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November 19, 2015 - Council
THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA MUNICIPAL OFFICE 9344 Plank Road, Straffordville, ON Council Chambers Thursday, November 19, 2015 7:00 p.m. Page 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. DISCLOSURES OF PECUNIARY INTEREST & THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF 3. REVIEW OF ITEMS NOT LISTED ON AGENDA 4. ANNOUNCEMENTS 5. DELEGATIONS 5 (a) 7:05 p.m. - John Kirby re Bayham Beachfest (Thank you to Donors) and Santa Claus Parades 6 - 8 (b) 7:15 p.m. - South Central Ontario Region Economic Development Corporation (SCOR EDC) re partner update 6. ADOPTION OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING(S) 9 - 15 (a) Regular meeting of Council held November 5, 2015 7. MOTIONS AND NOTICE OF MOTION 8. RECREATION, CULTURE, TOURISM AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 8.1. Correspondence 8.1.1 Receive for Information 8.1.2 Requiring Action Page 1 of 206 2015 Regular Council Agenda November 19, 2015 Page 8.2. Reports to Council 9. PHYSICAL SERVICES - EMERGENCY SERVICES 9.1. Correspondence 9.1.1 Receive for Information 9.1.2 Requiring Action 9.2. Reports to Council 16 - 28 (a) Report FR-04/15 by Randy White, Fire Chief re Automatic Aid Agreement - Norfolk County 10. DEVELOPMENT SERVICES - SUSTAINABILITY AND CONSERVATION 10.1. Correspondence 10.1.1 Receive for Information 29 (a) Notice of passing of Zoning By-Law Z645-2015 (Berkel Holdings) 30 (b) Notice of Public Meeting re Proposed Minor Variance (Keep) 31 (c) Notice of Public Meeting re Proposed Minor Variance (Neufeld) 10.1.2 Requiring Action 10.2. Reports to Council 32 - 46 (a) Report DS-70/15 by Margaret Underhill, Deputy Clerk/Planning Coordinator re Consent Application E105- 108/15 M. Szorenyi 11. FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION 11.1. Correspondence 11.1.1 Receive for Information Page 2 of 206 2015 Regular Council Agenda November 19, 2015 Page 47 (a) Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs re Second intake of the Ontario Community Infrastructure Fund (OCIF) Application-based component 48 - 55 (b) Long Point Region Conservation Authority Board of Directors Minutes of meeting held October 7, 2015 56 - 65 (c) Mayor Randy Hope, Municipality of Chatham Kent re Membership Request - Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Cities Initiative 66 (d) Notice of Completion for the Environmental Screening 67 (e) Elgincentives re Community Improvement Project 68 (f) Elgin County OPP re Don't Veer for Deer 69 - 72 (g) Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and International Trade re June Callwood Outstanding Achievement Award for Voluntarism 11.1.2 Requiring Action 73 (a) Museums Bayham Committee Member Application Form 74 - 77 (b) Bayham Beachfest Committee re Port Burwell and Straffordville Santa Claus parades 11.2. Reports to Council 78 - 79 (a) Report TR-19/15 by Lorne James, Treasurer re Write-off Uncollectible Accounts Receivable 80 - 146 (b) Report CAO-85/15 by Paul Shipway, CAO re Municipal Property Inventory 12. BY-LAWS 147 - 177 (a) By-Law 2015-116 Being a By-law for the Management, Regulation & Control of Cemeteries 178 - 189 (b) By-Law 2015-117 Being a By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement between the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham and the Corporation of Norfok County for the Provision of Automatic Aid Services 190 - 205 (c) By-Law 2015-118 Being a By-law to authorize the execution of Page 3 of 206 2015 Regular Council Agenda November 19, 2015 Page an agreement between the Municipality of Central Elgin and Spectrum Communication Ltd for provision of Digital Communication System Maintenance 13. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 14. OTHER BUSINESS (a) In Camera (b) Confidential discussion regarding a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board (Eden Community Centre) (c) Confidential Report regarding litigation or potential litigation, including matters before administrative tribunals, affecting the municipality or local board (Primary Water Board) (d) Confidential correspondence regarding a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board (Ministry of Transportation) (e) Confidential report regarding personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees (Human Resources) (f) Out of Camera 15. BY-LAW TO CONFIRM THE PROCEEDINGS OF COUNCIL 206 (a) By-Law 2015-119 Being a By-law to confirm all actions of Council 16. ADJOURNMENT (a) Adjournment Page 4 of 206 pays;Aril; ,, weignmsc_mtb Uh7ar 1764 1.1111 Cmc W+ ekP_v^'d 1L vJw.l �ir+nbe chfest.conr+ ," On behalf of the Bayham Beachfest Committee, we would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your kind donation. With your generous support we were able to make the first annual Bayham Beachfest an outstanding success. We had amazing turnouts for the whole weekend of events and raised more than we ever thought possible. With your help we raised over$20,000 in a very short time. We strived to provide a weekend of family oriented events at little or no charge, that everyone would enjoy. The weekend of events started out on Friday night with a youth dance followed by a movie presentation. Saturday we had bouncy castles, bubble soccer games and a slip and slide for the children as well as a Volleyball tournament for all. Saturday night, many came out to enjoy some local musical talent. Sunday there was a very talented artist that sculpted a dragon out of beach sand, acoustic artists and a fire busker. Sunday night, was of course, what everyone was waiting for, the amazing fireworks display that, despite the threat of bad weather still went off with a bang. The weekend's events went very well and we could not have done it without the support of our generous donors and the hard work from our volunteers. We are planning to make next year's events bigger and better, we are hopeful that you will continue to support us in making Bayham Beachfest something for the record books. Thank you Again, Bayham Beachfest Committee If you would like to reach us for any reason,we can be reached at: jkirby@capstoneinfra.com, or at http://www.bayhambeachfest.com/ 7:05 p.m. -John Kirby re Bayham Beachfest(Thank you to Don... Page 5 of 206 SCOR September 2015 SCOR EDC PRESENTATION TO PARTNER COUNCILS SCOR EDC Priorities 1. Infrastructure that fosters economic development 2. The development of human capital in support of economic development 3. Sector development with a focus on agriculture and agri-food value-added processing. Approach to Priorities In 2015 SCOR focused on our three priorities using a three pronged ap- proach Action: through project work of our own and support of other regional Projects Advocacy projects Advocacy: drawing attention to the region as whole and working to at- Regional tract investment, iron out current issues and providing Ministries with an Issues opportunity to work with the region to realize some of their goals (ROMA, AMO, CFDC project to FEDDEV) Identification and Problem solving: working with local EDO's, upper levels of government and private sector on identifying issues that may be a barrier for the region to attract investment and or pin pointing op- portunities (rail issue) Economic Development There are a number of activities and areas of focus that fall under the economic development umbrella. Economic development in rural and small urban areas often face limited resources (financial and capacity) and collaboration is one of the best ways to offset limited resources and leverage investment in a particular municipality or region. Spectrum of Economic Development Activities I Community RevitalizationRegiona ative Planning 81Mrastrueture Initiatives Development II Business Manan Captt3V DevelopmentIMUM Workforce Development lnvestrnent Focused Sector Research&Info. Attraction Development Management Marketing& Other Communications Activities South Central Ontario Region Economic Development Corporation (SCOR EDC) 4 Elm Street,Tillsonburg, ON N4G 0C4, P: 519-842-6333 F: 519-842-7123 E: gm@scorregion.com www.scorregion.com www.scorbusinessportal.com 7:15 p.m. - South Central Ontario Region Economic Developmen... Page 6 of 206 Benefits of Partnership Recognition and bargaining power: Projects of a scale bigger than one municipality in scope. Relatively low cost for the initiatives undertaken and enabled by the regional collaborative. Recognition and reputation has been built over the 4 years of operation. The members of the corpo- ration have enhanced their image as collaborators. Good investment of dollars:for every 1 partner dollar invested we have leveraged an additional $1.55 dollars investment in the region (average over 3 years) $300,000 $250,000 $200,000 $150,000 ■2013 ■2014 $100,000 ■2015 $50,000 $0 Partner Leveraged Partner Dollars Funds Invested$145,000.00 Action Through Projects and Initiatives 2015-2016 Moving Ontario Forward Worked very closely with Peter Crockett, Oxford County CAO and Don Shropshire CAO of Chatham-Kent to develop a submission to Kathleen Wynne who asked for a regional plan. This demonstrates how the senior levels of government are much more likely to work with and focus on a regional entity. We also col- laborated with Middlesex elected officials and Synthesis Agri-Network to further investigate potential of rail hub location Western Ontario Community Futures Development Corporation Association (WOCFDCA) We have been working closely with Frank Rupcic to develop a submission to FedDev for a Western Ontario Development Fund that would mirror the fund the CFDC's have in the east. This would give allow them to leverage funds and the submission would also have a community economic development(non-repayable) portion. This would be particularly good for the 5 SCOR CFDC's who already administer the Sand Plains funding and it would further support high value community projects. Pooled Insurance Regional collaboration for cost reduction to allow funding for other priorities such as economic develop- ment. MOECC and ALUS This is an outcome from the AMO delegation to help the region become both more resilient to extreme weather events (associated with climate change)and an opportunity for showcasing innovation in managing water, waste water and storm water that can create jobs for local businesses as well as add value for com- munity partners in protecting and extending the life of municipal infrastructure. 4 Elm Street, Tillsonburg, ON N4G 0C4, Telephone: 519-842-6333, gm@scorregion.com 7:15 p.m. - South Central Ontario Region Economic Developmen... Page 7 of 206 ALUS is partnering with SCOR to add municipal projects and activities that reduce their carbon footprints and benefit from incentives. Workforce Planning Boards The apprenticeship project has reduced barriers to participation in apprenticeships and adds participants that will have well-paying jobs and careers in the region. A project is being developed to help communities and employers adapt to labour market changes resulting from the Trans Pacific Partnership that is expected to adversely affect some sectors (automotive, dairy and poultry) but may benefit grains and oilseeds, beef, wood processing and fruit&vegetable production and processing. The insights will help employers and workers adapt to the changing supply and demand for af- fected careers in the region. Apprenticeship Committee member and contributor to ongoing EmployerOne survey which is a source of labour market in- telligence for the region Apprenticeship committee looking at ways to improve communications between employers and employees to gain skilled workers through apprenticeship programs Wood products—sector development Working with Workforce Boards successful in getting funding to create short videos aimed at high school students about the wood products and forestry industry FoodHub—sector development for agriculture Project timing has coincided with a general increase in demand for local food. The sales of the FoodHub Project have been slow but there are good outcomes related to the food hub project such as Hub operators/producers assuming more control of the business, 30+ businesses trained and started on a path to certification for Canada GAP or other safety and traceability protocols. Products from the region in over 900 schools through our work with Ontario Student Nutrition Pro- gram; Regional collaborations and relationships developed as a result of the partnership such as White- crest and VG Meats, Local suppliers now listed as suppliers to Sysco and GFS Support and assist other organizations working on food and food production issues (gleaning opera- tions, London Food Council etc.) OFA We have met and have been working with the OFA, OFVGA, Conservation Authorities on the Water and Food security project that came from the AMO delegation. Looking Ahead -2016 and Beyond Regional recognition and branding -taking advantage of opportunities and leveraging collaborations and relationships. Strong sector development(agriculture/food and manufacturing) by working with OFA and regional representatives to capitalize on private investment Implications of TPP and Cap and Trade for the region Moving Ontario Forward Submission (Transportation and Infrastructure) 4 Elm Street, Tillsonburg, ON N4G 0C4, Telephone: 519-842-6333, gm@scorregion.com 7:15 p.m. - South Central Ontario Region Economic Developmen... Page 8 of 206 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES MUNICIPAL OFFICE 9344 Plank Road, Straffordville,ON Council Chambers Thursday, November 5,2015 7:00 p.m. The regular meeting of the Council of the Municipality of Bayham was held on Thursday, November 5,2015 in the Council Chambers. Present were Mayor Paul Ens, Deputy Mayor Tom Southwick, Councillors Randy Breyer,Wayne Casier and Ed Ketchabaw, CAO Paul Shipway and Clerk Lynda Millard. Deputy Clerk/Planning Coordinator Margaret Underhill was in attendance to present her report. 1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor Ens called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. DISCLOSURES OF PECUNIARY INTEREST&THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF No disclosures of pecuniary interest were declared. 3. REVIEW OF ITEMS NOT LISTED ON AGENDA 4. ANNOUNCEMENTS (a) Sunday, November 8, 2015-Remembrance Day Services 11:00 a.m.Vienna Remembrance Day Service Memorial Park Cenotaph, 6226 Plank Road 2:00 p.m. Port Burwell Remembrance Day Parade and Service from the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 524 to Cenotaph on Pitt Street for wreath laying Sunday, November 8, 2015 Estherville Decoration Day Service 2:00 p.m. Saturday, November 14,2015 Edison Museum Fundraiser"Let's Go Hawaiian" Vienna Community Centre, 5:00 p.m. -6:00 p.m. -Social Time, 6:00 p.m. - Dinner, Music, Silent Auction and Cash Bar 5. DELEGATIONS (a) 7:05 p.m. -Marni Wolfe re Straffordville Community Centre Ms.Wolfe commenced her delegation representing the"Save Straffordville Community Centre Group"by thanking Council for the time to produce a plan. Ms.Wolfe commented that the strong efforts of volunteers produced a great plan including petitions totalling 1525 signatures. Ms. Wolfe also commented that thirty days was not sufficient time to produce an entire plan, but in the short amount of time the group was able to raise$101,525.00 in pledges and in-kind services. Ms.Wolfe spoke to a revised budget Page 1 of 7 Regular meeting of Council held November 5,2015 Page 9 of 206 Council Minutes November 05,2015 crafted by the group and various cost efficiency initiatives that would make the Straffordville Community Centre operate cost neutral or at a small surplus. Comments from Council included thanking the group for rallying community support and obtaining pledges in a short timeframe which sent a strong message of the views of the community. Council members also encouraged the group to continue fundraising as the success of the Community Centre would take ongoing funds and efforts. Moved by: Councillor Ketchabaw Seconded by: Deputy Mayor Southwick THAT the presentation by Marni Wolfe regarding the Straffordville Community Centre be received for information. CARRIED 6. ADOPTION OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING(S) (a) Regular meeting of Council held October 15, 2015 Statutory Planning Meeting Berkel Holdings held October 15, 2015 Moved by: Deputy Mayor Southwick Seconded by: Councillor Ketchabaw THAT the minutes of the regular meeting of Council held October 15,2015 and the Statutory Planning Meeting Berkel Holdings held October 15, 2015 be adopted. CARRIED 7. MOTIONS AND NOTICE OF MOTION 8. RECREATION, CULTURE,TOURISM AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 1. CORRESPONDENCE 1.1 RECEIVE FOR INFORMATION 1.2 REQUIRING ACTION 2. REPORTS TO COUNCIL 9. PHYSICAL SERVICES-EMERGENCY SERVICES 1. CORRESPONDENCE 1.1 RECEIVE FOR INFORMATION (a) Notice of Bayham Drive Bridge Closure Moved by: Councillor Ketchabaw Seconded by: Councillor Casier THAT Notice of Bayham Drive Bridge Closure be received for information. CARRIED Page 2 of 7 Regular meeting of Council held November 5,2015 Page 10 of 206 Council Minutes November 05,2015 1.2 REQUIRING ACTION (a) Elgin County re Edison Drive Access Road- EA Update Report Moved by: Councillor Ketchabaw Seconded by: Deputy Mayor Southwick THAT Elgin County Report re Edison Drive Access Road -EA update be received for information; AND THAT the Council of the Municipality of Bayham supports the modular bridge option as the preferred solution to the Class EA Problem Statement and the Vienna Bridge replacement to be included in the County of Elgin 2016 Capital Budget. CARRIED 2. REPORTS TO COUNCIL 10. DEVELOPMENT SERVICES -SUSTAINABILITY AND CONSERVATION 1. CORRESPONDENCE 1.1 RECEIVE FOR INFORMATION (a) Committee of Adjustment Certified Notice of Decision re O'Connor Moved by: Councillor Casier Seconded by: Councillor Breyer THAT Committee of Adjustment Certified Notice of Decision re O'Connor be received for information. CARRIED 1.2 REQUIRING ACTION 2. REPORTS TO COUNCIL (a) Report by Kettle Creek Conservation Authority General Manager re Elgin County Shoreline Management Plan Moved by: Councillor Ketchabaw Seconded by: Deputy Mayor Southwick THAT the Report re Elgin County Shoreline Management Plan be received for information; AND THAT the Council of the Municipality of Bayham supports that the Technical Advisory Committee remain in place; Page 3 of 7 Regular meeting of Council held November 5,2015 Page 11 of 206 Council Minutes November 05,2015 AND THAT Margaret Underhill continue as the Municipality of Bayham representative to the Elgin County Shoreline Management Plan Technical Advisory Committee. CARRIED (b) Report DS-67/15 by Margaret Underhill, Deputy Clerk/Planning Coordinator re Rezoning Application - Berkel Holdings Deputy Clerk/Planning Coordinator presented Report DS-67/15 re Rezoning Application - Berkel Holdings and advised that no public comments were received. Moved by: Deputy Mayor Southwick Seconded by: Councillor Breyer THAT Report DS-67/15 be received for information; AND THAT Zoning By-law Z456-2003,as amended, be further amended by changing the zoning on the lands owned by Berkel Holdings, known municipally as 56129 Green Line,from Rural Commercial (RC)to site-specific Rural Residential (RR-28)on the retained lands and to Rural Residential (RR) on the severed portion; AND THAT Zoning By-law Z645-2015 be presented to Council for enactment. CARRIED 11. FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION 1. CORRESPONDENCE 1.1 RECEIVE FOR INFORMATION (a) Elgin St.Thomas Public Health re 2015 Nutritious Food Basket (b) Minister of Economic Development, Employment and Infrastructure re David C. Onley Award for Leadership in Accessibility (c) Corner Cupboard Food Bank re Christmas Care Food Hamper Program 2015 (d) Long Point Region Conservation Authority minutes of Board of Directors meeting held September 2, 2015 (e) Museums Bayham minutes of meeting held October 14, 2015 (f) Township of Puslinch re Bill 100, Supporting the Ontario Trails Act resolution Moved by: Councillor Ketchabaw Seconded by: Councillor Casier THAT correspondence items 11.1.1(a)-11.1.1(f) be received for information; AND THAT Council support item 11.1.1(f)Township of Puslinch resolution. CARRIED Page 4 of 7 Regular meeting of Council held November 5,2015 Page 12 of 206 Council Minutes November 05, 2015 1.2 REQUIRING ACTION 2. REPORTS TO COUNCIL (a) Report CAO-83/15 by Paul Shipway, CAO re RFT 15-06 Roadside Brushing Tender Moved by: Deputy Mayor Southwick Seconded by: Councillor Casier THAT Report CAO-83/15 re RFT 15-06 Roadside Brushing Tender be received for information; AND THAT Staff be directed to bring forward a by-law to enter into a Roadside Brushing Services Contract with Yard Boys Ltd. CARRIED (b) Report CAO-84/15 by Paul Shipway re 2016 Council Schedule Moved by: Deputy Mayor Southwick Seconded by: Councillor Casier THAT Report CAO-84/15 re 2016 Council Schedule be received for information; AND THAT Council approve the 2016 Meeting Schedule attached as Appendix"A" to the report. CARRIED 12. BY-LAWS (a) By-Law Z645-2015 Being a By-law to further amend By-law Z456-2003 re Berke! rezoning (b) By-Law 2015-106 Being a By-law to authorize the sale of lands owned by the Municipality of Bayham (c) By-Law 2015-113 Being a By-law to regulate and restrict animals in the Municipality of Bayham (d) By-Law 2015-114 Being a By-law to authorize the execution of an agreement between the Municipality of Bayham and Yard Boys Ltd.for provision of Roadside Brushing Services Moved by: Councillor Ketchabaw Seconded by: Deputy Mayor Southwick THAT By-laws Z645-2015, 2015-113 and 2015-114 be read a first, second and third time and finally passed. CARRIED Page 5 of 7 Regular meeting of Council held November 5,2015 Page 13 of 206 Council Minutes November 05,2015 Moved by: Councillor Ketchabaw Seconded by: Councillor Casier THAT By-law 2015-106 be received for information. CARRIED Moved by: Councillor Ketchabaw Seconded by: Councillor Casier THAT staff be directed to send a"Letter of Thanks"to the SEMC for the offer to purchase the Straffordville Community Centre, however Council will not be proceeding with the sale; THAT staff be directed to prepare tender documents with the Municipal Engineer to address the deficiencies noted in the Engineer Audit; AND THAT staff be directed to meet with Ms.Wolfe to obtain details pertaining to operating budget, management process and receipt of pledges. A Recorded Vote was requested by Councillor Ketchabaw IN FAVOUR OPPOSED Councillor Breyer X Councillor Casier X Councillor Ketchabaw X Deputy Mayor Southwick X Mayor Ens X MOTION CARRIED ON A VOTE OF 5 TO 0 IN FAVOUR 13. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 14. OTHER BUSINESS 15. BY-LAW TO CONFIRM THE PROCEEDINGS OF COUNCIL (a) By-Law 2015-115 Being a By-law to confirm all actions of Council Moved by: Deputy Councillor Casier Seconded by: Councillor Breyer THAT confirming By-law 2015-115 be read a first,second and third time and finally passed. CARRIED Page 6 of 7 Regular meeting of Council held November 5,2015 Page 14 of 206 Council Minutes November 05,2015 16. ADJOURNMENT (a) Adjournment Moved by: Deputy Mayor Southwick Seconded by: Councillor Breyer THAT the Council meeting be adjourned at 8:46 p.m. CARRIED MAYOR CLERK Page 7 of 7 Regular meeting of Council held November 5,2015 Page 15 of 206 -$AY _ 10111.14.4 .1,411111 �' REPORT -111711! ty FIRE DEPARTMENT At. urtunity j ' S TO: Mayor & Members of Council FROM: Randy White, Fire Chief DATE: November 19, 2015 REPORT: FR-04/15 FILE NO. C-07 SUBJECT: AUTOMATIC AID AGREEMENT - NORFOLK COUNTY BACKGROUND: Automatic Aid Agreements may exist wherever a municipality determines a need for a more timely emergency response to part of their service area. Instead of incurring the expense of an additional fire station and the associated apparatus and staffing, automatic aid permits the utilization of neighbouring resources. CURRENT SITUATION: Norfolk County has approached the Municipality of Bayham to extend the area of the current agreement that Bayham Fire & Emergency Services would automatically be dispatched to under certain criteria. Cost recovery would be at MTO defined rates. RECOMMENDATION: 1. That Report FR-04/15 re Automatic Aid Agreement— Norfolk County be received for information; 2. AND THAT staff be directed to bring forward a by-law to enter into an Automatic Aid Agreement for Council consideration; Respectfully Submitted by: Reviewed by: Randy White Paul Shipway Fire Chief/By-law Officer CAO 116. Of Agri Page 1 of 4110. Report FR-04/156 by Randy White,Fire Chief re Automatic Aid... Page 16 of 206 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 2015-117 A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM AND THE CORPORATION OF NORFOLK COUNTY FOR THE PROVISION OF AUTOMATIC AID SERVICES WHEREAS the Fire Protection and Prevention Act 1997, S.O. 1997, Chapter 4, authorizes a municipality to enter into automatic aid agreements with other municipalities; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham is desirous of entering into an agreement with Norfolk County for provision of automatic aid services to be performed under the jurisdiction of the Municipality; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the Mayor and Clerk be and are hereby authorized to execute the Agreement attached hereto as Schedule "A" and forming part of this by-law between the Municipality of Bayham and Norfolk County for the provision of automatic aid services to be performed under the jurisdiction of the Municipality; 2. THAT By-law 2012-132 be repealed in its entirety 3. THAT this by-law shall come into full force and effect upon final passing. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 19th DAY OF NOVEMBER, 2015. MAYOR CLERK Report FR-04/156 by Randy White,Fire Chief re Automatic Aid... Page 17 of 206 AUTOMATIC AID AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made this 1st day of January,2016. BETWEEN: THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM (hereinafter referred to as the"Municipality of Bayham") of the First Part and THE CORPORATION OF THE NORFOLK COUNTY (hereinafter referred to as the"Norfolk County") of the Second Part WHEREAS Subsection 20(1) of the Municipal Act, 2001 allows a municipality to enter into an agreement with another municipality to jointly provide, for their joint benefit, any matter which all of them have the power to provide within their own boundaries; AND WHEREAS Subsection 2(5)of the Fire Protection and Prevention Act, 1997 provides that a municipality may enter into an agreement to provide such fire protection services as may be specified in the agreement to lands or premises that are situated outside the territorial limits of the municipality and to receive such fire protection services as may be specified in the agreement from a fire department situated outside the territorial limits of the municipality; AND WHEREAS Subsection 1(4) of the Fire Protection and Prevention Act, 1997 defines an automatic aid agreement to mean any agreement under which a municipality agrees to ensure the provision of an initial response to fires,rescues and emergencies that may occur in a part of another municipality where a fire department in the municipality is capable of responding more quickly than any fire department situated in the other municipality; AND WHEREAS Subsection 2(6) of the Fire Protection and Prevention Act, 1997 authorizes a municipality to enter into an automatic aid agreement with other municipalities to provide or receive the initial response to fires,rescues and emergencies; AND WHEREAS Subsection 13(3)of the Fire Protection and Prevention Act, 1997 states that a firefighter or such other person as may be authorized by the fire chief may, without a warrant, enter on lands or premises that are outside the territorial limits of the municipality of the fire department that employs the firefighter or fire chief for the purposes of fighting a fire or of providing rescue or emergency services on such lands or premises if the council of the municipality has entered into an automatic aid agreement under which the entry is permitted; Report FR-04/156 by Randy White,Fire Chief re Automatic Aid... Page 18 of 206 -2- AND WHEREAS Norfolk County deems it advisable to enter into this Agreement with the Municipality of Bayham for the provision of Fire Protection Services, as hereinafter defined, to that portion of the geographical area of Norfolk County described in the attached Schedule "A" and known as the Automatic Aid Fire Area; AND WHEREAS The Municipality of Bayham is prepared to provide Fire Protection Services in the Automatic Aid Fire Areas on the terms and conditions of this Agreement; NOW THEREFORE in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements herein contained, the Municipality of Bayham and Norfolk County agree as follows: 1. DEFINITIONS In this Agreement,unless the context otherwise requires, (a) "Automatic Aid Fire Area" means the area of Norfolk County as described in Schedule "A" and as illustrated in Schedule "B", attached to and forming part of this Agreement, (b) "The Municipality of Bayham" means The Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham; (c) "The Municipality of Bayham Designate" means a person who, in the absence of the Municipality of Bayham Fire Chief,has the same powers and authority as The Municipality of Bayham Fire Chief; (d) "The Municipality of Bayham Fire Chief" means The Municipality of Bayham's Fire Chief as defined in the Fire Protection and Prevention Act, 1997; (e) "The Municipality of Bayham Fire Department" means The Municipality of Bayham's Fire Department as defined in the Fire Protection and Prevention Act, 1997; (0 "The Municipality of Bayham Fire Dispatch" means the communication system established by The Municipality of Bayham, to receive 9-1-1 calls for Fire Protection Services and to dispatch The Municipality of Bayham Fire Department to provide Fire Protection Services; (g) "Norfolk County"means The Corporation of Norfolk County; (h) "Norfolk County Designate" means a person who, in the absence of the Norfolk County Fire Chief, has the same powers and authority as the Norfolk County Fire Chief; (i) "Norfolk County Fire Chief' means Norfolk County's Fire Chief as defined in the Fire Protection and Prevention Act, 1997; (j) "Norfolk County Fire Department" means Norfolk County's Fire Department as defined in the Fire Protection and Prevention Act, 1997, Report FR-04/156 by Randy White,Fire Chief re Automatic Aid... Page 19 of 206 -3 - (k) "Norfolk County Fire Dispatch" means the communication system established by Norfolk County,to receive 9-1-1 calls for Fire Protection Services and to dispatch Norfolk County Fire Department to provide Fire Protection Services; (1) "Fire Protection Services"includes but is not limited to the activities defined in the Fire Protection and Prevention Act, 1997 and in particular the following: (i) fire suppression; (ii) fire cause determination and investigation; (iii) hazardous material incidents to the Awareness Level; (iv) search and rescue operations; (v) medical assistance,situations where persons are trapped or endangered and require urgent rescue or medical attention,and defibrillators; (vi) extrication services; (vii) water/ice rescue; (viii) any other responses or incidents to which The Municipality of Bayham Fire Department would normally respond pursuant to our current service delivery levels; and (ix) administrative functions and services related to the provision of all of the foregoing. 2. FIRE PROTECTION SERVICES BY THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM (a) The Municipality of Bayham Fire Department agrees to provide response for Fire Protection Services (confirmed structure fire, tanker assist only) in the Automatic Aid Fire Area upon request by the Norfolk County Fire Dispatch, as set out in subsection 2(b); (b) Norfolk County Fire Dispatch, upon receipt of a 9-1-1 call for Fire Protection Services in the Automatic Aid Fire Areas,will communicate the information to The Municipality of Bayham Fire Dispatch which shall constitute a request by Norfolk County for Fire Protection Services. (c) The Municipality of Bayham Fire Department shall respond with Fire Protection Services in the Automatic Aid Fire Area in the same manner that it would respond in The Municipality of Bayham. The level of response, including the number of fire trucks, personnel and equipment to be dispatched shall be within the sole discretion of The Municipality of Bayham Fire Chief or The Municipality of Bayham Designate. (d) Norfolk County Fire Dispatch, upon receipt of a 9-1-1 call for Fire Protection Services in the Automatic Aid Fire Area,will also communicate the information to Report FR-04/156 by Randy White,Fire Chief re Automatic Aid... Page 20 of 206 -4- Norfolk County Fire and Rescue Services which will also respond and supply Fire Protection Services to incidents in the Automatic Aid Fire Area with the intent of relieving The Municipality of Bayham Fire Department. The Norfolk County Fire Chief or the Norfolk County Designate shall in their sole discretion determine when to assume command and control and responsibility for the incident. (e) Norfolk County Fire Dispatch shall notify The Municipality of Bayham Fire Dispatch when the Norfolk County Fire Department has been dispatched and provide an estimated time of arrival of Norfolk County Fire and Rescue Services to the location in the Automatic Aid Fire Area of the incident to which The Municipality of Bayham Fire Department is responding in accordance with subsection 2(c). (f) The Municipality of Bayham Fire Chief or Designate may deny the request to supply all or part of the Fire Protection Services and at any time during the provision of the Fire Protection Services to the Automatic Aid Fire Area order the return of all or part of such personnel, apparatus and equipment involved in the supply of Fire Protection Services to the Automatic Aid Fire Area for any reason in their sole discretion including but not limited to situations where response personnel, apparatus and/or equipment are required in The Municipality of Bayham. (g) After the The Municipality of Bayham Fire Department has responded with Fire Protection Services to an incident in the Automatic Aid Fire Area under this Agreement, as soon as practicable after the incident, The Municipality of Bayham shall provide to Norfolk County a copy of the Ontario Fire Marshal's form of incident report,along with a copy of the computer generated report for the incident. 3. FEES (a) For Fire Protection Services provided by The Municipality of Bayham Fire Department in the Automatic Aid Fire Area under this Agreement,Norfolk County shall pay the current MTO fees to The Municipality of Bayham within 30 days of receipt of the invoice. (b) The rates set out in subsection 3(a) shall remain in effect throughout 2016 and thereafter unless changed in accordance with subparagraph 3(c). (c) After January 1St 2016, the rates set out in subsection 3(a) may be changed in accordance with the following provisions: (i) Any change in rates shall remain in effect for at least one year after the time the change comes into effect. When proposing a change in rates both The Municipality of Bayham shall give Norfolk County sixty(60) days written notice and the written notice shall include substantiation of change in the Municipality of Bayham's costs. (ii) No change in rates shall take effect until sixty(60) days after the giving of notice as required by clause 3 (c)(iii). Report FR-04/156 by Randy White,Fire Chief re Automatic Aid... Page 21 of 206 - 5 - (iii) If Norfolk County is not satisfied with the change of rates proposed by the Municipality of Bayham, notwithstanding paragraph 4 of this Agreement, Norfolk County may terminate this Agreement by giving the Municipality of Bayham a notice of termination at any time before the expiration of the sixty(60)day notice period referred to in clause 3(c)(ii). (d) Norfolk County will be responsible for invoicing the Province and/or insurance companies to recover any costs for delivering Fire Protection Services in the Automatic Aid Fire Area whether the Fire Protection Services are provided by the Norfolk County Fire Department or by The Municipality of Bayham Fire Department under this Agreement. 4. TERM This Agreement shall come into force on the date when it is executed and, subject to Norfolk County's right to terminate this Agreement in accordance with clause 3(c)(iii) above, and shall remain in force until either party provides written notice of termination at least 180 days prior to the desired date of termination. 5. NORFOLK COUNTY INSURANCE Norfolk County covenants and agrees at all times during the term of this Agreement, to take out and keep in full force and effect the following policy(s) of insurance and to provide an executed certificate of insurance,including all requested lines of coverage as follows: (a) Commercial General Liability Insurance, insuring against damage or injury to persons or property with limits of not less than $5,000,000.00 per occurrence or such greater amount as The Municipality of Bayham may from time to time request or other types of policies appropriate to the work as The Municipality of Bayham may reasonably require. The insurance policy shall: (i) Include as additional insured "The Corporation of The Municipality of Bayham"; (ii) Contain a cross-liability clause, severability of interests clause endorsement; (iii) Contain a clause including Contractual Liability coverage arising out of the contract or agreement; (b) Non-Owned Automobile Liability Insurance in standard form having an inclusive limit of not less than$5,000,000.00 per occurrence or such greater amount as The Municipality of Bayham may from time to time request, in respect of the use or operation of vehicles not owned by Norfolk County for the provisions of Fire Protection Services in the Automatic Aid Fire Area; (c) Multi-Peril Property Insurance that includes coverage on a replacement cost basis,for loss or damage to any equipment or property that is being used to provide Fire Protection Services pursuant to this Agreement. Report FR-04/156 by Randy White,Fire Chief re Automatic Aid... Page 22 of 206 -6- (d) Standard Form Ontario Automobile Liability Insurance that complies with all requirements of the current legislation of the Province of Ontario having an inclusive limit of not less than $5,000,000.00 per occurrence in respect of any vehicles used to provide Fire Protection Services in accordance with this Agreement and which includes All Perils Loss or Damage coverage, with respect to any vehicles used to provide Fire Protection Services pursuant to this Agreement. These policies shall include a provision that, if cancelled or changed in any manner that would affect The Municipality of Bayham as outlined in coverage specified,thirty(30)days prior written notice by mail or facsimile transmission will be given by the insurer(s) to The Municipality of Bayham and Norfolk County. Proof of insurance, identifying all lines of coverage, will be provided by way of Certificate of Insurance in a form satisfactory to The Municipality of Bayham each year or ten(10)days prior to renewal of the policy. It shall be the responsibility of Norfolk County to determine what additional insurance coverage, if any, is necessary and advisable for its own protection and/or to fulfill its obligation under this Agreement. Any such additional insurance shall be maintained and provided at the sole expense of Norfolk County. 6. THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM INSURANCE The Municipality of Bayham covenants and agrees at all times during the term hereof,to take out and keep in full force and effect the following policy(s) of insurance and to provide an executed certificate of insurance, including all requested lines of coverage as follows: (a) Commercial General Liability Insurance, insuring against damage or injury to persons or property with limits of not less than $5,000,000.00 per occurrence or such greater amount as Norfolk County may from time to time request or other types of policies appropriate to the work as Norfolk County may reasonably require. The insurance policy shall: (i) Include as additional insured"The Corporation of Norfolk County"; (ii) Contain a cross-liability clause, severability of interests clause endorsement;and (iii) Contain a clause including Contractual Liability coverage arising out of the contract or agreement. (b) Non-Owned Automobile Liability Insurance in standard form having an inclusive limit of not less than$5,000,000.00 per occurrence or such greater amount as Norfolk County may from time to time request,in respect of the use or operation of vehicles not owned by The Municipality of Bayham for the provisions of Fire Protection Services in the Automatic Aid Fire Area. Report FR-04/156 by Randy White,Fire Chief re Automatic Aid... Page 23 of 206 -7- (c) Multi-Peril Property Insurance to include coverage on a replacement cost basis, for loss or damage to any equipment or property that is being used to provide Fire Protection Services pursuant to this Agreement. (d) Standard Form Ontario Automobile Liability Insurance that complies with all requirements of the current legislation of the Province of Ontario having an inclusive limit of not less than $5,000,000.00 per occurrence in respect of any vehicles used to provide Fire Protection Services in accordance with this Agreement and which includes All Perils Loss or Damage coverage, with respect to any vehicles used to provide Fire Protection Services pursuant to this Agreement. These policies shall include a provision that, if cancelled or changed in any manner that would affect Norfolk County as outlined in coverage specified, thirty (30) days prior written notice by mail or facsimile transmission will be given by the insurer(s)to The Municipality of Bayham and Norfolk County. Proof of insurance, identifying all lines of coverage, will be provided by way of Certificate of Insurance in a form satisfactory to Norfolk County each year or ten(10)days prior to renewal of the policy. It shall be the responsibility of the Municipality of Bayham to determine what additional insurance coverage, if any, is necessary and advisable for its own protection and/or to fulfill its obligation under this Agreement. Any such additional insurance shall be maintained and provided at the sole expense of the Municipality of Bayham. 7. NORFOLK COUNTY INDEMNIFICATION Norfolk County shall indemnify and save harmless The Municipality of Bayham, its Mayor, Councillors,officers,directors,employees,agents,representatives,successors and assigns,from and against any and all claims,causes of action,demands,losses,costs,charges,fees,expenses,duties, dues, accounts, covenants, or other proceedings of every kind or nature whatsoever at law or in equity brought against,suffered by or imposed on The Municipality of Bayham arising out of this Agreement and the supply of Fire Protection Services or in respect of any loss, damage or injury to any person or property (including injury resulting in death) save and except those arising as a result of The Municipality of Bayham's negligence. Norfolk County also agrees to indemnify The Municipality of Bayham with respect to the deductible amounts applicable to the insurance coverage referred to in clauses 6(b) (c) (d) if and to the extent that The Municipality of Bayham Fire Department has an insurance claim for any loss or damage to The Municipality of Bayham Fire Department equipment arising from the provision of Fire Protection Services in the Automatic Aid Fire Area pursuant to this Agreement, unless the loss or damage is the result of the negligence of The Municipality of Bayham or is occasioned by reasonable wear and tear. Such indemnification shall survive the termination of this Agreement for claims arising from or out of incidents occurring during the term of this Agreement. No liability shall attach or accrue to The Municipality of Bayham for, on any occasion, denying the request to supply all or part of the Fire Protection Services to the Automatic Aid Fire Area or Report FR-04/156 by Randy White,Fire Chief re Automatic Aid... Page 24 of 206 -B - at anytime ordering the return of all or part of such personnel, apparatus and equipment involved in the supply of Fire Protection Services to the Automatic Aid Fire Area. 8. THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM INDEMNIFICATION The Municipality of Bayham shall indemnify and save harmless Norfolk County, its Mayor, Councillors,officers,directors,employees,agents,representatives,successors and assigns,from and against any and all claims,causes of action,demands,losses,costs,charges,fees,expenses,duties, dues,accounts,covenants,or other proceedings at law or in equity brought against,suffered by or imposed on Norfolk County arising out of incidents occurring between the time a request is made by Norfolk County for Fire Protection Services in accordance with subsection 2(b)up to and until the Norfolk County Fire Chief or Designate assumes control and responsibility for the incident in accordance with subsection 2(d) or in respect of any loss, damage or injury to any person or property(including injury resulting in death) save and except those arising as a result of Norfolk County's negligence or in connection with this Agreement unless otherwise indicated in this Section 8. Such indemnification shall survive the termination of this Agreement for claims arising from or out of incidents occurring during the term of this Agreement. MISCELLANEOUS (a) This Agreement may be amended at any time by the mutual consent of the parties. (b) In the event that any covenant,provision or term of this Agreement should at any time be found by a court of competent jurisdiction to be void or unenforceable,the Agreement shall not fail but the covenant,provision or term shall be deemed to be severable from the remainder of this Agreement which shall remain in full force and effect mutatis mutandis. (c) This Agreement and the schedule attached thereto are subject to the applicable access to information legislation. Any information collected by The Municipality of Bayham pursuant to this Agreement is subject to the rights and safeguards provided for in the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, as amended. (d) The Agreement shall ensure to the benefit of and shall be binding upon the parties hereto and their respective successors and assigns. IN WITNESS WHEREOF each of the parties has affixed its corporate seal by the hands of the proper officials. Report FR-04/156 by Randy White,Fire Chief re Automatic Aid... Page 25 of 206 -9- THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Per: Mayor Per: Clerk THE CORPORATION OF NORFOLK COUNTY Per: Mayor Per: Clerk SCHEDULE"A" Report FR-04/156 by Randy White,Fire Chief re Automatic Aid... Page 26 of 206 - 10- AUTOMATIC AID FIRE AREA Municipality of Bayham/Norfolk County Automatic Aid Agreement: Elgin County Road 55 (Regional Road 55)from Lakeshore Road to Base Line Road North Road from Lakeshore Road to Base Line Road Lakeshore Road from Elgin County Road 55 to 2°d Concession ENR Lower Side Road from Elgin County Road 55 to 2°d Concession ENR Pt Concession ENR from Lakeshore Road to Fairground Road 2nd Concession ENR from Lakeshore Road to Fairground Road Fairground Road from 2nd Concession ENR to North Road Donovan Road from Elgin County Road55 to North Road Norfolk County Road 45 from Elgin County Road55 to North Road Beach Lane from Elgin County Road55 to North Road Old Dump Road from Elgin County Road55 to North Road Base Line Road from Elgin County Road55 to North Road Report FR-04/156 by Randy White,Fire Chief re Automatic Aid... Page 27 of 206 - 11 - SCHEDULE"B" AUTOMATIC AID FIRE AREA-MAP al l�,r1, / v r '9 o • � %� . `gyrf. t' t ,� , �} m S� e H ra`a , ,..„„110‘:".... a .ret. NLRTHAf 73$ -. `O, .- iWA N N1iP9j � \` `= 'l ,,. ov00, :Vskt-- :, ) Q,. 27 D tw iii rB0 Z i 'i,'''': � t'P Y`P9 d II $4JJ lam \P ,....,-'t1:6'''''',.r ' \ i by ,r ',60),r. „ .;,;.,1 coif 8Ihrtz46, 'r VOM veli 5I, r IP 1 T : �� -..Z 4,41; W - W \\ . A% fv ✓�.(,p_. s Y c','''', §' 7 . \ \ ,t.'pa x'11 + y, J i :.fir ,28 '.� 08 cu sRD.,, '�;AS�co/ � s yt y,$ y .I'+ i•.k .1.w 1 'ra,! of ' �. W-rL'—\'���1,2 y.. t' � � Fd7' Al I aI. _S , Report FR-04/156 by Randy White,Fire Chief re Automatic Aid... Page 28 of 206 90Z JO 6Z 0Oud "'2uTPTOH 131.13[) S TOZ-Sb9Z A el-i 2u►uoz Jo 2uissid jo aDUUoM Cie/Lk ,NYHA PLANNING ACT ► NOTICE OF THE PASSING OF pPn+'tunity Is'«,ty ZONING BY-LAW Z645-2015 BY THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM APPLICANT: BERKEL HOLDINGS TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham passed By-Law No. Z645- 2015 on the 5th day of November 2015 under Section 34 of THE PLANNING ACT. AND TAKE NOTICE that any person or agency may appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board in respect of the By-law by filing with the Clerk of the Municipality of Bayham not later than the 1st day of December, 2015 a notice of appeal setting out the objection to the By-law and the reasons in support of the objection. THE PURPOSE of this By-law is to change the zoning on an existing lot measuring 1678 m2(0.4 acres) in area, from the Rural Commercial (RC)and Agricultural (A1)Zone to the Rural Residential (RR) and Rural Residential Exception(RR-28)Zones in Zoning By-law Z456-2003.The subject lands are located on Part Lot 15, Concession 10, on the south side of Green Line, west of Elliott Road and known municipally as 56129 Green Line. Subject to Consent Application E46/15. THE EFFECT of this By-law will be to permit the construction of a single detached dwelling and to permit a lot frontage of 47 m instead of 50 m for the existing dwelling. ONLY INDIVIDUALS, CORPORATIONS AND PUBLIC BODIES may appeal a by-law to the Ontario Municipal Board.A notice of appeal may not be filed by an unincorporated association or group. However, a notice of appeal may be filed in the name of an individual who is a member of the association or the group on its behalf. NO PERSON OR PUBLIC BODY SHALL be added as a party to the hearing of the appeal unless, before the by-law was passed, the person or public body made oral submissions at a public meeting or written submissions to the council or, in the opinion of the Ontario Municipal Board,there are reasonable grounds to add the person or public body as a party. The complete By-law is available for inspection in the municipal office during regular office hours. DATED AT THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM THIS 11th DAY OF NOVEMBER 2015. KEY MAP MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM rR,S,Fk.�--rte Margaret Underhill Deputy Clerk/Planning Coordinator Municipality of Bayham P.O. Box 160,9344 Plank Rd. -,,- , Straffordville,ON, NOJ 1Y0 Tel: 519-866-5521 Ext 222 Fax: 519-866-3884 . E-mail: munderhill(c�bavham.on.ca CRER,y;LLyA SUBJECT LANDS _2 IJ_TY.In l'"' NOTE: The fee for filing an objection or appeal of a e 1011r Zoning By-law to the Ontario Municipal Board is presently ty �� set at$125.00 by the Province of Ontario. 90Z 3o 0£ a2Ud (daa)i)aauv1JOA.toum pasodozd a.z 2upoow aijgnd Jo aaitoN Lynda Millard,Clerk Municipality of Bayham g .1(11 1? 9344 Plank Road �` �� NOTICE OF A PUBLIC MEETING Straffordville ON NOJ IYO �E� �'; CONCERNING A PROPOSED (hand-delivered) _�mJ p {CW. MINOR VARIANCE , IN THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM pAOrtunity IsY°, APPLICANT: KEEP TAKE NOTICE that the Municipality of Bayham has received a complete application for a Minor Variance (Application A-07/15). AND TAKE NOTICE that the Committee of Adjustment of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham will hold a public meeting on Thursday November 19, 2015 at 6:30 p.m. in the Municipal Council Chambers in Straffordville to consider a proposed minor variance to Zoning By-law No. Z456-2003 under Section 45 of the PLANNING ACT. THE PURPOSE of the variance is to grant relief from Section 10.11 Village Residential Regulations for Accessory Buildings c) Maximum floor area — to increase the floor area to 117 m2 from 65 m2 for a 1,219 m2 (0.30 acre) property located on the west side of Robinson Street, north of Bridge Street and known municipally as 71 Robinson Street. THE EFFECT of the variance will be to allow for the construction of an oversized accessory building for the personal storage of motor and recreational vehicles. ANY PERSON may attend the public meeting and/or make a written or verbal representation in support of or in opposition to the proposed minor variance. IF YOU WISH to be notified of the decision of the Committee of Adjustment, you must make a written request to the undersigned. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION relating to the proposed minor variance may be obtained at the Municipal Office. DATED at the Municipality of Bayham this 9th day of November 2015. KEY MAP MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Margaret Underhill hi Deputy Clerk/Planning Coordinator ' Municipality of Bayham _ P.O. Box 160,9344 Plank Rd. ' 411111111 jai: Straffordville, ON, NOJ 1Y0 T: 519-866-5521 Ext 222 • F: 519-866-3884 _ ..*** ') SUBJECT LANDS E: munderhill anbayham.on.ca W:www.bavham.on.ca 11)I-I L / 0.1 ill= V eilk■ y- -- -i: N ,`- _ata' I -,-- . a �� __t— _ 7 4 — � 1:� q—I,ua f tea•h MI t5=M 13' 4�l� _ - 1 l 1 ,,,, WELILVOTONST -. . - A , iiii--: l I 1.---'-- - _ f Village of Port Burwell 90Z 30 1£ as'Ud ...pp naN)aotret.eA_loom pasodoid aJ 2upaaw otignd jo aatloN Lynda Millard Clerk Municipality of Bayham -001144 9344 Plank Road ,11111NOTICE OF A PUBLIC MEETING Straffordville ON NOJ IYO 11 .."‘.. CONCERNING A PROPOSED (hand-delivered) ® �, MINOR VARIANCE �r>({�� ty IN THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM POOrtunity Es�l°O APPLICANT: NEUFELD TAKE NOTICE that the Municipality of Bayham has received a complete application for a Minor Variance (Application A-08/15). AND TAKE NOTICE that the Committee of Adjustment of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham will hold a public meeting on Thursday November 19, 2015 at 6:30 p.m. in the Municipal Council Chambers in Straffordville to consider a proposed minor variance to Zoning By-law No. Z456-2003 under Section 45 of the PLANNING ACT. THE PURPOSE of the variances is to grant relief from Section 10.11 Village Residential Regulations for Accessory Buildings, b) Maximum height— to increase the height to 5.0 meters from 4.5 metres; and c) Maximum floor area—to increase the floor area to 106 m2 from 65 m2 for a 1,505 m2(0.37 acres) property located on the west side of Sandytown Road, north of Heritage Line and known municipally as 8383 Sandytown Road. THE EFFECT of the variances will be to allow for the construction of an oversized accessory building for the personal storage of motor and recreational vehicles. ANY PERSON may attend the public meeting and/or make a written or verbal representation in support of or in opposition to the proposed minor variance. IF YOU WISH to be notified of the decision of the Committee of Adjustment, you must make a written request to the undersigned. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION relating to the proposed minor variance may be obtained at the Municipal Office. DATED at the Municipality of Bayham this 9th day of November 2015. KEY MAP MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM r Margaret Underhill Deputy Clerk/Planning Coordinator Municipality of Bayham P.O. Box 160, 9344 Plank Rd.ON, sr.. Straffordville, Ro NOJ 1Y0 ' T: 519-866-5521 Ext 222 F: 519-866-3884 o{ 122lo 123 E: munderhill(d bayham.on.ca W:www.bayham.on.ca SUBJECT LANDS MI 5 LO r 124 boa 11114 I _y !!!!!'t,! hr'. ELy.. ----� 111 BI�)& 1111,1111LP .:�/I am 01011!11w y1 �r , 1111111. .;; 43'I'12.i "'mi. 1,01'124 �N,�j�� Village of Straffordville $AYHA.A t. REPORT �,por �o�,�y DEVELOPMENT SERVICES tunity IS TO: Mayor& Members of Council FROM: Margaret Underhill, Deputy Clerk/Planning Coordinator DATE: November 19, 2015 REPORT: DS-70/15 FILE NO. C-07/D9.15 Szorenyi Roll#3401-000-004-09500 SUBJECT: Consent Application E105-108/15 M.Szorenyi BACKGROUND: Four consent applications were received from the Elgin County Land Division Committee submitted by Michele Szorenyi proposing to sever four lots, each with 20.13 metres of lot frontage and varying depths from 44 to 52 metres, from a 37.94 ha (93.74 acre) parcel. As per the applications, the subject lands are approximately 16.24 hectares (40.12 acres), however, tax records show the entire property is 37.94 ha (93.74 acres). The southerly portion of the subject land is within the boundary of the Village of Straffordville. Lands are designated "Residential"with "Hazard Lands" on Schedule 'B' Straffordville: Land Use and Constraints; "Agriculture", "Natural Heritage" on Schedule 'Al' Land Use and "Hazard Lands", "Significant Woodlands" on Schedule `A2' Constraints in the Official Plan. Lands are zoned Village Residential—Holding 2 [R1(h2)]) and in the north half Agriculture (A1) with portions throughout that fall within the LPRCA Regulation Limit in Zoning By-law No. Z456- 2003. In the immediate area of the proposed lots, the lands are designated and zoned appropriate for future residential development. The entire subject lands are identified as part of Registered Plan 205 in the village of Straffordville. Elgin County Land Division Committee will consider the application on December 16, 2015. DISCUSSION: Staff and municipal planner have concerns with the proposed creation of four(4) building lots through the Consent process as opposed to an orderly development of the property by means of a Plan of Subdivision. In 2011, similar applications were presented to Council for consideration. At the time the lands were zoned with a general holding provision recommending development through a plan of Report DS-70/15 by Margaret Underhill,Deputy Clerk/Planning... Page 32 of 206 Staff Report DS-105-108/15 Szorenyi 2 subdivision. Staff and Council recommended two of the four applications be granted with multiple municipal conditions appropriate at the time. Since 2011 the Official Plan 5-year Review was Ministry approved in January 2012, followed by the Zoning By-law Review approval in 2014. Through both documents, specific regulations and improved requirements for development were approved. The Holding Provision policies are more detailed to include the requirements to remove the Holding provision. Multiple properties in the municipality carrying the Holding provision have a clearly defined requirement to remove the Holding provision, including the lands subject to these consent applications. The applicable Holding 2 provision reads: "To ensure orderly development, a subdivision agreement with the Municipality, which address financial and servicing impacts of new development to the Municipality, will be required prior to the removal of the "h2"zone symbol." Council has supported previous multiple lot developments by consent, however, experience has shown that multiple lot development by consent can lead to serious municipal servicing, drainage and surface water management concerns that ideally can be mitigated through an orderly development through a plan of subdivision. Staff and the municipal planner, as you will read in the planner's memorandum, recommend Council not support the consent applications and to require a Plan of Subdivision in order to support the orderly and coordinated development of the lands. ATTACHMENTS 1. Consent Applications E105-108/15 Szorenyi 2. IBI Group Memorandum dated November 6, 2015 RECOMMENDATION 1. THAT Report DS-70/15 be received for information; 2. AND THAT Council recommend to the Elgin County Land Division Committee that Consent Applications E105-108/15,submitted by Michele Szorenyi, be refused; 3. AND THAT the Municipality of Bayham requires a comprehensive Plan of Subdivision in order to support the orderly and coordinated development of the subject lands. Respectfully Submitted by: Reviewed by: / 4/i/?((:" Marggret Underhill Paul Shipway Deputy Clerk/Planning Coordinator CAO Report DS-70/15 by Margaret Underhill,Deputy Clerk/Planning... Page 33 of 206 '.. APPLICATION FOR CONSENT 1. Name of approval authority ELGIN COUNTY LAND DIVISION COMMITTEE 2. Name of Owner Michele Szorenyi Address c/o Gibson Bennett Groan & Szorenyi, 36 Broadway, Tillsonburg, ON Telephone Number (519) 842-3658 N4G 3P1 Name of owner's solicitor or authorized agent Michael G. Szorenyi Address aihsnn Bene++ a,nn n & coryprl i y 36 R,-r>aa,,ay Pill ennhnrq. ON N4G 3P1 Telephone Number (5191 842-3658 Please specify to whcm all communications should be sent: Owners ( ) Solicitor Agent (x) 3. (a) Type and purpose of proposed transaction: (check appropriate space) Transfer: x creation of a new lot Other: mortgage/charge addition to a lot lease surplus farm dwelling easement/R.O.W. technical severance correction cf title other(specify (b) Name of person(s),if known,to whom land or interest in land is to be transferred,leased or charged: Unknaan (c) If a lot addition,identify the assessment roll number and property owner of the lands to which the parcel will be added: Not Applicable 4 (a) Location of land: Municipality Bayham Concession No. Block C Lot(s)No. Part Lots 2, 3 & 4 Registered Plan No. 205 Name of Street SandYtown Road Street No.and/or 91 1 No. Assessment Roll No. (b) Are there any easements or restrictive covenants affecting the subject land? Yes ( ) No (x) If Yes,describe the easement or covenant and its effect: 5. Description of land intended to be severed: (Accurate Measurements in Metric) Frontage 20.113 Depth 46.056 Area 901.20sgm Existing Use Agricultural Proposed Use Residential Number and use of buildings and structures on the land to be severed: Existing Vacant Proposed Single Family Dwelling 6. Description of land intended to be retained: (Accurate Measurements in Metric) Frontage 140.82m Depth 1153.50m Area 16.244 hectares Existing Use Agricultural Proposed Use Agricultural Number and use of buildings and structures or the land to be retained: Existing Zero Proposed Zero Enurtv o,eiS r: gynccring Ssr:Ices Progressive Py Nature Report DS-70/15 by Margaret Underhill,Deputy Clerk/Planning... Page 34 of 206 -2- 7. Number of new lots proposed(including retained lots) 4 8. Type of access for proposed and retained lot: (check appropriate space) TYPE PROPOSED LOT RETAINED LOT Provincial Highway ( ) ( ) Municipal road, maintained all year (x ) (x ) Municipal road,seasonally maintained ( ) ( ) Other public road ( ) ( ) Right Of Way ( ) ( ) Water access ( ) ( ) If proposed access is by water,what boat docking and parking facilities are available on the mainland? (specify) 9. What type of water supply is proposed: (check appropriate space) TYPE PROPOSED LOT RETAINED LOT Publicly owned and operated piped water system ( ) ( ) Privately owned and operated individual well (x ) (x ) Privately owned and operated communal well ( ) ( ) Lake or other water body ( ) ( ) Other means (specify) 10. What type of sewage disposal is proposed: (check appropriate space) TYPE PROPOSED LOT RETAINED LOT Publicly owned and operated sanitary sewage system (x ) ( ) Privately owned and operated individual septic tank ( ) (x ) Privately owned and operated communal septic system ( ) ( ) Privy ( ) ( ) Other means (specify) 11. When will water supply and sewage disposal services be available? Upon development 12. What is the existing Official Plan designation(s)of the subject land? Residential 13. What is the existing Zoning designation(s)of the subject land? Village Residential Holding Code R1(H) 14. Has the subject land ever been the subject of an application for approval of a plan of subdivision under the Planning Act? Yes (x) No ( ) Unknown ( ) If Yes,and known,provide the application file number and the decision made on the application E50/11, E51/11, E52/11 and E53/11 15. If this application is a re-submission of a previous consent application,describe how it has been changed from the original application Lots moved 20.17m north 16. (a) Has there been any previous severances of land from this holding? Yes (x ) No ( ) Report DS-70/15 by Margaret Underhill,Deputy Clerk/Planning... Page 35 of 206 -3- (b) If the answer to(a)is Yes,please indicate previous severances on the required sketch and supply the following information for each lot severed: Grantee's name Michele Szorenyi and Michael Szorenyi Use of parcel Residential Date parcel created 1 995 Severance File No. 17. If this application is for a lot addition,has the lot to be enlarged ever been the subject of a previous severance? Yes ( ) No (x) If Yes,provide the previous severance File No. 18. If this application involves the severance of a surplus farmhouse(through farm consolidation), please explain how it qualifies as surplus in the municipality which it is situated. Not Applicable 19. Is the owner,solicitor,or agent applying for additional consents on this holding simultaneously with this application,or considering applying for additional consents in the future? Yes (x) No ( ) 20. Is the subject land currently the subject of a proposed official plan or official plan amendment that has been submitted to the County for approval? Yes ( ) No ( x) If Yes,and known,specify the County file number and status of the application 21. Is the subject land currently the subject of an application for a zoning by-law amendment, Minister's zoning order amendment,minor variance,or approval of a plan of subdivision? Yes ( ) No (x) If Yes,and known,specify the appropriate file number and status of the application 22. Is the application consistent with policy statements issued under subsection 3(1)of the Planning Act? Yes (,) No ( ) 23. Is the subject land within an area designated under any provincial plan or plans? Yes ( ) No (x ) If yes,does the application conform to or conflict with the applicable provincial plan or plans 24. The Owner/Applicant/Agent hereby authorizes Land Division Committee members and the Corporation of the County of Elgin staff to enter onto the subject property for the purpose of Site inspections with respect to this application. 25. The Owner/Applicant/Agent hereby consents to disclosure of the information contained in this Application pursuant to Section 32(b)of Bill 49,Chapter 63,S.O. 1989,being an Act to provide for Freedom of Information and Protection of Individual Privacy in Municipalities and Local Boards. Report DS-70/15 by Margaret Underhill,Deputy Clerk/Planning... Page 36 of 206 -4- 26. SKETCH: The application shall be accompanied by a sketch showing the following: - the boundaries and dimensions of the subject land,the part that is to be severed and the part that is to be retained; - the boundaries and dimensions of any land owned by the owner of the subject land and that abuts the subject land; - the distance between the subject land and the nearest township lot line or landmark,such as a railway crossing or bridge; - the location of all land previously severed from the parcel originally acquired by the current owner of the subject land; - the approximate location of all natural and artificial features on the subject land and adjacent lands that in the opinion of the applicant may affect the application,such as buildings,railways, roads,watercourses,drainage ditches,river or stream banks, wetlands,wooded areas,well and septic tanks; - the existing use(s)on adjacent lands; - the location,width and name of any roads within or abutting the subject land,indicating whether it is an unopened road allowance,a public travelled road,a private road or a right of way; - if access to the subject land is by water only,the location of the parking and boat docking facilities to be used; - the location and nature of any easement affecting the subject land. Dated at the Ton of Tillsonburq this day of October 20 15 SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT(S),SOLICITOR ORktdTHORRZED AGENT Michael G. Szorenyi, Agent AFFIDAVIT OR SWORN DECLARATION I/We Michele_Szorenyi of the Municioality of Thames Centre in the County of Middlesex solemnly declare that all the information contained in this application is true,and I/We make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing it to be true,and knowing that it is of the same force and effect as if made under Oath and by virtue of the CANADA EVIDENCE ACT. DECLARED before me at the Zen of Tillsonburg in the County ofiOxford - 7i _ 1r\this OctoberSignature J` day of / 20 15 Signature A Commissioner,etc. If this application is signed by an agent or solicitor on behalf of an applicant(s),the owner's authorization must accompany the application. If the applicant is a corporation acting without agent or solicitor,the application must be signed by an officer of the corporation and the seal,if any,must be affixed. It is required that one copy of this application be filed,together with one copy of the sketch described, with the responsible person,accompanied by a fee of- $1,000.00 in cash or by cheque made payable to TREASURER,COUNTY OF ELGIN An additional fee of$250.00 will be charged for affixing the consent stamp. Revised December 2014 Report DS-70/15 by Margaret Underhill,Deputy Clerk/Planning... Page 37 of 206 APPENDIX"A" The County of Elgin Land Division Committee requires that,in addition to the"Application for Consent",the following information be completed for all applications: 1. Are there any barns located within 300 metres of the subject of this application? Yes ( ) No (x) If the answer is"YES"are these barns: i) Now used for livestock? Yes ( ) No ( ) ii) Capable of being used for livestock'? Yes ( ) No ( ) �S T ' ,r . -red"YES"to#1.PLEASE COMPLETE THE DATA SHEET BELOW TO BE COMPLETED AGRICULTURAL CODE OF PRACTICE FORMULA ONE DATA SHEET TO CALCULATE THE MINIMUM DISTANCE SEPARATION REQUIREMENTS FOR NON-FARM USES ESTABLISHING OR EXPANDING IN CLOSE PROXIMITY TO EXISTING LIVESTOCK BUILDINGS In order to calculate the minimum distance separation,the following information is required for each livestock facility within 300 metres of the proposed severance and located on a separate lot: NAME TELEPHONE TOWNSHIP LOT CONC. TILLABLE HECTARES(where livestock facility located) Type of Livestock Maximum Housing Capacity Manure System Housing System Number per Year Liquid Semi- Dry check type Solid DAIRY Tie Free Loose 0 Cows Stall Stall 0 Heifers 0 Calves BEEF 0 Cows Open Lot Total 0 Calves &Barn Confine- 0 Feeders 1 ment O 400-750 lb. O 400-1100 lb. 0 750-1100 lb. SWINE 0 Sows 0 Boars O Weanlings 0 Feeders POULTRY Caged On Floor 0 Laying Hens 0 Breeder Flock 0 Pullets 0 Chicken Broilers 0 Turkey Broilers 0 Turkey Hens 0 Turkey Toms 0 Roasters MINK-Females HORSES SHEEP-Rams&Ewes RABBITS VEAL CALVES OTHER MANURE STORAGE: DRY Open Pile Covered Pile SEMI-SOLID Open Pile Storage with Buck Walls LIQUID Covered Tank Open Earth Sided Pit Above Ground Uncovered Tank Below Ground Uncovered Tank Report DS-70/15 by Margaret Underhill,Deputy Clerk/Planning... Page 38 of 206 AUTHORIZATION TO APPOINT AN AGENT NOTE:This form is only to be used for applications,which are to be signed by someone other than the owner(s). To: Secretary-Treasurer Land Division Committee Corporation of the County of Elgin Description and Location of Subject Lands: Municipality of Bayham, Block"'C, Plan 205. Part iota 7. 3 5 4 I/We,the undersigned,being the registered owner(s)of the above lands hereby authorize Michael G. Szorenyi of Tillsonburq to: (Agents Name/Names) (Agents City/Town of Residence) (1)make an application on my behalf to the County of Elgin Land Division Committee; (2)appear on my behalf at any hearing(s)of the application;and (3)provide any information or material required by the Land Division Committee relevant to the application. Please Print Names in Block Letters Below Signatures Dated at the Town of Tillsonburg this k-k+kA day of October 20 15 11 i,4.-AiL ttfti G��i; Signature dE nSignature of Owner TRA CEN 0-t4SIMSMICHELE SZORENYI Signature of Witness Signature of Owner Signature of Witness Signature of Owner Report DS-70/15 by Margaret Underhill,Deputy Clerk/Planning... Page 39 of 206 h � r STNAFFURDVILL( .a,FURDVILLE ' x 4srk- R ! C7 6'046 h9 I4 ,-- a y j l';%/:,/_' / j L� t R ,ILIf i J-4 +1 �'G Sl1RA`FORDV(LLE 2 fLyi4 '4-! t ! t tµ7a: ^k5 2•r ! [�'', il o r ; \� ��� E;RAFFDRUVtCLE r J / r L1" \e5 ` Zc � ; severed rots a`o - ,.i, STRAFFURDVILLf _\I(Cat atiuthed S keir.VI) 0145 IIR70Fg r Ili-7596g 1-.- -0784 o_ (a,, -ci v Pejzmeci LNTYRROAD38p` _ --_ J j , ? parc;I yr,,s Olfi >, ' 4 PrevlL us ;o, • I¢IDutarlc 4 n'-1 M+;}a ri____- St e - r cane.;_ iH, • Report DS-70/15 by Margaret Underhill,Deputy Clerk/Planning... Page 40 of 206 ® WELLINGTON STREET (NOT TRAVELED) 0 LOT 0 LOT 0 LOT 10 • LOT 70� 1 l 12 LOT 7 --�_Z_ O LOT g UJ __ LOT —_ I Qv LOT'13 n E)0105. ..: W ? LOT 1Q11_____,. 7 1-.__�._ LOT 0 Q a LOT 0 LOT wc�`-Lor 12 �._ P�oI i4 a 1' . __� a E Ic�7�25 - 3 LOT 7 '- ,N N LOT 5 0 / ' LOT1.- .; QUO LOT yg I t] 13 W Q . 1CC u LOT �__�__ ` W I 8 V I ACR LTUR CC 7,3n▪ EIOC" _I o' O LOT . O -4 70 N Imo., LOT 4 'LOT 3 c V� '�__ ,t � 'L07 TO i v aQ _J I LOT y 0v , ® m 14O� � _I I Lor g :Or e a ,ss, I(0 )(.S _ 4 I LOT 3 LOT Q F, _1 2 LOT 7 u LO DONNELLY DRIVE I (i) u (FOR H ,..„:„„.,„"2,), MERL®ON STREET)(NOT 7RAVEL£p) 0 �bRnAT1APAL •-t-' 0 I A Fos ER I I LOTS 11TO 14 PART 2 1 I I r- 4%144 I ,(1 1lRypp� ,PART I 74444 I4 BLD4K I I tI PARI I 1 ill I II I 114-9844 44r,:_, 4 ti I I I 1PAR1 7 N �Re, ' I BLOCK 8 I REG1S7 REO ® I ® t I I PLq� 205 I ; I I 0. x P r 1 U 11R-19>3 �'� pp TALBOT ROAD (HERITAGE I d I LINE) COUNTY ROAD 38 lieffigallt / I I AVM ALUS7RAIINO PROPOSED SEiERAAAIES LOTS 3, 4 AND 6 WocOt LOTS 2, 6. 11, 12 AND 13 OF PROPOSED SEVERANCES REGISTERED PLAN 206 'A`.. 901.2 SQUARE METRES (57RAfFGMDR[LE) 'Er® 442.0 SQUARE METRES MIJAPOPALIIY Or 'C'm 482.7,QUARE METRES MI 1131m!IZtliG Lam, SCALPNOT1V SCALE�RAMAN ME � b° ® 9028.8 SQUARE METRES a 'p .Y.� KIM RUSTED SURVEYING LTD. 11-1017 1101,10KIL PIA C.\INC A023.5\11-9397.dwG. 9/3/2CI5 7 29 55 obl -1:2,,--_,. 1 15 Report DS-70/15 by Margaret Underhill,Deputy Clerk/Planning... Page 41 of 206 APPLICATION FOR CONSENT 1. Name of approval authority ELGIN COUNTY LAND DIVISION COMMITTEE 2. Name of Owner Michele Szorenyi Address c/o Gibson Bennett Groom & Szorenyi, 36 Broadway, Tillsonburg, ON Telephone Number (519) 842-3658 _ N4G 3P1 Name of owner's solicitor or authorized agent Michael G. Szorenyi Address Gibson Bennett Groom & Szorenyi, 36 Broadway, Tillsonburg, ON N4G 3P: Telephone Number (519) 842-3658 Please specify to whom all communications should be sent: Owners ( ) Solicitor Agent (x) 3. (a) Type and purpose of proposed transaction: (check appropriate space) Transfer: X creation of a new lot Other: mortgage/charge addition to a lot lease surplus farm dwelling easement/R.O.W technical severance correction cf title other(specify (b) Name of person(s):if known,to whom land or interest in land is to be transferred,leased or charged: Unknown (c) If a lot addition,identify the assessment roll number and property owner of the lands to which the parcel will be added: Not Applicable 4. (a) Location of land: Municipality RaYham Concession No. Block C Lot(s)No. Part Lots 2, 3 & 4 Registered Plan No. 205 Name of Street BandYtowri Road Street No.and/or 911 No. Assessment Roll No. (b) Are there any easements or restrictive covenants affecting the subject land "es ( ) No (x) if Yes,describe the easement or covenant and its effect: 5 Description of land intended to be severed: (Accurate Measurements in Metric) Frontage 20.113 Depth 48.093 Area 941.95scgn Existing Use Agricultural Proposed Use Residential Number and use of buildings and structures on the land to be severed: Existing Vacant Proposed Single Family Dwelling 6. Description of land intended to be retained: (Accurate Measurements in Metric) Frontage 140.82m Depth 1153.50m Area 16.244 hectares Existing Use Agricultural Proposed Use Agricultural Number and use of buildings and structures or.the land to be retained: Existing Zero Proposed Zero Corry of EWA Engineering Services sen . h�.isF ?:10AE:519-621-16a:'+ ..n'.i.Clg?�rJJ'.ly.Ar CO Progressive by Nature Report DS-70/15 by Margaret Underhill,Deputy Clerk/Planning... Page 42 of 206 1 5 APPLICATION FOR CONSENT 1. Name of approval authority ELGIN COUNTY LAND DIVISION COMMITTEE 2. Name of Owner Michele Szorenyi Address c/o Gibson Bennett Groats & Szorenyi., 36 Broadway. Til lsnnh„rg, ON Telephone Number (519) 842-3658 N461. 3P1 Name of owners solicitor or authorized agent Michael G. Szorenyi Address Gibson Bennett Groan & Szorenyi, 36 Broadway, Tillsonburct, ON N4G 3P3 Telephone Number (519) 842-3658 Please specify to whom all communications should be sent: Owners ( ) Solicitor ( ) Agent (x) 3. (a) Type and purpose of proposed transaction: (check appropriate space) Transfer: X creation of a new lot Other: mortgage/charge addition to a lot lease surplus farm dwelling easement/R.O.W. technical severance correction of title other(specify (b) Name of person(s),if known.to whom land or interest in land is to be transferred,leased or charged: Unknown (c) If a lot addition,identifyeeddthe assessment roll number and property owner of the lands to which the Ippppar 4 (a) Location of land: Municipality Bayes Concession No. Block C Lot(s)No. Part Lots 5, 12 & 13 Registered Plan No. 205 Name of Street Sandytam Road Street No.and/or 911 No. Assessment Roll No. (b) Are there any easements or restrictive covenants affecting the subject land? Yes ( ) No (x) If Yes,describe the easement or covenant and its effect: 5. Description of land intended to be severed: (Accurate Measurements in Metric) Frontage 20.113 Depth 50.129 Area 982.70so rr Existing Use Agricultural Proposed Use Residential Number and use of buildings and structures on the land to be severed: Existing Vacant Proposed Single Family Dwelling 6. Description of land intended to be retained: (Accurate Measurements in Metric) Frontage 140.82m Depth 1353.50m Area 16.244 hectares Existing Use Agricultural Proposed Use Agrit-ultur�l Number and use of buildings and structures or the land to be retained Existing Zero Proposed Zero Cunty.•.eg a Engin enhg Services 331,ur.o ,`?; t�rogresslve tore Report DS-70/15 by Margaret Underhill,Deputy Clerk/Planning... Page 43 of 206 "^ APPLICATION FOR CONSENT 1. Name of approval authority ELGIN COUNTY LAND DIVISION COMMITTEE 2. Name of Owner Michele Szorenyi Address c/o Gibson Bennett Groan & Szorenyi, 36 Broadway, Til]:sonburq, ON Telephone Number (519) 842-3658 N4G 3P1 Name of owner's solicitor or authorized agent Michael G. Szorenyi Address Gibson Bennett Groan & Szorenyi, 36 Broadway, Tillsonburg, ON N4G 3P1 Telephone Number (519) 842-3658 Please specify to whom all communications should be sent: Owners ( ) Solicitor ( ) Agent (x) 3. (a) Type and purpose of proposed transaction: (check appropriate space) Transfer: X creation of a new lot Other: mortgage/charge addition to a lot lease surplus farm dwelling easement/R.O.W. technical severance correction of title other(specify (b) Name of person(s),if known,to whom land or interest in land is to be transferred,leased or charged: Unimown (c) If a lot addition,identify the assessment roll number and property owner of the lands to which the parcel will be added: Not Applicable 4. (a) Location of land: Municipality Bayhate Concession No. Block C Lot(s)No. Part Lots 5, 6, 11 & 12 Registered Plan No. 205 Name of Street Sanddtown Road Street No.and/or 911 No. Assessment Roll No. (b) Are there any easements or restrictive covenants affecting the subject land Yes ( ) No (x) If Yes,describe the easement or covenant and its effect: 5. Description of land intended to be severed: (Accurate Measurements in Metric) Frontage 20.113m Depth 52.166 Area 1023.5scgn Existing Use Agricultural Proposed Use Residential Number and use of buildings and structures on the land to be severed: Existing Vacant Proposed Single Family Dwelling 6. Description of land intended to be retained: (Accurate Measurements in Metric) Frontage 140.82m Depth 1153.50m Area 16.244 hectares Existing Use Agri r nitnral Proposed Use Agricultural Number and use of buildings and structures or the land to be retained Existing_ Zero Proposed Zero Coanty 01015 r+ englnaar„g a-.i,,., 450 SJ:r�_I � >"G.X:,S.IB.331 1";+3 ..ry v eI&rc0.r nlu.ur.- Progressive by Nature Report DS-70/15 by Margaret Underhill,Deputy Clerk/Planning... Page 44 of 206 1. 1""= IBI GROUP 203-350 Oxford Street West I1T3 tel 519 4472 328 fax 519 472 9354 p 1 ibigroup.com Memorandum To/Attention Municipality of Bayham Date November 6, 2015 From William Pol, MCIP, RPP Project No 3404 -607 cc file Subject Szorenyi-Consent Applications El05/15, El 06/15, E107/15 and E108/15 to create four lots on the east side of Sandytown Road north of the extension of Donnelly Drive Part Lots 2,3 adn4 Block C Registered Plan 205 1. The applications by Michele Szorenyi are intended to create four lots each with 20.13 m of lot frontage and varying depths from 44 to 52 metres. As per the applications, the proposed parcels are part of a larger holding of 16.244 hectares surrounding the site. The subject lands are designated"Residential", as shown on Schedule B—Land Use and Constraints in the Official Plan of the Municipality of Bayham;and zoned Village Residential"R1 (h2)"in Zoning By-law#Z456-2003.The purpose of this memo is to discuss the need for a plan of subdivision in support of these applications. 2. The applications are not appropriate for the development of the lands and are best considered through a draft plan of subdivision to consider these land and the remaining 16 hectares owned by the applicant. The proposal of 4 lots along an existing road is premature without the necessary supporting planning and engineering studies; it is contrary to the existing zoning regulations;does not conform to the Official Plan policies of the municipality nor the County of Elgin;and is not consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement 2014. The following paragraphs elaborate on these conclusions. 3. Zoning By-law#Z456-2003 Section 3.3 Holding Zones sets out the requirement for removal of the(h2)symbol.The purpose of this symbol is to ensure orderly development through a subdivision agreement to address the financial and servicing impacts on the municipality. The applications for piecemeal development of four lots does not provide for an orderly consideration of these lots and the remainder of the applicants lands and the connection of these lands to the surrounding public and private lands. It is therefore contrary to the intent of the Bylaw. 4. Bayham Official Plan Section 8.6 Plans of Subdivision sets out the policies for plan of subdivision. While the general requirement is a plan of subdivision for five or more lots, the existing registered plan of subdivision#205 exists on these lands. There is an existing street pattern and lotting pattern that needs to be reviewed. Furthermore, municipal servicing matters including private well water; surface and subsurface drainage plans; municipal sanitary sewers;and public road should all be considered in an orderly and comprehensive manner to ensure no conflicts arise between the municipality or surrounding property owners.A plan of subdivision is necessary to adequately address these issues and related policy matters in the Plan. IBI Group is a group of firms providing professional services and is affiliated with IBI Group Architects Report DS-70/15 by Margaret Underhill,Deputy Clerk/Planning... Page 45 of 206 IBI GROUP MEMORANDUM 2 Municipality of Bayham—November 6,2015 5. Elgin County Official Plan Section E1.2.1 When a Plan of Subdivision is Required, sets out the criteria for this application. Subsection c)applies in this instance as the plan is needed to ensure the orderly and efficient development of the entire land holding. This site should be subject to the full criteria set out in Section E1.2.2 with respect to a comprehensive review of the land and surrounding areas and a complete application in accordance with Section F8 Complete Applications of the Plan. Based on a review of the applicable policies of the Elgin County Plan,the subject applications do not conform to the intent of the policy. 6. The Provincial Policy Statement 20014 sets out policies with respect to the sewage,water and stormwater servicing. In order to be consistent with these policies it is appropriate to have an orderly disposition of services and roads through a plan of subdivision application. Other policies support the need to protect the environment and provide for the broad range of residential, recreational and service needs of the area.Approval of four lots at this time is not consistent with the PPS 2014. 7. In conclusion, the four consent applications are premature without a draft plan of subdivision application to support the orderly and coordinated development of municipal services and the minimization of potential impact between the proposed lots and on abutting properties. It is sound planning to have the applications refused and require a comprehensive plan of subdivision. This is consistent with Council's approach for the Countryview plan of subdivision proposed in the hamlet of North Hall. William Pol IBI GROUP William Pol, MCIP, RPP Affiliate IBI Group Consulting Planner to the Municipality of Bayham Report DS-70/15 by Margaret Underhill,Deputy Clerk/Planning... Page 46 of 206 Ministry of Agriculture, Ministere de('Agriculture,de lbw Food and Rural Affairs ('Alimentation et 1 �� des Affaires rurales .� 4th Floor 4e etage r Ontario 1 Stone Road West 1 Stone Road West Guelph,Ontario N1G 4Y2 Guelph(Ontario)N1G 4Y2 Tel: 1-877-424-1300 Tel.: 1-877-424-1300 Fax: 519 826-3398 Telec.: 519 826-3398 Rural Programs Branch November 5, 2015 Our File: OCIF AC2-0447 Paul Shipway, CAO Municipality of Bayham 9344 Plank Rd. Straffordville, Ontario N5R 6K9 pshipway@bayham.on.ca Dear Paul Shipway: Re: Second intake of the Ontario Community Infrastructure Fund (OCIF)Application-based component Thank you for your Expression of Interest(EOI) under the second intake of the OCIF. Unfortunately, your project proposal was not selected to move forward to the application phase. This was a highly competitive intake. Over 360 EOls were received and all were subject to careful consideration and evaluation. Your project proposal was not selected to move forward primarily because other applicants with highly critical projects had more challenging economic conditions and fiscal situations. Economic conditions and fiscal situations were assessed using a combination of: • total weighted property assessment per household • median household income • average of net financial assets (between 2010-2014)per household • average residential property taxes, user fees and service charges(between 2010-2014) per household as a percentage of median household income The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs and the Ministry of Economic Development, Employment and Infrastructure recognize the importance of helping small, rural and northern communities in addressing critical infrastructure needs and continue to work with their municipal partners to ensure that predictable,flexible funding is available through the OCIF formula based grant. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call the contact centre at 1-877-424-1300 or email OCIF(a�ontario.ca. Sincerely, Joel Locklin Manager, Program Operations Good Things • fir Grow in Ontario A bonne terre. Foodland bonsproduits ONTARIO Ministry of Agriculture,Food and Rural Affairs re Second in... Page 47 of 206 CALONG POINT REGION CONSERVATION AUTHORITY ..M.wre BOARD OF DIRECTORS MINUTES - October 7, 2015 (as approved at the Board of Directors Meeting held November 4, 2015) Members in attendance: Leroy Bartlett, Dave Beres, Doug Brunton, Robert Chambers, Michael Columbus, Roger Geysens, John Scholten, Staff in attendance: C. Evanitski, D. Holmes, J. Robertson, J. Maxwell, L. Minshall, J. Miller, P. Gagnon and D. McLachlan Hearing attendees— Mr. J. Notarianni Regrets: Craig Grice, Noel Haydt and David Hayes The LPRCA Chair called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm Wednesday,October 7th,2015 in the Tillsonburg Administration Office Boardroom. ADDITIONAL AGENDA ITEMS None DISCLOSURES OF INTEREST None DEPUTATIONS None MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS MOTION A-114/15 moved: J. Scholten seconded: D. Beres THAT the minutes of the LPRCA Board of Directors regular meeting held September 2nd, 2015 be adopted as circulated. CARRIED BUSINESS ARISING None REVIEW OF COMMITTEE MINUTES None FULL AUTHORITY COMMITTEE MEMBERS Leroy Bartlett, Dave Beres,Doug Brunton, Robert Chambers, Michael Columbus, Roger Geysens,Craig Grice, Noel Haydt, David Hayes,John Scholten,Tom Southwick - 1 - Long Point Region Conservation Authority Board of Directors ... Page 48 of 206 CORRESPONDENCE The GM presented the Conservation Authorities Act Review at Haldimand County Council on August 31, 2015. MOTION A-115/15 moved: L. Bartlett seconded: J. Scholten THAT the correspondence outlined in the Board of Directors'Agenda of October 7th, 2015 be received as information. CARRIED DEVELOPMENT APPLICATIONS MOTION A-116/15 moved: L. Bartlett seconded: J. Scholten THAT the LPRCA Board of Directors does now sit as a Hearing Board. CARRIED a) Hearing re: John Notarianni The roll was called. The Chair gave his opening remarks and reviewed the guidelines and process to be followed for the hearing. Staff introduced the applicant and gave an overview of the Ontario Regulation (0. Reg) 178/06 under Section 28 of the Conservation Authorities Act. Staff then reviewed the subject property in relation to the regulation and noted the reasons for refusal. Of note, conservation authorities did not have the authority to regulate shoreline activities until 2006. All units in the development except two had been completed prior to the change of the Regulation in 2006. The second last unit was completed and complied with the new regulations. Staff responded to questions from the Board regarding the retaining wall construction, ownership and most recent inspection. The applicant presented his position on the basis that the original plan was approved prior to the 2006 regulation change and all of the units except one are in line with the 15m setback rather than the 18m setback. The Board asked questions of both the applicant and staff. If the applicant agreed to FULL AUTHORITY COMMITTEE MEMBERS Leroy Bartlett, Dave Beres,Doug Brunton, Robert Chambers, Michael Columbus, Roger Geysens,Craig Grice, Noel Haydt, David Hayes,John Scholten,Tom Southwick - 2- Long Point Region Conservation Authority Board of Directors ... Page 49 of 206 the 18m setback, staff would be able to approve the permit application. MOTION A-117/15 moved by: R. Geysens seconded: D. Beres That the LPRCA Board of Directors does now enter into an "In Camera"session to discuss: • a matter in respect of which a Conservation Authority may hold a closed meeting under another Act. CARRIED MOTION A-118/15 moved by: J. Scholten seconded: R. Geysens That the LPRCA Board of Directors does now adjourn from the "In Camera"session. CARRIED MOTION A-119/15 moved by: R. Chambers seconded: R. Geysens That the LPRCA Board of Directors adjourn from sitting as a Hearing Board. CARRIED Mr. Notarianni was advised that his appeal was successful to construct a dwelling with a 15 metre setback. He then left the meeting. b) Staff Approved applications Staff approved 18 applications since the last meeting in September: LPRCA-110/15, LPRCA-112/15, LPRCA-113/15, LPRCA-114/15, LPRCA-115/15, LPRCA-116/15, LPRCA-118/15, LPRCA-119/15, LPRCA-120/15, LPRCA-121/15, LPRCA-122/15, LPRCA-123/15, LPRCA-124/15, LPRCA-125/15, LPRCA-126/15, LPRCA-127/15, LPRCA-128/15 and LPRCA-129/15. No comments or questions. MOTION A-120/15 moved: R. Geysens seconded: T. Southwick That the LPRCA Board of Directors receives the Staff Approved Section 28 Regulation Applications report as information. CARRIED c) New Applications The Planning Department sought approval for two applications. No further questions or FULL AUTHORITY COMMITTEE MEMBERS Leroy Bartlett, Dave Beres,Doug Brunton, Robert Chambers, Michael Columbus, Roger Geysens,Craig Grice, Noel Haydt, David Hayes,John Scholten,Tom Southwick - 3- Long Point Region Conservation Authority Board of Directors ... Page 50 of 206 comments. MOTION A-121/15 moved: L. Bartlett seconded: J. Scholten THAT the LPRCA Board of Directors approves the following Development Applications contained within the background section of the report: A. For Work under Section 28 Regulations, Development, Interference with Wetlands & Alterations to Shorelines and Watercourses Regulations (R.R.O. 1990 Reg. 178/06), LPRCA-130/15 LPRCA-131/15 B. That the designated officers of LPRCA be authorized to complete the approval process for this Development Application, as far as it relates to LPRCA's mandate and related Regulations. CARRIED NEW BUSINESS a) CALENDAR REVIEW The remaining parks, Backus Heritage, Haldimand, Norfolk and Waterford, close October 15th. The Biennial Tour was a success with a lot of positive comments. The Chair reviewed the highlights of the Tour. MOTION A-122/15 moved: R. Chambers seconded: J. Scholten THAT the LPRCA board of Directors receives the October Calendar Review Report as information. CARRIED b) GENERAL MANAGER'S REPORT The GM reported on his activities regarding the Conservation Authorities Act Review. After meetings with the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change (MOECC) and Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF), it was made clear that there would be no further funding for the Source Water Protection Program beyond the current funding. MOTION A-123/15 moved: R. Chambers seconded: J. Scholten FULL AUTHORITY COMMITTEE MEMBERS Leroy Bartlett, Dave Beres,Doug Brunton, Robert Chambers, Michael Columbus, Roger Geysens,Craig Grice, Noel Haydt, David Hayes,John Scholten,Tom Southwick - 4- Long Point Region Conservation Authority Board of Directors ... Page 51 of 206 THAT the LPRCA Board of Directors receives the General Manager's Report for September 2015 as information. CARRIED c) CONSERVATION AUTHORITIES ACT REPORT The GM has made presentations at eight municipalities and will be visiting Tillsonburg in the next week. He GM noted in his presentations that there is little likelihood of funding coming from the province, and that the hope is that conservation authorities will be allowed to approach all ministries to request funding. MOTION A-124/15 moved: D. Beres seconded: L. Bartlett That the LPRCA Board of Directors receives the Conservation Authorities Act Review update as information; AND THAT a letter endorsing Conservation Ontario's comments on the CA Act Review be forwarded to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry(EBR 012-4509) from the Chair on behalf of LPRCA. CARRIED d) BLACK CREEK CA REPORT Staff noted that prior to the funding cutbacks in the 1990s, there was a crew of six to eight people who would maintain the little parkettes within the watershed. Since the cuts, most of the parkettes have had limited or no maintenance as there is now only one seasonal staff person to complete the duties. Black Creek Conservation Area is a well-used area with parking and a boat launch but sees a large amount of illegal dumping. Staff maintains the area biweekly and a volunteer group cleans the area in the spring but dumping still occurs on a regular basis. Staff offered a number of options with a preference for Option 2: Seasonal Closure—Gate the area annually starting October 15th and ending April 15th. This would allow for pedestrian access only in the closed season but would allow access to the boat launch during the boating season. Discussion ensued. MOTION A-125/15 moved: D. Beres seconded: L. Bartlett THAT the LPRCA Board of Directors approves Option #2 for the operation and maintenance of Black Creek Conservation Area as outlined in the staff report dated September 29th, 2015. CARRIED e) TIMBER TENDER— DEAN/POWELL TRACT The prescription for the Dean/Powell Tract was presented at an earlier board meeting FULL AUTHORITY COMMITTEE MEMBERS Leroy Bartlett, Dave Beres,Doug Brunton, Robert Chambers, Michael Columbus, Roger Geysens,Craig Grice, Noel Haydt, David Hayes,John Scholten,Tom Southwick - 5- Long Point Region Conservation Authority Board of Directors ... Page 52 of 206 and has since been implemented and tendered as Contract LP-283-15. Staff recommended accepting the highest bid received from L. Pilkey who has completed LPRCA timber operations in the past. The bid was above the reserve. MOTION A-126/15 moved: D. Brunton seconded: N. Haydt THAT the LPRCA Board of Directors accepts the tender submitted by Leonard Pilkey for marked standing timber at the Dean/Powell Tract for a total tendered price of $85,600.00. CARRIED f) SECTION 28 REGULATION REPORT The draft policy document was originally brought to the Board for review in June. Staff was directed to review the policy with an ad hoc committee which has since met three times and has completed the review. The Committee recommended that the updated policies now be submitted to watershed municipal planning departments for comment prior to public consultation. Staff reviewed the proposed timeline with the hope that the process will be completed by May 2016. MOTION A-127/15 moved: D. Brunton seconded: T. Southwick THAT LPRCA staff be directed to consult with member municipalities and other non- government organizations on the draft LPRCA Policies for the Administration of the Development, Interference with Wetlands and Alterations to Shorelines and Watercourses Regulation. CARRIED g) LAKE LEVELS REPORT Staff presented that Lake Erie is currently approximately .4m above average for this time of year meaning the shoreline is more vulnerable to flooding and erosion from wind/storm events. November and December is the most vulnerable time if the lake is not frozen due to the frequency and severity of storms. One metre above average can lead to potential minor nuisance flooding and 1.4m above average could lead to potential severe flooding resulting in road closures. MOTION A-128/15 moved: D. Brunton seconded: T. Southwick THAT the LPRCA Board of Directors receives the Lake Erie water levels update report as information. CARRIED h) ELGIN COUNTY SHORELINE MANAGEMENT PLAN UPDATE The Elgin County Shoreline Management Plan is in the final draft phase. The public FULL AUTHORITY COMMITTEE MEMBERS Leroy Bartlett, Dave Beres,Doug Brunton, Robert Chambers, Michael Columbus, Roger Geysens,Craig Grice, Noel Haydt, David Hayes,John Scholten,Tom Southwick - 6- Long Point Region Conservation Authority Board of Directors ... Page 53 of 206 consultation process was completed in August and the Steering Committee was to meet on September 29th to consider the plan and discuss the next steps. Further information is to follow. MOTION A-129/15 moved: D. Brunton seconded: T. Southwick THAT the LPRCA Board of Directors receives the Elgin County Shoreline Management Plan Update as information. CARRIED MOTION A-130/15 moved: J. Scholten seconded: R. Chambers That the LPRCA Board of Directors does now enter into an "In Camera"session to discuss: l7 personal matters about an identifiable individual, including Conservation Authority employees; /7 a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the Conservation Authority; O litigation or potential litigation, including matters affecting the Conservation Authority. CARRIED MOTION A-131/15 moved: D. Brunton seconded: T. Southwick That the LPRCA Board of Directors does now adjourn from the "In Camera"session. CARRIED MOTION A-132/15 moved: L. Bartlett seconded: T. Southwick THAT the LPRCA Board of Directors awards the tender for the Dereham Wetland Restoration Project to Allan's Excavating Inc. at a price of$1.70/cubic metre to a maximum of$55,400. CARRIED MOTION A-133/15 moved: R. Geysens seconded: J. Scholten THAT the LPRCA Board of Directors receives the GM's verbal updates regarding two personnel matters as information. CARRIED MOTION A-134/15 moved: D. Brunton seconded: T. Southwick THAT the LPRCA Board of Directors approves the modification of the Healthy Watershed specialist position to that of Water Resources Specialist at a Salary Grade FULL AUTHORITY COMMITTEE MEMBERS Leroy Bartlett, Dave Beres,Doug Brunton, Robert Chambers, Michael Columbus, Roger Geysens,Craig Grice, Noel Haydt, David Hayes,John Scholten,Tom Southwick - 7- Long Point Region Conservation Authority Board of Directors ... Page 54 of 206 5; AND THAT said position be advertised on the LPRCA website. CARRIED MOTION A-135/15 moved: L. Bartlett seconded: R. Geysens THAT the LPRCA Board of Directors approves the acquisition of Part Lot 20, Concession 2, STR, Middleton, designated as Part 1, Plan 37R-3187(Norfolk County) from William and Michele Goldie for a tax receipt of$7,600.00; AND THAT the Chair and General Manager be directed to sign the (attached) Acknowledgement and Direction. CARRIED The Chair adjourned the meeting at 9:05pm. Michael Columbus Dana McLachlan Chair Administrative Assistant FULL AUTHORITY COMMITTEE MEMBERS Leroy Bartlett, Dave Beres,Doug Brunton, Robert Chambers, Michael Columbus, Roger Geysens,Craig Grice, Noel Haydt, David Hayes,John Scholten,Tom Southwick - 8- Long Point Region Conservation Authority Board of Directors ... Page 55 of 206 Office of the Mayor/CEO 315 King Street West '',. P.O.Bo.Z640 :• - ,�. Chatham, Ontario ./7M 518 / i \•, 0 0.,0 tt 0 er - ���,, :d_I, 'TeCephone:519.436.3219 1ZCir Mope �'axNo.:519.436.3236 y X. p - — EmaiC rufy2fope@chatham-kent.ca MunicipaCty of Chatham-pent November 2015 Dear Mayor and Council, I am writing to encourage you to become a member of the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Cities Initiative and participate in our efforts to protect, restore, and sustain this resource that is so vital to our economic well-being and quality of life in this part of Canada. I have been a member of the Cities Initiative for many years and now serve on the Board of Directors and find it to be a very effective organization. We recently held the first ever"Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Day"at Queens Park in Toronto and had very productive meetings with four ministers,the Lieutenant Governor, and leadership in the minority parties. Several other mayors from this part of Ontario are also members. We currently have a formal memorandum of cooperation with the Ontario Government to work collaboratively to carry out responsibilities under the Canada Ontario Agreement on the Great Lakes. This puts us in a unique position to work with the Province on such issues as climate change, nutrient loadings, and invasive species, including Asian carp. As we know from the recent experiences in Lake Erie with the Asian carp being found over the summer and the severe algal blooms and microcystin drinking water contamination,there are very real threats to our economy and our environment. As an organization, the Cities Initiative is a very positive force to find and implement solutions to these and other problems. I would be happy to talk further with you about this, and you should feel free to contact our Deputy Director Nicola Crawhall at nicola.crawhaMrogers.com for more detailed information. I am attaching some documents that will provide more information about membership and what we do as an organization. Thank you for considering membership in the Cities Initiative. Sincerely, Randy R -.._, ayor, Municipality of Chatham Kent Board of Directors, Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Cities Initiative For business interests,checkout www.ckforbusiness.com or www.chatham-kent.ca Mayor Randy Hope,Municipality of Chatham Kent re Membership... Page 56 of 206 GREAT LAKES AND ST. LAWRENCE CITIES INITIATIVE EXPLANATION OF MEMBERSHIP & DUES Great Lakes and St.Lawrence Cities Initiative Alliance des vales des Grands Lacs et du Saint Laurent • Information on Great Lakes and St. Lawrence River issues as well as grant opportunities, legislation, research, and demonstration project opportunities; • Coalition of over one hundred Great Lakes and St. Lawrence mayors and locally elected officials representing a unified voice for local government; • Representation of local interests at key Great Lakes and St. Lawrence decision and policy making arenas like the Great Lakes Executive Committee, the Canada-Ontario Agreement Respecting the Great Lakes Basin Ecosystem and the St. Lawrence Plan; • Connection with other municipalities in the region as well as other orders of government, stakeholders, researchers, and funders; • Access to a best practices network on municipal restoration and protection efforts and much more; • Recognition for the work local governments are doing to protect, restore and promote the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence River; • Participation in solving problems faced in the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence basin. What does it mean to be a member of the Cities Initiative? Membership signifies a commitment to working towards the protection, restoration, and promotion of the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence River region to ensure its health and vitality for generations to come. Mayors • of the Cities Initiative recognize the need to integrate environmental, economic and social agendas within their communities to help sustain the Lakes and River to ensure the quality of life and economic well being ■ • of the citizens of the region. Members of the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Cities Initiative have access to a bi-national and multi- ■ stakeholder network focused on advancing the interests of cities in the future of the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence River. Members pass resolutions, select the Board of Directors, and help shape the policy El direction of the organization. Participation in protection and restoration projects is an integral a part of membership. Members have access to the latest best practices on topics such as water conservation, sustainable development, invasive species, and water and wastewater infrastructure. An Annual Members Meeting and Conference is held each year, hosted by a member city, as an opportunity for members to discuss Great Lakes and St. Lawrence River issues, shape the direction of the organization for the year and most importantly, network with one another. Members of the Cities Initiative are also eligible to participate in programs developed by the Cities Initiative that address some of the most pressing issues occurring along the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence. Cities Initiative programs for members include: • Water Conservation Framework — working together to reduce water consumption by 15% below year 2000 levels by 2015 • Green CiTTS—promotes and expands the sustainable practices in which Great Lakes and St. Lawrence cities are engaged and provides for training, funding, research opportunities and demonstration projects for these activities. • Climate Change Resiliency and Adaptation Service — Cities Initiative developing one-stop service to provide data, share best practices and help its members face the challenge of adaptation to climate change. What do my cities' dues cover? Membership dues support the general operations of the organization, including staff, operating costs, and other expenses associated with the running of the organization. The Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Cities Initiative is a low overhead, high results organization with staff in Chicago, Montreal, and Toronto. Mayor Randy Hope,Municipality of Chatham Kent re Membership... Page 57 of 206 Accomplishments Great Lakes and St.Lawrence Cities Initiative Alliance des vines des Grands Lacs et du Saint-Laurent The Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Cities Initiative is a major, positive presence in decision making and actions related to the greatest fresh water resource in the world. Since beginning operations in the summer of 2003, the organization has been a force for action and results to help protect, restore, and promote the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence River. In its 12 years of existence,the Cities Initiative has: • Created a 'brand' for members of the Cities Initiative that is a symbol of political leadership and awareness of municipal stewardship to protect the resource. • Forged a formidable coalition of over 100 mayors in cities with over 17 million residents, spanning two countries, two provinces and 8 states,speaking with one voice. • Earned increasing public profile for member mayors and their cities,gaining recognition among decision-makers for their local accomplishments in protecting the Great Lakes and St.Lawrence. • Helped draw attention to the critical connection between environment progress and economic prosperity through a joint study with the Brookings Institution on the costs and benefits of increased investment in the Great Lakes, as well as through leadership from member cities on integrating their environmental,economic and social agendas. • Secured "seats at the table" and added the municipal voice on a regular basis to critical Great Lakes and St. Lawrence issues such as the control of ballast water and invasive species, declining water levels, shoreline erosion, public access to waterfronts,effective beach standards,infrastructure investment,and remediation of contaminated sites,among other issues. • Held 12 successful and well-attended Annual Meeting and Conferences that attracted mayors, municipal staff and other decision-makers and stakeholders from across the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence basin and provided a strong media profile for the Cities Initiative and its members. The importance of the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Cities Initiative and the municipal governments it represents has been recognized by most of the key decision making groups,including: • Great Lakes Fishery Commission—Presidential appointment of a Cities Initiative representative as a commissioner and Vice Chair. • International Joint Commission, Water Quality Board — Commission appointment of a municipal representative as U.S.Chair of the Board. • Great Lakes Commission—Governor appointment of a Cities Initiative representative as member of the Commission. • Great Lakes Advisory Board - Cities Initiative representative serves as Chair of the Board that provides advice to USEPA and ten other Federal agencies on Great Lakes priorities,goals and policies. • Great Lakes Executive Committee-The Cities Initiative represents local governments on this binational body charged with overseeing progress under the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement. 1/2Alliance reat lakes and Ss lawreete Cniea lnniafrve des vines des Gra nett lees el du Salntlaurenl Mayor Randy Hope,Municipality of Chatham Kent re Membership... Page 58 of 206 Great Lakes and St.Lawrence Cities Initiative Influence In addition to this ongoing activity, the Cities Initiative has demonstrated its considerable influence on the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence,either through its rapid response or collective strength,with the following key accomplishments: • Presidential Executive Order on the Great Lakes–The Cities Initiative instrumental in getting the President to sign an executive order in May 2004 to increase the priority of dealing with Great Lakes issues. • Coast Guard Live Fire Exercises–Cities Initiative mayors lead successful effort to get Coast Guard to stop live fire ex- ercises across the Lakes,which were adding large amounts of lead and other contaminants to the water. • British Petroleum, Whiting, Indiana Refinery–Cities Initiative mayors help force BP to back away from plans to in- crease pollution discharges to Lake Michigan. • Water Conservation Framework–Cities Initiative mayors launch effort to reduce water use in cities by 15%between 2000 and 2015. Members have collectively reduced water consumption by 19%, saving over 123 billion gallons of water. • Local Investment in Protection and Restoration–In partnership with the Great Lakes Commission,the Cities Initiative conducted a survey that found that local governments around the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence River invest more than$15 billion annually in protection and restoration efforts,more than any other order of government. • Memorandum of Cooperation for the Canada-Ontario Agreement–The Cities Initiative signed an agreement with the Ontario Ministries of Environment and Climate Change, Natural Resources, and Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs establishing a strategic partnership between Ontario municipalities and the Ontario Government to collaborate on Great Lakes decisions.The agreement was extended in 2012 and renewed in 2015. • Great Lakes Restoration Initiative - Cities Initiative mayors were instrumental in advancing President Obama's $2.0 billion commitment to fund Great Lakes restoration work. Cities Initiative continues to work to ensure this invest- ment continues in the coming years. • Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products Framework - Cities Initiative Mayors launched an effort to advance proper PPCP collection and disposal,targeting producer responsibility. • Beaches-The Cities Initiative advances beach management awareness and best practices through work with the IJC Water Quality Board and encourages the revision of federal recreational water quality standards. • Radioactive Waste–The Cities Initiative objected to the shipment of radioactive waste by Bruce Power of Ontario through the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence, across the Atlantic Ocean and Baltic Sea,to Sweden. The shipment has been cancelled.The Cities Initiative also objected to the deep geologic repository(DGR)for radioactive waste on the shores of Lake Huron. • Green CiTTS–Cities Initiative working to promote and expand sustainable practices in which Great Lakes and St. Law- rence cities are engaged and provide training,funding, research opportunities and demonstration projects for these activities. Cities Initiative worked on three areas with briefs and reports including stormwater management,sustain- able municipal water management and climate adaptation and resiliency. • Asian Carp— Cities Initiative and Great Lakes Commission worked collaboratively to prevent invasive species, includ- ing Asian Carp,from moving through the Chicago Area Waterway System between the Mississippi River basin and the Great Lakes and improve water quality,flood management and transportation • Climate Change Resiliency and Adaptation Service – Cities Initiative developed one-stop service to provide data, share best practices and help its members face the challenge of adaptation to climate change. 2/2 glslcities.org @glslcities Mayor Randy Hope,Municipality of Chatham Kent re Membership... Page 59 of 206 Annual Report 2014-2015 % i��'6 --5Q‘ From the Chair Dear Mayors and Friends of the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence River, It has been an honor to chair the organization this past year. My work with you, particularly with the urgent issues that have arisen around nutrient pollution in the lakes and oil transportation throughout the region, has reinforced the need for a group like ours-committed local leaders working to advance the protection and restoration of the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence River. I am pleased with the work we have underway to encourage various stakeholders–municipalities, agriculture, industry and others–to come to the table to find more immediate, on the ground solutions to reducing the amount of nutrients that find their way into our waterways and threaten our drinking water. The voice of the mayors is critical when it comes to the safety of our communities and our citizens as we witness more and more derailments of trains carrying crude oil throughout the region. I encourage all our members to continue their good work within their com- munities,to engage elected officials to be the change we want to see,and to continue to give a voice and strength to our coalition. In so doing,we will help safeguard the health and vitality of the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence River and ensure the economic well being and quality of life of the millions of people who call this region home, now and in the future. Sincerely, John Dickert Mayor of Racine,Wisconsin Chair and Director, 2014-2015 Mayor Randy Hope,Municipality of Chatham Kent re Membership... Page 60 of 206 Voice of Mayors Nutrient Action Collaborative In August 2014,Toledo,OH residents were advised not to drink the water for two days for fear of contamination by micro- cystin,a toxin found in a harmful algal bloom(HAB)that developed in the western basin of Lake Erie. The late Mayor D. Michael Collins of Toledo was faced with a great deal of uncertainty around the HAB,the potential for contamination from the toxin microcystin,and testing procedures and protocols. In the wake of this drinking water crisis,Mayor Rahm Eman- uel of Chicago and the Cities Initiative called together the Mayors'Drinking 1t� Water Summit in September 2014.Mayor Collins spoke of the Toledo experi- 7 i ' ence,and we heard from a number of other experts on the issue of HABs. �f ,` The goal of this summit was for mayors to explore the issue of nutrient load- ings in the lakes and identify some actions that can be taken in the near term t., • by all sectors to reduce nutrients running off into the lakes.We continue this work now with efforts to develop Nutrient Action Collaboratives around the region to encourage collaboration among municipalities,agriculture,industry f and other stakeholders.The goal of these collaboratives is to get all sectors taking action to identify best practices to reduce nutrient discharges,share • Y4, _ � .,, information on those best practices,and measure progress on those best • + 9',.LE practices overtime. Lake Erie Algae Bloom Oil Transportation in the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence River Region Despite the introduction of new safety measures following the Lac-Megantic tragedy on July 6,2013,causing the deaths of 47 people,destruction of half of the downtown area and the release of 1.3 million gallons of oil,there were five serious derailments in the first ten weeks of 2015. Transportation of oil by rail from Alberta and North Dakota has increased 40 fold in the past five years,now at over 500,000 cars annually,and is expected to double in the coming years. According to the U.S.Federal Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration,crude oil originating from the Bakken oilfield is more volatile and dangerous than other types of crude, making explosions more likely if a tank car derails and punc- tures. Given that much of the transit of oil in the region occurs in and around municipalities and near the lakes and river, this has been a priority issue for a number of our members for some time(see our 2014 Resolution).In light of the recent high number of derailment accidents,the Cities Initiative is closely monitoring the new rules that have been introduced by Canadian and US authorities to ad- dress the significant risk posed by the rail transportation of oil.Even 11 though the May 1,2015 new rules and ongoing legislation have ad- j I i g kn dressed most of our concerns,some outstanding issues must be resolved nc to ensure that municipalities,their citizens and our freshwater resources ' � I so.eovs" are secured against threats from derailments,accidents and spills. We T will continue monitor this issue closely and to further establish the or- � - ganization's position and determine its actions to reduce the risks from these threats. Oil Transport by Rail,credit:Daniel Acker/Bloomberg 2 Mayor Randy Hope,Municipality of Chatham Kent re Membership... Page 61 of 206 Voice of Mayors Asian Carp The Cities Initiative actively participates in the Advisory Committee working to come up with short and long term mea- sures to reduce the risk of Asian carp reaching Lake Michigan and the rest of the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Basin through the Chicago Area Waterway System. The 35 member Advisory Committee,with representatives of a cross section of stakeholders,is working under the leadership of two excellent facili- tators funded by the US Army Corps of Engineers.The goal is to reach a regional consensus on a long term solution by December 2015. The Advisory Committee has reached consensus on short term risk re- duction actions, including a number of enhancements at the Brandon Road lock about 50 miles south of Chicago. The Corps of Engineers has the approval to move forward with design work,but still needs funding approval from Congress to proceed. Discussions on the long term so- lution proceed, but are much more difficult as transportation interests argue against any solution that would include physical barriers. Much work needs to be done before consensus is reached by the December 2015 deadline. Asian Carp Partnership with Jordan River Mayors The Cities Initiative was approached by a group called Eco Peace Middle East in November 2014 to consider a partnership with Jordan River mayors. Eco Peace Middle East is a non-government organization that works with a number of groups on the Jordan River to improve the sustainability of the River and bring the people of the area closer together. Mayors John Dickert or Racine,Mitch Twolan of Huron-Kinloss and De- nis Lapointe of Salaberry-de-Valleyfield participated as spec- kers at the Water after Borders Summit with Jordan River J mayors on April 24,2015. Additionally,the mayors repre- senting the Cities Initiative and the mayors representing the Jordan Valley signed a Memorandum of Understanding to - r i ;.' create a"Sister Waters"Partnership between the Great Lakes 1 and St.Lawrence Cities Initiative and EcoPeace Middle East (Good Water Program Mayors/Municipalities). The MOU en- courages the exchange of technological,business,educational, '® capacity-building and community learning through sister cityA 1 and sister water relationships. We look forward to the infor- , r l mation-sharing and learning between mayors and cities ' through this unique partnership. Cities Initiative and Jordan River Mayors www.glslcities.org @GLSLcities 3 Mayor Randy Hope,Municipality of Chatham Kent re Membership... Page 62 of 206 Representing Cities Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement Our work on the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement continues to focus on accelerating implementation of the agreement through our participation on the Great Lakes Executive Committee(GLEC)and three annex subcommittees:Annex 2—Lake- wide Management Plans;Annex 4—Nutrients;and Annex 6—Invasive Species.The bulk of the work of GLEC right now fo- cuses on the issue of nutrient reductions in the lakes as well as helping to bring closure to the work on indicators for assessing the health and state of the Great Lakes.Our work also continues with the annex subcommittees,with perhaps the most ac- tive subcommittee being Annex 4—Nutrients,which is covered by Nicola Crawhall. David Ullrich and Simon Belisle continue their representation of the municipal voice on Annex 2 and Annex 6 subcommittees. Work on developing a clear set of indicators to assess the health and state of the Great Lakes continues.The Interna- tional Joint Commission's(IJC)Great Lakes Water Quality Board,of which David Ullrich is the co-chair, is bringing this work to closure by the end of the year.The indicators will be a key part of the U.S.and Canadian reports of progress under the Water Quality Agreement in 2016 and the IJC's assessment of those reports in early 2017. Washington Great Lakes Days Mayor John Dickert of Racine, Cities Initiative Chair, was in Washington February 24-26, 2015 "''• for this year's Great Lakes Days. Great Lakes Days is an opportunity for stakeholders from the ► - region to meet with congressional representatives and agencies to represent the priorities and it needs of the Great Lakes. Mayor Dickert, David Ullrich,and Simon Belisle had a very full sche- dule, including events like the Mayor's presentation to the Great Lakes Commission on our nu- y• trients work,a briefing on Asian carp, meeting with Canadian Ambassador to the US Gary Doer, t' meeting with the US Army Corps of Engineers Brigadier General Richard Kaiser, and meetings '�-1 with Congressmen, Senators, and their staff. The key topics were Asian carp, funding for the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative, nutrients, radioactive waste, and others. The Washington Great Lakes Days continue to be an important opportunity for the Cities Initiative to promote the voice of mayors on Great Lakes and St. Lawrence River issues. Rep.Ron Kind and Choir John Dickert Great Lakes Memorandum of Cooperation (MOC) A renewed memorandum of cooperation(MOC)on the Great Lakes between the Ontario Government and the Cities Initiative is expected to be completed in June 2015. The renewed MOC will allow the Ontario Government to consult with the Cities Initiative on a confidential basis early in the development of policies affecting the Great Lakes. The MOC will provide for col- laboration on issues related to the implementation of the Canada-Ontario Agreement on the Great Lakes Basin Ecosystem, such as nutrients entering the Great Lakes,and climate change impacts on the Lakes. Great Lakes Fishery Commission The Cities Initiative is represented on the Great Lakes Fishery Commission (GLFC) by David Ullrich, who serves as vice chair. The central work is keeping sea lamprey populations under control, and all indications are that the program is successful. Lake trout populations are increasing and other fish species are stable or increasing. The GLFC also coordinates the fish ma- nagement work of the states and provinces. Maintaining a healthy fishery is critical to the economic vitality of the entire re- gion and the communities in the area. Great Lakes Advisory Board The Cities Initiative continues its work with the Great Lakes Advisory Board(GLAB)to help shape the future of the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative. The GLAB developed and submitted comments on the proposed GLRI Action Plan, back in early 2014. Now,the GLAB is providing advice to the Great Lakes Interagency Taskforce,the multiagency group that helps sets the priori- ties for GLRI funding, on adaptive management and information systems, nutrient reductions in the lakes, and evaluating the effectiveness of GLRI projects. 4 Mayor Randy Hope,Municipality of Chatham Kent re Membership... Page 63 of 206 Application Form Great Lakes and St.Lawrence Cities Initiative Alliance des villes des Grands Lacs et du Saint-Laurent The Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Cities Initiative is a coalition of U.S. and Canadian mayors and other locally elected officials working to advance the protection and restoration of the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence River. The organization was founded in May 2003 by Mayor Richard M. Daley of Chicago,joined shortly thereafter by Toronto Mayor David Miller,the founding Canadian Chair. The Cities Initiative has more than 110 member cities demonstrating the leadership of local elected officials to enhance and sustain the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence River. Importance of the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence to Mayors Mayors in the basin have a direct interest and stake in the sustainability of the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence. As the world's largest surface freshwater resource and an international treasure, the system is essential to the continued vitality of the cities,townships, villages and counties along the shores and in the surrounding watershed. The Great Lakes and St. Lawrence support countless recreational, commercial, tourist and cultural activities for citizens and visitors; drive economic development and improve the economic value of shoreline communities; support critical aquatic and coastal ecosystems;provide fresh drinking water for millions of people;and support agricultural and industrial activities. Why a Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Cities Initiative? Cities are on the frontlines when it comes to the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence, literally. Despite such a significant stake in this resource, mayors have not always had an active voice in the development and implementation of policies and programs. Through the Cities Initiative local governments are not only at the decision and policy making tables but are a catalyst for action and lead by example on protection and restoration efforts. The Cities Initiative also provides a network for cities to share best practices on protection and restoration efforts and more. Mayors of the Cities Initiative believe in taking an integrated approach to the environmental, social, and economic agendas they carry out in their cities, towns, counties and regions, in order to advance the protection and restoration of the Lakes and River. The mayors are committed to working with other orders of government and stakeholders to improve and expand our infrastructure and carry out protection and restoration actions in a way that sustains our freshwater resource long into the future and ensures the quality of life and economic well being of the people of the region. 1/2 Mayor Randy Hope,Municipality of Chatham Kent re Membership... Page 64 of 206 Application Form I would like to join with other mayors from the United States and Canada, all around the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence,to advance the protection and restoration of this outstanding resource.The quality of life and economic well being of our citizens and visitors are closely tied to maintaining the integrity of the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence in the future. Interactive Form Date(MM/DD/YYYY) City Mayor Email address Mayor Contact Information: Address(no.and street) City,State/Province,Postal/zip code Phone No.(XXX-XXX-XXXX) Fax No.(XXX-XXX-XXXX) City website Primary Staff Contact Information: Name and title Address(No.and street) City,State/Province,Postal/zip code Email address Phone No.(XXX-XXX-XXXX) Fax No.(XXX-XXX-XXXX) Population of City Annual Dues Please remit checks to: ❑ 0-1,000 $500 David A. Ullrich, Executive Director ❑ 1,000-2,500 $1,000 Great Lakes&St. Lawrence Cities Initiative ❑ 2,500-5,000 $1,500 20 North Wacker Dr.Suite 2700 El 5,000-10,000 $2,000 Chicago, IL 60606 david.ullrich@glslcities.org ❑ 10,000-25,000 $2,500 ❑ 25,000-50,000 $3,000 Canadian dues will be paid in Canadian dollars and U.S.dues in U.S. ❑ 50,000-75,000 $4,000 dollars.Counties or Regions may join at half the price if cities representing more than half of their population are already members. El 75,000-100,000 $5,000 ❑ 100,000-250,000 $7,000 2015 Incentive Program ❑ 250,000-500,000 $10,000 A 25%discount on first year membership ❑ 500,000-1,000 000 $15,000 dues is offered to communities with a population of less than 50,000 that will El 1,000 000-2,000 000 $20,000 join the Alliance in 2015. ❑ 2,000 000-3,000 000 $25,000 Great Lakes and St Lawrence Cities Initiative Alliance des Wiles des Grands Lacs at du Saint-Laurent 2/2 glslcities.org ti @glslcities Mayor Randy Hope,Municipality of Chatham Kent re Membership... Page 65 of 206 a nevispapeliName • Day,Month 00,2011 i ®. - - P 11110 rPublic Notices ` r� `'BiddiOpportunnities ,{ ,xr ±- - NOTICES Taronto,Ontario M4V 1L5 Fax il(4111)31'1-8491 N Dike of Public Inlonma tion Clentne-Ilanshawe Park Road Reconsimud ion-Adelaide SI neet Any el(vation request to tt a N'natty ofl Invironmeni and Climate Change rn tilt be received by 9:00 pm on Monda)I January 10 McLean CJrhie 11,1016 and contain the following information: AICCIM Canada lid.hi s been retained by the City of London to complete the de tailed design and -The name a f tt n project and the Proponent; non svuaion eantraatprepara1ion for the widening ofFanshaweParI Road tom Adelaide Street 10 •-the nature of the specific(environinental nor iLern(s)It at remain uinerolved; Is ales Drive.11isaonaruciIonprojetltwillincludeupgradesofthewaterrmainandwiaterlarsaces, -The benefits olrequiring the Proponent totmdegal a an IndinidualInvironmentaIAssessment; installation of nevi storm sewers,innla Ila tic ii aInewsanitaryseeera,installationofnoiseanentla- -Informationaboutanyeffartsta diiauss/resolve these ion aerns,hnvironmental nifacts eslIs tire Proponent; tiers l atriers,road widening,ii met lighting and full restoration including sidewalk,alpha II pave- -Datails of any none spondence between the concerned part)i and the Proponent; n a rat,concrete Burt and gutta r and bridge rehabdn al ion. •/lily other matters non sidered relevant by the iaquesting person. A Public ape n h ruse has been sche a lull d at follows: Clan ments/Questions Date: Thursosy,Nolen bar 36,3815 Please direct all comments,questionsarinformationrequeStstothefollowingindisiduals:: Time: 4:30 p.m.to::30 p.m. I oca1fon: AIB Lt aat secondary School Vt esley Albbol t,Division Manager- Mike Lose e,N a nagen-Solid Wa lie Engineering f1 Planning 656 TennentAve nria,latalon Solid Wasl4Managemenl Phone-919-661-2500 ent 1369 Phone-519-661-1500 e:t 1813 lax-119-661-3354 The purpose Ott is publia open house is is present the flea I detail design and information regard- la-1119-661-3354 E-mail-mlosee@london.ca nag common n related issues anal sal a duling.The public a pen t or se will be t old in an op e n E-mail-wabbott@london.ca Iarise,dra pin fa rma t.City stall and con suite nt representatives will be a vailable to discuss ti a project.Ifl you hate any comments,question'or connerns,please contact: Mailing Address for tt a above staf is: AECOM Canada Lid. City's Project Manage n Solid W aste N a nagemeni Dir ision,81 h Fla or DatieCarter,lung. .coshArdwortf C.IT IALI DuherinPvanua,P0.8ox1035 Senior Projeat Engineer Transportatton Planning and Design I andon,ON N6AI419 Datiid.Carter2@aecom.com jaakwort@london.ca 319-963-5864 519.991.1500am.7148 Inforn a tion will be gathered in accord/nae with the keedarr o llnf miation and51ratectiais of Pri- I I Ij uac)IAat.With the exception all personal information,all comments received will become part of � - fi tt a public record. �� r -l.� naticeollCamplenianafauEnvleanmen4alScreening1A11aALandflll,Oilyaf Isee Huron Prim Primary � /- Lanc an pvwderl leesettnent Plied The City of I a salon has undertaken an environmental screening to permit the W lIA L andfill 1 (landfill)roacner)twiastefrom flsenew loaationslocated outside ttecurrent'lairlice area(see \� >i !6 ._.,:k211- rn ap).1ll a Landfill is currently approved to accept solid,n on-ha/ardor s waste generated IYom within the aigiofLondon,Municipal Hazar IousandSpeaialWasla(MFSW)generaled1FomLon- don and MiddlesexCountyattheMHSW0epatloaatedatthelandflllbrtransfertorecycling/ • ` - 'illi pm aessing sites.Tl•e City a No t as an arrangement with Thames Cent re to receive residential waste • in the winter rn onth'(when their landfill is ala sed)for disposal provided tt at tt a Cit)l sends a simi- ft st E* FRY Recycling Ian god roily of waste to be ding:ed of a l the 1ltantes Centre landfill in the sumrner months. MIDDLE SEX The Cry proposes to a ucept w:ste from it a following live locations:1)process resit lua Is from the LaleHuronvaletIrealmentlalant,1)pronessresidualskomutheEnginAlreawatertreatmentplani, r -' r 3)aanstruanonanddemolitionrecyahngprocessresiduaIrandresidentialgarbageiromTRYlieay h i . -------' clingi's Cla rile Road fiscrlip,4)curt side colleated muniaip a I waste genera ted in tt a winter mond s CDV,t>F' -' ikon Thames Centre and 9)MHSN ikon Algin County.The MHSN would be transferred off site to '- t 4ME1C1Ie appropriate recycling/processing.Cites.The other wa stet would be disposed of a t tt a Landfill. t- iS - The proposed et angas will not et i ng a it a Landfill's approsed rate of fl Il(amount oil wa Ste the � r— filf Landfill can re aeive in a)ear),tt a t)if e s of VIE ste that can be a acepted,the sine or cepa city of the _�-r~ Landoll or enyuseedny control:to pia lar t the envuonmenl and mitigate nuisanr at irspacls.Phyri- I 6ri Srte lr f~� "IK cal changes to tt a Landfill are not required. % ,► - -'i` Environme vial Scneenin g Pierces' 4100. _- Thu Projent is subject to the Ens nron n a n to I Screening l roes ss for Waste Management Project' under tt a Ontario linvironme nut I Assessment Act,CIReg.101,I01 Me Environment al lore ening EIOm Procrs iii used for routine projects tt at have p rediatat le and mane geat le environmental effects. Cosashl hirer stn g the service area ofla la n(111 II is one of the projects that in allowed to proceed throng h , the Ent era n mensal Screening li roue ss. Ern ire omental Screening Report - _ In accordance with the Emotion ta onmenlScreening Process,thelln iron nemip ruts anorl 1,-. Elgin Area Prenary (Report)will 1 e available ft r re thew and comm a nt bit the public,government agencies,lirsi Water Tieafment PURI N anon communities and stat eholders fora s ixl y(60)day review period beginning November 12, 2015 anal a oiling on.la n ua r)l 11,1016,for tt is re view,the Report and associated documents are asofa Isle atCity Hall(300Dufferin/Ivenue,Londan),the Clanwortt Public library(2990Cllanwortt /.taro. 0 Drive,London)and ele stroma Ily a t www.lon don.aa(type Ins iiror mantel Screentrn g•Into the search bar). ssnaaw The fl e port is a aompre he nsive de t umlaut that de tails public,g oaern nie n t age nay and Aboriginal ss consultation and describes!cell issues and II ndings,TI e F epa rt an n eludes the fl inject can proceed as in will hate minimal or n a adds tonal enunonm ental impact Elevation Requests Piny aomiments submitted will be reviewed and the Ckty a ill a ttempt to resolve an);issue ra'sad b1; WI2A LAN ORI LL SERVICE B AREA AMENDMEN11 concerned parties prior to the end ofithe public revie el period.In the event an)Iconcerns car non EA V IROI11 MENIAL SCREENING fIROCIBSSI be resolved,tt a concerned part y mall submit a writ ten real Iasi to ells ate the Project to- Director of t he oli the Ens ironnente I Assessment Approva Is Brant Ministry of the Inv ronn ant a nd Climate Change 1St.Clair Avenue West,Floor 14 - -- - - _-- 300 Du ffelrirl Avenl El 1 1:10 Box 5(135 I hone on,CIN NEIAI 4L9 1 5151 661-41900 I www.lorldan.cla Z <I -a CD O 3 m DI ul' al =I RI Q. : i DI S cm CI CSC CI 5 fz 0 Co Notice of Completion for the Environmental Screening Page 66 of 206 Vv � 'r,- �!1 �� , ...L ti �. .0 %1,r. 1 .�. vT - �f • a,d d*Ingfl 1 k ern '�ar'�°' ' v►� COc\S\U to y°e t° youf °N a r�,aev► rein . • t® ding ' --"- _. V.00\k‘ng 1,‘• t‘b ., F9. , G®� z .� 1� g�M a'' - dat VVVv �. ¢� ut UP R -1--"'1 \#(•\kel t v ,a ., ti , 1100'0 ii r c�11 �e tg, it,,,,(,)ii:4 .itt. _ Uf 4. .a." ; 'r k0 ` § $ ' g „ ' rF' ` ° `5.,,> a''7 , d x s# d F �t Elgincentives may be just what you are looking for, with funding up to $15,000 a year for improvements to your commercial or agricultural business. L- Elg i n ce twee COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT PROJECT For more information visit www.elgincentives.ca or phone 519-631-1460 x168 Elgincentives re Community Improvement Project Page 67 of 206 From:OPP News Portal [mailto:webmaster@opp.ca] Sent:Tuesday, November 10,2015 12:46 PM To:Lynda Millard<LMillard@bayham.on.ca> Subject: [ELGIN COUNTY] DON'T VEER FOR DEER Ontario Provincial Police News Portal [ELGIN COUNTY]DON'T VEER FOR DEER 2015-11-10 (ELGIN COUNTY,ON)—Elgin County Ontario Provincial Police(OPP)and the County of Elgin are urging drivers to increase their deer alert awareness,especially this time of the year. "Most vehicle collisions with deer occur during the months from October to December due to the fall mating and migration seasons,Wild animal collisions tend to occur early morning or just after sun-set because of increased traffic,reduced visibility and deer movement patterns.Drivers need to pay extra attention."said Elgin County OPP Detachment Commander Brad Fishleigh. OPP spokesperson Troy Carlson said there are steps drivers can take to reduce the chance of a collision. "Deer-related collisions can cause injuries ranging from bumps and bruises to serious injuries or even death. Being more aware of the dangers and following some basic safety guidelines can help avoid collisions,"Carlson said. Ways drivers can reduce their risk: • A yellow deer crossing sign indicates a high risk area, slow down and drive with caution; • If you see wildlife beside the road, slow down,honk the horn and pass carefully as their movement is unpredictable; • Use high beams at night and watch for glowing eyes of animals; • Never swerve suddenly as you could lose control of your vehicle; • If an animal is crossing the road ahead,brake firmly—never assume it will move out of the way; • Stop as safely as possible if an animal is crossing the road;remember that other animals often follow; • Drive defensively at all times. "Close to half of all of the collisions the Elgin OPP investigated last year involved a vehicle striking a deer. Out of the 878 collisions Elgin OPP investigated in 2014,377 of them involved collisions with deer. So far in 2015,Elgin County OPP officers have investigated 223 collisions involving deer. Of those 223 collisions 11 people were injured. We certainly would like to see a reduction in those numbers. The costs associated to those collisions are astronomical. If you take into consideration the police resources required to investigate and process these collisions,insurance claims, costs to the health care system and obviously the emotional impact on drivers and families is staggering."said Carlson. DON'T VEER FOR DEER—Stay alert and Drive Safe! Contact: PC Troy Carlson-Media Officer Phone : 519-631-2920 Email : troy.carlson@opp.ca Follow us on Twitter at: www.twitter.com/OPP News Elgin County OPP re Don't Veer for Deer Page 68 of 206 Subject:FW:2016 June Callwood Outstanding Achievement Award for Voluntarism-due Dec 5,2015 Un message en frangais suivra THE 161.2:eaaeleer UTSTAND1NG ACHIEVEMENT AV ARD FOR VOLUNTARISM Dear Friends: I am pleased to invite nominations for the 2016 June Callwood Outstanding Achievement Award for Voluntarism. This award recognizes exceptional leadership, innovation and creativity in voluntarism and community service. Recipients of this award can include individual volunteers, volunteer groups, businesses and other organizations which have made outstanding contributions to their communities and the province. Here is what you need to do to submit a nomination for this award: a. visit ontario.ca/honoursandawards; b. click on the June Callwood Outstanding Achievement Award icon; c. download the appropriate PDF form; and d. fill out the form and submit it no later than December 5, 2015. Please review the eligibility criteria and instructions carefully. Detailed instructions on submitting your package can be found on the website. I invite you to read How to Write a Compelling Nomination, a guide which may be useful as you start to prepare a nomination package. Minister of Citizenship,Immigration and International Trade... Page 69 of 206 If you have any questions, contact the Ontario Honours and Awards Secretariat: Email: ontariohonoursandawards@ontario.ca Phone: 416-314-7526 Toll-free: 1-877-832-8622 TTY: 416-327-2391 Thank you for supporting this program and for your interest in promoting accessibility for Ontarians with disabilities. Sincerely, (Original signed by) Michael Chan Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and International Trade NOMINATE SOMEONE TODAY ' ,c,i,...:e7._ DISTI 11suTICIl 6iezeiatotexei II POUR CONTRIBUTION BENEUQLE EXCEPTIONNELLE Minister of Citizenship,Immigration and International Trade... Page 70 of 206 Madame, Monsieur, J'ai le plaisir de vous solliciter de faire des mises en candidature pour la Distinction June Callwood pour contribution benevole exceptionnelle. Cette recompense souligne les qualites de leadership, l'innovation et la creativite exceptionnelles dans l'action benevole et les services communautaires. Les recipiendaires peuvent etre des particuliers ou des groupes benevoles, des entreprises ou d'autres organisations qui ont apporte une contribution hors du commun a leur collectivite et a la province. Voici ce que vous devez faire pour soumettre une candidature pour ce prix : a. Consultez le site ontario.ca/distinctionsetprix; b. Cliquez sur l'icOne pour la Distinction June Callwood pour contribution benevole exceptionnelle; c. Telechargez le formulaire PDF approprie; et d. Remplissez le formulaire et soumettez-le avant le 5 decembre 2015. Veuillez svp prendre le temps de lire attentivement les criteres d'admissibilite et les directives. Les directives pour soumettre votre dossier de candidature se trouvent sur le site Web. Je vous invite a lire Comment rediger une demande de mise en candidature convaincante, un guide pourrait vous etre utile alors que vous commencez a preparer un dossier de candidature. Si vous avez des questions, veuillez communiquer avec le Secretariat des distinctions et prix de ('Ontario : Courriel : ontariohonoursandawards@ontario.ca Telephone : 416 314-7526 Sans-frais : 1 877 832-8622 ATS : 416 327-2391 Minister of Citizenship,Immigration and International Trade... Page 71 of 206 Je vous remercie de ('attention que vous accordez a ce programme de reconnaissance et de I'interet que vous demontrez envers la promotion de I'accessibilite pour les Ontariennes handicapees et les Ontariens handicapes. Veuillez agreer, Madame, Monsieur, ('expression de mes sentiments distingues. Le ministre, (Copie originale signee par) Michael Chan Ministre des Affaires civiques, de('Immigration et du Commerce international PROPOSEZ LA CANDIDATURE DES MAINTENANT! HONOURS AWARDS 1117 DISTINCTIONS ET PRIX �1 ro Join us on (I Face book I e Twitter I .Flickr I YouTube Minister of Citizenship,Immigration and International Trade... Page 72 of 206 INA:YHA/if RECEIVED Malik ��.� NOV D 9 2015 MUNICIPALITY BAYHAM 041111fr TilAll= 4613o -•001" I �o�► Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham Advisory Board & Committee Member Application Form I am interested in artici atin as a volunteer on the following boards and/or committee(s): Explain why you would like to serve on each board or committee identified above, inc uding any skills or experience which would be of value to the committee or board: to Join A:5 (OiVrl,.nee It) eJn;n more e/Vel r--nu- on .",brad‘-,n- to IvIp pPOP)04e +Q14,6ervti ky}or y. I ,�i'�Oilt,- �j ya`4-1D,SI iN Ar f'a,^� P/hln 6014e5e. Pohl 600k&JR a-6-1'/1 4,0 t- . 6"rhlor5h;p 'nor, qi ((1/es' Do you have any experience volunteering? 171 -ES SONO if Yes, in what capacity: 2 i ,'n ,'1 L/oflbCo -occ;,,,tz� eve-5,C,rfrni-c,n l;,)( l6e"r, n- CoCoIIe& onh 01," 1-n-4-csnhh,a. 1110mi-14 4e AA IA)-Cv-op e -enn - e,��a�^ate�,Ap.+6A-ce- . We want to ensure persons with disabilities are able to participate on municipal committees. If you have a disability, what accommodations, if any, would you need to carry out this position? /v/1-11. Please provide any additional information which may be of assistance in the selection process. 3;4e / Ifl A�zr �� ��le, �� L 0,0-'4, 46);11---)3e41(01 kr?, 4k6eo,v+ �eren1 O,(le� 71r Ih, L, , J-L' �! I 50L.G+ Applicaa�s Signature: - ��i` / Date: L f/ Municipality of Bayham documents are available in alternate formats upon request. Please fill out the Accessibility Request for Alternate Formats Form at www.bavham.on.ca or contact the Accessibility Coordinator at 519-866- 5521 or at accessibilitv( bavham.on.ca. NOTE:Personal information on this form is collected under the authority of the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act c.M56 s.29(2)and will be used to appoint citizen members to municipal boards,or committees. Information on this form will be disclosed to the public for candidate selection purposes. Questions about this collection should be directed to the Municipal Clerk at the address indicated at the top of the application. Museums Bayham Committee Member Application Form Page 73 of 206 EVENT ROAD CLOSURE REQUEST FORM (This form must be submitted to Council at least 6 weeks prior to event) Name of Organization Making Request- ca ha rvx ?e_af tes4 Co in M r *+fie. Name of Special Event-fit ra.:Pt)ro(°i l l IIC_a S ra_6( e Date of Special Event- 6,0_6,_m bei Start-time of Event- Ib ' 3 0 0,y-, Finish- l I , 3 0 a ry, Route—(*Map provided-please highlight route) k- �c v c CFIOC� 1 N\/ Ll)a l /7-tr Pink 'Roca. f o c f (l nl I �1o( n IQ r\ 1re-An IeP--1 \ rd Q1 (\G( ()die Specific Request(Road Closure,Traffic Control etc.)- C i6 S e C-.) k. -Pock.Ci �1eP Jna! (A JP, r L U ��ssue-�� uSc' ac ; re_ 4a_(( �fom io30C�✓v. — GpprOyircd-e (y I I'-/i Maximum Number of people expected to attend- Any Special Needs- Applicant Organization's Authorized Member Name � p k r\ t r h y &Signature Municipal Representative Signature- Organizers are to notify the following a minimum of one month prior to proposed event: Ontario Provincial Police Tillsonburg Fire Dispatch 42696 John Wise Line, RR5 80 Concession Street East St.Thomas,ON N5P 3S9 Tillsonburg,ON N4G 4Z8 Phone: 519-631-2920 Phone: 519-842-2905(non-emergency#) Fax: 519-631-2923 Fax: 519-842-2190 Cell: 519-878-6029 Elgin-St.Thomas EMS Central Ambulance Communications Centre Duty Manager 1510 Woodcock Street,Suite#20 Fax: 519-637-3484 London,ON N6H 5S1 Phone: 519-637-3098 Phone: 519-661-1784 Fax: 519-661-1799 ...2 Bayham Beachfest Committee re Port Burwell and Straffordvill... Page 74 of 206 ///..., 1 • � h yI h1.l ;Iii / .."ate t� _ \ ,1, / ,V I ,f771•sl ,tok„ / A‘ it'''' i \V / 0 VI' 0 ,XS / PWAti.11. f fAr I /,.. I 4. ,Oixt waw„t,,h4t-; :44 ,\-..,,,,- ., �, ♦. _,, Ali' 8 4-v\r” .07vfitt f------ %*wf ...s,„ .*.S.17 V .::,Y .. --,,, '''.. k'! .. 414 # '. . . , . Y4 -. ..- - jo --Z% I - ''. . '-' _ 4 .4,* woe 4: . ,,,., • „9, . \,. ,.., .‘, .,4s._,,,, . .„ ... L.3.1 \ , I__ - te \ \,,, i 4wili 4 v.....4 4,-;._ ., 1 „T. . . mea7,./ ... 4,.;„7.,,,,,„ 1 \` ► ,.\ < . 0 - ` 4* 0 il 4.41 . , ..: . - rl 1 C...) •/ A4111117p4 I / Ql+Wree " Arit I 01 0 m / w**6- 'e4, ,k ..4. 14#t2 : .,,* _., 8.ao / ♦�Q II . / ♦ I�j ' < / 4 _,,, .:,,,,,,g),„, E"-- ........ ,... GO Bayham Beachfest Committee re Port Burwell and Straffordvill... Page 75 of 206 EVENT ROAD CLOSURE REQUEST FORM (This form must be submitted to Council at least 6 weeks prior to event) Name of Organization Making Request- &f 2t(\t e Sf aryl m 14-+ Name of Special Event- 4c—{n (u3e_ t C,rp ry G CIS s Pa r��d E' Date of Special Event- S Start-time of Event- ' p b p m Finish - . 3 O M_ Route–(*Map provided-please highlight route) Mup a-{-f-GZrA&d - ?nu e- hi Specific Request(Road Closure,Traffic Control etc.)- `4 Ca CIO Su. c e. Maximum Number of people expected to attend- Any Special Needs- (,(suci ( ` O�c� C�O�t�< < Praedc �S Applicant Organization's Authorized Member Name- h K t c b y & Signature / Municipal Representative Signature - Organizers are to notify the following a minimum of one month prior to proposed event: Ontario Provincial Police Tillsonburg Fire Dispatch 42696 John Wise Line, RR5 80 Concession Street East St.Thomas,ON N5P 3S9 Tillsonburg,ON N4G 4Z8 Phone: 519-631-2920 Phone: 519-842-2905(non-emergency#) Fax: 519-631-2923 Fax:519-842-2190 Cell: 519-878-6029 Elgin-St.Thomas EMS Central Ambulance Communications Centre Duty Manager 1510 Woodcock Street, Suite#20 Fax: 519-637-3484 London,ON N6H 5S1 Phone: 519-637-3098 Phone: 519-661-1784 Fax: 519-661-1799 ...2 Bayham Beachfest Committee re Port Burwell and Straffordvill... Page 76 of 206 -.. ..0 -_-______._.-- Ca as al g / • :r g • t / Ailimmtgair 1 „It _ E != B • IQil11111111'iIiiiii iD. z---... �, e:/ �!!!llll111!! lllll! wj . , epi 'Tf`.wu ::: (�T(� 1avast �1111111/i MI � 1 © Ol �� W :-�_._ � Q /• ',� :'^! 11 1!!�u .!r' i7 ' S .. .. �. ,. .. Vii 1, l ‘ , I±10 13 1111/4 r , .,„,,,_,,, \% ti A II WRIMIVA • .4 v r+w U111111 alro1111 j�i1�g1 �� f� 11!!1r d1lll.. .11l: �. _ • / w -. •Mll mg ! Iii ._ mini 1talk. N4,44111!11 am x'mo n / d-,:ro main I iPP' .0. ...,0-uu)c42 , dallit .i, d idc, hf ,hffl$ iiiJHHrIiFh+ jbJ. , '%i r---- i _:..--...._ fp,rr O lilt "='' I.7 MEM 11Iv- __ yam, EI Bayham Beachfest Committee re Port Burwell and Straffordvill... Page 77 of 206 INA-YHA-4f REPORT TREASURY DEPARTMENT 40, �Apoj-tuni Ism..-- ty TO: Mayor& Members of Council FROM: Lorne James, Treasurer DATE: November 19th, 2015 REPORT: TR-19/15 FILE NO. SUBJECT: Write-off of Uncollectible Accounts Receivable BACKGROUND: Since 2013, the Municipality has been carrying the fees associated with the quarterly letter of guarantee and dragline work performed for Project Ojibwa on Elgin Military Museums(EMM) behalf. The amount of receivable to date is$100,545.19,which the Municipality has already paid. COMMENTS: The Municipality's audited financial statements, financial information report(FIR) and bank covenants would be offside if the Municipality decided to carry the accounts receivable at December 31, 2015.The auditors would qualify the audited financial statements impacting the FIR report and would breach bank covenants of Municipal loan agreements. The Municipality is seeking legal action on collections of these receivables. The 2015 and 2016 operating budgets, allocated $102,000 for expected write off of these amounts using the Rate Stabilization Reserve. The Public Sector accounting standards does not have a specific section relating to Accounts Receivable which relies on CPA Handbook Section 3020 Accounts and Notes Receivable. "Loans or receivables are written off as soon as it is known to be uncollectible or are written down to its estimated realizable value as soon as it is known that it is not collectible in full." CONCLUSION: Staff respectfully recommend council write down its accounts receivable from EMM to estimated net realizable value of$0 and allocate$100,545.19 out of the Rate Stabilization reserve in 2015 prior to year-end. RECOMMENDATION 1. THAT Staff Report TR-19-2015 be received for information. 2. THAT Council direct staff to write off the uncollectible receivable using the Rate Stabilization Reserve. 3. THAT Council direct staff to apply the 2016 operating budget amount of$47,000 to be used in 2015. Report TR-19/15 by Lorne James,Treasurer re Write-off Uncol... Page 78 of 206 Respectful! sub .tted, Reviewed by, / Lor James. . CA u=1'17illtir;e istrator C v Report TR-19/15 by Lorne James,Treasurer re Write-off Uncol... Page 79 of 206 g,AY -4PP14"- ' REPORT o � ""Igifto 4.4 CAO Pp°i'tunity IsII TO: Mayor& Members of Council FROM: Paul Shipway, CAO DATE: November 19, 2015 REPORT: CAO-85/15 SUBJECT: MUNICIPAL PROPERTY INVENTORY BACKGROUND On October 6, 2015, at the Capital Budget Meeting, Council passed the following resolution: THAT staff be directed to bring back a report on municipal owned property with potential for surplus for Council consideration. Attached hereto as Appendix'A' is a listing of Municipal Properties and corresponding mapping of the same. RECOMMENDATION 1. THAT Report CAO-85/15 re Municipal Property Inventory be received for information; 2. AND THAT Council provide Staff direction. Respectfully Submitted by: Paul Shipway CAO Report CAO-85/15 by Paul Shipway,CAO re Municipal Property... Page 80 of 206 7:1 0 0 Z C) O LA L, Roll Number Address What is this location? Map cr 3401000003023020000 55177 JACKSON LINE Snuck Cemetery-additional lands west side 01 w 3401000003143000000 8354 PLANK RD Public Works Garage-Straffordville 02 v 3401000004009050000 HERITAGE LINE Vacant parcel east side of Straffordville Cemetery 55939 Heritage Line 03 3401000004010150000 8971 PLANK RD Pumping Station No.5-Straff South 04 3401000004105000000 HERITAGE LINE 56826 Heritage Line-Pumping Station No.3-Straff East 05 3401000004116010000 57682 HERITAGE LINE Guysboro Cemetery-additional lands west side 06 O 3401000004199000000 9366 PLANK RD Straffordville Library 07 3401000004200000000 9344 PLANK RD Municipal Office 08 CD 3401000004301000000 2 PLANK RD 5 56301 Heritage Line-Corner Parkette 09 3401000004310000000 56169 HERITAGE LINE Straffordville Community Centre 10 -• 3401000004352060000 55764 THIRD Bayham Fire Station#2-Straffordville 11 P 3401000005123000000 54286 BEST LINE Corinth Community Park 12 0b 3401000006076050000 PLANK RD W/S 11403 Plank Rd-Pumping Station No. 1-Eden 13 3401000006115140000 EDEN LINE N/S Road Allowance-access to rear lands, Eden 14 3401000006186000000 57016 EDEN LINE Canada Post Community boxes @ Plank Road 15 3401000006233000000 56967 EDEN LINE Eden&Area Community Centre 16 3401000007029120000 RICHMOND RD Richmond Community Water-wells 17 3401000007098000000 53906 CHURCH Richmond Community Park 18 3401000007117220000 no address Road Allowance-Richmond 19 3401000007117300000 9190 RICHMOND RD Richmond Water Pumping Station 20 3401000008112100000 NO ADDRESS Calton Cemtery-additional land 21 3401000009018000000 NO ADDRESS Utility Corridor 22 3401002001006800000 1 MACNEIL CRT PB Stormwater Management Area-MacNeil Subdivision 23 3401002001016010000 31 ELIZABETH PB Public Works Garage 24 3401002001159000000 ERIEUS E/S PB southerly portion of Memorial Park along the beach 25 3401002001160000000 3 STRACHAN PB Memorial Park 26 `d 3401002001160010000 BROCK S/S PB Brock Street pumping station 27 11) co 3401002001187020000 15 ERIEUS PB Gazebo north of public library 28 oo 3401002001212000000 18 PITT PB Marine Museum 29 O 3401002001228000000 17 ROBINSON PB Historic Lighthouse 30 N 3401002001243000000 ROBINSON 1 Robinson PB Municipal East Beach 31 o 3401002001298000000 20 PITT PB 24 B Pitt-Market Square basketball court 32 3401002001301000000 20 PITT PB Marine Museum 33 7:1 o 0 Z C) O LALA v, 3401002001312000000 PITT N/S PB Market Square-Cenotaph 34 cr 3401002001313000000 21 PITT PB Fred Bodsworth Public Library 35 w 3401002001389000000 ROBINSON N/S PB Submariners Way 36 v 3401002001390000000 ROBINSON N/S PB Pumping Station Robinson at Submariners Way 37 3401002001406010000 CHATHAM E/S PB Vacant land-east side Chatham St 38 3401002001420000000 CHATHAM ST E/S PB Park area Nova Scotia Line @ Chatham St 39 3401002001470000000 55461 NOVA SCOTIA LINE PB Ball Park 40 O 3401002001471000000 55451 NOVA SCOTIA LINE PB Bayham Fire Station#1 41 3401002002002100000 CHATHAM E/S PB lands fronting on Chatham St thru to harbour 42 CD 3401002002002150000 CHATHAM E/S PB parcel west side harbour-no street frontage,water access 43 3401002002002500000 NO ADDRESS PB water lot entirely under water 44 -• 3401002002003000000 1 CHATHAM ST PB Sewage Treatment Plant 45 P 3401002002007000000 3 PITT ST PB West end Pitt St-EMM parking area for Ojibwa site 46 ',--V 3401002002007050000 BRIDGE ST to PLANK RD PB lands alongboth sides of BigOtter Creek from Bridge St to Plank Rd 47 3401004001004000000 6208 PLANK RD Vienna-FORMER Library lands-vacant 48 3401004001007000000 6226 PLANK RD Vienna-memorial park&skateboard park 49 3401004001008000000 PLANK RD S/S Vienna-memorial park&skateboard park 50 3401004001010000000 PLANK RD S/S Vienna-memorial park&skateboard park 51 3401004001011000000 PLANK RD S/S Vienna-memorial park&skateboard park 52 3401004001012000000 PLANK RD S/S Vienna-memorial park&skateboard park 53 3401004001014020000 6342 PLANK RD Vienna-future site of the Edison Museum of Vienna 54 3401004001095000000 NO ADDRESS Vienna-vacant lands along Big Creek-no frontage 55 3401004001151000000 OAK W/S Vienna-vacant parcel 29'X 132' 56 3401004001167000000 OAK W/S Vienna-Road Allow Chestnut Street betw Oak St and Union St 57 3401004001173010000 EDISON DR E/S Vienna-vacant lands along Edison Drive 58 3401004001177020000 12 SNOW Vienna-vacant lot south side of Edison Museum 59 3401004001180000000 14 SNOW Vienna Edison Museum 60 'b 3401004001181050000 54 FRONT ST Vienna-Pumping Station No.6 61 11) co 3401004001193010000 26 FULTON Vienna Community Centre 62 N 3401004001194000000 FULTON N/S Vienna-vacant lands adjacent to VCC fronting on to Ann St 63 O 3401004001241000000 PLANK RD W/S Vienna-Historic Plaque Monument Location west side Plank 64 N O 7d co 'zt 0 a 0 00 LA IQ ELGIN MAPPING roll # 003-02302 Smuck Cemetery u, ,.c a- -,r..r,t,,. — ......6744114600........,°____ r y n - - Legend O rElLagoons r P ,. ❑ Parcels 4, = Local - f . a *I — Arterial 45. * a _. r• r 4 � -a t — Highways P U . r World Street Map r . z 4oi •i t ski .- 4 ' .it. ,fir .t... - l ,r r 1. -4Y„l'.ter k, r r t 7 -1 ,I' V . /yf��.� VY ' CD 00 v. W O ,—,-, : N 1: 1,128 Notes cT 0.1 0 0.03 0.1 Kilometers This mapis a usergenerated static output from an Internet mapping site and is for I I p Pp 9 reference only.Data layers that appear on this map may or may not be accurate, WGS 1984 Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere current,or otherwise reliable. ©Latitude Geographics Group Ltd. THIS MAP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION 7d co 'zt 0 a 0 00 LA V ELGIN MAPPING 003-14300 8354 Plank Road b P I1� n Legend O 1 I ❑ Lagoons CD 51r ❑ Parcels 4 1 _ 3 pl, = Local r - Arterial o• — Highways — . *lefill World Street Map I � J r l 4', r , l' NO ILII: 'ifi -V.i,' ---- . . - - . 0 , imic J. •+y 1: 1,128 0 Notes cs 0.1 0 0.03 0.1 Kilometers This mapis a usergenerated static output from an Internet mapping site and is for I I p Pp 9 reference only.Data layers that appear on this map may or may not be accurate, WGS 1984 Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere current,or otherwise reliable. ©Latitude Geographics Group Ltd. THIS MAP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION 7d co 'zt 0 a 0 00 V ELGIN MAPPING roll # 004-00905 Vacant Lot E/S Straff CemeteryrilliPIP.P. . ..., ,,adm, '. P P y 117:10r y� - - t bit : ' i a — _ Legend o a ; i "--- ❑ Lagoons ❑ Parcels = Local ( , — Arterial At ' — Highways P { r 'a 1 World Street Map fp 4 L i • - Iiiiip . . , • 00 . O . - t•..) 1:2,256 0 Notes 0.1 0 0.06 0.1 Kilometers This mapis a usergenerated static output from an Internet mapping site and is for I I p Pp 9 reference only.Data layers that appear on this map may or may not be accurate, WGS 1984 Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere current,or otherwise reliable. ©Latitude Geographics Group Ltd. THIS MAP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION 7d 0 's 0 a 0 00 9 ELGIN MAPPING 8971 Plank Rd, Straffordville IPPIPP7 . cr AMCiD 111:. n 5 Legend O _ L3 _ * ❑ Lagoons / El Parcels I y+. = Local - - Arterial f - "1 — Highways w, . 4107 World Street Map 2 • .1 • , Irk 1 1M .- Crg 0 .- 01111111161.4.111iiiihil.iiillifi t' O o N 4 1: 2,2560 C::, _. chNotes 0.1 0 0.06 0.1 Kilometers This mapis a usergenerated static output from an Internet mapping site and is for I I p Pp 9 reference only.Data layers that appear on this map may or may not be accurate, WGS 1984 Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere current,or otherwise reliable. ©Latitude Geographics Group Ltd. THIS MAP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION 7d co '''ts 0 a 0 ELGIN00 MAPPINGrill1111177 : LA 56826 Heritage Line_ Straffordville ar ,•c b n Legend '° z ❑ Lagoons .D T ; - �P ❑ Parcels CD ,4, •w E IF. Arterial _ NL- Highways a World Street Map o t ,;7,,i __ 1 ir ., - .. - ...,. . .._ _ . ..,.. . , , 1,i*, . ...' . . ...„ , .,,, '',.. .7, - ' "-•,'1! 71101441''.•:t44-,,'Illtiti"4: 1 v-1:::: '^ ',. I. . ' Alk -lb 41 -116 it .' .- fie` - .0 41 op*t--r RRR. y -S } 1111 CD a 00 J O 0 1:2,256 0 Notes ur r 0.1 0 0.06 0.1 Kilometers This mapis a usergenerated static output from an Internet mapping site and is for I I p Pp 9 reference only.Data layers that appear on this map may or may not be accurate, WGS 1984 Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere current,or otherwise reliable. ©Latitude Geographics Group Ltd. THIS MAP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION 7d co �s 0 a 0 00 ELGIN MAPPING 57682 Heritage Line-Guysboro Cemetery ... C n ,w , Legendy .4, ❑ Lagoons •-i . 4 ,„ . k ❑ Parcels = Local f — Arterial 45• — Highways `y World Street Map 0 o fp .tossm. , . .,J -•. Vt 00 00 till 0 lliik N = 1:2,2560 0 Notes ch 0.1 0 0.06 0.1 Kilometers This mapis a usergenerated static output from an Internet mapping site and is for I I p Pp 9 reference only.Data layers that appear on this map may or may not be accurate, WGS 1984 Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere current,or otherwise reliable. ©Latitude Geographics Group Ltd. THIS MAP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION 7d co 'ts 0 a 0 00 ti., PV ELGIN MAPPING 9366 Plank Rd - Straffordville Library IPPIPP7 LA cr ... 4/.....,.. . CZ - . - Legend ! ,, ElLagoons ' a '� ❑ Parcels 'el, 41° ._ = Local — Arterial 45, f w, — Highways P [ - World Street Map of o 4. w A fr./ , " 0 , A' `r �' *, / , . 411 -,..,,,,,, ' All.e4 - , b Clci L 00 . I-41'- EA1I .1 Na 1: 1,128 Notes 0.1 0 0.03 0.1 Kilometers This mapis a usergenerated static output from an Internet mapping site and is for I I p Pp 9 reference only.Data layers that appear on this map may or may not be accurate, WGS 1984 Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere current,or otherwise reliable. ©Latitude Geographics Group Ltd. THIS MAP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION 7d co '-s 0 a 0 00 ELGIN MAPPING 9344 Plank Rd - Municipal OfficePIPPIPIPP.P. . lk a a '!YR-. . P, Legend o .. .4 .. •. . ❑ Lagoons • rr • ❑ Parcels • ' = Local f — Arterial 0 45S• "V — Highways P, ! • r *. +� World Street Map ro . . .., , . lit/., t.,,i, 4484 '''''''''' .. ..� Y ,I aYy + / / w r.,,t ' 1115. , PCJ S t. ��+ Y5 4F. P .„ A t• a 1: 1,128 Notes Afro: 0.1 0 0.03 0.1 Kilometers This mapis a usergenerated static output from an Internet mapping site and is for I I p Pp 9 reference only.Data layers that appear on this map may or may not be accurate, WGS 1984 Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere current,or otherwise reliable. ©Latitude Geographics Group Ltd. THIS MAP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION 7d 0 's 0 a 0 00 V ELGIN MAPPING 65301 Heritage Line - Straffordville Parkette 1111117 u ' =292 e. • it 926E = !r Pew. _ . rte" �.. I 56284. 4 I _ . 56302 Ale O Legend * - El Lagoons ,--1 ' 5325 E911 aCD M . k ` -.. ,} aI, . , aiiiiim. S✓ h� EJ Local �� — Arterial o' — Highways L 0 56� a 562 8 t ` r�t.w•�, '� World Street Map T } . t ir .111 Illi a • 4 ' ` ? s r - k yy • •:lam'.J`. r l co 0Y4 y� + • .) 9 27 1-r tel. N ;� 1: 1,128 0 - Co . Notes liv4'R.r t4 '�� ‘=11 .-- " 0.1 0 0.03 0.1 Kilometers This mapis a usergenerated static output from an Internet mapping site and is for p Pp 9 reference only.Data layers that appear on this map may or may not be accurate, WGS 1984 Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere current,or otherwise reliable. ©Latitude Geographics Group Ltd. THIS MAP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION 7d co 'ts 0 a 0 00 ELGIN MAPPING 56169 Heritage Line - SCC & Park 401 P y , ir _ , Legenda - , ! o 1 - _ ❑ Lagoons oo ns ,-• r r • t . ,- ❑ Parcels 4 41 = Local r f' <, — Arterial Highways w r 4 r World Street Map i ,i I, jik illitill - ' 41& '10 . ' 1 - r i.t y :. I .`!" 5 14 • - te - s y Ae v4. A _ ,� • Pt �� 'mo. 1tla . p l'..) Mitf - a ' N 1:2,256 Notes 0.1 0 0.06 0.1 Kilometers This ma is a user generated static output from an Internet mapping site and is for P 9 p Pp 9 reference only.Data layers that appear on this map may or may not be accurate, WGS 1984 Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere current,or otherwise reliable. ©Latitude Geographics Group Ltd. THIS MAP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION 7d co 'ts 0 ›- o 00 IQ ELGIN MAPPING 55764 Third St - Fire Station # 2 StraffordvillePPP...1.7 . b Pjam. a ow t Legend ❑ Lagoons ..r ❑ Parcels - i = Local — Arterial 45• II — Highways P' World Street Map o I - CD y a a ::. _ 7 _ —� L Nr ...- iilb \ . ilk TCtO c? r CD t V.D 4 Zraf ifiyir I f-.w . N 0 Notesra ' 1: 1,128 p F 0.1 0 0.03 0.1 Kilometers This mapis a usergenerated static output from an Internet mapping site and is for I I p Pp 9 reference only.Data layers that appear on this map may or may not be accurate, WGS 1984 Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere current,or otherwise reliable. ©Latitude Geographics Group Ltd. THIS MAP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION 7d co 'ts 0 a 0 00 ELGIN MAPPING 54286 Best Line - Corinth Park 4 ... 4., ,.. `C 0 Y Legend 0 �� ❑ Lagoons nrt Parcels # = Local �• _ — Arterial — Highways P, World Street Map o ..rJ 1 • ' " --- -- • a.---_ ,� r igi ' - i- ' r — F..ci I _ .' ' - O I R rr {t, Ne 1:4,513 0 �,." 4: Notes 0.2 0 0.11 0.2 Kilometers This ma is a user generated static output from an Internet mapping site and is for I I P 9 p Pp 9 reference only.Data layers that appear on this map may or may not be accurate, WGS 1984 Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere current,or otherwise reliable. ©Latitude Geographics Group Ltd. THIS MAP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION 7d co 'ts 0 a 0 00 V ELGIN MAPPING 11403 Plank Rd Pump Station 1 Edenrill11177 . cr f .,1,01 ..-/ if,, , , , . ..._ . . . _ .„., 4„.„ . • n �. , �. ' _ Legend r} f - - !" i ❑ Lagoons k , f ' �1 ❑ Parcels 4 l-� .9t r ?Yr;r •- t vi = Local -CD = '1. qt , f 1 - — Arterial 45 s. ilt — Highways f. World Street Map o el) ct N. : .. ‘,.., ,.). 4 r g d t-. N /. / / ------------../.'". { "...././ : , ..-- Clci tio . . / .. ., / e o ; t\..) .- , 1:4,5130 Notes 0.2 0 0.11 02 Kilometers This mapis a usergenerated static output from an Internet mapping site and is for I I p Pp 9 reference only.Data layers that appear on this map may or may not be accurate, WGS 1984 Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere current,or otherwise reliable. ©Latitude Geographics Group Ltd. THIS MAP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION 7d co 'ts 0 a 0 00 Q ELGIN MAPPING Road Allowance - Eden Line • Vis" P �, 1 �` 'e t fi a a a 1 As w Legend o -+ - ca ❑ Lagoons 0 I e ., Q LI Parcels A- 1111 _ 1. (� ,r, If R = Local { ,r-41: p, '' 4 `r , '' /' - £F — Arterial �' I y - - 7r fii- i --:, y `fit, ,rte ;r _ Highways rYc - Cr� iF` ,.. o I . *--r--„ / . - - World Street Map V r -' --/ I: ' i - r � ) ,, `.rAy '- : /I 1 .- F. -^ Ili �'�3_y ► , ••I.• . it iz I.__ / litf. kir' 4r, i _ - G.44,,,,,,,,k " -, - „ _ F li ° / r"-,:lis Ai, s',"" .411 * , ..-0- , ill fIQ f I . , • N1:4,5130 O '. . Notes ch J 0.2 0 0.11 02 Kilometers This mapis a usergenerated static output from an Internet mapping site and is for I I p Pp 9 reference only.Data layers that appear on this map may or may not be accurate, WGS 1984 Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere current,or otherwise reliable. ©Latitude Geographics Group Ltd. THIS MAP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION 7d co 'ris 0 a 0 00 V ELGIN MAPPING 57016 Eden Line - Canada Post Community BoxesriPPPIP.P. . kir 4f n 4 Legend Ot ❑ Lagoons .D CD 44, ❑ Parcels lilliell- Air t = Local - " - Arterial 45• _ ..41141k, — Highways World Street Map I fp �4n • iv , ", , _ _.., . calz,i,t, ... . . . , , 4 qr _..... , - _ i_. __. :ea, slif; -t 1. ... , __ .,, _ . .. . _ _ ..$v...., .,_, , . ,.._- . .. 0,, , .. t , .. ,) 111 _ _ _ .... .4. , . ,z.siiiiii / - /." e r CYO r NO "" • " + +M•Ott - 1: 1,128 - Notes 0.1 0 0.03 0.1 Kilometers This mapis a usergenerated static output from an Internet mapping site and is for p Pp 9 reference only.Data layers that appear on this map may or may not be accurate, WGS 1984 Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere current,or otherwise reliable. ©Latitude Geographics Group Ltd. THIS MAP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION 7d co 'ts 0 CZ a 0 00 0., PV ELGIN MAPPING 56967 Eden Line Eden & Area CC u, / , illir If . illIP' d t. Alit, Mr,foor } MI, P. " ,' mss' ,. 4^ � � �`. -- At Legend r) ! F _- , :".:: ' - 9 4El Lagoons `' r p y 1; ' kfiM:- ❑ Parcels 1 � 1 = Local .. k =' — Arterial '— Highways Q' o 1 '' World Street Map ikffp f Y i E 7 11 a • 4%4., , ... .... . - ' tr . O h / mit-1 Ails,* At of liAll r' 00 • Tilir N #.' ,° . 1: 2,256 C) - - on e' r 4., Notes 0.1 0 0.06 0.1 Kilometers This ma is a user generated static output from an Internet mapping site and is for I I P 9 p Pp 9 reference only.Data layers that appear on this map may or may not be accurate, WGS 1984 Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere current,or otherwise reliable. ©Latitude Geographies Group Ltd. THIS MAP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION 7d co '-cs 0 a 0 00 V ELGIN MAPPING RCW Wells - Richmond Road P"IP 4* ( ve,,r_, .' 4* . i --., -......,_ . - / a • t l f y 3 ! s — _ ' f . . � n y• . , Legend r '- x ,0 Lagoons oon s " ` / O „ _ LI Parcels , = Local ; e Arterial o sigiii.ililitti • — Highways _ _,_ _ il I 4.__ f World Street Map o 'td y r ..d - fes~ 14 �—_j a.- g yl ill s__:.\, � Ch i Ft: / cm cu '';• L , p \ ♦ . + hO a . ,. O \`, IQ P 1:4,513 Notes ch 0.2 0 0.11 0.2 Kilometers This mapis a usergenerated static output from an Internet mapping site and is for I I p Pp 9 reference only.Data layers that appear on this map may or may not be accurate, WGS 1984 Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere current,or otherwise reliable. ©Latitude Geographics Group Ltd. THIS MAP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION 7d co '-s 0 a 0 00 9 ELGIN MAPPING 53906 Church St - Richmond PG cL• I , i. 411 IP Irikb- :4..„-„,:„.„,„,,,,._,,,, mmili.---1-----g. , n * i Leg end O ;. El CD ❑ Parcels r ,4��! � � _,. - = Local .,• y ; - 410 — Arterial co i — Highways P { ' ` World Street Map / a ,I. t cs- -i, .N . , , � ,> r., ,... .. 4.:, . f t �.h fir'I{, l ` r 'I, \ f .Y. ,I \. (IQ , . .\ CD 4 ..• • ________- ...... ,,, 0 N.„- . . _ .. . .. . , , _ N .. ... • , 1:2,256 O Al0 j Notesb ... . . _ _ .. 0.1 0 0.06 0.1 Kilometers This ma is a user generated static output from an Internet mapping site and is for P 9 p Pp 9 reference only.Data layers that appear on this map may or may not be accurate, WGS 1984 Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere current,or otherwise reliable. ©Latitude Geographies Group Ltd. THIS MAP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION 7d 0 '-cs 0 a 0 00 u, rV ELGIN MAPPING Road Allow - no address Richmond illiPIPPP: LA cr P ' ka CiD +.1„ OP '''' adook , , .• . ,.„. , ,.. . sv a� r , ',� / / Legend y ❑ Lagoons Parcels r = Local 4 a Arterial — Highways w F '#` k World Street Map 'CS - " mo.D4 • __ _. , .• l'JI: 1:,: -.-,.,, 4 ...4,- ._ I F-or. _.. ._ . _ _ ,_, - � I.. , Nma O 1:2,2560 Notes 0.1 0 0.06 0.1 Kilometers This mapis a usergenerated static output from an Internet mapping site and is for I I p Pp 9 reference only.Data layers that appear on this map may or may not be accurate, WGS 1984 Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere current,or otherwise reliable. ©Latitude Geographics Group Ltd. THIS MAP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION 7d co 'ts 0 ›- o 00 ELGIN MAPPING 9190 Richmond Rd RCW Pumping Station illiP LA cr C4 • �#► # 1 J ,, i I rf r -�F. •'. n. ` Legend /// r c w r, ❑ Lagoons ., r; ra_ _r. ❑ Parcels {CI) .. — Local �' f \ Arterial n ft N Yr �. } — Highways • ---------:- // /---.. � y'£ ':* ,r1- , I' '41World Street Map '•• •• . , , 1! rif, „. . , •,,te, .., b I— ._.. - I} f- ,, Cly { Gfi� 1-It MI N 0 .6 N 1:4,513 Co - rn Notes 0.2 0 0.11 0.2 Kilometers This ma is a user generated static output from an Internet mapping site and is for I I P 9 p Pp 9 reference only.Data layers that appear on this map may or may not be accurate, WGS 1984 Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere current,or otherwise reliable. ©Latitude Geographies Group Ltd. THIS MAP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION 7d co 'ts 0 a 0 00 ELGIN MAPPING 6964 Richmond Rd Calton Cemetery Added Lands P"P LA AD n 1 ` _ Legend 4,.., _ ❑ Lagoons - _ 0 - LI Parcels cP 4 = Local .rte a' - - 3. — Arterial c) . -. — Highways P, i.m World Street Map �' l VI , i i!• l; is . a'; ,:,-; Ir.;-,i. , ,1 l'' •9, r „I 1 { .+ 1 Fl!: K7telliE i`p r-:WM - - AD Illin . ill ' .1 , ,...12 I, r" 1 c) 1 m 1-- - --------- r_._._` N 1:9,0270 k� Notes 0.5 00.23 0.5 Kilometers This mapis a usergenerated static output from an Internet mapping site and is for II p Pp 9 reference only.Data layers that appear on this map may or may not be accurate, WGS 1984 Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere current,or otherwise reliable. ©Latitude Geographics Group Ltd. THIS MAP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION co '7s 0 a 0 9ELGIN MAPPING Utility CorridorPIPPIPP7 t, I 0' P t, ' adlin moi ; `P r. V a r y - , Legend 0rr W ❑ Lagoons Arterial ,-t • -,.lOtlilA lb,. . i le 4 z. 1. ' • - — Highways ♦ r • World Street Map Irit . ..pi 4 .m. ., L,...,F. ., . . .% wfU rt ` . Z ,.. "tom ce - 41‘,v .4" rc'-- 14, X 1 4( -,5f4.A.-... ,4 - k, •., 4 p ., y ..... ,.,:,.,„.,c ,. I - r a ,, t 0 , nc�. b r b F 1 = 4 5 .5 %.k`f 31 .- b • 6 — �',',,F lI nrg33 ' 1–r., ��€iiiiiiiii,.. iii... gr 1: 144,447 //� 0 Notes 7.3 0 3.67 7.3 Kilometers This mapis a usergenerated static output from an Internet mapping site and is for I I p Pp 9 reference only.Data layers that appear on this map may or may not be accurate, WGS 1984 Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere current,or otherwise reliable. ©Latitude Geographies Group Ltd. THIS MAP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION 7d co 'ts 0 a 0 00 ELGIN MAPPING 1 Macneil Crt PB Stormwater Mgmt AreaPIPPIPP7 oplit 4'i 44 i 1! ` Legend O . - , -_ giLa ❑ Lagoons c e' LI Parcels - = Local —mwater Mg41 - vu _ • IS — Highways — , ,.. - .w World Street Map - - / CD alne3gtlirC—Ti .q.., ‘-- ' li . x FR k ., _ td . • .., .. • — i AD ER. cra _ IL , _ Lti o —.. -I,.. NAH.TREEiT .� N • • • 1 _ -mipari . • • :2,256 Notes 1 0.1 0 0.06 0.1 Kilometers This mapis a usergenerated static output from an Internet mapping site and is for I I p Pp 9 reference only.Data layers that appear on this map may or may not be accurate, WGS 1984 Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere current,or otherwise reliable. ©Latitude Geographics Group Ltd. THIS MAP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION 7d co 0 a 0 00 u, rV ELGIN MAPPING 31 Elizabeth St PB Works Yard illiPP7 . cr illial '' ., --,,, . __. . n Legend 0 1 _HANNAH STiRE3 _ ` ElLagoons � . _ 7 ❑ Parcels S✓ , Local Arterial ,,,t5• - m — Highways World Street Map .d r- e mu_ - - k, ' LT') „ F= '' . 1 er iii ... 1±11 ION P_ vinso lakur�,` l 7SrtRE U - y AD y � ', II N e 1:2,256 Ch i f 0 Notes 0.1 0 0.06 0.1 Kilometers This mapis a usergenerated static output from an Internet mapping site and is for p Pp 9 reference only.Data layers that appear on this map may or may not be accurate, WGS 1984 Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere current,or otherwise reliable. ©Latitude Geographics Group Ltd. THIS MAP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION 7d 0 '-cs 0 a 0 00 V ELGIN MAPPING Roll # 002-001-15900 approximate location c IZIHill z--, _ ! ! * H:_ a El ro aLegend O • tLagoons• n s .CD ,D sa- - , -. t = Parcels S +9Local ` • _ - — Arterial i — Highways P, ' World Street Map x. imilmio._. . , b Al CPA' CD — - O J - O - N1:2,256 0 • Notes • 0.1 0 0.06 0.1 Kilometers This mapis a usergenerated static output from an Internet mapping site and is for I I p Pp 9 reference only.Data layers that appear on this map may or may not be accurate, WGS 1984 Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere current,or otherwise reliable. ©Latitude Geographics Group Ltd. THIS MAP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION 7d co '1s 0 a 0 00 V ELGIN MAPPING 3 Strachan St - PB Memorial Pa F• .ieil �J. d yw l' a 4 1 �. T � �' n Legend o 1" t- a ' - Lagoons fp - __- x .. ❑ Parcels 4f T _. = Local ` - — Arterial ..,. Mill .., i - 45' • Mfg — Highways --, . t World Street Map '-cl 7'o r iii Cig N. CD O 0o .. O ` N 1:2,256 0 Notes ch 0.1 0 0.06 0.1 Kilometers This mapis a usergenerated static output from an Internet mapping site and is for I I p Pp 9 reference only.Data layers that appear on this map may or may not be accurate, WGS 1984 Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere current,or otherwise reliable. ©Latitude Geographics Group Ltd. THIS MAP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION 7d 0 's 0 a 0 00 ELGIN MAPPING PB Brock Street Pumping Station LA cr • 3 n d i '1 Legend El Lagoons �S - -r , ❑ Parcels C !fl r;; uG_=U r = Local Air -._t 6 " — Arterial i �4i ; 7 a , — Highways P • World Street Map.$ .4 N .. 1 • a :=w r 1 _ I__. . A 1.51-;(k:'�71f'i . } g , nfi_ e r AAD Q �� O • O - N - law 1:2,256 0 Notes 0.1 0 0.06 0.1 Kilometers This mapis a usergenerated static output from an Internet mapping site and is for I I p Pp 9 reference only.Data layers that appear on this map may or may not be accurate, WGS 1984 Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere current,or otherwise reliable. ©Latitude Geographics Group Ltd. THIS MAP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION 7d co '-ts 0 a 0 00 u 9 ELGIN MAPPING 15 Erieus St PB Gazebo beside Librar T b - am,-...-..-... . a IP far y a1 • Legend ❑ Lagoons .-i ali . .4114 LIParcels = = Local o - - +''7 — Arterial 45S• I ik I --.- — Highways li r 4 . World Street Map .. , _. „ : . . „ , . CD •i/Eb'L-.{ti. - 1/I • -.. _ _ ,it..I • . a. . r ,.:..._ a 4 Vie.-.# V 1 _ir . %.47 .1101t. ': Mill' .....-) ,, 6 CD yy a' N �_ 1: 1,1280 Notes 0.1 0 0.03 0.1 Kilometers This ma is a user generated static output from an Internet mapping site and is for I I P 9 p Pp 9 reference only.Data layers that appear on this map may or may not be accurate, WGS 1984 Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere current,or otherwise reliable. ©Latitude Geographics Group Ltd. THIS MAP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION 7d co 'zt 0 a 0 00 LA IQ ELGIN MAPPING 18 Pitt St PB Marine Museum parking lot Aiiiiii"" 4..,.::. -,..„.:. . . .. - rEIMMINIIM' ,,,,i , Wit MI - ':: • .r. . C4 1 4- dFi• r 1 IR ICZ !l yLegend - - -7--1 ❑ Lagoons - i CD 6 Parcels — Local Of.0 al-Ct I11 — Arterial 0 45S• - 1 i — Highways r •#.�.i`'` World Street Map '...4:1 .b $ ri. ,._.. 'i Aliimindiulatil ,r 7.-) i •Ifi iiIMPI, 111111 ,' y ��lite 4 x S ,,,, .,.,„14,„,-..,4 g 6 '` I. - - tv1: 1,128 CT - I1IIIL - Notes 0.1 0 0.03 0.1 Kilometers This mapis a usergenerated static output from an Internet mapping site and is for I I p Pp 9 reference only.Data layers that appear on this map may or may not be accurate, WGS 1984 Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere current,or otherwise reliable. ©Latitude Geographics Group Ltd. THIS MAP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION 7d 0 '-izs 0 a 0 00 ELGIN MAPPING 17 Robinson St - Lighthouse P"IP LA 411111111.,z." nalmi _. Legend I I Rik OULt.if - ❑ Lagoons .„ i ❑ r Parcels 4 f = Local r — Arterial ,...5• —— Highways — _ ,, World Street Map z7 ■I 'tl' n .' .. ,- IF sal 0 _ . . I AD CD 0� . ' - 'I l - • IV 1: 1I ,128 ' Notes g- 0.1 0 0.03 0.1 Kilometers This mapis a usergenerated static output from an Internet mapping site and is for I I p Pp 9 reference only.Data layers that appear on this map may or may not be accurate, WGS 1984 Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere current,or otherwise reliable. ©Latitude Geographics Group Ltd. THIS MAP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION C CD 's 0 0 CA IQ ELGIN MAPPING 1 Robinson St - Port Burwell Municipal Be LA o `C 340115024'0.120500 3401002001 2760Q002701 0 i'.-- '"d 340100240127500] • '' 340100 200120200 70100200120404 ""• •- CiD 344140240124100 - } - - 34°M 234117600.' 3 1008]0 f 9130 Ito 340100 204120400 , 34010,000117M-4. 401002110116000 Legend 3401002001200E0, ' 08El- Roll 4 '4' It = Local I. 3100211o21100:o S — Arterial ,,i5. 11 ,- ,,,a7 ' — Highways I pi World Street Map b 1 441402441 • 3401002130200 ' .' 1 h' - .. '1\ !r I . Al OA/ CD ..... r W % 0 • ._:. N 4414''•••• --- 1:2,256 0 Notes 0.1 0 0.06 0.1 Kilometers This mapis a usergenerated static output from an Internet mapping site and is for I I p Pp 9 reference only.Data layers that appear on this map may or may not be accurate, WGS 1984 Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere current,or otherwise reliable. ©Latitude Geographics Group Ltd. THIS MAP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION 0 'ts 0 a 0 00 ALGIN MAPPING 24B Pitt St Market Square Basketball Court LA o- CiD { . .1) it i ' n , _ Legend a _ :10L., ., ❑ Lagoons M - i _ LI Parcels 4, = Local U�Un — Arterial n' _ ,,15. — Highways P _ ill - World Street Map o O �_. I • I - MEI . fl G mirk i 1 ftputtriii �' . it j g. CM - d t• CD - _ . A 1-- "r• t , ' al. :,. ...4,::: *_ -3 iiii O i N 1: 1,128 0 Notes 0.1 0 0.03 0.1 Kilometers This mapis a usergenerated static output from an Internet mapping site and is for I I p Pp 9 reference only.Data layers that appear on this map may or may not be accurate, WGS 1984 Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere current,or otherwise reliable. ©Latitude Geographics Group Ltd. THIS MAP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION 7d co 'zt 0 a 0 00 LA V ELGIN MAPPING 20 Pitt St PB Marine MusE -7, , •, p, ,r �C '1' Legend O a- - ----) =a, ❑ Lagoons 4 i CD 1 ❑ Parcels Y- I * = Local ti Of.0 C_ 11 — Arterial ' • - 1 i — Highways i"i�Y ` ° I; World Street Map o + 11U _ Ir 5 • • — ' i I a Illid: c N 1,1280 c • 111/11L1: __ Notes 0.1 0 0.03 0.1 Kilometers This mapis a usergenerated static output from an Internet mapping site and is for I I p Pp 9 reference only.Data layers that appear on this map may or may not be accurate, WGS 1984 Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere current,or otherwise reliable. ©Latitude Geographics Group Ltd. THIS MAP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION 7d 0 0 a 0 00 T ':T. Pitt St Market Square - CenotaphPIPPIPP.P. . u, P • n , 1 Legend a k � O Lagoons fp-t i ❑ Parcels v ."fr = Local - o' I — Arterial — — Highways `,14i + — . , World Street Map o '1:1 ; .: -of p i9 • -- " - i ----___ . , ,. 10 _ Tr 1111' - ,p t z11c .. .. apim _.1 f! No 1: 1,128 Notes v mss 0.1 0 0.03 0.1 Kilometers This mapis a usergenerated static output from an Internet mapping site and is for p Pp 9 reference only.Data layers that appear on this map may or may not be accurate, WGS 1984 Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere current,or otherwise reliable. ©Latitude Geographics Group Ltd. THIS MAP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION 7d co 'ts 0 a 0 00 ELGIN MAPPING 21 Pitt St Fred Bodsworth Public Library u, _- ..I n airlir . • Legend y o Lagoons .lLIParcels = Local v 1 Arterial o' — Highways .f1pWorld Street Map 0 i IL ' .y ,.., ...„ _ „ ___ _ _ . , , . _______._ . 1 v... . __ iffir:„,,,,w,_, ..... ,... .,, . .... d r4 1- Lam. .' •� %�� 4. _ -- ,- -. o 1: 1,128 0 Notes cs v mew 0.1 0 0.03 0.1 Kilometers This mapis a usergenerated static output from an Internet mapping site and is for p Pp 9 reference only.Data layers that appear on this map may or may not be accurate, WGS 1984 Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere current,or otherwise reliable. ©Latitude Geographics Group Ltd. THIS MAP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION 7d co 'ts 0 a 0 00 LA w' ELGIN MAPPING Submariners Way - vacant parcel Port Burwellrill11111.7 . {J rte' f J / '* k ¢ Z J • r \ \ • n / / \ er \ ' Legend \ cflp ❑ Lagoons I.- / ( � ❑ Parcels ' Local N. ■ — Arterial . } ,p — Highways P _ ,r _ •r f �* f� ■ r World Street Map - e fp "6 . . \ . /// / e. ..N1 . irri-"A. ''''' . - ' 'Fsitail. :AL g / 1; F !, 1/ C--/ / • 1 II- s.1-, liTa " r 11 11 �"` _ �1 , welimmth— 171111 f -.10 CD ¢"moi, x ,` „, '' NO . g 110 1)*"'- r , -_ w 1:2,2560 ch - i Notes r, 0.1 0 0.06 0.1 Kilometers This mapis a usergenerated static output from an Internet mapping site and is for I I p Pp 9 reference only.Data layers that appear on this map may or may not be accurate, WGS 1984 Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere current,or otherwise reliable. ©Latitude Geographics Group Ltd. THIS MAP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION 7d co '1s 0 a 0 00 LA IQ ELGIN MAPPING Submariners Way - Pumping StationrillillimPP: . • {J 1 rte' • } r' ! * k /F n \ / / \ � / \. Legend \ /f n. ❑ Lagoons • , t • � ❑ Parcels 4 ti.` �. / . ;' .,. . = Local I.; I }� +y, { \ �s ■ — Arterial �' �? C�' — Highways P , �'`....-* •.rr 1*`} f� 4-. ■ r World Street Map o -- _ - f f / � f iJ 4 J \ .,, , .. .. , - _ l 111111111111116 OIL .E.-- IM- //,-,-/ Artill, . , • • AM 4 ' 116 - Pillir C--/ / / /IF moi, t- s _ 1 11 AD r , CD i—. t. =GAM gi.riLf _. x " ,� a_ NOR v `.,If, ,` „, '' NO -_ w 1:2,256 rn - i Notes II r, 0.1 0 0.06 0.1 Kilometers This mapis a usergenerated static output from an Internet mapping site and is for I p Pp 9 reference only.Data layers that appear on this map may or may not be accurate, WGS 1984 Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere current,or otherwise reliable. ©Latitude Geographics Group Ltd. THIS MAP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION 7d co '71 0 a ai n-rir-1: 00 rv�a C.11 IQ ALGIN MAPPING LA 34010a 0.201100 ,� W I ..', :...'. ' ' : ' 3401 X020021 cn 340900200142800 L Ion. ..�.. 340 0�14ri601 vC r • av Y F 340 00.20011 ' 142700 ;.: Legend O ❑ Lagoons 4 et. • Parcels -, ^� . ... itA Roll - - = Local o• 45• Arterial �, ir — Highways O 3x0100200201300 ,1 •911 00200800 World Street Map co 340100230201i•• • aCa .. *pi . . } V � V 34010020...:.. = • 3401002000,0215 - a . - - e5 . - L f x -a { -Iia :kEiiihkkeI �' rrl]G i r�74TYI b O t N •-. -O - 1: 2,256 Notes 0.1 0 0.06 0.1 Kilometers This mapis a usergenerated static output from an Internet mapping site and is for I I p Pp 9 reference only.Data layers that appear on this map may or may not be accurate, WGS 1984 Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere current,or otherwise reliable. ©Latitude Geographics Group Ltd. THIS MAP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION 7d co '1s 0 a 0 00 LA IQ ELGIN MAPPING Chatham St park area 1 45 i . I n Hi4M-RSTR6- Legend O ❑ Lagoons C � y � � LI Parcels 4 * F' =aelpi 4 = Local 4,4„ y r', — Arterial n 45• = i - r — Highways Iiiirt 'hI .1 World Street Map qt.I. 11" i I'7-..-' Iiiiii. ... 2411kiiiipt y N i'r PoR S11REET y a,, i • • i � 1� t ..rte. ai ri + ..,, k ' 0.U T CD1. y — IL . ,Aph",41. { W, 111: 1:2,256 c. ,,Irrw .^T,' Notes 0.1 0 0.06 0.1 Kilometers This mapis a usergenerated static output from an Internet mapping site and is for I I p Pp 9 reference only.Data layers that appear on this map may or may not be accurate, WGS 1984 Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere current,or otherwise reliable. ©Latitude Geographics Group Ltd. THIS MAP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION CD '1:s 0 a 0 00 V ELGIN MAPPING 55451 Nova Scotia Line PB Ball Park '44, rillilliPPP. ..., cr b —3401,Dri N01 Y iiimilli- , - _ . . .. „... `C 340100 200147100 044 T • nLegend O ❑ Lagoons .ti .. - _ ., .,. „, ❑ Parcels 4 - 4 Roll o = Local o. r 45 Arterial b — Highways o World Street Map '0 11 . 3401 00200 142100 1 110 5 3%10'1001]147000.•: 346100200 271300 _ 1 a i glitiNte— Hilll 340109200146900` uy ! en - b u r Al a. 3401100 270,14970 2 1 _ ,. _ 344+1492041'46844 a' 3 U ' N b3 .401tl700 O 34010020n1-#6;uui .t - _ _ --- )—h ER t1•..) .' 1:2,256 Notes 0.1 0 0.06 0.1 Kilometers This mapis a usergenerated static output from an Internet mapping site and is for I I p Pp 9 reference only.Data layers that appear on this map may or may not be accurate, WGS 1984 Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere current,or otherwise reliable. ©Latitude Geographics Group Ltd. THIS MAP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION C CD .s 0 0 00 c' ELGIN MAPPING 55461 Nova Scotia Line - Fire Station 1riPPIPIP7 `- 340100000101200-- 3-10100000101100 ,.. _ 141-.1.1-IJ fj I;J} , - 3401002130147101 x 11 Legend 0 ❑ Lagoons el ': ❑ Parcels r - , 1 Roll o — Local o' zArterial n It — Highways o fti ~ ; '' World Street Map 0340100200147100'71 2 Ilk,. . . 3401000001'01300 ,,- C ...._ I I 340100000900100 3401002J02131300 ' }]k.E.lPaf�[sy'pfl 340100200147000- / 411. gilt Alvs.-; + .. a. 3401003101489 CD 1—, 340100 00149702 N 340100200,146800 W Ir_ 349. .149700 - - I"1-i 340.100270: 70 N hiERtSTiREar 1:4,513 0 c1 3 6200149500 I Notes 34010037014�.8F0¢ ap�ye ,u.i,-r,,Wu. •r'9--rzr• 0.2 0 0.11 0.2 Kilometers This mapis a usergenerated static output from an Internet mapping site and is for I I p Pp 9 reference only.Data layers that appear on this map may or may not be accurate, WGS 1984 Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere current,or otherwise reliable. ©Latitude Geographics Group Ltd. THIS MAP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION CD 's 0 a 0 00 LA �0 ELGIN MAPPING Chatham Street - harbour frcrill11117.7 : cr -aoToo iim.(4ou - b P lh 340100200147300 Li ' - 3 1016011:10 700 (4 & 340100200201300 I = •,, -- y LvL,:= I .. Legend O - ❑ Lagoons 4(I) - -` "- r�, El • f 3401002 . 00 +' G•� - — Roll = Local 877fl•Co? Arterial — Highways 0 ,, World Street Map o -. k4.' li fi R "_ e f r _ i r 3401002005491• ,, 3499 90 2001 42800 Y� _ -,._- _ 3491 0140001 — •1, SO • 3401002010200760` 340100200 } . - • - - -• .,-- - -PI i r 4 , „ I 340100200211300 - + JF K IER 371497m P JJtK:k'J ,1 CD Y+ Je' { N1. 2,256 0floNotes cs 0.1 0 0.06 0.1 Kilometers This mapis a usergenerated static output from an Internet mapping site and is for p Pp 9 reference only.Data layers that appear on this map may or may not be accurate, WGS 1984 Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere current,or otherwise reliable. ©Latitude Geographics Group Ltd. THIS MAP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION 7d co '-s 0 a 0 00 Q ELGIN MAPPING West Side Harbour land! ,a 0' '-d3401002110142500j no! • ='' a 340900200 G ' , ti:,..._• ._ . . . . . .. _ . n rf , - Legend O t- er ❑ Lagoons i { . - ❑ Parcels y • / J . _d6:: _d Roll = Local • k n i E7'• Cl4 340100200201300 1 Arterial P + — Highways .1 v World Street Map ,� a .. ' -. J �_ r . 1 gpi.p, ..0.: f a /fff'f' .y' .1i 3 ; II iii 111 , � A-Iltitv €vJdX4 JJ f'1Jd r UIQ .f, • CD - 1—+ • 340 1 0 0 330 20 0900 . N 340100200201300 i A.N - 1: 2,256 CCN) Notes 0.1 0 0.06 0.1 Kilometers This mapis a usergenerated static output from an Internet mapping site and is for I p Pp 9 reference only.Data layers that appear on this map may or may not be accurate, WGS 1984 Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere current,or otherwise reliable. ©Latitude Geographics Group Ltd. THIS MAP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION C CP '-to 0 CZ 0 oo IQ ELGIN MAPPING 002-002-00250 Port Burwell Beach/Water .. ' `C ,LIEE14ExaTBE. . . "—r ! :�� 1 4 u g. -, � �J4 - T � M ='' ir---; a a Eli — 1 . MI IVAMIt! 1 .—:z. ;4 $ Legend -J O aI1:II ❑ Lagoons _•° -(a RE=u t J ❑ Parcels 4 t.., } � Ili • 1 r M;w 7 1_ + ', E Local �i a . n r y Highways \ . bu World Street Map f d. , P b at? ‘, tV 0 i N .. 0 1:9,02710 cn �, Notes 0.5 0 0.23 0.5 Kilometers This mapis a usergenerated static output from an Internet mapping site and is for I I p Pp 9 reference only.Data layers that appear on this map may or may not be accurate, WGS 1984 Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere current,or otherwise reliable. ©Latitude Geographics Group Ltd. THIS MAP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION C CD "s 0 0 00 CA ALGIN MAPPING 1 Chatham St - Sewage Treatment Plan' IlIMP cr 344104240201044 3491942441 1 �0��y u:71f u 10011202-j„,24 44100204241340m. X0200112104 ,„„ 344 04 4 1 $44q©I 992 405 340140 0215 _Woo � 340100200116001 3I200146601 3401002002)0800 340100201 �: =' p'4240120504 It Q°�dr 002'2350 404 M.,.- 7 '" - 3. 10 0 246 127100 AC9C102t191 X390 340100200117800, 340100200116004 Auluu2uu1273uu 1 3 •• 001211000 34010023011 804 Legend O ` 4tl a.�a 340100,Y-0127200 ❑ Lagoons 3 0125.Ft1Cn 0 Parcels y; _ _• z ;klJ i Roll *I a — = Local n' > 1�xd JyLLUJ Arterial � 7 — Highways • b 314100240��,:• -r• o } « I• World Street Map - g 3-141ti42 C'23134 ii: i- •" I ai op0.i•:0R i7Ci . - ADc J 0 ii ,r NO .;,. } , I. •.71iN.�17.-t�i 1:4,513 10 _ Notes Ch 0.2 00.11 02 Kilometers I This mapis a usergenerated static output from an Internet mapping site and is for p Pp 9 reference only.Data layers that appear on this map may or may not be accurate, WGS 1984 Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere current,or otherwise reliable. ©Latitude Geographics Group Ltd. THIS MAP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION 7d 0 '-cs 0 a 0 00 ALGIN MAPPING 3 Pitt St - parking area for Project Ojibwa LA o- IIS y it St n `I Legend O A F '� �!4 El Lagoons r-i • e ❑ Parcels {l = Local • I — Arterial �• -_ __ — Highways -+ P t,�- • I4,_,, ' World Street Map ' . 1,...., . .� "mow ' . ., .... 1.,,7 i _,_, 7ir ..T_r -1r _ i b , 0No • 1 t IQ C) 1: 1,128 .. Notes 0.1 0 0.03 0.1 Kilometers This mapis a usergenerated static output from an Internet mapping site and is for I I p Pp 9 reference only.Data layers that appear on this map may or may not be accurate, WGS 1984 Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere current,or otherwise reliable. ©Latitude Geographics Group Ltd. THIS MAP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION 7d co '-ts 0 CZ a 0 00 Lt, IQ ELGIN MAPPING Lands along Big Otter Creek Bridge St to Plank Rd PP"IP - LA cr v) 4 wJ Ill . ` + Legend O ,: ° , El Lagoons CD r JF f iLIParcels 4 . - t = Local t - -.R 7 '• ,. ..I — Arterial o • •kca y -,, — Highways �� { k, World Street Map Pe o r r • ')I • 4 4-,..,,,li ilk Fir-iip , I. Y,' d 11111 -. v 7 4'- •. ^r I •J • { ; , a ? _ t - e ;� ini ...._ ,, ../-\\ G ` • , .. ., � IAD Tf ole in � � r IW `. '.aI �� yJ�"� �-. « .. �.Y `_s -34 S.''1)AY�l� If °, x , N ,. .moi o - - mtv.106a RE_u T. 1:4,5130 v. r ' - .,..„ Notes 0.2 00.11 0.2 Kilometers I This ma is a user generated static output from an Internet mapping site and is for P 9 p Pp 9 reference only.Data layers that appear on this map may or may not be accurate, WGS 1984 Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere current,or otherwise reliable. ©Latitude Geographics Group Ltd. THIS MAP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION 7d co 'ts 0 a 0 I LA 9 ELGIN MAPPING 6208 Plank Rd - Vacant Former Library la! PIPPIPP7. (r' • Legend I , d. , 0.-,. LIParcels = Local Arterial o • 45• N. — Highways P - #� World Street Map ,-0 ,-..._ . . .. i i w" ` t�+ r f" y a° de‹ HQ G # 5! ry CD Lo O .. r N . = 1. 1,1280 Notes 0.1 0 0.03 0.1 Kilometers This mapis a usergenerated static output from an Internet mapping site and is for I I p Pp 9 reference only.Data layers that appear on this map may or may not be accurate, WGS 1984 Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere current,or otherwise reliable. ©Latitude Geographics Group Ltd. THIS MAP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION C cp ,-s 0 CZ 0 oo V ELGIN MAPPING 6226 Plank Rd - Vienna Memorial ParkL.-.r1111117:. . `C 34010040 - _ '-d - 0140417[1+3 ++ 't _ � - �_ _�, _ � 441io040010310 � ( 340100400, ___ -- (I) i ! - _ ilb 4 _ • _ Legend O __----- El Lagoons 0" _ r----- • LIParcels 4a, or 11, Roll 11h a = Local I — Arterial -1iI] art10 11.0# - Highways ., YWorld Street Map 3401004401011000 0111 . 344144444101444 S 4 - -• ! I� 1.1004001©0800 A .' . 3 4010040010 0'100 • ,, ,- I ,Ov - - • ;,i .- - - YI - 5 340100 4••rJ77L�iE0J - +t - _ - - ' I-.. ' ‘ - T 34010 0000 20 91 50 w skJJLoAoo 00 °� .� y t i N r' 4 1: 1,128 Notes 0.1 0 0.03 0.1 Kilometers This mapis a usergenerated static output from an Internet mapping site and is for p Pp 9 reference only.Data layers that appear on this map may or may not be accurate, WGS 1984 Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere current,or otherwise reliable. ©Latitude Geographics Group Ltd. THIS MAP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION C .s 0 CZ 0 oo V ELGIN MAPPING 6226 Plank Rd - Vienna Memorial Park `C 34010440 [14047[1+3 ++ 't 41io04010310 __ _ V _3401004001 _- -- (I) i ! - _ ilb 4 _ • - Legend O ___ El Lagoons 0 • I•- ❑ Parcels • .---•-' z Roll �I = Local I :3-101!0-100101 00 — Arterial P, •�" - . - '— Highways '-d • a ,, World Street Map 340100400101100 w .. 340100400101000 0 i . 0 • • yy l R • i •rloo400loo6 o 7. 177urJC:.I J ,i• . ! is . • 1 fF ik _ - IiKLfJl�Cl i. ro t� e iIII y - - - im 1--' x 340100000 20 5100 340100000209150 N .-- _ _ O : ' 1—y , - N - -•, _ - - c . : 1: 1,128 Notes 0.1 0 0.03 0.1 Kilometers This mapis a usergenerated static output from an Internet mapping site and is for p Pp 9 reference only.Data layers that appear on this map may or may not be accurate, WGS 1984 Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere current,or otherwise reliable. ©Latitude Geographics Group Ltd. THIS MAP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION C ,-s 0 CZ 0 oo V ELGIN MAPPING 6226 Plank Rd - Vienna Memorial ParkI ...-1r1111117: . `C 34010040 - c'1004oc1r3 ++ 't _i - . 44111040010310 g iii++J 'r-. he - �" EG —-- _----_ ( _3401004001 __ -- (I) i ! - - 4 _ Legend O i j ❑ Lagoons 0" _ _ • tii ❑ Parcels 4 ,i, ill • 5 Roll _._—•- - 11 • = Local I W - I - r : - # s-1010010010 l 200 - Arterial -- . Highways ., World Street Map 0 3401004001011000 ' 340100400101G I i . 0 , ly • j g411-11BK'14'' \ 3, .100400100: 0 , '. : _I(_1 e • ___------ - ft, ,H, . E 11 I i. i y `y P it aE41C 0E0HEt ly . . `' , , _ 111 , .------- - - .. , .40 \ '- b li CD 1.—' --- 340100000205100 340100000209150 W ..- _ _ O ;x' • --1, , - N - i - - - 0 . : 1: 1,128 Notes 0.1 0 0.03 0.1 Kilometers This mapis a usergenerated static output from an Internet mapping site and is for p Pp 9 reference only.Data layers that appear on this map may or may not be accurate, WGS 1984 Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere current,or otherwise reliable. ©Latitude Geographics Group Ltd. THIS MAP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION ,-,s 0 CZ a 0 00 V ELGIN MAPPING 6226 Plank Rd - Vienna Memorial Park u `C 34414444Ci. 4L'14Q713 ++ ' 41io044014 _ � g iii+++' S-. he ii to _ --- – _ (/) 340100400, - – a n Legend r e ElLagoons el - _ ❑ Parcels .�----' 4 - Roll = Local n 3- + 14 ,� 4 • ,� 314I]t,antel4l_tit� — Arterial ."- it litiiii — Highways o `'' World Street Map 340100400101100 3401004001010.E • • 11, . Q y . . 11 ti• S 340100400100800 - ` - r I n , + " yr Oil / 6. '111;01. ..— ...,, 40 11I., = c .--i. -"� ! 4kJ lrl'FR95. CIO t 340 1 0 0000 20 9]50 w —r • 1,...) ._-- •- - - 0 . : 1:1 ,128CO Notes 0.1 0 0.03 0.1 Kilometers This mapis a usergenerated static output from an Internet mapping site and is for p Pp 9 reference only.Data layers that appear on this map may or may not be accurate, WGS 1984 Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere current,or otherwise reliable. ©Latitude Geographics Group Ltd. THIS MAP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION 7d ,-s 0 0 00 () ELGIN MAPPING 6226 Plank Rd - Vienna Memorial Parkrill111177 : `- 3,40110"40010 408 e-!—r w'r i,3.-!1 340100400/Q a W `a 9u u 5000 34,01C11:1.1.z. 03.900 - iii.iiiii, c V.,&..iltli __.....pimillilliri - - 45* Iii ' 116 y =-_ __� '‘ V _ . # Legend O ❑ Lagoons ❑ Parcels =„ .. • _ . *' :- Roll 0\\* = Local • ,-S. , \ '''' ,4: — • 3401004oQ1Q10Q0 Arterial ` '— Highways o World Street Map 0 3,10100400101101P 4111 0 340100010100040 340 00 1004100800 _ _ -- - a #-._- - '.' " 340100000.20 5100 Al .#l. - 340100000205050 CD 0 ,.0 1: 1,128 Notes 0.1 0 0.03 0.1 Kilometers This mapis a usergenerated static output from an Internet mapping site and is for p Pp 9 reference only.Data layers that appear on this map may or may not be accurate, WGS 1984 Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere current,or otherwise reliable. ©Latitude Geographics Group Ltd. THIS MAP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION 7d co '-is 0 a 0 00 V ELGIN MAPPING 6342 Plank Rd - Proposed Edison Museum SiterilliPIP7 C - . 4. Ok 7 110.: — n _, 1 Legend a 1 ,..1. - -- _ Lagoons i . - - LI Parcels 'ILt(-41111 h� = Local s, �, Arterial 45S• II .,. _ ; z — Highways �_ — '+, World Street Map — j, ' e, . Ic d y `4 i" 111%. IMO' . . / .,� I \ fr q� ,r. _ / -, W 1. W 14' > e Y' ' crNI rl _! 0 H 4 / NO _ t „ii 1:4,51343 rn i Notes 0.2 0 0.11 0.2 Kilometers This mapis a usergenerated static output from an Internet mapping site and is for I I p Pp 9 reference only.Data layers that appear on this map may or may not be accurate, WGS 1984 Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere current,or otherwise reliable. ©Latitude Geographics Group Ltd. THIS MAP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION C CD '7s 0 0 00 ALGIN MAPPING Vienna vacant lands along Big Otter Creek cr ,C �! l_ Ty ;r .',.*:,:i;--, " kY . - 0de30044.- - 1002L4. 3401900002 05700 ,S4 . 340100400124000 ---r C 3 1.0 _012554: — . �_:_ " s. I. 3441 4 4444 24 5644 Itoi00004245514' Legend v :w 4 T 58 ❑ Lagoons .ti 6 ElParcels •_ _ 'p 340100400117301 Roll _ r 1 340100400109500 = Local O' r' Arterial Highways '-dtl)' r o World Street Map . r:. 4-,d 34010000-12b600 -- - �. :7b","i;`'- - .. . • + Y, L k. P. laEENLS1RQX- 34010040010B"1g:1 340100400 •4600 • - i ,,40100400117000 340100100117100• q y 340140404142740 3 4010040011040 34Q14Q40Qawl rs- 34014444109.�„I 34010040Q1it_ -. ._� .. I 13214 3401044441132111 -•,. r .3400107200 - v+ 4 1 0040 0113220 34010040:,1 7=1L1 34;100400-114545 v - - '� 3401004041 20604 ��d :.. 11344144400114544 ^'340104440,106940 i gp 100 440 1 1 0904 P p. „ 340100400113104 1 1'40^W4114942 440 45 4.7 340100400118800 3 468 d Y 34b 100440 0680 = • - ;x,i[a 6,•50301.4 34010440116401 . 340100400113t.... " 34010044010. 0,.:.„ " I—,CD 7 340100400114530 40100400110900 W r r 30100 400116400 t gr.' 340 1 4044 01063. 0 �l 4010 ' 3441041441182904 t' ax QG4001�6443 3401004001164053'401004001169] r 0, O '•*3 1 ,,. 3„ y1 ,,400 1 1 0700 ,� 1—y 340100400110 4 1� N 1 •"34010040091640Q igurvf,y 34„0,.1004000 3441404001128 0 0444010' 100 0 - 3401004001 .00116410 011841 2; 340 1O 40 0114 51 5 ' -' �, 344103400106600 1'4,513 0 Notes 340100400116402 1 0.2 0 0.11 0.2 Kilometers This ma is a user generated static output from an Internet ma in site and is for P 9 p Pp 9 reference only.Data layers that appear on this map may or may not be accurate, WGS 1984 Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere current,or otherwise reliable. ©Latitude Geographics Group Ltd. THIS MAP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION 7d 0 's 0 a 0 00 V ELGIN MAPPING Oak Street - Vienna t c Legend O a E I \ L` El Lagoons ^. 1 - 'f d = Local fi yy y — Arterial Highways 0• .,.p.. - .- ` World Street Map g '-t ''. �� n. ;'. '. .• - .3„, i •, _ •_ 4 1 I P" N ' • `.• 11 1' -.......... . 75': i Le a. • a AD w f 00 ' 111111L N 1 1280 /`r . , Notes / r 0.1 0 0.03 0.1 Kilometers This mapis a usergenerated static output from an Internet mapping site and is for I I p Pp 9 reference only.Data layers that appear on this map may or may not be accurate, WGS 1984 Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere current,or otherwise reliable. ©Latitude Geographics Group Ltd. THIS MAP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION C CD 0 0 9 ELGIN MAPPING Vienna - Chestnut Street betw Oak and Union ill"r c `C 340100400118000 - 340100 l - '- :.1-0'10 0400113220 • 340100 400113201 80.400 4545 340100 40010 7'200 Kk:J I.1..f fl6r_I *� —34014'004'01145 ` 344104440120644 - 1 - - _ gRJdEr k7,b ir,E, �_. , : - 1 ' . Legend 0 - 34414040911304 -S ❑ Lagoons ciA 340100400118600 i. 1.11° El s�1G�}� • '.�, • � — .—.,�, �s � Roll - - 340100400116401 340100400113000 O- _ _ y 3441 0100 1145x4 = Local ,s' a — Arterial '-t:J 'sow . �u 3 40 100 400 1 1 p 34010040 4.11 2940 . — Highways •e r 11• �$ $ World Street Map O - _ 3411140404118540 C7 .s-11100#0011640 340100400118405 N, O�• i', i • 00001! . 3441 0440118400 11I m 340100400114523 .., VII 3401.0 0400 1 1640 4 ' UMW - - - •, _ �, M1 .... ` A * 3401004004122800 rl ■ 1�340104y4441153 00 34010 119 i, a4 -. 4' ! 34010040011 515, 1. 340100400116412 .$ 4111M16 _ _ 1- r 4 y 34010040 011 6411 3401002 •3401004001 041o. 1--400116444 • I - ,Ilk , 3 104400112800 kr —_~�J -34010049011 51 0 fir, 19534 1 0 a 3,40100 40011;2E00 yr 175:'u?� 14-- 340100400116200 �, d 3401004001149]5 �� ° 844194440112494 /Ti 11) •''• - 1153 r 3401944[10116104 r• CD 44100440110440 Y -. - x'40140490114541 • ilikki hh1 Ch1 , = a tv 1: 2,256 O 'um 9966 i 3401 00400 1190 00 = Notes 0.1 0 0.06 0.1 Kilometers This mapis a user generated static output from an Internet ma in site and is for 9 p Pp 9 reference only.Data layers that appear on this map may or may not be accurate, WGS 1984 Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere current,or otherwise reliable. ©Latitude Geographics Group Ltd. THIS MAP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION 7d co 'zt 0 a 0 00 LA IQ ELGIN MAPPING Vienna - lands along Edison Dr and Blg OtterPIPIPPIPPP: u, b P C 0- 340100000205600 n "' Legend 0 ❑ Lagoons .ti . 0 - LIParcels . Roll S✓ = Local co...“ • 340100400117301 — Arterial p 340100400109 EGO Highways o 340 1 0040 0 1 0 270 0 \,,\ o World Street Map fp }' I.. r ., {..._ . , , . h ..: ; :, , f'r'. r ' ' ' ' , y . �. :. 'J41_LIv'X J_LUtt ter,► . . .f .I ter. � .- ,• �. •• •i109300 / ''--._ ,r1,. rd n _ r `.' 4, /* P - '7XL C�1.8 fixil i�L=U OM _ .. L rT r' 1 k O • 340100400117000 x i i '"+01.1114600 34A d7C QJ7`Jd7CI - N 1: 2,2560 Notes .011L-.1YU-I UU'MJUI U kdJU 0.1 0 0.06 0.1 Kilometers This mapis a usergenerated static output from an Internet mapping site and is for I p Pp 9 reference only.Data layers that appear on this map may or may not be accurate, WGS 1984 Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere current,or otherwise reliable. ©Latitude Geographics Group Ltd. THIS MAP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION 7d 0 "s 0 a 0 00 V ELGIN MAPPING 12 Snow St - ViennP . e _ � , FL4 f7e+5f�F� ay v- CZ �" mak.-. ti Legend a !� ` 1 4 --- • Lagoons •"r + r Local � 9•" Arterial S✓ • 4 r — Highways ,015• ! •, World Street Map -tlel" - 1$;„ % 7 "� ` + r : I , • , a•or i `�- ting'-` r r '. ` P 111, CD F N 1 1: 2,2560 O rn Notes 0.1 0 0.06 0.1 Kilometers This mapis a usergenerated static output from an Internet mapping site and is for I I p Pp 9 reference only.Data layers that appear on this map may or may not be accurate, WGS 1984 Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere current,or otherwise reliable. ©Latitude Geographics Group Ltd. THIS MAP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION 7d co '1'.s 0 a 0 00 V ELGIN MAPPING 14 Snow St - Edison Museum u, ,-t A r- V1 ' 11111 k11 n Legend L 4 r _ +., '*----111. Lagoons h{ CD 11 r r Local 4 . ' • ---.A is — Arterial S✓ _ „- • . % — Highways World Street Map • _- ,„ •- ;f• % 't,. • ..-.. .. . \I , .....- , 4 „64 . .... • , ,,,. ,.. • ... ..._ ..4, - 1 ` , . .4, 4- tin".�,';: +* f '0 E - OP Villa _ • -pCD r N � 1: 2,2560 o F Notes 0.1 0 0.06 0.1 Kilometers This mapis a usergenerated static output from an Internet mapping site and is for I I p Pp 9 reference only.Data layers that appear on this map may or may not be accurate, WGS 1984 Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere current,or otherwise reliable. ©Latitude Geographics Group Ltd. THIS MAP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION 7d co 'ts 0 a 0 00 LA IQ ELGIN MAPPING 54 Front St - Vienna Pumping Station 6 P"IP u, Illheb' . ,., , _ . . n Legend ❑ Lagoons o t i ❑ Parcels = Local I. rw — Arterial 0 -" .a• : — Highways - World Street Map o - w . i, r / / / / ' i , ti I CD /fCig / f /` w N GPM 1: 1,128 Notes 0.1 0 0.03 0.1 Kilometers This mapis a usergenerated static output from an Internet mapping site and is for I I p Pp 9 reference only.Data layers that appear on this map may or may not be accurate, WGS 1984 Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere current,or otherwise reliable. ©Latitude Geographics Group Ltd. THIS MAP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION C co '7s 0 a 0 00 til ic) ALGIN MAPPING LA i cr `C 340 10040 0116 404.. j4u1uU4UU11 D4uu 1'1 . %-• ,' 340100400,10300 '� m�+ 194595 340100400112800 340100400916403 34010 040011641 344,141"Mien 9 1 402 - . .-n; ' r: 3401,0 9 6499 34010444 Q .- 0' 340100400 414 3401041400116410„ _ • 340100.40011640E -` ° - 3 10040 1428 41 0 ,� 011 510.01 iG -`I + • 114140 04010t1401 Legend 340100404116200 r ° .' _ iiii 10....... "1:41,1 ❑ Lagoons O t '" 340100400114505 0 s� ❑ Parcels ,. — " ; • Roll • 340 10011,0116100 340 100400 112400 = Local o• 4 .a x` 340100400114501 .- Arterial ' W — Highways '0 RklhlL• IJJJdAl.W 7 p World Street Map /'' -,OL.'-s- - 34U100�[1011230[1 '� ii -t Z •21 W 7 tom.. i34010 _. - _ ■_ 34010041)011 2200 i - - _ -.101141P' '11. ~ I�= _ '14400 344140919040 � 16 ._' •3 10040 011 y314 s, - _ q ' ,i { 1 340104404119200 4 DO 8300 - s.'--. i. 34b�s5n 'y,3 .10091702 340100400114401 �! OW' 4-"' 3401104404111900 "_d V ... 71ri Y 1 GM a 340100400118000 i .•�_. 3401 0 040011 570 0 rD 1. _ f P _ 4 -3.N7100-0C10111800': 4010{[01196 04 n' O 3401s4.•!• ...p to, �._ . .. 13600 3 ,A i r 310100400115-00 (�-) [191J8U0 I �t„5y __4 , 4461U04UU11??U2 o 11J. 34010040Ci,1,18 - 1: 2,256 0 Notes r- 340106400118300 n - a 0.10 0.06 0.1 Kilometers This mapis a user generated static output from an Internet ma in site and is for 9 p Pp 9 reference only.Data layers that appear on this map may or may not be accurate, WGS 1984 Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere current,or otherwise reliable. ©Latitude Geographics Group Ltd. THIS MAP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION C 0 0 0 00 V ELGIN MAPPING Ann St Vacant Lands cr `C 340100400116404_ j41J1UU4UU11 D4UU 1-, 3401 004001403 00 340 10040 0117300 71, 344100400118403 "' 10.044011x•412 344,14A 1 442 595 _ 3-. • �-1U - - .-n; ' 340 14 :.9 8411 'F 34010041:.1.1-.1114 G. 340'00400118408 3401041400116410,�~• .. -.;..._ -_ 34014444 2800 ,, 444 344144440 011 4 510.01 n .!'"- + 134040040011254c Legend 340100400116200 ° ' � �� ...... 443:100400,10.4.00 O r I. 34010040 011 4545 ❑ Lagoons 0 smell --- . Ai gli•O ❑ Parcels ,- 4 Roll 340104440116104 34010044'3112400 = Local .a` 4 - l y, 40100400114501 Arterial ••• Dol19400 .� — Highways '-d o Rk hlL• Jhfd�rLrrl {c' World Street Map L fD r` l'' 340100[1,011 2300 ' � i - - 340100400114500 ` z '''' 341111111411M 2200 .ir - '.-$`' `,::%AP. - - 1 f _ •-14400 344140 919040 �� ,'3••100••• - . ,. ,:.. Y i :• - 344144404119200 4 _. • L- ' _ - 344 997 ig ' _ _ 400'1155702 34010040011-0401 ., t. y 1 ::i::iii,i:io 060400040011 700GM *I. t�Jl ,� 19604 � .•.,'. . _ ,, 4010 41 Oi O 34414.... 'p t 13641' 3, ,A "-+, I r 3.1 010040011 MOO ('.,) "Alnii1800 I 1t,5y __4 1 3441004'3011:?42 o . WO � 34010040Ci141vs14 1: 2,256 Notes - 340106440118300 4 0.10 0.06 0.1 Kilometers This mapis a user generated static output from an Internet ma in site and is for 9 p Pp 9 reference only.Data layers that appear on this map may or may not be accurate, WGS 1984 Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere current,or otherwise reliable. ©Latitude Geographics Group Ltd. THIS MAP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION 7d co '-cs 0 a 0 00 V ELGIN MAPPING Vienna - Edison Homestead Historic Plaque u, • 3 44.-P n ;_ e Legend Q ., '',./ ' r El Lagoons fp } 1— = Local Mr }fir — Arterial '— Highways Fa o p! k ,p C World Street Map 41b 'CS !C l i ;,, 'V . v:1"-I' k-Y N � La :y . -A ,5r G"1 if ' No •„ $YK 1: 2,256 Notes b 1 0.1 0 0.06 0.1 Kilometers This mapis a usergenerated static output from an Internet mapping site and is for I I p Pp 9 reference only.Data layers that appear on this map may or may not be accurate, WGS 1984 Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere current,or otherwise reliable. ©Latitude Geographics Group Ltd. THIS MAP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION BY-LAW NO. 2015-116 OF THE CORPORATION OF MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BEING A BY-LAW FOR THE MANAGEMENT, REGULATION &CONTROL OF CEMETERIES WHEREAS pursuant to the Funeral, Burial and Cremation Services Act 2002, Ontario Regulation 30/11, s. 150 (1) an owner of a cemetery or crematorium may make by- laws affecting the operation of the cemetery or crematorium; AND WHEREAS the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham is the owner of cemeteries; NOW THEREFORE, THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM ENACTS A BY-LAW AS FOLLOWS: SHORT TITLE This By-law may be cited as the Cemeteries By-law Section 1 -Definitions 1.1 For the purpose of this By-law: a) 'Act' shall mean the Funeral, Burial and Cremation Services Act, 2002, as amended and the Regulations thereto. b) `Board' shall mean the Cemetery Board appointed by the Municipality to oversee the Cemetery in accordance with the Cemetery By-law and the Act. c) `Burial' shall mean the opening and closing of an in ground lot or plot for the disposition of human remains or cremated human remains. d) 'Care and Maintenance Fund' shall mean the trust fund established pursuant to the Act and Regulations thereto for the purpose of providing money for the care and maintenance of the cemetery. e) `Cemetery' shall mean lands set aside and approved for the interment of human remains and includes a mausoleum,columbarium,scattering garden,chapel or other similar structures. f) `Cemetery Operator' shall mean the Municipality or designate. g) `Cemetery Services' shall mean: i. opening and closing of a lot or plot; ii. interring or disinterring human remains; iii. construction of a foundation and installation of a marker or monument; iv. setting of corner posts v. placement of cremated remains in a columbarium. h) `Cemetery Supplies' shall mean interment vaults, liners, markers, flowers, artificial wreaths, caskets, coffins, markers, monuments and other articles intended to be placed in a cemetery. By-Law 2015-116 Being a By-law for the Management,Regulatio... Page 147 of 206 i) 'Columbarium'shall mean a structure designed for the interment of cremated human remains in sealed compartments known as a `niche'; j) `Corner Posts' shall mean any stone or other land markers which shall be set flush with the surface of the ground and used to indicate the location of a lot or plot. k) `Corporation' shall mean the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham. I) `Council' shall mean the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham. m) 'Foot Stones' shall mean a stone placed at the foot of a plot. n) `Interment Right' shall mean the right to require or direct the interment of human remains or cremated human remains in a lot or niche and direct the associated memorialization. o) `Interment Rights Certificate' shall mean the document issued by the Cemetery to the purchaser once interment rights have been paid in full, identifying ownership of the interment rights. p) `Interment Rights Holder' shall mean the person designated to hold the right to inter human remains in a specified lot or niche pursuant to the provisions of the Cemetery By-law. q) `Lot' shall mean an area of land containing or set aside to contain human remains and includes a tomb, crypt, a compartment in a mausoleum and a niche in a columbarium or mausoleum. r) `Marker' shall mean any permanent memorial structure that is set flush and level with the ground, and used to mark the location of a burial lot. s) `Monument' shall mean any permanent memorial projecting above the ground installed within the designated space to mark the location of a burial or lot. t) `Plot' shall mean two or more lots in which the rights to inter have been sold as a unit. u) `Scattering' shall mean the spreading of cremated remains over a designated area within a Cemetery. v) `Secretary-Treasurer' shall mean the Secretary-Treasurer of the Board as outlined in the Municipality of Bayham Advisory Board and Committee Policy. w) `Tariffs and Fees' shall mean the tariff or fees and charges set forth in the fees by-law as approved by Council as amended from time to time. Section 2—General Provisions 2.1 All persons entering the Cemetery shall behave with due order and decorum and with due respect to the dead. 2.2 Interment Rights Holders shall not permit interments to be made in their lots or plots for remuneration. By-Law 2015-116 Being a By-law for the Management,Regulatio... Page 148 of 206 2.3 Vehicles within the Cemetery shall be driven at a speed not exceeding 25 kilometres per hour and shall not allow wheels of any such vehicles to run on sod. Vehicle owners and drivers shall be held responsible for any damage done by them. 2.4 Recreational vehicles are not permitted within the Cemetery. 2.5 No persons under the age of sixteen years shall be admitted within the Cemetery unless attended by an adult who shall be responsible for their conduct. 2.6 No persons shall: i. place any fences, railings, or other enclosures around any lot or plot; ii. plant any flowers, plants, shrubs or trees without the permission of the Board. The Board reserves the right to enter onto the lot or plot and remove any flowers, plants, shrubs, or trees planted without permission of the Board; iii. write upon, deface, injure or damage any markers, railing, fence or other structure, or pick or cut flowers of any kind; iv. have in their possession any firearm within the Cemetery enclosure except in the case of a Military or Police Funeral; v. enter into the Cemetery between dusk and dawn; vi. allow entry into the Cemetery of any animal under their ownership and/or control, excluding guide animals. 2.7 Should any trees, shrubs, bushes, flowers or structures situated on or around any lot by any means become detrimental to adjacent lots, monuments, drains, road or walk ways or to the convenience or safety of the public, or to the general appearance of the grounds, the Board may remove such trees shrubs or structures or any part thereof. 2.8 In order to preserve the appearance of the grounds, artificial wreaths must be removed off the ground before April 1St of each year. Otherwise the cemetery authorities will remove them. 2.9 Rubbish shall not be thrown out on roads, walks, or any part of the grounds. A barrel is provided for the deposit of weeds, decayed flowers, plants, etc. 2.10 No unauthorized person shall make any walk, cut any sod or move corner posts or grave markers in the cemetery or in any other way change the surface of any burial lot in the cemetery. 2.11 The Board shall not be responsible for loss of or damage to any portable articles left upon any lot or grave. 2.12 Conveyances heavily loaded shall not be permitted to enter the Cemetery without the approval and supervision of the Board. 2.13 Any person who damages any lot or plot, marker or other structure, or otherwise does any injury in the Cemetery shall be personally responsible for such damage or injury. 2.14 Any person violating any of the provisions of this by-law shall be deemed to be a trespasser and subject to immediate summary eviction from the Cemetery in addition to any and all other penalties provided by law. By-Law 2015-116 Being a By-law for the Management,Regulatio... Page 149 of 206 2.15 The cemetery reserves the right to regulate the articles placed on lots or plots that pose a threat to the safety of all interment rights holders and visitors to the cemetery, prevents the cemetery from performing general cemetery operations, or are not in keeping with the respect and dignity of the cemetery. 2.16 Prohibited articles will be removed and disposed of without notification and may include articles made of hazardous materials such as glass (excludes glass attached to monuments), ceramics, or corrosive metals; loose stones or sharp objects; trellises or arches; chairs or benches. 2.17 Flowers placed on a grave for a funeral shall be removed by the cemetery operator, after a reasonable time, to protect the sod. 2.18 The cemetery reserves the right to remove quantities of memorial wreaths or flowers considered to be excessive and that diminishes the otherwise tidy appearance of the cemetery. 2.19 The Hours of Operation for Cemeteries shall be 8:30 a.m. until 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, except statutory holidays. 2.20 The hours for Cemetery Visitation shall be from dawn until dusk. 2.21 The cemetery operator will not be held liable for any loss or damage, without limitation (including damage by the elements, Acts of God, or vandals)to, any lot, plot, monument, marker, or other article that has been placed in relation to an interment save and except for direct loss or damage caused by gross negligence of the cemetery. 2.22 Provincial legislation—Section 110 of Ontario Regulation 30/11 requires all cemeteries and crematoriums to maintain a public register that is available to the public during regular office hours. 2.23 Pets or other lower animals, including cremated animal remains, are not allowed to be buried on cemetery grounds. 2.24 The Cemetery has the right at any time to re-survey, enlarge, diminish, re-plot, change or remove plantings, grade, close pathways or roads, alter in shape or size, or otherwise change all or any part of the cemetery, subject to approval of the appropriate authorities. 2.25 Barham Cemeteries With Boards Bayham West (Richmond) Cemetery Eden Cemetery Best (Corinth) Cemetery Guysboro Cemetery Calton Cemetery Smuck Cemetery Dobbie Cemetery Straffordville Cemetery Cemeteries Without Boards Abandoned Cemetery Hemlock Creek Cemetery Amerman Cemetery Hutchison Cemetery Claus Cemetery Light Cemetery Edison Cemetery Old Eden Cemetery Estherville (Old Port Burwell) Old Richmond (Godwin) Cemetery (Otter Valley Baptist) Cemetery Otter Valley Cemetery Firby Cemetery Stanton Cemeter By-Law 2015-116 Being a By-law for the Management,Regulatio... Page 150 of 206 Section 3 -Operations FINANCIAL 3.1 All applicable fees and charges shall be payable in accordance with the fees set by the Council upon recommendation of the Board. 3.2 Payments for all fees and charges shall be made to the office of the Secretary- Treasurer of the Board and transferred to the Treasurer as applicable. 3.3 A Secretary-Treasurer and/or Treasurer of the Municipality shall keep such books, accounts and records as are necessary for properly recording and exhibiting all financial matters pertaining to the Cemetery as may be prescribed, as applicable. 3.4 All revenue and other monies belonging or pertaining to the Cemetery shall be received by the Secretary-Treasurer or Treasurer of the Municipality as applicable. 3.5 The Treasurer of the Municipality shall maintain, invest, and administer the Care and Maintenance Fund in accordance with provisions and regulations of the Act. 3.6 The application and use of monies, or any part thereof, received and under the control and management of the Board may accumulate and be held or subsequently expended or invested. 3.7 The revenue derived from the Care and Maintenance Fund shall be applied at the discretion of the Board, and shall be used for general maintenance and improvement of the Cemetery. 3.8 The revenue derived from that portion of the Care and Maintenance Fund pertaining to care of markers shall be applied at the discretion of the Board for general maintenance of markers. 3.9 Each Board shall have the authority to establish special funds for donations. The application and use of said funds shall be at the discretion of the Board. 3.10 The Board shall not be bound to expend the whole or any part of the interest or monies earned, including the compounding thereof, but may accumulate and hold or subsequently expend the same or any part thereof, or invest the same or any part thereof. 3.11 A portion of the price of interment rights is trusted into the Care and Maintenance Fund. The income generated from this fund is used to maintain, secure and preserve the cemetery grounds. 3.12 Contributions to the care and maintenance fund are not refundable except when interment rights are cancelled within the 30 day cooling off period. 3.13 Services that can be provided through the income generated from the Care and Maintenance Fund include: i. Re-levelling and sodding or seeding of lots; ii. Maintenance of cemetery roads, sewers and water systems; By-Law 2015-116 Being a By-law for the Management,Regulatio... Page 151 of 206 iii. Maintenance of perimeter walls and fences; iv. Maintenance of cemetery landscaping; v. Repairs and general upkeep of cemetery maintenance buildings and equipment. SALES 3.14 Lots or plots, subdivision of lots or plots or niches may be purchased by individuals upon payment of the appropriate Tariff rate. At the time of sale, the Secretary- Treasurer or Treasurer of the Municipality of Bayham shall provide a copy of the following: i. the Cemetery Contract; and ii. the Cemeteries By-Law. iii. upon payment in full, the Secretary-Treasurer or Treasurer, as applicable, shall provide an Interment Rights Certificate. 3.15 Purchasers of lots, plots or niches acquire only the right and privilege of interment of human remains and of erecting markers, subject to the provisions of the Cemeteries By-Law. 3.16 Each purchaser of a lot, plot or niche shall be entitled to an Interment Rights Certificate, but only when all indebtedness has been satisfied and all charges on the lot or plot have been paid. 3.17 No burial or installation of any monument, marker, inscription or memorialization is permitted until the interment rights, all fees including care and maintenance fees, have been paid in full. 3.18 The Interment Rights Certificate shall specify: i. the name of the Interment Rights Holder; ii. the Certificate number; iii. the name and address of the Cemetery; iv. the size of the lot or plot; v. the location of the lot or plot; vi. the date of purchase; vii. the amount paid; viii. the amount deposited into the Care and Maintenance Fund; and ix. a statement regarding transfer restrictions of said interment rights. 3.19 The Interment Rights Holder must designate in writing, upon the Interment Permission Form, attached hereto as Schedule 'D', if another person is to be buried in their lot or plot. 3.20 The Board may restrict the sale of single lots to certain areas in the Cemetery. 3.21 Only licensed Cemetery operators may sell Interment Rights 3.22 The boundaries of any new lot or plot sold shall be marked with corner posts on approval by the Board. All corner posts shall be placed by the Board at the expense of the owner of the lot or plot wherein the same are placed. By-Law 2015-116 Being a By-law for the Management,Regulatio... Page 152 of 206 3.23 All corner posts shall be placed level with the ground. CANCELLATION 3.24 A purchaser has the right to cancel an interment rights contract within thirty (30) days of signing the interment rights contract, by providing written notice of the cancellation to the cemetery operator. 3.25 The cemetery operator will refund all monies paid by the purchaser within thirty (30) days from the date of the request for cancellation. 3.26 If any portion of the interment rights has been exercised, the purchaser, or the interment rights holder(s) are not entitled to cancel the contract or re-sell the interment rights. When the cemetery operator does not prohibit the resale of interment rights, the operator may repurchase the interment rights portion from the rights holder(s) by negotiating a purchase price, so long as the seller acknowledges being aware of the cemetery operator's current price list amount for interment rights. CONTRACT 3.27 All purchasers of interment rights must sign a contract with the cemetery, detailing obligations of both parties and acceptance of the cemetery by-laws. 3.28 The purchaser of Interment Rights shall be provided with a Contract, at the time the Contract is made, which shall indicate: i. the date Interment Rights were purchased; ii. the name and address of purchaser; iii. the purchase price including an itemized breakdown of charges and all applicable taxes; iv. the percentage or amount of the purchase price being set aside for Care and Maintenance; v. the existence of a by-law that governs the operation of the cemetery and includes restrictions on Interment Rights in the cemetery; vi. a Certificate of Interment Rights will not be issued until the Interment Rights including Care and Maintenance have been paid in full; and vii. Interment rights may be resold to a third party, through the operator. TRANSFERS, REPURCHASES&THIRD PARTY RESALE 3.29 An Individual interment rights holder may re-sell his interment right to a third party, through the Cemetery Operator, as long as no internment rights in the original purchase have been used. TRANSFERS 3.30 For the purposes of this subsection, `transfer' shall mean a gift, a bequest or any other transfer made without consideration. By-Law 2015-116 Being a By-law for the Management,Regulatio... Page 153 of 206 3.30.1 If an Interment Rights Holder wishes to transfer their interment rights, notice shall be given, on the 'Transfer Form', attached as Schedule 'E', to the Board Secretary-Treasurer or Treasurer and the original certificate must be returned. 3.30.2 Upon receipt of a request on the 'Transfer Form', from the Interment Rights Holder specifying the name and address of the transferor and the transferee, and location of lot or plot, the Secretary-Treasurer or Treasurer, upon payment of the transfer fee in accordance with the Tariff, will perform the transfer and provide the interment rights holder with the documents outlined in Section 3.14 of this By- law. 3.31 In the case of succession the following will be required in addition to the aforementioned. 3.31.1 With a Last Will and Testament: i. in case of a specific bequest of an unused lot, a copy of the will of the purchaser is to be provided to the cemetery representative; ii. if no specific bequest, a request in writing from the Executors with the written consent of all or a majority of the beneficiaries; 3.31.2 Intestate: i. A request in writing from the Executor with the consent of all or a majority of the heirs-at-law. 3.31.3 The transfer of Interment Rights is not binding upon the Board until a duly executed transfer form has been deposited with the Secretary-Treasurer or Treasurer. Repurchases 3.32 An individual who wishes to negotiate a repurchase of his unused interment rights back to the Cemetery for a fee, shall return the original Certificate ('deed' or 'Perpetual Receipt' as appropriate), complete, sign and provide the 'Repurchase of Interment Rights Form', Schedule 'F'to the Cemetery Operator. 3.33 The Cemetery operator may negotiate a price, less the amount placed into the Care and Maintenance Fund. The Cemetery operator is not obligated to repurchase. 3.34 Should the individual and the Cemetery Operator agree upon the price, the transaction is completed upon approval and signing of the 'Repurchase of Interment Rights Form' by the Cemetery Operator and payment of the negotiated amount to the individual by the Cemetery Operator. There is no charge for a negotiated repurchase back to the cemetery. 3.35 An individual who wishes to donate his unused interment rights back to the Cemetery, shall return the original Certificate ('deed' or'Perpetual Receipt' as appropriate), complete, sign and provide the 'Repurchase of Interment Rights Form', Schedule 'F', to the Cemetery Operator. The transaction is complete upon approval and signing of the 'Repurchase of Interment Rights Form' by the By-Law 2015-116 Being a By-law for the Management,Regulatio... Page 154 of 206 Cemetery Operator. There is no charge for a donated repurchase back to the cemetery. Resale 3.36 An Individual interment rights holder may resell his interment right to a third party, through the Cemetery Operator, as long as no internment rights in the original purchase have been used, by completing Part 1 and Part 2 of the Interment Rights Resale Endorsement Form—Schedule"C". 3.37 The interment rights holder(s) intending to resell their rights shall provide the following documents to the cemetery operator so that the operator can confirm the ownership of the rights and provide the third party purchaser with the required certificate: i. the interment rights certificate endorsed by the current rights holder; ii. a written statement of the number of lots that have been used in the plot and the number of lots that remain available. However, no sale/resale of interment rights is permitted if any of the rights in the original purchase have been used. iii. any other documentation in the interment rights holder(s) possession relating to the rights. iv. an Interment Rights Resale Endorsement, Schedule 'C' signed by the rights holder(s) selling the interment rights, acknowledging the sale of the interment rights to the third party purchaser; v. confirmation that the person selling the interment rights is the person registered on the cemetery records and that they have the right to re-sell the interment rights; vi. the date of resale of the interment rights to the third party; vii. the name and address of the third party purchaser(s); viii. a statement of any money owing to the Cemetery Operator in respect to the interment rights. 3.38 Upon the return the original Interment Rights Certificate ('deed' or'Perpetual Receipt' as appropriate), the completed and signed Interment Rights Resale Endorsement Form , Schedule 'C' and payment of the Resale Endorsement fee, the Secretary-Treasurer or Treasurer shall sign the Form and issue a new Interment Rights Certificate in the name of the new rights holder 3.39 The cemetery operator may charge an administration fee for the issuance of a new certificate in accordance with the price listed on the cemetery operator's current price list. INTERMENT 3.40 No interment shall take place until such time as the lot, plot or niche has been paid for in full. 3.41 For every interment the Board must obtain a burial permit or cremation certificate, applicable fees and a completed Interment Permission form if required By-Law 2015-116 Being a By-law for the Management,Regulatio... Page 155 of 206 3.42 No interment shall be made on Sunday, Good Friday or Christmas Day, except in accordance with the regulations of the Medical Officer of Health. 3.43 Interments shall take place between the 1st of April and the 1St of November unless otherwise authorized by the Board. 3.44 Subject to restrictions, no more than three interments may be made in a regular lot, the first interment must be in a concrete vault, and the remaining two interments must be cremation burials for which proper authorization has been documented and approved by the cemetery representative. 3.45 Installation of a concrete vault for all casket type burials is strongly recommended. 3.46 A full body casket in a vault and/or cremation interment must be to a depth that will ensure at least two feet of earth coverage over the case at the surrounding ground level; 3.47 No more than four(4) cremation interments, if placement allows, shall be made in a regular lot. A maximum of two (2) cremation burials are permitted in a 3' x 3' cremation lot. 3.48 No more than two (2) appropriately sized urns shall be placed in any single columbarium niche. 3.49 Workmen shall cease work, if in the immediate vicinity of a funeral, until the conclusion of the service. 3.50 All work must be done during regular Cemetery hours, unless by special permission of the Board. 3.51 Notice of each interment shall be given to the Secretary-Treasurer or Treasurer. A minimum of 24 hours' notice (not including Saturday, Sunday or holidays) is required unless otherwise ordered by the Medical Officer of Health. 3.52 An interment rights holder must provide authorization in writing prior to a burial taking place. Should the interment rights holder be deceased, and the interment rights holder has not designated persons to be interred, authorization must be provided in writing by the person authorized to act on behalf of the interment rights holder i.e. Estate Trustee or Executor. 3.53 A valid burial permit or equivalent document showing that the death has been registered with the Province must be provided to the cemetery operator prior to a burial taking place. 3.54 A Certificate of Cremation must be submitted to the cemetery operator prior to the burial of cremated remains taking place. 3.55 The opening and closing of lots, may only be conducted by contractors designated or authorized to do work on behalf of the cemetery with appropriate and valid WSIB and Insurance coverages By-Law 2015-116 Being a By-law for the Management,Regulatio... Page 156 of 206 3.56 Cremated remains are not permitted to be scattered on any lot within a Cemetery owned and operated by the Municipality of Bayham. 3.57 Cremation urns or containers may be used for burial in designated 3'x3' cremation burial lots and in regular lots when used for cremations only 3.58 All cremated human remains interred in a regular 4'x10' lot on top of a full body casket in a vault shall be placed in a small flat six by six inch (6"x6") box type container with a depth of no more than four(4) inches to ensure at least two feet (2') of earth coverage over the cremation remains, at surrounding ground level. 3.59 For each cremation interment on top of an existing body burial with a vault, a permission form must be completed, signed and on file with the Municipality, in advance. DISINTERMENT 3.60 No disinterment shall be permitted in any lot, plot or niche nor any body removed therefrom unless in accordance with the Act. 3.61 A certificate from the local medical officer of health must be received by the cemetery operator before the removal of casketed human remains may take place. 3.62 A certificate from the local medical officer of health is not required for the removal of cremated remains. 3.63 In special circumstances the removal of human remains may also be ordered by certain public officials without the consent of the interment rights holder and/or next of kin. MARKERS&MONUMENTS 3.64 The Board requires order forms from Monument Dealers showing monument size, base size, property location, and the fee for Marker Care and Maintenance Fund before constructing the foundation for markers and monuments. 3.65 The Board reserves the right to determine the maximum size of markers and monuments, their composition, their number and their location on each lot or plot. i. not more than one marker or monument shall be erected on any one lot; ii. the minimum thickness of an upright marker shall be 6 inches at narrowest point, and every flat marker, including foot stones, shall be a minimum thickness of 4 inches; iii. all markers, other than markers located on a single lot, shall not exceed 42 inches in height, including the base; iv. upright markers on a single lot shall not exceed 24 inches wide by 34 inches high, including the base; By-Law 2015-116 Being a By-law for the Management,Regulatio... Page 157 of 206 v. all flat markers on a single lot shall not exceed 24 inches wide 18 inches deep, and shall be installed flush with the ground level. Every flat marker shall be placed on a base of gravel or crushed stone to a minimum depth of 6 inches, or set in concrete to a depth of 6 inches. The said base shall have a 4 inch border of the same material as the base; vi. where foot stones are permitted, the width shall not exceed 4 inches and the length shall not exceed 12 inches. The foot stone may be placed on a base of gravel, crushed stone or set in concrete to a minimum of 6 inches without any border. vii. all markers shall be made of natural stone (granite) or bronze; viii. no marker shall be allowed to stand on the interment space in any lot or plot 3.66 Markers to be erected shall be set upon a concrete foundation which shall be no less than five feet in depth and must exceed the marker by a minimum of three inches on all sides. 3.67 All foundations shall be set one inch above the surface of the ground. Foundation must be approved by the Cemetery operator before the marker is erected thereon. 3.68 One flat marker only, at a maximum size of 24" x 14", or less, is permitted on a cremation lot, placed flush with the ground on top of a 12" diameter post hole filled with a minimum depth of 4 feet of concrete; 3.69 No marker shall be erected without the supervision of the Board or Municipal staff. 3.70 The Board reserves the right to enter onto the lot or plot and remove any marker or other structure, or any inscription placed in or upon any lot or plot which is not in keeping with the dignity and decorum of the cemetery. 3.71 Markers may be scratched or chipped by equipment during regular maintenance of the Cemetery grounds and the operator shall not be held responsible for such damage. 3.72 Should any monument or marker present a risk to public safety because it has become unstable, the cemetery operator shall do whatever it deems necessary by way of repairing, resetting, or laying down the monument or marker or any other remedy so as to remove the risk. 3.73 No memorial or other structure shall be erected or permitted on a lot until all charges have been paid in full. 3.74 No monument, footstone, marker or memorial of any description shall be placed, moved, altered, or removed without permission from the cemetery operator. 3.75 The cemetery operator will take reasonable precautions to protect the property of interment rights holders, but it assumes no liability for the loss of, or damage to, any monument, marker, or other structure, or part thereof. By-Law 2015-116 Being a By-law for the Management,Regulatio... Page 158 of 206 3.76 The cemetery operator reserves the right to determine the maximum size of monuments, their number and their location on each lot or plot. They must not be of a size that would interfere with any future interments. 3.77 All foundations for monuments and markers shall be contracted to be built at the expense of the interment rights holder. 3.78 A monument or other structure shall be erected only after the location has been marked and the hole for the foundation inspected by the cemetery operator or municipal staff. 3.79 In keeping with the cemetery by-laws only one monument shall be erected within the designated space on any lot and shall not reduce legislated burial space. 3.80 No monument shall be delivered to the cemetery for installation until the monument foundation has been completed. 3.81 Markers, monuments and footstones of bronze or granite are permitted with size and quantity restrictions according to cemetery by-laws and the placement of such memorials shall not interfere with future interments. 3.81.1 Footstones are not permitted at any in-active cemeteries or at the following cemeteries: i. Best Cemetery ii. Claus Cemetery iii. Dobbie Cemetery iv. Light Cemetery v. Smuck Cemetery 3.82 Any contract work to be performed within the cemetery requires the written pre- approval of the interment rights holder and the cemetery operator before the work may begin. 3.83 Pre-approval includes but is not limited to landscaping, delivery/installation of foundations, monuments and markers, inscriptions, designs, drawings, plans and detailed specifications relating to the work, proof of all applicable government approvals and permits and the location of the work to be performed. It is the responsibility of all contractors to report to the cemetery operator and provide the necessary approvals before commencing work at any location on the cemetery property. 3.84 Prior to the start of any work, contractors, retained by the Municipality, must provide proof of: i. WSIB coverage; and ii. Evidence of liability insurance of not less than $2 million. a. Contractors retained by Funeral Homes must provide the appropriate WSIB and insurance to the Funeral Home, and be available to the Municipality upon request. 3.85 All cemetery by-laws apply to all contractors for all work carried out within the cemetery grounds. By-Law 2015-116 Being a By-law for the Management,Regulatio... Page 159 of 206 3.86 Contractors, monument dealers and suppliers shall perform work at the cemetery during the regular visitation hours of the cemetery. 3.87 Contractors shall temporarily cease all operations if they are working within 100 metres of a funeral, until the conclusion of the service. 3.88 The cemetery reserves the right to temporarily cease contractor operations at their sole discretion if the noise of the work being performed by the contractor is deemed to be a disturbance to any funeral or public gathering within the cemetery. 3.89 Contractors, monument dealers and suppliers shall lay wooden planks on the burial lots and paths over which heavy materials are to be moved in order to protect the surface from damage. COLUMBARIUM 3.90 All By-laws of Bayham Cemeteries shall apply to the Columbaria, as far as the nature of the situation permits. 3.91 No floral tributes will be permitted except at the time of inurnment and on Decoration Day. 3.92 Flowers and wreaths placed against or near any part of the Columbarium that are liable to stain or deface the structure,will be removed. 3.93 Glass vases or other breakable items, such as statuary, shall not be placed around the Columbarium. 3.94 No ornaments of any kind will be permitted on or near the Columbaria niche units nor on the vases attached to the niche units. 3.95 The Caretaker or designate shall be in attendance at all inurnments, and only the Caretaker shall be responsible for the opening and closing of the niche. 3.96 The inurnment fee shall be at a rate as specified in the Tariff of Rates and shall include the opening and closing of the niche. 3.97 An inurnment shall not take place later than 4:00 p.m., Monday to Saturday. 3.98 To maintain uniformity of the Columbaria, only the plaque included in the purchase of the niche will be permitted. 3.99 Pictures will not be allowed on any plaque. This includes sandblasted and/or etched photographic images and reproductions on the face of the niche. 3.100 The cremated remains of the lower animals will not be allowed to be placed in any niche. By-Law 2015-116 Being a By-law for the Management,Regulatio... Page 160 of 206 3.101 The Municipality, through the Cemetery Board, shall keep the columbaria in good repair at all times but shall not be required to rebuild the columbaria in the case of destruction due to war or insurrection. 3.102 Colum barium Niche shall be identified pursuant to Schedule 'G'. Section 4—Cemetery Caretaker 4.1 The Municipality may appoint a Cemetery Caretaker who may conduct the following duties: i. Mark plots ii. Coordinate with grave digger; iii. Be readily available at funerals held in the Cemeteries, when requested. iv. Inter cremation burials v. Cemetery services vi. Observe and carry out all the provisions of this By-law and of the F.B.C.S.A. and the regulations made thereunder. 4.2 Should a Cemetery Caretaker be appointed, the Cemetery Board shall pay the defined piece rate of$35/service performed, to the Cemetery Caretaker. 4.3 Should conflict arise, the Municipality shall determine what constitutes a service. Section 5—Administration 5.1 GENERAL INFORMATION Inquiries may be made at: Municipality of Bayham P.O. Box 160, 9344 Plank Road, Straffordville, ON NOJ 1Y0 Telephone: 519-866-5521 Fax: 519-866-3884 website: www.bayham.on.ca Email: bayham@bayham.on.ca 5.2 Schedules "A"to"H" are attached hereto and forming part of this by-law. 5.3 The Municipality of Bayham, as Cemetery Owner and Cemetery Operator has chosen to permit resale of interment rights to a third party purchaser provided no internment rights in the plot have been used, subject to applicable legislation and by-law requirements. 5.4 The business and affairs of Cemeteries shall be conducted under the direction of the Treasurer of the Municipality of Bayham and shall be operated by an advisory Cemetery Board as determined by Council. 5.5 The cemetery shall be governed by the cemetery bylaws, and all procedures will comply with the Funeral Burial &Cremation Services Act, 2002 and Ontario Regulation 30/11, which may be amended periodically. By-Law 2015-116 Being a By-law for the Management,Regulatio... Page 161 of 206 5.6 All cemetery by-law amendments requiring approval of the Registrar, Cemeteries Regulation Unit, Ministry of Consumer Services shall be published in accordance with the F.B.C.S.A. and the regulations made thereunder. 5.7 This By-law shall be in full force and effect upon approval of the Registrar, Cemeteries Regulation Unit, Ministry of Consumer Services. 5.8 By-law No. 2012-065, 2012-066, 2012-067, 2013-053, 2013-055 and 2014-035 as amended are repealed upon approval of this by-law by the Registrar of Cemeteries, Ministry of Consumer Services. 5.9 In this By-law, unless the contrary intention is indicated, words used in the singular shall include the plural and words used in the male gender shall include the female gender or vice versa, where applicable. By-Law 2015-116 Being a By-law for the Management,Regulatio... Page 162 of 206 II4.-m, 0", 46.„, 0 • The Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham 9344 Plank Road, Box 160 Straffordville, ON NOJ 1Y0 Telephone: 519-866-5521 www.bayham.on.ca bayham(c�bayham.on.ca CONTRACT FOR PURCHASE OF INTERMENT RIGHTS, CEMETERY SUPPLIES OR SERVICES Schedule "A"to By-law 2015-116 Cemetery operator License#3267732 2015 In Name and Address of Cemetery CONTRACT INFORMATION Contract Reference# Date of issue PURCHASER INFORMATION Name Address PC Telephone Email address Purchaser's relationship to the Recipient(s) RECIPIENT#1 INFORMATION RECIPIENT#2 INFORMATION Name Name Address Address Province Postal Code Province Postal Code Telephone Telephone Email Email This contract is between the Purchaser AND The Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham For cemetery Interment Rights, Supplies and/or Services for the recipient(s) as identified in this contract. To be made in DUPLICATE By-Law 2015-116 Being a By-law for the Management,Regulatio... Page 163 of 206 Schedule"A"to B/L 2015-116 -2- The Purchaser(if different than the Recipient (s) represents being legally authorized or charged with the responsibility for the Recipient(s) cemetery Interment Rights and cemetery pre-paid supplies and services arrangements specified in this contract. This agreement will be enforceable to the benefit of and be binding upon the parties hereto and their respective heirs, heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns. Interment Rights per regular lot may include no more than one full size traditional body interment, plus two (2) cremation interments, provided the first interment is in a vault. Alternatively, up to four(4) cremation interments only, may be made in a regular lot. No more than two (2) appropriately sized urns shall be placed in any single columbarium niche or in a designated 3'x 3' cremation lot. Cremation urns or containers may be used for burials in regular lots when used for cremation burials only. All cremated human remains interred in a regular 4'x10' lot on top of a full body casket in a vault shall be placed in a small flat six by six inch (6"x6") box type container with a depth of no more than four(4) inches to ensure at least two feet (2') of earth coverage over the cremation remains, at surrounding ground level. For each cremation interment on top of an existing body burial with a vault, permission forms must be completed, signed and on file with the Municipality, in advance. **The purchase price per regular lot, cremation lot or niche permits one interment only in the respective lot or niche. **Each additional interment in a regular lot, cremation lot or niche is subject to payment of an additional fee, as may be in place at time of such interment, and must be properly authorized in writing. ** Resale: Interment Rights may be resold to a third party, through the operator, subject to restrictions. The Purchaser agrees that in the event of resale of the said Internment Rights, this certificate shall be returned with the completed and signed Part 1 and Part 2 of the Interment Rights Resale Endorsement— Form "C", to the Cemetery Operator who, upon completion, approval and payment of any required fees, will issue a new certificate to the new Interment Rights holder. **( Examples of Care and Maintenance Fund contributions from purchase of interment rights: 1. The Purchase Price of$600.00 (six hundred dollars) per regular lot includes $300.00 to the Care and Maintenance Fund and allows one interment in the regular lot. 2. The purchase price of$300.00 (three hundred dollars) per cremation lot includes $150.00 to the Care and Maintenance Fund and allows one interment in the cremation lot.) 2015 By-Law 2015-116 Being a By-law for the Management,Regulatio... Page 164 of 206 Schedule"A"to B/L 2015-116 -3- 3. The Purchase Price of$1200.00 (twelve hundred dollars) per single columbarium niche includes $600.00 to the Care and Maintenance Fund and allows one interment in a single columbarium niche. Interment Rights to Regular/Cremation Lot or Columbarium Niche purchased: Location & Details Block Section Plot# Row Grave(s): No. of graves(s) Dimensions per lot Area of square feet. OR: Columbarium Niche Unit 1 or 2 Side A or B # The number of Regular Lot(s)/Cremation Lot(s) or columbarium niche purchased: at ($600/$300 or$1200) , each, equals , which includes ($ 300, $300 or$600) to the Care and Maintenance Fund. (Circle above as appropriate) Interment Rights Purchases: Amount HST Regular lot(s) Cremation lot(s) Columbarium Niche Services: Identification & marking of lot for burial Identification & marking of lot for marker placement Placement of up to four corner posts provided by interment rights holder Duplicate Interment Rights Certificate—Transfer Duplicate Interment Rights Certificate—Resale Endorsement Interment Permission Form No charge Municipal fee for opening & closing Cremation grave Municipal fee for opening & closing Columbarium Niche Fee for each additional interment in a regular or cremation lot or inurnment in a single columbarium niche (circle selection) Name plate &engraving plus cast shipping Extra copy of Cemetery By-law Booklet Purchase of two (2) or four(4) corner markers (circle choice) Ministry interment/inurnment fee N/C Other Sub-Totals + Total Contract Price $ 2015 By-Law 2015-116 Being a By-law for the Management,Regulatio... Page 165 of 206 Schedule"A"to B/L 2015-116 -4- TERMS &CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT 1. THE FOLLOWING TRUSTING PROVISIONS ARE IN EFFECT: Per each regular Lot: 40% of the Purchase price or$300, whichever is greater Per each cremation lot: 40% of the Purchase price or$150, whichever is greater. Per each columbarium niche: 40% of the Purchase price or$600, whichever is greater. 2. CONTRIBUTION TO CARE AND MAINTENANCE FOR MARKER INSTALLATION: Flat marker 173 square inches or more: $ 50. Upright monument up to 4 feet in height or width $100. Upright monument more than 4 feet in height or width $200. 3. A CONTRACT FOR THE PURCHASE OF INTERMENT RIGHTS INCLUDES: • In accordance with the cemetery By-law 2015-XXX, the following restrictions on the exercising of interment rights and documents required are under the Interment Heading. • If an interment rights holder desires to transfer an interment right, the rights holder shall give notice on the appropriate form Schedule "E"to the cemetery owner and return the original interment rights certificate. Upon full payment of all applicable fees, the cemetery owner shall issue a new interment rights certificate to the Transferee. • For Contract Cancellation within thirty days of purchase, refer to the By-law heading "Cancellation". • In accordance with By-law 2015-XXX, restrictions on the transfer of interment rights can be found under the Transfers, Repurchases&Third Party Sales heading. • The resale of interment rights after 30 days by the purchaser or interment rights holder, as applicable, to a third party is now permitted. Please refer to "Resales" under the Transfers, Repurchases &Third Party ReSale heading. NOTE: ALL THIRD PARTY RESALES OF INTERMENT RIGHTS SHALL BE CARRIED OUT THROUGH THE CEMETERY OPERATOR. 4. CANCELLATION OF CONTRACT • If the above Interment Rights have been paid for in full, have not been used, and the Interment Rights Certificate has not been issued, the Purchaser may, in writing to the owner, within thirty(30) days from the signing of the contract, cancel this contract and receive a full refund. • If the above Interment Rights have been paid for in full, have not been used, and the Interment Rights Certificate has been issued, the Interment Rights Holder(s) may, in writing to the owner, within thirty(30) days from the signing of the contract, cancel this contract and receive a full refund. • The Purchaser or Interment Rights Holder, as applicable, may in writing to the owner, within thirty (30) days from the signing of the contract, cancel pre-paid supplies and services, provided they are paid in full, and receive the refund. 2015 By-Law 2015-116 Being a By-law for the Management,Regulatio... Page 166 of 206 Schedule"A"to B/L 2015-116 -5- 5. RESALE OF INTERMENT RIGHTS AFTER 30 DAY COOLING-OFF PERIOD & PRICE • Unless the interment rights have been exercised the Purchaser or Interment Rights Holder, as applicable, retains the right to re-sell the interment rights. • A Purchaser or an Interment Rights Holder cannot re-sell their Interment Rights for more than the current value on the cemetery price list. • The current cost for the cemetery operator to complete and provide a new Interment Rights Certificate upon resale is listed on the Cemetery Tariff/Fee Schedule. 6. SUBDIVISION OF INTERMENT RIGHTS • No Purchaser or Interment Rights Holder(s) may sub-divide and sell or transfer a portion of an Interment Rights. 7. MEMORIALIZATION • The purchase of a lot permits placement of a maximum of one (1) upright monument only on a traditional full body interment, plus up to two (2) cremations or on a lot with up to 4 cremations only, subject to approved by-laws. • Care and Maintenance Fund Contribution for Marker and Monument Installation: In accordance with the FBCSA and Ontario Regulation 30/11, the following contributions will be made to the Care and Maintenance Fund for every installation of a marker or monument: (a) In the case of a flat marker measuring less than 1,116.3 sq. cm. (173 sq. in.) $0.00 (b) In the case of a flat marker measuring over 1,116.3 sq. cm. (173 sq. in.) $50.00 (c) In the case of an upright monument measuring 1.22 m. (4 ft.) or less in height or length, including the base $100.00 (d) In case of an upright monument measuring more than 1.22m. (4 ft.) either in height or length, including the base $200.00. • Only the Memorial plaque included with the purchase of the Niche are permitted as found under the Columbarium heading. • Interment Rights Holder(s) request to remove memorialization: A marker, monument, or memorialization purchased and/or installed by anyone other than the Rights Holder(s) may be removed by the cemetery representative on the written request of the Rights Holder(s). 8. PAYMENT TERMS • Payment in full is required at time of purchase. Full payment must be made before any burial or memorialization can take place. An Interment Rights Certificate will not be issued until the Interment Right(s)and Care and Maintenance portions have been paid in full. An Interment Rights Certificate(s)will be issued within 14 days of full payment and signing of the contract by the operator. 9. CAUSES BEYOND THE CEMETERY OPERATOR'S CONTROL • The cemetery operator cannot be responsible if unable/prevented from carrying out this contract due to causes beyond its control. • 2015 By-Law 2015-116 Being a By-law for the Management,Regulatio... Page 167 of 206 Schedule"A"to B/L 2015-116 -6- Privacy Policy Personal Information: The Purchaser acknowledges and provides consent to permit the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham to collect, use and disclose your personal information in accordance with the requirements under the FBCSA and Ontario Regulation 30/11 for information within the municipal owned cemeteries public register. The Purchaser also understands that the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham does not rent or sell personal information to third party organizations. Consumer Information Guide and cemetery price list: By initialing below, the purchaser acknowledges receiving a copy of the Ontario Government's Consumer information Guide (where made available by the Registrar) and the cemetery price list at the time of entering into this contract. {_} I hereby acknowledge I have been offered and/or received a copy of the Ontario Government's Consumer Information Guide and the Cemetery Price List. I have reviewed the Contract's terms and conditions and hereby confirm that the Interment Rights, as specified in this contract are complete and correct. I direct the operator to proceed with the sale of the Interment Right(s), as identified in the contract in accordance with the cemetery by-laws which are now or at any time hereafter in force. { } I hereby acknowledge I have received and reviewed a copy of the cemetery's by-laws. The Terms and Conditions set out in this contract expire within 30 days unless executed by the purchaser and the operator. The contract date set out below is the date on which this contract is accepted by the operator. {_} I acknowledge having received a copy of this contract, and assume full responsibility for payment of the total contract amount to the operator in accordance with the contract's terms and conditions. It is agreed between the parties that this contract and the operation of the cemetery, including restrictions on Interment Rights, is subject to the Cemetery By-laws of the Municipality of Bayham and the Purchaser hereby acknowledges receipt of a copy of the current By-laws and that the"Terms & Conditions of Contract" above, have been read and understood. Total Contract Price $ (from page 3) Ordered by: Signature (Purchaser Name) Payment by cheque#: received on Accepted on behalf of the Operator by: Name Cemetery Operator/Representative: Signature Contact: Email: Telephone#:_ 2015 By-Law 2015-116 Being a By-law for the Management,Regulatio... Page 168 of 206 -gym itiA,4,1 `�ftz,° MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM I' 9344 Plank Road, Box 160 Straffordville, ON NOJ 1Y0 Telephone 519-866-5521 www.bayham.on.ca bayhamAbayham.on.ca Schedule"B"to B/L 2015-116 INTERMENT RIGHTS CERTIFICATE Certificate#: Operator License#3267732 Pursuant to the Cemeteries Act and Regulations and all amendments thereto, BETWEEN: The Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham Cemetery Name and Address Here hereinafter called "The Cemetery Operator" AND: Interment Rights Holder, hereinafter called the"Purchaser" In consideration of the sum of Dollars ($ ), receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, and which included the sum of Dollars ($ ), for Care and Maintenance which is deposited with the Municipality of Bayham, the Cemetery Operator agrees to assign the Purchaser the Interment Rights as follows: Section: Block: Plot# Row: Grave(s)/Lot(s): Area of square feet. OR: Columbarium Niche Unit (1 or 2) Side (A or B) # Date of Purchase/Transfer or Third Party Resale (circle 1 only): Interment Rights per regular lot may include no more than one full size traditional body interment, plus two (2) cremation interments, provided the first interment is in a vault. All cremated human remains interred in a regular 4'x10' lot on top of a full body casket in a vault shall be placed in a small flat six by six inch (6"x6") box type container with a depth of no more than four(4) inches to ensure at least two feet (2') of earth coverage over the cremation remains, at surrounding ground level." Section 3.58 Alternatively, up to four(4) cremation interments only, may be made in a regular lot. A maximum of two (2) cremation burials are permitted in a 3' x 3' cremation lot or in a single columbarium niche. Cremation urns or containers may be used for burials in regular lots when used for cremation burials only and in designated 3'x3' cremation burial lots. 2015 By-Law 2015-116 Being a By-law for the Management,Regulatio... Page 169 of 206 Interment Rights Certificate-Schedule B to By-Law 2015-116 Page 2 of 2 For each cremation interment on top of an existing body burial with a vault, permission forms must be completed, signed and on file with the Municipality, in advance. No more than two (2) appropriately sized urns shall be placed in any single columbarium niche. The purchase price per regular lot, cremation lot or niche permits one interment only in the respective lot or niche. Each additional interment in a regular lot, cremation lot or niche is subject to payment of an additional fee, as may be in place at time of such interment, and must be properly authorized in writing. Resale: Interment Rights may be resold to a third party, through the operator, subject to restrictions. The Purchaser agrees that in the event of resale of the said Internment Rights, this certificate shall be returned with the completed and signed Part 1 and Part 2 of the Interment Rights Resale Endorsement— Form "C", to the Cemetery Operator who, upon completion, approval and payment of any required fees, will issue a new certificate to the new Interment Rights holder. The Purchaser, by signature below acknowledges acceptance of this indenture and confirms that the By-law(s) governing the operation of the cemetery have been received and read, and agrees to be guided by the said By-law(s) as well as the provisions of the Funeral, Burial and Cremation Services Act and Regulations thereto, as if these were included as part of this indenture. With respect to the erection or installation of markers, the Purchaser agrees to abide by the restrictions in the Cemetery by-law(s) regarding the erection or installation of monuments or markers. Signature of Purchaser: In WITNESS whereof the Cemetery Operator has affixed its signature by the hands of its proper signing officer this day of in the year Cemetery Operator Representative Name: Signature: To be made in DUPLICATE (Issue one certificate for each lot sold) 2015 By-Law 2015-116 Being a By-law for the Management,Regulatio... Page 170 of 206 Schedule "C"to B/L 2015-116 $AYHA1ti MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM �, 9344 Plank Road, Box 160, Straffordville, ON NOJ 1Y0 �� - Telephone 519-866-5521 Website: www.bayham.on.ca Email: bayhambayham.on.ca INTERMENT RIGHTS RESALE ENDORSEMENT Regarding the Cemetery at [If there are more than one Interment Rights Holders, all living Rights Holders shall sign the endorsement certificate. All Third Party Purchaser's shall be listed in full on the endorsement certificate in order to register their names and addresses on the cemetery records.] Part 1 —Interments Rights Holder(s) Resale Endorsement I/we, the Interment Rights Holder(s) registered on the cemetery records, hereby wish to re-sell the Interment Rights to Section: Block: Plot# Row: Grave(s)/Lot(s): to a third party purchaser. I/we certify that the Interment Rights are being resold in accordance with the Funeral Burial and Cremation Services Act, 2002 (FBCSA) and Ontario Regulation 30/11, and the Cemetery By-law(s). I/we further certify that the resale is for an amount no greater than the value on the cemetery price list in effect, at the time this resale is completed. I/we hereby acknowledge and direct the above named Cemetery to resell the identified Interment Rights to the purchaser(s) listed below. Interment Rights Holders contact information: Name(s): Address: PC Telephone#: Email: Signed: & Interment Rights Holder(s) Part 2—Acknowledgement of Purchaser(s) I/we the third party purchaser(s) acknowledge that we have received a current copy of the Cemetery By-laws from the Interment Rights Holder(s). I/we have reviewed the Cemetery By-laws as they may apply to the Interment Rights and hereby agree to abide by the Cemetery By-laws and certify that I/we meet all necessary qualifications and restrictions under those By-laws. I/we have been informed by the Interment Rights Holder(s) that the Interment Rights being resold contains lot(s), and that no lot(s) have been utilized and said lots remain available for future use. Third Party Purchaser's contact information: Name(s) Address: PC Telephone#: Email: Signed: & *Date received by Cemetery Representative: (Mandatory) 2015 By-Law 2015-116 Being a By-law for the Management,Regulatio... Page 171 of 206 Schedule "C"to B/L 2015-116 Parts 1 and 2 of this form must be completed by the interment rights holder(s) and returned to the Municipal Treasurer in order to proceed with Re-sale of interment rights to a third party, subject to restrictions in the cemetery by-law. The Resale Endorsement fee listed in the current Cemetery Fee Schedule will apply based on the date this form is received by the Cemetery Operator. Part 3 — Cemetery Representative Acknowledgement and Acceptance of the Resale Endorsement The Operator for the above named Cemetery hereby confirms that the cemetery records have been reviewed and that the above Interment Rights Holder(s) are registered on the cemetery records and have the authority to resell the Interment Rights to the Third Party Purchaser(s). It is also confirmed that no monies are owing by the Interment Rights Holder(s) to the above named Cemetery in respect of the Interment Rights. On behalf of the above named Cemetery, I hereby accept and confirm that the resale has been recorded on the cemetery records and have issued a new Interments Rights Certificate in the name(s) of the Third Party Purchaser(s), as applicable for each resold lot. I also confirm payment of the Interment Rights Resale Endorsement Fee of $ , plus HST of $ , has been received and paid in full by cheque # in the amount of Accepted on behalf of the Cemetery License#3267732 Municipality of Bayham Treasurer: Date of Resale: APPLICATION OF RESALE ENDORSEMENT FEES Calculation of the applicable fee(s) for Interment Rights Resale Endorsement will be based on the date this form is received by the Cemetery Operator representative and the current approved fee on the received date. Based on the fee at time of 2015/2016 By-law approval, the Resale Endorsement Fee Payable = $75.00 plus HST$9.75= $84.75, for each new Interment Rights Certificate issued. Examples 1. In the case of four cremation burials to be placed in a regular lot, (or other combinations as applicable), up to four names may be included on the certificate. In this instance, one original would be created and retained by the Operator, certified photocopies would be provided to each of the four persons listed and the respective Cemetery Secretary-Treasurer, if/as applicable, upon full completion of the transaction. This would be considered as one new certificate being issued at a cost of$84.75. 2. A Third Party Resale that pertains to more than one lot, will require a separate interment rights certificate to be issued for each lot regardless of the number of proposed interments in each. Example: 4 resold lots =4 fees/4 certificates at $84.75 each for a total fee cost of$336.00 2015 By-Law 2015-116 Being a By-law for the Management,Regulatio... Page 172 of 206 Schedule"E"to B/L 2015-116 MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM 1501144 9344 Plank Road, Box 160, Straffordville, ON NOJ 1Y0 7�1!'"' t Telephone 519-866-5521 Website:www.bayham.on.ca Email: bayhamAbayham.on.ca INTERMENT RIGHTS TRANSFER FORM Regarding the Cemetery at Section: Block: Plot# Row: Grave(s)/Lot(s): OR: Columbarium Niche Unit (1 or 2) Side (A or B) # Certificate#(s) or other documents dated (Perpetuity Receipt, Deed or other document acceptable to the Cemetery Operator) I/We of Address: Telephone: Email: hereby authorize the transfer of the above noted lot(s), made without consideration, as a gift to: Name Address Telephone: Email: Name Address Telephone: Email: I/We hereby relinquish all rights to the above lot(s) and submit the original copy of the Interment Rights Certificate and request that the Cemetery Operator issue a new certificate(s) in the above noted name(s). (One name per regular lot unless multiple cremation or a mix of burials are proposed, in which case, all names must be provided in writing.) In WITNESS whereof the Cemetery Operator has affixed its signature by the hands of it's proper signing officer this day of in the year Signature of Interment Rights Holder Signature of Interment Rights Holder (Both if Joint Rights Holders only) Transfer Fee: $35.00+$4.55 HST per certificate issued For Cemetery Operator.' Name: (Print) Signature: Fee amount received: $ 2015 By-Law 2015-116 Being a By-law for the Management,Regulatio... Page 173 of 206 Schedule "F"to B/L 2015-116 iNNYHAilit MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Fi 9344 Plank Road, Box 160 Straffordville, Ontario NOJ 1Y0 Telephone 519-866-5521 Website: www.bayham.on.ca Email: bayham a(�.bayham.on.ca REPURCHASE OF INTERMENT RIGHTS REQUEST FORM Regarding the Cemetery at Section: Block: Plot# Row: Grave(s)/Lot(s): OR: Columbarium Niche Unit (1 or 2) Side (A or B) Certificate#(s) OR Other Document(s) (Perpetuity Receipt, Deed or other document acceptable to the Cemetery Operator) I/We of Address: Telephone: Email: hereby request the repurchase of the above noted lot(s) by the Cemetery Board, in the negotiable amount of$ I/We acknowledge that the Care&Maintenance portion is non-refundable and a negotiated repurchase, including relevant HST, apply only to the interment right portion of purchases made after May 1, 2014. I/We hereby submit the original copy of the Interment Rights Certificate(s) and upon receipt of the Repurchase Price, I/we hereby relinquish all rights to the above lot(s) (All rights holders must sign). Signed & Dated: Signature of Interment Rights Holder Signature of Interment Rights Holder ****** Upon successful negotiation,the following is to be completed I/We hereby acknowledge receipt of the agreed repurchase amount of$ , paid by cheque# dated Signature of Interment Rights Holder Signature of Interment Rights Holder In WITNESS whereof the Cemetery Owner has affixed its signature by the hands of it's proper signing officer this day of in the year For Cemetery Operator: THIS FORM TO BE USED ONLY WHEN THE CEMETERY OPERATOR CHOOSES TO NEGOTIATE THE REPURCHASE OF INTERMENT RIGHTS. 2015 By-Law 2015-116 Being a By-law for the Management,Regulatio... Page 174 of 206 Schedule G to By-Law 2015-116 4.000---i UNIT 1-SIDE'A' ;— UNIT 1-SIDE'ES' 1 1A ii ii € 4 i 1 pi 1-2A p1 i 1 1-3A ' i i i i i i 1 1-1B 1-2B 1-36 1 1 I ! ! H 1 ii ii 1ii ki 1 1 ii ii 1 1 1-4A 1-5A 1-6A j 1 1-4B i iH'1-SB 1-6B S iiia ii i ! ! ! ! ! ! 56.000 A 56.0001 1 1-7A p 1-8A lial 1-9A I 11-7B 101 1-88 ki 1-9B I i ii i i i j ii j ii 1-10A N 1-11A 1-12A 1011-1113! 1-108 ili 1-12B ! ! ! ! I I ! 6.000— 54.750 .I 54750 H Unit 2 4.006 UNIT 2-SIDE'A' 4.000-1 UNIT 2-SIDE'B' 11 { ii ii 2-1A M 2-2A 2-3A 2-1B H 2-26 pi 2-313 • ii ii i j ii j 2-4A 2-5A 2-6A 12-4B H 2-58 p 2-6B 1 ! ! !I ! ! i 56000 - 56.000 1_ Al ii ii ii ii II 2-7A 2-8A 2-9A 12-78 k 2-8B 2-9B I! II .S i i i i S f iI i i -t 2-10A k2-12A i i i i i I k 2-11A i i ii 1 2-10B H 2-118 hi t-12B !I !! ! ! ! ! ! ! 1 6.000— , 54.750 .' 6.000— H 54.}50 ,i By-Law 2015-116 Being a By-law for the Management,Regulatio... Page 175 of 206 Schedule H to By-Law 2015-116 Municipality of Bayham 9344 Plank Road, Box 160 Straffordville, ON NOJ 1Y0 Tel: 519-866-5521 Email: bayham@bayham.on.ca Web: www.bayham.on.ca License#3267732 Cemetery Tariff/ Fee Schedule Fee HST@13% Total Identification & Marking of lot for burial $ 50.00 $ 6.50 $ 56.50 Identification & Marking of lot for marker placement $ 35.00 $ 4.55 $ 39.55 Placement of up to 4 corner posts provided by interment rights holder $ 35.00 $ 4.55 $ 39.55 Interment Rights Certificate -Transfer $ 35.00 $ 4.55 $ 39.55 Interment Rights Certificate - Resale Endorsement $ 75.00 $ 9.75 $ 84.75 Interment Permission Form No charge Municipal Cremation fee for opening & closing grave $300.00 $ 39.00 $ 339.00 Regular Lot Purchase price of regular lot total (Interment Rights @ $300, C&M @ $300) Purchase price permits one interment in a lot. Purchase price permits the erection of a flat or upright marker, subject to approved by-laws. 1 $600.00 $ 78.00 $ 678.00 Fee for each additional interment in any regular lot, subject to completion of authorizing documents. Two (2) cremation burials are permitted on top of a casket burial, provided the first interment is in a vault, and subject to completion of authorizing documents. Up to four (4) cremation burials only are permitted in a regular lot, subject to completion of authorizing documents. $300.00 $ 39.00 $ 339.00 By-Law 2015-116 Being a By-law for the Management,Regulatio... Page 176 of 206 Cremation Lot Fee HST@13% Total Purchase price of one cremation lot total (Interment rights @ $150, C&M @ $150) Purchase price permits one interment in a lot. Purchase price permits the erection of one flat marker Only, at a maximum size of 24" x 14", or less, on a 12" diameter post hole filled with a minimum depth of Three feet of concrete, subject to approved by-laws. A maximum of two (2) cremation burials are permitted in a cremation lot, subject to completion of authorizing documents. A cremation lot is 3' x 3'. $300.00 $ 39.00 $ 339.00 Fee for each additional interment in any lot used for cremation purposes, subject to completion of authorizing documents $300.00 $ 39.00 $ 339.00 Columbarium Niche Fee HST@13% Total Purchase price of a single columbarium niche includes (Interment Rights @ 600 C&M @ 600) Purchase price permits one cremation inurnment in a single columbarium niche A maximum of two (2) cremation inurnments are permitted in a single columbarium niche, subject to completion of authorizing documents $1,200.00 156.00 $1,356.00 Niche Nameplate & Engraving Must be purchased as part of initial columbarium purchase price$300.00 $39.00 $339.00 Interment—Open/Close $150.00 $19.50 $169.50 Fee for a second cremation inurnment in a single columbarium niche $300.00 $39.00 $339.00 General Extra copy of Cemetery By-law/Booklet $ 2.00 $ 0.26 $ 2.26 Purchase of 2 small corner markers $ 10.00 $ 1.30 $ 11.30 By-Law 2015-116 Being a By-law for the Management,Regulatio... Page 177 of 206 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 2015-117 A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM AND THE CORPORATION OF NORFOLK COUNTY FOR THE PROVISION OF AUTOMATIC AID SERVICES WHEREAS the Fire Protection and Prevention Act 1997, S.O. 1997, Chapter 4, authorizes a municipality to enter into automatic aid agreements with other municipalities; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham is desirous of entering into an agreement with Norfolk County for provision of automatic aid services to be performed under the jurisdiction of the Municipality; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the Mayor and Clerk be and are hereby authorized to execute the Agreement attached hereto as Schedule "A" and forming part of this by-law between the Municipality of Bayham and Norfolk County for the provision of automatic aid services to be performed under the jurisdiction of the Municipality; 2. THAT By-law 2012-132 be repealed in its entirety 3. THAT this by-law shall come into full force and effect upon final passing. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 19th DAY OF NOVEMBER, 2015. MAYOR CLERK By-Law 2015-117 Being a By-law to authorize the execution of... Page 178 of 206 AUTOMATIC AID AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made this 1st day of January,2016. BETWEEN: THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM (hereinafter referred to as the"Municipality of Bayham") of the First Part and THE CORPORATION OF THE NORFOLK COUNTY (hereinafter referred to as the"Norfolk County") of the Second Part WHEREAS Subsection 20(1) of the Municipal Act, 2001 allows a municipality to enter into an agreement with another municipality to jointly provide, for their joint benefit, any matter which all of them have the power to provide within their own boundaries; AND WHEREAS Subsection 2(5)of the Fire Protection and Prevention Act, 1997 provides that a municipality may enter into an agreement to provide such fire protection services as may be specified in the agreement to lands or premises that are situated outside the territorial limits of the municipality and to receive such fire protection services as may be specified in the agreement from a fire department situated outside the territorial limits of the municipality; AND WHEREAS Subsection 1(4) of the Fire Protection and Prevention Act, 1997 defines an automatic aid agreement to mean any agreement under which a municipality agrees to ensure the provision of an initial response to fires,rescues and emergencies that may occur in a part of another municipality where a fire department in the municipality is capable of responding more quickly than any fire depai tment situated in the other municipality; AND WHEREAS Subsection 2(6) of the Fire Protection and Prevention Act, 1997 authorizes a municipality to enter into an automatic aid agreement with other municipalities to provide or receive the initial response to fires,rescues and emergencies; AND WHEREAS Subsection 13(3)of the Fire Protection and Prevention Act, 1997 states that a firefighter or such other person as may be authorized by the fire chief may, without a warrant, enter on lands or premises that are outside the territorial limits of the municipality of the fire department that employs the firefighter or fire chief for the purposes of fighting a fire or of providing rescue or emergency services on such lands or premises if the council of the municipality has entered into an automatic aid agreement under which the entry is permitted; By-Law 2015-117 Being a By-law to authorize the execution of... Page 179 of 206 -2- AND WHEREAS Norfolk County deems it advisable to enter into this Agreement with the Municipality of Bayham for the provision of Fire Protection Services, as hereinafter defined, to that portion of the geographical area of Norfolk County described in the attached Schedule "A" and known as the Automatic Aid Fire Area; AND WHEREAS The Municipality of Bayham is prepared to provide Fire Protection Services in the Automatic Aid Fire Areas on the terms and conditions of this Agreement; NOW THEREFORE in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements herein contained, the Municipality of Bayham and Norfolk County agree as follows: 1. DEFINITIONS In this Agreement,unless the context otherwise requires, (a) "Automatic Aid Fire Area" means the area of Norfolk County as described in Schedule "A" and as illustrated in Schedule "B", attached to and forming part of this Agreement, (b) "The Municipality of Bayham" means The Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham; (c) "The Municipality of Bayham Designate" means a person who, in the absence of the Municipality of Bayham Fire Chief,has the same powers and authority as The Municipality of Bayham Fire Chief; (d) "The Municipality of Bayham Fire Chief' means The Municipality of Bayham's Fire Chief as defined in the Fire Protection and Prevention Act, 1997; (e) "The Municipality of Bayham Fire Department" means The Municipality of Bayham's Fire Department as defined in the Fire Protection and Prevention Act, 1997; (f) "The Municipality of Bayham Fire Dispatch" means the communication system established by The Municipality of Bayham, to receive 9-1-1 calls for Fire Protection Services and to dispatch The Municipality of Bayham Fire Department to provide Fire Protection Services; (g) "Norfolk County"means The Corporation of Norfolk County; (h) "Norfolk County Designate" means a person who, in the absence of the Norfolk County Fire Chief,has the same powers and authority as the Norfolk County Fire Chief; (i) "Norfolk County Fire Chief' means Norfolk County's Fire Chief as defined in the Fire Protection and Prevention Act, 1997; (j) "Norfolk County Fire Department" means Norfolk County's Fire Department as defined in the Fire Protection and Prevention Act, 1997, By-Law 2015-117 Being a By-law to authorize the execution of... Page 180 of 206 -3 - (k) "Norfolk County Fire Dispatch" means the communication system established by Norfolk County,to receive 9-1-1 calls for Fire Protection Services and to dispatch Norfolk County Fire Department to provide Fire Protection Services; (1) "Fire Protection Services"includes but is not limited to the activities defined in the Fire Protection and Prevention Act, 1997 and in particular the following: (i) fire suppression; (ii) fire cause determination and investigation; (iii) hazardous material incidents to the Awareness Level; (iv) search and rescue operations; (v) medical assistance, situations where persons are trapped or endangered and require urgent rescue or medical attention,and defibrillators; (vi) extrication services; (vii) water/ice rescue; (viii) any other responses or incidents to which The Municipality of Bayham Fire Department would normally respond pursuant to our current service delivery levels; and (ix) administrative functions and services related to the provision of all of the foregoing. 2. FIRE PROTECTION SERVICES BY THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM (a) The Municipality of Bayham Fire Department agrees to provide response for Fire Protection Services (confirmed structure fire, tanker assist only) in the Automatic Aid Fire Area upon request by the Norfolk County Fire Dispatch, as set out in subsection 2(b); (b) Norfolk County Fire Dispatch, upon receipt of a 9-1-1 call for Fire Protection Services in the Automatic Aid Fire Areas,will communicate the information to The Municipality of Bayham Fire Dispatch which shall constitute a request by Norfolk County for Fire Protection Services. (c) The Municipality of Bayham Fire Depaituient shall respond with Fire Protection Services in the Automatic Aid Fire Area in the same manner that it would respond in The Municipality of Bayham. The level of response, including the number of fire trucks, personnel and equipment to be dispatched shall be within the sole discretion of The Municipality of Bayham Fire Chief or The Municipality of Bayham Designate. (d) Norfolk County Fire Dispatch, upon receipt of a 9-1-1 call for Fire Protection Services in the Automatic Aid Fire Area,will also communicate the information to By-Law 2015-117 Being a By-law to authorize the execution of... Page 181 of 206 -4- Norfolk County Fire and Rescue Services which will also respond and supply Fire Protection Services to incidents in the Automatic Aid Fire Area with the intent of relieving The Municipality of Bayham Fire Department. The Norfolk County Fire Chief or the Norfolk County Designate shall in their sole discretion determine when to assume command and control and responsibility for the incident. (e) Norfolk County Fire Dispatch shall notify The Municipality of Bayham Fire Dispatch when the Norfolk County Fire Department has been dispatched and provide an estimated time of arrival of Norfolk County Fire and Rescue Services to the location in the Automatic Aid Fire Area of the incident to which The Municipality of Bayham Fire Department is responding in accordance with subsection 2(c). (f) The Municipality of Bayham Fire Chief or Designate may deny the request to supply all or part of the Fire Protection Services and at any time during the provision of the Fire Protection Services to the Automatic Aid Fire Area order the return of all or part of such personnel, apparatus and equipment involved in the supply of Fire Protection Services to the Automatic Aid Fire Area for any reason in their sole discretion including but not limited to situations where response personnel, apparatus and/or equipment are required in The Municipality of Bayham. (g) After the The Municipality of Bayham Fire Department has responded with Fire Protection Services to an incident in the Automatic Aid Fire Area under this Agreement, as soon as practicable after the incident, The Municipality of Bayham shall provide to Norfolk County a copy of the Ontario Fire Marshal's form of incident report,along with a copy of the computer generated report for the incident. 3. FEES (a) For Fire Protection Services provided by The Municipality of Bayham Fire Department in the Automatic Aid Fire Area under this Agreement,Norfolk County shall pay the current MTO fees to The Municipality of Bayham within 30 days of receipt of the invoice. (b) The rates set out in subsection 3(a) shall remain in effect throughout 2016 and thereafter unless changed in accordance with subparagraph 3(c). (c) After January 1st 2016, the rates set out in subsection 3(a) may be changed in accordance with the following provisions: (i) Any change in rates shall remain in effect for at least one year after the time the change comes into effect. When proposing a change in rates both The Municipality of Bayham shall give Norfolk County sixty(60)days written notice and the written notice shall include substantiation of change in the Municipality of Bayham's costs. (ii) No change in rates shall take effect until sixty(60) days after the giving of notice as required by clause 3 (c)(iii). By-Law 2015-117 Being a By-law to authorize the execution of... Page 182 of 206 -5 - (iii) If Norfolk County is not satisfied with the change of rates proposed by the Municipality of Bayham, notwithstanding paragraph 4 of this Agreement, Norfolk County may terminate this Agreement by giving the Municipality of Bayham a notice of termination at any time before the expiration of the sixty(60)day notice period referred to in clause 3(c)(ii). (d) Norfolk County will be responsible for invoicing the Province and/or insurance companies to recover any costs for delivering Fire Protection Services in the Automatic Aid Fire Area whether the Fire Protection Services are provided by the Norfolk County Fire Department or by The Municipality of Bayham Fire Department under this Agreement. 4. TERM This Agreement shall come into force on the date when it is executed and, subject to Norfolk County's right to terminate this Agreement in accordance with clause 3(c)(iii) above, and shall remain in force until either party provides written notice of termination at least 180 days prior to the desired date of termination. 5. NORFOLK COUNTY INSURANCE Norfolk County covenants and agrees at all times during the term of this Agreement, to take out and keep in full force and effect the following policy(s) of insurance and to provide an executed certificate of insurance,including all requested lines of coverage as follows: (a) Commercial General Liability Insurance, insuring against damage or injury to persons or property with limits of not less than $5,000,000.00 per occurrence or such greater amount as The Municipality of Bayham may from time to time request or other types of policies appropriate to the work as The Municipality of Bayham may reasonably require. The insurance policy shall: (i) Include as additional insured "The Corporation of The Municipality of Bayham"; (ii) Contain a cross-liability clause, severability of interests clause endorsement; (iii) Contain a clause including Contractual Liability coverage arising out of the contract or agreement; (b) Non-Owned Automobile Liability Insurance in standard form having an inclusive limit of not less than$5,000,000.00 per occurrence or such greater amount as The Municipality of Bayham may from time to time request, in respect of the use or operation of vehicles not owned by Norfolk County for the provisions of Fire Protection Services in the Automatic Aid Fire Area; (c) Multi-Peril Property Insurance that includes coverage on a replacement cost basis,for loss or damage to any equipment or property that is being used to provide Fire Protection Services pursuant to this Agreement. By-Law 2015-117 Being a By-law to authorize the execution of... Page 183 of 206 -6- (d) Standard Form Ontario Automobile Liability Insurance that complies with all requirements of the current legislation of the Province of Ontario having an inclusive limit of not less than $5,000,000.00 per occurrence in respect of any vehicles used to provide Fire Protection Services in accordance with this Agreement and which includes All Perils Loss or Damage coverage,with respect to any vehicles used to provide Fire Protection Services pursuant to this Agreement. These policies shall include a provision that, if cancelled or changed in any manner that would affect The Municipality of Bayham as outlined in coverage specified,thirty(30)days prior written notice by mail or facsimile transmission will be given by the insurer(s) to The Municipality of Bayham and Norfolk County. Proof of insurance, identifying all lines of coverage, will be provided by way of Certificate of Insurance in a form satisfactory to The Municipality of Bayham each year or ten (10) days prior to renewal of the policy. It shall be the responsibility of Norfolk County to determine what additional insurance coverage, if any, is necessary and advisable for its own protection and/or to fulfill its obligation under this Agreement. Any such additional insurance shall be maintained and provided at the sole expense of Norfolk County. 6. THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM INSURANCE The Municipality of Bayham covenants and agrees at all times during the term hereof,to take out and keep in full force and effect the following policy(s) of insurance and to provide an executed certificate of insurance,including all requested lines of coverage as follows: (a) Commercial General Liability Insurance, insuring against damage or injury to persons or property with limits of not less than $5,000,000.00 per occurrence or such greater amount as Norfolk County may from time to time request or other types of policies appropriate to the work as Norfolk County may reasonably require. The insurance policy shall: (i) Include as additional insured"The Corporation of Norfolk County"; (ii) Contain a cross-liability clause, severability of interests clause endorsement; and (iii) Contain a clause including Contractual Liability coverage arising out of the contract or agreement. (b) Non-Owned Automobile Liability Insurance in standard form having an inclusive limit of not less than$5,000,000.00 per occurrence or such greater amount as Norfolk County may from time to time request,in respect of the use or operation of vehicles not owned by The Municipality of Bayham for the provisions of Fire Protection Services in the Automatic Aid Fire Area. By-Law 2015-117 Being a By-law to authorize the execution of... Page 184 of 206 -7- (c) Multi-Peril Property Insurance to include coverage on a replacement cost basis, for loss or damage to any equipment or property that is being used to provide Fire Protection Services pursuant to this Agreement. (d) Standard Form Ontario Automobile Liability Insurance that complies with all requirements of the current legislation of the Province of Ontario having an inclusive limit of not less than $5,000,000.00 per occurrence in respect of any vehicles used to provide Fire Protection Services in accordance with this Agreement and which includes All Perils Loss or Damage coverage, with respect to any vehicles used to provide Fire Protection Services pursuant to this Agreement. These policies shall include a provision that, if cancelled or changed in any manner that would affect Norfolk County as outlined in coverage specified, thirty(30) days prior written notice by mail or facsimile transmission will be given by the insurer(s)to The Municipality of Bayham and Norfolk County. Proof of insurance, identifying all lines of coverage, will be provided by way of Certificate of Insurance in a form satisfactory to Norfolk County each year or ten(10) days prior to renewal of the policy. It shall be the responsibility of the Municipality of Bayham to determine what additional insurance coverage, if any, is necessary and advisable for its own protection and/or to fulfill its obligation under this Agreement.Any such additional insurance shall be maintained and provided at the sole expense of the Municipality of Bayham. 7. NORFOLK COUNTY INDEMNIFICATION Norfolk County shall indemnify and save harmless The Municipality of Bayham, its Mayor, Councillors,officers,directors,employees,agents,representatives,successors and assigns,from and against any and all claims,causes of action,demands,losses,costs,charges,fees,expenses,duties, dues, accounts, covenants, or other proceedings of every kind or nature whatsoever at law or in equity brought against, suffered by or imposed on The Municipality of Bayham arising out of this Agreement and the supply of Fire Protection Services or in respect of any loss, damage or injury to any person or property(including injury resulting in death) save and except those arising as a result of The Municipality of Bayham's negligence. Norfolk County also agrees to indemnify The Municipality of Bayham with respect to the deductible amounts applicable to the insurance coverage referred to in clauses 6(b) (c) (d) if and to the extent that The Municipality of Bayham Fire Department has an insurance claim for any loss or damage to The Municipality of Bayham Fire Department equipment arising from the provision of Fire Protection Services in the Automatic Aid Fire Area pursuant to this Agreement, unless the loss or damage is the result of the negligence of The Municipality of Bayham or is occasioned by reasonable wear and tear. Such indemnification shall survive the termination of this Agreement for claims arising from or out of incidents occurring during the term of this Agreement. No liability shall attach or accrue to The Municipality of Bayham for, on any occasion, denying the request to supply all or part of the Fire Protection Services to the Automatic Aid Fire Area or By-Law 2015-117 Being a By-law to authorize the execution of... Page 185 of 206 -8 - at anytime ordering the return of all or part of such personnel, apparatus and equipment involved in the supply of Fire Protection Services to the Automatic Aid Fire Area. 8. THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM INDEMNIFICATION The Municipality of Bayham shall indemnify and save harmless Norfolk County, its Mayor, Councillors,officers,directors,employees,agents,representatives,successors and assigns,from and against any and all claims,causes of action,demands,losses,costs,charges,fees,expenses,duties, dues,accounts,covenants,or other proceedings at law or in equity brought against,suffered by or imposed on Norfolk County arising out of incidents occurring between the time a request is made by Norfolk County for Fire Protection Services in accordance with subsection 2(b)up to and until the Norfolk County Fire Chief or Designate assumes control and responsibility for the incident in accordance with subsection 2(d) or in respect of any loss, damage or injury to any person or property(including injury resulting in death) save and except those arising as a result of Norfolk County's negligence or in connection with this Agreement unless otherwise indicated in this Section 8. Such indemnification shall survive the termination of this Agreement for claims arising from or out of incidents occurring during the term of this Agreement. MISCELLANEOUS (a) This Agreement may be amended at any time by the mutual consent of the parties. (b) In the event that any covenant,provision or term of this Agreement should at any time be found by a court of competent jurisdiction to be void or unenforceable,the Agreement shall not fail but the covenant,provision or term shall be deemed to be severable from the remainder of this Agreement which shall remain in full force and effect mutatis mutandis. (c) This Agreement and the schedule attached thereto are subject to the applicable access to information legislation. Any information collected by The Municipality of Bayham pursuant to this Agreement is subject to the rights and safeguards provided for in the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, as amended. (d) The Agreement shall ensure to the benefit of and shall be binding upon the parties hereto and their respective successors and assigns. IN WITNESS WHEREOF each of the parties has affixed its corporate seal by the hands of the proper officials. By-Law 2015-117 Being a By-law to authorize the execution of... Page 186 of 206 -9- THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM Per: Mayor Per: Clerk THE CORPORATION OF NORFOLK COUNTY Per: Mayor Per: Clerk SCHEDULE"A" By-Law 2015-117 Being a By-law to authorize the execution of... Page 187 of 206 - 10- AUTOMATIC AID FIRE AREA Municipality of Bayham/Norfolk County Automatic Aid Agreement: Elgin County Road 55 (Regional Road 55)from Lakeshore Road to Base Line Road North Road from Lakeshore Road to Base Line Road Lakeshore Road from Elgin County Road 55 to 2nd Concession ENR Lower Side Road from Elgin County Road 55 to 2nd Concession ENR Pt Concession ENR from Lakeshore Road to Fairground Road 2nd Concession ENR from Lakeshore Road to Fairground Road Fairground Road from 2nd Concession ENR to North Road Donovan Road from Elgin County Road55 to North Road Norfolk County Road 45 from Elgin County Road55 to North Road Beach Lane from Elgin County Road55 to North Road Old Dump Road from Elgin County Road55 to North Road Base Line Road from Elgin County Road55 to North Road By-Law 2015-117 Being a By-law to authorize the execution of... Page 188 of 206 - 11 - SCHEDULE"B" AUTOMATIC AID FIRE AREA-MAP -1* / " WrOMCCSIGO -."-* )LLf-11°.!f'L'I ,„ t _-tr, ' \ rimi .4.. ....k, 1.0„.0.9...2 11.. ii. „.. ............. • ...,,,„ ,, , , 441 ,.. ;,,,•„''' IliOr lz,;4*(!* t 1 _, -4. ,4440-Jr NT$.,,0 \l's,, ,,,, ' :'1... ..., ,...4- , . iiip,---N ..'•.':-- N ,, t '''',..,,t,': natin txk' ft , . `,..,,[ ,o''.....4, 'WA INIAtW111/1`'•••11,' , 7 4g, •-•4,. A '.',ris irIck--- 44L EF, \kligto,?,44,,,,, w,,,,.... ch._,, . IV, a '•••-: ce. —L...., ' AI k. . 1,,-' 9' ...• ...re-:- - ' . .,, rj, -,- , imipiii.e, ,, • ' .0 1'9,_ : 4.- r,• Y., if . '-'4,, ,Tr''. 401,' •v01' •' 't ... 4` 1.4 IP 0 .%.4't ., 4 , , 23r... ' `.:;.-ek''''• ::. . .00... !'-'.+Ii''— LAQ. ' , ' ..' \l'is 4 -r: .41 - , , T - . . ......1 -,. , ,..- VCO ,5''1111‘ -. ,x illia81 ,0* .4', l '"'"-t471 (AV ' 0-.rtil? 4•4P,...(Pi‘ . :'*;;"' ',iV '0114111[7'fit'nt p. JI,F4 p. =: to I-":11. ' ' ' '" b''*•- '11','Nil t---.-- ,4,, . .., Ai01 - '• 'A i. ` '4;1' : PIL " '4"...,2,. ..e, , 4 Ili 4 .;,,4,ti, . k.k. i 4, ' • , ' k /v. ,7,'01,57-00.--- -k- ' • -f- X . Page 189 of 206 By-Law 2015-117 Being a By-law to authorize the execution of... THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LAW 2015-118 A BY-LAW TO AUTHORIZE THE EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE MUNICIPALITY OF CENTRAL ELGIN AND SPECTRUM COMMUNICATION LTD. FOR PROVISION OF DIGITAL COMMUNICATION SYSTEM MAINTENANCE WHEREAS the councils of the seven lower-tier municipalities in Elgin County passed a resolution in 2013 agreeing to the Municipality of Central Elgin maintaining and licensing the new digital communication system on behalf of the seven municipalities and agreeing that the ongoing maintenance costs and licence, site and telephone fees be equally allocated between the seven municipalities; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the Council of the Municipality of Bayham authorizes the Municipality of Central Elgin to execute the attached three—year maintenance agreement with Spectrum Communication Ltd. and agrees to pay one-seventh of the costs associated with said agreement; 2. THAT this by-law shall come into full force and effect upon final passing. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 19TH DAY OF NOVEMBER 2015. MAYOR CLERK By-Law 2015-118 Being a By-law to authorize the execution of.. Page 190 of 206 MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT EFFECTIVE: December 1,2015 Between Spectrum Communications Ltd And Elgin Fire Communications System C/o Fire Chief Don Crocker The Municipality of Central Elgin 1.0 PURPOSE, DEFINITIONS AND INTERPRETATIONS 1.1 This Agreement establishes the terms and conditions upon which Spectrum will provide the Customer with Maintenance Services during the contract term. 1.2 In this Agreement, capitalized terms in boldface will have the meaning set out in this Article, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise. (a) "Agreement"means this Maintenance Agreement and the following addenda thereto: Addendum I—System Description Addendum II—Service Level Agreement(SLA) Addendum III—Covered Items Addendum IV—Non-Covered Items Addendum V—Maintenance Fee&Demand Service Rates Addendum VI—Contract Representatives (b)"Customer"means Elgin Fire Communications System C/o Fire Chief Don Crocker the Municipality of Central Elgin 450 Sunset Drive St.Thomas, Ontario N5R 5V1 (c)"Spectrum"means Spectrum Communications Ltd., 79 Wellington Street, London, Ontario N6B 2K4 (d)"Normal Working Hours"means the hours of 8:30am-5pm Mon-Fri (e)"Emergency Service"means work performed by Spectrum outside of Normal Working Hours. (f)"Digital Radio System"means the equipment listed in Addendum I. (g)"Demand Services"means work or repairs not covered by the Maintenance Fee, as more particularly described in Section 2.2. By-Law 2015-118 Being a By-law to authorize the execution of.. Page 191 of 206 (h)"Maintenance Fee"means the monthly fee paid to Spectrum by the Customer for performing the Maintenance Services. (i)"Maintenance Services"means the services described in Section 2 to be provided by Spectrum to Customer under this Agreement. (j)"T&M Labour Rates"means Spectrum's standard posted labour rates for work performed on a time and materials basis. 1.3 No term of this Agreement may be waived except in writing signed by the party waiving enforcement. No term of this Agreement will be deemed to be waived by reason of any previous failure to enforce it. 1.4 Any unenforceable provision of this Agreement will not invalidate its remaining provisions. 1.5 Headings used in this Agreement are for convenience only and will not affect its interpretation. 1.6 Where the context requires, the singular will denote the plural and vice versa. 1.7 The laws in effect in the Province of Ontario will govern the rights and obligations of the parties. 1.8 This Agreement constitutes the entire understanding between the parties pertaining to its subject matter. It supersedes all prior understandings,whether oral or written. No addition to or modification of this Agreement will be effective or binding unless agreed in writing and executed by the respective duly authorized representatives of each of the parties. 1.9 This Agreement will bind and benefit the parties, their respective successors and assigns. This Agreement may not be assigned without the prior written consent of the other party which consent will not be unreasonably withheld. 1.10 No provision of this agreement will be interpreted against any party merely because that party or its legal representative drafted the provision. 1.11 Time is of the essence of this Agreement. By-Law 2015-118 Being a By-law to authorize the execution of.. Page 192 of 206 2.0 MAINTENANCE SERVICES Spectrum will supply the necessary parts, labour, and spare components required to maintain the Digital Radio System as described in Addendum I. The Digital Radio System is owned by and will remain the property of the Customer. For these Maintenance Services,there will be a monthly fee payable to Spectrum by the Customer. Details regarding the level of service are described in Addendum II. 2.1 Included Services - 24/7/365 pro-active monitoring of the Digital Radio System network. Any network failures will be automatically sent to the Spectrum technical staff by email, text, and/or pager as described in the SLA. - 24/7/365 onsite response to any Digital Radio System problem or failures as described in the SLA. - Labour for troubleshooting and repair of Digital Radio System. - Replacement parts and components for repair of Digital Radio System. - An annual preventative maintenance inspection and alignment of the Digital Radio System 2.2 Demand Services Demand Services include the following: - Modification of the Digital Radio System due to system changes made necessary by the Customer. - Expansion of the Digital Radio System due to system changes made necessary by the Customer. - Repairs to the Digital Radio System that are not covered by this agreement (See Addendum IV"Non-Covered Items") - Removals, installations, modifications,and/or repairs to the Two-Way Equipment. In addition to the Maintenance Services,when required, Spectrum shall also perform the Demand Services as listed in Section 2.2. Response times and service procedures for Demand Services will adhere to the SLA in Addendum II. By-Law 2015-118 Being a By-law to authorize the execution of.. Page 193 of 206 3. CUSTOMER OBLIGATIONS 3.1 All payments for Demand Service, are due within sixty(60)days of receipt of Spectrum's invoice. 3.2 Late payments will bear interest at the rate of 1.25% percent per month. 3.3 Customer will pay, in addition to the other amounts payable under this Agreement, all sales and other taxes, federal, provincial or otherwise. 4. WARRANTY 4.1 Spectrum warrants that the Digital Radio System will be maintained at or above the equipment manufacturer's specifications. Nothing in this Agreement will be construed as: (a) conferring a right upon Customer to use in advertising,publicity or otherwise any trademark or trade name of Spectrum;or (b) granting to Customer by implication, estoppels, or otherwise any licensee or other right under any patent of Spectrum. 5. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY Spectrum will not be liable for delays in delivery or performance or for failure to deliver or perform, due to: (a) causes beyond its reasonable control (b) acts of God, acts or omissions of Customer,acts of civil or military authority, governmental priorities, strikes or other labour disturbances, floods, epidemics, war, riot, delays in transportation or component shortages, or (c) Inability due to causes beyond the reasonable control of Spectrum or its suppliers to obtain necessary materials, components, services or facilities. In the event of any such delay,the date for delivery or performance will be extended for a period equal to the time lost by reason of the delay so long as Spectrum have exercised their best efforts. 6. TERM AND TERMINATION 6.1 The term of this Maintenance Agreement will be provided for a three-year period from the effective date of December 1, 2015 to November 30, 2018. By-Law 2015-118 Being a By-law to authorize the execution of.. Page 194 of 206 6.2 At least two months before the expiry of this Agreement,a meeting will be held by the parties for the purpose of establishing the Maintenance Agreement& Maintenance Fee for the following year(s). 7. NOTICES Any notices required or permitted to be provided hereunder shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been received five(5)business days after the post-marked date thereof if sent by registered mail, the next business day following transmission if sent by fax, or at the time of delivery if hand-delivered, and shall be addressed as follows: To the Customer: Elgin Fire Communications System C/o Fire Chief Don Crocker The Municipality of Central Elgin 450 Sunset Drive St.Thomas, Ontario N5R 5V1 DCrocker(a7centralelgin.orq To Spectrum: Spectrum Communications Ltd. 79 Wellington Street, London ON., N6B 2K4 Attention: Chris McAuley, Sales Manager chris ar©..spectrum-communications.ca Tel: (519)495-4510 8. Agreement Acceptance For Spectrum: Spectrum Communications Ltd. 79 Wellington Street London, ON N6B 2K4 Spectrum Communications Ltd. By: ROGER RUBY Print Name VICE PRESIDENT By-Law 2015-118 Being a By-law to authorize the execution of... Page 195 of 206 Title Date For Customer: Elgin Fire Communications System C/o Fire Chief Don Crocker The Municipality of Central Elgin 450 Sunset Drive St. Thomas, Ontario N5R 5V1 By: Print Name Title Date By-Law 2015-118 Being a By-law to authorize the execution of... Page 196 of 206 ADDENDUM I Digital Radio System Description The Digital Radio System is an 8-site simulcast system. Equipment description is as follows: John Wise Tower: Radio Activity DMR Master Repeater-S/N 160RA2242 Radio Activity Analog Master Paging Transmitter-S/N 160RA2243 Radio Activity DMR Master TAC 1 Receiver-S/N 160RA2244 Radio Activity DMR Master TAC 2 Receiver-S/N 160RA2245 Radio Activity DMR Master TAC 3 Receiver-S/N 160RA2246 Wireless Radio A—S/N 24A43CFCE889 Wireless Radio B—S/N 24A43CFCE8F3 Wireless Radio C—S/N 24A43CFCE8F4 Wireless Radio D—S/N 24A43CFCE900 LAN Switch#1 -S/N 49CCO27A02A0 Port Stanley Tower: Radio Activity DMR Alias Repeater-S/N 160RA2247 Radio Activity Analog Alias Paging Transmitter-S/N 160RA2248 Radio Activity DMR Slave TAC 1 Receiver-S/N 160RA2249 Radio Activity DMR Slave TAC 2 Receiver-S/N 160RA2250 Radio Activity DMR Slave TAC 3 Receiver-S/N 160RA2251 Wireless Radio A—S/N24A43CFCE903 Wireless Radio B—S/N24A43CFCE90A LAN Switch#1 -S/N 49CCO2531 E06 Straffordville Tower: Radio Activity DMR Slave Repeater-S/N 160RA22272 Radio Activity Analog Slave Paging Transmitter-S/N 160RA22273 Radio Activity DMR Slave TAC 1 Receiver-S/N 160RA22274 Radio Activity DMR Slave TAC 2 Receiver-S/N 160RA22275 Radio Activity DMR Slave TAC 3 Receiver-S/N 160RA22276 Wireless Radio A—S/N24A43CFCE91A Wireless Radio B—S/N24A43CFCE943 LAN Switch#1 -S/N 490002284554 Belmont Tower: Radio Activity DMR Slave Repeater#1 -S/N 160RA2267 Radio Activity Analog Slave Paging Transmitter-S/N 160RA2268 Radio Activity DMR Slave TAC 1 Receiver-S/N 160RA2269 Radio Activity DMR Slave TAC 2 Receiver-S/N 160RA2270 Radio Activity DMR Slave TAC 3 Receiver-S/N 160RA2271 Wireless Radio A—S/N 24A43CFCE947 Wireless Radio B—S/N LAN Switch#1 -S/N 49CCO2D45093 By-Law 2015-118 Being a By-law to authorize the execution of.. Page 197 of 206 Ford Tower: Radio Activity DMR Slave Repeater#1 -S/N 160RA2277 Radio Activity Analog Slave Paging Transmitter-S/N 160RA2278 Radio Activity DMR Slave TAC 1 Receiver-S/N 160RA2279 Radio Activity DMR Slave TAC 2 Receiver-S/N 160RA2280 Radio Activity DMR Slave TAC 3 Receiver-S/N 160RA2281 Wireless Radio A—S/N24A43CFCE96B Wireless Radio B—S/N24A43CFCE96E LAN Switch#1 -S/N 49CCO20421EF Wallacetown Tower: Radio Activity DMR Slave Repeater-S/N 160RA2262 Radio Activity Analog Slave Paging Transmitter-S/N 160RA2263 Radio Activity DMR Slave TAC 1 Receiver-S/N 160RA2264 Radio Activity DMR Slave TAC 2 Receiver-S/N 160RA2265 Radio Activity DMR Slave TAC 3 Receiver-S/N 160RA2266 Wireless Radio A—S/N24A43CFCE98B Wireless Radio B—S/N24A43CFCE9C1 LAN Switch#1 -S/N 49CCO21 D115D Rodney Tower: Radio Activity DMR Slave Repeater#1 -S/N 160RA2257 Radio Activity Analog Slave Paging Transmitter-S/N 160RA2258 Radio Activity DMR Slave TAC 1 Receiver-S/N 160RA2259 Radio Activity DMR Slave TAC 2 Receiver-S/N 160RA2260 Radio Activity DMR Slave TAC 3 Receiver-S/N 160RA2261 Wireless Radio A—S/N24A43CFCE9D1 Wireless Radio B—S/N24A43CFCE9E2 LAN Switch#1 -S/N 49CCO2852CDA Oneida Tower: Radio Activity DMR Slave Repeater-S/N 160RA2252 Radio Activity DMR Slave TAO 1 Receiver-S/N 160RA2254 Radio Activity DMR Slave TAO 2 Receiver-S/N 160RA2255 Radio Activity DMR Slave TAC 3 Receiver-S/N 160RA2256 Wireless Radio A—S/N24A43CFCE9E7 Wireless Radio B—S/N24A43CFCE9FA LAN Switch#1 -S/N 49CCO200EE71 Dutton Tower: Wireless Radio A—S/N24A43CFCEA19 Wireless Radio B—S/N24A43CFCEA1 E LAN Switch#1 -S/N 49CD024E13CF CSC Site: Motorola XPR4550 OPS 1 Base Radio—S/N 038TQG0739 Motorola Remote Adapter S/N 124CPY0018 Motorola XPR4550 OPS 2 Base Radio—S/N 038TQG0878 Motorola Remote Adapter S/N 124CQB0228 By-Law 2015-118 Being a By-law to authorize the execution of.. Page 198 of 206 Dispatch Site: Motorola XPR4550 Annunciator Base Radio—S/N Radio Activity OPS DTI Gateway-S/N RATI0127 Radio Activity TAC 1 DTI Gateway-S/N RATI0134 Radio Activity TAC 2 DTI Gateway-SIN RATI0152 Radio Activity TAC 3 DTI Gateway-S/N RATI0155 Radio Activity Paging DTI Gateway-S/N RATI0156 Wireless Radio A—S/N24A43CFCEA50 LAN Switch#1 -S/N 497302F52C39 Reservoir Site: Radio Activity Paging DTI Gateway-S/N RATI0154 Motorola Remote Adapter S/N 124CQL0077 Wireless Radio A—S/N24A43CFCEA49 Wireless Radio B—S/N24A43CFCEA44 Wireless Radio C—S/N24A43CFCEA1 E LAN Switch#1 -S/N 497302235238 St Thomas Dispatch Site: Motorola XPR4550 OPS 1 Base Radio—S/N 038TPL1708 Motorola XPR4550 OPS 2 Base Radio—S/N 038TQJ0329 By-Law 2015-118 Being a By-law to authorize the execution of... Page 199 of 206 ADDENDUM II Radio System Maintenance SLA for Elgin Fire Communications System The Customer is entering into a contract with Spectrum for the ongoing maintenance and repair of their Digital Radio System. This SLA details the responsibilities of Spectrum during the term of the contract. Part I. Description The Digital Radio System is a critical tool to help the fire fighters of the fire departments of Elgin County to perform their duties as efficiently and safely as possible. Spectrum is therefore obligated to ensure that the system has maximum uptime(99.7%)and that if any disruptions do occur,those disruptions are attended to and corrected as described in Part IV. Part II. Equipment The system for which Spectrum is solely responsible is listed in Addendum I. Part III.Proactive Monitoring Spectrum will have a computer server and software in place to monitor the overall system health and to alert technical staff of any perceived problems. The server will be securely located and connected to a network-connected UPS for backup power. The following items will be monitored: - Tower site connectivity - Health of the Radio Activity equipment(errors, alarms, etc.) GPS Sync Status - Hydro outages and duration - High and Low Temperature Alarms If an alarm condition exists,the monitoring server will automatically alert the Spectrum technical team. Part IV.Service Response Service response is based on severity as follows: Level 1 =System level that affects all users or a group of users(i.e.: repeater failure) Level 1 Service Response: If Spectrum's real time monitoring software detects a problem with the system, the Spectrum technical staff will automatically be notified and will respond within 30 minutes. Initial response will be remote troubleshooting and diagnostics. If an onsite visit is required to resolve the problem, a technician will be onsite within 2 hours from the By-Law 2015-118 Being a By-law to authorize the execution of.. Page 200 of 206 original notification. This level of service will be in place 24/7/365. Spectrum will immediately contact Don Crocker or Sam Taylor representing the Elgin Fire Communications System to advise them of the fault detection. After the issue has been fixed, Spectrum will contact Elgin Fire Communications System representatives to advise them that the system has been restored. If the Customer detects a problem and calls the Spectrum office to report the issue, a technician will respond within 30 minutes. Initial response will be remote troubleshooting and diagnostics. If an onsite visit is required to resolve the problem,a technician will be onsite within 2 hours from the original notification. This level of service will be in place 24/7/365. In cases where a failed hardware component has to be removed for repair, Spectrum will supply a Spectrum-owned spare for use while the failed hardware is out for repair. When the offsite repair is completed, Spectrum will schedule a time with the Elgin Fire Communications System representatives to put the repaired component back in place. By-Law 2015-118 Being a By-law to authorize the execution of... Page 201 of 206 ADDENDUM III Covered Items Spectrum will supply the necessary skilled and qualified labour, repair parts,and spare equipment components, to maintain and repair the Digital Radio System. For the following components,Spectrum will provide drop in replacement equipment to ensure minimal downtime. The drop in replacement components will be provided for use until the failed Customer-owned component is repaired and returned. Cost for repairing and returning the failed component is the responsibility of Spectrum. If the failed component is not repairable, Spectrum will replace the component at no charge to the Customer. > Radio Activity repeaters including power supplies(sold and supplied by Spectrum) > Motorola XPR4350 Base Access including power supply(sold and supplied by Spectrum) • Tone Remote Adaptor(sold and supplied by Spectrum) > LAN Switches at the tower sites(sold and supplied by Spectrum) > GPS Antennas(sold and supplied by Spectrum) > Wireless Radios (sold and supplied by Spectrum) By-Law 2015-118 Being a By-law to authorize the execution of... Page 202 of 206 ADDENDUM IV Non-Covered Items The following components,segments, situations, are not covered by the monthly maintenance contract. If Spectrum is asked to intervene and repair problems associated with or due to the following, the repair will be handled as a Demand Service (See section 2.2). Components Not Covered: - The system VHF Antennas - The system antenna feed-line cables and connectors - The system multicoupling(covered in first year) - UPS equipment and/or backup batteries(covered in first year) - Console equipment - Municipally owned equipment such as pagers, two-way radio equipment and accessories Segments Not Covered: - Carrier phone lines,fiber connections, DSL circuits(if applicable) - Dispatch Center failures or errors on any equipment not listed Addendum I Situations Not Covered: - Failures caused by hydro outages at tower sites or customer locations - Failures caused by lightning damage - Failures caused by power surges, physical damage, and/or liquid damage By-Law 2015-118 Being a By-law to authorize the execution of... Page 203 of 206 ADDENDUM V MAINTENANCE FEE I QUANTITY DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE [ LINE TOTAL Quotation for Maintenance Contract Monthly Maintenance Fee 4,500.00 C/W All items listed in Addendum HI and as described in the SLA(Addendum II)which Includes 24/7/365 proactive system monitoring. Demand Service Rates • Effective December 1,2015-Spectrum's Posted T&M Rates are as follows: Regular Business Hours(Monday-Friday 8:30am 5:00pm)=$105/hr After Hours Labour Rate=$157.50/hr Statutoa_Holiday and Sunday Labour Rate=$210/hr After Hours Emergency Call Out=Minimum 4 hour charge at corresponding rate Onsite Fee Charge for Work At Customer Site=$80 Flat Rate Fee ------ SUBTOTAL HST TAX TOTAL By-Law 2015-118 Being a By-law to authorize the execution of.. Page 204 of 206 ADDENDUM VI CONTRACT REPRESENTATIVES Spectrum Communications Administrative Contact: Chris McAuley chris(cspectrum-communications.ca Tel: (519)495-4510 Technical Contacts: Martin Van Wyk martinv@a,.spectrum-communications.ca Tel: (519)663-2109 x5226 Elgin County Fire Communications System Fire Chief Don Crocker dcrockera(7centralelc in.org Tel: (519)631-4860 x249 By-Law 2015-118 Being a By-law to authorize the execution of... Page 205 of 206 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM BY-LAW NO. 2015— 119 A BY-LAW TO CONFIRM ALL ACTIONS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM FOR THE REGULAR MEETING HELD NOVEMBER 19, 2015 WHEREAS under Section 5 (1) of the Municipal Act, 2001 S.O. 2001, Chapter 25, the powers of a municipal corporation are to be exercised by the Council of the municipality; AND WHEREAS under Section 5 (3) of the Municipal Act, 2001, the powers of Council are to be exercised by by-law; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham deems it advisable that the proceedings of the meeting be confirmed and adopted by by-law. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the actions of the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham in respect of each recommendation and each motion and resolution passed and other action by the Council at the regular meeting held November 19, 2015 is hereby adopted and confirmed as if all proceedings were expressly embodied in this by-law. 2. THAT the Mayor and Clerk of the Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the action of the Council including executing all documents and affixing the Corporate Seal. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME and finally passed this 19th day of November, 2015. MAYOR CLERK By-Law 2015-119 Being a By-law to confirm all actions of Cou... Page 206 of 206