9344 Plank Road, Straffordville, ON
Council Chambers
Thursday, January 21, 2016
7:00 p.m.
Council recessed at 8:53 p.m. for a short break and reconvened at 9:11 p.m.
Mayor Ens called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
No disclosures of pecuniary interest were declared.
A. Marni Wolfe re Straffordville Community Centre added as Item 11.1.2-A
B. Ken Andrews re Outdoor Skating Rink Straffordville added as Item 11.1.2-B
A. Budget Meeting of Council held January 5, 2016
B. Regular Meeting held January 7, 2016
Moved by: Councillor Ketchabaw
Seconded by: Councillor Casier
THAT the minutes of the budget meeting held January 5, 2016 and regular meeting held
January 7, 2016 be adopted.
2016 Council Minutes January 21, 2016
8.1 Correspondence
8.1.1 Receive for Information
8.1.2 Requiring Action
8.2 Reports to Council
9.1 Correspondence
9.1.1 Receive for Information
9.1.2 Requiring Action
9.2 Reports to Council
10.1 Correspondence
10.1.1 Receive for Information
A. Notice of Passing of Zoning By-Law Z646-2016
Moved by: Deputy Mayor Southwick
Seconded by: Councillor Casier
THAT correspondence item 10.1.1 A be received for information.
10.1.2 Requiring Action
10.2 Reports to Council
A. Report DS-02/16 by Bill Knifton, Chief Building Official/Drainage Superintendent re 4th
Quarter Report
Moved by: Councillor Casier
Seconded by: Councillor Ketchabaw
THAT Report DS-02/16 regarding the activities of the Building Services & Drainage
Department for the fourth quarter of 2015 be received for information.
B. Report DS-04/16 by Margaret Underhill, Deputy Clerk/Planning Coordinator re Consent
Application E123/15
Moved by: Councillor Ketchabaw
Seconded by: Deputy Mayor Southwick
THAT Report DS-04/16 be received for information;
2016 Council Minutes January 21, 2016
AND THAT Council cannot support Consent Application E123/15 as submitted;
AND THAT Council would recommend Elgin County Land Division Committee request the
application E123/15 be revised to provide for the retained lands with approximately 120
metres of lot frontage on Heritage Line approximately 1.1 hectare of lot area following the
existing fence line of the farmstead;
AND THAT Elgin County Land Division impose the following conditions:
1. That a registered land surveyor undertake a survey of the lands and the location of the
private well and septic system to confirm the location of the private well and septic system
is entirely on the retained lands;
2. That the severed lands with approximately 100 meters of lot frontage and 24.74 hectares
of lot area be merged with the title of the abutting land to the east owned by 0830512 B.C.
Ltd. on Heritage Line and be subject to Subsection 3 of Section 50 Subdivision of the
Planning act to prohibit future conveyance of these lands;
3. Removal of accessory buildings on the retained portion used for agricultural purposes
and not accessory to the residential land use;
4. That both the severed and retained lands comply with the requirements of the current
Bayham Yard Maintenance By-law for the removal of debris and equipment from the
5. That the retained lands as revised be rezoned to Rural Residential zone;
6. That the severed lands as revised be rezoned to a Special Agriculture zone to prohibit
new dwellings;
7. Planning Report Fee payable to the Municipality.
11.1 Correspondence
11.1.1 Receive for Information
A. Union Gas re Request for Greenhouse Gas Emissions Impact Deferral Account and Notice
to Customers
B. Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs re Second intake of the Building Canada
Fund — Small Communities Fund (SCF)
C. East Elgin Secondary School re Challenge Day
Moved by: Deputy Mayor Southwick
Seconded by: Councillor Casier
THAT correspondence item 11.1.1 A-C be received for information.
11.1.2 Requiring Action
A. Marni Wolfe re Straffordville Community Centre
Moved by: Councillor Casier
Seconded by: Councillor Ketchabaw
2016 Council Minutes January 21, 2016
THAT Correspondence from Marni Wolfe re Straffordville Community Centre be received
for information.
B. Ken Andrews re Outdoor Skating Rink Straffordville
Moved by: Councillor Casier
Seconded by: Deputy Mayor Southwick
THAT Correspondence from Ken Andrews re Outdoor Skating Rink, Straffordville be
received for information;
AND THAT Council provide approval in principle for a rink at the Straffordville Ball Diamond
subject to kit availability and volunteer training;
AND THAT Council direct staff to coordinate possible lighting at a later date;
AND THAT the proposed Port Burwell rink be relocated to the Port Burwell Ball Diamond.
11.2 Reports to Council
A. Report CAO-01/16 by Paul Shipway, CAO and Lorne James, Treasurer re Straffordville
Community Centre
Moved by: Deputy Mayor Southwick
Seconded by: Councillor Casier
THAT Council provide staff direction to develop a management agreement for the
Straffordville Community Centre based on the Registered Not-for-Profit model/Registered
Entity model and return to Council for review.
Moved by: Councillor Casier
Seconded by: Councillor Ketchabaw
THAT Report CAO-01/16 re Straffordville Community Centre be received for information;
AND THAT Council provide staff direction to coordinate the development of a tender for the
SCC as discussed at the January 21, 2016 meeting of Council with the general following
timeline process:
i. Develop tender with Engineer Consultant;
ii. Review Tender;
iii. Council review and provide comment on final draft of tender in the form of email
comment to be amalgamated by staff;
iv. Tender issued;
v. Return to Meeting of Council for final award of tender at close of tender;
2016 Council Minutes January 21, 2016
AND THAT Council provide staff direction to develop the tender with the Engineer
Consultant with the following main alterations to the original proposal:
i. Add LED lighting;
ii. Add exterior metal wall assembly;
iii. Ensure works consider future placement of elevator rough in;
iv. Incorporate a provisional item of painting the entire facility by room;
v. Direct staff to complete exterior east side cement removal and grading works and
assume corresponding proposed budget reductions;
vi. Transfer accessibility works to contemplate a west side entrance and vestibule with
barrier free washroom in the current `accessible washroom' location;
vii. Remove kitchen cooking appliances and hood system and make servery, with
consideration of scrap removal;
viii. Fire rate basement ceiling with service accesses;
ix. Replace roof on former lion's den with consideration of both flat and truss roof and
ground and roof mount HVAC systems, with input from engineer consultants;
AND THAT Council Appoint representatives Councillor Casier and Mayor Ens to work with
staff, to represent Council in regards to colour palettes, materials finishes etc. during
tender development.
Moved by: Deputy Mayor Southwick
Seconded by: Councillor Casier
THAT Council provide staff direction to develop verbiage to be provided to Ms. Wolfe and
the Straffordville Community Centre Group to be disseminated to the public by the
Straffordville Community Group regarding potential additional in-kind donations;
AND THAT staff schedule a viewing session at the Straffordville Community Centre on
Wednesday February 3, 2016 at noon for one hour;
AND THAT staff schedule a viewing session at the Straffordville Community Centre at 4:30
PM on Wednesday February 17, 2016 for one hour;
AND THAT all offers of in-kind donations are due to the Municipality, through Ms. Wolfe
and the Straffordville Community Centre Group, by 4:00 PM Friday February 26, 2016;
AND THAT all assessments are non-invasive, non-intrusive.
Moved by: Councillor Ketchabaw
Seconded by: Councillor Casier
THAT pursuant to Section 10.30 of the Municipality of Bayham Procedural By-law Council
suspend the rules of procedure and continue the Council meeting past 11:00 PM.
2016 Council Minutes January 21, 2016
B. Report CAO-03/16 by Paul Shipway, CAO re 2016 Financial Assistance Applications
Moved by: Deputy Mayor Southwick
Seconded by: Councillor Casier
THAT Council of The Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham approves cash support, fee
waivers for use of the Vienna Community Centre and other requests as follows:
• 1St Straffordville BPSC (Scouts) cash support of$0;
• Aylmer & East Elgin Agricultural Society cash support of$0;
• Bayham Historical Society fee waiver for use of Vienna Community Centre for 10
monthly meetings and that no new documents artefacts or materials be stored on
municipal property.
• Beachfest Committee cash support of$2,000, staff assistance to erect snow fence, road
barriers, deliver picnic tables and garbage cans for Beachfest being held July 29 — 31,
• Beachfest Committee (Pt. Burwell Santa Claus Parade, December 3, 2016 at 6:00 p.m.)
staff assistance for road closure, traffic control and safety for Santa Claus Parade, plus
liability insurance coverage for the parade on County roads and use of Lighthouse after
parade for up to 2 hours;
• Beachfest Committee (Straffordville Santa Claus Parade, December 10, 2016 at 10:30
a.m.) staff assistance for road closure, traffic control and safety plus liability insurance
coverage for the parade on County roads; use of the Straffordville Firehall or the
Straffordville Community Centre after the Santa Claus Parade for up to two hours;
• Eastern Star fee waiver for use of Vienna Community Centre upper hall for 10 monthly
meetings held first Tuesday of the month, September through June, cleaning charges to
• Edisonfest Committee cash support of$1,500, staff to arrange portable washrooms and
handwash station, use of Vienna Memorial Park with use of Vienna Community Centre
with fee and cleaning fee waived as backup venue for Edisonfest being held Saturday,
June 4, 2016 from 7:30 a.m. — 6:00 p.m., use of tables and chairs from Vienna
Community Centre, staff assistance to deliver and place 25 extra picnic tables, safety
cones, barricades and garbage cans to Vienna Park, First Aid provided by Fire
Department, use of municipal sign for advertising and inclusion of event in Municipal
promotional material, access to all hydro panels and water in park and use of marking
wheel and spray paint from Public Works Department;
• Elgin County Plowmen's Association cash support of$0;
• Otter Valley Naturalists fee waiver for use of Vienna Community Centre for monthly
meetings held 2nd Monday monthly September through June plus one event in
2016 Council Minutes January 21, 2016
• Periscope Playhouse fee waivers of $0 for building permit and site plan applications;
• Photographers of the Otter Valley fee waivers for use of Vienna Community Centre for
monthly meetings;
• Port Burwell/Bayham Horticultural Society Public Works assistance to water flowers and
plants in cement planters when watering hanging baskets June through September, use
of municipal sign for advertising and staff develop or procure a tool for volunteer
watering of all flowers;
• Port Burwell Historical Society fee waiver of $0 for any Municipal permits required to
complete Ship's Wheelhouse project;
• Port Burwell Historical Society for Canada Day Parade being held Friday, July 1, 2016 at
11:30 a.m. and celebrations cash support of$1,100, staff assistance for road closure,
traffic control and safety, use of gazebo, cenotaph and Marine Museum parking lot,
liability insurance coverage for parade on County Roads;
• Port Burwell Legion — P.B. Br 524 staff support for Remembrance Day Parade being
held Sunday November 6, 2015 at 2:00 p.m., road closure, traffic control and safety, plus
liability insurance coverage for the parade on County roads;
• Port Burwell Lakers ball team cash support of$0 for replacement of bleachers, use of
Port Burwell ball diamond, including food booth, washroom facility and ball diamond
lights for games and practices as required May through September, subject to
completion of Park Rental Contract and advance payment of fee for use of lights, as
required, (building/washroom, diamond to be maintained by users and game schedule to
be provided to Municipal staff in advance);
• St. Lukes Anglican Church Guild fee waiver for use of Vienna Community Centre for 2
events, funeral lunches as required and use of Vienna Memorial Park food booth for
• Straffordville Community Committee (Watermelon Fest Saturday, August 27, 2016,
parade at 10:00 a.m.) cash support of$2,000, use of Straffordville Park (day prior to and
of Watermelon Fest) parking lot, cement pad, staff assistance to clean cement pad,
install and remove banners, provide road closure, traffic control and safety for parade,
install and remove extra garbage cans, garbage dumpster and additional picnic tables,
liability insurance coverage for parade on County Roads, staff assistance to install and
remove Christmas lights at parkette, fee waiver for use of Vienna Community Centre 1 —
2 times monthly, every Wednesday for Bingo, plus up to 12 times for other fundraising
• Straffordville Kids Christian Baseball League use of Straffordville Park front ball diamond
including ball diamond lights for ball games and practices Thursdays and Fridays from
6:00 p.m. — 9:30 p.m. from April 30th through September 3rd, except August 26 & 27, plus
use of storage sheds for both diamonds subject to completion of Park rental contract and
advance payment of fee for use of lights, as required (diamond to be maintained by
2016 Council Minutes January 21, 2016
• SERVE Parent's Association / Straffordville Public School fee waiver for use of Vienna
Community Centre for up to 2 events;
• Tillsonburg Multi-Service Centre cash support of$0;
• Vienna Lioness fee waiver for use of Vienna Community Centre den with kitchen for 10
monthly meetings from September through June, third Monday of the month, whole hall
for 1 event with prior night setup, downstairs with kitchen for 1 event with prior night
setup, plus 3 other potential events;
• Vienna Lions Club fee waiver for use of Vienna Community Centre Lions den for 21
meetings with cleaning fee charged only when kitchen used, use of whole hall for 3
events, use of downstairs without kitchen for 1 event plus use of whole hall for 3 other
potential events;
AND THAT the above applicable approvals are subject to required advance arrangements with
the Community Centre Manager and /or designated Municipal staff, completion, submission and
approval of a written contract or Municipal Building Use Booking form, including the provision of
a certificate of insurance, naming the Municipality of Bayham as an additional insured, in the
minimum amount of$2,000,000;
AND THAT cleaning fees and HST for use of the Community Centre will apply to all fee
waivers, except those qualifying under the Use & Fee Waivers — Community Centres Policy
dated September 2002;
AND THAT the Community Centre Manager be requested to ensure a representative of each
group that has been awarded a waiver of the cleaning fee is aware of where cleaning related
supplies are kept, what clean-up duties are expected, removal of any waste generated by the
group and the consequences of failing to follow instructions in a satisfactory and acceptable
AND THAT the Bayham Beachfest and Straffordville Watermelon Fest organizers each arrange
for the portable and accessible washrooms and handwash stations required with a service
provider and have the invoice sent directly to each organizer for payment as appropriate.
AND THAT all groups be advised in 2017 no fee waiver's will be granted and the fee by-law will
be amended for reduced rates for `Service Clubs' as defined by the Municipality.
C. Report CAO-04/16 by Paul Shipway, CAO re Community Energy Plan — FCM Milestones
Moved by: Councillor Ketchabaw
Seconded by: Deputy Mayor Southwick
THAT Report CAO-04/16 re Community Energy Plan — FCM Milestones be received for
2016 Council Minutes January 21, 2016
AND THAT Council award Phase 1 of the Community Energy Plan — FCM Milestones
project to IBI Consultants in the amount of$2,500 +HST + Disbursements;
WHEREAS the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) concludes in its 2007
Fourth Assessment Report that "there is new and stronger evidence that most of the
warming observed over the last 50 years is attributable to human activities";
WHEREAS the IPCC concludes that human influences on the climate have likely
contributed to a rise in the sea level during the latter half of the 20th century, changed
wind and temperature patterns, and likely increased the risk of heat waves, the area of
land affected by drought since the 1970s, and the frequency of heavy precipitation;
WHEREAS the IPCC Special Report on Emission Scenarios (SRES, 2000) projects an
increase in global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of 25 to 90 per cent between 2000
and 2030;
WHEREAS the IPCC observes that warming resulting from human influences could lead
to some abrupt or irreversible impacts, depending on the rate and magnitude of climate
WHEREAS the IPCC anticipates the following impacts from climate change over the next
century for North America:
• Decreased snow pack, more winter flooding, and reduced summer flows
resulting from warming in western mountains, exacerbating competition for
over-allocated water resources;
• Increased aggregate yields of rain-fed agriculture by five to 20 per cent, but
with important variability among regions; and major challenges for crops
that are grown close to their highest suitable temperature or that depend
on highly used water resources;
• Increased number, intensity and duration of heat waves for cities that
currently experience them, creating potential for adverse health
impacts; and
• Increased stress on coastal communities and habitats as a result of the
interaction of climate change impacts and development and pollution;
WHEREAS GHGs (e.g. carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide), released from
burning coal, oil and natural gas and from cutting trees and clearing land for
agriculture and development, are the primary cause of climate change;
WHEREAS the World Mayors and Municipal Leaders Declaration on Climate
Change 2005 asserts the need for joint authority and global action on climate
WHEREAS municipal investments in building retrofits, community energy
systems, water conservation, renewable energy technologies, waste reduction,
landfill gas capture, fleet management, public transit and other sustainable
measures reduce operating costs, help maintain community services, protect
public health and contribute to sustainable community development while
cutting GHG emissions contributing to climate change;
WHEREAS the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) and ICLEI—Local
Governments for Sustainability have established the Partners for Climate
2016 Council Minutes January 21, 2016
Protection (PCP) program to provide a forum for municipal governments to
share their knowledge and experience with other municipal governments on
how to reduce GHG emissions;
WHEREAS over 200 municipal governments across Canada representing more
than 75 per cent of the population have already committed to reducing
corporate and community GHG emissions through the PCP program;
WHEREAS PCP participants commit to working toward reducing GHG
emissions in municipal operations by a suggested target of 20 per cent below
2000 levels, and a suggested target of six per cent below 2000 levels in the
community within 10 years of joining the PCP program;
WHEREAS the PCP program is based on a five-milestone framework that
involves completing a GHG inventory and forecast, setting a GHG reduction
target and vision, developing a local action plan, implementing the plan, and
monitoring progress and reporting results;
BE IT RESOLVED that the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham
communicate to FCM its participation in the PCP program and its commitment
to achieve the milestones set in the PCP five-milestone framework;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Corporation of the Municipality of
Bayham appoint the following:
a) Corporate staff person Paul Shipway, CAO
b) Elected official Paul Ens, Mayor
to oversee implementation of the PCP milestones and be the points of contact for the
PCP program within the municipality.
That Council provide staff direction to bring back a report to surplus the Port Burwell Public
Works Yard.
That Council provide staff direction to develop a notice and educate the public on the RSS
subscription feature within the Municipal website for public information purposes.
14.2 In Camera
Moved by: Deputy Mayor Southwick
Seconded by: Councillor Casier
2016 Council Minutes January 21, 2016
THAT the Council do now rise to enter into an "In Camera" Session of Committee of the Whole
at 10:50 p.m. to discuss:
• A proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board
A. Confidential Report regarding a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the
municipality or local board (Harbour Remedial Options Analysis)
B. Confidential item regarding a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the
municipality or local board (Eden Community Centre)
14.3 Out of Camera
Moved by: Deputy Mayor Southwick
Seconded by: Councillor Ketchabaw
THAT the Committee of the Whole do now rise from the "In Camera" session at 11:02 p.m. with
no progress to report.
A. By-Law 2016-006 Being a By-law to confirm all actions of Council
Moved by: Councillor Casier
Seconded by: Councillor Ketchabaw
THAT confirming By-Law 2016-006 be read a first, second and third time and finally passed.
Moved by: Deputy Mayor Southwick
Seconded by: Councillor Ketchabaw
THAT the Council Meeting be adjourned at 11:04 p.m.