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November 19, 2015 - Planning
COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT AGENDA THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM 9344 Plank Road, Straffordville Council Chambers Thursday, November 19, 2015 6:30 p.m. Page 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. APPOINTMENT OF CHAIRMAN (a) Appointment 3. DECLARATION OF PECUNIARY INTEREST AND THE GENERAL NATURE THEREOF 4. APPLICATION(S) (a) Minor Variance Application A-07/15 Keep - Request for variance to grant relief from Zoning By-law Z456-2003 Section 10.11 - regulations for accessory buildings c) maximum floor area to allow for the construction of an oversized accessory building for the personal storage of motor and recreational vehicles (b) Minor Variance Application A-08/15 Neufeld - Request for variance to grant relief from Zoning By-law Z456-2003 Section 10.11 - regulations for accessory buildings b) maximum height and c) maximum floor area to allow for the construction of an oversized accessory building for the personal storage of motor and recreational vehicles 5. STAFF PRESENTATION 3 - 12 (a) Report DS-68/15 regarding Committee of Adjustment - Minor Variance - A07/15 Keep File: C-07 D12 Keep 13 - 26 (b) Report DS-69/15 regarding Committee of Adjustment - Minor Variance - A08/15 Neufeld File: C-07 / D12. Neufeld 6. PRESENTATIONS BY APPLICANT/AGENT Page 1 of 26 Committee of Adjustment Agenda November 19, 2015 Page 7. PUBLIC SUBMISSIONS 8. COMMITTEE QUESTIONS AND DISCUSSION 9. DECISION OF COMMITTEE (Motions) (a) Decision (b) Decision 10. ADJOURNMENT (a) Adjournment Page 2 of 26 iNAYH44 rta REPORT 4.cv DEVELOPMENT SERVICES *04- ' � tunity IS�o� TO: Mayor& Members of Council FROM: Margaret Underhill, Secretary/Treasurer Committee of Adjustment DATE: November 19, 2015 REPORT: DS-68/15 FILE NO. C-07/D12.Keep Roll #34-01-002-001-38700 SUBJECT: Committee of Adjustment-Minor Variance—A-07/15 Keep BACKGROUND: Barry and Sandra Keep have submitted a minor variance application for their 1219 m2 (0.30 acre) property located on the west side of Robinson Street, east of Submariners Way, known municipally as 71 Robinson Street, Port Burwell. The property is designated "Residential" on Schedule D—Land Use and Constraints in the Official Plan and zoned Village Residential (R1) in the Bayham Zoning By-law Z456-2003. THE PURPOSE of the variance is to grant relief from: • Section 10.11 Regulations for Accessory Buildings c) — Maximum Floor Area —to increase the floor area to 117 m2 from 65 m2 for a 1219 m2 (0.30 acre) property THE EFFECT of the variance will be to allow for the construction of an oversized accessory building for the personal storage of motor and recreational vehicles. DISCUSSION: Council must be satisfied with the Planning Act four"tests"when considering an application for a minor variance. The attached planner's memorandum dated November 4, 2015 provides an analysis of these tests. Staff and planner concur the application meets the criteria and would recommend granting the variance. At the time of writing this report, no public comments have been received regarding this application. ATTACHMENTS 1. Application for Minor Variance A-07/15 2. IBI Memorandum dated November 4, 2015 3. GIS aerial map Report DS-68/15 regarding Committee of Adjustment-Minor Va... Page 3 of 26 Staff Report DS-68/15 Keep Page 2 RECOMMENDATION 1. "THAT the Committee of Adjustment Secretary-Treasurer's report DS-68/15 regarding the KEEP minor variance be received; 2. AND WHEREAS the Committee agrees that the proposed variances meet Section 45.1(1) of the Planning Act and the variance is considered minor; 3. THEREFORE application A-07/15 submitted by Barry and Sandra Keep, pursuant to Section 45 of the Planning Act for minor variance, is granted to allow relief from Municipality of Bayham Zoning By-law Z456-2003: • Section 10 Village Residential Subsection10.11 Regulations for Accessory Buildings c) Maximum floor area—to increase the floor area to 117 m2 from 65 m2 in Zoning By-law Z456-2003 for a 1,219 m2(0.30 acre) property known municipally as 71 Robinson Street Port Burwell Respectfully Submitted by: Reviewed by: " ,,,,•• ••• Marg-re Underhill "aul '.way Secretary/Treasurer Committee of Adjustment CAO Report DS-68/15 regarding Committee of Adjustment-Minor Va... Page 4 of 26 IBI GROUP 203-3I t West BLondon SON0 XN6Hford S1T3 Canada tel 519 472 7328 fax 519 472 9354 1_1 ibigroup.com Memorandum To/Attention Municipality of Bayham Date November 4, 2015 From William Pol, MCIP, RPP Project No 3404-605 cc file Subject Keep-Application for Minor Variance to Zoning By-law#Z456-2003 Lot 4,and Part Lot 18 Plan 98, 71 Robinson Street Port Burwell 1. We have completed our review of Minor Variance application A-07/15, submitted by Barry and Sandra Keep,for a property located at 71 Robinson Street Port Burwell, east of Submariners Way. The applicant is requesting a variance to Zoning By-law#Z456-2003 to accommodate the construction of an oversized accessory structure. The subject lands are designated"Residential", as shown on Schedule D—Land Use and Constraints in the Official Plan of the Municipality of Bayham; and zoned Village Residential"R1" in Zoning By-law#Z456-2003. 2. The subject lands have an existing single detached dwelling and accessory garage on site. The proposal is to build a 116.2 m2 accessory structure to the rear of the existing cottage building and replace the existing garage. The proposed building will be used to store recreational vehicles, boats, lawn equipment and related personal items. It will have 7.62 m by 15.24 m dimensions. Surrounding land uses are single detached residential to the north and east;west is vegetation leading down to Otter Creek; and south is a vacant lot. 3. The applicants are requesting the following variance to ZBL#Z456-2003 to accommodate the proposed development: Section 10.11 Regulations for Accessory Buildings c)Maximum floor area of 65.0 m2 is currently permitted. (Note:a review of Section 4.2—Accessory Uses confirms that no other variances to the By-law are required) 4. Section 45.(1)of the Planning Act outlines the four"tests"with which the Committee of Adjustment must be satisfied with when considering an application for a minor variance to the Zoning By-law. The following outlines our analysis of these tests: i. Is the variance minor in nature? • The total Floor Area of the proposed accessory building of 116.2 m2 represents an increase of 78%which may be considered significant. However, the building is proposed on a lot which is 180%larger than required. The proportion of the accessory building is proposed at 5%of the 2314 m2 lot area. This proportion is consistent with the 8%proportion permitted at the minimum lot area of 800m2 for Port Burwell. Therefore the increase in accessory building area is deemed to be minor. IBI Group is a group of firms providing professional services and is affiliated with IBI Group Architects Report DS-68/15 regarding Committee of Adjustment-Minor Va... Page 5 of 26 IBI GROUP MEMORANDUM 2 Municipality of Bayham—November 4,2015 ii. Is the variance desirable for the use of the lands? • The variance in floor area is intended to provide for oversized indoor storage space accessory to the main use. This lot is appropriate for the main use as a single detached residential dwelling. Furthermore the large lot area provides sufficient space to accommodate setbacks from abutting properties for the proposed accessory building. The variance is desirable because it will not have a significant impact on the site or surrounding land uses. iii. Does the variance maintain the general intent and purpose of the Zoning Bylaw? • The intent of the Zoning By-law is to ensure the proposed building remains accessory to the main use of the lot. In this application, the lot coverage for the accessory building is a smaller proportion than an accessory building on a minimum sized R1 lot in Port Burwell. The proposed accessory building area variance,therefore fulfills the general intent and purpose of the Zoning By-law. iv. Does the variance maintain the general intent and purpose of the Official Plan? • The intent of the"Residential" land use designation is to allow single detached dwellings as the main permitted uses. This is the intent of the application. The indoor storage of vehicles and equipment by the owner is an expected form of accessory use to a dwelling. The variance to increase the permitted floor area is in keeping with the intent of the Official Plan. 5. Based on our review we would have no objection to the proposed application for a minor variance to Zoning By-law#Z456-2003. William Pol IBI GROUP William Pol, MCIP, RPP Affiliate IBI Group Consulting Planner to the Municipality of Bayham Report DS-68/15 regarding Committee of Adjustment-Minor Va... Page 6 of 26 g,AY11441 File No. A-07//5.--- `�5.--- 014871,% pOrtunitylsY° { APPLICATION FOR MINOR VARIANCE Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, O.Reg 200/96 as amended The undersigned hereby applies to the Committee of Adjustment for the MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM P.O. Box 160, 9344 Plank Rd. STRAFFORDVILLE, ON Telephone:519 866-5521 Fax:519 866-3884 Under Section 45 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990 for relief, as described in this application, from By-law No.Z456-2003(as amended)Municipality of Bayham. Application to be accompanied by the fee of$2000.00 in cash or cheque made payable to the Municipality of Bayham. 1. OWNER(S) a) Name &try f-, Gn jr6 kce b) Mailing Address `'/ bUin ron 57 Art eurwc/` (•9 /Au /70 "O"9 � y c) Telephone No. Home:s'/9 C -205`1 Work: cif- .2,'g_ 75:yi d) Fax No. 6a r-r7 1 /- AJlynk 1/ c of 2. SOLICITOR/AUTHORIZED AGENT a) Name b) Mailing Address c) Telephone No. Home: Work: d) Fax No. Send correspondence to: r Owners) Solicitor/Authorized Agent /6/7#-.36/,/-000/-00/ - 3 F700 FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Application No.: g-0-7//5" Date Received: a -J(aii`j Date of Meeting: Nav /9//$ File No.: D/3 _KG`f' Fee Received: 471000 Committee Decision: 6:30gfri 4 9/5;7S- 11/03/2015 Minor Variance 2015 Report DS-68/15 regarding Committee of Adjustment-Minor Va... Page 7 of 26 Municipality of Bayham Application for Minor Variance Page 2 3. Names and address of any mortgages,holders and charges or other encumbrances: Name Addre s 4. Location of Land a) Lot and Plan or Concession No.: L 0 f // A„ 9 r b) Street/911 #&Name: 7 / ire,L.,,',cot, I fi /90r,/ ,g c we/1 5. Nature and extent of relief applied for: Zarier Gaiale ` lan / ✓rNi��i—�r4 'Jy euti �`'' •daf3 SeC i'v /O. //c) /y/aX/rn. aril f/dor ea- i c CrS—„rf 2- //a>' V -¼ ,SCC_ 74., //'n f re/A- // 7M NOTE: In the case of a VSupplementary farm dwelling, a Development Agreement is required. 6. Why is it not possible to comply with the provisions of the By-law? /7'Lsc /�ec.iec;�svn�� VeIt.c/es ' ft( O ' t, 4794r Z 'wn r <-Tolr Ccr1',.) /c2 ye— . eco 7U 07eCOMmoeic r 7. Dimensions of the land affected: a) Frontage(m) �, //t 1- a b) Depth (m) 0, ./2.112r/11 c) Area(sq.m/ha) , ,//`j 130/0 ff n/. 8. Particulars of all buildings and structures on or proposed for the subject land(specify ground floor area,gross floor area, number of storeys,width, length, height,etc.) a) ExistingL arG c /V. /1y/1323' .n•�. Co >v 71/. la. f)42/pe b) Proposed Alegi Gorki e //C.I2r1 � � l Ulm x 111 /��??r P� 72�I.n 6 /lure //'1 ReillOVe ogaIale d replace ��e s"N' 11 9. Date of acquisition of subject land: O Ars. 707 11/03/2015 Minor Variance 2015 Report DS-68/15 regarding Committee of Adjustment-Minor Va... Page 8 of 26 Municipality of Bayham Application for Minor Variance Page 3 10. Date of construction of all buildings and structures on subject lands: Y l4ce y ( 62-0/� 11. Existing uses of the subject property: r c:/-0 60, )3 (111 129m2 C20/7417€. — 5atkilmvm.twe/ / ?f—, tt<�/ /r'Si:041 fiU./ 12. Length of time and existing uses to the subject property have continued:tifilet dWi- 13. Existing uses of abutting properties: J a) North , e j J /ek,46/ ,/me_ b) East 41;(1.€,_,/f //J m p I c) South VGrcn f �6 or, / d) West tJP c,h�' �r ,.7y 14. Services available(check appropriate space(s)) a) Method of Water Supply(if applicable) Public Water Supply System dr' Private Individual Well ❑ Private Communal Well ❑ Other(please specify) b) Method of Sanitary Waste Disposal(if applicable) Private Septic Tank and Private Communal System ❑ / Tile Field System ❑ Public Sanitary Sewer System Lvl Other(please specify) 15. Present Official Plan designation: .6=0;41-f-/ ' ' c5/,' /7 72 cc/ ,. Vi/4 ,� [ 16. Present Zoning Bylaw classification: pscc ti.,)<, / I 17. Has the owner previously applied for a minor variance in respect to the subject property? a) Yes ❑ No ❑ If Yes, describe briefly: (414/1 w 18. Is the subject property the subject of a current application of consent/severance? Yes ❑ No 11/03/2015 Minor Variance 2015 Report DS-68/15 regarding Committee of Adjustment-Minor Va... Page 9 of 26 STATUTORY DECLARATION • /('c c • 5 r?dra Ao'e of the //�� L Name of Ap�//licant(s) � Or71G'vwc'I a A i Pew, in the (City, Municipality, Town, Tdwnship) (CounTy/District/Region) SOLEMNLY DECLARE / AFFIRM THAT to the best of my/our knowledge and belief, all of the information, exhibits and statements provided in this application as required under Section 45 of the Planning Act R.S.O. 1990 and Ontario Regulation 200/96 as amended are true; THAT I/We shall assume responsibility for any additional costs exceeding the deposited amount related to the said application and understand and agree that payment of said additional costs shall be a condition of this signed application. I/We also agree to accept all costs as rendered; AND I make this solemn Declaration conscientiously believing it to be true, and knowing that it is of the same force and affect as if made under oath and by virtue of the "Canada Evidence Acf'. DECLARED before me at the r\i'lt`e ;11 6-e(5:e(///(///0 (City,Municipality,Town,Township ) Signatur- of .,pplicant or Authorized Agent* > ) in the ( (�k�. �� ) (County/Dis rict/Region) d ) ' Signature of Applicant this /G; day of deAt94.-0_ ,20/S ) Signature of Applicant A Commissioner,etc. ) *If authorized agent, a letter of authorization from Ll" �A MILLARD, a Gommisstt?r^r, r'^., the owner of the property must accompany this of'',11.a C . . :n application. of th::Municipality of Bayham. 11/03/2015 Minor Variance 2015 Report DS-68/15 regarding Committee of Adjustment-Minor Va... Page 10 of 26 g0LiH3-o. r1 ksic/4 Ld ck ,o /1 riv) A it 1 1 z.0* * 'l 3. 5‘z� ,.,. 0 ,, -- — /2./9Zfh -- A r- v c� u /- c,j5-e Y n -1 _- A 1 G 1 ,c ?1b /,(21/ :- m r► s s.. Y I t NC,AJ v Corq�c , v I I L •; _ — V < -- a U ,0 9/,�D 41, ------- --- 4 _ • / I ii r.., , ,..,-, h. , 0 z of/� r, o _ _ -- ._._\1-1- Z©, �Sg�25'/ Report DS-68/15 regarding Committee of Adjustment-Minor Va... Page 11 of 26 p.4.n. " _ -- - - LOT 1 3 ,�I ,B __ , ti 1 0 -r5 1 1 1 A , 15 ' LOT 10 I g>a �` : _ LOT 21LOT 20 % o\, Pz _ �_ ,219 11) N I .� e gg13' LOT 1 f ` o` o f LOTJ PART 1 �� NC 1' iJ 1/ �� PART12 � g n C' is 1 �� n w P.I.N. 35322 - 0248 Z Q. � Stii-rd5- :y S ` lC) P.I.N.35322-024455 YY \el P.I.N. 35322 - 0248 4B = \�/^0' 18, P. Si \1 -- -- —< 65.73' (5) > 1 < 65.73' (M) >—�X -- +• A_-� N 50'29'20' E lJ 131.46' (Y) (132.0' P1) >I < N SC 9. 2_• F. 9 O-' I �n nv M1 - nn a I '6 ZZ; i' —I CD I �' LOT 7 I ' LJT 4 LOT O 1 i OT 1 P.I.N. 35322 - 0245 P.I.N. 35322 - 0246 P.I.N. 35322 - 0247 0 LO OTS NORTH SIDE OF f _RE ii j 1 �1 e 0 3 I t✓ •1% 1 —i r - 1 1 O 0 0 ..,9,'? n a n n z z L-, ' I 1 1 i---� :1 I >-1 1.9' 1 Ig g _- — 22.73'4- 131.47' (P2 & s)^ (132.0' PI) —< 131.46' (P2 & S) (132.0' P1) 131.46' (P2 & u; t;`) ).-'< N 50' 29' 20" E (REFERENCE BEARING) 0. 1.--‹ 394.39' (P2& U) 0 A ROBINSONSTREET ' r RIE US STREET (REGISTER==, T COORDINATE SCHEDULE ALL COORDINATES ARE IN FEET AND WERE DERIVED FROM .,L� GPS OBSERVATIONS USING THE PRECISE POINT POSITIONING W).// 7V- 3'70/ 040.7 oaf w - 6 0 1 (PPP) SERVICE AND ARE REFERRED TO UTM, ZONE 17, Ai. /i O /0J7L 4 / /?a,1J 1 NAD83 (GSRs) (1997.0) s- Al �C/�' I COORDINATE VALUES ARE TO URBAN ACCURACY IN //�c^ 7 1�� i ACCORDANCE WITH O. REG. 216/10 ss14(2) ' ?1-- . - fivir/ POINT. NORTHING EAST1NG p -^ A A 15491970.154 1693032.759 1, B 15492053.999 1693134.134 COORDINATES CANNOT, IN THEMSELVES. BE USED TO RE-ESTABLISH CORNERS OR BOUNDARIES SHOWN ON THIS PLAN Report DS-68/15 regarding Committee of Adjustment-Minor Va... Page 12 of 26 YHA Oki.lic4111111"11. k' REPORT Opo�, oj �.,. DEVELOPMENT SERVICES tunity Is TO: Mayor& Members of Council FROM: Margaret Underhill, Secretary/Treasurer Committee of Adjustment DATE: November 19, 2015 REPORT: DS-69/15 FILE NO. C-07/D12.Neufeld Roll #34-01-000-004-23108 SUBJECT: Committee of Adjustment-Minor Variance—A-08115 Neufeld BACKGROUND: Jacob and Margaretha Neufeld have submitted a minor variance application for their 1505 m2 property located on the west side of Sandytown Road, north of Heritage Line, known municipally as 8383 Sandytown Road, Straffordville. The property is designated "Residential" on Schedule B—Land Use and Constraints in the Official Plan and zoned Village Residential (R1) in the Bayham Zoning By-law Z456-2003. THE PURPOSE of the variances is to grant relief from Section 10.11 Village Residential Regulations for Accessory Buildings, b) Maximum height —to increase the height to 5.0 meters from 4.5 metres; and c) Maximum floor area—to increase the floor area to 106 m2 from 65 m2 for a 1,505 m2 (0.37 acres) property located on the west side of Sandytown Road, north of Heritage Line and known municipally as 8383 Sandytown Road. THE EFFECT of the variances will be to allow for the construction of an oversized accessory building for the personal storage of motor and recreational vehicles. DISCUSSION: Council must be satisfied with the Planning Act four"tests"when considering an application for a minor variance. The attached planner's memorandum dated November 4, 2015 provides an analysis of these tests. Staff and planner concur the application meets the criteria and would recommend granting the variance. At the time of writing this report, no public comments have been received regarding this application. ATTACHMENTS 1. Application for Minor Variance A-08/15 2. IBI Memorandum dated November 4, 2015 Report DS-69/15 regarding Committee of Adjustment-Minor Va... Page 13 of 26 Staff Report DS-69/15 Neufeld Page 2 3. GIS aerial map RECOMMENDATION 1. "THAT the Committee of Adjustment Secretary-Treasurer's report DS-69/15 regarding the NEUFELD minor variance be received; 2. AND WHEREAS the Committee agrees that the proposed variances meet Section 45.1(1) of the Planning Act and the variance is considered minor; 3. THEREFORE application A-08/15 submitted by Jacob and Margaretha Neufeld, pursuant to Section 45 of the Planning Act for minor variance, is granted to allow relief from Municipality of Bayham Zoning By-law Z456-2003: • Section 10 Village Residential Subsection10.11 Regulations for Accessory Buildings b) Maximum height—to increase the height to 5.0 meters from 4.5 metres and c) Maximum floor area—to increase the floor area to 106 m2 from 65 m2 in Zoning By-law Z456-2003 for a 1505 m2(0.37 acre) property known municipally as 8383 Sandytown Road, Straffordville Respectfully Submitted by: Reviewed by: // '/KK �/% Margaret/Underhill '-u - ip AN• Secretary/Treasurer Committee of Adjustment CAO Report DS-69/15 regarding Committee of Adjustment-Minor Va... Page 14 of 26 IBI GROUP 203— 0 Oxford t I B I nada tWest Lel 519 7 328Sfax eON N6H 1T3C 9 472 9354 1 1 ibigroup.com Memorandum To/Attention Municipality of Bayham Date November 4, 2015 From William Pol, MCIP, RPP Project No 3404-606 cc file Subject Neufeld-Application for Minor Variance to Zoning By-law#Z456-2003 Pt. Lot 123, 8383 Sandytown Road Straffordville 1. We have completed our review of Minor Variance application A-08/15, submitted by Jacob and Margaretha Neufeld for lands located at 8383 Sandytown Road, north of Heritage Line. The applicant is requesting a variance to Zoning By-law#Z456-2003 to accommodate the construction of an accessory building in the Village Residential (R1) Zone,which exceeds the maximum floor area and height requirements. The subject lands are designated"Residential", as shown on Schedule B—Straffordville: Land Use and Constraints in the Official Plan of the Municipality of Bayham; and zoned Village Residential"R1"in Zoning By-law#Z456-2003. 2. The subject lands are vacant. The proposal is to build a single detached dwelling and an accessory building with a floor area of 105.91 m2 instead of 65.0 m2 and a building height of 5.0 m instead of 4.5 m.The proposed accessory structure would be used to accommodate storage for a large boat and pick-up truck. Surrounding land uses are agricultural uses and fields to the west and east and single detached dwellings to the north and south. 3. The applicants are requesting the following variances to ZBL#Z456-2003 to accommodate the proposed development: Section 10.11 Regulations for Accessory Buildings b)Maximum height 4.5 m and c)Maximum floor area of 65.0 m2 are currently permitted. (Note:a review of Section 4.2—Accessory Uses confirms that no other variances to the By-law are required) 4. Section 45.(1)of the Planning Act outlines the four"tests"with which the Committee of Adjustment must be satisfied with when considering an application for a minor variance to the Zoning By-law.The following outlines our analysis of these tests: i.Are the variances minor in nature? • The increase in height by 0.5 m above the maximum represents 11% increase. The requested height is considered a minor increase in building height. The requested floor area of 105.9 m2 represents an increase of 61% which may be considered significant. However, the building is proposed on a lot which is 67%larger than required. The proportion of the accessory building is proposed at 7%of the 1505 m2 lot area. This proportion is consistent with the 7% proportion permitted at the minimum lot area of 900m2. Therefore the increase in accessory building area is deemed to be minor. IBI Group is a group of firms providing professional services and is affiliated with IBI Group Architects Report DS-69/15 regarding Committee of Adjustment-Minor Va... Page 15 of 26 IBI GROUP MEMORANDUM 2 Municipality of Bayham—November 4,2015 ii.Are the variances desirable for the use of the lands? • The variances in height and floor area are intended to provide oversized indoor storage space. This lot is appropriate for the main use of a single detached residential purpose. Furthermore the large lot area provides sufficient space to accommodate setbacks for the accessory building from abutting properties.The variances are desirable because they do not have a significant impact on the site or surrounding land uses. iii. Do the variances maintain the general intent and purpose of the Zoning Bylaw? • The intent of the Zoning By-law is to ensure accessory buildings support the main use of the lot. The description and size of the building indicate the storage activity is accessory to the residential use. In this application the lot coverage of the accessory building is a similar proportion to the lot coverage for accessory buildings in a minimum lot area for the R1 zone. The proposed building and variances fulfill the general intent of the Zoning By-law. iv. Do the variances maintain the general intent and purpose of the Official Plan? • The intent of the"Residential"land use designation is to allow single detached dwellings as the main permitted uses. The intent of the application is to allow indoor storage of vehicles and equipment by the owner is an expected form of accessory use. This intent to store personal items in an oversized building is in keeping with the intent of the Official Plan. 5. Based on our review we would have no objection to the proposed application for a minor variance to Zoning By-law#Z456-2003. William Pol IBI GROUP William Pol, MCIP, RPP Affiliate IBI Group Consulting Planner to the Municipality of Bayham Report DS-69/15 regarding Committee of Adjustment-Minor Va... Page 16 of 26 ,$ .YH a_ File No. A 67//5" qh4 evak 0,, ANAPPLICATION FOR pPortunity ISII°, MINOR VARIANCE Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, O.Reg 200/96 as amended The undersigned hereby applies to the Committee of Adjustment for the MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM P.O. Box 160, 9344 Plank Rd. STRAFFORDVILLE, ON Telephone:519 866-5521 Fax:519 866-3884 Under Section 45 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990 for relief, as described in this application, from By-law No.Z456-2003(as amended)Municipality of Bayham. Application to be accompanied by the fee of$2000.00 in cash or cheque made payable to the Municipality of Bayham. 1. OWNER(S) 1^ n / (� �}�J �, Al 71� � �� a) Name JaCCl►� ✓ ktA e S, • / ' a1(-1 ��e//,CC vet e b) Mailing Address D j.)enn;( aVt 77/11,cpnb1/4.A.s. 11/y6- Wwj c) Telephone No. Home:5160 <o3ct_grr5;j Work: .r'ci)(039_gs5 qd) Fax No. / J fake n marj c� , mcx,;I .cow\ 2. SOLICITOR/AUTHORIZED AGENT `J1 a) Name b) Mailing Address c) Telephone No. Home: Work: d) Fax No. Send correspondence to: l/ Owner(s) Solicitor/Authorized Agent /�//#3`%/000,Uv'/93/O F FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Application No.: R.,... / -- Date Received:©cl '/�°� Date of Meeting: Nov 19//$ File No.77)(3.NcAAJC- Fee Received:apOo"" Committee Decision: 6',3 ptom 7 -o9/5-o(03 11/03/2015 Minor Variance 2015 Report DS-69/15 regarding Committee of Adjustment-Minor Va... Page 17 of 26 Municipality of Bayham Application for Minor Variance Page 2 3. Names and address of any mortgages, holders and charges or other encumbrances: Name Address (Ylpnnor‘ e- 569 ' S hr1 5+. jUoc rh vA i t r171-0- Vri\- CreAIN cfn i/V5I4 Q 4. Location of Land a) Lot and Plan or Concession No.: Lo,St a Park c9 l P\y b) Street/911 #&Name: 363 SancS.i R cA c,t I kV-340 t 000 O ot-( .3 i O 5. Nature and extent of relief applied for: Sic%f1 ar 1 u.tt i'3) trylax.fw,uar.Hr;eiht- L/5m �/C��uesif 6. o ry SL'G to• I 1 ('> m a X t mu wi Floor Arra 05" rr? R 2 ices 1 !o 5•'I/11.2- NOTE: a/144‘j NOTE: In the case of a Supplementary farm dwelling, a Development Agreement is required.. 6. Why is it not possible to comply with the provisions of the By-law? Cs r` Iccry2 v.c\ k)t(V c,l� 7. Dimensions of the land affected: a) Frontage(m) r] y3 2 b) Depth (m) SS, 0 'C) c) Area(sq.m/ha) /5Q 5 /17,2 8. Particulars of all buildings and structures on or proposed for the subject land (specify ground floor area,gross floor area, number of storeys,width, length, height,etc.) a) Existing �l snC�lN i (P-cS i b) Proposed - U (.�g/Ai .�C�.) /l. sr,. X 9.i4/n.,c;l�f/� 5 C1 r U `c U.1 c� jig() , 9 s•1/2-d^1 , 5,0 rtke4re 5 9. Date of acquisition of subject land: ,-;)(2) `' G( G`Z 11/03/2015 Minor Variance 2015 Report DS-69/15 regarding Committee of Adjustment-Minor Va... Page 18 of 26 Municipality of Bayham Application for Minor Variance Page 3 10. Date of construction of all buildings and structures on subject lands: V4 c 4i 1 1 11. Existing uses of the subject property: VV/r4 12. Length of time and existing uses to the subject property have continued: 13. Existing uses of abutting properties: 11 a) North Rr C%Ie✓1Tk Al b) East 4.rl Clnt .re. c) South �11(2S e.4 1-;u( d) West rir'i c.-A (A-of- 14. Services available(check appropriate space(s)) a) Method of Water Supply(if applicable) Public Water Supply System 0 Private Individual Well Private Communal Well 0 Other(please specify) b) Method of Sanitary Waste Disposal(if applicable) Private Septic Tank and Private Communal System y Tile Field System ❑ Public Sanitary Sewer System Other(please specify) 15. Present Official Plan designation: pi esiCXEn'f;cx, 16. Present Zoning Bylaw classification: Lt cd 5 17. Has the owner previously applied for a minor variance in respect to the subject property? a) Yes 0 No If Yes, describe briefly: 18. Is the subject property the subject of a current application of consent/severance? Yes 0 No l 11/03/2015 Minor Variance 2015 Report DS-69/15 regarding Committee of Adjustment-Minor Va... Page 19 of 26 STATUTORY DECLARATION�� �� I/We, JC,C,Uh ;/1,4., f e\c of the Name of Applicant(s) \' S-- c, rrk C),` i �� in the c Vic;,rV1 towns h %``p (City, Municipality, Town, Township) (County/District/Region) SOLEMNLY DECLARE /AFFIRM THAT to the best of my/our knowledge and belief, all of the information, exhibits and statements provided in this application as required under Section 45 of the Planning Act R.S.O. 1990 and Ontario Regulation 200/96 as amended are true; THAT I/We shall assume responsibility for any additional costs exceeding the deposited amount related to the said application and understand and agree that payment of said additional costs shall be a condition of this signed application. I/We also agree to accept all costs as rendered; AND I make this solemn Declaration conscientiously believing it to be true, and knowing that it is of the same force and affect as if made under oath and by virtue of the "Canada Evidence Act". DECLARED before me at the 'Y/ (iTicc2a/ ec4y of)) (City,Municipality,Tgiwn,Township ) Signature of Applicant or Authorized Agent* in the ae,4 6," Z�/ !l1 ) '', Adel' (County/District/Regio Si9 nature'if Applicant ) this 3 day of61.242.1e1,-2-0 7 ) .JV tu11p,40._ Signature of Applicant ) 1 Ade A CZmissioner,etc. ) *If authorized agent, a letter of authorization from the owner of the property must accompany this application. 11/03/2015 Minor Variance 2015 Report DS-69/15 regarding Committee of Adjustment-Minor Va... Page 20 of 26 REQUIRED SKETCH FOR MINOR VARIANCE APPLICATIONS APPLICANT NAME 1 . �� `c\ PROPERTY ADDRESS g51 3 Scx4-44 ;JW \l3 ,krct ora, A\2 Roll#3401 - Lot '9 .g ConcessionIA/TR Registration Plan No.: Part Lots: W197(.1 Quarter of Municipality Lot N.E. 0 N.W. 0 S.W. 0 S.E. ❑ See Sketch Instructions on the following page. 1\L1vset OetHAor ff e \ r -4)`r< 83 83 —_— — (j.NvIcSt 1/4.00 RETURN THIS SKETCH WITH APPLICATION FORM- NOTE: WITHOUT A SKETCH AN APPLICATION CANNOT BE PROCESSED ALL DIMENSIONS MUST BE IN METRIC Report DS-69/15 regarding Committee of Adjustment-Minor Va... Page 21 of 26 W I 1 \ UP 16 • cu — z ....T1 —I I B- OO 0 --' O 1 � 00 4 1 -„ (j, x 7JD Orn 7) n -n `0 iA 5 f-" 0 > - _ - . 70 . . 1 70 z — I rn I I ➢ I I I +Q I I I 4 I I o I I oI I I ;A I I I I I I I 1 I I .-- I • Report DS-69/15 regarding Committee of Adjustment-Minor Va... Page 22 of 26 \ ti \ \ I \ ,.,. , n ' N __,___, 73 , i `4 , ,O , , \ ,,,,,,0 O \:\ > (..n 1 I --\ \,, rn (5) 1 N I2 Us) w I i ,� / rm /ys/ n I , 2 / b y. --1 I , �� N i 0 (S? rit -- _ - --- -,--4- ---N• -- CO'- I 1 /'>r / (n N W / �Y N: / .1' / / �/ i / / I / 1 I s I / 1 i -- f ' I Report DS-69/15 regarding Committee of Adjustment-Minor Va... Page 23 of 26 z --n 0 70 0 0 ' / Z rn Q rn , . „ 0 0 rn , .. .„ ... . e < .1111111111.1.111111 IIIMINNIIMIIIIIIMININI >1 - - --• / • / • 1 0 • /•-- f • / Z I , X Oa / ., A�p \ g a' 9 8 �_l L ' , A \ P ! \, \ / Report DS-69/15 regarding Committee of Adjustment-Minor Va... Page 24 of 26 z (s) � 0 o FTI m rn rn >,0 z Report DS-69/15 regarding Committee of Adjustment-Minor Va... Page 25 of 26 CD CD C 0 a ti rw+ 1TR-917y „aN nm�nDs,rD CD CrQ DD axe.tee,StoliK,CW I OF iw i«;»rn l SONLOOLL (TQ JEEDBY' PART (o. CONCESSION . « i« PAN .r.• ( 236 PORK( OFnSUIiVEY'-a^— RpPp LOT 123 CD CONCESSION NORTH OF TALBOT ROAD CD M . .. w.... ,o..a MINI 0 �A BAYHAAI p0 P COUNTY OF ELGIN T 0 wry OL 1.1 ulliii[ 10 OF o. 3 BAKER&BENEDICT SURVEYING INC. TA gOf f CD SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE �11� TO SHIP I,a,,lea LOt Ssipt✓ EpGRAP�IG :9rv.rt ze,eKKr«w `w s<«,(.,.«. < R Op�pE $ G �. �,,,«�,.w su«rEwa • SF IIItLEGEND AND NOTES: rr,- n,.,..-ssmaos wra nrra Meeaa8ik9 «tr y ; r f0 DfS^AX(XS AND'OVI OE USED TO CEA..CADs �} ; g CO-ORDMIE)DR Dr Dxssxb uWgrND T A C.O.D SGA((N,pr MEMO Rtrtnna.0IN`S en We.M.en 1 Pe war KR..lo Me ZOOK 17 WOO'1.04DADE ..r—< 'Man rw,v-n .+. am .--rte nes ,-.+�xrww�..�.rr.vr�w� �^ nw .--.-� »w .--�� nw >—r —.47.7.-i r coma.u .rssr .¢m�.¢ xm.WA ROAD w...LpR r., 123ROAD and 124 �~ xr(n.nn«cwx .. .s sxom ax rws re Lela tinainr StArARDION I. Pan DINOI1S (ws)auris'''.:ZF ws rpi a.rs ( ,�n.arts x«v r.[srpv o(s. l BNQ1 it BOIEDICT BUBYfl11C M. R. .«� ms'w-TTTx N CS0 N 0