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Port Burwell Council Minutes 1991
Council Minutes August 27, 1991 7:30 p.m. Cj ), Attendance: Cindy Aliin, Larry Martin, Allan Spicer, George Roden, Tom Nesbitt, Fred Shelly, Mr. & Mrs. Barber, Gary Russell, Dennis Fulford. (Councillor Spicer left at 9:54 p.m) Call to Order Declaration of Conflict of Interest. 1. Stanley Engineering - Pitt Street Mr. Haasen from Stanley Engineering reviewed the proposed road and sewer improvements. Clerk Timlin, Mr. Haasen, and Bob Stock M.T.O. to meet and recommend to Council what work is to be started this year. 2. Pitt Street Storm Sewers - Fred Shelly - Norm Barber Messrs Shelly and Barber expressed concern about the depth of the storm sewers and swayles. 3. Mario Chirico - Portable Building Council discussed Mr. Chirico moving the building on site. Council clearly stated that he must wait until the appeal period for the rezoning is over. 4. John McCord - Severance Approval See attached resolution 5. Approval of Minutes Tabled 6. Approval of Cheques See attached resolution 7. Recap of Public Meeting. Council stated positive feedback from the meeting. 8. By-Law 91-26 Approved 9. By-Law 91-27 Approved 10. Soundings of Inner Harbour Councillor Martin to arrange with Clerk Timlin to do soundings in the Inner Harbour. 11. Bradcranex Inc. - Marina Discussed. Councillor Martin and Clerk Timlin to review and develop a lease rate. 12. Property Standards By-Law 42 Pitt St. letter to be sent with list of violations. Bradcranex still in violation, they have made improvements.. 31 Erieus owner says 3 apartments, 7 residents. Owner wants 48 hours to improve things at the property. 13. Bike Rack - A. Spicer Tabled 14. Compost Seminar Deleted 15. Severance - Tony Lama Approved subject to rezoning 16. Waterfront Symposia See attached 17. Legion Week See attached resolution 18. Tennis Court Net referred to Recreation Board 19. Village Front End Loader See attached resolution 20. Lifeline Communications Device Deleted 21. Volunteer and benefactor Recognition Program Tabled 22. Speed Limit - Inner Harbour Tabled 23. Fire Department Elected new officers to their Fire Association. Jim Liberty, President, Penny Perry, Ways and Means Doug Priestner Special Events Bob Macey, Secretary-Treasurer. 26 Procedure By-Law Tabled 27. Loitering & Nuisance By-Law Tabled 28. Site Plan By-Law should be sent to Municipal Affairs for Review. MOVED BY: George Roden SECONDED BY: Larry Martin Be it resolved, Council approves repairing the Village Front End Loader cost not to exceed $4000.00 plus taxes. CARRIED Cindy Allin, Reeve. (unanimously) MOVED BY: Larry Martin SECONDED BY: George Roden Be it resolved, Council approves "Legion Week" as requested by The Royal Canadian Legion Branch 5244. CARRIED Cindy Allin, Reeve (unanimously) MOVED BY: George Roden SECONDED BY: Larry Martin Be it resolved Council approves sending James Timlin and one member of Council to the 1991 Waterfront Symposia, September 26, 1991. Mileage and lunch to be paid. CARRIED Cindy Allin, Reeve (unanimously) MOVED BY: Allan Spicer SECONDED BY: Larry Martin Council approves cheques number 5417 to 5480 for $65,730.65. CARRIED Cindy Allin, Reeve (unanimously) MOVED BY: Larry Martin SECONDED BY: Allan Spicer Be it resolved , Council approves extending the waterline east along County Road 42 pass the Village limits to John McCord's property in Bayham Township. The extension will be at Mr. John McCord's expense. CARRIED: Cindy Allin,Reeve (unanimously) 16 (IA I`�rl� i S L& J t '. . 17 OA(ci IMI 1 _ j� Z 18 (1. it 1'201 ' i`le . r r �--,�� i(-, _ �,a- l') 19 A-( 1(1144 ) i tIk(('P -----..N.-1 . _ii �i ( ( I 5 y,, . \.'.-'i I� ( i�1.���:; F 20 _ _ 4 , , ,i; /?)1I NCC ., , , / �f:-, i �. / /t 21 AttoLy`'if T '--i�_r i !. { ;/I _ r!:p. r. L7 `�- I G 22 1fritil N C' tq , .,,,,, r:(4-22, -` ` ^� 23 !`, (fid/ f:i 't' l.- -1"L(L I 1 x,,111 RCS 2i!2t..1 i •l , C , _/CC — 6 24 I\: /iI4Cil ! 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Call to order Declaration of conflict of interest. 1. Don Axford re modular dwellings. Mr. Brian Wolfe updated Council on Mr. Chirico's property. 2. Property standards. 42 Pitt Street Brian to contact Elgin/St. Thomas Health Unit. 3. Loitering & nuisance by-law A. Spicer. Councillor Spicer to investigate and obtain copy of Norwich's by-law. 4. Fire Department Councillor Allan Spicer and the Fire Chief Tom Millard and Deputy Fire Chief Sam Taylor reviewed Councillor Spicer's memo. 5. Procedure by-law A. Spicer. Clerk Timlin to recommend to the new Council changes to the procedure by-law Councillor Roden would like to go on record that the Fire Department is doing a fine job and the nic picking should stop. 6. Water/sewer billings. Billings will be delayed by 10 working days. New system to be used. 7. Library maintenance contract. See attached resolution. E. Approve minutes of previous meetings. See attached resolution. 9. Approve cheques for accounts payable. See attached resolution. 10. Fred Brandt's letter. Council reviewed Mr. Brandt's letter. 11. 1991 tax collections-outstanding taxes. Clerk Timlin stated that $66,000 is still outstanding. 12. New business. Recreation Board Council wishes to be informed on capital projects. 13. Committee of the whole. See attached resolution. 14. Horseshoe pit. Mr. O'Neil can build a horseshoe pit behind trailers 6 & 7. The old pit and new pit will be reviewed next spring. 15. Ambulance/first response vehicle. See attached resolution. Adjourned 10:18 pm The following resolutions were passed; MOVED BY Tom Nesbitt SECONDED BY George Roden Approve payment of cheque numbers 5481-5533 for a total of $47,754.99. CARRIED Cindy Allin, Reeve (unanimously). MOVED BY Larry Martin SECONDED BY George Roden Approve minutes of special meeting July 16, minutes of regular meeting August 13, and regular meeting August 27, 1991 as circulated. CARRIED Cindy Allin, Reeve MOVED BY Allan Spicer SECONDED BY Larry Martin Be it resolved, Council approves paying Doris VanDenEechout $45.00 a month to clean the Library. CARRIED Cindy Allin, Reeve MOVED BY Allan Spicer SECONDED BY Tom Nesbitt Be it resolved Council accepts the 1990 financial statements as prepared by Deloitte & Touche. CARRIED Cindy Allin, Reeve (unanimously) MOVED BY George Roden SECONDED BY Allan Spicer Be it resolved the Council of the Village of Port Burwell will contact the Regional Manager, Emergency Health Service Branch, Ministry of Health to seek information, on securing a ambulance/first response vehicle for the Village of Port Burwell. CARRIED Cindy Allin, Reeve (unanimously). MOVED BY George Roden SECONDED BY Larry Martin Be it resolved, Council moves into the committee of the whole appointing Tom Nesbitt as Chairman. CARRIED Cindy Allin, Reeve MOVED BY Allan Spicer SECONDED BY Larry Martin Be it resolved Council moves out of the committee of the whole. CARRIED Tom Nesbitt COUNCIL MEETING Tuesday, October 8, 1991 6:45 p.m. Present: Cindy Allin, George Roden, Larry Martin, Allan Spicer, Tom Nesbitt James Timlin Visitors:Mr. & Mrs. Barber, Mr. Tribe, Colleen Weibe, Brian Wolfe, Mr. Fenton, Mr. Fulford Call to Order Declaration of Conflict of Interest 1. Committee of the Whole See attached resolutions. 2. Appointment of Secretary/Accounting Clerk Council welcomed Colleen Weibe to the Village. See attached resolution. 3. Wharfinger Report Mr. Fulford reviewed his financial report with Council. Members of Council will review the report further. 4. Building Inspector Report Mr. Wolfe will send a letter to Mrs. Manion stating that she is in violation of the Village Zoning By-law and that the tenants must move or legal action will commence. 5. Bradcranex Councillor Nesbitt updated Council regarding his conversation with Small Craft Harbours and that the lease the Village has requires it to enter into a lease with Bradcranex. Clerk Timlin informed Council that documentation has been prepared and forwarded to the Federal Department of Justice for review. Councillor Martin stated he was the member of Council that Mr. Bradfield was refering to in the letter.and the statement was not true. Councillor Martin further stated that the incident which Mr. Bradfield was refering to involved in the harbour. Mr. Bradfield said he was in contact with officials in Ottawa. Mr. Martin said that he should inform Council what he was doing since Council was also taking action and that they do not work at cross purposes. He also said that he did not represent the Village and thatonly Council and the Reeve with direction from Council represents the Village. Councillor Nesbitt stated and his statements were echoed by all members of Council that it was not right for Mr. Bradfield to critize the administration for implementing Council decisions and plans. 6. Norm Barber - Pitt Street, storm sewers Mr. Barber expressed his concern over the fact that storm sewers were not going to be installed for all of Pitt St. as proposed by the Engineer and agreed to by Council. He also discussed his concern over the proposed swayles. - Recycling Mr. Barber discussed his ideas on recycling. 7. Mr. Fenton - Trailer with skirt Council informed Mr. Fenton that it was against the Zoning By-law 8. Water/Sewer arrears--tenant Council stated the policy on water/sewer arrears will be amended to include that tenant and property owners who move to other residences in the Village must pay up their arrears before they receive service at the other residence. 9. Thames Valley Health Council -Councillor Nesbitt will attend. 10. Great Lakes International Festivals For information only Council moves into the committee of the whole appointing Larry Martin chairman. CARRIED: Cindy Allin, Reeve MOVED BY: George Roden SECONDED: Allan Spicer Be it resolved, council moves out of the committee of the whole. CARRIED: Larry Martin MOVED BY: Tom Nesbitt SECONDED BY: Allan Spicer Be it resolved council approves John Henricks, Development Engineering, to attend a meeting with Municipal Affairs Planning Branch and the Village Clerk. CARRIED: Cindy Allin, Reeve Unanimously MOVED BY: George Roden SECONDED BY: Allan Spicer Be it resolved, council approves hiring Stanley Engineering to submit application drawing to MOE for Pitt Street construction. CARRIED: Cindy Allin, Reeve Unanimously MOVED BY: Tom Nesbitt SECONDED BY: George Roden Be it resolved, council approves paying Dennis Fulford an $800.00 advance on his Wharfinger duties. CARRIED: Cindy Allin, Reeve MOVED BY: Larry Martin SECONDED BY: Tom Nesbitt Be it resolved, council approves September 24, 1991 regular council minutes. CARRIED: Cindy Allin, Reeve Unanimously MOVED BY: Larry Martin SECONDED BY: George Roden Be it resolved, council approves cheques # 5534 to 5575 for a total amount of $22,888.88. CARRIED: Cindy Allin, Reeve Unanimously MOVED BY: Tom Nesbitt SECONDED BY: Larry Martin Be it resolved, council appoints Colleen Weibe to the permanent position of Secretary/Accounting Clerk. CARRIED: Cindy Allin Unanimously Minutes for Regular Council Meeting September 24. 1991 at 7:30 PM Present: Cindy Ailin, George Roden, Allan Spicer, Larry Martin, Tom Nesbitt, James Timlin. Visitors: Lauran Timlin, Gary Russell, John Lavers, Tom Millard, Jim Clark, Mr & Mrs Baker, Mr. Tribe. Call to order Declaration of conflict of interest 1. Pitt Street James to talk to John Haasen concerning application to MOE. 2. Bradcranex Marina sub lease of federal waterlot. Council reviewed Mr Bradfield's letter and refered it to the Museum Board. A letter is to be sent to Bradcranex Inc, regarding the leasing of the waterlot and that any docks within the federal harbour will be removed. 3. Mrs Baker-Strachan Street Dogs running at large. Mr & Mrs Baker left before this item was discussed with Council. No action. 4. Maple Meadows Property Manager John Lavers Road allowance Elizabeth Street Councillor Martin to discuss with David McCord and Jack Smyth the use of the road allowance for parking. 5. AMCTO Fall zone meetings. See attached resolution. 6. Private members bill M. Harris M.P.P. Resolution defeated. - 2 - 7. Gabriel Fontaine New Canadian constitution. See attached resolution. 8. Approve accounts payable. See attached resolution. 9. Approve minutes of previous meeting. See attached resolution. 10. Fire Department. Letter to Mr Gheysen should be sent re-using the house on Strachen Street for training. Building Inspector to be asked about wood stove and chimney installation. Chief Millard discussed with Council his concern regarding the nit picking that is still going on. Reeve Allin hoped that this would cease. 11. All candidates meeting. October 29, 1991. The BTA is sponsoring the all candidates meeting to be held at the School. 12. Cat by-law. No action. 13. Old business. By-law to appoint municipal Auditors approved. 14. New business. Agreement re Ministry of Housing-Building Inspection program. See attached resolution. 15. 18 & 20 Robinson Street Zoning change to accommodate trailers Clerk Timlin to investigate a temporary use by-law. 16. Bridge Street Chirico. The waterline is to be connected at Chatham Street. 17. Planning-OPA, Zoning. See attached resolution. - 3 - 18. Garbage Meeting October 3 in St. Thomas, Allan Spicer to attend. 19. Cottager's Meeting. Update. Councillor Spicer and Clerk Timlin stated the cottager's (5) were concerned with waterlot B and the groyns in front of their properties. 20. Letter of resignation Marlene Taylor See attached resolution. The following resolutions were passed; MOVED BY Larry Martin SECONDED BY George Roden Approve minutes of regular Council meeting September 10, 1991 as circulated. CARRIED Cindy Allin, Reeve (unanimously) MOVED BY Tom Nesbitt SECONDED BY Larry Martin Be it resolved, Council supports the resolution including an anti-deficit clause in the new Canadian Constitution as proposed by Gabriel Fontaine MP Levis Quebec. CARRIED Cindy Allin, Reeve MOVED BY Tom Nesbitt SECONDED BY Larry Martin Be it resolved, Council accepts Marlene Taylor's resignation with regret. CARRIED Cindy Allin, Reeve (unanimously) MOVED BY Allan Spicer SECONDED BY George Roden Be it resolved, Council approves the Village Planner John Henricks to work with Mr. Skinner's Planner in developing an amendment to the Official Plan and Zoning by-law. Mr Henricks costs are not to exceed $450 including G.S.T. CARRIED Cindy Allin, Reeve (unanimously) - 4 - MOVED BY Tom Nesbitt SECONDED BY Larry Martin Be it resolved, council supports Michael D. Harris MPP's private members bill regarding the balanced budget question on the municipal ballot and his proposal private members bill. Defeated Cindy Allin, Reeve MOVED BY George Roden SECONDED BY Tom Nesbitt Be it resolved, Council approves the Reeve and Clerk signing the agreement between the Ministry of Housing, Building Branch and the Village of Vienna and the Village of Port Burwell. CARRIED Cindy Allin, Reeve (unanimously) MOVED BY Allan Spicer SECONDED BY Larry Martin Be it resolved Council approves sending Clerk James Timlin to the AMCTO meeting October 3, 1991 mileage to be paid. CARRIED Cindy Allin, Reeve MOVED BY Larry Martin SECONDED BY George Roden Approve payment of cheque numbers 5534-5566 for a total of $73.362.39. CARRIED Cindy Allin, Reeve (unanimously). COUNCIL AGENDA Tuesday, October 22, 1991 7:30 p.m. Present: Kelvin Bradfield, Brian Wolfe, Mario Chirico, Gary Russell, Dennis Fulford, jim Hevenor, Doug Schmidt, Tony Lama. Call to Order Declaration of Confict of Interest 1. Building Inspector Report: -Mr. Wolfe reported that a letter has been sent to Mrs. Manion. -Mr. Wolfe is to contact Elgin Water re:Mr. Chirico's waterline. 2. Letter From Peter North: -Clerk Timlin is to send a letter to Mr. North re:breakwall. 3. Upcoming Public Meetings - November 6, 1991 Official Plan/Zoning By-law Amendment - November 14,1991 Development Charges - November ,1991 Tourism and Recreation Masterplan 4. Truck Lease - Tom Nesbitt: -Truck lease to be extended into December. -Item to be placed on the agenda for the first new meeting of council in December. 5. Bradcranex: -Proposed sub-lease with Bradcranex,will be referred to Village lawyer for action. 6. Temporary Use By-law: - 18 & 20 ROBINSON STREET -Clerk Timlin to send the owner a letter 7. KOOLEN ELECTRIC: -Clerk Timlin to contact Koolen Electric and have them replace the light at Shakespeare St. and Newton.St. -Councillor Roden and Clerk Timlin to investigate the light on Libby St. See attached resolution. 6. Water/Sewer arrears--tenant: -FYI 9.GARBAGE: -If ONEIDA & SAD agree with the terms of references then the Village will go along with the rest of the municipalities. -Councillor Spicer to investigate composting. 10. SANTA CLAUS PARADE DECEMBER 7, 1991 - for information only 12 Pitt Street Construction: -Documents have been forwarded to MOE. 13. Old Business 14. New Business: -County wide Re-as-sesment meeting October 23. See attached resolution. -Polling Clerks, See attached resolution. -Elizabeth St., j. Smyth does not approve of using the area for parking. 15. Minutes, See attached resolution. 16. Payment of cheques, See attached resolution. MOVED BY: Larry Martin SECONDED BY: George Roden -Be it resolved, Council designates November 3 to November 9 as Crime Prevention Week. CARRIED BY: Cindy Allin (Reeve) unanimously. MOVED BY: Allen Spicer SECONDED BY: George Roden -Be it resolved, Council approves Reeve Allen having her picture taken for the office wall. The cost will not exceed $100.00. CARRIED BY: Cindy Allin (Reeve) unanimously. MOVED BY: Allen Spicer SECONDED BY: Tom Nesbitt -Be it resolved, Council approves minutes of regular Council meeting of October 8, 1991. CARRIED BY: Cindy Allin (Reeve) unanimously. MOVED BY: Tom Nesbitt SECONDED BY: George Roden -Be it resolved, Council will hold a General Council meeting on November 5, 1991. CARRIED BY: Cindy Allin (Reeve) unanimously. MOVED BY: Larry Martin SECONDED BY: Allen Spicer -Be it resolved, Council approves cheques *5608 to *5631 for a total of $15,825.76. CARRIED BY: Cindy Allin (Reeve) unanimously. MOVED BY: George Roden SECONDED BY: Larry Martin -Be it resolved, Council approves the clerk attending the meeting at the County Wide Re-assessment. Mileage will be paid. CARRIED BY: Cindy Allin (Reeve) unanimously. MOVED BY: Tom Nesbitt SECONDED BY: George Roden -Be it resolved, Council approves the maintenance staff in assisting in setting chairs up and taking down chairs at the school gym for the All Candidates Meeting. CARRIED BY: Cindy Allin (Reeve) unanimously. MOVED BY: George Roden SECONDED BY: Allen Spicer -Be it resolved, Council approves Koolen Electric to replace the street light at the corner of Newton St. and Shakespeare St. Councillor Roden and Clerk Tirrilin to investigate the street light on Libby St. If replacement is required Koolen Electric will replace the light. CARRIED BY: Cindy Allin (Reeve) unanimously. MOVED BY: Allen Spicer SECONDED BY: Larry Martin -Be it resolved, Council appoints the following individuals as poll clerks and the rate of pay will be $90.00 per day Deb Travis, Maureen Durst Sally Bradfield, Eileen Van Ness. CARRIED BY: Cindy Ailin (Reeve) unanimously. COUNCIL MEETING 7:30pm November 5, 1991 Present: Mr. & Mrs. Hayward, John Lavers, Greg Pressey, Gary Russell, Dennis Fulford, Doug Peer, Harvey Boyd, Jim Hevenor. Call To Order Declaration of Conflict of Interest Councillor Spicer re: Harbour Light Cheque 1.) Mario Chirico - Waterline Bridge Street. (a) Mr. Wolfe submitted his report on the water connection to the building under construction on Bridge Street (Mr. Chirico). Mr. Wolfe recommended a 2" line be installed instead of a 5/8" line. See attached resolution. (b) 58 Elizabeth Street Unit 6 - Freezer removed. (c) 29 Robinson Street zoning violation. At this time the zoning violation no longer exists. Mr. Wolfe will monitor this situation. See attached resolution. 2.) Loitering/Nuisance By-law - Vandalism on Robinson Street. Reeve Allin discussed the vandalism that has happened in the past few weeks. Councillor Allan Spicer reviewed the Township of Norwich by-law which prohibits loitering, nuisance, and obstructions of highways and streets. MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING November 14, 1991 7: 30 p.m. Present : Ed Epple , Hugh Brooks , Lauran Timlin, Cindy Allin , Larry Martin, Allan Spicer , Tom Nesbitt , George Roden, James Timlin Call To Order Declaration of Conflict of Interest ( 1 ) Development Charges By-law By-law 91-30 passed . ( 2 ) Village of Belmont - School Board See attached resolution ( 3 ) KONOKI - Coast Guard Boat Request from BTA - A. Spicer Letter to be sent to Mr . Monteith on behalf of the Port Burwell Business & Tourist Association. Letter to be sent to Mrs . Travis , President BTA recommending the BTA establish a Committee to handle the project . RESOLUTION Moved by: Tom Nesbitt Seconded by: Larry Martin The Council of Port Burwell supports the Council of the Village of Belmont resolution which is in full support of the Elgin County School Board and their position on retirement gratuities and spending restraint . Carried: Cindy Allin , Reeve (unanimously) COUNCIL MINUTES November 26, 1991 7:30 P.M. Present: Cindy Allin, Larry Martin, Allan Spicer, Tom Nesbitt, George Roden, James Timlin. Guests: Hugh Brooks, Lauren Timlin, Ed Epple, Gord Loucks, Tom Millard, Jim Clarke. Call To Order Declaration of Conflict of Interest (1) Official Plan Amendment By-Law 91-31 passed (2) Long Point Conservation Authority See attached resolution (3) Dutton Centennial Dinner See attached resolution (4) Community Policing See attached resolution (5) Elizabeth St. Gravel tender See attached (6) C. P. Rail Land Letter to be forwarded to C. P. Rail to prepare agreement. . . , . „„..„.,.. . ., .—-.--.- , .. .... .--.:,.,,...:;-,:-‘.;,•0.i., >,..:,-,..-6i}:,..."-k;::111:',--,.,-.,..'":.;;:; ;'i'','tA' 2' ,k:':k.:Aiki.'e,%.;31-14'.*g.4§iiiigir;fi4:.''tiig,- ..':,l'',''''Y':-P.'5 ,*:,;i1YAOROSI' CHEQUE REGISTER / DISBURSEMENTS JOURNP CHEQUE DATE TO THE ORDER OF REFERENCE DESCRIPTION v AMOUNT BALANBANKCE WD I N ..) „. ...) f-.) • - -0 .N ., 2 lort.Q4,4 ,•') 6?`S Y)V) '9/ 3 ICC.1-)C IV/ 1.1\'• .L\j---V1/11,4-4011 4,,i/T\AIL"\•11./._.,A.T,.-'1771.--ti;,_ S.-IA!'Oli T.'4*.r. Aid t C) .-' f% . 4 kJ-3 L-)./1 LL\A/ A\k ) ;_.)ti'il ,.':& •.) 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O -•` 27 Z 28 29 30 I i T DISBURSEMENTS IMcBEE©1 PROOF: T = COLUMN 1 TO 35 INCLUSIVE 1758 SPECIAL MEETING Council Minutes December 3, 1991 (1) Swearing in of Council Reeve Hugh Brooks, Councillors Tom Nesbitt, Gord Loucks and Lauran Timlin were sworn in. (2) Council Orientation seminar January 18 Saturday February 14 Friday See attached resolution. (3) Overdue Water/Sewer Account Mr. Boyd explained his situation. (4) Section 25 Winter Works application See attached resolution. (5) New Business Order Winter Sand. (6) Committee of the Whole Adjourned 10:05 COUNCIL MINUTES December 3, 1991 MOVED BY: Gord Loucks SECONDED BY: Lauran Timlin Be it resolved, Council will reserve five (5) seats for the Councillor Orientation Series at a cost of $155.15 per registration for January 18, 1992. CARRIED BY: Hugh Brooks (Reeve) unanimously MOVED BY: Lauran Timlin SECONDED BY: Tom Nesbitt Be it resolved, Council approves submitting a Section 25 application for (1) cleaning the land behind the businesses (2) clearing an area for a new ball diamond (3) constructing 50 planters (4) 100 flag poles CARRIED BY: Hugh Brooks (Reeve) unanimously MOVED BY: Lauran Timlin SECONDED BY: Gord Loucks Be it resolved, Council approves sending Colleen Wiebe to a Pagemaker course for the Macintosh at Fanshawe College. Cost $142.00 plus taxes. CARRIED BY: Hugh Brooks (Reeve) Unanimously MOVED BY: Gord Loucks SECONDED BY: Lauran Timlin Be it resolved, Council moves into the Committee of the Whole, appointing Tom Nesbitt as Chairman. CARRIED BY: Hugh Brooks (Reeve) Unanimously MOVED BY: Gord Loucks SECONDED BY: Lauran Timlin Be it resolved, Council moves out of the Committee of the Whole. CARRIED BY: Tom Nesbitt Unanimously , COUNCIL MINUTES December 10, 1991 7:30 p.m. In Attendance: Rob Perry, Doug Schmidt, Allan Spicer, Larry Martin, George Roden Present: Hugh Brooks, Tom Nesbitt, Ed Epple, Gord Loucks, Lauran Timlin, James Timlin Call To Order Declaration of Conflict of Interest Lauran Timlin - Items 10 and 18 (Personnel) Hugh Brooks - Item 14 (1) Tourism and Recreation Study - Final Report - Acceptance by Council? Councillor Timlin See attached resolution (2) Tourism Implementation Committee - Should committee be established? Councillor Timlin See attached resolution (3) Barb Kwarciany - Future plans for Erie Lodge Ms. Kwarciany discussed long term care and support services for seniors. She would like to turn the lodge into support services for seniors. She will branch into day trips, call check, transportation It is expected the provincial government will pass legislation in the spring with possible funding. (4) Closing of Rural Post Offices Resolution opposing closure Councillor Epple See attached resolution (5) Smoke Free Environment - Elgin County on Smoking and Health There will be a designated smoking area - the counter area in the front office. There will be no smoking in the Council Chambers during Council Meetings. (6) Police/Kids Day at Port Burwell Public School Tentative date January 25, 1992. O.P.P., School Teachers, Parents, Councillors and Members of the Community Policing will participate. (7) Council Committees Reeve Hugh Brooks (1) Fire Department -- Gord Loucks (2) Museum Board -- Gord Loucks (3) Recreation Board -- Tom Nesbitt (4) Harbour -- Gord Loucks, Tom Nesbitt (5) Seniors - Milton Towers -- Tom Nesbitt (6) Roads & Sewers -- Ed Epple (7) Freedom of Information & Privacy -- Tom Nesbitt (8) Health & Safety -- Ed Epple (9) Ontario Home Renewal Program -- Ed Epple (10) Port Burwell Business & Tourist Association (BTA) -- Lauran Timlin (11) Elgin/St. Thomas Tourist Association (ETA) -- Lauran Timlin (12) South Western Ontario Tourist Association (SWOTA) -- Lauran Timlin (8) Property Assessment and Information Meetings Clerk Timlin updated Council on the County Wide Reassessment Meetings that are to be held by the Assessment Office. (9) Ministry of Culture and Communications Library Grant The Village did not receive a grant for central air conditioning for the library. The Village's application will be on next year's list and reviewed again. (10) Planning in Action, Municipal Affairs See attached resolution (11) Approval of Minutes See attached resolution (12) Approval of Cheques See attached resolution (13) Removal of Docks Clerk Timlin to contact Bradcranex and Gilles Therrion (14) Snow Removal Contract See attached resolution (15) Pitch In Week Council discussed Pitch In Week. The Village will have their annual May clean-up. (16) Old Business Bradcranex - Letter to be sent requesting Mr. Bradfield to attend the January 14, 1992 meeting. Truck Lease Brian Wolfe to investigate 18 & 20 Robinson Street (17) New Business (18) Committee of the Whole - Land - Personnel (19) Garbage Allan Spicer discussed with Council the garbage situation. Reeve Brooks said that Reeve Chute of Bayham Township would like to establish a Garbage Committee. (20) Office Hours - Christmas The Village Office will close on December 24, 1991 at 12:00 noon and will be closed December 25, 26 and 27. The office will be closed January 1, 1992. RESOLUTIONS Moved By: Ed Epple Seconded By: Lauran Timlin Be it resolved, Council requests the Minister of Municipal Affairs to provide "Emergency Funding" to the Village of Port Burwell due to the garbage crisis and because of this crisis, residents are facing at least a 30% tax increase in order to cover the costs of garbage disposal. Carried: Hugh Brooks, Reeve (Unanimously) Moved By: Lauran Timlin Seconded By: Gordon Loucks Be it resolved Council appoints Councillor Tom Nesbitt to the Bayham, Port Burwell and Vienna Waste Management Committee. Carried: Hugh Brooks, Reeve (Unanimously) Moved By: Ed fipple Seconded By: Gordon Loucks Be it resolved, Council establishes a Tourism and Recreation Masterplan Implementation Committee. Councillor Lauran Timlin is appointed Chairman. Committee to be finalized by first Council meeting in January. Carried: Hugh Brooks, Reeve Moved By: Tom Nesbitt Seconded By: Ed Epple Be it resolved, Council accepts the Tourism and Recreation Masterplan Study as recommended by the Tourism and Recreation Steering Committee. Carried: Hugh Brooks, Reeve (Unanimously) Moved By: Gordon Loucks Seconded By: Ed fipple Be it resolved, Council approves sending James Timlin to "Planning In Action' put on by Municipal Affairs, cost not to exceed $321.00. Mileage to be paid by James Timlin Carried: Hugh Brooks, Reeve Moved By: Tom Nesbitt Seconded By: Lauran Timlin Be it resolved, Council approves minutes of Special Meeting held on December 3, 1991 and Regular Meeting November 26, 1991. Carried: Hugh Brooks, Reeve Moved By: Gord Loucks Seconded By: Lauran Timlin Be it resolved, Council approves cheques numbered 5725 to 5793 in the amount of $30,975.62. Carried: Hugh Brooks, Reeve Moved By: Lauran Timlin Seconded By: Ed Epple Be it resolved, Council accepts Laemers Trucking for Snow Plowing at $41.73/hour including G.S.T. at an average of 3 hours to remove 4 inches of snow from all Village streets. To be on an as required basis. Recorded Vote Resolution c f Municipa Ceara_ ±1 Whereas the Canada Post Corporation has already started reducing services in rural areas. Whereas the Canada Post Corporation has now announced massive reductions of hours starting January 1992. Whereas the Canada Post Corporation has confirmed their intention to continue systematically closing rural post offices. Our municipal council is firmly opposed to any reductions of the normal service to which our population is entitled. We do not accept and will not accept at any time, that our community be penalized by the planned reductions in service. Therefore, be it resolved that we demand an immediate halt and reverse of what appears to be a planned and eventual closure of all government post offices. Our council demands a guarantee that our municipality will not have to suffer any form of discrimination regarding the quality of our postal services. We demand an immediate answer from Canada Post Corporation and our elected representatives. Erosion of this type deals a direct economic blow to all citizens in rural Canada and to the economic welfare of Canada as a whole. Proposed by: .41., 4_ Seconded by: / Ci17 ;, /11V, GarY'ie� Municipal Council of: I 2 r+ r kve, J 01 1/ Original to: Honourable Harvie Andre, Minister Confederation Building, Room 558 House of Commons Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0A6 c.c. Your local member of parliament c.c. CPAA 281 Queen Mary Ottawa, Ontario K1K 1X1 1991-11-27 Carried: Tom Nesbitt Moved By: Ed Epple Seconded By: Lauran Timlin Be it resolved, Council approves Laemers Trucking to sand all Village streets at$48.15/hour including G.S.T. at an average of 2 hours. To be on an as required basis. Carried: Tom Nesbitt Moved By: Tom Nesbitt Seconded By: Lauran Timlin Be it resolved, Council will purchase the Village truck through the buy-out clause of the lease. The purchase will be out of the 1992 Budget. Carried: Hugh Brooks, Reeve (Unanimously) Moved By: Lauran Timlin Seconded By: Ed Epple Be it resolved, Council moves into the Committe of the Whole appointing Tom Nesbitt as Chairman. Carried: Hugh Brooks, Reeve Moved By: Lauran Timlin Seconded By: Gord Loucks Be it resolved, Council moves out of the Committee of the Whole. Carried: Torn Nesbitt MINUTES OF 11 c1 I } 0 "UTES A REGULAR COU._`NCIL_MEETING ATe_THE,VILLAGE_OFFI.CE �N--�JANUARY AT( :3p PM 8.� 19g1 Present: Cindy A1yin m_ `f George Roden, Jaynes Tim/innTom Nesbitt, Larry Martin , Barber. Do Commercial Norm Barber, Way, Ministry of Consumer Relations Andy Cornell , TillsoConsumerg News Call to Order Declaration of Conflict of Interest 1 . Committee of the Whole . See attached resolution . 2 . Council S115, 35 . 50 . approves cheques Nos . 4747 to 4821 , � . . ,0 See attached resolution . for atotal of 3 . l Councia ounc Decnciapproves Minutes from C See attached 1990 . ;l Meeting of 1eSolution . i 4 . Norm Barber - Sewage Rates . Mr Barber expressed Mr sewage exbipressed hs concern about changing the way He suggests that . Seniors and low if it was ints Provincial income individual placed it the Tax Credits , would get back J . Don Way, Ministry of Consumer Regional Inspector . onsumer and Entertainment commercial Relations MrMn Way Standards Branch Re issuance r rteviewed the provincial legislationof Le sent to Mrs and licenses . By-law 91-p2 �, Hayward . procedures , Clerk /Treasurer er . passed appointing the g Officer . G . /Treasurer a; Engineering Quotes . Pitt Street - Addison Street See attached resolution . f `, 7 . Tree cutting . Tabled till next meeting. 8 . Water/Sewer late charge . - Tom Nesbitt Discussed and policy stays the same . 9 . What services should the , and the office Fire Department, Roads Department provide : The Reeve will have the authority Y to allow the use of Village equipment for emergency situations . 10 . Clean Land By--law. - abandon vehicles - junk Councillors will submit a list for letters to be sent out the owners. to 11 . Property standards. The property standards by-law will be enforced . 31 Erieus Street Council reviewed Mr Underhill ' s and Mr . Don Holmes St. Thomas (Building Inspector) report IUnderhill will contact N• and Elgin Health Unit. U it the a R. G for an immediate inspection. pinion of Council that once the tenants on February 1, 1991 that occupancy until the deficiencies are fixed . move out shoulderhnot will alotify the owner , Mr Underhill notify Mr Timlin will notify the Health Department. 42 Pitt Street Mr Timlin will arrange for Mr Underhill to inspect 42 Pi Street . tt 49 Shakespeare Street Mr Underhill has spoke to the Mr Underhill hut . owner and no work has Mr Underhill A registered letter will be sent . tides been ard to be isto ntacteprepare the letter . The rent review bogarnishing the rent for repairs . 25 Robinson Street Mr Roden asked if it was safe? Mr Underhill. said be believed it was . 12 . Steering Committee update . Councillor Larry Martin updated Council on the interviews with the businesses who responded to the letter and draft terms of reference . 13 . Zoning By-law. Public meeting will be held at 7 : 00 pm, February 12, 1.991 at the Legion . 14 . Brush burning. Council reviewed Mr . L. Blacks letter. for a chipper in 1991 . Council. will budget The Reeve will investigate the County chipper . 15 . Letter from Elgin County Library. Wi•m: t. 22 r ` 1/)P%` //A0.,-'' d .r"/,i_•-0 ems.) < 4T 7. f"I /3 R 23 i it -.-, r , //,'' el (11 24 WilgrAirl., i 400 a � 25 l''', D “,,,.t. .i.:?7.v :z?10 -4 //ke o 0 U � _; �e. II b r tt.„. v r .., 57.5 1 �.f �/ . 9 A ____ --4/.1 90 a.,,m.,,,_. ,,,,,..4..f„-e,0--'-z., 4/7 Z 28 p /1r 0 , /)-;L/ ,^ � .:.J.-r V )-:3 ,7 717 ._,,^J-.21,77,(„-,,; ( !.Y` ` ,. ' , , lt 30 1Ibu `•—r-r'- • .4..L.-4 ..t.--).-1,2-•...,. 7�7 1 5 ;,1Y 1`";, ��ti �' ✓6�/ %{ y7 i. ' « , i © 32 .t`i . ///rG Al / ,K,<4, , ., r Z / ,t°' ,,....:,, , i, c' i 'l/ s T ISBURSEMENTS McBEE© PROOF: T = COLUMN i TO 35 INCLUSIVE 1758 04 CHEQUE BALM II DESCRIPTION AMOUNT REFERENCE DATE TO THE ORDER OF f.: FWD iri 66. �f O 4(1__-. 3 YY J.1: I` 1 P 617 y?59 � C 3 Itt ,e- t_,.., ,f , . ( ,c, "/ rt Ay.:,7 r\ ',,-, , ' r / ;6 1 ''' IA 05 a _ . . ,ø _ 5 _ � tic �`El�u f; /�� _- k. ,-(.:7)1 � 6.� �/ /lcir . 2 r/9,,.. - r j� , f (". 79 ....._ •,t.„....- i-- ,..fey - _ 1,1q0 C 7 e& 1 i ,.-�.�!'1,,-C. ,v-P,0..L4,.._. c lid . r °� 11111111,11",::: . .r ":")°(' /Q f 5,7&1 /) ,1 • . f _ 411.,C 10 MINUTES OF_A SPECIAL MEETING HELD ON .AT THE VILLAGE OFFICE JANUARY 16 , 1991 AT 7: 30 PM PRESENT: Cindy Aliin , Larry Martin , George Roden, Tom Nesbitt , Allan Spicer , -Tanmes Timl in 1 . Motion to move into the committee of the whole . See attached resolution Motion to move out of the committee of the whole . See attached resolution 3 . Elgin Tourist Association . See attached resolution Adjourned 10 : 40 pm The following resolutions were passed; MOVED BY George Roden SECONDED BY Allan Spicer Council moves into the committee of the whole appointing Larry Martin Chairman . CARRIED Cindy Ailin , Reeve MOVED BY Allan Spicer SECONDED BY George Roden Council moves out of committee of the whole with no report . CARRIED Larry Martin MOVED BY Allan Spicer SECONDED BY Larry Martin Council approves cost share 50/50 advertising in the new 1991 St . Thomas Elgin Tourist Guide; co no to exceed $225 . 00 plus G. S .T. CARRIED Cindy Aliin , Reeve Minutes of The Regular Council Meeting Held on January 22, 1991 at the Village Office at 7 : 30 pm Present: Cindy Allin, Tom Nesbitt, Larry Martin, A. Spicer, George Roden, James Timlin Visitors: Reporter M. Schmidt, Bob Christoph, Mr & Mrs Barber , John Lavers, Steve Nagy, Dennis Fulford, Mrs Betty Guest, Hugh Brooks . , Mario Chirico, Roy Burnett-Boy Scouts of Canada. Call to order Declaration of conflict of interest Approve payment of cheques . See attached resolution . Approve minutes of regular Council meeting on January 8 , 1991 and Special meeting January 16 , 1991 . See attached resolution. 1 . Sewage rates . Mrs. Guest read her letter and submitted it to the Clerk . Mr . Barber spoke about variable rates and payment through, taxes. Felt it should be looked at very closely before changes are made . Mr . Christoph spoke on the fixed costs of operating the sewage plant and the actual variable costs . Steve Nagy wanted to know why the Village was looking at changing the method of billing. John Lavers (representing the Non Profit Housing Group) spoke about usage at the Townhouse complex. Council agrees to leave the method of charging for sewage the same and in addition places that have multiple rental units will each have a monthly sewage charge . This is to be reflected in the new by-law. Council will meet with Mr . Barber to discuss the additional billing at the trailer park . 2 . Snowmobiles-J. Lavers Council advised Mr. Lavers that the residents at the townhouse complex should contact the O.P.P. 3 . Backus Heritage Conservation Area. See attached resolution . 4 . Councillor Spicer ' s letter re tourism projects . There is a precedent that other municipalities contribute to another for major projects that benefit the surrounding area . �F_ �E �"c`T"FR/ L .SBURSEMENTS JOUR QUE REGISTE SATE R 0'�UR J�/� BANK 1111 F11�p TO THE ORDER OF E ENTS IO r ALANCI URNS J REFERENCE -04,441111" �,i- DESCRIPTION E S C R 1 P T 1 IIM, 3 jr�. ' ���w'Iy• a�� ✓ C N AoQNE ,-----4 f. (-) 4' Oji Sri UNT B1111111 ALANCE iNir ®`_.- ---4-.i. ifr!-4711sairiaLgelig AAAVINIFIAlaViai 9 illi, to /- ,_ �' . ,1 �,j,filijr,A., mop,. .4._ _ ��? / Pang ,n / J �j%1 /ass ' 4 ' 4 12 ,,,,,-,,, , , �.'t 17 .7 ......:::;.....__ t_..„r ..1�/r.4 �1c� 13 _ __.�it' _v ,/,4- ,,_L.,,,,,c.,_._ _.r,, ___,,i,/ i , ___-fi,,,.,,,..,:: .,, _ _._.._. �dG/ i cel. r.jpsw, 01 Airiarr _ , ,i. AY/ ,, , Ci1 4 (1., 44,1 _., ..... s. i f. ,/. 4 ) . . AOPP- ar . J J 15 I . ,.._ f_ .- frj yt y17 Cy 'r f Z .._ ,.. . 4-3 1' 7 / . 9/ if bi,, , .11, ,. • - ) _,-..:__( /.:L„.„-_,._v ple.....________ftir. (.."-/1,,,.___" ,•__ , ;, .41MAS1 _ ,, tritallirs -44111111111, /!. . ,/, i , 1-)y, ,z)..4. 7 72 t8I � -.�. /y)r rn ri.ftr o ,E,1Jyh3i t " / ,;/ !� rc . 1(_ ,,`r(,:( , 5+_�_n/d ,9/ r 111111N 19 ratinti ,- 1 � / f /L _ yJ /.� U7/ ,�41111111r: ,!tet��',�1� )99Z 940 1/ gift • -, v .,,7 „ nom.- - / , • TS lC- i i r y 't/�� r F r/ ›7.2-5-,_ - T E 1'ROOp iiiiilliiiiftme`. z` -‘, . T = COLUMN 1 TO3T S INCLUSIVE Minutes For Regular Council Meeting on February 12. 1991 at 7: 30 pm at the Port Burwell Legion Present : Cindy Allin, Tom Nesbitt , George Roden, Allan Spicer , Larry Martin , James Timlin Visitors: Betty Martin, Carmela Roden, Neva & Norm Barber , Fred Brandt , Hugh Brooks , Harvey Boyd, Greg Pressey, Mary Beth Hevenor , Gloria Stephenson, Ron Bradfield, Kevin Bradfield, David McCord, Fred Shelly, Andy Cornell , Tillsonburg News, Rob Perry, Aylmer Express . Call To order Declaration of conflict of interest George Roden item #3 part 1 , Cindy Allin item #3 part 4. 1 . Approve minutes of the regular Council meeting on January 22 , 1991 . See attached resolution. 2 . Approve payment of cheque list . See attached resolution. 3 . By-law 91-03 Comprehensive zoning by-law By-law 91-03 See attached resolutions . 4 . Proposed portable-Port Burwell Public School See attached resolution. 5 . Anglican Parish Hall -Mark Hayward Did not attend meeting . 6 . Elgin Municipal Association See attached resolution. 7 . Docks Council discussed the report dated January 31 , 1991 . Councillor Martin and Clerk Timlin will investigate the possibility of turning the operation of the marina over to private enterprise . 8 . Brochures See attached resolution. 9 . Provincial park tabloid See attached resolution. 10 . Membership B.T.A. See attached resolution, defeated . - 2 - 11 . Weibe Engineering-pay invoice? See attached resolution, defeated. 12 . Library lease See attached resolution. 13 . Dog tags See attached resolution . 14. PRIDE Curry Clifford from Municipal Affairs and the Village Planner will be meeting with Reeve Allin and Clerk Timlin on Monday February 18 , 1991 . All of Council was invited to attend. 15 . Museum water/sewer Council appreciated the letter from the Chairman of the Museum Board Lauran Timlin. 16 . Jack Vince-resignation See attached resolution . 17 . Jack Lane-Sam' s Place Cancelled till next agenda. 18 . Shiry lot on Chatham next to Don Axford. No further action . Council recommends Mr . Axford contact his neighbour . 19 . Fire Course Councillor Spicer says the Fire Department has a draft emergency by- law but it won ' t be completed until the inspections on the public buildings have finished. Fire Course decision tabled till next meeting . 20 . ROMA convention report Reeve Cindy Allin and Councillor Allan Spicer gave a summary of the ROMA conference . 21 . 1990 final roads submission to Ministry of Transportation . See attached resolution. 22 . OME Insurance Removed from agenda. 23 . O.H.R.P. See attached resolution . 24. Building Inspector Tom Millard will be paid his portion of his annual fee . - 3 - 25 . Flea market Council discussed with Mrs . C. Roden the possibility of operating a flea market in the heliport area. 26 . Paving/condition of roads Council will put this year ' s roads budget into installing drainage on Elizabeth Street , Erieus Street between Wellington and Pitt Streets . 27 . A.M.C.T. courses See attached resolution . 28 . ETA dinner-Peter North See attached resolution . 29 . Committee of the whole See attached resolutions . 30 . Section 25 James will investigate applications for ( 1 ) installing the docks , ( 2 ) installing the boardwalk, ( 3 ) fencing the PUC yard ( 4 ) putting new shingles and siding or sandblasting the library. 31 . Green Acres Mr barber will be invited to meet with Council to further discuss sewer charges . The following resolutions were passed; MOVED BY George Roden SECONDED BY Tom Nesbitt Approve minutes of the regular Council meeting on January 22 , 1991 as circulated. CARRIED Cindy Allin, Reeve MOVED BY Tom Nesbitt SECONDED BY George Roden Approve payment of cheque numbers 4867-4914 for a total of $ 15, 990 . 17 . CARRIED Cindy Allin, Reeve MOVED BY Allan Spicer SECONDED BY Tom Nesbitt Council approves the proposed additional portables at the Port Burwell Public School . CARRIED Cindy Allin, Reeve MOVED BY Allan Spicer SECONDED BY Tom Nesbitt Council approves purchasing 5 dinner tickets for the Elgin Municipal Association . CARRIED Cindy Allin , Reeve - 4 - MOVED BY Allan Spicer SECONDED BY George Roden Council approves cost sharing brochures with the Business Association . Cost not to exceed $ 1 , 150 . 00 CARRIED Cindy Allin„ Reeve MOVED BY Larry Martin SECONDED BY Allan Spicer Council approves cost sharing an ad in the Provincial Park tabloid with the Recreation Board and the Museum. Cost not to exceed $100 . 00 CARRIED Cindy Allin, Reeve MOVED BY Tom Nesbitt SECONDED BY Larry Martin Council approves joining the B.T.A. Cost $25 . 00 Defeated. MOVED BY Allan Spicer SECONDED BY Tom Nesbitt Council approves paying the Weibe Engineering Group Inc . in the amount of $512 . 89 . Defeated MOVED BY Larry Martin SECONDED BY George Roden Be it resolved Council hereby authorizes the Reeve and Clerk to sign the addendum to the lease agreement between the County of Elgin ( library) and the Village . CARRIED Cindy Allin, Reeve MOVED BY Allan Spicer SECONDED BY Larry Martin Council increases the charge for dog tags by $2 . 00 CARRIED Cindy Allin, Reeve MOVED BY George Roden SECONDED BY Tom nesbitt Council accepts Jack Vince ' s resignation with regret . CARRIED Cindy Allin, Reeve MOVED BY Larry Martin SECONDED BY Allan Spicer Council approves the roads report for year end 1990 . CARRIED Cindy Allin, Reeve MOVED BY George Roden SECONDED BY Tom Nesbitt Council approves Dennis Fulford and Judith Rowley' s OHRP application . CARRIED Cindy Allin, Reeve - 5 - MOVED BY Allan Spicer SECONDED BY Larry Martin Council approves sending James Timlin to the AMCTO seminar on parliamentary procedures/agendas and minutes on March 7, 1991 . location Barrie . Council will pay for one nights accommodation, meals and mileage . CARRIED Cindy Allin, Reeve MOVED BY Allan Spicer SECONDED BY Tom Nesbitt Council will pay for two dinner tickets to the Elgin Tourist Association Annual Dinner meeting guest speaker Peter North M.P. P. CARRIED Cindy Allin, Reeve MOVED BY George Roden SECONDED BY Allan Spicer Council will pay Reeve Cindy Ailin ' s mileage to SWOTA' s circle tour meetings . CARRIED Cindy Allin, Reeve MOVED BY Allan Spicer SECONDED BY Larry Martin Council hereby authorizes the Reeve and the Clerk to sign the purchase of sale agreement for the road allowance between the CIBC and the Home Hardware Store . (Huntley Realty Inc . ) CARRIED Cindy Allin, Reeve MOVED BY George Roden SECONDED BY Larry Martin Council moves into the committee of the whole appointing Councillor Tom Nesbitt . CARRIED Cindy Allin, Reeve MOVED BY George Roden SECONDED BY Larry Martin Council moves out of the committee of the whole CARRIED Tom Nesbitt , Chairman MOVED BY George Roden SECONDED BY Allan Spicer Council accepts change number 1 as recommended by the Village Planning Consultant for general commercial (C1 ) zoning on the southwest corner of Homer Street and Chatham Street to accommodate a barber shop/beauty parlour . CARRIED Tom Nesbitt , Chairman - 6 - MOVED BY Larry Martin SECONDED BY Allan Spicer Council accepts change number 2 as recommended by the Village Planning Consultant for an application of a new zone called a proposed development zone (PD) for those lands designated "future development ( FD) " in the official plan . CARRIED Tom Nesbitt , Chairman MOVED BY Allan Spicer SECONDED BY Tom Nesbitt Council accepts change number 3 as recommended by the Village Planning Consultant to the "residential zone 2 (R2 ) " to allow semi - detached dwellings and duplex dwellings . CARRIED Tom Nesbitt , Chairman MOVED BY Allan Spicer SECONDED BY Larry Martin Council accepts change number 4 as recommended by Village Planning Consultant to change zoning along Wellington Street between Erieus Street and Strachan Street from General Commercial Cl to Residential zone I (R1 ) and downtown commercial zone (C3 ) in response to earlier public comments . CARRIED Tom Nesbitt , Chairman CrLT . _ a• _ , i ,p, 1....1 • , i tIOVI 1 K441 „wijamg);:- 4- (-A . ' - '. ' ' ' assgret ,,,twitimwAmprarriwi , : 77-11:131 . ._ L r /_ _ � i lei } i � At V o " �� 4` k x -.e 3tA� r � • a i .tIY" � � f � x � ; •, cf ::a -52'f}. of i c/"-- , ► ( 2 9- " Fv6d - • • • • 1 i Ic • s i g i Minutes of a Public Meeetinto Discus s Revisions to the Draft ComnrehensiVerther Zoning Bylaw Held at the Fort Burwell Le ion Villa a of Port Burwell Februar 12 1991_ Tom Nesbitt : This is a public meeting held by Council under section 34 ( 12 ) of The Plannin consider new proposed rvision( > o es Act 1983 tt Comprehensive Zoning By-law. to the draft regulate the use of all lands ,Thrbuildings s by-law will structures in the Village of Port Burwell . The items to be considered in the public meeting are as follows : 1 . Request for "Geneal Commercial (Cl ) " zoning on the southwest corner of Homer Street and Chatham Street to accmmodate a Barber Shop/Beauty Parlor . 2 . Application of a new zone called a "Proposed Development Zone (PD) " for those lands designated "Future Development (FD) " in the Official Plan . 3. Change to the "Residential Zone 2 (R2 ) " to allow semi -detached dwellings and duplex dwellings . 4. Change zoning along Wellington Street between Eireus Street and Strachan Street from "General Commercial (Cl ) " to "Residential Zone 1 (RI ) " and "Downtown Commerical Zone (C3 ) " in response to earlier public comments . James Timlin: The Clerk stated the notice was advertised in the Tillsonburg News January 21 and January 23 and The Aylmer Express January 23 , 1991 . It is my opinion that the Tillsonburg News and Aylmer Express have sufficient distribution in the Villlage to adequately notify the public. James Timlin: Read declaration of conflict of interest . Reeve Allin item 1 , Councillor George Roden item 4. Tom Nesbitt_ Any person may express his/her views of these proposed changes to the draft Comprehensive Zoning By-law and a record will be kept of their comments . Any person wishing to receive written notice of the adoption of the Comprehensive Zoning By- law should leave their name and address with the Clerk . - 2 - John Henricks Village Planner Describes the proposals and presents recommendations . Tom Nesbitt : Are there any questions? ( For the record state your name ) . Does anyone wish to present their comments either in favour of or in opposition to these proposed changes to the Comprehensive Zoning By- law? Any questions from the members of Council ? Is there a motion to refer these items for a decision by Council at its regular meeting later this evening? Motion to close this meeting. The following resolutions were passed; MOVED BY Larry Martin SECONDED BY Allan Spicer Be it resolved the four changes to the Comprehensive Zoning by- law be referred to Council for a decision at its Council meeting on February 12 , 1991 . CARRIED Tom Nesbitt , Chairman MOVED BY Allan Spicer SECONDED BY Larry Martin Motion to close the public meeting CARRIED Tom Nesbitt , Chairman nutes_ for Regular Council Meeting Held at the Village Office February 26. 1991 at 7:30 pm Present : Mary Vasily, Mr & Mrs Oszvath, Doug Peer , O. F.P. , Greg Pressey, Dennis Fulford, Mr & Mrs Kennedy, Dennis Pesall and Brian Williams, ( Salmon Derby) , Rob Perry. Call to order Declaration of conflict of interest 1 . Approve Council minutes from February 12 , 1991 Council meeting and minutes of the public meeting on February 12 , 1991 . See attached resolution. 2 . Approve cheque numbers 4915 to 4943 for a total of $13, 773 . 57 . See attached resolution. 3 . Docks-by- law 91-05 By-law tabled. Lengthy discussion, Councillor Martin expressed concern about the costs and did not want tax dollars to be spent on the project . Reeve Allin, Councillor Nesbitt and Spicer felt that tax dollars could be spent on the docks and Councillor Roden expressed concern about the dollars being spent on the project . Councillor Martin and Clerk Timlin will investigate alternatives and firm up costs and report back to the next Council meeting . Councillor Martin and Clerk Timlin will measure and determine costs for a plan to install the docks near the boat ramp. 4. Lake Erie Salmon and Trout Club Annual fishing derby. June 29 to july 22 , 1991 Would like to see more fish registered for the fishing derby in Port Burwell . Would like to establish a weighing station at the north end of the cement pier . The weigh in station would be there for 3 to 4 weeks . Council agreed to let them park their fish mobile-weigh in station at the end of the cement pier . 5 . Emergency plan-A. Spicer See attached resolution. 6 . Elgin Municipal Association . See attached resolution . 7 . O.H.R.P. Discussed . 8 . Big Brothers & Sisters No action . 4 - Council pay by- law and this will include the Clerk. CARRIED Cindy Allin, Reeve MOVED BY Larry Martin SECONDED BY Allan Spicer Council rescinds the previous resolution regarding the Elgin Municipal Association . Council approves purchasing 7 dinner tickets for the Elgin Municipal Association . CARRIED Cindy Allin , Reeve MOVED BY George Roden SECONDED BY Larry Martin Council approves Mary Vasily to setting up a hot dog wagon on the east beach . Area to be specifically designated. Cost of the lease will be $1 , 300 . CARRIED Cindy Allin, Reeve MOVED BY Larry Martin SECONDED BY Tom Nesbitt Council approves the Reeve and Clerk to submit the appropriate applications to Small Craft Harbours for dredging and Clerk will prepare tender and distribute . CARRIED Cindy Allin, Reeve MOVED BY Allan Spicer SECONDED BY Tom Nesbitt Council authorizes the Reeve and the Clerk to sign the following grant applications ; docks- installation section 25 ; Library- renovations, air conditioning-Culture & Communications & section 25; labourers for the summer-EYC and Challenge 91 ; Museum- Lighthouse summer students-Challenge 91 ; Market research study-EYC and section 25 . CARRIED Cindy Allin, Reeve MOVED BY George Roden SECONDED BY Allan Spicer Council will purchase an additional dinner meeting . CARRIED Cindy Allin, Reeve MOVED BY Tom Nesbitt SECONDED BY George Roden Council moves into the committee of the whole appointing Larry Martin Chairman . CARRIED Cindy Allin, Reeve MOVED BY Tom Nesbitt SECONDED BY George Roden Council moves out of the committee of the whole . CARRIED Larry Martin MOVED BY Allan Spicer SECONDED BY George Roden Council approves Reeve Allin and James Timlin to attend the London - 5 - Water Supply Study meeting in St . Thomas . March 5, 1991 , 10 : 00 AM, St . Thomas PUC. Meeting pay for Reeve Allin and appropriate travel expenses will be paid. CARRIED Cindy Allin, Reeve MOVED BY Larry Martin SECONDED BY Allan Spicer Council rescinds the previous resolution and approves sending James Timlin to the AMCTO seminar on parliamentary procedures/agendas and minutes on April 4 , 1991 , location Hamilton. Council will pay for one nights accommodation , meals and mileage . CARRIED Cindy Allin, Reeve MOVED BY Tom Nesbitt SECONDED BY Larry Martin Council appoints the following individuals to sit on the interview committee for the Building Inspector position . George Roden , Cindy Allin, and James Timlin Furthermore this will be a paid meetings . CARRIED Cindy Allin, Reeve MOVED BY Allan Spicer SECONDED BY Larry Martin Council approves sending James Timlin to the 1991 tax collector ' s spring seminar and workshop, April 18 & 19 , 1991 , Stage West motel , Mississauga. meals , travel , registration and 2 nights accommodations will be paid . CARRIED Cindy Allin, Reeve MOVED BY George Roden SECONDED BY Larry Martin Council approves continuing business past 11 : 30 pm CARRIED Cindy Allin , Reeve _ v W . ANN /.. _ - --- -_--L' --1 ' -- ------ -- &269/3/iii, . ______ 1 3 II/L A 4117.)/64"/ . ' 1-9/T ilAi /%i'.�/."VI,A-�t-Oil /l 4/ / 4 /�� ,1 /�'yC /' 7' 4e‘2�1, n,1 A„,---, ' r� • r , ,,/,�/ ,At.s(21:j 9/ ed. 1. /, - .60 M---Y--I' 6 _•' /// )a At. -_ �5. . tait, _ ��d 2 V2.1 _ , � - / - 8 Imo./ - ., .€/Q�/ -0- l ! , �lY r' 9 r - ' , , ' ‘q--) , ./.„ ,/,/ 4- A / / .I ' / -A- if..,......i.ffl_...- 4, .A Y. — . ___0:07/ t_!. A_ LL 4..g C 3 L J/ / _ e54 j/ /r� � - fj 5 r�r_T/it�1 � 1• .qty' / 4 - .7 C `t..e ,.:Birt � .' _ v ' )� - --_..__.---1 I_ . �.� ,. / -- 93 _ : ---ted 1 ,y 1_______ '1';-A4*- P: '.' 28 4. f) ,�, 29 /, s >/ 1// R. .ifs 1;.�`.(../ 7t) l,i �l! _ - .4 f) 30 1 c./ �l .'�-_ -.1r �_.. /4-c.� i✓!ts°! L56e) - 31 I _ ?� < "/ - y. e-- ��!-C '_ c�j -2r- ; --f'// ' -- 32 /��gi j r Aes L..... ,1 . , 4 . i _ .L. ./_ ..1 ' _ Oe' 144-4/YC-) iffiiii4f - ' - ''' '':.--;:ie ' .M2_ ..0&-4/42__Attei_ki_______ _.it----1..: /�-/ �'/1 k....,•, CI' girt A. . 9.. I._ . A' , 7, / C2/1., ./.(A,/4.- /(-6 4' : _#c_2: 4-.)1._r . ,. _LIe1) _ _ l 1).c .ice_ 1-1, ! ...__z.-_ . / • i ( y / / v/ Minutes for Regular Council meeting March 12, 1991 at the Village Office at 7:30 pm Present : Cindy Allin, Larry Martin, Tom Nesbitt , Allan Spicer , George Roden, James Timlin Visitors: Greg Pressey, Hugh Brooks , Fred Shelly, Tony Lama, Kevin Bradfield, John Chandler , Dennis Fulford, Andy Cornell -Tillsonburg News Call to order Declaration of conflict of interest 1 . Approve minutes of regular Council meeting February 26 , 1991 . See attached resolution . 2 . Approve cheque numbers 4944-4978 for a total of $68 , 989 . 45. See attached resolution . 3 . Docks-Municipal marina James to contact Gordon Craig, Ron Bradfield and parking concerns in the boat ramp area are to be investigate . 4. Dredging tender Tender reviewed by Council and to be sent out . 5. Letter for donation for dredging . Letter reviewed . Also to be sent to the Order of Good Cheer , Gordon Craig, Rolf Silwerbrand, L . P.R.C.A. 6 . Economic Development Committee . See attached resolution . Recorded vote . Councillor Martin objected to the resolution. 7 . N.R.G. request for service . See attached resolution . 8 . Funding of circle tour . See attached resolution . - fJ / / /99 Li_ c7g: 1:14.41 . .-..' Si..._._4V__,4/t _,„, ,..% . --1.- . / e - f...1_. • - _9!y i___ mac / 6 //?..3.6:2_/-2 12 13 470 4"// / / 717 Lc.-4. 1 w c04/ . . DATE TO THE ORDER OF REFERENCE DESCRIPTION CHEQUE BANK 1' AMNT d BALANCE i I.7/ i X __/../..',..X.- -77.7 .. :: -4 -4.-4__ ' • '4)67 . 41fiiiutd d,"1,,,l.f.,i___) ‘ , ° gi I ( . 1 c ; , i72 -d_ _ 4/rcel - yr.% ,y739', , ,-"L../ 9 _.,s ( ,j (..r.-4 • .I � . ., 5. 7 c) ?1,-/ 6, /7' /7 •al-J1 X9, 5 _ 1_ ___..026.a_4- _-- -- i . A1f 41 : 1'1 i 4. :':; , ' ._ - _ '%c 57 '�.'/_ 2"._, ."64_/ / -z:9 l /7 k � . /./),,k.. .., f �.:,Li q j4 1•:1 / -V94 1 a�a� .�(�;� ff pn 's9 - ` . 4(..,-�i 7 / / 7i 9/ ., ?.v.,_ :i/r, -71/1.,.,,,s_x_.,../.., ,-., ,---8 ,.././. __/?1,,f..../ - --7,-,n ,/fl,/,, t /.,.,,_,,.,c,-). /9(_)4 oc.) f ', lq_/ rte" / / �i _je,„ : alt f/ -,74.--,2/77 ) (-,4.(,.../ i 1; i .' "4 / ,xy/r-� j,J. , . , '/r/� e•/ fs% I---- 4' i,-(// f u �% r . ,.,- , - ..rti,,elf./ (;„..) ,,,,,e-(L7.- ,):—Z.(..-1.( 1 r•---.-)e.,A,..-./_.;/../ -41.-1.';6 Y ',Z2-t1 ' ''Jr - ) i:!;: 9, .-- i. '0 1/44"-AC et_C-(-/_ :7.k.1/c,j(.. I7. / fit,/ �4 •(_3 S6 a(' c r 5/.i;% r r./ ..f- -4. '/-.- • Yi v 1 g j j/- e;/` 7/ � (74.Ef _ i _7s / - ' r • ,�,./,,, ( 9). : _Wq. 4/ ____,..);___>/it.L11„__A.., _4, 1,//,--,,-- ---?;..'7/ 1:47 j6e:_2(A 1 _. .4e/ 1/-fr7,--i'W( 7'^4.,-/Ltr ..././-7_,, 3.- (. 'w:',,Q*.:</ 'y` , /. /' n Lf ' 74/4( 17 70 f 1,1 02,4 p (.?(lAk{i.f.: i__t,:i /./o2. . -111 L,.:-)-e J61.4iIA -7 5- wo . • -14,, L, / 6 .46,,,1-9 •--)/).?'(., 4 ./,)L- ->-//; / //0,1/r r,. .' 1:,,,/, _ i.21/ /6. cc . 44_F 1 4 r4r.i./ 47:',--'7/ n/��, 14_5,0 I ; lC � _tl t l k-,, 'y(2^le r,0 / (r I .7( '' .-..1-. . ,--- `lt i i`- , 11. ,, , , /./-- • / ,,,-.- ?y -- .i 1i• 40 . .' ri . ,,, _ ___ _ _ Minutes for Special Council Meeting on March 18. 1991 at the Village Office at 7: 30 pm Present : Cindy Allin, Larry Martin, Feorge Roden, Tom Nesbitt , Allan Spicer , James Timlin 1 . Township of ST. Vincent See attached resolution. Municipal Affairs Regional Conference Tabled till Municipal Affairs sends further information. 3 . OMRA conference No action. 4. Docks Discussed. 5 . Budget Council reviewed the proposed. 6 . Municipal Finance Officers Association See attached resolution. 7 . Maintenance garage-tenders for washroom See attached resolution. 8 . Committee of the whole 9 . Weibe invoice. See attached resolution . The following resolutions were passed. MOVED BY George Roden SECONDED BY Larry Martin Council appoints Tom Nesbitt as Chairman . CARRIED Tom Nesbitt MOVED BY Larry Martin SECONDED BY George Roden Council of Port Burwell supports the Township of St . Vincent resolution which was adopted February 7 , 1991 regarding the new waste disposal site , under the environment Assessment Act . CARRIED Tom Nesbitt MOVED BY Allan Spicer SECONDED BY George Roden Council endorsed the MFOA resolution regarding the application GST on MOE sewer and water billings . Letter of support to be forwarded. CARRIED Tom Nesbitt MOVED BY George Roden SECONDED BY Allan Spicer Council approves Andy & Tony Lama Mechanical to install 65 feet of sewer line with road connection cost not to exceed $2 , 600 . CARRIED Tom Nesbitt MOVED BY Tom Nesbitt SECONDED BY Larry Martin Council moves into the committee of the whole appointing , Allan Spicer Chairman. CARRIED Cindy Aliin, Reeve MOVED BY Tom Nesbitt SECONDED BY Larry Martin Council moves out of the committee of the whole . CARRIED Allan Spicer MOVED BY George Roden SECONDED BY Allan Spicer Council approves paying Brian Weibe Engineering 50% of his invoice. CARRIED Cindy Aliin Minutes for Regular Council Meeting On March 26. at 7: 30 pm at the Village Office Present : Cindy Allin, Allan Spicer , Larry Martin, Tom Nesbitt , George Roden, James Timlin Visitors: Dennis Fulford, Mr . VanNess , Mrs . Hurlbert , Brian Wolfe (Building Inspector ) , Mr . & Mrs . Norm Barber Call to order Declaration of conflict of interest 1 . Approve minutes of regular Council meeting on March 12 , 1991 . See attached resolution. 2 . Approve payment of cheque numbers 4979 to 5012 for a total of $30 , 392 . 22 . See attached resolution . 3 . Lloyd Hurlbert-donation to Village . Mrs Hurlbert and Mr VanNess from the Port Burwell Sunday School donated $248 . 30 . , donation to go to the Recreation Board. 4. Village Building Inspector Mr . Brian Wolfe was introduced to Council . See attached resolution. 5 . Sunday Shopping . Letter received from Village Lawyer . No action . 6 . Boat docks consideration of by-law By-law 91-05 was passed. 7 . Wharfinger-A. Spicer to report . See attached resolution. The Wharfinger position will be advertised within the Village . 8 . Subdivision-Chirico; A. Spicer . James clarified letter sent to Municipal Affairs . r. -? '` ,-Az'`,tr Ri'" °`�* '' `' ``4.�� 4 i^' u'4'°t'..',.f.�, _:'' 'ham.ir"'Y'a r ..? °tom.. • w' "zi•{'.} titi'.v .'l g'ui3 ��"a '4.:,,.r y v>g. ien. r� war;5" t i30 17 Zb/Li___1.7,..?..f.„. , ;/,//i---,. ,, ( .,_-_,:!„_._/___?__Ti_9 9,,/ z),1... ii._,,,__',-4,-,:-;be •----- -. 2:-7: 7,/- 4,. ' e - __ . ---,‘,i--.-,".l. 31 /' • 32 1 0A,i„,A, 1 "I. l.-i5i.__-_gl-,0l-_i-i.-- IIT D1SB EM EMS, `-,.. . _ _ =GO ui ay.TO 35 INCLUSIVE ��' {/ I� ��� . � _its A . cc - __-� `Ol�.-_—A96 ee -_._.. 3 li T L-1)-if ..J ././.1'_i ', /(_ /19 YV 1.44/fr f/ A./..1,{!1. V,P/ 6.3 1 5 .__LW_ _. _ tic . L. `-c /-756 )2, -e(( ,-,-:. 9.i . /2 7 /J ,_ ` 1 �: =--- - .._,/7'/ &>>/t/At /7 9<7 8 /] /.._,I / . . .4 ,%e,•�•.� i7nZ9 ` 7:0) 4/D S6 s */ -.. 6. /Iie.r/i r-Pitt i>1 - '`SSC °° 10 Kr -, - ‘ 17 C t aoi 91h,6►nur wr�r}(sh�d . o.O:_o 7-4. 11 Alm ec i'1/� nil C 0 _ . s y0 s• P:' ..a 1 ff 14 ( 07• "ft /Ail/./ ./ .c lJ 4 (d '' (5-5c-- U�r f. /../if' H?l71 i. ® /940/ 15 ifieL1f^bi-7 �ii! 7 i� / __„):-. 1 94 . Y K c - n z 18 . . 74. - '- /e,..1 J ,)' s /"-� .!9/4 e 1,(: / '5'1992 c;-)/;./. .' f s' .-) W&:-.) z 20 //� L c//t / / /it•r/e.[Pc)47..._:,.-- )/ 437 (?; .L,!-/`_/ -; _Cyc.,' _,/ -.7 - _._._ C1 ,9('' O f/" x 21 - , - , i :TO CN -� �R. "1 c` Fr I3 23 / / /', �.J /' ' / /z %/!`-.i C.//C9�C-2, . F, _r,�����/ � � 9 �//�� � ]RC1 ,� � � 0 24 li _ ,x .,,.i _/(77 ( '., ._ .5/-'f-'�. '// .'2; ,1//i/ s3 6^ 1 1 ci g 25 %7 (/ "/ //hw __...-_-._ . _(/2 _ .? ei 1,,,, 26 / 4.47 ( /*),,, 1 G.cIn, - �7Il.,e. Y /') )/%/ 07: U Jy / /2./ — // -r Jr ' X17 91I 376° 29.4 �� y(c.r1 -,//...47-C ¢/'it�;:, / _ -'r, / r . � <'(// ./. . -. 31on / / . in 32 DISBURSEMENTS T McBEE©• PROOF: T = COLUMN 1 TO 35 INCLUSIVE 1758 J Minutes for Regular Council meeting on April 9. 1991 at 7: 30 pm in the Village Office Present : Cindy Allin, Tom Nesbitt , Larry Martin, Allan Spicer , James Timlin Visitors: J . Shaddock, Tony Lama, Bob Christoph, Mr . McCurdy, Greg Pressey, Mr & Mrs Norm Barber , Dennis Fulford, Shirley Manion , Rob Perry, Andy Cornell . Call to order Declaration of conflict interest 1 . Approve minutes of special Council meeting March 18 and from regular Council meeting March 26 , 1991 . See attached resolution. 2 . Approve cheque numbers See attached resolution. 3 . 1990 Council expenses . Presented to Council 4. Sanitary collection service and Green Lane Landfill Site . Public meeting Aylmer April 17, 1991 , Reeve Allin reported from her meeting on April 5 regarding the landfill site . 5 . Dredging Tenders Tenders were opened. The following companies submitted Vary' s Crane Service Ltd . $35 , 000 Higgs & Higgs Inc . 32 , 100 Northshore Dredge 49 , 900 M.H. Berry Marina 82 , 000 Harry Gamble Shipyard 132 , 000 Auburn Constractors Mobilization/demobilization 17 , 068 Hourly rate 189 Stand by rate 95 6 . Sewage rates-R. Kwarciany; N. Barber ; 8 : 00 p.m. Mr Kwarciany did not attend but a letter from him was given to Council . Mr Barber presented his position. Messers J . Shaddock , T. Lama, B. Christoph, R. McCurdy, G. Pressey, D. Fulford and Mrs Manion spoke on sewer rates . Council recessed for a break and most in attendance left the chambers . Council re adjourned and discussed the matter . The Clerk is to present to Council a report on charging the 10 permanent residences at the trailer park, duplexes and triplexes in the kt- =-;•.-,:,,- - U 11 t...0 U L. I-(C.l...1 I I C.N./ LJIIDL.JI-C. C.IVIC.IN I CHEQUE BANK DATE . TO THE ORDER OF REFERENCE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT BALANCE D _.. 34 ----19 'q...... 0.4- ------- .5int. "iheit 7.v!Int.L.14...f..7 /07°e)__ __•._. 1 e.,,,,,_...;Q: 6.v. I) ..... • 7:--;92•:;.4.5..7_-),Liz,...(;._ , , _ . •_ _k___ 6'' .' i 6,6 • rd, _ ..,i3 dro.„ . , .• ; .. i . 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' /--9_IA„....7.;;;,1 I, i: .411 r/ 4 // -4-//e/ 7 36 _ . 5 A' ---/h i F-01. -.., _- / ___ &IL , ././- aiH., vii . y4/..,so 6 - / , _ v , / ,_. A......__ flf sX -------5(-- /,/--,1( ,T.9 94, e6 . • 4, 44 ,- i , i,,, , .,<; - 50 / ht L-ii // illr / ,' ' - - -71 (1 • __ - / ____ . Jo i . 7 .67)._.:,-? 4-1/_,/- _if 7 2V : I. 'I' -t,,A ;.1 1,16 ' a3 .,,, ,... •,„.....,, ., A (.7..1, 1 ;.I .7/ e l At e7 1-P9. 1 0 / A''• (1.--4/ .e'//' < z-( _A'_ / .. SO-37P_ -Arri'Ot/,./ E.,..)e.:..( k_L / ..3. 0 ' 11 .,/ .. _ Arif A.. --dr , 1; i, L..../ ,/,. ,- ii-_-"!...2 ,...,51 )75 2,4.' 12 4„,, 0„ /..._.(4 21lh 4 /.."{ .'5.*: A 4 4 7,!i 1 '-",./,.,(;- 13 . ..,0 ,.0/ ,-.z• c 77/"Y.: ii . -56-')?_:,7 --7-,-. "-, ,, .. . i 4„.. _ t) 6/ 14 '-'. -1/71 1-(:/ 1,-7i fr-",--IC/ ( - . r-•(- .;--- - D 74"; : 15 ' ...1_,... 4 (4_16 c (9,-?6-. .. , - . 16 7 ,_/. /4-7Z-*_ :2/-v,-1 --f -• -/C- "5('4//) 1` _____ .... ..- .---_, ff:k -., ; /;,,- • i.-..•.,. .-; 17 ,.•,(‘-' . 1 -4„ ,,,, ,/,,, L.i. . . :kW/ (((....,c- r. _.) . i 18 i ,/ r . ...? . /.., '4,7; ,...s .-"-- 19 FIKIIIrr, ; I ./ .. ..1:.:. .Y 7.. 1 I. (/7 : '4;--/, 2 • ' , . . . c . /0 . . . . ., ,. , • • . , 20, - ..... 21 Minutes For Regular Council Meeting April 23. 1991 at 7: 30 pm in the Village Office Present : Cindy Allin , Allan Spicer , Tom Nesbitt , George Roden, James Timlin , Larry Martin-absent Visitors : Mr & Mrs Barber , Mario Chirico, Bruce Farnell , Fred Brandt , Greg Pressey, Mr Hocke , Dennis Fulford , Jack Shaddock , Brian Wolfe , Andy Cornell Call to order Declaration of conflict of interest Reeve Allin declared conflict on item 3 and item 2 on the pay list . 1 . Approve minutes of regular Council meeting April 9 , 1991 . See attached resolution . 2 . Approve payment of cheque numbers 5044-5077 for a total of $ 16 , 573 . 65 . See attached resolution . 3 . Zoning by- law 91- 11 , 91- 12 By-law 91- 11 passed. By- law 91- 12 withdrawn . 4. Water and sewer rates by- law 91-13 . Norm Barber will attend to discuss water/sewer . By-law 91- 13 , Mr Barber discussed his objections to the by- law. Mr Barber stated that he will give his tenants 120 days notice . Councillor Allan Spicer and James will meet with Mr . Barber . 5 . Non Profit Housing-Mr . Hocke re storm water management . See attached resolution . 6 . Property Standards/Clean land Council discussed the by- laws . Letters will be sent to the property owners that are in violation of the by- law. 7 . County taxes . Reeve Allin discussed the 30 . 68% increase in the County taxes . She discussed appealing the increase but it would take 12 to 24 months and appeals do not have a high success rate . The County provides the library, roads , family and childrens services , health unit , land division committee , hospital , E .T.A. , S .W.O.T .A, service in home , Thames Valley Pioneer Museum. 8 . Resignation of Fred Shelly-Fire Department . See attached resolution . Sam Taylor resigned as Training Officer , Mr Roden wanted to know why the Village was left without fire protection for a week . One truck was out being repaired and the other truck that was in the Fire Hall , battery was dead/faulty. 9 . Tornado warning-Provincial Park. Tabled. 10 . Ontario hydro . Tabled. 11 . Letter from Fred Brandt . Council reviewed Mr . Brandt ' s letter . 12 . Sea Lamprey control Tabled . 13 . SWOTA annual general meeting . Tabled . 14 . Steering Committee Tabled . 15 . Tender re installation of pipes . Tabled. 16 . Quotes for pins . Tabled . 17 . In camera. See attached resolution . 18 . 1991 budget 4 . 5% increase . Tabled . 19 . Work permits . Letters to be sent to MNR re Bradcranex regarding Councils concern about parking . 20 . Annexation of water lot . Tabled . 21 . Businesses in harbour . Tabled . 22 . Collection of tax arrears . Tabled . 23 . Farmers ' market . Tabled . 24 . Futures grants . Tabled . 25 . Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada 6th annual carnation campaign kickoff May 5 , 1991 Discussed, no action . 26 . Building Administration grant . Tabled . 27 . Dredging See attached resolution . 28 . Firefighters Tabled . 29 . Library See attached resolution . 30 . Wharfinger See attached resolution. The following resolutions were passed; MOVED BY Allan Spicer SECONDED BY George Roden Approve minutes of the regular Council meeting April 9 , 1991 CARRIED Cindy Allin, Reeve (unanimously) MOVED BY George Roden SECONDED BY Allan Spicer Approve payment of cheque numbers 5044-5077 for a total of $16 , 573 . 65 . MOVED BY Allan Spicer SECONDED BY George Roden Council approves the report from Mr . Hocke of the Port Burwell Family Housing ( Letter C.A. Ventin Architect Inc . dated April 4 , 1991 ) . Council approves the installation of inlet restricter on catch basin 3 , 4 , 6 , 9 . CARRIED Cindy Allin MOVED BY George Roden SECONDED BY Allan Spicer Council accepts G. L . Sidings quote to Supervise the Section 25 Employees and to supply eavestrough for the Library. To construct a handicap ramp, remove old eavestrough and install new eavestrough , remove and reshingle roof and install siding on the Library. Cost not to exceed $2 , 325 plus taxes . To be funded by the Federal and Provincial Governments . Project to start April 29 to be completed by June 30 . CARRIED Cindy Allin , Reeve MOVED BY George Roden SECONDED BY Allan Spicer Council accepts the resignation of Fred Shelly from the Port Burwell Fire Department with regrets . CARRIED Cindy Allin , Reeve ( unanimously) MOVED BY George Roden SECONDED BY Allan Spicer Council moves in--camera appointing Allan Spicer as Chairman . CARRIED Cindy Allin , Reeve MOVED BY Cindy Allin SECONDED BY George Roden Council moves out of in-camera CARRIED Allan Spicer MOVED BY George Roden SECONDED BY Allan Spicer Council awards the dredging tender contract to Vary ' s Crane Service Ltd . Cost not to exceed $23 , 200 Defeated Cindy Allin , Reeve MOVED BY George Roden SECONDED BY Allan Spicer Council appoints Dennis Fulford as Wharfinger . Mr . Fulford will be paid 17 . 5% of dockage collected and will be in charge of the mini marine and receive 17 . 5%, daily journals will he kept and submitted to the Village Office on a weekly basis . Mr Fulford will receive 15% of his commission for gas . CARRIED Cindy Allin , Reeve T tiw 1a7 t 21 ^� ''''.:*'"41-'11":-.''''''''' &2 '/ 7 etc a v 00 21 — _._ /. 1 , _1c� I,..- 5O"/ u r ' it - / .11( 3( E 23 / (' , _J (//n .i4. , J . . // r� X 24 1� ,I 2 a l i. r L 41 ,-,Y ` 6-j 0 25 w , 26 to ,A)i/ a ..:, ..., , ,- „:_...),\„,, ,,. .,,,,- :5, 4,, • 4 _ ,,,,e /,„ 4,,., 3 //z/r((_- A 27 ,�, /.S •.// ._//e1,2“ C_Q.-i ? ,//C.�.f.! /ry^�r .44-4 . . / /'. Z 28 b 141/ p .f_. /-t^ '/ 7( 1(7 l - %"'"'.3./ /, 74,/ C 1 29 � , _ - 30 f1 9 (ii„) C/I::_te. /c— 5(1 -3 - .r� 4.1 / ../ ��a /` - 31 . i ' P/ f-9( f /�'AL. 5():-X/ r ' 9 / 6y ti b_____ii.4f_19/4./ .V: ___. ,4 1. ii.. ___,- ' Cs: 371‘);fier 5/. _ _ "_- --- ________ j e. I'.ice/ _ / 4 401. A 1/ • ' Alp ` S k f 'z ) 4,�'il" ��''�// d /I'" �r _ _ I o _ y . / .1c 9e �� s �1 /9_ _ -rA.c.,'c �_' .,L - _4•e ,_, OS ,_� l!) -.0 /6)6 4�1,1-1 __we — -^6 A!'( J6,..%;/ 47 . /7E L1 -0 /9 (' & 5/D( ) ` 9 •4' , j V • . ?y/..4 (1.`1 /;' 4›f6l•i1- ... `(,), 1,-,,i.--0 /69g3, 11 ,, 09/r, tt •.: y - i__/ . ,.,' _ .7-- 12 / • / 1. � L i. !,)+' v [.' �:/ �d 1.-•(` �.� 7 . 13 / 1 14 ,i 4 19h -7--e'6.40z.,, ;,7;x,i,-/ 5.0(,,y 7,;)?-,/i/ ,--„,/ ...„...._ k:.....?S* 15 I, I Ofr.s.,il 7%(/'4,'(//2 _ilif'1(( 7 -(1.-1 ../--7'f2 ..`-77-1.-". ;/j"------- 9/9v?,-.55 / is } -i / &z'' . (..41-/s/7(•/,,...i ice <:_ 5'.7(O A , (.,/: l`/ L� 17 /y;_/� 1 • "-x cC. L x t / .)--(-'7/ .J / 1 / 57 ‘3. 'i 18 .4, /V-' 61 -7' /7(11 d:.r . _ -d5-(:,/7 ) ,--;_'./ .•,),,,, ._, 1/4/>7_.2, 19 ..� i 21 l• ' 4;( 17 Z-7-6-e./ /3c 7 _ oJ DL4J ren , ._e r/<f„n,k (9d - 22 t-. C . 4 � .3-0,7 ., ..x/..f., ,-/,<:/t: .._) F.' 0 24 25 O U MINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING HELD ON APRIL 30, 1991 AT 7 : 30 PM IN THE VILLAGE OFFICE PRESENT: Cindy Allin, tom Nesbitt, Allan Spicer , Larry Martin, George Roden, James Timlin 1 . Call to order 2 . Declaration of conflict of interest 3 . Black Creek Marine See attached resolution. 4 . 1991 Budget See attached resolution. 5. Tornado warning-Provincial Park Information only 6 . Ontario hydro spent $68 ,000 in 1990 in the Village . They will spend $110 ,000 in 1991 . 7 . Sea Lamprey Control • The Department of Fisheries & Oceans will be treating the Big Otter Creek for sea lamprey control . 8 . S .W.O.T.A annualgeneral meeting See attached resolution. 9 . Steering Committee Council was updated about the activities . 10 . Village pins See attached resolution . Package of 50 will be given to each leader ie . Brownies, Girl Guides, Ventures, Boy Scouts, Cubs . 11 . Annexation of Water Lot. Reeve Allin discussed annexing the water lot from Bayham Township . 12 . Businesses Inner Harbour The potential further loss of businesses in the inner harbour was discussed . Clerk Timlin to send a letter to the land owner requesting a meeting between the lessor and the leasees . 13 . Tax arrears See attached resolution. 14 . Community Futures ��-- Clerk Timlin updated Council on the Canada �ltures Committee meeting in Woodstock . MOVED BY Allan Spicer SECONDED BY Tom Nesbitt Council approves paying mileage for Clerk James Timlin to attend Community Futures meeting on May 3, 1991 . CARRIED Cindy Allin, Reeve (unanimously) MOVED BY George Roden SECONDED BY Allan Spicer Council instructs the Tax Collector to prepare a by-law to collect tax arrears from Landlords through the use of rent collection . A Bailiff may be engaged for this collection and to collect business tax arrears . CARRIED Cindy Allin, Reeve (Unanimously) MOVED BY Tom Nesbitt SECONDED BY George Roden Council approves purchasing 1000 pins from The Pin Place at a cost of $840 plus PST & GST. CARRIED Cindy Allin, Reeve MOVED BY Allan Spicer SECONDED BY Larry Martin Council approves Clerk James Timlin and Reeve Cindy Allin to attend the SWOTA Annual meeting May 9 . Mileage will be paid. Members from the Recreation Board, Museum board, Tourism & Recreation Steering Committee and the BTA will be invited and encouraged to car pool . CARRIED Cindy Allin, Reeve MOVED BY Larry Martin SECONDED BY Tom Nesbitt Council approves the 1991 budget with a 4 . 5% increase . By-law is to be prepared for consideration by Council for approval . CARRIED Cindy Allin, Reeve (unanimously) . _.1,41 ",,tz„„J A( Nnk—FOR REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING_ MAY 14 , 1991 AT 7 : 30 PM PRESENT:Larry Martin, George Roden , Tom Nesbitt, Allan Spicer, James Timlin, Cindy Allin arrived approx . 10 : 00 pm Call to order Declaration of conflict of interest 1 . Approve minutes of regular Council meeting April 23 , 1991 and special meeting April 30 , 1991 . See attached resolution . 2 . Approve payment of cheques . See attached resolution. 3 . Tony Hermans Recycling Ltd . Presentation . Mr . Hermans discussed with Council his Company' s waste management plans . 4 . Sewers N. Barber . Council discussed the issue with Mr . Barber . Mr . Timlin to investigate further . 5 . Dumping of sewage-Gilles Thierren . Mr . Thierren is to be asked to attend the next Council meeting . 6 . Jimmi ions . See attached resolution . 6a . No wake Signs Material to be purchased and two "No Wake" signs to be posted . 7 . Fire Department/Fire Association RE-water truck Council discussed with Fire Chief Hugh Brooks the purchase by the Fire Department Association of a water truck . Mr . Timlin is to find out the cost of a retrofit. Resignation of Chairman . Mr . Spicer submitted his resignation as Chairman of the Fire Department . 8 . Ventures-Flower beds-Chatham Street . Talk to Mabel . 9 . Memorial Trailer Park unpaid fees . Letter to be sent re unpaid fees . 10 . Elgin-Aylmer Development & Holdings Ltd . Lots designated open space . Mr . Timlin to investigate . 11 . Letter of congratulations Mrs Lottie . E. Scott Tom is to investigate certificate . 12 . Vacuum cleaner-Library Mr Timlin is to check in the Museum for the missing vacuum. 13 . Municipal Government restructuring Richmond Hill resolution . See attached resolution . 14 . The Broken Cross of Canada . No action . If any Citizen ' s wish to donate to the Non Profit Association helping the amputees please contact the Village Office . 15 . Next 2 Council meeting move to a Wednesday night? See attached resolution . 16 . Dredging-material Messrs Martin and Timlin updated Council on where the dredge material is to—be temporarily stored . 17 . Boat ramp Mr . Timlin to talk to Mr . Craig regarding record keeping . 18 . By-law 91-14 Passed . 19 . Building Inspector Application to be submitted to the Building Administration Program. 20 . In camera See attached resolution . 21 . Cats in the Village . James to check with the Town of Strathroy regarding their cat by-law. 22 . Farmers ' Market. See attached resolution . MOVED BY Larry Martin SECONDED BY George Roden Council appoints Tom Nesbitt as Chairman of the Council meeting. CARRIED Tom Nesbitt MOVED BY Allan Spicer SECONDED BY Larry Martin Approve minutes of regular Council meeting April 23 , 1991. and the special meeting of Council April 30 , 1991 . CARRIED Tom Nesbitt (Unanimously) MOVED BY George Roden SECONDED BY Larry Martin Approve payment of cheque numbers 5078--5126 for a total of $30 , 392 . 21, CARRIED (Unanimously) MOVED BY George Roden SECONDED BY Allan Spicer Councilapproves renting a jimmi jon for the municipal dock area . CARRIED Tom Nesbitt (unanimously) MOVED BY Larry Martin SECONDED BY Allan Spicer Be it resolved the Council of the Village of Port Burwell supports the resolution from the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Richmond Hill regarding Municipal. Government Restructuring . CARRIED Tom Nesbitt (unanimously) MOVED BY Allan Spicer SECONDED BY Larry Martin Be it resolved Council moves the next two regular Council meetings from Tuesday May 28 and June 11 to Wednesday May 29 and June 12 respectively notices are to be posted . CARRIED Tom Nesbitt MOVED BY Allan Spicer SECONDED BY Larry Martin Be it resolved Council agrees to jointly participate with the Village of Vienna on an ongoing bases regarding the joint Employment of a Building Inspector and to jointly submit an application to the Ministry of Housing ' s Building Administration Fund. CARRIED Cindy All in Reeve (unanimously) MOVED BY George Roden SECONDED BY Tom Nesbitt Council moves in camera appointing Allan Spicer as Chairman. CARRIED Cindy Allin Reeve (unanimously) MOVED BY George Roden SECONDED BY Larry Martin Council moves out of in camera CARRIED Allan Spicer Chairman MOVED BY George Roden SECONDED BY Allan Spicer Be it resolved Council agrees to bridge finance the Farmers ' Market until their grant is received . The money will be paid back to the Village by the Farmers ' Market Committee . CARRIED Tom Nesbitt Chairman (unanimously) Iron - 7 c_o 1\ SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES MAY 19, 1992 Present: Hugh Brooks, Lauran Timlin, Ed Epple, Gord Loucks, Tom Nesbitt, James Timlin Guests: Allan Spicer, Mario Chirico, Brian Wolfe, Tom Millard Call to Order Declaration of Conflict of Interest 1. Mario Chirico Mario Chirico expressed concern about the Ministry of Labour inspecting his construction site. The Village Building Inspector Brian Wolfe discussed the building Code requirement with Council and Mr. Chirico that the doors must swing out and not swing in. Mr. Chirico would like to have his architect discuss the matter with Brian Wolfe and the Ministry of Housing Building Code section. 2. 1992 Budget Council reviewed the proposed budget. 3. Committee of the Whole See attached resolutions RESOLUTIONS MOVED BY: Lauran Timlin SECONDED BY: Ed Epple Be it resolved, Council moves in the Committee of the Whole appointing Tom Nesbitt Chairman. Reeve Hugh Brooks MOVED BY: Lauran Timlin SECONDED BY: Ed Epple Be it resolved, Council moves out of the Committee of the Whole. Carried Tom Nesbitt Minutes of a pecial Meeting of Council May 22, 1991 in the Village Office at 7 : 00 pm Present: Cindy Ailin, Larry Martin, Tom Nesbitt, George Roden, Allan Spicer, James Timlin Visitors: Greg Pressey, Paul Vyse Call to order Declaration of conflict of interest 1 . In camera See attached resolution . 2 . Federal Harbour and Lands See attached resolution . The following resolutions were passed; MOVED BY Larry Martin SECONDED BY Allan Spicer Council moves in camera appointing Tom Nesbitt as Chairman . CARRIED Cindy Allin, Reeve MOVED BY George Roden SECONDED BY Larry Martin Council moves out of in-camera. CARRIED Tom Nesbitt (unanimously) MOVED BY Larry Martin SECONDED BY George Roden Be it resolved Council of the Corporation of the Village of Port Burwell will enter into negotiations with the Department of Fisheries and Oceans to acquire certain Federal Lands and a portion of the waterlot . The waterlot described as the eastern limit of the waterlot being the east .limit of the waterlot being the east limit of harbour and the western limit of the waterlot being approximately 1900 feet from the eastern limit of the harbour more commonly known as the cement east pier . The Federal property being composed of Instrument No . s 25036 and Instrument No . 193627 and the parcel commonly known as the heliport . Attached to this resolution is a drawing highlighting the property and waterlot . CARRIED Cindy Allin Reeve (unanimously) MINUTES FOR REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING ON MAY 29, 1991 IN THE VILLAGE OFFICE AT 7: 30 PM PRESENT: Cindy Allin, Larry Martin, Tom Nesbitt , George Roden, Allan Spicer y- law 91 - 13 VISITORS: Dan Kennedy, Tom Millard , Robert Van Ness , Don Ashford, 1 dwellings Jeff Vyse , Mr . and Mrs . N. Barber , Greg Pressey, Dennis Fulford . is will come Call to order Declaration of conflict of interest 1 . Sewers . udent ( SEED See attached resolution . 2 . Robert VanNess-signage . Mr . Van Ness to pick up information . appointment 3 . Road closure for School events . Council does not approve the use of the road but offers the ball park . approves the L , August 2 , 4 . Farmers ' Market . Licenses and permits do not apply. )n as Fire 5 . Boardwalk . Quotes reviewed, no decision . 6 . Municipal Marina. age of Port recommended Quotes reviewed, no decision . ed Group as ,orizes the 7 . Port Burwell signs . Clerk Timlin ' s review with Mr . Kirkpatrick . he special 8 . Grass cutting/summer students . See attached resolution . Councillor Tom Nesbitt will contact the Group Committee . Clerk Timlin to investigate the agreement with the parket . '',:/:.`4, " ' rie-:,- -z9_.- - 7 '-,>__ce__ _tz:,.. 42_,._-,_,/ ,....--)/r) -6,-0 - - - 31 .)_S ' 1`/'_f/ ; c nfr/'/g '-r 7i�l`-- 5090 To,.ti<,-.,-I/ T r- c.if,,(.1 L L,� 417, oc, ---- - r !_____. _ __ _____?:_______ _,K,,, •:‘,. ,----g---1---/ - , ---:- ' -- ---ri-----1.-""'I- --/----`.----- ' ' --- ----- ----- .. ------------ ----- - ------- '-1 --I-I::: ' r_._.l'i ali 11 i<I,ett, Li' 1---?' ';' '.. / --'‘ 5°69- t'') 44;4 2W-9 7 i : ?/7 7f - ;,-....'-:, ‘__:„.',-;,- J !S i ^ r .. . 11/ sir '4..• al. if le(At .t-} f / ,C), do ' i;_ Z,.!7 J 4 �, 5 • 6 7 ; •8 9 ' 10 . 11 — — — 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 • -- 21 — 22 —.— -- 1 23 i 24 25.. 26 4 7 R 6. 28 29 I v 0s 1 c2 * iURSE-M-ENTS _ McBEE®1 T L _ -1EQUE REGISTER/ OIL 3URSEMENTS JOURNP DATE' TO THE ORDER OF REFERENCE DESCRIPTION CHEQUE V BANK AMOUNT BALANCE WD 1 I 50KEK Az7,43 7,24,„,or ,,, 30 1 3 ii „Ai ar* � sO. . i . ". ii . .S'Q I.. 4 WAI MillrifflffliMMIllafflanarg aggrafgr4BENWlg , 5 `'i cU- _. I _ ----_ 569_ ' - / / / '? ;y' • 6 /-�, / ' ` i , /. '_._. ,G,d^G C%{_L. J_, 2�/Y ./_' . ((:1" 1_x{1 ('(• 5._...--_ `�4° _. 7 1' 1 / .i _ /4`' . ...... A.5093-_ -4..464 )h. /6O UL— 10 r D 1 kJ' 77. tlC,-a,__J `"C`�'6 Air ) 12 y. , tsb., _____--f;,(C 7 , r,' 7/i(i_zi94/ ,._S„e-l -c.) `--_ i '--- /�- 'L ` .. _.... : 64' 13 %/i y 1p 5' a1 #• a_ ?,' ''. , g417g417j ' %t/ 14 io /Ft', '_/./4. ls/�j G :,/, / C_ _,c �J 4 G O 4. 17 r . ! 9 C. iC� C.C / C / L._ / _ y _,5-A.:,3 > // I/5 18 . z� ,�- / y,--v: x _ ! :c_ . - .-- ,, " S/ -s? i- ----,')9 5Z^. 20 / ai / 4/ tL trt L _[. ISA, // .. - r1 l,',(^ _/ / / —,,,.-c;,9_,.- , 21 - , 1 ' /22 "/ '" 3 !-,)_" - f.)-.-ee"^- .tO7 ;�i c!-.'._' (_. ! .-c, 3_..._ /6 '' co 22 &/i✓A � ' (ii1 . A / < ( t , / :.7.,/,/. (i.::"., /,w //i_f_ iF / L a! 2-- - --tom"—.._...- ----- -t_..:.:.------- .._ 23 '/ /Y 24 / )2/ , . Lr i/'/-/ ,,\ — // ° id /(f/. <7(/:'.r. ,ric "- .: 26 /? ,4 )1,& f ,,.'%,,.f,f.:- /i +, 161 ,_5//: '4.7 r�:-L-;,.r/<'/,',, ' ,V c2r>L) 27 i /2 L(1"I('�(\' (� /'-L,L. 5// R , / .-- 2c7 �t 28 /�/Jil'� !`/��. .X r t - , i , . /7 6-/c 30 / 4/, i/ _y �L.c-Lfc /.(_/— /-/ if`'. /(_`�._.. •z..)// i ; 'err//./',,' _._ _Lhd rS 31— ._ L i (�_f i .»tr ..'J ff ' `/.. `4 � " j 5// / l ` r �— ._c_.. e..( _( 1�_6, `l -3 ". 32 '_ SBURSEMENTS T McBEE© PROOF: T = COLUMN 1 TO 35 INCLUSIVE 1758 I :HEQUE REGISTER/ L SBURSEMENTS JOURI\ DATt.'54 i" �., o;T�IE�:ORDER'OE REFERENCE D E S C R I P T I O N CHEQUE y BANK'. AMOUNT BALANCE FWD 13 ' 2-Y-14/-r- A 10-' �_s), e&,A _C_3P g !/ /, 'if / �,;{ 14-- 8f 5 .ar- i - E_lac. ,/mss Y� ,ice 1 . ' z-77 93, 6 aVr /x_01 __4.- .-• ..s.. .,-1.--, tic)`/ -F-1- -:C.�--( /<� t_5/'"' t_ �/t / (,66 .`� _2„, � 3 ) -<_',1� _ /6277 10 3039c2.,, / 11 12 13 14 15 16 • 17 . 18 Z - , Z 19 . '' 20 21 22 3 23 24 I 8 25 26 n - 27 a " 28 29. 30 31 32 ISBURSEMENTS T McBEE© PROOF: T = COLUMN 1 TO 35 INCLUSIVE 1758 Minutes for Regular Council Meeting June 12 , 1991 in the Village office at 7 : 30 pm Present: Cindy Allin, Allan Spicer , Tom Nesbitt, George Roden , Larry Martin, James Timlin Visitors: See Attached Call to order Declaration of conflict of interest. Councillor Spicer Item 16 cheque to Harbour Lights 1 . Mrs . Vasily. Council approved Mrs . Vasily removing her Hot Dog cart in favour of a Chipwagon . Balance of licence fee to be paid by June 21 . 2 . Mario Chirico-minor variance . Clerk Timlin to discuss the matter with Mr . Chirico and his Lawyer . Council would like the holes filled in . James is to contact the Planner/Lawyer re : moving the portables into the Village. Fire Department (a ) Statement by Councill Spicer Councillor Spicer read a prepared statement . ( b) Leak from in camera . See attached resolution . Councillors , Reeve and Clerk each stated they did not leak the report to the Tillsonburg News . Procedure by-law to be amended to cover leaked confidential documents and discussions from In Camera/Committee of the Whole . ( c ) Hugh Brooks . Mr . Brooks read the Editorial from the Tillsonburg News dated June 12 , 1991 and discussed his history as Fire Chief . ( d) Jeff Vyse . Mr . Vyse handed in his resignation. ( e) Resignations . See attached resolution . ( f ) Application-Greg Pressey See attached resolution . 4 . Joe Roesch-new business-Robinson Street . Joe would like to sell fresh fish to the public . Council did not have any problems with a retail fresh fish store . Joe stated he will meet the Health Departments requirements . 1,,(- _.,4} / , 7 , .p c . Y -..., / ,.. .-,,, . iw .i ,,..z.",.---- , ,, ,, „ iui / vr ,------- ''' 210 p ,i licavol - tiiizo CA- 11(1 -.0 Minutes for Regular Council Meeting June 25, 1991 in the Village Office at 7 : 30 p.m. Present: Cindy Allin, Tom Nesbitt, Larry Martin, George Roden, Allan Spicer, James Timlin Visitors: Craig Stephenson, Nick Russell , Gary Russell Call to Order Declaration of Conflict of Interest 1 . Fire Department Resolution of Support - A. Spicer 2 . Trevor Shelly - skateboard ramp Mr . Shelly recommended that a skateboard ramp be constructed in the Memorial Park . Councillor Nesbitt recommended the matter be forwarded to the Recreation Board for consideration . 3 . Canada Day 1 Councillor Nesbitt updated Council on Canada Day activities . 4 . OXFAM Tabled to December 1991 5 . Elgin County Golf Day Filed 6 Gilles Therrien Next Council meeting 7 . Wharfinger Dennis Fulford See attached resolution James to speak to Small craft Harbors RE: Courtesy docks for overnight or due to break down . 8 . Bradcranex Inc. - 30 Docks See attached resolution Resolution for minutes of June 25, 1991 MOVED BY George Roden SECONDED BY Tom Nesbitt Be it resolved; Council will send the Clerk to the LPRCA future planning meeting on July 10., 1991. Mileage will be paid. CARRIED Cindy Aliin, Reeve (unanimously) Minutes of Regular Council Meeting on August 13. 1991 at 7:55 PM Present : Cindy Allin, Tom Nesbitt , Larry Martin , Allan Spicer , George Roden , James Timlin Visitors: Tom Millard, Brian Wolfe , Rob Perry, Doug Schmidt , Jack Smyth , George Barin Call to order Declaration of conflict of interest Reeve Alli.n declared conflict on cheque #5354 of pay list . 1 . Bylaw 91--22 zoning bylaw amendment . By- law 91-22 passed . Letter received from LPRCA concerned about construction of a building on part lots 2 & 3 . 2 . Jack Smyth-stop sign Elizabeth and Hanna Street was a waste of tax dollars . A sign should be erected at Elizabeth and William. 3 . Beach Patrol Supervisor-Port Stanley Mr . George Barin would like to discuss with Council a beach patrol in Port Burwell . Mr . Barin discussed arranging a beach patrol in Port Burwell , Councillor Roden and the Fire Department are to meet further with Mr . Barin . 4 . Property Standards and Clean Land Bylaws-George Roden Councillor Roden expressed concern over the abandon vehicles and junk on Bradcranex ' s property . Bylaw Enforcement Officer Brian Wolfe confirmed Councillor Roden ' s concerns . The Weed Inspector is to be contacted and the Bylaw Enforcement Officer and the Clerk are to initiate proceedings under the bylaw . 5 . Letter from Shirley and Jim Elliott congratulating the Village on the construction of the boardwalk . Letter to be posted in the bulletin board . 6 . Request from Mrs . Barrick to survey Otter Street . Letter to be sent stating funds are not available this year . 7 . Speed limit Inner Harbour . See attached resolution . 8 . Severance application -John McCord Letter to be sent to the Land Division Committee stating the property is outside Village limits . 9 . Fire Department-new applications See attached resolution . Bylaw 91-23 appointment of Fire Chief-Tom Millard Bylaw 91 -24 appointment of Deputy Fire Chief Sam Taylor . 10 . Land Use Permit-Federal dock in provincial boundary . Discussed invoice to be paid . 11 . Bike rack for Main Street . Tabled . 12 . Complaint from Heather Holness . RE : cottage rented from Don Manion . Letter to be forwarded to Health Unit and Consumer and Commercial Relations . 13 . Letter from Peter North re Mr . Spackman ' s property. Letter to be forwarded to Henry Valks . 14 . Port Burwell Library. Fire extinguisher to be purchased . Sam Taylor to investigate bump in floor . 15 . Outer Marina public meeting . Discussed . 16 . Toronto Star boxes . Council has no concerns with the boxes on Village Streets . 17 . Development Charges . Council has no concerns with the boxes on Village Streets . 18 . Dredging Clerk Timlin presented Council with a revenue/expense report . Dredging to stop Wednesday . 19 . Minutes . See attached resolution . 21 . Cheques See attached resolution . 22 . Compost Ontario Tabled . 23 . Annexation-waterlot bylaw 91-25 passed. The following resolution were passed . MOVED BY Larry Martin SECONDED BY Tom Nesbitt Be it resolved, Council approves the Fire Chiefs recommendation of adding Bob Macey subject to his medical . CARRIED Cindy Allin , Reeve (unanimously) MINUTES O F PUBLIC MEETING Amendment to the Comprehensive Zoning By- law 91-03 Held in the Village Council Chambers on August 13 , 1991 , 7 : 30 p .m. REEVE: This is a public meeting held by Council under Section 17 ( 2 ) and 34( 12 ) _of The Planning Act , 1983 to consider new proposed revision( s ) to the draft Comprehensive Zoning By- law. 1 . The purpose of this meeting is to review a proposal to change the land use designation of the properties known municipality as 34 Chatham (Con 1 Pt Lot 11 RPR11R 3756 Part 1 ) , 2 vacant lots on the old Bridge Street next to 34 Chatham Street (Con 1 Pt Lot 11 RPRI 1R 3756 Parts 2 and 3 ) , from open space to Residential . 2 . The purpose of this meeting is to review a proposal to change the zoning designation of the properties known municipally as 34 Chatham Street (Con 1 Pt Lot 11 RPR11R 3756 Part 1 ) , vacant Lots on the 3756 Parts 2 and 3 ) , from open space to Residential R- 1 . Clerk The Clerk stated the notice was advertised in the Tillsonburg News , July 10 , 1991 and the Aylmer Express . It is my opinion that the Tillsonburg News and the Aylmer Express have sufficient distribution in the Village to adequately notify the public . Reeve Any person may express his/her views of these proposed changes to the draft Comprehensive Zoning By-- law and a record will be kept of their comments . Any person wishing to receive written notice of the adoption of the Comprehensive Zoning By- law should leave their name and address with the Clerk . Clerk The purpose of the Official Plan Amendment is to correct an error in the Official Plan and Zoning Maps . Reeve Are there any questions? ( For the record state your name ) . Does anyone wish to present their comments either in favour of or in opposition to these proposed changes to the Comprehensive Zoning By- law? Reeve Any questions from the members of Council ? Is there a motion to refer these items for a decision by Council at its regular meeting later this evening? Motion to close this meeting . Clerk Letter received from LPRCA MOVED BY Tom Nesbitt SECONDED BY Larry Martin Be it resolved, that Council refers the Official Plan and Zoning Bylaw amendment to the regular Council meeting on August 13 , 1991 for consideration . CARRIED Cindy All in , Reeve ( unanimously ) MOVED BY Larry Martin SECONDED BY George Roden Be it resolved Council closes the public meeting . CARRIED Cindy Allin, Reeve Special Council Meeting July 16 , 1991 at 6 : 30 pm Present : Cindy Allin , Allan Spicer , Toni Nesbitt , Larry Martin , George Roden , James Timlin Call to order Declaration of conflict of interest 1 . Camping Mr Dicy and the owner of the Lucky Strike Charters approached Council . See attached resolution . Reeve Allin arrived at 6 : 55 pm. 2 . Committee of the whole See attached resolution . 3 . Cancellation of regular Council meeting July 23 , 1991 . Adjourned 9 : 45 pm MOVED BY Larry Martin SECONDED BY Allan Spicer Be it resolved, Council designates the area abutting the municipal docks for camping . Letters will be issued to the individuals who lease municipal docks that wish to camp . Camping privileges will be revoked if the camp area has garbage in it . OPP are to be asked to evict campers that do not have the letter . CARRIED Tom Nesbitt . MOVED BY Allan Spicer SECONDED BY Toni Nesbitt Be it resolved, Council moves into committee of the whole appointing Tom Nesbitt as Chairman . CARRIED Cindy Allin, Reeve MOVED BY Larry Martin SECONDED BY Allan Spicer Be it resolved, Council moves out of the committee of the whole . CARRIED Toni Nesbitt MOVED BY Allan Spicer SECONDED BY George Roden Be it resolved, Council cancels the July 73 , 1991 regular Council meeting . CARRIED Cindy Allin, Reeve filimatas Council Aye' July 9 , 1991 7 : 30 p .m. Present : Cindy Allin, Larry Martin, George Roden, Tom Nesbitt, Allan Spicer , Linda Mole, Dennis Fulford, Gilles Therrien, Reporter - Doug Schmidt Call to order Declaration of conflict of interest 1 . Provincial Park Beach See attached resolution. 2 . Linda Mole - Council members should inspect 53 Chatham St . RE: Above ground pool concerning whether or not it should be fenced . By-law 372 attached . 3 . Gilles Therrien - Maximum 15,000 gallons to be pumped in one week . Clerk to contact other municipalities regarding dumping fees . 4 . Emergency Plan - Larry Martin Councillors; Martin, Roden, and Clerk Timlin will organize the initial meeting . Representation O .P.P. , Fire Department, County. 5 . Fire Department - New Applications See attached resolution . Clerk Timlin to check re : liability about using Mr . Gheyson ' s house for training . 6 . Situation analysis of the Overnight Excursion Cruise Industry. Should we obtain reports? Discussed - no action . 7 . No camping . By-law 91-20 approved. Clerk Timlin to contact Mr . Simmons, M.N. R. , and the O.P. P. 8 . No dogs and Glass containers on beach . By-law 91-19 approved. 9 . Legion crest . See attached resolution. 10 . Report of the Advisory Committee Provincial - Municipal Relationships . See attached resolution . 11 . Section 25 Application RE: Tourism Development. See attached resolution . 12 . Committee of the Whole . Clerk Timlin to find out if a Councillor can not be allowed to participate in the committee of the whole . See attached resolution. 13 . Boy Scouts -- Tub Daze . See attached resolution. 14 . Dredging . Clerk Timlin to contact LPCA and project avenues . 15 . Boat Ramp . Discussed reports and auditing. 16 . Bradcranex Erieus/Shakespeare . Letter to be sent advising. 17 . Noise By-law. 91-21 approved . 18 . Special Meeting July 16 , 7 : 00 p.m. Adjourned 10 :15 p.m. The following resolutions were passed . Moved by: George Roden Seconded by: Allan Spicer Be it resolved Council will request a Coroner ' s Inquiry regarding the drowning on July 4 , 1991 at the Provincial Park Beach . Carried by: Cindy Allin, Reeve Moved by: Larry Martin Seconded by: Allan Spicer Be it resolved Council moves into the Committee of the Whole appointing Tom Nesbitt . Defeated by: Cindy Allin, Reeve Moved by: Larry Martin Seconded by: Tom Nesbitt Be it resolved, Council waives permits and fees for the Port Burwell Boy Scouts for Tub Daze . Carried by: Cindy Allin, Reeve (unanimously) Moved by: George Roden Seconded by: Larry Martin Be it resolved, Council approves the Legion placing a 10 1/2" high crests on the three Village Signs . The Crest shall be affixed to the 4" by 4" posts . Carried by: Cindy Allin, Reeve Moved by: Allan Spicer Seconded by: Tom Nesbitt Be it resolved, Council approves applying for a Section 25 for Tourism Promotion/Development. Reeve Cindy Allin and Clerk James Ti.mlin are authorized to sign the appropriate documents . Carried by Cindy Allin, Reeve Moved by: Allan Spicer Seconded by: Tom Nesbitt Be it resolved, Council approves sending Reeve Allin as the voting member to the Association of Municipalities of Ontario • Conference . Conference fee, mileage, hotel , meal allowance and appropriate meeting pay will be paid . Carried by: Cindy Allin, Reeve Moved by: George Roden Seconded by: Allan Spicer Be it resolved, Council supports the Fire Chiefs recommendations for new volunteer firemen. C. John Lama, Andy Lama, Penny Perry, and Glen Perry. These appoints are conditional upon obtaining satisfactory medicals . Carried by: Cindy Allin, Reeve Moved by: George Roden Seconded by: Tom Nesbitt Council approves cheques No . 5266 to 5303 for a total amount of $13 , 540 . 41 . Carried by: Cindy Allin, Reeve