HomeMy WebLinkAboutPort Burwell Council Minutes 1992 COUNCIL MINUTES 1 (? C?' Tuesday January 14 , 1992 7 : 30p.m. Present : Hugh Brooks , Tom Nesbitt , Ed Epple , Lauran Timlin, Gordon Loucks , James Timlin Attendees : Ron Bradfield, Ralph Bradfield, Kevin Bradfield, Norm & Eva Barber, Don Axford, Allan Spicer , Tony Lama Call to Order : 7 : 30 p.m. Declaration of Conflict of Interest : None ( 1 ) Sewer Rates -- D. Axford -- N. Barber Mr . Axford wanted to know if everyone is being charged the same i . e.apartments seasonal trailers , permanent trailers . The by-law is being implemented. Mr . Barber stated how unfair the changes are and it should be changed. Clerk Timlin to investigate laundromat/school water usage . ( 2 ) Subdivision 34T900006 -- Mr. Chirico Red line Amendments See attached resolution ( 3 ) Bradcranex -- Councillors to bring their material previously handed out See attached resolution ( 4 ) St . Thomas Psychiatric Hospital Referred to the Recreation Board ( 5 ) Long Point Conservation Authority Appointment of Mr . Cowan Mr . Cowan and Mr. Jim Oliver will be invited to the January 28 Council Meeting ( 6 ) Streetlights Councillors Epple , Loucks and Timlin met with Koolen Electric Council members toured the Village and determined 58 new lights are required. Bare wire and "slack wire" needs repair See attached resolution ( 7 ) Property Standards Unlicensed vehicles See attached resolution Letter to be sent to owner of 21 Erieus St . to clear up mess in backyard . ( 8) Environmental Youth Corps Grant application --See attached resolution -2- (9 ) Meeting with Mr . Peter North MPP Armour Stone wall -- Mr . North reviewed Emergency Funding -- Mr . North to support Village efforts Letter to Ruth Grier , Minister of the Environment. Mr . North to investigate Commercial Fishing See attached resolution ( 10) Letter form Fred Brandt Sections A, D, E , F and part of the general observations to be referred to the Tourism & Recreation Masterplan Implementation Committee New plexi-glass to be installed in the Bulletin Board ( 11 ) Borrowing By-law 92-01 By-law passed ( 12 ) 1992 Taxes Recommendation to change from 3 to 4 instalments .Instalment dates will be ( 1 ) March 31 ( 2 ) May 31 ( 3 ) July 31 ( 4 ) September 30 Council approves the change in order to improve Village cashflow ( 13 ) O.H.R.P. See attached resolution ( 14 ) Federal Waterlot Update Department of Public Works will be conducting a soils test on the heliport area. Once this has been completed then the appraisal process will start ( 15 ) ROMA Conference No action ( 16 ) Goods Roads Conference No action ( 17 ) Stanley Associates Engineering Ltd. No action -- Council feels they fulfilled the requirements as per resolution approved on January 08 , 1991 ( 18 ) Participaction Referred to the Recreation Board ( 19 ) Volunteer Service Awards Council to investigate further ( 20 ) Grace Court ( Lama Subdivision ) Zoning changes are to be advertised -3- ( 21 ) Letter from Canadian Postmasters & Assistants Association No action ( 22) Committee Updates Roads - Councillor Ed Epple - Cold mix to be placed on sidewalk in front of the laundromat - 1991 Final is in the process of being completed. - Elizabeth St . has been gravelled - Waiting for MTO' s 1992 Subsidy - Bayham to be contacted to grade Elizabeth St . Harbour - Councillors Loucks and Nesbitt will he contacting individuals to sit on the committee Museum - Councillor Gord Loucks - No report Fire Department - Councillor Gord Loucks Councillor Loucks met with the Deputy Chief and this discussed their plans and the upcoming meeting with the Ontario Fire Marshall Recreation - Councillor Tom Nesbitt First meeting will be in February Elgin Tourist Association/SWOTA - Councillor Lauran Timlin Lake Erie Circle Tour Meeting we are starting to make changes to the brochure . No Ministry of Tourism & Recreation funding , therefore Businesses , Villages and Towns will be required to sponsor ETA' s annual dinner meeting Thursday February 20 , 1992 . Tom Hockin , Federal Minister of Tourism and Peter North , Provincial Minister of Tourism are guest speakers Councillor Lauran has been named to SWOTA' s Board of Directors representing the ETA Business & Tourist Association - Councillor Lauran Timlin The BTA is planning a social evening on April 02 , 1992 with Vaughn Stewart from St . George Village/Recreation Board/Museum Board will cost share Park Tabloid ad The Visitor survey will be presented at the next BTA' s meeting in February BTA is talking about having Christmas lights made locally O.H .R.P. - Councillor Ed Epple One application is pending Tourism and Recreation Masterplan Implementation - Lauran Timlin The following individuals are interested on sitting on the committee John Lavers , Dave Mason , Bonnie Bradfield, Debbie Travis , Cindy Allin Milton Towers - Councillor Tom Nesbitt Two vacancies Ad to he placed in the Harbour Lights 4- Freedom of Information & Privacy - Councillor Tom Nesbitt No inquiries Health & Safety - Councillor Ed Epple No report ( 23 ) Postage Meter James to contact Pitney Bowes and other suppliers for quotes ( 24 ) Old Business Lazer Printer See attached resolution Chatham drain to be investigated ( 25 ) New Business ( 26 ) Council Minutes See attached resolution ( 27 ) Payment of Cheques See attached resolution Adjourned: 12 : 16 a.m. RESOLUTIONS MOVED BY: Gordon Loucks SECONDED BY: Ed Epple Be it resolved, Council approves the red line amendments to subdivision 34T900006 - Mr Chirico Red line revisions dated October 31 , 1991 drawn by Kim Husted, Ontario Land Surveyor Reeve : Hugh Brooks UNANIMOUSLY MOVED BY: Gordon Loucks SECONDED BY: L .R. Timlin Be it resolved, Council instructs the Clerk to write Fisheries & Oceans ( Small Craft Harbour ) asking if they can swap leases - Land around Lighthouse for the right to use the waterlot /land for Bradcranex Reeve : Hugh Brooks CARRIED MOVED BY: Tom Nesbitt SECONDED BY: L .R. Timlin Be it resolved, Council approves submitting the Environmental Youth Corps application jointly with the Port. Burwell Provincial Park Project title Dune Maintenance and Village Upgrading Reeve : Hugh Brooks UNANIMOUSLY RESOLUTIONS MOVED BY: Ed Epple SECONDED BY: Gordon Loucks Be it resolved, Council supports the enforcement of the Village Property standards and further instructs the Property Standards Officer to issue letters to property owners to have the unlicensed vehicles removed from their property Reeve : Hugh Brooks UNANIMOUSLY MOVED BY: L.R. Timlin SECONDED BY: Tom Nesbitt Be it resolved, Council requests the Ministry of Housing to write off the following repayable loans as uncollectible Loan #3 $1 , 308 . 86 , Loan #22 168 . 35 , Loan #35 $150 .00 , Loan #38 $725 . 74 , Loan #69 $2 , 218 . 32 Loan #57 $1527 . 47 , Loan #10 $1541 . 10 repayable $2200 . 00 forgivable is also uncollectible Reeve : Hugh Brooks UNANIMOUSLY MOVED BY: Gordon Loucks SECONDED BY: Tom Nesbitt Be it resolved, Council instructs the Clerk (The issuer of licenses ) to issue licenses to the Port Burwell Recreation Board. All required licence fees will be paid by the Board Reeve : Hugh Brooks CARRIED MOVED BY: Tom Nesbitt SECONDED BY: Ed Epple Be it resolved, Council will continue its meeting past the 11 : 30 pm. curfew. Reeve : Hugh Brooks UNANIMOUSLY MOVED BY: Ed Epple SECONDED BY: Gordon Loucks Be it resolved, Council supports the commercial fishermen on the north shore of Lake Erie in their efforts to have their fishing quotas restored to the 1991 levels . The Clerk is instructed to forward a copy of this resolution to the Minister of Natural Resources , Premier Bob Rae and Peter North , Minister of Tourism and Recreation Reeve: Hugh Brooks UNANIMOUSLY RESOLUTIONS MOVED BY: Tom Nesbitt SECONDED BY: L .R. Timlin Be it resolved, Council approves Koolen Electric to repair the street light wiring , to install sensors on existing lights ( excluding florescent lights ) and to install 12 new lights Reeve : Hugh Brooks UNANIMOUSLY MOVED BY: Tom Nesbitt SECONDED BY: Ed Epple Be it resolved, Council approves cheques numbered 5974 to 5879 in the amount of $63 , 158 . 87 Reeve : Hugh Brooks UNANIMOUSLY MOVED BY: Ed Epple SECONDED BY: Gordon Loucks Be it resolved, Council approves Council Minutes of Reeve : Hugh Brooks December 10 , 1991 UNANIMOUSLY MOVED BY: Gordon Loucks SECONDED BY: Tom Nesbitts Be it resolved, Council supports the report to be presented to the Select Committee on Bill 143 as prepared by Green Lane Landfill Reeve : Hugh Brooks UNANIMOUSLY MOVED BY: Ed Epple SECONDED BY: L.R. Timlin Be it resolved, Councillor Tom Nesbitt and Clerk James Timlin will attend Mr. Peter North ' s (Elgin MPP) meeting on January 27 , 1992 "Competitiveness Forum for Elgin County" Mileage and Councillor meeting pay to be paid Reeve : Hugh Brooks UNANIMOUSLY MOVED BY: Ed Epple SECONDED BY: Tom Nesbitt Be it resolved, Council approves lease/purchase of a Hewillet Packard lazer printer . Cost not to exceed $2400 . 00 . NOTE $2 , 000 . 00 will be paid by the Canada Employment Immigration Centre Section 25 program. Net expense to the Village $400 . 00 Reeve : Hugh Brooks UNANIMOUSLY RESOLUTIONS MOVED BY: L.R. Timlin SECONDED BY: Gordon Loucks Be it resolved, Council approves the following as paid meetings December 07 , 1991 Jack Spence Harbour Lands ; January 08 , 1992 Koolen Electric & Evening Light Tour ; January 11 , 1992 Peter North OPP/County reassessment; January 15 , 1992 Council School (Mileage to be paid) ; January 23 , 1992 Water Rescue Reeve : Hugh Brooks UNANIMOUSLY s ' Council Agenda January 28 , 1992 7 : 30 p.m. Call to Order Declaration of Conflict of Interest Approval of Cheques See attached resolution Approval of Minutes See attached resolution 1 . Long Point Conservation Authority Mr. Cowan, Area Representative and Mr . Oliver , General Manager discussed the role of the Conservation Authority Other items discussed were : - Base Contour Mapping available for shoreline - Assistance with CP Land to turn into a Park may be available - Capital Grant rate has been changed to 50%. 2 . Mario Chirico Proposed Commercial Building Mr . Chirico presented to Council his 18 Unit development ( 9 Commercial Units , 9 Residential Units ) See attached resolution Proposed Subdivision - Mr Chirico discussed his subdivision items discussed phasing , pumping station ( $70 , 000 ) ,Development Charges and Conveyance of Commercial lots in lieu of letter of credit 3 . Bradcranex Mr Kevin Bradfield stated that they will approach the Museum Board for a lease . Council reiterated Department of Fisheries and Oceans lease requirements See attached resolution 4 . Tax Arrears Registration of Properties for Tax Sale - Properties to be registered Hiring of Bailiff to Collect Business Taxes - Notices are to be sent out 5 . Mr . Snyder Sewer Bills -- Mr . Snyder has a duplex on Chatham Street . His water bill is $22 . 00 and his sewer Bill is $79 . 20 for two months . He thinks the by-law is unfair . Mr . Snyder did not attend . -Tabled -2- 6 . Streetlights 60 new streetlights are required in the Village. 'Council has initiated contacting service groups and boards to assist in purchasing of the lights . To date lights have been donated by the Legion ( 4 ) , Milton Towers ( 1 ) , Maple Meadows ( 2 ) 7 . O .P.P. -- January 15 Meeting Update Community Policing was kicked off on January 25 , 1992 . The Community Policing Committee met Saturday afternoon. 8 . Water Rescues Ontario Fire Marshall January 23 Meeting Update - By-law to be prepared authorizing Beach, Water and Boat Rescues . First response agreement to be prepared with Bayham Township. 9 . Canada 125 Councillor Lauran Timlin to investigate further 10 . Competitiveness Forum for Elgin County Update of January 27 Meeting Councillor Tom Nesbitt and Clerk Timlin attended. The agenda for February 29 at Alma College was set . it is expected over 400 people will attend. Marketing of Elgin County, labour issues streamlining of development process . Councillor Lauran Timlin attended representing the Elgin Tourist Associated See attached resolution 11 . Garbage/Emergency Funding Plan of Action - Council instruct the Clerk to prepare and issue a tender for garbage collection . 12 . Tartan Day -- April 6 No action 13 . 17 Elizabeth Street -- Road Allowance Letter to be sent stating it will he offered to the abutting land owners 14 . Federal Waterlot Update Soil tests completed on January 28 . Analyses will take 2 to 3 weeks . Then the appraisal process will start . 15 . Storage of Records Records are to be moved to storage area above the washrooms in the Museum. 16 . Snow Pile -- Corner of Erieus and Wellington Snow to be pushed to the corner of Pitt and Erieus . Councillor Epple to discuss with Ken Kirkpatrick -3- 17 . East Beach Reduce Licence Fee to encourage more vendors Tabled until February 25 , 1992 . Councillor Loucks to present ideas . 18 . Committee Updates County - Hugh Brooks - No report Roads - Ed Epple - Councillor Epple and Clerk Timlin met with the Minister of Transportation , Bob Stock and discussed sub drains Harbour - Tom Nesbitt , Gord Loucks - No report Museum - Gord Loucks - Meeting February 4 , 1992 Fire Department - Gord Loucks - See attached resolution Recreation - Tom Nesbitt - Meeting February 5 , 1992 Elgin Tourist Association/SWOTA - Lauran Timlin - SWOTA Management Plan has been received and is being reviewed. Possible grant money for promoting of events this summer ETA Dinner February 21 , 1992 Annie Richie of. Sparta is the new President . ETA is planning on attending four travels shows . Business & Tourist Association - Lauran Timlin - No report Tourism and Recreation Masterplan Implementation - No report Milton Towers - Tom Nesbitt - One apartment vacancy has been filled. Old Business Water/Sewer Bills for the school and the laundromat are to be reviewed New Business By-law 92 - 02 , Being a by-law to execute a lease between the Corporation of the Village of Port Burwell and 345990 Ontario Limited. Approved RESOLUTIONS MOVED BY: Tom Nesbitt SECONDED BY: Ed Epple Be it resolved, Council approves cheques numbered 5880 to 5920 in the amount of $46 , 322 . 58 Reeve : Hugh Brooks UNANIMOUSLY MOVED BY: L .R. Timlin SECONDED BY: Gordon Loucks Be it resolved, Council approves the minutes of Regular Council Meeting of January 14 , 1992 Reeve : Hugh Brooks UNANIMOUSLY MOVED BY: Ed Epple SECONDED BY: L .R. Timlin Be it resolved, Council stated that the $1000 . 00 , that is owed by Bradcranex Marina ( federal waterlot and associated land) , is to be paid by Tuesday February 4 , 1992 . If it is not paid the Village is to proceed with legal action . Reeve : Hugh Brooks CARRIED MOVED BY: L.R. Timlin SECONDED BY: Tom Nesbitt Be it resolved, Council supports Mr . Chirico ' s development at the corner of Brock and Erieus Sts . Council will consider passing of a by-law to deal with the lifting of part lot control . A development agreement will be entered into . As per By-law 91 - 08 Site Plan Control a deposit $500 . 00 will be made with the Village to cover legal and planning costs . Reeve : Hugh Brooks UNANIMOUSLY MOVED BY: Gordon Loucks SECONDED BY: L.R. Timlin Be it resolved, Council moves into the Committee of the Whole appointing Tom Nesbitt Chairman Reeve : Hugh Brooks UNANIMOUSLY MOVED BY : Ed Epple SECONDED BY: L.R. Timlin Be it resolved, Council moves out of the Committee of the Whole CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt RESOLUTIONS MOVED BY: Tom Nesbitt SECONDED BY: L.R. Timlin Be it resolved, Council and the Clerk will attend the Elgin County Competitiveness Forum on February 29 , 1992 Lunch and mileage will be paid. Reeve : Hugh Brooks UNANIMOUSLY MOVED BY: Gordon Loucks SECONDED BY: Tom Nesbitt Be it resolved, Council accepts the Fire Chief ' s recommendation of Willy Thiessen and Henry Thiessen as firefighters subject to medicals Reeve : Hugh Brooks UNANIMOUSLY MOVED BY: Ed Epple SECONDED BY: Tom Nesbitt Be it resolved, Council will purchase a quarter page add in the Elgin/St Thomas brochure . Reeve : Hugh Brooks UNANIMOUSLY MINUTES OF PUBLIC MEETING Amendment to the Comprehensive Zoning By-law 91-03 February 11 , 1992 7 : 30 p.m. Present : Hugh Brooks , Ed Epple , Gordon Loucks , Tom Nesbitt , Lauran Timlin , Colleen Wiebe Attendees : Dennis Fulford, Allan Spicer , Mario Chirico , Valentina. Chirico , Bonnie Bradfield , Kevin Bradfield, Gloria Stephenson , Tony Lama, Gerald Bidwell Call to Order Reeve Hugh Brooks This is a public meeting held by Council under Section 17 ( 2 ) and 34 ( 12 ) of The Planning Act , 1983 to consider new proposed revision( s ) to the draft Comprehensive Zoning By-law. 1 . THE PURPOSE of the meeting is to review a proposal for re-zoning properties , known municipally as 6 Elizabeth St . , and certain properties associated with Grace Court from Residential Zone 4 (R-4 ) to Residential Zone 2 (R-2 ) . The "R-2" zone permits single detached, semi-detached, duplex dwellings . Grace Court St . will remain a private drive . Clerk The notice was advertised in the Tillsonburg News , January 7 , 1992 . It is my opinion that the Tillsonburg News has sufficient distribution in the Village to adequately notify the public . Reeve Any person may express his/her views of these proposed changes to the draft Comprehensive Zoning By-law and a record will be kept of their comments . Any person wishing to receive written notice of the adoption of the Comprehensive Zoning By-law should leave their name and address with the Clerk . Clerk The purpose of the Zoning Amendment is to zone certain properties to residential zone R-2 . ( see drawing ) It is the Village Planner' s recommendations that the following conditions be submitted to the County of Elgin Land Division Committee before severance is granted. - 2 - ( 1 ) an appropriate notice be placed on title for each lot zoned R-2 fronting onto Grace Court , to inform potential purchasers that owners of each lot are responsible for road and water/sewer maintenance on a prorated basis . Grace Court is a private street. ( 2 ) appropriate ammendments be made to the registered subdivision agreement to reflect the revised plan . Reeve Are there any questions? ( For the record state your name ) . Does anyone wish to present their comments either in favour of or in opposition to the proposed change to the Comprehensive Zoning By- law? No questions from the floor Reeve Any questions from the members of Council? No questions Reeve Is there a motion to refer the Zoning By-law amendment to the regular Council Meeting on February 11 , 1992? Councillor Tom Nesbitt moves to refer the Zoning By-law amendment from the Public meeting to Council meeting February 11 , 1992 , Councillor Ed Epple seconded the motion. Reeve Is there a motion to close this public meeting? Councillor Lauran Timlin moves to close the meeting , Councillor Gordon Loucks seconded the motion. Meeting closed 7 : 39 p.m. P1L / c= l.4 � E 1 ) 17//(;- o I - - /71)61,/ &1&--/f 6 / // (LEA-sE /6/f/////7 )/, 1q 11/4-44F" 4- /I 8 ,461) 1 -- ,5 to 6, 1?7— 5 l C X171 _ea icFRc)co/r /r /a6 h u>Q,L,l� -71-iti ieve,.. _, I do ci PT 4.,-,,,„ %rte/eSo&I a /g/2 LK 51' - Fr /5 �2 L7- nln1i 5 r OC.LQ>/ F.ct_kU f 02,1 Pi- (57. t ?/ 7 8u./2c e�L. 7;�l ,i .�PA77 3.47 OIX GeCz'✓ ✓ 'Etc .1/c.�,‘,// Dirk /V / .7-„ F 1, ., CS , dS V/ &-V/t7/1- / 1 Cqh ._,e_ t 0 64,utitiLeA I' o;i,r-6 /1&-f- 014 33 P o b//;) .5 )/ St. Po vi- 3,/ ;¢ GGC ?RcSt=/ A.4Dx/0,3 Z3, , ,_iso,,,i S� P a -7-• g ee,e d&,-'4_<L_ haWra C ;a,l;K. 3C-- Sival care- S f- pg . --8 s,077-1.01Z 7'ow I Z 1.,----7-G/2.4- .e----7774, s7- /°T ,QRZwa4_z . 'C--..:- E l •-� ( S S TC c 4 't S •i c VE Q Lir w-e, t 1 \\____. (),P,-----,----.....___ 2_L.( ciirk..)2L___\5, V . LI rip>iY,,,,y,L 64,3_4,__ , 7-,,,,,,,,,L.,,_,,,,, ,4t- fz---Z")::_L'i..1..4 .,rtL( 2.7)4•✓ 10 k_c C5 3 F &7e: G - .efigyp, CO/ri g.ep/J.lQ6), AO j // iJRiDC� 57" /7• 0 aK.6._, 4/-,. /-77h Ui. / ,F6 // Vis- EL/2 A 3 ;i-i s r 4a, ?x 7-• Z R:,1} � -k,J L Uers 62o skisr c W - gi,n„eA, 1 q [ o G'#4//R I Ge J' //D W %i/��'A/- /)/z/fd2 0/1/-; N /n-mA 1/ 4.---- Alf-as /0 /i6e/bv/2-� � To ii/ /- R y i'1 i% , T ?T /361/ 147e-1-1- PUBLIC MEETING Amendment to the Comprehensive Zoning By-law 91 -03 Village Council Chambers February 11, 1992, 7:30 p.m. REEVE: This is a public meeting held by Council under Section 17(2) and 34(12) of The Planning Act_198_,'x. to consider new proposed revision(s) to the draft Comprehensive Zoning By-law. 1. THE PURPOSE of the meeting is to review a proposal for re-zoning properties, known municipally as 6 Elizabeth St., and certain properties associated with Grace Court from Residential Zone 4 (R-4) to Residential Zone 2 (R-2). The "R-2" zone permits single detached, semi-detached. duplex dwellings. Grace Court. St. will remain a private drive. CLERK: The notice was advertised in the Tillsonburg News, January 7, 1992. It is my opinion that the Tillsonburg News has sufficient distribution in the Village to adequately notify the public. REEVE: Any person may express his/her views of these proposed changes to the draft Comprehensive Zoning By-law and a record will be kept of their comments. Any person wishing to receive written notice of the adoption of the Comprehensive Zoning By-law should leave their name and address with the Clerk. CLERK: The purpose of the Zoning Amendment is to zone certain properties to residential zone R-2. (see drawing) It is the Village Planner's recommendations that. the following conditions be submitted to the County of Elgin Land Division Committee before severance is granted. ( 1) an appropriate notice be placed on title for each lot zoned R-2 fronting onto Grace Court, to inform potential purchasers that owners of each lot are responsible for road and water/sewer maintenance on a prorated basis. Grace Court is a private street. (2) appropriate amendments be made to the registered subdivision agreement to reflect the revised plan. - 2 - REEVE: Are there any questions? (For the record state your name). Does anyone wish to present their comments either in favour of or in opposition to the proposed change to the Comprehensive Zoning By-law? REEVE: Any questions from the members of Council? REEVE: Is there a motion to refer the Zoning By-law amendment to the regular Council Meeting on February 11, 1992? ('t^ -17-b REEVE: Is there a motion to close this public meeting? L cw cz-f1 PM EURWELL fOBIi', HOME PARK • LOT 13, CONCESSION 1 e-,- �'S •moi,,.,„: 411 ft pr. .• i NI6 II i )),2 • Il • ..,i • t �� . '— N �. ' NII N 30.4m • V) p . U • .7 /,4m 1E t..... c V o cf N Akilikl PAO 27_4m �.4m 41: 1;' as Q ' (r .4m ..J v b Ire N 4 tiF o.lm \ ' • 57s 111 o3 ff� i] • . m 11/413 PROPOSED SITE PLAIT 0 10 20 Metres 0 50 -100 Feet • PUBLIC MEETING Committee of Adjustment Minor Variance Village Council Chambers 7:40 p.m. February 11, 1992 REEVE: This is a Public Meeting of the Committee of Adjustment under Section 44 of the Planning Act, 1983. SECRETARY/TREASURER: OWNER: Mario Chirico Elgin-Aylmer Development Holding Ltd. LOCATION: 21 Brock Street North Side Plan 12 Lot 12 OFF West Side Erieus Street MINOR VARIANCE REQUESTED TO BY-LAW 91-03 Comprehensive Zoning By-law (1 ) Parking Spaces: From: One (1 ) parking space per 28.0 square metres of retail floor area or part thereof in a C3 Zone. To: One (1 ) parking space per 55.0 square metres of retail floor area or part thereof in a C3 Zone. (2) Minimum Lot Area: From: 232.0 square metres To: 93.0 square metres OFFICIAL PLAN DESIGNATION: Commercial ZONING: Downtown commercial C3 SECRETARY/TREASURER: As per the Planning Act, 1983 Notice was sent to owners of property within 60 metres of the proposed minor variance. SECRETARY/TREASURER: It is the Village Planner's recommendation that the minor variances be approved as it conforms to the direction of the Official Plan and the intent of the C--3 commercial zone. o 141 +1-E____72_ O U / (A c1 , , c .� , ivv3 / ro T, „ � �%1 � (.t/„ a�P,-� cYr CYT 11 , /'5'2 � ) /� - -q KJ y c. 41,2 p0/55 o_<l Cov e \---A0641-5 or ,o12._,,--‘1 -;a-v7 1,6,16 tie6-5-e5. ( ) 79-__. Win ,/% 3 C51111 0 w _- a ' .._")(.1 cut �L _ • COUNCIL MINUTES February 11 , 1992 7 : 48 p.m. Present : Hugh Brooks , Ed Epple , Gordon Loucks , Tom Nesbitt , Lauran Timlin, Colleen Wiebe Attendees : Dennis Fulford, Allan Spicer , Mario Chirico, Valentina Chirico, Bonnie Bradfield, Kevin Bradfield, Gloria. Stephenson, Tony Lama, Roy Burnett , Gerald Bidwell Call to Order : 7 : 48 p.m. Declaration of Conflict of Interest : None Approval of Minutes See attached resolution Approval of Cheques See attached resolution 1 . By-law 92-03 Being a by-law of the Corporation of the Village of Port Burwell to amend Zoning By-law 91-03 . APPROVED la . By-law 92-04 Being a by-law to amend by-law 88-20 a sub-division agreement with Anthony and Grace Lama. APPROVED 2 . Bonnie Bradfield Mr . Chirico ' s subdivision - concern over the location of the sewage pumping station . She suggested putting the station down by the bridge to benefit homes already in the village who do not have sewers . She was also concerned about how close the station would be to her home . Consideration will be given to her suggestion . Mr . Chirico replied that the sewage pumping station would be at least 500 feet away from the Bradfield home . There was also concern over the quality of homes . Mr . Chirico replied that the homes would be affordable homes , in the $90 , 000 range , approximately 1100 square feet . Mr . Chirico also commented that he was considering changing the commercial lots to 20 residential lots . - 2 - 3 . Franz Unrau Tax arrears - registration of property. Mr. Unrau claims he paid $1 , 000 . 00 in 1991 . He is to come to the office with proof of payment . 4 . Boy Scouts - Roy Burnett June Camp - parking at ball diamond and village pins . The June camp will be June 12 , 13 , 14 . The Council approved the use of the parking lot at the ball diamond for the extra cars . The theme for this year ' s camp is "Christmas Around the World" . The Reeve has been asked to speak at the opening at 8 : 30 p.m. on Friday, June 12 . 5 . Memorial Trailer Park Rent increase See attached resolution Letter to be sent with lease. $150 . 00 deposit due April 1 , 1992 , balance due May 15 , 1992 . 6 . Legion Ads See attached resolution 7 . Approval. of 1991 Road Expenditures See attached resolution 8 . Ministry of the Environment - Sewage Plant Budget See attached resolution 9 . Elgin Municipal Association See attached resolution Clerk to get more information from Secretary-Treasurer of Association . 10 . Garbage Update Tom Nesbitt met with Vienna and Bayham to discuss which way to go . Vienna and Bayham wish to hang tight. Council felt it best to continue to get proposals . There will be a meeting on March 2 , 1992 with Mr . McCaig at Yarmouth Township. 11 . Streetlights See attached resolution 12 . Committee Updates County - Reeve Hugh Brooks The Highway' s 19 , 73 and 4 will be converted to county roads in the next two to three years . A new bridge will be built on County Road 43 between Calton and Richmond. A new library is to be built in Dutton. St . Thomas-Elgin Health Unit chairman Joanne Brooks , Vice Chairman - Hugh Brooks , medical officer , Thomas Wilson . - 3 - Roads - Ed Epple No report Harbour - Tom Nesbitt , Gordon Loucks No report Museum - Gordon Loucks Museum discussed proposal Bradcranex put forward for the $ 1 , 000 lease on the property beside the lighthouse . Museum Board felt $1 , 000 was too much . Suggested paying taxes or purchase land from Bradcranex . There have been no definite proposals and no action as yet taken . Fire Department - Gordon Loucks Fireman practicing water rescue through ice , two men went in the water using Larry Martin' s wet suits . Recreation - Tom Nesbitt Meeting , February 12 , 1992 , 7 : 00 p.m. Council chambers Items to be discussed - May events , streetlights Milton Towers - Tom Nesbitt Another apartment has been vacated. St . Thomas Elgin Tourist Association and SWOTA - Lauran Timlin No report Business and Tourist Association - Lauran Timlin Planning events and promotion. BTA to design and make new Christmas street lights . Tourism and Recreation Masterplan - Lauran Timlin No report Health and Safety - Ed Epple No report Old Business February 29 , 1992 , 9 : 30 - 4 : OOp.m, meeting with Peter North at Alma. College New Business Farmer' s Market report has been issued. Meeting adjourned at 10 : 40 p.m. - 4 - RESOLUTIONS MOVED BY: Ed Epple SECONDED BY: Tom Nesbitt Be it resolved Council approves minutes of January 28 , 1992 Regular Council Meeting . Reeve : Hugh Brooks UNANIMOUSLY MOVED BY: Gordon Loucks SECONDED BY: Lauran Timlin Be it resolved Council approves cheques Number 5921 to 5955 for the amount of $20 , 071 . 34 . Reeve : Hugh Brooks UNANIMOUSLY MOVED BY: Lauran Timlin SECONDED BY: Tom Nesbitt Be it resolved, the 1992 Memorial Trailer Park rates will be $690 .00 . $150 . 00 deposit due April 1 , 1992 . Balance due May 15 , 1992 . Reeve : Hugh Brooks UNANIMOUSLY MOVED BY: Ed Epple SECONDED BY: Gordon Loucks Be it resolved, Council will purchase a $60 . 00 ad in the Legion' s District Convention Book . Reeve : Hugh Brooks UNANIMOUSLY MOVED BY : Lauran Timlin SECONDED BY: Ed Epple Be it resolved, Council approves the 1991 Road Expenditures in the amount of $64 , 861 . 12 . Reeve : Hugh Brooks UNANIMOUSLY MOVED BY: Ed Epple SECONDED BY: Tom Nesbitt Be it resolved, Council approves the proposed Ministry of the Environment Sewage Plant Budget . 1992 Rates will remain the same . Reeve : Hugh Brooks UNANIMOUSLY MOVED BY: Gordon Loucks SECONDED BY: Lauran Timlin Be it resolved, Council approves the membership fee of $25 . to the Elgin Municipal Association ( if not already paid) for 1992 . Reeve : Hugh Brooks UNANIMOUSLY - 5 - MOVED BY : Ed Epple SECONDED BY: Tom Nesbitt Be it resolved, Council approves the purchase of 10 new streetlights . Reeve : Hugh Brooks UNANIMOUSLY MOVED BY : Lauran Timlin SECONDED BY: Ed Epple Be it resolved, Council moves into the Committee of the Whole , appointing Tom Nesbitt , Chairman. CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt MOVED BY: Lauran Timlin SECONDED BY: Ed Epple Be it resolved, Council moves out of the Committee of the Whole. CARRIED : Tom Nesbitt COUNCIL MINUTES TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 25 , 1992 Present: Hugh Brooks, Lauran Timlin, Gord Loucks, Ed Epple, Tom Nesbitt, James Timlin Guest: Mr. & Mrs . Hayward, John Lavers, Allan Spicer, Kevin Bradfield Call to Order Declaration of Conflict of Interest Approval of Minutes See attached resolution Approval of Cheques See attached resolution 1 . Canada Housing and Mortgage Company. Would like permission to purchase a house in the Village under their Rural and Native Housing program. See attached resolution 2 . Canada Coast Guard Letter to be sent requesting the lights be left on and explaining the number of boaters that use the harbour . 3 . Elgin Area Water Meeting Thursday, February 27 , 1992 9 : 30 a.m. , Location - Water Plant Councillor Lauran, Gord, Ed, Reeve Hugh and Clerk Timlin will attend. 4 . L. P .R.C .A. Flood Warning list Who else should be included on the list? Reeve Hugh Brooks and Clerk Timlin will be on the Flood Warning list to be contacted. 5 . Streetlight updates The Scout Group, Lions , Lakers are considering donations . The Port Burwell Family Residents (Maple Meadows ) and the Tenants Association presented a cheque to Council for two lights . Letter of Thank You will be sent to all donators . 6 . Community Policing The Community Policing would like to help plant flowers in the 50 planters . Councillor Tom suggested to co-ordinate with Rec . Board clean up day. Bike Registration day is planned. Would like to paint murals on Mr. Manion' s plywood and possibly the wall by the bridge . Noise complaint - dogs , car radio , very loud driving about the Village . 7 . Postage Meter See attached resolution 8 . Garbage Update March 5 , meeting at Yarmouth Township 2 : 00 p.m. The municipalities will be meeting with St. Thomas Sanitation . Committee Update County , - Hugh Brooks : The County would consider paying 1 /3 of the cost of a drain down Chatham. Brochures from Health Unit given to Councillors . Roads - Ed Epple : Victoria St . South , Hanna, Strachan St . South are in poor shape . Councillor Loucks suggested Hanna St . be gravelled, to be investigated further . Harbour - Tom Nesbitt/Gord Loucks : Letter to be sent to Coast Guard / Small Craft requesting a meeting . Councillor Lauran discussed the erosion along the east side of the creek. Museum - Gord Loucks : March 3 , next meeting Fire Department - Gord Loucks : Working the budget They are holding a draw for two mountain bikes drawn Victoria Day Weekend. Gord to find out status of Emergency Plan March 7 , next meeting. Recreation Board - Tom Nesbitt : Investigating purchasing of play ground equipment . May 9 clean up. Victoria Day Weekend - Sunday night fireworks . Baseball registrations latter part of March . Tom Vice President of the Ball Association. Milton Tower - Tom Nesbitt : One vacant apartment . St . Thomas Elgin Tourist Association & SWOTA - Lauran Timlin S .W.O.T .A. March 12 , next meeting , they are also doing workshops on running events . E .T.A. annual meeting guest speaker was Tom Hockin . Port Burwell has three directors on the board, Debbie Travis , Susan Gills , Lauran Timlin. Guest Speaker Tom Hockin spoke on the southwestern Ontario initiative to advertise events across the border . Tom also spoke about road signs , communities working more closely together, should promote that the American dollar is worth more in Canada, tourism is Canada' s second largest industry. Peter North is working on signage along provincial roads . Business and Tourist Association - Lauran Timlin: Mr . Stewart from St . George is confirmed for April 2 , Harbour Restaurant 7 : 00 p.m. Tourism and Recreation Master Plan - Lauran Timlin Implementation Committee Council reviewed Councillor Lauran' s report See attached resolution. Health & Safety - Ed Epple : Monthly safety magazine will not be subscribed to . Old Business : Elgin County Form Saturday Feb. 29 . Councillor Tom and Lauran and Clerk will attend. New Business : Elgin Municipal Association Meeting March 4 , Stratfordville . James to investigate cutting down five trees . Art Derrough Deputy Reeve Port Stanley met with Lauran , Hugh and James last Friday. They would like to have a joint meeting on March 19 , 1992 . MOVED BY : Ed Epple SECONDED BY : Gord Loucks Be resolved Council moves into the Committee of the Whole appointing Tom Nesbitt Chairman . Reeve Hugh Brooks Unanimously MOVED BY : Gord Loucks SECONDED BY : Ed Epple Council moves out of the Committee of the Whole . Carried Tom Nesbitt Unanimously tt MOVEDTom N.e sbi GECoeD Timl1n Cougapproved. inutes u5teb. 11- ` 9 ' - � 3 11J2 andCommi to of Ad:3t t, g � � 3- c ` eetin gudsh oolcs Br Reese UnanimouslS' T imlin B� .. LauSECONDED BY .. Ed EDple m�ered 5`-� 5 to 9 8 7 in the az che�Lje� roves Cou :\$41 �18 of Br°o11s eve Wugh Unanim uslY Epple Timl in CHP1C to purchase one SSCCBY E BY EdLauran Council_ -0-1-1.1 1a�,d atiVe Housing Progr SEC©�'DED e R,ar al9 9 3 . resolved, under t ain in 1 Be it r V illage - eWea- again. in tYje be reviewed_ ev � 1932 t° Bro°ks Reeve Ku s19 UziaDimou rd L°`'c n £S inil in a three month trial SECONDED BY . Laur n. 'cyl r pmorloth in�3udina servicing . - SECONDED t resolved_ 30 , 00 pe Be y e meter Br°°kms Reeve ou�ly lin Unanlm Y . Laino i�es-bltt t tie official tourism log Dpt D so CouncilSh r resolved, -North Be it r of Erle 3ewel ugh Br°olLs Reeve�usl`'' hitt Unan • Tom N Epple to the committee of the Ov oNDE� so E Council moves i SEC n.g, Go CLoucEs Ch Be it resolved Gord aT�p°ln Broods Ktagh Reeve uslj, Unanimo MOVED BY : Lauran Timlin SECONDED BY : Tom Nesbitt Be it resolved Council moves out of the Committee of the Whole . Gord Loucks Unanimously COUNCIL MINUTES March 10 , 1992 7 : 30 p.m. Call To Order James Timlin, Hugh Brooks , Lauran Timlin, Gord Loucks , Ed Epple , Tom Nesbitt , Cindy Allin, Tom Millard, Mario Chirico, John Lavers , Rob Perry, Doug Schmitt, Allan Spicer, Lori Conley Declaration of Conflict of Interest Minutes See attached resolution Cheques See attached resolution 1 . Mario Chirico Agreement - Subdivision Mr. Chirico would like to have an OPA/Rezoning of the three commercial lots to R-3 multi family residential . Mr. Chirico was asked to submit an application for the OPA/Rezoning Council ' s initial position is to support the change. George Street Road Allowance ; Letter to be sent to adjacent land owners to see if they are interested in purchasing the road allowance as required by. 2 . Village Planner - Procedure Manual Proposal Tabled till Budget time 3 . Commission on Planning and Development Reform in Ontario - March 31 , 1992 The Sewell Commission is reviewing the Planning Act. Reeve Hugh Brooks , Clerk Timlin will attend. 4 . Waterfront Development Update Soils tests have been completed. The appraisal of the waterlot has started. A meeting with Municipal Affairs , the other ministries , the Village the Village Planner and Skinner Associated Group is scheduled for the third week in April to determine study requirements and to review the process . 5 . Secondary Water - Line See attached resolution 6 . Garbage Update A meeting with the municipalities of Elgin County was held on March 5 , 1992 to review the garbage situation . The municipalities also met with Mr Mc Caig and he is in the process of applying for interim expansion. This process could take up to 8 to 10 months . Mr.Mc Claig advised the municipalities not to leave him because he would charge more if when they re-start using Green Lane Landfill . 7 . Sidewalk / Drains Tabled till budget meeting 8 . Home Adaption For Seniors Independent Grant Should Council hold a public meeting to inform the seniors on the program ? Referred to Milton Tower Committee 9 . Appointment of Weed Inspector Charles Stafford is the Weed Inspector for the Village 10 . Building Permit By-Law 92-05 By-law passed 11 . Pile of rubble on the beach Tabled to budget 12 . Council Pay By-law 92-06 By-law passed No Change 13 . Brush Pick-up Status Quo . Residents are responsible for their own brush. 14 . Excise Tax - Tobacco Products Meeting March 16 , 1992 ,Tillsonburg Clerk Timlin to attend 15 . Committee Updates County Budget distributed Business & Tourist Association BTA has purchased a streetlight. April 2 Wine & Cheese Speaker; Vaughan Stewart from St. George . April 12 Breakfast meeting 9 : 30 Committee being formed to oversee Kenoki . Tourism & Recreation Masterplan Reviewed recommendation to Council . Measured for poles for east beach cost approx . $375 . 00 Discussed using the 5 leftover sections of the boardwalk. Discussed Property Standards . Elgin Tourist Association/SWOTA ETA membership to be paid Recreation Meeting March 11 Baseball Registration Saturday March 21 & 28. Milton Towers Meeting March 23 Roads Elizabeth Street to be graded by Bayham Township. Safety Truck Rodeo ; May 28 Health & Safety Museum Board The Board passed a resolution (not unamousily) to enter into a lease with Bradcranex for $1000. 00 for lands around the lighthouse . The Board passed a resolution requesting an additional $500 . 00 from the Village .Council tabled this resolution till budget . Tender to paint Lighthouse has been advertised. Lawrence Black to investigate a heating system for the Museum. Walking tour has been drafted. April 7 , joint meeting with the Rec . Board, Legion, Fire Fighters , BTA. etc. to discuss/coordinate events planning. Fire Department Chief Tom Millard to meet with James re ; water/ice rescue by- law Gord to further investigate the Emergency Plan The Provincial Park has donated their Boat to the fire dept. Harbour Harbour committee to work with BTA in regards to the Kenoki Letter to be sent to Consumers Gas re ; using the westside of the harbour for putting together pipe . Old Business Interviews for Trailer Park to be set up via letters . New Business Dredging Tender TO be prepared Noise Complaint Council discussed the noise complaints with Constable Doug Peer. MOVED BY: Lauran Timlin SECONDED BY: Tom Nesbitt Be it resolved, Council approves minutes of the February 25 , 1992 General Council Meeting . MOVED BY: Ed Epple SECONDED BY: Gord Loucks Be it resolved, Council approves cheques numbered 5988 to 6027 in the amount of $ 25 , 340 . 34 MOVED BY: Lauran Timlin SECONDED BY: Tom Nesbitt Be it resolved, Council approves the Big Otter Creek Watermain Crossing ESR, Alternative 6 for the Elgin Water Supply System Secondary System No. 2 Project Number 6-2020-9000 , Furthermore, Council approves using Project 6-2020-9000 Reserve Fund to pay for Alternative 6 . This does not include the upsizing cost of $ 95 ,000 from 10 to 12 inch . MOVED BY: Gord Loucks SECONDED BY: Ed Epple Be it resolved Council moves into the Committee of the Whole appointing Lauran Timlin as Chairman. MOVED BY: Lauran Timlin SECONDED BY: Ed Epple Be it resolved the Council moves out of the Committee of the Whole. MOVED BY: Tom Nesbitt SECONDED BY: Ed Epple Be it resolved Council will carry on business past 11 : 30 p.m. Minutes for Special Council Meeting on March 18. 1991 at the Village Office at 7: 30 pm Present : Cindy Allin, Larry Martin, Feorge Roden, Tom Nesbitt , Allan Spicer , James Timlin I . Township of ST. Vincent See attached resolution. 2 . Municipal Affairs Regional Conference Tabled till Municipal Affairs sends further information. 3 . OMRA conference No action. 4. Docks Discussed. 5 . Budget Council reviewed the proposed. 6 . Municipal Finance Officers Association See attached resolution. 7. Maintenance garage-tenders for washroom See attached resolution. 8 . Committee of the whole 9. Weibe invoice . See attached resolution . The following resolutions were passed. MOVED BY George Roden SECONDED BY Larry Martin Council appoints Tom Nesbitt as Chairman . CARRIED Tom Nesbitt MOVED BY Larry Martin SECONDED BY George Roden Council of Port Burwell supports the Township of St . Vincent resolution which was adopted February 7, 1991 regarding the new waste disposal site , under the environment Assessment Act . CARRIED Tom Nesbitt MOVED BY Allan Spicer SECONDED BY George Roden Council endorsed the MFOA resolution regarding the application GST on MOE sewer and water billings . Letter of support to be forwarded. CARRIED Tom Nesbitt MOVED BY George Roden SECONDED BY Allan Spicer Council approves Andy & Tony Lama Mechanical to install 65 feet of sewer line with road connection cost not to exceed $2 , 600 . CARRIED Tom Nesbitt MOVED BY Tom Nesbitt SECONDED BY Larry Martin Council moves into the committee of the whole appointing, Allan Spicer Chairman. CARRIED Cindy Allin, Reeve MOVED BY Tom Nesbitt SECONDED BY Larry Martin Council moves out of the committee of the whole . CARRIED Allan Spicer MOVED BY George Roden SECONDED BY Allan Spicer Council approves paying Brian Weibe Engineering 50% of his invoice . CARRIED Cindy Allin COUNCIL MINUTES MARCH 24 , 1992 7 : 30 Present: Hugh Brooks , Lauran Timlin, Tom Nesbitt Ed Epple ,Gord Loucks , James Timlin Guests: John Lavers, Gord Leach , Doug Schmitt, Allan Spicer Greg Pressey, Mr . Anderson, Mario Chirico Call To Order Declaration of Conflict of Interest Approval of Minutes See attached resolution Approval of Cheques See attached resolution 1 . By - Law 92-07 A by-law authorizing the Fire Dept . to carry out rescues . Tabled till next meeting . 2 . Brush - County Chipper Tabled till budget. 3 . Excise Tax on Tobacco Products See attached resolution 4 . Garbage . Update Reeve Brooks and Clerk Timlin met with the other Elgin Municipalities and Mr. McCaig (Green Lane Landfill ) Mr. McCaig explained the $107 . 00 charge per ton. Council Nesbitt to meet with Bayham Township and Vienna to further discuss the situation and the agreement. 5 . Temporary Use By-Law 92-08 Miniature Golf By -Law Passed 6 . Lake Erie Sports Fish Referred to the Harbour Committee 7 . Small Urban Municipalities Conference Tabled till next meeting 8 . Harbour Lights - Advertising of Public Meetings Council will advertise public notices in the monthly edition of Harbour Lights . 9 . Boat Ramp The Harbour Committee is to prepare a draft tender for review by Council . Tender to cover Boat Ramp, Municipal Docks and Wharfinger duties . 10 . Elgin Community Forum Councillor Lauran Timlin has been selected as a Group Leader for the Elgin Community Forum. Councillor Lauran met with the other group leaders and Peter North Elgin M.P.P. (Minister of Tourism and Recreation. ) Mr. North distributed a summary of material from the February 29 meeting and there will be further meetings to establish a strategy for Elgin County and the City of St. Thomas . The group leaders will meet with the rest of the interested parties ( 140 individuals ) on May 9 , 1992 . Committees County County of Elgin budget distributed to Council . Museum Joint meeting of all boards/service organization is planned for April 7 , 1992 . Business & Tourist Association Mr . Vaughan will be the guest speaker from St . George concerning rejuvenating your downtown core . Tourism & Recreation Masterplan Implementation Committee Post to be purchased for East Beach Elgin Tourist Association/SWOTA ETA is participating in two travel shows . Brochures to be sent. Tourism Week is May 11 to May 18 . ETA booth is available for events . ETA is purchasing radio spots for summer events . Recreation Playground equipment is to be purchased in the near future . Final Ball registration March 28 , 10 : 00 a.m. to noon. Site for childs diamond has been selected at the ball park. Milton Tower Vacancy has been filled Roads By - Law for stop signs to be written Sordox to be applied to the shoulders of the roads . Health & Safety No Report Fire Dept Emergency Plan By-Law to be investigated. Copy of the other municipalities by-law to be obtained. Harbour Meeting April 1st . Old Business New Business Mr. Whitney stated that 30 residents are not prepared to purchase dog tags to date. Council instructed Mr. Whitney to submit the list when he has finished his dog tag collection. Council will take action to collect from these residents . Moved By: Tom Nesbitt Seconded By: Ed Epple Be it resolved, Council approves minutes of March 10 , 1992 . Carried Unamousily Hugh Brooks Reeve Moved By: Gord Loucks Seconded By: Lauran Timlin Be it resolved Council approves cheques numbered 6028 to 6072 in the amount of $55 , 132 . 16 Carried Unamousily Hugh Brooks Reeve Moved By: Tom Nesbitt Seconded By: Lauran Timlin Be it resolved, the Council of the Village of Port Burwell supports the resolution from the Township of Delhi number 8 dated March 9 , 1992 to roll back immediately the "export tax" on the tobacco products which has been implemented. Carried Unamousily Hugh Brooks Reeve Moved By:Ed Epple Seconded By: Gord Loucks Be it resolved, Council has reviewed the advance copy of the draft plan of a subdivision for Mr. Chirico and endorses the draft plan presented. The parkland will be located at the corner of County Road 42 and the road entrance to the sub- division on the northside . Minutes for Regular Council Meeting On March 26 . at 7:30 pm at the Village Office Present : Cindy Allin, Allan Spicer , Larry Martin, Tom Nesbitt , George Roden, James Timlin Visitors: Dennis Fulford, Mr . VanNess , Mrs. Hurlbert , Brian Wolfe (Building Inspector ) , Mr . & Mrs. Norm Barber Call to order Declaration of conflict of interest 1 . Approve minutes of regular Council meeting on March 12 , 1991 . See attached resolution . 2 . Approve payment of cheque numbers 4979 to 5012 for a total of $30 , 392 . 22 . See attached resolution. 3. Lloyd Hurlbert-donation to Village. Mrs Hurlbert and Mr VanNess from the Port Burwell Sunday School donated $248 . 30 . , donation to go to the Recreation Board. 4. Village Building Inspector Mr . Brian Wolfe was introduced to Council . See attached resolution. 5 . Sunday Shopping . Letter received from Village Lawyer . No action . 6 . Boat docks consideration of by-law By-law 91-05 was passed. 7 . Wharfinger-A. Spicer to report . See attached resolution. The Wharfinger position will be advertised within the Village. 8 . Subdivision-Chirico ; A. Spicer . James clarified letter sent to Municipal Affairs . 9 . Kwarciany sewer rates . 8 : 30 pm Tabled until April 9, 1991 . 10 . Norm Barber-Green Acres Trailer Park Sewers 9: 00 pm Council and Mr . Barber discussed at length the sewage rates and the charging of the individual trailers in the park . Mr . Barber strongly objected to changing the present method of charging . Council to further discuss the sewage rates at the next meeting. 11 . Modular units-A. Spicer Councillor Spicer discussed having modular units in the Village . No action. 12 . New Firemen George Maclaughlin Andrew James Lama Applications have been tabled until medical have been obtained . James to investigate the inquest at Port Colbourne re water rescue . 13. Green Land fill site . Discussed. 14. Secretary seminar . See attached resolution . 15. Development policy-please review, consideration of by-law. By-law 91-08 15a. Site Plan By-law By-law 91-09 MOVED BY George Roden SECONDED BY Allan Spicer Council approves the Brownies planting and weeding the Village flower beds . Cost and donation not to exceed $400 . 00 CARRIED Cindy Allin, Reeve MOVED BY Allan Spicer SECONDED BY George Roden Council approves the Reeve and Clerk to attend the 911 meeting in Aylmer Amtelecom office on Wednesday, March 27, 1991 . Mileage to be paid. CARRIED Cindy Allin, Reeve MOVED BY Allan Spicer SECONDED BY Larry Martin Council moves into the committee of the whole appointing George Roden as Chairman . CARRIED Cindy Allin, Reeve MOVED BY Tom nesbitt SECONDED BY Allan Spicer Council moves out of the committee of the whole . CARRIED George Roden MOVED BY George roden SECONDED BY Allan Spicer Council appoints Bruce Shaver and Debbie Culver to the Recreation Board. CARRIED Cindy Allin, Reeve Special Council Meeting April 9, 1992 7:00 pm. Present: Hugh Brooks, Tom Nesbitt, Lauran Timlin, Ed Epple, Gord Loucks, James Timlin Attendees: Dennis Fulford, Allan Spicer, Kevin Bradfield Call To Order Declaration Of Conflict Of Interest 1 ) Committee of the Whole See attached resolution 2) Review of Boat Ramp / Inner Harbour document prior to being issued Council reviewed the document. Ads are to be taken out in the London Free Press, Tillsonburg News, Aylmer Express and Brantford Expositor. A smaller ad to be taken out in Harbour Lights. 3) Brush Brush Day, April 27. Notice to be sent to residents. See attached resolution. 4) Gazebo Application for Grant submitted to Employment and Immigration. Donation letters to be sent. Plaque to be placed on Gazebo with donators names. 5) Fireworks Display See attached resolution 6) Bradcranex Marina See attached resolution Adjourned 10:45 p.m. - 2 - RESOLUTIONS MOVED BY: Ed Epple SECONDED BY: Lauran Timlin Be it resolved, Council moves into the Committee of the Whole, appointing Tom Nesbitt Chairman. Reeve Hugh Brooks Unanimously MOVED BY: Gordon Loucks SECONDED BY: Ed Epple Be it resolved Council moves out of the Committee of the Whole. Carried Tom Nesbitt Unanimously MOVED BY: Gordon Loucks SECONDED BY: Ed Epple Be it resolved, Council will have a Brush Day on April 27. The Village will pick up brush until April 27. Notice to be sent to the residents. A chipper will be rented from the County for one day. Reeve Hugh Brooks Carried MOVED BY: Tom Nesbitt SECONDED BY: Lauran Timlin Be it resolved, Council approves having a Fireworks Display within the Village limits on Sunday May 17, 1992. Reeve Hugh Brooks Carried - 3 - MOVED BY: Gordon Loucks SECONDED BY: Lauran Timlin Be it resolved, Council has negotiated the 1991 Bradcranex lease of the federal waterlot/land for the lease price of $500. This is conditional upon receipt of cheque. Reeve Hugh Brooks Defeated MOVED BY: Tom Nesbitt SECONDED BY: Ed Epple Be it resolved, Council has negotiated the 1991 Bradcranex lease of the federal waterlot/land for the lease price of $570. This is conditional upon receipt of a cheque within 7 days. Reeve Hugh Brooks Carried MOVED BY: Ed Epple SECONDED BY: Tom Nesbitt Be it resolved, Council authorizes the Reeve and Clerk to sign a lease agreement with Bradcranex. Bradcranex has agreed to enter into a lease for the federal waterlot/land as area agreed to, as follows - $500 per year to reserve the use of the waterlot/land for 10 docks (20 slips). An additional $50 per year will be paid per dock (2 slips) for each one installed. First payment is due June 30, 1992. ($500 plus $50 per dock installed). Each additional dock installed after this date will be paid within 7 days of installation. The lease agreement will be for a three year period expiring November 30, 1994. Reeve Hugh Brooks Unanimously COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 14, 1992 7:00 P.M. Call To Order Declaration 'of Conflict of Interest Lauran Timlin declared conflict on items 5 & 9. 1. Presentation by Fanshawe College/MOE/Mr. Bob McCaig re: Waste Management Plan. See attached resolution 2. Approval of minutes See attached resolution 3. Approval of cheques See attached resolution 4. Basketball Nets - Tennis Court Referred to Recreation Board 5. Port Burwell Community Child Care Property Taxes See attached resolution 6. Farmers' Market Presented letter to council re: financing arrangements, use of parking lot, waiving of permits. 7. Dredging Tenders See attached resolution 8. County Engineer - Bob Moore Retirement Dinner See attached resolution 9. AMCTO Spring Zone Meeting See attached resolution - 2 - 10. St. Thomas Economic Development Corporation Councillor Lauran Timlin to attend regarding coordinating tourism in Elgin County. 11. Prestene Foods Ltd. Would like to put a small trailer over by the Charter Boat Operators for the Commercial Fishermen who he buys fish from to store the fish in until the truck arrives. Letter to be sent by Village. Committees (1) Reeve Hugh Brooks The County inspected the library and improvements to the ramp are required, fire extinguisher and air air conditioning. (2) Fire Department -- Gord Loucks Received a Sea Doo for a one year period free from Bombardier Inc. for water rescues. To be added to the Village Insurance. (3) Museum Board -- Gord Loucks Joint meeting was held with all boards and interested groups. Was very successful. An Events Committee has been established.. First meeting April 22. (4) Recreation Board -- Tom Nesbitt Playground equipment has been selected. (5) Harbour -- Gord Loucks, Tom Nesbitt Proposal for Boat Ramp and Docks finalized. Ads have been taken out. (6) Seniors - Milton Towers -- Tom Nesbitt (7) Roads & Sewers -- Ed Epple Elizabeth St. is to be graded by Bayham Townships. By- law for Stop Signs in the Village needed. (8) Freedom of Information & Privacy -- Tom Nesbitt - 3 - (9) Health & Safety -- Ed Epple (10) Ontario Home Renewal Program -- Ed Epple (11) Port Burwell Business & Tourist Association (BTA) ETA/SWOTA -- Lauran Timlin •ETA - Attending London and Toronto travel shows. New brochure should be ready for Toronto show. (Port Burwell brochures given out). ETA travel show booth is available free of charge for display purposes. The ETA will be advertising Elgin events on CHLO. SWOTA - Received requests for brochures that we are trying to fill and send out. Have applied for a Travel Counsellor through SWoTA to operate an information booth here this summer. BTA - Vaughn Stewart evening a success - 75 in attendance, lots of people talking/getting involved. Park tabloid - very successful 72 adds 10,000 to be produced. Members noted that we need more things on the beach - food, beach equipment, boat rentals. Signage in County for Port Burwell seen to be insufficient - can the new County Engineer help? In addition, Port Burwell should put tourist type signs at Copenhagen & Rogers Corners. Gazebo - would help with donation/fund raising. Events Committee J. Stephenson to represent the BTA - keen on canoe race/boat regatta. Special Events/Business Card Draw On 3 big weekends and/or once a season Keep names & addresses for mail outs later Implementation Committee Meeting April 23 - will get notes to council for next meeting. Poles/barrier on beach to be started next week. - 4 - Old Business New Business Odyssey Recreation - Dale Vranckx Approached Council about setting up a Sea-Doo operation on the East Beach. Will submit a proposal to Council on •April 28, 1992. Sign for Library needed (Section 25 to produce) Port Burwell Legion - 9th Annual Catfish Derby donation given. RESOLUTIONS MOVED BY: Tom Nesbitt SECONDED BY: Ed Epple Be it resolved, Council approves hiring Great Lakes Triple "R" Consulting to implement a Waste Diversion Plan for the Village of Port Burwell. Reeve Hugh Brooks MOVED BY: Lauran Timlin SECONDED BY: Gordon Loucks Be it resolved, Council authorizes the Reeve and the Clerk to enter into a contract with Great lakes Triple "R" Consulting. Reeve Hugh Brooks MOVED BY: Lauran Timlin SECONDED BY: Tom Nesbitt Be it resolved, Council approves minutes of March 24 and Special Council Meeting April 9, 1992. Reeve Hugh Brooks - 5 - MOVED BY: Gordon Loucks SECONDED BY: Ed Epple Be it resolved, Council approves cheques #6073 to 6120 for a total amount of $71,252.27. Reeve Hugh Brooks MOVED BY: Torn Nesbitt.:` SECONDED BY: Ed Epple Be it resolved, Council approves writing off the Port Burwell Community Child Care Inc. 1992 property taxes. Reeve Hugh Brooks MOVED BY: Tom Nesbitt SECONDED BY: Lauran Timlin Be it resolved, Council reviewed the tender bids from Bradcranex Inc. $28,800, Vary's Crane Service Ltd. $27,750, Higgs & Higgs Inc. $25,500. GST is applicable to the Bids. Council selects Higgs & Higgs to dredge the Harbour. Reeve Hugh Brooks MOVED BY: Gordon Loucks SECONDED BY: Ed Epple Be it resolved, Council approves sending the Reeve to Mr. Bob Moore's retirement dinner. Cost not to exceed $40.00 Reeve Hugh Brooks MOVED BY: Ed Epple SECONDED BY: Torn Nesbitt Be it resolved, Council approves sending Clerk James Timlin to the AMCTO Spring Zone Meeting. Registration $25.00 and mileage to be paid. Reeve Hugh Brooks - 6 - MOVED BY: Ed Epple SECONDED BY: Gordon Loucks Be it resolved, Council will donate $50 to the Port Burwell Legion's 9th Annual Catfish Derby. Reeve Hugh Brooks MOVED BY: Ed Epple SECONDED BY: Gordon Loucks Be it resolved Council appoints Tom Nesbitt Chairman. Carried Tom Nesbitt COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 28, 1992 7:00 P.M. Present: Hugh Brooks, Tom Nesbitt, Lauran Timlin, Gord Loucks, Ed Epple, James Timlin Attendees: Mario Chirico, George Roden, Kevin Bradfield, Cindy Allin, Mr. & Mrs. Silfwerbrand, Bonnie Bradfield, Allan Spicer, Rob Perry, Doug Schmidt, John Henricks (Village Planner), Brian Wolfe Call to Order Declaration of Conflict of Interest Approval of Minutes See attached resolution Approval of Cheques See attached resolution 1. Official Plan Amendment By-law 92-09 2. Zoning By-Law Amendment By-law 92-10 3. Update - Federal Waterlot The village has received a preliminary figure and it is favourable. The Department of Public Works will finalize the figure in the next 4 to 6 weeks. The waterlot will be purchased. - 2 - - Official Plan Amendment - Outer Marina Clerk Timlin, Councillor Loucks, the Village Planner and Mr. Skinner met with the Provincial agencies. The MOE would like further information regarding sewage plant capacity. The ammendment is expected to be approved in the next two or three months. 4. Garbage Update Mr. Ware updated council on what progress they have made and a flyer is goin out to the residents. 5. Property Standards See attached resolution 6. Penitentiary See attached resolution 7. Sea-Doos - Odyssey Recreation 1. Odyssey Recreation will be entering into a lease with the Village to operate Sea Doo rentals from the East Beach. 2. Sea Doo race will be held on August 1, 1992 (See attached resolution) 8. Inner Harbour/Boat Ramp/Muncipal Docks Tender Tenders were opened. Council to meet and review and set up interviews for May 4. 9. Trailer Park Meetings Very positive, problems were identified, items will be added, speed bump and Children Playing sign. 10. Community Futures Oxford & East Elgin Councillor Tom Nesbitt to attend the Public meeting in Aylmer on Thursday April 30, 1992. 11. Garbage Cans East Pier Cans to be put in the parking lot immediately. 12. Portable Washrooms To be located at the East Beach (1), next to the laundry mat and between the boat ramp and municipal docks. - 3 - Committees (1) Reeve Hugh Brooks No report (2) Fire Department - Gord Loucks No report (3) Museum Board - Gord Loucks May 5, next meeting (4) Recreation Board - Tom Nesbitt Next meeting May 13 (5) Harbour - Gord Loucks, Tom Nesbitt Mr. Montieth's office to be contacted regarding the status of Konoki (6) Seniors - Milton Towers - Tom Nesbitt No report (7) Roads & Sewers - Ed Epple No report (8) Freedom of Information & Privacy - Tom Nesbitt No report (9) Health & Safety - Ed Epple No report (10) Ontario Home Renewal Program - Ed Epple No report (11) Port Burwell Business & Tourist Association (BTA), ETA/SWOTA - Lauran Timlin ETA - Attended the Toronto Travel Show this past weekend. The 1992 brochure is ready for distribution. Presentation by Sandra Chabot from SWOTA. Port Stanley Railway running to St. Thomas starting May 8 - ceremony. - 4 - SWOTA - next general meeting - May 7 (12) Events Committee Recreation Board/Legion/Venturers/St. Joseph's Catholic Church/B TA/Museum Board/Firefighters represented. Lots of plans made - ideas to be taken back to each group for approval and action. They would like to stress how important it is for this group to get all information about upcoming events, etc. Planning to produce calendar for the community as well as visitors - through businesses in and out of town and park patrons. Next meeting first week in May to get Victoria Day in place. (13) Tourism & Recreation Masterplan and Implementation Committee Some new ideas have come up - use the Port Burwell Tourism Logo in BTA members windows. Have a sign in Village using the logo, i.e. at turn around, at Chatham & Bridge Streets. Flower Planters - perhaps for maintenance we could have an "adopt a planter" project. Posts have been installed at beach- need to be cut off evenly and painted. Continued reviewing rec. up to # 41. Production of a video- Dave Mason knows a student who can/will do it - how could we fund this? As always, property standards in the downtown core seem to be a major stumbling block in developing Port Burwell into a tourist destination. The shopping experience is very important in the short excursion/day trip and one of the best ways to get people to stay longer - spend more. Old Business Gazebo to start May 18. New Business - 5 - RESOLUTIONS MOVED BY: Tom Nesbitt SECONDED BY: Gordon Loucks Be it resolved, Council approves the minutes of regular Council Meeting held on April 14, 1992 Carried Reeve Hugh Brooks MOVED BY: Lauran Timlin SECONDED BY: Gordon Loucks Be it resolved, Council approves cheques #6121 to 6155 for a total amount of $30,897.23. Reeve Hugh Brooks MOVED BY: Gordon Loucks SECONDED BY: Ed Epple Be it resolved, Council approves sending Brian Wolfe (Building Inspector/Property Standards Officer) to the Property Standards Officers Study and Training Program on June 14 - 18, 1992. Cost $690 plus GST and gas allowance will be provided. Application will be made to recover 50% of the registration fee. Carried Reeve Hugh Brooks MOVED BY: Lauran Timlin SECONDED BY: Gordon Loucks Be it resolved Council supports the Township of Bayham's efforts to obtain a medium security prison. Carried Reeve Hugh Brooks - 6 - MOVED BY: Tom Nesbitt SECONDED BY: Lauran Timlin Be it resolved, Council approves Continental Motor Sport Corporation to hold Sea Doo/Watercraft race on the East Beach on Saturday August 1, 1992. Carried Reeve Hugh Brooks MOVED BY: Lauran Timlin SECONDED BY: Tom Nesbitt The Council of the Village of Port Burwell agreesto the amendments to the By-Law # concerning the Recreation Board. 1. Miss 3 consecutive meetings with no notification removal as voting members. 2. Miss 6 consecutive meetings with no notification removal from board. 3. Increase voting members to 10 from present 7. Reeve Hugh Brooks MOVED BY: Tom Nesbitt SECONDED BY: Lauran Timlin Be it resolved, Council selects Lot 1 of Mr. Chirico's subdivision for the Park land dedication and cash. Carried Reeve Hugh Brooks PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES Amendment to the Official Plan & Comprehensive Zoning By-law 91-03 Held in the Village Council Chambers on April 28, 1992, 7:00 p.m. REEVE: This is a public meeting held by Council under Section 17(2) and 34(12) of the Planning Act, 1983 to consider new proposed revision(s) to the Official Plan and the Comprehensive Zoning By-law. CLERK: 1 . The purpose of this meeting is to review a proposal to change the land use designation of the properties known municipally as Part of Lot 11, Concession 1 Plan 11R-3651, from Commercial to Residential. 2. The purpose of this meeting is to review a proposal to change the zoning designation of the properties known municipally as Part of Lot 11, Concession 1 Plan 11R-3651, from Commercial C-1 to Multi Family Residential R-3. Clerk The Clerk states the notice was advertised in the Tillsonburg News, March 27, 1992. It is my opinion that the Tillsonburg News have sufficient distribution in the Village to adequately notify the public. Reeve Any person may express his/her views of these proposed changes to the Official Plan and the Comprehensive Zoning By-law and a record will be kept of their comments. Any person wishing to receive written notice of the adoption of the Official Plan and Comprehensive Zoning By-Law should leave their name and address with the Clerk. VILLAGE PLANNER: Village Planner will explain the proposed changes. Reeve Are there any questions? (For the record state your name). Does anyone wish to present their comments either in favour of or in opposition to these proposed changes to the Official Plan and the Comprehensive Zoning By-law? Questions? Cindy Allin- What was the orginal number of units? John Henricks, 3 commercial, 29 Single Family dwellings and it has been changed to 21 Single Family, 60 townhouses. Are the single family lots large enough? Yes, they conform to the zoning By-law for single family lots. Concerns about people crossing the road because of the speed limit and that people accelerate up the hill. Would a crosswalk, pedestrian walkway be put in place? This matter will be discussed with the County. Parking concerns. Each townhouse has a single garage and driveway. Reeve Any questions from the members of Council? Is there a motion to refer these itmes for a decision by Council at its regular meeting later this evening? MOVED BY: Ed Epple SECONDED BY: Tom Nesbitt Be it resolved, the Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment be referred to the regular meeting later this evening. Reeve Hugh Brooks SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES MAY 19, 1992 Present: Hugh Brooks, Lauran Timlin, Ed Epple, Gord Loucks, Tom Nesbitt, James Timlin Guests: Allan Spicer, Mario Chirico, Brian Wolfe, Tom Millard Call to Order Declaration of Conflict of Interest 1. Mario Chirico Mario Chirico expressed concern about the Ministry of Labour inspecting his construction site. The Village Building Inspector Brian Wolfe discussed the building Code requirement with Council and Mr. Chirico that the doors must swing out and not swing in. Mr. Chirico would like to have his architect discuss the matter with Brian Wolfe and the Ministry of Housing Building Code section. 2. 1992 Budget Council reviewed the proposed budget. 3. Committee of the Whole See attached resolutions RESOLUTIONS MOVED BY: Lauran Timlin SECONDED BY: Ed Epple Be it resolved, Council moves in the Committee of the Whole appointing Tom Nesbitt Chairman. Reeve Hugh Brooks MOVED BY: Lauran Timlin SECONDED BY: Ed Epple Be it resolved, Council moves out of the Committee of the Whole. Carried Tom Nesbitt COUNCIL MINUTES May 12, 1992 6:30 p.m. Present: Hugh Brooks, Tom Nesbitt, Lauran Timlin, Gord Loucks, James Timlin Guests: Cindy Allin, Mario Chirico, Allan Spicer, Alex Dimitre, Kevin Bradfield, Tom Millard, Ross Huntley Call to Order Declaration of Conflict of Interest 1 . Committee of the Whole See attached resolution 2. Property Standards Update a) Mario Chirico - Subdivision - Burning of Material The Fire Chief and Property Standards Officer discussed with Council the burning of the demolished house moved to the subdivision. MOE has been contacted. Mr. Chirico apologized for any inconvenience. A burning by-law is to be prepared. b) Letters to be sent out - junk, unlicensed vehicles Brian Wolfe updated Council that letters will be sent out shortly. 3. Chipwagon Alex Dimitre approached Council regarding a chipwagon for the East Beach. Council informed him they already approved one for this year and the demand does not exist for anymore. 4. Elgin/St. Thomas Health Unit - Guidelines for preparing and serving food at community fund raising. The Boards are to be informed of these guidelines by their Council representatives. 5. Boardwalk - Fishing No action - 2 - 6. Committee Updates County - Next County Council May 20. - Final inspection of the library by the County is in June. BTA/ETA - BTA - Mr. Chirico recommended Gazebo on beach - Mr. Barber recommended the Gazebo by mobile - June 14 Retreat House picnic - Public washrooms for tourists in downtown core - BTA motion to construct two public washrooms on the front of the Museum. Mr. Chirico to supply labour and materials (no plumbing fixtures or hook up) Recreation - Old playground equipment has been removed. New equipment to be delivered in 7 to 10 days. Rec Board meeting tomorrow night. Museum - Last meeting was clean up the Museum - Museum Board to investigate obtaining a model of the Astabula from the Toronto Museum - Lighthouse is being painted 7. Garbage Update Triple R presented Council with an updated report. Council passed a resolution support the Mission Statement. 8. Casino Councillor Loucks, Clerk Timlin and Mr. Skinner met with Peter North, MPP regarding the possibility of Port Burwell obtaining a Casino Licence. A report has been prepared and submitted to Mr. North. 9. Gazebo Gazebo will be located next to the Village Office. A temporary foundation will be constructed. Additional information to be obtained from Pizza Hut for donations. - 3 - 10. Planters - Flowers Planter Boxes are in the process of being put out. Flowers to be purchased Thursday. 11 . Letter from Fred Brandt No action 12. Port Burwell Public School Closing of Shakespeare St., Wellington St. to Waterloo, May 20, 1-3 p.m. See attached resolution 13. Minor Variance Application - Erieus Reduce Notice from 60 to 30 metres See attached resolution Old Business Sordox will be spread on the road shoulder and Elizabeth St. on May 14. New Business Boat Slips Rental Fee Council decided on a $500 flat rate. Trailer Harbour Lands Temporary use by-law to be prepared. Mobile Food Booth on a C-3 lot. Kevin Bradfield approached Council. Clerk Timlin to investigate. Vandalism: Mr. Huntley approached Council regarding youths kicking his building and breaking a security light. Council expressed concern, recommended the O.P.P. be contacted. Council would like to know the status of the Community Policing Committee. - 4 - RESOLUTIONS MOVED BY: Lauran Timlin SECONDED BY: Gordon Loucks Be it resolved, Council moves into the Committee of the Whole appointing Tom Nesbitt, Chairman. Carried Tom Nesbitt MOVED BY: Lauran Timlin SECONDED BY: Gordon Loucks Be it resolved, Council moves out of the Committee of the Whole Carried Tom Nesbitt MOVED BY: Tom Nesbitt SECONDED BY: Gordon Loucks Be it resolved, Council approves the Environmental Policy Mission Statement and Objectives. Policy to be attached to the minutes. Carried Reeve Hugh Brooks MOVED BY: Tom Nesbitt SECONDED BY: Lauran Timlin Be it resolved, Council supports Great Lakes Triple "R" Consulting recommendation of the selection of the Rubbermaid Green Cone Food Waste Digester as the Official Village Composter. Carried Reeve Hugh Brooks - 5 - MOVED BY: Tom Nesbitt SECONDED BY: Gordon Loucks Be it resolved, Councillor Lauran Timlin is appointed chairman for item 13. Carried Lauran Timlin MOVED BY: Gordon Loucks SECONDED BY: Tom Nesbitt Be it resolved, Council approves reducing all assessed owners of land lying within sixty metres of land to 30 metres of land for notification of the Committee of Adjustment application for 24 Erieus Street. Carried Lauran Timlin MOVED BY: Gordon Loucks SECONDED BY: Tom Nesbitt Be it resolved, Council selects Lot #1 of Mr. Chirico's subdivison for "Park Land" dedication and cash. Park land dedication of Figure 2 of By-law 92-09 and 92-10 will be amended to Multi-Family Residential. Carried Reeve Hugh Brooks MOVED BY: Gordon Loucks SECONDED BY: Lauran Timlin Be it resolved, Council approves the closure of ShakespeareSt. between Wellington and Waterloo St. on May 20 between 1 :00 and 3:00 p.m. A letter will be obtained from the school assuming all liability. Carried Reeve Hugh Brooks COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 26, 1992 6:30 P.M. Present: Hugh Brooks, Tom Nesbitt, Lauran Timlin, Ed Epple, Gord Loucks, James Timlin Guests: Mr. & Mrs. Bastien, Scott Wistow, Judy Thorton, Jeff Vyse, Brian Wolfe, Aranka Csaki, Allan Spicer, Ron Deecker Call to Order Declaration of Conflict of Interest Hugh Brooks, Item 2 - Property Owner 1. Committee of the Whole See attached resolution 2. Committee of Adjustment See attached resolution 3. Approval of Minutes May 12 item 11 should be referred to BTA See attached resolution 4. Approval of Cheques See attached resolution 5. Nevada proceeds to have the Legion's parking lot sealed. See attached resolution 6. Lake Erie Fishing Derby - Request permission to place a weighing station along the Big Otter Creek. Council agreed to allow the Lake Erie Salmon and Trout Club to set up a weighing station for their derby. 7. Mr. Snyder Water/Sewer billing, unfair sewage charges Tabled - 2 - 8. Village of Belmont Establishing a committee for direct purchase of natural gas Tabled till next meeting. 9. Dog Complaint - 25 Chatham St. Brian Wolfe met with Mr. Lemay and visited the property. The dog appeared extremely healthy. Council discussed the matter and a letter will be sent to Mr. Lemay and to the property owner who signed the letter of complaint. 10. Garbage Update Report submitted to Council. Triple R to investigate a shredder and a bag holder. 11. Trailer Park Complaints discussed. Tom and Gord to visit trailer park. 12. Jeff Vyse - Unlicenced Vehicle letter from Brian Wolfe, Property Standards Officer Mr. Vyse asked how many licenced vehicles can someone have? Council - as many as they want. Mr. Vyse - Then why was a letter sent to me? Mr. Wolfe - an unlicenced vehicle is on the property. Council discussed with Mr. Vyse what a licenced vehicle is. Mr. Vyse said he lost his sticker. Mr. Vyse threatend to sue the Council for discrimination. 13. Gazebo - Location Location will be next to the Village Office. Clerk Timlin to speak to Ed Matthews. Letters will be sent out requesting donations. Committee Updates a. County Reeve Brooks handed out a report from the Medical Officer of Health. 3.76 Kilometers to be paved by the County by the Village. b. ETA/SWOTA No report. - 3 - c. BTA No report. d. Events Working on Canada Day. Flag Raising to be at Lighthouse. e. Farmer's Market Doing Fine. f. Elgin/St. Thomas Economic Development The ETA and the St. Thomas EDC are to prepare a presentation for local councils. g. Museum No report. h. Recreation Fireworks were very successful. Trees are at the ball park for the playground. Work day to put equipment together June 6. Next meeting June 10. i. Streetlights Give names of donator to Tom for the plaque. Old Business Burning by-law next council. New Business Sams on the Beach. George St. road allowance. Community policing. Council is concerned that there hasn't been any meetings . Doug Peer to be contacted. Council would like the opinion of the Community Policing Committee about offering a $100 reward leading to the arrest and conviction of the person or persons turning over the flower boxes and pulling out flowers. Sea Doo races invite Dale from Odessy Park to the Recreation Board for June 10. -4- MOVED BY: Lauran Timlin SECONDED BY: Tom Nesbitt Be it resolved, Council moves into the Committee of the Whole appointing Gord Loucks Chairman. CARRIED: Reeve Hugh Brooks MOVED BY: Tom Nesbitt SECONDED BY: Lauran Timlin Be it resolved, Council moves out of the Committee of the Whole. CARRIED: Gord Loucks MOVED BY: Cord Loucks SECONDED BY: Lauran Timlin Be it resolved, Council appoints Ed Epple Chairman For the Committee of Adjustment. CARRIED: Ed Epple MOVED BY: Cord Loucks SECONDED BY: Tom Nesbitt Be it resolved, the Committee of Adjustment defers this matter for two weeks. A letter will be sent to the property owner requesting an updated survey and that the owner and the potential owner meet with the concern property owners to discuss the type of home to be built. The Village Planner will be contacted regarding a sits plan agreement. CARRIED: Ed Epple MOVED BY: Cord Loucks SECONDED BY: Lauran Timlin Be it resolved, Council approves cheques numbered 6156 to 6235 for a total of $38012.57. CARRIED BY: Reeve Hugh Brooks MOVED BY: Ed Epple SECONDED BY: Tom Nesbitt Be it resolved, Council approves minutes from April 28 and May 12 General Council Meeting and May 19 Special Meeting. CARRIED: Reeve Hugh Brooks -5- MOVED BY: Cord Loucks SECONDED BY: Ed Epple Be it resolved, Council approves the Legion using Nevada proceeds to seal the parking lot. CARRIED: Reeve Hugh Brooks MOVED BY: Lauran Timlin SECONDED BY: Ed Epple Be it resolved, Council agrees to sell the road allowance between Victoria St. and Elizabeth St. to Judy Thorton/Scott Wistow and Leonard/Gwen Bastien. CARRIED: Reeve Hugh Brooks Green Acres Trailer Park Wellington Side ; 8 Len & Barb Barnes - Well. * Elmer Robbins - 34 Well. * Al & Kathy Sutherland - 32 Well . Eileen - Tenant Monthly Bases ' Grace & Ross Mc Nair - 32 Well. Bernice & Wilfred Mann - 30 Well. Norm & Pat Mc Curdy - 32 Well. John Mann - 32 Well. Dale Dunn - 32 Well. - Pitt Side; Sharon & Frank Reiser Norman Barber Sr. - 33 Pat & Jim Reynolds - 35 Shiela & gary Bootle Ernie Chevalier - 35 Geo. 7 �,=,,uoP Laura & John Lemay - 33 Roy Buzes - Deceased, still monthly based ( by new owners ) COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT MAY 26, 1992 7:00 PM Chairman Ed Epple This is a Public meeting of the Committee of Adjustment under Section 44 of the Planning Act, 1983. Secretary/Treasurer: OWNER: Hugh Brooks LOCATION: 24 Erieus St. MINOR VARIANCE REQUESTED TO BY-LAW 91-03 Comprehensive Zoning By-law Minimum Front Yard FROM: 7.5 metres TO: 6.0 metres Minimum Rear Yard FROM: 9.0 metres TO: 6.5 metres OFFICIAL PLAN DESIGNATION: Residential ZONING: Residential R-1 Secretary/Treasurer As per the Planning Act, 1983 Notice was sent to owners of property within 30 metres of the proposed minor variance. The Village Planner's recommendation that the minor variances be approved as it conforms to the Official Plan/Zoning By-law regarding existing lots prior to the Zoning By-law being approved. Chairman Ed Epple Any person may express his/her views of these proposed variances and a record will be kept of their comments. Any person wishing to receive written notice of the adoption of the variances should leave their name and address with the Clerk. Chairman Ed Epple Are there any questions? (For the record state your name). Does anyone wish to present their comments either in favour of or in opposition to these proposed variances? Mr. J. Berzinis - 25 Erieus Street Has the property been purchased? Committee of Adjustment - No, but there is an offer to purchase. Mr. Berzinis - What size home is to be built? Committee of Adjustment - Maximum size would be 22 x 40 feet. Mr. Berzinis - Is this home going to fit into the streetscape and with the other homes in the area such as the Travis, Hevoner and Anderson homes? Is this going to be a modular home? Committee of Adjustment - From the drawings submitted it would appear that it would not fit in and it would be a modular home. Mrs. Debbie Travis - 31 Wellington St. There appears to be a possible discrepancy over the lot size. What is the size and I recommend a survey be carried out. Clerk stated that according to the Assessment office records the lot is 30 X 82.5 feet but there appears to be a possible 10 foot discrepancy. Committee of Adjustment recommended a survey should be carried out in order to determine the exact lot size. Mrs. Travis is concerned that the small side yards would interfere with their own backyard activities. Committee of Adjustment discussed this matter and the possible erection of a fence. They went on further to discuss the bowling alley effect a privacy fence would have on a thirty foot wide lot. Mrs. Travis also raised the concern if future owners are going to have sufficient space to live comfortably. Committee of Adjustment had the same concern and would hope the buyers take this into consideration. Mr. J. Berzinis Expressed concern about having a vinyl sided home with no basement next to Victorian homes. Further went on to state he has no problem with a home being built as long as it blends into the neighbourhood. Committee of Adjustment will have the Clerk contact the Village planner to investigate the possiblity of a site plan agreement. Allan Spicer suggested the property owners and the developer should get together to discuss the type of home to be built. Committee of Adjustment supported this idea but would be up to the property owner and the developer to arrange this. They also pointed out Council recommended this two weeks ago. Chairman Ed Epple Any Questions from the members of Council? Committe members had hoped the property owner would have had representation at the meeting. Chairman Ed Epple Is there a motion regarding the minor variance? MOVED BY: Gordon Loucks SECONDED BY: Tom Nesbitt Be it resolved, the Committee of adjustment defers this matter for two weeks. a letter will be sent to the property owner requesting an updated survey and that the owner and the potential owner meet with the concerned property owners to discuss the type of home to be built. The Village Planner will be contact regarding a site plan agreement. Carried Ed Epple Is there a motion to close the Committee of Adjustment Public meeting? MOVED BY: Lauran Timlin SECONDED BY: Tom Nesbitt COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT JUNE 9, 1992 7:00 PM Chairman Tom Nesbitt This is a Public meeting of the Committee of Adjustment under Section 44 of the Planning Act, 1983. Secretary/Treasurer: OWNER: Hugh Brooks LOCATION: 24 Erieus St. MINOR VARIANCE REQUESTED TO BY-LAW 91-03 Comprehensive Zoning By-law Minimum Front Yard FROM: 7.5 meters TO: 6.0 meters Minimum Rear Yard FROM: 9.0 meters TO: 6.5 meters OFFICIAL PLAN DESIGNATION: Residential ZONING: Residential R-1 Secretary/Treasurer As per the Planning Act, 1983 Notice was sent to owners of property within 30 meters of the proposed minor variance. The Village Planner's recommendation that the minor variances be approved as it conforms to the Official Plan/Zoning By-law regarding existing lots prior to the Zoning By-law being approved. Chairman Tom Nesbitt Any person may express his/her views of these proposed variances and a record will be kept of their comments. Any person wishing to receive written notice of the adoption of the variances should leave their name and address with the Clerk. Chairman Tom Nesbitt Are there any questions? (For the record state your name). Does anyone wish to present their comments either in favour of or in opposition to these proposed variances? Mr John Henricks reviewed his planning report with the Committee and those residents in attendance. Clerk Timlin discussed Mr & Mrs Black's survey which shows a width of 38 feet. Mr Chirico discussed the type of house, more peaks. Mr. Chirico is not prepared to build a two storey. The people he has that are interested are elderly and do not want a two storey. Mr. Black stated that if they knew the actual frontage, it would be easier to make a decision. They are concerned with the side yard. Mr. Nesbitt stated that it would be in the best interest of all parties to know the frontage and have a survey completed. Mrs Travis stated that Joe had seen a modular home and it was bricked and looked nice. Mrs Black was concerned about someone looking into her living room. Mr Chircio said he would offset the window. Mr Henricks expressed concern about the side yard and windows. Chairman Tom Nesbitt Any Questions from the members of Council? Mrs Timlin asked about the definition of a 2 storey building vs a raised bungalow. Mr Henricks explained that the definition is included in the by-law and a raised bungalow is not considered a 2 storey building. Chairman Tom Nesbitt Is there a motion regarding the minor variance? MOVED BY: Gordon Loucks SECONDED BY: Edwin Epple Be it resolved the Committee of Adjustment approves the Village Planners recommended Option #1 excluding item a,b, and c (iii) and in addition the builder will meet with the neighbours prior to item d. CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt Is there a motion to close the Committee of Adjustment Public meeting? MOVED: Ed Epple SECONDED BY: Lauran Timlin Be it resolved the Committee of Adjustment closes the meeting. g CARRIED: Tom Nesbitt COUNCIL MINUTES JUNE 9, 1992 qqa _ 7:00 P.M. ) 99a — 0 Present: Hugh Brooks, Tom Nesbitt, Lauran Timlin, Ed Epple, Gord Loucks, James Timlin. Guest: Mario Chirico, Kevin Bradfield, Allan Spicer, Mr. Brown, Tony Lama, Anna Brooks, Lawrence Black, Debbie Black, Deb Travis, John Henricks (Village Planner), Brian Wolfe (Building Inspector) Call to Order Declaration of Conflict of Interest Reeve Hugh Brooks item 1 property owner. 1. Committee of Adjustment See attached resolution. 2. Approval of Minutes See attached resolution. 3. Approval of Cheques See attached resolution. 4. Gordon Craig - Inner Harbour Mr. Craig updated Council on the improvements that he has made. He has spent over $7 500 excluding his time. 5. Property Standards Mr. Wolfe updated Council on certain properties. -2- 6. Garbage Update Triple R updated Council on the progress they have made. The public meeting and the presentation to the students at the school went very well. 7. Emergency Identification System Referred to the Fire Department. 8. Rural Routes - Conference No action 9. Elgin County Municipal Officials Meeting June 17 Colleen Wiebe to attend. 10. By-law 92-11 - Temporary Use Trailers in Harbour Lands Passed 11. By-law 92-12 - Dockage Rates Passed 12. By-law 92-13 - Closure of George St. Road Allowance Passed 13. By-law 92-14 - Sale of George St. Road Allowance Passed 14. Gazebo Update - Donation letters to be sent. -3- 15. Burning By-law To include brush, leaves, and grass. 16. BTA Lauren Timlin- June 20 Community Yardsale (15 - 20 participants) - BTA to adv. - 4/5 publications - map of village & list of participants will be made available at Harbour Restaurant. -June 14 - Neighborhood Picnic - Holy Cross - portable toilet for charter boats - BTA voted not to support - brochures - probably OK for this season ( sent out 5,000 + since April) - will need more for next year - should start planning a new one for next season - collect pictures - people involved/events/activity/heritage/fishing and camping - brochure committee? - council participation Suggestions: - Post signs - re' speed limit/no wake in creek - although not enforceable if they looked professionally probably might help. - Gazebo - use same idea as street lights - ask all to buy a piece of the gazebo - plaque with donors names. - Park announced that 1993 will be the centennial celebrations for Prov. Parks in Ontario - expecting that there will be lots Pr and attention in the media. - would like the village to participate in some way - sponsoring an event or part of an event in the - opening (May opening) -July 18 (Parks Day - all) - closing (parks free, Labour Day) - needs ideas by end of month? - Museum Board - history in pictures of park site -4 - Events Committee - working on Canada Day lineup (flyers will be sent out) -June calendar is out - distributed to media SWOTA Lauran Timlin - attended meeting in St. Mary's - new executive - Huron County dropped out - also other individuals within other counties - see need to go out and do more PR to show worth 17. Old Business By law for budget next meeting. Streetlight Plague donation list to be prepared. 18. New Business - De Cloet - Bayham Ltd is interested in establishing a temporary use for a fruit stand at Bill Ghersens property on Erieus Street. - County Gulf Day July 9. - Red Tractor Quote to repair the tractor is $2,600 plus tax. Councillor Nesbitt to check on possibility of replacement. - 5 Erieus St. Mario Chirico would like a temporary by-law to permit five trailer 1 modular home that are 500 to 600 sq ft for accommodation. 19. Committee of the Whole - Land See attached resolution. RESOLUTIONS MOVED BY: Gordon Loucks SECONDED BY: Lauren Timlin Be it resolved, Council appoints Tom Nesbitt Chairman of the Committee of Adjustment. - 5 - Carried Reeve Hugh Brooks MOVED BY: Gordon Loucks SECONDED BY: Edwin F Epple Be it resolved the Committee of Adjustment approves the Village Planners recommended Option #1 excluding item a, b, and c (iii) and in addition the builder will meet with the neighbours prior to item d. Carried Tom Nesbitt MOVED BY: Ed Epple SECONDED BY: Lauren Timlin Be it resolved the Committee of Adjustment closes the meeting Carried Tom Nesbitt MOVED BY: Lauren Timlin SECONDED BY: Tom Nesbitt Be it resolved Council approves the minutes from May 26, 1992 General Council meeting. Carried Reeve Hugh Brooks MOVED BY: Ed Epple SECONDED BY: Lauren Timlin Be it resolved Council approves cheques numbered 6209 to 6284 for the total amount of $30,324.99. - 6 - Carried Reeve Hugh Brooks MOVED BY: Tom Nesbitt SECONDED BY: Ed Epple Be it resolved Council moves into the Committee of the Whole appointing fiord Loucks Chairman. Carried Reeve Hugh Brooks MOVED BY: Ed Epple SECONDED BY: Lauren Timlin Be it resolved, Council moves out of the Committee of the Whole. Carried Gordon Loucks COUNCIL MINUTES TUESDAY JUNE 23 , 1992 7 : 30 PM Present : Reeve Hugh Brooks , Gord Loucks , Ed Epple , Lauran Timlin Tom Nesbitt , James Timlin . Guest : Mrs . Foster , John Stephenson, Orland Kinsey, Phil Vaughan, Betty Martin, Jack Vyse , Rob Perry, Stewart McGibbon, Ken Roesch , Neil Brown , Jack Shaddock, John Wiebe , Allan Spicer , Doug Schmidt , Fred Brandt , Mr . DeClout , and Koen VanDi.jk Call To Order Declaration of Conflict of Interest Reeve Brooks on Item 10 . 1 . Temporary Use By-law Fruit and Vegetable stand Erieus Street Council heard from a number of residents regarding the proposed stand, concerning more traffic congestion, one entrance , garbage , parking and that they should have received the notice sooner . Mr . DeClouet withdrew his proposal . 2 . Chipwagon - East Beach Mr . VanDjck has been granted a lease . Payment is as follows : July 15 $500 . 00 August 1 $500 . 00 3 . Lorraine Larlaman T-shirt booth East Beach Council would like to know type of booth , location and more information on the type of operation. 4 . Approval of Cheques See attached resolution 5 . Approval of Minutes See attached resolution - 2 - 6 . Property Standard Mr . Shaddock expressed his concern over the garbage at 52 Addison. Mr. Wolfe gave his report on the situation to Council . Mr . Wolfe is to send the landlord a letter stating that if the Village has to clean the mess up a $100 . 00 charge will be levied. Mr . Wolfe reported on the Bradcranex situation . No action has been taken by Bradcranex on the unsafe situation (pontoon boat) . Brian to contact Bradcranex immediately. Bradcranex will be given two weeks to clean up the other items . 7 . 1992 LPRCA Watershed Tour No Action 8 . Economic Development Tourism Township of Bayham See attached resolution 9 . County - Resolution re Disentanglement See attached resolution 10 . 24 Erieus Street Submitted drawing of proposed house Mr . Chirico to be sent a copy of the Committee of Adjustment decision. 11 . Letter from Fred Brandt Council reviewed Mr. Brandt' s letter. Letter to be sent to CIBC re banking machine . Bulletin Board to be checked on a weekly basis . Material to be kept lower. 12 . Status of - Red Tractor - waiting for parts - Frontend Loader - Exhaust stack was repaired 13 . Top Soil/Sand Tendering 3 suppliers are to be contacted. 14 . 1992 Budget By-law By-law Passed - 4 - - Recreation Meeting tomorrow night . Agenda for Tub Daze will be finalized Play ground ties have been installed. -BTA Yard Sale was very successful and brought a great number of people in the Village 20 . Old Business - Gravel in Museum parking lot . - Fencing for pet zoo to be erected. - Flag poles for Canada Day. - Street light donation plaque . - Community Policing - letter to be sent to the Staff Sergeant 21 . New Business - J . Gordon Wilder - letter sent to Council concerning trees cut down in front of his property at 16 Beach Street . He would like to know who cut them down . Council will send a letter stating that the Village did not cut the trees down and are unaware of who did. - Bradfield trailer address 1 Hurley Lane - Washroom for the East Pier Approved - Ontario Municipal Board hearing regarding 51 Chatham St . zoning will be held on August 12 , 1992 in the Council Chambers . - Maintenance Student Tillsonburg Student Employment Centre to be contacted. - Mr. Gyeshen will be sent a letter outlining the past arrangement and that Council wants to continue and place picnic tables and a garbage can. - July 14th Council Meeting moved to July 7th . - 6 - BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED THAT the Province of Ontario not take any action and our local MPP not vote on any legislation until both the Province and local MPP' s have directly consulted with all Municipal Councils . CARRIED Reeve Hugh Brooks COUNCIL MINUTES TUESDAY JULY 7 , 1992 7 : 30 P.M. Guest: Mario Chirico, Glen Gilvesy, Kevin Bradfield, Cindy Allin, Patricia Matthews , Tony Lama, John Lamers , Gord Armstrong , and Mr & Mrs LeMay. Present : Hugh Brooks , Tom Nesbitt, Lauran Timlin, Gord Loucks , Ed Epple , and James Timlin. Call to Order Declaration of Conflict of Interest None 1 . OMB Hearing - 51 Chatham Street See attached resolution. 2 . a) Property Standards Mr . Wolfe updated Council on the Bridge St. Subdivision, Bradcranex 52 Addison and 31 Erieus . Mr. & Mrs . LeMay attended regarding dog complaints . Mr. Wolfe will contact the Village lawyer to find out legally what can be done . b) Tony Lama re : Cost of Building Permits Mr. Lama protested the building permit fee on modular homes . Mr. Wolfe explained how the fees were arrived. Mr. Wolfe will investigate other municipalities . Councillor Nesbitt to contact South Dorchester. 3 . Tree Stumps and limbs to be trimmed Tree stumps will be tabled till next years budget. A list of locations for tree limbs to be cut is to be compiled. 4 . Garbage Update Triple R submitted an update report . 5 . Paving Quotes .www- - 2 - See attached resolution. 6 . Media Day - Friday July 10 , 1992 9 Media representatives , Ministry of Tourism and SWOTA will be attending . Mr . Craig is to provide the food at no cost . Councillor Timlin to work with James on the agenda. 7 . Bait Signs on Trees and Poles Mr. Wolfe is to speak to the owners of the signs and request that they be taken down. If they wish to have them placed on poles and trees they require Council approval . 8 . Mario Chirico - Proposal for 5 cottages behind Hagerman Street Council reviewed Mr. Chirico ' s proposal . A temporary use by-law and a development agreement is to be prepared. Residents in the immediate area are to be notified. If the by-law is approved and the agreement signed then Council will allow Mr . Chirico to place the 5 units in his subdivision in order to work on them this fall . Once they are completed they will be relocated to the Hagerman Site. 9 . Lifting of Part Lot Control 21 Brock St . - Mr. Chirico By-law Passed. 10 . Quotes for Soil Testing - C.P. Land See attached resolution. 11 . Committee Updates - County No report. - Community Policing Neighbourhood Watch was discussed. Answering Machine to be purchased. O.P.P. office to be vacuumed out. - BTA Continuing with their summer meetings , 50/50 draw, and - 3 - Events Draw. A petition will be put together for a banking machine . - ETA/SWOTA No report. - Museum Board Dave Mason will be Interim Chairman. Bradcranex submitted a lease for review. - Recreation Board Meeting July 8 . Plans for Tub Dazes will be finalized. The new playground was dedicated in memory of Cody Roesch West on Sunday June 28 , 1992 . - Fire Department The Old Fire Truck won two trophies at the Port Stanley show. They would like to take the truck to the St. Thomas show. Council approved the truck leaving the Village . - Events There will be a meeting at the end of the month and will be working on the August calendar. 12 . Dust Control - Hanna St . To be applied 13 . Public Meeting for Zoning By-law Amendment for a Casino and Waterfront Development An Information Meeting will be held on August 13 to explain Ontario Casinos and on August 20 the Official Plan & Zoning By-law Amendment Meeting will be held. 14 . Signage - Children Playing - Tom Nesbitt Five signs will be purchased. 15 . Old Business - 4 - 16 . New Business Mr. Chirico suggested the road to the boat ramp be a one- way street . In order to encourage this , Mr. Chirico suggested that a boat day be planned where the boat ramp would be free for the day and people would decorate their boats and there would be a parade in front of the East Beach . Letter to be sent to the Charter Boat Operators regarding excessive speed/wake in the harbour . If this continues docking privileges will be revoked. 17 . Approval of Council Minutes See attached resolution. 18 . Approval of Cheques See attached resolution. 19 . Legion Week See attached resolution. 20 . Closing of East Beach August 1 . See attached resolution. Adjourned 12 : 30 am RESOLUTIONS MOVED BY: Tom Nesbitt SECONDED BY: Lauran Timlin Be it resolved, Council will have the Village lawyer and planner in attendance at the OMB Hearing on August 12 , 1992 to present the Village ' s position on the Zoning By-law. Carried Reeve Hugh Brooks - 5 - MOVED BY: Ed Epple SECONDED BY: Lauran Timlin Be it resolved, Council reviewed paving quotes from Berdan Paving $28 , 153 . 84 and ALW Paving $22 , 518 . 15 . Council selects ALW Paving . Carried Reeve Hugh Brooks MOVED BY: Tom Nesbitt SECONDED BY: Ed Epple Be it resolved, Council reviewed the bids from Dames & Moore , Canada $5 , 800 plus GST, Dillon $5 , 400 plus GST and Dominion Soil $2 , 000 plus GST and Village to supple a backhoe. Council selects Dominion Soil Consulting Engineers to do the soil test in accordance with MOE Decommissioned Guidelines . Carried Reeve Hugh Brooks MOVED BY: Lauran Timlin SECONDED BY: Tom Nesbitt Be it resolved, Council approves minutes from regular Council Meeting June 23 , 1992 . Carried Reeve Hugh Brooks MOVED BY: Ed Epple SECONDED BY: Gord Loucks Be it resolved, Council approves cheques numbered 6329 to 6409 for a total amount of $103 , 356 . 12 . Carried Reeve Hugh Brooks MOVED BY: Ed Epple SECONDED BY: Lauran Timlin Be it resolved, Council approves Branch 524 of the Royal Canadian Legion to hold "Legion Week" September 20 through September 27 , 1992 . Carried Reeve Hugh Brooks - 6 - MOVED BY: Gordon Loucks SECONDED BY: Ed Epple Be it resolved, Council closes the East Beach to swimming on Saturday August 1 , 1992 between the hours of 9 : 00 am to 6 : 00 pm. Council approves holding of the SeaDoo races between 9 : 00 am to 6 : 00 pm on the East Beach on August 1 , 1992 . Carried Reeve Hugh Brooks MOVED BY: Gordon Loucks SECONDED BY: Ed Epple Be it resolved, Council approves extending the meeting beyond 11 : 30 pm. Carried Reeve Hugh Brooks COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY JULY 28 , 1992 7 : 00 P.M. Present : Hugh Brooks , Gord Loucks , Lauran Timlin, Ed Epple, Tom Nesbitt, and James Timlin. Guest: Shirley Roash , Brian Bentley, Hans Kanter, Joey Chirico , Mario Chirico , Tom Millard, Greg Pressey, Ross McWain, Rob Anderson, Margaret Higginson, Joyce Farlow, Tiiu Klien, James Ross , Audrey Ross , Patricia Matthews , John Lavers , George Roden, Elaine Smith, Robert Smith , Rob Perry, and Doug Schmidt . Call to Order Declaration of Conflict of Interest None 1 . Committee of the Whole No Action. 2 . P.A.L. People for Active Living Presentation of Plaque and Cheque Ms . Shirley Roash presented to Council a plaque and a cheque for $200 . 00 for the Recreation Board. 3 . Temporary Use By-law Re : 5 Portables Hagerman St. a) Portables being moved in prior to approval being received. Various residents voiced their disapproval about the proper process not being followed by Mr . Chirico. Residents were concerned about the portables being made into cottages . There were residents in attendance who supported Mr . Chirico ' s proposal . b) Temporary Use By-law 92-17 Defeated Nays - Ed Epple, Tom Nesbitt , Lauran Timlin Yeas - Hugh Brooks , Gord Loucks c ) Legal action to have the portables removed. See attached resolution. Village will participate at a cost of $10 . 00 . - Meeting on August 11th with Mr. Skinner , Mr . Bernie - 4 - Zarfman, and Mr. Chirico . Adjourned 11 : 52 RESOLUTIONS MOVED BY: Gordon Loucks SECONDED BY: Tom Nesbitt Be it resolved, Council approved Minutes of July 7 , 1992 . Carried Reeve Hugh Brooks MOVED BY: Lauran Timlin SECONDED BY: Ed Epple Be it resolved, Council approves cheques #6410 to 6501 for a total amount of $54 , 006 . 29 . Carried Reeve Hugh Brooks MOVED BY: Ed Epple SECONDED BY: Gordon Loucks Be it resolved, Council approves the re-roofing of the southside of the fire hall , total cost not to exceed $3 , 000 . 00 . The Fire Chief is instructed to accept the lowest bid. Carried Reeve Hugh Brooks MOVED BY: Lauran Timlin SECONDED BY: Ed Epple Be it resolved, Council instructs the Clerk and the Building Inspector to seek out legal action to be taken to have the three portables removed from the Erieus/Hagerman site . Recorded Vote Yeas Nays Tom Nesbitt Hugh Brooks Ed Epple Gord Loucks Lauran Timlin Carried Reeve Hugh Brooks COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT AUGUST 11 , 1992 7:00 PM Reeve This is a Public meeting of the Committee of Adjustment under Section 44 of the Planning Act, 1983. Secretary/Treasurer: OWNER: Mario Chirico LOCATION: 24 Victoria St. MINOR VARIANCE REQUESTED TO BY-LAW 91-03 Comprehensive Zoning By-law Section. Setback from non-navigable watercourses and hazard land. FROM: 7.5 meters TO: 2.5 meters OFFICIAL PLAN DESIGNATION: Residential ZONING: Residential R-1 Secretary/Treasurer As per the Planning Act, 1983 Notice was sent to owners of property within 60 meters of the proposed minor variance. The Village Planner's recommendation that the minor variances be approved as it conforms to the Official Plan/Zoning By-law regarding existing lots. Reeve Any person may express his/her views of these proposed variances and a record will be kept of their comments. Any person wishing to receive written notice of the adoption of the variances should leave their name and address with the Clerk. Reeve Are there any questions? (For the record state your name). Does anyone wish to present their comments either in favour of or in opposition to these proposed variances? Reeve Any Questions from the members of Council? Mr. G. Russell says that it should not be allowed because the lot is not big enough. Clerk said frontage is 66 feet. Mr. Russell said the Creek has been filled in and that the structure should not be built on there is a by-law against it. Mr. Wolfe said he was unaware of when the Creek was filled in. Mrs. Russell was concerned about the overflow condition flooding of basements, potential buyers. A petition was presented to Council, 29 names. A letter was presented to Council from Mr. Proud. Mr. Chirico thought that the design of the house would do justice to the neighborhood. Mrs. Russell complained about the type, quality of the house and complained about the house at Brock and Strachan Street. Councillor Timlin asked about the letter from L.P.R.C.A. Mr. Chirico explained he met with Mr. Tim Bower L.P.R.C.A. and that the bank should be secured and a 3 to 1 slope. Councillor Nesbitt asked if that would satisfy the residents in attendance. They said no! Reeve Is there a motion regarding the minor variance? See attached resolution. Leonard Bastien asked if that was it and what can he do? Secretary/Treasurer Timlin stated that the minor variance was passed and if he wished he could file a formal objection with the clerk who would forward it on to the Ontario Municipal Board. Mr. Timlin pointed out the petition did not have reasons as to why these people were objecting. Mr. Timlin stated that if Mr. Bastien is to file a letter that it should state valid reasons or it may be dismissed by the O.M.B. frivolous. MOVED BY: Ed Epple SECONDED BY: Tom Nesbitt Be it resolved, Council approves the minor variance with the following conditions - All Long Point Regional Conservation Authority recommendations are satisfied prior to the issuance of a building permit. CARRIED: Hugh Brooks Reeve Is there a motion to close the Committee of Adjustment Public meeting? MOVED BY: Tom Nesbitt SECONDED BY: Gord Loucks COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 11 , 1992 7:00 P.M. Present Hugh Brooks, Lauran Timlin, Ed Epple, Tom Nesbitt, Gord Loucks, James Timlin Visitors Scott Wistow, Leonard Bastien, Gwyn Bastien, Margaret Higginson, Mario Chirico, David Hartley (R.O.M.A.), Gary Russell, Janet Russell, Mrs. Chirico, Mrs. Ingolfsrud, Doug Schmidt, Allan Spicer Call To Order Declaration of Conflict of Interest None 1 . Committee of the Whole - Land See attached resolutions 2. Village Insurance - presentation by ROMA Mr. David Hartley 3. Minor Variance Application Mario Chirico - Victoria Street See attached resolutions 4. Portables - Hagerman Street See attached resolution Mr. Wolfe and Mr. Timlin are to draft a permit for the moving of buildings into the Village. - 2 - 5. Temporary Use By-law Mr. Fernandez - 8 Addison By-law 92-18 passed 6. Restructuring in Simcoe County See attached resolution 7. Property Standards - Camping Westside by Bridge Street. Mr. Wolfe spoke with Kevin Bradfield who said he had some friends down for the weekend and he will take the sign down. - Outstanding Permits. Richard Brooks, 51 Chatham St. Building Permit fee is owing - Clean-up - Bradcranex. Mr. Kevin Bradfield stated a truck was coming in the next week or two to take junk away - Uncut grass and weeds. Letters have been sent - Tree Trimming Ontario Hydro is to be contacted - Bulldozer To be hired to level off dirt on east side 8. Approval of Minutes. See attached resolution 9. Approval of Cheques. See attached resolution - 3 - 10. NDP Fish Fry Councillors Epple, Nesbitt, and Timlin and the Clerk are to attend Committees Reports (1) County Dutton is to receive a new library Special County Council meeting July 31st County Clerk resigned. The County Council will advertise for a deputy clerk and secretary/clerk. Haldimand Norfolk has lost their Medical Officer the Elgin County Officer will assist until they find a replacement. Elgin County will be reimbursed. (2) Museum See attached resolution Lease for Bradcranex land and by-law to be presented at the next Council meeting. (3) Roads Drains have been installed on Strachan St. Hannah St. to receive dust control. Trailer for the Kubota lawnmower/tractor is to be investigated prices to be obtained. (4) Recreation Board At the next meeting a Tub Daze financial statement is to be presented. - 4 - The Sea Doo racers went extremely well. Had 8 vendors at ball diamond. $989 was collected by donations at the Fireworks. (5) BTA Community Yard Sale on August 29, 1992. Made Donation of $500 to the Gazebo. Old Business Food booth to be contacted re: lease payment. Send letter to Museum, Rec, Lioness etc. re: Gazebo some boards have not received them? Plaque for street light donations to be ordered. Soil Test Report - C.P. Land, by-law to be drafted for purchasing the land. New Business 1993 ETA Ad Council would like further information. Waste Management Meeting August 19, 1992 7:00pm. Doris Weiler Sign Council is concerned that the island is County property and permission from the County is required. Mr. Silverbrandt complained about the noise at Tub Daze, he is also upset about the camping at the municipal docks, he thinks a gate should be put across the ramp, he is concerned about the gas cans at the Charter Boat operators. Is concerned about the boat that is parked across from his marina. MNR to be contacted. Adjourned 12:10 - 5 - Resolutions MOVED BY: Lauran Timlin SECONDED BY: Tom Nesbitt Be it resolved, Council moves into the Committee of the Whole appointing Gordon Loucks Chairman. CARRIED: Reeve Hugh Brooks MOVED BY: Ed Epple SECONDED BY: Tom Nesbitt Be it resolved, Council moves out of the Committee of the Whole. CARRIED: Gord Loucks MOVED BY: Ed Epple SECONDED BY: Tom Nesbitt Be it resolved, Council approves the minor variance with the following conditions- All Long Point Regional Conservation Authority recommendations are satisfied prior to the issuance of a building permit. CARRIED: Reeve Hugh Brooks MOVED BY: Lauran Timlin SECONDED BY: Gord Loucks Be it resolved, Council approves cheques numbered 6502 to 6544 for the amount of $19,924.49 CARRIED: Reeve Hugh Brooks MOVED BY: Ed Epple SECONDED BY: Tom Nesbitt Be it resolved, Council approves meeting minutes of July 28, 1992. CARRIED: Reeve Hugh Brooks MOVED BY: Tom Nesbitt SECONDED BY: Ed Epple Be it resolved, Council approves Bob Smith and Shirley Elliot's appointment to the Museum Board. Furthermore, Council approves Dave Mason's appointment as chairman of the Museum Board. CARRIED: Reeve Hugh Brooks MOVED BY: Lauran Timlin SECONDED BY: Gordon Loucks WHEREAS THE Township of Tiny in the County of Simcoe has met with the Minister of Municipal Affairs to express their concerns with the reconstructuring of the Township's boundaries which will result in large assessment loss; AND WHEREAS the Minister of Municipal Affairs has not responded to the concerns expressed by the Township of Tiny's Council and ratepayers; AND WHEREAS County Restructuring is being taken in a number of areas throughout the Province of Ontario and all municipal Councils have an interest in ensuring that the process is carried out fairly and with proper consideration given to local concerns; NOW THEREFORE Council for the Corporation of the Village of Port Burwell hereby petitions the Minister to address the concerns of the Township of Tiny, and to ensure that restructuring in the Province of Ontario creates stronger, more viable municipal units and does not simply encourage assessment grabs by urban municipalities. And further, that a copy of this resolution be sent to the Township of Tiny, the Minister of Municipal Affairs and the Premier of Ontario. CARRIED: Reeve Hugh Brooks MOVED BY: Tom Nesbitt SECONDED BY: Lauran Timlin Be it resolved, Council will proceed with fining Mr. Chirico for moving in the portables to the Hagerman St. site prior to receiving approval. Council will notify the residents in the area that Council will consider a temporary use by-law at its August 25, 1992 meeting. CARRIED: Reeve Hugh Brooks 7 Council will notify the residents in the area that Council will consider a temporary use by-law at its August 25, 1992 meeting. CARRIED: Reeve Hugh Brooks 1 Information Meeting RE: Casino Thursday, August 13, 1992 7:30pm Welcome Reeve Brooks welcomed everyone to the meeting and outlined the agenda for the evening. Reeve Brooks also stated the Village has been going downhill for the last 30 years. We have commercial fishing, but once we had three coal companies, a canning factory, a bakery, a butcher, we had so much. Reeve Brooks also stated that he was in complete support of the casino and the waterfront development project. Casino Information Presentation. Councillor Lauran Timlin see attached. Update On The Skinner Proposed Waterfront Development. Mr. Skinner updated the residents on the progress and the hurtles that have been overcome regarding the project. Mr. Skinner also discussed the casino and the positive aspects of having a casino. He also stated if a licence was granted construction would start in the summer of 1993. Questions and Comments Letter read by Reeve Brooks from Mr. Dennis Fulford. In support of the casino licence and the waterfront development. Ross McNair would like to support the project and the zoning proposal. Susan Stock is a 6 month resident and doesn't think it is a contest between the seasonal and permanent residents we have been coming here for 25 years. I do not wish to see a casino in Port Burwell or anywhere else in Ontario. We know that when government comes in many things they cannot control. I come from a farm and not a large community. We must be aware of the changes that will come with 320 condominium units and the increased population. We must be aware of these changes as far as the casino is concerned. Janet Russell- I think this is the most important thing that has happened in Port Burwell and I think it should be left to the permanent residents to decide the future of Port Burwell. I am for the casino and I think the residents should let the people 2 Allan Spicer- I think Mrs. Stock is wrong, yes it will bring change but change to like it used to be many years ago when we did have a casino on the beach. We could lose our doctor in the Village and continue to lose other things if we do not support the casino/waterfront development project. Bob Christoph- I believe the casino as the catalyst is warranted as Mr. Spicer I also feel we will lose many amenities and other things. The casino should be looked at as an integral part of the development. We have two forms of gambling already- lotteries 649, Nevada tickets and bingos. We need a catalyst to draw people. Fred Shelley- I was born here. I understand not all the studies have been completed such as the social economic study. I think we should see these studies. I am concerned about the social impact and traffic. There has been a lot of talk about increased tax revenue for the Village that has to be seen. I need to see the studies before I can make a decision. I can be swayed. Mr. Skinner spoke about the holding zone provision in the zoning by-law and how it is council's decision whether or not to lift the holding zone. In addition the province will be heavily involved. Mr. Skinner went on to explain the economics of doing the studies prior to the passing of the zoning by-law versus after the zoning by-law is in place and re-iterated the purpose of a holding zone. Peter Boles- I am a seasonal resident my family has been coming here for over 90 years. Seasonal residents do have a stake in the decision. We have an interest in the development. I am with Municipal Affairs and have worked there for 20 years. The conflict between permanent and seasonal residents is of concern. The development can get off on the wrong foot. We want to work with the community. We all have and interest in the development of the Village. I was completely surprised by government's announcement of casinos. I thought they were only going into large communities such as Windsor, Toronto, Ottawa and not small communities. On the character of the Village I have been coming here all my life. The Village has been going downhill. The impact is going to be significant and I am willing to work with the Village. Councillor Lauran Timlin- The Ministry of Tourism is reviewing locations and will have input on decisions regarding casinos. 3 The Ministry has recognized that border locations will not really benefit the province. They realize by locating them in the interior people will have to drive through the area thus benefiting more communities and attractions. Jim Ross- I am a seasonal resident and I think it is the greatest thing to hit Port Burwell. I can see it being a catalyst. I think it will help us grow. I would like to thank you Council, Mr. Skinner and all the people involved for bringing us this casino. Shirley Manion- I have lived here 10 years my husband and I own real estate and once owned 9 cottages and I also operate a store. We always had trouble renting the cottages because there is nothing to do and people get bored. This has been a bad summer because of the weather and it just makes it that much harder to get people here. I believe Mr. Skinner has the right idea of a complete year round entertainment center. With advertising in the winter it would be great. The casino would be icing on the cake. We will draw twice as many people. It would give summer residents something to and would attract sailboats. Businesses need this, a lot of businesses have gone under, others are just barely hanging on pretty soon we won't have any businesses on Main St. The children of the Village need the jobs in order to fund their education. It would give them something to do and keep them off the streets. Most people that I have talked to are in favor of the casino. Sarah Brooks- On behalf of the children in the Village we see the casino/hotel improving the level of activities in the Village and providing much needed jobs for paying the cost of higher education. Ron Bradfield- I am a lifelong resident and I had to leave the Village to find work in Toronto. My family operates a business in the Village and it is not as profitable as I would like it to be. I encourage this development the jobs, the progress and I support it to a point. I cannot support a casino in the Village. Mr. Bradfield went on to quote from an article in Monday's August 10, 1992 Toronto Star (attached). -1983 study - organized crime -Mr. Rae said 6 sites organized crime would virtually move into the Village. -The mafia is international and there would be money laundering -Criminals would remain in the Village -We would have turf wars in the Village 4 -There would be drug wars, It has been shown when New York state considered casinos people were killed -We would be like New York City's seedent district -I am sure you have read it in the paper Councillor Lauran Timlin- Mr. Bradfield unfortunately you missed the beginning of the presentations when we discussed Ontario casinos and the experience in the provinces of Manitoba and British Columbia. We have talked to the people who operate these provincially run casinos and they have not experienced any of the problems that you have described. Mr. Skinner asked Mr. Bradfield if he would support a casino elsewhere since he said he would not support one in the Village. Mr. Bradfield said he would but not in the Village. Mr. Skinner- Would you support a casino in lets say Port Stanley? Mr. Bradfield- Yes I would. Mr. Skinner- It would appear casinos are o.k. as long as their not in your backyard. Mr. Bradfield- Yes Mr. Skinner- You have to believe that the government can put into place the necessary controls to avoid these problems. The province will not approve casinos if these problems will exist. If this can help the project would it not be better to have one and not take the not in my backyard approach. Mr. Bradfield- I do gamble and I spend $20 a week on 649 tickets but I think it would be detrimental to the Village. Glen Alward- I totally reject the idea of a casino I think we can make it on puritism, I don't think we can make it with a casino. Tiiu Klein- I am a seasonal resident and have nothing against the proposed development but I resent being blackmailed by the agreement it could only proceed soon and in its currently proposed scale if the casino is attached. What do you consider an adequate approval, what is the percentage? I have paid taxes for many years on a decent property I am for the marina, I am never bored. I don't think we need a casino I have been here all summer and never have been bored. 5 I don't know how you can legally if no studies have been done major or minor. Why spend the money of the studies if the zoning is not in place. I don't agree with Mr. Skinner who started off on the wrong foot that is villagers are against the casino and development and permanent residents are for the casino and development. Councillor Tom Nesbitt- The zoning by-law allows for many things. There are many things in our by-law that we don't have. In addition, this is a holding zone and until council is satisfied the holding will not be lifted. The casino is only one of many things in this project. Rob Anderson- I agree with Tom Nesbitt that the casino is one of many things in the project. I am for the casino. I don't think Mr. Bradfield's scare tactic is going to work. I have been in the Winnipeg casino it is tame, I have been to worse church bingos. Cindy Allin- I support the casino, the project and think it would be great for the village. As far as crime and drugs we have it now. Let's look at everything and try to make a good development out of this with the casino in tact. Port Burwell has sat on the sidelines for years. It is about time we get off our butts and do something. And if it means applying for a casino and losing it, at least we've applied for it. Bob Macey- Can we specify the type of casino in the by-law so we can be protected? Can it say European style casino? Councillor Tom Nesbitt- James can it? Clerk James Timlin- Yes. Allan Spicer- I am involved with a cottage near Algonquin Park. I refuse to join the Cottage Association there because they oppose development. I think cottagers should look at it in a positive light. Mr. Steel- I am in favor of the casino. It is the only way out of this mess for the Village. Greg Pressey- I support the casino and its operation. It gives us opportunities we don't have now. Harry Ross- I am speaking for myself, and Mr. Cookson who couldn't be here tonight. We both support the casino. I have lived here many years and have seen the decline. Mr. Cookson's uncle used to own the property where the old casino used to be. 6 We rent cottages and it is very hard. We have to advertise a lot to rent them. A lot of people like to do activities we've had people go home early because there is nothing to do. Mrs. Vaughan- We retired here approximately two years ago. Philip my husband grew up in Port Burwell and it has changed. There is very little here particularly in the winter. We nee this project and the casino. There are many other things in the development and it will provide jobs and get the teenagers off the streets. There is an athletic center, movies, theater, many things that the teenagers and residents can use. Who ever thought of the sewage plant years ago should be congratulated for their foresight. Councillor Tom Nesbitt- I would like to dispel that there is a rift with the cottagers. I respect the opinion of the cottagers, they own beautiful property and they are council and Skinner's concerns. I hope more retire here. Mr. Skinner- I apologise to the cottagers, I think most cottagers support the casino, waterfront development and the cottagers like Port Burwell. I don't want to cause a rift. The village selected me as their developer through their call for developers, I want to work with council and the residents. 22 rat A-/- . r „ .. f, su. 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J3.-0----e;6 .6 / - ' / . iy/ 6.___ - , , , ov - ct______ c ( // int , e$O-L - '',„,f-v-i-,45,_-7' .8 ,te,' / - /.,,,- ; ,,,2-.3 A 1- 1.,-e 4010 Z 4 4-e.,--,-- A-4- _ Eeek-o---a4-e4^- l z S7-174o /7s ice PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES AUGUST 20, 1992 Amendment to the Official Plan & Comprehensive Zoning By-law 91 -03 REEVE: This is a public meeting held by Council under Section 17(2) and 34(12) of the Planning Act. 1983 to consider new proposed revision(s) to the Official Plan and the Comprehensive Zoning By- law. Clerk This proposed modification is prepared in response to comments received from the Ministry of Municipal Affairs. The Ministry recommended that Bonusing Policies be included in Section 5 of the Official Plan: Implementation and Administration. This amending zoning by-law regulates the use of land, buildings and structures for the Marina Complex at the east beach in the Village of Port Burwell. This by-law clarifies the definition for Tourist Commercial Establishment. This by-law adds "Bonus Provisions" to the "General Provisions" of the Comprehensive Zoning By-law. This by-law creates an area specific zone not used anywhere else in the Village to impose special development controls for the Marina Complex. The lands subject to this amendment are also subject to relevant holding provisions. Removal of the "H" symbol must be done through a zoning by-law amendment, but only after all relevant conditions are satisfied. Clerk The Clerk states "the notice was advertised in the Tillsonburg News, July 13, 1992 and the Aylmer Express July 15, 1992. It is my opinion that the Tillsonburg News have sufficient distribution in the Village to adequately notify the public. In addition notices were sent out with the tax bills. Reeve Any person may express his/her views of these proposed changes to the Official Plan and the Comprehensive Zoning By-law and a record will be kept of their comments. Any person wishing to receive written notice of the adoption of the Official Plan and Comprehensive Zoning By-Law should leave their name and address with the Clerk. Village Planner The Village Planner, Mr. Henricks reviewed the proposed Official modifications regarding bonusing policies in Section 5 of the Official Plan. Mr. Henricks reviewed the zoning by-law amendment proposed by-law 92-21 . Reeve Are there any questions? (For the record state your name). Does anyone wish to present their comments either in favour of or in opposition to these proposed changes to the Official Plan and the Comprehensive Zoning By-law? Robert Smith When does it come in to effect? Mr. Henricks Should Council choose to pass the by-law Tuesday night it doesn't come into force and effect until the Official Plan is approved. The developer still has to complete some studies for Municipal Affairs. In addition before the "H" symbol is removed more studies have to be completed. Mr. Henricks gave examples of studies required. He further stated we are a long way off before we see something happen. Mr. Ingolfsrud Does the developer have his financing in place? Clerk Timlin Yes, he has a commitment for $158 million in funding provided a casino licence is approved. Mr. Ingolfsrud Does the Village have something that shows this funding? Clerk Timlin Mr. Skinner will provide details of the investors, who they are, etc. when we make our submission to the province. The investors will be investigated by the province. Ross McNair I spoke to Skinner last week at the casino meeting and he told me the financing is in place. I think he is sincere. Dave Mason Is waterlot B covered by this amendment? Clerk Timlin Waterlot B does not have any Official Plan designation or zoning in place. This amendment only deals with waterlot A where the development is going to go. Elizabeth Ingolfsrud Has Skinner asked for these densities? John Henricks I met with Mr. Skinner and we sat down and discussed uses and made suggestions for good planning. We talked about keeping the densities down and if you wanted higher densities there would be additional parkland provided. John further discussed densities and bonusing. Mr. Ingolfsrud What about these 10 stories a 100 foot high building? John Henricks This particular item was brought forward at the Official Plan amendment meeting in November. Clerk Timlin They approved the 10 stories but the OPA states that only 6 will be above the bank. Council entered into a development agreement for this proposed development. Mr. Klein These bonusing provisions, does Council have the authority to act alone or does it have to come back to the public? John Henricks No they can't. They have to go back to the public. The previous Council ensured that the public would have comment through the site Plan process. This site plan process of public comment applies not only to this development but all development in the Village. Mr. Klein What is the existing zoning for this site? John Henricks Proposed development - no new uses, existing uses only. This area was set aside for future development such as the marina complex. Mr. Klein What about this density and height? John Henricks The zoning provides for greater density if the developer drops the height. Mr. Klein If the bonusing provision is used why not just write it in now? John Henricks The intent is to provide the developer with a minimum standards. If the developer wants to exceed these provisions he will have to provide something over the minimum. Mr. Klein The Open Space - is there a definition of what Open space is? There doesn't seem to be a lot of open space. Is the C.P. land involved in this? John Henricks No, the C.P. land is not involved. I would like to point out the Council has the option under the Planning Act to take cash in lieu of parkland. Mr. Klein What about visibility to see the lake? John Henricks View points, vistas and landscape areas will be dealt with at the site plan stage. We want to come back to the public. We want the public to actually see what is being proposed when the plans are finalized. Clerk Timlin The last Council signed a development agreement with Mr. Skinner to build this proposal. This proposal was presented to the residents last August and this is what we are working towards. John Henricks In all fairness to the developer and Council we have to work together in order to make this happen. Mr. Klein The uses in C-2 you used would make more sense the other way. Mr. Henricks discussed the C-2-1 special zoning and read again the C-2 list and discussed the uses in the C-2 that would not apply. Mr. Klein and Mr. Henricks continued to discuss the various uses, what would apply and not apply. Then they discussed uses that would apply in the Tourist Commercial definition. Ross McNair Is this guy a developer? Mr. Klein No. Clerk Timlin Mr. Klein has a cottage in the Village and lives in Kleinburg. He is involved in the Ratepayers Association there. (Note: Kleinburg is north of Toronto) Harvey Boyd All this talk about views and seeing the lake is nonsense. I have lived here all my life and a lot of residents can't see the lake. John Henricks We are concerned about public view vistas. Dave Mason Why are the maps different? John Henricks The large map is the important map. Dave Mason Why two maps? John Henricks The other map is to show development in relation to the Village. Mr. Klein We should go overboard in landscaping and open space. John Henricks The Village has site plan control and the process involves public input. No building permit will be issued without site plan approval. The public will have a lot of opportunity to comment. With a development like this you need a creative architect. Mr. Skinner is one and we must give him some flexibility to allow him to do his job. Mr. Ingolfsrud What about it being built in pieces? Clerk Timlin The Village and Mr. Skinner have signed an agreement which has included in it how the development will be built. The marina and 185 units or sewage units will be in phase 1 . Mr. Ingolfsrud Does he have to build the marina first? Clerk Timlin When the Village initiated the Call For Developers back in January 1990 the primary goal was to obtain a marina. When the development agreement was negotiated the Village ensured that in phase 1 the marina would be built. Mr. Ingolfsrud When will the marina be built at the end, or in the middle? Clerk Timlin As you can see by the drawings, the marina has to be built at the same time as the rest of the development. If you don't build the breakwalls and dredge the basin for backfill for the other areas you will not be able to build the hotel or condos because they will wash away. Mr. Ingolfsrud What financial assurances do you have that the marina will be built? Clerk Timlin Through the various agreements such as subdivision, condominium site plan and additional development agreements the Village will be asking for lines of credit and performance bonds to ensure that construction takes place. Mr. McNair and Mr. Smith When will Mr. Skinner buy our land? We don't want to sit there looking at a hotel. Clerk Timlin Your land is where the athletic centre and complex is to be built. It would be built in conjunction with the hotel. He will purchase the land when everything is in place. Councillor Tom Nesbitt Mr. Skinner will purchase it when the Official Plan and Zoning is in place. Why purchase it now when you can't do anything with it? We cannot even issue a building permit until everything is in place. Mr. Smith Why doesn't he option the property? Councillor Tom Nesbitt Why should he spend money and have someone object and things don't go ahead? We will ask Mr. Skinner to talk to you. Clerk timlin Council is planning on having another public meeting so that the residents can meet and talk to the "Project Team". Right now the residents see a part time Council and a small office and have concerns. Council would like you to meet the professionals who will be advising Council and assisting Council in ensuring the Village interests are represented and protected. Council would like the residents to meet the Village lawyers, planner, engineer and auditor. In addition we will also be asking a representative from Long Point Regional Conservation Authority, Municipal Affairs and Ministry of Natural Resources to attend. These are the people who assist Council in ensuring we have a successful development. Councillor Tom Nesbitt Council doesn't work in isolation. These people have been involved throughout the whole process. James is always in contact with these individuals. We do not make decisions without first consulting the experts or people in the province. Clerk Timlin The province wants to work with the Village. Municipal Affairs arranged a meeting back in April with all the ministries and agencies that would be involved in this process. This is probably the first time they all sat down at the same table. It was a very productive meeting and everyone came away with a clear understanding. Municipal Affairs have said they will assign staff time to help us with this project. Councillor Tom Nesbitt When Mr. Skinner presented his proposal to Council he brought with him a consultant from UDA Architects who are involved in urban design and planning. They did the waterfront development at Norfolk, Virginia which is something like Port Burwell blending in the new with the existing. Council and Mr. Skinner want to ensure the rest of the Village remains alive and the existing downtown thrives. Allan Spicer i have lived here for 18 years. I don't have any concern about the impact the project would have on the downtown. It can't go down any further. The downtown won't improve unless money is spent. Council should go ahead and pass the zoning by-law. Council should take the risk and pass the by-law. Out west they have not experienced the social problems with their casinos. I think we need the casino licence to get the project going... If Council doesn't move ahead we will lose our doctor, no one will take his place when he retires. We will continue to lose things and we will become part of Bayham Township. We have much to lose and the Village must move ahead and pass the by-law and get the casino licence. Mr. Durst I think Council should strike everything that was said tonight from the record and pass the damn zoning, get the licence and lets get moving. Shirley Manion I think the Council should pass the by-law. Reeve Is there a motion to refer these items for a decision by Council at its regular meeting later this evening? MOVED BY: Tom Nesbitt SECONDED BY: Ed Epple Be it resolved Council refers the proposed by-law amendments and the Official Plan modifications to the next regular Council meeting August 25, 1992. Carried Reeve Hugh Brooks Reeve Is there a motion to adjourn this meeting? MOVED BY: Ed Epple SECONDED BY: Gordon Loucks COUNCIL MINUTES Tuesday August 25, 1992 6:45 P.M. Present: Hugh Brooks, Tom Nesbitt, Lauran Timlin, Ed Epple, Gord Loucks, James Timlin Guests: Mr. & Mrs. Bastien, Tiiu Klein, Mr. Stock, Mrs. Higginson, Scott Wistow, Judy Thorton, Rob Perry, Allan Spicer, Doug Schmidt Call to Order Declaration of Conflict of Interest None 1. Raven & Company Mr. Brad Millson presented the 1991 Financial Information Return. 2. Appointment of Auditors By-law 92-23 approved. 3. By-law to purchase C. P. Rail Land. Tabled until September 8, 1992. 4. By-law to purchase Federal Waterlots and Associated Land. By-law passed. 5. Temporary Use By-law Hagerman St. Site. By-law 92-17 approved. 6. Personal Safety Tips For Kids Legion would like to distribute this book to the children in the Village and is asking Council to purchase an ad in the book. Tabled until September 8, 1992. 7. Property Standards - Outstanding Stop Work Order Letter to be sent to the owner of 51 Victoria St. to obtain a permit. If not paid by the middle of September legal action will be taken. - Bradcranex -Clean Up Tabled until September 8, 1992. -Camping Letter to be sent to the landlord to have the tenant take down the sign. At the last Council meeting Kevin Bradfield told Council he had friends camping one weekend. Subsequently the By-law Enforcement Officer came across a sign in the camping area advertising camping and a fee. If the sign is not removed legal action will be taken. - Other Municipal Law Enforcement Course See attached resolution. - Signage Letters have been sent out. Westside Restaurant has asked for permission. Council approves the Westside Restaurant sign. All other signs are to be removed. 8. Garbage Update 450 blue boxes are to be purchased. The recycle bin will remain in the yard. The garbage bin is to be removed. 9. Official Plan Modification See attached resolution 10. Zoning By-law Amendments RE: Waterfront Development By-law 92-22 approved. 11. Approval of Minutes See attached resolution. 12. Approval of Cheques See attached resolution. 13. Lease of Bradcranex land around the Lighthouse by the Museum Board Lease was reviewed by Council. Lease to be returned with changes. 14. Sam's Place -East Beach (1) Concern about washroom keys and being threatened by the other operator. The operator will be contacted. (2) Would like Council to speak to Mr. Skinner about serving food to the construction workers when construction starts for a minimum of two years and renting a space. She should send a letter to Mr. Skinner. (3) Would like to discuss with Council the future of Sam's and no competition. No action 15. Cats - Ross Mc Nair Tabled. Committee Updates -County The Reeves met with Premier Bob Rae for 3/4 of an hour. Next County meeting September 15. -Museum No report. -Rec Board Sunday at the ball diamond the parents will be playing the players and in the evening the Fire Department and the Port Burwell Cuties will play. Letter of congratulations from Doris Van Den Eeckout. -BTA/ETA No report. -Fire Dept. Roof has been reshingled. -Roads Drains on Elizabeth St. are being installed. Trailer to be purchased from Jack Smyth. James to call Tembind. Old Business New Business Staff Sargeant Gary Martin and P.C. Doug Peer to be invited to the next Council Meeting. Council would like an update on Community Policing. Letter to be sent to the Salmon Stacker re: high speed in the harbour. RESOLUTIONS MOVED BY: Ed Epple SECONDED BY: Gordon Loucks Be it resolved, Council approves the 1991 Audit statements as prepared by Raven and Company. Carried Reeve Hugh Brooks MOVED BY: Tom Nesbitt SECONDED BY: Lauran Timlin Be it resolved, Council approves sending Mr. Brian Wolfe, Property Standards Officer to the Municipal Law Enforcement course. Cost of course is $480.00 plus taxes. Two thirds of the cost will be paid by the Village of Port Burwell. One third cost to be paid by the Village of Vienna. Carried Reeve Hugh Brooks MOVED BY: Gordon Loucks SECONDED BY: Lauran Timlin Be it resolved, Council approves the draft wording to the proposed modifications to the Official Plan Amendment No. 2. Furthermore that this draft wording be forwarded to Municipal Affairs for clearance prior to formal adoption by by-law by Council. Carried Reeve Hugh Brooks MOVED BY: Ed Epple SECONDED BY: Tom Nesbitt Be it resolved, Council approves Regular Council Minutes of August 11, 1992 and the Committee of the Adjustment. Carried Reeve Hugh Brooks MOVED BY: Lauran Timlin SECONDED BY: Gordon Loucks Be it resolved, Council approves cheques numbered 6528 to 6610 in the amount of $56,763.72. Carried Reeve Hugh Brooks COUNCIL MINUTES September 8, 1992 1 9 9 _ 7:30 P.M. 195.i _ Present: Hugh Brooks, Ed Epple, Gord Loucks, Tom Nesbitt, Lauran Timlin, James Timlin Guests: Brian Wolfe, Kevin Bradfield, Sue Hughes, Doug Schmidt, Allan Spicer, Staff Sgt. Martin Call to Order Declaration of Conflict of Interest None 1. Property Standards Bradcranex Inc.; Mr. Wolfe updated Council on the lack of action by Bradcranex Inc. on its clean-up. Mr. Wolfe to send letter to Bradcranex stating the area must be cleaned up by October 31, 1992. Mr. Wolfe discussed with Council permits required for re-shingling. Permits will no longer be charged/required for re-shingling of roofs. 2. Ontario Provincial Police Staff Sgt. Martin updated Council on the community Policing situation. Next Community Policing meeting September 24, 1992 at the Village Office. 3. Municipal Affairs Regional Conference Forms to be completed by members of Council returned to the Clerk. 4. ETA Brochure See attached resolution. 5. Village of Vienna -raw sewage being dumped into the Big Otter Creek Letter to be sent to Vienna Council. - 2 - 6. Garbage Update Council was updated on the status of the Waste Management. 7. Committee Updates -County Reeve Brooks presented plans for the Dutton-Dunwich Library. -Fire Dept. Councillor Loucks commended the Fire Department for their dedication and has the upmost respect for the Department with their efforts over the past two days as a result of this terrible tragedy (drownings). -Museum Letters from the Toronto Museum regarding the model of the Ashtabula for the summer months. Attendance for the 1992 season 2,922 adults, 1,938 children. -Recreation Next meeting September 23. Baseball Awards night for kids September 11, 1992. October Walk date to be set. -BTA October meeting election of Officers. Their Annual Meeting November 19, 1992. Mr. Bowles will be the guest speaker. 8. Approval of Minutes See attached resolution. 9. Approval of Cheques See attached resolution. New Business Water/Sewer Arrears. Letter to be sent stating if full payment is not received the water will be turned off. Photocopier - OE London was selected. - 3 - Bradcranex Inc. Lease By-law 92-24 authorizing the Reeve and the Clerk to sign the lease agreement was approved. Recorded vote was requested by Councillor Lauran Timlin. Yeas Hugh Brooks, Ed Epple, Gord Loucks, Tom Nesbitt Nays Lauran Timlin RESOLUTIONS MOVED BY: Lauran Timlin SECONDED BY: Tom Nesbitt Be it resolved, Council approves purchasing a full page ad in the Elgin St. Thomas Brochure. Costs to be shared by the Recreation Board, museum Board, Business & Tourist Association and the Village. Carried Reeve Hugh Brooks MOVED BY: Ed Epple SECONDED BY: Gordon Loucks Be it resolved, Council approves minutes of August 25, 1992. Carried Reeve Hugh Brooks MOVED BY: Lauran Timlin SECONDED BY: Tom Nesbitt Be it resolved, Council approves cheques numbered 6626 to 6665 for the total amount of $17,268.98. Carried Reeve Hugh Brooks SPECIAL MEETING TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1992 7:00 P.M. Present: Hugh Brooks, Ed Epple, Lauran Timlin, Gord Loucks, Tom Nesbitt, James Timlin Call to Order Declaration of Conflict of Interest 1. Advertising for a new Administrator/Clerk Council decided to advertise in the London Free Press, Municipal World and Brantford Expositor. 2. Meeting Peter North, M.P.P. September 25, 1992 Council discussed the upcoming meeting with Mr. North. Mr. Skinner will also be in attendance. 3. Water Turn-Offs Council instructed the staff to turn the water off of ten outstanding accounts. Adjourned 9:40 p.m. COUNCIL MINUTES 1 TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1992 7:00 P.M. Present: Hugh Brooks, Lauran Timlin, Ed Epple, Gord Loucks, Tom Nesbitt, James Timlin Guests: Allan Spicer, Leonard & Gwen Bastien, Mario Chirico, Kevin Bradfield, Scott Wistow, Mrs. Thornton, David Mason, Rolf & Jan Silfwerbrand Call to Order Declaration of Conflict of Interest Lauran Timlin item 2. 1. Committee of the Whole See attached resolution. 2. Letter of Resignation - James Timlin See attached resolution. 3. By-law 92-25 Appointment of Colleen Wiebe, Acting Administrator/Clerk/ Treasurer By-law approved. 4. Joel Cohen - Re: Beaches Tabled. 5. Armour Stonewall - Port Burwell Rate Payers Re: Maintenance Request that in the 1993 budget money be set aside for maintenance of the armour stone wall. Mr. Mason invited Council to inspect the wall at the end of Elizabeth St. during a storm. 6. Letter from Doris & Tim Weiler 1. Garbage can between 10 and 12 Chatham 2. Lack of participation by some residents in recycling program - they should be penalized not pampered. Council agrees with Mr. & Mrs. Weiler. By-law to be prepared in the near future to deal with offenders and a letter to state this 2 was contemplated in the original plan. 7. Jan Silfwerbrand A partial refund on taxes because they do not have garbage pick-up. Village to investigate costs and what other municipalities do with trailer parks. 8. Volunteer Recognition Program Information only. 9. By-law 92-26 Adopting proposed modification for the Official Plan Amendment No. 2. By-law passed. 10. C.P. Land Letter and soil tests results sent to C. P. Rail requesting a reconsideration in price. Clerk Timlin recommended that the Village investigate debenturing the cost of the land. 11. Approval of Cheques See attached resolution. 12. Approval of Minutes See attached resolution. 12A. County Wide Reassessment Presentation See attached resolution. 13. Ontario Casino Project Meeting September 29, 1992 Reeve Brooks, Councillor Loucks, and Clerk Timlin to attend. 14. Committee Updates • - County Warden banquet October 14, 1992. In East Elgin there is an outbreak of rabies. - Fire Department No report. 3 - Recreation Next meeting September 23, 1992. - Museum Next meeting October 6, 1992 - BTA/ETA Lauran Timlin will be resigning from E.T.A. E.T.A. would like a representative from this area. - Roads Elizabeth St. paving has been completed. 15. Old Business 16. New Business A Public Meeting for the residents to meet the project team for the Waterfront Development has been postponed until the new Administrative Clerk has been hired. Special Meeting: Council will meet with Mr. Skinner on Monday September 28, 1992, 7:00pm. Victoria St. portable: Mr. Bastien brought to Council his concern over a portable school unit being placed on the lot. Council to visit the site. Objection to By-law 92-22. Ron Bradfield has filed an objection to the zoning by-law which would permit the Waterfront Development Project and a casino to proceed. RESOLUTIONS MOVED BY: Ed Epple. SECONDED BY: Tom Nesbitt BE IT RESOLVED, Council approves cheques numbered 6666 to 6715 for the amount of $114 854.89. CARRIED BY: Reeve Hugh Brooks MOVED BY: Tom Nesbitt SECONDED BY: Cord Loucks 4 BE IT RESOLVED, Council requests the County of Elgin to adopt the proposed County Wide Assessment program. CARRIED BY: Reeve Hugh Brooks MOVED BY: Tom Nesbitt SECONDED BY: Lauran Timlin BE IT RESOLVED, Council approves minutes of September 8, 1992. CARRIED BY: Reeve Hugh Brooks MOVED BY: Cord Loucks SECONDED BY: Ed Epple BE IT RESOLVED, Council will conduct business past the 11:30pm curfew. CARRIED BY: Reeve Hugh Brooks MOVED BY: Tom Nesbitt SECONDED BY: Ed Epple BE IT RESOLVED, Council accepts the resignation of James Timlin Administrator, Clerk, Treasurer, Tax Collector with regrets. CARRIED BY: Reeve Hugh Brooks MOVED BY: Cord Loucks SECONDED BY: Ed Epple BE IT RESOLVED, Council moves into the Committee of the Whole appointing Tom Nesbitt as chairman. CARRIED BY: Reeve Hugh Brooks MOVED BY: Lauran Timlin SECONDED BY: Gordon Loucks BE IT RESOLVED, Council moves out of the Committee of the Whole. CARRIED BY: Tom Nesbitt COUNCIL MINUTES 1 OCTOBER 13, 1992 7:30 P.M. Present: Hugh Brooks, Tom Nesbitt, Lauran Timlin, Gord Loucks, Ed Epple, Colleen Wiebe Guests: Jim Clark, Dave Mason, Brian Wolfe, Mario Chirico, Leonard Bastien, Gwen Bastien, Allan Spicer Call to Order Declaration of Conflict of Interest 1. Property Standards Sam's Place - letter sent to owners to clean up mess. Van Dijk's - requested permission to leave shed for winter, but, because he only has a one year lease, he must remove it. Bradcranex - starting to clean up 2. Drop-In-Centre -Jim Clark The Baptist Church would like to open a drop-in centre in one of the downtown store fronts. The Baptist Church would be running it and it would be funded by them. Youth would be able to play games, purchase snacks, visit with friends. Supervised by adult at all times. Council gave their support. 3. Tom Millard -Fire Department Firefighters Association wants to purchase a rescue van for $25,000. They will be having various fundraisers to help to cover the costs. Council gave their support. Firefighters Association is interested in getting a First Response Unit to the Village. The Ministry of Health will fund training, pagers, equipment, liability insurance. Would cover the Village only. Council fully supports this project. 4. Dave Mason -Museum Museum Board is interested in acquiring the CCGC Spindrift. The costs for bringing it to the Village are approximately $5,000. Council would be willing to give bridge financing if grants and donations could be found. A member of Council and Dave Mason would like to go and look at the Spindrift to see what shape it is in. 5. Ontario Municipal Board Objection to By-Law 92-22 -Ron Bradfield 2 By-law passed. 6. Street Lights There are 6 lights that need to be replaced. To be tendered out. 7. Letter From the Ministry of Natural Resources -Boardwalk railings Henry Valks to be contacted on how railings to be fixed. Council will offer a large reward for the arrest and conviction of the person or persons responsible for destroying 40-50 feet of the boardwalk. See attached resolution. 8. Letter from Village of Port Stanley -County Wide Reassessment Tabled. 9. Approval of Cheques See attached resolution. 10. Approval of Minutes See attached resolution. 11. Committee Updates • -County No report -Fire Dept. No report -Recreation Fall Walk on October 18, 1992. Christmas parade theme - 125 years in Canada. 3 bands booked. Next meeting October 21, 1992. -Museum Considering expanding historic walking tour. Preparing for Christmas. Heating/cooling system most sensible way to go for museum. Roof vents are broke and need to be replaced. -BTA/ETA/SWOTA BTA- President Susan Gillis, Secretary Henry Valks, No treasurer as yet. Not a lot of support for the BTA. October 19, 1992 BTA dinner. Lauran Timlin to approach Ontario Hydro about where Christmas lights can go on poles. SWOTA- Membership due January 1, 1993 $493.50. Lauran Timlin to see if Museum Board can take over membership which the the Village will pay for. -Roads 3 Watermain at Robinson and Wellington repaired. Leak was found and repaired with little trouble. Old Business Events Committee meeting every second Thursday of the month. Sifwerbrand garbage - look into coverage of transportation costs. New Business Stump removal by Ontario Hydro. Kevin Bradfield to be contacted to remove docks. Klassen drowning inquest November 19, 1992. Mary Zelinski to be contacted to meet with Council to find out what Community Futures requires. RESOLUTIONS MOVED BY: Lauran Timlin SECONDED BY: Ed Epple BE IT RESOLVED, Council authorizes a $500 reward for the arrest and conviction of persons responsible for destroying the boardwalk on Saturday October 11, 1992. All in Favour Reeve Hugh Brooks MOVED BY: Lauran Timlin SECONDED BY: Tom Nesbitt BE IT RESOLVED, Council approves cheques 6697 to 6795 in the amount of $155,362.81. All in favour Reeve Hugh Brooks MOVED BY: Gordon Loucks SECONDED BY: Ed Epple BE IT RESOLVED, Council approves the minutes of September 22, 1992 All in favour Reeve Hugh Brooks COUNCIL MINUTES TUESDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1992 7:00pm Present: Hugh Brooks, Lauran Timlin, Ed Epple, Gord Loucks, Tom Nesbitt, Colleen Wiebe. Guests: Allan Spicer, Mario & Valentina Chirico, Marion Patterson, Gerald Patterson, Robert Smith, John Mann, Kevin Bradfield, Ted Woon, Jean Cone, Scott Wistow, Leonard Bastien. Call to Order Declaration of Conflict of Interest 1. Committee of the Whole 2. Temporary Use By-law Rejected. To be revised and resubmitted. 3. Letter from Township of Georgian Bay See attached resolution. 4. Fred Brandt Letter Lauran take care of Farmer's Market signs. All other items addressed. 5. C.I.B.C. - Line of Credit By-law 92-28 passed. 6. Laemers Trucking Ltd. - snowplowing - proposal Ken feels he is able to do the snow plowing. Take an ad in Allan Spicer's paper for tenders. Tabled. 7. Garbage Update - final report See attached report. Council would like to endorse Bayham - Wide Waste Reduction. 8. Approval of Minutes See attached resolution. 9. Approval of Cheques See attached resolution. 10. Committee Updates County -Health Unit-rabies 17 cases in Bayham Township. -94 cases of people taking rabies shots. -County wide reassessment 8 against 27 for, phased in over 4 years. Fire Department -Annual Fishfry Oct. 24/92 -Nov. 22/92 Open house at fire hall to raise money for rescue van. Museum -No report. Recreation -Walk on 25th rained 18th. -Dec. 5/92 at 2:00pm Santa Claus Parade. -Next meeting Nov. 18/92 7:00pm. BTA/ETA/SWOTA BTA-no report. ETA-meeting last Tuesday - Lauran handed in registration. Want another rep from this end of the county. SWOTA-Bill Topping taking over representation of ETA on SWOTA See attached resolution. Implementation Committee started up again. Roads No report. Old Business Clerk- November 5/92 meeting at 7:00pm to short list applications, interviews to start possibly November 18th. Christmas lights- working with Hydro and Koolen to determine what has to be done. New Business LPRCA representative for Port Burwell - term ends in 1992 Council would like to renew present representative. Donation to Poppy Fund for wreath to be laid by Reeve. See attached resolution. Mario Chirico- Building permit to start renovating school portables. Engineering report received by James? James received verbal okay from LPRCA. Tender to be opened Elgin Area Water Supply Vienna/Port Burwell water-main. Ed Epple and Lauran Timlin to attend. RESOLUTIONS MOVED BY: Lauran Timlin SECONDED BY: Ed Epple BE IT RESOLVED, Council moves into the Committee of the Whole appointing Gord Loucks, Chairman. CARRIED: Hugh Brooks, Reeve MOVED BY: Gord Loucks SECONDED BY: Tom Nesbitt BE IT RESOLVED,Council moves out of the Committee of the Whole. CARRIED: Gord Loucks, Chairman MOVED BY: Ed Epple SECONDED BY:Gord Loucks WHEREAS the Cousineau Commission on French Language Education Self Governance has recommended to the Minister of Education for Ontario that 4 individual district school boards be established across Ontario Anglo Public Anglo Catholic Franco Public Franco Catholic AND WHEREAS the potential economic repercussions of the implementation of such a system could raise the average amount of an individual property tax significantly; AND WHEREAS the social, cultural and religious effects of such a system need much closer analysis and public consultation; AND WHEREAS the recommendations of the Consineau Commission were released in the Fall of 1991 and it is apparent that few ratepayers in Ontario are aware of the economic crisis which could occur as a result of these recommendations. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Council for the Village of Port Burwell is opposed to the implementation of the Consineau Commission recommendations by the Minister of Education, Mr. Silipo. CARRIED: Hugh Brooks, Reeve MOVED BY: Tom Nesbitt SECONDED BY: Lauran Timlin BE IT RESOLVED, Council approves minutes of October 13, 1992. CARRIED: Hugh Brooks, Reeve MOVED BY: Lauran Timlin SECONDED BY: Ed Epple BE IT RESOLVED, Council approves cheques #6796 to #6834 in the amount of $25,059.61 - not including cheque #6814 in the amount of $6,420.00. CARRIED: Hugh Brooks, Reeve MOVED BY: Ed Epple SECONDED BY: Lauran Timlin BE IT RESOLVED, Council approves donating $35.00 for the Poppy Fund. CARRIED: Hugh Brooks, Reeve GREAT LAKES TRIPLE "R" CONSULTING "MUNICIPAL ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING SPECIALISTS" Port Burwell Council Meeting October 28, 1992 1) The Township of Bayham and the Village of Vienna have a contract with Great Lake Triple "R" Consulting till September 30th 1993. The Village of Port Burwell will be included in the planning and implementation of the Township-wide Waste Reduction Program at no additional charges to the Village. 2) Notes to Budget: - Requested funding Composter Grants 1/3 OMMRI, 1/3 MOE 4,849.30 Blue Boxes 1/3 OMMRI, 1/3 MOE, 1/3 SCS 2,516.63 Bin at Maple Meadows 1/3 OMMRI, 1/3 MOE 963.39 Operating Expenses 1/2 MOE 15,094.00 $23,423.32 3) Results from poll of Port Burwell residents - October 23, 1992 Participation rates on 3Rs: YES - 87 NO - 13 Participation rates on composting: YES - 83 NO - 17 Response to WRAP: Satisfied - 80 Unsatisfied - 20 Should there be a by-law to ensure WRAP? YES - 68 NO - 14 NO COMMENT - 18 Most frequent concerns: - Negative response to the purchase of blue bags. - Have a refuse collection bin placed in each operational area to deal with over-burden volumes when bi-weekly comes on stream. - Lack of follow-up communication - Larger digester for commercial areas. - Have yard waste depot or collection system. - Too much hassle to remove labels from containers. - Feminine hygiene products and diapers unsanitary when having to be kept for two weeks. - Negative to bi-weekly pick-up system - too much garbage has to be stored - Flies around digesters. - Free zone for junk mail. COUNCIL MINUTES TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1992 7:30 pm Present: Hugh Brooks, Tom Nesbitt, Lauran Timlin, Gordon Loucks, Ed Epple, Colleen Wiebe Guests: John Mann, Jim Clark, Carolyn Deutsch, Mario & Valentina Chirico, Irene Barrick, Robert & Elaine Smith, Gwen Foster, Allan Spicer Call to Order Declaration of Conflict of Interest Councillor Timlin on Item 6 1. Temporary Use By-law 21 Brock Street defeated 2. Letters from Ministry of the Environment a) Open air burning A copy of letter from the MOE along with a notice from Village Council informing residents that the Village will pick up bagged leaves for disposal is to go out in water/sewer bills. b) Land use plan review program - someone to attend John Henricks, Village planner, to be contacted to see if he is attending and have him make notes for Council. 3. George St. closing - movement of hydro lines/reconnection of Lautebach's hydro Council to meet with Mr. Wistow to discuss hydro lines. 4. Development Agreement - M. Chirico - Hagerman Street - development charges Copies of the agreement are to be sent to the Village lawyer and planner for their comments and suggestions. 5. Drop-In Centre -Jim Clark Group would like to use one of the units at 21 Brock Street. Council also suggested using a store front on the main streets. To be discussed further at next meeting. 6. 35 Shakespeare St. - lot severance Council approved severance. 7. Garbage - Tom The Bayham township-wide waste reduction team "Otter Valley Environmental Action Committee" has begun their waste audit of Bayham Township. Public meetings are to be held throughout the Township to enlist volunteers and let people know about it. Another composter is to be introduced in addition to the Green Cone. 8. Approval of Minutes See attached resolution 9. Approval of Cheques See attached resolution 10. Committees - County Next County council meeting November 18. Next library meeting November 11. - Fire Department Open house, November 22, 11:00 am to 4:00 pm First response team - meetings to be held with each fire fighter Selling tickets on toy Fire truck - $1 each - Museum Roof vents still not fixed. Special account for heating fund set up in short term deposit. Museum to advertise in SWOTA. Ashtabula on loan from May to October. - Recreation Monthly meeting moved from 18th to 17th at 8:00 pm to accom- odate clerk interviews. - BTA Village to share in park tabloid - $100.00 split three ways with Museum and Recreation Board. See attached resolution ETA representative - to nominate Dave Mason, Council approved. - Roads Ed Epple spoke to Ken and he feels he can handle the snow- plowing. Decision will be made at next meeting after tenders have been received. - Community Policing The patroling on Halloween was a large success. The housess were well decorated and the kids had a lot of fun. - Milton Towers Board meeting to be set up in near future to address several different issues. - Events/Implementation Committee Events committee meeting - November 12, 8:00 pm Implementation committee meeting - November 16, 8:00 pm Old Business New waterline - See attached resolution New Business Colleen Wiebe to go to Elgin County-wide Reassessment Workshop on Phasing-In at Municipal Affairs in London. Canada/USA SeaDoo Races are very interested in bringing their races to the Village next year. RESOLUTIONS MOVED BY: Lauran Timlin SECONDED BY: Tom Nesbitt BE IT RESOLVED, Council approves the Minutes of October 27, 1992 Regular Council meeting. UNANIMOUSLY Reeve Hugh Brooks MOVED BY: Ed Epple SECONDED BY: Gordon Loucks BE IT RESOLVED, Council approves cheques # 6835 to 6850 in the amount of $4,884.65. UNANIMOUSLY Reeve Hugh Brooks MOVED BY: Lauran Timlin SECONDED BY: Ed Epple BE IT RESOLVED, Council approves cost of$100 for park tabloid if 1/3 is to be paid by Village, 1/3 by Museum and 1/3 by Recreation Board. UNANIMOUSLY Reeve Hugh Brooks MOVED BY: Gordon Loucks SECONDED BY: Ed Epple BE IT RESOLVED, Council approves The Elgin Area Secondary Supply System hire Carmen Contracting for $352,265 (Project No. 6-2020-02) Vienna/Port Burwell Trunk Watermain. UNANIMOUSLY Reeve Hugh Brooks COUNCIL MINUTES TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1992 7:00 PM Present: Hugh Brooks, Tom Nesbitt, Lauran Timlin, Gordon Loucks, Ed Epple, Colleen Wiebe Guests: Leonard Bastien, Gwen Bastien, Scott Wistow, Judy Thornton, Jim Clark, Allan Spicer, Matthew Smith Call to Order Declaration of Conflict of Interest 1. Committee of the Whole 2. Jim Clark Drop-In Centre The Centre would be classified as an assembly hall which would fall under a C-3 or C-1 zoning. Mr. Clark is to put a proposal together and return to Council to present it. 3. Letter from Township of North Plantagenet See attached resolution 4. Letter from Village of Cardinal Forwarded to Port Burwell Non-Profit Housing (Milton Towers) 5. Letter from Ministry of the Environment Roger Power at Elgin Area Water is to be contacted to find out how much the contingency fund will be exceeded and what percentage of the cost will be allocated to the Village. 6. Approval of Minutes See attached resolution 7. Approval of Cheques See attached resolution - 2 - 8. Committees County County Council passed a resolution to endorse the Marina Development but not the casino because Port Stanley objected to the County Council endorsing the Port Burwell's project and not Port Stanley's. Fire Department No report Recreation Board Santa Claus Parade December 5, 1992. Presently there are 23 floats and 3 marching bands entered. There is a Scout Tea at the Scout Hall after the parade. Museum Board Next meeting December 1, 1992 BTA The Village Brochure will be re-printed for next year. See attached resolution. The cost to put up the 15 Christmas lights will be approximately $4,000. The 6 lanterns will be put up on Robinson Street only, cost to be same as last year. See attached resolution. Roads Ken and Jim will plow the snow, Laemers Trucking as backup and to do all sanding. The parking area north of the school to be filled in with sand and gravelled. Community Policing The answering machine is to be hooked up November 25. Events/Implementation Committee Events - Brochures on Christmas parade/Lighthouse lighting sent out. Implementation - only 2 people showed. January is next meeting. - 3 - Old Business Council members, acting clerk and their spouses will attend a tour of the Recycle London plant December 7, 1992 at 5:30 pm. New Business Next meeting to start at 8:00 pm to allow for the Regional Assessment Office's Open House in the Office on December 8, 1992 from 1:00 - 8:00 pm. Cindy Allin wil resume here seat on Community Futures board. Council adjourned at 11:10 pm RESOLUTIONS MOVED BY: Ed Epple SECONDED BY: Gordon Loucks BE IT RESOLVED, Council moves into Committee of the Whole, appointing Tom Nesbitt, Chairman. UNANIMOUSLY Reeve Hugh Brooks MOVED BY: Lauran Timlin SECONDED BY: Ed Epple BE IT RESOLVED, Council moves out of the Committee of the Whole. CARRIED Tom Nesbitt MOVED BY: Lauran Timlin SECONDED BY: Tom Nesbitt BE IT RESOLVED, Council supports the attached resolution. UNANIMOUSLY Reeve Hugh Brooks -4 - MOVED BY: Gordon Loucks SECONDED BY: Ed Epple BE IT RESOLVED, Council approves minutes of regular Council meeting November 10, 1992. UNANIMOUSLY Reeve Hugh Brooks MOVED BY: Tom Nesbitt SECONDED BY: Ed Epple BE IT RESOLVED, Council approves cheques # 6851-6895 in the amount of $20,747.94. UNANIMOUSLY Reeve Hugh Brooks MOVED BY: Tom Nesbitt SECONDED BY: Lauran Timlin BE IT RESOLVED, Council approves paying half the cost of printing 10,000 copies of the Village Brochure, cost not to exceed $1,200. UNANIMOUSLY Reeve Hugh Brooks MOVED BY: Ed Epple SECONDED BY: Gordon Loucks BE IT RESOLVED, Council agrees on Koolen Electric to service and install 6 lantern lights on Robinson Street. Installation cost not to exceed $2,500. UNANIMOUSLY Reeve Hugh Brooks MOVED BY: Gordon Loucks SECONDED BY: Ed Epple BE IT RESOLVED, Council moves into Committee of the Whole appointing Lauran Timlin, Chairperson. UNANIMOUSLY Reeve Hugh Brooks - 5 - MOVED BY: Ed Epple SECONDED BY: Tom Nesbitt BE IT RESOLVED, Council moves out of Committee of the Whole. CARRIED Lauran Timlin COUNCIL MINUTES TUESDAY, December 8, 1992 8:00 PM Present: Hugh Brooks, Tom Nesbitt, Lauran Timlin, Gordon Loucks, Ed Epple, Colleen Wiebe Guests: Gordon Craig, Mr. & Mrs. Malcolm Chapman and Allan Spicer Call to Order Declaration of Conflict of Interest 1. Gordon Craig Discussed various ideas on how to develop the land along the east side of the Otter Creek. 2. Malcolm Chapman - (proposal for 48 Strachan) Would like to open a bait, tackle and sports equipment store. Village planner recommended a minor variance to the property. Council would like to hear his reasoning for his opinion. Council suggested Mr. Chapman speak to neighbours to get a feel for their opinion. 3. Letter from Village of Springfield Send letter to Springfield informing them of Council's support. 4. Letter from Town of Newmarket Tabled 5. Ontario Municipal Management Institute - membership Tabled 6. Letter form Township of Hamilton Tabled 7. CPR Land - Contamination Evaluation Tabled 8. Temporary Use By-Law 92-17 Mario Chirico Discussed 9. Tender for Workshop - wall around woodstove See attached resolution. 10. Approval of Cheques See attached resolution. 11. Approval of Minutes See attached resolution. 12. Committee Updates County New Warden elected Dec. 8/92- Roger Vandierendonck. Fire Department Purchased 5 new bunker suits. Christmas party December 13 for children. Recreation Board Parade was a great success. 31 floats were entered. Wednesday night basketball to start Dec. 16. Museum Board Going ahead with heating system. Board considering partioning off washroom in museum. BTA See attached resolutions. BTA will be donating $200 towards the cost of Christmas lights. Roads Ken working on teachers parking lot. See attached resolution. Community Policing Next meeting Dec. 17. Events/Implementation Committee No report. Old Business Notify papers that no new clerk has been hired. See attached resolutions. New Business Christmas holidays- office will be closed Christmas Eve at noon and will reopen Tuesday December 29th. WHMIS course for Brian Wolfe Village to pay $25, after he takes course he will intruct works department. RESOLUTIONS MOVED BY: Tom Nesbitt SECONDED BY: Lauran Timlin BE IT RESOLVED, Council approves Ed Matthews Carpentry to build concrete wall around woodstove for $1650. UNANIMOUSLY Reeve Hugh Brooks MOVED BY: Lauran Timlin SECONDED BY: Tom Nesbitt BE IT RESOLVED, Council approves cheques #6896 to 6947 in the amount of $29,494.78. UNANIMOUSLY Reeve Hugh Brooks MOVED BY: Ed Epple SECONDED BY: Gord Loucks BE IT RESOLVED, Council approves Minutes of regular Council meeting of November 24, 1992. UNANIMOUSLY Reeve Hugh Brooks MOVED BY: Lauran Timlin SECONDED BY: Ed Epple BE IT RESOLVED, Council approves changing a picture in the Village brochure at an additional cost of $160 to be split with the BTA at a cost of $80 each. UNANIMOUSLY Reeve Hugh Brooks MOVED BY: Lauran Timlin SECONDED BY: Cord Loucks BE IT RESOLVED, Council approves trimming 9 Village trees at an expenditure of no more than $800. UNANIMOUSLY Reeve Hugh Brooks MOVED BY: Ed Epple SECONDED BY: Lauran Timlin BE IT RESOLVED, Council moves into Committee of the Whole appointing Gordon Loucks, Chairman. UNANIMOUSLY Reeve Hugh Brooks MOVED BY: Ed Epple SECONDED BY: Lauran Timlin BE IT RESOLVED, Council moves out of Committee of the Whole. CARRIED Gordon Loucks COUNCIL MINUTES TUESDAY, December 22,1992 7:00 p.m. Present: Hugh Brooks, Tom Nesbitt, Lauran Timlin, Gordon Loucks, Ed Epple, Colleen Wiebe Guests: Mr. & Mrs. Malcolm Chapman, John Henricks, Michael Peterson, George Beer, Allan Spicer, John Lavers, Mr. & Mrs. Roy, Dave Mason and Tony Lama Call to Order Declaration of Conflict of Interest 1. Committee of Adjustment. See attached 2. Michael Peterson/John Henricks Re: By-law 92-17 By-law 92-16 By-law 92-17 Discussed Mr. Chirico must supply site plan to be approved then enter into development agreement. See attached resolutions. By-law 92-16 Once Mr. Chirico confirms what he wants, all information will be sent back to the Ministry. 3. By-law 92-31 By-law passed 4. By-law 92-32 By-law passed 5. Shirley Manion- 31 Robinson -changes/renovations Tabled 6. Association of Municipalities of Ontario -1993 membership See attached resolution 7. Community Service participant -Works Department Colleen to talk to Ken to see if he is interested in getting a participant 8. County Wide Assessment Phase-In -January 6, 1993 meeting - someone to attend. David and Colleen to attend 9. Environmental Assessment Board Hearing -Green Lane Landfill -someone to attend Hugh and David to attend 10. Ontario Municipal Water Association -Interested in membership? Tabled 11. Municipal Student Exchange Program -Interested? Yes 12. Town of Caledon- letter requesting support Tabled 13. Community Action Awards Will get more information for next meeting 14. Ontario Council for International Co-operation Tabled 15. Closure of St. Thomas Psychiatric Hospital -letter of support and petition. Council will send letter for support and place petition on counter for people to sign 16. Approval of Cheques See attached resolution 17. Approval of Minutes See attached resolution 18. Committee Updates County No report Fire Department No report Recreation Board Meeting in January to review 1992 and set budget Museum Board Two estimates have been received for the heating See attached resolution BTA See attached resolution Roads Parking lot at school still needs driveway stone. Trees will be cut between Christmas and New Years Community Policing Police number is 874-4499. January 20- ladies night for Bayham, Vienna and Port Burwell- on what to do when out at night alone. Events/Implementation Committee Last meeting only 4 people showed, however, there is good support for the calendar Old Business New Business John Lavers- phase-in, what is council going to do. Will be able to better answer question after next county phase-in meeting. Board of Health- would like to put in a community garden plot- more information to come. LPRCA- Jack Petrie would be appropriate to be our representative for Port Burwell. See attached resolution. RESOLUTIONS MOVED BY: Gordon Loucks SECONDED BY: Ed Epple BE IT RESOLVED, Council moves into Committee of the Whole appointing Lauran Timlin, Chairman UNANIMOUSLY Reeve Hugh Brooks MOVED BY: Gordon Loucks SECONDED BY: Lauran Timlin BE IT RESOLVED, Council moves out of Committee of the Whole. CARRIED Lauran Timlin MOVED BY: Ed Epple SECONDED BY: Cord Loucks BE IT RESOLVED, Council approves paying the membership fee for 1993, for AMO in the amount of $412.88 UNANIMOUSLY Reeve Hugh Brooks MOVED BY: Ed Epple SECONDED BY: Lauran Timlin BE IT RESOLVED, Council approves cheques #6948 to #6978 in the amount of $104,465.54 UNANIMOUSLY Reeve Hugh Brooks MOVED BY: Lauran Timlin SECONDED BY: Cord Loucks BE IT RESOLVED, Council approves Minutes of regular council meeting Dec. 8, 1992 UNANIMOUSLY Reeve Hugh Brooks MOVED BY: Tom Nesbitt SECONDED BY: Ed Epple BE IT RESOLVED, Council authorizes the Museum Board to accept the quote from Coad Heating & Air Conditioning Ltd. to install a furnace in the Museum for $2,760.38 UNANIMOUSLY Reeve Hugh Brooks MOVED BY: Gordon Loucks SECONDED BY: Ed Epple BE IT RESOLVED, Council authorizes the expenditure of $125 to the BTA for membership dues for 1993 of $25 and the park tabloid ad for $100. One third to be collected from the Recreation Board and one third from the Museum Board. UNANIMOUSLY Reeve Hugh Brooks MOVED BY: Tom Nesbitt SECONDED BY: Lauran Timlin BE IT RESOLVED, Council supports the appointment of Jack Petrie as the representative on Long Point Region Conservation Authority for Port Burwell. UNANIMOUSLY Reeve Hugh Brooks PUBLIC MEETING Committee of Adjustment Minor Variance Village Council Chambers December 22, 1992 7:00 pm REEVE: This is a Public Meeting of the Committee of Adjustment under Section 44 of the Planning Act, 1983. SECRETARY/TREASURER: PROPOSED OWNER: Malcolm Chapman LOCATION: 48 Strachan St. MINOR VARIANCE REQUESTED TO BY-LAW 91-03 Comprehensive Zoning By-law Section. Allow commercial use in a residential zone. OFFICIAL PLAN DESIGNATION: Residential ZONING: Residential R-1 SECRETARY/TREASURER: As per the Planning Act, 1983 Notice was sent to owners of property within 60 meters of the proposed minor variance. The Village Planner's recommendation that the minor variances be approved as it conforms to the Official Plan/Zoning By-law regarding existing lots. Reeve Any person may express his/her views of these proposed variances and a record will be kept of their comments. Any person wishing to receive written notice of the adoption of the variances should leave their name and address with the clerk. Reeve Are there any questions? (For the record state your name). Does anyone wish to present their comments either in favour of or in opposition to these proposed variances? Paul Roy- Opposition 1 . Does not like having a commercial property next door. High traffic. 2. Appraisal of home- property value could go down. Mr. Chapman- Business entrance will be onto Erieus St. Mr. Henricks- Large industrial type building, legal, non-conforming. Site plan, fencing, landscaping, development agreement, roads restored. Use confined to existing building. Mr. Roy- Will not be more attractive, high traffic, 10 or 12 cars at times. Would like to see the building torn down and kept entirely residential. Mr. Henricks- The building was there and the existing use was there prior to the Comprehensive Zoning By-law and Official Plan. Mr. Roy- I want to keep it residential, I don't want any type of commercial property next door. Mr. Henricks- 10 parking stalls provided according to size of building. Mr. Lavers- Does the zoning require for buffers? Mr. Henricks- Site Plan will require that there be landscaped buffers. If building was torn down the property would be returned to residential. Mr. Lavers- Traffic increase during summer with vehicle/boats are not always careful. Mr. Nesbitt- Will this be seasonal? Mr. Chapman- Yes Mr. Nesbitt- Will there be watercraft displayed outside? Mr. Chapman- No. Mr. Roy- Mr. Chapman spoke with 6 residents who were in favour. I could probably find 6 people against it. Mrs. Timlin- We have to be reasonable and support new business or the Village will never attract new business. Mr. Loucks- I agree with Lauran that we need new business in Port Burwell. It is not reasonable to consider tearing down the building. Mr. Roy- I do not hold hard feelings against Mr. Chapman. Repeating again, I prefer residential. Mr. Henricks We try to avoid commercial and residential next to each other, however, where they are next to each other the Village does its best to accomodate everyone's needs. Once the site plan has been presented we will have another public meeting to discuss the site plan. Reeve Any questions from the members of Council? Reeve Is there a motion regarding the minor variance? See attached resolution Reeve Is there a motion to close the Committee of Adjustment Public Meeting? See attached resolution Resolutions MOVED BY: Lauran Timlin SECONDED BY: Tom Nesbitt BE IT RESOLVED, Council approves the Minor Variance for 48 Strachan Street, subject to the conditions set out by the Village Planner in letter dated December 18,1992. Recommendation 1 . That a site plan be submitted to the Village and approved by Council, subject to input received by the Village Planner and Engineer. This site plan shall show proposed grading and service connections, parking areas, landscaping and fences to the satisfaction of the Village Planner and Engineer. Any buildings or structures to be demolished or moved shall be identified on the Site Plan. 2. That the applicant enter into a development agreement with the Village to ensure that development proceeds in accordance with the site plan approved by the Village. 3. That the applicant be required to provide financial security to the Village to ensure all proposed works are carried out in accordance with the Village's requirements. The specifics of this security can be identified in the Development Agreement. 4. Services are to be installed to the satisfaction of the Village Building Inspector. Any Municipal roads altered to accomodate this proposal must be restored to the original standard, at the landowner's expense. 5. All drawings submitted to the Village for its approval shall be scaled drawings. 6. Parking should be provided in accordance with the parking standards normally applied in commercial zones (1 stall/20msq. or 1 stall/28msq.), but shall not exceed 10 stalls on this site for the proposed retail use. 7. That this use be confined to the large garage used for the trucking business, as shown on Figure 1 and described as an existing two storey metal building. This use shall not be permitted within any other building or structure on the property. UNANIMOUSLY Reeve Hugh Brooks MOVED BY: Ed Epple SECONDED BY: Gordon Loucks BE IT RESOLVED, the Committee of Adjustment closes the meeting. UNANIMOUSLY Reeve Hugh Brooks