BY-LAW NO. 2021-065
WHEREAS Section 2.1(1) of the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act, RSO 1990,
Chapter E.9, as amended, which requires every municipality to develop and implement an
Emergency Management Program;
AND WHEREAS Section 2.1(2) of the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act, RSO
1990, Chapter E.9, as amended, stipulates the content of each municipality's emergency
management program;
AND WHEREAS, this Act requires the Emergency Management Program to conform to
standards promulgated by Office of the Fire Marshall and Emergency Management (OFMEM) in
accordance with international best practices, including the four core components of emergency
management, namely: mitigation/prevention, preparedness, response and recovery; and also
makes provision for the municipality and council to develop and implement an Emergency
Management Program to protect public safety, public health, the environment, the critical
infrastructure and property, and to promote economic stability and a disaster -resilient
AND WHEREAS, this Act makes provision for the Head of Council to declare that an
emergency exists in the community or in any part thereof, and also provides the Head of
Council with authority to take such action or make such orders as he/she considers necessary
and are not contrary to law, to implement the emergency response plan and respond to an
AND WHEREAS, the Act, consistent with Section 242 of the Municipal Act, R.S.O., 1990, as
amended, provides for the designation of one or more members of council who may exercise
the powers and perform the duties of the head of Council during his/her absence or his/her
inability to act;
AND WHEREAS, the Act authorizes employees of a community to respond to an emergency in
accordance with the emergency response plan where an emergency exists but has not yet been
declared to exist;
NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved:
I THAT an Emergency Management Program be developed and implemented in accordance
with the standards published by the OFMEM in accordance with international best practices;
2 THAT the Head of Council or designated alternate, as provided in the Plan, be empowered
to declare an emergency and implement the Emergency Response Plan;
3 THAT certain appointed officials or their designated alternates, as provided in the approved
community Emergency Response Plan are empowered to cause an emergency notification
to be issued to members of the Community Control Group, and to respond to emergency in
accordance with the emergency response plan where an emergency exists but has not yet
been declared to exist;
4. THAT the Bayham Emergency Management Program Committee will review annually the
Emergency Management Program and the Emergency Response Plan to recommend
changes as considered appropriate and refer recommendations to Council for further review
and approval;
5. THAT the appendices of the Emergency Response Plan may be added, amended, or
removed with the approval of the Emergency Management Program Committee and
reported to Council annually, without amendment to this bylaw;
6. THAT Schedule `A', being the Emergency Response Plan attached hereto, shall form part of
this By-law;
7. THAT Schedule `B', being a Schedule to establish the composition, organization and
operational guidelines of the Emergency Management Program Committee attached hereto,
shall form part of this By-law.
8. THAT Schedule `C', being a Schedule to designate and identify a community Emergency
Information Officer attached hereto, shall form part of this By-law;
THAT the following By -Laws and any amendments thereto be rescinded:
➢ By -Law 2017-118
Y Any other By -Law pertaining to Emergency Management Program and Emergency
Response Plan for the Municipality of Bayham;
10. THAT this By-law shall be enacted and of full force and effect upon final passing.
BY-LAW NO. 2021-065
WHEREAS Section 2.1(1) of the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act, RSO 1990,
Chapter E.9, as amended, which requires every municipality to develop and implement an
Emergency Management Program;
AND WHEREAS Section 2.1(2) of the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act, RSO
1990, Chapter E.9, as amended, stipulates the content of each municipality's emergency
management program;
AND WHEREAS, this Act requires the Emergency Management Program to conform to
standards promulgated by Office of the Fire Marshall and Emergency Management (OFMEM) in
accordance with international best practices, including the four core components of emergency
management, namely: mitigation/prevention, preparedness, response and recovery; and also
makes provision for the municipality and council to develop and implement an Emergency
Management Program to protect public safety, public health, the environment, the critical
infrastructure and property, and to promote economic stability and a disaster -resilient
AND WHEREAS, this Act makes provision for the Head of Council to declare that an
emergency exists in the community or in any part thereof, and also provides the Head of
Council with authority to take such action or make such orders as he/she considers necessary
and are not contrary to law, to implement the emergency response plan and respond to an
AND WHEREAS, the Act, consistent with Section 242 of the Municipal Act, R.S.O., 1990, as
amended, provides for the designation of one or more members of council who may exercise
the powers and perform the duties of the head of Council during his/her absence or his/her
inability to act;
AND WHEREAS, the Act authorizes employees of a community to respond to an emergency in
accordance with the emergency response plan where an emergency exists but has not yet been
declared to exist;
NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved:
1. THAT an Emergency Management Program be developed and implemented in accordance
with the standards published by the OFMEM in accordance with international best practices;
2 THAT the Head of Council or designated alternate, as provided in the Plan, be empowered
to declare an emergency and implement the Emergency Response Plan;
3. THAT certain appointed officials or their designated alternates, as provided in the approved
community Emergency Response Plan are empowered to cause an emergency notification
to be issued to members of the Community Control Group, and to respond to emergency in
accordance with the emergency response plan where an emergency exists but has not yet
been declared to exist;
4. THAT the Bayham Emergency Management Program Committee will review annually the
Emergency Management Program and the Emergency Response Plan to recommend
changes as considered appropriate and refer recommendations to Council for further review
and approval;
5. THAT the appendices of the Emergency Response Plan may be added, amended, or
removed with the approval of the Emergency Management Program Committee and
reported to Council annually, without amendment to this bylaw;
6. THAT Schedule `A', being the Emergency Response Plan attached hereto, shall form part of
this By-law;
7. THAT Schedule `B', being a Schedule to establish the composition, organization and
operational guidelines of the Emergency Management Program Committee attached hereto,
shall form part of this By-law.
8. THAT Schedule `C', being a Schedule to designate and identify a community Emergency
Information Officer attached hereto, shall form part of this By-law;
9. THAT the following By -Laws and any amendments thereto be rescinded:
➢ By -Law 2017-118
➢ Any other By -Law pertaining to Emergency Management Program and Emergency
Response Plan for the Municipality of Bayham;
10. THAT this By-law shall be enacted and of full force and effect upon final passing.
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Municipality of Bayham
Emergency Response Plan
By-law No. 2021-065 - Schedule `A'
Municipality of Bayham -- Emergency Response Plan — 12-02-21
Table of Contents
Section 1 — Definitions
Section 2 — Introduction
Section 3 — Declaration of an Emergency
Section 4 — Request for Provincial/Federal Assistance
Section 5 — Emergency Control Group
Section 6 — Emergency Control Group Operations
Section 7 — Emergency Control Group Head of Council
Section 8 — Emergency Control Group CAOICIerk
Section 9 — Community Emergency Management Coordinator
Section 10 — Manager of Capital ProjectslWater/Wastewater
Section 11 —Deputy Clerk
Section 12 — Manager of Public Works
Section 13 — Fire Chief
Section 14 — Police
Section 15 — Public Utilities Representative(s)
Section 16 — EMS (Ambulance) Representative
Section 17 — Health Unit
Section 18 — Support and Advisory Staff
Section 19 — Media and Public Relations
Section 20 — Public Information and Inquiry
Section 21 — Evacuation Planning
Section 22 — Recovery Planning
Section 23 — Plan Review, Testing and Maintenance
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Municipality of Bayham -- Emergency Response Plan — 12-02-21
Section 1 - Definitions
1.1 'Ambulance Representative' shall mean a designated representative of the Central
Ambulance Communications Centre and/or Ambulance Service.
1.2 `CAOICIerk' shall mean an employee of the Municipality of Bayham appointed CAOICIerk of
the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham, or designated alternate.
1.3 Citizen Inquiry Representative shall mean a person designated by Elgin County Ontario
Works Agency responsible for establishing a Citizen Inquiry Service.
1.4 `Emergency Control Group (ECG)' shall mean a designated group of individuals mandated
to address the ongoing, or potentially expanding threat to the broader community, including
health, safety and well being of persons; property and infrastructure; essential services; the
environment; local economy, and to instill a level of confidence to the public.
IL `Community Emergency Management Coordinator (CEMC)' shall mean an employee of the
Municipality of Bayham appointed Community Emergency Management Coordinator of the
Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham, or designated alternate.
1.6 Council shall mean the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham.
1.7 'Deputy Clerk' shall mean an employee of the Municipality of Bayham appointed Deputy
Clerk of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham, or designated alternate.
1.8 Emergency means a situation or an impending situation that constitutes a danger of major
proportions that could result in serious harm to persons or substantial damage to property
and that is caused by the forces of nature, a disease or other health risk, an accident or an
act whether intentional or otherwise; Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act,
R.S.O. 1990
1.9 'Emergency Area' means a geographic area within which an emergency has occurred or is
about to occur, and which has been identified, delineated and designated to receive
emergency response actions.
1.10 'Emergency Information Officer (ElO)' is appointed by the Municipality and is responsible
for coordinating the dissemination of information to the media, broader community and
1.11 'Emergency Management Program Committee' means a management team appointed by
Council to oversee the development, implementation and maintenance of the Municipality
of Bayham emergency management program.
1.12 'Emergency Operations Centre (EOC)' means a facility where the Emergency Control
Group (ECG) assembles to manage an emergency.
Bayham Municipal Office Port Burwell Fire Hall
Underhill Farm Supply Future Transfer Company Inc.
Municipality of Bayham -- Emergency Response Plan — 12-02-21
1.13 'Evacuation Centre' means a facility to provide shelter, food and other services to a group
of people who have been evacuated from an emergency area.
Straffordville Community Centre
1.14 'Fire Representative' means an employee of the Municipality of Bayham appointed Fire
Chief of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham Fire Department, or designated
1.15 'Head of Council' means the elected Mayor or appointed Acting Mayor of the Municipality of
Bayham, or designated alternate
1.16 `Health Representative' means the Southwestern Public Health Medical Officer of Health,
or designated alternate.
1.17 'Manager of Capital ProjectsjWater/Wastewater' means an employee of the Municipality of
Bayham appointed Manager of Capital ProjectslWater/Wastewater of the Corporation of
the Municipality of Bayham, or designated alternate.
8 `Manager of Public Works' means an employee of the Municipality of Bayham appointed
Manager of Public Works of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham, or designated
'Media Information Centre' means a facility or location near, but not in, the Emergency
Operations Centre where the media may assemble for media releases and press
1.20 'Ontario Works Representative' means the St. Thomas — Elgin Ontario Works Agency
Director of Ontario Works or designated alternate.
1.21 O.Reg. 380/04 means a regulation under the Emergency Management and Civil Protection
Act, R.S.O. 1990,c E.9
1.22 `On -Site Incident Commander' means a public sector official or designate at the emergency
area, responsible for coordinating resources and developing actions to resolve the
emergency situation.
1.23 'Reception Centre' means a location usually located outside the emergency area and
provides a place where evacuees can go to register, receive assistance for basic needs,
information and referral to an evacuation center if required.
1.24 'Red Cross Representative' means a person designated by Canadian Red Cross
responsible for supervising and coordinating all activities of the Canadian Red Cross during
an emergency
Section 2 — Introduction
1 The purpose of this plan is to provide elected officials, personnel, and emergency response
agencies with an overview of the guidelines to the expected response and responsibilities
to an emergency situation within the Municipality of Bayham. For this plan to be effective it
Municipality of Bayham -- Emergency Response Plan — 12-02-21 5
is imperative all officials, departments and agencies be aware of their respective roles and
be prepared to carry out their assigned responsibilities.
2.2 The Province of Ontario has passed the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act
R.S.O. 1990, which provides for the development and implementation of an emergency
management program by the Council of the Municipality of Bayham. This Act makes
provision for the Head of Council to declare that an emergency exists in the municipality
and also provides the Head of Council with the authority to take such action or deliver such
orders as he/she considers necessary, provided such action is not contrary to the laws
which implement the emergency plan of the municipality. The Act also provides for the
designation of one or more members of Council who may exercise the powers and perform
the duties of the Head of Council during his/her absence or inability to act.
2 .i The focus of this plan is to provide a guideline for the most effective response to an
emergency situation in the Municipality of Bayham, and in so doing safeguard the health,
safety, welfare and property of its populace. This plan will govern the provision for
requested services during an emergency.
Section 3 — Declaration of an Emergency
3.,' When an emergency exists, but has not yet been declared to exist, municipal employees
may take such action(s) under this emergency plan as may be necessary to protect the
ives and property of the inhabitants of the Municipality of Bayham.
The Head of Council of the Municipality of Bayham is responsible for declaring a municipal
emergency exists within the geographic boundaries of the Municipality. This decision is
made in consultation with other members of the Municipality of Bayham Emergency Control
3.v Upon such declaration, the Head of Council shall:
3.3.1 Notify the County Warden;
3.3.2 Notify the Minister of Community Safety & Correctional Services through the
Provincial Emergency Operations Centre (PEOC))
3.3.3 Notify Municipality of Bayham Council members; and
3.3.4 Ensure the public, media, and neighboring municipal officials are advised of both
the declaration and termination of an emergency.
3.4 The Head of Council may request assistance from the County of Elgin, without activating
the County of Elgin Emergency Response Plan, by contacting the County Warden, County
CAO or County Community Emergency Management Coordinator.
3.5 When a local emergency has been declared and municipal resources are deemed
insufficient to control the emergency, the Head of Council may request the County Warden,
County COA, County Community Emergency Management Coordinator or their alternates
to activate the County of Elgin Emergency Response Plan.
:s. All decisions by the Municipality of Bayham Emergency Control Group (as appropriate)
affecting the lives and property of the inhabitants within the Municipality of Bayham shall be
made in consultation with the Head of Council of the Municipality.
Municipality of Bayham -- Emergency Response Plan
3.7 A municipal emergency may be declared terminated at any time by the:
3.7.1 Head of Council,
3.7.2 Municipal Council, or
3.7.3 Premier of Ontario.
3_8 Upon termination of a municipal emergency the Head of Council shall notify the:
3.8.1 County Warden
3.8.2 Municipality of Bayham Council members
3.8.3 Minister of Community Safety & Correctional Services of Ontario through the
Provincial Emergency Operations Centre, and
3.8.4 Members of the public and media, and neighbouring municipal officials.
3.9 Delegation of Duties
In the event an emergency pursuant to section 4(1) of the Emergency Management and
Civil Protection Act and the Municipality of Bayham Emergency Response Plan the
following delegation of duties provisions shall become effective until such time as the
emergency is over.
3.9.1 Council hereby delegates its authority and powers under all provincial statutes and
regulations to the Delegated Authority Body, subject to the restrictions established
by Part II of the Municipal Act, 2001 and by this By-law,
3.9.2 Where the Delegated Authority Body cannot unanimously agree the decision of the
Mayor shall be final.
3.9.3 Any exercise of authority delegated pursuant to this By-law that contemplates a
payment of money by the Municipality is subject to the availability of an Approved
Budget that can accommodate that payment.
3.9.4 The delegations of authority by this By-law are in addition to delegations of authority
established by other Municipality of Bayham By-laws and otherwise at law. In the
event of any inconsistency between this By-law and any other Municipality of
Bayham By -Law, then the provision that more effectively delegates authority
prevails to the extent of the inconsistency.
3.9.5 "Delegated Authority Body" means a body comprised of the following individuals:
(1) Mayor, or designate
(2) CAO, or designate
3.9.6 This delegations contemplated by this Section of the by-law shall terminate
automatically upon the termination of the Declaration of a State of Emergency by
the Mayor of the Municipality of Bayham including any extension or replacement
thereof, whichever is later.
3.10 Considerations in the Declaration of Emergency
The following may be considered prior to a Declaration of Emergency'
• Is the situation an extraordinary event requiring extraordinary measures?
• Does the situation pose a danger of major proportions to life or property?
• Does the situation pose a threat to the provision of essential services (e.g., energy,
potable water, sewage treatment/containment, supply of goods or medical care)?
• Does the situation threaten social order and the ability to govern?
+ Is the event attracting significant media and/or public interest?
• Has there been a declaration of emergency by another level of government?
Municipality of Bayham -- Emergency Response Plan
• Might legal action be taken against municipal employees or councilors related
to their actions during the current crisis?
+ Are volunteers assisting?
■ Does the situation require a response that exceeds, or threatens to exceed the
capabilities of the municipality for either resources or deployment of personnel?
* Does the situation create sufficient strain on the municipal response capability
that areas within the municipality may be impacted by a lack of services,
thereby further endangering life and property outside areas directly affected by
the current crisis?
■ Is it a consideration that the municipal response may be of such duration that
additional personnel and resources may be required to maintain the continuity
of operations?
* Does, or might, the situation require provincial support or resources?
+ Does, or might, the situation require assistance from the federal government
(e.g., military equipment)?
* Does the situation involve a structural collapse?
■ Is the situation a large-scale or complex chemical, biological, radiological, or
nuclear {CBRN) incident?
■ Does the situation require, or have the potential to require the evacuation
and/or shelter of people or animals [livestock] from your municipality?
■ WII your municipality be receiving evacuees from another community?
■ Does the situation pose a large-scale disruption to routine patterns of
transportation, or re-routing of large numbers of people and vehicles?
• Is an event likely to have a long term negative impact on a community's
economic viability/sustainability, including resulting unemployment, lack of
available banking services and restorative measures necessary to re- establish
commercial activity?
■ Is it possible that a specific person, corporation, or other party has caused the
Section 4 — Request for Provincial/Federal Assistance
4.1 The municipality may request additional resources from the Province if local resources,
including resources available from bordering municipalities and/or the County of Elgin are
insufficient to meet emergency requirements.
41 The Ministry of the Community Safety and Correctional Services (MCSCS), through the
Provincial Emergency Operations Centre, is the focal point for provincial assistance during
an emergency. MCSCS should be notified if the threat of an emergency exists and shall be
notified when an emergency has been declared. MCSCS will not take over and manage
the emergency; it can provide liaison and coordination, and a central point for contact with
other provincial ministries and the federal government if required.
4.3 All requests for provincial and federal assistance should be directed through the Provincial
Emergency Operations Centre.
Section 5 — Emergency Control Group (ECG1
5.1 The following municipal officials will make up the Municipality of Bayham ECG
# Head of Council
■ Community Emergency Management Coordinator
• Manager of Public Works
Municipality of Bayham -- Emergency Response Plan
* Manager of Capital ProjectslWater/Wastewater
Fire Chief
• Deputy Clerks
r 2 The ECG may function with only a limited number of persons depending upon the
emergency. While the ECG may not require the presence of all persons listed as members
of the ECG, all members of the ECG must be notified.
5.3 The following actions/decisions should be considered and dealt with by the ECG:
• Determining the status of the emergency situation by acquiring and assessing
■ Advising Head of Council as to whether the declaration of an emergency is
• Mobilizing emergency services, personnel and equipment;
* Coordinating and providing emergency and municipal services and ensuring any
actions necessary for the mitigation of the effects of the emergency are taken,
provided they are not contrary to law;
• Coordinating and/or overseeing the evacuation of inhabitants considered to be in
danger and establishing a Registration and Inquiry Centre to handle requests
regarding evacuees;
Arranging for services and equipment from local agencies not under municipal
control, i.e. private contractors, volunteer agencies, services clubs;
g Notifying and requesting assistance from various levels of government and any
public or private agencies not under Municipal control, as considered necessary;
• Determining if additional volunteers are required and if appeals for volunteers are
• Determining if additional transportation is required for evacuation or transport of
persons and/or supplies;
• Ensuring pertinent information regarding the emergency is promptly forwarded for
dissemination to the media and public;
V Authorizing expenditure of funds required to deal with the emergency for the
preservation of life and health;
Maintaining a log outlining decisions made and actions taken, and submitting a
summary of the log to the CAOICIerk within one week of the termination of the
emergency, as required;
Ensuring all emergency personnel are advised of the termination of the declared
■ Ensuring Critical Incident Stress management resources are available to emergency
Ensuring the emergency is reviewed and a recovery plan, if required, is in place
before the local emergency is terminated;
• Participating in the debriefing following the emergency;
Section 6 — Emergency Control Group (ECG) Operations
5 1 The Emergency Control Group (ECG) shall be established in accordance with the
Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act for the purpose of advising Council on
the development and implementation of the municipality's Emergency Response Program.
The ECG shall oversee the development, implementation and maintenance of the
emergency management program in accordance with the Emergency Management and
Civil Protection Act and Council priorities and to continue to ensure the safety and well-
being of citizens
Municipality of Bayham -- Emergency Response Plan
6.2 The Municipality shall identify a primary location to establish an Emergency Operations
Center (EOC) for the ECG to assemble in the event of an emergency. The Municipality
may also designate a second location as an alternate EOC.
6_8 The ECG shall assemble at an EOC as designated by the Head of Council and CAOICIerk,
or designates.
EOC locations that may be designated are:
Bayham Municipal Office
56169 Heritage Line
Straffordville, Ontario
(519) 866-5521
(519) 866-3884 (Fax)
Underhill Farm Supply
56532 Calton Line
Vienna, Ontatrio
(519) 866-3632
Port Burwell Fire Hall
55451 Nova Scotia Line
Port Burwell, Ontario
Future Transfer Company Inc.
55187 Talbot Line
Aylmer, Ontario
(519) 866-3446
$,4 ECG members shall assemble at the designated EOC when notified and determine if the
site is an appropriate location for the ECG to conduct business appropriate for the type and
location of the emergency area. If this site is not appropriate, the ECG will choose an
alternate location to conduct EOC business.
6,5 A separate communications room shall be established in close proximity to the designated
S_S ECG members should designate one or more persons as communicators, depending on
the nature and scope of the emergency, to facilitate in -coming and out -going
communications to assist ECG members as required.
6_7 The ECG shall meet regularly to share information and make decisions related to the
emergency and continuity of municipal business and services
6.6 The CEMC shall be responsible for establishing the frequency of EOC meetings and
agenda items. Meetings will be kept as brief as possible to allow ECG members to carry
out their individual responsibilities.
6.9 Each meeting of the ECG should include the following:
* An assessment and prognosis of the emergency situation
• Determine if additional advisors to the ECG are required
+ The establishment of priorities
• The setting of objectives
• The determination of an action plan considering immediate support the emergency site
will require
+ Timelines for the implementation of assigned tasks
+ Monitoring and reporting.
6.10 When a meeting ends, each member of the ECG carries out their assigned
tasks/objectives and gathers information for the next scheduled meeting.
Municipality of Bayham -- Emergency Response Plan
6.11 The ECG shall conduct an annual review of the Municipality of Bayham Emergency
Response Plan and make recommendations for revisions if necessary.
6-12 It is important all ECG members to function as a team to establish the most effective
response to the emergency situation. To enhance effectiveness ECG members should be
relieved of their duties at regular intervals.
Section 7 — ECG Role — Head of Council
7.1 The Head of Council will be responsible for the following duties:
• Implement the Emergency Response Plan in response to a request for assistance from
a member of the ECG, or emergency response agency;
Declare an emergency to exist;
• Declare the emergency has terminated;
• Notify the Minister of Community Safety & Correctional Services via the Provincial
Emergency Operations Centre, of the declaration of an emergency, and termination of
the emergency;
• Make decisions, determining priorities, and issuing direction to the Heads of
• Request assistance from senior levels of government and from constituent
municipalities not involved with the emergency, when required;
• Authorize expenditures and the acquisition of equipment and personnel when
■ Ensure all members of Council apprised of the emergency and the municipality's
response to the emergency;
• Maintain a personal log of all actions taken.
Section 8 — ECG Role — CAOICIerk
6.1 The CAOIClerk, or alternate, will be responsible for the following duties:
• Provide assistance/advise to Head of Council and Department Heads as required;
• Liaise with government agencies/officials, as directed;
* Ensure all required members are present when the ECG is assembled;
* Chair meetings of the ECG;
• Organize and supervising the Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) during the
emergency, including arrangements for feeding and relief of Centre personnel;
Coordinate all operations within the EOC, including the scheduling of regular meetings;
* Arrange for effective communications to and from the emergency site;
* Provide security for the EOC, as required;
• Provide identification cards to ECG members and support staff;
• Coordinate the maintenance and operation of feeding, sleeping, and meeting areas of
the ECG, as required;
• Maintain a record of actions taken by the ECG in dealing with the emergency;
• Compile records of costs incurred as a result of emergency action;
• Provide advice to the ECG on legal and financial matters;
• Ensure records of expenses are maintained for future claim purposes;
Ensure the prompt payment and settlement of all legitimate invoices and claims
incurred during an emergency;
• Act as principle staff officer to the Head of Council;
• Coordinate and process requests for human resources;
• Ensure records of human resources and administrative details are completed;
Municipality of Bayham -- Emergency Response Plan
Regularly review the contents of the Emergency Response Plan to ensure the plan is
up to date and in conformity with Provincial procedures;
Act as Emergency Information Officer;
Maintain a personal log of all actions taken.
Section 9 — ECG Role — Community Emergenecy Management Coordinator (CEMC)
9.1 The CEMC, or alternate, will be responsible for the following duties:
+ Ensure security is in place for the EOC ad registration of ECG members;
* Assist in activating and arranging the EOC;
+ Ensure ECG members have necessary ERP, resources, supplies, and equipment
Provide advice and clarifications about the implementation details of the ERP;
• Ensure liaison with community support agencies;
• Ensure CERV coordination and liaison;
• Ensure the operating cycle is met by the ECG and related documentation is maintained
and kept for future use;
* Address any action items resulting from the activation of the ERP and keep ECG
informed of implementation needs;
• Ensure records and logs are maintained by ECG members for the purpose of
debriefing and post emergency reporting;
• Maintain a personal log of all actions taken.
Section 10 — Manager of Capital ProiectslWater Wastewater Operations
10.1 The Manager of Capital WorkslWater Wastewater Operations, or alternate, will be
responsible for the following duties:
■ Provide advice on water/wastewater related issues;
■ Arrange for assistance, equipment as necessary;
■ Liaise with appropriate provincial agencies as required;
* Provide an On -Site Commander, if required;
+ Maintain and update a list of all vendors who may be required to provide supplies and
Maintain a personal log of all actions taken.
Section 11 — Deputy Clerk
11.1 The Deputy Clerk, or alternate, will be responsible for the following duties:
Record minutes of EOC business meetings;
• Process documentation as required e.g. Declaration of Emergency;
* Act as EOC Chairperson/Manager in the absence of the CAOICIerk;
+ Set up EOC upon activation of ECG;
• Maintain an event board/log during EOC meetings;
* Coordinate telecommunications systems for the EOC;
+ Provide assistance to the CAOICIerk, as required;
* Coordinate additional support staff fir CCG members and EOC, as required;
• Advise the ECG on issues related to zoning, planning, mapping, etc.;
• Maintain a personal log of all actions taken.
Section 12 — Manager of Public Works
12.1 The Manager of Public Works, or alternate, will be responsible for the following duties:
Municipality of Bayham -- Emergency Response Plan
• Provide advice or liaison with consultants to provide the ECG with advice on
engineering matters;
• Arrange for dispatch of staff and equipment to assist in responding to the emergency
situation if required;
+ Maintain liaison with flood control, conservation and environmental authorities and
prepare for relief or preventative measures;
• Arrange for the clearing of emergency routes and the marking of obstacles if required;
• Arrange for engineering materials and equipment from the County and Provincial
resources, from neighbouring municipalities, and from private contractors when
• Assist fire fighting authorities in dealing with special hazards such as chemical spills,
explosions or noxious fumes;
• Establish radio communications, if required, and call on the services of the Amateur
Radio Emergency Service;
+ Re-establish essential road services at the end of the emergency period;
+ Ensure roads are maintained and accessible during an emergency;
+ Provide an On -Site Commander, if required;
* Maintain and update a list of all vendors who may be required to provide supplies and
+ Maintain a personal log of all actions taken.
Section 13 — Fire Chief
13.1 The Fire Chief, or alternate, will be responsible for the following duties:
• Provide advice on fire fighting and rescue matters to the ECG;
• Confirm local fire fighting, rescue and lifesaving resources are sufficient for the
operational situation and arrange for further assistance as required;
■ Provide advice to municipal departments to bring into play other equipment and skills
needed to cope with the emergency;
• Coordinate assistance from the Mutual Aid Fire System and Provincial Emergency
Operations Centre as required;
• Determine if special equipment or supplies, not available can be located elsewhere and
advise the ECG;
• Coordinate assistance of fire equipment and personnel with other departments and
agencies in large scale non -firefighting operations (rescue, first aid, casualty
• Liaise with the Ministry of the Environment on fires involving potentially dangerous
• Liaise with the Ministry of Natural Resources on forest fires;
• Provide an On -Site Commander if required;
• Maintain and update a list of al vendors who may be required to provide supplies and
• Maintain a personal log of all actions taken.
Section 14 — Police
14.1 The Police Representative, or alternate, will be responsible for the following duties:
• Provide advice on police (law enforcement) matters to the ECG;
• Arrange for assistance to local authorities in implementing traffic control to permit rapid
movement of emergency equipment;
* Coordinate police operations and responses with Municipal Service Departments and
with neighbouring police authorities;
Municipality of Bayham -- Emergency Response Plan
• Establish security around the emergency area to control access and protect property;
• Seal off the area of concern, control and, if necessary, disperse crowds within the
emergency area;
• Alert persons endangered by the emergency and coordinate evacuation procedures;
Liaise with the Ontario Works Representative regarding the establishment and
operation of evacuation and reception centres;
+ Provide for police services in evacuee centres, morgues and other facilities, as
• Liaise with other municipal, provincial or federal police agencies as required;
Inform the ECG on the actions taken by the Police;
• Provide an On -Site Incident Commander, if required;
• Maintain a personal log of all actions taken
Section 15 — Public Utilities Representative(sl
I .1
15.1 The Public Utilities Representative(s), or alternate, will be responsible for the following
• Provide advice on utility (hydro, natural gas, telephone etc.) matters to the ECG;
• Arrange for the dispatch of staff and equipment to assist in containing the emergency
situation if required;
+ Liaise with public and private utility companies (hydro, gas, telephone etc.) and make
recommendations for discontinuation of any utilities, public or private, when necessary,
in the interest of public safety;
• Maintain a personal log of all actions taken.
Section 16 — EMS (Ambulance) Representative
16.1 The EMS (Ambulance) Representative, or alternate, will be responsible for the following
• Provide information on the movement of casualties from the emergency area;
• Arrange for the dispatch of staff and equipment to assist in containing the emergency
situation if required;
+ Advise the ECG on requirements for additional casualty transportation means, beyond
ambulance resources;
• Provide additional medical resources as needed for casualty management at the
emergency site, in consultation with the Medical On -Site Coordinators and initiate
requests for such with medical authorities;
* Authorize additional Ministry of Health resources required by any facility which
operates under the direction of the Ministry of Health in accordance with Ministry
+ Maintain a personal log of all actions taken.
Section 17 — Health Unit
17.1 The Health Unit Representative, or alternate, will be responsible for the following duties:
a Provide advice to the ECG on health matters;
• Keep the Health Unit staff informed;
Provide staff at each Evacuee Centre to assist the Manager of each
Reception/Evacuee Centre in public health matters and in assisting evacuees;
Provide a 24 hour Nurse at each Evacuee Centre housing more than 50 evacuees;
■ Arrange for mass immunization where needed;
• Arrange for precautions in regard to water supplies when warranted;
Municipality of Bayham -- Emergency Response Plan
■ Notify other agencies and senior levels of government about health related matters in
the emergency;
• Ensure the safety of food supplies and the safe disposal of sewage and waste;
* Ensure adequate general sanitation and personal hygiene at emergency reception
* Ensure proper burial of the dead;
■ Coordinate the response of health unit services and facilities;
• Liaise with the local hospital representative to implement their respective Hospital
Disaster Plan, if required;
■ Liaise with the Health and Ambulance Representatives with respect to hospital and
medical matters, as required;
• Evaluate requests for the provision of medical site teams/medical triage teams;
■ Liaise with the Ministry of Health, as appropriate;
• Maintain a log of all actions taken.
Section 18 — Support and Advisory Staff
18.1 Staff from the following Support and Advisory Services may be required to provide support,
logistics ad advice to the ECG.
18.2 The Conservation Authority will be responsible to:
Provide advice on the abatement of flood emergencies;
Assist in acquiring resources to assist in flood emergencies.
18.3 The Solicitor for the Municipality will be responsible to:
• Provide advice to any member of the ECG on matters of a legal nature as they may
apply to the actions of the Municipality in its response to the emergency, as required.
18.4 Provincial Ministry Representatives will be responsible to. -
Provide advice on matters of Provincial concern to members of the ECG;
• Assist in the garner of resources;
Coordinate Provincial response agencies (OFMEM responsibility).
18.5 Ontario Works Representative will be responsible to:
Provide advice to the ECG on Ontario Works matters, -
According to the nature of the emergency, in consultation with the Red Cross,
Salvation Army and St. John Ambulance, be prepared to assist municipalities in their
efforts to support their residents whose lives have been impacted by the emergency
with the provision of:
o Emergency clothing to provide adequate protection from the elements,
v Emergency lodging to provide adequate temporary accommodation for the
o Registration and inquiry services to reunite families and to collect information and
answer queries concerning the safety and whereabouts of missing persons,
o Emergency feeding to sustain those without food or adequate food preparation
o Liaise with the Health Representative on areas of mutual concern required during
operations in evacuee centres, and
o Individual and family services to assist and counsel individuals and families in need
and to provide special care to unattached children and dependent adults;
• In consultation with the Health Representative, establish an 'outreach program' for
victims of the emergency;
• Provide staff to operate Citizen Inquiry Centre;
Municipality of Bayham -- Emergency Response Plan
Liaise with public and private nursing care homes, as required;
Notify the Police of the number and locations of the Emergency Reception Centres;
Contact and provide direction to volunteer agencies able to assist is welfare functions
such as Red Cross, Women's Institutes etc;
■ Notify senior levels of government on Ontario Works matters in the emergency.
18.6 The Canadian Red Cross will receive requests for support from the Ontario Works
Representative. The responsibilities of the Canadian Red Cross Representative during an
emergency are to.
■ Activate the Canadian Red Cross emergency alert system;
* Coordinate he Canadian Red Cross response in co-operation with the Ontario Works
Representative, if an evacuation is required;
■ Provide registration and inquiry to meet the following objectives:
o Collect accurate and reliable information and answer inquiries as to the condition
and whereabouts of disaster victims in co-operation with local hospitals and
receptions centres; and
o Assist in reuniting separated family members as quickly as conditions permit;
* Operate an inquiry bureau to deal with national and international requests as directed by
the Canadian Red Cross National office;
• Set up and operate an evacuation centre, upon the request of the Ontario Works
* Assist with first aid established at reception centres if required;
# Ensure volunteers are properly registered so that Workplace Safety Insurance coverage is
provided during an emergency.
18.7 The Radio Emergency Service Representative will be responsible to:
■ Provide additional communication requirements to supplement the Municipality and
emergency communications systems, as required;
■ Contact other communications experts, as required.
18.8 The St. John Ambulance will receive requests for support from the Ontario Works or
Ambulance Representative during an emergency:
* Activate the Division's emergency alert system;
+ Co-ordinate the Division's response in co-operation with the Health Representative;
* Provide first aid;
* Establish first aid posts at reception centres, as required;
• Ensure volunteers are properly registered so Workplace Safety Insurance Board
coverage is provided during an emergency.
18.9 The Salvation Army will receive requests from the Ontario Works Representative. The
responsibilities of the Divisional Commander or alternate of the Salvation Army during an
emergency are to:
+ Activate the Division's emergency alert system;
■ Coordinate the Division's response in co-operation with the Ontario Works
Representative, if an evacuation is required;
■ Co-ordinate and feed personnel at the disaster site and reception centre;
■ Provide bedding and clothing, in co-operation with Ontario Works;
■ Provide and co-ordinate clergy assistance;
■ Ensure volunteers are properly registered so Workplace Safety Insurance Board
coverage is provided during an emergency.
Municipality of Bayham -- Emergency Response Plan
18.10 Other Officials, Experts or Representatives will be responsible for:
• Any special advice or expertise necessary to abate the emergency situation as
required by the ECG.
18.11 The On -Site Incident Commander will be responsible to:
■ Coordinate resources and develop a strategy and action plan to resolve the emergency
situation at the emergency area. Once appointed, the On -Site Incident Commander
should be relieved of all other duties and will remain in control of the scene unless the
ECG deems it necessary to appoint a replacement;
Set up a command post and establish regular communications with the other agencies
on the site and with the EOC;
■ Establish authority and supervise all operations within the outer perimeters of the site;
In consultation with all emergency response agencies at the emergency area, develop
a response strategy and action plan to facilitate the efficient and effective response of
emergency personnel and equipment to mitigate the impact to life and property in the
emergency area;
• Organize a management team and arrange a management cycle;
• Determine the inner and outer perimeters and ensure they are set up;
• Organize the layout of the site;
• Confer with the heads of the other agencies at the site, to ascertain what is happening
and what is needed;
• Pass information on what is happening and requests for resources to the EOC and
pass direction and information from the EOC to others at the site;
■ Direct and co-ordinate the activities of the response agencies at the site;
• Determine what resources are necessary and ask the EOC to provide same;
■ Arrange a system of relief, rest areas, food etc. for site workers;
• Ensure worker and volunteer safety;
• Arrange media visits to the site;
• Plan ahead for site activities and the resources to support them;
• Maintain a log of al actions.
Section 19 — Media and Public Relations
19.1 It is important to co-ordinate the release of accurate information or instructions to the news
media, the public and individual requests for information concerning any aspect of the
emergency. In order to fulfill these functions during an emergency, the following positions
may be established:
■ Emergency Information Officer (EICO— the Municipality of Bayham designates the
CAOICIerk as the Emergency Information Officer (EIO);
• County Citizen Inquiry Representative.
Depending on the scope of the emergency, there may be a need for an emergency
information centre near, but not in the EOC.
19.2 The Emergency Information Officer (EIO) will be responsible to.
■ Establish a communications link with the Citizen Inquiry Representative and any other
media coordinator(s) (i.e Provincial, Federal, private industry etc.) involved in the
• Disseminate information and plan for news releases at appointed times.
• Ensure all information released to the media and public is consistent and accurate;
* Designate and coordinate a Media Information Centre for members of the media to
assemble for the issuance of accurate media releases and authoritative instructions to
the public;
+ Brief the ECG on how the Media Information Centre will be set up;
Municipality of Bayham -- Emergency Response Plan
Liaise regularly with the ECG to obtain the appropriate information for media releases,
coordinate individual interviews and organize press conferences;
• Establish telephone numbers for media inquiries and ensure that the following are
advised accordingly:
o Media
o Emergency Site
o Switchboard for Emergency Services
o Municipal Citizen Inquiry Representatives
o Any other appropriate persons agencies or businesses;
• Provide direction and regular updates to the Citizen Inquiry Representative to ensure the
most accurate and up-to-date information is disseminated to the pubic;
• Ensure all information released to the media and public is first approved by the Head of
• Establish a public inquiry hotline;
■ Monitor news coverage and correct any erroneous information;
■ Provide assistance to the communicators in relation to communications equipment
problems where possible and practical;
■ Coordinate and prioritize the flow of messages between the Communications Room and
the ECG members and other desired groups or locations;
• Maintain a chronological log of significant communications and events;
• Maintain a situation or status board;
• Maintain a map(s) containing vital information related to the emergency;
• Maintain a personal log for all actions taken.
19.3 The Citizen Inquiry Representative will be provided for by the Ontario Works
Representative and will be responsible to:
* Establish a Citizen Inquiry Service, including the appointment of personnel and
designation of telephone lines;
• Inform the Emergency Information Officer of the establishment of the Citizen Inquiry
Service and designated telephone number(s);
• Advertise public information phone numbers through the media as quickly as possible
and advise 9-1-1 is not to be used as an inquiry line;
• Apprise the affected emergency services and the CCG of the establishment of the
Citizen Inquiry Service and designated telephone number(s);
• Liaise with the EIO to obtain current information on the emergency;
• Respond to and redirect inquiries and reports from the public based upon information
from the EIO;
• Respond to and redirect inquiries pertaining to the investigation of the emergency,
deaths, injuries or matters of personnel involved with or affected by the emergency to
the appropriate emergency service;
• Respond to and redirect inquiries pertaining to persons who may be located in
evacuation or reception centres to the registration and inquiry telephone number(s);
• Procure staff to assist as required,
Section 20 - Public Information and Inquiry
20.1 Depending on availability, information concerning an emergency situation will be
communicated to the public through a number of means. These include newspaper, radio,
television, public addressing system, telephone, newsletter and individual visitation.
Municipality of Bayham -- Emergency Response Plan
Where appropriate, public meetings will be held to provide information to members of the
public concerning an emergency situation. Such meetings will be coordinated and
conducted by the ECG.
20.2 Alert Ready in Ontario is part of a national service designed to deliver critical and
potentially life-saving emergency alert messages to Canadians in both official languages.
Emergency Broadcast Immediate (BI) alerts are distributed on radio, TV and compatible
wireless devices (as of 2018/04/06) to ensure that Ontarians have information they need in
emergencies. BI alerts will interrupt all/any TV and radio programs being broadcast at the
time, including people using a wireless compatible device who are in the area of concern
Authorized Officials that can issue BI alerts through the Provincial Emergency Operations
Centre (PEOC) include; CEMC & Alternate, Mayor, First Nations Chief, MEMC & Alternate,
or Senior Government Official. Authorized Officials will specify the type of alert [e.g. flood,
tornado.] including the content of the message. They will specify why and when the alert is
sent, the geographical areas covered by the alert and ensure the alert is updated and/or
the alerting authority is also the approver of the Broadcast Immediate alert message
and must provide the following information to the PEOC Duty Officer before any
Broadcast Immediate alert message is sent
Full name, Title/Position, 24/7 contact phone number and e-mail address;
b. 24/7 contact information (if requested) of an alternate official who can
authenticate the alerting authority's identity.
• an alert must meet the following criteria)
A confirmed incident (through municipal, ministry or other officials);
b. There is an immediate or imminent threat to life, or a serious threat to
public health, safety and security, or substantial damage to property.
the requesting entity must satisfy the following critical information requirements and
the PEOC Duty Officer will verify the information
Threat or Incident - A description of the threat or incident;
b. Boundaries - A detailed description of the boundaries of the alert area;
c. Actions - A detailed description of what actions members of the public
should take in order to protect themselves from the threat or incident;
d. Time Limit - An expiry date and time (usually no longer than two hours);
e. Further Information - How the recipients are to receive additional
+ Once all conditions have been met, the requesting entity must contact the PEOC
Duty Office (416-314-0472) to request a Broadcast Immediate alert.
o Amber Alerts: These alerts are issued by the Ontario Provincial Police.
o Tornado Alerts: These alerts are issued by Environment Canada
o For more information go to wAwN.aEertreadv.ca
Section 21 - Evacuation Planning
21.1 In an emergency, it may be necessary for residents to be temporarily evacuated. When
such an evacuation is deemed necessary, one or more emergency reception centres may
need to be opened in a safe area. The County of Elgin has an agreement with the Thames
Valley District School Board, which guarantees their institutions may be used a temporary
reception centres in the event of an emergency
Straffordville Community Centre
56169 Heritage Line
Municipality of Bayham -- Emergency Response Plan
Straffordville Hall Foundation
scc b2yham.or)..cLi
Section 22 - Recovery Planning
22.1 The plan assigns responsibilities and outlines activities that may be required to bring the
municipality back to its pre -emergency state. The plan will be activated (in whole or part) at
the direction of the ECG. This will be determined by the nature of the emergency and its
aftermath, but will normally occur once the immediate response to the emergency has been
Section 23 - Plan Review, Testing and Maintenance
23.1 This plan shall be reviewed annually and, where necessary, shall be revised by the
Emergency Control Group.
Each time the plan is revised, it must be forwarded to Council for approval, however
revisions to an appendix or minor administrative changes can be made without Council
The Municipality of Bayham's Emergency Control Group will determine when exercises will
be conducted to test the overall effectiveness of the plan and to provide training to the
members of the Emergency Control Group.
Municipality of Bayham — Emergency Management Program Committee
Municipality of Bayham
Emergency Management
Program Committee
By -Law 2021-065 Schedule B
December 2021
Municipality of Bayham — Emergency Management Program Committee
An employee of the Municipality of Bayham appointed as Chief Administrative Officer and Clerk of
the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham, or designated alternate.
Community Emergency Management Coordinator (CEMC)
An employee of the Municipality of Bayham appointed Community Emergency Management
Coordinator of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham, or designated alternate.
The Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham.
Deputy Clerk
An employee of the Municipality of Bayham appointed Deputy Clerk of the Corporation of the
Municipality of Bayham, or designated alternate
"emergency" means a situation or an impending situation that constitutes a danger of major
proportions that could result in serious harm to persons or substantial damage to property and that
is caused by the forces of nature, a disease or other health risk, an accident or an act whether
intentional or otherwise; ("situation d'urgence") Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act,
R.S.O. 1990
Emergency Management Program Committee
A management team appointed by Council to oversee the development, implementation and
maintenance of the Municipality of Bayham emergency management program.
Head of Council
The elected Mayor or appointed Acting Mayor of the Municipality of Bayham, or designated
O. Reg. 380/04
A regulation under the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. E. 9.
Municipality of Bayham — Emergency Management Program Committee 3
Emergency Management Program Committee
At the heart of Ontario's Emergency Management Doctrine is the movement toward the adoption
of emergency management programs based on a risk management approach and including
activities in the five core components of emergency management: prevention, mitigation,
preparedness, response, and recovery. The aim of these programs is to ensure that a proactive
and coordinated approach to managing emergencies is in place to reduce the significant risks
faced by Ontario.
The implementation of emergency management programs will ultimately save lives and money,
protect property, public health and the environment, maintain economic stability, and help assure
the continuance of critical infrastructure. This will be accomplished by preventing some
emergencies before they occur, lessening the frequency and potential impact of others, and by
speeding the recovery process following an event. In short, the end result will be a Province
comprised of safe, secure, and disaster resilient communities.
Ontario requires provincial ministries and municipalities to develop, implement, and maintain
emergency management programs and adopt standards for these programs through regulation.
This requirement ensures that a consistent, accountable, and robust system of emergency
management is established throughout the province.
Emergency management program committee
11. (1) Every municipality shall have an emergency management program committee. O. Reg.
380/04, s. 11 (1).
IL The committee shall be composed of,
(a) the municipality's emergency management program coordinator;
(b) a senior municipal official appointed by the council;
(c) such members of the council, as may be appointed by the council;
(d) such municipal employees who are responsible for emergency management functions, as
may be appointed by the council; and
(e) such other persons as may be appointed by the council. O. Reg. 380/04, s. 11 (2).
The persons appointed under clause (2) (e) may only be,
(a) officials or employees of any level of government who are involved in emergency
(b) representatives of organizations outside government who are involved in emergency
management; or
(c) persons representing industries that may be involved in emergency management. O. Reg.
380/04, s. 11 (3).
Council shall appoint one of the members of the committee to be the chair of the committee.
O. Reg. 380/04, s. 11 (4).
The committee shall advise Council on the development and implementation of the
municipality's emergency management program. O. Reg. 380/04, s. 11 (5).
Municipality of Bayham — Emergency Management Program Committee
The committee shall conduct an annual review of the municipality's emergency management
program and shall make recommendations to Council for its revision if necessary. O. Reg. 380/04,
s. 11 (6).
The Emergency Management Program Committee shall be established in accordance with Section
11 of O. Reg. 380/04 under the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act for the purpose
of advising Council on the development and implementation of the municipality's Emergency
Management Program.
The committee shall oversee the development, implementation and maintenance of the
emergency management program in accordance with Regulation 380/04 and Council priorities and
to continue to ensure the safety and well-being of citizens.
Committee Responsibilities
The Committee shall:
• Conduct an annual review of the municipality's Emergency Management Program and make
recommendations to Council for its revision if necessary.
• Monitor and ensure program activities are delivered in accordance with the Act and Regulations.
• Support the program in responding and adapting to current and emerging risks that could impact
the community.
• Share expertise and knowledge to promote emergency preparedness and public safety
• Review and make recommendations on the Municipality's Emergency Response Plans.
• Review and make recommendation on program initiatives.
• Review and make recommendations on the Municipality's business continuity planning initiatives.
• Advise Council on the development and implementation of the municipality's Emergency
Management Program.
Committee Composition
The Committee shall consist of:
• The Community Emergency Management Coordinator (CEMC)
• The CAO/Clerk
• The Deputy Clerk
• The Chair of the Committee shall be the CEMC
Municipality of Bayham — Emergency Information Officer
Municipality of Bayham
Emergency Information
By -Law 2021-065 Schedule C
December 2021
Municipality of Bayham — Emergency Information Officer
An employee of the Municipality of Bayham appointed as Chief Administrative Officer and Clerk of
the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham, or designated alternate.
Citizen Inquiry Representative
A person designated by Elgin County Ontario Works Agency responsible for establishing a Citizen
Inquiry Service.
Community Control Group (CCG)
A designated group of individuals mandated to address the ongoing, or potentially expanding
threat to the broader community, including health, safety and well being of persons; property and
infrastructure; essential services; the environment; local economy, and to instill a level of
confidence to the public.
Community Emergency Management Coordinator (CEMC)
An employee of the Municipality of Bayham appointed Community Emergency Management
Coordinator of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham, or designated alternate.
Deputy Clerk
An employee of the Municipality of Bayham appointed Deputy Clerk of the Corporation of the
Municipality of Bayham, or designated alternate.
"Emergency" means a situation or an impending situation that constitutes a danger of major
proportions that could result in serious harm to persons or substantial damage to property and that
is caused by the forces of nature, a disease or other health risk, an accident or an act whether
intentional or otherwise; ("situation d'urgence") Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act,
R.S.O. 1990
Emergency Area
A geographic area within which an emergency has occurred or is about to occur, and which has
been identified, delineated and designated to receive emergency response actions.
Emergency Information Officer (EIO)
The Emergency Information Officer (EIO), appointed by the Municipality and responsible for
coordinating the dissemination of information to the media, broader community and stakeholders.
Emergency Management Program Committee
A management team appointed by Council to oversee the development, implementation and
maintenance of the Municipality of Bayham emergency management program.
Emergency Operations Centre (EOC)
A facility where the Community Control Group assembles to manage an emergency.
Evacuation Centre
A facility to provide shelter, food and other services to a group of people who have been
evacuated from an emergency area.
The Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham.
Municipality of Bayham — Emergency Information Officer
Media Information Centre
A facility or location near, but not in, the Emergency Operations Centre where the media may
assemble for media releases and press conferences.
Ontario Works Representative
The County of Elgin/City of St. Thomas Director of Ontario Works or designated alternate.
O. Reg. 380/04
A regulation under the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. E. 9.
Reception Centre
A reception centre is a facility usually located outside the emergency area and provides a place
where evacuees can go to register, receive assistance for basic needs, information and referral to
an evacuation center if required.
Municipality of Bayham — Emergency Information Officer
Emergency Information Officer
The Emergency Information Officer (EIO) is responsible for the development and release of
emergency information regarding the incident to the public. It is important to coordinate the release
of accurate information or instructions to the news media, the public and individual requests for
information concerning any aspect of the emergency. During a Complex Incident, assistants may
be assigned to the EIO. The EIO position may be incorporated at various levels of Command.
O. Reg. 380/04 section 14.(1) states every municipality shall designate an employee of the
municipality as its Emergency Information Officer.
O. Reg. 380/04 section 14.(2) states the Emergency Information Officer shall act as the primary
media and public contact for the municipality in an emergency.
The Municipality of Bayham designates the CAO/Clerk as the EIO.
Responsibilities of the EIO may include, but not be limited to:
• Advising Command on issues related to media/public emergency information dissemination and
media relations.
• Ensuring there is a primary contact for anyone who wants emergency information about the
incident and the response to it.
• Coordinating with emergency information staff from other organizations or levels of response to
ensure that clear and consistent emergency information is issued
• Consulting with Command and Planning regarding any constraints on the release of emergency
information to the media and public
• Obtaining emergency information from the community, the media, and others (e.g. psycho -
social centers supporting both responders and the public), and providing that emergency
information to the Planning Section Chief (PSC) and Command, as appropriate
• Establishing an Emergency Information Centre (EIC) or media area away from incident
operations and a safe distance away from any hazard for members of the media to assemble for
the issuance of accurate media releases and authoritative instructions to the public;
• Establishing key messages for spokespersons and media products
• Broadcasting emergency information and instruction to the public, if requested/required (e.g.
evacuation or shelter orders)
• Arranging media tours of incident sites and incident facilities (where feasible), media interviews
with spokespersons and technical experts, and a media inquiry hotline
• Establishing a public inquiry hotline
Municipality of Bayham — Emergency Information Officer
Establishing telephone numbers for media inquiries and ensuring that the following are advised
• Media
Switchboard for Emergency Services
• Municipal Citizen Inquiry Representatives
■ Any other appropriate persons, agencies, or businesses;
• Providing direction and regular updates to the Citizen Inquiry Representative to ensure the most
accurate and up-to-date information is disseminated to the public;
■ Media monitoring, to counteract rumors or misinformation
• Being spokesperson in the early stages of an incident or emergency until designated
spokespersons are identified
It is important that the EIO and designated spokespersons develop and maintain a relationship
with the media that is built on trust and credibility. The EIO should be knowledgeable of the type of
incident being managed.
Larger or more complex incidents may require the establishment of an Emergency Information
Centre (EIC). This is a facility with appropriate infrastructure (e.g. electricity, telephones, and
computers), where many of the functions listed above can take place. Where more than one
organization has a direct responsibility for issuing emergency information, a Joint Information
Centre may be needed.
Depending on availability, information concerning an emergency situation will be communicated to
the public through a number of means. These include newspaper, radio, television, public
addressing system, telephone, newsletter, and individual visitation.
Where appropriate, public meetings will be held to provide information to members of the public
concerning an emergency situation. Such meetings will be coordinated and conducted by the EIO.