTHWICK COUNCILLORS WAYNE CASIER RANDY BREYER ED KETCHABAW STAFF PRESENT: CAO PAUL SHIPWAY CHIEF BUILDING OFFICIAL/ DRAINAGE SUPERINTENDENT BILL KNIFTON CLERK'S ASSISTANT BRENDA GIBBONS 1. CALLTO ORDER Mayor Ens called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. DISCLOSURES OF PECUNIARY INTEREST &THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF No disclosures of pecuniary interest were declared. 3. DISCUSSION A. Straffordville Community Centre Tender Design Council discussed the specifics of the tender design for the Straffordville Community Centre. Moved by: Councillor Casier Seconded by: Councillor Breyer THAT staff be directed to investigate a redesign of the existing women's washroom at the north end of the facility and the proposed barrier free washroom into a single women's washroom, as the only women's washroom, and utilize the existing women's washroom at the south portion of the facility as a barrier free washroom to determine: i. Approximate timeline for revisions; ii. Estimated cost of works; iii. Impact on tender schedule timeline; AND THAT staff be directed to report back to Council via email. CARRIED Moved by: Councillor Ketchabaw Seconded by: Deputy Mayor Southwick THAT staff be directed to return the Enabling Accessibility Funds. CARRIED 2016 Council Minutes April 7, 2016 4. BY-LAW A. By-Law 2016-029 A By-law to confirm all actions of Council Moved by: Councillor Ketchabaw Seconded by: Deputy Mayor Southwick THAT confirming By-law 2016-029 be read a first, second and third time and finally passed. CARRIED 5. ADJOURNMENT Moved by: Councillor Casier Seconded by: Councillor Breyer THAT the Council meeting be adjourned at 7:25 p.m. CARRIED MAYOR CLERK INNYIIA1� DECISION y, COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT f MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Opp h�"r •.,1 9344 Plank Rd,P.O.Box 160,Straffordville,Ontario, NOJ 1YO Telephone: 519-866-5521 Fax: 519-866-3884 Application No. A-03/16 Applicant: 1841449 Ontario Inc. (P.Dyck) Lot: Concession 4 Part Lot 16 RP 11R9997 Part 1 Roll Numbers: 34-01-000-002-16200 Street Address: 6978 Plank Road Date of Hearing: April 7,2016 Date of Decision: April 7,2016 In the matter of Section 45 of the Planning Act and the Municipality of Bayham Zoning By-law No.Z456-2003, an application for minor variance to allow: Relief from Section 5 Agricultural(A1)Zone: • Section 5.1—Permitted Uses—to permit the placement of two mobile homes as supplementary farm dwellings on an agricultural lot identified as 6978 Plank Road in accordance with Section 2.1.10 of the Official Plan Condition of Minor Variance:Subject to a Development Agreement with the Municipality of Bayham to be executed within 30 days of minor variance approval. Decision: GRANTED Reasons for the Decision: •the variance is considered to be minor in nature in accordance with the requirements of the Planning Act •the variance application meets the"four tests"of Section 45.(1)Planning Act •the variances maintain the general intent and purpose of the Official Plan and Zoning By-law Concur in the Decision: Paul Ens Tom Southwick -s ', „2-, Randy Breyer ) Wayne Casier Ed Ketchabaw r NOTICE OF LAST DATE OF APPEAL TAKE NOTICE that any person or agency may appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board in respect of the By-law within 20-days of the Notice of Decision by filing with the undersigned, not later than the 27° day of April 2016, a notice of appeal setting out the objection to the Decision and the reasons in support of the objections. It is also necessary to submit a filing fee of$125.00 with the notice of objection. Dated at the Municipality of Bayham this 7th day of April 2016. /1' ///1". (1777 Margaret bnderhill Secretary-Treasurer Committee of Adjustment 15011`s— DECISION COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM OAp'�u -, ;5,�oty 9344 Plank Rd,P.O.Box 160,Straffordville,Ontario,NOJ 1Y0 ' Telephone: 519-866-5521 Fax: 519-866-3884 Application No. A-07116 Applicant: Dieter&Joanne Vogelsang Lot: Concession 4 South Part Lot 14 RP 11 R4972 Part 1 Roll Numbers: 34-01-000-002-13810 Street Address: 55256 Light Line,Vienna Date of Hearing: April 7,2016 Date of Decision: April 7,2016 In the matter of Section 45 of the Planning Act and the Municipality of Bayham Zoning By-law No. Z456-2003, an application for minor variance to allow: Relief from Section 10 Village Residential(R1)Zone: • Subsection 10.11 b)Maximum Height—to permit an Accessory Building height of 5.5 metres where 4.5 metres is the maximum height permitted,and; • Subsection 10.11 c)Maximum Floor Area-to permit a total Accessory Building area of 204.4 m2 whereas the maximum permitted accessory building floor area is 65.0 m2 for a property with 0.66 hectares(1.6 acres)known municipally as 55256 Light Line, Vienna. Decision: GRANTED Reasons for the Decision: the variances are considered to be minor in nature in accordance with the requirements of the Planning Act O the variance application meets the"four tests"of Section 45.(1)Planning Act 9 the variances maintain the general intent and purpose of the Official Plan and Zoning By-law Concur in the Decision: ,-7 /_ Paul EnsiICG . Tom Southwick '� Randy Breyer ., • fir/—�` Wayne Casier (/ �- T ss Ed Ketchabaw NOTICE OF LAST DATE OF APPEAL TAKE NOTICE that any person or agency may appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board in respect of the By-law within 20-days of the Notice of Decision by filing with the undersigned,not later than the 27th day of April 2016,a notice of appeal setting out the objection to the Decision and the reasons in support of the objections. It is also necessary to submit a filing fee of$125.00 with the notice of objection. Dated at the Mgnicipality of Bay this r day of April 2016. Z.= Margaret Underhill Secretary-Treasurer Committee of Adjustment INAY ', REPORT z DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 9,,�o 'NOP*4y l'tunity Is TO: Mayor & Members of Council FROM: Bill Knifton, Chief Building Official, Drainage Superintendent DATE: April 21, 2016 REPORT: DS-20/16 FILE NO. C-07/E09 SUBJECT: PETITION FOR DRAINAGE FROM ROAD AUTHORITY BACKGROUND: This report is to present Council the Petition filed with the Clerk, of the Municipality of Bayham, on April 8, 2016. The petition is for a drainage works for lands owned by the Municipality of Bayham and signed by Bayham's Road Operations Supervisor, Ed Bradfield. The area of concern as stated on the petition is for Vienna Line west of Woodworth Road and Woodworth Road south of McQuiggan Line, being Lot 5, Con 3. Section 4(1) of the Drainage Act provides for a petition for the drainage by means of a drainage works of an area requiring drainage as described in the petition may be filed with the clerk of the local municipality in which the area is situate by: (a) The majority in number of the owners, as shown by the last revised assessment roll of lands in the area, including the owners of any roads in the area: (b) The owner or owners, as shown by the last revised assessment roll, of lands in the area representing at least 60% of the hectarage in the area; (c) Where a drainage works is required for a road of part thereof, the engineer, road superintendent or person having jurisdiction over such road or part, despite subsection 61(5); (d) Where a drainage works is required for the drainage of lands used for agricultural purposes, the Director. The Drainage Act provides that Council must give consideration to the petition and, within thirty days (Section 5.1.a) of the filing, decide whether or not it will proceed. If Council decides not to proceed then written notice of its decision must be sent to each petitioner. A petitioner may appeal to the Ontario Drainage Tribunal if Council decides not to proceed, or if Council does not act on the petition within 30 days. It may be difficult for Council to make a decision on the validity of the petition as it is based on definition of the "area requiring drainage". Initially, the petitioner(s) define this area on the petition they submit, however the area must be defined by an engineer at the "on-site meeting" to determine the validity of the petition. If the Municipality decides to proceed then written notice of its decision must be given to (Section 5.16): (a) each petitioner; (b) the Clerk of each local municipality that may be affected; (c) the Conservation Authority that may be affected; (d) the Ministry of Natural Resources; (e) The Ministry of Agriculture, Food & Rural Affairs. The Municipality must appoint an engineer within sixty days (Section 8.3) of giving notice to proceed. The choice of engineer is the decision of Council. When appointed by Council to prepare a report on the drainage work, the engineer is to file said report within six (6) months (Section 39.1) of the appointment. Following the appointment the engineer must (Section 9.1) cause the Municipal Clerk to send a written notice, specifying the time and place of an "on-site meeting". The notice must be served seven days prior to the proposed site meeting. DISCUSSION: The road allowance along Vienna Line near Woodworth Road and Woodworth Road south of McQuiggan Line receives surface water from the adjacent lands. The road ditches have no outlet; the area is flat and results in flooding, road bank erosion and road flooding. Area land owners have been tiling their fields and altering their properties to outlet their lands onto the Road Allowance. This has created adverse conditions of the area and potential of complete road washouts. A legal outlet for the road ditches in this area is necessary. RECOMMENDATION 1. THAT Council of the Municipality of Bayham acknowledges the filing with the Clerk of the Petition for drainage works from the Municipality of Bayham's Road Operations Supervisor, Ed Bradfield. 2. THAT Report DS-20/16 regarding the petition for drainage and for drainage improvement be received; 3. AND THAT Council wishes to proceed with this matter and appoints Spriet Associates, Engineers, to prepare a report on the proposed drainage area pursuant to Section 5 and Section 8(1) of the Drainage Act, for Council's consideration. Respectfully Submitted by: 7\/ Bill Knifton 2hit, Chief Building Official CA0 Drainage Superintendent ltr Ontari0 Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Petition for Drainage Works by Road Authority - Form 2 Drainage Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. D.17, subs. 4(1)(c) To: The Council of the Corporation of the j"1\v ti,1 L p,4L l7 of 173/1% 1(-1A,LA Re: Road name and road location (provide description of road or section of road that requires drainage) ISI`tI\-1 Ll HV� €15.7 of Ni•io0 \NDZTN Lo (LuT 5 Cos tl�) - c:o 0 v-E 0��L-t ' o A() cS T 5-to E t"\C C5 )I6 L.>rl'( L I C Cot .1 IN) APR .- 2016 I, r���` S�� , as an individual having jurisdiction over (Last, first name) the above road system for the /'vW ivt C I PAL 1—t'-( of rUlf. ki A t" declare that the road described above requires drainage and hereby petition under subsection 4(1)(c)of the Drainage Act that this area be drained by means of a drainage works. Organization ,AAI l c,,OA . 1 y O1F- wiit9 Position Title Signature Date(yyyy/mm/dd) • 5- 110-v-04 of Petitioners become financially responsible as soon as they sign a petition: • Once the petition is accepted by council, an engineer is appointed to respond to the petition. Drainage Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. D. 17 subs. 8(1). • After the meeting to consider the preliminary report, if the petition does not comply with section 4, the project is terminated and the road authority is responsible for the costs. Drainage Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. D. 17 subs. 10(4). • After the meeting to consider the final report, if the petition does not comply with section 4, the project is terminated and the road authority is responsible for the costs. Drainage Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. D. 17 s. 43. • If the project proceeds to completion, a share of the cost of the project will be assessed to the involved properties in relation to the assessment schedule in the engineer's report, as amended on appeal. Drainage Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. D. 17 s. 61. 0175E(2012/08) ©Queen's Printer for Ontario,2012 Disponible en francais COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 16-07 "BEING A BY-LAW TO PROVIDE FOR THE ADOPTION OF THE 2016 BUDGET OF THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AND TO ESTABLISH THE 2016 TAX RATIOS, AND TO ESTABLISH THE 2016 TAX RATES FOR THE COUNTY CONSTITUENT MUNICIPALITIES" WHEREAS Section 289 of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c.25, provides that the Council of each upper-tier municipality shall in each year prepare and adopt estimates of all sums required during the year for the purposes of the upper-tier municipality; and WHEREAS Section 308(5) of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c.25, provides that the Council of an upper-tier municipality shall in each year establish the tax ratios for that year for the upper-tier municipality and its lower-tier municipalities; and WHEREAS Section 308(7) of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c.25, provides that the Council of each upper-tier municipality establish for each property class, a single tax ratio for the upper-tier municipality and its lower-tier municipalities; and, WHEREAS Section 308(15-18) of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c.25, provides that the Council of each upper-tier municipality may opt to have certain optional property classes apply within the County. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1. THAT the 2016 tax ratios for the County of Elgin set out on Schedule "A", attached hereto and forming part of this by-law, be approved and adopted by Council. 2. THAT the 2016 budget of the County of Elgin set out on Schedule "B", attached hereto and forming part of this by-law, which incorporates estimates for revenue and for expenditures be approved and adopted by Council. 3. THAT the 2016 tax rates for the assessment in each property class set out in Schedule "C", attached hereto and forming part of this by-law, be approved and adopted by Council. 4. THAT the large industrial class be chosen as an optional property class. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 8TH DAY OF MARCH 2016. / < Mack_G A s-Onald, Bernie Wiehle, Chief Administrative Officer. Warden. Attachment II COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law 16-07 SCHEDULE A Ratios PROPERTY CLASS 2016 2015 RESIDENTIAL/FARM 1.0000 1.0000 MULTI-RESIDENTIAL 2.3458 2.3458 FARMLAND AWAITING DEVELOPMENT-RESIDENTIAL 0.5000 0.5000 COMMERCIAL OCCUPIED 1.6376 1.6376 COMMERCIAL VACANT LAND 1.1463 1.1463 INDUSTRIAL OCCUPIED 2.2251 2.2251 INDUSTRIAL VACANT LAND 1.4463 1.4463 LARGE INDUSTRIAL OCCUPIED 2.8318 2.8318 LARGE INDUSTRIAL VACANT 1.8407 1.8407 PIPELINES 1.1446 1.1446 FARM 0.2500 0.2500 MANAGED FORESTS 0.2500 0.2500 • Attachment 11 Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5 Column 6 Column 7 Column 8 Column 9 Schedule B: Current 2016 Operating Budget Operating Prior Operating Current Operating Budget Budget By-Law 16-07 Revenue Expense Net Budget FORECAST/ Revenue Expense Net Budget (Over)/Under Percent (Revenue)/Expense ACTUAL (Revenue)/ Prior Year Impact on Expense Levy CORPORATE ACTIVITIES 1)Taxes (31,007,783) 795,777 (30,212,006) (30,657,939) 31,131,716 470,792 (30,660,924) 448,918 -1.5% 2)Interest Charges&Income 420,074 (520,074) (100,000) (66,801) 100,000 - (100,000) 0 0.0% 3)Social Services-St.Thomas - 2,592,400 2,592,400 2,787,320 2,770,845 2,770,845 (178,445) 0.6% 4)Health Unit (398,282) 1,344,585 946,303 930,223 962,041 962,041 (15,738) 0.1% 5)Grants - 323,356 323,356 316,339 - 321,611 321,611 1,745 0.0% 6)Rental Income (239,772) 162,502 (77,270) (103,560) 244,383 137,542 (106,841) 29,571 -0.1% 7)Property Assessment (83,850) 809,859 726,009 726,009 726,008 726,008 0 0.0% 8)Ontario Municipal Partnership Fund (37,856) (1,166,444) (1,204,300) (1,204,300) 1,023,700 - (1,023,700) (180,600) 0.6% 9)Project Costs (1,044,082) 923,379 (120,703) (839,392) - 992,236 992,236 (1,112,939) 3.8% 10)Corporate (32,391,550) 6,061,116 (27,126,211) (28,112,100) 32,499,799 6,381,075 (26,118,724) (1,007,487) 3.4% Departmental 11)Warden and Council (3,036) 373,542 370,506 319,046 3,036 378,557 375,521 (5,015) 0.0% 12)Administrative Services (34,184) 457,582 423,398 405,364 95,201 672,674 577,473 (154,076) 0.5% 13)Financial Services - 574,224 574,224 574,523 - 600,722 600,722 (26,499) 0.1% 14)Human Resources (35,000) 570,944 493,419 35,000 623,871 588,871 (17,927) 0.1% 15)Administrative Building (382,257) 864,401 482,145 409,974 371,796 890,055 518,259 (36,114) 0.1% 16)Corporate Expenditures .. (1,000) 840,684 839,684 590,654 1,000 668,610 667,610 172,074 -0.6% 17)Eng'r&Land Div. (4,105,954) 13,117,659 9,011,706 9,762,441 4,918,996 12,824,962 7,905,966 1,105,740 -3.7% 18)Homes (17,666,422) 22,629,428 4,963,006 4,765,342 17,888,359 22,928,683 5,040,324 (77,317) 0.3% 19)Museum&Archives • (50,713) 462,080 411,367 375,938 230,713 666,662 435,949 (24,582) 0.1% 20)Library Services (256,329) 2,727,426 2,471,097 2,481,417 231,827 2,720,022 2,488,195 (17,098) 0.1% 21)Information Technology (32,500) 905,338 872,838 791,615 42,870 956,494 913,624 (40,786) 0.1% 22)Provincial Offences (1,535,143) 1,467,305 (67,838) (67,800) 1,535,293 1,462,516 (72,777) 4,939 0.0% 23)Collections (465,371) 448,669 (16,702) (16,378) 474,679 457,511 (17,168) 465 0.0% 24)Ambul.&Emergency Meas. (6,904,457) 9,662,887 2,758,430 2,712,640 6,943,627 9,683,219 • 2,739,592 18,838 -0.1% 25)Econ.Dev'I,Tourism&Plan. (168,702) 1,282,943 1,114,241 981,229 141,068 1,287,284 1,146,216 (31,975) 0.1% 26)Departmental (31,641,067) 55,814,167 24,779,044 24,579,425 32,913,465 56,821,842 23,908,377 870,667 -3.0% 27)Elgin County (64,032,617) 61,875,283 (2,347,167) (3,532,675) 65,413,264 63,202,917 (2,210,347) (136,820) Levy Increase 1,276,826 (1,276,826) 4.3% • Net Income 66,690,090 63,202,917 (3,487,173) 1,140,006 Memo:Levy 29,494,048 30,770,874 26/02/2016 11:57 AM Attachment H COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law 16-07 SCHEDULE C Prior Current PROPERTY CLASS 2015 2016 % Change TAX RATES TAX RATES TAX RATES RESIDENTIAL 0.599010% 0.599720% 0.12% • MULTI-RESIDENTIAL 1.405160% 1.406820% 0.12% FARMLAND AWAITING DEVELOPMENT-RESIDENTIAL 0.299510% 0.299860% 0.12% COMMERCIAL OCCUPIED 0.980940% 0.982100% 0.12% COMMERCIAL VACANT LAND 0.686650% 0.687460% 0.12% INDUSTRIAL OCCUPIED 1.332860% 1.334440% 0.12% INDUSTRIAL VACANT LAND 0.866350% 0.867380% 0.12% LARGE INDUSTRIAL OCCUPIED 1.696280% 1.698290% 0.12% LARGE INDUSTRIAL VACANT 1.102600% 1.103900% 0.12% PIPELINES 0.685630% 0.686440% 0.12% FARM 0.149750% 0.149930% 0.12% MANAGED FORESTS 0.149750% 0.149930% 0.12% Definition: "Tax rate"means the tax rate to be levied against property expressed as a percentage,to six decimal places, of the assessment of the property. • Ministry of Finance Minist re des Finances Provincial-Local Division des relations provinciales- f /r Ontario Finance Division municipales en matiere de finances /f 10th Floor 10e etage 777 Bay Street 777,rue Bay Toronto ON M5G 2C8 Toronto(Ontario) M5G 2C8 Tel (416)327-0264 Tel. :416 327-0264 Fax(416)325-7644 Telec. :416 325-7644 April 11, 2016 Dear Municipal Treasurer/Clerk-Treasurer, I am writing to update you on of a number of property tax decisions for the 2016 taxation year. These will all be implemented in regulation in the near future. Business roperty ax Capping As noted in my letter dated November 19, 2015, the Province is providing municipalities with enhancements for additional flexibility in the business property tax capping program. The new flexibility measures will enable municipalities to adjust the program to best suit their local circumstances. Beginning in 2016, municipalities now have additional flexibility to manage the business tax capping program by adjusting capping parameters to increase progress towards CVA level taxes: Capping arameters of C A axes hreshold to Mo e to C A Previous Maximum 5% ± $250 New Maximum 10% ± $500 Some municipalities will also have the option to exit or phase-out from the capping program, if doing so would have a limited impact on business properties. A municipality is eligible for a four-year phase-out from the capping program once it has no capped properties beyond 50% of CVA level taxes in a property class. Municipalities with no properties currently remaining in the capping program are eligible to exit the program immediately. The adoption of these measures is a municipal decision and would be enacted through a municipal by-law. As you know, the provincially-funded Online Property Tax Analysis (OPTA) system provides a number of tools and reports to assist municipalities with property-level tax analysis. OPTA will be updated to reflect the 2016 capping program enhancements this Page 1 of 4 week and will notify you as soon as these tools are available. The system allows municipalities to analyse the proposed measures in the context of their own local circumstances. Municipal staff are encouraged to use OPTA to examine the potential tax impacts for businesses when considering the proposed measures. ax atio Flexi ility Municipalities will continue to be provided with tax ratio flexibility that has been provided in previous reassessment years. This will allow municipalities to avoid tax shifts that may occur between property classes as a result of phased-in reassessment impacts. Modified e y estriction Municipalities with property classes subject to the levy restriction will continue to have the flexibility to apply a municipal tax increase to those classes of up to 50% of any increase applied to the residential class. For instance, a municipality levying a 2 per cent increase in residential taxes could raise taxes on any restricted class by up to 1 per cent. roperty ax ate Calculation Ad ustment Earlier this year, a number of municipalities, along with the Association of Municipalities of Ontario and other municipal associations, approached the Province requesting an adjustment to the annual notional property tax rate calculation. The concern expressed was that under the current calculation, some in-year assessment changes can result in lower than expected property tax revenues. The notional property tax rate calculation, as prescribed in O. Reg. 73/03 under the Municipal Act, 2001, relies on the assessment information provided as part of the year- end assessment roll. The current calculation does not account for any subsequent in- year assessment changes, such as assessment appeals and requests for reconsideration, which may alter the assessment values over the course of the year. As a result, municipalities may receive less revenue than they have budgeted for. In response to municipal requests, a technical adjustment to the provincially prescribed notional property tax rate calculation was announced in the 2016 Ontario Budget. This adjustment ensures that when calculating notional tax rates, municipalities and the Province are able to address any unintended effects due to specific in-year property assessment changes, such as assessment appeal losses. Beginning in 2016, municipalities will have the option to adjust the year-end assessment used in the property tax rate calculation to offset changes resulting from certain in-year assessment changes, including assessment appeals and requests for reconsideration. This will allow municipalities to address unintended reductions in the property tax base that may occur as a result of these changes. Page 2 of 4 The adjustment will be implemented in regulation in the near future. In the meantime, the Province has worked to ensure that the option to adopt this adjustment will be available through the OPTA system this week. OPTA will notify you as soon as the system has been updated. This means that for municipalities who choose to adopt this option, the adjustment will be straightforward to implement. Since this is a municipal decision and the impact of applying the adjustment will vary each year and for each upper tier and single tier municipality, municipal staff are encouraged to use the tools and reports available on OPTA. Any changes in revenue related to the adjustment will be shown on the property tax bill as part of the reassessment change. Education roperty ax ates To assist municipalities with their budget planning, the Ministry has attached residential and business education property tax rates for 2016 for your municipality. As indicated in the 2016 Budget, the Province will also ensure the ongoing integrity of education property tax revenues. Therefore, the property tax rate calculation adjustment noted above will also be applied to education property tax rates beginning in 2016. As a result, the 2016 education property tax rates reflect an adjustment corresponding to current and historic in-year assessment changes such as assessment appeal losses. The Province has made significant progress in reducing high Business Education Tax (BET) rates since 2007. To maintain this progress, the Province will not make adjustments that would increase BET rates above the target BET rate. Residential Education Property Tax Rates For the 2016 tax year, the Province is continuing to reduce education property tax rates. The uniform residential education tax rate is 0.188%, reduced from the rate of 0.195% that applied to the 2015 taxation year. Business Education Tax (BET) Rates Your municipality's BET rates for 2016 are attached. The target BET rate and the annual BET ceiling rates will be reduced in 2016, as summarized in the following table. Ceiling and arget BE ates Commercial ndustrial arget Ceiling Ceiling 2015 Rates 1.43% 1.53% 1 .19% 2016 Rates 1.40% 1.50% 1 .18% Page 3 of 4 If you have any questions related to these decisions please contact Andrea Chow, Manager, Property Tax Policy Unit at 416-327-0252 or Andrea.Chow@ontario.ca. Should you have any questions concerning the OPTA system, please contact the OPTA help desk at 416-591-1110 or 1-800-998-5739, ext 300. We look forward to continuing to work in partnership with municipalities to ensure stability for Ontario's property tax system, while providing flexibility for municipalities in addressing their local circumstances. Sincerely, Original signed by Allan Doheny Assistant Deputy Minister Provincial Local Finance Division Page 4 of 4 2016 Business Education Tax (BET) Rates County of Elgin Business Property Class 2016 BET Rate Commercial 1.180000% Industrial 1.500000% Pipeline 1.073758% New Construction - Commercial 1.180000% New Construction - Industrial 1.180000% Ontario Ministry of Finance Provincial Local Finance Division Property Tax Policy Branch 3401 2016 Business Education Tax (BET) Rates County of Elgin 2016 New Optional Property Class 2016 BET Rate Construction BET Rates Commercial Residual n/a n/a Office Building n/a n/a Shopping Centre n/a n/a Parking Lot n/a Industrial Residual 1.500000% 1.180000% Large Industrial 1.500000% 1.180000% Note: n/a indicates there are no properties in this property class. Ontario Ministry of Finance Provincial Local Finance Division Property Tax Policy Branch 3401 Subject: Municipal Elections Modernization Act As you know last week the government introduced Bill 181,the Municipal Elections Modernization Act. This afternoon we are beginning second reading debate on this bill. If you have not yet had a chance to read the bill it is available at: http://ontla.on.ca/web/bills/bills_detail.do?locale=en&Intranet=&BillID=3873 I would appreciate hearing your thoughts and recommendations on the bill when you have had a chance to review it. While we believe there are some positive aspects to this bill, we are very disturbed by the fact that this bill allows changes to the electoral system with no requirement for public consultation. We believe it is undemocratic for a government to change the voting system without approval from the people and for this reason unless the government accepts our amendment to make a referendum part of the process we will be unable to support the bill. We are also concerned that making changes to the electoral system without a referendum puts municipal councils in a difficult situation where there is the appearance of a conflict of interest. I would appreciate your thoughts on whether the threshold for the referendum should be a simple majority or 60%,the same threshold used in the provincial referendum on electoral reform. In addition, I would appreciate your thoughts on Bill 181's proposed dates for the municipal campaign— registrations are to open on May 1st and the nomination cutoff is the fourth Friday in July. While we agree with the idea of shortening the campaign we want to ensure that the timing recognizes the challenges of municipal campaigns, such as fundraising. I look forward to hearing from you and as always if I can be of assistance please feel free to contact me. Ernie Hardeman, MPP Oxford PC Critic for Municipal Affairs and Housing aLONG POINT REGION CONSERVATION AUTHORITY . .. ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING MINUTES FEBRUARY 26, 2016 (as approved at the Board of Directors Meeting held April 6, 2016) Members in attendance: Dave Beres, Doug Brunton, Robert Chambers, Michael Columbus, Roger Geysens, Noel Haydt, David Hayes and John Scholten Staff in attendance: C. Evanitski, J. Robertson, J. Maxwell and D. McLachlan Keynote Speaker: Julie Foster, Parks Ontario Regrets: Leroy Bartlett, Craig Grice and Tom Southwick The LPRCA Chair called the meeting to order at 1 :35 pm Friday, February 26th 2016 in the LPRCA Boardroom. WELCOME Chair Columbus, introduced himself and welcomed everyone to the Long Point Region Conservation Authority's 2016 Annual General Meeting. He commented on the highlights and achievements of LPRCA during 2015 including the final approval of the Lake Erie Region Source Protection Plan and the current Conservation Authorities Act Review by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry. Mr. Columbus also noted the upcoming challenges facing LPRCA in 2016 and how staff and the board plan to manage and/or mitigate those challenges. DISCLOSURES OF INTEREST None recorded. ADDITIONAL AGENDA ITEMS None recorded. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS MOTION A-32/16 moved: R. Geysens seconded: D. Hayes THAT the minutes of the LPRCA Board of Directors regular meeting held February 3rd 2016 be adopted as circulated. CARRIED INTRODUCTIONS The Chair introduced the members of the Long Point Region Conservation Authority Board of Directors then asked for greetings from the municipal and provincial partners in attendance, as well as, the guests from neighbouring conservation authorities. FULL AUTHORITY COMMITTEE MEMBERS Leroy Bartlett, Dave Beres, Doug Brunton, Robert Chambers, Michael Columbus, Roger Geysens, Craig Grice, Noel Haydt, David Hayes, John Scholten, Tom Southwick - 1 - The Chair acknowledged the dedication and contributions of LPRCA staff and board members. SERVICE AWARDS PRESENTATION The following staff and board members have reached service milestones with LPRCA this past year. Carolyn Jones, Accounting and Administration Supervisor 5 years Robert Chambers, LPRCA Board Member from Brant County 5 years Dave Beres, LPRCA Vice-Chair from the Town of Tillsonburg 5 years Michael Columbus, LPRCA Chair from Norfolk County 5 years NEW BUSINESS a) CALENDAR REVIEW Activities this coming month include a presentation by P. Gagnon, LPRCA Lands and Waters Supervisor at the Soil Health Roadshow in Delhi; a Trail Walk event at Hay Creek Conservation Area; and an Owl Prowl at Backus Heritage Conservation Area. Staff will be participating in the Camp Trillium/LPRCA Fishing Derby and as an exhibitor at the Go Wild Grow Wild event in London in April. The Fishing Derby is a new annual partnership initiative to coincide with Earth Day and provide some support to Camp Trillium. MOTION A-33/16 moved: J. Scholten seconded: N. Haydt That the LPRCA Board of Directors receives the March Calendar Review Report as information. CARRIED b) NOTICE OF FORMAL MOTIONS MOTION A-34/16 moved by: D. Brunton seconded: N. Haydt That the LPRCA Board of Directors authorizes the Chairman or Vice-Chairman and the General Manager/Secretary-Treasurer or Manager of Corporate Services to borrow funds as required for the day-to-day operations of the Authority. CARRIED FULL AUTHORITY COMMITTEE MEMBERS Leroy Bartlett, Dave Beres, Doug Brunton, Robert Chambers, Michael Columbus, Roger Geysens, Craig Grice, Noel Haydt, David Hayes, John Scholten, Tom Southwick - 2 - MOTION A-35/16 moved by: D. Hayes seconded: R. Geysens That the LPRCA Board of Directors approves the Chair, Vice-Chair, General Manager and Manager of Corporate Services as designated signing officers for Authority business for the year 2016. CARRIED MOTION A-36/16 moved by: D. Hayes seconded: R. Geysens That the LRPCA Board of Directors, pursuant to Section 26 (2) and 27 (2&3) of The Conservation Authorities Act RSO 1990, Chapter 27, designate all Member Municipalities as Benefiting Municipalities for the Administration, Capital and Operations Costs in the same proportion that the current value assessment of the whole Municipality or part thereof bears to the total assessment of the whole area under the jurisdiction of the Authority. CARRIED MOTION A-37/16 moved by: R. Chambers seconded: J. Scholten That the LPRCA Board of Directors authorizes all members appointed to the Lee Brown Committee from the Community at Large be deemed to be Authority members for the purpose of receiving remuneration for their services on the same basis as regular members of the Authority for 2016. CARRIED MOTION A-38/16 moved by: J. Scholten seconded: R. Chambers That the LPRCA Board of Directors designates the Authority Chairman as the Authority's representative to Conservation Ontario (CO), with the Vice-Chairman designated as alternate, and further that the General Manager be directed to participate on appropriate committees of CO, and be authorized to vote in the absence of the designated representatives. CARRIED AUDIT COMMITTEE The Chair introduced D. Beres, Chair of the Audit Committee. The Audit Committee met February 17th, 2016 and received and reviewed the financial statements in detail. KPMG issued a clean opinion of the Authority's 2015 financial reports and found that the financial statements fairly presented the Authority's position. FULL AUTHORITY COMMITTEE MEMBERS Leroy Bartlett, Dave Beres, Doug Brunton, Robert Chambers, Michael Columbus, Roger Geysens, Craig Grice, Noel Haydt, David Hayes, John Scholten, Tom Southwick - 3 - MOTION A-39/16 moved by: D. Hayes seconded: R. Geysens THAT the minutes of the LPRCA Audit Committee's meeting held February 17m, 2016 be adopted as circulated. CARRIED MOTION A-40/16 moved by: J. Scholten seconded: D. Brunton THAT the LPRCA Board of Directors approves the financial statements for the year ended December 31st, 2015 prepared by KPMG, LLP, Chartered Accountants. CARRIED MOTION A-41/16 moved by: R. Geysens seconded: J. Scholten THAT the LPRCA Board of Directors approves the appointment of KPMG, LLP Chartered Accountants as LPRCA's auditors for the 2016 fiscal period as per the 5-year proposal of January 29th, 2013. CARRIED 2015 COMMITTEE REPORTS a) 2015 ANNUAL REPORT The GM presented the 2015 annual report which focused on leadership and partnerships, and highlighted the various projects and achievements of LPRCA over the past year. The GM thanked staff, the board and the various partners for their participation and efforts in improving the environment for those living within the LPRCA watershed Mr. Evanitski also stressed the importance of working with all levels of government to achieve its goals. In closing, LPRCA staff look forward to working with current partners, as well as, look for opportunities to develop new partnerships in 2016 with the hope of attaining greater environmental enhancements. b) LEE BROWN MARSH MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE Chair Tom Haskett provided some history on the Lee Brown Waterfowl Management Area, donated by Lee Brown and currently managed by Kim Brown. This past year the Lee Brown Marsh Management Committee (LBMMC)focused on the invasive plant phragmites that is damaging Ontario's wetlands and beaches. The LBMMC identified phragmites as a major threat some time ago and others have now taken notice. Mr. Haskett detailed the pilot project undertaken by LPRCA at the Marsh to control phragmites and declared that the project has been a success but noted that the work continues. The LBMMC and staff proudly presented the Marsh project during the Biennial Tour hosted by LPRCA in FULL AUTHORITY COMMITTEE MEMBERS Leroy Bartlett, Dave Beres, Doug Brunton, Robert Chambers, Michael Columbus, Roger Geysens, Craig Grice, Noel Haydt, David Hayes, John Scholten, Tom Southwick - 4 - conjunction with Grand River Conservation Authority. MOTION A-42/16 moved by: D. Brunton seconded: D. Beres THAT the LPRCA Board of Directors receives the 2015 Annual Report and the Lee Brown Marsh Management Committee Report as information. CARRIED KEYNOTE SPEAKER Julie Foster is the Superintendent of Long Point, Turkey Point and Selkirk Provincial Parks. In his introduction, the GM noted that the Ontario Parks system is similar to LPRCA parks and faces some of the same issues and challenges. Both organizations focus on protecting nature and the environment and both have noticed, for instance, that there is now a greater request to accommodate larger camping equipment with greater electricity needs. Ms. Foster presented Knowing Ontario Parks Visitors stating that Ontario Parks has a very strong brand and provides access to many types of accommodation (tents, trailers, backcountry, cabins, yurts). The various roofed accommodations have proven so popular the Ontario Parks Commission plans to add more roofed accommodations in the coming year. Backcountry camping; the Learn to Camp program; and the Healthy Parks, Healthy People program (free day-use day) have also proven very popular with the public. Ms. Foster also discussed the various social media platforms used by Ontario Parks. Each park also has the option of running its own Facebook page and Twitter account to promote the activities and post accommodation vacancies within each park. J. Foster fielded questions from the audience. The Chair thanked Ms. Foster for her presentation and then adjourned the meeting at 3:05pm. Mike Columbus Dana McLachlan Chair Administrative Assistant FULL AUTHORITY COMMITTEE MEMBERS Leroy Bartlett, Dave Beres, Doug Brunton, Robert Chambers, Michael Columbus, Roger Geysens, Craig Grice, Noel Haydt, David Hayes, John Scholten, Tom Southwick - 5 - 8/John Street 5our8 the TOW N 5 H I P of Arlmur ON N5H 2C3 ielepRone: 5 I Y-//3-5344 M*L*H U D I *I:- Fax: 519-773-5334 wWW.malafiae.ca A proud tradition, a bright future. April 8, 201b east Elgin Secondary School 3b2 Talbot Street, West AYLMER, ON N5H 1 Kti Attention: Principal I om McLeod Dear Sir: RE: East Elgin Secondary School Co-Operative tdacation Program At its reyalar meeting held on April 7, 2016, me Council of The Corporation of the Township of Malahide passed the fvlluwiny Kesulution: I MAT the Malahide Township Council does hereby consider the Last Elgin Secondary School Co-operative Education Progra,►, for secondary school students to be an extremely worthwhileprogram providing benefit to The participating students, local businesses, and the entire community; AND t HAT based on such overall community benefit, the Malanidde township Council does not believe that participation in such a progra,ri should be limited to only those students that can individually secure transportation to and from the local participating business; BE II i-rFl-tts r RESOLVED that the East ttgin Secondary School be requested to reinstate program funding sufficient to provide transportation to any student that requires such transportation in order for them to be able to participate in the Co-operative Education Program; arid that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Thames Valley District School Board and the Councils or the Municipality of Bayha,,, and the municipality of Central tigin Mr their consideration. The Township of Malahide respectfully requests your consideration in reinstating the necessat y funding to provide transportation to any stadent that requires such transporr(atiun in order for them to be able to parfficipate in the Co-operative Education Program. We look forward to nearing trom you with respect to the above. East Elgin Seconda�yy SOuuI Page 2 April 8, 2ul b Yours very truly, I OWNSHIP OF MALAHIDE ViVGAZ-evv1/4-editAc-j- __ANIN-U1/4-6 M. CASAvEGuHIA-SOMERS; D.P.A., C.M.O., CIMIM III uhiet Administrative Officer/Clerk Copy - Trustees, Thames Valley Disti ict School Board Mayor and Cool wil, Municipality of Bayham Mayor mid Council, Municipality of Central Elyin vvarden and Council, County of Elgin ec711LoAburo a Me&la�?d iadutuae The Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg April 04, 2016 VIA Email To: Southwestern Ontario Municipalities RE: MEMORANDUM - OPAL Request for Resolution Please find attached the resolution approved by the Council of the Town of Tillsonburg at their Regular Council meeting held on March 29, 2016. Should you have any questions or concerns regarding this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Donna Wilson Town Clerk Attachment: Resolution of Town of Tillsonburg Council rsiow CORPORATE OFFICE 200 Broadway,Tillsonburg,Ontario,N4G 5A7,Telephone#(519)842-6428,Fax#(519)842-9431 Web: www.town.tillsonburg.on.ca Moved By: Councillor Esseltine Seconded By: Councillor Stephenson WHEREAS the Town of Tillsonburg supports Oxford County's Sustainability Plan including the Zero Waste objective by 2025; AND WHEREAS Tillsonburg stands united with Oxford County in declaring the county and its municipalities unwilling hosts to garbage from areas beyond their municipal boundaries; AND WHEREAS all local governments need to take responsibility for waste created within their borders while avoid the exportation of waste to other municipalities; AND WHEREAS any and all regulations, practices and best available technologies shall be used to reduce the generation of waste and ultimately to ensure the elimination of the movement of waste across municipal borders and its resulting impact on the health of area residents and the environment; THEREFORE be it resolved, That the Town of Tillsonburg endorses the material as presented by the Oxford People Against Landfill(OPAL) delegation on March 14, 2016; THAT the Town strongly encourages the Province and other private and public sector partners to ensure waste generation is minimized and stays within the municipal area where it is generated, and finally; THAT a copy of this Resolution be forwarded to Premier Kathleen Wynne, Minister Glen Murray(MOECC), MPP Ernie Hardeman, Southwestern Ontario municipalities, the County of Oxford, and OPAL. Motion Carried CORPORATE OFFICE 200 Broadway,Tillsonburg,Ontario,N4G 5A7,Telephone#(519)842-6428,Fax#(519)842-9431 Web: www.town.tillsonburg.on.ca Elgin March 23, 2016 To: Municipal Partners Re: Elgincentives Community Improvement Plan Please be advised that Elgin County Council at its March 22, 2016 meeting approved an advance of up to $100,000 to meet the demand for the remainder of Community Improvement Plan applications to be received in 2016. At this point it is anticipated that the original $100,000 allocated for 2016 will be exhausted by mid-April. Without an advance, Elgin County would be unable to accept further applications until 2017. The program has proved to be quite successful and has had a significant impact on the local business community. Council understands the importance of fostering this program while demand is high. Please note that these funds are a reallocation of funds that would have been available to the Community Improvement Plan in future years, and not an increase to the overall Elgincentives project budget. Please find a copy of the report "Elgincentives CIP: Current Status" enclosed for ease of reference. Yours truly, • (4A_ Katherine Thompson Marketing and Communications Coordinator Enclosure cc Alan Smith, General Manager of Economic Development, County of Elgin County of Elgin Administrative Services 450 Sunset Drive St.Thomas,ON N5R 5V1 Phone:519-631-1460 www.elgincounty.ca Progressive by Nature "fis E ginCOUllty REPORT TO COUNTY COUNCIL F!il�iCiiiss":�:�4�N:tufC FROM: Alan Smith, General Manager of Economic Development DATE: March 7, 2016 SUBJECT: Elgincentives CIP: Current Status INTRODUCTION: In October 2015, after an extensive planning phase, the Elgincentives Community Improvement Plan (CIP) opened for applications. In just a few short weeks the majority of the 2015 funds were allocated among 10 projects. This momentum has continued and it is projected that all funds budgeted for in 2016 ($100,000), including the carry over amount ($19,866) from 2015, will be allocated by early to mid-April. The program is proving to be successful in helping local businesses enhance their operations while improving the County's built and social environments and diversifying the local economic base. The positive economic impacts the program is achieving will be stalled, if more funds are not brought forward. DISCUSSION: The total budget for the Elgincentives program is $1 million over 10 years, or $100,000 per year. In 2015, 10 projects were approved to receive Elgincentives grants for a total of$80,134 for projects valuing $246,367. The remaining funds were carried over making $119,866 available for distribution in 2016. At the time of writing, $70,407 has been allocated over 8 projects valuing $186,711 . Given the number of recent pre- consultation meetings and the department's continued marketing efforts, it is expected that the remaining funds will be exhausted by mid-April. At this time, the County will not be in a position to support projects that meet the goals of the Elgincentives CIP until 2017: (1) To stimulate economic growth and diversification, (2) To improve quality of place for residents and visitors; and, (3) To improve the stability and sustainability of the tax base. There is however an option for Council to consider if they wish to continue the success of the Elgincentives program through till the end of the year: advance up to $100,000 that would meet the demand for the remainder of the applications to be received for 2016. This would be a reallocation of funds that would have been available in future years, and not an increase to the overall Elgincentives project budget. This is a new program and the current demand is high. This demand has proven that a program like Elgincentives was needed. Overtime, this demand may lessen which may result in the yearly allotment of$100,000 not being fully realized on occasion. There may be a point where demand is stabilized and funds are distributed accordingly over the original 10 year project time line. However, the demand from the business community is strong, now. Going forward for the remainder of 2016, there are two options for Council to consider: (1) Maintain the 2016 funding amount at $100,000 and refrain from accepting further applications until 2017. (2) Bring forward up to $100,000 to meet the current demand for Elgincentives. By not making more funds available, significant opportunities to assist businesses will not be realized resulting in lost economic growth and improvements to the built environment. Reallocating funds to 2016 may reduce the overall project timeline of 10 years; however, this movement of funds will not result in an increase to the program's overall budget. Currently there is high demand from the business community for Elgincentives. Meeting this demand now will generate the desired outcomes in realizing the objectives of the program. In later years, this demand may not be as strong thus benefits not as great. CONCLUSION: Since the program's launch in mid-October 2015, 18 projects have been approved to receive Elgincentives grants for a total of$150,541 for projects valuing $433,078. County Council has an opportunity to build on that amount and the associated economic and community benefits by reallocating funds to the Elgincentives 2016 budget. RECOMMENDATIONS: THAT County Council provide direction to staff on how to proceed with the 2016 Elgincentives budget as described in the March 7th, 2016 report; and, THAT option " " be implemented by Economic Development staff as described in the March 7th, 2016 report. All of which is Respectfully Submitted Approved for Submission Alan Smith Mark G. McDonald General Manager of Economic Development Chief Administrative Officer (6-1":4*4:9-I .0 FRO/1w f Township of 4'f worth Frontenac 6648 Road 506 P.O. Box 97, Plevna, Ontario KOH 2M0 Tel: (613)479-2231 or 1-800-234-3953, Fax: (613)479-2352 www.northfrontenac.ca April 13, 2016 All Municipalities Via Email Attention: All Municipalities within Ontario Dear Clerks: Re: Independent Electrical System Operator Review of Request for Proposal Process for the Award of Renewable Energy Contracts Please be advised the Council of the Corporation of the Township of North Frontenac passed the following Resolution at the March 18, 2016 Council Meeting: Moved by Councillor Good, Seconded by Councillor Inglis #155-16 WHEREAS the Independent Electrical System Operator has requested input on the RFP process used to award renewable energy contracts; AND WHEREAS the government indicated that new contracts would be directed to willing host communities with the Minister of Energy indicating on March 7 that it would be 'almost impossible' for a contract to be granted under the current process without municipal agreement; AND WHEREAS three of the five contracts announced on March 10 2016 did not have municipal support for the project; AND WHEREAS the current process does not meet the government's standards for openness and transparency because municipal Councils are asked to support power projects based on little or no detail and further, the recipient municipalities are unable to determine the basis on which individual contracts were awarded; AND WHEREAS the province has not demonstrated that renewable energy projects are of sufficient strategic importance in meeting Ontario's electricity generation requirements and/or carbon emission reduction targets to warrant the province taking action to override municipal decisions; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Township of North Frontenac requests: 1. That the Municipal Support Resolution become a mandatory requirement in the IESO process; 2. That the rules be amended to require that the resolution related to this support must be considered in an open Council meeting held after the community engagement meeting organized by the proponent; 3. That full details of the project, including siting of project elements and site consideration reports, are required to be made available at the community engagement meeting and to the Council before the resolution is considered; 4. That the terms of any municipal agreement related to the project also need be discussed In open Council and that such agreements cannot contain terms that limit the municipality's ability to exercise Municipal Act powers relative to the project; 5. That the process includes the requirement for the municipality to provide comments on the project directly to the IESO; 6. That any points for Aboriginal participation in a given power project be limited to the First Nation who has a comprehensive claim on the land where the project will be built; 7. That any announcement of the successful bidders includes an explanation of the points awarded to each bid. AND THAT this Resolution be provided to the President of IESO; Minister of Energy; All Municipalities within the Province; Randy Hillier, MPP; and AMO. AND THAT the Mayor is authorized to do a press release. Carried Please provide the Resolution to your Council for consideration of the request for support. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me. Yours truly, / _ hi Le.4)IUL Tara Mieske Clerk/Planning Manager TM/bh Ministry of Community Safety Ministere de la Securite communautaire and Correctional Services et des Services correctionnels Policy and Strategic Planning Division des politiques et de la Division planification strategique 2/ Ontario Office of the Bureau du sous-ministre Assistant Deputy Minister adjoint 25 Grosvenor Street 25,rue Grosvenor 9`h Floor 9e etage Toronto ON M7A 1Y6 Toronto ON M7A 1Y6 Tel: 416 212-4437 Tel. : 416 212-4437 Fax:416 212-4020 Telec. :416 212-4020 DATE: April 7, 2016 SUBJECT: Extension of closing date for written submissions on the Strategy for a Safer Ontario On February 12, 2016, we announced the launch of consultations for the Strategy for a Safer Ontario, the province's new blueprint for effective, sustainable, and community based policing. As part of these province-wide consultations, MCSCS sought your input into the development of the Strategy and invited representatives from your organization to attend regional consultation sessions to discuss: Community Safety and Well-Being plans, a new integrated and collaborative approach to community safety, Improving interactions between police and vulnerable Ontarians, including enhancing frontline responses to those in crisis, Modernizing what police do, Enhancing accountability and oversight of police services, and Training and education requirements for police officers. The Ministry values your input and participation on this important initiative. We have heard from a number of organizations that they would like more time to provide written submissions. To this end, MCSCS is extending the deadline for submissions from April 8th, 2016 to April 29th, 2016. Input on the Strategy can be submitted via the online discussion document available at https://www.ontario.ca/page/strategy-safer- ontario-public-discussion-paper and/or electronically to MCSCSinput@ontario.ca. Thank you in advance for your time and input. We look forward to hearing from your organization. Sincerely, Original Signed Debbie Conrad Assistant Deputy Minister Page 1 of 1 yr.P of Geur9 as ��c d \.sk.u. Township of Georgian Bay April 7, 2016 Honourable Marc Garneau Minister of Transport House of Commons OTTAWA ON K1A 0A6 Mr. Minister: Re: Enforcement of "No Wake" Zones Please be advised that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Georgian Bay, on March 14, 2016, adopted the attached resolution requesting the implementation of legislation that would provide authorities with the ability to enforce a "No Wake" restriction in Ontario's navigable waters. Yours truly, cyirk , - Jessica Gunby, Dipl.M.A, ACST Acting Clerk jgunbyga gbtownship.ca :Isl cc: - Tony Clement, M.P. Parry Sound - Muskoka 44A King William Street (Main Office) Huntsville, Ontario P1H 1G3 (hand delivered) - All municipalities in Ontario X:\Clerk\C04 Council Correspondence\2016\160314\No wake resolution.docx 99 Lone Pine Road, Port Severn, Ontario LOK 1S0 1-800-567-0187 www.gbtownship.ca Page 1 of 2 CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF GEORGIAN BAY MOTION C-83-2016 Adopted by Council on Monday, March 14, 2016 WHEREAS the Office of Boating Safety, which administers the Vessel Operation Restriction Regulations (VORRS) pursuant to the Canada Shipping Act, 2001, has advised that the issue of "No Wake" is currently addressed by limiting the speed or power of a vessel; AND WHEREAS the Office of Boating Safety has advised that "No Wake" is not a restriction found in the Canada Shipping Act, 2001, or its regulations, and therefore is not an enforceable restriction; AND WHEREAS a boat's wake can do a great deal of damage, including • the erosion of shorelines • the swamping of nests of loons and other waterfowls • the damaging of docks and vessels moored at docks and at marina gas pumps • the danger to swimmers • the interference with safe navigation • the disruption of wetland habitat • the upsetting of canoes and small boats, especially in narrow channels BE IT RESOLVED that the Township of Georgian Bay requests the Honourable Marc Garneau, Minister of Transport, to address this dangerous and harmful situation, by implementing legislation that would provide authorities with the ability to enforce a "No Wake"restriction in Ontario's navigable waters; AND THAT a copy of this resolution be forwarded to all municipalities in Ontario with a request for endorsement; AND THAT a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Honourable Tony Clement, M.P., Parry Sound - Muskoka. 99 Lone Pine Road, Port Severn, Ontario LOK 1S0 1-800-567-0187 www.gbtownship.ca Page 2 of 2 Ministry of Citizenship, Ministere des Affaires civiques, Immigration and International de('Immigration et du Commerce Trade international == r Minister Ministre / 6th Floor 6e etage 400 University Avenue 400, avenue University Ontario Toronto ON M7A 2R9 Toronto ON M7A 2R9 Tel.:(416)325-6200 Tel.: (416)325-6200 Fax:(416)325-6195 Telec.: (416)325-6195 March 2016 Dear Friends, It is my pleasure to invite you to submit a nomination for the Lincoln M. Alexander Award. Each year, the program recognizes up to three (3) youth who have demonstrated exemplary leadership in contributing to the elimination of racial discrimination in Ontario. Recipients will receive a cash prize of$5,000 and a framed certificate. To make a nomination: 1. Visit ontario.ca/honoursandawards and click on the Lincoln M. Alexander Award link. 2. Download the appropriate PDF nomination form. 3. Read the eligibility criteria and instructions carefully. 4. Fill out the form and submit it with your supporting material. Instructions for submitting your package can be found on the website. The deadline for nominations is May 31, 2016 Please take this opportunity to acknowledge a young person from your school or community who has made an important contribution to eliminating racial discrimination in Ontario. If you have questions or require a copy of the nomination form to be mailed to you, please send an email to ontariohonoursandawardsontario.ca or call 416 314-7526, toll free 1 877 832-8622 or TTY 416 327-2391. Thank you for taking the time to consider a deserving young Ontarian for the Lincoln M. Alexander Award. Yours truly, Michael Chan Minister ONTARIO ENERGY BOARD NOTICE The Ontario Energy Board is holding a hearing to consider what mechanisms may be used to recover the costs of expanding natural gas service to Ontario communities that are currently not served. Learn more. Have your say. The Ontario Energy Board is commencing a hearing on its own motion to consider what mechanisms may be used to recover the costs of expanding natural gas service to Ontario communities that do not currently have access to natural gas. In July 2015,Union Gas Limited filed an application(EB-2015-0179)to expand natural gas service to certain rural and remote communities.That application included a proposal to have existing Union Gas Limited customers pay a portion of the costs to connect new customers.The Ontario Energy Board has determined that the requests made by Union Gas Limited in that application raise issues that may be common to any entity that wishes to provide natural gas service to communities that do not currently have access to natural gas service.The Ontario Energy Board will therefore address these issues through a generic proceeding. The Ontario Energy Board will put the hearing of Union Gas Limited's application(EB-2015-0179)on hold until the generic hearing is complete. In the generic proceeding,the Ontario Energy Board will consider possible alternative ratemaking frameworks to provide natural gas service to Ontario communities that do not currently have access to natural gas.The OEB plans to seek input from intervenors on exactly what the issues should be. However,broadly speaking the OEB intends to review the following issues: 1. Should the OEB implement new ratemaking mechanisms including changes to current economic tests to encourage utilities to expand natural gas distribution service to new communities?If so, what should these new mechanisms be? 2. Should the OEB consider imposing conditions or making other changes to Municipal Franchise Agreements and Certificates of Public Convenience and Necessity to reduce barriers to natural gas expansion? 3. Does the OEB have the authority to require the ratepayers of one utility to subsidize the costs of another utility to expand into new communities?If so,under what circumstances(if any)would this be appropriate? To see the detailed draft issues list,please select the file number EB-2016.0004 on the OEB website: www.ontarioenergyboard.ca/notice THE ONTARIO ENERGY BOARD IS HOLDING A PUBLIC HEARING The Ontario Energy Board(OEB)will hold a public hearing to consider the kind of cost recovery mechanisms that may be appropriate for rural and remote community expansion projects in Ontario.We will hear arguments from parties involved in the process and will decide what,if any,new mechanisms are appropriate. The OEB will adopt into the record of this proceeding,all evidence filed in EB-2015-0179 that is relevant to the issues to be determined for the generic hearing.The OEB will provide an opportunity for the filing of further evidence in subsequent procedural orders. The OEB will deem the intervenors in the EB-2015-0179 case to be intervenors in this generic hearing and grants to any such intervenors the same cost eligibility status as was granted in EB-2015-0179. The OEB is an independent and impartial public agency.We make decisions that serve the public interest.Our goal is to promote a financially viable and efficient energy sector that provides you with reliable energy services at a reasonable cost. BE INFORMED AND HAVE YOUR SAY You have the right to information regarding this application and to be involved in the process. • You can review this Notice and related documents on the OEB's website now. • You can sign up to observe the proceeding by receiving OEB documents related to the hearing. • You can file a letter with your comments which will be considered during the hearing. • You can become an active participant(called an intervenor).Apply by February 22,2016 or the hearing will go ahead without you and you will not receive any further notice of the proceeding. • At the end of the process,you can review the OEB's decision and its reasons on our website. LEARN MORE Our file number for this case is EB-2016-0004.To learn more about this hearing,find instructions on how to file letters or become an intervenor,or to access any document related to this case(including the draft issues list),please select the file number EB-2016-0004 from the list on the OEB website at www.ontarioenergyboard.ca/notice.You can also phone our Consumer Relations Centre at 1-877-632-2727 with any questions. ORAL HEARING The OEB intends to proceed with an oral hearing for this case. PRIVACY if you write a letter of comment,your name and the content of your letter will be put on fhe public record and fhe OEB website.However,your personal telephone number,home address and email address will be removed.If you are a business,all your information will remain public.if you apply to become an intervenor;all information will be public. This hearing will be held under sections 19 and 36 of the Ontario Energy Board Act, 1998. 7171 11.°Notl. Ontario avwve.+.c co..r... xKmor So. e.rar.. EC/__ 1 _ Eastern Ontario Wardens'Caucus c/o County of Renfrew,9 International Drive,Pembroke,ON K8A 6W5 Pembroke, April 6, 2016 Kirsten Walli, Board Secretary Ontario Energy Board 2300 Yonge St. PO Box 2319 Toronto, Ontario M4P 1E4 Re: Ontario Energy Board Generic Proceeding EB-2016-004 Dear Ms. Walli, Regarding the Ontario Energy Board's Generic Proceeding EB-2016-004, the Eastern Ontario Wardens' Caucus would like to provide the following submission as a letter of comment. As an organization representing the interests of municipal taxpayers in rural Eastern Ontario, the EOWC supports the initial application from Union Gas (EB-2015-0179) to expand natural gas service to rural and remote communities. Beyond that, however, the EOWC also supports any similar efforts from other entities, such as Enbridge Gas, that wish to provide natural gas services to rural and remote communities that do not currently have access to such services. The expansion of the infrastructure required to provide natural gas to rural communities that would otherwise not receive this service would allow for significant economic benefits for every sector: residential, commercial and industrial. Natural gas is the most reliable, efficient, and economical form of energy, but due to the dispersed nature of our population —coupled with our geography and geology— many areas remain underserviced or are simply not serviced at all. As the economic development of our region is a priority issue, the expansion of the natural gas network is of great importance to everyone who lives and does business in rural Eastern Ontario. If certain conditions were put into place, such as those being considered by the Ontario Energy Board, it may become financially feasible to extend natural gas to the EOWC region. The EOWC is an incorporated non-profit organization comprised of the elected Wardens of the 13 County Councils in rural Eastern Ontario, stretching from Northumberland in the west to the Quebec border in the east, with a combined population of 750,000. In closing, on behalf of the EOWC, I strongly encourage the Board to consider and approve any measures raised in the Generic Proceeding EB-2016-004 that may allow for the provision of natural gas in our region. Best regards, • Peter Emon Chair, 2016, Eastern Ontario Wardens' Caucus The Corporation of the Township of Date: April 12, 2016 P STo,! NORTH STORMONT Resolution No. LPD 41 �OIP�'g0`4 RESOLUTION MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: Deputy Mayor Bill McGimpsey ❑ Deputy Mayor Bill McGimpsey ❑ Councillor Jim Wert Councillor Jim Wert ❑ Councillor Francois Landry ❑ Councillor Francois Landry ❑ Councillor Randy Douglas ❑ Councillor Randy Douglas �' WHEREAS the OEB file EB-2015-0179 (dated July 23, 2015) application and pre-filed evidence from Union Gas Limited is seeking approval of its proposed Community Expansion Program with intent to support the expansion of infrastructure necessary to provide natural gas to communities that would otherwise not receive natural gas service (Rural areas); WHEREAS the Ontario Energy Board issued a Notice for Public Hearing EB-2016-004 (dated January 2016) regarding OEB's intent to review the following issues in May 2016: 1. Should the OEB implement new ratemaking mechanisms including changes to current economic tests to encourage utilities to expand natural gas distribution service to new communities? If so, what should these new mechanisms be? 2. Should the OEB consider imposing conditions or making other changes to Municipal Franchise Agreements and Certificates of Public Convenience and Necessity to reduce barriers to natural gas expansion? 3. Does the OEB have the authority to require the ratepayers of one utility to subsidize the costs of another utility to expand into new communities? If so, under what circumstances (if any) would this be appropriate? WHEREAS the Eastern Ontario Warden's Caucus's letter of comment (dated April 6, 2016) regarding the Ontario Energy Board's Generic Proceeding EB-2016-004 with intent for the Warden Caucus to support the initial application from Union Gas (EB-2015-0179) and also similar entities that wish to expand natural gas service to rural and remote communities; WHEREAS the Township of North Stormont has signed a 20 year Franchise Agreement with Enbridge and has attempt many communications with them to have natural gas service in the-Mini par f our Township without any responses or actions being taken by Enbridge; FOR AGAINST Recorded Vote: CARRIED: ZDEFEATED: Mayor Mayor Declaration of Conflict of interest: ❑ Disclosed His/Her/Their interest , ❑ Vacated His/Her/Their Seat ❑ Deferred CAO/Clerk I The Corporation of the Township of Date: April 12, 20161 �``sT°Ii M NORTH STORONT Poi RESOLUTION Resolution No. 0 9 11i:1'16 f MOVED BY: SECONDED BY: Deputy Mayor Bill McGimpsey O 11Deputy Mayor Bill McGimpsey Councillor Jim Wert V Councillor Jim Wert o Councillor Francois Landry o Councillor Francois Landry ❑ / Councillor Randy Douglas ❑ Councillor Randy Douglas o, WHEREAS the West part of the Township of North Stormont is being served by Union Gas and that the separation is even made on the West side of a road (serviced by Union Gas) versus the East side of the same road (unserved by Enbridge); WHEREAS the Township of North Stormont made representation with Union Gas to endeavor possible development of the natural gas services on the East side of the Township; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of Township of North Stormont that the OEB examine the proposal to expand natural gas services and make it available to all of Eastern Ontario rural areas such as the United Counties of Stormont, Dundas & Glengarry and the United Counties of Prescott-Russell as it is vital to our Economic Development and to Business expansion and retention as well as the increase of employability in our sector. AND BE IT ALSO RESOLED THAT this resolution supports the letter of comment sent to the Ontario Energy Board by the Eastern Ontario Warden's Caucus. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT this resolution be circulated to all municipal and regional councils in Ontario requesting that they endorse and support this resolution and communicate their support to the Premier, the OEB and the Ministers of Economic Development, Employment and Infrastructure, Energy, and Agriculture and Rural Affairs. Passed by the Council of the Township of North Stormont on April 12, 2016 FOR AGAINST Recorded Vote: CARRIED: I ' ,/ DEFEATED: Mayor Mayor Declaration of Conflict of interest: ❑ Disclosed His/Her/Their interest 6 ❑ Vacated His/Her/Their Seat ' ❑ Deferred �► CAO/Clerk 7/ . -- Elgin April 13, 2016 Commander Brad Fishleigh Elgin O.P.P. Detachment 42696 John Wise Line St. Thomas, ON N5P 3S9 Dear Commander: Please be advised that Elgin County Council passed By-Law 16-11 "Being a By-Law for the Regulation of Traffic and to Rescind By-Law 15-12" at its meeting held on April 12, 2016. This By-Law includes an additional no-parking zone on a section of Sunset Road at Warren Street in Port Stanley, originally approved by Council at its March 22, 2016 meeting. Please find attached a copy of the updated By-Law. If you have any questions please contact Peter Dutchak, Deputy Director of Engineering Services (pdutchak@elgin.ca). Yours truly, WCUt:--kgALtr‘..Q_ 41\OviiCi ,,C4Th Katherine Thompson, Marketing and Communication Coordinator Enclosure cc Elgin County Municipalities Clayton Watters, Director of Engineering Services, County of Elgin County of Elgin Administrative Services 450 Sunset Drive St.Thomas,ON N5R 5V1 Phone:519-6314460 www.elgincounty.ca . COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 16-11 [formally By-Law No. EG1 (01-40)] "BEING A BY-LAW FOR THE REGULATION OF TRAFFIC AND TO RESCIND BY-LAW 15-12" WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 210 of the Municipal Act, being Chapter M.45, R.S.O. 1990, as amended, a council of a municipality may pass By-Laws for the regulation of traffic; and WHEREAS now pursuant to Section 11(2) of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, C.25, an upper-tier municipality may pass By-Laws respecting matters within the spheres of jurisdiction described in the table to this section: and WHEREAS By-Law No. EG1 (01-40) has been previously amended through By-Laws 03-05, 03-40, 05-19, 09-34, and 12-22; and WHEREAS By-Law No. 15-12 was approved and EG1 (01-40) was rescinded; and WHEREAS it was deemed necessary and appropriate to rescind Schedule "A" Part B to By-Law No. 15-12 by providing more precise descriptions of road allowance; and WHEREAS for ease of reference it is further deemed necessary to consolidate all amendments to said By-Law under one comprehensive By-Law; NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows: 1) THAT By-Law No. 15-12 be and is hereby repealed. 2) THAT By-Law No. 16-11, being a consolidating By-Law for the regulation of traffic, be approved. 3) THAT this By-Law shall come into force and take effect upon the erection of appropriate signage indicating said No Park Zones. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin hereby enacts as follows: PART "A" DEFINITIONS 1. DEFINITIONS in this By-Law: "ANY PROVISION OF THIS BY-LAW" means any provision of this By-Law for the contravention of which the Municipal Act permits a procedure for the voluntary payment of penalties out of court. "AUTHORIZED SIGN" means any sign or device placed or erected on a highway under the authority of this By-Law by the Roads Superintendent for the purpose of regulating, warning or guiding traffic. "BICYCLE" is a vehicle as defined under the Highway Traffic Act. "BOULEVARD" shall be construed to mean that portion of every highway within the limits of the County of Elgin, which is not used as a sidewalk or a travelled roadway. "BUS STOP" means a part of a highway designated as a point at which buses stop to take on or let off passengers. Corporation of the County of Elgin -2 - By-Law 16-11 "COMMERCIAL MOTOR VEHICLE" means a motor vehicle having permanently attached thereto a truck or delivery body and includes ambulances, hearses, casket wagons, fire apparatus, buses and tractors used for hauling purposes on highways. "CORNER" with reference to a highway intersection means the point of intersection of the prolongation of the lateral curb lines or in the absence of curbs the prolongation of the edges of the roadways. "CORPORATION" means the Corporation of the County of Elgin. "COUNCIL" means the current Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin. "CROSSWALK" means, (i) that part of a highway at an intersection that is included within the connections of the lateral lines of the sidewalks on opposite sides of the highway measured from the curbs, or, in the absence of curbs, from the edges of the roadway, or (ii) any portion of a roadway at an intersection or elsewhere distinctly indicated for pedestrian crossing by signs or by lines or other markings on the surface. "CURBLINE" means, where the curb is constructed "curbline" shall be construed as meaning the edge of the travelled portion of the highway. "DESIGNATED PARKING SPACE" or "DESIGNATED DISABLED PERSON PARKING SPACE" means a parking space located on any public highway under the jurisdiction of the Corporation of the County of Elgin or on any property owned or occupied by the Corporation of the County of Elgin or any local board thereof and designated for parking of vehicles and marked by an official sign indicating such space to be for the sole use of vehicles displaying a disabled person parking permit. "DISABLED PERSON PARKING PERMIT" means a disabled person parking permit issued under the Highway Traffic Act or a permit, numbered plate or other marker or device issued by another jurisdiction and recognized under the Highway Traffic Act. "DRIVEWAY" means improved land on a highway that provides vehicular access from the roadway to a laneway or a parking area on adjacent land. "GROSS WEIGHT" means the combined weight of vehicle and load. "HANDICAPPED PERSON" means an individual who has been issued a disabled person parking permit by the Province of Ontario and who has met the requirements of the Highway Traffic Act. "HEAVY TRUCK" means any commercial motor vehicle which has a rated gross vehicle weight exceeding 4,535.92 kilograms (10,000 pounds) according to the current permit or vehicle registration which has been issued under the Highway Traffic Act, or its foreign equivalent for such vehicle, regardless of actual weight of such vehicles, but does not include a vehicle operated by or on behalf of the Corporation or a school bus that is in the course of transferring children or handicapped adults to and from schools. "HIGHWAY" includes a common and public Highway, Street, Avenue, Parkway, Driveway, Square, Place, Bridge, Viaduct or Trestle, any part of which is intended for or used by the general public for passage of vehicles and includes the area between the lateral property lines thereof. "HOLIDAY" includes Sunday, New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, Victoria Day, Dominion day, the day proclaimed as a Civic Holiday, Labour Day, Thanksgiving Day, Remembrance Day, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, the day proclaimed as birthday of the reigning sovereign, and any day appointed by proclamation of the Governor General or the Lieutenant-Governor-In-Council as a public holiday or for a general fast or thanksgiving and the next following day when any such holiday falls on a Saturday or a Sunday, and any day appointed by proclamation of the Municipal Council. "INTERSECTION" means the area embraced within the prolongation or connection of the lateral curblines or, if none, then of the lateral boundary lines of two or more Corporation of the County of Elgin -3 - By-Law 16-11 highways that join one another at an angle, whether or not one highway crosses the other. "LANEWAY" means improved land adjacent to the highway, which provides access from the highway to a parking area on adjacent land. "LOADING ZONE" means the part of a highway set apart for the exclusive purpose of parking a vehicle to load or unload same. "METRED PARKING SPACE" means a parking space for which a metre or other mechanical device is provided or any space adjacent to which a parking metre or other mechanical device is located. "MOTOR VEHICLE" includes an automobile, motorcycle, motor-assisted bicycle and any other vehicle propelled or driven otherwise than by muscular power, but does not include the cars of electric or steam railways, or other motor vehicles running only upon rails, or a motorized snow vehicle, traction engine, farm tractor, self-propelled implement of husbandry or road-building or winter control machine. "M.T.O." means the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario. "OFFICER" means the By-Law Enforcement Officer of the Municipality or any other person authorized by Council and charged with the enforcement of this By-Law. "OFFICIAL SIGN" means a sign approved by the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario. "PARK" or "PARKING", when prohibited, means the standing of a vehicle, whether occupied or not, except when standing temporarily for the purpose of and while actually engaged in loading or unloading merchandise or passengers. "PARKING INFRACTION" means any unlawful parking, standing or stopping of a vehicle that constitutes an offence. "PARKING METRE" means a device that shall indicate thereon the length of time during which a vehicle may be parked which shall have as a part thereof a receptacle for receiving and storing coins, a slot or place in which such coins may be deposited, a timing mechanism to indicate the passage of the interval of time during which the parking is permissible and which shall also display a signal when said interval of time shall have elapsed. "PARKING METRE COVER" means a hood, bag or other covering for a parking metre that is placed over a parking metre by an authorized official to indicate that a parking metre is not to be used. "POLICE OFFICER" means a member of the Police Force having jurisdiction in the area. "ROADWAY" means the part of the highway that is improved, designed or ordinarily used for vehicular traffic, but does not include the shoulder, and, where a highway includes two or more separate roadways, the term "roadway" refers to any one roadway separately and not to all of the roadway collectively. "SIDEWALK" includes all such parts of a highway as are set aside by the Municipality for use of pedestrians or use by the general public for the passage of pedestrians. "STAND" or "STANDING", when prohibited, means the halting of a vehicle, even momentarily, whether occupied or not, except when necessary to avoid conflict with other traffic or in compliance with the directions of a constable or other police officer or of a traffic control sign or signal. "STOP" or "STOPPING", when prohibited, means the halting of a vehicle, even momentarily, whether occupied or not, except when necessary to avoid conflict with other traffic or in compliance with the directions of a constable or other police officer or of a traffic control sign or signal. Corporation of the County of Elgin -4- By-Law 16-11 "TIME" means that where an expression of time occurs or where any hour or other period of time is stated, the time referred to shall be standard time except in periods when daylight saving time is in effect, in which periods, it shall be daylight saving time. "TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNAL" means any device, manually, electrically or mechanically operated for the regulation or control of traffic. "U-TURN" means the turning of a vehicle within a roadway so as to proceed in the opposite direction. "VEHICLE" includes a motor vehicle, trailer, traction engine, farm tractor, road-building machine and any vehicle drawn, propelled or driven by any kind of power, including muscular power, but does not include a motorized snow vehicle, the cars of electric or steam railways running only upon rails. 2. ABBREVIATIONS: In this Schedule to this By-Law the following abbreviations and symbols stand for the words respectively set forth opposite thereto as follows: (a) Ave. - Avenue Blvd. - Boulevard Pl. - Place St. - Street Cres. - Crescent Ct. - Court Dr. - Drive Rd. - Road (b) mm - Millimetre cm - Centimetre m - Metre km/h - Kilometres Per Hour kg - Kilograms (c) A.M. - Ante Meridian P.M. - Post Meridian 3. DISTANCES: Where a distance is used in this By-Law as part of a prohibition of parking or stopping within a specified distance of an object, structure, land or a part of a highway, such distance shall be measured: (a) from the limit of the road allowance; or (b) from a point referenced to a lot line or limit; and (c) all distances/dimensions are measured in the metric measurement of metres. 4. INTERPRETATION— GENERAL: In this By-Law (a) words purporting the singular number or the masculine gender only include more persons, parties or things of the same kind that one and females as well as males and converse. (b) a word interpreted in the singular number has a corresponding meaning when used in the plural. (c) "May" shall be construed as imperative. (d) definitions and interpretations not otherwise included herein but otherwise provided for in the Highway Traffic Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter H. 8, or any successor legislation thereto, shall extend and apply to this By-Law. 5. SCHEDULES ADOPTED: All schedules referred to in this By-Law shall form part of this By-Law and each entry in a column of such a schedule shall be read in conjunction with the entry or entries across therefrom, and not otherwise. Corporation of the County of Elgin -5 - By-Law 16-11 PART "B" GENERAL TRAFFIC 6. APPLICATION OF BY-LAW: This By-Law applies to all highways under the jurisdiction of the Corporation of the County of Elgin. 7. AUTHORITY TO IMPLEMENT TEMPORARY PROVISIONS: The By-Law Enforcement Officer is hereby given authority as the occasion arises and when required in order to assist in the care of moving traffic, to set apart and indicate or designate on highways in the Municipality space or spaces for the parking of a vehicle or vehicles by causing lines to be painted, signs to be erected or otherwise upon the pavement, curbs or surface of the roadway or immediately adjacent thereto, or on the highway or highways or portions of highways, as a temporary provision for the restriction of parking on highways or portions of highways and to make such other temporary provision for directing the traffic as may be necessary. Such temporary changes shall not be effective after the next subsequent Council meeting unless confirmed by resolution of the Council at such meeting, which resolution shall stipulate the length of time such change(s) shall be in effect. 8. BY-LAW SUBJECT TO THE HIGHWAY TRAFFIC ACT: The provisions of this By-Law are subject to the provisions of the Highway Traffic Act R.S.O. 1990, Chapter H. 8, as amended and any successor legislation thereto. 9. DISPLAYING FOR SALE: No person shall park any vehicle on any highway for the purpose of displaying the same for sale. 10. EMERGENCY FIRE REGULATIONS: No driver of any vehicle shall drive his vehicle within 150m of any building which is on fire; nor shall he drive his vehicle over or across any line of a hose laid by the Fire Department, and at the direction of the Fire Chief for the area, the Police authority shall place signs on the highway on which the building on fire is situated, and any adjoining highways which may be deemed necessary for the purpose, closing such parts of highways to traffic until the fire is out, and no driver shall pass such sign or approach nearer to the fire than such sign. 11. FUNERALS AND PARADES: No person shall drive any vehicle, except emergency vehicles, between the vehicles in any duly authorized parade or funeral procession on any highway, provided the vehicles in such parade or procession are properly designated. 12. INTERFERENCE WITH AUTHORIZED/OFFICIAL SIGNS AND PARKING METRES: No person shall alter, deface, remove or destroy any sign erected by the Municipality or any pavement lines or other marks for guiding the parking of vehicles or the regulations of traffic, or deface, injure, tamper with, open, wilfully break, destroy or impair the usefulness of any parking metre, and no person shall alter, interfere with, or change the position of any such sign, line or other mark or parking metre, unless he has been duly authorized so to do. 13. OBEDIENCE TO ALL PARKING METRES, SIGNS, AND SIGNALS: It shall be the duty of all persons using the highways to observe the directions indicated by any permanent or temporary metres, signs, or signals erected or placed for the purpose of regulating or directing traffic. 14. PLAYING ON PAVEMENTS: No person shall engage in any game or sports activity upon a roadway and no person upon roller skates or skateboards, or sleigh, express wagon or riding in or by means of any coaster, toy vehicle or similar device go upon any roadway. 15. PROHIBITION OF THE REPAIRING, WASHING, WA ING OR GREASING OF VEHICLES: No person shall make use of the roadway for the purpose of washing, waxing, greasing or repairing any vehicle, except such emergency repairs as are necessary to enable the Corporation of the County of Elgin -6 - By-Law 16-11 vehicle to be removed from the highway and disabled vehicles shall be removed or caused to be removed from the highway by the driver or owner without delay. 16. NO DRIVING ON SIDEWALK, PATH, OR BOULEVARD: No driver of any motor vehicle shall drive within, upon, across or along any sidewalk, path or boulevard except at a driveway. 17. ABANDON VEHICLES: No person shall abandon any vehicle, including any vehicle that is incapable of being propelled or driven by any kind of power, on or near a highway or roadway. 18. UNAUTHORIZED SIGNS: No person shall place, maintain or display on any highway any unauthorized device which is an imitation of, or purports to be, or resembles any official sign or signal, or which purports to direct parking or the movement of traffic or the actions of operators of vehicles. Any such device shall be deemed a public nuisance and any Police or other Officer authorized to enforce this By-Law may remove the same without notice. 19. BUS STOPS: (i) Buses operated over a highway in the Municipality shall take on or discharge passengers only on the right-hand side of the bus. When stopping all buses shall stop in such a manner as not to obstruct traffic. (ii) When an authorized bus stop sign is on display, no vehicle shall stand any closer than 15m before the said sign. PART C REGULATED PARKING 20. GENERAL PARKING REGULATIONS: Subject to or in conjunction with the provisions of Sections 21, no person shall stop or park a vehicle or permit a vehicle to be stopped or parked: (1) On or within any sidewalk, crosswalk, crossover or boulevard; (2) In front of or within lm of any lane, driveway or alley entrance; (3) Except at points where parking is otherwise designated, with the right-hand wheels of the vehicle at a greater distance from the curbline than 0.15m or in Winter, subject to Subsection (5), as nearly within such distance as the conditions of the highway permit; (4) On the roadway side of a vehicle stopped or parked at the edge or curb of a highway; (5) At the edge or curb on the left side of the roadway having regard to the direction such vehicle was proceeding except where parking is permitted on the left-hand side of the roadway of a highway designated for one-way traffic; (6) In such position as to obstruct traffic; (7) Within 8m of any Fire Hall on the side of the highway on which the Fire Hall is located or within the 30m of such Fire Hall on the opposite side of the roadway; (8) On any street within 9m of the projection of the curbline of any intersecting street except where such intersection is visibly and lawfully designated as a "Bus Stop" at which intersection all vehicles shall be parked in accordance with the instructions set out on the designating sign or signs; (9) On any bridge, subway and/or any approach thereto; (10) Within 3m of the point of the curbline which is nearest any fire hydrant; (11) Within 2m of the space on the same side of the highway directly in front of the entrance to church, hospital, hotel, theatre, hall or other public building where large numbers of people assemble, except while actually taking on or discharging passengers, other than a bus in a bus stop, or other than a taxi-cab in a taxi-cab stand, when any such stop or stand has been officially designated and appropriately signed; (12) Within 15m of an intersection with Signal Light Traffic Control System installed; (13) Within 15m of the nearest rail of a level Railway Crossing; (14) In a position or place that prevents or is likely to prevent the removal of any vehicle already parked on the highway; (15) On any highway where the travelled portion of the roadway is less than 6m wide; (16) Within 15m of a pedestrian crossover; Corporation of the County of Elgin -7 - By-Law 16-11 (17) Alongside or adjacent to the tracks of any railway; (18) Within a loading zone; (19) On any lands owned by the Municipality where signs prohibiting stopping or parking have been erected; (20) Where appropriate signs are erected and on display at any place or location for emergency vehicles only; (21) Where appropriate signs are erected and on display on highways and between the limits set out respectively in Schedule "A" hereto. 21. SPECIFIC PARKING REGULATIONS: (1) Church Services Where appropriate signs are displayed and authorized by a By-Law of the Municipality, persons in attendance during church services and church functions are exempt from general parking regulations set out above. (2) Restricted Parking Subject to Subsection 21 (3) through Subsection 23(8) inclusive below, and where appropriate signs are erected and on display, no person shall park a vehicle on any highway at the side and between the limits set out respectively in Columns 1, 2, and 3 of Schedule "B" to this By-Law during the times or days set out in Column 4 of the said Schedule for a longer period of time than that set out in Column 5 of the Schedule. (3) Maximum Parking Time Limits No person shall permit a vehicle to remain parked or standing upon any part of any street in the Municipality for a period longer than five (5) hours. (4) Overnight Parking on Municipal Roads Notwithstanding any provisions of this Section, no vehicle shall remain parked or standing upon any part of any street in the Municipality between the hours of 3:00 A.M. and 5:00 A.M. (5) Parking on One-Way Streets Notwithstanding Section 20 (3) hereof, where Council, under this By-Law, has designated certain streets as one-way streets, vehicles parking on the left-hand side of the street shall park with the left-hand wheels of the vehicle at not more than 0.3m from the curbline or, in winter, as nearly as possible within such distance as the conditions of the highway permit. (6) Parking in Space Controlled by Parking Metre (i) Parking Times No driver of a vehicle shall park such vehicle in a parking metre zone between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m., Mondays to Fridays inclusive, and except where such days are legally and lawfully proclaimed holidays, unless the driver of such vehicle deposits in the parking metre provided for the parking space the sums as indicated in Columns 1 and 2 of Schedule "D" hereto and thereafter activates the metre. (ii) Maximum Parking Limit on Metre (a) No driver of a vehicle shall allow such vehicle to remain parked for a longer period than that for which payment has been made in the form of coins deposited in the parking metre or metres, provided, however, that this shall not prevent the driver of the vehicle from using the unexpired time remaining in the metre from its previous use without depositing a coin therein. (b) No driver of a vehicle shall allow such vehicle to remain in a parking space for a longer period than the maximum time permitted on the parking metre. (c) No driver of a vehicle shall park such vehicle in such a manner that it is not wholly within the area designated as a parking space, and if the vehicle is of such length as to prevent it from being parked within one parking space, then the person parking same shall make the necessary Corporation of the County of Elgin -8 - By-Law 16-11 deposit of coins in the parking metre or metres for adjoining parking space(s). (iii) Parking Procedures at Metre No driver of a vehicle shall park such vehicle in a parking space unless the front and rear of such vehicle is alongside or as close as practical to the parking metre provided for such space. (iv) Parking Metre Locations The highways or parts of highways set out in Column 1 of Schedule "E" of this By-Law are designated as parking metre zones between the limits set out in Column 2 of the said Schedule. (v) Parking Metre Rates The parking metre rates, as set out in Column 2 of Schedule "D" of this By- Law for the type of parking metre set out in Column 1 shall be the parking rates for on-street parking as approved by Council. (7) Parking of Heavy Trucks and Buses (i) No person shall park a heavy truck, or a bus, or a school bus, or allow a heavy truck, or a bus, or a school bus to stand on any highway in any residential zone within the territorial limits of the Municipality. (ii) The provisions of subsection (i) of this section do not apply to prohibit the parking or standing of any heavy truck upon a highway in any residential zone while the operator thereof is actually engaged in the delivery of goods or services to any premises within such zone or to prohibit the parking or standing of any bus or school bus upon a highway in such zone while the operator thereof is actually engaged in the embarking or disembarking of passengers within that zone. (8) Parking in Designated Disabled Person Parking Space (i) Subject to that set forth in subsection (ii) to this section, no person or organization shall park a vehicle in a designated disabled person parking space unless a currently valid disabled person parking permit has been issued to that person, organization or to a passenger being picked up or transported in the vehicle and such permit is displayed on or in the vehicle in accordance with the requirements of the Highway Traffic Act. (ii) Vehicles displaying currently valid permits, numbered plates, or other markers and devices bearing the international symbol of access for the disabled and issued by other jurisdictions are entitled to the same privileges as vehicles displaying disabled person parking permits issued by the Province of Ontario. PART "0" STREET DESIGNATIONS AND TRAFFIC SIGNS 22. ONE-WAY STREETS: The highway set out in Column 1 of Schedule "C" to this By-Law, within the limit set out in Column 2 of the said Schedule, are hereby designated for one-way traffic only in the direction set out in Column 3 of the said Schedule. 23. EXEMPTION— MUNICIPAL VEHICLES PERFORMING WORK ON HIGHWAYS: The provisions of Part "C" of this By-Law do not apply to vehicles of the Municipality where such vehicles are actually engaged in the performance of cleaning, maintenance, duty, repair, construction, snow or ice removal or other work on any highway or any vehicle under contract to the Municipality and engaged in any of the aforesaid activities. Corporation of the County of Elgin -9 - By-Law 16-11 PART "E" PAYMENT OF PENALTIES OUT OF COURT 24. PROVISIONS FOR PENALTIES: A specified penalty payable out of court within seven days time may be imposed for the contravention of any provision of the By-Law that constitutes a parking infraction, by the inclusion in a parking infraction notice under Part II of the Provincial Offences Act of the words and penalties set out in Schedule "F" of this By-Law. 25. METHOD OF PAYING VOLUNTARY PENALTY: An early penalty payment out of court may be made on or before the date specified on the parking infraction notice by cheque or money order payable to the Corporation of the County of Elgin sent by prepaid mail to an address or post office indicated on the parking infraction notice and on such payment being made, no further proceedings will be taken. 26. DEFAULT IN PAYING VOLUNTARY PAYMENT: If default is made in paying a penalty out of court in accordance with this part, any fine imposed under this By-Law for the contravention thereof shall be recoverable under the provision of the Provincial Offences Act, all the provisions of which shall apply. PART "F" GENERAL PROVISIONS 27. GENERAL PENALTY: Except where otherwise expressly provided by this By-Law or the Highway Traffic Act, every person who: (a) Contravenes any provision of the By-Law; or, (b) Is the owner of a vehicle that is parked or stopped in contravention of any provision of this By-Law; is guilty of an offence and on conviction is liable to a fine as provided for in the Provincial Offences Act. 28. ILLEGALLY PARKED VEHICLES: Where a vehicle has been parked, stopped or left standing in contravention of this By- Law, the owner of the vehicle, notwithstanding that he was not the driver of the vehicle at the time of contravention of the By-Law, is guilty of an offence and is liable to the fine prescribed for the offence unless, at the time of the offence, the vehicle was in the possession of some person other that the owner without the owner's consent. 29. REMOVAL OF VEHICLES: Any officer duly appointed or otherwise holding jurisdiction for enforcement of the provisions of the By-Law and/or Highway Traffic Act, upon discovery of any vehicle parked in contravention of this By-Law may cause it to be moved or taken to a placed or stored in a suitable place and all costs and charges for removing, care, and storage thereof, in any, are a lien upon the vehicle, which may be enforced in the matter provided by Section 52 of the Mechanics' Lien Act or any successor legislation. 30. AUTHORITY TO ENFORCE THIS BY-LAW: Any By-Law enforcement officer duly appointed by the Municipality and any police officer holding jurisdiction within the territory limits of the Municipality is authorized to enforce the provisions of this By-Law. In addition, any other officer appointed by the Municipality for purposes of enforcement of the non-moving violations of this By-Law is authorized to enforce such non-moving violations. For the purposes as so set forth, the said officers shall be considered Provincial Offences Officers for the purposes of enforcement of this By-Law. 31. ENFORCEMENT— PROVINCIAL OFFENCES ACT(ONTARIO): Subject to any provisions set forth above, enforcement herein shall be pursuant to the provisions of the Provincial Offences Act (Ontario), and any conflict between the provisions of the By-Law and the said Provincial Offences Act (Ontario), save and Corporation of the County of Elgin -10 - By-Law 16-11 except that relating to payment of penalties out of court, shall be resolved in favour of the said Provincial Offences Act (Ontario). 32. EXCESS COINS AND PARKING METRES: Where a person deposits one or more coins in a parking metre in excess of that required for the parking time allowed by the metre, no change shall be remitted and no increase in parking time shall be allowed. 33. EXECUTIVE ACTS AUTHORIZED: The Warden and the Chief Administrative Officer are hereby authorized to do all things and the Warden and the Chief Administrative Officer are hereby authorized to execute on behalf and under seal of the Municipality any document necessary to give effect to this By-Law. 34. HEADINGS NOT PART OF THE BY-LAW: The headings in the body of this By-Law form no part of the By-Law but are inserted for convenience of reference only. 35. DEVIATION FROM FORMS: Where a form of words or expressions are prescribed in any schedule to this By-Law, deviations therefrom not affecting the substance or calculated to mislead do not vitiate them. 36. CONFLICT WITH HIGHWAY TRAFFIC ACT: In the event of conflict between the provisions of this By-Law and the Highway Traffic Act, the provisions of the Act prevail. 37. DATE EFFECTIVE— FORMER BY-LAWS REPEALED: This By-Law shall come into effect on a date to be specified by Council, upon which effective date all other By-Laws pertaining to the regulation of traffic and parking on highways in the County that are inconsistent upon the terms thereof, including but not limited to By-Laws No. 90-48, 91-10, 91-47, 91-57, 92-01, 93-63, 94-07, 96-05, 96-34, 97-13, 97-23, 99-30, EG1 (01-40), as amended by, 03-05, 03-40, 05-19, 09-34 and 12- 22 shall be repealed. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 12TH DAY OF APRIL 2016. A,11111110 M.G. McDo-nald, Bernie Wiehle, Chief Administrative Officer Warden Corporation of the County of Elgin -11 - By-Law 16-11 SCHEDULE "A" By-Law No. 16-11 PART "A" DEFINITION OF ROAD ALLOWANCES Road Section Description 2 A From the east side of Road #103 to the west side of Road #8. 3 A From the west side of McPherson Road the road allowance between the Municipality of Chatham-Kent and the Municipality of West Elgin and the west side of the intersection of Highway#3 and Highway#4. 4 A From the north limit of the former geographic Village of Port Stanley, now the Municipality of Central Elgin, to the north side of Glenwood Avenue in the Municipality of Central Elgin. 4 B From the south side of Talbot Road, the north limits of the City of St. Thomas, to the south side of the intersection of Highway #3 and Highway #4. 5 A From the north side of County Road #2 to the County of Elgin boundary which is the centre of the Thames River. 6 A From the east side of County Road #7 to the west side of County Road #103. 7 A From the south side of Turn Line, the road allowance between Concessions X and XI, the former Township of Orford, now the Municipality of Chatham-Kent, to the County of Elgin boundary which is the centre of the Thames River. 8 A From the east side of the Pearce Provincial Park to the west side in Lot 12, Concession X, Municipality of Dutton/Dunwich, to the west side of County Road #8 in Lot 10, Concession X. 8 B From the north side of County Road #8, Lot 10, Concession X, Municipality of Dutton/Dunwich to the south side of County Road #3. 8 C From the north side of County Road #3 to the County of Elgin boundary which is the centre of the Thames River. 9 A From the east side of County Road #103 to the west side of Colley Road. 9 B From the south side of McDougall Line to the north side of Stalker Line. 9 C From the east side of Colley Road to the west side of County Road #76. 9 D From the east side of County Road #76 to west side of County Road #5. 9 E From the east side of County Road #5 to west side of County Road #8. 9 F From the east side of County Road #8 to west side of County Road #14. 11 A From the east side of Highway #4 to west side of Wonderland Road. 13 A From the east side of County Road #8 to west side of County Road #14. 14 A From the north side of County Road #16 to the south side of County Road #3. 14 B From the north side of County Road #3 to the County of Elgin boundary which is the centre of the Thames River. 15 A From the north side of County Road #8 to the south side of County Road #2. 16 A From the east side of County Road #8 to the County of Elgin boundary which is the limits of the City of St. Thomas which is the west side of Lot 43. 17 A From the east side of County Road #119 to the east side of Carriage Road. 18 A From the east side of County Road #14 to the west side of County Road #119. 18 B From the west side of County Road #119 to west side of Highway#4. 19 A From the north side of the former Village of Port Burwell, now the Municipality of Bayham, to the County of Elgin boundary with the County of Norfolk. 20 A From the north side of George Street in the former Village of Port Stanley, now the Municipality of Central Elgin, to the south side of County Road #21. 20 B From the north side of County Road #21 to the south side of County Road #16. 20 C From the north side of County Road #16 to the south side of County Road #18. Corporation of the County of Elgin -12 - By-Law 16-11 Road Section Description 20 D From the north side of County Road #18 to the south side of Southdale Drive. 21 A From the east side of County Road #20 to the west side of Colborne Street in the former Village of Port Stanley, now the Municipality of Central Elgin. 22 A From the north side of County Road #24 to the south side of County Road #27. 22 B From the north side of County Road #27 to the north side of Southdale Line, the County of Elgin boundary which is the limits of the City of St. Thomas. 23 A From the east of Colborne Street in the former Village of Port Stanley, now B tFhreomMtuhneiceipaastlitsyidoefoCf CenoturahltyERlgoinad, to#4 tthoetheeansot rtshidseidoefoEast aEsatstStreet Street inin the former Village of Port Stanley, now the Municipality of Central Elgin. 23 former Village of Port Stanley, now the Municipality of Central Elgin. 24 A From the east side of County Road #23 to west side of County Road #73. 25 A From the County of Elgin boundary, which is the limit of the City of St. Thomas, to the south side of Highway#3. 25 B From the north side of Highway #3 to the north side of Regan Bourne, which is the County of Elgin boundary, which is the limit of the City of London. 26 A From the County of Elgin boundary, which is the centre of the Kettle Creek, which is the limit of the City of St. Thomas, to the east side of County Road #25. 27 A From the north side of County Road #20 to west side of County Road #4. 27 B From the east side of County Road #4 to west side of County Road #36. 28 A From the north side of County Road #45 to the south side of County Road #56. 28 B From the north side of County Road #56 to south side of Highway#3. 30 A From the south side of County Road #52, which is the limits of the City of St. Thomas, the County of Elgin boundary, to the north side of Thomson Line which is the limit of the City of London, the County of Elgin boundary. 31 A From the south side of Water Tower Line, the County of Elgin boundary, which is the limit of the City of St. Thomas, to the south side of County Road #52. 32 A From the east side of County Road #73 to the west side of Hacienda Road. 32 B From the south side of Glencolin Line to the south side of County Road #52. 34 A From the County of Elgin boundary, which is the limits of the City of London, to the west side of Belmont Road, in the former Village of Belmont, now the Municipality of Central Elgin. 35 A From the north side of County Road #45 to south side of Highway#3. 35 B From the north side of Highway#3 to south side of County Road #52. 36 A From the north side of County Road #24 to south side of County Road #27. 36 B From the north side of County Road #27 to south side of County Road #45. 36 C From the north side of County Road #45 to south side of Highway#3. 37 A From the east side of Belmont Road in the former Village of Belmont now the Municipality of Central Elgin, to west side of County Road #73. 37 B From the east side of County Road #73 to west side of County Road #47. 37 C From the east side of County Road #47 to the east side of Pigram Road in the former Township of South Dorchester, now the Township of Malahide, which is the Elgin County boundary. 38 A From the east side of Highway#3 to west side of County Road #19. 38 B From the east side of County Road #19 to the east side of Baynor Drive, County Road #55, which is the boundary to Elgin County. 39 A From a point 485 metres south of the south limit of Pitt Street in the former Village of Port Burwell, now the Municipality of Bayham, to the south side of County Road #42. 40 A From the north side of County Road #42 to south side of Highway#3. 40 B From the north side of Highway#3 to the south side of Glencolin Line. 40 C From the north side of Glencolin Line to the south side of County Road #52. Corporation of the County of Elgin -13 - By-Law 16-11 Road Section Description 41 A On Fulton Street in the former Village of Vienna, now the Municipality of Bayham, from the west side of Union Street to the west side of Main Street. 41 B On Main Street in the former Village of Vienna, now the Municipality of Bayham, from the north side of County Road #19 to the north side of Fulton Street, in the former Village of Vienna, now the Municipality of Bayham. 42 A From the east side of County Road #73 to the west side of Robinson Street in the former Village of Port Burwell, now the Municipality of Bayham. 42 B From the east side of Robinson Street, in the former Village of Port Burwell, now the Municipality of Bayham, to the east side of Baynor Road, County Road #55, being the Elgin County boundary. 43 A From the north side of County Road #42 to the south side of County Road #45. 43 B From the north side of County Road #45 to the south side of County Road #38. 44 A From the east side of County Road #46 to the west side of Highway #3. 44 B From the east side of Highway#3 to the east side of County Road #19. 45 A From the south side of County Road #3 to the north side of County Road #16. 45 B From the south side of County Road #16 to the west side of County Road #4. 45 C From the east side of County Road #4 to the west side of County Road #73. 45 D From the east side of County Road #73 to the west side of County Road #40. 45 E From the east side of County Road #40 to the west side of County Road #19. 45 F From the east side of County Road #19 to the east side of Baynor Road, County Road #55, which is the County of Elgin boundary. 46 A From the north side of County Road #38 to the south side of Highway#3. 46 B From the north side of Highway #3 to the north side of Pressey Road, which is the County of Elgin boundary. 47 A From the north side of County Road #48 to the north side of Avon Drive, County Road #73, which is the County of Elgin boundary. 48 A From the north side of Southminster Bourne to the south side of Ferguson Line. 48 B From the east side of Wonderland Road to the west side of County Road #25. 48 C From the east side of County Road #25 to the west side of County Road #30. 48 D From the east side of County Road #30 to the west side of County Road #74. 48 E From the east side of County Road #74 to the west side of County Road #73. 48 F From the east side of County Road #73 to the west side of Pigram Road, County Road #54. 49 A From the north side of County Road #52 to the south side of County Road #48. 50 A From the north side of County Road #42 to the north limits of the former Village of Port Burwell, now the Municipality of Bayham. 51 A From the east side of Mellor Road to the west side of County Road #4. 52 A From the north side of Highway#3 to the west side of County Road #25. 52 B From the east side of County Road #25 to the west side of County Road #30. 52 C From the east side of County Road #30 to the west side of County Road #74. 52 D From the east side of County Road #74 to the west side of County Road #73. 52 E From the east side of County Road #73 to the west side of Putnam Road, the former Township of South Dorchester, now the Township of Malahide. 52 F From the north side of Ron McNeil Line, Lot B, Concession XII in the former Township of South Dorchester, now the Township of Malahide, to the west side of Pigram Road. Corporation of the County of Elgin - 14- By-Law 16-11 Road Section Description 53 A From the north side of Highway#3 to the north side of Beech Street. 53 B From the east side of Elm Street to the west side of John Street. 54 A From the south side of Brownsville Road, Oxford County Road #27 to the north side of County Road #48. 55 A From the north side of County Road #42 to the south side of County Road #45. 55 B From the north side of County Road #45 to the south side of County Road #38. 56 A From the west side of Elmwood Avenue, the County of Elgin boundary with the City of St. Thomas, to the west side of County Road #36. 57 A From the east side of County Road #4 to the County of Elgin boundary with the City of St. Thomas. 73 A From the north side of Hale Street to the west side of Dexter Line. 73 B From the north side of Colen Street to the south side of the Catfish Creek. 73 C From the west side of Levi Street to the south limit of the Town of Aylmer. 73 D From the north limit of the Town of Aylmer to the north side of Avon Drive, County Road #37, the County of Elgin boundary. 74 A From the north side of Highway#3 to the south limit of the former Village of Belmont, now the Municipality of Central Elgin. 76 A From the north side of County Road #3 to the south limit of the former Village of West Lorne, now the Municipality of West Elgin. 76 B From the north limit of the former Village of West Lorne, now the Municipality of West Elgin to the County of Elgin boundary which is the middle of the Thames River. 103 A From a point 390 metres south of the south side of Gray Line to the south side of County Road #3. 103 B From the north side of County Road #3 to the County of Elgin boundary which is the middle of the Thames River. 104 A From the north side of Muirkirk Line to the south side of McMillan Line. 104 B From the east side of McPherson Road to the west side of Blacks Road. 104 C From the south side of McMillan Line to the north side of Queens Line. 104 D From the east side of Blacks Road to the west side of County Road #103. 119 A From the north side of County Road #3 to the north side of Southdel Drive which is the County of Elgin boundary. Corporation of the County of Elgin -15- By-Law 16-11 SCHEDULE "A" By-Law No. 16-11 PART "B" When properly worded signs have been erected and are on display no person shall park a vehicle on the highway or part of the highway known as: 1 County Road #2 (Pioneer Line) east of (Graham Road)(EPL) on the north side of (Pioneer Line) for a distance of 35 metres. 1.1 County Road #2 (Pioneer Line) east of (Graham Road)( EPL) on the south side of (Pioneer Line) for a distance of 30 metres. 1.2 County Road #2 (Pioneer Line) west of (Graham Road)(WPL) on the north side of (Pioneer Line) for a distance of 20 metres. 1.3 County Road #2 (Pioneer Line) west of (Graham Road)(EPL) on the south side of (Pioneer Line) for a distance 36 metres. 2 County Road #3 (Talbot Line) east of (Currie Road)(EPL) on the north side of (Talbot Line) for a distance of 51 metres. 2.1 County Road #3 (Talbot Line) east of (Currie Road)(EPL) on the south side of (Talbot Line) for a distance of 45 metres. 2.2 County Road #3 (Talbot Line) west of (Currie Road)(WPL) on the north side of (Talbot Line) for a distance of 42 metres. 2.3 County Road #3 (Talbot Line) west of (Currie Road)(WPL) on the south side of (Talbot Line) for a distance of 42 metres. 2.4 County Road #3 (Talbot Line) east of (Union Road)(EPL) on the north side of (Talbot Line) for a distance of 56 metres. 2.5 County Road #3 (Talbot Line) east of (Union Road)(EPL) on the south side of (Talbot Line) for a distance of 46 metres. 2.6 County Road #3 (Talbot Line) west of (Union Road)(WPL) on the north side of (Talbot Line) for a distance of 32 metres. 2.7 County Road #3 (Talbot Line) west of (Union Road)(WPL) on the south side of (Talbot Line) for a distance of 50 metres. 3 County Road #4 (Bridge Street) north and south from the east end of King George VI Lift Bridge for a distance of 30 metres. 3.1 County Road #4 (Bridge Street) north and south from the west end of King George VI Lift Bridge for a distance of 30 metres. 3.2 County Road #4 (Bridge Street) west of (Colborne)(WPL) on the north side for a distance of 25 metres. 3.3 County Road #4 (Bridge Street) west of (Colborne)(WPL) on the south side for a distance of 55 metres. 3.4 County Road #4 (Colborne Street) east side and west side from (Bridge Street) (NPL) for a distance of 30 metres north. 3.6 County Road #4 (Colborne Street) north from (Charlotte)(NPL) on west side for a distance of 500 metres. 3.7 County Road #4 (Colborne Street) south from (Charlotte)(SPL) on west side for a distance of 9 metres. Corporation of the County of Elgin -16 - By-Law 16-11 3.8 County Road #4 (Colborne Street) east from (Matilda Street)(NPL) for a distance of 210 metres. 3.9 County Road #4 (Colbourne Street) north from (Hetty Street)(NPL) for a distance of 9 metres. 3.10 County Road #4 (Colbourne Street) south from (Hetty Street)(SPL) for a distance of 9 metres. 3.11 County Road #4 (Sunset Drive) north from (Warren Street)(NPL) on the west side for a distance of 105 metres 3.12 County Road #4 (Sunset Drive) east and west, starting 200 metres south from (Glenwood Avenue)(SPL) for a distance of 90 metres. 3.13 County Road #4 (Sunset Drive) north from (John Wise Line)(NPL) for a distance of 900 metres on the east side of the road. 3.14 County Road #4 (Sunset Drive) north from (John Wise Line)(NPL) for a distance of 900 metres on the west side of the road. 4 County Road #8 (Currie Road) north of (Mary Street)(NPL) on the east side of (Currie Road) for a distance of 17 metres. 4.1 County Road #8 (Currie Road) starting 105 metres north of (Mary Street)(NPL) on the east side of (Currie Road) for a distance of 87 metres. 4.2 County Road #8 (Currie Road)) north of (Mary Street)(NPL) on the west side of (Currie Road) for a distance 15 metres. 4.3 County Road #8 (Currie Road) starting 75 metres north of (Mary Street)(NPL) on the west side of (Currie) for a distance of 55 metres. 5 County Road #13 (Shackleton Street) starting 165 metres east of (Currie Road) (EPL) on the south side for a distance of 435 metres. 5.1 County Road #13 (Shackleton Street) starting 180 metres east of (Currie Road) (EPL) on the north side for a distance of 412 metres. 6 County Road #15 (Miller Road) starting 30 metres west of (John Street) (WPL) on the north side of (Miller Road) for a distance of 165 metres. 6.1 County Road #15 (Miller Road) from (John Street)(WPL) on the south side of (Miller Road) for a distance of 210 metres. 7 County Road #16 (Fingal Line) east of (Union Road)(EPL) on the north side of (Fingal Line) for a distance of 50 metres. 7.1 County Road #16 (Fingal Line) east of (Union Road)(EPL) on the south side of (Fingal Line) for a distance of 50 metres. 7.2 County Road #16 (Fingal Line) starting 223 metres east of (Lyle Road)(WPL) on the north side of (Fingal Line) for a distance of 260 metres. 8 County Road #19 (Plank Road) from (Heritage Line)(NPL) north on the east side of (Plank Road ) for a distance of 80 metres. 8.1 County Road #19 (Plank Road) from (Heritage Line)(NPL) north on the west side of (Plank Road ) for a distance of 80 metres. 8.2 County Road #19 (Plank Road) from (Heritage Line)(SPL) south on the east side of (Plank Road) for a distance of 60 metres. 8.3 County Road #19 (Plank Road) south of (Heritage Line)(SPL) south on the west side of (Plank Road) for a distance of 60 metres. Corporation of the County of Elgin - 17 - By-Law 16-11 8.4 County Road #19 (Robinson Street) east and west from County Road #50 (Victoria Road) south to County Road #42 (Wellington Road)(NPL) for a distance of 765 metres. 9 County Road #20 (Union Road) west side from (Talbot Line)(NPL) north for a distance of 25 metres. 9.1 County Road #20 (Union Road) west side from (Talbot Line)(SPL) south for a distance on 15 metres 10 County Road #21 (Warren Street) from (Colborne Street)(WPL) on the north side for a distance of 81 metres west. 11 County Road #25 (Wellington Road) from 190 metres north of (Ron McNeil Line)(NPL) for a distance of 80 metres north on both east and west side. 12 County Road #27 (Sparta Line) from 1501 metres west of (Quaker Road)(WPL) on the north side of (Sparta Line) for a distance of 359 metres. 12.1 County Road #27 (Sparta Line) from 1518 metres west of (Quaker Road)(WPL) on the south side of (Sparta Line) for a distance of 359 metres. 12.2 County Road #27 (Sparta Line) 1250 metres west from (Quaker Road)(WPL) on the north side of (Sparta Line) for a distance of 250 metres. 12.3 County Road #27 (Sparta Line) 1267 metres west from (Quaker Road)(WPL) on the south side of (Sparta Line) for a distance of 250 metres. 12.4 County Road #27 (Sparta Line) starting 35m west from (Quaker Road)(WPL) on the south side for a distance of 73 metres. 12.5 County Road #27 (Sparta Line) west from (Quaker Road)(WPL) on the north side for a distance of 73 metres. 12.6 County Road #27 (Sparta Line) starting 100 west from (Quaker Road)(WPL) on the north side for a distance of 100 metres. 12.7 County Road #27 (Sparta Line) west from (Fairview Road)(WPL) on the south side for a distance of 100 metres. 13 County Road #31 (Dalewood) starting 900 metres south of (Ron McNeil Line)(SPL) on the west side of (Dalewood) for a distance of 580 metres to (Water Tower Line)(NPL) . 13.1 County Road #31 (Dalewood) starting 900 metres south of (Ron McNeil Line)(SPL) on the west side of (Dalewood) for a distance of 580 metres to (Water Tower Line)(NPL) . 14 County Road #35 (Springwater Road) south from (Conservation Line)(SPL) on the east side of (Springwater Road) for a distance of 722 metres. 14.1 County Road #35 (Springwater Road) south from (Conservation Line)(SPL) on the west side of (Springwater Road) for a distance of 722 metres. 15 County Road #39 (Chatham Street) starting 482 metres south of (Libbye Street)(SPL) on the east side of (Chatham Street) for a distance of 482 metres. 15.1 County Road #39 (Chatham Street) starting 482 metres south of (Libbye Street)(SPL) on the east side of (Chatham Street) for a distance of 482 metres. 16. County Road #47 (Putnam Road) from (Lyons Line)(NPL) on the west side of (Putnam Road) north for a distance of 100 metres. 16.1 County Road #47 (Putnam Road) from (Lyons Line)(NPL) on the east side of (Putnam Road) north for a distance of 100 metres. Corporation of the County of Elgin - 18 - By-Law 16-11 16.2 County Road #47 (Putnam Road) south of (Lyons Line)(NPL) on the west side of (Putnam Road) for a distance of 50 metres. 16.3 County Road #47 (Putnam Road) south of (Lyons Line)(SPL) on the east side of (Putnam Road) for a distance of 50 metres. 17 County Road #48 (Lyons Line) east of (Putnam Road)(EPL) on the north side of (Lyons Line) for a distance of 50 metres. 17.1 County Road #48 (Lyons Line) east of (Putnam Road)(EPL) on the south side of Road #48 for a distance of 50 metres. 17.2 County Road #48 (Lyons Line) west of (Putnam Road)(WPL) on the north side of (Lyons Line) for a distance of 100 metres. 17.3 County Road #48 (Lyons Line) west of (Putnam Road)(WPL) on the south side of (Lyons Line) for a distance of 100 metres. 17.4 County Road #48 (Ferguson Line) starting from 1126 metres west of (Belmont Road)(WPL) on the north side of (Ferguson Line) for a distance of 625 metres. 17.5 County Road #48 (Ferguson Line) 1126 metres west of (Belmont Road)(WPL) on the south side of Road #48 for a distance of 626 metres. 18 County Road #49 (Whittaker Road) east side from (Ron McNeil Line)(NPL) north for a distance of 50 metres. 18.1 County Road #49 (Whittaker Road) west side from (Ron McNeil Line)(NPL) north for a distance of 10 metres. 19 County Road #52 ( Ron McNeil Line) north side from (Whittaker Road)(EPL) east for a distance of 9 metres. 19.1 County Road #52 ( Ron McNeil Line) north side from (Whittaker Road)(WPL) west for a distance of 9 metres. 20 County Road #73 (Imperial Road) starting 400 metres north of (Lyons Line)(NPL) on the east side of (Imperial Road) for a distance of 350 metres. 20.1 County Road #73 (Imperial Road) starting 400 metres north of (Lyons Line)(NPL) on the west side of (Imperial Road) for a distance of 350 metres. 20.2 County Road #73 (Imperial Road) north of (Van Patter Line)(NPL) on the east side of (Imperial) for a distance of 225 metres. 20.3 County Road #73 (Imperial Road) north of (Van Patter Line)(NPL) on the west side of (Imperial) for a distance of 225 metres. 20.4 County Road #73 (Imperial Road) south of (Van Patter Line)(SPL) on the east side of (Imperial Road) for a distance of 50 metres. 20.5 County Road #73 (Imperial Road) south of (Van Patter Line)(SPL) on the west side of (Imperial) for a distance of 50 metres. 20.6 County Road #73 (Imperial Road) starting 115 metres south of (Bradley Creek)(SPL) on the east side of (Imperial Road) for a distance of 110 metres. 20.7 County Road #73 (Imperial Road) starting 115 metres south of (Bradley Creek)(SPL) on the west side of (Imperial Road) for a distance of 110 metres. 20.8 County Road #73 (Imperial Road) starting 570 metres north of (Glencolin Line)(NPL) on the east side of (Imperial) north for a distance of 236 metres. 20.9 County Road #73 (Imperial Road) starting 570 metres north of (Glencolin Line)(NPL) on the west side of (Imperial) north for a distance of 236 metres. Corporation of the County of Elgin - 19 - By-Law 16-11 20.10 County Road #73 (Imperial Road) starting 80 metres south of (Lyons Line)(SPL), south for a distance of 53 metres. 20.11 County Road #73 (John Street) east side from (Chestnut Street)(NPL) east for a distance of 575 metres to (Beech Street)(SPL) 20.12 County Road #73 (John Street) east side from (Talbot Street)(SPL) south to (Sydenham Street)(NPL). 20.13 County Road #73 (John Street) east side from (Talbot Street)(NPL) north for a distance of 18 metres. 20.14 County Road #73 (John Street) east side from (Pine Street)(NPL) north for a distance of 13 metres. 20.15 County Road #73 (John Street) east side from 25 metres south of (Chestnut Street)(SPL) for a distance of 50 metres. 20.16 County Road #73 (John Street) west side from (Sydenham Street)(SPL) south for a distance of 21 metres. 20.17 County Road #73 (John Street) west side from County (Beech Street)(NPL) north to the town limit. 20.18 County Road #73 (John Street) west side from (Pine Street)(SPL) for a distance of 15 metres south. 20.19 County Road #73 (John Street) west side from (South Street)(NPL) north for a distance of 18 metres. 20.20 County Road #73 (John Street) west side from (South Street)(SPL) south for a distance of 18 metres. 20.21 County Road #73 (John Street) west side from (Pine Street)(NPL) north for a distance of 15 metres. 20.22 County Road #73 (John Street) west side from Talbot Street for a distance of 15 metres south. 20.23 County Road #73 (John Street) west side from (Maple Street)(NPL) for a distance of 160 metres to 60 metres north of (Spruce Street). 20.24 County Road #73 (John Street) east side from (Chestnut Street)(NPL) north for a distance of 770 metres. 20.25 County Road #73 (John Street) west side from (Chestnut Street)(SPL) south for a distance of 50 metres. 20.26 County Road #73 (John Street) west side from Talbot Street northerly for a distance of 84 metres. 20.27 County Road #73 (Imperial Road) west side starting 425 metres from (Dexter Line)(SPL) south for a distance of 165 metres. 20.28 County Road #73 (Imperial Road) east side for 9 metres, north and south of (Bank Street) 21 County Road #74 (Belmont Road) north of (New Sarum Line)(NPL) on the east side of (Belmont Road) for a distance of 250 metres. 21.1 County Road #74 (Belmont Road) north of (New Sarum Line)(NPL) on the west side of (Belmont Road) for a distance of 250 metres. 21.2 County Road #74 (Belmont Road) start 117 metres east of (Borden Street)(NPL) on Corporation of the County of Elgin -20 - By-Law 16-11 east side for a distance of 145 metres. 21.3 County Road #74 (Belmont Road) east side from (Caesar Road)(SPL) south for a distance 60 metres. 21.4 County Road #74 (Belmont Road) east side from (Caesar Road)(NPL) north for a distance of 122 metres. 21.5 County Road #74 (Belmont Road) east side from (Union Street)(SPL) south for a distance of 23 metres. 21.6 County Road #74 (Belmont Road) east side from (Union Street)(NPL) north for a distance of 10 metres. 21.7 County Road #74 (Belmont Road) east side from (Church Street)(SPL) south for a distance of 20 metres. 21.8 County Road #74 (Belmont Road) east side from (Church Street)(NPL) north for a distance of 15 metres. 21.9 County Road #74 (Belmont Road) east side from (Washburn Street)(SPL) south for a distance 20 metres. 21.10 County Road #74 (Belmont Road) east side from (Washburn Street)(NPL) north for a distance 20 metres. 21.11 County Road #74 (Belmont Road) west side from (7th Avenue)(NPL) north for a distance of 15 metres. 21.12 County Road #74 ()Belmont Road west side from (7th Avenue)(SPL) south for a distance of 10 metres. 21.13 County Road #74 (Belmont Road) west side from (North Street)(NPL) north for a distance of 10 metres. 21.14 County Road #74 (Belmont Road) west side from (North Street)(SPL) south for a distance of 40 metres. 21.15 County Road #74 (Belmont Road) west side from (Odell Street)(NPL) north for a distance of 22 metres. 21.16 County Road #74 (Belmont Road) west side from (Odell Street)(SPL) south for a distance of 26 metres. 21.17 County Road #74 (Belmont Road) west side from (Copeland)(NPL) north for a distance of 57 metres. 21.18 County Road #74 (Belmont Road) west side from (Copeland Street)(SPL) south for a distance of 21 metres. 21.19 County Road #74 (Belmont Road) west side starting 72 metres from (Copeland Street)(SPL) south for a distance of 260 metres. 21.20 County Road #74 (Main Street) west from the south side of the south entrance of the plaza for a distance of 8 metres south. 21.21 County Road #74 (Belmont Road) west side from (Rouen Street)(NPL) north for a distance of 20 metres. 21.22 County Road #74 (Belmont Road) west side from (Rouen Street)(SPL) south for a distance of 120 metres to the (Dyer Street)(NPL). 21.23 County Road #74 (Belmont Road) west side from (Dyer Street)(SPL) south for a distance of 20 metres. Corporation of the County of Elgin -21 - By-Law 16-11 21.24 County Road #74 (Belmont Road) west side from (Borden Avenue)(NPL) north for a distance of 36 metres. 22 County Road #76 (Graham Road) east side starting 119 metres from north of (Marsh Line)(NPL) for a distance of 364 metres, from 8:00 am. to 4:00 p.m., Monday to Friday. 22.1 County Road #76 (Graham Road) west side starting 244 metres south of (Mehring Street)(SPL) for a distance of 348 metres, from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday to Friday. 22.2 County Road #76 (Graham Road) east side starting 109 metres (Jessie Street)(SPL) south for a distance of 43 metres. 23 County Road #103 (Furnival Road) west side from (Queens Line)(NPL) for a distance of 34 metres. 24 County Road #142 (Wellington Street) north side from (Robinson Street)(EPL) for a distance of 45 metres. Corporation of the County of Elgin -22 - By-Law 16-11 SCHEDULE "A" By-Law No. 16-11 PART "C" The following locations are hereby designated as Crosswalk Zones of 2.0m in width: Corporation of the County of Elgin -23 - By-Law 16-11 SCHEDULE "B" By-Law No. 16-11 RESTRICTED PARKING Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5 Highway Side To/From Time of Day Time Length Corporation of the County of Elgin -24- By-Law 16-11 SCHEDULE "C" By-Law No. 16-11 DESIGNATED ONE-WAY STREETS Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Highway To/From Direction Corporation of the County of Elgin -25 - By-Law 16-11 SCHEDULE "D" By-Law No. 16-11 PARKING METRE RATES Column 1 Column 2 Maximum Time Period Parking Metre Rates Corporation of the County of Elgin -26 - By-Law 16-11 SCHEDULE "E" By-Law No. 16-11 PARKING METRE LOCATIONS Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Highway Side From To Corporation of the County of Elgin -27 - By-Law 16-11 SCHEDULE "F" By-Law No. 16-11 PENALTIES - PARKING INFRACTIONS Provision Early Creating or Voluntary Defining Payment Set Item Short Form Wording Offence (within 7 days) Fine 1. Park on Highway-Display for Sale 9 $20.00 $25.00 2. Park on or within Sidewalk/Crosswalk/ 20(1) $20.00 $25.00 Crossover/Boulevard 3. Park Blocking Lane/Driveway/Alley 20(2) $20.00 $25.00 4. Parking within 1m of Lane/Driveway/Alley 20(2) $20.00 $25.00 5. Park More than 0.15m from Curb 20(3) $20.00 $25.00 6 Park in Winter-Right Hand Wheels of Vehicle 20(3) $20.00 $25.00 Not as Close as Conditions Permit 7. Park on Roadway Side of Vehicle 20(4) $20.00 $25.00 8. Park on Left Side of Roadway Where Prohibited 20(5) $20.00 $25.00 9. Parked-Obstructing Traffic 20(6) $20.00 $25.00 10. Park within 8m of Fire Hall 20(7) $20.00 $25.00 11. Park within 30m of Fire Hall 20(7) $20.00 $25.00 12. Park within 9m of Intersection 20(8) $20.00 $25.00 13. Park on Bridge/Subway 20(9) $20.00 $25.00 14. Park on Approach to Bridge/Subway 20(9) $20.00 $25.00 15. Park within 3m of Fire Hydrant 20(10) $20.00 $25.00 16. Park within 2m of Entrance to Public Building 20(11) $20.00 $25.00 17. Park within 15m of Intersection with Signal Lights 20(12) $20.00 $25.00 18. Park within 15m of Railway Crossing 20(13) $20.00 $25.00 19. Park Preventing Removal of Other Vehicle 20(14) $20.00 $25.00 20. Park on Highway-Travelled Portion Less than 20(15) $20.00 $25.00 6m wide 21. Park within 15m of Pedestrian Crossover 20(16) $20.00 $25.00 22. Park Alongside Railway Tracks 20(17) $20.00 $25.00 23. Park Adjacent to Railway Tracks 20(17) $20.00 $25.00 24. Park within Loading Zone 20(18) $20.00 $25.00 25. Park in Signed Area where Prohibited - 20(19) $20.00 $25.00 Municipal Lands 26. Park in Signed Area-Emergency Vehicles Only 20(20) $20.00 $25.00 Corporation of the County of Elgin -28 - By-Law 16-11 SCHEDULE "F" (continued) By-Law No. 16-11 PENALTIES - PARKING INFRACTIONS Provision Early Creating or Voluntary Defining Payment Set Item Short Form Wording Offence (within 7 days) Fine 27. Park in Signed Area 20(21) $20.00 $25.00 28. Park in a Signed Area-Contrary to Restrictions 21(2) $20.00 $25.00 29. Park in Excess of Five Hours 21(3) $20.00 $25.00 30. Park Between 3:00 a.m. and 5:00 a.m. 21(4) $20.00 $25.00 31. Park Left Hand Wheels of Vehicle More than 21(5) $20.00 $25.00 0.3m from Curblane 32. Park in Winter-Left Hand Wheels of Vehicle Not 21(5) $20.00 $25.00 as Close as Practical 33. Park at Metre-Fail to Deposit Sums 21(6)(i) $12.50 $15.00 34. Park at Expired Metre-Longer than Payment 21(6)(ii)(a) $12.50 $15.00 Made 35. Parking at Expired Metre-Longer than Maximum 21(6)(ii)(b) $12.50 $15.00 Time 36. Parking at Metre-Outside Metre Zone 21(6)(ii)(c) $20.00 $25.00 37. Fail to Park as Close as Practical to Metre 21(6)(iii) $20.00 $25.00 38. Park Heavy Truck/Bus/School Bus) on Highway 21(7)(i) $20.00 $25.00 in Residential Zone 39. Park in Designated Disabled Person Parking 21(8)(i) N/A $300.00 Space NOTE: Penalty provision for the offences indicated above is Part F, Paragraph 27, of By-Law 16-11 [formally By-Law No. EG1 (01- 40)], a certified copy of which has been filed. Corporation of the County of Elgin -29 - By-Law 16-11 SCHEDULE "G" By-Law No. 16-11 AGREEMENT Agreement made in triplicate this day of AD, 20 BETWEEN: THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN HEREINAFTER CALLED "THE COUNTY" OF THE FIRST PART -AND - THE CORPORATION OF THE HEREINAFTER CALLED "THE MUNICIPALITY" OF THE SECOND PART WHEREAS the Council for the Corporation of the County of Elgin did pass By-Law No. 94-42 on September 27, 1994, thereby authorizing the Warden and the Clerk to enter into certain agreements setting out certain terms and conditions, with various lower tier constituent municipalities under which they may provide County by-law enforcement and; WHEREAS it is appropriate to outline said terms and conditions in an agreement; NOW THEREFORE, the following agreement comes into force and takes effect when all parties have signed said agreement. TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. Any employee of the Municipality who is responsible for enforcement of the County By-Laws shall be a duly appointed Provincial Offences Officer. 2. The Municipality shall be responsible for enforcing the County of Elgin's EG1 Parking by-Law on lands within the Municipality at no cost to the County. 3. Any litigation costs associated with said enforcement shall be the sole responsibility of the Municipality. 4. The Municipality will use EG1 parking tickets when issuing tickets for parking infractions. 5. THIS AGREEMENT shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the Parties hereto, their successors and assigns and may be altered by agreement of both Parties in writing. IN WITNESS THEREOF the Parties have hereunto affixed their respective corporate seals duly attested by the hands of their proper signing officers in that behalf. THE CORPORATION OF THE THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN Mayor Warden Administrator/Clerk Chief Administrative Officer Witness Witness Date Date MUNICIPALITY OF B AY H A M Pitt(04.1."; O opportunity is yours Bayham Council approved the 2016 Budget with a 7.82% For every tax dollar spent: or $281,162 notional value dollar increase over the 2015 municipal levy. For an average property in Bayham assessed at the 43% 41% approved rate amounts to an annual increase of : 16% Assessment Assessed Value Assessed Monthly Class Increase Over Increase Over Levy 2015 Levy $0.43 is retained by the Municipality Residential $250,000 $27.16 $2.26 $3,878,151 .89 (43%) Farm $400,000 $10.89 $0.91 $0.41 goes to the County of Elgin Commercial $250,000 $48.15 $4.02 $3,711,462.75 (41 %) Industrial $250,000 $24.40 $2.03 $0.1 6 goes towards Education $1,421,413.41 (16%) The 2016 Budget is focused on sustainability, efficiency and effectiveness of funding and infrastructure while incorporating all financial realities of the Municipality into the Budget, The 2016 Operating Budget continues the process, in conjunction with the Capital Budget, of protecting assets in fair to good condition by extending their useful lives as far as possible,while attempting to maintain consistent service levels. Highlights of the Budget Include: • A Part-Time/Summer Marine Museum Curator position to enhance the exhibits and programs at the Marine Museum; • The commencement of an Environmental Assessment for the replacement of the Port Burwell Storm Sewer System; • Continued Sidewalk Replacement funding; • Renewal of Fire Department Extrication Equipment; ▪ Implementation of a Public Space Recycling Program • Construction of a Corinth Park Pavilion Additional information and complete budgets are available for viewing on the Municipal Website at the following link. Persons may also access the Budgets under Municipal Services-Finance &Taxes - Budget. For further information please contact: Lorne James,CPA,CA Treasurer Municipality of Bayham 9344 Plank Road Straffordville,ON Office:(519)866-5521 Mail: liames( bayhamn.ca iNNYHAilf Ie� -. ADVISORY BOARD & � o l COMMITTEE RESOLUTION PP° tunity IS-1 lc t Date: April 21, 2016 To: Mayor& Members of Council From: Museums Bayham Museums Bayham respectfully requests the following resolution be passed by the Council of the Municipality of Bayham at the regular Council meeting April 21, 2016: THAT the Council of the Municipality of Bayham supports the proposal from Randy Breyer for an unstaffed static display in the Bayham Family Table Restaurant for the 2016 season. Ilk ADVISORY BOARD & ,r7,ra, 47 COMMITTEE RESOLUTION tunny Is Date: April 21, 2016 To: Mayor& Members of Council From: Museums Bayham Museums Bayham respectfully requests the following resolution be passed by the Council of the Municipality of Bayham at the regular Council meeting April 21, 2016: THAT the Council of the Municipality of Bayham supports that the current building lot and the current funds that were raised by the building committee be kept in their current state until a final decision is made regarding the Edison Museum; AND THAT Museums Bayham meet with the Mayor and CAO to begin working collaboratively to move forward to create a long term fiscally-maintainable way to document and display the Edison story. INXY114-4 inp„,",... .„ REPORT . ._ I, • ,,,,,,..,,,,i,„„„ --';;:f.------ ---- - , - A TREASURY DEPARTMENT poi'tunity Islro TO: Mayor & Members of Council FROM: Lorne James, Treasurer DATE: April 21, 2016 REPORT: TR-11/2016 FILE NO. SUBJECT: 2017 Budget Schedule BACKGROUND Section 290(1) of the Municipal Act requires local municipalities in each year to prepare and adopt a budget. The Municipality currently prepares three budgets: current year capital budget, rate supported operating budget and the 10-Year Capital Plan. This report presents the proposed meeting dates for Council review and approval of the above mentioned 2017 budgets. The purpose of preparing budgets is to allow Council to develop policy in financial terms and to assist in setting priorities and establishing service levels for upcoming year before expenditures take place. The accelerated time frame in which Council passed budgets in 2016 provides the opportunity for efficient and effective work planning and an opportunity for procurement at earlier times Municipality's levy and rate supported budgets will establish how property tax dollars will be spent in 2017 for municipal services provided. DISCUSSION In order to begin developing Bayham's Proposed 2017 Operating Budgets and Capital Plan, Council approval of the proposed budget schedule is required. The proposed timelines are earlier than prior year timelines to allow for tendering and effective procurement months before 2017 purchases. While these dates are fairly aggressive and will require strict adherence by staff to meet timelines, staff feel the proposed meeting dates are realistic and workable. Budget Proposed 2016 Start Time Budget Review Dates For Discussion Budget Public Consultation June 1, 2016 - August 31, 2016 2017 and 10 Year Capital Monday, October 3, 2016 6:30 p.m. Plan (Special Meeting) Tuesday, October 4, 2016 6:30 p.m. (Special Meeting) 2016 Levy Supported Tuesday January 3, 2017 6:30 p.m. Operating Budget (Special Meeting) Wednesday, January 4, 2017 (Special Meeting) 6:30 p.m. Thursday, January 5, 2017 (Budget Open House) 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. 2017 Budget Consultations For the 2017 Budget Consultations staff propose to expand on the 2016 Budget Consultations. In 2016 the Municipality posted notice in the summer newsletter seeking comment from the public on the upcoming budgets. Additionally the Treasurer is available for comment beyond that time period. In 2017 staff propose to post budget background information explaining the purpose of the Operating Budget and Capital Budget and the difference between Operating and Capital expenses. Staff propose to post this information under Consultations portion of the Municipal Website on June 1, 2016. During the consultation it will be clear the role of the consultation is to obtain public comment on the budgets, and ideas for the upcoming budgets for Council consideration. This consultation is to obtain comments of an advisory nature for Council consideration during budget deliberations. The same comments will be attached to the respective budget reports as an Appendix. The consultation will post due dates for comments to be incorporated into the Budget Reports and a Privacy Statement which outlines that all comments received will be added to a public report for Council consideration. Notice of consultation will be posted on the Municipal website and posted on the Municipal Office and Library notice boards. Notice will also be posted on the summer newsletter in the mail out of August tax bills. Both the 2016 Operating and Capital Budgets are available for review on the Municipal Website under the following: Municipal Services — Finance &Taxes — Budgets The 2016 Budgets showcase, for forecasting purposes the 2017 Operating Budgets and the 2017-2025 Capital Budgets. These budgets are subject to changes based on project criteria and decisions of Council, however gives the community a starting place for comments on the budgets. Potential Base Budget Impacts: For 2017 the most significant potential base operating budget drivers that may have an impact are as follows: • annualization of initiatives undertaken in 2016 • general inflation • foreign exchange fluctuations • utility cost increases • impact of fluctuating fuel costs and costs of petroleum based products • increased operating charges from approved capital projects • increased transfers to Reserves and Reserve Funds to fund capital programs based on 10 year capital budget from 2016 • provincial funding level changes • reduction of OMPF grant • compensation contracts and potential negotiations • increases in contracts from third party service providers • increase in user fees and service charges • changes in assessment due to growth • policing contract adjustments The actual impacts of these items are unknown at this time and will depend on further information and decisions. Guidelines: Some of the costs identified above can be avoided and others will be directly related to previous decisions or are uncontrollable. In the interim, staff will be directed to prepare the 2017 budgets following past practices with the goal to maintain costs at their current level wherever possible. These guidelines are an integral part of the budget process to assist departments when reviewing operational needs and service levels. CONCLUSION: In order to meet these dates, staff has initiated the 2017 budget process. This will allow staff the time required to present a responsible, complete, comprehensive, and accurate budget for Council review and consideration. RECOMMENDATION 1. THAT Staff Report TR-11/16 re 2017 Budget Schedule be received for information. 2. AND THAT the proposed Budget Guidelines and meeting dates be approved as set out in Report TR-11-2016. Respectfully -•..mitt-:,� Reviewed by, Lorne J-mes, CP A!A `''r"' •r, , " s REPORT 441I� .11111 TREASURY DEPARTMENT ,so- ra, zE#, 4. puu rtnity 19 ,i TO: Mayor & Members of Council FROM: Lorne James, Treasurer DATE: April 21, 2016 REPORT: TR-14/16 FILE NO. SUBJECT: Charitable Donations Receipt Policy BACKGROUND: The responsibility for the management of donations and the issuance of tax receipts for all donations received by the Municipality of Bayham rests with the Finance Department. Finance staff are responsible for the development and communication of policy and procedures related to official donation receipts and the subsequent training of department staff on these protocols. A Council approved policy for the issuance of charitable donation receipts will provide guidance to Municipal staff and stakeholders in planning fundraising programs and ensure compliance with Canada Revenue Agency regulations. DISCUSSION: Under the Income Tax Act, 1985, the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham is classified as a "qualified donee" for charitable donations, and as such is afforded the same privileges as that of a charitable organization. According to sections 110.1 (1)(a) and 118.1 (1) of the Income Tax Act, Canadian municipalities are permitted to issue receipts for charitable donations. These donations may come in the form of cash or "in kind." The 2011 Federal Budget and subsequent budgets included numerous changes to the rules for issuing donations receipts by municipalities and these came into effect on 1st January 2012. The CRA has recently been checking that Municipalities have been complying with these enhanced requirements and the Municipality of Bayham has yet to be audited by CRA. Effective 1st January 2012 municipalities were required to comply with additional requirements in order to issue charitable donation receipts: • Municipalities are required to be on a publicly available list maintained by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) in order to continue to be recognized as qualified donees. • Municipalities are required to abide by the rules prescribed by the Income Tax Act in relation to the issuance of official donation receipts. If the municipality fails to issue a donation receipt in accordance with Income Tax Act, CRA can revoke the status of the qualified donee and suspend the receipting privileges. • Municipalities are required to: ➢ Issue receipts only for transactions that qualify as charitable donations; ➢ Properly establish the fair market value of donations in-kind; and ➢ Ensure that receipts contain accurate and complete information. • Municipalities are required to include the same information as registered charities: ➢ A statement saying that it is an official receipt for income tax purposes ➢ Charity's business registration number, name, address as recorded with CRA ➢ Serial number of the receipt ➢ Place or locality where the receipt was issued ➢ For cash donation, the day and year on which the donation was received ➢ If the donation is in-kind: ■ The day on which the donation was received; ■ A brief description of the donation; and ■ The name and address of the appraiser, if an appraisal was completed ➢ The day on which the receipt was issued, if it differs from the date on which the donation was received ➢ The full name (including middle name) and address of the donor ➢ The amount of the cash donation, or if the donation is in-kind, the fair market value or deemed fair market value, if that rule applies ➢ Value and description of any benefit/advantage received by the donor ➢ Eligible amount of donation less any benefit/advantage ➢ Signature of an authorized individual to acknowledge donations ➢ Name and website address of the Canada Revenue Agency Municipalities are required to maintain proper books and records supporting any official donation receipts issued, and provide access to those books and records to CRA upon request. If the municipality fails to do so, CRA can revoke the status of the qualified donee and suspend the receipting privileges. Copies of receipts must be kept for two calendar years after the end of the calendar year to which the receipt applies. The purpose of this policy (Appendix A) is to formalize the charitable donations receipt program, including accounting for donations of cash or in-kind made to the Municipality. This policy also outlines the standards for evaluating donations in accordance with Canada Revenue Agency guidelines, and will serve as the foundation for standard operating procedures for issuing charitable donation receipts to donors for income tax purposes. RECOMMENDATION 1. THAT Report No. TR 14/16 be received for information. 2. THAT staff be directed to bring forward a by-law to authorize a Charitable Donations Procedure for Council consideration. Respectful) iubmitt- •, Reviewed by, i Lorne James, C•77 CA /'aUT'V'IPP '`' • iNAYHAdv? ,.,„,„ REPORT `ts ,„„:_:7-,2i.4,-.4-.. , .4,-;_,___ I ' TREASURY DEPARTMENT W j'tunity Is TO: Mayor & Members of Council FROM: Lorne James, Treasurer DATE: April 21, 2016 REPORT: TR-15/16 FILE NO. SUBJECT: Final Tax Due Dates BACKGROUND: The Municipality has four tax due dates, two for interim and two for final bills. The dates for the final tax bills have been historically the last Friday of August and second last Friday of November respectively. Staff are recommending to move the November due date up one month to the final Friday in October. By pushing the due date of the 4th tax payment up, it ensures adequate cash flow on hand to handle year end capital and operating purchases, an early winter and school board and county levy payments. The proposed By-law 2016-031 notes the new tax due dates. Payment 2015 2016 Interim February 25/2015 February 26/2016 Interim May 22/2015 May 27/2016 Final August 28/2015 August 26/2016 Final November 20/2015 October 28/2016 RECOMMENDATION 1. THAT Report No. TR 15/16 be received for information. Respectfully "mined, Reviewed by, ---- ___401VIPPIPIPP , ; Iia Lorne James, P A ' A ��ul ' ipway, a -*N-Y1144-z. . v,.... REPORT Ti O 4e° CAO Ppurtunity Is �o�► TO: Mayor & Members of Council FROM: Paul Shipway, CAO DATE: April 21, 2016 REPORT: CAO-31/16 SUBJECT: RFT 16-03 LINE PAINTING BACKGROUND On March 17, 2016 the Municipality issued RFT 16-03 Line Painting. RFT 16-03 closed on April 8, 2016 at noon. Annually, in accordance with Agreement No. 0067-03, as authorized by Municipality of Bayham By-law No. 2013-038, the Municipality is required to conduct line painting activities in accordance with the Ontario Traffic Manual Book 11. This service has historically been provided by the Township of Southwold. The results of RFT 16-03 Line Painting are as follows: OPTION#1 - A one year contract for the supply of all labour, plant, equipment and materials necessary for the application of Pavement Marking Paint on Bituminous or Concrete Pavement. Painting consists of both Centre Line painting and Road Edge painting. The unit price tendered shall be in effect for the year 2016. OPTION#2 A three year contract for the supply of all labour, plant, equipment and materials necessary for the application of Pavement Marking Paint on Bituminous or Concrete Pavement. Painting consists of both Centre Line painting and Road Edge painting. The first two years shall be at the unit price tendered with no adjustments within the first two years. The third year is a renewal option year with an allowance for any increase in material costs to be negotiated at the time of renewal. Contractor Option No. 1 (1Year Option No. 2 (3Year Contract) Contract) $/liter Total $/liter Total Township of Southwold $7.11 $45,082.38 NB NB ($6.29) (39,895.91) KDN Pavement Marking Ltd. $4.75 $30,118.33 $4.75 $30,118.33 2228977 Ontario Inc. $4.90 $31,069.43 $4.90 $31,069.43 The bidder's tendered based on historic averages of liters used annually (6,340.70 liters). The Township of Southwold tendered with HST included, the amount in brackets reflects a bid price excluding HST. RECOMMENDATION 1. THAT Report CAO-31/16 re RFT 16-03 Line Painting be received for information; 2. AND THAT staff be directed to bring forward a by-law for Council consideration for a Three (3) Year Contract with KDN Pavement Marking Ltd. in the amount of$4.75/liter. Respectfully Submitted by: Paul Shipway CAO $AY 411nPar4.4**' ,:f4,„, ii _ _,Th.,,,,,,,,,„,,, , .kdir*.'k,," ,,.-,_ REPORT o : , �� C A O �pul'tunity IS�o� TO: Mayor & Members of Council FROM: Paul Shipway, CAO DATE: April 21, 2016 REPORT: CAO-32/16 SUBJECT: TREE PLANTING CONSIDERATIONS BACKGROUND On April 7, 2016 the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham passed the following resolution: THAT staff be directed to bring back a report on tree replacement considerations. DISCUSSION Staff utilized the Association of Municipal Managers, Clerks &Treasurers of Ontario (AMCTO) Database search to assess various Tree Planting Policies and Considerations. A key finding of the assessment reveals that the policy considerations are as varied as the number of municipalities which exist. After assessing various options staff would respectfully propose the following options for Council consideration: OPTION 1 1) Annually during budget deliberations Council allocate funding for Tree Planting. a. The amount of funding for consideration be allocated based on an objective formula, as an example: i. Municipal Operations, in the previous year, conducted 2 kilometres of road work which removed trees. ii. 2 kilometres of road work equals 4 lane kilometres iii. Municipality allocate $500/lane kilometer iv. Tree Planting Funding, within the Capital Budget, for this example is $2,000.00. In theory utilizing the LPRCA Tree Program and 2016 estimated cost of$25/tree, said funding would permit the procurement of approximately 80 trees in the above example (dependent on private land owner planting said tree). 2) The Tree Planting Program be application based and property owners adjacent to municipal operations in the previous year be given first opportunity to make application from January- March. Following which the application process open to any person within the Municipality (March-April). a. At the end of application period, all applications be submitted for bulk purchasing through the LPRCA Tree Program. 3) Application be contingent upon the Trees being placed wholly on Private Property, tree type determined by LPRCA selection and private owner be responsible for planting and maintenance of the same. OPTION 2 1) Within the Capital Budget annually the Municipality subjectively provide an amount of funding for tree planting on private property ($5,000). 2) The Tree Planting Fund be application based and open to any person wishing to plant trees on private property within the Municipality of Bayham. 3) At the close of applications in April all applications be submitted for bulk purchasing through the LPRCA Tree Program. 4) Application be contingent upon the Trees being placed wholly on Private Property, tree type determined by LPRCA selection and private owner be responsible for planting and maintenance of the same. The above Options are merely examples for Council consideration. The commonality between the two is that the amount of funding for the Tree Planting is allocated within the Capital Budget annually. In the event that all funding is not utilized in a given year a Tree Reserve can be started and carried forward for future years. Option 2 is the easiest program to administer from a public and staff perspective. Limits of two (2) trees per property per year may work to ensure a variety of property owners are able to access the potential funding. Brief details of the LPRCA Tree Program is as follows: 1) The LPRCA Program functions annually in the Spring (May) 2) The LPRCA Program provides tall stock, being 4-5 foot in height saplings. 3) The cost is typically around $25.00/tree (not including planting). a. The LPRCA program also makes available stakes, ties, brush blankets, staples and rodent guards. RECOMMENDATION 1. THAT Report CAO-31/16 re Tree Planting Considerations be received for information; 2. AND THAT Council provide staff direction: 3. AND THAT the above direction be incorporated into the Bayham Tree Policy (Tree Removal Policy); 4. AND THAT staff be directed to create an application for the same commencing in 2017. Respectfully Submitted by: Paul Shipway CAO THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 2016-030 BEING A BY-LAW TO ADOPT THE CAPITAL ESTIMATES FOR THE YEAR 2016 WHEREAS Section 290 of the Municipal Act, S.O. 2001, as amended provides in part that a local municipality shall in each year prepare and adopt estimates of all sums required during the year for the purposes of the local municipality, and; WHEREAS it is necessary and expedient to levy on the whole rateable property according to the last revised assessment roll of the Municipality the sum of $289,141 for the capital program of the lower-tier municipality for the current year, NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the capital estimates appended hereto as Schedule "A" are hereby adopted. 2. THAT the tax levy requirement of $289,141 be incorporated into the 2016 current estimates for the purposes of determining the tax rates for 2016. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 21st DAY OF APRIL 2016. MAYOR CLERK By-law No.2016-030 Schedule"A" Municipality of Bayham - 2016 Capital Summary Financing Total Cost Reserve Fund DC's Debt Financing Grants Other Tax Levy Expenditures($) General Government 40,000 0 0 0 0 0 40,000 Fire 70,000 0 0 0 0 0 70,000 Building 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 By-law 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Roads 323,507 50,000 0 0 255,000 10,000 8,507 Waste Management 166,967 166,967 0 0 0 0 0 Water 1,800,000 180,000 0 0 1,620,000 0 0 Waste Water 166,967 166,967 0 0 0 0 0 Parks&Rec. 60,000 50,000 0 0 0 0 10,000 Facilities 150,000 0 0 0 0 0 150,000 Libraries 2,000 2,000 0 0 0 0 0 Planning&Development 16,000 6,000 0 0 0 0 10,000 Tourism&Marketing 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Environmental 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Museums 5,000 4,366 0 0 0 0 634 2,800,441 626,300 0 0 1,875,000 10,000 289,141 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 2016-031 BEING A BY-LAW TO ESTABLISH A LEVY FOR THE YEAR 2016 TO ADOPT TAX RATES, PROVIDE FOR PENALTY AND INTEREST IN DEFAULT OF PAYMENT AND THE COLLECTION THEREOF WHEREAS Section 290 of the Municipal Act, S.O. 2001, as amended, provides that a local municipality shall in each year prepare and adopt a budget including estimates of all sums required during the year for the purposes of the municipality, and; WHEREAS By-law No. 2016-030, passed by Council, adopted a capital improvement plan for 2016 in the amount of $2,800,441 and in lieu of the municipality providing for the 2016 estimated amortization of fixed assets and; WHEREAS Section 312 (2) of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c.25, as amended, provides that a local municipality shall pass a by-law to levy a separate tax rate on the assessment in each property class, and; WHEREAS Section 307 (2) (b) of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c.25 requires tax rates to be established in the same proportion to tax ratios, and; WHEREAS it is necessary and expedient to levy on the whole rateable property according to the last revised assessment roll of the Municipality the sum of $3,878,152 for the purposes of the lower-tier municipality for the current year, and; WHEREAS certain regulations made under Part IX of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c.25 require reductions in certain tax rates for certain classes or subclasses of property, and; WHEREAS by action of the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation, provision was made for the taking of the assessment of the Municipality, as the assessment on which the rate of taxation for the year 2016 should be levied; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the current estimates for 2016 set out in Schedule "B" are hereby adopted. 2. THAT the tax rates required to raise the current estimates for 2016, set out in Schedule "A", be hereby adopted, and levied for the year 2016 upon the whole of the said assessment of the Municipality, according to the last revised assessment roll. 3. THAT for the purpose of providing for the County of Elgin general levy the tax rates set out in County of Elgin By-Law 16-07, be hereby levied for the year 2016, upon the whole of the said assessment of the Municipality, according to the last revised assessment roll. By-law 2016-031 -2- 4. THAT in addition, for the purposes of providing for the public and separate school education purposes, the tax rates set out by the Minister of Finance under Regulation 2/14 of the Education Act, be hereby levied for the year 2016, upon the respective portions of the said assessment of the School supporters of the said Municipality, according to the last revised assessment roll. 5. THAT the assessment contained in the assessment roll of the Municipality of Bayham, as made pursuant to Province of Ontario Regulations, be hereby adopted and confirmed as the assessment on which the rate of taxation for the year 2016 shall be levied. 6. THAT the said assessment roll be hereby adopted and confirmed as the last revised assessment roll for the said Municipality and be used with the above noted rates to calculate said taxes as summarized in Schedule "C" 7. THAT all taxes and other special rates shall be paid in the office of the Tax Collector or Treasurer of the Municipality of Bayham. 8. THAT taxes for all properties shall become due and payable one-half on or before August 26, 2016 and one-half on or before October 28, 2016, and non-payment of the amount, as noted, on the dates stated in accordance with this section shall constitute default. 9. THAT on all taxes, which are in default on the 1st day following the above noted due dates, a penalty of 1.25% shall be added and thereafter a penalty of 1.25% per month will be added on the 1st day of each and every month the default continues, until December 31st, 2016. 10.THAT on all taxes in default on January 1st, 2017, interest shall be added at the rate of 1.25% per month for each month or fraction thereof in which the default continues. 11.THAT penalties and interest added in default shall become due and payable and shall be collected as if the same had originally been imposed and formed part of such unpaid tax levy. 12.THAT the Collector shall cause the same to be mailed to the residence or place of business of such person indicated on the last revised assessment roll, a written or printed notice specifying that amount of taxes payable. 13.THAT all by-laws inconsistent with the provisions of this by-law are hereby repealed. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 21st DAY OF APRIL 2016. MAYOR CLERK By-law 2016-031 -3 - THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 2016-031 Schedule "A" Property Class 2016 Tax Rate Residential/Farm 0.626655% Multi-Residential 1 .470007% Commercial Occupied 1 .026209% Commercial Occupied (New) 1 .026209% Commercial Vacant Land 0.718347% Commercial Excess Land 0.718347% Commercial Excess Land (New) 0.718347% Industrial Occupied 1 .394369% Industrial Occupied (New) 1 .394369% Industrial Vacant Land 0.906340% Large Industrial Occupied (New) 1 .774474% Large Industrial Excess (New) 1 .153408% Pipelines 0.717268% Farmlands 0.156664% Managed Forests 0.156664% By-law No.2016-031 Schedule"B" Municipality of Bayham 2016-2017 Budget Summary 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2015 2016 2017 Actuals Actuals Actuals Actuals Actuals Budget Budget Budget Revenues General Taxation 3,121,468 3,113,710 3,225,715 3,323,786 3,605,455 3,601,989 3,878,151 0 Other Revenues 1,263,316 1,431,141 1,431,437 1,263,984 1,218,225 1,217,000 1,138,400 981,300 General Government 50,789 51,485 53,736 64,990 536,771 376,310 55,750 55750 Council - - 9,213 22,500 - - - 0 Fire Services 5,283 30,258 18,940 68,460 23,259 13,000 13,000 0 Police Services 50,865 34,312 33,984 127,168 117,730 110,000 70,000 30000 Conservation Authority - - - - - - - 0 Other Protective Services 68,437 84,094 75,592 73,165 75,160 66,500 52,000 52000 Bylaw Enforcement Services 26,476 26,363 27,788 22,715 24,459 25,000 28,000 28000 Roads 454,364 437,508 490,292 522,448 490,467 442,678 448,321 454037.387 Winter Control 12,640 11,128 11,655 11,655 10,812 12,000 12,000 12000 Street Lights -' - - - - Water 566,438 590,795 536,994 543,754 810,854 794,709 590,746 617566 Richmond Water 62,200 49,248 49,056 48,480 50,753 50,753 53,779 55,955 Waste Disposal 47,552 90,838 138,988 103,742 157,469 123,190 127,190 142190 Waste Water 865,932 753,094 741,989 771,294 779,800 782,287 871,119 907092 Cemeteries - - 762 3,765 3,571 - - 0 General Assistance - - 1,150 - - - - 0 Parks&Recreation 1,665 _ 356 - 2,861 2,780 2,500 2,600 2600 Straffordville Community Centre 17,959 15,359 12,515 16,639 79,115 - - 10000 Vienna Community Centre 13,523 6,079 6,172 13,788 13,400 7,000 9,000 9000 Eden Community Centre - - - - - - - 0 Libraries 61,835 63,525 64,288 65,123 66,947 66,000 66,500 67000 Museums 27,046 25,817 39,376 30,531 27,193 31,800__ 20,100 20,100 Planning,Development&Tourism 16,469 17,717 33,631 31,056 46,257 27,000 27,000 28,200 Tourism&Marketing 7,403 10,687 15,510 19,086 1,212 5,500 5,500 5,500 Environmental Services 15,638 10,202 13,035 9,761 13,982 12,838 11,969 12,418 Capital 2,111,177' 2,249,113 1,249,326 1,406,144 1,541,193 1,529,231 2,501,300 605,717 8,868,477 9,102,830 8,281,144 8,566,894 9,696,863 9,297,284 9,982,425 4,096,425 Expenditures General Taxation 256 - - - 7,109 - 5,000 - - Other Revenues - 5,880 - - - - General Government 613,074 615,873 653,508 837,404 1,425,326 1,259,648 1,157,912 1,089,666 Council 89,886 76,786 76,869 87,026 64,568 76,128 76,254 76,886 Fire Services 345,462 383,814 407,692 497,186 474,016 510,783 490,964 501,143 Police Services 699,734 i 743,585 725,206 777,523 831,132 925,985 937,181 964,750 Conservation Authority 44,347 45,689 46,742 53,943 58,802 58,802 78,207 86,027 Other Protective Services 85,968 89,933 88,593 82,130 83,746 87,860 90,606 91,424 Bylaw Enforcement Services 45,711 1 52,571 51,740 40,615 30,077 38,748 36,818 36,352 Roads 1,434,377 1,293,214 1,555,607 1,456,044 1,367,611 1,446,906 1,672,413 1,650,978 Winter Control 126,066 84,918 119,793 137,343 101,409 107,000 138,100 123,712 Street Lihts 64,848 58,982 70,492 77,132 56,237 54,000 45,000 45,000 Water 566,438 590,795 536,994 543,754 810,854 794,709 590,746 617,566 1 By-law No.2016-031 Schedule"B" Municipality of Bayham 1 2015-2016 Budget Summary 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2015 2016 2017 Actuals Actuals Actuals Actuals Actuals Budget Budget Budget Expenditures(Continued) Richmond Water 62,200 1 49,248 49,056 48,480 50,753 50,753 53,779 55,955 Waste Water 865,9321 753,094 741,989 771,294 779,800 782,287 871,119 907,092 Waste Disposal 468,569 514,981 521,805 516,410 513,452 493,368 479,224 493,496 Cemeteries 12,054 8,279 10,400 14,245 27,752 19,000 18,000 20,000 General Assistance 6,805 13,934 15,459 10,141 10,721 10,000 10,000 10,000 Parks&Recreation 55,964 68,060 52,492 66,494 53,548 53,439 61,601 61,111 Straffordville Community Centre 64,897 1 59,776 66,670 68,073 98,393 27,363 37,036 69,950 Vienna Community Centre 40,678 43,008 48,926 45,994 59,325 55,763 58,286 58,425 Eden Community Centre 5,770 I 4,871 4,419 8,062 5,690 5,225 4,690 4,800 Libraries 48,929' 63,525 64,288 65,123 66,947 66,000 66,500 66,837 Museums 68,705 59,040 67,174 64,061 67,258 74,408 53,023 54,319 Planning,Development&Tourism 96,118 102,260 108,969 102,257 105,903 90,947 91,585 94,210 Tourism&Marketing 47,954 56,777 47,481 46,983 46,311 52,500 48,500 48,500 Environmental Services 29,678 j 24,472 25,124 23,147 28,976 23,580 24,438 25,336 Capital 2,873,642 3,222,416 2,128,407 2,133,138 2,127,083 2,127,083 2,790,441 2,386,311 8,866,072 9,087,795 8,285,894 8,566,894 9,345,690 9,297,285 9,982,424 9,641,863 2 By-law No.2016-031 Schedule"B" Municipality of Bayham I 2014-2015 I Summary Net(Revenue)/Expenditure 2011 I 2012 2013 2014 2015 2015 2016 2017 ActualsActuals Actuals Actuals Actuals Budget Budget Budget General Taxation - 3,121,2121- 3,113,710 - 3,225,715 - 3,330,895 - 3,605,455 - 3,596,989 - 3,878,151 - Other Revenues - 1,263,316 - 1,425,261 - 1,431,437 - 1,263,984 - 1,218,225 - 1,217,000 - 1,138,400 - 981,300 General Government 562,285' 564,388 599,772 772,415 888,555 883,339 1,102,162 1,033,916 Council 89,886 76,786 67,656 64,526 64,568 76,128 76,254 76,886 Fire Services 340,178'' 353,557 388,752 428,726 450,757 497,783 477,964 501,143 Police Services 648,869 709,273 691,222 650,355 713,403 815,985 867,181 934,750 Conservation Authority 44,347 45,689 46,742 53,943 58,802 58,802 78,207 86,027 Other Protective Services 17,531 5,839 13,001 8,966 8,586 21,360 38,606 39,424 Bylaw Enforcement Services 19,2351 26,208 23,952 17,900 5,618 13,748 8,818 8,352 Roads 980,012 855,706 1,065,315 933,596 877,144 1,004,228 1,224,092 1,196,941 Winter Control 113,426 73,791 108,138 125,688 90,597 95,000 126,100 111,712 Street Lights 64,848 58,982 70,492 77,132 56,237 54,000 45,000 45,000 Water - - - - - - 0 0 Richmond Water - - - - - - - 0 Waste Water - - - - - - Waste Disposal 421,017 424,143 382,816 412,668 355,983 370,178 352,034 351,306 Cemeteries 12,054 8,279 9,638 10,480 24,181 19,000 18,000 20,000 General Assistance 6,805', 13,934 14,309 10,141 10,721 10,000 10,000 10,000 Parks&Recreation 54,299 67,704 52,492 63,634 50,768 50,939 59,001 58,511 Straffordville Community Centre 46,9381 44,418 54,155 51,434 19,278 27,363 37,036 59,950 Vienna Community Centre 27,155 36,929 42,754 32,206 45,925 48,763 49,286 49,425 Eden Community Centre 5,770 4,871 4,419 8,062 5,690 5,225 4,690 4,800 Libraries - 12,907 I - - - - - 0 - 0 - 163 Museums 41,659 r 33,222 27,798 33,530 40,065 42,608 32,923 34,219 Planning,Development&Tourism 79,6491, 84,543 75,338 71,201 59,646 63,947 64,585 66,010 Tourism&Marketing 40,551 46,090 31,971 27,897 45,099 47,000 43,000 43,000 Environmental Services 14,040 14,271 12,089 13,386 14,994 10,742 12,469 12,918 Capital 762,465 973,302 879,081 726,995 585,889 597,851 289,141 1,780,594 In Year Deficit(Surplus) - - - - 351,172.62 0 - 0 3 Municipality of Bayham _2016.2017 _ General Taxation 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2015 2016 2017 Actuals Actuals Actuals Actuals Actuals Budget Budget Budget _Revenues 0510-401 Residential&Farm 2,448,945.38 2,472,165.90 2,513,520.78 2,581,275.99 2,798,618.89 EBEI 3,003,619.04 0510-402 Multi-Residential 48,224.87 47,369.77 54,198.87 60,567.10 70,819.53 70,819.53 71,207.18 0510-403 Commercial Unoccupied 9,428.12 5,354.25 9,337.44 9,502.15 6,934.40 4,505.84 4,682.18 0510-404 Commercial Occupied 201,706.35 183,285.25 198,952.44 214,562.00 269,465.49 252,444.70 277,737.04 0510-405 Industrial Unoccupied 628.20 999.08 785.66 755.33 77.57 713.68 735.95 0510-406 Industrial Occupied 119,139.87 112,851.85 137,879.00 130,267.78 _ 94,146.17 113,245.76 120,260.61 0510-407 Pipelines 55,171.65 55,710.48 54,234.38 52,939.60 55,594.69 55,827.17 58,199.16 0510-408 Farmlands 237,241.37 234,760.51 255,513.73 272,357.98 308,003.22 303,424.22 339,701.99 0510-409 Managed Forests 982.64 1,212.86 1,292.59 1,557.98 1,794.74 1,794.74 2,007.63 3,121,468.45 3,113,709.95 3,225,714.89 3,323,785.91 3,605,454.70 3,601,989 3,878,151 _Expenditures == 0510-558 WritExpeoffs/Taxnditures Sales 0510-562 Tax Adjustments 256.10 7,108.72 5000 0 0510-563 Assessment Charges - - 256.10 - - - 7,108.72 - 5,000 4 Municipality of Bayham _ 2016-2017 Other Revenues 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2015 2016 2017 Actuals Actuals Actuals Actuals Actuals Budget Budget Budget Revenues 0520-4110 Grants 8 Subsidies 1,063,400.00 1,099,600.00 1,072,200.00 1,010,600.00 909,600.00 912,000 972,900 820800 0520-4120 Sundry Revenue 3,175.60 37,193.40 103,719.70 - 2,511.62 7,459.02 2,000 2,000 2000 0520-4130 Interest on Taxes-Current 42,931.20 40,553.92 45,374.20 44,866.06 44,528.91 43,000 43,000 43000 0520-4140 Interest on Taxes-Prior 63,246.98 64,145.54 64,473.51 63,924.19 50,168.43 64,000 64,000 64000 0520-4150 Investment income 59,982.04 56,676.87 60,669.74 55,141.13 54,665.07 45,000 45,000 40000 0520-4180 Opening Surplus(Deficit) - 132,971.40 - 0520-4190 Transfer from ompf res 30,580.20 - 85,000.00 85,000.00 140,000.00 140,000 0 Railway Corridor - - - 6,964.33 11,803.32 11,000 11,500 11500 1,263,316.02 1,431,141.13 1,431,437.15 1,263,984.09 1,218,224.75 1,217,000 1,138,400 981,300 Expenditures 0520-5370 Sundry - 5,879.94 - - - - 5 Municipality of Bayham 2016-2017 General Government 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2015 2016 2017 Actuals Actuals Actuals Actuals Actuals Budget Budget Budget Revenues 1010-4120 Tax Certificates 5,070.00 7,040.00 6,830.00 7,830.00 10,255.00 10,000 10,000 10000 1010-4130 Fees&Service Charges 41,055.37 40,819.57 42,675.74 40,695.05 46,436.37 42,000 42,000 42000 1010-4140 Lottery Licences 3,838.52 2,875.50 2,730.35 3,016.35 3,724.70 3,000 3,000 3000 1010-4145 Manages 825.00 750.00 1,500.00 500.00 250.00 750 750 750 1010-4190 Contribution from Reserves - - - 12,948.44 476,104.69 320,560 0 0 50,788.89 51,485.07 53,736.09 64,989.84 536,770.76 376,310 55,750 55,750 Expenditures 1010-5100 Salaries&wages 337,662.89 362,282.80 371,903.16 400,216.13 469,362.48 466,694 436,894 376,894 1010-5110 Statutory Benefits 25,788.82 34,720.22 33,042.46 42,897.62 53,699.32 46,000 46,000 41000 1010-5120 Non-Statutory Benefits 54,180.69 63,383.84 61,192.14 70,296.29 77,928.65 74,000 89,920 85000 1010-5140 Payroll Service Charge 4,023.99 3,917.59 4,241.29 4,317.37 4,134.59 4,000 4,500 4500 1010-5145 Bank charges 1,647.22 1,564.60 1,807.51 1,686.03 3,595.58 1,600 2,000 2000 1010-5160 Internet Charges 935.29 1,163.63 1,063.51 2,453.86 _ 6,119.72 6,500 6,500 6,500 1010-5170 Supplies _ 7,801.47 8,325.48 9,287.24 9,247.80 8,623.76 9,003 9,000 9,000 1010-5180 Computer Software&Support 17,251.97 17,307.92 17,075.33 25,806.50 _ 73,348.61 50,000 40,000 40,000 1010-5185 IT&GIS personnel 19,909.82 17,156.43 25,658.99 24,344.83 21,150.47 24,000 30,000 30000 1010-5210 Utilities 7,587.37 6,993.71 7,305.50 8,397.81 8,283.06 7,600 7,900 8137 1010-5220 Subscriptions&Publications 857.05 917.41 708.02 1,282.20 997.75 1,500 1,500 1,500 1010-5240 Advertising 1,957.01 776.74 589.65 10,124.01 301.31 2,000 2,000 2,000 1010-5250 Association&Membership Fees 2,153.44 4,213.43 3,117.95 3,761.07 5,113.14 4,300 4,300 4,300 1010-5260 Auditing Fees 31,401.60 9,649.60 9,551.39 19,072.37 16,078.08 17,000 17,500 18,000 1010-5270 Building Maintenance 5,862.79 5,921.50 6,299.72 _ 6,606.70 6,264.24 7,000 7,000 7,000 1010-5280 Equipment Maintenance 17,551.13 14,254.36 12,189.92 11,762.64 9,674.06 13,500 13,500 13,500 1010-5290 Grounds Maintenance 1,859.04 848.22 818.78 700.20 1,699.36 2,000 2,000 2,000 1010-5300 Insurance 17,357.13 15,426.88 16,761.92 18,388.25 18,490.64 19,026 18,727 19,663 1010-5305 Insurance Deductibles 10,744.00 6,605.97 12,670.11 25,292.24 27,395.18 30,000 30,000 30,000 1010-5310 Legal Fees 5,043.86 4,649.24 6,659.23 33,850.27 124,973.36 12,000 15,000 15000 1010-5320 Postage&Courier 13,768.13 11,622.62 12,713.89 18,770.93 15,702.20 16,000 16,000 16,000 1010-5330 Training&Education 3,645.25 2,078.88 2,167.30 4,757.30 1,819.83 4,000 4,500 4,500 1010-5340 Conferences&Seminars 2,407.50 1,077.22 2,969.37 2,417.74 6,155.17 3,500 3,500 3,500 1010-5350 Travel 4,362.53 3,715.80 4,336.40 4,295.91 3,241.15 5,000_ 5,000 5,000 1010-5355 Marriage officiantexpenses 250.00 380.59 625.00 375.00 125.00 1,000 1,000 1,000 1010-5360 Telephone 10,328.71 9,732.76 8,115.29 8,168.60 _ 8,128.28 10,000 10,000 10,000 1010-5370 Sundry 6,231.74 3,435.26 2,154.95 10,658.38 5,494.98 3,000 3,000 3,000 1010-5400 Transfer to Reserve 47,947.74 98,866.00 98,866 1010-5450 Service contracts 503.71 3,750.00 4,355.90 19,508.58 0 0 1010-5460 Ojibwa Principle 248,014.35 275559.5 330671.4 330,671 1010-5470 Ojibwa Interest 0 1010-5490 Gurantorship _ 100,545.19 45000 0 0 1010-5500 Amortization 14,126 613,074.15 615,872.70 653,507.79 837,404.37 1,425,325.51 1,259,648 1,157,912 1 1,089,666 6 Municipality of Bayham 2016-2017 _- Council 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2015 2016 2017 Actuals Actuals Actuals Actuals Actuals Budget Budget Budget Revenues 1020-4130 Sundry - - 1,012.85 1020-4190 Election Reserve - - 8,200.00 22,500.00 - - - 9,212.85 22,500.00 - - - - Expenditures 1020-5100 Salaries&Wages 56,601.74 55,440.69 54,061.93 56,809.77 55,339.43 59,777 60,375 60,979 1020-5110 Statutory Benefits 2,483.19 2,792.44 2,608.29 2,431.55 3,232.47 2,801 2,829 2,858 1020-5250 Associatio&Membership 1,950.61 2,924.88 2,105.04 _ 2,412.96 170.45 3,050 3,050 3,050 1020-5260 Prof!Sery/Council Directed 13,535.68 1,939.03 - 1020-5340 Conferences&Seminars 6,949.40 6,432.25 5,403.80 4,438.51 4,790.46 7,000 7,000 7,000 1020-5350 Travel _ 1,195.65 1,142.10 949.50 1,207.56 189.07 1,750 1,500 1,500 1020-5370 Sundry 3,669.50 1,115.03 '. 2,184.87 161.24 845.79 1,750 1,500 1,500 1020-5410 Election Expense 3,500.00 5,000.00 , 9,555.76 19,564.06 0 0 0 89,885.77 76,786.42 76,869.19 87,025.65 64,567.67 76,128 76,254 76,886 7 Municipality of Bayham 2016-2017 MI Fire Department - - 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2015 2016 2017 Actuals Actuals Actuals Actuals Actuals Budget Budget Budget Revenues -------- 2010-4130 Fees&Service Charges 4,350.00 30,257.82 18,740.15 13,460.00 17,608.99 13,000 13,000 13000 2010-4180 Donations 933.33 - 200.00 5,000.00 5,650.00 2010-4190 Contributions from Reserves 111.11111111 - 50,000.00 0 0 0 - 5,283.33 30,257.82 18,940.15 68,460.00 23,258.99 13,000 13,000 13,000 Expenditures Fire Chief/Emergency Mgmt Office 2010-5100 Salaries&Wages 74,188.74 86,049.86 66,467.13 77,393.42 66,269.75 94,262 90,447 93,500 2010-5102 FireFighters Remuneration 94,068.98 103,659.55 110,941.50 113,317.65 106,750.60 120,000 105,000 105000 2010-5103 FireFighters Remuneration Specialty 3,298.39 - - --- 2010-5104 FireFighters Remuneration Auxiliary 6,601.72 2,000.00 4,000.00 3,500.00 4,000 3,000 3,000 2010-5110 Statutory Benefits 14,892.60 15,306.85 17,137.01 21,594.91 19,134.27 22,000 24,000 25000 2010-5120 Non-Statutory Benefits 11,274.33 16,493.30 14,911.19 14,727.09 14,149.06 15,905 17,178 17,693 2010-5365 Telephone-Fire Chief 2,362.72 1,398.82 1,180.43 611.54 399.87 500 500 500 2010-5130 Uniforms - 3,068.01 3,060.67 1,418.92 2,766.66 3,000 2,900 3,400 2010-5320 Postage&Courier 586.70 354.93 272.97 WI 329.72 500 500 500 Emergency Planning 2010-5105 Emergency Planning-Wages 81.38 4,892.92 209.600 0 0 2010-5335 Emergency Planning-Training - - - 100.00 48.73 0 100 100 2010-5150 EOC Supplies - 215.14 499.41 - 506.38 500 500 500 2010-5425 Public Awareness/Education 152.65 - - - 0 0 0 Fire 2010-5170 Office Supplies 885.84 736.87 551.90 393.66 1,031.80 600 600 600 2010-5160 Medical Response Supplies 5,616.08 3,877.06 3,489.43 1,803.06 950.98 2,500 2,000 2,500 2010-5165 Municipal Water Consumption - - - - 5,000.00 1,000 700 700 2010-5175 Equipment Purchase-Operating 4,166.44 11,903.41 8,745.78 14,797.66 13,211.21 13,500 13,500 12,000 2010-5180 Equipment Purchase-Protective 9,623.09 _ 5,261.52 15,231.92 4,912.42 19,909.19 20,000 18,000 18,000 2010-5210 Utilities 12,774.49 17,786.77 30,511.37 25,023.13 24,725.60 20,800 21,600 22,300 2010-5240 Advertising 521.69 633.58 969.64 514.81 81.41 0 500 500 2010-5250 Association&Membership Fees 620.59 428.96 300.00 429.20 1,092.26 500 500 500 2010-5270 Building Maintenance 2,314.97 4,949.54 3,996.88 4,126.74 6,995.72 3,500 4,000 4,000 2010-5275 Cleaning Supplies 84.15 711.67 588.18 455.25 424.03 750 750 750 2010-5280 Equipment Maintenance 4,263.71 9,957.14 10,658.93 7,582.22 8,471.31 9,000 _ 9,000 9,000 2010-5285 Communications Eq Maintenance 6,041.61 6,206.48 8,673.24 7,586.26 7,946.34 7,500 7,500 7,500 2010-5290 Grounds Maintenance 2,998.55 2,711.76 4,692.36 5,477.21 _ 3,612.96 4,000 4,000 4,000 2010-5295 vehicle Maintenance 10,651.49 8,806.86 9,409.47 14,396.82 14,747.97 10,000 12,000 12,000 2010-5300 Insurance 20,752.65 15,259.65 15,475.47 16,744.60 17,566.08 17,566 17,290 19,800 2010-5310 Legal - 442.14 80.39 36,629.75 1,627.50 0 500 500 2010-5325 Health&Safety - 403.76 - 1,347.30 253.38 500 500 500 2010-5330 Training&Education 21,756.67 24,965.22 27,193.65 19,714.23 21,134.16 26,000 22,500 25,000 2010-5340 Conferences&Seminars 2,286.51 2,279.36 3,416.31 1,417.04 2,820.56 3,000 3,000 3,500 2010-5350 Travel 2,059.24 685.41 1,252.39 1,465.23 802.51 1,000 1,000 1,000 2010-5360 Telephone-Stations 4,110.64 3,784.57 2,566.40 2,195.88 2,015.16 2,500 2,000 1,500 2010-5370 Sundry 1,427.74 2,270.17 3,040.89 998.38 713.47 1,000 1,000 1,000 2010-5410 Transfer to Capital 5,000.00 2010-5420 Fire Prevention Expense 55.00 1,644.90 2,069.42 986.74 1,850.55 2,500 2,500 2,500 2010-5430 911 Dispatching 16,701.62 16,638.95 25,047.62 25,579.70 25,889.88 26,200 26,700 27,100 2010-5440 911 Other 3,100.50 3,080.43 3,123.45 3,190.43 3,252.88 3,200 3,200 3,200 2010-5450 Automatic Aid 3,858.13 1,852.03 4,436.27 2,906.08 1,654.43 5,000 4,000 4,000 2010-5460 Fire Pro Software 1,282.18 3,096.81 3,490.66 _ 1,983.82 2,379.97 3,000 3,000 3,000 Longterm Debt Principal 41,330.96 42,815.44 42,815 44,353 45,946 =Longterm Debt Interest 23,669.04 22,184.56 22,185 1 345,461.79 383,814.40 407,691.93 497,186.49 474,016.35 510,783 490,964 501,143 8 Municipality of Bayham 2016-2017 Police Services 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2015 2016 2017 Actuals Actuals Actuals Actuals _ Actuals Budget Budget Budget Revenues 2020-4120 POA 50,864.67 34,312.31 33,983.89 77,167.59 37,729.51 30,000 30,000 30000 2020-4190 From Reserves - 50,000.00 80,000.00 80000 40000 0 50,864.67 34,312.31 33,983.89 127,167.59 117,729.51 110,000 70,000 30,000 Expenditures _ 2020-5210 Utilities 65.69 1,290.40 1,304.42 787.51 2020-5270 Building Maintenance 381.60 91.58 91.58 - 2020-5290 Grounds Maintenance _ 446.57 _ 152.64 152.64 152.64 2020-5300 Insurance 168.00 159.98 162.24 175.54 184.15 181 2020-5360 Telephone - - 50.88 - 2020-5450 Service Contract 696,865.15 739,105.76 721,131.06 771,987.78 830,948.32 -_ 913985 925000 952750 2020-5470 Fees and Services 1,539.94 10000 10000 10000 2020-5460 Police Services Board 1,807.13 2,784.76 2,312.77 2,879.20 2000 2000 2000 699,734.14 743,585.12 725,205.59 777,522.61 831,132.47 925,985 937,181 964,750 9 Municipality of Bayham 2016-2017 1 Conservation Authority 2011 2012 2013 2014 _ 2015 2015 2016 2017 Actuals Actuals Actuals Actuals Actuals Budget Budget Budget Revenues Expenditures 2030-5460'Conservation Authority 44,347.00 45,689.00 46,742.00 53,943.00 58,802.00 58,802.00 78,206.66 86,027.33 44,347.00 45,689.00 46,742.00 53,943.00 58,802.00 58,802.00 78,206.66 86,027.33 L "2016 is based on the draft budget of CA 10 Municipality of Bayham _ -� _== Building Services 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2015 2016 2017 Actuals Actuals Actuals Actuals Actuals Budget Budget Budget Revenues -- --- 2040-4130 Building Permits 59,952.00 80,003.00 70,027.00 67,492.00 70,520.00 65,000 50,000 50000 2040-4140 Septic System Permits 5,580.00 1,780.00 - 2040-4150 Sundry Revenues 2,905.43 2,310.70 5,565.25 5,672.50 4,640.05 1,500 2,000 2,000 68,437.43 84,093.70 75,592.25 73,164.50 75,160.05 66,500 52,000 52,000 Expenditures 20.40-5100 Salaries&Wages 58,630.38 63,117.59 60,194.76 55,562.75 54,457.37 57,502 58,077 58,658 2040-5110 Statutory Benefits 5,485.20 5,423.36 5,780.14 5,498.42 5,476.23 5,748 5,805 5,864 2040-5120 Non-Statutory Benefits 10,390.37 12,418.50 11,998.22 12,396.98 11,322.73 12,921 13,050 13,181 2040-5170 Supplies 38.48 193.98 37.13 157.35 94.59 500 500 500 2040-5175 Enforcement Costs 712.58 - - 0 0 0 2040-5220 Subscriptions and Publications 50.81 94.89 249.25 200 200 200 2040-5240 Advertising 94.03 42.73 - 169.53 0 0 0 2040-5510 Administrative Overhead _2,600.00 2,600.00 2,800.00 2,800.00 2,800.00 2,800 2,800 2,800 2040-5250 Association&Membership Fee- 992.25 765.33 801.55 642.75 1,224.16 950 950 950 2040-5295 Vehicle Maintenance 2,038.64 1,094.20 1,173.45 675.06 2,130.55 1,500 1,500 1,500 2040-5300 Insurance 902.00 _ 858.92 871.07 942.50 988.74 989 973 1,022 2040-5310 Legal Fees 1,261.36 _ 160.78 1,704.71 - 0 0 0 2040-5330 Training&Education 508.12 724.79 662.80 216.51 250.00 1,500 1,500 1,500 2040-5340 Conferences&Seminars 898.56 1,306.93 1,256.15 1,643.18 1,712.12 1,500 2,000 2,000 2040-5350 Travel - - - 35.10 202.62 2040-5360 Telephone 733.30 687.88 MN 615.04 407.54 750 750 750 2040-5450 Contract Services 0 0 0 2040-5370 Sundry ENWIE 507.44 774.90 2,679.65 1,000 2,500 2,500 85,968.31 89,933.15 88,593.45 82,130.07 83,746.30 87,860 90,606 91,424 11 Municipality of Bayham 2016-2017 Bylaw Enforcement 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2015 2016 2017 Actuals Actuals Actuals Actuals Actuals Budget Budget Budget Revenues 2050-4120 Dog Tag Sales 25,456.00 25,143.00 26,453.00 22,200.00 23,459.00 25,000 25,000 25000 2050-4130 Administration fees 50.00 - - - 2050-4160 Fines/Court Awards - - 256.50 - 2050-4150 Recoverable Costs 970.00 1,220.00 1,078.00 515.00 1,000.00 0 3,000 3,000 26,476.00 26,363.00 27,787.50 22,715.00 24,459.00 25,000 28,000 28,000 Expenditures 2050-5100 Salaries&Wages 19,305.26 21,554.67 24,872.58 9,744.24 8,124.12 15,482 15,636 15,793 2050-5110 Statutory Benefits 1,552.74 2,844.81 1,573.07 910.61 849.57 1,404 1,418 1,432 2050-5120 Non-Statutory Benefits 3,653.65 3,630.51 3,508.19 2,466.57 3,126.67 2,664 2,691 2,717 2050-5170 Office Supplies 63.98 52.83 - 0 0 0 2050-5175 Enforcement Costs 2,016.82 208.90 313.11 6,089.76 1,130.70 2,000 2,000 2000 2050-5240 Advertising 454.23 1,098.76 1,083.54 36.47 _ 0 0 300 2050-5250 Association&Membership Fee - - - 110 0 0 2050-5295 Vehicle Maintenance 508.80 451.65 61.06 163.78 541.01 500 500 500 2050-5300 Insurance 902.00 858.92 871.07 942.50 988.74 989 973 1110 2050-5310 Legal Fees 2,314.73 7,739.07 4,047.67 5,627.47 1,653.51 0 0 2050-5320 Postage&Courier - - 300.19 0 0 100 2050-5330 Training&Education - - - 1,221.12 1,200 1,200 0 2050-5350 Travel - - - 53.55 10.54 0 0 0 2050-5370 Sundry - 269.66 - 200 200 200 2050-5450 Service Contract 14,735.39 13,686.72 13,890.24 13,181.99 13,473.03 14,000 12,000 12000 2050-5460 Computer and Software - - 1,032.86 0 0 0 2050-5475 Dog Tags-Supplies 203.15 174.90 186.07 176.58 178.80 200 200 200 45,710.75 52,571.40 51,739.65 40,614.64 30,076.69 38,748 36,818 36,352 12 Municipality of Bayham =2016-2017 Roads Department 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2015 2016 2017 Actuals Actuals Actuals Actuals Actuals Budget Budget Budget -Revenues 2510-4110 Grants&Subsidies 389,592.12 ' 413,145.95 418,071.60 426,657.57 437,674.04 434,078 439,721 445,437.39 2510-4120 Sundry 22,522.30 21,961.87 31,260.71 3,550.13 50,148.00 6,200 6,200 6200 2510-4140 Permit Fes 2,250.00 2,400.00 960.00 2,240.00 2,645.00 2,400 2,400 2400 2510-4190 Transfer from County Reserve 40,000.00 - 40,000.00 90,000.00 - 0 0 454,364.4211 437,507.82 490,292.31 522,447.70 490,467.04 442,678 448,321 454,037 ■Expenditures 2510-5100 Salaries&Wages 168,910.81 146,987.01 160,893.03 _ 210,804.19 245,158.33 232,570 215,000 217,150.00 2510-5110 Statutory Benefits 44,781.97 1 47,276.01 49,461.89 53,980.53 58,408.23 55,060 56,161 57,846.18 2510-5120 Non-Statutory Benefits 93,371.04 '', 102,008.69 100,648.59 107,429.95 92,440.20 108,443 117,118 120,631.99 2510-5130 Clothing Allowance 3,755.64 3,947.97 4,522.88 3,421.05 2,802.55 3,500 3,500 3600 2510-5170 Materials 4,118.53 15,487.93 25,289.87 16,935.54 11,227.08 18,000 18,000 19000 2510-5175 Tools 33.10 611.44 5,338.10 3,488.84 1,309.16 5,000 4,000 4000 2510-5180 Fuel Clearing 132,479.67 118,059.65 147,618.50 139,226.90 115,699.41 125,000 120,000 120000 2510-5185 Clearing-other 25.00 I 327.71 33.08 - - - Vehicle Repairs-Wages 22,006.02 19,916.10 33,223.08 30,470.74 29,220.55 15,000 15,300 16000 Vehicle Repairs-Materials 102,866.50 1 65,689.71 154,851.11 102,778.70 101,314.05 90,000 90,000 100000 2510-5210 Utilities 19,085.65 15,372.82 18,353.33 21,304.78 19,505.32 22,729 23,638 24500 2510-5240 Advertising - 1,783.54 122.57 480.52 1,725.96 - - 250 2510-5250 Association fees 1,057.91 1,024.45 1,645.83 1,322.54 883.71 1,000 1,000 1100 2510-5270 Building Maintenance 17,704.64 'i, 15,805.69 19,673.07 13,233.36 13,448.68 12,000 12,000 12200 2510-5275 Equipment Maintenance 13,685.82 13,221.41 11,475.94 16,485.75 7,879.57 12,000 12,000 13500 2510-5290 Drainage&Assessments 68,901.78 48,800.93 3,739.68 6,332.60 28,171.56 4,000 125,000 60000 2510-5291 Drainage-Wages 2,771.49 1,575.16 2,841.90 3,781.97 240.68 3,000 3,060 3200 2510-5300 Insurance 44,561.46 42,433.21 44,592.80 46,562.48 48,846.81 48,847 48,078 56500 2510-5310 Legal Fees,Engineer - 656.94 5,240.45 14,595.91 6,080.53 10,000 10,000 11000 2510-5330 Training&Education 8,315.18 6,131.19 19,115.08 2,018.57 8,579.97 10,000 10,000 11500 2510-5340 Conferences&Seminars 3,621.26 ' 1,527.08 1,998.37 1,903.61 3,289.48 3,800 3,800 4000 2510-5350 Travel 621.74 518.89 1,000.20 1,087.45 195.91 1,500 1,500 _ 1600 2510-5360 Telephone 4,939.34 4,195.40 2,982.53 2,401.78 1,699.26 2,000 2,000 2100 2510-5370 Sundry 290.61 1,558.51 8,562.50 8,514.35 8,857.50 5,000 5,000 5000 2510-7620 Loose Top Maintenance-Wage 13,775.29 15,818.33 10,719.37 271.36 480.48 12,239 12,239 12500 2510-7630 Loose Top Maintenance-Mated• 31,193.50 43,265.04 22,820.93 5,583.74 21,358.73 30,000 30,000 31000 2510-7400 Bridge Maintenance-Wages 811.64 1 589.44 44.86 113.25 46.54 1,360 1,360 1500 2510-7410 Bridge Maintenance-Materials 871.30 1,016.55 3,335.69 10,512.60 7,110.23 4,000 4,000 4200 2510-7450 Culvert Maintenance-Wages 4,954.62 ' _ 3,595.76 6,710.31 6,636.12 1,128.60 8,000 8,000 8000 2510-7460 Culvert Maintenance-Material 13,695.58 2,322.66 5,038.99 5,858.91 2,591.87 6,000 6,000 _ 6200 2510-7500 Weed/Brush/Ditch-Wages 13,730.86 21,406.47 19,639.62 12,368.04 28,010.16 30,000 90,000 90000 2510-7510 Weed/Brush/Ditch-Material 1,803.92 ', 7,101.49 7,932.92 2,209.42 3,456.66 8,000 8,000 9000 2510-7520 Catch Basins-Wages 3,581.06 3,378.29 6,971.25 8,381.17 4,337.26 7,000 7,000 7100 2510-7530 Catch Basins-Material 7,917.23 13,160.91 14,162.21 14,011.79 30.56 10,000 10,000 11000 2510-7600 Hardtop Maintenance-Wages 11,816.25 17,757.04 15,534.42 18,661.04 16,986.95 15,000 30,000 30000 2510-7610 Hardtop Maintenance-Material 20,941.75 19,890.28 8,901.94 7,682.97 19,125.57 10,000 50,000 50000 2510-7650 Grading-Wages 8,162.47 ' 7,362.08 15,816.53 11,591.54 10,458.47 10,000 10,000 11000 2510-7660 Grading-Materials 75.30 - - - 2510-7700 Dust Control-Wages 4,375.77 6,231.52 MIIMI 3,571.77 5,825.91 3,000 3,000 3200 2510-7710 DustControl-Material 709.90 1 - - - 1,000 1,000 1000 2510-7800 Safety Devices-Wages 6,434.92 7,500.03 4,387.53 5,096.56 16,396.37 7,000 7,000 7100 2510-7810 SafetyDevices-Material _ 11,087.13 13,133.64 18,763.38 15,419.05 18,693.91 _ 20,000 20,000 21000 2510-7850 Sidewalk Maintenance-Wages 6,596.66 876.39 201.83 2,259.80 1,438.75 6,000 6,000 6000 2510-7860 Sidewalk Maintenance-Material 730.66 137.38 478.78 - 616.54 4,000 4,000 4000 2510-7900 CN Crossing Safety Devices 5,370.12 5,370.12 4,977.14 _ 458.42 500 500 500 2510-7950 Road Names 1,838.42 938.31 - 2510-8000 County Roads-Wages 149,621.65 131,340.28 174,810.01 139,488.34 97,653.62 140,000 142,800 145000 2510-8010 County Roads-Materials 356,375.521 296,104.52 386,155.63 377,306.14 304,879.37 325,358 325,358 327,000 1,434,376.68 1,293,213.97 1,555,607.18 1,456,044.14 1,367,611.05 1,446,906.15 1,672,413.09 1,650,978 13 Municipality of Bayham 2016-2017 Winter Control _ 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2015 2016 2017 Actuals Actuals Actuals Actuals Actuals Budget Budget Budget Revenues 2520-4110 Grants&Subsidies 12,640.30 11,127.80 11,655.00 11,655.00 10,812.00 12000 12000 12000 Expenditures 2520-5100 Salaries&Wages 26,340.44 13,097.81 31,067.96 39,388.83 22,850.75 30,000 30,600 31,212.00 2520-5170 Materials 50,593.85 35,574.15 33,256.47 28,285.50 33,083.03 30,000 32,200 31000 2520-5280 Equipment Maintenance 19,141.22 12,397.60 7,004.69 18,671.60 7,999.10 10,000 14,400 11000 2520-5370 Sundry 565.88610.56 565.79 1,437.12 - - - 2520-5520 Service Contract-Pt Bunnell 7,479.35 4,151.80 9,761.33 8,921.80 6,678.01 7,000 8,900 8900 2520-5530 service Contract-Vienna 8,456.26 2,655.93 7,200.77 6,797.57 5,548.47 5,000 8,300 7200 2520-5540 Service Contract-Straff 3,789.60 3,924.21 8,765.78 8,116.64 5,647.16 4,500 9,900 8800 2520-5550 Service Contract-Eden 3,902.49 2,050.46 4,365.51 5,093.10 4,240.84 3,000 6,600 4400 2520-5555 Service Contract-Richmond 4,894.66 2,778.05 6,151.39 7,077.40 5,431.43 2,500 8,400 6200 2520-5560 Service Contract-Sidewalks 902.61 8,288.34 11,608.26 14,424.46 8,493.39 15,000 18,800 15,000 126,066.36 84,918.35 119,792.72 137,342.69 101,409.30 107,000 138,100 123,712 14 Municipality of Bayham 2016-2017 Street Lights 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2015 2016 2017 Actuals Actuals Actuals Actuals Actuals Budget Budget Budget Expenditures 2540-5510 SLA Bayham 54000 45000 45000 2540-5520 SLA Port Burwell 23,619.90 18,386.23 24,888.88 28,438.64 26,578.36 2540-5530 SLA Vienna 7,119.56 9,353.64 10,425.08 11,655.63 4,697.77 2540-5540 SLA Straffordville 17,872.82 19,095.42 18,428.35 20,557.87 12,394.25 2540-5550 SLA Eden 9,949.29 6,752.13 9,373.14 9,262.06 6,813.54 2540-5560 SLA Corinth 3,504.17 3,075.04 4,013.30 4,385.50 3,485.92 2540-5570 SLA Richmond 2,781.90 2,319.59 3,362.80 2,832.16 2,267.42 64,847.64 58,982.05 70,491.55 77,131.86 56,237.26 54,000.00 45,000.00 45,000.00 15 Municipality of Bayham 1 - _ 2016-2017 _ Water Services Budget 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2015 2016 2017 Actuals Actuals Actuals Actuals Actuals Budget Budget Budget Revenues 3010-4010 Water Billings 463,749.64 I 479,736.79 468,511.26 478,496.94 508,146.59 507,523 531,384 558,154 3010-4110 Grants 40,019.68 I 40,019.68 - 5,000.00 3010-4120 Water Meters 2,500.00 2,719.70 3,167.50 2,360.07 5,748.40 2,500 2500 2,500 3010-4130 Water Sundry 3,123.23 I - - 231.00 3010-4140 Water Connect Chgs 5,658.01 I 16,742.32 13,346.65 5,665.11 7,211.08 5,585 5,585 5,585 3010-4145 Water Services Permit fee 170.00 170.00 170.00 340.00 370.00 170 170 180 3010-4150 Penalties&Interest 9,433.84 1 10,365.13 10,651.24 9,394.79 13,855.56 9,960 9,960 10,000 3010-4160 Landowners Debenture Payments 41,783.70 I 41,041.35 41,147.40 41,147.40 42,467.74 41,147 41,147 41,147 3010-4190 Contributions from Reserves 6,349.36 227,824.00 227,824 566,438.10 I 590,794.97 536,994.05 543,753.67 810,854.37 794,709 590,746 617,566 Expenditures 3010-5100 Salaries&Wages 74,694.54 44,382.61 44,131.47 51,841.68 47,722.39 52,303 53,349 54,416 3010-5110 Statutory Benefits 7 051.94'I 3,645.69 4,129.07 5,663.38 6,202.32 5,891 6,008 6,129 3010-5120 Non Statutory Benefits 14,814.18 8,215.89 8,939.81 10,293.06 8,746.53 21,916 22,354 22,801 3010-5140 One Call Locates 1,277.71 2,500 2,500 2,800 30.10.5170 Supplies 1,053.78 I 2,928.96 2,086.02 1,483.26 5,289.03 1,800 1,800 2000 3010-5175 Tools and Equipment - 17.73 372.93 294.08 210.34 500 3,700 500 3010-5180 Lab Fees 4,547.66 4,964.89 4,268.85 4,954.69 4,205.74 5,000 5,100 5,200 3010-5210 Utilities 1,891.55 I 1,978.83 1,858.42 1,169.03 852.49 2,158 2,245 2,325 3010-5240 Advertising - I - - 0 0 0- 3010-5250 Association Fees 538.38 516.94 519.45 549.44 644.55 700 750 775 3010-5260 Auditing Fees 1,750.00 I 3,757.20 3,408.96 6,210.09 3,500 3,600 3,700 3010-5280 System Maintenance 6,022.92 I 6,507.33 6,282.66 9,027.11 4,726.50 6,700 6,800 10,000 3010-5295 Vehicle maintenance 378.29 1 971.78 504.73 734.74 829.24 700 700 850 3010-5300 Insurance 676.001 643.71 5,927.98 706.36 741.01 741 729 850 3010-5310 Legal Fees 548.49 - 200.97 400 400 400 3010-5320 Truck water distribution 3,625.01 I 2,324.68 3,021.45 3,852.45 5,140.27 0 0 3,900 3010-5330 Training&Education 1,662.53 I 1,850.92 1,193.73 1,876.36 1,255.38 1,900 1,900 2,100 3010-5335 Licences - 115.00 172.50 57.50 92.00 0 450 450 3010-5340 Conferences&Seminars 650.00 I 1,880.96 797.07 2,087.79 555.00 2,000 2,000 2,200 3010-5360 Telephone&Internet 1,929.08 I 676.89 768.42 559.07 719.99 2,000 2,000 2,100 3010-5370 Sundry - 4,981.66 24.93 - 52.00 100 100 100 3010-5375 Long Term Debt Principal 7,386.39 I 30,495.02 32,729.47 34,085.14 256,908.66 222,824 0 0 3010-5380 Long Term Debt Interest 3,625.60' 13,552.94 11,318.49 9,962.82 8,878.96 5,000 0 0 3010-5400 Transfers to Reserves 156,142.03 153,637.66 70,845.22 72,746.07 100,649 144,097 145805.51 3010-5410 Water Dually Management - 1 2,803.49 2,257.94 1,272.00 2,340.48 3,100 4,000 4,200 3010-5450 Secondary Water System Costs 191,489.67 212,795.58 239,166.88 275,079.67 268,310.14 246,147 227,212 238,573 3010-5510 Administrative Overhead 4,945.00 I 4,945.00 5,400.00 5,400.00 5,400.00 5,500 5,600 5,700 3010-5520 primary Water System Costs 71,887.68 I 75,686.76 84,898.91 107,951.33 106,047.64 96,581 89,151 95,392 3010-5620 Utility Adjustments 9,127.38 6,516.85 1,767.72 8,642.62 1,063.93 4,100 4,200 4300 566,438.10 590,794.97 536,994.05 543,753.67 810,854.37 794,709 590,746 617,566 Net(Revenue)/Expenditure - - - - - - 0.00 0.00 16 Municipality of Bayham 2016-2017 - Richmond Water Budget 2011 2012 I 2013 2014 2015 2015 2016 2017 Actuals Actuals Actuals Actuals Actuals Budget Budget Budget Reven es 3015-4160 Water Billings 49,248.00 49,248.00 49,056.22 48,336.00 50,752.80 50,753 53,290 55955 3015-4190 Contribution from Reserves 12,951.83 - - 144.40 489 0 62,199.83 49,248.00 49,056.22 48,480.40 50,752.80 50,753 53,779 55,955 Expenditures 3015-5100 salaries&Wages 19,405.70 18,333.78 14,303.56 16,970.30 15,015.30 20,664 21,077 21,499 3015-5110 Statutory Benefits 2,559.72 2,000.00 1,821.19 - 1,837 1,874 1,911 3015-5120 Non Statutory Benefits 207.84 2,721.95 2,597.33 2,751.78 2,667.31 812 877 912 3015-5140 One Call Locates 242.62 500 500 550 3015-5150 Source Water 622.92 1,500 2,000 2200 3015-5170 Supplies 8,991.01 4,039.06. 4,539.50 2,554.15 2,788.99 3,100 3,200 3300 3015-5175 Tools and Equipment - - 1 59.14 200 200 200 3015-5180 Lab Fees 6,432.23 5,546.42 8,821.57 4,368.57 5,664.98 3,600 4,400 4500 3015-5210 Utilities 3,962.47 3,620.70 3,598.25 4,866.71 5,361.65 4,160 4,326 4500 3015-5215 Property Taxes - - I 1,992.26 2,914.81 2,000 2,000 2000 0 0 0 3015-5240 Advertising 89 67 207.78 150 175 200 3015-5250 Association Fees - - 1 - 3015-5260 Auditing Fees - 608.80 - 5,288.80 109.27 3015-5275 WaterQuality Management - - - 3,372.17 1,272.00 2,200 2,400 2600 3015-5280 System Maintenance 14,905.84 1,273.40 2,626.52 1,904.01 2,557.45 2,000 2,000 2100 3015-5285 Equipment Maintenance 383.48 1,000 2,800 2800 3015-5295 Vehicle maintenance - - 132.75 283.16 300 - 300 325 3015-5320 Richmond Truck 5,333.66 5,635.74 4,828.17 3,176.15 3,027.67 2,800 2,900 3000 3015-5330 Training&Education - - 375.00 502.88 741.08 700 700 725 3015-5335 Licences _ - - 287.50 57.50 23.00 0 450 450 3015-5340 Conferences&Seminars - - 153.42 346.07 400 400 500 3015-5310 Legal Fees 235.07 - 884.29 0 0 0 3015-5360 RichmondWaterAmtelecom 166.29 647.41 799.27 1,058.41 1,092.98 1,200 1,200 1200 3015-5400 Transfers to Reserves - 2,820.74 1,236.50 890.07 6,059.51 1,630 483 3015-5510 Administrative Overhead - 2,000.00 - 62,199.83 49,248.001 49,056.22 48,480.40 50,752.80 50,753 53,779 55,955 Net(Revenue)/Expenditure - - - - - - - 0 17 Municipality of Bayham 2016-2017 Waste Water Budget _ - - 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2015 2016 2017 - _ Actuals Actuals Actuals Actuals Actuals Budget Budget Budget Revenues -------- 3020-4010 Sewer Billings 623,882.93 633,151.38 636,025.00 639,449.89 674,112.36 682,784 771,616 807424 3020-4120 Sewer Sundry Charges _ 1,020.00 229.55 - - 265.50 - 1,200 1,200 1200 3020-4130 Septage Receiving Charges 10,005.67 6,242.38 - 0 0 0 3020-4140 Sewer Connection Charges _ - 21,560.40 15,075.24 35,241.77 640.00 2,000 2,000 2000 3020-4150 Penalties&Interest 5,508.00 4,257.44 5,375.09 5,800.25 6,240.57 5,235 5,235 5400 3020-4160 Landowner Debenture Payments_ 225,515.87 87,653.22 85,513.27 91,067.87 98,807.14 91,068 91,068 91068 865,932.47 753,094.37 741,988.60 771,294.28 779,800.07 782,287 871,119 907,092 Expenditures-Administrative 3020-5100 Salaries&Wages 148,277.70 156,335.75 144,246.36 144,166.08 128,830.51 186,361 190,088 193,890 3020-5110 Statutory Benefits 14,878.22 15,472.16 16,535.86 15,633.06 16,797.65 16,258 16,583 16,915 3020-5120 Non Statutory Benefits 22,566.22 25,819.09 32,221.17 26,671.44 26,572.85 20,165 20,568 20,980 3020-5130 Clothing Allowance 503.58 411.10 230.99 368.36 474.44 600 600 700 3020-5140 Man Hours One Call 2,578.23 3,800 3,800 3800 3020-5240 Advertising 194.52 345.98 - 0 0 0 3020-5250 Association&Mem Fees 199.97 203.52 206.03 279.25 443.35 400 450 500 3020-5260 Auditing Fees 1,850.00 3,757.20 3,408.96 6,130.45 - 3,500 3,600 3700 3020-5305 Insurance 5,654.00 15,383.97 5,460.11 5,907.89 6,197.73 6,198 6,100 6600 3020-5330 Training&Education 1,053.95 973.47 - 310.00 2,300 2,300 2400 3020-5335 Licences 75.00 150.00 150.00 225.00 75.00 200 200 200 3020-5340 Conferences&Seminars 1,833.76 - 1,225.83 1,963.78 3,547.69 2,600 2,700 2800 3020-5350 Travel 324.90 159.75 40.00 107.00 250 250 260 3020-5360 Telephone&Internet 4,350.52 3,272.46 2,776.79 3,079.77 3,200 3,300 3400 3020-5370 Sundry 75.00 - 100 100 100 3020-5375 Long Term Debt Principal 203,690.66 106,629.47 - 0 0 0 3020-5380 Long Term Debt Interest 16,252.04 3,341.88 - 0 0 0 3020-5400 Transfers to Reserves 245,222.39 200,452.09 340,918.16 352,912.73 385,060.86 315,515 393,249 418,848 3020-5510 Administrative Overhead 8,282.00 9,200.00 9,500.00 9,500.00 9,500.00 9,500 9,500 9600 3020-5580 Writeoffs - 21,693.76 ---- 0 675,284.43 563,601.65 566,951.83 583,158.08 570,947 653,389 684,692 Expenditures-Treatment Plant -- - 3020-5180 Lab Fees 11,517.62 10,416.69 9,684.02 10,552.00 9,699.77 9,800 9,900 10,000 3020-5190 Chemicals 8,783.11 9,225.12 7,736.70 6,337.16 8,720.85 7,500 7,600 7700 3020-5210 Utilities Plant 57,304.93 58,550.36 67,547.72 75,010.23 76,892.08 66,560 69,225 71000 3020-5170 Supplies-Plant 1,741.16 954.08 925.59 1,449.68 2,341.51 1,600 1,600 1700 3020-5215 Property taxes 5,484.68 6,547.50 4,123.70 1,033.00 4,640.25 4,800 4,900 5000 3020-5270 Building/Plant Maintenance 8,699.86 5,745.69 2,825.93 5,389.82 4,122.76 7,500 7,600 7700 3020-5285 Equipment Mtce-Plant 16,176.55 9,455.93 7,479.35 16,386.87 14,018.30 13,300 13,600 14000 3020-5290 Grounds Maintenance 1,963.98 2,986.15 3,570.39 4,164.51 3,167.26 2,500 2,600 2700 3020-5300 Sludge Haulage/Disposal 11,372.94 16,551.77 15,316.30 9,947.29 11,553.57 16,500 17,000 17000 3020-5315 Odour Control (septage) - - - - 0 0 0 123,044.83 120,433.29 119,209.70 130,270.56 135,156.35 130,060 134,025 136,800 Expenditures-Collection System ---- 3020-5320 Trucks 2,334.90 _ 3,146.60 2,376.02 3,305.34 2,950.34 3,100 3,200 3200 3020-5175 Supplies-Collection 1,012.55 607.00 747.45 631.92 852.98 900 900 1000 3020-5211 Utilities-Collection System 24,028.16 24,642.43 23,976.45 31,515.56 26,924.04 28,080 29,305 30000 3020-5275 Odour Control 18,381.54 24,519.43 22,922.46 21,269.43 12,028.37 24,500 25,000 26000 3020-5280 System Maintenance 21,319.81 14,613.57 14,429.02 14,724.27 17,646.87 23,500 24,000 24000 3020-5295 Vehicle Maintenance _ 526.25 1,530.40 1,169.16 2,625.37 1,083.04 1,200 1,300 1400 67,603.21 69,059.43 65,620.56 74,071.89 61,485.64 81,280 83,705 85,600 Total Expenditures 865,932.47 753,094.37 741,988.60 771,294.28 779,800.07 782,287 871,119 907,092 Net(Revenue)/Expenditure - - - - - - - 0.00 18 Municipality of Bayham 2016-2017 Waste Disposal 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2015 2016 2017 Actuals Actuals Actuals Actuals Actuals Budget Budget Budget Revenues 3030-4110 Grants 47,551.69 48,053.66 83,417.87 45,964.84 63,295.45 47,190 47,190 47190 3030-4120 Sundry-WDO 7,302.91 42,784.72 55,570.40 57,777.60 67,414.70 46,000 60,000 60000 Garbage Tags 20,000 35000 3030-4190 Contributions from Reserve 26,758.62 30,000 54,854.60 90,838.38 138,988.27 103,742.44 157,468.77 123,190 127,190 142,190 Expenditures 3030-5100 Salaries and Wages _ 1,310.68 5,055.15 2,473.84 181.48 2,132.20 500 2,500 2500 3030-5240 Advertising 259.49 1,900.10 1,786.13 1,788.11 322.95 1,000 1,000 1000 3030-5450 Waste Disposal 285,915.40 295,545.03 291,829.84 289,571.54 291,313.54 304,438 313,571 322,978 3030-5455 Recycling 162,237.05 183,538.22 197,550.18 196,814.81 195,379.35 157,430 162,153 167,018 3030-5460 Large Item Drop off/HHW Day 18,846.39 28,942.39 28,164.62 28,054.22 24,303.47 30,000 0 0 468,569.01 514,980.89 521,804.61 516,410.16 513,451.51 493,368 479,224 493,496 19 Municipality of Bayham 2016-2017 Cemeteries 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2015 2016 2017 Actuals _ Actuals _ Actuals Actuals Actuals Budget Budget Budget Revenues 3520-4120 Sundry Revenue - - 762.00 3,765.00 3,571.40 - - - Expenditures 3520-5290 Grounds Maintenance 8,750.65 6,057.57 7,164.41 10,678.01 19,497.87 12500 13000 15,000.00 3520-5370 Sundry/Interest 1,972.64 1,869.52 3,235.56 3,567.39 4,678.19 1500 0 - 3520-5380 inactive Cemetery Improvement 1,331.18 351.63 - 3,576.14 5,000 5,000 5,000 12,054.47 8,278.72 10,399.97 14,245.40 27,752.20 19,000 18,000 20,000 21 Municipality of Bayham 2016-2017 General Assistance 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2015 2016 2017 Actuals Actuals Actuals Actuals Actuals Budget Budget Budget Revenues 4010-4190 Grants and Donations - - 1,150.00 - Expenditures _ 4010-5590 General Assistance Grants 6,804.63 13,934.32 15,459.43 10,140.93 10,721.06 10,000 10,000 10,000 6,804.63 13,934.32 15,459.43 10,140.93 10,721.06 10,000 10,000 10,000 22 Municipality of Bayham _ 2016-2017 =� Parks&Recreation 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2015 2016 - 2017 Actuals Actuals Actuals Actuals Actuals Budget Budget Budget Revenues 4510-4110 Grants&Subsidies 1,400.00 - - 2,460.65 2,780.45 2500 2600 2600 4510-4120 Sundry 15.00 356.40 - 400.00 =- 4510-4180 Special events 250.00 - - - - Ell1,665.00 356.40 2,860.65 2,780.45 2,500 2,600 2,600 Ex --- Expenditures 4510-5100 Salaries&Wages 25,634.29 18,182.73 10,058.39 15,307.57 16,459.51 11,000 11,000 11000 4510-5110 Statutory Benefits - - 596.91 - 994 2,500 1000 4510-5170 Supplies - 669.75 1,129.93 905.94 572.72 700 700 1000 4510-5210 Utilities 3,576.60 3,501.06 3,672.301 4,341.56 3,276.60 3,640 5,000 5200 4510-5240 Advertising 179.63 - - - - - 4510-5270 Building Maintenance 1,036.08 2,594.16 1,105.97 ! 1,650.52 Mil 1,500 1,500 1500 4510-5280 Equipment Maintenance 571.66 926.51 175.95 568.49 2,973.29 700 700 700 4510-5290 Grounds Maintenance 14,480.07 32,836.29 26,047.52 30,483.80 19,233.34 24,541 30,000 30000 4510-5300lnsurance 9,455.00 9,003.43 9,130.77 9,879.57 10,364.26 10,364 10,201 10,711.23 4510-5370 Sundry 366.34 - 73.80 - - - 4510-5590 General Assistance - - 3,348.09 - - 4510-5600 Canada Day 1,030.42 100.00 208.17 8.80 4510-5620 Sped al Events-Other - 64.41 - - 45.70 Ell 55,963.75 68,060.49 52,492.25 66,494.34 53,547.97 53,439 61,601 61,111 23 Municipality of Bayham 2016-2017 _ Straffordville Community Centre 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2015 2016 2017 Actuals Actuals Actuals Actuals Actuals Budget Budget Budget Revenues 4520-4120 Sundry Revenue - - 4520-4130 Rentals 17,444.24 14,570.00 12,515.00 7,200.39 - 10,000.00 4520-4140 Mix 465.00 788.74 - 4520-4170 Capital Donations 79,115.00 4520-4180 Donations 50.00 _ - - 38.45 4520-4190 Contributions from Reserves - - - 9,400.00 17,959.24 15,358.74 12,515.00 16,638.84 79,115.00 - - 10,000 Expenditures 4520-5100 Salaries&Wages 12,424.36 12,100.62 12,454.84 16,999.48 1,500.00 12,000.00 4520-5110 Statutory Benefits 631.86 738.79 857.20 1,082.07 300.00 1,200.00 4520-5170 Supplies 2,426.18 1,336.39 1,141.47 557.35 600 2400 4520-5210 Utilities 19,655.35 17,159.31 19,409.56 17,593.10 11,947.94 15,000 13,200 19200 4520-5240 Advertising _ - - 536.31 803.86 0 1000 4520-5270 Building Maintenance _ 1,666.98 1,501.87 3,797.02 11,253.92 322.91 2,500 1,500 2500 4520-5280 Equipment Maintenance 2,977.07 2,735.50 3,245.39 1,234.45 1,014.75 1,500 2500 4520-5290 Grounds Maintenance 6,005.20 5,943.15 5,411.57 5,054.91 1,002.32 5,000 6,000 6000 4520-5300 Insurance 4,436.00 4,224.14 4,283.88 4,635.20 4,862.60 4,863 4,786 5000 4520-5360 Telephone 447.82 519.56 894.96 883.50 127.25 650 650 4520-5370 Sundry 528.34 584.36 504.00 92.38 4,000 4000 4520-5460 Capital-Transfer 79,115.00 4520-5450 Service Contract 13,698.00 12,932.57 14,133.58 7,882.58 3,000 13,500 64,897.16 59,776.26 66,669.78 68,072.80 98,392.77 27,363 37,036 69,950 24 1Municipality of Bayham 2016-2017 Vienna Community Centre 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2015 2016 2017 Actuals Actuals Actuals Actuals Actuals Budget Budget Budget Revenues 4530-4130 Rentals 13,523.00 6,079.00 6,171.90 8,787.99 13,399.60 7000 9000 9000 4530-4190 Contribution from Reserves - - - 5,000.00 13,523.00 6,079.00 6,171.90 13,787.99 13,399.60 7,000 9,000 9,000 Expenditures 4530-5100 Mgmt Contract 9,499.92 9,898.08 10,077.70 9,422.71 12,574.42 13,000 15,000 15000 4530-5110 Statutory Benefits 153.52 343.67 200 300 300 4530-5170 Supplies _ 1,414.71 1,474.42 803.77 896.00 937.73 1,000 1,000 1000 4530-5210 Utilities 6,672.38 9,042.03 9,623.03 13,738.36 12,078.03 12,500 13,000 13500 4520-5240 Advertising - - 536.35 571.74 325.00 0 0 4530-5270 Building Maintenance 694.67 3,502.96 6,680.92 1,202.50 10,726.41 5,000 5,000 5000 4530-5280 Equipment Maintenance 2,641.75 3,020.56 6,909.71 2,586.19 858.34 _ 3,100 3,100 3100 4530-5290 Grounds Maintenance 5,357.17 2,991.29 3,525.95 2,912.84 8,407.78 5,000 5,000 5000 4530-5300 Insurance 4,436.00 4,224.14 4,283.88 4,635.20 4,862.60 4,863 4,786 5,025 4530-5360 Telephone 460.06 605.50 1,058.59 920.16 928.22 1,100 1,100 500 4530-5370 Sundry 213.04 348.98 - 7.91 0 0 4530-5450 Service Contract 9,288.00 7,900.09 5,426.49 8,946.75 7,282.45 10,000 10,000 10,000 40,677.70 43,008.05 48,926.39 45,993.88 59,324.65 55,763 58,286 58,425 25 Municipality of Bayham 2016-2017 Eden Community Centre _ 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2015 2016 2017 Actuals Actuals Actuals Actuals Actuals Budget Budget Budget Revenues 4535-4130 Rentals - 45.5-4180 Donations - - - - - - - Expenditures 4535-5210 Utilities - - - - 88.48 - 0 0 4535-5270 Building Maintenance 2,244.54 1,228.79 876.02 528.98 1,810.58 1000 4535-5280 Equipment Maintenance - - 117.02 - 463.77 500 4535-5290 Grounds Maintenance 1,495.86 1,709.54 1,465.32 5,500.00 1,190.58 1500 2,500.00 2,500.00 4535-5300 Insurance 2,030.00 1,933.05 1,960.39 2,121.16 2,225.22 2,225 2,190 2,300 5,770.40 4,871.38 4,418.75 8,061.66 5,690.15 5,225 4,690 4,800 26 Municipality of Bayham Ell 2016-2017 Libraries 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2015 2016 2017 Actuals Actuals Actuals Actuals Actuals Budget Budget Budget Revenues 4540-4130 Lease Revenues 61,835.33 63,525.42 64,287.73 65,123.48 66,946.92 66,000 66,500 67,000 Expenditures 4540-5210 Utilities _ 9,965.48 9,108.54 9,333.48 8,600.74 8,843.87 9,289 10,032 10834.46 4540-5270 Building Maintenance 7,802.51 7,486.79 10,139.55 13,390.12 11,020.33 10,000 10,000 10000 4540-5290 Grounds Maintenance 4,006.76 1,683.11 2,062.38 1,979.68 3,884.83 2,500 2,500 2500 4540-5300 Insurance 2,154.00 2,051.13 2,080.14 2,250.72 2,361.14 2,361 2,324 2440.19 4540-5510 Administrative Overhead - - - 4540-5400 Library Reserve 25,000.00 43,195.85 40,672.18 38,902.22 40,836.75 41,850 41,644 41,062 48,928.75 63,525.42 64,287.73 65,123.48 66,946.92 66,000 66,500 66,837 27 Municipality of Bayham 2016-2017 Museums _ 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2015 2016 2017 Actuals Actuals Actuals Actuals Actuals Budget Budget Budget Revenues 4550-4110 Grants&Subsidies 14,519.65 17,032.85 18,679.05 15,674.40_ 9,630.68 12000 7200 7200 4550-4130 Admissions 5,649.41 5,262.61 8,125.75 5,641.17 5,470.68 5600 5600 5600 4550-4170 Children's Programs 280.00 132.00 128.00 104.00 151.60 200 100 100 4550-4120 Sundry 301.06 286.66 - 200.97 133.19 7,000.00 100.00 100.00 4550-4190 Contribution from Reserves - - 1,440.85 - - - - 20,750.12 22,714.12 28,373.65 21,620.54 15,386.15 24,800 13,000 13,000 Expenditures 4550-5100 Salaries&Wages 32,767.28 30,595.24 28,218.84 30,747.66 28,741.15 31,000 17,850 18247 4550-5110 Statutory Benefits 2,855.67 2,636.71 2,432.02 2,666.82 2,494.06 3,100 1,785 1825 4550-5170 Office Supplies 297.74 253.99 76.26 33.57 90.32 0 125 125 4550-5190 Children's Programs 132.64 32.04 - 11.85 36.30 4,600 50 50 4560-5200 Building Renovations - - - - 4550-5210 Utilities 8,216.09 9,058.10 8,184.29 8,842.52 8,282.37 8,112 9,197 9565 4550-5240 Advertising 1,404.17 934.17 3,340.69 1,864.26 1,661.05 1,700 1,133 1133 4550-5245 Marketing - - - 0 0 4550-525oMemberships 293.58 _ 251.76 1,231.17 301.76 251.76 550 250 250 4550-5270 Building Maintenance 5,986.44 2,871.19 3,389.68 1,060.77 1,632.41 7,500 3,310 3310 4550-5280 Equipment Maintenance 2,790.32 1,304.36 2,133.06 1,567.38 1,589.33 2,500 1,250 1250 4550-5290 Grounds Maintenance 2,640.05 3,391.15 2,692.08 3,674.79 4,389.52 3,600 3,188 3288 4550-5300 Insurance 2,596.00 2,472.00 2,506.98 2,712.57 2,845.64 2,846 2,801 3159 4550-5360 Telephone 1,948.93 1,691.30 1,106.02 1,006.68 1,022.90 1,300 867 900 4550-5340 Conferences&Seminars - - - 0 50 50 4550-5350 Travel - - 79.65 0 50 50 4550-5370 Sundry _ 444.33 _ 410.23 780.71 596.78 384.30 _ 600 450 450 4550-5600 Special Project(Curator) 36.00 34.09 - 63.45 30.39 3234 3234 4550-5620 Rental-Edison 2,000.00 0 0 4550-5610 Special Events - - - 333 333 62,409.24 55,936.33 56,171.45 55,150.86 55,451.50 67,408 45,923 47,219 - 41,659.12 - 33,222.21 - 27,797.80 - 33,530.32 - 40,065.35 - 42,608 - 32,923 - 34,219 FUND RAISING Revenue: 4550-4180 Fundraising 4,236.35 2,199.89 10,179.69 5,987.43 5,867.43 5500 5600 _ 5600 4550-4185 Donations 2,059.89 903.43 822.40 2,922.90 5,939.55 1,500 1,500 1,500 6,296.24 3,103.32 11,002.09 8,910.33 11,806.98 7,000 7,100 7,100 Expenditures: 4550-5180 Fundraising expense 2,424.16 226.73 3,994.21 3,980.03 _ 4,677.26 4500 4600 4600 4550-5400 Transfer to Reserves 3,872.08 2,876.59 7,007.88 4,930.30 7,129.72 2,500 2,500 2,500 6,296.24 3,103.32 11,002.09 8,910.33 11,806.98 7,000 7,100 7,100 28 Municipality of Bayham - 2016-2017 _ Museums-Marine _ 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2015 2016 2017 Actuals Actuals Actuals Actuals Actuals Budget Budget Budget Revenues 4550-4110 Grants&Subsidies 7200 7200 4550-4130 Admissions 5600 5600 4550-4170 Children's Programs 100 100 4550-4120 Sundry 100.00 100.00 4550-4190 Contribution from Reserves - - - - - 13,000 13,000 Expenditures 4550-5100 Salaries&Wages 17,850 18247 4550-5110 Statutory Benefits 1,785 1825 4550-5170 Office Supplies _ 125 125 4550-5190 Children's Programs _ 50 50 4560-5200 Building Renovations 4,599 4782 4550-521d Utilities 4550-5240 Advertising _ 1,133 1133 0 4550-5245 Marketing 250 250 4550-5250 Memberships 4550-5270 Building Maintenance 1,800 1800 4550-5280 Equipment Maintenance 1,250 1250 4550-5290 Grounds Maintenance _ 1,900 1950 4550-5300 Insurance 1,566 1580 4550-5360 Telephone 867 900 4550-5340 Conferences&Seminars 50 50 4550-535d Travel 50 50 4550-5370 Sundry 450 450 4550-5600 Special Project(Curator) 3234 3234 4550-562d Rental-Edison 4550-5610 Special Events - - - 333 333 37,292 38,009 - 24,292 - 25,009 FUND RAISING _- Revenue: 4550-4180 Fundraising 4550-4185 Donations Expenditures: 4550-518o Fund raising expense 4550-5400 Transfer to Reserves Municipality of Bayham _ 2016-2017 -- = _Museums-Edison _ 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2015 2016 2017 Actuals Actuals Actuals Actuals Actuals Budget Budget Budget Revenues --- 0 4550-4110 Grants&Subsidies 0 0 ME IIIN 4550-4130 Admissions 0 _ 0 4550-4170 Children's Programs 0 0 4550-4190 Sundry M- - - 4550-4190 Contribution from Reserves - - - Expenditures 4550-5110 Statutor&Wages NIMEI11 0 0 4550 510 Statutory Benefits 0 0 4550-5170 Office Supplies 0 0 4550-5190 Children's Programs MEM0 0 4560-5200 Building Renovations -- 4550-5210 - 4,599 4782 4550-5240 Advertising 1=== 0 0 4550-5245 Marketing 1MM0 4550-5250 Memberships 0 0 4550 5270 Building Maintenance _ 0 0 4550-5280 Equipment Maintenance 0 0 4550-5290 Grounds Maintenance 1,288 1338 4550-5300 Insurance 1,566 1580 4550 5360 Telephone =�M 0 0 4550-5340 Conferences&Seminars 0 0 4550-5350 Travel 0 0 4550-5370 Sundry � � 0 0 4550-5600 Special Project(Curator) ---M 0 0 4550-5620 Rental-Edison -- -= 0 0 45505610Special Events 7,4537 ,700 ILIMWATIMMI- 7.700 RAISING Revenue: __ 4550-4185 Dundtionsg =MAME=MI= ,5 00 5600 4550-4185 Donations 1,500 1,500 = _ M 7,100 Expenditures: M7,100 4550-5180 Fundraising expense 4600 4600 4550-5400 Transfer to Reserves 1 2,500 2,500 7,100 7,100 Municipality of Bayham 2016-2017 Planning&Development _ 2011 2012 _ 2013 2014 2015 2015 2016 2017 Actuals Actuals Actuals Actuals_ Actuals Budget Budget Budget Revenues 5010-4120 Sundry Revenue 162.00 679.00 1,078.00 521.00 1,494.50 500 500 500 5010-4130 Zoning Certificates 910.00 1,190.00 700.00 1,295.00 1,950.00 1,200 1,200 1,200 5010-4140 Zoning Charges 9,548.07 8,635.00 18,529.00 9,167.10 14,501.00 12,000 12,000 12,000 5010-4150 OPA Charges - - - 6,540.00 3,267.00 2,000 2,000 2,000 5010-4160 Minor Variance Charges 5,149.00 3,000.00 8,188.00 3,642.00 9,710.00 4,000 4,000 5,000 5010-4170 Site Plan Charges 380.00 2,743.00 500.00 4,466.00 5,310.00 3,000 3,000 3,000 5010-4175 Planning Report Fees - 1,150.00 4,025.00 5,275.00 8,800.00 3,000 3,000 3,000 5010-4180 Plan of Subdivision fees - - - - 260.00 1,000 1,000 1,000 5010-4190 Development Agreement fees 320.00 320.00 611.00 150.00 964.00 300 300 500 16,469.07 17,717.00 33,631.00 31,056.10 46,256.50 27,000 27,000 28,200 Expenditures _ 5010-5100 Salaries&Wages 45,565.25 54,448.25 55,769.14 44,633.06 53,614.96 44,995 45,445 45,900 5010-5110 Statutory Benefits 4,042.00 5,086.50 5,323.07 4,524.66 5,508.05 4,388 4,432 4,476 5010-5120 Non-Statutory Benefits _ 8,967.79 11,027.78 _ 11,107.56 11,076.90 10,944.46 11,963 12,083 12,204 5010-5170 Supplies - 20.33 - - 0 0 5010-5240 Advertising 4,131.85 4,081.70 2,832.14 2,581.56 5,763.98 2500 2500 3,000 5010-5250 Association&Membership Fees 351.07 361.25 371.42 376.51 376.51 400 425 430 5010-5310 Legal Fees 2,507.38 2,829.10 599.15 426.04 1,181.34 0 0 500 5010-5320 Postage - 12.97 - - 0 0 5010-5340 Conferences&Seminars 40.00 - 63.04 _ - 81.41 450 450 450 5010-5350 Travel 191.70 216.50 245.25 308.70 425.01 250 250 250 5010-5370 Sundry _ 5.00 - - _ - 0 0 0 5010-5450 Consulting Fees 30,315.60 24,175.26 32,658.48 38,329.64 28,007.12 26,000 26,000 27,000 96,117.64 102,259.64 108,969.25 102,257.07 105,902.84 90,947 91,585 94,210 29 Municipality of Bayham 2016-2017 Tourism&Marketing 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2015 2016 2017 _ Actuals Actuals Actuals Actuals Actuals Budget Budget Budget Revenues 5015-4110 Grants&Subsidies 4,332.55 4,015.79 - 12,684.00 4000 4000 4000 5015-4120 Sundry 670.00 2,037.98 6,535.95 2,715.06 600.00 5015-4170 Lease Revenues 2,400.00 4,633.00 5,233.25 - 1,312.63 612.00 1500 1500 1500 5015-4190 Transfer from Reserve - - 3,741.05 5,000.00 7,402.55 10,686.77 15,510.25 19,086.43 1,212.00 5,500 5,500 5,500 Expenditures 5015-5100 Salades&Wages 10,860.79 15,965.64 9,526.01 8,933.32 8,811.01 11000 10000 10000 Inter Centre staffing - - - 0 5015-5110 Statutory benefits - - 664.45 1000 1000 1000 5015-5210 utilites 5,612.47 11,354.11 7,887.05 7,486.16 3,001.18 8000 8000 8000 5015-5215 Interpretive Centre Operations 1,299.75 4,641.09 1,551.66 5015-5230 Brochures 994.20 5,610.73 1,978.21 1,015.56 1,035.92 1000 1000 1000 5015-5240 Advertising 6,375.60 8,426.09 7,244.16 6,366.03 5,288.66 7000 4000 4000 5015-5245 Promotional ferns 2,096.00 - - 5015-5250 Memberships 442.03 344.46 710.56 5,476.51 5,476.51 6000 6000 6000 5015-5260 Festivals 4,662.55 - - 5015-5270 Beeutficabon - - 2,829.91 4,814.05 10,921.98 5000 5000 5000 5015-5290 Beach Maintenance 2,739.59 10,220.01 11,164.86 12,676.83 11,592.99 13500 13500 13500 5015-5370 Sundry - - 183.17 183.17 183.17 5015-5600 Special Projects 12,870.78 214.63 3,741.05 31.30 47,953.76 56,776.76 47,481.09 46,982.93 46,311.42 52,500 48,500 48,500 31 Municipality of Bayham 2016-2017 Environmental Services - 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2015 2016 2017 Actuals Actuals Actuals Actuals Actuals Budget Budget Budget Revenues 5020-4110 Grants&Subsidies 10,034.22 10,201.86 13,035.37 9,760.53 ME 12,838 11,969 IIE 5020-4140 Tile Drain Charges 5,603.51 - - - 15,637.73 10,201.86 13,035.37 9,760.53 13,981.81 12,838 11,969 =Expenditures --- 5020-5100 Salaries&Wages 15,570.15 15,369.77 18,110.93 16,425.76 22,944.64 17,051 17,563 18,089 5020-5110 Statutory Benefits 1,416.56 1,333.51 1,926.72 1,846.11 2,290.82 1,920 1,978 2,037 5020-5120 Non-Statutory Benefits 3,063.54 2,493.91 li 3,236.34 3,341.94 3,223.41 3609 3,898 4,210 5020-5270 Water Sampling&Testing 1,631.20 554.58 562.74 403.99 337.85 500 500 500 5020-5275 Water Quality Management 70.21 - - 5020-5290 Drain Maintenance 903.83 - - � 5020-5320 truck water sampling 1,418.50 1,042.09 992.38 1,006.87 179.26 - 5020-5340 Conferences&Seminars 295.10 295.10 122.11 500 500 500 5020-5370 Sundry 760.53 - 5020-5380 Tile Drain Debt Charges 5,603.51 2,622.92 - - - - 29,677.50 24,472.41 25,124.21 23,146.78 28,975.98 23,580 24,438 25,336 32 Municipality of Bayham 2016-2017 _ Capital 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2015 2016 _ 2017 Actuals Actuals Actuals Actuals Actuals Budget Budget Budget Revenues Financing 2,111,177.07 2,249,113.43 1,249,325.60 1,406,143.79 1,541,193.30 1,529,231 2,501,300 605717 2,111,177.07 2,249,113.43 1,249,325.60 1,406,143.79 1,541,193.30 1,529,231 2,501,300 605,717 Expenditures Gross Expenditures 2,873,642.13 3,222,415.63 2,128,406.83 2,133,138.33 2,127,082.51 2,127,083 2,790,441 2,386,311 2,873,642.13 3,222,415.63 2,128,406.83 2,133,138.33 2,127,082.51 2,127,083 2,790,441 2,386,311 Net Capital Expense 762,465.06 973,302.20 879,081.23 726,994.54 585,889.21 597,851 289,141 1,780,594 33 OMPF Projections 2016 2016 OMPF funding (projected) 972,900 Interest earned on reserve 0 OMPF reserve opening balance 213,866 Use of OMPF 0 OMPF closing balance 213,866 Total Revenue (OMPF, Tax increase,Interest, Use of Reserve) 972,900 By-law No.2016-031 Schedule"C" MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM-FINAL TAX RATES&LEVIES For the Year Ended December 31,2016 Municipal Levy 3,878,152 ACTUAL Public Separate Public Separate Total Class 2016 Municipal Municipal County County Educ Educ English English French French Rates CVA Rates Levy Rates Levy Rates Levy 0.77318 0.20600 0.00539 0.01543 Res/Farm English-Public 441,214,926 0.00626655 2,764,893.51 0.00599720 2,646,054.15 0.00188000 829,484.06 829,484.06 0.01414375 English-Sep 29,084,827 0.00626655 182,261.40 0.00599720 174,427.52 0.00188000 54,679.47 54,679.47 0.01414375 French-Public 200,464 0.00626655 1,256.22 0.00599720 1,202.22 0.00188000 376.87 376.87 0.01414375 French-Sep 248,643 0.00626655 1,558.13 0.00599720 1,491.16 0.00188000 467.45 467.45 0.01414375 Multi-res English-Public 4,503,325 0.01470007 66,199.18 0.01406820 63,353.68 0.00188000 8,466.25 8,466.25 0.03064827 English-Sep 340,679 0.01470007 5,008.00 0.01406820 4,792.74 0.00188000 640.48 640.48 0.03064827 French-Public Comm Occ. 14,479,765 0.01026209 148,592.70 0.00982100 142,205.77 0.01180000 170,861.23 132,106.48 35,197.41 920.94 2,636.39 0.03188309 Comm Occ New 3,177,400 0.01026209 32,606.78 0.00982100 31,205.25 0.01180000 37,493.32 28,989.09 7,723.62 202.09 578.52 0.03188309 Comm Vac.Land 287,000 0.00718347 2,061.65 0.00687460 1,973.01 0.00826000 2,370.62 1,832.92 488.35 12.78 36.58 0.02231807 Comm Exc Land New 182,400 0.00718347 1,310.26 0.00687460 1,253.93 0.00826000 1,506.62 1,164.89 310.36 8.12 23.25 0.02231807 Comm Exc.Land 114,400 0.00718347 821.79 0.00687460 786.45 0.00826000 944.94 730.61 194.66 5.09 14.58 0.02231807 Ind Occ. 6,448,835 0.01394369 89,920.54 0.01334440 86,055.83 0.01500000 96,732.53 74,791.65 19,926.90 521.39 1,492.58 0.04228809 Ind Occ New 2,165,700 0.01394369 30,197.85 0.01334440 28,899.97 0.01180000 25,555.26 19,758.82 5,264.38 137.74 394.32 0.03908809 Ind Excess Land 0 0.00906340 - 0.00867380 - 0.00975000 - 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02748720 Ind Vac. 81,200 0.00906340 735.95 0.00867380 704.31 0.00975000 791.70 612.13 163.09 4.27 12.22 0.02748720 Large Ind.New Cons 0 0.01774474 - 0.01698290 - 0.01180000 - 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04652764 Large Ind.Exc New 0 0.01153408 - 0.01103900 - 0.00767000 - 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03024308 Pipelines 8,114,000 0.00717268 58,199.16 0.00686440 55,697.74 0.01073758 87,124.72 67,363.09 17,947.69 469.60 1,344.33 0.02477466 Farmlands English-Public 202,698,140 0.00156664 317,554.29 0.00149930 303,905.32 0.00047000 95,268.13 95,268.13 0.00353594 English-Sep 14,130,800 0.00156664 22,137.83 0.00149930 21,186.31 0.00047000 6,641.48 6,641.48 0.00353594 French-Public 6,300 0.00156664 9.87 0.00149930 9.45 0.00047000 2.96 2.96 0.00353594 Mgd Forests English-Public 1,114,231 0.00156664 1,745.59 0.00149930 1,670.57 0.00047000 523.69 523.69 0.00353594 English-Sep 166,975 0.00156664 261.59 0.00149930 250.35 0.00047000 78.48 78.48 0.00353594 French-Public 285 0.00156664 0.45 0.00149930 0.43 0.00047000 0.13 0.13 0.00353594 French-Sep 709 0.00156664 1.11 0.00149930 1.06 0.00047000 0.33 0.33 0.00353594 728,761,004 3,727,333.85 3,567,127.22 1,420,010.73 1,261,091.80 149,256.38 2,661.99 7,000.55 PILS Res.-gen 8,557,500 0.00626655 53,625.97 0.00599720 51,321.04 - 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01226375 Res-full 3,800 0.00626655 23.81 0.00599720 22.79 0.00188000 7.14 7.14 0.01226375 Comm Vac.-full 53,000 0.00718347 380.72 0.00687460 364.35 0.00826000 437.78 338.48 90.18 2.36 6.75 0.02231807 Ind Occ.-full 10,200 0.01394369 142.23 0.01334440 136.11 0.01500000 153.00 118.30 31.52 0.82 2.36 0.04228809 Comm Occ 68,200 0.01026209 699.87 0.00982100 669.79 0.01180000 804.76 622.22 165.78 4.34 12.42 0.03188309 Comm Occ.-gen 9,339,000 0.01026209 95,837.69 0.00982100 91,718.32 - 0.02008309 Comm Vac.-gen 15,000 0.00718347 107.75 0.00687460 103.12 - 0.01405807 18,046,700 150,818.04 144,335.53 1,402.68 1,086.15 287.48 7.52 21.53 EXEMPT No Support 15,875,800 15,875,800 762,683,504 3,878,151.89 3,711,462.75 1,421,413.41 1,262,177.95 149,543.86 2,669.51 7,022.08 Total Levy 9,011,028.05 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 2016-032 A BY-LAW TO ADOPT A MUNICIPAL CHARITABLE DONATION RECEIPT POLICY WHEREAS the Council of The Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham recognizes the need for a clear and concise policy concerning Municipal Charitable Donation Receipts; AND WHEREAS the Council of The Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham deems it advisable that the Policy on Municipal Charitable Donation Receipts be confirmed and adopted by By-law; THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT effective upon passage the Policy on Municipal Charitable Donation Receipts attached hereto as Schedule "A" and forming part of this by-law is hereby adopted as the policies and procedures for the management of Municipal Charitable Donation Receipts for the Municipality of Bayham. 2. THAT this Municipal Charitable Donation Receipt Policy By-law may be amended from time as directed and deemed necessary by The Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham 3. THAT any Municipal Charitable Donation Receipt policies previously adopted are hereby repealed; 4. AND THAT this by-law shall come into full force and effect upon final passing. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME and finally passed this 21st day of April 2016. MAYOR CLERK -g,AY PROCEDURE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM O�pOi. s�OS tunity I SUBJECT: Charitable Donations Receipt Policy DEPARTMENT: Treasury DATE ORIGINATED: April 7, 2016 REFERENCE : Procedures-Treasury-TR-14-2016-charitable donations PURPOSE This policy formalizes the charitable donations receipt program, including accounting for donations of cash or in-kind made to the Municipality. This policy also outlines the standard for evaluating donations in accordance with Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) guidelines. This policy will serve as the foundation for standard operating procedures for issuing official charitable donation receipts (official receipts) to donors for income tax purposes. POLICY STATEMENT The Municipality of Bayham will issue official receipts for donations that qualify ascharitable donations. If requested, the Municipality will issue official receipts to donors for eligible donations with a net cash value of or net fair market value of $20 or more. SCOPE This policy applies to all departments within the Municipality of Bayham; to all agreements between the Municipality and organizations and individuals that contribute either financially or in-kind to the Municipalities operations, programs, services or facilities. OBJECTIVES Thispolicy formalizes the charitable donations receipt program within the Municipality to ensure that official receipts are issued in an appropriate and consistent standard across the organization and in accordance with CRA guidelines. DEFINITIONS For the purpose of this policy, unless otherwise stated, the following definitions shall apply: Term Definition Charitable Donations Voluntary transfers of tangible property, including cash. Donations in-kind Tangible property, other than cash, that are eligible donations Eligible Donations Donations that can be acknowledged with official donation receipts for income tax purposes, in accordance with CRA guidelines. Fair Market Value (or Valuation) The highest dollar value that a property would bring in an open and unrestricted market, between the willing buyer and the willing seller who are acting independently of each other. The fair market value of a property does not include taxes paid; taxes are costs incurred by the purchaser. Net Amount of Donation The fair market value of the donation less any advantage/benefit received or to be received as a result of the donation. Non-Qualifying Donations Donations that cannot be acknowledged with official donation receipts for income tax purposes, in accordance with CRA guidelines. POLICY GUIDELINES To be eligible for an official donation receipt, the donation has to: • Be made payable to the Municipality, and • Be made in cash or in-kind, and • Be voluntary, and • Be supportive of the Municipality's mandate or beneficial to the community of the Municipality of Bayham. Donations in-kind may be accepted only after the following has been assessed: • Compliance with Municipal by-laws and/or policies • Compliance with the laws, conventions and treaties of the other levels of government • Consistency with the Municipality's priorities, mandates, strategic and business plans. • Associated risks (e.g. Financial risks; political risk; health and safety issues) • Condition of the donation • Value of the donation • Usefulness of the donation to the Municipality • Cost/benefit analysis, considering installation, storage, maintenance, renewal, decommissioning, replacement and related costs; Written valuation of donations in-kind, done within the last 6 months, shall be submitted with the requests for official receipt and is to meet the following requirements: ii $1,000 or less; o Appraisal by knowledgeable internal staff; plus o Valuation from online auction and shopping website A Over$1,000: o External appraisal of property by an independent and arm's length competent individual is required; o The costs associated with obtaining a qualified appraisal shall be the responsibility of the donor. Authority for acceptance or denial of donations in-kind with appraised value of: • Under $20,000 -Treasurer or Chief Administrative Officer • $20,000 and more - Council approval Non-Qualifying Donations that cannot be acknowledged with official donation receipts for income tax purposes, in accordance with CRA guidelines: • Intangibles such as services, time, skills, effort • Donations that are given to the Municipality intended as a flow through to a specified recipient who does not have charitable organization status. • Donations of a business marketing products such as supplies and merchandise • Sponsorship in the form of cash, goods or services toward an event, project, program or corporate asset, in return for commercial benefit (i.e. logo placement or presenting sponsorship). The intent of a sponsorship is to enhance the image and marketing opportunities of the sponsor in its target market and/or the community. Sponsorships are a reciprocal arrangement benefiting both parties. Usually the cost to the sponsor is categorized as a business expense. ROLES Accountability Treasurer Signing Authority Treasurer or CAO to sign official donation receipts on behalf of the Municipality of Bayham Responsibilities • Treasurer-for maintaining the Charitable Donations Receipt Policy and related standard operating procedures, communication of policy and procedures to departmental staff, advising staff on eligibility of charitable donations and review donation accounts analysis prepared by staff. • Accounts Receivable/Payroll Clerk- responsible for issuing official donation receipts in compliance with the CRA guidelines and maintain record according to the CRA requirements; in-kind donations are properly assessed, donation accounts are reconciled • Departmental staff accepting donations- responsible for compliance with the Charitable Donations Receipt Policy and any related standard operating procedures; ensuring Official Donation Receipt Request Form (Appendix A) is completed and submitted to the Treasury Department with the donated item and any supporting documentation Appendix A ,AYHA , 9344 Plank Road ` �» P.O. Box 160 Straffordville,ON NOJ 1Y0 111114111 519-866-5521 �Aponi�IsYo,{g Donor Information Donor Name(including middle name): Or Charity/Organization:_ Business Reg.#:_ Donor Address(including fire#): Telephone Number: Donated Item Cash Donation: Amount:$ Date Donation Received: In-Kind Donation: Description of Donation: Date Donation Received: Date of Appraisal: Name of Appraiser: Address of Appraiser: Please attach the Appraisers letter acknowledging the fair market value Municipal Use Department Name of Municipal Employee Accepting Donation: Signature: Date: Treasury: Date Receipt Issued: Receipt#: Treasury THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 2016-033 A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM AND KDN PAVEMENT MARKING LTD. WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham is desirous of entering into an agreement with KDN Pavement Marking Ltd. for the provision of line painting services within the Municipality of Bayham NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the Mayor and Clerk be and are hereby authorized to execute the Agreement attached hereto as Schedule "A" and forming part of this by-law between KDN Pavement Marking Ltd. and the Municipality of Bayham; 2. AND THAT this by-law shall come into full force and effect upon final passing. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 21st DAY OF APRIL 2016. MAYOR CLERK Schedule "A" to By-Law 2016-033 THIS AGREEMENT DATED THE 21st DAY OF APRIL, 2016 BETWEEN: KDN PAVEMENT MARKING LTD. (Hereinafter called the "Contractor") and of the First Part THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM (Hereinafter called the "Municipality") of the Second Part WHEREAS The Municipality contracts for line painting services at various locations within the Municipality; NOW THEREFORE IN CONSIDERATION OF the mutual covenants herein contained, the payments required hereby, and such other consideration as the parties hereto deem acceptable, the parties agree as follows: Section 1- Definitions For the purposes of this Agreement, 1.1 "Council" shall mean the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham; 1.2 "Manager of Public Works" shall mean the Manager of Public Works of the Municipality of Bayham or designate; Section 2 - General Provisions 2.1 The Contractor shall be solely responsible for line painting services in selected areas within the Municipality of Bayham and in accordance with the reasonable directions given by the Manager of Public Works, or designate from time to time. 2.2 The Contractor shall supply all labour, paint, equipment and materials (paint and glass beads) for the application of Pavement Marking Paint onto Bituminous or Concrete Pavement on roads within the Municipality of Bayham. 2.3 The quantities shown in this contract are expressed in litres of paint. 2.4 The Contractor shall obtain the necessary permits, licenses and pay the required fees. 2.5 The Contractor shall give the required notices and comply with the laws, ordinances, rules, regulations, codes and orders of the authorities having jurisdiction which are, or become, in force during the period for which services are performed in accordance with the schedule of work. 2.3 The Contractor shall be responsible for any damage made to Municipal or private property including but not limited to parking curbs, sod repairs and bent signs. Schedule"A" By-Law 2016-033 2.4 Operators shall have the appropriate license and class to operate the vehicle they are operating and shall provide their license at any time to be inspected by the Manager of Public Works or designate. 2.5 The Contractor shall be responsible to maintain the standards as set in this agreement as directed by the Manager of Public Works or designate. Section 3 — Schedule of Work& Payment for Work 3.1 The Municipality does not guarantee any volume or work and volume of work is dependent upon budget. The Municipality reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to procure either more or less without altering the contracted price. 3.2 The contractor shall complete the first application of paint prior to the last day of August. Painting on collector, arterial and core area streets shall be completed within one week of notification from the municipality, and local and secondary streets completed within two weeks of notification. A second application of paint if deemed necessary by the road authority will be carried out for portions of the first application, and shall be completed no later than the last day of October, with the same time constraints on the application as with the first application of paint. 3.3 Payment shall be made in accordance to attached 'Appendix A' subject to the provision of monthly invoices submitted to the Municipality. The Contractor shall submit monthly invoices for services rendered throughout the term of this Agreement. 3.4 The usual hours of work are from Monday to Friday, commencing at 7:00 a.m. The contractor may be required by the road authority to perform painting operations after hours (night) on high volume traffic roads. Weekend work is usually not undertaken, but may be in exceptional circumstances. There will be no additional compensation for weekend or after hours work. 3.5 Water-Borne Traffic Paint must be non-coning in conformity with OPSS 1716. Any provision item for Organic Solvent Based Traffic Paint must be in conformity with OPSS 1712. Reflectorizing Glass Beads must be in conformity with OPSS 1750. Sampling of each batch will be done on a random basis by the municipality. The contractor shall submit a certificate of compliance and a completed Water-Borne Traffic Paint Data Form (OPSS 1716) from the paint manufacturer 3.6 The application will be performed in conformity with OPSS 532, including the supply of the equipment as specified in OPSS 532. Payment will be based on liters of paint (including glass beads) applied at the tendered rate. This amount is to be verified by municipal staff 3.7 Traffic Control shall be the responsibility of the contractor. All Traffic Control shall be in accordance with the Ministry of Transportation, Ontario, and Traffic Control Manual for Roadway Work Operations. Road closures will not be permitted. The contractor shall supply a clearly marked vehicle complete with flashing lights and a sign warning of painting ahead to follow behind the paint truck. This truck shall keep a distance of separation between the paint truck to allow the paint to properly set up. All cost of traffic control and equipment shall be included in the unit price tendered. Schedule"A" to By-Law 2016-033 Section 4 - Safety 4.1 The Contractor will be responsible to take all necessary steps to protect personnel (workers, visitors, general public, etc.) and property, from any harm during the course of the Contract. All work procedures and equipment shall be in accordance with the Contractor's and legislated standards. 4.2 Only competent personnel will be permitted on-site. The inspector will determine who is competent, and will cause to remove from the site any persons not observing or complying with safety requirements. The Contractor shall supply competent personnel to implement their safety program and ensure that the Contractor's standards, and those of the Occupational Health and Safety Act are being complied with. 4.3 The Municipality will monitor daily to ensure that safety requirements are met. Continued disregard for safety standards can cause the Contract to be cancelled and the Contractor removed from the work site. 4.4 The Contractor shall report to the jurisdictional authorities, any accident or incident involving Contractor, Municipality or public personnel and/or property, arising from the Contractor's execution of the work. 4.5 The Contractor shall include all provisions of this Contract and any agreement with subcontractors, and hold all subcontractors equally responsible for safe work performance. 4.6 If the Contractor is responsible for delay in the progress of the work due to an infraction of legislated or Contractor Health and Safety requirements, the Contractor will, without additional cost to the Municipality, work such overtime not to delay in the final completion of the work or any operations thereof. Section 5 - Insurance 5.1 The Contractor shall hold and keep in force during the term of this Agreement, a Comprehensive General Liability insurance policy providing coverage for bodily injury and property damage including personal injury liability, contractual liability, Non-Owned Automobile Liability, Owner's and Contractors Protective Coverage, Products-completed operations and Contingent Employers Liability with a limit of liability of not less than $5,000,000.00 inclusive, per occurence exclusive of interest and cost naming the Municipality of Bayham as additional insured. A copy of the same shall be provided to the Municipality prior to the commencement of any line painting activity: i. The policy shall contain a provision for cross liability in respect of the named insured; ii. Non-owned automobile coverage with a limit of at least $2,000,000 including contractural non-owned coverage; iii. Products and completed operation coverage (Broad Form) with an aggregate limit not less than $2,000,000; iv. That 30 days prior notice of an alteration, cancellation or material change in policy terms which reduces the coverage shall be given in writing to the Municipality 5.2 The Contractor shall indemnify and save harmless the Municipality from all injuries and accidents arising from any work undertaken as a result of this Agreement save and except from damage caused by the negligence of the Municipality or their employees. Schedule"A" By-Law 2016-033 5.3 The Contractor shall be required to show proof of registration with the WSIB. Once the contract commences, each invoice must be accompanied by a current WSIB Clearance Certificate not more than 3 months old. Section 6 -Termination 6.1 The Municipality reserves the right to immediately terminate the Contract for sufficient cause, including but not limited to such items as non-performance, late deliveries, inferior quality, pricing problems, etc. 6.2 Should the Contractor neglect to execute the work properly, or fail to perform any provision of this Contract, the Corporation, after three (3) business days written notice to the Contractor, may, without prejudice to any other remedy in existence, make good such deficiencies and may deduct the cost thereof from any payment then and thereafter due to the Contractor. Continued failure of the Contractor to execute the work properly shall result in a termination of the Contract. The Corporation shall provide written notice of termination. 6.3 The Municipality may elect to terminate the Contract if the original terms and conditions are significantly changed, giving thirty (30) calendar day's written notice to the Contractor. 6.4 Either part may terminate the Contract by giving the other party sixty (60) calendar day's written notice, giving reasons acceptable to the other. A period of less than sixty (60) calendar days to terminate the contract may be negotiable if mutually agreeable between the Municipality and the Contractor. Section 7 - Notice 7.1 All notices, consents, approvals or other communications permitted or required to be given under this Agreement (collectively "Notices") shall be in writing, shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed unless otherwise specifically provided for in this Agreement, and shall be personally delivered; or sent by prepaid registered mail to the applicable address set out below: (a) in the case of the Municipality: Attention: Manager of Public Works Municipality of Bayham 9344 Plank Road Straffordville, ON NOJ 1Y0 Office: (519) 866-5521 ebradfield(c7bavham.on.ca (b) in the case of the Contractor: Attention: Company Address: Phone Number Email: Schedule"A" By-Law 2016-033 Section 8 -Agreement Definition 8.1 No amendment of this Agreement shall be deemed valid unless effected by a written amendment signed by both parties and no waiver of rights of any kind under this Agreement shall be effective unless in writing by the party for whom they are a benefit. 8.2 If a Court of competent jurisdiction should declare any section or part of a section of this Agreement to be invalid or unenforceable, such section or part of a section shall not be construed as being an integral part of the Agreement or having persuaded or influenced a party to this Agreement to execute the same, and it is hereby agreed that the remainder of the Agreement shall be valid and in full force and effect. 8.3 This Agreement constitutes the entire Agreement between the parties to this Agreement and supersedes any prior Agreements and understandings, oral or written. 8.4 Nothing in this Agreement derogates from, interferes with, or fetters the exercise by the Municipality of all of its rights and obligations as a municipality (whether discretionary or mandatory), or imposes any obligations on the Municipality in its role as a municipality, and the Municipality shall not be prevented from or prejudiced in carrying out its statutory rights and responsibilities, including its planning rights and responsibilities. Nothing in this Agreement derogates from, interferes with, or fetters the exercise by the Municipality's officers, employees, agents, representatives or elected and appointed officials of all of their rights, or imposes any obligations on the Municipality's officers, employees, agents, representatives or elected and appointed officials, other than as expressly set out in this Agreement. 8.5 No communication or dealing between the Contractor and any department, committee, body, officer, employee, agent, representative or elected or appointed official of the Municipality that is not clearly in respect of and in accordance with this Agreement will not be deemed to be a communication or dealing under this Agreement between the Contractor and Municipality as parties to this Agreement or affect the Municipality with notice of any such communication or dealings. It is intended and agreed that any communication or dealing between the Contractor and the Municipality as parties to this Agreement will only be effective if delivered in accordance with the notice provisions in this Agreement. No communication or dealing between the Municipality as party to this Agreement and the Contractor as a party to this Agreement will relieve the Contractor from the responsibility of discharging its lawful obligations to the Municipality imposed by statute, regulation, by-law or by any other lawful manner separate and apart from the obligations imposed under this Agreement. Section 9- No Waiver 9.1 No condonation, excusing or overlooking by the Municipality of any default, breach or non- observance of any of the Contractor's obligations under this Agreement at any time or times shall affect the Municipality's remedies or rights with respect to any subsequent (even if by way of continuation) default, breach or non-observance. 9.2 No waiver shall be inferred from or implied by anything done or omitted by the Municipality. 9.3 Any written waiver by the Municipality shall have effect only in accordance with its express terms. 9.4 Except as stated otherwise in this Agreement, time shall be of the essence in the performance of all covenants and agreements herein. Schedule"A" By-Law 2016-033 Section 10 - Successors and Assigns 10.1 This Agreement shall enure to the benefit of and be binding upon the parties hereto and their respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns. 10.2 This Agreement shall not be assigned or transferred in any way by the Contractor. Section 11 - Counterparts 11.1 This Agreement may be simultaneously executed in several counterparts, each of which when so executed shall be deemed to be an original and such counterparts together shall constitute but one and the same instrument. Section 12-Interpretation 12.1 In construing this Agreement, words in the singular shall include the plural and vice versa and words importing the masculine shall include the feminine, and the neuter and vice versa, and words importing persons shall include corporations and vice versa. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have duly executed this Agreement this 3rd day of December, 2015. Authorized by ) THE CORPORATION OF THE Bayham By-law No. 2016-033 ) MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM ) Mayor ) Clerk WITNESS WHEREOF the part of the Second Part has hereunto set is hand and seal. SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED, this 21st day of April, 2016. In the presence of ) Witness: ) KDN Pavement Marking Ltd. Schedule "A" By-Law 2016-033 ATTACHMENT 'A' TO SCHEDULE 'A' BY-LAW 2016-033 LINE PAINTING SERVICES Year 1 $4.75/liter Year 2 $4.75/liter Year 3* $4.75/liter* *Subject to mutual negotiations THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 2016-034 A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE COUNTY OF ELGIN AND THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM WHEREAS the Corporation of the County of Elgin on April 12, 2016 passed By-Law 16-11, being a By-law for the Regulation of Traffic; AND WHEREAS the Municipality of Bayham agrees to enforce the County of Elgin's EG1 Parking By-law on lands within the Municipality of Bayham NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the Mayor and Clerk be and are hereby authorized to execute Schedule "G" of Elgin County By-law 16-11, Agreement to Elgin County By-law 16-11 2. AND THAT this by-law shall come into full force and effect upon final passing. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 21St DAY OF APRIL 2016. MAYOR CLERK Corporation of the County of Elgin -29- By-Law 16-11 SCHEDULE"G" By-Law No. 16-11 AGREEMENT Agreement made in triplicate this day of AD,20 BETWEEN: THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN HEREINAFTER CALLED THE COUNTY" OF THE FIRST PART -AND- THE CORPORATION OF THE HEREINAFTER CALLED"THE MUNICIPALITY" OF THE SECOND PART WHEREAS the Council for the Corporation of the County of Elgin did pass By-Law No. 94-42 on September 27, 1994, thereby authorizing the Warden and the Clerk to enter into certain agreements setting out certain terms and conditions, with various lower tier constituent municipalities under which they may provide County by-law enforcement and; WHEREAS it is appropriate to outline said terms and conditions in an agreement; NOW THEREFORE, the following agreement comes into force and takes effect when all parties have signed said agreement. TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. Any employee of the Municipality who is responsible for enforcement of the County By-Laws shall be a duly appointed Provincial Offences Officer. 2. The Municipality shall be responsible for enforcing the County of Elgin's EG1 Parking by-Law on lands within the Municipality at no cost to the County. 3. Any litigation costs associated with said enforcement shall be the sole responsibility of the Municipality. 4. The Municipality will use EG1 parking tickets when issuing tickets for parking infractions. 5. THIS AGREEMENT shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the Parties hereto, their successors and assigns and may be altered by agreement of both Parties in writing. IN WITNESS THEREOF the Parties have hereunto affixed their respective corporate seals duly attested by the hands of their proper signing officers in that behalf. THE CORPORATION OF THE THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF ELGIN Mayor Warden Administrator/Clerk Chief Administrative Officer Witness Witness Date Date THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 2016-035 A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM ALL ACTIONS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM FOR THE REGULAR MEETING HELD APRIL 21, 2016 WHEREAS under Section 5 (1) of the Municipal Act, 2001 S.O. 2001, Chapter 25, the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by the Council of the municipality; AND WHEREAS under Section 5 (3) of the Municipal Act, 2001, the powers of Council are to be exercised by by-law; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham deems it advisable that the proceedings of the meeting be confirmed and adopted by by-law. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the actions of the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham in respect of each recommendation and each motion and resolution passed and other action by the Council at the regular meeting held April 21, 2016 is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law. 2. THAT the Mayor and Clerk of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action of the Council including executing all documents and affixing the Corporate Seal. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME and finally passed this 21st day of April, 2016. MAYOR CLERK