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June 02, 2022 - Council
THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA MUNICIPAL OFFICE 56169 Heritage Line, Straffordville, ON Council Chambers Thursday, June 2, 2022 7:00 p.m. This Meeting will be held in person and will not be live-streamed or recorded to YouTube. 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. DISCLOSURES OF PECUNIARY INTEREST & THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF 3. REVIEW OF ITEMS NOT LISTED ON AGENDA 4. ANNOUNCEMENTS 5. PRESENTATIONS 6. DELEGATIONS 7. ADOPTION OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING(S) A. Regular Council Meeting held May 19, 2022 B. Statutory Planning Meeting held May 19, 2022 C. Statutory Drainage Meeting held May 19, 2022 8. MOTIONS AND NOTICE OF MOTION 9. OPEN FORUM 10. RECREATION, CULTURE, TOURISM AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 10.1 Correspondence 10.1.1 Receive for Information 10.1.2 Requiring Action 10.2 Reports to Council 11. PHYSICAL SERVICES – EMERGENCY SERVICES 11.1 Correspondence 11.1.1 Receive for Information 11.1.2 Requiring Action 11.2 Reports to Council 2022 Council Agenda June 2, 2022 2 12. DEVELOPMENT SERVICES – SUSTAINABILITY AND CONSERVATION 12.1 Correspondence 12.1.1 Receive for Information A. Notice of Decision re Minor Variance Application A-03/22 B. Notice of Decision re Minor Variance Application A-04/22 C. Notice of Decision re Minor Variance Application A-05/22 D. Notice of Passing re Zoning By-Law Amendment ZBA-12/22 E. Notice of Public Meeting re Proposed Zoning By-Law Amendment ZBA-17/22 12.1.2 Requiring Action 12.2 Reports to Council A. Report DS-29/22 by Margaret Underhill, Deputy Clerk|Planning Coordinator re Rezoning Application ZBA-07/22 – Miller, 55139 Light Line B. Report DS-30/22 by Margaret Underhill, Deputy Clerk|Planning Coordinator re Garden Suite Development Agreement – Wall C. Report DS-31/22 by Margaret Underhill, Deputy Clerk|Planning Coordinator re Rezoning Application ZBA-14/22 – Thiessen, 53580 Vienna Line D. Report DS-32/22 by Margaret Underhill, Deputy Clerk|Planning Coordinator re Rezoning Application ZBA-16/22 – Klassen, 10 Oak Street Vienna E. Report DS-33/22 by Margaret Underhill, Deputy Clerk|Planning Coordinator re Rezoning Application ZBA-10/22 – Borm Capital Inc., 7288 Richmond Road F. Report DS-34/22 by Margaret Underhill, Deputy Clerk|Planning Coordinator re Bill 109, More Homes for Everyone Act, 2022 G. Report DS-35/22 by Margaret Underhill, Deputy Clerk|Planning Coordinator re Hydrological Study Peer Review – Draft Plan of Subdivision Application – 34T-BY2101 Sandytown Road, Straffordville 13. FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION 13.1 Correspondence 13.1.1 Receive for Information A. Municipal Property Assessment Corporation re Voterlookup.ca B. Voyent Alert! re Register Today C. City of Brantford re Release of all Federal and Provincial Documents Related to the Former Mohawk Institute Residential School 2022 Council Agenda June 2, 2022 3 D. Town of Newmarket re Mandatory Firefighter Certifications 13.1.2 Requiring Action A. Susanne Schlotzhauer re Port Burwell Boardwalk B. Wendy Carmichael re Developments in Straffordville and Eden 13.2 Reports to Council A. Report CAO-24/22 by Thomas Thayer, CAO|Clerk re Elgin Election Joint Compliance Audit Committee 14. BY-LAWS A. By-law No. 2022-037 Being a by-law to adopt the capital estimates for the year 2022 B. By-law No. 2022-038 Being a by-law to establish a levy for the year 2022 to adopt tax rates, provide for penalty and interest in default of payment and the collection thereof C. By-law No. 2022-039 Being a by-law to establish an election join compliance audit committee for the 2022 municipal election in accordance with the Municipal Elections Act, 1996, as amended D. By-law No. 2022-040 Being a by-law to authorize the execution of a development agreement between Tony and Nettie Wall and the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham E. By-law No. 2022-041 Being a by-law to authorize the execution of a development agreement between Rudolph and Nancy Thiessen and the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham F. By-law No. Z741-2022 Being a by-law to amend By-Law No. Z456-2003, as amended – Wall (third reading) G. By-law No. Z742-2022 Being a by-law to amend By-Law No. Z456-2003, as amended – Miller H. By-law No. Z743-2022 Being a by-law to amend By-Law No. Z456-2003, as amended – Miller I. By-law No. Z744-2022 Being a by-law to amend By-Law No. Z456-2003, as amended – Klassen J. By-law No. Z745-2022 Being a by-law to amend By-Law No. Z456-2003, as amended – Thiessen K. By-law No. Z746-2022 Being a by-law to amend By-Law No. Z456-2003, as amended – Borm Capital Inc. 15. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 2022 Council Agenda June 2, 2022 4 16. OTHER BUSINESS 16.1 In Camera A. Confidential Report re Sale or disposition of land (John Street) 16.2 Out of Camera 17. BY-LAW TO CONFIRM THE PROCEEDINGS OF COUNCIL A. By-law No. 2022-042 Being a by-law to confirm all actions of Council 18. ADJOURNMENT THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES MUNICIPAL OFFICE 56169 Heritage Line, Straffordville, ON Council Chambers Thursday, May 19, 2022 7:00 p.m. PRESENT: MAYOR ED KETCHABAW DEPUTY MAYOR RAINEY WEISLER COUNCILLORS C. VALERIE DONNELL DAN FROESE ABSENT: SUSAN CHILCOTT STAFF PRESENT: CAO|CLERK THOMAS THAYER DEPUTY CLERK MEAGAN ELLIOTT DEPUTY CLERK|PLANNING COORDINATOR MARGARET UNDERHILL MANAGER OF PUBLIC WORKS STEVE ADAMS TREASURER LORNE JAMES 1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Ketchabaw called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. DISCLOSURES OF PECUNIARY INTEREST & THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF No disclosures of pecuniary interest were declared. 3. REVIEW OF ITEMS NOT LISTED ON AGENDA 16.1 E Confidential verbal item re Litigation or potential litigation affecting the Municipality; advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose (Drainage) 4. ANNOUNCEMENTS Deputy Mayor Weisler announced that members of Council were at Port Bruce over the past weekend assisting the Auxiliary Coast Guard and they were very pleased with the community support. Deputy Mayor Weisler noted she has been receiving positive feedback from the usage of the Voyent Alert! notification system and reminded residents to register for the app if they have not already done so. Mayor Ketchabaw announced the firemen are holding a pancake breakfast this Sunday at the Port Burwell Fire Hall from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. 2022 Council Minutes May 19, 2022 2 Mayor Ketchabaw announced that the GoVaxx bus will be at the Port Burwell Fire Hall on Thursday, May 26 from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. 5. PRESENTATIONS A. Rob Foster, Graham Scott Enns re 2021 Consolidated Financial Statements Moved by: Councillor C. Donnell Seconded by: Deputy Mayor Weisler THAT the presentation from Rob Foster, Graham Scott Enns re 2021 Consolidated Financial Statements be received for information; AND THAT the 2021 Financial Statements be approved as presented; AND THAT the Chair be directed to sign the audit finding letters. CARRIED 6. DELEGATIONS 7. ADOPTION OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING(S) A. Regular Council Meeting held May 5, 2022 B. Statutory Planning Meeting held May 5, 2022 Moved by: Deputy Mayor Weisler Seconded by: Councillor Froese THAT the minutes of the Council Meeting and Planning Meeting held May 5, 2022 be adopted as presented. CARRIED The Council Meeting recessed to host a Statutory Planning Public Meeting at 7:30 p.m. The Council Meeting resumed at 7:44 p.m. 8. MOTIONS AND NOTICE OF MOTION 9. OPEN FORUM 10. RECREATION, CULTURE, TOURISM AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 10.1 Correspondence 10.1.1 Receive for Information 10.1.2 Requiring Action 10.2 Reports to Council 11. PHYSICAL SERVICES – EMERGENCY SERVICES 11.1 Correspondence 2022 Council Minutes May 19, 2022 3 11.1.1 Receive for Information 11.1.2 Requiring Action 11.2 Reports to Council A. Report PS-11/22 by Steve Adams, Manager of Public Works/Drainage Superintendent re Bulk Item Curbside Pick-Up Moved by: Councillor C. Donnell Seconded by: Deputy Mayor Weisler THAT Report PS-11-22 re Bulk Item Curbside Pickup be received for information; AND THAT staff report back on the financials of Option 3, being a Monthly Bulk Item Curbside Pick-up - 3 month trial. CARRIED The Council Meeting recessed to host a Statutory Drainage Public Meeting at 8:00 p.m. The Council Meeting resumed at 8:17 p.m. 12. DEVELOPMENT SERVICES – SUSTAINABILITY AND CONSERVATION 12.1 Correspondence 12.1.1 Receive for Information A. Notice of Public Meeting re Proposed Subdivision Application in Eden – 11:28 Properties Inc. Moved by: Deputy Mayor Weisler Seconded by: Councillor Froese THAT item 12.1.1 A be received for information. CARRIED 12.1.2 Requiring Action 12.2 Reports to Council A. Report DS-26/22 by Margaret Underhill, Deputy Clerk|Planning Coordinator re Rezoning Application ZBA-11/22 Wall Moved by: Councillor C. Donnell Seconded by: Deputy Mayor Weisler THAT Report DS-26/22 regarding the Wall rezoning application ZBA-11/22 be received for information; AND THAT pursuant to Planning Act Regulations Bill 73 Smart Growth for our Communities Act, 2015, it be pointed out that at the public participation meeting held May 5, 2022 associated with this application, there were no written submissions and no oral presentations received regarding this matter; 2022 Council Minutes May 19, 2022 4 AND THAT all considerations were taken into account in Council’s decision passing this resolution; AND THAT Zoning By-law No. Z456-2003, as amended, be further amended by changing the zoning on a property owned by Tony and Nettie Wall located at 54732 Nova Scotia Line from Agricultural (A1) Zone to a site-specific combined Agricultural and Temporary (A1/T2-9) Zone to permit a garden suite in the form of a 1-storey transportable pre-fabricated dwelling unit for a period not to exceed ten (10) years subject to a Development Agreement with the Municipality; AND THAT Zoning By-law No. Z741-2022 be presented to Council for First and Second Reading. CARRIED B. Report DS-27/22 by Margaret Underhill, Deputy Clerk|Planning Coordinator re Rezoning Application ZBA-12/22 Bronz Moved by: Deputy Mayor Weisler Seconded by: Councillor Froese THAT Report DS-27/22 regarding the W.D. Bronz Ltd. rezoning application ZBA-12/22 be received for information; AND THAT pursuant to Planning Act Regulations Bill 73 Smart Growth for our Communities Act, 2015, it be pointed out that at the public participation meeting held May 5, 2022 associated with this application, there were no written submissions and no oral presentations received regarding this matter; AND THAT all considerations were taken into account in Council’s decision passing this resolution; AND THAT Zoning By-law No. Z456-2003, as amended, be further amended by changing the zoning on a property owned by W. D. Bronz Ltd. located at 9222 and 9228 Alward Street from Village Residential 1 (R1) Zone to two site-specific Village Residential 1 (R1-16 and R1-17) Zones to permit the severance of the existing semi- detached dwelling building as fulfillment of a condition of Consent Application file E50- 21; AND THAT Zoning By-law No. Z740-2022 be presented to Council for enactment. CARRIED C. Report DS-28/22 by Margaret Underhill, Deputy Clerk|Planning Coordinator re Consent Application E70-21 Zimak – 54694 Calton Line Moved by: Councillor C. Donnell Seconded by: Deputy Mayor Weisler THAT Report DS-28/22 regarding Consent Application E70-21 Zimak be received for information; 2022 Council Minutes May 19, 2022 5 AND THAT Council recommend to the Elgin County Land Division Committee that Consent Application E70-21 be granted subject to the following considerations and conditions: 1. That the Owner revise the configuration of the severed lands to have regard for hazard lands and setbacks from such hazard lands, including confirmation from the Long Point Region Conservation Authority that the lot configuration is adequate. 2. That the Owner obtains approval of a Zoning By-law Amendment to rezone the retained lands from an Agricultural (A1) Zone to an Agricultural (A1-A) Zone 3. That the Owner obtains approval of a Zoning By-law Amendment to rezone the severed lands from an Agricultural (A1) Zone to a Rural Residential (RR) Zone 4. That the Owner of the lot addition lands, located at 54624 Calton Line, obtains approval of a Zoning Bylaw Amendment to rezone the lands from an Agricultural (A1) Zone to the Rural Residential (RR) Zone 5. Planning Report fee payable to the municipality 6. Digital copy of the final survey provided to the municipality 7. Letter of Undertaking from a solicitor/lawyer confirming the severed lands from 54694 Calton Line will merge on title with the lands at 54624 Calton Line CARRIED 13. FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION 13.1 Correspondence 13.1.1 Receive for Information A. Municipal Property Assessment Corporation re Voterlookup.ca B. Elgin County re May 10, 2022 Elgin County Council Highlights C. Ministry of Northern Development, Mines, Natural Resources and Forestry re Decision Notice – Proposed Regulation Changes under the Aggregate Resources Act D. City of Thorold re Russian Sanctions E. Town of Gravenhurst re Russian Sanctions Moved by: Councillor C. Donnell Seconded by: Councillor Froese THAT items 13.1.1 A - E be received for information. CARRIED 13.1.2 Requiring Action 2022 Council Minutes May 19, 2022 6 13.2 Reports to Council A. Report CL-09/22 by Meagan Elliott, Deputy Clerk re 2022 Council Meeting Schedule Amendments Moved by: Councillor C. Donnell Seconded by: Deputy Mayor Weisler THAT Report CL-09/22 re 2022 Council Meeting Schedule Amendments be received for information; AND THAT Council approves the amendments to the 2022 Council Meeting Schedule as noted in Report CL-09/22. CARRIED B. Report TR-10/22 by Lorne James, Treasurer re Municipal Accommodation Tax (MAT) Moved by: Councillor C. Donnell Seconded by: Deputy Mayor Weisler THAT Report TR-10/22 re Municipal Accommodation Tax report be received for Information. CARRIED C. Report CAO-18/22 by Thomas Thayer, CAO|Clerk re Project Ojibwa – Renewal of Writ Against the Elgin Military Museum (EMM) Moved by: Councillor C. Donnell Seconded by: Deputy Mayor Weisler THAT Report CAO-18/22 re Project Ojibwa – Renewal of Writ Against Elgin Military Museum (EMM) be received for information. CARRIED D. Report CAO-19/22 by Thomas Thayer, CAO|Clerk re Vienna Community Centre – Disposition of Reserve Fund and Allocation of Proceeds of Sale Moved by: Councillor C. Donnell Seconded by: Deputy Mayor Weisler THAT Report CAO-19/22 re Vienna Community Centre – Disposition of Reserve Fund and Allocation of Proceeds of Sale be received for information; AND THAT the Vienna Community Centre Reserve Fund be closed and the remaining balance of $42,324.13 be donated to the Vienna Lion’s Club for the future capital and building maintenance needs of the Vienna Community Centre (VCC); AND THAT the Municipality of Bayham establish a Vienna Capital Improvement Reserve Fund to support ongoing capital improvements and/or new capital projects in Vienna; 2022 Council Minutes May 19, 2022 7 AND THAT the net proceeds from the sale of the VCC, being $476,722.65, be allocated into the Vienna Capital Improvement Reserve Fund; AND THAT the Treasurer report back on investment options for the Vienna Capital Improvement Reserve Fund in June 2022; AND THAT a public comment period be commenced in July 2022 to ascertain input from Vienna residents on proposed recreational amenities for Vienna; AND THAT staff report back on the public comment period results in August 2022. CARRIED 14. BY-LAWS A. By-law No. 2022-034 Being a provisional by-law to provide for drainage works in the Municipality of Bayham in the County of Elgin known as the Hampton Municipal Drain Improvements (first and second reading only) B. By-law No. Z740-2022 Being a by-law to amend By-Law No. Z456-2003, as amended – W. D. Bronz Ltd C. By-law No. Z741-2022 Being a by-law to amend By-Law No. Z456-2003, as amended – Wall (first and second reading only) Moved by: Councillor C. Donnell Seconded by: Councillor Froese THAT By-law Nos. 2022-034 and Z741-2022 be given a first and second reading; AND THAT By-law No. Z740-2022 be read a first, second and third time and finally passed. CARRIED 15. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 16. OTHER BUSINESS A. Deputy Mayor Weisler re Motion Request for Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) Board Moved by: Councillor C. Donnell Seconded by: Councillor Froese THAT Deputy Mayor Weisler re Motion Request for Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) Board be received for information; AND THAT Council hereby supports Deputy Mayor Weisler’s nomination for the AMO Board. CARRIED 2022 Council Minutes May 19, 2022 8 16.1 In Camera Moved by: Councillor C. Donnell Seconded by: Deputy Mayor Weisler THAT the Council do now rise to enter into an “In Camera” Session at 9:09 p.m. to discuss: A. Confidential Report re Sale or disposition of land; a position, plan, procedure, criteria, or instruction to be applied to any negotiations on or to be carried on by or on behalf of the municipality or local board (John Street) B. Confidential Report re Sale or disposition of land (Dennis Road and Woodworth Road) C. Confidential Report re Information explicitly supplied in confidence to the municipality by Canada, a province or territory or a crown agency of any of them (Canada Community Revitalization Fund) D. Confidential Report re Advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose (Lakeshore Line) E. Confidential Verbal item re Litigation or potential litigation affecting the Municipality; advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose (Drainage) CARRIED 16.2 Out of Camera Moved by: Councillor C. Donnell Seconded by: Deputy Mayor Weisler THAT the Council do now rise from the “In Camera” session at 9:57 p.m. and report on Confidential Report re Sale or disposition of land; a position, plan, procedure, criteria, or instruction to be applied to any negotiations on or to be carried on by or on behalf of the municipality or local board (John Street); Confidential Report re Sale or disposition of land (Dennis Road and Woodworth Road); Confidential Report re Information explicitly supplied in confidence to the municipality by Canada, a province or territory or a crown agency of any of them (Canada Community Revitalization Fund); Confidential Report re Advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose (Lakeshore Line); and Confidential verbal item re Litigation or potential litigation affecting the Municipality; advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose (Drainage) CARRIED Moved by: Councillor C. Donnell Seconded by: Deputy Mayor Weisler 2022 Council Minutes May 19, 2022 9 THAT Confidential Report re Sale or disposition of land; a position, plan, procedure, criteria, or instruction to be applied to any negotiations on or to be carried on by or on behalf of the municipality or local board (John Street) be received for information; AND THAT staff proceed as directed. CARRIED Moved by: Councillor Froese Seconded by: Councillor C. Donnell THAT Confidential Report re sale or disposition of land (Dennis Road and Woodworth Road) be received for information; AND THAT the Council of The Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham deems Part 1 on survey 8-L-5378-Z and Parts 2 and 3 on survey 9-L-5375-Z surplus to the needs of the municipality for purposes of conveyance; AND THAT public comment periods for stop-up and close and sale be commenced in accordance with Municipal Policy. CARRIED Moved by: Councillor C. Donnell Seconded by: Councillor Froese THAT Confidential Report re Information explicitly supplied in confidence to the municipality by Canada, a province or territory or a crown agency of any of them (Canada Community Revitalization Fund) be received for information; CARRIED Moved by: Councillor C. Donnell Seconded by: Councillor Froese THAT Confidential Report re Advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose (Lakeshore Line) be received for information; CARRIED Moved by: Councillor Froese Seconded by: Deputy Mayor Weisler THAT Confidential Verbal item re Litigation or potential litigation affecting the Municipality; advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose (Drainage) be received for information. AND THAT staff proceed as directed. CARRIED 2022 Council Minutes May 19, 2022 10 17. BY-LAW TO CONFIRM THE PROCEEDINGS OF COUNCIL A. By-law No. 2022-035 Being a by-law to confirm all actions of Council Moved by: Deputy Mayor Weisler Seconded by: Councillor C. Donnell THAT Confirming By-law No. 2022-035 be read a first, second and third time and finally passed. CARRIED 18. ADJOURNMENT Moved by: Counillor Froese Seconded by: Deputy Mayor Weisler THAT the Council meeting be adjourned at 10:01 p.m. CARRIED MAYOR CLERK THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM STATUTORY PLANNING MEETING MINUTES MUNICIPAL OFFICE 56169 Heritage Line, Straffordville, ON Council Chambers Thursday, May 19, 2022 7:30 p.m. A. ZBA-07/22 Miller – 55139 Light Line B. ZBA-10/22 & SPA-01/22 Borm – 7288 Richmond Road C. ZBA-14/22 Thiessen – 53580 Vienna Line D. ZBA-16/22 Klassen – 10 Oak Street PRESENT: MAYOR ED KETCHABAW DEPUTY MAYOR RAINEY WEISLER COUNCILLORS C. VALERIE DONNELL DAN FROESE ABSENT: SUSAN CHILCOTT STAFF PRESENT: CAO|CLERK THOMAS THAYER DEPUTY CLERK MEAGAN ELLIOTT DEPUTY CLERK|PLANNING COORDINATOR MARGARET UNDERHILL MANAGER OF PUBLIC WORKS STEVE ADAMS TREASURER LORNE JAMES SIGNED IN ATTENDEES ZBA-07/22: N/A SIGNED IN ATTENDEES ZBA-10/22 & SPA-01/22: N/A SIGNED IN ATTENDEES ZBA-14/22: JON CULFORD SIGNED IN ATTENDEES ZBA-16/22: N/A ZBA-07/22 – MILLER 1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Ketchabaw called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. 2. DISCLOSURES OF PECUNIARY INTEREST & THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF No disclosures of pecuniary interest were declared. 3. CHAIRMAN’S REMARKS ON THE PURPOSE OF THE MEETING The Chairman stated the purpose and effect of the proposed amendment. 4. PURPOSE AND EFFECT OF THE PROPOSED AMENDMENT 2 Statutory Planning Minutes - Zoning May 19, 2022 A. ZBA-07/22 Miller – 55139 Light Line THE PURPOSE of this By-law is an amendment to change the zoning regulations on a 1.9 ha (4.7 acre) parcel of land in the Holding Village Residential (R1(h2, h3) Zone to a site-specific Village Residential (R1-xx) Zone, to permit: one new residential dwelling with the removal of h2 and h3 holding symbols; and, maximum accessory building floor area of 139.5 m2 (1,501 ft2) whereas 65 m2 (700 ft2) is the permitted maximum, in Zoning By-law Z456-2003. The subject lands are located on the south side of Light Line, west of Bogus Road, known as 55139 Light Line. THE EFFECT of this By-law will be to: remove holding provisions, recognizing Environmental Impact Study (EIS) has been submitted addressing natural heritage and subdivision agreement is not necessary for the development of one residential dwelling lot; and to permit an oversized accessory building accessory to the residential dwelling use. 5. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION No public participation. 6. CORRESPONDENCE Deputy Clerk|Planning Coordinator Margaret Underhill noted there was one (1) piece of correspondence received from a neighbouring property owner that will be included in the staff report at the June 2, 2022 Council Meeting. 7. OTHER BUSINESS No other business. 8. ADJOURNMENT Moved by: Councillor C. Donnell Seconded by: Deputy Mayor Weisler THAT the Zoning By-law be considered at the regular meeting of June 2, 2022; AND THAT pursuant to the Planning Act requirements, the Public Meeting for Zoning Application ZBA-07/22 is now complete at 7:33 p.m. CARRIED ZBA-10/22 & SPA-01/22 - BORM 9. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Ketchabaw called the meeting to order at 7:34 p.m. 3 Statutory Planning Minutes - Zoning May 19, 2022 10. DISCLOSURES OF PECUNIARY INTEREST & THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF No disclosures of pecuniary interest were declared. 11. CHAIRMAN’S REMARKS ON THE PURPOSE OF THE MEETING The Chairman stated the purpose and effect of the proposed amendment. 12. PURPOSE AND EFFECT OF THE PROPOSED AMENDMENT B. ZBA-10/22 & SPA-01/22 Borm – 7288 Richmond Road THE PURPOSE of the Site Plan Public Meeting is to present the development proposal to the public for comment to ensure that development takes a form compatible with adjacent land uses and receive feedback from the public; and the purpose of the Zoning By-law Amendment for Removal of Holding Symbol is to amend the zoning regulations from site-specific Rural Industrial - Holding (M2-8(h6)) to site-specific Rural Industrial (M2-8) by removing the Holding “h6” symbol from a portion of the subject lands requiring Site Plan Public Meeting prior to building an addition to the existing industrial use building in Zoning By-law Z456-2003. The subject lands are located on the east side of Richmond Road, south of James Line, known as 7288 Richmond Road comprising a 5.9 ha (14.6 acre) parcel of land. THE EFFECT of this By-law is to facilitate the proposed 3,861 m2 (41,559 ft2) building addition prior to removal of holding provisions and Site Plan Amendment Approval or entering into an agreement with the Municipality to facilitate adequate industrial development in the rural area. The proposed building addition (Shop #10) is for the warehousing, shipping and receiving of automotive parts. 13. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION No public participation. 14. CORRESPONDENCE No correspondence received. 15. OTHER BUSINESS No other business. 16. ADJOURNMENT Moved by: Deputy Mayor Weisler Seconded by: Councillor C. Donnell THAT the Zoning By-law be considered at the regular meeting of June 2, 2022; 4 Statutory Planning Minutes - Zoning May 19, 2022 AND THAT pursuant to the Planning Act requirements, the Public Meeting for Zoning Application ZBA-10/22 and SPA-01/22 is now complete at 7:36 p.m. CARRIED ZBA-14/22 – THIESSEN 17. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Ketchabaw called the meeting to order at 7:37 p.m. 18. DISCLOSURES OF PECUNIARY INTEREST & THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF No disclosures of pecuniary interest were declared. 19. CHAIRMAN’S REMARKS ON THE PURPOSE OF THE MEETING The Chairman stated the purpose and effect of the proposed amendment. 20. PURPOSE AND EFFECT OF THE PROPOSED AMENDMENT C. ZBA-14/22 Thiessen – 53580 Vienna Line THE PURPOSE of this By-law is an amendment to change the zoning regulations on a 20 ha (50 acre) parcel of land to permit maximum supplementary farm dwelling floor area of 250 m2 (2,691 ft2) in the form of one (1) mobile home in addition to the permitted permanent building for accommodation of seasonal farm labourers, in Zoning By-law Z456-2003. The subject lands are located at 53580 Vienna Line, north side, east of Richmond Road. THE EFFECT of this By-law will be to permit one new temporary mobile home building and semi-permanent addition with floor area of 83 m2 (888 ft2) to accommodate maximum six (6) seasonal farm labourers, in addition to the existing permanent supplementary farm dwelling with maximum floor area of 167 m2 (1,797 ft2) housing maximum sixteen (16) seasonal labourers approved previously by way of Minor Variance (application A-01/18). 21. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION One (1) member of the public spoke. Mr. Jon Culford asked how semi-permanent is defined. Mayor Ketchabaw identified that if the supplementary farm dwelling were to be dormant for two (2) years then it would be removed. Deputy Clerk|Planning Coordinator Margaret Underhill noted each supplementary farm dwelling requires a development agreement in which there is a clause pertaining to ceasing of operations and removal. 5 Statutory Planning Minutes - Zoning May 19, 2022 22. CORRESPONDENCE No correspondence received. 23. OTHER BUSINESS No other business. 24. ADJOURNMENT Moved by: Deputy Mayor Weisler Seconded by: Councillor Froese THAT the Zoning By-law be considered at the regular meeting of June 2, 2022; AND THAT pursuant to the Planning Act requirements, the Public Meeting for Zoning Application ZBA-14/22 is now complete at 7:41 p.m. CARRIED ZBA-16/22 – KLASSEN 25. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Ketchabaw called the meeting to order at 7:42 p.m. 26. DISCLOSURES OF PECUNIARY INTEREST & THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF No disclosures of pecuniary interest were declared. 27. CHAIRMAN’S REMARKS ON THE PURPOSE OF THE MEETING The Chairman stated the purpose and effect of the proposed amendment. 28. PURPOSE AND EFFECT OF THE PROPOSED AMENDMENT D. ZBA-16/22 Klassen – 10 Oak Street THE PURPOSE of this By-law is an amendment to change the zoning regulations on a 926 m2 (0.2 acre) parcel of land in the Village Residential 1 (R1) Zone to a site-specific Village Residential (R1-xx) Zone, to permit minimum rear yard setback of 6.9m (22.6 ft) whereas 7.0 m (23.0 ft) is the required minimum for the existing dwelling, in Zoning By-law Z456-2003. The subject lands are located on the east side of Oak Street, south of Fulton Street, known as 10 Oak Street. THE EFFECT of this By-law will be to fulfill Conditions of Consent (Elgin County Land Division file E49-21) to rezone the retained lands to recognize existing reduced rear yard setback. 6 Statutory Planning Minutes - Zoning May 19, 2022 29. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION No public participation. 30. CORRESPONDENCE No correspondence received 31. OTHER BUSINESS No other business. 32. ADJOURNMENT Moved by: Deputy Mayor Weisler Seconded by: Councillor C. Donnell THAT the Zoning By-law be considered at the regular meeting of June 2, 2022; AND THAT pursuant to the Planning Act requirements, the Public Meeting for Zoning Application ZBA-16/22 is now complete at 7:44 p.m. CARRIED MAYOR CLERK THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM DRAINAGE PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES MUNICIPAL OFFICE 56169 Heritage Line, Straffordville, ON Council Chambers Thursday, May 19, 2022 8:00 p.m. – Hampton Drain Improvements PRESENT: MAYOR ED KETCHABAW DEPUTY MAYOR RAINEY WEISLER COUNCILLORS C. VALERIE DONNELL DAN FROESE ABSENT: SUSAN CHILCOTT STAFF PRESENT: CAO|CLERK THOMAS THAYER DEPUTY CLERK MEAGAN ELLIOTT DEPUTY CLERK|PLANNING COORDINATOR MARGARET UNDERHILL MANAGER OF PUBLIC WORKS STEVE ADAMS TREASURER LORNE JAMES ENGINEER: JOHN SPRIET SIGNED IN ATTENDEES: BOB GREGSON CRAIG GREGSON 1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Ketchabaw called the public meeting to order at 8:00 p.m. and asked those in attendance for the Drainage Public Meeting regarding the Hampton Drain Improvements to sign-in on the sheet provided. 2. DISCLOSURES OF PECUNIARY INTEREST & THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF No disclosures of pecuniary interest were declared. 3. PURPOSE OF THE MEETING Pursuant to Chapter D17, Section 41 of the Drainage Act the purpose of the public meeting is to consider the proposed reconstruction of the drainage as outlined in the Hampton Municipal Drain Engineer’s Report #220242 dated March 15, 2022 as prepared by Spriet Associates. 4. STAFF PRESENTATION A. Report DS-22/22 by Steve Adams, Manager of Public Works/Drainage Superintendent re Hampton Drain Improvements Steve Adams, Manager of Public Works/Drainage Superintendent provided an overview of the drain design and meeting process. Drainage Public Meeting Minutes May 19, 2022 5. ENGINEERS REMARKS Mr. John Spriet provided an overview of the drain including history of the drain and location of outlets. 6. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION Two (2) members of the public spoke. Mr. Bob Gregson offered history of the drain and area from being a longtime resident near the drain. Currently his property is not on the drain but is being affected from poor drainage caused from the creation of a nearby pond. Mr. Craig Gregson inquired on what kind of repercussions are in the Drainage Act for someone causing the drain to work improperly. Mr. Craig Gregson is not currently a property owner on the Hampton drain but may be in the coming months. 7. CORRESPONDENCE No correspondence was received. 8. DISPOSITION Moved by: Deputy Mayor Weisler Seconded by: Councillor C. Donnell THAT in accordance with Section 78 of the Drainage Act, Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham hereby adopts Spriet Associates report #220242 dated March 15, 2022, referred to as the “Hampton Drain Improvements” report; AND THAT Provisional By-law No. 2022-034 be given first and second reading; AND THAT the Clerk be directed to distribute copies of the Provisional By-law and Notice of the time and place of the first sitting of the Court of Revision to the affected parties pursuant to Section 46(2) of the Drainage Act; AND THAT a date of June 16, 2022 at 8:00 p.m. be set for the first sitting of the Court of Revision. CARRIED 9. ADJOURNMENT Moved by: Councillor C. Donnell Seconded by: Councillor Froese THAT pursuant to the Drainage Act requirements, the Public Meeting is now complete at 8:17 p.m. CARRIED Drainage Public Meeting Minutes May 19, 2022 MAYOR CLERK ZBA-12/22 PLANNING ACT NOTICE OF THE PASSING OF ZONING BY-LAW Z740-2022 BY THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM APPLICANT: W.D. BRONZ, ZBA-12/22 TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham passed By- Law No. Z740-2022 on the 19th day of May 2022 under Section 34 of THE PLANNING ACT. AND TAKE NOTICE that any person or agency may appeal to the Ontario Land Tribunal in respect of the By-law by filing with the Clerk of the Municipality of Bayham not later than the 13th day of June, 2022 a notice of appeal setting out the objection to the By-law and the reasons in support of the objection. THE PURPOSE of this By-law is to change the zoning regulations on 1,693.4 m2 (0.4 acre) of land from a Village Residential 1 (R1) zone to two site-specific Village Residential 1 (R1-16 and R1-17) zones to permit: minimum lot area of 879 m2 (0.2 acre) for the westerly portion of the lands (9222 Alward Street) and minimum lot area of 814 m2 (0.2 acre) for the easterly portion of the lands (9228 Alward Street) whereas 900 m2 (0.2 acre) is the permitted minimum in the R1 zone; and minimum lot frontage of 15.24 m (50 ft.) for each parcel whereas 20.0 m (65 ft.) is the permitted minimum, in Zoning By-law Z456-2003. The subject lands are located at 9222 and 9228 Alward Street, south side, south of Heritage Line in the Village of Straffordville. THE EFFECT of this By-law will be to facilitate the severance of the existing semi-detached dwelling building as fulfillment of Condition of Consent, Elgin Land Division Committee file E50- 21, to rezone the severed and retained lands to permit reduced lot area and lot frontage. ONLY INDIVIDUALS, CORPORATIONS AND PUBLIC BODIES may appeal a by-law to the Ontario Land Tribunal. A notice of appeal may not be filed by an unincorporated association or group. However, a notice of appeal may be filed in the name of an individual who is a member of the association or the group on its behalf. NO PERSON OR PUBLIC BODY SHALL be added as a party to the hearing of the appeal unless, before the by-law was passed, the person or public body made oral submissions at a public meeting or written submissions to the council or, in the opinion of the Ontario Land Tribunal, there are reasonable grounds to add the person or public body as a party. The complete By-law is available for inspection by contacting the municipal office. DATED AT THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM THIS 24th DAY OF MAY 2022. Village of Straffordville NOTE: For information regarding the fees associated with an appeal to the Ontario Land Tribunal, please see the following link: https://olt.gov.on.ca/appeals-process/fee-chart/ or contact the Municipality. Margaret Underhill Deputy Clerk/Planning Coordinator Municipality of Bayham 56169 Heritage Line, P.O. Box 160. Straffordville, ON, N0J 1Y0 Tel: 519-866-5521 Ext 222 Fax: 519-866-3884 E-mail: munderhill@bayham.on.ca ZBA-17/22 NOTICE OF A PUBLIC MEETING CONCERNING A PROPOSED ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT IN THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM APPLICANT: AGINVEST FARMLAND ONE INC. LOCATION: 57905 HERITAGE LINE TAKE NOTICE that the Municipality of Bayham has received a complete application for a Zoning By-law Amendment ZBA-17/22. AND TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham will hold a public meeting on Thursday, June 16, 2022 at 7:30 p.m. in the Municipal Council Chambers, 56169 Heritage Line in Straffordville to consider a proposed Zoning By-law amendment under Section 34 of the PLANNING ACT. THE PURPOSE of this By-law is to rezone retained agricultural lands from an Agricultural (A1-A) zone to a Special Agricultural (A2) zone to recognize agricultural uses and prohibit new dwellings; and to rezone severed lands from an Agricultural (A1-A) Zone to a Rural Residential (RR) Zone to recognize the change in land use from agricultural in nature to residential in nature, in Zoning By-law Z456-2003. The lands are located at 57905 Heritage Line, east side of Coyle Road. THE EFFECT of this By-law will be to fulfill conditions of Consent E23-22 to rezone the retained lands to recognize agricultural use and prohibit new dwellings; and to rezone the severed lands from an agricultural zone to a residential zone, as a result of a surplus farm dwelling severance. ANY PERSON may attend the public meeting and/or make a written or verbal representation in support of or in opposition to the proposed amendment. IF A PERSON OR PUBLIC BODY does not make oral submissions at a public meeting or make written submissions to the Municipality of Bayham before the by-law is passed, the person or public body is not entitled to appeal the decision of the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham to the Ontario Land Tribunal. IF A PERSON OR PUBLIC BODY does not make oral submissions at a public meeting, or make written submissions to the Municipality of Bayham before the by-law is passed, the person or public body may not be added as a party to the hearing of an appeal before the Ontario Land Tribunal unless, in the opinion of the Tribunal, there are reasonable grounds to do so. IF YOU WISH to be notified of the adoption of the proposed amendment, you must make a written request to the undersigned. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION relating to the proposed amendment may be obtained at the Municipal Office. Dated at the Municipality of Bayham this 27th day of May 2022. Margaret Underhill Deputy Clerk/Planning Coordinator Municipality of Bayham 56169 Heritage Line, P.O. Box 160 Straffordville, ON, N0J 1Y0 T: 519-866-5521 Ext 222 F: 519-866-3884 E: munderhill@bayham.on.ca W: www.bayham.on.ca 2Nd AMENDMENT TO HYDROGEOLOGIC EVALUATION PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT SANDYTOWN ROAD SUBDIVISION COMMUNITY OF STRAFFORDVILLE MUNIGIPALITY OF BAYHAM Prepared For: 1985763 Ontario lnc. c/o Cyril J. Demeyere Limited Project 2021-03 January 22,2021 1't Amendment November 29,2021 2nd Amendment April 18,2022 IAN D. WILSON ASSOCIATES LIMITED CONSUL T I N G HY D ROGEOLOGISIS Clinton, Ontario Telephone (51 9) 233-3500 Fax (519) 233-3501 TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1 2.0 GEOLOGY AND HYDROGEOLOGY . WELL POTENTIAL ANALYSIS .3.0 4.0 WELL CONSTRUCTION . .4.1 Test Well 1: . .4.2 Test Well 2: . "4.3 Test Well 3: . . 5.0 WELL TESTING. . .5.1 Pumping Test - Test Well 1:5.2 Pumping Test - Test Well 2: r . , . 6.0 5.3 PumpingTest-TestWell 3: .....75.4 lnterference Observations: . . 85.5 Well Testing Summary and Discussion: . . . . 95.6 Long-Term lnterference Potential: 10 WATERQUALITY .. 11 GONCLUSIONS 127.0 FIGURES AND APPENDIX 3 3 4 5 6 6 6 1.0 2Nd AMENDMENT TO HYDROGEOLOGIC EVALUATION PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT SANDYTOWN ROAD SUBDIVISION COMMUNITY OF STRAFFORDVILLE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM INTRODUCTION It is proposed to develop a 39-Lot residential subdivision in two phases on a t5.8 hectare parcel of land located in partof Lot 123, Concession North of Talbot Road East, Municipality of Bayham, in the northwestern periphery of the Community of Straffordville. Phase 1 of the development, situated within the southern portion of the site, is understood to be planned to consist of 13 lots. Figures 1 and 2 show the location and Iayout of the proposed development. It is proposed to service the development with individual drilled wells and with connection to the existing municipal sanitary sewage system. The site is generally rectangularly shaped, with an overall length of about 400m from south to north, and an overall depth of about 140m from west to east. The site is cleared, and is currently in active agricultural use. The lands exhibit a rolling topography, with an overall slope mainlyto the north or northwest, and an overall relief of about 9m. The site is surrounded by residential properties to the south and east, and agricultural and rural residential properties to the north and west. No surface water bodies are Iocated on the site or in the close vicinity, with minor tributaries of Little Otter Creek mapped to rise about 200m to the north and west, and Little Otter Creek mapped about B00m to the north. Access to the subdivision will initially be from the east via Sandytown Road, and eventually also from Stewart Road to the north. During October 2020, two on-site test wells (TW1 and TW2) were drilled by Hayden Water Wells, and were subjected to 6-hour pumping tests on November 16 and 18, 2020 to assess the availability and quality of groundwater for residential use. This report was prepared to provide an assessment of groundwater potential for the proposed subdivision, and describes background geology and hydrogeology, well construction and well testing details, as generally conducted under the guidance of Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP) Procedure D-5-5 "Technical Guideline For Private Wells : Water Supply Assessment". The 1't report amendment was prepared to reflect the change in the number of proposed lots from 37 to 39. This 2nd report amendment has been prepared to address February 28,2022 peer review comments provided by Chris Helmer, P.Geo. on behalf of the Municipality of Bayham, specifically the addition of a third test well to the assessment and an expanded interference analysis. The third on-site test well (TW3) was drilled within the southeast corner of the site by Hayden Water Wells and was lan D. Wilson Associates Limited Sandytown Road Subdivision subjected to a 6-hour pumping test on April 5,2022. 2.0 GEOLOGY AND HYDROGEOLOGY The subject lands are situated within the western periphery of the Norfolk Sand PIain physiographic region of southern Ontario. According to the Ontario Geological Survey Maps 2473 "Quaternary Geology of the Tillsonburg Area" and P.2624 "Quaternary Geology of the Port Bunruell Area", the upper soils in the vicinity of the site consist of glaciolacustrine deposits of fine to medium sand. According to mapping provided by Ontario Geological Survey Report 220 "Quaternary Geology of the Tillsonburg Area", the overburden in the vicinity of the site is in the range of 70m deep. Local well records generally indicate that the upper 12 to 15m of the overburden consists of sand, and all reported Iocal wells are completed in these unconfined upper sands. The Iower overburden is regionally reported by the relatively few deeper water well records in the area as being mainly fine-grained (clay, silt, hardpan). The bedrock beneath the site consists of limestone of the Dundee Formation. Fewwater wells are completed to the bedrock in the region due to the depth of drilling and the likelihood of obtaining aesthetically poor quality groundwater. It is generally noted in reviewing local water well records that the upper overburden aquifer may be variable in composition, becoming relatively fine-grained in some areas, and can be stratified. Specialized well construction techniques may be required in some areas (i.e. gravel packed well screens, extended well screens, etc...) to obtain viable well yields where stratified aquifer conditions are present. As detailed below, such techniques were utilized in the construction of the on-site test wells. 3.0 WELL POTENTIAL ANALYSIS To establish well yield and basic water quality probabilities, up-to-date MECP records for water wells located within approximately 250 metres of the proposed development were reviewed. Records for well abandonments, geotechnical or environmental monitoring wells are not included in the summary. The MECP water well record database contains the records for 34 waterwells within the review area, however some shallow bored wells and sandpoint wells are indicated, which are often unreported to the MECP, and the actual number of wells within this area will be greater. Copies of the water wel! records used in the preparation of the review are included in the appendix. The following summarizes the reported well record information within the review area. Number of wells: 34 Drilled Construction: 18 Dug/Bored Construction . 4 Sandpoint Construction . 12 Unknown Construction: 0 Completed in Overburden: 34 (100%) lan D. Wilson Associates Limited Completed in Bedrock: 0 The following summarizes the reported well performance data. Sandytown Road Subdivision Reported Water Quality: Fresh: Su!phurous: Mineralized/Saline. Quality Not Reported: Dry Well: 28 or 82% (no objectionable tastes or odours) none 2 or 60/o 4 or 12o/o (common in newer wells where contractors are not reporting quality) none 4.0 4.1 The average reported well within about 250 metres of the proposed development is of drilled or sandpoint construction, completed near the base of the upper granular deposits to a depth of 11.4 metres and yields 31.4 Iitres of fresh-quality water per minute over an average period of 5.33 hours. This average yield significantly exceeds the maximum water demand of a normal four bedroom home specified by the MECP (i.e. 18l/min without inline storage). Overall groundwater conditions are favourable for domestic water req u irements. It should be noted that the above summary and analysis is based solely on information contained in the MECP water well record database as reported by drilling contractors and is not subject to quality control, however the overa!! analytical summary is favou rable. WELL CONSTRUCTION Test Well 1: The following infor:mation was derived from the well record completed by the drilling contractor, Hayden Water Wells. Figure 2 shows the Iocation of TW1 . A copy of the water well record for TW1 (Well Tag A276433) is included in the appendix. Depth (m) Materials 0 - 0.3 brown topsoil 0.3 - 3.7 brown clay with sand and silt 3.7 - 7.0 grey clay with sand and silt Maximum Minimum Average Well Depth (m)14.6 7.6 11 .4 Test Rate (L/min)64 11 31.4 Test Period (Hours)72 1 5.3 lan D. Wilson Associates Limited Sandytown Road Subdivision 7 .0 - 1 1 .9 grey sand 11.9 - 13.4 grey clay with sand Water was reported to have been located in the grey sand from 7.0m to 1 1 .9m below grade. Casing Record: Total Length: 7.6m Setting: 0.6m above grade to 7.0m below grade Diameter: 15.24cm lD Wall Thickness: 0.56cmMaterial: steel Well Screen: 15.2cm OD (6 inch pipe-size), 4.9m length of 10-slot stainless steel screen set from 7.0m to 1 1 .9m below grade. Set in imported silica sand pack. Well Sump: 15.24cm lD sump installed at base of well screen from 1 1 .9 to 13.4m below grade. Annular Space: High solids bentonite - grade to 7.0m below grade lmported silica sand pack - 7.0 to 13.4m below grade 4.2 Test Well 2: The following information was derived from the well record completed by the drilling contractor, Hayden Water Wells. Figure 2 shows the location of TW2. A copy of the water well record for TW2 (Well Tag A276434) is included in the appendix. Contractor's Log of Formations Penetrated Depth (m) Materials 0 - 0.3 brown topsoil 0.3 - 3.7 brown clay with sand and silt 3.7 - 7 .0 grey clay with sand and silt 7 .0 - 13.1 grey sand 13.1 - 14.6 grey clay with sand Waterwas reported to have been located in the grey sand from 7.0m to 13.1m below grade. Casing Record: Total Length: 7.6mSetting: 0.6m above grade to 7.0m below gradeDiameter: 15.24cm lD Wall Thickness: 0.56cmMaterial: steel lan D. Wilson Associates Limited 5 Sandytown Road Subdivision Well Screen: 15.2cm OD (6 inch pipe-size), 6.1m length of 1O-slot stainless steel screen set from 7.0m to 13.1m below grade. Set in imported silica sand pack. Well Sump: 15.24cm !D sump installed at base of wel! screen from 13.1 to 14.6m below grade. Annular Space: High solids bentonite - grade to 7.0m below grade lmported silica sand pack - 7 .0 to 14.6m below grade 4.3 Test Well 3: The following information was derived from the well record completed by the drilling contractor, Hayden Water Wells. Figure 2 shows the location of TW3. A copy of the waterwell record forTW3 (Well Tag A308216) is included in the appendix. Contractor's Log of Formations Penetrated Depth (m) Materials 0 - 0.3 brown topsoil 0.3 - 4.0 brown clay with sand and silt 4.0 - 6.7 grey clay with sand and silt 6.7 - 12.8 grey sand 12.8 - 14.3 grey clay with sand Waterwas reported to have been located in the grey sand from 6.7m to 12.8m below grade. Casing Record: Total Length: 7.3mSetting: 0.6m above grade to 6.7m below gradeDiameter: 15.24cm lD Wall Thickness: 0.56cmMaterial: steel Well Screen: 15.2cm OD (6 inch pipe-size), 6.1m length of 10-slot stainless steel screen set from 6.7m to 12.8m below grade. Set in imported silica sand pack. Well Sump: 15.24cm lD sump installed at base of well screen from 12.8 to 14.3m below grade" Annular Space: High solids bentonite - grade to 6.1m below grade lmported silica sand pack - 6.1 to 14.3m below grade 5.0 lan D. Wilson Associates Limited Sandytown Road Subdivision 5.2 WELL TESTING Pumping Test - Test Well 1: Test Well 1 (TW1) was subjected to a 6 hour pumping test at a rate of 23 L/min on November 16, 2020, beginning at 10:20am. Water levels were observed in the test well on a regular basis during pumping and for a 30 minute period of recovery after pumping ceased. Water levels were also observed in an adjacent drilled well (OW1) Iocated approximately 140m east of TW1 , and in TW2 located about 265m south of TW1 . Water levels were observed using an electronic water level meter. Pumping rates were measured using a calibrated container. Water was discharged from TW1 overland, downslope to the northwest. Figure 3 is a semi-logarithmic plot of the test results showing the drawdown of the water level in TW1 versus the elapsed time from the start of pumping and residual drawdown versus the ratio of time from the start of pumping to the time from the end of pumping (ratio Ut'). The raw pumping test data are included in the appendix. The water level in TW1 lowered 0.73m during the first minute of pumping at 23llmin and following about 6 minutes of minor pumping rate corrections, assumed a slowly moderating downward trend. After about 300 minutes of pumping, the water level in TW1 had stabilized, remaining at this level for the balance of the pumping test. The final water level in the well was 4.69m below grade. Total drawdown was 2.32m, which represents 50 percent of available drawdown (4.63m) in the well above the top of the well screen. Following the conclusion of pumping, the water Ievel rose to 0.11m below the original static water level (95% recovery) within 30 minutes of the conclusion of the pumping test. A total of about 8,280 Iitres of water were pumped from the well during the 6 hour pumping test, which represents approximately 4.1x the maximum design flow for a 4- bedroom home under the Ontario Building Code (2,000l/day) and approximately 8.2x the typical average day use of a home (i.e. 1,000l/day, per MECP). Pumping Test - Test Well 2: Test Well 2 (TW2) was subjected to a 6 hour pumping test at a rate of 23 L/min on November 18, 2020, beginning at 9:54am. Water levels were observed in the test well on a regular basis during pumping and for a20 minute period of recovery after pumping ceased. Water levels were also observed in TW1 located about 265m north of TW2. Water levels were observed using an electronic water level meter. Pumping rates were measured using a calibrated container. Water was discharged from TW2 overland, downslope to the northwest. 5.1 lan D. Wilson Associates Limited Sandytown Road Subdivision 5.3 Figure 4 is a semi-logarithmic plot of the test results showing the drawdown of the water Ievel in TW2 versus the elapsed time from the start of pumping and residual drawdown versus the ratio of time from the start of pumping to the time from the end of pumping (ratio Ut'). The raw pumping test data are included in the appendix. The water level in TW2 Iowered 0.62m during the first minute of pumping at 23llmin and assumed a slowly moderating downward trend. Afterabout 7 minutes of pumping, a mostly steady, shallowdownward trend was established, this downward trend lasting the balance of the pumping test. The final water level in the well was 6.04m below grade. Total drawdown was 0.99m, which represents 34 percent of available drawdown (2.95m) in the well above the top of the well screen. Following the conclusion of pumping, the water Ievel rose to 0.04m below the original static water level (96% recovery) within 20 minutes of the conclusion of the pumping test. A total of about 8,280 litres of water were pumped from the well during the 6 hour pumping test, which represents approximately 4.1x the maximum design flow for a 4- bedroom home under the Ontario Building Code (2,000l/day) and approximately 8.2x the typical average day use of a home (i.e. 1 ,000l/day, per MECP). Pumping Test - Test Well 3: Test Well 3 (TW3) was subjected to a 6 hour pumping test at a rate of 23 L/min on April 5,2022, beginning at 9:30am. Water Ievels were observed in the testwell on a regular basis during pumping and for a 30 minute period of recovery after pumping ceased. Water Ievels were also observed in on-site BH01 -22 (new), on-site TW1 and TW2, and off-site OW2. Water levels were observed using an electronic water level meter. Pumping rates were measured using a calibrated container. Waterwas discharged from TW3 overland, downslope to the north. Figure 5 is a semi-logarithmic plot of the test results showing the drawdown of the water level in TW3 versus the elapsed time from the start of pumping and residual drawdown versus the ratio of time from the start of pumping to the time from the end of pumping (ratio Ut'). The raw pumping test data are included in the appendix. The water level in TW3 lowered 0.80m during the first minute of pumping at 23llmin and assumed a slowly moderating downward trend. After about 10 minutes of pumping, a mostly steady, shallowdownward trend was established, this downward trend lasting the balance of the pumping test. The final water level in the well was 6.45m below grade. Total drawdown was 1.54m, which represents 86 percent of available drawdown (1 .8m) in the well above the top of the well screen. lan D. Wilson Associates Limited Sandytown Road Subdivision Following the conclusion of pumping, the water level rose to 0.07m below the original static water level (95% recovery) within 30 minutes of the conclusion of the pumping test. A total of about 8,280 Iitres of water were pumped from the well during the 6 hour pumping test, which represents approximately 4.1x the maximum design flow for a 4- bedroom home under the Ontario Building Code (2,000l.lday) and approximately 8.2x the typical average day use of a home (i.e. 1,0001/day, per MECP). 5.4 lnterferenceObservations: During the pumping test of TW1 , water Ievels were observed in an adjacent drilled well (OW1 ) Iocated approximately 140m east of TW1 , and in TW2 located about 265m south of TW1 . OW1 is a 10.7m deep drilled well (water well record No. 4260736, included in the appendix). The observation data are included in the appendix. The water levels in OW1 and TW2 were unaffected by the TW1 pumping test, with the water level in OW1 lowering then recovering slightly (0.005m) on two occasions during the test, and the water level in TW2 rising slightly (0.01m) during the test. During the pumping test of TW2, water levels were observed in TW1 , located about 265m north of TW2. The observation data are included in the appendix. Thewater level in TW1 did not vary during the TW2 pumping test. During the pumping test of TW3, water levels were observed in on-site BH01 -22 (25m northwest), TW1 (135m northwest) and TW2 (320m northwest) and off-site OW2 (130m southeast). OW2 is an 1 1 .9m deep drilled well (waterwell record No. 4201 158, included in the appendix). BH01 -22is a 6.8m deep geotechnical monitoring well installed under the supervision of Englobe in March 2022 (waterwell record A346231 and Englobe map and log included in the appendix), and is indicated to be completed into the upper portion of the upper sand aquifer. The TW3 observation data are included in the appendix. The water Ievels in TW1 , TW2 and OW2 were unaffected by the TW3 pumping test, with the water Ievel in OW2 varying slightly (0.02m) on two occasions during the test. The water level in nearby BH01 -22lowered 0.025m by the conclusion of the TW3 pumping test, with consistent drawdown occurring after about 100 minutes. Figure 6 is a semi-logarithmic plot of the water level change in BH01 -22vs elapsed time since the start of the TW3 pumping test. A discussion of Iong-term interference potential follows in Section 5.6. There were no complaints of water Ievel interference reported during the three test periods. lan D. Wilson Associates Limited 5.5 Well Testing Summary and Discussion: The following provides a summary of the wel! testing results: Sandytown Road Subdivision Test Well 1 Test Well 2 Test Well 3 Date of Test Nov. 1 6,2020 Nov. 1 8,2020 Apr. 5,2022 Static Water Level (m below grade)2.37 5.05 4.90 Final Water Level Drawdown (m)2.32 099 1.54 Pumping Water Level (m below grade)4.69 604 6.44 Pumping Rate (L/min)23 23 23 Duration 6 hours 6 hours 6 hours Specific Capacity (L/min/m)9.9 23.2 14.3 Available Drawdown Above We!! Screen (m) 4.63 2.95 1.80 Percent Available Drawdown Used 50o/o 34%86% Coefficient of Transm issivity ( m2lday)21.6 46.6 36.7 Coefficient of Storage (dimensionless)not determinable not determinable 1x10-2 Safe Yield (L/min)231/min 231/min 231/min The coefficient of transmissivity was calculated using the Cooper and Jacob modified non-equilibrium method using an assumed drawdown of 0.1 3m/log cycle (TW1), 0.28mllog cycle (TW2) and 0.17mllog cycle (TW3). Coefficient of storage values was not determined for TW1 and TW2 due to an absence of water Ievel interference measured during the pumping tests. The coefficient of storage for TW3 was using the Cooper and Jacob modified non-equilibrium method using a transmissivity of 36.7m2lday, an extrapolated tovalue at BH01 -22of 120 minutes and a radius of 25.0m. Only drilled wells completed in accordance with Ontario Regulation 903 are recommended. As indicated in Section 2.0 and outlined in Section 3.0, the upper overburden aquifer may be variable in composition, becoming relatively fine-grained in some areas, and can be stratified. Specialized well construction techniques may be required in some areas (i.e. gravel packed well screens, extended well screens, etc...) to obtain viable well yields where stratified aquifer conditions are present, and should be able to be provided by properly-equipped and experienced well drilling contractors if so required. lan D. Wilson Associates Limited Sandytown Road Subdivision Long-Term I nterference Potentia!: The following analysis uses the Cooper and Jacob modified non-equilibrium equation to assess the potential cumulative water Ievel impact of the 39 proposed lots, as follows. Where: s = (0.183Q = T) log ((2.25Tt) * (r2S)) T = coefficient of transmissivity Q = daily rate of withdrawal s = water Ievel drawdown S = coefficient of storage t = elapsed time r = distance between monitoring well and pumped well The calculation incorporates the average calculated coefficient of transmissivity of 35.0m2/day (per average of TW1 , TWz and TW3) and an assumed coefficient of storage of 1x10-2 (per TW3 pumping test observations at BHO1-22, consistent with a Ieaky or un-confined aquifer). An elapsed time of 6 months is utilized to conservatively compensate for recharge that will occur to the upper overburden aquifer. According to the MECP, the average rate of withdrawal for most domestic use is considered to be in the range of 1 ,000l/day/lot, or 39m3lday for the 39 proposed Iots. To simplify the analysis, it is assumed that the combined daily withdrawal of the 39 proposed lots occurs from a single central well 100m from the nearest off-site well. Given the above inputs, the above method indicates that the theoretical water Ievel impact from a single combined well completed in the upper overburden aquifer withdrawing 39mt/day will be in the range of 0.44m at a distance of 100m. ln response to the February 28,2022 peer review comments provided by Chris Helmer, P.Geo. on behalf of the Municipality of Bayham, where the peer-review expressed concern regarding the potential impact to wells closer than 100m, the above analysis will over-estimate the potential water level impact to any particular off-site well, as the site configuration (elongated north-to-south) will situate only about 10 to 15 future on- site wells within 100m of any particular off-site well, rather than the wells serving the entire 39-lot subdivision. To illustrate, a supplemental analysis of potential impact to closer off-site wells situated to the east of the site along Sandytown Road is provided as follows. As above, any particular off-site well may potentially be situated within about 50m of approximately 6 future on-site wells, as well as 4 existing off-site wells. The above theoretical interference analysis is revised for 11 potential wells (subject off-site well plus 6 on-site and 4 off-site wells) all Iocated within a 50m radius, again assuming 1 ,000L/day/lot, or 11mtlday for the 1 1 wells. Again to simplify the analysis, it is assumed thatthe combined dailywithdrawal of the 11 wells occurs from a single centralwell 50m from the nearest off-site well. Given the same above inputs, the above method indicates that the theoretical water Ievel impact from a single combined well completed in the upper overburden aquifer withdrawing 11m3/day will be in the range of 0.16m at a distance of 50m. l0 5.6 lan D. Wilson Associates Limited Sandytown Road Subdivision It is further emphasized that actual interference observed at a distance of 25m at BH01- 22 during the pumping test of TW3 was 0.025m, after having pumped 8,280L from TW3, or more than 8 times the probable average rate of withdrawal from any particular well. While the available drawdown above the well screens in TW1 ,TWz and TW3 ranged between approximately 1.8m and 5m, this is mainly due to the significant length of well screen selected by the drilling contractor. Based on an average localwell depth of 1 1m, available drawdown in most Iocalwells will be in the range of 5 to 7m. As the theoretical interference potential of 0.44m (of 39 lots at a distance of 100m) is very minor in relation to available drawdown under average use conditions, the performance of Iocal upper overburden aquifer wells will not be impaired by the operation of 39 wells on the proposed Iots. It should be noted that the above analysis assumes no aquifer recharge (apart from the 6 month calculation assumption). ln practice, the upper overburden aquifer receives recharge, both from precipitation and groundwater inflow, and domestic wells operate on a supply-demand basis with long periods of water level recovery between cycles of operation. The risk of adverse off-site water level interference is considered low with wells operating in normal domestic service. 6.0 WATER QUALITY Samples of water were collected from TW1 , TW2 and TW3 at the conclusions of the pumping tests and subjected to general chemistry and bacteriological analyses. The samples were collected in Iaboratory-supplied bottles, stored in ice-packed coolers and submitted to Bureau Veritas Laboratories lnc. for analysis under chain of custody. The test conclusion samples from each of the three test wells were reported to contain no detectable total coliform or E. Coli bacteria. Low levels of background bacteria were reported in the water from TW1 and TW2, which is common in newly-constructed wells. The water from TW3 contained no detectable background bacteria. Background bacteria will diminish with well use and/or chlorination. The water from TW1 , TW2 and TW3 was slightly alkaline with a pH value of 7.94 to 8.01 . The water from TW1 , TW2 and TW3 is moderately hard, with a hardness values of 280 to 320m9/L as CaCOr. These values are consistent with groundwater in southern Ontario. Water hardness may be treated using commercially-available systems, if desired. The sodium content of the water from TW1 , TW2 and TW3 (24 to 70mg/L) was well belowthe aesthetic Ontario Drinking Water Quality Standard (ODWOS) of 200m9/L, but is in excess of the level at which the Ontario Drinking Water Quality Standards advise that physicians for persons on sodium-restricted diets should be advised (20m9/L). The total dissolved solids (TDS) content of the water from TWz and TW3 was at or slightly above the aesthetic ODWQS of 500m9/L, which may be treated using commercially- available systems if desired. 1l lan D. Wilson Associates Limited Sandytown Road Subdivision 7.0 All other chemical parameters determined were at acceptable Ievels under the current Ontario Drinking Water Quality Standards. A copy of the laboratory analytical results is included in the appendix. CONCLUSIONS 1. The three on-site test wells, completed in the upper overburden aquifer, each have a safe yield of 23Llmin, and are more than suitable for domestic use. 2. Drilled wells completed in accordance with Ontario Regulation 903 are recommended. The upper overburden aquifer may be variable in composition, becoming relatively fine-grained in some areas, and can be stratified. Specialized well construction techniques may be required in some areas (i.e. gravel packed well screens, extended well screens, etc...) to obtain viable well yields where stratified aquifer conditions are present. 3. The bacteriological quality of water from properly constructed drilled wells will be acceptable. 4. The chemical quality of water from properly constructed drilled wells will be acceptable. The sodium content of the water from TW1 , TW2 and TW3 (24 to 70mg/L) was well below the aesthetic Ontario Drinking Water Quality Standard (ODWOS) of 200m9/L, but is in excess of the level at which the Ontario Drinking Water Quality Standards advise that physicians for persons on sodium-restricted diets should be advised (20m9/L).The totaldissolved solids (TDS) content of the water from TW2 and TW3 was at or slightly above the aesthetic ODWQS of 500m9/L, which may be treated using commercially-available systems if desired. 5. Drilled wells in normal domestic use on the proposed lot layout represent an acceptable and low risk of disruptive water level interference, based on the aquifer response during testing. Theoretical interference calculations suggest that long-term off-site interference potential is very low. 6. From a groundwater supply perspective, the proposed development is considered viable, subject to the conclusions, limitations and recommendations outlined in this report. IA ES LIMITED Geoffrey Rether, B.Sc., P.Geo. January 22,2021 1't Amendment November 29,2021 2nd Amendment April 18,2022 t2 FIGURES AND APPENDIX o .9tLf< fz f<!LLoooEEEzzz dEpp9."hPPp2rO=_YEoLLL(J_ E IEnnnqg O) -9 Ill I il ll hcr'oZE6bo.!!!o-!!-tar<hts;9e8E? ^da1cLitqhooq=:I E: .OLX=U6;,F,/,CC=J.,>-UE;"o:q oL!L --14 F^E! OE: Z:9 Lnoo o_ UO'Frl,O6= P!oOL o1 5.smo:oc)o>\-coO.9 cJ^UqCF9CO.93 tr F H 5 :l z (5JUJ sr E:J n If ea4 n 5s J!of1gu33 E t ITst 5A: v 9x Q ?e l;l: -1"18:e :Hj;s l\e 3u >*IEHHa E3 ?;6t Ei- Nb6q l- EF: R u1 gE tc FE g1 1-.biE2 tzc. Eiel l5>> -6rd E4a\t=bi 'Fe'5t6E;6Ai u EE : E YRdEdl .s :E EeE ^.33Y l\r, lEk\I I EE NE 1^Ot8: EE6oWelP= HH:;3i H Hg[ ii*fld.-- ot" u EEe'\i H z O odm ).ia = ib> er *0-r-: LL "=>VH o r(,; =!EZxA*1:;d ^ vZv-t.rIJo==6 ' LL(/)O<t- .\(n < o_ >Lr- - trl U.^-<F()(o=zE *.=og 5 3oo-()(J>() >lMI<l>l>trltAl "lL!fltl<l .*,UruWRO IVIIN 9ruf? tr.ti=5fraEbE;efr :.. Pg u r 01 sz o -r ( tL cl) raldw)'wy zzgE oI / 'tzoz 64 undqE{_tE@zwn Lo\EE@ru?oADJpd oDv\ -+,\.CE=PE,e=EEtuEA-l/tJOE?'6)oSEIvlol -tE i=!r9o .--tn cLCLC.E=trd I oorl oFl g.E J(nN GJ+,IA P ootr CL E Jo-r{ =F I troUI E.ct Jln E'ooE, tr 3o+, Ecotn / / /I v4 I qutq F{ r-{ NItt(u) umoprnerg lenplseu pue umoprheJgrt u'! NI LOaI qo (q o .9tL ,/ ./ I I -/ -// / ,/ / ,/ -y\\cEA+JEE=EEt!EAJtiJoE ='6=oLEIyl0,I -tE't= E90o.=.a cLCLco=uld I c.E fnN GJ Ptn P ootr CL E Jo. N =F t tro ln .>E'lt Jth T'(EoE,c 3o+, E'tr(Etn qoqootl(u) umoprherO lenplsau pue u/utopmetg O\I8Erl= .o)lr oor{ or'{ c.{rlI q r{I qoI N C;I qo / / / I I { / / r(.) (D .9tL -g\c .96PE's=EE:E1^JoEts'6)oLEI-eI E l=!rpo.=la o_CLq(E=trd I .= E (nN QJ Ptn P o0tr CL E Jo- (n =F I tro lh :=E'.ct Jth E'ootc =o+, -,tr(otn eqlnOF{rlF{lrll(u) umop/neJg lenplsau pue urnop/t^erg I^+^- "^ -""" ""^ ^ i I I1********" i !i i*i I I"*"I Ii'""i I! t oorl orl oq rlI (.o.j I (O CJI noI N C,I qo ,/ ,/ / ,/ f /I II j I // -P .9 (EE E'co tho .= E o E F E'otnCL(! EJ ocno CJI lnNqoI oNqoI orlqoI LNelodI(u) atueqf, la^al rale1 i I I 8(oqo =.9') LL Oorl orl LNoqo,l ooqo =o =co+.(E Lotilto tio NN aF{o !o IPt^g u0g CL E Jo-(n 3F Itro ttl :=Elt5vt T'ooG,c 3oP tttro.a // ,/.// ,// ,/ Pumping Test Data Sandytown Road Subdivision TWl Date of Test: 16-Nov-20 Static Water Level: 3.21m below top of casing Measuring Point Elevation: 0.84m above grade Pumping Rate: 23Llmin Note: * Recovery shown as ratio t/t' Elapsed Recovery Pumping Water Level Recovery Residual Time (min.)*Elapsed Time Water Level Drawdown Water Level Drawdown (min.)(m btoc)(m)(m btoc)(m) 0 3.2L 0.00 L 3.94 -0.73 2 4.52 -L.3L 3 4.80 -1.s9 4 4.8L -1.60 5 4.85 -1..64 6 4.89 -1.68 7 4.95 -L.74 8 s.06 -1.85 9 5.1.4 -1.93 10 5.20 -1.99 15 5.31_-2.10 20 s.36 -2.!5 30 5.40 -2.t9 60 5.45 -2.24 90 5.47 -2.26 L20 5.49 -2.28 1s0 5.50 -2.29 180 5.51 -2.30 2L0 5.52 -2.3L 240 5.52 -2.3L 300 5.53 -2.32 360 5.53 -2.32 361.0 t 4.62 -L.4L 181.0 2 4.t7 -0.96 121,.0 3 3.90 -0.69 91.0 4 3.7 4 -0.53 73.O 5 3.65 -o.44 61.0 6 3.s8 -o.37 52.4 7 3.54 -0.33 46.O 8 3.s0 -o.29 41..0 9 3.48 -0.27 37.O 10 3.45 -o.24 2s.0 15 3.39 -0.18 19.0 20 3.35 -0.L4 13.0 30 3.32 -0.11 Pumping Test Data Sandytown Road Subdivision TW2 Date of Test: L8-Nov-20 Static Water Level: 5,81m below top of casing Measuring Point Elevation: 0.76m above grade Pumping Rate: 501/min Note: * Recovery shown as ratio t/t' Elapsed Recovery Pumping Water Level Recovery Residual Time (min.)*Elapsed Time Water Level Drawdown Water Level Drawdown (min.) (m btoc)(m)(m btoc)(m) 0 5.81 0.00 L 6.43 -0.62 2 6.6L -0.80 3 6.66 -0.85 4 6.67 -0.86 5 6.68 -0.87 6 6.69 -0.88 7 6.69 -0.88 8 6.70 -0.89 9 6.70 -0.89 10 6.70 -0.89 20 6.71 -0.90 30 6.72 -0.91 60 6.73 -0.92 L20 6.76 -0.95 180 6.78 -o.97 240 6.79 -0.98 300 6.80 -0.99 360 5.80 -0.99 361.0 L 6.12 -0.31 181.0 2 5.96 -0.1s TzL.O 3 5.92 -0.11 91.0 4 5.9 -0.09 73.O 5 5.89 -0.08 61.0 6 s.885 -0.08 52.4 7 5.88 -0.07 46.0 8 5.875 -0.07 41..O 9 5.872s -0.05 37.0 10 5.87 -0.06 19.0 20 5.85 -0.04 Pumping Test Data Sandytown Road Subdivision TW3 Date of Test: 0:S-APr-ZZ Static Water Level: 5.90m below top of casing Measuring Point Elevation: 0.99m above grade Pumping Rate: 231/min Note: * Recovery shown as ratio t/t' Elapsed Recovery Pumping Water Level Recovery Residual Time (min.)*Elapsed Time Water Level Drawdown Water Level Drawdown (min.)(m btoc)(m)(m btoc)(m) 0 s.90 0.00 L 6.70 -0.80 2 6.99 -1.09 3 7.L4 -t.24 4 7.20 -1.30 5 7.24 -1.34 6 7.26 -1.36 7 7.27 -t.37 8 7.28 -1.38 9 7.29 -1.39 10 7.30 -L.40 20 7.32 -L.42 30 7.34 -1.44 60 7.36 -L.46 L20 7.38 -t.48 180 7.40 -1.50 240 7.42 -L.52 300 7.44 -L.54 360 7.44 -1.54 361.0 L 6.66 -o.76 181.0 2 6.37 -0.47 121,.O 3 6.20 -0.30 91.0 4 6.12 -o.22 73.0 5 6.O7 -o.L7 51.0 5 6.05 -0.15 52.4 7 6.03 -0.13 46.0 8 6.O2 -o.L2 4L.O 9 6.02 -0.11 37.O 10 6.01 -0.L1 19.0 20 s.985 -0.09 13.0 30 5.97 -0.07 Observation Well Data During TW1 Pumping Test Sandytown Road Subdivision TWz Water Levels During TWl Pumping Test Elapsed Water Level Water Level Time (min.)(m btoc)Change (m) -1,L 5.795 0.005 62 5.795 0.005 127 5.790 0.01_0 185 5.790 0.01_0 242 5.790 0.01_0 302 5.790 0.010 OWl (8467 Sandytown Road) Water Levels During TW1 Pumping Test Elapsed Water Level Water Level Time (min.)(m btoc)Change (m) -L4 6.050 0.000 67 6.055 -0.00s 130 6.050 0.000 189 6.050 0.000 246 6.055 -0.00s 310 6.0s0 0.000 Observation Well Data During TWz Pumping Test Sandytown Road Subdivision TWl Water Levels During TW2 Pumping Test Elapsed Water Level Water Level Time (min.)(m btoc)Change (m) -2L 3.200 0.000 62 3.200 0.000 !22 3.200 0.000 183 3.200 0.000 243 3.200 0.000 336 3.200 0.000 a) o t-c) (5 = ouoC(o (J E ooqo ooqo oNqoI ooqo ooqo oNeoI q) 0)J Lo (o = (JoP-o E osfq r-(. osfq LN o(oq LN o+o') rf) ostq tn o(oq l.f. Ec)tio-(I, LU E E o E't= O)I N O)N Ncl)rl o LNN ostrn +,tttoF hoc CL E CL(n =F a0E =oIo oJ oPo =T' IEoG, tr =o !,c(Eltl sf F{(n e9 N =o a) oJ t- 0)P(U = ou0c(o U E ooqo ooqo ooqo [noqoI oFIqo I or-tqoI rf) qoI oNqoI LNNeoI rnNqoI oNqoI E c)J t-q) (U = uo -o E osfq LN osfq LN osfq r.r) rf)sfILN ornq LN or-r)I LN rnrf)q rn o(oq rn rJ.)(oq LN tn(oq rn c)(oq rn E G)lio-(o LIJ C t OJ E't= rf)I sf rn N(o Nrl Noo stN o(t1 rnrn(r1 CN rnO)rn anoFb!c CL Er(n =F h0tr oIo oJ oP(u =NNI F{o co IDoF u0c CL E CL(n =F uotr o!o oJ oP(! =N =F RoFqpR.= o,CLFtru0--LJrCL(nE =EHr EE:g PttH '=E€ IHlfrut EE E Ea 5 sE E ? G)J l- c)P(o = ooo !-(o (J E ooqo ooqo ooqo ooqo ooq O ooqo (.., (uJ t-q) (o = (Jo+,-o E oO)n LN oO)r{r; oO)n r-r) ocr)n LN oO) u; oO)nl-(. E G)a^o-(U lrJ Ct q) Etr l.r)c{I sfro cnc\Fl rnoo rnstN ococo E oJ t-oP(U = oboC(o (.) E ooqo ooqo ooqo ooqo ooqo ooqo ? oJ L(uP(U = (Jo+)-o E o(r1nN orr1nc{ oconN o(i1nN ocnnN o(nnN Eq)tho-(o lrJ c c o, E'[ oorl I @ro roNrl oo@ sfN rnco(n SiteLocation: STRAFFORDVILLE Your C.O.c. s: 147146 Attention: Geoff Rether lan D Wilson Associates Ltd PO Box 299 75722 Airport Rd Clinton, ON CANADA NOM 1LO Repon Date:2020/11/23 Report #: R6422099 Version: 1- Final CERTIFICATE OF ANATYSIS BV LABS JOB #: C0U5269 Received : 2O2O I Ll I Ll, 09 :05 Sample Matrix:Water # Samples Received: 1 Analyses Date Date Quantity Extracted Analyzed Laboratory Method Analytical Method Alkalinity Carbonate, Bicarbonate and Hydroxide Chloride by Automated Colourimetry Conductivity Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC) (1) Hardness (calculated as CaCO3) Lab Filtered Metals by ICPMS lon Balance (% Difference) Anion and Cation Sum Total Coliforms/ E. coli, CFU/100m1 TotalAmmonia-N Nitrate (NO3)and Nitrite (NO2) in Water (2) pH Orthophosphate Sat. pH and Langelier lndex (@ 20C) Sat. pH and Langelier lndex (@ 4C) Sulphate by Automated Colourimetry Total Dissolved Solids (TDS calc) 1 N/A 2O20lLLl79 CAM SOP-00448 SM 23 2320 B m 1 N/A 2O20ltLl2O CAM SOp-00102 APHA 4500-CO2 D 1 N/A 2O20lILlL9 CAM SOP-00453 SM 234500-Cl E m 1 N/A zO2OltLlLg CAM SoP-00414 SM 23 2510 m 1 N/A 202OltLlL9 CAM SOP-00445 SM 23 5310 B m 1 N/A zOzOlLuLe CAM SOP SM 2340 B 00Lo2loo4o8/00447 L zO2OlLtlLB zozoltULg CAM SOP-00447 EPA 50208 m 1 N/A 212ol77l2o 1 N/A 2020lLLl2O 1 N/A 2O20ltLlL7 CAM SOP-00ss1 MOE E3407 1 N/A 2o20/Ltl23 cAM SoP-00441 USGS l-2522-90 m 1 N/A zOzOlLLlLg CAM SOP-00440 SM 23 4500-NO31/NO2B L zO2OltIltS 2O2OlLLlLg CAM SOP-00413 SM 4500H+ B m 1 N/A zozolLLlLg CAM SOP-00461 EPA 365.1m 1 N/A 2o21l7u2o 1 N/A 2o2ol77/20 Auto Calc Auto Calc 1 N/A zozol],LlLg CAM SOP-00464 EPA 375.4 m 1 N/A zOzolLLl2O Auto Calc Remarks: Bureau Veritas Laboratories are accredited to ISO/IEC 17025 for specilic parameters on scopes of accreditation. Unless otherwise noted, procedures used by Bv Labs are based upon recotnized Provincial, Federal or US method compendia such as CCME, MELCC, EPA APHA. All work recorded herein has been done in accordance with procedures and practices ordinarily exercised by professionals in BV Labs profession using accepted testing methodologies, quality assurance and quality control procedures (except where otherwise aSreed bythe client ahd BV Labs in writing). All data is in statistical control and has met quality control and method performance criteria unless otherwise noted. All method blanks are reported; unless indicated otherwise, associated sample data are not blank corrected. Where applicable, unless otherwise noted, Measurement Uncertainty has not been accounted forwhen stating conformityto the referenced standard BV Labs liability is limited to the actual cost ofthe requested analyses, unless otherwise agreed in writint. There is no other waranty expressed or implied. Page 1 of 13 Bureau Veritas Laboratories 6740 Campobello Road, Mississauga, Ontario, L5N 218 Tel: (905) 817-5700 Toll-Free: 800-563-5266 Fax: (9051 8L7-5777 www'bvlabs.com Microbiologytesting is conducted at 6660 Carrpobello Rd. Chernistrytesting is conducted at 6740 Campobelio Rd. Site Location: STRAFFORDVILLE Your C,O.C. #: L47L46 Attention : Geoff Rether lan D Wilson Associates Ltd PO Box 299 76722Airport Rd Clinton, ON CANADA NOM 1LO Report Date: 2020/Lll23 Report #: R5422099 Version: 1- Final CERTIFICATE OF ANATYSIS BV LABS JOB #: qlu5259 Received: 2020/1U12 Grr05 BV Labs has been retained to provide analysis ofsamples provided bythe Clieht usingthe testing methodology referenced in this report. lnterpretation and use of test results are the sole responsibility ofthe Client and are not within the scope of services provided by BV Labs, unless otherwise agreed in writing. BV Labs is not responsible forthe accurary orany data impacts, that resultfrom the information provided bythe customer or their agent, Solid sample resultt except biota, are based on dry weight unless otherwise indicated. Organic analyses are not recovery corrected except for isotope dilution methods. Results relate to samples tested. When sampling is not conduded by BV Labs, results relate to the supplied samples tested. This Certilicate shall not be reproduced except in full, withoutthe written approvalofthe lahoratory. Reference Mahod suffix "m" indicatestest methods incorporate va lidated modificatiofls from specific reference methods to improve performance. . RPDS calculated using raw data. The roundlng offlnal results may result ln the apparent dlfference. (1) Dissolved OiEEnlcCarbon (DoC) present in thesample should be considered as non-purgeable DOC, {2) \hlues for calculated paEmete6 may not appearto add up due to roundlng of rEw data and slSnlflcentfiSures. Encryption Key Bureau Veritas Laboratories 23 Nov 2020 16:32:28 Please direct alI questions regarding this Certificate of Analysis to your Project Manager. Ashton Gibson, Project Manager Email: Ashton.Gibson@bvlabs.com Phone# (905)817-5765 This report has been generated and distributed using a secure automated process. BV Labs has procedures in place to guard against improper use ofthe electronic signature and have the required "signatories", as per ISO/IEC 17025, signingthe repor. For Service Group specific va lidation please referto the Validation Signature Page. Total Cover Pages : 2 Page 2 of 13 Bureau Veritas Laboratories 5740 Campobello Road, Mississauga, ontario, L5N 2L8 Tel: (905) 817-5700 Toll-Free: 800-563-6266 Fax: (905l. 8t7-5777 www.bvlabs.com lvlicrobiology testing is conducted at 6660 Canrpobello Rcl. Chemistry testing is condtrcted at 6140 Campobello Rd. ,.:t,., :: ... [. & BV Labs Job #: COU5269 Re p o rt Date : 2020 I Lt I 23 RCAP - COMPREHENSTVE (LAB lan D Wilson Associates Ltd Site Location: STRAFFORDVILLE Sampler lnitials: GR FTLTERED) Calculated Parameters Anion Sum me/L 6.55 N/A 706050s Bicarb. Alkalinity (calc. as CaCO3)melL 1_90 10 7060503 Calculated TDS melL 360 1.0 7060508 Carb. Alkalinity (calc. as CaCO3)melL 76 10 7050503 Cation Sum me/L 6.s8 N/A 7060505 Hardness (CaCO3)mg/L 280 10 7059929 lon Balance (% Difference)o//o 0.210 N/A 7060504 Langelier lndex (@ 20C)N/A 0.677 7060505 Langelier lndex (@ 4C)N/A o.422 7050507 Saturation pH (@ 20C)N/A 7.28 7050505 Saturation pH (@ aC)N/A 7.53 7060507 lnorganics TotalAmmonia-N mglL ND 0.050 7067769 Conductivity umho/cm 640 10 7063003 Dissolved Organic Carbon mglL 0.66 0.40 7063434 Orthophosphate (P)mg/L ND 0 010 7053051 pH pH 7.95 70630L2 Dissolved Sulphate (SO4)melL 45 L0 7053043 Alkalinity (Total as CaCO3)ms/L 190 10 7063009 Dissolved Chloride (Cl-)mglL 58 L0 7053035 Nitrite (N)me/L 0.028 0.010 7053191 Nitrate (N)"7r,EIL 3.55 0.10 7063191 Metals Dissolved Aluminum (Al)UElL 63 49 7063245 Dissolved Antimony (Sb)Ug/L ND 0.s0 7063245 Dissolved Arsenic (As)uglL ND 1.0 7063245 Dissolved Barium (Ba)uelL 44 2.0 7053245 Dissolved Beryllium (Be)UEIL ND 0.40 7053245 Dissolved Boron (B)UgIL 22 10 7063245 Dissolved Cadmium (Cd)UgIL ND 0.090 7063245 Dissolved Calcium (Ca)UElL 75000 200 7063245 Dissolved Chromium (Cr)Ug/L ND 5.0 7063245 Dissolved Cobalt (Co)UEIL ND 0.50 7063245 RDL = Reportable Detection Limit QC Batch = Quality Control Batch N/A = Not Applicable ND = Not detected Page 3 of 13 Bureau Veritas Laboratories 6740 Campobello Road, Mississauga, Ontario, L5N 218 Tel: (905) 817-5700 Toll-Free: 800-563 -5266 Fax: (9051 877-5777 www.bvlabs.com Microbiology testinB is conclucted at 6660 Campobello ltcl. Chemistry testing is conducted at 6740 Camtrrobello Rd. BV Labs lD oEL887 2o2oltuL6 15:10 COC Number L47L46 UNITS TW1 RDL QC Batch BV Labs Job #: C0U5259 lan D Wilson Associates Ltd Report Date:20201LL/23 Site l-ocation: STRAFFORDVTLLE Sampler lnitials: GR RCAP - COMPREHENSTVE (LAB FTTTERED) oEL887 2020lLuL6 15:10 COC Number 147L46 UNlTS TW1 RDL QC Batch Dissolved Copper (Cu)UE/L ND 0.90 7063245 Dissolved lron (Fe)us/L ND 100 7053245 Dissolved Lead (Pb)uglL ND 0.50 7063245 Dissolved Magnesium (Mg)UgIL 20000 50 7063245 Dissolved Manganese (Mn)UEIL 32 20 7063245 Dissolved Molybdenum (Mo)UEIL o.78 0.50 7063245 Dissolved Nickel (Ni)uelL 13 10 7063245 Dissolved Phosphorus (P)UEIL ND 100 7063245 Dissolved Potassium (K)uelL 1000 200 7063245 Dissolved Selenium (Se)UgIL ND 20 7063245 Dissolved Silicon (Si)UEIL 4300 50 7053245 Dissolved Silver (Ag)UgIL ND 0.090 7063245 Dissolved Sodium (Na)uelL 24000 100 7063245 Dissolved Strontium (Sr)UgIL 200 1.0 7063245 Dissolved Thallium (Tl)UgIL ND 0.050 7063245 Dissolved Titanium (Ti)uslL ND 5.0 7063245 Dissolved Uranium (U)uslL 4.5 0.10 7063245 Dissolved Vanadium (V)UgIL ND 0.50 7063245 Dissolved Tinc (Zn)uglL ND 50 7063245 RDL = Reportable Detection Limit QC Batch = Quality Control Batch ND = Not detected Page 4 of 13 Bureau Veritas Laboratories 5740 Campobello Road, Mississauga, Ontario, L5N 218 Tel: (905) 817-5700 Toll-Free: 800-563-5266 Fax: (9051 877-5777 www.bvlabs.com Microbiology testing i,s contlucted at ti660 Campobello Bcl. [.henristry testing is conducted 'irt 6'140 Carnpobello Rcl. BV Labs lD BV Labs Job #: C0U5269 lan D Wilson Associates Ltd Report Date:2020/Ltl23 Site Location: STRAFFORDVILLE Sampler lnitials: GR MrcRoBroLoGY (WATER) oEL887 2020/LLlt5 15:10 L47!45 UNITS TW1 QC Batch Microbiologica! Background CFU/100m1 210 7067740 Iotal Coliforms CFU/100m1 0 7067740 scherichia coli CFU/100m1 0 7067740 QC Batch = Quality Control Batch Page 5 of 13 Bureau Veritas Laboratories 6740 Campobello Road, Mississauga, Ontario, L5N 2L8 Tel: (905) 817-5700 Toll-Free: 800-563-6266 Fax: l905l 817-5777 www.bvlabs.com Microbiology testing i-s concJucted at 6660 Campobello llcl. Chemistry testirrg ir conducted at 6740 Campobello Rd. BV Labs Job #: C0U5259 Report Date: 2020 I Ll I 23 BV Labs !D: OEL887 Sample lD: TW1 Matrix: Water Test Description lan D Wilson Associates Ltd Site Location: STRAFFORDVILLE Sampler lnitials: GR TEST SUMMARY lnstrumentation Batch Extracted Collected: 2O2OltULG Shipped: Received: 20201771L7 Date Analyzed Analyst Alkalinity AT 7053009 N/A 2020177179 Surinder Rai Carbonate, Bicarbonate and Hydroxide CALC 7060503 N/A 2020177120 Automated Statchk Chloride by Automated Colourimetry KONE 7063036 N/A 2020h1179 Alina Dobreanu Conductivity AT 7063003 N/A 2020177179 Surlnder Rai Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC)TOCV/ND|R 7063434 N/A 2020177179 Nimarta Singh Hardness (calculated as CaCO3)7059929 N/A 2020177179 Automated Statchk Lab Filtered Metals by ICPMS rcP/Ms 7o6324s 2o2olTtlt9 2o2ol11lt9 Nan Raykha lon Balance (% Difference)CALC 7060504 N/A 2o2ol77l2o Automated Statchk Anion and Cation Sum CALC 7060505 N/A 2O2O/7712O Automated Statchk Total Coliforms/ E. coli, CFU/100m1 PL 7067740 N/A 2020177177 Tasbir Singh Total Ammonia-N LACH/NH4 7067769 N/A 2O2O/7u23 Amanpreet Sappal Nitrate (NO3)and Nitrite (NO2) in Water LACH 7063191 N/A 2O2O|7U79 Chandra Nandlal pH AT 7063072 2O2Ol77/78 2020/7711.9 Surinder Rai Orthophosphate KONE 7063051 N/A 2020/77179 Alina Dobreanu Sat. pH and Langelier lndex (@ 20C)CALC 7060506 N/A 2O2O/7712O Automated Statchk Sat. pH and Langelier lndex (@ 4C)CALC 7060507 N/A 2o2o/1.7/2o Automated Statchk Sulphate by Automated Colourimetry KONE 7063043 N/A 2020177/79 Deonarine Ramnarine Total Dissolved Solids (TDS calc)CALC 7060508 N/A 2020177120 Automated Statchk BV Labs lD: OEL887 Dup Sample lD: TW1Matrix: Water Collected: 2020l77ltG Shipped: Received: 2020ltLlL7 Page 6 of 13 Bureau Veritas Laboratories 6740 Campobello Road, Mississauga, Ontario, L5N 218 Tel: (905) 817-5700 Toll-Free: 800-563-6266Fax: (905) 817-5777 www.bvlabs.com Microhiology testing is conrlucted at 6560 Campobello licl {.hertlltry testing ir cnnclucted at6'}40 Campobello Rd BV Labs Job #: C0U5269 lan D Wilson Associates Ltd Report Date:2020/7L123 Site Location: STRAFFORDVILLE Sampler lnitials: GR GENERAL COMMENTS Results relate only to the items tested. Page 7 of 13 Bureau Veritas Laboratories 5740 Campobello Road, Mississauga, Ontario, L5N 218 Tel: (905) 817-5700 Toll-Free: 800-563 -6266 Fax: l915l 8t7-5777 www.bvlabs.com Mimobiology testing is conducted at 6660 Campobello Rd Chemistry testing is conducted at 6T40 Car.npobello Rd. BV Labs Job #: C0U5259 lan D Wilson Associates Ltd Report Date:20201Lt/23 Site Location: STRAFFORDVTLLE Sampler lnitials: GR QUALIW ASSU RANCE REPORT Page 8 of 13 Eureau Veritas Laboratories 6740 Campobello Road, Mississauga, Ontario, L5N 218 Tel: (905) 817-5700 Toll-Free: 800-563-6266 Fax: (905) 817-5777 www.bvlabs.com Microbiology testing is conducted at 6660 Campobello tlcl. fhemistry testing is conclucted at 6740 Campobello Rd. QA/QCBatch lnit 7063003 SAU 7063003 SAU 7063003 SAU 7063009 SAU 7063009 SAU 7063009 SAU 7063072 SAU 7063072 SAU 7063036 ADB 7063036 ADB 7063036 ADB 7063036 ADB 7063043 DRM 7063043 DRM 7063043 DRM 7063043 DRM 7063051 ADB 7063051 ADB 7063051 ADB 7063051 ADB 7063191 C N 7063191 C N 1063191. C N 7063797 C N 1063245 N R QC Spiked Blank Method Blank RPD Splked Blank Method Blank RPD Spiked Blank RPD Matrix Spike Spiked Blank Method Blank RPD Matrix Spike Spiked Blank Method Blank RPD Matrix Spike Spiked Blank Method Blank RPD Matrix Spike Spiked Blank Method Blank RPD Matrix Spike Date Ana 2020ltLlte 2O2Ol7Ll19 2O2Oltut9 2o2olLuLs 2O2OlLt/ts 2o2O/ttlts 2O2O/tLl19 2O2Oltllt9 2O2O/7L179 2O2Olttl79 2O2Olttl7s 2O2O177179 2O2O/tute 2O2Olttlts 20201!L/ls 2O2O/l1-lts 2O2OltLl79 2O2O/tLlt9 2O2O/tute 2O2O/tLlLe 2O2O/7L179 2O2O/7L119 2O2O/ttl!e 2O2Olttl79 2O2Ol71.l7s 2O2Olttlte 2O2Olttlt9 2O2O/Ltl7s 2O2O/tLlts 2O2O/LuL9 2O2OlLuLs 2O2O/7Lh9 2O2Ollllt9 2O2O/ttlt9 2O2Olttlts 2O2O/Lu79 2O2O/tute 2O2Oltut9 2O2O/tLlt9 2O2OlLLl79 2O2OlLu79 2O2O177179 2O2OlL7lL9 2O2OlttlL9 2o2olttltg ND, RDL=1.0 0 ND, RDL=1.0 1.5 1.8 ND, RDL=1.0 2.8 ND, RDL=1.0 o.73 ND, RDL=0.010 NC Value ND, RDL=0.010 ND, RDL=0.10 3,5 0.44 UNITS QC Limits %20 %20 % 80-120 % 80-120 % 80-120 % 80-L20 % 80-120 % 80-120 % 80-120 % 80-120 % 80-120 % 80-120 % 80-120 % 80-120 % 80-120 % 80-120 % 80-120 % 80-120 % 80-120 Para meter Conductivity Conductivity Conductivity Alkalinity (Total as CaCO3) Alkalinity (Total as CaCO3) Alkalinity (Total as CaCO3) pH pH Dissolved Chloride (Cl-) Dissolved Chloride (Cl-) Dissolved Chloride (Cl-) Dissolved Chloride (Cl-) Dissolved Sulphate (SO4) Dissolved Sulphate (SO4) Dissolved Sulphate (SO4) Dissolved Sulphate (SO4) Orthophosphate (P) Orthophosphate (P) Orthophosphate (P) Orthophosphate (P) Nitrite (N) Nitrate (N) Nitrite (N) Nitrate (N) Nitrite (N) Nitrate (N) Nitrite (N) Nitrate (N) Dissolved Aluminum (Al) Dissolved Antimony (Sb) Dissolved Arsenic (As) Dissolved Barium (Ba) Dissolved Beryllium (Be) Dissolved Boron (B) Dissolved Cadmium (Cd) Dissolved Calcium (Ca) Dissolved Chromium (Cr) Dissolved Cobalt (Co) Dissolved Copper (Cu) Dissolved lron (Fe) Dissolved Lead (Pb) Dissolved Magnesium (Mg) Dissolved Manganese (Mn) Dissolved Molybdenum (Mo) Dissolved Nickel (Ni) LO4 % 85-115 umho/cm %25 97 % 85-115 mglL %20 101 % 98-103 % N/A NC % 80-120 702 % 80-120 m'E/L %20 NC % 75-725 to2 % 80-120 m8/L %20 LL4 % 75-125 101 % 80-120 mglL %25 103 % 80-120 85 % 80-120 103 % 80-r.20 97 % 80-120 .r'E/L "r'E/L 105 105 98 99 103 100 101 NC 98 96 101 97 96 NC 100 to4 94 BV Labs Job #: C0U5259 lan D Wilson Associates Ltd Report Date:ZO2OlLUz3 Site Location: STRAFFORDVTLLE Sampler lnitials: GR QUAUW ASSU RANCE REPORT(CONT'D) Page 9 of 13 Bureau Veritas Laboratories 6740 Campobello Road, Mississauga, Ontario, L5N 218 Tel: (905) 817-5700 Toll-Free: 800-563-6266 Fax: l915l 877-5777 www.bvlabs.com Microbiology testing i.s concJucted at 6fj60 Campobello llcJ. Chenristry testing is conclucted at 6740 Campobeilo Rd. AA/AC Batch lnit QC Pa rameter Dissolved Phosphorus (P) Dissolved Potassium (K) Dissolved Selenium (Se) Dissolved Silicon (Si) Dissolved Silver (Ag) Dissolved Sodium (Na) Dissolved Strontium (Sr) Dissolved Thallium (Tl) Dissolved Titanium (Ti) Dissolved Uranium (U) Dissolved Vanadium (V) Dissolved Zinc (Zn) Dissolved Aluminum (Al ) Dissolved Antimony (Sb) Dissolved Arsenic (As) Dissolved Barium (Ba) Dissolved Beryllium (Be) Dissolved Boron (B) Dissolved Cadmium (Cd) Dissolved Calcium (Ca) Dissolved Chromium (Cr) Dissolved Cobalt (Co) Dissolved Copper (Cu) Dissolved lron (Fe) Dissolved Lead (Pb) Dissolved Magnesium (Mg) Dissolved Manganese (Mn) Dissolved Molybdenum (Mo) Dissolved Nickel (Ni) Dissolved Phosphorus (P) Dissolved Potassium (K) Dissolved Selenium (Se) Dissolved Silicon (Si) Dissolved Silver (Ag) Dissolved Sodium (Na) Dissolved Strontium (Sr) Dissolved Thallium (Tl) Dissolved Titanium (Ti) Dissolved Uranium (U) Dissolved Vanadium (V) Dissolved Zinc (Znl Dissolved Aluminum (Al) Dissolved Antimony (Sb) Dissolved Arsenic (As) Dissolved Barium (Ba) Dissolved Beryllium (Be) Date An Value Recovery UNITS QC Limits 7063245 N_R Spiked Blank 2020/tut9 202OlLut9 202OltuL9 2O2O/t7179 20201L7h9 2O2OltuL9 2O2O/LuLs 2O2OlLuLe 2O2O/LLlLs 2O2O/LuLs 2o2o/LuLs 2O2O/LtlLs 2O2O/Ltlts 2O2O/tut9 2O2OhLl7s 2020177179 2O2Ol7u79 2O2Ol7u79 2O2Ol7u79 2O2Oltu7s 2O2OlttlTe 2O2Ol7u!9 2O2OlttlLg 2O2Oltu7e 2O2Olttlt9 2O2O/71179 2O2OlLtl79 202017L179 2O2OlLLl79 2O2Olttltg 2O2OlLtl7s 2O2OlLtl79 2O2OlLu7e 2020lttlt9 2O2O/Lu7s 2O2OlL7/79 2O2OlL7lt9 2O2O/Lu7s 2O2O/tut9 2O2O/7u19 2O2OlLtlt9 2O2OlLtlt9 2O2OlL7l79 2O2O/LuLs 2O2OlLt/t9 2O2OltLl79 707 % 104 % 99% 106 % 99% 100 % 97% 98% 99% 97% 101 % 97% 105 % 702 % 99% 103 % 103 % 98% 100 % 103 % 99% 99% 101 % 99% 98% 103 % 101 % 100 % 9s% 128 (1) % 105 % 98% 704 % 99% 102 % 97% 99% 98% 98% 100 % 98% uglL 80 - 120 80 - 120 80 - 120 80 - 120 80 - 120 80 - 120 80 - 120 80 - 120 80 - 120 80 - 120 80 - 120 80 - 120 80 - 120 80 - 120 80 - 120 80 - 120 80 - 120 80 - 120 80 - 120 80 - 120 80 - 120 80 - 120 80 - 120 80 - 120 80 - 120 80 - 120 80 - 120 80 - 120 80 - 120 80 - 120 80 - 120 80 - 120 80 - 120 80 - 120 80 - 120 80 - 120 80 - 120 80 - 120 80 - 120 80 - 120 80 - 120 7063245 N R Method Blank ND, RDL=4.9 ND, RDL=0.50 ND, RDL=1.0 ND, RDL=2.0 ND, RDL=0.40 u8/L u8/r UCIL uglL BV Labs Job #: C0U5259 lan D Wilson Associates Ltd Report Datei2020lLll23 Site Location: STRAFFORDVILLE Sampler lnitials: GR quALrrY Assu RANCE REPORT(CONT' D) Page 10 of 13 Bureau Veritas Laboratories 6740 Campobello Road, Mississauga, ontario, L5N 218 Tel: (905) 817-5700 Toll-Free: 800-563-6255 Fax: l9o5l 8t7-5777 www.bvlabs.com Microbiolo6y testing is c*:nclucted at 666U Campobello lid. Chenristry testirrg is conclucted at 6740 Campobeilo Rcl. QA/QCBatch lnit QC 7063245 N R RPD 2O2O/Luts ND, RDL=10 2o2o/ttltg ND, RDL=0.090 20201L1,1L9 ND, RDL=200 2O2O/t1.lL9 ND, RDL=5,0 2O2OltL/79 ND, RDL=0.50 2020/17/79 ND, RDL=0.90 2O2O/7u79 ND, RDL=100 2O2O/1u79 ND, RDL=0.50 2O2O/1u79 ND, RDL=50 2O2O/7vL9 ND, RDL=2.0 2O2OlLtlLg ND, RDL=0.50 2o2olt7l19 ND, RDL=1.0 2O2O/LUL9 ND, RDL=100 2O2Oh7/t9 ND, RDL=200 2020171.179 ND, RDL=2.0 zo21hLlls ND, RDL=50 2O2O/7L/I9 ND, RDL=0.090 2020/77/79 ND, RDL=L00 2O2O/7u7s ND, RDL=1,0 2O2O/tLl7e ND, RDL=0.050 2O2OlLu79 ND, RDL=5.0 2O2OlL1.l19 ND, RDL=0.10 2o2olLute ND, RDL=0.50 2O2Ol7Ll79 ND, RDL=5.0 2o2o/t7lt9 NC 2O2Ol77/7e NC2O2O/L7179 7.1 2O2Oh7/7s 1.9 2020ll7he NC UNITS QC Limits UEIL UglL UEIL UEIL UElL UCIL uglL UgIL UElL UElL UBIL UglL UEIL UEIL UEIL u8/L ug/L U8/L UEIL UElL u9lL UBIL UEIL UElL %20 %20 %20 %20 %20 Parameter Dissolved Boron (B) Dissolved Cadmium (Cd) Dissolved Calcium (Ca) Dissolved Chromium (Cr) Dissolved Cobalt (Co) Dissolved Copper (Cu) Dissolved lron (Fe) Dissolved Lead (Pb) Dissolved Magnesium (Mg) Dissolved Manganese (Mn) Dissolved Molybdenum (Mo) Dissolved Nickel (Ni) Dissolved Phosphorus (P) Dissolved Potassium (K) Dissolved Selenium (Se) Dissolved Silicon (Si) Dissolved Silver (Ag) Dissolved Sodium (Na) Dissolved Strontium (Sr) Dissolved Thallium (Tl) Dissolved Titanium (Ti) Dissolved Uranium (U) Dissolved Vanadium (V) Dissolved Zinc (Zn) Dissolved Aluminum (Al) Dissolved Antimony (Sb) Dissolved Arsenic (As) Dissolved Barium (Ba) Dissolved Beryllium (Be) Date Analvzed Value BV Labs Job #: C0U5259 lan D Wilson Associates Ltd Report Date:20201L1,/23 Site Location: STRAFFORDVTLLE Sampler lnitials: GR QUALTTY ASSU RANCE REPORT(CONT'D) aA/acBatch lnit QC 7063434 NS3 Matrix Spike 7063434 NS3 Spiked Blank 7063434 NS3 Method Blank Parameter Dissolved Boron (B) Dissolved Cadmium (Cd) Dissolved Calcium (Ca) Dissolved Chromium (Cr) Dissolved Cobalt (Co) Dissolved Copper (Cu) Dissolved lron (Fe) Dissolved Lead (Pb) Dissolved Magnesium (Mg) Dissolved Manganese (Mn) Dissolved Molybdenum (Mo) Dissolved Nickel (Ni) Dissolved Phosphorus (P) Dissolved Potassium (K) Dissolved Selenium (Se) Dissolved Silicon (Si) Dissolved Silver (Ag) Dissolved Sodium (Na) Dissolved Strontium (Sr) Dissolved Thallium (Tl) Dissolved Titanium (Ti) Dissolved Uranium (U) Dissolved Vanadium (V) Dissolved Zinc (Zn) Dissolved Organic Carbon Dissolved Organic Carbon Dissolved Organic Carbon Date 2O2O/ttl!s 2O2OltL/19 2O2O/7u79 2O2O/7Lhs 2020lLu19 2O2OlttlLe 2O2OlttlLs 2020ltLlt9 2O2O/ltlt9 2O2O/lLlle 2O2Oltllts 2O2O/7u7e 2O2Olttl79 2O2O/7u79 2O2OlLLl79 2O2O/tLl7e 2O2O/7L119 2O2O/tut9 2O2O/ttlL9 2O2OlLut9 2O2Olrut9 2O2OlLULs 2O2O/17179 2O2O/tu7s 2O2OlLute 2O2O/ttl7e 2O2Ol!ule 2O2Ol7u79 2O2Ol7u23 2O2O/77123 2020lttl23 2O2O/7t123 Value 0.27 NC 2.9 NC NC NC NC NC 7.7 1.6 8.8 1..7 4.6 2.6 NC 1.5 NC o.76 0.82 NC NC 7.2 NC NC ND, RDL=0.40 4.7 ND, RDL=0.050 NC o//o 103 % 101 % MElL UNITS QC Limits %20 %20 %20 %20 %20 %20 %20 %20 %20 %20 %20 %20 %20 %20 %20 %20 %20 %20 %20 %20 %20 %20 %20 %20 95 % 80-120 100 % 80-120 r:'EIL 7063434 NS3 RPD Dissolved Organic Carbon 7067769 ASP Matrix Spike [OEL887-02] TotalAmmonia-N 7067769 ASP Spiked Blank TotalAmmonia-N 7067769 ASP Method Blank TotalAmmonia-N 7067769 ASP RPD [OEL887-02]TotalAmmonia-N o//o 20 75 - 725 80 - 120 20 N/A = Not Applicable Duplicate: Paired analysis of a separate portion ofthe same sample. Used to evaluatethe variance ih the measurement. Matrix Spike: A sam ple to which a known a mou nt of th e an a lyte of interest has been added. lJ sed to evaluate sa mple matrix interference. Spiked Blank: A blank matrix sampleto which a known amount ofthe analyte, usually from a second source, has been added. lJsed to evaluate method accuracy. Method Blank: A blank matrix containing all reagents used in the analytical procedure. lJsed to identifv laboratory contamination. NC (MatrixSpike): The reaovery in the matrix spike was not calculated. The relative difference between the concentration in the parent sample and the spike amount wastoo smallto permit a reliable recovery calculation (matrixspike concentration was lessthan the native sample concentration) NC (Dupliaate RPD): The duplicate RPD was notcalculated. The concentration in the sample and/or duplicate was too lowto permit a reliable RPD calculation (absolute difference <= 2x RDL). (1) Recovery or RPD forthis parameter is outside control limits. The overall quality controlforthis analysis meets acceptability criteria. Page 11 of 13 Bureau Veritas Laboratories 6740 Campobello Road, Mississauga, Ontario, L5N 218 Tel: (905) 817-5700 Toll-Free: 800-563-6265 Fax: (905], 877-5777 www.bvlabs.com Microbiology testing i.s conducted at 6660 Campobeiio llcl. Chenristry testing is corrducted al6}40 Campobello Rd. BV Labs Job #: C0U5269 Re po rt Date: 2O2O / Ll I 23 lan D Wilson Associates Ltd Site Location: STRAFFORDVILLE Sampler lnitials: GR VALIDATION SIGNATURE PAGE The analytical data and all QC contained in this report were reviewed and validated bythe following individual(s). Ewa Pranjic, M.Sc.,m, Scientific Specialist #**\ tru&bt Tasbir Singh, Lab Technician Bv Labs has procedures in place to guard against improper use of the electronic signature and have the required "signatories", as per ISO/IEC 17025, signing the reports. For Service Group specificvalidation please refer to the Validation Signature Page. Page 12 of 13 Bureau Veritas Laboratories 6740 Campobello Road, Mississauga, ontario, L5N 218 Tel: (905) 817-5700 Toll-Free: 800-563-6256 Fax: (905l,877-5777 www.bvlabs.com Microbioiogy testing is conclucted at 6660 Campobelto tlcl. Chenristry testing is conrlucted at 6740 Campobello Rd. SiteLocation: STRAFFORDVILLE Your C.O.C. #r na Attention: Geoff Rether lan D Wilson Associates Ltd PO Box 299 75722 Airport Rd Clinton, ON CANADA NOM 1LO Report Date: 2020/1U25 Report #: R5424991 Version:1- Final CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS BV LABS JOB #: C0U8094 Received : 2O2O I LL I L9, 09 =02 Sample Matrix:Water # Samples Received: 1 Analyses Date Date Quantity Extracted Analyzed Laboratory Method Analytical Method Alkalinity Carbonate, Bicarbonate and Hydroxide Chloride by Automated Colourimetry Conductivity Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC) (1) Hardness (calculated as CaCO3) Lab Filtered Metals by ICPMS lon Balance (% Difference) Anion and Cation Sum Total Coliforms/ E. coli, CFU/100m1 TotalAmmonia-N Nitrate (N03) and Nitrite (NO2) in Water (2) pH Orthophosphate Sat. pH and Langelier lndex (@ 20C) Sat. pH and Langelier lndex (@ 4C) Sulphate by Automated Colourimetry Total Dissolved Solids (TDS calc) 1 N/A 20201LL120 CAM sOP-00448 SM 23 2320 B m 1 N/A 202O17L123 CAM SOP-00102 APHA 4s00-CO2 D 1 N/A 2020177/24 CAM SOP-00453 SM 23 4500-Cl E m 1 N/A 202ol7u2o CAM SOP-00414 SM 23 2510 m 1 N/A 20201tU23 cAM soP-00445 SM 23 5310 B m 1 N/A 2\20ltu2s CAM SOP SM 2340 B o0L02100408100447 7 2O2OltU24 202OltU25 CAM SOP-00447 EPA 50208 m 1 N/A 202oltu2s 1 N/A 2o2ol7u2s 1 N/A zozoltuLg CAM Sop-00ss1 MOE E3407 1 N/A 202OltU25 CAM SOP-00441 USGS l-2s22-90 m 1 N/A 202017u23 CAM SOp-00440 SM 23 4500-NO3|/NO2B L 2O2OlL7l20 2O2O/7U2O CAM SOP-00413 SM 4500H+ B m 1 N/A 202oltu23 cAM soP-00451 EPA 355.1m 1 N/A 2021l7u2s 1 N/A zlzllLuzs Auto Calc Auto Calc 1 N/A 2l20ltll24 CAM SoP-00464 EPA 375.4 m 1 N/A 2O20lLLl2s Auto Calc Remarksi Bureau Veritas Laboratories are accredited to ISO/IEC 1.7025 for specific parameters on scopes of accreditation. Unless othe.wise noted, procedures used by BV Labs are based upon recoghized Provincial, Federal or LJS method compendia such as CCME, MELCC, EPA APHA. All work recorded herein has been done in accordance with procedures and pradices ordinarily exercised by professionals ih BV Labs profession using accepted testint methodologies, quality assurance and quality control procedures (except where otherwise agreed by the client and BV Labs in writing). All data is in statistical control and has met quality control and method performance criteria unless otherwise noted. All method blank are reported; unless indicated otherwise, associated sample data are not blank corrected. Where applicable, unless otherwlse noted, Measurement Uncertainty has not been accounted forwhen statlng conformity to the referenced standard. BV Labs liability is limited to the adual cost ofthe requested analyses, unless otherwise atreed in writint. There is no other warranty expressed or implied. Page 1 of 13 Bureau Veritas Laboratories 5740 Campobello Road, Mississauga, Ontario, L5N 218 Tel: (905) 817-5700 Toll-Free: 800-553-6256 Fax: l905l 877-5777 www.bvlabs.com Microbiology testing is conclucted at 6660 Canrpobello Rd. Chernistry testing is conducted at 674A Campobelio Rd. Site Location: STRAFFORDVILLE Your C.O.C. #: na Attention: Geoff Rether lan D Wilson Associates Ltd PO Box 299 76722 Airport Rd Clinton, ON CANADA NOM 1LO Report Date:2O2OltU25 Report #: R6424991 Version: 1- Final CERTIFICATE OF ANATYSIS BV LABS JOB #: q)U8094 Received: 2o:10/1U19, Gl:02 Bv Labs has been retained to provide analysis ofsamples provided bythe Client usingthe testing methodology referenced in this report. lnterpretation and use of test results are the sole responsibillty ofthe Client and are not within the scope of services provided by 8V Labs, unless otherwise agreed in writing. BV Labs is not responsible forthe accuracy or any data impads, that result from the information provided by the.ustomer or their agent. Solid sample results, except biota, are based on dry weight unless otherwise indicated, Organk analyses are not recovery corrected except for isotope dilution methods. Results relate to samples tested. When sampling is not conducted by BV Labs, results relate to the supplied samples tested. This Certificate shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval ofthe laboratory. Reference Method suffx "m" indicates test methods incorporate validated modifications from specific reference methods to improve performance. t RPDS calculated using raw data. The rounding offinalresults may result in the apparent difference. (1)Dissolved organic carbon (Doc)present in the sampleshould be considered as non-purgeable Doc. (2) Va lues for caicu lated paftmetec may not appear to add up due to rouDding of raw data and sign ificant figu res. Encryption Key Bureau Verigas l,aboratorjes 25 Nov 2C20 17:15:39 Please direct all questions regarding this Certlficate of Analysis to your Project Manager. Ashton Gibson, Project Manager Email : Ashton.Gibson@bvlabs.com Phone# (905)817-5765 This report has been generated and distributed usinS asecuro automated process. BV Labs has procedures in place to guard against improper use ofthe electronic signature and have the requked "signatories", as per l5o/lEC 17025, siSning the reports. For Service Group specific va lidation please refer to the Validation Signature Page. .Total Cover Pages :2 Page 2 of 13 Bureau Veritas Laboratories 6740 Campobello Road, MiSsissauga, ontariD, fsN'zls fet:'1sos) 817-5700 Toll-Free: 800-563-6266 Fax (905) a77-5777 www.bvlabs.com Microbiology te5ting i5 conducted at 6660 {-'arnpobello Rcl, Chemistry testing is conductecl at 6t4O Campobello Rd. BV Labs Job #: CoU8094 lan D Wilson Associates Ltd Report Date:2020/LLl25 , Site Location: STRAFFORDVILLE" Sampler lnitials: GR RCAP - COMPREHENSTVE (LAB FTLTERED) oFB543 2O2o/t7178 15:40 na UNITS TW2 RDL QC Batch Page 3 of 13 Bureau Veritas Laboratories 6740 Campobello Road, Mississauga, Ontario, L5N 218 T'el: (905) 817-5700 Toll-Free: 800-553 -6266 Fax: (905\ 877-5777 www.bvlabs.com Microhiology testing i-s conducted at 666U Campohello ttd. lhenristry testir.rg is conducted at 674{} Camlrobello Rd. Calculated Parameters Anion Sum me/t 8.9s N/A 7065687 Bicarb. Alkalinity (calc. as CaCO3)melL 280 10 7065254 Calculated TDS mglt 500 10 7064857 Carb. Alkalinity (calc. as CaCO3)mglL 23 1.0 7065254 Cation Sum me/L 8.92 N/A 7065687 Hardness (CaCO3)mglL 290 1.0 7054858 lon Balance (% Difference)o//o 0.220 N/A 7065585 Langelier lndex (@ 20C)N/A 0.881 7055588 Langelier lndex (@ 4C)N/A 0.533 706s589 Saturation pH (@ 20C)N/A 7.05 7065588 Saturation pH (@ C)N/A 7.30 7065689 lnorganics fotalAmmonia-N mg/L ND 0.050 707L623 Conductivity umho/cm 890 10 7067905 Dissolved Organic Carbon mglL o.74 0.40 706931.4 Orthophosphate (P)mg/L ND 0.010 7068113 pH pH 7.94 7067907 Dissolved Sulphate (SO4)melL 74 10 7068110 Alkalinity (Total as CaCO3)melL 280 10 7067898 Dissolved Chloride (Cl-)mg/L 93 10 7058098 Nitrite (N)mslL ND 0.010 7068047 Nitrate (N)mglL 5.72 0.10 7068047 Metals Dissolved Aluminum (Al)UElL ND 4.9 7071278 Dissolved Antimony (Sb)uelL ND 0.50 7011278 Dissolved Arsenic (As)ug/L ND 10 707L278 Dissolved Barium (Ba)UE/L 32 20 7071,218 Dissolved Beryllium (Be)uglL ND 0.40 707t278 Dissolved Boron (B)uelL 26 10 7077278 Dissolved Cadmium (Cd)uelL ND 0.090 7077278 Dissolved Calcium (Ca)UElL 91000 200 707L218 Dissolved Chromium (Cr)UglL ND 50 707L278 Dissolved Cobalt (Co)UEIL ND 0.50 7077278 RDL = Reportable Detection Limit QC Batch = Quality Control Batch N/A = Not Applicable ND = Not detected BV Labs ID BV Labs Job #: COU8O94 lan D Wilson Associates Ltd Report Date:20201LL125 Site Location: STRAFFORDVILLE Sampler lnitials: GR RCAP - COMPREHENSTVE (LAB FILTERED) oFB643 2020lttlL8 15:40 na UNITS TW2 RDL QC Batch Page 4 of 13 Bureau Veritas Laboratories 6740 Campobello Road, Mississauga, ontario, L5N 218 Tel: (905) 817-5700 Toll-Free: 800-563-5256 Fax: ('905l'877-5777 www.bvlabs.com Microbiotogy testing i,s conclucted at 6660 Campobello llcl. {.henristry testing !$ conclucted at6'140 Carnpobello Rcl. Dissolved Copper (Cu)uelL ND 0.90 7071278 Dissolved lron (Fe)uglt ND 100 707L278 Dissolved Lead (Pb)UgIL ND 0.50 707L278 Dissolved Magnesium (Mg)UElL 14000 50 7077278 Dissolved Manganese (Mn)UEIL 32 20 707L278 Dissolved Molybdenum (Mo)uelL ND 0.50 707t218 Dissolved Nickel (Ni)uslL ND 10 7077278 Dissolved Phosphorus (P)UgIL ND 100 707L278 Dissolved Potassium (K)UglL 4600 200 707r278 Dissolved Selenium (Se)UglL ND 20 707L278 Dissolved Silicon (Si)uslL 5100 50 7071278 Dissolved Silver (Ag)UEIL ND 0.090 7077278 Dissolved Sodium (Na)uelL 70000 100 707L278 Dissolved Strontium (Sr)uslL 200 10 707t278 Dissolved Thallium (Tl)UgIL ND 0.050 707L278 Dissolved Titanium (Ti)UglL ND 50 7077278 Dissolved Uranium (U)UElL 0.18 0.10 707L278 Dissolved Vanadium (V)Ug/L ND 0.50 707L278 Dissolved Zinc {Zn)UElL ND 50 707]-278 RDL ='Reportabfe Detection Limit QC Batch = Quality Control Batch ND = Not detected BV Labs lD BV Labs Job #: C0U8094 lan D Wilson Associates Ltd Report Date:ZOAohtlzs Site Location: STRAFFORDVILLE Sampler lnitials: GR MrcRoBtoLoGY (WATER) oFB543 2o2olLLl18 15:40 na UNITS TW2 QC Batch Microbiological Background CFU/100m1 2 7066542 Total Coliforms CFU/100m1 0 7066542 Escherichia coli CFU/100m1 0 7066542 QC Batch = Quality Control Batch Page 5 of 13 Bureau Veritas Laboratories G740 Campobello Road, Mississauga, ontario, L5N 2L8Tel: (905) 817-57ooToll-Free:800-563-6266Fax:19051877-5777www.bvlabs.com Microbiology testing i-s conducted at 6660 Campobello licl. Chenristry testing is conducted at 6740 Cornpohello Rd. BV Labs lD BV Labs Job #: C0U8094 lan D Wilson Associates Ltd Report Date:2020/ttl25 Site Location: STRAFFORDVILLE Sampler lnitials: GR TEST SUMMARY BV Labs ID: OFB543 Sample lD: TW2Matrix: Water Collected: 2O2OlLLlLS Shipped: Received: 20201771L9 Test Description lnstrumentation Batch Extracted Date Analyst Alkalinity AT 7067898 N/A 2020h1120 Surinder Rai Carbonate, Bicarbonate and Hydroxide CALC 7065254 N/A 2020177123 Automated Statchk Chloride by Automated Colourimetry KONE 7068098 N/A 2O2OhLl24 Alina Dobreanu Conductivity AT 7067905 N/A 2O2Ol77l2O Surinder Rai Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC)TOCV/NDIR 7069374 N/A 202017U23 Nimarta Singh Hardness (calculated as CaCO3)7064858 N/A 2O2OhLl25 Automated Statchk Lab Filtered Metals by IGPMS ICP/MS 7077278 202A/77/24 2o2ol7u2s Arefa Dabhad lon Balance (% Difference)CALC 7065686 N/A 2O2Ol1-7125 Automated Statchk Anion and Cation Sum CALC 7065687 N/A 2o2olt1,l25 Automated Statchk Total Coliforms/ E. coli, CFU/100m1 PL 7066542 N/A 2020/77179 Sirimathie Aluthwala Total Ammonia-N LACH/NH4 7077623 N/A 2120ltLl25 Amanpreet Sappal Nitrate (NO3)and Nitrite (NO2) in Water LACH 7O68O4t N/A 2020177123 Chandra Nandlal pH AT 7067907 202011.7/20 2O2O/7712O Surinder Rai Orthophosphate KONE 7068113 N/A 2020177/23 Alina Dobreanu Sat. pH and Langelier lndex (@ 20C)CALC 7065688 N/A 2020177125 Automated Statchk Sat. pH and Langelier lndex (@ +C1 CALC 7065689 N/A 2020177125 Automated Statchk Sulphate by Automated Colourimetry KONE 7068110 N/A 2A20177124 Deonarine Ramnarine Total Dissolved Solids (TDS calc)CALC 7064857 N/A 2o2\htl25 Automated Statchk Test Description BV Labs lD: OFB543 Dup Collected: 2O2Ol7LlL8 Sample lD: TW2 Shipped: Matrix: Water Received: zozllLLltg lnstrumentation Batch Extracted Date Analyzed Analyst Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC)TOCV/NDIR 7069374 N/A 2A20177123 Nimarta Singh Page 5 of 13 Bureau Veritas Laboratories 6740 Campobello Road, Mississauga, Ontario, L5N 218 Tel: (905) 817-5700 Toll-Free: 800-563-5265 Fax: (905l. 8L-1-5777 www.bvlabs.com Microbrology testing i-s conslucted at 666t] Campobe-lio lld. t..henristry testirrg is corrclucted aI6740 Campobeilo Rd. BV Labs Job #: COU8094 lan D Wilson Associates Ltd Report Date:20201!L125 Site Location: STRAFFORDVILLE ampler lnitials: GR : GENERAL COMMENTS Results relate only to the items tested. Page 7 of 13 Bureau Veritas Laboratories 6740 Campobello Road, Mississauga, Ontario, L5N 218 Tel: (905) 817-5700 Toll-Free: 8OO-563-6266Faxi l915l 877-5777 www.bvlabs.com Migobiology testinE is corrciucted at 6660 Campobello Rd. Chernistry testing is conducted at 6740 Cartpobello Rd. BV Labs Job #: C0U8094 lan D Wilson Associates Ltd Report Dale:20201l1,125 Site Location: STRAFFORDVILLE Sampler lnitials: GR QUALTTY ASSURANCE REPORT Page 8 of 13 Bureau Veritas Laboratories G740 Campobello Road, Mississauga, ontario, L5N 218 Tel: (905) 817-5700 Toll-Free: 800-563-5266 Fax: l9o5l 877-5777 www.bvlabs.com Micr"gbiotogy testing is conclucted at 6660 Campohello lld. Chenristry testing i$ corrclucted at 6740 Carnpobeilo Rd. AA/ACBatch lnit 7067898 SAU 7067898 SAU 7067898 SAU 7067907 SAU 7067901 SAU 7067905 SAU 7067905 SAU 7067905 SAU 7068041 C N 7068041 C N 7068047 C N 7068041 C N 7068098 ADB 7068098 ADB 7068098 ADB 7068098 ADB 7068110 DRM 7068110 DRM 7068110 DRM 7068110 DRM 7068113 ADB 7068113 ADB 7068113 ADB 7058113 ADB 706931,4 NS3 70693L4 NS3 7069374 NS3 1059374 NS3 to77278 ADA QC T' Spiked Blank Method Blank RPD Spiked Blank RPD Spiked Blank Method Blank RPD Matrix Spike Spiked Blank Method Blank RPD Matrix Spike Spiked Blank Method Blank RPD Matrix Spike Spiked Blank Method Blank RPD Matrix Spike Splked Blank Method Blank RPD Matrix Spike [OF8643-01] Spiked Blank Method Blank RPD [OF8643-01] Matrix Spike Parameter Alkalinity (Total as CaCO3) Alkalinity (Total as CaCO3) Alkalinity (Total as CaCO3) pH pH Conductivity Conductivity Conductivity Nitrite (N) Nitrate (N) Nitrite (N) Nitrate (N) Nitrite (N) Nitrate (N) Nitrite (N) Nitrate (N) Dissolved Chloride (Cl-) Dissolved Chloride (Cl-) Dissolved Chloride (Cl-) Dissolved Chloride (Cl-) Dissolved Sulphate (SO4) Dissolved Sulphate (SO4) Dissolved Sulphate (SO4) Dissolved Sulphate (SO4) Orthophosphate (P) Orthophosphate (P) Orthophosphate (P) Orthophosphate (P) Dissolved Organic Carbon Dissolved Organic Carbon Dissolved Organic Carbon Dissolved Organic Carbon Dissolved Aluminum (Al) Dissolved Antimony (Sb) Dissolved Arsenic (As) Dissolved Barium (Ba) Dissolved Beryllium (Be) Dissolved Boron (B) Dissolved Cadmium (Cd) Dissolved Calcium (Ca) Dissolved Chromium (Cr) Dissolved Cobalt (Co) Dissolved Copper (Cu) Dissolved lron (Fe) Date Ana 2O2Ol7u2O 2O2O/Lu20 2O2OltLl20 20201Lu20 2O2O/Ltl20 2O2O/ttl20 2O2O/Ltl20 2O2O/Lu20 2O2OlLLl23 2O2Olttl23 2O2O/Lu23 2O2Olt7l23 2020171.123 2O2OlLtl23 2O2Olttl23 2O2Olttl23 2O2O/ttl24 2O2OlLu24 2O2Olttl24 2O2O/L7124 2O2OlLu24 2O2Ol1Ll24 2O2Olttl24 2O2O/Ltl24 2O2OltLl23 2O2O11.u23 2O2O/t7123 2O2O/tLl23 2o2O/Lt/23 2O2O/!t|23 2O2Olttl23 2O2OlLtl23 2O2Ol7u2s 2O2O/ttl2s 2O2Olttl2s 2O2O/Lu2s 2O2OltLl2s 2O2O/7u2s 2O2OlLu2s 2O2OhLl2s 2O2OlLu2s 2O2O/LLl2s 2O2OhLlzs 2020lLu2s Value ND, RDL=1.0 7.1. L,4 ND, RDL=1.0 0 ND, RDL=0.010 ND, RDL=0.10 NC 1.6 ND, RDL=1.0 6.0 ND, RDL=1.0 7.2 ND, RDL=0.010 NC ND, RDL=0.40 3.3 UNITS QC Limlts 101 101 % 85-115 mg/L %20 % 98-103 % N/A % 85-115 umho/cm %25 % 80-120 % 80-120 % 80-120 % 80-120 mclL m'EIL %20 %20 % 80-120 % 80-120 mglL %20 % 75-725 % 80-120 mclL %20 % 75-725 % 80-L20 mc/L %25 % 80-120 % 80-120 mglL %20 % 80-120 % 80-120 % 80- 120 % 80-120 % 80-120 % 80-120 % 80- 120 % 80-120 % 80-120 % 80-120 % 80-120 % 80-120 100 97 702 100 NC 103 NC 702 NC 99 95 97 103 103 100 99 105 100 101 NC 94 94 97 97 BV Labs Job #: C0U8094 lan D Wilson Associates Ltd Report Date:20201LL/25 Site Location: STRAFFORDVILLE Sampler lnitials: GR QUALITY ASSU RANCE REPORT(CONT'D) Page 9 of 13 Bureau Veritas Laboratories 6740 Campobellc Roa4 Mississauga, Ontario, LSN 218 Tel: (905) 817-5700 Toll-Free: 800-563-6265 Fax: (905) 877-5777 www.bvlabs'com Microbiqiogy testing is cooducted at 6660 Campobello tld. Chenristry testinB is conducted at 6'14fi Campobello Rd. AA/AC Batch lnit QC Pa ra meter Date Recove 95 NC 99 100 94 103 105 L00 LO7 95 NC 100 97 100 98 97 97 702 101 100 101 98 94 100 100 93 97 97 97 97 101 98 95 96 1.14 LO2 98 102 96 98 98 101 97 98 95 97 UNITS QC Limits % 80-120 % 80-120 % 80-120 % 80-120 % 80-120 % 80-120 % 80-120 % 80-120 % 80-120 % 80-120 % 80-120 % 80-120 % 80-120 % 80-120 % 80-120 % 80-120 % 80-120 % 80-120 % 80-120 % 80-120 % 80-120 % 80-120 % 80-120 % 80-120 % 80-120 % 80-120 % 80-120 % 80-120 % 80-120 % 80-120 % 80-120 % 80-120 % 80-120 % 80-120 % 80-120 % 80-120 % 80-120 % 80-120 % 80-L20 % 80-120 % 80-120 % 80-120 % 80-120 % 80-120 % 80-120 % 80-120 UEIL uglL UC/L 7077278 ADA Spiked Blank Dissolved Lead (Pb) Dissolved Magnesium (Mg) Dissolved Manganese (Mn) Dissolved Molybdenum (Mo) Dissolved Nickel (Ni) Dissolved Phosphorus ( P.1 Dissolved Potassium ( K) Dissolved Selenium (Se) Dissolveci Silicon (Si) Dissolved Silver (Ag) Dissolved Sodium (Na) Dissolved Strontiu m (Sr) Dissolved Thallium (Tl) Dissolved Titanium (Ti) Dissolved Uranium (U) Dissolved Vanadium (V) Dissolved Zinc (Zn) Dissolved Aluminum (Al) Dissolved Antimony (Sb) Dissolved Arsenic (As) Dissolved Barium (Ba) Dissolved Beryllium (Be) Dissolved Boron (B) Dissolved Cadmium (Cd) Dissolved Calciurn (Co) Dissolved Chromium (Cr) Dissolved Cobalt (Co) Dissolved Copper (Cu) Dissolved lron (Fe) Dissolved Lead (Pb) Dissolved Magnesium (Mg) Dissolved Manganese (Mn) Dissolved Molybdenum (Mo) Dissolved Nickel (Ni) Dissolved Phosohorus (P) Dissolved P.otassium (K) Dissolved Selenium (Se) Dissolved Silicon iSi) Dissolved Siluer (Ag) Dissolved Sodium (Na) Dissolved Strontium (Sr) Dissolved Thallium {Tll Dissolv'ed Titaniurn (Ti) Dissolved Uranium (U) Dissolved Vanadium (V) Dissolved Tinc (Zn) Dissolved Rluminurh (Rl) Dissoived Antimony (Sb) Dissolved Arsenic (As) 2O2olttl2s 2020/7u2s 2O2Ol7Ll2s 2O2O/tL/2s 202017112s 2O2O/L7/2s 2O2OlLLl23 2O2A/7Ll2s 2O2O/tLl2s 2O2Olt7/2s 2O2O/LLl2s 2O2O/7L12s 2O2OlLLl2s 2O2O/Ltl2s 2O2O/1.1,12s 2O2O/7112s 2O2o/7u2s 2O2Ol!L/2s 2O2Ol7ti2s 2O2O/77/2s 2O2O/LL12s 2O2O/tLl2s 2O2O/t7l2s 2O2O/L1.l2s 2O2O/L7l2s '2020/1.Ll2s 2O2O/7712s 2O2O/tt/2s 2O2Olt7/2s 2O2O/LLl2s 2O2O/7Ll2s 2O2O/1.712s 2O2O/LLl25 2A2O/L1.l2s 2O2O/7tl2s 2O2Ol1.1.l2s 2A2Oltt/2s 202011.t/2s 2O2Oli.tl2s 2O2O/7712s 2O2O/77/2s 2O2Ol77/2s 2O2O/71,12s 2O2O/Lu2s 2O2OltLl2s 2O2O/LLl2s 2O2O/7712s 2020/LL/2s 2O2O/L7/25 7077218 ADA Method Blank ND, RDL=4.9 ND, RDL=0.50 ND, RDL=1.0 Value Report Dale:20201t1125 Site Location: STRAFFORDVILLE " ' SamPler lnitials: GR Page 10 of 13 Bureau Veritas Laboratories 6740 Campobello Road, Mississauga, Ontario, L5N 218 Tel: (905) 817-5700 Toll-Free: 800-553-5255 Fax: (905) 817-5777 www.bvlabs'com Mictobiotogy testing i-s conrlucted at 666ti Campobello lld. t.hertistry testing i.t cotducted aI6740 Campobeilo Rd. AA/ACBatch lnit QC Type Parameter Date Analyzed Value Dissolved Barium (Ba) 2O2O/1U25 ND, RDL=2.0 Dissolved Beryllium (Be) 202olLtl25 ND, RDL=0.40 Dissolved Boron (B) 20201LU25 ND, RDL=10 Dissolved Cadmium (Cd) 2020177125 ND, RDL=0.090 Dissolved Calcium (Ca) 2020/17/25 ND, RDL=200 Dissolved Chromium (Cr) 2O2O/LL/25 ND, RDL=5.0 Dissolved Cobalt (Co) 2O2O|L7/25 ND, RDL=0.50 Dissolved Copper (Cu) 2o2ol7tl25 ND, RDL=0.90 Dissolved lron (Fe) 2O2OlLll25 ND, RDL=100 Dissolved Lead (Pb) 2O2O|L7/25 ND, RDL=0.50 Dissolved Magnesium (Mg) 2O2OltU25 ND, RDL=50 Dissolved Manganese (Mn) 2O2Olt7/25 ND, RDL=2.0 Dissolved Molybdenum (Mo) 2020/ttl25 ND, RDL=0.50 Dissolved Nickel(Ni) 2020/17/25 ND, RDL=1.0 Dissolved Phosphorus (P) 2020177125 ND, RDL=100 Dissolved Potassium (K) 2O2O|LU25 ND, RDL=200 Dissolved Selenium (Se) 2O2OlLLl25 ND, RDL=2.0 Dissolved Silicon (Si) 2O2O|L7/25 ND, RDL=50 Dissolved Silver (Ag) 2020/77125 ND, RDL=0.090 Dissolved Sodium (Na) 2o2o/tll25 ND, RDL=100 Dissolved Strontium (Sr) 2O2O|L7/25 ND, RDL=1.0 Dissolved Thallium (Tl) 2O2OhLl25 ND, RDL=0.050 Dissolved Titanium (Ti) 2O2OltU25 ND RDL=5.0 Dissolved Uraniurn (U) 2O2O/tt/25 ND, RDL=0.10 Dissolved Vanadium (V) 2020/77125 ND, RDL=0.50 Dissolved Zinc(Zn) 2O2Oht/25 ND, RDL=5.0 7O7t278 ADA RPD Dissolved Calcium (Ca) 2O2OlLll25 3.2 Dissolved Copper (Cu)2o2olttlzs NC UNITS QC Limits UEIL UgIL UgIL u9lL U8/L UE/L UglL U8/L UEIL UEII UEIL UEIL UCIL UglL UEIL UElL UBIL UEIL UCIL UglL UEIL UEIL UEIL UCIL UEIL UEIL %20 %20 BV Labs Job #: COU8094 lan D Wilson Associates Ltd Report Date:20201L1125 Site Location: STRAFFORDVILLE Sampler lnitials: GR QUALITY ASSURANCE REPORT(CONT'D) aA/ac Batch lnit QC T'DateParameter Dissolved lron (Fe) Dissolved Magnesium (Mg) Dissolved Manganese (Mn) Dissolved Potassium (K) Dissolved Sodium (Na) Dissolved Zinc (Zn) Total Ammonia-N TotalAmmonia-N TotalAmmonia-N TotalAmmonia-N UNITS QC Limits 7O77623 ASP Matrix Spike 7071.623 ASP Spiked Blank 7071,623 ASP Method Blank 70]1.623 ASP RPD 2020lLLl2s 20201L712s 2020lLu2s 2O2O/7Ll2s 2020hLl2s 2o2oltuzs 2O2OlLLl2s 2O2Olttl2s 2O2O/ttl2s 2O2Ol7t/2s Value NC 0.27 NC 2.2 1.7 NC ND, RDL=0.050 0.64 %20 %20 %20 %20 %20 %20 100 % 75-125 100 % 80-120 m9lL %20 N/A = Not Applicable Dupli€ate: Paired analysis of a separate portion of the same sample, lJsed to evaluate the variance in the measurement. Matrix Spike: A sample to which a known amount ofthe analyte of interest has been added.lJsed to evaluate sample matrix interference. Spiked Blank: A blank matrix sampleto which a known amount ofthe analyte, usually from a second source, has been added. L,sed to evaluate method accuracy Nrethod Blank: A blank matrix containing all reagents used in the analytical procedure. Used to identify laboratory contamination. NC (Matrix Spike): The recovery in the matrix spike was not calculated. The relative difference between the conEentration in the pareht sample and the spike amount was too small to permit a reliab e recovery calculation (matrix spike concentration was less than the native sample concentration) NC (Duplicate RPO):The duplicate RPD was not calculated. The concentration in the sample and/or duplicate wastoo low to permit a reliable RPD calculation (absolute difference <= 2x RDL). Page 11 of 13 Bureau Veritas Laboratories 6740 Campobello Road, Mississauga, Ontario, L5N 218 Tel: (905) 817-5700 Toll-Free: 800-553-6266Fax: (9051 877-5777 www'bvlabs.com Microbiology testing is cnnrlucted at 666U Campobello iid. Chenristry testirrg is conclucted at6'140 Campobello Rd. BV Labs Job #: C0U8094 Report Date:2O2O|LU25 lan D Wilson Associatel Ltd Site Location: STRAFFORDVILLE Sampler lnitials: GR VATIDATION SIGNATURE PAGE The analytical data and all QC contained in this report were reviewed and validated by the following individual(s). Bv Labs has procedures in place to guard against improper use ofthe electronic signature and have the required "signatories', as per ISO/IEC 17025, signinB the reports. For Servic€ Group s pecific validation please referto the Validation Signature PaBe. Page 12 of 13 Bureau Veritas Laboratories 6740 Campobello Road, Missisrauga, Ontario, L5N 218 Tel: (905) 817-5700 Toll-Free: 800-563 -6266 Fax: l9O5), 877-5777 www.bvlabs.com anov, Scientific Specialist Sirimathie Aluthwala, Campobello Micro Microbioiogy testing is conducted at 6660 Campobello tlc1. [.henristry testing is corrclucted at 6140 Campobello Rc!. Attention: Geoff Rether lan D Wilson Associates Ltd PO Box 299 76722 Airport Rd Clinton, ON CANADA NOM 1LO Your Project #: STRAFFORDVILLE Your C.O.C. #:758424 CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Date Date Quantity Extracted Analyzed Laboratory Method BUREAU VERITAS JOB #: C291175 Received : 2022 I 04 I 06, 15 :56 Sample Matrix:Water # Samples Received: 1 Analyses Report Date: 2022 lO4lL3 Report #: R7084346 Version: 1- Final Analytical Method Alkalinity Carbonate, Bicarbonate and Hydroxide Chloride by Automated Colourimetry Conductivity Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC) (1) Hardness (calculated as CaCO3) Metals Analysis by ICPMS (as received) (2) lon Balance (% Difference) Anion and Cation Sum Total Coliforms/ E. coli, CFU/100m1 TotalAmmonia-N Nitrate & Nitrite as Nitrogen in Water (3) pH Orthophosphate Sat. pH and Langelier lndex (@ 20C) Sat. pH and Langelier lndex (@ 4C) Sulphate by Automated Colouri metry Total Dissolved Solids (TDS calc) 1 N/A 1 N/A 1 N/A 1 N/A 1 N/A 1 N/A 2022104108 2022/041L7 2022104108 2022l04l08 2022l04/oe 2022l04lL3 cAM SOP-00448 cAM SOP-00102 cAM SOP-00463 cAM SOP-00414 cAM SOP-00445 CAM SOP SM 23 2320 B m APHA 45OO-CO2 D SM 23 4500-Cl E m SM 23 2510 m SM 23 5310 B m SM 2340 B EPA 60208 m MOE E3407 USGS l-2522-90 m sM 23 4500-N03r/N02B SM 4500H+ B m EPA 365.1 m Auto Calc Auto Calc EPA 375.4 m Auto Calc 00102/o04o8loo441 1 N/A 2022104/L2 CAM SOP-00447 1 N/A 20221O41L3 1 N/A 2022/O4lL3 1 N/A 2022104106 CAM SoP-oossl 1 N/A 2O22lO4l7L CAM SOP-00441 1 N/A 20221O4/tL CAM SOP-00440 t 2022/04107 2022104108 cAM SOP-00413 1 N/A 2022104108 CAM SOP-00461 1. N/A 2022104/L3 L N/A 2o22lo4lt3 1 N/A 2022104108 CAM SOP-00454 1 N/A 2022/04/L3 Remarks: Bureau Veritas is.accredited to ISO/IEC 17025 for specific parameters on scopes of accreditation. Unless otherwise noted, procedures used by Bureau Veritas are based upon recognized Provincial, Federal or LJS method compendia such as CCME, MELCC, EPA" APHA. All work recorded herein has been done in accordance with procedures and practices ordinarily exercised by professionals in Bureau Veritas' profession using accepted testing methodologies, quality assurance and quality.ontrol procedures {except where otherwise agreed bythe client and Bureau Veritas in writint). All data is in statistical control ahd has met quality control and method performance criteria unless otherwise noted. All method blanks are reported; unless indicated otherwise, associated sample data are not blank corrected. Where applicable, unless otherwise noted, Measurement Uncertainty has not been accouhted for when stating conformity to the referenced standard. Buaeau Veritas liability is limited to the actual cost ofthe requested analyses, unless otherwise agreed in writing, There is no other warranty expressed or Page 1 of 13 Bureau Veritas 5740 Campobello Road, Mississauga, Ontario, L5N 218 Tel: (905) S17-5700 Toll-Free: 800-563-6255 Fax: (9O5\877-5777 www.bvlabs.com Microbiologytestingisconductedat6660CampobelloRd Chemistrytestingisconductedat6-140CampobelloRd. Your Projed #: STRAFFORDVILLE Your c.o.c. #: 158424 Attention: Geoff Rether lan D Wlson Associates Ltd PO Box 299 75722 Airport Rd Clinton, ON CANADA NOM 1LO Repon Date: 2022104/13 Report #: R7084346 Version: 1- Final CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS BUREAU VERITASIOB#; C291175 Received: 2022104/05, 16:56 implied, Bureau Veritas has been retained to provide analysis of samples provided by the Client using the testing methodolotY referenced in this report. lnterpretation and use of test results are the sole responslbility of the Client and are not within the scope of services provided by Bureau Veritas, unless otherwise agreed in wdting. Bureau Veritas is not responsible for the accuracy or any data impacts, that result from the information provided by the customer or their agent. Solid sample results, except biota, are based on dry weight unless otherwise indicated. Organic analyses are not recovery corrected except for isotope dilution methods, Results relate to samples tested. When sampling is not conducted by Bureau Veritas, results relate to the supplied samples tested. This Certificate shall not be reproduced except ih full, withoutthe written approval ofthe laboratory. Reference Method suffix "m' indicates test fiethods incorpordte validated modlfications from specific reference methods to improve performance. + RPDS calculated using raw data. The rounding offinal results may result in the apparent difference. (1)Dissolved organic carbon (Doc)present in the sampleshould be considered as non-purgeable Doc (2)Metals analysiswas performed on the sample'as received'. (3)Values for calculated parameters may not appearto add up due to rounding of raw data and signiflcant figures Bureau Verif,as Encryption Key 13 APr 2022 L3:t7:46 Please direEt allquestions regarding this Certificate ofAnalysis to your Project lvlanager Archana Gothoskar, B.sc., Projed Manager Email: archana,gothoskar@bureauveritas.com ::::="li:-:l=1'l-il::== This report has been generated and distributed usin8 a secure automated process For Service Group specific va lidation please refer to the Validation Signature PaEe Total Cover Pages: 2 Page 2 of 13 Bureau Veritas 6740 Campobello Road, Mississauga, Ontario, L5N 218 Tet: (905) 817-5700 Toll-Free: 800-563-6266Fax'. (9051 817-5777 www'bvlabs'com Microbiologytesting is conducted at 5660 Campobello Rd. Chemistrytesting is conducted at6'140 Campobello Rd E[Efilr!!rE Bureau Veritas Job #: C291L75 lan D Wilson Associates Ltd Report Date:2022104h3 Client Project #: STRAFFORDVILLE Sampler lnitials: GR RCAP - COMPREHENSIVE (DRINKING WATER) Bureau Veritas lD sHt719 2O22l04lOs 15:15 COC Number L58424 UNITS TW3 RDL QC Batch Page 3 of 13 Bureau Veritas G740 Campobello Road, Mississauga, ontario, L5N 218 Tel: (905) 817-5700 Toll-Free: 800-563-6256 Fax: (9o5)gl7-5777 www.bvlabs.com Microblology testing is conducted at 6660 Campobello Rd Cherllistry testing is conducted at 5740 Campobello Rd. Calculated Parameters Anion Sum me/L 9.78 N/A 7925L35 Bicarb. Alkalinity (calc. as CaCO3)mglL 310 10 7926233 Calculated TDS mglL 520 10 7925077 Carb. Alkalinity (calc. as CaCO3)mslL 3.0 10 7926233 Cation Sum melL 925 N/A 7925735 Hardness (CaCO3)mglL 320 10 7924860 lon Balance (% Difference)%2.79 N/A 7925734 Langelier lndex (@ 20C)N/A 1.04 7925L36 Langelier lndex (@ 4C)N/A 0.788 7925737 Saturation pH (@ 20C)N/A 6.97 7925736 Saturation pH (@ aC)N/A 7.22 7925737 lnorganics TotalAmmonia-N ni.EIL ND 0.050 7937134 Conductivity umho/cm 890 10 7929L26 Dissolved Organic Carbon msll 0.80 0.40 7928099 Crthophosphate (P)mglL 0.025 0.010 7929088 OH pH 8.01 7929L28 Dissolved Sulphate (SO4)melL 18 10 7929087 Alkalinity (Tota! as CaCO3)mslL 320 10 7929L27 Dissolved Chloride (Cl-)ms/L 100 10 7929708 Nitrite (N)MElL ND 0.010 7928955 Nitrate (N)mglL 3.51 0.10 7928955 Metals Aluminum (Al)UEIL 10 49 7930467 Antimony (Sb)UgIL ND 0.50 7930467 Arsenic (As)uslL ND 10 7930467 Barium (Ba)UgIL 45 20 7930467 Beryllium (Be)uglL ND 0.40 7930467 Boron (B)UglL 25 10 7930467 Cadmium (Cd)UgIL ND 0.090 7930467 Calcium (Ca)vglL 100000 200 7930467 Chromium (Cr)UEIL ND 50 7930467 RDL = Reportable Detection Limit QC Batch = Quality Control Batch N/A = Not Applicable ND = Not Detected at a concentration equal or greater than the indicated Detection Limit. Sampling Date Bureau Veritas Job #: C29tL75 lan D Wilson Associates Ltd Report Date:20221041L3 Client Project #: STRAFFORDVILLE Sampler lnitials: GR RCAP - COMPREHENSIVE (DRINKING WATER) SHI719 2022104/0s 15:15 L58424 UNITS TW3 RDL QC Batch Page 4 of 13 Bu[eau Veritas 5740 Campobello Road, Mississauga, Ontario, L5N 218 Tel: (905) 817-5700 Toll-Free: 800-563-5266 Fax: (905) 817-5777 www.bvlabs.com Microbiologytestingisconductedat6660CampobelloRd ChernistrytestinBisconductedat6T40CampobelloRd. Cobalt (Co)UEIL ND 0.50 7930467 Copper (Cu)uglL 22 090 7930467 lron (Fe)uglL ND L00 7930467 Lead (Pb)uglL ND 0.50 7930467 Magnesium (Mg)UgIL 17000 50 7930467 Manganese (Mn)uglL 64 2A 7930467 Molybdenum (Mo)uelL 0.57 0.50 7930467 Nickel (Ni)UgIL 2L 10 7930467 Phosphorus (P)UgIL ND 100 7930467 Potassium (K)UglL 3200 200 7930467 Selenium (Se)UgIL ND 20 7930467 Silicon (Si)uglL 5600 50 7930457 Silver (Ag)UEIL ND 0.090 7930467 Sodium (Na)UgIL 54000 100 7930467 Strontium (Sr)uslL 300 10 7930467 Thallium (Tl)uslL ND 0.050 7930467 Titanium (Ti)uglL ND 50 7930457 Uranium (U)UgIL 18 0.10 7930467 Vanadium (V)us/L ND 0.50 7930461 Zinc (Zn)uglL ND 50 7930467 RDL = Reportable Detection Limit QC Batch = Quality Control Batch ND = Not Detected at a concentration equal or greater than the indicated Detection Limit. Bureau Veritas lD Sampling Date COC Number Bureau Veritas Job #: C29tL75 lan D Wilson Associates Ltd Report Date:2022104173 Client Project #: STRAFFORDVILLE Sampler lnitials: GR MrcRoBroLoGY (WATER) sHt719 2022104/0s 15:15 158424 UNITS TW3 QC Batch Microbiological Background CFU/100m1 0 792657s Total Coliforms CFU/100m1 0 7926575 Escherichia coli CFU/100m1 0 7926575 QC Batch = Quality Control Batch Page 5 of 13 Bureau Veritas 5740 Campobello Road, Mississauga. Ontario, L5N 218 Tel: (905) 817-5700 Toll-Free: 800-553-6266 Fax: (905\ 877-5777 www.bvlabs.com Mlcrobiology testing is conducted at 6660 Campobello Rd Chernlstry testing is conducted at 6740 Campobello Rd. Jureau Veritas ID iampling Date COC Number Bureau Veritas lob #: C291175 lan D Wilson Associates ltd Report Date: 2022104/13 Client Project #: STRAFFORDVILLE Sampler lnitials: GR TEST SUMMARY Bureau veritas lDr sHl719 colle.l€dt 2o22l$los sample lDr TW3 shiPPCd: Matrix: Water Re.eive& 2O22lUlOG Test Description lnstrumentation Batch Extracted Date Analyzed Analyst Page 6 of 13 Bureau Veritas 6740 Campobello Road, Mississauga, Ontario, L5N 218 Tel: (905) 817-5700 Toll-Free: 800-553-5256 Fax: (9051877-5777 www.bvlabs.com Microbiology testing is conducted at 6650 Campobello Rd Cherlistry testing is conducted at 6740 Campobello Rd. Alkalinity AT 7929727 N/A 2022104108 Surinder Rai Carbonate, Bicarbonate and Hydroxide CALC 7926233 N/A 2022104177 Automated Statchk Chloride by Automated Colourimetry KONE 7929tOB N/A 2022104108 Allna Dobreanu Conductivity AT 7929726 N/A 2O22/O4/O8 Surinder Rai Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC)TOCV/NDIR 7928099 N/A 2o22lo4lo9 Anna-Kay Gooden Hardness (calculated as CaCO3)7924860 N/A 2022/04173 Automated Statchk Metals Analysis by ICPMS (as received) ICPIMS 7930467 N/A 2022104172 Nan Raykha lon Balance (% Difference)CALC 7925734 N/A 2o22lo4lt3 Automated Statchk Anion and Cation Sum CALC 7925L35 N/A 2022104173 Automated Statchk Total Coliforms/ E. coli, CFU/100m1 PL 7926575 N/A 2022|04/06 Sirimathie Aluthwala Total Ammonia-N LACH/NH4 7937134 N/A 2022104177 Amanpreet Sappal Nitrate & Nitrite as Nitrogen in Water LACH 7928955 N/A 2022104177 Samuel Law pH AT 7929128 2022/04/07 2022/04108 Surinder Rai Orthophosphate KONE 7929088 N/A 2022104108 Chandra Nandlal Sat. pH and Langelier lndex (@ 20C)CALC 7925136 N/A 2022104173 Automated Statchk Sat. pH and Langelier lndex (@ +C1 CALC 7925737 N/A 2022/04113 Automated Statchk Sulphate by Automated Colourimetry KONE 7929087 N/A 2O22lO4lO8 Chandra Nandlal Total Dissolved Solids (TDS calc)CALC 7925077 N/A 2022104173 Automated Statchk Bureau Veritas Job #: C291775 lan D Wilson Associates Ltd Report Date:2022104173 Client Project #: STRAFFORDVILLE Sampler lnitials: GR GENERAT COMMENTS Results relate onlv to the items tested. Page 7 of 13 Bureau Veritas 5740 Campobello Road, Mississauga, Ontario, L5N 218 Tel: (905) 817-5700 Toll-Free: 800-563-6256 Fax: l9OS)877-5777 www.bvlabs.com Microbiology testing is conducted at 6660 Campobello Rd. Chemistrv testing is conducted at 6140 Campobello Rd. r]Ilff,fl[I:filirrlGr Bureau Veritas Job #: C297175 lan D Wilson Associates Ltd Report Date:2022104/73 Client Project #: STRAFFORDVILLE Sampler lnitials: GR Page 8 of 13 Bureau Veritas 5740 Campobello Road, Mississauga, Ontario, L5N 218 Tel: (905) 817-5700 Toll-Free: 800-563 -6266 Fax: (905) 877-5777 www.bvlabs.com Microbiologytesting is conducted at 6660 Campobello Rd Chenristrytesting is conducted at6-/40 Campobello Rd. QUALITY ASSURANCE REPORT Date AA/QC Batch lnit 7928099 AGD 7928099 AGD 7928099 AGD 7928099 AGD 7928955 S1L 7928955 S1L 7928955 S1L 7928955 S1L 7929087 C N 7929087 C N 7929087 C N 7929087 C N 7929088 C N 7929088 C N 7929088 C N 7929088 C N 7929708 ADB 7929708 ADB 7929708 ADB 7929t08 ADB 7929L26 SAU 7929126 SAU 7929L26 SAU 7929727 SAU 7929727 SAU 7929t27 SAU 7929t28 SAU 7929128 SAU 7930467 N R QC Matrix Spike Spiked Blank Method Blank RPD Matrix Spike Spiked Blank Method Blank RPD Matrix Spike Spiked Blank Method Blank RPD Matrix Spike Spiked Blank Method Blank RPD Matrix Spike Spiked Blank Method Blank RPD Spiked Blank Method Blank RPD Spiked Blank Method Blank RPD Spiked Blank RPD Matrix Spike 2022104/08 2022/04/08 2022/04l08 2022104108 2O22/O4l1.t 2022/04/1.1 2022/O4lLL 2O22/O4l7t 2022/041L1 2022104117 2022/04/1.L 2022/04177 2022/O4l08 2022/04l08 2022/04l08 2022l04lO8 2022l04/08 2022/04l08 2022/04l08 2022/04/08 2022/04/08 2022/04108 2022/04l08 2022/04l08 2022/04108 2022/04/08 2022/04l08 2022/04l08 2022/04/08 2022/04/08 2022l04l08 2022l04/08 2022/O4172 2O22/O4172 2A22l04/L2 2022/04/72 2022/04172 2022104112 2022/04172 2O22/O4/12 2022/04112 2022/04/72 2022/04/L2 2OZ2lO4lL2 2O22/O4172 Value ND, RDL=0.40 0.43 ND, RDL=0.010 ND, RDL=0.10 NC NC ND, RDL=1.0 o.82 ND, RDL=0.010 NC ND, RDL=L.0 1.5 ND, RDL=1.0 0 ND, RDL=1.0 0.98 1.9 UNITS QC Limits % 80-120 % 80-120 mg/L %20% 80-120 % 80-120 % 80-120 % 80-120 mc/L .trEIL %20 %20 % 75-725 % 80-120 mg/L %20 % 75-725 % 80-120 mclL Para meter Dissolved Organic Carbon Dissolved Organic Carbon Dissolved Organic Carbon Dissolved Organic Carbon Nitrite (N) Nitrate (N) Nitrite (N) Nitrate (N) Nitrite (N) Nitrate (N) Nitrite (N) Nitrate (N) Dissolved Sulphate (SO4) Dissolved Sulphate (SO4) Dissolved Sulphate (SO4) Dissolved Sulphate (SO4) Orthophosphate (P) Orthophosphate (P) Orthophosphate (P) Orthophosphate (P) Dissolved Chloride (Cl-) Dissolved Chloride (Cl-) Dissolved Chloride (Cl-) Dissolved Chloride (Cl-) Conductivity Conductivity Conductivity Alkalinity (Total as CaCO3) Alkalinity (Total as CaCO3) Alkalinity (Total as CaCO3) pH pH Aluminum (Al) Antimony (Sb) Arsenic (As) Barium (Ba) Beryllium (Be) Boron (B) Cadmium (Cd) Calcium (Ca) Chromium (Cr) Cobalt (Co) Copper (Cu) lron (Fe) Lead (Pb) 704 105 ro7 109 NC 99 113 101 %2s NC % 80-120 105 % 80-120 mglL %20 100 % 85-115 umho/cm %25 99 % 85-115 mclL 92 97 702 99 108 101 704 100 95 104 NC 99 101 101 99 101 %20 % 98-103 % N/A % 80-120 % 80-120 % 80-120 % 80-120 % 80- 120 % 80-120 % 80- 120 % 80-120 % 80- 120 % 80-120 % 80-120 % 80-120 % 80-120 Bureau Veritas Job #: C297775 lan D Wilson Associates Ltd Report Date:2022104h3 Client Project #: STRAFFORDVILLE Sampler lnitials: GR Page 9 of 13 Bureau Veritas 5740 Campobello Road, Mississauga, Ontario, L5N 218 Tel: (905) 817-5700 Toll-Free: 800-563-6255 Fax: (905], 877-5711 www.bvlabs.com Microbiology testing is conducted at 6660 Campobello Rd Cherlistry testing is conducted at 6740 Campobello Rd. QUALTTY ASSU RANCE REPORT(CONT' D) QA/AC Batch lnit QC Type Parameter Magnesium (Mg) Manganese (Mn) Molybdenum (Mo) Nickel (Ni) Phosphorus (P) Potassium (K) Selenium (Se) Silicon (Si) Silver (Ag) Sodium (Na) Strontium (Sr) Thallium (Tl) Titanium (Ti) Uranium (U) Vanadium (V) Zinc (Zn) 7930467 N_R Spiked Blank Aluminum (Al) Antimony (Sb) Arsenic (As) Barium (Ba) Beryllium (Be) Boron (B) Cadmium (Cd) Calcium (Ca) Chromium (Cr) Cobalt (Co) Copper (Cu) lron (Fe) Lead (Pb) Magnesium (Mg) Manganese (Mn) Molybdenum (Mo) Nickel (Ni) Phosphorus (P) Potassium (K) Selenium (Se) Silicon (Si) Silver (Ag) Sodium (Na) Strontium (Sr) Thallium (Tl) Titanium (Ti) Uranium (U) Vanadium (V) Zinc (Znl 7930467 N_R Method Blank Aluminum (Al) Antimony (Sb) Arsenic (As) Date An 2O22/O4lL2 2022/04172 20221041L2 2022104172 2022104172 2022104172 2022l04lt2 2022/O4l12 2022/04112 2022/04112 2022/04112 2022/04lt2 2022/04112 2O22/O4112 2022/04112 2022/04112 2022/04172 2022/O4112 2022/04172 2O22l04lt2 2022/04112 2022/04172 2022/04112 2022/04lt2 2O22/A4ln 2O22/O4172 2022/04112 2022/04/12 2022/04lt2 2022lA4/72 2022/04/12 2022/O4l12 2022/04/t2 2O22/O4l12 2022/04112 2022/041L2 2O22/O4172 2022/0411,2 2022104172 2022/O4l12 2O22/O4172 2022/04172 2022/04/72 2022/04/12 2022/04/72 2022104172 2022104112 2022/04l12 Value ND, RDL=4.9 ND, RDL=0.50 ND, RDL=1.0 96 101 109 96 106 105 100 98 104 96 101 702 L00 101 1.02 100 94 to4 99 LO2 97 90 101 93 98 99 101 96 9l 95 99 106 95 1.t2 UNITS QC Limits % 80-120 % 80-120 % 80-120 % 80-120 % 80-120 % 80-120 % 80-120 % 80-120 % 80-120 % 80-120 % 80- 120 % 80-120 % 80-120 % 80-120 % 80-120 % 80-120 % 80-120 % 80-120 % 80-120 % 80-120 % 80-120 % 80-120 % 80-120 % 80-120 % 80-120 % 80-120 % 80-120 % 80-120 % 80-120 % 80-120 % 80-120 % 80-120 % 80-120 % 80-120 % 80-120 % 80-120 % 80-120 % 80-120 % 80-120 % 80-120 % 80-120 % 80-120 % 80-120 % 80-120 % 80-120 UBlL UEIL UEIL 101 96 94 to2 94 99 98 93 98 99 98 Bureau Veritas Job #: C29LL75 ' lan D Wilson Associates Ltd Report Date:2O22lO4lL3 Client Project #: STRAFFORDVILLE Sampler lnitials: GR QUALITY ASSU RANCE REPORT(CONT'D) Page 10 of 13 Bureau Veritas 5740 Campobello Road, Mississauga, Ontario, L5N 218 Tel: (905) 817-5700 Toll-Free: 800-563-6266 Fax: (905) 877-5777 www.bvlabs.com Microbiology testing is conducted at 6660 Campobello Rd. Chernistry testing is conducted at 5-740 Campobello Rd. AA/QCBatch lnit QC T Parameter Date Analvzed Value UNITS QC Limits UC/L u5lL USIL UEIL uglL UBIL UBIL UE/L UEIL u'lL UE/L uclt uglL UEIL UElL UgIL UBIL UEIL UEIT uglt UEIL UEII UgIL UEIL UEIL UgIL %207930467 N R RPD 1937734 ASP Matrix Spike Barium (Ba) Beryllium (Be) Boron (B) Cadmium (Cd) Calcium (Ca) Chromium (Cr) Cobalt (Co) Copper (Cu) lron (Fe) Lead (Pb) Magnesium (Mg) Manganese (Mn) Molybdenum (Mo) Nickel (Ni) Phosphorus (P) Potassium (K) Selenium (Se) Silicon (Si) Silver (Ag) Sodium (Na) Strontium (Sr) Thallium (Tl) Titanium (Ti) Uranium (U) Vanadium (V) Zin.c lZn) Lead (Pb) TotalAmmonia-N 2022/O4lt2 ND, RDL=2.0 20221041L2 ND, RDL=0.40 2o22lo4lt2 ND, RDL=10 2O22/O4|L2 ND, RDL=0.090 2022104112 ND, RDL=200 2022104/72 ND, RDL=5.0 2O22lO4/12 ND, RDL=0.50 2O22lO4/72 ND, RDL=0.90 2022/04/72 ND, RDL=100 2022/04172 ND, RDL=0.50 2O22/O4lt2 ND, RDL=50 2022/O4lL2 ND, RDL=2.0 2022/04172 ND, RDL=0.50 2022104172 ND, RDL=1,0 2022/04172 ND, RDL=100 2O22lO4/12 ND, RDL=200 2O22lO4/12 ND, RDL=2.0 2022/04112 ND, RDL=50 2022/O4lL2 ND, RDL=0.090 2O22/O4|L2 ND, RDL=100 2O22lO4/72 ND, RDL=1.0 2o22lo4lt2 ND, RDL=0.050 2022/04172 ND, RDL=5.0 2O22lO4/72 ND, RDL=0.10 2O22/O4|L2 ND, RDL=0.50 2O22/O4/L2 ND, RDL=5.0 2022/04/12 NC 2022104171 93 % 75-t25 EIEEIIIrIE Bureau Veritas Job #: C29Ll75 lan D Wilson Associates Ltd Report Date:2022104113 Client Project #: STRAFFORDVILLE Sampler lnitials: GR QUALTW ASSU RANCE REPORT(CONT' D) QA/QCBatch lnit QC Type Parameter Date Analvzed Value Recovery UNITS QC Limits 7g3r!34 ASP spiked Blank Total Ammonia-N 2022/04/17 99 % 80 - 120 7g3rr34 ASP Method Blank TotalAmmonia-N 2O22/O4l!r ND, mClt RDL=0.050 7g3ll34 ASP RPD TotalAmmonia-N 2022/04/77 NC % 20 N/A = Not Applicable Duplicate: paired analysis of a separate portion ofthe same sample. Used to evaluate the va riance in the measurement lvl atrix Spike I A sample to which a known a mount of th e an a lyte of interest has been added. used to evaluate sa mple matrix interference. Spiked Blank A blank matrix sampletowhich a known amount ofthe analyte, usually from a second source, has been added. lJsed to evaluate method accuracy. Method Blank: A blank matrix containing all reagents used in the analytical procedure. Used to identify laboratory contamination. NC {MatrixSpike): The recovery in the matrix spike was not calculated. The relative difference between the concentration in the parent sample and the spike amount wastoo smallto permit a reliable recovery calculation (matrix spike concentration was less than the native sample concentration) NC (Duplicate RpD): The duplicate RPD was not calculated. The aohcentration in the sample and/or duplicate wastoo low to permit a reliable RPD calculation (absolute difference <= 2x RDL). Page 11 of 13 Bureau Veritas 6740 Campobello Road, Mississauga, Ontario, L5N 218 Tel: (905) 817-5700 Toll-Free: 800-563 -6266 Faxi (9O5) 8t7-5777 www.bvlabs.com Microbiology testing is conducted at 6560 Campobello Rd Chenristry testing ls conducted at 6740 Campobello Rd, Bureau Veritas Job #: C29tL75 Report Date: 2022 I 04 / t3 VALIDATION SIGNATURE The analytical data and all QC contained in this report were reviewed and validated by: lan D Wilson Associates Ltd Client Project #: STRAFFORDVILLE Sampler lnitials: GR PAGE manov, Scientific Specialist Bureau Veritas has procedures in place to guard against improper use ofthe electronlc siSnature and have the required "sl8natories", as per ISO/IEC 17025, signingthe reports. For Service Group specific validation please refer to the Valldation Signature Page. Page 12 of 13 Bureau Veritas 5740 Campobello Road, Mississauga, Ontario, L5N 2L8Tel: (905) 817-5700 Toll-Free: 800-553-5256 Fax: (9O5) 817-5777 www.bvlabs.com Microbiology testing is conducted at 6560 Campobello Rd Cherristry testing is conducted a|6140 Campobello Rd ontario @ X3,*"T:1""::y"jI""',Conserua'on rnd prrk* "nt, IWeITao NoJphce stcr*.ano/or erint seiii[l Wgll RgCOfd A2 7 6 4 3 3 | ReoularioasosanhfiorivaferResourcesrc-r Measuremerrtsrecordedin: FMetric ffitmperiat I -^- J pusu I of 1 I Address of Welt Locarion {stredt Number/Name}Sandyow-n Road -(frqgtffi) County/DistricVtrlun icipalifu Elgin g5f{ I C[ty,rlown.rvillaEe r StraffbrdrrillejMunicipal i,lan and Sublot Numbei pt 128; concessionSllS Test Well 1 U'ftul Coordinatest Zone General Colour 'fulost Common Material Nno'8i3.17 Eastino . Nor"ihino5 r 7 6 0 41 4 V3 3 4 5 Gen6ral Deseription l.ayersi I1- I i1- I I L2 23 /r-i .i_1 +i39 44 Atef test of well yield, water was: ff Clear and sand free f.l Other, specify tf pumping discontinued" gwe reason: Purnp intake set qt fri/ft)l+1. Our&ron olpirmpirro'| ho'* 00 mln Finat water rpriel 2$t5f ni;oi*n tf flowng give rab (ihir/GPM) NOT Remrnmended pu43df e{h (rn 1t) is;m;mi+6diiinni r;ie(UrniilGPM) I Well oro*.mtion flmitVGPM) 10 eFnibyair' Disifleded?_vil)Yas , , ruo Watar i.,evel (m/ft) 25',5" I Cahle Tooi I Diarnond lXRohry{ccft,entionali f Jefi;rq I RoUu'y{Revense] I friving I Soring i,ioigsing fJ Air percrlssion [f Othot, speciff 72'7" 10'9" g',10" g',6,' g',2" v',2" g',2" lnside Diarnoter (ouirt) 6" CfiIside Dmmeter {cmfr{ o litgel (hsary rvall) Slot No. #r0 Please provide a map below loltowing instructions on the back. Sandltou,n Road '$i-ell is approx. 480 ft from Sand].ito\lr1Road ft4inis&y's Copy WaterSupply [:] Replaftment Vr/etl ll Test l-lote [_.] Redrarge Wrlll ! Deu/ataring Well E Otlservation and/br lvlonitorjng Hole E Atteration iConstructioo) [-l Roanooneo, tnsutficient Stpply Ll AbardoEd, Pcor Waler Quali! [--l Abandoned, oiher, specjfy ! tXher, sfeufur s 3{., s"4t;; if,ffir+ri+codD)No area 17, (rfft) rnd ai (nffr) trus,ness Name oI weil LontractorI-IAYDEN WATER \VELLS CO Stewart Road D5068 (2020 )G) D Queen'* Printer for RR# 1 Well Recond A2 7 6 4 3 4 | nesru/afion sosontariowa{ef*esorrrcesac, r+reasurements recorded in: I Metric [] lmperlat I- -- -; -^ '^:^ ;:. ' I p"s* -- 1..... of --l Address o{ Well Location (Street NumberllYamc) Sandytown Road q++9{-j-1iet) #" &f +t Countv/DishicUMu nicinalituElgin _ ; Municipal Pian and Sublot Number86 iProvince Postal Code{lii}-rie_ -h{qfl I YQ rother Test well 25,5,1 I2.gi con**'i*NT'R I 12 23 13 Goneral Colour Broiin** Bro\,1&i -9.r,vGrey 9r.v Most Comn:on Material Other Material$ I General Descriprion i ,,#$ (tP" I-ayers ,AN Depth Set at (rri/itl i Type ol Sealant Used (tuiaterial and Type) Sirlids Beriio:rite I Cat$e lool l-l Dlnrnond mRolary(Cenventional) LJ.tesng li] nomny (ReverBe) [ urivlnq ll ecr;rg E Digging E Airpwoussion il OthEr, speciv . . - Outside Diarneter(rmAn) b' Srar Steel (heavv u,all)#I0 $ Wster Suppiy Lj Replacement Weil l-ll Test Hole f ReclrargeWell n DevraterirE Wetl f] Observation and.lor Monitoring Hole lLj Atterafon (Constructonj l.] A|:andonoxl, lnsuffrclent Suppty [-'l Abandoned, Pcor UJaler Qualrty [--l Abandone{,, olher, speciry fi Other, speci! !'l,ater Leve+ trnft) 35'8" 18'8" l7'8" 16',9" t6'2" l6'2" 7 6',2"-16;2ri.- 16'2" 16',2" l6']n" 16'y'- 16',T' IffZ". Pl8ase provide a map belory foltowing instruction$ on the hack. Sandl.towr, Road Water found st Depth iKind of Water; -t111) ;.Gas1 i ,other, speciry ll/aier found at Depth (mlft) , :Gas: . 'Other, specify Con$actor WATER WELLS CO.,INC. 55389$'Sthf$B*f],*r{l1p ") RR # 1 V/ell owner's informat'ron package delirrered.,V:zlYes i"t *, NAD I 8:3 0' t 05{6E (2o20iD6i Ministny's Copy is approx. 665 fi fiorn Saiidltown Road onta rio @ 3:T::H:;::-"::;'"",1T""' [_] Metrio fl lmperial B4 Well Tag No. (Place Sticker and/or Print Below)A308216 Othcr Materials o Lrd E-mail Address Wa I I scarpentry@; gmai I . com ;ioalitvffordville Well Record Regulation 903 Onbrto Water Resources Act Page I of I I WellConstructed by Well Owner General Description 1' t 13' ,'dlli' ir. flldt"lYoother ' - - TestWell 3 General Cciour Most Ccmmon Material 1 Please pr<lvide a rnap belorv following instructtons on the back- Road 225 I'eet well o 480 Ileritage Line approx. 225 fr. from Sandl4o'*n Road lnside 0iametsr (cm/in) i fype ofsealant Used Volume Placed I CableTool ! Diamond E aot ry(conrentionql) EJetting ! Rotary lReverse) E Driving E Boring E Dbging ! Air perarseion ! Othea specrfy ^-, Aftertestof well yieH, waterwas: ffi Clear and sand free E Other, specify Draw Down Recover ltme (mln) Water Level (m/ft) Time (min) Waler Level (n/ft) 24',9"If pumping discontinued, give reason:Static Level 16'2" 1 20'4" 22'6"2 J 2l'3" lg'3" 16'4" Pumo intake set at (m/ft) 44','? J .ta ) O)1L)O 4 5 21'3" 24',6" 4 5 10 15 "f"i"Joj''Bff,,n Final water levlL?q $Bmpiru tnvt:10 24',9 T6'Z lf flovrins s've r3q}ClTin/GPrvr)15 2,4'.9" 2A 20 PuIru $sPul !r1,tU4+'25 25 Recommended putrp rate(l/min/GPM) 'l 30 /.+ Y 30 40 Z+Y 40 50 L+>50 60 La7 60 ! Public I Commerciai E Not used fl Domestic D Municipal ! Dewatering I tivestock E Test Hole E l'{onitoring E lnigation fl Cooling &Air Conditioning E lndustriel B Othe( spedfy .. .-_.--.__ Open Hoie OR fulaterial (Galvanized, Fibregtass, Conorete, Piastic, Steel) Wall Thickness -(@irD Depth (m/t) rrol I t_o- fr WaterSuppty ! ReplacementWell I Test Hole ! Restrarge Wetl I Dervatering Well ! Observation and/or Monitoring Hole E atteratlon (Cons{ruction) E Abandoned, lnsufiieient Suppiy E Abandonsd, Poor Watrar Quality [-l Abandoned, other. .specrfy l__l Other. specify iteel (heavy wtrll)I 42',itee[ (heary rvall)u.219 47 Outside Diameter Material (Plastic, Gdvanized, SteelJ Slot No- atnlcss Steel (lleav-Y walt fr lU H,:Hlf,"l'" :ry"69? ff'ryff 4 q?P.kas1 I ',' I ', I r iv ia: i hr i nl I v lv lv lv inr'r,+l sl u (nr/fl) [ ] cas i 'j Other, specify _ UTM Coordina NAD [I1 3 u{f r iound Depth l. 0506E (2oZoro6)Contractor's Copy t+eH!!lit En lobe CONSULTING SO'IS AND MATERIATS EAJG'AJEERS 12 - 60 Meg Drive, London, ON, NOE 3TG Phone: 519-685-6400 Fax: 519-685-0943 REF. NO.: 02112416.000.0100.0101 LOG OF BOREHOLE NO. 01-22 Encl. No. 1 (Sheet 1 of 1) CLIENT: FrANK WAII C/O CJDL . !Y I -- DRLLING DATA: DiEdriCh D.sOT PROJECT: Sandytown Road Subdivision METHOD: Hollow Stem Auger LOCATION: Stratfordville, ON DIAMETER: 83 mm DAruM ELEVATION: Elevations from Sokkia Network Data Provided by the Client DATE: Mar 3,2022 Nnoq Foo SUBSURFACE PROFILE 5s J>e {tr ,5 o=<o-Oo- WELL CONSTRUCTIONois,OEtrE -o=oots0r6,oE DESGRIPTION odl =U' 9u =uJPso> dlrJo =fz IIJ(L F =Oz=:o E 227.31 227 226 225 224 223 222 221 220 U 1 2 3 4 E 6 7 SAND: Bro\Mr, sand, trace silt. = 28 22 28 I 6 19 19 23 t-L]tl H= ===L ILE uoncrele seat for stickup protector Bentonite Seal #2 sand pack Sand Packed Slotted Section # 2 sand at bottom of Borehole. Loose, mottled brown, wet. 1 SS 7 Compact, brown, wet to moist. 2 SS 17 3 SS 21 :: .'.. :.... i..'. 4 SS 14 5 SS 20 6 SS 17Saturated..: : j.'.'. .'.;.r;.,.: ; . ..., .:,.......',: j...., :..'... "., .'..'.'. .'t 7 SS 15 8 SS 27 o_q U)oU) Fzo(osN No LIJ)o =LIJtoo LLo(,) Borehole terminated. Monitoring Well lnstalled and water level at 4.82m BGS 3 hours after installed. Water level at 4.83 m BGS in monitoring well on March 25, 2022. FOo_uo.ad E A_r€ s iEdP : Ee sd! E ::Eo' q .E8 E!E Eg !g tc i€ri EI bq EE1 EEI Ei EE i*il x3E EE iE Etl o:.. V q .y! :STE ;EH TT EE Cll:r 3i: i* E 5 3=il; EgE FE PE Ell UtrE ryi as IrI ,Eg;H:Efig- O qEE ':"1 L-)a I2 Jci6 cl1-E c4> + z9oFE ozegIJJ <ofrIJuJ lrJE u.r(J()o<H&<l>o52trdLU.<(9 x.i X6+ Xu'iJ iil :Oro e(\io60 g llJi5(, Fo Focio FqooodFtN F qNEO _t"o t;-llol l=ll*llolIl'lli Ili Ie_J lI ElI olt:,r IIE E Il; IlLl I16 II.9 - tlE 6l IgFRIl:'-ll? IIrlol[6.; Al n IE E E Ilo).4 Y Il< < E Iti _ Etle:tlIE a 6l -l I fil),r, i I 1t\a-l'!F:*-::=-:=+v <. FeIJJ .IJJ :d=F.,u)i s MOI U'OI CJ ,8. 133UlS 6tN C\to fo I!-----l i / .t f,L /'//:- -.' !Efd'lofl'htvro:1t:!t E1-to-zzoz'6mp'ue;3aloqarog-EEOSZ\Iapo6-t0\€€002\oz61sl:afo.rd O n ta r i o @ ts:H:r:l:l'"=,1'i:?l3"''Well Record - Regulation 903 Ontario Water Resources Acf Notice of Gollection of Personal lnformation Personal information contained on this form is collected pursuant to sections 35-!0 and 75(2) of lhe Ontaio Water Resources Acf and section '16.3 of the Wells Regulation. This information will be used for the purpose of maintaining a public record of wells in Ontario. This form and the information contained on the form will be stored in the Ministry's well record database and made publicly available. Questions about this collection should be directed to the Water Well Customer Service Representative at the Wells Help Desk, 125 Resources Road, Toronto Ontario M9P 3V6, at 1-88&396-9355 or wellshelodesk@ontario.ca. Fields marked with an asterisk (") are mandatory. Well Tag Number * A346231 Type . f Construction ! nOandonment Measurement recorded in: * ! Metric f lmperial 1. Well Owner's lnformation Last Name and First Name, or Organization is mandatory. n Last Name Attn: Cluett Organization CJDL Consulting Engineers Current Address Unit Number First Name Cameron Email Address ccluett@cjdleng. com Street Number * 261 Street Name Broadway, Box 460 City/TownA/illage Tillsonburg Country Canada Telephone NumberPostal Code N4G 4H8 2. Well Location Address of Well Location Unit Number lStreet Number * I as+t Street Name * Sandytown Road Township Lot Concession Cou nty/D istricUM u n icipal ity ELGIN City/Town Straffordville Province Ontario Postal Code UTM Coordinates NAD 83 Zone. Easting * Northing * tl17 1517676 14733151tt Municipal Plan and Sublot Number Other Well Depth *22.5 (ft) Generat Colour luo.t Common Materiall 21e3E (2020101) I c"n"ral Description Depth To Page 4 of 8 Other Materials Depth From I (ft)(ft) Brown Sand silt 0 22.5 4. Annular Space. Depth From (ft) Depth To (ft) Type of Sealant Used (Material and Type)Volume Placed (cubic feet) 0 1 Concrete 04 1 16.5 Bentonite 5.81 16.5 22.5 Silica Sand 2.27 5. Method of Construction. E cable Tool E Rotary (conventional) ! Rotary (Reverse) ! Boring ! Air percussion ! Diamond I letting ! oriving ! Digging ! Rotary (Air) f Augering E Direct Push ! Otner (specify) 6. Well Use * f euOlic ! Industrial ! Cooling & Air Conditioning ! Domestic ! Commercia! ! ltot Used ! Livestock I Municipal I Monitoring ! Irrigation f Test Hole ! Dewatering ! Otfrer (specify) 7. Status of Well . ! water Supply tr I Recharge Wett tr ! Rlteration (Construction) tr Replacement Well Dewatering Well I Test Hole f OUservation and/or Monitoring Hole Abandoned, lnsufficient Supply ! Abandoned, Poor Water Quality ! Abandoned, other (specify) I Otfrer (specify) 8. Construction Record - Casing " (use negative number(s) to indicate depth above ground surface) lnside Diameter (in) Open Hole or Material (Galvanized, Fibreglass, Concrete, Plastic, Steel) Wall Thickness Depth From (ft) Depth To (ft) 2 Plastic 0.1 54 -3 17.5 4 Steel 0.125 -3 1 9. Construction Record - Screen Outside Diameter (in) Materia! (Plastic, Galvanized, Steel) SIot Number Depth From (ft) Depth To (ft) 2.375 Plastic 0.01 17.5 22.5 2193E (2O2O|O1)Page 5 of I 10. Water Details Water found at Depth 15 (ft)! cas Kind of water ! Fresh I Untested f Otfrer I 1. Hole Diameter Depth To (ft) Depth From (ft) Diameter (in) 85 12. Results of Wel! Yield Testing I Pumping Discontinued Explain lf flowing give rate ! Flowing (GPM) Draw down Time (min)Static Level 1 2 3 4 5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 60 Water Level (ft) Recovery Time (min)1 2 3 4 5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 60 Water Level (ft) After test of well yield, water was ! Clear and sand free f] Otner (specify) Pump intake set at (ft) Pumping rate (GPM) Duration of pumping hrs + min Final water level end of pumping (ft) Disinfected? . f, Yes E l,to Recommended pump depth (ft) Recommended pump rate (GPM) Well production (GPM) 13. Map of Wel! Location * Map 1. Please Click the map area below to import an image file to use as the map.f tvtat<e map area bigger 21e3E (2020101)Page 6 of 8 Well owner's information package delivered ! ves E tlo Date Work Completed (yyyy/mm/dd) . 2022103103 Date Package Delivered (yyyylmm/dd) Comments Business Name of Well Contractor * London Soil Test Ltd. Business Address Well Contractor's License Number " 7 190 Unit Number lstreet Number City/TownA/illage * Dundalk Business Telephone Number 519-455-5777 Last Name of Well Technician " Sayers Street Name * Southgate Sdrd 71 Business Email Address info@lond onsoil. com Postal Code * NOC 1 BO Well Technician's License Number " 3812 First Name of Well Technician * James E I hereby confirm that I am the person who constructed the well and I hereby confirm that the information on the form is conect and accurate. 21s3E (2O2O|O1)Page 7 of 8 Last Name Sayers Signature James Sayers Audit Number E528 XBgl First Name James Digitally signed by James Sayers DN: cn=James Sayers, o=London Soil Tst Ltd. ou, email=info@londonsoil com, Date'. 2022 03 17 1 4 20.34 -04'00' EmailAddress info@londonsoil. com Date Submitted (yyyy/mm/dd) 2022103117 2193E (2O2O|O1)Page 8 of 8 ,d !dtrh aod =T E/: 3o\-t\to >.( \\tt\r$ o bD A a. 3 #; H I t\. NN.\S'\rrt>.,\Jr N \ I'..\.\;H\ vq E,&yT E 6 E i'a!: E i IEucc3Zl5troo=i,=doo;:r--o+Fo.Ot4; ,$ - ,l'\->ONN+ '\ '' !=\ci 'r ! E*rf, +; z!g: E'Air:45' E'vo,I! e-35 o-c = !{9O:H! Eet E.I;TJE atro 9H o-"i e 5.! -c ir:hDi €s6tro ! o 0,c 6q B t.., / ).: *./.^\rl I o o I do M (! o c N U T:s< Eo CJlrlE JJlrl =ElrlF - !J,il "f,is .5 *" co .E EoIno eo oE ooi o E Eo 5 FIli oz E!6 EoEh o Eo 6 = o o d tro o q${ $ Eoo tr F. hE 'f; o a cF. EEfiE -6EE o! EE* /-q.36c d.g .E EEIEI r.9 -6+ EI'E sEEjEO iE'.i3 rtsia ! ooE a F !EiTgcF A !o E li oi -st F I (J hoEEoFT b6= tHo(,ofr Flr-lo FtHo {Jd B Pdr<.EpEI!E6?tgE E Eii!l.{ "{ililtil_!E.q!;:l -$ li) etEg5 gE .EH it e.E'5E6Aox HO i\i =i! 51! o:is;:l!a 6,: a 9;id it' '- r: i S;Htr:!I !o b:kE :gE iir iFP:A :sloE E\ os' 6 A titrcqaclo oB H !as E od o c0E J o E ccEbE Eo E0 fEbl!3() Et Atr aaE EGbF .Ea f==*" Iral t'- ca t-' 1t ill";: i,l 'N -+r ;.a ='-1 s{.\ ( $;5 .: \| *: k!o: !:FI: oEo9EE€Ez4 E o Eo13gatr ! gc I EaE to a 5 o a o A E{ o t eH \ .$. a{ L$ l^ GI t aq,t J JrqlF' \ -s i N L G N, Lo'l,l-J.et\ ruQ \ Er =.d >.2 ot O:H! E"b=lt E.!, >!E a c-o 9 Hl o..:j ii,o -aE-d1JbD: tro :l:L :o:b : :$ NN Txru ! _'. ir . i Nu! $ ir* *N+82 = -.\Y S t"r goFIEE'Eg, r3.cdE,dxiiz<d, €o ! o trd oE ! o o oo o = . .\:\: r\: ,\A'\r ' i sttr Ei.z- ,r'E,!o :AZ ..JN $l.tl\:\,;\I\,}\\D/ii,\. \\v.\ \t\r\ .;s\\: l.i\ ,1. : a .E il.r ,st E .o< o>!a !E 6ETq8 zP9slE}fo C 2. R -J\. oP! =c cf = d a o =3 'd I As o E t.r uul€*.rU,,- \3tfrt a. d fr o.!Fai :so oo'trde trp.AA I t\, 'a \D li\ i:Ebro.=H , EE dQOL!E soa=-:.!;; tr^^-o5troo*EsfrFd6= 5o o.sq EDE l-1 Err :,: .EoLnttn- \Sz {Y) -.o z\t:b.f\ o3,0 , F Et7 !Ec4Fg.6;EtLi o.-*6h=9*;u ool: :_e:, O r^ n C5.! 5E "l{ tslE'F= truE.*sI!o iq CA 43 -Etg -E tt'E lrt5E ;.tii\Ii : \,i sN: lr\.3i l: di-l Fi-l,i{r{-ii l.i rnE q nT::*1R:Cts! .Oo6)O Elrll- =;l ni _d 5 toE Eoa.! E EoI )Eo o =€E Co+$ rdiJ c*l JJs I tu i!i N Fl$ Eb Eoc,lrlE JJlrl . ED fi o ooE6 ! O N"\t soLLd t o o:}E9=oe clo: ooi oE ud! ql \,, \\\ '\.L1,\\Kn EUJF4 = OUJCJ =aa e c'lcta2 Li .Jc{e Ll = ldr5lt>- i=r.6=oEc! = aAL c coJ =a) =HtSYczj.; E;c 3 c 9+E: E TE:EHag:sEEb::28 EESgAE ,l tl E-l 1 r'\_t.- d-^)ua o!2rT'A! ooc, oo = oi(!I :t;l EI rro,{i ol , 1t\i=..'9 a \a L\o\ ,\ Q fic T ood o oB -D d .do .3D;!=^ =E! EEEx- E: =AJAr-i o,. , : ,\ 1 , : r{: I ,\ii\, ' u<'t ;:G\\:.<e '.- 3S'\.i ris lf rI\ar,' ,[r uo's Bi.EE.s\ E: E*d!Q-at;E E B E'**.eteElSc,s+ H;BEEEE.E,siEf,g tc ,PtEIE i : ;ti {.i\i>tqj b(J 6 EoH dud dt Eoi i :ria!t E i.f fEI !ii t I i!! F F* "l d\ =i{ ESt :;f l\Sl'IJ t+\rl Fl\l^t I ;r + +---.t *s- -\tS - g.J ". >L't,d ::l sY$ ;aE gE E !6 o4 3a) ,, *i :'\: :v): : s;Si *i , :*itE t4r,i '\j : E :\\l ;s isr\i >:::tr{i \.dirio'iS! vi{e N YY !-; uiS :.", JNIgt,;ei N+,N\{.s ii ' <r: \"t t .) P ->n+ r. b u ? , E-, ,I E E 1j if i:j!g Ae{ E< "LL g:r t"+ t\. 5lr n 3Ei Ic A I an o e H Eot44trd(o E2 o BJ =a) ! o EI Ecc {to o.E !u : 4 E*,oz:r: ?: tt =\r o :N^$ r,{\ i, '\rg 'E bc @ o tJ In6o tr =A F-o tr tr o o !Eo ! ! dUo u d l,- lid .g€ o -o d a,4 o di E6 3 oo! e Ed =6 =oto E 3 !oIoc, o o = a.Ei6 € tttuEEu E-t3rP lrl s= \r^t+ E c. k;i, ;s;+IDJ =,ctunl- tr -c.=m & s doEotr '=; c u c .=4 fl H 3:M9i*o d H ql]X H=-Li3da.:i5 s q -<*--=i A; LJ o to p. E F. , :. , r/. 'O',J. 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Dewatering E Test Hole ! Moniioring ! Cooling & Air conditioning E Replacement Well fl Test Hole ! Recharge Well E Dswatering Well ! ObservaUon and/or Monitoring HoleE Alteration (Construction) fl Abandoned, luuuftioicnt Supply fl Abandoned, Poor Water Quality I Abandonod, other, spaclfy ! other, spocf! Recommended pump rateumn/aew 1 O gfn (.-{y Lol ,u\(ol?' YIYlYl\.li\4lA,rlDlD o5o6E (2014h1) (Strqet Numb6r/l'ress<. Contractor's Copy @ Qu€snl Pdnter for Ontario, 2014 MPAC is legislatively responsible for collecting occupant information (name, date of birth, citizenship and school support) for municipal, District Social Services Administration Boards and school board elections, and keeping up-to-date population figures for every municipality in Ontario. One of the ways we collect this information is through voterlookup.ca. By logging into voterlookup.ca, Ontarian's can add their name or the names of others in their household to our database, confirm or update their electoral information and change their school support. We use this information to create a Preliminary List of Electors, used by municipalities to produce the final Voters’ List for municipal elections, as well as population reporting for various municipal and school board planning purposes. To add or confirm your information for future elections, and help improve the accuracy of population reports, please visit voterlookup.ca. CITY CLERK’S OFFICE City Hall, 58 Dalhousie Street, Brantford, ON N3T 2J2 P.O Box 818, Brantford, ON N3T 5R7 Phone: (519) 759-4150 Fax: (519) 759-7840 www.brantford.ca May 18, 2022 Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM); Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO); Sent via email: resolutions@fcm.ca ; policy@amo.on.ca To Whom it may concern: Please be advised that Brantford City Council at its Special City Council meeting held May 17, 2022 adopted the following: 5.1 Release of all Federal and Provincial Documents Related to the Former Mohawk Institute Residential School WHEREAS the Truth and Reconciliation Commission Final Report, 2015 confirmed that Residential Schools were part of a coherent policy implemented by the Federal Government to eliminate Indigenous people as distinct Peoples and to assimilate them into Christian society against their will; and WHEREAS the Deputy Minister of Indian Affairs Duncan Campbell Scott outlined the goals of that policy in 1920, when he told a parliamentary committee that “our object is to continue until there is not a single Indian in Canada that has not been absorbed into the body politic…”; and WHEREAS the Truth and Reconciliation Commission Final Report, 2015 also confirmed that despite the coercive measures that the government adopted, it failed to achieve its policy goals. Although Indigenous Peoples and cultures have been badly damaged, they continue to exist; and WHEREAS the former Mohawk Institute Residential School operated from 1831 to 1970 within the boundaries of what is now the City of Brantford; and WHEREAS Survivors have released statements of missing, murdered, and buried students; and WHEREAS, to date, the unmarked burials of over 7000 missing Indigenous children have been discovered nation-wide; and WHEREAS, following the May 2021 announcement by Tk'emlúps te Secwépemc First Nation of locating 215 potential burials of children in unmarked graves at the Kamloops Indian Residential School in British Columbia, the Survivors of the Mohawk Institute, 2 CITY CLERK’S OFFICE City Hall, 58 Dalhousie Street, Brantford, ON N3T 2J2 P.O Box 818, Brantford, ON N3T 5R7 Phone: (519) 759-4150 Fax: (519) 759-7840 www.brantford.ca along with their families and community members called on the Federal and Provincial governments to support a search for the remains of missing children who may have been buried on the Mohawk Institute's grounds and the surrounding area; and WHEREAS, as of November, 2021, a search, led by the Survivors' Secretariat, of the Mohawk Institute Residential School grounds and over 200 hectares of land associated with the school began; and WHEREAS Survivors of the Mohawk Institute Residential School are demanding the release of all Federal and Provincial documents related to the former Mohawk Institute Residential School; and WHEREAS staff of the City of Brantford are currently undertaking a search of City records and archives for any documents, maps, or other relevant information related to the operation of the Mohawk Institute Residential School in order to release this information to the Survivors’ Secretariat to aid in the search for truth, justice and healing; and WHEREAS this Council is committed to working to advance reconciliation and renewed relationships with First Nations; and WHEREAS the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada issued 94 Calls to Action, thirteen of which are directed at municipal governments; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: A. THAT the Council of The Corporation of the City of Brantford respectfully REQUESTS THE IMMEDIATE RELEASE, to the Survivors’ Secretariat, of all documents in the possession of the Government of Canada or the Government of Ontario and the Anglican Church related to the former Mohawk Institute Residential School now located on Six Nations of the Grand River Territory, within the geographic boundaries of the City of Brantford; and B. THAT the Clerk BE DIRECTED to send a copy of this resolution to: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau; Premier Doug Ford; Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations Marc Miller; Minister of Indigenous Services, Patty Hajdu; Minister of Indigenous Affairs, Greg Rickford; Linda Nicholls, Primate of the Anglican Church of Canada; MPP Will Bouma; MP Larry Brock, Mayor David Bailey; Chief Mark Hill; Chief Stacey Laforme; and the Survivors' Secretariat; and C. THAT the Clerk BE DIRECTED to send a copy of this resolution to the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) and the Association of Municipalities Ontario (AMO) for circulation to all municipalities in Ontario with an invitation to adopt a similar resolution, and, specifically, to those located within the Haldimand Tract, 3 CITY CLERK’S OFFICE City Hall, 58 Dalhousie Street, Brantford, ON N3T 2J2 P.O Box 818, Brantford, ON N3T 5R7 Phone: (519) 759-4150 Fax: (519) 759-7840 www.brantford.ca including: Haldimand County; the County of Brant; the City of Cambridge; the City of Kitchener; the City of Waterloo; and the Region of Waterloo. I trust this information is of assistance. Yours truly, Tanya Daniels City Clerk, tdaniels@brantford.ca Cc All Ontario Municipalities Survivors’ Secretariat Legislative Services Town of Newmarket 395 Mulock Drive clerks@newmarket.ca P.O. Box 328 Station Main tel.: 905-895-5193 Newmarket, ON L3Y 4X7 fax: 905-953-5100 May 24, 2022 Sent via email: amo@amo.on.ca Attn: Association of Municipalities Ontario RE: Mandatory Firefighter Certifications I am writing to advise you that at the Council meeting held on May 9, 2022, Council adopted the following recommendations regarding the above referenced matter: Whereas municipal governments provide essential services to the residents and businesses in their communities; and, Whereas the introduction of new provincial policies and programs can have an impact on municipalities; and, Whereas municipal governments are generally supportive of efforts to modernize and enhance the volunteer and full-time fire services that serve Ontario communities; and, Whereas the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) believes in principle that fire certification is a step in the right direction, it has not endorsed the draft regulations regarding firefighter certification presented by the Province; and, Whereas municipalities and AMO are concerned the thirty-day consultation period was insufficient to fully understand the effects such regulations will have on municipal governments and their fire services; and, Whereas fire chiefs have advised that the Ontario firefighter certification process will create additional training and new costs pressures on fire services; and, Whereas the Ontario government has not provided any indication they will offer some form of financial support to deliver this service; and, Whereas AMO, on behalf of municipal governments, in a letter to Solicitor General Jones dated February 25, 2022, made numerous comments and requests to address the shortcomings in the draft regulations. Legislative Services Town of Newmarket 395 Mulock Drive clerks@newmarket.ca P.O. Box 328 Station Main tel.: 905-895-5193 Newmarket, ON L3Y 4X7 fax: 905-953-5100 Therefore be it resolved, 1. That the Town of Newmarket does hereby support AMO’s recommendations; and, 2. That the Town of Newmarket does hereby call on the Solicitor General of Ontario to work with AMO, municipal governments and fire chiefs across Ontario to address the funding concerns raised so that municipalities can continue to offer high quality services to their communities; and, 3. That a copy of this Motion be sent to the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO), the Ontario Small Urban Municipalities (OSUM), and all Ontario municipalities for their consideration Yours sincerely, Jaclyn Grossi Acting Deputy Clerk Copy: Ontario Small Urban Municipalities All Ontario municipalities Mayor and Members of Council, I am requesting action from Council on three itemized concerns discussed below. #1 Port Burwell Boardwalk located on DFO-owned lands As Council is aware through recent correspondence, I have been concerned with the disinformation being circulated to Council and the Public by our Mayor and CAO|Clerk with respect to ownership of the lands upon which the former Port Burwell Boardwalk was located. The former Port Burwell Boardwalk was located on DFO-owned lands, not on “Provincial lands owned by the Ministry of Natural Resources”, as erroneously reported at the March 17, 2022 regular meeting. The DFO harbour lands include a 60 foot riparian setback upon which the Boardwalk was built (circa 1991). Please find attached a copy of a 1989 legal survey of the DFO harbour lands that show the boardwalk area and adjacent provincial park lands (referred to as Part 1 on the survey). On land, the boundary between the federal and provincial lands is defined by an existing chain link fence along the length of the boardwalk. This is an accurate survey of the harbour lands that verifies the Boardwalk was located within the 60’ setback on DFO-owned lands, not MNRF. The attached mapping of provincial park boundary coverage provided through MECP delineates the park property, which identifies the 60’ riparian setback along the harbour. There are also several older reports associated with divestiture that include surveyed mapping that delineates the DFO harbour lands. I have included mapping by Stantec (circa 2015) and Dillon (circa 2000) for your reference (both found on the Bayham website). All of this mapping is supported by actual survey data. Furthermore, I have reviewed archived minutes from both the Provincial Park and Village of Port Burwell (pre-amalgamation) that report the Boardwalk was a joint venture between the DFO and Village of Port Burwell, and that Port Burwell maintained the “West Pier Boardwalk” that was valued for its “beauty and benefits to citizens of Port Burwell and surrounding communities”. It was also discovered that at least since 1996 the provincial park has attempted to terminate pedestrian access to the boardwalk and west beach, despite previously executed agreements. In fact, it was not until after amalgamation and discussions on divestiture broke down that Bayham Council failed to honour their commitment to the community to maintain the Boardwalk and permit pedestrian access. Requests for Action Re: #1: A) I request Council acknowledge that the Port Burwell Boardwalk was located on DFO-owned lands, and not provincial lands owned by MNRF, and was historically maintained by the Municipality. B) I request a formal correction be made for the public record in order to stop the spread of disinformation within the community, including making an amendment to the minutes to reflect the true ownership of these lands. C) I also ask that the resolution delivered to the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans and local MP be amended accordingly and re-sent. #2 Correspondence received from DFO on this matter As Council is aware, Mr. Thayer has advised on several occasions that any formal correspondence received from upper levels of government are included in an Agenda for receipt and discussion. He recently retracted this statement to say [emphasis mine]: “Any correspondence received from the DFO on the matter that is directed to Council will be included on an Agenda.” Request for action Re: #2: D) In the spirit of transparency, and in accordance to the Municipal Act, I am requesting that Council direct Staff to include any correspondence received from DFO on this matter in an Agenda for discussion, regardless of who the correspondence is directed to. #3. Committee of Council I have been in recent discussions with SCH regarding the matter of the Boardwalk. Upon learning that Bayham Council is desirous to have the boardwalk re- established (as per the March 2022 resolution), SCH is more than willing to enter into negotiations. This has always been the desire of SCH. Bayham is the only municipality with a recreational harbour that is not managed nor has any agreements in place. Request for action Re: #3: E) We request that a Boardwalk (Advisory) Committee be established that will include member(s) of the municipality, myself and other interested members of the public to gather information and report back to Council. Many citizens within and around Port Burwell were upset with the unannounced removal of their beloved Boardwalk. It was a regional draw and asset to the community. We thank Councillor Susan Chilcott for bringing the motion forward to re-establish the Boardwalk. I trust Members of council address each of my 5 requests for action accordingly. More detailed information can be found within the string of emails each member of council was cc’d. However, should further information or clarifications be warranted, please feel free to contact me personally. Kind Regards, Susanne Schlotzhauer 0 km0.51 N This map should not be relied on as a precise indicator of routes or locations, nor as a guide to navigation. The Ontario Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP) shall not be liable in any way for the use or any information on this map. of, or reliance upon, this map. Port Burwell Provincial Park Boundary 5/6/2022 42.64419 N, -80.81576 W Map Created: Map Center:© Queen's Printer for Ontario,2022 Please accept this as a letter for action regarding the following: 1) The current sewage and storm water management report of 2020 recommends that growth of 1% is the average for the assessment provided and it was recommended that increased growth over this would require additional assessment of the current system. The proposed development for both Eden, Straffordville and Vienna exceeds the projected growth and therefore a new review should be conducted to determine whether the increased needs will exceed the capacity of the sewage.storm water management system, 2)The recommendations of Mr Poll support only the questions regarding OPA 26 refusal by Elgin and do not address the current state of the aquifer and groundwater drainage related to existing farmland with livestock. Unconfined aquifers are affected by seasonal fluctuations in water level. It is suggested that the integrity and function of an aquifer is depleted 70% in 50 yrs and without the information related to the aquifer we will not know what to expect for transmissivity, hydraulic conductivity and storability all essential for safe consistent and available water. Further study to the aquifer supplying the Sandytown and Eden subdivisions is requested before going further. Writer recommends that this reader review Hydrogeological Studies and Best Management Practices for Groundwater Protection Guidelines Halton Region for additional information as well as the current Moratorium on Building in Collingwood due to demand exceeding current infrastructure status. 3) Climate change review needs to be addressed regarding the implications on the aquifer since dry conditions could be catastrophic to farmers who rely on water for their crop necessitating them to draw from their ponds where available and 20 residents of Straffordville submitted concerns related to reduced water availability and pressure with a house fire in the hamlet requiring an increase demand on the water. Water removed constantly without replacement will inevitably result in a crises situation. 4) Affordable housing has not been offered in either plans though it is much needed in Bayham since incomes are recognized to be lower in this municipality. Council has a responsibility as per our official plan to address this. 5) Mr. Polls information was with error in that while the review he provided identified there were no proposed subdivisions the applications for the proposals were known prior to March so either he was provided with misinformation or he neglected to acknowledge the proposals. This needs to be addressed by the municipality and Mr Poll since accuracy is essential. 6) Design and Construction Standards for the municipality of Bayham Spriet Associates London Limited Consulting Engineers 2018 were contracted to provide design and construction standards with recommendations of obtaining approval from the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change, Ministry of Municipal Affairs, Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry to select those Ministries related to developments. These approvals need to be sought if not and provided to the public if completed. REPORT CAO TO: Mayor & Members of Council FROM: Thomas Thayer, CAO|Clerk DATE: June 2, 2022 REPORT: CAO-24/22 SUBJECT: ELGIN ELECTION JOINT COMPLIANCE AUDIT COMMITTEE BACKGROUND: Section 88.37 of the Municipal Elections Act, 1996, as amended requires each municipal Council to establish a Compliance Audit Committee before October 1st in an election year to deal with matters regarding election campaign finances and contributions. Historically, Member Municipalities within Elgin County have established an “Elgin Election Joint Compliance Audit Committee” to address matters provided for in Sections 88.33, 88.34, 88.35 and 88.36 of the Municipal Elections Act, 1996. DISCUSSION The establishment of a joint committee offers numerous efficiencies in terms of committee member recruitment, review of the committee Terms of Reference, and notice obligations, while remaining compliant with relevant provisions of the Municipal Elections Act, 1996. The attached draft Elgin Election Joint Compliance Audit Committee Terms of Reference provides for the Committee Term, Meeting Overview, Mandate, Composition, Appointment Process, Compensation, Role of Staff, Application Process, Roles and Responsibilities and Appeal overview. Once all Elgin County Member Municipalities have established a Joint Compliance Audit Committee and approved a Committee Terms of Reference by By-law, recruitment for committee members will begin. Advertising for prospective Committee Members will include the placement of ads in local newspapers, contacting previous members of the Joint Committee from 2018 and by posting ads on each respective municipal website. More information about the Committee Member Appointment Process is outlined in Section 7 of the attached Terms of Reference. ATTACHMENTS 1. Elgin Election Joint Compliance Audit Committee Terms of Reference RECOMMENDATION 1. THAT Report CAO-24/22 re Elgin Election Joint Compliance Audit Committee be received for information; 2. AND THAT the by-law to establish an Elgin Election Joint Compliance Audit Committee be brought forward for Council’s consideration. Respectfully Submitted by: Thomas Thayer, CMO CAO|Clerk THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 2022-039 BEING A BY-LAW TO ESTABLISH AN ELECTION JOINT COMPLIANCE AUDIT COMMITTEE FOR THE 2022 MUNICIPAL ELECTION IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS ACT, 1996, AS AMENDED. WHEREAS subsection 5(3) of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c. 25, as amended, provides that a municipal power shall be exercised by by-law; AND WHEREAS section 9 of the Municipal Act, 2001 provides that a municipality has the capacity, rights, powers and privileges of a natural person for the purpose of exercising its authority under this or any other Act; AND WHEREAS section 88.37 of the Municipal Elections Act, 1996, as amended requires the Council to establish a Compliance Audit Committee before October 1st in an election year to deal with matters regarding election campaign finances and contributions; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham wishes to establish a Compliance Audit Committee to deal with matters regarding election campaign finances and contributions; THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT a committee, to be known as the Elgin Election Joint Compliance Audit Committee, is hereby established to deal with the matters provided for in Sections 88.33, 88.34, 88.35 and 88.36 of the Municipal Elections Act, 1996, as amended. 2. THAT the business of the Elgin Election Joint Compliance Audit Committee for the 2022 Municipal Election be conducted in accordance with the Terms of Reference set out in Appendix “A” attached hereto and forming a part of this By-law. 3. THAT this By-law shall come into force and take effect on the final passing thereof. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 2ND DAY OF JUNE 2022. ____________________________ _____________________________ MAYOR CLERK Schedule A to By-law 2022-039 TERMS OF REFERENCE FOR THE ELGIN ELECTION JOINT COMPLIANCE AUDIT COMMITTEE 1. DEFINITIONS a. Act - means the Municipal Elections Act, 1996, S.O. 1996, c. 32, as amended from time to time. b. Applicant – means an elector as defined under Section 88.33(1) or 88.35(1) of the Act who applies for a compliance audit of a candidate’s or third party advertiser’s election campaign finances. c. Application – means an application for a compliance audit accepted by the Clerk pursuant to Section 88.33(2) of the Act. d. Auditor - means a person appointed by the Elgin Election Joint Compliance Audit Committee to conduct a compliance audit of the election campaign finances of candidates and registered third parties pursuant to Section 88.33 of the Act. e. Auditor's Report - means a report prepared by an auditor regarding the findings of an audit into the election campaign finances of a candidate or registered third party advertiser. f. Candidate - means the candidate whose election campaign finances are the subject of an application for a compliance audit. g. Clerk – means the Clerk of a member municipality in Elgin County, or their designate. h. Committee - means the Elgin Election Joint Compliance Audit Committee established pursuant to Section 88.37 of the Act. i. Compliance Audit - means an audit conducted by an auditor, appointed by the Elgin Election Joint Compliance Audit Committee, of a candidate's election campaign finances; contributions to candidates; registered third parties campaign finances, and contributions to registered third parties. j. Council – means the Council of a member municipality in Elgin County, including the Council of the Town of Aylmer, Municipality of Bayham, Municipality of Central Elgin, Municipality of Dutton Dunwich, Township of Malahide, Township of Southwold, and Municipality of West Elgin. k. Municipality – means a member municipality in the County of Elgin, including The Corporation of the Town of Aylmer, The Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham, The Corporation of the Municipality of Central Elgin, The Corporation of the Municipality of Dutton Dunwich, The Corporation of the Township of Malahide, The Corporation of the Township of Southwold, and The Corporation of the Municipality of West Elgin. l. Registered Third Party - means the individual, corporation or trade union whose notice of registration has been certified by the Clerk and whose campaign finances are the subject of an application for a compliance audit. 2. ENABLING LEGISLATION Section 88.37 of the Act requires that before October 1st in an election year, Council establish a Compliance Audit Committee for the purposes of Sections 88.33, 88.34, 88.35 and 88.36 of the said Act relative to a possible contravention of the Act’s election campaign finance provisions. 3. TERM The term of office of the Committee is the same as the term of office of Council, being November 15, 2022 to November 14, 2026, and shall serve in the instance of any by-election that may take place during that time. 4. MEETINGS The Committee will meet as needed, with meetings to be scheduled by the Clerk of the municipality where a compliance audit application is received, in accordance with the MEA requirements. The Clerk of the host municipality shall ensure and verify the validity of the meeting. The Clerk will contact all members to ensure that a quorum of members is able to attend the said meeting. Meetings will be held at the location determined by the Clerk of the host municipality. The Committee members will select a Chair from amongst its members at its first meeting. In accordance with the Act, the meetings of the Committee shall be open to the public, but the Committee may deliberate in private. 5. MANDATE The Committee is required to act in accordance with the powers and obligations set out in the Municipal Elections Act, 1996, as amended (MEA). The Committee will be required to: a. consider a compliance audit application received from an elector that a candidate or a registered third party has contravened provisions of the MEA relating to election campaign finances and determine whether it should be granted or rejected; b. if the application is granted, the Committee shall appoint an auditor to conduct a compliance audit; c. receive the auditor’s report; d. consider the auditor’s report and if the report concludes that the candidate or registered third party appear to have contravened a provision of the MEA relating to election campaign finances, the Committee may commence legal proceedings against the candidate or registered third party for the apparent contravention; and e. consider the report(s) of the Clerk identifying each contributor to a candidate for office on a Council or a registered third party who appears to have contravened any of the contribution limits under section 88.9 or 88.13 of the MEA and decide whether to commence a legal proceeding against a contributor for an apparent contravention. 6. COMPOSITION The Committee will be composed of at least three (3) and no more than seven (7) members of the public. Members must possess an in-depth knowledge of the campaign financing rules of the MEA and therefore membership drawn from the following stakeholder groups: a. accounting and audit – accountants or auditors with experience in preparing or auditing the financial statements of municipal candidates; b. academic – college or university professors with expertise in political science or local government administration; c. legal profession with experience in municipal law, municipal election law or administrative law; d. professionals who in the course of their duties are required to adhere to codes or standards of their profession which may be enforced by disciplinary tribunals; and e. other individuals with knowledge of the campaign financing rules of the Municipal Elections Act, 1996, as amended. Pursuant to subsection 88.37(2) of the Act, the Committee shall not include: a. Members of Council or local board; b. Employees or officers of the Municipality or local board; c. Any persons who are candidates in the election for which the Committee is established; or d. Any persons who are registered third parties in the Municipality in the election for which the committee is established. Further, an individual shall be deemed ineligible to be a member of the Committee if they prepare the financial statements of: a. any candidate running for office on Municipal Council or local board during the term for which the Committee has been established; or b. any registered third party. In addition, a Committee Member may not be a contributor or provider of any election-related services to a registered candidate or third party advertiser in the 2022 Municipal Election or any subsequent by-election including but not limited to accounting, legal, auditing, marketing or campaign services. 7. APPOINTMENT PROCESS All applicants will be required to submit a summary outlining their qualifications and experience. A Nominating Committee consisting of the Clerks from each of the member municipalities in Elgin County will review and consider all applicants/ applications, and will prepare a proposed Joint Committee membership list for consideration by each of the respective Municipal Councils. Members will be selected on the basis of the following: a. demonstrated knowledge and understanding of municipal election campaign financing rules and knowledge of the MEA and related regulations; b. proven analytical and decision-making skills; c. experience working on a committee, administrative tribunal, task force or similar setting; d. demonstrated knowledge of quasi-judicial proceedings; e. availability and willingness to attend meetings; and f. excellent oral and written communication skills. The Members will be appointed by each of the respective Municipal Councils. 8. COMPENSATION Members of the Committee shall be paid an honorarium of $125.00 per meeting, plus mileage at the current mileage rate established by the host municipality. The host municipality shall pay all costs relative to the respective application. 9. STAFF SUPPORT The Clerk or designate of the host municipality shall act as the Secretary to the Committee and provide support where required. The Clerk shall establish administrative practices and procedures for the Committee and shall carry out any other duties required under this Act to implement the Committee’s decisions. 10. APPLICATION BY ELECTOR a. Financial Statements of Candidates All candidates are required to file provincially prescribed financial statements with the Clerk detailing their election campaign financing activities. An eligible elector who believes on reasonable grounds that a candidate has contravened a provision of the Act, as amended, relating to election campaign finances, may apply for a compliance audit of the candidate’s election campaign finances, even if the candidate has not filed a financial statement. The application must be made in writing to the Clerk and include the reasons for the elector’s belief that the candidate has contravened the Act. The application must be made within 90 days after the latest of the following dates: i. The filing date; ii. The date the candidate filed a financial statement, if the statement was filed within 30 days after the applicable filing date; iii. The candidate’s supplementary filing date, if any; or iv. The date on which the candidate’s extension, if any, expires. b. Registered Third Parties Financial Statements All registered third parties are required to file provincially prescribed financial statements with the Clerk reflecting the registered third party’s campaign finances in relation to third party advertisements. An eligible elector who believes on reasonable grounds that a registered third party who is registered in relation to the election in the Municipality has contravened a provision of the Act, relating to campaign finances, may apply for a compliance audit of the campaign finances of the registered third party in relation to third party advertisements, even if the registered third party has not filed a financial statement. The application must be made in writing to the Clerk and include the reasons for the elector’s belief that the registered third party has contravened the Act. The application must be made within 90 days after the latest of the following dates: i. The filing date; ii. The date the registered third party filed a financial statement, if the statement was filed within thirty (30) days after the applicable filing date; iii. The supplementary filing date, if any, for the registered third party; or iv. The date on which the registered third party’s extension, if any, expires. 11. ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Sections 88.33, 88.34, 88.35 and 88.36 of the Municipal Elections Act outlines the process for Compliance Audits. a. Compliance Audit of Candidates’ Election Campaign Finances The Compliance Audit Committee will be required to: i. within thirty (30) days after the committee has received a compliance audit application, consider the application submitted by an elector and received by the Clerk and decide whether it should be granted or rejected; ii. give notice of its decision to grant or reject the application, and brief written reasons for the decision, to the candidate, the clerk with whom the candidate filed his or her nomination, the secretary of the local board, if applicable, and the applicant; iii. Appoint an auditor, if the compliance audit application is granted, to conduct a compliance audit of the candidate’s election campaign finances; iv. within thirty (30) days after receiving the Auditor’s Report, consider the report and, if the report concludes that the candidate appears to have contravened a provision of the Act relating to election campaign finances, the committee shall decide whether to commence a legal proceeding against the candidate for the apparent contravention; and v. give notice of the committee’s decision, and brief written reasons for the decision, to the candidate, the clerk with whom the candidate filed his or her nomination, the secretary of the local board, if applicable, and the applicant. b. Compliance Audit of Contributions to Candidates The Compliance Audit Committee will be required to: i. within thirty (30) days after receiving the Clerk’s Report that identifies each contributor to a candidate for office on Council who appears to have contravened contribution limits, consider the report and decide whether to commence a legal proceeding against the candidate for the apparent contravention; and ii. give notice of the committee’s decision, and give brief written reasons for the decision, to the contributor and to the Clerk of the Municipality or secretary of the local board as the case may be. c. Compliance Audit of Registered Third Parties’ Campaign Finances The Compliance Audit Committee will be required to: i. within thirty (30) days after the committee has received a compliance audit application, consider the application submitted by an elector and received by the Clerk and decide whether it should be granted or rejected; iii. give notice of its decision to grant or reject the application, and brief written reasons for the decision, to the registered third party, the clerk with whom the registered third party is registered, the secretary of the local board, if applicable, and the applicant; iv. Appoint an auditor, if the compliance audit application is granted, to conduct a compliance audit of the campaign finances of the registered third party in relation to third party advertisements that appear during an election in the Municipality; v. within thirty (30) days after receiving the Auditor’s Report, consider the report and, if the report concludes that the registered third party appears to have contravened a provision of the Act relating to campaign finances of the registered third party in relation to third party advertisements that appear during an election in the municipality, the committee shall decide whether to commence a legal proceeding against the candidate for the apparent contravention; and vi. give notice of the committee’s decision, and brief written reasons for the decision, to the candidate, the clerk with whom the candidate filed his or her nomination, the secretary of the local board, if applicable, and the applicant. d. Compliance Audit of Contributions to Registered Third Parties The Compliance Audit Committee will be required to: i. within 30 days after receiving the Clerk’s Report that identifies each contributor to the registered third party who appears to have contravened contributions limits, consider the report and decide whether to commence a legal proceeding against a contributor for an apparent contravention; and ii. give notice of the committee’s decision, and brief written reasons for the decision, to the contributor and to the Clerk of the Municipality. 12. APPEAL The decision of the Compliance Audit Committee may be appealed to the Superior Court of Justice within 15 days after the decision is made and the Court may make any decision the Committee could have made. THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 2022-037 BEING A BY-LAW TO ADOPT THE CAPITAL ESTIMATES FOR THE YEAR 2022 WHEREAS Section 290 of the Municipal Act, S.O. 2001, as amended provides in part that a local municipality shall in each year prepare and adopt estimates of all sums required during the year for the purposes of the local municipality, and; WHEREAS it is necessary and expedient to levy on the whole rateable property according to the last revised assessment roll of the Municipality the sum of $1,506,500 for the capital program of the lower-tier municipality for the current year, NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the capital estimates appended hereto as Schedule “A” are hereby adopted. 2. THAT the tax levy requirement of $1,506,500 be incorporated into the 2022 current estimates for the purposes of determining the tax rates for 2022. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 2ND DAY OF JUNE 2022. ___________________________________ ____________________________ MAYOR CLERK Total Cost Reserve Fund DC's Debt Financing Grants Other Tax Levy Page Reference General Government $160,000 $20,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $140,000 14 Fire $214,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $214,000 25 Building $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 36 Public Works $4,702,500 $10,000 $0 $0 $3,665,000 $0 $1,027,500 47 Water $40,000 $40,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 58 Wastewater $130,000 $130,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 69 Parks & Rec.$84,500 $0 $0 $0 $19,500 $0 $65,000 80 Facilities $2,293,000 $642,000 $0 $0 $1,591,000 $0 $60,000 91 Planning & Development $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 102 $7,624,000 $842,000 $0 $0 $5,275,500 $0 $1,506,500 Municipality of Bayham - Capital Summary Expenditures By-law No. 2022-037 Schedule "A" THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 2022-038 BEING A BY-LAW TO ESTABLISH A LEVY FOR THE YEAR 2022 TO ADOPT TAX RATES, PROVIDE FOR PENALTY AND INTEREST IN DEFAULT OF PAYMENT AND THE COLLECTION THEREOF WHEREAS Section 290 of the Municipal Act, S.O. 2001, as amended, provides that a local municipality shall in each year prepare and adopt a budget including estimates of all sums required during the year for the purposes of the municipality, and; WHEREAS By-law No. 2022-037, passed by Council, adopted a capital improvement plan for 2022 in the amount of $7,624,000 and in lieu of the municipality providing for the 2021 estimated amortization of fixed assets and; WHEREAS Section 312 (2) of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c.25, as amended, provides that a local municipality shall pass a by-law to levy a separate tax rate on the assessment in each property class, and; WHEREAS Section 307 (2) (b) of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c.25 requires tax rates to be established in the same proportion to tax ratios, and; WHEREAS it is necessary and expedient to levy on the whole rateable property according to the last revised assessment roll of the Municipality the sum of $5,250,542.81 for the purposes of the lower-tier municipality for the current year, and; WHEREAS certain regulations made under Part IX of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c.25 require reductions in certain tax rates for certain classes or subclasses of property, and; WHEREAS by action of the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation, provision was made for the taking of the assessment of the Municipality, as the assessment on which the rate of taxation for the year 2022 should be levied; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the current estimates for 2022 set out in Schedule “B” are hereby adopted. 2. THAT the tax rates required to raise the current estimates for 2022, set out in Schedule “A”, be hereby adopted, and levied for the year 2022 upon the whole of the said assessment of the Municipality, according to the last revised assessment roll. 3. THAT for the purpose of providing for the County of Elgin general levy the tax rates set out in County of Elgin By-Law 22-22, be hereby levied for the year 2022, upon the whole of the said assessment of the Municipality, according to the last revised assessment roll. 4. THAT in addition, for the purposes of providing for the public and separate school education purposes, the tax rates set out by the Minister of Finance under Regulation 7/22 of the Education By-law 2022-038 - 2 - Act, be hereby levied for the year 2022, upon the respective portions of the said assessment of the School supporters of the said Municipality, according to the last revised assessment roll. 5. THAT the assessment contained in the assessment roll of the Municipality of Bayham, as made pursuant to Province of Ontario Regulations, be hereby adopted and confirmed as the assessment on which the rate of taxation for the year 2022 shall be levied. 6. THAT the said assessment roll be hereby adopted and confirmed as the last revised assessment roll for the said Municipality and be used with the above noted rates to calculate said taxes as summarized in Schedule “C” 7. THAT all taxes and other special rates shall be paid in the office of the Tax Collector or Treasurer of the Municipality of Bayham. 8. THAT taxes for all properties shall become due and payable one-half on or before August 26, 2022 and one-half on or before October 28, 2022, and non-payment of the amount, as noted, on the dates stated in accordance with this section shall constitute default. 9. THAT on all taxes, which are in default on the 1st day following the above noted due dates, a penalty of 1.25% shall be added and thereafter a penalty of 1.25% per month will be added on the 1st day of each and every month the default continues, until December 31st, 2022. 10. THAT on all taxes in default on January 1st, 2022, interest shall be added at the rate of 1.25% per month for each month or fraction thereof in which the default continues. 11. THAT penalties and interest added in default shall become due and payable and shall be collected as if the same had originally been imposed and formed part of such unpaid tax levy. 12. THAT the Collector shall cause the same to be mailed to the residence or place of business of such person indicated on the last revised assessment roll, a written or printed notice specifying that amount of taxes payable. 13. THAT all by-laws inconsistent with the provisions of this by-law are hereby repealed. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 2nd DAY OF JUNE 2022. ___________________________________ ____________________________ MAYOR CLERK By-law 2022-038 - 3 - THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 2022-038 Schedule “A” Property Class 2022 Tax Rate Residential/Farm 0.675167% Multi-Residential 1.350266% Commercial Occupied 1.105653% Commercial Occupied (New) 1.105653% Commercial Vacant Land 1.105653% Commercial Excess Land 1.105653% Commercial Excess Land (New) 1.105653% Industrial Occupied 1.502314% Industrial Occupied (New) 1.502314% Industrial Vacant Land 1.502314% Large Industrial Occupied (New) 1.911938% Large Industrial Excess (New) 1.911938% Pipelines 0.772796% Farmlands 0.155288% Managed Forests 0.168792% Commercial Small Val Add Farms 0.276413% By-law No. 2022-038 Schedule "B" General Taxation $4,194,013 $4,480,130 $4,848,983 $4,929,522 $4,865,551 $5,111,399 $5,250,543 $0 Other Revenues $1,170,134 $1,071,897 $1,034,557 $1,146,033 $1,054,600 $992,100 $1,025,100 $959,000 General Government $271,991 $80,459 $158,651 $209,788 $70,000 $202,000 $173,000 $74,000 Council $39,642 $7,857 $0 $0 $0 $0 $50,100 $0 Fire Department $36,841 $63,453 $12,691 $20,673 $20,000 $20,000 $17,500 $17,500 Police Services $20,350 $30,882 $9,984 $10,509 $12,000 $8,000 $0 $0 Conservation Authority $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Building Services $153,759 $142,749 $169,233 $215,124 $102,000 $147,000 $214,000 $177,000 Bylaw Enforcement $25,301 $25,889 $25,990 $16,340 $25,000 $25,000 $20,000 $20,000 Public Works $496,340 $518,567 $504,589 $484,330 $474,048 $491,868 $523,879 $528,598 Winter Control $4,193 $4,970 $2,707 $7,234 $4,200 $0 $0 $0 Streetlights $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Bayham Water $679,772 $724,058 $723,195 $734,429 $754,318 $768,380 $754,712 $770,554 Richmond Water $70,959 $80,247 $96,086 $106,974 $82,213 $83,654 $95,012 $95,012 Waste Disposal $142,791 $130,320 $137,613 $161,452 $150,000 $145,000 $147,000 $152,000 Wastewater $871,390 $914,753 $987,068 $1,002,895 $910,988 $925,173 $1,007,500 $1,042,500 Cemeteries $3,661 $1,297 $1,679 $2,260 $2,500 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 Municipal Assistance $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Parks & Recreation $1,940 $2,560 $420 $4,360 $2,600 $2,600 $2,600 $2,600 Straffordville Community Centre $29,658 $19,971 $9,669 $748 $10,000 $0 $0 $5,000 Vienna Community Centre $9,087 $9,677 $2,795 $311 $10,000 $0 $0 $0 Libraries $69,865 $71,611 $72,829 $73,338 $70,227 $71,632 $73,064 $74,525 Museums Bayham $20,481 $28,042 $10,253 $19,268 $16,200 $16,200 $24,200 $16,200 Development Services $41,588 $50,856 $67,963 $69,809 $29,000 $42,100 $64,500 $58,000 Tourism $4,892 $8,323 $778 $14,032 $6,000 $15,000 $15,000 $15,000 Municipal Drainage $6,988 $6,187 $6,035 $2,851 $11,500 $11,500 $6,500 $6,500 Capital Program $1,718,232 $2,370,900 $1,809,236 $935,656 $2,919,932 $923,500 $6,117,500 $0 $10,083,866 $10,845,655 $10,693,002 $10,167,937 $11,602,877 $10,004,106 $15,583,710 $4,015,990 Municipality of Bayham Summary - Revenues 2018 Actuals 2019 Actuals 2020 Actuals 2021 Actuals 2022 Budget2020 Budget 2023 Budget2021 Budget Revenues 1 By-law No. 2022-038 Schedule "B" General Taxation $0 $0 $0 $30,109 $0 $30,109 $31,139 $0 Other Revenues $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 General Government $1,598,483 $1,317,365 $1,419,622 $1,248,860 $1,285,679 $1,278,965 $1,245,237 $1,274,090 Council $108,329 $84,142 $90,049 $82,673 $92,675 $93,300 $143,455 $95,125 Fire Department $595,155 $568,681 $924,416 $498,148 $589,153 $525,157 $555,705 $561,504 Police Services $906,619 $883,534 $909,793 $956,639 $937,000 $943,000 $945,575 $950,000 Conservation Authority $88,941 $92,629 $94,969 $96,741 $95,859 $97,215 $99,644 $101,533 Building Services $101,549 $106,247 $123,738 $151,573 $121,433 $123,592 $148,200 $150,469 Bylaw Enforcement $40,615 $38,431 $42,400 $49,307 $58,582 $59,219 $50,625 $51,152 Public Works $1,447,563 $1,707,932 $1,640,972 $1,573,036 $1,602,273 $1,840,187 $1,627,695 $1,680,219 Winter Control $108,896 $114,424 $59,386 $102,299 $117,729 $122,265 $115,234 $118,315 Streetlights $32,962 $35,965 $39,983 $34,298 $45,000 $42,500 $35,500 $36,500 Bayham Water $679,772 $724,058 $723,195 $734,429 $754,318 $768,380 $754,712 $770,554 Richmond Water $70,959 $80,247 $96,086 $106,974 $82,213 $83,654 $95,012 $95,012 Wastewater $871,390 $914,753 $987,068 $1,002,895 $910,988 $925,173 $1,007,500 $1,042,500 Waste Management $526,677 $555,159 $551,431 $568,323 $522,500 $556,000 $564,000 $564,000 Cemeteries $23,325 $9,123 $9,027 $8,148 $16,500 $16,500 $17,500 $17,500 Municipal Assistance $7,883 $7,816 $0 $0 $9,000 $9,000 $7,000 $7,000 Parks & Recreation $81,908 $82,772 $61,270 $59,854 $86,647 $89,149 $84,177 $86,583 Straffordville Community Centre $68,449 $68,808 $46,403 $26,979 $58,734 $56,696 $37,552 $52,379 Vienna Community Centre $46,691 $42,967 $40,777 $25,897 $59,503 $50,296 $26,152 $27,929 Libraries $69,865 $71,611 $72,829 $73,338 $70,227 $71,632 $73,064 $74,525 Museums Bayham $54,173 $57,132 $37,759 $47,342 $58,579 $65,848 $61,260 $63,919 Development Services $123,528 $152,548 $171,884 $146,489 $129,034 $142,668 $153,874 $163,921 Tourism $71,003 $57,301 $51,107 $55,992 $56,934 $62,189 $64,448 $64,713 Municipal Drainage $12,404 $17,423 $9,807 $8,268 $27,387 $27,913 $15,449 $15,736 Capital Program $2,346,728 $3,084,000 $2,200,145 $2,479,324 $3,814,932 $1,923,500 $7,624,000 $0 $10,083,867 $10,875,069 $10,404,114 $10,167,937 $11,602,877 $10,004,105 $15,583,711 $8,065,178 Municipality of Bayham Summary - Expenditures 2020 Budget 2021 Budget2019 Actuals 2021 Actuals2020 Actuals 2022 Budget Expenditures 2018 Actuals 2023 Budget 2 By-law No. 2022-038 Schedule "B" General Taxation -$4,194,013 -$4,480,130 -$4,848,983 -$4,899,413 -$4,865,551 -$5,081,290 -$5,219,404 $0 Other Revenues -$1,170,134 -$1,071,897 -$1,034,557 -$1,146,033 -$1,054,600 -$992,100 -$1,025,100 -$959,000 General Government $1,326,493 $1,236,905 $1,260,971 $1,039,072 $1,215,679 $1,076,965 $1,072,237 $1,200,090 Council $68,687 $76,285 $90,049 $82,673 $92,675 $93,300 $93,355 $95,125 Fire Department $558,315 $505,228 $911,725 $477,475 $569,153 $505,157 $538,205 $544,004 Police Services $886,269 $852,653 $899,809 $946,130 $925,000 $935,000 $945,575 $950,000 Conservation Authority $88,941 $92,629 $94,969 $96,741 $95,859 $97,215 $99,644 $101,533 Building Services -$52,210 -$36,502 -$45,495 -$63,551 $19,433 -$23,408 -$65,800 -$26,531 Bylaw Enforcement $15,314 $12,542 $16,410 $32,967 $33,582 $34,219 $30,625 $31,152 Public Works $951,223 $1,189,365 $1,136,384 $1,088,706 $1,128,225 $1,348,319 $1,103,816 $1,151,621 Winter Control $104,703 $109,454 $56,679 $95,066 $113,529 $122,265 $115,234 $118,315 Streetlights $32,962 $35,965 $39,983 $34,298 $45,000 $42,500 $35,500 $36,500 Bayham Water $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Richmond Water $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Wastewater $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Waste Management $383,886 $424,839 $413,818 $406,871 $372,500 $411,000 $417,000 $412,000 Cemeteries $19,664 $7,827 $7,348 $5,888 $14,000 $14,500 $15,500 $15,500 Municipal Assistance $7,883 $7,816 $0 $0 $9,000 $9,000 $7,000 $7,000 Parks & Recreation $79,968 $80,212 $60,850 $55,494 $84,047 $86,549 $81,577 $83,983 Straffordville Community Centre $38,791 $48,837 $36,735 $26,231 $48,734 $56,696 $37,552 $47,379 Vienna Community Centre $37,604 $33,290 $37,982 $25,586 $49,503 $50,296 $26,152 $27,929 Libraries $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Museums Bayham $33,693 $29,090 $27,505 $28,075 $42,379 $49,648 $37,060 $47,719 Development Services $81,940 $101,692 $103,920 $76,680 $100,034 $100,568 $89,374 $105,921 Tourism $66,111 $48,978 $50,329 $41,960 $50,934 $47,189 $49,448 $49,713 Municipal Drainage $5,416 $11,236 $3,772 $5,417 $15,887 $16,413 $8,949 $9,236 Capital Program $628,496 $713,100 $390,909 $1,543,668 $895,000 $1,000,000 $1,506,500 $0 In Year Deficit (Surplus)$0 $29,414 -$288,888 $0 $0 -$1 $0 $4,049,188 Net (Revenue)/Expenditure Municipality of Bayham Summary - Net (Revenue)/Expenditure 2018 Actuals 2019 Actuals 2020 Budget 2023 Budget2021 Actuals 2022 Budget2020 Actuals 2021 Budget 3 By-law No. 2022-038 Schedule "B" 0510-4010 Residential & Farm $3,132,231 $3,353,438 $3,596,818 $3,782,918 $3,647,092 $3,824,677 $3,902,940 $0 0510-4020 Multi-Residential $56,200 $58,489 $60,866 $63,185 $60,866 $63,185 $64,448 $0 0510-4030 Commercial Unoccupied $10,051 $11,213 $9,707 $9,742 $9,707 $9,742 $9,848 $0 0510-4040 Commercial Occupied $318,771 $317,410 $342,346 $376,578 $336,678 $350,638 $379,497 $0 0510-4050 Industrial Unoccupied $1,390 $155 $162 $168 $162 $168 $171 $0 0510-4060 Industrial Occupied $144,838 $158,756 $172,284 $147,064 $168,400 $187,801 $193,570 $0 0510-4070 Pipelines $73,223 $77,084 $82,241 -$59,304 $81,165 $85,144 $87,635 $0 0510-4080 Farmlands $454,399 $499,822 $579,713 $603,701 $556,636 $584,575 $606,195 $0 0510-4090 Managed Forests $2,911 $3,762 $4,846 $5,470 $4,846 $5,470 $6,238 $0 $4,194,013 $4,480,130 $4,848,983 $4,929,522 $4,865,551 $5,111,399 $5,250,543 $0 0510-5580 Writeoffs/Tax Sales $0 $0 $0 $30,109 $0 $30,109 $31,139 $0 0510-5620 Tax Adjustments $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0510-5630 Assessment Charges $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $30,109 $0 $30,109 $31,139 $0 Revenues 2021 Actuals 2018 Actuals 2019 Actuals Expenditures 2020 Budget 2023 Budget 2022 Budget Municipality of Bayham General Taxation 2021 Budget2020 Actuals 4 By-law No. 2022-038 Schedule "B" 0520-4110 OMPF $995,500 $906,000 $905,600 $870,100 $905,600 $870,100 $905,100 $839,000 0520-4120 Sundry $492 $436 $522 $632 $2,000 $2,000 $1,000 $1,000 0520-4130 Interest on Taxes - Current $53,521 $51,249 $42,697 $49,118 $55,000 $48,000 $48,000 $48,000 0520-4140 Interest on Taxes - Prior $83,848 $78,591 $63,252 -$82,949 $60,000 $43,000 $43,000 $43,000 0520-4150 Investment income $36,773 $35,620 $22,486 $21,572 $32,000 $29,000 $28,000 $28,000 0520-4180 Opening Surplus (Deficit)$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 0520-4190 Transfer from Liability Res $0 $0 $0 $287,561 $0 $0 $0 $0 5520-4155 Utility Corridor $0 $0 $0 $11,500 $11,500 $11,500 $11,500 5520-5700 Transfer to Trail Reserve $0 $0 $0 -$11,500 -$11,500 -$11,500 -$11,500 $1,170,134 $1,071,897 $1,034,557 $1,146,033 $1,054,600 $992,100 $1,025,100 $959,000 Other Revenues 2018 Actuals 2020 Actuals 2019 Actuals 2023 Budget 2020 Budget 2021 Budget Revenues 2022 Budget 2021 Actuals Municipality of Bayham 5 By-law No. 2022-038 Schedule "B" 1010-4120 Tax Certificates $10,250 $9,240 $10,450 $14,050 $11,000 $11,000 $13,000 $13,000 1010-4130 Fees & Service Charges $57,093 $52,022 $76,757 $59,510 $55,000 $55,000 $58,000 $58,000 1010-4140 Lottery Licences $3,748 $4,575 $1,487 $121 $4,000 $3,000 $2,000 $3,000 1010-4145 Marriage Officiant $900 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 1010-4170 Sundry $0 $14,623 $36,956 $3,107 $0 $0 $0 $0 1010-4180 Grants - Operating $33,000 $33,000 $33,000 1010-4190 Contribution from Reserves $200,000 $0 $0 $100,000 $0 $100,000 $100,000 $0 $271,991 $80,459 $158,651 $209,788 $70,000 $202,000 $173,000 $74,000 1010-5100 Salaries & Wages $442,174 $440,622 $446,809 $469,956 $475,273 $484,778 $467,474 $476,823 1010-5110 Statutory Benefits $46,180 $46,238 $51,579 $51,471 $47,206 $48,202 $49,166 $50,149 1010-5120 Non-Statutory Benefits $80,966 $86,005 $89,316 $86,523 $90,552 $94,174 $94,441 $98,219 1010-5140 Payroll Service Charges $4,046 $4,755 $4,421 $4,461 $5,200 $5,200 $5,200 $5,200 1010-5145 Bank Charges $4,957 $6,003 $7,008 $6,024 $5,000 $6,000 $6,200 $6,200 1010-5160 Internet Charges $7,123 $6,614 $14,111 $14,062 $6,500 $12,000 $12,000 $12,000 1010-5170 Supplies $6,116 $6,829 $9,989 $15,117 $7,225 $8,003 $7,997 $8,000 1010-5180 Computer Software & Support $83,381 $86,665 $75,685 $37,272 $65,000 $65,000 $45,000 $55,000 1010-5185 IT & GIS Services $23,471 $30,026 $53,009 $42,712 $35,000 $35,000 $30,000 $35,000 1010-5210 Utilities $48 $7,277 $8,772 $5,015 $5,000 $8,000 $8,240 $8,487 1010-5220 Subscriptions & Publications $1,093 $537 $453 $445 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 1010-5240 Advertising $1,650 $1,370 $3,977 $2,568 $2,000 $2,000 $4,000 $4,000 1010-5250 Association & Membership $6,217 $2,527 $4,944 $5,990 $5,000 $5,000 $5,500 $5,500 1010-5260 Auditing Fees $21,217 $13,432 $21,929 $13,788 $19,000 $19,500 $19,500 $19,500 1010-5270 Building Maintenance $13,829 $15,032 $40,518 $32,505 $9,000 $27,000 $22,000 $20,000 1010-5280 Equipment Maintenance $8,858 $8,095 $8,570 $6,418 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 1010-5300 Insurance $22,155 $22,106 $18,957 $25,737 $19,925 $20,922 $29,834 $31,325 1010-5305 Insurance Deductibles $14,003 $22,643 $13,023 $1,977 $30,000 $30,000 $25,000 $25,000 1010-5310 Legal Fees $322,575 $69,320 $90,227 $54,423 $25,000 $25,000 $30,000 $30,000 1010-5320 Postage & Courier $19,655 $14,077 $16,751 $19,322 $15,000 $15,000 $15,000 $15,000 1010-5325 Health & Safety $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 1010-5330 Training & Education $2,327 $1,762 $3,334 $3,780 $4,500 $4,500 $5,000 $5,000 1010-5340 Conferences & Seminars $2,153 $6,340 $3,885 $2,626 $4,000 $4,000 $4,000 $4,000 1010-5350 Travel $2,116 $2,311 $1,342 $1,177 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 1010-5355 Marriage Officiant $375 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 1010-5360 Telephone $10,124 $10,048 $11,924 $13,949 $9,000 $12,000 $12,000 $12,000 1010-5370 Sundry $2,316 $1,023 $1,790 $857 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 1010-5400 Transfer to Reserve $118,671 $75,019 $86,611 $53,611 $0 $0 $0 1010-5460 Guarantorship (Ojibwa) Principle $183,319 $188,349 $193,129 $198,816 $193,129 $198,816 $198,816 $198,816 1010-5470 Guarantorship (Ojibwa) Interest $147,367 $142,337 $137,557 $131,870 $137,557 $131,870 $131,870 $131,870 $1,598,483 $1,317,365 $1,419,622 $1,248,860 $1,285,679 $1,278,965 $1,245,237 $1,274,090 Expenditures 2021 Actuals Municipality of Bayham General Government 2018 Actuals 2023 Budget 2022 Budget 2020 Actuals Revenues 2019 Actuals 2020 Budget 2021 Budget 6 By-law No. 2022-038 Schedule "B" 1020-4130 Sundry $0 $7,857 $0 $0 $0 $100 $0 1020-4190 Election Reserve $39,642 $0 $0 $0 $0 $50,000 $0 $39,642 $7,857 $0 $0 $0 $0 $50,100 $0 1020-5100 Salaries & Wages $60,753 $69,424 $75,528 $73,277 $76,212 $77,737 $78,292 $79,858 1020-5110 Statutory Benefits $3,317 $3,879 $4,388 $4,403 $4,963 $5,062 $5,164 $5,267 1020-5250 Association & Membership $663 $4,625 $1,183 $3,100 $3,500 $3,500 $3,000 $3,000 1020-5340 Conferences & Seminars $1,532 $4,088 $5,790 $1,350 $5,000 $5,000 $4,000 $4,000 1020-5350 Travel $45 $296 $0 $543 $1,500 $500 $1,500 $1,500 1020-5370 Sundry $2,377 $1,493 $2,839 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 1020-5410 Election Expense $39,642 $338 $322 $0 $0 $50,000 $0 $108,329 $84,142 $90,049 $82,673 $92,675 $93,300 $143,455 $95,125 Expenditures 2021 Actuals 2020 Actuals Municipality of Bayham Council 2 0 2023 Budget 2022 Budget 2021 Budget Revenues 2018 Actuals 2019 Actuals 2020 Budget 7 By-law No. 2022-038 Schedule "B" 2010-4130 Fees & Service Charges $26,841 $38,453 $12,691 $9,273 $20,000 $20,000 $17,500 $17,500 2010-4180 Donations $10,000 $0 $11,400 $0 $0 $0 $0 2010-4190 Contributions from Reserves $0 $25,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $36,841 $63,453 $12,691 $20,673 $20,000 $20,000 $17,500 $17,500 2010-5100 Salaries & Wages $80,192 $89,447 $94,255 $73,827 $97,029 $89,073 $88,354 $90,121 2010-5102 Firefighters Remuneration $165,993 $152,410 $161,096 $145,717 $150,000 $155,000 $152,500 $155,000 2010-5104 Firefighters Remuneration Auxiliary $4,000 $2,000 $0 $1,000 $2,000 $4,000 $2,000 2010-5110 Statutory Benefits $23,391 $23,875 $23,950 $30,166 $24,317 $23,542 $29,248 $30,126 2010-5120 Non-Statutory Benefits $18,125 $19,460 $19,717 $18,215 $18,085 $16,602 $19,434 $19,823 2010-5365 Telephone - Fire Chief $538 $253 $749 $365 $500 $500 $500 $500 2010-5130 Uniforms $1,083 $3,206 $2,591 $961 $3,000 $3,000 $3,500 $3,500 2010-5320 Postage & Courier $437 $378 $327 $500 $500 $500 $500 2010-5335 Emergency Planning - Training $0 $500 $500 $500 $500 2010-5150 Emergency Operations Centre Supplies $1,128 $25 $3,854 $3,826 $500 $500 $500 $500 2010-5170 Office Supplies $669 $522 $44 $632 $650 $650 $500 $650 2010-5160 Medical Response Supplies $2,229 $2,218 $3,077 $554 $2,000 $2,000 $2,500 $2,500 2010-5165 Municipal Water Consumption $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 2010-5175 Equipment Purchase - Operating $21,206 $8,188 $5,972 $18,247 $14,500 $14,500 $14,500 $14,500 2010-5180 Equipment Purchase - Protective $11,821 $15,970 $20,026 $17,902 $20,000 $20,000 $20,000 $20,000 2010-5210 Utilities $23,926 $23,760 $20,116 $28,526 $23,602 $24,310 $25,039 $25,791 2010-5240 Advertising $458 $205 $951 $500 $500 $300 $300 2010-5250 Association & Membership $720 $860 $250 $831 $700 $700 $1,000 $1,000 2010-5270 Building Maintenance $9,147 $4,443 $8,570 $5,900 $7,000 $7,000 $8,000 $8,000 2010-5275 Cleaning Supplies $383 $742 $543 $302 $650 $650 $750 $750 2010-5280 Equipment Maintenance $8,785 $11,600 $11,973 $12,383 $12,000 $12,000 $13,500 $13,500 2010-5285 Communications Equipment Maintenance $15,612 $18,355 $23,155 $14,190 $14,500 $14,500 $14,500 $14,500 2010-5290 Grounds Maintenance $1,642 $1,571 $1,192 $1,904 $1,700 $1,700 $1,700 $1,700 2010-5295 Vehicle Maintenance $26,198 $19,487 $19,596 $18,510 $14,000 $18,000 $26,000 $26,000 2010-5300 Insurance $19,910 $20,084 $17,357 $23,674 $18,220 $19,131 $27,280 $28,644 2010-5330 Training & Education $36,258 $28,358 $16,886 $23,149 $33,000 $33,000 $33,000 $33,000 2010-5340 Conferences & Seminars $1,647 $879 $477 $280 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 2010-5350 Travel $611 $796 $532 $164 $800 $800 $1,000 $1,000 2010-5360 Telephone - Stations $3,567 $3,708 $3,473 $3,318 $3,500 $4,000 $4,000 $4,000 2010-5370 Sundry $1,186 $1,966 $5,250 $5,324 $1,000 $3,000 $5,000 $5,000 2010-5410 Transfer to Capital Reserve $0 $0 $5,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 2010-5420 Fire Prevention Expense $4,272 $3,513 $239 $10,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 2010-5425 Public Awareness/Education $0 $1,258 $2,500 $2,500 $2,500 $2,500 2010-5430 911 Dispatching $30,133 $30,736 $31,043 $31,354 $31,000 $32,000 $33,000 $33,000 2010-5440 911 Other $3,369 $3,369 $3,516 $3,517 $3,400 $3,500 $3,600 $3,600 2010-5450 Automatic Aid $3,745 $954 $2,870 $1,230 $3,500 $4,000 $3,500 $3,500 2010-5460 Fire Pro Software $2,774 $4,084 $2,873 $2,944 $3,500 $4,000 $4,000 $4,000 Longterm Debt Principal $51,563 $58,995 $396,876 $54,458 $0 $0 $0 Longterm Debt Interest $13,437 $6,005 $16,257 $10,542 $0 $0 $0 $595,155 $568,681 $924,416 $498,148 $589,153 $525,157 $555,705 $561,504 Expenditures 2020 Actuals Municipality of Bayham Fire Department 2018 Actuals 2023 Budget 2022 Budget 2021 Budget Revenues 2019 Actuals 2020 Budget 2021 Actuals 8 By-law No. 2022-038 Schedule "B" 2020-4120 Provincial Offences $20,350 $15,882 $9,984 $5,509 $12,000 $8,000 $0 $0 2020-4130 Sundry $0 $15,000 $0 $5,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 2020-4190 Police Services Reserve $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0$20,350 $30,882 $9,984 $10,509 $12,000 $8,000 $0 $0 2020-5450 Service Contract $894,534 $883,534 $897,625 $942,760 $922,000 $928,000 $931,575 $935,000 2020-5470 Fees & Services $12,085 $0 $12,169 $13,878 $15,000 $15,000 $14,000 $15,000 $906,619 $883,534 $909,793 $956,639 $937,000 $943,000 $945,575 $950,000 2021 Actuals 2022 Budget 2 0 2018 Actuals 2019 Actuals 2020 Budget 2020 Actuals 2021 Budget 2023 Budget Revenues Expenditures Municipality of Bayham Police Services 9 By-law No. 2022-038 Schedule "B" 2030-5460 Conservation Authority $86,977 $91,064 $92,359 $93,715 $92,359 $93,715 $95,177 $98,033 2030-5470 Tree Program $1,964 $1,565 $2,610 $3,027 $3,500 $3,500 $4,467 $3,500 $88,941 $92,629 $94,969 $96,741 $95,859 $97,215 $99,644 $101,533 Expenditures Municipality of Bayham Conservation Authority 2 0 2018 Actuals 2019 Actuals 2020 Budget 2020 Actuals 2022 Budget 2021 Actuals 2023 Budget 2021 Budget 10 By-law No. 2022-038 Schedule "B" 2040-4130 Building Permits $150,790 $139,424 $165,908 $211,373 $100,000 $145,000 $212,000 $175,000 2040-4150 Sundry $2,969 $3,325 $3,325 $3,751 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 $153,759 $142,749 $169,233 $215,124 $102,000 $147,000 $214,000 $177,000 2040-5100 Salaries & Wages $73,215 $75,557 $91,167 $89,933 $80,638 $82,251 $83,896 $85,573 2040-5110 Statutory Benefits $7,384 $7,700 $9,594 $9,079 $7,732 $7,887 $8,044 $8,205 2040-5120 Non-Statutory Benefits $15,124 $14,859 $15,419 $13,806 $16,988 $17,328 $17,674 $18,028 2040-5170 Supplies $349 $77 $45 $67 $500 $500 $500 $500 2040-5220 Subscriptions and Publications $0 $0 $0 $200 $200 $200 $200 2040-5510 Administrative Overhead $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 2040-5250 Association & Membership $1,149 $1,157 $1,046 $962 $1,200 $1,200 $1,200 $1,200 2040-5295 Vehicle Maintenance $364 $474 $1,072 $693 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 2040-5300 Insurance $0 $1,103 $977 $1,325 $1,026 $1,077 $1,536 $1,612 2040-5330 Training & Education $100 $73 $250 $2,200 $2,200 $2,200 $2,200 2040-5340 Conferences & Seminars $185 $1,478 $2,200 $2,200 $2,200 $2,200 2040-5350 Travel $0 $0 $2,336 $500 $500 $500 $500 2040-5360 Telephone $254 $261 $807 $488 $750 $750 $750 $750 2040-5370 Sundry $425 $509 $362 $29,884 $3,000 $3,000 $25,000 $25,000 $101,549 $106,247 $123,738 $151,573 $121,433 $123,592 $148,200 $150,469 2021 Actuals 2022 Budget 2 0 2018 Actuals 2019 Actuals 2020 Budget 2020 Actuals 2021 Budget 2023 Budget Revenues Expenditures Municipality of Bayham Building Services 11 By-law No. 2022-038 Schedule "B" 2050-4120 Dog Tag Sales $25,275 $24,892 $24,860 $16,340 $25,000 $25,000 $20,000 $20,000 2050-4150 Sundry $26 $997 $1,130 $0 $0 $0 $0 $25,301 $25,889 $25,990 $16,340 $25,000 $25,000 $20,000 $20,000 2050-5100 Salaries & Wages $20,991 $12,246 $4,685 $24,384 $21,411 $16,839 $17,176 $17,520 2050-5110 Statutory Benefits $2,136 $1,293 $477 $2,656 $2,473 $2,522 $1,573 $1,604 2050-5120 Non-Statutory Benefits $5,173 $4,382 $2,931 $5,307 $5,412 $5,520 $3,781 $3,856 2050-5170 Office Supplies $0 $34 $0 $0 $0 $0 2050-5175 Enforcement Costs -$48 $780 $1,236 -$13 $2,000 $2,000 $2,500 $2,500 2050-5240 Advertising $0 $0 $300 $300 $300 $300 2050-5295 Vehicle Maintenance $0 $239 $500 $500 $500 $500 2050-5300 Insurance $1,061 $1,103 $977 $1,325 $1,026 $1,077 $1,536 $1,612 2050-5330 Training & Education $1,363 $500 $0 $0 $0 $0 2050-5360 Telephone $0 $593 $2,358 $410 $0 $0 $500 $500 2050-5370 Sundry $0 $204 $200 $200 $2,500 $2,500 2050-5450 Service Contract $9,769 $16,839 $29,465 $14,892 $25,000 $30,000 $20,000 $20,000 2050-5475 Dog Tags - Supplies $170 $219 $269 $348 $260 $260 $260 $260 $40,615 $38,431 $42,400 $49,307 $58,582 $59,219 $50,625 $51,152 2021 Actuals 2022 Budget 2018 Actuals 2019 Actuals 2020 Budget 2020 Actuals 2021 Budget 2023 Budget Revenues Expenditures Municipality of Bayham By-law Enforcement 12 By-law No. 2022-038 Schedule "B" 2510-4110 Grants & Subsidies $424,829 $442,850 $448,257 $444,594 $432,048 $441,868 $471,879 $476,598 2510-4120 Sundry $68,271 $73,677 $49,651 $37,176 $37,000 $45,000 $47,000 $47,000 2510-4140 Permit Fees $3,240 $2,040 $6,680 $2,560 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 2510-4190 Transfer from County Reserve $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $496,340 $518,567 $504,589 $484,330 $474,048 $491,868 $523,879 $528,598 2510-5100 Salaries & Wages $171,020 $185,951 $192,587 $231,548 $173,477 $296,170 $249,000 $253,980 2510-5110 Statutory Benefits $54,406 $51,804 $52,992 $59,269 $57,466 $63,765 $65,315 $66,928 2510-5120 Non-Statutory Benefits $101,151 $103,483 $102,275 $104,939 $103,572 $118,143 $105,506 $107,616 2510-5130 Clothing Allowance $4,522 $4,460 $4,095 $5,806 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 2510-5150 Internet $7,327 $7,327 $6,016 $8,045 $7,000 $8,000 $8,000 $8,000 2510-5170 Materials $13,405 $13,875 $15,356 $15,259 $15,000 $15,000 $15,000 $15,000 2510-5175 Tools $7,433 $5,055 $2,444 $4,826 $6,000 $6,000 $6,000 $6,000 2510-5180 Fuel $127,764 $110,636 $89,896 $125,462 $110,000 $110,000 $125,000 $115,000 2510-5185 Vehicles Vehicle Repairs - Wages $30,645 $26,480 $21,530 $15,437 $17,544 $26,895 $27,433 $27,981 Vehicle Repairs - Materials $105,211 $99,047 $102,055 $175,729 $105,000 $110,000 $110,000 $110,000 2510-5210 Utilities $14,142 $12,582 $13,888 $12,746 $20,600 $21,218 $21,855 $22,510 2510-5240 Advertising $2,234 $817 $735 $782 $0 $0 $0 $0 2510-5250 Association & Membership $440 $822 $606 $566 $1,100 $1,100 $1,100 $1,100 2510-5270 Building Maintenance $38,905 $22,929 $29,149 $24,585 $15,000 $35,000 $24,000 $28,000 2510-5275 Equipment Maintenance $2,151 $7,648 $4,513 $3,437 $8,000 $8,000 $10,000 $10,000 2510-5290 Drainage Assessments $112,538 $184,484 $223,757 -$6,430 $150,000 $100,000 $15,000 $45,000 2510-5291 Drainage - Wages $0 $0 $262 $3,500 $3,500 $4,000 $4,000 2510-5300 Insurance $52,414 $58,447 $48,267 $65,442 $50,665 $53,198 $55,858 $58,651 2510-5310 Legal Fees, Engineer $1,725 $23,492 $788 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 2510-5320 Professsional Fees $0 $0 $11,867 $0 $0 $0 $0 2510-5330 Training & Education $6,462 $10,073 $3,041 $6,441 $11,500 $11,500 $11,500 $11,500 2510-5340 Conferences & Seminars $4,955 $5,044 $7,521 $1,140 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 2510-5350 Travel $0 $122 $1,000 $1,000 $500 $500 2510-5360 Telephone $2,276 $9,312 $5,835 $7,099 $5,000 $5,000 $6,000 $6,000 2510-5370 Sundry $25,057 $16,827 $30,080 $24,206 $19,000 $25,000 $25,000 $25,000 2510-5380 Locates $362 $96 $0 $0 $0 $0 2510-7620 Loose Top Maintenance - Wages $2,361 $0 $13,396 $13,664 $13,937 $14,216 2510-7630 Loose Top Maintenance - Materials $31,510 $33,939 $50,218 $52,911 $47,000 $55,000 $65,000 $70,000 2510-7400 Bridge Maintenance - Wages $1,052 $868 $1,114 $1,608 $1,640 $1,673 $1,706 2510-7410 Bridge Maintenance - Materials $4,737 $1,584 $2,114 $1,026 $8,000 $8,000 $6,000 $6,000 2510-7450 Culvert Maintenance - Wages $3,868 $2,865 $6,367 $2,629 $8,573 $8,744 $8,919 $9,098 2510-7460 Culvert Maintenance - Material $7,785 $27,132 $5,031 $5,831 $8,000 $8,000 $10,000 $10,000 2510-7500 Weed/Brush/Ditch - Wages $13,925 $23,248 $42,923 $29,568 $32,148 $32,791 $33,447 $34,116 2510-7510 Weed/Brush/Ditch - Material $13,004 $27,328 $22,667 $19,903 $18,000 $20,000 $30,000 $30,000 2510-7520 Catch Basins - Wages $5,192 $3,127 $6,267 $5,790 $7,608 $7,760 $7,915 $8,074 2510-7530 Catch Basins - Material $3,584 $3,012 $4,576 $10,116 $6,000 $6,000 $6,500 $6,500 2510-7600 Hardtop Maintenance - Wages $9,746 $14,994 $11,220 $12,955 $32,148 $32,791 $33,447 $34,116 2510-7610 Hardtop Maintenance - Material $14,414 $58,305 $38,528 $25,175 $45,000 $45,000 $30,000 $30,000 2510-7650 Grading - Wages $15,436 $23,097 $27,384 $27,351 $11,788 $12,024 $12,264 $12,510 2510-7660 Grading - Materials $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2510-7700 Dust Control - Wages $1,292 $216 $1,136 $180 $3,429 $3,498 $3,568 $3,639 2510-7710 Dust Control - Material $0 $39,416 $50,270 $34,671 $55,000 $65,000 $53,096 $60,000 2510-7800 Safety Devices - Wages $25,419 $26,822 $17,562 $18,267 $7,608 $7,760 $7,915 $8,074 2510-7810 Safety Devices - Material $19,967 $15,766 $20,764 $26,980 $20,000 $20,000 $27,000 $27,000 2510-7850 Sidewalk Maintenance - Wages $1,056 $1,962 $1,612 $5,880 $2,143 $2,186 $2,230 $2,274 2510-7860 Sidewalk Maintenance - Materials $1,841 $0 $1,000 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 2510-7900 CN Crossing Safety Devices $0 $0 $7,100 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 2510-8000 County Roads - Wages $89,851 $84,148 $51,638 $83,921 $122,400 $93,840 $70,717 $72,131 2510-8010 County Roads - Materials $294,978 $359,291 $311,402 $315,071 $255,000 $360,000 $300,000 $300,000 $1,447,563 $1,707,932 $1,640,972 $1,573,036 $1,602,273 $1,840,187 $1,627,695 $1,680,219 2021 Actuals 2022 Budget 2018 Actuals 2019 Actuals 2020 Budget 2020 Actuals 2021 Budget 2023 Budget Revenues Expenditures Municipality of Bayham Public Works 13 By-law No. 2022-038 Schedule "B" 2520-4120 Sundry $4,193 $4,970 $2,707 $7,234 $4,200 $0 $0 $0 $4,193 $4,970 $2,707 $7,234 $4,200 $0 $0 $0 2520-5100 Salaries & Wages $28,961 $27,907 $16,887 $18,628 $23,929 $28,465 $24,034 $24,515 2520-5170 Materials $29,474 $34,730 $8,906 $45,141 $35,000 $35,000 $35,000 $35,000 2520-5280 Equipment Maintenance $9,839 $10,879 $9,841 $15,438 $12,500 $12,500 $12,500 $12,500 2520-5370 Sundry $536 $0 $252 $0 $0 $0 $0 2520-5520 Service Contract - Port Burwell $12,981 $9,987 $4,973 $4,703 $8,500 $8,500 $8,000 $8,500 2520-5530 Service Contract - Vienna $7,524 $6,666 $3,135 $2,740 $6,800 $6,800 $6,500 $6,800 2520-5540 Service Contract - Straffordville $8,617 $8,558 $5,666 $4,760 $8,000 $8,000 $7,200 $8,000 2520-5550 Service Contract - Eden $2,390 $2,442 $1,151 $1,287 $3,500 $3,500 $3,300 $3,500 2520-5555 Service Contract - Richmond $2,095 $2,265 $1,121 $1,280 $5,500 $5,500 $5,200 $5,500 2520-5560 Service Contract - Sidewalks $6,478 $10,990 $7,454 $8,322 $14,000 $14,000 $13,500 $14,000 $108,896 $114,424 $59,386 $102,299 $117,729 $122,265 $115,234 $118,315 2021 Actuals 2022 Budget 2 0 2018 Actuals 2019 Actuals 2020 Budget 2020 Actuals 2021 Budget 2023 Budget Revenues Expenditures Municipality of Bayham Winter Control 14 By-law No. 2022-038 Schedule "B" 2540-5510 Streetlight Maintenance $0 $5,891 $9,213 $525 $0 $2,500 $2,500 $2,500 2540-5520 Streetlight Utilities $32,962 $30,074 $30,771 $33,773 $45,000 $40,000 $33,000 $34,000 $32,962 $35,965 $39,983 $34,298 $45,000 $42,500 $35,500 $36,500 Expenditures Municipality of Bayham Streetlights 2018 Actuals 2019 Actuals 2020 Budget 2020 Actuals 2022 Budget 2021 Actuals 2023 Budget 2021 Budget 15 By-law No. 2022-038 Schedule "B" 3020-4010 Sewer Billings $791,121 $835,726 $850,745 $872,673 $839,788 $851,673 $870,000 $870,000 3020-4120 Sewer Sundry Charges $0 $100 $1,200 $500 $500 $500 3020-4140 Sewer Connection Charges $17,041 $25,413 $81,300 $31,198 $15,000 $22,000 $30,000 $45,000 3020-4150 Penalties & Interest $6,917 $7,431 $4,286 $5,846 $5,000 $6,000 $7,000 $7,000 3020-4160 Landowner Debenture Payments $56,311 $46,082 $50,737 $93,178 $50,000 $45,000 $100,000 $120,000 $871,390 $914,753 $987,068 $1,002,895 $910,988 $925,173 $1,007,500 $1,042,500 3020-5100 Salaries & Wages $199,445 $229,639 $246,224 $257,273 $247,433 $297,382 $308,329 $314,496 3020-5110 Statutory Benefits $21,066 $24,784 $26,609 $26,749 $28,920 $34,998 $38,198 $38,962 3020-5120 Non Statutory Benefits $31,775 $36,399 $40,925 $38,599 $33,000 $38,160 $39,923 $40,722 3020-5130 Clothing Allowance $477 $684 $645 $430 $856 $900 $925 $925 3020-5140 Locates $1,937 $2,655 $2,566 $3,786 $4,182 $4,266 $4,351 $4,438 3020-5250 Association & Membership $445 $0 $145 $296 $675 $675 $700 $700 3020-5260 Auditing Fees $0 $0 $3,975 $0 $0 $0 3020-5305 Insurance $6,650 $6,912 $6,124 $8,303 $6,428 $6,750 $9,625 $10,106 3020-5330 Training & Education $93 $499 $710 $100 $4,000 $5,500 $3,500 $4,000 3020-5335 Licences $145 $290 $315 $593 $425 $750 $750 $750 3020-5340 Conferences & Seminars $2,663 $0 $599 $4,000 $4,800 $3,000 $4,000 3020-5350 Travel $35 $513 $325 $325 $350 $350 3020-5360 Telephone & Internet $3,308 $3,390 $4,329 $3,913 $8,025 $8,025 $6,000 $7,000 3020-5370 Sundry $0 $46 $3,012 $114 $100 $100 $100 $100 3020-5625 Professional Fees $0 $0 $4,926 $0 $0 $0 $0 3020-5400 Transfers to Reserves $348,644 $334,705 $338,997 $422,237 $261,366 $198,539 $299,158 $319,648 3020-5510 Administrative Overhead $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,750 $10,750 $10,750 $10,750 $626,683 $650,516 $686,126 $772,392 $614,460 $611,920 $725,660 $756,947 3020-5180 Lab Fees $8,126 $10,138 $15,501 $9,787 $11,550 $11,550 $11,750 $11,750 3020-5190 Chemicals $6,611 $7,745 $8,575 $8,515 $9,000 $9,000 $9,100 $9,100 3020-5210 Utilities Plant $82,693 $89,834 $83,897 $77,404 $91,928 $94,686 $91,526 $94,272 3020-5170 Supplies Plant $1,489 $3,989 $4,252 $2,391 $2,500 $2,500 $2,700 $2,700 3020-5215 Property Taxes $4,420 $38,607 $16,613 $16,440 $40,000 $40,000 $20,000 $20,000 3020-5270 Building Maintenance $18,433 $13,076 $25,606 $13,185 $9,000 $22,000 $12,000 $12,000 3020-5285 Equipment Maintenance $22,655 $17,860 $13,674 $8,061 $17,000 $17,000 $17,200 $17,200 3020-5290 Grounds Maintenance $4,512 $4,324 $3,948 $4,324 $2,900 $2,900 $3,000 $3,000 3020-5300 Sludge Haulage/Disposal $14,899 $6,954 $24,943 $18,877 $18,750 $18,750 $19,000 $19,000 $163,838 $192,527 $197,006 $158,983 $202,628 $218,386 $186,276 $189,022 3020-5320 Trucks $2,001 $2,969 $6,820 $4,900 $3,650 $3,650 $3,650 $3,650 3020-5175 Supplies Collection $748 $487 $3,547 $482 $1,500 $1,500 $1,700 $1,700 3020-5211 Utilities Collection System $34,524 $29,717 $29,584 $28,779 $32,250 $33,218 $32,214 $33,180 3020-5275 Odour Control $13,376 $14,058 $26,759 $19,172 $27,750 $27,750 $28,000 $28,000 3020-5280 System Maintenance $27,688 $23,105 $36,403 $15,342 $27,000 $27,000 $28,000 $28,000 3020-5295 Vehicle Maintenance $2,532 $1,374 $823 $2,844 $1,750 $1,750 $2,000 $2,000 $80,869 $71,710 $103,936 $71,520 $93,900 $94,868 $95,564 $96,530 $871,390 $914,753 $987,068 $1,002,895 $910,988 $925,173 $1,007,500 $1,042,500 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2022 Budget Net (Revenue)/Expenditure Total Expenditures 2020 Actuals Municipality of Bayham 2 0 2018 Actuals 2019 Actuals 2020 Budget 2023 Budget 2021 Budget Revenues Expenditures - Administrative Expenditures - Wastewater Treatment Plant Expenditures - Collection System 2021 Actuals Wastewater 16 By-law No. 2022-038 Schedule "B" 3010-4010 Water Billings $591,322 $621,636 $641,518 $692,737 $688,698 $692,450 $712,112 $726,354 3010-4120 Water Meters $8,593 $4,343 $5,968 $8,383 $2,000 $4,000 $7,000 $6,000 3010-4130 Water Sundry $150 $23,412 $7,281 $191 $0 $0 $0 $0 3010-4140 Water Connect Charges $19,142 $18,522 $10,280 $18,655 $8,000 $16,000 $18,000 $20,000 3010-4145 Water Services Permit Fees $1,400 $200 $1,200 $800 $320 $330 $1,000 $1,000 3010-4150 Penalties & Interest $16,942 $15,222 $13,339 $13,663 $15,300 $15,600 $16,600 $17,200 3010-4160 Landowners Debenture Payments $42,223 $40,723 $43,609 $40,000 $40,000 $679,772 $724,058 $723,195 $734,429 $754,318 $768,380 $754,712 $770,554 3010-5100 Salaries & Wages $48,932 $69,795 $59,261 $58,509 $63,204 $74,168 $84,151 $85,834 3010-5110 Statutory Benefits $6,541 $7,875 $8,215 $8,334 $9,087 $12,669 $12,922 $13,181 3010-5120 Non Statutory Benefits $13,622 $18,031 $16,127 $15,263 $16,408 $16,736 $20,271 $20,676 3010-5140 Locates $1,938 $2,032 $1,178 $1,952 $2,600 $2,600 $2,700 $2,700 30.10.5170 Supplies $3,155 $4,486 $9,837 $13,413 $2,600 $2,600 $2,700 $2,700 3010-5175 Tools and Equipment $0 $0 $1,678 $887 $675 $675 $675 $675 3010-5180 Lab Fees $5,301 $5,100 $5,084 $4,894 $5,800 $5,800 $5,900 $5,900 3010-5210 Utilities $478 $588 $563 $582 $2,541 $2,541 $2,541 $2,541 3010-5250 Association & Membership $847 $905 $379 $550 $950 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 3010-5260 Auditing Fees $0 $0 $4,000 $0 $0 $0 3010-5280 System Maintenance $20,989 $33,679 $19,243 $10,322 $18,000 $25,000 $25,000 $25,000 3010-5295 Vehicle Maintenance $612 $813 $96 $1,459 $775 $800 $1,000 $1,000 3010-5300 Insurance $795 $826 $732 $993 $769 $807 $1,151 $1,208 3010-5310 Legal Fees $0 $0 $550 $550 $550 $550 3010-5320 Truck Water Distribution $5,150 $5,964 $7,787 $6,369 $5,700 $6,000 $6,100 $6,100 3010-5330 Training & Education $914 $1,890 $1,048 $479 $3,000 $4,200 $4,500 $5,500 3010-5335 Licences $435 $1,013 $345 $500 $500 $750 $750 3010-5340 Conferences & Seminars $1,361 $682 $191 $2,500 $3,200 $2,000 $3,000 3010-5360 Telephone & Internet $773 $833 $1,364 $1,285 $1,500 $1,500 $1,600 $1,600 3010-5370 Sundry $1,938 $1,674 $1,175 $1,389 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 3010-5400 Transfers to Reserves $114,909 $83,251 $160,183 $106,699 $74,034 $45,582 $100,649 $88,752 3010-5410 Water Quality Management $1,628 $4,391 $1,628 $1,628 $4,500 $4,500 $4,600 $4,600 3010-5450 Secondary Water System Costs $317,559 $339,910 $306,146 $355,803 $376,857 $395,700 $330,000 $346,500 3010-5510 Administrative Overhead $7,000 $7,000 $7,000 $7,000 $5,750 $5,750 $5,750 $5,750 3010-5520 Primary Water System Costs $124,593 $133,335 $114,540 $139,607 $146,668 $154,002 $136,702 $143,537 3010-5620 Utility Adjustments $303 -$15 -$68 -$3,524 $4,350 $500 $500 $500 $679,772 $724,058 $723,195 $734,429 $754,318 $768,380 $754,712 $770,554 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2022 Budget 2021 Budget Revenues Expenditures Net (Revenue)/Expenditure 2020 Actuals Municipality of Bayham 2022 Budget Bayham Water 2018 Actuals 2019 Actuals 2020 Budget 2021 Actuals 17 By-law No. 2022-038 Schedule "B" 3015-4160 Water Billings $66,112 $73,106 $91,212 $83,596 $75,213 $76,654 $83,012 $83,012 3015-4145 Water Connect Fees $0 $0 $21,123 $0 $0 $0 $0 3015-4150 Landowner Debenture Payments $2,255 $7,091 $2,255 $2,255 $7,000 $7,000 $7,000 $7,000 3015-4165 Sundry $0 $50 $2,619 $0 $0 $5,000 $5,000 3015-4180 Source Water Protection Grant $2,591 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $70,959 $80,247 $96,086 $106,974 $82,213 $83,654 $95,012 $95,012 3015-5100 Salaries & Wages $12,145 $14,206 $8,833 $10,866 $21,220 $21,644 $22,777 $23,233 3015-5110 Statutory Benefits $0 $0 $0 $3,318 $5,084 $5,186 $5,290 3015-5120 Non Statutory Benefits $2,833 $2,860 $2,821 $2,783 $1,392 $1,420 $1,948 $1,987 3015-5140 Locates $198 $89 $55 $143 $575 $575 $600 $600 3015-5150 Source Water Protection $1,059 $515 $484 $7,892 $3,500 $3,500 $7,500 $7,500 3015-5170 Supplies $2,326 $2,819 $4,468 $4,051 $3,400 $3,400 $3,500 $3,500 3015-5175 Tools & Equipment $0 $0 $467 $325 $325 $350 $350 3015-5180 Lab Fees $4,974 $4,528 $6,285 $5,889 $4,750 $4,750 $4,900 $4,900 3015-5210 Utilities $4,876 $5,064 $5,033 $5,471 $4,917 $5,065 $5,216 $5,373 3015-5215 Property Taxes $5,813 $1,651 $3,442 $3,406 $2,100 $2,100 $2,100 $2,100 3015-5240 Advertising $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 3015-5250 Association & Membership $290 $640 $58 $550 $275 $275 $300 $300 3015-5260 Auditing Fees $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 3015-5275 Water Quality Management $1,272 $1,272 $3,053 $2,020 $2,900 $2,900 $2,975 $2,975 3015-5280 System Maintenance $4,169 $1,246 $2,517 $392 $2,400 $2,400 $2,500 $2,500 3015-5285 Equipment Maintenance $8,317 $1,688 $4,103 $5,699 $3,100 $3,100 $3,200 $3,200 3015-5295 Vehicle Maintenance $279 $0 $350 $350 $375 $375 3015-5320 Richmond Truck $2,900 $2,746 $2,163 $3,419 $3,215 $3,279 $3,345 $3,412 3015-5330 Training & Education $254 $1,332 $252 $1,000 $1,500 $1,000 $1,500 3015-5335 Licences $0 $1,468 $140 $0 $350 $350 $350 3015-5340 Conferences & Seminars $0 $0 $700 $875 $550 $875 3015-5360 Internet $1,339 $1,303 $1,613 $1,663 $1,450 $1,450 $1,450 $1,450 3015-5400 Transfers to Reserves $17,415 $36,320 $50,052 $51,980 $21,326 $19,312 $24,389 $22,742 3015-5510 Administrative Overhead $500 $500 $500 $500 $0 $0 $500 $500 $70,959 $80,247 $96,086 $106,974 $82,213 $83,654 $95,012 $95,012 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 2021 Actuals 2022 Budget 2 0 2018 Actuals 2019 Actuals 2020 Budget 2020 Actuals 2021 Budget 2023 Budget Revenues Net (Revenue)/Expenditure Expenditures Municipality of Bayham Richmond Water 18 By-law No. 2022-038 Schedule "B" 3030-4110 RPPRA Grants $67,338 $74,667 $80,569 $88,558 $50,000 $85,000 $85,000 $85,000 3030-4120 London MRF Revenue $75,453 $29,436 $23,690 $34,322 $65,000 $30,000 $25,000 $30,000 3030-4130 Garbage Tags $0 $26,216 $33,354 $38,571 $35,000 $30,000 $37,000 $37,000 $142,791 $130,320 $137,613 $161,452 $150,000 $145,000 $147,000 $152,000 3030-5240 Advertising $0 $0 $0 $437 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 3030-5450 Waste Disposal $307,781 $313,048 $327,324 $337,258 $313,000 $320,000 $325,000 $325,000 3030-5455 Recycling $208,713 $232,488 $213,795 $208,319 $200,000 $225,000 $229,500 $229,500 3030-5460 Public Space Recycling $10,183 $9,623 $10,311 $22,309 $8,500 $10,000 $8,500 $8,500 $526,677 $555,159 $551,431 $568,323 $522,500 $556,000 $564,000 $564,000 2022 Budget Municipality of Bayham Waste Management 2020 Actuals 2021 Budget Revenues 2020 Budget 2021 Actuals Expenditures 2023 Budget 2018 Actuals 2019 Actuals 19 By-law No. 2022-038 Schedule "B" 3520-4120 Sundry Revenue $3,661 $1,297 $1,679 $2,260 $2,500 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 $3,661 $1,297 $1,679 $2,260 $2,500 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 3520-5290 Grounds Maintenance $8,446 $8,796 $8,520 $7,953 $11,500 $11,500 $12,500 $12,500 3520-5370 Sundry/Interest $3,564 $327 $507 $195 $2,500 $2,500 $2,500 $2,500 3520-5380 Inactive Cemetery Improvement $11,315 $0 $0 $2,500 $2,500 $2,500 $2,500 $23,325 $9,123 $9,027 $8,148 $16,500 $16,500 $17,500 $17,500 2021 Budget Revenues Expenditures 2020 Actuals Municipality of Bayham Cemeteries 2023 Budget 2018 Actuals 2019 Actuals 2020 Budget 2021 Actuals 2022 Budget 20 By-law No. 2022-038 Schedule "B" 4010-4190 Grants & Donations $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 4010-5590 Municipal Assistance Grants $7,883 $7,816 $0 $9,000 $9,000 $7,000 $7,000 $7,883 $7,816 $0 $0 $9,000 $9,000 $7,000 $7,000 Expenditures 2021 Budget Revenues 2020 Actuals Municipality of Bayham Municipal Assistance 2023 Budget 2018 Actuals 2019 Actuals 2020 Budget 2021 Actuals 2022 Budget 21 By-law No. 2022-038 Schedule "B" 4510-4110 Grants & Subsidies $0 $2,560 $0 $4,200 $2,600 $2,600 $2,600 $2,600 4510-4120 Sundry $1,940 $0 $420 $160 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,940 $2,560 $420 $4,360 $2,600 $2,600 $2,600 $2,600 4510-5100 Salaries & Wages $20,565 $24,412 $12,949 $10,874 $22,788 $24,444 $14,933 $15,231 4510-5110 Statutory Benefits $0 $0 $1,072 $1,093 $1,115 $1,138 4510-5170 Supplies $60 $417 $110 $1,500 $1,500 $500 $500 4510-5210 Utilities $3,258 $3,207 $1,673 $2,334 $5,729 $5,901 $3,578 $3,685 4510-5270 Building Maintenance $2,375 $1,059 $1,876 $191 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 4510-5280 Equipment Maintenance $2,958 $913 $2,718 $138 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 4510-5290 Grounds Maintenance $39,038 $38,722 $29,613 $29,339 $40,000 $40,000 $42,000 $43,000 4510-5300 Insurance $13,655 $14,041 $12,440 $16,867 $13,058 $13,711 $19,551 $20,529 $81,908 $82,772 $61,270 $59,854 $86,647 $89,149 $84,177 $86,583 Expenditures 2021 Actuals 2022 Budget 2021 Budget Revenues Municipality of Bayham Parks 2023 Budget 2020 Actuals 2018 Actuals 2019 Actuals 2020 Budget 22 By-law No. 2022-038 Schedule "B" 4520-4120 Sundry Revenue $843 $914 $581 $338 $0 $0 $0 $0 4520-4130 Rentals $12,815 $9,429 $1,088 $410 $10,000 $0 $0 $5,000 4520-4170 Capital Donations $16,000 $9,628 $8,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $29,658 $19,971 $9,669 $748 $10,000 $0 $0 $5,000 4520-5170 Supplies $1,045 $146 $356 $3,000 $3,000 $1,000 $3,000 4520-5210 Utilities $27,763 $21,233 $16,284 $12,088 $23,690 $24,401 $15,000 $15,450 4520-5240 Advertising $151 $39 $19 $0 $0 $0 $0 4520-5270 Building Maintenance $17,257 $29,022 $14,669 $7,842 $8,000 $10,000 $10,000 $12,000 4520-5280 Equipment Maintenance $137 $0 $0 $6,000 $6,000 $2,000 $3,000 4520-5290 Grounds Maintenance $557 $2,980 $487 $534 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 4520-5300 Insurance $5,218 $5,423 $4,805 $6,515 $5,044 $5,296 $7,552 $7,929 4520-5370 Sundry $320 $336 $8 $2,000 $2,000 $1,000 $10,000 4520-5460 SCC Capital Reserve Transfer $16,000 $9,628 $8,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 4520-5450 Service Contract $0 $0 $1,775 $10,000 $5,000 $0 $0 $68,449 $68,808 $46,403 $26,979 $58,734 $56,696 $37,552 $52,379 Expenditures 2021 Budget Revenues 2020 Actuals Municipality of Bayham Straffordville Community Centre 2023 Budget 2018 Actuals 2019 Actuals 2020 Budget 2021 Actuals 2022 Budget 23 By-law No. 2022-038 Schedule "B" 4530-4130 Rentals $9,087 $9,677 $2,795 $311 $10,000 $0 $0 $0 $9,087 $9,677 $2,795 $311 $10,000 $0 $0 $0 4530-5100 Management Contract $14,029 $12,870 $13,063 $15,000 $0 $0 $0 4530-5110 Statutory Benefits $449 $409 $372 $459 $0 $0 $0 4530-5170 Supplies $32 $0 $90 $1,000 $1,000 $100 $1,000 4530-5210 Utilities $8,833 $9,555 $9,982 $11,366 $13,000 $13,500 $10,000 $10,500 4520-5240 Advertising $151 $39 $19 $0 $0 $0 $0 4530-5270 Building Maintenance $15,179 $12,331 $7,362 $5,971 $6,000 $15,000 $5,000 $5,000 4530-5280 Equipment Maintenance $0 $0 $0 $3,500 $3,500 $1,000 $1,000 4530-5290 Grounds Maintenance $1,138 $702 $641 $702 $5,000 $5,000 $1,000 $1,000 4530-5300 Insurance $5,218 $5,423 $4,805 $6,515 $5,044 $5,296 $7,552 $7,929 4530-5360 Telephone $1,662 $1,639 $1,980 $1,343 $1,500 $2,000 $1,500 $1,500 4530-5450 Service Contract $0 $0 $2,462 $9,000 $5,000 $0 $0 $46,691 $42,967 $40,777 $25,897 $59,503 $50,296 $26,152 $27,929 Expenditures 2021 Budget Revenues 2020 Actuals Municipality of Bayham Vienna Community Centre 2023 Budget 2018 Actuals 2019 Actuals 2020 Budget 2021 Actuals 2022 Budget 24 By-law No. 2022-038 Schedule "B" 4540-4130 Lease Revenues $69,865 $71,611 $72,829 $73,338 $70,227 $71,632 $73,064 $74,525 $69,865 $71,611 $72,829 $73,338 $70,227 $71,632 $73,064 $74,525 4540-5210 Utilities $9,138 $7,830 $4,878 $9,007 $12,414 $12,786 $10,000 $10,300 4540-5270 Building Maintenance $12,843 $47,932 $15,143 $25,255 $12,000 $18,000 $17,000 $18,000 4540-5290 Grounds Maintenance $1,363 $1,306 $1,192 $1,306 $2,500 $2,500 $1,500 $2,000 4540-5300 Insurance $0 $2,633 $2,333 $3,163 $2,449 $2,571 $3,667 $3,850 4540-5400 Library Reserve Transfer $46,522 $11,910 $49,282 $34,608 $40,864 $35,774 $40,897 $40,375 $69,865 $71,611 $72,829 $73,338 $70,227 $71,632 $73,064 $74,525 2022 Budget 2018 Actuals 2019 Actuals 2020 Budget 2020 Actuals 2023 Budget 2021 Actuals Expenditures 2021 Budget Revenues Municipality of Bayham Libraries 25 By-law No. 2022-038 Schedule "B" 4550-4110 Grants & Subsidies $15,007 $19,788 $10,000 $15,200 $11,000 $11,000 $19,000 $11,000 4550-4130 Admissions $4,999 $5,738 $0 $3,708 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 4550-4170 Children's Programs $0 $48 $0 $100 $100 $100 $100 4550-4120 Sundry $475 $2,469 $253 $360 $100 $100 $100 $100 4550-4190 Contribution from Reserves $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $20,481 $28,042 $10,253 $19,268 $16,200 $16,200 $24,200 $16,200 4550-5100 Salaries & Wages $35,153 $31,392 $8,970 $26,700 $37,553 $38,304 $35,270 $35,976 4550-5110 Statutory Benefits $2,328 $2,361 $902 $2,905 $3,183 $3,247 $3,312 $3,378 4550-5170 Office Supplies $432 $73 $37 $263 $125 $125 $125 $125 4550-5190 Children's Programs $0 $20 $0 $50 $50 $50 $50 4560-5200 Building Renovations $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 4550-5210 Utilities $6,092 $5,605 $4,361 $6,348 $5,226 $5,383 $5,544 $5,711 4550-5240 Advertising $1,031 $1,335 $3,678 $2,221 $1,500 $2,600 $3,500 $4,000 4550-5245 Marketing $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 4550-5250 Memberships $202 $200 $300 $250 $250 $300 $300 $300 4550-5270 Building Maintenance $2,545 $9,079 $4,012 $2,394 $3,000 $8,000 $4,000 $5,000 4550-5280 Equipment Maintenance $0 $0 $0 $1,250 $1,250 $500 $500 4550-5290 Grounds Maintenance $2,180 $2,741 $1,773 $1,545 $1,950 $1,950 $2,700 $2,700 4550-5300 Insurance $3,053 $3,174 $2,812 $3,812 $2,952 $3,099 $4,419 $4,640 4550-5360 Telephone $589 $647 $647 $647 $990 $990 $990 $990 4550-5340 Conferences & Seminars $0 $0 $0 $50 $50 $50 $50 4550-5350 Travel $0 $0 $0 $50 $50 $50 $50 4550-5400 Transfer to Reserve $0 $0 $10,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 4550-5370 Sundry $568 $505 $268 $258 $450 $450 $450 $450 $54,173 $57,132 $37,759 $47,342 $58,579 $65,848 $61,260 $63,919 Expenditures 2021 Budget Revenues 2020 Actuals Municipality of Bayham Museums Bayham 2023 Budget 2021 Actuals 2018 Actuals 2019 Actuals 2020 Budget 2022 Budget 26 By-law No. 2022-038 Schedule "B" 5010-4120 Sundry Revenue $1,000 $1,522 $7,640 $3,100 $1,000 $1,100 $2,000 $2,000 5010-4130 Zoning Certificates $1,500 $1,350 $1,600 $2,650 $1,500 $1,500 $2,500 $2,500 5010-4140 Zoning Charges $16,824 $22,388 $25,914 $18,164 $10,000 $18,000 $20,000 $18,000 5010-4150 OPA Charges $2,344 $4,046 $2,328 $2,533 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 5010-4160 Minor Variance Charges $5,170 $5,825 $10,177 $14,648 $6,000 $6,000 $18,000 $18,000 5010-4170 Site Plan Charges $4,650 $5,050 $4,630 $14,500 $4,000 $4,000 $6,500 $4,000 5010-4175 Planning Report Fees $8,000 $9,600 $12,800 $8,000 $3,000 $8,000 $8,000 $8,000 5010-4180 Plan of Subdivision Fees $1,100 $0 $0 $4,465 $0 $0 $4,000 $2,000 5010-4190 Development Agreement Fees $1,000 $1,075 $2,875 $1,750 $500 $500 $500 $500 $41,588 $50,856 $67,963 $69,809 $29,000 $42,100 $64,500 $58,000 5010-5100 Salaries & Wages $63,358 $67,904 $72,659 $67,121 $65,672 $66,986 $70,826 $72,242 5010-5110 Statutory Benefits $6,492 $6,964 $7,628 $7,061 $6,620 $6,885 $7,660 $7,967 5010-5120 Non-Statutory Benefits $14,289 $14,522 $15,115 $13,625 $14,757 $15,052 $16,203 $16,527 5010-5240 Advertising $12 $749 $247 $511 $1,000 $1,000 $750 $750 5010-5250 Association & Membership $396 $403 $362 $412 $435 $435 $435 $435 5010-5310 Legal Fees $0 $0 $1,200 $1,200 $1,200 $1,200 5010-5340 Conferences & Seminars $0 $30 $450 $450 $350 $350 5010-5350 Travel $488 $1,089 $23 $197 $500 $500 $450 $450 5010-5450 Consulting Fees $38,493 $60,888 $75,850 $57,561 $38,400 $50,160 $56,000 $64,000 $123,528 $152,548 $171,884 $146,489 $129,034 $142,668 $153,874 $163,921 Expenditures 2021 Budget Revenues 2020 Actuals Municipality of Bayham Development Services 2023 Budget 2018 Actuals 2019 Actuals 2020 Budget 2021 Actuals 2022 Budget 27 By-law No. 2022-038 Schedule "B" 5015-4120 Sundry $1,352 $2,323 $778 $1,549 $0 $0 $0 $0 5015-4170 Lease Revenues $3,540 $6,000 $0 $12,483 $6,000 $15,000 $15,000 $15,000 $4,892 $8,323 $778 $14,032 $6,000 $15,000 $15,000 $15,000 5015-5100 Salaries & Wages $16,606 $5,985 $8,254 $4,507 $11,673 $11,906 $12,145 $12,387 5015-5110 Statutory Benefits $0 $0 $0 $1,061 $1,082 $1,104 $1,126 5015-5210 Utilities $4,235 $5,764 $3,305 $7,131 $5,000 $6,000 $6,000 $6,000 5015-5230 Brochures $5,185 $999 $1,058 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 5015-5240 Advertising $3,127 $3,394 $1,464 $1,512 $4,200 $4,200 $4,200 $4,200 5015-5250 Association & Membership $6,527 $3,628 $1,200 $7,350 $6,500 $6,500 $6,500 $6,500 5015-5270 Beautification $9,990 $10,291 $5,008 $4,924 $8,000 $8,000 $8,000 $8,000 5015-5290 Beach Maintenance $25,335 $27,240 $30,818 $30,568 $19,000 $23,000 $25,000 $25,000 $71,003 $57,301 $51,107 $55,992 $56,934 $62,189 $64,448 $64,713 Expenditures 2021 Actuals 2022 Budget 2021 Budget Revenues Municipality of Bayham Tourism 2023 Budget 2020 Actuals 2018 Actuals 2019 Actuals 2020 Budget 28 By-law No. 2022-038 Schedule "B" 5020-4110 Grants & Subsidies $6,988 $6,187 $6,035 $2,851 $11,500 $11,500 $6,500 $6,500 $6,988 $6,187 $6,035 $2,851 $11,500 $11,500 $6,500 $6,500 5020-5100 Salaries & Wages $7,855 $12,397 $6,307 $5,120 $20,927 $21,346 $8,772 $8,948 5020-5110 Statutory Benefits $1,430 $1,299 $686 $483 $2,680 $2,734 $2,788 $2,844 5020-5120 Non-Statutory Benefits $2,448 $3,187 $2,519 $2,385 $2,680 $2,734 $2,788 $2,844 5020-5270 Water Sampling & Testing $332 $254 $190 $249 $500 $500 $500 $500 5020-5320 Truck Water Sampling $339 $286 $105 $31 $100 $100 $100 $100 5020-5340 Conferences & Seminars $0 $0 $0 $500 $500 $500 $500 $12,404 $17,423 $9,807 $8,268 $27,387 $27,913 $15,449 $15,736 2021 Actuals 2022 Budget 2018 Actuals 2019 Actuals 2020 Budget 2020 Actuals 2023 Budget Expenditures 2021 Budget Revenues Municipality of Bayham Municipal Drainage 29 By-law No. 2022-038 Schedule "B" Capital Revenues $1,718,232 $2,370,900 $1,809,236 $935,656 $2,919,932 $923,500 $6,117,500 $0 $1,718,232 $2,370,900 $1,809,236 $935,656 $2,919,932 $923,500 $6,117,500 $0 Capital Expenditures $2,346,728 $3,084,000 $2,200,145 $2,479,324 $3,814,932 $1,923,500 $7,624,000 $0 $2,346,728 $3,084,000 $2,200,145 $2,479,324 $3,814,932 $1,923,500 $7,624,000 $0 Net Capital Levy $628,496 $713,100 $390,909 $1,543,668 $895,000 $1,000,000 $1,506,500 $0 2021 Actuals 2018 Actuals 2019 Actuals 2020 Budget 2020 Actuals 2022 Budget 2023 Budget Expenditures 2021 Budget Revenues Municipality of Bayham Capital Program 30 By-law No. 2022-038 Schedule"C" MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM - FINAL TAX RATES & LEVIES For the Year Ended December 31, 2022 Municipal Levy 5,250,543 ACTUAL Public Separate Public Separate Total Class 2022 Municipal Municipal County County Educ Educ English English French French Rates CVA Rates Levy Rates Levy Rates Levy 0.76806 0.20692 0.00921 0.01581 Res/Farm English-Public 539,245,640 0.00675167 3,640,808.61 0.00635462 3,426,701.13 0.00153000 825,045.83 825,045.83 0.01463629 English-Sep 28,917,049 0.00675167 195,238.37 0.00635462 183,756.86 0.00153000 44,243.08 44,243.08 0.01463629 French-Public 236,703 0.00675167 1,598.14 0.00635462 1,504.16 0.00153000 362.16 362.16 0.01463629 French-Sep 482,208 0.00675167 3,255.71 0.00635462 3,064.25 0.00153000 737.78 737.78 0.01463629 No Support 0.00675167 - 0.00635462 - 0.00153000 - 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01463629 Multi-res English-Public 4,423,765 0.01350266 59,732.59 0.01270860 56,219.86 0.00153000 6,768.36 6,768.36 0.02774126 English-Sep 349,235 0.01350266 4,715.60 0.01270860 4,438.29 0.00153000 534.33 534.33 0.02774126 French-Public Comm Occ.15,035,400 0.01105653 166,239.35 0.01040632 156,463.18 0.00880000 132,311.52 101,623.19 27,377.90 1,218.59 2,091.85 0.03026285 Comm Occ New 8,805,300 0.01105653 97,356.06 0.01040632 91,630.77 0.00880000 77,486.64 59,514.39 16,033.54 713.65 1,225.06 0.03026285 Comm Vac. Land 367,000 0.01105653 4,057.75 0.01040632 3,819.12 0.00880000 3,229.60 2,480.53 668.27 29.74 51.06 0.03026285 Comm Exc Land New 182,400 0.01105653 2,016.71 0.01040632 1,898.11 0.00880000 1,605.12 1,232.83 332.13 14.78 25.38 0.03026285 Comm Exc. Land 321,300 0.01105653 3,552.46 0.01040632 3,343.55 0.00880000 2,827.44 2,171.64 585.05 26.04 44.70 0.03026285 Commercial Small FB 39,800 0.00276413 110.01 0.00260158 103.54 0.00220000 87.56 67.25 18.12 0.81 1.38 0.00756571 Commercial Small FB 48,100 0.00276413 132.95 0.00260158 125.14 0.00220000 105.82 81.28 21.90 0.97 1.67 0.00756571 Ind Occ.7,741,500 0.01502314 116,301.64 0.01413966 109,462.18 0.01250000 96,768.75 74,324.21 20,023.39 891.24 1,529.91 0.04166280 Ind Occ New 5,101,400 0.01502314 76,639.05 0.01413966 72,132.06 0.00980000 49,993.72 38,398.18 10,344.70 460.44 790.40 0.03896280 Ind Excess Land 0.01502314 - 0.01413966 - 0.01250000 - 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04166280 Ind Vac.11,400 0.01502314 171.26 0.01413966 161.19 0.01250000 142.50 109.45 29.49 1.31 2.25 0.04166280 Large Ind. New Cons 0.01911938 - 0.01799501 - 0.00980000 - 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04691439 Large Ind. Exc New 0.01911938 - 0.01799501 - 0.00980000 - 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04691439 Pipelines 11,340,000 0.00772796 87,635.07 0.00727350 82,481.49 0.00880000 99,792.00 76,646.24 20,648.96 919.08 1,577.71 0.02380146 Farmlands English-Public 370,921,000 0.00155288 575,995.80 0.00146156 542,124.26 0.00038250 141,877.28 141,877.28 0.00339694 English-Sep 19,432,500 0.00155288 30,176.34 0.00146156 28,401.82 0.00038250 7,432.93 7,432.93 0.00339694 French-Public 13,500 0.00155288 20.96 0.00146156 19.73 0.00038250 5.16 5.16 0.00339694 Mgd Forests English-Public 3,491,692 0.00168792 5,893.70 0.01588650 55,470.76 0.00038250 1,335.57 1,335.57 0.01795692 English-Sep 201,323 0.00168792 339.82 0.01588650 3,198.32 0.00038250 77.01 77.01 0.01795692 French-Public 988 0.00168792 1.67 0.01588650 15.70 0.00038250 0.38 0.38 0.01795692 French-Sep 1,697 0.00168792 2.86 0.01588650 26.96 0.00038250 0.65 0.65 0.01795692 1,016,710,900 5,071,992.50 4,826,562.42 1,492,771.19 1,331,676.22 148,370.79 4,644.37 8,079.81 PILS Res. - gen 9,183,200 0.00675167 62,001.94 0.00635462 58,355.75 - 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01310629 Res - full 5,900 0.00675167 39.83 0.00635462 37.49 0.00153000 9.03 9.03 0.01463629 Comm Vac. - full 0.01105653 - 0.01040632 - 0.00880000 - 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.03026285 Ind Occ. - full 41,900 0.01502314 629.47 0.01413966 592.45 0.01250000 523.75 402.27 108.37 4.82 8.28 0.04166280 Comm Occ 664,300 0.01105653 7,344.85 0.01040632 6,912.92 0.00880000 5,845.84 4,489.96 1,209.62 53.84 92.42 0.03026285 Comm Occ. - gen 9,796,300 0.01105653 108,313.08 0.01040632 101,943.43 - 0.02146285 Comm Vac. - gen 20,000 0.01105653 221.13 0.01040632 208.13 - 0.02146285 19,711,600 178,550.31 168,050.17 6,378.62 4,901.25 1,318.00 58.66 100.70 EXEMPT No Support 22,711,100 22,711,100 1,059,133,600 5,250,542.81 4,994,612.59 1,499,149.81 1,336,577.47 149,688.79 4,703.03 8,180.51 Total Levy 11,744,305.21 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 2022-039 BEING A BY-LAW TO ESTABLISH AN ELECTION JOINT COMPLIANCE AUDIT COMMITTEE FOR THE 2022 MUNICIPAL ELECTION IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS ACT, 1996, AS AMENDED. WHEREAS subsection 5(3) of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c. 25, as amended, provides that a municipal power shall be exercised by by-law; AND WHEREAS section 9 of the Municipal Act, 2001 provides that a municipality has the capacity, rights, powers and privileges of a natural person for the purpose of exercising its authority under this or any other Act; AND WHEREAS section 88.37 of the Municipal Elections Act, 1996, as amended requires the Council to establish a Compliance Audit Committee before October 1st in an election year to deal with matters regarding election campaign finances and contributions; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham wishes to establish a Compliance Audit Committee to deal with matters regarding election campaign finances and contributions; THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT a committee, to be known as the Elgin Election Joint Compliance Audit Committee, is hereby established to deal with the matters provided for in Sections 88.33, 88.34, 88.35 and 88.36 of the Municipal Elections Act, 1996, as amended. 2. THAT the business of the Elgin Election Joint Compliance Audit Committee for the 2022 Municipal Election be conducted in accordance with the Terms of Reference set out in Appendix “A” attached hereto and forming a part of this By-law. 3. THAT this By-law shall come into force and take effect on the final passing thereof. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 2ND DAY OF JUNE 2022. ____________________________ _____________________________ MAYOR CLERK Schedule A to By-law 2022-039 TERMS OF REFERENCE FOR THE ELGIN ELECTION JOINT COMPLIANCE AUDIT COMMITTEE 1. DEFINITIONS a. Act - means the Municipal Elections Act, 1996, S.O. 1996, c. 32, as amended from time to time. b. Applicant – means an elector as defined under Section 88.33(1) or 88.35(1) of the Act who applies for a compliance audit of a candidate’s or third party advertiser’s election campaign finances. c. Application – means an application for a compliance audit accepted by the Clerk pursuant to Section 88.33(2) of the Act. d. Auditor - means a person appointed by the Elgin Election Joint Compliance Audit Committee to conduct a compliance audit of the election campaign finances of candidates and registered third parties pursuant to Section 88.33 of the Act. e. Auditor's Report - means a report prepared by an auditor regarding the findings of an audit into the election campaign finances of a candidate or registered third party advertiser. f. Candidate - means the candidate whose election campaign finances are the subject of an application for a compliance audit. g. Clerk – means the Clerk of a member municipality in Elgin County, or their designate. h. Committee - means the Elgin Election Joint Compliance Audit Committee established pursuant to Section 88.37 of the Act. i. Compliance Audit - means an audit conducted by an auditor, appointed by the Elgin Election Joint Compliance Audit Committee, of a candidate's election campaign finances; contributions to candidates; registered third parties campaign finances, and contributions to registered third parties. j. Council – means the Council of a member municipality in Elgin County, including the Council of the Town of Aylmer, Municipality of Bayham, Municipality of Central Elgin, Municipality of Dutton Dunwich, Township of Malahide, Township of Southwold, and Municipality of West Elgin. k. Municipality – means a member municipality in the County of Elgin, including The Corporation of the Town of Aylmer, The Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham, The Corporation of the Municipality of Central Elgin, The Corporation of the Municipality of Dutton Dunwich, The Corporation of the Township of Malahide, The Corporation of the Township of Southwold, and The Corporation of the Municipality of West Elgin. l. Registered Third Party - means the individual, corporation or trade union whose notice of registration has been certified by the Clerk and whose campaign finances are the subject of an application for a compliance audit. 2. ENABLING LEGISLATION Section 88.37 of the Act requires that before October 1st in an election year, Council establish a Compliance Audit Committee for the purposes of Sections 88.33, 88.34, 88.35 and 88.36 of the said Act relative to a possible contravention of the Act’s election campaign finance provisions. 3. TERM The term of office of the Committee is the same as the term of office of Council, being November 15, 2022 to November 14, 2026, and shall serve in the instance of any by-election that may take place during that time. 4. MEETINGS The Committee will meet as needed, with meetings to be scheduled by the Clerk of the municipality where a compliance audit application is received, in accordance with the MEA requirements. The Clerk of the host municipality shall ensure and verify the validity of the meeting. The Clerk will contact all members to ensure that a quorum of members is able to attend the said meeting. Meetings will be held at the location determined by the Clerk of the host municipality. The Committee members will select a Chair from amongst its members at its first meeting. In accordance with the Act, the meetings of the Committee shall be open to the public, but the Committee may deliberate in private. 5. MANDATE The Committee is required to act in accordance with the powers and obligations set out in the Municipal Elections Act, 1996, as amended (MEA). The Committee will be required to: a. consider a compliance audit application received from an elector that a candidate or a registered third party has contravened provisions of the MEA relating to election campaign finances and determine whether it should be granted or rejected; b. if the application is granted, the Committee shall appoint an auditor to conduct a compliance audit; c. receive the auditor’s report; d. consider the auditor’s report and if the report concludes that the candidate or registered third party appear to have contravened a provision of the MEA relating to election campaign finances, the Committee may commence legal proceedings against the candidate or registered third party for the apparent contravention; and e. consider the report(s) of the Clerk identifying each contributor to a candidate for office on a Council or a registered third party who appears to have contravened any of the contribution limits under section 88.9 or 88.13 of the MEA and decide whether to commence a legal proceeding against a contributor for an apparent contravention. 6. COMPOSITION The Committee will be composed of at least three (3) and no more than seven (7) members of the public. Members must possess an in-depth knowledge of the campaign financing rules of the MEA and therefore membership drawn from the following stakeholder groups: a. accounting and audit – accountants or auditors with experience in preparing or auditing the financial statements of municipal candidates; b. academic – college or university professors with expertise in political science or local government administration; c. legal profession with experience in municipal law, municipal election law or administrative law; d. professionals who in the course of their duties are required to adhere to codes or standards of their profession which may be enforced by disciplinary tribunals; and e. other individuals with knowledge of the campaign financing rules of the Municipal Elections Act, 1996, as amended. Pursuant to subsection 88.37(2) of the Act, the Committee shall not include: a. Members of Council or local board; b. Employees or officers of the Municipality or local board; c. Any persons who are candidates in the election for which the Committee is established; or d. Any persons who are registered third parties in the Municipality in the election for which the committee is established. Further, an individual shall be deemed ineligible to be a member of the Committee if they prepare the financial statements of: a. any candidate running for office on Municipal Council or local board during the term for which the Committee has been established; or b. any registered third party. In addition, a Committee Member may not be a contributor or provider of any election-related services to a registered candidate or third party advertiser in the 2022 Municipal Election or any subsequent by-election including but not limited to accounting, legal, auditing, marketing or campaign services. 7. APPOINTMENT PROCESS All applicants will be required to submit a summary outlining their qualifications and experience. A Nominating Committee consisting of the Clerks from each of the member municipalities in Elgin County will review and consider all applicants/ applications, and will prepare a proposed Joint Committee membership list for consideration by each of the respective Municipal Councils. Members will be selected on the basis of the following: a. demonstrated knowledge and understanding of municipal election campaign financing rules and knowledge of the MEA and related regulations; b. proven analytical and decision-making skills; c. experience working on a committee, administrative tribunal, task force or similar setting; d. demonstrated knowledge of quasi-judicial proceedings; e. availability and willingness to attend meetings; and f. excellent oral and written communication skills. The Members will be appointed by each of the respective Municipal Councils. 8. COMPENSATION Members of the Committee shall be paid an honorarium of $125.00 per meeting, plus mileage at the current mileage rate established by the host municipality. The host municipality shall pay all costs relative to the respective application. 9. STAFF SUPPORT The Clerk or designate of the host municipality shall act as the Secretary to the Committee and provide support where required. The Clerk shall establish administrative practices and procedures for the Committee and shall carry out any other duties required under this Act to implement the Committee’s decisions. 10. APPLICATION BY ELECTOR a. Financial Statements of Candidates All candidates are required to file provincially prescribed financial statements with the Clerk detailing their election campaign financing activities. An eligible elector who believes on reasonable grounds that a candidate has contravened a provision of the Act, as amended, relating to election campaign finances, may apply for a compliance audit of the candidate’s election campaign finances, even if the candidate has not filed a financial statement. The application must be made in writing to the Clerk and include the reasons for the elector’s belief that the candidate has contravened the Act. The application must be made within 90 days after the latest of the following dates: i. The filing date; ii. The date the candidate filed a financial statement, if the statement was filed within 30 days after the applicable filing date; iii. The candidate’s supplementary filing date, if any; or iv. The date on which the candidate’s extension, if any, expires. b. Registered Third Parties Financial Statements All registered third parties are required to file provincially prescribed financial statements with the Clerk reflecting the registered third party’s campaign finances in relation to third party advertisements. An eligible elector who believes on reasonable grounds that a registered third party who is registered in relation to the election in the Municipality has contravened a provision of the Act, relating to campaign finances, may apply for a compliance audit of the campaign finances of the registered third party in relation to third party advertisements, even if the registered third party has not filed a financial statement. The application must be made in writing to the Clerk and include the reasons for the elector’s belief that the registered third party has contravened the Act. The application must be made within 90 days after the latest of the following dates: i. The filing date; ii. The date the registered third party filed a financial statement, if the statement was filed within thirty (30) days after the applicable filing date; iii. The supplementary filing date, if any, for the registered third party; or iv. The date on which the registered third party’s extension, if any, expires. 11. ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Sections 88.33, 88.34, 88.35 and 88.36 of the Municipal Elections Act outlines the process for Compliance Audits. a. Compliance Audit of Candidates’ Election Campaign Finances The Compliance Audit Committee will be required to: i. within thirty (30) days after the committee has received a compliance audit application, consider the application submitted by an elector and received by the Clerk and decide whether it should be granted or rejected; ii. give notice of its decision to grant or reject the application, and brief written reasons for the decision, to the candidate, the clerk with whom the candidate filed his or her nomination, the secretary of the local board, if applicable, and the applicant; iii. Appoint an auditor, if the compliance audit application is granted, to conduct a compliance audit of the candidate’s election campaign finances; iv. within thirty (30) days after receiving the Auditor’s Report, consider the report and, if the report concludes that the candidate appears to have contravened a provision of the Act relating to election campaign finances, the committee shall decide whether to commence a legal proceeding against the candidate for the apparent contravention; and v. give notice of the committee’s decision, and brief written reasons for the decision, to the candidate, the clerk with whom the candidate filed his or her nomination, the secretary of the local board, if applicable, and the applicant. b. Compliance Audit of Contributions to Candidates The Compliance Audit Committee will be required to: i. within thirty (30) days after receiving the Clerk’s Report that identifies each contributor to a candidate for office on Council who appears to have contravened contribution limits, consider the report and decide whether to commence a legal proceeding against the candidate for the apparent contravention; and ii. give notice of the committee’s decision, and give brief written reasons for the decision, to the contributor and to the Clerk of the Municipality or secretary of the local board as the case may be. c. Compliance Audit of Registered Third Parties’ Campaign Finances The Compliance Audit Committee will be required to: i. within thirty (30) days after the committee has received a compliance audit application, consider the application submitted by an elector and received by the Clerk and decide whether it should be granted or rejected; iii. give notice of its decision to grant or reject the application, and brief written reasons for the decision, to the registered third party, the clerk with whom the registered third party is registered, the secretary of the local board, if applicable, and the applicant; iv. Appoint an auditor, if the compliance audit application is granted, to conduct a compliance audit of the campaign finances of the registered third party in relation to third party advertisements that appear during an election in the Municipality; v. within thirty (30) days after receiving the Auditor’s Report, consider the report and, if the report concludes that the registered third party appears to have contravened a provision of the Act relating to campaign finances of the registered third party in relation to third party advertisements that appear during an election in the municipality, the committee shall decide whether to commence a legal proceeding against the candidate for the apparent contravention; and vi. give notice of the committee’s decision, and brief written reasons for the decision, to the candidate, the clerk with whom the candidate filed his or her nomination, the secretary of the local board, if applicable, and the applicant. d. Compliance Audit of Contributions to Registered Third Parties The Compliance Audit Committee will be required to: i. within 30 days after receiving the Clerk’s Report that identifies each contributor to the registered third party who appears to have contravened contributions limits, consider the report and decide whether to commence a legal proceeding against a contributor for an apparent contravention; and ii. give notice of the committee’s decision, and brief written reasons for the decision, to the contributor and to the Clerk of the Municipality. 12. APPEAL The decision of the Compliance Audit Committee may be appealed to the Superior Court of Justice within 15 days after the decision is made and the Court may make any decision the Committee could have made. THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LAW 2022-040 BEING A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE EXECUTION OF A DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN TONY AND NETTIE WALL AND THE COPRORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM WHEREAS Section 39.1 (1) of the Planning Act R.S.O. 1990 c. P. 13, as amended, provides that as a condition to passing a By-law authorizing the Temporary Use of a Garden Suite under subsection 39(1), the Council may require the owner of the Suite or any other person to enter into an Agreement with the Municipality dealing with such matters related to the Temporary Use of the Garden Suite as Council considers necessary or advisable; AND WHEREAS the Municipality of Bayham is desirous to enter into an Agreement with Tony and Nettie Wall regarding the establishment, placement and removal of a Garden Suite situated in the Municipality of Bayham, in the County of Elgin, Part Lot 7 & 8 Concession 2 and known municipally as 54732 Nova Scotia Line; AND WHEREAS the Owners are agreeable to entering into an Agreement with the Municipality specifying the terms and conditions under which a Temporary dwelling (Garden Suite) is permitted. NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS 1. THAT the Mayor and Clerk be and they are hereby authorized and directed to execute the Development Agreement between The Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham and Tony and Nettie Wall affixed hereto and forming part of this By-law as Schedule “A”. 2. THAT the executed Agreement be registered at the owner’s expense against the land to which it applies under the Land Titles Registry Elgin No. 11. READ a FIRST and SECOND time this 2nd day of June 2022. READ a THIRD time and FINALLY PASSED this 2nd day of June 2022. _____________________________ _________________________________ MAYOR CLERK SCHEDULE ‘A’ TO BY-LAW 2022-040 THIS AGREEMENT made in duplicate this 2nd day of June 2022. BETWEEN: TONY WALL AND NETTIE WALL Hereinafter called “Owner” - AND – THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Hereinafter called the “Municipality” WHEREAS the “Owner” is the Owner of the lands situated in the Municipality of Bayham, in the County of Elgin, Part of Lot 7 & 8 Concession 2, known municipally as 54732 Nova Scotia Line (and hereafter referred to as the “Lands”); AND WHEREAS By-law No. Z741-2022, a Temporary Use By-law, pursuant to Sections 34 and 39 of the Planning Act, RSO 1990, Chapter P. 13 to permit a Garden Suite for the Lands is in force and effect; AND WHEREAS the Municipality requires the Owner of the Lands to enter into this Agreement regarding the establishment, placement and removal of the Garden Suite from the Lands; NOW THEREFORE in consideration of the payment of the sum of TWO DOLLARS ($2.00) by the Municipality to the Owner, the payment of the sum of TWO DOLLARS ($2.00) by the Owner to the Municipality, the mutual covenants and Agreements herein contained, and other good and valuable consideration the receipt whereof is acknowledged by each, the parties hereby agree and covenant as follows: 1. DEFINITIONS AND INTERPRETATION: The following words and expressions wherever Used in this Agreement shall have the meaning ascribed hereto: 1.1 “Chief Administrative Officer” and/or “CAO” means the Chief Administrative Officer/Clerk of the Municipality; 1.2 “Municipality” means the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham 1.3 “Owner” means Tony and Nettie Wall; 1.4 “Garden Suite” means a one-unit detached residential structure containing a bathroom and kitchen facilities that is ancillary to an existing residential structure and is designed to be portable 1.5 “Plan” means the Plans attached hereto as Attachment “A”, and; 1.6 “Section”, “subsection”, “Paragraph” and “clause” means the specified section, subsection, paragraph or clause in this Agreement. 2 2. OWNER’S OBLIGATIONS 2.1 The Owner shall pay to the Municipality forthwith upon the execution of this Agreement all applicable Municipal fees for the establishment of the Garden Suite, including building permit fees. 2.2 Subject to the provisions of any By-laws enacted by the Municipality respecting the repair and maintenance of properties, the Owner shall repair and maintain the Garden Suite and the immediate site of the Garden Suite, at all times, to the satisfaction of the Municipality. 2.3 The location and structure of the Garden Suite shall be in accordance with the Building Permit issued to the Owner and the Owner agrees not to make any structural changes to the Garden Suite and/or immediate site of the Garden Suite without the prior written approval of the Municipality and to enter into such amendments to this Agreement as the Municipality may require as conditions of approval of such changes. 2.4 The Owner agrees that the sole occupant(s) of the Garden Suite shall be the person(s) listed below: 1. Ashley Wall (daughter) and Eyob Clifford (son-in-law) 2.5 It is hereby understood and agreed that the Municipality will have no responsibility to install any extension to municipal services or to provide for any connections to municipal services to the Garden Suite. 3. TERM AND TERMINATION 3.1 The Owner hereby agrees the Temporary Use Zoning By-law Z741-2022 and this Agreement to permit a Garden Suite will expire on May 19, 2032 (ten-year term). 3.2 If the Owner wishes to extend the term of the Temporary Use By-law beyond the date set out at paragraph 3.1, above, the Owner shall obtain municipal By-law approval for an extension of the Temporary Use By-law in accordance to the Planning Act or any other applicable legislation, including in accordance to the period of time permitted for an extension to a Temporary Use By-law, not less than sixty (60) days before the expiration date set out at paragraph 3.1. If no extension has been granted before the expiration date set out in Section 3.1 above, the temporary land use is no longer permitted on the subject lands. The Owner agrees to pay any and all municipal fees applicable to the application to extend the Temporary Use By- law. 3.3 If an extension of the Temporary Use By-law is granted, then this Agreement shall be deemed to continue on identical terms as set out herein, subject to any necessary modifications as to the term of the Agreement, unless and until a new Temporary Use Garden Suite Agreement is reached by the parties and registered on title to the Lands or the Garden Suite is removed from the Lands and the Lands are remediated as described at paragraphs 5.1 and 5.2 of this Agreement. 3 3.4 This Agreement shall be terminated thirty (30) days after the earliest date of any of the following occurrences: i) When the Temporary Use By-law expires, ii) The Garden Suite is no longer occupied by the occupant(s) set out in paragraph 2.4 of this Agreement, or, iii) Upon the sale or transfer of the Lands. 4. DEPOSIT 4.1 The Owner shall supply the Municipality with a security deposit refundable upon compliance in the amount of Three Thousand Dollars ($3,000.00) for the removal of the Garden Suite and remediation of the Lands in accordance with paragraphs 5.1 and 5.2 of this Agreement. The deposit shall be in the form of a certified cheque, bank draft or cash to be held by the Municipality. 4.2 The certified cheque or bank draft shall be: i) From a chartered bank ii) Expressed to be pursuant to this Agreement iii) Payable to the Municipality, and iv) Irrevocable 4.3 The deposit shall be provided at the time of signing of this Agreement and shall be retained by the Municipality until the Agreement is terminated. 5. REMOVAL OF THE GARDEN SUITE 5.1 The Owner agrees to remove the Garden Suite from the Lands at their sole expense immediately upon termination of the Agreement. 5.2 The Owner agrees to remove all services and facilities for the Garden Suite and to grade and landscape the site so that it is returned to pre-Garden Suite condition upon termination of the Agreement. 5.3 The Owner shall provide the Municipality with a signed Certificate of Compliance, attached hereto as Attachment “B”, when the work described at paragraphs 5.1 and 5.2 of this Agreement has been completed. 5.4 Upon receipt of the Certificate of Compliance, the Municipality shall inspect the Lands and shall, if the work described at paragraphs 5.1 and 5.2 of this Agreement has not been completed to the Municipality’s satisfaction: i) Perform such work as is required, ii) Once the Municipality is satisfied that the work described at paragraphs 5.1 and 5.2 of this Agreement has been completed, refund to the Owner the amount of the deposit paid pursuant to paragraph 4.1 of this Agreement less the costs incurred by the Municipality in performing the work described at paragraphs 5.1 and 5.2 of this Agreement, and, 4 iii) Once the Municipality is satisfied that the work described at paragraphs 5.1 and 5.2 of this Agreement has been completed, execute the Certificate of Compliance and provide the Owner with a copy of same; Or, if the work described at paragraphs 5.1 and 5.2 of this Agreement has been completed to the Municipality’s satisfaction: i) Execute the Certificate of Compliance and provide the Owner with a copy of same, and, ii) Refund to the Owner the full amount of the deposit paid pursuant to paragraph 4.1 of this Agreement. 5.5 This Agreement cannot be transferred or assigned to subsequent Owner of the Lands. 6. GENERAL 6.1 No amendment to this Agreement unless it is made in writing and executed by all parties hereto. 6.2 The Owner shall be jointly and severally liable with respect to the payment of any fee, cost or other payment due to the Municipality pursuant to this Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties thereto have caused this Agreement to be duly executed as of the date first written above. Witness:_____________________________ _____________________________ Tony Wall, Owner Date: _______________________________ _____________________________ Nettie Wall, Owner THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Date: ________________________________ _____________________________ Ed Ketchabaw, Mayor _____________________________ Thomas Thayer, Clerk We have the authority to bind the Corporation. 5 ATTACHMENT “A” PROPERTY PLAN (to be added) 6 ATTACHMENT “B” CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE PROPERTY IDENTIFICATION: Municipal Address: 54732 Nova Scotia Line ______________________________________________________________ Owner: Tony and Nettie Wall ______________________________________________________________ This document serves to certify that the Development project on the afore-noted Lands has been completed in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Development Agreement for the Garden Suite between the undersigned, as Owner, and the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham as dated June 2, 2022, and as authorized by By-law No. 2022 - ____ for the said Municipality of Bayham. The undersigned makes this certification declaring it to be true and correct and as if made under oath. Dated at _________________________, Ontario this ______ day of ___________, 20__. ______________________________ ________________________________ Witness Signature ________________________________ Name of Owner (Print) ________________________________ ________________________________ Address of Owner (Mailing) ________________________________ Telephone Number THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 2022-041 A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE EXECUTION OF A DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN RUDOLPH AND NANCY THIESSEN AND THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM WHEREAS Section 11 of the Municipal Act, 2001, R.S.O. 2001, c. 25 as amended provides that a lower tier municipality may pass by-laws respecting structures, including fences and signs; AND WHEREAS Section 45 (9.1) of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990 c P.3 as amended provides in part that a Committee of Adjustment that imposes terms and conditions under subsection (9), may also require the owner of the land to enter into one or more agreements with the municipality dealing with some or all of the terms and conditions; AND WHEREAS Rudolph and Nancy Thiessen are the owners of lands in Concession 3 Part Lot 2, known municipally as 53580 Vienna Line, in the Municipality of Bayham, County of Elgin; AND WHEREAS the Municipality of Bayham Council has approved the Zoning By-law Z745-2022 Application ZBA-14/22, subject to the owners execute a development agreement for the additional supplementary farm dwelling as per policies of Section 2.1.10 the Official Plan; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICPALITY OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the Mayor and Clerk be and are hereby authorized and directed to execute the Development Agreement with Rudolph and Nancy Thiessen affixed hereto and forming part of this By-law and marked as Schedule “A”. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 2nd DAY OF JUNE 2022. MAYOR CLERK SCHEDULE ‘A’ TO BY-LAW 2022-041 DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN RUDOLPH AND NANCY THIESSEN AND THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM FOR LANDS LOCATED AT 53580 Vienna Line, Concession 3 Lot 2 Municipality of Bayham, County of Elgin Development Agreement – Thiessen 1 THIS DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT made in duplicate this 2nd day of June 2022. B E T W E E N: RUDOLPH AND NANCY THIESSEN Hereinafter called the “OWNER” OF THE FIRST PART - AND - THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Hereinafter called the “MUNICIPALITY” OF THE SECOND PART WHEREAS the Owner is the owner in fee simple of the lands situate in the Municipality of Bayham, in the County of Elgin being Lot 2 Concession 3, more particularly described in Attachment “A” attached hereto (and hereafter referred to as the “Lands”); AND WHEREAS the Owner intends to locate one (1) additional supplementary farm dwelling (mobile home with a semi-permanent addition) in accordance with the Conceptual Site Plan attached hereto, as Attachment “B” (hereafter referred to as the “Plan”); AND WHEREAS the Municipality, as a condition of the location of the supplementary farm dwelling on the Lands requires the Owner to enter into a Development Agreement; NOW THEREFORE in consideration of other good and valuable consideration and the sum of Two Dollars ($2.00) of lawful money of Canada by each to the other paid (the receipt whereof is acknowledged by each), the Owner hereby covenants and agrees with the Municipality as follows: 1. The Owner agrees that one (1) temporary mobile home building with a semi-permanent addition with floor area of 82.5 m2 (888 ft2) to accommodate up to six (6) seasonal farm labourers shall be placed in addition to the existing permanent supplementary farm dwelling (bunkhouse) with maximum floor area of 167 m2 (1,797 ft2) housing maximum sixteen (16) seasonal farm labourers approved previously by way of Minor Variance Application A-01/18 granted February 15, 2018 for a total supplementary farm dwelling floor area of 250 m2 (2,691 ft2) on the lands in general accordance with the area identified on the attached Plan. 2. The Owner shall remove the temporary mobile home from the property should it cease to be used for the purpose of housing supplementary farm labour for a period longer than two (2) calendar years after the existing bona fide cucumbers and asparagus cash crop farm Development Agreement – Thiessen 2 operation has ceased and the Owner shall maintain the site in accordance with the By-laws of the Municipality of Bayham; 3. The Owner shall only permit the temporary mobile home and the permanent bunkhouse, both deemed as supplementary farm dwellings on the Lands, to be occupied by any persons between the period of April 1st and November 30th of any calendar year. 4. The Owner further agrees: a) To provide written confirmation from the authorizing agency, to the satisfaction of the Municipality, that there is sufficient on-site capacity for potable drinking water, and; b) To apply to the Municipality for the installation of a new septic system for the temporary mobile home, and; c) That upon failure by the Owner to do any act identified herein, that the public safety or convenience requires, in accordance with this Agreement, upon seven (7) days written notice, the Municipality, in addition to any other remedy, may go in and do same at the Owner’s expense, and collect the cost in like manner either as municipal taxes or from the Letter of Credit deposited as performance security, and; d) That nothing in this Agreement constitutes waiver of the owner’s duty to comply with any by-law of the Municipality or any other law. 5. The Owner shall be responsible for consulting with and obtaining any and all necessary approvals from the Southwestern Public Health (SWPH). 6. The Owner shall satisfy all the requirements in relation to the fire protection for the building(s) in compliance with the Fire Code and to the satisfaction of the Municipality’s Fire Chief and Ontario Building Code. 7. The Municipality, through its servants, officers and agents, including its Chief Building Official and Fire Chief, may, from time to time, and at any time, enter on the premises of the Owner to inspect the mobile homes for the purposes of ensuring public health and safety, in specific regards to condition of the bunkhouses; fire protection; the provision of potable water; and the proper treatment and disposal of sewage. 8. In the event of any servant, officer or agent of the Municipality, upon inspection, be of the opinion that the state of maintenance is not satisfactory, such servant, officer or agent shall forthwith, forward notice of such opinion, by registered mail, to the Owner, at the last known address, and the Owner shall forthwith correct the deficiency or appeal to the Council of the Municipality of Bayham, as hereinafter provided. Development Agreement – Thiessen 3 9. In the event that the Owner should disagree with the opinion of the servant, officer or agent of the Municipality, as to the state of maintenance, such Owner shall appear before the Council of the Municipality of Bayham, which after hearing the Owner, shall express its opinion as to whether the maintenance is satisfactory, by resolution, which shall constitute a final determination of the matter. 10. In the event that an Owner shall fail to correct a deviation or deficiency after notice or after notice of an opinion, which the Council of the Municipality of Bayham determines is correct, the Council of the Municipality of Bayham, may by by-law, direct, on default of the matter or thing being done by the Owner, after two (2) week’s notice, to it by registered mail, at the last known address of the Owner, pursuant to the last revised assessment roll, at the expense of the Owner, which expense may be recoverable by action as municipal taxes. 11. This Agreement and the provisions thereof, do not give to the Owner or any person acquiring any interest in the said lands any rights against the Municipality with respect to the failure of the Owner to perform or fully perform any of its obligations under this Agreement or any negligence of the Owner in its performance of the said obligations. 12. The Owner agrees that it will not call into question, directly or indirectly in any proceeding whatsoever in law or in equity or before any administrative tribunal the right of the Municipality to enter into this Agreement and to enforce each and every term, covenant and condition herein contained and this Agreement may be pleaded as an estoppels against the Owner in any case. 13. The Owner agrees on behalf of themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, to save harmless and indemnify the Municipality, from all losses, damages, costs, charges and expenses which may be claimed or recovered against the Municipality by any person or persons arising either directly or indirectly as a result of any action taken by the Owner, pursuant to this Agreement. 14. All facilities and matters required by this Agreement shall be provided and maintained by the Owner at its sole risk and expense to the satisfaction of the Municipality and in accordance with the standards determined by the Municipality and in default thereof, and without limiting other remedies available to the Municipality, the provisions of Section 326 of The Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, shall apply. 15. This Agreement shall be registered at the expense of the Owner, against the land to which it applies, and the Municipality shall be entitled, subject to the provisions of The Registry Act, to enforce its provisions against the Owner, named herein, and any and all subsequent Owners of the land. Development Agreement – Thiessen 4 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have hereupon, affixed their Corporate Seal, duly attested to by their authorized signing officers in that behalf. We have the authority to bind the Corporation. Witness (signature) Rudolph Thiessen, Owner Witness (signature) Nancy Thiessen, Owner THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Ed Ketchabaw, Mayor Thomas Thayer, Clerk Development Agreement – Thiessen 1 ATTACHMENT ‘A’ Roll # 3401-000-008-06500 Legal Description: Concession 3, Lot 2, Municipality of Bayham, County of Elgin Municipal Address: 53580 Vienna Line Development Agreement – Thiessen 2 ATTACHMENT ‘B’ Conceptual Site Plan (To be attached) THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. Z742-2022 MILLER BEING A BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW No. Z456-2003, AS AMENDED WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham deems it necessary to amend Zoning By-law No. Z456-2003, under Section 36 of the Planning Act, as amended; THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham enacts as follows: 1) THAT By-law No. Z456-2003, as amended, is hereby further amended by amending Schedule “H” Vienna, by deleting from the Holding Village Residential (R1(h2/h3)) Zone and adding to the Village Residential (R1) Zone those lands outlined in heavy solid lines and marked R1 on Schedule “H” Vienna to this By-law, which is attached to and forms part of this By-law. 2) THIS By-law shall come into force on the date of passing. READ A FIRST TIME AND SECOND TIME THIS 2nd DAY OF JUNE 2022. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 2nd DAY OF JUNE 2022. MAYOR CLERK THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. Z743-2022 MILLER BEING A BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW No. Z456-2003, AS AMENDED WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham deems it necessary to amend Zoning By-law No. Z456-2003, as amended. THEREFORE, the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham enacts as follows: 1) THAT By-law No. Z456-2003, as amended, is hereby further amended by amending Schedule “H” by changing the zoning symbol on the lands from Village Residential 1 (R1) zone to a site-specific Village Residential (R1-18) zone, which lands are outlined in heavy solid lines and marked R1-18 on Schedule “H” to this By-law, which schedule is attached to and forms part of this By-law. 2) THAT By-law No. Z456-2003, as amended, is hereby further amended by amending Section 10.12 Exception – Village Residential 1 (R1) Zone by adding the following clauses: Defined Area R1-18 as shown on Schedule “H” Additional Regulation for Accessory Buildings Notwithstanding Section 10.11 c) to this By-law, Maximum Accessory Building Floor Area: 139.5 square metres 2) THIS By-law comes into force: a) Where no notice of objection has been filed with the Municipal Clerk within the time prescribed by the Planning Act and regulations pursuant thereto, upon the expiration of the prescribed time; or b) Where notice of objection has been filed with the Municipal Clerk within the time prescribed by the Planning Act and regulations pursuant thereto, upon the approval of the Ontario Land Tribunal. READ A FIRST TIME AND SECOND TIME THIS 2nd DAY OF JUNE 2022. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 2nd DAY OF JUNE 2022. MAYOR CLERK THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. Z744-2022 KLASSEN BEING A BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW No. Z456-2003, AS AMENDED WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham deems it necessary to amend Zoning By-law No. Z456-2003, as amended. THEREFORE, the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham enacts as follows: 1) THAT By-law No. Z456-2003, as amended, is hereby further amended by amending Schedule “H” by changing the zoning symbol on the lands from Village Residential 1 (R1) zone to a site-specific Village Residential (R1-19) zone, which lands are outlined in heavy solid lines and marked R1-19 on Schedule “H” to this By-law, which schedule is attached to and forms part of this By-law. 2) THAT By-law No. Z456-2003, as amended, is hereby further amended by amending Section 10.12 Exception – Village Residential 1 (R1) Zone by adding the following clauses: Defined Area R1-19 as shown on Schedule “H” Minimum Rear Yard Depth 6.8 metres for the existing dwelling 2) THIS By-law comes into force: a) Where no notice of objection has been filed with the Municipal Clerk within the time prescribed by the Planning Act and regulations pursuant thereto, upon the expiration of the prescribed time; or b) Where notice of objection has been filed with the Municipal Clerk within the time prescribed by the Planning Act and regulations pursuant thereto, upon the approval of the Ontario Land Tribunal. READ A FIRST TIME AND SECOND TIME THIS 2ND DAY OF JUNE 2022. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 2ND DAY OF JUNE 2022. MAYOR CLERK THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. Z745-2022 THIESSEN BEING A BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW No. Z456-2003, AS AMENDED WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham deems it necessary to amend Zoning By-law No. Z456-2003, as amended; THEREFORE, the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham enacts as follows: 1) THAT By-law No. Z456-2003, as amended, is hereby further amended by amending Schedule “A” Map No. 10 by changing the zoning symbol on the lands from Agriculture (A1) zone to a site-specific Agriculture (A1-42) zone, which lands are outlined in heavy solid lines and marked A1-42 on Schedule “A” Map No. 10 to this By-law, which schedule is attached to and forms part of this By-law. 2) THAT By-law No. Z456-2003, as amended, is hereby further amended by amending Section 5.12 Exception – Agricultural (A1) Zone by adding the following clauses: Defined Area A1-42 as shown on Schedule “A”, Map No. 10 to this By-law. Additional Permitted Uses A maximum of two (2) supplementary farm dwellings in the form of one (1) permanent building and one (1) temporary building. Maximum Building Area for Supplementary Farm Dwellings 251 square metres 3) THIS By-law comes into force: a) Where no notice of objection has been filed with the Municipal Clerk within the time prescribed by the Planning Act and regulations pursuant thereto, upon the expiration of the prescribed time; or b) Where notice of objection has been filed with the Municipal Clerk within the time prescribed by the Planning Act and regulations pursuant thereto, upon the approval of the Ontario Land Tribunal. READ A FIRST TIME AND SECOND TIME THIS 2nd DAY OF JUNE 2022. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 2nd DAY OF JUNE 2022. MAYOR CLERK THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. Z746-2022 BORM CAPITAL INC. BEING A BY-LAW TO AMEND BY-LAW No. Z456-2003, AS AMENDED WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham deems it necessary to amend Zoning By-law No. Z456-2003, under Section 36 of the Planning Act, as amended; THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham enacts as follows: 1) THAT By-law No. Z456-2003, as amended, is hereby further amended by amending Schedule “A” Map No. 10, by deleting from the site-specific Rural Industrial – Holding (M2-8(h6)) Zone and adding to the site-specific Rural Industrial (M2-8) Zone those lands outlined in heavy solid lines and marked M2-8 on Schedule “A” Map No. 10 to this By-law, which is attached to and forms part of this By-law. 2) THIS By-law shall come into force on the date of passing. READ A FIRST TIME AND SECOND TIME THIS 2nd DAY OF JUNE 2022. READ A THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 2nd DAY OF JUNE 2022. MAYOR CLERK THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 2022-042 A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM ALL ACTIONS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM FOR THE COUNCIL MEETING HELD JUNE 2, 2022 WHEREAS under Section 5 (1) of the Municipal Act, 2001 S.O. 2001, Chapter 25, the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by the Council of the municipality; AND WHEREAS under Section 5 (3) of the Municipal Act, 2001, the powers of Council are to be exercised by by-law; AND WHEREAS the Council of The Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham deems it advisable that the proceedings of the meeting be confirmed and adopted by by-law. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the actions of the Council of The Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham in respect of each recommendation and each motion and resolution passed and other action by the Council at the Council meeting held June 2, 2022 is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law. 2. THAT the Mayor and Clerk of The Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action of the Council including executing all documents and affixing the Corporate Seal. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 2nd DAY OF JUNE 2022. ____________________________ _____________________________ MAYOR CLERK