HomeMy WebLinkAboutDecember 02, 2021 - Planning - Committee of AdjustmentCOMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT MINUTES THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM MUNICIPAL OFFICE 56169 Heritage Line, Straffordville, ON Council Chambers - Held Virtually Thursday, December 2, 2021 6:45 p.m. A. Countryside Communities Inc. A-25/21 B. Countryside Communities Inc. A-26/21 The December 2, 2021 Committee of Adjustment Meeting was held virtually via Zoom and livestreamed on YouTube. COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: SECRETARY/TREASURER STAFF PRESENT: CAOICLERK DEPUTY CLERK TREASURER FIRE CHIEFIBY-LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER SIGNED IN ATTENDEES: Cale Barnes Reg Barnes Jon Culford Patti Culford CALL TO ORDER E. Ketchabaw called the meeting to order at 6:45 p.m. ED KETCHABAW RAINEY WEISLER C. VALERIE DONNELL DANFROESE SUSAN CHILCOTT MARGARET UNDERHILL THOMAS THAYER BRENDA GIBBONS LORNE JAMES HARRY BARANIK 2. DISCLOSURES OF PECUNIARY INTEREST & THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF No disclosures of pecuniary interest were declared. 3. APPLICATION A. Minor Variance Application A-25/21 Countryside Communities Inc. THE PURPOSE of the proposed variance is to grant relief from Zoning By-law regulations in Section 10.3 Minimum Lot Area, to permit minimum lot area of 740.0 m2 (7,965 ft2) whereas 800.0 m2 (8,611 ft2) is the permitted minimum, for lands located at Lot 24 West Side Oak Street ON Registered Plan 54, in the village of Vienna. THE EFFECT of this variance will be to permit reduced minimum lot area for future residential development on an existing vacant surveyed lot. 4_ STAFF PRESENTATION fA. Report DS-64/21 by Margaret Underhill, Secretary/Treasurer Committee of Adjustment re Committee of Adjustment Minor Variance Application A-25/21 and A-26/21 Countryside Communities Inc., Oak Street/Snow Street (John Street), Vienna Secretary/Treasurer M. Underhill presented Report DS-64/21. Statutory Planning Minutes — Committee of Adjustment December 2, 2021 5. PRESENTATIONS BY APPLICANT/AGENT None. 6. PUBLIC SUBMISSIONS Jon Culford spoke in opposition to the Minor Variance due to risk of reduced property values. 7. COMMITTEE QUESTIONS AND DISCUSSION V. Donnell inquired about creating two lots that meet the lot size instead of creating three. Cale Barnes responded the three lots meet the minimum frontage and will have new homes which should increase property dwelling values. Jon Culford asked what type of dwelling would be built if the Variance is permitted to which Cale Barnes responded fully detached home. 8. DECISION OF COMMITTEE (Motions) Moved by: S. Chilcott Seconded by: D. Froese THAT the Committee of Adjustment SecretarylTreasurer's report DS-64/21 regarding the Countryside Communities Inc. variance applications be received; AND THAT the Committee of Adjustment considered all written and oral submissions received on these applications, the effect of which helped the committee to make an informed decision; AND WHEREAS the Committee agrees that the proposed variances as presented meet Section 45.1(1) of the Planning Act and are considered minor; THEREFORE application A-25/21 submitted by Countryside Communities Inc., pursuant to Section 45 of the Planning Act for minor variance, is granted to allow relief from Municipality of Bayham Zoning By-law Z456-2003: • Section 10.3 Minimum Lot Area to permit a minimum lot area of 740.0 m2 (7,965 ft2) whereas 800 m2 (8,611 ft2) is the required minimum for a residential lot with full municipal services in the Village Residential (R1) Zone; and, Provided the owner is legally able to separately convey the lot. Recorded vote: Member of Committee of Adjustment Valerie Donnell Dan Froese Susan Chilcott Rainey Weisler Ed Ketchabaw YES NO x _ I x I Statutory Planning Minutes — Committee of Adjustment December 2, 2021 CARRIED 9. ADJOURNMENT Moved by: V. Donnell Seconded by: S. Chilcott THAT the Committee of Adjustment hearing for consideration of Minor Variance Application A-25/21 be adjourned at 6:55 p.m.; AND THAT in accordance with the regulations of the Planning Act, Notices of Decision be circulated by the Secretary -Treasurer accordingly. Recorded vote: Member of Committee of Adjustment YES x x NO _ C. Valerie Donnell Dan Froese Susan Chilcott x Rainey Weisler Ed Ketchabaw x X CARRIED 10. APPLICATION B. Minor Variance Application A-26/21 Countryside Communities Inc. THE PURPOSE of the variance is to grant relief from Zoning By-law regulations in Section 10.3 Minimum Lot Area, to permit minimum lot area of 740.0 m2 (7,965 ft2) whereas 800.0 m2 (8,611 ft2) is the permitted minimum, for lands located at Lot 24 east side of Snow Street on Registered Plan 54, in the village of Vienna. THE EFFECT of this variance will be to permit reduced minimum lot area for future residential development, subject to frontage on an open public roadway, on an existing vacant surveyed lot. 11. STAFF PRESENTATION B Report DS-64/21 by Margaret Underhill, Secretary/Treasurer Committee of Adjustment re Committee of Adjustment Minor Variance Application A-25/21 and A-26/21 Countryside Communities Inc., Oak Street/Snow Street (John Street), Vienna Secretary/Treasurer M. Underhill presented Report DS-64/21 and advised the Committee of a transcribing error in the Report's recommendation being that the actual lot area variance requested is 689.55 m2 (7,422 ft2) and that staff and planner support the reduced lot area variance. 4 Statutory Planning Minutes — Committee of Adjustment December 2, 2021 12. PRESENTATIONS BY APPLICANT/AGENT None. 13. PUBLIC SUBMISSIONS Jon Culford asked if the intent is for a dwelling and if so what type. Cale Barnes replied fully detached dwelling. 14. COMMITTEE QUESTIONS AND DISCUSSION R. Weisler asked about the process regarding the unopened road allowance. Secretary/Treasurer M. Underhill advised the road has to be developed by the developer through a draft plan of subdivision. 15. DECISION OF COMMITTEE (Motions) Moved by: V. Donnell Seconded by: D. Froese THAT the Committee of Adjustment Secretary/Treasurer's report DS-64/21 regarding the Countryside Communities Inc. variance applications be received; AND THAT the Committee of Adjustment considered all written and oral submissions received on these applications, the effect of which helped the committee to make an informed decision; AND WHEREAS the Committee agrees that the proposed variances as presented meet Section 45.1(1) of the Planning Act and are considered minor; THEREFORE application A-26/21 submitted by Countryside Communities Inc., pursuant to Section 45 of the Planning Act for minor variance, is granted to allow relief from Municipality of Bayham Zoning By-law Z456-2003: Section 10.3 Minimum Lot Area to permit a minimum lot area of 689.55 m2 (7,422 ftZ) whereas 800.0 m2 (8,611 ft2) is the permitted minimum for a residential lot with full municipal services in the Village Residential (R1) Zone; and, Provided the owner is legally able to separately convey the lot, the lot is connected to the municipal water and sewer services at the time of development and that the owner develops/constructs and legally opens the roadway and the municipality assumes control and maintenance of the roadway. Recorded vote: Member of Committee of YES I NO Adjustment C. Valerie Donnell x Dan Froese x Susan Chilcott x 5 Statutory Planning Minutes — Committee of Adjustment December 2, 2021 Rainey Weisler I x Ed Ketchabaw I x CARRIED 16. ADJOURNMENT Moved by: V. Donnell Seconded by: D. Froese THAT the Committee of Adjustment hearing for consideration of Minor Variance Application A-26/21 be adjourned at 7:03 p.m.; AND THAT in accordance with the regulations of the Planning Act, Notices of Decision be circulated by the Secretary -Treasurer accordingly. Recorded vote: Member of Committee of YES NO Adjustment C. Valerie Donnell x _ Dan Froese x Susan Chilcott _ x Rainey Weisler x Ed Ketchabaw I x CARRIED DATE: /610/ HA.RPERSON SECRETARY/TREASURER