HomeMy WebLinkAboutPort Burwell Council Minutes 1997 Village of Port Burwell
Minutes 1 - C !
Council Meeting
January 14, 1997
7:30 p.m.
Present: Reeve Nesbitt, Councillor Mason, Councillor Hevenor, Councillor Loucks and
Councillor Bradfield
Staff: Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer
Guests: John & Noralee Shelley, Kenneth Duggan, Tom Millard - Fire Chief, Sam Taylor,
Deputy Fire Chief and Allan Spicer
1. Call Meeting to Order 7:30 pm
2. Declaration of Conflict of Interest
Councillor Bradfield item #14
3. Confirmation of Minutes
Resolution #970114-01
MOVED BY: Gordon Loucks
SECONDED BY: Jim Hevenor
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby approves the
minutes of the December 17, 1996 Regular Council Meeting.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
Resolution #970114-08
MOVED BY: Jim Hevenor
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby approves the
minutes of the December 17, 1996 Special Council Meeting.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
4. Business arising from Minutes of meetings dated December 17, 1996
Councillor Hevenor asked the Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer if the information
requested by the LBORP Committee was sent to the appropriate parties. The
Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer identified that the information had been mailed
during the week of December 28, 1996 to Jim Oliver of LPRCA.
5. Presentations
6. Delegations
Noralee Shelley - 10 Chatham Street - Letter dated January 2, 1997
Mr. Ken Duggan, a lawyer representing Mr. and Mrs. Shelley expressed concern on
behalf of his clients that the Road Closing process was not being conducted in
accordance with the Municipal Act. Mr. Duggan suggested that there was little room
on either side of his clients property to permit vehicle access in order to retrieve his
boat which he stores at the back of his property.
Reeve Nesbitt explained that the process as far as the municipality is concerned is not
complete and will be followed in accordance with the Municipal Act.
7. Petitions
8. Communications
a) Organization of Small Urban Municipalities - A01 OSUM
Received & Filed.
b) Green Lane Letter
Received & Filed.
c) DFO - Port Burwell Harbour - A16 DFO
Received & Filed.
d) KPMG Consulting - A05
Received & Filed.
e) MMA - 1997 Annual Repayment Limit - A16 MMA
Received & Filed.
f) The Rural Review- A01 ROMA
Received & Filed.
g) Township of Tiny - Request for Resolution of Support - C10
Received & Filed.
11) MTO - Changes within MTO - A16 MTO
Received & Filed.
i) MNR - Renewal of Land Use Permit - A16 MNR
Resolution #970114-10
MOVED BY: Dave Mason
SECONDED BY: Ron Bradfield
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell
hereby directs that the Land Use Permit between the Ministry of
Natural Resources and the Village of Port Burwell be executed.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
j) AMO - 1997 Membership Notice - A01 AMO
Received & Filed.
k) Canada-Ontario Business Call Centre - AOl GEN
Received & Filed.
1) Municipal Retirees Organization Ontario -A01 GEN
Received & Filed.
m) Siskind, Cromarty, Ivey & Dowler - L08
Received & Filed.
n) Electronic Arts - Elgin County Visitor's Guide
Resolution #970114-09
MOVED BY: Ron Bradfield
SECONDED BY: Jim Hevenor
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell
hereby agrees to purchase a half-page advertisement in the "Elgin
County Just Down the Road" 1997 Brochure for$575.00.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
o) MMA- A16 MMA
Received & Filed.
p) CSDA- A01 GEN
Received & Filed.
q) Ontario Healthy Communities - A01 GEN
Received & Filed.
r) AECL Concept Review
Received & Filed.
s) Cyril J. Demeyere Limited - Request for information & comments
- Class Environment Assessment - Straffordville
- Class Environment Assessment - Eden
Council directed that a formal response be developed, approved and
t) Ontario Good Roads Association - Annual Conference - A04
Received & Filed.
u) MFOA - A01 MFOA
Received & Filed.
9. Committee Reports
a) County
The County Restructuring Committee meeting is scheduled for January 23,
1997 at a location to be announced.
b) Museum Advisory Committee
c) Community Policing
d) Fire Department
Resolution #970114-12
MOVED BY: Jim Hevenor
SECONDED BY: Gordon Loucks
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby
agrees to purchase Air Packs during 1997 as per the quotation from
ResQTech dated August 9, 1996 in the amount of$6,486.00.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
e) Recreation Advisory Committee
No Report.
f) Events Committee
No Report.
g) Planning Committee
No Report.
h) Otter Valley Trail & Utility Corridor Intermunicipal Committee
Approval of Minutes of Committee Meeting dated December 12, 1996
Resolution #970114-06
MOVED BY: Ron Bradfield
SECONDED BY: Gordon Loucks
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby
approves the minutes of the December 12, 1996 Otter Valley Trail & Utility
Corridor Committee Meeting.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
i) Port Burwell - Tillsonburg Communities of Interest Committee
No Report
j) Municipal Key Indicators
i) Lottery Licencing Report - Received & Filed.
ii) "Buy a Brick Campaign" Report - Received & Filed.
iii) Financial Reporting-Available for January 28, 1997 Meeting
iv) Long Term Borrowing Ledger - Available for January 28, 1997
v) Tax Arrears Report-Available for January 28, 1997 Meeting
vi) Municipal Water Consumption Analysis - Received & Filed.
vii) Fire Extinguisher Inspections - Received & Filed.
viii) By-Law Enforcement Report - Received & Filed.
ix) Building Inspection Report - Received & Filed.
10. Consideration of Committee Reports
11. Memo D. Free dated January 10, 1997 re: OCWA - Draft Agreement - Received & Filed
- Letter Township of Malahide dated January 6, 1996 - Received & Filed
12. Personnel Policy
Council is to review the policy and provide their comments accordingly.
13. Bylaws
i) By-Law 97-01 - Being a by-law to authorize a levy prior to the adoption of the
annual estimates.
Resolution #970114-07
MOVED BY: Dave Mason
SECONDED BY: Jim Hevenor
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby agrees to
introduce By-Law 97-01, Being a by-law to authorize a levy prior to the adoption of
the annual estimates.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
By-Law React. a First and Second Time
By-Law Read a Third.Time and Finally Passed
ii) By-Law 96-48 - Being a By-Law to Stop up and Close a Travelled Road, Part 2 of
Reference Plan 11R-6029 in the Vicinity of Chatham Street and Cowper Street.
By-Law 96-21 - Being a By-Law to Layout and Establish a Road Allowance known
as Hurley Lane.
By-Law 96-50 - Being a by-law Rename certain roads and Streets within the Village
of Port Burwell.
By-Law 93-09 - Being a By-Law to revise and to consolidate certain by-laws
regulating traffic and the parking of motor vehicles in the Village of Port Burwell
By-Law 96-41 - Being a By-Law to Stop up and Close a Travelled Road, Part 6 of
Registered Plan 11R-6029, in the vicinity of Chatham Street and Tennyson Street.
By-Law 96-43 - Being a By-law to provide for the charging of a fee for each tent and
trailer site located within the Village of Port Burwell.
All by-laws above have been tabled.
14. Review and Approval of Accounts & Cheques
Resolution #970114-05
MOVED BY: Jim Hevenor
SECONDED BY: Gordon Loucks
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby approves the
accounts payable as amended in the amount of$40,622.06, payroll for the month
of December, 1996 in the amount of$12,064.00, and the cheques attached in the
amount of$1,228.16.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
15. New Business
Resolution #970114-11
MOVED BY: Jim Hevenor
SECONDED BY: Ron Bradfield
AND RESOLVED THAT the proposal by IMC Consultants on the Otter Valley
Utility Corridor and Recreational Trail be approved in principle as recommended by
the Otter Valley Utility Corridor and Recreation Trail Joint Committee, subject to
application for grants.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
16. Old Business
- Memo D. Free dated January 9, 1997 re: Radiant Heating for Fire Hall
The Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer addressed the obligation of the municipality to
comply with the Building Code and Occupational, Health and Safety Act. In the
opinion of the Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer and upon consulting with other
officials the Fire Hall was an industrial/institutional establishment. Considering the
designation certain criteria was to be followed with respect to heating and ventilating
the buildings.
The Fire Chief suggested that the Fire Hall was a Commercial establishment and the
legislation should not apply. He also suggested that building renovations would be
exempt from stringent regulations in favour of Section 11 of the Ontario Building
The Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer explained that Section 11 of the Building Code
would not apply in this instance considering the use and occupancy as dictated by
Section 2 of the Building Code and further clarification from Appendix A of the
same. Not withstanding the Occupational, Health and Safety Act for Industrial
establishments is clear that industrial buildings must be upgraded to current
standards. Council was also reminded and acknowledged the penalties under the
Occupational, Health and Safety Act for breach of the same.
Council directed that the engineering representative of Sutherland Shultz be contact
to meet with the Fire Chief and Deputy Fire Chief to review their proposal and
address concerns with respect to the infra red heating system.
17. Committee of the Whole
Resolution #970114-02
MOVED BY: Jim Hevenor
SECONDED BY: Ron Bradfield
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell moves into
Committee of the Whole.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
Resolution #970114-03
MOVED BY: Dave Mason
SECONDED BY: Jim Hevenor
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell moves out of
Committee of the Whole.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
18. Adjournment
Resolution #970114-04
MOVED BY: Jim Hevenor
Approved: Janua 8, 1997
Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
David R. Free, Ad . nistrator/Clerk-Treasurer
Village of Port Burwell
Council Meeting
January 28, 1997
7:30 p.m.
Present: Reeve Nesbitt, Councillor Mason, Councillor Hevenor, Councillor Loucks and
Councillor Bradfield
Staff: Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer
Guests: Allan Spicer
1. Call Meeting to Order 7:30 pm
2. Declaration of Conflict of Interest
Councillor Bradfield Item #13
3. Confirmation of Minutes
Resolution #970128-01
MOVED BY: Ron Bradfield
SECONDED BY: Jim Hevenor
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby approves the
minutes of the January 14, 1997 Regular Council Meeting.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
Resolution #970128-02
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby approves the
minutes of the December 10, 1996 Special Council Meeting.
Resolution Tabled
4. Business arising from Minutes of meetings dated December 10, 1996 &January 14, 1997
5. Presentations
6. Delegations
7. Petitions
8. Communications
a) Ministry of Agriculture & Food - A16 MAGF
Received & Filed.
Received & Filed.
c) Bruce Smith, MPP - C00 PROV
Received & Filed.
d) Ontario Good Roads Association - AO1 OGRA
Received & Filed.
e) County of Elgin - Road Department Minutes -A16 CTY
Received & Filed.
f) Town of Tecumseh -A16 GEN
Resolution #970128-13
MOVED BY: Dave Mason
SECONDED BY: Jim Hevenor
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell
hereby supports the resolution concerning the Association of
Municipalities of Ontario passed by the Corporation of the Town of
Tecumseh dated January 14, 1997.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
g) Township of Bayham -A16 BAYH
Received & Filed.
h) Children's Miracle Network Telethon - P09 GEN
Received & Filed.
Received & Filed.
j) Ontario Heritage Foundation - A16 GEN
Resolution #970128-14
MOVED BY: Ron Bradfield
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell
hereby agrees to nominate Gloria Stephenson and Jim Hevenor for
the Heritage Community Recognition Program.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
k) Jardine OME
Resolution #970128-07
MOVED BY: Gord Loucks
SECONDED BY: Jim Hevenor
WHEREAS the Council of the Village of Port Burwell is in receipt
of its insurance quotation in the amount of$18,961.59.
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell
hereby directs the Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer to accept the
proposal from OME (with a$10,000.00 deductible) in the amount
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
1) Workers' Compensation Board
Received & Filed.
9. Personnel Policies
- Previously Circulated
- Roads "On Call" Pay - Memo D. Free
Resolution #970128-08 •
MOVED BY: Gordon Loucks
The Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby accepts Section 506 of the
personnel policy which stipulates as follows:
Section 506 OVERTIME
When operating requirements or other needs cannot be met during regular working
hours, employees may be scheduled to work overtime hours. When possible, advance
notification of these mandatory assignments will be provided. All overtime work must
receive the supervisor's prior authorization. Overtime assignments will be distributed
as equitably as practical to all employees qualified to perform the required work.
Overtime compensation is paid to all employees in accordance with Federal and
Provincial wage and hour restrictions. Overtime pay is based on actual hours worked.
Time off on sick leave, vacation leave, or any leave of absence will not be considered
hours worked for purposes of performing overtime calculations.
Failure to work assigned overtime may result in disciplinary action, up to and
including possible termination of employment.
Employees required to be on call during winter months (December 1 - March 31) for
emergency situations will be compensated for being on stand-by at a flat rate of
$70.00 for a seven day period and paid at overtime rates based on actual hours
worked with a minimum of two hours charged per each occurrence.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
10. Committee Reports
a) County
County Council voted on the re-engineering study and rejected the
recommendation as presented by committee of County Council. County
Council directed that the committee reconsider the study providing further
direction. It was reported that a facsimile received in the municipal offices
just prior to the Port Burwell Council meeting that requested a Special
County Council meeting February 7, 1997, at 1:00 pm in the County
Council Chambers to further discuss the re-engineering study.
b) Museum Advisory Committee
No Report.
c) Community Policing
Councillor Mason reported that he had spoke to Mr. Epple with respect to the
Community Policing program in Port Burwell and identified that the
members are still active. Although they do not hold meetings they survey the
d) Fire Department
No Report.
e) Recreation Advisory Committee
No Report.
f) Events Committee
The next meeting will be February 3, 1997 in the Municipal Offices.
g) Planning Committee
No Report.
h) Otter Valley Trail & Utility Corridor Intermunicipal Committee
No Report.
i) Port Burwell - Tillsonburg Communities of Interest Committee
No Report.
j) Municipal Key Indicators
i) Financial Reporting - Received & Filed
ii) Long Term Borrowing Ledger - Received & Filed
iii) Tax Arrears Report - Received & Filed
11. Consideration of Committee Reports
12. Bylaws
i) By-Law 97-02 - Being a Bylaw Authorizing the Borrowing of Money to Meet
Current Expenditures
Resolution #970128-10
MOVED BY: Jim Hevenor
SECONDED BY: Gordon Loucks
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby agrees to
introduce By-Law 97-02, being a by-law authorizing the borrowing of money to meet
current expenditures.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
By-Law Read a First and Second Time
By-Law Read a Third Time and Finally Passed
ii) By-Law 96-50 - Being a by-law Rename certain roads and Streets within the Village
of Port Burwell - By-Law Introduced November 26, 1996
By-Law Read a First and Second Time
By-Law Read a Third Time and Finally Passed
iii) By-Law 96-41 - Being a By-Law to Stop up and Close a Travelled Road, Part 6 of
Registered Plan 11R-6029, in the vicinity of Chatham Street and Tennyson Street.
By-Law Read a Third Time and Finally Passed
iv) By-Law 96-48 - Being a By-Law to Stop up and Close a Travelled Road, Part 2 of
Reference Plan 11R-6029 in the Vicinity of Chatham Street and Cowper Street.
By-Law 96-21 - Being a By-Law to Layout and Establish a Road Allowance known
as Hurley Lane.
By-Law 93-09 - Being a By-Law to revise and to consolidate certain by-laws
regulating traffic and the parking of motor vehicles in the Village of Port Burwell
By-Law 96-43 - Being a By-law to provide for the charging of a fee for each tent and
trailer site located within the Village of Port Burwell.
All Above By-Laws Tabled wm VatouV
13. Review and Approval of Accounts & Cheques
Resolution #970128-06
MOVED BY: Jim Hevenor
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby approves the
accounts payable as amended in the amount of$21,153.15 and the cheques attached
in the amount of$11,281.47.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
14. Ministry of Municipal Affairs
- Letter dated January 14, 1997
- Newsletter dated December 13, 1996
Received & Filed
15. Memo D. Free - Sewage Treatment Plant Flows
Memo E. Roloson dated January 20, 1997 - Sewage Treatment Plant Flows
Received & Filed
16. New Business
Resolution #970128-11
MOVED BY: Ron Bradfield
SECONDED BY: Jim Hevenor
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby agrees to
engage the services of Marshall, Macklin, Monaghan for the assembly of base
mapping with respect to the Chatham Street Municipal Drain in the amount of
$7225.00 as per the quotation dated January 20, 1997.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
Resolution #970128-12
MOVED BY: Dave Mason
SECONDED BY: Ron Bradfield
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby agrees to
purchase brochures for the Village of Port Burwell in the amount of$1,714.00 plus
applicable taxes as per the quotation dated January 20, 1997.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
17. Old Business
18. Committee of the Whole
Resolution #970128-03
MOVED BY: Jim Hevenor
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell moves into
Committee of the Whole.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
Resolution #970128-04
MOVED BY: Dave Mason
SECONDED BY: Jim Hevenor
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell moves out of
Committee of the Whole.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
Rise & Report
Resolution #970128-09
MOVED BY: Dave Mason
SECONDED BY: Jim Hevenor
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby adopts the
recommendations of the Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer in the memo dated January
24, 1996 in the matter of salary administration retroactive to January 1, 1997.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
19. Adjournment
Resolution #970128-05
MOVED BY: Dave Mason
Approved: February 11, 1997
Off_ % = ::::�
Tom 1 esbitt, Reeve
David h. Free, A. inistrator/Clerk-Treasurer
Village of Port Burwell
Special Council Meeting
February 3, 1997
4:30 p.m.
Present: Reeve Nesbitt, Councillor Mason, Councillor Hevenor, Councillor Loucks and
Councillor Bradfield
Staff: Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer
Guests: Allan Spicer
Call Meeting to Order
Declaration of Conflict of Interest
1. Special Meeting Resolution
Resolution #970203sp-02
MOVED BY: Jim Hevenor
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby consents to
a special meeting February 3, 1997 to address municipal restructuring with the Town
of Tillsonburg.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
2. Bylaw 97-03 being a bylaw to commence Amalgamation with the Town of Tillsonburg
Resolution #970203sp-01
MOVED BY: Ron Bradfield
SECONDED BY: Jim Hevenor
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby introduces
bylaw 97-03, being a by-law to authorize an Application to be made to the Minister
of Municipal Affairs to initiate procedures under the Municipal Boundary
Negotiations Act.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
3. Old Business
a) Proposed OCWA Contract
Resolution 970203sp-05
MOVED BY: Dave Mason
SECONDED BY: Ron Bradfield
Whereas Council is in receipt a Draft Agreement from the Ontario Clean Water
Agency with respect to the operation of the Elgin Secondary Water System #2,
OCWA Project 6-2020-90, and;
Whereas upon review of the document Council has several concerns not only with the
document but the management of the Elgin Water System in its entirety, and;
Whereas history has indicated Port Burwell's concern for the operations of OCWA
specifically in our community and the systems of the which manages, and;
Whereas we have concerns for contractor managing and operating the public system
as financed by the public.
The Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby resolves that an extensive review
of the Elgin Water System be commissioned with the purpose to transfer ownership
to the City of London or a Board of Management made up of elected and/or
appointed persons responsible to all municipalities served by the system.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt
b) Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer Agreement
c) Environmental Assessment Report Straffordville & Eden - Meeting dated February
6, 1997, Proposed Resolution (previously circulated)
Resolution #970203sp-04
MOVED BY: Jim Hevenor
SECONDED BY: Gordon Loucks
Whereas Council is in receipt the Class Environmental Assessment Reports for the
Hamlet of Straffordville and Eden for Sewage and Water Projects, and;
Whereas upon review of the document Council has several concerns not only with the
document but the planning issues in these municipalities, and;
Whereas severances and building have been permitted despite provincial policies and
legislation which directed development in communities with infrastructure, and
Whereas lack of concern for the provincial policies and the township official plans has
contributed to the deteriorated state of the water systems in these communities, and;
Whereas recent technologies indicate that remedial solutions seem to be available on
a lot to lot basis in Eden and Straffordville, and;
The Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby resolves that local solutions be
addressed before expending public monies on environmental systems in Eden and
Straffordville. Council also requires that before any connection be permitted on to
the Elgin Secondary Water System that a capital contribution be required to the
Village of Port Burwell and the users of the said system considering prior
expenditures extending the water line to the most easterly communities of Elgin
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt
3. New Business
4. Motion to Adjourn
Resolution #970203sp-03
MOVED BY: Jim Hevenor
Approved: February 11, 1997
-- J
Tom Nesb' eeve
Davie Free, Adm. istratorator/ reasurer
Village of Port Burwell
Council Meeting
February 11, 1997
7:30 p.m.
Present: Reeve Nesbitt, Councillor Mason, Councillor Hevenor, Councillor Loucks and
Councillor Bradfield
Staff: Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer
Guests: Allan Spicer, Brad Medel - Tillsonburg News and Rick Wassing
1. Call Meeting to Order 7:30 pm
2. Declaration of Conflict of Interest
Councillor Bradfield Item #14
Councillor Hevenor Item #13
2. Confirmation of Minutes
- Special Council Meeting dated December 10, 1996
Resolution #970211-01
MOVED BY: Gord Loucks
SECONDED BY: Ron Bradfield
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby approves the
minutes of the December 10 Special Council Meeting.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
- Council Meeting dated January 28, 1997
Resolution #970211-02
MOVED BY: Ron Bradfield
SECONDED BY: Gordon Loucks
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby approves the
minutes of the January 28, 1996 Regular Council Meeting.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
- Special Council Meeting dated February 3, 1997
Resolution #970211-03
MOVED BY: Jim Hevenor
SECONDED BY: Gordon Loucks
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby approves the
minutes of the February 3, 1997 Special Council Meeting.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
4. Business arising from Minutes of meetings dated December 10, 1996, January 28, 1997 &
February 3, 1997
Minutes January 28, 1997 Council Mason expressed concern for the future address
on the new Village brouchres to be printed.
5. Presentations
6. Delegations
7. Petitions
8. Communications
a) Waste Reduction Branch -A16 GEN
Received & Filed.
b) Canadian International Dragon Boat Racing Federation
Council directed that Councillor Hevenor call the Federation to see
if there is interest in staging an event in Port Burwell.
c) Elgin - St. Thomas Health Unit - A16 ESHU
Received & Filed.
d) Ontario Municipal Recreation Association - AO1 OMRA
Received & Filed.
e) Ontario Family Fishing Weekend - A01 GEN
Received & Filed.
f) AMO - A01 AMO
Received & Filed.
g) Township of Keppel -A16 GEN
Received & Filed.
h) County of Elgin - A16 CTY
Received & Filed.
i) Ontario Provincial Police - Police Services Act - A16 GEN
Received & Filed.
j) Spriet Associates - A01 OGRA
Received & Filed.
k) Recycling Council of Ontario - Awards for Wast Reduction
Received & Filed.
1) Robert VanNess - D17 AMALG
Received & Filed.
m) Minister Responsible for Emergency Preparedness -A16 GEN
Received & Filed.
n) International Great Lakes Mayors' Conference - A04
Received & Filed.
o) First Canadian Real Estate Tax Service -A01 GEN
Received & Filed.
p) Parks & Recreation Ontario -A01 GEN
Received & Filed.
q) Recycling Review-A01 GEN
Received & Filed.
r) Conestoga-Rovers &Associates
Received & Filed.
s) OSUM - A01 OSUM
Received & Filed.
t) OCWA - A16 OCWA
Received & Filed.
u) Elgin Municipal Association - AOl GEN
Received & Filed.
9. Committee Reports
a) County
Reeve Nesbitt identified that the special restructuring meeting February 7,
1997 to review the status of restructing that another was considered by
County Council 3A option 4A is going to be priced.
b) Museum Advisory Committee
- Approval of Minutes of Meeting Dated December 3, 1996
Resolution #970211-08
MOVED BY: Gordon Loucks
SECONDED BY: Jim Hevenor
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby
approves the minutes of the December 3, 1996 Museum Advisory
Committee Meeting.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
c) Community Policing
d) Fire Department
- Application for Volunteer Fire Fighter -Jake Klassen
Resolution #970211-11
MOVED BY: Jim Hevenor
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby
approves the application for Volunteer Fire Fighter submitted by Jake
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
e) Recreation Advisory Committee
- Memo D. Free Dated February 6, 1997 Re: Council Approval of
Recreation Advisory Committee Minutes - Received & Filed
f) Events Committee
No Report.
g) Planning Committee
No Report.
h) Otter Valley Trail & Utility Corridor Intermunicipal Committee
No Report.
i) Port Burwell - Tillsonburg Communities of Interest Committee
- Approval of Minutes of Meeting Dated November 28, 1996
Resolution #970211-09
MOVED BY: Jim Hevenor
SECONDED BY: Ron Bradfield
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby
approves the minutes of the November 28, 1996 Port Burwell - Tillsonburg
Communities of Interest Committee Meeting.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
10. Consideration of Committee Reports
11. Bylaws
i) By-Law 97-03 - Being a by-law to authorize an Application to be made to the
Minister of Municipal Affairs to initiate procedures under the Municipal Boundary
Negotiations Act.
- By-Law Read a First & Second Time February 3, 1997
By-Law Read a Third Time and Finally Passed
ii) By-Law 96-48 - Being a By-Law to Stop up and Close a Travelled Road, Part 2 of
Reference Plan 11 R-6029 in the Vicinity of Chatham Street and Cowper Street.
By-Law 96-21 - Being a By-Law to Layout and Establish a Road Allowance known
as Hurley Lane.
By-Law 93-09 - Being a By-Law to revise and to consolidate certain by-laws
regulating traffic and the parking of motor vehicles in the Village of Port Burwell
By-Law 96-43 - Being a By-law to provide for the charging of a fee for each tent and
trailer site located within the Village of Port Burwell.
By-Laws under subsection ii Tabled
12. Intermunicipal Transfer Station - Memo D. Free Dated February 5, 1997
Received & Filed
13. County of Elgin - Municipal Appraisal Sheet
Application E3/97 James and Mary Beth Hevenor
Council had no concerns with respect to the application.
14. Review and Approval of Accounts & Cheques
Resolution #970211-07
MOVED BY: Jim Hevenor
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby approves the
accounts payable as amended in the amount of $36,170.82, Council pay in the
amount of$1,386.70, the cheques attached in the amount of$5,804.74 and payroll
in the amount of$16,707.95.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
15. New Business
- 29 Brock Minor Variance Application - Memo D. Free Dated February 7, 1997
Resolution #970211-10
MOVED BY: Gordon Loucks
SECONDED BY: Jim Hevenor
WHEREAS authority to waive the building application fee has been delegated to the
Council of the Village of Port Burwell with respect to the Minor Variance
Application A/1/96; and
WHEREAS the proponent has provided evidence that the building application fee
was paid in 1991.
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby formally
waives the building application fee in this matter.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
16. Old Business
17. Committee of the Whole
Resolution #970211-04
MOVED BY: Jim Hevenor
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell moves into
Committee of the Whole.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
Resolution #970211-05
MOVED BY: Dave Mason
SECONDED BY: Jim Hevenor
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell moves out of
Committee of the Whole.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
18. Adjournment
Resolution #970211-06
MOVED BY: Dave Mason
Approved: February 25, 1997
'°fTorn Nk bitt, Reeve
David R. Free, Ad, inistrator/Clerk-Treasurer
Village of Port Burwell
Council Meeting
February 24, 1997
7:30 p.m.
Present: Reeve Nesbitt, Councillor Mason, Councillor Hevenor, Councillor Loucks and
Councillor Bradfield
Staff: Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer
Guests: Allan Spicer, Brad Medel - Tillsonburg News and Rick Wassing
1. Call Meeting to Order 7:33 pm
2. Declaration of Conflict of Interest
3. Confirmation of Minutes
- Council Meeting dated February 11, 1997
Resolution #970224-01
MOVED BY: Jim Hevenor
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby approves the
minutes of the February 11, 1997 Council Meeting.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
4. Business arising from Minutes of meeting dated February 11, 1997
Councillor Mason investigated the possibility of Dragon Boat races for the
community however, it seems that the event would be more complex than the
municipality can accommodate.
5. Presentations
6. Delegations
7. Petitions
8. Communications
a) Town of Aylmer -A16 AYLM
A letter is to be sent to the Town of Aylmer with respect to their request for
contributions towards the recreation facilities.
b) Assessment Office -A16 ASS
The voting population has been identified at 964 people. The
Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer identified that this increase or properly
documented survey now provides the opportunity for additional votes at
County Council. Reeve Nesbitt is to bring this matter to the attention of the
County Clerk.
Received & Filed
d) Heart Beat - A01 GEN
Received & Filed
e) Motels Ontario -A01 GEN
Received & Filed
f) GreenLane Environmental - A01 GRLN
Received & Filed
g) Ontario Recreation Facilities Association - A01 GEN
Received & Filed
h) Pitch In Ontario -A01 GEN
East Beach Clean up for Port Burwell is to be May 6, 1997. Volunteers are
requested to meet at the East Beach Washrooms at 9:00 am.
i) Canadian Consulate General - A16 GEN
Received & Filed
j) Ministry of Municipal Affairs & Housing - A16 MMA
Received & Filed
k) Mariport Group - AO1 GEN
Received & Filed
1) Municipal Finance Officers'Association -A16 MFOA
Received & Filed
9. Committee Reports
a) County
A County re-structuring public meeting is to be held on February 25, 1997
at the Trinity Parish Hall.
b) Museum Advisory Committee
There will be no March meeting.
c) Community Policing
No Report.
d) Fire Department
Resolution #970224-09
MOVED BY: Dave Mason
SECONDED BY: Jim Hevenor
The Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby agrees to commission
Totten Sims Hubiclzi Associates as per their quotation dated January 20,
1997 to provide a report with regards to the Firehall Heating System
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
e) Recreation Advisory Committee
The next Meeting is to be held February 26, 1997.
f) Events Committee
No Report.
g) Planning Committee
No Report.
h) Otter Valley Trail & Utility Corridor Intermunicipal Committee
No Report.
i) Port Burwell - Tillsonburg Communities of Interest Committee
No Report.
j) Municipal Key Indicators
i) Lottery Licencing Report - Received & Filed
ii) Buy A Brick Report - Received & Filed
iii) Financial Reporting - Received & Filed
iv) Long Term Borrowing Ledger - Received & Filed
v) Tax Arrears Report - Received & Filed
vi) Fire Extinguisher Inspections -January 1997 - Received & Filed
vii) By-Law Enforcement Report - no 1997 violations to date
viii) Building Inspection Report - no 1997 permits issued
ix) Sewage Treatment Flows Report - Received & Filed
10. Consideration of Committee Reports
11. Bylaws
(i) By-Law 96-48 - Being a By-Law to Stop up and Close a Travelled Road, Part 2 of
Reference Plan 11R-6029 in the Vicinity of Chatham Street and Cowper Street.
(previously circulated)
(ii) By-Law 96-21 - Being a By-Law to Layout and Establish a Road Allowance known
as Hurley Lane. (previously circulated)
(iii) By-Law 93-09 - Being a By-Law to revise and to consolidate certain by-laws
regulating traffic and the parking of motor vehicles in the Village of Port Burwell.
(previously circulated)
(iv) By-Law 96-43 - Being a By-law to provide for the charging of a fee for each tent and
trailer site located within the Village of Port Burwell. (previously circulated)
12. Aylmer Aces Jr B Hockey Club - request to sell Nevada Tickets at Craiger's Cove.
The request to sell Nevada Tickets was discussed and additional information will be
required from the Aylmer Aces Jr. B Hockey Club prior to making a decision.
13. New Business
Resolution #970224-07
MOVED BY: Gordon Loucks
SECONDED BY: Jim Hevenor
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby agrees to
appoint Donna Lamoure as Acting Deputy Clerk for the February 25, 1997 Special
Council meeting only.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
Councillor Mason requested support for an advertisement Lake Erie North Shore
Resolution #970224-02
MOVED BY: Ron Bradfield
SECONDED BY: Jim Hevenor
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby approves the
purchase of advertising in the Lake Erie North Shore brochure in the amount of
$250.00 plus GST.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
14. Old Business
15. Committee of the Whole
Resolution #970224-04
MOVED BY: Gord Loucks
SECONDED BY: Ron Bradfield
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell moves into
Committee of the Whole.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
Resolution #970224-05
MOVED BY: Jim Hevenor
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell moves out of
Committee of the Whole.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
Rise & Report
Resolution #970224-08
MOVED BY: Jim Hevenor
BE IT RESOLVED that due to the uncertainty of restructuring in the County of
Elgin the Council of the Village of Port Burwell does hereby declare a moratorium
on all Capital expenditures relating to the municipality unless prior approval for that
expenditure is received from Council. This Moratorium will be in effect until the
1997 Budget is approved.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
18. Adjournment
Resolution #970224-06
MOVED BY: Gordon Loucks
Approved.: March 11, 199-
. / .
/5:‘,"/ /
- /4/
Tom sbitt, Reeve
, .; _:
Ie free, Adm', istrator/Clerk-Treasurer
Village of Port Burwell
Special Council Meeting
March 3, 1997
4:00 p.m.
Present: Reeve Nesbitt, Councillor Hevenor, Councillor Loucks and Councillor Bradfield
Regrets: Councillor Mason
Staff: Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer
Guests: Allan Spicer
1. Call Meeting to Order 4:OOpm
2. Special Meeting - Resolution #970303-01
Resolution #970303sp-01
MOVED BY: Jim Hevenor
SECONDED BY: Ron Bradfield
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby agrees to
hold a Special Council Meeting Monday, March 3, 1997 at 4:OOpm to address the
Elgin County restructuring study.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
3. Elgin County Re-engineering Study - Proposed Resolution #970303-02
Resolution #970303sp-02
MOVED BY: Jim Hevenor
SECONDED BY: Ron Bradfield
BE IT RESOLVED that the Council of the Village of Port Burwell does not
support either option 3A or 4A of the Elgin County Restructuring Study. At the
February 25, 1997 public meeting concerning the options available, there was
overwhelming support by the public for Councils choice to amalgamate with the Town
of Tillsonburg. The Council of the Village of Port Burwell requests the support of
Elgin County Council in this endeavour.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
4. New Business
Resolution #970303sp-04
MOVED BY: Gord Loucks
SECONDED BY: Ron Bradfield
BE IT RESOLVED that the Council authorizes the purchase of 3 catch basins plus
related drainage supplies and the hiring of a local contractor to assist. This is for the
repair of the drainage problem at the corner of Milton &Waterloo Street.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
5. Old Business
6. Adjournment - Resolution #970303-03
Resolution #970303-03
MOVED BY: Jim Hevenor
Approved: March 11, 1997
-/461Tom Ne iitt, eeve
ZDavid . ree, A. inistrator/Clerk-Treasurer
Village of Port Burwell
Council Meeting
March 11, 1997
7:30 p.m.
Present: Reeve Nesbitt, Councillor Hevenor, Councillor Loucks and Councillor Bradfield
Staff: Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer
Regrets: Councillor Mason
Guests: Allan Spicer
1. Call Meeting to Order 7:42 pm
2. Declaration of Conflict of Interest
Councillor Bradfield item #14
2. Confirmation of Minutes
- Council Meeting dated February 24, 1997
Resolution #970311-01
MOVED BY: Ron Bradfield
SECONDED BY: Jim Hevenor
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby approves the
minutes of the February 24, 1997 Regular Council Meeting.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
- Special Council Meeting dated March 3, 1997
Resolution #970311-02
MOVED BY: Jim Hevenor
SECONDED BY: Gordon Loucks
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby approves the
minutes of the March 3, 1997 Special Council Meeting.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
4. Business arising from Minutes of meeting dated February 24, 1997 &March 3, 1997
5. Presentations
6. Delegations
7. Petitions
8. Communications
a) Booth Newspapers - Kidz Family Travel Brochure
Received & Filed.
b) Elgin Area Secondary Water System
• - 1996 Annual Statement & 1997 Billings
Received & Filed.
c) County of Elgin - Financial Impact of Mega Week -A16 CTY
Received & Filed.
d) OPP - Elgin County Community Policing Workshop
Received & Filed.
e) Ministry of Agriculture & Food -A16 MAGF
-Appointment of Weed Inspector
Received & Filed.
f) Glenn Alward - Renaming of Streets Within Village
Received & Filed.
g) Minister of Economic Development - MEDT
- Ontario Quebec Procurement Agreement
Received & Filed.
h) Commercial Building Reports -A01 GEN
Received & Filed.
i) Ministry of Agriculture & Food - A16 MAGF
- Rural Info. Guide
Received & Filed.
j) Ontario Federation of Anglers & Hunters -A01 GEN
- Municipal Prohibitions on Firearms Discharge
Received & Filed.
k) Ontario Heritage Foundation - Heritage Community Recognition Program
Council nominated Jim Hevenor and Gloria Stephenson for the
award at a prior Council meeting.
1) Baseball Association - Request for Donation
Tabled until 1997 budget is reviewed.
m) Separate School Board - Notice of Levies
Received & Filed.
n) Canadian Coast Guard - A16 CCG
A letter is to be forwarded to Ontario Hydro directing the supply of
hydro for the east pier light.
o) Canada Day Grant Application
Received & Filed.
p) Township of Yarmouth - Resolution re: restructuring
Received & Filed.
Received & Filed.
r) Organization of Small Urban Municipalities of Ontario - A04
Received & Filed.
s) Ontario Video Gaming Corporation - AO1 GEN
Received & Filed.
t) London Region Assessment Office - A16 ASS
Received & Filed.
u) City of North York - A16 GEN
- Impact of Recent Provincial Announcements
Received & Filed.
9. Committee Reports
a) County
County Council accepted proposal 3A with a two thirds majority. The process
is now underway to determine the structure of the new municipalities. Port
Burwell, Vienna and Bayham Township together are to be one of the new
municipalities. There will be 3 wards consisting of South Bayham, North
Bayham and Middle Bayham. A mayor will be elected at large. A meeting
is scheduled tentatively for the evening of March 13, 1997 at the Bayham
Township offices.
Resolution #970311-07
MOVED BY: Ron Bradfield
SECONDED BY: Jim Hevenor
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell declares a
special meeting of Council March 19, 1997 at 9:00am to consider the Elgin
County Re-engineering proposal.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
b) Museum Advisory Committee
No Report
c) Community Policing
No Report
d) Fire Department
No Report
e) Recreation Advisory Committee
No Report
f) Events Committee
No Report
g) Planning Committee
No Report
h) Otter Valley Trail & Utility Corridor Intermunicipal Committee
No Report
i) Port Burwell - Tillsonburg Communities of Interest Committee
No Report
j) Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer's Report
No Report
10. Consideration of Committee Reports
No Reports
11. Statement of Council Remuneration & Expenses - 1996
- Memo D. Free dated February 28, 1997 - Received & Filed
12. Bylaws
(i) By-Law 96-21 - Being a By-Law to Layout and Establish a Road Allowance known
as Hurley Lane.
By-Law Read a First & Second Time November 26, 1996
By-Law Read a Third Time and Finally Passed
(ii) By-Law 96-43 - Being a By-law to provide for the charging of a fee for each tent and
trailer site located within the Village of Port Burwell. (previously circulated)
(iii) By-Law 96-48 - Being a By-Law to Stop up and Close a Travelled Road, Part 2 of
Reference Plan 11R-6029 in the Vicinity of Chatham Street and Cowper Street.
By-Law Read a First & Second Time November 26, 1996
By-Law Read a Third Time and Finally Passed
(iv) By-Law 97-05 - Being a by-law to authorize the Reeve and the Administrator/Clerk-
Treasurer to enter into a Joint Venture Agreement with the Corporation of the Town
of Tillsonburg.
- to be circulated March 11, 1997
Tabled until March 25, 1997
13. Review and Approval of Accounts & Cheques
Resolution #970311-06
MOVED BY: Gord Loucks
SECONDED BY: Jim Hevenor
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby approves the
accounts payable as amended in the amount of $82,709.40, Council pay in the
amount of 1,355.51, Firemen's pay in the amount of$2,165.00, tax levies in the
amount of $81,377.37, payroll in the amount of $12,890.19 and the cheques
attached in the amount of$13,723.87.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
14. Summer Career Placements Application (SEED Students)
Tabled for review during the 1997 budget process.
15. New Business
Councillor Bradfield expressed concern for the buoys which broke from their
moorings during a fall storm. The Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer will call DFO to
review the status of repairing the buoys.
Councillor Bradfield asked about the status of Pembinas involvement in the
community. The Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer is to set up a meeting with Pembina
and Council. A date for the meeting is to be announced.
Councillor Bradfield asked if there had been a response from the Municipal Lawyer
regarding his concerns and proposed resolution for Conflict of Interest. The
Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer identified that he had not received the proposed
resolution therefore there was no response. The Reeve identified that the proposed
resolution should be sent despite the concerns of the Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer.
16. Old Business
17. Committee of the Whole
18. Adjournment
Resolution #970311-05
MOVED BY: Jim Hevenor
Approved,: March 25 1997
Zej/fit/ X;'/
Tom esbitt, Reeve
David . Free, A. inistrator/Clerk-Treasurer
Village of Port Burwell
Special Council Meeting
March 19, 1997
9:00 a.m.
Present: Reeve Nesbitt, Councillor Hevenor and Councillor Loucks
Staff: Acting Clerk Donna Lamoure
Regrets: Councillor Mason and Councillor Bradfield
Guests: Allan Spicer
1. Call Meeting to Order
MOVED BY: Jim Hevenor
SECONDED BY: Gord Loucks
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Council of the Village of Port Burwell appoint Donna
Lamoure as Deputy Clerk for March 19, 1997.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
2. Municipal Restructuring Proposal
Memo from Mark McDonald dated March 17, 1997
Reeve Nesbitt stated that a vote at the County Meeting March 18, 1997 was 24 to
10 in favour of option 3a. Port Burwell voted against 3a in order to pursue
Tillsonburg option. Reeve Nesbitt stated that a standard resolution was circulated
with the re-structuring package and that every municipality must submit a resolution
either supporting or not supporting Option 3a. Reeve Nesbitt also reported that
Yarmouth Township has requested a Commissioner.
Reeve Nesbitt stated that the meeting held with Bayham officials March 10, 1997
with regards to re-structuring went very well.
MOVED BY: Jim Hevenor
SECONDED BY: Gordon Loucks
WHEREAS, section 25.2(2) of the Municipal Act authorizes a municipality or local
body in a locality, to make a restructuring proposal to restructure municipalities;
AND if there are any matters included in the attached proposal that the Minister
does not have the authority to implement, the Minister is authorized to implement
the remainder of this proposal. It is the expectation of the municipalities involved in
this restructuring that after the restructuring exercise that the municipalities and
local boards will implement on their own any matters that the Minister cannot
include in a restructuring order;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVE, that the Village of Port Burwell does not
support the attached restructuring proposal dated March 18th1, 1997 in its entirety.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
3. Adjournment
Resolution #970319-01
MOVED BY: Jim Hevenor
Approved: March 25, 1997
(Pik -7( if
Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
David R Free, Ad ' istrator/Clerk-Treasurer
Village of Port Burwell
Council Meeting
March 25, 1997
7:30 p.m.
Present: Reeve Nesbitt, Councillor Hevenor, Councillor Mason, Councillor Loucks and
Councillor Bradfield
Staff: Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer
Guests: Allan Spicer
1. Call Meeting to Order 7:30 pm
3. Declaration of Conflict of Interest
2. Confirmation of Minutes
- Council Meeting dated March 11, 1997
Resolution #970325-01
MOVED BY: Jim Hevenor
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby approves the
minutes of the March 11, 1997 Regular Council Meeting.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
- Special Council Meeting dated March 19, 1997
Resolution #970325-02
MOVED BY: Dave Mason
SECONDED BY: Jim Hevenor
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby approves the
minutes of the March 19, 1997 Special Council Meeting.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
4. Business arising from Minutes of meetings dated March 11, 1997 &March 19, 1997
Councillor Bradfield suggested that the Department of Fisheries & Oceans should be
contacted with respect to repairing and installing the buoys which were damaged in
a November 1996 storm. The Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer identified that DFO
would be contacted in the immediate future in follow up to their December, 1996
5. Presentations
6. Delegations
7. Petitions
8. Communications
a) County of Elgin -A16 CTY
Received & Filed.
b) Childcareworks -A01 GEN
Received & Filed.
c) Tillsonburg Museum/Annandale House -A04
Received & Filed.
Received & Filed.
e) OPP - Police Service Act
Received & Filed.
f) Town of Godrich - Ontario Hydro Attempt to Unseat London Hydro
Commissioners -A16 GEN
Received & Filed.
g) Ministry of Education & Training -A16 GEN
Received & Filed.
h) The Traveller
Received & Filed.
i) Ministry of Municipal Affairs & Housing
- Public Sector Salary Disclosure Act -A16 MMA
Received & Filed.
j) Ontario Clean Water Agency-Al 6 OCWA
Received & Filed.
k) Corporation of the Town of Belle River -A16 GEN
Received & Filed.
1) Minister Without Portfolio Responsible for Seniors -A16 GEN
Received & Filed.
m) AMO Municipal Alert - A01 AMO
Received & Filed.
n) Ministry of Agriculture Food and Rural Affairs
- Middlesex - Elgin Community Leaders' Letter
Received & Filed.
o) Charities First Ontario -A01 GEN
Received & Filed.
p) Corporation of the Town of Ridgetown -A16 GEN
Received & Filed.
q) Elgin CDC Newsbeat -A01 GEN
Received & Filed.
r) Ontario Good Roads Association -A01 OGRA
Received & Filed.
s) Aquatic Life - Water Testing
Received & Filed.
t) Prime Minister's Update - COO FED
Received & Filed.
u) Township of Biddulph - Ontario Farm Tax Rebate -A16 GEN
Received & Filed.
v) DFO -A16 DFO
Received & Filed.
w) International Road Federation 97 - World Transportation Exposition
Received & Filed.
x) Canadian National Institute for the Blind -A01 GEN
Received & Filed.
y) Corporation of the City of St. Thomas -A16 GEN
Received & Filed.
z) Ontario Museum Association -A01 GEN
Received & Filed.
9. Committee Reports
a) County
A"Made in Elgin" social services plan has been developed by the County and
is in the municipal offices for review. The report is extensive and was adopted
by County Council March 25, 1997 in order to qualify for provincial funding
In the affairs of the Elgin County restructuring Yarmouth Township has
requested a commissioner to review the County proposal. It has been rumored
that the Village of Port Stanley and Village of Belmont have also called for
a commissioner.
b) Museum Advisory Committee
No report.
c) Community Policing
No report.
d) Fire Department
No report.
e) Recreation Advisory Committee
No report.
f) Events Committee
No report.
g) Planning Committee
No report.
h) Otter Valley Trail & Utility Corridor Intermunicipal Committee
The next meeting will be held March 27, 1997 at 3:30pm at the Port
Burwell municipal offices.
i) Port Burwell - Tillsonburg Communities of Interest Committee
No report.
j) Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer's Report
Received & Filed
k) Municipal Key Indicators
i) Lottery Licencing Report - Received & Filed
ii) Buy A Brick Report - Received & Filed
iii) Financial Reporting - Received & Filed
iv) Long Term Borrowing Ledger - No change from last month
- Received & Filed
v) Tax Arrears Report - Received & Filed
vi) Fire Extinguisher Inspections - February 1997 - Received & Filed
vii) By-Law Enforcement Report - No report
viii) Building Inspection Report - No report
ix) Sewage Treatment Flows Report - No report
x) Municipal Water Consumption Analysis - Received & Filed
10. Consideration of Committee Reports
No report.
11. Bylaws
i) By-Law 97-05 - Being a by-law to authorize the Reeve and the Administrator/Clerk-
Treasurer to enter into a Joint Venture Agreement with the Corporation of the Town
of Tillsonburg.
- By-Law Tabled at March 11, 1997 Council Meeting
-Agreement Previously Circulated
Resolution #970325-07
MOVED BY: Dave Mason
SECONDED BY: Ron Bradfield
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby agrees to
introduce By-Law 97-05, being a by-law to authorize the Reeve and the
Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer to enter into a Joint Venture Agreement with the
Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
ii) By-Law 97-06 - Being a by-law to authorize the Reeve and the Administrator/Clerk-
Treasurer to offer for sale surplus property.
- Information to be Circulated at Meeting
Resolution #970325-08
MOVED BY: Gordon Loucks
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby agrees to
introduce By-Law 97-06, being a by-law to authorize the Reeve and the
Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer to offer for sale surplus property.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
By-Law Read a First & Second Time
By-Law Read a Third Time and Finally Passed
iii) By-Law 9643 - Being a By-law to provide for the charging of a fee for each tent and
trailer site located within the Village of Port Burwell. (previously circulated)
iv) By-Law 93-09 - Being a by-law to revise and to consolidate certain by-laws
regulating traffic and the parking of motor vehicles in the Village of Port Burwell.
- Revised
12. SEED Student Grant Application
The application is to be completed applying for 4 students for 1997.
13. LPRCA 1997 Budget &Municipal Levy
- 1996 Audited Financial Statements Available for Review Within Office
Received & Filed.
14. Aylmer Aces Hockey Club - Financial Information Requested
Resolution #
Resolution #970325-11
MOVED BY: Gord Loucks
SECONDED BY: Jim Hevenor
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby approves the
application submitted by the Aylmer Aces Jr. B. Hockey Club to sell Nevada Tickets
subject to 10% of the proceeds being donated to the Port Burwell Baseball
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
15. Ministry of Municipal Affairs - Various memos re: new Municipal Act
- Proposed Legislative Framework
- Proposed Draft Legislation for the Care Parts of New Municipal Act
Received & Filed
16. Memo D. Free Dated March 21, 1997 re: Occupational Health & Safety
Resolution #970325-09
MOVED BY: Dave Mason
SECONDED BY: Ron Bradfield
WHEREAS the Council of the Village of Port Burwell is in receipt of a memo dated
March 21, 1997 from the Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer expressing concern for
Occupational Health & Safety in the municipality; and,
WHEREAS the Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer has expressed concern on several
occasions and Council has taken immediate remedial action as could be afforded by
the municipality.
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell in an effort to
comply with the legislation directs the Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer to contact the
Ministry of Labour to review the municipal facilities as a measure of compliance with
the Occupational Health and Safety Act.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
17. Memo D. Free Dated March 21, 1997 re: Quotation Compressor Engineering Group Inc.
Resolution #970325-10
MOVED BY: Jim Hevenor
SECONDED BY: Gordon Loucks
WHEREAS it is necessary to replace one of the blowers for the municipal Sewage
Treatment Plant.
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby directs the
Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer to permit the drawing of$5,000.00 from the Sewage
Treatment Plant Reserve in order to purchase and replace an aeration blower for the
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
18. Review and Approval of Accounts & Cheques
Resolution #970325-06
MOVED BY: Dave Mason
SECONDED BY: Jim Hevenor
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby approves the
accounts payable as amended in the amount of$45,642.40 and the cheques attached
in the amount of$6,202.25.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
19. New Business
Councillor Mason expressed concern for the high lake levels of Lake Erie in particular
the shore line protection along the east shoreline of the municipality. It was thought
that it may be too late to take action to protect the existing shoreline structure.
Councillor Loucks expressed concern for fencing protection along the Erieus Street
section at the Market Square activity court.
Resolution #970325-13
MOVED BY: Dave Mason
SECONDED BY: Gord Loucks
BE IT RESVOLED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby agrees to
engage the services of Dave Hoy of the Good Time Music Hall to provide
entertainment on Saturday, August 2, 1997 for the amount of$642.00 including
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
Resolution #970325-14
MOVED BY: Ron Bradfield
SECONDED BY: Jim Hevenor
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby agrees to
engage the services of the Ingersoll Pipe Band to provide entertainment on Tuesday,
July 1, 1997 for the amount of$500.00.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
20. Old Business
- Memo D. Free Dated March 21, 1997 re: Drainage at Intersection of Milton &
Waterloo Streets - Received & Filed
Councillor Bradfield expressed concern for the moorings left in the lake from the
Municipal Conflict of Interest Councillor Bradfield - a proposed resolution was sent
to the municipal lawyer and a response was provided.
Resolution #970325-12
MOVED BY: Jim Hevenor
Whereas the Council of the Village of Port Burwell is desirous of complying with the
"Local Government Disclosure of Interest Act, 1994" to avoid conflicts of interest
by Councillors; and,
Whereas Councillor Ron Bradfield is a director of the parent company "Amtelecom
Group Inc.", which has the following subsidiaries; AGI Cablevision Inc.-(including
Aylmer Telephone Company, Coldwater Communications, Cambray Telephone
Company, Manitoulin Telephone and Taylor Telephone Company) and Information
Communication Services (ICS) Inc. (including Insurance Courier Service Inc. -
California, S & S Investments Ltd-Alberta, Alltour, and ICS Courier) and AGI
Business Services Inc.-Canada (including Kanservu), and;
Whereas Councillor Ron Bradfield is the father the Village of Port Burwell Public
Works Supervisor, Kevin Bradfield, and;
Whereas Councillor Ron Bradfield is the President and Secretary of Bradcranex Inc.,
Whereas Councillor Ron Bradfield may have a conflict of interest in Village of Port
Burwell activities with the above named companies and individuals.
Therefore be it resolved that the Clerk/Administrator be directed to place all accounts
relative to the above named companies and individuals on a separate accounts payable
list for councils consideration and to record the above accounts payable list as a
separate numbered item on future agendas for council meetings.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
Councillor Loucks expressed concern with respect to the temporary employee recently
working for the municipality. His concern was that the employee not a resident of
Port Burwell and should have been discharge in February 1997 based upon informal
direction of Councillor Louks. Councillor Loucks also expressed that there should be
residents in Port Burwell who could perform the works that the temporary employee
was observed working and there should be resumes on file. Councillor Loucks also
expressed concern that a Public Works employee should be hired with the input of the
Public Works Supervisor. Councillor Bradfield expressed the same concern and
suggested that informal direction was given to the Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer to
discharge the temporary employee on the basis of his residency outside of Port
Burwell. The Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer identified that the temporary employee
was a coop student under the supervision of Sewage Treatment Plant Operator, Ed
Roloson. The coop student has been previously loaned to the Public Works
Supervisor who appartently has not made good use of the employees skills and time.
The Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer identified that he would respond to the concerns
of Councillor Loucks and Councillor Bradfield by memo with regard to this matter.
Reeve Nesbitt requested that the Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer discharge the
temporary employee immediately. The Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer identified that
he would not comply without formal direction as he believed the purpose of the action
was an act of discrimination by the Human Rights Code. Councillor Mason
identified that he was concerned for the improper procedure which Council was
Reeve Nesbitt requested direction on the manner in which a resolution should be
drafted and suggested that the resolution should contain a provision that only people
within the community will be hired in the future. Councillor Mason cautioned Reeve
Nesbitt with regards to this provision.
Resolution #970325-13
MOVED BY: Gordon Loucks
SECONDED BY: Ron Bradfield
The temporary-casual employee of the Village of Port Burwell will be laid off as of the
quitting time on Thursday, March 27, 1997. All future employment needs will be
advertised in the local media and posted throughout the village. Resumes will be
received and candidates interviewed by the Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer and 2
members of Council.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
Councillor Mason expressed his concern that a Personnel Policy has been available
for several months and Council has not acted on the document. Reeve Nesbitt
suggested that the policy should be reviewed in the immediate future.
21. Committee of the Whole
22. Adjournment
Resolution #970325-05
MOVED BY: Jim Hevenor
Approved: Ap 'l 8, 1997
AtA 411111
Tom es rt, Reeve
David R. Free, ' .ministrator/Clerk-Treasurer
Village of Port Burwell
Council Meeting
April 8, 1997
7:30 p.m.
Present: Reeve Nesbitt, Councillor Hevenor, Councillor Mason, Councilor Loucks and
Councillor Bradfield
Staff: Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer
Guests: Allan Spicer &Valerie Clark - Ministry of Agriculture & Food
1. Call Meeting to Order 7:44pm
Resolution #970408-01
MOVED BY: Ron Bradfield
BE IT RESOLVED that Councillor Jim Hevenor be appointed as Acting Reeve in
the absence of Reeve Tom Nesbitt.
CARRIED: Jim Hevenor, Acting Reeve
2. Declaration of Conflict of Interest
Councillor Bradfield Item #13, 14, 15
2. Confirmation of Minutes
- Council Meeting dated March 25, 1997 - Tabled
4. Business arising from Minutes of meeting dated March 25, 1997
5. Presentations
6. Delegations
Valerie Clark, Rural Community Advisor - Ministry of Agriculture &Food
Ms Clark made a presentation to Council in order to update on the role of the
Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs in rural economic development. The
presentation also increased the awareness of the services the Ministry provides so that
they can accessed as needed. Information was left in the office for public access.
Alan Spicer - Community Health Clinic - Letter dated April 7, 1997
Mr. Spicer identified that there is a need for a Community Health Clinic considering
the potential for the retirement of Dr. Leatherdale in the near future.
Council directed that the matter be researched and returned for the April 25, 1997
Regular Council meeting.
7. Petitions
8. Communications
a) Ontario Hydro - A16 - ONTHY
Received & Filed.
b) OSUM 44th Annual Conference - A04
Received & Filed.
c) Recycling Council of Ontario - A01 GEN
Received & Filed.
d) Community Transportation Action Program -A16 GEN
Received & Filed.
e) MFOA- Information Available for Review Within Offices -A01 MFOA
Received & Filed.
f) Fanshawe College - AOl FANS
Received & Filed.
g) Booth Newspapers - MOl
Received & Filed.
h) OCWA- Revision - 1996 Financial Information Return
Received & Filed.
i) Canadian Red Cross - P09 GEN
Received & Filed.
j) Emergency Preparedness Week - A16 MSG
Received & Filed.
k) Township of Bayham - 1997 Appointment to LPRCA - Al6 BAYH
Received & Filed.
1) 1997 Ontario Senior Achievement Awards & Community Action Awards
Received & Filed.
m) Port Burwell BTA - 1997 Village Advertisement for Park Tabloid - M01
Resolution #970408-11
MOVED BY: Ron Bradfield
SECONDED BY: Gordon Loucks
BE IT RESOLVED that the Village of Port Burwell advertise in the
Provincial Park/BTA Tabloid in the sum of$100.00.
e) Recreation Advisory Committee
No Report
f) Events Committee
Next Meeting April 14, 1997 7:30
g) Planning Committee
No Report
h) Otter Valley Trail & Utility Corridor Intermunicipal Committee
-Approval of Minutes of Meeting Dated January 6, 1997
Resolution #970408-07
MOVED BY: Ron Bradfield
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby
approves the minutes of the January 6, 1997 Otter Valley Trail & Utility
Corridor Intermunicipal Committee Meeting.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
i) Port Burwell - Tillsonburg Communities of Interest Committee
- Approval of Minutes of Meeting Dated January 30, 1997
Resolution #970408-08
MOVED BY: Gordon Loucks
SECONDED BY: Ron Bradfield
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby
approves the minutes of the January 30, 1997 Port Burwell - Tillsonburg
Communities of Interest Committee Meeting.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
j) Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer's Report
No Report
10. Consideration of Committee Reports
11. Memo D. Free dated April 3, 1997
re: Ministry of Transportation Letter dated March 20, 1997
The Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer is to send a letter to MTO requesting more
money with respect to the short fall concerning the repairs necessary for the
Connecting Link.
12. Review of Personnel Policy
13. Bylaws
i) By-Law 97-07 - Being a by-law to establish a Personnel Policy.
- Personnel Policy Previously Circulated
ii) By-Law 97-05 - Being a by-law to authorize the Reeve and the Administrator/Clerk-
Treasurer to enter into a Joint Venture Agreement with the Corporation of the Town
of Tillsonburg.
- Previously Circulated
- By-Law Introduced at March 25, 1997 Council Meeting
iii) By-Law 96-43 - Being a By-law to provide for the charging of a fee for each tent and
trailer site located within the Village of Port Burwell
- Previously Circulated
iv) By-Law 93-09 - Being a by-law to revise and to consolidate certain by-laws
regulating traffic and the parking of motor vehicles in the Village of Port Burwell.
-Amended and presented
14. Review and Approval of Accounts & Cheques
Resolution #970408-05
MOVED BY: Gordon Loucks
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby approves the
accounts payable as amended in the amount of$25,178.85, the Council pay in the
amount of $1,963.50, payroll in the amount of $13,381.00 and the cheques
attached in the amount of$1,106.15.
CARRIED: Jim Hevenor, Acting Reeve
15. Approval of Payroll &Amtelecom Payables
- Proposed Resolution #970408-10
16. New Business
Councillor Mason identified SWOTA has approved partial funding for a Travel
Councillor for the Lighthouse Museum. The municipality will be required to pay only
Councillor Mason requested that James Peterson be given confirmation of a summer
position with the municipality. Councillor Loucks suggested that he should have to
compete for the position through student manpower. The Administrator/Clerk-
Treasurer confirmed the protocol required by the Human Resource Development
17. Old Business
Reeve Nesbitt resumed his duties at 10:42pm
18. Committee of the Whole
Resolution #970408-02
MOVED BY: Gord Loucks
SECONDED BY: Ron Bradfield
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell moves into
Committee of the Whole.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
Resolution #970408-03
MOVED BY: Gord Loucks
SECONDED BY: Jim Hevenor
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell moves out of
Committee of the Whole.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
19. Adjournment
Resolution #970408-04
MOVED BY: Jim Hevenor
Approved: April 1997
.m Nesbitt, Reeve
J- /V42
David R. Free, ` .ministrator/Clerk-Treasurer
Village of Port Burwell
Council Meeting
April22, 1997
7:30 p.m.
Present: Reeve Nesbitt, Councillor Hevenor, Councillor Mason, Councillor Loucks and
Councillor Bradfield
Staff: Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer
Guests: Allan Spicer
1. Call Meeting to Order 7:33 pm
2. Declaration of Conflict of Interest
3. Confirmation of Minutes
- Council Meeting dated April 8, 1997 - To Be Circulated
Resolution #970422-01
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby approves the
minutes of the April 8, 1997 Regular Council Meeting as amended.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
4. Business arising from Minutes of meetings dated April 8, 1997
Councillor Mason inquired as to the status of the Bayham Township Health
Committee. No research has been completed and no information was available for
the meeting.
5. Presentations
6. Delegations
7. Petitions
8. Communications
a) Ontario March of Dimes -A01 GEN
Received & Filed.
b) County of Elgin - A16 CTY
Received & Filed.
c) Ministry of Municipal Affairs & Housing - A16 MMA
Received & Filed.
d) Ministry of Municipal Affairs & Housing - A16 MMA
Received & Filed.
e) Dalton McGuinty, CPP - C00 PROV
Received & Filed.
f) Township of Bayham - Under Serviced Area Designation S08
Tabled until more information is received from the Bayham
g) Township of Bayham - A16 BAYH
Received & Filed.
h) Canadian Soft Drink Association -A0l GEN
Received & Filed.
i) Town of Tillsonburg - D06 RAIL
Received & Filed.
j) Three County Recycling
Received & Filed.
k) Summer Active
Received & Filed.
1) Canadian Soft Drink Association - A0l GEN
Received & Filed.
m) Guelph's Invitation for Partnership - A04
Received & Filed.
n) Town of Gananoque -Al6 GEN
Resolution #970422-11
MOVED BY: Jim Hevenor
The Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby supports
Resolution #123 passed at the April 1, 1997 Town of Gananoque
Council Meeting with regards to amending Bill 105 to allow
municipalities to enter into agreements with other municipalities to
provide all police services required.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
o) Township of Bayham - A16 BAYH
Received & Filed.
p) Department of Fisheries & Oceans - A16 DFO
- Small Craft Harbours Facility (East Pier Evaluation)
Received &Filed.
q) Elgin Community Development Corporation - AOl GEN
Received & Filed.
r) Ministry of Environment & Energy - A16 MOEE
Received & Filed.
Received & Filed.
t) F. K. Glaze Consultants
Received & Filed.
9. Committee Reports
a) County
The road closing of Wellington Street between Strachan and Shakespeare
commensurate with the Port Burwell School Reunion.
Councillor Mason suggested that Port Burwell should join other Elgin
Municipalities in requesting a commissioner for the to review the Elgin
restructuring study.
b) Museum Advisory Committee
No Report
c) Community Policing
No Report
d) Fire Department
No Report -
e) Recreation Advisory Committee
A meeting was held on April 9, 1997 and planning commenced with regards
to 1997 Tub Daze.
f) Events Committee
No Report
g) Planning Committee
No Report
h) Otter Valley Trail & Utility Corridor Intermunicipal Committee
A public meeting is Scheduled for April 29, 1997 at the Tillsonburg Town
i) Port Burwell - Tillsonburg Communities of Interest Committee
No Report
j) Administrator/Cleriz-Treasurer's Report
No Report
k) Municipal Key Indicators
i) Lottery Licencing Report - Received & Filed
ii) Buy A Brick Report - Received & Filed
iii) Financial Reporting - Received & Filed
iv) Long Term Borrowing Ledger - Received & Filed
v) Tax Arrears Report - Received & Filed
vi) Fire Extinguisher Inspections - March 1997 - Received & Filed
vii) By-Law Enforcement Report - Received & Filed
viii) Building Inspection Report - Received & Filed
ix) Sewage Treatment Flows Report - Received & Filed
x) Municipal Water Consumption Analysis - Received & Filed
10. Consideration of Committee Reports
11. Bylaws
i) 97-13 - Being a by-law to set water and sewer user rates in the Village of Port
Resolution #970422-06
MOVED BY: Ron Bradfield
SECONDED BY: Gord Loucks
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby agrees to
introduce By-Law 97-13, being a by-law to set water and sewer user rates in the
Village of Port Burwell.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
By-Law Read a First & Second Time
By-Law Read a Third Time and Finally Passed.
ii) By-Law 97-09 - Being a by-law to amend bylaw 96-23 being establish bookkeeping
Resolution #970422-07
MOVED BY: Jim Hevenor
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby agrees to
introduce By-Law 97-09, being a by-law to amend bylaw 96-23 being-a by-law
to establish bookkeeping policies.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
By-Law React. a First & Second Time
By-Law Read. a Third.Time and Finally Passed
Resolution #970422-09
MOVED BY: Jim Hevenor
Whereas Council has passed bylaw 96-23 being a by-law to establish bookkeeping
policies, and;
Whereas conflicts of interest by Council members has arisen with respect to
presenting accounts payable to all of Council.
Be it resolved that the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby amends
Schedule "A" of bylaw 96-23 section 2.4.1 as follows;
2.4.1 Approval and Verification of Invoices
There are certain types of accounts payable that can be paid by the Treasurer without
referral to Council. These expenditures include those that are: fixed by bylaw or
contract, approved budgets, by-laws or resolutions of Council, debentures, interest
due, bills discounted, staff expenses, fixed salaries, hourly wages verified by the
Treasurer, postage, duty, utilities, or excise refunds of overpayment, payrolls when
certified by the officer authorized to do so, all when due or demanded. Regardless of
prior approval, all expenditures are to be brought to the attention of the Council
separated and numbered to acknowledge potential 'conflicts of interest as prior
declared by Councillors.
Regardless of staff effort to acknowledge and separate accounts Councillors shall be
responsible to declare any and all conflicts of interest independent of staff efforts to
segregate accounts payable.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
iii) By-Law 97-08 - Being a by-law to authorize the Reeve and the Administrator/Clerk-
Treasurer_execute documents to acquire the lands and easements associated-with-the
water and sewer system including the sewage treatment plant.
By-Law Tabled
iv) By-Law 97-05 "Revised" Being a by-law to authorize the Reeve and the
Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer to enter into a Joint Venture Agreement with the
Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg.
- By-Law Introduced at March 25, 1997 Council Meeting
By-Law Read. a First Fl Second Time
By-Law Read a Third Time and Finally Passed
v) By-Law 96-43 - Being a By-law to provide for the charging of a fee for each tent and
trailer site located within the Village of Port Burwell
- Previously Circulated
By-Law Tabled
vi) By-Law 93-09 - Being a by-law to revise and to consolidate certain by-laws
regulating traffic and the parking of motor vehicles in the Village of Port Burwell.
- Previously Circulated
By-Law Tabled
12. 5 Year Capital Program
Resolution #970422-10
MOVED BY: Jim Hevenor
SECONDED BY: Ron Bradfield
The Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby agrees to hold a Special Council
Meeting April 28, 1997 at 7:30pm to review the Capital Budget.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
13. Review and Approval of Accounts & Cheques
Resolution #970422-05
MOVED BY:Gord Loucks
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby approves the
accounts payable in the amount of $23,814.26 and the cheques attached in the
amount of$884.10.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
14. New Business
Councillor Mason expressed concern for the operation of the municipal marina for
the 1997 season. Council directed a proposal call to be advertised in the Tillsonburg
News, Harbour Lights and Aylmer Express.
Councillor Mason addressed the memo from the Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer of
Cash Flow difficulties. The Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer further identified and
confirmed that the municipality traditionally has cash flow problem during this time
of year.
15. Old Business
16. Committee of the Whole
Resolution #970422-02
MOVED BY: Ron Bradfield
SECONDED BY: Gordon Loucks
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell moves into
Committee of the Whole.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
Resolution #970422-03
MOVED BY: Jim Hevenor
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell moves out of
Committee of the Whole.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
17. Adjournment
Resolution #970422-04
MOVED BY: Dave Mason
Approved: May 13, 1997
To esbitt, Reeve
David R. Free,;Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer
Village of Port Burwell
Special Council Meeting
April 28, 1997
7:30 p.m.
Present: Reeve Nesbitt, Councillor Hevenor, Councillor Mason, Councillor Loucks and
Councillor Bradfield
Staff: Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer
1. Call Meeting to Order
2. Capital Budget Discussions
Reeve Nesbitt inquired of the Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer with regard to the
current debt capacity of the municipality prior to discussions of the capital budget.
The Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer identified that the municipality was nearing, if
not exceeding its debt capacity based upon the current aggressive principle repayment
strategy of 5 years for all capital items. It was identified that relief could be brought
to this situation while waiting for the dissolution of assets by changing the terms of
long term debt. It was also identified that despite any debt relief strategy a 5 year
capital budget was a requirement under the municipality's official plan.
The Reeve inquired informally among members of Council if there was a desire to
incur more debt for projects considering the current financial and political situation.
Council members identified that there were projects that needed to be addressed
before restructuring and that further debt should be incurred. Reeve Nesbitt directed
that a bylaw be prepared to restructure the existing debt to 9 years based upon the
positive response that the banking institution CIBC made to the
The 5 year capital document as assembled during the 1996 budget process was
circulated to council as the base document. Council reviewed the projects individually
and by department. The summary of proposed expenditures for 1997 by department
is as follows;
a) Transportation
Street Lights $6,000
Roads Program $100,000
Street Signs $3,000
Sidewalk Replacement 815,000
Total $124,000
b) Harbour
c) Recreation
d) Fire
Air Tanks $2,000
Bunker Suits $4,500
Pager & Radios $500
Truck Accessories $1,300
Fire Hall $120,000
SCBA 86,500
Total $ 168,575
e) Water & Sewer
Hydrants $6,000
STP 850,000
Total $ 56,000
f) General Government
West Side Stairs $15,000
Public Washrooms 815,000
Total $ 30,000
Total $378,575
3. New Business
4. Old Business
5. Adjournment
Resolution #970428sp-0l
MOVED BY: Jim Hevenor
Approved: May 27, 1997
/2 Li/V
et _ 44,--RAeve des , �c3 rj Rot
David r . Free, Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer
Village of Port Burwell _ 0 "—
Minutes \ 9\
Council Meeting
May 13, 1997
7:30 p.m.
Present: Reeve Nesbitt, Councillor Hevenor, Councillor Mason, Councillor Loucks and
Councillor Bradfield
Staff: Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer
Guests: Allan Spicer, Gordon Booth, Jeff Vyse and Gordon Craig
1. Call Meeting to Order 7:35 pm
2. Declaration of Conflict of Interest
Councillor Bradfield Item #15
3. Confirmation of Minutes
- Council Meeting dated April 22, 1997
Resolution #970513-01
MOVED BY: Jim Hevenor
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby approves the
minutes of the April 22, 1997 Regular Council Meeting as amended.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
4. Business arising from Minutes of meetings dated April 22, 1997
5. Presentations
Mr. Craig requested an opportunity to speak at the meeting and Council consented
to hear his comments. Mr. Craig identified that monies are forthcoming from the
commercial fishermen for the 1996 harbour user fees.
Mr. Craig also requested his$3,000 deposit with respect to the 1996 contract for the
operation of the municipal clocks. Councillor Loucks identified that he had done an
inspection on the docks and noted that repairs were required.
6. Delegations
Gordon Booth provided a letter with respect to operating the Black Dock of which
he has been actively using for over seven years. Mr. Booth suggested that the area that
is known as the Black Dock should be separate from the municipal marina tender.
It was also suggested that further improvements in the area could be made. Councillor
Mason was concerned for liability insurance of which the Administrator/Clerk-
Treasurer identified that the municipality would be required to be named as a third
party on the insurance policy.
Mr. Booth also identified that he had performed the majority of the maintenance
duties even though it was the responsibility of the primary contractor for the
municipal marina. Reeve Nesbitt identified that Mr. Booth would be considered
when addressing the tender for the municipal docks.
7. Petitions
8. Communications
a) Bruce & Pam Kipp
Resolution #970513-15
MOVED BY: Dave Mason
SECONDED BY: Gord Loucks
WHEREAS the level of Lake Erie has risen considerably to the paint of
threatening the effectiveness of the shoreline protection stone wall to the east
of the East Beach.
AND WHEREAS the wall has already sustained considerable damage from
spring storms, especially in the region of the easterly limits of the wall.
AND WHEREAS the continued existence of this wall is vital to prevent the
loss of village land.
BE IT RESOLVED the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby
directs the Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer to begin repairs to the wall and the
positioning of old sidewalk cement in behind the main structure for support
beginning at the east end where the waves are most destructive. And, that
this work be commenced as soon as equipment can be safely maneuvered in
behind the wall and that the breakwall reserves be accessed for these repairs.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
A letter is to be sent to the persons in the immediate area of the proposed
b) Indian & Northern Affairs Canada - Pride in Partnership - A16 GEN
- Information Available for Review Within Office
Received & Filed
c) OCWA- the Waterline - A16 OCWA
Received & Filed
d) National Emergency Number Association - A01 GEN
Received & Filed
e) Minister of Economic Development Trade & Tourism -A16 MEDT
Received & Filed
f) Ministry of Municipal Affairs & Housing -A16 MMA
Received & Filed
g) County of Elgin - A16 CTY
- Port Burwell School Reunion Temporary Road Closure
Received & Filed
h) Ministry of Transportation - A16 MTO
Received & Filed
Received & Filed
j) Port Burwell Child Care Centre - A01 GEN
Referred to the 1997 Budget
k) Ontario Small Urban Municipalities - A04
Received & Filed
1) The New Municipality - A01 GEN
Received & Filed
m) County of Elgin - A16 CTY- Roads Committee Minutes
Received & Filed
n) Ontario Healthy Communities - AO1 GEN
Received & Filed
o) Gar Knutson MP - C00 FED - East Elgin Report
Received & Filed
9. Committee Reports
a) County
Reeve Nesbitt confirmed the resignation of Vane Chute and identified that
appointments at county council have yet to be announced. Reeve Nesbitt
wished the best for Mr. Chute in his private life.
An implementation meeting for the new County is to be held Saturday, May
17, 1997.
b) Museum Advisory Committee
- Approval of Minutes of Committee Meeting dated April 1, 1997
Resolution #970513-08
MOVED BY: Ron Bradfield
SECONDED BY: Jim Hevenor
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby
approves the minutes of the April 1, 1997 Museum Advisory Committee
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
c) Community Policing
No report.
d) Fire Department
Application for Volunteer Fire Fighter
Resolution #970513-16
MOVED BY: Ron Bradfield
SECONDED BY: Jim Hevenor
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby
approves the appointment of Mr. Shawn Tribe to the Port Burwell Volunteer
Fire Department.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
e) Recreation Advisory Committee
No report
f) Events Committee
Resolution #970513-18
MOVED BY: Gord Loucks
SECONDED BY: Ron Bradfield
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby
appoints the following persons as members of the Port Burwell Events
David Mason - Chairperson
Deb Travis - Secretary
John Martin
Cor Heesters
Lloyal Granger
Dave Granger
Henry Valks
Bob Graham
Mary Ellen Miller
Jim Hevenor
Ron Bradfield
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
g) Planning Committee
No Report
h) Otter Valley Trail & Utility Corridor Intermunicipal Committee
-Approval of Minutes of Committee Meeting dated March 27, 1997
Resolution #970513-07
MOVED BY: Ron Bradfield
SECONDED BY: Jim Hevenor
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby
approves the minutes of the March 27, 1997 Otter Valley Trail & Utility
Corridor Intermunicipal Committee Meeting.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
i) Port Burwell - Tillsonburg Communities of Interest Committee
No Report
j) Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer's Report
No Report
10. Consideration of Committee Reports
No Report
11. 1997 Marina Operation
- Invitation to Tender - Received & Filed.
- Proposed Agreement - Received & Filed.
- Letter from G. Booth dated May 6, 1997 - Received & Filed.
Resolution #970513-10
MOVED BY: Jim Hevenor
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby agrees to
publicly tender the operation of the Municipal Marina for the 1997 season with the
exception of the Black Dock.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
Recorded Vote Resolution #970513-10:
Councillor Mason Nay
Councillor Hevenor Yea
Councillor Bradfield Nay
Councillor Loucks Yea
Reeve Nesbitt Yea
12. 1997 Grass Cutting Contract
- Report Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer - Received & Filed
Resolution #970513-14
MOVED BY: Gord Loucks
SECONDED BY: Jim Hevenor
WHEREAS the Village of Port Burwell is in receipt of a report prepared by the
Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer with regards to engaging the services of a lawn
maintenance company.
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby directs the
Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer to prepare contracts and appropriate documentation
to immediately commission ProMow Lawn Services in the amount of$19,800.00.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
13. Bylaws
i) By-Law 97-08 - Being a by-law to authorize the Reeve and the Administrator/Clerk-
Treasurer execute documents to acquire the lands and easements associated with the
water and sewer system including the sewage treatment plant.
- By-Law Tabled at April 22, 1997 Council Meeting
- By-Law to be Circulated
- Proposed Resolution #970513-06
ii) By-Law 97-14 - Being a by-law to authorize the restructuring of long term borrowing
Resolution #970513-11
MOVED BY: Dave Mason
SECONDED BY: Jim Hevenor
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby agrees to
introduce By-law 97-14, being a by-law to authorize the restructuring of long term
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
By-Law Read a First & Second Time
By-Law Read a Third Time and Finally Passed
iii) By-Law 97-10 - Beinga by-law to repeal By-Law 97-05, being a by-law to authorize
the Reeve and the Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer to enter into a Joint Venture
Agreement with the Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg.
Resolution #970513-12
MOVED BY: Ron Bradfield
SECONDED BY: Jim Hevenor
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby agrees to
introduce By-Law 97-10, being a by-law to amend by-law 97-05, being a by-law to
authorize the Reeve and the Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer to enter into a Joint
Venture Agreement with the Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
By-Law Read a First & Second Time
By-Law Read.a Third Time and Finally Passed
iv) By-Law 97-11 - Being a by-law to authorize the Reeve and the Administrator/Cleriz-
Treasurer to enter into a Joint Venture Agreement with the Corporation of the Town
of Tillsonburg.
Resolution #970513-13
MOVED BY: Jim Hevenor
SECONDED BY: Gord Loucks
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby agrees to
introduce By-Law 97-11, being a by-law to authorize the Reeve and the
Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer to enter into a Joint Venture Agreement with the
Corporation of the Town of Tillsonburg.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
By-Law Read a First & Second Time
By-Law Read a Third Time and Finally Passed
iv) By-Law 96-43 - Being a By-law to provide for the charging of a fee for each tent and
trailer site located within the Village of Port Burwell
- Previously Circulated
v) By-Law 93-09 - Being a by-law to revise and to consolidate certain by-laws
regulating traffic and the parking of motor vehicles in the Village of Port Burwell.
- Previously Circulated
14. Review and Approval of Accounts & Cheques
Resolution #970513-05
MOVED BY: Dave Mason
SECONDED BY: Jim Hevenor
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby approves the
accounts payable as amended in the amount of $39,834.06 council pay in the
amount of$1,527.75 and the cheques attached in the amount of$4,199.44.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
15. Review and Approval of Amtelecom Accounts Payable, KanSerVU Accounts Payable and
Resolution #970513-09
MOVED BY: Jim Hevenor
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby approves the
Amtelecom accounts payable in the amount of$ 800.67, Kanservu accounts payable
in the amount of$58.80 and the payroll in the amount of$11,931.00.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
16. New Business
Councillor Bradfield inquired if the municipality would provide a banner for the Port
Burwell School reunion. It was suggested that this may be a 1997 budget item.
17. Old Business
Councillor Loucks inquired about the future of the drain at the end of Robinson
Street. The Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer identified that only$40,000 in the form
of an unconditional grant was received to complete the connecting link which is
significantly less than required to fix the said drain. There
environmental concerns for the outfall which would have to be addressed.property and
A Budget meeting was scheduled for May 22, 1997 at 4:00 pm.
18. Committee of the Whole
19. Adjournment - Resolution #970513-04
MOVED BY: Dave Mason
Approved: May 27, 1997
OPDavi. R. Fre-, Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer
Village of Port Burwell
Council Meeting
May 27, 1997
7:30 p.m.
Present: Councillor Hevenor, Councillor Mason, Councillor Loucks and Councillor Bradfield
Staff: Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer
Guests: Allan Spicer, Betty Lee Loucks, Ron Loucks, Elizabeth Drepaul, Rick Wassing,John
Vance, Richard Bradt, Brian Bud/arick, George Allen and Wayne Tribe
Absent: Reeve Nesbitt,
1. Call Meeting to Order 7:30pm
Resolution #970527-14
MOVED BY: Jim Hevenor
That Ron Bradfield be named Acting Reeve for the May 27, 1997 meeting of Port
Burwell Council.
CARRIED: Ron Bradfield, Acting Reeve
2. Declaration of Conflict of Interest
Councillor Loucks Item 6 b
Councillor Bradfield Item 11
3. Confirmation of Minutes
- Council Meeting dated May 13, 1997
Resolution #970527-01
MOVED BY: Gordon Loucks
SECONDED BY: Jim Hevenor
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby approves the
minutes of the May 13, 1997 Regular Council Meeting.
CARRIED: Ron Bradfield -Acting Reeve
- Special Council Meeting dated April 28, 1997
Resolution #970527-12
MOVED BY: Jim Hevenor
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby approves the
minutes of the April 28, 1997 Special Council Meeting.
CARRIED: Ron Bradfield - Acting Reeve
4. Business arising from Minutes of meetings dated May 13, 1997 &April 28, 1997
Councillor Mason inquired with regards to the minutes of the meeting May 13, 1997
and the dates of the execution of the inter municipal agreement between the Town
of Tillsonburg and the Village of Port Burwell, as executed by Port Burwell By-Law
97-11. The Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer identified that the copies of the
Tillsonburg bylaw and the attached agreement had not been returned, therefore the
information was not available.
5. Presentations
6. Delegations
Brian Buddarick - Presentation of 1996 Financial Statements
Resolution #970527-17
MOVED BY: Jim Hevenor
WHEREAS Council is in receipt of the audited 1996 financial statement as
prepared by Brian Buddarick, Chartered Accountant, and;
WHEREAS upon review of the financial statements and consultation with the
Treasurer, the financial statements are deemed to be correct and true.
The Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby adopts the statements as presented
and directs the Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer to publicize the documents in
accordance to the requirements of the Municipal Act.
CARRIED: Ron Bradfield, Acting Reeve
Ron & Betty Lee Loucks - Request for Building Permit - 20 Strachan Street
Ron Loucks inquired as to the status of his building permit application submitted
May 12, 1997. Mr. Loucks identified that based on a conversation with the Building
Inspector that the application was tentatively approved however, there was apparent
concern from the Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer with respect to planning issues.
Acting Reeve Bradfield asked the Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer to address the issue.
The delay was in lack of information by the proponent in the form of a grading a site
plan. This information requested is standard in all applications. Richard Bradt
identified that he had submitted a grading plan on behalf of the proponents
suggesting that this plan was all that was necessary. The Administrator/Clerk-
Treasurer that the plan as submitted was grossly deficient and suggested that a
surveyor or engineer was necessary to formulate the plan for this complicated site.
Councillor Mason inquired as what made this site complicated. The
Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer identified several factors including existing road
grades, the setbacks from road allowances and the drainage course which drains 50
acres of the municipality diagonally bisecting this property.
Betty Lee Loucks suggested that this information could be provided by the building
inspector, as he had performed similar services on other properties in the community.
The Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer suggested that this was not true and based on the
concern expressed by Council a report would be provided to clarify matter. She also
suggested that this type of survey was unnecessary as the bank only required a
foundation location survey for mortgage purposes.
Betty Lee Loucks also identified that she had inquired of the municipal offices prior
to purchasing the property if the office could see any problems in issuing a building
permit for this property. The alleged response from the office, specifically the
Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer was that there would be no concern. The
Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer stated that the banks requirements were non of his
concern as he was bound by the legislation and local bylaws. The
Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer emphatically identified that this allegation was not
true and stated that the Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer provides advice to council not
the public. The proponent Ron Loucks inquired if the Administrator/Clerk-
Treasurer was inferring that his mother was a liar, and the Administrator/Clerk-
Treasurer re-iterated that "the Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer provides advice to
council only, not the public." The proponent Ron Loucks inquired again if the
Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer was inferring that his mother was a liar, and the
Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer re-iterated that "the Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer
provides advice to council only, not the public."
Acting Reeve Bradfield inquired of the Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer as to when this
report would be available, and the response was by Friday, May 30, 1997. The
matter was tabled until council has an opportunity to review the report.
Wayne Tribe inquired as to the future arrangements for the docking of boats at the
area known as the black dock and expressed concern for proposed bylaw and
agreement between council and Gordon Booth. Mr. Tribe was concerned about the
amount of work that he had already expended and the operations of the dock were to
be done jointly between himself and Mr. Booth.
Councillor Loucks suggested that maybe a committee for the dock operations could
be formed between the current users. Councillor Hevenor provided that the proposed
arrangement without direct payment to the municipality, was to accept improvements
to the area instead of money. Also it was the understanding of council that a Mr.
Booth had approached council on the basis of consent from the other users. Mr.
Tribe indicated that the approach to council was originally to done jointly between
himself and Mr. Booth however, he only recently discovered that the application had
been made on an individual basis only.
Councillor Loucks suggested that the proposed bylaw and agreement may have to be
reconsidered later in the evening.
7. Petitions
8. Communications
a) Frank Cowan Company Ltd.
Received & Filed.
b) Citizens Against Gambling Expansion - Ontario - A01 GEN
Received & Filed.
c) Information & Privacy Commissioner Ontario
Received & Filed.
d) Jardine OME
Received & Filed.
e) Township of West Nissouri - A16 GEN
Received & Filed.
f) Township of Bayham - L04 TBURG
Refer to Tillsonburg - Port Burwell Utility Corridor and Recreation Trail
g) Human Resources Development Canada - F11 CEC
Received & Filed.
9. Committee Reports
a) County
No Report
b) Museum Advisory Committee
No Report
c) Community Policing
No Report
d) Fire Department
No Report
e) Recreation Advisory Committee
No Report
f) Events Committee
No Report
g) Planning Committee
No Report
h) Otter Valley Trail & Utility Corridor Intermunicipal Committee
No Report
i) Port Burwell - Tillsonburg Communities of Interest Committee
No Report
j) Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer's Report
No Report
k) Municipal Key Indicators
i) Lottery Licencing Report - Received & Filed.
ii) Buy A Brick Report - Received & Filed.
iii) Fire Extinguisher Inspections - April 1997 - Received & Filed.
iv) By-Law Enforcement Report - Received & Filed.
v) Building Inspection Report - Received & Filed.
vi) Sewage Treatment Flows Report - Received & Filed.
vii) Municipal Water Consumption Analysis - Received & Filed.
10. Consideration of Committee Reports
No Report
11. 1997 Marina Operation
Acting Reeve Bradfield prior declaring conflict of interest left the council chambers.
- Opening of Tenders
Resolution #970527-15
MOVED BY: Dave Mason
SECONDED BY: Gord Loucks
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby appoints Jim
Hevenor as chairperson for the proceedings involving the opening of the marina
CARRIED: Jim Hevenor
Resolution #970527-16
MOVED BY: Dave Mason
SECONDED BY: Gord Loucks
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby accepts
the tender offer of Bradcranex to operate the Municipal Marina in accordance to the
tender for the amount of$6,000.00.
CARRIED: Jim Hevenor, Acting Reeve
Resolution #970527-18
MOVED BY: Gord Loucks
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby
reappoints Ron Bradfield as Acting Reeve.
CARRIED: Jim Hevenor
12. Shoreline Protection Resolution #970513-15
- Memo D. Free Dated May 21, 1997 - Previously Circulated
- Memo D. Free Dated May 22, 1997
13. Quotation from Marshall, Macklin, Monaghan - Proposed Resolution #970527-07
- Memo D. Free Dated May 21, 1997 - Previously Circulated
Tabled for consideration of the 1997 Budget.
14. Memorial Park
- Memo D. Free Dated May 20, 1997 - Received & Field.
15. Totten Sims Hubicki Associates
- Re: Port Burwell Firehall - Referred to the 1997 Budget
- Letter Dated May 12, 1997
16. Bylaws
i) By-Law 97-15 - Being a by-law to authorize the Reeve and the Administrator/Cleriz-
Treasurer to enter into a license agreement with Bradcranex to operate the municipal
Resolution #970527-19
MOVED BY: Jim Hevenor
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby appoints
Gord Loucks as Acting Reeve when entering into an agreement with Bradcranex to
operate a marina.
CARRIED: Gord Loucks, Acting Reeve
Resolution #970527-08
MOVED BY: Jim Hevenor
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby agrees to
introduce By-Law 97-15, being a by-law to authorize the Reeve and the
Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer to enter into a license agreement with Bradcranex Inc.
to operate a marina.
CARRIED: Gordon Loucks - Acting Reeve
By-Law Read a First & Second Time
By-Law Read a Third Time and Finally Passed.
Resolution #970527-20
MOVED BY: Dave Mason
SECONDED BY: Jim Hevenor
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby reappoints
Ron Bradfield as Acting Reeve.
CARRIED: Gord Loucks, Acting Reeve
ii) By-Law 97-16 - Being a By-Law to authorize the Reeve and the
Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer to enter into a licence agreement with Gordon Booth
to operate a marina.
iii) By-Law 97-17 - Being a By-Law to authorize the Reeve and the
Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer to enter into an agreement with Promow Lawn
Services for Landscape maintenance services for municipal lands.
Resolution #970527-10
MOVED BY: Dave Mason
SECONDED BY: Jim Hevenor
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby agrees to
introduce By-Law 97-17, being a By-Law to authorize the Reeve and the
Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer to enter into an agreement with Promow Lawn
Services for Landscape maintenance services for municipal lands.
Recorded Vote
Councillor Mason Yea
Councillor Hevenor Yea
Councillor Loucks Nea
Acting Reeve Bradfield Yea
CARRIED: Ron Bradfield -Acting Reeve
By-Law Read a First fi Second Time
Recorded Vote
Councillor Mason Yea
Councillor Hevenor Yea
Councillor Loucks Nea
Acting Reeve Bradfield Yea
By-Law Read a Third Time and Finally Passed
Recorded Vote
Councilor Mason Yea
Councillor Hevenor Yea
Councillor Loucks Nea •
Acting Reeve Bradfield Yea
iv) By-Law 96-43 - Being a By-law to provide for the charging of a fee for each tent and
trailer site located within the Village of Port Burwell
- Previously Circulated
17. Review and Approval of Accounts & Cheques
Resolution #970527-05
MOVED BY: Dave Mason
SECONDED BY: Jim Hevenor
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby approves the
accounts payable as amended in the amount of$18,200.63 and the cheques attached
in the amount of$2,071.73.
CARRIED: Ron Bradfield, Acting Reeve
18. New Business
Resolution #970527-13
MOVED BY: Dave Mason
SECONDED BY: Jim Hevenor
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby agrees to
donate five bicycle helmets to the 5th Annual Bicycle Roadeo to be held at the Port
Burwell Public School June 4, 1997.
CARRIED: Ron Bradfield, Acting Reeve
Councillor Mason expressed concern with respect to the short notice for the canceled
Council meeting May 8, 1997. Acting Reeve Bradfield noted the concern.
Councillor Mason indicated that he wanted to identify projects for consideration for
the new infrastructure program.
Resolution #970527-21
MOVED BY: Dave Mason
SECONDED BY: Gord Loucks
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby direct the
Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer to apply for an infrastructure grant that would be
applied to sidewalk repair and construction.
CARRIED: Ron Bradfield, Acting Reeve
Councillor Loucks expressed concern for the work on the most southerly portion of
Erieus Street. He suggested that all works should be stopped until such time as a plan
is developed for this area.
Resolution #970527-22
MOVED BY: Gord Loucks
SECONDED BY: Jim Hevenor
BE IT RESOLVED that the Council of the Village of Port Burwell postpone all
work at the south end of Erieus street except for the sewing of grass seed until council
has had a chance to reevaluate the need for another access to the East Beach when
there is already one there.
CARRIED: Ron Bradfield, Acting Reeve
Resolution #970527-23
MOVED BY: Jim Hevenor
BE IT RESOLVED that the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby appoints
Reeve Tom Nesbitt and Councilor Ron Bradfield to the Bayham, Vienna, Port
Burwell Implementation Committee.
CARRIED: Ron Bradfield, Acting Reeve
Resolution #970527-24
MOVED BY: Gord Loucks
SECONDED BY: Jim Hevenor
WHEREAS the Village of Port Burwell has been awarded two tourism students
through the Canada Employment Centre with hourly subsidy of$4.25/hour and a
start date of May 12 and June 23, 1997.
AND WHEREAS James Peterson has been hired to fill the first position start date.
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby directs the
Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer to fill the second position beginning June 23, 1997
and that he direct the interviewing for this position as soon as possible so that
preferred persons are still available. This person to receive the pay rate in accordance
as that prescribed by the Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer, or the basic wage scale for
summer students as prescribed by the provincial government.
CARRIED: Ron Bradfield, Acting Reeve
Resolution #970527-25
MOVED BY: Dave Mason
SECONDED BY: Jim Hevenor
WHEREAS James Peterson is assuming the responsibilities of assisting with village
events throughout the summer as well as directing the tourism and museum
AND WHEREAS James Peterson has proven himself to be very capable of dealing
with these responsibilities.
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby directs the
Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer to pay James in accordance with the base pay rate for
the Village of Port Burwell retroactively to his start of employment in 1997 and that
he assume the title of Summer Recreation & Culture Director.
CARRIED: Ron Bradfield, Acting Reeve
19. Old Business
20. Adjournment
Resolution #970527-04
MOVED BY: Dave Mason
Approved.: June 10, 1997
7/ y.,/
...p./-,(' eac.--- ,f,
Tom Ne it{,Yleeve
David R. Free, Ainistrator/Clerk-Treasurer
Village of Port Burwell
Council Meeting
June 10, 1997
6:00 p.m.
Present: Reeve Nesbitt, Councillor Hevenor, Councillor Mason, Councillor Loucks and
Councillor Bradfield
Staff: Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer
Guests: Allan Spicer, Betty Lee Loucks, Ron Loucks, Dwayne Blanchard - Department of
Fisheries of Oceans
1. Call Meeting to Order 6:20 pm
Resolution #97010-02
MOVED BY: Jim Hevenor
SECONDED BY: Gord Loucks
BE IT RESOLVED, the Councilof the Village of Port Burwell moves into
Committee of the Whole.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
Resolution #970610-03
MOVED BY: Gord Loucks
SECONDED BY: Jim Hevenor
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell moves out of
Committee of the Whole.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
2. Declaration of Conflict of Interest
Councillor Bradfield Item #14
Councillor Loucks item #6
3. Confirmation of Minutes
- Council Meeting dated May 27, 1997
Resolution #970610-01
MOVED BY: Ron Bradfield
SECONDED BY: Jim Hevenor
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby approves the
minutes of the May 27, 1997 Regular Council Meeting.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
4. Business arising from Minutes of meetings dated May 27, 1997
Councillor Mason inquired with regard to item 18 on the minutes and when the next
budget meeting was to be scheduled. The Reeve identified that a date should be set
under New Business.
5. Presentations
Township of Bayham Health Committee
Bayham Reeve Joe Volkaert and Councillor Wayne Casier appeared before council in
accordance with an invitation sent to the council of the Township of Bayham to
provide information with regard to the Bayham Health Committee. Mr. Casier
identified that their committee was started as an effort to bring a doctor to
Straffordville to service Bayham Township. Reeve Volkaert acknowledged the work
that Dr. Leatherdale had done in the past and the possibility of his retirement
considering his years of service. Mr. Volkaert also identified that Dr. Leatherdale is
a member of committee and is in favour of another doctor in the area. Doctor
Leatherdale is a member of committee which consists of other citizens of Bayham
Township and members of council.
Councillor Casier identified that in establishing the Health Committee they used
Port Rowan as a model as recommended by the Thames Valley Health Council.
Bayham is in its final stages of completing the application as an under serviced area.
Reeve Volkaert identified that the application for designation as an under serviced
area was to obtain financial incentive for a new doctor to the area. Councillor
Hevenor inquired as to what areas are included in the under serviced application.
Reeve Volkaert identified that Bayham, Vienna and Port Burwell were all included
in the application.
Reeve Nesbitt asked if any members of the Port Burwell Council had time to
participate in the health committee of which there were no volunteers. The next
meeting for the committee is July 14, 1997 at the Bayham municipal offices.
6. Delegations
Dwayne Blanchard - Department of Fisheries & Oceans 6:20 pm
Ron &Betty Lee Loucks - a request was made to be heard with regards to a building
permit application. Council consented to hear their concerns.
Ron Loucks identified that a grading plan was delivered to the municipal office in
accordance with the requirements of the municipal bylaws. Mr. Loucks inquired
when his permit would be issued. Reeve Nesbitt identified that council did not have
the authority to interfere with provincial legislation and that building matters are
outside the authority of council.
Reeve Nesbitt asked the building inspector to provide insight into the matter. The
Building Inspector identified that he had only received the grading plan at 1:30 pm
that day and had not had an opportunity to review the drawing.
Betty Lee Loucks inquired if the said grading plan had been submitted to the
municipal engineer. Reeve Nesbitt did not know that the drawing had been
submitted to the engineer and referred to the Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer for a
response.The Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer confirmed that the subject grading plan
had been delivered to the municipal engineer. Mrs Loucks inquired why the plan had
been submitted to the engineer. The Reeve referred the question to the
Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer and the response was to protect the interest of the
municipal corporation in reviewing the application by the proponent.
Betty Lee Loucks claimed that council had guaranteed that a building permit would
be issued upon the completion of the grading plan. Councillor Mason identified that
there was no such guarantee made. Mrs. Loucks inquired as to who was in charge of
the municipality, council or the Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer. Reeve Nesbitt
identified that staff would address the permit application as soon as possible.
Ron Loucks identified that all he wanted was to start building his house in order that
he and his future bride can have a place to live and requested cooperation and
assistance from council and staff.
7. Petitions
8. Communications
a) Alzheimer Society of Elgin - St. Thomas -AOl GEN
Received & Filed
b) AMO - AO1 AMO
Received & Filed
c) Frank Cowan Company Ltd.
Received & Filed
d) Canada/Ontario Infrastructure Works - Guidelines & Info Package
Received & Filed
e) Ministry of Education &Training -A16 GEN
Received & Filed
f) Tillsonburg & District Multi-Service Centre
Received & Filed
g) Canada Post - A16 GEN
Received & Filed
h) Citizen's Network on Wast Management
Received & Filed
i) LPRCA Full Authority Minutes -A16 LPRCA
Received & Filed
j) Town of Tillsonburg - Monster Bike Race
Received & Filed
k) Young Canada Works
Received & Filed
1) Ontario Senior's Month Information Kit
Received & Filed
m) Village of Iroquois - A16 GEN
Received & Filed
9. Committee Reports
a) County
Reeve Nesbitt informed Council that the County has had 3 implementation
meetings to date and that he attended two of the meetings. Reeve Nesbitt
stated that the changes will reduce the present 25 councillors to 9 at the
county level.
The County has had to replace 2 boilers in the County building.
Elgin Village has not progressed considering the revocation of funding.
Councillor Bradfield inquired about the village sign that was taken down at
the highway 19 entrance. Reeve Nesbitt identified that he would ask the
County Engineer when the sign will be replaced.
b) Museum Advisory Committee
The municipality has been approved for a SWOTA student and the
interviews will be conducted in Port Stanley.
c) Community Policing
George Allin reported a lot of activity in the community and that there has
been excellent cooperation from the OPP. It was reported that Mr. Allin
received an OPP citation for his efforts in the community. Council
commended Mr.Allin for his efforts. Mr.Allin indicated that Bayham would
like to cooperate with the Port Burwell Community Policing group. Reeve
Nesbitt identified that cooperation would be necessary and appreciated.
d) Fire Department
No Report
e) Recreation Advisory Committee
No Report, Councillor Loucks resigned as the Council representative for the
Recreation Advisory Committee.
f) Events Committee
No Report
g) Planning Committee
No Report
h) Otter Valley Trail & Utility Corridor Intermunicipal Committee
The next meeting has been scheduled for 7:OOpm, June 11, 1997 in
Straffordville at the request of Bayham Council.
i) Port Burwell - Tillsonburg Communities of Interest Committee
No Report
j) Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer's Report
No Report
k) Municipal Key Indicators
i) Financial Reporting - Received & Filed
ii) Long Term Borrowing Ledger - Received & Filed
iii) Tax Arrears Report April &May, 1997 - Received & Filed
10. Consideration of Committee Reports
No Reports
11. Letter from Paul & Phyllis Kember Dated May 28, 1997
- Memo D. Free Dated June 3, 1997
Resolution #970610-10
MOVED BY: Ron Bradfield
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby agrees to
give permission to Paul & Phyllis Kember to erect a tent for church services on the
flat lands behind the Robinson Street commercial businesses.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
12. Bylaws
i) By-Law 97-16 - Being a By-Law to authorize the Reeve and the
Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer to enter into a licence agreement with Gordon Booth
to operate a marina.
- Letter G. Booth dated June 3, 1997 - Previously Circulated
- By-Law Previously Circulated
Resolution #970610-07
MOVED BY: Dave Mason
SECONDED BY: Gord Loucks
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby agrees to
introduce By-Law 97-16, being a By-Law to authorize the Reeve and the
Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer to enter into a licence agreement with Gordon Booth
to operate a marina.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
By-Law Read a First f Second Time
By-Law Defeated
ii) By-Law 97-18 - Being a by-law repeal bylaw 95-34 being a bylaw to appoint a
Deputy Treasurer and amend bylaw 96-10 being a by-law to appoint tax collectors
and prescribe regulations for the collection of taxes for the Village of Port Burwell
- Memo D. Free Dated June 6, 1997
iii) By-Law 97-07 - Being a by-law to establish a Personnel Policy
- Previously Circulated
- Letter McCarthy Tetrault Dated April 17, 1997
Resolution #970610-09
MOVED BY: Ron Bradfield
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby agrees to
introduce By-Law 97-07, being a by-law to establish a Personnel Policy.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
By-Law Read a First 5 Second Time
13. Review and Approval of Accounts & Cheques
Resolution #970610-05
MOVED BY: Jim Hevenor
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby approves the
accounts payable as amended in the amount of $38,349.93, Council pay in the
amount of $855.75, Firemens' pay in the amount of $3,245.00 and the cheques
attached in the amount of$3,940.51.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
14. Review and Approval of Amtelecom, KanServu Accounts Payable and Payroll
Resolution #970610-08
MOVED BY: Gord Loucks
SECONDED BY: Jim Hevenor
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby approves the
Amtelecom accounts payable in the amount of$740.44, Kanservu accounts payable
in the amount of$56.78 and the payroll in the amount of$15,147.07.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
15. New Business
Resolution #970610-11
MOVED BY: Jim Hevenor
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby agrees to
hold a Special Budget Meeting June 16, 1997 at 6:00pm.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
Resolution #970610-12
MOVED BY: Gord Loucks
SECONDED BY: Jim Hevenor
WHEREAS: The east pier is a major attraction for visitors as well as local people,
being used for fishing and walking.
AND WHEREAS: benches on the pier would further enhance its attraction and
would assist in accommodating older people.
AND WHEREAS: The Hanscomb Tourism Study, Item 3.6.5 Recommendation
#21 suggested the installation of seating benches to provide public amenities.
AND WHEREAS: The council of the new municipality may not realize a need to
consider the recommendations of the Hanscomb report.
BE IT RESOLVED, The Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby directs the
Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer to proceed with the installation of benches on the east
pier in time for the summer tourism season.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
Resolution #970610-13
MOVED BY: Ron Bradfield
SECONDED BY: Jim Hevenor
Whereas: the pier is heavily used by visitors during the tourist season.
And Whereas: the pier offers a hazard to the safety of users due to the eroding
cement, uneven walking surfaces and protruding iron bars etc.
And Whereas: the pier is the responsibility of the Village and could be held libel for
any injuries that might occur due to the condition of the pier.
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby directs the
Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer to investigate the pier conditions, remove iron bars
and fill holes, as soon as possible and report back to Council recommendations and
cost for repairs at the June 24th council meeting.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
Resolution #970610-14
MOVED BY: Dave Mason
SECONDED BY: Jim Hevenor
WHEREAS: There are differences of opinion among the black dock users as to who
should operate the dock for the charter boats.
AND WHEREAS: This dock is very important to the charter boat operators for
their business and livelihood.
AND WHEREAS: Leasing the black dock to any of the effected parties will cause
hard feelings and, they claim disrupt their ability to effectively do business.
BE IT RESOLVED, The Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby directs the
Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer to prepare a By-Law allowing Ron Bradfield, being
a neutral party, to operate the black dock and in accordance with the terms of the
agreement, the required improvements to the dock be made.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
16. Old Business
The Ministry of Labour Notice of Compliance was received by council and it was
noted that staff and departments have been made aware of the requirements for
Councillor Mason expressed concern with regard to water leaking in the lighthouse
and requested that staff arrange to correct this problem. Councillor Loucks identified
that he would perform the services necessary.
17. Adjournment
Resolution #970610-04
MOVED BY: Gord Loucks
Approved: July 8, 1997
40 -4/
Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
AVA Z111r -
David R. Free, Ad •mistrator/Clerk-Treasurer
Village of Port Burwell
Special Council Meeting
June 16, 1997
6:00 p.m.
Present: Reeve Nesbitt, Councillor Hevenor, Councillor Mason, Councillor Loucks and
Councillor Bradfield
Staff: Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer
1. Call Meeting to Order 6:30 pm
2. Declaration of Conflict of Interest
3. Budget Deliberations
The Proposed 1997 Operations and Capital Budgets were reviewed and amended as
i. The memorial park drainage project was deferred.
ii. The Chatham Street Stairs were included for Other Capital for repair in the
amount of$7,500.
iii. The museum parking lot paving was deferred.
iv. The lands at the intersection of County Road #39 and #42 are to be sold.
v. The sale of the memorial park lands were deferred.
The amended kept the proposed mill rate for 1997 at 0% for municipal purposes.
The final budget document is to be assembled and presented to Council for the June
24, 1997 Regular Council meeting to be considered for final approval.
4. New Business
5. Old Business
6.. Adjournment
Resolution #970616-01
MOVED BY: Jim Hevenor
Approved: July 8, 1997
I //I 4/
Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
David R. ree, Administ . or/Clerk-Treasurer
Village of Port Burwell
Council Meeting
June 24, 1997
7:30 p.m.
Present: Reeve Nesbitt, Councillor Hevenor, Councillor Mason and Councillor Bradfield
Regrets: Councillor Loucks
Staff: Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer
Guests: Allan Spicer, Stacey Whitney, Mario Chirico & Brian Budarick - Auditor
1. Call Meeting to Order 7:30 pm
2. Declaration of Conflict of Interest
3. Confirmation of Minutes
- Council Meeting dated March 25, 1997
Resolution #970624-01
MOVED BY: Jim Hevenor
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby approves the
minutes of the March 25, 1997 Regular Council Meeting.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
4. Business arising from Minutes of meetings dated March 25, 1997
Councillor Mason inquired as to the status of the buoys which were provided by the
Department of Fisheries & Oceans in 1996 at the harbor mouth. It was reported
that no further information has been received from the Department of Fisheries &
Oceans in this matter. Councillor Bradfield suggested that the buoys provided were
deficient and that the Coast Guard should be contacted to provide proper buoys for
the application.
5. Presentations
Municipal auditor Brian Budarick provided council a detailed review of the
Management Letter prepared in association with the 1996 audit in accordance with
the municipal policies.
6. Delegations
Mario Chirico requested to address council even though he was not on the agenda.
Council consented to the delegation.
Mr. Chirico requested council to interfere with court proceedings against Mr. Roes
and himself with respect to the alterations on the deck which were completed without
a building permit. Mr. Chirico claimed that the action by the municipality would
close his restaurant and alleged that council would be responsible for the closure.
Reeve Nesbitt identified that the matter was a Building Code issue which was outside
the authority of council. Insofar as council being party to closing the restaurant, the
Reeve identified that it was Mr. Chirico's own actions which are currently causing the
problem, not council. The Reeve also identified that council, through numerous
community initiatives has worked hard to clean up the municipality and bring
customers to the Robinson Street businesses.
Mr. Chirico claimed that the deck is safe and complies with the Building Code and
that an engineer has told him the same. Reeve Nesbitt and Councillor Mason
suggested that if his case is strong then he should be able to defeat the action brought
against him. Mr. Chirico objected to having to hire a lawyer to defend himself. The
Reeve again suggested that it was Mr. Chirico's own action which has created this
unfortunate situation.
7. Petitions
8. Communications
a) Town of Tillsonburg - Monster Bike Race - A16 TBURG
- Tabled at June 10, 1997 Council Meeting
A letter is to be sent to the Town of Tillsonburg stating that the Village
Council has prior commitment and will not be able to attend the Monster
Bike Race.
b) St. Thomas - Elgin Tourist Association -AO1 ETA
Received & Filed.
c) R. V. Anderson Associates Ltd. - Elgin Area Water Works System
Received & Filed.
d) Bennett Jones Verchere - NRG
Received & Filed.
e) J. McCallum, Ontario Genealogical Society
Received & Filed.
f) The Learning Partnership - Annual Report
Received & Filed.
g) Pollutech - Environmental Services for Ontario Municipalities
Received & Filed.
h) OCWA Annual Report - Al6 OCWA
Received & Filed.
i) City of North York - Request for Resolution of Support - C10
Conflict of Interest declared by Councilor Bradfield
Resolution #970624-08
MOVED BY: Jim Hevenor
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby
supports the resolution passed by the Council of the City of North York on
May 28, 1997 with regards to the Provincial Government Telephone Gross
Receipts Tax and Use of Municipal Rights of Way.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
j) OPSEU - Changes to Municipal Tax System
Received & Filed.
k) George Roden - Letter Received June 13, 1997
Received & Filed.
1) Randy & Linda Underhill - Letter Dated June 11, 1997
Received & Filed.
m) Township of Bayham - A16 BAYH
Received & Filed.
n) International Great Lakes Mayors' Conference - A04
Received & Filed.
o) URISA 97 37th Annual Conference -A04
Received & Filed.
p) Association of Municipalities of Ontario - Annual Conference - A04
Received & Filed.
q) Port Burwell Community Child Care - A01 GEN
A notation as requested by the Port Burwell Child Care Centre will be
included in the water/sewer bill.
9. Committee Reports
a) County
At the County Meeting a delegation was made by the county roads employees
with regard to the layoffs.
b) Museum Advisory Committee
No Report
c) Community Policing
No Report
d) Fire Department
Resolution #970624-07
MOVED BY: Jim Hevenor
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby
approves the appointment of Mr. Mark Campbell to the Port Burwell
Volunteer Fire Department upon the recommendation of Fire Chief Tom
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
e) Recreation Advisory Committee
No Report
f) Events Committee
No Report
g) Planning Committee
No Report
h) Otter Valley Trail & Utility Corridor Intermunicipal Committee
Councillor Mason as the Vice Chair of the committee indicated that the June
14, 1997 meeting was positive. A date has not been set for the final Master
Planning meeting.
i) Port Burwell - Tillsonburg Communities of Interest Committee
No Report
j) Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer's Report
Remove from agenda
k) Municipal Key Indicators
i) Financial Reporting - Received & Filed
ii) Long Term Borrowing Ledger - No Change
iii) Lottery Licencing Report - Received & Filed
iv) Buy A Brick Report - Received & Filed
v) Fire Extinguisher Inspections - May 1997 - Received & Filed
vi) By-Law Enforcement Report - Received & Filed
vii) Building Inspection Report - Received & Filed
viii) Sewage Treatment Flows Report - No Report
ix) Municipal Water Consumption Analysis - Received &Filed
10. Consideration of Committee Reports
No report.
11. Committee of the Whole
12. Bylaws
i) By-Law 97-07 - Being a by-law to establish a Personnel Policy
- Previously Circulated
- Introduced June 10, 1997
ii) By-Law 97-19 - Being a By-Law to adopt the current estimates and strike the levies
and rates of taxation for the year 1997.
Resolution #970624-06
MOVED BY: Dave Mason
SECONDED BY: Jim Hevenor
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby agrees to
introduce By-Law 97-19, being a By-Law to adopt the current estimates and strike
the levies and rates of taxation for the year 1997.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
By-Law Read a First fi Second Time
By-Law Read a Third Time & Finally Passed
13. Review and Approval of Accounts & Cheques
Resolution #970624-02
MOVED BY: Dave Mason
SECONDED BY: Jim Hevenor
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby approves the
accounts payable as amended in the amount of$15,377.81 and the cheques attached
in the amount of$7,398.84.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
14. New Business
Reeve Nesbitt identified that he had presented Mrs. Doris Bucheski with the Senior
of the Year Award. Reeve Nesbitt also identified that Youth Tutors Elgin had visited
the community as a final stop for a funding raising trip which started in West Lorne
and ended in Port Burwell. On behalf of Port Burwell$100.00 was donated towards
promoting the literacy effort of group of students. Reeve Nesbitt traveled the last 5
miles of the students journey.
Resolution: #970624-09
MOVED BY: Jim Hevenor
BE IT RESOLVED that the Council of Village of Port Burwell hereby cancel the
regular council meetings scheduled for July 22, 1997 and August 26, 1997 and will
meet only upon the calling of a special meeting in accordance with Bylaw 90-03,
being a bylaw to govern the proceedings of Council and Committees.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
Resolution: #970624-10
MOVED BY: Jim Hevenor
SECONDED BY: Ron Bradfield
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of Village of Port Burwell hereby agrees to appoint
Councillor Dave Mason as the committee alternate for the Transition Committee.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
Resolution: #970624-11
MOVED BY: Jim Hevenor
SECONDED BY: Ron Bradfield
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of Village of Port Burwell hereby agrees add the
"Transition Committee" to the Committee Reports section of the agenda.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
A letter is to be forwarded to the Port Burwell Bayham Horticultural Society
thanking the group for all of the hard work in planting the flowers in the planter
boxes and gardens around the village.
15. old Business
16. Adjournment
Resolution #970624-05
MOVED BY: Jim Hevenor
Approved: July 8, 1997
Tom Ne ;' t, Reeve
David R. Free, Ad , nistrator/Clerk-Treasurer
Village of Port Burwell
Council Meeting
July 8, 1997
7:30 p.m.
Present: Reeve Nesbitt, Councillor Hevenor, Councillor Mason and Councillor Bradfield
Staff: Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer
Guests: Allan Spicer and Stacey Whitney of the Harbour Lights
1. Call Meeting to Order 7:35 pm
2. Declaration of Conflict of Interest
Councillor Bradfield Item #11(iii) and #13
3. Confirmation of Minutes
- Council Meeting dated June 10, 1997
Resolution #970708-01
MOVED BY: Jim Hevenor
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby approves the
minutes of the June 10, 1997 Regular Council Meeting.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
- Council Meeting dated June 16, 1997
Resolution #970708-02
MOVED BY: Gord Loucks
SECONDED BY: Jim Hevenor
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby approves the
minutes of the June 16, 1997 Special Council Meeting.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
- Council Meeting dated June 24, 1997
Resolution #970708-03
MOVED BY: Jim Hevenor
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby approves the
minutes of the June 24, 1997 Regular Council Meeting.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
4. Business arising from Minutes of meetings dated June 10,June 16, &June 24, 1997
Minutes of June 10, 1997 - Councillor Bradfield inquired as to when the Port
Burwell sign at the entrance of the Highway #19 was to be erected. Reeve Nesbitt
identified that he had spoke with the County Engineer and that the sign would
erected in the immediate future.
Councillor Mason inquired as to when the benches would be installed along the East
Pier. The Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer identified that Ed Matthews Carpentry had
been commissioned to install the benches. The timing of the installation is unknown.
Resolution #970708-16
MOVED BY: Ron Bradfield
SECONDED BY: Jim Hevenor
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell Hereby accepts the
resignation of Councillor Loucks from the Recreation Advisory Committee.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
Resolution #970708-17
MOVED BY: Ron Bradfield
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby appoints
Councillor Hevenor as the council representative to the Recreation Advisory
Committee forthwith.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
5. Presentations
Allan Spicer requested an opportunity to address council with regards to additional
billing by organizations in Aylmer. Council consented to hear Mr. Spicer's concern.
Allan Spicer identified that Aylmer Minor Hockey is charging out of town users an
additional fee of approximately$40.00 per user. Mr. Spicer suggested that council
should pay an amount as requested by Aylmer council in order to defer the fee.
6. Delegations
7. Petitions
8. Communications
a) Amy Hackman - Request to Operate Sausage Cart
Resolution #970708-18
MOVED BY: Gord Loucks
The Council of the Village of Port Burwell approves the operation of a
sausage cart subject to ratification of a licence agreement between the vendor
and the municipality. the immediate payment of a$300.00 fee and location
specified by the municipality, west corner of the museum parking lot, must
be agreed to by the vendor.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
b) Recycling Council of Ontario
Received & Filed.
c) Muscular Dystrophy Association of Canada- A01 GEN
Resolution #970708-19
MOVED BY: Jim Hevenor
SECONDED BY: Gordon Loucks
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby
proclaims September, 1997 as the Muscular Dystrophy Association of
Canada's Awareness Month.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
d) AMO -A01 AMO
Received & Filed.
e) Ministry of Agriculture - A16 MAGP
Referred to Otter Valley Trail Committee.
f) Indian & Northern Affairs Canada - A16 GEN
Received & Filed.
g) St. Thomas - Elgin General Hospital
Received & Filed.
9. Committee Reports
a) County
Implementation meetings are underway.
b) Museum Advisory Committee
Council was informed that 1,023 persons have visited the museum as at June
30, 1997.
A resolution was presented by the museum advisory to install safety barriers
at the top of the light house for a cost of not more than$150.00.
Resolution #970708-20
MOVED BY: Ron Bradfield
SECONDED BY: Jim Hevenor
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell'hereby
supports the resolution passed at the July 1, 1997 Museum Advisory
Committee meeting with regards to the installation of safety barriers and
locks in the lighthouse at a cost to the village not to exceed $150.00.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
c) Community Policing
No Report
d) Fire Department
Resolution #970708-13
MOVED BY: Jim Hevenor
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby
approves the appointment of Mr. Robert Cattrysse to the Port Burwell
Volunteer Fire Department upon the recommendation of Fire Chief Tom
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
e) Recreation Advisory Committee
No Report
f) Events Committee
No Report
g) Planning Committee
No Report
h) Otter Valley Trail & Utility Corridor Intermunicipal Committee
A meeting is to be scheduled in the immediate future.
i) Port Burwell - Tillsonburg Communities of Interest Committee
No Report
j) Transition Committee
The next meeting is scheduled for July 15, 1997. The minutes of previous
meetings have been circulated to other agencies, however they have not been
received in the municipal offices to date.
10. Consideration of Committee Reports
11. Bylaws
i) By-Law 97-07 - Being a by-law to establish a Personnel Policy
- Previously Circulated
- Introduced June 10, 1997
Bylaw Read a Third and Final Time Finally passed.
ii) By-Law 97-12 - Being a by-law to authorize the long term borrowing of an amount
of money not to exceed $251,113.89 towards the cost of certain capital projects.
Resolution #970708-09
MOVED BY: Ron Bradfield
SECONDED BY: Jim Hevenor
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby agrees to
introduce By-Law 97-12, being a by-law to authorize the long term borrowing of an
amount of money not to exceed $251,113.89 towards the cost of certain capital
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
Bylaw Read a First and Second Time
Bylaw Read a Third and Final Time Finally passed.
iii) By-Law 97-22 - Being a By-Law to authorize the Reeve and the
Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer to enter into a licence agreement with Bradcranex Inc
to operate the Black Dock area of the municipal marina.
Resolution #970708-10
MOVED BY: Dave Mason
SECONDED BY: Jim Hevenor
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby agrees to
introduce By-Law 97-22, being a By-Law to authorize the Reeve and the
Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer to enter into a licence agreement with Bradcranex Inc
to operate the Black Dock area of the municipal marina.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
Bylaw Read a First and Second Time
12. Review and Approval of Accounts & Cheques
Resolution #970708-07
MOVED BY: Dave Mason
SECONDED BY: Jim Hevenor
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby approves the
accounts payable as amended in the amount of$21,424.80, the Council pay in the
amount of$1,711.50, and the cheques attached in the amount of$86,188.53.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
13. Review and Approval of Amtelecom, KanServU Accounts Payable and Payroll
Resolution #970708-08
MOVED BY: Jim Hevenor
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby approves the
Amtelecom accounts payable in the amount of$901.53, KanServU accounts payable
in the amount of$59.94, the payroll in the amount of$13,701.68.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
14. Committee of the Whole
15. New Business
Resolution #970708-11
MOVED BY: Jim Hevenor
SECONDED BY: Ron Bradfield
BE IT RESOLVED, The Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby declares
that there is no objection to the proposed Special Occasion Permit for Tub Daze
festivities to be held August 1, 2 &3, 1997 and has no objection to this event being
determined a "Community Festival"
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
Resolution #970708-14
MOVED BY: Gord Loucks
SECONDED BY: Ron Bradfield
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby agrees to
introduce By-Law 97-23, being a by-law to appoint an Acting Deputy Clerk.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
Bylaw Read. a First and Second Time
Bylaw Read a Third and Final Time Finally passed.
Resolution #970708-15
MOVED BY: Dave Mason
SECONDED BY: Jim Hevenor
BE IT RESOLVED, the council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby agrees to
donate$50.00 to the Port Burwell Royal Canadian Legion for the Annual Catfish
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
A letter of thanks to be sent to Murray Alward for the donation of flowers for the
flower bed of the East Beach.
16. Old Business
Letter Ron Bradfield July 7, 1997 - Port Burwell School Reunion
Resolution #970708-21
MOVED BY: Gord Loucks
BE IT RESOLVED that the Village of Port Burwell consents to providing bridge
financing to extent of cost for the tent rental for the Port Burwell School reunion in
the amount of$1,900.00 to be paid immediately upon completion of the event.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
17. Adjournment
Resolution #970708-06
MOVED BY: Jim Hevenor
Approved: August 12, 1997
Approved: August 12, 1997
Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
%/426d 4119 &/14.4:51
Village of Port Burwell
Council Meeting
August 12, 1997
7:30 p.m.
Present: Reeve Nesbitt, Councillor Hevenor, Councillor Mason, Councillor Loucks and
Councillor Bradfield
Staff: Deputy Clerk - Donna Lamoure
Guests: Bob Carnegie, Bertha Breen and Stacey Whitney - Harbour Lights
1. Call Meeting to Order
2. Declaration of Conflict of Interest
Councillor Bradfield Item #Ilii, #13 & #15ii
3. Confirmation of Minutes
- Council Meeting dated July 8, 1997
Resolution #970812-01
MOVED BY: Ron Bradfield
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby approves the
minutes of the July 8,1997 Regular Council Meeting.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
4. Business arising from Minutes of meeting dated July 8, 1997
Councillor Mason stated that the benches placed upon the pier were a great
improvement to the village and that he understood that Ron Bradfield had for sale
similar benches that could be placed on the pier or at Memorial Park. Reeve Nesbitt
requested the feeling of Council with regards to the matter. Council directed that the
Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer was to investigate the cost of the benches from Mr.
Bradfield and the cost of the installation.
Councillor Mason stated that Allan Spicer was quite concerned with regards to the
Aylmer Recreational user fee and asked if Council had supported the fee. Reeve
Nesbitt stated that the village had not supported the fee for four years.
Councillor Mason stated that the installation of the safety barriers at the lighthouse
was underway.
Councillor Bradfield requested the status of the replacement of the Port Burwell sign
at the Port Burwell entrance. Reeve Nesbitt stated that he had talked to the County
Roads department and was informed that the sign should be installed in the near
5. Presentations
6. Delegations
Bob Carnegie & Bertha Breen
- Representing the Port Burwell Ratepayers Association
Mr. Carnegie presented a petition signed by all 34 landowners along the bank with
regards to the maintenance of the rock wall. Bertha Breen stated that Steve Laemers
had informed her that it should not take more than two hours to move the existing
rocks. Mr. Carnegie and Mrs. Breen stated that the work would be appreciated.
Reeve Nesbitt thanked Mr. Carnegie for contacting all of the landowners along the
bank. Councillor Mason stated that a possible time for the work to commence would
be in the fall, as the lake level would then be down. Mr. Carnegie stated that Mr.
Klein and Mr. Stock, landowners along the bank, would like to be contacted by phone
before work commences.
7. Petitions
8. Communications
a) Elgin Community Partnership - A04
Received & Filed
b) Gartner Lee Ltd. -A01 GEN
Council directed that staff complete and submit the form.
c) Kent Citizens for Local Democracy - A01 GEN
Received & Filed
d) James Peterson
Resolution #970812-07
MOVED BY: Ron Bradfield
SECONDED BY: Gord Loucks
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby
agrees that the Port Burwell school reunion wine and cheese party as well as
the Port Burwell school reunion dance being organized by the Port Burwell
Recreation &Community Improvement Society to be held on September 12
& 13, 1997 are events in conjunction with the Special Events Committee.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
e) Catholic Education - A01 GEN
Received & Filed
f) MFOA - Municipal User Charges - A01 MFOA
Received & Filed
g) Women & Rural Economic Development -A01 GEN
Received & Filed
h) Local Education Improvement Committee -A01 GEN
Received & Filed
i) Jolly's Ice Cream - Request to Operate Concession Stand
Council directed that a letter be forwarded to Mr.Jolliffe stating that Council
was not interested in a mobile ice cream unit at this time amalgamation
grateful for their interest and please apply in early spring to the newly formed
j) Ministry of Agriculture - A16 MAGF
Received & Filed
k) Elgin St. Thomas Health Unit - A16 ESHU
Received & Filed
1) XYNYTH Manufacturing Corp.
Correspondence to be forwarded to Public Works Foreman.
m) Rudolf VanOtterdyk
Council directed that the letter be copied and forwarded to Larry Martin and
Don Smithson and include a letter of thanks to them as well.
n) Valco Consultants - D17 AMALG
Received & Filed
o) Ministry of the Solicitor General - A16 MSG
Received & Filed
p) Willow- A01 GEN
Letter is to be posted and is to be forwarded to Allan Spicer.
q) NRG - Energy &Water Saver Kit
Received & Filed
r) Fire Prevention Week - October 5 - 11, 1997
Resolution #970812-20
MOVED BY: Jim Hevenor
SECONDED BY: Ron Bradfield
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby
proclaims October 5 to 11, 1997 as Fire Prevention Week.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
s) Citizen's Network on Waste Management -A01 GEN
Received & Filed
t) MFOA- Municipal User Charges - A0l MFOA
Received & Filed
u) Assessment Office -A16 ASSOFF
Received & Filed
v) Village of Omemee -A16 GEN
Received & Filed
w) Can-Am
Received & Filed
x) Gaming Control Commission -A16 GCC
Received & Filed
y) LPRCA Full Authority Minutes - A16 LPRCA
Received & Filed
9. Committee Reports
a) County
Reeve Nesbitt reported several statistics with regards to the Elgin County
O.P.P. and presented the Preliminary Municipal Estimates for Elgin County
Reeve Nesbitt stated that he is now receiving minutes from other Transition
Committee Meetings and that he would leave the minutes in the municipal
offices for review.
Dissolution of County Roads department was discussed. A lottery system was
held for the county road equipment.
The Annual Rail Car competition is to be held on Sunday August 17, at
2:OOpm and Reeve Nesbitt will be participating.
b) Museum Advisory Committee
-Approval of Minutes of Committee Meeting Dated May 6, 1997
Resolution 970812-10
MOVED BY: Ron Bradfield
SECONDED BY: Gord Loucks
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby
approves the minutes of the May 6, 1997 Museum Advisory Committee
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
- Approval of Minutes of Committee Meeting Dated June 3, 1997
Resolution 970812-11
MOVED BY: Gord Loucks
SECONDED BY: Jim Hevenor
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby
approves the minutes of the June 3, 1997 Museum Advisory Committee
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
Councillor Mason presented a report from the Summer Recreation and
Culture Director James Peterson detailing the number of visitors to the
Museum and Lighthouse.
Councillor Mason also informed Council that the Museum Advisory
Committee has been formally directed to return the model of the Ashtabula.
c) Community Policing
Community Policing is to be expanded in the near future.
d) Fire Department
Councillor Hevenor stated that the Fire Department negotiations were going
well between Bayham and Port Burwell Officials.
Councillor Hevenor also stated that the Fire Department was very helpful
during the Canoe Challenge as they were present for the whole event with
their rescue boat.
di) Lower Big Otter Remedial Project
Councillor Hevenor stated that an LBORP meeting had been held on July
30, 1997. The next meeting is to be held on November 6, 1997 at
Tillsonburg Town Office at 1:30pm
e) Recreation Advisory Committee
Councillor Hevenor stated that he had been in contact with Deb Travis of the
Recreation Society and that Tub Daze had been successful, however a large
profit was not generated. Councillor Hevenor requested that Council consider
partially funding the fireworks in the future.
A letter is to be sent to the Recreation Advisory Committee congratulating
them on their efforts on Tub Daze weekend.
f) Events Committee
-Approval of Minutes of Committee Meeting Dated June 2, 1997
Resolution 970812-12
MOVED BY: Jim Hevenor
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby
approves the minutes of the June 2, 1997 Events Committee Meeting.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
- Approval of Minutes of Committee Meeting Dated July 7, 1997
Resolution 970812-13
MOVED BY: Ron Bradfield
SECONDED BY: Jim Hevenor
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby
approves the minutes of the July 7, 1997 Events Committee Meeting.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
Councillor Hevenor thanked Ron Bradfield for the support of the Canoe
Challenge. Councillor Hevenor also informed Council that the Canoe
Challenge contained 12 entrants.
Councillor Mason read a letter from Lloyal Granger thanking Council for the
support of the Tractor Show and Parade. Council directed that a letter be
sent to Lloyal Granger thanking him and his group of tractor enthusiasts for
their participation.
g) Planning Committee
No report
h) Otter Valley Trail & Utility Corridor Intermunicipal Committee
The next meeting is to be held August 21, 1997 at 2:OOpm in Tillsonburg
Municipal Offices. A public meeting is to be held on September 11, 1997
at 7:OOpm in the Port Burwell Fire Hall.
i) Port Burwell - Tillsonburg Communities of Interest Committee
No report.
j) Transition Committee
The Transition Committee considered submissions for the naming of the new
municipality which included 27 for Otter Valley and 23 for Bayham. The
name Otter Valley was defeated.
Councillor Mason suggested formulating a petition for support of naming the
new municipality Otter Valley.
Reeve Nesbitt also stated that a candidate had not been chosen for the
Administrator's position.
k) Municipal Key Indicators
i) Mid-Year Financial Reporting
Resolution #970812-06
MOVED BY: Dave Mason
SECONDED BY: Ron Bradfield
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell
hereby accepts the 1997 Mid- Year financial report as presented.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
ii) Lottery Licencing Report - Received & Filed
iii) Buy A Brick Report - Received & Filed
iv) Fire Extinguisher Inspections -June &July 1997 - Received & Filed
v) By-Law Enforcement Report - Received & Filed
vi) Building Inspection Report - Received & Filed
vii) Sewage Treatment Flows Report - Received & Filed
viii) Municipal Water Consumption Analysis - Received & Filed
10. Consideration of Committee Reports
No report
11. Bylaws
i) By-Law 97-25 - Being a By-law to establish schedules of retention periods for
documents, records and other papers of the municipality.
Resolution #970812-08
MOVED BY: Gord Loucks
SECONDED BY: Jim Hevenor
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby agrees to
introduce By-Law 97-25, being a By-law to establish schedules of retention periods
for documents, records and other papers of the municipality.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
By-Law Read a First fi Second Time
By-Law Read a Third Time ? Finally Passed
ii) By-Law 97-22 - Being a By-Law to authorize the Reeve and the
Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer to enter into a licence agreement with Bradcranex Inc
to operate the Black Dock area of the municipal marina.
- Letter Ron Bradfield Dated August 6, 1997 - Received & Filed
- Proposed Resolution #970812-09
iii) By-Law 97-04 - Being a by-law to authorize an easement on lands from the Village
of Port Burwell to the Village of Port Burwell and the Town of Tillsonburg over lands
owned solely by the Village of Port Burwell
Resolution #970812-14
MOVED BY: Ron Bradfield
SECONDED BY: Gord Loucks
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby agrees to
introduce By-Law 97-04, being a by-law to authorize an easement on lands from the
Village of Port Burwell to the Village of Port Burwell and the Town of Tillsonburg
over lands owned solely by the Village of Port Burwell
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
By-Law Read a First & Second Time
By-Law Read a Third Time & Finally Passed
iv) By-Law 97-24- Being a By-Law to authorize the municipality to enter into a licence
agreement with the Jennifer Hackman the operation of a mobile food cart in the
Museum Parking Lot.
Resolution #970812-15
MOVED BY: Gord Loucks
SECONDED BY: Jim Hevenor
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby agrees to
introduce By-Law 97-24, being a By-Law to authorize the municipality to enter into
a licence agreement with the Jennifer Hackman the operation of a mobile food cart
in the Museum Parking Lot.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
By-Law Read a First & Second Time
By-Law Read a Third Time i Finally Passed
v) By-Law 97-26 - Being a By-Law to authorize the Reeve and the
Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer to enter into an agreement with Hydromantis, Inc.
Consulting Engineers for evaluation and modifications for the Port Burwell
Wastewater Treatment Plant.
vi) By-Law 97-28 - Being a By-Law to authorize the Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer,
municipal staff and contractors to enter upon lands to maintain and reinforce the
shoreline protection described as Part 1 of Registered Plan 11R-764, in the Village
of Port Burwell, County of Elgin.
Resolution #970812-17
MOVED BY: Dave Mason
SECONDED BY: Jim Hevenor
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby agrees to
introduce By-Law 97-28, being a By-Law to authorize the Administrator/Clerk-
Treasurer, municipal staff and contractors to enter upon lands to maintain and
reinforce the shoreline protection described as Part 1 of Registered Plan 11R-764,
in the Village of Port Burwell, County of Elgin.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
By-Law Read a First & Second Time
By-Law Read a Third Time & Finally Passed
vii) By-Law 97-29 - Being a By-Law to authorize the Reeve and the
Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer to enter into an agreement with Totten, Sims,
Hubicki Associates, for consulting services for repairs and renovations to the Port
Burwell Firehall
Resolution #970812-18
MOVED BY: Jim Hevenor
SECONDED BY: Ron Bradfield
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby agrees to
introduce By-Law 97-29, being a By-Law to authorize the Reeve and the
Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer to enter into an agreement with Totten, Sims,
Hubicki Associates, for consulting services for repairs and renovations to the Port
Burwell Firehall
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
By-Law Read. a First & Second Time
By-Law Read. a Third Time & Finally Passed
12. Review and Approval of Accounts & Cheques
Resolution #970812-05
MOVED BY: Ron Bradfield
SECONDED BY: Jim Hevenor
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby approves the
accounts payable as amended in the amount of$39,439.66 , the Council pay in the
amount of$930.25 and the cheques attached in the amount of$11,382.30.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
13. Review and Approval of Amtelecom, KanSerVU Accounts Payable and Payroll
Resolution #970812-19
MOVED BY: Dave Mason
SECONDED BY: Jim Hevenor
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby approves the
Amtelecom accounts payable in the amount of$983.66 , Kanservu accounts payable
in the amount of$60.00, the payroll in the amount of$13,393.71.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
14. Committee of the Whole
Resolution #970812-02
MOVED BY: Dave Mason
SECONDED BY: Jim Hevenor
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell moves into
Committee of the Whole.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
Resolution #970812-03
MOVED BY: Dave Mason
SECONDED BY: Jim Hevenor
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell moves out of
Committee of the Whole.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
15. New Business
i) By-Law 97-30 - Being a By-Law to authorize the Reeve and the
Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer to execute the Assignment of Agreement with
Regional Cable T.V. Inc.
Resolution #970812-19
MOVED BY: Jim Hevenor
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby
agrees to introduce By-Law 97-30, Being a By-Law to authorize the
Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer to execute the Assignment of Agreement with
Regional Cable T.V. Inc.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
By-Law Read a First & Second Time
By-Law Read a Third Time & Finally Passed
ii) By-Law 97-20 - Being a By-Law to establish a Occupational Health and
Safety Policy.
- By-Law Introduced July 8, 1997 & Read a First & Second Time
By-Law Read a Third Time & Finally Passed
Councillor Hevenor requested that the landscape contractors be contacted
with regards to the weed-eating damages to the young trees in the village.
Elexco Ltd. - Letter dated July 25, 1997
- Re: Option Agreement to Grant Easement and Right of Way Port Burwell
Councillor Hevenor stated that he had had a request with regards to the dockage of
a boat in the harbour abutting the Pembina lands. Council stated that permission
was not necessary as it is a public harbour.
A letter is to be sent to Linda and Randy Underhill stating that Memorial Park is not
for sale at this point in time.
16. Old Business
Councillor Bradfield requested that Council direct that Sam Taylor Contracting be
engaged on an hourly basis in order to complete repairs to the west-side stairs with the
village supplying the materials.
Resolution #970812-21
MOVED BY: Ron Bradfield
SECONDED BY: Jim Hevenor
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby directs the
Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer to direct the Building Inspector to inspect the west
side stairs and compile a list of materials required to complete repairs to the stairs and
engage Sam Taylor Contracting to complete the repairs.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
A letter is to be sent to Gordon Craig requesting the status of the 1996 Harbour
Fees that he collected.
Councillor Mason stated that there have been several campers camping on the East
Beach for the past two weekends.
17. Adjournment
Resolution #970812-04
MOVED BY: Jim Hevenor
Approved: September 96
di r
To , esbitt, Reeve
-6;144 j.e,e
Donna Lamoure, Acting Deputy Clerk
Village of Port Burwell
Council Meeting
September 9, 1997
7:30 p.m.
Present: Reeve Nesbitt, Councillor Hevenor, Councillor Mason, Councillor Loucks and
Councillor Bradfield
Staff: Deputy Clerk-Donna Lamoure, Building Inspector/By-Law Enforcement Officer-
Ed Roloson
Guests: Bertha Breen and Allan Spicer
1. Call Meeting to Order
2. Declaration of Conflict of Interest
Councillor Bradfield Items #lli, #lliii and #13.
3. Confirmation of Minutes
- Council Meeting dated August 12, 1997
Resolution #970909-01
MOVED BY: Ron Bradfield
SECONDED BY: Gordon Loucks
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby approves the
minutes of the August 12, 1997 Regular Council Meeting.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
4. Business arising from Minutes of meeting dated August 12, 1997
Ed Roloson stated that he had spoken with Mr. Sam Taylor with regards to the
repairs to the west side stairs. Mr. Taylor stated that he would not be able to begin
work on the stairs until mid October. Ed Roloson also stated that the materials
would be placed on the village account at the Vienna Home Centre. Council directed
that the stairs not be stained this year.
Councillor Mason asked if Ron Bradfield had been approached with regards to a price
for his benches. Ron Bradfield stated that he had not. Reeve Nesbitt directed that
Ron Bradfield prepare a price for the next Council meeting. Council decided that the
newly installed benches on the pier should be removed for the winter.
Councillor Loucks requested the status of the repairs to the rock wall. Reeve Nesbitt
stated that it was decided that the work would commence in the fall of 1997.
Councillor Mason stated that he would like to contact Steve Laemers in order to
meet him at the rock wall to inspect the situation.
5. Presentations
6. Delegations
i) Allan Spicer - User Fees - Letter Previously Circulated
Allan Spicer stated that he thought the Town of Aylmer "out of town user fees"with
regards to their recreation facilities were unfair. Reeve Nesbitt stated that he thought
that the village should directly reimburse the residents of the Village for their out of
town user fees.
Resolution #970909-12
MOVED BY: Dave Mason
SECONDED BY: Ron Bradfield
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby agrees to
reimburse the Town of Aylmer user fee to any person 18 years of age or under upon
presentation of their valid Recreation User Card.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
ii) Bertha Breen - Letter Dated September 2, 1997
Bertha Breen presented her model for the proposed Ice Cream Shop and stated that
a school portable would be used and that there would be a small addition to
accommodate washrooms. Ed Roloson stated that what Mr. & Mrs. Breen are
proposing is acceptable. Ed Roloson stated that an engineer was not required to do
the design work due to the minimal square footage, however due to the fact that the
business could expand it was advised that Mr. &Mrs. Breen obtain an engineer.
Ed Roloson stated that the property was not serviced by sewer and water. Mrs. Breen
stated that the installation would be very costly and that she thought that the village
should be responsible for the installation. Ed Roloson stated that village by-law stated
that there is to be no building moved within the village without authorization by the
Reeve Nesbitt stated that he thought that the sewer and water connection could be
addressed and that the Building Inspector and village planner would address the issue
7. Petitions
8. Communications
a) Port Burwell Library - Ontario Library Week -A16 GEN
Council proclaimed October 20 to 26, 1997 as Ontario Library Week in the
Village of Port Burwell.
b) Ontario Provincial Police - Community Policing Meeting
- September 17, 1997 7:30pm
Reeve Nesbitt directed that George Allen and Mark Thornton be informed of
the meeting.
c) Ontario Heritage Foundation -A16 GEN
Reeve Nesbitt presented a Certificate of Recognition from the Ontario
Heritage Foundation to Councillor Jim Hevenor along with a pin.
Reeve Nesbitt requested that a copy of the award be placed in the bulletin
d) Village of Port Stanley - Request for Resolution of Support -A16 GEN
Resolution #970909-13
MOVED BY: Ron Bradfield
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby
supports the resolution passed by the Village of Port Stanley on July 14,
1997 with regards to support for police services in Ontario.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
e) Ministry of the Solicitor General & Correctional Services -A16 MSG
Received & Filed.
f) Coast Guard - Minimum Safety Guidelines for Personal Watercraft
-A16 CCG
Received & Filed.
g) Beverage Recovery in Canada -A01 GEN
Received & Filed.
h) STEM---Net -A01 GEN
Council directed that the correspondence be forwarded to the president of the
Port Burwell Royal Canadian Legion.
i) Toronto Corporate Services -A01 GEN
Resolution #970909-14
MOVED BY: Ron Bradfield
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby
supports the resolution passed by the City of Toronto on July 14, 1997 with
regards to the Canada Post Corporation-New Unaddressed Materials Policy.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
9. Committee Reports
a) County
Restructuring meetings are progressing and all of the roads department
equipment, including office equipment is being disbursed. There are 12
remaining county road employees.
Reeve Nesbitt reported that the fields along County Road 42 between Baymor
Line and the Godby Line normally lose 5 feet per year to erosion. This year
100 feet was lost. County Road 42 in that area may have to be closed due
to this problem.
b) Museum Advisory Committee
-Approval of Minutes of Committee Meeting Dated July 1, 1997
Resolution 970909-06
MOVED BY: Dave Mason
SECONDED BY: Gord Loucks
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby
approves the minutes of the July 1, 1997 Museum Advisory Committee
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
Councillor Mason requested that a letter of appreciation be sent to Chuck
Buchanan and Ernie Whitney for installation of the marine lights outside of
the museum.
c) Community Policing
Notice of the meeting to be held September 17, 1997 is to be forwarded to
George Allen and John Lavers.
d) Fire Department
The Fire Chief is to be directed to forward a letter to the village requesting
that ownership of the old fire truck be transferred to the fire association.
e) Recreation Advisory Committee
Councillor Hevenor stated that payment of the remaining Tub Daze bills was
discussed at the last meeting.
Recreation Committee members will be setting up the bar as well as serving
the alcohol at the Port Burwell School Reunion.
Council directed that the Public Works Foreman trim grass along boulevard
and tidy the general area of the reunion festivities. Council also directed that
the Public Works Foreman assist with the set up of the Reunion.
f) Events Committee
No report.
g) Planning Committee
No report.
h) Otter Valley Trail & Utility Corridor Intermunicipal Committee
It was decided that motorized vehicles will be allowed on certain portions of
the trail for a probationary period. It was recommended that no motorized
vehicles be allowed on the trail from Port Burwell to the Tunnel Road. The
next meeting is to be an Open House held on Thursday October 9, 1997 at
7:00 at the Port Burwell Parish Hall.
i) Port Burwell - Tillsonburg Communities of Interest Committee
No report.
j) Transition Committee
Reeve Nesbitt reported that computer systems will be addressed soon and a
request for proposal for auditors will be circulated. Six legal firms will be
retained to address ongoing issues. Cyril Demeyere & Associates will be
retaining as all three municipalities presently use their services. Planning
consultants are to be investigated.
Lynn Boughner is being offer the position of Administrator Treasurer.
k) Lower Big Otter Remedial Project Steering Committee
-Approval of Minutes of Committee Meeting Dated July 30, 1997
Resolution 970909-07
MOVED BY: Jim Hevenor
SECONDED BY: Ron Bradfield
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby
approves the minutes of the July 30, 1997 Lower Big Otter Remedial Project
Steering Committee Meeting.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
10. Consideration of Committee Reports
11. Bylaws
i) By-Law 97-22 - Being a By-Law to authorize the Reeve and the
Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer to enter into a licence agreement with Bradcranex Inc
to operate the Black Dock area of the municipal marina.
- Letter Ron Bradfield Dated August 6, 1997
- Previously Circulated
Council directed that the by-law be re-drafted in order to amend By-Law 97-15 to
include the Black Dock.
ii) By-Law 97-26 - Being a By-Law to authorize the Reeve and the
Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer to enter into an agreement with Hydromantis, Inc.
Consulting Engineers for evaluation and modifications for the Port Burwell
Wastewater Treatment Plant.
- Previously Circulated
Ed Roloson informed Council of the benefits of the proposed work to the Sewage
Treatment Plant.
By-Law Tabled.
iii) By-Law 97-31 -Being a By-Law to authorize theActing Deputy Clerk to execute the
Assignment of Lease between Regional Cable TV Inc. and AGI Cablevision Inc. and
the Village of Port Burwell
Resolution #970909-11
MOVED BY: Jim Hevenor
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby agrees to
introduce By-Law 97-31, being a By-Law to authorize the Acting Deputy Clerk to
execute the Assignment of Lease between Regional Cable TV Inc. and AGI
Cablevision Inc. and the Village of Port Burwell
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
By-Law Read a First & Second Time
By-Law Read a Third Time & Finally Passed.
12. Review and Approval of Accounts & Cheques
Resolution #970909-06
MOVED BY: Dave Mason
SECONDED BY: Jim Hevenor
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby approves the
accounts payable as amended in the amount of$27,245.98 , the Council pay in the
amount of$1,472.00, Firemen's pay in the amount of$3,890.00 and the cheques
attached in the amount of$17,110.39.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
13. Review and Approval of Amtelecom, KanSerVU Accounts Payable and Payroll
Resolution #970909-08
MOVED BY: Gord Loucks
SECONDED BY: Jim Hevenor
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby approves the
Amtelecom accounts payable in the amount of$859.90, Kanservu accounts payable
in the amount of$60.00, the payroll in the amount of$15,414.96.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
14. Committee of the Whole
Resolution #970909-02
MOVED BY: Jim Hevenor
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby agrees to
move into Committee of the Whole.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
Resolution #970909-03
MOVED BY: Dave Mason
SECONDED BY: Jim Hevenor
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby agrees to
move out of Committee of the Whole.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
Rise & Report
Resolution #970909-16
MOVED BY: Ron Bradfield
SECONDED BY: Jim Hevenor
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell herebyy agrees to
hold a Special Meeting on Wednesday, September 10, 1997 at 4:30pm to deal with
personnel issues.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
15. New Business
Gordon Loucks - Request for Donation for Port Burwell Open Golf Tournament
Resolution #970909-05
MOVED BY: Gordon Loucks
SECONDED BY: Jim Hevenor
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby agrees to
donate $100.00 in prizes to the Port Burwell Open Golf Tournament.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
Council directed that the Option Agreement to Grant Easement and Right of Way
of the Port Burwell Harbour be forwarded to solicitor Joan Krantz-Sippel for
Resolution #970909-15
MOVED BY: Ron Bradfield
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby agrees to
purchase an advertisement in the Port Burwell Reunion Memories book in the
amount of$75.00.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
16. old Business
Councillor Hevenor enquired as to the status of the fireball renovations. Ed Roloson
stated that he will be having a meeting with a representative of Totten Sims Hubicki
on Thursday, September 11, 1997 at 2:OOpm and that further details will be known
at that time.
17. Adjournment
Resolution #970909-04
MOVED BY: Dave Mason
Approved: September 23, 1997
./ /0"
Tomesbitt Reeve
WOcana Lamoure, Acting Clerk
Village of Port Burwell
Special Council Meeting
September 10, 1997
4:30 p.m.
Present: Reeve Nesbitt, Councillor Hevenor, Councillor Mason, Councillor Loucks and
Councillor Bradfield
Staff: Deputy Clerk - Donna Lamoure, Deputy Treasurer - Suzanna Mantel, Roads
Foreman - Kevin Bradfield and Building Inspector/By-Law Enforcement Officer -
Ed Roloson
Guests: Michael Peterson - Municipal Solicitor
1. Call Meeting to Order - 4:48pm
2. Declaration of Conflict of Interest
3. Committee of the Whole
Resolution #970910-04
MOVED BY: Ron Bradfield
SECONDED BY: Jim Hevenor
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby agrees to
move into Committee of the Whole.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
Resolution #970910-05
MOVED BY: Gordon Loucks
SECONDED BY: Jim Hevenor
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby agrees to
move out of Committee of the Whole.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
Rise & Report
Resolution #970910-01
MOVED BY: Jim Hevenor
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby agrees to
introduce By-Law 97-32, being a by-law to appoint an Acting Clerk.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
By-Law Read a First &f Second Time
By-Law Read a Third Time f Finally Passed
Resolution #970910-02
MOVED BY: Ron Bradfield
SECONDED BY: Gordon Loucks
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby agrees to
introduce By-Law 97-33, being a by-law to appoint an Acting Treasurer.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
By-Law Read a First & Second Time
By-Law Read a Third Time & Finally Passed
Resolution #970910-03
MOVED BY: Gordon Loucks
SECONDED BY: Jim Hevenor
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby agrees to
introduce By-Law 97-34, being a by-law to amend by-law 95-59, being a by-law to
establish bookkeeping policies.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
By-Law Read a First fi Second Time
By-Law Read a Third.Time & Finally Passed
Resolution #970910-06
MOVED BY: Gord Loucks
SECONDED BY: Ron Bradfield
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby agrees to
move into Committee of the Whole.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
Resolution #970910-07
MOVED BY: Jim Hevenor
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby agrees to
move out of Committee of the Whole.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
4. New Business
5. Old Business
6. Adjournment
Resolution #970910-01
MOVED BY: Jim Hevenor
Approved.: sept er 23, 1 7
,Z /Z1( I I: 071—
Tom Ne itt, Reeve
Donna L> oure, Acting Clerk
Village of Port Burwell
Council Meeting
September 23, 1997
7:30 p.m.
Present: Reeve Nesbitt, Councillor Hevenor, Councillor Mason and Councillor Bradfield
Staff: Deputy Clerk - Donna Lamoure and Building Inspector/By-Law Enforcement
Officer - Ed Roloson
Regrets: Councillor Loucks
Guests: Allan Spicer - Harbour Lights and Bertha Breen
1. Call Meeting to Order
2. Declaration of Conflict of Interest
Councillor Bradfield item #11i, item #4 September 9, 1997 minutes
3. Confirmation of Minutes
i) - Regular Council Meeting dated September 9, 1997
Resolution #970923-01
MOVED BY: Jim Hevenor
SECONDED BY: Ron Bradfield
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby approves the
minutes of the September 9, 1997 Regular Council Meeting as amended.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
ii) - Special Council Meeting dated September 10, 1997
Resolution #970923-06
MOVED BY: Dave Mason
SECONDED BY: Jim Hevenor
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby approves the
minutes of the September 10, 1997 Special Council Meeting.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
4. Business arising from Minutes of meetings dated September 9 & 10, 1997
Item #4 September 9, 1997 minutes - Ron Bradfield stated that he would sell two
park benches to the village for$45.00 each. Council directed that the benches be
purchased from the beautification budget. Council further directed that the Public
Works Foreman be instructed to install the benches at Memorial Park.
5. Presentations
Ed Roloson - Building Inspector/By-Law Enforcement Officer
re: Site Plan for Rick & Bertha Breen - 40 Robinson
Ed Roloson gave an overview of the report received from John Henricks of Aquafor
Beech with regards to the site plan for Rick and Bertha Breen. Ed Roloson stated
that there were three options in the report being to sever the lot, re-zone or obtain a
minor variance. Bertha Breen stated that they had obtained a professional opinion
recommending that they proceed with a severance. Mrs. Breen expressed concern for
the amount of time that the severance process would take and stated that the Board
of Education had already been requesting removal of the building. Council directed
that Ed Roloson prepare a letter to Peter Taylor of the Elgin County Board of
Education, stating that the building would not be able to be moved until such time
that the severance process is complete.
Mrs. Breen requested that Council consent to the provision of water and sewer
services to the property. Council stated that no decision would be made with regards
to this matter until the estimated costs for the hook up had been reviewed.
6. Delegations
7. Petitions
8. Communications
a) County of Elgin - Elgin County Land Division Committee -A16 CTY
Resolution #970923-15
MOVED BY: Dave Mason
SECONDED BY: Ron Bradfield
WHEREAS the Elgin County Land Division Committee requires
nominations for a committee member; and,
WHEREAS Allan Spicer has served one term of council and has served for
four years on the Port Burwell Committee of Adjustments.
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby
nominates Allan Spicer to fill the vacant position on the Elgin County Land
Division Committee.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
b) City of Thunder Bay - Request for Resolution of Support - C10
Received & Filed
c) Government Grants & Loans Information - A0l GEN
Received & Filed
d) Industry Canada -A16 GEN
Received & Filed
e) Port Burwell Community Child Care - S01 COMM
Received & Filed
f) Take our Kids to Work 1997 - A01 GEN
Received & Filed
g) Ministry of the Solicitor General & Correctional Services - A16 MSG
Received & Filed
h) Ministry of Health -A16 MOH
Received & Filed
i) Genest Murray DesBrisay Lamek - Legislative Update
Received & Filed
9. Committee Reports
a) County
Reeve Nesbitt stated that the eroding section of County Road #42 would not
be closed and that an expenditure of$50,000.00 to put in filter cloth and
straw had been approved. Some crane work will also take place in order to
correct slope.
The Central Elgin administrative offices will be moving to the County
A set of 50 tonne scales, 50 tonne float, lockers, bull dozer and water pump
were obtained for the new municipality from the County Roads Department.
b) Museum Advisory Committee
Councillor Mason stated that Ted Eagleton and David James had completed
the installation of the safety barriers. Councillor Mason requested that letters
of appreciation be sent to Ted Eagleton and David James for their work.
Councillor Mason informed Council that he felt that boards should be laid
across beams the in the lighthouse in order that the Roads Foreman can more
safely replace the light bulbs.
c) Community Policing
No report.
d) Fire Department
No report.
e) Recreation Advisory Committee
No figures with regards to the bar sales at the Port Burwell Public School
Reunion have been received as of yet.
Council directed that a letter be sent to the Port Burwell Public School
Reunion Committee congratulating them on their efforts on behalf of the
residents and the council for bringing the students back to the village.
f) Events Committee
Councillor Mason requested Council's interest in the presentation of the
second annual Haunted Lighthouse. It was decided that a Haunted
Lighthouse would be organized again this year.
g) Planning Committee
No report.
h) Otter Valley Trail & Utility Corridor Intermunicipal Committee
Open House is to be held on October 9, 1997 at 7:00pm at the Parish Hall.
i) Port Burwell - Tillsonburg Communities of Interest Committee
No report
j) Transition Committee
Reeve Nesbitt stated that the committee had discussed all staff
recommendations for the new municipality.
k) Lower Big Otter Remedial Project Steering Committee
No report
1) Municipal Key Indicators
i) Financial Reporting - Received & Filed
ii) Lottery Licencing Report - Received & Filed
iii) Buy A Brick Report - Received & Filed
iv) Fire Extinguisher Inspections - August 1997 - Received & Filed
v) By-Law Enforcement Report - Received & Filed
vi) Building Inspection Report - Received & Filed
vii) Sewage Treatment Flows Report - Received & Filed
viii) Municipal Water Consumption Analysis - Received & Filed
10. Consideration of Committee Reports
11. Bylaws
i) By-Law 97-22 - Being a By-Law to amend By-Law 97-15, being a by-law to
authorize the Reeve and the Acting Clerk to enter into a license agreement to operate
a marina.
Resolution #970923-09
MOVED BY: Jim Hevenor
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby agrees to
introduce By-Law 97-22, being a By-Law to amend By-Law 97-15, being a by-law
to authorize the Reeve and the Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer to enter into a license
agreement to operate a marina.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
By-Law Read a First & Second Time.
By-Law Read a Third Time &f Finally Passed.
ii) By-Law 97-26 - Being a By-Law to authorize the Reeve and the
Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer to enter into an agreement with Hydromantis, Inc.
Consulting Engineers for evaluation and modifications for the Port Burwell
Wastewater Treatment Plant.
- Previously Circulated &Tabled
Ed Roloson stated that further investigation would be required prior to making his
iii) By-Law 97-35 - Being a by-law to amend by-law 95-20 being a by-law to establish
a procedure governing the sale of real property.
Resolution #970923-07
MOVED BY:Jim Hevenor
SECONDED BY: Ron Bradfield
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby agrees to
introduce By-Law 97-36, beinga by-law to amend
establish a procedure governing the sale of real ro by-law 95-20 being a by-law to
p per'•
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
By-Law Read a First & Second Time.
By-Law Read a Third Time & Finally Passed.
Resolution #97092341
MOVED BY: Ron Bradfield
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby declares the
vacant lands at the corner of County Roads 42 &39, being Plan 12, Part Lot 11,
being 1.36 acres in size as surplus lands.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
Resolution #970923-12
MOVED BY:Jim Hevenor
WHEREAS the Council of the Village of Port Burwell has declared the lands
located at the corner of County Roads 42 &39, being Plan 12, Part Lot 11, being
1.36 acres in size as being surplus lands; and,
WHEREAS the Council of the Village of Port Burwell has decided to sell these
THEREFORE the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby directs the Acting
Clerk to undertake the real estate option according to Schedule "A" of By-Law 95-
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
iv) By-Law 97-36 - Being a by-law to establish rates of remuneration for the Acting
Clerk and Acting Treasurer
Resolution #970923-08
MOVED BY: Ron Bradfield
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby agrees to
introduce By-Law 97-36, being a by-law to establish rates of remuneration for the
Acting Clerk and Acting Treasurer
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
By-Law Read, a First & Second.Time.
By-Law Read. a Third.Time & Finally Passed.
12. Review and Approval of Accounts & Cheques
Resolution #970923-05
MOVED BY: Dave Mason
SECONDED BY: Jim Hevenor
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby approves the
accounts payable as amended in the amount of$27,187.04, the government payables
in the amount of$82,712.25, the cheques attached in the amount of$5,334.64 and
the financial reporting for the month of July, 1997.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
13. Committee of the Whole
14. New Business
Resolution #970923-14
MOVED BY: Dave Mason
SECONDED BY: Jim Hevenor
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby agrees to
donate $35.00 to the Port Burwell Royal Canadian Legion for the Annual Poppy
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
Dave Mason stated that he had attended an end of season SWOTA meeting with
regards to the summer students.
Councillor Mason requested a costing for the operation of the municipal offices.
Councillor Hevenor asked if the Roads Foreman could investigate the drain by Ed
Croxford's house. Council directed that the Roads Foreman and the Building
Inspector are to investigate the most cost effective way of improving the situation and
provide a report to Council. Reeve Nesbitt stated that he would call each councillor
for approval of the expenditure.
Councillor Mason requested that cement blocks be placed at the wash out at base of
pier. Council directed that Kevin Bradfield contact Steve Laemers Trucking and
instruct him to deliver cement block and place them at the wash out at the base of the
15. Old Business
Reimbursement of costs for flowers to Port Burwell Bayham Horticultural Society
Resolution #970923-13
MOVED BY: Jim Hevenor
SECONDED BY: Ron Bradfield
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby agrees to
reimburse the Port Burwell Bayham Horticultural Society the cost of flowers for the
village planter boxes in the amount of$389.57.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
Donna Lamoure informed council that Murray Alward offered to maintain the flower
bed at the bottom of the beach hill.
Donna Lamoure is to request information from the Acting Treasurer with regards to
the status of the infrastructure grant for the east beach washrooms.
16. Adjournment
Resolution #970923-04
MOVED BY: Jim Hevenor
Approved: October 14, 199
, y
Tom Nesbitt, 'eve
Donna Lamoure, Acting Clerk
Village of Port Burwell
Council Meeting I 0
October 14, 1997
7:30 p.m.
Present: Reeve Nesbitt, Councillor Hevenor, Councillor Mason, Councillor Loucks and
Councillor Bradfield
Staff: Acting Clerk-Donna Lamoure and Building Inspector/By-Law Enforcement Officer
- Ed Roloson
Guests: Constable Harwood - Ontario Provincial Police, Detachment Commander Stephens
- Ontario Provincial Police, Allan Spicer - Harbour Lights and George Allin
1. Call Meeting to Order
2. Declaration of Conflict of Interest
Councillor Bradfield Item #13 & Item #15iii)
Councillor Loucks Item #15ii)
3. Confirmation of Minutes
i) - Regular Council Meeting dated September 23, 1997
Resolution #971014-01
MOVED BY: Ron Bradfield
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby approves the
minutes of the September 23, 1997 Regular Council Meeting.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
4. Business arising from Minutes of meeting dated September 23, 1997
Councillor Hevenor requested the status of Mr. & Mrs. Breen's application for
severance. Donna Lamoure replied that the application would be heard on October
16, 1997.
Councillor Mason requested that Kevin Bradfield improve appearance of the general
area of the east pier rather than have Steve Laemers Trucking place cement blocks
in this area as directed at the September 23, 1997 Council Meeting.
Dave Mason informed Council members that there would be no Haunted Lighthouse
this year. Councillor Mason also informed Council that the Parish Hall and Our
Place Restaurant would be hosting children's Halloween activities.
5. Presentations
Ed Roloson stated that he had reviewed the proposal by Hydromantis for upgrades to
the Sewage Treatment Plant and his recommendation was that the upgrades were not
necessary at the present time, unless Vienna was to tie into the system.
6. Delegations
Dennis Harwood, Constable - Ontario Provincial Police
John Stephens, Detachment Commander - Ontario Provincial Police
Constable Harwood and Detachment Commander Stephens provided an informative
presentation with regards to the preliminary estimates for 1998. Council was
informed that with the new revisions to the Police Services Act all municipalities are
now required to pay for their own police services. The municipal costing formula was
also reviewed.
Reeve Nesbitt thanked Constable Harwood and Detachment Commander Stephens
for their enlightening presentation and for their time.
7. Petitions
8. Communications
a) Henry Valks - Port Burwell Provincial Park - A16 MNR
- Letters dated August 8 & October 9, 1997
Council directed that the Building Inspector obtain estimates for paving
between Chatham Street and the Provincial Park entrance from Berdan
Paving, Peters Paving and ALW Paving.
b) Ministry of Transportation - Connecting Link -A16 MTO
Received & Filed
c) Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement -A01 GEN
Received & Filed
d) Ontario Healthy Communities Coalition - A10 GEN
Received & Filed
e) Ontario Federation of Agriculture - A16 OFA
Received & Filed
f) Canadian Olympic Association - P09 GEN
Received & Filed
Received & Filed
h) Ross Huntley - Letter dated October 10, 1997
Quotations are to be obtained in order to consider paving the street between
Chatham and the Provincial Park entrance.
i) Official Opposition - National Unity - A16 GEN
Received & Filed
j) The Order of Ontario
Tabled until the October 28, 1997 meeting
k) Ministry of Economic Development, Trade and Tourism -A16 MEDT
Received & Filed
1) Ministry of Municipal Affairs & Housing - User Fees - A16 MMA
Received & Filed
m) County of Elgin -A16 CTY
Received & Filed
9. Committee Reports
a) County
Reeve Nesbitt stated that the works to prevent erosion on County Road #42
were to be completed by October 10, 1997.
Councillor Bradfield enquired as to the replacement of the Village of Port
Burwell sign at the north east entrance. Reeve Nesbitt stated that he had
enquired with regards to this and that he would again approach Fred Groch
of the County Roads Department.
The next County Transition meeting is to be next Tuesday, October 21,
b) Museum Advisory Committee
- Approval of Minutes of Committee Meeting Dated September 2, 1997
Resolution 971014-08
MOVED BY: Dave Mason
SECONDED BY: Ron Bradfield
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby
approves the minutes of the September 2, 1997 Museum Advisory
Committee Meeting.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
1997 Final Summer Report -James Peterson - Received & Filed
Councillor Mason stated that the museum advisory committee had considered
renting the shed beside the lighthouse to an individual for a retail outlet.
Councillor Mason stated that the installation of a marine light tower at the
north west corner of the museum parking lot was being considered.
c) Community Policing
No report
d) Fire Department
Councillor Hevenor informed council that the Fire Chief would like to
consult council with regards to the renovations of the Fire Hall. Reeve
Nesbitt stated that whatever was necessary to bring the building to code would
be done.
e) Recreation Advisory Committee
The bar proceeds from the Port Burwell School Reunion were $1,100. A
30% donation will be made by the Rec Society to the Reunion Committee.
f) Events Committee
The Santa Claus parade will be held on December 6, 1997. The parade will
be a night parade once again this year.
g) Planning Committee
No report
h) Otter Valley Trail & Utility Corridor Intermunicipal Committee
The final public meeting was held on Thursday, October 9, 1997. The total
cost over a 10 year period could be as high as $1.8 million. The cost as
presented would be if the work was completed by contractors and could be
much less considering volunteer work. The project is to be completed in
seven phases. Over the ten years it is estimated that there will be an economic
impact of over$18 million.
i) Transition Committee
One new County Roads employee is to be hired for the new municipality.
j) Lower Big Otter Remedial Project Steering Committee
No report
k) Municipal Key Indicators
i) Financial Reporting - August, 1997 - Received & Filed
10. Consideration of Committee Reports
11. Bylaws
i) By-Law 97-37 - Being a by-law to appoint a Building Inspector and a Plumbing
Resolution #971014-09
MOVED BY: Dave Mason
SECONDED BY: Jim Hevenor
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby agrees to
introduce By-Law 97-37, being a by-law to appoint a Building Inspector and a
Plumbing Inspector.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
By-Law Read a First & Second Time.
By-Law Read a Third Time & Finally Passed.
ii) By-Law 97-26 - Being a By-Law to authorize the Reeve and the
Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer to enter into an agreement with Hydromantis, Inc.
Consulting Engineers for evaluation and modifications for the Port Burwell
Wastewater Treatment Plant.
- Previously Circulated &Tabled
Considering the recommendations provided by the Building Inspector/By-Law
Enforcement Officer E. Roloson council decided not to further consider the
modifications to the Sewage Treatment Plant.
12. Review and Approval of Accounts & Cheques
Resolution #971014-05
MOVED BY: Gordon Loucks
SECONDED BY: Jim Hevenor
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby approves the
accounts payable as amended in the amount of$71,797.23, , the Council pay in the
amount of $1,975.25, and the cheques attached in the amount of $535.00, less
amount owning to OCWA$27,342.63 and ProMow Lawn Services in the amount
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
13. Review and Approval of Amtelecom, Kanservu & Payroll
Resolution #971014-06
MOVED BY: Jim Hevenor
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby approves the
Amtelecom accounts payable in the amount of$850.01, Kanservu accounts payable
in the amount of$53.45 and the payroll for the month of September, 1997 in the
amount of$11,367.40.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
14. Committee of the Whole
Resolution #971014-02
MOVED BY: Dave Mason
SECONDED BY: Jim Hevenor
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby agrees to
move into Committee of the Whole.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
Resolution #971014-03
MOVED BY: Jim Hevenor
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby agrees to
move out of Committee of the Whole.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
15. New Business
i) Rescheduling of November 11, 1997 Regular Council Meeting
Resolution #971014-07
MOVED BY: Gord Loucks
SECONDED BY: Jim Hevenor
WHEREASthe first regular council meeting for the month of November falls on
Remembrance Day; and,
WHEREAS the Council of the Village of Port Burwell deems it necessary to
reschedule the said meeting.
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby agrees to
reschedule the Tuesday, November 11, 1997 Regular Council Meeting to
Wednesday, November 12, 1997.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
ii) Councillor Mason requested that some works be completed on the east beach
washrooms. Gordon Loucks is to provide a price.
iii) Resolution #971014-10
MOVED BY: Dave Mason
SECONDED BY: Jim Hevenor
BE IT RESOLVED the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby provides
permission for Madeline Stewart, to install a storm water drain from the downpipe
of 27 Wellington Street to the nearest municipal storm sewer.
Council hereby further agrees that the works are to be completed at the expense of the
property owner Madeline Stewart.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
iv) Council discussed planting English Ivey on the retaining wall under the bridge.
Councillor Hevenor is to obtain the ivey and form a work party in order to plant the
v) Council was informed that Talisman Energy has purchased Pembina Explorations.
16. Old Business
i) Scott, Krantz-Sippel & Brander - Option Agreement to Grant Easement and Right
of Way to Pembina Exploration Ltd.
Council directed that Joan Krantz-Sippel be contacted and instructed to amend the
agreement according to her recommendations. Council also requested that she
include a clause in the agreement which states that the pipe must be removed should
the site be abandoned.
17. Adjournment
Resolution #971014-04
MOVED BY: Jim Hevenor
Approve . October 9, 1.97
Tom esbitt, Reeve
Donna Lamoure, Acting Clerk
Village of Port Burwell
Council Meeting
October 29, 1997
7:30 p.m.
Present: Reeve Nesbitt, Councillor Hevenor, Councillor Mason, Councillor Bradfield and
Councillor Loucks
Staff: Donna Lamoure -Acting Clerk, Kevin Bradfield - Public Works Foreman
Guests: Phyl Pressey - Ontario Clean Water Agency
1. Call Meeting to Order
2. Declaration of Conflict of Interest
Councillor Bradfield Item #13.
3. Confirmation of Minutes
i) - Regular Council Meeting dated October 14, 1997
Resolution #971029-01
MOVED BY: Dave Mason
SECONDED BY: Jim Hevenor
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby approves the
minutes of the October 14, 1997 Regular Council Meeting.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
4. Business arising from Minutes of meeting dated October 14, 1997
Kevin Bradfield stated that he had met with ALW Paving with regards to the Libbye
Street repaving. He informed Council that along with the representative from ALW
it had been decided that two half culverts and one full culvert would be installed in
order to solve the drainage problem at the bottom of the ravine at the park entrance.
Kevin Bradfield also informed Council that the Provincial Park would be paying for
the three culverts to be installed.
Resolution #971029-11
MOVED BY: Dave Mason
SECONDED BY: Jim Hevenor
WHEREAS the Port Burwell Provincial Park has offered to partially fund the paving
of Libbye Avenue in the amount of$12,000.00 as well as provide new culvert pipes
as required.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell
hereby agrees to engage the services of ALW Paving Co. Ltd. to pave 6 meters x 217
meters of Libbye Avenue as per their quotation dated October 18, 1997 in the
amount of$17,655.00 including GST.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
Councillor Mason requested asked Gord Loucks if he had prepared a quotation with
regards to the east beach washrooms. Gord Loucks stated that he would provide the
quote as soon as possible.
5. Presentations
6. Delegations
Phyl Pressey - Ontario Clean Water Agency
Memo dated October 22, 1997 S. Mantel - Previously Circulated
Council and Mr. Pressey discussed the dispute with regards to the installation of the
new comminuter. Phyl Pressey informed Council that the new Comminuter would
handle a potential plant expansion should Vienna be connected to the Port Burwell
Sewage Treatment Plant.
Mr. Pressey also acknowledged that Ontario Clean Water Agency had made some
errors in their billing and that these errors would be corrected.
7. Petitions
8. Communications
a) Prime Minister of Canada - COO FEDL
Received & Filed
b) Ministry of Municipal Affairs & Housing -A16 MMA
Received & Filed
c) Elgin St. Thomas Health Unit -A16 ESHU
Received & Filed
d) Ministry of Municipal Affairs - Education Voting Rights Act -A16 MMA
Received & Filed
e) City of Stratford -A16 GEN
Received & Filed
f) Heritage Tree Committee of the St. Thomas Field Naturalists Club
Council was in favour of the Heritage Tree Committee of the St. Thomas
Field Naturalists Club designating heritage trees within the village.
g) Department of Justice - Canadian Firearms Centre - A16 GEN
Received & Filed
h) Ministry of Natural Resources - A16 MNR
Received & Filed
i) Recycling Council of Ontario - Wast Reduction Week
Received & Filed
j) Order of Ontario - A16 GEN
Council directed that the form be completed nominating Fred Bodsworth for
the Order of Ontario Award.
9. Committee Reports
a) County
Reeve Nesbitt reported that Matt Schaffer was appointed to the County Land
Division Committee.
Reeve Nesbitt informed Council that the County Road 42 rehabilitation had
been completed at a cost of$25,000.00.
It was reported that the County Transition meetings are going well.
b) Museum Advisory Committee
Linda Millard has been invited to present her museum report to the Port
Burwell Museum Advisory Committee at the November 4, 1997 Museum
Advisory Committee Meeting.
Councillor Mason reported that the model of the Ashtabula had been
Councillor Mason informed Council that the Lighthouse will not be painted
this year. Councillor Mason requested that Kevin Bradfield measure the
windows that are leaking in the lighthouse in order to have replacement
windows ordered.
Dave Mason reported that he had spoken with Lynn Buchner the
Administrator of the new municipality with regards to council representation
on local committees. Councillor Mason stated that he had told Ms. Buchner
that it was his opinion that Council representation on local Committees and
Boards was essential. This matter will be further discussed by the new council
of the new municipality.
c) Community Policing
Reeve Nesbitt stated that he would be driving around the village on Halloween
monitoring vandalism. Councillor Hevenor, Bradfield, Mason and Loucks
will also be helping.
d) Fire Department
- Application for Volunteer Firefighter
Resolution #971029-08
MOVED BY: Jim Hevenor
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby
approves the appointment of Mr. Bill Babcock to the Port Burwell Volunteer
Fire Department upon the recommendation of Fire Chief Tom Millard.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
Reeve Nesbitt stated that he, as well as Tom Millard, Paul Vyse, Councillor
Bradfield and Councillor Hevenor had met with Chris Pickard, the engineer
from Totten, Sims, Hubicki and Associates with regards to an addendum to
the fireball renovation tender package. Mr. Pickard advised those at the
meeting of the changes that could be made to the tender and that he would
prepare an addendum to the tender. It was decided that prior to opening the
tenders a meeting with Eleanor Castle of the Ministry of Labour would be
requested in order to ensure that the provisions contained within the
addendum would be permitted.
e) Recreation Advisory Committee
The next meeting is to be held October 29, 1997.
Councillor Hevenor stated that the tractor that the committee is raffling had
been winterized. It was suggested that the tractor be moved into the public
works yard until a storage facility is found
f) Events Committee
The next meeting is to be held November 5, 1997
g) Planning Committee
No Report.
h) Otter Valley Trail & Utility Corridor Intermunicipal Committee
The next meeting is to be held on October 30, 1997 at 2:00pm at the
Tillsonburg Town Offices.
i) Transition Committee
The Museum report was presented to the Transition Committee by Linda
Millard. Linda Millard was directed to present the report to the Port Burwell
Museum Advisory Committee in order to obtain their comments before
presenting the report to the Transition Committee again.
j) Lower Big Otter Remedial Project Steering Committee
The next meeting will be November 6, 1997 at 1:30pm at the Tillsonburg
Town Offices.
10. Consideration of Committee Reports
No report.
11. Bylaws
i) By-Law 97-38 - Being a by-law authorizing the Corporation of the Village of Port
Burwell to enter into two (2) Option Agreements to grant an easement and right-of-
way with Pembina Exploration Limited across lands of the former Canadian Pacific
(Port Burwell Subdivision) Railway right-of-way known as the Otter Valley Utility
Corridor and Recreation Trail.
- Letter Dated September 29, 1997 from Dale Norman to Fran Bell
- Memo Dated October 3, 1997 from Fran Bell to Town of Tillsonburg Council
Resolution #971028-07
MOVED BY: Ron Bradfield
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby agrees to
introduce By-Law 97-38- Being a by-law authorizing the Corporation of the Village
of Port Burwell to enter into two (2) Option Agreements to grant an easement and
right-of-way with Pembina Exploration Limited across lands of the former Canadian
Pacific (Port Burwell Subdivision) Railway right-of-way known as the Otter Valley
Utility Corridor and Recreation Trail.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
By-Law Read a First & Second.Time.
By-Law Read a Third Time & Finally Passed.
12. Review and Approval of Accounts & Cheques
Resolution #971029-05
MOVED BY: Jim Hevenor
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby approves the
accounts payable as amended in the amount of$12,472.96, Ontario Clean Water
Agency payables in the amount of$27,342.00, ProMow payables in the amount of
$4,066.00 and the cheques attached in the amount of$486.53.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
13. Review and Approval of Kanservu Account
Resolution #971029-06
MOVED BY: Jim Hevenor
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby approves the
Kanservu accounts payable in the amount of$54.52.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
14. Committee of the Whole
Resolution #971029-02
MOVED BY: Dave Mason
SECONDED BY: Jim Hevenor
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby agrees to
move into Committee of the Whole.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
Resolution #971029-03
MOVED BY: Jim Hevenor
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby agrees to
move out of Committee of the Whole.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
15. New Business
Memo S. Mantel Dated October 22, 1997 re: Outstanding Water/Sewer Accounts
Resolution #971029-10
MOVED BY: Ron Bradfield
SECONDED BY: Jim Hevenor
WHEREASthe said water/sewer accounts are not able to be collected.
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby agrees to
write-off the water\sewer arrears from 1994 for 21 Erieus Street in the amount of
$76.65 and Unit #7, Grace Court in the amount of$33.00.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
Council discussed the matter of water/sewer charges for the lower units of 21 Brock
Street. It was decided that the building would be charged for water/sewer services
according to nine units rather than 18 units.
Resolution #971029-10
MOVED BY: Jim Hevenor
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby agrees to
write-off the water\sewer charges for the nine lower units of 21 Brock Street in the
amount of$12,686.39 including penalties and interest.
Council further agrees that no additional charges for water/sewer will be levied upon
the nine lower units of 21 Brock Street. Charges will be levied for water/sewer
services based upon usage for nine units at 21 Brock Street only.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
Council directed that the loose stones at parkette are to be repaired by Kevin
Councillor Mason requested that the roadway at the bottom of Robinson Street to
the East Beach parking lot be repaired.
Councillor Mason indicated a drainage problem at the south end of Elizabeth Street.
Council directed that Kevin Bradfield obtain the services of Steve Laemers to correct
the problem.
16. Old Business
It was decided that the tenders for the Fire Hall Renovation Project would not be
opened until the representative from the Ministry of Labour is contacted with regards
to the addendum to the fire hall renovation tender package.
The request from Bertha Breen with regards to the water/sewer connection was tabled
pending consultation with the Building Inspector.
Reeve Nesbitt informed Council that he had spoken with Dwayne Blanchard of the
Department of Fisheries and Oceans with regards to the letter dated October 14,
1997 that was sent to him with concerning the harbour divestiture. It was decided
that Dwayne Blanchard would be contacted in order to request his attendance at the
November 12, 1997 Council Meeting to further discuss matters.
A letter is to be sent to Gordon Craig with regards to the collection of harbour fees.
17. Adjournment
Resolution #971029-04
MOVED BY: Jim Hevenor
Approved: November 12, 199
ie)t, / ,/I ,(
Tom Nesb' t, Reeve
L1 (t
Donna I;amoure, Acting Clerk
Village of Port Burwell
Council Meeting
November 12, 1997
7:30 p.m.
Present: Reeve Nesbitt, Councillor Hevenor, Councillor Mason, Councillor Bradfield and
Councillor Loucks
Staff: Donna Lamoure - Acting Clerk, Kevin Bradfield - Public Works Foreman
Guests: Tom Millard - Fire Chief and Glen Perry - Firefighter
1. Call Meeting to Order
2. Declaration of Conflict of Interest
Councillor Bradfield Item #13
3. Confirmation of Minutes
• i) - Regular Council Meeting dated October 29, 1997
Resolution #971112-01
MOVED BY: Ron Bradfield
SECONDED BY: Jim Hevenor
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby approves the
minutes of the October 29, 1997 Regular Council Meeting.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
4. Business arising from Minutes of meeting dated October 29, 1997
Public Works Foreman Kevin Bradfield stated that inspections had been completed
with regards to the proposed new Libbeye Street drainage. Council was informed that
the new culvert pipe is to be delivered Thursday November 13, 1997. Drainage
works and road pulverization are to begin November 17, 1997.
Councillor Mason requested information with regards to a map of the trees within the
village that have been designated heritage trees. Donna Lamoure stated that she had
been informed that the maps indicating the tree locations would not be available until
early next year.
Gord Loucks stated that he would start work on the east beach washrooms as his
earliest convenience.
Councillor Mason stated that the lighthouse is in need of five new windows. The
price of the windows will be$385.94 including tax. Councillor Mason stated that the
Historical Society would pay for the installation of the windows in the spring if
Council would purchase the windows.
Resolution #971112-08
MOVED BY: Dave Mason
SECONDED BY: Ron Bradfield
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby agrees to
purchase five windows for the lighthouse from Heimstra Woodworking for$385.94
including tax.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
Kevin Bradfield requested Council's position on removing the spruce tree located at
40 Robinson Street. Councillor Mason stated that he would like to see the tree
moved to Memorial Park or the southwest corner of the Museum Parking Lot.
Council decided that the tree should be placed at the southwest corner of the Museum
Parking Lot.
Kevin Bradfield requested the status of the various cement work in the Village. Gord
Loucks replied that the works will commence during the week of November 17,
Council agreed to allow Kevin Bradfield to hire Mark Thornton as a casual labourer
to assist in moving picnic tables and in installing the drain on Libbeye Avenue.
5. Presentations
6. Delegations
Robert Christoph - Final Inspection 36 Robinson Street - Not Present
7. Petitions
8. Communications
a) Port Burwell Firefighter's Association - Al6 FIRE
Fire Chief Tom Millard stated that the Firefighter's Association would like
to assume ownership of the antique firetruck. Chief Millard informed
Council that the firetruck has been owned by the village for 33 years. Reeve
Nesbitt stated that his concern would be obtaining insurance for the firetruck.
Chief Millard stated that once ownership was assumed the Firefighters
Association would then purchase insurance on the vehicle.
Donna Lamoure is to call the Ministry of Transportation Licence Office and
request the information with regards to the proper process for transferring
ownership of the firetruck. Councillor Loucks requested that it be stated that
the firetruck would not be able to be sold after being donated to the
Firefighter's Association.
Donna Lamoure is to check to see if there are standard fire service pins
available in order to present some of the firefighters with commemorative pins
for their years of service.
b) Ministry of Natural Resources - A16 MNR.
Received & Filed.
c) Long Point Region Conservation Authority - A16 LPRCA
Received & Filed.
d) Long Point Region Conservation Authority -A16 LPRCA
Received & Filed.
e) Ministry of Community & Social Service - A16 MCSS
Received & Filed.
f) Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs -A16 MAGF
Received & Filed.
g) Town of Pickering - A16 GEN
Received & Filed.
9. Committee Reports
a) County
Reeve Nesbitt stated that the County will be holding two more meetings and
the swearing in of the new Council will take place on December 9, 1997. The
new County Council will consist of nine officials.
The Administrative Offices for the Municipality of Central Elgin are now
located at the County Building.
b) Museum Advisory Committee
Approval of Minutes of Committee Meeting dated October 7, 1997
Resolution #971112-07
MOVED BY: Jim Hevenor
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby
approves the October 7, 1997 minutes of the Museum Advisory Committee.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
The Lighting of the Lighthouse will take place after the Santa Claus Parade
on December 6, 1997.
Dave Mason presented the Museum Advisory Committee's response to Linda
Millard's report to the Transition Board with regards to the Museum.
c) Community Policing
Reeve Nesbitt stated that he would like to thank everyone for their support in
patrolling Halloween night.
d) Fire Department
No report.
e) Recreation Advisory Committee
Councillor Hevenor stated that there was supposed to be a meeting November
11, 1997 and that it has been canceled.
The theme for the 1997 Santa Claus Parade is Christmas by the Beach.
f) Events Committee
The Santa Claus Parade will be held December 6, 1997 at 6:30pm. The
band will be the Woodstock Sea Cadets. A letter is to be circulated to the
persons who participated last year.
Councillor Mason presented a letter from SWOTA with regards to events in
1998. It was decided that the form would be completed indicating dated of
the Canada Day Events, the Canoe Challenge and Tub Daze Events.
g) Planning Committee
No report.
h) Otter Valley Trail & Utility Corridor Intermunicipal Committee
The next meeting is to be held on November 20, 1997 at 2:00pm at the
Tillsonburg Town Offices.
i) Transition Committee
Reeve Nesbitt stated that at the last meeting there were presentations from
auditors and insurance companies. The next meeting is to be held on
November 17, 1997.
j) Lower Big Otter Remedial Project Steering Committee
The budget application to be submitted to the Great Lakes Clean Up Fund
in the amount of$27,000 was reviewed.
k) Municipal Key Indicators
i) Financial Reporting - Received & Filed.
ii) Lottery Licencing Report - Received & Filed.
iii) Buy A Brick Report - Received & Filed.
iv) Fire Extinguisher Inspections - Received & Filed.
v) By-Law Enforcement Report - Received & Filed.
vi) Building Inspection Report - Received & Filed.
vii) Sewage Treatment Flows Report - Received & Filed.
viii) Municipal Water Consumption Analysis - Received & Filed.
10. Consideration of Committee Reports
No report.
11. Bylaws
i) Consideration of Proposed Pembina Option Agreement
Council reviewed the proposed easement agreement and directed that a by-law
permitting the agreement be formulated for consideration at the November 25, 1997
Council meeting.
12. Review and Approval of Accounts Payable
Resolution #971112-05
MOVED BY: Dave Mason
SECONDED BY: Jim Hevenor
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby approves the
accounts payable as amended in the amount of$26,787.24 and the Council pay in
the amount of$1,721.46.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
13. Review and Approval of Payroll &Amtelecom Accounts Payable
Resolution #971112-06
MOVED BY: Jim Hevenor
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby approves the
Amtelecom accounts payable in the amount of $656.22, and the payroll for the
month of October, 1997 in the amount of$15,534.18.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
14. Committee of the Whole
Resolution #971112-02
MOVED BY: Dave Mason
SECONDED BY: Ron Bradfield
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby agrees to
move into Committee of the Whole.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
Resolution #971112-03
MOVED BY: Gord Loucks
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby agrees to
move out of Committee of the Whole.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
15. New Business
i) Councillor Loucks asked if there were remaining funds for street lighting. He
stated that two street lights could be placed at the parish hall and one south
of the parish hall. Donna Lamoure is to ask Acting Treasurer Suzanna
Mantel if there are funds available. If there are funds two lights for the
previously mentioned locations are to be purchased.
ii) Councillor Loucks stated that a ramp is being built at the Post Office and
that a Minor Variance was not obtained. Reeve Nesbitt replied that a
telephone poll had been conducted and that a majority of Council had agreed
to allow the works to proceed.
Resolution #971112-09
MOVED BY: Dave Mason
SECONDED BY: Jim Hevenor
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby
agrees to allow a 20 inch encroachment for 27 Wellington Street to allow for
a wheelchair accessibility ramp to be installed, built to the specifications of
the Building Code and to the approval of the Chief Building Official.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
16. Old Business
i) Councillor Hevenor requested the status on the building permit for the Breen
property on Robinson Street. Reeve Nesbitt stated that the site plan
agreement is being drafted by John Henricks of Aquafor Beech.
ii) Resolution #971112-10
MOVED BY: Dave Mason
SECONDED BY: Ron Bradfield
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby
agrees to supply the water\sewer connection to the property line of 40
Robinson Street.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
iii) Ron Bradfield stated that the docks had been removed and that he would like
Ls $1,000.00 deposit reimbursed. Council stated that the docks had to be
inspected prior to reimbursing the$1,000.00.
17. Adjournment
Resolution #971112-04
MOVED BY: Jim Hevenor
Approved: November 25, 1997
Tom Ne itt, Reeve
V -e
Donna Lamoure, Acting Clerk
Village of Port Burwell
Council Meeting
November 25, 1997
7:30 p.m.
Present: Reeve Nesbitt, Councillor Hevenor, Councillor Mason, Councillor Bradfield and
Councillor Loucks
Staff: Donna Lamoure -Acting Clerk, Kevin Bradfield - Public Works Foreman and Tom
Millard - Fire Chief
Guests: Lois Millard
1. Call Meeting to Order
2. Declaration of Conflict of Interest
Ron Bradfield Item #14b - Municipal Docks
Gord Loucks Item #8d
3. Confirmation of Minutes
i) - Regular Council Meeting dated November 12, 1997
Resolution #971125-01
MOVED BY: Jim Hevenor
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby approves the
minutes of the November 12, 1997 Regular Council Meeting.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
4. Business arising from Minutes of meeting dated November 12, 1997
Gord Loucks is to fix the washrooms at the east beach before the end of December.
Kevin Bradfield informed Council that the Libbye Avenue paving is to begin on
November 26, 1997.
Kevin Bradfield informed council that new street lights are to be placed at the Parish
Hall and across from the Brock Street pumping station. The two existing street
lights at the south end of Strachan Street are to be moved to more effective locations
near by.
Kevin Bradfield informed council that the remaining cement works are to begin
November 26, 1997.
5. Presentations
6. Delegations
7. Petitions
8. Communications
a) Port Burwell Firefighters'Association
Resolution #971125-07
MOVED BY: Ron Bradfield
SECONDED BY: Gord Loucks
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby
agrees to donate the 1932 Chevrolet Bickle to the Port Burwell Firemen's
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
b) LBORP committee meeting notes
Councillor Hevenor stated that bacteria counts had been conducted in the
past near the Memorial Park drain on the East Beach. The test results
indicated high bacteria levels. This area is to be tested again in the future.
Councillor Hevenor requested that Council provide suggestions for other test
c) Ontario Human Rights Commission
Resolution #971125-06
MOVED BY: Gord Loucks
SECONDED BY: Ron Bradfield
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby
proclaims December 10, 1997 Human Rights Day and December 8 - 12,
1997 Human Rights Weeks.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
d) Ronald & Elizabeth Loucks
A letter is to be sent to Mr. &Mrs. Loucks requesting that they submit costs
for the connection to the water and sewer services.
e) Intelligarde - Law Enforcement Company
Received & Filed
f) County of Elgin, Land Division - Ingolfsrud severance
Received & Filed.
A letter is to be sent supporting Sunday opening of the LCBO.
h) Small Craft Harbours
Donna Lamoure is to contact George Enei in order to arrange a day time
meeting to tour the harbour.
9. Committee Reports
a) County
No report.
b) Museum Advisory Committee
The last meeting of the Museum Advisory Committee is to be December 2,
c) Community Policing
No report.
d) Fire Department
No report.
e) Recreation Advisory Committee
The remaining Market Square debt is currently$21,000.
Council directed that Suzanna Mantel prepare a report with regards to the
debt of the Recreation & Community Improvement Society.
f) Events Committee
Councillor Mason requested that Councillor Bradfield ask Reverend Tom
Beecroft to lead in the Christmas Carols after the Santa Claus Parade on
December 6, 1997.
g) Planning Committee
No report.
h) Otter Valley Trail & Utility Corridor Intermunicipal Committee
The next meeting is to be held on Monday December 15, 1997 at 2:00pm
at the Town of Tillsonburg Municipal Offices.
i) Transition Committee
Councillor Mason stated that Barker Stanley were chosen to be the auditors
for the new municipality.
A Municipal Planner was not chosen
Frank Cowan Insurance was chosen.
The Museum Board report was presented to the Transition Board.
j) Lower Big Otter Remedial Project Steering Committee
No report.
k) Municipal Key Indicators
i) Financial Reporting - October, 1997 - Received & Filed
ii) Long Term Debt report - Received & Filed
iii) Tax Arrears report - Received & Filed
10. Consideration of Committee Reports
No report.
11. Bylaws
i) By-Law 97-18 - Being a by-law authorizing the Corporation of the Village of Port
Burwell to enter into an Option Agreement to Grant Easement and Right-of-way to
Pembina Exploration Limited across lands being in the Village of Port Burwell,
County of Elgin, various lots according to Registered Plan No. 12 and part of the
original bed of Lake Erie, lying in front of Lot 11 and Lot 12, in the First
Resolution #971125-08
MOVED BY: Jim Hevenor
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby agrees to
introduce By-Law 97-18, being a by-law authorizing the Corporation of the Village
of Port Burwell to enter into an Option Agreement to Grant Easement and Right-of-
way to Pembina Exploration Limited across lands being in the Village of Port
Burwell, County of Elgin, various lots according to Registered Plan No. 12 and part
of the original bed of Lake Erie, lying in front of Lot 11 and Lot 12, in the First
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
By-Law Read a First & Second Time
By-Law Read a Third Time ? Finally Passed.
ii) By-Law 97-39 - Being a by-law authorizing the Corporation of the Village of Port
Burwell to enter into an Agreement with Steve Laemers for the provision of winter
- Council requested that a copy of the map indicating the priority areas and snow
plowing routes be received prior to consideration of the by-law.
12. Review and Approval of Accounts Payable
Resolution #971125-05
MOVED BY: Gord Loucks
SECONDED BY: Jim Hevenor
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby approves the
accounts payable in the amount of$ 8,858.91, government payables in the amount
of$82,713.25 and cheques attached in the amount of$896.94.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
13. Committee of the Whole
Resolution #971125-02
MOVED BY: Ron Bradfield
SECONDED BY: Gord Loucks
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby agrees to
move into Committee of the Whole.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
Resolution #971125-03
MOVED BY: Jim Hevenor
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby agrees to
move out of Committee of the Whole.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
14. New Business
A) Gary Wilson of Bellwood Transportation in Belmont has expressed an
interest in purchasing the wood stove at the Public Works building.
Council directed that the wood stove be offered to Mr. Wilson at a cost of
$500 to be paid before December 31, 1997.
B) Reeve Nesbitt read a letter from Ron Bradfield which stated that the docks
had been removed and that they had been repaired. The letter also requested
reimbursement of the $1,000 deposit.
Resolution #971125-09
MOVED BY: Jim Hevenor
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the village of Port Burwell hereby
directs the Chief Building Official to inspect the Municipal docks and upon
Ls direction reimburse the$1,000 deposit to Bradcranex.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
B) Dave Mason asked Kevin Bradfield if he could investigate the problem with
the newly installed drain at Milton and Waterloo Streets.
C) Council requested that a mobile shredding unit be contacted in order that
they could have their old council papers shredded.
D) A letter is to be sent to John Warren congratulating him on his retirement.
15. Old Business
A) Fire Hall Renovation Project
Resolution #971125-10
MOVED BY: Ron Bradfield
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby
accepts the quotation from Ed Matthews Carpentry in the amount of
$34,000.00 for renovation work at the Port Burwell Fire Hall.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
Council requested that the cost of the new furnace for the fireball be
B) Coldwell Banker is to be contacted with regards to the Chatham Street land
C) Gord Craig is to be contacted with regards to harbour collections.
D) The Parish Hall is to be rented in order to present pins to selected members
of the Fire Department for their service. All Volunteer Fire Fighters and
their spouses are to be invited.
16. Adjournment
Resolution #971125-04
MOVED BY: Gord Loucks
Approved: Dece-`.er 9, 1997
/ '
Tom N: bitt, Reeve
i Ale/e-(
Donna Lamoure, Acting Clerk
Village of Port Burwell
Council Meeting
December 9, 1997
7:00 p.m.
Present: Reeve Nesbitt, Councillor Hevenor, Councillor Mason, Councillor Bradfield and
Councillor Loucks
Staff: Donna Lamoure - Acting Clerk, Kevin Bradfield - Public Works Foreman, Tom
Millard - Fire Chief and Ed Roloson - Chief Building Official/By-Law Enforcement
Guests: Stuart McKibbin, Richard & Bertha Breen, Nancy Boutin - Tillsonhurg News and
Robert Christoph
1. Call Meeting to Order
Resolution #971209-02
MOVED BY: Jim Hevenor
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby agrees to
move into Committee of the'Whole.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
Resolution #971209-03
MOVED BY: Dave Mason
SECONDED BY: Jim Hevenor
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby agrees to
move out of Committee of the Whole.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
2. Declaration of Conflict of Interest
Councillor Bradfield Item #12 & Item #13, Councillor Loucks Item #8a & #12
and Councillor Hevenor Item #15g.
3. Confirmation of Minutes
i) - Regular Council Meeting dated November 25, 1997
Resolution #971209-01
MOVED BY: Ron Bradfield
SECONDED BY: Jim Hevenor
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby approves the
minutes of the November 25, 1997 Regular Council Meeting as amended.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
4. Business arising from Minutes of meeting dated November 25, 1997
Councillor Mason requested information with regards to the complaint received from
Nancy Vince with regards to the moving of the street light located near her father's
property at 14 Strachan Street. Kevin Bradfield indicated that he had spoken to Mr.
Brisseau with regards to moving the street light and that Mr. Brisseau had agreed.
Councillor Mason requested that a letter be sent to Ms. Vince indicating that Kevin
Bradfield had indeed consulted with her father, Mr. Brisseau and that he had agreed
to moving the street light.
It was decided that the Firemen's Appreciation Night would be held on December 18,
1997 at 7:00pm at the Parish Hall.
5. Presentations
6. Delegations
Robert Christoph - Engineering Costs for 36 Robinson
Mr. Christoph distributed excerpts from the Building Code to council and indicated
that he would like to have his costs for engineered drawings for his building
reimbursed. Mr. Christoph stated that in 1995 he had been informed by an
employee of the Ontario Building Code Advisory that it was not necessary for him
to obtain engineered drawings for his building.
Reeve Nesbitt informed Mr. Christoph that the Building Inspector would investigate
the matter further and provide a report to Council and at that time Council would
inform him of their decision with regards to his engineering costs.
Bertha Breen - Site Plan Agreement - 36 Robinson Street
Reeve Nesbitt asked Mr. &Mrs. Breen if they had any questions with regards to the
Site Plan Agreement as presented. Mrs. Breen indicated that the joint access clause
was not pertinent to this site. Council and the Building Inspector agreed that this
item would be omitted from the agreement.
Mrs. Breen indicated that the agreement stated that their parking lot would have to
be paved and they would not be able to comply with this requirement right away. It
was Council's decision that a clause would be inserted into the agreement stating that
the parking would be paved by December 31, 2000.
Mr. & Mrs. Breen then asked the amount of the security deposit that would be
required. Reeve Nesbitt stated that it was Council's decision that a $1,000.00
security deposit be required.
7. Petitions
8. Communications
a) Ronald & Elizabeth Loucks - previously circulated
- Invoices from Steve Laemers
Resolution #971209-16
MOVED BY: Ron Bradfield
BE IT RESOLVED the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby
agrees cover the costs of the installation of water\sewer services to the property
line of Ronald & Elizabeth Loucks in the amount of$1,246.53.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
9. Committee Reports
a) County '
Reeve Nesbitt stated that he had not been able to attend recent County
Council Meetings and that the last County meeting had been held on
December 9, 1997.
b) Museum Advisory Committee
- Approval of Minutes of Committee Meeting dated November 4, 1997
Resolution #971209-09
MOVED BY: Jim Hevenor
SECONDED BY: Gord Loucks
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby
approves the minutes of the November 4, 1997 Museum Advisory
Committee Meeting.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
The 1998 fundraising dinner is to be held on June 6, 1998 and the theme is
to be "The Sinking of the Titanic".
The new light tower is to be painted in the near future and the purchase of a
clock for the top of the tower is being considered.
c) Community Policing
Reeve Nesbitt stated that Community Policing representative George Allin
had wanted to attend the council meeting but was unable. Reeve Nesbitt
informed Council that Mr. Allin wanted to thank council for their
cooperation in the Halloween patrol and to wish all Councillors good luck in
their future endeavours.
d) Fire Department
Jim Hevenor indicated that Sam Taylor was the only applicant for the
position of Fire Chief for the new municipality.
Fire Chief Tom Millard stated that the roof of the fireball had been shingled
and that the other works should be completed by the end of the year.
Resolution #971209-20
MOVED BY: Jim Hevenor
SECONDED BY: Ron Bradfield
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby
approves the installation of a 125,000 high efficient gas furnace to be
installed by Neville Propane at a cost of$3,150.00 plus GST.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
Certificates are to be presented to the Firefighters in appreciation of their
services on December 18, 1997 at 7:00pm at the Parish Hall.
e) Recreation Advisory Committee
Councillor Hevenor indicated that the Recreation Society and the Museum
Committee had presented a successful parade.
Resolution #971209-07
MOVED BY: Jim Hevenor
SECONDED BY: Gord Loucks
WHEREAS the Council of the Village of Port Burwell deems it necessary to
write off any outstanding invoices issued to the Port Burwell Recreation &
Community Improvement Society with regards to Market Square and
Centennial Park.
THEREFORE the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby writes off
Invoice #95052 in the amount of$15,038.92 and Invoice #96018 in the
amount of$30,000.00.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
f) Events Committee
Councillor Loucks suggested that a thank you be sent to all village
committees for their support over the years.
g) Planning Committee
No report.
h) Otter Valley Trail & Utility Corridor Intermunicipal Committee
The next meeting is to be held on December 15, 1997 at 2:00pm..
i) Transition Committee
Reeve Nesbitt stated that the Fire Chief's position would be discussed at the
next meeting to be held on December 15, 1997.
It was also stated that the engineers for the new municipality would be chosen
by the new council.
The inaugural meeting of the new council will be held on January 5, 1998 at
j) Lower Big Otter Remedial Project Steering Committee
No report.
le) Municipal Key Indicators
i) Sewage Treatment Flows Report - Received & Filed
Municipal Water Consumption Analysis - Received & Filed
ii) Lottery Licencing Report - Received & Filed
iii) Buy A Brick Report - Received & Filed
iv) Fire Extinguisher Inspections - Received & Filed
v) By-Law Enforcement Report - Received & Filed
vi) Building Inspection Report - Received & Filed
10. Consideration of Committee Reports
11. Bylaws
i) By-Law 97-39 - Being a by-law authorizing the Corporation of the Village of Port
Burwell to enter into an Agreement with Steve Laemers for the provision of winter
- Resolution #971209-10
ii) By-Law 97-27 - Being a By-Law to authorize the Reeve and the Acting Clerk to
enter into an Agreement with Ed Matthews Carpentry for Renovations to the
Resolution #971209-13
MOVED BY: Dave Mason
SECONDED BY: Gord Loucks
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby agrees to
introduce By-Law 97-27, being a By-Law to authorize the Reeve and the Acting
Clerk to enter into an Agreement with Ed Matthews Carpentry for Renovations to
the Firehall.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
By-Law Read a First & Second Time
By-Law Read a Third Time & Finally Passed.
iii) By-Law 97-26 - Being a By-Law to authorize the Reeve and the Acting Clerk to
enter into a Site Plan Agreement with Richard &Bertha Breen for the development
of an Ice Cream Parlour at 38 Robinson Street.
Resolution #971209-14 .
MOVED BY: Ron Bradfield
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby agrees to
introduce By-Law 97-26, being a By-Law to authorize the Reeve and the Acting
Clerk to enter into a Site Plan Agreement with Richard & Bertha Breen for the
development of an Ice Cream Parlour at 38 Robinson Street.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
By-law Tabled
iv) By-law 97-21 - Being a By-Law to authorize the Reeve and the Acting Clerk to enter
into an "Agreement in Principle" with Fisheries and Oceans Canada with respect to
future ownership of lands described in Schedule "A" attached hereto.
Resolution #971209-15
MOVED BY: Ron Bradfield
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby agrees to
introduce By-Law 97-21, being a By-Law to authorize the Reeve and the Acting
Clerk to enter into an "Agreement in Principle" with Fisheries and Oceans Canada
with respect to future ownership of lands described in Schedule "A" attached hereto.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
By-law Tabled
12. Review and Approval of Accounts Payable
Resolution #971209-05
MOVED BY: Dave Mason
SECONDED BY: Jim Hevenor
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby approves the
accounts payable as amended in the amount of $14,518.91, Council pay in the
amount of$1,614.22 and cheques attached in the amount of$1,311.80.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
13. Review and Approval of Amtelecom Accounts Payable
Resolution #971209-11
MOVED BY: Gord Loucks
SECONDED BY: Jim Hevenor
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby approves the
Amtelecom accounts payable in the amount of$776.09 and the Kanservu accounts
payable in the amount of$53.45.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
14. Committee of the Whole
Held at the beginning of the meeting
15. New Business
a) Appointment of Municipal Auditor
Resolution #971209-12
MOVED BY: Dave Mason
SECONDED BY: Ron Bradfield
BE IT RESOLVED the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby
agrees to appoint Brian M.I. Budarick, Chartered Accountant as Municipal
Auditor for the fiscal year of 1997 in accordance with By-law 96-51 and the
attached agreement passed December 17, 1996.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
b Councillor Hevenor suggested that there were items at the Public Works
Building that do not belong to the village, being Tub Daze equipment and
Santa Clause Parade equipment belonging to the Recreation Society and the
Museum Committee.
c A letter from the Harbour Lights was presented. Reeve Nesbitt requested
that Councillor Hevenor contact Jim Oliver in order to address the matter.
d Councillor Mason stated that he had concerns for the health of the dogs
lodged at 1 Chatham Street. Ed Roloson stated that he would investigate the
Resolution #971209-18
MOVED BY: Gord Loucks
SECONDED BY: Jim Hevenor
WHEREAS the Village of Port Burwell's Administrator was terminated by
the Bayham/Vienna/Port Burwell Transition Board on or about September
9, 1997; and,
WHEREASthe above termination has placed a more extensive and expanded
range of duties on the Village Staff.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Council of the Village of Port
Burwell hereby directs the treasurer to issue cheques to each village employee
in the amount of$4Q0.00 for assuming the above expanded duties and as a
Christmas bonus.
AND FURTHER, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell directs, if
possible that the cost of the above be recorded as a transition expense.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
f Stuart McKibbin stated that he appreciated the work that the Council had
done over the past three years, as well as the other past councils. Stuart
stated that he had served as a Police Trustee and councillor in the past.
g Resolution #971209-17
MOVED BY: Ron Bradfield
BE IT RESOLVED the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby
agrees cover the costs of the installation of water\sewer services to the property
line of James &MaryBeth Hevenor in the amount of$2,238.59.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
h Resolution #971209-19
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby agree
to hold a Council Meeting on Monday, December 29, 1997 at 7:00pm.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
16. Old Business •
a) - Write off of Invoice #96032 - Ontario Clean Water Agency
Resolution #971209-08
MOVED BY: Ron Bradfield
SECONDED BY: Gord Loucks
WHEREAS it is the responsibility of the Village of Port Burwell to pay for costs
incurred for transferring ownership of the Port Burwell Sewage Treatment Plant
property from ownership of Ontario Clean Water Agency to ownership of the Village
of Port Burwell; and,
WHEREAS the Village of Port Burwell has billed these costs to the Ontario Clean
Water Agency.
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell
deems it necessary to write off Invoice #96032 to Ontario Clean Water Agency in
the amount of$1,756.88.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
b Resolution #971209-06
MOVED BY: Jim Hevenor
SECONDED BY: Ron Bradfield
WHEREAS the Ontario Clean Water Agency transferred reserve funds into the
Village of Port Burwell's general accounts in 1996 and these funds should rightfully
be held within reserves,
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell
hereby agrees to transfer$49,473.53 to the water system reserve fund.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
c - Memo dated December 5, 1997 E. Roloson re: Municipal Docks
Council directed that the docks should be moved in accordance with Ed Roloson's
d Reeve Nesbitt stated that he had been contacted by Frank Reiser with regards to the
sinking of his front yard. Reeve Nesbitt stated that in the past the area had been
excavated to install a county drain and widen the road and that the lands in this area
been filled with logs and that this could be the reason for the sinkage. Ed Roloson
stated that the sewer was full of sand and gravel in the area of Frank Reiser's property
and that the area would be closely monitored.
17. Adjournment
Resolution #971209-04
MOVED BY: Jim Hevenor
Dave Mason
Gord Loucks
Ron Bradfield
Tom Nesbitt
Date Approved: Demher 29/31997
/ 40, ,,
Tom Ne bit , eeve
Donna Lamoure, Acting Clerk
Village of Port Burwell
Council Meeting
December 29, 1997
7:00 p.m.
Present: Reeve Nesbitt, Councillor Hevenor, Councillor Mason, Councillor Bradfield and
Councillor Loucks
Staff: Donna Lamoure -Acting Clerk, Kevin Bradfield - Public Works Foreman, Suzanna
Mantel - Acting Treasurer and Ed Roloson - Chief Building Official/By-Law
Enforcement Officer
Guests: Allan Spicer & George Allin
1. Call Meeting to Order
2. Declaration of Conflict of Interest
Councillor Bradfield Item #7.
3. Confirmation of Minutes
i) - Regular Council Meeting dated December 9, 1997
Resolution #971229-01
MOVED BY: Ron Bradfield
SECONDED BY: Gordon Loucks
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby approve the
minutes of the December 9, 1997 Council Meeting as amended.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
4. Business arising from Minutes of meeting dated December 9, 1997
Councillor Mason requested from Ed Roloson the status of the animal welfare
complaint that he had made at the last meeting. Ed Roloson stated that he had been
in contact with the animal owner as well as the Humane Society with regards to this
matter and that it was being attended to .
5. Bylaws
i) By-Law 97-26 - Being a By-Law to authorize the Reeve and the Acting Clerk to
enter into a Site Plan Agreement with Richard &Bertha Breen for the development
of an Ice Cream Parlour at 38 Robinson Street.
- By-Law Introduced December 9, 1997 Resolution #971209-14
- Memo M. Peterson Dated December 18, 1997
By-Law Read a First &f Second Time.
By-Law Read a Third Time Ed Finally Passed.
ii) By-law 97-21 - Being a By-Law to authorize the Reeve and the Acting Clerk to enter
into an "Agreement in Principle" with Fisheries and Oceans Canada with respect to
future ownership of lands described in Schedule "A" attached hereto.
- By-Law Introduced December 9, 1997 Resolution #971209-15
By-Law Read a First & Second Time.
By-Law Read a Third Time & Finally Passed.
Dave Mason is to contact George Enei with regards to the installation of additional
lights on the pier.
iii) 345990 Ontario Ltd
Tabled to New Council of the Municipality of Bayham
iv) By-Law 97-08 - Being a By-Law to authorize the Reeve and the Acting Clerk to
enter into an Agreement with the Department of Fisheries and Oceans for the lease
of Harbour Lands.
Resolution #971229-06
MOVED BY: Gordon Loucks
SECONDED BY: Ron Bradfield
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby agree to
introduce By-Law 97-08, being a By-Law to authorize the Reeve and the Acting
Clerk to enter into an Agreement with the Department of Fisheries and Oceans for
the lease of Harbour Lands.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
By-Law Read a First Fd Second Time.
By-Law Read a Third Time f Finally Passed.
6. Review and Approval of Accounts Payable & Financial Reporting
Resolution #971229-05
MOVED BY: Dave Mason
SECONDED BY: Gordon Loucks
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby approves the
accounts payable as amended in the amount of$57,165.35, including council pay
in the amount of$1,733.63.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
7. Review and Approval of Amtelecom & Kanservu Accounts Payable
Resolution #971229-06
MOVED BY: Dave Mason
SECONDED BY: Jim Hevenor
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby approves the
Kanservu accounts payable in the amount of$54.52.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
8. Committee of the Whole
Resolution #971229-02
MOVED BY: Ron Bradfield
SECONDED BY: Jim Hevenor
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby agrees to
move into Committee of the Whole.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
Resolution #971229-03
MOVED BY: Dave Mason
SECONDED BY: Jim Hevenor
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby agrees to
move out of Committee of the Whole.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
9. New Business
A letter is to be sent to Ruth Jackson thanking her for her years of service to the
The matter of the Pembina/Tallisman pipe laying is to be forwarded to the new
10. Old Business
Ed Roloson stated that he had contacted the Building Advisory Council with regards
to the issue of Mr. Christoph's request to be reimbursed for his engineering costs.
Mr. Roloson stated that he had been informed by a representative from the Building
Advisory Council that engineered drawings were required for this project and that this
had been a legitimate request. Council directed that Ed Roloson inform Mr.
Christoph of the comment from the representative from the Building Advisory
Ed Roloson was directed to investigate the issue of commercial boat storage along the
Otter Creek.
Council thanked Mr. Spicer for his past efforts of keeping the community informed.
Councillor Mason stated that he had received a letter from the Order of Ontario with
regards to the nomination of Mr. Fred Bodsworth. Councillor Mason stated that
additional letters of support had been requested and that Stuart McKibbin, Jack
Wright and Pierre Burton had been approached with regards to submitting letters of
Councillor Mason stated that he had obtained an application form for a grant from
the Aylmer Area Community Foundation. Councillor Mason requested input for the
application and suggested that perhaps the Port Burwell-Bayham Horticultural
Society should apply.
George Allin the Port Burwell Community Policing representative was thanked for
his involvement in the community and for his support.
11. Adjournment
Resolution #971229-04
MOVED BY: Tom Nesbitt
Jan 22/98 Motion #
Village of Port Burwell
Council Meeting
December 29, 1997
7:00 p.m.
Present: Reeve Nesbitt, Councillor Hevenor, Councillor Mason, Councillor Bradfield and
Councillor Loucks
Staff: Donna Lamoure -Acting Clerk, Kevin Bradfield - Public Works Foreman, Suzanna
Mantel - Acting Treasurer and Ed Roloson - Chief Building Official/By-Law
Enforcement Officer
Guests: Allan Spicer & George Min
1. Call Meeting to Order
2. Declaration of Conflict of Interest
Councillor Bradfield Item #7.
3. Confirmation of Minutes
i) - Regular Council Meeting dated December 9, 1997
Resolution #971229-01
MOVED BY: Ron Bradfield
SECONDED BY: Gordon Loucks
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby approve the
minutes of the December 9, 1997 Council Meeting as amended.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
4. Business arising from Minutes of meeting dated December 9, 1997
Councillor Mason requested from Ed Roloson the status of the animal welfare
complaint that he had made at the last meeting. Ed Roloson stated that he had been
in contact with the animal owner as well as the Humane Society with regards to this
matter and that it was being attended to .
5. Bylaws
i) By-Law 97-26 - Being a By-Law to authorize the Reeve and the Acting Clerk to
enter into a Site Plan Agreement with Richard & Bertha Breen for the development
of an Ice Cream Parlour at 38 Robinson Street.
- By-Law Introduced December 9, 1997 Resolution #971209-14
- Memo M. Peterson Dated December 18, 1997
By-Law Read a First & Second Time.
By-Law Read a Third Time & Finally Passed.
ii) By-law 97-21 - Being a By-Law to authorize the Reeve and the Acting Clerk to enter
into an "Agreement in Principle" with Fisheries and Oceans Canada with respect to
future ownership of lands described in Schedule "A" attached hereto.
- By-Law Introduced December 9, 1997 Resolution #971209-15
By-Law Read a First & Second Time.
By-Law Read. a Third.Time & Finally Passed.
Dave Mason is to contact George Enei with regards to the installation of additional
lights on the pier.
iii) 345990 Ontario Ltd
Tabled to New Council of the Municipality of Bayham
iv) By-Law 97-08 - Being a By-Law to authorize the Reeve and the Acting Clerk to
enter into an Agreement with the Department of Fisheries and Oceans for the lease
of Harbour Lands.
Resolution #971229-06
MOVED BY: Gordon Loucks
SECONDED BY: Ron Bradfield
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby agree to
introduce By-Law 97-08, being a By-Law to authorize the Reeve and the Acting
Clerk to enter into an Agreement with the Department of Fisheries and Oceans for
the lease of Harbour Lands.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
By-Law Read a First & Second Time.
By-Law Read a Third Time & Finally Passed.
6. Review and Approval of Accounts Payable & Financial Reporting
Resolution #971229-05 •
MOVED BY: Dave Mason
SECONDED BY: Gordon Loucks
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby approves the
accounts payable as amended in the amount of$57,165.35, including council pay
in the amount of$1,733.63.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
7. Review and Approval of Amtelecom & Kanservu Accounts Payable
Resolution #971229-06
MOVED BY: Dave Mason
SECONDED BY: Jim Hevenor
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby approves the
Kanservu accounts payable in the amount of$54.52.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
8. Committee of the Whole
Resolution #971229-02
MOVED BY: Ron Bradfield
SECONDED BY: Jim Hevenor
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby agrees to
move into Committee of the Whole.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
Resolution #971229-03
MOVED BY: Dave Mason
SECONDED BY: Jim Hevenor
BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell hereby agrees to
move out of Committee of the Whole.
CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt, Reeve
9. New Business
A letter is to be sent to Ruth Jackson thanking her for her years of service to the
The matter of the Pembina/Tallisman pipe laying is to be forwarded to the new
council. •
10. Old Business
Ed Roloson stated that he had contacted the Building Advisory Council with regards
to the issue of Mr. Christoph's request to be reimbursed for his engineering costs.
Mr. Roloson stated that he had been informed by a representative from the Building
Advisory Council that engineered drawings were required for this project and that this
had been a legitimate request. Council directed that Ed Roloson inform Mr.
Christoph of the comment from the representative from the Building Advisory
Ed Roloson was directed to investigate the issue of commercial boat storage along the
Otter Creek.
Council thanked Mr. Spicer for his past efforts of keeping the community informed.
Councillor Mason stated that he had received a letter from the Order of Ontario with
regards to the nomination of Mr. Fred Bodsworth. Councillor Mason stated that
additional letters of support had been requested and that Stuart McKibbin, Jack
Wright and Pierre Burton had been approached with regards to submitting letters of
Councillor Mason stated that he had obtained an application form for a grant from
the Aylmer Area Community Foundation. Councillor Mason requested input for the
application and suggested that perhaps the Port Burwell-Bayham Horticultural
Society should apply.
George Allin the Port Burwell Community Policing representative was thanked for
his involvement in the community and for his support.
11. Adjournment
Resolution #971229-04
MOVED BY: Tom Nesbitt
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