HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015 - Bayham Water Distribution System Municipality of Bayham Water Distribution Quality Management System Management Review 2015 The purpose of this annual management review process is to ensure the continuing suitability, adequacy and effectiveness of the quality management system. Review Frequency --- annual (Jan.30/15 —Jan.6/16) Review Date --- Jan 6/16, Time = 10:30 AM Review Participants --- Ed Roloson QMS representative and Paul Shipway CAO Review Input • Incidents of non-compliance --- no incidents to report during this review frequency, MOECC inspection conducted on October 23/15 indicated a 100% score. • Incidents of adverse drinking water tests --- none to report during this review frequency, quarterly water quality reports are presented to council. • Deviations from critical control point limits and response actions --- none to report during this review frequency. • Efficacy of the risk assessment process --- all aspects of the risk assessment as set out in the Bayham operational plan revision 1.10 are up to date as determined by the QMS team on Dec.17/15 as part of a 3 year review. • Results of internal and 3`d party audits --- an internal audit was conducted on Jan. 4/16 ( document attached ), a 3rd party surveillance audit was completed on Nov.30/15 by SAI Global (report attached). • Operational performance and water quality trends are presented to council through out the year and are posted on the Bayham web site for public viewing. Source raw water and treated testing information can be obtained from the Elgin Area Water Treatment Plant or their web site. • Follow-up on action items from previous management reviews --- none • Status of action items ( if any ) identified between reviews --- none • Changes in resource requirements, infrastructure, process,personnel, Drinking Water Quality Management Standard or regulations that could affect the QMS --- no changes anticipated. • Resources needed to maintain the QMS --- no additional resources anticipated (budgeted item) • Results of infrastructure review--- water department staff conduct an annual review of the water infrastructure as part of the operations and capital budget process. Any updates to the water infrastructure are triggered by operational issues, age/reliability of the asset and or a MOECC order. No concerns currently exist. • Operational plan currency, content and updates --- current version of the operational plan is 1.10 dated Jan.30/14, updates to this version are attached. • Emergency response testing--- on October 27/15 a scheduled meter chamber installation along Nova Scotia Line was completed. The installation required a complete water shut down which activated the potable bulk water haulage procedure to service the system users. Water department staff successfully field tested the said procedure. See operation event forms for further details and monitoring notes. • Consumer feedback--- none • Staff suggestions --- none • Other QMS items for discussion --- the QMS team will be considering the completion of the recommended improvement items as per the Nov.30/15 audit report as completed by SAI Global. Stite441%'0" Ed Roloson QMS representative CA• 1631860-01 #DWAR.12.08 Rev.01 Page 1 Confidential 20 Carlson Court, Suite 200 Toronto, Ontario Canada M9W 7K6 Telephone: 416-401-8700 Facsimile: 416-401-8650 ACCREDITATION PROGRAM FOR OPERATING AUTHORITIES ON-SITE VERIFICATION AUDIT REPORT – 2016 FILE #: 1631860-01 The Municipality of Bayham OAP-061 Operating Authority for: Municipality of Bayham Water Distribution System Re-Accreditation Audit Prepared by: Sandra Tavares Date: January 21, 2016 1631860-01 #DWAR.12.08 Rev.01 Page 2 Confidential 20 Carlson Court, Suite 200 Toronto, Ontario Canada M9W 7K6 Telephone: 416-401-8700 Facsimile: 416-401-8650 Audit Objectives The objective of the audit was to determine whether the drinking water Quality Management System (QMS) of the subject system conforms to the requirements of the Ontario Ministry of the Environment’s (MOE) Drinking Water Quality Management Standard (DWQMS) at all of the locations noted in the Applicant Profile Form (AP 602). It was also intended to gather the information necessary for SAI Global to assess whether accreditation can be offered to the operating authority. Audit Scope The facilities and processes associated with the operating authority’s QMS were objectively evaluated to obtain audit evidence and to determine a) whether the quality management activities and related results conform with DWQMS requirements, and b) if they have been effectively implemented. Audit Criteria:  The Drinking Water Quality Management Standard  Current QMS manuals, procedures and records implemented by the Operating Authority  SAI Global Accreditation Program Handbook Auditor: Sandra Tavares Audit Report Distribution List: The Audit Report is distributed as follows:  Operating Authority  Owner  Ministry of the Environment Director Confidentiality and Documentation Requirements The SAI Global stores their records and reports to ensure their preservation and confidentiality. Unless required by law, the SAI Global will not disclose audit records to a third party without prior written consent of the applicant. The only exception will be that the SAI Global will provide audit and corrective action reports to the Ontario Ministry of the Environment. For more information, please refer to the SAI Global Accreditation Program Handbook. 1631860-01 #DWAR.12.08 Rev.01 Page 3 Confidential 20 Carlson Court, Suite 200 Toronto, Ontario Canada M9W 7K6 Telephone: 416-401-8700 Facsimile: 416-401-8650 PART A. MANAGEMENT SUMMARY This was an on-site verification audit of the The Municipality of Bayham’s conformance with the requirements of DWQMS: Oct. 2006. The overall effectiveness of the The Municipality of Bayham’s Quality Management System is considered:  Effective  Not effective Zero [0] non-conformities and six [6] opportunities for improvement were identified during this assessment, as noted in Part D of this report. Please review Instruction for The Completion of Non-Conformance Reports (NCR) found at the end of this report. The audit objectives have been accomplished within the audit scope in accordance with the audit plan and the time allocation. There were no unresolved diverging opinions between the audit team and the organization audited. There were no previous corrective action (CAR) requiring verification and closure during the audit. Notes Copies of this report distributed outside the organization must include all pages. As part of the SAI Global Terms, it is necessary for you to notify the SAI Global of any changes to your Quality Management System that you believe are significant enough to risk non- conformity with DWQMS: Oct. 2006. For more information, please refer to the SAI Global Accreditation Program Handbook. Limitations and use of Report This report was prepared exclusively for the use of the identified Drinking Water Authority and the Ministry of the Environment with respect to the state of the Drinking Water Quality Management System at the locations listed. The report is based on data and information collected during the site verification visit of the properties conducted by SAI Global and must be considered in its entirety. It is based on the conditions of the sites encountered at the time of the site reconnaiss ance visit for the dates indicated, and discussions with representative on the Site, as reported herein. Except as otherwise may be requested, SAI Global disclaims any obligation to update this Report for events taking place, or with respect to information that may become available to SAI Global after the time during which SAI Global conducted the work. SAI Global accepts no responsibility for any deficiency, mis-statement or inaccuracy contained in this report as a result of omissions, misinterpretations or fraudulent acts of persons interviewed or contacted. SAI Global makes no other representation whatsoever, including those concerning the legal significance of its findings, or as to other legal matters touched in on this letter, including, but not limited to, ownershi p of any property, or the application of any laws to the facts set forth herein. By its very nature, the findings of an assessment like this are limited based on the selection of an audit sample and the eva luations of the sample results. As such, it is quite possible that not every issue of nonconformance or potential non-conformance has been identified by this review. Sample selection was based on the auditor’s sound and seasoned judgment. Recommendations made herein are based on SAI Global’s interpretation of the applied criteria, and should be considered as such. Implementation of any 1631860-01 #DWAR.12.08 Rev.01 Page 4 Confidential 20 Carlson Court, Suite 200 Toronto, Ontario Canada M9W 7K6 Telephone: 416-401-8700 Facsimile: 416-401-8650 recommendations proposed by SAI Global may not constitute conformance with the applicable standard. If a service is not expressly indicated, do not assume it has been provided. The scope and the period of SAI Global’s assessment are described in this report, and are subject to restrictions, assumptions and limitations. As noted herein, the work was conducted in accordance with the scope of SAI Global’s proposal and terms and conditions. Any use which a third party makes of this report, or any reliance on or decisions to be made based on it, are the sole responsibility of the third parties. Should additional parties require reliance on this report, written authorization from the Drinking Water Authority noted is required. SAI Global disclaims responsibility of consequential financial effects on requirements for follow-up actions and costs. 1631860-01 #DWAR.12.08 Rev.01 Page 5 Confidential 20 Carlson Court, Suite 200 Toronto, Ontario Canada M9W 7K6 Telephone: 416-401-8700 Facsimile: 416-401-8650 PART B. GENERAL INFORMATION Operating Authority: Legal name and address The Municipality of Bayham OAP 061 Address 9344 Plank Road PO Box 160 Staffordville Ontario Applicant representative Mr. Ed Roloson Title Water/Wastewater Operations Manager Telephone 519-874-4761 Fax E-mail eroloson@bayham.on.ca Owner: Legal name and address  same as above, or: Applicant representative Ed Roloson Title Water/Wastewater Operations Manager Telephone 519-874-4761 Fax E-mail eroloson@bayham.on.ca Accreditation Option: Full Scope - Entire DWQMS Population Serviced: 1540 This audit report covers the subject systems listed: Municipality of Bayham Water Distribution System (address as identified above) 1631860-01 #DWAR.12.08 Rev.01 Page 6 Confidential 20 Carlson Court, Suite 200 Toronto, Ontario Canada M9W 7K6 Telephone: 416-401-8700 Facsimile: 416-401-8650 PART C. SUMMARY OF FINDINGS SUMMARY OF FINDINGS OPERATING AUTHORITY The Municipality of Bayham OAP-061 1631860-01 ACCREDITATION CYCLE: Re-Accreditation Audit AUDIT TYPE  Systems  On-Site Verification AUDITOR Sandra Tavares January 21, 2016 SUBJECT SYSTEM(S) AUDITED  Bayham Water Distribution System REQUIREMENT  SYSTEM        1. Quality Management System C 2. Quality Management System Policy C 3. Commitment and Endorsement OFI 4. Quality Management System Representative C 5. Document and Records Control OFI 6. Drinking-Water System C 7. Risk Assessment C 8. Risk Assessment Outcomes C 9. Organizational Structure, Roles, Responsibilities and Authorities C 10. Competencies C 11. Personnel Coverage C 12. Communications C 13. Essential Supplies and Services C 14. Review and Provision of Infrastructure C 15. Infrastructure Maintenance, Rehabilitation & Renewal C 16. Sampling, Testing and Monitoring C 17. Measurement & Recording Equipment Calibration and Maintenance C 18. Emergency Management OFI 19. Internal Audits OFI 20. Management Review OFI 21. Continual Improvement OFI Mj Major non-conformity. The auditor has determined one of the following: (a) a required element of the DWQMS has not been incorporated into a QMS; (b) a systemic problem with a QMS is evidenced by two or more minor non-conformities; or (c) a minor non-conformity identified in a corrective action request has not been remedied. Mn Minor non-conformity. In the opinion of the auditor, part of a required element of the DWQMS has not been incorporated satisfactorily into a QMS. OFI Opportunity for improvement. Conforms to the requirement, but there is an opportunity for improvement. C Conforms to requirement. Not applicable to this audit. * Additional comment added by auditor in the body of the report. 1631860-01 #DWAR.12.08 Rev.01 Page 7 Confidential 20 Carlson Court, Suite 200 Toronto, Ontario Canada M9W 7K6 Telephone: 416-401-8700 Facsimile: 416-401-8650 PART D. FINDINGS/COMMENTS DWQMS Reference: 1 Quality Management System Client Reference: Operational Plan (OP) Element 1 (rev.1.10, 29-Jan-2015) Results: [Conforms] Details: The Operating Authority (OA) has established and is maintaining the Quality Management System (QMS) in accordance with the requirements of the DWQMS Standard and the policies and procedures documented in the OP and referenced below. DWQMS Reference: 2 Quality Management System Policy Client Reference: OP Element 2 (rev.1.10, 29-Jan-2015) dated March 2009 Results: [Conforms] Details: The OA has established and is maintaining a QMS that is consistent with the policy. Refer to elements 14,15 and 21 for evidence of commitment to maintenance and continual improvement. The policy was observed posted at the front desk of the municipal building. DWQMS Reference: 3 Commitment and Endorsement Client Reference: OP Element 3 (rev.1.10, 29-Jan-2015), Appendix A – Council Endorsement (dated 5-Jun-2014) Details: Top Management provided evidence of its commitment to an effective QMS by: a) Ensuring a QMS is in place that meets the requirements of the DWQMS (refer to element 1); b) Communicating the QMS (refer to element 12); c) Determining, obtaining and providing the resources needed to maintain and continually improve the QMS (refer to element 20); d) Ensuring the OA is aware of applicable regulatory requirements. Operators learn of new and proposed legislation via the QMS Representative, training (e.g. Diligence for Water Operators 23-Nov-2015 identified in Training Reports), MoECC bulletins (e.g. water main disinfection changes via Owners and Operators Update Bulletin Changes to O.Reg. 170/03 and 169/03 pertaining to testing and reporting requirements - no changes were identified to existing sampling procedures), magazine subscriptions and association memberships (e.g. AWWA, OMWA, OWWA emails observed; WEAO newsletter email dated 11-10- 2015). Results: [Opportunity for improvement] Details: Consider documenting the process for identification of regulatory requirements (e.g. newsletters, training, etc.) and tracking any actions to completion (e.g. through Document Management spreadsheet). 1631860-01 #DWAR.12.08 Rev.01 Page 8 Confidential 20 Carlson Court, Suite 200 Toronto, Ontario Canada M9W 7K6 Telephone: 416-401-8700 Facsimile: 416-401-8650 DWQMS Reference: 4 Quality Management System Representative Client Reference: OP Element 4 (rev.1.10, 29-Jan-2015) Results: [Conforms] Details: Top Management has appointed the Water/Wastewater Operations Manager as the QMS Representative, and in his absence, a Certified Operator, both of which were interviewed during this audit, to confirm: a) administration of the QMS by ensuring that QMS processes needed are established and maintained (refer to element 1); b) reporting to Top Management on QMS performance (refer to element 20); c) current versions of documents are being used (refer to element 5) and, d) personnel are aware of applicable regulatory requirements and the QMS (refer to elements 10 and 12). Awareness is achieved via meetings, training and the Bayham website (via Laserfiche implementation that took place within the last year). DWQMS Reference: 5 Document and Record Control Client Reference: OP Element 5 (rev.1.10, 29-Jan-2015), Master Document List (rev.11, 19-Jun-2015) Details: The OA is conforming to its procedure. Internally developed documents have been generated electronically. Handwritten records reviewed were legible and identifiable. Controls, including authorized approval, issue dates, revision numbers and history were observed to be used to ensure appropriate review/approval and documents reviewed throughout this audit were readily identifiable. QMS documentation includes: i) The Operational Plan and associated policies and procedures identified throughout this report. Hardcopy and electronic documents and records reviewed and noted throughout this report were identified in the OP. The OP is reviewed at least annually. ii) Documents and records identified throughout this report, determined as being needed to ensure effective planning, operation and associated control; and iii) The results of internal and external audits (refer to element19) and management reviews (refer to element 20). Hardcopies of the Master Documents are maintained at the Water Department office file cabinet. Electronic copies of the Master Documents are maintained on the laptop at the Water Department and are backed up to the master server at the Municipal Office. The logbook specific to the pumping station is maintained at the pumping station; Vienna Booster Station logbook tracks booster pump run hours and documents data from 1-Sep-09 through 20- Oct-2015.The Logbook specific to the distribution system is maintained at the Water Department office. 1631860-01 #DWAR.12.08 Rev.01 Page 9 Confidential 20 Carlson Court, Suite 200 Toronto, Ontario Canada M9W 7K6 Telephone: 416-401-8700 Facsimile: 416-401-8650 Results: [Opportunity for improvement] Details: There is an opportunity within Procedure A to describe the newly implemented Laserfiche system and clarify ‘Provincial records management’ with regard to bylaw 2014-091. DWQMS Reference: 6 Drinking Water System Client Reference: OP Element 6 (rev.1.10, 29-Jan-2015), Municipality of Bayham Distribution System Operations and Management Manual (rev.4, 23-Mar-15) Results: [Conforms] Details: As per Operators and QMS Representative interviewed, no changes have been made to the system and the description remains correct. DWQMS Reference 7 Risk Assessment Client Reference: Procedure B (rev.1.10, 29-Jan-2015), Municipality of Bayham Review of Element #7 & #8 of the Bayham Water Distribution System (rev.1, 24-Jan-2013) dated 17-Dec- 2015, 26-Feb-2015, 8-Jan-2014 and original in 25-Jan-2013 Results: [Conforms] Details: The OA has performed a risk assessment consistent with the documented process. As per Water/Wastewater Operations Manager, a 36-month reassessment was completed 17-Dec-2015. Recent re-assessment led to potential addition of monitoring for Port Burwell risk assessment outcomes. An annual review was conducted 26-Feb-2015 and 8-Jan-2014 (as per external S2 Surveillance Audit Report). DWQMS Reference: 8 Risk Assessment Outcomes Client Reference: Procedure B (rev.1.10, 29-Jan-2015) Results: [Conforms] Details: The OA has implemented and is conforming to its procedures. The OA has not had to respond to any deviations from CCLs (i.e. no AWQIs as per Management Review) although there was a main break documented in the Operations Event Report (rev.1, 5- Apr-05) 4-Feb-2015; sampling was completed as per Health Unit request 2-Feb-2015 24 hours apart and results analyzed by SGS. Valve break took place 22-Feb-2015 with installation 25-Sep-2015 of a service line tapping into water main. New meter chamber was installed 27-Oct-2015 with a 3-Dec-2015 valve replacement and a leak 14-Dec-2015. 2014 Operations Report identified a number of leaks; leaks / breaks are consistent and random as per Operator. 1631860-01 #DWAR.12.08 Rev.01 Page 10 Confidential 20 Carlson Court, Suite 200 Toronto, Ontario Canada M9W 7K6 Telephone: 416-401-8700 Facsimile: 416-401-8650 DWQMS Reference: 9 Organizational Structure, Roles, Responsibility and Authorities Client Reference: OP Element 9 and Appendices B, D and E (all rev.1.10, 29-Jan- 2015) Results: [Conforms] Details: The OA has kept the description of the organizational structure and respective roles, responsibilities, and authorities current. The CAO outlined his Top Management responsibility for DWQMS oversight, leading communication in emergencies and providing information to Council. The CAO also identified the 2014 implementation of the Laserfiche system and that it assists with providing an audit trail (i.e. transparency); the municipality is looking to add more diligence to the system for document and record tracking via a capital budget item. Water/Wastewater Operations Manager and Operators also confirmed their roles. DWQMS Reference: 10 Competencies Client Reference: OP Element 10 (rev.1.10, 29-Jan-2015), Training Reports for Operators and Water/Wastewater Operations Manager Results: [Conforms] Details: The OA has undertaken activities to: a) meet and b) maintain competencies for personnel directly affecting drinking water quality and have maintained records of these activities. c) ensure that personnel are aware of the relevance of their duties and how they affect safe drinking water. Class 1 Distribution certificates are posted at the wastewater plant. The annual budget reviewed (refer to element 14) provides for training (approx. $4,000 between training and conferences). B. Butler Operator training records date back to 2005; training has included: i) 7-Oct-2015 Western Ontario Water Works Conference, ii) 25-Nov-2015 Municipality of Bayham Community Emergency Control Group Training and Exercise focusing on flooding of Vienna (with Water/Wastewater Operations Manager), iii) 28-Oct-2014 Western OMWA Educational Conference, and iv) 6-Aug-2013 Treating and Distributing Safe Drinking Water Mandatory Certificate Renewal Course through WCWC (31-Jan- 2013 for Water/Wastewater Operations Manager). Water/Wastewater Operations Manager training records include: i) 1-Feb-2013 Tabletop Exercise for Water Supply Emergency (with B. Butler) ii) 5-7 Mar-2014 CWWA conference, iii) 8-Oct-2014 WOWW and iv) 6-7 Oct-15 Standard of Care training (also done for Council and CAO). 1631860-01 #DWAR.12.08 Rev.01 Page 11 Confidential 20 Carlson Court, Suite 200 Toronto, Ontario Canada M9W 7K6 Telephone: 416-401-8700 Facsimile: 416-401-8650 DWQMS Reference: 11 Personnel Coverage Client Reference: OP Element 11, Procedure C (both rev.1.10, 29-Jan-2015) Results: [Conforms] Details: The OA has implemented and is conforming to its procedure. On Call Schedule is posted at the Wastewater plant. The two Operators on the Call Schedule coordinate the weekly alternations with the Water/Wastewater Operations Manager as the alternate. DWQMS Reference: 12 Communications Client Reference: OP Element 12 (rev.1.10, 29-Jan-2015) Results: [Conforms] Details: The OA has implemented and is conforming to its procedure. The QMS Representative now provides the Owner a current version of the OP via Laserfiche on the Bayham website via an automated email. The QMS Representative and CAO keep the Owner informed of the adequacy of infrastructure through the budget process (refer to element 14), outcomes of management review (refer to element 20) and other related QMS issues via quarterly reports (refer to element 16). OA personnel work through changes to the QMS. A current version of the OP is available to staff at the water department office (mostly electronic but also hardcopy in master folder). Consumers are notified of the QMS and any significant changes to the subject system through newsletters, flyers or handouts although nothing has required communication. Complaint reports (rev.1, 20-Feb-09) are raised (e.g. 6-Jan-2015) due to pressure issues, appearance of water 9- Feb-2015 and chlorine 13-Oct-2015. The QMS policy (March 2009) was observed posted at the Water Department Office. DWQMS Reference: 13 Essential Supplies and Services Client Reference: OP Element 13 (rev.1.10, 29-Jan-2015), Municipality of Bayham Water Department Essential Supplies, Services and Emergency Contact List (rev.9, 17-Jun-15) Results: [Conforms] Details: The OA has implemented and is conforming to its procedure. AWWA equipment specifications are met via Evans Utility. Statement of Qualifications / Accreditations dated January 2013 was available for FlowMetrix technicians. CALA Directory of Laboratories accreditation is valid to 23-Apr-2016 for SGS for microbiological testing; SGS inorganic accreditation is valid to 12- May-2017. DWQMS Reference: 14 Review and Provision of Infrastructure Client Reference: OP Element 14 (rev.1.10, 29-Jan-2015) Results: [Conforms] Details: The OA has implemented and is conforming to its procedure. Capital and operating budgets are developed via a historical review and the need for additional resources / funding based on a number of criteria identified in the procedure. The 2016 budget is 1631860-01 #DWAR.12.08 Rev.01 Page 12 Confidential 20 Carlson Court, Suite 200 Toronto, Ontario Canada M9W 7K6 Telephone: 416-401-8700 Facsimile: 416-401-8650 in draft to Treasurer. Bylaw No.2015-063 dated 4-Jun-2015 outlines operational budget which includes lab fees, supplies, etc. Bylaw 2015-062 for capital budget was approved the same day. Water budgets have been decreasing as a result of work completed in 2009/2010; minimal capital is set aside for water meter change outs. No capital works submitted as a result of denial of grant in 2014 for 2015 budget for replacement of meters. Same submitted for 2016 in 2015. Will not hear back from OMAFRA until the end of the year which would then be incorporated into the 2017 budget. DWQMS Reference: 15 Infrastructure Maintenance, Rehabilitation and Renewal Client Reference: OP Element 15 (rev.1.10, 29-Jan-2015) Results: [Conforms] Details: The OP documents routine planned maintenance activities for the distribution system. For example: i) annual valve inspections/exercising (rev.2, 17-Sep-2013) took place Sep-Dec-2015, July-Sep-2014 and July 2013. ii) annual hydrant inspection/flushing and pressure/ flow testing completed Jul-Aug-2015/2014. iii) annual Chamber Inspections completed 15-Apr and 26- May-2015 via the Chamber Inspection and Maintenance Record (rev.1, 25-Sep-05 which has items that don’t apply), 28-May-2014 and 4-5-Nov-2014 and Jan-Oct 2013, 26-Apr-2013. Preventive maintenance tasks to maintain the Vienna booster station are documented in the preventive maintenance binder at the water department office (confirmed observed for 2013-2015). Water main or equipment replacement is conducted as needed (refer to Operations Report in element 8 above). Operational event forms are taken into account when planning for the budget and additional resources pertaining to budget discussed in management review. Breaks factor greatly into budget based on water needed from another system. Quarterly report ending 30- Sep-2015 includes analytical test results which includes exceedance identified in element 18 and goes to Council (reviewed email dated 12/18/2015 from Laserfiche for report dated Sep-2015 for informational purposes only). DWQMS Reference: 16 Sampling, Testing and Monitoring Client Reference: OP Element 16 (rev.1.10, 29-Jan-2015), Bayham Distribution Sample Schedule 2015 (rev.1, 29-Jan-2014), Results: [Conforms] Details: The OA has implemented and is conforming to its procedure. Sampling, testing and monitoring results are provided to the Owner through legislated reporting (approved by Council 19-Feb- 2015 for 2014 report (PS-06-15) and through annual Management Review which are both available on the website through Laserfiche, Bayham.on.ca (observed 2013 and 2014, data not yet 1631860-01 #DWAR.12.08 Rev.01 Page 13 Confidential 20 Carlson Court, Suite 200 Toronto, Ontario Canada M9W 7K6 Telephone: 416-401-8700 Facsimile: 416-401-8650 compiled for 2015). Upstream sampling, testing and monitoring is conducted by the Elgin Area Primary Water Supply System with no issues are identified. Schedule identifies: - quarterly THMs (9-Jan, 9-Apr, 5-Jul and 10-Oct-2013; 2014 and 2015 (6-Oct) also reviewed as well as 5-Jan-2016. - alkalinity and pH winter (December 15-April 15) completed 29- Sep and 16-Apr-2015) and summer (June 15-October 15); - lead every 3 years winter and summer, last done 11-Apr and 19-Oct-2012 via SGS; 29-Sep and 16-Apr-2015. Lab records date back to 2011 in the ‘water-waste/dept’ e-folder. DWQMS Reference: 17 Measurement and Recording Equipment Calibration and Maintenance Client Reference: OP Element 17 (rev.1.10, 29-Jan-2015) Results: [Conforms] Details: The OA has implemented and is conforming to its procedure for the calibration/maintenance of measurement and recording equipment. Portable chlorine analyzers are calibrated annually - completed by Flowmetrix 9-May-2013 and 15-May-2014/2015. Quarterly verifications are completed by an Operator - 28-Feb- 2013/2014, 31-Aug and 29-Nov-2013, 29-Aug and 26-Nov-2014 and 25-Feb, 12-Aug and 20-Nov-2015. DWQMS Reference: 18 Emergency Management Client Reference: OP Element 18 and Procedure D (both rev.1.10, 29-Jan-2015) Details: The OA has implemented and is conforming to its procedures. AWQI Contingency Plan was tested as part of a real emergency 6-Aug-2015. Testing of the plan takes place every 3 years and was last done 17-Dec-2015 with a previous test done 29-Jan-2013 (same scenario tested); prolonged water outage was tested. Backflow Failure procedure references adverse water quality and preventive maintenance. Biofilm emergencies have not been reported as these are not as common in PVC piping, which is mostly used throughout the system. Low Chlorine Residual (AWQI), Main Break, Power Loss (for booster and fire protection), Vandalism/Terrorism and Contamination of Source Water have not been experienced as emergency situations. Loss of Pressure coincides with main breaks and tower ahead of the system which would require communication with the other OA. Contamination of treated water and a major prolonged loss of water supply have been identified as emergency situations which would require direction from the MoE and Health Unit (no water, source water contamination); prolonged loss of water supply was tested through bringing in tanker. Main break is related to loss of water, bringing in potable water via tanker is the only thing the OA has control over. 1631860-01 #DWAR.12.08 Rev.01 Page 14 Confidential 20 Carlson Court, Suite 200 Toronto, Ontario Canada M9W 7K6 Telephone: 416-401-8700 Facsimile: 416-401-8650 Results: [Opportunity for improvement] Details: i) Ensure emergency response testing is tied to the contingency plans or what triggered the emergency (e.g. main break, source water contamination, etc.). ii) Consider developing a matrix to ensure all emergency / contingency plans are tested. iii) Consider incorporating ‘Procedural Guideline Distribution System During a Prolonged Outage’ into the emergency procedures. DWQMS Reference: 19 Internal Audits Client Reference: Procedure E (rev.1.10, 29-Jan-2015), Internal Audit Checklist (rev.2, 18-Feb-2015) dated 4-Jan-2016 Details: The OA has ensured that an internal audit is conducted once every twelve months where all elements are evaluated. An internal audit was last conducted 4-Jan-2016 with no nonconformities identified. A follow-up internal audit to the one completed 20-Jan-2015 was conducted 16-Mar-2015 (see S2 24 month surveillance audit report for more details) and did not identify any nonconformities. Previous Internal Audits were conducted and 25-Jan-2014 (as per S2 and S1 external audit reports) and 24-Jan-2013. Results: [Opportunity for improvement] Details: Ensure the Internal Audit Checklist consistently includes evidence of the ‘Do’ part of the requirements. DWQMS Reference: 20 Management Review Client Reference: Procedure F (rev.1.10, 29-Jan-2015), Management Review 2015 (dated 6-Jan-2016) Details: Top Management has implemented and conformed to the procedure and has: a) ensured management review takes places at least once every 12 months. Management Review was conducted 6-Jan-2016 (and covers activities for the previous year) and included the CAO. Management Reviews were previously conducted 19-Feb-2015, 29-Jan-2015 and 26-Feb-2014 (as per S2 and S1 external audit reports) b) ensured all required inputs being discussed, c) considered the results of management review and identified deficiencies and action items. d) provided a record of any decision and action items, including personnel and timelines. e) reported results of the management review, the identified deficiencies, decisions and action items to the Owner. 2016 results were provided to the Owner Representative by Top Management the same day via email (now goes through email rather than to Council as a result of the backlog). 1631860-01 #DWAR.12.08 Rev.01 Page 15 Confidential 20 Carlson Court, Suite 200 Toronto, Ontario Canada M9W 7K6 Telephone: 416-401-8700 Facsimile: 416-401-8650 Results [Opportunity for Improvement] Details: Consider including consumer complaint reports as the ‘consumer feedback’ input to Management Review. DWQMS Reference: 21 Continual Improvement Client Reference: OP element 21 (rev.1.10, 29-Jan-2015) 2013 / 2014/ 2015 Corrective Action Reports (rev.1, 6-Apr-09) Document Management Spreadsheet 2015 (rev.1, 21-Jan-2015) Results: [Opportunity for improvement] Details: Internal audit corrective actions were tracked and available for audits completed 20-Jan-2015; two CARs generated in 2015 pertaining to elements 3 and 9 were closed and showed no reoccurrence. Three CARs were raised in 2013 related to elements 5, 12 and 20. Three CARs in 2014 were related to elements 6, 13 and 5. As per internal auditor and review of previous 3 years, less findings are being identified and of lesser importance. November 2015 external audit report generated 3 OFIs. February 2015 had 4 minor nonconformances which have not recurred. Nine OFIs were raised in 2014 which were addressed. Results: [Opportunity for improvement] Details: Consider including: i) root cause and verification of effectiveness as part of the Corrective Action Report. ii) a ‘source of finding / action’ on the Document Management Spreadsheet as well as documenting this process as part of the OP / Internal Audit procedure. 1631860-01 #DWAR.12.08 Rev.01 Page 16 Confidential 20 Carlson Court, Suite 200 Toronto, Ontario Canada M9W 7K6 Telephone: 416-401-8700 Facsimile: 416-401-8650 PART E. RECOMMENDATION - Onsite The result of the audit indicates that the The Municipality of Bayham QMS [was] effectively implemented. The following recommendation is made:  Offer of re-accreditation  Offer of accreditation after response to corrective action requests has been deemed acceptable to SAI Global  Maintenance of existing accreditation  Complete re-assessment Final comments: Refer to audit comments throughout. ___________________________ E-signature of Lead Auditor / Auditor 1631860-01 #DWAR.12.08 Rev.01 Page 17 Confidential 20 Carlson Court, Suite 200 Toronto, Ontario Canada M9W 7K6 Telephone: 416-401-8700 Facsimile: 416-401-8650 INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE COMPLETION OF NON-CONFORMANCE REPORTS (NCR) Failure to provide action plans as arranged with SAI Global and/or to implement correction and corrective action within the nominated time frames may lead to a recommendation that your certification be denied or suspended. Certain sectors require both Major and minor NCR’s to be cleared within a specified time. Refer to sector specific requirements for details. Section 1 To be completed by the SAI Global Team Leader at the time of the audit. A copy of the NCR shall be left with the Client at the completion of the audit. Section 2 - Organization Response Complete Section 2 as described below and return it to -SAI Global. In lieu of completing SAI Global NCR form, the Client may submit an equivalent corrective action document. Root Cause: Consider using appropriate root-cause analysis tools such as, 5 Why’s, FMEAs, Fault tree analysis and fish bone diagrams, etc., to ensure identification of root cause. Correction: Describe the action taken to correct the incident and contain the problem. Objective evidence in the form of revised procedures, records, etc. shall be submitted unless otherwise identified by the Audit Team Leader Corrective Action: Client shall describe the systemic (long term) corrective action(s) planned or taken to eliminate the root cause to prevent recurrence. Objective evidence in the form of revised procedures, records, etc. shall be submitted unless otherwise identified by the Audit Team Leader. NOTE: For audits to the ISO 13485 – CMDCAS standard the client shall submit a corrective action plan that identifies the steps to correct the root cause and verify the effectiveness of actions taken within 30 days of the NCR issuance date. Objective evidence for closure can be submitted at a later date. Organization Acknowledgement: Name of the organizations representative who was presented the non-conformance. Signature is not required. SAI Global Verification Method Record if site visit is required or what information is to be provided to effect NCR closure. Section 3 The SAI Global Team Leader /Client/Project Manager will review the completed NCR or Client’s equivalent corrective action document for adequate root cause analysis, systemic corrective action taken on root cause and objective evidence submitted. Upon completion of the review the SAI Global Team Leader will either ac cept the corrective action taken and clear the NCR or request that the Client provide an additional or revised response or objective evidence in order to clear the NCR. Comments shall be added to the hardcopy of the NCR or electronically as appropriate to identify any request for additional information, including the date for submittal. Section 4 – Verification of Effectiveness Identify the method (plan) to be utilized to verify that the corrective action taken is effective. This could be a follow - up audit or submission of objective evidence of implementation. Where appropriate, records of the client’s method of verifying effectiveness can be utilized. Record in the results the actual method and documents reviewed to verify effectiveness. Section 5 - NCR Closure Name and date of individual performing the verification and NCR closure. Drinking-Water Systems Regulation O. Reg. 170/03 Drinking Water Systems Regulations (PIBS 4435e01) December 2011 Page 1 of 4 ANNUAL REPORT Drinking-Water System Number: 260004735 Drinking-Water System Name: Port Burwell Area Secondary Water Supply System Drinking-Water System Owner: Port Burwell Area Secondary Water Supply System Joint Board of Management Drinking-Water System Category: Large Municipal Residential Period being reported: January 1st to December 31st, 2015 Complete if your Category is Large Municipal Residential or Small Municipal Residential Does your Drinking-Water System serve more than 10,000 people? Yes [ ] No [X] Is your annual report available to the public at no charge on a web site on the Internet? Yes [X] No [ ] Location where Summary Report required under O. Reg. 170/03 Schedule 22 will be available for inspection. Complete for all other Categories. Number of Designated Facilities served: Did you provide a copy of your annual report to all Designated Facilities you serve? Yes [ ] No [ ] Number of Interested Authorities you report to: Did you provide a copy of your annual report to all Interested Authorities you report to for each Designated Facility? Yes [ ] No [ ] List all Drinking-Water Systems (if any), which receive all of their drinking water from your system: Drinking Water System Name Drinking Water System Number Malahide Distribution System 260004774 Bayham Distribution System 260004748 Did you provide a copy of your annual report to all Drinking-Water System owners that are connected to you and to whom you provide all of its drinking water? Yes [X] No [ ] Township of Malahide Office 87 John Street Aylmer, ON N5H 2C3 Drinking-Water Systems Regulation O. Reg. 170/03 Drinking Water Systems Regulations (PIBS 4435e01) December 2011 Page 2 of 4 Indicate how you notified system users that your annual report is available, and is free of charge. [X] Public access/notice via the web [X] Public access/notice via Government Office [ ] Public access/notice via a newspaper [X] Public access/notice via Public Request [ ] Public access/notice via a Public Library [ ] Public access/notice via other method _______________________________________ Describe your Drinking-Water System The Port Burwell Area Secondary Water Supply System transmission main extends from the Elgin Area Water Treatment Plant servicing Central Elgin, Malahide and Bayham. The watermain serves approximately 270 direct connections to the system. Tertiary lines are connected to the system through metering chambers. The entire system services approximately 3000 people. The system has 40 sub-surface chambers for isolation, metering, air relief and draining. Along the main there are sample stations and hydrants for monitoring and flushing. The Port Burwell Area Secondary Water System is controlled and monitored by the SCADA system. There is an elevated storage facility located on Nova Scotia Line, which is controlled by the valve house on Dexter Line. This Tower (Port Burwell Tower) has a capacity of 1518m3. The system is re-chlorinated at two locations: the Port Burwell Tower and Lakeview Re-Chlorination Facility. The re-chlorination facilities contain sodium hypochlorite dosing pumps connected to a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC), with a flow paced signal from the flow meter and chlorine analyzer for residual control by the PLC. List all water treatment chemicals used over this reporting period Sodium Hypochlorite 12% Drinking-Water Systems Regulation O. Reg. 170/03 Drinking Water Systems Regulations (PIBS 4435e01) December 2011 Page 3 of 4 Were any significant expenses incurred to? [X] Install required equipment [X] Repair required equipment [X] Replace required equipment Please provide a brief description and a breakdown of monetary expenses incurred -Analyzer for Lakeview ($5000) -Eyewash repairs at Lakeview and Tower ($1,400) -Metering chamber at Holy Cross ($55,900) -Tower inspection and repairs ($12,500) -Painting of tower—engineering only ($4,300) -SCADA upgrades and maintenance ($2,500) -Tower flow meter replacement ($16,000) -PB02 chamber upgrades ($18,000) -Replace V001 bypass valve ($2,000) -E038 repairs ($4800) -Spare watermain repair parts ($2,500) -Nova Scotia Line watermain repair ($10,000) -Leak detection and datalogging at VO01 ($4,800) -Leak repair on Nova Scotia Line ($1,000) -Chlorine feed pump ($1,700) -Chemical feed pump rebuild kits ($950) -Thawing machine ($1,000) -Hydrant parts ($1,500) -Submersible portable pump ($350) Provide details on the notices submitted in accordance with subsection 18(1) of the Safe Drinking-Water Act or section 16-4 of Schedule 16 of O.Reg.170/03 and reported to Spills Action Centre Incident Date Parameter Result Unit of Measure Corrective Action Corrective Action Date n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Microbiological testing done under the Schedule 10, 11 or 12 of Regulation 170/03, during this reporting period. No. of Samples Collected Range of E.Coli Results (cfu/100mL) Range of Total Coliform Results (cfu/100mL) Number of HPC Samples Range of HPC Results (cfu/mL) for period being reported Minimum # Maximum # Minimum # Maximum # Minimum # Maximum # Distribution 170 0 0 0 0 66 0 30 Drinking-Water Systems Regulation O. Reg. 170/03 Drinking Water Systems Regulations (PIBS 4435e01) December 2011 Page 4 of 4 Operational testing done under Schedule 7, 8 or 9 of Regulation 170/03 during the period covered by this Annual Report. No. of Samples Collected Range of Results Minimum Maximum Free Chlorine Residual(mg/L) 367 0.42 2.28 Summary of additional testing and sampling carried out in accordance with the requirement of an approval, order or other legal instrument. Date of legal instrument issued Parameter Date Sampled Result Unit of Measure n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Summary of lead testing under Schedule 15.1 during this reporting period (applicable to the following drinking water systems; large municipal residential systems, small municipal residential systems, and non-municipal year-round residential systems) Location Type Number of Samples Range of Lead Results (min#) – (max #) Unit of Measure Number of Exceedances Plumbing n/a n/a n/a n/a Distribution n/a n/a n/a n/a Summary of Organic parameters sampled during this reporting period or the most recent sample results DISTRIBUTION WATER Sample Date (mm/dd/yyyy) Sample Result MAC Number of Exceedances MAC 1/2 MAC Trihalomethane: Total (ug/L) Annual Running Average 37.25 100.00 No No List any Inorganic or Organic parameter(s) that exceeded half the standard prescribed in Schedule 2 of Ontario Drinking Water Quality Standards. Parameter Result Value Unit of Measure Date of Sample n/a n/a n/a n/a NOTE: For continuous monitors use 8760 as the number of samples. } fY' Ontario Drinking-Water Systems Regulation O. Reg. 170/03 OPTIONAL ANNUAL REPORT TEMPLATE Drinking-Water System Number: 260004748 Drinking-Water System Name: Bayham Distribution System Drinking-Water System Owner: The Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham Drinking-Water System Category: WD Large Municipal Residential Period being reported: 2015 Complete if your Category is Large Municipal Complete for all other Categories. Residential or Small Municipal Residential Does your Drinking-Water System serve Number of Designated Facilities served: more than 10,000 people? Yes [ ] No [ x ] N/A Is your annual report available to the public Did you provide a copy of your annual at no charge on a web site on the Internet? report to all Designated Facilities you Yes [ x ] No [ ] serve? Yes [ ] No [ ] Location where Summary Report required under O. Reg. 170/03 Schedule 22 will be Number of Interested Authorities you available for inspection. report to: 1 Chatham St. Did you provide a copy of your annual Port Burwell, Ont. report to all Interested Authorities you NOJ 1 TO report to for each Designated Facility? Yes [ ] No [ ] Note: For the following tables below, additional rows or columns may be added or an appendix may be attached to the report List all Drinking-Water Systems (if any), which receive all of their drinking water from your system: Drinking Water System Name Drinking Water System Number N/A Did you provide a copy of your annual report to all Drinking-Water System owners that are connected to you and to whom you provide all of its drinking water? Yes [ ] No [ ] Drinking Water Systems Regulations Page 1 of 6 (PTBS 4435e01)February 2008 eit- Ontario Drinking-Water Systems Regulation O. Reg. 170/03 Indicate how you notified system users that your annual report is available, and is free of charge. [x] Public access/notice via the web [x] Public access/notice via Government Office [ ] Public access/notice via a newspaper [ x] Public access/notice via Public Request [ ] Public access/notice via a Public Library [x] Public access/notice via other method_water bills Describe your Drinking-Water System The Bayham water distribution system consists of various size transmission mains and apparatuses including 81 fire hydrants, 100 main valves and 4 air release and 3 drain chambers. The location of these are mainly located in the villages of Port Burwell and Vienna. The estimated service population is less than 2000 with 820 fully metered service connections. A booster pump station is located on the transmission main to Vienna. This pump operates when the pressure drops to activate the pump which would normally occur during fire flows or main line flushing. List all water treatment chemicals used over this reporting period No chemicals - stand alone distribution system that receives treated water. Were any significant expenses incurred to? [x ] Install required equipment [x] Repair required equipment [ x ] Replace required equipment Please provide a brief description and a breakdown of monetary expenses incurred $610,564 --- regulatory operating expenses including purchase of water Capital costs incurred for 2015 totaled $5,000 for radio water meter head replacements. Drinking Water Systems Regulations Page 2 of 6 (PTBS 4435e01)February 2008 } fY' Ontario Drinking-Water Systems Regulation O. Reg. 170/03 Provide details on the notices submitted in accordance with subsection 18(1) of the Safe Drinking-Water Act or section 16-4 of Schedule 16 of O.Reg.170/03 and reported to Spills Action Centre Incident Parameter Result Unit of Corrective Action Corrective Date Measure Action Date Aug. Total Coliforms 82 Count Flushed and Aug. 6/2015 /100mL resampled. 11/2015 Microbiological testing done under the Schedule 10, 11 or 12 of Regulation 170/03, during this reporting period. Number Range of E.Coli Range of Total Number Range of HPC of Or Fecal Coliform of HPC Results Samples Results Results Samples (min#)-(max#) (min#)-(max#) (min#)-(max#) Raw Treated Distribution 177 0 0 177 <10 - 960 Operational testing done under Schedule 7, 8 or 9 of Regulation 170/03 during the period covered by this Annual Report. Number of Range of Results Grab (min#)-(max#) NOTE: For continuous Samples monitors use 8760 as the Turbidity number of samples. Chlorine 665 0.20— 1.85 (free) Fluoride(If the DWS provides fluoridation) NOTE: Record the unit of measure if it is not milligrams per litre. Drinking Water Systems Regulations Page 3 of 6 (PIBS 4435e01)February 2008 N_ L' Ontario Drinking-Water Systems Regulation 0. Reg. 170/03 Summary of additional testing and sampling carried out in accordance with the requirement of an approval, order or other legal instrument. Date of legal instrument Parameter Date Sampled Result Unit of Measure issued Summary of Inorganic parameters tested during this reporting period or the most recent sample results Parameter Sample Date I Result Value Unit of Measure Exceedance Antimony Arsenic Barium Boron Cadmium Chromium *Lead Mercury Selenium Sodium Uranium Fluoride Nitrite Nitrate *only for drinking water systems testing under Schedule 15.2; this includes large municipal non- residential systems, small municipal non-residential systems,non-municipal seasonal residential systems, large non-municipal non-residential systems, and small non-municipal non-residential systems Summary of lead testing under Schedule 15.1 during this reporting period Drinking Water Systems Regulations Page 4 of 6 (PIBS 4435e01)February 2008 Ontario Drinking-Water Systems Regulation O. Reg. 170/03 (applicable to the following drinking water systems; large municipal residential systems, small municipal residential systems, and non-municipal year-round residential systems) Number of Range of Number of Location Type Alkalinity Results Samples Exceedances (min#)—(max#) Plumbing Distribution 8 lead, pH and 95-128 alk. 0 alkalinity pH= 7.09-7.88 Lead =<0.01-1.62 lag/L Summary of Organic parameters sampled during this reporting period or the most recent sample results Parameter Sample Result Unit of Exceedance Date Value Measure Alachlor Aldicarb Aldrin+Dieldrin Atrazine+N-dealkylated metobolites Azinphos-methyl Bendiocarb Benzene Benzo(a)pyrene Bromoxynil Carbaryl Carbofuran Carbon Tetrachloride Chlordane(Total) Chlorpyrifos Cyanazine Diazinon Dicamba 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1,4-Dichlorobenzene Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane(DDT)+ metabolites 1,2-Dichloroethane 1,1-Dichloroethylene (vinylidene chloride) Dichloromethane 2-4 Dichlorophenol 2,4-Dichlorophenoxy acetic acid(2,4-D) Diclofop-methyl Dimethoate Drinking Water Systems Regulations Page 5 of 6 (PIBS 4435e01)February 2008 r� L' Ontario Drinking-Water Systems Regulation O. Reg. 170/03 Dinoseb Diquat Diuron Glyphosate Heptachlor+Heptachlor Epoxide Lindane(Total) Malathion Methoxychlor Metolachlor Metribuzin Monochlorobenzene Paraquat Parathion Pentachlorophenol Phorate Picloram Polychlorinated Biphenyls(PCB) Prometryne Simazine THM 2015 61.5 ug/L (NOTE:show latest annual average) Temephos Terbufos Tetrachloroethylene 2,3,4,6-Tetrachlorophenol Triallate Trichloroethylene 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 2,4,5-Trichlorophenoxy acetic acid(2,4,5-T) Trifluralin Vinyl Chloride List any Inorganic or Organic parameter(s) that exceeded half the standard prescribed in Schedule 2 of Ontario Drinking Water Quality Standards. Parameter Result Value Unit of Measure Date of Sample THM 55 ug/L Jan. 12 /2015 THM 41 ug/L April 7/2015 THM 70 ug/L July 6/2015 THM 80 ug/L Oct. 5/2015 Drinking Water Systems Regulations Page 6 of 6 (PIBS 4435e01)February 2008 2015 ANNUAL SUMMARY REPORT FOR MUNICIPAL WATER SYSTEMS Report This report is a summary of water quality information for the Bayham Water Distribution System,Water Works#260004748, published in accordance with Schedule 22 of the Ontario's Drinking Water Systems Regulation for the reporting period of January 1, 2014 to December 31, 2015. The Bayham Water Distribution System is categorized as a Class I, Large Municipal Residential Drinking Water System. Who gets a copy of the Report: The owner of the drinking—water system shall ensure that the following receive the summary report no later than March 31 for the preceding calendar year; in the case of a drinking water system owned by a municipality, the members of the Municipal Council; in the case of a drinking water system owned by a municipal service board established under section 195 of the Municipal Act, 2001, the members of the municipal service board; or in the case of a drinking water system owned by a corporation, the board of directors of the corporation. What must the Report contain? The report must, (a) list the requirements of the Act, the regulations, the system's approval and any order that the system failed to meet at any time during the period covered by the report and specify the duration of the failure; and (b) for each failure referred to in clause (a), describe the measures that were taken to correct the failure. The Bayham Water Distribution System complied with the following Drinking Water Legislation; Safe Drinking Water Act O. Reg 170/03, O. Reg 128/04 System Drinking Water Licence # 061-101 Note: MOE inspection conducted on October 23, 2015 indicates full compliance as a 100% score was achieved. What else must the report contain? The report must also include the following information for the purposes of enabling the owner of the system to assess the capability of the system to meet existing and planned uses of the system: A summary of the quantities and flow rates of the water supplied during the period covered by the report; A comparison of the summary referred to in paragraph 1 to the rated capacity and flow rates approved in the system's approval. Attachments 2015 flows Report Prepared by; Ed Roloson, CMM III Water/Wastewater Operations Manager Overall Responsible Operator (ORO)