HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013 - Bayham Water Distribution System2013 ANNUAL SUMMARY REPORT FOR MUNICIPAL WATER SYSTEMS Report This report is a summary of water quality information for the Bayham Water Distribution System, Water Works # 260004748, published in accordance with Schedule 22 of the Ontario's Drinking Water Systems Regulation for the reporting period of January 1, 2013 to December 31, 2013. The Bayham Water Distribution System is categorized as a Class I, Large Municipal Residential Drinking Water System. Who gets a copy of the Report: The owner of the drinking — water system shall ensure that the following receive the summary report no later than March 31 for the preceding calendar year; • in the case of a drinking water system owned by a municipality, the members of the Municipal Council; • in the case of a drinking water system owned by a municipal service board established under section 195 of the Municipal Act, 2001, the members of the municipal service board; or • in the case of a drinking water system owned by a corporation, the board of directors of the corporation. What must the Report contain? The report must, (a) list the requirements of the Act, the regulations, the system's approval and any order that the system failed to meet at any time during the period covered by the report and specify the duration of the failure; and (b) for each failure referred to in clause (a), describe the measures that were taken to correct the failure. The Bayham Water Distribution System complied with the following Drinking Water Legislation; • Safe Drinking Water Act • O. Reg 170/03, O. Reg 128/04 • System Drinking Water Licence # 061-101 Note: MOE inspection conducted on November 14, 2013 indicates full compliance as a 100% score was achieved. What else must the report contain? The report must also include the following information for the purposes of enabling the owner of the system to assess the capability of the system to meet existing and planned uses of the system: • A summary of the quantities and flow rates of the water supplied during the period covered by the report; • A comparison of the summary referred to in paragraph 1 to the rated capacity and flow rates approved in the system's approval. Attachments • 2013 flows Report Prepared by; Ed Roloson, CMM III Water/Wastewater Operations Manager Overall Responsible Operator ( ORO ) MUNICIPALITY OF BAYHAM MONTHLY WATER CONSUMPTION (m3) Jan. Feb. March April May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Totals 2013 Pt.Burwell 5254 8181 5691 5968 7345 8789 10041 11129 9929 9441 8932 8489 99189 avg.daily 169.5 292.2 183.6 198.9 236.9 292.9 323.9 359 331 304.5 297.8 273.8 Vienna 3623 3623 3924 3806 4819 4535 4509 4610 2036 3436 4856 4506 48283 avg.daily 116.9 129.4 126.6 126.9 155.5 151.2 145.5 148.7 68 110.8 161.9 145.4 Lake View 9128 11804 9973 9774 13434 11945 16818 16975 15581 14313 13710 13180 156635 avg.daily 294.5 421.6 321.7 325.8 433.4 398.2 542.5 547.6 519.4 461.7 457 425.2 Ontario Drinking-Water Systems Regulation O. Reg. 170/03 OPTIONAL ANNUAL REPORT TEMPLATE Drinking-Water System Number: 260004748 Drinking-Water System Name: Bayham Distribution System Drinking-Water System Owner: The Corporation of the Municipality of Bayham Drinking-Water System Category: WD Large Municipal Residential Period being reported: 2013 Complete if your Category is Large Municipal Complete for all other Categories. Residential or Small Municipal Residential Does your Drinking-Water System serve Number of Designated Facilities served: more than 10,000 people? Yes [ ] No [ x N/A Is your annual report available to the public Did you provide a copy of your annual at no charge on a web site on the Internet? report to all Designated Facilities you Yes [ x ] No [ ] serve? Yes [ ] No [ ] Location where Summary Report required under O. Reg. 170/03 Schedule 22 will be Number of Interested Authorities you available for inspection. report to: 1 Chatham St. Did you provide a copy of your annual Port Burwell, Ont. report to all Interested Authorities you NOJ 1 TO report to for each Designated Facility? Yes [ ] No [ ] Note: For the following tables below, additional rows or columns may be added or an appendix may be attached to the report List all Drinking-Water Systems (if any), which receive all of their drinking water from your system: Drinking Water System Name Drinking Water System Number N/A Did you provide a copy of your annual report to all Drinking-Water System owners that are connected to you and to whom you provide all of its drinking water? Yes [ ] No [ ] Drinking Water Systems Regulations Page 1 of 6 (PIBS 4435e01)February 2008 Ontario Drinking-Water Systems Regulation O. Reg. 170/03 Indicate how you notified system users that your annual report is available, and is free of charge. [ x ] Public access/notice via the web [ x ] Public access/notice via Government Office [ ] Public access/notice via a newspaper [ x ] Public access/notice via Public Request [ ] Public access/notice via a Public Library [x ] Public access/notice via other method_water bills Describe your Drinking-Water System The Bayham water distribution system consists of various size transmission mains and apparatuses including 81 fire hydrants, 100 main valves and 4 air release and 3 drain chambers. The location of these are mainly located in the villages of Port Burwell and Vienna. The estimated service population is less than 2000 with 820 fully metered service connections. A booster pump station is located on the transmission main to Vienna. This pump operates when the pressure drops to activate the pump which would normally occur during fire flows or main line flushing. List all water treatment chemicals used over this reporting period No chemicals used as this report is for a distribution system that receives treated water. Were any significant expenses incurred to? [x ] Install required equipment [x] Repair required equipment [ x ] Replace required equipment Please provide a brief description and a breakdown of monetary expenses incurred $559,275 --- regulatory operating expenses including purchase of water Capital costs incurred for 2013 totaled $5,000 for radio water meter head replacements. Drinking Water Systems Regulations Page 2 of 6 (PIBS 4435e01)February 2008 OntC rio Drinking-Water Systems Regulation O. Reg. 170/03 Provide details on the notices submitted in accordance with subsection 18(1) of the Safe Drinking-Water Act or section 16-4 of Schedule 16 of O.Reg.170/03 and reported to Spills Action Centre Incident Parameter Result Unit of Corrective Action Corrective Date Measure Action Date No adverse test results during 2013 Microbiological testing done under the Schedule 10, 11 or 12 of Regulation 170/03, during this reporting period. Number Range of E.Coli Range of Total Number Range of HPC of Or Fecal Coliform of HPC Results Samples Results Results Samples (min#)-(max#) (min#)-(max#) (min#)-(max#) Raw Treated Distribution 156 0 0 156 <10 - 180 Operational testing done under Schedule 7, 8 or 9 of Regulation 170/03 during the period covered by this Annual Report. Number of Range of Results Grab (min#)-(max#) NOTE: For continuous Samples monitors use 8760 as the Turbidity number of samples. Chlorine 730 0.21 — 1.17 (free) Fluoride(If the DWS provides fluoridation) NOTE: Record the unit of measure if it is not milligrams per litre. Drinking Water Systems Regulations Page 3 of 6 (PIBS 4435e01)February 2008 (- / 7 ,�i Ontario Drinking-Water Systems Regulation 0. Reg. 170/03 Summary of additional testing and sampling carried out in accordance with the requirement of an approval, order or other legal instrument. Date of legal instrument Parameter Date Sampled Result Unit of Measure issued Summary of Inorganic parameters tested during this reporting period or the most recent sample results Parameter Sample Date Result Value Unit of Measure Exceedance Antimony Arsenic Barium Boron Cadmium Chromium *Lead Mercury Selenium Sodium Uranium Fluoride Nitrite Nitrate *only for drinking water systems testing under Schedule 15.2;this includes large municipal non- residential systems, small municipal non-residential systems,non-municipal seasonal residential systems, large non-municipal non-residential systems, and small non-municipal non-residential systems Summary of lead testing under Schedule 15.1 during this reporting period (applicable to the following drinking water systems; large municipal residential systems, small municipal residential systems, and non-municipal year-round residential systems) Number of Range of Number of Location Type Alkalinity Results Samples (min#)—(max#) Exceedances Drinking Water Systems Regulations Page 4 of 6 (PIBS 4435e01)February 2008 �i Ontario Drinking-Water Systems Regulation O. Reg. 170/03 Plumbing Distribution 8 pH and 97-180 alk. 0 alkalinity only pH= 7.34-7.67 Summary of Organic parameters sampled during this reporting period or the most recent sample results Parameter Sample Result Unit of Exceedance Date Value Measure Alachlor Aldicarb Aldrin+Dieldrin Atrazine+N-dealkylated metobolites Azinphos-methyl Bendiocarb Benzene Benzo(a)pyrene Bromoxynil Carbaryl Carbofuran Carbon Tetrachloride Chlordane(Total) Chlorpyrifos Cyanazine Diazinon Dicamba 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1,4-Dichlorobenzene Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane(DDT)+ metabolites 1,2-Dichloroethane 1,1-Dichloroethylene (vinylidene chloride) Dichloromethane 2-4 Dichlorophenol 2,4-Dichlorophenoxy acetic acid(2,4-D) Diclofop-methyl Dimethoate Dinoseb Diquat Diuron Glyphosate Heptachlor+Heptachlor Epoxide Lindane(Total) Malathion Drinking Water Systems Regulations Page 5 of 6 (PIBS 4435e01)February 2008 �i Ontario Drinking-Water Systems Regulation O. Reg. 170/03 Methoxychlor Metolachlor Metribuzin Monochlorobenzene Paraquat Parathion Pentachlorophenol Phorate Picloram Polychlorinated Biphenyls(PCB) Prometryne Simazine THM 2013 60.25 ug/L (NOTE: show latest annual average) Temephos Terbufos Tetrachloroethylene 2,3,4,6-Tetrachlorophenol Triallate Trichloroethylene 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 2,4,5-Trichlorophenoxy acetic acid(2,4,5-T) Trifluralin Vinyl Chloride List any Inorganic or Organic parameter(s) that exceeded half the standard prescribed in Schedule 2 of Ontario Drinking Water Quality Standards. Parameter Result Value Unit of Measure Date of Sample THM 61 ug/L Jan./13 THM 44 ug/L April/13 THM 65.5 ug/L July/13 THM 70.5 ug/L Oct./13 Drinking Water Systems Regulations Page 6 of 6 (PIBS 4435e01)February 2008